The views and opinions within the material on these websites do not reflect those of the website host and domain owner, who do not necessarily agree with, or reflect the views and opinions of the person or persons who made them.




see also the Website Sonas  & also a new website The Sovereignty of Nations


Site Navigation; Link to the Chapters.    Chapter 2,      Chapter 3,      Chapter 3a,      Chapter 3b,     

Chapter 4,      Chapter 5,      Chapter 6,      (Link to the end of the website)

As a rough guide to these websites go to Chapters 3, 3A & 3B (navigation links to all websites also at the end of chapter 3b) which leads you out into the other chapters and the adjacent website 'Sonas' see link above. All chapters can be read individually. (The latest post is therefore within Chapter 3b or in the Sovereignty of nations website) To search individual items or names, click on 'find' in the system tab in the browser (top right on most PC's or Phones) & it will list every time it is a topic.


Purpose of these websites; Education

These three websites seek to answer the education debate (as websites they have baffled many people) Should education be free ? or at the other extreme should a student leave University (degree or post masters degree) with $50,000 or more, as a personal debt in their early 20's. They are also to promote free speech and all points of view. Often having reached that age, debt level and education stage many ironically change track and careers as they realised they had made a mistake. The answer is a child's education should begin with their parents (who are not a brick in the wall) and both possibilities of free education and paying are options. If a child were to digest the contents of these two websites before they were 10 or 12 years of age they would be advanced enough to step forward confidently and choose their subjects at 14 years of age having guessed what they might like to do as a career or what they may not wish to do. (family businesses are an exception, but not every child may  wish to follow on in the footsteps. Working 10 months and studying in the summer months is also traditional) Many older cultures did not expect a person to realise their ambitions until they were 26 to 30 years of age. Today we expect a child or young adult to know roughly what they intend to choose whether it is academia or a trade in their mid teens. Then from 14 years of age they begin to choose examinations and university and accumulate the resultant debt. This is aside from the pressure of the examinations. Many of the subjects are weak in any case. The two websites also cross reference the different subjects to show how different subjects are connected. They also add the media itself as a layer of education, and hopefully they also add a sense of wonder, mystery and awe at the world we live in. There are instances on these websites when that possibility should dawn on people. Each chapter can be read on their own also.The websites are aimed at the ages of 6 to 16 and for the very young they are slow and deliberately composed. The elderly also prefer large text. As such they are best read on a large screen, the subject matter will still be relevant in 20 years time.Children can absorb levels of education beyond the current system and 'common core' education in the USA is considered dire. The websites are a self contained University and/or a small 'Yeshiva' in certain chapters. (That study will be continued in the facebook page named in the book advertised "the uncreated creator" and a new blog to be listed in the future) (Parental education proceeds alongside school education which could begin later at age 6 or 7 yeas of age. Parental guidance only slightly advised here)

Child slavery has also increased despite the communication's revolution, yet so has the potential ability to end it, instead of passively accepting the situation decade after decade.Many victims need to re-learn how to think critically. If Children aged 6 to 16 can be trafficked and bought and sold, then they can receive an alternative education (even it is mistakenly considered advanced for their age or too stark) in order to learn about the real world and avoid and defeat such problems. As a quick guide to these two webpages see the first 5 paragraphs in the adjacent website sonas

These two websites also represent a promise made to a very brave, bright and incredible Child who has now passed away, but who loved life and learning, and whose faith was way beyond her years, despite her ailment. Born with a terminal illness she survived miraculously and happily for years, but she could not attend school (nor her friends) but believed (in the afterlife) she would live forever. She was also a blessing to her parents and she died at the age of 9 after surviving 7 extra years.

Millions of children (and adults) do not attend a school of any description



Chapter 1


The Two website images above

Both images above are taken from William Blake. The first is the Hymn 'Jerusalem' which Blake originally composed as a Poem and a part of his 'Jerusalem the Emanation of the Giant Albion' and is associated with it although it was actually composed as part of 'Milton a Poem' Both were prophetic books. It was the original protest Poem.

The imagery is often associated with Glastonbury and the imagery of Aarons Rod which budded when it was planted in the ground at Glastonbury. After the persecution of the Church in Jerusalem from Ad50 forward, St Phillip and many of the Nazarenes came first to France and then to Albion. Joseph of Arimathea one of the 12 sent from France to Britain and Ireland reputedly took Aarons Rod to Glastonbury where it stands today. A part of the original tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil from Eden, this however remains as legend. Moses also carried it into Egypt as the staff which guides the Sheep. (Exodus 4;2) It also replaced the Rod of Asclepius (Greek) and the Cadeaus of Hermes (Egyptian). Hermes Cadeaus became Moses Bronze brazen Cadeaus or serpent which was worshipped by the Israelites until the New Covenant (brazen = bronze and made from Copper and Tin) Aaron also planted it between the tribes in Israel where it budded Almonds as proof of the exclusive right of the Tribe of Levi (Levites, Book of Leviticus) to be priests (Cohanim see Numbers 17) This is the analogy employed in Glastonbury. At this date therefore the Levites (under Joseph of Arimathea's budding staff) would have spoke P or Q Celtic (Irish, Welsh or Scottish) as Latin and English and French came later.

Whilst many state these stories are myths they are nevertheless used to validate the Greal stories which are also linked to Glastonbury. (Auturus and the Chariot of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, the precessional zodiac above the north pole)

If Joseph of Arimathea the Uncle of Jesus Christ is a myth then so is the Greal. A proven historical character Joseph of Arimathea, then Jesus Christ must also be a real person. These connections to building Jerusalem are often employed by those who were in Exile from the original Jerusalem and who wished to build the 'New Jerusalem' wherever they reside. These have included Europe Britian, France the USA and Ireland. Today the area is celebrated with a festival and its ancient neoliths and megaliths and dolmens signify a parallel. Albion is also the original name of England which came into existence (England) 850 - 900 years later.

William Blake was also a member of the Royal Society and the Rosicrucians and his most famous image is the Ancient of Days with measuring compass. (not a lightening arc as is often thought) It is important to show this picture as building Jerusalem is a reference to Solomon's Temple (described as the Temple of Temples) and to build you required a measure and a measure had to include at least two of the following axis or distances of the earth.

1. The polar radius 2. The mean radius 3.The equatorial radius 4. The circumference of the mean Earth 5. The circumference at the equator.6. The diameter and radius of the Moon and the Sun. The metre is based on base 10, whilst the yard / foot are based on base 12. (10 tribes = Israel, 12 tribes = Judah, Levites and Israel) = A twelve tribe nation.

The following books are an indication of William Blake's meaning. You can click on them to access further information.

A book influenced greatly by the above and many other books is below.

(Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel

This chapter and website in general is the background to a book of two chapters, allowing further research if required. The first chapter is in the PDF above (EU, Rome  London Israel). The Book is entitled 'The Uncreated Creator  A middleway consideration of the Temple' and is available as an EBOOK worldwide for the minimum price allowable. The Second chapter and subchapters The Temple, Zionism, Zion, the Ark of the Covenant, with the Third chapter containing two subchapters The Truths and The War in the Heavens.

This is the third edition of this book and discussions of its contents through conversation, email or social media has led to a deeper exploration of the issues. It is essentially the same book but has allowed disputes, opinions and problems which have existed for centuries (or much longer) to open up. This book allows this accumulated feedback to enter into its script, and many technical problems which were left slightly incomplete or merely suggested to allow a wider discussion.

For all those who bought the first edition and do not want to re-purchase you can join facebook at and discuss any issues (and see topics relating to the first book edition) with many people and find further information. It is priced to be as cheap as possible and to allow publication as cheap as possible. The information on the facebook page is for people who cannot afford to buy a book (possibly 1/3 of the world) or who do not have apps or technology for sufficient periods of time to enjoy such luxuries. If so they can enjoy some of the books information within the photo albums for free, including also the 'look inside' section of the Amazon book. As such it is presented in this manner. The bibliography is also published in the facebook page the sources of which are as broad as possible. The book is a panoramic view of the Temple in Jerusalem and also the surrounding theology and faith which is of course many thousands of years old. The sources are numerous and designed to be as wide as possible.

These two websites are ancillary to the book and they are to provide background information to it on questions people always ask or inquire into and which often distracts from the main topic, although they are pertinent issues, and interesting subjects in themselves. All of the information is factually correct, which should shock people as the world of history, politics and economics and human suffering is beyond bearing for many countries and communities worldwide. The websites are compiled on old fashioned word press which is often difficult to complete (you may notice)

The book and ancillary websites (and not every chapter in the websites will be of interest to all) are amateur but are educational and enjoyable subjects in what is a fascinating and interesting topic, and they allow further research. It is not fiction, and many people within the facebook page have contributed in some way or other but it does not pretend to be all encompassing. The rest of the explanation is within the books introduction (the Amazon 'look inside') which is also free.

(Cover) Dominus Flevit Church on the Mount of Olives overlooking Temple Mount in Jerusalem

An alternative link is available here

As mentioned it comprises two further chapters with seven subheadings. Chapter 1,   1) The Temple.  2) Zionism  3) Zion  4) The Ark of the Covenant. 5) Sacred Geometry    Chapter 2    6) The Truths.  7) The war in the Heavens.

The first subheading  ‘The Temple’ is slightly technical in order to introduce aspects of sacred geometry and other subjects as it progresses. Sacred Geometry, Zion, Religion, History, Esoteric beliefs, Ancient Megaliths, Astro-Archaeology and Astro-Theology are all included, and it examines theology, history and politics as taught or as perceived. The Book works best in IPAD or the Free Kindle reader.

The book can be considered an introduction to the very basics of theology and political theocracy, and as such it will guide you through the subjects which are varied and exist today as they did thousands of years ago. It combines Western thought which includes 'Pre-History' and Greek (Hellenism) thought, the Cabala, Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Evangelicalism, and finally Hebrew and Messianic Nazarene theology and Zion, and can be considered a basic course into those subjects, which were once revered and an integral part of Western Culture. Two new authors in December 2015 are added, for their insights into theology and history.


30% of the money raised form the book will go to a charity named within the and and/or ‘competition’ Tab.

The two websites here will allow ideas and views to be researched further which has been their aim since they were produced.

One area which is has caused conjecture concerns the period of history from 1800 bc to 1400 bc to 70 ad. The book the uncreated creator looks at this period and the wider history and the tribal movements and kingdoms. One reason for this is Egyptian history is chronologically in dispute. As Egyptian history and its chronology sets time periods for every other nation on earth then the archaeological record seems to be also problematic (real discoveries and evidence do not match the chronologies) This video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Egypt's and Israels history from the public. It is interesting that the documentary maker began by trying to prove the Exodus has no proof (for example)

The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also It is very important as the Egyptian Archaeological Record is deliberately out of Sync (a huge cover up and fraud) in its Timeline (as also the earlier Sumerian King Lists from where we derive the Red Headed Pharaohs ) and as it is used as a yardstick and marker for history, all other nations history is also out of Sync, keeping the confusion on nations histories and timelines in perpetuity including Israel's (via academia and peer reviews and television etc) 

The history of Israel is interwoven with these tribes. King David and Solomon ruled United Israel (the two olive trees) Solomon did not pass on Davids line of Judah, but another of Davids sons Nathan. David's line was through his son Nathan to Mary, whereas Joseph is traced from Solomon. John the Baptist was Josephs cousin and the uniting of these two lines of Judah from different streams, meant John the Baptist a Levite, was the real High Priest of Jerusalem who was descended through the Aaronic bloodline. Moses was also a high Priest of the Levites. Judah was the Messianic line. Solomon married Pharaohs daughter in the Book of Kings (1 Kings 3; 1) and in the captivity of Israel centuries later many left Israel never to return. Cleopatra of Egypt and Cleopatra of Jerusalem were likely one and the same person as although Herod & Herodias chose to escape to Rome and then France and not Egypt, he (Herod) had previously been in alliance with Cleopatra, and he also produced children (Herod / Phillip etc) with her. The Benjamin line of Herod and Cleopatra are a separate line than the children of Cleopatra produced with Marc Anthony and Caesar. (the actual fathers of these children are disputed between all 3 possible fathers or more) Then as today noble families intermarried and this was also the case with David and Solomon who had many sons who in turn look back to their famous ancestors down the centuries. David had 8 sons (the Messianic line of Jesse and all of Judah) Today the line of Jesse or Tree of Jesse is depicted in Church windows, tapestries and books, and many churches depicted wood carvings of the split oak of Jess's line. (from Cymru in Wales, although these carvings and windows are found everywhere). Central to the debate is; if the Messiah is a past person then the line is fulfilled, if a future person it is yet to be fulfilled

Joseph of Arimathea is supposed to have travelled to Britain and to Glastonbury. Legend has it that he planted his staff in the ground and it budded into bloom. This legend would signify Levitical authority as the staff would be the staff Aaron and Moses carried (Aarons rod in 1446 bc) before and after the Exodus. The Joseph of Arimathea legend predates the Saxon invasions of Britain/ Albion (as Joseph of Arimathea was the Uncle of Jesus Christ 2 bc - 28ad ) and the Celtic tribes then under Roman rule (except Scotland and Ireland) populated the Island at this time and since. Within generations of the Saxon invasion new teachings were recognised  Druid teachings now include (in retrospect) different views on the history (by Isabel Hill Elder among other views) of the migrations.

David's father was Jesse (and today Judaism still speaks of Jesse's son) Jesse's father was Obed and his Mother was Ruth (Matthew 1,5) Ruth was a Moabite who were descended from the Children of Lot most of whom were destroyed at Sodom and Gomorrah.  Lots daughters slept with their father and produced a son called Moab and the other produced a son called Ben Ammi who became the father of the Ammonites (Genesis 19, 36) Ruth was a Moabite. Her father in law was Elimelech from Bethlehem called Judah Bethlehem (Ruth 1,2) and a Eprathite or a person from Bethlehem which is also known as the House of Bread. The words Eprathite and Bethlehem are interchangeable as one and the same place. Elimelech was described as Judah Bethlehem a Eprathite family. Ruth was married to Mahlon whose father was from the tribe of Ephraim. 
The controversy arise as Eprathite is taken to also mean from the tribe of Ephraim. The Ephrathites were also known as a specific family within the tribe of Judah. David's grandfather should have been Mahlon. Ruth was not descended from Judah but when Mahlon died she married Boaz who was of the tribe of Judah, their son was Obed the father of Jesse, father of David.

Boaz married Ruth but allowed the land and names to be left in Mahlons name. Ruth 4 verse 9. "Then Boaz announced to the elders and all the people, "Today you are witnesses that I have bought from Naomi all the property of Elimelek, Kilion and Mahlon.  I have also acquired Ruth the Moabite, Mahlon's widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property, so that his name will not disappear from among his family or from his hometown. Today you are witnesses!"

David was from the tribe of Judah (Obed & Boaz) and the line of Judah twice descended down to Joseph and Mary and to other branches the descent is multiple.  Joseph, s father was called Jacob (Matthew 1 ; 16) who descends through Solomon. (Luke 3,23) tells us Mary's father was named Heli (who was Josephs father in law) descended through Nathan the brother of Solomon 1 Chronicles 3;5 and Solomon replaced the line of Uriah the Hittite/Cain formerly of Canaan. Judah's line descends twice. Christianity cites the genealogy through the marriage of Joseph and Mary Joseph re-united the lines of Judah and Ephraim.  And this is the intertwining mystery of Judah / Ephraim which I believe paves the way for Ephraim to become the head of "Israel" allowing both to be United. (Ruth procured not just wealth and security, but also a heritage and pedigree from Boaz) meaning David was from Judah twice on both lines. A Lion from the tribe of Judah and from within the tribe of Judah. Inner and outer the uniting lines of Israel and Greater Israel.Two Houses which are United through the Messiah (Mashiach) Elimelech was from Bethlehem, David was from Bethlehem and the Messiah would be from Bethlehem. (The House of Bread) and in 2012 a seal (bulla) was discovered in a archaeological dig. Bethlehem was according to this seal an Israelite city. The reason this is important is  it is claimed by some that the tribe of Ephraim is the line of the Messiah as opposed to Judah. Judah's  line is the Messianic line and has many strands. 

David said he was from the tribe of Judah see 2 Chronicles, 28 verse 4.  (Ephraim or this portion of the tribe was within Judah or the House of Judah in Bethlehem where David was born. Jeroboam was also from the tribe of Ephraim but the tribe of Ephraim did not accept David as the leader of israel but Jeroboam. This division marked the separation of Judah and the ten tribes)

America or Britain are either Ephraim or Manasseh in theology politics (or vice versa as the debate continues. Why is explained in part in chapter 3 on this page below) ) The tribe of Dan is ascribed to Northern Europe. As these tribes replaced Dan and  Levi towards the the final lists (The Levites becoming a separate tribe of Priests without land) whilst Dan and Ephraim are then missing in the final lists.Ephraim it is suggested becomes Israel or the ten tribes (hence it is not in the final lists) They left Egypt early (after 400 years instead of waiting the 430 years) and many were slaughtered and returned or were lost. 10 survived according to the Sefer haYashar or book of Jasher.(chapter 75)  They were later in Canaan hence 10 must have survived. Ephraim was brother to Manasseh who in the biblical book of Joshua (Joshua was from the tribe of Ephraim) became a half tribe with 2 tribes Gad and Reuben (2 and a half). Areas of modern politics can be placed upon these designations. Ireland was the first land mass to be populated (after the 'disaster'  when the ice retreated in a north east direction. Northern Scandinavia still has this ice) hence its neolithic and megalithic tombs are more primitive and migratory on the west going to the east showing (and the Scottish Isles) show a West to East migration into Scandinavia and round to Northern Europe. They are older in the West. Joseph of Arimathea arrived before the Saxon (which includes Germany as Isaac sons) invasions. (for many information see the end or all of chapter 3 in this page below). The other reason for the chronology or early or late Exodus dates is in the following video  at 14 minutes fwd  or watch all (for also the identity of the Egyptian Pharaoh of the Exodus)

The Book of Kells (currently located in Trinity College Dublin in Ireland) displays the four evangelists and uses the symbols found in Irish literature which taken from the Biblical book of Numbers chapter 10. The Lion, Eagle, Bull or OX 
and the last symbol the Man  (the OX or Unicorn or Rhinoceros which is wrongly translated as a "Unicorn" from the Hebrew קַרְנַף  "reem" actually translates as  "Rhinoceros unicornis" a wild Ox with two horns or one horn and a large nose. The extinct  "Elasmotherium sibiricum"  or "Giant Unicorn" was a large Rhino ) The Unicorn really does not exist but it looks better on Heraldry and Coats of arms. Encamped around the tabernacle of Moses, the forerunner of the Temple in Jerusalem these four figures are unusual as they are 1. biblical figures, they were 2. middle eastern and 3. used by early Christians in the Book of Kells. Lion = the tribe of Judah.  Eagle = the tribe of Dan. Man = the tribe of Reuben. Ox = the tribe of Ephraim. These figures were also the same description of Ezekiel's Cherubim in Ezekiel chapter 19 verse 9. The Messianic belief arrived in Ireland even before (Ireland's first Christian High King) King Cormac Mac Airt in 180 ad to 200 ad. These four standards had three tribes each = 12.

Why mention Ephraim and Manasseh at all ? They are central to a future prophecy (whether you believe in it or not) concerning the Middle East and Israel, which has not occurred as yet, although and/or however many prophecies have transpired over the last 100 years and the last 70 years especially, hence the increased interest. Much of the information below (some of which is repeated as you read for clarity or discernment in what is a difficult subject) can assist in discerning events as they unfold, or if they unfold as believed.

Ephraim is the tribe represented by the bull or ox in the Book of Kells. (see above) from which clan they originate in Britain, England, Scandinavia, Scotland, Ireland, Germany France or Wales (etc) has a bearing on future prophecy.

Today Israel is experiencing its biggest return or Alliyah in its history. Some of those  still exiled (Orthodox) suggest they cannot return until the Messiah returns first and the criteria for a return (in-gathering) are the verses in the bible at Daniel 9, (which in its years of time ended on 33 bc) the 3rd Chapter of Malachi,  and Isaiah 53 amongst others, and that his return would or should be before the destruction of the 2nd Temple in 70 ad. Other  Orthodox Jewish practitioners have returned already and live within Israel, whilst Nazarene and Hebraic followers of the Messiah say the Messiah has returned already, hence Israel can exist and can exist now anyway. All three would recognise the future third Temple, which will also appear regardless of which view you hold above. Ezekiel chapters 40 to 48 are a future time and event, and a Temple will appear in Jerusalem. 2 Chronicles 30, 1 – 5  (Hezekiah) explains that even though events are out of synchronisation or seemed incorrect to some, they occurred anyway (and their order returned thereafter, yet the Temple was first dedicated in 2 Chronicles 29) Judaism is not changed when the Messiah returns, it is fulfilled (and only then) and it is still Judaism with a Messiah who is present. It is not a changed religion or a new religion but the Messiah will change it by being present.

An early book of the migration of the lost tribes of Israel was "Celt, Druid and Culdee" by Isabel Hill Elder who inherited a watered down version of the first wave of Messianic believers who came to France and Albion (Britain, Wales Scotland and Ireland at Tara as alo 600 years before where the 'House of Jesse' (at the time of Jeremiah) or King David was already known and wider Europe) only a few years before and after the Temples destruction in Jerusalem in 70 ad. Messianic Christianity and Levitical priests (the Almond tree blossoming is the flower on the Menorah and Aaron's rod of also Joseph of Arimathea, not the Glastonbury Hawthorn tree. Glastonbury also has Almond trees and it is the first to bloom in Israel) and Nazarenes arrived over the next 100 years.  Some carried a stone with them. Mary the mother of the Messiah for example has connections to the Culdee church, and she is reputedly buried in St Albans in Britain, although there are more locations mooted than St Albans.For further information see chapter 5 below near the end. A new 3rd website will discuss these issues in greater detail The Sovereignty of Nations


Tracing the migration of the tribe of Ephraim (who appears in the Book of Kells and in Scripture) is of avid interest to millions of people worldwide, academia, politicians and theologians.Tracing who is not from the Tribe of Judah, Dan (who is not central to the future prophecies of Israel) Ephraim, (who is central to future prophecies ) Manasseh and Benjamin is intertwined within the tribal movements of the Europeans, the tribes of Northern Europe and the Middle East and the Saxons, British and Irish as nations. The Covenants exist and still exist today. Prophecies were given to individual tribes and also to Israel as a whole. Bloodline disputes existed in Rome, Spain and London. Judaism and Christianity believe the Messiah / Moshiach (a past or future person) will rule all bloodlines from the Davidic line (Judah / Ephraim) hence it cannot be from the Benjamin tribe (or Dan or Manasseh) 

The future prophecies of Israel are within these complex identities and histories. The next Chapter adds to the search and debate and is also of benefit  to anyone interested in history. The famine in Ireland caused a great disturbance in its history, today its books are as follows. 

Those lost are: The Cuilmenn; the Saltair of Tara; The Book of the Uachongbhail; the Cin of Drom Snechta; and the Saltair of Cashel. 

Those surviving 68 include: The Annals of Tighernach; The Annals of Ulster; The Annals of Inis Mac Nerinn; The Annals of Innisfallen; The Annals of Boyle; the Chronicum Scotorum; the Annals of the Four Masters; The Book of Laws and 'many books of genealogies and pedigrees.  Although many books are lost parts are quoted in other European volumes, and their genealogies cross reference perfectly back (to also the table of nations) to the Irish books.

The Brehon laws or Book of laws which resemble Torah and its agricultural laws and laws for trespass and property extend back to the Ollamh Fodhla (or Olav, a learned Druid or Judge) a title which was in existence in 950 - 930 bc (King David) and also 583 bc (Zedekiah Jeremiah, Tea - Tephi, Zarah & Pharez) The Tuatha de Danaan translates as the Tribe of Dan who were Judges in the land in the Bible (see Genesis 49, 16) and whose original symbol was a Scales for weighing Justice. Tea tephi married King Eochaidh II who appears in the Irish King lists. The Olav could also be a King or Lawgiver/Judge and the Irish Book of Laws were codified by High King Cormac Mac Airt who is an ancestor to the current Irish King the "O Connor Don"  who still meets with the Council of Irish (Chief's of the name) and the Council of Scottish Chiefs  (Chiefs of the name) or the Scottish Clan System  and with the British peerage and European nobility. 

The British system was first codified by King Alfred. A Saxon King in Albion/England was Alfred the Great, (849-899 ad) and he was the only King in England to be called Great. He was tutored under the Celtic church monks as he spent time in Ireland in his youth, where he also learnt poetry and Brehon law and undoubtedly met the monks and druids at Clonard in Meath. (which grew into a vast seat of learning near Maynooth) Alfred codified new laws, (Law codes or deemings) and the Nobles agreed. These new laws allowed the common man under common law similar to Brehon law to be considered equal. They helped defeat the Danes as the indigenous (as opposed to the Danes) Celts, Jutes and Frisians would not fight without them. They are directly inspired by Brehon laws and the Old Testament (which were linked for thousands of years previously, under the Druids, until codified by Cormac Mac Airt in the 2nd century ad. Alfred recognised Albion in his writings. The laws also include German/Saxon (Saxon = Isaac) customs, and the New Testament. They were for all men, including fair and just Coinage and debt laws. The search for Lost tribes is a Global debate.

For more information see the chapters below in reference to theology of the new and old testament, and others issues such as also the history of Britain, Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales and Europe and USA (see also; A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 1 by Professor W A Liebenberg or here on goodreads which has all volumes or here all volumes ) in the lost ten tribes books within 17 volumes, so far, and in the lost ten tribe books. And all research in this area is valuable. The volumes quoted here are numbered 1 - 17 called "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations" are researched by Georgians themselves. Professor Lela Tsitsuashvili, David Ben Melekh (David Jirkvalidze ) and others, and the research team are experts in their field overseen by Professor W A Liebenberg who are mentioned in volume 1 and all 17 volumes)







Chapter 2

Link back to the top of the website



The History of the Celtic / Saxon / European tribes



Tracing the Celtic and Saxon tribes is a difficult task, combining this with Lost tribes is made difficult in research and explanation as the authors Stellar and Yeatman point out (in their book "1066 and all that") this is their quote below, highlighting the complications of the five invasions of Ireland (the five Gaelic tribes) 

Quote by Stellar and Yeatman  ' The Scots (originally Irish, but by now Scotch) were at this time inhabiting Ireland, having driven the Irish (Picts) out of Scotland; while the Picts (originally Scots) were now Irish...and vice versa. It is essential to keep these distinctions clearly in mind ! '

This frustrated but humorous example displays why the tracing of Irish Scots British history (and American and Canadian therefore) is so difficult.

Recent facts reveal that the builders of Stonehenge (which is situated in Wiltshire in Britain 2 miles from Amesbury) came from West Wales  (or here) The people of West Wales were in fact the same people (not the same tribe. Tribes were began by one or two people who gave their tribal name to a clan, and the clans were collectively ‘a people’) as those people in East Wales. ‘Wales’ in fact used to include Cheshire within its boundaries, but before this the people of Wales were the same people as people in the rest of Britain.  The stones of Stonehenge came from Wales also taken there by the people who spoke ‘ P Celtic’ instead of ‘Q Celtic’ a language spoken all over Britain also known as Albion just as Scotland was named Alba. The theories on p and q celtic rarely mention however that these differences in language between Scotland Wales and Ireland  and Manx originate back to five tribes known  as the Partholanians, Formorians, The Nemedians,(who grew out of the Tuatha de Danaan) the Firbolgs, the Tuatha de Danaan and the Milesians who all understood each others language but which became colloquized over centuries and gradually became distinct. This is related in the Book of Invasions also known as the Leabhar Gabhala, the Chronicum Scoturum, (which has a long introduction until the Chronicle begins) the History of the Kings of Britain, Beowulf and many more like them. Scandinavian tribes such as Denmark are a part of the Tuatha de Danaan, who travelled from the middle east through Scythia (all were Scythian tribes) into Europe and Germany along the Danube into Scandinavia and Ireland and Britain. All five tribes inhabited Britain and still do. Another theory asserts Stonehenge was removed from Wales and rebuilt in Wiltshire. (by Merlin who may also have been in Ireland )Yet other legends state Stonehenge wasdismantled in County Louth Ireland and taken to Britain. The stones were themselves mystical and the Tuatha de Danaan brought many stones from Falias one of four legendary cities,  (Gorias, that is in the east; and Finias, that is in the south; and Murias, that is in the west; and Falias that is in the, north)  A new Stonehenge has been discovered next to Newgrange in Ireland.  In 2015 the details of a ‘superhenge’ was revealed at Durrington walls near Salisbury plain.It has similarities with Carnac in France.  The Saxons built many Celtic forts as you will discover as reach the end of chapter 2. The peoples of Europe and North west Europe had a common culture with competing political aims and countries, but an ancient culture with very close connections to Sumer, Egypt and Israel. (The Scots)

According to research (see; A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 1 by Professor W A Liebenberg or here on goodreads which has all volumes or here all volumes ) in the lost ten tribes books within 17 volumes, so far, and in the lost ten tribe books with its 17 volumes ( volume 4, page 29 or here ) The area of the  Caucasus  mountains referred to in Jeremiah 51, 27 as Minni and Ararat and Ashkenaz (to the extremes of eastern Turkey or east of the Black sea) on the border of Armenia but which was once in Armenia (and which borders Azerbaijan) is the home of the Scythian's who also occupied the whole of Europe. Ar is the root of the word Aryan. The Gali or Gael originate from Georgia which is this area of the black, and before this from Israel. Niall of the Nine hostages gave his heirs reign in all of Europe as did Ugain Mor ( a vast empire) and they are descended through the Scythian (Scots tribes) The Scythian's controlled all of the trade routes between the east and west from their black sea position and were very powerful, occupying all of Europe but also intermarried with the Amazons, and the lost ten tribes came to reside in one of their areas east of the black sea. Dolmens are mentioned in Jeremiah 31, 21 and they mark routes all over Europe, Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and also France and Germany. Ossetia  is a neighboring country in this black sea area and there are many   ( here is its flag and its people  or here ) and it is a region of Georgia. Ossian (Oisin) is a Scottish and Irish name and one shared with the Cimmarian   / Greeks (volume 6 page 43) Jason's Argonauts sailed to this region in Ossetia / Georgia, and it is an area which employed the hides of sheepskins to catch Gold particles in streams and rivers. These fleece's were then hung on trees to dry and later shake out the gold. This is the  legend of the Golden Fleece (vol 8 page 37) This region was also known as Colchis before it was named Georgia.The Georgian records also state Christian were in this area by 35 ad. The adjacent small country of Abkhazia has the red hand or Irish hand in its flag. Ireland's independence day is January 21st 583 bc which is the day Tea Tephi (Odhbha) was crowned Queen of Ireland. The day celebrates the music, mysteries and geometry also of the Harp (of David) which is explained at the very end of the adjacent website. It is also the red hand on the flag of Ulster. Georgians are genetically related to German Saxons and Scandinavians (volume 9 page 34, and the Scythian Scots are related to the African Berbers (volume  9 page 37 - 39) (the Irish annals record the five invasions of Ireland by the Scythian's) The Huenenberg is also close to Saxony and the home of the Sax Coburgs who came to Britain and is the name with Windsor of the Queen of England. Brexit is in part (the City of London is a free trade institution) a move away from histories which wish to destroy the origins of the European tribes you can read the history of the Brexit debate from February 2016 in chapter 3 below. One of the main routes of the lost ten tribes came via Europe and the Danube through Germany (see "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 11" which is also on Amazon" )

Dolmens, cairns and stone megaliths or even neolithic stone constructions are mentioned in the bible (see Genesis 31, 44 - 47, Genesis 28, 18 22, Genesis 35, 7 - 14, Exodus C 24,4 & C 20, 25, Job 8,17, Duet 27 1 - 5, 1 Samuel 7,12, & 2 Samuel 18, 17 - 18, Jeremiah 31, 12 & 31, 20 - 21. Proverbs 22, 28. The megalithic yard is mentioned in the book of Jubilees 4, 17.   Jeremiah 31, 21 instructs Israel to set up markers and high heaps to mark the way. Even to the outer isles as in Jeremiah  31, & Isaiah 11,11.In Wales Hu as Cymry or Cimmerian who married into the Scythian's was one of the outer isles. The area around Georgia had an Albania (in the east) as well as an Albania in the west (west of Greece looking into Italy) and Albion was the old name for Britain, as Alba was the old name for Scotland. Stonehenge has 10 stones and 2 stones, (= 12 tribes) and  a skeleton found there originated in Switzerland. a type of Stonehenge is found at Gilgal in Israel ( Gilgal Galeed in the Golan heights see Genesis 31, 44 - 47 & 2 Kings 2, 1 & Deuteronomy  11,30) and was the first camp of the Israelite's and had 12 large stones of 12 tribes. Joshua 4 , 9 and 20 - 24. The book of Jubilees is the study of stars and measures, and Abraham of the Chaldees (the astrologer priests) would have been familiar with all the night planets and stars. Years went from 360 days to 365 days after 722 bc. Stars and planets were  not worshiped (Deuteronomy 4, 19) but were plotted and recorded by these monuments as the main tabernacle was the Tabernacles of Moses and eventual temple of Solomon.  (see "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 11" published 2015/2016, which is also on Amazon, and see the pdf 1, 8 or 9 paragraphs down or so compiled by me in 2001 ) The Irish records mention all of the above and the more established history on the Celts in the next 8 or 9 red paragraphs and further. An area less considered is the Irish famine in which two million people starved to death, many in front of their own relatives over months. As a cause of rebellion and desired independence it was a tragedy which could have been prevented. The lines of Zarah (and Pharez also called Perez) would also have been effected in the famine and many genealogical lines were broken and a great deal of history lost, aside from the devastation and grief. Iberia originated in Georgia / Armenia in the east from where the Scythian's traveled (from the land of summer) 

This history is also explored at the end of  this chapter (near the end) in greater detail under the heading " The Hueneberg Celtic Saxon city" in Germany.

One reason (the main reason amongst many) why tracing a nations history is so difficult is the Egyptian Chronology which is out of line with every nations chronology around the world yet it is the academic standard, therefore all chronologies are wrong or confused in comparison to the archaeological record.The Irish Scots history also faces this problem although it has names and tribal migrations which are intertwining over many centuries. As mentioned above in Chapter 1 the video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Egypt's and Israels history from the public. It is interesting that the documentary maker began by trying to prove the Exodus has no proof. Efforts are made to hide Israels history and therefore the ancient history of every nation from the public, and from the Exodus to Herod's 2nd Temple. 

The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also I

See also the incredible work by Bill Cooper "After the Flood" (and Genesis 10) which took 30 years to compile by entomology.  The reason this is relevant concerns the Kings list here which shows the Irish, Scottish and British Royal lines. In it the bible verse at In Ezekiel 21 verses 26-27 it says "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; and I will give it Him."  The research is confirmed by 30 years of study from University lecturer Bill Cooper (but see also Chapter 2 above) and his book After the flood which traces all the King lists of European nations including Celts, Anglo - Saxons, Jutes, Friesians, Danish, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and the Eight shires of England (Heptarchy) (see here also again) and wider. An exhaustive entomological puzzle pieced together over decades. e.g. The Irish King lists   and the Anglo-saxon lists 

(To repeat) Egypt's 'middle Kingdom' 2000 bc also known as the 'middle bronze age' documents the exodus and all events. Yet because they cannot find this archaeologically in the earlier 'later bronze age' also known as Egypt's 'new kingdom' 1400 bc to 1000 bc it is claimed there is no evidence ? (dating methods are also questionable) all of Israels history is known and documented and is kept away from the public mind. The only remaining question is this mistake / deception, deliberate or accidental (questioning dating methods which have proven unreliable and in error is considered blasphemous, but which have dated living material as 20,000 years old by mistake see chapter 2 and chapter 4 above) Egyptian chronology places Ramesses (or Ramses) in the wrong era of Egyptian history around 1250 bc - 1400bc, when it is obvious (using the traditional dating methods at least) he lived 400 - 800 years or so earlier in 1600 bc to 2000bc . Archaeology actually proves the Exodus and the bible, but the chronology is out of sync and either Ramesses date moves back or historical evidence moves fwd to earlier dates. Questioning the dating methods is the solution and is the cause of the problem. After this date the chronology aligns from 950 bc to date. Since every nations chronology is aligned to the Egyptian chronology they are also incorrect consequently. Moses defeated a Pharaoh thought to be Ramesses. (This is repeated below in other chapters)

Where was the Kingdom of Iberia (Hibernia) the Celts. Iberia derives from Eber (Hebrew) brother of Eremon. (from Ireland to Spain and Portugal) At the end of the previous chapter Isabel Hill Elder suggests the Blessed Isles were kept as a repository for knowledge to be revealed at a later date. Tara in Meath (the whole complex which stretches from Westmeath to the coast and from Kildare to County Louth) was considered the finishing school of learning by schools of education all over Europe. The Welsh druids left Wales in the Roman invasions, (from Anglesy in North Wales known as Ynys Mon and returned at a later date ) and crossed over to Tara. The Scottish Druids and Irish also met at Tara 

Eber and Eremon are genealogical lines to the following; (it is claimed the the genealogies were forged, but they cross reference over generations and milenia with European Royal Houses and their genealogies. From them you can ascertain which direction migrations traveled)

"As the Milesians were the last of the ancient colonists ... only their genealogies, with a few exceptions, have been preserved. The genealogical tree begins, therefore, with the brothers Eber and Eremon, the two surviving leaders of the expedition, whose ancestors are traced back to Magog, the son of Japhet. The great southern chieftains, such as the MacCarthys and O'Briens, claim descent from Eber; the northern families of O'Connor, O'Donnell, and O'Neill, claim Eremon as their head. There are also other families claiming descent from Emer, the son of Ir, brother to Eber and Eremon; as also from their cousin Lugaidh, the son of Ith. From these four sources the principle Celtic families of Ireland have sprung "

The following videos which show the History of the Gael. The seafaring Phoenicians (who worked for Solomon and fought with him against the Philistines) and the Celts as 'Iberia' into Spain, Britain, France and Portugal across Europe and into Germany and Scandanavia and the Danube and north into the Don river from the Middle East. Accounting for all the people and the tribes movements would be impossible but the following varied and sometimes opposing views can assist. Barry Cunliffe 'Who were the Celts'  & The Lost Tribes of Israel.  &  Origins of the Celts, Saxons and European People.   &  History of the Phoenicians.   Other genealogies and maps and notes below add to the search which is supplemented by being able to personally visit many of the sites and areas listed below. 

PDF 1 below on the left hand side publishes material on the Scythians, Scots / Irish origins.  There are 2 pdfs the second PDF 2 is a book 'Ireland the land of the Pharaohs' written in 2005 by Andrew Power. It follows at the end of these narrow paragraphs (for your reference) which add material relating to both pdfs, and also to the book in Chapter 1. For further reading on the Scythians read; Rolle Renate 1989 'The World of the Scythians' Universityof California Press,  or Piotrovsky Boris 1987 ScythianArt Aurora Art publishers,  or   Rice Tamara, T 1957 The Scythians (Ancient Peoples and Places) Pub by Frederick A. Praege  or  The 'Chronicles Of Eri' by Roger OConnor,  or  Caspar Meyer, 'Greco-Scythian Art and the Birth of Eurasia'



 The Scythians, Irish, Scots, Welsh and Anglo Saxons Celtic Origins PDF

Newgrange, Scythians Celts Prehistory and Genealogies. Research compiled in 2001 by myself which outlines the origin of the Scottish and British tribes (British tribes who are not descended from Brutus) from the Irish tribes in the West to East migration from Ireland. The Irish (Scots) King Lists are here 

The Anglo Saxon King Lists are here  (and see Bill Cooper's book 'After the Flood' )

Having spent many months in Greece and having sailed from Greece to the Ukraine (page 167, 168 & 169, or 25,26 & 27 in the PDF to the right hand side) you can visit Odessa and travel to see thee Mounds which are the same as those in Ireland. Since one of Ireland's oldest books 'the Book of Invasions' or Leabhar Gabhala in Irish states those who came from the middle east did so from Israel via the Caucasus mountains into Scythia, Greece and Northern Spain (the Basques and Galicia) and it proves they are accurate accounts of real history.



The picture above forms part of the debate on tribal migrations (which as explanation is part of the reason the tribal migrations and history is so detailed and long as you proceed especially in the segment on Greece & Sparta and the Irish Scots British Saxon histories) . Tamar or Scota. (Newgrange has been adapted and improved since 3500 bc fwd) This includes  King Davids line through Pharez (line of Jesse, the Messianic line, although all tribes are important)  An overall summary on Tephi queen of Tara. (book review    and book) including the argument of Spain and Britain over Gibralter, (the Golden or Red Lions etc) yet this is also weighed against the dispute of Ephraim and Judah and Benjamin.(which are left out of the debate) 

Those simply interested in the obvious route of Megaliths from Scotland/Ireland and Britain through Europe  to the Middle East can follow the routes as they read through the chapters. Those that follow the 'Scarlett Thread'(i.e. descended through Zarah whose wrist was identified with a Scarlet Thread, and whose relatives in part rest at Knowth in County Meath, and the dates of these histories are also disputed) and the journey from Israel to Spain and Eastern Spain (Zaragoza)  Barcelona, and/or Castile  the Ancient Kingdom of Castilla (dates again are disputed) to North Western Spain to Ireland. You will note that political and spiritual preferences are a big backdrop to a view or conclusion. The ancient megaliths at least provide a neutral history as they are followed from their origins.

Ireland was divided in two, then four and then five (see further in the chapter) yet regardless of which county or province was Ard Ri, Ireland was United for much of its history.

The long history of Europe and the Middle East is complex but worth studying and following. Detailed migrations exist in many old volumes and histories, rarely is a combination of them merged and laid out with the geometry and building / astro - archaeology accompanying them. For this reason and it is free to the reader, it can seem long, involved and difficult as you proceed, but it is worth pursuing (and many researchers and views contribute) to uncover a greater history (story) of our lands

This chapter helps those interested in the search for the builders of the incredible and sophisticated early structures, who were they ? and where are they now ? The motivations for studying the vast literature on the movements of early tribes are political, anthropological and theological. Many however simply wish to understand the amazing constructions which are astrologically aligned and/or astro-theological in design.Complex studies of history can be summarized as near as possible for narrower purposes and these few paragraphs are as brief, but as in-depth a view as any you will find. Following the obvious and incredible neolithic and megalithic constructions is a useful tool to discern which authors, academia and theories are the most accurate.   In Ulster the tribes of Scots, Irish and British are simplified names. The British are descended through the Nedemian line (Nemedius- Macha – Fergus Leathdhearg- Briation- Maol = British, Nemedian or Nemid's name means 'sons of heaven' ) the Scottish Picts are descended through Partholan and Cruinthne (for both of these lines see page 171 also numbered page 29 in the PDF) The Picts settled north Scotland as named by the ScYthians (Scots) whilst Briation- Maol settled south Scotland (now known as England) and became the British. Britain spoke Welsh which is known as 'P-Celtic' orBrythonic Celtic shared with the Cornish and Breton people still spoken in Brittany today. Saxon (the sons of Isaac as Isaacsons) built Celtic forts in Germany and wider into Switzerland. The indo-European languages, the root of Celtic (P & Q Celtic) mixed and changed slowly. Latin was spoken in Britain as was French for 400 years in the Middle Ages all combined to become the English language. It changed but much of the population remained the same. 

This chapter also examines the movements of early tribes around the globe (and can also be assisted by Chapter 4). This includes the fascinating history of the Irish / Scots. It is also examines the movements of the tribes of Israel and the 12 tribe nations development of history in many cultures. An exhaustive subject but one which begins with a quotation by (amongst others) Flavius Josephus states that the ten tribes which were now located beyond the Euphrates. (Assyria as Asia)  This is where the bible said they were located, (II Kings, 17,23) Moving north and West from Israel To understand the movements of the Israeli tribes, intermixed over many centuries, some of the tribe of Reuben settled in Norway, but the tribes of Gad, Naphtali, Reuben, and one-half the tribe of Manasseh were carried captive into Assyria (II Kings 15:29, I Chronicles 5:26) in 721 bc. The Norwegians who also became the Norse, Northman or Normans of France and Normans of Sicily in Italy. The Phoenicians arrived from Canaan/Israel and the Danes became also the Vikings in Norway and Sweden and wider. The tribe of Benjamin from Israel settled mainly in the south of France after the destruction of Jerusalem especially in AD70. Migrations of Israeli tribes had continued from this date up until the birth of Christ (ben Jesse) With them came the new 'Nazarene Christians' who intermarried with the tribe of Benjamin and Judah. Herod the last biblical King of Israel (which in AD 20 comprised the tribe of Judah (the olive branch) who were separate from 'Israel as the ten tribe Olive branch' (two olives trees on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem represented the two halves. The North = Israel, and the South = Judah. Incorporated with the remnant of Judah in AD 70 at the destruction of the Temple were the tribes of Benjamin and Simeon the last tribes of the ten tribes to remain in Israel with Levi after the Babylonian captivity .The apostles (see James) however wrote to the '12 tribes', and perhaps therefore only 8 were actually missing ! Jerusalem was at the centre of the 12 tribes) The two tribes of  Ephraim & Manasseh become a new 13th tribe. The Celts then and the Anglo Saxons, Normans, Jutes and Danes also resided in Germany (not just Norway, Friesland and Denmark and Holland) The Mounds and Tumulus are the same, only the language changed. (see towards the end of this chapter also)

The Phoenicians were a mixture of different tribes including Sumerian/Mesopotamian people, over time they became the sea faring peoples, a port(s) of many tribes who also intermarried with the Crete Minoans (who were not Athenian Greek),and mentioned in the bible as also descendants of Mizraim (Egyptians) as the first tribe of Philistines brought up from Egypt. The history is complex but recorded in many sources. Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron and Gath (West Israel) were known as Philistia conquered by David and Solomon, they were later tribes of Philistines They were separate from  Palestinians who were Arabian.(Esau Edomites who were 'disinherited by God' which states (in the bible) God hated Esau/Edom, but this pertains to this particular descendant).The Palestinian covenant was actually called the 'Land Covenant' as Palestine did not exist it was called Canaan. This covenant forbid Idol worship which today, Thousands of years later would include Islam in these Jewish scriptures. After the Islamic invasions Canaan became Muslim, until it was re-conquered by Christians, and even as late as 1976 'Palestinians'  (i.e. Yasser Arafat and Fatah, in a vast rape and murder spree) killed 40,000 Christians in Lebanon, at Damour.  Gaza has also been in the news recently in the war with Israel.

It is often doubted that tribes could travel large distances and maintain contact to their original starting point and to their final destinations across the known world. Without modern communications and satellite maps it is considered unlikely. Yet take Poland and the Jewish community. They suffered under Stalin and Hitler (left and right until Lech Walesa) and their origins are often linked to the Persian Mesopotamian era, perhaps dating back to the captivity and before (1200/1100 ad & 800/700 Assyrian capture & 580 ad Babylonian captivity periods) and certainly to the second Temple destruction in AD70. These routes of the Radhanites Jewish Merchants are supposed to be mythical yet they are known today and still exist. French and Poland Jews and many settled in Greece from Persia. Their vast network displayed here.(WORLD MAP) Scythian migrations follow similar routes and origins (all five invasions and characters with them understood the next waves Gaelic language after many hundreds of years in-between the five migrations, states the Leabhar Gabhala)

The idea of 'Palestine' arose when the British Mandate to establish a new area or country separate from the old Ottoman empire was temporarily introduced. Once it was established and Jewish immigration was underway (which had begun in the 1920's) its use was defunct. In 1945 and fwd new Jewish emigrants landing from the Mediterranean shore found the area nearly all the way to Jerusalem deserted. In the same way Canaan became Israel and Judea.Early agricultural Kibbutz are one of the most successful ventures in history, this continues today. The eventual capture of Jerusalem in 1967 meant the country was small, surrounded by many much larger hostile countries. and this is still the same today.Counteracting this Jordan by simply switching its flag to a slightly different flag (see later) sent thousands of new settlers into a new 2nd named Palestine, breaking previous treaties, but conversely it now admits Palestine and Jordan belong to the Jews (see below). Jerusalem in western ttradition is very old and Rome without it would not exist (and vice versa in the contemporary era)

The Romans under the Emperor Hadrian in 130 bc, (In 363 ad Emperor Julian gave permission for the ruined Temple to be rebuilt, and in earlier centuries Roman soldiers protected Jews and Christians in the Holy land and wider) named Palestine, as they re-named Temple Mount 'Aelia Capitolina' and dedicated its Temple to Jupiter. Palestine or Philistia was named by the Romans in 130 bc as they wanted to destroy the Temple, the current Temple is a Mosque. After this circa AD70 Rome reverted to calling Israel Judea and Galilee. It was also a route to Goshen and was conquered by David and Solomon. When Rome named Judea, Palestine in 130bc, the word Palestine is derived from the Hebrew word Peleseth (or Philistia) and referred to the South Western strip only now known as Gaza. Muslims and Islam took a further 700 years after Christ to come into existence, hence Islam Arabia is not Philistine/Palestine (Judea + the then 10 tribes = Israel) nor was it totally Jewish but a strip of land apart, but promised to Israel in the land covenant. Herodotus wrote of Philistu and the Greeks had developed a sophisticated civilization/democracy, their leaders becoming Greek Pharaohs, the Spartan army and Athenians would later conquer all of the middle east and wider under Alexander the Great from Macedonia including Jerusalem and defeating the Philistines in Philistu. Beginning with the battle of Issus, and defeating Egypt and then Persia. Hebrew was translated into Greek yet as with all languages, some finer points were lost in translation, however the first Greek and Hebrew Christians even after Pentecost and the Temples destruction managed to exchange ideas (Philistu refers to people who were not Arabic people in the Greek language) The Assyrians, referred to Philistia or Philistine which with entomology became Palestine from the Hebrew word Peleseth. Judea / Samaria was also used for the whole area by other historians. To give an example 'London' derives its current name from Londinium after Roman settlements in AD50. Ludgate a part of Londinium was named after the Celtic God Lugh, Londinium was sacked by Boadicea the Celtic Queen who was British in that she spoke "P-Celtic" Brythonic as do the Bretons and Picts and also in Galicia in Spain. This tribe (Boadicea's ) was also given a Roman latin name of Iceni ) The British also named Judea, Palestine for a period from 1922 to 1947 (during which Jewish tribes returned from all over the earth) after Britain defeated the Ottoman Turkish empire under its international legal mandate, when in 1947 it reverted to Israel. Since then the history is as follows   Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank., and the opposing view     The ACTUAL Truth About Palestine in response to Danny Ayalon     but    Israel captured the  Sinai Peninsula from Egypt in the six day war  in 1967 also Gaza, the Golan Heights, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and held in 1973 in the Yom Kippur war.

After this land was returned for peace to Egypt. The land's oldest name is Canaan  (after Cain)  as mentioned Palestine derives from the Bible word Peleseth where Philistia was located. Biblical names and other authors/sources names for the land include the Land of Israel, Greater Israel (Eretz Israel) and Kingdom of Jerusalem, Judea Samaria and the Egyptians and Israel also named it  Zion (Zionists travel and live there) Therefore the spiritual debate (as Jordan is now annexed to Israel) is between Greater Israel and Gaza. Israel is set to  expand  to its greater size, and many Muslims recognize Jordan is not Palestine including Sheikh Ahmad al-Adwan who states Allah gave Israel (including the West Bank as there is no Palestine) to the Jews, and this (and this includes Jordan) . Theologians (political or spiritual) see this initial expansion as part of a future (which could be soon) and further expansion on the return of the Messiah (past or future person) In the interim the land of Greater Israel is to be Israel's current size. The contemporary legal case for Israel is considered here. Whilst the ancient City of David (which has seen objections to its archaeological excavations for many decades) is uncovered exactly as described in Torah.

The Real flag of 'Palestine' (Palestine has never existed as a state)t derives from Philistines and 'foreigner' ( 'Peleshet' in Isaiah 14, 29 -31 in Hebrew). The Phoenicians who assisted (from Tyre) King Solomon build the Temple were half Jewish and they used the area as a port The Romans copied it as a nickname, and Pope Paul V1 in 1967 and Pope Francis in 2014 have said Israel has a right to exist. The term Palestine was remade in 1922 to distinguish it from the Ottoman and Syrian empires, who were defeated by WW1  and as a temporary measure for settlement to bring forth Israel and Greater Israel. From 1939 the real of Palestine became the current flag of Israel and it was removed in 1945 when Israel was born. The current Palestinian flag is an invention of Jordan which is the same flag as Palestine without the white star. The one state solution in Greater Israel is currently underway as the debate continues.(see chapter 3) The wider debate concerning the head of the church (in the western Judeo - Christian tradition) was acknowledged by both of these Popes as the Messiah (a past or future person) which is as close to agreement on the subject the west could arrive at.

Another flag of "Pelishti (Palestine)" dating from 1759 which is simply the Roman latin name of the land of foreigners or Pelishti cites the land of Judea and Israel. which is the United Israel flag Rome produced. The top left of the picture shows a flag which displays this designation and carries the 12 standards of the 12 tribes of Israel  and which covers the land known as Gaza. Julius Caesar had private and personal motivations to recreate or support Israel and this history is also intertwined in the fate of Rome and Israel. 

(Jan 2016) A part of the problem or real solution is Christians or Jews (or both) living in Gaza and the wider Judea Samaria (Israel) are from their faith automatically "Israel". The Catholic news agency which preaches on the book of Nehemiah (500 bc to present day during which time Islam invaded northward in 600 - 700 ad fwd to the present day) also acknowledges Nehemiah Chapter 2 verse 19/ 20  (11 - 20) which points to the fact Islam and Esau is not a part of the Greater Israel (see chapter 3 below on safe zones in the wider greater Israel) project as a multi faith state but Arabs are allowed as part of a Jewish one state as a Jewish state in its entirety, or outside of Jerusalem or if they convert. The palestinian authority should be allowed to collapse.This is why Jerusalem belongs to the Jews or Christians alone or their God alone both spiritually and physically.

The re-writing of history in the middle east is astounding. Judea Samaria & Idumea was named by the Roman generals in 6 AD. Overall it was named Judea to combine Judea, Samaria and Idumea lands Idumea was Edom a land outside those designated to the 12 tribes of Israel (but not Greater Israel or Eretz Israel) but generally settled by the tribe of Reuben and Manasseh whose lands include Jordan today. Judea is Judah's lands which extend into Gaza and south. Palestine was not named or designated as a land in 6 AD but Judah was. It was also not designated as Palestine in the first Council of Jerusalem in AD 50 (which was a purely jewish council of messianic Christians with new Christians from all over the world following Shavuot / Pentecost) nor in the council of Nicea in 325 ad, nor following the Jihads from the Gulf states and Mecca into Jerusalem from 615 to 700 and until today. In 350 ad approx the Septuagint translation of the hebrew bible recorded by 70 contributors and scholars does not record Palestine (yet the egyptian version of history translated recorded by one earlier dubious Egyptian priest is preferred today even in archaeological texts ? The Hebrew old and new testaments still exist)  When Jerusalem was recaptured in following the council of Clermont in 1095 and by Geoffrey de Bouillon in 1099. From 6 AD to 1099 (and until today) it was/is known as the Holy Land. The Council of Clermont in 1095 was convened following the destruction of churches and synagogues (by the Islamic Turks who were christians first and then invaders) in the Holy land and which had combined with Jihad slaughter and mass murder of the indigenous populations in the middle east by Islamic terrorism which is the same today. Palestine is a fictional creation of Jordan in which Yasar Arafat slaughtered Christians and Jews.

Allowing for debate (and many do not accept these histories, yet are often unaware of their own history, and accept them or not, royal lineage's and houses are built upon them ) between Gaza and the Greater Israel expansion can raise the issue (and the mystery and purpose of the 'Palestinian covenant' which real name is the Land covenant) of  Zarah and Pharez (Judah the 4th son of Jacob/Israel was the father of Zarah and Pharez), and Joseph the 11th son as described in the Book of Genesis chapter 38:27-30 and of the coat of many colours. The separate Tribe of Dan the 5th son. Josephs house became two as Ephraim and Manasseh. It is important to recognize this history as many of the Phoenicians went west into Scandinavia and Ireland, Britain and Europe. The tribe of Dan went with them in some reports. 

Gentiles' inherited an in-between stage or . and this word originally meant 'foreigner' in Hebrew but cannot be applied to the line of Zarah and Pharez, hence the problem persists. They were to convert or accept the Torah before full inheritance, not the other way around. If they intermarried with the Phoenicians, this resultant genealogical lines are not 'foreigner'. David married Bathsheba who was possibly gentile as was Ruth, (in the bible) Eshter (of the bible) married a gentile, but they had to remain in Torah and become Israel. The line of Tea Tephi is not disputed as she appears in the Annals of the Four Masters also known as the  Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland. Daughter of King Zedikiah who was the Grandson of Josiah or Yoshiyahu. The Chronology is in dispute, scroll down to the Tea Tephi section near the end. If you have read this far you will note this chapter begins with the genealogies and chronologies of the five tribes of Ireland (and the book of invasions) and Scotia /Scythians

Read it in parallel with the genealogy and chronology of Tea Tephi, Zarah, Pharez, and Tamar. Here is some of the background in "THE STORY (in brief) of Tephi, queen of Tara and Gibraltar. (daughter of king Zedekiah of Jerusalem, from the line of king David who slew Goliath)"   In these genealogies lie the history and disputes of the Irish and Scots (who are the same) the Welsh and Britons and Scandinavians and Europeans. Tea Tephi was a Jewish princess, adopted by an Egyptian Pharaoh and after sailing to Ireland was made queen of Tara in County Meath. The European Royal houses claim descent along these lines. Some lines reach back to Phoenicia, and current day Gaza, or Israel.(which are one and the same) Ireland was and is its own country. It is not often cited that inheritance and disinheritance are not just genealogical but also by faith, the lack of which seems to have changed genealogical lines lines and dates. 

Chronologies and Genealogies can be forged, but more often they were preserved exact, and copies made to prove claims, hence a line often faces new information which was previously preserved with honesty and with purpose.For those who have never considered this information before and are skeptical remember Rastafarian's (who are apparent and familiar and their travels are well known and accepted) claim descent back to Israel and Judah. Many who dis-believe such claims often listen to reggae music and dance, yet have no idea that they are celebrating their line to Israel or Israel. Rastafarian's claim their descent through Solomon and Sheba and Israels migration to Ethiopia and to Solomon's mines, over 3000 years ago. An example of this is here. (although the tune celebrates a Rwandan queen, the 'mansions' of Rastafarianism includes the 12 tribes of Israel mansion who accept Yeshua as 'Mashiyahch' ) The tune invokes a journey from Ethiopia down the Nile perhaps, as the Nile originates in Ethiopia, on into Egypt and across into Israel. (For further information see the adjacent website and chapter 4, and half way down the 'History and Struggle for Tibet & Nepal' and following on in the next paragraphs the China/Tibet & African / Ethiopian problems )  Also here and notice the word 'Selah'. This word occurs in numerous biblical Psalms, and of course it is remembered by the Ethiopians from where Rastafarianism originates. Rastafari in the strictest sense would chant a psalm without intoxication of any kind. Davids Psalms use this annotation Selah. It was not meant to be sung/spoken as part of the Psalm but when inserted it denotes a rest or pause between paragraphs or lines and means 'to think upon it' or 'reflect upon the words'. (a musical pause which could last 10 minutes) 'Selah' then denotes that the musicians play for a while, until the singing (recitation) of the biblical Psalm is continued. The Celts composed (the Fili) long poems which also required musical accompaniment. Psalms have the same quality.The practice today is simply to speak a psalm but not an individual or collective practice in singing.

The 'Ma - iti' tribes of Africa built Megaliths in Zimbabwe,(i.e. the Nyanga constructions ) which is a also a possible location of Solomon' s mines, see also the eastern Libyans as 'Aethiopians' who migrated into South Africa, whilst Ethiopia states it guards the Ark of the Covenant to this day. The tribes criss /cross all through Africa and wider, and there are thousands of civilizations in Africa which are not documented as completely as they should be. Consider also the great migration, from Norway, Scandinavia in 1500 bc (circa) of the Indo-European Nordics who left Norway at this time (although they also state they came from the east centuries before this and also a tribe named the fair haired 'Guaunches' who settled the Canary Isles near to Africa but who also then appear in South and Central America, and not just by Spanish/Castelian captivity) The Indo-European Nordics went to Kazakhstan and Tibet in 1500 bc. Vast tombs were found in between Kazakhstan and Tibet in China of people with fair / reddish hair preserved in Tartan clothes as the Celts wore. (Kilts etc) similar to the Celts and Scythian s (who traveled East to West following the setting sun, whilst other tribes went East following the Rising Sun, the megalith builders had consistent design features ) but who were they ?

There are many tribes who claim descent, the Chinese Kaifeng Jews for example. China of course has its own pyramids set out in the same Orion design as Giza in Egypt, and they are larger, built by the white Uyghur tribes who are related to the Scythian's.(the earliest tribes went east following the rising sun, others west the setting sun) The Uyghur tribe who inhabited China at the same period thousands of years ago, some found their way to Tibet. All tribes have their own music.



Sparta, Greece, Troy and Scythia and the 'found tribes' of Europe.(in Navy below)

As mentioned and to repeat tracing the Celtic and Saxon tribes is a difficult task, combining this with Lost tribes through Greece and the Middle East is made difficult in research and explanation also as the authors Stellar and Yeatman point out (in their book "1066 and all that") this is their quote below, highlighting the complications of the five invasions of Ireland (the five Gaelic tribes) and other areas of research and history in this area.

Quote by Stellar and Yeatman ' The Scots (originally Irish, but by now Scotch) were at this time inhabiting Ireland, having driven the Irish (Picts) out of Scotland; while the Picts (originally Scots) were now Irish...and vice versa. It is essential to keep these distinctions clearly in mind '   

(of course it is almost impossible to keep it mind, especially if this is not your first language)

Greece and Troy or the Trojan war became the catalyst for the foundation of Europe and the European Royal families. The participants of the war are generally described by their Hellenised names (Greek names) without delving too deeply into their pedigree or lineage. A central character in Greek history is Danaus who is named with Cadmus. Danuas (or the tribe of Dan, who are not found as a tribe in the book of Revelations but are replaced by Ephraim / Manasseh) founded Argos the rivals of Sparta  in the Greek Peloponnese peninsula. He also founded Troy (also known as the 'Troad' re-discovered by German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in 1870 ) Danuas and Cadmus resided in Egypt and they were brothers and kinsmen of the 12 tribes of Israel which left Egypt in 1379bc. ( see also the historian Hecataeus of Miletus) Before the Exodus from Egypt many tribes who had waited for a sign (promised to them after 400 years of captivity or in other versions 430 years of captivity) known as the 430 years mentioned in the book of Exodus 12:verse 40, and the 400 years of Genesis 15:verse 13. Ancient books and historians from different backgrounds and ages and motivations all cite these origins above.

Tribes which assumed a 400 year captivity, left when the 400 years came and went, without a sign and these tribes include the tribe of Ephraim, the Gaels and Danuas and Cadmus and others who left at different stages, unwilling to wait for 430 years as was suggested. This theological debate forgets that the tribe of Ephraim left early and were killed (not all it is suggested some survived and migrated elsewhere) when they took the Northern route to the promised land from Egypt. Moses left later after 430 years by the Southern route to Canaan. One theological suggestion is the disputed 30 year difference was to signify the future Messiah from his birth (400 years) to his death (430 years) The Greeks are also mentioned in the book of Judges by Eli at this time in Greek history, as they were known to the inhabitants of Israel as brothers. (Josephus records this in the book of Antiquities) It is interesting that the early Irish records describe the panoramic view of the Exodus (The Scythian Gaels) as they left Egypt. (perhaps even before the the tribe of Ephraim but that tribe may be counted as being a part of the 5 Irish invasions as described in the Leabhar Gabhla or Book of Invasions) many Scythian's (a name given them later) joined with Moses, others returned as described in the Book of invasions which anyone can read. For further reading see the "The Annals of the Four masters", (or here) or the "Chronicles of Scotland". A prophecy states that Israel will become Ephraim (as the new Israel or the head over Israel of ten tribes) United with Judah. For those who have never heard of this theocratic political background to the advent of Europe, it will seem strange or unusual but nevertheless it exists as a discussion, debate and dialogue.

(As mentioned in chapter 1 Ephraim as a tribe left Egypt early (after 400 years instead of waiting the 430 years) and many were slaughtered and returned or were lost. 10 survived according to the 'Sefer haYashar' or the  Book of Jasher. (an ancient historical book proven accurate see specifically  chapter 75)

Many ancient authors employ names which when translated into other languages the names change over time, but which are the same name (i.e John = Sean in Irish or Jean in French) bear this in mind as you read through the paragraphs (see again and also the historian Hecataeus of Miletus. Miletus was named after Mil, one of the five invasions of Ireland's leaders cited in the book of invasions) Dan (the first tribe member) carved the White horse into the British hills in Wiltshire, but which would have been known as Albion or Cymru (Wales) in the Gaelic speaking world into which it was carved. The White horse was also mythical in Ireland. Note chapter 2 below which shows the Saxons (Isaac sons) lived in Germany as "Celts".(see the end of this chapter) Brutus eventually went to Albion from Troy after the war ended, but the Welsh had already termed "Brit or Covenanters" from their ancestor "Briaton Maol" (others state the term Brit derives from Brutus of Troy) who came from Ireland under the tribe named Nemedians, one of the 5 Gaelic tribes described in the book of invasions. "Nemedian" means the sons of Heaven  "Briaton Maol" arrived in Ireland after the Trojan war date (he was the son of Leathdhearg, son of Ainin, son of Nemedius Macha circa 1180 - 1145 bc also known as Nemed, the ancestor of the Celts as Britons who landed first in Ireland as this land mass appeared first from the ice sheets. 

They were one of the 5 tribes of the Gaelic tribe of the  five invasions who then went east into Scotland and south into Britain. You will also note the picts as cruithne are through the line of Partholan from the first invasion before the Nemedians. A pre Parthelon invasion (which is the first) by Cesair and 50 woman is also noted in some annals. The Picts travelled east to Scotland and then south and settled in Belgium and France. Picts which arrived overland through Europe joined them in later years. Many of them returned to Scotland at a later date. "Briaton Maol"  was a Gaelic speaking Celt, not 'British'   but the father (the last link is the Chronicles of the early Britons) of one branch of the Irish tribes who spoke "Welsh" (known as P or Q celtic) and settled in Albion now known as Britain. He was Nemedian from that tribe (from Nemed) but his name Briaton became Britain, and people of the other four (of the five) invasions also settled in Britain (Albion) They were also known as the Iceni (in Latin) but who were one of the five invasion tribes described in the Leabhar Gabhla. The Word "Irish" is an anglicised word from Erui /Erin/Eremon see page 61.  Much of this history is difficult to trace but many persistent and gifted authors and professors have traced works over the past 200 years especially to make the history less obscure and now much of it is online. 

Brutus of Troy is noted as having fought his way through a band of Picts in France / Belgium into Albion or Britain where he found people already living and settled in the land. Who were they ? they were the Nemedians, the Tuatha De Danaans who had first arrived in Ireland and settled and then moved into the rest of the land or Albion / Britain all the way to to Dover and the South Coast. Brutus may have founded London as a larger city than the already existing Ludgate. He may have planted the Ludgate stone as Sacred Geometry. Ludgate was named after the Celtic Sun God Lugh who was a Tuatha De Danaan member and this tribe split from the Nemedians. Briaton Maol was also from this tribal split (i.e split into three tribes some who remained and those who travelled around Europe and Scandinavia and into Ireland again) Just as the Jews left Israel and went  into Europe and Scandinavia and wider, they returned to Israel but there was a remnant of Jews in Israel for 2000 years. If any lost  tribe returned it would be the same and perhaps also a remnant would be in the middle east. The origins of the Covenant Man or Berith of the Covenant of God becomes clearer.

France was originally named Tzarfat partially Hebrew through Lebanon which is the route the Gauls or Gaels took from Israel through the North of Assyria. Galeens which became Galatia (Northern Spain / Iberia ) and then Celts. In the book of invasions they are the Milesians or gthe sons of Mil. They also settled in Britain Albion before Brutus and Rome and the Saxons and migrated north. The Vikings were Norwegians or Northmen who settled in France and Europe and became the Normans (1066 and all that) and these tribes became The Merovingian's and Frankish tribes who are mentioned (in modern literature or media) in the film "The Matrix" no 2, and the Da Vinci code. Brutus arrived into these settled areas.

Brutus of Troy (some suggest Brutus = Brit  ish ) arrived much later, from the war in Troy in 1100 bc, where he met tribes who already lived in the land (the records state i.e. the five invasions people) and assimilated with them.The megaliths and neolithic tumlets and tombs like stone henge were already built by the time Brutus arrived. The Firbolgs, Fomorians and Danaans and Nemedians followed by the Milesians built them e.g. stone henge. (These are the people of the 5 invasions of Ireland) Today many tribes and Islamic tribes are circumcised and claim descent from Abraham, and Brutus was descended from the tribe of Judah. When the Brit covenants began, (known as the Welsh Hebrew Covenant) after this, dated to an exact date is the question i.e. the "berith" or covenant man. (British is derived from Berith & ish or iysh = covenant man in hebrew. Ishah = woman) Briaton Maol + ish could be the real origin of this term. Many of the Gaelic tribal names were latinised from Rome adding to the difficulty in ascertaining or tracing lineage. Breton is similar in name to Britain. Picardy in Belgium is also home to the Picts who travelled north into Alba now known as Scotland from Sciythia) 

The Nemedians as the sons of heaven or Holy people split into three tribes and became (one branch) known as the the Tuatha de Danaan or Tribe of Dan. It is important to know that the tribe of Dan left Israel first and left a trail of "Danite place names" which the Israelite  tribes of the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity (in 700 & 500 ad) followed over from Northern Israel and the fertile crescent known as Israel as it flows eastward into Iraq and Iran. This route west and over the Caucuses into the Black sea and Danube area provided a path others followed later. Zarahites ( see the bible and,1 Chronicles 2 verses 1 - 6 & Verse 6) of the "Scarlet thread" are buried at Knowth and other locations in Ireland. 6 of the covenants of the 8 eventual covenants would have been remembered by the Nemedians but at this date in 1100 bc all except  the Davidic covenant and the New Testament covenants existed. As the Harp is symbol of Ireland it is suggested that the Davidic Covenant would have been delivered at a later date, and the Covenants were subject to a two way agreement, and were binding. Calcol (1 Chronicles 2 verses 1 - 6 ) or Kalkol who left the Exodus in the 400 year period (i.e he left early before the main Exodus) settled in Ulster it is assumed. Yet Ulster at that time was not divided and was all Gaelic speaking see chapter 2 below. Ireland was later divided into two with Ulster in the North. Tara became a fifth province after the two fold division was divided into 4 (see later on in this chapter) The division was a tribal division not a partition division.

These 5 invasions (described in the book of Invasions or the Leabhar Gabhala and the Cin of Drom Snechta or Cin fo Drom Snectha 2) of Gaelic speakers populated what we know as Ireland and Britain Wales and Scotland today. This is not mentioned too frequently or with enough accuracy.They also settled in Europe (aka Asterix the Gael / Gaul who spoke Gaelic) The Irish and Chinese records are the best kept records of any nation worldwide. The Greeks and their citadels and city states were descended from the Israelite tribes of the Exodus in 1379 bc and the Trojan war was fought early in the 13th or 12th centuries in the Darda ...nelles (Dara and Danaus are related) near Troy and eventually within Troy. Zarah married Electra / Roma and she is also mentioned in 1 Chronicles 2 verses 1 - 6 & Verse 6. Spartans settled in Alba adjacent to albion. Simeon and Judah settled in Scotland. Irish history and its books and law have not featured too clearly in the historical debate ? but they should. Dara is also similar to the Irish word for oak "Doire". Mac Dara means son of the oak. The town of Kildare in Ireland translates as Cill Dara and means Church of the Oak. County Derry in Irish means Doire or Oak Grove. Oaks were found all over Ulster, Scotland and Britain and Europe.

Greeks kept the Sabbath (Friday 6.00pm to Saturday 6.00pm) and also Circumcision in their earlier history before the knowledge of it was lost in later centuries. Athens was founded by Egyptian tribes (who were circumcised in captivity in Egypt) who left Sais in Egypt (home of the Pharaohs) suddenly, and their first king Cecrops was a Israelite (who also founded Attica) and with Darda (Danuas) and Calcol son of Zerah the Zarahite who married Electra / Roma founded Troy having also settled in the Dardanelles. Pharez (of the Zarah and Pharez line) of the Scarlet thread also featured in the Trojan wars. Darda (Dardanus) was the ancestor of Priam who was Hectors and Paris father, and Paris married Helen in Troy who was a Spartan Queen. Both tribes were Israelite. Tribes which left Troy after the war (1190 - 11 75 bc) formed cities all over Europe and the Irish tribes arrived in Ireland and Britain known as Albion (5 tribes speaking Goidelic or Gaelic, still spoken today by the Irish although it was banned under penal servitude to van damian's land for centuries) until the Romans came although Gaelic continued as a language and until the Saxons in 650 ad. Scottish and Irish tribes include those Israelites from Troy or Greece. Rome or the person Roma (also called Electra) founded an area in Italy, she was the daughter of Atlas also known as Epher or grandson of Abraham also through the line of Tamar and Judah. The city of Rome was founded later by Romulus (and Remus) who were both suckled by a she wolf  (the insignia / standard of Benjamin)

The information below considers the Scythians in light of the chapters above and also a migration of the tribe of Benjamin which occurred 300 to 400 years before the battle of Troy, and which also has a bearing on the battle. The Royal families of Europe originated from events described below.

The Scythians then were a distinct people, they wore their hair long and loose (Dan and the Nazarenes were told to never cut their hair). Their hair was blonde and red or less so dark and they were an Alethic and a warrior people. Some surmise the nearest relatives are the Finnish / Siberian (Sweden/ Estonian/ Scandinavian Irish Scots, but the Scythians also intermarried with the Amazonians) people although they travelled far and enjoyed Greek wine especially. Their history is intertwined with Greece and the beginnings of the European clans.(and worldwide)

The Scythians in their migration became collectively known as Scots (all over the British Isles and Ireland) their Etymology (translation across language's) is described as follows in the following book by; Brewer E.C., enl. ed., 1894. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, p. 1112.

' Scot (is) the same as Scythian in etymology; the root of both is Sct. The Greeks had no c, and would change t into th making the root skth, and by adding a phonetic vowel we get Skuthai (Scythians), and Skodiai (Skoths). The Welsh disliked s at the beginning of a word, and would change it to ys; they would also change c or k to g, and th to d; whence the Welsh root would be Ysgd, and Skuth or Skoth would become ysgod. Once more, the Saxons would cut off the Welsh y, and change the g back again to c, and the d to t, converting the Ysgod to Scot. '

Tracing their movement from the Middle East, across Europe and Greece westward also intertwines with the Israelites and Judah. The long tradition and history of the tribe of Benjamin extends to Priam, the father of Hector (who was killed by Achilles) and also to "Paris" (who married Helen of Sparta) Priam and his son Paris were Trojans and also from the Tribe of Benjamin. After the Trojan war they sent their families to Europe and to France

Sparta was a southern city state of the Peloponnese Island in Greece (next to Arcadia). It is famous for the Spartan army and Leonidas who in 480bc held back Xerxes with his 300 comrades and saving Greece.

This epic battle occurred at the same time Israel was in captivity to the Persians in Babylon. The Greek and Persian wars are linked to Israels captivity and release, across Asia into Greece. The Scythians, also lived in Greece on their travels. Queen Esther in the bible who saved Israel (see the book of Esther 1, 3-22) was in captivity to Xerxes at the time of his military expedition to Greece (see also Esther 2,1 forward) which states 'after these things' etc (i.e. after the Spartan Persian war) Xerxes asks Vashti in his harem to dance for him but she refused (Esther 1, 10-12) whereupon in anger he chooses another wife, and that was Esther who was Jewish (but outside the promised land). She persuades him to spare all the Persian Jews. Cyrus had already granted them the right to return to Jerusalem after the captivity, but many Judeans did not return (Ezra 1, 1-4) Esters uncle Mordecai became the equivalent of the Primemister and he was from the tribe of Benjamin. (Esther 2, 5)

The backdrop to the Spartan war was Gods (Yahweh, or YHWH) desire that Israel awake, and the re-establishment of the Messianic line (Mathew 1,12-13 & Ezra 2,2) or also watch the film '300' & '300 rise of an empire' 'Troy' & also this documentary on Alexander the Great.. 'Skiathos' is a Greek Island near Troy. Purim is a Jewish feast day held in March (in springtime every year on the 14th day of Adar) see Eshter 9,22 to celebrate this new freedom and escape. An earlier war in Greece recited in the Iliad and Odyssey of Homer is the Greek – Trojan War which involved Helen a Spartan Queen who was either kidnapped or ran away with Paris to Troy. Helen was wife to Menelaus, brother of Agamemnon the King of Greece, who did not really want peace with Troy, despite the ongoing peace process.

Some suggest she, Helen was in fact the real Trojan Horse in the story, and the Greek war was formulated by Agamemnon and his God Zeus. This war occurred between 1300/1180 bc (some suggest 1420 bc, around the time of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt) and 'Troy' which has been discovered and is being excavated archaeologically is a real city.Troy was re-built higher many times and archaeological excavations have recorded extensive fire damage is recorded in this period of the Trojan war (it boasted its walls could not be scaled) There are also remarkable parallels to the bible in this war but ! who were the Trojans, Spartans and Persians?

Troy was sacked by the Greeks and a prominent family who claim descent from the Trojans are the Merovingian's who became the Franks and the Kings of France. Godfrey of Bouillon became the first King of Jerusalem in 1099. (not taking the actual title 'King' in respect for Christ or Yeshua) The Frankish Kings claim descent from the Tribe of Benjamin although many from the tribe of Judah also settled in France, who were allotted the Territory of Jerusalem by Moses in the Old Testament (Joshua 18, 20 – 28). The 'Messianic line' (not just a bloodline but a border or surveyed line around the Temple in Jerusalem) is debated in Archaeology.(this line was also the dividing line in the middle of the temple, which also marked the division between the tribe of Judah and Benjamin)

The tribe of Benjamin (in Europe in later migrations adding to political arguments for arguments sake) at this period in 1450 bc committed a heresy to Astarte involving rape and murder of a Levites concubine. (Judges 19 & 20, other dates suggest it was 1375 bc) Shiloh (modern Khirbet - Seilun) is situated 20 miles north of Jerusalem and it was the first meeting place for the 12 tribes before Jerusalem was conquered. A war broke out between the tribe of Benjamin and the other tribes. Approximately 26, 000 Benjamites were reduced to 900 men only by the other tribes (except the men of Shiloh who would not fight) in punishment for the heresy and vile act committed against the Levites concubine. However many could have fled Israel rather than fight as they were cursed not to take Israelite wives, even if they won the battle (the curse could not be retracted). If this is so where could they have gone to? (see the book of Judges 20 fwd) Many speculate they went to the Peloponnese area of Greece which includes Sparta, and also into Troy. The 900 remained and were allowed to take new wives from the Woman of Shiloh.(as punishment to the men of Shiloh for not fighting against the tribe of Benjamin)             'Cursed be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin' ( Judges 21, 15-18) (applicable only to the unknown amount of people circa 1450 bc)

Killing the concubine of a Levite who travelled from Bethlehem to Jebus (Jebus = Jerusalem, had not been named or conquered then) on the way to Ephraim, and worshipping Astarte/Ishtar (Isis), and refusing to apologise or make amends and instead make war against your own nation, brought this curse upon them, and if any left Israel then the curse went with them. Judges 20,35 says 26,000 men were reduced by 25,100 men, but verse 46 says 25,000 were killed? (to allow the tribe to survive many were spared) Were 100 unaccounted for ?  The book of Judges ch 20,v 47, says 600 fled and hid nearby, but they were allowed to return to marry some the Woman of Shiloh. (this accounts for 25,600 or 25,700 men) 200 of these woman (the Woman of Shiloh) were captured to make the remainder of the Benjamin tribe new wives and let the tribe survive. 400 virgins from Benjamin woman were also saved and the rest were killed. Therefore a discrepancy of 100 or 300/400 is shown in the verses and they (these few hundred) possibly left Israel. The curse was therefore not in effect on the remaining Benjamites who survived but it would follow the others who left Israel in 1400 bc them down the centuries. Judah and Benjamin were rivals to the throne of Jerusalem.

Some of the tribe of Benjamin may have settled in Sparta and Arcadia (the Peloponnese Island ) in Greece, if so then it is mooted over hundreds of years some migrated north through Troy and into the Balkans and West into Germany and the then westward, along the rivers of the Rhine and Danube where they met the Scythians and the Teutonic German tribes of Dan. To leave Israel you would have to travel from a port either from Gaza or Lebanon or go North to the Black sea. Phoenicia the coastal port nation (which became Palestine  or 'foreigner' today ) was also where many Danites (tribe of Dan) sailed from as Vikings to Norway and Denmark. Samson was from the tribe of Dan but he was to become a Nazarene.Greece was also settled by 'Danaus' who settled in Argos in the Peloponnese with his 50 daughters fleeing from Egypt and his Royal brother Aegyptus who had 50 sons. Aegyptus instructed (as the King of Egypt) Danaus to give his daughters to them in marriage. He refused and they pursued Danaus who reluctantly agreed to a mass marriage, but in it, he secretly instructed his daughters to murder their cousins in their marriage beds. All but one was murdered as he (Lynceus) had not broken the virginity of Hypermnestra (a daughter). With the intervention of Aphrodite (Roman Venus, who was also the Goddess of Love and Beauty, and the Goddess of Procreation, and Patron of Prostitutes) they (Hypermnestra & Lynceus) eventually succeeded to rule Argos next to Sparta on the Peloponnese. Dan a part of the lost tribes also had a marriage riddle which started a war with the Philistines (the Honey from a Lion riddle) (see also the Book of Judges Ch 14,v 12 fwd) 

These Danaans were also Greek and they also settled in Rhodes and wider travelling throughout Europe and Scandinavia. Their connection to Israel is below.

Sparta ruled over Argos and Arcadia and its codified law may have wider origins

Spartans, the sons of Abraham      and/or  

The route through Palestine (Phoenicia) from Egypt was also traveled by the tribe of Dan and then Westwards. The Peloponnese were mentioned by Homer as the catalogue of ships which sailed for Troy, as was Helen whose face launched a Thousand ships when her husband Menelaus, brother of Agamemnon plotted to bring her back.

With the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in ad 70 and the banishing of King Herod to France (Herod from the tribe of Benjamin) the worship of Astarte (in various names) in France as the mother Goddess continued. The battle for Christianity as having originated in Rome or Jerusalem was also paralleled by the preservation of the Goddess battle. Astarte, Isis or Aphrodite or Venus. The Peloponnese Spartans also revered the Goddess and especially Aphrodite (Aphrodite was cousin to Menelaus, brother of Agamemnon, and daughter of Zeus) and Spartan woman were considered warriors and equal.

The Nazarenes and the family of Jesus as Judah also made for France after the persecutions and the destruction of the Temple in 70ad, but many also settled in Greece (including the tribe of Benjamin which had grown over a thousand years or so from the Shiloh disaster when they were reduced to a few hundred, producing King Saul and later the Herodian line of Kings who reigned in Jerusalem at the time of Christ) Messianic Judaism as Messianic Christianity or followers of Yeshua, is also a battle between Rome, Jerusalem and the worship of the Goddess, Rome was settled and built by survivors of the Trojan war. Romulus (Rome) and Remus  from Troy were suckled by a she wolf. The tribe of Benjamin's Israelite standard is a Wolf. (the bear symbol was not an original tribal insignia) A part of that battle was to claim that Yeshua/Jesus was married and had children. Much of this arises from the misunderstanding or corrupting of the marriage theology which is woven throughout the Old Testament and into the new, the marriage of Cana for example and the speculated marriage of Jesus to Mary Magdalene which produced children. It is little understood that the tribe of Benjamin who were allotted the area of Jerusalem (Jebus) were in fact replaced by the line of Judah, but which in the book of Ezra 4, 1 it is stated that the Levites, Judah and Benjamin were interwoven into the Kingdom of Judah and not the ten tribes of Israel ( 2 Chronicles, 11 1 -14) When the messiah comes Judah would be the messianic line, and Benjamin, if it failed to obey or follow the law would become a part of the lost or non messianic tribes of Israel. Ezra 4, 1, is dated at around 460 – 450 bc and is a remarkable prophecy which came true, in that by AD 70 when the Temple was destroyed the only tribes left were Judah, Benjamin and Simeon (the latter a small number) and the Levites. The lost tribes in all entirety remained (all 12) in small numbers (a remnant) but many of them had been taken into Asia (Babylon / Assyria) in 760 bc and they then disappeared.(where these tribes went to is a part of historical research) The connections to Sparta and Esther and the bible are considered further here

The Messiah could only arise from one tribe, and one tribe or all tribes could made many mistakes to show how an earthly marriage can falter, or an earthly king can falter whereas a spiritual king and marriage cannot. (the real meaning of the marriage of Cana is in part explained by Samson's wedding feast and the honey from the Lion etc, there are many such examples in the bible) The Messiah's marriage was/is a spiritual one.
The Nazarenes lived in Galilee near the place in which the Qumran scrolls were found. This area however had always been a place of refuge from persecution and it was known to the Levites for centuries. Mary Magdalene (of various persona's) was a queen from the Benjamin line in banishment in France through Roman decree, and not from the line of Jesse (David).This line which intermarried with the Sicambrian Franks (who have intermarried with other tribes including Judah since) and which also stems back to the Greek tribes who migrated from the Peloponnese region into Germany, Ireland Scotland and Britain.However, Benjamin is still a Royal tribe from Israel in its 12 tribe nations. (see above) "Godfrey of Bouillion to become the first King of Jerusalem in 1099. (not taking the title King in respect for Christ)"

It is apparent (as mentioned in preceding paragraphs) that tribal migration to China by Jewish tribes (Kaifeng Jews ) was possible as there are Jewish populations in China, this journey was possible just as it would have been in 1400 – 1000 bc for the lost tribes to travel to Asia. The connection to Ethiopia through Solomon and Sheba which led to the migration to Jamaica of Ethiopians is accepted history. As these travels are accepted but others less so should they also be discounted history?
Solomon also built many ships, which in 1 Kings 9,26-28, is described as a Navy, and which in 1 Kings, 10,22 is described as sailing to a colony of Hebrews in Tartessus or Tarshish  which is in southern Spain near Cadiz.The European tribes spread over the known world (Scandinavia, America and the East )

It is therefore perfectly possible that the fair or red haired Scythian tribes traveled from Asia to Britain, Scotland and Ireland. It is true that tribes do not travel in straight lines and often wander back and change course before settling in their ideal chosen location. India also records that the Vedas were composed by tribes which migrated from Asia, Assyria and Iran.(1500-1450 bce) Iran can be spelt Aryan. The lost tribes (the 10 northern Israeli tribes) migrated into Asia into the 'Aryana' in 780 bce approx, which was then populated by people who were not Persians ( Cyaxares, Medes etc) but 'Proto Ayran', i.e. who were Scythians from the Steppes (in Ukraine/Russia) 800/750 bce The protracted debate concerning the Ayrans is they had fair, red and brown hair, and brown, green and blue eyes, as did tribes of the Israelite's. (we have already mentioned an earlier banishment of an unknown number of the tribe of Benjamin to the Greek Peloponnese islands circa 1400 - 1300 bce). As stated India also records that the Vedas were composed by tribes which migrated from Asia and who were accompanied by Priests and Warriors around 1500 bc, and who migrated from the Ukrainian steppes. The 'lost tribes' migration into Asia (i.e. Flavius Josephus states that the ten tribes which were now located beyond the Euphrates. as in II Kings, 17,23) and therefore this area from which they then spread around the world was populated by people who were not Persian in origin.Although they and Scythian tribes later attacked Assyria in 605 bce, this was 180 years after the lost ten tribes went into Asia IN 780 bce. Hence the misunderstanding of the term Ayran. Tribes migrated out to Northern India and Abraham visited their regions, some (see the Vedas) also migrated back to Asia. Abraham and Sarah who fathered many tribes and nations were known in India (Abraham lived in 2100 bce) and the Vedas mention the migration into India by tribes from Asia in 1500 bce. Note the reference to 'spikenard' in the Song of Solomon (1:12; 4:13-14) and in the Gospels (Mark 14:3; John 12:3). This is an aromatic oil-producing plant from India. Abraham (circa 2100 bc) mentioned also in Genesis 13,14, is the father of many nations, Abraham = Bramha. Abraham was a Chaldean (home of the astrologer priests and a Sumerian civilization out of which Egypt grew) from UR and the trade route was established before he was born. Persians and Arabians are descended through Elam/Ismael. The Scythian's also traveled though Greece and Scandinavia. 

Migrating south from Iran over the Hindu Kush tribes poured into India in what is termed the Indo- Iranian / Indo Aryan (also the Medes of Media and Cyaxares tribes which also fought each other) split in 1500 bce, and this raises the possibility that many of the tribe of Benjamin (in the 26,000 or 25,100 who were put to death by the other Israelite tribes) may have survived (unless a full count of all 26,000 was actually taken) and migrated into Asia over the Euphrates and/or to the Greek Peloponnese islands or to north Africa and Spain, but also into India. This first wave in 1400-1500 bce went towards the black sea from Israel, the second into India. This is known as the 'Indo - Aryan hypothesis'. There are those who state that all tribes came from India ( including Tibet and Nepal) as the first tribes to populate the world. The Irish record's (the Leabhar Gabhala and others) state as also the Chinese records state, their tribes entered into lands which were unpopulated, and it is probable tribes migrated into India, into new unpopulated land. If not then a plausible explanation is required (i.e. it is suggested they arrived from the "air" as new tribes on this earth and they populated the earth first. Yet these migrations into this area were Aryan). Yet many tribes and multitudes did not follow routes which are conventionally associated with them. Chapter 4 on this page gives an account of the numerous underwater civilisations which are largely still unexplored. A full exploration would give us a clearer picture of migrating tribes. Fortunately the incredible master builders have left their trace showing a style emanating from a single source (see also chapter 4) with building techniques which align and match across Europe from the Middle East, into parts of Africa, and across the continents to the Americas. (Megalithic, Neolithic and pyramid designs of various era's) Obviously today we can see that Asians migrated into China, Africans into Africa and Europeans into Europe and so on, The Irish have a particular need to trace origins following the disastrous famines in the 1800's, but also because these losses are highlighted against the well documented and preserved ancient history. China also has a very well documented history. 'Isaac sons' or the Scythian s winding journeys are outlined two paragraphs forward.

The Israelites who journeyed into Spain, some of them may also have turned south west (from Asia) into North Africa (and across the Mediterranean sea into Spain) whilst many may turned further south and sought refuge in (as Rastafarianism testifies) Ethiopia or in Solomon's mines (Zimbabwe), Solomon lived circa 950 bce. Locating migrations into Macedonia and Greece gives a clearer picture of the tribes Alexander the great originated from. He started a line of Greek/Macedonian Pharaohs in Egypt which ended with Cleopatra (the Ptolemaic Kingdom, circa 323 bce - 50 bce). As Rome conquered both Judea/Israel and Egypt at this time we have a clearer picture of the people in the time of Christ and the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 ad. The Heroic defense of the Maccabees against Rome (the Maccabean - Hasmonean dynasty) concluded in 63bc, and the Herod line of Kings (which included Herod the Great, builder of the New Temple who was only part Jewish) took power in Jerusalem but as Roman appointed rulers, but new rebellions by Israel ended with the siege of Massada in 70ad. Rome itself was sacked by the Celts in 387bc and the Celtic/Gallic wars lasted from 50 BC to 50 AD, until the Roman Empire was either conquered and/or collapsed between 350 to 600 ad. Israel was re-born in 1948, and Jerusalem was back in Jewish hands in 1967. Israels war with Hamas (n.b. the 'Palestinian flag' is simply the Jordanian flag with the star removed, and like the country termed palestine it was/is a political convenience/deception which is now admitted b yShiekh Ahmad Adwan of Jordan) could expand Israels borders back to Israels full size.Today Israel (which is one small country surrounded by vast Arabian/Muslim lands) and Europe/USA (the Council of Europe and the EU) trade and sustain each other.(i.e. Euromed)

Spain chose to venerate the seven candlesticked Menorah flanked by two Olive trees (Judah and Israel) There is also an interesting graphic novel (and film) called 'The Fountain' which is based upon the Cabala (and possibly eternal life which raises the subject of the 'Messiah' who brings eternal life as Israel awaited) and it is set in Spain and South America.Phoenicia which was a series of small ports (Gaza today for example) had a much smaller population than Israel which numbered hundreds of thousands, but which also had a Navy which sailed from Gaza and 'Phoenicia' around the world especially to Norway (the Vikings or 6 Hebrew kings ) 
From Spain it is easy to reach Britain or Albion as it was known or also Scotland (all of Britain) and of course Scandinavia and Ireland. Jewish tribes would also have reached Germany and Holland or the Scandinavian lowlands. Holland had a large Jewish population which came from Spain and which eventually migrated to London.

The Scythians (Irish/Scots) were from Scythia. The Irish/Scots and British tribes are described in the Leabhar Gabhala (book of invasions) and the King lists.
Scythia is located north of, but also around the Black sea. This is close to Assyria (and Syria today) which is the location where many of the lost ten tribes went into captivity.
The Irish books (Irish king lists also here)  describe their journey to Ireland. 5 separate invasions from tribes who all understood each others language but which later split into P & Q Celtic variations of the language. Welsh is Goidelic and 'Q' Celtic (Ireland in early pre-history was the first land mass which appeared as the ice sheets melted eastward and north) These tribes also make up the populations of America and Canada.

1. Partholan and his ships. (Cesair in some lists arrived before Partholan)

2. The Nemedians.

3. The Formorians (who tried to repel Nemedians).

4. The remaining Nemedians divided into three groups. The first left Ireland and settled in Northern Europe around the Danube, German, Austrian area, and called themselves the Tuatha De Danaan, DAN as a name becomes exceedingly important to those who research the lost tribes of Israel, and /or theologians alike, the second went to the northern most parts of Briton, led by King Soderic, and Britoan-Moal (as the British chronicles states also).The 3rd group named themselves the Firbolgs and went to Greece they returned via Connaught and divided Ireland into 5 provinces. A returning colony of the Tuatha De Danaan eventually subdued the Firbolgs, who were famed for building rounded boats out of skins exactly like the conical made by the Connemara fishermen of western Ireland to this day.

5. Lastly came the Children of Milidh or the Milesians as they later came to be known, and it is still a word which can be used to denote things which are "Irish". They arrived from the Spanish peninsula, and fought against the Tuatha De Dannan and their Druids famed for their ability in the magic arts. Before this they came from the city of Miletus in Turkey and the ruins of that city can still be seen today. Before this they travelled from Scythia. Eber and Eremon begin most of the genealogies we hold today, Keating's history of Ireland shows the genealogy of Eremon from where the name E.I.R.E derives from. From them we can trace the current O'Connor Don who is a member of the Irish standing council of chiefs. Many other names such as MacCarthy, O'Brians, O'Donnell, O'Neill of the Red Hand fame, Egon etc. They regarded themselves as descended from Magog, as did the other settlers whose origins were also from Scythia. Magog incidentally is also a Biblical character mentioned in the Book of Genesis chap 10 V 2 (thought to have been written in 1440BC). 1 Chronicles 1 V 5, (written approx. 580BC), Ezekiel 38 verse 2 and 39 verse 6 (approx. 580BC) and finally Revelations 20 verse 8 from the Gospel of John (approx. 65AD). As a Son of Japheth (Genesis 10) he went northward from the area we know as the Middle East. Whatever the interest in Magog, it is astonishing that two supposed separate cultures have the same patriarchal name as an ancestor. It is also interesting there is a Gog / Magog hill in Cambridgeshire. They are also mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Colossians and they as countless nations (represented) must also have been present at Pentecost in the upper room or round about Jerusalem. The Apostles also journeyed along the Danube in the great commission.

The Scythians are described as fair haired, or less so as red or black haired, with fair skin and as being very mobile and easily able to scale and navigate through the Caucuses mountains and into the Black sea area. From Syria the fair Syrians (just as there are fair and blue eyed people in Afghanistan) as the ten tribes travelled around the black sea. (II Kings 17:23)The links above relating to the Irish King lists describes the five invasions of Ireland and the wanderings of the tribes as one by one they land in Ireland (as mentioned the first land to appear from the ice age which receded West to East and North) and then another criss crossing the route from the black sea west to Ireland. The Nemedians which landed in Ireland (and fathered the British tribes who went East into Scotland and Britain as Wales, split into 3 distinct tribes, one to Germany, Danube etc, one to Britain, and one became the Firbolgs (belly or womb people) who with the De Danaans built much of the megaliths and neoliths we see in Meath in Ireland and Avesbury and Stonehenge in Britain. Germany and Switzerland are also visited and some of them returned to Greece.

The Welsh and the Arthurian myths arise from the Nemedians although every tribe of the five had the tale and Ireland was settled first. Auther which is also astrological as Arcturus and the Chariot of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, the processional zodiac above the north pole. The French Benjamin tribe employed the Arcturus 'Bear' symbol also. Goldilocks and the three bears is simply a way to teach Children Ursa major, minor and Arcturus.(useful in sailing and migration) see also the book of Job 9:9 'Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south'.

Finally the Milesians which arrived through Spain and France (Galicia northern Spain) (Picardy France) Just as today many generations of Irish travel to America often they revisit locations where there relatives emigrated to in 1850 etc, so it was then with the Scythians, which you can find nearly an exact parallel with accepted histories and which shows the Leabhar Gabhala is a very reliable book.

The Scythians also made lovers of the Amazons who joined with them.They defeated Darius the Persian King, although some were made captive. They were beaten in battle by Alexander the Great, but he was so impressed with the difficult battle, he asked them to join with him.

A recent discovery of Scythian treasure dating to 600 – 700 ad has been made in London Note it is described as a 'Saxon' gold Hoard. In Germany there is a 'Saxon Sion' in the Alsace Lorraine area, and the people who built these German mounds are named as 'Scythe'. Scythian artefacts have also been found in Shetland and other areas of England and some are dated to BC and the Neolithic era (how did Scythian artefacts which resemble both Saxon and Celtic constructions / art get into England, unless the Book of Invasions or the Leabhar Gabhala are accurate) Some have said that Scythia as a word (from where we get Scot) derives from Scace or Sacea or Issac or the sons of Issac.

Flavius Josephus states that the ten tribes which were now located beyond the Euphrates. (Assyria as Asia)  This is where the bible said they were located, (II Kings, 17,23) and so the Scythians could also have come from this area. This is close to Assyria (and Syria today) which is the location where many of the lost ten tribes went into captivity.Note also that just as the tribe of Benjamin's Israelite symbol was the wolf, the tribe of Zevulon was a sailing ship for navigation (the navy, dating from 1200 bc when Joshua divided the tribes or see Genesis 49,13, that is a lot of ships over 3200 years)

It is also interesting that the Scythians were cited as the origin of the Scots by Robert the Bruce in the declaration of Arbroath in 1320 (second paragraph) they were descended from Fenius Farsaid who made a new language of Ogham (with new vowels and sounds derived from nature, e.g. wind in the trees, water and so on) he (rediscovered) Hebrew, and found Latin and Greek at Babel. This why there similarities with Hebrew of the Galls (Galilee) A Scythian philosopher and astronomer Thales of Miletus (founded by Mil of the Milesians) was considered the fist philosopher of Greece by Aristotle, and other Scythian philosopher Anacharsis advised Pharaoh in Egypt. Scythians made tatoos as did the Picts, and they wore tartan leggings forerunner of the Kilt.

It is impossible to trace every lost tribe or know every wandering but it is possible to know more than is being presented as history today.

Sparta and Greece, Macedonia and Alexander are not legends or myths but real. The Iliad and the Odyssey are real history and the tales, which use symbolism infused around real places and events. When the Greeks could not storm the gates of Tory, (Troy boasted they could not be breached, and Agamemnon who planned to unite all of Greece for decades may have devised a plan in his mind to forge a special battle plan, especially as Zeus had also wanted war. Perhaps Zeus 'inspired' Agamemnon) they (the Greeks) pretended to leave Troy, sailing away on the sea. Poseidon was the God of the sea (and brother to Zeus and Hades, the 3 Gods who divided up creation who believed the world was over populated and its population needed a war to reduce its vast numbers. Zeus invoked Momus and Themis to bring balance to the argument) Poseidon was also the God of many horses (waves as sea-horses manes) . The Greek horse (Trojan horse) was left on the Shore, like Aphrodite it appeared out of the sea. Paris who was abandoned as a child in fear of a prophecy that he would destroy the Kingdom of Troy, hence his death by abondonement would end that prophecy. He survived as he was suckled by a She-Bear, the Bear (Ursa Major, minor and Arcturus as mentioned) being a symbol revered by the tribe of Benjamin in France.(not in Israel as its tribal standard was a wolf) Cormac Mac Airt Irelands first Christian king was an orphan suckled by a Wolf.

Paris was once asked by Zeus to choose between Hera, Athena & Aphrodite. This was to settle an argument caused by Eris who threw a Golden Apple for the fairest into a feast. Hera, Athena & Aphrodite thought they were the fairest; hence Zeus made a test to decide, by asking Paris to choose amongst them. Each choice had a prise to offer him and Aphrodite's prise if she was chosen was Helen of Troy, who was married still to Menelaus King of Sparta brother to King Agamemnon of Greece. Aphrodite was the cousin of Menelaus, and daughter to Zeus (who as mentioned wanted a war but also balance to the outcome) Aphrodite had neglected to tell Paris, Menelaus was still married to Helen. Paris stole Helen away or she left willingly with him, (2 versions) either way it sparked the Trojan War, as related in the Iliad and the Odyssey.

This suited King Agamemnon who wanted Troy to control not only Greece but wider trading routes, which led into Assyria and into the location where the lost ten tribes were located. As mentioned, Flavius Josephus (to repeat) states that the ten tribes which were now located beyond the Euphrates. (Assyria as Asia)  This is close to Assyria (and Syria today) which is the location where many of the lost ten tribes went into captivity.

Menelaus the Spartan king had many lovers beside his wife Helen and it is possible he and Agamemnon contrived the meeting of Paris and Helen with Helen's knowledge, especially as Aphrodite was the Goddess of the Spartans and his cousin,(and Aphrodite offered Helen as her prise) and it was foretold that Paris would destroy Troy. Achilles and Odysseus and a small party of the Greek army had entered Troy in the horse gift and the Greek army returned waiting for them to open the gates. Aphrodite was most revered by the Spartans when she appeared in full battle dress.

Aphrodite born from the sea, with its many sea horses or waves which were ascribed to Poseidon the Greek God of the sea. Helen was the Trojan horse which Aphrodite chose to bring down Troy. 

Achilles had also had an affair with the high priestess of Troy who tendered the Temple in Troy. She was named Briseis with fair hair and blue eyes. Achilles had defiled the Temple of Apollo and after Agamemnon had taken Briseis for his own, he (Agamemnon) related that on second thoughts Apollo had persuaded him to return Briseis to Achilles. The story of Helen and Paris is served by Achilles who in the Temple fought for the heart of Troy and Greece,(hence he is considered the greatest warrior) but he was killed by Paris as he was thinking of her,(Briseis) when Paris fired an arrow into Achilles heel. (as mentioned Ambrosia is the food of the Gods, and Achilles was fed on it as a child and it derives from alchemy, or transmutation or the art of transmutation which in Arabic is 'Al Kimia'. Achilles first stage of his complete transformation occurred when he was bathed in the river Styx and received immortality, before he was fed ambrosia by his mother. The river Styx between earth and the underworld was almost in Hades.(Hades was the brother to Zeus in the underworld) it was the actual 'primordial swamp', only Achilles heel held by Thetis (the Goddess of Water) did not fully enter Hades river Styx. Hence he felt all mortal grief and pain in an instant. He died and was cremated in Troy but had won a battle which only the 'gods' were supposed to win. Paris and Helen in some versions tried for a perfect love in which the 'gods' or politicians,kings and queens could not interfere. Helen in some versions returns to Sparta after Paris is killed in Troy. (Other versions suggest they both escaped). Zeus could only bring balance through mortal hearts of which Achilles was the personification, and a further reason he was considered the greatest warrior.

The Spartans entered Troy and Spartan Helen was the 'Trojan horse', with Achilles defeating the Trojan Temple, but ultimately not defeating the gods (Apollo, the Sun and Hades). The final aspect of the story is Odysseus (Ulysses) long journey home to his family, which was thwarted or assisted by the various Gods. Greece was enlarged but at a great cost.

This great war occurred somewhere between 1300 bc and 1180 bc, the tribe of Benjamin before this period in 1380/1450bc bc committed heresy to Astarte involving rape and murder. (Judges 19 & 20) and some were banished and many were killed as mentioned at the beginning of this essay. (others date  Troy to 1180 bc etc) In 1375 bc Jerusalem was temporarily captured by the Israelites. Samson pursues the Philistines in 1075 bc, the Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant in 1070bc, Saul the Benjamite king became king in 1043 BC, David is anointed King in 1024bc.
The Exodus from Egypt occurs in 1446 bc, Moses dies in 1406 bc and Joshua becomes Israel's leader, and Israel enters Canaan. The ancient Greeks conduct a war against the city of Troy in order to gain control of the Dardanelles, the water passage between the Mediterranean and Black seas, which opened up new possibilities and routes of trade expanding Greece into which the Scythians and others could pour ( as mentioned again Flavius Josephus states that the ten tribes which were now located beyond the Euphrates. (Assyria as Asia) 

Paris incidentally was also related to Jason who sailed looking for the Golden Fleece, in an earlier epic (around 1480/1350 bc), the Fleece was from a Golden Ram (in the age of Aries, which began some say in 2000 bc or even 1780 bc, following the age of Taurus the bull which the Egyptians worshipped, its horns representing the support of the moon or Isis, we are currently in the age of Pisces. Real events and people accompany the 'myth', the myth does not replace or analogies the event ) The Trojan War  marked the escalating conflicts between the East and the Greek West that eventually led to the Persian invasions of Greece, and the Greek invasion of Persia by Alexander, 950 years before Islam which in 700 ad was essentially only worshiped at Mecca. Mecca was, or is a previous pagan site to the moon God.(crescent and star) The Kabbha stone (rock) in Mecca (which is a alchemists laboratory inside) was originally surrounded by 360 pagan divinities to al -ilah and sin. Sin was the moon god of UR, out of which Abraham was born (first name Abram then changed to Abram+Am as in 'I am'as a new Gd) The worship of the moon god followed into Mecca. The Kurdish tribes do not follow the 'ilah' line.

The battle of Issus  (as mentioned) which Alexander ( see also this excellent documentary on Alexander the Great.) won opened up the way to Israel down the coast to Egypt, and loosed the Persian grip on the middle east, after the second temple period, which preceded the new Israel and the Herodian line and new Temple in Jerusalem and Jesus Yeshua and Pentecost. The worship of the Goddess and other acts however at Shiloh brought the following problem 'Cursed be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin' ( Judges 21, 15-18), Greeks descended from Benjamin would also have known this problem and the problem of inheritance in certain tribal positions of power, it may also have lay in the centre (for some) of the Greek / Trojan war and Achilles war. It is a Greek tale but since the history of Europe stems from these tribes, and the USA, Scandinavia and Canada and wider (New Zealand & Australia) it is a tale for the world. Greece and Macedonia have disputes but the Balkans have seen Ukraine's historic fight, as has Greece and Cyprus.

Today Greece is caught between two points of conflict 1. Unpayable debt. 2. Maintaining its position in Western society. The battle of Thermopylae ( Ὦ ξεῖν', ἀγγέλλειν Λακεδαιμονίοις ὅτι τῇδε κείμεθα, τοῖς κείνων  & Μολών λαβέ ) in 480 b.c.e which was preceded by victory at Marathon years before, and which also again comprised an invading force into Greece, but It was also marked by internal financial treachery within. This internal treachery comprised of weakening nationalist aspirations and therefore a countries defence. Government members were bribed by Persia to denounce the Spartans, and create internal economic conditions which led to disaster. Victory at this battle led to victory at Plataea & Mykale and to the establishment of the Delian league. Ezra (from the biblical book of Ezra) in the capital of Jerusalem between two worlds of east and west amidst this conflict was sent by Artaxerxes from Babylon to Judah in 585 b.c.e. Whilst Persia viewed Jerusalem as a fort or satrap between it and Egypt and the West. Ezra restabilised Jerusalem appointing Judges and the rule of law. (Ezra descended through Aaron who was appointed by Moses as first high priest of Israel. Approx 1500 people resettled Jerusalem)

While the world was in war heading towards a Great War in the Trojan War, a tribe of Hebrews from Egypt was making its way to Jerusalem.

The Trojan Greek war dated between 1260 and 1180 bc preceded a time of uncertainty and decline in Egypt. This lack of confidence in Egypt was speculated to have began after the Exodus of the Hebrews (again see  'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Egypt's and Israels history from the public ) Around 1200 bc and lasting for 200 hundred years (ending just as the Davidic Kingdom of Israel was beginning under King David until 720 and 580 bc) was the incredible confederation of 9 peoples known as the 'sea peoples invasions' which is speculated to have arisen when Egypt's large armies realized they could rebel, leave and take over the Mediterranean themselves (like Spartacus under Rome many centuries later) See the documentary on you tube 'Best Documentary 2016 The Most Mysterious History Events On Earth Ever'  on  you tube which narrates the secret Aegean history which will help to enjoy the film 300  ( The Battle of Thermopylae 490 bc) and also  300 the rise of an Empire. (see also the you tube documentary  '1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)'  and the sea peoples as Danaans or Tuatha de Danaans which tie into the Irish annals and also the separate Philistines and the separate Phoenicians in a confederation and the tribe of Dan from the 12 tribes of Israel) From the decline of Egypt (who survived the sea people but declined over the next few hundred years) and the rise of the sea peoples (who were joined by sea people from the west also) came the Greek and Roman empires.

Tracing the tribes is complex and as stated a motivation for some is the identity of the tribes of Esau/Edomites and one tribe which people have tried to identify with the Tribe of Dan who are disinherited (see chapter's above). The research and debate combines this disinheritance with the disappearance of the tribes of Dan and Ephraim who also seem to be disinherited and replaced by Joseph and Levi in the tribal lists. The tribe of Levi were not allotted land as they were to exclusively Priests. The Golden Dawn have a separate schematic on the tribes, and other research speculates Dan and Ephraim as individual descendants may inherit under the new covenant This mysterious aspect of the Tribe of Dan is of course sometimes misinterpreted. Egyptian and Hebrew theology have differing views on this and the research for the tribes also includes all of these points. The tribe of Dan's original lands were west of Jerusalem next to the philistines who resided on the coast.

The Danites (Samson was a Danite) next moved north to Lachish (from the west to the north of Israel near Mount Hermon) and then disappeared into Phoenicia and the West (Europe, and north Europe/Scandanavia). Joseph, David and Solomon conquered Egypt and also became Pharaohs, who later intermarried with Athenian Greeks who also became the Greek Pharaonic line of Pharaohs (Cleopatra was Greek).'Israel' (the northern ten tribes) dispersed and the Tribe of Dan also warred with the Edomites (Esau) and Philistines before going on their long journey mastering sea faring, (long ships) their symbol changed from serpent to Eagle (Vikings = 6 as VI in Roman numerals = 6 Hebrew Pharaohs). Israel includes Judah which will rule all the '12 tribe nation Israel' not the 10 tribe nation alone (Jerusalem joins the ten northern tribes) when all tribal symbols and banners unite as Israel under Yahweh. Theologians follow other lines to ascertain the Golan heights final battle of many nations in Revelations 16,16, (a separate joining) and concerning Mount Carmel ( I kings 18, 19-40 & Amos 1,2 & Joel) where the Templar's located one of their castles. They discovered people there who claim descent from the Essenes. The Dead sea scrolls were completed in Jerusalem (some believe by the Essenes although many groups sheltered with them) and then taken to remote places during persecution (70 ad and to 140 ad and later), as the tribe of Levi have always remained in Jerusalem and they are the authors. Not Gospels (although many are still held unpublished in secret) which are eye witness accounts but later stories, they differ from the recent discovery (and thousands of similar untranslated documents) by Historian Ignazio Perrucci which are dating from AD 31 (accounts and writings of Marcus Velleius Paterculus a Roman legion officer and others)

Phoenicia included Gaza, parts of Lebanon and Tunisia. The tribes (Reuben, Judah, Dan, Ephraim/Joseph) settled as mentioned in Scandinavia but Ireland was settled first earlier in history as the ancient neolithic and megalithic constructions display. These four tribes and Joseph/Ephraim became a 13th tribe with Manasseh and who were camped around the Tabernacle in the desert, (Judah on the East, Dan the North, Reuben South, Ephraim and Benjamin West) and who feature in the iconography of the BOOK OF KELLS and the writings of the Golden Dawn. The Tribe of Dan became the Tuatha De Danaan (who first landed in Ireland, then Scandinavia and Danmark, so the vikings were Danites with some from the tribes of Reuben) The Phoenicians comprised Dan, Simeon (many of this tribe remained in Israel with Judah and Benjamin and Levi) and Gad. The Milesians or the Sons of Mil  (again see page 171 also numbered page 29 in the PDF, were incorporated from Dan and Gad and Simeon and the line of Eremon (or Heremon) and Heber arises through them.They arrived from Gaul (Galicia) and Spain but before this from Scythia.


Calendars, Chronologies and dating methods. See also chapter 4 below

As mentioned above in Chapter 1 and 2 the video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Egypt's and Israels history from the public. It is interesting that the documentary maker began by trying to prove the Exodus has no proof (for example)  This video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Israels history from the public, and from the Exodus to Herod's 2nd Temple. Egypt's 'middle Kingdom' 2000 bc also known as the 'middle bronze age' documents the exodus and all events. Yet because they cannot find this archaeologically in the earlier 'later bronze age' also known as Egypt's 'new kingdom' 1400 bc to 1000 bc it is claimed there is no evidence ? (dating methods are also questionable) all of Israels history is known and documented and is kept away from the public mind. The only remaining question is this mistake / deception, deliberate or accidental (questioning dating methods which have proven unreliable and in error is considered blasphemous, but which have dated living material as 20,000 years old by mistake see chapter 2 and chapter 4 above) Egyptian chronology places Ramesses (or Ramses) in the wrong era of Egyptian history around 1250 bc - 1400bc, when it is obvious (using the traditional dating methods at least) he lived 400 - 800 years or so earlier in 1600 bc to 2000bc . Archaeology actually proves the Exodus and the bible, but the chronology is out of sync and either Ramesses date moves back or historical evidence moves fwd to earlier dates. Questioning the dating methods is the solution and is the cause of the problem. After this date the chronology aligns from 950 bc to date. Since every nations chronology is aligned to the Egyptian chronology they are also incorrect consequently. Moses defeated a Pharaoh thought to be Ramesses. (This is repeated below in other chapters) Dating methods are examined in the next paragraph.

More information connected to the theological background is contained in the next chapter. Chronologies of the Sumerian / Egyptian pharaohs is protracted and disputed.Chronologies of the Scythian's and their origins as any early tribal migration is also therefore also disputed. Disputes arising from dates and eras and their correct interpretation of dating methods give rise to the following main problems. 1) Radioactive radiometric carbon 14 dating methods assume carbon breaks down and emits consistently over a fixed time eternally when it can only last a few thousand years and then it is less accurate the older it gets. Disasters and Volcanoes also alter the traces of carbon, the ratio of carbon 14C / 12C in the atmosphere is higher after a volcano and varies from country to country, it can measure also only matter that was once organic. Other rock dating methods also have problems. As the Egyptian Pharaoh chronologies and dates are disputed these errors add to the confusion (e.g. newly developed Fresh water  Clams dated as 1600 years old, but actually only a few months old, some new clams were dated to be 20,000 years old ? and it is admitted that limestone in the water which produces excess carbon, gives an artificial date. This error could also be applied to other element conditions and excess carbon pollutants in the (all or any) samples. Tree ring samples extend back to 9,000/10,000 Bc only, although the oldest living tree is 4800 years old.              2) At some point in earths history (some suggest) the arctic (north pole) and antarctic (south pole) ices caps grew over a vast area either suddenly or slowly (this is disputed but explorations have revealed ancient cities and millions of animals ( as one example 200,000 or 39,000 years ago ? but which also co-existed with Humans 4000 - 6000 years ago ?) and vast swamp organic material at the poles under the ice at both poles). The Earths tilt Known as Axial tilt, it is also theorised by NASA (as a possibility) that it may have been caused in recent history.  For those who are simply interested in correlating the dating of the pre-Sumerian peoples and Sumerian Pharaohs who became the Egyptian Pharaohs, and whose date lists do not match or sync to Pyramid dates or some historical accounts. The great pyramid at Giza was covered with highly polished white Limestone cladding (Tura stones which dazzled for hundreds of miles). The cladding fell from their supports and have been reused in other contemporary constructions. The cause of the cladding's problems was (some say) an earthquake, but other pyramids and the sphinx show signs of tidal salt erosion as if they were ravaged under the sea. Other pyramids and buildings/cities have been discovered in every sea in the world, and they were not built under the sea. Therefore the question arises; were the pyramids built prior to the disaster which effected the whole earth. It is a maze and every method and dating chronology has problems. (see also chapter 4 below) Dating from simulated atsro-theological reconstruction is incredible and accurate but has problems also.

Dating methods in the Mount St Helen's disaster for instance threw up many puzzling results. Rocks were formed from the cooled lava and they were later examined and dated by radiometric dating as opposed to relative dating. The rate of decay of radioactive isotopes, such as uranium, potassium, rubidium and carbon-14 within that object measured begins straight away after solidifying. The Mount St Helens, rocks were measured by scientists, who did not know their origin. When they published the results of the newly formed rocks they all dated them as millions of years old. Crusts and layers of earth formed quickly in the eruption and objects which had fallen into them (the new soft multiple layers) were buried up to 12 feet or more into the layers vertically. This should have implied a certain date or period, but in fact it was also only a few days old. Similar finds including many trees in existing rock strata revealed trees which had hardened into rock vertically (as petrified wood similar to bog oak) into the new rock strata but many feet down (these multiple layers were horizontal and the trees vertical) but the tree rings were evident still. The young rocks dated incorrectly from Mount St Helen's are still available for measurement and dating today. (see also 2 views Achilles heel film) (& Darwin's Evolution) Disasters or wear around ancient archaeological sites are the cause of many problems for accurate dating. It is suggested that the biblical time - frame and the Egyptian time frame are out of sync, whilst many suggest they are in perfect synchronicity. Aside from natural dilapidation's the pyramids shows signs of sudden damage up to their heights, whilst changes in the earths tilt or rotation (explained as a theory in the next para) and may also have occurred as a result of a disaster. A third view shows the Orion constellation as exactly matching the pyramids at Giza occurring in 10,000 bc (the age of Leo see next paragraph) However if the earth was not at a 23 degree axis tilt some suggest (i.e. before the disaster theory occurred) the Orion constellation could have matched at a earlier date (3000 - 1900 bc approx). All theories should be examined and considered.

Many speculate this occurred suddenly in a natural earth wide disaster,(sea-currents changed, dark skies blotted out the sun and heavy rains and floods swept all before either north or south accumulating at the poles) which caused rapid cooling and a build up up of organic material and earth and rock at the poles causing freezing and the huge ice caps. This is turn caused the earth to tilt out of orbit adding to the catastrophe. In the Osiris video (also below in the next para) at 7 mins and 20 seconds you can see the eccentric earth wobble as it rotates.(watch also from 6 mins to 9 mins or all the video)  If the earth has always rotated in this way then the Egyptian periods alignment to Orion dates to 10,500 bc and consequently the pyramids are as old as this. If the earth rotated in a expected normalised manner previous to an upheaval in which Orion and the constellations procession would still feature then these alignments would date earlier. (in the early epoch many astrologer priests who rediscovered ancient sites or built new ones may have had to adjust to this new problem of earth rotation from the ground plans) This is a part of the exploration of dating neolithic and megalithic structures.(for some)

From out of the Sumerian tribes,(Manu and the Sumerians) came the Egyptian Pharaohs, from Egypt and before  Egypt and Sumeria, Hebrew as a language developed. Many Jewish patriarchs were also Egyptian pharaohs as they had conquered Egypt as Kings of Jerusalem and Israel and the builders of advanced technology.  See the following brief guide to the lost technology, which is not about moving large stones alone. (E.G.  The Great Pyramid is located at the centre of the land mass of the earth. The granite coffer in the "King's Chamber" is too big to fit through the passages and so it must have been put in place during construction ? The coffer was made out of a block of solid granite. This would have required bronze saws 8-9 ft. long set with teeth of sapphires. Hollowing out of the interior would require tubular drills of the same material applied with a tremendous vertical force. Microscopic analysis of the coffer reveals that it was made with a fixed point drill that used hard jewel bits and a drilling force of 2 tons ?) Clearly knowledge of ancient geomantic's and of space and the earth was present in this build at this time when this technology should not have existed ?. The Egyptian United Nile (the white southern 'upper Nile' with the lower Red northern Nile, which floods at the heliacal rising of the Star Sirius, another function of the pyramids was to monitor this flooding) river was a man made Canal uniting the fertile crescent, a work of tremendous engineering, overseen by the Thoth inspired City of ON as mentioned in the bible (Genesis 41, & Genesis 41, 45) Also known as the City of Annu or Aten (Greek City of the Sun) Pre-Christian Europe worshipped the Sun, and /or the unknown power behind the Sun. Two versions of Christianity arose,one Egyptian (Osiris) the other Hebrew and Greek (or jump to part 3  or see a parallel view of   Mary Magdalene / ISIS)    Judaism or  Jewish Christianity   which exited with the Hebrews from Egypt to Israel  (all views are given and also technology as revealed in the bible, the pyramids were known as Enoch s pillar) The Temple evolved over time, a new direction slowly developed, the symbols and the Pyramid capstone moving to a new higher form, literally from Egypt to Jerusalem/Israel beginning with the Exodus.

Ulster then comprised of the O'Neill, the 'Dál Fiatach'  the Dal Riada, the Dál n-Araidhe, the Uí Eathach Cobha, the Conaille Muirtheimhne, the Leth Cathail and Cruithne.  'Irish' as a word is an English word derived from a person named Eremon and Eber (Heber) which became the Milesian line (again see page 171 also numbered page 29 in the pdf also known as the sons of Mil, Eremon = Éireann ) British = Briaton Maol a person. Both would have spoken a form of Celtic (either P or Q Celtic) and Braiton Maol would have spoken 'Welsh' and Welsh would have been spoken down as far as modern day Kent in the south of England. People who would have conversed with the Picts and Bretons (Picardy is named after them) and travelled into Germany and Spain and many countries in Europe. Ireland was settled first as the oldest megaliths in the western isles testify. They then migrated into Scotland and southwards, and into Scandinavia and down back into Europe as the ice sheets melted northward. (see the bottom of this chapter and Saxon Sion) and it is possible to travel from Brittany and France along rivers into the Danube and into the Black sea and then over the Caucasus mountains into Israel. Without understanding this the tribes cannot be followed. You can follow the Tumulus and burial mounds all the way to Israel. Within all of these tribes in Ireland and elsewhere the line of Jesse of Judah exists. The PDF above to the left of the screen is to map the similarities between the Scythians and the Irish/Scots art and history, which are a central part to this debate

For further reading on the Scythians read; Rolle Renate 1989 'The World of the Scythians' Universityof California Press,  or Piotrovsky Boris 1987 ScythianArt Aurora Art publishers,  or   Rice Tamara, T 1957 The Scythians (Ancient Peoples and Places) Pub by Frederick A. Praege  or  The 'Chronicles Of Eri' by Roger OConnor,  or  Caspar Meyer, 'Greco-Scythian Art and the Birth of Eurasia'

For further information also see the following 5 films 1. Where is the Tribe of Dan Today? (Tuatha de Danann) Britain, Ireland,Scotland, Scandinavia, Greece,  2 . Books of Ireland describe the Tribe of Dan settling in the West (The Leabhar Gabhala part 5) 3. The Greek, Danish and Celts as Danites & The Biblical Tribe Of Dan are the same 4. Scythians Scots,Cimmerians, Phoenicians, Isaacsons 10 lost tribes, Tribe of Dan = Tuatha Dé Danann  5. Tel Dan Location, Israel: Fall of Northern 10 Tribes of Israel,Jeroboam Golden Calf Altar



Ireland the land of the Pharaohs written in 2005 by Andrew Power, along similar lines to the pdf at 1 above, but which also hints at rebirth, and it relates at length the non-existent battle between William of Orange and King Charles, and the real use and purpose of the ancient megaliths and stone structures. These structures with inbuilt sacred geometry, astro-archaeology and impossible construction techniques (worldwide) are seldom described accurately by the scientific community or historians.

Michael Tsarion stated and in his books 'Irish Origins of Civilisations Vol 1 and Vol 2" (and on his view of Ulster) a view which proposes that the three main branches of freemasonry, the 33rd degree Scottish rite, the 10 degree York rite and its 3 apprentice degrees and the Orange Orders 3 degrees are linked to form one interlocking directorate.  This information was known and published in the mid 1980's and has been employed by some writers to misinform. Since 1700 and into 1820/5 and the internal controversies Freemasonry had, the world is looking to a freer, more economic democratic society. The distinction which is not made by Michael Tsarions article for Irishmen and Woman was made by Arthur Griffith of Sinn Fein who opposed those who searched for ancient artefacts by destruction in Ireland's fifth province of West Meath/Meath (Tara). This ethic applies to all aspects of Irish society. It is a feature of all in every country. Catholicism and Protestantism have sought the location of the Ark of the Covenant, its purpose central to their beliefs, and to preserve its true value

(Indymedia article "Tara & the British Israelites"

& Mairead Carew

Combining these four items pdf's and links, the real status of Ireland is perceived. An ancient reverence for the 32 counties or four (or five) provinces of the Island has been written out of history, it was ( and still is ) considered a sacred island with a special destiny, which is also shared by those in Ulster who view Ulster's special destiny (as did the covenanters) as yet to appear or manifest. This view divided within itself has hidden that shared history, which is regrettable and tragic.

The new book by Anthony Murphy "Newgrange Monument to Immortality", following the book "Island of the setting Sun" by Anthony Murphy and Richard Moore. Newgrange and its associated heroes and deities are also names known to transpose from Irish "Q" Celtic into "P" Celtic as names familiar with ancient megalithic and Neolithic sites in Britain. Newgrange is older than sites in Britain to the East, (although the west of Ireland has older less elaborate constructions but which are also astronomically aligned) Newgrange being the source of Britain's sites. Tara was also called the New Jerusalem at a date after Newgrange (the house of Aeongus). 

By clicking on the pictures you can discover where to buy them. The unequivocal research by Moore and Murphy show the vast ancient complex which was centred on Tara in Meath Ireland. Tara was the cultural and spiritual capital of Europe and a finishing school for Druids and Christians (see Celt, druid and Culdee in the collection in Chapter 1) The links within the pictures also relate the mystery of Irelands missing (stolen some suggest) Stone Henge in County Louth. Larger and as complex as Stonehenge in Britain its large stones were removed but there imprints are visible from the air. Were they taken to complete Stonehenge? Many ancient celtic names of megaliths in Britain, Scotland and Wales are derived from Gaelige (Gaelic known as P and Q celtic) and Ireland. This supports the fact that the first visible landmass was Ireland and its West Coast and then the populations moved Eastward and into Britain and Scotland and Scandinavia where they met up with others moving west from the middle east. The Anglo – Saxons who came to Britain are derived from Isaacsons or the sons of Isaac (son of Abraham and father of Jacob and Esau)  (anglesaxons). The prophet Jeremiah came to Ireland 1000 years before the saxon invasions of Britain, and is buried at Lough Crew in West Meath Ireland. Tara was once mooted as focus for a United Ireland as the New Jerusalem


Why was Tara considered as the New Jerusalem?  (please see my book above and the Chapter on the Ark of the Covenant)

Tara as mentioned as located within a much larger and very sophisticated ancient Neolithic & Megalithic Complex. The Three books above by Murphy and Moore show just how advanced and sophisticated it is. Its land is full of Sacred Geometry as a Solar area.

For an immediate insight view the first two images below which are taken from  'Twelve Tribe Nations' by John Michell and Christine Rhone. (Click on the Images to enlarge)

Ireland was initially divided into two regions North and South with a line virtually splitting the country into two halves. The Northern half was known as Leth Cuinn after Conn of the Connachta /Ui Neill, whilst the Southern half was known as Moga Nuadat (the slave of Nuada, although this title changed in time) also known as Eogan. This arrangement may follow the Ancient battle between the Giodels (Milesians) who travelled from Israel and the Tuatha De Danaan who in a dispute and settlement, arranged that the Goidel would take all above ground and the De Danaan could keep all below ground. The De Danaan then constructed their homes under peat and grass domes or mounds to get around this prohibition. The line of this division ran from Dublin to Galway. Some suggest this early division of Ireland reflected the division of Egypt (upper Egypt in the south, and lower Egypt in the north) or the division of Israel, with its Northern 10 tribes, and Judah and the Levites in the South, which would become the United Israel.(12 tribe nation) The Exodus marking the passing of Egypt into Canaan which became Israel. 

With the five invasions of Ireland the land (see the Leabhar Gabhla or Book of Invasions ) was divided into Provinces (fives). The Middle province became An Mhide or Midhe (the middle) which is now represented by Meath and Westmeath. However some suggest that the southern province of Munster was divided into two half provinces (1st diagram top image). Both of these images provide reconstructions to reconcile this problem.

The exact centre of Ireland was determined at Uisneach and this has proven an accurate determination even by modern Geomantic Surveying. This area was and is considered as part of the Middle (Meath) and Tara was the ceremonial centre of Ireland, the seat of the High King/Chieftain. It is forty miles east of Uisneach, and Saint Fintan who later surveyed the Island named Tara and Uisneach as the two Kidneys of the overall body. This was known as Mediolanum of the Gauls and in AD 130 it was placed under direct administration of the High King to bring balance to all other four provinces. Each province held 3 tribes, and each had a High King and two attendants. They took there seats North, East, West and South with each King representing each province to its compass point, yet each province had twelve lesser Chieftains.

The second image displays the spiritual  territory of Meath, the circle or Zodiac divisions which took in sections from all other provinces, and eventually with the Ard Ri taking control, they made sure Meath  also did not become land locked as it extended down to Drogheda. Drogheda was also the entrance of the Sun which rolled down the Boyne (figuratively) and at the origin of the river into the ground on the Kildare/Offaly border (where the Boyne rises Kildare Town) Many numerous Megaliths including Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth are situated along the river. The land and heaven were united as the male and female as the Goddess (Ban Ri) and the Solar King in a sacred marriage, this occurred at Tara. Tara is not considered a Summer Solstice festival and the gathering of the Chieftains occurred at Samhain in Novemeber, yet the Sun also rises along the banqueting hall at the Summer solstice.

Knowths accuracy and star and planet geometry and its sacred geometry is especially interesting as the calculation of 19 metonic years of 235 sidereal lunar months at Knowth in Ireland is rare. A 12 month calendar is supposed to comprise 12 thirty day months but of course it does not. To reconcile the sun and the moon in equal rotation took 19 years and makes 235 syndonic lunar months, or 254 tropical lunar months.

A Sidereal month is 27.322 days in length. (a 13 moon year) Michell (2006) shows the ratio of Earth radius to moon radius = 3:11 (Radius of Earth = 3,960 miles = 11 x 360, Radius of Moon = 1,080 miles = 3 x 360)  11/3 = 27.3 days. (earth diameter 7290 miles, moons diameter 2160, 3.3 scaled down)  The Ellipticity of the moon to the earth in area is 0.36 ratio or 1/3 (forming an ellipse from a compressed circle. Isaac Newton formulated proof of gravity as a force on a body in space, this is the orphic egg the Druids commented that the shape of the universe was an Egg Shape, Irelands shape in the second green image above is considered as such)

Compared to Syndonic lunar months of 29.531 days, 360 days a year or 365 requires a disharmony in lunar months. By either calculation, a 13 month year instead of 12 occurs (although number 13 could be no 1 again in the year following). The ratio of Phi is first derived from the square root of 5. 5 divides into 360 and 365 as 72 and 73 respectively, making a ratio of 72/73. Venus takes 584 days to travel around the sun. The ratio to balance the days for Venus is 8 earth years = 5 Venus Syndonic years or 2920 days. Therefore in calculating how many days it takes the earth to travel 1/5th of its journey around the Sun, divide a Venus (6/5 Golden mean) year 584 days by 8 = 73 days.

This ancient problem is harmonised by the 254 lunar months which also echoes the pregnancy period of thirty-eight weeks (266 days) or forty weeks (280 days) of a baby is in the womb. The menstrual period can altar the time of calculation by 14 days + or -Stones at Knowth in County Meath in Ireland in places show 11 crescent moons which if added to 254 also arrive at 266 days. However some babies are early and some are late as we know.

The stones by adding the 11 markings can also calculate days in a year, as 29.53 days in a lunar month = 254.37 days + 11 crescent moons = 365 days. There are 360 degrees in a circle and 5 degrees every 72nd division, or every 3 days. (72/3 = 24). Therefore a Sidereal month and a Syndonic month can be harmonised every 19 years.  Knowth in County Meath in Ireland, was built around 3300 Bc, 1300 years before Abraham, and yet it is incredibly sophisticated. This date is disputed and the site has earlier sites built over down to 1200 bc and 500 bc (approx).

If you are not familiar with sacred geometry please see the following shortened clips by Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight

1. Egypt  

2. Jerusalem


Tara or Teamhair the burial place of 'Tea Tephi' the great granddaughter of the prophet Jeremiah, father of Zedikiah the King of the tribe of Judah (2Kings, 24;18, see also Jeremiah 1;10, & 15, 11- 14 & 41,10). Hence it was also considered the 'New Jerusalem'

As mentioned the 12 high chieftains sat North, East, West and South around the banqueting hall and Temple situated at the top of the Banqueting hall earthworks or walkway (see Tech Midchuarta) which when walked brings you up to the Ancient Temple (Raith Na Senad) situated near the current church. (click to the image to enlarge)


Walking up the banqueting hall to the hill.

At the time of Cormac mac Airt (circa AD 170 – 200 AD ) the Ancient stones (Bloc and Bluicne see Flinders Petrie in the pdf below page 6 ) at the top of the banqueting hall were insitu at the top of the long barrow hall. They currently reside in the church grounds upon a underground water ley line connecting Tara to (An Forradh & Tech Cormac) at a line running North West through the graveyard and car park and road and into an ancient well across the road. This is in turn marks a global line to the Rath of the Druids (Rath Lugh) north of Tara (the five roads and the hidden Gold road) and one of its Seven forts surrounding its immediate limits. The Rath of the Druids or Rath Lugh is also near the village and church of Skyrne which connects to it via an Ancient fort wall (visible from the air)

The next pdf in the two circles picture below comprises much of the survey by Flinders Petrie and map of 1837 (page 6) which shows where the stones were situated (Bloc and Bluicne). Beyond this led to the Mound of the Hostages or Duma na nGiall (older than the Pyramids) which can be understood to lie between a Vesica Piscis when viewed from the Air please see the video Anam Tara Tara: Voices from Our Past - a recent discovery   (at 2 minutes 10 seconds forwards and see here also on Bitchute again

This Duma in the centre is also lit by the Sun on November (Samhain) each year in the morning, and by the Sun on February (Bridget's day) the cross quarter days and by the Moon every 19 years (the Metonic cycle) To see all of these in one year you would have to live or camp near by.

Please open the pdf by the Thumbnail below.(the thumbnail of two circles shows An Foradh the first or earliest circle, and the newer circle built by Cormac Mac Airt who was the first Christian High Chieftain of Ireland. (An Foradh appears in the Duma and its map Orthostat at 1 minute 15 seconds in the Anam Tara video)

The PDF at page 5 (bottom image top right hand corner the sloping trenches) and also the bottom image on page 22, display's the 'Sloping Sides'. Cormac mac Airt mentioned earlier first appeared on the hill of Tara to correct a judgement the previous High Chieftain had made. The wrong judgement caused the sides of the slope to slide down the hill, the correct judgement remedied it.

The Kings hall and home had started to collapse and analogy for despotic rule.The correct judgement alleviated immediate poverty to one woman (also as an analogy for the poor and working) High King Lugaid mac Con had given judgement unjustly and the house of the Sun (Rath Graine page 22 and Rath Laoghaire) was collapsing.

The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also It is very important as the Egyptian Archaeological Record is deliberately out of Sync (a huge cover up and fraud) in its Timeline (as also the earlier Sumerian King Lists from where we derive the Red Headed Pharaohs ) and as it is used as a yardstick and marker for history, all other nations history is also out of Sync, keeping the confusion on nations histories and timelines in perpetuity including Israel's (via academia and peer reviews and television etc)



The Tara Protest 2007 - 2011

See also Chapter 3a or for the iirsh Election at  the end of Chapter 3a  or use this link to Chapter 3b and scroll up    See also the Sovereignty of Nations website


The destruction of the 'Tara ' complex of over 60 major archaeological sites is unprecedented in History. The Significance of Chief Cormac Mac Airt ( who lived around 200ad) and his judgment on the Hill of Tara (see near the end of this section on the tara protest) These sites (2007 - 2011) did not just surround the Tara Hill area but they extended from the Dublin Meath Border, around to Drogheda and westward into Westmeath. The Books above by Anthony Murphy (or see here Island of the Setting Sun and others) lay out the total area which includes Knowth. Dowth, Tara, Four Knocks, NewGrange, Drogheda and Oldcastle and Jeremiah's tomb and many more. Justifying the destruction it was said that the road could not be seen from the Hill of Tara, but clearly this picture taken from the Hill of Tara an of the linked fort of Rath Lugh 1/2 mile away (one of 7 forts surrounding the Hill of Tara )  or here on Indymedia shows that statement to be untrue.  A reconstruction of what was discovered and destroyed at Rath Lugh in the following picture and article on Rath Lugh and the other sites and looted graves.

Today Grave sites in Meath or Dublin are not bulldozed through, but the excuse was given that if you dig anywhere you will find graves. Yet 15 alternative routes for the road were put forward all avoiding the 60 major archaeological sites and for the car journey to Dublin. Further a high speed train was proposed ? but ignored, yet faster than a car or coach. The Road route chosen was the longest and windiest road route available and hit all 60 sites causing incredible damage but seems to have been also a dual purpose to loot the archaeological sites. The government's compulsory system suggested bought off many objections. The following remembrance of Dillons bridge mentions Soldier Hill which is on the Hill of Tara and which had graves of the United IrishMen of 1798. These graves were bulldozed through and bones cast into the hedges. Soldier Hill Roundabout is near the Tara na Ri public house adjacent to the slope of the Hill of Tara. These sites were as relevant as any in Egypt or Stonehenge or Carnac in France and would be a major area of study in any University in the world. In Britain all sites are protected rigorously and there many people from Britain on the protest and many from countries all around the world.

Anglo Irish bank and bank bailouts 2007 - 2021 Following the destruction the Irish economy collapsed in 2009, (but this collapse began in 2007 at around the same time as the road began in construction see below on the bank bailout timeline) , and a bank bailout ensued with the largest being Anglo - Irish bank. In December 2020 Fianna Fail claimed that there had not been a bank bailout in 2010, (under their term in Government) echoing claims that the Tara complex also was not damaged. yet subsequent prosecutions and secret tapes (see Bitchute and 'Anglo Irish banks, and the admittance of a bank bailout in 2007 - 2010' and see the description box for more links)  show clearly that indeed there had been a huge bank bailout. Therefore why did they agree to them (the road destruction and the bailout ?) or here on facebook but taken from the Niall Boyln show and 'Anglo Tapes - The Reality'  (Iceland collectively as people in 1 country all decided not to bail out the banks) The Irish bank bailout is still within the media (MSM) today ? beginning in 2007     (last link bailout timeline) Since 8.2.2020 the Irish national debt has how’ve changed.  The debt was €198 Billion in 2017 and in 2019 it was €217 billion. Now it was €230 Billion (but suddenly lost €9 billion on the 15.08.2020 to €221 billion)  In August 2020 it has grown to €236  from €198 Billion  (Interest Payments Per Year 10,413,049,249 & Interest Payments Per Second & 330€ National Debt Per Citizen 49,340€ Debt as % of GDP 75.01% GDP Of Ireland 314,030,076,156€ Ireland Population 4,774,087) Each citizen now owes €50,000aisde from mortgages and private debt. Each citizen owed €42,000 in august 2019   and 50 % of all tax take goes into paying this debt. In August 2020 each citizen still owes €46,384 ? which would mean the National debt is now at €236 Billion not €221. This debt clock says €195 billion  whilst the national statistics office has €231 Billion as of July 2020 and here again this debt clock confirms €236 Billion as of June 2020

From 2008 – 2010 the decision to pay the bank bailouts was taken and most of it was not Irish debt. Iceland chose to not pay. In March - June 2020 in Germany, a recent German court case or German constitutional court found “In summary the GCC found that a hugely significant part of recent European Central Bank (ECB) monetary activities – some €2.2 trillion of bond purchases – had no legal authority, negating an earlier ECJ ruling. It was saying in effect that whatever the ECJ might rule, if that were against the German constitution, the latter was sovereign, and the ECJ subservient. And the German constitution, at least for Germans, is immutable” )  It is easier to get rid of the technocracy left communist dystopia as every year it is simply plugging holes when the  whole EU / IMF debt should be cancelled ) All EU bailouts are illegal and this is in the Lisbon treaty and is a part of EU law but is sovereign law also. In 2009 Ireland guaranteed global debt 40% of which was not even Irish debt in the bank bailout of 2008 / 2009. Today for each person in Ireland (without personal debt or Mortgage) each person owes €42,500. The debt (see below) was €198 Billion in 2017 and in 2019 it was €217 billion. Now it is €230 Billion. The public finances are not being handled in any way. Anglo Irish bank and via smaller banks offered 10% return on borrowing in most cases, but in the collapse they could not repay, but had to meet the loan obligation. This was part of the ‘bail – out’ under Fianna Fail, and towns in rural Ireland are still closed down or just getting by. Ireland pys 16.5 million per day (in 2018 it is now higher) towards the national debt bailout and 50% of all taxes go to servicing the debt. (see also the adjacent website and chapter 2 and the irish banking inquiry ) Incredibly it was the EU thorugh compnaies in the EU (UN) however which caused the destruction on Tara.

The following is an account of the Tara protest. 


The Tara protest from Dec 2006/Jan 2007 until 2010 / 2011 (and ongoing) drew a lot of criticism from other protests as it was disorganised and unprofessional some suggested. Contrasting it against the protest continuing in Mayo and the Shell the Sea facility it lacked professional determination many also suggested. This of course was completely denied by the people camped at Tara. There were two camps, one at Rath Lugh (the Rath of the Druids) and one on the actual hill of Tara.

The camp at Tara Hill was considered the more spiritual camp and they wished for an entirely peaceful protest. The camp at Rath Lugh were taking direct action, suffering tussles, beatings and digger jumping (to slow work down) 'lock on' to lock a body onto the digger and also slow it down. They were also secretly building a tunnel to rise underneath the road and block its advance. There was in fact a maze of tunnels constructed. The other camp were unaware of this activity in order to preserve the secrecy. Consequently the Hill of Tara camp criticised the Rath Lugh camp for giving the protest a bad name, as the tunnel and other work was not known to those outside the camp. Many dignitaries turned up at Rath Lugh (who were not camped) and many from the other camp to chastise the Rath Lugh camp. This continued for over year with the Rath Lugh camp generally ignoring it or wondering who they were, despite being told (by the 'chastisers') that they were running the Tara protest from Urban or country houses and by email.

Throughout this period the debate as to what constitutes a peaceful process continued, with the Rath Lugh camp accusing the hill of Tara camp of allowing facile and surrendering opinions to form, in essence you could not meditate the destruction away, and this type of protest would be exactly what the construction companies wanted.

The first precedent in the protest was caused by allowing a digger to drive over sixty miles and remove the topsoil off a sixty mile stretch of new road formed in the meadows and fields and hidden archaeological sites of Ireland. Of course the developers had already broken down each parcel land into smaller parcels and bought fields causing shock and dismay in Meath. Brehon law as such was designed to be perfected and would perfect as time passed and therefore could never be unjust or set aside in recompense. It was declared not heard or tried and its authority was in itself.

The second precedent was the denial that any major road construction would have completed all technical surveys (Baseline Surveying and Soil suitability, Lidar, Total Station, soil removal calculations, Seismic and all land surveying requirements) before beginning a road also. Since the incredible winding road (the longest route of all 15 choices) went over 38 major archaeological sites and 28 lesser but very important sites it is certain that these sites were known or suspected before the road began. It is admitted that the road before Archaeological surveying discovered the henge and other sites was walked and also surveyed. Therefore other discoveries or unusual features were known of before the road began. The National Roads Authority in its Final Report on the excavation of Lismullen page 3 ?    (final report for Lismullen)

(please note the link to this report is now broken since July 2014 but has reappeared for internet usage again in Oct / Nov 2014  it seems to be accessible or then inaccessible at different times, but you can see its trace here in the search engine Thousands of copies were downloaded and a link to the report will be made here at some point. The two quotes below in purple are taken directly from it and are accurate. In itself the report is not remarkable but it does give a true history going back to 2001. Essentially underneath the 'Henge' existed Christian Souterians/Chambers in the beehive style, which by lidar or ground penetration radar would have led many to suggest buried treasure was within. The area is scattered with Christian Souterains. The following report is excellent but does not give pictures of the underground Christian Souterians. My survey here shows the Neolithic stone  ( 2nd pdf down on the right page 13)  at the entrance to the Souterians (how did it get there ?) which were available by video also now lost showing 6 beehive chambers which some suggest were early medieval (5th century) but they were likely dating back to 100 to 200 ad and Cormac Mac Airt as Skryne is within walking distance Thousands of photos were taken inside the Christian Souterians, I entered inside myself but my video is also lost, perhaps people who also took video and photos can come forward. Indymedia gives the background. The wider 'Celtic Europe is also interested in these points'

The link to the M3 Lismullen final report is available here again (or see others here and also here ) and page 17 cites the announced discovery in 2001 but which was announced as a new discovery in February 2007 after excavators drove over it and other sites removing the topsoil (it is also available in the paragraphs below on the Harp at Tara ) The reports are available here as pdfs uploaded here for viewing ( 1 pdf download  and next  2 pdf download and next 3 pdf  download )   The Green party as the Dept of the Environment and John Gormley of the Green party placed a weak protection order on one of the Raths (see below the Harp) and then one year later went to court to argue against it. The Green party are the party of the Carbon Tax scams disguised as stealth taxation on utility such as water (the public already pay taxes, except in Ireland 50% of the tax take goes on servicing the €230 Billion debt see chapter 3a below and post-dated 8.2.2020) For the global carbon tax scam see ‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’    (and then return to chapter 2 on this website here ) The 2010 Lismullen report says; 

'This site at Lismullin 1 was excavated by Archaeological Consultancy Services Ltd (ACS) as part of the M3 Clonee–North of Kells Motorway Scheme on behalf of Meath County Council NRDO and the NRA. The excavation was carried out between 25 January and 13 December 2007 under Ministerial Direction Number A008/0021 and A042 issued by DoEHLG in consultation with the NMI. The museum registration number was E307'

(The quote above is from the page 3 or III in the beginning non technical summary, the quote below is from page 1 after page xvi in the introduction)

'The site at Lismullin 1 was initially identified during advance geophysical survey carried out by GSB Prospection in 2000/1 (GSB Prospection 2001). Archaeological features recorded in the course of the geophysical survey included a range of pits and linear features at the northwest of  the site. They were located on a ridge of high ground overlooking the River Gabhra to the northwest, and a pronounced topographical hollow to the southeast'

The announcement of the discovery of the Henge at Lismullen / Rath Lugh was not made until 1.5.2007, (five months after the road began). yet it was surveyed 6 years earlier.

The third precedent was allowing 65 % destruction of a site to occur before acting (if methods of first choice do not work). Two brothers (one a poet from the area) decided that when the Tunnel was revealed they would also take an injunction to the high court. Having organised it in part they had to withdraw. The injunction was still pursued in the high court and an accompanying basic survey can be located here. (to the right hand side 2nd pdf down) Under court case  2008 11957P  Dublin High court. Having managed to get a hearing on the evidence as fact (in the media and papers) the injunction was not successful in contemporary jurisprudence (with now nearly 80% damage occurring at the site at that time) yet Brehon or Sovereign law is similar to statute law and common law formed from the land, (natural law) not from case law precedent. It also revealed that some in the camps did not want a case brought under any circumstances. There was leave to appeal to the Supreme Court (hence the case was reasonable, but time was the essence) but a Brief (i.e. a barrister could not be found in such a short period of time pro bono) We were advised that taking a case and losing in the Supreme Court was a precedent if it had been pursued. A case which failed in the Supreme court is the existing precedent, yet equitable decisions can be made regardless in the Supreme or lower courts.

This failed existing Supreme Court case immediately undermined an established precedent by John ODonohue  and the Burren Action Group  Also known as Mullaghmore . Essentially and similar to the Rath Lugh destruction, a Monument is regarded as just itself. The cartilage and land around it even if supporting the monument (such as on a hill) is not regarded as connected to it, when up to 500 metres or more in other countries is considered appropriate to protect it. Two monuments say 100 metres apart are not deemed to be one area and so on. Rath Lugh however had a wall encircling it in a triple spiral from its base up to the monument of the same age. The monument was considered only 1/3 of the Rath or Hill at its summit. The previous failed Supreme court case as mentioned in the last paragraph paved the way for this type of destruction instead of upholding the Burren Action group court case. This allowed exploration and/or plunder of ancient sites. It allowed the land to be broken down into smaller parcels for development (see also Chapter 3 in  ) This takes the authority and profit away from local communities. (To repeat see the basic survey can be located here. (to the right hand side 2nd pdf down)


The Harp of Tara 1. (the following 3 paragraphs) To defend against this court case a simple injunction ( Under court case  2008 11957P  Dublin High court see the paragraphs above) was undertaken in the High Court Dublin. An injunction to prevent further damage against one Rath named as Rath Lugh. There are 7 similar Raths surrounding the Hill of Tara and they were in fact also forts to protect the central Hill comprising the Tara site. After initial damage to the Rath the Department of the Environment John Gormley of the Green party and only after a protest, placed a 'protection order' Oct 2007 (or here in pdf form 'A Rath Lugh - Tara preservation temporay' on Rath Lugh or here again in the Irish Times  and second Irish times article (or so the protesters thought ) with dubious measurements (Rath Lugh 1 km from Tara Hill with walkway to the banqueting hall, and motorway moved 20 meters closer into the actual Rath having initially been announced as 100 meters from the Rath, and without a knowledge of the size and scope of the Rath / fort) and ill-defined definitions amidst hopes the initial damage would not become public knowledge (with 15 route options) The dept of the Environment & John Gormley of the Green party was asked to 'redefine' Rath Lugh but they refused but had to address the issue when the Survey was produced and in the Court case (stating the road was no where Rath Lugh but the other 59 sites were admitted to be completely destroyed and right over the sites but later 'preserved under Tarmac' ? fighting against their own protection order ?)

2.  The protection order (see above paragraph) issued by Green party John Gormley and the Dept of the Environment  (after Dick Roche Fianna Fail was fired) was a scam and cited concerns (suddenly) of undergrowth and trees growing on the Rath which could damage it. But these were not attended too on top of the "monument" in any way. The road works also continued into 2010 and the protection order designated 'temporary' obviously extended beyond the court case for the injunction. (Under court case  2008 11957P  Dublin High court) Yet this part of the protection order was drafted after excavators and machinery had smashed into the side of the Rath as pictures show. (pre Oct 2007) The whole route was over 100 miles long and crushed over 60 archaeological sites (which presumably were also known since 2001 ) As mentioned these sites were announced as new discoveries but had in fact been known since the year 2000 / 2001 (M3 Lismullen final report is available here again (or see others here and also here ) or uploaded here for viewing ( 1 pdf download  and next  2 pdf download and next 3 pdf  download ) As well as archeological sites and graves (with bodies removed and stored in warehouses near Drogheda and gold and silver and jewelry found on these graves were taken and many bodies were cast into the dirt or hedges) and henges, (also see Baronstown and Roestown on the route also Collierstown ) chariots with buried horses and gold and silver and precious stones were discovered and removed from the sites and have not ended up in Museums or private collection for public viewing. Many of these valuable artifacts were separated from the sites by stealth and sorted at a facility set up near Teltown County Meath and then ? (Teltown is an area famous for the ancient Tailteaan games ) Protestors accused the National Roads Authority of the theft of archaeological artifacts. The NRA (national roads authority ) has the unusual position of also being in charge of archaeological services setting up a conflict of interests. No other country has this arrangement. Prior to 2008 John Gormley was given the discretion to halt the road works but chose not too.(carbon tax is the only raison d'tere for the existence of the green party ) In 1899 to 1901 (see Maraid Carew 'Tara and the Ark of the Covenant' 2003 or here ) Excavations to try to locate the Ark of the Covenant were undertaken in 1899 - 19011. Many suspect from 2007 to 2010 the M3 route via the United Nations / EU as Eurolink Motorway Operations M3 (1 of 15 proposed routes and the longest and windiest with also high-speed train options and alternatives) was simply a graverobbing exercise (the NGA / National Graves Association of Ireland pressed for reburial of remains during the protest although it was not widely known graves of the ancient dead had been plundered and destroyed early in the protest ) with an additional toll road profit scheme added on as artifacts photographed by protestors in brief unofficial access actions, have not re-appeared in any capacity. Initially, the public were told the motorway would be 100 meters from Rath Lugh, (but were also not told it would go over 60 sites, some large and some smaller) yet the damage to it (right upon it) later allowed archaeologists access to it, for unofficial archaeological inspections.

The 60 sites at Tara were 'preserved under the Tarmac' which is simply recording the destruction. This in any other country would be regarded as barbaric (see Stone Hill The Tara documentary  'Teamair', Hill of Tara documentary' which highlights the misconceptions that it is just one site at the Hill of Tara although the road hit Rath Lugh and others directly (or here as MP4 FILES in 2 parts & Part 1 MP4 FILE and following it Part 2 MP4 FILE Protestors arrived from Britain, Scotland and Wales, France, Brittany  (Breton) Germany, Scandinavia, and the USA and wider including India or see here on daily motion  ) The Irish examiner stated in 2019 (on Templeougue and Tara and regarding the bodies dug up and placed in plastic bags (also stored in warehouses at Drogheda) "Back in 2006, a number of graveyards in the proximity of the Hill of Tara were discovered during the construction of the M3 Motorway, most notably at Collierstown and Ardsallagh.The graveyards were dug up and destroyed, and the bodies have since been sitting in plastic containers in a warehouse managed by the Office of Public Works" (by Tomás MacCormaic 7.2.2019) The plundered graves in some cases were strewn to one side into the ditch and as mentioned in the paragraph above many were not cataloged and valuable items were stolen in the graverobbing. This road was built by the EU (SIAC/EU)from Brussels overseen by the UN built by NRA / SIAC  who managed the ArchaeologistsThe petition to re-inter the bodies (that were cataloged) was also by Indymedia    To get an idea of how big the whole complex is see the Dublin of University   A  'The Lismullin Enclosure: Design Beyond theObvious in the Iron Age'    (or here in PDF form B The Lismullin Enclosure Design Beyond the Iron Age DIT ) The 6th World Archaeological Congress held in Dublin 2008 ignored all of the speeches and protests (overseen by the UN) ? ACS held the contract but the NRA managed all news and press releases and ACS made their own booklets and reports Conor Newman and the privatization of archaeology but even public or private (or both jointly) for heritage protection was not (is not ) working?, first mooted in the 1990's (the road) and sites discovered as long ago as the year 2000 it was one long theft of artifacts and destruction of central heritage and history. The Government in Ireland could have stopped the road at any point since the year 2000.  

3. Eventual court case Work continued near the Rath and over a newly (supposedly ) discovered Henge on the land of Opus Dei, but which had been identified since 2001 (or even earlier see above) This Henge was also adjacent to Rath Lugh and in the  path of the road.   The defendants listed were the Solicitor General, the Dept of the Environment, the National Roads Authority (as comprising the Irish government, and the road was being built by the EU / UN / Siac, NRA as Eurolink Motorway Operations M3 with also Ferrovial) Incredibly the Dept of the Environment and it's Green party (who are not green or a national political party but fake in every and any country they are in) representative appeared as a part of the 1/3 defense to argue ? against their own protection order which was still in force and for the continuation of the motorway in effect. They stated that the protection order they made only applied to the monument (on top of the Rath) despite the fact that the Rath was a Triskele construction tumulus winding around the Rath with supporting stone walls around its 3 areas, down to the base of the hill, but which was also connected to Skrene via the wall built by Cormac Mac Airt. This fort known as Rath Lugh also extended down to the Henge and was an integral part of the whole Tara complex. (People had formed a giant Human Harp on the Hill of Tara as an earlier part of the protest) The Dept of the Environment's argument (and the other defendants) was akin to a house being only the roof and not the walls or the garden and curtilage, which is not what estate agents sell in legal conveyancing, nor is it the complete title or area insurers insure. This is not the law in most countries on earth and consider the Stonehenge site and others in Britain. UN protections have not protected sites in the middle east and their bias in choosing "a sites" validity, cannot usurp national considerations or heritage)They maintained only the very top was "the monument" despite also surrounding wells, barrows and souterrians present in the lower curtilage near the Rath. An ancient walkway also extended from Rath Lugh and the Henge area owned by Opus Dei (Lismullen) which historically extended up to the "Banqueting hall" on the Hill of Tara  (and which crosses the road to Bellinter in-between Fins Well and Desirable well, and which further extends to the Rath of the Synods, Teach Cormac and "an forradh" collectively called Rath Righ)  The reality is the Dept of the Environment and Green party wanted the Motorway, despite up to 15 alternatives and a high-speed train solution. The court case surprised opposing legal teams as it was actually granted a full days hearing in the high court, and it was supported by a survey (see last paragraphs above these which details the exact size and geometry of the damage) and which outlined the breach of the Dept of the environment's own protection order and other surrounding matters which included protesters who had tunneled under the proposed road from the Rath and who were insitu. The court case ( Under court case  2008 11957P  Dublin High court ) was the simplest form of legal correction a court could make, and its purpose was to seek the law 'per se' (constitutional, statute and common law as also bringing common sense to bear) With 6 barristers and their supporting solicitors and a huge legal team with an unlimited budget opposing it, the case was narrowly lost but so too was the sincerity or validity/legality of the Law (and protection orders) by its own judgement, and the Heritage and Justice of the Government as being represented by the Harp (see also chapter 3a below and the post dated 8.2.2020) which is 'itself', and not just symbolic. (see a few paragraphs below and 'Heritage to be preserved' )


The final precedent concerned the health and safety at the tunnel itself. In most countries a health and safety inspection would take weeks (up to a month or more to complete before people are removed from the tunnel) In Ireland the digger simply drove back and forward over the tunnel and it surely would have collapsed. Ironically many members of the road building teams lost their overtime bonus due to the delay of the 'tunnel protest' ending early. Many companies set aside 10% of their budgets for protest matters. The Hill of Tara camp and protest having being surprised at learning there was a tunnel, some then criticised the early exiting of the tunnel. Under new archaeological and environmental planning these sites would have been preserved and tourists would have travelled from all over the world to view them. Also a road would also have been built.(both)

Whilst much of this activity was continuing alignment and Astro – Archaeological surveys were also continuing by protest members and others. Further a 'analysis & sorting complex' the size of two tennis courts was discovered near Telltown which housed all artefacts discovered of antiquity including graves many of which has not appeared in Museums to date. Discovered during a Astro- Archaeological alignment survey at Telltown.

These type of surveys also allowed protestors access to walk the Gold Road from Rath Lugh through Lismullen, and up to the banqueting hall over land. Following the Sun as it rolls up the banqueting hall and ascends into the top of the hill. The stones (Bloc and Bluicne see Flinders Petrie in the pdf above page 6,  i.e the grey picture with two cirlces. This pdf is by Sean Moriarty 'Orthostat the mound of the Hostages') were moved according to Flinders Petrie and the area was entered into three times.(this has precedents in the ancient annals and the ancestors who built this system were ingenious) You can also see this area once more Anam Tara Tara: Voices from Our Past - a recent discovery

A heritage to be preserved As is shown in the Anam Cara video above the central area of Tara is a map also to the outer regions. This extended to the mouth of the Boyne in Drogheda and South into Kildare and included Westmeath and Meath together as one. Further, the northern route of Breifne was an ancient wide plain extending from Roscommon and Rath Croghan (The beginning of the 'Tain Bo Cuailnge' ) and Leitrim across the land into Meath and it was created by Queen Maeve (Mebh or 'woman of mead') in effect as the Cattle Raid of Cooney as the Bulls drove all before them creating a wasteland with the army following on after. (Mebh even created her own pass into Ulster known as Bernas Bó Cuailnge ) It is cited as the Medieval Kingdom but its plain was created much earlier when crops and workers were not found for many years. Queen Maeve had her Royal Rath/enclosure adjacent to the Hill of Tara. The destruction of the 60 sites in 2007 - 2010 destroyed heritage and opportunities to record and visualize ancient history. Tara itself has Teach Comac which was cerated by Ireland's first Christian Chieftain Cormac Mac Airt, ( circa 200ad, and the destruction was also upon Christian sites  in many areas) it is a mirror image of 'An Forradh' the earlier rampart which was built before Teach Cormaic. Teach Cormac could easily flip up, onto and into An Forradh . Cormac Mac Airt also codified the oral Brehon laws  which established laws for all and for the peasants in law and removed corruption. This was very much on peoples minds during the 2008 financial crash of 2008 (see chapter 3 below and the subheading 'The Global Financial Collapse of 2008'   Cormac Mac Airts judgment is said to have prevented an earlier erroneous judgment which caused the 'sloping trenches' mounds to collapse (the wool and the woad judgment which brought economic parity for all ) Ugaine Mor or Ugaine the Great (Owain in Welsh and a name still found in Mid Europe and also in Hindu. Igraine (of Cornwall and Briton) a feminine equivalent name means the Sun, or Eigr in Welsh, or Ygarine in French or Grainne in Irish ) who reigned from Tara as the 66th High Chieftain of Ireland somewhere between 450 and 600 bc, but who ruled  Ireland and all of Western Europe (including Alba / Albion Britain as recognized by the British / Welsh king lists) as Tara was considered a special place. Ugaine was said to have fought at the same time as Alexander to help date his reign. Rath Lugh (see above) was/is one the most important archaeological, historical, political and cultural sites in Ireland.

The spiritual protest versus the direct action debate continued, until suddenly unknown protestors who have always remained anonymous and have never revealed their identity (except the newspapers stated they were from Ulster) came down in the night and destroyed all the machines in one night North of Tara near the border emulating the Tara protest but not a part of the protest camps. This was late into 2008 and into 2009.


Cormac Mac Airt

Sovereignty in Ireland is usually ascribed to Ireland's Golden age ( 550 bc to 550 ad)  when in fact the rights and laws of Sovereignty are inalienable rights extending back to time immemorial, they cannot be removed. Ireland owes much  to its oral histories which were later preserved by chronicles and also by pagans and monks. Another benefactor to Ireland's historical knowledge was Cormac Mac Airt Ireland's first Christian Chieftain who lived around 200 ad. On the hill of Tara another area synonymous with Sovereignty one of the ring forts is named after him, known as 'Teach Cormac' (the House of Cormac)  Teamhair na Ri and the Fort of the Kings or Raith na Riogh originally only had one circle but Cormac Mac Airt the 2nd (making an almost figure of 8 image) later. Further details are here He lived nearly 200 years before St Patrick and there were Christians in Ireland long before Cormac Mac Airt. His Christian beliefs are told in T W Rollestons book "Celtic, Myths and Legends"   (or here again to view  or here once more around page 66 ) Featuring Queen Mebh or Maeve on the front cover. Cormac Mac Airts faith is almost erased in the modern free press, but it also gets a mention at the very end of wikipedia 

Cormac Mac Airt codified the Brehon law. Another reason he is significant is he codified the oral Brehon Law (the common law of the land) but also because he delivered a Judgement  which stopped disaster continuing on the Hill of Tara and throughout Ireland (war and hardships etc) The Senchus Mor and the Book of Aicill give further details of this mammoth task

The incumbent Chieftain Lugaid mac Con at Tara, (just before Cormac Mac Airt) was building new forts near to where Rath Grainne is today. (Near the centre of the hill of Tara) They are known today as the 'Sloping Trenches' which is a way of saying  they are not fit for purpose, but why and how they became  as such is the story of Cormac Mac Airt. (as collected in the Dindshenchas (Place Name Stories, c. 12th century) When construction began and as they continued they must have seemed sound but later Lugaid's false judgement on a dispute forced him to abdicate, and caused one side of his Royal house to collapse, thereby explaining the unusual shape of the "Clo'enfherta" or Sloping Trenches which are literally now at an angle of about 40 degrees. When Cormac entered Tara, he is confronted by a woman complaining about a judgement, meted out to her by the reigning King of Tara , Lugaid mac Con. Lugaid judged that the sheep which accidentally entered the Queens woad field (woad was used to Dye skin and clothes a valuable commodity) should be  kept as payment for the intrusion and loss of woad. As soon as Lugaid gave this judgement the forts and rings began to collapse and slide down the collapsed trenches, which was seen as a disaster waiting for the whole land in macrocosm, not just in microcosm for the King and Tara. Tara was considered a nation, or a fifth province within the four as a  central barometer and instigator of how a nation functions. Cormac having entered Tara to observe the concerns and unusual land movements at once gave a counter judgement  " Cormac rose up before the people and said, "Nay, but let the wool of the sheep, when they are next shorn, be given to the Queen, for the woad will grow again and so shall the wool." Benna who owned the sheep was wealthy, but the Judgement  established that loss should not mean destitution and the law could be fair whether it was for the Chieftain or Ban RI (Queen) or for the subjects. For the rich or the  poor.Cormac declared Lugaids judgement as false- the correct verdict being that one shearing of the sheep's wool would be a proper fine for the loss of one year's harvest. This judgement of Truth led to Cormac being recognised as the rightful King of Tara.

A Chieftains Sovereignty depended upon Justice  for all The Kingship of Tara ( Kingship of the Celtic Ireland ) was based on the universal concepts of Kings ruling peacefully, prosperously in truth and honour. Early Irish texts on these qualifications simply placed them into one sentence or saying as 'Fi'r Flathemon' or the Justice of the Ard Ri or Chieftain. After the fairer Judgement the sloping trenches stopped sliding (in macro and micro) and they can be viewed to this  day.  This is the spirit behind the law just  as the 10 commandments are  the summary of the 613 laws of the Old Testament, the Brehon law extends back to those days. 

Tara in 2007 and 60 sites surrounding it and connected to it on the M3 motorway route was purposely targeted. The eventual route was the longest and most unnatural route which (a snaking route which was almost double the length of the original) hit 60 sites in its path which were preserved by record 'under Tarmac'(the same situation today in the M4 Collooney to Castlebaldwin new road and  the connected  Knock to Collooney Road. An area of the tuatha de Danann. The NRA national roads authority and the archaeology depts are in fact one and the same)  In the 2007 - 2013 Tara M3 road, despite numerous court cases and one in which the Government actually breached their own Heritage protection order. showing they have no validity or right to govern Lawfully... (see above for details on the wrong judgement, either the injunction was upheld to support the Government's protection order or the protection order simply stood without injunction as itself. Either way and the 'government' were shown their own corruption, their case was lost, and they were defeated. The resultant loss of priceless heritage can never be returned. Restored as heritage it would have provided indirect incomes to thousands in Meath and Dublin and drawn people from all over the world ) .... destroying one of the most famous sites in Irish history, the idea of Justice in those judgements was not present or recognised. Not long after these cases (March 2008)  the Irish economy collapsed in mid 2008 into 2013. 'The sloping sides' approach was taken with disastrous results.



The mystery of Tara continues but a previous exploration of Tara in 1903 resonates with the recent explorations. Taken from

Walton Adams [Excerpted from the August 1903 issue of The Covenant People, an Expositor of the Prophecies concerning the Two Houses of Israel and Judah, Vol. IX.

It describes ( as mentioned above, earlier in this chapter) events very similar to those Mairead describes in 1898 – 1903

The Ark of the Covenant hidden at Tara (pdf)

(Indymedia article "Tara & the British Israelites"  


& Mairead Carew's book  'Tara and the Ark of the Covenant'  and see here also from the Royal Irish Academy    and also  "British Jewish leaders searched for the Ark of the Covenant at Tara"  However there are / were much more items than the Ark in Meath (see the protest above of 2007 - 2011 ongoing)


Third Temple to be built in Israel    (May 2014, which requires the Ark of the Covenant to complete)


An early book of the migration of the lost tribes of Israel was "Celt, Druid and Culdee" by Isabel Hill Elder who inherited a watered down version of the first wave of Messianic believers who came to France and Albion (Britain, Wales Scotland and Ireland at Tara as alo 600 years before at  the time of Jeremiah where the 'House of Jesse' or King David was already known and wider Europe) only a few years before and after the Temples destruction in Jerusalem in 70 ad. Messianic Christianity and Levitical priests (the Almond tree blossoming is the flower on the Menorah and Aaron's rod of also Joseph of Arimathea, not the Glastonbury Hawthorn tree. Glastonbury also has Almond trees and it is the first to bloom in Israel) and Nazarenes arrived over the next 100 years.  Some carried a stone with them. Mary the mother of the Messiah for example has connections to the Culdee church, and she is reputedly buried in St Albans in Britain, although there are more locations mooted than St Albans. For further information see chapter 5 below near the end . A new 3rd website will discuss these issues in greater detail The Sovereignty of Nations




The Hueneberg Celtic Saxon city in Germany  

Not to be confused with the municipality of Hunenberg in Switzerland, the Hueneberg is based in Germany close to the Swizz and Austrian borders. Both names have the same route meaning however.


At the beginning of this chapter, it is mentioned that the Mounds of the Ukraine are very similar to those of Ireland, Britain, Scotland and Wales.

Another interesting area is Germany and the magnificent 'Heuneberg' Celtic Fortress in Southern Germany (Baden Wuttenberg) which was central to 'Celtic' expansion. Dating from 700- 600 bc up until the modern Christian era, you will note in the first photograph 1 (click to enlarge) the overall location of the Heuneberg. Looking West in the following photograph 2 you will also note the location of 'Saxon – Sion' in the Alsace – Lorraine area (Zion, middle top of picture)  Also known as the Meurthe-et-Moselle was the exact border between France and Germany redrawn in 1871 after the Franco - Prussian war and in World War 2. Please note it is also not far from Lyon the eventual residence of King Herod who fled Jerusalem under Roman Emperor Caligula with his wife Herodias and who is possibly the real 'Mary Magdalene'. The Saxon- Sion area through Lyon to the coast of Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, France (where Mary Magdalene reputedly first landed) is a straight line. This area is also noted for its Celtic mounds. The first photograph 1 also notes (to the right) the area named 'Skythen' which is Northwards above the black sea in the Ukraine up to the Russian steppes. The Irish book the 'Leabhar Gabhala' (or the book of invasions) states this area of Scythia was where the first (of five) invasions into Ireland arrived from in 4000 bc (approx) and that all other invasions who understood each others language also originated from Scythia. (having travelled over the Caucuses mountains to the black sea from the 'promised land', yet they pre-date the promised land or depending on the site are contemporary with it)

Before Scythia the book states they arrived into Scythia and Black sea area from the Middle East (Israel and Egypt). Saxon or the sons of Isaac (Isaac sons)the Scythians and the Tribe of Dan, Tuatha De Danaan crossed back and forth to Ireland and Europe over many eras and dates.The third picture 3 (click also to enlarge) shows the extent of the Celtic connections into the middle east and current day Israel, whilst picture no 4 shows the Heuneberg adjacent to the Danube named after Danu the Goddess some believe, or Dan (the tribe of Dan) or the Tuatha De Danaan. (which may be all the same people)Similar to the Nile location or in Ireland the River Boyne as the sacred river which mirrors the sky and the Milky Way. Mounds or pyramids are adjacent to the river which represents the  Milky Way on earth. The mounds in many locations are measured and located to map the stars. In microcosm and macrocosm life and the afterlife mirrored the belief of returning to 'Heaven'

The Heuneberg is located in very beautiful country, it is very well protected, respected and preserved and an asset to the area. The Danube is also a great river, made famous in pre-history and by Johan Strauss.

Click to enlarge photographs below (1- 4)

The four pictures above are from the Huenenberg Celtic fort, in a region of Germany called
Swabia (Baden Wurttemberg) near Bavaria & Switzerland.

The picture above on the bottom right also shows the layout of the Huenenberg which is situated for practical reasons next to the Danube. It is situated next to the Danube as it was also felt a river reflected the Milky Way. This feature occurs in Knowth in Ireland and many other settlements of similar ilk and period. Consider also the age of the Pyramids and why they align with Orion at the date in the Osiris video repeated here Osiris video  at 7 mins to 8 mins but which uses a model of procession which was not in use before 725 bc or 2000 bc. (the Princess burial dates from 600 bc approx)The first Hebrew tribes left Egypt before the Exodus or during. Not dating from 10,000 bc ? as the Osiris video suggests, but a change in the earths rotation has misaligned the synchronization from 3000 to 1800 bc (see also chapter 2 from the beginning, and chapters 4 and 5)


The ShieldMaiden or Schildmaid

One of the most mysterious aspects of the Heuneburg Celtic fortress complex concerns the discovery of the young German Celtic Princess (600bc / 590 bc) who was discovered in 2008 -2010. Buried with one other female (a maid or companion) and a child in different levels/sections. Who she was exactly remains a mystery ? The Museum displays her image based upon the Gold lined clothes she wore. This region upon the Danube which flows all the way to the Black Sea. This is the region the Scythians originated within. The ancient texts state they resided in this area.(see chapter 2 above)  Bronze age settlements are found in Germany from 1400 - 1100 bc and migrations along the Danube from the Black sea into Europe dating from 1400/1100 bc and 1000 bc and again in 800 / 700 bc are evident in the historical record. 

These dates tally with Middle East  history and migrations, which include (into) Spain, (Tarshish in modern day Andalucia and Zaragoza in Aragon as examples) Italy, Britain, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and Scandinavia. Germany, Austria and Russia include examples of these ancient sites and migrations. The Vikings (six Hebrew Kings) are known for their invasion East into Russia and South into Europe, reaching also France and Italy (many settled in Sicily) but also into Greece and to the Black Sea. Modern day Istanbul then Constantinople or Byzantium. Byzantium derives its name from Byzas son of Nisos who founded the region. Nisos or Nisus was from Megara bordering Sparta, and together they conquered the area known as Byzantium.(700 bc to 660 bc)  They were renowned builders of temples and cities. Nisus also had red hair which if shorn or shaved would cause him to lose his strength. Samson and the Nazarenes also had this problem. The Vikings invaded Africa and even into the Middle East and the Normans (Northmen) are descended from them. 

The question remains who was she ? The Celtic Princess  An aristocrat from the Middle east originally, is it possible she was not just an aristocrat but also a woman who had chosen to fight as a warrior like Brunhilde. Known as Shieldmaidens or  Schildmaid. Consider the four following images and videos. Three are taken from the Museum at  the Hueneberg ( the first 3) 

The first shows her entombed in a 3 D graphical image, 

The second is a video which is the same burial as no 1 above, shown in section through the levels to the ground above. Filmed at the Hueneberg on a hand held camera, which show's where she was buried and how, and then ascends to show the area which overlooks the Danube river. Also photographed below in 3 below. It is a stunning area. This area also has a monument to 'Das Ahnenerbe' who went on a long search. They are also mentioned in the book named above. (The Uncreated Creator)

The third image is the Danube river as it winds mirroring the Milky Way, and the view the inhabitants of the city and the area would have enjoyed. (see also  the four pictures above) You can see why people found the area and remained. (The Danube is also a great river, made famous in pre-history and by Johan Strauss )

The fourth image is the route of the ten tribes as the ten lost tribes of Israel (from Israel to Assyria, the attempt to return to Israel and the way northward to the black sea and west) The image is taken from the Historical research of the ten tribes scattered into the nations.

A Shieldmaiden or Schildmaid was not a Valkyrie although these distinctions in practice are academic, but a descendant of the Scythian's who had intermarried with the Amazon woman. The Amazon woman who only marry into Scythian tribes. J.R.R. Tolkien told us what Shieldmaidens do and what they are in effect about in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. ( Eowyn and the Nazgul) and employed ancient imagery for use in a modern context. In a modern context it is discussed in the adjacent website and chapter 4 and under 'Alicias law' but under the Sub heading Ukraine. It is one of those moments when feminists realize being a feminist, is being feminine and not a half gender at half strength. Woman have been raped and their children are killed inside their own womb. Being free not to chose marriage and family is also a part of the reality of being feminine. Total confusion, defilement and subjugation wrapt around modern philosophical theories which are are designed to subjugate further (being educated by the enemy to stay silent or accept a reduced status) This is why Tolkien included the Shieldmaiden, and was a part of the debate between him and C.S. Lewis as Schildmaids, had a strength beyond size and were also Spiritual as they discover throughout life as warriors. (usually after being dragged backwards through a hundred hedges and falling into a pit and fighting there way out again, before they are 18)

At the Hueneberg the Sheildmaiden was found buried alone with a child. The child was buried a few feet away and another woman was included in the burial who they suspect was a paige or maid who accompanied her. It seems it some kind of sad story but not too sad. Similar to Brynhildr or Brunhilde (and 'Rhinemaidens' ) who had a battle and had to sleep ( a bit like Germany herself or Scandinavia and Europe as a whole including Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland) It is an interesting story and these things are not myths of course and the people who wrote the tune Marschlied (or the flower of the heath or heather as Erika) did so because they felt their history deeply. Therefore it is not a 20th century idea but one which goes back to the earliest times. 

The Hueneberg Princess is dated to 609 bc and most people conclude the search at the point. However the question of where the tribe at  the Hueneberg originated is made vague or inconclusive. The fourth image (here again) is the true history of the European peoples. The tribes were divided into 10 tribes and 2 tribes (1 Kings 11,30) and it was Gds will that they would be divided (I Kings 12,15) but that they wold be re-united (1 Kings 11,39)  ((see; A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 1 & 2 by Professor W A Liebenberg or here on goodreads which has all volumes or here all volumes ) in the lost ten tribes books within 17 volumes, so far, and in the lost ten tribe books with its 17 volumes. See all research in this area. (which Alexander later conquered) and they sojourned there before attempting to return to Northern Israel. Why or how did they  escape ? The 10 tribes into Assyria / Mede and then the two tribes who did not return to Jerusalem joined them after the 70 years had finished. As the Assyrian empire disintegrated they were loosed. 800 years later at the destruction of the Temple members of the 12 tribes also left for Iberia (Georgia) including amongst them Georgians first Christians by ad 35 and later at the temples destruction in ad 70. Firstly they (the 10 tribes) had broken the covenant which Judah had not. Judah had been given a mandate to return, (after 70 years, Jeremiah 25, 1 - 11) where as the lost in the ten tribes had not. The Assyrians were conquered by the Babylonians who in turn were conquered by the Medes (Medo - Persians) There were two invasions of Israel one in 732 bc and the second in 725 bc.  The second books of Esdras (which was once in biblical canon and scripture but was removed) and to a lesser extent the book Tobit mentions the ten tribes (as beyond the Euphrates) and record this journey to Assyria, up until they left to return to Israel once again. Instead of entering Israel they turned back and went to reside in modern day Georgia around the black sea area. Many are there still. This area is named as Arzareth (see 2 Esdras 13, 40 ) = Georgia and surrounding territories. Josephus (Antiquities 11:133) states as a fact "the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude and not to be estimated in numbers.The accepted book of Acts is addressed to various of the ten tribes. Yeshua said he came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Whilst the apostles and disciples were from the tribe of Judah and within them they addressed the rest of Judah and the gentiles. The gentiles includes those Hebrews who left Egypt before the exodus. The Hueneberg and many Saxon (Isaac sons) Celtic sights are based upon older Egyptian designs which the later ten tribes (and Judah and Benjamin also in other diaspora) found as markers and lived within rebuilding them. The Scythian tribes in the arrival in Ireland in five separate intertwining journeys knew each others language despite centuries of separation and knew the routes to take. They populated Ireland, Britain and Scandinavia into Germany also into the Balkans and and Russia and into Georgia and Afghanistan and the Armenian and Azerbaijan (including also Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Turkestan)

The ten tribes intermarried with the Scythian tribes who married the Amazons also and they populated Europe. When real history dawns on people it can be liberating and also terrible. There are people who do not believe in these ideas on the ten tribes pointing out  that there was not a surgical separation between the ten and the two tribes but they are mentioned in 2 kings 11, 31 - 35. They were taken from Israel and there is a return today. (Jeremiah 3,18 and Isaiah 11,12) The Southern Tribes two tribes with Simeon and Asher were also further reduced when they were taken to Babylon  North  of the Caspian sea  (volume 6 page 13) area has an archaeological record which has uncovered towns called Samara, Isaac (Isak ) and (Ismail) Ismael. The Talmud mentions the ten tribes crossed the Bosphorus (Sambatyon) and resided at the area where Troy has been rediscovered near and at the sea of Marmara. location (south west corner of the Dardanelles) Most of the European nobility are descended from the Greek Trojan wars. Therefore so are the people of the USA. The Hebrews are known as the House of Joseph, and Abraham was descended through Eber (Heber = Hebrew) and the Ten tribes are separated from the House of Joseph also. until they assimilated and become a part of that House.They brought the Torah into the world and later the apostles brought the gospels. Luke 14,34 describes the problem of salt losing its savour. it is no good for anything, the food tastes bland (like the word of G-d without salt) and the people lose their way. Salt also preserves food and keeps it fresh from putrification. The tribes migrations bringing Torah acted in the same way (Numbers 18,19) and as basic law of nature without salt human life cannot be sustained (Pliny) The church for many reasons does not want to hear these truths. Many of those reasons are political and not spiritual. A plan of individual salvation works alongside the overall and final plan of Gd, and  they can be separate as many Christians have past on in previous decades and centuries. 

Aryans originate in this area around Georgia and Armenia. The root of the AR derives from words meaning "to assemble or congregate" according to the research in the lost ten tribes books within its 17 volumes ( Aryans; volume 4 page 29) or see;  A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 1 & 2 by Professor W A Liebenberg or here on goodreads which has all volumes or here all volumes ) in the lost ten tribes books. See all research in this area.) The area of the  Caucasus  mountains referred to in Jeremiah 51, 27 as Minni and Ararat and Ashkenaz(to the extremes of eastern Turkey or east of the Black sea) on the border of Armenia but which was once in Armenia (which borders Azerbaijan) This is the root of the word Ayran. The Gali or Gael originate from Georgia and before this from Israel. Niall of the Nine hostages gave his heirs reign in all of Europe as did Ugain Mor ( a vast empire) The Scythian's controlled all of the trade routes between the east and west from their black sea position and were very powerful, occupying all of Europe. Dolmens are mentioned in Jeremiah 31, 21. Ossetia  ( here is its flag and its people  or here ) is a region of Georgia and Ossian (Oisin) is a Scottish and Irish name and one shared with the Cimmarians also. (volume 6 page 43) Jasons Argonauts sailed to this region which used the hides of sheepskins to catch Gold particles in streams which were then hung on trees to dry and later shake out. This is the  legend of the Golden fleece (vol 8 page 37) This region was also known as Colchis before it was named Georgia.The Georgian records also state Christian were in this area by 35 ad. The adjacent small country of Abkhazia has the red hand or Irish hand in its flag.  (its flag design is here  and/or here  with green background stripes) Ireland's independence day is January 21st 583 bc which is the day Tea Tephi (Odhbha) was crowned Queen of Ireland.The day celebrates the music, mysteries and geometry also of the Harp (of David) which is explained at the very end of the adjacent website.  It is also the Red Hand on the flag of Ulster. Georgians are genetically related to German Saxons and Scandinavians (volume 9 page 34, and the Scythian Scots are related to the African Berbers (volume  9 page 37 - 39) (the Irish  records record the five invasions of Ireland by the Scythian's) The Huenenberg is also close (300 miles) to Saxony and the home of the Sax Coburgs who came to Britain and is the name with Windsor of the Queen of England. One of the main routes of the lost ten tribes came via Europe and the Danube through Germany and through France into Britain, Wales, Scotland and Ireland (see "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 11" which is also on Amazon" )

Dolmens, cairns and stone megaliths or even neolithic stone constructions are mentioned in the bible (see Genesis 31, 44 - 47, Genesis 28, 18 22, Genesis 35, 7 - 14, Exodus C 24,4 & C 20, 25, Job 8,17, Duet 27 1 - 5, 1 Samuel 7,12, & 2 Samuel 18, 17 - 18, Jeremiah 31, 12 & 31, 20 - 21. Proverbs 22, 28. The megalithic yard is mentioned in the book of Jubilees 4, 17.   Jeremiah 31, 21 instructs Israel to set up markers and high heaps to mark the way. Even to the outer isles as in Jeremiah  31,, & Isaiah 11,11.In Wales Hu as Cymry or Cimmerian who married into the Scythian's was one outer isles. The area around Georgia had an Albania (in the east) as well as an Albania in the west (west of Greece looking into Italy) and Albion was the old name for Britain, as Alba was the old name for Scotland. stonehenge has 10 stones and 2 stones and  a skeleton found there originated in Switzerland. A type of stonehenge is found at Gilgal in Israel ( Gilgal Galeed in the Golan heights see Genesis 31, 44 - 47 & 2 Kings 2, 1 & Deuteronomy  11,30) and was the first camp of the Israelite's ad had 12 large stones of 12 tribes Joshua 4 , 9 and 20 - 24. The book of Jubilees is the study of stars and measures, and Abraham of the Chaldees (the astrologer priests) would have been familiar with all the night planets and stars. Years went from 360 days to 365 days after 722 bc. Stars and planets were  not worshiped (Deuteronomy 4, 19) but were plotted and recorded by these monuments. The main tabernacle was the Tabernacles of Moses and eventual temple of David / Solomon. Isaiah 40, 22 describes the Universe. In 3 bc on September 11th (the feast of the bride and trumpets) Leo the Lion was aligned in Virgo the house of bread.  (see "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 11" which is also on Amazon" )

Far from being a myth the story of the ten tribes is biblical and the verses in Mathew 15,24 in which Yeshua states "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel" does not say i was sent to the lost house of Israel, although that is also a meaning. Sheep can separate and form separate flocks. Views opposing the ten tribes idea  state correctly (in one capture) that 27, 950 people and 50 chariots were only taken away by the Assyrians and the Israelite's were hardly likely to escape and then return to Israel but change their mind and go to an area North of Israel. Yet the bible says just that and the 2nd book of Esdras also confirms this as does the Talmud. 27,950 people in 100 years to 625 bc could easily become 100,000 or much more into millions 300 years later. The paragraphs above describe the loosening of Assyria over the 10 tribes.The Assyrian cuneiform (which cites the 27,950) is only one source and describes only one capture. The Huenenberg find is dated to 609 bc and describes an aristocrat, like the ten tribes. This is only 100 years after they left Israel and 25 years before Tea Tephi came to Ireland. Far from no evidence existing the evidence is overwhelming concerning the lost ten tribes. (saying these matters are 'Myths' is something the Church should be concerned about)



World War 1 and the strange events which led to the massive casualties

Navigation link to the 'Sovereignty of Nations' website & the 2nd main heading entitled  2. The Greatest Victory for both Houses of Judah & Israel


When you consider that Europe, Scandinavia and Britain, Scotland, wales and Ireland have been through two world wars and Israel was created in 1946/1947, which essentially blew them apart and wonder how that occurred, there are very strange elements to those wars. J.R.R.Tolkien served and fought at the Somme and he used that experience to describe the walk to Mordor in the films the Lord of the Rings. France had become a wasteland amidst the machinery of war. So many people died on the first day of the Somme it was hardly believed (58,000)  the shock waves in Britain were enormous and the bitter memory of it remained for decades and still remains. 

July 1st 2016 marked the 100th year of the battle of the Somme. The first day of the Battle of the Somme resulted in  57,470 casualties and the battle lasted 141 days. The first day's casualties brought complete shock in Britain and it is estimated that 80% of those first days casualties did not need to occur. This is analysed in the documentary "The Great War, The Somme W1"  (now removed but see below on it) and explained completely.

Essentially what Dan Snow and other documentaries inquire over is why 700,000 shells (in the first few months) were not just duds (a % )but those that worked did not blast the barbed wire away clearing a path for the troops. They tested the design (in the documentary) on staged barbed wire and found indeed they did not have any effect on the barbed wire. Other incendiaries (which were not employed in WW1 ) did have the effect of blasting away the wire. Men coming out of the trenches were caught on the barbed wire and were cut to pieces by machine guns and shells. They were told that bombardments onto no man's land had cleared the way across to the other side. All nations were told the same. Therefore these useless bombs were (they hint) designed that way and designed to not clear the  barbed wire. Considering millions died ? why was this allowed at the munitions factories / armaments dealer level and for so many costly bombs ?

The Video (in the last link in the paragraph 2 above) 'The Great War. The Somme W1' has been removed but remains in part here. "WW1 Uncut - 1 - Trenches & Barbed Wire"  by Dan Snow (who could be encouraged to reload the entire documentary, this partial clip is here also on Bitchute The Website '' and article entitled "The British Army's Darkest Day" (dated 1.7.2016) states the following in its sections 

"2. There was a lack of effective artillery support. More than anything else, the First World War was an artillery war, and like their counterparts in the infantry, many gunners were raw and inexperienced. Over the course of the battle, it became clear to British commanders that the French had developed much more sophisticated artillery strategies than they had. The result was that, although the week-long pre-battle barrage was impressive in scale (over a million shells were fired), it was far less effective than it could or should have been.

3. Many shells did not work properly. The increased reliance on artillery had depleted supplies and resulted in the Shell Crisis of 1915. The Ministry of Munitions was established and the quantity issue was resolved, but quality control became the next problem. 30 percent of the shells fired at the Somme were duds. This is why farmers in the Picardy region of France have come across so much unexploded ordnance over the years, and why many of the soldiers attacking on July 1st found sections of barbed wire uncut and many German dugouts intact, despite promises to the contrary" 

Further the article in "British tactical planning for the start of the Somme offensive, 1916"  states the following 

"When the battle was later analysed, it was realised that despite the apparently colossal build up of artillery and weight of firepower, it was still insufficient to suppress the defences and destroy the enemy’s ability to defend. The peak of artillery strength came just under a year later, at the Battle of Messines. In this highly successful battle, the British artillery had more than twice as many field guns per yard than at the Somme, and three times as muchheavy artillery. In the first eight days of the Somme, 1.73m rounds were fired, of which a significant proportion were duds; at Messines, the comparable figure at Messines was 3.25m with far fewer failing to explode. At Messines, a much higher proportion of the effort was devoted to the destruction of the German artillery. It was at Verdun that the saying “artillery conquers, infantry occupies” was coined. And it was right: a hard lesson learned by all sides.

When the infantry attack commenced, the artillery would lift from the German front line onto successive more distant objectives, in accordance with an agreed timetable. This was within the skills of even the untried artillery units of the New Armies. It was impressed upon soldiers at all levels that the weight of the bombardment would be unprecedented, and that it would destroy everything. The infantry therefore could occupy the area that had been scourged, in an orderly fashion.

No attempt and secrecy or deception

There was no attempt at maintaining secrecy or deceiving the enemy of Allied intent, with the exception that some preparations were made in Third Army area near Arras, that looked like the ones on the Somme. The vast preparations behind the lines, the increased raiding activity, and the registration of the artillery all served to clearly demonstrate to the enemy that an attack was forthcoming. In the Gommecourt area, where the attack was only to be a diversion, it was intended that he should see the preparations. The Allied press, and all the talk behind the lines, was of the coming “Big Push”. The only surprise was the date and time of the attack, and in the event even this was clearly signalled to the enemy.

The tactical objectives are finalised

South of the Albert-Bapaume road, the British objective (red dot-dash line) for the first phase of the attack was to capture the first enemy trench system (shown in dark green) but not go as far as the second. This meant that British and French artillery could concentrate fire to destroy the front line before the infantry attacked. Once the objective was reached, the guns would move up for the second phase attack on the second enemy line. This was much as Henry Rawlinson wanted it" 

Similar problems occurred in every nation's army in Europe leading to huge casualties on all sides in what was an unprecedented slaughter by mechanized warfare against troops who were still fighting with swords on horseback in many cases.

British, French, Irish, Welsh and Scots died in the battle and of course Belgium and Germans also in vast numbers. The documentary raises more questions than it answers (repeated from the Brexit debate in the chapter 3 below under the heading 'British EU Referendum 24.06.2016 and sub heading 'Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Cornwall' ) However these strange incidents occurred in nearly every country along the way and during both wars. and to all sides in matters to numerous to list. The idea that no one knew where the front line was is revealing, as perhaps the actual front line is the unification of the 2 houses of Israel, which the more you understand about it the deeper and stronger the revelation becomes. It is the greatest subject to study, and chapter 5 below describes this subject in detail. 



Israel was born in 1946, but re-settlement began in the 1920's and before. When you consider 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust and over 50 million non - Jews ( which included Hebrew or 10 tribe descendants, the Jews and the Jo's see chapter 5) then all of these convergent occurrences, including Russians and Germans imprisoned in gulags (see the adjacent website and chapter 5) should begin to make more sense. Prophecy cannot be stopped but it can be challenged and delayed for a short time. Abandoning Torah and the New Testament is a mistake. All of the people who died in the Great wars and those who are still alive need to know with care and detail why they're families died or their comrades died. The most recent acknowledgement of the Armenian genocide by world Governments took 100 years to appear, and the Christian Genocide which is ongoing committed by radical Islam and the Muslim brotherhood, has been condemned by the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Greek orthodox and all Christian denominations, and other faiths and the UK Parliament and US governments (except for President Obama) and the intelligence community and governments worldwide (see chapter 3 below in this paragraph)


Documentaries on the Lost tribes of Israel

Documentaries on the lot tribes For a greater insight see the documentaries 1. Europeans Are The Lost Tribes of Israel, A rare documentary     2. The 12 Tribes Of Israel - What Happened to Them ? E Raymond Capt   & the longer documentary 3.  E Raymond Capt The Lost Tribes of Israel Heirs of Promise   The 'Lost' tribes were not lost but present in Europe (especially Dan also in Britain see the Nemedians or the sons of Nemed above at the beginning of Chapter 2 as the Tuatha De Danaan, Judah and Naphtali ) They were not lost but they were slaughtered in France and wider in WW1 & into WW2 and the war has continued to this day.

It is true that representatives of (perhaps) all the 12 tribes were in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost / Shavuot (AD 30) as well as gentiles, and that they received the baptism of the Ruach ha Kodesh, however and despite the influx to Jerusalem at the feasts, the great commission followed after this, and the lost sheep which Yeshua only came for were not all present. The two houses were not unified. Peter and Paul witnessed to the Jews and gentiles moving out from Jerusalem. Today people do return to Jerusalem physically but that journey is also an exploration of history and the scriptures, all of which lead back to Jerusalem and the events there. 120 Jews were present in the Upper room and there were 120 Priest in Solomon's Temple. 12 Apostles and 12 Tribes of Israel received the Ruach (Acts 2, 5 & 6) but they returned to those nations. Ezekiel's Temple and its prophecies as mentioned are not fulfilled completely, and those promises of return to the land are going to be fulfilled for believers and non believers of the 10 and 2 tribes, and for many only then will they realise. This is why the Church and Israel physically being reborn is true (see chapter  5 below)

Ezekiel 37:16-17,suggests that these two houses will unite. Opposing views suggest that because representatives of the 10 tribes (some say the majority) and Judah and Benjamin were in Jerusalem at the time of the apostles that the ten tribes could not have been lost. The feasts of Israel swelled populations up to 3 million it is suggested and they came from far away to "go up to Jerusalem"  especially for Passover (the crucifixion) and Shavuot ( Pentecost) But they were not unified as houses of Israel. Isaiah 11, 13  states that these enmities will disappear, not just for those present in Jerusalem but everywhere. At the temples destruction in 70 ad both Judah and the ten tribes left for Georgia and wider. Georgia had its first Christians by 35 ad (Messianic Nazarene's who were Jewish on the whole) The Church is concerned that individual salvation (although many have forgotten what that means anyway) is lost  in this concept or that it is an elitist concept both of which are untrue. Clearly this is not the case and many in Georgia have remained Christians since 35 ad. Those tribes named as Hebrews who left before or just at the Exodus (and who dwelt among Israel before) were individual tribes of Israel and those tribes left Egypt as distinct  tribes before the Babylonian and Assyrian captivity. Joseph was the father of the 12 tribes before they settled in Egypt. (Hebrew must have been a distinct language in Sumeria before Egypt and Chaldea and Abraham must have spoke a distinct language some surmise) Some of the pre - exodus wanderings are described in the Irish records.Where did these people go ? as lost sheep. We know where they went. The volumes quoted (2015 / 2016) here are numbered 1 - 11 called "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations" are researched by Georgians themselves. Prof Lela Tsitsuashvili, David Ben Melekh (David Jirkvalidze ) and others, and the research team are experts in their field overseen by Professor W A Liebenberg within its 11 volumes and or see;  A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 1 & 2 by Professor W A Liebenberg or here on goodreads which has all volumes or here all volumes ) in the Lost Ten Tribes books. See all research in this area. Their volumes are professional but follow a logical pattern and it is along the method of my pdf essay compiled (but amateur) between 1996 and 2000/2001 near the beginning of chapter 2 beside the paragraph which begins "Newgrange, Scythians Celts Prehistory and Genealogies" and 'pdf 1' and which is designed to draw questions out on these issues which are / were hardly covered in mainstream academia. This pdf begins from the "other end" of the journey backwards in time (in effect) and includes personal journeys to many ancient sites including in the Ukraine and Greece.

It is interesting that many ancient sites of Israel are found but are incorrectly dated and not named as Israeli settlements, but are now realized. As mentioned above in Chapter 1 and other chapters, the video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Egypt's and Israels history from the public. It was a (false) definite that these sites and the Exodus did not exist, but the dating (error ?) hid them in plain site Church doctrine in some cases was rethought to accommodate that view. It is the same with the 2 houses theology and Judah and Israel as Ephraim. Many would say it  is deliberate obfuscation and deception to hide the real origins of the European people also. What is certain in anthropology and history is if you study all over cultures and histories first academically or for enjoyment (or both of course) from the earliest Sumerian, African, Egyptian, Mayan, aboriginal and so on (the studies reveal there is only one human race "type") it is an interesting journey. the real world is fascinating. They are fascinating and noble histories, and then this will be accepted. It is only if you begin to study these other areas that you will be termed a 'racist' ? but by racists. Its a surprise (n.b this author is not a 'Jehovah's Witness' and its a part of the surprise when asked, especially if you are asked both at the same time. Messianic Nazarene's simply try to follow the earliest Christian teachings ) Having studied both sides of the debate that is exactly what happens, ( and many can attest to that ) in practice and is in itself a view which should be considered. The history of the European tribes, Scandinavians and Scotland, Britain, Wales and Ireland is directly targeted for ruin and the recent Islamic invasion is a part of that aim. There is a common shared heritage and destiny (even as individual nations ) and the unification of both houses of Israel is the real front line and those who believe that "religion is the opiate of the people" or that Islam is not invading Europe, should wake up as a real faith is not a religion. Northern Europe, Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland were pitted against each other in both world wars, when they should have focused on Islam. Georgia and Armenia are western states as is Azerbaijan and the Northern part of Iran (like the Balkans) and that is reflected in their desire to be independent.

These views were instrumental to the Holocaust. Anti-antisemitism in Judeo - Christianity fails to recognize the Jewish roots of (ironically) Judeo-Christianity, although its theology is also shaped by these verses in Genesis 9, 27. Israel now not only exists but is likely to expand its area into its full size. ISIL (Islamic state of the Levant) Israel and President Netanyahu and the Holocaust. Israel has now (22.10.2015) formally recognised the Islamic movement as the ideological catalyst in the Jewish Holocaust (which has ancient enmities from the Akkadian Assyrian empire Iraq / Iran / Syria. After Alexander the great the whole of the Levant came to be called Syria) and which, as a perpetrator has remained hidden, in the same way the suppressed Armenian Genocide against 1.5 million (1915 - 1923) Christians, was suppressed for 100 years. (see sonas Chapter 2 and Greek elections 20.09.2015)

Adolf Hitler wanted access to the Middle East through Turkey and into Iraq and despite the Jewish refugee transfer agreement with Germany the Holocaust followed. It is clear and according to Benjamin Netanyahu and in agreement with Frau Angela Merkel, Adolf Hitler wanted to deport the Jewish populations to the New Israel (in waiting) but the Muslims wanted other solutions, (The Holocaust) which had deeper theological reasons that just hatred. This Genocidal plan was kept from the majority of the German population who brutally went to war, but to fight openly. Many German Jews were sent overseas to Israel, but many were sent to the camps (in Russia or Germany) No one denies antisemitism (or anti - Japheth -ism) but the theological misconceptions have not been helped by translation difficulties of the Torah and the New Testament. That is a long story. As can be seen in the adjacent website Sonas chapter 5, Russian Gulags and Russian Concentration camps were in operation from 1918 and through WW2, and contained German Communist and Nationalists. Germany's camps contained a multitude of nations. The Holocaust was murder and it had deeper purposes. It is not an absolution of the Holocaust but the opposite. Turkey and Iran played both sides in the War to achieve their aims. Muslims ideologically and theo-cratically believe that keeping the Jews away from Jerusalem will stop the Jewish Messiah from returning, Europeans do not believe the Islamic measures will achieve that aim, and the motive for Jewish genocide is not a fanatical religious belief. This has a precedence in 1541 and forward to today, see the sealing of the Golden Gate. Islam believes that its actions in 1541 will stop the Messiah (naively) but persists in that same up until today and in the Holocaust. Turkey is still denying the genocide of Armenians 100 years later. Islam still today states Israel does not have the right to exist as individual people or as a nation (in 1942 or 2015) Europe's history is tied in with Israels history and the Bible and the future history (see chapter 5 below)

The rest of the information below considers other aspects of German history and European history and the tragedies of world war 2 also. You can also read of this area in the adjacent website and chapter 3 at the beginning. There are also other similar archaeological sights around Europe and Britain, Scotland, Ireland and Wales.


A similar find to the German site the Heuneburg has been made in France recently. The Picts from 'Picardy' and Scythian's show many similar culture traits, whilst the Celts in these areas traded with the Greeks and large Greek civilizations are found as far East as Russia. Herodotus who was Israelite and Greek records  much of the Scythian history. This culture survived many centuries and the Greek Macedonian Alexander the Great (355 bc - 323 bc) would become the Pharaoh of Egypt. Cleopatra as Pharaoh was descended through from him, she was Greek shown here at Dendara in Egypt at the Hathor Temple (meaning the mansion of Horus, the Horizon) which in plan view looks similar to a Synagogue as many Archaeologists note, although it was not worshipped as such. Hathor was also the sky Goddess in which the Milky Way was seen as Waterway to the heavens. Cleopatra viewed herself as ISIS who is a persona interchangeable with Hathor, (2 competing persona's) she housed Horus, the son of Osiris and ISIS/ Hathor. 

These tribes and their journeys into the Middle East were regarded as a return to former lands.  The German Princess  buried near the Danube (like Danu or the Danites) around 590/600 bc, signifies the importance of the Heuneburg in the wider Celtic Europe, with its access to the Middle East and its building methods, astrological knowledge and craftmanship in Silver and Gold.

Many tribes left Egypt and the oppression before the Exodus in 1379 bc. The 12 tribes left in the Exodus. Many tribes were taken to Israel or to Babylon or Assyria in 700 to 550 bc (approx). The latter migrated into the land of the Medes and became the Sakka / Gimiri tribes (later known as the Scythian tribes) before migrating north and along the Danube.or over the Caucasus mountains into Germany or east to Russia. This history is recorded in the bible and on the Assyrian cuneiform prisms and Steele as well as the walls of Sennacheribe's palace and many other sources. One of these tribes became the Kazars or Khazars and they converted to Judaism in the 8th century and migrated out in the 12th to 13th ad century along known and established trade routes which the Crimmerians (Cimmerians) and Scythians had used for centuries. 

It is claimed they (the Khazars) converted to Judaism for political expediency only, and they are really (Turkish) Persian (although their origins are not from those tribes and are closer to the Ogruic and Finno - Ugric tribes which also settled in Hungary and Scandinavia from the Middle East and fertile crescent, and similar to the Scythians. In other words they are not Iranian (who are also not Aryan today) but Hebrews from Egypt. Yet no one converts to Judaism unless they have a connection to the Covenants or Torah or a pull towards them, even though the memory of it is weak in the 8th century AD having left Israel at various era from 1400 to 750 and 580 bc. In other words the Khazars and other European tribes are indigenous to Israel originally and the lost tribes migrated or were captured into Assyria and left into Russia, Europe, Scandinavia, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Britain and wider. The same tribes of the Holocaust. The Finnish tribes are related to the Scythians and are closely related to the Irish Scots.

The amount of material written or attributed to Germany and Israel shows the conflict over a couple of hundred years, but it does not say at any point that Germany and Israel have more in common than is stated and hence there is a conflict. This is the tragedy of Germany and Israel. They are as people actually exactly alike. The unseen emergence of Israel began centuries before 1945, and the debate was partitioned between those who looked back to the old Atlantis and new Atlantis and those who looked at Israel. Often the partition between the two ideas, did not follow the line of Jewish people for Israel or German people for Atlantean pursuits. The debate was also further split on who and when the Messiah is. The reality is the lost tribes passed into and resided in Germany and surrounding from many centuries earlier and later Jewish settlers who had not been assimilated (until this day) began to debate everything. Everything as in all subjects and possibilities. The emergence of the debate which began to spiral down to minutia and the splitting of hairs affected the political and academic debate and the different schools of thought, until psychology schools and think tanks began to shape the debate by erasing the other point of view until a Neurosis of angst and indecision and extreme deep thought took over common sense and purpose. (Nietzsche and the German Frankfurt school, Skinner Freud and others etc, see the adjacent website and chapter 4 family planning as an ideology and chapter 5). This led to the nationalist and anti-nationalist outlook in which it was thought anti – nationalism would protect the German and German / Jewish identity and so (by some) intense critical theory was introduced, when in fact the Israel / Judah (12 tribe) debate should have gone a different way as many had hoped and tried. (economic motivations do not win out over prophecy and future purpose) The result was a widening of opinion into the extreme into near oblivion.

To explain; this take one revolutionary character Albert Einstein he claimed he was not a genius and claimed the Universe was complex but also clear and made perfect sense. He was German and Jewish and narrowing it down Swabian. When he was young he had effortlessly added to Isaac Newton's theory and made new theories of his own. He did this whilst working as a clerk in a patent office (where he could also make new patents or theories if he wished), at this stage he looked like this. (reasonably well groomed and business like), by the time he developed a framework to answer the real questions he sought such as the limits (if any) of the Universe, its starting or ending point, and its purpose, predestination, choice etc, he then began then to look like this  due possible to the strain and challenge of these problems and thoughts. He then used his framework to test other theories eliminating them by probability (a feature of quantum physics) and once he was comfortable he delved deeper, into what he termed the "Mind of God" using scientific methods, and also a strain to encompass. He had read the bible obviously and Isaiah 45, 19. Isaiah 40, 13 -14. Psalm 139, 7 – 9, with 1 Corinthians 2, 16. Struggling with the idea of a personal creator he developed a version of pantheism (God is everywhere in everything, but is not a personality) and also panentheism into Theopanthiesm which he used as a framework to travel (in his mind, he said) on a comet through the Universe at the speed of light in order to explore it. He said "I want to know God's thoughts...the rest are details."  He had probably figured out as a child that this (profession, career, dream or pastime) was the most exciting adventure anyone could take. The following video is an analogy of one of his school days, yet in Isaiah 45,7 both he and the teacher were both wrong and both were correct as of course men cannot act as God. Einstein was intense and a deep thinker and unique in many ways.The Holocaust was something he escaped.

Einstein laid the science to create the Atom bomb and the atom was first split in Manchester, Britain.  J Robert Oppenheimer of Berkeley University & "father of the atomic bomb" (mostly responsible for Nuclear weapons) studied the past and (this video of him contains the "I have become death" quote ) in which he aslo quoted the Indian Hindu (Aryan Vedic ) epic The Bhagavad Gita

Isaiah 45, 7 is a difficult verse for many to come to terms with, but mostly the evil or destruction it refers to is the destruction of Israels enemies, sometimes entire cities (Genesis 19) or armies in one night visibly without men or woman involved (2 Kings 19,34 35 & 2 Samuel 5, 24 - 25 and numerous occasions) and when the Ark of the Covenant was taken into Gaza it caused Herpes, Hemorrhoids and Boils to break out on the Philistines. ( see I Samuel chapter 5 & 6) and much more. It is not a dialogue of the doctrine of dualism.

Dualism is a doctrine outside of "Christianity"  (Zoroastrianism for example) and those who try to explain it, do not know God. Isaiah 45,7 is not a doctrine of dualism, because the author of the words is not a dualistic creation trying to understand them. The author the God of Israel, is God.

Zoroastrianism and Dualism are central to early Iranian beliefs, which differs from Aryan / Hindu Vedic Odinic theology, and its dualism. Islamic theology doctrines are built upon Pagan Sanskrit philosophy with sections of the Talmud and Bible.

Einstein pondered how he came to arrive in Germany from the Middle East. The origins begin with Moses (a title of the rightful heir to Pharaohs empire) who was adopted and found (unlike other stories) by Pharaohs Royal court as a Baby taken from the Nile (the Nile river was where Ra sailed to be reborn) and as 12 tribes the "Exodus" from Egypt and left its philosophy and beliefs to travel to a new Promised land. Along the journey Moses saw the face of God and received the Torah on Mount Sinai. If Einstein did not believe this journey he was not Jewish (orthodox view). The lost ten tribes also undertook a journey which led to banishment in faraway lands (from Israel)

Einstein considered the scale of the Universe in all possible directions (the smallest atom and quark) to the largest planet and solar system and the Earth in comparison to a Baby (which Moses was, as we all were, as was Einstein) This is what Einstein accepted but struggled with and explored. The incredible cabalists (forerunners of philosophy and religious thought) believed in the highest heaven to the smallest speck and down to inner earth and the smallest invisible "thing" but were lost as to the ultimate purpose of it all, and so delved into the letter numbers (Hebrew Alphabet) to seek the question they and people like Einstein wanted. This occurred in Germany and in many countries. They suggested in the cabala 10 states or realities (or Sephiroth with 22 or 23 paths with one hidden) and Einstein also later formulated 10 dimensions in space (relativity) and later quantum theory (had at least 10 dimensions) The first 3 dimensions we are aware of everyday and the 4th & 5th is string theory The internet (which did not exist in the 1970s) could be construed as a hidden dimension which is now common place and accepted. Einstein realised that men and woman were pre-occupied with the largest things when looking outward, and forget about the smallest invisible universe. The cabalists also sought inner re-generation and return. A Baby is helpless, defenceless, and not how we imagine God can become in our lack of humility, yet we are made in God's image and a baby is a part of that image. These are also all considerations of Einstein, (one among many candidates, Einstein was altruistic enough to both consider it unlikely or just as likely as any other scenario)

As sophisticated as the cabala was/is or rather the Rabbis and followers of it (which became the basis for future science with people such as Isaac Newton for example) the cabala alone did not lead to regeneration (from death to life, the opposite of degeneration) of the spirit and rebirth. The focus switched from just the intense study of the Hebrew letter numbers and adding in the Messiah with them and the promised land also, and eventually all three. The cabala on its own (and its esoteric offshoots) do not lead to re-birth on their own no matter how much you meditate or for how long, anymore than a baby can feed, wash or clothe itself without its mother and father. Intellectual breakthroughs of magnitude can occur,as of course the spirituality of the Hebrew letter numbers (the original "alpha - bet" or the original alpha and omega "I am Aleph, א, and Tav, ת, the beginning and the end" ) .are divine in origin i.e. the Ruach, but rebirth and the afterlife (pursued by even the Pharaohs of Egypt) did not occur. Combining these studies with an exploration of the Universe and inner universe also became a science, and Einstein pursued it with vigour and Germany was a place where these questions in all their forms were pursued.

Einstein and considering the biblical verse in Psalm 139, 7 realised that away to the furthest point of the universe with planets which make our sun look as small as a button, back to a baby and its size, down to the smallest quark in an atom, there was no where you go go from Gods presence. God was as big as the Universe and as small as the smallest atom. This is the reason pantheism exists as a doctrine as it cannot then also conceive of a God like that with a personality also. The cabalists studying the Hebrew letter numbers suggest the letter numbers are the building blocks of the galaxy and universe, but its the author of them who is omnipotent and mysterious. Theology and philosophy has developed from and within Germany for many centuries.

The intensity of the philosophical psychology schools became polarised around nationality and the Judeo – Christian question. Einstein was also Jewish and German and it is also acceptable to be nationalist and love your country and be Israel and / or Jewish as a nationalist (in Germany or Israel) As we have mentioned above the rationale of many of the ideas became lost or were extreme for the sake of being extreme. It is suggested that only the Torah and Tanakh & Brit HaHadashah (New Testament) break down the barriers and temper these problems. The 12 tribes fought amongst themselves as often as they fought those outside. Satre said he used to believe in God but in the concentration camps he came to believe in men. See also the chapter below chapter 4. Compared to the beauty of philosophy and theology it is obvious the intent was to drive both sides to distraction and to remain distracted especially from the concept of Israel This is the tragedy of Germany. (and Russia and North Korea)

Israel broke its covenant in the book of Jeremiah 11, and Judah and Israel together (which is the future covenant and land promise) is first described in Jeremiah 13, 1-11, and in verse 11 directly, but which had become useless but will be repaired for the equal place of Israel and Judah in an enlarged Greater Israel. The split caused differences in opinion for millennia. To suggest that this debate is not a part of German history even into the middle of the last century is nonsense. To say the lost tribes were not (one of them) German is also nonsense. 12 Tribe nations are nationalist and distinct and were given different abilities, personalities and purpose which ultimately restore's diversity, which without Israel (and not replacement theology) echoes the verses in Jeremiah, 13 11. These discussions were commonplace, enjoyable and open in Germany. It is likely to become a interesting topic once more. The Temple in Jerusalem is a treasure also in plain sight which exists for all to consider. The Temple of Temples is one of its titles. Einstein was a contradiction, and he said 1. I don't believe in mathematics. (Albert Einstein, quoted by Carl Seelig, in 'Albert Einstein') 2.The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.

If you have never read information like this before remember in history, there is nothing to compare with the creation of Israel in 1948 and there is nothing like this time in history as survivors of it today will tell you. Consider that in Germany 200,000 people were bombed to death in Dresden in February 1945. Figures however range from 30,000 to 200,000 killed (in a continuing dispute) Dresden's population in 1850 was 100,000. In 1939 (before the war) the population was 630,000. 1000 planes dropped 4000 tons of bombs on Dresden and a total of 385,000 people were killed in German cities by bombs in the war. If you survived the bombing in Dresden the intensity of the heat and city wide fires melted the flesh of your bones, whilst in Japan Hiroshima and Nagasaki in May 1945 two Nuclear bombs killed 200,000 people in two blasts and injured tens of thousands more for decades. In Europe 50,000000 (million)  people were killed alone that's without the Middle East and Asian arena's, (also a part of world war 2) and 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust. Concentration camps killed millions in Russia, Ukraine Balkans and Germany. England was also bombed and 70,000 were killed in those alone, and a further 500,000 died and 1 million in world war 1. 300,000 Americans died. Estimates of 3 million to 5.4 million Germans died. All of this preceded Israel's rebirth and many had been exiled as lost tribes from 550 bc, and also since 70ad. Nothing got in its way, a prophecy that it would become a nation again was spoken over 2000 years previous. In history it remains one of the most violent and excruciatingly traumatic periods of history and it began in pre-history. That's what a real war look likes and it has many faces (including the paragraphs above this) which are not always explained.

German and Scandinavian Sons of Odin. 

The openness and family orientated nature of society in Germany is a part of its independence, but some suggest its greatest strength was broken down in 1941-2 by Islamic Zoroastrian beliefs. (see chapter 3 on this page)  The tribal connection to the lost tribes of Israel has a similar ancient theme to the Sons of Odin (similar to Saxons or Isaac sons). Odin or Woden appears in the Scandinavian king lists as a real person and dating from around  1600 to 1800 bc in some lists. Odin "the all father" or fuhrer who began at the tree of life, (Yggdrasil)  which is connected by a bridge to Asgard. It is familiar and similar to biblical epic tales. Germany and Austria has always led the way in debate, science and theology. 5 years ago nobody would say Adolf Hitler (who was not a Christian) from 1933 to 1940 sent Jewish families to Israel but now it is admitted in Israel. (see chapter 3 on this page near the end and the entry dated 24.10.2015  &  25.11.2015 ) The expulsion of the Jews to Israel was of course a mutual decision and anti-semitism and anti - christian parting of the ways or pagan European views were mutual. There were also Jews and Christians who wanted to see Israel spiritually reborn and that was an issue people on all sides debated ( people who were Jewish, Messianic Jewish and Catholic and Protestant)

Albert Goering the brother of Hermann Goering the founder of the Gestapo in 1933, and head of the Luftwaffe, who had been a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party since its inception almost. Today Albert Goering is to be honoured for saving Jews and to be declared a Righteous Person by the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, which is the world centre for Jewish Holocaust research. Goering will be the 511th German person to receive the award. Goering obtained many exit permits for Jews from concentration camps and was able also to transfer their assets abroad. Despite the Gestapo knowing Albert was doing this, he and Hermann met throughout (before, and during) the war at family gatherings. Hermann his brother was second in command to Hitler. Hermann Goering, Alberts brother, helped Adolf write Mein Kampf. Hermann and Albert remained close all of their lives. Hermann Goering's car was found in the USA (very expensive) after the war. His ashes were spread over Dachau concentration camp. Hermann Goering's car is now in Russia. Albert and Hermann Goering, two brothers who were true brothers, with two different opinions and philosophical outlooks.

Britain also sent many jewish families back to Palestine as although many were stopped from entry many were given leave (the Brihah) to return to Israel (the new camps next to Bergen Belsen in the British zone and in the American zone at feldafing and foehrenwald) . In Germany today in Krefeld  in Germany a new Synagogue was opened in 2015. No one would have believed it in (the former) East or West Germany. Maybe Germany will  remake the original (not a new style) VW Beetle again.  (the volk or folks wagon) The pertinent point is why do people still love them even today.

Norse and Viking beliefs related in the Poetic and Prose Edda's and the Grímnismal poem within them describes the "Hallowed land" and the debate asks if this land is in Valhalla or where is it ? The Edda's state clearly it is not in Valhalla, and Valhalla is not in Asgard. The Hallowed land is in Asgard or is joined to it by a bridge a rainbow bridge. Therefore Valhalla is a separate area from both the Hallowed land and Asgard which are therefore one and the same place or connected place. This is very similar to biblical explanations.  Confirmation of the descent of Japheth and not Shem (Japheth who was known in the King lists as Sceaf) to Raedwald (who ruled over six lines and Scandinavian royal houses which in part became the shires e.g Wessex, Sussex etc in Britain as well as areas in Germany and Europe) was made in 1939 with the discovery of the Sutton Hoo Burial ship in East Anglia in 1939. It includes the Norwegian and Danish Royal houses. Woden (Voden or Odin) was also 20 generations before Alfred the Great in 860 ad who made the deemings (the law based on the laws of Moses in a time of trouble) Alfred trained as a monk to join the Church, and most of that training occurred in Ireland  where he learnt the Brehon law, itself codified (the book of Achill and the psalter of Tara) by Cormac Mac Airt at the Hill of Tara in 70 to 200 ad (opinions vary on when he lived) from laws passed down orally by the Druids over thousands of years and many of them were Mosaic (i.e. of Moses) in their origin. Germania or "Duitsland" spread over to the Balkans and the Black sea (where the Scythian's or "Skythen" resided also see photograph 1 above at the German Celtic fort the "Hueneburg" and the right hand side of it for Skythen) where the Saxon or isaac sons (Isaac son of Abraham, the father of Joseph of the 12 tribes of Israel) came from over the Caucasus mountains from Israel and you can follow many of the mounds along the way, through the Ukraine into the middle east and back up into Scotland (Skythen Scot Celts) and Ireland and Britain into Scandinavia.

Yet this history and time and lineage is never mentioned, just as Scandinavian and Germanic history is kept in the mists as the lost tribes also, (Vi Kings or 6 Hebrew Kings who were descended from Raedwald ) and the eventual identity of "Ephraim" from the house of Joseph and Israel separately from the House of Judah and Israel. All of this is concealed and is made difficult to untangle, and sometimes theology is disconnected from actual events and relevance. The ships discovery proved the line of Woden to the eventual King Raedwald. (yet the importance of this point is also never made clear) This does not effect German independence but does reveal a different view. For more information also see my book listed in chapter 1 on this webpage and the chapter "Zionism" within it. Zion is for all Israel.Even without reading the book it the matter is plain. The identities of Ephraim and why it is important in its purpose is discussed in Chapter 5 below.

Likewise the millions of German and Swiss tribes (who arrived  via the Danube, from the Black sea area which sits above the ancient Assyria)  which became the reformed Protestant Puritans and Quakers and Amish do not keep their faith for political expediency. Kaiser Wilhelm and his wife Augusta did not visit Jerusalem and the Temple mount in 1898 because they thought it would make a pleasant holiday ("Sonnenbaden in Jerusalem" as one journalist described the event ) They were like all European families deeply fascinated by Jerusalem and the Temple. Islamic converts to Christianity over the last 4 years did not convert for political expediency (in the terror and killing of Christians) and now, they do not pray around a Muslim Temple on Temple Mount or in Jerusalem or the Middle East as a result. The Temple is to be rebuilt in Jerusalem by many who are more than politically motivated.


For more information in this area see Chapter 5 below and the pdf and blue paragraphs.






Chapter 3

Chapters 3, 3a & 3b. The history of Europe and wider including the USA, as seen by events from 2001 through to 2005 and 2020 (national elections, terrorism, immigration, corruption, banking collapses and new directions) 


This Chapter also discusses '7/7, and the bombings around ULU University in 2005. Also the 'Drop the debt campaign'  also known as Jubilee 2000 (taken from the Jubilee laws of the Bible  in Leviticus 25 and elsewhere into 2005 and fwd) Also the 'Families need Fathers' also known as Fathers4Justice campaign.The Global financial collapse of 2008 and also late 2019. The Christian Genocides of the Middle East and wider from 2011 to 2016 and ongoing. The Chapters combined are called Chapter 3, 3A & 3B. They continue into Brexit in 2016, the Populist movement and also into the Sars 2 Covid lockdowns of 2020.


Link back to the top of the website

Click here to return to the post dated 30.11.2019 in chapter 3a 


The attacks on the twin towers on 9/11/2001 began a period in history which is like no other. The recent Christian Genocide in the middle easA full public inquiry has not t (which became more intense from 2011 until today) by ISIL / ISIS and Islam, is also unparalleled not just in its savagery but also in its availability to view in the modern media. Other attacks have continued through the years since 9/11 (2001) Brexit and the USA Presidential Elections 2016 are also covered in this chapter with other events in-between such as "7/7". The chapter ending in early 2017.

Aside from the melected EU commissionilitary threat terrorism brings to the west, it is also under threat financially from debt and mismanaged economies which are not just threatening society and the economy (all across the west) but also the military in the west. This will undermine its ability to defend the west. The military industrial complex is under threat from excessive debt built up in western governments and balance of payments in trade. In effect this eventually effects its ability to fight. To the military aspects of the economy are seen as trivial details but consider the following quotes;

1. Napoleon Bonaparte "An army marches on its stomach" 2. General George S Patton "If everyone is thinking alike then somebody isn't thinking" 3. General Douglas MacArthur  " History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse, or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster "  3. General Douglas MacArthur again  " I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; (USA & the West) not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within" 

The offense and pomposity these quotesthe 1.  by Douglas MacArthur may cause, is nothing to the disaster ignoring his insights could bring. This is assuming that "The West" which includes Israel ( map making is moot politically) includes all its countries and its peindication that (theople. General Patton and MacArthur of course fought the war of the world (in the entire history of war) yet they also had differing ideas. Unstable economic conditions only benefit China and Russia and are detrimental to the West.

The following is a long account of the continuing War on Terror and the Islamic Jihad. It is based on people's real experiences. The three main religions Christianity Islam and Judaism feature. The pre-amble is a lead up to the war on terror.

Following the horrific attacks in Paris in November 2015 also when the following people died, killed by Islamic terrorists (alternative list 

In 2002 the Jubilee Celebrations were celebrated. Many groups worldwide and since the Seattle protests formed to begin changing society. Many were also anti debt and social justice. This has continued up until today. During (for example) the occupy movement in Dublin, on entering the central bank in early 2012 (instead of simply just camping outside in tents, or worrying that 'Common Purpose' the Lucis Trust or George Soros was behind the occupy movement as was claimed) it was ascertained through staff in the central bank it was possible to change old Punts (Irish currency) into Euro's. Also it was possible in theory to change Euro's back into Punts. Once circulated both could co-exist with each other or one could replace the other. Organising committees, people's courts and councils, banks and business are ineffective without a means to fund them. If the economic system cannot be changed why do we vote for politicians at all ? especially when they explain they cannot interfere with commercial decisions. Debt or financial collapse is a blight on society as the world has experienced in the last (especially) 4 or 5 years. Without going into detail here the adjacent website  Chapter 2 and the introduction and Chapter 4 will explain in greater detail. After bank reforms the responsibility for sound financial management follows.

This paragraph once included a pdf story surrounding the 2002 Jubilee celebrations. This (introduction) pdf was composed by four people in 2002, two males and two females, students of philosophy, theology, economics and music, (for entertainment) and then edited together by one person. The people characterised within it are the only the media versions of their persons. Linguistics, language, the media television, radio  and newspaper and and social media often state or give opinions or "facts" people carry or are supposed to have said or believe. Music of course is a language in itself and reveals how people really feel. Sacred geometry and harmonies of scale are linked some suggest. For a copy of it please email.  

Other groups have examined the financial system with a view to improving our world system and the alleviation of poverty. Diverse and with different views the have continued throughout the last 13 years since 2002.

On a more serious note regarding "77" or 7 July 2005. Over the April 2011 Easter holidays many relatives of those who died in the 7/7 London bombings spoke off their grief and memories of that day. Yet the reasons or build up surrounding the events of "7/7" began with the Jubilee drop the debt campaign years before (for a Jubilee of 50 years in 2002, to mark an enthronement, a biblical law from the book of Leviticus chapter 25 verses 1 – 55, the seven times seven Sabbath year, when debts would be cancelled according to the scriptures and those who follow its faith or if allowed to express it in a temporal and a spiritual capacity. "Drop the Debt" is Jubilee 2000, a coalition of non-governmental organisations and religious groups" see the next link July 2002  It is a question which effects every country in the west not just Britain, and the Jubilee campaign has helped to awaken people to the real problems the west is faced with. It is incredible that every other topic is available to discuss from an abundance of news sources but these issues are never or rarely discussed. The result is disastrous, yet the solutions are relatively simple but hesitated upon, as debt cancellation is usually linked to central bank cancellation which is not required or necessary. 1st world debt is severe and is just as serious (and more so in many cases) as other countries and it will continue in cashless society just the same.Eventually a cashless system will also fail. The Jubilee Campaign began in the church of England and also other churches and denominations . Beginning again or beginning again as far as is possible, is financially to everyone's mutual benefit is a concept many cannot envisage, yet putting off the problem until another day is also currently not working. the resultant measures the Jubilee campiagn suggest would produce the biggest boom in history.


To explain this Dr Gates Brown, Tricia. (2004) Free People A Christian response to Global Economics published by Xlibris Corporation (see next)

"Upon a Jubilee 50th year, every family was to return to their property and have all personal debts cancelled including Mortuum Vadium and Vivum Vadium (Leviticus 25;10 – 55), as also the Sabbath years every 7th year also commands i.e. Exodus, Leviticus & Deuteronomy (Exodus 23;10-11),(Leviticus 25; 1-7) (Duet 15, 1-8).The law, therefore addresses situations destitution or indebtedness, where families have been forced to sell off family lands out of financial necessity. The legislation aims to correct societal imbalances which lead to the consolidation of lands into the hands of an elite class"  "It also applies to non-Hebrews, whether they are international (Commonwealth!) or 'aliens in the land' home or abroad (Leviticus 19;34), and this also includes all personal debt and mortgages.Mortuum Vadium and Vivum Vadium " 

This includes the Shmita 7 and 50 year Jubilee's (2015 or 2016 as opinions on the exact counting method varies, and which is examined in the book above on this page Chapter 1 "The Uncreated Creator". The question of the Messiah in Judaism and Christianity can be imagined by reading the book as it describes attributes of the Messiah as the bible lists)

Clearly this is the law and extends to non – Hebrews (and to the wild branches and gentiles) The Commonwealth with its 54 nations  It is in fact the Commonwealth of Israel which is central to the Judeo – Christian belief system. It is also an internal Jewish question, and a question for the (special relationship) and ethics and also one which is passionately pursued by the Temple Institute. The Christian and Jewish view varies depending in interpretation and tradition, yet the scriptures clearly state that a Messiah will rule the earth from a 3rd Temple as described in Ezekiel 40 – 46. The debate is circular but always ends up at those verses. 



The Stone of Scone ( see here the Stone of Scone also known as or can be confused with the Stone of Destiny, Jacobs Pillow or the Lia Fail)

For those who do not know the Stone of Scone or its other titles, it is the stone which sits under the coronation chair or throne at Westminster Abbey. (which you can see is pictured in Scotland and in Westminster Abbey)

It is also called the Stone of Destiny or the Lia Fail ( in Ireland it is also known as the Stone of Fate of the Fatal Stone) or the Stone of Bethel see video in full Youtube 'The Truth of the Stone of Destiny aka The Coronation Stone' or Jacobs Pillow (Jacob from the bible who laid his head to rest upon it on the plain of Luz at Shiloh) It is described (depending on the source) as 22 inches long or 26 inches long, 13 inches or 16/17 inches in width and 10 or 11 inches in height, of a steel hue with red streaks or veins. Taken from Israel by Gathelus son of Calcol brother of Darda (see 1 Chronicles 2 – 6) who became "Trojans" who built Troy (see chapter 1 and 2 and introduction above) or it was brought to Ireland by the Milesians, a few hundred years later who were Scythians (whose journey echoes the Kazaars who, before they were Khazars originally came from Egypt to Israel as Judah)  through the line of Zarah and therefore Judah.

This last point of the two genealogical lines from the Argyll Scots including King Fergus (Milesian – Zarah – the Scarlett Thread) and the line of Edward 1st (the Crete and Trojans who formed the Scandinavian and Frankish Kings) joined the two lines of Judah, if Zedekiah's daughter Tea Tephi married the Irish King Eochaidh (Eremon) which is disputed, (she became the Queen of Ireland on the 21st of June 583 bc) although the oral Druidic accounts state they were a handsome couple. (Jeremiah, Zarah, Zedekiah)

The long and detailed journey of the Lia Fail or the Stone of destiny is easily found on the internet see  "How i took the Coronation Stone from Westminster abbey"   (the video cover depicts Jacobs struggle with the Angel at Peniel see Genesis 32, 22- 32 & Hosea 12,4) and other accompanying books and volumes which go into ancient history, and the chapters above will help you trace those journeys and time periods. A summary of the various journeys includes the following countries, Egypt, Israel, Crete, Greece, Scandinavia, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and Britain and the European nations. In Israel, Jacob crossed the river at Succoth (around 1925 bc) and his dream at Peniel / Bethel (meaning 'House of Gd') The Stone of Scone was later taken to Ireland (around 615 bc) by Jeremiah the prophet, and later to Scotland and then to England, yet apart from the story of its theft (see video above) it resided in Westminster until 1996 when it was taken back to Scotland once more.

The video link above should be viewed to understand the history which relates to an often overlooked aspect of the Stone. 'The Truth of the Stone of Destiny aka The Coronation Stone'     The stone was a part of a building or Temple after Jacob found it and took it with him. It is suggested that it was part of the Temple in Jerusalem i.e. Solomons Temple. Aside from genealogical heritage and bloodlines, the Lia Fail and the Stone of Destiny represent the difference between Pagan and Christian themes, and also the development of a Temple or the Temple. The current Lia Fail was used as a cardinal point (north, east, west and south) of a Temple currently being archaeologically examined on the Hill of Tara between the mound of the hostages and 'an Foradh' where a Stone called the Lia Fail stands, and not the Stone Jacob slept and dreamt upon it is claimed. He dreamt that a ladder or stairs (like a pyramid step but to heaven) upon which angels ascended and descended to God.

The Video (to repeat from 2 paragraphs above)  "How i took the Coronation Stone from Westminster abbey" relates more of the story of the Stone or pillow used to support Jacob's (Israel) head as he dreamt of heaven at the gate of heaven at (near Succoth) There is more than one stone (as mentioned above) including the Lia Fail in Ireland. (Jacobs stone, the Stone of destiny, the Stone of Scone or the Lia Fail etc) In Chapter 3b below and in the Bitchube channel in chapter 3b, more of this history, including the background of the biblical Book of Galatians (in also chapter 5 on this site) who were based in Asia minor but who were also based in Gaul and into Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Intermarried with the Scythian's (from where we derive Scot) the Galatians (Gaul) contained much of the remaining 'lost' tribes of Israel (see also Mathew 25,15) Another indicator is the true stone would cry out or cause an uproar or great commotion or change.

The Stones are different and their histories are complex. Yet as they point to Gd and are important, without Gd, many suggest they were or may simply be stones (see also chapter 5 below) Yet through the mists of time their importance and status has been valued as sacred. What or who do they represent down the ages from ancient times, and what are they symbolic of ?



This is before he wrestled with God as Jacob who became Israel in Genesis 32 (at Peniel) When God asks him his name, God change his name from Jacob to Israel. This aspect of the stone of destiny and its temple design is confirmed in Isaiah 28,16; Psalm 118, 22, & Acts 4,11. It is interesting that the Stone which is currently in Scotland in Edinburgh was stolen from London and Westminster abbey, split in two and was repaired in Scotland and the (a copy) Declaration of Arbroath by Robert the Bruce in 1320 was placed between the join. (The declaration cites the tribe of Judah and the Scythians as a heritage) If it is the real stone in Edinburgh as although it was found after it was stolen, it was was a duplicate and the real stone was hidden by John Rollo before it was repaired in its two halves and only a duplicate was allowed to be found. Rollo and the others were never prosecuted for stealing the stone from Westminster. In 1996 the announcement of the move was made on television. The stone will be returned for Coronations in the future.
Jacobs's pillow in Genesis 28, 10 - 18, verse's 17 and 18, Jacob anointed one stone with oil from many stones (verse 11) and used it as a pillow and the place was called the House of God or Gate of Heaven although the exact translation is the House of Elohim and the door to heaven known as "Bethel" or the exact translation "Beit-El" (which still means the house of Elohim) which Jacob changed from the name Luz, its originally Canaanite name.

big clue to the location of Beit - El is its originally location north of Jerusalem half way to Shiloh (where Jacob, son of Abraham died and the first Capital of Israel before David captured Jerusalem. Esau sold his birthright to his brother Jacob. Esau son of Isaac who was brother to Ishmael sons of Abraham)  If the mineral or stone in analysis matches the rock of this area (the area of the Ladder to Heaven from Jacobs dream see verses 12 - 16) then the correct stone could be identified. Even if the stone were identified, having the Stone but not the anointing which is not just an oil, produces the difference between David and Solomon and other Kings in the books of Kings and Chronicles (a couple of whom were deemed righteous also) In other words there is more to the stone concept. This type of misdirection which continues between Scotland and Britain may have actually began in Ireland, as although the Lia Fail is not Jacobs pillow the coronation stone was loaned to the Dal Riada / Argyll Scots, it was taken back after Saint Columba died on Iona. (Columba's real name was Crimthian of the Royal O'Neill's clan and he travelled to Scotland and Tara often) The book of Kells currently in Trinity college was originally from Kells only a short distance from Tara although it travelled to Iona and Lindisfarne)The real stone may be in Tara or County Meath (Tara Hill is in County Meath) still today.

A test of this nature was performed yet all the stones could be analysed to see if they originate at Beit – El as since then there exists sophisticated technology exceeding previous decades.

Jacob had 12 sons (12 tribe nations) and one of them "Joseph" of the Amazing Technicolor dream coat fame was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt but became Pharaoh (after Sensuret the 2nd some claim) by interpreting a dream for Pharaoh. Joseph was a precursor for the Messiah (a type or shadow for the future and the dream concerns the future good and bad years of famine and the future good and bad churches). The stone which rejected becomes the head of the corner and the Temple in its design moves from a Pyramid to the type of temple in Jerusalem (which began in the desert as Moses tabernacle following the Exodus) The stone or House of Elohim may have been used in the Temple (first Temple) which Nebuchadnenezzer 2 looted and destroyed causing Jeremiah to flee Israel.

Therefore the stone was (some say) anointed itself. It in itself, was/is not the House of God but a marker for the House of God, which was blessed by the Ruach HaKodesh (Spirit of God) with power symbolised by the anointing Oil. The House of Elohim would eventually produce the Messiah (past or future person)

Before drawing a conclusion, consider also the story of the Tuatha De Danaan (the tribe of Dan) who left the Exodus in 1450 bc (approx) and conquered Sardinia and Corsica and traveled west. Those that were named as descended as Dan from Jacob (who had 12 sons) fled from Egypt in 721 bc. It is generally considered that only the tribe of Ephraim left the exodus early, yet archaeological dates and tracing the Danites suggest others may have also, although it is not mentioned directly in scripture, except for clues in Genesis 46;23 (Hushim) which is also the tribe of Shuhami (Numbers 26;43) who were clans of the Danites. The Vikings also conquered Corsica and Sardinia and many parts of Europe 2000 and/or 1400 years later. Vikings were Northmen from Norway and Normans of France.

The Irish record describes the Tuatha de Danaan (descended from Nemed of the Nemedians ) as coming from the North which could be India and then over the top of the world through Scandinavia to Ireland. They came from are four cities "that no mortal eye has seen but that the soul knows" these are Gorias that is in the East; and Finias that is in the South, and Murias that is in the West; and Falias that is in the North. And the symbol of Falias is the stone of death, which is crowned with pale fire. And the symbol of Gorias is the Dividing sword. And the symbol of Fineas is a spear. And the Symbol of Murias is a hollow that is filled with water and light. They brought four objects. They are the Lia Fáil, the Spear of Lugh,(Lugh Of also Ludgate in London)  the Sword of Nuada, and the Cauldron of the Dagda.

The Tuatha De Danaan have a Vedic tradition (Indo European with stories of Shambala etc) and India was on the Silk road and ocean and other ancient sea routes the Phoenicians used. (Vi kings or 6 Kings) The juxtaposition of names (i.e the feminine Danu from Dan)  and various departure dates from Israel (as travellers) and the Hebrew fertile crescent are spread over a thousand years. Recent DNA studies (December 2015) show the Middle East origins of Irish tribes and European tribes  as being from the Caucasus Mountains Black sea area and the Middle East. (populations at this time were few and many lands were empty or sparsely populated)

The Stone of death (or fate stone or stone of destiny) from Falias i.e. the Lia fail was made by Morfessa in Falias and is said to cry out when the King stands upon it (note this is different from the stone called Jacobs pillow) as a roar throughout the land. Yet the current Lai Fail may not be the real Lia Fail (in Ireland) as Cuchulain split the stone, or a stone in a rage splitting it into two pieces (like the stone which was stolen at Westminster) and after it would not "roar with joy" again. It did roar under Brian Boru and Conn of the hundred battles contradicting this story. Originally, the Lia Fail would have stood before the Mound of Hostages, however, it was moved to its current site in 1798 to commemorate the 400 rebels who died in the Battle of Tara during the Irish revolution.

And it would have lain on its side in order that it may be stood upon. It was not pillar shaped and the current stone is one of four markers originally situated around the Mound of the Hostages. Inis Fail was the original name of Ireland and the national anthem of Ireland says "Some have come from a land beyond the wave" Since Jacobs stone and the Tuatha De Danaan stone both came from Israel (although the current stone is not the real stone of this story) the confusion arises.

Ancient systems of land tenure and monetary systems are considered out of date or insufficient for modern requirements. Without understanding the Agrarian laws (the Brehon laws had similar designs) which were interchangeable with Shmita or Shemittah & the Sabbatical year, (the appointed times) you can never understand fiancé and economics or attain true long term wealth (as a nation) Without understanding how the land needs to recover naturally, then no amount of artificial pesticides can do the work of nature (the Agrarian laws are very ancient but also very modern in practice) However since this knowledge is no longer known or employed other methods are placed first.  In other words there is more to the stone concept.

It is suggested that there is a complete disconnect between the ancient world and the modern and ideas surrounding debt cancellation of past systems do not apply today. Debt cancellation blesses twice and as a blessing, the party cancelling the debt would be in difficulty unless there is benefit for them also. Debt forgiveness blesses those who cancel and those who receive. The Shmita and Jubilee and the 7 years laws has this hidden quality which when enacted, any debt which is cancelled returns 3 or 10 fold (according to different interpretations) and it is this spiritual aspect of the laws which is no longer believed for fear of the unknown. Laws of nature and sustainability and agriculture and CSR corporate social responsibility are modern terms which follow these principles.

The laws were compulsory and had to be bestowed by the King, Queen or Sovereign or ruler or Spiritual head (but usually all, both or one alone) upon the people of the land or nation, and declared by decree, upon which the laws were enacted and the Jubilees were binding upon Church and State. 




The Jubilee 2000 Campaign (known as 'Drop the Debt' ) and the 'Families need Fathers' also known as Fathers4Justice campaign 


In the early 1990's as the Global debt accumulated in national debts and also personal debts, the Jubilee 2000 Campaign (or see here also again) (based upon Leviticus 25 and other biblical scriptures) grew.  Its patron was Queen Elizabeth 2nd. The Jubilee 2000 campaign sought to reduce any countries nationals debts  From 2000 until 2005 the 'Make Poverty History' campaign was attached to it  with of course many partici[pants interested in their own national debts first especially in Britain. The Make Poverty History campaign had a double protest both in Edinburgh and in London just days before the "7/7" bombing campaign in London. Many who attended in Edinburgh also attended in London moving down to London to join in there, and which has already been described from the beginning of Chapter 3. Many anti-debt campaigners also went to visit the Marxist 2005 meeting in ULU at the University of London, to protest the growing awareness of the left's refusal to acknowledge their polices were also causing the Global debt. (all the bombs exploded near or  around the ULU university and a5ft boms was announced to go off inside the main hall where the minimal attendees stood. The bombings reducing the numbers down to  afew hundred inside) Keynesian debt bubbles and peculiar attachments to the national debt for endless accumulations of debt were not acknowledged by the left within western society. The Jubilee laws are a part of that examination as is (and then also ) the Sovereign laws of man e.g. "Strawman - The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL)"  and see in totality the section in Chapter 3b entitled 'The Law of the Land'  and also the section in chapter 3b called "King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’, the Magna Carta, the bill of rights 1688/1689 and the Popes law to cancel Corporations (23.04.2020 St Georges day)"   which explains these Laws to a much deeper level. The Global scourge of indebtedness now to the tune of Trillions (250) and Quadrillions in derivatives means it is time for total debt cancellation without conditions in each national homeland.

more information will be added here shortly


They were / are part of the condition for continuation of the land and protection which is why they were known as the "Blessed Isles" or Avalon or the "far off isles" ( see Isaiah 49, verse 1) in the bible. One of the problems this highlighted is that people wanted their leaders to take such action as that is their binding purpose, although the point of it, or the memory of them is lost (in 2016) by any leader or authority if they are even aware of them. They were meant to be put into action. The problems which follow without such laws (and this is only one) are numerous and evident. Keeping them did not mean loss but a change in fortune and increase. The "Deemings" (blended with Mosaic law, the laws of Moses as are the Brehon laws codified) of King Alfred and other countries laws are based upon them. The notion of them is a mystery to many but there is nothing new under the Sun (Ecclesiastes 1, 4 - 11) They are intended as a marker in common law and to bring spiritual blessing hence the Jubilee drop the debt campaign of 2002 and 2005 in 7/7 also at ULU university  and University of London location which relate the bombs of London in 2005  and today The Jubilee campaign was a Christian group in origin and met in many places and with speakers in many places.

"The first day had to be cancelled after the tragic bus bombing took place yards from where we were to meet. But by 10am on Friday morning 1,000 people gathered"   &   "The fact that some 4,000 people made it to central London in the wake of the bombings and with most having been in Scotland protesting against the G8 just days before" 

3 years earlier they had also petitioned for a Jubilee decree. Jubilee also arises from the book of Jubilee's  (or here in PDF form) Many suggest it was / is a book of the Bible. However the feasts and festivals and Jubilees are named within the existing bible books.



Family's need fathers and father4justice and links 'Families need Fathers' & the Fathers4Justice campaign

Families need fathers  and also  Fathers4Justice (there are others also)

These campaigns became prominent just after 2000 but also for decades before. It was not just full of men but also had many woman within their ranks. The growing encroachment of the state into family rights and sovereignty from the 1960's and the breakdown of the family unit meant people were fed up of laws which denigrated the traditional family unit but which also (in the mind of the state) saw the state believing they had rights over children their own parents did not have. No state authority can remove a child and they cannot do so unless they have the child's birth certificate (if you even need to register a child by birth certificate) which a parent does not have to give. This is especially relevant in legal procedures, custody and divorce and child safety issues. Again you need to read chapter 3b and  "Strawman - The Nature of the Cage (OFFICIAL)"  and see in totality the section in Chapter 3b entitled 'The Law of the Land'  and also the section in chapter 3b called "King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’, the Magna Carta, the bill of rights 1688/1689 and the Popes law to cancel Corporations (23.04.2020 St Georges day)"   Which explains deeper into these Laws. Men however have less rights over children than woman although men and woman are affected and of course children need Mothers also . 

In 2004 over 2 Million fathers and mothers marched on London demanding equal access and fathers rights.  2 million people demonstrated and it would reveal an area of law and family law that had been under attack for decades. Matt OConnor one of the leaders demanded equal parenting rights   Batman and Robin and the SAS. One protester scaled the front of Buckingham Palace as 'Batman' and was joined later by Robin later and other superheroes out to bring Justice to an area of lucrative legal fees and legal aid in what is a targeted policy to remove parents rights  as the sole 'owner' of children. The march and protest was a shock to the system  in the growing anger at crazy laws and policies.  Some papers remarked that the SAS would not remove or shoot Batman (no outright news item seems to have this story now) on Buckingham Palace and this is because some of them were in the protest along with Judges and Solicitors and every occupation who could not get to see their own children also. However it also had more sinister reasons and the uncovering of pedophiles, trafficking and child abuse (some coming from within social services and the legal profession itself and wider) in the areas of child care were stark, involving also the Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall and Max Clifford, PIE the 'Paedofile Information Exchange' and Harriet Harman etc, and on into the BBC and everywhere (see chapter 3a and 3b below and also chapter 6)  Child abusers lobbied for laws to assist children being removed from parents also. This rift in accepted 'law' or the area of the legal fiction to profit from human activity making people chattel and slaves was being vigorously challenged as the sinister and abnormal situation of law and state which had mushroomed over several decades.  This is still ongoing and many adults are realizing it is also their rights that are also being removed. It is time this evil was ended.




The Jubilee campaign continued however and also incorporated the Making Poverty History Campaign which in July 2005 had events which brought together all shades of religious belief, political ideology  and economic thought in Edinburgh and London with other events around the world. Further the annual Marxism week was to be held at the University Of London (ULU)ON 7.7 2005 and all were invited. It was advertised well in advance as was the making poverty history events with Bono and Bob Geldof.

What happened on 7/7 is described by Martin Shayler (ex MI5) (part 1 of 5) & related article who with Annie McMahon   & related article spoke (downstairs in the ULU main hall) about the war in Iraq in one of the scheduled meetings, from a week of topics as always reflected in the Marxism conference which is eclectic and broad, as Marxism 2011 lists 

As Martin Shayler relates the 4 bombs exploded around the ULU centre, and the Tavistock institute either underground or above ground, and consequently many people travelling into the Marxism 2005 conference from London and Edinburgh did not make it and the event was almost cancelled. After a remembrance service for those that died,(in the gardens near the friends meeting house in Euston, donated by the Quakers) it was decided to continue with the meetings the next day. During the day (7/7) a fifth bomb was rumoured to have been planted inside the main meeting hall. The media also announced a training exercise was occurring, yet this exercise was exactly what occurred in reality

( Dec 2015 ) To explain many people woke on the morning on 7/7... (10 years of remembrance day  and here are the people that died on the day which because of the tragedy, the surrounding events should be known and traveled to events in Edinburgh or London).... very early to attend the Live aid festival and demonstrations and conferences in and around the Edinburgh or the London areas. Many in Edinburgh had assembled up to 6 days before the event and stayed in Edinburgh and later traveled down to London, later many people in Edinburgh drove down from Edinburgh or took an airplane from Glasgow airport after the Edinburgh 3 day event to London, where other events linked to the making poverty history events were beginning. There were lots of events in Edinburgh, political discussions, music and dance (or here as studio recording or as an MP4 file  or here again also Peat Bog Fairies Folk Police MP 4 FILE  )  late into the night(s) and walking tours gaining a panoramic view of Edinburgh and the highlands but the most unusual event, also included the worlds largest Ceilidh dance held on the Edinburgh green where it is estimated 10,000 people (all ages families, children and elderly and people attending Edinburgh for the first time ) did a flash dance folk Ceilidh for three or four hours. It actually looked something like this (Scottish highland dancing) or this ( Scotland highland dancing 2 )  Sword dance   Sword dance 2  & both hands in the air with refreshments and a few professionals instructing.The Jubilee campaign and drop the debt and countless other were present, 2 Million people overall visited over the 3 days including from Europe, South America and the USA, Australia etc. Those that flew down to London the day after the live aid event (including myself) were unaware of the 4 bombs which has just exploded in London, although were aware by the time the bags and check out were complete. Only one coach left for the Euston area, (where ULU or the University of London was which was hosting the events in London) and in the journey there were abandoned cars on roads and motorways and total chaos with people walking out from London to their homes, in some cases this may have been 10 or 20 miles out. At Euston, the coach dropped people and the route to ULU (University of London) and area was filled with armed police and the route also involved walking past the road where the bus had been bombed. By this time it was covered by a green gauze.obscuring the view into the street. There were other marches in London in the days before, separate from the 2005 Live aid concerts.

By the time the conference centre was reached the festival atmosphere was gone and the numbers expected obviously were down from thousands to a few hundred at this meeting. Many groups attended, the Jubilee Campaign and connected debt groups were motivated by individualism, many were Christians, they were not motivated by ideology to attend, although personal freedom was important, yet they were not motivated by ( i.e. not the power of nightmares as in the documentaries 4 paragraphs below) nor communism, but the power of authority of freedom and justice, the opposite of a nightmare. Just as today many political and economic theories were endlessly discussed leading up to the "Live Aid" affair. The aims of the Jubilee Campaign in finance (at 7/7) were to seek similar financial measures and changes which were discussed at the Paris Climate meeting which can be read at  the end of Chapter 2 and 3 in the adjacent website   which are lacking from our current system and without them, the system is underpinning the demise of the west.

One very important directive proposed (from the public and witnessed by myself) in the main hall in ULU (University of London, not the friends meeting house) was to cancel All World Debt, it was proposed and carried, and to this day the relatives who seek justice and a reason as to what really happened, need to know these truths. It was also proposed by 1 Million people who demonstrated in Edinburgh over the days previous. Truths which are also linked to the worldwide demonstrations to the Iraq war when 10 Million marched. Other proposals put forward for seconding were ecological and changes to the lack of democracy in the western world. There is an interesting website with full information "7/7 The July 7th Truth Campaign"  which points out the proximity to the City of London and the Inter Alpha banks.

It is clear that through all levels of authority and the security services and police, they must have worked to allow the meeting to continue (the drop the debt, making poverty history meetings, and Marxism 2005 and others ) they also know that cancelling all world debt, and making a real banking system is how the world should be run, and have supported all efforts for an inquiry and want to make known the wider implications of how the world is being enslaved and what the world can do about it.

Since the relatives have not been granted an public inquiry  in 2005 and again in 2011, the inquests set for publication on May6th 2011 and since July 7 2005 the worlds banking system has collapsed because of Debt,   ( in 2007/8 ) forcing people to buy homes on six or up to ten times their wages i.e borrowing ten times a wage or joint wage (when the wholesale cost price without a mortgage is the actual fair price and jobs are required to maintain payments) then a call for world debt cancellation, and a return of all bailout monies and a return of all loans and credit charged at interest to the world could become its own inquiry in memory of those people who died on that day (60 in number) Currently the NAFTA deal is also highlighted as even more detrimental to the west making it impossible to trade out of the situation (all being fair and equal) or resolve this issue. Today across left and right people are acknowledging there is serious problem which "more debt" will not solve as many countries in the west cannot pay the interest on the debt anymore. Margins are squeezed beyond rational meaning and business and worker alike and corporations are admitting this problem (but not publically yet) 

If it is believed that four individuals (Muslims) were to blame then a full public open inquiry (not private) would reveal this. And people in the West protested their innocence as well as marching against the war in Iraq. Yet the slaughter of Christians continues un-abated by Islam ?

A full public inquiry has not occurred and the 6.5.2011 non-public inquest  (its verdict) was predicted in the Documentary Ludicrous Diversions.   & related article   whatever you think about the documentary, and its motives, the removal of civil liberties and public freedom is happening (illegally) increasingly everyday. For background of 7/7 the BBC produced a documentary relating how the War on Terror has always been a false construct, a supposed battle between "liberalism" & "conservatism" which is  true but liberalism attacks faith and spirituality without rational purpose or cause. Hence you can be conservative but not be aware of faith or the spiritual causes. Entitled the Power of Nightmares     and Trailer   it details how society (they suggest)  is controlled by these false claims. "Creating False Dragons in order to chase them" (a quote from George Monbiot) War is business for the sake of it and profits (and related article) Or try these two links Power of Nightmares and/or  Power of Nightmares  Subsequent events to the 2003 documentary and the Arab spring is detailed below. In the case of 7/7 the Paris bombings and Belgian bombings 2015 / 2016 were carried out by Islamic state as is claimed by the Police in 7/7. 



The Global Financial Collapse of 2008 

In April 2007 and gathering speed into 2008 the financial collapse of the banking (central banking system) began see Wikipedia chronology.  See also the adjacent website   and the Intro, Chapters 1, 2 and forward. The brief documentary 'The 2008 Financial Crisis: Explaining the Start'  which has been analyzed and discussed ever since that date. Today (see chapter 3a below) the shored up debt is now into Quadtrillions, and the 2008 collapse reminds nations to invest at home in many sectors of industry, reducing debt to zero if possible, creating 100% employment and lowering taxes to buffer against any fiat disaster on the Horizon. (most recessions are caused by removing money from the economy, whilst returning investment brings an upturn, whilst this seems obvious many economists do not know how inflation or deflation actually works in the central banking system) Going one step further and providing trade and independent trade deals to protect against global forces should be the real aim of the politicians you elect and economists you appoint. How many politicians know or even campaign on returning (not economic banking growth) an economy to full strength by localism, trade and protecting SME's, by making good and healthy trade deals and rebuilding manufacturing at home. (hardly any, but why is that ? the following chapters 3, 3a and 3b help to answer these questions) ) In other words, a recession is artificially created, built on sand and a shaky foundation removing money from the economy creates these deflationary recessions, whilst adding money in (and this can be done without debt) creates a strong economy. 



The Persecution of Christianity (January 2017) 

(Insert 20.01.2017. Since 2005 and since 2011 from the Arab uprisings began in which (not just ISIL or ISIS) ordinary civilian Muslims have targeted Christians and christian churches worldwide where they live in towns, villages and cities indiscriminately leading to the worldwide condemnation of Islam and its Christian Jihad genocide (details of which can be read as documented in date order below) In 2016 for example 90,000 Christians were killed  and over 1 million have been killed in the last decade (that has been reported) making Christianity the most persecuted faith on earth  with more than half a Billion unable to practice their faith at all. 

This recent study is brought forward by the Center for the study of world Christianity in Edinburgh or the USA

Islam is not a faith born in the fertile crescent or Levant of the middle east. It was born in Saudi Arabia. Christianity and Judaism is the original faith born in that area. It is currently occupying the middle east illegally. It is also not a true religion or faith with no claim to Jerusalem except for a belief in a dream on a flying horse (half or 1/3 horse/peacock/woman ?, see below) or tenure in history or law, yet it has managed to fool the world. This is the real dragon which occupies all of the following regions and which was spread by the sword and which is the central 'raison d'etre' of Islam and not peace (peace means world slavery achieved) Like Communism which has no other political parties opposing (in the vanguard) or subsequent voting rights, Islam is repressive and totalitarian. Islam was crushed by Genghis Khan (after Islam had pushed the people of the steppes and central Europe's patience)

A full public inquiry has not occurred and the 6.5.2011 non-public inquest  (its verdict) was predicted in the DocumentaryLudicrous Diversions.   & related article   whatever you think about the documentary, and its motives, the removal of civil liberties and public freedom is happening (illegally) increasingly everyday. For background of 7/7 the BBC produced a documentary relating how the War on Terror has always been a false construct, a supposed battle between "liberalism" & "conservatism". Entitled the Power of Nightmares     and Trailer   its details how society is controlled by these false claims. "Creating False Dragons in order to chase them" (a quote from George Monbiot) War is business for the sake of it and profits.(and related article) Or try these two links Power of Nightmares  Power of Nightmares

What has changed? Since the war on terror, have the 10 million who demonstrated against the War worldwide in Iraq helped to change the middle east situation has it become much worse.


Since 2003, Christianity has declined in the middle east under George Bush and now under Obama (Barry Soetoro), although its numbers worldwide have increased ?. Since the 'Arab Spring' (so called) and the atrocities committed against Christians in Egypt, Syria, North Africa, Israel and Lebanon and wider etc is it time to re-evaluate Jerusalem .

Currently Saudi Arabia does not allow Christian Churches to be built  within its borders  but expects Islam to exist elsewhere around the world ? and is now calling for a Jihad against Christian Churches by destruction

Should this be allowed to continue ?  At the heart of the troubles are the religious and historical disagreements

Political analysis of the Middle East cannot always cover the ancient beginnings to the conflict. Despite centuries of conflict passage to Jerusalem has always been established. Many in the west including Christians have long sought to seek Justice, Truth and Knowledge and to be fair to all. 

Since the War in Iraq has bankrupted America as many suspect it was designed to do, 10 Million people worldwide demonstrated against the war to protect innocent people in 2002 / 2003/ 2004. Less documented were the huge Christian casualties in Iraq killed and also displaced from Iraq and the Middle East . America is also facing an internal revolution against its economic bankruptcy and Government.

This is continuing today against Christians with Ethnic Cleansing, beheading's, (Including Priests  also  cannibalism,repeated rapes and torture reaching new heights of barbarity, including savagery and killings against children and clergy (Protestant and Catholic and other) all over the Middle East by Islamic forces under the watch of the Obama administration  Since the 'Arab spring' (so called) in 2010 until today, Muslim inter- warring and Muslim deaths are being reported, but as in 2003 and now others are not as reported.  Only recently has the Anglican and Catholic church spoke out, (including archbishop of Canterbury and the Pope) Atrocities beyond belief

This war could be over in 24 hours, peacefully, or otherwise     (Temple Mount) It was mooted in 1999 that rather than invade Iraq/Afghanistan, a Western invasion of all oil/energy facilities should occur, changing Middle East ownership of these facilities. (as opposed to invading civilian populations) This would change the political landscape overnight and this policy does not look to the media or social media, as invasion of these facilities is the only option the West requires. This would re-establish the way to Jerusalem.

President Obama allows the Syrian rebels to kill Christians, (including pagans, atheists etc and Europeans generally, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish who have also been killed in Thousands) and advances a full military invasion of Syria. Countries suffering Christian atrocities with Thousands of Churches burnt.

Will 10 Million Muslims rise up and shout for Christian protection? or is Islam really a faith of peace ? and does this cry hypocrisy against Muslims, could Islam go all the way to protect Christians as the Western demonstrators went all out to protect them and for them in February 2003 ? (see also paragraph C and "7/7" below) The people, who protested against the Iraq War in the West, can demand that they do. If not is this proof Islam is inferior in character and spirit or that it is a false religion (i.e. the alburaq beast ) Is the " Jihad / Holy War " really a deception leading to World War 3 ? All faiths have suffered needlessly in the ongoing war, and all innocent civilians should be protected. 
If not should Islam be banned in the West as Christianity is banned in Saudi Arabia  Just as Egypt has banned the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

There is no comparable march by Islam to stop the war against Christians (which has seen nearly 1.5 million dead since 2003, and 8 million displaced since 2003)

Jordan is returning to Judea/Israel

Against this background was the crusade for Democracy in Iraq in 2003/2004, yet Iraqis wanted economic democracy and freedom. As the Muslim brotherhood won an election under democracy in June 2012  Egyptians discovered the Muslim Brotherhood could not deliver an economic democracy, as poverty and social injustice increased Egyptians wanted rid of them , inequality and poverty issues only increased

In Iraq Christians are being forced to leave, be beheaded or convert to Islam  (2014) Yet Christianity has been in Iraq for nearly 2000 years ?   also in Syria and Jordan 700 years before Islam. Forced conversion is abhorrent. Yet if this edict was placed on Islam in every country worldwide to convert to Christianity or other (and 'others' are forced to convert to Islam also) would this be correct ? Should Muslims be forced to change religions or return to Mecca by deportation? what is the difference? 

Islamist's are now destroying biblical heritage ancient archaeology sites sacred to Christianity and Judaism and also Islam ? why should the West and/or Middle East accommodate Islam ?   Isis is funded by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar, yet if the West will not intervene against ISIS as it wished to do against Syria and President Assad (until a protest worldwide brought the western invasion / war to an end in Syria 2013/2014)). ISIS have threatened Assad and Syria also ? and yet the bombing of Iraq ( 9th August 2014) by the USA against ISIS has highlighted that anyone who does not support ISIS will be slaughtered. Does the west favour ISIS over Assad ?   ISIS are against Assad and Syria and Israel/Jordan (Israel has now annexed Jordan) but is pro- Palestine (but against the Yazidi tribe)

ISIS also threatens to destroy Mecca ? (and the Saudis )who are funding ISIS ?   It is clear that an intervention to defend Christians and Jews in the middle east is essential. Turkey are also funding ISIS,  (but) and Saudi Arabia are also in other opinions funding ISIS (against itself)   Islam began as a revolutionary movement/faith (as opposed to a religion). It began by praying towards Jerusalem (many new converts were Pagan or agnostic for decades whilst Mohammed lived) and then turned its back on it, and prayed towards Mecca, forming a revolution against it (Christians and Jews were living there for seven hundred years and thousands of years before ) whilst moving north and provoking the Spanish and Indo-Europeans and eventually forcing the Crusades. This has continued to this day.

ISIS or ISIL (The 'Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or the Levant'  not to be confused with ISIS who rescue woman and children from Human Trafficking) It claims to represent the emerging state of Islam around the world to govern the world. Mis-information (including the obvious in the 2 paragraphs above) concerns the United Nations who are funding it, whilst condemning it ? just as it is claimed Obama is funding ISIS and intervening against it by bombing it  in Iraq (outside of Syria)

ISIS believes the world should go beyond Sunni Islam and force the world to obey Sharia Law. Saudi Arabia is primarily Sunni,as is Pakistan ISI which is a Nuclear state. ISIS is essentially the Muslim Brotherhood and Sayyid Qutb  (to repeat see the power of nightmares documentary  two links Power of Nightmares  Power of Nightmares ) Qutb like the Neo-Cons regarded Liberalism as corrupting against the Religious state. Yet both inherited an anti – liberal agenda born from Soviet state Communism or state corporationism disguised as religion. This manifests itself in the unending and never achieved revolution. Many neo-cons became aware of this later in their careers as did many Muslims, but by then and especially in the cold war it was too far entrenched by radicalisation fear techniques. Liberalism itself was also a construct based on Darwinism, humanism and secularism (the latter ironically has now become a religion in itself) and debt. ISIS have shown that after the death of Osama Bin laden, Islam is trying to continue on. With origins some claim to be in Saudi and Jordan, Jordan has however (to repeat) annexed its country to Israel.

Whilst misinformation continues it is clear that Christians are being killed in tens of Thousands and any other group (ethnic or political or both) not agreeing with it are destroyed. (yet there is no protest)

What then for economic democracy?

In the background is the continued war for oil or energy with OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) announcing the world will only reach 3 to 4% in renewable energy consumption (and therefore oil will remain as main fuel) however it is estimated that 40 to 50 % of the worlds energy will move to renewable energy in the coming years. (and will increase as trading refines and renews)

Egypt has rejected the Muslim brotherhood, as it did not see any economic advantage in the Islamic State philosophy, a state which now covers Syria and Iraq, and is controlled by ISIS. The Islamic State or Caliphate is a dictatorship. In Saudi Arabia it is sectarian Apartheid state in which all other religions are banned. This would include paganism as Muhammad was the first to destroy the pagan gods of the Kaabha in Mecca. It can declare woman as anti Islamic and commit genocide against its opponents, which includes Buddhists and Hindu's which is currently ongoing in India, Pakistan and Sri – Lanka. a ) Its government is subject to Islamic Religious law or Sharia Law and it states that those opposed to Islam worldwide should be killed. Salman Rusdie (for example) is still in hiding since 1989. Economically it renounces socialism and democracy, but it has its modern roots in Leninism (although many Muslims do not accept this) which also allows a Monarchy to rule. Again Sayyid Qutd fused Leninism into Islam a fact which many neo-cons were surprised to discover. Islam is not a religion but is now a revolutionary movement, which first opposed Jews and Arabs in Medina / Mecca and then Jerusalem. (For more information see the adjoining website and chapter 4 towards the end, where the USA has appointed Sarah Sewall, as a Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues.  Her details are as follows.  ( MARO, & ) Sarah Sewall is the founder and Faculty Director of the  Mass Atrocity Response Operations (MARO  & Sarah Sewall ) Project (the link has a handbook on its doctrines) This is a tremendous boost for the security of Tibet and it must be welcomed around the world. Its doctrine can also be beneficial to Christians who are the largest persecuted group and who have suffered more than 1 million deaths since 2003.

World religious leaders have condemned the Genocide against Christians in the middle east  The Pope has said Genocide is on the way in Iraq against Christians and has accepted air strikes to protect them. Whilst Protestants have expressed concerns on the doctrinal assumptions and violence Islam undertakes. Amnesty International first reported the slaughter of the Egyptian Arabic Coptic Christians, and the media silence. And the growing numbers of Christians killed is calling for an international response.

The Obama administration is at odds with its military Generals (amidst calls for his impeachment and arrest whilst Obama seeks a 3rd term in his own Caliphate as President. This Caliphate supports Colonialism of Islam or Lenin but is against Colonialism per se ?) whilst they and others see the inflammatory comments by Obama (the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam   or  here ) as disrespectful to those Christians and Buddhists who are facing persecution at this time.( Saudi Arabia and surrounding are Apartheid states to which have been supplied with $60 Billion dollars of armaments to help it defeat Iran ISIS will also surround Iran. Yet both Saud and Iran wish to destroy Israel and Christianity ? which has declined especially since 2001.  Some on the far right have a solution which involved Nuclear war. In effect to Nuke the middle east and wait for it to cool down and then drill for oil, others have a far less drastic solution.

The public role of any politician or political party is a contradiction, and the contradictory situation in the middle east and wider is designed to confuse. However the initiative of MARO, the  'Mass Atrocity Response Operations' (see above) could be extended to also prevent Christian lives being lost elsewhere. To fully protect Christians a fully fledged invasion (not just air strikes) would have to occur in Iraq , Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Quatar and Saudi Arabia, to counteract the rise in ISIS and planned future genocides. This would mean NATO (even the US and Russia have been allies not-withstanding Ukraine's freedom) and other forces combining from Norway (Scandinavia) to France and Canada. (The West) The war will reach those countries eventually, as this is the stated aim of these groups, whilst the death toll rises in hundreds of thousands.

In July / August / September 2014 there remains no Worldwide protest or outrage against the slaughter and/or rape of Christians, protestant or catholic, Greek orthodox, Coptic "other" pagan or "unsures" and over a wide area in the middle east (children, woman, priests and the elderly in horrors too numerous to list) and this has continued over the last three years. Christians are the largest persecuted group in the Middle East and the world. Saudi Arabia despite being President Obama's ally have vowed to wipe out Christianity. One Saudi Prince however has converted to actual Christianity (as opposed to Chrislam), whilst the ongoing ethnic cleansing continues. In November 2014 and in the preceding months the Egyptian army  has also killed Palestinians (and vice versa) and has destroyed tunnels and infrastructure. Whilst Israel would resist an Egyptian invasion of Gaza there has been no comparable protest or media condemnation of the Egyptian attacks? 40,000 Christians were killed by Yasser Arafat and Fatah in total in Lebanon from 1975 to 1983, and 580 in one massacre in Damour, the massacres have continued up until today (Iraq) It is not possible from ongoing evidence throughout the middle east, to defend these Christians and other minorities by air strikes alone, without a full invasion.

Since 2003 nearly I Million Christians have been killed in the middle east & worldwide, 4 - 6 million have been displaced since 2003 and into the Arab Spring and today with 125,000 Christians killed in the last 3 to 4 years. (Oct 13 2014 Joint statement from Middle East leaders on the Christian genocide).

2015 --- The attacks on the journalists and police and civilians (17 people in total) in Paris on Wednesday 7.1.2015 occurred on 'Mohammed's' birthday, which is either 5.1.2014 or 9.1.2015, (5 or 9) depending if you are Shia or Sunni and the massacre was obviously timed for the event. 6 suspects remain at large and nearly 4 million took to the streets in France to protest, and the latest affect of the terrorism is 10,000 military personnel and police (Gendarmes)are protecting Jewish citizens and school children on their way to school. The no-go areas in France (and wider Europe) which are Muslim areas (although this is disputed) are barred also to Christian's the areas are keen to  introduce Sharia law, which is also enforced by gangs of 'roving Muslims' in London. This Apartheid is simply Jihad as war and not an attempt at Unity. Massive coverage of the tragedy overtook the disturbing news's of 2000 Christians slaughtered by Boko Harem in Nigeria. Boko Harem (also known as 'People committed to the Prophet's Teachings for Propagation and Jihad') were formed from al Qaeda. 143 Boko Harem were recently gunned down in Cameroon by its military defence forces.

ome Muslim leaders applauded (Anjem Choudary, a London-based cleric) the attacks on Paris, bringing a response from French primeminister who has declared a war on Jihad, and a declaration from Canada,  Italy (Padua), New Zealand and Angola (reaffirming earlier decisions) Holland and Europe wide to close down all mosques in their countries. Germany was also attacked for printing cartoons. and ISIS have stated Rome is to be conquered next.

As the previous paragraphs above call for an international response to protect Christians in the middle east, the measures should be extended to all non middle eastern countries (where and since the Paris attacks and just before) Muslims have killed police in Egypt (who have branded the Muslim brotherhood a terrorist organisation) and kidnapped Christians in Libya This follows attacks on schools in Pakistan with 141 students dead in December 16th 2014 murdered by the Taliban, and the Sydney café siege in Australia also in December 2014. Since the declaration by (Oct 13 2014 Joint statement from Middle East leaders on the Christian genocide) further reports of Genocide in the middle east against and Christian leaders condemned the genocide over the festive holidays Christian genocides are also expected in 2015. (Open Doors report)

In summary genocides and massacres are increasing in the middle east and the west by Islam which is openly declaring Jihad. Clearly President Obama's air strikes against ISIS are not working and even in Syria (Russia and Syria have also failed to protect Christians in Syria) The Paris attacks were tamely justified as stopping offensive images or cartoons against 'Muhammad and Islam' which the paper published and were offensive to Islam ? The West has spent four years watching on television, (middle east and wider) newspapers and cinema as innocent people are beheaded, suffer cannibalism and mutilation and children are beheaded and raped, whilst priests and spiritual leaders and Journalists are massacred and given a choice to convert, pay or be beheaded. (see paragraphs above) Surely this is offensive? and demands an equal response?

February 2015. This chapter has helped to collate information to assist with a true picture of the war in the middle east. Genocides and massacres are increasing in the middle east and the west by Islam which is openly declaring Jihad. Clearly President Obama's air strikes against ISIS are not working and even in Syria (Russia and Syria have also failed to protect Christians in Syria) The Paris attacks were tamely justified as stopping offensive images or cartoons against 'Muhammad and Islam' which the paper published and were offensive to Islam ? The West has spent four years watching on television, (middle east and wider) newspapers and cinema as innocent people are beheaded, suffer cannibalism and mutilation and children are beheaded and raped, whilst priests and spiritual leaders and Journalists are massacred and given a choice to convert, pay or be beheaded. (see paragraphs above) Surely this is offensive? and demands an equal response?

The only solution to protect Christians and Jews which have lived in the Middle East for 2000 years (and more) and to counteract ISIS (and al Qaeda) is to prepare ground troops for invasion in the middle east (ISIS plan to invade Saudi Arabia and Iran) and Europe and the USA is looking to increase its military budget.  In America it is suggested (in early February 2015) that the Paris attacks by Muslims, were not directed at the Jewish population . In Denmark the follow up attack's were directed at Jewish and the Danish populations. This was followed by 21 Christians beheaded in Libya (condemned by Pope Francis) in late February 2015. The media has over the last 12 years reported in bias against the Christian genocide which has occurred and continues to occur daily around Jerusalem and the middle east. 

The Genocide against Christians in Mosul and wider ( also a home to Christianity for over nearly 2000 years) has been 'purged' of Christians, and this is an aim of those who directing the war against Christians and not just in the Arabian peninsula. A Church in Mosul is blown up. Catholic and Protestant Churches killed, (the last link is a list and timeline of events) as as 90 Christians are abducted by ISIS on the 24.02.2015   change to     as 90 Christians are abducted by ISIS on the 24.02.2015 (later confirmed as 120 +), there is a war against Jewish and Christian populations in the middle east and the west.

May 2015, estimates at the number of Christians killed are growing to 1 every 11 seconds. In June 2015 estimates of the number of ISIS/ISIL members killed since the air raids began is 10,000. The debate as to whether Christianity and Jewish populations (especially in Syria) can be saved by air raids or by 'boots on the ground' (an invasion) continues whilst the killings continue. Yet in the middle of this crisis as the horror of the Charlestown massacre  revealed Obama is sending weapons and funds to ISIS who continue killing Christians. The confederate flag is blamed, (Dylann Roof was wearing this flag) Bans have been placed on the television series "the Dukes of Hazard" yet there no calls for Obama to be impeached or he has not resigned whilst supporting the flag of ISIS ?) Further some protestors burned the Union flag over the 4th July celebrations (as did Dylann Roof in one of the pictures released of him)  but they were not Confederates. Christians  are forced into  opposing each other which is a point not often made in the USA or Middle East and of course people should not be in danger of their lives in their church as occurred in Charlestown. Three weeks later at the 4TH July Celebrations  all over America the Confederate flag and the Union flag flew in celebration and in Daytona without incident. (except in Chicago) Switzerland and Canada do not ban guns and there are no incidents so the question remains why is America so unsettled. 

As refugees continue to flood out of the Middle East and Africa the trafficking trade accepts the situation as an income supply. Rich nations are urged to take refugees state Amnesty International. Yet the largest land mass near to Syria remains Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Dubai and surrounding. Saudi could take Syrian refugees and other Muslim countries (since it remains an apartheid state) These countries have grown rich on inflated oil prices yet then expect the west to harbour Muslims when Saud, UAE, Yemen, Oman could house, feed and clothe every refugee 100 times over ?, and like much of the planetremains under populated (with solutions also lying in modern agricultural breakthroughs) As Mecca is the Islamic spiritual homeland could the refugees and Diaspora return home ? which since 1934 has not allowed a Christian Church to be built and the faith is punishable by death (including the UAE according to amnesty international who have been denied access to UAE authorities)  "The Western media and government agencies look the other way as Saudi Arabia finances the teaching of Wahhabism, which is a radical version of Sunni Islam. All over the world, including in the United States, more than 90 percent of the textbooks in Islamic schools and mosques come from Saudi Arabia, and over 90 percent of mosques in the United States receive some type of funding or support from the radical Sunni royals who rule Saudi Arabia Read more at"

The denials that this type of genocide is a continuing long term agenda were quashed when the Pope called on the world to recognise the Turkish genocide of the Armenian Christians in 1915. It has taken 100 years to recognise the slaughter of 1.5 million Armenians.

June 2015 The massacre in Tunisia which is escalating into civil war comes nearly ten years after the 7/7 bombings in London

August 2015   (New Academy schools and education)  Ten years after the 7/7 bombings (committed by Hasib Hussain 18, Germaine Lindsay, 19, Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, and Shehzad Tanweer, 20) which killed 52 people and ­injured 700 more, the families of the tragedy have formed an educational trust to combat extremism and it follows on from the Ofsted report which cited six Muslim schools as extremist. The six schools were raised as concerns after the Government had to take control of Park View School in Birmingham in 2014 where children were being indoctrinated by extremists who 'praised the al-Qaeda ideologue Anwar al-Awlaki at assemblies and used school facilities to copy Osama bin Laden DVDs ' Clearly this academy school is way off the curriculum. In August 2015 Prime minster David Cameron announced new free schools for Britain which are to be taken out of local authority control. When Government intervention is required to save a school like Park View in 2015 there is a serious problem at grass roots level. Local authority schools on the other hand highlight the situation in Rotherham where the Labour run council were grooming, exporting (internally and abroad) children for the sex trade is also beyond belief (this is highlighted in Chapter 6 in this website below). The local authority in partnership with gangs from Pakistan inside Britain were able to run their 'business' freely. Further into 2015 the tragedy continues in Rotherham as more revelations come to light. as gangs continue to act, funded from Iran (and Iran's education system is high but so to is the indoctrination, which is also the counter - criticism against the West) to Turkey . The silencing of Christianity and undermining Western education is one more form of Jihad, and to the very young also a form of terror. 'Wahhabism' from Saudi Arabia and Iranian 'Shiism', although in opposition to each other, still regard western children cynically as inferior and of no consequence. There is a difference to learning about a faith and coming under its authority.

Clearly then whether it is in Local Authority control or in the Free academy schools, there are serious problems in all schools, both at community level and in the choice of subjects taught. The system is shadowed to enable trafficking and exploitation (and you can read chapter 6 below to get a panoramic view) School education as a solution to combating extremism should teach the indigenous history of these Islands beginning with the immediate prehistory (the Pagan era & Middle East history of Egypt and Sumeria and Israel which begins at the Exodus and before) From the Neolithic, Megalithic, Stone Bronze, & Iron ages, (which occur simultaneously in most of the era's) Celts, Vikings, Euro tribes  and Christianity (Protestant and Catholic) which is the immediate history and theology. Ireland for instance has some of the oldest preserved histories, and schools were numerous everywhere.(and hedge schools for outside education in difficult times) These histories and surrounding issues should be taught or absorbed by those who are encouraged by their parents to teach them up until the age of 7 or 8, and should apply in effect, to all children entering the school system and these subjects should be mandatory.

This does not mean children will not be able to read and write by the time they enter school which could still be at 4 or 5 years of age if a parent chooses, but instead they will become aware, why they learning to read and write. The subjects upon this page could be (and once were) taught to children in their formative years. The last link points out that children as babies retain a much higher degree of knowledge through memory than was first thought. This continues into toddler and school years. Further, subjects which are not taught in schools now, were once the first subjects taught, and provided a firmer base for confidence in children and the world around them. Subjects (not all) mentioned on these websites were rudimentary but now they are considered advanced or elitist. A child absorbing or understanding the real world around it, at a young age would be considered a prodigy, but you will note that child prodigy's listed here do not include, theology, philosophy and imagination as certain subjects to become a child prodigy within. Are all children potential prodigies ? This is why supposedly clear advice like the advice seen here is considered 'avant garde' when in fact all the attention in the world without a wider knowledge from a earlier age wastes valuable years. This is the difference between being taught (and not paying attention) and wanting to learn. Jean Jacques Rousseau suggested children have a certain type of free and happy childhood, where nature was a teacher, obviously nature extends to the heavens and skies and natural curious knowledge of them follows on. Isolation from society however as Rousseau preferred is not beneficial, if Rousseau meant 'all people'. Some societies should be isolated from children. Faith and/or philosophy and the basic important questions begin as a toddler, and if a baby from the womb has perfect conditions in which it can grow, and if they surround mother and child these ideal conditions can lead to increased development as the child grows, and all without bias or brainwashing.  As chapter 6 outlines the history of what has happened to a few generations over 60 years (or more) then society does not seem to mind teaching children those matters, whether it highlighted in the press or directly as abused children i.e victims. it is hardly radical therefore to teach them how to defend themselves and learn the real world in double quick time. 

Since people (men, woman and children) are told to convert or be killed and some educational systems are still (which also do not allow Christian churches or schools unless kept silent and apart) Apartheid and nationalistic no country should feel harassed for teaching its own history and culture first, for all the residents of that country.Teachers from UAE (United Arab Emirates) and other Islamic countries teach primary school children In Britain on Islamic law and history but also subtly on Muslim sex slavery in Britain, Europe and America ? Surely this is a case to close all similar schools. Every country on earth deepens its own educational nationalistic history i.e (' Deepening the spirit of loyalty and pride of the country through intellectual awareness of Saudi Arabia's national issues ' ) and in those countries you are expected to learn the history of the whole country and ally to it, this should be the same in Western countries. America has a community youth group called CAIR.  Cairs slogan is 'Invest in Children' but  Ahmed Saleem the leader off CAIR was arrested in June 2015 for pedophile ring activities . Clearly this is nothing to do with education and is senseless and criminal. This followed on from a operation in February 2015 involving child trafficking, drugs and paedophile grooming when 101 members of CAIR were arrested. Teaching the history the faith and the arts of any nation is difficult but under these circumstances how can education flourish.

A sinister side to the abuse revelations is the aftermath or fallout of successive generations from these crimes. They have of course occurred in Ireland and Britain Wales and Scotland like an epidemic. It is has grown since the end of World War 2 and is continuing to have physiological effects the study of which (one area)  is known as 'Epigentics' which causes root changes in the victims, which if children can produce psychological and emotional damage for all of their lives. When so called religious leaders or teachers undertake this crime against children or teenagers it is done knowingly and willingly (although some very ill abusers claim it is natural) On one level abuse is to gain power over people who cannot fight back (children) on another level, trafficking is very profitable, but in some religions like Islam it is encouraged in scriptures and is used as a weapon. Targeting the educational system is therefore a deliberate act. Egypt which has its own Trafficking problems (worldwide) recently sentenced 182 Muslim Brotherhood members to death, not just for terrorism but for drugs, trafficking and prostitution including children. CAIR mentioned above are on the international trafficking and terror lists, yet are invited to begin new schools and educational platforms in the USA. In other words these organisations are a front for a business. A cheaper safer method would be to let school children read a 'comparative' religion book on Islam as others throughout the year. 'PC' (political correctness) also means you cannot completely oppose these problems and the PC doctrine is used as a shield to cover the crimes. Other nations do not have Political correctness barriers. It is encouraged through corruption and power but those that hide behind privileges are now beginning to be prosecuted. It also calls into question how any county can allow this type of indoctrination from a religion like Islam or any other including paganism or humanism. Education is therefore a vital area for a child's development.  

Teaching nations that they cannot enjoy their own nationalism or faith originates only through extremists. Beginning education at home as early as possible is best for children and traditional national subjects should receive funding priority, if other cultures do not want it, then why are engaging educational schemes in a country they do not like and what is wrong in their own country that they have to leave ? The current system is stealing knowledge and educational value from children, teaching false philosophy and religions and history and purposely confusing the child. (see chapter 4 in the adjacent website and others) Western history is fascinating, deep and very interesting, further it is absorbing and fun. When people ask why it is not undertaken or understood, it is because of the teaching methods and design of those methods. Learning is a vast subject but it is at a very basic level in schools, yet a Childs Mother and Father are still the best people to teach a child, protect it and nurture it. Christians in the Middle East which have been present there for 2000 years including Syrian, Lebanon, Egyptian and Iraq and Iranian Christians and wider. Trafficking and slavery accompany the forced migrations (but are not highlighted or shown in the mainstream media) with Syrian and Iranian gangs profiting targeting the EU  Countries immediately bordering Syria who are wealthy are dismissed as final destination countries? Through Turkey but not staying in Turkey  into the EU ? (men, woman and children) and these wealthy countries could build new towns, schools and hospitals but trafficking is lucrative and requires migrants who pay. Christians in the Middle East are in a terrible apocalyptic situation which began over 12 years ago and has continued up until today.

Amidst what is now recognized as the Christian genocide in the Middle East (Pope Francis) (Syria churches burnt) with all denominations of churches destroyed and with millions of migrants travelling thousands of miles in grim circumstances, (instead of inhabiting areas locally) the mystery and practical enlargement of Israel as 'Greater Israel' (with its theology of the Court of the Gentiles, the Two House theology (or two Olive trees) and its evolution, Israel as a Jewish state, with Jerusalem as the full Capital in the appointed time) is it a better solution to settle Christians within this new space which is a small proportion of the wider land mass, and which would need massive agricultural transformation. (a real home ) It is becoming impossible  for the West (or East Europe) to accommodate all of the migrants, and is causing resentment and opposition, whilst making $ £ Millions for traffickers and slave labour, low paid employment. The cost of migration in personal terms is immense, and the barbarity especially to children is shocking, whilst the financial cost to the West is astronomical. These funds from many countries and Europe, could instead be donated to the new enlarged Israel project or any other funds related to the solution. Israel will be self sufficient in oil, gas and renewable energy. It would also allow Europeans or wider to migrate into the new Greater Israel as Aaliyah, and any Jewish person or family wishing to return would have new reason to do so. This mystery (which 100's of millions around the world ponder upon) must come to fruition one day. Saudi Arabia (and Egypt) (who agree with Israel here) as well as wider states such as Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Oman, Yemen, UAE, Pakistan who could take the migrants themselves in health comfort and restitution. New towns nearby require little land. The continued massacre's and savagery this chapter has highlighted is the alternative which is leading to a wider war, which includes Nuclear. In this new Greater Israel there would be huge military protection all around the border. This solution is possible, (by war or in agreement) and the urgent problem is before many, but also before the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ) and the Knesset in Israel (which is considering the Jewish Gentile search through history) Discernment is required in an urgent situation, but the entire Middle East could be transformed in a matter of months.

September 2015.  The history of the Middle East over the last two thousand years has been almost continual turmoil. Christians (as mentioned) have lived there for 2000 years. Since 2009 there have been 9 different wars between Arab nations, and Obama promised a better life for the people of the Middle East speaking in Egypt in 2009. Income inequality was the main catalyst for the peoples Arab spring uprising, onto which the Muslim brotherhood joined and hijacked the movement. (they are now sentenced to death, see above) This chapter also highlights the terrible fate of the Coptic  Egyptian Christians in Cairo. Thousands have died including children. Since 2009 Arabs now state the Arab spring was a failure, whilst the Syrian refugees alone amount to 4 million people

During this time from 2009 refugee camps have risen in Syria, Turkey, Jordan  and others. Some have existed since 2010 - 2011. Conditions are harsh in these camps yet during all of that time to date not one Arab Nation has come forward to offer a 'new land' for the refugees. The camps are staging posts for moving on ? regardless which Muslim nation you are from. Looking at the size of Syria in relation to surrounding nations it would have (and still could) be possible to create a new land which has military protection. Drawing conclusions it is obvious Muslim nations do not want their own people, or Muslims themselves do not want to live in these lands.This raises questions as to why ? is the religion free, is the society enjoyable etc ?. Since 700 ad (the birth of Islam) and before to date, the inter warring between tribes has been a constant factor through history. From 2009 and from Obama's speech up until the recent crisis what has the Arab council done to create a new land in the middle east. ? Creating new Islands in Dubai, or constructing new cities is relatively easy, but carving a new land for displaced Muslims never once entered the minds of the Arab league. Obama has not set a new neutral refugee zone since 2009. The West with its superior system is seen as a savior, which (as one problem in the nightmare) involves walking children thousands of miles to reach it. Syrians are asking why they should leave at all. It is becoming the largest migration in history, with staging posts of camps, traffickers, western media outlets screaming racism, and with business calculating the profit from 1/4 price labour / wages ratios. Some EU leaders regardless of their own populations wishes, press for new cheap wage labour on 'humanitarian grounds' 

Syria could fit into Saud Arabia 10 times, and into Iran, Turkey, Egypt and Sudan 10 times again, yet to date there is no international outrage or call for these countries to form a new zone to help these people ? It is not a rhetorical question and Arab billionaires who are thinking deeply on the issue, and the middle east population know that something along these lines will have to be planned, and put into operation as a reality. Create a paradise. It is estimated that up to 30 million will need new homes by the time the conflict ends, in which millions more will perish. The One state solution has other meanings. To some it means one large original state, for others it means one new large state from 700 ad. (i.e. The wider 'Ummah' ) For refugees no contingency plans have yet to come forward but they regard the western idea (which now does not want open borders and will close them if only to avoid the fate of the Coptic Christians or others such as this Christian family, burnt and hacked to death ) of freedom as preferable. Any groups or political parties who have not suggested (since 2009) radical solutions are of course only interested in platitudes and not saving lives.

(World War 3 ?) War and wars are likely to continue under the current ideology.(in the war on terror)  Following the US senates decision to allow Irans nuclear weapons (which already exist) Nuclear proliferation (detente) is not preventing or nullifying wars or nuclear wars, and will not end wars in the middle east. The last link explains why now Saudi Arabia want Nuclear Weapons to counteract Irans Nuclear Weapons (which already exist see later) The Nuclear weapons and their cost could house and feed every migrant worldwide, yet there is no call to hand in the nuclear weapons. This is evident as the recent party political debate is highlighted throughout the Media (2/9/2015). Following the 'close' voting on whether to accept Iran's nuclear deal, was put before the US Senate on 2nd September 2015.  Saudi Arabia although wanting Nuclear weapons, will never get them some news analysts think. The logic from Fareed Zakaria suggests that as Saud has not even built a car, how and when will it build Nuclear weapons ? but of course the nuclear weapons could have been sneaked into Iran and Saudi in a Lada or a Volga car over many years. Zakaria neglects to mention that Saudi and Russia have a nuclear / atomic state run corporation called 'Ivania'  and have issued decrees to burn all churches etc. There is no plan to destroy the West such reporters state.

Russia has already supplied Iran Nuclear and ballistic missiles  (April 2015) and Iran already has Nuclear weapons (for over a decade, although some say Iran has only them since 2009) Therefore who at they aimed at and what is the voting show about in the USA ? as the deal does not limit Nuclear weapons (as it is sold to the public)  in Iran or elsewhere but increases them. (Iran can now inspect its own Nuclear weapons itself) Israel would now feel justified in taking back the West Bank and Gaza and all the Lands surrounding its original borders for security as of course Iran wishes to fire Nuclear weapons at Israel. It has delayed because it needs longer range Nuclear weapons to reach Europe and the USA, it now has them (like North Korea, also supplied by Russia) Russia teaches (national service, which could be brought back in the West) all its children weapons and self defense training, which Obama is trying to ban in the USA. 

Its a mindset (of Elite Leninist's like Obama) which has existed since the early 1980s in which war is simply different (under President Carter) and not an end to war which the bombing of Syria displayed. President Carter created the conditions for further war, and as many had already been fought Carter was freer than most Presidents. Obama suggests the USA (and not Iran and Pakistan is training ISIL / ISIS ? see above)  The conclusion that World War 3 will begin in catastrophic terms in the middle east is only more likely since 2009. This is why (and it is a view other voices suggest) namely an invasion of the middle east by security troops such as Nato, as the only way long term peace (Nato) as the state of Israel enlarges, can be maintained and new lands can be brought forth out of the desert, which is a obviously a different conclusion to Nuclear War. (see the end of chapter 5 in the website  for the origins and proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)

A new nuclear arms race has just begun and the West is now in reach of those Nuclear Weapons. The debate between the Neo - Conservatives and the Liberals (Marxist - Leninist's) as to whether weapons of mass destruction exist is of course a false premise as both sides have WMD. The doctrine of striking first (pre-emptive strike) has been copied by the Democrat administration who had accused the Republicans of employing this doctrine under George Bush, The democrats say Syria used chemical gas hence it will not send ground troops (although Obama is saying the US is training ISIL ?) to the middle east.  Russia, Iran, China and North Korea have all threatened to fire weapons on the West in the last year. The inevitable nuclear war is underway and Israel will be the first target, to which the west would have to respond. Millions have fled in the war on terror since 2009, but it is the Christians who have borne the brunt of the war over the past decade, hence a new strategy and safe zone should be established in the middle east.

10.09.2015   As the redevelopment of the middle east continues, estimates as high as 10 million migrants are predicted from the middle east, in what is described as the biggest crisis since the second world war. Eight million migrants now live in Britain (which is accelerating the call to leave the EU in the June 2016 referendum) and estimates as high as 40 million over 10 years for the EU are suggested. With the background being the new TTIP  transatlantic trade deal requiring new low paid labour the start of the latest migration calls seem to parallel the new trade deal(s). This has been described as madness by  EU countries and EU member states.  On one level the media is pushing the urgency of the migrant crisis, but underneath Europe and Germany are not accepting the calls for more migrants, with large cities and small towns in Greece, Germany and wider swamped by an invasion from Syria, Iraq and many Middle Eastern towns and Gulf states. The proponents of the migration plan have hyped up the media followed next by the left wing parties, which only 3 weeks and months ago were complaining of high unemployment and homelessness in the EU, (also as a crisis which needed solutions) especially true in Greece but are no longer complaining of these issues.  Italy wants to suspend these outdated refugee laws which no longer apply (WW2 dated) whilst Austria is suspending the measures  and Bavaria wishes to terminate them. Many migrants are not meek but forceful and full of violence. Not only is the middle east in flames but Europe is heading that way.

The most recent surge in calls for migrants across open borders came from the horrific sight of Aylan Kurdi a 3 year old boy  who drowned after Syrian traffickers, trafficked him (he was in effect murdered) and his family for $4000 dollars. From Turkish refugee camps (which do not see a permanent migrant settling programme on the horizon in Turkey) only those who pay, are selected to pass, and if there is a problem then they can be abandoned or thrown overboard. The boys father is now returning to Syria. Trafficking then is also behind the call for mass migration, in which traffickers get a wage and also a share of the western aid which is sent to them. Both payments are a part of the business. Calling for an increase in migrants for the EU  (but no where else in the main) the United Nations is involved in trafficking scandals  whilst many in the UN oppose this internal problem, but the UN urges a response. (see the adjacent website & chapter 4) The Pope (Francis) has called for a Syrian to be sent to every EU parish  The problem here is the original Pope, Pope Ratzinger / Benedict XVI ) is also still in the Vatican and is either (depending on the origin of the story) investigating sexual abuse within the Catholic Church or was asked to be retired as he was a sexual abuser of children who encouraged trafficking. Pope Francis is currently investigating Pope Benedict/Ratzinger. and has hinted the matter in which to date 3000-4000 priests have been prosecuted/questioned is vast. The protestant church is also involved in trafficking yet the revelations have been uncovered and broken (as news or legal cases) by other Catholic and Protestant leaders (Priests and Pastors) who are fighting against the infiltration of abusers and traffickers.(see further, chapter 6 in this website further down the page, and in the adjacent website chapter 4 for opposing trafficking measures) This is why people are calling for an end to the 'block laws' and WW2 outdated refugee laws, when Saud Arabia and Turkey are bombing Syria and wider. No Muslim country  has hurried to the crisis, although calls for the Gulf states to take 10 million refigees or so is left unanswered by the UN, the Pope or Angela Merkel or by the Gulf States.

The decimation of Syrian Christians and the Christians killed in the last week is left out of the news as non news. The enlargement of Israel has been explained in part by General Wesley Clarke who admits like Obama (see paragraphs above) that the west trained ISIL members. What we are not told is that ISIS/ISIL and many other groups are also trained ISIS / ISIL members and they are funded by Russia and China. Over 80% of ISIL/ISIS is funded by China and Russia, funneling through Iran, Saudi and Hezbollah.   Chinese made weapons, supply ISIL/ISIS. The arguments then revert to imperial aims, but it is Islam which first invaded the West, (700 ad fwd) ) and the Syrian Christians, which as a grouping, are one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, and it has been targeted. This community descends back to the day of Pentecost or Shavuot (the first day of the New Testament) which occurs 50 days after Passover, (known as Easter) and the Acts of the Apostles in which 3 million people were estimated to be present in Jerusalem in AD 30, including many Jewish Christians.  40 years later at the destruction of the Temple many of them went northward and a community of Christian's settled in Syria, and they include Christians of Jewish descent who have become assimilated over centuries.This is currently researched by Israels Knesset (see first purple colored paragraph above) The aim of destroying the 'Easts' imperialism is the other side of the of the ISIL/ISIS story, when many groups joined with them, but remained in their own original group or faction, and they were then infiltrated by Western forces, against the barbaric practices in which Christians have been decimated, described as a Genocide by Pope Francis. (see all above) This is the nature of the beast. This is also the backdrop to the 'Bengazi scandal' in the media in the USA. China and Russia in line with the Gulf Sates have refused to take refugees although thiers is the greater responsibility. Eastern Imperialism (including into Africa) does not sway to 'anti-war demonstrations or political pressure', Islam as an imperial adventure does not count casualties nor do China or Russia, who also wish to form a new Middle East which does not look like a promised land. The barbarity against civilians and children has been a constant news item for over 4 years. 

Aside from the Transatlantic trade deal attracting calls for the refugees to enter Europe. Hungary has mobilised the army to turn migrants back into Serbia. Some migrants are armed.Behind the mainstream media European countries are against any migrants entering the EU including Croatia,  Holland and Sweden due to the increased volume of people and the  violence from migrants Silence from countries which are literally very close by Syria according to Eamonn McCann...but are ignored in the media as alternatives in the urgent crisis ? Germany (also experiencing riots as the numbers of migrants grow to millions) due to its economic success, is suffering a population growth problem, but this population growth crisis was diagnosed in 2006, which is nine years ago and also for a period in the 1980's ? Russia's population is growing despite Elton John's advice to Vladimir Putin (and 6 paragraphs up or the 3rd red para up, Russia's children are not getting an advanced education at a younger age and weapons training for just self defence purposes) Since the Ukraine also needs a population boost to enable it to repopulate the Crimea over many years, surely the answer for Germany is not to import workers but to over produce their own (since the 1980's an entire new generation could have 30% more children since that date. Not 2.2 children per household, but 3.2 children should be required on average. Over a year ago it was reported that Germany's birth rate increased when they won the World Cup for example in June / July 2014) Germany needs to manufacture, innovate and produce exports not imports. It is the same with population levels and for the whole of Europe and Scandinavia also, and have fun doing it. Economics and ideology (freedom) determine the future health of a nation and its birth rates, which should include ignoring the racist planned parenthood 'foetus/baby parts for money' proponents and the humanists, as their policies of course over many generations reduces populations. Russia who believe so called socialism, Planned Parenthood and restrictive economics is complete nonsense, but good for everyone else. Cuba by abandoning convention has created many hundreds of thousands of jobs, but it is also in debt and requires borrowing despite being outside of the central banking system. Frau Merkel has encouraged more babies in Germany and more babies requires more land (every family should have land to grow food) without destroying any more forests. Yet if it so why is continuing to fail over decades, is it actually true ? or is it science and communism gone haywire and the population is just fine ? Germanys population in 1960 was 72 million people, today it is 81 million so German people are having babies. Ideology is not romantic but it conditioning and ever persuasive and deceptive in the modern Nuclear society.

In other words grow your population and have more babies, but also destroy as many babies as you can by abortion/Planned Parenthood (for socialist profit and to protect woman's rights ? ) and when the new births are not enough, import more people to make up the shortfall in the population. Eugenics, Humanism and Social Darwinism for profit and exploitation and social control.

Aid & Charity The trafficking income supplement known as Aid (not all Aid reaches the traffickers) is a big problem, the aid fuels weapons and drugs in many circumstances and it is therefore increasingly apparent that migration is not the answer, nor is the status quo (which trafficking relies on as it does with migration) and another answer is called for and deserved and demanded by the innocent. Charities admit that only a small proportion of donations reach their intended target. Instead of wasting money and banks are re-inventing the wheel (see at the end and its link) A safe zone (a zone in the middle east could be an area as large as France) in which funds could be sent, overseen by reliable and transparent people everyone could trust and admire. (beyond the media and left / right rhetoric) and which could build anew. This could not be done without a peacekeeping force such as NATO. Since no other option aside from increased genocide exists, a good first step would be to ask President Obama to make 1 Trillion dollars ( $1 Trillion) available for Israel and a new Syria, in order it could form a new land and provide a safe haven for the migrants and especially the Children.This amount is a drop in the ocean and makes more sense, albeit a radical proposition, than the current madness in the cycle of war, death, migrate and/or suffer for the cheap labour wages system. The negative, exploitative and immoral calls for mass migration should be recognized for what they are, and war should plan for refugees within their immediate area of safety (for further details see the adjoining website and Chapter 4 at the End of the Chapter) Realistic solutions as opposed to exploitation are required in the carnage.

Aid & Charity are vital for human rights and basic needs but they are struggling also with the third world's economic system. Recently 'aid' was used as a cover to disguise armaments in Greece heading for the middle east  This is common (Ethiopia) the Live Aid call provided money that was otherwise would not have been available and did help to overthrow Haile Mengistu Mariam who killed Haile Selassie (of Bob Marley Rastafarian fame.) and up to 1.5 million Ethiopians in a Marxist racial ethnic genocide. (Iran – Iraq) and more recently (Yemen) and worldwide. In context the recent Syrian problems are no exception. This money for weapons by Russia could have housed 30,000 refugees in Yemen or a safe zone in Northern Syria. The Pope (Francis) has called for an end to trafficking with world leaders, and is concerned that Iran has Nuclear weapons which ISIS could use or they could invade Italy (in the continuing unstable middle east) whilst the Archbishop of Canterbury has stated the refugee policy discriminates against Christians. Syrian Christians want to stay in (a safe) Syria

Creating a Safe Zone for Syrians, for human dignity and children's safety and the wider population is the best logical option to save lives suggested here in July 2015 but also as early as 2012. In those 3 years hundreds of thousands could have been saved, housed and well fed. It would of course require military protection from the ravages and savagery of ISIS/ISIL (the initials depend on how you view the middle east) This obviously all requires a new approach and a trustworthy person or persons to re-organise the whole trafficking, aid non – combatants tragedy.

20.09.2015 The war in Syria is described as a civil war, but as President Obama stated that the US was training ISIL (but did not mention China, Iran and Russia were also training them to a greater degree) as did General Clarke it is wider than a civil war. As Russia moves its missiles into Syria to bolster President Assad, Iranian generals threaten to fire on US bases over the past few months, whilst Senator Kerry arranges the Iran deal. Is President Obama allowing this to occur, when Iran should be invaded for making these threats against the west.

13.09.2015. (Following the announcement in this paragraph a new coalition was formed, see next paragraph) Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri  issued a call to renewed  Jihad against the West (and in Chechnya in Russia), followed by Irans leader Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei threat to again wipe Israel off the map. Isis (both men claim) is illegitimate and only Al – Qaeda are legitimate. This message is timed to go with and for the migrants who are 70% male, hence Hungary and others have closed their borders. Official figures from the EU state that only 1 in 5 are from Syria ? 

ISIS/ISIL however will soon be attacked by President Putin and Russia  (14.09.2015) and simultaneously by the USA who are also going to attack IS Islamic state  (14.09.2015) During these continued attacks and refugee crisis (planned over many years) the anti-war movement marches to stop the war as it did during the Iraq war. Yet it does march against Russia and China or Iran or Pakistan, who are also supplying the war machine only the 'Wests' war. (it would not be possible in these un-free countries to march freely ) As the USA and Russia are sharing this objective against ISIS/ISIL and Islamic state and as many Russian and European Jewish exiles are returning to Israel, where will they all live ? 

John Kerry has said President Assad (20.09.2015) must go. Russia has placed troops on the ground(Obama would not) and supplied WMD. Russia rejected the safe zone for Northern Syria, but the USA is viewing Russia's involvement as "canvassing US officials on Monday, who reported"Privately, many seemed to welcome a Russian intervention if it alleviated the burden on the US for fighting ISIS."  Obama's Global envoy to the co-altion John Allen who proposed the safe zone years ago has stepped down, due to the inaction from the Obama administration on the safe zone in Syria and for not taking a tougher stance on Assad (22.09.2015) which is similar to Russia's stance on safe zones. In other words (the military state) get non-combatants out of the way.  

The immigration crisis was brought to the attention of the EU public when EU Council President Donald Tusk called a summit on the issue, and suggested that migrants be housed nearer home (their point of origin) Many countries rejected the proposals but they do not have a Veto and are in effect forced to have quotas from people who are 1 in 5 not refugees.The summit decided to send aid in Billions to nearby countries such as Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey instead of allowing more migration to the EU. The aid is in effect fro safe zones in those countries 23.09.2015 (Donald Tusk stated the war may deteriorate, hence Syria needs a safe zone) These and other suggestions for safe zones were ignored  4 years ago to date, but political pressure is growing. There is no emergency summit happening on the migrant crisis in the Gulf States, China or other continents ?

23.09.2015 With contradictory news reports suggesting Russia and the USA are combining to attack ISIS, and other reports suggesting the USA will attack Russia in a coalition against Russia/ China/Assad, the confusion is becoming embroiled in the Middle East.Yet both are bombing ISIS/ISIL. (with Saudi Arabia, Turkey and France) The only question which remains is Obama allowing Russia to move into Syria since the demonstrations against the Wests intended action, (but no demonstration as yet against Russia's war ?) Obama boasted he had bombed 7 countries to defend the Iran deal. Contrast this against Alexander the Great (who was clear in what he was trying to do) who marched through Turkey defeating and at the battle of ISSUS, and then south into the Lebanon and into Israel. It was clear and concise, and over very quickly. Alexander did not make slaves of the conquered nor prolong their misery.   

29.09.2015 President Putin explains the mercenary make up of Isis/Isil     President Obama and President Putin meet at the UN.  /  President Obama and Irans foreign minister also meet (the UN's neutrality status has vanished, and its trafficking crimes which UN internal affairs has uncovered, means its role in safe zone planning is under question)  Obama, Russia, China and Iran had formerly criticized the West for the invasion of Iraq in 2003, yet the very same situation is occurring from the 'East' in Syria. Does Russia or Iran have any more right that the USA (without the UN) to police the middle east ? Within this contradiction (for example helping Assad to beat ISIS as Russia states or defeating Assad to defeat ISIS as Obama states. 

(01/10/2015)  Russia plans to takeover Syria and Iraq forcing a WW3 situation, whilst the USA expands in Afghanistan and says it will oppose Russia in Iraq/Syria.There is no anti-war protest against Russia ? (stop the war)  Christians have suffered since 2003 to date, and will continue to do so.

Should Russia, China and Iran and the Gulf states be forced to take 1 Million 'Syrian' refugees/migrants (confirmation that 4 in 5 people are not refugees and 80 - 90 % male contrasts with previous news reports ) 

(07/10/2015)   After 5 days of indiscriminate bombing by Russia against Syria, joined by Iran and China. It is revealed that the Democrats in the USA asked Argentina to supply Iran with enriched Nuclear fuel in 2010 ? according to the President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. The weapons grade fuel, or fuel for energy purposes debate is lost within the plot to name her in the 1994 bombing of the Jewish centre in Argentina  (85 people were killed and 200 people were injured. See also the adjacent website and chapter 2, 4 and 5) The World Wide protest against the war (against Russia) has not materialized (as yet, except from NATO who have clashed with Russia).  Just as there has been no mass protest (Ten million protested worldwide in 2003 against the war in Iraq and many groups who initiated the protest were Christian church groups. Today after the Christian genocide's there is no reciprocal protest) against the genocide of Christians over the last decade. Hence the search for a 'safe zone'.The last protest against the Russian war took place inside Russia in 2014 (over the war in the Ukraine) This war could be over in days if the combined powers that be swept all aside. The current approach is a diplomatic war in comparison.

14.10.2015   Russia / Moscow blames the foiled  terror attack inside Russia (12.10.2015) on ISIS. President Putin states the former Soviet bloc countries are training and  fighting with IS. This means Tajikistan, Turkmenistan (which is in dispute with Russia), and Afghanistan etc, )  as the West is increasing its forces in Afghanistan, West to the Caspian Sea. Russia wants to re-occupy these areas. In the Ukraine (Estonia and Lithuania) it trained Special forces (like IS) "Ukrainian Rebels" Following these and previous attacks in Russia, Russia has been bombing Syrian Rebels and not IS ?  Will the EU, USA & Russia make an agreement when they meet in the middle east or will a 3rd world war escalate. 

The real war and the media are nearly stating what is actually going on in the Middle east, even though the stroies are the nearly the same more is revealed over weeks and months.

A summary of the Syrian war  (brief video which is an excellent brief analysis but does not show any Christians or Syrian Christians as a separate grouping)

Violence in Jerusalem  Escalating violence grows in Jerusalem with Palestinians killing Jewish Rabbis and citizens indiscriminately in the street and many times children are used to carry out the attacks. Josephs tomb (a sacred Jewish shrine) was set alight by Palestinians who are calling for an intifada (the 3rd) With ISIS defeat on the Horizon  Palestinians who are ethnic Jordanians or Egyptian insurgents have yet to establish any historical link with the Temple Mount (it is claimed Mohammed who is buried in Medina north of Mecca in Saudi Arabia dreamt  he went to Jerusalem riding on the back of a Al baraq beast ? which is the official connection in comparison with thousands of years of Judeo - Christianity. This is a fundamental shock compared to the media coverage and ) Greater Israel could allow an autonomous Gaza in exchange for a peaceful enlargement, failing that Israel may re-occupy and takeover Gaza once more. 

Over decades 3 options have emerged 1. an autonomous Gaza with the Greater Israel project.  2. No separate area for Gaza within Greater Israel  3. A view that Gaza and Islam do not have the right to exist. (or here, or here) which follows from claims that Israel does not have the right to exist.

Gulf States to take migrants and end slavery in new safe zones. The Syrian war is a civil war which began with the Arab Spring in 2011. The West has had civil wars over the last 500 years but it has not asked the Gulf States to take 5, 10 or up 100 million refugees (with free homes and benefits thrown in) It i worth repeating given the scale of the loss of life that the proposed safe zones (as large an area as France in the middle east), with real homes and safety comprising of military protection was ignored by the Gulf States in 2011, 2012 - 2013, despite the West strongly supporting the idea. (except for Turkey)  4 years and hundreds of thousands of lives later the policy is still ignored. Is this because the agenda is not to save Syrians and the other migrants from Africa and countries with no current wars. Hundreds of thousands of lives lost due to inaction. (Saudi Arabia is 2.15 million square km, or 850,000 thousand square miles) Whilst United Arab Emirates, Iran, Indonesia could house every refugee and migrant in a thousand new Caliphates with land to spare ? A safe zone is proposed as a safe neutral state(s) separating shia and sunni (see also the end of chapter 4 ) The people who originally proposed this idea are the realists who have obviously thought deeply on the subject. Angela Merkel is proposing closing the EU borders.

Russia s (in the Russian war) view is incredulous as it mocks the West. Russia's Muslim populations in the West of Russia were banned by the soviets. The Caspian sea area of Chechnya rebelled against Russia (as did Afghanistan) and the conflict has it roots in the Russian - Persian war of Peter the 1st in the early 1700s. The area was populated by Ukrainians fleeing Stalin's genocide starvation policy known as the Holodomor also. The main cause of the two Chechynan wars was the introduction of Islamic death cult Wahhabism from Saudi Arabia. 

Russia's policy toward Islam was to export their population back to other Muslim nations where possible.(1500 - 1800) because after initial integration attempts they discovered Islam did not want integration but planned continuously to take over the nation. Further they wanted Russians to respect their customs and traditions (and conform to them) in the Gulf and other Muslims countries, but also then change Russian society in Russia. (with or without communism or capitalism) They would not accept Russian traditions or conform to them pre and post the soviet collapse.Islam targets education then insists Islamic belief is taught to others. The Soviets deported them out.The Soviets (USSR) banned Islam and other religions, closing down all mosques, burning out Islamic business and deporting Islamic groups. Russia as a Christian nation and later as a Marxist nation took severe measures against Islamic fundamentalism. In Bosnia 8000 Muslims were killed and 25,000 were deported under Russian direction. And the reason from 630 ad is the bloody advance of Islam from Mecca to the West and North, in which  it is estimated 80 to  90 million Christians have been killed (630 ad to the present day) Temple Mount was taken by force by Muslims and it murdered Christians and Jews before being driven out.

In 2015 we see largely single men walking to europe with i Phones. (1 in 5 ? ) The reason for this, refugee activists state is they are escaping war not poverty ? They walk first leaving their wives and children behind, but who would do such a thing ? in a war. The children in the boats stories are shown on television  washed up on beaches and it is revealed later traffickers placed them in the boats. The whole story is a trafficking story and the wives and children are held as a ransom. This is why the safe zone (with real homes) see the end of chapter 4 in the adjacent website is the real solution, if human life is valued.

Thousands of Christians beheaded, raped and butchered (by civilian non military people and which began before ISIS) and growing violence in Europe, Australia and America, if the West copied the Muslim middle east behavior and began beheading thousands of Muslims in the streets, (civilian insurgency) and closing down their business and burning all their mosques, raping woman and killing children and then asked Saudi Arabia or UAE and Iran for Billions of dollars of aid and a plan to re-settle 60 million Americans, Russians and EU and North European settlers in an invasion of the gulf states and the middle east, Russians would simply laugh at the policy, yet this is what is being asked of the West. This is one more reason Americans will not disarm, and why they (and Russians are training youths in arms training) are asking why the EU and North Europe cannot arm itself against the Jihad (the Jihad which has been condemned by the Roman Catholic Church, the Church of England and the Greek or Russian Orthodox church) Unarmed and innocent Christian groups (see this entire  chapter) were not protected. This is both the superiority and problem of the Western system, which allows its own beliefs to be undermined. This is now happening in the USA and the EU, but in Russia there were no people facilitating 'PC laws' on their behalf. 500,000 people  have now migrated to Greece and it is this issue which is defining Greece's grexit and Britain's brexit form the EU.

Media reports actually conflict but also show international policy on one level is in unison. President Assad will be removed despite Russia's involvement and may be given sanctuary in Russia with a new Syrian leader chosen to suit  all sides. This is to avoid Nuclear War in which the victims will not be USA, Russia or Europe or China. Democratic Western states (with variations) are opening into a new reality in the Middle East.

15.10 .2015  President Obama states the 'USA' was aware Russia would intervene in Syria (with Iran and China) and has defined his defined his foreign policy  which differs from the policy to bomb Syria, swayed away by public pressure. President Putin of Russia has agreed to work with the USA.  Israel will help Russia clear away ISIL. Iran has been paid Billions to stand away (it is largely outside of the larger Greater Israel area) Two versions or sizes of Greater Israel exist depending on which scriptures are interrupted (from the Nile to the Euphrates)  1. Greater Israel without northern Iran. 2. Greater Israel with northern Iran. Iran's future hope is to obtain Nuclear weapons to destroy Israel, whilst the USA, EU and Russia/China battle for ground and ideology within Greater Israel (see the adjoining website and chapter 2 Greek elections 20.09.2015) There is escalating violence in Jerusalem over many weeks.The anti-war movement remains in-active on the Russian issue and the bombing of Syria in contrast to the demonstrations against Obama's decision to bomb Syria. Contrary to President Putins assertion that only mercenaries (see note 29.09.2015 above on this page) operate in the middle east war, that assertion is untrue. The war between ISIL (Islamic state in the Levant) and ISIS is between Islamic fundamentalism (A brutal Iran like Caliphate) and Greater Israel and there is is more than just monetary reward being sought. 

24.10.2015  As the Christian Coptic church remember the dead  (21.09.2015) who were butchered in Cairo in Egypt in 2011 by the Muslim Brotherhood (not ISIS) who instigated the  Arab spring  and civil war into Syria. It is convenient to say ISIS has committed all of these crimes against Christians, but they actually only split from the civil war rebels in April 2013. Civilian and Muslim brotherhood groups many of whom persecuted and killed the Iraq and Syrian Christians (who have been in the Middle East longer than Muslims and the genocide is moving from country to country in systematic order, and the western countries must follow this fate in the same ideology. The video interviewing Ahmed Fathi relates in AK news relates in December 2013) around the middle east during this period are now refugees (most are not, but are economic migrants who have prosecuted a war and killed unarmed Christians and each other in frenzies) but which are disowned by the Gulf States, Syria and wider. 

In Saudi Arabia or Iran if you were a European migrant of the war in the Apartheid state, you would be sentenced to death. ISIL also (although in a different form previously) began in April 2013. Most of the atrocities in this chapter (which are pre April 2013 over 15 years) were committed by Muslims civilians who armed themselves or joined smaller groups. This is Islam as a whole, not just extremists in the Jihad. Fascism as the theocratic purpose of an ideology from Mecca. The vast majority of its members do not understand its higher (hidden) teachings. Sufi Muslims who do, as Mystics (although Sufism is not an inner caste), are thrown out as heretics from the herd, but discovering its limitations many of them leave and become Christians (which are followers of the Messiah)

No anti - war protest against Iran / Russia has been instigated so far. Iran is now entering the war in Syria visibly. It previously had warred with Iraq from 1980 to 1988. It regarded Iraq and the USA as enemies in the Iraq war in 2003/4. Russia was allied to Saddam Hussein and Iran and a cold war was fought with the CIA. 

Israel in response to the growing violence and Iran's entry into Syria has made the following response(s)  Israel Iran 1   ( USA / RUSSIA )  Israel Iran 2 

Israel and President Netanyahu  and the Holocaust.  Israel has now (22.10.2015) formally recognised the Islamic movement  as the ideological catalyst in the Jewish Holocaust (which has ancient enmities from the Akkadian  Assyrian empire Iraq / Iran / Syria. After Alexander the great the whole of the Levant came to be called Syria) and which, as a perpetrator has remained hidden, in the same way the suppressed Armenian Genocide  against 1.5 million (1915 - 1923) Christians, was suppressed for 100 years. (see sonas Chapter 2 and Greek elections 20.09.2015) 

Adolf Hitler wanted access to the Middle East through Turkey and into Iraq and despite the Jewish refugee transfer agreement with Germany the Holocaust followed. It is clear and according to Benjamin Netanyahu and in agreement with Frau Angela Merkel,  Adolf Hitler wanted to deport the Jewish populations to the New Israel (in waiting) but the Muslims wanted other solutions, (The Holocaust) which had deeper theological reasons that just hatred. This Genocidal plan was kept from the majority of the German population who brutally went to war, but to fight openly. Many were sent overseas to Israel, but many were sent to the camps (in Russia or Germany) No one denies anti-semitism (or anti - Japath-ism) but the theological misconceptions have not been helped by the translation difficulties of Torah and the New Testament. That is a a long story. As can be seen in Sonas chapter 5, Russian Gulags / Concentration camps were in operation from 1918 and through WW2, and contained German Communist and Nationalists. Germany's camps contained a multitude of nations. The Holocaust was murder and it had deeper purposes. It is not an absolution of the Holacaust but the opposite. Turkey and Iran played both sides in the War to achieve their aims.  Muslims ideaologically and theocratically believe that keeping Jews away from Jerusalem will stop their Messiah, Europeans do not. This has a precedence in 1541 and forward to today (see the sealing of the Golden Gate) Islam still today states Israel does not have the right to exist as individual people or as a nation (in 1942 or 2015)


25. 11. 2015 

At the beginning of November 2015 Egypt for the first time since 1948   voted for Israel at the United Nations (1948 is when Israel became a modern state once more) Israel will expand into this, its Greater Israel area (from the Nile to the Euphrates) Iran was invited to the UN  talks also (encouraged by Russia) for the first time in this context which was a world Wide meeting. The USA  is moving away from Obama's view has also placed troops into Syria as boots on the ground.

Saudi Arabia wants its oil pipeline (Sunni Islam) to route through Syria to Europe. Iran has an alternative route. Saudi's cheap oil is being purchased by China and even the Ukraine. Pressure is piled on Basher al Assad to quit, as Obama threatens to end the Saudi (petro dollar 1973 deal) and go to Iran instead. The alternative (Sh'ite) iraq, Iran Syria Turkey pipeline would go through Turkey to Lebanon to Europe which is using natural gas instead of oil for the foreseeable future. Whichever pipeline is built the petro -dollar system would still exist but in different hands or currency. Ending the petro - dollar does not end the petro currency trading. Putin has both supported the Petro-Dollar and employed strategies against it, and Iran has vowed to wipe Israel of the map and is funding many countries around Israel. Cyprus which is also at the center of its own oil and gas boom (Europe, Cyprus and Israel ) is set to unify both sides of its Greek Cypriot Island  A war would easily go Greece's way and its route to Europe from the middle east (The Saudi route) will also bring benefits to Greece. 

The T/TIP CETA (ACTA) and others trade agreement between America and Europe is not a debate between left and right but between the USA and Britain (and the Ephraim / Manasseh theocratic debate in which it is still undecided which is which exactly and a debate which began centuries ago) on how/who to proceed. More on this can be read at  the beginning of this page chapter 1 at the end. 

The horrific Paris bombings on 13/14 November 2015 which killed 137 and injured 352 in the Staid de France are not the first attacks and the French re-collect the 1995 Paris Metro bombings carried out by the GIA (armed Islamic group) and the metro was bombed  again in 2011 by Islamic fundamentalists. An incredible fact of the bombings in Paris is one of the bombers worked in Immigration offices  and actively helped enlist the terrorists. Whilst some of them came through Greece to France. (in the "refugee" crisis)  The attacks and investigations and threats continue into the following 10 days, and have spread to Belgium  (after a soldier was beheaded and the pakistani islamic state terrorists came from Britain)  & (19 dead in mali)  Mali  (in the al - qaeda / isis internal islamic battle) and Nigeria and in Bosnia.  Money given to Iran has probably paid for this slaughter.

Even within 3 hours of the attacks (and it is still ongoing ten days later?) there were calls to increase the numbers of refugees. Calls made by politicians and activists and agencies, are  they insensitive or arrogant or simply fulfilling their role ? They are of course traitors to Europe and non european countries and are paid or bribed to keep the scam going for as long as possible and should be arrested along with the surviving islamists or they should resign. The network of politicians and immigration workers who are planted to pose as politicians, answerable only to those who are bribing them similar to the soviet politburo doctrine of subversion by the installation of "useful idiots" as Lenin named them, have landed top positions in power and the EU and media. As chapter 6 shows (on this page) immigration officials have also been prosecuted in Britain and in the EU for trafficking and aiding paedophile rings. The USA has revoked CAIRS (The Islamic school group) tax status for its part in the scam of illegal trafficking (see also chapter 6 on this page)  These are the latest immigration criminals who have been prosecuted, even within the EU.  The perpetrators  of  the immigration  scam were administrators and elected officials/politicians (even in the EU in the ongoing saga of bribing for boat people) who had accepted bribes. (Australia immigration scams) These people were the most active in denying a safe zone for syria was possible and actively dismissed it. 

French security, interpol and europol cannot secure the borders under the current arrangements which tackles the immediate problems in Belgium for example (when 16 are arrested  23.11.2015) but security should be extended to arrest those who have perpetrated the wider scam, which is a duty of the European Counter Terrorism centre  & the anti - fraud EU chief including politicians.

Further whilst the west debates, Saudi Arabia deports 1 million migrant workers, and Norway deports 7000 Muslims as calls grow for wider measures.

The idea that Gulf States (who are funding ISIS  i.e. Saud, UAE & Qatar  as Iran threatens to destroy the west and Israel) should take more refugees is spreading to the Gulf states and the people  who live there (Shams Bandar Al-Aslami and interviewer who neglect to mention Saud and Turkey is also bombing Syria just as Iran is attacking Israel  and France) Gulf states are asked to provide more aid for syria and take refugees  The fake refugee situation (90%) allows a legal aid scam to initiate a process for shelter. Not allowed to work legally they work on the black market (and can come and go) which is why the scams are allowed to continue. Most countries are not the first port or country of entry but they are allowed to pass due to sheer numbers. It is economic migration spurred on by (woman) extreme sexism in Islamic countries and brutal ideological theocratic states which are not free. Asylum can be granted for domestic marital disputes and other country of origin civil disputes which should be dealt with in the home country. The deception is now endemic and wage levels are also a major driver of the problem which cynically highlight the calls for more immigration. further it is the host country  not the country of origin which is billed for the privilege. Scam marriages as a immigration scam (including gay marriages) is also part and parcel of the racket.

The EU, Britain and America have the most liberal immigration  laws and the most stringent admonishing of people who question the "policy" which is actively a doctrine. The immigration laws of most of the worlds countries are similar to Mexicos (in the last link) which is thE world norm.

The USA and it 30 of its Govenors  have refused to take anymore refugees, whilst Obama is accused of being a traitor on the floor of the United Nations,  as the GOP initiate the beginnings of Obama's  impeachment hearings. Obama has discriminated against christian refugees, and this type of discrimination has been a feature of the mess since a safe zone was called for (Archbishop of Canterbury) This is because the USA Nation of Islam ( which is racist) advises him to do so. The real face of the refugee crisis is shown for what it is. Jihad.  Russia continues its attack on ISIS along with France. (Putin vows to destroy Petro-dollar  system yet supports it at other times and warns of an attack on Israel) as America decides (obama is forced) to place "boots on the ground"   in the middle east in the growing war.

The Immigration policy is a part of the "doctrine"   against the West. The doctrine believes that societies and the EU will not survive (despite thousands of years of survival) without multiculturalism (which is a racket) The Soviets espoused this doctrine (for other nations) yet Putin today says that they are unashamedly un-multicultural and always have been. (Putin 1,   Putin 2, ) the latter blasts Multiculturalism, which is different from couples falling in love from different nations of course. (not withstanding the marrige immigration scams) Frau Angela Merkel  (still) shares Russia's view claiming it has failed. Yet the doctrine also espouse's Eugenics (racism ?) as the motivating underlying doctrine which includes national population reduction by abortion and other means ? IN ALL countries (viciously repeated over and over in the media by increasingly demented and obviously bribed minions as an urgent 'requirement' in which it pretends it crusades for women's rights, but not babies rights or children's rights or rights against children being abducted by paedophiles and traffickers) This doctrine is essential when (top down) choosing politicians and immigration workers to perpetrate it, but which should be voted out and discontinued as a policy / doctrine.

The Sharia law areas (and funding from the Gulf states) will be apartheid areas separated by violence and Islamic law before they are dismantled. The Middle East has seen its christian population slaughtered over a decade and its population reduced by millions.

This dangerous time comes as the USA issues a Worldwide Travel Warning 23.11.2015 and cite Paris is in lockdown causing wild rumours to circulate concerning the purpose of ISIS attack. Russian planes shot down against Nato and Russian submarines near Scotland. Only 2 months before the full extent of  Saudi arabia's funding of ISIS was revealed. 100 years ago the terror unleashed on Armenians was commemorated on the 23.10.2015 when 1.5 million of their people were killed by those who were responsible for the genocide(see below)

In the previous month (see last date above 24.10.2015) The visit by Israel's Prime-minster Benjamin Netanyahu to Germany focused upon Adolf Hitlers transfer agreement to Israel, and also discussed the Holocaust in World War 2 and the Turkish holocaust against Christians in Armenia in WW1. Of course Germans born after 1940 are not in any way responsible for the Holocaust i.e. those under 75 which would be most of the current population. Further German people are friendly, strong, gracious and forward thinking independent people who (they say) did or do not feel they could wave their flags patriotically because of past events. Its younger population have no inclination to repeat crimes committed in World War 2. The history of Germany and Russia is mentioned also in chapter 2 above. The furore continues over the issue, but the Holocaust against Christians in Turkey committed against 1.5 million Christians there (1915 - 1923)  by Islam, many of whom were forced marched into the Syrian desert to die is left on the sidelines in the media.

The Armenians held their Commemoration of the Genocide against them committed by Turkish Islamic forces  ( held at  the end of October 2015 ) Archives show Rome tried to stop the Genocide and the history of similar is shown here

In the debate of who was responsible for that Genocide, the  Armenians are very clear  and are in no doubt as to who was responsible for such a massacre (a quote from the article below) Armenia (Georgia and other countries surrounding including the Ukraine (which still seeks independence from Russia) have ancient tribal connections back to 700 - 500 bc and the 10 "lost tribes" as a portion of their descendants)

 " The most surprising insight was that the Armenian genocide was in fact just part of a bigger plan — the extermination of all non-Muslim minorities in the Ottoman Empire "(i.e the Islamic empire which continues today)


That plan continues in the Middle East and is a part of the World Plan. Ecumenical teaching in schools is not taught in Islamic countries , it is banned and not allowed and only Islamic teaching is permitted ?  Its teaching (Islam) should be discontinued in Christian or secular schools and replaced with Judeo - Christian teaching, with a history of tribal origins including their own lands, nation and continent and this education should be increased from current levels. Those that object should be deported or should emigrate or resign themselves to teaching their children themselves at home. If this is regarded as severe, it is only equivalent to Muslim nations rules, and is not as severe as being beheaded (including children) or converting.



The War on Terror took a new twist over the past 4 weeks (from the Paris terror attacks and the terror attacks in San Bernardino and the wider war on ISIS Islamic terror in the Middle East) when it was claimed caution on security issues or criticising Islamic could endanger US security.

The following proposals and remedies have been suggested.

1. Do not grant Citizenship to Muslims in the USA. 2.  Do not grant permanent residency to Muslims 3. No material or propaganda of Islamic material should be allowed in the United States. 4.  Universities should ban the teaching of Arabic as should all educational establishments. 5 All Islamic embassies in the USA should be closed down. 6. No imports of the Koran and other supporting Islamic books should be allowed. 7. Muslims must only read and write in English 8. Houses cannot be bought by Muslims or land and the renting of Houses to Muslims should also be banned. 9. Sharia law should be banned.

Hillary Clinton admires Japan. It is one of the largest creditor nations on earth (as opposed to debtor nations) and Paul Ryan who is the leader of the House of Representatives visits the diplomats of Japan. Canada's new prime minster Justin Trudeau meets with Shinzo Abe Japans prime-minister, as does Barack Obama Further Angela Merkel meets with Japanese prime-minister Shinzo Abe and the list goes on.  Japan of course is central to the western pacific trade (tri-lateral) agreement since World War 2.

 All except Paul Ryan are in the Communist party and all have also (Trudeau) have visited Mexico.

 The blue paragraphs above are actually the stance on Muslim immigration of Japan today and for decades. The reason is they (Japan) have not accepted the bribes and pressure to allow Islam in, as it knows their  country will be ruined by the hate speech and racism which Islam as a part  o f its teachings direct to "lesser people" or slaves which Islam perpetuates as anyone who is not a Muslim. (Islam is not a race but a mystical belief) Japan of course retains its Samurai's against invasion.

 The media have been full of criticism against Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson for suggesting Muslims should be banned from the USA, and the four communists above Clinton, Trudeau Obama and Angela Merkel (including also French President Hollande) have voiced those vitriolic criticisms against especially Donald Trump, but there is not one mention from the "four" above including Hollande (who called for more refugees after the Paris attacks), who have never mentioned their support or tacit acceptance of Japans position on banning Muslims neither has the media.  Mexico's position on immigration (see last post dated 25.11.2015) which is stricter than Japans. All activity on immigration is at the discretion of Japans and Mexico's government. 

Other countries which ban Islam completely are China 2015 and Angola 2013 Again none of the four have criticised Saud Arabia's apartheid stance, and the four have not mentioned them in criticism and there security seems intact either way.

 The four should resign (for hate crimes against the west and their own countries in the immigration scam)

 What is most disturbing and (please see the posts on various dates above), is Donald Trump safe zone (or here) Ted Cruz and Ben Carson (who visited Syrian refugees) are the only people who have put forward the idea of a safe zone publicly. This is the only realistic way to save lives from Russia or ISIS. It would provide an Oasis for families and the homeless and it was suggested by NGO's (who see real life) 3 – 4 years ago (to repeat that point see above in previous posts) The rest of the "four" and surrounding media couldn't give a damn about refugees except they will be a cheap wage in trade deals.

The safe zone whether it is brought into the Greater Israel area or not could be more than just a real estate but a paradise of peace, harmony and tranquillity which  is safe for families and all people.

 This tells you all you need to know about the US election debate and the media, in which it also turns out that the actual existing Law in America (which Obama has not repealed nor Clinton) allows like other countries to ban any group or individual from entering the USA (it is the non discriminatory law) as it would be against USA security concerns:

 Which are as follows; (internally)

Following the Paris attacks in November and the terrorist attacks in America at San Bernardino in December 2015 and following on from the Grandmother beheaded in Autumn 2014 in Oklahoma, and a Muslim US army officer who killed 13 army people and injured 30 at Fort Hood army base in 2009, and the Chattanooga attacks by Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez in the Summer of 2015 in which killed four marines and a sailor, it is revealed that the Boston Marathon bombers who killed 3 people and wounded 264 (many lost limbs) and who grew up in America were praised by the Turkistan Islamic Parties who said the Tsarnaevs brothers were fine examples of Chechnya Muslims, although they are not part of the Chechnya rebellion and its parties or refugees but their parents were inquiring for Asylum to America. The latest Mosque to be closed for fostering links to Hamas is in Texas, and which (Hamas) overall is a cover for CAIR.

This follows a list of cities in the ISIS kill list it released in the USA which is credible according to the FBI (20.12.2015)

Despite this it is suggested by John Kerry that Daesh and/or  and ISIS (or both jointly) and not Russia is the biggest threat to US security, although it is imperative to bomb Assad (says Kerry) who should actually step down and Russia should stop supporting him. Yet it is Donald Trump who is endangering US security according to Kerry ? 

What then do they actually mean by endangering US security as ISIS and senior members of Al Qaeda are planning more attacks internally and externally to the USA ? (on the 21.12.2015  and over the last few months)

What is actually meant, is these type of criticisms may be detrimental to the security of the Muslim Brotherhood in the USA. John Kerry has perpetuated the banning of Jews on Temple Mount and Americans with ties to Israelis are screened and vetted and prevented from security positions in the Pentagon for example.

The ongoing saga of the Benghazi scandal and others reveal that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abeddin left US soldiers to die and Abeddin is a Muslim brotherhood member.Obama is a Muslim brotherhood member as is his assistant Valerie Jarrat who with Huma Abeddin is from Iran amongst the other Muslim brotherhood members in Obama's staff.

Huma Abedin is calling for the nonsensical flood of refugees into Europe and America yet in Egypt the (Obama's) Muslim Brotherhood are (527) sentenced to death. Obama and Turkey have funded ISIS (via Indonesia) and the Muslim brotherhood, and they have attacked France and wider. France has vowed to track down the Paris attackers.(French President Francois Hollande requires more refugees after the attacks ? )

Iran received €100 billion dollars which it uses to fund Syria's Assad (supported also by Russia) and is also supported by Saud and Turkey from Islamic Indonesia.

Will Iran come into the Western system ? or will they Nuke Israel as they have threatened to do ?

The political wing of the Muslim brotherhood (in the following link)  oversees the jihad military operation despite the theological differences are funded by the Muslim Brotherhood and Gulf States, which funds Hamas and Gaza attacks.

Many years ago Sayyid Qutb (1949) left  Egypt  to travel to America and thought that its perceived happiness was a liberal fantasy (last link from the BBC Power of nightmares documentary with explanations by neo – conservatives and Muslims ) which would lead to its inner destruction, a view shared by some in the Neo conservative movement. He joined the Muslim brotherhood or re-invigorated it inspiring Osama bin Laden. The BBC power of nightmares documentary takes the view that the nightmare or some nightmares are a fantasy which includes the Soviet threat, which they claim does not pose a threat, (as it collapsed in 1991) and the belief of liberal freedom was not a mirage or a self inflicted liberal nihilist illusion but was a reality in which we should not worry and forgo selfish individualism.

This occurred before the 1973 Petro Dollar agreement, which in its most basic form could legally fulfil its terms by protecting all oil producing nations against mass invasion but prevent it only after 95% of the country is annihilated

Today Egyptians are killing the Muslim Brotherhood as a court sentence by mass execution whilst its people  praise a Jewish God as they believe he is God, and this is because (amongst many reasons) many people who visited the Kaaba in past times obtaining access for prayer were disappointed when the "al-Ḥajar al-Aswad black stone" which is situated (inserted) in the corner of the Kaaba built by Abraham and Ishmael did not and has not turned white.

This insert into the Kaaba is thought to be a meteorite which landed from Heaven into the Garden of Eden where Adam was praying to God and was passed down to Abraham who built into the Kaaba. The Kaaba originally had no roof, but stairs of one shape or another have existed since it was built, and it is believed that the stone which landed in Eden will turn white when the sins of the world are cleansed away. A noble sentiment.

However those who were privileged enough over the centuries to actually go inside when visiting the Kaaba (which was rectangular originally and not Square for sacred geometry purposes. Kaaba means cube) and go up onto its original roof edge in the hidden stairs and who know the Koran and its authors differences suggest that Mohammad who cleansed the idols from the Kaaba meant also to destroy the Kaaba or re-designate it. It is actually a pre –Islamic Hindu Vedic site and the black curtains hide Sanskrit as a language in quotes or inscriptions which are being slowly removed. Hagar and Ishmael are reputedly buried there. This is disputed yet  Islam is only 1370 years old approx. It was a pre –Islamic  site or pagan site for Hindu's who worshipped Rama, or Astarte for non Hindus . Rama became Ramadan and it had pantheism of 360 idols. The Kaaba size 60 x 60 x 60 is to mediate upon, although it was a originally rectangular as a system of 9 in numerology. 9 planets were a part of the original 360 idols at the Kaaba. (Meditation is Hindu – Buddhist in origin not Islamic) Mohammed also intended to destroy the Kaaba, which is itself an idol yet was unable to do so (according to some myths) leaving the keys to it for others to decide down the centuries and today in the Hajj pilgrimage.  He was displeased and enraged that the large Christian and Jewish populations at Mecca would not engage with him in a revolution so he fled to Medina. He was first buried under his home in Medina. Abraham captured the land for Jerusalem and his God was named in Exodus 3,14 and Abrahams purpose and activities were given in Genesis 12, 1-3 The actual covenant. Genesis 15 marks the covenant and the signing and ceremony of it is mentioned in Genesis 15, 9 – 10.  Deuteronomy also contains parts of the covenant. Without recognition of Yahweh you are cast out. Pilgrims today (and in previous years including Gurdjieff ) who have converted from Islam suggest that their experience, having been inside and up to the roof, relate that did not see Jacobs ladder descend from heaven or see the "Al – Buraq beast" to take them to Jerusalem, and in believing that these revelations would occur as Mohammad himself had experienced, (or had dreamt) were saddened to realise that in worshipping the Kaaba, they were no longer sons of Abraham or blessed by the covenants and reduced birthright given by Yahweh to Abraham,  Ishmael and Esau, and so they left Islam.

The security of the USA is not threatened by analysis of Islam, only the Muslim brotherhood is threatened but since 2001 and before, Christians have been killed for relating their faith (the oldest community in the Middle East aside from Jewish people) and it is their security (Christians in Syria and wider) which is paramount. This is not a fantasy but a real nightmare in which the Neo-Conservatives were both wrong (and aspects of the adjacent website sonas and chapter 5 show how even Conservatism was undermined by Soviet techniques) and yet right in a way they had not intended, as it has continued over the last 15 years.



Naming Genocide ?

Both the EU and the USA are considering if ? the killing of Christians in the Middle East is Genocide or not. Of course it is Genocide and it is Protestant, Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox, Coptic, Jewish and the  Yazidis tribe. (any non muslim middle east member) as Islam is at war with the west and Christian numbers have reduced by 5 million in the last 15 years. It took 100 years for the Genocide against the Armenian Christians by Turkey to be named as Genocide. The recent killing of 16 nuns in Yemen caused outrage in March 2016 and the Pope states they are modern day martyrs. A similar incident when a nun was killed in 2006 and also in 2014 and right  back over decades and centuries since Islam invaded the Holy land from its earliest inception in 660 ad. 300 Christians were killed in Nigeria in February 2016, only 10 months after the Kenyan School attack which killed 150. Boko Haram 3 months earlier killed 2000 people. In May 2005, 14 Christians in Iraq were raped, beaten and shot and placed in garbage bags and dumped on a rubbish dump. This followed a car suicide bomber who had killed 135 Christians. Syrian Christians are decimated.

Islam is not native to the Fertile Crescent, Israel and Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Iran and Jerusalem, Christianity and Judaism are.

There is concern that time is running out ? for the Genocide to be named as Genocide ? It is Genocide as a deliberate plan.

It is estimated that 100,000 Christians are killed every year ( 11 every hour) according to Bishop McAreavey "McAreavey, speaking to the Irish parliament on behalf of the Irish Catholic Bishop's Conference, said, "Eighty percent of all acts of religious discrimination in the world today are directed against Christians."   &  "McAreavey quoted the former Chief Rabbi of Britain, Lord Jonathan Sacks, who said that the persecution of Christians is "one of the crimes against humanity of our time"  The amount of Christians killed is disgusting, and the idea that time is running out, in order that  the problem is solved is disgraceful. How much time does it take ?

Islamic migrants are being armed by Russia and Syria as they migrate to the West according to NATO and this is part of the plan preferred by Russia and China who pay their agents (who do not live in Russia or China but could defect if they wish) to scream racism at every turn if it is questioned. This means they are now classified as armed terrorists. Millions of migrants have arrived over 15 - 30 years and 8 million immigrants have now settled in Britain since 1965 or 15 % of the entire population, but the equivalent into other countries is 1 % if that ? What is the cause of this disparity ?

More are planned for Britain and Europe Thousands into tens of thousands and into millions are expected over the next months, years and decades. Yet no one has voted for this or agreed democratically upon it.This is unparalleled in history and is still the case in 08.03.2015. The current migration It is not for work, immigration or refugee status, and if 8 million Europeans could be settled in every Middle East and African or Chinese country (each country within the continents  = this would make 150 million approximately people as equivalent) but this would cause offense with cries of imperialism and racism ? when science shows there is only one "race" on the planet. It is worth repeating again that Islam was offered an honour code protection (to non-combatants which Al qaeda and Taliban were targeting before and after 1999, and is an idea which originates with the Navy Seals) in 2003 by Ten million Christians who demonstrated worldwide, but that has been ignored in the genocide of Christians in the Middle East. Islamic countries and Russia have not taken any Migrants, and the "Left stop the war" coalition has still not protested against Russia or China's war in the middle east ? naming them in the war, and there is no Islamic protest of the Genocide against Christians ?

As this continues in the west, jobs and manufacturing are lost ? and politicians simply exist to discuss anything but this problem, which should focus on creating jobs for the existing population ?

Nato is preparing for the War against Russia (which was to co-operate with the west as it continues its dispute with Turkey who could be removed from Nato

Switzerland which resides in the middle of Europe has the right to protect its citizens and country against invasion. It has the right to keep and bear armaments to do so similar to the US constitution/ Immigrants can take up to 12 years to be approved as citizens and they need to be recommended by the local community in a vote. The immigrant (who cannot be illegal or vote with everyday ID until they become a citizen or take a birth certificate from elsewhere and use that in voter fraud) needs to work from day one and have means of support (no benefits) These laws could be copied by the European Union which will help to defeat fascism and the invasion.

The only way Christians can be protected in the West or in the Middle East is for Nato and the EU to settle many more numerous permanent bases in the Middle East and offer a perimeter safe zone around it and them and Israel.



US State Department  announces the Genocide in the Middle East is "Genocide" (John Kerry) 

The recent and past ongoing clearance of Christianity from the Middle East is brought to Governmental level when John Kerry Secretary of State the new Secretary of State (who took over from Hillary Clinton) announced on the 17/03/2016 that there is Genocide against Christians living in the Middle East by Islamic state or by Islam generally. (joining in the call which has been silenced around the world from many religious leaders) He included Islam's genocide against Yazidis, and against Shia Muslims who are also killing Sunni's, although the latter is a civil war between Shia and Sunni Muslims in a 1300 year schism in which Christians (Christians 2000 years old) since the 700 's have been caught in-between. It is a sickening outrage and surely this cannot allowed to continue (in the State department employees or associated or in the Middle East who should not be allowed to get away)

Hillary Clinton has now belatedly admitted in late December 2015 (breaking from president Obama's still current denial) that the Christian genocide beginning in mid 2014 (only) is a Genocide as ? now as there is enough evidence, but not in the past 1.5 years or since 2011 and the Arab spring, and not at all previous to this. Further as secretary of state from 2009 to February 2013, she denied the genocide as Secretary of State from June 2014, whilst the Pope had announced it in July 10th 2015  and earlier, and ISIS proclaimed its caliphate in June 2014 and began a new phase in the Christian genocide (a pastor and wife and family killed by Muslims in 2012 during also in the tenure which began in 2008 of Huma Abedin Hillary Clinton's  aide or boss as some would see it, who is Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood (from Saudi) who is directing the call for Islam to flood America)  During Clinton's announcement for running for president in April 2015, it then took a further 7 months as the election was underway for her to concede it was Genocide in December 2015, although Huma Abedin was still her aide or similar (President Obama is under no similar pressure to say Genocide has continued the Muslim Brotherhood line) during which Christian woman, home church goers or missionaries have been raped, beheaded and shot. (since March 8th 2016 see last para above, 100 indigenous Christians in the Middle East and gulf states have been killed and 400 injured not including missionaries)

Ben Carson called for an investigation into the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR in December 2015 and in January 2016 (who are terrorist organizations in other countries. 

Despite the tension in the State department (which states it will not invite the Muslim Brotherhood who are on trial in Egypt) Obama has pushed for it and in fact they are employed everywhere an (since 2008 - 2012 and to date)  obvious genocide could be highlighted and broadcast. The same networks all around the world have covered up and silenced the Genocide and intend the same fate for Christians in Europe and the USA  (including Egypt which has rescinded 165 death penalties of the 500 handed down as a sentence, mainly due to pressure from Turkey and its Ottoman empire renewal ambitions which still denies the genocide of 1.5 million Christians 1915 - 1925) The mass protests in every EU country & Britain and the protests against the (non Syrian who do not want to leave Syria) invasion is also edited and covered up. 

This is a cover up and a heinous criminal conspiracy which in other countries or administrations, the overseeing of Genocide is culpability in Genocide.


12.04.2016 (Genocide in Serbia, Ukraine, Ethiopia and Rwanda) 

The very notion of what is a Genocide is selective especially in the case of Turkey (1.5 million Christians which took 1 hundred years to cite) or in the Ukraine when 10 million people died at the hands of Stalin and Genrikh Yagoda  Soviet Secret Police (see adjacent website and chapter 5 which lists others including Chairman Mao and Pol Pot) Establishing that you can  be prosecuted for Genocide was made possible at Nuremberg between 1945 and 1949 covering all of the war and the six million Jews killed in the concentration camps, and later by the prosecution of Haile Mengistu Miriam ( for Genocide filmed here with Fidel Castro) who was responsible for the death of Haile Selassie (Miriam murdered Selassie) and the 1.5 - 2 million Ethiopians remembered in the Live Aid concerts in the 1980's. In the Ukraine they adopted a policy of encouraging the population to grow after the Genocide and World War 2, as it was devastated and still is (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 and Alicia's law and Ukraine about 20 paragraphs down from the beginning of Chapter 4)  

Recently the Serbian Radovan Karadzic was prosecuted for Genocide which occurred in the Serbian Bosnian war, prosecuted by the United Nations tribunal in what is described (on 24.03.2016) as the deadliest conflict since World War 2 ? (except for the Ethiopians above and many others including the recent one announced by John Kerry against Christians in 100's of thousands over many years ? ) The Serbian genocide in which 8000 Muslim men and boys (the latter is denied as men only) were killed at the battle of Sarajevo and the Srebrenica massacre. However over 11,000 members of the Bosnian Serb army were also killed ? and yet to date no member of the Muslim community has been prosecuted. The War after the breakup of Yugoslavia was first initiated against the Serbs when all their villages and men, woman and children were slaughtered by Muslims and around 6000 Serbs were killed around the Srebrenica town land by Muslims. The initial reports of what was actually happening in Serbia were unclear but were fed to George W Bush senior then President, but the genocide against the Serbs was actually encouraged first by Bosnian president Alija Izetbegović  and seconded by Joe Biden in 1992 as Senator. This was before the Srebrenica massacre (i.e. the attack on the Serbian army by current vice president Communist Joe biden in operation Lift and Strike) is that Genocide ? but (reluctantly Bill Clinton says) Bill Clinton later oversaw the war until it concluded in 1995 / 1996. The rape of 15,000 to 20,000 woman in the Serb - Croat war and the Muslim war, was / is identified by the film the Whistle - blower  (see also the adjacent website  and Chapter 3 and the heading Alicia's law and Ukraine about 20 paragraphs down in which these woman could have been rescued or at least placed in the army, fed and paid and asked to fight instead or sent home.Anything was better than what they actually experienced) which was ran as a trafficking operation by the United Nations ? The simultaneous Muslim trafficking in Bosnia especially for young children has covered its entire Islamic history including during the Serb Bosnian war and continues today and was also a part of the "trade" in 1991, to 1995. Bahrain which was a temporary haunt of Michael Jackson in 1995 is still the world's capital for paedophiles and trade in children.

In April 1992, the government of the Yugoslav republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina declared its independence from Yugoslavia. Over the next several years, Bosnian Serb forces, with the backing of the Serb-dominated Yugoslav army, targeted both Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) and Croatian civilians for atrocious crimes resulting in the deaths of some 100,000 people (80 percent Bosniak) by 1995. In Bosnia, Muslims represented the largest single population group by 1971" In 1930 they were the smallest group by a long way.

As mentioned the war then found Woman (not just from one side from both sides) in the middle of it as part of the war whether they liked it or not and which of course they did not. It was designed not just for sex (on one level) but for the dark fear it produces and it is cruel and cowardly but extremely destructive. Woman of course serve in armies and in some armies they are not just a part of the army but central to it. In some cultures large armies of men have been led by a single woman. Intuition and foresight were a part of those reasons a woman was revered as the head of an army.A novel and/or film by Nelson DeMille which explores this, is the "Generals daughter" with Madeleine Stowe and Leslie Stefanson and John Travolta. The General's daughter would have won of course (as she does in one way in the film) whether she had been defiled or not. The only people who did not realize that were the male soldiers. It is based on the Tailhook incident in 1991 in the USA and prosecuted by Bill Clinton later who did not save the woman in Bosnia or Rwanda so political capital is made of this also.This psyops type warfare is ultimately inferior to simple truth in the light. It is not weaker. Steel or the strongest steel is a composite of metals not just iron. Men and Woman serve in the army. The recent reports of high rape levels in serving personnel of course does not mention that 99 % of army personnel never engage in such methods. It is thought that Western armies would not suffer these problems and they are rife in Eastern armies to a far higher degree. The recent Islamic slaughter is 99% the other way i.e. to engage in rape as warfare.(see also the adjacent website  and Chapter 3 and the heading Alicia's law and Ukraine about 20 paragraphs down for western pre-history present still today)

15.04.2016 The Generals daughter or any daughter (s) are in fact forced into being raped as prostitution daily everyone's daughters) Last week the media ran simultaneous stories of men who had been acquitted suddenly of rape (military and civilian) On the 14th.April.2016 a news item identified that Germany's largest "bordello" (brothel) had been raided for tax fraud, in its €16 Billion a year business which needs fresh girls from all over Europe every month or so, and is also central to trafficking aims. Traffickers help supply the Brothels. The news ran simultaneous parallel stories of "sex workers" who said they just loved their job and madams offered a guided tour of the pleasant bordello interiors. Pimps (who are supposed to be cut out of the equation) simply moved up-market or into supply trafficking for the bordellos and of course they may have helped shape those new laws which Germany passed to keep prostitutes safe as mentioned in the previous links and news items. it is of course not safe to sell your body when economies could value you. It presumes the economy cannot produce other avenues of work or lifestyles for impoverished woman and girls Yet this is untrue and so the trade is more than just accidental in its growth and continued position in society. More money is wasted in an economy which could house, feed and help prostitutes work with good jobs, than is taken in by prostitution in the crazy liberal economic planning nightmare. €1000  Billion wasted here alone every year ? ($1000 Billion ! which in austerity times or any economic theory administration is off the deep end and outrageous) and once you aware of the waste in the EU or any economy, then you would ask why Woman (on such a large scale, see below) are employed as prostitutes at all. We are not talking a few hundred girls or woman.

In other words the EU (and not just in the EU) can afford to pay these Woman not to be prostitutes. The negative economy and a lack of work and prosperity forces girls and woman into the cities to work as prostitutes despite the money which is wasted and which exceeds the profits of the mega brothel by 600 %. That is a form of rape, which is a political scandal and a planned entrapment of human beings into a nightmare within very the centre of society and it is also a  form of warfare. How many times have you heard (any) politicians male of female mention it in their campaign ? You could pay these girls to fight (combat) learn a skill or trade and live a fulfilling life. In the USA 20 new female officers   as infantry and Army rangers (who are extremely tough and well trained) are admitted. You could cite Phoolan Devi (who did not choose her life) Lozen (the Apache) Martha Jane Canary, Boudica and Joan of Arc contrasting their warrioress lives and there is a long list. The bible also has its female warriors. Ruth, Esther, Rachel Hannah etc Determining the best spiritual path or philosophy is a part of that training for life.

( Graduating from the navy Seals and or Marines or other special forces still requires the bar to be reached by men and woman )

Chancellor Angela Merkel encourages women's rights and she encourages the German population to grow by encouraging more babies for the apparently dwindling indigenous population (new statistics on this crisis are presented every year for the past 30 years) but prostitution continues ?  Yet this population reduction problem may only seem to be true, if you need more migrants in millions. The recent lax migration rules, from Libya and now again into Italy in the continuing invasion and war and Islamic trafficking are not accidents. In reality Frau Merkel is only worried if people offend the Turkish prime minister's mustache ? (even Stalin's was better) as Turkey is supplying trafficked migrants from the wider middle east. Rapes and armed terror cells are in passing thought are not as important in critical theory migration attitudes. 

The recent raid in Germany (in the first blue paragraph above) has revealed the staggering profits and financial statistics the "service" has. It is one of several mega brothels in Germany, and Germany has 400,000 prostitutes working currently (nearly half a million) but the brothels are just one of several within Germany and there are several in every European country. 28 EU countries and 40 or so in Europe (and maybe then a half a Billion prostitutes worldwide) This also includes Britain  and Ireland and those mega brothels are just as large proportionally in the Global $500 Billion annual prostitution industry. In other words there are Millions of prostitutes in Europe some as young as 16, and children are a specialized product. Of course the EU has a large army contingent and Woman serve in those armies. There are armies which also conscript Woman such as Israel and Norway and Eritrea, Bolivia etc but who (despite a clause to allow non service) still have massive female enthusiasm for joining. Israel has never lost a battle since its re-birth in 1945 with Woman serving in the army, and who choose to be in  the army although you can leave for religious reasons. Many are asking if they actually need the United Nations overseeing Nato (and the film mentioned above The Whistle Blower highlights its corruption) or overseeing a new European super army (see below)or overseeing the USA army. A militia and constitution are central to maintaining liberty in a society (according to Frenchman Jean Jacques Rousseau and the USA constitution) and woman join them also and are very effective militia. They can of course choose their own boyfriends and armed, who could argue. 

Economies (or Economics) can force "Generals daughters" into prostitution and rape, and in effect pin down a population into servitude and prostitution by those economic theories, which is also part of the deranged plan to Islamise the world, as Islam is prostitution personified openly in its religion and Sharia law (see the next green paragraph following the blue and the religious reason d'etre (i.e men sin by viewing a woman hence the all in one black outfits, but prostitution is not sin and foreign rape is also not a rape in Islam) Does the EU and the world need new Economists (as opposed to critical theory and left wing disaster policies, such as TTIP which needs migrants) when those at  the heart of the economy are encouraging these hate crimes against woman.

Economic indicators are not always accurate but 1 million prostitutes in the EU and member states is a sign that severe underlying poverty is everywhere in the austerity plan.

In effect economics plans for prostitution not families which is evident. This has increased in effect from the EU wide (and Global) recession from 2008, which could have been avoided and has been artificially prolonged. The main concern in the British EU referendum from EU banks and British banks is that it could negatively effect interest rates if Britain pulled out of the EU (causing inflation) When Britain joined the EU in the 1970's (although it joined the Council of Europe in the mid 1940's after WW2, and which it is still a member and will be after the referendum) this was also a source of angst then, and also a panic when Britain joined the ESM /ERM in 1992 under John Major) and you can still be in NATO and not  be in the EU. Britain was not in recession before joining the EU and has had interest worries before and after ? Inflationary worries of also cited as a criticism against those seeking to end trafficking and child abuse / abduction by buying the victims back again or funding their release and many groups are doing just that (see again the adjacent website  and Chapter 3 and the heading Alicia's law and Ukraine, about 20 paragraphs down and further along to the heading" Is it possible to end Child Slavery & Woman trafficking ? The Mind Life Institute and Dialogues and the Social Venture Network "  Yet having millions of prostitutes is not a Fiscal concern at all (and it is left wing economics and left family values which run the EU) With these economic worries unable to resolve the debasement of Woman, there is also one other concern which has existed for thousands of years. Aside from Rape being an act of war in invasion or the rape within the media by the media it was thought that Woman who are raped as part of, or during their military training that they would become fiercer warriors afterwards (preparing for war) if they survived.  (like the Generals daughter, not just as an act of violence and unofficially) Alexander the Macedonian / Greek who is considered the greatest Military General had an opposite view of slavery of Woman (i.e. Timoclea) Woman do not need to experience that trauma in order to fight and 400,000 armed German EU former prostitutes if freed could be a formidable force. For many people this subject is too dark to contemplate but it is a reality which societies are psychologically numbed or brainwashed into accepting and politicians (including woman) will not mention the matter in this context.The past 6 years since the Arab spring have been some of the highest recorded incidents in history.

As for the commercial film the Generals daughter if it is believed to be too graphic, and the EU prostitute totals seem incredible, the almost live slaughter and rape of people on the war / news channels over the last 5 years by Islamic Jihad surpasses anything in history for coverage. The Christian Genocide included.

There is a view amongst men and/or military personnel, that rape (as opposed to honest mutual agreed intercourse) is a sign of prowess or fighting ability, but it is of course deranged and emanates from low intelligence (thick) when in fact the act, actually destroys and damages the personality, fighting ability and prowess to both parties, invisibly and physically. Men are also raped. Confused individuals regarding their sexuality, who may also be (i.e. it includes) homosexuals seem to use the concealed cowardice of rape disguised as prowess to vent hatred or act out their fear of the opposite sex. Rapists who think they have gotten away with physical rape, in some cases often have long term Psychological problems (more than they had to begin with) which leads to depression, social problems, guilt and paranoia and/or mental illness and in many cases becoming completely dysfunctional or even choosing suicide. What is taken away is taken back again similar to the laws of nature. Wondering how that could happen is the mystery. In Islamic Sharia law countries a Woman can be tried to see if she been raped in court, she can then be found to have been raped  and then (she) can be sentenced to be stoned to death for it ? but the rapist will not be caught, tried or killed ? (as she is then classed as an adulterer ?) Further mutilation of Woman in Islam (Female Genital Mutilation) is considered wise so as to neuter feelings or has medical benefits. This is like saying beheading is a cure for migraine.This is of course not a religion but a mental illness, and rape is a criminal mental illness which deserves the death penalty or life (full term until death) in prison. Applied to children it is beyond even that. As for rape being a sign of prowess, if and when rape occurs to their own daughters or wives, then their prowess of course turns to Jelly. The profit motive of mass rape and incarceration of woman can be a single motivating factor, and traffickers and pimps are lower that any of the above.

Following the breakup of the Ottoman Empire many Muslims went to Bosnia fleeing the Serbian army and found assistance from Turkey who are still trying to remake the Ottoman empire today, and the UN tribunals have not included Turkey (as yet) against the Armenians. Essentially the old war of the late 1800's fuels the politics and the Bosnian Muslims were in the Serb Bosnian war armed by Saudi Arabian Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood members who are of course serving in Hillary Clinton's and Obama's administrative staff. 

The Rwandan genocide lasted 100 days (in April 1994 – July 1994) and 800,000 people were butchered, Tutsi and Hutu both in 100's of thousands by the Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) who had also committed acts of violence as the Elite Tutsi's from 1960 to 1989 and the Hutu's were killed by Genocide in 1990. In 1994 it was amounting to 8000 a day. Therefore there was plenty of warning. Like the ISIS genocide against Christians and the Benghazi disaster there is severe mismanagement of foreign policy. Considering the UN prosecuted Radovan Karadzic for the genocide of 8000 Muslims, then this large event must have been noticed every day in Rwanda. Bill Clinton in 1994 regrets the Rwanda genocide and was forced to apologise in 1998, but which also displayed the UN's inability to prevent Genocide. The Clinton administration advised the UN to withdraw and was in fact responsible for management decisions which led to the Genocide. Hillary Clinton has stated that she pressed her Husband to intervene militarily but there is no record of this.

Hillary Clinton studied Critical theory as critical legal theory at Yale (she took the bar and passed) which is basically a German think tank of collectivist Marxists founded in the 1930's. It is Cultural Marxism as critical theory. (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 into 5) This would lead you to believe she is a militant Marxist advocating minorities. The new minorities in this theory however soon become the old oppressors to be replaced by even newer minorities and so on ad infinitum. Hillary then is also an advocate of planned parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who "plans" parenthood to exterminate blacks and unborn babies. Unborn babies (in the womb) do not have USA constitutional rights according to Hillary Clinton. (Dont try that theory face to face with an angry woman 7 months pregnant) Hillary believes full term abortions can be performed. Babies in this thinking are a disease which has appeared in the body of a woman and must be removed. Further Hillary Clinton has been endorsed by the Klu Klux Klan in California. (only) That about covers it, she hates everyone regardless of colour, creed or age.

Once you understand critical theory you understand the continued calls for more Migrants. Since the Paris bombings (Nov 2015) there have been two more 1. Belgium airport 30 people killed 340 injured 2. Pakistan.(against Christians) 70 killed, 400 wounded. The bomber (or one of them) in the Belgium attack was from an area of Belgium which now has 40% Muslim population. The plan is to make it 50% or 70% and introduce sharia law and then in every town across Europe, Britain and the USA. The EU deal simply sends bad Muslims back but they can obtain new identity papers and return again anytime, nothing has changed. Despite the danger and the fact the Paris bomber worked in Immigration (see post dated 25.11.2015 above) The Canadian immigration minister John McCallum has called for another 10,000 migrants (despite the bombings) in March 2016. McCallum who supports gay marriage and is gay, but once asked if Canadian troops could dress in woman's uniforms and lives next to a exclusive Muslim community who may be tempted to bribe a military transvestite government official if they thought they could get away with it. John McCallum is another Cultural Marxist.

The idea of asking the army to dress in woman's clothing could be the forerunner of sensitivity training the army has to undertake now in the USA. A US soldier gives his opinion on the experience.(same link here"Sensitivity" training then is suppression training against the army. Actual event of sensitivity training. Ex members of the army who join other professions such as the Firefighters (who served during 9/11) also go through sensitivity training. Rescue Me - Sensitivity Training Pt.1  (or you tube) &  Rescue Me - Sensitivity Training Pt.2  Obviously respect of other people is important and the videos actually show self deprecating examples as well as insensitive ones. However the following type of self depreciation from Pastor Manning is just wrong. (and its hard to know what's going on there exactly, it's not biblical and assumes the colour defines personality). Pastor Manning is a real Pastor and is sincere overall. Louis Farrakhan explains his view of the world. The reverend Al Sharpton ?

Incredibly Syrians are expressing themselves against the theory in the following way; that they just want to go home.Syrians in the following countries say the same thing; Germany  Uruguay  Lebanon  Europe  Canada Syria may  be split up into different areas when Assad leaves or be "Balkanised" explains Syria Girl but Russia may not let this happen ! Syrians may well want to return anyway as one country Syria or s a split country, but the majority of migrants who are not Syrian cannot have a Jihad without mass migration. Syrian girl explains that only genuine passports are required in the USA but in these instances Obama and Hillary Clinton have refused to do proper checks ? as (she says) Trump is also asking  for. So a Syrian analyst is saying that false passports are used and are approved as false by the Obama administration ?Traffickers do not want passport checks and a safe zone solution is popular with Syrians.

With those ideals and with the incredible vote rigging machine (in which you cannot get a receipt) then the US elections are obviously a fraud ? 1. (Diebold) 2. (US election rigged or shaped) Surely voting with recognised ID and with a receipt is called for in the USA with proper hand counted checks ?

Although there is an internal civil war between Saudi and Iran (see above on the last date entry) Saudi has recently asked Iran to come into OPEC  with it, Iran has publically rejected the offer. The Iran money (150 Billion) it received from the United States is not being used for social care (jobs, woman, services, schools, hospitals and education etc ) but to arm the continuing influx of Muslims into Europe, and Russia is assisting the arming of migrants which is resulting in 90 terror cells planted within Europe (which needs to close the border with Turkey completely at and in Greece, at Thermopylae perhaps) Russia has not left Syria (although it was reported widely they had in March 2016) and Obama is currently suggesting the USA reduce its Nuclear Weapons whilst Russia wants to build new Nuclear facilities in Saudi and also in Egypt Why would the Gulf or Iran with all its oil want to build nuclear facilities but with Russia help. Russia also has a nuclear weapon in Syria and army bases in Syria still. 

Nuclear weapons have  increased not decreased since 2008 (worldwide)

All this comes on the back of re-assurances that migration will slow (not end) from David Cameron in January (the new deal) and recently by the EU (after Angela Merkel was devastated in the local elections for her emigration policy as all euro elections head the same way) but which is all a con job to stop further election losses anywhere in the EU or in the USA. Mass protests are ignored by the media in Poland and Switzerland / Alps as well as mass demonstrations all over the EU. As Obama prepares to re-invade Iraq (April 2016) and which the Iran money is supposed to buy off Iran in that new War within Iraq and Syria.

As mentioned above the request by Saudi to bring Iran into OPEC would eventually raise Oil prices and the West is attempting to cut Saudi out of the petro – dollar system in favour or Iraq / Iran oil whilst Islam is attempting to rebuild the Ottoman empire but into the EU, Britain and the USA. This change in the petro-dollar system has been mooted for over a decade as previous oil hikes were becoming too expensive and the Gulf and Opec held the West to ransom. It is not the end of the petro – dollar system but a tweak. China however wants cheap oil and it wants to replace the US as the petro – yen in place of the petro dollar. This is a big question in the US elections and it is not new (as is made out in the press but an ongoing discussion which began in earnest in 1999) Fiscal conservatives (Neo-con or other) want to see sensible non inflationary policies attached to the petro-dollar and also in the funding of Nato. Again this is a not a new discussion but has surfaced since 1999, but again the press make it out to be a subject of disdain.

Therefore the Republican party inquiry into Nato and the new EU superarmy (without the UN) began decades ago and transform Nato and its funding but does not end Nato.

To understand the Petro Dollar recycling system go to the adjacent website and chapter 5 and about 15 paragraphs from the end above the Che Guevara pictures under the heading Recycling funds and the Petro Dollar. ) Under the oil facility recycling and with illegal assets hoarded any Gulf state could lose its hoarded funds (acquired when oil was far too high) and pay these funds into western accounts for investment in real estate and national projects ownership of which to be retained in the national country which suffered high inflation and artificially high oil prices for decades. The other option for the Western is not just to invade Iraq but to invade the entire Middle East which many feel should have occurred in 2002 / 2003

Nato was established following the end of world war 2, it meant a transatlantic alliance between the USA, Britain and Europe. In its place a new EU superarmy is proposed. It is proposed as the perceived threat from Russia (in theory) has diminished since the Soviet collapse in the early 1990's but China will back Russia against the West in any conflict hence Nato is still required. A new EU superarmy (which Ireland has signed up to in the year 2000) in any case could only grow out of NATO with its help and with it retained at its core. Britain rejects the need for an EU super army but the USA (across all political parties behind the scenes) is stating we want to share the cost of Nato and reduce its financial cost to the USA not its commitment. In other words with the threat from China and Russia combined the transition from Nato which Nato would lead would take time. The West built a freight train along the silk road to China through Tehran and like Iraq it believes it is its property and not China's and Iran is planning to build a Canal to the Caspian sea (linking it to the Persian gulf and maybe in time to the Suez canal which would not be impossible) Iran still wants to remove Israel from the map but it is on the other side of the Euphrates. The left pretend that China and Russia do not intend imperialist expansion either by military or cultural methods (including subjugating Muslim countries) into the West but Russia's invasion of Syria has proven that to be untrue. It is believed their system is beneficial to the world, but it is not democratic or for Liberty, neither is Iran's (despite the part elections it has held in February 2016) or the Gulf states.

Britain has joined its own Supearmy with the Saudis with 34 other nations largely Islamic who would provide security in the middle east, Whilst Germany urges Britain (with the USA) to join the EU Superarmy which would consist of 1 EU wide army instead of 28 national armies. This backing of a new EU army was a part of the deal (on migrants which includes massive new Mosques, when Churches should be built instead and existing mosques should be sold) in Jan 2016 which is not preventing  migrants, but only for a short term in theory, but ? which can be altered after the referendum ? Britain is facing on 23.06.2016 (Another missing piece of the deal) The option (such as Finland has as one example) is to be in the EU as a member state, but this is not on the ballot paper ? It should be ? (i.e. leave, stay or member state, 3 choices) A full Brexit would mean in a short time after, a re-entry could be renegotiated as a member state type membership is possible. Britain for the working class has changed beyond recognition, but Ireland which was in financial trouble has benefitted, but not nearly as much as people wish. Ukraine needs help and may benefit from membership (as a preference to Russia)  Norway stays as a member state as does Denmark and Norway's economic model is proving the best and most secure long term as it has more control over its laws and and systems (see the adjacent website chapter 2 and 5 and various) Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland could still do the following. (Norway investment fund for itself and its people)

The ongoing (but quieter) takeover of the EU by the new worldwide Sharia caliphate (see posts above) and into America is a part of the deals struck in the Middle East and its means to increase and its objective is to destroy Christianity worldwide and the brutal and savage nature of the Christian genocide especially since 2011 is also a prosecution matter which should indite Obama, Hillary Clinton and Huma Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood or Radovan Karadzic should be freed (see last  post dated 05.04.2015) A genocide as the world has witnessed against Christians cannot be allowed to continue.


26.04.2016 (The Continuing denial of the Christian Genocide) 

The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016.

Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote.

President Obama on his recent trip to the UK and France has reluctantly named the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 Million Christians by Turkey (1915 – 1925) a "mass atrocity" following the 60 thousand people who marched in remembrance of it and protested outside the Turkish embassy in Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles on the 25.04.2016  (and also in Idaho)  as 40 US states out of 50 (or 53) have declared the Armenian genocide  a genocide.  It is suggested that Turkey is an ally of the USA and hence Obama is reluctant to say Genocide against Turkey. However since the Pope named the Turkish Genocide and the "Isis" Genocide in July 2015, it has now taken 10 months to grow in awareness.

(See above and previous post dated 12/04/2016  as follows; Hillary Clinton has now belatedly admitted in late December 2015 (breaking from president Obama's still current denial) that the Christian genocide beginning in mid 2014 (only) is a Genocide as ? now as there is enough evidence, but not in the past 1.5 years or since 2011 and the Arab spring, and not at all previous to this. Further as secretary of state from 2009 to February 2013, she denied the genocide as Secretary of State from June 2014, whilst the Pope had announced it in July 10th 2015  and earlier) And the atrocities (see all posts above) extend back to 2011 and before.

Since Hillary Clinton, Obama and Huma Abedin could have stopped the Genocide from 2011, the administrations Muslim Brotherhood cabal (which includes Obama and Abedin) failed to do so. It is not just reluctance but part of a wider plan to extend the old Islamic state Ottoman Empire all over the Middle East.

An example of the duplicity is the hysterical furore over Donald Trump's and Ted Cruz announcement that they would support a wall  across the Mexican border. This view has first grown out of an overwhelming belief by the American public that they should have the same rights to protect their country as any other country (currently it has not got those rights, which is something that other countries do not tolerate) Hilary Clinton denounced it and both of them yet she also had the idea in 2006 ?  but has since watered it down for the US elections ? when she had previously said a solid wall would be built, but now it is a fence ? Further one man who is at the centre of the controversy is Doctor Jose Manuel Mireles Valverde who is currently serving time in prison. His story is told (as are the American equivalents on the US side of the border) in the documentary Cartel Land which details the story of the armed militias who patrol the border on both sides with the same objective, i.e. both Mexicans and Americans together who wish to protect their borders and inland from drugs, trafficking and illegal aliens who are allowed to pour in on from Mexico causing social and criminal ruin to societies on both sides of the border. They both want a border wall and tighter security. Doctor Valverde refused to allow Government interference (and the groups began because the Mexican Government and Obama reduced funding to protect the border to a bare minimum) and he says he was placed in prison because of this. Of course he should be freed. This has not been mentioned by the racist chanters who are (possibly) also hired to become hysterical by groups opposed to the militias or by the Democratic Party. This follows the longest ever tunnel discovery used for trafficking of woman and children also from San Diego into Mexico in March / April 2016. Trafficking is modern slavery today and is not abolished by the democrats at least so far. It is disgusting (i.e. the media bias) and the denial that there is a problem, and it only calls into question the motives of those who deny the problem.

The incredible explosion of citizen armed militias which are named as legal in the US constitution (on both sides of the border) reflects the helplessness border communities have. Canada and the USA have tighter border checks but there are still problemswhich need even tighter security mechanisms.Canada still exports (more than any other country) Oil to the USA yet you do not have regiments of Canadian ice Hockey players skating over the border to began a military guerrilla campaign in the USA. Canada still has to buy Dollars (in the petro dollar recycling system) before it can export its oil to the USA. This explains why the Middle East wars are not just about Oil and Energy and the biggest US deployment of ships and aircraft and troops is making its way to the Middle East ( China and Russia also)

The petro dollar system as a contract obliges the USA armed services to defend Oil producing nations. It was signed in 1973 and was agreed between nations (USA, Israel and Arab Islamic lands) This also means defending surrounding oil producing nations from Israel or others who have never lost a military battle since it was formed in 1945, and considering it is a very tiny country in a very large Arab or Islamic domain then you can appreciate the extent of Israel's reputation. This agreement has kept the peace in what would be by now a world war 3 beyond World War 1 and 2 placed together. Now two nations (like Iran and Iraq once warred) Saudi Arabia and Iran may go to war (despite Kuwait being in the way or in the middle of them) which would oblige the USA to defend both lands and in a civil war that may only be achieved by occupying both countries to a larger and complete extent, or under Marshall law. Iran however may force a break away and ask China to became a new global Petro – Yen and help it to fight Saudi Arabia and become the new power in the middle east, forcing a war with Britain hence Saud is asking Iran to join OPEC with it. Saudis oil may be running out forcing it to invade Iran anyway as it agrees a new economic package  hence the suggested tweak to the petro – dollar agreement. It seems that Iran is siding with Russia and China in the new deal despite the US paying it $150 billion dollars to safeguard Iraq as US troops build up new forces there. (Obama had predicted a complete withdrawal in both his elections) Israel may be forced to intervene, with or without  Nato or the new Nato / EU Super army.

This raises a wider question as how to protect Christians and one solution is the enlargement of Greater Israel which would include a safe zone.Solutions are suggesting this in Catholic views  also as border security and terrorism by Islam is not nullified and is growing with the bombs and threats around Europe. Conservative Christians Catholic and Protestant who are wary of Pope Francis liberal view (although Pope Francis has denounced Gay marriage, abortion and has cited the Islamic genocide of Christians) are becoming increasingly alarmed. This debate i.e moving the Church from a conservative view is a political designation to a faith or belief. Argentina however and for instance (where Pope Francis and Che Guevara hail from) in its election produced a Conservative President.  Marxists (and you can read all the way down from above in this chapter) are obsessed with theories on the need of the world to embrace cultural Marxism and critical theory as opposed to Christianity and this takes precedence over  the actual life and actions of the earths population and of course Marxism is not compatible with spirituality (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 and 5)

Conservative Roman Catholics are baffled by the Popes stance and they say the Pope is at war with them but the Pope who is also provoking war with Israel according to some views. Roman Catholics who are conservative in America and Evangelicals  and Europe are distrustful of supporting Marxism (some for instance cite the final 3 rd secret / revelation of Fatima, a pilgrimage area in Portugal. The 3rd secret Dos Santos transcribed in 1944, and has been held by the Vatican since 1957. Fatima  is not the original Celtic name of the area which first took root in 1187 and later only in the 16th century The nearest City Lisbon has ancient Megaliths and Celtic Dolmens around it and was reputed to be founded by Ulysses aka Odysseus on his return from the Trojan wars. The early Christian church founded many sites there also ) disguised as Christianity. Yet the Pope has denounced Abortion, Gay marriage and has condemned the Christian Genocide. Many suggest he is under pressure from Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood to change from "conservatism" whilst fundamentalist conservative  Muslims can bomb, rape and plunder throughout the Middle East and gulf states whilst refusing to take "refugees" in any of those areas ? Should Islam become Liberal and take a couple of million Muslims after all they are their brothers in Allah and the face of God ? (According to Pope Francis). Islam is not compatible with Christianity, but what is really being said is that migrants are the face of cheap labour in light of Obama's TTIP plan (24.04.2016)  for the USA and the EU (which is to outsource jobs from the US and Britain and the EU elsewhere and of course people prefer 100 % national employment for nationals) The 38 degrees lobbying action group give their opinion on TTIP, which also carried a full page add in the Guardian to stop the "secrecy" which of course involves the Cultural Marxist cabal (including Frau Merkel) who are on the whole bribed by Saudi and the Wahibbi Jihadists.

Saint Francis of Assisi (who Pope Francis is named after) was a man who simply wanted to build a church and despite local and national opposition he walked to Rome and petitioned the Pope (Pope Innocent 3rd) who changed his mind and granted him permission to do so. Pope Innocent or Saint Francis did not take down a church and replace it with a Mosque as is happening in America and in the wider EU with hundreds of church conversions (to Mosques)  ready to implement Sharia law and usher a new dark age.  The King of the Franks Charles Martell (known as "The Hammer" ) defended the gates of Vienna against the Muslim hoards'in 732 with full support from Pope Gregory the 3rd, and in 1683 the Polish King Jan Sobieski again defended Vienna against Muslin invasion with also full support from Pope Blessed. It is incredible in the growing scandal that Obama has tried to bribe the papacy via the US Refugee Admissions program to the tune of $79 million dollars (every year ? ) Since Syrians are now stating they wanting to return to Syria (whether it is balkanized or not see last post dated 12.04.2016) why is so much allocated ? This is aside from the $1000 Billion annually wasted in the EU whilst EU citizens slave through the austerity programs. The EU is a Christian mission field also (see the last post dated 12.04.2016 and the blue paragraphs) and the Muslim face of God has not demonstrated against the Christian Genocide worldwide which Obama, Clinton and Abedin refuse to take the blame for. The Pope is obviously being pressured and there is no tradition of Mosques or Islam in Argentina ? Unemployed Americans and Christians, and Christian refugees are last in any queue according to the Archbishop of Canterbury but they are discriminated against in the US and UK influenced by the Muslim brotherhood & the Saudi and Iranian imperial ambitions and the associated bribes.  In Holland the view is to close all mosques and disband the terror cells. (see last post 12.04.2016)

"Ecumenical studies" in Islamic countries are in the main non – existent and the wider Euro tribes debate is off the curriculum.

Clearly the face of God is not the Christian God and Christians are not considered as Godly in refugee status or Genocide by Obama, Abedin and Hillary Clinton, which is a war crime and criminal conspiracy.

Safe Zones in the middle east with Russia or without 2011 - 2016 ? Safe zones for the middle east began with Russia (see all above in chapter 3 & 3a) Safe zones were first mooted in 2011 and continued into 2016 with Trump and Pence calling for 3 or 4 safe zones in dispute with Russia 2016/2017 and following the USA elections in November 2016. Almost but nearly a full agreement was reached in May 2017 (with Russia) hence talks were underway with Russia. These were safe zones which would also protect Israel, but  in recognition of the war. 


The UK  European Referendum  on 23/06/2016

Obama as a side issue to the TTIP trade deals (which have brought massive protests in Britain in April 2016 and in the EU, but left wing and right wing protesters have protested against left and right governments and the austerity deal continues regardless ? ) has warned that the UK is better able to defend itself against Terrorism if it is inside the EU (by presumably importing  more migrants and Wabhibi migrants from Qatar and Saud whose stated aim not to integrate with western infidels and is to burn all Churches in the gulf and destroy the west and it gets away with it because of the oil deal it has with Britain) Obama Despite continuing to deny the Christian Genocide he and the Muslim brotherhood presided over and still are, he feels he can advise Western Europe or Christians on what is good for it ?  Frau Merkels plan from the crypt of the Frankfurt School of (non – integration) by design.

The Frankfurt schools ultimate aim is to destroy religion or faith by homogenisation. It aims to destroy Roman Catholicism, Judaism and Conservative Judaism and Protestantism and ancient cultures of belief which ground people in their history (i.e. all people's except Islam or at least for now) 

Frau Merkel wants 75 million Turks who as  a nation will not admit their Genocide against Christians and who have trafficked people from every region of Islamic life under false passports into the EU. Turkey wants to have a borderless crossing into the EU (with Gulf states still not accepting any migrants)  Northern Europe is being redesigned and it is the EU (and Obama) who are worried by the Brexit, but who do not care about real Europeans views despite the crushing election defeats in Germany and other countries against the continued migrant "crisis"

Clearly this is one of the greatest deceptions in our modern era. England, the UK will still be a member of Nato if it leaves the EU. Further it is one of the founding members of the Council of Europe and will retain its membership of the Council of Europe and Nato if it leaves the EU.Since it joined in 1973 it has kept its currency the pound separate from the Euro, but that will change as time proceeds into an integrated borderless Europe. Citing Scotland's desire to leave the UK and the Union (which will end anyway if the UK stays in Europe) Scotland has already voted on the Union issue to remain in the Union, and calls for another referendum may not proceed yet if that referendum does proceed it may only reach the same result. As mentioned in previous posts above in this chapter the 3rd option of having no option to vote on the member state option on the ballot paper is baffling, as this can be applied for from any nation or any nation can opt from full membership to member state options.

Catalan a region of Spain has voted to leave the rest of mainland Spain yet if this partial secession of a region within a country occurred they will be asked to leave the EU according to David Cameron. This of course would apply to Scotland also who would have to leave the EU like Catalan since the EU referendum is a national UK referendum. David Cameron says of Catalan;

" David Cameron, fresh from his own secessionist crisis in Scotland, also lent his support to the Rajoy government during a trip to Madrid earlier this month, insisting that Catalonia would no longer be part of the EU and that it would have to "take its place at the back of the queue behind those other countries applying to become members of the European Union ".

However this means that you can re-apply to the EU in the future and possibly unlike Catalan, Britain would more than likely be at the top of the Queue and could re-apply as member states only if desired. Catalan may have to take its share of the national debt with it and it is true that other regions of Spain from East to West in Spain want Catalan to remain. The view that David Cameron's new deal will be reversed once a pro EU membership debate is successful is very real, as in Ireland the Nice treaty vote and the Lisbon treaty vote which were rejected No were then forced to vote again to Yes only a short time later. The economic collapse in Ireland has forced a dramatic strict regime via the IMF ( introduced by socialists mainly and Dominic Strauss Khan was the socialist responsible for the pushing to sell off or privatise Irish Water on 03/12/2010 see the Memorandum of Understanding page 2 and page 30 on water charges which now requires a further 13 Billion investment . The IMF blame the banks in Ireland from 1999 to 2008 see page 4, but Ireland does not control its fiscal policy now, hence an internal circulating currency and energy economics are vital to its long term future, see the end of the last post 12.04.2015) although now the economic recession would seem to be easing as Ireland is the fastest growing economy in the EU. Ireland wants debt cancellation on the debt which is not its own and 100% employment and a United Ireland. The recent national elections in Ireland however do not reflect confidence in the economic recovery view on the ground, although matters are improving. The Lisbon treaty has a clause which allows for countries leaving the EU.

Opposing ideologies  ( including from the left and  from the right) give their opinion on the migrant crisis and the future of the EU.

1. Slavoj Žižek who is a professor and philosopher and "leftist" cultural critic

2. Britain first video   (on facebook entitled " SHOCKING VIDEO! Britain is heading for bloodshed and civil war" or here ...)Christians from other countries faced the following. All considered "right wing" but anything to the right of a confused goldfish is considered right wing today.

3.  A vision of the Future and what actually occurs  (in Sweden) and a Muslim woman warns.

4.Ingrid Kristina Carlqvist is a Swedish writer, editor and journalist  

5.  Israel 

The EU referendum in Britain is he most important vote since World war 2, yet the facts are not being truthfully presented.

The Common laws of any country are being detrimentally erased in nearly every country worldwide. The aim (and this is clear over decades)  is to depopulate and / or erase the indigenous populations. Britain as a country is unrecognisable and it is the same intent within every European country. In ancient Britain, Boudicca had a string of incredible victories but ultimately lost the last, whereas King Alfred who lost his first eventually won. He employed laws (Mosaic to Celtic Brehon and Malmutine laws from Wales and Ireland) which are in part laid out here  Druid writer Isabel Hill Elder in her book Druid, Celt and Culdee  pages 6, 7 & 8 and included a view that he must have men of prayer, men of war and men of work. (see also Chapter 5 below)

The racist and bigoted policy of the Christian Genocide denial in the Middle East is cynical. The slow imperialist aims of postmodernist supremacist religions like Islam are in fact the real fascist deception. Whilst the left screams absurdities it is also clear that people are saying increasingly that they are not racists or cynical, they are not socialists or communist, but they are working class.

For more information on the EU and wider see the adjacent website and (or here)  chapter 1 pdf (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel     and also see the last post on 12.04.2016 in the first blue paragraph which highlights why the annual  €1000 Billion wasted in the EU is a deliberate liberal disaster not a conservative one.

The last post on 12.04.2016 may be considered unusual but the very myth of Europa is of course not a myth and "Europe" (which includes Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland today at least) may not be Europa or the Europa of the original intent. Its original intent of avoiding war (a view of its founding members) has been turned into a war within its own borders, and one which is likely to grow as numerous civil wars throughout.



The EU Brexit referendum (see also last post)  the Spanish general election, and the Christian Holocaust as Genocide denial & Turkish Visa's ( & Obama's and Clinton's immigration Wall  )

This website and this chapter documents over many years the tragedy which has unfurled especially in the last few years. 

Wednesday the 4th of May in the EU is a day when any EU state or EU member state should consider leaving the EU as proposed migration plans are only to be fully published after the Spanish general election (26th) and the British EU referendum (23rd)  in June 28th They are partly published on 4.4.2016. Ignoring the outcry from all over Europe and ignoring the continued denial by Turkey that it killed 1.5 million Christians in the Armenian genocide the EU is considering preliminary measures to grant Turkish citizens travel around the EU without Visa's. That is 75 million people ("Turkish" or other) a very large Trojan Horse. Member states have to approve the deal but it allows migration to continue.Turkey is also not an EU member ? The deal (see 12.04.2016 above) is the discredited deal which followed on from David Cameron's deal (described as a con job) which allows bad Muslims (Isis, Jihadists, bombers, rapists and armed proponents of Jihad who admit to wanting to destroy the west. The latter identified by Nato and security services as part of the 90 or so terror cells operating in the EU see above) to be deported in exchange for a good Muslim person. Its absurd but in millions, and millions more are planned. This is (to repeat) despite the Paris bomber who was employed in immigration services in Belgium and despite many immigration offices in Britain and the EU arresting employees as part of a trafficking and paedophile operation. The Minster for immigration for Canada seems to do little else except announce thousands more refugees and immigrants are needed and the corruption and scandal which seems to also involve bribing the Vatican (via Obama's Muslim brotherhood cabal) continues in a system which does not consider the current EU inhabitants in any way, although they are losing office  all over the EU for their policies. Polices which German people say themselves of Frau Merkel that she should resign. And the German opposition parties are already planning to deport the migrants once they are in power. There is also a growing cry to dismantle all mosques and refugee camps and houses and deport all Muslims, and for EU citizens to carry armaments as the Swiss allow. (see heading 08.03.2016 above) 

The deal and its criteria which in themselves are minimal does not satisfy Germany's opposition or any EU opposition party, has not been met by Turkey in any case, but Turkeys parliament is too busy brawling amidst the corruption to care what the EU thinks. What is clear is the wider world thinks Turkey's genocide denial is an outrage and an act of war. The logic from the corrupt EU officials is if they do not do this deal then Turkey and North Africa will keep sending Refugees and immigrants ? (but note the Gulf states and the Arab countries will not take any of their brothers and sisters in Allah) in hundreds of thousands instead of the reduced number currently arriving on the swap deal. A swap deal which means you are deported, change your name and return making the same amount  of refugees as usual until after the British Brexit. The the other part of the full deal (4.5.2016 is only the experimental preliminary trial) which will not be published until after (5 days after) on the 28.06.2016, the British referendum being on the 23.06.2016 ?  

Unilever one of the biggest companies on earth as a multinational in 190 countries say Jobs would not suffer in a Brexit. Manufacturing on the other hand could increase dramatically. The Market is also not worried. The continuing maliase in the EU is worrying however, especially for the unemployed and negative equity victims.

The ideology behind the Jihad is a left  wing philosophy which must be obeyed at all costs. This invasion of Europe and Britain is to an area with high unemployment and poverty (as can be seen under the heading 12.04.2016 and the 1 million EU prostitutes as an economic indicator) Across the EU unemployment still averages 10% which is 74 million people  Further Migrants are entering via non EU countries, or through EU countries, or countries with the Schengen agreement or without it, and with or without the Dublin agreement. As the USA has also found or is discovering, passports in hundreds of thousands can be forged and voting can be rigged (Diebold) 2. (US election rigged or shaped) and California has passed a law which allows holders of Driving license's which you can get in the post to be ID for voting in which one illegal immigrant voted 5 times before being sent to Jail ? In the EU the US national intelligence director says ISIS (Al Qaeda, Hamas, Taliban & PLO) are exploiting terror in the EURO camps, which is the same conclusion NATO came too, as did Europol and security services in the EU. Turkey one year ago threatened to invade and crush Jerusalem and also Spain with or without Catalan. Spain will also not know of the full proposals before the new elections on 26th June 2016 (Spain has now voted for right and left governments against Austerity and also independents yet it continues)  Turkey, Iran, Saud, UAE want to recreate the Ottoman empire (within the larger Islamic caliphate) with the false religion although they are infighting amongst themselves as to who should lead it. Through Communism they bribe their way, as militarily the Jihad cannot succeed on its own. Russia also blames Saud and Turkey for the Ottoman expansion and fighting against Russia in April  (although they peaceful exchange nuclear power plant aspirations in March ? see last few posts above)   

Obama's and Hillary Clinton's Wall. (approved by Obama & Clinton) It is significant that the full report on Islamic migration into the EU (preliminary published today 4.4.2016) will not be fully published until 5 days after the England / British EU referendum on 28.06.2016 ? The democratic and truthful approach to Turkeys Ottoman empire plan is of course non -existent and the current reduced migration will be scrapped as soon as possible, only poor election results and the protests have brought  the matter to this poor solution on the Turkish Visa's scam. The same minds which planned the immigration invasion are the same Jihadists who have killed, raped, burned and tortured Christians (including woman and children) all over the Middle East and wider. It is obvious Islam is directing the bribed but not all elected personnel within the EU and worldwide and they are dictating policy, and not the EU democratic structures, otherwise the EU would have built a wall as proposed in the USA by (first in 2006) Hillary Clinton to keep out illegal immigrants ? (which she has now changed to a fence) and which she lambasted (to repeat from above) Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for suggesting the same in Mexico, although local people want a wall; see last post and Doctor Jose Manuel Mireles Valverde and in the documentary Cartel Land & the Mexican & US militia's. Hillary Clinton asked who should pay for the Wall ? ( "Donald Trumps & Ted Cruz wall" ) the answer is America of course, as this is exactly what Obama is  doing in Tunisia ? if anyone had followed the US elections, it is incredible Obama and Clinton continue to make public appearances. 

Not only is Obama building a 125 mile long wall to keep out Libyan Muslims or keep out Tunisian Muslims (there is a civil war in Libya ) but the USA is paying for it ? (remember the crazed Islamic lunatic who killed 38 people on a beach with a AK 47 machine gun who is also involved with smuggling and people trafficking just like in Mexico, but Tunisia is largely not at war only Libya is. The current civil war, will soon re-emerge as a full war with the West yet Hillary Clinton who ran the war, let military contractors die in Benghazi, who had a plan to stabilize the area both financially and by long lasting security measures) A wall around potential Genocide victims was not considered but from 2011 / 2012 a safe zone could have been set aside. The other wall or safety net in the USA is the constitution which Obama and Clinton have set aside, and which is just as important (and in any country) as a security wall.

Yet when it comes to protecting Christians in a genocide or caring for Christians in the USA or in Europe or Britain (or Scotland, Wales or Ireland) then a American Wall is an absurd concept for the USA  (i.e. it is out of the communist regimes "group think") in which Obama, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood state, the USA will not pay for Trump or Cruz's wall ? (which obviously they do not regard as their own country. i.e. Obama is to retire in a $5 million dollar  Socialist / Middle Class mansion in Dubai to avoid being prosecuted by the US government. Obama has spent more time facilitating unnecessary transgender toilets in the Whitehouse than abating concerns over a Christian genocide. How anyone could let young girls bathroom next to a man in a wig is beyond rational people. Islam of course kills Homosexuals as a legal death penalty. Obama has been asked to hand back the Nobel peace prize  which died as peace with the slaughter of the Christians in Egypt and wider) No rent a crowd to protest Hillary or Obama's wall ? but it goes to the centre of who actually cares about the American public in a American election (or anywhere in  TTIP zone) The new enlarged Greater Israel could also have a wall built all around it by the same logic forming a safe zone, especially since more and more Jewish concerns are raised over the Christian Genocide. The bombing of the hospital in Syria first in February 2016  and then in April 2016  by Russia and Assad "militants", has largely continued without anti-war protest. Refugees if they are (4 out of 5 are not) from Syria are ISIS and not non-combatants, the latter are largely trafficked worldwide, whilst Christian Syrians have been left to the last. The safe zone was first mooted in 2012.

Colonel Allen West opened up some of the horrific facts in April 2015.

The infiltration of Islam into Roman Catholicism is highlighted by the demand that Crosses are removed from Roman Catholic Universities and Churches (and Protestant) so that it does not offend Muslims, and Catholic Clergy are agreeing to it ? Clearly they are not clergy, priests or pastors and the same ideology from the Middle East is being dictated racially (Islam is racist and forces converts to change "nation" to Islamic state) and without any ecumenical concern and it is clearly destroying the Church protestant or catholic (Ironic on Joan of Arc day)

Obama still denies the Christian Genocide (and is one reason the Nobel prize is asked to be returned) which began in 2011 until today and tomorrow/ongoing (and will not name the Armenian as such) despite the latest proposals from international groups and authorities and governments and a petition to the UN (although the USA is looking to remove itself from the UN for its corruption over decades 2005, & 2013 & 2015   & the UNCAC  against corruption ? ) This is the same mindset that ignores the 2016 May Day anti-austerity proposals the West endures and the same mindset which dictates Global immigration policy (Jeanne d'Arc day is May 30th and who is revered in France and Britain, her birthdate is unclear but she died on 30.05. She was simply a real, very young girl who was Spiritually alive in a Church which was dry and confused. This is not understood as it is just too simple an explanation. It is said that Islam today is trying to infiltrate the Roman Catholic Church and change its theology yet both institutions are incompatible with each other). Obama, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood are criminals and they should be arrested and/or impeached, it is unparalleled in human history that a cynical murderous group / cell now calling itself (inside) the Democratic party can evade Justice so arrogantly in the face of Genocide.



17.05.2016    The Growing Conflict

(return to post dated 30.11.2019)

With the emerging EU super army which Britain has been a member of since 2004 and Ireland since 2000, the co-dependency super armies are still financed from national taxpayers, and you do not have to be  a member of  the European Union to be in Nato or the EU super army (and vice versa, as Austria, Finland, Ireland, Malta and Sweden are in the EU but not in Nato) The transfer from Nato to the EU superarmy is also still a cause of concern in the US elections, primarily from Frau Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton and partner George Soros  (with Obama) who are financially benefiting as an investment from the disruption of the EU (which is all planned and includes the immigrant crisis deal which they are overseeing and have arranged) and the Middle East. The tension between Merkel and Soros and Germany has left the Ukraine in limbo and it needs massive investment to remain free of Russia. It could to be an independent nation state (Ukraine not Deutschland) or EU member state retaining fiscal autonomy. Instead they are following  the Muslim Brotherhood plan which is the Islamization of Europe and the destruction of Israel and the Western nations which involves the use of millions of immigrants, 10% of which are refugees. Saudi Arabia continues to push the immigrant crisis without taking any migrants and Turkey and Iran are disguising their own population as migrants. The EU in some estimates is on the verge of collapse. 

Hillary Clinton through the Clinton foundation is siphoning off (land ) American assets to Russia (i.e. the Hammond ranch who were branded as US domestic terrorists for wanting to keep their land they had farmed) and China whilst claiming she will create jobs in the USA. A case in point concerns the closure of the USA coal mines she mentioned, which may transfer over to renewable energy jobs for the redundant workers. Yet if you ask Clinton or any politician will the Renewable company located nearby be up and running before the Coal mine closes, you will not get an answer until the next five year election is on the horizon = unemployment. China is increasing its Coal mining output

To understand the current situation and the false reasoning behind the migrant crisis, Hillary Clintons campaign firm is also the same as current Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyetta (who is heterosexual) but who is building  a wall 700 miles long to keep out Muslim invaders from Somalia who are invading and killing Kenyans. This is after Mexico's President apologised to Donald Trump, amidst the growing mutual trafficking and drugs problem. (see both the last posts) As you can read in the last post (dated 04.05.2016) Obama and Clinton are also building a wall in Libya and paying for it. None of these stories reach the public and the perception of what's really going on. Hillary Clinton will not mention them. Obama will not say there has been a Christian genocide in the Middle East (etc)

The new EU superarmy will require new funding models and Hillary Clinton, George Soros and  Obama may not receive their current slice of the cake hence they are pushing the side deal (migrants from Syria say they do not want to leave and those that have want to return see psot above 12.04.2016) as much as possible now. The EU will not be undefended in the transition of Nato or after and Nato would be central to its organisation. As mentioned in previous posts Britain is also a part of the Saudi led superarmy and the side deals explain why Saudi is not accepting any migrants at all, nor is Pakistan its partner. Neither is Iran but Turkey who will not agree to many of its obligations for receiving Visa tree travel (which should be banned) One of the obligations which it will not consider is agreeing to terrorism laws (which Merkel and the left are willing to overlook ?) but Britain will not know any more (it will also not know about the EU budget until after 23.06.2016 the Brexit referendum) until after 23.06.2016. Turkey (with the lefts public relations office, the EU politburo) is pretending to say you can go your own way to the EU whilst they go theirs. Hopefully that will remain the case but it seems to be pre-referendum spin (as migrants increase everyday) 

All of the super armies are building towards something surely ? Iran and Saudi remain the most likely to go to war with each other as the war of words continues. Saudi and Turkey only 3 months ago nearly broke the peace talks say Syria and Saudi may want to invade Syria  before attacking Iran. China and the SIlk road development in the new Russian China Eurasian continent consists of Russia and China building the world's largest stock of Gold resources which it believes will se it through any currency crisis. Iran and the Saudis oil will run out, but those oil sumps are small compared to others further East. The new Eurasian economy is draining the west and China had to buy American debt as a way to undermine it (which required help from economists to formulate economic policies which increased debt and raise the debt, a debt we owe ourselves as George Bush junior said once semi off camera) 

"9/11 "  (2001)      "9/11"   (2016) 

These vast super armies are preparing for something other than just defence. Russia and China have the 2nd and 3rd biggest armies and the Middle East with its vast oil fields in Saudi and Iran and Iraq are still modest compared to those further East. Saudi Arabia fears it will be cut out of the deal (petro - dollar deal) and has threatened to remove its assets from investments globally if the 9/11 report outlining  their involvement is fully published. ($750 billion) Although Saud is transforming its economy the oil in Saud will run out and the free ride it has had will be over. New arrangements in the EU Nato Superarmy will also mean the same. One further likely outcome is Saudis assets (re-cycled petro dollar) could be confiscated as war reparations for 9/11. 

Obama is threatening to publish the 9/11 documents (still currently classified and secret) if Saud begins a war with Iran or causes further economic unrest. The congress report may publish anyway. Iran who have received 150 Billion in Dollars but who with Pakistan are still blowing up Iraq daily in Iraq's growing violence and Iran can still make Nuclear Weapons ? Clearly the Iran deal is not working and its and Iraq's oil is also not as large in size as those further east. The Obama administration admitted to spinning the details or lying about the  Iran deal (8.5.2016) during negotiations, which means it is increasingly likely war with Iran and Saudi will occur. Iran in this position will mean Israel will have to increase its defence budget and predictions that America will have to occupy both Iran and Saudi Arabia to keep the peace and prevent war in the Middle East are growing increasingly likely, hence US domestic attacks may increase as in 1997 - 2001

"7/7"  (2005)   "7/7"   (2016) London Bombings & Laboutr party meltdown

The very real Islamic Jihad and invasion is not like the Al Qaeda or ISIS type insurgent / Guerrilla warfare hordes in the desert but it is still as violent on the civilian populations as far it can get away with it in the West. As Obama implicates the Saudi's in the 9/11 attacks in New York of 2001, (see 2 paragraphs above) the continuing mystery of the 7/7 attacks in London in 2005 and its discussion continue. In 2016 the reports of attacks against America  on US soil   and against Israel   have intensified and there were medium scale attacks in the USA  at San Bernadino, Chatoonga and Boston in 2015 when the FBI released  a list of cities in the ISIS kill list in the USA which is credible according to the FBI (20.12.2015) The Paris bomb attacks and the Belgium attacks are similar in nature to the ones also now targeting Britain once again. Europe it is estimated may have up to 90 Islamic terror cells and British intelligence services (March / April 2015) state they are expecting up to 25 terror attacks in Britain.

An Islamic Jihadist Junead Khan from Pakistan was recently (13th May 2016) sentenced for trying to attack a USA air base in Britain in 2015 receiving life imprisonment  on the same day  Tariq Ali (Writer on Hamas, and who read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University & whose father was in Pakistani Military intelligence) and a panel of speakers at the University of London Union (ULSU) called for the Annihilation of Israel as a solution to "antisemitism" (The antithesis of nuking Mecca to prevent Islamaphobia ) ULU was also the University in 2005 which hosted the Marxist conference around which almost to the 4 compass points 4 bombs exploded and killed 52 people and injuring up to 800 more. The London bus was blown apart.

The speakers and conference as an event with Tariq Ali followed the meltdown of the Labour party which continued first  from the 2015 general election when they were almost wiped out politically and into the April 2016 local elections when the Labour party made a string of antisemetic attacks which it says are being used against as ? negative antisemitism   Adolf Hitler was not a Christian and the partnership he made with the Turkish Nazi party was a major contribution to the Final Solution and Holocaust which Tariq Ali only confirms by his desire to annihilate Israel, as of course the Holocaust if extended and enlarged would end anti-Semitism by Genocide, In the Tariq Ali style. This follows however the revelations that Adolf Hitler sent many Jewish families to Israel prior to 1942 and Adolf's meeting with the Turkish Ismaelites Nazis (and the Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al - Husseni who wanted the final solution to prevent Israel's re-birth) in 1942 / 1943 to seek safe passage to the middle east along the railway Germany possessed) This was discussed with Angela Merkel and confirmed with Israel Primeminster Benjamin Netanyahu in October 2015 (see above and the post dated 24.10.2015 & 25.11.)  Albert Goering is also to be honoured for saving Jews and to be declared a Righteous Person by the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, which is the world centre for Jewish Holocaust research. Goering will be the 511th German person to receive the award

A question arises which is how did the British Labour become so antisemetic or become misunderstood secular historians (as someone has framed the outbursts) against its own Jewish members ? 

The beginning of this chapter highlights the deaths of the 7/7 victims which you can read from the beginning and/or from 35 paragraphs down which begins  ( Dec 2015 ) The bombings planned and executed by  Mohammad Sidique Khan, Shehzad Tanweer, Germaine Maurice Lindsay & Hasib Mir Hussain (3 from Pakistan) were exploded on the morning of July 7th 2005. A fifth bomb was later not detonated. The first 3 bombs were within 50 seconds of each other and the 4th occurred one hour later at 9.47 am. I saw the bus and the street covered with green gauge at around 11.30 - 2.00 pm on the way to the Marxist meeting from Edinburgh, following very slow traffic on a coach from the airport into the area and which reduced numbers attending down from many thousands to only 400 or so. Therefore the bombs were organised and sophisticated which took organisation inside and outside of London. (Knowledge of explosives and military equipment) Many Christian groups attended the Edinburgh Live aid G8 summit in the days previous to the 7/7 bombings including the drop the debt campaign and Jubilee drop the debt in London. Events continued in London and many (who got through) attended the Marxist conference to raise issues of debt and the Jubilee campaign and social justice to introduce new ideas. Those that did get through remember that a fifth bomb was rumoured to explode in the Marxism meetings. 

Those new ideas are badly needed and the Labour party in Britain which is in meltdown from 2015 and again into 2016 have lost the trust of the voters, some would point to the Rotherham labour run county council sexual abuse case ( you can read about it in chapter 6 below ) involving once again Pakistan gangs (now prosecuted) working with Traffickers and covering up crimes in social services and in child services, which basically sold out "the people" in the lowest form imaginable. The operation was sophisticated and ran the whole of the country trafficking children some as young as 12 years of age which took considerable networking and stealth by the gangs who bribed there way through security.

The problems in the Labour party surround the corruption of its basic values in representing the working class in Britain which it no longer does. What happened ?

When the Russian peasants won the first constituent vote in 1917 (ahead of the Bolsheviks and others) in the Russian Revolution first election, "the terror" was introduced by Lenin to enable the newly declared (after the democratic vote) communist dictatorship to survive. A new state security agency was introduced called the Chekka and the NEP (new economic programme, criticised publicly by Che Guevara and in writing many years later) became the instrument of the economic terror. Lenin said; "If for the sake of Communism it is necessary for us to destroy 9/10ths of the people, we must not hesitate" Stalin was on the Chekka committee and they did kill thousands of people in a counter revolution against the people. Stalin later reduced the Russian population into feudal serfdom and millions died.

This is what the Labour party are doing now (i.e engaging in desperate measures to avoid having no policies or public trust)
You can read many theories (culturally, academically and in combined Marxist analysis) on what happened but as an addition and in line with them but from a more practical consideration a briefer view is considered here. One which people will be familiar with. ULU or the University of London Union hosts the annual Marxist conference and the drop the debt Jubilee campaign or individual members of it who attended the Live Aid meetings  in 2005 also went with a anti-debt message to the Marxist meetings. Top heavy debt featured in the 2007 / 2008 financial meltdown when "subprime" mortgages (like the foundation bricks in a tower and some people had 3 or 4 mortgages) began missing monthly payments which increased to larger shortfalls into default s because people could not find work or could not meet the payments due to moderate wages or mortgages calculated more than 3 times a persons salary making monthly payments impossible. The debt at the top toppled, the rest is history. 

The Marxist meetings at ULU are under the umbrella of the SWP or Socialist Workers Party  who are Trotskyite (made famous in the song by the Stranglers No  More Heroes in 1977. i.e. Stalin killed Trotsky and later Lenin )  and are critical of the Soviet Union who they  regarded as State Capitalists which arises as a natural flaw in Lenin's thinking An error which regards the vanguard or revolutionary party as the problem, when the workers themselves should always be in charge without a vanguard. Known as 'Substitutionism' the vanguard instead becomes the new oppressor. Stalin, Mao and even Castro fall into this bracket. Any party or movement like the SWP would be expelled from the Communist party and they were. Further left is the Socialist party who argue similar points with the SWP except  they also blame Trotsky for this problem in theory and reality. They broke from militant labour (not militant  enough) in 1987 and became militant tendency who formed in 1974. The SWP was subsequently bought by a wealthy benefactor which was a feature of the "Young Ones" episode "Bambi" filmed at Granada studios in 1984. The episode was a skit or parody on a real programme called University Challenge. The young ones version in which Scumbag college look to advance to the next round ahead of Footlights College is pertinent as Footlights College who arrived to the studio by car, relates how Lord Kendall Mint Cake (Ben Elton) says that "Daddy bought the SWP". This section is not on you tube, but is contained in the online transcript of the show here 1/3 of the way down (the original University Challenge with Bamber "Bambi" Gascoigne )

You either have the far left and the eventual succession into madness and monsters like Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Mengistu Haile Mariam etc or if going the other way, its Islam mixed with the dialectic of transgender toilets, locker rooms, sports teams and childrens areas. Che Guevara was of the opinion that to control the vanguard or the militant tendency and really let the workers be free then you would have to control their bank or funds and to do that he was the Minister of Agriculture and Finance (bank manager) in Cuba. To control fiscal and economic policy which he analysed. For that impertinence he was expelled to Africa and eventually Bolivia (see chapter 5 in the adjacent website and chapter 1, 2,3 4 and 6 with real examples of economics) How any one person could then let everyone (the workers which is also the middle class and the Unions whose leaders can also eventually command large salaries and very quickly lose their militant tendency) control that development was what he must have been considering. Without this a vanguard or revolutionary body would always form. Drop the debt recognises this (but in what is considered a conservative viewpoint) and whilst debts can be cancelled the Shmita debt management approach is the best example of how badly managed (or even honest or well managed systems ) economies can correct themselves in spite of themselves (ourselves) This approach assumes economies will always go wrong as such it is the very first behavioural economics analysis correction (and its in the Bible called the Jubilee debt cancellation laws)

In other words Marxist teaching recognises the governance and economic problem the Jubilee laws also recognise. The Constitution of the USA is also beyond democracy and it is for Liberty,  which is what this debate is getting at and it recognises these problems also. Whether it is a Republic or Monarchy or Vanguard (for also the people who brought them about, as well as the public and members)

Chaotic debt has increased since the 1980's and since "7/7" (but read chapter 3 from the beginning) Obviously it does not interfere with world trade or stifles economics but rather it releases it stronger than before after a rest. The West needs something but you wont find this in Lenin, Trotsky or Bukharin (only a small bit in Marx "das capital" and on national debt making. See in its index) Debt as a fluid bond to hold investment and make contracts and work happen (to put it crudely) has always occurred but today we are over and above 300 % of GDP in some countries? That is not by chance nor is it sensible capitalism or socialism. Capitalism with sensible debt management and fiscal conservatism is a solid system.

Separately and earlier from the Marxist tradition "the workers" had working class movements which concentrated on supplying crafts and skills to their apprentices with organised labour guilds (like unions) Highly skilled and dedicated craftsman, who even without Marxists  would always command a good living which  is the point of "labour" ? These workers were always dubious of Socialism even up until today (from 1820, to 1880 into 1907 and 1917, 1922, 1946, 1979, 1991, 2000 and in 2015 when Labour from Tony Blair into Ed Milliband, Harriet Harman and even now into Jeremy Corbyn and the far left (if that has any meaning  anymore) All have lost their appeal, as during that  time jobs, manufacturing and prosperity have reduced year on year, until both labour  and the other parties simply concentrate on cultural issues or service jobs. The only area where Labour have done well is Wales who have managed to maintain their language over centuries and are more nationalist in nature, a feature all Euro tribes want to maintain.

That's what people really want. In Britain this is reflected in the recent elections and the following measures of corruption have occurred to avoid Labour party annihilation;

1.Election rigging in local, national and EU elections.

2.Rotherham trafficking and sexual abuse corruption in the Labour party & the failure of "socialism." (so called…or as explained by a former KGB agent)
The Labour meltdown in 2015 and 2016 forced the party into desperate measures which includes election fraud. The election frauds have been employed also in the 2015 election. Election fraud has brought recent claims and counter claims none of which help the public. Claims against the Tories on expenses but also from the election fraud in the London Mayor elections in April / May 2016. Reports were widespread with thousands of voters getting 2 voting cards each (echoing the election fraud in the USA 1. (Diebold) 2. (US election rigged or shaped)  3. Illegal migrant votes five times in same election and is then jailed 4. And in the USA 2012 election.  This is Obamaism)  What is very unusual about the London Mayor Election is the fraud was recorded as it happened on social media from those involved in monitoring or reporting the crimes. Twitter and May 6th 3 tweets Theo Underwood (scroll  down )  recorded by the Daily Mail across 72 parliamentary constituencies. Ballot box problems and a further 155 areas of concern where people were turned away from voting (not being allowed to vote ) including the Chief Rabbi in Barnet. Voters who were denied and these problems affected voters all across London. It's a criminal scam in desperate times.

It is simply the same organising strategy as the Rotherham sexual abuse crimes and arrests and also the 7/7 operation. Labours disastrous election results seem to have forced the fraud which is not only making a farce of democracy but also robs people who have worked all their lives of access to democracy.

France and Germany are also fed up of the "lefts" useless economic policies.

The EU referendum rigging possibilities begin to open up and the voting fraud is a trial run for the EU Brexit referendum which has already seen Jermey Corbyn the current Labour leader change his stance on his view of the election and which way to vote, according to the Labour party itself (the labour euro-sceptics)  Jeremy Corbyn has recently snubbed Sadiq Khan who has recently attended the Holocaust remembrance service. Sadiq Khan then attacked Jeremy Corbyn for being too far left ? but Khan was also the shadow cabinet leader which served under Ed Milliband who "lost big" in the elections in 2015 ? So across both left and right of the "left" people are sick of their policies which sell out the workers and the country, which traffic its children, rig elections and operate under stealth to undermine democracy and peace and incite war.

Fabian Society

Sadiq Khan is a Human rights solicitor but human rights are been crushed. A bus driver who made his way through the working class with the help of the Fabian Society of which he is a member and served as Chairman and is on its executive committee still. The Fabian Society have done some good and its original membership were alive in a prosperous time when hope in the world was appearing and prosperity was not just vast riches but work satisfaction. The Fabian society have now increasingly distanced themselves from creating manufacturing and creating working class prosperity issues and have moved into Muslim issues ? Echoing the working class doubts that socialism is not for the benefit of the working class, the constant desire for the working class to dismiss the vanguard and for the workers to control their lives has disappeared from the Fabians. "Fariness not favours" is the motto but prosperity, manufacturing and wealth over 80 years and since worked war 2 has dropped across Europe and Britain. 77 million people out of work amidst 100 billion wasted annually (see last post) amidst austerity is chaos to enslave the native population whilst importing cheap labour (TTIP) It is not for a multicultural society.

Sadiq Kahn has said he supports the Human rights as a Human rights lawyer of the  9/11 twin tower bombers  and plane hijackers ? and also the 7/7 bombers ?  " A letter to the Guardian in the wake of the 7/7 terrorist bombings on London, blaming terrorism on British Government policy; His legal defence of Zacarias Moussaoui, a 9/11 terrorist who confessed to being a member of Al Qaeda;"  

The Fabian Society was named after Quintus Fabius Maximus the delaying Roman General famed for his war against Hannibal at Carthage. Delaying and gradualism is a philosophy of the Fabians, and of course caution lends to conservatism. Set up in the Edwardian hay day of 1880 when the arts and crafts movement,  art nouveau and the pre-Raphaelite movement were recapturing craft and manufacturing for practical economic reasons and also for art and social reasons not  just as an arts movement but as a political philosophical way of life. Now it seems "chaos" is the mantra hiding behind an older Edwardian pleasant and inspiring movement. What happened ? There is also a confusion when some of the tenants of socialism are disguised as Christianity to the point people do not know the difference anymore.
This movement of ideas began before the Fabian society (formed circa 1886) Many of its members however believed in the arts and crafts movement. The famous Fabian society stained glass window. (here or here or here ) which depicts the hope of a capitalist – socialist alliance but it  has now become the voice of the German Frankfurt school of philosophy and Cultural Marxism which with George Soros and Hillary Clinton and Obama has become its sole reason for existence (with chaos) and would apply those same laws to any nation on earth (i.e. not just against white nations but all nations eventually ) It is not creating jobs, manufacturing or long term prosperous nations with well designed and beautiful arts and crafts type designs in cities or towns only destruction and chaos ? it has been hijacked away from its original aim and intent especially since 2012, and obviously its aims of a utopia have disappeared and need to return to the original vision which was blossoming before it from 1830 to 1880 after the Napoleonic wars had devastated world economies. Where is the original vision of the Fabians or the arts and crafts movement ?

It also has a peculiar favorite in its "migration" policy as an obsession. The window of the Fabians which was designed 25 years or so after its original members (out of hundreds into  thousands who joined) founded the Fabians in 1886, and the Glass window was designed in 1909. Many originally were philanthropic with high morals. The last five years it has taken a different direction entirely or suddenly.The window has the imagery which everyone loves i.e. the art and crafts movement (and it depicts George Bernard Shaw and  Edward Pease ) but it also has the famous image of the Wolf in Sheep's clothing within the mural at its center. What does it represent?

Omar Khayyam the Iranian Philosopher

The Wolf in this instance is framed within the poem of Omar Khayan and is Omar Khayan himself with his lesser known Iranian philosophy. The writings in the stained glass window carries the motto

" Remould it nearer to the Hearts Desire" (his poem) which in full in its four lines is:

Ah, Love! could thou and I with Fate conspire
To grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire!
Would not we shatter it to bits - and then
Re-mould it nearer to the Heart's Desire!

Now the shattering into bits is Omars actual desire but his vanity feels he can rebuild it.

And the "it" is the world as shown by the Globe in the stained glass.  This is taken from the Iranian poet Omar Khayyam's poetical Quatrain who as a Sufi Muslim is today regarded as heretical, yet Sufism itself grew out of Christianity in the very early monastic period until they went astray. As a wolf in sheep's clothing his agnostic and hedonistic teachings have also been imported into the West and he intended to destroy western civilisation and encouraged Mohammedian Jihad against the west and Jerusalem. Omar and radical Islam is the Wolf.

The teachings of Omar Khayyam (1048 – 1131) based upon Aristotle were already known to the King of Jerusalem in (1090) Godfroi de Bouillon (who was of Jewish descent) and who formed the priory of  Zion and which had been passed down through France, Scotland, Spain and Ireland many centuries before as it had been taken from Jerusalem in the early church. The science and philosophy was known in the west fro 1500 years previous. The Torah was already known also as (and you can read chapter 2 above with chapter 1 also which relates the lost tribes settling in Greece, Troy and Sparta from 1400 bc down to 705 bc and into later centuries)

The center of Omar Khayan's Islamic teachings was/is simply Aristotle the Greek philosopher which took many centuries to become implanted into Persian minds largely thanks to Alexander the Great (356 – 323 bc)   who conquered Persia taking the teachings with him 1400 years earlier. (i.e 1400 years before  Omar Khayyam 1048 – 1131) Aristotle taught Alexander (who was obviously pro-free trade but without slavery) the Great, who is considered the greatest general in history. Alexander became Pharaoh of Egypt and he implanted his empire / kingdom upon Persia which allowed Judaism and eventually Christianity to spread all over the world, (in the successor Roman empire ) Judaism and lost tribe identity influenced Aristotelian thought (the Trojan wars were told to Alexander and Troy was built by the tribe of Judah and from that battle all European Royalty hail today) before Aristotle influenced Judaism. The first Christians were Jewish (etc) Europe and the forerunners of the guilds and monks into the Templar's were aware of the teachings way before Islam existed in 600 AD (Islam believes in the Flat earth theory, The Al Buraq beast, Female Genital Mutilation & it also believes Mohammad's daughter circa 650 ad, spoke through the Mother of God, Mary circa 30 ad at Fatima in Portugal in October 1917. Some Islamic states believe Woman cannot or should not drive cars. 

Obviously most of "Omar Khayan's" teachings have disappeared under Wahhabism which is a part of sharia and which with Islamic Marxism wants to see a racist caliphate established in the whole of Europe (Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales also) and Northern Europe for which it needs refugees. The refugees are not asked to go to the Isis caliphate or any other Islamic country ?  (Colonel Allen West explains the deception which is EU policy without openness, voting or transparency)


American Sniper

The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (see last para above) also the theme of the Clint Eastwood film "American Sniper" Chris Kyle's father reminded Chris and his brother that there are Wolfs and Sheep and (but) also Sheepdogs who are not passive.The film also depicted the evil which exists and which is a theme (also) the Iraq war faced and has debated ever since 9/11. The film is a true account and perception and a honest actually fully rounded view of that debate(which other media do not discuss)

The recent Christian Genocide has shown the nature of that evil which has slaughtered men, woman and children all over the Middle East to the extent that even the most balanced but dismissive left wing author and writers on oil and war politics admit that the Christian genocide is a policy of Islam which is not the original indigenous faith of the Middle East or Europe or Britain, Scotland, Ireland or Wales or America. Christianity was the largest faith by many tens of millions in the Middle East.

It is estimated that between 15 million and 25 million children could be at risk betwixt the Muslim civil wars over the next five to ten years (civil wars in the Ottoman empire Islamic super state sense) it is not possible to take all of these children as migrants hence the safe zone which is urgent and needs to be set aside now. It is continually proposed and considered whilst the deaths of children continue and the Christian genocide continues. 

The up and coming EU referendum faces the same election fraud as the 2015 elections and the 2016 local elections ( and a Brexit is supported by big business and more so than the 300 that are named here ) which is a part of the continuing war which Islam is instigating and which must signal a new beginning in Europe and Britain



07.06.2016    The British European Brexit Referendum 23.06.2016 and the on-going Middle East genocide

Cultural Marxism  video entitled "what is critical theory" & version which is 7 minutes 36 seconds long, (or here by Breibart ) These videos can lead to broken links as they move or are removed on you tube and  which are named in the dialogue below. The theory has many aims but ultimately seeks to eradicate spirituality.

Germany on the 3rd June 2016 voted to recognise the Armenian Genocide of 1915 – 1925 in which 1.5 million people died. The article also mentions that Obama will still not recognise it ?

The Christian genocide of Christians in the Middle East and around the world today is also not recognised by those who oversaw and implemented its execution, namely Obama, Hillary Clinton, Huma Abeddin and the Muslim Brotherhood. Not just because they prefer Christianity over Islam, but because they are part of the effort to demographically change the religious make up and history of the Middle East but also because they want to wipe it out. Not just in the Middle East but also at home in the USA. Clinton was aware from 2013 (see all posts above)

It is incredible that Hillary Clinton is asking Roman Catholics and Protestants or any Christians to support her when she is in part responsible for the Genocide against them in the Middle East ?  This follows the FBI attempt to indite Clinton on the 2.6.2016 but which was blocked by the Justice Department and Obama. Clintons emails also reveal the Benghazi attacks were financed by the Saudi's and was known about two weeks before the attack, yet Clintons aide (Barry Pagliano) is to plead the 5th amendment in relation to the email scandal. The 5th amendment  guarantees he cannot be a witness against himself in the bill of rights as guaranteed by the constitution. The right to bear arms (1st and 2nd and 4th amendment)  is also integral to the constitution yet Hillary Clinton is trying to remove those rights, but wants to keep the 5th for all those involved in the Benghazi 'foreign policy' disaster. The right to bear arms was defended also by Ted Cruz who won the Supreme Court decision.  Switzerland also has the right bear arms (see post dated above 23.12.2015 & 08.03.2016)  

There are calls for the Irish government to also follow Germany,s recognition of the Armenian Genoicide

David Cameron has also not recognized the Armenian Genocide by Turkey and is reluctant to call the present Genocide today. No matter which way you analyse it, the Genocide is occurring. Prime-minister Cameron has been pushing the idea for Turkey to join the EU since 2005. This means 77 million Turks will have visa free travel but (see last two dates above 04.05 & 17.05. 2016) this will not be known in full until after the Brexit referendum ? which Britain will have no veto upon (i.e.Turkey joining ) Bosnia, Kosovo and Albania will be also be considered for membership pushing the visa free travel swindle to nearly 200 million. People in the EU do not want Turkey with or without visas for obvious reasons not least they have hidden the murderous agenda shared with Saudi and Iran to wipe out Christianity and the West.Protests over the last 6 months especially have forced a re-think on Turkey joining (see above) How can David Cameron now respectfully hold a unbiased EU referendum in Britain ?  Many details are unknown until the week after the referendum? and this has brought strong criticism from prime time television news and debates.

Whether Visas are necessary or not is a moot point anyway as you can easily forge one as the recent forgery from the Czech Republic displays (and since the Paris bomber worked in immigration as do many who call for migrants, terrorists or governments worldwide (see posts above from Oct 2016)

Angela Merkel in April 2016 fired the German head of Intelligence because he reported the Wahhabi / Muslim brotherhood terrorists were flooding into the country. There are 400, 000 of them at the top (first line) and all Islam follows them as Mohammed. It (the strong cover up) is occurring in all EU nations and others.

Christians killed in Turkey and terror threats since 17.05.2016

Since the 17.05.2016 (the last post) 5 Christians were killed in Turkey  by a suicide bomber, and on the 04.06.2015  the world's oldest church was also attacked in Turkey. 5 Christians were killed by a suicide bomber in Syria and 16 injured last week. These ongoing Christian deaths in Turkey arrive come at a time when Islamic threats to Europe were sounded to the sports tournament in the EU in June / July 2016 following the Paris and Belgium mass murders ?

 It is incredible that through all of this there are continuing cries for more migrants from UN officials who seem to have no other purpose.  A referendum on the future and/or influence of the UN should be extended to every country in the world.

France is also calling for a EU referendum and Frexit.  Initially Germany (Frau Merkel and George Soros at least) said a Brexit referendum was not needed and that Britain could leave the EU. One reason cited for Germany to support a British Brexit (in 2014) was to protect immigration laws  ? Greece (left wing government) was cited as "Xenophobic" when its left wing government mooted Grexit amidst mass migration swarms invading the country. You cannot be left wing and Xenophobic or can you ? Germany is now recommending to deport quickly following the Christmas rape spree of 2 woman and nearly 100 woman assaulted by illegal migrants in Germany and Finland and the Paris and Belgium bombings. Two "migrants" arrested in Finland in December 2015 were actually wanted for Terrorism and the murder of 1700 Christians in Iraq in 2014, dumped in mass graves like the Armenian genocide) Some politicians in Germany were calling for illegal migrants to be shot at the border as Austria prepares to deport 50,000 " migrants"  yet it still receives 3000 a day ?  (or 50,000 every two weeks approx) Commentators are shocked by the response of Germany, yet when reporting on the involvement of the Obama administration in the Christian Genocide or the fact that Christians are being murdered, raped, beheaded and shot, the same reporters continue to say nothing. Xenophobia however is a mild disease only white Europeans have, yet in India they are deporting mass Muslim illegal migrants (1.4 million have arrived over the last 9 years from Bangladesh alone) from entering their country also ? Surely Asians cannot be  Xenophobic? or can they ?

People are beginning to suspect there is a co-ordinated Islamic Jihad occurring around the world. Since 630 ad and the death of Mohammed the spread of Islam (which did not begin in the 1990's) around the Middle East and into Persia and Europe or the spread described here by Professor Warner Phd (note it is from North to South)

(take note) The plan by Russia and China was to aid Islam run up western debt through the over inflation (up to 150 dollars a barrel of oil in the past or $147.27 in 2008) of the petro dollar. This devalues money and adds indirect taxes and forces cheaper and cheaper labour (and immigration) beyond the norm of small business, who are also reduced in their margins. This epoch of immigration is a total fraud and China in buying the USA's debt (and hoarding Gold with Russia see last post) is in effect funding the US war in the Middle East. California (just one state) for instance is $127.2 Billion dollars in debt and Clinton will add to it like Obama (who pushed it up from $8 billion to $19 – 20 billion)


N.A.F.T.A  and the 10 New World Regions or the 10 global spheres of influence (ten world regions

(link back to heading '23.10.2018'   The USA and its Economic recovery' in New New Jerusalem Chapter 3A  )

NAFTA stands for the North American Free Trade Agreement which is a tri-lateral trade agreement (of sorts) originally the vast majority of people understood this to be a trade deal without boundary changes. The US constitution prohibits additions or succession without all or any county changing the constitution. Of course in war a state may leave and then be at war with the other states.  Bill and Hillary Clinton were instrumental in signing the trade deal but with borders intact and have vested interest in the deal.
The original map of the Ten spheres of influence following on from the rough outline map of 1948 (which is still the plan today)

The 11th sphere to develop which will solidify and enrich the Middle East is the Greater Israel Project

Two (of the ten) of them are topical.

  1. Mexico to join the USA and Canada (known as region 1) as one giant continent (but following the cold war maps began to change without Canada or the USA voting upon them. They also maintain anyway the amalgamation of just the USA and Canada is also not ratified under the US constitution or Canadian parliament. (an option could be to extend the US constitution over Canada or even Mexico)
  2. Turkey to join the European Union but again due to the cold war and Turkey's illegal occupation of Cyprus. Turkey is excluded on many maps but (shaded on some) Turkey was originally to be under the demilitarised zone or DMZ of the (then) USSR in 1945.

Since 9/11 and the war on terror and Obamas revelations that the Saudis were in involved in 9/11 (wahhabism which is the Muslim brotherhood in the Obama administration as political Marxist Islam with the Saudi Wahhabism who decapitate woman for being raped)  and have funded terror and the Islamic Jihad including supplying and supplying weapons to Turkey with Jihadists and are threatening to war with Iran, who are also now refusing to co-operate with the USA (ever) after the Iran deal and $150 billion they received from the US taxpayer or from Obama.

This is also the real reason why the Armenian Christian Genocide by Turkey has been covered up (for EU membership) for 100 years and it is a crime that it has. Aside from collaborating with Hitler, Turkey is also asking Turkish Jews to denounce Israel?

The Cold war is in any case back as the biggest build of US and Russian forces on the EU and Ukrainian border and in the Middle East is in place.  In response to the Wests fight over the Ukraine, Russia has threatened to help Mexico invade south west USA. (and through the Chechnyan  army by Chechens loyal to Russia ) Mexico and Russia are allies not just through APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) but also in space and weapons research and tequila. Hillary Clintons selling of Uranium to Russia (see also last post dated 17.05.2016 ) is also a part of the deal Obama and Clinton made for "migrants".

Russia seals its borders as does China (who built a very large wall called the Great wall of China) and Rome built Hadrian's wall across Britain. The code of the wall is for border security including México's' security with Guatemala.

Hillary Clinton has also suggested that illegal migrants be deported (in 2013) and in 2007  and whilst deriding a Mexico USA border she supported Mexico's "wall"  with Guatemala prior to 2010 (Mexico did not allow Guatemalan's over their border until July 2014 with a joint agreement between them to allow into the USA. Then in January 2016 locked down its Southern border with Guatemala again ? This shows that Mexico which has very strict laws against people entering its southern border became concerned about its security as a country and Mexico has a right to block illegal immigration ? ( whilst criticizing the USA) Hillary Clinton is also reputedly backed by the Klu Klux Klan in California, yet she wants to disarm them and anyone ? and everyone ? which must also include the Black Panthers (via the second amendment)  but not the Russians whom she supplies with Uranium according to Bloomberg (That is treason and it is no wonder Clinton's aide is pleading the 5th amendment)  or the Muslim brotherhood. ?
Therefore the security build up is not just the joint militias of the cartel land film (see above & 26.04.2016) but also military security by US forces to protect the border. The same security cold war fears are also behind the EU debate.


A brief EU history and Brexit the Movie and remain campaign.

Following on from world war two Europe and the Club of Rome decided that the new world would consist of ten regions. However those regions have now changed after 50 years or so and new regions are being imposed, other than those which were originally recognised and agreed upon. These new areas have not been agreed or voted upon or discussed by national parliaments. Even within the Club of Rome the new regions have caused division and debate.

Formed in 1968 it grew from the treaty of Rome signed in 1957 & 1958. This treaty was built upon the treaty of Paris in 1951, which formed the ECSC (European Coal and Steel Community) and further back the Treaty of Brussels in 1948. For a more detailed history go to the adjacent website and Chapter 1 and/or read the pdf (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel

Wikipedia describes the development (last link with timeline of countries joining) as follows;

"The ECSC was joined by two other similar communities in 1957, the European Economic Community and European Atomic Energy Community, with whom it shared its membership and some institutions. In 1967 all its institutions were merged with that of the European Economic Community, but it retained its own independent legal personality. In 2002 the Treaty of Paris expired and all the ECSC activities and resources were absorbed by the European Community"

This link has the "Timeline of treaties" and communities up until present and the "EU" David Cameron is seeking a peace deal (into the Gulf and Turkey and Iran) but clearly the past treaties mean nothing to Islam and some in the EU

The EU was formed in 2001 / 2003 by the treaty of Nice (rejected by Ireland who voted No but who were asked to vote again and then voted yes) and the Treaty of Lisbon in 2007 (again rejected by Ireland who voted No, but who were asked to vote again and then voted yes. France and Holland were the only country to vote upon them) Peace then is not offered ?

For a look at Europe from World War 2 up until today from Europe to Britain the film Brexit the Movie covers many economic arguments in a global and national prism, which other media and pundits do not. France is also considering an EU referendum (Frexit) as the media report the media blackout on its biggest revolution in 200 years.

Brexit the Movie                                                     Remain Campaign



(10.06 .2016)  

As Britain prepares to vote in the Brexit EU referendum, (23.06.2016) in the USA the shape of its politics and economics takes shape with either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton becoming the next USA president (although party conventions can suggest a new candidate in either camp although why ? then bother having primaries ? ) The two choices follow the long caucus and primary elections which has by dominated by race and border politics and the media manipulation of those and other issues. often the economic and political realities take  a back seat. It also seems novel for the USA that it might have a female president, for the rest of the world it is not a new or novel idea. E.G. President Eva Peron Argentina. President Vigdis Finnbogadottor Iceland, President Tarja Halonen Finland, President Mary Mcaleese Ireland, Capitano Reggente Valaria Ciavatta, San Marino, Executive President Cristina Fernandez, de Kirchner , Argentina. President Kolinda Grabar - Kitarovic, Crotia. Acting President Slavic Dukic - Dejanovic, Serbia. Captain General Lorella Stefanelli, San Marino.  Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko of the Ukraine. Prime Minister of Israel, Golda Meir, Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Britain and many more who (like or dislike) did a fine job (not just for world peace) in the modern "pc" comparison to men. 

The narrow focus of the Mexican debate has largely omitted Clinton's and Obama's "wall building activities" in Libya to keep terrorists out of Tunisia (and the Saudi financing of the Benghazi attack) or the current President of Kenya's wall building activity to keep Moslems out of his country. (with approval of Clinton and Obama, Clintons publicity team assisting to keep it out of the press) It also has not mentioned Mexico's wall building activity between it and Guatemala (its southern border) or Mexico's harsh illegal immigration laws which many in the USA want to copy as it is simply assumed that the USA should be a "melting pot". India is also facing (see paragraph above beginning "France is also calling for" about 17 paras up) invasion slowly from Pakistan and wishes to prevent it. None of these examples are classed as racist ?  

Whilst now Mexico has temporarily closed its northern border ( until after the US election) its movement "La Raza" (which means the race) is in fact funded by Russia via Cuba who have subsidized Jihadists to enter into America via the cartels (but the left cannot be racist or Xenophobic in the media) who claim ancestral rights on California yet who deny Israel was first to reside in Jerusalem before Islam. La Raza founder Jose Angel Gutierezz stipulated that the Aztec Mexicans must kill the white man who are not having  enough babies (etc) On this last point he is correct (about the babies that is ) and this is assisted in every way possible by the eugenics philosophy. The ancient Hindus in India want to have many babies and protect their borders, but  the communist philosophy stipulates "the white man" can only agree to be wiped out or be called racist. (and this attitude permeates the Christian genocide in the middle east) Mexicans and the Spanish (and its government locks up heroes like José Manuel Mireles Valverde ? whilst people of all shades and opinion on both sides want his ideals with legal emigration on both of Mexico's borders) which had 25% unemployment and which could get worse again, have a bigger problem than the USA / Mexican border (see below but many countries and people are used as Lenin said "useful idiots" ) 

The reality is either the USA will invade Mexico (against Russia) or it will invade the USA or they will respect each others borders and share their (Mexico's) tough but fair immigration policy which is like Switzerland's fair and just. 

The USA has two candidates; 

1. Hillary Clinton who is the Bush family "plan B" and it was Bill Clinton who first mooted the invasion  of Iraq in 1998 in which Hillary in a domestic quarrel type scenario eventually said was a disaster and a mistake (when it should have invaded the whole middle east rather than be flanked) Perceived as on the left, slightly libertarian and liberal not just a Eva Braun type character.

2. Donald Trump who is similar to Ronald Reagan, with successful worldwide business who has assembled a team of Conservative people (including Ben Carson and possibly Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz and Colonel Allen West maybe ) who have discussed (actually mentioned) the growing Gold crisis and China and Russia (through the throng of racist chants)and how it will collapse Wall Street (which is also Iran's aim and it plans to subdue Saudi Arabia) and which this time the banks will not be to blame. Trump has been called Hitler and Mussolini and also a liberal. 

China and Russia (who are relaxed and friendly in their imperialist world domination aims) have bought vast mountains of Gold stockpiles and have contributed to economic debate which has seen the accepted (nonsense) of continued debt economics in the west through ever increasingly absurd economic theories in order that when the Wests currency collapses under its own weight of crazy and yet ignored debt levels in the West ? Russia and China will wait for the collapse and buy it all and then expand westward (and you can imagine Gulags, the Fulan Gong, the Dalai Lama, Chairman Mao Tse Tung et al and his murderous machine as the eradication of surplus population is slowly carried out. see the adjacent website and chapter 4, 5 and 6) Gold which has economic problems also in its backing of currency is still better than the collapsed western economies of zero value. (Gold measured against US dollar petro dollar value which even with a low Gold price would still be higher than the dollar r.e. Jay Taylor and Chen Yin) This Gold Hoarding is also underpinning the economic collapse in Venezuela (which is in socialist caused economic meltdown)  

Venezuela (now) does not need  200,000 Moslems or a million immigrants ? it needs national restoration by nationalists. Jobs for nationals, food production for nationals, housing and elderly and children care for nationals, and to look after its own people like every nation on earth. 

The Gold manipulation and debt ( forced over decades) is also kept quiet or normalized because the communist theory that capitalism will collapse into "socialism" ( socialism which is fascist when it is Gulagism)  has not occurred naturally and would not occur naturally, and the manipulation of the theory seeks to justify the end result. Ignoring these policies has been a dangerous foreign policy misadventure. 

This will hit Europe harder than it already has been. The USA & Spain (and South America) and Greece and devastate the West in general and Britain. 

(As Obama's term rolls to an end, it remains to be seen who Obama will nominate for President; Bush or Ronald Reagan;?Obama/ Barry Soetoro has chosen/endorsed Bush. But this was before Bernie Sanders vote count was officially over ? 

Obama fresh from a visit to Cuba and given his support for Malcolm X and civil rights  was more likely to have supported Bernie Sanders many had supposed ?

Sanders then (after Obama's lurch towards Clinton instead of Sanders) seems to have supported Hillary Clinton also (in some press releases) but this is denied in Bernie Sanders press release ?(Sanders stood on a left platform admiring Cuba)  Both George and Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton have called Fidel Castro a terrorist and Hillary Clinton's economic advisor Joseph Stiglitz who won a noble peace prize, admired Venezuelan socialist  economics (on Hugo Chavez its previous president not the current President Maduro and administration & Chavez would be closer aligned with Bernie Sanders )  Bernie Sanders Clinton and Obama idolize the Cuban political model ? (although Castro clearly dislikes Obama)The vote rigging scandals continue with Bernie Sanders supporters suggesting the votes were stolen by Clinton in California in June 2016 and previous states throughout the year and since 2015  . Obama's / Clinton's soviet style elite Leninism is actively engaging in reverse discrimination against Sanders voters  (Ben Carson says Obama was raised white, although poverty amongst whites is also high) The truth is however that although higher proportions of smaller ethnic groups are poor including Hispanics, many millions more spread across the larger groups are poor. Since the 2008 financial crash many are also now debt poor to a higher degree than other ethnic groups. In other words wages in the larger white groups (and other ethnic groups) are gone as soon as they come in and housing negative equity and personal debt and taxes means poverty is not correctly accounted. The larger white groups are in fact poorer but statistics do not show this problem, it is a different type of poverty. True unemployment in the USA is 15 to 20%.

Of course the 2008 financial crash has devastated the whole world and growth has been slow (unnecessarily so) since then ? The recession and collapse and 10 year high debt build up, seems to co-incide with other attempts (Clinton) at disarming the US (UN small arms treaty) ending the second amendment and scrapping the US constitution (The latest horrific shooting in Orlando 12.06.2016) was a according to the media outlets registered Democrat and devout Muslim Omar Mateen who declared for Isis and Afghanistan and who believes all Gays should be killed as is Islamic law or flogged or imprisoned) Obama states there is no direct evidence to link Mateen to Isis ? but this is contradicted by the FBI who state Mateen was in Isis ? Considering the State department (Obama and Clinton and the Muslim brotherhood) have shown no remorse for the Christian genocide in the middle east and have favored the Yazidis genocide over the Christian genocide then a pattern emerging is an understatement.

The Working class, middle class and Unions however and Venezuela included, are beginning to suspect that the new "left" are not there to make a change for stability, but only for chaos, and not to improve their lives financially, having no long term financial plan and this supports the theory that the revolution is not seeking to end class war but to entrench it by eroding wealth from all class levels. This is Maoism. Stiglitz also denounces debt, but Hillary Clinton's administration has run up nearly 20 Trillion dollars of debt which erodes both the middle and working class wealth base and devalues the wealth and currency of a nation. Venezuela spent a large part of its GDP on its gold mining adventure after draining its market reserves amidst development deals with China, but then also decided to ship its gold to Russia via Switzerland as neutral brokers. A low oil price is blamed in part for Venezuelans problems, yet Norway have managed where Hugo Chavez failed  as Canadians ask if Trudeau will do the same for Canada ? i.e. follow Norway not Venezuela, Maduro and Clinton ( as mentioned Clinton is also shipping Uranium to Russia via her foundation which is the real reason the Bundys and the Hammonds ranches were seized. Do Bernie Sanders voters feel robbed) All that Oil and Gold and Venezuelans are searching for food. All that amidst the elite Leninist and social democrats who spend fortunes stating Nationalism is wrong)


What should Britain do or how should they vote in the EU referendum ?


( 15.06.2016 )

The EU referendum campaign and Brexit / Remain vote 23.06.2016 and an outline of the campaign.

Brexit the Movie                      The Remain Campaign

(The European Project ? still in crisis ? and the Frexit and Brexit vote.)

 "The future of Western Political Theory will be decided outside the West"  ? Sunil Khilnani The idea of India

As the debate ( which is deceiving people ) on the EU referendum continues with 9 days until people cast their votes, it still has not been explained why there are only two questions on the ballot paper. Aside from the Leave or Remain option the 3rd option of a part member state is not on the ballot ?  Part membership such as Finland, Switzerland or Norway enjoys ?

The reason in part is put forward by Wolfgang Schauble (10.06.2016) and it essentially says Britain cannot have the same deal.  That is not a decision he can make alone and it would affect the contract Norway and Finland enjoy  if an argument was made. Further there are also associate memberships and a two tier structure with a secondary membership status.

What many people do not understand is that Britain is in the Council of Europe regardless of the Vote (as is Ireland) The Council is a separate organisation (not for trade or economics as political integration) than the EU which is where the concern is as you read on. British influence is very strong within it as it founded the Council of Europe with America and the allies. Norway is in the Council of Europe but not in the EU which is an option many could have taken ( in retrospect) 

David Cameron has already warned that Brexiters  must accept the result ? Is this suggesting the result is already determined?

Technically then the ballot paper could have had 5 questions.    1.In 2. Out 3. Out with access to the single market. 4 associate membership 5. Secondary membership. Why are they are not on the ballot ? With only 2 questions and scare stories it narrows the field and then when you throw in the election fraud (as happened in the London Mayor fraud) the EU citizens (non British have received ballot papers how many is a moot point) not  entitled to vote through a computer glitch can now vote if they do not admit receiving them. And a computer glitch could send 2 ballots to one person by millions and then alter the figures 5 % + or – as happened in the London Mayor elections and in America. Thousands have wrongly been sent EU referendum voting cards many of which have been printed in labour party offices in Brussels ?

(The Labour meltdown in 2015 and 2016 forced the party into desperate measures which includes election fraud. The election frauds have been employed also in the 2015 election. Election fraud has brought recent claims and counter claims none of which help the public. Claims against the Tories on expenses but also from the election fraud in the London Mayor elections in April / May 2016. Reports were widespread with thousands of voters getting 2 voting cards each (echoing the election fraud in the USA 1. (Diebold) 2. (US election rigged or shaped  the video is called "Rigged USA Election exposed"  ) and California has passed a law which allows holders of Driving license's which you can get in the post to be ID for voting in which one 3. Illegal migrant votes five times in same election and is then jailed 4. And in the USA 2012 election.  This is Obamaism)  What is very unusual about the London Mayor Election is the fraud was recorded as it happened on social media from those involved in monitoring or reporting the crimes. Twitter and May 6th 3 tweets Theo Underwood (scroll  down )  recorded by the Daily Mail across 72 parliamentary constituencies. Ballot box problems and a further 155 areas of concern where people were turned away from voting (not being allowed to vote ) including the Chief Rabbi in Barnet. Voters who were denied and these problems affected voters all across London. It's a criminal scam in desperate times. Copied from the post dated 17.05.2016 above) 

It is increasingly relevant on the issue of immigration, should people vote to remain and despite the promises on veto's (which seem to be spurious) and Schengen areas and immigration corruption, ultimately the decision on immigration (if there is a remain vote ) will be in the hands of the European courts to decide Boris Johnson in his speech on the 11.05.2016 spells out the situation. (see at 6.30 seconds to 7 minutes & 7 mins to 12 minutes &  29 minutes 30 seconds to  31 minutes 30 seconds) Brussels decides who lives in each European country not the countries themselves making their own policy. However the court of human rights would be split 50/50% and to date no gulf states country or eastern Asian country will take unknown large  numbers of migrants ? The Council of Europe has influence here and human rights will not be affected by a Brexit?  Human rights have already been breached by Turkey and those states who have effectively abandoned migrants or allowed other non-refugees to flood in by millions (and Turkey wants unlimited travel on 77 million people without any idea who they are) The problem with Sharia law is "no rights equally" can become all human rights and the EU is being pressured to adopt Sharia. The idea of Diversity (from a Russian, Chinese, East Asian and Gulf States perspective is to have 0 (zero) diversity for themselves but to force it upon others? Copied from above &  all dates above from Oct 2015 fwd outline what is actually going on). Human Rights law in the EU or UK is slowly becoming Islamic "Sharia Law" and this is discussed at the end of this post.

Norway make no secret that they chose their membership framework  (part time) to protect their oil, fishing rights, free trade ability and border controls.

Economics or politics

A summary of Brexit the Movie and the remain campaign and Boris Johnsons speech could be the EU and previous identities have changed beyond their original stated purpose or aims. One giant leap above any envisioned development is the EU fiscal compact. Boris Johnson says the EU is a political creation and the EU fiscal compact is certainly that. However its economic consequences are felt in people's pockets and everyday life to a far deeper degree.  The vote on the fiscal compact (ESM) in 2012 produced three countries who abstained. Britain, Czech Republic and Croatia (who joined later and can adopt it later or not ) Ireland could have remained outside of it (except it was also in a bailout banking bind and the continuing misconception that "default" means you must leave the EU?) Greece and Italy nearly defaulted and Italy's default was regarded as catastrophic, but if it had defaulted and then started again why does the European project regard it as the end of their membership?  Britain and the Czech Republic wisely remained out of it and Wolfgang Schauble did not object then ?  But what is it ?

See the following video THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLAPSE!! MAKE VIRAL ALL!! (which moves around you tube so you may need to enter its name in the url exactly as opposed to clicking the link) It says it is a debt treaty but It could of course be a treaty of small debts or lower debt to GDP (Greece has 200% debt to GDP ratio) but it is a step to full EU United States with fiscal , tax and one central banking authority. So therefore the fiscal  (treasury chancellor tax public spending etc) treaty could be stabilising in its desire to bring nations into stability ? But it is now extremely onerous and accompanies Austerity. Britain through the legislative legal process will be forced to accept it just as it has accepted "Austerity" This mechanism of fiscal integration is statist not democracy and it is becoming ground down in red tape.

Fiscal Union with continuous and onerous debt demands will ultimately not melt together and it will divide political union. Fiscal independence without debt demands will or would assist political and monetary union. Debts do not accrue without being noticed over time ?  and should be refused if current debts are not paid down first.

This is not what Robert Schuman (one of the EU's founding fathers)  and his book "For Europe" i.e. the Supra-nationalist (not fascist or communist which are not just a political designations but also economic designations ) ideal in which he explains in this book in detail. Robert Schuman was popular in Britain, Germany, Ireland and America. Boris Johnson mentions him at 23 mins fwd, describing the post war period when regulation attempted to stitch together a common framework France and Germany could work within in the immediate post war period. However  that cautious approach became an excuse to weave regulation throughout every area of the EU until it became a bueauracratic entanglement,  although France and Germany are closer as countries.  This is because NATO provides peace whether its funding model morphs (and which has been debated for over 15 years ) and changes into a European Super army or not with the same aims as before. Nato does not require EU membership. Robert Schuman's views born out of watching the horror of world war 2 was slowly usurped by communist chains of over regulation (and directionless reactionary solutions) and Russia would now admit (at least  around the time of the Berlin walls collapse and German unification) that its unworkable over regulated models taught  in Universities and then in industry  had a flaw (and was also a million miles away from any Karl Marx Das Capital or previous working class theories to benefit of the working class) until it became a internalised uncompetitive behemoth.

The result as stated in Brexit the movie at 21.00 minutes  to 25.30 minutes is the lack of free trade all over the EU not just in Britain today.

Specifically trade is now affected to such an extent within the EU (not just Butter Mountains and being paid to do nothing) but as an unequal yoke giving competitive advantage to those outside the eu ?

Bullocks, Fish and Mothers

Brexit the Movie  at 15 minutes and 15 seconds shows how fishy matters have become. (its not "when the boat comes in" song any  more) At 18 minutes the description form an experienced long time serving fisherman is Denmark or Holland can catch fish in former British waters and sell them back to the British who can catch limited amounts ? This is a scenario which occurs in many commodities across the EU.  The West coast of Ireland has also suffered the same problems. Fish were so abundant yet now if you land more than the quota and sell the excess (to the side somewhere) for cents a bureaucrat will appear and slap a fine on you.

Cattle farming and dairy farming within the EU and Britain has the following  problems. Cornwall beef farmers  says the following.  (scroll down) The worry is according to these married farmers in the short term the business will have upheavals. Also according to German finance minister Schuable Britain if it leaves will not have access to the single market. (see above also)  but if you are Denmark or Norway and many others you have will more access to it outside the EU, than if you were in THE EU ? (Unless Schuable is suggesting an embargo of non EU goods)

Irish cattle and dairy farmers say that a Brexit would be a bad thing for the Irish rural economy as Britain's contribution to the EU budget (12%) would be lost and therefore 12% of the Dairy and Cattle budget returning to Ireland from the EU (although other countries are mooted to join and will contribute to that Budget) Ireland (euro) and Britain (sterling) have currency exchanges now which may continue (if Britain adopts  the euro) after the vote (if remain) However in a Brexit,  Irish farmers should receive more compensation as a proximity shortfall payment.(12% annually over decades) and Irelands farmers  should be recompensed by  the EU if there is a Brexit by 12%. Irish beef still has both markets. The EU also sends up to 60% or 50% back to Britain which would  also stop but this only leaves a 6 % shortfall in Irish farming which the EU will have to make up if other countries joining do not. As the EU wastes tranches of €5 - €15 billion every few months (of everyone's money & see post above dated  12.04.2016)  then the reform which Britain and France and others want could mean every beef farmer in the EU could sell all of its beef organically and still have a huge profit besides. (Ireland could feed the world it is estimated as its Organic meat and veg is considered the best in the world)

Nurses and "Mums" also have an insight into the EU referendum. (the NHS is overrun with no end in sight, and the other cost of raising a family at home is rising sharply beyond even two wages )

An overall EU view on trade is given here in; Brexit the Animated Movie.

A further point already mentioned is that a leave vote does not mean leaving the European Council (which is influential on the EU although not a part of it, it meets in the many of same buildings and others) of which Britain is a founding member ? Also as Brexit the animated movie shows the Trade block is larger than the EU area and trade can continue within it ?  In Ulster the Unionist party has recommended staying in the EU but gives a free vote to its members to vote however they wish, whilst the Democratic Unionist party is campaigning to leave completely.

What transpires and since 1999, and the Lisbon and Nice treaties (which Ireland rejected and then was 'asked' to vote again when it then voted Yes) and the financial crash of 2008, the EU is not listening to Brexiters, Frexiters , Grexiters or Catalonia…exiters . The "pigs" (as the press dubbed them) Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain have had years of Austerity applied by "economists" in power. People have endured poverty, suicide and depravation. The border controls in Ulster (story) is a decision the 27 members of the EU would make in a Brexit not just Britain alone (which it accepts) as of course it currently is in the EU. Further in a Brexit the Good Friday agreement and recent assurances (in law) mean the continuation of the Good Friday agreement. Most importantly however the peace process and stability is something the people of Belfast and Ulster want to keep as of course, even without a good Friday agreement the future population levels may mean a for and against a United Ireland decision anyhow by referendum (a United Ireland occurred in 1792 as Grattan's parliament by joint decision) Stormont would survive as is even in a Brexit.

It is incredible that Ulster of course defies all political, historical and economic identity as it has throughout history (many speculate on why this is continually the case) but cattle pricing and border pricing of cattle and milk can always make their own arrangements as beneficial to local economic needs.  Who is to say where a cow calved in some areas. Scotland it seems is determined to have its second referendum on its future which may give the same result as the first. As for Ireland being in bad news in light of a Brexit there are other views,  David McWilliams says the following;  and the independent says the following.

Many Irish businessmen also say the same as the links above,  as do many political shades of opinion.  In essence the trade between Britain and Ireland existed before 1973 (EU)  and will continue in Ireland.

Difference in nations

As is seen in "Brexit  the animated movie", Britain is not like Ireland it has a commonwealth within which it also trades. The city of London is for free trade (Laissez-faire) and has been around for 1000 years or more and its culture is obviously not suited to the EU in the "City" or in the country. It will not suffer as a consequence. Many in the EU cannot imagine free trade without 200 regulations and a start point and a stop point with hourly checks to see if it is working. It cannot imagine being in complete iron grip control. Ireland (and there are also rural and city differences)  also has an IFSC (financial centre) which will be bound or constrained for the next 40 years (after the 2008 collapse) It would benefit from being situated in the middle of America and the City of London and Europe (and the Commonwealth) as a way of boosting its binding debt tangle (nama etc) the EU fiscal compact restrictions (grown out of the Stability and Growth pact or SGP) which through the EDP (excessive deficit procedure ) seeks to amend Keynesian deficit spending. However deficits have continued accruing since the measures (EU SGP & Fiscal compact) were taken, and it is obvious the problem is not "spending" on society but inflationary economics whether it is Keynesian or other. China and Russia are buying the west and backing their currency with Gold to devalue the west. The Bank of England is actually restrained in financial terms within the EU. Who knows what new and intricate financial products could be procured between all four entities USA, Ireland, EU and the city of London (and vice versa)

Obviously this debate is interesting for all EU states and it may spread contagion of EU reform and more democracy across all its bodies, without which the exits will grow. Free trade without deficits which also effect surplus labour  (wages) and self-employed, (sme's) large business and corporations profits constraining employer and employee alike. Excessive regulation also benefits very large corporations who use the laws to edge out emerging competitors and so it is not just a public problem of bureaucracy but also a private problem. The result in both cases leads to monopoly (as a natural consequence of growth but also bureaucracy) which then suffers long term infrastructure lack of investment, due to bad planning and also to management decisions to move from production into the stock market  (solely) for profits. Manufacturing and making things to export is shut out of a nation and it then falls into decay. Its debts are preyed upon by "competitors". In the West the build-up pf debt is accelerated by economists who are working for those competitors but are politely called opposing ideological economic theories. Germany's corporations are majority home grown without the need to import others, and which still export globally.

The massive recession and financial downturn has provoked furious debate and many are still baffled by the last 10 years. Suggestions to the effect EU economies have been purposely ruined over the last 15 years (including in Ireland, Spain, Greece and Portugal ) make sense when you look back over the decisions during that period. People have witnessed it  on a daily basis, it is ironic of course that Germany was once so devastated that it had to act quickly in 1945 – 1948 and into the 1950's.

What happened ? and how did the Germany free themselves from the neurotic austerity bureaucrats.

Economies from the ashes to economic miracle

Brexit the Movie at 25 minutes and 30 seconds tells the story of Ludwig Erhard from Bavaria but who stood for election in Baden Wuttenburg (Swabia) Germany was destroyed in 1945 yet this man (who remains popular in Germany and Britain) turned Germany's economy around.

The saying that the EU is a Political creation not an economic  one was in Erhards view upside down. Immediately after the war Germany was reliant on US Marshall aid . The Dueschte Mark was introduced in July 1948, but a full year before this from June 1947, Ludwig Erhard introduced "The Homburg plan" from his office of the " Special Office for Money and Credit" or Sonderstelle Geld und Kredit. They believed that introducing price stability and controlling (eliminating) inflation then adding free market economics but in a social market economy would produce an economic miracle (Wirtschaftswunder)  which is exactly what occurred. This idea of non-inflationary credit had to be in place before the Dueschte Mark was released into circulation. (non-inflationary does not mean low growth very high growth can be achieved as he proved)

He initially removed the price fixing and production controls the allies and the army had employed and introduced price stability and zero inflation by offering prices to competition. This seems the opposite of growth but in fact growth was spectacular. In effect you could (but) create an internal credit supply and a global economy which was protected not by socialism and bureaucracy but by the social market economy locally in competition as localism. The big government and small government argument is not applicable or required. It the economy collapsed it could easily be bootstrapped again to set it going again. Over the past 60 or 65 years the doctrine he undertook has become more bueauracratic and socialised than its original founder Ludwig Erhard envisioned. Erhard was against restrictive bueauracratic authoritarian control and communism and socialism, but also recognised (as the 2008 sub – prime collapse shows see chapter 1 and 2 above)that society has needs. Good wages ensure the economy stands well at its base as one example.  

His economy in 1945 like many in the world since 2008 was beginning again and its lack of baggage meant it could perform as it did. However it is possible that economies could do this today just as easily. It is certainly better than quantitative easing and austerity (in effect 2 streams of purpose of currency supply from the one source) which need each other to check excessive inflation. (which included medium to high wages and low local prices)

Jersey and Channel Islands (small Island separate nation in the sea) 

Chapter 2 on the adjacent website  and the Banking reform 1 asked City and rural banks and business what type of loan they would like. Naturally the answers would lead to an anti-inflationary solution. Many businesses admitted they were under extreme pressure or they were stuck. One of the participants (on page 114 ) the Channel Islands and Jersey state treasury departments, outlined how they financed certain construction projects. Paying the amount down was paramount for them in 1 or 2 years. Known as the loan sanction, the loans could carry 0% interest (building without borrowing) or 1 %  - 4% etc.  Other countries have adopted a similar attitude but kept the amount outstanding (it was borrowed from themselves) as a debt against the asset they  have just produced. This amount outstanding could last more than a year or up to 10, but it did not force taxation in that period. This could go on for many buildings and the longer it did with the buildings value rising, the realised assets could be sold (even as a public trust or leased or rented out ) and make a profit above the initial capital outlay. In this example they built a school and simply paid it down. Pupils could sit within it and study how its construction was financed which is quite an achievement.

These solutions were considered outside of the PFI or PPP market, but could have worked alongside them to ease a nation's burden.  The whole exercise was designed to then ask the next question(s) in financial / construction development. Of which there are many. Without currency reform (as Ludwig Erhard also recognised above) you could not grow with continual inflationary stops and starts and without currency adjustments from the outset or the very beginning  and still make the "economic miracle (Wirtschaftswunder)" It is the same in every country and nation including the current EU which has wasted €100 Billion Euro whilst people soldier on in Austerity. (see post above dated  12.04.2016) 

Some bankers who had not considered these ideas thought they were from another planet. One even suggesting he would borrow the cash and emigrate to the Kayman Islands or similar. (see page 145) Yet the money would only be paid in 10 instalments or so and signed off when very high design and energy  construction standards were met at each stage (and a full project completed) Jersey and the Channel Islands could have instructed him (on page 145) further. It simply was not banking culture to consider such ideas (which as in Jersey, work in Unison as a currency and construction and banking model alongside Sterling or totally immersed in Sterling. Exactly like the Irish "parallel punt" idea. Ludwig Erhard in Germany spent Billions in this way)

To be fair to Tolent (on page 145) Jersey and the Channel Islands (who suffered in WW2 as did Britain and Europe and Germany also) they are not part of the UK, but are Crown dependencies and they have more room to think than the Herd of the City of London. (Although if you read the document many bankers and investors realised the benefits for social needs, more so than the left wing pundits who were pushing PPP and PFI only ? ) The Islands are French - Norman in origin and have independence from the mainland and France. As British Citizens they are also EU citizens,  but they are an Offshore financial center with their own currency  and coinage which exist  alongside (like the Irish parallel punt idea) Sterling. Therefore they have the best of all worlds but can make their own rules without interference (and are in effect half in and half out of the EU) The German finance minister Schuable says Brexit would mean single market exit but that is not true, and it is not economically true (only politically) that single market access means allowing 100,000's of Islamic Jihadists to war on Britain or the EU because Hillary Clinton and Obama and Angela Merkel have decided it is a policy in which 80 % of immigrants are not Syrian or refugees. It is also not true, in or for any EU country including Germany. It is not an economic law which somehow states the EU's borders, Germany's borders are defenseless. This is the real cause of war.The countries should be secured as Britain's also from this illegal immigration / invasion which has continued for decades but increased from the mid 1960's out of line with countries in the world. The Brexit vote is 23.06.2016 (the Longest day & Solstice) and D,DAY was 6.6.1944. D'DAY today ( independence day ) should be into Turkey and the Middle East not the other way around.

Further (and see chapter 3 from the beginning in this website) if you tried to introduce these ideas(which amount  to sensible, expansive and harmless reforms) into "mainstream" economics of left and right then you could find yourself in a war zone.

To understand more and in brief go to the adjacent website and the introduction and under the heading Community Interest Companies read Dr Mathias Kroll & Nobel prise economist Irving Fisher (all within a few paragraphs of each other)

Reform of the EU or Brexit

However considering Jersey as a microcosm of Britain many Global companies relocate to Jersey and/or avail of its banking laws and attitudes. It is impossible to say that all companies prefer the EU or if they prefer to be just outside the EU, or free from its laws, it is different horses for different courses. However 300 companies want to vote Brexit (see post dated 17.05.2016 above) as do Unilever. And some fund managers (Neil Woodford)

Reform of the EU is either closer fiscal integration or looser control (the latter reflects the membership structure, of full and part time members)

The Jersey and Channel Islands example also shows how ludicrous the idea is that a Brexit would mean British people leaving their Spanish homes/investment in real estate. The recycled petro – dollar system lets Spanish people invest  in British property also and people anywhere can buy property anywhere (except in places like Mexico until citizenship is awarded) However investing in property trades or stock market investment means properties can be obtained anywhere in reality. These are normal everyday immigration and emigration deals with jobs lined up before leaving with proof of means etc. Within the EU trading zones as Brexit the animated movie relates there are not the same restrictions (i.e. the wider trading zones) when a Brexit is mooted. (creating full employment nationally is paramount  and the EU has around 80 - 90 million people unemployed. Something is seriously wrong)

What people do object to are the following ideas which are (if stated the other way around) Racist, Xenophobic and Bigoted. As mentioned diversity is not something, Russia, China, East Asia or the Gulf States want for themselves, it is only for others to adopt ? we already live on a multicultural planet, there is one only one race of humans which incredibly, logic has been lost in the debate, but there is only way side of the world which  must  abide by these laws ?

It is extraordinary that the call for Turkey to join the EU with open borders of 77 million is taken seriously. Britain has 9 Muslim mayors but Saudi has no European Mayors  ? Turkey has threatened Israel  (with invasion) and the west. Yet heading south to Mecca and the vast expanse of paradise before joining Allah and his messenger in paradise is not considered. Many Jewish and Christian peoples are making Aliyah to Israel and to live and remain but where are the millions of Muslims striving to reach Mecca and live there permanently?

As various archaeological sites are destroyed by Isis in the middle east  (as a means of disconnecting the population from its ancient culture) Ancient Celtic sites are under threat also (see later further down and also in chapter 1 down to 5 on this page ) All faiths are under threat (see also chapter 1 through 5 above and below)

Labour leader  Jeremy Corbyn was once for leaving the EU is now for it ? and has been accused of Hypocrisy by Labour Eurosceptics. David Cameron has said that a Brexit could cause world war 3, but that it could also cause a year long recession ? Surely a war economy creates employment and manufacturing and not a recession ? Many believe we are already in the beginnings of world war 3 anyway. What David Cameron is really trying to say is summarised as follows.  "The Turks are ridiculing the west and blatantly denying the Christian Holocaust of Armenia which Germany has recognised, they are also refusing to give up their terrorism laws and they have threatened to invade Israel. Therefore lets invade Turkey from the north and the south and liberate them from Islamic fear control, and after a decade of occupation offer them associate membership without Visas, during which time the real Jihadists and those who want a new life can emigrate to Mecca instead"

Christians slaughtered in front of the entire world are not even news in Mecca.

It is incredible that Europe and the EU zones, Scandinavia and Balkans etc have put up with this for so long and have been deluded or tricked into social theories of war by invasion over many decades. (the destruction of the European and Celtic tribes is a political doctrine and some would say a spiritual one)

Cultural Marxism  video entitled "what is critical theory" & version which is 7 minutes 36 seconds long, (or here by Breibart )  

 (used for Brevity many times on the page)

Oxford Universities explanation of the World Jihad  

Is there a connection to the theories of millions of migrants called integration? and war Jihad.

It is for people to decide on a Brexit not media spin. France may Frexit also which should be blamed on the policies of the EU. The EU needs to reform its structures and economics and the west needs to make those reforms happen (from inside the west, see the beginning of this essay) Its debt question (against Russia and China stockpiling Gold is very serious. Not only as the incredible debt levels never seen in history  continue, the West is also selling its future children into Slavery especially under Sharia law or no law)

Norway has created a pension fund which is stable and very lucrative  North Sea Oil is above and below the Scottish border and is not running out, and Shell operates worldwide, Ireland is also looking to increase its share of oil and gas in the Atlantic.

Unless the EU reforms (with elections at every level and a Swizz type referendum system) then exits are going to continue.


(20.06.2016) The EU Brexit debate has continued with fear being the main driver of opinion. Michael Gove andformer HSBC bankers state the Britain will not go into recession if a Brexit occurs. This contradicts other opinions along the campaign (see four paragraphs up which begins "labour leader" ) The Bank of England has a contingency plan for Brexit.  

A third option (negotiation was / is possible admits French finance minister... but not now ? ) 

However a significant admission by the French Minister of the Economy, Finances and Industry Emmanuel Macron on the18/June / 2016 (as follows) " "If the UK wants a treaty of commercial access to the European market, the British will have to contribute to the European budget like the Norwegians or the Swiss. If London doesn't want that, then the exit will have to be total," Mr Macron said."  This contradicts Wolfgang Schuable (near the very beginning of this post and heading dated 15.06.2016 ) and his view as follows; 

The reason in part is put forward by Wolfgang Schauble (10.06.2016) and it essentially says Britain cannot have the same deal.  That is not a decision he can make alone and it would affect the contract Norway and Finland enjoy,  if an argument was made. Further there are also associate memberships and a two tier structure with a secondary membership status" 

This is the kind of deal that Britain thought it was getting into in the 1970's and 1980's. It actually reflects what "the people" expected. This could have been the 3rd option on the ballot paper ? It also reflects the growing concerns of the EU as a whole and many in the EU feel it is what they (with variations ) had signed up for as they joined, concerns also shared by Switzerland and Lichtenstein i.e. prosperity and control of the borders. German economists are brilliant and some share the same view as Britain (which begs the question why people like Ludwig Erhard allowed to influence the Bundesbank more ! ? see heading above "Economies from the ashes to economic miracle") but the mess the EU is in is not just political its economics have gone awry. Emmanuel Marcon( France may also Frexit) however says Britain would become like Guernsey ? but as we have read above Guernsey and the Channel Islands have done very well out of insular prudent investments (see heading above on Jersey and the Channel Islands) which are Global and local. However France also has lands abroad and Brexit the animated movie points out that Britain has a commonwealth.

Without the 3rd question on the ballot Britain would have to leave and then enter again (if it chose) to take up this Norway style deal, which should have been offered in this referendum and also years ago. And if politicians say that is impossible they are wrong, as of course Denmark (which may Drexit) has a deal tailored to its exports and economy (as Brexit the Movie points out, but see heading above "Bullocks fish and mums above " ) This is what every European actually wants including Ireland. Greece which has had both right wing and left wing governments over the austerity decade suffers the same problems. The Greeks like Zorba have sent an open letter to Britain   r.e. Brexit (and you can read about Greece's long and difficult experiences in chapter 2 on the adjacent website in which it has now took Nato's view on long term development which will remain whether it leaves or remains in the EU) (a tailored deal would also benefit dairy and beef farmers in Ireland or the UK)

The tragic story of Joe Cox has dominated headlines over the last few days. The media have in effect placed the blame on the "Brexit campaign" or the right. However the "left" and the left Brexit (socialist brexiters) campaigners are not being blamed ? (i.e. Labour leave and others ) Britain first have refuted all allegations in the following video i.e Jayda Fransen and explanation  Obviously this raises serious questions on the reporting of the tragedy in which Joe Cox went outside to break up a fight which had already started between two men ( this was not mentioned in the news reports)

The continued reporting of what is not or should be in TTIP matches a less well reported matter. What is not reported upon as often is the creeping Sharia law which seeks to eradicate all other laws. In 2008 Sharia law was deemed incompatible with Human rights. further challenges In 2014 and ruling were made at EU level . One area it is targeting is Scandinavia and Denmark and Sweden . Another in huge quantities is Brussels and Belgium (EU HQ) It is essentially a Cult and it is inhuman in its rights. To get an idea what it looks like in practice see the following  video on the streets. The video features Anjam Choudhury who was later arrested for Terrorism and his trail ongoing will resume on 27.06.2016  There is no 'Diversity' in Islam and its legal system is constantly trying to usurp national law in every country. (says  Racial equality Chief officer Trevor Philips) Common law such as common law as exist in the deemings (King Alfred laws will be eradicated) as any nations common laws. It also does not advocate Marx, Trotsky or Lenin. You cannot become a British Muslim nation unless you eradicate those laws.(in France it happens (as one example)  slowly like this. or see " Courageous French woman on the Muslims Islam" video which is why Sharia law should be banned in Europe completely. These are just some of those laws

There are no migrant camps waiting to get into Saudi Arabia or any Gulf state ? as Saud is an apartheid state which seeks to duplicate itself onto others. It  has 1 Million slaves. Seeking out  the new mayor roles in the EU ( the mayor roles and influence are  going to be expanded as part of the sustainable development drive in which 70 % of the world's population will live by 2050 in Cities, it is predicted) In order to help change those national laws Wahhabism as Islam from Saud is the reason why Britain has 9 Muslim mayors and Saud has none. Muslim countries now state ? they will not take 'Syrian' refugees because of the risk of terrorism.

Sharia law creep is outlined in this documentary . Its inhuman rights include rape victims who are then divorced for adultery (see also post  above dated 12.04.2016 and its first green paragraph which begins "There is a view amongst men" and which outlines woman rights in Sharia) Essentially you have no rights (The rest of Islam's Jihad can be read from the beginning of this chapter) and those in the EU who have sought to bring Muslims into Europe want the Human rights legislation to change to Sharia law. Turkey violently protested Germany's decision to recognise the Armenian Genocide and still threatens the German parliament?. Punitive laws which seem to be aimed at Britain will only get worse, without the called for reform. Eradication of western culture (and which includes Britain) is the stated aim.

All of this whilst the Parliament will not fully commit as to whether there has been a Christian Genocide in the Middle East. 

A part of the wider Obama plan for Europe (aside from the Sharia law and slavery) is his version of the TTIP trade deal. This influence (for instance) has seen austerity championed by George Osbourne in March / April 2016 as part of the EU wide "economic plan" and British budget which he sees as the future EU " remain" deal. ? The French are also rejecting the Sharia law austerity TTIP deal ( as is Scotland ) which of course needs more migrants for cheap labour.  

Elizabeth Hurley  ( or here)  pointed out that at least  Jeremy Corbyn admits EU laws currently means unlimited  immigration which is economically unsustainable in any country. Boadicea would also not say any less. The media and polls trolling which seeks to pre-determine a result with voting fraud as occurred in the London Mayor election and which also occurred  in Germany  as admitted by top EU journalist with access to the EU parliament and Wolfgang Schuable, and who voted twice, which shows the passport fraud epidemic  2013 and on into  2016  This is without migrant trafficking fraud where 2/3 of migrants had been trafficked with false papers. 

It is ironic currently in Russia which is facing sanctions and has banned imports has now achieved record production in food and industry for its own use, and the excess for export.  worldwide in its free trade areas, any country can achieve this and reduce its debt and balance of payments. Russia is also exporting to China and they   ( as mentioned above) are hoarding Gold whilst the West and the EU runs up Debts which can never be paid back in a growing pension crisis which is the real crisis in the market not the Brexit? (also search Estelle James and EU pension crisis) The EU is not changing direction or reforming its policies ? Of one of the most important decisions Britain makes in its history (in which it will remain in the Council of Europe with France, Germany and Norway as differing examples) the misinformation has been staggering.  

(21.06.2016) The admission by Emmanuel Marcon the French finance minister to the effect Britain could have a Norway type deal is of course (and something  which could change Europe throughout) linked to the following (see above near date 20.06.2016)

Norway has created a pension fund which is stable and very lucrative  North Sea Oil is above and below the Scottish border and is not running out, and Shell operates worldwide, Ireland is also looking to increase its share of oil and gas in the Atlantic" This produces a stable pension future which currently with Tata steel / British Steel and its pensions are going to be cut also paving the way for other pensions to be cut across the board (is the stockmarket going to adjust them ? it is too late for existing pensions)

As predicted (uncannily many weeks ago ? ) both the markets and the polls swing towards the remain side. As Emmanuel Marcon points out Britain could become like Guernsey ? but the stockmarket rose many times for Jersey including now, and it is rising in Norway and New York and Asia.... (outside of the EU) It is incredible that  not only the polls (and voting slip irregularities) and the markets rose in tandom with the oncoming vote (as many strange events over the last two weeks ? including the hardly mentioned sentencing of 13 Muslim men to 150 years Gaol in Halifax on the 16.06.2016 for rape of a schoolgirl & other offences. A muslim pedophile gang) 

As the stock market soars Austerity increases ? and pensions (British Steel included slide away) and ithe stockmarket will rise and fall before and after a Brexit just the same. 

This stockmarket trading spree (selling and buying panic ) has been sold as just a rise on the remain vote poll, but any short term fall on a Brexit would begin the next rise a week later. The actual economics show that trading parity would be reached again (and not just trading in the EU as Brexit the animated movie relates but worldwide as the EU has adopted an enclosed inefficient market) report  by Capital economics and Woodford funds. which matches the conclusions by "economists for Brexit"  The economic fear mongering of a Brexit is not reality for workers or for small business. 

This would bring an end to Austerity also (and control flooding illegal immigration without which the 70 million unemployed in the EU will continue to rise) 

Switzerland style advice
from an expert (on Brexit) 

300 companies of the thousands who see (not short term panic / gain but long term prosperity) 

John Cleese backs a Brexit 


(22.06.2016) Over the last few months Pat Condell has suggested amongst other things that the EU is not about trade but power , and it is not a United States of America but a Soviet Union which is killing trade. People want real trade, work and jobs. Those that cannot get 98 % employment in the EU should resign. He adds; Stating that this is protecting our children's future is of course only true for a small group of people not the other 65 million people who live in Britain. People who say they are  protecting the future are not talking about the other 65 million. Arguments continue but Pat Condell has now been proved correct as there is not Veto on immigration and David Cameron has now admitted that 330,000 people entered (after those that left) Britain last year and not the 100,000 or 10,000 who are not subject to a Swiss style analysis or emigration check by 90% in any case. 

In other words Britain is scheduled to be "changed" or removed as country as it is now known. Boris Johnson explains the EU is not the EU we think it is now and it has been hijacked from the origins once collectively supported. Boris also points out that David Cameron did not negotiate a reform as the BBC article above ( or here ) proves and Boris said this in May 2016, which was denied by (at 8 minutes and 30 seconds)  David Cameron. Yet he promised if there was no reform then he (David Cameron) would campaign to leave the EU ?. Boris at 5 minutes 43 seconds  points out Britain is adding a population the size of Newcastle every year. 

Therefore on this brief information (on the 2 blue paragraphs above) the Leave campaign is correct and truthful and the Remain are deceiving people. For people who wanted reform and to see the EU work it is outrageous to deceive people in this manner in any country. (Its like taking George Soros advice when he bankrupted the pound many years ago )

Having seen the various memberships other s have, it transpires that actually Britain can now Brexit (and is acceptable to David Cameron and remain ? 6.6.2016 ) and have a membership Norway enjoys ( into the single market) This could have been the 3rd question on the ballot. This protects from immigration excess and keeps national control. This means however that much of the campaign over the last 6 months has been a complete waste of time and money ? In other words vote Brexit and stay in the single market in a new deal. Also a brexit does not mean a brexit from European football ? its actually what most EU countries want. This is a correct step to protecting your children's future.

This Norway type membership shows that open borders and mass immigration were planned from the beginning of the EEC (1970 - 1980) EU and not as a natural consequence of the common market, as the current membership type is not really necessary if you just want to trade within the common market (hence it is an issue today)

Further it will not cause any reverse investment or interfere with the market and business will prosper after a Brexit (so say people who work in this area and not just politicians with bias)

And Britain which is still in the Council of Europe regardless (and this is not explained by the remain camp, as it means Britain still sits within world trading blocks not outside i.e G8 or G20 with or without Brexit ) also trades within the Commonwealth.

The Jersey and the Chanel Islands examples above (and France and the French finance ministry is laden with debt) and ideas like them also bring debt to GDP ratios under control and reduce them. Collectively throughout Europe or the West this is vital to protect against collapse or takeover. These type of financial measures instruments do not interfere with the market or stockmarket (many argue they prevent problems such as subprime volatility) in worldwide international trade.

The Queen (Queen Elizabeth 2nd) has let it be known she did not say she did not now or before back a Brexit,... but has backed a Brexit. it is believed.

Aside from the polls and its manipulation, officials have also been silenced and you would have to resign to tell the truth  i.e. John Longworth from the British chamber of Commerce


( 23.06.2016 ) An Elected EU Commission ?  Voting begins on the EU referendum with the main debate consisting of which party has spoken correctly on the issues. (see above from 15.05.2016 and before) The EU Commission is an issue which people have not covered in any great depth. Within the EU, the 28 people on the commission are un- elected yet they make the laws of each nation in the EU which can only be amended and not rejected (this does not mean they are bad but taxation and representation permission usually means elected people to office) The Spectator has kept records since 1973 which shows 58 % of British laws are now made by these 28 people (and for all EU nations)  

This area is the area reformers also want to change or leave i.e. an Elected EU Commission ( Spectator Facts not Fear   Video )


Nations which cite their Sovereignty must be listened to.



British EU Referendum 24.06.2016

The Leave vote wins the referendum to leave the EU (which is 22 miles away and Britain is still in the Council of Europe)



Three weeks after the leave vote, people in Britain are still feeling a sense of Euphoria and freedom as if almost the land has been renewed and brought back to life.  Questions are been asked regarding the future and what does it mean to live in an Independent England.

Firstly Britain has the right to trade with any market or country including the EU single market and still control its borders without free movement of people and labour. This is what all countries within the EU actually want. The EU has to be reformed quickly and drastically. The two principles of 1. trade and trade deals and 2. protecting your borders from immigration are not joined at the hip like Siamese twins in an unwritten law.

Many people instantly forget that Briton is still a member of the "Council of Europe"  and people can still travel to the EU and eat croissants. Many young people became concerned about such issues and there are divisions in Britain and upsets which require diplomacy and tact to heal. The misinformation is caustic on both sides of the debate, but the Brexit vote turned all political views upside down (such as the Anarchists supporting remain when they once wanted to leave the EU ?) The online petition of 3 million people stating (after Brexit) they wished to remain in the EU contained 77,000 false signatures. Many remain proponents had even screamed at people stating that they were "autistic" or deranged, yet the behaviour, short sightedness and lack of insight many of the remain camp displayed and continue to display is an insult to autistic people and an insult to children (remember children read as well)  whose future they jeopardised.

David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage may un-resign (the vote was on the EU not the individual party leaderships) or is there another political party coming forth from out of malaise (across left and right)

The new party in formation may resist the EEA (the Norway type deal  within the EEA) for Britain, which would first require invoking article 50 of the Lisbon treaty (which has not been broached ay yet) to leave and then re-joining the EEA, but this may then require a new referendum to join it. Some suggest they may not invoke article 50 and go straight to EEA but that would also require a referendum. Article 50 can be initiated by Royal prerogative and for parliament to repeal the 1972 European Communities Act. The free movement of people and zero immigration being central to any future scenario, and one which may spark a new general election or more resignations or worse. Exporting into the EU is easier if you are outside of the EU in reality.

Immigration into any EU country is not required and you can export into the Single market (also) without it.

Norway deported 70,000 Muslims  resident illegally in 2015 / 2016 who had committed rapes and violence across the land. Theresa May is announced as the new Prime minster on 13.7.2016.

The Norway type deal would of course require a complete re-organisation of the British economy to include the Norwegian oil deal or equivalent which safeguards pensions and delivers a fund for all Norwegians which is real planning and thought combined for a family based society working as one.

An issue which was not raised much in the months of debate and which shows that the establishment were also divided on the remain / leave question. The idea that Goldman Sachs or other global institutions would be overly worried by Brexit is nonsense. Two weeks after Brexit the City of London and the German Frankfurt stock exchange  or here  (Deutsche Borse) announced a merger and of course it will be merged before the full Brexit and after and does not require an open borders or immigration agreement other than common sense and perhaps a system which Mexico and Switzerland employ. The New York stock exchange (NYSE) merged with Deutsche Borse in Feb / March 2016.

A quote from the last link is as follows; " Following the EU referendum they said the result "does not impact the compelling strategic rationale of the merger" In other words the merger (some transactions would take a different course) does not depend on the Brexit result nor does it depend on an immigration policy (which could be zero immigration except for required applicants). Trade of goods does not mean every border has to be open. Economic laws (in any country on earth) Jean Claude Juncker and likeminded have encouraged the reckless abandonment of EU security in every country in Europe. Trade is stifled by current EU rules but immigration is not. Jean Claude Juncker admits China is winning the trade war and is affecting EU trade yet it is not in the EU ? (by dumping its excess as a way round trade rules, single market, TTIP or another other name or type) Therefore access to any market does not require an immigration contract upon it. These laws are relevant to every nation on earth and every continent.

Denmark. Holland, France, Italy  Finland, Slovakia and Germany have requested a referendum and it is spreading to all other EU states.

With the merger of City of London and Frankfurt stock exchanges the question remains (although Wolfgang Schaeuble the German finance minister says it does not matter) which centre would be the capital of the two financial entities?

Why these two financial centres should merge two weeks after Brexit is another question which people should ask. (see also towards the end of this post)

Obama and Hillary Clinton lost the wars ?

Since the Brexit vote on 23.06.2016, Lord Prescott has said with others that the war in Iraq was illegal. It is still ongoing. It was of course first bombed by Bill Clinton partially and without aim in 1998. Iraq and its oil rights was bought by the west (legally) in 1899 and it was named (eventually the kingdom of Iraq) following the collapse of the Ottoman empire. This chapter (above) describes the 10 million who demonstrated against the war in 2003 and 2004. Since then, there are no demonstrations by Muslims against the Christian genocide in Iraq and the wider Middle East, and since that genocide occurred under Obama and Hillary Clinton and who are responsible for it the news on the ongoing genocide has almost disappeared from the news compared to 2 months ago ?

Since Brexit 3 weeks ago, 41 people were killed in Turkey in the airport and 230 were hurt, killed by Muslims. (29.06.2016) The EU wanted to admit 77 million Turks without visas, yet two days ago France closed its diplomatic doors in Turkey over security concerns. 20 people were killed in Dhaka in a restaurant on July 1st  and on July 5th 200 people + were killed in Baghdad and on the 12.07.2016 11 more people were killed in Iraq with 7 more today 13.07.2016.

If 1000 Muslims were killed in this manner randomly in France the press would never stop reporting it. Acknowledging the Christian genocide has taken 5 years under the Obama / Clinton administration.

Many stories do not surface like the 50 Christians decapitated in Serbia by Bosnian Muslims but which are surfacing now. Not considered news worthy this continues today with (since 23.06.2016) a Christian woman killed in Uganda for refusing Moslems to build a mosque on her property. On 23.06.2016 a Christian woman was killed in front of her husband by Muslims. On the 30.06.2016 a Coptic priest is shot in Egypt. On the 5.7.2016 9 Christians were killed in the Congo by Muslims. This follows numerous attacks on Israel including a 13 year old girl (Hallel Yaffe Ariel) who was killed in her bedroom by Palestinians.

Iraq  & Afghanistan

The real analysis of the Middle East is put forward by William Engdhal but also by Rory Swift in the documentary "Afghanistan the great game"  in which it is pointed out getting into Afghanistan (or Iraq ) is easy but getting out or staying is not. Winning the area is more than a military strategy and of course the Wests history is connected to the area (see chapter 5 below) for thousands of years.  Islam is also analysed in the French films "Jean de Florette" and "Manon des sources" (slowly into the second film r.e. North Africa) which points out that some selfish or unspiritual people will not fare well in a war with Islam (i.e. those who are unable to lead people into a war but nevertheless do so) albeit it is a false faith in which Mohammad did not fly to Jerusalem on a beast with wings which Islam alleges (etc) Islam is not indigenous to the  middle east  or Afghanistan but only the Gulf States. 

The film "the Battle of Algiers"  (which you can also find with subtitles within the vid) shows how a war is won, and also points out that Islam is not indigenous to Algiers as it was a Roman Christian state before it was Islamic.

North Africa and Algiers is also where the modern Islamic experiment  began induced by the Muslim Brotherhood and Syed qutb in which Marxism mixed with Islamic teachings (including Kaaba meditation) induced the Muslim to believe that only they alone (doctrinally) were the real Islam causing father to kill son and families to kill each other. A continuing never ending revolution into total chaos, societal breakdown and anarchy. Since Islam is void and without true spirituality, the spiraling revolution led to a void of violence. Exporting this is is the current plan. This is mentioned and discussed in the first 50 paras from the start of this Chapter 3, and in the documentary "The power of nightmares"

Colonel Mike A Smith gives an overview of the current US military situation. How did this situation come about.

Clearly the aim is to suggest America is not at war abroad or at home. Colonel Smith in contrast to the article by 'Salon' shows that is a fiction created in the media. Clinton's policies will (and you can read her Saul Alinsky thesis 2 paras below ) destroy the middle class. In effect the incomes of lower and middle class are lowered to slave labour in practice (as is the case in Venezuela ) and in Venezuela the working class are working for 12 cents an hour.

There is less confusion in France with has just closed 20 mosques (1.8.2016) which in Germany are filled with armaments and explosives and preach sharia domination.

The priest beheading in France is an act of war and it follows a Nigerian pastor (female) who was killed, beheaded and dismembered in early June 2016. (similar in 2014) The act was committed by the insane in Islam. Whilst the controversy in the last paragraph is complex (except if you read the Fatima in Portugal fraud in which Islam believes Fatima, Mohammed's daughter actually spoke through Mary to the Children of Fatima which is of course also complete nonsense) it was Pope Francis who sounded the Christian genocide committed by Islam in 2014 (when Hillary Clinton was still in office) and which was also sounded by the Knights Templar and Protestant churches.  This also follows the immigration debate, including the latest Khan Trump debate  in which real immigration crimes (USA Visa scandals 2015) have been committed linked to the (EU visa passport frauds) corruption and bribery as illegal immigration of people who want to kill Christians and who are not (by 80%) actually Syrian (see chapter 3 above) Mr Khans son was a serving US officer, yet illegal immigration is rife, and it has parallel the Christian genocide in which Hillary Clinton and Obama are funding the Christian genocide in 2013. This is aside from the attacks on US soil and Europe. There is no concern or press statement from Obama on the Christian genocide but he did take the time to make a denouncement of Donald Trump in the Khan matter. Obama is still denying  genocide in August 2016 and had denied the Armenian Genocide

Mr Khans son was a tragic loss yet the Obama and Clinton administration and its Muslim brotherhood administration dump cremated USA soldiers ashes in landfill area without concern This is against the backdrop of a Muslim US army officer who killed 13 army people and injured 30 at Fort Hood army base in 2009, and the Chattanooga attacks by Mohammad Youssuf Abdulazeez in the Summer of 2015 in which killed four marines and a sailor. Security issues are lost and Mr Khans father like Sayid Qutb is a Muslim brotherhood supporter who advances Sharia law. 

The landfill body disposal which began in 2008 continued up until 2013. Obama and Clinton do not care about them (John Kerry replacing Hillary Clinton, has made that statement in March 2016, but Obama has yet  to make a statement) or Mr Khans son or Christians in the Middle East (in which Syrians were left to die under Russian occupation whilst Iran is armed with nuclear weapons and the Ukraine is hovering between freedom and Clinton's and Obama's polices) Mr Khan supports the Muslim Brotherhood ? whose stated aim is to destroy the west  (and also by Sharia law as Britain's Muslims admit)

The Battle of Algiers (added 20.08.2016) was won by France yet  the power of nightmares documentary suggests there is no threat from Soviet Russia. Clearly this is now proven as error. Following the Russian advance into Syria (with WMD) and the Crimea with WMD and now Turkey and Iran with WMD, (long range missiles see posts above) the Chinese communist Russian alliance has also worked to control the Dollar to buy US debt, causing its exports  to flourish by currency manipulation and in owning  that debt dictate the Wests military plans (see next heading down TTIP & NAFTA & others ) This limits spending on the military, softens its intent (transgender gay Muslim toilets etc ) allows the Muslim brotherhood to run a war (unsuccessfully and pay Iran to arm your enemies ) when they are even classed as criminals now in Egypt where Syed Qutb began, as yet they have not converted to Christianity in Washington. Overall it reduces the military scope and machinery. You do not need a Phd from Berkeley, Yale Harvard or Columbia to know that is happening from the top down and has continued thanks to Obama and Clinton who are endangering  the security of the West. What the power of nightmares documentary discusses i.e. what the neo - conservatives and the followers of Leo Strauss  are discussing with soviets covertly employed in US military intelligence along with the Muslim brotherhood, is they are  subverting and destroying the USA from the inside and this is best understood in the film "No way Out" with Kevin Costner   ( or here  ) 

The Soviets tell you how they do it  (as many defectors also do )  as related in the last and following videos and/or links and in the paragraphs 2 above, and it is a Soviet  invention not  German alone by employing subversive social polices and theories which the Soviets themselves do not subscribe to in any way ( Cultural Marxism as class war fro example, yet and  but there is only one 'Human race' etc) and this matches the economic evidence. Unions who vote to protect Workers rights are seeing this anarchy and destruction in Venezuela today which can employ people for 12 cents and hour (and this matches Hillary Clinton's University thesis on Saul Alinsky which in practice destroys the working and middle class. Full tax hikes here) Hillary Clinton disagreed with Alinsky, as she says the USA could be (in her view) destroyed from the inside, but not for the greater good, or to build up but to ruin the country (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 and 5) The founding fathers of America tried to make a free economic system. Marxists also tried but have not satisfied true economic freedom and Hillary Clinton's takeover of the USA means the Muslim brotherhood, Sharia law (see next paras) and censorship. Sharia law courts  are being established in the USA now. Huma Abeddin, Hillary's aide works for Saudi which is apartheid and against womans rights. (the Muslim brotherhood who killed Malcolm X and who are killing African Christians across the continent)

These policies of course undermine the US constitution from the inside as Sharia law is laid down first before all other religions or views are banned or killed. Obama prays to Allah and effectively  bans ALL other religions in the Whitehouse and Hillary Clinton prays at a mosque with other democrats  whilst encouraging  the takeover of the USA with mass illegal migration in the Jihad. (hence illegals are mooted as being allowed to vote ? when Americans cannot vote in other countries ? This is why all people across class and ethnicity people in Britain voted to leave the EU and of course its a million miles from Saul Alinskys community aims. Islam is at war with the west and it  can brainwash a 12 year old in Turkey to blow up a wedding party and themselves with it. No nation or empire has ever perfected their economic system as yet, and on this page we have covered other alternatives such as the Shemittah, as biblical Debt Jubilees are a economic instrument of worth. They correct the economic cycles if applied. Modern economics are spiraling out of control as a method of modern warfare.

As you read further on you will note that China is buying USA debt ? why ? Russia will side with China against the West and Russia has invaded Syria and now China (23/08/2016) is making its presence known there. On 24.08.2016 Russian and China backed Turkish tanks roll into Syria (after Turkey bombed all sides in Syria including  the Kurds who want a separate nation of their own away from Turkey) Obama and Clinton have lost the war and there is still no worldwide anti war protest against Russia and China.

Of course Russia and China and Islam are at war with the West but getting the west to pay for it and export its armies west is the ingenious part. (including taxing the middle clash out of existence )The Battle of Algiers shows you can win against it without mass causalities. (Angela Merkel after the Germany invasion is now seeking a safe zone for immigrants, as Russia resets its relations with Turkey but  both have encouraged the invasion of the West 8.8.2016)

According to Obama and Clinton and Justin Truedeau Islam is not at war with the West, and Obama still refuses to acknowledge the Christian genocide in the middle east. Do they work for the west? of course not.

The illegality of the Iraq war in 2003 / 2004 must also be contrasted against the illegality of the Islamic occupation of the Middle East, North Africa, Africa and Asia and the Christian genocide. If the Iraq illegality is accepted then Islam should also retreat back to Saudi Arabia from where it has ( illegally by war and Jihad ) moved across the earth. The Muslim brotherhood is not a religion but a death cult.

Obama and Hillary Clinton (who have both proved they are criminals, In front of the FBI and the worlds public and amidst the Christian genocide overseen by them and the Muslim brotherhood on their staff), yet the prosecution by Loretta Lynch was supposedly prevented as the Clintons had threatened her if she had brought a prosecution ?. Have the Muslim brotherhood taken over the US Justice system also ?  (WikiLeaks has a different view again )

Obama and Clinton have tried to sell TTIP as a bulwark protection against China and Russian trade when in fact under NAFTA (see post above dated 07.06.2016) China has still managed to buy land in the USA and purchase Americas debt and its currency and import its people, when America should be exporting its manufactured goods to China, buying its debt and sending its people to work there. Greece in its  (unsolvable?) debt crisis has had to sell an Island to China.  NAFTA is (becoming) a tri-lateral trade agreement and the world Trade Organisation the USA is in,  is allowing this type of "protection" to exist. Britain is in (or was before Brexit) zone 2 of the future NAFTA 10 trade global areas.

Remember Obama and Hillary Clinton have lost every war since 2008, including the Arab uprising, Libya, Egypt, Syria, the on-going re-invasion of Iraq (which was first put forward by Bill Clinton and the UN) These war disasters are in effect  "owned" by the debt holders China who benefit from the continued partial success of the USA  in those areas. China whilst buying even more debt the wars run up allows its currency to drop in value below the dollar, improving and boosting its exports. It is incredible. Russia and China are taking control in Syria and the Middle East and killing people without protest. The EU integrationists who scream immigration should resign and go to live in Russia and China and the new Silk Road area and persuade them to take up their philosophy. The Gulag or in China the fate of the Fulan Gong awaits them. After every bomb they have screamed more immigration and even after Brexit they continue to clamour for even more immigration. It is trafficking and warfare not a world trade system.

TTIP & NAFTA & others

China began by buying USA debt massively for years, and is now dumping it, but it still owns $1.25 Trillion of US treasuries  down from $1.35 trillion in November 2013 (notes, iou's and bonds) And in dumping some and keeping  most it means it can keep its exports high as the dollar's value will be higher than the yuan but not too high. China is exporting into the USA and the manipulation of the currency (keeping it low but the price of money rises) helps keep its economy selling (the US is buying and not manufacturing for export) and this is allowed no matter if you have TTIP, NAFTA or any other trade deal  (in effect since 1993 the Clintons maintained that communist China would open its markets but  the reverse actually occurred over the 23 years since then ) . In other words China by buying the USA's debt artificially keeps its currency lower than the US which boosts its exports and in effect also buys the US. This is not natural and it is planned this way. It is manipulating its currency artificially.

TTIP also ends Mexico (which had to fight under NAFTA to keep its lands Mexican i.e. not privatised but this is never mentioned) and Canada as actual countries.

You will note that with all the economic collapse's the national debt does not collapse (in every country) Internally many holders (agencies) of the us debt (internally in the us) could exchange their treasury debt for cash, but they never do. When every country in the world exceeds 100% of GDP in debt, the system may become so absurd as to force a calamity. The world trade organisation in many areas has failed, leading to the new TTIP deal. It has advantages for the US and EU but not far enough or strong enough, and reform of the currency and debt manipulations eventually override any long term tariff and tax deal.

The west needs a stronger trade deal (TTIP, KORUS and CETA and the TTPA) New trade deals are underway globally. Hillary Clinton and Obama threatened to withdraw from these deals in 2008 when running for election as ! they were not strong enough ? Clinton and Obama threaten to withdraw from NAFTA in 2008 but this was a deal brokered by Bill Clinton in 1993 onwards? when jobs were outsourced to China. Obama and Clinton however advise Britain not to withdraw from the EU ? The evolution of Clintons trade deal change of opinions down the years) Both Obama and Clinton (Bill Clinton 1994) have not grappled with the real economy and they are not standing for election to do so.

It is believed that NAFTA and TTIP may extend the USA constitution over other lands but since the constitution is weakened and is not being applied in the USA (even) this replacement Patriot act version over the constitution instead becomes a blanket against the aims of the constitution of the USA and against Britain and against the EU by stealth and could allow (for example) the Chinese communist party laws or a watered down version (for now) to instead overtake the West. We are told that China and Russia are not engaged in warfare against the west ? but all economic indicators and facts suggest otherwise. It is not for your liberation.

The Economist explains some of the problems but does not address this question of the wests debt demise.

Real jobs in vast quantities have been lost in these deals and although jobs have been created overall they are poor in comparison with real skilled jobs which have been lost to a far higher degree. Russia and China (claim) state TTIP shuts them out but since China owns the USA under and in the NAFTA years (when debts have increased) then TTIP and TPP are not going to change the debt arrangements. These deals are better than stagnancy ( a pig in a poke) but are like poorer versions of what could be achieved. This is why Clinton and Obama have changed their views so often over so many years they do not have a real policy. As you can see from the two or three previous posts above the financial analysis on the closed EU structure is sending it downward into (50 % in some cases) high unemployment, debt and waste similar to how the USSR collapsed in 1991. 

TTIP to Obama and Clinton is not going to protect "the west" and as (as one example) it promotes Obamas / Clinton brand masters Monsanto and GM foods (which Russia and Germany have rejected. Germany and Russia are not natural allies)

To actually understand what Is happening in the world (from the food you eat, the ground its grown within, and the natural environment around you don't look to conspiracy theories, listen to what is actually happening and the timeframe these matters are openly  planned within. A central tenant of the world's planning system, called  the 'demographic transition'  (which communist  elite Leninist  eugenicists like Obama and Clinton subscribe to) as the overall social engineering package which is taught at some PhD levels but mainly to be learnt after years of work. A planned policy of UK and EU social engineering with emphasis on northern Europe population reduction over 20, to 50 years' time frames. 1. Methods of depopulation.   2 Phases of depopulation    (Chem trails in airplanes are a hoax, but population control and reduction are openly taught at university postgraduate level and higher)

Shocking as this is, it is not the sci – fi  "B movie" scenarios normally found in these matters. However it exists and some proponents actually believe the aims are for the survival of humanity. It is frowned upon in the UK and in the EU and the counter policies of clean food, soil and non-chemically controlled society (organic food and clean soil and water) makes more sense in this light.  Many "green parties" (who are eugenic fronts as opposed to genuine beneficial societal problem solving political parties) follow these views without actually achieving their publicised views. Britain in Brexit may have more control over its food output (export, import and national consumption) and the cities and farmers should unite on this issue. These population policies grow out of the lefts erroneous view of the Universe, which are in error and the world could easily sustain 20 or 40 billion people with thought and planning. The exact opposite view of their policy is to go forward and multiply or at least try your best. Micro managing populations into extinction or huge reduction is a eugenics policy brought forward by legislation which in many cases is never even read or analysed. Tribal survival and growth also encompasses economics and politics of course. GMO foods are one more method in this thinking. The current focus is to reduce and/or replace Europe's population.(which is another reason people want reform of it)

Britain rejected Obama and Clinton in Brexit, yet Obama and Christine Lagarde are saying that the British vote is not legal only advisory and they should be listened to, not the voters. Pro – democracy  and the people ? not at all, and this is something America should think through with Obama and Clinton. Imagine the one giant EU super-state with one large border all around the 700 million people. No border security at all is planned for such an entity. Internal trade and open borders means slavery under TTIP and the disintegration of the west planned and delivered.  All national countries would be phased out in one go. This is rejected by Brexit and warned about by Brexit supporters. This is anti – European, anti – north European and Britain and abandons Europe in favour of communist China ?

Britain, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Cornwall

July 1st marked the 100th year of the battle of the Somme. The first day of the Battle of the Somme resulted in  57,470 casualties and the battle lasted 141 days. The first day's casualties brought complete shock in Britain and it is estimated that 80% of those first days casualties did not need to occur. This is analysed in the documentary "The Great War, The Somme W1"   and explained completely. British, French, Irish, Welsh and Scots died in the battle and of course Belgium and Germans also in vast numbers. The documentary raises more questions than it answers. One man who was caught in the battle was J.R.R. Tolkien who wrote the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and who lamented the war describing how war had changed from foot soldiers and cavalry to machines and steel. His experiences of horror inspired his writings and he shared a dialogue with C.S.Lewis over this and many issues. Tolkien was a deep thinker and his shock at the enormous amount of casualties led to his deep opinions in the Lord of the Rings. Both wars including World War 2 have shaped relations with Europe in Britain.

Modern Israel grew out of World War 1 and Europeans fought in World War 1. Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany in 1899 visited Israel and was inspired by its future possibilities which will continue to grow (greater Israel)

Already (3 weeks after Brexit) the case for a federal union in the UK  (vocalised by Lord Salisbury and John Major etc) is brought forward and has been a solution awaiting the current day. It is pointed out that Ulster and Scotland voted to remain in the EU, (and both may have a referendum on remaining within the EU)  Lord Salisbury and John Major also state the House of Lords should be replaced, although the second chamber argument in Ireland (the senate) was something Ireland wished to retain. The federal union may not be enough for nationalists who point out that their sovereignty is also an issue in referendum like Britain's is. The question of sovereignty of Gibraltar and the line of Mary Queen of Scots in Scotland and the shared monarchy debate (Scotland Monarchy and Britain Monarchy is also raised) although the previous Scottish referendum on independence voted to remain in the UK and may do exactly the same again given the opportunity.

The issue of the EU (leave or remain) was not within the Scottish referendum vote in 2015. The labour party in such a vote may ask people to vote (in Scotland) to leave the EU having just asked the UK to remain in the EU in a further Scottish referendum. This is why a new party or continued conservative / snp is likely to be the party choices for some time. Whichever scenario unfolds immigration was and is the most important issue, as nationalism wants a recognized country whatever its status. Nicola Sturgeon following meetings with (on other issues) Teresa May the New Prime minister has said it is possible for Scotland to be in the Union of the UK but with Scotland in the EU and Britain outside of the EU. (i.e. keeping the Union but Scotland in the EU with Britain outside) The SNP have also suggested a new currency for an independent Scotland to replace the pound (17 - 19 / 7 /2016 ) This has implications in Europe as many regions may want too break away from the rest of a single country and out of the EU or one region may want in and the rest of the country may be out (regions in effect breaking away not the whole country from the EU)  It could also mean that Ulster could stay out of the EU with the Republic in the EU (in a United Ireland) by the same reasoning. The effect on EU countries is however deepening with 8 EU countries now wanting referendums on EU membership or to leave. 

Most of the scenarios are familiar to everyone and it is complicated as (also) Britain and England share the same land space incorporating two different names. Much of this page traces the ancient history and tribes of Europe and Northern Europe and you can follow them as you read down this page.

Scotland may also choose to go into the EEA yet it feels it has a separate history. As you read down in this chapter you will read of the virtues of King Alfred an incredible individual. 100 years after him and near the time of 1066 when the Normans were victorious over the Saxons in England at Hastings, a Scottish King Macbeth also lived. His life is made famous in the Shakespeare play "Macbeth" which seems to also have more authors (more than 1) than the other sublime Shakespeare plays which are masterpieces of storytelling. Macbeth was in fact a good king, loved by his subjects (but not a saint) and who reigned nearly 17 years (over 20 years before that as a Lord and both lengths of service are feats of achievement in those days when Kings may only last 3 - 7 years) and in fact Duncan was the real villain of the story. It was propaganda and is historically untrue, but these issues are not corrected over many centuries and become the story. A distinction in relations between the Normans (originally Norwegian from Norway. Norse or Normans as Northmen) who regarded Britain as a colony and the Saxons who organised a land. Later Kings including Norman kings copied Alfred's system as it was admired by them and superior. History has maligned Macbeth and is untrue. The same is true of King Alfred and his daughter, grandson and brothers. His daughter is often left out of history and spurious versions of his life have been suggested. They were in fact far sighted and they admired "Wisdom".

Therefore what is England? And just considering England

Since the days of King Alfred who really laid the foundations for England and the Magna Carta the older debate on the working class, the peasants, politics and economics is a story which has not changed from ancient days until today. The world today is caught  between the two polarizing views of Marxist  socialism and capitalism yet for most of history these were not the only respected views. The cure for this problem is suggested in the paragraphs below as one solution, but one which is tried and tested although seldom considered today. The paragraphs below also mix history, politics and economics (and examines some areas of economics which have been neglected important for national development and prosperity) and makes them contemporary subjects relevant for today (and also includes a Global view)

England would not exist without King Alfred of the Angels Saxons, but whose first title was Alfred King of the Britons. As mentioned on this website he is the only King in Britain who was given that title "the Great".

The Saxons were first a northern Germany tribe who were not quite "Germanic" but were German as far as we understand the term for Deutschland today which was made up of many Kingdoms . Britain today has 1/3 Anglo Saxon DNA. (with 2/3 Celts) By the time the Roman armies had withdrawn from Britain, the Saxons were first hired as an army protection for the Britons. They resided on Thanet Island off the Kent coast later the home of invading Vikings. Anglo Saxons and Danes formed a Heptarchy (7) of Kingdoms adjoining the western Celtic lands. Which lasted from (roughly) 500 ad to 1066 when Harold the Norman / French King was crowned at Westminster abbey (a summary is given here

Within the earliest days of the Anglo Saxons (angles land = England with the Jutes) many converted to Christianity. Only King Canute (King of England, Denmark and Norway) during this period came close to matching Alfred the Great's achievements.

The Franks and Saxons of Germany fought for supremacy of Germany until Charlemagne brought the Saxons under his rule. Alfred's mother was great granddaughter of Charlemagne who defended and stabilised a great Christian Kingdom.  The Saxons descend through the "Sceaf" line (i.e. Japheth and not Shem) whether we acknowledge these old genealogies or not is irrelevant as they match across all other genealogies of the European Royal nobility. (the last link and its page 3 or 4 paragraphs down states the following for Saxon King Alfred. Scythian's /Scots which could take some getting used to) "that King Alfred himself boldly traced his own ancestry - via the Scythians, to Japheth"

In other words the Saxon tribes are a part of those Scythian (Scot) tribes as described in the Irish book of Invasions. Germans also wear Kilts from time to time and they were worn all over Britain and Wales also. Trousers in plaid or tartan were worn by the Scythian's also over 3000 years ago. Breton and Cornwall included, also Spain and France (Normans and Celt).  Germany has a tradition of Clans with links to Scottish clans. Kilts (and trew or trousers for horseback) were wrap around cloths which also covered the body and shoulders in wool for warmth, comfort and hygiene (everywhere) and although many were plain (plaid) the colors indicated rank and purpose and they have always developed from plain wool to patterned as required or as the clans wished. War apparel is different to agricultural. Although many warring factions exist in the Euro tribes they did in fact have a common origin and (various) versions of the wrap around and kilt were worn from Scotland to Greece and into the Middle east, Egypt and Israel. Only in the last 400 years have customs radically changed even in  Britain (out of 3000 years) Euro tribes all have a common ancestry, which this web page attempts to reveal and bring into the contemporary light 

This website (from chapter 1 down) also points out (above) that the tribes named Tuatha de Danaan in pre-history were just  one tribe of the Nemedians  (from Nemed ) who first landed in Ireland and went (after splitting into three tribes) eastward into Scandinavia and into northern Europe, but all having arrived originally from the middle east region. The Scythians (see below)  were also related to the Saxons.

Charlemagne (Alfred's great grandfather) was descended through Celtic tribes from Alexander and that lineage led back to the Trojan War. The long war of the Franks and Saxons (and also Carolingian  and Merovingian) continuing into Britain and 1066 (see book 1066 and all that)

Alfred who has emerged from history was the youngest of five brothers who did not expect to become King. His mother was a Christian and he had sought out learning and the arts. On becoming  King after the death of his brothers although he fought  alongside his brother Ethelred at Ashdown in 871 Only Wessex remained of the seven Heptarchy kingdoms and after Ethelred died he became King, but immediately lost his Kingdom in successive raids by the Danes and was forced to live in the marshes and swamps of Somerset . In effect he was forced to take shelter to the peasant chiefs /  kings of the area. From this position engaging in Guerrilla warfare he managed to eventually defeat the Danes and re-institute the hepatrachy albeit half was under the rule of the Danelaw. Even a few of these areas fell to Alfred when he captured London.

This alone makes an incredible history but the truly remarkable achievement is the way in which towns or burgs were re-organised.

"Alfred built up the defences of his kingdom to ensure that it was not threatened by the Danes again. He reorganised his army and built a series of well-defended settlements across southern England. He also established a navy for use against the Danish raiders who continued to harass the coast. As an administrator Alfred advocated justice and order and established a code of laws and a reformed coinage. He had a strong belief in the importance of education and learnt Latin in his late thirties. He then arranged, and himself took part in, the translation of books from Latin to Anglo-Saxon"

Welsh and Irish scribes even up to 880 ad made numerous copies of  texts and books which became possible after translating and which were circulated around all towns or Burgs.

National prosperity, towns, trade and coinage

As the last paragraph states Alfred also "reformed the coinage". To readers of general literature, economists and planners this is the most boring and the least popular subject they could imagine, yet it has profound consequences if ignored for any society.

The decline of the West is more than just economic and its population is declining also. Western national governments have noticed.

One method of stirring interest in a fiscal economy and the revival of a national defense of a nation has been tested successfully in Denmark. The government in Denmark has solved its economic problem and its population problem in one national government television add. The two items are linked economically and have been for thousands of years. Ignore negative views denouncing breast feeding and you will have strong healthy children. Abandon abortion as contraception and the population increases by mutual consent. Heterosexuals bear the burden of procreation and why not. Every nation and continent on earth can of course stop importing, and produce their own skilled and trained workers as a serious solution. Post modernist planning failure is causing countries like Denmark and Germany and many other countries around the world to change its system and rethink its future. The Danish government has serious long term planning aspirations behind its approach. It strengthens families and nations. Simple and effective and old fashioned but inspired. Educated and skilled workers (in the baby boom + 15 to 20 years and who make up 80% of the working population) can contribute to a manufacturing exporting economy if the country is geared in that direction. If not, how can it change direction with minimal disruption ? Old fashioned economics as a tried and tested method, which has practical common sense and moves nations away from decline and strengthens national resolve.

Many populations around the world are not having enough children. Denmark above is one and so to is Japan Angela Merkel  tried to get Germans to have more children as their birth rate is falling. usually the statistics are portrayed as families having 1.67 babies (how they manage that is a mystery) 

Forbes shows that Holland, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Sweden and the United Kingdom are also suffering falling birth rates ? 

The same is occurring in the USA (according to Forbes above and/or here and here also   ) and yet immigration levels are  increasing in all these countries. It is also occurring in Africa. The economics surrounding this is reputedly distant and unconnected and yet some suggest it is also occurring because of high land prices, (which negate larger houses and private land space) high debt and the affordability of children (although the latter would add little extra cost to a family except when they reach University ) it is possible to have larger houses and well priced land and more children in working and middle class society, if an economy and mindsets are changed. To remedy this would take nationalist views and a change of economic thinking from the economics of absurdity to new ideas of finance and planning, hence the issues are never addressed as society lurches from election to election. The current mindset is built into planning attitudes and into advertising ideas in the West from the left, especially with some in Society who almost have fits when or if babies, breastfeeding and happy marriages with a 3 or 4 children are suggested ? Prosperous well planned Western Society is in decline and supposed "left wing" social ideas have created those problems. Economics and planning should not be burdened by them in working or middle class families and society. Both the left and right are questioning the rationale behind the social changes and Unions are also questioning the reduction in rights and the new economics behind societal planning. The results are destructive and not beneficial.

Communist China of course built this birth control into their society planning by asking parents to have one child only forced by legal decree (not because of over population as China is huge with lots of empty land, but because boys and men were considered more valuable) this is the same attitude of Hillary Clinton and planned parenthood.

Post modernism and its planning theories has reduced the amount of purchasing power in a economy. Population studies are geared to short term solutions with high debt levels in which people are not settling or owning (land etc) long term, and business's are either a stage on the way to stock market flotation and selling up, or they are LTD companies who do not  re-invest into society for long term jobs and skills and manufacturing. Many LTD companies are not incorporated to do that and invest globally from their outset. Starting again and developing home grown companies and corporations means the economy (any economy) would have to change. 1100 Years ago this was the prospect facing King Alfred who also needed a stable growing population over generations. 

When he had lost his Kingdom and was reduced to "poaching" in the marshes of Somerset, a vital element in the fight  back was his belief that all men shall be equal according to biblical tenants and these laws became deemings  (the deemings) which meant the nobles had to agree or the "peasants" would not fight. Some nobles were flogged if they refused but all eventually agreed. After assembling peasant and noble (at Southliegh wood in Somerset now known as Robin Hood bower) he eventually defeated the Danes at Edington in Wiltshire, and he fought them to a standstill, their leader (of the Danes) Guthrum was then baptised a Christian.

His next task was to organise angle land. Planning has followed a set pattern for centuries but the money distribution area is largely overlooked. The towns were organised to allow goods to flow in and out of a town quickly by boat (in the new Navy he instigated) or by horse and cart or by river. They were garrisoned by the army who did not take tribute or spoils, and in effect but were paid by coinage. The towns were fortified and the countryside and farming (far surpassing anything Trotsky envisioned) was also re-organised to allow efficient farming methods to produce a surplus, which fed the country and town and which then could reimburse the peasants by coinage (instead of just working by demand as a surf) making the country prosperous also, without creating huge class imbalance between town and country. Beyond a surplus the excess was stored or exported if possible. Burgs still exist as "Burroughs" today which many prefer to regional municipalities. Towns were the trade and commerce centers. Burgs still exist in Germany and they have a Burgermeister (In Saxony and wider) who is like a mayor but who is central to the chamber of commerce, and the vital need for the "volk" or folk in organizing democratically in major decisions.  The deeming's were based on agricultural laws and monetary laws of the agrarian old testament.

The burgh or Burghal system allotted "hides"  These apportioned areas, provided enough land to support a family who would produce offspring.

All of this rested upon the reformed coinage Alfred remade. After the long wars with the Vikings the previous inefficient coinage became debased. They contained only between 5 and 15 % silver and in effect the silver at the height of the wars was rationed thinner and thinner until the coins were simply  tokens of the Kings promise to pay. Buying off the Danes depleted the silver and Gold stock hence the coins had less and less as time went on ( = debased)

Alfred's coins however were 90% pure in silver and you could be hanged if you debased or clipped the coinage (taking shavings from them). Alfred created new Mints in every town (almost)

However Alfred had another secret which helped his system to grow and solidify the towns and his system of laws known as deeming's. It is a science which is very relevant today. Aside from giving the coin value in themselves as "commodity money" ( as opposed to fiat currency) Alfred also regulated the flow or amount of currency in circulation, which he understood as did his monks and scribes also affected commerce and the price of goods.

(The Lost Science and art ) As the towns were high trading towns (in a nation of shopkeepers) the prices of those goods was (is) vitally important. The value of the coins or fiat coins and notes (no value in gold or silver) is only one side of the coin. Having the correct amount of money (coin and notes) in circulation stabilises prices, if there is too little money in circulation the demand falls and the prices fall below the goods value (deflation) effecting break even trade and/or profits. If money (coin and notes) are increased too much then prices will rise and inflation of prices occurs. To monitor this rapidity of circulation (across MO to M4 money supply see chapter 2 on the adjacent website) or just MO notes and coins in this case took skilled men to feel by intuition and to calculate (hence it is a specialised area) and woman who were employed in the treasury. This obviously replaced bartering exchange labour or goods for other goods. A fruit or vegetable has a value before it has a monetary value. Alfred had this skill. Prices were commonly agreed upon and remained the same for decades and later even centuries.

In other words even though there was a seigniorage cost to the money in circulation, it was not borrowed but distributed without interest, which avoided unnecessary  inflation but also at  the right levels in circulation. See again chapter 2 in the adjacent website and the 3 images (below the 4 pdfs by 20 paragraphs or more) or 1. here  2. here  and 3. here  ( & click to enlarge when open from 1963 to 2004) In 1963 money stock debt free was 21 % in King Alfred's day it was 100%. That was half the insight along with amounts in circulation. Nothing has changed in 1100 years.

Just as China is keeping its currency artificially low by buying US debt and boosting its competitive exports (consequently), Britain by lowering the pound will boost its own exports. Further by keeping local prices low (without cutting corners on harvesting)  you do not have to reduce the minimum wage as extra export profits boost your income (as in Germany) All of this is guided by (or could or should be) national currency controls and its rapidity of circulation as described above. Money can be manipulated sensibly in this manner at this level to increase competitiveness without reducing incomes. This system compensates against lowering wages and also end AUSTERITY. This is why many German economist's are to be congratulated on achieving these systems in practice beyond (just) a theoretical debate. Oil and Gas in the north sea is not running out, but new technology may have to improve extraction efficiency which is competing with shale. There are new methods in planning and they are already in use in other countries.

The left when tackling low wage levels naturally (the Unions, left with little option) want to increase the minimum wage, but without adjusting the money supply and therefore prices the wage increases act as inflationary boosts which raise prices again. Raising the minimum wage in a very expensive economy may only provide temporary relief. This circular argument leads to the import economy for cheaper goods and cheaper labour. Instead (and it is a system which protects the worker) price stability (low prices ) and increased production to export brings real value and prosperity. This is why socialist policies are a race to the bottom instead of raising living standards

After years of the post EU "Labour party" ?, manufacturing, skilled work, apprenticeships and real wealth has declined in Scotland, Wales and England.Even countries which are pegged to the pound (Not the Euro) as Scotland also proposed instead of removing the pound have prospered by currency stability measures. Scotland's new referendum could go the way of the first but the currency debate may continue if jobs and development do not bloom in Scotland. Keeping wages above prices (not just  by a "minimum wage" differential which could be meaningless in a expensive economy) become Real Wages for wealth. Germany's innovative economy (which has these considerations) should spread to the rest of Europe in a reform instead of the EU wide austerity measures. Higher wages also mean mortgages can be afforded or new builds on very short term loans (2 - 5 years)The Brexit fears have not transpired (21/07.2016) one month later, as of course the City of London is the largest financial region in the world having (just) overtaken New York recently (see above)

This is how the home economy prospers before exports  and trade deals.

After Brexit in June 2016, the pound has fallen. The markets initially fell due largely to many banks and institutions betting against Brexit and hence turmoil was created with their losses. After this they rallied with the dow index at an all time high as US markets and British markets rise by not following anti – Brexit (Obama and Clinton) advice. American jobless continues  to rise a trend continued over the past year, with real unemployment almost twice as high as figures suggest. EU unemployment in some countries is 50 % . However now that the pound has fallen the immediate effect is prices have increased causing everyone to complain. This is because in a fat lazy western economy, importing everything means paying for it with a lower pound. (Balance of trade import / export) An export economy (exporting immediately to the towns i.e. agriculture and manufactured goods ) and then the surplus abroad requires a lower pound, and to achieve this type of economy you would require a lower pound.

To achieve that level of export you would need to organise your towns accordingly and the money supply would ensure local prices were low whilst wages and income (retail and wholesale) were higher. This then increases prosperity away from austerity. New markets (which require non GMO organic food and high quality manufactured products) and trade deals would produce a far higher profit  (Britain is negotiating trade deals with Japan, USA, New Zealand etc) This economy actually describes some wealthy Burgs and regions in Germany. In them, they  do not carry credit cards, just small amounts of cash to pay for cheap high quality food grown locally and goods and agriculture on a day to day basis, whilst regulating their currency internally. In a region this system does not impinge on exports of high cost goods which they produce themselves to export globally such as cars etc (Remember in Britain many people are buying food on credit cards to get through the week, at interest  ?)

If you achieve this level of successful organisation then you are going to have to make the goods to export. Rather than importing skilled labour you can then train apprentices to make goods by manufacturing them internally. Therefore you don't need an immigration policy just a policy which gives people (nationals) skilled trades and a future. (Localism)

This debate on money also includes credit and modern credit which also acts like coins and notes to increase prices. Credit which balloons without productivity raises prices also. Credit (which substitutes for coins and notes) for development should therefore manage inflation correctly in the MO – M4 money supply. This is the basics of a prosperous economy which took skilled finance and treasury experts to manage now and in King Alfred's day. Alfred also realized (but granted people the right to have real silver coins) that his recognized authority gave the money (with or without silver or gold value within them) value in exchange when circulating internally (but not for export payments obviously) and hence "money" may have qualities which requires authority over it and not the other way around.  

Prices low locally bring true prosperity in a manufacturing exporting economy and they encourage higher consumption of goods, which like water finds its own level before nationally exporting levels can be known. Money also then finds its own level. Some economists use this internal economy approach to then limit development but this artificial state of living is not sustainable for a societies needs. Already since Brexit it is suggested that fishing levels cannot rise as this could create ecological problems, yet other countries have fished (local waters) without restraint when importing those fish into the country ? Population levels in any nation effect how much money is required in a country. Those levels in any nation are its own decision and are not a source of statistical panic to reach required GDP projections in the future. This (description on King Alfred's changes) is largely not a description of the British economy now, which like the EU is deteriorating in many areas into a Stalinist malaise (Stalin the world's biggest mass murderer with the exception of Chairman Mao )

The paragraphs above which quotes chapter 2 (4 or 5 above) was also part of a basic survey on bonds (for local authorities and private use) and inflation and money circulation, which have historical precedent. Money circulation helps define local prices keeping them low and valuable for a thriving community.

To get an insight from a different angle into this type of basic but important foundation economy principle see the adjacent website and chapter 2 and "banking reform 1" and its 4 associated pdfs (dating from 2004 / 2005) The first one is here (1 )  (2,3, & 4 are in chapter 2 in the adjacent also which are within the first 10 paragraphs) They are designed to then also ask other questions leading to a conclusion which supports a healthy financial base in a exporting economy. They lead eventually into these questions on prices real money and credit. (even the price of electronic internet money and bitcoin etc effects prices as this money circulates) Essentially they asked 777 banks, building societies and commercial banks and construction companies (and NHS, Jersey treasury spokespeople etc) what they thought was a good idea in the economy of money, credit and interest.

Western economies and its real problems can only be solved from the basics upwards (stagnancy will only delay the inevitable changes which are required)

The pdf in the paragraph above (and all 4 pdfs on the adjacent website and with all who participated) from this survey (2nd line) was made available to all named within them whether they had participated or not. Whilst the survey questions are basic, they drew out other considerations and explained why the different types of money supply exist and why  they are important  and what their function is in a economy. What can be achieved in an economy etc. If any economy wants to thrive their obvious conclusion is to have cheap goods at home with higher wages in an exporting  economy. Changing western economies to this model would require beginning at  this level of consideration. These two websites cite many economists who have parallel ideas.

It is also important  as badly managed sovereign, federal and national debts are threatening the security of the west and therefore the Middle east. Obama and Clinton have doubled the national debts with no real plan in the future for them or their reduction (after threatening to cancel them in 2008) since 2008 and 2012. The deficit reduction (with increased national debt  slowing it monthly since 2008) plan has stalled and is now getting wider, thanks in part to the Iran oil deal. The instability increases the risk of collapse and damages exports. The last link shows reduction methods domestically within the USA but they are robbing Peter to pay Paul. National price and wage management (with low prices) with export plans will reduce the deficits over time if adhered to (and create jobs for the lower and middle class)

This essential element of an economy at its foundation is regarded as "nonsense" (or worse) by economists who admit to not understanding it how this aspect of the economy works ? and people who point out its necessity are derided or worse (by even the unemployed, and cash strapped public who do not understand the national or global financial system) but the following documentaries in the next paragraph (produced in 2011 / 2012) presents the matter in video professionally. Whilst the above four pdf's (out of which the 3 diagrams on the British  money are taken 11 paras or so above in blue) above were organised by questionnaire in 2005 to the same end, they point out its essential requirement (from the beginning of a daily trade at wholesale and retail, prices and wages are linked to the production of goods and agriculture. This money is (or should be) controlled by the public or its elected if it wishes. King Alfred simply  did it himself in his day for others. Pointing out historical figures who have pursued these question is also a marker for their validity. It provides security as international trade continues ) A solid base also supports a housing market and does not hinder it.

The chapter (2 on the adjacent  website) begins with this item. 'UK parliament to debate money creation  and also film and Video Documentary  called "97% Owned - Positive Money Cut" available on youtube follows its theme very closely. It is also an excellent documentary which relates how democracy & economic democracy is subverted, but also how full employment on high wages can produce stability. However King Alfred was the government and simply passed the system on through government and the nobles and workers, it is not a conspiracy (the money supply) as such it is simply forgotten and laid aside, and if King Alfred's money system for low prices is adhered to, bank money creation above this is fine (bank debt, mezzanine finance, venture, hybrid loans, bonds etc) if prices stay low for export with a lower pound.

From Greece and Aristophanes to Elizabeth the 1st and Thomas Gresham until today.

(30.07.2016 in Gold text paragraphs) It is incredible that society (nearly all on earth) forces itself into deeper trouble as it performs its daily buying and selling domestically. The more the daily commerce continues without adjusting the money supply the deeper the problems become. Of all the pdfs and graphics connected to this post above (from the paragraph which begins  "The Lost Science and art" downwards &  since the blue paragraphs began about 20 paragraphs up)  this one highlights the problem in one image (It Is also in the main document  here on page 20 and see pages 18 – 20) You note the divergence between the Money Stock ( MO – M4) and Total domestic debt (M4 lending) and then towards the bottom of the graph "Coins & Notes MO"  They correlate. Increasing this last branch or part of the money stock (pages 18 & 19) to even 1979 levels reduces inflation and therefore prices stabilise. Exports are then more competitive, wages increase but prices are affordable. The EU has lost this control over its fiscal policy (and many EU countries due to debt are expensive now as a result of problems in their economy which only increased inflation into bust can correct) but even in Britain which has retained control over fiscal policy (the pound) it lost this other control over as described in this paragraph and above.

The five types of Money supply ( MO TO M4 lending or here MO - M4 ) can carry different interest rates. In a export  led economy banks still make large profits as they do with different loans risk types.The MO is different however and can benefit the economy across the board if thought through correctly as a base to build an economy upon. The bank of England now has 0.25 interest rates at the base rate ( it is more important to create jobs and exports than to pander to savers only. Increased prosperity makes saving money easier and even low interest still matches inflation ) Low prices (food, clothes and goods) mean you can buy those goods without overly reducing savings.  MO could be zero interest  (and often is over centuries) and note it circulates and returns to source. In King Alfred's day it would not carry interest, but other loans abroad or for specific tasks could carry interest charges separately (even though the money originates from the same source) In America the federal reserve system did not exist when the founding fathers were alive (and who wrote or ensured the US constitution) yet a bank for the banks (a central bank of last resort) would have developed at some point anyway even by the founding fathers. The USA was built on low taxes and this is the system especially the Tea Party advocates fiscal conservatives want to return too. (Society will always  have ground swell people with or without help. Ask the jobless in the Rustbelt in the USA today ) In the post above dated 15.06.2016 and down 5 green sub - headings  to the sub heading "Jersey and Channel Islands" you will see an example of how one school was procured and constructed and the cost paid down by manageable agreed taxation in 2 or 3 years. (It is possible in a balanced system not to pay it down if accounted as an asset everyone owns balancing the books. Just as some Christian communities built barns for each other the cost was spread and written off in return for future labour on their barns. A simple explanation but effective)This would require a funding model from the above MO to M4 but decided upon in advance. MO would be needed for this model) 

The same problem exists in Quantitative Easing and the following diagrams from the BBC explaining Q E  points out inflation occurs despite low interest rates. The MO supply is not given a separate status to boost local prices and exports. (which is also why the quantitative easing and austerity debacle has not worked to full effect or created prosperity)

01.September. 2016 Straight after Brexit as mentioned above the pound fell in value boosting exports, but on the 1st September 2016, the Pound began to rise (or Jump as the article states) again in the export surge. Manufacturing surged rising the pounds value, and as mentioned this reduced pound (in value) meant imports were more expensive, including for firms who import parts and also manufactured goods. These products could have of course also be made within Britain and not be imported. Top avoid low wages you adjust the "MO" increased exports then pay good wages. They used to be made inside Britain once and this is how you get full employment and less imports in a export manufacturing economy. As this increases and it is difficult for any economy to go through but one which provides long lasting prosperity and employment. This is when a start up new business attitude matters and young people should be funded to start apprenticeships towards skilled labour not just service industries.It is one of the absurdities of a modern economy that people sit idle whilst importing everything. China is currently keeping its currency below the Dollar, pound and Euro whilst exporting everything and making its goods itself. That is the crux in any economy including in the USA. Keeping a currency lower for exports relies upon a "MO" money circulation to be higher than 4% and free in this area only up to at least 20 %in order to tip the scales to make an exporting economy work. China for instance allows Gold to be exchanged fro its currency and vice versa, but even without this a non inflationary circulation "MO" bouys the economy at ground level. China and Russia as mentioned are hoarding Gold for its own purposes hoping for an economic global collapse) 

Europe is going to have to change to this type of competitive economy and this is why it was mentioned as a factor of the EU break up (unless it is changed) European banks owe (so far in the stress tests) or need a $166 Billion bailout and Germany may nationalise some of its banks as occurred in the 2008 banking crisis. (although its economy is strongest) These problems come post Obama's threat on Brexit (April 2016 before Brexit) and again in the G20 in September 2016. Donald Trump has promised a front of the queue stance  and make a new trade deal with Britain, as Obama leaves office in 2 months time in November 2016. Obama threatened the UK and punish the UK for Brexit. Hillary Clinton supported Remain and was against Brexit. In other words do not have recognized borders and keep to the previous almost Stalinist EU doctrine which has led to the Wests decline and which  any change of direction from is counter threatened by eastern countries who want a weak West. Countries can build their own SME's, companies and  corporations from the ground up in any area. Export out or import and decline with large debt and heavy taxation.

The problem of taxation or rather building our needs in group funding finance is possible whilst keeping low taxation. Spending is therefore possible but it needs to be paid down at some point or the deficit actually eliminated and not just promised in future balance of payments spending.  Europe has higher taxation but it  is clean, efficient, well run and it introduces energy ideas (for home profit) into the grid to boost profits for domestic homeowners as a second income. Other ideas such as multi funded entities (which include charitable streams combined) companies are also possible and are discussed in the adjacent website. Whatever you decide (and Britain has decided to tax itself and not be  taxed by the EU in the same way as the Tea party has decided. Post Brexit Britain still has rising house prices, jobs and exports). The adjacent website cites DR Mathias Kroll, Irving Fisher Phd and  Nobel prise winner who made similar schemes work in reality. Whilst here we cite King Alfred and Sir Thomas Gresham. and others. Potentially they could all be in a Tea party and satisfied and conservative in the special relationship which is not effected by fiscal prudency. A combination of many  models would work but the central question is fiscal liberty. The federal reserve bank or any bank could work in this way also. Many stock market analysts and economic micro / macro professionals are saying that tipping point is approaching as a new crisis under the surface of the last 5 and 10 years, and something (else) needs to be done.

This "coin and notes MO" is produced without interest (pages 18 – 20) but still (like King Alfred) has seigniorage charges to the treasury or Crown. How the Queen or any nation spends that money (and their is a significant cost burden to the money distribution system) is subject to Gresham's law (bad money  drives out  good) which is reversed by "Theirs law"  (almost) This problem is also discussed by Aristophanes' in  the 5th century bc  Greece, but also by Queen Elizabeth 1st who had to correct her father's (Henry 8th & also Edward VI) oversight in this issue which Gresham later gave assistance upon to Elizabeth 1st   In good times it is the first item to be overlooked but with disastrous consequences.  80 % of any population work for wages or buy and sell as self-employed they do not trade on the stock market for instance, although they may be shareholders in a company. This is why however King Alfred was called the Great because he also achieved prosperity in this art as well succeeding in faith and warfare. Its correction creates solid conditions for a thriving export economy, (reducing imports and can add young local apprenticeships as real skills and trades as mentioned above) and of course it cannot be dented in the case of a downturn (and therefore protects jobs and wages and the workers) as it keeps its place in the money stock to revive an economy again.

At the other end of the market Jason Buruck predicts a European Bank collapse   the reason for this, is the hidden debt bubbles which Obama and Clinton have built up via international economic policies. Also the massive losses banks (100s of Billions) and hedge funds made betting on the Remain vote (in Brexit) has destabilised many funds and loans (see Jason's view in link above). Dun and Bradstreet give advice on Brexit  (but it does not mention the imports costs are also part of the negotiations on leaving, or the Billions, Britain pays into the EU which will be saved) over the coming months, the "Article 50" period and the two year period of withdrawal from the EU. Dun and Bradstreet corresponds to a few reports which show a negative impact, but in the context of the last 5 years these negatives were building silently but significantly (again see Jason above) All of the reports including Dun and Bradstreet show exports are soaring. If Jason is correct then Britain has escaped a problem, which is another reason the EU needs reform not collapse (whether it chooses a new EU superarmy or continues with Nato which would form its core anyway. Since each country would contribute to its budget then this new funding model also requires financial security reform).

All of this continues as Islamic state are causing civil war in France and Germany where they can behead a catholic Priest during morning  mass in France 

Turkey and the attempted coup within it would have been the best thing to happen to Turkey since it was a part of Greece. Turkey has been playing  Suad and Iran against each other (and who are in effect at war) but also allowing Turkey to become a conduit to allow the invasion of Europe to proceed (where 4 out of 5 'migrants' are not Syrian according to Eurostat) It is actually a threat to Greek and European security and Nato (and the EU super army) and it has in effect  declared war against the west.(illegal immigration used as a smokescreen against criticism) Ben Carson also points out a safe zone is required within the middle east.

2.8.2016   Jasons prediction on the European banking collapse seems accurate as the European bank stress tests   have revealed major problems in all the banks. It is hard to say if they will improve or remain the same over the short and medium term. The blame for the economic turmoil is firmly with Clinton and Obama, who are also to blame for the Islamic state Europe invasion as they are for the Christian genocide in the Middle East. The democrats and Clinton are now apologising to Bernie Sanders for illegally rigging the primary elections against him ? and (sanders supporters) have booed the democrats out of their own convention (the emails revealing all of this also reveal anti Latino "outreaches" to Latinos (as "taco bell" outreaches) from the democrats and that Hillary Clinton, who also wanted to build a wall between USA and  Mexico  in 2008 ? (without mentioning the drug smuggling reasons behind the topic which the USA and Mexico share see posts above) The democrats incited riots and demonstrations against Republican meetings based on their views of these matters all over America, yet they held those views and provoked the riots. 

Boris Johnsons (the foreign office secretary of state ) analogy on Hillary Clinton and the democrats is coming true as the election draws on.

The long Democrat Con is undermining the USA, culturally, economically, the military and middle and working class jobs and the constitution, it's incredible and America is watching hardly able to believe it. Wanting to protect jobs and create jobs at home is not a 'narrow economic outlook'

Most economists in the distraction of farcical politics (which Ben Carson described as disgusting as a non-politician shocked by the process of election hypocrisy in which Obama has deported more illegal immigrants than any other president whilst Clinton and Obama rant the traditional democrat line against Republicans. In Germany migrants store weapons in Mosques and kill Germans in several recent attacks, and in Greece mosques are forced upon the country in its financial and political malaise. Ben Carson would seal the borders like other countries do and allow legal immigration ) 

The news concentrates on the stockmarkets and global trade issues. The money supply issue is obscure and is made out to be irrelevant, yet major figures in history realized that over 5, 10 or 20 years without scrutinizing this part of an economy that it would lead to economic instability and then ruin. Ironically if corrected it strengthens everyday national economies and also the local banks who benefit from the increased activity from exports and also small business who can increase wages whilst margins increase also for greater profits. As an alternative to low wage or in third world countries the "sweat shop" economy, then its importance, albeit less exciting than other economic initiatives becomes clearer. 

Read from 07.06.2016 & 15.06.2016 (above) and this post dated 14.07.2016 down and especially the last 2 red sub - heading above, if you do not have this type of planning  and economy then the NAFTA, TTIP deals etc will work against you, this is why they are flawed. The West needs to re-organise from the ground up to export without unstable economics locally and nationally. The aim of the new trade deals is to strengthen the West by reducing tariffs across the EU and USA, and into the pacific, but it is based on a model of economics (in western national countries)  which will suit Russia and China, and not protect against them.

It needs to be stressed that this internal economy does not stifle or take away from external trade but it does need to be monitored. It does not interfere with the stock market and actually bolsters mortgages and bonds giving them a stronger base from Wall Street, the City to Germany etc. Creating a boom without a bust. This is the real regulation required (to let goods and manufacturing flourish) but it is not considered. Western economies instead go around in circles without grabbing the bull by the horns towards economic truth.

If your local councillors and MP's and chambers of commerce do not practice or realise these finance and economic policies ? then what use are they ?

It is interesting that Alfred's daughter (the Lady of the Mercian's) who was also a Christian stabilised the towns northwards into Tamworth (where she was buried) Chester and York (and others) with her brother Edward. When she died Edward struggled as he did not have the same mind as his sister. After Edward, Alfred's grandson Athelstan became King and he followed Alfred's way and once again restored the country. An extraordinary man, but who believed his faith was the real key and mystery.

Magna Carta. 200 years after Alfred his laws (the 'deemings') paved the way for the Magna Carta (1215 ad)  King John allowed the proclamation of the Magna Carta and the nobles (in this case) made sure it was proclaimed and spread throughout England. However once it was established he reversed his decision and began to retract his consent and began to persecute, imprison and kill the nobles (the first Barons war ) and anyone else who stood in his way. This is the difference in Spirit between King Alfred and King John. A stand against King John at Rochester Castle led to his downfall. (The Templar's were present at Rochester and splits in the Templar's and other orders arose before and after this period) The upheaval in England gave rise to the story of "Robin Hood" (not his actual name) who is first named circa 1390 from earlier sources. This first mention of Robin Hood is related in"Piers Ploughman"  by William Langland ( a poem of analogies and conscience) related here in original Saxon which surprises people when they hear it as it is not full Saxon as spoke in Germany but is a mixture of Scandinavian and Saxon (and French was also spoken in England at this time along with Welsh Gaelic) King Alfred stands out as he united everyone at all levels, whereas later monarchs and nobles lost the will of the people who rebelled. 

The Norman invasions overturned Alfred's deemings and later the Magna Carta restored them. War was expensive and Robin Hood lived at the time of the Crusades and fought in the Crusades before returning home to find martial law and injustice in the land which was against King Alfred's deemings and the Magna Carta. "Robin Hood" wanted Alfred's deemings to return as did the rebels in the land and apply also to the "peasants" again. The Magna Carta was a Royal charter which was also (mostly) admired by the Levellers in the English civil war   period.(1642) the following video briefly explains the different factions in the English Civil War  . The Levellers spirit (shown in this documentary, and which is not'socialism' as we understand today, and that was not what the Levellers fought for, see next chapter ) was also a part of the rockband of the same name. (or here) There is not much left wing debate on the national money supply and competitive exports which result from its sound management.

Common law (Deemings and Magna Carta  Runnymeade and Rochester) was to include all class levels (the Levellers tried to exclude some surfs as they suspected these bonded surfs would vote only as their masters wished. Socialism stifles all class levels and does not allow natural development. see chapter 4 and 5 in the adjacent website ) Many in the lowest class in soviet Russia for example post revolution (1917 - 1919) preferred to work for the non communist party as opposed to starving in the fields or  in a gulag and they voted Lenin out in the first real soviet election.  Prior and post the English revolution many freed slaves in the middle ages were freed from Islamic and Arab slave masters (1450 - 1650) who traded and enslaved millions of Europeans (and African slaves) If they won their freedom they were determined to vote as they saw fit back in England (if they made it back) or in the Colonies in the America's. The Magna Carta and King Alfred's Deemings were based upon Moses and New Testament law as common law and assumed people in all class levels should be just. Parliament could also become corrupted and ineffective and unjust.

Keeping people fighting internally in a nation keeps them distracted and focused on race. Hillary Clinton is a supporter of Margaret Sanger who (like Clinton) wants to exterminate  blacks (and anyone and everyone proving that no lives matter) To achieve that she would need to be in power for twenty years, but elections keep getting in the way. Dinesh D'Souza's new film Hillary's America shows the truth against Africans and Mexicans  ( or here) and as a racist generally. Beating Bernie Sanders in the primaries, Mussolini (ll Duce) would have been shamed. 

Tribal differences are one thing, Margaret Sanger type Genocide is another.

In the USA the democrats have whipped up riots and hatred ( for details see the paragraph which begins "2.8.2016   Jasons prediction" 10 paragraphs up) with the aim of disarming the people under Hillary Clinton and installing  martial law. (if it is allowed to fester and escalate) In Islamic countries this dictatorship takeover ploy from the inside is a feature of the Muslim Brotherhoods plan of operations, who are employed within the US government under Clinton and Obama (which includes control of the media which downplays Russia's bombing of hospitals in Syria in March 2016 and by Assad in August 2016 and by Turkey in August 2016 and China's supply of weapons to Assad and Russia)

The west under threat ) The farcical nature of western politics disguises the true problems (aside from debt and China's profiting of USA debt  and control of the war) European banks need $165 Billion as a bailout straight away, and this is just the beginning of the problem which is hidden in the west and globally. Britain in the Brexit has escaped this bank problem in the EU and this is further discussed by Nigel Farage and Donald Trump 24.08.2016 in relation to the US elections and who are acting in the Wests interests in face of the Eu's economic system which needs to change for all in the EU 

China and Russia according to Forbes 12.08.2016 (and the rest of the information seems to support that view, see also chapter 5 on the adjacent website on North Korea) are allies with North Korea in the new war amidst security concerns for South Korea. North Korea could go 'rouge' and China and Russia would or could have no knowledge of it officially. Iran is pre-paring for war. 29.08.2016 This is a disaster for the west and it has happened on the democrats watch. Islam is at war with the West, and defense against that war would take a larger force against them (i.e. Nato + others which is the reason Nato is being discussed ) 

A part of that war has been to undermine the USA over the last 10 years and under Clinton and Obama.

Islamic law is unjust and has no substance or universal weight, and the new administration in the USA since 2008 would supplant and undo Magna Carta and the USA constitution and British Parliament with it (by Sharia law and wider) by non democratic means which is an impeachment issue in the USA and a form of domestic terrorism. Slavery, torture, imprisonment and murder by Islamic countries ( towards non - Muslims and Muslims and towards Woman) which has been a feature of the suppressed Christian genocide, has shown which civilization has justice and which has none. (see David Starkey's documentary on Magna Carta below)

1. Magna Carta  2 Magna Carta 3. Magna Carta with a right to justice and a fair trial and taxation sense and the rule of law) paved the way for England's modern Parliament and was endowed with 'Liberties' for the people and shone on through the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and was very influential on the American revolution( circa  1765 to 1783) and Americas current constitution which is under attack over the last ten years.( longer documentary next )  

David Starkey's documentary on Magna Carta which outlines the development of one of the most influential documents in history.

Whether you have a King or a Parliament or Republic, (but not an Islamic state or a Communist state or a totalitarian regime) the quality and efficiency of the rule is only as good as the people making decisions, those who make just decisions are servants of the people, that is their role. Without this a nation goes into decay or rebellion or both. These problems exist in every nation, and since the earliest days of Sumeria, Egypt and Israel.



(08.10.2016) The War on Terror and the USA Presidential Elections 2016

Cultural Marxism  video entitled "what is critical theory" & version which is 7 minutes 36 seconds long, (or here by Breibart ) These videos can lead to broken links as they move or are removed on you tube and  which are named in the dialogue below. The theory has many aims but ultimately seeks to eradicate spirituality.

A list of political parties & candidates and states in the election 

A dramatic development in the War on Terror came when the US congress voted to overturn President Obama's veto on the relatives of the 9/11 victims pursuing a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia for its alleged involvement in 9/11. A previous lawsuit earlier in 2016 named Iran for its involvement in 9/11 and $10 Billion dollars was awarded to the families from Iran. It is hinted that the ISI Pakistan's intelligence guided payments to the United Arab Emirate hijackers (2 people) and hijackers from Lebanon and Egypt as well as the Saudi hijackers (19) Obama and Clinton so far have awarded Iran nearly $170 Billion dollars as part the Iran deal.  ($150 + Sweetner deals)

The law suits co-inside with the revelation that top secret hacking tools were stolen from the NSA in August 2016 leading to internal investigations to uncover the Russian moles and operatives who have infiltrated the NSA and high US government. The Pakistan bomber and a Clinton approved Somalia refugee are now charged with the Maryland attacks and the New York / New Jersey bombings and atrocities in September 2016.

On 9/11 and the families of 9/11, Obama had hinted before this ruling  on Iran's involvement in 9/11 (and after the ruling, see last link) that the secret pages of the 9/11 report suggested the Saudi's were to blame for 9/11. Michael Moore the filmmaker also said that the Saudi 's were to blame. However after the families received the Iran award, Obama suggested that the Saudi's or anyone should not be open to any more lawsuits. This is his current position (i.e. bowed over) the recent ruling by congress vetoed this position.

The historical Islamic family disagreement and the rivalry between the Wahhabbi (revolutionary death cult) Saud Royal family (Sunni) and Iran (Shia) which is geo –political but also stems back to religious disagreements surrounding aspects of the Kaaba Stone, in its design and also the prominence of the relatives of Mohammed who is the originator of Wahhabbi fervour. Many of these relatives are buried around the Kaaba stone. The Kaaba stone is full of sacred geometry, based on a system of nines, it is pagan (not Monotheistic) in origin and essentially encompasses the belief in the Sun (female) Moon (Male) and Venus (child) plus a host of other Hindi inspired lesser deities but which Hinduism does not recognise today. Even though Mohammed removed these lesser deities the origin and purpose of the some of the lesser deities and the planets (as mentioned above) is still encoded in the Kaaba and only a few, even within the Sufi are aware of this. All Islam from top to bottom believe in the Kaaba stone and its power. It is not therefore an Abrahamic religion and falls outside the Covenant of Abraham as sons of Abraham.

Whilst this rivalry between Saud and Iran is real they are in effect both allies against the 'infidels' which would include everybody else and especially the West.  The West in comparison entangled in Liberalism in preference is unsure what it believes although 2 generations ago this was not the case. Two world wars and western in - fighting having expunged many beliefs which ironically are also contrasted with modern 'scientific' liberalism and humanism which now are also seen as unreliable, unscientific and pseudo religions filled with error and dogma themselves. This includes cultural Marxism.  (Democracy does not mean older views are excluded) The west does not like to believe that a radical force is attempting to dominate it and erase it from history but that is exactly what is occurring whether you like it or believe it or not.

15 years after 9/11 and 9 years after 7/7 and all the events listed above are still not enough to convince people. It must be remembered that Saud at first granted permission for the creation of Israel (i.e. without war) but it did not believe it would be successful or last as long as it has. Like it or not all who attempt to obtain Jerusalem are Zionists including the Romans and Roman Catholic church the Protestant church, Rastafarians and Judaism (etc) Islam began in Mecca not Jerusalem. The Western advance of Islam produced 9/11 and the families are suing Saud, Iran and they will bring lawsuits against UAE and others.

America is in serious financial and political trouble and the upcoming elections are focusing the attention of the electorate.


First presidential debate 26.09.2016   ( Hillary Clinton and Donald trump )

The first Presidential debate also here

Hillary Clinton has said publicly that she would support the 9/11 families bill (and so did Trump) Clinton did not support it against Iran. In the first presidential debate Clinton is mistaken when referring to Iran's 'taunts' as in fact Russia and Iran have been provoking a war with the USA in the Gulf or buffering them away. A recent peace deal collapsed and now Iran has taken a complete air system missile system from Russia. A complete air system with long range missiles. She maintains her and Obama's administration placed sanctions on Iran publically, yet the State department blocked as many sanctions as it could, and Iran has $170 Billion dollars as a sanction ?

But just as the Iran deal started out at $100 billion for Iran and then to $150 Billion, Hillary Clinton was the public face of a financial episode which has bewildered many, but which was largely controlled by others, which is why she was not seen for over 200 days in June 2016 and nearly 300 by the 9/11 remembrance, and nearly collapsed at the 9/11 ceremony.

Clintons and Obama's policy in Syria has now collapsed (on the 04.10.2016) in any case, and since the first presidential debate, as it has (almost) in Ukraine (see below) Russia has suspended its Nuclear deal on restricting nuclear weapons and plutonium processing , a peace deal it supposedly would honour and had with the USA. World nuclear weapons have increased under Obama and Clinton and Clintons finger or rather the Muslim brotherhood's finger is on the nuclear button. It is Iran and Russia who are building a Nuclear bulwark in Syria and shortly in Iran. Clinton stood on a platform of being ruthless to Iran in 2008 and 2012 ?

Trump was accused of being undiplomatic against the coalition of allies but it seems the "allies" Clinton mentions only become allies when they donate through the state department and the Clinton foundation (Saud donations) which is now actually run by Huma Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood since 2011 (i.e. overseeing the Christian genocide and overseeing woman's rights). The allies are running the USA, Islam is running the USA.

You are not voting for Hillary Clinton you are voting for George Soros and Huma Abeddin who is set to become the White house chief of staff if Clinton is elected. New ideas in Ukraine are also needed urgently.

Who is Huma Abeddin ? (Muslim Brotherhood who runs the US state department. Woman to dress in one piece black dress with eye slits, female genital mutilation, and Mosque services for life for the complete modern American woman 20/20. If your gay and think criticism for suing Churches is harsh or if your Gay and have not noticed, forget it under the Saudi / Abeddin plan)

Who is George Soros ? (the video mentions Mr Soros is "radical left" is this meant for the working class or middle class who are both to face tax increases and lowered wages. Austerity (not just collapse) plagued, the Greeks, the Irish, the Spanish and the Portuguese and others in the EU but it will now (under Clinton and Abeddin) be easier to plant Austerity in the USA, and on the same nationalities in the USA. Clinton helped to oversee Austerity which has weakened entire nations with attached added regulation and credit restrictions making credit very difficult acting as another bureaucratic tax. However George Soros was against Austerity. Clinton favoured Austerity but the debts rose despite Austerity (debt reduction was an aim of Austerity) This was 2011. This belief continued in 2015  Austerity was opposed by Bernie Sanders.

The British working class nor the middle class (or anyone in the end) did not want Austerity either. (= Brexit)

George Soros has already said the election is rigged, and the established polls are nonsense. He says Trump will win the popular vote but Clinton will win the election (or rather Soros will with Huma Abeddin) George Soros is behind the Muslim invasion of Europe and also Britain and the USA.

The Muslim invasion will increase poverty in a austerity ridden EU ( Soros is against Austerity whilst Clinton supported it) and when Austerity fails in reducing debt, then growth by cutting taxes and 100% employment with new fiscal measures is the only way to reduce debt. Countries with over 30 % unemployment such as Greece were forced to take in more people ? The difference between, austerity and fiscal conservatism is the latter can create full employment and lower debt.

George Soros says the Dollar will decline and China will become all powerful globally. All Americans disagree or also want a different future. In 2010 when China pegged the Yen to the Dollar which is not the usual peg but is flexible, (2015) and which has allowed China to keep its exports cheaper as its currency is less that the dollar (see above posts) Chinas exports are always cheaper as a result.

China donates to the Clinton foundation via the US state department.(Saud and China donating is illegal as any country. Incredibly one Chinese firm building an Embassy mistreated workers and refused to pay Architects)

When Global demand for those Chinese exports falls (September 2016) the debt exposure it has, is revealed. Its economy is leveraged to buy land, resources and real estate abroad instead of living or building on its export and manufacturing base. The reason the west is concerned is that a debt collapse in China will tip over the EU banks (who failed many EU stress tests) and there is a 555 Trillion dollar derivatives exposure at the centre of the EU banking crisis. China and Russia have bought Gold in huge quantities and any global collapse would (or could) mean they refuse to pay the debts (with Nuclear weapons as security against paying the West or anyone). Their Gold reserves would mean they and the Brix countries (the new silk road area) will become the new Global currency and superpower.

Brexit has thrown a spanner into those works. 

In America manufacturing is not even regarded as important by some (which reflects its current low level of importance as manufacturing is dwindling ) who are keener on other countries manufacturing arriving into the USA but it should be a number one priority. This eases debt levels and the balance of payments deficits, and its excess should be first spread nationally when demand is low and then exported when it is high. For the unemployed it is of vital importance. High unemployment and "austerity" in the Muslim invasion is obviously designed to destroy countries.

With Brexit (now set for Dec 2016 and March 2017) and Germany's AFD party to replace Angela Merkel, whilst Hungarians have taken a referendum (democratic and fair) to end the EU's policy forced upon it. Hungary can ask its parliament to accept and ratify the vote which was 98% yes and which does not mean leaving the EU without a further referendum which worried many voters. Hungary faced harassment and financial threats for taking the referendum. Since the vote was overwhelming Serbia and the Czech Republic will also host a referendum on immigration. Incredibly all of this does not stop legal job seeking immigrants and Switzerland allows immigration but with a 12 year tenure awaiting citizenship which protects its borders. Mexico also has similar strict laws.

Following the admission that Clinton and the democrats stole (defrauded the vote) of Bernie Sanders (see above posts during "Brexit") and since emails from have revealed the involvement of the Democrats, 5 (following the first 3) members of its administration have resigned since July. Seth Rich the DNC voter database staffer was to explain why ? but he ended up committing suicide by multiple gunshots to the back. Essentially aside from usurping Sanders the DNC is trying to rig the voting with false votes, vote dumps by non existent voters and by feeding information to the mindless voting polls which emerge every day.

Why did 'radical left Soros / Clinton' steal 'radical left Bernie Sanders' Presidential nomination? (Sanders against Austerity which did not reduce debt or free the working or middle class) and is this part of the prophecy from Soros on Clinton (i.e. Clinton will win election although Trump will win popular vote ? What do the Trump campaigners and administration think about that )

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a Vote for George Soros and Huma Abeddin

The adjudicator Lestor Holt  in the first presidential debate asked if the candidates would accept the result. The result which according to George Soros is already known and against the majority in a rigged vote.

The drive to fulfil the Saul Alinsky thesis is continuing but not to free America. Clinton working on this thesis as a student which involves destroying the middle class (see heading above "British EU Referendum 24.06.2016 and sub heading "Iraq and Afghanistan") could almost have Austerity as the method (or one method) to achieve that aim. Mass unemployment in a financial crisis. It is not "the revolution" or for the working class, middle class and/or upper class but it is the economics of the 'Venezuela class' i.e. destruction and despair.

To understand this and as mentioned consider the Austerity process in the EU. The Greek communist leader has now capitulated and after pursuing the same policies as the former Greek "right wing" prime - minister. Greek prime minister Tsipras now admits there is nothing he or anyone else can do, or in other words Liberty is over politically and financially? As a communist the growing realisation (and the Communist party endorsed Hillary Clinton knowing she is a Austerity candidate) that the path to freedom is not through Communism or socialism (with its non – fiscal outlook in practice) Tsipras has even decided that Turkey is intent on invading Europe stage by stage (under the democrats in the USA) after the missile defence came down in 2009 and is now back but under duress. Turkey who commit genocide and then deny it (Armenian)

Perhaps the Greek solution is still Molon Labe and forget Communism. 

It is incredible that Bill Clinton has abandoned Obamacare sort of (October 6 2016) which Hillary is supporting still ?

Clinton during the extreme poverty austerity programme which resulted in 25 % unemployment in Spain and almost as high in Greece and Portugal and Ireland (the latter 15 to 20% with a million emigrating) was unmoved. A pensioner in Greece who was a former businesses man blew his brains out during a demonstration in Greece at the Parliaments gates.( known as the "austerity suicide" ) Clinton watching events advised her son in law on how to bet on the outcomes of bailout on the stock-market  in which they both participated. 

Are you Portuguese, Irish, Greek or Spanish (known as the "Pigs" ) working class who were known as the 'Pigs' in the austerity peak, or French, Dutch or German then you can bet that Austerity will return to America under Clinton and Abeddin.

Raising taxes on the working (indirect taxes) and the middle class is a part of Austerity and the Saul Alinsky thesis to which Clinton subscribes. $150 Billion dollars gifted to Iran set against claims of unpaid taxes is a ridiculous distraction from a ridiculous expensive deal. The first presidential debate revealed that $6 trillion dollars has been spend on the middle east. A coalition of streamlined determined co-a lotion partners (i.e. The West ) could have achieved much more on much  less and shared costs. The donations to Clinton foundation are untaxed (in effect) and no taxes are paid upon them. A government department running such an operation is a conflict of interests.

Clinton is losing the war to Russia every day yet it has cost a astronomical amount ? As mentioned and on the 4.10.2016 Russia suspends the Plutonium deal on restricting nuclear plutonium. This was a central tenant of the Clinton Obama military strategy which has now failed and is over.

Iran and Russia can now make a Nuclear Weapons defence in Iran. Russia  4.10.20116 Russia deploys its anti – missile system with anti-aircraft systems outside of Russia for the first time within Syria, whilst Obama/ Clinton act out Presidential debates as clowns. It is announced as only a "strategic mistake" by the Clinton - Obama team and they regret Russia's actions. However this slow losing position is deliberate and planned.

Obama has awarded $770 million to build mosques not jobs in the USA. Huma Abeddin and Hillary Clinton made those deals, and has ensured people such as the Orlando bomber who killed gays was not "implicated" and then said his motives are unclear ? and from the Abeddin Clinton state department.

Obama says Israel cannot permanently occupy Palestinian lands which is the same as saying (like Abass and Arafat) that he does not recognise a tenure or Israel.

Pakistan recently threatened to wipe Israel off the map (18.09.2016) Abbas the former Palestinian leader was a Russia agent (KGB) and Putin has said he supports Palestine. Palestine has the same flag as Jordan and is now a Jordanian satrap with Egypt. Despite this the leader of Jordan states (Shiek Amad Al-Adwan) "Allah gave Palestine to the Jews and yet there is no Palestine " which is almost correct. Yasser Arafat killed 40,000 Christians and attacked Jewish lands and Jerusalem. Clinton supports Arafat's state idea (1998) in which Abbas and Arafat want to obliterate Israel and do not recognise it. Huma Abeddin runs the state office.

This last point on "Allah giving Palestine to the Jews" and the Jordanian overlap with Gaza (also from Egypt) and the larger greater Israel project causes meltdown in the minds of many around the world, including Jewish. However it is written and the faiths across all three major faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) cannot un-write it (delete it ) Even with Greater Israel expanding to its full size it is still very small and minute compared to all Islamic lands who are invaders from the South. (Saud) Greater Israel does not cover Iran in its area and could be the best idea for the Middle East, culturally, financially and theologically. Only Trump, Carson and now even Angela Merkel have proposed a safe zone, no one else has the imagination. It could happen overnight. Angela Merkel also says breaking from Communism that  terrorists are posing as refugees .

Hillary Clinton points to the killing of Saudi Osama Bin Laden, yet in scenes reminiscent of ben Ghazi which was a attack by Saudi Arabia (as "rebels" ) on the Benghazi HQ, all (all 22) twenty two of the Navy seals involved n the operation on bin Laden are dead since "Bin Laden" was killed. These soldiers were trained to survive extremes, and if 2 were dead since that time, maybe that would be unusual but all 22 seals ? How can a military leader like Clinton and Abeddin let 22 seals be killed ?

Bin laden received a military funeral at sea. Did Clinton and Huma Abeddin (Saud special agent) with Obama bowing to the sheiks, order that type of funeral for the worlds most wanted terrorist ? Obama and Clinton did not want to interfere with the Saudi raid and this is why the people were left to die. 'What difference does it make' the saying by Hillary Clinton on the subject is the saying of someone who is not controlling events and does not care obviously but shows her subservient role to the Muslim brotherhood in the state dept in all operations.

Admiral Lyons gives his view on Benghazi  

People say the first presidential debate was a farce, which is the understatement of the century since 9/11. The old trick of creating a circus or a coliseum to distract the people.

The US constitution is designed for liberty. Soros was / is behind the riots in America today and the Muslim brotherhood killed Malcolm X (see posts above)

This is the real fraud of Barack Obama as the elite Leninist Islamist (Islam which opposes Zion and Rastafarianism as does Communism. People do not grasp this point. Faith and Spirituality in any society is surplus to requirements, except Islam ) The media has hidden this and it is obscured by red herring issues such as Obama's birth certificate and student ID which names Obama as Barry Soetoro ?  why ? Donald Trump has said Obama was born in the USA,  such is the level of confusion and/or "political correctness" at election times and even though Obama / Soetoro admits he was born in Kenya (see 2 paragraphs further down)  yet this claim originated with Hillary Clinton in 2008 (the time when Obama called Hillary Clinton a liar  during his sexist period,  but he has now endorsed her ?  ) Hillary Clinton the eugenicist (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 and the end of chapter 4 ) whilst Obama is a genocidal maniac with Hillary Clinton. 

The denial of a Genocide (and which also includes millions of abortions) is also seen in the Christian Genocide ongoing from 2011 to date (see the adjacent website and Obama has refused to admit this genocide also which was overseen by Clinton and Obama in the US state department. This is why Obamas half - brother Malik is going to vote for Donald Trump  because the real news on this issue has not surfaced ( and these half issues are genuinely confusing) but are also hidden by the communists and socialist press (so called) 

Further, Kenya deports illegal immigrants in 2014 and Somalia deports Kenyan  illegal immigrants 2015 who both cannot vote in Kenya or vice versa or work without papers ? and including deported Muslims.(Islamic terrorists Al Shabaab who enter illegally to take over the country and kill Christians) Americans cannot vote in Kenya ? or any other country (when born outside of that country and this is regular normal practice worldwide) When you consider the outrage by the democrats its clear the emotive 9created) issue is whipped up without care or concern for anyone involved. This sham rigged narrative is meant to divisive and polarising and those behind it do not care for you or any other person.

None of this (in Kenya or in the USA prevents legal immigration for work)

The central point of concern when the Genocide of Ethiopians by Muslims and Communists is lost ? To reiterate Mengistu Haile Mariam is pictured here with Fidel Castro    Barack Obama Senior was a communist with Mengistu Haile Mariam and opposed to Kenya's President Jomo Kenyatta and Haile Selassie. Jomo kenyetta who as President had named streets after Haile Selassie (Bob Marley and other Rastafarian's regard Selassie as their spiritual leader) Mengistu Haile Mariam killed Haile Selassie.  Communism & Socialism (so called) killed the Ethiopians.

Despite this undue silence on this Genocide as with the Christian genocide is all a part of amending the constitution by "pc" measures removing free speech by stealth (2nd amendment, which makes it easier to then remove the rest) Clinton says it is a wrong to say Obama in not a US citizen but the debate is whether was born in Kenya or not. Obama says he was born in Kenya ? and the USA ? Obama being a US citizen is not the issue, but then why the deception? 

Ben Carson in 2014 has asked Obama to come clean on his secret past, and the birther certificate confusion. The real reasons are nothing to do with Obama's birth, but most bizarre of all is Obama / Soetoro says himself on camera that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii or USA ?  (or here )


The State of the Union

Obama in his state of the Union address did not mention the Christian Genocide? Later it is denounced by all world leaders and …Hillary Clinton (see above at 26.04.2016 The Continuing denial of the Christian Genocide) only mentioned it in December 2015 as an afterthought. In 2014 and to date (ongoing) the US state department (including Huma Abeddin) as Hillary Clinton denied the largest Christian genocide was happening. The Pope denounced it some months later The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. After she left office to run Hillary Clinton changed her story (Dec 2015) whilst Obama is still denying it. No care or duty of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

Obama has recently joked that Christians and/or other spiritual faiths think he is the "Anti-Christ". Yet he is certainly anti-Christian whilst claiming to be a Christian (and also a Muslim) he is still denying the Christian genocide in October 2016, and without political pressure Clinton and Obama would have denied the Armenian genocide. In effect he is mocking Christians worldwide and in the USA (both Democrat and Republican)

Americas Christians (which includes nominal Christians or 'dont knows' or 'unsures' surely cannot feel integrated by either Obama or Clinton and this is an American election.

Michael Cohen has given the real views of Trump and Pence on "racism" and Ben Carson who has looked deeper into the issues and has in effect revolutionised the shallower debate by examining the philosophy behind "race". There is in fact only one race of Humans on earth, and no matter which continent you are on, being a nationalist in this context is not shameful or a wrong "attitude" to hold. The Massai tribe in Africa are nationalists, as are the Chinese tribes in China, just as Europeans are. With it comes love of family and locality and country so on. It is liberating to understand this.

As Obama's tenure comes to an end, many will ask how long will it be before a White Christian (or any Christian) leader is elected President in Saud, UAE, Iran or Afghanistan. If it is more than decades (as seems likely) or perhaps centuries, then why is that ? and are these countries systemically racist ?

Using racism (against all in the population) as a front to conduct military and covert espionage to subjugate a population (in the USA) is common in every continent.

The NAFTA 'problem' is covered in the Brexit posts above under subheading "NAFTA" Clinton supported NAFTA and BREXIT, later reversing her opinion after Brexit. Many who supported Brexit realised that TTIP would change if Brexit occurred. Brexit has changed the world outlook drastically. In Mexico the social breakdown problem is ruining Mexico (the cartels) and efforts on both sides of the border to combat the problem have met with resistance by Clinton. Clinton is not addressing the drugs problem but did say she would build a wall on the Mexican border years ago.

Many Libertarians, are trying to re-capture the parties Spirit. The current candidates are not. Again as one Libertarian candidate asked 'what is Aleppo' ? Libertarians know what an Aleppo is and are aware of local politics and it is an insult to them, but the media farce distraction must go on.  As the election wears on however people are asking deeper questions on Libertarianism to re-discover its spirit. The constitution and liberty go hand in hand.

In summary following on from the last 10 years more of the same will see America begin to decline and its super-power status will pass to China and Russia by default. Americans voted for this once before and are asked to vote for their own decline under the Democrats.

Voting for this current state of affairs is the end of the USA. Judge Napolitano explains ( or here ) and Fox news fired him for it (July 2014)


Vice presidential debate 04.10.2016 (Mike pence & Tim Kaine)

An interesting contrast to the first debate. You can watch in full in the heading link or here. The debate speaks for itself.

The Vice presidential debate was between Mike Pence a fiscal conservative and Tim Kaine, also a fiscal conservative, but this is denied by some. Mike Pence has transformed Indiana and Kaine has made sweeping changes in Virginia.

Mike Pence Wikipedia and Tim Kaine Wikipedia.

Tim Kaine has supported and not supported abortion. He is an abortionist and planned parenthood supporter. Hillary Clinton, like Obama and Kaine, is a full Planned Parenthood advocate. Her campaign belongs to them she says.

Further the 'Marxist liberation theology' past (some suggest) of Tim Kaine may be why he has adopted both positions over the decades on abortion. Abortion, of course, is at odds with faith Protestant or Catholic. Kaine in this instance supports partial birth abortion as does Hillary Clinton. This is also because Hillary Clinton believes an "unborn" does not have constitutional rights ? and it is the last chance you get to kill a baby (in a partial birth) before those rights apply.

The Baby does not have constitutional rights but as a commodity, it certainly makes a lot of money for Planned Parenthood (who are therefore farming an illegal product ?)

Abortions of this nature involve a baby's arms and legs and body coming outside (in a partial birth) leaving the head inside. Scissors are placed in the neck and widened and a tube is placed in the hole and it sucks the baby's brains out. Clinton, if the head had not been removed would immediately stop the procedure at least until the non-constitutionalist was old enough to find out if the child would vote democrat or not. In short, it is evil, Clinton is evil. The procedure has similarities with  Fois Gras pate production . The procedure involves placing a tube into a rabbit to force feed it. It can then this reverse this action turning the tube into a suction tube, and suck a rabbit's insides out whilst still alive to make the perfect pate. This is a French practice. Farmed efficient production.

Another area or procedure in abortion is the needle injection method, 'conventional abortions' are here. New ideas (from the crypt) involve approaching a pregnant woman in the hospital and placing a needle through the woman's skin injecting saline (which burns) straight into the brain and body of the infant. This allows capture of the dead baby to occur in an efficient manner from inside.

If by this point you see that the twisted psychopaths of society have taken over planned parenthood ( who have been prosecuted) and that they are not developing healthcare, but a concentration camp killing machine disguised as healthcare which delivers (on average) 1  million abortions annually in the USA and over 60 – 100 million worldwide every year. The equivalent of the dead in world war 2 every year worldwide. Liberalism helps to encourage young people to produce enough crop each year. Farmed genocide.

This is what Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton believe in and want to pursue and are backed by planned parenthood (planned abortion) for the lucrative harvest of stem cells. Clinton wants to become a millionaire from Monsanto alone.

Planned Parenthood is a scam which admits to selling "baby parts" (Planned Parenthood C.E.O Cecile Richards) defending its grave robbing activities of children who did not need to die. Scary and inhumane. Its President Mary Hogut  refuses to release its (planned parenthood) records and could face jail "for doing her job" as some have called it. It is mass murder in which grave-robbers sell baby parts ?  

Baby girls (who grow into Woman) under planned parenthood and "the sucking your brains out and decapitation before you can claim constitutional rights obstruction to their life policy", do not feel liberated by Marxists. They have no choice and men have no choice from conception, i.e. their bodies growing into a baby and being turned into "Fois Gras pate"

Vice Presidential points

Tim Kaine in the 1st Presidential debate seemed to be unaware ? that his Presidents (and Obamas) plan and policy in Syria and the middle east had just collapsed that very day ? (see the video) He does cite the belief that Nuclear weapons have reduced worldwide under Obama / Clinton but this is not true, they have increased worldwide ( see first presidential debate heading and the paragraph which begins "Clintons and Obama's policy in Syria" above)

Many claim that the war is against ISIS and not against Russia ? but no one is telling Russia and in the Ukraine, they feel it is against Russia first and ISIS second , with a view of combating them one at a time. A peace deal around six weeks ago was nearly in place but fell through dramatically on the 04.10.2016. Now it is not just Syria and the Middle East but also the Balkans. Which Russia is threatening? This is Due to Clinton and Obama's policies of allowing Russia to do as it pleases. A new cold war has begun.

Tim Kaine supports Clintons tax and regulation government and although both Kaine and Pence are economically astute as Governors, Pence produces a budget surplus when Kaine has not. Marxist liberation theology is not a spiritual faith and is at odds with a faith but since the hard left (Soros) and the Hard left (Bernie Sanders) have undermined each other and defrauded the American electorate, the minutia of economics is lost on those in the Ukraine (for instance) who know the practical and grave consequences of Oligarch communism.

Venezuela is another victim (BBC) of Vulture communism as socialism (Hyperinflation and Socialism) and the last two links have a lot in common with the film 'Winter on Fire' from the Ukraine. This gives a different perspective on the 'revolution'

Mike Pence in 2014 gives an interview on the Ukraine which as a country needs massive support from the West. Syria also but Clinton and Obama have now failed both and Russia benefits. (but not if you follow CNN or Clinton News Network)

Both Trump and Pence want to reduce federal influence in the USA, without subversion by Islam, Russia as Communism or binding damaging regulation. These are the qualities of the land of opportunity. Changing America since 2008 has increased federal bureaucracy, Islam has taken over the USA and growth and a lack of opportunity is increasing, under Obama and Clinton.


The others called 'non – invitees' to the presidential debate.

The others are Gary Johnson and Gary Weld (Libertarian party) and Dr Jill Stein (Green party)

Gary Johnson and Gary Weld (Libertarian party) got off to a bad start. This is a shame as Libertarianism could have had an effect.

As mentioned when asked about Aleppo, Gary Johnson replied "what is Aleppo" and it seems not once, but twice. The Libertarian party are generally sound people and there view encompass Christian Libertarians and secular liberal. However, such a major mistake is extremely worrying. Placing the incident in context, what could anyone reply to Gary's question, what did he imagine it was ? In Charades (the party game) "Aleppo" sounds like Gekko, (one word 3 syllables, 1st syllable "A") It could be that A leppo is a giant pre-historic (but only nearly extinct) Lizard. If this sounds far-fetched watch the following video (here) as people can imagine or believe anything but know nothing. Is this an end of the world type scenario. Many surfers and sunbathers on the west coast were eaten by the Lizard, whilst others, nearly escaping were picked off by flying pterodactyl predators in scenes too  horrible to watch. Early man needed to survive with weapons and in Africa today people (African tribes) hunt game to eat, and clothe themselves every day. Gary and Gary are driving around all 50 states and people can explain to them r.e. the Aleppo (they are seen here at 35 seconds in the boulder mobile) This is all going on in the election, whilst real problems are overlooked in the dumbing down process.

Aleppo is a war zone and should avail of a safe zone.

The two Garys (see below) also believe we need to colonize other worlds as this world is about to collapse physically. The green movement sometimes cite the same Apocalypse scenarios. Original Libertarians were tough independent people who believed and still believe in gun rights, free speech and the US constitution in this world. Ann Rand  (Ayn Rand) was a free spirit who inspired some in the Libertarian movement. (see the Novel "Atlas Shrugged")Today it is not living up to its potential but others still believe in the Tea Party at grass roots level.

Libertarianism, however, is worth more than this. Its founder Ann Rand believed in a Utopia. She was American and Russian and although rejecting 'religion' she also rejected Marxism and Statism as a deadening influence on people's minds. Her rational rejection of a big brother controlling government also attracted the American pioneer spirit which also wanted a plot of land, and to live off the land and be free from society and any controlling bureaucracy. In essence, it rejected socialism and state capitalism equally. That is a noble ambition. Rand considered Abortion but today the Abortion industry is nothing as she might think or believe it could become. Knowledge of pregnancy scientifically has also changed since her day. A killing business which fools people into thinking it is a contraceptive aid. It is hard to imagine a pioneer town agreeing to abort its potential future. In one sense Rand may have undermined the pioneer idea as cursing yourself with abortions was and is not a beneficial activity. Remember 50 million worldwide is a form of collective madness. This is where Libertarianism falls down and Christians and other religious faiths eventually clashed on this and other moral issues. Ann Rand was a contradiction and this eventually surfaced in her beliefs. The two Gary's in the libertarian party have taken the idea of Utopia into the area of faith and way beyond Rands ambitions. Gary(s) believe that we need to inhabit other planets ( which presumes however that the other planets have prairie's and pasture and rivers and log cabin material, good food source and game) The ultimate utopian dream but eventually people may spoil the other planet and Aleppos may threaten the very existence of that dream.

However, the spirit of Libertarianism is healthy in any society if it is grass roots, family and freedom-orientated and concentrates on the here and now. Libertarianism is something which will re-surface as the election draws on,  its almost like they do not really believe in themselves but, and incredibly some groups have bettered the Libertarian ideal in the USA today on their own terms and with stoic determination. Who are they ? the election debate here will reveal them.

Dr Jill Stein (Green party) The debate on global warming is polarised and both sides will not convince the other. People are tired of the debate (she speaks at the end of this segment on a very important issue)

Whilst that debate has continued, the debate should also be focused on the ground and on soil and agriculture quality. Whilst people are looking up at the Ozone and scratching their heads ? they have missed the soil below. A good film from America on this subject is the film "consumed"   (or here) Farmers and consumers are in deep trouble in the USA. Imagine a corporation like Monsanto wants to buy all the seeds on earth and own them. You would have to buy the seeds from them only. They in turn replace the natural seeds with "similar" seeds grown by hybrid and Genetically Modified and sold on. Imagine Monsanto is Nosferatu

Imagine in world war 2, Russia and Germany who fought the battle of Stalingrad (800,000 died in the battle, Russian and German) and who have opposed each other  ideologically and as nations ever since. Then imagine that they have united to agree that GMO (genetically modified organisms) seeds and agriculture produce are bad for a nation's health and will undermine that nation. Germany and Russia have banned GMO foods. 36 countries worldwide have banned GMO.

Obama promised in 2008 to ban GMO but forgot over those 10 years ? Obama recently signed a bill (August 2016) which actually prevents GMO identification whilst pretending it is banning GMO's. ? This bill actually overturns the state laws which began to tackle the GMO problem. The law is known as the "Denying Americans the right to know" or Dark laws ? They actually apply a label in place of the previous state label which warned of GMO's (or not) but a label which you cannot now read? Why because Monsanto bought Obama in 2008 

Obama and Clinton the multi-millionaire's out to help the poor and working class and middle class sold out from day one. Hillary Clinton is also a GMO monster and supports Monsanto and its seeds. Tim Kaine voted for Monsanto and GMO and is owned by them and he opposes peoples right to know what is in their food.

Mike Pence and Indiana is against GMO (Indiana outlook at 13 minutes 40 seconds) You should be able to scan a food item on your phone when shopping to know every ingredient. Donald Trump also eats organic and has an interest in Health food chain of stores. He is against Monsanto which is another reason why the press is hounding Trump and Pence.

Obama and Clinton waited 10 years to address this issue and then made it worse. Obama introduced bills on transsexual toilets and funding for mosques in days and weeks. World heritage sites also get funding but mosques and renovation from the state department rose dramatically in 2011 and to date. If you wanted to weaken a nation then attack its food source, and if Germany and Russia and China oppose GMO, why ? has the Muslim Brotherhood state department and Obama allowed it to grow and then introduce labels you cannot read. Farmers are initially attracted by the yield boost which pays for loans and machinery investments, but medium to long term the country suffers and then their soil and land suffer. City people cannot exist without a food supply and in New York (for example) apartment and high-rise micro - grids and organic food demands are putting pressures on farmers to change. In turn, this type of change can only be achieved locally from farmers lands and then outward around a country, it can only come from grassroots.

Dr Jill Stein is correct in this video on GMO's  (full video here) It is warfare against people and GMO's cannot reproduce nature. Seeds crack open in the soil, and soil has nutrients which define the nature of the plant. It has continued forever and was perfect. Eating these foods will harm your body and reproductive systems, sap your strength and will reduce a nation. They increase weeds which require new stronger pesticides. Which make stronger weeds. The pesticides destroy the soil and it hardens, and water runs off the soil taking nutrients away. The soil also washes away leaving harder grey soil underneath. This in turn requires engineered seeds to grow in the hard ground again. (see 'food incorporated' documentary and 'Pharm documentary' & 'seeds of death' documentary ) Fossil fuel oil and gas and renewable companies are joining to supply all energy needs.

Amish & Mennonite lands will be affected; fences will not stop the seeds.  Just one more problem facing America as a form of collective delusion and farmers should  grasp the problems but should be helped to rid of GMO, financially and politically. It is a national security problem. For further information see the adjacent web site and chapter 3 which helps to create conditions to grow healthy food.

2nd Presidential debate 09.10.2016 full online debate (Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton or watch here or here )

The 2nd Presidential debate was closer to the issues which people really want to hear at least in comparison to the first debate. It has turned into a spectacle and America has many problems which are not being addressed by the limited debates but are in the campaign rallies.  

The 2nd Presidential debate was preceded by a media campaign against Donald Trump which was joined by Celebrities and vested interests which reveal how much the media circus contrasts with the real anger and disappointment on economic issues and with the political process. It displays its distopian bias. Donald trump apologized for his views and verbal descriptions

This has raised other issues and Donald Trump brought Kathy Sheldon and others to the debate to shame both Clinton's. It is strange that the media is not calling outrage on this issue r.e. Kathy Sheldon, but it is the media which is running the presidential election con. This is another reason why Libertarians / Tea party have to look a bit deeper into the soul of America and not worry about escaping to other planets etc (Gary Johnson who is speaking with irony, but who believes he will not do well from the outset and before 'Aleppo-gate' ? It is incredible) Victims however who have silently navigated the legal hurdles can tell a another story.

The real story and the issue has forced Obama who waited until his tenure was over to make a bill of rights (Oct 2016) for rape victims, and Clinton never managed to make it possible since 2011 until now. The Bill of rights for rape victims, could have been signed in 2008, 2011 or 2015. Amanda Nguyen made it happen in 2016,  by shaming at the right time. She (Amanda) said navigating the system was worse than the rape itself (although many would disagree they understand what she means see again chapter 6 below) 

These websites also point to similar "legal problem" and includes testimony from other victims who have come forward. ( The are repeated here)   3 girls who were kept for in slavery 10 years.    Natascha Kampusch    Bridget Kelly     Elizabeth Smart     Sima Yarmush and also you can read chapter 6 below which shows the real situation the corrupt world of politics and show business has become in disgust as of course children cannot defend themselves. The Presidential debate is signalling that these issues are going to get deeper and darker, as the public are not buying the clown show which preceded the first debate and are not buying  the media debate at all. It is predominantly woman who suffer in this " grey area" It is not as grey now thanks to Alicia's law which was brought by Alicia Kozakiewicz (testifying before the House Judiciary Committee) a harrowing ordeal when she was 13 years old. She has changed the law and Republican John Tilley from the House of Representatives spoke for the law and the required changes.(the legal profession geared to defending the perpetrator, the predators and mentally ill who are also in powerful positions (but who should not be allowed to claim their illness as defense)

The media circus then began; 

Hillary Clinton also pushed for this apology from Donald Trump, yet in the media a tape of her mocking a child rape victim from (also ) many years ago re-surfaced yet was never mentioned or denounced. Clinton defended the rapist in court. The victim was 12 years of age and her name is Kathy Sheldon. Already the same press who is attacking Trump (and he was right to apologize) is also now attacking Kathy Sheldon (she was confused, or made it up or it was not serious) Clinton made fun of Kathy Sheldons plight as the rapists lawyer. 

The rapist who raped Kathy Sheldon also raped a 15 year old boy on the same day in the same case, and he also pleaded guilty from the beginning, but his sentence was reduced to a "lesser crime" but "reluctant" Clinton made this possible. Clinton also vilified Juanita Broaddarick who it is suggested also made a affidavit denying Bill Clinton raped her  (or was forced to sign an Affidavit to that effect) but has said she was raped and assaulted.

Trump was asked to stand down by Democrats and/or Paul Ryan Republican House Speaker ? and let Mike Pence take on the presidential election.This article points out that " Paul Ryan is married to Janna Little a liberal, left wing progressive, anti-Constitutional, big government George Soros supporter who voted for Barack Hussein Obama twice" 

It is no wonder Americans are angered and depressed by events last week and over the last 10 years. However many feel that Obama and Clinton owe an apology for the way America has been managed over the last 10 years. Tran-sexual bathrooms have / had more rights than rape victims ? and this bill was introduced as a emergency before the Bill of rights for rape victims. If the crowd and entourage which called for Trump to stand down, (including the entire democratic party) should they not call for Hillary Clinton to resign and let Tim Kaine take up the campaign without her (as they asked Republicans to do for Mike Pence) then Soros is right and the election is fixed. Tim Kaine Hillarys running mate has asked for Hillary Clinton to resign in 2002 ? on a "lesser" charge and so he should also call for her resignation on this "higher charge" Lawyers made that system and Hillary Clinton was well paid for her services. Hillary Clinton is a liberal but not a feminist.

If they do not ask Hillary Clinton to resign by the next Presidential debate (3) in the same manner and with the same outrage, then the democratic party and clown show with it should all resign. Truly disgusting.


17.10.2016 Presidential Elections (between 2nd and 3rd debates)

The media run election is running along and it is becoming more of a spectacle and embarrassing every day.

Following on from the revelations preceding the 2nd Presidential debate and further accusations against Donald Trump (but not Mike Pence his running mate) the crimes against Woman by Hillary Clinton have almost received no coverage on national news outlets. She has not been asked to resign from the democratic party by the entourage of celebrities or by Paul Ryan whose wife votes for George Soros (who has said the elections is rigged as Clinton also said in 2008 and in 2015) and Obama ? why?

Hillary Clinton has not been asked to resign as yet ?  Is this what 'progressive' social engineering has become ? A good example of this is the admission that protesters at the Trump rallies were paid $3,500 to protest ?  The allegations against trump are faked and were arranged by Hillary Clinton months in advance ?  One of the trump accusers sent a glowing email about trump only 4 months ago ? (M's Summer Zervos)

Is Newt Gingrich right on the media. Does he echo  Judge Napolitano explains ( or here )

Dinesh D'Souza's revelations on Hillary Clinton in "Hillarys America" reveal the methods which are also analysed in the film "Hillary Exposed"  Hillarys full body count (on the Clinton murders) and Clinton Cash  Essentially Bill and Hillary act as a double act in an open marriage (which they admit) When new heights of difficulty appear Bill has to cut  a deal (Donald Trump also makes deals but trade deals as he was not a politician. Mike Pence makes the best deals and Indiana in thriving politically and economically) Bill Clinton has to delve into some new rape, porn or paedophile fix in order to get that deal. This allows Hillary to go forward politically. Dinesh D'Souza shows how Obamacare became the new con (grift ) which Hillary wishes to tweak only in order to make personnel changes to keep the increasingly expensive and ineffective Obamacare con going. Obama stood in 2008 on ending these community con jobs but ended up making a new one which still cons the poor and working class (and everyone) out of their money as "community development"  Importing new gangs of Islamists to takeover the old is ongoing at working class level. It is a policy (by Soros and Clinton) which makes no sense at all. In Germany the New Year attacks by 'refugees' are still a shock to people when 1200 woman were sexually assaulted.

Just after  the last presidential debate, an Obama speech was interrupted by protestors chanting "Bill Clinton" is a rapist. There has been a long line of such protests  over the months of the Presidential debate year.

Quid Pro – Quo All of the woman (nearly all) who have come forward including those at the 2nd Presidential debate (which Trump brought along) have been threatened and bullied by Hillary Clinton both legally and socially in much the same way the rapist Hillary defended, who then received a reduced sentence. The Clinton foundation has used taxpayers money to fund it and to bring campaigns against Bill Clinton's accusers, and the Clinton foundation was / is used 'Quid pro-Quo ' (cash for favours internationally including Russia and Isis ) which Hillary denied twice in the first presidential debate. Obviously, this was a lie and one of many.

The Haiti con (Clinton foundation con) is still ongoing as a protest against the Clintons (proving that Black lives do not matter) Soros, Clinton and Obama are still intent on importing as many slaves from the middle east to run as gangs (new gangs including Moslem and Jihadist gangs who want in on the con) against those who already live in the USA.

Uranium to Russia. Bill and Hillary operate as grifters who are out for themselves, not their state or America or local communities. The example of Bill Clinton meeting with Obama's appointee (the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch ) to pull a threat or bribe to prevent the release of files which the FBI could use to prosecute Hillary Clinton fully over the Benghazi and Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia scandals. (Cash from Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia) Which as Russia suspends its USA peace deal on Nuclear weapons (see above) is a ridiculous position for a US presidential candidate with a Muslim brotherhood chief of staff to be in ? (the latter revealed in the "Panama papers"as Endeavour mining  ) It is not ridiculous when you realise that "the allies" are to be weakened and the opposition strengthened against America as a deliberate ploy. This is what Hillary and Obama have spent the last 10 or 5 years doing.

To date, there is no explanation why Joe Biden's account of the Benghazi incidents differs from Hillary Clintons in some areas.

This meeting with Loretta Lynch the US Attorney General (she now says she regrets meeting with Bill Clinton) followed an earlier meeting (including this year) with Jeffery Epstein the convicted paedophile on the secret Island who helped out along "the way".

The sexuality of Obama and Michelle Obama was publicly broadcast by Joan Rivers who said Obama is gay and Michelle Obama is a man if so why the deception over so many years ? (the story suggest's Michelle Obama is really Michael Vaughn Robinson and Obama calls Michelle, Michael on occasion, or the story is to cover Obama's transsexual nanny "Eve", or Obama is having an affair with Michael Vaughn Robinson who appears as Michelle or Michael Vaughn Robinson. As long as the story is sordid or is saturated in the media constantly any story will do ) Joe Biden says Bill and Hillary Clintons past and conduct should not matter but is in favour of the LGBT religion which is a real religion but one which requires transformation. (and which many in the LGBT are unaware of ) Obama's mother was (allegedly) a prostitute or a communist subversionist who used sex for bribery but this also has been suppressed. Esponiage activities as victims of poverty or circumstance caused and ended the lives of men and woman around the world. You have Clintons selling Uranium to Russia and the NSA are looking for a communist mole ? Biden was chided by some socialists (Trotskyites) for not being as communist as Obama (Leninist) Biden is a communist  (which mirrors Saul Alinsky thesis shared with Hillary Clinton of destroying the middle class) and a Marxist, which at least shows it is not Russia hacking the democrats and Hillary is it ? when Russia has Joe and Barry Obama on board. America wonders why it is in such bad shape when Russia is bribing America in the Whitehouse and the Muslim brotherhood are running it.

Trump and Pence are caught between not wanting to start a Nuclear war with Russia (see at the end of this post) and Hillary's dangerous approach to a Nuclear war with Russia. (as Jill Stein mentioned see the end of this post)  The reality is the Clintons interfered in a loan deal between Saudi and Russia in 1996, which they wanted. The Nuclear Uranium deal is between Hillary, Iran and Putin. This way Iran gets Nuclear weapons and $150 billion + in the proxy war in Syria as Assad now says it is.

The 2nd presidential debate  moderator Anderson Cooper asked Trump if his comments were sexual assault, (yet did not ask Hillary Clinton any similar question directly) but only a few months before at  the democratic presidential debate he asked Clinton if she would say anything to get elected but  not in the Presidential debate ? Is this progressive protection for Woman ? (read chapter 6 below)

The press has also not called for the resignation of Joe Biden over this strange incident  involving a young girl of 13 years of age. All of the above is known (for Trump and Clinton(s) for years although Trump is not accused of Rape)

In America the media is running the campaign and the question does the media own the political system or do the people of America ? Breaking through that barrier is not going to be achieved by the democrats who stand on championing the poor but keep them poor and then con everyone whilst giving everything to your countries enemies.

The descent into the low lifes and sexually immoral and perverse is the last line of a broken system. Anything that is the majority or heterosexual is ridiculed or made to look worse than it is or "abnormal" This is therefore against the vast majority of people on the planet. The media few (although many are feeling sicker daily)  in taking this route is seeking to undermine the descent and everyday vote by making them sick, it disenfranchises Christians who feel they cannot vote (although Mike Pence is  Evangelical Christian) and destroys the will of the people to vote. It removes the belief that these perverts and criminals who run the election system cannot be removed and still have a prosperous free America. They have tried to imprison the electoral system by deprivation and disgust.

The last ten years have been the epitome of this, but if you want to be free of this, you have to see through it (it is incredible that the more media we have the less information we recieve ) One person (and people wonder why he made an album in a prison) who did, went straight to the centre of the problem. (it's not just the inmates who are locked up and politics and show business are hell)

Family values, Children and the Elderly

The last ten years has seen an invasion into family life by Planned Parenthood and Obamacare and is unprecedented in history. One incredible aspect of the new education system is the belief that Transgender children are walking around unaware they are transgender. After persuasive counselling, some of those who are persuaded they are transgender now want to change gender back again. They require new counselling to realise their mistake ? ( "sex change regret ") This costs taxpayers up to 30,000 for the first change and 30,000 for the change back (if they can go back) Hillary Clinton is all for this. 

Hillary Clinton has a child care programme This involves attending many parents groups and associated crèche and kindergarten lobbyists and action groups for the moms and dads and babies and toddlers groups in the afternoon. These meetings, however, can be preceded by meeting planned parenthood officials in the morning who discuss selling baby parts (which continues on the black market and is re-appearing in abortion clinics once the fuss dies down) and also the latest partial birth abortion procedures. The latter is the near full birth but the head, which  is then pierced with a pair of scissors and the baby's head and brains are sucked out allowing the head to fall out easily. Over 90% of the Child charity fund goes to the Clintons.

It takes a double personality to attend both meetings in one day ? and if Hillary's illness (and her handler is asleep)  kicks in and she gets the meetings mixed up, it could be a scary afternoon.

Hillarys mentor Saul Alinsky said that he was, in fact, organising a con (Obama-care), not a radical revolution. Pushing from the outside, Hillary wants to push from the inside. The constitution of America does not apply to your baby unless you push from the inside and get the whole head out. Destroying the middle class means first you destroy the lower class and re-shape it. (Ben Carson was raised in poverty and says Obama was raised 'white'. ) Once in Government, they become multi-millionaires, whilst the communities suffer. The most radical type of severe repression available is Sharia law which is oppressive and keeps communities in line, hence Islam loves Saul and Hillary. For this, in the EU or America or Canada you would need hundreds of thousands of non-Syrian refugees and George Soros. Union leaders who think this has anything to do with working class values and needs are delusional.

Common core education which is terrible, behind the scenes was invented by very intelligent people who would not send their own family or children to a common core school. Why ? because it is meant to slow up and confuse. Trump and Pence want to scrap it. How it even passed a board of education to be rolled out nationally is hidden somewhere in the Obama-Biden-Clinton motives which are not beneficial to the USA.

Under Hillary Clinton providing you are not decapitated in the womb, educated by idiots, buy your healthcare from the local gang and keep your original gender intact you could live to retire. The elderly however have seen their incomes and savings shrink Life under Obama and Clinton for working and middle class elderly is reduced and getting worse. Others disagree and see spending and incomes rising, yet this does not mean real poverty amidst the economy and spending is not actually reducing incomes. This is because Obamacare costs have risen and spending is out of control and some of the spending (bribes, community organisation and waste and even illegal drugs) is not even healthcare. The system is being milked as a slush fund, but it is not going to the working class or everyday people. Clinton wants to carry on as a single payer system, but as mentioned above only change half of Obama's plan.

Many people have left Obama care and hence it looks like its figures are slowing in inflation terms. This universal coverage plan of Hillary Clintons failed in 1994 forward and then as today it did not detail cost control procedures. (Hillary care documentary and "Sicko by Michael Moore". Costs will rise as the system which is larger than a healthcare system (the con) becomes transparent and shocks people. The limited debate between private and socialised medicine has now (post those last two documentaries) displayed what occurs in reality i.e. Obamacare which Bill Clinton says is crazy. It's not crazy if you have pocketed millions as Obamacare community organiser contractors. This is the long grift of Saul Alinsky. Health is important but should be run by Nurses , Doctors and Surgeons first and then outward (both finance and health procedures) who appoint their own people to run other tasks and not always outside consultants. Local doctors, local hospitals. Whilst at first this is a slower system it eventually picks up and streamlines services. In the USA 16% of the budget is spent on healthcare and if that can be increased to 25% then many who do not care if you change sex 5 times, abort a hundred babies, educate your children in dumbed down classrooms or stick your elderly in homes which medicate our elderly loved ones minds out past Pluto (and abuse them) will be glad and satisfied 25 %or more is reached. Bankrupting an economy is the aim of some, learning to know the difference is a constant struggle.

Gardasil vaccines and Kaine If Hillary and Obama are concerned about health (universally) why do they persist in allowing GMO food to flourish ? why does Tim Kaine receive large kickbacks from companies selling Gardasil vaccines which have been shown to have side effects? Why did Tim Kaine force 6th-grade girls to take the vaccine ?  Polio caused by DDT or did DDT help prevent Polio. DDT kills people either way. Polio vaccines cause cancer ? Tim Kaine wants to make these type of healthcare objectives mandatory. (with planned parenthood) Obviously, if this was cheap, mandatory and universal then the Marxist takeover with reduced energy filled GMO's (with confused gender and mathematics) makes control even easier. At first lie (Obama believed marriage between a man and woman only before 2008) and then do the opposite.

Controlling your own school and town and state from local outwards is the only way to protect family values. Education should include Evolution, Intelligent design and Creation in the syllabus from aged 5, and Christian prayer should be allowed in schools. Common core should be scrapped.

Trump mentioned (in the 2nd debate) that energy is dictating our future. Jill Stein suggests that Hillary Clinton's policies will bring us closer to Nuclear war (and Russia has scrapped its Uranium deal with the USA last week). Trump has also suggested this. The reality is as Pence says on the Ukraine, that Assad is history. Either Russia makes a peace deal with the USA or they go to war. Even in a peace deal, Assad will be asked to step down. A defence against Russia and ISIS/Islam is necessary and Trump has suggested the USA increases its military spending as what if its war anyway. War is also an opposition strategy as if China and Russia are not planning for an offensive war. Russia is supplying Iran with weapons and Assad but Russia said many months ago (March 2016)  had removed its troops from Syria ?  Obama is now saying at this election time verbally, he will attack Russia but his and Clintons real policy of the 'line in the sand' has past a thousand miles ago. Isis and Islam are still a growing force and the Christian genocide is directed against the West Christian or not.

Jill Stein is right and especially since Uranium was sold to Russia through the Clinton foundation.

3rd Presidential debate 19.10.2016 full online debate  ( Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton or watch here  at Fox )

(24.10.2016) The 3rd Presidential debate actually began to touch on issues which real people in America are discussing. This is important as outside of the mainstream media that debate is growing. There have still been no calls for Clinton to resign on the Bill and Hillary record against Woman's rights ? which has almost been relentless 100 % the other way against Donald Trump which you can read off above (this despite Wikileaks discovering Hillary set up the fake accusations which Clinton did not deny in the 3rd debate ? see video at 49 minutes to 52 minutes approx and timed from the beginning of the candidates emerging )This is not a fit person to become a President. This time frame in the video also shows the fake "disabled slur" Trump was supposed to have made but which is denied by the disabled concerned ? see later in this segment. Truly evil)   This is because and aside from Hillary and Bill Clintons record, Hillary's choice for Chief of Staff for the White house Huma Abeddin (collectively responsible with Clinton and Obama for the Christian Genocide in the Middle East) worked for a journal which opposed Woman's rights in Islamic countries.     (including female mutilation ?)

If the American public have awoken as yet to the wider corruption and want to know if parts of it are true then the character of deceit is viewable in the presidential debate. (which did not mention the Clinton foundation pays its woman less than men ?) 

Around 57 minutes in the debate the corruption surrounding the Clinton foundation emerged. Incredibly the denial of if the Clinton foundation was 'quid pro quo' (play to pay) has moved on to quiet acceptance by Clinton since the FBI and others revealed it to be the case. This was denied in the first Presidential debate by Clinton but not so much in the 3rd. Trump mentioned that despite being under subpoena Clinton destroyed 30,000 to 33,000 emails ? but is still running when she prosecuted (or helped) prosecute Richard Nixon at Watergate ? Quid pro quo deals by Clinton in the state department from countries with high rates of woman trafficking like United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia . Clinton accepted $100 million from these countries over many years. and during the Christian genocide. 

This was denied but is now openly discussed and known although Clinton wants to shut down alternative news social media as well as silence Loretta Lynch the Attorney General.

Treason, Special Access Servers as top secret, and Mr Gehad El Haddad (et al)

The Clinton emails which are treason, are the tip of the iceberg, the scandal this email corruption is hiding is worse. This is the real corruption of the USA which is causing alarm throughout Washington DC and the Democratic party. This is the special access servers which hold (held information) above top secret classified information which are marked not just with a "c" (for classified)  but with a mark which says "above top secret" on it. Is Clinton the Mole the NSA are looking for. These files on her private server  could be easily hacked by anyone including Russia or they could just allow Russia to accidentally find them. The real groping story is Huma Abeddin groping Hillary Clinton, who could easily take the special access servers information and give them them to Gehad El Haddad who then took them to Cairo Egypt and then they passed onto to Russia. Gehad El Haddad was arrested in Cairo as he was a terrorist member of the Muslim brotherhood who worked for the Clinton foundation and Obama (is Obama the Mole )  This is only one man who was caught. He has now been sentenced to life imprisonment in Egypt.  

This is treason against the USA

Washington DC is in panic but this is what the US constitution was made to with-stand. It is bigger than all the previous scandals in US history combined and the fallout is causing concern and is a threat to the democracy within the Constitutional Republic. However this "top down" fraud and security scandal was imposed on Washington DC and many people who did not know the whole did not know the full extent of the damage as it brought about a collapse to US security. Many working within it in Washington DC worked unaware of the fraud the foundation was becoming. Believing allies would keep the peace when in fact it was a private slush fund which has paid for a christian Gencoide and war between "the allies" has enlarged (see all this chapter above) Its important to realize it is a 'top down' fraud as Clinton maintains she wants to create a new jobs creation scheme for the USA, see video at 30 minutes to 33 minutes) for the worker and middle class from the ground up (and not from the top down). However the little guy and the worker have not had much look in to the scheme, when Hillary Clinton transferred 1.8 Billion to Qatar on the 17.10.2016  ? That is a top down money transfer 

This occurs amidst Austerity which China and Russia and even North Korea must enjoy as Austerity is not  reducing debt but is causing extreme poverty (gulags) and depression. This is the Obama Clinton financial plan for America. (with low growth less than 1%) with no fiscal conservatism when losing $6 Billion dollars ? ( see 41 minutes to 46 minutes)

This surreal detachment from operations was raised in a round about way in the 3rd Presidential debate and also by Gary Johnson of the Libertarian party  who points out that if he was indited in 'Aleppogate' then Clinton (at 107 minutes to 122 minutes approximately) who did not know where Mosul was   (Huma was on a secret earpiece to Hillary but missed it) must surely be charged with incompetence or admit she is not in charge of the state department only a second hand Muslim brotherhood puppet. Trump pointed out that Obama made his red line threat but that was crossed multiple times, whilst Hillary reset Iraq and allowed Russia and Iran to take it over, and then told Russia it is ok to occupy the Syrian coast and let them take over (with a map to Aleppo as Russia threatens UK with warships and Nuclear submarines passing by Norway and into the Mediterranean) The announced ceasefire from Russia and US (Obama and Hillary Clinton) was sounded and Russia just strolled in over the red line ? ISIS which is Islam, is expanding into many countries and this limited war which slowly continually loses by the Clinton Obama team is restricting the USA in the war, hence Trump wants to increase funding for the military. Its not a mole in the state department, its a Camel.  ( see 107 minutes to 122 minutes) 

As the United nations rules that Israel is in effect illegitimate and there are no Jewish links to Jerusalem and the Holy Sites such as Temple mount, this position is supported by Putin,  Clinton and Obama (who says Israel cannot occupy Palestinian lands) and which is watered down to a two state solution which reduces lands to Israel in the long term. (Leviticus 25,23) Hamas and Iran want to wipe Israel off the map. Mike Pence has said that this is not his or Trumps position and they do not support the UN in 2010 and on this issue and a debate with them in Israel will occur on Wednesday 26.10.2016. As the two state solution is over, Obamas policy and Clintons has failed. In effect their solution was the Hamas solution. Developing Greater Israel with the safe zones will cost many tens of Trillions of dollars investment which will mean the USA internally will be busy and 100% employed. 

Hillary Clinton, Anti Disabled rights, anti - Judeo - Christian ( and the rigged election) 

It is incredible in the debate that much was made of the Trump declaration not to accept the election result ?(102 minutes) when George Soros had already announced that Hillary would win the election despite the USA population voting ? 

First consider Hillary Clinton's attack on Trumps supposed slighting of disabled people ? in fact it was a reporter who says (Serge Kovalesk) who said Trump did not mock him   or here updated  or here) at all ? The real story is Clinton repeated the slur (at 55 minutes ) which she already knew to be a lie and which the original media actually found amusing to make into a story, which Clinton perpetuated falsely at the expense of the disabled. This is sick and she is a very ill woman as is the media concocting this type of story. (Both Elizabeth Warren and Obama have said so, but  not now ? ) Trump pointed out that disabled veterans do not receive the care they should be receiving. Disabled people in general are underfunded worldwide. Late term abortions are not required in any circumstance

Further a few seconds before this incident which turns disabled issues into a sick joke, Clinton despite the world knowing she had arranged the violence  at Trump rallies (in and from her own emails and her own staff admitting it) over months, continues to cite how this in Un- American and wrong ? (at 54 minutes 50 seconds ) simply repeating a script which was penned before the revelations that the DNC and Clinton arranged the violence This is a sign of mental illness or is under influence of a cult which the Muslim brotherhood is. This is an insight into the minds which deny or shrug off the christian genocide including Obama (who also helped to organise the violence but not as 'protest')

Clinton is anti Protestant and anti Roman Catholic. Second consider also that Clinton is anti - semetic and also anti Judeo christian (anti Roman Catholic  )  (anti Roman catholic 2) ( and anti Protestant) she is not just opposed to doctrines which Protestants and Catholics disagree upon, but is against both denominations.There are doctrines which Catholics and Protestants do not share, but they are based upon one faith and have to be examined honestly and frankly without guile in the West and in America and not just skirted around (in also the 'strawy epistle' sense)  Israel and Rome have a common origin and in the same God from the old Testament and into the New and who should be a primary concern and not just the differences which have emerged. in later centuries. Those that pretend that this is not important in the vitality of the west and in education do not understand the role of the west in history. Dry 'ecumenical-ism' has not advanced that cause philosophically or spiritually. 

These differences are not the cause of concern as throughout the debate Hillary Clinton referred to the 2nd amendment and the constitution as a "democracy" but in fact America is a Constitutional Republic and the constitution cannot be democratically overturned by a two party system and is designed to survive the incredible scandal which is emerging in the Clinton foundation scandal beyond play to pay (see above on Special Access Servers) 

(Who is rigging the election ? and to repeat from the first debate;)

George Soros has already said the election is rigged, and the established polls are nonsense. He says Trump will win the popular vote but Clinton will win the election (or rather Soros will with Huma Abeddin) George Soros is behind the Muslim invasion of Europe and also Britain and the USA. It is of course designed to undermine an election and dissuade people from voting or even having an election instead of taking control of it and their country. 

George Soros (which is also Treasonous) owns the voting machines in 16 states  in the USA and which helped rig the Venezuela elections  in 2004 to help the so called socialists and communists ruin the country back to a state where people are scavenging for food. They are scavenging from the ground up, and the 'top down' Leninist's, Stalinist's and Trotskyites (like Obama and Clinton) could not care less about the working class. It is denied but the vote rigging machine owners have been discovered on tape rigging elections in the USA in Utah and California in the primaries under this firm, (Lord brown) which sought to influence people away from Brexit in Britain and rig elections in Britain. Clinton was against Brexit. Is George Soros a Prophet ? or would Obama Clinton stand in a fair election ? Lord Brown served on the United Nations (
Their U.S. offices are located in Boca Raton, Florida ) 
which has recently ruled although without any authority, and which denies Jewish links to Temple Mount and Jerusalem.

Again this is treason. 

It is the Clinton campaign (and Clinton and Obama have both previously whined about rigged state elections) who cannot accept the election results and the special relationship in the era of Christian genocide of Catholic and Protestant, and the constitution of America is under serious threat and collapse (Removed liberty is contestable that  is the point of the Constitution) and it is they and the biased media supporting them which is about it.

Economically the Clinton Austerity low growth plan  and here on Clintons Austerity ( hundreds of thousands of people protested until they turned into millions ) has not worked in Britain or the EU, and like in the Brexit debate, importing goods food and services will not create jobs at home. It is not protectionism to create manufacturing and produce goods for domestic consumption and/or export as any trade deal can be tailored to each countries needs. The USA has a massive internal market and the EU which socialized its market fell into its current non-competitive malaise. Clinton says she will raise national wage and create jobs but Austerity is a goal to an end. 

27.10.2016 USA Incomes, Taxes & Economics (a quick but thorough analysis)

America has big government budget deficits both at state level and national level, which are already limiting policies in the nation. Spending has far exceeded income in many areas. The long term problems (which include long term investment as long term fixed capital) in companies, infrastructure and the whole country are considerable. State-owned infrastructure is better managed and in better condition than those owned by the federal government. The IMF report highlighted these problems and this article should clarify certain aspects of that debate. After the last ten years however spending injections to create employment could be better spent by states outward than federal inwards and Unions, states and citizens have to acknowledge the debt problem (which is huge) and the budget deficits need to be balanced (debts) and balanced (deficits) or this debate  is going to be moot in any case if a financial collapse occurs (i.e. a waste of time) People have to come together and create long-term jobs and infrastructure solutions for its current citizens. The IMF and both left and right think tanks have suggested that immigration is causing problems at current investment levels and if a collpase or recession occurs immigration is likely to make it worse. Venezuela is not importing labour currently for example. Spending in all areas is required but in an intelligent low debt, high growth balanced budget scenario. Hiding spending and debt whilst claiming a balanced budget, as occurred in the mid 1990's only pushes the problem down the line for the next government as debts rose through the period.

For a detailed insight see the adjacent  website and chapter 1 (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel  and page 27 for this economic problem in the EU caused by big government but also investment problems ) The USA has a debt crisis which is destroying traditional discretionary government spending on education, the military, R & D (research and development) and infrastructure. Infrastructure is at a crisis point in many areas. Budget deficits are over 1 Trillion dollars under Obama and Clinton,and these traditional government roles are reduced and are becoming centralised to Washington only. Regardless of opposing political parties in the house or senate the traditional programmes have suffered in the first five years and over the ten year period. The debt budget deficits are reducing investment in these traditional programmes. Russia collapsed in the 1990's (for example) and long term investment was a cause and is a cause of concern now in the EU. Solutions to these problems are outside of the thinking and ideology of the current administrations decision makers? 

The only attempt to correct these problems in the USA has been to raise taxes across the board and that is the Democrat plan. It's a plan which is a catch 22 situation as a a solution. Run investment down, raise taxes and everyone has less income and a resultant 3rd world infrastructure. Efficiency and targeted investment instead of rolling programmes wasting Billions without effect. Cutting taxes and raising incomes and investment in infrastructure is a more effecient, and then at management level, instead of seeking to make a profit from just the stockmarket (which these traditional areas cannot sustain or grow within) the programmes require solid management. (see the above pdf page 26 -  36) The fiscal government has to balance the budget and Obama's deficit has widened, and Clinton who is suggesting that she will not borrow (not adding to the national debt but see later) that is impossible under her and the democrat's plan which is similar to Obama's plan over the last 10 years. The whole big government, small government debate in the USA is in a false comfort zone currently and there are huge future problems facing the USA, not  least the USA losing its position to China / Russia in world economics and world affairs (The new Eurasian Russia-China block) Democrats over the last ten years have moved America into a position to accept that position and reduced status as a country.

Hillary Clinton's plan involves turning the USA into a totalitarian state. North Korea, China and Russia are enjoying the west's economic problems, as with one more large financial crash, it will make the USA like North Korea (big  brother government, surveillance and poverty)  Her expectation is not within the big government / small government debate and the Clinton austerity plan is married to high unemployment. This plan (taking  over from the inside Saul Alinsky theory) also begins with low growth and destroying the middle class, which (with a bank collapse or two) allows Austerity (Clinton in Greece in 2011 and which allowed her son inside trader information as the horror progressed in Greece ) to become the norm over ten years. Spain had 30 % unemployment and Greece up to 45 % at periods to help the communists 'restructure society' Calling for change. From this position socialism appears more attractive after the ten years or so, and it is then easier to accept, compared to starvation or austere living. Austerity did not reduce debt, nationally or in the deficit balance of payments in the EU. Hillary Clinton (at 122 minutes in the debate) says she will not add one more cent the national debt ? You can only do that if you stop borrowing. Then you would need to make a new internal non-borrowed currency and have 100% employment. You would also need a manufacturing economy or high employment industries increased and new and widespread. (Clinton is not proposing these solutions)

At a lower level of the economy, many people do not really understand what is being proposed and Democrats actually prefer Donald Trumps tax plan once they asked about it.  

All of this has been prepared whilst Russia and China grow. Trump mentioned (between 33 minutes and 47 minutes) that India is at 7% growth and China at 8%. Russia's growth has stalled but the new Silk Road (The new Eurasian Russia-China block) countries are making a new economic zone. Russia and China  (see many postdates above) have bought enormous quantities of Gold. China's flexible peg to the dollar trading slightly lower allows their imports into the West at a cheaper rate. They are buying USA debt but that is not a good thing (although Hillary Clinton thinks it is ) China is primarily a manufacturing hub and an export-driven economy This situation is being maintained by Clinton-Obama and this is what Donald trump is talking about. To take back those markets for the USA and change its economy or at least improve it (and all Chinas dumping goods are cheaper until the economy changes to buy the USA at this higher level) which then creates prosperity and better-funded towns and states and communities. That is the money in the pocket deal. However there is another side to China's sometimes baffling approach explained here (separate from the petro – dollar trading ) "US debt offers the safest heaven for Chinese forex reserves, which effectively means that China offers loans to the US so that the US can keep buying the goods China produces" (same link as last link) Obama and Hillary keep jumping up encouraging this situation which is a lie for a domestic economy.

Next Obama has almost arranged for the petrodollar to become a petro-yen. This will make the USA poorer and with Austerity in any collapse, China and Russia will be trading on Gold. Hillary who backed the TTIP trade at first before Brexit  ( she reserved Judgement on it before Brexit which is the same as saying she does not have an aggressive plan of her own except what she is scripted to say) She also backed CETA (Canadian trade deal) which is almost scrapped.  The terrible USA NAFTA deal (see Nafta in Brexit above) was produced by Bill Clinton as Trump says. New deals in Britain and the USA will need to be hard bargained and Trump has promised a new trade deal with Britain. Despite Hillary saying she will now scrap TTIP her low growth vision and non – plan will grind the USA to a halt and make it fall in line with 3rd world countries in the new Global outlook. She has always had that plan and Brexit exposed her non – plan. (Brexit occurred during the Primaries on 23.06.2010)

Incredibly Obama and Clinton have allowed this to happen and cheered and want you to vote for it as it is good fro America. It's astonishing.

The World and US Economy insights over the last few months (as a guide and with opinions)

1.  US Growth slowed in August 2016.   2.  EU stress tests fail on Italian and German banks including Deutsche bank early August 2016    3. A world combined 555 trillion debt explosion is possible Aug 19th 2016 and Deutsche bank has 150 billion exposure    

4. Deutsche bank warns of global crash 25.10.2016   5. USA shrinking markets cause debt binge problems in Australia Aug 23 2016 (Linkedin)

6. US Growth and Markets slow in September 2016 and jobs.  7. Slow growth mode in USA 12.09.2016 

8. The slow decline is the beginning of  a landslide as predicted in July 2016 (Jason Burack)  (an end of Keynesian economics)

9. Jason Burack   explains that banks cannot deliver silver and Gold as payment and confidence can be lost causing a collapse suddenly. A new SDR global currency with the USA as second/ third  world economy combined with social engineering. The US economy is not doing well in the USA and a recession is actually expected (23 minutes fwd)

Steve St Angelo (18.10.2016) analysis, including agriculture, energy and infrastructure (with one caveat or disagreement as Oil is not running out, but Oil companies and alternative energy are merging. There are large oil reserves as yet unclaimed and not only in Antarctica at current prices) Not UFO's but Terrestrial technology craft originating on earth which should be revealed ( 38 minutes fwd)  It also explains why Obama's deficit has exploded and increased to over $600 Billion + in reality (Healthcare costs as Obamacare) 20 minutes explains why Chinas / Russia's Gold and a collapse will make them the new superpowers unless America is made great again.

The pew report  (6.10.2016) on USA jobs is also poor over the past 25 years, 15 years and going forward. Foreign trade is costing US jobs and this will increase under Clinton.

Jason Burack with a world view criticises the institutions but corrections can be made for jobs and high growth including stock market rises and the USA can come out of the problem if the decisions are made by someone who has business experience of trade deals and who has Mike Pence as a vice President who has transformed Indiana. Jason advocates real free trade not the con we have now as does Trump  they mention China moving away from the Petro – dollar (at 9 minutes fwd)  the USA does not produce anymore and GDP stats are wrong and the economy  is in trouble. This is trouble for the USA and slow low growth will not do anything and will not bring the deficit balance which is Clintons hope to not add a cent to the national debt.

This is why people want "protectionist policies" (although they are not protectionist until the tariff or tax is negotiated) as free trade also means, good agricultural produce, increased manufacturing, (100% employment) good wages with secure jobs, exports and stability in this unstable period with new trade deals (especially with China). Corporate and company management ideologies which first worked in the USA, went into the East and China in the 1970's to 1990's and they adapted (copied) them, added a communist style and sent it back to the USA. This style of corporation company and small business now in the USA has inhibited away from a vigorous free trade approach, and debt is reducing margins making wage / profit analysis artificial (for worker and employer) whilst still employing methods of business models formulated before these economic debt realities have taken over the economy. That is a polarising problem for unions, worker and small business, company and corporation. Central banks are brilliant inventions in themselves and can be employed to assist economies or bring problems. The IMF has warned on debt levels ( in a 2015 staff paper) within the USA

It is incredible also that Greece's best deal on its future (or one of them) came with Israel and Cyprus on a shared energy policy ( see the adjacent website and chapter 2) on its long-term future. Israel is a dynamic, innovative economy that has had to make the best of land and scarce energy resources which it could reciprocate as advice back to the USA. Alex Tsipras admitted in the austerity negotiations (as a communist) that there was nowhere left to, proving if you are aged between 13 and 30 that currency debt issues (fiscal policy) are mathematically at odds with ideology and eventually or from he get go you have to manage an economy to avoid these problems.

Mike Pence and Tim Kaine (and see above Vice President debate) and their balanced budget approach in practice.

Mike Pence has transformed Indiana. Consider then also the German model with a balanced budget (the Swabian ideal) which is to then move to 100% employment without homelessness, instead of welfare, in a exporting economy and/or local economy and have cheap local goods, food which tatses good (many people remember when food tasted good and filled your appetite ) and living expenses with high wages. However in achieving this type of economy you would first have to do what Mike Pence has. This is is possible and is the driving ambition of many economists which actually makes economics interesting, fun and provides community spirit. This can be achieved  with or without energy reforms and alternative energy reforms (see parts of chapter 3 on the adjacent website for Germany, and contrast it with chapter 2 and 5) but the USA importing large amounts of energy (as with any imported item) raises debt and costs, see also above on Brexit and making a exporting and SME (small business )  Overall this is how you then reduce debt state by state without causing social problems until you have reformed a nation.

This niche German system which is favored in a region of Germany is not typical of the rest of the EU. Sometimes the EU looks to discourage it as a system, and just as Brexit means people want a different system, the EU still needs to reform or other countries will follow and leave it. Perhaps this the actual EU they want. 4 months after Brexit, a recession has not followed and the British office of national statistics shows that Brexit is actually in growth (27.10.2016)   The German system carries 100% employment  to make it work and is attractive to everyone working in it. 100 % is it caveat for its adoption by a community. Pat Condell explains why this (but not the EU) system or similar works and the differences between them  & America (see also Brexit the Movie, Clinton was against Brexit and her economics are being rejected everywhere) Wages are higher as prices are low in this area of Germany. Production is efficient in higher quantities and profit margins increase accordingly.

There is a growing interest in alternative energy (and German households made an income from it and who still have oil and gas) but a growing dissatisfaction with the United Nations impinging on sovereign countries rights and laws, which under Obama and Clinton have led to debt and corruption and a lack of sovereignty. The EU can be also be restrictive on non-centralised innovations, and it has between 70 and 100 million unemployed and some statistics place it much higher. Localism provides a way to end those problems whilst still engaging with the global world and commerce and trade deals.

Trump's warning on Obamacare has also proven correct. (26.10.2016)

None of the above prevents finance capital and investment using traditional standard bank debt, mezzanine finance, equity, EIIS, venture capital and bonds including green bonds. Mortgages can have a customer insurance "bet" built into the mortgage inclusive derivative, (which are appearing) in case of losing employment, and/or accidents or market upsets. Instead of separate mortgage insurance, it is (the derivative insurance) included in the mortgage payment. Sub-primers can be insured also and this prevents sub - prime collapse.This pays the mortgage if problems arise preventing homelessness. Working out new finance methods which can pay down finance and still produce are instruments which can turn economies around post the 2008 collapse. The real economy (real GDP growth) in November 2016, is actually reflecting the 9 points above and their conclusions. These are basic economic indicators from a broad source, and many speculate it is far worse than this. China's higher prices are a sign a recession is coming and consumer confidence in the  USA is weak.  also (see also both last links ) new competitive trade deals and employment at home is a strong option to beat any recession. Defusing the unchecked derivative bubble will be a major challenge. To beat it you would need a strong surefooted internal economy and international trading strength. Previous deals have been poor (01/11.2016) Americas economy however could benefit from China's higher prices (in its debt bust which could also force a world recession, hence China and Russia are buying huge Gold quantities) and exporting increases and manufacturing rises could produce a stock-market and business capital boom in the USA.

Whilst these facts are formidable they can be turned around, and also proves the constitution as a political blueprint to the economic outlook, is essential to the USA.

The US security and intelligence catastrophic breeches under Obama and Clinton seem to follow the Democratic plan on losing the war at home and abroad.

The Unprecedented Security Breach and its Collapse and Treason (continues) to follow

31.10.2016 The security threat internally in the USA is shocking and unprecedented. Loretta Lynch Attorney General of the USA, Obama, Abeddin and Clinton and Biden. Once the full extent of the christian genocide became clearer and the complicity of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US administration and Huma Abeddin, Hillary Clinton and Obama becomes clearer, it has shocked people to their core. You can read from 23.12.2015 above at the level of duplicity and double speak surrounding the attempted cover up of the involvement of the aforementioned. Note the Christian Genocide was fully declared 4 months later by western institutions and could not be covered up or silenced. Queries or complaints against the Muslim brotherhood were met with hysteria. The type of hysteria a cover up requires, which does not mention Biden, Obama, Clinton Abeddin. The Clinton foundation for example sent money to Bahrain ( $10 million) and UAE and Saudi and the sex scandals of human rights violations against woman and which includes money received from Qatar and 1.8 billion sent to Qatar is ongoing. This is not mentioned . Reporting internally on these historical investigations by the institutions or the press is considered illegal ? (or 'nontraditional') except when meeting a candidates husband privately on a plane 

Further the ongoing investigations into the Benghazi cover up by Clinton and you can watch all 3 debates in which she denies any responsibility, but also does not mention that 22 members of a Navy Seal team have died ? under her watch in those debates ? That would be a very significant omission in any government, and is a telling omission, it is in fact being covered up by Obama and Clinton.  A great deal of of similar personnel have been killed in unusual circumstances. ( including military personnel around the Clinton's) 

As mentioned above in the post dated 27.10.2016 and heading (Treason, Special Access Servers as top secret, and Mr Gehad El Haddad (et al)

and then reading down from 20.09.2015 and 23.12.2015 to today you will note that there is a war going on. However what is unusual aside from the Clinton selling Uranium to Russia and the investigation of Benghazi by Trey Gowdy and the investigation of the Clinton foundation is the further revelations of the Special Access Servers and the arrest of Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo who was employed by the Clinton foundation. One of the charges against him was a desire to suppress the civil liberties of Egyptians ( extreme Sharia law) 

El Haddad also had access to the Special Access Servers. he therefore had access to all military personnel worldwide including intelligence. This information on a private server such as Clintons meant they could be easily transferred overseas by El haddad or hacked by anyone worldwide. 

During the election campaign CNN cut its news feed when questions arose on the Clinton foundation ? in September 2016 and October 2016. In august 2016 the military deemed Clinton a security threat. Obama had prior knowledge of the server threat to security despite denying it ? 

Aside from the largest scandal since Watergate unfolding, the internal election fraud is competing with it. 

On 24.10.2016 the full- scale of the inciting violence videos (which had violence all across the USA, and which was criticized by Clinton as un-american in the last debate)  Blaze news network brought together all 3 parts of the Veritas Action investigation on the Rigged election by Obama and Clinton and Bob Creamer a convicted criminal who was actively inciting violence. (now resigned as of 19.10.2016 and followed by Scott Foval another DNC employee) This incited violence and the hysteria is on a such large scale that it pales all previous scandals in the USA combined. Many people suggest it is almost like a Islamic Muslim brotherhood attempt at rigging the US election. More violence co-ordinated by the white house as more organizers of the violence come forward and speak out. This is co-ordinated by the White house and treats the US population like cattle. Since Obama condemned the election rigging operation the news following all the tapes of the election rigging has admitted that votes are flipped (changed within the machine) but "not in the way people think" ? 

George Soros owns the machines which are flipping votes?  and not just flipping votes but altering them in Virginia and the fraudsters have been charged. This is a long way from Obamas and Clintons denials of a rigged election by the media. 

Further Chelsea Clinton  (daughter of Hillary ) is married to George Soros nephew    (George Soros who said Trump would win popular vote but Clinton the election. Who owns many of the voting machines which are flipping votes but not as people think ? ) 

The scale of the rigged election is vast. (2016) And paper ballots and hand tallies are being called for, for all future and past  votes. 

1. Voters fraudsters charged in Virginia Oct 28   2. Machines caught flipping Texas Oct 29  3. Scott Foval fired from DNC for voter fraud 18 Oct  

4. Voter fraud in Georgia 20 Oct 5. Anonymous voter fraud against Bernie Sanders by Clinton 6.Oct   6. Non residents in New Hampshire vote in New Hampshire. Feb 2016   7. 4 million dead and illegible voters 18.10.2016  8. Barack Obama's half brother tells everyone to vote for Trump in genuine vote.

9. Postal caught destroying postal votes for Trump including military overseas votes. 17.10.2016   10. Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki rigged elections in Kenya in 2008 endorsed by Obama  11. TGN network news on how voter fraud committed April 2016.  

12. Diebold voting machine frauds 2016  13. Julian Assange explains how voting fraud completed 6.10.2016  

14. Democrats rig 2014 elections.  15. Media riggs polls   16. Arizona voting fraud April 2016    The list could go on and it looks like voter fraud. People are sure of it.

You have to feel disgusted for America.


Unprecedented in USA history and on October 28th Loretta Lynch pleads the fifth amendment  Attorney General of the USA (which means she feared she would incriminate herself) on secret bribe payments to Iran. This is after she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton a private planeOn the 29.10.2016 the FBI re-opens the email investigation into the Clinton foundation which is now admitting the pay to play "quid pro quo" is true. (see above) Huma Abeddin is implicated and the media turns the story into a sordid sex scandal (with Anthony Weiner, Abeddins estranged Husband from August 2016 ) to distract the population from the serious situation which has continued since 2008 and from 2011 when Clinton took over secretary of state. It is not  just El Haddad (who was arrested in Egypt) but all of this information would then be available through Huma Abeddin or the entire Muslim brotherhood in the staff as policy    all top secret information (= Genocide and lost war)

It then transpires (30.10.2016) that she (Loretta Lynch) advised congress not to make an inquiry but that was ongoing since January 2016 ?in what is the biggest security and scandal in US history ? 

The Christian genocide and the growing lack of security in Europe and the USA continued from these dates and not from the last few months. Security was reduced from these dates and which led to the Paris bombings and the Belgian bombings and Russia taking over Syria. (see all above posts from December 2015 ) 

Therefore to distract with email sex scandals away from the national security breech they contain Special Access Servers which lists all military and intelligence personnel worldwide (these state email scandals are in themselves resigning offences for a secretary of state and assistant Huma Abeddin, and as of 30.10.2016 there is a serious investigation underway, and which includes money received from Qatar and sent to Qatar is ongoing) 


Judge Napolitano  explains that Hillary Clinton leaked all the names of  Intelligence and army personnel in the Middle East and worldwide,(or here) This effects banking and security, and intelligence gathering of groups which are vulnerable or in danger from genocide and the geo-political war is compromised away from the US. The distraction in the presidential debate was to claim Russia was hacking the emails which is untrue. The information above top secret was leaked and sold abroad.

Combine this with the Muslim brotherhood running the state department and the reduction in middle east security in Israel  r.e. Donald Trump in Israel (with a growing acceptance the two state solution really means no Israel state) as the United Nations rules there is no Jewish connection to Jerusalem in history. This is also the policy of Obama as anti Israel and Clinton. (who is now trying to distance her and Obama's stance on Iran from Obama for the election.) The UN decree means there is no Christian connection to Jerusalem and the 2 billion Christians worldwide of all denominations have no faith.

The emails also distract from the fact the Clinton foundation has not been IRS audited as yet ( with no access) and also distracted from the Hammond and Bundy ranch stories in which the Bundys  (October 28 2016) were cleared of any wrongdoing in a federal court (defending their land from the Clinton foundation accusations (the origin of the accusations) taking the land and mining it for Uranium to sell to Russia, who will give it to Iran)

The whitehouse and the war, the rigged election and  the christian genocide all make more sense. This is what Hillary Clinton means by the saul allinsky  thesis and taking over from the inside. This how you control the war and lose the war (January 2016)   

This is why since July 2016 over 200 Christians have been killed in the middle east and Africa and thousands injured and lands stolen but which are not reported as such. and this control and censorship is not just in the USA but Canada also. It is treason. ISIL have killed hundreds in the last two days in Mosul (which location Clinton was unaware of in the 3rd presidential debate) Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed since 2011.  Obama as of 2. 11.2016 has still not named it as a Christian Genocide.


3.11. 2016 The continuing attack on the constitution and America. 

Never in Human history has so much misinformation been directed at a population amidst election fraud and treason simultaneous.

On 3.11.2016 the FBI has said it will bring indictments in the ongoing investigations in the Clinton foundation and emails scandals. It also (and see last post above) suggests that there two levels of treason and one distracts from the other (separate from the George Soros rigged election machines which owned by his relative (via Mark Mollach Brown, Vice chairman of Soros Open Society Foundation, which Clinton(s) say is not a conflict of interest, Chelsea Clinton being married to Soros Nephew and who is related by (illegitimate according to Breitbart) birth to Soros, and the mainstream media blithely reporting on flipped votes) Since the 2 billion dollars stolen from the Haiti charity appeal by the Clinton foundation is in Global mainstream media (BBC News) (complaint against Clintons involvement 2010)  US state department history of the fraud under Clinton. The Haitian scam is a good model for the Obamacare scam which will rise and rise across America as time goes on, and a micro example of the larger Clinton Foundation fraud.

The American Constitution is being deliberately undermined by stalled due process in the Obama / Clinton administration.

Consider this pre-election result posted by NBC news on 02.11.2016 ? which pre- riggs the votes, numbering them before counting of the votes has begun ?

As the Clinton foundation / emails fraud continues it is clear also that Obama is implicated hence he has signed away legal inquiries keeping them going from one department to another to protect himself and Clinton. The bogus misdirection's also enlisted Loretta Lynch (bribed by Bill Clinton see last post above on the Unprecedented Security Breech) 

The FBI has said they have enough evidence to arrest Hillary Clinton
(dating from before she decided to run for President) her Presidential run (as can be seen from the 7 DNC resignations following the wiki-leaks leaks on corruption, the fact that Clinton arranged the violence at Trump and Bernie Sanders rallies, again see above) is a cover to protect the Clinton foundation and is the largest criminal fraud which is bigger than all previous frauds combined including Watergate. Why they have not arrested her is due to Obama's passing the buck around different departments to make it a "constitutional matter" which since Obama and Clinton are trying to destroy the constitution is a terrible joke.

The international chaos caused by the leaking of classified intelligence can be seen from the posts above dating back over one year. However that "leaking" or deniable leaking is Treason. Huma Abeddin is also guilty of Treason as also are the Muslim brotherhood. 

Russia's continuing build up of armaments and ships, tanks and missiles in the Middle East is still allowed to grow under Obama / Clinton administration, despite  the saber rattling which has suddenly emerged in the last few weeks. Russia is also supplying Drug Cartels in Mexico. The aim is to neutralize Mexico and destroy it by taking Mexico over (the Mexican economy and country) and then try to do the same in America, destroying it with drugs, poor investment and a malaise into the heartlands. This is the real story of Mexican security in which both sides have tried to combat the problem. As mentioned in posts above Doctor José Manuel Mireles Valverde, is still in prison, but  the film about him "Cartel land" was nominated for an Oscar  and is at the center (with Tim "Nailer" Foley) of the story. Both are heroes and should be commended as such. Dr Mireless and the peoples Autodefensa as are the peoples militias who tried to combat the drug cartels. In effect people of both  sides of the border fought and fight this war against drug cartels who are inventing extremely addictive substances which China supplies also, (which instantly ruin a life including the very young) to decimate small towns and communities.Endless amounts of money are supplied to take over the people's militias and corrupt the Mexican government.(an insight into Mexico people and the problems) It does not matter to Russia if chaos is created at the border for both countries. 

If you oppose security in this area (as Clinton says she does) you are obviously benefiting the Russians and this is central to the Russian saga in the USA. Obama publically says he and the Muslim brotherhood are opposing the drug cartels but has secretly assisted them (and those policies of Obama have failed dramatically and has actually overthrown the Mexican government for Russia in effect. Since then Valenzuela has collapsed under this type of plan) The chart in the next link shows the chronic and rapid rise of harmful drugs in the USA which can be charged for treatment on Obamacare, but which  takes more drugs to sell just to afford it, if you can get treatment. A diabolical scam which has seen drug use increase from 1999 to 2008 to 2016 by 50% to 80%  all that has happened in Mexico is a monopoly in the cartels is sending 80% more drugs than in 2011. In 2010 Obamacare premiums were promised to be reduced by over $2500 dollars  yet they have doubled and tripled in many cases. Addictive Drugs and their harmful effects have risen considerably in the USA, they have not declined and that is the test of the debate. Who has benefited from the Obama / Clinton policy in this area ? not America ? Legal immigration is happening everyday over the border so the smokescreen is created to hide other issues. Drugs decimate US towns and Mexican towns. Mexico is aware of the evil which follows. Russia has admitted in the cold war (and today) that it plants agents to slowly destroy a country from within and that is Hillary Clinton's Saul Allinsky thesis which she supports from University.

These are indeed unprecedented times in the USA in which Libertarians believe Hillary Clinton will be impeached.   due to the domestic and international security breeches as treason, and weakening the constitution is the way to achieve that overall plan.

Jobs & Investment. The last paragraphs above are relevant as the US economy is in serious trouble. Infrastructure is poor although non - federal infrastructure fares much better. Many towns are dying and jobs have been taken out of America under Clinton and Obama, in effect the middle class is being  destroyed (again the Saul Allinsky/Clinton thesis) and the working class with it. This was the long  term plan in Britain before Brexit i.e. run it into the ground slowly (to reduce real jobs and limit a exporting healthy nation the same plan for all western countries piling a debt burden, instead of growth, strong trade deals and liberty) Britain in Brexit who will leave the EU in March 2017. Recently released PMI figures on construction show a rise in Britain and not a recession Brexit. Brexit removed Austerity in the EU admits Obama and Clinton who supported the stay in the EU campaign ? (i.e Remain) yet they helped make Austerity a reality for the EU ?  The plan to decimate middle America and US United States has been slowly brought into place, and Clinton's support of "Austerity" and other low growth policies do not address high job growth and towards 100 % employment.

Rural America and cities in America have been decimated also by Bill Clintons NAFTA. Young people are leaving in higher numbers from the country to go to Cities, and America has lost 5 jobs Million jobs in manufacturing which spin off many other industries and smaller companies and then create larger companies and so on. The decline in US jobs and manufacturing (which is now so bad economists disregard it see above in the heading 27.10.2016 incomes, taxes and economics) began straight away for 6 years and then rose slightly and fell off the scale from 1999 / 2000, and has plummeted since 2008. Technology can reduce jobs but since all new products require labour then being competitive in the impossible trade conditions with China (again see heading 27.10.2016) means that it is a continuing self fulfilling  prophecy that jobs disappear and previous promised measures seem to make no difference over a ten year election period. (every ten years) In the USA that outlook or philosophy would have to stop before jobs can grow. A nation which does not make or create does not work. The left have abandoned the idea of manufacturing and connected services and connected offshoot employment and importing everything is their idea of a trade deal with no sense that making or creating (localism by states for states) is behind growth success. 

Mike Pence in Indiana produced 10% job growth from 2013 when the US national average was 6.1 % (down to 3% in some states) Economic growth also grew above the national average as did hourly pay and manufacturing provided one main way forward. Transport and infrastructure could and should provide every state with 100 % employment opportunities. America (like the Ukraine also which was once called the bread basket of the world) should not need to import food.


06.11.2016 The American Dream ?

USA paying for Russia / China's war under Clinton / Obama ?

The fact that America imports large amounts of it food shows their is something wrong with the American Dream. Much of Americas food imports come from China due its currency manipulation scam which has been perpetuated by Obama & Clinton. It has continued to rise since 2011 and 2013 ? China in buying US debt is also using the debt to buy US land (buying America) and in the Middle East the escalating war means the USA is paying for China's contribution to the war, as it owns the debt (in effect) This is what is meant by a bad trade deal.

(From Brexit) China began by buying USA debt massively for years, and is now dumping it, but it still owns $1.25 Trillion of US treasuries  down from $1.35 trillion in November 2013 (notes, iou's and bonds) And in dumping some and keeping  most it means it can keep its exports high as the dollar's value will be higher than the yuan but not too high. China is exporting into the USA and the manipulation of the currency (keeping it low but the price of money rises) helps keep its economy selling (the US is buying and not manufacturing for export) and this is allowed no matter if you have TTIP, NAFTA or any other trade deal  (in effect since 1993 the Clintons maintained that communist China would open its markets but  the reverse actually occurred over the 23 years since then ) . In other words China by buying the USA's debt artificially keeps its currency lower than the US which boosts its exports and in effect also buys the US. This is not natural and it is planned this way. It is manipulating its currency artificially. By not paying Bonds down they can end up as extra taxation.

The plan by Russia and China was to aid Islam run up western debt through the over inflation (up to 150 dollars a barrel of oil in the past or $147.27 in 2008) of the petro dollar. This devalues money and adds indirect taxes and forces cheaper and cheaper labour (and immigration) beyond the norm of small business, who are also reduced in their margins. This epoch of immigration is a total fraud and China in buying the USA's debt (and hoarding Gold with Russia see last post) is in effect funding the US war in the Middle East. California (just one state) for instance is $127.2 Billion dollars in debt and Clinton will add to it like Obama (who pushed it up from $8 billion to $19 – 20 billion)

Russia fueling South American drugs trade. (hence one more reason for no security and the Democrats 'Taco Bowl engagement policy' 

Obama and Clinton want the over border drugs trade to continue Drugs internally of the (even beyond) extremely addictive type (takes 2 - 3 seconds for addiction and also kills) have increased in the USA over the last ten years (see red heading above "Jobs and Investment" ) Clinton and the Democrats have  a public Latin American policy but behind the scenes they have the racists "taco bowl engagement policy"   whilst allowing Mexico's efforts and the USA to fail in drug capture. 

Other contradictions by the Democrats (including lying to Union members and Human trafficking)

The democrats also told Union leaders to lie to their members. Between paying protesters to start violence at Trump rallies, paying Woman to lie (personally paid by Mrs Clinton) and using the disabled including disabled Veterans as false news outrages, it is a sickening spectacle. (see 3rd Presidential debate above) Veterans in the USA are left homeless and left to suffer  in what seems to many a deliberate policy ? The trafficking scandal which Obama and Clinton (s) have covered up and who are also implicated is emerging (child prostitution and trafficking scandals ) and James Comey was involved in this investigation also, and which reached back to the Gulf and to Saud & United Arab Emirates home of the largest trafficking empire and who paid to play "quid pro quo" in the Clinton foundation (and see the adjacent website and chapter 4, and chapter 6 below as these matters are ongoing internationally which provides a real insight behind the news consistently ) including Huma Abeddinsinvolvement in the investigation. This is also a "real"investigation into trafficking which is part of the Criminal sub empire. None of this was mentioned in the State of the Union address by President Obama / Soetoro in January 2016. 
Obama / Clinton(s) are 'no JFK' who died in Dallas Texas, and who was of course not a saint either. Clinton however paid victims to be victims, and then announced them as victims in her Presidential debate. 

The Overthrow of the US Constitution was completed on 04.11.2016

Under the US Constitution which is a robust and fair (just) document, you cannot arrest anyone without going to a Judge and getting a warrant (putting a second view between Government and the people i.e Big Government  and the people = Liberty ) That has been removed by Obama and Clinton (except if you are poor or "ordinary" like Kathleen Saucier's son then you are prosecuted for handling classified material) 

Homeland security (who may have officially indited Hillary Clinton) and the FBI would have to go to Loretta Lynch the Attorney General to obtain a arrest Warrant (or lower but she would have to ultimately approve it) but she has been bribed by Bill Clinton (who met her in a private deal in a airplane) who is a impeached former President ! Bill Clinton was impeached from the US presidency in December 1998.   

As no prosecution is forthcoming ( today) ? then this overthrow of the constitution is by lack of due process ? As if Hillary Clinton is elected in the vast voting fraud, this means a woman who has breached national and international security and a man (her Husband ) who cannot enter the Whitehouse as he is an impeached President, they have then overthrown the Constitution and the right to bear arms (which Hillary like Obama will remove completely and NAFTA was a first stage by Bill Clinton)  all in one go. Its happening in plain sight as the ultimate coup de taut which began on "9/11" 

The start of this USA Presidential election (above under main heading  (08.10.2016) The War on Terror and the USA Presidential Elections 2016 and the debates began with the disclosures by President Obama that Saudi Arabia had been involved in 9/11 as also Iran had been, both have paid fines to that effect. Iran is still supporting Bashar al-Assad, whilst Saudi are at war with Syria and now Egypt, Egypt is also supporting Assad( 6.11.2016) The Christian genocide two paragraphs below gives a big clue what both as Islam thinks about the West. (These are the 'allies' Clinton and Obama suggest they make)

Make no mistake (and former Muslim brotherhood democrat members are arrested in Egypt see above) at least 5 foreign Governments " hacked" Hillary's private emails according to the FBI (which is why the USA is losing the intelligence war) and Hillary Clinton let them be hacked and around which has created the (lesser) sideshow to get rid of the US constitution, the right to bear armaments and all backed by the Huma Abeddin ( the proposed White house Chief of Staff by Clinton)  The FBI's original statement in July 2016. Since then other emails revealed that Clinton lied in her original testimony, and genocide occurred during those emails dates. Muslim Brotherhood / Obama 5th Column. The FBI and Homeland security are investigating Hillary Clinton beginning with Benghazi. Homeland security made the following statement 06.11.2016 It is not just indictment but if elected Impeachment as treason and also according to Libertarians Gary Johnson.Hillary Clinton really hates Christians (and if you are "nominal" and do not practice you are still classed as such) and those that are behind her (including George Soros) have just allowed the biggest Christian Genocide to slowly unfurl in front of the worlds media without a concern (by them) The Muslim Brotherhood hate Christians which includes (in their minds) basically anyone in the USA. Sharia Law is (however) simply seen as a useful tool and bulwark against existing laws (any laws) in any country to get rid of existing laws which suits Islam.

(n.b. this Christian genocide; The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. After she left office to run Hillary Clinton changed her story (Dec 2015) whilst Obama is still denying it. No care or duty of hundreds of thousands of innocent people) 

The Libertarian dream.

The original Libertarians were independent tough rugged and free. As mentioned at the beginning of this US election essay (near the beginning under "the others or non-invitees" above ) the Libertarian ideal under the US constitution and the influence of Ayn Rand sought a Uptopia or "home of the brave or land of the free" and incredibly in the USA (as the debate is between Christian libertarian, Conservative and liberal Libertarians) one group who have achieved this are the Amish and Mennonites. It is not everyone's life choice but they own their own land over generations, (so far) they do not import food, they are independent and free, and they could teach Jill Stein everything she needs to know about Green manure. (see the red heading "the others or non-invitees" above ) 

Jill stein does have interesting proposals on local microeconomics and banking, although credit unions and similar have existed for generations, whilst Mike Pence has seen job growth and balanced budgets in Indiana across the state. International finance and trade deals are not the impeached or indited Clinton's strong point. Another area where huge growth will come is in Israel which is set to grow in size and strength despite Obama's efforts.(and see Chapter 5 below) it is the best development plan for the Middle East. Neighbors of the Amish and Mennonites say they are blessed living next to such areas and the original Pilgrims largely came from Cambridge in Britain, whilst the Amish and Mennonites came (mostly) from Germany and Switzerland, and who have successful economies. Billy Grahams granddaughter (Cissie Graham) has endorsed Mike Pence and Donald Trump as has Franklin Graham Trump and Pence) Billy Graham has some suggest, and this election has been a learning curve for any American. Roman Catholics once the full disclosure that both Democrat candidates support abortion and drastic abortion are disgusted by the deception in Kaines earlier statements. (see above red headings on the vice presidential debates and family values) 

However this election in the 2016 USA Presidential election has been hijacked in order to have a non - election and less than 9% of the US population will vote for Hillary Clinton who is not interested in Voters, the USA or Woman. The election is set to undermine the US constitution and also frame minds on the middle right or conservatives not to Vote, and therefore have a non - election. (but which has disgusted everyone) First as distraction by disgust and second by lack of due Judicial process and in which everyone is lying ? everywhere on every news channel. Do Americans believe that a revolution is going on ? (a second American revolution ? as these attempts at an election are not fooling anyone and the public are not buying into the farce which is covering a criminal empire on all levels in the big Washington Government. This template has been laid out on Washington from the top down during the administration. 

It is leading to a new coup de taut not a election (r.e. Steve Pieczenik) who outlines the Truth. However it is not just Judicial due process which is a part of the US constitution (see above on Us Constitution overthrown 04.11.2016) and the right  to bear arms and not accept deception as passive misdirected tyranny, but also a right, that peoples freedoms come from their Humanity before God, and not from any Government which does not acknowledge that right. That is real peace in any nation. 

Noam Chomsky People think that America is at the end of the American Dream (and Noam Chomsky has presented his recent 'Requiem for the American Dream' documentary which does not mention Lenin losing his first election and deciding to overthrow Russia's first elected government in which election fraud and terror were introduced in 1917 / 1918 followed by starvation, gulags and genocide into also the Stalin era ) Hillary Clinton's plans to tax and destroy the middle class  (which is / was Saul Allinskys thesis Clinton wants to adapt) and under Lenin the working class in their first election voted him out. The working and middle class (as in Venezuela both working and middle class  and the Requiem for progressive communist humanism. Contrast this with Norway,  another Oil economy but which is successful and is faring much better  and into 2016 ) Russians under Lenin and Stalin were robbed, made unequal and forced down. Income inequality did not end, or incomes rise under Lenin, Stalin or China's chairman Mao Zedong. These leaders like Ukraine's recent overthrown leader Viktor Yanukovych were rich and a new dictatorship espousing income inequality for all in plain view. Hillary Clinton's (a Maoist at heart) taxes and tax plan are not Robin Hood as the Clinton foundations non tax status revealed. The democrats plans are designed to reduce wealth (and not taxes) across the board on all classes and companies, (see Clintons support of Austerity in the EU above) but not for her or Bill Clinton or the foundation. Both the Russians in 1917 and the USA were/are robbed of a fair election.This chapter 3 from above can be read to discern which news is real or not, but in context.

A re-issued and in genuine contrast (to the rest of the televised / media election, excluding the rallies 
and which shows the American Spirit) in the USA presidential election (in the primaries and later ) was the unexpected but powerful Rhema Marvanne who sings the USA national anthem.  ( Also singing here in Dallas, Texas ) She is now 5 years older and is probably aware of the Brexit / Leave debate which Obama / Clinton opposed. (see above for entire Brexit debate) 

The US constitution is based on the Magna Carta which was signed and then renegade against by King John of England who was opposed by 'Robin Hood' (not his likely real name) The Magna Carta was strongly influenced by the 'Deemings' (laws) which King Alfred made 300 years earlier. King Alfred essentially signed away restrictions to the King (Judicial access) and endowing limitations to his own office whilst retaining the rule of law, like Thomas Jefferson in 1776 in the USA, or also then created powers to make all men equal (and changed the economics to everyone's benefit whilst keeping enterprise) King John in contrast betrayed everyone, his subjects, nobles and his country and brought poverty equally to all. You can choose either.

Both of these possibilities  ( Judge Napolitano ) are happening now in the USA 


07.11.2016  In the Middle East the escalating war is reaching a crisis. Russia has built up a large force in Aleppo ready to re- invade Syria and has threatened to attack Saudia and Turkey with Nuclear Weapons (after it pulled out of Syria in early 2016) and is threatening to occupy the Baltics, which in response Nato has placed 300,000 troops on the Russia border (and the new shared super- armies of the EU, USA and Britain will also respond. This last amalgamation and their structural changes was not mentioned by Hillary Clinton in the debates) and Saudi Arabia has cut supplies of fuel to Egypt as of October 2016. Iran and Egypt are still supporting Syria. Iran has signed a gas deal with a French energy Total in partnership with China as the new Silk Road Eurasian block takes shape. This block ultimately wants to exclude the EU, Britain and the USA from it in ownership and influence. 

The question then arises if Iran will attack Israel. Clinton and Obama have lost the middle east war. The Clinton foundation is still under investigation and the FBI's decision to re-open the case and close it again is (some suggest to prevent Obama from pardoning her. And this is because the FBI are still investigating the Clinton foundation, as are Homeland security. (it is ridiculous to deny that Clinton's classified emails servers were not hacked when Wikileaks are publishing them ? Therefore other countries in the lost Middle East war will also have hacked Clinton's emails including Russia and China) 

Their are different opinions on Israel and if it will be attacked (some of which ignore Iran's recent statements in September 2016 which threatened to wipe Haifa and Tel Aviv away or nuke it into dust ) 

1. Israel believes Iran will attack it soon (29.10.2016)    2. Other views are Islam is peaceful  The latter opinion in light of the non - Syrian refugees assaults on Europeans and the Christian genocide and attacks on Israel, seems very poor Judgment. The EU and its need for energy (oil and gas) is driving a weak false paradigm of Islam which means point of view 1 is correct. Considering it will take tens of trillions of Dollars to remake the Middle East, the West's debt turned into equity paying forward, would pay for it and ease financial burdens. Success in this area and endeavor would be priceless and beyond the trillions it owes. This has been achieved before in history (and is not as radical as financial collapse) and is the real alternative both morally and theologically to the ISIL / ISIS anarchy, chaos and instability (such as safe zones, although long term peace is a safe zone also) Point  1 above is supported by rhetoric and actions from Iran and Islam. Russia also wants to control the Baltics and the EU and the Wests energy supply and use it as blackmail and this is what it intends to do (there is no post cold war) and many EU leaders who weakly gave into Islams demands (Russia and the gulf States are not settling permanent refugees) are now voted out of office or are about to be. 

Concerns that the EU is running out of energy options and alternative energy options are also misdiagnosed. The EU's green energy platform was to be extended to allow domestic populations to profit from fuel production across the EU. Countries which have oil, gas and alternative energy are doing well (such as Norway) There are still vast reserves of oil with no production in place as yet.

Clinton and Obama's weakness over the last ten years has caused this situation, under attracting allies, it has reduced allies, and under different leadership Basher al Assad would now be living well in Russia, and the war in Syria would be over. How can the lost war be explained. The IMF has warned of high debts compiled by the USA and the West and the World but offers no solutions. Clinton offers no solutions to the rising debt, and Austerity (Clintons failed economic solution also proposed for the USA) increased debts in national countries and caused resentment and national backlash against it  (Russia and China buy Gold bullion) There is no clear economic plan to pay for Clintons war ? which to date has failed. Hence the debt is working against the West and sensible and real emergency debt reduction measures, with shared increased finances to boost defenses and global security are needed along with stronger policies to ensure Middle East stability.


8.11.2016 Wikileaks who have been heavily critical (also ) of Russia and China and who in part have been fed by US intelligence who have hacked Hillary Clintons servers along with other countries finally identify who is responsible for the Genocide in the Middle East.  and because security concerns were not adhered to. Later security leaks were affecting international security. Clinton is working for herself to any play to pay bidder including Russia and China and Gulf states in a stop / start piecemeal war which has been lost and gone nowhere. The latest release (08.08.2016) reveal the worst fears on security, in a stop start war. Firstly this Genocide has been named as such by the Pope Francis and the Vatican who has backed a military force to stop the Genocide.The Archbishop of Canterbury in 2014 (as also the Pope did) when Clinton was still Secretary of State named the slaughter as Genocide. US administration staff and security contractors on the 07.11.20116 also raised concerns on Clinton's private servers and the exposure they offered. 

The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016.The FBI are still investigating the Clinton foundation, as are Homeland security on 08.11.2016, and could arrest her but they do want Obama to pardon her. Saudi and Qatar have funded ISIL through the Clinton foundation, whilst Iran has funded ISIS and Daesh  Obama is implicated as he first denied a private (classified ?) server but later the emails reveal he had a different named email account to it. Huma Abeddin helped fund the war through Saudi and the Muslim brotherhood with Clinton and Obama are responsible for the Christian genocide. 

This is what the Clinton foundation has paid for an Islamic genocide of the oldest indigenous populations by Islam which illegally occupies the middle east. This is why safe zones were mooted in 2011 and why the Pope called for a military intervention to assist and Evangelicals in Israel and globally have called for an intervention. Military leaders have called for increased military planning and non obstruction to wipe out ISIL  &  ISIS from the middle east and worldwide.  Funding such an intervention which would involve all of Greater Israel will cost many tens of Trillions and many groups and interests Worldwide would fund such an intervention (land settlement as debt equity swaps etc. There is a lot of debt see above 7.7.2016) These are crimes against humanity and are depraved,dark and sickening, but the cover up and confusion (among 90% of people serving in  this administration) as it has unraveled is beyond belief to many and the scale of it numbs the mind. The outrage and suffering this genocide has caused cannot be under estimated and the truth has been kept (in this and in many policy areas and future economic ideology) from the American public.


24. 12. 2016 (December 2016)

6 weeks after the USA elections on 8.November.2016, and Americans are saying they have their country back. A country which is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy (their country not another version) They want jobs all across the USA, and closed borders with security. The Stock market broke new records. That is why Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Kellyanne Conway won the election. 

The lefts reaction to the Trump victory is detailed in the adjacent website and chapter 4 under the heading "Family planning as an ideology" (around half way down) and subheading "The USA & the Presidential, National and State elections November 2016 and the media" Ignoring mass left wing   Communist  (Castro recently died, after his shared Genocide with Haile Mengistu Mariam in Eithopia) genocides and its expansion militarily or by liberal (non) education and social subversion, and Obama's Christian genocide shared with Hillary, which was paid for by the Clinton foundation and Saudi / Qatar money (and others) and which the WATCH: The Biggest Media Meltdowns to Trump's Win (ignore) you get the idea.

Donald Trump won everything in the USA including all houses of government (both  Houses of Congress and the Senate ) and the popular vote. The illegal vote and Acorn scandal type vote and dead people vote cannot count, unless Americans can vote in all other countries worldwide also. They won a landslide of 312 Electoral college votes, and won the electoral college vote on December 19th 2016.

Many Greeks who watched their families in Greece go through the austerity programme under Clinton / Obama and who are watching Tsipras fail (the Greek minister) are calling for an early general election in Greece. After many Greeks feel the best way to balance their economy is to invade Turkey and take back its territory, using the financial gains to pay down their debts. Economic theories, endless lies and slavery over the last  ten years in Greece brings another theory to mind. Russia should join with the West against China or it also will be invaded. Russia is also at war with Turkey (on and off) The failed attempts in the USA to remove the US constitution (recounts, riots and fake news, and news is leaked not hacked. Two people who should be released 1. Julian Assange of Wikileaks, who has already been found not guilty to celebrate the holidays and 2. in Mexico Dr José Manuel Mireles Valverde ) has failed and it will survive as Obama (the war mongering Democrat) leaves office. Having also tried to remove the US constitution with and via the illegal terrorist Muslim brotherhood who have convinced the world that Islam is a false religion by their actions. Not that anyone needed that insight. Israel Prime - minster Benjamin Netanyahu has said the wailing from the mosques should be turned down.  The US army has signaled it will turn off the Mosque noise in Washington. Many are suggesting just turning  them off worldwide including in Iran, and have called the illegal occupation of the Middle East by Islam a threat to democracy and civilization itself.(many are leaving Islam in droves)

Trump as appointed the following people so far  or detailed here   He has also appointed David Freidman to be the US ambassador to the United States to begin a new Embassy in Jerusalem to advance and expand the settler programme. There is ample room now in Greater Israel to create a safe zone for migrants (who could just move to Saudi and Qatar and UAE) and the Christians who are the oldest faith (except for Judaism) in the Middle East. (Clinton, Obama and Huma Abeddin are guilty of genocide) The EU despite the election fraud in the Austrian presidential elections wants the same way forward as Britain (in Brexit. And Britain is prospering since Brexit) and America (closed borders and jobs) All of the above is a record of the campaign in which radical Islam is still conducting its worldwide Jihad.

Donald Trump gave his reasons why he stood for election as President in June 2015. Mike Pence gave his reasons.  

This is what happened next. (the media coverage of the announcement and campaign and eventual election) 

Donald trump will be inaugurated as President of the USA, on Friday January 20th 2016.


01.01.2017  US Elections 2016. Economic currency manipulation and the Chinese Communist party.

As the United Nations become increasingly hostile to Israel there are calls to defund the UN project (some politicians in the USA have suggested it should be demolished) The UN (Obama) first said that there was no proof of a Jewish connection to Jerusalem and wishes to prevent settlers expanding their villages. However as new Archaeological proof is uncovered correctly, the ancient villages of Israel are being discovered, and settling in and around Israel will increase.

The other pressing issue for the West is the trade war with China and the war with ISIS. China has engaged in an aggressive trade war against the West (with the support of Russia)The biggest military build up in history is occurring right now in the Pacific ocean.  It has waged war against the West for 20 years because they are racist and wish to subjugate America, they admit it and its not a secret. (it is the same accusation against the west ?) Islam is against the west. Islam is racist and misogynistic and they admit that, it is not a secret. The economic war against the USA for the past 20 years has been rigged. Martin Sheen shows this to be the case. The Video entitled 'Death by China, How America lost its manufacturing base' (now 3 years old and Obama did absolutely nothing to reduce its facts economically at home ) narrated by Martin Sheen  is factually correct and accurate. There are two opinions within this approach 1) export as much as possible (see how China rules the world )  or 2)  Just export the excess and address the import / export in-balance erasing imports and create a national demand, new manufacturing. Either way jobs and industry are created as even supplies and small items are made nearby and not imported. Everything is made locally (localism) for each other in effect domestically  / nationally and the excess is exported. Low inflationary economies can aid that and if managed well separate interest rates can apply to other loans including mortgages. If the west continues the way it is and Global debt according to the IMF is now  $152 trillion, then it will collapse and become a vast North Korea (and you can read about North Korea in the adjacent website and chapter 5, is that and option ? No one could adequately explain NK. NK's economy collapsed due to socialist polices) 

Mike Pence who has created higher employment in Indiana than other governors in other states has criticized China for its currency manipulation against the West. Yet US business is often left with no choice but to relocate work out of the USA, and the currency imbalance does not create conditions for free market economic advantage in the USA. This is drawing the USA into an inevitable war

Martin Sheen  however, narrated a video which called for the college of electors to vote against Trump on December 19th 2016  but not support Hillary Clinton. And this is the mystery because Bill Clinton said when he introduced the NAFTA (1992 - 1995) deal that the USA should have competitive advantage as a benefit to its economy but then abandoned that policy, leading in part to the current 'problem'. (he did absolutely nothing to alter the facts which are narrated by Martin Sheen above economically at home ? ) TTIP was supported by Obama and Clinton and would have perpetuated the domestic economic policy in the USA. Obama is for supporting the one China policy. China is also massively in debt. 

Donald Trump takes the following premise or approach; " Economic nationalism that views trade liberalisation as the handmaiden of an internationalist foreign policy contributing to America's relative decline; comprehensive domestic renewal" has made the following video on China "Trump and the China Issue"  which is consistent with the other documentaries above and the Brexit debate. 'Americana' originals are a unique example, highly prized worldwide in restoration selling, they could be made again they were well made the way they were made. There is no competition. 

The problem then is not just tariffs it is also currency manipulation which prevents exports and therefore SME,s  (small business cannot begin or they begin in undue stress) given that China to simplify has a lower currency value. Therefore there are two approaches which can be made separately too increase manufacturing and exports (see paragraph above 3 up 1. & 2.) This is issue is explained in the Brexit debate also above, but it is a debate which unresolved is bringing economic ruin the west across all countries. The Brexit debate above also mentions the four pdfs in the adjacent website and Chapter 2, which asked 777 companies and financial institutions in 2004 / 5 certain basic questions. They baffled people at first, ( they begin the debate from the workers and business peoples pockets upwards to assist them in who is really the politician who intends to provide those answers) but the obvious extension of those questions is to move to a jobs and exporting economy as opposed to importing by checking prices lower and to make the currency competitive starting from the point western economies are really at (and all without a glitch in the petro - dollar system and housing market) They underpin a debate which did not then really exist in totality and just put off the hard questions to another day. They are relevant as in a petro - dollar economy with recycling investment in property and construction, discovering ways to loan to small SME's without overheating into inflation is a difficult circle to square. Central banks can do many things at once they are not Chairman Mao. These ideas deflect any backlash from China or any economy, which would then be nullified whilst still creating a nationalist economy, one which begins by creating jobs and exporting the excess. Politicians who maintain that a trade war is bad whilst continuing on in the same way nationally ? are not acting in the Wests interests. China has not changed their social political policies or developed into a democracy since NAFTA ? 

Recycling funds and the Petro Dollar and Real Estate.
09.01.2017 One further method deserves consideration as altering arrangements for national debt making or cancelling the interest payments due on the national debts is politically unacceptable. Economies which are facing Debt to GDP ratio difficulties can apply for assistance through the Oil Facility (pages 60 and 61) which has also developed on another tier as reserve lending. When Petro Dollars are recycled from Dollars placed in Western banks, the debt increased (balance of trade deficits) in many countries to unsustainable levels. A remedy known as oil facility aid was a measure first introduced by the IMF. Funds from the Oil facility were deposited into a suitable SPV, and these funds alleviated debt problems which were noticed as a concern and first reported by IMF analysts. Since the USA and many countries have paid the price for protection (and this Saudi Prince reveals the lack of humanity in Saud itself whilst wanting to to eradicate Christianity in the west) of the system in military personnel ( in effect without 'taxpayers' joining the armed forces and paying tax the system would struggle to recycle from oil producing nations into western banks) Islam also wants protection especially those who have converted to become Christians and that number is increasing every day.  Massive funds as securities are mostly invested in assets (real estate) and in the holding countries nations banks, it is a simple design to invest them into real assets, which would morally at least, offset the difficulties experienced by countries with balance of trade deficits this link 13 months before Brexit)

Funds stored within the banks are in effect turned into equity and then capital instead of idle deposits, but are also still recycled, producing an asset of worth. Whilst it would take a political decision economically it could stretch to accommodate such projects under the oil facility remit. However as these funds amount to hundreds of Billions and they were accumulated by artificially high oil prices, paid for by western taxpayers then this money belongs to western taxpayers and should be expropriated to invest in the west. At the beginning of the USA Presidential primaries (see post 08.10.2016 above) it was revealed that both Saud and Iran had been sued for 9/11.

9/11 (To repeat in part from 08.10.2016 above;  A dramatic development in the War on Terror came when the US congress voted to overturn President Obama's veto on the relatives of the 9/11 victims pursuing a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia for its alleged involvement in 9/11. A previous lawsuit earlier in 2016 named Iran for its involvement in 9/11 and $10 Billion dollars was awarded to the families from Iran. (Iran is receiving Uranium from Russia 09.01.2017 which 'potentially' could make several nuclear weapons ) It is hinted that the ISI Pakistan's intelligence guided payments to the United Arab Emirate hijackers (2 people) and hijackers from Lebanon and Egypt as well as the Saudi hijackers (19) Obama and Clinton so far have awarded Iran nearly $170 Billion dollars as part the Iran deal.  ($150  + Sweetner deals) Given the Clinton foundation also took money and paid for the Christian genocide then these monies and the Billions stored by Saud should go towards paying for the safe zone and disabled veterans and new jobs in the USA and Britain and elsewhere. These extra hundreds of $billions are not invested in real estate as yet but could be used for western benefit.

Trumps handling of the Carrier jobs situation (which were set to go to Mexico) has drawn fire from people who suggest interference in an economy is in effect socialism as it does not adhere to free market conditions according to George Will   (with Bill OReilly) the political journalist. This is half true, but in an economy like Americas is (now) this would mean all jobs will go and manufacturing will disappear ? It is great for the economic theorists but not great for workers and families. Giving your jobs away to countries which in effect you also criticize you is dumb ? Tax revenues will increase at home and carrier could repay any outlay in the future. The shareholders are in effect chasing a spiraling whirlpool (downwards) by relocating instead of building companies nationally upward,after which profits can still be maximized. For economies in transition supports sometimes have to be made. That is a national decision which has to be made also. Every nation in the west is facing those decisions and there is massive unemployment, or jobs which are service jobs only. A country should manufacture and make everything it requires, and then also make the smaller parts and so on. Imagine the first pilgrims to the USA saying our investment is threatened by the socialists, if we build a fort here ? The Brexit debate above also discussed King Alfred (not your average socialist) who interfered in the market to build new towns and jobs and exports if production reached that level. He also utilized currency checks and balances to keep prices low. These modern political terms are just labels however, and to understand further see the pdf in the adjacent website (Chapter 1) EU, Rome,London' 

09.01.2017 Crony Capitalism Communism (China, Russia etc) and its Production methods are often increased by unrealistic targets, but is not managed by small business and workers were not given set living wages, private property was abolished, and the equivalent of crony capitalism was introduced when all grain was given to the government in China (a watered down record of events which however points out that the dead in the Chinese cultural revolution famine should be used as fertilizer to increase grain production. Woman workers deceased and boiled down were the largest contributors to the crop. 145 million people died under the Chinese cultural revolution) Crony capitalism in the west favors one product over another by government decree. Lobbying and bribes follow in excess. This was also a stage to socialism in practice (and which has been rejected by Brexit) as the products were not always the best and lies and false attributes were allowed to set false production statistics for quality and product suitability. Socialism is a stage to communism and a stage to the removal of family rights and private property and wages etc. Products which are more expensive or sub standard are lobbied into place by purchasing and the best or most efficient product or machinery or crop is sidelined. George Will and Bill O' Reilly (in the last paragraph above)  above did not touch upon this but it is also not fair trade or a free market since it excludes competition. Obamacare and the planned parenthood ideology is a part of that method. Encouraging companies (with various methodologies) to remain or begin in a country (Toyota, Ford & Fiat Chrysler) is a part of the process which currently also needs macro and micro adjustments in the economy throughout the West to compete with the East.

Its a whole lot better than living in North Korea and trading with China to US advantage causes uncertainty, but the economics mentioned here provide a build up behind and under those concerns (which are not concerns shared by Martin Sheen who believes the USA can turn it around, but how ? did all The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats) of this occur since Richard Nixon's 'policy of engagement' with China in the 1960's to Obama's Global policy of engagement in 2009, which did not just effect the USA but also Britain and the EU, with its restrictive manufacturing philosophy. See Brexit debate above) America is paying for China and their armaments build up ? yet domestic manufacturing long term and jobs in the USA are reducing in the plan ?



The Middle East war is escalating with China also now running patrols in Afghanistan and seeking India's help and assistance The Two state solution in Israel has ended and is a part of the ongoing expansion of Israel to its former size. It did hold all the West bank, the Sinai and Egypt, should it have given up those lands ?  of course not. Israel was attacked on all sides and still won these wars. The question is why ? (or why not ?) 

Large numbers of Jewish Russian settlers in Israel who are now making Aliyah and returning to Israel (and many peoples from around the world) would be amused to think they are Russian spies, but to the democrats that is there next approach to begrudging their election loss. Hillary Clinton (and Obama pro Palestinian and Hamas) is still texting as if she is the President behind the scenes ? The reality that 1. London, Rome / Washington and Jerusalem are connected (and ask any Templar or Christian for the last 1000 years and /or 2000 years) is a fact. It is also a fact that 2. Moscow, Washington DC / New York and Jerusalem are also connected and these overlapping areas effect intelligence and diplomatic approaches and connections is also a fact. It is a fact the public are not aware of . For instance when Russian diplomats attend USA diplomatic dinners, do Russians and Putin suspect the diplomat is an American diplomat and lead an investigation in Russia ? These everyday occurrences are made into larger scandals and obscure larger and ongoing scandals.

Judge Napolitano  explains what is occurring and the need to unite the new intelligence community.

The attempts by Russia and China to sabotage the Republicans win in November 2016 has passed the absurd, whilst other news aspects are quietly removed from the media.

Clinton accepted $100 million from Saudi, UAE and Islamic countries countries over many years. and during the Christian genocide. 

What has happened to the investigation into the Saudi Iran and the Clinton foundation into the Christian Genocide ? ( overseen by Obama, Clinton, Huma Abeddin and the Muslim brotherhood ? ) The Bundy family are free after Clinton misled the intelligence community on them, whilst the democrats have ignored or are unconcerned about it. In fact it is Obama and Clinton who took money from Russia and the hacking narrative disguises this fact (19/02/2017) in order to sell Russia Uranium. (see also the 3rd Presidential debate above dated 19.10.20116) 

One part of the Email scandal in the election also distracts from the fact the Clinton foundation has not been IRS audited as yet ( with no access) and also distracted from the Hammond and Bundy ranch stories in which the Bundys  (October 28 2016) were cleared of any wrong doing in a federal court (defending their land from the Clinton foundation accusations, the origin of the accusations) taking the land and mining it for Uranium to sell to Russia  The outrage though and however centers on Russian hackers who hacked the democratic party, revealing the democratic party had hacked (stole his candidacy) Bernie Sanders campaign and that the Democrats had been paying Saudi through the Clinton foundation, which assisted the Christian genocide.  Therefore the Republicans by this logic and in this story would have preferred Bernie Sanders to be the opposition to Trump or in power and not Trump and Pence ? Judge Napolitano disagrees with the Democrats theory citing the NSA as the hackers, which means the Russian mole or camel is in the NSA ? or Russia was never involved. But on many levels what is revealed is the Democrats were acting illegally. The fact that voters voted for Trump and illegal voters are now in Jail  and anyone could copy this illegal voter up to 4 million times or more is dismissed ? 

Read from 19.10.2016 down the 'Russian Mole' theory began way before the 2016 election and the Muslim Brotherhood theory (the Wahhabi death cult of Saudi) which was not a theory but a reality under Obama who employed them was ignored. These are reasons why people are calling for the reinstatement of General Flynn to some new duty, following the appointment of General McMasters who served in Iraq and Afghanistan

On 19th December 2017 Hillary Clinton admitted there was a scandal and pointed the blame at Huma Abeddin  (the 'mole' or camel ) between them all the Christian slaughter sacrifice was rampant, medieval and without conscience, remorse or hesitation in its butchery and 'peace', displayed across media outlets openly to add to the outrage.

Donald Trump and Mike Pence were inaugurated President and Vice President respectively on the 20.1.2017

Donald Trump and Mike Pence being sworn into office, and their speeches following the office oath are here 1. Donald Trump and 2. Mike Pence 

Outgoing President Obama said the following concerning the election. (i.e. he did not believe Trump and Pence would be Potus and VPotus ) As the election is now over and the truth is emerging regarding the Obama con which has been fully revealed . 1. Obama actually believed marriage (or here ) is between a man and a woman (only)  2. Obama believes every country   ( or here ) has the right to protect its borders and punish employers who hire illegal immigrants (as two examples)

Drawing conclusions from the obvious contradiction and opposing stance he and many others including Hillary Clinton took during their terms in office, it is obvious the rhetoric of 'elections' is pre-determined by people who do not seek election or have no desire to but who control elections to ensure left wing views are prominent and accepted morally, when they are in fact the views of a tiny minority and who seek to destroy the fabric of society. The same unscientific logic which says there are more than two sexes when there only two. It is the same logic which allows children to be victims of child predators (there are just too many to catch is often quoted as an excuse) but asks then not to have bad manners in the 'pc politcally' correct sense? Mind control, lies and distortion induced into the center of family life and society.

One of the changes President Trump and Vice President Pence suggest is to limit Congress to 4 or 5 year terms removing straw men and woman, and it is obvious Obama is one of them (he served 3 years only as senator only ) employing the Marxist Leninist technique of deception and propaganda (which was clearly evident in the Obama / Clinton campaign) who have a job for life, but no input or purpose for a nation and this situation lasts for life.

The call for 'no white people ' to  lead the democratic party' and which no longer represents the working class and by definition therefore the white working class according to democrats followed immediately after the election which if enacted would lead to the Muslim brotherhood back in power.  

To date these are the people Trump has brought into office including Christians (including Jeff Sessions who seems to also have met 30 or 40 diplomats including the Ukrainian ) which contrasts with the limited candidate proposals put forward by the democrats (Trumps speech to congress 1.2.2017) These meetings include a real native American Nikki Haley (as UN Ambassador ) who could have been plotting a pow wow and then a war party (but she is not Russian or a paleface, so lets move on) 

The Amish remain the only group the democrats have not accused of spying so far, ( a large percentage are not Russian ) yet they could have an unseen influence and they do not even own a computer, which is in itself an interesting cyber security issue 

Trump and Pence have slashed the national debt by 12 Billions and the markets have gone through the roof breaking all records and Obama's restrictions on business have been removed (which would not seem to benefit Russia, Iran or Americas axis of enemies) The west is struggling to find identity yet its identity is being attacked at all times.

Islam and its front of liberalism

Mike Pompeo the new CIA director has warned Donald Trump against Russia (Jan 17th 2017) as a leading threat to the United States. Russia is not a liberal country, neither is China and Islam is very rarely a liberal entity, yet western political parties (who actually do not believe in Liberalism as was evident with Obama) who claim to be 'left' actually are supporting those countries against the west.This is the great deception as these countries never had liberal beliefs. To give an example watch the following documentary on China and Chairman Mao. Russia had already abandoned large parts of the theory and later Che Guevara would even criticize Stalin on the economics which seemed to him the opposite of freedom. See the adjacent website and chapter 5 which includes North Korea which is close to being outside of any rational analysis. As the doctrine had to be pushed but had failed in many western countries, Islam became the next vehicle to drive home the theory. However Islam actually found itself closer to Neo - Conservationism than liberalism, which is why it drives liberalism into the west to destroy it whilst excluding itself but remains in its medieval state towards the 'Kafir' which is the name of anyone who does not follow Islam and which has now produced the Christian genocide. 

Since 01.01.2017 the last post in this chapter 3 Islam has killed 60 Christians in cold blood and that is without the terror attacks by Al Qeada and  Isis. These 60 over many separate incidents were killed for being Christians (catholic and protestant evangelical)  by shooting, knife and rape and amidst church burning. An increase in Coptic christian attacks have returned in Egypt. In the Arab uprisings many Coptic Christians were killed in Cairo but not by Isis or Al qaeda, but by everyday people in their homes who rose up in the Arab spring of 2011. These were brutal murders triggered by the call of Jihad and uprising prevalent in Islam which joined the revolution in 2011. A Coptic christian was shot on 17. 2. 2017   

These killings are part of the slow wiping out of Christians in the middle east which has been rampant since 2011. In June 2010 Obama attended the University of Cairo and told them he 'was one of them' (aside from his elite Leninist wealth and privilege) 6 months later the revolutions began and over the next 6 years the silence on the Christian Genocide (read all the way down from Dec 20150 was maintained by Obama, Huma Abeddin and Clinton (but who was the first to break the silence timed to announce perfectly for her run of the Presidency and not for any Christian concerns) The same attitude to Christians in culture and attitude has continued within the USA as Obama appointed the Muslim Brotherhood, who both pushed for gays to sue churches, teach children how to be transgender and the transgender toilet issue, run down the economy in the bible belt and anywhere in the USA. A 'kafir' can be anyone born into western beliefs even if they do not practice, anyone white and anyone who thinks Islam is a curse, with a false 'god' and is nonsense from beginning to end. many ex Muslims have now converted to Christianity. Essentially they pushed for anything that was absurd, destructive and which would inflict long last damage onto society. 

Canada Mass sweeping irrational immigration is a part of Canada's current plan, but true to Marxism - Leninism, Obama in the USA does not really believe this as a policy as is noted above (or here again  2. Obama believes every country   ( or here ) but believes every country has the right to protect its borders and punish employers who hire illegal immigrants (as two examples) You could not make it up. True to the deception upon Canadians, Trudeau asks a former Somalian refugee who is fact a 'economic migrant' from 15 years ago to be the immigration minister,  Ahmed Hussen  originally a member of the Canadian liberal party (and/but Islam is against Liberalism isn't it ? many decapitated liberals will / would swear to it) The previous immigration minister in Canada John McCallum also the liberal party (who lives in the Muslim quarter) also continued to insist on more immigration following the Paris and Brussels bombings in 2016 (Dec / Jan) in fact he was 'under pressure ' to do so ? (in contrast to Poland) The Paris bomber's brother also worked in immigration in France ? (see posts above dated from August 2015 and 25.11.2015 and 23.12.2015) The network of the immigration visa passport scam is owned by the Islamic Jihad and the terrorists across Europe and into the USA. 

For  a wider perspective see the post above dated 17.05.2016   (The Growing Conflict) which also further down details the work of the Fabian society and the Iranian Omar Khayyam the Iranian Philosopher which details how the Liberal party is not 'the working class' national working class party but an Islamic subversion. Khayyam's liberal front was just that, and it allowed Islam a disguise. Huma Abedin, Clintons aide called for Islam to flood America  (she is a democrat Muslim and democrats are liberals right ?) Her Saudi idea was and is; kill of as many Christians as possible in the middle east, and bind or nullify them in America and replace them with... Moslems. In response it is reasonable therefore to stop all western immigration and call for 50 million (to begin with) Christians of North European origin to settle in the middle of Africa, 50 million in Beijing in China and 50 million each in UAE and Saudi. They should each receive a free house, benefits and be allowed to form groups who protest by screaming hysterically at the government to overthrow it, and brutally murdering the surrounding Muslim population but who will be defended by Liberal parties (who currently claim Moslems are misunderstood and persecuted ?) If this seems unreasonable those who object are obviously racists ?) 

The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan who is under petition to be replaced as Mayor of London has called for Greater London to be a separate country which is not the current stance now (but has since half retracted the statement ) whilst the Rotherham outrage amongst many outrages (see the august 2015 post above) in which trafficking gangs from Pakistan were allowed to operate freely (who should all be deported ) is shrugged off as nothing or inconsequential because the children are just 'Kafirs' to Sadiq Khan and others.

Anne Marie Waters describes the change in sentiment (she was a labour supporter until ...) within Britain and details the Rotherham scandals also.

In the USA a 'illegal immigrant' was  (or here) smuggling $90,000 worth of drugs, her boyfriend was a cocaine dealer and she was on benefits who complained about Trumps wall. Illegal Immigration is a scam not a refugee outlet which is necessary or required as a political policy at all. 

Frau Angela Merkel in Germany   said on 31.12.2016 (New Years Eve 3 months ago) that Islam was the greatest terror threat and the biggest (to the EU and other countries)  and admitted that 8 days before on December .22 .2016 that Islamic terrorists were going to target Berlin and admits she may got the policy wrong when she asked for 1 million refugees. In June 2016 she wanted more refugees from Islam (even after the terror attacks the previous  New Year) but later changed this to hope she wants to deport 100,000 immigrants who are 4/5 economic free migrants in the scam. 

Elections bring a change of tone across the EU but only a respite it  is hoped by Liberals who are bribed and corrupted to accept the immigration (trafficking scam ) scam across Germany and Northern Europe. It is a policy invented in social communist programs first began in the Soviet era and later now adopted by Islam but Islam is controlling the liberal agenda. 

Control is not complete and Islamic woman speak out, woman who are ironically murdered and  oppressed by Islam or raped or skinned or burnt alive. It was an Islamic woman who brought the protests in the USA, but not so far within Islamic countries ? i.e. Isis woman Linda Sansour 

Australia has defunded Islamic schools after the CAIR school scandals in Britain and in the USA. Sweden has been gagged by its own liberal left. They introduced mass immigration and then silenced everyone else in the country. Obama met with the Russians ? ! and met with them to discuss the partition of Crimea and the reset of Iraq. but and believes a country should protect its own borders as mentioned above ( as do the Russians) and Harry Reid the democratic senator  said illegal immigration was wrong (in 1993) The sanctuary cities (and the current Muslim mayor wanted a big 'sanctuary city' in London) make it easier to introduce Sharia law. Isis leaders admit to raping 200 woman (no remorse)

In France which has suffered bombings and devastation and now riots (Feb 17th 2017) which are allowed to run riot without intervention. The same riots occurred in 2015 and occurred in 2016 after the Isis bomber was captured. The riots were triggered   (without verification) by claims of sexual abuse against the police, but all of the riots (and there are many small riots weekly) destroy France and its heritage. It has destroyed 33 churches and built 1000 mosques, whilst all the mainstream political parties call for yet more migrants when the majority of French people are against immigration. One French street has been renamed  "Rue de Brexit" ( 'Rue' French for road) as an indicator. 

Iran backed by China who are moving into Afghanistan, and backed by North Korea who are testing longer and longer range missiles, has already breached its nuclear deal (not a part of the deal)  and is still threatening to erase Israel amidst its huge military build up (02.03.2017) as the left and Islam push for war. Islam declared war on the west and that is the truth to liberals which are aiding it. 

Christians such as the Vicar of Baghdad Canon Andrew White tells you what is happening (an urgent safe zone is required)

90,000 Christians were killed in 2016 (1 every six minutes) Isis and Islam are one and the same and they did not spread by 'peace' 



11.03.2017 China wants to lead the New World Order (contd from 1.1.2017 above...US Elections 2016. Economic currency manipulation and the Chinese Communist party

On the 7.1.2017 above the information that China were running patrols in Afghanistan (with no protests from the west and the left) and seeking India's help and assistance but the Pentagon has since confirmed it is aware of the Chinese army inside Afghanistan.  A few weeks before this (February 2017) China and its President Xi Jinping has vowed to lead the new world order. In other words Chinese imperialism is not confined to Eurasia and the bric states but the whole world including Turkey which has been placed on the list of undemocratic countries by the EU, whilst Greece who have been plagued by Turkey for years, is pushing for a new Government. The patient west and its intelligence tried for years to bring Turkey to abandon the Muslim brotherhood which is one part of radical Islam amidst the continuing denial of its Armenian genocide. For a clearer idea how China and Russia are achieving there new world order and why there are so many unemployed in the USA and in the west, scroll up to the heading above dated 01.01.2017  US Elections 2016. Economic currency manipulation and the Chinese Communist party.

To get an idea what it might be like in the Chinese new world order see the adjacent website and Chapter 5 and in particular the paragraphs on North Korea. North Korea is of course a Vassal state of China as any other state would be in Chinese new world order. Want to live there ? 

A few months earlier George Soros (December 2016) also called for China to lead the New World order until China eventually turns on Russia, this is because Brexit and the election of Donald Trump have changed the world political outlook. Russia has also called for a new world order led by Russia and China which has support also of China's President and the new currency deal with Russia (Russia and China together possibly ) was signed in 2014.  In other words both China and Russia with Iran are vying to begin the new world order controlled by them. (before Brexit and Trump /Pence) The alliance may include the USA, but the problem is with China and Russia is it full of communists and the West is no longer prepared to be led into the burden of mass migration, unemployment and decline, or in placating Islam which China and Russia are pushing by liberal polices onto the West (they have banned Islam themselves except for a token few ) In the EU aside from numerous countries wanting to leave the EU (including Germany who have called for a referendum like Brexit ) Greece could be next. (Feb 2017) The Communist party in Greece have failed to tackle the economic problems or its debt problems. France, the Netherlands, Austria, Finland and Hungary are threatening to leave also. 

The Hungarian Prime Minister victor Orban has issued a invitation to Europeans who want to escape Multiculturalism and has called migration the Trojan Horse of Terrorism which it has proven to be (read all above) Hungary however has just (or may in the future) signed a deal with Russia for Nuclear energy in Hungary ( a loan of $10 billion ) and which is backed by Britain and France but may mean NATO expanding its operations as Hungary is insecure being so close to Russia and China and Islamic terrorists. A part of the deal expressed by some in Brussels is Hungary confines its anti - immigrant stance which is not popular with the Prime minister of the Hungarian people. Communism is also not popular also in the Ukraine or the Balkans.(The Ukraine is still 'hot' however from its Chernobyl meltdown and it is still causing untold misery in the Ukraine)  

The EU in effect needs major reform in its finances and this view is even supported by Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt (on the EU side Belgian EURO MP ) who explains the EU currency situation (same video) but fiscal solutions are never introduced by the left as fiscal conservatism is not a part of the ideology which is the problem. 

The currency situation in China (or as Guy Verhofstadt explains again "a state can exist without a currency, but a currency cannot exist without a state" ) is in economic collapse ( almost) It is still undermining the Dollar and creating a condition for exports and it is still buying huge quantities of Gold with Russia (no real audit of Russia or Chinese Gold is known only a rough guess) but China allows its currency to be exchanged for Gold (wages, savings etc ) and even swaps Bitcoin for Gold although this is mainly transacted through its'shadow banking' facility which even though it cracks down on this activity every now and again, (Feb 2017) but it always emerges stronger than before. This (dark net ) unregulated  shadow banking and the cash shadow banking in China (or here  or in 2015 ?) is however causing 'capital outflow' from China so that in effect currency amounts cannot be ascertained ( a currency without a state) which will devalue the Yuan and Renminbi ( china has two currencies) and cause economic collapse. The problem is restricting capital outflow and cash outflow can also undermine a currency or economy, yet China is allowing this to occur way beyond normal levels and has been buying American debt and is almost on the verge (perpetually) of the $"8 Trillion black Swan" collapse would could occur at any time. 

Yet if it has large manufacturing apparatus in place (which China has and see heading above dated 1.1.2017) and large amounts of Gold and a shared currency (see above) with Russia and Iran then the economic collapse will reappear or recover into a new economic currency which it can use to buy all other collapsing world assets to bring about it and Russia's new world order. The West does not trade in Gold or have a large manufacturing base to make all it needs internally and export the excess if required but China does, as does Russia and they want it "as an additional financial cushion in the face of external uncertainties" (a world economic collapse and invasion and world war 3 ) and Islam is also mooting a new Sharia currency which could be used in Sanctuary cities and Sharia law zones in the EU, Britain and the USA but Saudi or Iran are at war competing with each other for this but will unite against the Infidel (everyone else)

Large quantities of Paper Gold exist outweighing the actual amount of Gold in existence. In trading futures and derivatives trading you can opt to take actual Gold as payment but since it is hard or bulky to store the profit is taken instead (some traders have made mistakes and have received Gold Bullion to their office instead of a bank credit) Paper Gold is essential a betting slip price upon or for the difference in gold prices. In effect in a economic collapse they would be worthless almost.

Shadow banking was boosted in the economic collapse of 2007 / 2008 as normal outlets of credit vanished. In the west the shadow banking was not not backed by Gold however and still is not. Determining how much Gold each nation has is paramount to the true value of a gold system. 'capital outflow' without a state (a state does not necessarily mean big government) could be floating around the world into one large new world state. 

London Gold Exchange to end ? China's economic stance and low yuan and renminbi (China has 2 currencies which is also possible in the west) means Gold is flowing into its hands and it may become the Gold standard according to Forbes, replacing London.

For China to achieve this it would need a new world currency which would have to be agreed with Japan, Russia, the EU, Britain, America and this new IMF 'XDR' is already being floated but which 'bloc' or power will control it ? will any actually control it in the end ? (to replace the Dollar)

Brexit march 2017; Considering Guy Verhofstadt argument or the China shadow banking capital outflow problem to a greater or lesser extent they are problems all over the world. One solution is to float an internal currency which does not mean replacing the Euro in the EU for example but with exchange rate parity, it could be a currency which can only be spent internally in the country but also allows the EURO to exist in the country for international currency as it currently does. It would be regulated and equal in value or nearly to prevent excessive capital outflow. In Britain for example who have Sterling this currency already exists in the MO - M4 currency bracket named 'MO' except it is only 4% of the currency in regulated circulation instead of 20 or 50 % or more. In the EU which does not have fiscal control in each nation country (  and a very large debt as a result) could benefit from this (or) as more 'exits' from the EU are predicted. Reading the Brexit debates above you will see it has an ancient precedent. A country without regulated internal cash is not free, so the cashless society is not good (for the majority of the working population) instead a society full of cash is far better. It also stabilizes an internal economy and provides stability to trading markets. This is not China's plan or indeed any liberal plan in the EU ? why is that ? since it solves these problems ? (the parallel punt was an idea mooted during Ireland's economic collapse which would exist alongside the Euro, see Brevity debate above)

All of this is occurring with or without Brexit, (although it was mooted to take shape without Brexit) and/or without any input or approval from Western governments or the public (which is odd considering the public voted for Brexit, but are not allowed to enact its vote in a referendum already approved before July 2016 by Parliament ? in the EU referendum act on 28.5. 2015 passed in the house of commons by 544 to 53. Britain had actually called for a referendum over many years. Referendums have a precedent in Britain going back 40 years  ) but it does highlight what is really being debated in Brexit and what was discussed in the US elections (i.e. repeated from 1.1.2017 above; Its a whole lot better than living in North Korea and trading with China to US advantage causes uncertainty, but the economics mentioned here provide a build up behind and under those concerns (which are not concerns shared by Martin Sheen who believes the USA can turn it around, but how ? did all The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats) of this occur since Richard Nixon's 'policy of engagement' with China in the 1960's to Obama's Global policy of engagement in 2009, which did not just effect the USA but also Britain and the EU, with its restrictive manufacturing philosophy. See Brexit debate above) America is paying for China and their armaments build up ? yet domestic manufacturing long term and jobs in the USA are reducing in the plan ?) 

It is also underpinning the new mood in Europe away from liberal policies. In effect the west has been conned and is being conned. 

USA March 2017 and fake news and the first 100 days. In the USA (as one example) some in the press are undermining the Republicans. For example much was made of Kelly Anne Conway ( Counselor to President Trump) 'placing  her feet' on the white house sofa (every President from President Washington to JFK and Obama has done the same). The liberal outrage was immense social media erupted into 'libtard' mode. A body language expert was consulted and a ex democratic congressman and senator said actually he just realized he had his head up his ass ? What did he mean by that ? In all the commenting and analysis the 'distraction' is explained  (video; "Why KellyAnne Conway Couch Photo Is A Distraction" ) The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU)  It is not reported upon accurately ? and for such a new development of a real promise carried through. because it does not fit the agenda of democrats on Republican 'racism'. The same kind of confusion is occurring in the security and intelligence services in the Wkileaks scandal. Further Dr Ben Carson was approved as HUD (Housing and urban development) secretary on 24.01.2017. It is considered a wrong choice ? But Housing and Urban development requires good Universities and housing ? Unlike Obama, he grew up in the Saul Alinsky version of society in a poor neighborhood, so he is qualified already as he has a Brain. Further he has worked in health and can relate to this integrating into society and new neighborhoods and is unofficially advising on health also. The Saul Alinsky version of Obamacare fell into the grift and con, instead of creating decent neighborhoods and national infrastructure which is actually real and is being planned.

The new education secretary Betsy Devos could start an honest debate on evolution, intelligent design and creation. Its a tough one but Dr Ben Carson and Richard Dawkins have the material as do many others. 

In Britain the NHS (National health Service) was founded in 1947/1948 (NHS) by the same man who founded BUPA the private health insurance in 1947. The view that BUPA would help fund the NHS was prevalent in these beginnings which was necessary following world war 2. In the USA with a different philosophy if the 90% health insurance payers funded (but not subsidized) the 10 % who cannot pay by charity methods, then the quagmire could be alleviated. For example in Cuba who have medicine at $2 dollars a go, it seems fantastic but Cuba borrowed from Russia to increase its national and private debts to subsidize the cheap medicine which can cost $70 in the USA. In effect it is not free but is paid back eventually in increased taxation, or no investment leading to a stasis in the economy as Cuba has suffered. The USA has a national debt, its army rightfully has free medical health. The same problem arises either way. The reality in the NHS is they began again in 1947 after the war and Nurses who were often health provider and managers started it from the beginning. This is why (then) nurse did not just dispense pills or medicine but were nurses, sisters and matrons in an army like attitude which came from a vocation inspired commitment, but run like a business with funding from BUPA. Some nurses in this era became consultants and were amazing in their abilities. Bevan who began both (under his Prime minstership) had worked out how to allocate funds. In the USA reversing the NHS/BUPA idea it would work in the same way and the 10 % area is where innovation and new ideas emerge (whatever the ratios, tax breaks or refunds if they even needed as they become too complicated) which eventually cut costs if monitored, and it focuses private health insurance and sharply focuses the 10 % also. Overall it saves the economy money as opposed to free national debt on the 'never never'. Britain however wants to keep its national health service and nurses are looking to reform the NHS back to older ideas of a vocation, but over the years the idea of paying costs down has vanished and the NHS has become slow and expensive (Millionaires who use public transport do not subsidize the transport system but benefit from it.  Many still ride the underground and buses) The endless debate as to how health can work has to begin with Nurses and Doctors who are with ambulances (and before the expensive technology is employed the first port of call) Many private health insurances saw people being kidnapped off the street (who had heat exhaustion or migraines etc) and their insurance card swiped for the money only to wake up weeks later wondering what had happened but their insurance had a bill for $15,000. That is not fair to the private health payers as this money in insurance is met by bonds which do impact the national debts of countries. What ever happens next Obamacare has to end for something new to begin ( introduced in stages as the debate grows) but into an honest rounded economy which allows people to choose at state level down to small towns to give variety,which have lost cover due to the expense of Obamacare which has failed the public and will drain a nations economy as it is. People seemed to prefer the health system pre-obama but they wanted solutions for the un-insured which did not lead to universal cover. Obama said he hoped he would be last President to deal with healthcare which was / is the intent of the inflexible system which had to take monies from other areas in the economy to fund it ( false accounting) and it was mandatory (with mandatory injections and vaccinations) which is the history of planned parenthood over a century. It now has only single insurer instead of a variety as a centralized national system. This has been used to drive ideological family planning which is another reason why the democrats are delaying appointing the new administration. Every nation in nearly every era and ideology struggles with health and the argument  goes on and on, as it is a difficult issue, but the main issue is to provide health to a nation and ideas are pertinent to that end. 

(Replacing Obamacare) Obamacare has left the poorest in society without medical insurance across all age groups, but the new alternative known as the American Health Care Act has many advantages, and one (which is like the idea of reversing the NHS /BUPA idea see paragraph above, the NHS was founded when the population of Britain was 27 million people in 1947, which is why it is failing, today it has over twice as many at 64 million people and does not charge foreign nations for its citizens using the service which could raise Billions) is the fund which is described as follows; 'But the most newsworthy innovation is a multibillion-dollar fund that states can use to reduce premiums. States will pay the costs of the sickest insurance customers, so that premiums paid by healthy customers can stay reasonable. That feature has been ignored by the media and repeal critics, but it's a keeper. With adequate funding, it has the potential to deliver what ObamaCare never did: affordability' This type of fund could also accept charitable tax free donations in a trust and investment idea or from any other source of funding which states can procure themselves. The FBI for instance in one area and a Welcome development in the fight, hunt and capture of pedophiles is the setting up of the Human Exploitation Rescue Operative in which ex army special forces injured and/or retired can become an extra but essential tier added to the FBI which fights online (and offline ) child pedophile exploiters which  is in turn tied into Trafficking worldwide.  Disabled or injured people can work and also design themselves for themselves (access issues etc) and charitable business donations for such a venture could ensure additional funding in this area for those who are disabled. This would improve innovation in disability and other areas of health (charity tax right offs, investments and donations but still run as a business, enlarging the fund hence it provides more certainty for pensioners and young people on low incomes. It is in effect (i.e. the muti-billion dollar fund) a very powerful idea which will produce an incredible health service as it is flexible to absorb costs and encourage development at the poorest end of the market) Opposing this is the (amongst others) well funded planned parenthood lobby nationwide who stand to lose billions from the loss of stem cell harvesting, which has manifested itself in the criminal horror show (selling baby parts in the abortion industry etc)

Not health but ideology. Opposing both Obamacare (the affordable care act ...which was not affordable) and the new American health care act are Republicans who feel it is simply Obamacare 'lite'. (see read the bill .com )The mandate for Obamacare is going to be repealed however (either way as it passes from congress to the senate and possibly back again) Most people have no idea about their health insurance and even less how it is paid for. (see Russian health insurance & EU health insurance) In Britain the NHS is not a insurance based health service but free. (but with huge waiting times) Free means however the cost is kicked down the road, to the children and the children's children and the debt it accrues is never paid down or cancelled and this should be considered for taxpayers (proportioned for each citizen and military personnel) who have worked in a country all their lives. This reduces taxes down the line. The NHS is a series of regional trusts and is not the free health care Cuba envisaged and which also accrues massive debts which are not paid down. Obamacare is also not free but insurance. The main concern ( a correct assumption) regarding Obamacare was, it is not designed to succeed just to last for a few years until a centralized healthcare system changed the country into a communist system which drained a country's resources (Russia introduced private health insurance to produce a mixed system ) which then dictates health and social needs as ideology not health by a vanguard (who know whats best for you they assume) As such it is purely ideological and has left 45 million without health insurance, and it is designed to make transition away from it almost impossible. (as is occurring March 2017) Those that oppose change do not care for local (localism) health which should begin from the grassroots upward and state by state which is what Americans want over the debates in the houses of government.

Under President Trump and VP Mike Pence the HUD and new universities were not introduced by Obama. President trump has created 45,000 new jobs via Exxon Mobil   and 250,000 in total via Intel, Wallmart, Lockheed Martin, Sprint, One web and soft bank. Others include General Motors, Fiat Chrysler, Alibaba and carrier. trump and Pence have been in office only 40 days ( of the first 100 days) 100 % employment provides greater scope to buy healthcare.

This type of activity did not occur in ten years under Obama and Clinton and is hardly likely to please China or Russia. 

Further in the USA there are 16 intelligence services and wikileaks has revealed some of their secrets, yet Neo - Conservatism (since and before Sayyid Qutb) says Russia has infiltrated every area of US intelligence anyway (and this agrees with Soviet defector Yuri Bexmenov who basically says the KGB work by stealth within US intelligence and targeted schools and universities to employ them and this is 32 years ago ) with so many people (in 2010) that maybe now those that have infiltrated US security will be revealed. It is the most serious exposure of US intelligence possibly in history, but it reveals how much of a problem hacking and cyber security is. (last video Fox Bill O Reilly ; 'Treason is in the air' which explains why no 'Watergate' exposure of Obama / Clinton has occurred, and why the press do not expose the left or Russia or its agents) 

Russia and China invest in keeping the USA slow confused and in economic dire straights and this is achieved best through poor intelligence, poor industrial decisions and poor forward advice plus working remotely. Controlling food seeds such as 'Monsanto - Bayer' merger and the resultant super weeds which are killing farming and people is a control. Drugs and flooding drugs into a country including cannabis is a part of that control system not an escape. North Korea more than the West by a large degree, is flooded with Drugs to keep it under control and induced fear of the west in the NK experimental closed system which is terror for them. Yet the internet ( underground) there is breaking this rationale.  Soviets and China also employing its people in the USA including within the intelligence services which is also why the EU is the economic state it is in. It is true with 16 or 17 intelligence services you can filter the truth (many points of view filtering out the rubbish) On the other hand and considering the 'McLibel case' many years ago different intelligence ( private detectives) spied on each unknowingly, with one pair even marrying unknown to each other they were on the same project ( until the honeymoon) 

Judge Napolitano however gives another view on the wikileaks hacking. How can freedom be maintained ? and monitored and still allow liberty is the real question (last video fox insider; Judge Nap on New WikiLeaks: We Could Be 'One Step Away from Totalitarianism') Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says there is no evidence of collusion with Russia and the new Republican administration, but there is plenty of evidence that Chuck Schumer (who wants planned parenthood to continue for a s long as possible also) and the democrats are providing unparalleled obstruction to the Republican administration appointments when ISIS is a continuing global threat, and have passed late legislation before leaving office to distribute sensitive reports and classified information across all 16 / 17 agencies ? and their employees

The people who voted for Trump and Pence ( America first) want the intelligence services to also be America first and for it to apply to the intelligence services also. In February 2017 the investigation into Hillary Clinton is continuing, whilst Mark Levin says it is public record (numerous public records) that Obama wire tapped Trump Tower and this has been confirmed by the Senate (and was signed of by Lorreta Lynch the US attorney general who had previously met Bill Clinton on a airplane whilst she was been asked to investigate Hillary Clinton and Obama ) The real story on security is President Trumps ban on the immigration scam from countries Obama employed people to work within his administration and in the intelligence community over the last ten years (who have been planted by Obama in important positions including those loyal to Russia or Islam including Khizr Khan who specialized  in immigration and who featured in the democrats campaign)The other real story is the democratic party hacked Bernie Sanders (the real scandal) in the US Presidential elections which is where the Russia scandal leads. The other story is ? will the US and Russia unite against Islam from within their respective territories as the US threatens to defund the UN which has been pushing the Islamic invasion via the population division of the UN in the dept of economics and social affairs into the EU and in the west. It is ideologically driven, and trafficking has occurred from within the UN and this global policy is disguised as refugees first or economic migrants (in millions) second. Saud and UAE sit on the human rights commission in the UN ( apartheid, be-headings and female genital mutilation ? ) The other real story is the democratic party hacked Bernie Sanders (the real scandal) in the US Presidential elections which is where the Russia scandal leads. An obvious solution from Arizona.

Ukraine and China. The other story is ? will the US and Russia unite against Islam from within their respective territories as the US threatens to defund the UN which has been pushing the Islamic invasion in the EU and in the west. It is a soviet inspired plan or idea until it backfired in Bosnia when the Saudis financed the Muslim brotherhood there, again using liberalism and more migration after the war at the expense of Serb and Croat (Russia and China blocks Islam in China and Russia) yet Islam is planning the total destruction of Israel by 2022 ? The Ukraine defense budget is now $150 million as Ukraine sets up railway blocks from Russia to the Ukraine as it decides on its Nato membership  referendum. Mike Pence says the US supports the Ukraine and will hold Russia responsible for the ongoing war on 5.2.2017. This will be the test of the west to continue to support the Ukraine as China is trying to invest to invest in the country. 

If the American public said, the west is 155 Trillion in debt, ( from the IMF or 167 trillion in some estimates) it cannot exchange currency for gold, unemployment and stagnation and confused polices abound, transsexual toilets dominate the news, China wants to lead the new world order and there is mostly no direction only apathy, would the west respond ? is this intelligence ? The state the west is in economically and in its overall purpose is itself a security breach ongoing for many years. Without this 'condition' China could not hope to lead the new world order.

America has an advantage over Russia and China,as it has a constitution. America had a debate with Britain on liberty. Britain is now having that same debate inspired by America which is in turn was/is inspired by Brexit, yet both support Israel despite this debate which is now also inspiring Europe and Europeans countries. America debates the fact that if a economic downturn occurs and a total collapse (not just in prepper or small communities but under the constitution over the whole of the country) then they have the right to be armed under the constitution, which means the army and martial law authority should side with the people. As money is printed from zero ( out of nothing) then you can begin an economy again the next day without being bankrupt. Those that wrote the constitution were largely Christians and libertarians who prepared even for that scenario. The Brexit debate is occurring also and the English civil war also had that same debate but so did King Alfred and King John centuries before. The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has boosted world trade and Brexit by removing red tape, but it has notably been detrimental to US trade and the West over decades favoring the east and China. Liberalism (communism) and Islam continue to attempt to destroy the west amidst the high debt of the west and the crisis it causes. 

The 'doomsday sayers' who denigrate Brexit (without an alternative view except more of the same and of the past) according to Janet Yellen (Us central bank federal reserve chair) are wrong amidst global growth.




The war on terror and Brexit day 29.03.2017 (The day Britain left the EU by notice)

Brexit as law of the land was signed into law on the 16.03.2017, and Britain leaves the European Union

An attempt to undermine the final procedures was made by Khalid Masood on the 22.03.2017, who killed five people and injured 50 by driving a Jeep into pedestrians on London bridge. The vigil was held on the 29.03.2017. Early reports said it was an Isis inspired attack whilst later reports said he was inspired by terrorist propaganda.

The next day 23.03.2017 in Antwerp Belgium an identical attack was made by 'Mohammed R' who was a member of Isis of North African origin, but without injuries to pedestrians, although many weapons were discovered. The significance of the date is one year after Belgium marked its first anniversary of the twin Islamic bomb attacks, which killed 32 people which and wounded more than 300. A similar attack occurred in Germany on 29.02.2017 and this followed the car attack in Berlin on the 29.12.2017 in which 12 people died and 49 were wounded. All of these attacks are Islamic state (ISIL) attacks. The London bridge attack was part of the new methods ISIL are employing.

Brexit notification was finally sent to the EU on the 29.03.2017 by letter to the European Council (Britain is still in the European Council and has only left the EU and the London Stock Exchange has joined with the German and New York exchanges. These facts were never mentioned by the 'Remain' campaign ) Deutsche Borse and New York were to merge in 2011, but it was blocked by the EU. The London and Deutsche Borse merger has also officially been blocked on 30.03.2017. However this was blocked previously, yet in March 2016 the merger was back on again  The merger(s) signifies London moving closer to New York, this was not known in June 2016 at the time of the Brexit referendum and the EU may change its mind again at some less regulatory future point. Australia and Cyprus have moved to make stronger deals with London)

Since the vote on Brexit on 23.06.2017, nearly 9 months ago every effort has been made to prevent it occurring.

Why did it occur, the best insights into it economically are seen in the post above dated 22.06.2016 or repeated here;   Spectator Facts not Fear   Video,  & Brexit the Movie which are accurate and reflect the fact  that the EU will have to reform.

The EU is currently using the same propaganda employed by the remain side and against Britain on the rest of the EU countries who want a looser EU, which can create and thrive in manufacturing and exports, reducing its debts and unemployment and stopping 'immigration' To do this now (post Brexit and the US elections) they have tried to redefine 'populism' as a movement. This limited term does not reflect the anger and frustration across left and right and through all age groups who are aware that the EU is being ethnically cleansed in a racist decades long project against ordinary people. People deny this is happening but when they wake up and realise it is true without the media and political spin telling them to be quiet, or causing them to be ashamed of loving your country and traditions they vote accordingly. 

The Dutch elections spring 2017 a case in point depicted the winning candidate as a 'centre right' person (i.e. Mark Rutte) but who was in fact sworn in 2010 as the first liberal Prime minster ? Gert Wilders (who still came second ) then became 'far right' when in fact he is a 'centre' candidate and Mark Rutte is on the left. Dutch people however are cautious and traditionally a conservative country (slogans such as do not vote for the wrong kind of 'populism' were hoisted ? to redefine what populism is although this term cannot fully describe what it is)

The German regional elections spring 2017. Martin Schulz the socialist has been called both a socialist and a fascist ?  but who was educated by the Holy Ghost fathers, (Heilig-Geist) whilst opposing him was Frau Angela Merkel who is seen here walking around in a communist uniform but is in the 'centrist' (not left at all) Christian democratic Union ? (she is encouraging more babies in Germany even though she is .. 'leftist' ) Karl Marx was of course German and thought religion as a opiate of the people as did Chairman Mao who described religion as a disease when visiting the Dalai Lama many decades ago.

The eventually winners in both elections were behind in the polls in December 2016 but then the polls announced they were in front by February 2017 ? Therefore moving the left and far left to the centre and right makes those who oppose (the 'populists') post modernism and the destruction of European cities and towns as far right ? Donald trump is regarded as far right and on the left ? Johnny Cash summed up the false paradigm in his song 'The one on the right was on the left' alternatively you can read a better background of the EU on the adjacent website and chapter 1 and the pdf 'EU, Rome. London, Israel' (or click here)

However here are a few other opinions; Islamisation through immigrationItaly on February 1st 2017.   Islam and the Saudis vows to destroy Rome  and also Israel and the moving of political left right positions allows the confusion to continue and the real feelings of the 700 million EU citizen to be fooled and placated (manipulation at its highest) From Italy to Sweden and Poland every country in-between. The destruction of Europe and those who are elected are placed in power to aid that aim and war.

The Republic of Macedonia on after 26 straight days (on March 25th 2017) of protests rejected the George Soros Socialist Islamic state planned for it under accession to the EU and which has brainwashed the rest of the EU. Alexander the Great was from Macedonia and it is United. It is time it United with Greece (who should sack the communist government) and take back its power (even after this the EU wants to get it to join ? as Slovakia bans Islam also ) it is the EU which must stop the Islamic socialist corruption and reform itself. The walls of Rome extend even into North Africa.

The Sovereignty of the British Parliament. Britain had its referendum after fighting for it for years. It was held on 23.06.2016 with just 2 questions 1. Remain 2. Leave. The winning  result for Leave was not binding on parliament but it was then accepted by Parliament on 7.12.2016 by 461 votes to 89 which should have concluded the debate. So in effect Parliament was supreme and the vote was ratified having already given permission to have the referendum.

Then Gina Miller 6 weeks later (but through the year) that only Parliament can grant the right to the British people ? having won a right on a further debate on granting the result validity in the Supreme Court on January 20th 2017 ? she engaged a city law firm to decide that Gina Miller was supreme and not the British people and this was backed by the Mayor Sadiq Khan both of whom are allegedly pressured by George Soros to oppose Brexit.

The Parliament in England, which has its roots in King Alfred's deemings (laws) which inspired the Magna Carta and also the American constitution, is a constitutional monarchy ( it is shared and the monarchy can refuse to sign laws)  It was an absolute monarchy including under King Alfred. He lost his throne although he was still a king in absence (in the marshes of Somerset). To return to power he made a pact with the nobles and the people who agreed to then fight for him under new laws of freedom (without them the people would not fight or agree) He effectively gave up power to spread it which is a Christian notion and the hardest form of rule or power to maintain or enact. Therefore the sovereignty of parliament is the people of which the 650 MP's are a part but only to voice the peoples aims and concerns. Parliament is the people who are sovereign. Gina Miller and some in the Lords and supreme court (who did not conceivably believe in her legal argument) took the debate beyond the 2 questions (leave or remain) and forced a wider debate which the minds and voices of the people had already debated before they voted in the referendum and had parliament vote again and again and again. This of course was against the sovereignty of parliament. It is the parliament of King John not of the people. Alfred of course had some dissenting nobles and upstarts flogged.

People should read up on King Alfred, very few people in history managed to do what he did. It is also important to understand the debate in terms of rule, laws and freedom (which all posts above on Brexit do include in addition to the media opinion which is not always a mirror of what people feel and want)

Economically the west is in a terrible position as things stand and Brexit rejected immigration and austerity which has cursed the west in its magnitude and length.

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) Frank Lucas, drug cooperatives and sermons in the Trinity church of Christ.

America has just witnessed the exposure of the Affordable Care Act. (ACA) The Republican replacement which was rejected by Conservatives and Democrats before it was even submitted to a vote by Congress or the Senate, did not satisfy anybody's criteria, although the public was spared the debate and voting scenarios which would have followed. Usually the cliff-hanger and deals are kept going for as long as possible, but not on this occasion. What was surprising (given that it was seen as simply Obamacare 'lite' an expression coined by Senator Rand Paul see last post dated 11.03.2017 and subheading 'not health but ideology' or here again  'Republicans who feel it is simply Obamacare 'lite'. (see read the bill .com )' is that Democrats rejected the bill ? considering it was so similar ?

Paul Ryan ( who had prepared an alternative plan and which was kept under lock and key for 7 years in preparation, yet the AHCA from the Republicans in this version which tested the water was designed to fail ? ) could have chosen any type of plan from a worldwide selection off the shelf which includes plans from Switzerland, Norway and Israel. ( and many more since then on this list and analysis) Norway was one of the first to employ 'Universal Health Care' in 1912 but the idea was mooted and discussed in Germany in the 1880's (in the 1840's the state was given the power to appoint 'medical examiners' who decided who and who was not a physician. This was done to root out 'quackery and frauds' but it did not stop quackery and frauds from entering the state and Lenin's 'state and revolution' (book) took the idea further i.e. that the state controls everything.  You can see that under the past ten years under the Obamacare affordable care act, it is not on the list (last link) as Universal Health Care because it is not UHC.

So Obamacare is not Universal Health Care (UHC) and the new Republican AHCA (designed to fail) is not UHC at this stage but aspires to it, but a paper in April / May 2016 by 2000 physicians called for UHC throughout out the USA, but with no proposals on how to pay for it realistically. At the centre of the debate is the monopoly on drug prices and big pharma lobbying. It is possible to have small government (bare minimum) and have UHC as in Switzerland. As 45 million Americans do not have Medicare or Obamacare then they are not under the 'law of the land', as Obamacare now states it is. Many more still choose to pay the fine instead of the compulsory mandate as it is too expensive, and millions have not had healthcare for the entire period of Obamacare (since 2010) and the new Republican ACHA as 'Obamacare lite' would surely have chosen this option as democrats to extend Medicare or Obamacare combined to achieve UHC ?

What therefore is going on ? (see also the last post dated 11.03.2017 and also the adjacent website and headings 1. 'The National Health Service, construction, wages and price theory' & below it  2. ' Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam' ) Obamacare was based upon community action to help themselves. They also with the Gold, Silver and Bronze types of cover also added co-operatives based upon mutual insurance bonds. As the adjacent website states 'Obama's health package and reforms have fallen into extreme difficulties and is collapsing into a racket The co-operative idea or member owned health insurers known as mutual's (mutual insurance) have a precedent and have worked in other countries, but the motivation of them in the first few months and years was similar to the approach from Hunter Patch Adams (a few paragraphs down) i.e. born in necessity, but with a legal framework for expansion. This expansion however forced compulsory payments onto its members which when ratified by the supreme court, the members lost control (which is not then a co-operative structure) and the prices soared and the investment of billions went missing. The USA has a history of co-ops and mutual's many of the oldest Wall Street names started as they did, but costs were paid for slowly and slowly built up geographically and in accounting sense and wise decisions over decades. Real co-operatives become mutual's, become building societies and then banks (is the story of how the West of America was built) but they were built without planned parenthood as an ideology or a underpinning it'

These health insurance co-operatives (most of which have failed) were/are independent of government but were not private and yet had a blank cheque underwritten by government. This means local control of community organising took them over but they were designed to lose money (which had to be topped up by Government or by other sources as a charity or even by venture capital as a non-profit organisation) These co-operatives could also treat those who required substance use abuse or drug problems and rehab (many rehabs work and it takes strength to stop using and go through the pain barrier to freedom) Therefore one might think that they would help those who are genuinely needing help or who want to get off drugs and alcohol abuse. This is a good aspiration and a good community project for poor and run down regions or neighbourhoods. The problem is during Obama's vanguardship drugs both in and variation of types increased 10 fold over amounts the whole of America and have killed hundreds of thousands during his reign.

The narrative is drugs are a public health issue and not a criminal problem. The reality is it also allows a soft approach to capture drug imports although the militarisation of police has increased the drug war has raged on.(Aug 2016) The drug  rise is an epidemic rising to a Tsunami into 2014 and it is estimated that 7 million Americans are serious addicts and many more millions are users. This is called creating a market and eliminating the competitors.

The health debate is really exposing the corruption and bribery that exists in Washington which has corrupted a minority in the security services as the Mexican drug cartels expanded into the USA from 2010 and into 2016, as Obama neutralised security at  the border and in national surveillance. The Mexican cartels have their own regions in Mexico and have divided up regions in the USA. When expertise was required beyond the human mules running the drugs Obama instructed the release of drug traffickers (and trafficking of woman and children) from prison early. Not just from 2016 but in smaller numbers from 2011. A percentage of the drugs came from Chinese and Indonesian sources (and Obama's birth certificate reveals his odyssey from Kenya, Hawaii and New England from his birth in Indonesia although Obama himself says he was born in Kenya ) Note both of these issues were deemed as 'Racist' to even mention them in the US election (along with the Russian buying Uranium from Hillary Clinton)  to distract from the real problems, con and grift learnt on the street known as Obamacare. The wall of course is to stop the drug war funded also from China and Russia who fund the Mexican cartels. See previous post dated 03.11.2016 & 06.11.2016 and heading 'Russia fuelling South American drugs trade. (hence one more reason for no security and the Democrats 'Taco Bowl engagement policy' and also the post dated 10.06.2016 and 04.05.2016 r.e.  Doctor Jose Manuel Mireles Valverde who is still in prison and should be freed) and in the documentary Cartel Land & the Mexican & US militia's.  The film 'Basic' in 2003 displays the US army's fight against drugs which however is being lost and is a serious security situation which is a real war of occupation on US soil. This website allows the reader to check back and fact check politics, and the media and the seemingly unconnected events surrounding these matters.

Obama at  first opposed George Bush in 2007 / 2008 and his efforts against cannabis but then launched his own severe crackdown by 2011. The thinking behind controlling the Mexican drug cartels is to let them fight it out and then let only one remain as the sole supplier. (Eric Holder the attorney general in the dual gun running scheme / scandal called 'fast and furious'  or here  had his own plan. Fast and furious was different to the 'wide receiver' plan ) Eliminating the competition Obama also developed his own drug agency to fight cannabis in 2011. There was confusion in the Harborside medical centre (a non profit like Obama's cooperatives) as to whether it was a medical cannabis dispenser or a drug trafficking institution. Similar claims were made against the divinity tree co-operative in 2012, yet Obama called a ceasefire in 2014 against prosecutions. Yet Obamas attorney general Eric Holder had in effect given the Mexican drug cartels immunity in 2012. Clearly it is not indecision but a stop and go policy to let the Mexican drug cartels take over and supply America. 'Fast and furious' is a cover up but drugs and their supply increased dramatically from 2011.

The Clintons; The affordable care act and the Obamacare health exchanges (markets) also started to collapse and in Hawaii and many others ( or here  by  Forbes ) so far, that Hillary Clinton in September 2016 (the Democratic candidate for the US presidency and inspiration behind the democrats rejecting the new Republican health plan AHCA for Obamacare and the 'law of the land' ? ) said the failure of Obamacare national exchanges was a national disaster and this was repeated by Bill Clinton. They were never meant to succeed and no one expected Trump and the Wall. It is not a long term viable health care system but socialised medicine run by outside drug cartels ? One of his last acts was to pardon 271 and 330 drug dealers and users in 2017 after making a vow to curb drugs in March 2016 

Open borders and no wall with Mexico having the toughest immigration policy in the world (almost) and who are also building a wall on their southern border and Mexicans are celebrating  it (you couldn't make it up) Border agents since Trump took office in 2017 have said they have cut crime dramatically and saved millions in crime related offences.

Obamas co-operatives were inspired by Saul Allinsky and his radical community development policies. Saul Allinsky was eventually hired by churches in the Chicago area in order to assist them with community development to help the 'have nots'. However the churches went a different and original direction which is to serve Gd not community activists who do not know the spiritual only the material and not the idealism of the mind as a motivation although spiritual values like Christianity is beyond idealism (i.e. (i.e. dialectical  istorical materialism and from its origins in 1. primitive communism / slavery which passed and moved to 2. feudalism, then to 3. capitalism and next to to 4. socialism and then finally towards a 5. better corrected communism than primitive communism making  a 'great leap forward' from capitalism to socialism / comunism at some stage of development. Dialectical materialism also removes a belief in a soul and God but not by rational argument only theory ) 

Obama copied Saul Allinsky in this regard and also worked for church groups but who had experiment with every drug and drink he could obtain. The Church has long been conned by this misunderstanding which is limiting the power and scope of the church not aiding it. Eventually it undermines and subverts the church. There are many people in the 'churches' who are doing this thinking it is God's work Saul Alliinsky may not have thought he was doing this but after him others like Obama certainly were. Obama in his 'audacity of hope' book explains that he listened to some sermons but like the Israelite's in the desert his mind went over to those who followed the Golden Calf and were destroyed and he obviously was not listening too closely. Obama went then to his spiritual mentor  Jeremiah Wright of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago which adopted 'black theology' exclusively which then became black liberation armed theology as ideology and then later as Islamic black theology under Malcolm X and the Black Panthers (Jeremiah Wright and James Cone also praised by Obama) Their Dialectical Materialist Thesis is opposed by the Anti-Thesis and PhD Dr Manning into Synthesis  (a sermon synthesis ? without Allinsky but which could apply to any ethnic group in any country) Nina Simone (an addict) knew all about it. 

Poppies from Afghanistan, India and Mexico  (which switched production  from South America, including Brazil which is now also a producer with also Columbia, Bolivia and Peru) to Mexico to increase profits but which is killing woman and children in the USA ) The anti drug peoples militias in Mexico and the USA are trying to prevent loss of life and the collapse of family and society and securing a Monopoly of supply is the aim of many importers which can use any system (including a health system which thinks little of selling baby parts for stem cell research legally or illegally) as cover for their work. In the USA despite all the anti - activity and across all ethnic groups, drug supply and use increased dramatically ? Whilst the following is not a obvious supply  consistently (the Obamacare - Heroin 2013 discovery ) but it shows the level of disregard for society and conventional boundaries.

Whilst leaving  this flawed philosophy would leave a void (and this is what Pastor Manning in his unorthodox manner is trying to say, and yes he is a real Pastor) see the last post dated 11.03.2017 around half way down, and the paragraph which begins ' USA March 2017 and fake news and the first 100 days' which points out with real news that now $38 billion is going to fund new Universities i.e. the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Ben Carson (no announcement was made that President Trump appointed 'white supremacist' Dr Ben Carson ) is the secretary appointee to oversee the urban development project, which includes health as the New York Times report April 2017 confirms Obamacare is imploding. The Alinsky era and Islamic theology has not produced a solution. Of course there are now huge white poor areas in America which need a big solution in education an employment and infrastructure and that is considered in the next heading Greater Israel and the state of the western economy.

Obama says he distanced (for political respectability reasons) himself from the Church and Jeremiah Wright yet this is obviously not the case (see links in last paragraph) and the real Church has been conned into socialism which has caused protests in Roman Catholic countries like Mexico and most of Europe in conservative catholic churches worldwide.

One problem in the USA is supplying drugs. Supplying drugs via the dark web anonymously is growing (2015 - 2016) from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Mexico into the USA (via post or drop) but that can not locally supply a growing epidemic and the large quantities required are moved around the country (and over the border) in vehicles or transport posing as a legitimate industry or business  (last link "How else can tractor-trailer loads of heroin make it into the country? How has such an elaborate and efficient distribution system spread throughout the country and perpetuated itself for decades?" )

Cartels lease US land under Obama. The incredible level of duplicity and ignorance of the Mexican Obama scandal is beyond belief. It emerged in 2015 that Sovereign US land on the US side of the border is leased to Mexican drug cartels ?  Offices within are stuffed full of boxes with $100 bills. They are staffed with cartel members who were given guns by Obama and Holder ? This was at the same time Obama wanted to crack down on the cartels, but arming them and giving them land within the USA and leaving  them to draw lines on the map of the USA of distribution (all over the USA ) increasing the supply makes the requirement to have health care and treating the drug epidemic a little suspect ? especially when Obama is funding them. and even the over 60's drug use has increased 10 fold with drugs increasing in potency and cheaper prices   A twenty year high in drug use was recorded in 2016 with even conservative figures drugs have increased five times in 2016. Is it speedy Gonzalez and evasive tactics causing  the rise or is it just a part of Obama's plan to ruin America ?  In 2016,  50,000 Americans died of a drugs overdose ? (men woman and children and all areas and ethnicity) did they have Obamacare rehab membership ? (to repeat the visual USA guide to the war on drugs failure) 

Obamas co-operatives simply aided the collection and distribution of illegal drugs including the new synthetic drugs such as spice and black mamba which literally zombifies people and can cause permanent brain damage. Drug companies are synthesising marijuana / cannabis (which does lead to the next higher drug when your system gets used to it, as it wears off or subsides ) and drug dealers have already done this years ago showing it is not a natural plant growing out of the ground. Just as Obama's new health system was not controlled by government but was underwritten by them it provided a under the counter drug distribution system which was cheaper and more powerful than competitors. Further if you got into problems the government would 'rehab' you and get you on your feet (more profit, more people for longer) and if you ran out of money the government could launder the drug profits in with the government subsidies and venture capital and charity money and redistribute that money. A utopia of drugs which is going to scrapped and repealed as the swamp is drained, once the drugs wear off the utopia vanishes and all that is left is the unemployment and lack of infrastructure and investment throughout America. Obama's mentors Jeremiah Wright, James Cone, Ho Chi Min, Lenin and Mao Ze Tung are evident but you can also include Frank Lucas the drug dealer from Harlem who featured in the 2007 film 'American Gangster' with Denzel Washington which related one of the biggest drug scandals in history. (Smuggling from Thailand, Laos and Indonesia) The destruction of America was incidental to Lucas and he turned neighbourhoods into 'North Korea'.

Frank Lucas (who prided himself on good at community organisation like Obama's community co-operatives and being independent of government and other interests, had government fly drugs into the US for him however ) imported 100% pure heroin in the furniture and coffins of US soldiers in the 1960's and 1970's and distributed them himself undercutting existing supply (the early 1940's and 1950's the supply was small in comparison and not central in gangs, majority of which would not touch drugs in any case. Lucas increased pure heroin in a sophisticates supply system. Today addiction takes seconds and can kill in five minutes that is the direction drugs are  going in) This killed hundreds of thousands of people and is of course the origins of crack and crystal meth. Obama also used US planes to pay ransom to Iranian terrorists   and funded Iranian terrorism. Whilst destroying America he also does not recognise the Christian genocide which he and Mrs Obama and Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood with Huma Abedin and in many respects Justin Trudeau who has also like Obama refused to acknowledge the Islamic genocide of Christians (see above posts from the top and those named as 'Christian Genocide') because in listening to sermons in churches, (as Obama said he did) his liberation theology was dreaming or hallucinating (like Mohammed who hallucinated in a drug stupor that he flew to Jerusalem on a flying horse / peacock / woman ) of bowing down to Islam in Saudi or in Iran. Clinton and Obama knew the health system was being for this purpose. Obama did not work for the West regardless of what any of his wage packets or credentials state and the UN – affordable care act will be scrapped. Many round the world and in catholic and protestant churches will not stop until they are imprisoned or put on trial for their crimes. If you do not think Obama and Eric Holder (et al) are capable of creating a drug market in the USA, remember Obama will not name (only John Kerry did so) the Christian Genocide he and Clinton are responsible for in the middle east. What is a drug tsunami epidemic within the USA compared to an genocide in the middle east to a people without conscience. America is one of the last countries to hold out against socialised medicine and the 45 million who do not have health insurance could be offered free market deals which can operate outside of congress or the senate but still have state approval as a recognised health system (in all 50 states or all 52 states in some debates)

One area which may come to define Obamacare is the arrests of Doctors who perform FGM (female genital mutilation via Obamacare. ( Dr. Jumana Nagarwala & Fakhruddin and Farida Attar ) Clearly it is not a health system fit for purpose men or woman)

21.04.2017 (inserted on 21. 04.2017 ) The health Care debate continues in the USA and the current malaise reflects the problems the public face and fear. However consider the wider economics of the situation which follows an inability to pay down the debt. (see also the heading below on France in chapter 3a) The reality of the French economy is debt to GDP is approaching 98% into 2017. This direction from 2006 has grown steadily and within the 2007 financial crisis and past those events growing at a consistent rate. Therefore there is something else aside from the financial crisis occurring. Greece (see above) has a new round of Austerity and there are views that this direction must be continued in order to collapse the system (within dialectical Marxism) in order to reach a new communism after the collapse of communism (Obama, Tsipras are communist if that has any meaning today, although some center and center right have accepted austerity. Ukraine's former leader regarded himself as a socialist with 6 houses and mansions and numerous cars and yachts ! )  Yet both North Korea, China/Mao and Stalin had a solution for inflation and they were the Gulags as the easiest way to manage the economy, people and society, including all levels in society and all ethnic groups which quickly reduced the deficit. In the USA  the debt to GDP is 105 %. Greece debt to GDP in 2014 was 180% and is down slightly to 175.5 %. In 2008/9 it was 125 % (approx) and since then ten years of Austerity has obviously failed (the first austerity package was 2010, but the previous 2 years were as good as 'austerity' ) and this is Greece 13th Austerity 'package' passed in April 2017. Obamacare is subsidized and the democrats have no plan on how to pay down this debt and this was the plan from the beginning. The parallel plan to reduce debt even keeping the subsidies was never devised ? ....what is / was that plan ? was it simply to pass the cost on to their children and like Ostriches bury their heads and hope the problem would vanish ? In America the plan was to extend it deeper and deeper into society (and its initial cheap price attracted many low income people, but  then the price rose and subsidies increased and took money from other departments i.e. the US treasury money as point no 11) which were then underfunded in other areas. The price falling as it grew fell away as a reality, 15 of the 23 health co-operatives collapsed and drug addiction and supply grew ?  In Cuba which has a good health care system but very high debt, resolved one area of costs by paying its Doctors only a few dollars (equivalent) per week. Over 20 years in the USA rising the debt to GDP to 110 - 125 % to introduce emergency measures is now a reality and was this planned (President Reagan solved these problem and maintained all departments of spending) in the USA as it is in Europe rising every year. (The Swiss and Luxembourg or Norwegian health systems are constantly in the top 5 in the world and ironically in 2008 they could have been added to the then existing system to increase quality with hi - tec and far reaching health care for all) America is currently trapped between these aims which without  a plan to pay the debt or pay for the health system at all, as a democrat policy who are now crying that people may be without health insurance ? (and 45 million people already are without a health care in the USA ?)

Dr Carson has recently discovered $500 Billion ( its incredible at this time of the USA budget crisis in April 2017 and it is nearer $520 Billion) which were 'audit errors' in the Obama HUD. Although housing is separate from health the community in health or housing is defrauded, you could not make it up and the long 10 year scandal in public administration and budgeting in the USA seems to be hindered now by a rule that requires 60 votes which should be scrapped (the Nuclear option as debt to GDP is at 105% in the USA and the debt is $20 trillion. Without jobs the economy will decline, when 100% employment is possible)

(There is no rule in the US constitution which requires a filibuster 60 level of votes, although 51% is fair out of a 100% and which does not not stop amendments occurring in debate, if it is at 51%. Senators can change the rules and then back again to the constitution which is in itself a check and balance against Congress and the White house since the constitution was drafted. An entire state in the USA elect senators, and this is a check and balance in political tone and opinion, against smaller Congressional areas (which may be the same or different politically. So it is also a check and balance just in that regard. Constitutionalists and some Democrats have taken the filibuster nuclear option' before. Whilst the modern senate rule exists at 60 votes it is not a constitutional requirement and is a Leninist / Obama bureaucratic insertion by the left to stop growth and stifle recovery creating inertia to all, Democrats and Republicans. Congress and white House is the check against a tyranny in the Senate or vice versa as in the original constitution)

(added as insert) 18.07.2017 The American Health Care Act, second vote to repeal and replace Obamacare(AHA)

The A. H.C. A. as replacement (with repeal of Obamacare as a package) failed again on the 18.07.2017 in the senate but with Obamacare collapsing around the USA. This leaves the prospect of a crumbling health care system. It is 4.5 years since the promise of 'liking your health care, you can keep your health care fell through' and Obama's apology for that fallacy which was the first warning sign. 2 million people dropped Obamacare in 2017 and with only 10 million members it dispels the myth that '25 million people' would lose coverage.

AHA i.e. Obamacare is designed to collapse and lead to UHC Universal Health Care ( The collapse can be blamed on others whoever that may be in the future ( from 2013 to the current date) The following article from the Guardian dated 18.07.2017 viewed from outside the USA explains the options and problems and the spiraling cost of medical insurance which Obamacare is (i.e not UHC) As the US senate now votes to just repeal (the next step) with a two year delay the American ideal of keeping UHC away form its shores is on the line (socialized medicine, abortion on demand which is murder and an open abattoir in your town etc. A form of Eugenics )  Vaccines and their dubious application , polio vaccines being a past problem & the Salk polio vaccine 'experiment' including the cause of autism today caused by vaccines. Vaccines are a population control method. 

The Ukraine in 2015 highlighted the problems, vaccines are not all valid, and many contain mercury and pesticides and toxic materials  Opiate addiction in the USA is a huge health issue which has spiraled since Obamacare ? Attitudes to health, such as abortion and in some countries Euthanasia etc are moving away from health to fatalist attitudes (Obama favors all of these 'health' services today which were taken over by drugs in many co-operative cases)

The videos on vaccines and health 1. Silent Epidemic; The Untold Story of Vaccines - Movie - directed by Gary Null  & 2. War on Health - Gary Null's documentary exposing the FDA in both sides of the story.

Free Health Insurance. Britain with the NHS i.e National Health Service (and the adjoined private Bupa) have free UHA (but it was designed for half the current population) However it was an incredible achievement and why Brexit as a concept is considered wiser than staying in the EU. Germany in the 1930's (although Bismarck who unified Germany was the first to bring in a 'national health system' in the world and Adolf Hitlers health service was based upon that. It however was centrally controlled, but crucially state managers overseeing the funds (with Republicans in the USA today opting for tailored state systems giving a state its choice or choices varying from state to state, which is a good idea and removes Universal costs across the USA if people desire it reducing costs all round) After 1991 and the collapse of the Berlin Wall the health system returned to the west German model rather than the east German socialized model. Both models including soviet Russia and Cuba contain population control measures. real 'health' issues are left out of the health debate ? public pr private ? including dietary health and known cancer cures and fitness measures. Abortion now averages 50 million a year and since the 1970's has produced the biggest genocide and murder of human life in history amounting to a Billion lives or more.

Adolf Hitlers health system was free however (more than Cuba) and the NHS ( aside from the small insurance stamp which is 2% or 12% depending on earnings i.e. earning £157 to £866 a week (£680 to £3,750) = 12%    or  over £866 a week (£3,750 a month )  = 2 %  (see £866 in dollars = $1130 a week ( approx) and 2% = $22.60 per week or $90 dollars per month. If you are earning £350 a week you will pay 12% = $42 pounds. ($55 dollars a week or $220 deducted from monthly earning of $1820.00 per month. 

 At 1950 population levels in Britain and the equivalency today the last figure would be £10 - $15 per week or around £35 - £40 pounds per month (with only national consideration) around $52 dollars today per month. 

These (all examples) are not free as such and people pay surcharges today or wait for months or years for operations but really should be seen straight away, even so but it is cheaper than most countries but proportionally and without inflation adjustments it has spiraled from its initial cost This compulsory 'national stamp' (a contribution card was stamped when a payment was made) was required to fund the health service. This compulsory deduction can be very expensive in some countries and a licence to print money. These examples could be all private. Obamacare prices has also spiraled upwards from 2008 prices and 2010 ? and is much more expensive beyond any previous examples.

Repeal only after 18.07.2017 with agreement of the 'democratic party' ? 100% employment in a country eliminates a lot of these worries ('pay as you go' taxation or paye tax in Britain was brought in as an emergency war measure taking tax weekly rather than annually) With these reduced price options and added bespoke private insurance as state options by each state and removal of the 'socialized medicine' such as abortion (which taxpayers pay for) and other extra non health policies as is decided which could save a fortune, the democrats would surely want to repeal it, or debate these issues ? (see further, the post dated 8.1.2017 in chapter 3a below) Will a straight repeal pass ?

03.10.2017 Other options on Healthcare USA (inserted)

Many options. In September 2017 (inserted) the third attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare failed as it continues to collapse. Those senators who voted against repeal and replace do not have Obamacare themselves? Other options were brought forward by Senator Rand Paul  and by Senator Lyndsey Graham and also by Senator Jim Gordon as a variant. ( video; 'Rep Jim Jordan calls for a clean Obamacare repeal Fox News Video' ) Other options include changing the voting procedures, and the decentralisation of Medicaid.

Costs vanishing elsewhere ? The following video relates how Bernie Sanders in the 1980's said that a single payer health system would bankrupt the United States.Video, 'Liz Wheeler: What the mainstream media was afraid to tell you this week'  and which points out that illegal immigration costs the USA taxpayer $115 / $116 Billion dollars after the $19 billion dollar taxes are deducted, (full report. 'Fair' & 'The Fiscal burden of illegal immigration on the United States 2017' ) which could fund a health service.

Veterans' healthcare. Veterans after ten years of decline under the Obama's have finally a healthcare system which they can approve of and improve (it was purposely run down 2008 – 2016) and it was signed into law in June 2017.

States now defunding planned parenthood Another significant achievement was allowing states to defund Planned parenthood if they choose as the growing scandal of abortions continues. The following video 'Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters' described in detail as the violent painful death it is, (i.e. Murder) is by an abortionist / Gynaecologist (former abortionist? Dr Anthony Levatino) Then consider Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here & the video is on you tube; 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' )

A new bill in the USA signed on the 6.10.2017 allows for total exemptions on abortion inducing drugs due to religious freedom of conscience and moral freedom (exemption from Obamacare)

Tax Refrom/ Reagan economics. Moving away from centralised control the healthcare debate is working its way towards a new and better healthcare system in 2018. This is also tied into the tax system which is returning to Reaganite economics (Reagan moved tax from 70% down to 28 %, but the large drop now can only go from 39 or 25 to 35% or 20% but it is the same mold see video 'Trump unveils tax reform plan after Obamacare repeal fails'  ) This is tied into healthcare and the low taxes and resultant manufacturing boom for small business and medium business is an issue which is adding to western decline and economic democracy. These types of stimulus for the markets also will clear red tape and allow 100% job creation plans to begin. The west has been taxed and indebted out of existence and needs a prosperity boom for the middle class (without Keynesian but with low inflation at the base of the economy which can be achieved if money open market operations at central bank 'MO' level are changed and observed without market pressures, and then without it affecting the other M1 – M4 operations. That is the ongoing western problem)



The new Tax bill and end of Obamacare, and completing Economic Nationalism.

The US tax reforms (tax is theft) and new bill was passed by the Senate on the 01/12/2017. It is the end of Obama's policy and it also included the end of Obamacare which was built into the tax bill. It is an amazing achievement. See posts in chapter 3a dated below 25.11.2017 and 8.12.2017. One area which can improve under this new paradigm is the support of small business to allow a pass at 20 – 23 % which it does. Yet many small businesses fail in their early months and a start up pass allowance of 15% for one year or 6 months will boost success and the tax take in turn. 100% employment will remove benefits and social security better than just cutting them. At the adjacent website and chapter 3 at the beginning, the area and people named live within a system which has a solution to homelessness. Housing units which are clean and functional, and which will last for 100 years or more are offered, and the reduced rent is paid for by getting work and a job. They pay for themselves many times over. Eventually the homeless move on and into new accommodation in work. There are no homeless people for more than 2 or 3 days. This reduces social security which exists even in very small government countries including the USA, and stops taxpayers paying for both (homelessness and benefits) The tax take is also increased in turn. Every nation and society has these problems and this is how they are solved intelligently. When it is realised that Dr Ben Carson discovered missing $500 billion from the HUD is actually mostly true over many areas however (and Snopes eventually say so it must be). The Obamacare aspect of the tax bill still needs reconciliation in both houses of congress, but it is effectively finished.

Reducing small business tax and also then personal tax is the way to produce a real boom and which supports the markets. Like it or not the lower end of the economy supports the higher and in 2007 and 2008 that became very apparent. Lowering taxes means less money to pay of the national debt, but since both houses of congress voted to raise the ceiling of the national debt, that  is not the publics fault. Having an economy exist in austerity to pay the national debt is stupid and counterproductive and measures to reduce the national debt are better in a position of economic strength not poverty. The debt is the peoples to do with as they should. The other consideration in an economic democracy is to let the cash and coin float and circulate at % interest within a country as a higher % of the  money stock. (in the EU it amounts to €80 billion approximately just circulating around) Not cyber cash as internet problems can affect an economies function. This reduces price and export / imports and constant wage rises but does not affect loans and bonds, but rather supports them. America (and Doctors and nurses and surgeons are the best people to consult with ) now has an opportunity to choose the best health service in its history.



8th October 2018. Healthcare in the USA, the possibilities.

(link back to heading '23.10.2018'   The USA and its Economic recovery' in New New Jerusalem Chapter 3A  )

(Opioid crisis, organics and farming as health considerations and USDA / United States dept of Agriculture & Healthcare overcharging)

Obamacare is no longer compulsory,  and its services and its prices are set to rise or treble again in 2019 if it survives ( it began to collapse in 2014 / 2015 ) its legacy was one of deception and half - truths. Correcting this problem (for also its members) is underway and a new health care ideal is being brought forward. Obamacare moved to purely government control under the ideology of centralisation, reducing the States individual involvement to design and tailor a healthcare plan for themselves. Now states can. It was compulsory for everyone, and a ‘carrot and stick’ of cheap health insurance for everyone was dangled and installed whether they liked it or not. Payments then rose. Payments would be deducted whether you liked it or not. Obama was not against health-insurance companies he was more in bed with them than other systems. The difference is the promised extension to the healthcare system applying to everyone did not work and became very expensive. The payments began to rise, and it was held hostage to a socialised healthcare system, which did not improve its services as costs escalated. The legislation bill for Obamacare was hastily complied and with many shady back room deals. It espoused cheaper drugs and cited Cuba’s Doctors who are the best in the world, and indeed they are highly respected globally. Cuba also had cheaper healthcare drugs but the entire system was subsidised for 25 years by borrowing outside of Cuba (from Russia and China etc) Cuba’s national debt is $26 billion between 11 million people (its debt as a % of GDP ratio is 29 %) Without Russian intervention and Russian loans it would not have survived but those subsidies ended officially in 1991 and Cuba defaulted on its western debt in 1986. Today every citizen in Cuba is in debt to the tune of $2400, with average earnings of $25 per month. Under Obamacare in 2013 Health costs were around 18 % of GDP but in Cuba it is 7%. Cuba introduced abortion in 1965, and the government run system did not give the public an option on abortion, yet it was objected to by the nationalist population who were the biggest party for the people in Cuba, but who also supported the revolution which was armed with guns and weapons. This drive to include abortion in ‘healthcare’ is a predominantly Marxist concept which did not exist in healthcare previously, and in Cuba abortions are the highest in Latin America, but in Latin America it is generally frowned upon for what it is. A working class concept of healthcare has existed and prospered separately from socialised medicine. The true story on health is a part of the story which is developing.

Under Obamacare in 2013 Health costs were around 18 % of GDP but in Cuba it is 7%. (many countries with healthcare at 10 % to 14% are  in debt up to 105% of GDP or more) Obamacare crushed small businesses who could not afford it, and beyond the new ‘STLDI’ healthcare (see below) new small and medium business (with their new tax cuts) Association healthcare tailored plans are going to become available, although each state will have its own say in these plans. Before Obamacare, Associated healthcare could choose their options from other states and other business precedents (adopt an existing business idea or go outside your own trade or service and choose another existing business ) but Obamacare stopped that in effect. When Associated healthcare grows by millions of new customers, especially in a jobs boom, the price reduces.

Healthcare then forces a narrow set of options (i.e. Doctors are forced to only recommend abortions. See consider Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician   or here & the video is on you tube; 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion', States and individuals can opt out of health plans or hospitals with abortions as can individuals) and this narrowed lack of choice also includes Mental Health and psychology. (i.e. the current Opioid addiction crisis. Opioids includes Heroin synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, pain relievers, oxycodone, OxyContin, hydrocodone, Vicodin, codeine, morphine etc. Opioid addiction in the USA is a crisis across all age groups) Hypocrites oath states  ‘help or do no harm’ and also relates to the medical profession and reflects natures ability to heal and cure naturally. Many drugs are not designed to cure a patient but to keep them addicted to drugs at any age.  The West has chosen this science as a medical profession still based upon dubious authorities (PhD’s and early Darwinian experts or founding fathers) who were themselves addicted to drugs or seeking to remove a concept of self-worth or even Gd, or the true cause of an ailment. ‘Pseudo babble’ disguised as enlightenment, and as a medical profession. Its ultimately aim is to alter society entirely and even the military which can be destabilised by prescribed drugs and erroneous teachings which do not lend to a clear mind and purpose. Today prescribed drugs are the medical profession (see you tube video ‘Psych-Drugs Harm - One: Robert Whitaker - A History - September 16, 2015 – CPH’  ) It is almost as if the healthcare system is being used against the population not for it.

It is true, that many Americans travel to Cuba for ‘healthcare tourism’ and this increased under Obamacare as many US nationals could not afford Obamacare, yet in Cuba the black market for Cuban nationals  having to find hard to come by medical equipment and services are illegitimately supplied under ‘Socialismo’ (The Black market ) It is very prevalent, and on an average salary of $20 to $32 dollars per month it has become a necessary option in healthcare. Doctors can now earn up to $67 per month. which is an increase from the average of $30 to $50.  One area which Cuba has developed and perhaps goes to the essence of ‘Health’ (and which does not mean socialised medicine) is the development of alternative therapies and separating the departments of food from health but unifying them by allowing good quality health foods to become a part of health treatment, instead of restricting them. Alternative and Herbal healthcare with traditional medicines, are available in Cuba, but a rule of thumb for this system is good organic foods grown locally supplying those needs. A question arises ? Why do western hospitals feed patients ‘fast food’ microwave type plastic sealed dinners and breakfasts ? (not all do ) when these foods contain harmful ingredients such as starch, gluten and additives and GMO grown crops ? of course it is not just in hospitals, but also at home and in work that good food naturally lends to good health and when it is locally  sourced (if not  available it should be soon etc i.e. ‘ Localism’)

To repeat from elsewhere in these websites, see  the Documentary 'Rotten'  here as a trailer  (or here from a separate link) or here as a review of the full film on Netflix  Green energy and oil energy, and a land without pesticides or herbicides would make a beautiful country. See Facebook video River ford  November 29, 2016 ·  ‘Pesticide use in farming is a complicated and controversial issue. This four-minute video explains why we choose to farm organically, and what concerns us about the current direction of agriculture, both in the UK and globally.’  Killing soils slowly removes vitamin B12  and B17 and others from every plant and edible vegetable and fruit, reduces its usefulness to give us energy and protect our immune systems. Globalisation is killing food slowly and is polluting the air, earth, sea and water and therefore the natural medicines we can grow. Small to medium farms have to reduce their quality to compete with Globalisation often resulting in contaminated meats and poor-quality vegetables and roots and pulses. Protecting small and medium farms and suppliers within this globalised market is precarious but you would have to begin by imposing tariffs and re-negotiating trade deals (which has occurred over the last 2 years )

The question first is not how a healthcare system is funded but what is it actually doing and is the ethos of a nation incorporating ‘health’ at home, at work and everywhere else in the country, actually a part of healthcare. Some insurance companies are restricting health insurance to smokers or people who eat to obesity levels and eat junk food, but shouldn’t the public also say ok, we need to change the country and the whole health ethos, in order that we not do not treat the healthcare system as an ‘emergency pitstop’ in the race of life. Yet what if Insurance companies were run by the US marines with supplies of good organic food which said first you are going to get fit and enjoy your new food. What if insurance companies began enforcing that notion? (Since socialised healthcare is limited then that system is limiting your health options anyway) Should health insurance insist that a person’s food supply and water supply is healthy also ? (it would in turn reduce costs)

In other words, health begins with the individual so that you may never have to go to the Doctor or Hospital. Naturally this is an ideal scenario and people will always have a health care system and other health needs as they currently exist but health will find its own level in every nation. The bible quotes Luke who was a Doctor (Physician) in Luke 4,23 which in turn quotes the Greek proverb ‘Physician heal thyself’ which may be composed by the Greek playwright Aeschylus (c. 525/524 bc) and the play ‘Prometheus Bound’. Prometheus gave the gift of fire to mankind and was punished by the gods. The story is also one of power and Justice. In medical terms searching for healing or health begins with the individual and is not limited to ideological dogma, and health is something to aspire to as an individual and a nation.

As Obamacare vanishes the gap (without any panic) is being filled by the short-term, limited duration insurance (STLDI)   which  was passed by the CBO or congressional budget office ( congress did not pass repeal of Obamacare, but almost although it is effectively gone. A new approach is needed and as mentioned new Association healthcare plans for business are coming with states and business to tailor new plans.The STLDI which as a term of insurance has been expanded up to 12 months or more if you wish (from 3 months under Obamacare to stifle choice) and has many different options which can be tailored to your individual needs to save money and reflect your actual health needs (single men do not need ‘maternity care’ pre or post their single existing ‘condition’ but they were asked to pay for it under Obamacare etc) but which can be a temporary stop gap of a few weeks. This plan is the beginning or the Skeleton framework of a health plan ideal which has never been properly tackled in the USA since the mid 1960’s. People can still have Medicaid for limited incomes, (and/or free ? to USA citizens only, in Government run hospitals to the genuinely unemployed or by genuine unemployment insurance which does what it says when sold. Accidents causing unemployment are common,as are military injuries and disability)  and Medicare for the elderly, and local Doctors and emergency services still exist and you can have STLDI and other overlapping temporary coverage. These temporary stopgaps allow for a transition to have each state develop their own  healthcare system, but which will be nationally recognised ( within that notion perhaps a competition with competition for the best state idea, with funding bonus and the winner having state budget awards,  would help produce a healthcare system that people really want) The backdrop to this economically and in reality in the USA is a $21 Trillion dollar deficit which is real and is restricting the economy (in 2008 in was 8 – 9 Trillion) and 2008 – 2016 jobs were outsourced amidst a huge debt increase of $11.5  trillion dollars ?.

The STLDI means Obamacare is now optional. The STLDI since August 2018 has the freedom option ‘ The benefits of Wednesday’s announcement are substantial. Various organizations, including some that oppose the new rule, project it will cover one million to 2.3 million previously uninsured Americans. Projections by Medicare’s chief actuary indicate it will reduce premiums for millions more by an average of 30 percent’ One aspect of previous health care is Overcharging which is a huge problem (see the book  ‘Overcharged’ by Charles Silver & David A Hyman)  or open  ended unseen billing which are not subject  to market quality control or relevance (see later on in this post) often these appear after  hospitalisation and are a shock to people. Of course a health system needs to pay quality salaries to retain expertise in Nurses, Doctors and Surgeons.

Beating cancer and other ‘incurables’ Already the current US administration has taken measures to reduce prescription costs on  many pharmaceutical prescriptions and this is the ethos spreading through the states  A woman (Judy Perkins) in Florida beat breast cancer with an  alternative therapy known as ‘experimental immunotherapy’  and it is approved now by the US National Cancer Institute. A young boy in Britain has been allowed to drink Cannabis Oil and which worked his mother said when fighting Epilepsy, and another young boy was also granted permission by the Home Office. This is just the tip of the iceberg in treatments which could be utilised.

Epilepsy can also be checked and even cured by natural nutrition without Cannabis oil but can also be helped by hemp oil (smoking anything is bad for your health as is smoking generally) Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin D deficiency can worsen symptoms, magnesium,  and Omega 3 fish oils also stem epilepsy as does folinic acid in infants, diets such as the Ketogenic diet  have shown results. The real story of the modern diet is colourings and preservatives, monosodium glutamate (MSG) or artificial sweeteners can trigger seizures. Any artificial non - food is not good for anyone (local foods do not nee to be preserved in the same way)  An excessive build up of chemicals from these and other foods which have been consumed to excess will cause an imbalance. Sometimes people get piercing headaches and exist in a semi coma like condition which causes a symptom like insomnia and dementia and which can be fatal in some cases. Feeling like you need excessive sleep and in a darkened room for excessive periods is a part of these problems. A complete detox from them is required before changing diets, to completely wash out your system. Doctors (GP surgeries) used to perform allergy testing on any chemical or food but this was stopped when people flooded Doctors surgeries with requests when diets changed after WW2 forward.

The food pyramid ‘ideal’ (not that it is Wrong  but it is over simplified) is being questioned see Facebook and ‘Wrong’ and To address rising health problems in the 1980s, scientists and policymakers developed the US Food Pyramid to encourage healthy eating. But despite a massive public education campaign, obesity and diabetes continued to rise. What happened? How did we get it so… wrong?  This is not to say Nutrition is complicated but it is a great way to treat people’s health and it can begin at home. Proponents of the food pyramid state that food and medical pharmaceuticals have to separate first before we can examine what health really means. An interesting idea for Babies health (and everyone was one at some point ) comes from Jennifer Garner (film actress, ‘Catch me if you can’ etc) with her ‘ Once upon a farm’ Business, which is highlighted here  (or link here) which is for Babies, Toddlers and Kids (and packaging has alternatives which you can eventually develop, e.g. seaweed and edible packaging etc) This allows babies (with breastfeeding of course, which is the most nutritious and natural form of life sustaining food we have. Further if a mother is very well fed on organics and healthy it obviously passes on ) The story of how and why Jennifer Garner began this journey is here but essentially a baby is getting fruit and vegetables and roots, which is the beginning of why babies grow up to be strong and healthy individuals. It could supply more schools and even hospitals and so on. ( food labelling  for babies and toddlers in vital And does ‘unprocessed’ really mean it is unprocessed ?) Localism supplies locally but naturally transport pushes up costs in the supply chain, yet any product can export any excess. Bayer lose $289 million in Roundup cancer case trial.  And the ruling said its product caused cancer. It was not understood that pesticides and herbicides contribute to ground hardening and top soil erosion, and introducing new stronger chemicals only brought increased resistance from the GMO food in a spiral of increasing pollution and poisoning  of the food supply. There are natural organic herbicides and pesticides, as well as the old fashioned way of natural predators. Milk can be sold pasteurized or unpasteurised (and many pasteurise their own milk at home) When big business and corporations start adopting a health ethos and with their employee’s, board and staff, the world and health system will change. From 2008 – 2016 however the onus on regulations was to run down business and jobs, with health and organics given only lip service to that end. Creating a system where both health and 100% employment, and profitable business can thrive is the answer. (it has been attempted successfully in Germany see further on in this essay) It is a very lucrative area, but people are not fooled, localism is also growing (like protectionism) and it is the best bulwark against recession.

Brookings institute concur that the USA spends 17.1 % of its GDP on healthcare, many other countries spend 11 to 12%, but they highlight that good foods and prevention (from a young age) brings healthcare costs down and saves money,(and it will allow more insurance companies who want to provide a state of the art service and if people want to be exclusively private that is their choice)  yet this ‘social spending’ they mention begins at home (privately ) and locally and in each town and district
Organic ? (all agriculture was ‘organic’ naturally once and not so long ago, it did not involve an ideology or spiritual belief to attain ‘organic’ status. It also does not mean you cannot  enjoy a T bone steak of course, yet there is more taste and choice in the world than we realise. The current rules on organic farming under the United States department of agriculture (USDA)  were too restrictive (i.e. food regulations do not allow Cannabis oil for medicine and so on. Apricots cannot be classed as B17 or Beetroot for Iron and vitamin B12 food supplement even though we know it is)  and did not allow for wider rules of exploration under Obama’s socialised medicine 2008 – 2016 (even though Obama made those Organic rules to enforce over regulation under centralisation) Organic farming in the USA rose by 7% in 2017. Obama’s centralised socialist system did not account for localism and its opportunities and instead pushed regulation for ideological regulation sake and not to improve animals, lives and organic farming, even though the regulations stated  animal space and living arrangements etc. The 2008 – 2016 system existed within Globalisation internationally making it impossible for small and medium farms domestically to compete. Bringing the cost down is the essential key to Organics. Many Organic farmers were worried under USDA’s proposed rules that they would have had to close ( until the current administration scrapped them those rules )Obama’s ethos was to outsource jobs and close down middle America, he did not care about caged animals or substandard foods, and his regulations were a means to end to also attack the Middle class, yet the question of free range and good quality foods is not going to go away. Farmers were fighting against outside competition (within and without) and this external globalised free trade did not produce good quality foods, but also piled pressure on domestic markets to lower quality in a descending circle of unhealthy foods and ingredients and into ‘medicine’ . Many great organic food suppliers in the USA who also supply nationally are concerned, but they have also had a tax cut which means they can compete, yet they will require a level playing field. (see also the adjacent website and Chapter 3 at the beginning for the region in Germany who have mastered this art of good food locally) Yet more imaginative rules which actually do the job from farmer to consumer will have to be brought in, and for health also (not health regulations which restricted treatments deemed to be inferior in a closed shop system, which are only designed to be a racket and kill innovation, trade and the public’s awareness of the earths vital resource) When people get to know locally which products are healthy and which farmers are sound and safe and which are contaminated and substandard, then word of mouth and the national press will do the rest to uncover bad practices, it works both ways. Consumed substandard food and water  (good or bad supplies of food and water, air and soil quality could be penalised by insurance companies as these factors will push up their insurance pay outs) will also become apparent in the ‘health system’ and the new health system the USA could introduce. Fully labelled foods with source of origin and date harvested and sold with all ingredients inside must be introduced, yet the states are going to have to be empowered to want to do this. This is how you produce good health.  It is a $100 billion industry on food alone and Organic farming is a huge industry which can expand to retail and wholesale outlets in every town and city with also locally grown food. Organic also means free from harmful chemicals.

TAX Cuts are having effect on the huge unemployment levels (and on healthcare)  The USA debate into healthcare has excluded these issues on the prime political stage for decades and the furore of how a health system can be funded takes centre stage. Tax cuts in the USA will mean people can afford better healthcare and shop around in their state and the new tax cuts in 2018 (& the new Tax cuts 2) will in effect be a wage increase. A booming economy also increases the conditions for  a new health care system, and tax cuts to business will mean improved health care benefits as competition between companies for workers. Utilities are already cutting rates  due to the tax cuts, saving taxpayers and business money  as millions come off the unemployment register. Rather than being a worrying transition time for healthcare, the USA could be the first to really develop R & D (research and development, and which is potentially endless and very exciting) and the science of nutrition and natural eating cures alongside traditional medicine as was the case for thousands of years could flourish. Co-operation between business, corporations, famers, retailers and wholesalers and the agencies for good total health is the only way you can produce a decent healthcare system. There are 200 medical healthcare companies in the USA. All have to come together that is 1.Providers, 2.Payers, 3.Purchasers, 4.Patients, 5.Policymakers. (this is the healthcare system) Obamacare effectively cancelled previous healthcare packages members had, but the lie of ‘if you like your healthcare you can keep it’ was a lie felt by millions of Americans in 2013 fwd. Into 2015- 2016 and 2017 the co-operatives healthcare system collapsed, causing the price to increase and by compulsory means, and with extra hidden taxes, but also added in forecasts, $ Trillion’s  to the deficit which is paid (the interest on it) by increased taxes from wages. (for a technical insight into the economics of healthcare see )

Healthcare which people can afford and manage simply (see next)

A proposed idea (an example) of a healthcare insurance system for 50 million people…. (but there are 327 million people in the USA & Obamacare had 18 million customers for its health insurance, but a further 28 million did not have any healthcare) ……at a price of $30 to $70 dollars per month, that is $30 for single people and $70 dollars for families, would raise $50 billion dollars, or a Billion dollars per state for the USA additional healthcare funds approx. This is without additional investments and tax incentives. Those prices are very low and Medicare and Medicaid still exist.(but is funded by taxes) yet people can pay more, but a bottom range price is necessary if you want a truly  independent health system. Anyone who is qualified can start up a healthcare system on that basis although there are  over 200 healthcare providers today. The issue is not how to fund it but how to go beyond the ideological battle, which from 2008 – 2016 was not conducive to an economy providing affordable healthcare. This is why repeal was introduced but to also replace the system with a great healthcare system. (2 decent videos from the ‘Hospital Futurist’ with redesign and technology 1. ‘Let’s Design The Hospital Of The Future! - The Medical Futurist’   which lets patients understand more about themselves if they choose.   2. ‘Our Home Will Be The Hospital Of The Future? - The Medical Futurist’  and which modern technology allows for. (Diagnostics at home which can be turned off also if viewed as an intrusion on your life, but it shows how health can be monitored) This is relevant as rents (and Energy) for hospital buildings push up medical prices enormously. Patients (everyone) do not know what they need and cannot evaluate the treatment they are getting.(see above on the STLDI)

Republicans tackle Opioid crisis and rising drug costs. Since January 2017, the debate has at least taken off into different areas This is the space that the new administration has bought  in only 2 years, and which the news is not telling you. The Trump administration is bringing in legislation to deal with the Opioid crisis  from the Senate (October 4th 2018) which rose dramatically under Obamacare and socialised psychology, and it was President Trump and Mrs Trump who highlighted the issue in 2017 Video;  ‘WATCH: President Trump delivers speech on opioid crisis’  and in March 2018. The cost of these drugs is incredible, but they are damaging people’s health ? Both the Children’s healthcare insurance program (Chip) although it will be brought in line with STLDI and Medicare / Medicaid and new health proposals for the family, and the VA veterans’ health programme (run down in 2008 – 2016) have been revitalised from January 2017 fwd with $5.2 Billion in extra funding in May 2018 with waiting times reduced and making transfers into the new VA easier, and benefits for Veterans family and children (disabled )  Today in the USA only 21% of healthcare hospitals are for profit, with 21% non – profit and over 50% are state owned.64% of spending on health was paid for by the government (taxpayers’ money) in 2013. In 2016 total healthcare spending amounted to $3.3 Trillion or around $10,300 dollars per person, but in 2017 and into 2018 / 2019 Medicare and Medicaid rose to $3 Trillion alone. For the latest estimates see here

Only by re-invigorating the economy can you also begin to answer the health care problems, which have only been  given a half-hearted concern in the past without going into the difficulties, hoping it will be solved down the road. The issues are an opportunity for healthcare everywhere and the debate effects (real) health issues globally.



Over the next months into 2019, a website or a collection of existing websites and social media platforms will be developed and be available and its link(s) will be here for people to exchange ideas and learn of the problems with contributions from experts in both sides of the medical and agricultural debate, contributing to the healthcare debate, and affordable healthcare.



2019 - 2021, The USA Healthcare system (following on from 2018 above & the US midterm elections) & Drug pricing and Obamacare individual mandate ends added 8.1.2021 ......then in 2019 the Corona plandemic appeared (the patented man made flu)


The American health debate leading to the midterm US elections build up begins above under heading dated 31.03.2017 (scroll down)  & inserted above 18.07.2017 & and under the main heading 8.10.2018


Link back to the Brexit celebrations The Brexit Celebrations 31.12.2020 - 01.01.2021 to 31.01.2021... & ongoing 



Channels which discuss the US and Global health / pandemic issues. To that effect and over 2 years later (and see above for the debate in 2018 ) the social media platforms will cover that promise;

see DavidWjones Brighteon  and also the bitchute  channel here


In 2018 (leading to the mid - term elections) in the USA the media debate was primarily concerned with the debate between the American Healthcare Act (AHA) and Obamacare and what actually constituted a health care system. (see headings above for the political electioneering debate then and contrast with now as the world was shut down in the 'Corona virus pandemic' in 2020) Today it is much more than this

Today it is a debate between compulsory Vaccination and Big Pharma and who controls the USA. Also is Big Pharma beneficial and a good system to have, is the news (from every source) against it biased or hyped and exaggerated ?

For an immediate view (link also at the end ) see Chapter 3b  and the last few months in 2019 of chapter 3A above that.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced in May 2019, the details of the new rules, of the final conscience rule that protects individuals and health care entities from discrimination on the basis of their exercise of conscience in HHS-funded programs.  "The final rule fulfills President Trump’s promise to promote and protect the fundamental and unalienable rights of conscience and religious liberty, a promise he made when he signed an executive order in May 2017 protecting religious liberty.  In October 2017, the Department of Justice issued guidance encouraging other Departments, including HHS, to implement and enforce all relevant religious freedom laws"

In Spring 2019 the long passage of the Heartbeat bill was brought forward  If a heart beat in a bay in the womb is detected then no abortion can take place but which also highlights that a baby is a baby from conception. ironically for stem cell research "Human stem cells" are called Human ....but not when it is a foetus ? in planned parenthood terminology. By May 2019 ten us states had passed a bill limiting abortions under this legislation. For vaccinations my body my choice is seemingly not relevant to pro-life supporters ?

In May 2018 a proposal was issued to cut drug prescription charges in the Trump / Pence administration as promised in the 2016 election. The formal announcement in June 2018 as the issues continued into 2019

(from future post below in chapter 3a) Vaccinations in 2019 are being made compulsory but there is no reason why ?, especially when a child (aged 6 months )who received 13 vaccinations in Texas died 5 days later She claims she was emotionally blackmailed to accept the vaccinations. Vaccinations are proven (not disproven)  to be linked to Autism (Time Magazine) Simon Harris in Ireland director of the abortion campaign is now pushing for mandatory vaccines (kill them in the womb, but offer protection when they are out ? ) Vaccines are full of animal DNA and many are defective or unstable and opinions vary as to amounts and purpose  They also contain Human baby stem cells DNA. In China the vaccine scandal is much larger and much more sinister than is being portrayed. and not just in China Just as natural herbs and drinks can cure ailments, why ? are vaccinations filled with such terrible chemicals and how long do those poisons effect a person’s lifetime ?

Doctor Ezekiel Emmanuel has recently published a book entitled 'Old age is over' and is quoted as saying that 'life after 75 years of age is not worth living'. He has also promoted the expansion of "Death with Dignity" laws across the United States. A preeminent bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel, one of Obamacare’s principal architects, co-authored with Ronit Y. Stahl an attack on medical conscience in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the world’s most prestigious medical journal. The authors take the absolutist position, stating "personal morality has no place in medical practice"

Health is supposed to Do no harm   


A wider debate on these issues took place in Britain  on Health, Abortion, Water, Euthanasia and more (the link will take you to the debate on health in Britain and Ireland, and a link is provided to take you back here ) 


Trump has put forward plans to clean up water whether it is fresh water or sea (the signed ‘save our seas act’ 2018 & 2019 ) Another area to consider is the ongoing Fluoridation of water debate (Fluoride banned in the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany who all have great teeth and look healthy enough. Ireland is one of he worst countries for fluoride which actually corrodes teeth, but keeps the dentists busy. 

(This link will take you to the heading 9.9.2019 in chapter 3a on Water and Fluoride and a link is provided to take you back to here )


Video on Fluoride  (Video 55) The Great Culling- Our Water Official Full Movie (Flouride contains Nuclear waste'Uranium Hexafluoride' (UF6) or simply Hex)


The Opioid Crisis & China and the Kung Flu pandemic The US opioid crisis is fueled by China (synthetic fentanyl) which has not banned its use in reality around the world. Its imports into the USA were a key sticking point in the US - China trade deal.  The bi-partisan legislation passed in the USA in Nov 2018 which paved the way for funding to defeat the crisis which has killed tens of thousands. Its imports are an act of war via the CCP also and drugs have long been a weapon by many nations historically.  China CCP have been employees of U.S. aerospace manufacturer Boeing and pharmaceutical maker Pfizer  (for a background into the ongoing pandemic and the China connections see Mike Adams the Health  ranger shop on Brighteon and his take on the situation here link "China's Communist dystopia & Corona & takeover of USA & hijacking of US Elections 3.11.2020 

With  a new health emphasis on improving youth for longer (as opposed to longer life for the elderly) will life be extended and will the human race also try to gain immortality or a very extended life term via the 4th industrial revolution by 2045 (or even way before that year)  

With the debate turning to Vaccination safety and natural immunity systems (and herd immunity) the following Brighteon channel gives a background (with 60 videos or so) to those concerns. Covering issues such as hospital  equipment costs, drug use prescriptions and psychiatric drugs, vaccinations and fluoride in water  (the following Bitchute channel gives the background on AI and the 4th industrial revolution and innovations )

For individual Brighteon videos within the channel see;

1. (Video 34) No Limits_ Thalidomide Babies (Phocomelia) _ Full Documentary _ Reel Truth  Some Thalidomide doses were administered by vaccination but the same companies which produced the doses for pregnant woman produced vaccines. It is what is in the vaccines or oral doses that counts 

2. (Video 17) The swine flu fraud of 1976, on 60 Minutes   Administered by Vaccination 


4. (Video 6) Take Your Pills _ Official Trailer   The huge Adderall addiction in the USA and Globally 

5. (Video 23) Lethal Injection The Story Of Vaccination 

6. (Video 54) Pfizer's long history of criminal activity

7. (Video 47) Big Pharma Big Money - Documentary On Big Pharmaceutical Companies Corruption + 7 Vids


and there are 60 videos or so to choose from ( & see Gavi’ or ‘Global alliance for vaccinations and immunisation’ was set up to facilitate a lot of the global vaccination schemes.(World Economic Forum & World bank)  The UN openly states that Global depopulation must occur in Agenda 2021 - 2030  (1990's) but now presents a new face stating the world is not over - populated (30 years later) but which is castigated by the media as the wrong posistion (with celebreties and other pundits as an echo chamber, in a world where Communism has killed over 100 million people since 1920) The reality is the WHO (i.e. the UN) controlled by China wants rapid depopulation It transpired that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus aka "Dr Tedros" (who is not a Doctor)  was in the pay of China   (whilst now stating he is unhappy with Chinas investigation of the originas of the Wuhan virus (etc) 

Depopulation It is not up to the United Nations to decide how much or how little population there should be on the planet. No one would notice if it were closed down

What is the "The Hamburg Syndrome"   see The Hamburg Syndrome (1979) and Comparisons to the Covid Scam  (and is it also connected to the UN)



See also  a Health guide for alternative ideas and medicines

A Guide to Common Medicinal Herbs - Health Encyclopedia ...   Vitamins and immune system boosters occur naturally in many plants and vegetables

See also the documentary 'Rotten' on the adjacent website and then consider real farming and nature and the real practical problems the world faces which is (in the documentary 'Rotten') in entirety (and unfortunately) on the disgraced netflix channel  but which highlights the benefits of localism.See also the 'Ice age farmer' on bitchute  (and here Video 29, Warning Bolshevik Gov’t agents launch military AI takeover of US food supply & Constitution)

See also the Groovy Bee Brighteon channel    and then the  Vitamin D and Covid Show or again Vitamin D generally   or / also Zinc generally and covid and again Hydroxychloroquine generally   and also Shaking my head productions on bitchute Pharmakeia - A Cure For Wellness Reloaded


8. Video 52) ASK THE EXPERTS - Doctors, Nurses & Health Care Providers state no natural Covid 19 virus and no Vaccines required (Vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue, poisons & nanotechnology)

See also here  'An Italian Doctor exposes the 'Covid 19' agenda' for world depopulation. You will be given up to 4 vaccines and it is take it or do not work or travel as a threat, despite the fact they have no authority to make any conditions or make it mandatory. (see 'Plandemic 2 Indoctorination' and also see 1000 German Doctors say Covid 19 is a scam   ) 

Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated: The Study The CDC Refused To Do — Interview with Dr. Weiler   & also see the video The Lawsuit That Could End Covid-1984 with Dr. Pam Popper  (all on the bitchute channel 'Spiro' ) 


Bill Gates confirms it will change your DNA and see videos in the Bitchute  channel no's 53, 54 and 55 and others   and see 10 Video 59 ) Moderna's (means MODify RNA) FDA Report Lists 13 Total Deaths, 6 In Vaccine Group, 7 In Placebo Media Blackout 

Ownership of your DNA ? (Moderna means Modified RNA....see video below)  The ability to alter your DNA then  means that it (i.e. your DNA /RNA) can then be reclassified and owned and patented as belonging to a corporation (see natural news and Fast-tracked covid-19 vaccine alters human DNA, turns people into genetically modified property” 26.07.2020 ) In other words you are then owned and this is why it is pertinent to understand Sovereignty (see strawman videos above)  and also your birth certificate status see 2.The Law of the Land (& for birth certs) Its sounds far fetched but since January 2020 peoples eyes have been opened (you are a commodity since birth and your birth certificates are traded on the New York Stock exchange since birth) Gardasil, manufactured by Merck has caused a huge controversy in India as has Cervarix, manufactured by GSK via GAVI and the WHO and BMGF, UNICEF (Bill and Melinda gates Foundation) A report by Global Justice Now on the BMGF recommends an immediate investigation into these Big  Pharma vaccination crimes.  


Patients dying from the Vaccinations in 2021 (many worldwide reported every day as the vaccination companies have immunity to put whatever they like within them) Under the auspices of 'my body my choice' people should have their own health privacy. Companies which  have immunity against prosecution (including vaccination companies) are prone to drop standards and even like cigarette companies make it more addictive. Adding the man made patented sars 2 covid 19 / 20 / 21 and mutations / variants to a vaccine creates a wider market. (9. Amazing Polly ‘(Video 28) Viral Marketing the 7 step recipe for Vaccine demand Amazing Polly’  & ( 10 Video 59 ) Moderna's (means MODify RNA) FDA Report Lists 13 Total Deaths, 6 In Vaccine Group, 7 In Placebo Media Blackout 

Dr. Confirms! The Jab Was The Cause Of Death     and also see  SHOCKING ADMISSION: CDC Says Over 90% of Deaths Weren't COVAIDS19 and 90% of Tests False Positives


Is the vaccination the 'virus' Covid testers arriving from China into Britain were found to be laced with Corona Virus Covid 19 others were not sterile  or were faulty in the UK and also faulty in Spain  In Australia testers and the vaccinations were withdrawn after the 51 million (doses) vaccinations were found to be laced with HIV generating anti-bodies.   Nurses in the US getting covid after they were Vaccinated ? Parents are being sidelined in order there children can be vaccinated without parental consent (Dr Fachi )   PROFESSOR DOLORES CAHILL: WHY PEOPLE WILL START DYING A FEW MONTHS AFTER THE FIRST MRNA  VACCINATION  Singapore suspends using two flu vaccines after 48 patients die in South Korea & from the CV-19 Hydrogel Vaccine as 'Flu vaccine'

Computing forever analyses the risk of sterilization from the Vaccine 

Most Flu victims suffer from a vitamin D deficiency and Zinc lack with Vitamin C. Pro - Biotics also strengthens your immune system . A lack of  Hydroxychloroquine and the MSM and Masks do not Work (Dr Pat Morrissey ) is also a mystery.  Trumps legal measures to reduce drug pricing and the individual mandate finally passed on 2.1.2021 ending Obamacare and many monopolies.

On the 13th .12.2020 the  following headline broke around the world  "CCP Members Hold Positions at British Consulates, Major UK, US Firms: Leaked Database"   This is relevant to vaccinations as the article states  " The Mail found that major aerospace companies Airbus, Rolls-Royce, and Boeing have employed hundreds of CCP members. Additionally, Pfizer and British drugmaker AstraZeneca employed a total of 123 Party members. British automaker Jaguar Land Rover also employed CCP members"  (see also see  BOOM!!! Sky News Australia Major Leak To 'Expose' 2 Million CCP Members Embedded World Wide

Considering China also hacked the US elections 2020 (see Chapter 3b below)  It also transpires that an act of war by Chinese agents (i.e. Dr Victor Vzau, Dr Chris Elias, Dr Jeremy Farrar, Henrietta Fore, George F Gao (COMMUNISTS) comprise the world health monitoring board (WHO and United Nations) who are being paid by CHINA  See Amazing Poly at 33 minutes & 50 seconds fwd & 'who do you trust'  or see her youtube channel) Biden, Antifa, Michael Bloomberg and China The corona war and Antifa are paid by China    

For more info see Chapter 3b   which takes you through the last 12 months. Medicine should do no harm, yet healthy patients do not make a profit, although health is something healthy people are willing to contribute to, pay for and value . Today medicine and technocracy have merged. We are already created perfect and we can duplicate ourselves perfectly already.

There are 7.5 Billion people on the planet who do not want the 'Great reset', but instead want a Greater Reset



This is the state of the West

Greater Israel and the state of the western economy.

As with the Brexit debate under this heading dated 31.03.2017 and the problems of funding health insurance which takes up a heavy slice of any countries GDP, the west is currently in a trade war. The USA has freed itself from the full NAFTA deal (to be renegotiated) but questions as to why that deal existed or why the democratic party decide to curtail US national trading prosperity still exist (see next)

 (i.e. repeated from 1.1.2017 above; Its a whole lot better than living in North Korea and trading with China to US advantage causes uncertainty, but the economics mentioned here provide a build up behind and under those concerns (which are not concerns shared by Martin Sheen who believes the USA can turn it around, but how ? did all The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats) of this occur since Richard Nixon's 'policy of engagement' with China in the 1960's to Obama's Global policy of engagement in 2009, which did not just effect the USA but also Britain and the EU, with its restrictive manufacturing philosophy. See Brexit debate above) America is paying for China and their armaments build up ? yet domestic manufacturing long term and jobs in the USA are reducing in the plan ?) 

Chinas currency is backed by Gold the wests is not. Bitcoin which is exclusively internet accessed could restrict access in the cashless society (as was tried in India recently) People could find themselves locked out of the system in which no Gold backs its inflationary currency. The Internet also moved from US control to one of Obama's non profits organisations on it way to becoming solely owned by the United Nations which has Saudi Arabia on its human rights commission. Both the US and Israel are considering defunding the United Nations.

Consider London ( and first read the post dated 11.03.2017 above) which may soon its Gold exchange standard. Then consider the current mayor of London Sadiq Khan who wants London to be a seperate country within a country and for it to be a sharia law area. China is looking to dominate the world and form itself as a leader of a new world order.

Consider the post dated 11.03.2017 and the paragraphs two above in italics and also consider a smaller issue (but central and very connected) concerning London black taxi cabs. London iconic black cabs are to be manufactured by Geely a Chinese company (but in Coventry England) and it will also manufacture the parts for it ?  The black cab company was rescued by Geely but why did it need to be rescued at all ? Parts for it could be made in England and this could apply to any area of manufacturing in any product or any field of work or discipline. How do Londoners feel about riding around in a Chinese black cab inside a sharia law zone formerly known as London. Is Islam pushing liberalism ( see post above dated 7.3.2017) to further its aims ? which is a plan for every western city and country.

To understand why this occurs economically see Brexit the Movie again above (under this heading dated 31.3.2017) or the post dated 01.01.2017 and The Video entitled 'Death by China, How America lost its manufacturing base' (now 3 years old and Obama did absolutely nothing to reduce its facts economically at home ) narrated by Martin Sheen  is factually correct and accurate. There are two opinions within this approach 1) export as much as possible (see how China rules the world ) or 2)  Just export the excess and address the import / export in-balance erasing imports and create a national demand, new manufacturing. Either way jobs and industry are created as even supplies and small items are made nearby and not imported. Everything is made locally (localism) for each other in effect domestically  / nationally and the excess is exported.

China does not have a problem with automation and this problem can be restricted even globally. To fight against this would (some feel) engage the west in a trade war and would be painful.  Of course if you have made $100 billion or so in the current arrangement then you are likely to be concerned (and advise against a trade war) Jefferey Gundlach advises.  But if the west Is already in a trade war then that fact is likely to concern millions of others. Further if the trade war was switched in the wests favour then Jefferey Gundlach would still make a $100 billion (trading tip; in the first ¼ 2017; logarithms are more likely to produce when not restricted by a communist vanguard or an Islamic caliphate trying to imprison Jefferey)

So the west is already in a trade war ?

When laws are made by vested interests and the state combined, in an out of control debt system which is also not bringing competition but slow destruction this will produce the same results as the communist collapse which has occurred in every communist country so why vote for in the EU, America or Britain. Efficiency and good business are undermined by debt causing wages and profits to become a constant source of angst between employer and employee. Deficit spending which does not reduce the deficit in the good times is not a viable theory. (Keynes hoped the deficit would reduce in a boom but with Obamacare as one example the deficits are rising faster and with rising price costs the health system called Obamacare will eventually collapse leading to complete free market replacement) The US taxpayer however with the deficit being so high, and China funding the wars by buying the debt ....... (which gives them control of the pace and level of a war with Russia is evident in Syria and the in the Iraq reset and Ukraine which are wars the west is losing by the end of 2016 )..... it is such a large debt the US taxpayer are paying the impossible interest payments and higher taxes as a result. 

China buys US debt cheaper on the dollar and Gold can follow as payment. It is not just that it is buying the debt but it is manipulating its currency value to keep exports flowing out. In buying US debt bonds therefore it is also funding the war ( a trade war and a physical war) but it controls the expansion of the wests economy and the pace of the war and in which it receives $100 million in interest per day from US debt ?  Its currency allows it to export its excess and move into foreign markets. Controlling the expansion of the currency in circulation (see also King Alfred and currency flows over MO – M4 in many places above within the Brexit debate. This skill was utilised in his day 1100 years ago)  sets the currency value and therefore prices and the cost of goods. Exporting the excess pays for higher wage demands by performance.

The Western deficit is never paid down reaching crisis levels as it cannot produce enough for itself, it imports all extra items like manufacturing parts which could be manufactured at home and instead allows its infrastructure and towns to crumble. (Keynes sold deficit spending on the basis they would be paid down in the good times, but they never are in total hence the wests accruing debt levels) This disaster scenario is slowly maintained by the left as they are elected into office. Therefore the policies never make any sense as convincing people that the economics are sound but will always lead to a continued deficit is a continuous verbal gymnastics exercise. (labour in England, Wales or Scotland has not increased manufacturing at home despite long tenures in office as this is not its dictat or philosophy) Corporations also need to employ local national skilled labour and technicians to 90% by law and co-sponsor training with governments (or governments to think ahead and train its national population) to allow those skills to be found nationally instead of importing outside the country. This malaise in jobs and manufacturing has reached catastrophic proportions in the USA which is a 'populist' topic. It is described by William Engdhal here in his article;


'The Crumbling American Superpower'   (which could be called the Crumbling west)

(link back to heading '23.10.2018'   The USA and its Economic recovery' in New New Jerusalem Chapter 3A  )


Reading the sobering engineers report which states; ' The American Society of Civil Engineers has just released their quadrennial assessment of United States (or here which estimates that $4 Trillion is needed nationally ) essential infrastructure–roads, clean water supplies, levees, ports, dams, bridges, electric grid. The report gives the nation a near-failing D+ grade. America is coming to resemble the economic infrastructure in the Soviet Union domestically at the collapse of communism during the late 1980's ' Add in the Tsunami of drugs and planned Russian China destabilization efforts and the war plan against the USA makes more sense. Also note that during 2008 to 2016 (the Obama Presidency) the national debt spiraled by $9.3 Trillion (under George Bush it increased 5.5 Trillion) but the infrastructure did not improve until now it looks like Soviet Russia in the mid 1980's. Q.E. meant Obama had money  to spend on infrastructure despite the economic collapse which was bailed out by $700 billion under bush anyway. Employment of adults in the USA over 21 is actually nearer 22% (under 21 at 16 - 21 it is nearer 40% as Trump says) and drops to 9.7 % seasonally and temporary short term jobs aside (not 4.3 %) A 'd + grade' is nearly 3rd world status. New high speed super-trains, highways repaired, bridges and a 'high tec' superpower etc are appealing as are the Revenues in taxation from a rebuilt America.

US Debt ceiling As with the debate on American healthcare (in which the world was spared a protracted debate see above) one area which also involved Paul Ryan was the debt ceiling debate broadcast in monotonous detail when Obama was pretending to be President in 2011 (see Wikipedia on the detail ) and in (Wikipedia) 2013 when US shutdown nearly occurred. It is a feature of US politics although the Republicans did go over the 'debt cliff' and enlarge the debate for the US public.

The US debt ceiling is again flooding in over the chandeliers as was due to expire on March 15th 2017. However the Republicans have asked for the debt ceiling to be raised (it is on springs )  It currently stands at $19.8 trillion dollars. A trillion in the USA is ( a billion US is a thousand million) a million x million or  $1,000,000,000,000. In Britain a trillion used to be a million x million x million and a billion was a thousand billion, so their debt just went down by changing it somewhat. (it was not that straightforward but could be) Britain's national debt is either just over 1 trillion or by adjusting the balance of payments deficits 5 trillion. Its easy to be a fiscal liberal or conservative under those rules. Over the next 30 years the US debt is likely to double to 40 Trillion. In 2008 it was 9 Trillion, and in 2013 it was 16 Trillion, so 3 trillion every 3 years means doubling is a conservative estimate it would mean the debt would be nearer 50 or 55 Trillion and with inflation that could be 65 trillion. Where will it end ?

Given the dire state of the economy what if the debt ceiling was raised now and doubled to $40 trillion (it has already saved a million x a million million x when it went over to the US calculations) Doubling US debt to $40 Trillion would provide $20 Trillion for the budget and some democrats are complaining about the budget to Israel (asked to repay some money) although it is matching the Obama era which saw Iran get $150 Billion under Obama.

Cold War; At the back of all this including Frau Angela Merkels underpayment to Nato (who is/was ? a communist) and which is matched by other Nato countries who are also not paying the 2 % of GDP but who are trying, is the dire economic state of the west. Not just the gold standard, and the Gold exchange moving to China, the lack of infrastructure, the debt, the idiots on the left in power, the unemployment, the lack of food and housing, China's deliberate trade war, the growing Eurasian economic zone which is also expanding into the Arctic (a joint Russia – China project although Russia has arrested its opposition leader Alexie Navalny and hundreds of protesters but which could also legally belong to the USA and Norway The truth is Russia did not want Trump et al to win the election. The democrats let Russian forces build up, providing only token resistance whilst Russia was building bases and begin a war February 2017 Obama sent troops to Norway in the last days of his term) The cost of oil and gas is a very real problem which the democrats dismissed as nonsense. The USA's national debt is 20 times that of Britain and its $600 billion (rising to $800 billion) military expenditure compared with $1000 billion for the entire rest of the world it is fair to say the US has carried the can for decades. Despite this it is promising Israel will be defended (amidst the illegal Islamic occupation) and have a new Embassy in Jerusalem.

That is the reality and doubling the national debt now to $40 Trillion is a speeded up version of will they, wont they raise the debt ceiling in congress and the fact it will reach that level anyway in 15 years.

The options; The current national debt is allotted as follows. (2013 statistics and chart but which shows the break up of the national debt into its various components and offices, the 2017 figures have been adjusted accordingly and brought forward ) Therefore $8 trillion in this last link is $6.7 Trillion for domestic and military and federal retirement and other which is around $8 Trillion today which means $11 trillion for everything else at 2017 figures of 19.8 Trillion. $11 trillion is flexible and at least 2 or $3 trillion today as the article suggests is cancel-able or others who say the entire $11 Trillion is cancel-able (The USA currently needs $4 Trillion for existing maintenance or replacement and $4 Trillion for modernization which out of an extra $20 Trillion bond leaves 12 Trillion) $4 Trillion is already earmarked from the existing budget and available funds spending which means an extra bond would produce $24 Trillion to spend (or $8 Trillion for 1.maintenance & modernization, 2. defense and 3.Israel each, see below)

  1. It could cancel the other $11 Trillion or parts of the other $11 Trillion.(which excludes military and federal retirement and 'other') Under America first this would save interest payments of about $20 billion a month in interest payments which have been put on hold before. Remember china receives around receives around $100 million in interest per day
  2. The USA could cancel $3 trillion in debt easily now according to Ron Paul(2013 2 trillion)
  3. The USA could admit that Quantitative easing ( buying debt) has not worked and has only subdued the debt crash levels of 2008. It could re-examine under fiscal conservative scrutiny. This is linked to 2 above.
  4. It could turn all the national debt into equity in light of service similar to the social credit ideas of CH Douglas. Charlie Chaplin was also a member of Douglas circle and admired his ideas. This idea of a national credit is similar to Norway (who wish to keep their oil ownership national or else they are threatening to invade Scandinavia and Europe again) who have invested its oil revenues into a surplus of over $1 Trillion for a 'snowy day')

Summary; The USA needs $4 Trillion dollars just to catch up with other nations on infrastructure. Obamacare is imploding (see the New York Times who also contradict themselves by saying it may survive or it may not, but this is moot if you are not one of the 45 million are not covered) and it is in many areas a con designed to fail and a front for narcotics beyond marijuana. As mentioned 45 million people do not have cover. Drugs have increased 10 fold in the USA and debt and unemployment are much worse than reported.The Democrats spent 9.8 Trillion (separately from the Bush 2008 bailout) and its debt  is live on the national debt but the spending was not at home in the USA. Investment is going East and kept going under Obama. China makes $100 million in interest per day buying US debt. Its exports are prime and it has Gold to back its currency. Gold can also in small amounts be traded for notes in wages in banks over the counter etc (the west overall according to the IMF is $155 Trillion in debt) Do you think this is accidental or a part of a war upon the west ? (see all of the above)

Alternatively as mentioned the USA could double the national debt to $40 Trillion, with $20 trillion to work with as either a doubling of the national debt or as a new $20 Trillion bond (with low or suspended interest on such a vital project) Tax in the USA IS $7 Trillion in revenue per year which would rise in a boom, notwithstanding tax cut plans to stimulate spending for 2017.

If $20 Trillion seems out of the park or beyond capacity in size, remember the USA already has already taken a bond/debt for $20 Trillion in the national debt to pay back and it keeps rising ! (notwithstanding George Bush said the national debt is a debt we owe ourselves) 

Loans to buy out companies are now exceeding $75 billion, and individual bonds are as high as $80 billion. A thousand of those (as an example) is a lot of money which could be moved from a tranched Bond into one Bond or as one Bond from source. Could the federal reserve fund the Republicans in such a venture. Whilst a bond for $20 Trillion seems exuberant (but not- inflationary if the deficit is reduced to zero) the returns potentially are far beyond the $20 Trillion by a 1000 %, and the non monetary value is incalculable.

Council on Foreign Relations. This is the dilemma the USA is in. These figures give approximate figures but do provide a picture of the dilemma. The Council on Foreign Relations  gives its view and in 2017 China moved from owning 2.2 Trillion of US debt to 1.05 Trillion making Japan the largest holder of US debt, but it China's manipulation of the currency which dips and then increases it exports rising steadily over years as can be read in all the paragraphs above. China also has gold to change for its fiat currency  domestically and its shadow banking i causing it and global currency problems. Ina crash it would have these options and also manufacturing to produce all it requires unlike the west. Americans have a nuclear option to cancel all debt (and see the end of the last post dated 11.03.2017) but that would still leave infrastructure spending and 100 % employment harder to achieve, unless massive private investment to the tune of at least $5 Trillion came forward (with massive savings possible this would increase the budget and emergency ER in hospitals and paying for each other service in cash would still provide a health service, the democrats never consider the debt end of the health service only the spending end, but some at least see the dilemma which is not going away and is a non partisan fact  in which the USA owes China over $1 Trillion and which will rise again. The trade war is now over 20 years old and 'China's liberalization' has seen it grow, whilst the USA has declined ? ) Given the global situation cancelling the current $19.8 Trillion and taking a new $20 Trillion bond is possible also but would cause major shocks to the domestic requirement in the national debt which the CFR suggest will rise by $9 Trillion in the next ten years (anyway borrowed or not) which considering Obama exceeded that at a less inflationary previous ten year period than the next ten years it is incredible how much the democrats spent without a plan to pay for it. However there is an alternative in the next paragraph.

Notwithstanding the domestic requirements under either option of $8 trillion, this would leave (with $4 Trillion already marked for spending as the debt stands) $24 Trillion which could comprise $8 trillion to rebuild the US domestic economy and infrastructure, (see William Engdhals article above) $8 Trillion to spend on Israel as it expands to its Greater Israel size and $8 Trillion for the military and defence spending. Revenues in this increased infrastructure spending would increase by 2/3 from $7 Trillion to $12 Trillion per year. This is $5Trillion above current revenue levels and could pay down the $20 Trillion bond in 4 years or 5 years even with reduced taxation, some of which could be cancelled set against labour blood sweat and tears and effort underpayments in previous decades. Following this the remaining 19.8 Trillion national debt could be reduced in balance of payments to zero between the new trading area of the West and Greater Israel and increased prosperity in the USA. The extra $8 Trillion for  Greater Israel could make the desert (outside of the fertile crescent) bloom, fund Aliyah and safe zones and rebuild the biblical towns which are being discovered monthly. The Land of Milk and Honey.

Chapter 5 below also describes how some nations could contribute to the project and reduce their own debt (with debt to equity swaps) and increase their trading profits. This would also recognise those who wish to participate and commit.

A Jubilee Year or an expected Jubilee year, or any year in the Torah begins in Aviv (Abib) although New Year is celebrated in Autumn at Rosh Hasanah.

The following paragraphs (dated 13.10. 2015 exist as footnotes to this chapter, although this chapter began years before ) explain that Obama feels there is no solution to the middle east. The debate is detailed by Kenneth O Keefe also who also discusses the US constitution which is itself taken from the Magna Carta and King Alfred's deemings and Celtic common law of the Scythian's who originate in the middle east and Levant and fertile crescent  (including also the 'PC' mind control of debate) The debate has to include the mass genocidal advance of Islam from Mecca Northwards and East and West from 600 ad and for 1400 years since then as non - indigenous populations to the Levant, who still have not taken any migrants except those whose act as slave transient labor to be deported again in millions (Saud and UAE) It is not mentioned that Islamist's are 'Zionists' also and they pursue it, without legal tenure in Jerusalem. Very little discussion exists on the Turkish collaboration in the Jewish holocaust (following the transfer agreement) and the Armenian genocide is still denied by Turkey in its long war against Christianity.  Their is no mention that the socialist liberal agenda has blocked all funding and discussion of the 'safe zones' since 2011 to protect people from Islam, Russia and China (also.)Their (Islamic) news is controlled, one sided and is propaganda. The realization that the Gaza strip is a creation of Jordan and not a historical entity is not debated. The denial by Obama and Trudeau and others on the Christian Genocide (carried out without mercy or conscience and who also have the right to defend their lands) and with no protest from the left upon it. There is no mention that migrants are economic migrants and the liberal socialist agenda pushed by Islam as war by invasion by stealth, or that the West has the right to defend its lands is debated less. Their is no mention that war is also planned against the west with or without a resistance. No mention that this war is nearly 3 thousand years old. The alternative is ( see a comment also by Einat Wilf) an Islamic totalitarian caliphate similar to Saud or Iran which has no freedom or human rights, or perhaps a Chinese or Russian gulag vanguard state if China or Russia get their way (who between them have killed over 200 million people under communism alone see the adjacent website and chapter 5  and see this chapter from the beginning) These are not a controversial topics or topics to denounce. None of these are appealing to those who wish to return (and return is the correct term) or make Aliyah from all over the world. Greater Israel is real as Judea / Samaria also is,  and new ways of thinking are required says Tzachi Hanegbi. Chapter 5 (and wider discussed over the whole site) also discovers that Georgia and Armenia and surrounding areas of the Caspian sea are the first area the lost tribes (the 10) settled and who went westward, and that this area is also a part of Greater Israel as an annex. Some of their descendants (of the 10 tribes) want to make Aliyah to populate the Greater Israel Area as a new influx, which is also described in the first Exodus in Psalms 105 & 78 historically and which is renewed in Ezekiel 36 - 48.


Obama states (13/10/2015 see above) there is no solution to the Middle East situation. Of course there is, i.e. the fulfillment of the Greater Israel project which provides for all to live within it (including the theological debate, which must begin also by stopping the genocide of Christians). If you view Mecca as your inspiration then you should live there (or migrate there or to the Gulf States)

It is not a question of if Greater Israel will rise, but when it will rise, and then the next question will be, (which is also a world wide question) what the ideological make up (as the third Temple is built) of it will be.

The expansion into Greater Israel and opposition is now in the news and blogs  cited as a conspiracy, (by some) but it was announced years ago (the Oded Yinon Plan, or by prophets before Oded even) and it is the best thing for the Middle East once ISIL has vanished (ISIL = the Levant and fertile crescent) The real conspiracy has been the stalling of the expansion plan and a silence that this war is 3 thousand years old although Islam is only 1400 years old and Arabs were not Mohammedans who are now abandoning that faith in greater numbers than ever including in Iran which is one of the biggest sponsors of terror in the world, and Iran's history is the history of Persia which has enslaved millions and invaded the west many times and committed genocide upon the west (see also the video 'The fifty years war Israel and the Arabs part 1' of 3 and also 'PBS Frontline the House of Saud' both of which can move within the url of you tube) The future is better under this new system of states called Greater Israel. The crisis could be solved overnight without further war or massacres.

Most people do not understand the difference between the House of Judah and House of Israel or why it is important. Israel became 10 tribes and were led in captivity in  740/724 bc. Jacob's (grandson of Abraham) name was changed to Israel, and he had 12 sons (including Judah and Joseph. Joseph of the amazing technicolour coat) Joseph had two sons Ephraim and Manasseh who would form a commonwealth of nations (Ephraim ) and Manasseh (one single great nation) Ezekiel writing 130 after 740/724bc was writing to the northern House of Israel in 587 bc not the southern house of Judah (Israel = The House of Joseph also) not the House of Judah (some of the 10 tribes went south and remained in Jerusalem )who had become lost not just geographically but also spiritually and they dispersed throughout the known world (Europe East and West, USA, Britain, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa and South America as House of Joseph) As Ezekiel's message was 140 years too late, it is a future message only partly fulfilled over the last 2400 years. The message is also a warning and a call too war (its promises are dependent on following Torah and the New Testament) Jerusalem will one day get a new name Hephzibah which means 'my delight  is in her ' (2 Kings 21:1 and Isaiah 62:4.) and she was the mother of Manasseh. Israels new name is first Ephraim and later Beulah meaning 'married' but is also geographical (Isaiah 62,4) and both these names are to be United. It also means both houses will be Equal (Judah and Israel / Joseph, the Jews and the Jo's ) and Ezekiel's Temple is a literal but mysterious Temple 

(see chapter 5 below, one neglected area is why are the Scots / Irish annals left out of the histories ? see chapter 1 and 2 above)

The expansion of Eretz Israel into Greater Israel would of course encompass the northern Syria safe zone area (if it were set up) and could absorb this new settlement area from the Euphrates to the Nile. This new enlarged border with an army, stationed around it for peace, would provide a solution for then stopping the war, save the refugees and prevent further bloodshed in Europe and Scandinavia (following the Islamic terrorist attacks around Europe), if Russia and the USA (Nato) could make a deal to ensure a peaceful enlargement.


Jerusalem December 2017 and declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

Whilst it is now declared that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel  (Israel and Judah) on the 6.12.2017 by President Trump and Vice President Pence, it has always been the capital from 1000 years bc. It is now declared again since the Babylonian captivity of the 700 to 500 bc periods, and since AD 70, during that time from 1000 bc it is an unbroken capital for 3000 years. Israel and greater Israel, aside from the spiritual significance is also a new Economic area. In December 2016 just before leaving office, (actually on Christmas day 2016) Obama handed over major parts of Jerusalem to Islamic groups including many of Judaism's and Christianity Holiest sites. The first attempt at this was in 2011 and he attempted to hand over the Wailing wall, Temple mount The old Jerusalem City , and the tomb of Jesus Christ, and the Via Dolorosa walk. This was attempted again in 2013 and again on Christmas day until achieved in part in 2016 Christmas day. Obama worked for Islam only.

Archaeology and Holy sites destroyed. For years previous and from 2010 and until today the area of Greater Israel witnessed the destruction of the archaeology and biblical archaeology in a long list including Joseph's tomb which was destroyed by 'Palestinians' (wo are Jordan or Egyptian)  and hundreds of sites around the whole region of the middle east. This is / was an attempt to remove the history from memory and was directed by Obama, Brennan, Abedin, Jarret, Biden et al who also preceded to genocide Christians with reports now that 250,000 were beheaded by Islam over ten years. This is aside from other deaths. The only connection of Islam to Jerusalem is one of slaughter and destruction over centuries, there is no connection of Mohamed to Jerusalem. (yet there is a stronger claim to Mecca for Christians and Jews who are the oldest inhabitants of the middle east. Jerusalem is only Islam's 3rd holiest site and it prays with its back to Jerusalem as did Mohamad) The UN and Obama declared the whole middle east as having no Jewish and Christian connection? and that is the side China takes and its involvement as an unelected communist dictatorship in the Christian genocide and who still aid the imprisonment of Christian in North Korea. The Muslim authority cannot be trusted with Jerusalem or its wider lands or its heritage or people whether in the east or the west and this authority should be removed and given to a Jewish / Christian body.

This is Obama and his legacy of Genocide, one which was/is carried out without Mercy and was/is relentless, and which includes the destruction of the east and west by migration, drugs, economics and religious persecution throughout his term in office.

Israel and Judah refer to the tribes of Israel and Judah, and Israel being Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) which includes Christendom or the 'House of Joseph' and Messianic Jews of both tribes. (see also the end of chapter 3a below and posts date 5/6.12.2017 &  8.12.2017)


The announcement that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem and the now declared the Capital of Israel and Judah, the ICEJ or the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem also makes the following statement on 07.12.2017 on the declaration.


April 2017; Please see also the supplement Chapter 3a which follows this chapter 3 below and on France April 2017 and related.




Chapter 3a (supplement) The Fate of Europe, and is Europe being destroyed ?

Link back to the top of the website


For Bitchute Amazing Polly see here and also for SGT report bitchute see here 


North Korea and Gulags France April 18 th 2017

French elections and the war on terror

France like America (in the western malaise) has problems in its economy. France and the EU is also considered liberal in comparison to the USA, but Islam does not consider itself a liberal tolerant belief.

The prelude of the attempted destruction of France on April 23rd (like the forthcoming prelude to the destruction of Germany in August /September 2017 in its elections) has already been written by much of the French press and has followed the Dutch national election and German regional election in which the 'centre right' candidates who were left wing (Dutch elections) and Communist (Frau Angela Merkel) but termed centre right according to the polls were barraged onto the voter's minds as centre candidates (see post above dated 31.03.2017 and the German and Dutch elections) The so called left candidates (left ? of left-wing Merkel and the Dutch liberals ) also want more of the same (immigration, sharia law zones, and Islamic control of the capital first and then other major cities. More debt more anarchy more of anything that contributes to the destruction of France and Europe.

This mindset, can also assume that Chairman Mao Ze Tung was not so bad (he killed only 80 million in total and only 45 million in the great leap forward within the genocide, not 120 million over his entire lifetime for the ignorant amongst us. Stalin only killed 25 to 55 million not 65 to 85 million etc ) Mao was also nearer a capitalist than a communist and did not really mean to ethnically cleanse Tibetan 'nationalists' (nationalist in a purely zen and meditative way) Tibetan monks or persecute the Dalai Lama. Today the Chinese communist party did not wipe out 2 million Falun Gong and they also now allow capitalism now (but not to be above the peoples government or communist Maoist vanguard, whom you cannot vote out anyway. Serving the capitalist god at the altar of communism) China and Russia have also devastated entire regions with 850 nuclear tests (nuclear explosions) between them since 1945 and many near populated areas and bordering the EU and Europe or Scandinavia. The Ukraine today is still devastated by Russia's 'negligence' (Chernobyl but which is always downplayed when millions have been affected)

Since March 2017, Britain has formerly left (under notice) the EU, and paralleling the decision of Britain, the incredible scenes in the Republic of Macedonia last month (see also 31.03.2017) which has rejected the George Soros Islamisation of the EU, as a pre-requisite to becoming a member (and if it does not become a member of the EU it is still, like Britain able to be a member of NATO and Macedonia is now still a member of the Council of Europe)

Following the Paris climate summit (in Jan 2015) and the Paris and Brussels bombings in November 2015 (in Paris by Islam aka Islamic state in which  130 people were killed and 368 injured by ISIL, in Brussels 32 people were killed  and 300 injured in January 2016 )  the left called for more migrants as did François Hollande straight away following these atrocities but also in 2014 before them, but by October 2016 admitted there were too many migrants. Connected is the announcement by UNESCO and the UN who have decreed that there is no connection to the Jews and Jerusalem which is scientifically, archaeologically and historically incorrect but also denies the faith of 2 Billion Christians worldwide (erasing history)

Coptic church massacre April 2017. Since 2015 / 2016 and the Paris and Belgium bombings and numerous riots later in France and the continuing Christian genocide, Islam recently Killed 44 members of the Christian Coptic church and injured nearly 110 people exclaiming we like to kill Christians most all and who have declared Christians as enemy number 1 and they do not distinguish between denominations. It is also causing a rise in anti-Semitism, and threats against Jerusalem increase every day. There is a repeated pattern connecting immigration and terror but not in the mainstream press. Evacuated people have also paid on the black market in many cases. If they do not reach their destination it saves time and money.

It is not well known that Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the first to call for a New Jerusalem in 1799 (the centre of also of Christianity) opening a new era of enlightenment. He also slept inside the great pyramid for one night. Contrary to some philosophies which continue today, Judeo - Christian history and thought was not influenced by Zoroastrianism (i.e. Persian / Iranian in origin but it is in the higher degrees of Islam) doctrine, and it was Jewish thought which helped clarify Zoroastrian thought in Babylon during their captivity there. since then it has distilled in Persian thought, but it was a enlightenment for Persians. It is also unclear if Zoroaster lived in 1000 bc or in 550 b and his teachings were passed down, but whichever it is (and the Jewish Babylonian captivity occurred in 597 to 535 bc) Judaism was already 400 or 1000 years old (from the disputed birth of Zoroaster in 550 bc or 1000 bc) or 1600 or 1000 years from Abraham (who lived in 2100 bc) by that time. Judeo – Christianity is also not a faith of 'Dualism' or Taoism (or Buddhism) but it is certainly not Communism which persecutes Christianity and any religious faith by control and marginalisation or extermination. Taoism or the basic yin and yang symbol is also a system of 'changes' as in the 'I Ching' but which also collates a system of gods and demi-gods including those who fell from heaven above the earth. The immortals or demi- gods ( Yu – Huang or Erlang Shen as examples or Xian on earth ) as a pantheon (many gods) As such it is similar in its origins with many beliefs worldwide including Christianity. These origins over centuries formulate much of our basic political philosophies. 

Hinduism is the true root of Islam. Islam has subverted that belief into a form of monotheism, yet the Kabba stone and its geometry still support a pantheism of many gods although this is not realised by the followers of Islam. China's arcane philosophy once kept secret from 'round eyes' in the west beyond the great wall from China (known as 'middle kingdom') was unleashed by 'Bruce Lee' (who made enemies in the Chinese elite who did not want him to do this, it is suggested) the disciple of IP Man (who is a real person and not a story) of the IP man films. The Greeks also knew of China and the silk road routes (known as Seres which produced 'Serikos' i.e. silk) from 500 bc approximately (or before) and they also had a pantheon of gods under 'one supreme god' Zeus. The Greeks and Alexander became the Pharaohs of Egypt. China therefore has spread its culture with the aim of imperialism since (as needs must) WW2. China or the USA or any country if they could invent a weapon worse than a nuclear or hydrogen bomb would surely invent it, as Vishnu the Hindi god, in his form of many arms will have to wage war. Taoism will wage war back or instigate a war first as needs arise or can be foreseen in a future necessary change (the Taoism of I Ching) China had gun powder to help build its united empire and not just peaceful Confuciusan thought (i.e. and as one example; which teaches water can erode the hardest rock. Gunpowder is soft rock in dry powder form mixed with other compounds, and can melt water when it explodes. Taoist alchemists in China knew of gunpowder as early as 200 bc or much earlier, as Vishnu and the Hindu epics also describe such explosions in 150 – 200 bc when the epic was composed, yet the epic seems to be from antiquity or before the Trojan wars in 1100 bc even into the 'antediluvian'  era to 3000 bc, i.e. the great flood or before) Napoleon, Wellington or Caesar or the Han dynasty knew all of this, as did the Celtic Druids (gelignite is similar to dynamite which is found in soft rock deposits… 'a dragon' was found in Welsh rocks and not just in recent history) and the Celtic peoples. Controlling it however was a precarious science as of course it kept exploding. Warfare and imperialism is eastern and western and worldwide throughout history.

France also has tested Nuclear weapons (first in 13.02.1960) resulting from its desire to be independent from Russia or the USA as any nation wants to be independent including Russia and the USA. The left in France have increased 'the bomb' in numbers as they have in other socialist countries and this continues today. The French revolution was brought about by the study of history and philosophy and before the Russian revolution which changed China after thousands of years of its culture remaining constant. It has abandoned that revolution today, yet in North Korea people are imprisoned and tortured physically and ideologically (but who can afford new ballistic missiles in April 2015, and may well have nuclear weapons.)

French President Charles de Gaulle called for of a 'Free France' beyond the end of WW2, which also calls for a 'Europe of sovereign nations' (not a supranational entity which has allowed the left to re-determine what the term means into economic ruin) de Gaulle also brought massive economic prosperity to France and contrary to revisionist history (although de Gaulle is simply a French nationalist) he opposed Marxist doctrines and saw and thought of a strong independent France which like Germany had to be rebuilt. Cutting through the dietetical quagmire he simply adopted strong French nationalism. President de Gaulle was a realist and a brilliant man who knew war was never going to end.

Today France has 66 million people (some say 70 million in the last few years) and nearly (officially) 11% unemployed although some suggest this figure is nearer 15% or 10 million unemployed and not 7 million. Compare France to Greece. On April 7th 2017 Greece has to accept yet more Austerity under the communist government and this is the future for France because, you cannot have a de Gaulle national sovereign nation without fiscal independence (which if reversed does not mean abandoning Europe but can either be a federal EU or leaving entirely as Britain had to do. Any EU country can also keep the Euro and run an internal currency alongside it) Greece now has had ten years of Austerity with no end in sight. This is the future for France with more illegal immigration to make unemployment higher for French people (who can leave if they like ) to allow people who work in immigration too also set the bombs against you, as in the Paris and Belgium bombs to determine the future of your country.

Brigette Bardot. What is the world the French world coming too, when Brigette Bardot is on trial for correcting a Muslim ? (here in the last link depicted in the film 'Viva Maria' ) who openly insult everyone and then murder innocent people ? like free speech Charlie Hebdo who were also fire bombed in 2011. And ? is the French population shrinking? or is it designed to appear that way by economic and political tampering of French onions, or is it just a lot of nonsense statistically. ( Que se passe-t-il à travers l'Europe, où sont toutes les filles / les bebes ? ! )

Across from Greece but it is not Troy is Turkey (and Paris has accepted a Trojan horse of Islam) Turkey (George Soros) whilst still wanting to join the EU (and who still deny the Armenian Genocide in deafening silence) is voting in a referendum in April to accept changes to its constitution which if carried through will make it even more dictatorial than it is now and more like Iran (i.e. no transparency or democracy but misery and mosques) and if turkey does not get its way it threatens to flood the EU with migrants who are not Syrian (and Syrians want to stay in Syria) These 'migrants' are in a pre- invasion waiting holding chamber called the Greek Island of Chios  although there are others in the trafficking scam on Greeks east coast which has seen nearly 2 million 'refugees' to date.  The last link from the UN and its NGO'S is now under investigation as it appears George Soros and his NGO's are trafficking victims to the west and collecting anyone from any country as long as they pay (after which if the drown, they have paid so tough) George Soros admits he caused this 'crisis'  openly but has not asked Frau Angela Merkel to house any of them in her home as yet. Germany and Angela Merkel have since recognised the 'migrant scam'.

Population statistics cannot show a healthy (up or down or no change) population, if immigration is being pushed onto a nation or to supplant a nation the argument does not work. Brigette Bardot is free under Liberty for free speech (the French have a statue of Liberty also) 

What is incredible is the new Eurasian utopia zone which is opening up (by China and Russia and others) would seem like the perfect place for economic migrants to travel too ? since it is a new world of prosperity and opportunity, but that would defeat the real purpose of the immigration invasion i.e. the destruction of Europe (not just the EU, left wing economists have done that already but family, nation and the European peoples) Saudi and Iran could of course take at least 20 million ( a mix of Shia and Sunni for 'equality and diversity') Go East (or south) is not a new pioneering cry of the post-modernist.

A French referendum? Is nationalism a right wing nuance ? the Dalai Lama thinks there are too many 'migrants' also and he knows what ethnic cleansing 're-population' and left wing think tanks are really about. Pol pot thought he could erase history in a remoter less documented era, but in the 'EU' this has be carried out slowly over time and it would take a loss of national sovereignty and loss of fiscal autonomy to complete. If Turkey has a referendum and Britain also has, why is France not allowed to have its own ?

The media by only April 2017 has forgotten the Christian genocide (of 2011 – 2018 and ongoing)  (see all above ? )

The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote.

Spiritual destruction and removing  history is a vital  part of the plans of the left and France which has closed (now) over 45 churches and built more than 1000 mosques to a false Gd. Britain in London has closed 500 churches and built 450 mosques. (Amidst a London Mayor who wants London to a separate country with Sharia law, see above and 31.03.2017) and this amidst the de-Christianisation of Europe to be replaced with Islam ? therefore it is not political liberalism which is closing them but Islam which is not liberal ? yet the liberals are  pushing Islam. It is not just the de-Christianisation of Europe as a phenomenon, but each country individually has (in the invasion) too many national people, and in France and Brittany too many French or Bretons.

As with the London Mayor election, election fraud is coming to France 2017 ?  some people (it is claimed) can vote twice as in the US democrat party voting scams in elections? Le Monde admitted that socialists committed election fraud in the French socialist primaries ? and this is very relevant as in February 2017 they were fifth in the polls ? but now with election rigging they are second or first ? There is almost a surreal concerted effort to push a result into people's faces and minds before they vote? Aside from the nightmare Greece is facing and it may well soon have snap elections followed by a EU referendum, other continents under socialism such as Venezuela are reduced to earning pennies to survive every day in extreme poverty under a totalitarian system (as it is)  and who are arresting its opposition leaders in Venezuela ? its beyond belief but perhaps inspired by Vladimir Putin's ( who had 107% of voters vote for the election in its last election in one district) arrest and marginalisation of his ( Russia's ?) opposition last month  Not just failure but eventually designed to fail. This is happening right now in Spring 2017 in South America, Russia and …France ?

France can vote for Sarkozy types or supposed centre candidates types or the left but they will both produce Islamisation or economic ruin and both as the choice which is the policy in Europe and which will not result in a referendum which of course would spark a French national debate on issues which could not then be silenced in the media.

21.04.2017 The reality of the French economy is debt to GDP is approaching 98% into 2017. This direction from 2006 has grown steadily and within the 2007 financial crisis and past those events growing at a consistent rate. Therefore there is something else aside from the financial crisis occurring. Greece (see above) has a new round of Austerity and there are views that this direction must be continued in order to collapse the system (within dialectical Marxism) in order to reach a new communism. (Obama, Tsipras and France, although some center and center right have accepted austerity. Ukraine's former leader regarded himself as a socialist with 6 houses and mansions and numerous cars and yachts ! )  Yet both North Korea, China/Mao and Stalin had a solution for inflation and they were the Gulags as the easiest way to manage the economy, people and society to reduce the deficit. In the USA  the debt to GDP is 105 %. Greece debt to GDP in 2014 was 180% and is down slightly to 175.5 %. In 2008/9 it was 125 % (approx) and since then ten years of Austerity has obviously failed (the first austerity package was 2010, but the previous 2 years were as good as 'austerity' ) and this is Greece 13th Austerity 'package' passed in April 2017. It is primitive and absurd. There are no plans or consideration of how to pay down the debt in some politics (and it is a problem across the broad political spectrum),  just more of the same either by apathy or ignorance or deliberate sabotage, to produce stagnation and confusion and malaise whilst heritage is destroyed, passing the cost onto the next generation(s). Who invented this plan ?

The closure of churches in France is pertinent because the Cathedrals of France are masterpieces of symmetry, sacred geometry and design which overwhelmed the people of France from 1100 to 1600 ad. In many respects, they were impossible and the Templar's found something in the middle east which still staggers people to this day and which of course is beyond science (the impossible stained glass and the light for example) The fact that the nine cathedrals of the nine poor Templar Knights run along ancient lines through Britain into Scotland is mysterious. Joan of Arc who is also revered in England is a part of the French psyche, but these occurrences and people of history began anew, when the Nazarene's and Benjamin and Judah tribes as Nazarene's were rescued by Pontius Pilate from Jerusalem, which as French histories are the real inspiration behind Rennes le Chateau and the romantic stories which are not fables but are real history (but almost turned into children's stories) The Nazarene's who knew the Messiah would be a Rabbi (teacher) from the tribe of Judah and the line of Jesse, also found shelter in Wales which was called Albion (Britain) at that time (like Brittany as Breton or Bretange ) and Inis fal (Ireland) They also found shelter in many parts of France and many parts of Europe including Germany. The New Testament book of the Galatians is addressed to Gaul (the French included to the Saxons and Celts) Pontius Pilate is buried at Vienne in southwestern France in a region near the river Isere. Isere is also the name of the ship which delivered the statue of liberty to the USA. The Normans or Northmen were Vikings and the history of the Celtic peoples (the Scythian's included) is slowly being removed from history. 'El Cid' is actually a French story of Castille and Madrid, Spain or Reino de Castilla (Iberia including Madrid and Galatia or Gaulitia) The siege of Vienna is real and now repeated history in a different era but in the same guise. In - fighting in the EU, even including older enmities (Asterix the Gaul, or de Gaulle or Astérix le Gaulois  as one example who was based upon Vercingetorix 80 bc or Brennus 390 bc ) with Rome has left its borders (in Italy, Germany and France) open to invasion and replacement all across Europe which only nation states (even federalised ) can prevent. These are not myths and neither was (Joan of Arc) Jeanne d'Arc or Jeanne of Art-sur-Meurthe  (who fought to free France ) in Lorraine which borders Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany.

It is extraordinary to people when or if they wake and across (left / right) i.e. a nation, that you have to culturally and physically take your country back.


May 1st 2017

France second round elections.

Germany, France & Italy The French Presidential Elections enter the second round of voting (on May 7th 2017) with the two front runners of Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Marcon. The other interested party is Germany who have their own economic views on how the financial model of Europe should be as do Italy. French unemployment is between 9 and 11 % and those jobs are in mostly temporary jobs lasting a couple of months only. 1 in 3 youths are unemployed in many areas. Germany has 3 or 4 % unemployment only. The EU average growth rate since 2009 is 0.1.% compared to 3.5% to 5% in the 1970's and into the 1980's (yet will this growth rate even be allowed today, + or – either side of 3% and the 3% budget deficit rule. Wages may have to be cut drastically to achieve this)

Therefore, France and Greece, Italy and Spain etc, will look to Germany (and Italy who both prefer a restructuring of national economics) to change its economic approach (see next paragraphs) it has traditionally held and kept in order to help them. This assumes a financial model inside the EU which all will agree on. Germanys standard of living is up to 6 times higher than that of France which it says is due to its traditional economic model and will hardly want to change this.

This is the real problem in the EU, as the EU looks to not just enlarge but also centralise with one overall EU budget and one EU finance minister which will take closer integration, but see powers on the periphery reduce (but hopefully the theory suggests benefit them domestically) To achieve this France will have to increase exports (yet will not then be as able to do so in closer integration with less fiscal control) and have total control over prices and wages and fiscal policy. Germany have a different economic tradition (as mentioned) than France which has struggled over the last five years in this area under Francois Hollande. In order to export you have to export goods people, want. Having an excess supply of goods (after first achieving that economically and nationally) and not exporting as an option, but retaining them for national consumption and reducing prices and costs is the next best or comparable situation. France it is suggested has a supply side shortage (which does not mean there will not be a demand for its increased goods if they increase exports) Britain can now move away from its current low manufacturing situation (after Brexit) which has not changed since 2011 and before, (which in this last link tells a grim story of industrial decline  blamed on EU membership) to higher exports and/or national consumption of its increased export output, but it will now retain fiscal control in all areas ( i.e. interest rates and money supply, but also the exchange rate and fiscal policies to achieve this) Achieving parity in exchange rates is a secondary problem to countries who are trying to grow their internal economy. ( some struggling economies adopt dollarization eliminating exchange rate risk externally for import /export) Internal only currencies parallel to the Euro (with modern technology like bitcoin or crypto-currencies) can also assist in building an economy.

Individual nations will not have this capability and so solutions are sought. Germany would be therefore have to agree to move in Frances direction away from its traditional economic role it prefers, if it also agrees to increased and closer integration and that direction is not the mood of people in the USA or Britain or Greece, Italy or Spain. France, in order to improve its economy needs its own fiscal control now, and there is the dilemma. For France (and others) to integrate into a new closer EU it would have to adopt a closer financial model nearer to the 1980's    Germany would have to pay for it, in its economy, if they did not, but they (Germany) are likely to prefer massive structural reforms and Austerity as has occurred over the last 8 years. France may end like Greece. Britain is still in the Council of Europe after Brexit as France would be if it chose to leave the EU model but not of course Europe.

Denmark on the other hand is only pegged in its currency (the Kroner) to the Euro and is set to experience growth and has eliminated its total foreign debt. World debt according to the IMF is $152 Trillion and Norway has produced a wealth fund now worth $8 Trillion for its people (as opposed to deficit spending for a snowy day) Today nobody notices the Danes and Vikings they can just travel on the ferry to the EU, yet this thinking would no doubt be welcomed.

Francois Fillon and the disenfranchised Republican party.  The other real story in France (and all parties have been accused of some problem or fraud or political wrongdoing) is Francois Fillon or rather the scandal which has involved his wife's finances, which occurred in 2002 or 2003 and/or 2012 / 2013.  The matter is ongoing since the announcement of the scandal (or 'Scandele et  Intrigue !) However it is not Francois Fillon's wife Penelope, which is the mystery, but the timing of the announcement in which his political party state they were not given time to find another candidate (the announcement of the scandal re- surfaced in January / February 2017 and rolled on until April 2017 just before the first round elections) Eric Cantona explains     

Francois Fillon the conservative Republican party formerly known as 'Union for a popular movement' and his supporters have been disenfranchised from the election with no time to offer a new candidate although they sought to do so. Alain Juppe the party executive (with one month to go before elections) making the decision for the Republican party.  Therefore it has had a detrimental and unjust effect on its voters ?

Pope Francis states every country has the right to control its borders (and the Bible speaks of the 'nations' in both the old and new testament see chapter 5 below) and that there should be limits to immigration. The real story of world wide trafficking is silenced. Many are  barcoded like cattle and many are held in Turkey (many are simply middle class economic migrants) and the traffickers are paid to ensure an 'escape' or are shipped over to fill 'quotas' which do not exist in other continents. There are no western people employed high in government in Saudi or China or in many African countries let alone employed and complaining they are underpaid or under-represented. Millions are not migrating anywhere else including the new eastern silk road Eurasian states in their economic miracle. Trafficking is driving into this agenda.  

One EU but with individual nation states? This is unfair and does not fit the baffling rhetoric. Central to this rhetoric is the notion that the EU ( as say a customs union or transfer union only) cannot just economically integrate without political integration as modern technology means you can have economic (one EU currency) without political integration. The USA is an example. Also exchange rate volatility may not hamper trade in any case (according to George Tavlas central bank of Greece page 683 / 684) Therefore it is a theory of economics formulated to fit a political theory and which is 'unpopulist'. Many have suggested that economic currency convergence should have occurred after political integration, not before it as is the case now (and since inception) in the EU. Therefore letting those who wanted to, join into a political union and then introduce the Euro. Whether full integration can occur now and include debt forgiveness as a result of this mistake is doubtful. This mistake is part of the apathy now in the EU when it comes to voting.

Turkey is also attacking the Kurdish nation in Syria who have been left stateless and who have been attacked and gassed by Sarin by Iran and Iraq down the decades. Bashar Al Assad has said he would welcome USA to fight ISIS (in early 2017) yet he has rejected a Safe Zone for the Kurds in Syria and also for the Yazidi who are in an ongoing Genocide as are the Christians in the middle east. Amal Clooney has taken up the Yazidi case for Genocide and also the Armenian Genocide and the Christian Genocide in which the rest of the world are now recognising the atrocities. In the court case she prosecuted, the European Court of Human Rights stated it is legal to deny the Armenian Genocide, but which Germany has essentially called Turkey a fascist dictatorship for denying it.  The strange legal decision means it is legal to deny the Armenian genocide? Which could begin a precedent for other Genocides. Turkey is (now) since then in October 2015, admitting it is a fascist dictatorship since Erdogan won his referendum in April 2017, and has cracked down on all opponents by arresting them and is moving to become more like Iran or Saudi Arabia. It is (April 2017) in effect a dictatorship    and is now seeking  to join the new Eurasian block (instead of the EU, although this could change but it reveals Islam's true nature on 'integration') but its exports of trafficked victims continues westward. Iran is also backing Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria and is still threatening to destroy Israel, but they with $150 billion dollars Obama gave them, are not taking refugees and Saudi and UAE have vast empty tent cities ? the immigration into the EU continues unabated.

'Progressive' and FGM ideological beliefs (like a cult) can obscure the truth which is Islam's agenda to use the Left to soften its aims and ideas in practice as follows; (from above post 31.03.2017 in chapter 3) ' One area which may come to define Obamacare is the arrests of Doctors who perform FGM (female genital mutilation via Obamacare. (Jumana Nagarwala & Fakhruddin and Farida Attar, Clearly it is not a health system fit for purpose men or woman)" which as a practice is primitive and disgusting. France and liberty are very influential on the USA's constitution but the left in the USA has also closed down free speech (as with Charlie Hebdo in France) Debated with a Professor from Berkeley University, Aaron Hanlon and then also with Richard Dreyfuss)

Should the EU have a constitution and all elected EU commission? (and the USA to be fair may want elected congress and senate over shorter terms of 5 years, although some suggest extending 8 years with the two yearly election rule continuing. It is a fairer system as it is)  isn't that what 'Les Miserable' was all about.    

Obama still denies the Christian genocide and has now also accepted $400 thousand twice for a speech (will it be donated to the Chicago orphans fund or to Saul Allinsky poor studies or even to Doctor Ben Carson's HUD initiatives. Dr Carson has recently discovered $500 Billion ( its incredible at this time of the USA budget crisis and it is nearer $520 Billion) which were 'audit errors' in the Obama HUD so he may not need that donation today.The Doctors charged with mutilating woman believe it is perfectly fine and are without concern or awareness, it is also progressive and they were encouraged by Obamacare to benefit the community, yet it has been illegal since 1997 and since the 1920's in some states in the USA ? FGM covers Islamic Africa and Gulf States 'Progressive's' see this (i.e. letting fgm occur at all) as a new law, and in France terrorism is seen as the 'cost of integration' but integration means submission to Islam to Islam. This is the real face of the progressive left. This is but one example of subjugating women, but both men and woman and children are enslaved in the human race (See all above and post 7.3.2017 in chapter 3. Note also that the Christian genocide was shouted loudly from 2013 and notably by Pope Francis in 2014 into 2015, a long time before the US elections but also in 2016)   'Progressive' views sought to let Turkey join the EU. If this had occurred then the EU would be assisting (now) a fascist Islamic totalitarian state (aided by immigration) since Turkeys referendum and crack down, and as one large Sharia law zone / country within the EU. They would have taken this step if they had joined the EU. This some suggest was the real reason behind the European court of human rights decision which was forced politically (in 2015) to deny the Armenian Genocide (see paras above) and why the Christian genocide has been silenced.

Intervention by the USA to establish safe zones and join with Assad as he has requested as an option (see 3 paragraphs above) or remove him from power to end this war is now increasingly certain.

Christians liberate sections of Mosul from ISIS in October 2016. 

Many people Love France and the following song was once voted most popular tune (in France and outside) and is better than listening to any economist or politician at least. France has been put in a position of not knowing what to think in the 2017 Presidential elections and many are understandably hostile or apathetic when deciding to vote or not.


4.5.2017. (In Summary of the French Election ) France in this election is being asked to vote (or not to vote) for a future unspecified banking union and further integration via its President, although that may never happen. Germany (and Italy) is being asked to reflate its economy (which then eventually lowers the Germany economy to raise the other economies in the EU) to pay for the recovery of Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Greece and France (in effect) see above 4th para down from 1.5.2017. Germany has signaled a move to higher interest rates in early 2017 which will help savers in Germany, yet EU wide recovery will cost much more than savers gain (by many hundreds of €billions) these ifs are being suggested but; " Second, it is becoming increasingly clear that a meaningful banking union, let alone a fiscal union or a safe euro area asset, is not coming anytime soon" (Kevin O Rourke 2014 'Whither the Euro'  IMF, a technical but good explanation for French voters and since and from 2014 this move has not occurred ) This is the 'more of the same 'catchphrase' meaning which may also be the root of abandoning  political union before beginning economic union.This leads to the system described in the 'Brexit the Movie' film and why Britain left economically (See Brexit debates above from March 2016) No room for innovation and manufacturing increase etc.  

To do all of this it would mean reducing taxes (not likely and more likely to increase due to GDP to debt ratios and spending needs) or increasing the money supply (an option) or increase interest rates which may occur. Prices will rise in the higher interest rate theory and so will employment turning reflation into inflation and immigration of lower paid workers and/or wage cuts to existing workers or relocating companies and jobs abroad (this is just one method or theory) The problem is the institutions will need to be put in place to achieve this (new bank and federal fiscal policy or even a constitution allowing federal / periphery control of budgets) which does not seem to be on the horizon. Also Germany's low interest / inflation preference and the Stability and Growth pact rules are under Ecofin & agreed for all member states are ceilings of 3% for budget deficit and 60% for public debt.Will this be abandoned as it nearly has anyway. Further contrasting it against the Danish or Norwegian models (above & 5 paragraphs down from 1.5.2017)  it seems very scant or meager in comparison. 

Macron says reform France / EU (but to what and when ? ... reform to a USA constitution ? new bank reformed as a bank lender of last resort instead of loans to each country for bailouts ? and EU commission elections ?) or leave EU in a 'Frexit' but see Kevin ORourke link above. Le Pen says Germany (Frau Angela Merkel) will rule France if she is not President under more of the same and promises a EU membership referendum or reform. This is why Republican voters for Fillon are outraged at what has occurred and at the prospect of no change & more of the same which could increase in severity without national fiscal controls.

The Televised debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen (English & French) 03.05.2017 ( and here in French alone, and for the consideration of Breton  people )


05.05.2017. France also has its large National Assembly Elections in June 11th & 18th 2017  The 577 members of the National Assembly are also up for election next month. A worrying aspect of the election concerns Justin Trudeau and former President Barack  Obama (despite the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and the worlds national parliaments recognizing the situation )  both of whom deny the ongoing Christian Genocide  and who have both 'endorsed' Emmanuel Macron. Marcon has marked the Armenian Genocide of 1915, in April of this year which Turkey still denies. Both candidates could clarify there positions on the Christian Genocide (Marine Le Pen has met with Lebanese Christians who are persecuted) and safe zone plans. Safe zones in Syria have now been agreed between US, Russia, Syria and Saud and which assist all people in the Middle East / Greater Israel. Obama did not arrange a safe zone in ten years, it took 3 months to agree from January 2017, under the Republicans in the USA.


12.05.2017  The Local elections in Britain and Scotland and Northern Ireland produced considerably gains for the Conservatives and also in Scotland for the Nationalists SNP.

France; Presidential Election result 7.5.2017 (a beautiful country)  

In France the people have found a new President but this person was not even a candidate for the Presidential Election?  Who is this person ? (revealed through the post as you read)

The French Presidential Election was won by Emmanuel Macron with 65 % of the vote and second in the two-stage vote was Marine Le Pen with 35 % of the vote and over the two legs Macron was considered the best candidate to lead France which is in the beginnings of an economic crisis. The vote result was predicted on February 26th, 2017 as a runoff between Macron and Le Pen but before the first stage votes were cast (for several candidates) had commenced in March 2017. The voting total was very near its prediction also and was very accurate in its amounts and totals two months before the voting was cast  yet voters in this election are eclectic.

Not everyone can stand for President and the spirit of a country is not always what the heart wants but what the head suggests. The French crisis is described here by Forbes.  Or above dated 4.5.2017 on the French economy. Essentially Germany will have to alter its economy (its trade surplus imbalance) to save the rest of the EU, but to date only austerity is offered. A signal that austerity will be placed upon France came when Obama backed Macron and as Obama and Clinton were responsible for the instigation of the Greek austerity package it is a signal to that end.

This is Greece under the Communists now, asset stripped of land, real estate and gold and commodities to pay the debt austerity deal, which Macron has criticised and he has criticised the IMF and the debt burden. This is Venezuela under the communists, deaths now stand at 37 and hundreds have been injured by the communist regime.

Jim Comey the director of the FBI in the USA, was fired (for not indicting Hillary Clinton, Huma Abeddin in the Clinton foundation funding of and Uranium to Russia scandals and Saud funding of ISIS and the Christian genocide which also implicates Obama ) on the 9.5.2017, Obama is under investigation by the FBI for election interference and election rigging in the USA and who criticised the Republicans and Russia for influencing the US elections.  The Democrats also called for Jim Comeys resignation but now are aghast he has been fired. Comey was respected, and a Sunday school teacher but was caught between Obama and Clinton. Obama in 2008 said Clinton was a lair and she has said the same back. The democrats are in truth trying to deny the accepted non-partisan foreign policy (but will not say so) which they also were involved with but from a different angle which lost the Crimea and caused a reset in Syria letting Russia take over.

For France, Emmanuel Macron was funded by socialist banker Henry Hermand and worked under Hollande who Macron criticised (Macron criticised Hollande)  In economics the solution for the EU, is similar to Denmark's, but to employ a combination of Marx (to a lesser extent in fiscal policy only) Irving Fischer, Keynes (who is similar to Marx) and Milton Friedman and have a strong internal economy of 100% employment and an trade surplus for internal consumption or exports, low debt and low prices, if you were serious on national revival. Friedman and Fischer, but mainly Freidman said inflation is always a monetary phenomenon. In the EU, this is not possible as it is and needs reform, and it is the problem why the EU is collapsing and this insight to prices and inflation can produce a higher waged economy. Further the Euro did not collapse when Britain left (it is still in the EU for now) and will not when it leaves. The pound did not collapse and will not vice versa as optimal currency does not require a 'all for one and one for all' policy in economics but only in politics. Fiscal control is a nation state solution. Modern technology can produce nation states who are free but who are also a part of the whole. A constitution is required and an elected commission, it would be simpler to co-opt the US constitution onto the EU as the EU is also drowning in Bureaucracy. 

This is an important point as the EU either has complete integration (but in its present model will fail) or revert to the nation state with fiscal powers (and see the Danish and Norwegian models). Leaving or reforming the EU as an option, was employed to scare people into a position when voting. These views were classed as dangerous or 'chaos' by those who opposed them, but the present system is ruining the whole of Europe. China is currently trying to persuade those who leave to join it eastward, and its vanguard are also not elected ! and they bully the Dalai Lama who also states there are too many immigrants ( repeated from above) 

The Macron Emails. The leaked emails of 8.5.2017 The reality is, to achieve this transformation of France (which requires Germanys consent and co-operation) will require wage cuts and massive imported cheap labour, which will work as slave labour undercutting Union demands drastically but will mainly be undocumented and unseen slave labour. A good economy can be achieved with no imported labour and national 100% employment. The indication as to which way Macron will go on that question came in a curious incident on the night before the election, when emails (hacked emails) were leaked to the public in France. The most remarkable matter about them is they were censored by the French electoral commission and journalists could be arrested if they reported them to the French Republic ? (although many copies were undoubtedly made) yet they have no authority to censor the emails or any item in France? unless of course it is a Erdogan Turkey or Saud / Iranian totalitarian state.

Erdogan has also  threatened in tandem with the leaked emails on the 5th May 2017 to flood the EU and France with migrants and the 'EU' has called for the lifting of the border restrictions against migrants imposed since mid-2015. The EU must prepare for more million's migrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East is the new humanitarian concern, but there is no plan to employ French people who must therefore leave or be replaced. This is planned amidst massive unemployment in the EU and France is between 11 and 15%. This threatens all members of the current French population, and is the real doctrine behind diversity deception which only the west must legally undertake. This explains why the EU is being run down and low wage migrants (not from Syria) will take up low wage jobs. There are numerous 'sweatshops' in Paris, some are tolerated but the vast majority are underground in rooms without windows or factories without daylight for illegal aliens and the slaves who are trafficked from Turkey. Every European city has them in hundreds of thousands. There are also over 4 million prostitutes working in the EU (see the post  above dated 1.5.2017)  

The Macron emails
also made claims which are denied by Macron but in one instance the emails cite a real institution named the 'Institute Montaigne' which calls for the Islamisation of France, and  which is connected to Macron. Yet this was not mentioned by Emmanuel Macron who is seeking to be the President of France to lead the French people? Emmanuel means 'God is with us'. Migrants in millions from Scandinavia are not screamed for from the Bastille.

And as the other Presidential candidates have faced the gauntlet (or 'Scandele et Intrigue' ! see post above dated 1.5.2017) it seems unfair that 'En Marche' should not face public scrutiny also. On the other hand France is in a very difficult position and it is not the time to take it easy or to be concerned with men's flower arranging groups, or what is the best method for baking French puff pastry, but the time for action.

Macron has mitigated the Islamic invasion of France and the EU by citing French imperialism and its actions, yet there is no mention that Christianity and Judaism was first in Mecca before Islam by 700 years (and after Hinduism which Islam produced a monotheistic hybrid to suit military expansion under one man) and that Islam has imperialised Africa and the middle east in an illegal occupation and is now attempting to do the same to the EU. Macron does not mention Angola which has banned Islam as has China and Japan.

The price paid for integration of two different continents? (Macron explained) is a threat to Gendarmes, (police)  the Army and even NATO itself. Macron however says he will deport en-masse, including terror suspects also. In the Middle East the safe zone agreement means there should now be less migration not more ? and the USA should have control or joint control of them or some of them as Syrians are wary of Russia. General Mattis has this view on Iran's involvement.

There was little recognition that 150 people (outside of France) have been killed since January 2017, in Africa and Egypt and Thailand and in Germany and Pakistan and 210 have been injured or that half of these attacks occurred in Christian churches of schools, directly targeted. In Egypt on palm Sunday on the 9th April 2017 (in Tanta) a suicide bomber killed 29 people and injured 78 in a palm Sunday service. On the same day in Alexandria a suicide bomber (very disturbing video of the attack) killed 18 people and injured 48, as the suicide bomber was trying to enter a church service.

The USA is considering placing the Saud originating Muslim brotherhood (Wahabi) on the terrorist list and Angela Merkel in Germany is also considering the same and states Islam is responsible for terrorism  the United Arab Emirates have already  branded the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation as have other Arab nations

Whilst the United Arab Emirates have branded Saudi Muslim brotherhood as terrorists, they are also selling military planes to Russia who sell planes to Iran and weapons, which are they then use (Iran)  to attack Saud. but which also are used to prop up Assad in Syria.  So in effect UAE are also  backing Assad whilst claiming to be against him. Israel has asked Russia not to sell weapons and planes to Iran or Assad, and recently Iran has accused Russia of selling its secrets to Israel.

United Arab Emirates are also the biggest areas with Saudi in human trafficking and UAE are also funding  Hamas as are Iran and also funding Hezbollah. The Muslim world is arming itself to destroy Israel despite internal differences.  UAE are seeking to improve relations with Turkey. Iran has given $600 million to Hezbollah (6.5.2017) which came from US taxpayers and the $150 billion Obama gave to Iran who are in breach of even Obamas deal and who making a nuclear weapon and openly call for the destruction of Israel. Turkey is also funding Hamas and Hezbollah and Isis, and Turkey is planning to try to destroy the Kurds, as they once did to the Armenians. The US has said it will help the Kurds. Before Erdogan's recent referendum win and his now new dictatorship caliphate , he was as a NATO country also funding Isis. and still is. Should Turkey be asked to leave NATO and the EU permanently? Turkey is not happy that the US is helping the Kurds ? yet shouldn't Turkey also be placed on the terror list with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Institute Montaigne (see 8 paragraphs above also) encourages Sharia law zones which are then encouraged to grow, which as a part of their 'charity' or tax (as Obama tried to merge in the USA) the sharia law zone uses extortion to exact money from business's which is in turn used to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and the internal terrorism against the country outside of the sharia law zone (compliance with sharia law is a new state in effect) and the human trafficking industry. Hamas and Hezbollah vow Israel's destruction.

Erdogan who encourages Sharia law zones in Turkey (2013) which were once banned there, and now he will implement them in the new Islamic caliphate which is a piecemeal plan in parts and by degrees (with or without the 3rd degree) across the middle east to make ISIL a new severely oppressive Islamic levant / fertile crescent Islamic state. Turkey has just moved to a dictatorship. The EU is part of that plan in a planned 'imperialism' by force or any method.

Erdogan also says who is worse, Hitler or Israel whilst also wanting to be like Hitler ? and he has accused the Dutch and French right as being like Hitler. He has also called Frau Merkel 'Frau Hitler' yet of course she is a national socialist / communist. Turkey in World War 2 were complicit in the Holocaust and this extra push to a Holocaust was driven not by European feelings, but by the beliefs of Islam which is just as 'Old Testament' as ever. Emmanuel Macron knows this as he also studied under the philosopher Paul Riceour the Huguenot philosopher. 

On the 11.05.2017 an Islamic preacher in Denmark, one Mundhir Abdallah called for the death and killing of all Jews to begin the ' hadith' of the day ( a hadith is a proclamation or action status of something to do or begin ) which is the Genocide of all Jews and exclaimed in a sermon. His Islam is not any more or any less radical than Islam generally. This should be blocked in France.

A tasteless part of the French Presidential election was the degree of anti - Semitism (or not) a party had, yet compared to and opposing Erdogan and his planned Islamic invasion, all French parties are ' La Résistance'. With Macrons attempts to change Germanys mind, moving to closer Union (which many in his own party do not want or have confidence in and which may be blocked by the French people in the national elections ) the 'En Marche' or 'En Marche Republic' has been likened to Vichy France. (The alliance of Germany and France in World War 2) It is hoped this will turn the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) into a full-blown European Monetary Fund (EMF). Opposing Vichy France is the National Front who are accused also of being anti-semetic, and both sides have made anti-semetic statements.

What is going on across Avalon 'de Celtic and Saxon' ? The Vichy front and the National front are comparable with other countries including African countries which have their own national front who simply want to protect their country, it is normal.

There is a lack of understanding between Catholics and Protestants.

The Merchant of Venice, a play by William Shakespeare (Francis Bacon) is now 420 years old. A great version of the play in film format from 2004, was directed by Michael Radford and starring Al Pacino and Jeremy irons. It is a sumptuous and beautiful film which describes the Judeo – Christian heritage. In it Shylock was innocent (until he demanded his bonds impossible terms) The Mercy and Justice of the Messiah is seen in this drama.(the mystery) Jews were forced to work in Ghettos as moneylenders to allow the sin of Usury to pass. The Torah and bible tells us what is the right way to act. Usury has been a part of the world on every continent before and after the destruction of the Temple in 70ad. (by everyone in effect) Once Venice acknowledged its fault the true soul of the law was revealed and shylocks daughter Jessica (and Lorenzo who were in love) inherited more than she had or shylock had at the beginning. The play is largely about her and she witnesses the events from beginning to end and the miraculous intertwining threads it presents. Many suggest she and Porsche wove the tale from hopes within. She (Jessica) keeps her Jewish heritage and her ring, even in the marriage. Tubal (the friend of Shylock) was the catalyst who's initially well-meaning intent turned to lies and deception which drove Shylocks rage beyond reason and into the court of Venice to have his bond from Antonio and bring Venice to law. Venice was not guilty as Lorenzo and Jessica had married in love, and Antonio had acted in love for Bassonio. The film reveals the impossible, and subtly explains why Christians and many Jewish Messianic Christians believe the god of the old testament is the gd of the new also (ha shem) Different totals in the covenants number, but which are shared by a promise and/or curse but which is not shared with Islamic beliefs, yet many Arabs who are Christians will testify to this quality which does not originate with men or woman. The author of the play and/or sub authors must have been Christian and/or Jewish, this is not discerned in the plays narrative of stereotypes but from underneath or within the subtleties of the play. Whilst it is a sublime play it is a pale comparison to the bible / Torah which has stories like this, although this is not explained in many sermons. This is the mystery of the 'Jews and the Jo's' (also to an extent complied in chapter 5 below) or the houses of Joseph and Judah.

It is important as the first Nazarenes to arrive in France from Jerusalem were Jewish and others with them were from Jerusalem also. There are no Templars without a Temple and the question is what is the temple really. Arriving in France and Britain and Europe they founded small villages and churches and order which grew into other sites and churches (the Cathars and the 9 poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon and the Hospitallers, St John of Jerusalem) and Baldwin the King of Jerusalem (1119) and the Champagne regions trace their history through these lines back to the Nazarenes before them, who are the root of these orders, and the Nazarenes were 'Daniels'

This author has met 4 survivors of the Holocaust at different times and locations, and has also met (99.9%) people across the left and right who never consider such an event can occur again.

The economy in France is between these problems and many have suggested co-opting the USA's constitution onto Europe to bring balance and checks as the EU requires reform and its political integration is required (new constitution and bank of last resort) before its economics can work. So, with or without the Euro the framework is the problem. Many countries are considering a referendum including Greece who may hold snap elections as may Italy. Britain began this process but like France is still in the European Council a more important part of Europe.

Manon des Sources. (The maid of the spring, although the ancient belief is Gd made the rain) The French Presidential referendum was vitriolic and many unfair or harsh words were spoken. And it was also turned into a farce which is the custom now in the west. One blogger likened the second round of the election as 'Manon and Ugolin' the characters from  'Jean de Florette' and 'Manon des Sources' which is unfair as of course as Ugolin also loved Manon and changed his mind dramatically in the novel and film. Will En Marche and the National front Unite for France or say Non ! or will the Republicans ? or will Angela Merkel sing Edith Piaf in Vichy, but will the Legionnaires fight back anyway.

Will Germany confirm its position on the proposed new plan of integration before the national assembly elections on June 11th 2017.

France also has its large National Assembly Elections in June 11th & 18th 2017  The 577 members of the National Assembly are also up for election next month.

Many people from many political parties can be considered for public office. All sides in France are in public office. One person who should be considered as President is Marion le Pen who is still young whatever her views over time. (and with no disrespect for any other candidate) The reason is she gave up power to quit politics (gave up power, money and prestige at the time of her parties biggest ever success) to spend time with her daughter she says, and also because she could not watch and see her country ruined. Passionate and concerned. This why it should be her. 

Another reason concerns the insanity of the left and some on the right who (and vegan food is good for you) as Vegans (as one example) will not eat chicken eggs because they are baby chickens, but are pro-choice because babies in the womb are just 'cells' ? The rest of the left demonstrates and also exclaims 'we must conceive more babies to kill more babies' (in effect conceive more to kill more ?) Marion le Pen said this (defending unborn woman ) on this terrible issue (where millions are killed annually in a modern holocaust)

Jeanne de Arc (who is a Britain and Europe wide Heroine also) sometimes failed to storm castle ramparts, but tried again and succeeded. Today Europe is being divided as Britain was to subjugate it. Eventually Jeanne d' Arc (who died at 19 years of age but she is still remembered 586 years later whilst other are not) fell foul of 'doctrines' which were false, because she was a genuine person. These issues at this time in history for any country and for France are very serious.


(Read from the beginning of Chapter 3a on France. Britain also has an election in June 6th, 2017, Germany also in October 2017. Italy may also join them this year instead of next, as may Greece)


28th May, 2017

The French National Assembly  National Assembly elections (and the British general election on the 8.6.2017) are due on the France  on June 11th & 18th 2017  The 577 members of the National Assembly are also up for election next month. Germany to vote in the Autumn.

The Manchester and Cairo atrocities May 2017.

Ireland also may soon have national elections as one political party chooses a new leader.

Since Emmanuel Macron was elected on the 7.5.2017 the EU is waiting for Germany to confirm its position on the proposed new plan of integration (to a full European super state with banking union) before the national assembly elections on June 11th 2017. It was central to the election campaign and also central to all other elections in the EU.

Germany has a trade surplus, which France and other EU countries want to level out to allow the other countries to catch up. The question is, why should they? it is like asking a local business to reduce its good trade and profits to help other business in the area. It doesn't happen. The other business of course, can compete and win back the trade which does happen. This is a global problem and globally countries are being asked to reduce their exports or surplus to assist other countries. The global economy is stabilised but not fixed and could be heading for a massive shift and downturn soon.

Why would German voters (in their General Election in Sep/Oct 2017) vote for reduced growth to assist other EU countries, why would other continents reduce output to assist those who are weaker.  This control is opposed to rational economics.

The ethos of the EU is to control the balance of trade but at the expense of more successful economies, and it is not working. Macron will ask Germany to do just (a rebalancing which is also mooted to occur globally) that, and his supporters will force him to in effect rebel against the EU, Brussels and Germany to inflate the economy. Emmanuel Macron is however trying to move France into a Nordic style system. Norway unlike France has wider scope in its fiscal and monetary policy, as it is only a EEA (European Economic Area) or EFTA (European Free Trade Member ) member not a full EU member. Denmark also has flexibility it is a member state and may choose to leave the EU  ( 'Dexit' )

This is the problem in the EU, the lack of control of monetary and fiscal policy at home, by each country and which each country really wants to have.

Macron has also called for the USA to take its fair share of Muslims whilst President Trump has asked Macron and Merkel and others to pay for their Nato membership which has cost the US taxpayer $120 Billion dollars to date, (in the short- fall of withheld funds) whilst the USA has negotiated a $450 Billion dollar trade deal with Saudi Arabia who are at war with Iran. (A trade deal as opposed to donating money to the Clinton foundation see last post dated 12.05.2017 and all above)  

This will boom USA towns and states, which in turn proves it was the US population and 62 million of them not the Russians who placed Trump and the Republicans in power. In turn the boom will spread to parts of Europe. It transpires with the Russia probe ( and Iran and North Korea and Syria, in Iran's $150 billion Obama deal) that it is Clinton and Obama who have been in league with the Russians  illegally and both are in violation of the espionage act, whilst Obama ordered the FBI not to interfere with the Clinton investigation.
Clinton who interfered with the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign which meant he would have been the Democrat presidential nominee and running in November 8th 2016. What is incredible is the democrats who invited Russia to operate in the USA and they had the Kremlin connections.

This is the real tension and a part of the obscured swamp in the USA and why there has been such intransigence and a campaign of sabotage against Trump and the Republicans as they take over Washington and since November 2016 to date. On the 26/05/2017 papers reveal Obama passed details of US private citizens to entities outside the USA. This has led to the deaths of US agents in China, just as Muslim brotherhood agents working in the state department took state secrets to Egypt via Clintons and Huma Abeddins pc, whose Husband open to bribery for sexting has been indicted.  Abeddin like Trudeau and even to some extent Macron and like Obama, called for the flooding of Islam into the USA, They say they work for the west ? Many in the USA suggest that the whole system (appointees of Obama, Judiciary, administration and wherever should be sacked or arrested and the security wall between Mexico and the USA should be built as it would actually save more money than it cost, and would still allow legal Mexicans to come to the USA and legal US citizens to go to Mexico. Mexico has built its own wall for itself on its southern border?) The obstruction of Justice by Obama / Clinton is incredible.

This is the benefit of nationalism as it forces each country to look at itself and fix its problems by political and cultural pressure until it achieves safety and freedom. This is a worldwide problem which requires closed borders and security.


On the 22.05.2017 in Manchester in Britain Salman Abeddi blew himself up and killed 22 people and injured over 60 people in an atrocity in a public concert arena. (RIP)

On Thursday 26.05.2017 a bus load of Coptic Christians were murdered by gunmen in Cairo Egypt, 28 in total. Same reason same faith (RIP) The Manchester bomber according to the media, Salman Abdi was a part of a terror network and had been watched by M15. He was not the bomb maker some reports suggest, who is still at large it is thought. The explosives were the same as used in the Paris and Belgium bombings. Ramadan Abeddi, Salman Abeddi's father is a member of the Muslim brotherhood / Daesh and supports Isis, and is one of Hillary Clintons rebels against Gaddifi. Arms were also 'accidentally' supplied by Obama and Clinton to the attackers of the US consulate in Benghazi which killed the US ambassador. US medal of Honour winner Dakota Meyer says its time to unleash Hell on Isis

Katy Perry ? demands Britain open its doors to ISIS ?  However this (Katy Perry's statement) seems staged as Perry does not really believe this in private no matter what she says really. ISIS celebrated the attack Adriene Grande also hinted at open borders ?. She gave the concert on the 'dangerous woman tour'.  

This is a dangerous woman.

Both Sadiq Khan and Emmanuel Macron have said it is a problem but 'tolerance' of bombings and Islam is a part of the process of integration. This is Sadiq Khans 'integration deputy' Mathew ryder.  Tolerance is a word of war. For instance, if China (or vice versa) wanted to takeover Japan then for thirty years of more before it would instigate tolerance of Chinese nationals and customs but with millions, not tens of thousands of people flooding in its lands, as Huma Abeddin wished, as a method to that end instead of open warfare, and not for 'integration'. Islam practices apartheid in many of its countries. Sadiq Khan should resign.

Is there a central co-ordinated message appearing ? at the expense of young lives and all who died. What is the truth ? In Australia radically moderate Muslim relates what Islam is. Adelaide Imam Shaikh Mohammad Tawhidi says Islam (whatever his expertise it is correct as per the Koran or here ) teaches you can kill the 'infidel' (etc) this contradicts the Labour Manchester Mayor (Andy Burnham who is now aware of the Abedi Libyan Daesh support and the wider explanation of Katie Hopkins sacking and a lack of free speech by former reporter David Vance) , but Shaikh Tawhidi's casual explanation and claims seems to match  repeated (see last post dated 12.05.2017)  the Islamic preacher in Denmark, one Mundhir Abdallah who called for the death and killing of all Jews to begin the ' hadith' of the day on 11.05.2017 ( a hadith is a proclamation or action status of something to do or begin ) which is the Genocide of all Jews and exclaimed in a sermon. His Islam is not any more or any less radical than Islam generally.

Conversely Katie Hopkins has been asked to leave LBC for suggesting a final solution on Islam ? (remarks made after the bomb in Manchester was spread on the news which she retracted) Islam is not the same Gd as Judaism or Christianity. And Islam is facing a reformation or a return to scriptures. (see last link as an Islamic opinion) Islam can say what it likes, whenever it likes (and it is not just words in which Christians were killed since see all above) whilst the 'North Korea' (see adjacent website and chapter 5 for a detox and on NK) syndrome of mass hypnosis and cultic violent political psychosis continues as racism against 'white people' unabated which shocks progressive Bret Weinstein. It is incredible that science is showing there is only one human race and it is the left which is aggressively racist. Those in the media who are 'pc' (ing) the world into numbness should be sacked and fined and prosecuted.

Jose Mourinho of Manchester United said after the final of the Europa Cup (which was played on the 24.05.2017) that many in Manchester would give back the trophy in exchange for the lives of those who died. (if it were possible)

Saudi and UAE have now (Saud in May 2017) both stated the Muslim brotherhood is a Terrorist organisation and it is they who wanted to run the USA down (beyond a rebalancing of the world economy) into chaos and anarchy. Islam means peace but that peace is only achieved when it dominates a country. Its front is the non-terrorist Islamic front with the connected soldiers of the armed divisions. Same entity. The USA of course could invade and takeover Saudi or Iran.

Further President Trump has changed the Liquid Natural Gas supply from Qatar breaking its monopoly and allowing China to import Gas from the USA, which benefits the USA (not Russia or the Gulf) The ridiculous furore created by the democrats, which as it dissipates the stronger the USA seems to become (which is a proof in itself)

Syria now almost ceases to exist, as the demarcation of the lines of the safe zones are due by June 4th 2017 which Israel says should not serve as bases for Iran or Hezbollah who are in part also being funded by the worlds Sharia law (unsafe zones) zones. Even in the EU.


The EU Economy. The fact that some EU members do not want to pay for Nato is a sign that they do not want (which benefits Islam and Russia) to do so, or the economy in the EU is not functioning.

Greece aside which is being destroyed the EU economy also faces a shift in global trade balance instability.

Mervyn King Former Governor of the bank of England explains; "Indeed, King warned, the only thing that is standing in the way of a painful day of reckoning is the willingness of the world's major central banks to continue printing vast sums of money — money that has been loaned to investors who use it to bid up the prices of stocks, bonds and real estate well beyond their economic value, and money that has been loaned to consumers and governments, who use it to live beyond their means"

This printing of money or QE or Quantitative easing (buying debt) will come to an end although it has been extended to December 2017 in the EU (announced in December 2016) and it is only this which is propping up the EU. This caused a growth spurt across the EU in February 2017, but overall in the world economy the EU has shrunk

Therefore, it is facing 3 shocks 1. a rebalance of the world's deficits and surplus and 2. an end to QE. 3. Germanys refusal to alter its trade surplus and allow the rest of the EU to inflate up to it.

There is also a growing movement across the EU to have a constitution (with rights ascribed under God as in the USA) and a bank of last resort instead of the bailout / loan bank it currently has.

Ireland is facing a general election shortly and its largest party Fine Gael is choosing a leader after its last leader Enda Kenny stepped down in May 2017. The IMF expects the economy to grow in 2017, yet QE (Quantitative easing ) ends in December 2017. Measures taken in the Irish economy in 2012 and 2013 have helped now to ensure Ireland outpaces the EU (and the Irish corporate tax rate has helped in this) Ireland however does not have fiscal or monetary independence and it is only by circumventing outdated EU rules it has manged to avoid becoming Greece which has just faced a property slide in May 2017, or worse North Korea )

The Greek property slide (May 2017) see para above is partly due to new bailout loans and the austerity problems which accompany them, but if QE ends, and it will one day then a property slide will occur again all over the EU, and if this occurs with the deficit/surplus rebalance then market chaos will follow. It is a precarious situation.

Ireland had a dramatic property slide in 2008 until 2014. ( a brief history follows)

Merging banking supervision and monetary policy is a doubtful policy with its critics and since the European Central Bank took management control of large national banks in 2012. Yet the European commission regard this as a success allowing the IMF to step in and fund Greece's economy.

The EU under article 123 of the TFEU had as its purpose 'Article 123 TFEU (Treaty on the functioning of the European Union or the Lisbon Treaty 13.7.2007) which, at German instigation, was designed to safeguard against the financing of government deficits by the printing press, has been consistently violated by the last two ECB presidents since at least 2010' Article123 (1) TFEU stipulates a no bail out clause.

The change allowed richer nations to avoid footing the Irish economic bill by taxation or raised taxation. Therefore, a bank of last resort which supplies money to suspected failing banks is called for. (see last post-dated 12.05.2017)

Ireland is also facing the 3 shocks or challenges above, and it is also facing a deficit and surplus adjustment across the whole of its Island. This means the spill-over of the boom form the capital must provide employment and a boom across the Island. This will involve sound housing policy to develop the Irish economy. Irelands economy went over the cliff in 2008 and it was not prepared for a housing shortage, and the economy throughout into 2011 was hanging by a thread. Whatever people think of Fine Gael (who did not cause the problem but had or were forced to solve it) they have pulled it up from the depths ( a near impossible achievement) to the top again but it is balancing on the top, and these 3 shocks will affect it. To get through to 2018 and beyond it will take sound housing and building policy and economic stability for a while longer as an extension to the last few years. The Irish housing crisis is still very much a persistent and systemic problem across the country in May 2017.

Across left and right the arguments on housing and homelessness have negated real solutions and in every country for decades. In Germany, they solved the problem (cutting through left / right stalling) by providing high quality cheap units which meant a homeless person was only homeless for a few days, and then they were housed on a very cheap rent. They were then given a job and the rents increased by a reasonable % paying for the units in turn. The aim was 100% employment to achieve this solution. This meant adjusting the economy to achieve 100% employment, and ignoring the 5% - 10 % unemployment rule to avoid inflation and/or controlling inflation. Methods include providing low prices and high incomes and a trade surplus which could be also be distributed nationally. This is what Germany is being asked to give up. It may in some areas but only under a deal. Managing the Irish economy over the next 2 years is going to take sound and clear decisions and caution, in every county as the economy is not resting on solid ground (see Mervyn King EU economy above) the last slump was not expected yet it came and effected a generation.

QE (Quantitative easing) gives a false impression that the economy is fine which has suited politicians in the EU since December 2016 and until elections conclude in 2018, but as one example of the distortion of the problems take the case of Irelands policies on its social policy which has produced the following bizarre influences from outside the country by deception.

The abortion in Ireland that never was ? and gay and Christian rights.

Consider the following video "Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened" which unveils the false narrative concerning Savita Halappanavar  and the abortion we were told she should have had, which was a complete fabrication, and which was force fed onto Irelands population along with the gay marriage debate. Gay marriage (not civil gay marriage) has been condemned by the Pope, the Queen of England as head of the Church of England and by the Kirk and DUP, Democratic Unionist Party. As states are forced to adopt the belief in a form of fascism, world wide protests including in France and Mexico and Russia have followed and up to 30 countries worldwide. It is not compatible with church teachings. Ironically Christian lands have protected secular gay rights (human rights) better than totalitarian, communist or Islamic states (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 towards the end and 'family planning as an ideology' ) Abortion is forced upon a population as a form of marketing and prospective harvesting of a product/commodity.

The other separate supposed abortion later was announced but which never occurred at all ?

Then compare the above video to the Irish Times story recently again  ?  (May 1st 2017)  Aside from the immorality of it, it is also pushed by lies to achieve a social policy which does not care for woman born or unborn. Abortion is big business  and is not compatible with any church teaching or any rational science. Truly disgusting stuff.

Like QE (quantitative easing) which provides a temporary cure to one symptom in the economy, the social change in Ireland has little substance also. This was also an issue in France see the end of the last post-dated 12.05.2017.



British General Elections 08.05.2017

In the British general election, there has been a high level of disappointment in the debate which has not covered or discussed matters as the Brexit debate had.

George Soros entered the general election debate and introduced the Brexit negotiations and decision into the general election as a 'celebrity voice' George Soros view is the negotiations should take 5 years ? or they should never conclude (i.e. to wipe out the British Brexit result) His other investments include a $500 Million venture to get migrants into Europe and the UK, and he admits he is behind the fraud and admits it is a scam to erase national borders.

Many people wonder why after one year since the Brexit vote the negotiations could not have concluded in December 2016 when the formal notice was given to withdraw. (see post's above) Did Britain make the right decision ?

It is also not understood that Britain can keep trading with the EU even after Brexit according to the OECD and the City of London (The Telegraph 30.05.2017) In Fact Britain has concluded many Bi-lateral trade deals since Brexit began in June 2016 and can inherit up to 50 EU trade agreements outside of Brexit. This is aside from the bi-lateral trade deal with America post Brexit. America is currently experiencing a boom after deals begin to flood into the country see last post above dated 28.05.2017. Bank of America / Merrill Lynch is also re-locating to the city as one example.

Much of this information has not been repeated by the Liberal democrats or Labour (who have both changed positions from the Brexit referendum and say they will now get the best deal within Brexit? but were opposed to leaving the EU in the remain camp) Jeremy Corbyn was in his youth, was a leave enthusiast but has now changed to remain in the EU in the Brexit campaign  and is now backing Brexit again in 2017. This does not bode well for future deals and firm decision making.

This confusion is a result of the EU's fury at Britain's decision to leave the EU. (but it is still in the Council of Europe as any leaving country could also be) The shock has brought a new wave of 'progressive' centre right (far left and left in reality) candidates suddenly emerging to take elections from nowhere with the same policies as each other across the EU in pre-determined elections as far as the media is concerned. The EU is in financial trouble and aside from the 3 potential shocks (see last post dated 12.05.2017 or repeated here 'Therefore, it is facing 3 shocks 1. a rebalance of the world's deficits and surplus and 2. an end to Quantitative Easing. 3. Germanys refusal to alter its trade surplus and allow the rest of the EU to inflate up to it ) which includes the possible termination of Quantitative easing in December 2017 (which will end one day) Many eastern EU countries (including Greece, Serbia, Czech Republic and Hungary) are being drawn into the new emerging Eurasia and OBOR  China and Russia and the new Eurasian century which has taken blood, sweat and tears and wars to achieve as a new block as imperialism, an accusation mostly only levelled against the west) The new genome AI intelligence economy is a leader in China who are excelling in technological advancement, but the full story is not quite as it appears. The Economist explains, the wong Hole story  in 2008 and which has now advanced into family planning and social political theory over the last ten years. See also further down ) The Eurasian OBOR block has benefits such as secure borders and almost zero immigration. OBOR is not as popular with France and Germany and in the redress of the world's economy which is ongoing (NAFTA recognitions or withdrawal, TTIP gone) this new zone is providing a 4th shock to the EU.

In the USA and the complete withdrawal of the Paris climate deal announced by the USA. John Hansen who inspired the Paris climate talks named as the Father of them, stated the deal as a fraud which was flawed from the outset, and this will affect the EU economy negatively as they progress. The Carbon credits and lost jobs and GDP paid by the USA amounts to $3 Trillion per year. The tax credits are paid to the EU economy which is another loss of revenue for the EU or potentially Trillions over ten years. (the Paris climate deal is not ratified by the USA and is only in effect by Obamas executive order which Trump can cancel) The reasons (some of them) for the USA withdrawal from the climate deal are listed here,  here and here, or here  ( renewable energy is still required for security risk analysis as back-up for big data and energy consuming cities etc) The EU has 'warned' the US and UK about the withdrawal (and Brexit) which some in the US said could take a few weeks to complete as a withdrawal. America wants a two way debate on the climate change issues.

India, China and Russia are increasing co2 emissions (and Coal. Coal for Russia and China increase by 20% ) and Russia is drilling in the Artic soon. Russia and China claim their renewable energy projects are offsetting the increased CO2, but it would require a 65 % increase in renewables to achieve this. Yet industrial development advancement is a race and there is war on which must be computed into motives and actions by all sides. There are no mass protests against Russia or China in the same manner but there is proof that many NGO's (and there are genuine NGO's) are paid by Russia and China to protest the West only ?

Russia and China do not want a competitor in these areas globally and would rather Obama and Clinton were in power.

The OBOR Eurasia plan is not just a trade deal, as Greece is allowing China to build its own deep water port after China has also bought Greek Islands, which can become 'Migrant harbours' and none of this could have occurred without the debt crisis and its handling. Tsipras (the Greek prime minster) move to allow China a port is a communist party decision with or without OBOR, yet Chinas economy is also in trouble in the world trade imbalance adjustment.

For Brexit, these problems including the unlikely adjustment German voters will want to make under Macrons new plan seem to re-enforce that Brexit was the right decision. The other emerging zone in the world is the Greater Israel project which is a huge area of investment and development which the City of London could procure for the new GI century. Investment and planning in this area could form a new boom and insight into development unparalleled in history.

The pressure in the EU to change its political approach and outlook has manifested in the Dutch and French and Irish leadership elections to date. (Ireland elect a new party leader before a general election) (see the last post-dated 12.05.2017)

A recent study has found the world economy is 60%likely to enter a recession in the next few months to one year, and this is without these considerations above but one in which America now seems far better placed to deal with. The economy in the EU is placed upon the unelected EU commission (hence the calls for a new constitution under Gd and especially by German reformers) who initiate, propose and repeal legislation without any input from the elected members of the parliament? including taxation issues.

Taxation is used to lobby unelected groups in EU countries to persuade and buy opinion and political parties agreement to comply with the EU. This aspect is also a part of the loan/debt agreement as the ECB which is not a bank as member of last resort. In other words development and political leaders are suggested as a condition of the political bailout loans we have seen in the last 10 years. In Ireland the decision to try to privatise but not with any real plan (with onerous charges) the water was put forward by Domingue Strauss Khan who is a socialist (so called) and who ran a prostitution ring in the EU. Via the IMF (but without IMF full insight it has emerged) This was not a private project for well-run water under liberalisation but a theft of a national asset. Ireland's debt deal or memorandum of understanding (page 30) and full fiscal consolidation (page 29) names Khan on page 2

Europol have just sent Ireland details of the paedophile ring of 360 people in the ongoing worldwide crimes against children investigations.

In Britain, the post word war 2 economy began to be over- regulated, in the EU the post-war economy boomed into massive production and prosperity by removing regulations. Today the EU has so many bureaucratic regulations that it is stifling competition and ruining its economy. Its protectionism exists - (and protectionism can cause many new businesses to begin grow in a moribund economy as Obama turned the USA into, but which eventually, exports need to compete) - without free trade and manufacturing with full supply chain manufacturing connected. For EU countries in the current system, the cost of living eventually rises but wages do not. Unemployment then begins to rise. This is a description of France. Germany gets around this by exporting a trade surplus and every EU could have a trade surplus bringing all economies up instead of forcing Germanys economy to fall by making all economies balance but lower. All EU countries with fiscal control could have a trade surplus and these trade surpluses need not end up as 'the butter mountains' or fruit / produce lakes (as occurred in the 1980's but which are returning again now as the EU system has not changed)  and hills but distributed for national consumption and cheaper prices. Yet in the EU to achieve this there is no indication that this will change, and fiscal independence is not on offer, hence Britain left the EU.

Swiss free trade agreements (FTA'S) and prosperity Swiss free trade agreements (FTA) provide an alternative to the current system i.e. a healthy wealthy society (but which can only exist outside the EU. The Swiss citizens are also armed against outside or internal forces, with secure borders and 12-year immigration waiting plan as legal immigration although work permits can begin straight away) Change the EU into Switzerland with a USA type constitution and this would benefit the West dramatically. Switzerland has population of 8.7 million people and almost the largest financial institutions in the world behind the City of London.

Britain can only go in this direction and expand as it has many areas which are derelict and run down and underfunded due to EU membership over the past 50 years. The Labour party will not take the economy in that direction into prosperity which all independent countries want (Tony Blair devastated industry also under EU membership) as it is a social political party not an economic labour party. Left-wing politics moved into non-economic platforms 30 years ago, neo Liberal policies produce's a stasis which conservatism and fiscal conservatism is obliged to correct. (Ireland can testify to that 2010 - 2017) The labour parties polices are poor and outdated, there is no economic plan.

(Repeated from the Brexit debate) Aside from the polls and its manipulation, officials have also been silenced and you would have to resign to tell the truth  i.e. John Longworth from the British chamber of Commerce which points to a central scandal of how the EU ruined (and is ruining Britain) Britain.

This area is the area reformers of all EU nations also want to change or leave i.e. an Elected EU Commission ( Spectator; Facts not Fear   Video, by Toby Young) The Veto in Britain (or lack of one) by a chamber of commerce also effects every country in the EU and which Britain has escaped from. Once fiscal stasis is placed upon a country then slow decline begins across EU countries. Therefore (as with any country in this system as it is) it is the best decision Britain (or any country) ever made when it chose to leave, but it has to go the Swiss route or similar for prosperity from the position it is in now, which can be studied and initiated not in five or two years but in weeks. (see also above on Brexit debate on price / wage controls as historical precedents) This website and chapter 3 and 3a, read down is a good guide to see through the nonsense, which Denmark, Norway and Finland avoided in their management of their economy and fiscal independence from the beginning of the post world war 2 Europe.

This is the incredible opportunity for Britain or any similar country now (as small business nation or a nation of shopkeepers)

FFor an insight into the 'social side' of the left so called consider 'Common Purpose' which originated as CP like communist party (as one example) which ironically spreads hate speech, sexism and racism but most all subjugation whilst claiming to remove prejudices (and training of some 'social justice workers') and is an organisational factor for events such as the Rotherham labor council Islamic child trafficking scandals and other lunatic depraved ideas. It is opposed in Britain and in Europe although it originated in the EU but was global and not just from Germany to subjugate all EU countries and Britain and it exists in every country ('common purpose' as one of many it is now supposedly defunct originated much further east ) Its the type of organisation depicted in the Chitty Chitty bang bang novel as an analogy. They spread fear as a means of silencing free speech and communications across communities and countries in effect closing them down (see chapter 6 below and the care homes scandals are real and happened as is all recorded, but some of the victims have been undermined as occurs in these matters) 

Today a modern form of it is trying to wrap itself around the places of power in Government in London (and elsewhere) as Islam fronted by liberalism, like a blight. Sadiq Khans desire to make London the capital a separate country is the same mantra as Shalid Malik and MP for Labour in Dewsbury. First massive immigration, then tolerance then the emergence of a Islamic totalitarian state as ordered by Obama (and rejected now by the USA) in his speech to the EU in 2014. The capital is a separate country to most of Britain now ? but why ? This is evident see the sharia Islamic state in the London attacks of 3.6.2017  and taking back power from totalitarians causes the blight to emerge in attacks such as Manchester, Paris, Belgium and London (who react when discovered) and the millions of Christians around the world since 9/11 displaced and killed.

Two days after the Manchester bombings (24.05.2017) 9 Christians singled out as Christians were killed in Marawi in the Philippines, two days before 29 were killed and 23 injured in the shooting of the Christians on the way to the Coptic monastery on the 26.05.2017. On the 3.6.2017 people attending a funeral of those killed by Islam are killed at the funeral (5 known dead so far and 100 wounded) by another suicide bomber in Kabul Afghanistan.  They were all killed by Islamic terrorists.

An Islamist,  Shalid Malik and MP for Labour in Dewsbury (or here) has called for the overthrow of Britain as an MP, to be succeeded by an Islamic sharia law government. This in any country and against any country is treason. It's incredible and beyond belief but it is not in a radical terrorist mosque but at a labour party gathering and they want you to vote for it ? Islam pushing liberalism.

What is Islam actually, is it a cult?Throughout this website it is related and at this time of 'Ramadan' in Mecca, Saudi Arabia (the apartheid state) that Moslems do not know what faith they have. 'Rama (dan)' is the Hindu god of Lord Vishnu re-incarnated. Rama is also the Vedic Gd of Egypt Rama which became Ramses or RamEisus the descendants of Rama. Vishnu (or here in regular form) in his form of many arms for war. Islam is in fact a form of abridged and mono gd Hinduism, but which Mohammad failed to clear from Mecca and the Kaaba stone. Hagar (the Egyptian princess / concubine of Abraham) and Ismael are buried at the Kaaba stone. Circling the Kaaba stone people circulate and line up, to in effect kiss the Vulva of Hagar. The problem is the Hindu practice of the Shiva Linga has been incorporated into Moslem belief just as the erroneous belief that Mohammed's daughter Fatima spoke as if she was Mary the mother of God at Fatima in Portugal. The 3 parts of the ShivaLinga are mystical aspects of Hinduism. Buddhism grew out of Hinduism as the new middle way. The black stone or grey stone or sometimes white stone and receptacle represents the Male and Female Genitals of Shiva and Pavarti  the black and white or opposite colors such as the yin and yang of Buddhism and Taoism. (and not tribal identity) Above this largely unknown fact are the mystical sacred geometry features of the Kaaba itself and above this the higher forms of Alchemet (Khemet the ancient name of Egypt) and the drug induced claim that Mohammed flew to Jerusalem on a peacock/woman/horse. Mohammed was not in Jerusalem and has no claim to it.  This is aside from the disputed Shia / Sunni lines back to Mohammed and further back to Abraham and Hagar (Abraham and Sarah or Bramha and Saraswati ) of Indian 'Brahmin' tradition who traveled and influenced the middle and far east and the European and Celtic traditions. Abraham the father of many nations. This Islamic Hinduism is not the original pure form of Hinduism (and is not known as the faith by Muslims)  and neither is the Iran / Aryan Islamic tradition. Only the Vedic tradition has that claim. Judeo - Christianity has a clearer belief on these traceable and seemingly disconnected matters and is the final revelation and true insight into Gd or YWHW

It is a cult and a hybrid and the current cult leader in Britain is Jeremy Corbyn. He may not be aware of it but is in any case unsure of whether to stay in the EU or leave. Whichever it is and without a renewed return to manufacturing and world trade deals the prospect of derelict Britain under the confused cult like slavery of Islam is not very appealing. The Swiss model or similar (as a presentation of what is possible) is a far stronger option and many towns around Britain and outside of the City of London can Yodel (to analogize) just as well in regional development. (Wales or Humberside for example) 

In Ireland and Fine Gael the first 'openly gay leader' of Fine Gael was elected (as leader elect of Fine Gael until a general election. Just as Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump were chosen to be party nominations, but were not elected as President until a general election. Currently nominating the Taoiseach by the Dail which is the parliament instead of a national election by the people could occur. The previous election in 2017 resulted in narrow majorities and a  near hung parliament ) Initially the vote was thought like the Emmanuel Macron (who supports LGBT rights also) campaign to be around 65% for Leo Varadkar and 25  % for Simon Coveney. (the only two people who went forward in the race) His lead was at first unassailable and this was reported as such every day in the press, with Fine Gael admitting they needed a 'progressive face' for votes in the election. (The Irish Times says)  "Bottom line for many parliamentary party members is which face on the election poster is most likely to save their seats" This statement is not very flattering to Simon Coveney (bias) or even Leo Vradaker for that matter. It also does not take the candidates on their (both are politically qualified to run) merits which are a separate issue but as political types. (and for instance Trudeau is till denying the Christian genocide in the middle east as Obama also has denied but who with Clinton is responsible for it. Macron supports LGBT rights with Obama and Trudeau)  Ireland is also like France, without fiscal sovereignty.  

Simon Coveney during the race was asked to quit every day. The final result was very close and Simon Coveney won the grassroots support in the various stages and voting bodies, and with 65% of the parliamentary party (1/3 of the process) voting for Coveney  defeating Leo Vradaker. It may signal a general election on the policies they discussed (which is also Fianna Fails option the opposition party) and/or further leadership challenges. Ireland still has a massive rebuilding programme to undertake across its rural areas still, after the economic hardships. Leo has flipped flopped on abortion issues the pro-life party claim. (see also last post dated 12.05.2017 and the Savita Halappanavar abortion fraud and the separate abortion that never was in the ongoing case) There are voices in Ireland constantly saying we must have 'some kind of abortion' we just must have it?. Leo Vradaker has to now admit that in Christian democracies he has not suffered prejudice  'in the Republic' but see Breda O'Brian's view on the Christian Genocide . Cases of vindictive suing and legal actions against Churches continue (and which caused a backlash in the USA) funded by large lobby groups, and also persecution against Christians (ostracization, denied employment and opportunities in prejudicial discrimination in many thousands of cases. 'Hetro' - phobia is alive and well see adjacent website and chapter 4 and heading 'family planning' and North Korea in chapter 5)

More and more escape victims worldwide are speaking out on the controlled and brutally conditioned life in NK but the strategic patience era has ended as North Korea is named a 'clear and present danger'  including China 03/06/2017 

Behind all of the EU political nuances, and since Brexit, the left in the EU has been rebranded along progressive cult lines- (last video 'This video is becoming a reality day by day! By Neel Kolhatkar)' ) - as so called center right parties who are not ? and who are a poor neurotic copy of real political parties ( what is Cultural Marxism video  and the new - ish, progressive stack assessment  method which is as crazy as Cultural Marxism can get....people hope) 

World Christian leaders and the prejudice against the church has not been resolved. The 3 world faiths including the Torah or Judaism forbids Gay marriage, which has been condemned by the Pope, the Queen of England as head of the Church of England and by the Kirk and DUP,  Democratic Unionist Party but not Gay Human rights and/or the Gay church, (churches have numerous denominations) Respect for the rights of the Christian Church are also equally required. Islam also bans gay marriage completely but Christian lands do not prevent civil licence unless it is against a faith or conscience.

05.07.2017 Scoring several 'minus points' progressively (see 2 paragraphs above)but adding many more for factual correct reporting is Pastor James McConnell  whilst Islamic preachers (who are neither Islam as is presented or Hindu) openly blaspheme against Christians in the street without a court case every day because they  are prejudiced. Labour do not have an economic plan (article from early 2015) only a social platform which denies genocide, and to contribute to the decline of the West. They are  not standing for election to improve society over 5 or 10 years but to continue more of the same, hoping each generation will fall for it. The policies, which did not work even when they were in the EU, but lead to a great deception in which Union leaders were more concerned about earning £200,000 a year + agonizing over whether they male or female or what sex they are, whilst towns and children in Britain were being trafficked by Islamic criminals. Unaccountable deficit spending like the temporary Quantitative easing programme, is a progressive non economic answer, but it has failed and leads nowhere. The current delays and subversion of the Brexit vote to leave when watched closely is indicative of the political machine against the deemings and magna carta in action.

In the USA Bill Clinton and Obama (Russia has no checks and balances) and the Muslim Brotherhood (without any protest by the left) signed hundreds of thousands of executive orders, so many executive orders as to nullify the US constitution and military beyond recognition and to erase the US constitution and reduce it. It is being restored by executive order with congressional constitutional authority and statute, and by constitutional legislation, until the US constitution returns in force, with full constitutional debate. A dictator who is a good person or beneficial to a country is better than a dead bureaucracy, the US constitution allows for liberty and freedom under Gd ( but not freedom to allow child or female trafficking for example) The illusive rule of law but with freedom.

Repeated from 1.May.2017 post above." Denmark on the other hand is only pegged in its currency (the Kroner) to the Euro and is set to experience growth and has eliminated its total foreign debt. World debt according to the IMF is $152 Trillion and Norway has produced a wealth fund now worth $8 Trillion for its people (as opposed to deficit spending for a snowy day) " The Swiss model and similar in Denmark (which pays down its debt to zero, a feat no Labour government will ever do) and Norway has provided long lasting prosperity.

Economic development in left wing polices are a long way behind (and which are nonsense in most cases) social policies in order of importance.

In France and Britain, the same economic and political problems which brought about Brexit also exist now in France and much more acutely in France and Germany is not showing any signs it wants to downscale its economy. Reform the EU or leaving the EU, seems to be the only current options although this may change in France and the EU by September 2017 and which may get a new EU constitution.


7.6.2017  (British elections) Pensions and the Socialist party in Greece. A case in point regarding how to pay for economic promises of the left and the real economic delusions which are put forward by political parties. Today in Greece which has been plundered in its 'austerity' without any real defense by Alex Tsipras the Greek communist Prime - Minster in the last month, and the pension plan being plundered  also under Tsipras in May 2015. Today pensioners have barely enough to live on and pensions are cut and taxes are increased yet again. 

Jeremy Corbyn and Alex Tsipras (pensions and economic collapse) are fine however they do not feel the austerity under the Communist party. Under the current Greek government the proportion of Greek wages for pensions is 75% and its pensioners are out protesting when they should be enjoying retirement. (they do not have time for fake news or news which is not on the mainstream) Without  a long term plan for economic recovery and growth   (realism) the EU and Europe can still accommodate Corbyn and Tsipras (Just as Neil Kinnock failed in his elections but was given an EU job regardless) 

In 2013 Venezuela was announced as the best pension system in Latin America. 3 years later in 2016 the payments to retirees had completely stopped. (its like the US health care debate. Unemployed people of course need healthcare, but working people may prefer mixed private systems with low payments ) Venezuela needs medical aid to help  its unemployed from the USA and elsewhere (most of the country ) who are foraging for food whilst the army in the breakdown have killed up to 50 people as the country riots for food and a change of government. Wages cannot afford weekly food bills. Chinese communist cash has contributed to the breakdown and corruption in the army  includes trafficking for food. 

Whilst one crisis (and you can include China which is on the verge in its debt) in Venezuela for Jeremy Corbyn  is sobering, the Greek disaster (and you can read the build up and negotiations of the socialist Communist government who capitulated. They have signed over everything,see on the adjacent website and chapter 2 from July 2015 on Greece in detail, after the Irish banking inquiry heading) and the lack of realistic appreciation for what the people of Venezuela and Greece have been through (and Spain, Italy and Portugal) is incredible. It is more than a higher life expectancy problem,(as many pensioners over 100 years old will tell you and who have lived well today) it is an economy where pension worries are second to finding food every day ( and various degrees in between the extremes)  

Contrast it again against the Denmark and Norway models (Norway who also suffered a oil price decline but managed to steer through it and then increase their pension fund 6 times its previous value, 7 paras up or so ) which were worked for in independence, and the Swiss FTA trade deals (about 20 paragraphs up and which are flexible and numerous ) and then look at what happens in reality in Greece and Venezuela. The rest of the world including the EU, also has pension problems  and without collpase have managed somewhat better.

The reality is in Britain today unemployment is at a very low level and the day after Brexit, people said they never felt so free and relieved.


10.06.2017 The French National Parliament Elections on 11.06.2017 and 18.06.2017. Please see posts above dated 01.05.2017, 12.05.2017 & 28. 05.2017. After Manuel Macrons election and installation of President, voters turn to the national parliament elections. The Question remains with Germany and the posts above can remind of what was promised and what is possible. If Germany does not change its economy then Emmanuel's promises are in error. One view of Germany is it may opt to exit the Eurozone and the wider consideration of  the 'Euro Bonds mutualisation scheme' or Eurobonds for fiscal union (the mutualisation of debt) Also to be considered within this (although the new mutualisation scheme is a less onerous) are the demands to be placed upon countries under one version of fiscal union. (video; the shocking truth of the pending eu collpase, make viral all !!)  from 2011 and which has not occurred as yet. Some suggest Germany's trade surplus is not the problem (as of course Germany does not to reduce its profit for others, when others should become profitable themselves, and Germany does not want to pay for bailouts or trade imbalance corrections as any country would not) Others suggests Macrons plan has in Germany already been rejected and by voters also. Bringing fiscal union without a Constitution and voting of commissioners is putting people off any financial plan going forward.

This leaves liberalization and transformation of the French economy as a severe option which Macron will roll out in pieces over the years. Working out if the cutbacks will build the economy up and lead to 100% employment and a Danish / Norwegian type economy, or it will lead to a liberalization which looks like Greece or Venezuela is the dilemma French voters must work out. He said this in 2014 as minister for finance, basically saying the economy must be liberalized but to socialists that it would not be liberalized. Yet if that is the case it could be achieved without Germany deflating its trade surplus ? but macron is asking this from Germany, so something does not add up ? What would Jeanne d' Arc do ?


Britain General election 8/9.06.2017 results. The Conservative party lost 13 seats and Labour gained 30 seats.The full results are her The Conservative party have formed an informal alliance with the Democratic Union Party adding 10 seats to the total. Conservatives are 318 seats (+10 OR 328 more than all other parties combined) and Labour are 262, with the SNP as Scotland's largest party but who had severe losses also. In effect the conservatives are only 3 seats shy of their previous total and 16 seats of the Labour total did not come from Conservative areas. In effect Labour have lost the election. 
The polls announced on May 26th stated that the conservatives would only have 2 seat majority , but  on the 8th June a possible 96 seat majority.  was predicted. They won a 56 seat majority with 10 = 68. The nearest pundit to this was Nigel Farage who suggested 60 seats on June 2nd 2017.

The DUP are suggesting changes to education to include evolution, intelligent design and creation as part of the syllabus from 5 years of age into University, and other ideas. Children love these subjects given the full and unbiased chance to compare them as they are real and expansive stimulating subjects, and it is fair to have all sides of the debate. 

For French Nationals, the labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is a pro Brexit nationalist, yet also remains a Stalinist with a hint of Trotsky (Trotsky was killed by Stalin) Corbyn is not a Leninist as unlike Lenin, he has not suggested a red terror armed uprising having lost the election, as yet)  An open letter was posted to Jeremy Corbyn before the election concerning the ongoing child abuse scandals. Stalin like Putin was also against gay marriage and as yet no gay marriages are suggested in Islamic Mosques ? with court actions and angst forcing them to comply ? by the left or by Corbyn and the Labour party ? In Russia the Churches are not confused on these issues, dont cross the bear . Bernie Sanders (the Democrats alternative nominee to Clinton) congratulated Jeremy Corbyn and admitted he, Obama and Clinton were the Russian moles in the USA, and the furor against Trump was just typical soviet propaganda. Loretta Lynch and Obama ordered the FBI not to investigate Clinton according to James Comey (a new FBI director is proposed Christopher Wray) Obama's green energy company went bust owing a fortune to taxpayers. Democracy is only 'progressive' in the minds of the left. 

For Brexit the negotiations according to George Soros will take 5 years or never (see post above dated 3.6.2017) and in the EU some suggest two more years or 3. Alexander faced with the Gordian Knot dilemma made it immediate. The Brexit debate will now be more focused as a result of the election and the opportunities or types of an economic model are (as a few examples) described in the previous post dated 7.6.2017. The reality is, every EU country wishes it could have the same opportunity.



French election, German Elections, Brexit & British elections and '7/7' 2005 

12 years after the 7/7 bombings in 2005 carried by Islamic bombers from the Pakistan ISI in London, the events of the day and a full public inquiry have not followed the attacks which killed 56 people and injured 700. Survivors pay tribute today. The events are described here and the location is described here ( a 5th bomb was due to explode south of the University of London or ULU later that day and also within the Marxist conference itself ) 

The four bombs exploded around the Marxist conference at the University of London North, East, West and South of this conference (a 5th bomb south never occurred) which is currently on again now (6-9. 7 .2017) and which as an atrocity described in greater detail at the beginning of Chapter 3 above. The events of 7/7 in 2005 also coincided with the 'Make Poverty History' marches around Scotland and Britain and the world and many tens of thousands were aiming to be at the Marxist conference that day but were prevented by the bombing and total chaos that followed all over London. Some of these groups also included Christian groups. 

Today if the Marxist conference was fully inclusive then they would also include groups from the right of political views and some Christian groups do attend the conference but the dogmatic approach to inclusion excludes those who do not share all of certain views. Thus it discriminates. Yet hopefully this post dated today (and over the next two days or so ) and items on this website can help to breach that divide and also honour the people who died or who were injured. Providing a full picture on economics and social justice theories and truths. The G20 summit and riots are on in Hamburg Germany with Barack Obama who is the ex - president ? (President Trump also joins the debate) the following videos from Obama (Barry Soetoro have emerged regarding his birth in Kenya and collusion with Russia over Syria and the Ukraine but which are still denied by Obama despite being from his own speech ? and which also goes to the heart of the Christian genocide he, Clinton and Huma Abeddin and the Muslim Brotherhood are responsible for) This occurs as the EU banking crisis deepens (behind the quantitative easing mirage)  and not just in Greece, and banking moves away from traditional banking methods.

The British  general election results were carried through to the Queens Speech and the subsequent vote was carried by 14 votes from 321 to 309, but the Labour amendment vote, to include staying in the common market (as opposed to leaving the EU completely) passed by 322 to 101 votes (to amend the final blueprint plan) Jeremy Corbyn had to sack front benchers who rebelled against him as he is (now) clearly pro-brexit and against Keynesian deficit spending ? Actually he is not ? and that system is his and the EU's only economic plan, which crashed under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (labour) leading to the current austerity measures. Deficit spending, without paying the deficit down looks initially like a boom but it is not, in the medium or long term. This is why left wing governments promise everything in the initial loan (deficit) but are not around when it has to be dealt with or paid back. You can build a deficit and pay it down providing all services and needs but that is not the lefts planning model. High taxation to pay for services only scratches the surface of the money required for them, whereas lower taxation increases spending which creates prosperity and ability to pay. Denmark and Norway have higher taxes but the wealth fund in Norway (now valued at over 6 Trillion) has made them millionaires, whilst Denmark paid down its debts (Britain accrues debts decade after decade) 

Clearly the British general election was not about Brexit, (as reflected in the 322 to 101 vote above) but about economics and leaving and staying outside of the EU. The truth is the EU wanted to make an example of Britain (and stems from the two world wars) and ruin it. Currently the tax / low wage model with added taxes from local authorities (which are numerous and getting higher to the point people cannot afford food. These are largely labour run but who see no option until corruption ( Rotherham and many others) become 'Gulag fortress of oppression zones known as municipalities which have increased every type of taxation possible.  Having an economy which takes oil proceeds temporarily at local authority level for a time to allow people to breathe and them moving back to boroughs and towns (which is how England was created see chapter 3 above and Brexit) until manufacturing and jobs to 100% are created is how Denmark / Norway get by. It was not the euro or the currency but the pegging of the Danish currency and separating its fiscal policy with more control i.e. outside of the EU (other EU countries cannot do this) 

Numerous new small business's and tax on this larger activity is how poverty is broken. Denmark has paid off its debts and can lower taxes. This is another option or a mix of the two until the mess is over. Clearly the bedroom tax and 'dementia'  tax are bonkers (some people cannot remember if it was paid or have tried to pay it four times !, many sons and grandchildren having to help Grandad and Garndma) Britain and the NHS was built for 25 to 30 million people not 65 million and others using it for free worldwide.  No economic plan would have been allowed to succeed within the EU, and forced immigration was/is a policy to replace the current majority inhabitants. 

The Queens speech called for a new infrastructure plan which is getting down to the problem in England or any country (look it up here on you tube

One statistic which stands out in the general election is the amount of Gay Mps (members of parliament ) now in the House of Commons and which were brought forward into electable positions. Out of 650 mps in the commons 45 are now gay which is  7%  in real actual terms as in last the gay news link. Gays represent 2%(or less) worlds population and 2% (or less) would be around 12 mps (even at 100% representation levels which never occurs in any situation and there are 3 times or 5 times the 'average' ) Here in gay news the figures are different again i.e. 61 mps are gay ? This is clearly bigoted discrimination against Heterosexuals and in favor of the gay case, and is not happening naturally. Gays get extra assurances ? which the 98% of people do not ? Is their an agenda above the norm ?

Of course these are not Christian marriages and the Church has a right to refuse and ministers within it who should be heterosexual, this is in Jewish, Christian and Moslem writings and in common sense. Politicians and those who assist politicians in this false situation are undermining the church. That is the position of the church and gay marriage has been condemned by the Pope, the Queen of England as head of the Church of England and by the Kirk and DUP, Democratic Unionist Party. The church of course can separate itself  from Gay marriage.

Others include the Serbian prime minster who is the first Serbian minister to be gay. Then there is Justin Trudeau and Obama  and Frau Angela Merkel who has long pretended to be a conservative but has said gay marriage can occur (but in a Christian Church ? or not) but voted against it ? Malta is set to vote on Gay Marriage in July 12th.

Take a recent example from Justin Trudeau world and Kori Doty which is in the media and its hard to  know if its real or a fake news item. The baby of course like Kory was born with a real gender thanks to nature and/or God. Kori also experimented (he says) with Psychedelic drugs, suffered mental illness and (or words to that effect) lost the plot. 

Justin Trudeau World also includes the possibility that social workers can remove children whose parents do not want them to transgender (bill89) and in France a gay couple can adopt a child, whilst Trudeau in Canada bans offensive words in the bible (on sodomy and homosexuality) in schools and anywhere, but gays have rewritten the bible anyway. In the real world Trudeau has forgone national security and then lied about it ? whilst being unable to answer anything on Parliament issues (except migration and lgbt)but will pay terrorists $10 million in'compensation'   and in the USA the cult (and it acts like a cult even at local level) is teaching 9 year olds 8th garders  all about LGBT sex. (should children be armed as well as adults) 

The War on the church began by a few individuals such as McKinsey and is deliberate as a deception and Obama as a Muslim set the ground for it (a man who lies about his birth place etc) The vote in Malta following from Canada also seeks to alter speech and gender pronouns so that you cannot refer to babies as boy or girl or male and female. In Malta " In the bill, references to "wife," "husband," "mother" and "father" will be scrapped and changed to gender-neutral terms such as "parent" and "spouse."  Remember social workers now have the right to lie and the people and politicians who formulated that law are also liars. It is simpler to ignore gender pronouns and lock away those who made this law in a mental institution. This why French courts made the following law. Gender pronouns are hate speech and in the USA 'Hate speech' as mentioned narrowly defined by the communist vanguard has recently been rejected by the US supreme court as an 'exception' to the 1st amendment (19.6.2017 in  in Matal v. Tam, the "Slants" case:) Call children by their true gender and keep them as far as possible from these deceptive and sinister idiots. It is child abuse and incredibly mad.

In Britain not one of the 45 or 61 gay mps are pressing for gay marriage in Mosques since the general election one month ago or before, because Islam is pushing this through the fabian marxist movement. 

Obama since Brexit which has changed EU politics for ever has toured Europe pushing gay marriage and saying only liberalism will do there is no other choice (or only his way) he is a criminal. 

08.07.2017 The Irish abortion debate and 80,000 people in the anti – abortion demonstrations against abortion in Ireland. French 2nd round elections, the Italian local elections and Germany

As is shown from the statistics above Gays are not oppressed? 

(not 70 but 80,000 marched in Dublin on the 1.7.2017)  

A group which are oppressed and murdered daily are the unborn. The surreal and Stalinist type scenario around the case and the lies surrounding the 'Savita Halappanavar' abortion case (right out of North Korea brainwashing methods) and the connected abortion that never was is truly disgusting. It is mentioned here in full in the post dated 28.05.2017 above under the heading ' The abortion in Ireland  that never was ? and gay and Christian rights'

Contraception disguised as a medical procedure which basically constitutes mass murder in the abortion clinics such as Marie Stokes meat factories and soon under the Tusla advice clinic with Chuck Feeney the generous Billionaire. A peoples committee was formed and they (alone) found abortion is good and the save the 8th clause should be removed which basically protects baby's rights. On the one hand the committee condemns George Soros for his politics but he is pushing the abortion referendum in Ireland. They claim to have returned the money and it is not just in Ireland, Soros and really it is the left agenda which proceeds and who use extreme tactics to ensure the young do not realise what is going on.

This is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) in the USA who opposes being told by the government that is he legally obliged for the following (passed last year and the one of the real Obamacare motives) ALL Doctors, Health care centres and Pharmacists are legally obliged to inform woman of abortions for them. This has been the case for generations in Britain and Europe. There are no alternative advice centres (and rival anti-abortion clinics could be set in just as many numbers and receive funding to be anti – abortion clinics) in law to advise woman and young girls. Dr Robert Lawlor can lose his license to be a Doctor (or lesser penalties are financial fines) There are no fines or prison for recommending abortion. 

However, if you want funding to have a sex change, brainwash children into believing they are gay or the wrong sex, or seek to remove 'gender pronouns' you can get all the funding you like. If you do change your sex which basically involves surgically removing genitals, and ingesting feminine  hormones and dressing in a dress and a wig but does not change your sex, you can go forward and get funding for new womb experiments (which are ongoing and research is costing billions and billions and is part of the transhumanism gay religion cult which even many gays are not aware of. The reason it is morphed with LGBT is the architects of the billion-dollar industry use the gay phobia to change sex as an ideal candidate for experiments. Stem cells are important also but LGBT do not oblige by conceiving stem cells and that product requires the preferably young to get pregnant and drop the specimen at the abortion clinic. The specimen no matter how long the term is murdered and late terms are beheaded in the vaginal tract) and hope that one day your new ass can make a baby. Yes, that's right, and if Doctors were to step in then and advise abortion they would be castigated as monsters ?? bigots and baby killers. It is of course the worst insult to give a child and changing a child's parental sex is also cruel and inhumane.

This is a real example of an employee in an abortion clinic in the USA. (it seems staged but it, and he are real) These people hate woman. Babies (people) you and me begin life at conception  as is evident and see video here 

It is illegal (rightly so ) to destroy an eagle egg and you can be fined, but you can rip a baby out of a womb with no consequences.

As mentioned in the Gay MP's (45 or 61 MPS depending on which one you read) statistics above they are equally split between the labour party and conservative and a few others. In the UK general election, the outrage only concerned the cost of travelling from Ulster to an abortion clinic out of Ulster (£1400 pounds for a life) but is now offered for free as the only concern.

One MP (conservative?) Ruth Davidson (shortly to marry and a Christian she says ) says that the current abortion law is "about right" ?  (scroll down about 8th lady down) yet (and this applies to all of the gay MPs) would she place her head between her partners legs (or gay men MPs) and let a third party behead them. NO ? well then why would you do this to a baby ?, the gay lobby and MPs and others should not be advising the heterosexual community (families, children and the entire 98% of the world) or any matter connected to family health. Artificial insemination is not conceiving naturally in Christianity (and people who cannot conceive are not the same, as the same genders not conceiving) Judaism and Islam. It's crazy and surreal stuff and the LGBT religion is not Christianity. Same sex marriage is not a Christian marriage catholic or protestant.

The abortion clinics should be closed down and a new 'health' outlook debated and new impartial advice centers opened (which removes conception and the unborn from profiteering so the unborn get a 'choice' and an honesty as to where heterosexual relationships lead)

After 80,000 marched in Dublin and the press have lied to the Irish public of this issue then should either step down and hold a general election. The Gay marriage referendum was pushed by a few people including Irelands ex – Presidents gay sons which have had to change the whole Island and are trying to force Ulster to have gay marriage and abortion and change the entire religion of Christianity just to get their way (with Chuck Feeney and others) In fact the abortion debate has been hijacked by the 'middle class' (including the 'useful idiots') 

In the Marxism 2017 in ULU not one candidate/speaker (Marxism 2017) took the side of the unborn or traditional marriage (Islam was represented with many speakers, but who do not believe in Gay marriage or abortion officially. They share the same platform and views as many labour and 'conservative' 'MPs)

In Ireland Leo Vradkers (Ireland's first openly gay taoiseach / prime minster) appointed health minister Simon Harris and Leo are both pro – abortion and want either a referendum on removing the 8th amendment (which protects the unborn) asap or ....unspecified. ? In the USA Roe versus wade was a supreme court decision, in favor of abortion decades ago, but the woman (Jane Roe) at the center of the scandal actually kept her baby, and is glad she did. She later found Gd and admitted the whole abortion scam was a lie. What is the motive by Vradker and Harris on abortion (its not to protect woman as the number of abortions obviously show, see next and from Dr Robert Lawlor's testimony above, as many other Doctors and related services state and the side effects of abortions are never considered)

There are 22 million abortions worldwide this year (08/07/2017) in a holocaust and many are for stem cells. Disgusting and mentally questionable attitudes and policies, and in the EU as we will see, it can refuse funds to those countries who do not follow the liberal Marxist agenda   

They should stepdown or hold a general election in Ireland asap or end the abortion charade.


(Inserted on 12.08.2017) Church rights and the Irish referendum 'committee on abortion'

Since the 80,000 strong march against abortion on the 1.7.2017, both Leo Vradker (the Irish Taoiseach) and Simon Harris are now maintaining they are not pro-abortion, yet this is denied by the pro-life campaign. (see post above dated 8.7.2017) The referendum is an ongoing topic, as are the lies surrounding the 'Savita Halappanavar' abortion case, contrast that investigation against the article in the Journal dated June 7th 2016 and nearly every article on the subject by The Irish Times to date and into 2018. The Irish times are now running high billboards (2.8.2017) for the repeal the 8th as a definite bias and they should be forced to retract and apologise for the Savita story. Pro -Choice senator (appointed by Leo Vradker) Senator, Catherine Noone, is the chair of the committee on 'abortion' (no bias there)

Leo Vradker is also advising the 'Church'  as a gay half Hindu, half Roman Catholic man, what if (in the following hypothetical scenario of course) western armed militants burst into Hindu shrines and forced Hindus to marry a lesbian nun or gay priest, or face Jesuit retribution ? or from a different perspective ask each Priest to marry a (or declared intent to marry only) woman (not a man ) before being ordained and that was ignored, would people think hold on ? this is not right is it, or is this anything to do with the church and bible, as they cannot find it in the Protestant or Roman Catholic bible ?  Leo Vradkers advice to the church in Ulster is also advice to the church in the South ? as yet he has not faced a public election in either province and is only elected by the Fine Gael party in the south and narrowly ?

The incredible explosion globally and total list of gay marriage's law challenges in 2016/2017 is a strange tale and one without transparent democracy. The latest example is the 'gay marriage debate' in Malta.  "Parliament voted gay marriage into law, through the Marriage Equality Bill, last Wednesday. The legislation is not as such create a whole new law but amends many clauses across Maltese legal codes to replace gender specific terminology such as 'husband' and 'wife' into 'spouse'" it was" In other words the head MP forced the others to vote for gay marriage rather than purely the Maltese people, it passed by 66 to 1 (only 1 person was moved to stand up and object) and now legally the next step would be to force all genders to be obsolete as an act of anarchy not truth or genetic science or 'love' Germany ratified gay marriage but not adoption of children (both law changes occurred in Malta and Germany in June / July 2017) but has stopped short of letting gay men or woman adopt a child as of course to deprive a child of both sexes as a parent is cruel and child abuse. The following statement was made " It means that traditionally in Germany the legal definition of two parents is a mother and a father " and it is this which is the real target in this debate to change this obvious 'tradition' a word which implies it is old fashioned or odd. It is in fact the future obviously, and this despite a ruling in the UK courts which claims children on the 25.07.2017 belong to the 'state' and not parents ? 

Mexico also changed its mind over two months. Despite thousands marching in protest in November 2016 (and with the support of the Pope) the will of the people in Mexico was ignored and parliament voted for gay marriage by Feb/March 2017, in a very one - sided vote of people who were afraid for their careers etc. All parties had previously rejected it the year before in November 2017, when they had changed their minds and they could do so again. Is their some force being brought to bear (such as Obama threats or gay bribery going on)

The Serbian prime-minster is now gay as the first gay prime-minster (June 2017) this despite anti-gay riots in 2010 ?. The lgbt timeline tells another story.

In Britain the gay Members of Parliament exceed statistical averages. (to repeat from post-dated 7.7.2017)   One statistic which stands out in the general election is the amount of Gay MPs (members of parliament) now in the House of Commons and which were brought forward into electable positions. Out of 650 MPs in the commons 45 are now gay which is  7%  in real actual terms as in last the gay news link. Gays represent 2%(or less) world's population and 2% (or less) would be around 12 MPs (even at 100% representation levels which never occurs in any situation and there are 3 times or 5 times the 'average' ) Here in gay news the figures are different again i.e. 61 MPs are gay ? This is clearly bigoted discrimination against Heterosexuals and in favour of the gay case, and is not happening naturally. Gays get extra assurances ? which the 98% of people do not ? Is there an agenda above the norm ?

(None of the Gay MP's are pushing or forcing Gay marriage on Moslem Mosques ? anywhere)

Of course these are not Christian marriages and the Church has a right to refuse and ministers within it who should be heterosexual, this is in Jewish, Christian and Moslem writings and in common sense. Parents (birth parents) have the right to refuse their child being indoctrinated into 'regendering sex education' for homosexuals, just as they are primary and legal carers for children. Politicians and those who assist politicians in this false situation are undermining the church. That is the position of the church and gay marriage has been condemned by the Pope, the Queen of England as head of the Church of England and by the Kirk and DUP, Democratic Unionist Party. The church of course can separate itself  from Gay marriage. The Pope is under immense pressure by conservative clergy to ban gay marriages in the background throughout the Roman Catholic church (not just reaction since Vatican 2) to say what the bible teaches consistently or stand down.

Incredibly the left are now pushing gay marriage which is not a traditional pursuit ? (still banned by the church in Russia and banned in China's communist party) Today in Justin Trudeau world who leads the LGBT community some suggest, it is little known that his mentor Castro and with Guevara executed and interred Homosexuals.  There is no scientific proof of more than 2 genders (but that does not stop the anarchists) and in Toronto Justin Trudeau and his father (Pierre Trudeau) long admirers of Fidel & Raul Castro and Guevara, does not mention Castro had homosexuals shot and interned in camps. Here is Trudeau who is a communist….but 'progressive' (see the following video 'here's the nasty truth about Castro's about Castro's homosexual internment camps') This remains the ideology of China and Putin today (Russia) and many others (i.e. gay marriage etc) as they believe it corrupts society (and gay marriage is banned) but support active measures to push it down the throats of the west.

The transhumanist LGBT religion is a cult, and the harm it is doing to children is according to the FBI officially a danger to children, (The American College of Paediatricians) (or here) See also the documentary of Kinsey below. The insidious related other area of the paedophile racket which seek to convince children they are gay (which you can receive as treatment for on the national health service in Britain) The 3% may seek to create a new world without the 97% in the ultimate delusion in which they are ultimately exploited. To repeat Camilla Page who is gay herself (next paragraph)

"Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm; therein rests its eternally revolutionary character Queer theorists - that wizened crew of flimflamming free-loaders - have tried to take the post structuralist tack of claiming that there is no norm, since everything is relative and contingent. This is the kind of silly bind that word-obsessed people get into when they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the outside world. Nature exists, whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction, no fancy linguistic game-playing can change that biologic fact."

The American College of Paediatricians  has given its weight (or here) to the same sex marriage debate and the transgender cult, and they are a reputable and professional organisation.

The sexualisation of children which seeks to enter all areas of a child's education is also subverting laws in any way it can. Ongoing from 2011 (increased activity since Jimmy Saville was caught and he was one of several thousand at that time including many 'celebrities' ) are the continuing arrest of paedophiles worldwide (trafficking at home and abroad) and which will continue into 2017 and 2018 and beyond. On a prevalent and parallel level this aim of re-gendering is aided by destroying gender and making new non existent gender pronouns enforceable by law (as Trudeau wants to enforce in Canada) as perversion like subversion. Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary

It leads to the 'paedophile gender'  which naturally follows on from the 'gender pronoun cult'  and the ever increasing layers of identity  (to find last video; "BRILLIANT: German Politician Mocks PC, Addresses Parliament in 60 Different Genders" in you tube) reducing the age of consent movements, and Children are prey to them the law and culture changes are a part of the 'modus operandi' ('MO' ) and all, without scientific or moral reasoning except a desire to fulfil perversion, E.G. Criminal prosecutions against minors are stopped as the defendant said the child aged 6 showed signs of 'being gay' when he raped him so his sentence was reduced (or here) as a mitigating legal factor in his defence, and the courts agreed ? There is the mental illness revealed, but as criminals and rapists (i.e. Mario Tolosa in Argentina) by the criminal and by the 'law', making fun of society whilst damaging children and many raped children have to have reconstructive surgery, and can never go to the bathroom normally again and this is another reason why the transgender toilet issue is so sick (see the adjacent website and chapter 6) Remember Obama (who followed Kinsey) made an order to force people all over the USA to adopt transgender toilets or face federal funding, from the Dept of Justice as 'guidance' (with pretence to care for children)

In the USA re-education which begins as the innocent " boy / girl " fun classes which break down male and female 'norms' at age 4 to 7, and then re-education moves on to full homosexual lgbt teaching (without any supporting science of course) and as with Hermaphrodites and Gays, LGBT etc there are only XX & XY genes even in 'hermaphrodites' DNA, the rest is in the minds of gay people only. There is no gay genome and people in their country's law are being forced to drop he or she pronouns (Mr and Mrs etc) i.e. a cult.  The pedophile exchange, (PIE) which was started by gay rights campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. Gender reassignment re-education 're-gendering' involving physical operations, at age 4 and then into full blown Homosexual (from PIE) later Today 'gay rights' exceed heterosexual rights yet they are the 1.5 % of society worldwide, and they hide behind 'homophobia accusations' if you challenge any of the facts of the cult. It has moved from de-criminalising Homosexuality to seeking using children's bathrooms of the opposite sex (what an incredible 'revolution' )

Incredibly the Church teaching (where marriages occur and which cites the bible ) on homosexuality is defined by the following verses (as a few examples and there are many more against gay marriage) for Roman Catholics and Protestants; 'Being against the bible refers to the verses (for example ) in Colossians 3, 14 (have love etc without knowing what love is which we are all guilty of) and in contrast to 1 Corinthians 6, 9 which says Homosexuality is wrong but cannot be condoned in a Church or sanctified in a marriage. See also 1 Kings 15,12 or here (a cult which hides its real religion to displace the existing over many decades or even centuries)' (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 and heading 'Child sexual exploitation and the conscience clause.'

Consider the following story by Millie Fontana 'the other side of the rainbow' and then the truth of planned parenthood clinics  which do not perform mammograms etc, but do have abortion targets and who claim contraception deliberately fails. Do they own the same companies ? Farmed people in a dystopia, without choice is the future and choice is disappearing quickly. In law choice is biased and yet the unborn have no choice but are killed.

The scandalous deception on abortion and gay marriage, and child education sexploitation is causing huge concern, and it raises the question, should Leo Vradker and Simon Harris resign ? (although they have not faced the country in an election?)

Equal rights for church as well as gays? The Church should now set itself free from these absurd and damaging theories and policies which are not to create a better society. It has the right to insist on that. The gender pronoun madness (children at birth are genderless and not he or she) is of course a cult without precedent and a step to breakdown and destroy society and in Malta, the abuse of parliamentary powers forced the gay marriage vote through. This occurred in many other countries (see the adjacent website and chapter 3a posts dated 7.7.2017 and last paragraph above ) and today this is the list of gay marriage countries up to 2015 see Malta and Germany and the last post on the adjacent website. It is also aimed at the Church to destroy it and if there was 'equality' (in Britain gay MPs far exceeds the number % ratio against gays and heterosexuals) which then destroys 'diversity' it obviously a false doctrine and a heterosexual reformation should follow (there is no gay genome) Will the church ( to see the church see the last paragraph in chapter 5) be allowed in conscience, to also have a law in every national parliament to allow the church to not perform gay marriage, or have gay pastors, priests etc, and to not have to fear being prosecuted for it. This law (and to insist on it ) should be present in every country that has passed gay marriage. That is equality and diversity which is a false construct or oppression as is obvious in this case, and which as a law must also apply to gender pronouns, i.e. to (obvious and absurd) legally say your child or you are male and female (only)...

Paediatricians, Sociologists, healthcare professionals and parents speak out against, gender reassignment and the cult of transgender. American paediatricians ( as mentioned) have spoken on the abuse 'gender dysphoria' teaching and education does to children. It is not just one paediatrician in the American college of paediatricians but also the American Academy of Paediatrics and the Paediatric Endocrine Society, the Alliance for Therapeutic Choice, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, the Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association and anyone with common sense. The actual 'science' is explained here  Paediatricians in their experience and observation by Dr Michelle Cretella which concur with other experts in the field, and other 'other' experts i.e. parents, and see the last paragraph above. They state that suicides and child abuse are related to the 'gender dysphoria' teachings or malpractice. (to repeat) The USA has now 40 'gender clinics' Dr Cretella states;

' But transgender ideology is not just infecting our laws. It is intruding into the lives of the most innocent among us—children—and with the apparent growing support of the professional medical community. As explained in my 2016 peer reviewed article, "Gender Dysphoria in Children and Suppression of Debate," professionals who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy will find themselves maligned and out of a job'

Others would state it is a cult and bullying of parents, dissenting views and professionals on the issue is a sign that the proponents of gender dysphoria are mentally ill. 1 . Video  'Gabriele Kuby's The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom' 2. Video; 'Full version: Transgender ideology is 'madness:' Sociologist'

Gabriele Kuby and her book  'The Global Sexual Revolution: The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom' and people who face bullying by the piranha's. Why because there are only two genders, there is no gay gene and childhood is a gift not to lose or be diagnosed as having a faked and contrived non-existent condition (Remember Milly Molly Mandy, May Amelia or Pippy Longstocking and Just William books, hardly a relationship worry or gender fret in the world) Video, Dr Michelle Cretella 'How 'gender ideology' harms children'

The LBGT community now want 'safe spaces' away from anyone who disagrees with them, except away from innocent children of course as they continue to teach the false paradigms of the gay gene and gender dysphoria.

The shocking facts are, it is children who require a Safe zone not the LGBT community. (as mentioned and it is ongoing) The PIE or the incredible 'Paedophile Information exchange' (video; P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview ) was started by Gay campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it.

In 1977 – 1980 The 'National Council for Civil Liberties', a pressure group run at the time by former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt and Labour's deputy leader Harriet Harman recommend funding for PIE as it seemed the normal thing to do (it had been made acceptable by degrees as today) and they even manage to place a sympathetic member of NCCL into the home office. It is all a comedy of errors suggesting it is not planned when of course it is, as taking over government and power is a part of the cults operations. It is the same Labour party which and labour council which accidentally allowed  The Rotherham gang which prostituted girls as young as 12 shouted 'Allah Akbar' in court as they were sentenced to a combined 80 years (and not life ?) The Rochdale Islamic Pakistan sex abuse prostitution gang operated freely and up to 50 girls on their payroll and was one of many towns in Britain, eight are listed here. 

Ed Murray the Seattle Mayor and LGBT leader resigned following five counts of child abuse, (September 2017)

The Norwegian Paedophile Scandal involving politicians and hundreds of children (which was censored in the USA press in early 2017 ? and covered up by the New York times who support paedophilia as a 'gender pronoun' and dissenters are 'homophobic' ) and the collapse of the Iceland government collapse (Sep 2017 ) over the paedophile scandal there the gay marriage debate has another darker side. (especially since gays have equal rights already) The 'panama papers' as mentioned have revealed a worldwide paedophile network. Marc Dutroux was not gay but regarded children as sexual objects. 'Marc Dutroux - The Mad Monster Of Belgium - The Serial Killer' and the Belgium ring was full of sexual deviants. Gender or regender education is simply a part of the plan. (see about 15 paragraphs up and the paragraph which begins 'It leads to the 'paedophile gender'  which naturally follows on from the 'gender pronoun cult' )

It is homo-fascism and a removal of debate. (and even against Gay people Liz Wheeler interviewing Lucian Wintrich Feb 2017)

The Church wants a safe space away from being forced to perform gay marriages and they insist upon it in law. The re-gendering should be removed from education and schools.


(08.09.2017) The growing split in the Church which is a natural split between the gay church and heterosexual church (the 98.5%) and is becoming by conscience the correct way forward. Over 150 Evangelical Pastors have signed a manifesto on Christian marriage as existing  only and solely between a man and a woman.The Church wants the same rights in law to not perform gay marriages as its legal conscionable right. A right to break away with equal rights fro the Church.

The LGBT community are forming their own church but they want it within the Christian church. (This  as Catholic Priests cannot get married legally ?) It includes transgender breastfeeding and teaching children that this is normal and within nature. (when the birth mother, a female actually supplied the breast milk) The commonwealth Church   is trying by legislation which  is outdated but based upon the bible which is in date, to overturn its laws ( 16 of the 53 Commonwealth member states only, which are chiefly territories that used to be part of the former commonwealth, the commonwealth of Israel as it is known, the current leader is the Queen who is a Christian) and allowed, if or as soon as it does, it is of course no longer a christian church in the Judeo Christian tradition, but which seeks to overturn all institutions relating to the family, health if related, and spiritual institutions in any country or system. (They including Archbishop Tutu and daughter are not part of the spiritual christian Church)

US Supreme Court Ruling 1.6.2018 After years of court hearings and angst the gay bake a cake case finally reached the Supreme court of the USA. The decision was set aside but vindicated Jack Philips as follows; ‘The court concluded that the commission violated Phillips’ religious rights under the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment’   The real story is the gay couple drove over a 60 miles (some say 120 miles) and passed many other establishments who baked cakes including Muslim bakeries (Islam is not harassed to perform gay marriages, nor does it face any criticism or referendums to do so etc) The establishment could have  offered a subcontractor but that was ignored, but in any case, an establishment has the right to refuse anyone. They targeted the establishment and contrived a case vindictively and without ‘love’. The matter goes deeper as it is clearly out to discriminate against Christians. Gays who want to marry in a Christian church are using the law to bypass the Christian debate which should be afforded to Christians as it is a Christian Church and Marriage. No one joins a club and does not abide by its rules.( (Leviticus 18,22 & 20, 13. Romans1 26 – 27. 1 Corinthians 7, 2, I Timothy 1, 8 – 10. Hebrews 12,6, Revelations 22, 15, Jude 1,7, Ephesians 5, 5, 1 Corinthians 6, 9 – 11. Revelations 21,8 & Genesis 19) The Torah also forbids gay marriage. In Brazil the Anglican Church branch (who clearly do not understand the bible verses Mathew 22, 37 – 39 with John 3 1 – 16 which define each other) has approved gay marriage, and hence it is no longer a Christian establishment but a part of the Transhumanist church , (which also has the gay manifesto which is a real document, as it’s inspiration, and why there are so many gays pushing this in society as a ‘revolution’ from within) and it should lose its right to be a national Church leading nations, and state it is not a Christian church in any nation (again the church and state agenda is brought forward but from the wrong perspective as Sharia law and state trys to force its way onto national governments)   Jack Phillips was bullied and persecuted for his beliefs, just as John Kluge was/is (a school teacher also bullied and persecuted and still is) for refusing to name someone’s gender other than what it is i.e. male or female, boy or girl and so on. The people pushing the gender delusion should be sacked and forcing children to believe such nonsense is child abuse (madness) because they are not just opposing with an opposite religion but forcing someone to deny their religion or faith but selectively. The bake a cake gay nonsense should never have gone to the Supreme Court and it bankrupted (potentially) Jack Phillips and his business. They had no qualms about ruining his family’s life and no remorse, and this is also the case with John Kluge and his wife and children. It is not gays who are persecuted it is this lobby which is attacking the church, schools and education viscously with spurious and litigiously expensive drama’s. It is not rational or productive, nor is it avant-garde or shocking, it is a joke and is designed as such, but one in which children are forced to change sex (Gd or nature has made a mistake) but in many cases they commit suicide or change back or try to but in many cases it is too late) It is now time for these stacked up cases to be bundled and entered into the Supreme Court for the scientific test. i.e.  Q. How many genders are there ? A. 2 genders (next case … and then applied retrospectively including repayment of fines incurred, and after which Gays still have rights ?) If these people cannot do that or face the scientific test but apply hearsay and opinion with fines, ruin, and prison, then the lower courts should throw out all lower cases, and then free speech and common sense should prevail, in the 2 gender reality in schools, business and universally.

( ... a couple of weeks later from the above) Following the publication of the Supreme Court bake a gay cake drama and decision, many establishments have become irate. For example many Christians in the USA have served gays with food and clothing and all manner of retail and wholesale goods, and this goes on every day. (also no one mentions the gay persecution of hetros as hetrophobia) That is not the question, what is strange about this case is that the gays were forcing a man to state he should believe and comply with gay marriage, in which he refused as his faith states it is wrong as does the Judeo Christian tradition in fact and history. Many establishment's often display signs stating the have the right to refuse anyone. (Obama deported more people than any President in history but the democrats said nothing and the law to separate children and parents wasn't called for repeal from 2008 - 2016 ? Illegal immigrants are deported from Mexico and Japan and China and Russia, the EU and anywhere ?)  Since that date Sarah Sanders the Whitehorse spokesperson (and others) have been refused food in a restaurant in connection to this ruling ? Firstly she is not part of the Supreme Court and it was a 7 to 2 (7 Judges for and 2 against ) decision and nothing to do with her or any member of the Whitehouse or the Democrats or Republicans. No one asks why is this acceptable to refuse her a meal ? yet she left the restaurant and has not sued anyone in the Supreme court. She could have began that long journey to the Supreme Court and cited that as a Republican Christian  she was refused a  " Lemon & thyme chargrilled chicken, brioche bun chipotle mayo, iceberg lettuce, tomato, served with fresh cut chips & side of chipotle mayo "  because of her beliefs but she did not, she simply left the restaurant. Others may be refused in the 'Red Hen restaurant' or any restaurant or perhaps they will be served.

(Connected to the gay marriage debate, the following is happening in the USA and gives an insight into the minds pushing gay marriage as a stepping stone within school education. Parents are not informed of the classes in most cases and Antifa largely employed in education are introducing these destructive agenda's. What should you do if your school suggests a (or your) little boy or girl has 'gender dysphoria' and classes should be taught in this for them leading into full homosexual classes ? ( which schools are allowing ) Should these people be allowed near a child ?) It is not a movement but a criminal fronted scam.

In this debate and to repeat for all concerned parents (and those involved with children’s education) we come across the 'diagnosis' nonsense named as 'gender dysphoria' (which is ascribed to even very young children, but children do not have and which nobody has ) but which should be called "Hetrophobia dysphoria" and not "gender dysphoria", it happens in all children and girls also, and to repeat, can begin at a very young age from 2 to 3 upwards.... boys are smelly, girls are stupid etc. Of course education / teaching is serious and proper, and respect of educators is central to education, but ‘gender dysphoria’ teaching in schools is itself a disorder especially combined with 'common core' education ( Parents are the authority not the state or school, who can also introduce Christian prayers and Torah / bible into class if they choose, with evolution and intelligent design and creation)

This mild unknown nothingness of 'hetrophobia dysphoria' in children normally dissipates (but it can linger and go beyond early adolescence if allowed to) and in fact it is not a disorder but a condition called childhood which combines with sillyness, day dreaming and/or incredible intense focus and interest (non - disorders) 

A Mother who is deeply concerned on these bizarre and inappropriate teaching ideas and methods, explains to the Board of Education at her local school in 2018, who is the parent and who is the employed servant of the people who are not there to indoctrinate young children, with gender studies which are false and scientifically wrong and which should be decided upon in the Supreme court of the USA (and morally wrong) . She explains what the school board role is  and what is not their role. See the activist Mommy The Activist Mommy - Elizabeth Johnston  and Video ‘Mama Bear Fighting Leftist LGBT Sex Ed Agenda At School Board’

 (These doctrines are absurd, yet they are incredibly destructive and evil to bring this into school education, yet these are the same people who believe in abortion at full semester and who want to decapitate the child in the womb before sucking its brains out, and who believe paedophile is a ‘gender’)

The abortion agenda is being pushed by disconnected parties such as George Soros  who does not care about the unborn or the born and is not concerned with young girls and their futures. Soros has roped in Amnesty international who are pursuing the murder of the unborn, and the unborn have no Amnesty or protection physically or in conscience. A liberal political organisation pushed by a Billionaire ?, who also pushes planned parenthood and the cover up of their practices including the sale of a babies body parts. In the same way they do not care about the Church or gays or indeed anyone. There is no 'choice'. The planned parenthood cash cow with mass murder is the aim. Amnesty international are a pale shadow of their former days and the latest ploy is to declare prosecutions will not follow anyone who moves from Ulster to have an abortion in England completely disregards the woman and the unborn child. The next paragraph details the lack of choice given to Doctors and patients when pregnancy occurs ? and making murder against the law is the only protection the unborn have It is still murder to recommend someone to have an abortion and it is England's current laws which are in error. (they were not always 'the law' and alternatives were offered previously, as Doctors were free to consider) The process of advice in practice begins here (or should) in the next paragraph (repeated from above; 08.07.2017)

This is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) in the USA who opposes being told by the government that is he legally obliged for the following (passed last year and the one of the real Obamacare motives) All Doctors, Health care centers and Pharmacists are legally obliged to inform woman of abortions only. This has been the case for generations in Britain and Europe. There are no alternative advice centers, and rival anti-abortion clinics could be brought into medical practices, in just as many numbers and receive funding to be anti – abortion clinics, in law to advise woman and young girls. Dr Robert Lawlor can lose his license to be a Doctor if he does not 'comply' (or lesser penalties are financial fines) which reveals the fascist nature of the scam. There are no fines or prison for recommending abortion (63 million abortions since 1973, or some say nearer 98 million in the greatest mass murder in history)


8th Amendment abortion referendum 2018

(03/10/2017)  In Ireland the leader of Fine Gael Leo Vradker has called (officially) the abortion referendum debate for 2018. The 8th amendment which currently gives equal rights to the baby and to the mother and which should be extended to the father. The referendum is being pushed by George Soros who has given €18 million to the campaign (which the left ignore) and Chuck Feeney from the USA who are also funding the 'planned parenthood' baby parts scam. Planned parenthood clinics are a production line and 'breast screening' mammograms or family planning is not their profitable business.  The LGBT community are on the whole in support of the abortion referendum ironically, but the debate should be between 'breeders' only (as the 98.5% heterosexuals are called ) Removing a child's right, a baby's right and an unborn babies right to life (all the same person from conception) is Murder and un-equality. If it is not then surely the same campaigners should approve of woman being beheaded in Saudi Arabia or in Afghanistan or in the Christian genocide (ongoing) after all it's the right to kill. It is not just a woman's body but a man's body also who should also have a choice and a say in the matter, to 50%, (and microscopic science has revealed much of the lies since the 1960's / 1970's & Roe versus Wade see post, dated 08.07.2017 above. The woman in this case kept her baby and became a Christian) In Ireland the EU Structural and investment funds drive or pressure social policy also as well as Soros or Chuck Feeney and can dictate a politician to Introduce profound and ill thought out measures (based on deception) But as for the baby it is not their 'crime', 'fault' or circumstance to be killed, it is murder pure and simple.

A lie which is added to the abortion row is a baby ('foetus') does not feel pain in the abortion?  In the USA now many states can ban abortion outright and also ban Planned parenthood. The late term abortion ban down to 20 weeks was passed in congress, and shows how 'science' real science can move the cut off date down to 20 weeks from whichever point it was at (including over 35 weeks) and can move down further. The indisputable science was baby's feel no pain in the first 28 weeks but now that has been proven wrong. Further a baby is bathed in salt saline solution with chemicals which burns it (and is still performed today) and causes it to stretch or if a week dislodge it, which enables limbs and head to be cut off. Babies feel pain before 20 weeks. Here is scientific proof of that  fact. Babies at a few days (or minutes) even can be considered hypothetically equally with someone who in adult life is paralyzed without feeling (to contrast a baby from conception to 20 weeks as a hypothetical). Should such a person be  killed anyway if paralyzed they cannot feel, after they would not feel being cut into pieces. Many operations under anaesthetic were incomplete and people without moving felt everything afterwards. Should either of these people be killed, of course not, and an elderly person at the end of their life is just as equal with a right to life even if only a few minutes are left. Life begins from conception and spiritual faiths not just Christianity, but including believe it is a Gd given life. The bible says in Jeremiah 1,5 i formed you in the womb, Pslam 139,13 also says you were formed in the womb and i knew you in the womb. These verses and other verses also confirm this fact. Further steps on birth control improvement in the USA, which means paying for birth control as opposed to getting it free, means if it was not available at all and abortions were not available, that men would have to improve their attitudes to woman (yes men ) and not consider them a commodity. (a hypothetical which was once very real and was a wiser way than today, these are steps which make you think) A very difficult issue for teenagers, but the bible marriage ceremony is actually the Jewish Ketuba contract (but under Gd or Torah and witnessed by the families) which stipulates (or should) that a woman's family (yes the woman family) receives a dowry (payment or commodity) for the loss of their daughter as the girl or woman was / is considered a loss to a family, a valuable person and a benefit to a man not a commodity. We are taught of course that the bible is backward in its thinking when actually it is radically beneficial and actually 'progressive' (including also good dietary plans) and is exactly the opposite of our expectations in these areas.Of course babies are conscious from the very beginning, and of course life begins at conception. The following videos explain how since the 1970's there have been nearly 1 Billion abortions but rather how that genocide has occurred (of babies at all terms)

A new bill in the USA signed on the 6.10.2017 allows for total exemptions on abortion inducing drugs due to religious freedom of conscience and moral freedom (exemption from Obamacare )

Video; 'Inhuman: Undercover in America's Late-Term Abortion Industry – Arizona' 

The following video (in contrast to Dr Robert Lawlor in the above paragraph above these dated 8.9.2017) 'Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters' described in detail as the violent painful death it is, (i.e. Murder) is by an abortionist / Gynaecologist (former abortionist? Dr Anthony Levatino)


23.01.2018 The 'Abortion' referendum which could or should be called the 'Pro Life Referendum' as of course it is not about choice but a lack of choice for the unborn. It is not about 'reproductive rights' (as it is called) as of course reproducing oneself is not a contraception but about delivering a born alive healthy child (your child) Here is the definition of Heterosexual 'reproduction'  There is actually no need for a referendum at all ?

To date there has been no official explanation of why George Soros who donated to the Irish 'abortion campaign' had to repay those funds and why the Government committee is called the abortion committee (Senator Catherine Noone ) see above beginning 12.08.2017 & 8.9.2017 & 03.10.2017 7 8.07.2017 especially when George Soros also campaigns for planned parenthood (the abortion clinics which rarely do anything else except abortions) and who donated $1.5 million to cover up the sale of Baby parts from a planned parenthood clinic/  and is also active in the USA. Here the 'Irish abortion group' returns the money  ( taking the money is illegal as it is in the USA, amnesty international broke those rules) Again to see what baby parts look like see the following video by former abortionist

Amnesty international are filmed here trying to explain to their 'salespeople' how abortion  is a harder sell   ( or here on you tube  )

The 8th amendment saves lives it protects the unborn. It has already been disproven that the lies surrounding the 'Savita Halappanavar' abortion case were falsified (see above dated Inserted on 12.08.2017) Church rights and the Irish referendum 'committee on abortion' )  Dr Peter Boylan  then stepped in to contradict everyone ( and many others ) on this issue, but again his view is not accepted. Malek Thawley's case was then brought forward as caused by the 8th amendment but again with misleading medical language and facts on the issue.

To know on the medical facts see the 'Get the truth out campaign'  or listen also to one survivor of an abortion attempt and Gianna Jensen who gives her talk on her survival.  First (both the next videos are on facebook) discussing the 'abortion committee'  another abortion survivor explains why she is someone and not someone's choice  Listen also to Melissa Ohden who survived an abortion  (you tube) and another abortion  survivor Micha Werthum

A collection of thoughts and the reality of abortions.(facebook)  (it is chilling to think vegans demonstrate against the eating of baby chicken eggs which are cells but not i.e anyone not just vegans, against abortions which are also cells and which begin life at conception)

Watch also 'Live actions' video and this Dr who is an obstetrician gynaecologist and the truth of 2nd trimester procedures.

Since 1980 worldwide there has been a Genocide of over 1 Billion babies + ( murdered )  1 Billion souls plus who have been aborted (murdered) worldwide since 1980 (of all nations and tribes) which is one of the matters Judge Roy Moore campaigned against (see below in chapter 3a and date inserted 23.01.2018 which is before the last post of 23/24/12.2017 and posts connected to Judge Roy Moore near the end and named as planned parenthood also funded against him.

80,000 people in the anti – abortion demonstrations against abortion in Ireland.


26.04.2018 -  01.05.2018,& May day fwd, The 'Abortion' referendum in Ireland to take place on May 25th 2018

In what has been one of the most disingenuous and corrupt referendum campaigns in Irish history, the efforts to secure wide ranging abortions in Ireland has sunk to new lows in taking away choice from babies, children and parents fathers & mothers. (A recap list of the incredible deception and farce follows)

100,000 March on 23.03.2018 in Ireland against Abortion. On March 8th 2018, 100 000 people Marched to save the 8th amendment in Ireland (source Garda Síochána stats) huge crowds and not just in Dublin but also nationwide.

It is Vote No to save the 8th amendment (the government printing a 'negative flyer' to save lives and the 8th amendment  (as yes sounds positive and upbeat to kill a baby)

To recap consider the following 5 points, the first 2 are familiar the 'Yes' for Abortion campaign have undertaken ('Together for Yes' although 'together' is not what occurs in reality, video  'The Reality of Abortion - Aborted Babies for Sale'    & also 'Abortion Survivor Meets Her Birth Mother'  It is a sick campaign)

  1. Abortionists have invented a false death scenario around the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar (and are still presenting it as a fact in pamphlets distributed around Ireland in spring 201) who died from a Sepsis infection  according to 3 professional reports 1. Health and Information & Quality Authority    2. Health Service Executive  &  3. The Coroner's report and findings

    These facts were also uncovered into the investigation into the Irish times at the time who published sensational stories to bring a referendum (as is now obvious) see again below

    'Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened'

  2. Once people became aware the story was false and Savita Halappanavar was not killed by an abortion refusal (which is also not how Irish law works now under the 8th amendment) there was a quick rush to falsify another story (see video above also at minutes 1.20) when a woman pregnant with twins was supposed to have had an abortion to save her life on the 23 .08 2013 ? (who also supposedly had Sepsis infections) Again the shock was broadcast across Ireland, but when investigations began, it was discovered that this abortion ( 2 abortions of twins) never even took place ? yet it was claimed the woman's life had been saved ? because of the abortion ) on the 31.08.2013, the Irish Times apologised but not on the front page, and the mystery continues.

    In April and May 2018 the pro choice lobby distributed leaflets all over Ireland (into people's homes even) again claiming Savita Halappanavar died from an abortion and now like the Irish times they should apologise and retract the story and their leaflets. (as should Dr Peter Boylan see last post above)

  3. Fake polls ? As if this is not bad enough (and the pro – choice lobby are still using the same facts from 2013) in February 2018, the Irish Times ( the pro – choice desk or die team) published another story in which it claimed 75% of Doctors favoured abortions up to 12 weeks  Again this poll never existed by GP's and was faked and no noticeable retraction was published except new information came forward  that George Soros is in effect  paying for the Campaign and the Irish Time seem to be inventing stories (they also want to own the Irish examiner as the Irish media narrows in 'choice' ) The Irish times report on Soros at every opportunity. GP's in Ireland are 75% or more against abortion (see later )

  4. Leo Vradker video as a pro lifer (the leader of Fianna Gael who called for the referendum features in the video) in 'Save the 8th video 'Dcotor says abortion can kill women as well as children'  (facebook) and who began as unsure and not really with the whole abortion campaign. In itself it should be enough to stop a referendum.  Simon Harris the minister for health also began as pro – life but changed to now pro- choice  also and has refused to debate the matter so far live on television   Both Leo Vradker and Simon Harris are actually pro-life.

  5. The 'peoples committee on abortion' have only been elected by themselves and are really the pro – choice group (who buy the Irish Times)

Legal abortions are also not safe (mental and physical problems revealed years and decades later) What is incredible is an Irish Woman died from a legal Abortion in London in 2015 after a visit to a Marie Stopes abortion clinic (and those who push the so called morning after pill are also in denial) and the Doctors and Nurses involved are to be charged with manslaughter, yet none of the above have considered it ? and they are not  outraged in any way ? The woman died in a taxi in effect, she bled to death. Aisha Chithira was her name from Malawai.

Legal Abortion is dangerous and is part of the myth that is a safe or normal procedure, (think about it) it has side effects for decades although not all are obvious at first.

To understand the current proposals protect unborn babies, the pro – choice lobby want a contraceptive convenience up to 12 weeks which will be then increased to 20 weeks and Clinton in the USA wants full term abortions (even though the original 'Roe versus Wade' case in the USA the woman decide not to abort and then became a Christian) the abortion clinic industry is actually more along these lines;(including  Marie Stopes killing machine service)

7 Planned Parenthood Videos and the actual criminal procedures with accompany abortions. which show the extremely lucrative Abattoir business in retail and wholesale outlets 1 (video "Top Planned Parenthood Exec Baby Parts Sales "A Valid Exchange," Can Make A Fair Amount of Income" 15.09.2015 all videos unless stated otherwise)  2 (video "Human Capital Episode 3 Planned Parenthood's Custom Abortions for Superior Product 2")  3 (video "Planned Parenthood Devil Dr Carolyn Westhoff Full Footage"  )  4. (Video "BUSTED Yet AGAIN Planned Parenthood Selling Whole Babies ; PURE WICKEDNESS!!!"  4.8.2015)  5. (video 'Planned Parenthood Haggles w/ StemExpress They Wants Another 50 Livers Week!!!' 25.08.2015) 6. (Video 'Planned Parenthood's Black Market in Baby Parts' 28.07.2015 ) 7. (Video 'What happens when a baby survives an abortion' 1.8.2015)  &   1 Billion souls plus who have been aborted (murdered) worldwide since 1980 (of all nations and tribes)

To see what really occurs consider the following;

Abortions of this nature involve a baby's arms and legs and body coming outside (in a partial birth) leaving the head inside. Scissors are placed in the neck and widened and a tube is placed in the hole and it sucks the baby's brains out. Clinton, if the head had not been removed would immediately stop the procedure at least until the non-constitutionalist was old enough to find out if the child would vote democrat or not. In short, it is evil, Clinton is evil. The procedure has similarities with  Fois Gras pate production . The procedure involves placing a tube into a rabbit to force feed it. It can then this reverse this action turning the tube into a suction tube, and suck a rabbit's insides out whilst still alive to make the perfect pate. This is a French practice. Farmed efficient production.

Another area or procedure in abortion is the needle injection method, 'conventional abortions' are here. New ideas (from the crypt) involve approaching a pregnant woman in the hospital and placing a needle through the woman's skin injecting saline (which burns) straight into the brain and body of the infant. This allows capture of the dead baby to occur in an efficient manner from inside.

Product, marketing and sales. Ireland as viewed by Planned Parenthood and Marie Stopes (and others) is considered as a new sales area and is marketed as such for new product in abortions and foetus harvesting. To consider what these types of companies think of children first consider the following. 1. Sex education in schools becomes depraved  or here 2. TV in high school cafetaeria   3. Shocked Parents rebel in USA  4. Activist mommy spells it out  Initially shiny new proposals are put forward suggesting new agencies on family health are set up by your school district as family health clinics etc (of various types) Then they take over the school. (the USA model is copied into other countries)

This is what they think of children (turn society upside down, mar in perversion and all to make a profit and destroy society whilst they are about it)  Abortionists then see this opportunity to break down the relationship between children and parents. Children (it is predicted) will sexually experiment at an earlier age and provide more product to abort and provide more profit from aborted foetus and body parts. Once you realise the abortion lobby are in the deep background population control and reduction merchants, and the shiny (mostly left) front lobbies move hell and high water to get the abortion law through at any cost, then you are getting the real picture. (it is not just animals which are farmed from birth to death) They work together at every stage (political, social, media and activist's, when even Amnesty international say abortion is a hard sell on the streets and were caught saying so, see last post above) and profits are very high. In Britain today 1 in 5 pregnancies are aborted ? Planned parenthood make Billions and it is a company which is out of control, it is a global venture in the worst kind, and truly evil.

TD's as government representatives in the debate .In Ireland the Government and opposition suggest all TDS (members of Government) are pro the referendum, but that is not the case, many cannot even see the point of having the referendum, and have been suspended for speaking out against it. (Sinn Fein) Fianna Gael minster of state for finance Patrick ODonovan is to vote against repeal i.e to Vote No, as is former Taoiseach John Bruton

In the USA and in California a school in March 2018 undertook a walkout to protest Abortion law (but which was not  in the schools news)

Doctors, Judges, Solicitors and Barristers explain the law  Dr Siobhan Crowley gives her professional advice on abortions. Whilst in Belfast and throughout Ireland 100 legal professionals (Judges, Solicitors and Barristers) sign a petition to protest the referendum. Including Ben O Floinn who explains that once the 8th amendment is gone there is nothing else to protect them legally once it has gone amidst an overwhelming barge of laws for abortion. (good radio debate on the law )The fact he spoke out at all has brought the pro-choice underhanded slights against him.  It is not about saving woman who have to leave the country it is about saving woman (and men) who are aborted in Billions around the world (since 1980) The Irish constitution (targeted)

The Pope has said the following in his Christmas / New Year Speech In 2017 & 2018

Evangelicals Catholic and Protestant have collated an interesting essay on the subject. Or here 'Pray for the 8th at 8' pamphlet  ( and website  and links ) Pray for the 8th

and see also the ICBR the Irish centre for bio-ethical reform  and the Life Institute   and also Feminist's for Life (as many woman are aborted, and damaged in abortions)

The referendum is a scam and an exercise in pure deception from start to finish. It is a meat industry honed into a medical procedure and given a marketing gleam., and tremendous pressure is brought to bear on politicians.Truly disgusting. Vote No (to be contd)


16.05.2018 the abortion referendum debate cont'd….

To date the cervical cancer test scandal has caused the deaths of 18 people, and like the claim woman died from abortions (including the woman they made up) they in fact died from medical negligence also and not from being pregnant or from a lack of an abortion.

Ireland's cancer smear test scandal which does not care for woman? In early March 2018 the Irish independent published the ongoing scandal (from 2017 in 2018) concerning 46,000 cervical smear cancer tests which were suspected of a wrong diagnosis which placed the health of the patients (woman  and men in other tests) at risk. A & E departments were swamped in a rush and a panic by patients to make sure  they were actually cancer free. Clearly this is unacceptable. It is also extraordinary at a time of the Irish 'abortion' referendum (or the controversy and scandal of the 'repeal the 8th campaign' ) which is supported by the minister for health Simon Harris  and the leader of Fianna Gael (an Taoiseach)  Leo Vradker under the auspices of protecting woman and caring for woman  . (Except for the babies and later on in life woman who are aborted of course) That such a scandal can emerge from the medical and health departments under government control at a time of right  to  life referendum is indicative of the surreal nature of the pro - choice campaign which the government has backed, and is sad and outrageous. The pressure to make ministers conform to pro choice causes is worth their jobs. Further the slow response shows a lack of concern for woman and men and children.  And in other words this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Further Doctor Peter Boylan was also contradicted by Professor Eamon McGuinness, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who points out that no woman has died because of the 8th amendment (which the yes side want to repeal) This is also confirmed by the coroner's report into the death of Savita Halappanava, who died from a Sepsis infection.  A debate on these issues has been ignored and even refused by Simon Harris the minister for health.

Contraceptive convenience. The only scientific input from the pro – choice side is something along the lines of ..….its inconvenient if I (or we if 'men' are allowed a view on their own sperm and son and daughter in the womb) get pregnant so I want to discard the 'foetus' rather than having to travel to another country. (i.e. flush it down the toilet and save an airplane ticket) Abortions in that country or any country are also wrong of course. Ask the same question and ask one of the pro – choice advocates to fly their grandmother to a euthanasia country to have them killed, would they be willing? or should they do it at home in their own country. These are the same people who promote the 'morning after' pill ? but essentially it is a debate which wants to avoid personal responsibility in sex and conception.(and in countries trying to grow the population this is a double negative)

The fact that Savita Halapanaya did not die from being pregnant or from being refused an abortion is a medical fact, yet hundreds of thousands of cancer smear tests on woman could be wrongly diagnosed and could speed up the death of woman is the typical and ultimately mad debate the pro 'choice' debate run in denial of the facts and the right to life of everyone, including baby woman (young ladies with their whole lives before them) in the womb.

The recent rally on May 12th in Merrion Square confirmed in many thousands (after 4 rallies since 2017) and a bus tour by the pro-life campaign of how much the no side are being ignored in the media ? In fact 'Google' (who should be banned and other alternatives should be given funding and R & D development) has even interfered and is refusing to list pro-life advertisements.    'Vote no censorship' by Google and the media. This biased undemocratic measure was set in motion by George Soros, who does not live in Ireland, but even if he did what right has he or Google to interfere.

Cancer is an increased risk in abortions. One speaker at the pro-life rally was Professor Joel Brind  (Professor of Biology and Bio Chemistry and endo chronology)  The full 25 minute version with cited papers is here 'Dr. Joel Brind Shares his research on the link between Abortion and Breast Cancer - Part 1'  or here on a USA television show discussing the actual research in this area 'Dr Joel Brind: Abortion-Breast Cancer Link'  aside from the suppression of the research of links to cancer and to abortion, which significantly increases the risk of cancer to millions of woman, the risk of dying from legal abortions is also a risk which  occurs.  Abortions are a trauma to your body, (the woman hurt group) they are unnatural and the after effects confuses the body which continues to produce milk. (the 'peoples committee'   would not allow woman with regrets to enter its debate. There is no choice for female babies and choice no means a choice for planned parenthood ) The reproductive system, unlike a miscarriage which the body recognises, continues to function as if you were pregnant. Pregnancy is healthy and increases the natural hormones in your body (and has for thousands of years) Postmodernism and identity politics pushes a narrative that pregnancies in woman are unnatural and damaging (etc)

Pro –choice lies after abortions are granted. What occurs in reality in any country which passes abortion laws, the subsidiary token safeguards promised in a pro – choice campaigns, such as 3 Doctors signing an abortion request, with a psychologist etc, are slowly eroded by the Marie Stopes and Planned Parenthood lobby, (as recognised legal requirements by lobbyists from the Marie Stopes or 'Planned Parenthood' clinics who want more and more abortions for profit) That's how it  works because death and ill health are more profitable than 'health and life'. Health and life spin offs however ate the most lucrative and positive actions for society as society benefits from actual health. (The healthiest self-taught people, who research these areas, are less likely to even visit a Doctor)  This referendum is to bring in full scale and full term abortions eventually.

These men & woman changed their minds on abortions.  

(The Presbyterian Church is also supporting Pro Life , in case google missed the ad)

Aside from the facts in these areas, the 8th amendment already provides for abortion if the woman is in serious risk of her life. And every Doctor is aware of this, and which makes nonsense of a court's decision and a supreme court, at that that a baby in the womb has no rights (incredibly void of knowledge or compassion) but the 8th amendment protects the unborn. Ohio has just passed laws in its courts which states just the opposite., whilst in California schools walk out in protest at abortion laws (science and close up cameras are revealing more and more every day how life is made from such a young age, proving how much the criminal lobby have affected the medical establishment) Whilst Iowa passes a 'heartbeat' bill which lowers the term of abortions and which is sweeping across the  USA even to complete  bans, amidst marches which draw 50,000 or 35,000 regularly, with crowds who want to ban abortion and defund planned parenthood in the USA. In Italy (14.05.2018 ) posters (and there is no referendum there currently) against abortion have covered the streets as the awareness grows.(Initially the 8th amendment referendum in Ireland was to take place after the Popes forthcoming visit to Ireland, but was moved to an earlier date)

An end result of the killing of the unborn (and the block of the senses, the pro-choice lobby have) is seen here when planned parenthood 'haggle' over the price of baby parts and stem cells from dead aborted babies, that is how ill they  are. Video you tube 'Planned Parenthood Haggles w/ StemExpress They Wants Another 50 Livers Week!!!'

The growing insight into how life begins, (and which is for men and woman) even before conception, (it takes 2 to make a baby each half has 50% of the equation) intelligently and with purpose is incredible and watching an egg become a baby is miraculous. Video you tube 'Tanrı ve onun sonsuz aşkı Harika Bir Mucize | GOD and his eternal love for creation'  and the incredible fact that a baby has her own ( or his own) DNA from conception video.   These facts were drawn on and explained incredibly well on the Claire Byrne show on RTE on 14.05.2018

The Facts on abortion are; (aside from the fact adoption alternatives are rarely embraced with millions waiting to adopt)

Ireland remains one of the safest countries on earth if you are pregnant for baby and mother.

90 % of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome in Britain are aborted (killed)

1 in 5 babies in Britain are aborted.

A baby in the womb has a fully functioning nervous system at 3 weeks and at 4 weeks it has a heartbeat, but 'consciousness' is not purely defined by mind and brain and is also a Spiritual concept. (Jeremiah 1,5 Ephesians 1,4) Babies at 11 weeks are almost fully formed and can get wind and hiccup etc.

The Irish government is planning to allow abortion for all babies up to 3 months of age, if there are very vague mental health grounds, abortion is allowed up to 6 months. (as mentioned above even these restrictions are eroded by the abortion lobby) The foreign abortion industry will be allowed to come to Ireland and in Britain, it had 185,000 abortions last year (2017) This is how planned parenthood and Marie stopes push their agenda, through lies, emotional manipulation and a thirst for profit. Sadly Leo Vradker and co have given in and sold out their own country to these vultures. Vote No and get rid of them


21.05.2018 Ireland's abortion referendum contd further. 

The criminal conspiracy. The 8th amendment already allows for protecting the woman and its proposed replacement legislation calls for unrestricted abortions up to 3 months (as a start and only to benefit the abortion clinics) The 'yes' abortion campaign is a criminal campaign not a legitimate campaign. To watch the real criminals, see the disturbing insight into the Abortion industry i.e. the Kermit Gosnell documentary on this subject (who is classed as one of the biggest mass murderers in history, and a typical employee of the industry and its direction prior to 2016/7 & this synopsis analysed by the Blaze programme in the USA ) Further criminal charges are proposed for the illegal funding of the pro choice campaign by George Soros and Amnesty International as well as planned parenthood in the USA. They make huge profit and yet all are not charged ? Of course aborting down syndrome babies in Britain began as a criminal intent and is perpetuated silently globally.  (Margaret Sanger documentary mentioned by Gianna Jensen below ) 

Trump and Pence in the USA are beginning to defund planned parenthood as more and more details emerge of their activities and many states have already defunded Planned Parenthood (15 states by October 2016 and more have followed every quarter)

In Ireland (to repeat from above) the government have clearly sided with the abortion lobby and have let google limit pro – life ads under pressure from George Soros, and many councils have taken down pro – life posters and left the no posters up, and direct interference against the Irish constitution and a state election has come from outside the country. All illegal.

If you want to see abortions as they really are, this is the truth.  (no choice for them) 

'Savita' is used emotionally as a reason to repeal the 8th, but Sepsis  (more common in senior woman) also occurs in non pregnant woman and can kill in 30 minutes, an abortion would not save either the woman or baby, but both can be saved with treatment if you have acted in time. 

John Waters Irish journalist (1981 Hot Press' and the Journal) explains what is going on in Ireland in this 'abortion referendum' Video you tube 'John Waters on the 8th Amendment Referendum at Clontarf Castle'

A large media intrusion was sighted on the side of the Iconic Ben Bulben with Vote No, (on 16/17.05.2018) like, many Iconic moments like Padraig Pearse's words in the Irish constitution to cherish / protect all the Children of Ireland.

Never were truer words spoken on abortion (Colonel Allen West) except perhaps from Gianna Jessen (abortion survivor) her first 9 months and few first days and weeks, were traumatic, and was adopted and was used as a baby witness against an abortionist who strangled a baby to death (which is a common practice) The last week of the Irish abortion referendum occurs in the week of Shavuot (Pentecost  19.05.2018 – 26.05.2018) a feast of one week (uniting both Old and New Testament)  Shavuot also marked the birth date of King David  (and also incredibly his death) King David composed Psalm 139 and its relevant and famous verse 13 – 16.


Video you tube; Gianna Jessen Testimony - Planned Parenthood Exposed 


Vote No on 25.05.2018 in Ireland.

23.05.2018 In Ireland the vote on 25.05.2018 occurs as the People have to vote to alter the constitution. They are in effect voting only to decide to alter the constitution on the 8th amendment which safeguards human life and unborn babies in the womb. That is all. The government however (but not in any great detail) have said they will allow abortions unrestricted up to 3 months (and this is just a beginning) As such it is a 'peoples referendum' yet the government have sided with the yes to repeal the 8th amendment throughout their campaign (which if you read all the above is also corrupt and disingenuous) as the Supreme court ruled a baby has no rights in the womb ? Ireland received a special broadcast via the radio on the 21.05.2018 from government headquarters pleading with the Irish people to save woman who have been raped and allow them to abort their babies. There was no plea for babies to be aborted which are a 'mistake' however. (yet) There is a psychological furore every day which says Ireland is in crisis on abortion?, but there is no crisis. (except in cervical cancer victims in the health service ?) Many rape victims have shared their testimonies within this campaign and before, and have either adopted their babies or have kept them and now love them, instead we have invented abortions and the invented mother of twins all of whom did not exist and was eventually printed as a retraction by the Irish times (on an inside page 8 or 9 out of the public mind see above and also from 'sepsis' as the invented cause see above 26.04.2018 – 01.05.2018 and points 1 and 2 )  The question remains in our society as why anyone would want to make love or rape anyone who does not want to make love to them, yet it seems the baby is to pay with their lives. The same governments for hundreds of years and especially now since the liberal 1960's have not brought in the death penalty for child rapists, molesters or paedophiles or rapists ? (children lose their lives in effect when raped as many woman do)  The USA has recently suggested the death penalty for paedophiles and child rapists and harsher penalties including the death penalty should exist for rapists. India followed suit recently and one child rapist is under death sentence at this current time in India. Another country Indonesia has the death penalty for these crimes . A petition exists in the UK calling for the death penalty for paedophiles and these measures would drastically reduce the vast amount of cases and horrors which have been exposed over the last 30 years. The Philippines  are advocating the death penalty and a call for the death penalty has been made in Britain separately from the petition. The list of countries is growing.

There is no choice for babies who need protection and a choice ? (and the Billions for profit who were aborted before them )

The question is will Ireland have a peoples referendum on this issue ? or instead will they just have a death penalty for the unborn ?


24.05.2018 As is apparent any excuse to abort a baby is sought or grasped at in this referendum, with emotion but not the findings of 3 inquests including the coroner who found Savita died from Septicemia, a disease which is fatal in woman who are not pregnant also. The pro choice argue that historical errors and deliberate concealment mean we should do the same now again, but now in hundreds of thousands and millions and 50 Billion since records began (more than all world wars) This woman was another legal botched abortion Sycloria Williams who is now suing them. The babies cord from ist mother was cut with a scissors and it was then placed in a plastic bag and dumped in a (trash) bin outside. Another abortion survivor Melissa Ohden also placed in a trash can was found and survived and found her birth Mother (who thought she was dead) 

Doctor Niall MaGuire relates the truth concerning the hidden pro  - choice agenda in this video correctly called 'The Government's Abortion Bill Explained – Dr Niall Maguire, GP'   i.e. unrestricted abortion and an attack on the Irish constitution  (Here is minister Leo Vradker when he was pro life and loved babies as did minister for health Simon Harris ?  as up to 20 woman die from cervical cancer mistakes in Ireland, who like all the pro choice campaigners have not mentioned the Irish woman who bled to death in a Taxi following a legal abortion in Ealing in London,

Irish Woman died from a legal Abortion in London in 2015 after a visit to a Marie Stopes abortion clinic  

or the billions of babies who suffer in this deceptive, illegal and immoral trade)

A disgusting scandal in the abortion referendum which should end the referendum in its tracks. 

EVOFEM BIO - SCIENCES AND THE 'ABORTION REFERENDUM'   The Shocking reality for many as the reason why Both Leo Vradker (video Ask a Doctor who explains woman can come to harm in abortions and lose their fertility) and Simon Harris the minister for health (who has not produced the draft abortion bill and is seemingly unaware what is in it)  moved from pro - life to abortions is also the connection to Evofem  Biosciences and its partners in the pharmaceutical industry who will stand to reap €Billions in profits (as they have in other countries) from repealing the 8th Amendment as they supply abortion related appliances and drugs and contraceptives in Ireland and has been heavily involved with Fine Gael in recent years. Maybe this would explain Leo's u-turn on his original anti-abortion stance only a few years ago. Money talks, but Evofem are connected to planned parenthood seen (to repeat) haggling over the price of baby parts and wanting '50 livers' this week  

Video you tube 'Planned Parenthood Haggles w/ StemExpress They Wants Another 50 Livers Week!!!'


25.05.2018 The Irish referendum on abortion, polling day.

An Investigation ? From the headings above dated 26.04.2018 down through the dates 16.05.2018 and 21.05.2018, 23.05.2018 & 24.05.2018 and this post, there is enough supporting evidence to back the claim that the referendum has been hijacked by outside forces and it is not a 'peoples referendum' but a Planned Parenthood or Marie Stopes (and now Evofem) forced referendum for profit from the deaths of babies in the womb, the 'unborn' real people who do have rights from conception regardless of what the Irish Supreme Court says or thinks. From the original declaration of independence which affirmed all the children of Ireland should be cherished, to this safe guard (the 8th amendment) in the constitution as on the minds of Irish people since the inception of the state and of course since all Protestant or Catholics can read in  Psalm 139 and its relevant and famous verse 13 – 16.  and also in Jeremiah 1, 5   and starkly in Mathew 18,6   that it is also a testimony of Gd. Abortion has claimed more lives than all world wars in history.We live in a world where rapists if they are caught are given 2 or 3 years in prison (or less) whilst the baby is given a life the death penalty and no adoption option (although many countries are reversing this nonsense in the last  2 years see above) despite testimonies of rape victims. (Miss C who wanted an alternative as the rape was the crime. In other words the baby was the victim and was given the sentence not the criminal or see here you tube 'Miss C: "Don't use me to get abortion into Ireland"  ) Vote No for woman. Let men also have a say in a babies life as they contribute 50% We should spend millions on this area instead ) In Ireland the 'minister for children' believes inabortion as part of her religion , although many feminists areresolutely against abortion as a part of the divine feminine, and not only because it causes sterility, cancer and is a trauma to the body, which also kills woman in the womb  ( with no choice at all)  The 'committee on abortion' the 'peoples committee' were not elected by anyone, yet acted as a sounding board for abortion back to the pro choice government who were once pro life ?

It is one of the most blatantly scandalous, hijacking of a peoples government in Irish history and it is not to protect woman but to line the pockets of people who make money from abortions and baby parts. The Irish family planning association is already under the auspices (waiting to go) of Planned Parenthood which should be named 'Planned Abortions' for money, at a time when Ireland needs jobs, and planning for the future.There is evidence of a criminal conspiracy, interference from outside agencies forcing a national election / referendum and evidence of illegal tampering with a constitution. Many are saying the referendum is illegal and have called for an investigation.  The 'peoples referendum' seems to be all biased towards yes ? ( VOTE NO ) 


28.05.2018 The Irish referendum on abortion result

The Corruption and apathy towards the Abortion referendum was highlighted  by other issues financial and social, but with a Yes vote at 64 % and  No vote at 34 % (with turnout at 30 % or 50% or even 70%  in some areas) and it reflects what is really concerning Ireland at this time (and these other issues have also been a factor throughout Europe) There is no crisis of abortion and life and death in Ireland, only a political crisis made out of the law dating back to 1983. However in the USA they are cancelling abortions as the realization of the money making racket and horror of it is revealed.

A warning was circulated by Jim Corr ( of the band the Corrs ) the day before the referendum which confirms the scandal surrounding the whole referendum.  And which is consistent with the above on the abortion 'industry' coming to Ireland. (or available here)

There are a number of factors in Ireland which are underlying factors in the reality of modern Europe (including comments and feelings about Ireland as a whole)

  1. Canvassers who distributed No leaflets (especially in the estates and working class areas) were told that there was no need for a referendum as legislation could have dealt with problems although there is no crisis. They were also told that the Government does not care about them and unemployment is still high and there are no jobs, but immigration is still continuing on cheap labour.
  2. Ireland is still paying for the financial crisis and the high Debt and interest payments from the fallout of the €200 billion it owes and which will take at least 40 years to pay off. Canvassers were also told about this and many voters wished they had taken the Iceland route on the debt and bondholders. (i.e The debt pile stood at €210.7bn. That compares with €202.4bn at the end of September 2016, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has said… for 4 million people in Ireland)
  3. Many felt Leo Varadker was only voted in as leader of Fianna Gael because he was gay, and in this referendum it is a very sensitive heterosexual issue, and/or he cares more about immigration than either rural or urban Ireland.
  4. Canvassers were bullied and hit and subjected to physical violence and intimidation from the Yes campaign with one girl even head-butted and another kicked which they have recorded.
  5. Non Irish citizens were caught voting in polling stations across Ireland
  6. Many areas in flats and on the estates did not receive voting cards  
  7. The polls were initially at 70% yes and 30% no around March 2018, but the polls were narrowing ? in the last few days  with one poll predicting in the Irish Times. It said there was a gap of 16% between the Yes and No BUT 17% were still undecided  one week before the referendum. Most polls predicted 51% no or 52 % yes.
  8. The yes side flew as many people as they could into Ireland to vote ?

The Media and politicians were completely biased towards the yes vote  but it was more than this. After the shock of the Economic crash in 2007 / 2008 suicides and bankruptcies increased dramatically and are still happening today. Most rentals in Dublin are €1500 per month for a bedsit or small 1 bedroom apartment, and the huge debt and lack of action on jobs means (across Europe also and the debt is rising not falling) apathy abounds in many areas. Ireland's rentals are largely for tourists or for 10 people in bunk beds in a bedroom, but the tourists do not see this and the chronic homelessness is also hidden out of sight) Ireland's debt and 42 % of it was not even 'Irish debt'  was forced to be repaid by the nation, making it impossible to forge ahead. This debt is used ( or here or here again)  to force liberal issues onto Ireland as a showpiece of a 'modern' liberal country and Ireland is portrayed as being happy with it. Fear and control is used at a higher level and this forces policy downwards and onto a public which are angry with the job and debt situation. Planned Parenthood make a fortune and also use that fortune from baby parts to blackmail and intimidate against pro – life stances and legislation. Many countries in the world are going through this experiment but more and more are rejecting it as facile and empty, and seeing through the depopulation or replacement combined with the cheap labour trafficking scam our modern societies are forced to accept.

Many companies in Ireland have a culture of the Irish need not apply (i.e. Ireland) and the work 'plan' is restricted in rural areas. This lack of work is the same to a greater or lesser degree, in Britain and in the EU wide in rural or working class rural areas.

The left and the activists in this debate will next walk and demonstrate against anti-war causes, but have shown in supporting abortions they do not care about human life and now they should be ignored as ridiculous. This is one visible factor in the abortion campaign (abortions have killed more than all wars in history). The yes campaign was shown to be hypocritical and absurd when they now purpose to alter Ulster's laws on abortion   or see here also ( hypothetically an Ulster Woman could travel a couple of miles into the Republic and get an abortion) and this shows they are not concerned about woman or men or baby's, they are simply activists hyping the next Soros inspired NGO Non-Governmental Organisation or others i.e. the Canadian NGO watching the referendum but who may have missed a great deal) Donegal voted No which means in Ireland, in all 32 counties nearly half of it reject abortion.  Ulster still says No. They say now we should trust a woman only with a baby's life, but actually it is both men and woman decisions jointly on that life. Men and Woman are joint custodians of virtue, and this idea that woman should be trusted alone is also used in many abortion campaigns, until 'hey presto' and millions of abortions later, it is a contraceptive or an abortion industry, as occurred in Mexico with no choice for babies or men, but mainly for the profitable harvest of the unborn. There are now more abortions  by Jewish Woman who are not fully informed ( nor is anyone) on abortions, as deaths than there were in the Holocaust.

The Yes side claim they are not celebrating abortion but loosening the grip of the Catholic Church on Ireland, yet they now want to change Protestant Ulster ?, so this nonsense is now exposed. (when did 'feminism' become so anti - motherhood ? Catholic or Protestant ? )

Ireland's referendum was in the first instance to decide if the law should or even if it could be changed. It still has to pass legislation in its government chambers (Dail Eireann) in the next 6 months some time although it will be introduced before that  (it will be interesting to see how many 'TD ' representatives back their pro –life stance in the referendum, as of course Leo Varadker and Simon Harris the minster for finance were…..  pro life a few years ago) 

Ireland can still vote out the legislation or block it or change it and investigate it as a criminal conspiracy and/or have another referendum to stop abortions for profit.  (the referendum was planned in advance from outside which was / is illegal) The actual crisis of Cervical cancer (see all posts above) which has killed 18 people and Woman continues without concern in the media or protest ? even after the referendum result ?

All the left have achieved (and a gall bladder now has more rights than a human baby in the womb, according to the Irish supreme court, and many yes campaigners did not even know what the word 'eugenics' meant) is to almost (as yet no legislation) allow a private corporation to make money out of your children's baby parts.


18.06.2018,   3 weeks after the abortion referendum in Ireland and the real reasons for the abortion referendum emerge. The UN redefining what it means to be human. Not for compassion or for Woman’s rights but for profit (Babies for sale, abortion for prostitutes and the trafficked)

In the 3 weeks since the abortion referendum in Ireland (25.05.2018) a referendum for woman who are raped (i.e. rape should carry life sentences or the death penalty) or for those forced to work as Prostitutes (In Ireland or outside) has not been mooted, whether before or after the referendum?  Firstly consider the real reasons (and those who worked for it to bring it forward) for the referendum which have different strands but work to the same ends. Sweatshops and forced cheap labour in Ireland for trafficked woman or migrants has also not become the subject of woman’s rights referendum before or after (see below near the end) Behind this ‘compassionate’ movement is the liberal experiment in human life and meaning. Turning the liberal meaning of woman as a farmed global commodity by (big) governments who want to control your rights upside down.

Firstly consider also the following.(the Irish abortion referendum occurred on 25.May.2018)  On May 30th 2018 the United Nations began to ‘redefine what it means to be human’ (article Elyssa Koren ADF or here ) Earlier in the month of May 2018 the Irish Supreme Court declared ‘the unborn does not have constitutional rights’   (the UN despite the fact that there are only 2 genders scientifically pushed for same sex marriage with an emphasis only on taking  Christian institutions to court, although the US Supreme Court has still to rule on how many genders there are scientifically, and if that can be a legal basis for forcing another faith to comply) Irelands giant debts of €220 billion are used as leverage to push these debates onto it, (see last post above ) as a test case experiment situation. This is Irelands role as a facilitator of the experiments and which also wants to destroy both the Catholic and Protestant faiths,  but now the visible transhumanism religion (pushed also by the LGBT community) is trying to support the numerous gender classifications (up to 60 genders in some cases see  of the ever increasing layers of identity  (to find last video; "BRILLIANT: German Politician Mocks PC, Addresses Parliament in 60 Different Genders" in you tube with its roots in the 1930;s Frankfurt Cultural Marxism schools) ) by undermining what it is to be called human. Of course it is mad in the communist / socialist social engineering experiment, and another reason the UN should be closed and investigated although it gets worse.  

This then paves the way for the ‘Universal declaration’ that all babies should be subject to abortion globally with universal rights for abortion and who as human babies have no rights in the womb linked to the Irish abortion referendum  Article Stefano Gennarini ‘Un one step closer to creating international right to abortion. These measures introduce AI (artificial intelligence) fantasies and the notion that 99% of the world’s population have no rights (no human rights as equal rights but equally no rights) as they can begin to be classified as Unhuman with no rights gradually. It is not for compassion or ‘equality’ as female babies or male have no rights.

Leo Varadker works for these people first and (any) country second. This is why a gay man was chosen to take this referendum forward in what is primarily a heterosexual issue, as there has to be more than 2 genders regardless of the scientific facts. This is Ireland’s current minster for children

To explain wider and to repeat The Irish Supreme court    paved the way by declaring the unborn have no rights. Members of the government work for ‘planned parenthood’ in the USA to supply abortion clinics. Although NI minister Arlene Foster says it will not extended to Ulster   the intention of forcing emergency legislation for abortions onto Ulster is occurring now  but should be banned.

Earlier this year the UN in Geneva at its HQ carried a poster which displayed a baby born with an imprint on its arm stating it only had human rights when it was born as a universal declaration by the  UN office of the high commission, in effect re-defining what it means to be human    They have followed this by (soon) declaring an international right to abortion    (Saudi Arabia are on the human rights commission where woman are stoned to death and trafficked) The UN has also been caught child trafficking   and it  is easier to traffic a child in the womb than out in the open especially if the unborn trafficked child has no rights (or here or see here or in this link here  or here again for pregnant trafficked woman) 

Leo Varadker states that Irish Catholic Hospitals will have to perform abortions, and although individuals can claim ‘consciousness objector’ status, entire institutions cannot he says? This is not true as of course entire institutions can claim consciousness objector status. Individuals who speak up with this right to consciousness objector status will of course be vilified and sided- lined and slowly their views made irrelevant or they are sacked. This type of bullying occurred during the referendum against a no vote and individuals. So if public or private institutions or individuals want to object they can do so unopposed or free from backlash or persecution for all and any institutions or for any individual to object (the insane policy of having a ward with pregnant woman next to the abortion ward continues)  Abortions have already occurred in Ireland prior to the referendum??  and private clinics will be introduced as Planned Parenthood is already a part of the Irish family planning HSE agency i.e. not completely public. (both either partially subsided by taxpayers or fully ) as they are in other countries and the lucrative private baby parts will provide a new product after the marketing is phase is now completed.

The irony is Planned Parenthood would prefer a tolerant attitude to rape culture as this may produce more unwanted pregnancies and more product. Planned Parenthood is also being phased out in the USA state by state. Lobbyists around the world are powerful and today when rape can carry only a jail sentence of a few months or years, (instead of life or the death penalty) and where repeat offenders, rape 3 or 4 times in and out of jail, then this phenomenon is a global liberal scandal. 'Miss C' who has been used in the media and has said she did not want to be used to bring  abortion into Ireland was raped as a teenager. Politicians at the time were adamant she was to be flown out of Ireland for an abortion as how could she bear it etc. Yet  the rape itself which is the crime is not seen as such, but the blameless baby is. In contrast forced rape by prostitution (which is a criminal trade as is pimping) and trafficking in Ireland  is hardly mentioned.

One of the great ironies since the Abortion referendum which is facing 3 legal challenges in the courts, (as deception was employed from beginning to end)  no one either before (say from 2016) or to date now? has brought a referendum recommendation for prostituted / trafficked woman who are raped ( and become pregnant but at least now they can abort locally) in Ireland in the brothels and there are at least 12 in a 2 mile radius from Dublin Castle (more  if you count massage parlours disguised as brothels ) the location of the ‘abortion celebration’ result, after the referendum. (slaves not ‘sex workers’ drugged and used and there are 8 million prostitutes in the EU and 42 million worldwide, which has now increased to 67 million since 2012. That is a lot of product in baby parts by abortion in the depopulation and replace population agenda and of course  whole babies for profit) These girls are trafficked as young as 14 into Ireland. (see also the very last paragraph on the adjacent website in chapter 4 for a real need for a woman’s referendum in which woman are raped day in day out, it is not ‘sex work’ or enjoyable but a criminal profession and a ruin of a person’s rights and standing as a human being. Hell in other words) You don’t have to go to Bangladesh to find windowless sweatshops, Ireland has many and the Irish passport office scandals are still being investigated and worldwide passport offices and corruption are a part of the terrorism and trafficking industry. Migration is cheap labour and slavery and prostitution and trafficking, nationally and internationally requires secure borders.. Trafficked pregnant woman can sell their babies as babies for sale. and not just in Malaysia, but spreading into Europe All that has occurred in Ireland is private companies want to make money and will make money from your dead children’s body parts.



Argentina’s pro- life Abortion vote victory (9.8.2018) and Pope Francis visit to Ireland (24 – 26.08. 2018)

Following the results in the Irish referendum ( a population of 4.3 million people) on the 25.05.2018 a similar referendum by legislators in the lower house and senate was held in Argentina ( a population of 44 million )on the 9/10th August 2018 only 3 months later and which decided to support pro life and not abortion.  ( another news item which did not get as much coverage ? worldwide as the Irish referendum ? The pro - life activists celebrating here )  Representatives from Argentina were sent to watch and monitor the Irish referendum and not just the result but also the conduct of it (everything from bias to international influences and corruption and perceptions) Pope Francis arrived in Ireland on the 24. 08 2018 to a barrage of criticism concerning child sexual abuse within the church, but which has also maligned the Protestant church (and the Jehovah’s witnesses and all shades of political parties) and many secular institutions worldwide and also of course the LGBT community with the 1960’s ‘Alfred Kinsey sexual revolution’ based on the evidence of paedophiles infiltrating any and all institutions including education and ‘counselling’ and psychology institutions worldwide. (see also chapter 6 below and Kinsey the paedophile   Wardell Pomeroy and Clyde Martin scale of gender theories, now known as the Kinsey Scale. which employed data and interviews from paedophiles to compile. Kinsey was a expert only in grooming victims and many children) You can read above that many countries including the USA have mooted or have brought in the death penalty option for paedophiles as a deterrent in the endless debate without action on preventing child abuse. The ultimate ‘child abuse’ of course (and many church leaders insist marriage is between men and woman, and abortion is murder as Pope Francis also states on both issues) is the dismemberment of babies in the womb of a mother.(for profit)


17.11.2018,  600 Irish Doctors protest the abortion legislation and the draconian version changed since the Irish referendum. Norwegian Doctor wins conscience objection to abortion in Norway's Supreme court.

In the USA the Judge Kavanaugh hearings were presented with accusers who had a stake in the abortion industry. (See heading on the adjacent website in Chapter 5 North Korea)  '27.09.2018  The Cuban Communist  revolution 1953 - 1958/ 1959 and the American (USA) Revolution circa 1760 – 1783 (Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gun rights and ‘Death of a nation' ) 

In Ireland following the abortion referendum the government's final version of the abortion 'procedures' was voted upon but  it is now completely different that the version presented in the actual referendum. Following this and which has not been highlighted in the media Doctors, GP's Nurses and medical staff held rally's  to protest how the peoples referendum had changed towards full abortion on demand. Bishops in Ireland also call for opt outs for the medical profession and this followed a few court cases in the EU most notably in Norway in which Dr. Katarzyna Jachimowicz a Doctor won her case in the Norwegian Supreme court  i.e. to object to abortion on conscience grounds. The Judge Kavanaugh controversy highlighted the original court case in the USA in which it transpired after the case that 'Jane Roe' aka Norma McCorvey was not raped and did not have an abortion but actually gave birth to her child and then she became a Christian.see video Youtube 'Roe v Wade was passed because Norma McCorvey lied about being raped. Don't believe me, listen to her'  or a background summary of the case video Youtube 'Why Abortion is Legal: Roe vs Wade Explained'  Chelsea Clinton in support of her mother who supports 'Roe versus Wade' (which advanced in its legal position and ideological belief from the original court case to full term abortions and pulling off a baby's head with forceps and dismembering it ) said (Chelsea Clinton) that banning abortions  would be unchristian ?   Hillary Clinton works for George Soros who paid illegal funds into the Irish abortion campaign. Soros and co deny they fund these campaigns including the Judge Kavanaugh campaign     George Soros says criticism of him is anti-Semitic yet he is openly anti - Israel ? In fact these protests against mass murder (abortions)  in which more Jewish people have been killed by abortion than the 6 million in the holocaust by abortions which Soros and co support. The lies epitomized and exposed by Dr Ben Carson in the USA who campaigned recently asking if a foetus is not human then why are you are harvesting organs from them says it all. The vast majority of Irish GP's want to exercise and operate their conscience rights.

This (to repeat from the above paragraphs) is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) in the USA who opposes being told by the government that is he legally obliged to recommend abortions (but not to recommend not having an abortion) Obamacare was made to bring in mass abortion. All Doctors, Health care centers and Pharmacists are legally obliged to inform a young girl or a woman of abortions only.   

The following facebook page explains the actions of the 600 (and many more) GP's who protested and spoke out  and more information is here on the pro - life page  It is simply mass murder for profit and anyone by conscience has the right to refuse by their own conscience. Hypocrites oath states  ‘help or do no harm’ and also relates to the medical profession but that is not what is now in this Irish abortion legislation. It is a criminal racket operating worldwide but which uses 'population reduction science' as its front to disguise a business for profit and the mass murder of babies in the womb. In the USA midterm US elections Governor Rick Scott (and the Florida vote controversy) in Florida signed measures into law against abortion.  These measures are active measures which are experiments (as anyone can see they make no sense i..e Billions of abortions and killing babies in the womb and taking children's innocence in 'classrooms') upon society of the most heinous kind serving many different purposes.



(09/07/2017 added) French second round elections results.

The French second round election results were held on the 18.07.2017 and the turnout was even lower than the first and very low in comparison to past elections. Macron was predicted to win over 450 seats of the 577 but won 350 seats and has formed a coalition with the party 'MoDem' or Democratic Union to ensure a solid majority. They have around 40 seats making 310 for En Marche and Macron. Held as a victory the coalition in Britain was hailed as a failure despite retaining the same number advantage over the opposition. Marie le Pen was elected and is embroiled like nearly every French politician in some alleged scandal and this includes MoDem with one of its ministers having resigned already in an employment scandal (but not broadcast before the election as with the Republican party)

Macron wants to reduce the number of seats from 577 to 358 and the senate seats from 348 to 322. France does have major financial reform problems which are dependent on Germany, but the EU has major financial problems brewing under the surface (see the beginning of this chapter 3A) France however can bring the whole country to a stop if the promised Horizon does not appear.

Macron despite being a socialist (although the socialists were almost wiped out and the communists reduced and socialism has failed) has surrounded himself with high Symbolism. Macron as Jupiter and holding an extraordinary parliamentary party session. Using the symbolism of Macron the ' The Sun King' a title which Louis the XIV employed.

The Sun King is also a reference to Pharaoh Amenhotep the third whose daughter Hatshepsut (was the surrogate Mother of Moses, ThutMoses) the Hebrew prophet. ( The timeline of Moses is discussed here in new and greater detail  This video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television )

Moses of course would have become Sun King but he led the Hebrews and tribes of Israel out of Egypt in the Exodus. He was preceded by Joseph of the amazing technicolour dream coat story who like the House of Joseph is asleep in Egypt (in the 'Jews and the Jo's') King David later conquered Egypt from Israel and became Pharaoh and Sun king (a title bestowed upon him by the conquered Egyptians) although he was King of Israel first in titles. Solomon also inherited this title and Israel became the greatest Kingdom on earth. The ten tribes split from Israel and the 2 tribes and dispersed throughout Europe and the World    

Macron has also cited Charles DeGualle. De Gaulle as someone who got it right on France and indeed France prospered under the Charismatic leadership of De Gaulle.

Charles De Gaulle would not have funded Sharia law zones (by extracting illegal taxes on business which is what Sharia law zones do by force) to fund Hamas or Hezbollah or allowed Islam to make these zones and push a social agenda to ruin families and society see post above dated 12.05.2017 and the macron emails heading (and what would a gay Sharia law zone look ? it's absurd ) De Gaulle in his second period had to deal with the battle of Algiers which was made into a film is available to watch here or trailer here and was successful against Islam.

After Egypt went into decline the line of Pharaohs became Greek and the greatest Greek / Macedonian Sun King (later Cleopatra also Greek would become queen or female Pharaoh) was Alexander the Great who conquered Persia and Middle East (after the decisive battle of Issus or Issos when Syria also finally fell and then beyond Syria)

This was a response from many Persian kings who threatened to march against the west and destroy it lock stock and battle by burning, rape, slavery, genocide and war. Mohammed of Islam took up this cause again when he was born. Islam was defeated by the nine poor Knights of Christ which were in reality the centre of a larger war and who were 8 + 1.

Italian local elections (held on 11.06.2017 & run off on 25.06.2017)

The Centre right won the local, mayoral and municipal elections in Italy. The Alliance inclding Forza Italia and the anti-immigrant Northern League. The EU is starting to encroach and the Italian banks had a bailout of €5.2 Billion and are in trouble in June / July 2017. Immigration is causing a crisis all across Italy and is not ceasing and is increasing across the EU. The figure rose to €17.5 Billion  (€17.5 Billion) and it is not just Italy's or Greek banks (and this was known before the French elections whilst the QE Quantitative easing programme may end in December 2017)

The economy in Greece and Italy has been controlled by the centre left / left and it is essentially like all the EU using debt to buy debt and return to Keynesian deficit spending as mentioned in the last post above in the British elections. Both of these are a false economy and still immigration increases. None of these reasons will be cited (including immigration) by the Marxist 2017 conference at ULU London yet they are left wing economics.

Europe and the Germany elections 24th September 2017 (& Brexit)

One of the aims of the Eurozone is price stability, and yet the ongoing Greece problem and the recent Italian bank bailout is the opposite result from that aim. Without price stability inflation, deflation, stagnation and indignation follow in a economy. It is not just Italy and Greece (Greece remains outside of Quantitative Easing as its bonds are considered junk) and after ten years, Ireland, Portugal, Spain also and Britain have suffered in their economies and many other EU countries. Inflation is considered an art in macro-economics, micro-economics which as leading economists John Maynard Keynes or Milton Friedman (as two prominent examples) came to encapsulate in their debates or debates which subsequent economies took to task.

It is true however that Germany has mastered the art of inflationary problems as far as a lively free economy can go and Britain also produced great economists and insights. Every culture has different priorities however and a one size fits all approach to a vast continent is not going to work. There is also a view in Germany that if it was not for the other people in other economies then everything would be ok (although this is not in economic textbooks)

A flaw in the economics raise the following concerns….  "A few moot, if collapse from Asymmetric shocks in some areas, was better than intervention (and then to begin again) The hard peg, intermediate and floating exchange rate 'bi-polar issue' discovered that many countries declared a stated exchange rate and were using another for many years despite surveillance (Fischer 2008 p 373) Both monetary policy and fiscal policy need adjustment when a currency is under pressure. (Fischer 2008 p 374) The IMF state the Worlds debt was in October 2016, $152 Trillion. (Financial Times, Claire Jones 5.10.2016) Will this be absorbed or forgiven or paid down with the adaption of the SDR new five nation currency fund. This is not just a problem for OCA sustainability within the EU, but a western security issue. It exacerbates security issues concerning people, property and information, assets and securities" …..   (Stanley Fischer (2008) Mundell-Fleming Lecture: Exchange Rate Systems, Surveillance, and Advice Fischer, Stanley IMF Staff Papers; 2008; 55, 3, Business Premium Collection pp 367 – 383)

Mass immigration is a "asymmetric shock" as the world has experienced. Macrons MoDem party is also keen to cut the national debt as a part of its electoral mandate.

Note that this concern of Stanley Fischer occurred before the 2008 crash and the recent Italian banks problem occurred after the regulatory Basel 3 accords have been in place for 3 years at least. Banking has always been unstable and problematic and as unstable as trade can be and the Irish economy debt levels are four times the pre-crisis debt levels says the financial times 10/07/2017 " The country's general government debt is €200bn — four times the level it was in 2007" Note Despite these underlying problems the upturn in the Euro is it is felt because it could not have gone any lower and any upturn was possible from the bottom. Some want to return to purely Keynesian economics as monetary policy but Macron from the palace of Versailles wants Germany to lower its economy to allow France to upturn its economy (as a compensatory optimal currency theory measure) but scale back public excess which would then take a Milton Friedman type economy to complete in France.

The question as to why Germany would want to do this (i.e. lower its standard of living) for its population is largely unanswered? There are still it is estimated 50 million people (10%) unemployed (70 million unofficially) in the EU and 11 million in France alone. There are 700 million Europeans and only 500 million or so are in the EU which means trade with 200 million people not in the common market is viable. Porous borders in the EU are a large problem.

The EU did not let Britain negotiate free trade deals 2016/2017 ? but now it can without a negotiation with the EU, and the current situation is simply to stop Brexit (there is no negotiating only talking about negotiating and not about economics currently and that has been the case for a year as the EU are not allowing negotiations) Here is the real truth about tariffs and trade deals (tariffs which are cheap when you are outside the EU) incredibly simple and basic stuff considering the media bias against Brexit. Starting a business in the EU is subject to such a large bureaucracy that monopolies form. No competition no growth, hence Britain left. An example of successful economies and what they face is in the next paragraph.

Germanys trade surplus and the EU's excess capacity have been criticised and a formal declaration against this situation was issued at the G20 meetings (7- 9 / 7 /2017) as the "G20 Leaders ́ Declaration: Shaping an interconnected world

This declaration confirms the '20/30' agenda and commits to the African summit which is encouraging more integration as part of the optimal currency area's economic theory  (such as it is) Essentially it commits to more and more 'migrants' as pushed by George Soros, China (who don't like any other nation producing more than they do, whilst pushing the rest of the world to reduce output whilst they and Russia increase carbon output ? ) and as shown in some videos as a false construct

The plan from some in the G20 (in Hamburg which went up in flames and mass arrests and riots all over the city ) is to adopt global socialism (and China is still managing North Korea currently as one example or worse case scenario) but not as the 'progressives preach' (the Trojan horse as a first step)  but more along the lines of the Chinese Communist Party who do not care if Europe, Britain and the USA become Islamic states as long as they trade quietly with China as the dominant party. Justin Trudeau supports this also and is trying to get Trump to abandon the America first policy. Socialism or communism is not popular yet Angela Merkel is pretending to be 'conservative' yet she chose Hamburg and many riots have occurred there ? they also did not occur in Poland when Trump went to visit it first? so it is Merkle's policies which are unpopular.

Germany is also facing huge structural reductions to its economy (it will receive less money as all EU states will receive less)  in a structural funds adjustment which this article blames on Brexit, but whilst the UK - EU money is disappearing there are of course less people in the EU as a consequence and the structural adjustments following the EU crash would occur anyway.

Poland July 2017 A proposal by Germany is to use cohesion funding towards or onto EU states who break the rules. Essentially it blocks funding to those countries. Jean Claude Juncker has rejected such proposals but they have been used before in a round-about way when in September 2015 Angela Merkel proposed cutting funds to EU member states who refuse 'migrants'. It existed since 2014 in any case. That is fascism which is socialism disguised now as 'progressive conservativism'?

Poland (and Hungary who may soon leave the EU you video 'Orban's historic speech puts Hungary on war footing' and who has upset Angela Merkel who is also upset by 'left wing' Hamburg rioters i.e. upset by both left and right in her vision for Germany ) is seen as a breaker of these rules.

President Donald Trump's speech in Poland. 6.7.2017

Poland wants secure borders and it has made many large demonstrations against Islam.150,000 Poles marched in April and May 2017 and the latter was in Millions. Just as the 'lgbt' community in Britain is over represented by a factor of 5, Muslims want to run the politics of the EU. In Saudi, Iran or Pakistan there are zero Christian officials, and migrants are still not sent to these Muslim countries or to the new emerging China / Eurasian zone (Note they have no concerns for the environment nor or they asked to have any)

War has been declared on the EU by its own leaders Douglas Murray Interview on the Death of Europe and the growing democracy needs borders movement is a EU wide phenomenon. Brexit has changed the EU and it has forced it, to adopt new political facelifts which should back the overall trend of securing the EU's borders as it hinted in Holland and France but which to date is simply the old policy of bringing Europe to destruction. It is not Germanys fault, although Britain and Germany did not see eye to eye in any case, but the current policy of protectionist EU based on socialism and Keynes without innovation and competition is grinding the EU to a halt and Keynesian deficit spending is not a solution but a temporary surge in spending which is never repaid or made to work for the good long term. In fact Germany and the UK were and still are allies against Russia and many in Germany fought against the Bolsheviks not Russian people.(or here)  This is also the labour parties' solution in the UK (i.e. same old policy and hope you have left power when it collapses)

Despite Brexit, and there is a reason why Brexit will be good for Germany and Britain, Germany is at a crossroads and is the EU and it and the EU need to close its borders and employ those already within and allow fiscal control to scrap 'optimal currency theory' and instead of Germany reducing its trade surplus, it should encourage all within to improve theirs against China and Russia. Britain can do that now also and Donald Trump is going to do that for America. His speech pointed out that the West is in deep trouble and competition in the west to raise employment and all economies with secure borders is a far better model than the integration with Islam (the strangest religion on earth) model overseen by communist China.

Chinas model for adjoining countries is currently North Korea,(or could be)  and a new film on the falun gong showing Chinas treatment of its own has been produced 1. Human Harvest trailer and 2. The persecution of the fulan gong 2016 Does anyone want to be under a one world China socialist dystopia with the UN and Saudi chairing human rights (gays think they are persecuted now ? of course they are not, but just wait until Saudi set up Sharia law courts. If you can be flogged for that (and I do not know which is worse flogging or the incident) then wait around the gay sharia law zone this is your fate as a gay (beheading) and these are the countries which currently extend that law. Do you think gay sharia law zones will work ? 'Abba Akhbar' ? ) and overseeing it is Ming the Merciless from China ?

You won't hear any of this at the Marxism 2017

You don't exactly wake up in the morning whistling 'happy days are here again' in either country scenario. Soviet brainwashing techniques are used as a weapon back and forth and if you read the chapter on North Korea on the adjacent website and the last para you will see the 'Happiest people on earth' video. Note the different children who repeat the same phrase as it was told / forced upon them, and that's enough to know. It has existed in communist countries since the 1920's and even eastern Europeans will tell you they faced this lack of freedom. Alive but totally openly controlled. It is not a model to desire. Snapping people out of that mindset is a challenge. John Pilger said if North Korea did not exist you would have to make it up. North Koreans must be the strongest people on earth, I'm not sure about the happiest.

An ongoing debate in the EU concerns the EU constitution and who initiates the laws which as a situation Jean Claude Juncker says is ridiculous. (or here) Speaking to the EU parliament, it tells him that we the parliament control the EU commission. The Commission however initiates laws which may not (but can be) be altered by the parliament and then sent to be binding on national parliaments in many regulations and treaties. Hence unelected people are making EU laws for 500 million people.

Obama who as we have seen in the last post dated 07.07.2017, has been issuing decrees on why we should accept the liberal order as he sees it (and China and the EU controlled by the UN etc etc) It sounds good (Obama who double speaks every word ) Human rights (but with no rights equally ) rule of law and freedoms. But what he is actually referring to is the Cairo declaration of human rights (CHHRI) which is Islamic and they are no rights at all, but are less than we have already by a long way. Sharia law by a Muslim Barry Soetoro. This is a hoped-for model for the EU, Britain and the USA (Obama is a liar)

The USA is threatening to defund the UN (and it  should) as is Israel, and lease the building to others. Basically, it is a hot air talk shop which makes rules also for the EU which it fans outward from the Commission and which binds EU National countries in the ongoing Sharia law plot which requires millions of 'migrants' to enter. The UN is filled with countries who criticise the USA and US taxpayers pay for it ?. It is ridiculous, and Jean Claude Juncker is right. This is another reason why Britain left and why others will.

Trade deals are easy and take a few weeks to draw up. It (the Cairo declaration and Sharia law levels) is also Jeremy Corbyn's unspoken vision for Britain's rights, who despite claims and motives to the contrary, abstained on Austerity which he would keep, and he would also open the floodgates to immigration beyond all current levels and would end the Nation State Democracy as is a possibility in every country worldwide. The last video featuring Nigel Farage also relates (at 23 minutes into the video) the trade deal with the EU and Japan (who are outside the EU) Yet after 1 year, the EU have been unable to make a deal (or begin to discuss one) with the UK? Which could make numerous deals with the EU bi – laterally (Japan also bans Islam ) you are being lied to. Jeremy Corbyn in any case would never make such a deal in or out of the EU, but the obvious delay on deals begins to highlight that Brexit is being hijacked by a small minority but who mislead through the press. This deeper reality in Britain on its politics within, going on for decades and it is simply the analogy of King Alfred who went all out and made all fair, and King John who went against what he had agreed and used every excuse he could muster to steal and betray everyone. There is nothing new under the Sun.

However the City and the USA could be on their way possibly to their biggest boom in history.

Immigration and (also) the left-wing sceptics view on immigration.

Consider again Angela Merkel's (the EU) direction which imposes a penalty on countries who refused immigration ? it's incredible, yet she is leader of the country ?  Consider also the media constantly broadcasting a false story on the Republicans on Russia since November 2016 and how the five subsequent elections for government were still Republican candidates and which were chosen by the American public not Russia. The media were not reporting but engaging in propaganda and false stories. The Catholic Church is banned (almost) from speaking on Islam in the USA, whilst the mayor of Rome has called for a ban as has Florence due to migrant violence and the non integration Islam expects (this at a time when Trumps travel ban is recognised by the supreme court) Consider again the video by Douglas Murray, then consider the views of William Engdhal who is American but who lives in Germany and who puts forward the truth on immigration plainly (whether he totally viewing Chinese communism through rose / red tinted glasses is another matter) the sheer numbers and the logistics (in the Islamic military advance)

Switzerland mentioned many times in this website is a unique country, yet the immigration war and influx may come and also enter their domain and turn in on Switzerland also,  in this era of information regulation and 'openness' (but no privacy)  This is the Swiss flag or actually two flags (one has a bear upon it). It is a very private country and does not appreciate troublemakers and anarchists creating chaos ! etc (she has a passport now, and the cows have bells still which save their lives in high alpine snow blizzards and alpine horns were heard all over the high Alpine)  and Roger Moore famous for many films has just recently passed away, he lived in Switzerland. People wonder about Switzerland here is an average day. It is a beautiful country, with nice people and with proud traditions such as the world Alpine horn record.  A swiss joke, and an electro beat Swiss horn (they love the mountains) A nation which protects its borders and traditions. The patron saint is Nicholas of Flue (Bruder Klaus) who resided near Sion, near Geneva towards the French side of Switzerland.

The Middle East and Europe and the hidden history. Aside from many incredible histories the Swiss have a long theological tradition, and from Geneva you can easily reach the South of France where they have the tradition of Mary Magdalene which is distracting from the history of the Levites (a tribe of Israel) and their travel to France (under Pontius Pilate and other journeys as with the Nazarenes) at the time of Mary Magdalene. Much is made of the bible verses in John 21:1 – 11 in relation to the Magdalene story which has lost its true meaning i.e. the 153 fishes. (153 or 1x1x1 = 1   5x5x5 = 125 & 3x3x3 = 27.  1 + 125 + 27 = 153. It is the only number whose parts multiplied and added realises its own value. It is regenerative. This is one mathematical tradition left brain tradition, but it is not the whole picture

The length to height ratio of Solomon's temple when the lower number is divided into the higher gives a number very close to the square root of 3 = 1.732050. Mary Magdalene or the Magdalene was not referring to Mary the disciple of Yeshua, it is a play on words in this case, yet this has not stopped false witnesses profiting with 'Mary Magdalene myths' which actually relate to Herods wife Herodias. Hidden identity in her name is the numerical value of which is 153. Given a length of 256 and height of 153 we get 1.73 (the square root of 3). Mary Magdalene's feast day is July 27th (22/7 or 3.142) which is also the number of PI. (1.618 = Phi as we shall see is connected soon) A circle with a Diameter of 14 and therefore a radius of 7, squared upwards = 49. Pi times 49 or 22/7 x 49 = 153. Therefore two circles of radius 7 will have two values of 153. (a Vesica) 

The Vesica Piscis (or the Vessel of the Fish) should have according to Pythagoras (who said 'all is number') a length height ratio of 153.226, the squared root of 153 is 12.369, which is the number of moons in a year (not a 13 moon year) Many of these attributes are designed into a Temple, but the Temple of Solomon differed from the Temple of Herod. The bible and John 21:11 relates how Simon Peter caught 153 fishes in his net, and although this huge catch was brought in the net did not break. John 21:11 was set on the sea of Galilee (an area of Magdala overseen by Herod and who opposed anyone's claims to be King of Israel)  which had 153 species of fish and the known world then contained 153 tribes of the world, and the Temple of Solomon and its size and dimensions are akin to its height, which is 44.5 feet, and its length is 72 feet. 72/44.5 = 1.618.  Sacred Cubit.3.142 Pi – 1.618 Phi squared or 1.618 x 1.6118 =  2.618 known as the Golden Mean by some. 3.142 – 2.618 = 0.5236 (the sacred cubit) or 20.614 inches, uniting metric with imperial standards, and Ezekiel's Temple which would follow Solomon's Temple not Herod's also included the hands breadth and finger breadth of 4.6 inches (depending on the hand used) which would make 25 (or 25.02) inches as the Sacred cubit. Without hand and finger breadth the measure is 20.614 inches or .05235 meters. 

This is not the full picture and the last 8 paragraphs in Chapter 5, below is just as much a revelation and a part of a tradition (right brain and Ruach revelation) which has been lost especially over two world wars in western thinking. The tradition is actually in two parts and whilst measurement appeals to the Hellenistic mind or Greek mind of the day it was only one half of a bigger picture. Germany of course suffered very much also in world war 1 and 2 but the enmity between the 10 and the 2, an ongoing creation in the middle east is a part of the immigration problem. Immigration is essentially going the wrong way and is causing Europe's destruction. There is a bigger creation to manage (see the last 8 paragraphs in chapter 5 for the full picture and meaning, remember millions died in the world wars so it is a subject which deserves full consideration)


Security Issues Europe and the Middle East.

Safe Zones in Syria and the middle east with Russia or without 2011 - 2017 ? (and see post above in chapter 3 dated and named 26.04.2016 (The Continuing denial of the Christian Genocide)

Safe zones were first mooted in 2011 and continued into 2016 with Trump and Pence calling for 3 or 4 safe zones in dispute with Russia 2016/2017 and following the USA elections in November 2016. Almost but nearly a full agreement was reached in May 2017 (with Russia) hence talks were underway with Russia. These were safe zones which would also protect Israel, but  in recognition of the war.   Looking something like this in four zones

See also video; Syria's war; who is fighting and why   (some factions against Assad are themselves trying to create a new Islamic State not just Isis as Al qaida, Hezbollah, the Kurds and the rebels all fight each other.(with Russia, China and Iran who are in Syria)

 The Syrian Christians are ignored

Following the G20 meetings and the closer co-operation with Russia, Ukraine's President Petroshenko said the following about Ukraine's current situation. (or here) On June 27th 2017 one of Ukraine's top military intelligence officers was killed.(and 15 Marines and 1 Navy Corps were killed on 11.07.2017)  The troops available to Ukraine should be doubled and also for Poland and the Balkans and Estonia and all along the Russian border with Europe in any and every capacity. Russia has destabilised the Ukraine and Syria and this is why talks with them are ongoing and difficult and are portrayed falsely in the media. The 3 or 4 safe zones in the Syria / middle east should be (3) policed by the USA and Israel is calling for the USA to police the southern Syria zone rather than Russia (Israel is a successor to Assad, and Hamas is also receiving funding from the UN. Benjamin Netanyahu also comments  on Hamas)  Emmanuel Macron has called Assad the enemy and it looks like an invasion of Syria could end the war and remove Assad in days if a full scale invasion were undertaken.

Obama first walked away in the red line debacle, but later said Assad must go (1. Assad must go 2011 ? and 2. Assad must go in 2015 ) The middle east under Iran and Russia is not a prospect many middle easterners want despite the 'protection' and Saudi is losing the war in the middle east against Iran but which (Iran) can only sustain with Turkey as a military dictatorship which it currently is and increasingly unstable even threatening Germany. Russia is providing Syria with weapons. Iran is supplying weapons to Assad and threatening Israel. With Assad removed joint security areas with Russia and the USA will rule the country.

Iran has not agreed to a ceasefire and Hezbollah are preparing for war and nuclear war  (discovered 11.07.2017) North Korea has just fired an ICBM as US jets flew along the DMZ. China is obviously perpetuating the North Korean regime and continues to do so which is why Taiwan is backing new missile delivery systems (just delivered) and why the Pacific forces could launch an attack if Assad is not removed)

The War which has been building for 60 years could be over in days if the will to do so is taken (and safe zones set in place) There is a lot to think about in the German elections.


15.09.2017  (see also above from 24.09.2017 for German elections)

2. The German and Norwegian Elections (Norway 11.09.2017 & Germany 24.09.2017)   

Norway for the first time in its history has elected a conservative government in two successive elections. Norway has maintained a successful independent economy outside the EU.

The German elections and electorate can look back at the Dutch and French elections which is advantageous to them (you can read chapter 3a above and follow what was promised and said) Many economists see an underlying trend downward over all, and concerns that imports in Germany in August 2017 are down, is similar to worries in December 2015 when imports fell, after record imports and exports in March 2015.  were up. The lowest level for imports was 2009 during the financial crash. Yet the objective would be to maintain exports and reduce imports with manufacturing chains at home in any country and in any economy. Consistently throughout these import / export highs and lows, Germany has sustained high middle class manufacturing jobs here in 2017 and again from 2014. This issue was a central issue in Brexit (and still is in 'Brexit'  who can only build up manufacturing with a change of mindset which has not been present for 38 years. This could occur within EFTA with Norway, or on its own but after 50 years it is never going to occur within the EU and Brexit has provided a choice of direction which was not there before) It was also the issue in the USA elections and still is. Many see renewed manufacturing across the entire west (which will lead to internal competition across western countries eventually, but it is better than a slow decay across the west entirely and for the very long term)

However, the EU system, following Emmanuel Macrons election win, expects Germany to lower its economy (deflate it) to build up the French economy and other EU economies. This is proving unpopular across the field in France and in France it means removing its labour laws (especially if you want to import cheap labour in the Church of low numbers for cheaper labour) but of course it is obviously proving to be unpopular in Germany also. This aim has to be sold to the German people and it is obviously not popular. Since the election Macrons 'polls' have fallen to 30 % from 65% approval that's if you can believe either poll level at any time. 100 % employment targets without importing cheap labour is also a very realistic option and economic model.

Many people in Germany and other EU countries and the world were shocked when Greece's bailout was given over the heads of the EU laws and Maastricht treaty which states other EU countries are not responsible for another countries debt. 4 years later and many more loans on top of loans from the World bank / IMF to sort the problem with disastrous results, Greece or Tsipras has again announced the problem is almost solved again  (just in time for the German elections) Tsipras has gone along with the bailout programme and IMF programme consistently (see adjacent website and chapter 2 and half way up from the heading The Ukraine & Greece (July 2015) ) If the Greek economy had just collapsed and grew naturally again its debts would have disappeared.

The truth IMF and World Bank have been taken over by communist left economists (some who are fronted as 'progressive' with privatisations in full a neo – liberal failure model, who are not fiscally conservative) who are pushing the debt model through the roof and Tsipras a communist is allowing that to occur. Since the left spend so much time concerned about Globalisation, it is their doctrines which are pushing this never-ending chaos and bailout scenarios. It can never end except in collapse and ruin and the stage to George Orwell's 1984 or a brave new world in which Chairman Mao Tse- tung and total government control take over. Later you will see what that nightmare looks like. The IMF and World bank should fire them all and employ fiscal conservatives who look to 100 % employment models with middle class manufacturing. Many in Germany want this approach or to break away in a Deutschland Brexit, and they can see a 'nearly Deutschland' Brexit across the Channel occurring for similar reasons in Britain / England. The Video entitled 'Death by China, How America lost its manufacturing base' (now 3 years old and Obama did absolutely nothing to reduce its facts economically at home ) narrated by Martin Sheen is factually correct and accurate, (see also how China rules the world )  It is incredible that in January 2017 and through the next 8 months, Wall street broke all records but with high supporting job growth also

Globalisation (to repeat) according to George Soros is to be headed by China who will lead the new world order (new suits, same communists to repeat  George Soros (December 2016) also called for China to lead the New World order ) In December 2017, Quantitative easing (buying of debt and rebranding it as loans) may stop but if it does not then this is a sign the economy is in trouble still. If it does end it will a return to non – interventionist economics with either more Keynes debt bubbles or a Norway style approach of fiscal conservatism and spending what have you have.

The EU Economy is currently artificially maintained and does not reflect reality.

With most western countries debt to GDP ratios over 85 % and many over 100% a collapse in those economies could see 'The West' become a new North Korea under China's influence. China's debt  to GDP ratio is nearly 300 % whilst Russia's is around 13 %. Britain is 90 % and the USA is around 104% and Germany is around 70%. A broad list of countries debt to GDP is here. Chinas debt to GDP ratio is 300% which it employed (is employing)  to manipulate world currencies into a collapse. (whilst it and Russia but Gold over decades)  

However, for the west including Europe the debt to GDP ratio is much worse when you compare debt to the percentage of tax revenues. In this case Greece's debt to GDP ratio is 185% but debt to the percentage of tax revenues is 475 %. Spending decreases everywhere and taxes become pointless leading to the 'cashless society' and very basic income (like Communism, Maoist communism) and the battle to supply the loans to the world in either dollars, euros or sterling is underway. For many young people who have not studied 'ideologies' the chapter on 'North Korea' in the adjacent website and in chapter 5 (with its 2 narratives) will assist with the basics.

In the USA debt to GDP is expected to reach 150% in 30 years. That is the same as saying it will reach 113 % in 8 years or 107 % in 4 years (see if the politics follows the prediction which means all countries will deteriorate )

Russia is the biggest winner so far propping up China and they stand to gain the most in an economic collapse. A reversal of the Berlin coming down. Unfortunately, the Pope and western leaders are not doing enough to remedy this negative situation. It is exasperated by massive non-refugee migration pushed by traffickers, leaders of countries who cannot control their own economies and even sadly some in the Church (and there are reports of Church leaders and politicians across the board who have been bribed to accept and carry out trafficking activities)

It is now obvious to people that the Socialist experiment in Venezuela turned fascist or simply communist and totalitarian it makes no difference to those who live within it.

Brexit Britain and the City of London, will play a key role in Building Obor (one belt one road) which is across the globe in its ambitions, (to circle the entire Globe)  although if the western economy does not recover (and it has not in any way yet with Global debt and Global debt according to the IMF is now  $152 trillion,  (to repeat George Soros (December 2016) also called for China to lead the New World order. This new trading opening will benefit post Brexit - Britain which is something the Remain side keep quiet and do not mention as much in their discussions? however it is becoming clearer to the Leave side that most politicians have so far usurped a democratic vote of the people, parliament and the Royal prerogative, which is itself a revealing insight into the democratic (or lack of it) process.

European Superstate declaration 15.09.2017 What is now revealed (15.09.2017) or confirmed (since March 2017) is that every bloc member ( those who are also fully in the EU) will have to accept the Euro, and has to join in with the euro in a European superstate, a departure from the current situation which has nearly all but erased national sovereignty. The superstate will have no internal borders (unlike China, Russia and Mexico and Switzerland etc) and no external border security. The remain in Brexit denied this was planned this way. Fiscal independence (the MO – M4 use will also be removed nationally) will be non-existent and unlike the USA which has individual state control over the federal government (and each state is not responsible for other states debts) and a constitution and border control the EU will have none of those national protections or rights.

As bills and legislation is prepared to defund the United Nations in the USA, and there are a variety of reasons including abolishing slavery and trafficking. The revealed and budgeted cost to American taxpayers is much larger than first realised.  

What remains unclear in the scrapping of Nafta (or its renegotiation) are the borders of Canada and Mexico and the USA North American federation merger (which follows EU super- state rights or lack of them) is this still going ahead ?

Donald Trump and Mike Pence should make a statement jointly on this matter. i.e. (see also above and chapter 3 and heading dated 07.06.2016 ' The British European Brexit Referendum 23.06.2016 and the on-going Middle East genocide' and heading 'N.A.F.T.A  and the 10 New World Regions or the 10 global spheres of influence (ten world regions)' and also 14.07.2017  & headed British EU Referendum 24.06.2016 & 06.11.2016 The American Dream ? and heading the US Constitution was overthrown on the 4.11.2016 ? )

The World War. North Korea has recently fired missiles at Japan and threatened Guam and also threatened to destroy the USA and California (including the Marxists in California) As a response on 9.11.2017 Nikki Haley the US ambassador and the UN in a 15 to 1 vote sanctioned new economic measures on North Korea (Yet since then North Korea have vowed to retaliate and the UN approach with sanctions is not effective, like the UN itself, and they have reputedly tested a new missile on 15.09.2017) The EU also sanctioned economic measures on the 14.09.2017. However, Russia and China intervened to make harder sanctions a reality which is tacitly do as little as possible to help the 200,000-people enslaved in North Korea and the population of North Korea who kept in their artificial stasis. This tacitly suggest they approve of such states and they would approve of such states on a wider global basis in the new Obor one belt one road, Chinese new world order. Germany has ordered a stationing of NATO troops around Georgia as Russia has threatened to invade it in August 2017 and the USA has considered doubling its troops in Lithuania. Russia has threatened to invade Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland in September 2017. This is another reason why the Moslem invasions are pushed by the left to bring internal destabilisation as much as possible and leaders who push these invasions are aiding China, Russia and Pakistan achieve their objectives. This is what Frau Merkel is doing and has done. 12 million more were promised in early 2017 (some say 8 million only)  whilst at the same time acknowledging Moslems were causing the terror and uprisings across Germany ? The same is true of communist Federica Mogherini, the Italian EU high representative and defence researcher who is welcoming Islamic Jihad. There is a definite pattern in these personnel as politicians or immigration officers) These ISIS fighters are armed and new Mosques are being used for weapon storage and trafficking activities as has been chillingly revealed in Britain (a model for every EU or western capital)

Slavery You can note that in the USA whilst slavery symbols are taken down, in a month not one Communist or Islamic Mosque, which practices modern slavery today (see the adjacent website and the end of chapter 4) on woman and children and also trafficking, is touched by 'BLM' 'black lives matter', 'Antifa' or 'Bamn' in the USA ?

Following the Barcelona attack (attacks which are caused by Moslems on the 26/27th August 2017) amongst many attacks all over Europe (which also serve as training exercise) US Vice President Mike Pence has called for the total annihilation of radical Islamic terrorism. (video; you tube; ' US and allies will drive Islamic terror from the face of the earth: Mike Pence')

In 1995 the Barcelona declaration betrayed Europe (with a heavy bias to Islam ) and without consensus or elections or democratic due process. A secretive, scandalous and illegal declaration which has brought chaos and death to Spain and the EU and wider (see also video 'The fate of Europe was decided long ago...' )

These attacks are promised to increase and as acts of war. All male not from Syria since 2015 but not Refugees according to EU according to the EU commission . Chinas position on why it will not accept 'migrants'  in its booming economy ? Arab countries continue to refuse to take them.  Weapons are stored in mosques and around the world and in Russia (who are not accepting entrants) and in India and Israel (although only weapons but no guns ) where guns were smuggled onto to Temple mount killing policemen and Germany also. Mosques around the world are used for this purpose and they replace churches wherever possible  It is one of the greatest deceptions perpetrated in modern times. 

Russia and Chinas Obor (one belt, one road) Trojan horse, excuse (incredibly) is, harsh sanctions could lead to the regime becoming unstable ! Surely not North Korea?  As a backdrop to these sanctions and the Chinese Kunming to India pipeline,  It is timed to set the tone for the Brics summit 3 – 5 September 2017 (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and the intra Brics of Guinea, Mexico, Thailand and Tajikistan will attend the BRICS Summit this year) North Korea has not  been liberated and China did not declare democratic elections at the Brics summit ? this is totalitarianism justified and cannot be the basis for continued trad and diplomacy. The outcome was that India has recognised that Pakistan and China and Russia are a threat to the west. Putin has made it clear he is going to back Iran, China and North Korea and Brics in currency and trade. German intelligence has stated Iran has Nuclear weapon capability during the Nuclear deal in 2016 and it is inferred it was a part of the deal and Iran is still buying nuclear material (as has North Korea, and 20 % of the required Uranium came from Hillary Clinton and Obama, who colluded with Russia and  it is Russia who have been operating the 'Russia Probe' since Trump and Pence were elected. Obama gave more Uranium to Iran as a parting gift after he was removed from the Whitehouse in January 2016 and he and Clinton set up a cross border company with Russia (Uranium one to Russia from Clinton / Obama) and Canada and Trudeau. The treason of Obama / Clinton and the democrat Muslim brotherhood plot is incredible for only almost being in the media ? (video   @ Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia  One America News Network )   

Genocide. Want to know what Communism really thinks and plans (before birth and after) for the West then see Obama's legacy here.   

Gold backed depository and currency? And German deflation?Both China and Russia (see also chapter 3 above) are moving into Gold backed currency ? yet in a cashless society what use is that ? In the USA, Texas the lone star state is also going for Gold (Economic nationalism like China, Britain, Norway and Russia and many others) with its own Gold backed depository (after a two year delay) If these are the measures many other countries are taking how will the EU fund its own finances, if it is not backed by Gold ?  (will Germany's economy deflate forever to pay for it all ?)

Submarines. Yet the West in financial terms including Germany is massively in debt and Russia and China stand to gain from the Obor project but advancing the communist (Orwellian, or brave new world agenda) is still a huge possibility and China and Russia are obviously happy with states like North Korea as they are wherever they are. The west has been limited by bad trade deals (in Britain they have made very bad deals but which are restricted by the EU anyway and it sees itself not outside the new EU super-army, but not under its command Britain considered buying a German dolphin submarine in 2015, but has its own H Class Holland submarines although many manufacturing yards are closed) and is in a financial mess, the worst in it history. Germany is manufacturing however and its military hardware is selling worldwide. Britain also wants to renew its manufacturing and manufacturing chain. The USA has already undertaken to renew its production. (cars, household, housing and industrial etc) It has sold its superior Submarines to Norway, and to Greece (although the financial crash has caused problems to that deal) Egypt and also to Portugal and also to Israel.  …..




German elections contd, 20.09.2017

(link back to heading '23.10.2018'   The USA and its Economic recovery' in New New Jerusalem Chapter 3A  )

The race to stop Communism and totalitarianism. As noted in the last paragraphs above Communist's are staffed all over the EU and there only concern seems to be immigration constantly. General Patton in WW2 wanted to capture Messina in July 1943, (Mussolini had been deposed on 25th July 1943 by King Victor Emmanuel 3rd) and much was made of the race between US and British forces. Patton won the race capturing Messina and Palermo under Bradley by August 1943. Of all the US generals Germany respected or worried about General Patton the most. Germany and Russia had fought the battle of Stalingrad from August 1942 – February 1943, in which Adolf Hitler had all but won the war and may have pushed further south and east into China if he had by – passed Russia. Incredibly this was also General Patton's plan, to quickly defeat Adolf Hitler but also push east into Russia and maybe from there into China. Russia and China were Soviets at that time.

General Eisenhower rebuked General Patton for his 'gung ho' approach, and he had upset the British and General Montgomery Eisenhower or  'Eisenhauer meaning' meaning 'iron miner' was of Dutch / German descent. Eisenhower served under President Roosevelt (who was President from March 4th, 1933 until April 12th, 1945. General Patton, General Eisenhower (who would later become President)  and President Roosevelt are pictured here in Sicily in august 1943. (D, DAY would be June 6th, 1944)

General Eisenhower, replaced General James Eugene Chaney who had attended the disarmament conference in Geneva Switzerland (as the technical advisor) from January 1932 to June 1932. The conference attended by 31 nations including Russia . General Chaney was later appointed (from January to June 1942) Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces in the British Isles. General Eisenhower replaced him and Eisenhower had not been impressed with his total performance. The USA had already been reduced to a small army by the time the Disarmament conference occurred and was suffering a crippling recession at home (1929 Wall Street Crash) and Europe was considering peace but could not reconcile France and Germany (and others)  Japan and China were at war. (second China / Sino war, and internal war with the Nationalists were continues today with Taiwan who see themselves as the real government of China. 

Concerns that the Manchurian crisis (China / Japanese war) could escalate into world war, disarmament was stalled. Chairman Mao was head of the Chinese communist party from 1921, and war broke out again with Japan in 1938. Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 and withdrew Germany from the disarmament conference on October 23rd 1933, after coming to power in February 1933. Adolf Hitler said the disarmament conference was unequal and costly in war reparations and Hitler also worried about the situation in the east. Stalin was leader of communist soviet Russia from the mid 1920's until 1953, and had extended the international soviet ambitions to conquer Germany from 1917 forward. He missed a chance to invade Germany in 1939 – 1941  The Soviet German pact was secretly in force (i.e. the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, only discovered as existent in 1989  when the Berlin collapsed under President Ronald Reagan) from 1939 to June 1941. (battle of Stalingrad from August 1942 – February 1943)  

General Patton's famous speech dramatized in 1970 and his tactics he employed in Europe and eventually his outlook changed once he saw or realized what was occurring in Europe. Communism (and ask any eastern European what they think of that occupation) led by Russia (and China backing them) a swept over Europe. Had he lived, Russia and China would also have been conquered. He later planned to annihilate communism and even employed surrendered German troops to assist that aim. Many of those German troops and civilians were kept in concentration camps (up to 1 million) after Berlin fell. This was the purpose of his race to Messina to prove that going into Russia was possible in rapid advance to stop Russia's western advance. The problem was no one else believed it could be done and the military were working on an alternative solution in the shadow of the Atom bomb on Japn to stop the war. Certainly, President Roosevelt did not believe it was possible and US and allied concerns that Germany was going to defeat Russia (Germany was winning the war, including in Stalingrad.) and go beyond Russia and into China to become a new alliance with nationalists. The wars in the pacific continued after ww2. Patton overland would provide a northern bulwark advancing south, if he had his way. Patton who knew the bible, and a believer in the 'Lost Ten tribes of Israel' (the 10 and the 2 ) was not a diplomat or a deeply studied theologian, also feared Europe would succumb to Communism, east and west and worldwide. ( Genrikh Yagoda the soviet communist had already killed 7 – 10 million people in 1932/1933 and like many Soviet secrets this was not believed or known except in sporadic reports many years late)

Leading up to World War 2 and the disarmament conference ( Jan – June 1942) the Wall Street crash of 1929, had caused massive poverty and hardships in the USA. One man who alleviated that problem was Professor Irving Fisher. He invented a stamp scrip used to pay workers (a stamp in a book like old Co-op stamps) which were circulated and traded in stores for food and necessaries. Putting people to work in a full wage, he proved you could create employment by inflating and circulating a method of exchange, as a new currency into existence. The dollar had deflated and was hardly in circulation in the 1929 banking crisis. These ideas were once turned into reality by this great economist yet he was not perfect as no one is (last link has the stamp scrip story) in the 1930's Irving Fisher (PhD Yale, a very clever man, the first economic noble prize winner and a reformed member of the CPLPL A, Congregational Protestants Peoples Liberation Party of America in his youth. He put countless people to work with his schemes in a time of destitution called the Great Depression in the 1930's. This money or "stamp scrip" was spent, creating activity and saved in banks creating deposits for loans again, see the adjacent website and the first few paragraphs before chapter 1.

Plans to issue 1 $Billion in stamp scrips were nearly introduced in 1933. "A bill he crafted was introduced in Congress by Senator J.H. Bankhead of Alabama on February 17, 1933, as an amendment to another act. It proposed a nationwide issue of up to $1 billion in $1 dated stamp scrip. The scrip would be declared legal tender, a feature the local scrip issues could not achieve. The bill never came to a vote. Senator Bankhead and other members of Congress subsequently introduced other similar bills (including one where the Fed would issue stamp scrip). None of these attempts met with success." This is also explained as follows; (by Dr Matthias Kroll who studied political economics, sociology and law at the Hamburg University for Economics and Politics)

Roosevelt who was inaugurated President on 10.3.1933, banned the stamp scrip in March 1933 (in favour of the 'New deal' legislated on 14.3.1933, although much employment and expansion success in Feb March 1933 had resulted as a result of the stamp scrip) See the Economy act March 20th 1933.

Roosevelt was Keynesian but a centralised big government proponent, and 3 months later he brought forward the already introduced the Glass- Stegall act of February 1932, in June 1933 Banking act.  Irving Fisher was not a Keynesian however and Milton Friedman said he was (a monetarist ) one of the greatest economist's ever. The communist party of the USA and abroad saw Roosevelts election (a Democrat) as a lesser evil than Republicans but as a liberal all the same. Moscow and Stalin preferred Roosevelt, and they got on very well.  Stalin did not like Herbert Hoover a humanitarian and Quaker and was the opponent of Roosevelt. Ten years later and from 1941 Roosevelt signed the lend lease act which supplied millions of dollars of aid to Stalin (total in $ was $11 billion in the 1940's in one epoch) and was the factor which helped Stalin win at Stalingrad. Lend lease also supplied Communist China. It is incredible that these famine ravaged economies purposely ruled over by genocidal maniacs like Chairman Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot and Ho Chi Mhin and Kim Jong Un would have collapsed otherwise, and after Russia lost the election under Lenin in 1917 – 1919 and after through world war 2.  Lend lease continued supplies to the allies. The economies of communism are failed shells of totalitarianism. Lend lease continued up to 1946. Russia's debt is low today but it and China have had nearly $500 billion dollars in aid over decades (equivalent to Trillions) and this cash was separate from machinery and equipment. The reverse lend lease payback is still owed to the west. (Aid continued after this date into Vietnam yet the US taxpayer has not been reimbursed and is owed Trillions) .

This is the official story but Major Jordan Racey who worked in the 'lend lease' programme from 1942 to 1944 discovered (and should be regarded as a hero of World War 2) and from within the lend lease programme was exporting everything including Uranium materials (but  illegally and which  led to prosecutions) to Moscow in word war 2.

Due to the surprising speed of the collapse of France and Adolf Hitler's speedy advance into Russia, when the USA advanced into Germany Stalin grabbed eastern Europe. Without General Patton that advance confined Eastern Europe to totalitarian communist rule. By the 1950's Stalin and Mao (Russia and China) were the new threat to the west. It is estimated that both together killed 85 million people from 1925 forward. Had General Patton lived he would have advanced into Russia and into China ending the communist regimes. Today the democratic party is still supplying the Russians and Kim Jong Un (ruler of the Caucasian nation of North Korea with its own protected borders and Big Wheel fun ride) thanks to Obama and Clinton may nuke Japan, Guam and California (see last post above and why Russia and China owes the USA and the West $12 Trillion dollars towards it national debt)

Since Stalin and China continued to obtain funds both Patton and the Germans   and the West are now faced with a highly militarised enemy (China is effectively paying for its own war via its currency manipulations increasing western debt to wage war against the west) who wish to advance their ideology over the world.


Wandervogel and Volksgieit. Most people admire the post ww2 'Economic Miracle' which tells the story of Ludwig Erhard from Bavaria (see chapter 3 above and date 15.03.2016 and subheading Economies from the ashes to economic miracle  after WW2 and the economic growth or 'Wirtschaftswunder' (after) (repeated from above citation) 'The saying that the EU is a Political creation not an economic one was in Erhards view upside down. Immediately after the war Germany was reliant on US Marshall aid. The Dueschte Mark was introduced in July 1948, but a full year before this from June 1947, Ludwig Erhard introduced "The Homburg plan" from his office of the " Special Office for Money and Credit" or Sonders Elle Geld und Kredit. They believed that introducing price stability and controlling (eliminating) inflation then adding free market economics but in a social market economy would produce an economic miracle (Wirtschaftswunder)  which is exactly what occurred. This idea of non-inflationary credit had to be in place before the Daschle Mark was released into circulation. (non-inflationary does not mean low growth very high growth can be achieved as he proved)'

Germany also had huge economic growth from 1933 to 1939 which astounded the world following the impoverishment from 1918 to 1929 and the wall street crash and into 1933. 15 years whereas the west had 3 or 4 years by that point. Germany's economy exploded into financial and technological advancement. There was also a heavy emphasis on good health and wholesome health pursuits, which in fact had begun in the late 1890's and from 1911 a long time before Adolf Hitler came to power.

Also see Chapter 3 above dated 'British EU Referendum 24.06.2016' and along and down to the sub heading 'Therefore what is England? And just considering England' all the way down to the heading 08.10.2017.

In England King Alfred a thousand years earlier originally his tribe were from German Saxony (the only King to be called great ) also dramatically reorganised the economy in Albion / England producing an economic miracle. It was something people wanted to do and not a programme where people are going along with it or disinterested or passive. It was a joy to undertake. This is lost in post modernism. By the time the Roman armies had withdrawn from Britain, the Saxons were first hired as an army protection for the Britons. More details on this are above and cited in the last paragraph red writing, but essentially before King Alfred came to England (his family line) and retracing the steps, through Essex and  by the time the Roman armies had withdrawn from Britain, the Saxons were first hired as an army protection for the Britons. Before landing on Thanet Island on the British east coast, they were originally a tribe from Northern Germany in Saxony. The Saxons (Isaac sons) were first a northern Germany tribe . Britain today has 1/3 Anglo Saxon DNA. (with 2/3 Celts)

Although the correct ability to observe and control economics and still be a free economic society is important so to was health and high spirits and a rugged approach to life. Known as 'Volksgeist'

(or here ) Most people think of the Nationalist Socialist health programmes, but 'Volksgeist' preceded 1933.  A Geist of the 'Volk'. Youth programmes  for woman, also for  boys and girls across Germany were introduced (1930 – 1945) and for men or here (1930 – 1931) and not just in exercise but in labour and agriculture  In the USA before WW2 German boys . As you will see the idea did not arise in Nazi Germany and it was not just Germans but Jewish fitness and nature programmes abounded in what was an incredible era for woman (1921 – 1933… 1939)  

The Wandervogel or Vandervogel however began officially in 1901 (but really before this) included hiking and survival and camping across the nation. It was not earth worship as Christians believe it was created but needed to be tended to. However it was not 'hippy' (no drugs needed) but since anyone could enjoy nature then the debate of 'creation' 'intelligent design' and 'evolution' was equal as far as possible.

Images of the migrating birds and wandering, hiking, mountaineering  living in the forests  (1937) who took over abandoned castles or farms and pursued  romantic adventures  and stories and ideas, Diet and health. Were important. It included crafts and agriculture labour and folk (volk stories which were tales for children encoded and elaborately told to adults, original Grimm brothers and stories of ancient history also ) It went to America as we shall see later, it also believed not just romantically but enlightened and scientifically that forests produced wealth for a nation. A tree variety (and all varieties) which was replaced if employed in building and agriculture etc. One naivety Wandervogel had was opposing nations (which of course occurred over centuries and millennia) would make war on them whether they wanted it or not. The earliest European and Scandinavian Volk also lived amongst nature and that included the Vikings.

Jewish/German Zionist Hikers and Nature enthusiasts. Another group named 'Tchelet lavan' in Hebrew also had the same ambitions and pursuits as Wandervogel and Volksgiest and were called 'Blah – Weiss' in German. They were a Jewish group of camping and nature enthusiasts, who also told stories of Jewish history and its faith. They existed also in Austria and Hungary and Czechoslovakia and wider. It was very Zionist centred and Germans and Jewish Germans joined each other's groups (it is claimed that a separation existed in theory but not actually as Christianity and Judaism and Messianic Judaism/ Christianity discussed all the issues) Christian Zionism was also a topic in Wandervogel. Blau Weiss is considered the first Zionist youth movement and was established in Germany in 1912, although it practiced many years before this.

Many members of Blau Weiss also joined the Kibbutzim.  Similar to the Kibbutz ideal, Zionist Kibbutz operated in Germany before the 1900's and small communities returned to Palestine in 1870 to 1930 and beyond.

1930s transfer agreement from Germany to Israel. In Germany in the 1930's and even up to 1942 at Neuendorf. Many of them were training grounds for emigration to Palestine. Theodore Herzl was asking Hitler to facilitate the mass evacuation of Jewish people and families from Europe to Palestine, and said Cooperation is possible between the New Germany and a renewed, folkish-national Jewry. As we can see from this chapter, Israel's acceptance that Hitler did send Jewish people to Palestine as did Britain has sparked a debate. The connection between the Armenian Genocide and the Holocaust is clear, as are the reasons why. In the debate (which was heated around September / October 2015) the focus was on the Holocaust. Were the Germans solely to blame or were the Turks (Islam) to blame, yet no one asks if the Turks were not to blame for the Armenian Genocide. The Armenians who commemorated the Genocide  in late October 2015 know who is to blame.

" The most surprising insight was that the Armenian genocide was in fact just part of a bigger plan — the extermination of all non-Muslim minorities in the Ottoman Empire ". ( vatican archives)

Up to 40 of these Zionist camps existed in Germany training Jewish families to emigrate in the 1930's to 1942. Through the Trust & Transfer Office Ma'abara Ltd and following the agreement of 1933 in which Zionists successfully persuaded Germany to allow Jews to emigrate to Palestine, the bank and transfer agreement meant Germanys flagging economy, could transfer Jewish assets to the middle East and the 50,000 Jews who emigrated between 1933 and 1939 were able to buy German products bolstering its economy.

The split between the Kibbutz and the Wandervogel came when Russian Zionism abandoned Torah and took to communes solely as communism. It also split Zionism as communism forbad a belief in Torah which many argued was the inspiration behind Kibbutzim and Wandervogel to begin with and that argument continued up until 1941. Adolf Hitler agreed to the transfer agreement in 1933. Like the Armenian genocide of 1915 - 1925, the Holocaust in Germany and Russia against the Jews was directly influenced by 'Palestinian' (which really means Jordan)  Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini  also known as Muhammed Amin al-Husseini (1893 or 1897 - 1974) (or here ) had developed networks into Turkey and Syria. He was the instigator of the 'final solution' meeting Adolf Hitler in November 1941, (and the Holocaust began after this time) al- Husseini and his peers and family instigated genocide for Armenia in 1915, and in Germany in 1942/ 1943. Hitler had promised and fulfilled the transfer agreement of 1933 in which hundreds of thousands of Jews over a 7-year period, had been transferred to Israel. (and after WW2 of course)

William Hitler, (Adolf Hitler's British Nephew) joined the US Navy IN 1944, after being turned down by the British army in London, and reputedly won a Purple Heart.

Albert Goering the brother of Hermann Goering the founder of the Gestapo in 1933, and head of the Luftwaffe, who had been a member of the National Socialist German Workers Party since its inception almost. Today Albert Goering is to be honoured for saving Jews and to be declared a Righteous Person by the Yard Hashem Holocaust memorial, which is the world centre for Jewish Holocaust research. Goering will be the 511th German person to receive the award. Goering obtained many exit permits for Jews from concentration camps and was able also to transfer their assets abroad. Despite the Gestapo knowing Albert was doing this, he and Hermann met throughout (before, and during) the war at family gatherings. Hermann his brother was second in command to Hitler. Hermann Goering, Alberts brother, helped Adolf write Mein Kampf.After 1942 things became dark.

To read the rest of the history of Germany and Zionism and how Communism (which needed the west to support it see paragraphs above) is destroying not just faith, but 'romanticism' and the 'enlightenment' west and society, industry and work and family see the book  'The Uncreated Creator'  and the paragraph on Zionism (hosted there as cheaply as possible)

One aspect of communism is it changed attitudes to finance and economics. Kibbutz economics do not suit the town or Burghers of traditional western life and divergence between 'fiscal conservatism' and 'Keynesianism' were influenced by these changes in lifestyle aims. Creating a domestic economy with low inflation and long term stable prices whilst engaging in international trade is better suited to fiscal conservatism (with 100% employment is the pre-requisite condition) and exports of any excess priced very competitively. In Germany both Ludwig Erhard in the and the period in Germany from 1933 – 1939 achieved a lot in economic nationalism and thinking. Germany continues the art of low inflation and economic stability.

Economics of the Kibbutzim were fine for and in themselves, (and they have been the most successful communes) yet Jews and Christians in them and out of them wanted to retain Torah and spirituality (in much the same way the Dalai Lama wanted to retain his nation and beliefs but was forced out by communism) and hence a split occurred between east and west. The other aspect of Romanticism concerned the nature of spirituality, Gd the nature of the Universe and 'grail pursuits'

The early Kibbutz and Wandervogel and Volksgiest and equivalents in Poland, Czechoslovakia Russia and Holland in Europe enabled latter settlers in Israel as it was a hard and dangerous in the Haganah, Irgun (Palmach men and woman ) and good health and fitness for those who survived Europe and Israel was essential.

There is a (one of a few) a German Christian Kibbutz in Israel today. (Zichron Yaakov)

Another offshoot of the Wandervogel and earlier camping activities is the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. Many German families went to America and the Boy Scouts movement was officially formed in the USA in 1909. Also In Britain in 1909. (images 1, (1913) images 2, images 3, images 4 , images 5 last image Rex Tillerson and Boy scouts. Australia also and it is worldwide. The Boy scouts and Girl Guides (and Cubs) are making a comeback. As cities grew in the early 1900's the scouts and guides were thought useful to return people to the land. Today that is even more important with estimates suggesting 75 % of the world's population will live in cities by 2050.


As we have read above General Patton was aware of the doctrine of the 10 tribes and the 2, and in Germany Zionists and Kibbutz lovers and Wandervogel also discussed these issues. Of course, there is always disagreement in the west but the idea of the tribes of Israel was also discussed in Germany.

Like the 1965 film  ' The Flight of the Phoenix' with James Stuart & Hardy Gruger (see also 'The one that got away') no one really listens to the Germans, it is thought that this is not the way the west thinks or it will never work (or 'Ice cold in Alex')

There have been many rebellions in Germany and many wars. World war 1 & 2 and under the Badder Meinhoff era. One of the biggest however was under Martin Luther in 1517. Without a long and detailed discussion (although that is available in chapter 5 below) he like many Torah / Old Testament and (in the New Testament) prophets discovered the immediacy of Gd, and Gd was imminent and close and not far away.(as many Messianic Jews and millions of people have experienced also) Samuel reminded Saul about this fact many times, David already knew without being told by anyone else. This caused an incredible awareness and awakening inside all over Germany. Indeed, in Germany if you ask why the architecture is so bright and detailed, some will say to make everything beautiful for Gd. 

Considering Badder Menihoff and Gudrun, many suspect the real fire behind the movement was Gudrun Ensslinn (or here ) whose father was an evangelical preacher from Baden-Württemberg, and she ran bible classes in school although she abandoned that pursuit, yet was highly skilled at it and was very intelligent (all members left their children never to see them again) She said in her 'Proletarische Politico' that she did not want to discuss Russia, China etc as (inferred) their revolution had not just failed, but had become a nightmare and oppressive beyond anyone's worst fears. However, they also did not enjoy their stay in Jordan and Islamic lands finding it too restrictive and the wrong religion (if any could be considered)

What if however she had chosen to remain as a bible teacher like her father, would she (as one example) still have been considered a Shieldmaidens or  Schildmaid of course she would as any Woman could. (men also) Imagine 2500 (approx) years ago Gudrun (who was not a 'berserker' ) living in Baden Wurttemberg (she was born in Baden Wurttemberg ) and living in or around the Hueneberg.

Could she have been like this person?  The Celtic Princess  An aristocrat from the Middle east originally, is it possible she was not just an aristocrat but also a woman who had chosen to fight as a warrior like Brunhilde. Known as Shieldmaidens or  Shieldmaidens. Consider the four following images and videos. Three are taken from the Museum at the Hueneberg the largest Celtic / Saxon fort in Europe (the first 3 n.b this refers to the end of chapter 2 above where this image is hosted, below repeated from chapter 2 above;)

'The first shows her entombed in a 3 D graphical image, 

The second is a video which is the same burial as no 1 above, shown in section through the levels to the ground above. Filmed at the Hueneberg on a hand-held camera, which show's where she was buried and how, and then ascends to show the area which overlooks the Danube river. Also photographed below in 3 below. It is a stunning area. This area also has a monument to 'Das Anaerobe' who went on a long search. And there is also a burial of a prince and princess in this area They are also mentioned in the book named above.

The third image is the Danube river as it winds mirroring the Milky Way, and the view the inhabitants of the city and the area would have enjoyed. (see also  the four pictures above) You can see why people found the area and remained. (The Danube is also a great river, made famous in pre-history and by Johan Strauss )

The fourth image is the route of the ten tribes as the ten lost tribes of Israel (from Israel to Assyria, the attempt to return to Israel and the way northward to the black sea and west) The image is taken from the Historical research of the ten tribes scattered into the nations'

A Shieldmaiden or Schildmaid was not a Valkyrie although these distinctions in practice are academic, but a descendant of the Scythian's who had intermarried with the Amazon woman. The Amazon woman who only marry into Scythian tribes. J.R.R. Tolkien told us what Shieldmaidens do and what they are in effect about in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  (Is Europe / Britain being invaded again today ?)

Or are these just myths?  Remember both J.R.R. Tolkien and CS Lewis and Adolf Hitler were deeply affected and changed by World War 1. Both men had a dramatic effect on their countries history.

Chapter 2 above also discusses (where these links and images are stored and near the end of chapter 2) these books  ((see; A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 1 by Professor W A Liebenberg or here on goodreads which has all volumes or here all volumes ) in the lost ten tribes books within 17 volumes, so far, and in the lost ten tribe books with its 17 volumes ( Ayrans volume 4, page 29 or here ) and all research in this area) The Ten tribes who were first taken to Assyria, which Alexander later conquered, and they sojourned there before attempting to return to Northern Israel and then turning around to head into Georgia and eventually over the Caucasus mountains to Europe. The books are now number nearly to 20 volumes, researched painstakingly by professional and academic researchers in Georgia and it is an incredible story and achievement, as the information which has been collected was/is fragmented geographically and over time. (The ancient Irish 'book of Invasions' 'Leabhar Gabhala' (or the book of invasions is a gift to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Britain and Europe and is mentioned in chapter 1 and 2 and 5. Also very valuable are The Chronicles of the Scots also known the Kings of Alba. The History of the Kings of Britain   . The Anglo Saxon chronicles or here complied by King Alfred, and Beowulf etc ) For Georgia. (See also in chapter 2 just above the four images from the Hueneberg Museum from the heading 'The Hueneberg Celtic Saxon city'  down to the very last paragraph of chapter 2 (see the beginning of chapter 3 and chapter 1 and 5 ) and for the incredible connection to Georgia and Armenia and to Israel the books show just how much information has been missed and is of course a wandering like no other in history. The tracing of the lost tribes is not about 'race' (but there is nothing to hide or be apologetic for in relation to identifying the 10 tribes) but sheds light on the future Israel and Europe and especially the chapters in Ezekiel (36 - 48) and the 2 and the 10 tribes (and the double portion inheritance) which the Messiah in the Gospels also discusses.

The burial sites at the Hueneberg and others from Scotland to Ukraine down to Israel (see also Dolmens)They are the 'markers along the way' or the tombs of those who stayed in one place, mentioned in Jeremiah 21, 20 / 31,as markers fro the ten tribes. They are found in Israel and the oldest are from Israel and they are astronomically aligned. The path over the caucuses mountains were known as far back as 1400 / 1300 bc and this is why earlier less sophisticated stones are adjacent or under the larger versions. Denmark has numerous Dolmens. The Solomon pillars marking the red sea, dates from 1440 bc approximately

One area which is nearly forgotten in Germany is the pursuit by some in the army before Adolf Hitler in the days of the 'Wandervogel' and before and even under Adolf Hitler from 1933, for example Albert Goring and likeminded romantics. That area is the search of the Grail Knights which began long before the 3rd Reich. Otto Rhan ( Rhan who was an elevated person in Germany like Albert Goring. Goring, who is now commemorated for saving the Jews, see above and Many Jewish soldiers served under Adolf Hitler and others who were assimilated in both the Russian and German armies fought each other. Rhan reputedly died in 1939 ) was such a person but he like others feared the early Gnostic / Manichean theories were leading to destruction. The Grail knights openly discussed alternatives and Christianity (All of these issues were discussed at Otto Rhan and Goring's level) and there were many shades of opinion. Indeed, when General Patton flew over Germany and Austria (1944/1945) he said it was like looking down on Hell itself, total obliteration and destruction with bodies strewn everywhere. Remember however even those who looked upon the Gnostic / Manichean theory as a 'grail' pursuit were genuinely pursuing romantic themes, ancient and modern which had opened in the romantic era opposing the 'scientific' enlightenment 70 years or more continuing into and before 1940 (WW2)  

The dialectical ideas between 'Christianity' (Christianity is not Communism / Socialism or Nazi but economics are not set or branded under any label ) and Paganism was also discussed in the romantic era. 12 zodiac signs for twelve or 24 Knights (one each for light and darkness) would keep order over Camelot. Alfred Rosenberg had been a member of the Rubonia student fraternity in Riga, Latvia, and as a member of the Thule society. Otto Rhan was not of the same school but was not opposed to nationalism as such or economic nationalism (and it is a good and sensible and prosperous economic pursuit to have and which also began before 1914 in many countries around the world)  

Christ is a Greek word not Hebrew. Lord is not Hebrew but both words are usually actually added to a bible incorrectly, when it should be Messiah. ( see also post above dated 9.7.2017 for the Temple of Solomon dimensions and cubit and the last 8 paragraphs of chapter 5. The 153 fishes of Luke also represent the value of the Hebrew letter numbers of the sons of Gd which is an unlimited number only Gd knows the amount but is limited by Gd only.  This includes woman)  'I am' or 'I am, that I am' (Universal and factual as hey vav hey yud or יהוה) is Ha Shems name or Gds name as YHWH, Yahweh. Lord or Christ is Yeshua or Yahuah יהוה which means 'He who saves' or the father who saves. An exact pronunciation is Yahusha as sha (yasha) which means salvation =  Yahusha  יהושע  (and also means 'Yah is Salvation) and is the most used name (216 times in the Tanakh, as opposed to 26 for Yeshua or 2 for Yahushua. It is not Jehovah as Hebrew has no J but a Y, and the west adopted the J) Together in effect they mean 'I am, he who saves' Israel also had a zodiac in its history, but it did not worship it. The Ark of the Covenant was also not worshipped, but held the law. Israel as Leo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, born in Virgo of a female and Virgin holding the wheatsheaf (the House of Bread) is a Messianic calendar of Israel.

The truth is the 10 tribes 'wandered' from Israel into Europe over the caucuses, along this route (see above) Eventually some broke away or stayed put and intermarried into various tribes so that their numbers cannot be fully known and counted as deviations from the original 10 tribes. The 10 tribes were not Judah but always argued with them. Knowing that without Gd you cannot renew yourself or the land all the 12 tribes sought the Messiah and without the Messiah, you cannot renew yourself or the land. The Messiah would be Jewish and he came to search for the 10 who are now everywhere, including into the USA and Australia and New Zealand. In all bloodlines (all continents) In Germany and Austria which General Patton noted was destroyed and devastated, with millions dead and strewn over the countryside in many countries, it was akin to a Wagnerian apocalypse. Germany would rather fight than surrender and the war was extended. The ten tribes would have been familiar with ancient German history (and it is real history) and legends and folk tales and the difference between them. Renewing the land under Gd is the truth of 'Grail pursuits' as one major aspect, but under Gd. Grail is simply the lines or generations from the tribes of Israel.

Young people today in Germany are not responsible for the actions of World War 2 (although there are many from the Baadar Meinhoff era, who remember Gudrun Ensslinn in the hypothetical idea above. The area is also a beautiful place to 'Wandervogel' around. The ancient celtic / saxon Princess however is not hypothetical and would have a purpose and important role in society) It is astonishing that German people cannot feel patriotic or interested in their own history. It is a place deep in ancient history and value, but it is being changed and like many western countries, and their own politicians ( last link Douglas Murray & 'The Strange Death of Europe' ) are doing this to their countries around Europe ?

Today as the USA opens its first ever Military base in Israel, Iran and NK (Due to the negligence of communists) are going Nuclear (German Intelligence report in 2015) Yet and since then Iran and NK (and Pakistan) have changed their stance and their operations (or have been slowly induced to do so in October 2016 by the previous US administration ) including on the 'sunset clause'. Iran openly states its intentions to the west, and it intends to develop full nuclear   capability. The final gift (after the Clinton foundation, illegal Uranium 1 deal) to Iran from the democrats in January 2017. ?


22nd September 2017 Germany elections, a summary What lies ahead for Germany and the EU countries is the end of national sovereign countries and borders and decisions by national parliaments. (as follows)   EU Communist Super State

"The foreign ministers of France and Germany are due to reveal a blueprint to effectively do away with individual member states in what is being described as an "ultimatum". Under the radical proposals EU countries will lose the right to have their own army, criminal law, taxation system or central bank, with all those powers being transferred to Brussels.  Controversially member states would also lose what few controls they have left over their own borders, including the procedure for admitting and relocating refugees. The plot has sparked fury and panic in Poland - a traditional ally of Britain in the fight against federalism - after being leaked to Polish news channel TVP Info" (many countries may leave as this progresses) 

Business and growth. Mass demonstrations in Poland means they may well exit the EU whilst many other EU countries have not grasped what is happening as yet. The EU is not made for EU citizens, it is made for everyone else. i.e. not diversity  (but not as a two way street, there are still no 'migrants' going to East or South hemispheres only North West, and there are no calls for Europeans to settle Africa, China or South America ? Never has a population been so brainwashed against itself ) It is a totalitarian socialist communist state, but one in which China / Russia are not forced into Gay marriage, or reducing emissions targets ? (they are increasing emissions and industry in Russia and China) or breaking up the family and traditional way of life. It is not going to be a Christian conservative country in Germany and the working class will have to move away or remain permanently unemployed. Whilst it is claimed the German economy is booming this has been artificially boosted, and Macrons reforms which will also come into Germany, to do the impossible, i.e. business wants more growth as it feels underneath the economy is volatile, whilst at the same seeking to boost the French economy, by deflating the German (the French economy is in protest everyday) Big business wants a policy rethink for growth in Germany but Frau Merkels rethink requires deflation of the German economy in the new EU superstate.(with still an Unelected Bureaucracy and no proposals to change it ? which is anti European, anti enlightenment and anti- romantic and is pro current population removal, with an unelected vanguard resistant to government by the people with a constitution,) Frances debt levels are nearly as bad as Greeces debt levels and its problems have caused a huge burden on the German and wider EU economy. Big business will be taxed and extorted by Islamic Sharia law zones (sharia law zone uses extortion )

France in its election, was asked to vote (or not to vote) for a future unspecified banking union and further integration via its President, although that may never happen. Germany (and Italy) are being asked to reflate its economy (which then eventually lowers or deflates the Germany economy to raise the other economies in the EU) to pay for the recovery of Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Greece and France (in effect) see above 4th para down from 1.5.2017. Germany has signaled a move to higher interest rates in early 2017 which will help savers in Germany, yet EU wide recovery will cost much more than savers gain (by many hundreds of €billions) these ifs are being suggested but; " Second, it is becoming increasingly clear that a meaningful banking union, let alone a fiscal union or a safe euro area asset, is not coming anytime soon" (Kevin O Rourke 2014 'Whither the Euro'  IMF, a technical but good explanation for French voters and since and from 2014 this move has not occurred ) 

Genocide from 1915 until 2017 and beyond. This will allow for even more immigration, all of the above is the Frau Merkel liberal vision for every nation in the EU, not the vision of the European people. As we have seen above Vatican archives show the following in relation to the Armenian Genocide ( a racist genocide of depopulation ) " The most surprising insight was that the Armenian genocide was in fact just part of a bigger plan — the extermination of all non-Muslim minorities in the Ottoman Empire " (vatican archives) and that bigger plan has continued from 1915 to 1973 to 1991 and until today 2017. (the Middle East Christians are the near the oldest communities in the world) when asked about the Genocide, Islam denied it, and continued to deny as they are denying that the Iranian deal has already been breached, as has the Iran Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)

This silence (which shows the sinister intent west or east) was demonstrated in the hushed up and now barley spoken of Cristian genocide, (before and now after) and who were/are (raped, burnt and beheaded, and some had their hearts eaten by Moslems. Of course it will be 'deplored', but it will not suffice. The cry for safe zones continues) The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognized the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. Its origins lie in Islam. (fortunately you can see the  consistency from chapter 3 down to chapter 3a and this post here, and 20 Christians were killed in Nigeria on the 11.September.2017 by Moslems  and Kenyan Christians were killed for not reciting the Moslem Shahada wailing in August 2017. The partly failed London bombings by a Syrian on 15.09.2017 London tube station attacks. ? who was then released. In the USA convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh was deported back to Jordan in September 2017) Post 2018 the mass Islamic migrations will increase again, as that is all these politicians are hired to undertake i.e. the fall of the west. These problems should be dealt with, by the national countries involved with western military assistance and not exported or the problem will go on and continue. 

Immigration and immigration scams and trafficking The UN oversees most of the worlds population (and has been caught trafficking see chapter 4 on the adjacent website). As for population replacement being a conspiracy ( amidst abortion and debt) the United Nations advertises it  This is the main role for the UN and its 'migration dept' but there are no avenues for Europeans going east into its aging populations ? which is a fallacy of population statistics artificially created (and with statistics supplied by a George Soros NGO)  Obama still denies the Armenian & Christian genocide and modern population deplacement, and it is part of the greatest deception in modern history of postmodernist 'political thought and theory. Obama (with a message/ speech for the UN shortly in the Autumn) was against illegal immigration and was pro - deportation and no votes for illegal aliens with strong borders and a respect for the rule of law. He was also against DACA. as it was unconstitutional r.e. the.... constitution and he was a constitutional lawyer. All US senators and Representatives have to show ID when entering government buildings and/or vote locally ? Frau Angela Merkel and Trudeau use the same deceptions.

In the UK the Pakistan gangs planned and carried out the business from Islamic countries and Pakistan as a business. A business in which they cannot believe they also get benefits, free homes and freedom to enslave a country so freely. The Rotherham gang which prostituted girls as young as 12 shouted 'Allah Akbar' in court as they were sentenced to a combined 80 years (and not life ?) The Rochdale Islamic Pakistan sex abuse prostitution gang operated freely and up to 50 girls on their payroll. The Newcastle Islamic sex trafficking gang 'the Jury found the men guilty of a catalogue of nearly 100 offences – including rape, human trafficking, conspiracy to incite prostitution and drug supply – between 2011 and 2014' Include the hardly mentioned sentencing of 13 Muslim men to 150 years Gaol in Halifax on the 16.06.2016 for rape of a schoolgirl & other offences. A moslem paedophile gang) A feature of the crimes is people felt they could not complain against the Moslems as it was racist to do so ? Further as the last link relates it is not just these three cases but many towns in Britain, eight are listed here. And this is the Islamic view of Europeans generally. From Pakistan or Islamabad central and from any Islamic centre the conquest of a country is planned by immigration 

Although Frau Angela Merkel eventually acknowledged the Christian genocide and Islam was bringing terrorism and that Turkey did commit genocide against the Armenians, Frau Merkels Government in 2016 allocated 97 Billion euros for 'refugees'  (just for the period 2016 - 2020 alone?)  £20 billion was spent in 2016 on immigration with £37 Billion earmarked for 2017 (refugees who are not refugees but migrants, whilst the left ignored the 'safe zone' solution prior to the genocide) It is incredible in the growing scandal that Obama has tried to bribe the papacy via the US Refugee Admissions program to the tune of $79 million dollars (every year ? ) Since Syrians are now stating they wanting to return to Syria (whether it is balkanized or note ) why is so much allocated ? 4 out of 5 are not Syrian and the Syrian war and Isis have now almost been defeated ? In the USA in 2016 illegal immigrants voted in the US 2016 election, and were assisted to do so (this is denied ?)  but local Mayor / Council officials in September 2017 have approved votes (against the  constitution and without ID) in Maryland for illegal aliens ? and national taxpayers are paying for it. They are voting for the immigration party of course despite the University of Maryland warning of illegal 'voting scams'.  (The scams are numerous and hidden in plain sight and the claims of 'racism' originate in the same parties who are encouraging the scams. Trudeau world is censoring dissent by the stasi in Canada and the UN )

Its time to reduce immigration to zero and let other national economies / countries resolve their own problems. Letting the host country pay for exporting its population...(which would increase national employment and wages, and the exporting country paying for Housing, benefits and travel, and would end all illegal immigration and the worlds huge Global trafficking problem in Islam and wider, which taxpayers pay for)....should become a country's national law, and would save national taxpayers a fortune. It is incredible that the Paris and Belgium bombers in the EU and their families worked or were planted in immigration offices (see chapter 3 above and post dated 25.11.2017 & 23.12.2017 & 24.06.2017) Elvis Presley was once in Germany in the army , what would she say  to the worlds trafficked and the nations and to Germany ?  and the worldwide trafficking scam ? Disgusting politics (and politicians) which should be made defunct. Europeans want a constitution not a hollow edifice. This is one reason  why England /  Britain left and why Poland and others are choosing the same, as the immigration scandals increase.(Frau Merkel 20.09.2017) The German Parliament like the British Parliament was not consulted or asked.


The German Election Results (from September 22nd 2017) 10.10.2017

Also significant are the 1. French Senate elections 24.08.2017, 2. Austrian National Elections 15.10.2017  2. Czech Republic legislative election, 2017 20/21.10.20117 3. New Zealand national elections 23.09.2017  4. Spanish Catalan referendum for independence 1.10.2017 (which was passed Yes for independence) 5. Kurdish Independent State referendum (passed 25.9.2017)

Germany's elections caused a political earthquake in the EU. The results are recorded here in the financial times. It was a disastrous election for the Christian democrats and Frau Angela Merkel CSU and also for the SPD. Seats that gained were the liberal party (FBD) and the AFD. The number of seats won are here. And share of votes won geographically. The biggest drop in votes was for the CSU and SPD, but the  biggest vote gain was to the AFD with 96 seats out of 598 and 111 overhang seats in the German parliament  Their emergence is highlighted here.

The AFD are nationalists which simply means they value home and family and country. Today anyone even slightly to the right of Neil from the Young Ones is 'rightwing', but there are those in the AFD who like the new Germany (post the Berlin Wall) but also remember a slower pace of life as traditionalists. (ostalgia) The AFD are conservative modernists yet they want what every EU country wants economics which expand their self improvement and larger families a control of their borders and sensible economics. Every nation on earth is seeing its population being forced of the land into the city and it is estimated 70% & of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050. The German notes on Wandervogel above highlight that this is a problem, and has been since industrialisation in the last century. Frau Merkel despite her claims to encourage more German families to have more babies in the countryside has not done enough in that department.

As noted in the last post dated 22.09.2017 above the immigration scandal  "i.e. as the immigration scandals increase.(Frau Merkel 20.09.2017)" more details have emerged. The German report finds that Angela Merkel had no authority to open the borders without parliament (and even with perhaps a referendum was needed) and to over 1 million immigrants in 2015 and more since, and have called for her resignation following  an investigation although the facts have already been agreed. Angela Merkel admits the illegality of it and at first she stood by her decision, but later admitted she did wrong and regretted it, but has claimed it was done on the spur of the moment or as an after  thought in a moment of failed insight. Yet see the above post dated 20.09.2017 which shows how budgets were allocated for this before she made the decision she stands by and then regrets  (i.e Frau Merkels Government in 2016 allocated 97 Billion euros for 'refugees'  (just for the period 2016 - 2020 alone?)  £20 billion was spent in 2016 on immigration with £37 Billion earmarked for 2017 ) Germany now admits it cannot take anymore migrants (and even before 2015 immigration was never checked or examined) with calls for the host countries to pay for those who have arrived, and Europe admitted it is also full. Bill Gates and the Dalai Lama ( just as his people want to return to Tibet and Nepal, and just as Bhutan want independence secured) as 2 people can see the policy is completely illegal and opposed to European identity and history, as well as being unsustainable and just plain wrong completely (other continents are not doing this, including  the Arab nations and China for example.

As for the decision by Angela Merkel in Autumn or Summer 2015 being a spur of the moment decision, Angela Merkel in April 2016 (see post in chapter 3 above dated 07.06.2016) fired her head of intelligence in green " Angela Merkel in April 2016 fired the German head of Intelligence because he reported the Wahhabi / Muslim brotherhood terrorists were flooding into the country. There are 400, 000 of them at the top (first line) and all Islam follows them as Mohammed. It (the strong cover up) is occurring in all EU nations and others" This was followed Germanys decision in June 2016 to recognise the Armenian Genocide committed by Turkey, and Armenia today is suffering as a country unless it receives (with Georgia also and surrounding

A recent extraordinary decision to allow turkey to join Interpol baffles the mind (amidst migrant trafficking and arms etc) and has been criticised by even the EU and is a threat to US armed services also. Therefore warnings before and after were present (i.e. This follows a list of US cities in the ISIS kill list it released in the USA which is credible according to the FBI (20.12.2015) and post above dating from early 2015 to December near the beginning of chapter 3 i.e. in purple This was followed by 21 Christians beheaded in Libya (condemned by Pope Francis) in late February 2015. The media has over the last 12 years reported in bias against the Christian genocide which has occurred and continues to occur daily around Jerusalem and the middle east. The Genocide against Christians in Mosul and wider ( also a home to Christianity for over nearly 2000 years) has been 'purged' of Christians, and this is an aim of those who directing the war against Christians and not just in the Arabian peninsula. A Church in Mosul is blown up. Catholic and Protestant Churches killed, (the last link is a list and timeline of events) as as 90 Christians are abducted by ISIS on the 24.02.2015   change to     as 90 Christians are abducted by ISIS on the 24.02.2015 (later confirmed as 120 +), there is a war against Jewish and Christian populations in the middle east and the west. May 2015, estimates at the number of Christians killed are growing to 1 every 11 seconds. (no safe zones or Christian 'refugees)

Therefore the decision to pass all immigration measures was taken in full light of the terror threat with no other continent taking responsibility, at the time of the Iran nuclear deal.

Mass immigration is policy and the aim of many who do not face the consequences of opening borders.( also from above on Germany and Norway dated 15.09.2017) "This is what Frau Merkel is doing and has done. 12 million more were promised in early 2017 (some say 8 million only)  whilst at the same time acknowledging Moslems were causing the terror and uprisings across Germany ? The same is true of communist Federica Mogherini, the Italian EU high representative and defence researcher who is welcoming Islamic Jihad. There is a definite pattern in these personnel as politicians or immigration officers)"  The left have one policy only and there are thousands like Fedirica Mogherini (last para) whose job it is to keep the migrant conveyer belt going.

The economics of migration and emigration are a vast burden on the west (taxpayers and national debts) and countries are unable to sustain economies at home, amidst the lazy attitude nationally to the situation, discussed here in the USA  (video; 'Tucker: 'Elites Fail to Grapple With What It Means' to Open Borders to Millions' or separately here ) The obvious conclusion is wages would rise if immigration was stopped but so to would profits with exports and selling internally (with also the internal currency low inflation system, which can be separate from other loans in the Mo – M4 central bank system) High western debt eventually makes small – medium business unprofitable or uncompetitive and forces intense wage negotiations between employer and employee. (more than past decades) and the only option is cheap labour. This forces national politicians like Mrs Merkel to try weakly to get the birth rate up but as a vote attracter and instead the left force mass migration onto a population under the heretical Optimum currency area (OCA) doctrine which is a weak attempt to patch an economy with a self-defeating solution like a temporary patch on a sinking ship. Islam and communism take full advantage and with arms trade and trafficking, these are the only policy or policies in every country around which everything else is built (The west and the world as you can read on these websites are 155 trillion dollars in debt, and every country is affected by these ridiculous polices) . Swedish lawyer; confirm the outbreak of crimes, and outbreak of rapes which has shocked Sweden are caused by migrants and this has been suppressed in the media in Sweden. it is legal and cultural to rape in Islamic countries and get away with it. Two very different cultures but also forced illegally on Europe.

Further and to signify the report mentioned in the news item above, The following video relates how Bernie Sanders in the 1980's said that a single payer health system would bankrupt the United States.Video, 'Liz Wheeler: What the mainstream media was afraid to tell you this week'  and which points out that illegal immigration costs the USA taxpayer $115 / $116 Billion dollars after the $19 billion dollar taxes are deducted, (full report. 'Fair' & 'The Fiscal burden of illegal immigration on the United States 2017' ) which could fund a health service. 100% employment also helps pay for healthcare. This is also occurring in every country and also in Germany which has to take the bridle by the bit, and pro-create with willing partners who should receive help in the first few years of their marriages (tax lowering and baby allowances or some such deal until each child is in school) This is sensible economic analysis, and governments who send illegals should be charged for their actions. Mrs Merkel was also asked to resign in light of what has occurred.

The EU has confirmed that Germanys economy has to drop down ( and be worse off) which is a part of Optimal currency area theory, but which also levels all economies lower, instead of each state balancing their own books. Reducing Germanys economy or any for the EU which according to the theory will be better off if the German economy drops. Yet as En Marche in France have had disastrous election results in the Senate amidst rising protests, then this plan may not work anyway. Merkel and Macron had planned that economic course of action as part of their election campaigns. Fiscal independence is a easier choice for nations (like Denmark and Norway who are prospering)

The recent terror attacks in Las Vegas and New York (01.10.2017 – 07.10.2017) The Las Vegas shooting on 1.10.2017, by according to the press 'Stephen Craig Paddock' (as a lone gunman in Vegas ) who also used military weapons already banned in sale and use in the USA, whose father was a bank-robber say the FBI, and whose brother is deeply puzzled, shocked and baffled by his actions as he was not to his knowledge, politically affiliated. The fake news is spun to confuse and make the reactionary left go into hyper drive although once again, it seems the left are to blame. Islamic state (Isil not Isis) and Abū Bakr al-Baghdadi claimed him as one of theirs (3.10.2017 The Telegraph article) and then (in another press outlet)  repeated the claim   implying there was more than one gun shooter also according to some witness statements  and witness statements from Hotel staff, but not others, and they were in the midst of buying military grade weapons which the FBI were intercepting . Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi was discovered to be still alive after it was thought he was dead, supposedly killed by Russian airstrikes, 1 month ago before the shootings, when he released a recoding threatening the west. (i.e.  This follows a list of US cities in the ISIS kill list it released in the USA which is credible according to the FBI, 20.12.2015) President Trump and the new administration removed all traces of Islam from the white house and replaced Islamic prayers which were occurring 5 times every day, 7 days a week with Christian prayers . This would mean of course that Isis / Isil are operating in cells within the USA. On the 07.10.2017 a few days after the Vegas attack the FBI uncovered an Islamic state attack planned for New York City (06/07/2017) and prevented it. Again as with democrat aide Imran Awan and Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo  these cells have links to Pakistan and Iran and the Philippines. This is Obamas creation of terror worldwide but one in which he allowed Islam to take over the USA and Europe and create a Christian genocide with his comrades.  (see also the "In 1995 the Barcelona declaration betrayed and vice President Mike Pence's declaration against Islamic terrorism in the post above dated 15.09.2017 and half way down it  ) Germany and the EU has similar threats every week.

French Senate election Results 24.09.2017

Considered a large blow to 'en marche' & Francois Macron and the progressives, as France in the space of 3 months (since the national elections on the  18.06.2017) has reversed its earlier views. Only landing 21 seats, compared to 129 seats for the Conservative Republicans LR, (who now control the Presidency of the senate 92.10.2017) and who are the Conservative Republicans, and who want immigration reform, and who had been vilified by the press and en marche on the run up to the national elections. In retrospect if the election were run again now, en marche would not be in power (see post above dated 12.05.2017, and the 'Scandele et Intrigue' or scandal and intrigue directed against the Conservative Republicans) Marion le Pen in retrospect carried the Macron and Le Pen debate (see above dated 4.5.2017 for the televised debate) Without the progressive majority it has, a coalition between the conservatives and Marion le Pen would have occurred or a three way coalition. It is truly a scandal (to understand the full implications read from the beginning of chapter 3a which covers the real problems in the EU to date ) Emmanuel Macron has said he would assist the Kurds.

Austrian National Elections 15.10.2017

Due to the collapse of the left, a lack of action on welfare and immigration reform and EU reform, a national election was called from May / July for October 2017. Similar to the French 'Scandal and Intrigue' the left have begun a smear campaign against the other parties. However, it is clear from the German elections that an immigration scandal in Germany and the whole EU has taken place. In Austria a left coalition has produced nothing and this is the reason want a party who I going to deal with these issues, traditionally and nationally. Its DEBT to GDP is high also but as dipped slightly, yet decades ago this figure would have shocked any nation.  Austria may well be asked (like Italy who Debt to GDP is 130 % and Germany) to deflate its economy an exports in the move to closer integrate the EU (see all above in 3 and all above)

Czech Republic legislative election, 20/21.October.20117

The Czech Republic has the same problems (economic, political and national borders) as all those listed here and in the wider EU. Brussels is not listening (for 30 years) to EU countries including Germany, Hungary and Poland, Austria, Britain and Catalonia, and others who are taking their countries back. This is set against the desire of Macron to bring a full economic union between France and Germany (at a cost to Germany and other EU states, the wealthier paying for the poorer) Deepening the Eurozone jean Claude Juncker in May 2017 called for closer integration, but the unelected (and anonymous in policy origin without elections) element in the commission (although Macron has said it should be reduced) is still a feature of law without an EU constitution (like the USA) or a stipulation that EU states will not pay for the debts of other states (as the USA has) This model without borders or national fiscal control with unbridled immigration is not democratic and is designed to feed Islam and communism only. This is very apparent and has been the continuing  deception (anti-European) for over 2 decades.

New Zealand national elections 23.09.2017

'New Zealand first' (nationalist and populist) party once again hold the balance of power in New Zealand, between the National Party and Labour. The National party won 56 seats and Labour and the greens combined won 54, both claim they are in a strong position although Labour in coalition with the greens cannot claim to be the dominant party, with the greens only gaining 8 seats, labour getting 46. New Zealand first gathered 9 seats. Passing legislation in this scenario could be the final consideration with 2 other seats as independents who are either right wing or centre right.

Catalan independence election (Spain) 1.10.2017

Catalan after a struggle voted for independence and declared it on the 4.10.20117 and independence to occur within a matter of days.  It is another huge shock to the EU. Whether the King of Spain or Spanish government will allow complete or any independence without a war remains to be seen. Catalan may have to leave the EU  The EU have stated that they will not recognise 'Catalonia' as a separate EU nation under the rule of law. (350,000 people from 8 million population demonstrated against separation on Sunday 09/10/2017) Catalans feel they are the engine growth of Spain, and in or out they have financial means to go forward, and 90% of Catalans voted to leave in the referendum, across left and right as occurred in Brexit. Above the EU the UN, are insisting Catalan has no right to leave, but has not been as obvious in their insistence towards Britain r.e. Brexit. The USA however says UN has no right to receive funding from US taxpayers.

Brexit comparisons. The speed of the Catalan independence decision has been contrasted against Brexit, which some now see as being run entirely by the remain camp as Jeremy Corbyn and Teresa May move closer together in policy under the pressure of EU negotiations, and both campaigned to remain in the EU (Corbyn has changed his mind several times on leave and remain in the last 10 months) In the rhetoric on transition dates, (now 2023 from 2021), although Teresa May says Britain will still leave in May / June 2019. In December 2016 following the Republican victory in the USA, Teresa May forwarded the letter to the EU in March 2017 ' Brexit notification was finally sent to the EU on the 29.03.2017 by letter to the European Council' triggering article 50. In December 2016 (see post in chapter 3 above dated 31.03.2017) repeated here 'Britain had its referendum after fighting for it for years. It was held on 23.06.2016 with just 2 questions 1. Remain 2. Leave. The winning result for Leave was not binding on parliament but it was then accepted by Parliament on 7.12.2016 by 461 votes to 89 which should have concluded the debate. After  Gina Miller 6 weeks later (but through the year) said that only Parliament can grant the right to the British people ? having won a right on a further debate on granting the result validity in the Supreme Court on January 20th 2017 ? she engaged a city law firm to decide that Gina Miller was supreme and not the British people and this was backed by the Mayor Sadiq Khan both of whom are allegedly pressured by George Soros to oppose Brexit. So in effect Parliament was supreme and the vote was ratified having already given permission to have the referendum 0n 7.12.2016 ? Everything to prevent Brexit has occurred and Parliament is in effect above article 50.

Parliament accepted the Leave decision on the 7.12.2016. (the actual leave date originally March/May 29 2019  has also now moved to Summer 2019)

In relation to Obor ('one belt one road' and its Trojan Horse) and China, and its effect on the west see the post above but in chapter 3, dated 11.03.2017 and China and the New World Order. And above in Chapter 3a in relation to the City of London dated 15.09.2017 and OBOR and the City of London

The banks have called for a transition deal by Christmas 2017, and that is possible even in a few days (see paras below ) and the Swiss banks realize that the City of London and it can trade and that it would be good for Britain, or any nation. Swiss free trade is how it has prospered, the EU is a different system in the EU and London. These facts (and the transition idea which can be dealt before and/or after ) along with the prosperity of Norway and Denmark are not detailed in the press ?

Germany and France have rejected Teresa Mays transitional proposals on the 7.10.2017 ('transition period' is beginning to sound more like 'gender identity' item and not Brexit ? ) What is central, is the notion of a communist Obor should be vanquished i.e. the idea of 'Chairman Mao's' driving round a global road, this is the reason the west has nuclear weapons (anything but that)

Despite rigorous sanctions North Korea and hydrogen bomb, is still maintaining its position and china although voicing support and has taken some actions, Donald Trump says there is only one way to deal with NK, and has said it would be hard for the USA not to strike back at Kim (9.10.2017) who is planning to detonate a huge Hydrogen bomb in the pacific basin for the 10.10.2017 anniversary of North Korean existence. South Korea can also take out NK's energy system and Nukes by employing blackout bombs.(9.10.207)  Putin has also checked NK saying it may also declare war on NK in contrast to previous year. Britain is fearful NK's missiles will hit the UK, and has outlined its military levels and battle plan setting against the North Korean regime.

The EU and Guy Verhofstadt had already rejected the proposals for a British immigration registry in late September 2017, proving the EU (as in Germany above ) is only concerned with flooding the EU and Britain with migrants. Free movement announced only months ago was to end on March 2019 ?)

Further the tariff, tax system, services and goods and import / export duties can be switched straight away and takes minutes not five years ? exposing the whole 'Divorce' conditions and transitions as nonsense See; 'We can go INSTANTLY' British diesel-importer DESTROYS politicians Brexit delay NONSENSE' Daily Mail Sep 29, 2017' This applies throughout the EU and fiscal independence for every EU nation would mean a better EU with an addition of a Constitution. As it is the scenarios of the Brexit vote and negotiations is incredible to observe (especially as trade deals with Norway and wider and Swizz free trade deals are casually dismissed) Catalan has suggested it can leave and then settle the bill (without 'transitioning' ?)

The March against Terrorism and against Islamic extremism and the terror attacks in Britain occurred on 07.10.2017. 70,000 marched, against the terror cells, and towns under Islamic trafficking and sexual abuse oppression (Rotherham and 9 other cities etc ) For Britain watching or realising who is consistently telling the truth and who is not is a very valuable commodity and Catalans will also watch what occurs in Brexit.

Kurdistan, Iran and Israel.

Another important referendum was held by Kurdistan on 6.10.2017 and was approved. 92 % of the vote said Yes. Kurdistan is not Syria or Iraq and borders Armenia and will now get its independent territory but has already been threatened by Turkey (who as an Islamic dictatorship, responsible for the Armenian Genocide should be invaded and forced to accept Greek rule) As noted in the German post above Armenia is a struggling state which needs western help as do the surrounding states. The USA declared its intentions to help the Kurds who were threatened by Turkey and all sides, arming the Syrian Kurds and Iraqi Kurds (Iraq has accepted the vote) and this has assisted the Kurds and USA with the defeat of Isis

Iran has objected to this new state also (it feels it can lecture new states on democracy when it also is an Islamic dictatorship with a very poor Human rights record) but Kurdistan asked for western assistance and now has a chance of its own land which must also help stabilise the region into safe zones in Greater Israel. If Iran attacks Kurdistan then the west has announced it will respond.

Iran and Syria have rejected the vote, and have basically declared war (5.10.2017) unless they obtain pre-conditions elsewhere. They have hinted they may not allow the state to be realised or will obstruct over time. President Trump has said he is likely to de-certify Iran's nuclear deal (which includes Nuclear material obtained from the Obama/Clinton scandal 6.10.2017) i.e. the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) due on the 15.10.2017. Russia now recognises Jerusalem as the capital of Israel (declared in April 2017 ) whilst Saudi Arabia is looking to remove Iran from the world's oil production as ahead of it (which may cause a war between the two countries) UN declared Jerusalem as not being the capital of Israel and it and Russia want a 'Palestinian' deal. Palestine and its flag of course is simply Jordan (and shares its flag almost exactly with Palestine or Gaza, and is not a country in itself) The East bank of Jordan is Israel. The anti - Israel UN lobby have also made it very difficult for safe zones and the defeat of Isis. Today the USA has established a military base in Israel, and Eastern Europe and Ukraine are prepared for conflict.

The democrats in the USA are urging (via George Soros and The Open Society) President Donald Trump and Vice President Pence to keep the Iran deal. Their argument is as follows. They agree Iran is a state sponsor of global terrorism and is committing global acts of terror including the Christian genocide which Obama still denies it and is still actively trying to remove any reference to it in the summer of 2017 as are the democrats? (Catholics and Protestants were killed or rather butchered) Their main point is; Iran is sponsoring terrorism but if they can develop (Obama's / Clintons ) nuclear material obtained from the Bundy and Hammond ranches and German intelligence hints they are enriching it, then Iran with a Nuclear missile will be a calmer global state sponsor of terrorism ?  You can listen to them and that is basically their reasoning. Yet this contradicts German intelligence (see previous posts)

It is no secret Iran wants to erase Israel off the map, mentioned by previous President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005 , although he is disqualified from Iran's elections as of April 20th 2017 (because he would win) his supporters voted for him because of his stance towards Israel. Iran's new president Rouhani also launched a scathing attack on Israel in 2016 but he is seen as the more moderate. Iran then comprises two factions one who wish to annihilate Israel in fire and destruction and the moderates who wish to destroy Israel moderately. Rouhani has broken  the deal already, and has missiles which are capable of carrying Nuclear weapons (and that was Obamas deal in actuality) (Oppenheimer said  quoting the Hindu classic the Bhagavad-Gita)

Israel clearly does not trust Iran to keep its promises, although Russia has said the safe zones are helping to end the conflict, Russia therefore must act against Iran and Assad to assist the Kurds.

With many (Iranian) Kurds who currently live in Iran also wanting to join the new Kurdistan state, whilst pictures emerge of Iran's nuclear secret sites, Israel says this on Iran confirming German intelligence reports, and Obamas last gift of Uranium to Iran in early 2017. (see the end of the post dated 20.09.2017 above)

Objectively Iran today is Persia geographically, but today ideologically Islam. King Xerxes in 490 bc maintained he would Jihad the known world, but in advance he had paid agents to persuade the Athenians in Greece that his intentions were collective and peaceful and he did not want war only affiliation (i.e submission to him as King with slavery for the world and the assumption he had the right to rule) All previous cities and conquests were burnt and butchered. This is occurring again today especially in the middle east and heading towards the EU. The Spartans proved Xerxes claims were untrue at Thermopylae. Israel under the Prophet Jeremiah and King Josiah, (at the end of the 10 & 2 as the 12 tribes from 720 bc to 620bc) did not believe Nebuchadnezzar II would invade Israel and destroy the Temple with the Babylonian army in 620 bc, yet both Nebuchadnezzar II and Xerxes fully intended to do what they said they would do (whether openly or secretly) Alexander in contrast around 330 bc (with history as hindsight ) cut or untied the Gordian knot.


These Chapters began as Chapter 3a, & 3 above it, The Fate of Europe, and is Europe being destroyed? (and is the west heading for destruction)  

Chapters 3A and 3 examine these questions and it is clear the Europe and the West is in trouble, but why and for what purpose, and what is behind the attacks and demise of Europe and the West ? What can be done to end the malaise. In relation to the Middle East read all of chapter 3 and 3a above, although it is a lot of information (but no more than an average sized book) it is the information as reported to the masses since mid 2014 (and since 11.09.2001 or '9/11') to date in a crucial time of history, and is a useful  tool to discern history and events.



The Sea Change in Europe is reflected in the election results and growing dissatisfaction with the EU, for 2017 for Germany, France, Austria, Czech Republic and Catalan and see above also. (also Brexit and Kenya) and 'The Crisis in the West'

In Germany the success and 'shockwaves' of the anti-immigration parties and western anti- decline parties including the AFD has caused sent traditional politics into a tailspin, in Europe although many people cannot understand why ? Frau Merkle's own political party are now calling for her to resign She was reputedly a member of the stasi although she denies this and claims to be only a 'inoffizielle Associate' which certainly makes her a communist but no one is shocked that a representative of the world's second greatest killing machine / population reduction ideology (behind Islam) was operating as a politician in Europe. She and others are certainly following communist dictat on destroying Europe. She says (April 2017) that Germany will definitely become an Islamic state. (placing special emphasis on the replacement of churches) says an Italian Archbishop whilst Frau Merkel admits to opening the doors to the cult. Islam says Europe will become an Islamic state and is preparing for a civil war. The AFD have called for an investigation into the migration scandal (see above dated 10.10.2017)

'Europe' without an EU framework means all people from Iceland and Denmark to the borders of Russia and Ukraine, the Balkans, down to Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Israel etc and including reclaiming Turkey or Asia minor back from Islamic control. (see chapter 2 above and Ossetia and Colchis)  It is incredible that people have stayed silent for so long on this and many connected issues.

Since August 2017 and the 'Charlottesville protests' in the USA on removing slavery (see above dated from 24.09.2017) not one Mosque has been closed down in the USA and elsewhere. Islam still practices slavery today and is proud to do so. (see adjacent website and end of chapter 4 and chapter 5 North Korea & Modern Slavery not denounced heading)

Islam is also not forced to teach on Homosexuality or perform Gay marriages, yet Orthodox Jewish schools in London are asked to close as they refuse to teach Homosexuality despite the scientific fact there are only two genders (see above in chapter 3a 'Inserted on 12.08.2017, Church rights and the Irish referendum' committee on abortion' and see Brexit further on) and teaching in 'gender fluidity' and homosexuality is actual harmful for children. This is a plan for all Christian schools and Jewish or other who should have a legal right to refuse as the church should have a legal right to opt out. Islam is not forced to accept these teachings in its schools, mosques or anywhere and it is a false religion and death cult. Isn't it time it and communism were banned and returned to China (or Moscow) or Mecca. (Miguel Martinez a man but who is 'transgender' raped a 10 year girl in a public toilet, not assaulted but raped, on trial this month in the USA, he was 'legally' allowed to be in the woman's bathroom thanks to Obama, whilst in London in October 2017, hundreds of sex offenders including 16 rapists have been let off with a caution. The EU wants to lower the age of consent to 13 outside of parent's authority. In Brazil 108 paedophiles have been caught, and in the USA the Hollywood scandals have shocked the USA but have liberated many  ( an incredible amount of woman )  woman who had to stay silent for decades. (see also the adjacent website and end of chapter 4. Also note the efforts of  Elijah Wood and Corey Feldman  which are pertinent as normalizing paedophilia means the media is a target to aid the normalization process (desensitizing people). The Obama led gender neutral bathroom protest was led (and laws were passed in Charlotte, North Carolina, by Mr Chad Sevearance-Turner a convicted paedophile, and named as LGBT person of the year. These people are criminals and the LGBT lobby with no gay gene or gender dysphoria in science or fact are criminals with him.

Ed Murray the Seattle Mayor and LGBT leader resigned following five counts of child abuse, (September 2017) The Norwegian Paedophile Scandal involving politicians and hundreds of children (which was censored in the USA press in early 2017 ? and covered up by the New York times who support paedophilia as a 'gender pronoun' and dissenters are 'homophobic' and the recent paedophile scandal that brought down the Icelandic government in August / September 2017. In the IICSA child abuse investigations in London the victims have said they have lost faith in the child paedophile investigation and have pulled out in June 2017 to begin a new public inquiry to appear at some point (see chapter 6 below)

In Europe and Germany, the issue of immigrant rape was hushed up and silenced as it is currently throughout the EU. The AFD who are now in power in 2017 called for a EU referendum in June 2016.


The Austrian elections have also caused 'shockwaves'? and again the anti-immigration parties (results next) have taken power and Sebastian Kurz is now the youngest ever leader of a nation in the EU at 31. The FPO gained 51 seats and the socialists 52 seats behind Kurz. Kurz is also pro – Israel. Sebastian Kurz has reputedly suggested that George Soros 'Open Foundation' should be banned, a claim made before he is officially Chancellor and refuted. The open foundation is not the only Soros venture. Others include; (USA) Planned parenthood, Centre for reasons, Clinton foundation, League of young voters, Black lives matter and Antifa amongst others. In Europe the Open foundation is joined by Project Syndicate (which claims to stand up for Europe) yet Soros admits he is behind migrant crisis and wants open borders in the EU He is therefore behind Frau Merkel. In Hungary which rejected mass immigration and who banned Soros and then suffered the wrath of the EU. Hungary's leader Victor Orban was called anti-Semitic, yet this was denied by Israel prime - minister  Benjamin Netanyahu.  Islam is anti-Semitic and vows to destroy Israel see further on. Austria and many other EU nations may join the Visegrad group which is a cultural group who like the USA, Switzerland, Mexico and Britain want to secure their own borders and have a rigorous immigration plan. Communist, Islamic and Soros lobbies and others are behind the immigration 'civil war' plan to ruin Europe.

Austrians have called for a EU referendum like Britain also, (40 % in June 2016) as it seems the only position the EU in Brussels listen to and the EU is in serious trouble.

The Czech Republic election has also caused 'shockwaves' ?.  (results here) Its new Prime-minster Andrej Babis and 'Ano' Populist anti-immigration candidate is the new leader in the country. One possible -coalition anti-immigration party leader (has called for a referendum on remaining in the EU) All successful parties are right or centre right and are critical or against immigration which will be forced upon them as in all EU countries.

In New Zealand the right national party has formed a minority government with labour. Winston Peters the populist candidate's (Kingmaker) logic being the government will be forced into the centre with the right National party being the largest party with 56 seats, and the minority coalition with 54 seats (labour and greens, the greens had 8) and 4 seats of the 20 they won by far right New Zealand first, making 58. Many are predicting fresh elections but is a very unusual coalition.

In Spain and Catalan. The Spanish government has threatened Catalan (who have caused 'shockwaves') with arrest of its break away leaders who have declared independence (11.10.2017) with a transition period of 2 months (in comparison to Brexit of 2 – 5 years ?)  despite the United Nations and the EU resisting and denouncing the Catalan independence vote. The EU feel the Catalan vote is a bigger threat than Brexit. Catalan has rejected direct rule, Spain says it unconstitutional for Catalan to break away and they should accept direct rule.  The Catalan constitutional court have also objected. In the USA the mechanism to allow a state to secede has technically occurred when West Virginia separated as from Virginia, but it declared itself outside of the Union as Texas may also do. Yet (unless with a successful war)  there seems little mood for it in the USA in legislative applications. The constitution however would remain for all other states and just as it did when states joined and grew into its current number. Portugal is separate from Spain in Spain or next to Spain. Catalan says it will not follow orders from Madrid and will call elections.

In Kenya (and USA & EU) it has been confirmed that the election problems and ruckus between Odinga and Kenyotta is an attempt to undermine the constitution and the new clean courts Kenya has adopted, the scandal is now under Police investigation. Obama has interfered in the 2017 Kenyan elections (and others previous and in other countries) and of course sought to undermine the US constitution through the combination of George Soros and Khalid Al Mansour the Saudi agent (the latter believes in Apartheid) The Ultimate interference in a country's or collective states' rights, is not having a constitution as within the  EU. Islam is also assisting in the ruin of the USA and EU (see the adjacent website and North Korea chapter 5 and heading 'Kenyan elections 2017, and their unusual events, Kenya or USA, has Kenyan thought influenced the USA 2008 – 2016') On 25.10.2017 Kenya's Supreme court failed to block the bid or chose not to block the bid, to prevent the new election with numerous candidates but it is being boycotted by Odinga (see result in North Korea on the adjacent website and 'Kenya' heading next week)  

In the USA the Republicans have defunded the UN in part and want to end its growing budget. In Russia they are trying to expand their NGO's into the EU and Russia blames the EU for some eastern EU nations wanting to join the Eurasian bloc (but are wary of Russia and China) in the chaos ensuing the EU.

Growing dissatisfaction within the EU

Many of the EU states are growing increasingly angry that the system of the EU is itself anti – European, including Poland and Hungary who may soon also call for a EU referendum, and are increasingly running out of control. It is a crucible that is being filled with every opinion and law except; EU nationals law, and economic nationalism and control of national budgets (without being burdened by other states debts) which is effectively what the USA has. These rights are being removed incrementally. Further the Iran deal is also affecting Europe. (German intelligence report)

The Iran Nuclear Deal (13.10.2017) and Oil and GAS in Baku and the Artic regions. The Iran deal has not been re-certified by President Trump and under INARA, the US government is expected to follow the decision or quit the deal if they cannot agree, effecting the JCPOA which is also between China, France, Russia, Germany and the UK  (Germany has already said Iran is making Nuclear weapons to become active, see last paragraph) In Kurdistan they have vowed to fight on after declaring independence and have received support from Israel. Iran and Iraq as soon as the declaration was made, invaded Kurdistan (via Iraq) with tanks, planes and ground support to stop the region from becoming a new country. This action by Iran is in breach of the Nuclear agreement. Protests in Germany against Iran and Iraq have begun. Hezbollah who assisted in putting down the Kurdish independence (funded also by Iran) claim it is a victory against the USA. Hamas (the Sunni Egyptians Islamists of Gaza) has said Israel has no right to self-determination (13.110.2017) and that they (Hamas) will only discuss Israel and it being wiped out. (19.10.2017) and Iran has praised Hamas for its continued fight (22.10.2017) Hezbollah (Iran) are preparing for war, which is supported by Lebanon as the resistance against Israel. Russia has signed an oil deal with its oil company Rosneft and the Kurdish Iraq oil pipeline.  China has $9 billion of investment with Rosneft.(China, Rosneft / Russia and Iran)

Iran has supported the Kurds in the past against Iraq, but also put down Kurdish independence via Genocide, by Iraq and Iran following the Iranian revolution. Turkey also persecuted the Kurds and of course committed the Armenian genocide (next country east from Kurdistan) against the Armenians from 1915 – 1925. Iran and therefore now Iraq have WMD.

Iran has breached its nuclear deal and assisted Iraq against a defenceless new country (Kurdistan) with weapons of mass destruction (in Iran ) WMD. It opposes Kurdistan independence now. In 2003 / 2004 Iraq opposed the invasion of its country and now is invading Kurdistan with Iranian help  This also occurred in 2014 when the Iranian-backed Iraqi Shia militias 'Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq' and 'Kata'ib Hezbollah' entered Iraq and joined Syrian forces. Nicki Haley ambassador to the UN has suggested Iran is fuelling the fight against Kurdistan (as are others) in breach of the JCPOA and they are running a counter military strategy (against US/Iraq troops) in Iraq and Kurdistan as they did in 2014 under Asaib Ahl al-Haq.  Essentially they have betrayed the west and engaged in the same warfare tactics they accuse the west of. Iraq has told Rex Tillerson US secretary of State to basically get out (24.10.2017) and leave, showing the divisions in the Islamic war against Israel and the west.

Turkey, Russia and Iran signed an agreement on four safe zones in April / May 2017, a rough map of them is here, or here in plainer detail or here with a map of the Kurds dispersal is here and there are also Kurds in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan, and a map of the actual Kurdistan here  As is apparent there is an overlap of the northern safe zone with Kurdistan. Should Kurdistan become one big safe zone and should the west support its birth.  Turkey and Syria have agreed on the safe zones (and the west agreed to arm the Kurds in mid 2017) but are opposed to them. Israel does not want Russia to supervise safe zones (but wants the USA) in Syria. Clearly Iran and Iraq and Syria who are backed by Russia are destabilising the safe zones and Kurdistan, and Russia's (and China's) oil contract with Kurdistan. If Iran (China and Russia) with WMD with Iraq are attacking smaller nations (although Kurdistan is in talks with Bagdad) what right do they have in criticising the west. Europe has condemned the silence  (21.10.2017, before Tillerson's visit to Iraq)  on the Iraq incursions into Kurdistan.

Iraq has frozen the referendum result ? but that will not stop Kurdistan from becoming a new country, and it can claim a satrap position in Greater Israel if it opts to do so.

European (EU ) Energy Oil and Gas. China's stake in Rosneft arises because it feels it has no direct claim to the Artic oil and gas fields ( The five Arctic countries—Canada, Denmark (via Greenland), Norway, Russia, and the United States—have exploration and resource rights to areas within 200 nautical miles of their coasts) Russia and Gazprom (its other oil company) have begun to drill in the artic at the Murmansk and Kara sea region. Denmark, Norway (also in contract with China) and Finland and Sweden could supply Europe with enough energy for the next 25 years. The EU have said artic oil and gas drilling can go ahead (March 2017) Obama signed an agreement with Shell to drill in the artic in 2015  which will also solve Britain's mild (now)  energy crisis. Canada rules out contracts with Exxon and British Petroleum (Shell) Exxon Mobil should have the same rights as China ? (China has rights, but the USA does not? ) and Russia and should be allowed to drill, or all should not drill as the case may be. Norway is defining its borders with Russia in the artic and Putin has moved his army into position in huge numbers in January 2017.  The US has some unresolved borders in the artic but the artic in regions is US territory but does not feel it needs UN approval of the scope of that border.

The Antarctic is also being explored. In Chapter 4 below and the Incredible 'flat earth discourse' ('Space, earth and the oceans and natural resources (such as oil and gas) .and the theories of  the "flat earth" and "anti-flat" earth discourse')  highlights some of the historical and current issues on the Antarctic. The other debate on the flat earth and round earth discussion whilst it is entertaining it also a good platform for learning mathematics, geometry, geodicy, trigonometry, astronomy, (including the North Star and the rotating 'Big dipper' four season calendar / map) cosmology and earth science and much more including folklore. Knowing where you in the Universe and why. Geography lessons for children could be improved by trying to solve the mystery (at least) 

Uranium 1 / Clinton foundation scandal. Incredibly now in the USA, the democrats have now admitted to giving Russia Uranium (through the Uranium 1 Clinton foundation scandal and treason) after denying it since November 2016, it is incredible. (see news videos a few lines below)  However they are now saying the deal was ten years ago in …. 2010 (6 years ago then but still treason even in 2010? ) and is 'normal'! although it continued into 2016 and is the current situation today and Obama gave Iran a go away present of Uranium in January 2017. (see last post dated 10.10.2017 above) The major threat to the USA according to democrats is Russia? which now has 20 % control of the US Uranium, bribed away to Russia and other unnamed countries?  (Facebook ads are a threat, but yellowcake Nuclear dispersion sold by bribes are not a concern?) This as North Korea, China and Russia are militarising their armies with Nuclear weapons (WMD) including in North Korea now? Although they are admitting it now, after denying it, and suggesting the opposite in a hysterical media neurosis for 11 months you would have to say Russia and the Islamic infiltration into the USA is getting very hard to hide and reason upon for the democrats. The current North Korean Iran war is in effect their making. See video you tube 'Tucker Carlson Battles With Ex-UN Amb. Nancy Soderberg Over Uranium: 'You're Filibustering!'' 18.10.2017 or here on Fox (after the previous full revelations came out on Air One America) with Nancy Soderberg a former Clinton / Obama advisor ( who calls the bribe a legitimate business deal)  here Incredibly the whole item was broadcast on 'One America News Network' on May 18th 2017 (video; '.@Liz_Wheeler: We finally have proof of inappropriate financial dealings with Russia' ) Judicial Watch keep daily/ weekly updates  

Or here with Tomi Lahren from Fox "Media cowards will not  talk about the real Russia story" which is central to the worlds problems and ideology today

There is currently a special independent official investigation into these events, which Nancy Soderberg and the Democrats do not allude too (see the adjacent website and Chapter 5 on North Korea, China and its Gulags and heading 'The Greatest scandal in US history in Navy ¾ down' ) or also here on Fox and Hannity 'Hannity, Game Over. Nuclear Bribery. Stand or Fall' (17.10.2017) and Hannity part 2 Russia is now exporting US Uranium / where. Trey Gowdy has appointed a second special counsel to investigate all of these unfurling matters. The American Centre for Law and Justice President Jay Sekulow has called for a complete investigation into the Clinton Lynch tarmac emails and meetings by the FBI. Obama is working for and with Clinton has at  least colluded with the Russians.

As is apparent the disputes over the Artic are not just with the Russians, but also with Norway, Canada and China who have met all the Democrats and Republicans since 2008 and since November 2016, but the Uranium 1 scandal is a question of sedition and treason. Judge Napolitano speaks his view (video, ''Judge Napolitano: New evidence will lead DOJ to Hillary Clinton indictment ' ) The FBI have discovered records of the meeting with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton just before the USA 2016 elections.  It is clear that the west has been sold out by Obama and Clinton and both North Korea and Iran are intent on controlling the wests economy and defence and threaten the west with Nuclear weapons allowing China and Russia to bankrupt and takeover the west. The media in the USA reeling from the Hollywood sexual abuse scandals is pushing a narrative (instead and despite all the evidence to the contrary) that Trump and the Republicans are not considerate of the US military. 4 US  Green berets were lured into an ambush and killed by Isis militants. Other reports say it was 3 Green berets and 1 civilian or 2 civilians Other reports say there 8 special forces on patrol with Nigerian forces and in fact they were covered or backed up contrary to other reports. It was an ambush and since the last post above dated 10.10.2017,  170 Christians have been killed, 29 in Nigeria on the 16.10.2017 in Nkiedonwhro  and 3 injured by Fulani terrorists, and in Syria 128 were killed in one Christian town rounded up and shot and stabbed to death on the 21.10.2017 by Isis Islamic militants at Qaryatain, this is without the 300 killed and 276 injure in a truck bomb in Mogaduishu by Al Shabab on the 16.10.2017.  Not in the media hardly i.e. radical Islamic terrorism the legacy of Obamas genocide (against Christians and the west) and that war which is directed now internally in the and at the west.  In other words, they were butchered and that's the plan for the west, raise its numbers internally and then reduce the western population, it is not open to discussion or western ideas, which it sees as a liberal curse to be eradicated. The authorities are aware of this. The narrative that the new Republican administration is not considering the military is pushed out of context, and despite the new Veterans, VA healthcare bill run down by Obama 2008 – 2016.  This narrative also pushed by Democrat  Representative Frederica Wilson  who has voted against every US military bill or connected vote before her, yet this narrative is only pushed in the media and Clintons/Obama's treason and violations of the US constitution (so says the US supreme court) is not even mentioned by ¾ of the media in comparison.? Jeff Sessions is to seek a Justice department review of the scandal and the Pakistan and Islamic infiltration of all US security areas., and also seek to ungag the Russia informant as requested by Lt  Colonel Shaffer and revoke the Obama leaks against General Flynn and others which have served to end free speech on the issue's

Europe then does not need to rely on Russia or Islam for gas long-term and now the Ukraine is an EU country, Russia should return the Crimea. (or as they should have done divided it 50 / 50 % with sea port access for both in the 1990's) It (i.e. Europe) does not need to employ communists in places of power to import yet more Moslems.

Brexit, WTO rules, Tarzan and French Labradors.

The same goes for Britain also who now, and questions remain as to why under the EU the oil and gas bonanza of the North Sea was wasted on immigration and free benefits (to nations who should be paying for their legal immigrants and then ban illegal immigrants as soon as possible) when Norway turned it into a $16 Trillion nest egg. As the negotiations for Brexit continue it has been revealed in the last post above that switching trade tariffs take an hour or so and mentioned further down this and next paragraph. Britain (hypothetically) reverting to the (world trade organisation) WTO rules if there is no EU/Brexit deal (and the deal seems to be a talk shop over nothing in 16 months?)  is already here anyway. It is a sham. On the WTO rules " They will also apply to any future trade relationship between the two, whether there is a deal of some kind, or no deal at all — so long as the UK and the EU and its member states are members of the WTO" Outlined here by Peter Ungpakorn dated 8.2.2017 in his article named ' Why UK is already under WTO rules, and why that matters for Brexit'  In reality having one on one trade deals without restrictions but in law is a further step and ideal  (as Switzerland enjoys and who are still legal entities) but it proves the current talks are nonsense to take 2 or 5 years, although at least now there is a choice when before there was no choice. Another possible trade option is CETA or Canada's trade deal with the EU. " The deal struck between the EU and Canada, known as the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), lifts 98% of tariffs on imports between the two parties, and was a significant move towards freer trade. It does not, however, significantly reduce non-tariff barriers for trade and traditional rules-of-origin regulations would apply for the UK's exports to the EU, under such a deal" It also does not prevent free movement or protect consumer rights or borders however, and most of the negotiations were completed in secrecy. There are so many options including the Norway partnership (Denmark and Scandinavia deals who are prospering beyond the poverty level) ? and Swiss style deals but that's not important to negotiators / negotiations in the EU , and it is not the issue being discussed. Without home produced goods, and exporting (old and new manufacturing and engineering into digital engineering and the world's economy is still based upon in truth, and only the west in the last 40 years have collapsed in this way ?)  the excess, a service economy cannot trade but accept imports and higher debt in any system.

The WTO (world trade organisation rules) rules alone are limiting and Britain has been a member since 1995, yet  they have not brought anything of use and Brexit followed with or without it.  Joining the EU with its agreements and the way that it did, was the worst mistake in the history of Britain. Switzerland however is also under WTO rules (as a fall back) yet its Swiss free trade agreements (FTA'S) have excelled any other trade agreement (GATT included) and people should ask why is that ?  Further why does Jeremey Corbyn support Brexit ? in June 2016 and the allies of the Catalan  successful independence vote and the eventual referendum, (although they vary like Corbyn) but now not support Brexit but supports Catalan independence ?  Labour in December 2016 called for all new immigrants to have jobs before arriving in the UK (whilst many countries also then add a 12 year waiting period and ask the country of origin to pay for any costs incurred as a result of no job for all the years retrospectively)

So what is going on? Tarzan ( Lord Heseltine 'vote remain' ) as his nickname was, has said Brexit will never happen and Britain should join the Euro. Yet Lord Heseltine who served under John Major who joined the Euro (in effect) via the ERM (exchange rate mechanism) in 1992 which turned out to the 'black Wednesday' (16.10.1992) disaster Joining the Euro is not a financial incentive or cannot be for Lord Heseltine ?  He says (if public opinion does not change or is not changed) then 'something will be done to scrap Brexit and article 50" ? By opinion he means the Brexit bias against Brexit by the BBC, who did not report the Brexit result the next day or for some time after ? Jimmy Saville of course 'fixed it' and the BBC hid those facts from public opinion for decades. The Muslim trafficking and extortion gangs (i.e. crime has increased and is planned from abroad) in ten major British cities and unchecked immigration are hidden and kept silent and even made into laws to stop people mentioning or criticising them. Incredible nonsense from the regime which has grown since Britain joined the EU in the 1970's.  Lord Heseltine encouraged  Teresa May ('vote remain') to sack Boris Johnson (vote leave) over his 'obscene remarks' on the EU,  although the immigration scam is indeed an attack on Europe and Britain, and it is not just Britain who want zero immigration. (Teresa May says there will be open borders whilst Guy Verhofstadt says there will be no migrant register ?, but not in their homes etc ) and Yet today as mentioned in London the LGBT fascists via their Islamic backers can petition to close a Jewish Orthodox Girls School  (or any school Roman Catholic, Protestant etc except Islam) for not teaching on Homosexuality ? but rapists can go free as can paedophiles ? (see above) It should of course be the other way around and these groups and false movements (there is no gay gene or gender dysphoria etc) should be imprisoned. The best solution for Islamic mosques and minarets is the Dibner report and its approach to Islamic led slavery. This is 'multiculturalism' and the sooner the west deports the cult back to Mecca and arrests the internal bribed agents of Islam the better.

Donald Tusk President of the EU Council believes Brexit can be reversed and thinks Teresa May is the woman to do it.? (repeated from Czech Republic above and dated 10.10.2017) "This is set against the desire of Macron to bring a full economic union between France and Germany (at a cost to Germany and other EU states, the wealthier paying for the poorer) Deepening the Eurozone jean Claude Juncker in May 2017 called for closer integration, but the unelected (and anonymous in policy origin without elections) element in the commission (although Macron has said it should be reduced)"

Other news coming from the EU is Teresa May appeals to Macron ? on Brexit, whilst in exciting and relevant news for and to the people, Macrons adopted Labrador has urinated on the fireplace in the Elysee Palace. Obama intervened in the French elections (Macron and Barry Obama 'two p's in a pod' ) as he did in the Kenyan elections (see red Kenya heading above) and countless others with Soros. Russia has warned Trump over the Iran deal and Russia is encouraged to do so by the same people who shrug and dismiss the Uranium 1 scandal in the USA (see Uranium 1 heading above) whilst silencing free speech and the media as occurs in North Korea and Islamic countries. Britain is still in the EU council whatever it does, and influences it considerably. The need for the unelected, to press on and disregard the public in the EU is incredible. In Britain over a thousand years ago the same type of problems under King Alfred who made the deeming's laws, leading to Magna Carta and even inspiring the American constitution (all based on the laws of Gd) whilst King John signed freedoms and agreements and then reneged on them against the people betraying everyone. The people are parliament and it is sovereign not the buildings or the MP's (who only reflect the peoples will). Macrons wish to reduce the commission must therefore mean he wants to create a constitution based upon the laws of Gd and common law perhaps as opposed to millions of laws without substance, issued without thought or origin every day from Brussels.

The Petro Dollar, the new SDR global currency, Crypto currencies & Gold (and/or Cash)

In the USA (and see the last post on 10.10.2017, and all on China from 01.01.2017 in chapter 3 and 3a above)  the new tax codes and moves by the financial institutions will lower the US dollar aiding manufacturing as they would in any country However China with its 300% debt to GDP ratio which is almost double if compared to debt to actual tax returns in real terms (as every country on earth) cannot hope to pay it back or pay it down, amidst its wild shadow banking outlets and high debt what else can it do but replace this system. It wants to lead the new world order (it says) It can crash its economy though and burn its bridges as long as it has a new Eurasian silk road system in place. Either Gold (which Russia and China have the largest reserves on earth now) or crypto currency (or both is possible but they can work against each other as crypto currency is so far decentralised and out of government central bank control. Communism wants centralised rigid control worldwide) In China you can exchange small amounts of gold for currency in the bank. China have been getting away with currency manipulation for years and especially in the Obama ('elite Leninist') years of 2008 – 2016. Trumps tax plan comes after those years and as a result of unfair currency manipulation. (China and Russia buy US treasury bonds, gilts and securities to fund the US record deficit and pay for even US international military and the bubble )  Now, access to the new SDR (bancor SDR currency drawing rights which is in effect a crypto currency if all currency is online only without circulating cash as MO) With Russia, China, Europe, Britain and the USA this new system will / could collapse the Dollar no matter what tax plans are introduced now, after Obama's pivot to Asia years. Sterling is a separate independent system but the 'negotiations' on Brexit want to change that as with any currency. Trumps actions will strengthen the dollar and the west. 100 % employment and growth will contain any collapse which could have been stopped in 2008 to 2016. Once the west signals it will move to growth, lower debt and higher manufacturing, the only option left for Russia and China (which in the pacific it is also preparing for war) is to collapse the west's system and revert to gold. Claims that China are only interested in creating a ready alternative to the current system is nonsense (when amongst other global ambitions, they seek to establish bases in Africa and Greece and drill for oil and gas in the artic and the middle east ) from the political party of Chairman Mao is also nonsense, and the truth is without the dollar the east (which owes the west more than $152 trillion) would not exist. (see post above on why this is so &  'German elections contd, 20.09.2017' )

Why is China vowing to lead the NWO ? The Special drawing rights also known as SDR / XDR or the the defacto global reserve   currency or 'petro - sdr'  as a step to a new global currency  ( similar to the bancor i.e. based upon the Bretton Woods idea, or 1 idea from 1944 following WW2, which then collapsed in 1972) is nearly in operation from mid 2016. Today in the USA those who vote against the following tax reforms which the USA has introduced or variants thereof, and its small business encouragements.(which were 'red taped' and stifled under the democrats) in the USA are working against the USA as a country in national and international terms, although 100 % employment is required to thrive in a tax system proposed for growth and expansion. Voting against then in the current economic position would reduce the position of the USA. Lowering the dollar (see last paragraph above) as the best option brings employment, but can cause temporary market problems. The special drawing rights SDR/XDR as one global reserve currency, is a reserve currency which all other currencies of those selected peg onto in a flexible exchange rate mechanism ( it includes Saudi Arabia, and Syria which is pegged to it also)  China and Saudi make up a considerable part of the UN 'Human rights commission' also The 5 main currencies are China (Renminbi and Yuan) US Dollar, Euro, Japan and the British pound sterling. With the British pound why would it need to join the Euro to then join the SDR ? which of course means it can skip the Euro and go straight to SDR or XDR which is a central part of the Brexit debate. Euro nations are however also noticing that without fiscal controls they have no control of their economy. If China and Russia (with its low debt to gdp ration of 13% ) want a separate trading zone or Eurasian silk road economy, why did they join the SDR instead of being fully independent as the narrative suggests (as pushed by communists and liberals) whilst also vowing to lead the New World Order ? (a question to ask the Fulan Gong or the Dalai Lama or Tiananmen square activists or Chairman Mao victims or the Umbrella Hong Kong protests of 2014/2015) 

Russia's investigation and the Ukraine. It is finally revealed that there is no Russia inquiry in the USA at least against Russia (30.10.2017) Iran armed with new Uranium from the democratic party in the USA (from 2010 to 2015 and 2017) is attacking Kurdistan with Iraq. The Ukraine was betrayed in 2015 into 2016 ( video; 'Mueller reportedly investigating the Podesta Group' ) as Paul Manafort ( indicted and arrested on 30.10.2017 ) " The latest subject of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election is a Democratic lobbyist and the brother of the chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, John Podesta" who supported Viktor Yanukovych who fled to RussiaPutin helped Yanukovych flee to Russia and this is a part of the Clinton – Obama email scandal and Obama administration which colluded also in the Uranium 1 scandal (Uranium to Russia with no indictments as yet ?) The reset / red line in Iraq as first decided in April 2013 and by September 2015 Russia had taken control almost of Syria. In November 2013 Victor Yanukovych dismissed the EU, and took money as a bailout  from Moscow to allow Russia to rule over all Ukraine, and the same banks which were supporting the Podesta / Clinton foundation and Obama and allegedly also members of the investigating committee in the current Russia probe. " The crisis began in November (2013) when Ukraine's then president, Viktor Yanukovich, under Russian pressure, turned his back on a trade deal with the EU and accepted a $15 billion bailout from Moscow" This caused an uprising in the Ukraine. By September 2016 the Crimea was annexed to Russia and Obama had given Russia the Red Line / Green light to take over Syria (Obama worked for Russia ) in September 2015. The reported reason was to team up and remove Assad but he is still in power in Oct 2016 and today is backed by Russia (see all above) Yet all of those allegedly involved in the Clinton foundation and Podesta group have not been named ? Ukraine's betrayal occurred at the same time as the Iraq red line / reset, but the Ukraine has been fighting Russian occupation for decades (the people of Ukraine, the unexpected factor, wanted freedom from Russia and anything was preferred to Russia including the EU, see 'winter on Fire documentary' or trailer  ) The Crimea was lost (and the Crimea is a part of the Ukraine just as the Clinton foundation 20% of Russian uranium belongs to the USA) The Podesta group were/are sponsored by Russian banks. Russia, Obama / Clinton administration & the Muslim brotherhood. At the back of the non Russia probe Senator Grassley of the Judiciary committee has warned the Trump administration (who appointed Sessions)  not to fire Jeff Sessions, ( the US Attorney general) yet it was the Obama / Clinton administration who made a hurricane of misinformation, which was directed at the new administration so that Jeff Session's would recuse himself ? Session's as Attorney General should be running the entire investigation and not Obama / Clinton. This is also a crime of treason in removing and silencing a Judicial US appointment. The outcome is now, Iran backed by Obama / Clintons, Muslim brotherhood with Russia and China could attack Israel with nuclear material from the USA and that history is outlined here.(American thinker article, and 'uranium 1 the final nail in Israel's coffin' dated 23.10.2017) The current narrative by the left is we have been brought to the brink of Nuclear war (North Korea are firing/testing nuclear weapons, including firing rockets at Japan, whilst Russia / China deploys its armies and weapons worldwide and in its elections votes for communist party members, by communist party members to run the communist party is considered democratic, other parties are for show only still ) If the west allows all this to happen then that is a rational decision, but opposing these threats is not rational ? The investigation also begins to shed more light on the Christian genocide.

Regulation is pushed upon the west not just to protect the consumer or workers, and in Venezuela today as a Marxist state it does not have 'workers' rights or an economy at all as it descends into crisis amidst its numerous trade deals ? Poverty and a lack of viable currency (the actual 'Cloward – Piven' strategy) is the Venezuela experiment which is deliberate and planned. This is also the wests position (not far off it) no viable currency without debt is the west current situation, and could lead to a 20/30 timeline under the UN as one big North Korea. (a part of the UN plan is to ruin family and uproot family and tradition, a Chairman Mao little red book plan) Equal rights but with no rights equally = equality. Stifle industry, competition, innovation and manufacturing and chain supply manufacturing all down the line nationally and domestically and create one dominant monopoly and cut infrastructure investment (long term fixed capital neglect = loss of jobs and manufacturing, and the reasons are in part laid out here)  The City of London does not want stifling EU regulation whilst China and Russia do not have any limits or checks (amidst unchecked shadow banking and 300 % debt to GDP 'growth' )

Putin outlines why he abandoned Communism in 1991 / 1992 (see adjacent website and chapter 5 and the beginning on North Korea) but the Marxist plan of moving from Primitive communism into feudalism, into capitalism and then (where we are supposedly now) back into a new good communism is still the plan, and the Russian and Chinese Nouveau riche are not spreading the wealth ? or allowing elections or freeing North Korea This is the communist China plan. Unilaterally withdrawing from a new system without changing your own is a possible option. World War 3 is another option.

The Obor one belt one road trojan horse (and to repeat China and Russia have not freed the slaves or solved the Nuclear North Korea problem as yet ? and its model nation type / experiment for western  subjugation) brings regulation to the west but real free trade only to the east, CETA and NAFTA, TTP & TTIP & others provide a watered down platform for trade (which existed for thousands of years before  they became so necessary and 'vital' ) but stifle that trade, except for the monopoly which is the current EU model with replacement immigration for all EU countries and their capitals. How is it with all these great trade deals the world is $152 Trillion in debt according to the IMF ? the wests share of that is around 75%.



China, Japan North Korea and Asia. Following President Trumps visit to China the result has been hailed as a success and has opened up new trade deals worth Billions and even Trillions in the long term, with the far east and Asia generally, befitting the West  (see video "Trump First Speech After Returning From Asia 11/15/17: Mission Accomplished" ) An incredible admission by China is that have been engaging in unfair currency trading and manipulation. This began as a base for it when NAFTA and TTIP (allowing this situation to begin in the west ) was instigated and perpetuated by Bill Clinton and the democrats. ( but how ? did all The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats in 1993 - 1996) It has drained the west and caused massive hardship to industry, jobs and stability. Whilst China have admitted this added currency manipulation, what would happen if the west had the competitive advantage instead and then in 20 years said 'sorry ! we were manipulating  the currency" (see all of the last post above dated 25.0.2017) Donald Trump was the first westerner to enter the forbidden city, since the founding of the Republic of China under Chairman Mao in 1949. (an incredible honour,, is there hope for Tibet and Nepal ? ) Japan also honored President Trump in its alliance with the west as did South Korea and Asia in general also paid its respects, it was an incredible journey and people in Asia seem to admire Trumps straightforward way.

The situation in North Korea and the end to human rights abuses in NK, with de-nuclearisation in North Korea, would show China is on the way to reforming its undemocratic position, there are still 200,000 prisoners in North Korea, it needs an urgent solution and the west cannot ignore the situation or go forward until a solution is found.

USA Tax deal In the USA, small business may get the right to be taxed at 20 or 25 % down from 39.6 % plus the removal of red tape (which has occurred) amidst the growth led corporation tax measures being introduced. Some small business could deserve 15% and the US deficit is so high at $20 Trillion it would not now after Obamas non-plan of more big government debt, make much difference. The Wests debts are stifling. Yet lower tax for small business (20 – 25%) and growth led taxation reduction elsewhere will bring a boom to the USA. Small business are saying new small business will grow and start up increasing the tax take if it is lowered and the new trade deals with China (Nov 2017) could encourage that, (as compensation for the half and half measures to reduce 39.6 to 25% currently considered) It could be monitored every 3 months to see if that is the case.

Brexit  A date for leaving was written into law for Brexit on the 10.11.2017, when the date will be set as 29.March.2017 at 11pm. However many feel the date is / was 23.06.2016 and then ratified by Parliament in December 2016. Signed by the Queen who cannot be seen as a Russian spy ?

USA governor and associated elections November 2017 and Robert Mueller indictments, and the uranium 1 and Greek bonds debts scandals.  For this information and the indictments of Paul Manafort of the Clinton / Obama team, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos see the adjacent website and sonas chapter 5 North Korea between the 2 headings below; 

1. '17/18.11.2017 The FBI Indictments October / November 2017 (and USA local and state elections 7/8th November 2017) Paul Manafort is indicted. Also indicted Paul Gates and George Papadopoulos (a name which could indict thousands in Greece) The Ukraine, Natalia Veselnitskaya  & the Magnitsky act, and Saul Alinsky and the Uranium 1 scandal. Democrats admit the DNC was rigged, and the Uranium 1 deal is real.(the ongoing child abuse and trafficking) The Senate race and Roy Moore'  and the heading   2. 'Modern slavery not 'denounced'  timing of these accusations

Roy Moore in the senate election in December 2017, has received outrageous and brutal media treatment by extremely dubious means and timing and by one woman who used to work for Hillary Clinton without a jury or even a verification. (as concerned voters speak out) Added also in the same place as named in green above. A spectacle to observe. Also see video on you tube 15.11.2017 'Roy Moores attorney demands release of accusers yearbook

The timing of these accusations is the most troubling aspect.



Angela Merkle's immigration scam, 'Russia', Brexit and Roy Moore and real Economic Prosperity for the west.  

The politics of deceit emerging in the USA and in Germany is astounding. The left have abandoned any semblance of economics or policy which builds up, strengthens or supports a nation (family, government and faith) This is also noticeable in the Brexit debate in which a Norway EFTA  European free trade association  is a certainty if chosen, as is leaving the single market completely into other worldwide markets also. (see President Trumps speech at APEC at the end) The left are not happy with any of these options as they lead any country taking control of its borders, fiscal policy and future. Nigel Farage explains it one way in Oct 2017, and of course every EU nation could have the same EFTA deal with Lichtenstein and Switzerland enjoy very easily.  Europe needs Britain and other nations and leaving the EU and taking a EFTA deal is easily achieved to those who are still in the Council of Europe.

Nigel Farage and now nearly every EU nation want an elected EU council as it seems the real story is the EU council is considering lifting sanctions against Russia over its annexing of the Crimea  and the shooting down of the Dutch airliner Malaysia Airlines flight  17.

Brussels ( 25.11.2017 ) admits it has been dishonest about Brexit and it will effect the EU considerably, rather than the other way. Russia's influence on the EU has been to maintain the left and any destructive policies they employ within the EU (see last paragraph) which has led to the current crisis over 60 years, and has brought many EU countries to bankruptcy and removed jobs and industry year on year into massive debt ad trade imbalances.

This is the real story of the EU control by outside including Russia where possible and China in the ongoing cold war. The same problems are affecting Britain, and the EU but not Switzerland which controls its borders. Taxpayers do not pay for immigration and homelessness is massively eased. 100 per cent employment is achievable. The problem is caused by controlling a watered down economy with layers of stifling destructive economics and distraction and introduce mass immigration to destroy it, (also the plan of Corbyn and Sadiq Khan) which has always been a communist plan ever since Stalin asked how many divisions / legions does the Pope have (etc)

Stalin and Angela Merkel. Stalin is still very relevant as Frau Angela Merkel was a part of the post -Stalin communist Europe which Lech Walesa in Poland opposed also, and which Romania also broke free from in 1989.  They haven't given up and the same problems which are plaguing Europe also plague Britain and the USA ? despite Nigel Farage pointing out the differences historically etc, the same problems are affecting both and seeing through the deception on all EU nations is a part of the growing reality people are wakening up to. Poland which marched on its independence day 11.11.2017 (and Hungary) as it does it every year of course recognises all sides of the argument as it happening again as they lived through the deception many times and they want rigid border control and control of their lives and economics. NATO and intelligence and police in Europe must see this is a planned war against the west.

Frau Merkel from August to November 2017  (and see the above post dated 10.10.2017 and the following paragraph repeated here) " As noted in the last post-dated 22.09.2017 above the immigration scandal  "i.e. as the immigration scandals increase.(Frau Merkel 20.09.2017)" more details have emerged. The German report finds that Angela Merkel had no authority to open the borders without parliament (and even with perhaps a referendum was needed) and to over 1 million immigrants in 2015 and more since, and have called for her resignation following  an investigation although the facts have already been agreed. Angela Merkel admits the illegality of it and at first she stood by her decision, but later admitted she did wrong and regretted it, but has claimed it was done on the spur of the moment or as an afterthought in a moment of failed insight. Yet see the above post-dated 20.09.2017 which shows how budgets were allocated for this before she made the decision she stands by and then regrets  (i.e Frau Merkle's Government in 2016 allocated 97 Billion euros for 'refugees'  (just for the period 2016 - 2020 alone?)  £20 billion was spent in 2016 on immigration with £37 Billion earmarked for 2017 ) Germany now admits it cannot take anymore migrants (and even before 2015 immigration was never checked or examined) with calls for the host countries to pay for those who have arrived, and Europe admitted it is also full. Bill Gates and the Dalai Lama ( just as his people want to return to Tibet and Nepal, and just as Bhutan want independence secured) as 2 people can see the policy is completely illegal and opposed to European identity and history, as well as being unsustainable and just plain wrong completely (other continents are not doing this, including  the Arab nations and China for example"

Next Frau Merkel tries to form a coalition (which failed in November 2107) and agenda number 1 is; ! immigration with the only difference being a capped immigration or full open borders, that is despite almost being arrested for these crimes.  In October 2017.Frau Merkel agreed to 200,000 more immigrants (on October 9th 2017) but wanted more after all she has done and suffered from the electorate in Aug / Sep 2017. This is not politics its almost like a cult of self-hating Europeans who want to destroy and ruin their own countries, as mentioned by many including Karl Lagerfeld.

The AFD (alternative Germany alliance) have been vindicated and are right concerning these issues. Alice Weidel (and Jörg Meuthen ) speaks on these issues here 21.11.20117. or speaking here You tube 08.09.2017 Germany: Merkel belongs in front of a judge - AfD candidate Weidel (Alice is not a complete 'Hansel and Gretel' and has broken many mens hearts worldwide, however Hansel and Gretel is a good analogy for Europe worldwide) Frauke Petry her speaking on New Year's Eve whilst pregnant (a condition encouraged by Frau Merkel for Deutschland ironically but not in practice) resigned in September 2017 but who was is a great politician, yet the  accusations against her pale in comparison to Frau Merkle's who is allowed to walk away free, so far. Petry should be freed.

Judge Roy Moore USA Senate election Since the above post dated 18.11.2017 (repeated here  " Roy Moore in the senate election in December 2017, has received outrageous and brutal media treatment by extremely dubious means and timing and by one woman who used to work for Hillary Clinton without a jury or even a verification. (as concerned voters speak out) Added also in the same place as named in green above. A spectacle to observe. Also see video on you tube 15.11.2017 'Roy Moore's attorney demands release of accusers yearbook' "

These accusations against Judge Roy Moore were not present in the August / Sep primaries in the USA, but appeared suddenly as election day approached? Further one of the accusers worked for his opponent. His opponent is also in favour of transsexual toilets which children also use and this abuse of woman and young girls is not highlighted as this is a democrat policy ? which saw a transsexual 'woman' rape a young girl aged 10 years of age (the Miguel Martinez case) in Wyoming, truly disgusting.

Further Judge Roy Moore is now being victimized by bribed witness's, bribed by the Washington Post (caught on tape) whilst democratic senators who admit to molesting are allowed to walk freely without concern i.e. Senator Al Franken. Accuser Gloria Allred admits by omission the yearbook signature was a forgery, and the Washington post reporter has a history of forging checks but not quiet as good as 'Catch me if you can' star  Frank Abagnale, Jr who works now for the FBI. The following people have not been called by his opponent Doug Jones, whilst the accusers stepson admits she is lying ? ' see you tube video Nov 14 2017 'Stepson of Roy Moore Accuser Says She's LYING – 'I STAND BEHIND THE JUDGE 100%'

What's behind it, 1. Roy Moore supports the ten commandments. 2 The requirement to separate them i.e. the Bible from the US constitution and  from congress and the courts. This is exactly the same aim as in the USA, a communist Islamic aim to be replaced by the most extreme murder machine in world history. A tie between Islam (which has today killed over 235 people killed and over a hundred wounded  in Egypt ) and Communism. The mosque was a Sufi mosque in the escalating war, who acknowledge Israel's history, and this has been followed by Kuwait who stated that Israel and Greater Israel are a reality, and that Palestine never existed. Mirroring almost the Jordanian Sheikh who said 'Allah' gave Israel to the Jews.

Roy Moore's democratic opponent Doug Jones also supports abortion and is so concerned about the Feminine he would like to abort them and even at full term. See chapter 3 and post dated 17.10.2017 in the US second Presidential election debate or repeated here to get the full picture of democrat sponsors and aims " Hillary Clinton has a child care programme This involves attending many parents groups and associated crèche and kindergarten lobbyists and action groups for the moms and dads and babies and toddlers groups in the afternoon. These meetings, however, can be preceded by meeting planned parenthood officials in the morning who discuss selling baby parts (which continues on the black market and is re-appearing in abortion clinics once the fuss dies down) and also the latest partial birth abortion procedures. The latter is the near full birth but the head, which  is then pierced with a pair of scissors and the baby's head and brains are sucked out allowing the head to fall out easily. Over 90% of the Child charity fund goes to the Clintons. It takes a double personality to attend both meetings in one day ? and if Hillary's gets the meetings mixed up, it could be a scary afternoon"

(see video Partial-Birth Abortion Illustrated Video The Crime of Crimes / Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Film or The following video (in contrast to Dr Robert Lawlor & This is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) 'Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters' described in detail as the violent painful death it is, (i.e. Murder) is by an abortionist / Gynaecologist (former abortionist? Dr Anthony Levatino)

There is no concern for the 30 million abortions of females here ? or their rights. Doug Jones has said he supports the current laws in Alabama but which are still abortions ? Doug Jones mirrors Hillary Clinton's policy that the unborn, are not citizens until they are born have no rights under the constitution. This includes the (half of all abortions estimate)  30 million female babies, which in some years is as high as 50 million. Doug Jones once in office will move to the full term planned parenthood money for fetus stem cells racket. These people are mentally ill. The left has no policies, no economic plan only identity politics. Jones was a district attorney during Bill Clinton's second term, (who was impeached) but has made no comment on those allegations,

Real economics, and economics' nationally

see youtube video

'WOW: President Donald Trump Gives EXPLOSIVE speech in VIETNAM at APEC Summit'

It is a unique and important speech and has been lacking in the west for 30 years until finally the truth is told, and which explains (and watch all 35 minutes ) the western disadvantage for over 20 years (see chapter 3 and chapter 3a above) and why every country should put itself first for national prosperity and that infers making your country well putting them first, and end the exporting of people onto other burdened nations (by trafficking, bribery and corruption) as mass migration. This type of prosperity (including lowering small business tax to 20 to 25% or less in the USA) would be opposed by Russia as far as it goes, it would be opposed by the current EU model which has no constitution or real growth and prosperity model, which could be now be reversed for every EU nation and for Britain. Incredibly in contrast to the news the US economy is picking up from where it was with its hidden problems and which now will not 'tilt' the west into poverty, see above on china and see next video for other news less traveled.

&   'Laura Ingraham: The good news they're not telling you'

(Uranium 1 many issues in the US has distracted from these real economic issues, and also from the Uranium 1 scandal ' General Kelly states; Kelly wants investigation into allegations surrounding Clinton & Clintons missing emails are linked to the Fusion GPS  report but Obama appointed judges have sealed those emails. ?The real Russia scandal from Tucker Carlson. But the lobbying of Clinton for Uranium 1 was recorded on tape and witnessed by 3 people, see above post dated 18.11.2017 and green heading.  Incredibly Fusion GPS also produced a report for planned parenthood and against Mitt Romney paid for by Obama and Clinton. North Korea is now a state sponsor of terror, and a terrorist state definition and Iran has also now acquired Uranium as detailed above in which it says it wants to eradicate Israel as Saudi declares war on Lebanon )


05/06.12.2017 Europe's problems revealed and the ongoing 'Russia' investigation.

The economy in the USA (see last post above) is taking shape but not in a way Russia or China would like, to bring prosperity back to the USA, was aided by the Tax changes in the USA at the end of November 2017. (for full details see chapter 3 and the heading dated '01.12.2017 The new Tax bill and end of Obamacare, and completing Economic Nationalism.) The US tax reforms (tax is theft) and new bills were passed by the Senate on the 01/12/2017. It is the end of Obama's policy and it also included the end of Obamacare (Obamacare) which was built into the tax bill. 

The USA example is an example of what the west can achieve in 11 months. In Europe another (no 3 ) 'Russia scandal' emerged amidst the backdrop of German and many countries elections which are fed up with the criminal behaviour of many of those who oversee the EU. The FBI indictment of General Flynn (who worked for Obama and Clinton, but who has not committed a crime as such except that he obeyed or tried to obey Obama and Clinton in this instance) feature in the news but one of the other Russia scandal(s) including a witness giving evidence to congress of the Uranium 1 Russia scandal (no 2) was not in the news?

A third Russia scandal was highlighted in the EU parliament by Nigel Farage, who points to the incredible bribery and corruption and lobbying which is carried out by the ' Open foundation' and George Soros (and others) it is described here by Nigel Farage (bearing in mind that the EU countries and Britain have the same problem here)  'Arrest George Soros! Nigel Farage ORDERS the EU Parliament'  with 'lobbying' of over 250 EU members, (as attempts to influence them) George Soros admits he was behind the migration scam, and influenced Angela Merkel who let him dictate policy. The think tanks were employed to bring about the chaos and millions to freely enter, and which led directly to the hijacking of immigration systems, the Paris and Belgium bombings and other ongoing chaotic matters. (it only takes a handful to bring chaos but the level of this problem is unknown although the admission by Frau Merkel on opening Germanys borders shocked Germany and is a criminal and bizarre admission) Germany In Germany the town of Salzgitter have banned immigration in November / December 2017. The proposed economic reforms (which are not beneficial to the German economy and in the long run only deal with symptoms and the causes) are used to coerce immigration, but the USA is showing that these fake polices are not finically astute. In the USA the supreme court in December 2017  has upheld the 6 or 7 country travel ban which was first undertaken by Obama. Whilst President Trump has withdrawn the US from the United Nations (scam) 'compact on migration' Soros, Merkel and  The same is true of communist Federica Mogherini, (the Italian EU high representative and defence researcher who is welcoming Islamic Jihad) have the same left wing aim in purpose across the EU and worldwide.

Welcoming Jihad but not within China or Russia? and Russia is blackmailing the EU and as far as it can (Balkans, into lower Scandinavia) including the Ukraine if it can in the ongoing war which also relates to General Flynn and many military personnel in Brussels and USA.

See article 'Commission opens door to further Gazprom blackmail' by Jacek Saryusz-Wolski 8.11.2016. (Norway itself is an independent oil country and should be allowed to stay that way)

"Nord Stream clearly does not fulfil any of these criteria. By granting Russia (since Gazprom is but an energy agent of Kremlin's grand strategy) additional transit capacity in the OPAL pipeline, the Commission jeopardised the position of such transit countries as Poland and Ukraine. Should this decision enhance Russian dominance on the German energy market, we can forget about ensuring security of gas supplies for the EU. Current security strategy is based on the development of a liberalised energy market, strengthened by the bidirectional transit infrastructure (interconnectors), enabling emergency supplies in times of crisis causes by a Russian gas cut-off"

In effect blackmail and control which assists in the migration scam with Soros and others who have been placed in power to aid this control. It is not a new problem but the opening up of drilling in the Artic to include the USA (which excluded the USA previously?) but included China and Russia (with no complaints from Obama on the environment and who flies around the planet contributing to over 30% of the words carbon emission and who first mooted the US drill  in the Arctic in 2013 / 2014) but  these new energy areas could mean less of a reliance on Russia and Gazprom. The Ukraine is also subject to this blackmail.

In 2013/2014 the war in the Ukraine reached a point where the Ukraine were considering entering and taking back the Crimea but also talking about going all the way to Moscow as they were winning the war hands down. (if they had more support) Whilst many see this as a 'stunt' Yanukovych had fled and in 1991 the Ukraine voted for independence for and including the Crimea. Ukraine is a country which pursues its freedom. In 1991 it voted 90% (including Crimea) for independence from Russia, this continued into the Orange Revolution 2004/2005, recent revolution in 2013/2014. Vladimir Putin has recently suggested the cause is corruption as people will revolt against it. The main source and symbol of that corruption was Viktor Yanukovych who fled to Russia in 2014 after he was forced out by the Ukrainian population. A multi – millionaire with holdings around the world and many houses and cars in Ukraine reigned in a world where the average wage is €300 a month. Its former president Victor Yanukovych is wanted for war crimes against Ukraine. The recent death of Russian opposition leader Boris in February 2015 followed rumours he was to publish details of the Russian military campaign against Ukraine.

However, they were prevented from occupying the Ukraine leaving the situation where Russia was able to regroup, occupy a part of eastern Ukraine and cause a stalemate. As this continued into 2014, 2015 and 2016, military personnel were told of the obvious choices. 1. Fight Russia. 2. Make a peace plan, where in exchange for a Ukraine declaration of Russian ownership of Crimea it would withdraw from the present Ukraine, or continue a long decade of the current impasse. North Korea has recently been caught sending armaments to Egypt and is now sending chemical weapons to Syria (and it is accepted that some shipments have gone through) and any peace plan would include a Syrian aspect but North Korea is going for all out war. Claudia Rossett of the Independent woman's forum explains that the current mid way sanctions are never going to work and they should be raised to top level, but even then a pre-emptive strike may be required confirming General McMaster fears on North Korea and radical Islamic terrorism.

With General Flynn and others, the 3 choices in Ukraine / Russia meant Russia had to be contacted and the democrats were doing that daily from 2014 to November 8th, 2016, including Nancy Pelosi and many others (see last post-dated and reference to green heading and adjacent website) such is the hypocrisy of the indictment against Flynn although it is even worse that the media is reporting. Obama fired General Flynn in August 2014 having employed the veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan as director of the defence agency (DIA) Flynn contacted Russia in December 2016 when Obama was President still and Trump was only President elect. (This story was corrected by ABC news who announced it occurred during Trumps candidacy not when he was President Elect, and Obama was in charge at that time in Dec 2016, and also would have to approve. However, it revealed another aspect of the investigation which is supposed to be looking at collusion to influence the election. ABC news have yet to report accurately or at all on the Uranium 1 scandal or Clintons entrapment via Veselnitskaya ?) Flynn now says (for the sake of his family which suggests coercion but what do his military colleagues think ?)  He will say Trump ordered him to contact the Russians yet this the statement now ? but Obama only had that authority. Obama claims he told Trump not to hire Flynn, but the real reason Obama fired Flynn was Flynn's opposition to ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism, of which Obama said there is no future for those who criticise Islam in 2012. Flynn said he felt like a 'lone voice' on that issue amidst Clinton, Abedin, Brennan of the CIA, Lynch and Iranian communist Valerie Jarret) and wanted to defeat Isis and radical Islamic terrorism including within Washington. Flynn was also proven correct on Turkey which is now a dictatorship and not a democracy. This at time when Hillary Clinton says the democrats may have to 'lie to win elections'. 

The real 10-year hack and collusion. Obama from the 2008 financial crash and the chain reaction of world collapse from country to country (and most businesses and banking interest have / had interest in every country worldwide) left disarray in many established systems, yet the most honest business and people were still left without resource or a way of recouping losses and defaulting loans caused chaos. The swamp from 2008 to 2016 is the most corrupt period of US history and word history as the panama and paradise papers reveal. Obama kept it that way and the Clinton foundation helped wash or launder monies from the US state department from Russia and Europe and South America and Islamic countries, sold to the highest bidder. Dr Ben Carson See you tube video  'Carson: Level of corruption in politics is overwhelming' who did discover $500 billion in missing monies but over many departments and the HUD gives an insight. The west had collapsed but was then being extorted by Obama and his backers which were largely Islamic. No one wants this to come out. Another area it affected was security systems which were not updated, but at government they could have been easily updated. has let the Chinses and the Russian's run riot in hacking, cyber security and personnel from Russia and China and Iran and Pakistan all over Washington since 2008. This is from the Hoover institution ( See 'Obama's Legacy Of Deceit' Thursday January 5th 2017) which is why the Russia investigation is a farce. Flynn and many other politicians met with Putin and this includes Obama and company and many democrats, but no one said anything 2008 – 2016.

General Flynn  wrote this book entitled 'The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies Hardcover'  – July 12, 2016 which Obama despised as did Jarret, and some in the FBI, and the Muslim brotherhood still in Washington to this day. Flynn should be promoted. Mike Pompeo CIA director feels Iran is a threat (see article here) and Israel are trying to remove them from Syria. Flynn then was correct on that and not popular with holdover Obama white house staffers or many democrats or Obama (who gave Iran Uranium in Jan 2017) These who said what items are more important to the democrats than the whole Christian genocide, or North Korea sending Egypt weapons or Syria (and therefore Iran) chemical weapons, its incredible and very strange.

The real hack from Obama 'the Putin appeaser' from the Hoover institution above.

" Until now, he saw no reason to stop enabling Russia. Had Hillary Clinton won the election, Putin's alleged hacking would not have earned any administration attention. But this time around, an emboldened Putin allegedly went too far and crossed the only red line that Obama might have enforced by supposedly enabling the release of information that might have turned off some voters on Clinton. Blaming Putin for Clinton's loss was a more convenient narrative than admitting that Obama's own policies have turned off even traditional Democratic constituencies and for now reduced the Democratic Party to a minority coastal party"

No politician knew which is the correct answer on the Ukraine (2014 – 2016) under Obama and Russia (except the Ukrainians) 'officially' and all would get it wrong unless allowed to speak their minds. Behind it all the legal firm with connections to Clinton, which is assisting the Russia probe but also assisted the Podesta group in the past and which employed Manafort whom the FBI have also indicted? This is a conflict of Interests? Ultimately the Flynn indictment weakens the west? Obama wanted sanctions against Russia (he claims) for interfering in the US election but the UN security vote was on middle east settlements which Obama wanted passed. Flynn wanted to oppose this resolution as did all Republicans. Obama knew Flynn was contacting the Russian to ascertain if they would also block the resolution or support it. The Logan act is not in the US constitution, and it was Flynn's job. Only those who oppose Israel would even consider the matter out of hand.

Henry Kissinger has a possible solution on the Ukraine i.e. it should act as a bride between east and west. ( but from 2014 to date no other politician has stated so publicly or in detail (in case they are accused of contacting the Russians (who are in the embassy in Washington or with Nancy Pelosi and the democrats) 

Whilst this was occurring the other Russia scandal was continuing and a witness in the Uranium 1 scandal a Mr William Campbell  who was undercover agent William Campbell for the FBI testified in part before congress that he lobbied for the Russians on Hillary Clintons behalf and witnessed the Uranium 1 scandal. He was under a 'gag order' but it was lifted by the new administration.

See you tube video 'FBI informant in Uranium One case to testify before Congress' November 29th 2017  This is at the same time as FBI special counsel Mueller fires an FBI agent who tweeted against Trump and is openly hostile against him in early December 2017 ? but who was actually involved in the Comey memo and allegedly changed the text to be more favourable to Hillary Clinton ? who was not investigated but who extorted Uranium to Russia ? Flynn is the least guilty person in the pile. It is unprecedented in the worst scandal in US history. Republican Jim Jordan says Mueller could recuse himself over Uranium 1 which for Clinton or anyone is not covered by the Logan act which is breached every day by democrats. Obama is in breach of the act everyday.

Further on the 4th and 5th December 2017 the Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee is drawing a contempt of congress against the FBI. (the FBI issued a report in 2015 saying Islamic terror cells were working in the USA see adjacent website again and chapter 5 and the greatest scandal in us history) The question remains as to why the new entering administration (including Mike Pence) were not informed of all these problems by the FBI who knew of them before Trump announced his candidacy and into 2016. Trump had an intelligence briefing encompassing a variety of intelligence agencies in August 2016 and could or should have been told then, but it was not an issue as Clinton was supposed to win the election, but 63 million legal voters, voted for Trump / Pence. Intelligence are not going to let a Russian colluder be briefed? The FBI agent who was fired by Mueller and others maybe were biased, (see Ben Shapiro on this ) but this is a serious matter to serve the vice President and President and is like the Veselnitskaya Clinton affair  another case of possible entrapment. It is effecting the FBI's public perception, but many of these events began in the Ukraine in 2013/ 2014.

For further information see the adjacent website and chapter 5 on North Korea and the last paragraph and its background on the biggest scandal in US history.

Judge Moore in Alabama since the last post above has seen another accuser (a Mrs Faye Gary) ? reveals she fabricated her story (to continue the anti-Republican party theme) against Roy Moore in the continuing 'Russia' 'Alabama probe' (see last post above mid-way down and headed and dated 25.11.2017) Another accuser Tina Johnson seems to have a motive and has falsified previous actions and testimony, in the by now obvious charade from democrat HQ.

All of this has delayed (as is it aim) to recognise the truth, which is Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and Greater Israel. To repeat; Russia recognises (a fact which was also colluded to Nancy Pelosi and the democrats) Jerusalem as the capital, Kuwait says Israel is a legitimate state and Palestine does not exist, as does Jordan which is the real fake Palestine and not Israel which should own all of the current land. Turkey still denying the Armenian genocide is denying Jerusalem (at the moment) is the capital but its lands belong to Greece ? Israel celebrated 70 years of existence on 29.11.2017 as acknowledged by Vice President Mike Pence. Israel is a name given by the true Gd instead of the name Jacob (Abraham from Isaac)

Brexit (5th December 2017) Was first presented to parliament in 2010 into 2011, (and passed in 2012 / 2013) and was mooted for many years before that, it is therefore nothing to do with the Russians or Donald Trump who however has turned the US economy around in the right direction in 11 months.  However, there is one aspect of Brexit which no media source has identified and very very few politicians have mentioned? The fact it has not been cited (but every other reason has been cited) is revealing. Over the next few weeks or 2 months, see how many politicians or media sources cite this reason, if they do not, it will become apparent that they are not reliable or giving accurate advice, or perhaps they do not know ? and can be used to Judge the matter.

Over the next few days the modern immigration / trafficking scandal is examined, it is one of the most harrowing criminal enterprises and primitive situations in the modern era.



The Global immigration scandal and the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Judah.

Behind the Global immigration scam is the world's modern slavery industry and it facilitators, who work or infiltrate immigration procedures and systems and within them facilitate and control trafficking. Trafficking and its related and connected branches work on many different levels, and whilst people generally find it unpleasant it is nevertheless occurring.

Domestically within countries internal trafficking occurs, and these kidnaps and missing people have been highlighted by the growing awareness of sexual slavery and prostitution which is not random but organised. The 2016 World trafficking report gives you an idea of the Globalised criminal industry (which is growing year and year out despite these reports), and the US State Department 2017 'Trafficking in persons report'   although it has taken a different tone in 2017.

From 2010 the US state department had been taken over by the 'Clinton foundation' up until 2016 which had used the Government body as a private business and assisted trafficking for (and pay to play) access to it. ( various reports in January 2017 & February 2017 & April 2017 on the Clinton foundation, but denied in November 2016 but not denied in the missing Haitian Billions which are still missing in the Clinton foundation meant for Haiti) The Clinton foundation supported anti – trafficking measures according to its website yet trafficking in Haiti since the 2010 earthquake (see you tube; 'Trafficking of Haitian children rises since earthquake' ) grew within the ethos of the state department and there is a reason for this. This is the heart of government but one which looked to reach out to other nations.

Domestic scandals. Whilst international organisations within a government are organised, the domestic trafficking and slavery organisation is just as insidious. It has for instance come as a shock to many that the paedophile network in Britain in the 1970's and 1980's had its own open website and system for sharing boys. Today this is not as open but still exists. The programmes of gender neutrality (the cult which screams stop perpetuating gender norms) and homosexual 'education' are exactly the same scenario dreamt up by the paedophile exchange, (PIE) which was started by gay rights campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. Gender reassignment re-education 're-gendering' involving physical operations, at age 4 and then into full blown Homosexual (from PIE) later as teaching is a form of grooming on live television, it is a horse from the same stable. Each time these acts are exposed 'love wins'.

To give an idea of how the thinking is turned around into the creepy and twisted but  then presented as normal (normalisation) Harry Hay advocated NAMBLA, ( North American Man/Boy Love Association ) Dr Clarence Tripp, and Alfred Kinsey (video 'Homosexuals Who Encourage Paedophilia | LGBT's History of Supporting NAMBLA' ) The disturbing almost religiously deranged (gay as a religion of fantasy enlightenment and spiritual experience, see video at 3.00 to 3.15 minutes and 4 mins 15, and 7.00 mins & 8.00 mins. But at 11. 20 mins + the truth emerges and the illness and on at 16, 10 mins to 20 mins, and then at 21mins fwd it goes on into the abyss. Opie & Anthony: NAMBLA Documentary ) which is a vast network worldwide. As per the last video and at 19 mins Parents of course have the right to physically restrain individuals and fire these people when protecting their children, including closing institutions which persist in allowing these institutions to teach, and have influence over children. They are of course scientifically as well as immorally wrong.

All of them (above) are paedophiles. The sophisticated seemingly respectable business is little more than a brothel with pseudo-science attached. They organised a system of sexual corruption and assault but instead the children came to them. They were prolific in the domestic trafficking network and often work with the more violent or disturbed to achieve their ends. (i.e. criminals who chain children in basements and rape them repeatedly every day before disposing of the bodies) It was/is an incredible deceit and it was openly and blatantly perpetrated and which spread worldwide into every education system and every area of society.

The brothels for sale occurs openly in many countries and many children are on display in booths in chains, having been bought and paid for such as in Thailand. (you tube Cambodia and Thailand Children for sale - Documentary film  In Kenya Europe's Paedophiles Holiday Hotspot  (and there are many holiday destinations of the modern PIE network. Get married, rent a child) The following books detail the facts. 'Child prostitution and the age of consent'  &  'God in a Brothel: An Undercover Journey into Sex Trafficking and Rescue'  & 'Free the children'  India's child trafficking industry. Bahrain promised to end its slavery system in 2009 but it has grown since then and in surrounding United Arab Emirates and Yemen. Etc) In the west these brothels exist in every city and are underground but real.

Kenya has just managed to untangle Obama's interference in its elections and bring order to its constitution. Obama's interference in Kenya's elections is in breach of the Logan act. Obama in effect brought about the General Flynn situation making it impossible to know what to do. General Mike Flynn is not a politician knowing the depths of Washington, but in effect it is now accepted as follows. (not colluding who was made to second guess an impossible situation due to his stance against radical Islamic terrorism which Obama and John Brennan did not like but who with Clinton the NSA considered a threat to US security meaning Flynn was acting the nations interests, see last post above dated 05/06/12/2017 and an impossible situation for the FBI also)

Conversely, today heterosexuals are encouraged and almost paid not to marry, whilst Homosexuals marry and adopt, and this opposite 'norm' is sanctioned by some churches. Some churches and their Priests are told they cannot marry (which is unbiblical but many already are married in the USA and wider) but Gays can marry? (which is also unbiblical, and they want a church wedding) If people believe the gay referendum on marriages are not organised in the same way, they are delusional, as to date (in both Protest and Catholic churches) there has been no referendum on Priests getting married to date worldwide?

(PIE) from the late 1960s' sought to infiltrate the church and domestic institutions and the gay marriage debate is just a joke place upon the Church and is admitted as such. This includes the sickening 'Abortion debate' which is Australia this week has just seen 27 babies born alive in an abortion clinic and left to die whilst it votes for 'gay marriage' ? To date no Mosque or Islamic institution is forced to obey these laws as of course, they would kill those who tried to bring them.

The 'hate crime' agenda was one way to usurp the US constitution and prevent people objecting but which failed in the supreme court. 'Hate speech' as mentioned narrowly defined by the vanguard has recently been rejected by the US supreme court as an 'exception' to the 1st amendment (19.6.2017) It was pushed by the left who today will try to prosecute for the wrong gender pronoun (when there are scientifically only 2) and propose jail and fines, but in California where these delusion also exists you can be you can be fined for the wrong gender pronoun lie or imprisoned but not for shooting a innocent woman. ( Kate Steinle murder ) Obama brought in all of these laws which at the front end are the Cultural Marxist twisting of minorities to become the majority but NAMBLA and the Kinsey inspired paedophile assaults  (which is advancing slowly but surely) pushed it to avoid arrest and from being stopped even from speaking about it, hence the current moves for the 'paedophile gender'

It is time now for the Church to recognise that this is a separate religion acting as a parasite onto the Church and it should insist on its own rights. The gender laws and pronouns and the fines and prison farce should be ignored and scrapped as the ridiculous joke that they are.

This is of course the contrived attempt at removing free speech known as the 'The bill, H.R. 2647, the National Défense Authorization Act, includes the "hate crimes" plan that "expands criminal penalties against anyone who harms an individual based on 'gender identity' or 'sexual orientation" Yet it is children who are being harmed and it is their 2 genders which are damaged by Stalinist propaganda style deception. There are gays who oppose all of this but those who support their movement also support these crimes, and 'heterosexuals' have had enough of the nonsense. President Trump has promised to bring the death penalty for paedophiles. As India has also. They kill the soul and innocence before the body that is their aim and 'mental illness' which they hide behind, but they should be hunted down prosecuted like criminals including any members of the 'church' and secular institutions or within the LGBT or anywhere, and those that hide them.

It is not just the church as these parents are also for scrapping it. (from adjacent website Gender dysphoria teaching in schools is itself a disorder especially combined with 'common core' education. What should you do if your school suggests a (or your) little boy or girl has 'gender dysphoria' and classes should be taught in this for them leading into full homosexual classes ? ( which schools are allowing unknown to parents, but who should be arrested, and the intent is to bring it into schools all over the USA and the world )

For the rest of the domestic trafficking network and history see the adjacent website and Chapter 4 at the end, which will allow this to continue and also allow abortions at full term or any term. An example is Brooke Axtell who has gone through far more than most woman, in comparison to the harassment claims, which is why those who are seeking to make false claims or suggest false claims and lies should be prosecuted, ('Teen Vouge' magazine (see video 28.02.2017 "I was falsely accused of Sexual assault" Tucker Carlson fights back tears telling emotional story" ) which features Tucker Carlson who tells his story and a woman named Emily Linden )  The trivialisation of some claims and false claims are the attempts of the left to prevent any serious investigation into the massive child sex industry and internal trafficking seem remote or non - news. Most of the false claims like those directed against Judge Roy Moore are false, and an accused should be innocent until proven guilty. Of course, it is a very difficult issue (and yet woman run brothels, arrange paedophilia and trafficking also) but those who were victims are acutely aware of what is happening and what is real.

International scandal as the two reports reveal from 2016 and 2017 above. A map of the World Trafficking Regions is here although it is for females only yet they are largest victim group with children, it is also accurate for children and slaves of any sex. The map represents legal slavery and trafficking in most of those regions It compares to the US state departments map of modern slavery.  The Department of Homeland Security also concur in the world trafficking map which includes the USA, and which is a growing revenue stream (year after year) worldwide. (to repeat the stark facts, see below)

Worldwide slavery is alive and well today in every city across the earth. It is a business worth €150 Billion dollars. The following news item from the BBC featuring Gillian Anderson (2.12.2016) gives an overview of the problem.  (see adjacent website and chapter 4 and the beginning)

The next video; '25 Painfully Disturbing Facts About Human Trafficking'  and there are up to 30 million slaves still in the world  now. 

The two largest regions of sex trafficking are Russia and Islamic countries, it is easier to do this from the Islamic countries disguised as 'immigration' usurping legal channels and taking them over. To spearhead this initiative the quota system and 'equality' hysteria (including gender pronouns) is employed to break down barriers to mass immigration in millions 90 % of which are illegal worldwide. If you cannot pay a trafficker, then you will be imported as a sex slave to the middle east as a bonded slave as Islam still regards this as a legitimate and legal and a right of commerce.

Migration only one way ? In the west we are told that it was an achievement to have the 'first black American President in Obama' yet his Islamisation of the USA attempts (which included also giving away many parts of Jerusalem to Muslim authorities in December 2016, as we shall later on0 was not openly admitted by him. His mentor (see video 'The Saudi Agent Behind Barack Obama - Khalid Al Mansour'  ) who openly believes in Apartheid which is the practice in Saudi  which as a country has just given ( in Sep 2017 ) permission for woman to drive cars.  

However, no one asks when will we see the first White President of the African National Congress or the first Peruvian President of the ANC ?

No one asks when will the Communist party (unelected) members of China have its first Japanese Sumo wrestler
party chairman? or even a few Peruvians or Whites (say a quota of 10 in there leading to 200,000 ) on the committee and in general? Could the Zulu tribes of Africa expect a delegation of emigration committee members forcing them to take 8000 White people and 15,000 Peruvians or Indians? How many should the Massai tribe take ? What if the parliament in India were forced to have 12 Chinese members, 20 White people and 6 Peruvians as MP's for the country. Should Iran and United Arab Emirates accept 1 million White people and 200,00 Peruvians to help run their countries.  Why not are they racist? Those countries do not have quotas or any pressure to accept immigrants at all, it is only the west which has these stipulations (via the United Nations and EU ). It's an incredible deception, but one which each country needs to correct and repair its own economy globally out of poverty to sustain its own people on every continent.

The West is forced into these paradigms and immigration should be stopped (not just a register of new immigrants which is the current EU proposal?) but to have secure borders and controls like every other country. The immigration / trafficking scam is let run loose but the traffic is only one way. It has to stop and the west is full. (legal immigration on the levels these countries experience and have is part and parcel of fairness. (the west is not forcing immigration the other way by the way, but should it ?) This will national populations to employ their own countrymen and woman first)

United Arab Emirates and slavery and prostitution east and west. The trafficking and immigration scam is big business. One curious incident occurred in the USA when the home of consulate ( embassy) staff of the United Arab Emirates  (in Washington) was nearly burnt down when a propane gas cylinder exploded in February 2017. (it was engulfed in flames and not a small fire) The owners with connections to the UAE royal family. It is incredible in all the claims of sexual harassment that the diplomat Yousef Al Otaiba (who lives at the house and has met with every politician and house member he can to entrap and use blackmail) Yousef Al Otaiba United Arab Emirates, and entourage engages in trafficking and prostitution but is not arrested or asked to go home, by the obliging democrat administration including Hillary Clinton and not denounced by Nancy Pelosi  and seen here with Susan Rice who unmasked Whitehouse aides and refuses to testify in the Clinton scandal and Uranium 1 she is describe as  Susan Elizabeth Rice (born November 17, 1964) is an American public servant who served as the 24th United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017. She was formerly a U.S. diplomat, Brookings Institution fellow, and U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. She served on the staff of the National Security Council and as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs during President Bill Clinton's second term. She was confirmed as UN ambassador by the U.S. Senate by unanimous consent on January 22, 2009. The United Arab Emirates like the Pakistan agents recently arrested (employed by the democrats) use the house as operations for Prostitution, Trafficking and Slavery which is still legal in UAE ? is a centre of world slavery and trafficking Who view servants as slaves in a country which still practices slavery.(this last case involving 8 UAE princesses treating their Belgium servants like slaves and inhumane manner) They simply regard westerners as slaves and cattle and they are still in Washington in Obamas shadow government.

Yet no one is suing them or is forcing them to resign worldwide? or any Muslim country? yet the suits against Congress and Senators are from concerned woman in Washington? Their concern is so troubling they miss it. ? There is no UAE scandal or special counsel? (North Korea however is still sending slave labour to China and Russia. And Qatar for example ?)

The inhumane practice of FGM is practice in the USA , (In Britain every hour and within Europe) surely this is sexual harassment (unless you're a Muslim like Obama and Jarret). It is especially prevalent in Saudi Arabia (or here)  and United Arab Emirates and Iran as is female genital mutilation. " More than 200 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 30 countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where FGM is concentrated" Claimed as cultural it is not a culture.

Instead in the USA after the hysteria against Conservatives during the Charlottesville clashes (when some members of both sides arrive on the same bus ?) since then Further to it a man called Eddie Curlin in the USA was charged with spraying mock racist graffiti on walls and public places (swastika's etc) which his University and black lives matter used as a political protest  ( and to prove they were racist ) against white people in the 2016 Presidential elections to discredit the 'alt right' ?  amidst the upheavals and angst. These agents are the ones spreading the discord, which is the policy of the left. The press went berserk claiming the 3rd Reich had come into the University (to them a 'Reich' is anyone who disagrees with them like 63 million US voters) Yvette Felarca (who was arrested for causing a riot claiming everyone was a violent racist) at Berkeley University and her antics which are straight out of communist North Korea or China. Essentially Felarca, lied about a restraining to a court, then waited for the 'accused' to approach her and handed him the restraining order and then phoned the police. The accused of course had first amendment and constitutional rights to walk and protest (see you tube video, 25.11.2017 'UC Berkeley student sues Antifa member over threats' or here on fox ) It is pathetic amidst legal slavery openly practiced within Islamic mosques which have not been removed ? The movement of the people is simply not. The press also created the hysteria in a one-way bias. The left are the fascists and the racists, and they are the violent usurpers of freedom.

In Europe and Brexit December 2017 (and see last post-dated 5/6.12. 2017 above and the EU 'Russia' scandal and bribery) Frau Merkel after huge losses immediately went into negotiations with the greens and conservatives (who opted out due to immigration quotas) The Greens are useless they only champion immigration. Since then she is trying to make a new coalition with Martin Schulz of SDP i.e. the left (as she is) who wants a United States of Europe (a big surprise as this was announce by the Commission who only propose legislation) and with more immigration and with Immigrants coming to Britain who only have to register ?

Yet this new paradigm is exactly the same as the immigration proposal put forward (see post above dated 25.10.2017 and growing dissatisfaction with the EU and subheading Brexit, WTO rules, Tarzan and French Labradors. ) by Guy Verhofsadt, 3 months ago and for years before that EU, although the immigration scam (the millions spent on fake passports and in control of 'migrants' see previous paragraphs above) is indeed an attack on Europe and Britain, and it is not just Britain who want zero immigration. (Teresa May says there will be open borders whilst Guy Verhofstadt still says there will be no migrant register ? or perhaps a small one, a small register, and now the leave date will be extended to 2020 as pushed by some in the House of Lords who want to join the Euro. New trading contracts and Swiss style deals and a Norway type economy are not mentioned as a plan (as yet) ? These weak measures are likely to lead to a complete withdrawal from the 'divorce agreement' at some future point. Most people voted for an end to illegal immigration from 23.06.2017, and a 'register' in the trafficking immigration scam (which is paid for by each national country in taxes and infrastructure ) with fake passports and falsified names seems very weak.

Essentially nearly all parties have the same immigration policy ? which now they want a target of 13 million Muslims in Britain by 2045 ? (yet how do they know that ? unless they have been bribed in advance? and this is the point of the EU Russia scandal see last post above dated 5/6/12/2017 which installs useful idiots to bring in Islamic migration and who are place in power all over Europe, and even placed as ex-Presidents with Barry and Michael Obama )

People are still in shock at the Moslem gangs in Rochdale and Rotherham and the 8 other towns in Britain (so far) see last post date 5/6/2017. Thousands say they cannot speak out against it (like the Antifa 'hate speech' nonsense) but not just the public, the Police are also silenced. e.g. DC Maggie Oliver (policewoman) who highlighted the failures over decades behind the failure to prevent the Asian grooming gangs. Islam is not settling into nations for 'equality'. To them it is a permanent state of unending war, which suits the communist mission of permanent revolution.

The euro economic plan with the EU fiscal compact (last video youtube 'Loss of Sovereignty, Fiscal Compact') seems to be designed by people who are not from Europe or are not acting in its best interests ?  'THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLAPSE!! MAKE VIRAL ALL!!' (video named in full to use in search engines) which although now 5 years old but points out how nations are to be extorted and is the economic framework for the EU and its constitution, but which is not like the US constitution or situation as the states in the USA are  not obliged for each other debts. This is Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, France, Austria and many more want fiscal autonomy (independence) with control of their own borders as is normal. This is why Denmark and Norway and Finland have looser deals and so on. (as different from the 'Morphing into one' for all states with the corrupt immigration scam bandits dictating Sharia extortion law, and that you should open your borders ? or you could ask them to resign) 

There have been no real negotiations critics suggest, except on how to re-present the same EU plan, not a plan for Britain, and Britain's boom through the City of London and OBOR (see many posts above) is a lucrative situation the remain side did not share with the world, but which strengthen Brexit in its entirety including immigration which should be zero until a adequate system is in place . (Donald Trump has already withdrawn from the UN migration scam compact see last post above date Much of the price negotiated in the divorce is for accepting migrants in millions, (the policy of major politicians, a policy from Jeremy Corbyn et al ) although benefits will be stopped at some point which seems to be continuing beyond 2019 into 2020 and 2025. All of these EU politicians should resign it is incredible.

To date no one has mentioned the underlying real reason for Brexit (see last post dated 5/6/12/2017)

Jerusalem December 2017 and declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

Whilst it is now declared that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel  (Israel and Judah) on the 6.12.2017 by President Trump and Vice President Pence, it has always been the capital from 1000 years bc. It is now declared again since the Babylonian captivity of the 700 to 500 bc periods, and since AD 70, during that time from 1000 bc it is an unbroken capital for 3000 years. Israel and greater Israel, aside from the spiritual significance is also a new Economic area. In December 2016 just before leaving office, (actually on Christmas day 2016) Obama handed over major parts of Jerusalem to Islamic groups including many of Judaism's and Christianity Holiest sites. The first attempt at this was in 2011 and he attempted to hand over the Wailing wall, Temple mount The old Jerusalem City , and the tomb of Jesus Christ, and the Via Dolorosa walk. This was attempted again in 2013 and again on Christmas day until achieved in part in 2016 Christmas day. Obama worked for Islam only.

Archaeology and Holy sites destroyed. For years previous and from 2010 and until today the area of Greater Israel witnessed the destruction of the archaeology and biblical archaeology in a long list including Joseph's tomb which was destroyed by 'Palestinians' (wo are Jordan or Egyptian)  and hundreds of sites around the whole region of the middle east. This is / was an attempt to remove the history from memory and was directed by Obama, Brennan, Abedin, Jarret, Biden et al who also preceded to genocide Christians with reports now that 250,000 were beheaded by Islam over ten years. This is aside from other deaths. The only connection of Islam to Jerusalem is one of slaughter and destruction over centuries, there is no connection of Mohamed to Jerusalem. (yet there is a stronger claim to Mecca for Christians and Jews who are the oldest inhabitants of the middle east. Jerusalem is only Islam's 3rd holiest site and it prays with its back to Jerusalem as did Mohammad) The UN and Obama declared the whole middle east as having no Jewish and Christian connection? and that is the side China takes and its involvement as an unelected communist dictatorship in the Christian genocide and who still aid the imprisonment of Christian in North Korea. Communists do not believe in any Gd. ? The Muslim authority cannot be trusted with Jerusalem or its wider lands or its heritage or people whether in the east or the west and this authority should be removed and given to a Jewish / Christian body.

This is Obama and his legacy of Genocide, one which was/is carried out without Mercy and was/is relentless, and which includes the destruction of the east and west by migration, drugs, economics and religious persecution throughout his term in office.

Israel and Judah refer to the tribes of Israel and Judah, and Israel being Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) which includes Christendom or the House of Joseph and Messianic Jews of both tribes. (see also the end of chapter 3 above)


10.11.2017 Alabama senate election Who ? is Judge Roy Moore and what is the controversy and furore surrounding him. Firstly, he served as a judge in Alabama, and also in the United Sates military academy in West Point Texas. His offence's include in 2015 was to oppose same sex marriage but he was joined by many judges in that view, and in 2003 his refusal to remove a monument to the Ten Commandments. He was removed by the panel of the judiciary on both occasions, (under Obama) but his actions were not unconstitutional. His views are afforded consideration under the constitution. (free speech is in the US constitution as is free thought) In the senate elections opposing him are several candidates. A main opponent is Doug Jones who used to work under Bill Clinton, and the Clinton foundation who took over the state department during the Obama era. Activities of the state department / Clinton foundation are in the last post above dated 8.12.2017 at the beginning and which list the Haiti controversy and associated controversies. So far (an incredible coincidence) an ex-employee of Hillary has accused Roy Moore, but not in the primaries in September 2017? Other accusers included one potential accuser who nearly accepted a bribe to defame him. A third forged a yearbook, a man who forges checks assisted in the background, a 4th was a defendant who never met Moore but who was in a trial as a defendant with Moore as Judge. A fifth has recanted and others say the incidents were 35 years ago or thereabouts. None of them appeared in the Primaries only 2 months ago?  (see last 3 posts above)

(Repeated from above )Roy Moore's democratic opponent Doug Jones also supports abortion and is so concerned about the Feminine (and it is bizarre) he would like to abort them and even at full term. See chapter 3 and post dated 17.10.2017 in the US second Presidential election debate or repeated here to get the full picture of democrat sponsors and aims " Obama's & Hillary Clinton has a child care programme This involves attending many parents groups and associated creche and kindergarten lobbyists and action groups for the moms and dads and babies and toddlers groups in the afternoon. These meetings, however, can be preceded by meeting planned parenthood officials in the morning who discuss selling baby parts (which continues on the black market and is re-appearing in abortion clinics once the fuss dies down) and also the latest partial birth abortion procedures. The latter is the near full birth but the head, which  is then pierced with a pair of scissors and the baby's head and brains are sucked out allowing the head to fall out easily. Over 90% of the Child charity fund goes to the Clintons. It takes a double personality to attend both meetings in one day ? and if Hillary's gets the meetings mixed up, it could be a scary afternoon" 

(see video Partial-Birth Abortion Illustrated Video The Crime of Crimes / Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Film or The following video (in contrast to Dr Robert Lawlor & This is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) 'Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters' described in detail as the violent painful death it is, (i.e. Murder) is by an abortionist / Gynecologist (former abortionist? Dr Anthony Levatino) There is no concern for the 30 million abortions of females here ? or their rights. Doug Jones has said he supports the current laws in Alabama but which are still abortions ? Doug Jones mirrors Hillary Clinton's policy that the unborn, are not citizens until they are born have no rights under the constitution. This includes the (half of all abortions estimate) 30 million female babies, which in some years is as high as 50 million. Doug Jones once in office will move to the full term planned parenthood money for fetus stem cells racket. These people are mentally ill. The left has no policies, no economic plan only identity politics. Jones was a district attorney during Bill Clinton's second term, (who was impeached) but has made no comment on those allegations,

The Russia / Benghazi / Clinton foundation investigations. Further an FBI officer who is involved in the 'Russia investigation' allegedly told the FBI involved in the Clinton Benghazi scandal not to investigate it and lie (although this is denied) The Saudi's were the perpetrators of the Benghazi ambush in which military and diplomatic personnel died, and the Saudis were a part of the Clinton foundation donation scheme. Both Huma Abeddin and Clinton and many Whitehouse aides  (who are not to face charges ?)  lied to the FBI and they have not been indicted unlike general Flynn whose book on Radical Islamic Terrorism was published  in mid-2016. (which is why Obama framed him) The FBI agent who tweeted disparaging remarks about Trump and who was fired also interviewed both General Flynn and Huma Abeddin ? but let her go and the Whitehouse aides of Clinton Obama but indicted General Flynn (who should be pardoned) and the Russia investigation should resign. R.e. congressman Steve King 3.11.2017 (The FBI however are draining the 2008 – 2016 swamp and are on it)

11.10.2017.... 2nd Amendment and Alabama Border control. Accusers like Jessica Leeds who made false accusations in the 2016, has returned again in 2017 in the Roy Moore election. She is also a friend of Hillary Clinton (like Doug Jones  the democrats candidate worked for Bill Clinton ) She is now hired by 'brave new films' and Rob Greenwood and his NGO funded by Goerge Soros   (who is not... 'Russian' but who has interfered not just reported upon but usurped it and has acted against Israel with Islam ) in both elections including the effort to remove the investigation into illegal voting in the NGO brave new films   and made a film on the 10.12.2017  making allegations against President Trump. Jessica Leeds and family know Clinton (middle grey hair.) and Clinton is pictured with Leeds family, but she says she does not know her. Further a witness was on the airplane ?   You couldn't make it up.  Clinton wants to remove Alabama's border with Mexico, remove the 2nd amendment and using again any means necessary (Antifa etc)   They are devoid of conscience, the constitution or fair elections, and it shows that the sudden rush of concern from Hollywood on woman's rights is a sham. Trafficking occurs worldwide, Islam believes it is there legal right and nothing is said as the thousands are imprisoned and/or transported away, and also domestically in western countries. ?  As a personal opinion i believe the FBI do not believe the Russia story and are going after the corruption in DC 2008 - 2016 as the NSA said before Nov 2016 that there was a threat to national security already operating in DC, this was also mentioned by Dr  Ben Carson (see post above dated 5.12.2017)

Further still the Muslim brotherhood in the state department / Clinton foundation ( a terrorist group) believe in legal slavery which is also the subject of the Haiti trafficking scandal (see last post date 8.12.2017 above, and all allegations appear in time for elections in all elections ?) These are more reasons to support the Supreme court's decision to adopt a 7 country travel ban on the 4.12.2017. and the UN migration compact on the 3.12.2017  Judge Moore is supported by Dr Ben Carson and President Donald Trump. It seems supporting the Ten Commandments and being against gay marriage (Moses, Abraham and the Maccabees were heterosexual) and supporting the constitution should Moore win will be subject to an 'Ethics committee' (Stalinist Obama style ethics) but not the Clinton foundation, the Clinton aides or so far in ethics, the Uranium 1 scandal ?

The announcement that the US embassy will move to Jerusalem and the now declared the Capital of Israel and Judah, the ICEJ or the International Christian Embassy of Jerusalem (who support the Ten Commandments also) also makes the following statement on 07.12.2017 on the declaration.



The Roy Moore Alabama Senate Election, the missing 500,000 votes of Judge Roy Moore, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Uranium 1, and the deception of the Brexit negotiations

Consider a sample of verifiable (9 of 9 including filmed evidence not added here) proofs of an election takeover and fraud committed in Alabama ( they are downloadable and saveable to assist enlargement)

1. Write in votes disappear   2. The Nov 2016 US Presidential Vote  3. US Senate vote 2008 Jeff Sessions   4. Alabama senate results 11.32 pm 2017 roy moore  5. Alabama senate results 11.38 pm 2017 roy moore  6.  Tweet post office destroying votes  7. Shares planned parenthood rise on Doug More   8. Fox News voting results 12.12.2017  9. Roy Moore leading poll  11.12.2017

Following the declaration of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel (and Judah see post above date 8.11.207) which has been welcomes by the Christian Embassy in Jerusalem also (established in the 1980's i.e. the ICEJ) which from Mount Sinai to Jerusalem became a founding feature of the long history of Israel, one of the most intriguing state elections unfurled in Alabama USA. It is clear a few do not like the 'Ten Commandments' and were determined to bring down Judge Roy Moore and the outside investment (including outside the country) amounted to $190 million dollars. He should receive a free recount. (The vote coincided with the beginning of the feast of Hanukah)

In one of the most disgusting campaigns ever mounted in an election, it ran parallel to the 'Russia' investigation which began in August 2016, now known to have originated with Hillary Clinton through FBI agent Peter Strzok . It has so far cost millions, and according to former assistant director Kevin Brock, it is not impartial or objective. (see video 'Former agent agrees with Trump that FBI is in 'tatters' ) Biased against Donald Trump, Strzok jointly sanctioned payment of the GPS fusion document upon which any ideas of Russian Collusion are based. Another member of the Robert Mueller team sanctioned a misdirection and not to investigate the Benghazi deaths and debacle for Hillary Clinton.

Keven Brock made this statement as Republicans and Trump went to the FBI academy graduation 15.12.2017. (see video you tube 'FULL Event: President Trump speech At FBI Academy Graduation Ceremony. Dec 15, 2017'  ) What is clearer is the FBI at the centre of the Russia investigation cannot have believed they would not be called into question, and many examples of their actions can only lead to an assumption they were coerced or worse.

The Alabama State election as microcosm of the Russia investigation.  The Russia investigation is linked to Judge Roy Moore and Doug Jones as the 'Russia investigation' which is an illegal investigation in itself was supposed to discover influence in the 2016 Presidential elections as collusion, but which has snowballed into anything and everything else. The voting and election illegalities in the Alabama state election which could serve as a microcosm of the whole carbuncle needs to be highlighted ? The Alabama election is also linked to the current US elections Attorney General Jeff Sessions who is the former senator of Alabama

Peter Strzok FBI also changed the evidence against Hillary Clinton as being 'grossly negligent' to a lesser idea as being 'careless' concerning her complicity and this was later covered up in a pre-drafted letter by James Comey that she was not at guilt. Peter Strzok was not just fired for tweeting anti-Trump messages but because of his involvement of Benghazi and the Clinton investigation. Rod Rosenstein FBI who gave evidence was connected to Bruce G Ohr of the FBI whose wife worked for Fusion GPS.  and she may or may not have been involved in the cover up of the Uranium 1 scandal. which seems to be the motivating factor behind the investigation.

Peter Strzok's texts were sent to FBI lawyer Lisa Page who worked for Mueller and McCabe of the FBI. ? All of this occurred as the Democrats and Nancy Pelossi and many others were meeting with the Russians, and the Russian diplomat Sergey Kislyak at the centre of the drama, who knew the Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya who had previously met Hillary Clinton who co-hired GPS fusion, and it was Clinton who sought to entrap Trump and Trump Jnr in the meeting Veselnitskaya had with them regarding adopting Russian children, which was bugged in advance by Obama to 'prove the collusion'. Peter Strzok used this then to get a warrant to wiretap Trump with Obamas authority.  This is not just bias  but full time work directed and overseen by Obama / Clinton. This is all admitted by the Russia investigation and during it Judge Roy Moore has been cast as a bad person by witnesses who now seem to be taken a rest from the hectic schedule of angst and accusations. (18.12.2017)

The consulting firm Podesta employed Manafort (now indicted) and who the FBI have arrested but the Lawyers who are backing the 'Russia' investigation and who are not part of the branches of government also previously worked for the Podesta group ?, and there has been no indictment of Huma Abeddin who lied to the FBI in the Clinton investigation and Benghazi as she is Saudi who were given a free move on Benghazi. Hillary Clinton (who was originally found grossly negligent before the note/edit was changed which others suggest grossly negligent means treasonous) or Yousef Al – Otaiba  the current Ambassador of the  United Arab Emirates are allowed to operate freely, when there is high concern on woman's rights ?  (the true story behind the accusations  and Lawyer Lisa Bloom  Lisa Bloom lawyer who has missed the new Bill Clinton allegations and Yousef Al- Otaiba and see last post the brave new films  and George Soros ) This is the swamp, and if you read the adjacent website & chapter 5 and North Korea and you cannot tell where it i.e. North Korea ends and the Uranium 1 scandal begins the west is in deep trouble.

Now an independent special counsel into sexual harassment has been appointed  (following calls from Democrat Scott Drury) It could also be partnered by a special counsel of white conservatives to bring balance, and the obvious first area of concern is the legal slavery status Islam employs against men, woman and children in the USA (and Africa and Asia and into Europe and Britain) run from Mosques in many cases. It is legal and insidious and very prevalent amidst the sexual harassment tilted one way only persecutions. The constitution does not allow political bias in its investigations. If Islamic slavery is rife and that is 'sexual harassment' (to put it mildly) and if this is not abolished or even investigated, then it is obvious this special counsel and even the civil rights movement is a joke and this counsel is one more appointment from 'Obamaistan' Yousef Al – Otaiba is a good place to start. In essence Islam should abolish slavery and female oppression and if this is not acceptable they can leave. Under age marriages in the backdrop (see last post above dated 8.12.2017 to 11.12.2017) will carry the death penalty against paedophilia soon to become law in India and the USA.

The 17 intelligence agencies based their view on the Russia investigation through the GPS fusion report, and only 3 (in January 2017) found possible collusion with Trump and the Russians but now would they say the same based upon a report which Hillary Clinton & Obama payed for ? Yet if asked to make the same judgement on over 20 democrats and Clinton (and Uranium 1, kept secret from congress and involving 3 bribes from Russia to the Clinton and others ) it is obvious there is definite collusion there. The fact that Russia and the USA have partnered to remove common enemies since 1907, but at the same time compete with each other has not been mentioned in the investigation.

Tucker Carlson overview  (However the ranchers Bundy's and Hammonds and others should be freed entirely and allowed to give their opinion and evidence into these matters, and you would never know where that might go constitutionally and to the root of the constitution )

Video You Tube 1. 'Russia Bribed Hillary Clinton 2xs In Uranium Deal! -Dick Morris'

2. Video You tube 'Mueller Files Charges Earlier to Cover Up Breaking Uranium One Scandal'

3. Video You  Tube  'Rosenstein Grilled on Mueller Probe and FBI Bias'

The indictments of General Flynn and even Papadopoulos are covering up the Benghazi and Uranium 1 scandals and the hacking by the democrats of the Democratic National Convention, Eric Holders 'fast and furious' involvement with Obama, and the Muslim brotherhood / Pakistan take over of the state department as a vehicle for the Clinton foundation and into US intelligence, with the takeover of the Vatican or its attempt and London as other objectives. (Islam is having prayer meeting inside the Vatican whilst Priests  who cannot but want to marry, debate gay marriage) The FBI however are told what to do by Obama and Clinton, and the current Chuck Schumer / Eric Holder subversion of these departments which in many others were used as shadow government which Obama is still engaged in. The Clinton foundation had/has deals worldwide in property and payments for access and Islamic trafficking which began to spread into Britain as Islamic trafficking gangs (see above posts)

The Supreme Court of the USA on 6.12.2017 found Obama violated the  US Constitution in a 6 to 2 decision. Further they have found he has 250 offices throughout the USA, as another shadow government with 30,000 employees paid for by Tax payers known as 'OFA organising for action', under the motto of Antifa's 'by any means necessary' to usurp the constitution.

See you tube video  'IN EPIC 6- 2 DECISION US SUPREME COURT DECLARES OBAMA VIOLATED THE CONSTITUTION!'   which is treason (and it is possible Dan Boente the US district attorney may call it treason ) and which is under the direction of George Soros They can of course be closed down and indicted in this ruling by the Supreme court.

This an illegal regime which if called North Korea would mass arrests and detainments.

Trey Gowdy should take over the Mueller investigation with Mueller as second in command (and see here also) The threats against the FBI is also another factor i.e. to act for the Clintons.  For a sense of rationality in the midst of the incredible situation see Trey Gowdy and video 'Trey Gowdy Does the Constitution Exist?'  Jan 2017

What else does this have to do with Judge Roy Moore and the Alabama state election in December 2017 ?

The first indication that (the 'Russians' aka Obama and Clinton) were committing a crime in the Roy Moore election( a big clue) occurred when democrat lawyers pressed the Alabama judiciary to destroy all electronic voting records. on the Monday (before the election on the Tuesday 12.12.2017) The Montgomery circuit dismissed their first challenge and told voting officials to preserve all electronic data. Having the audacity (amidst protests before the election)  to file that motion and then lose, they went behind the courts back and asked the state administrator of elections to stay a court order which they did and then ratified that into law in the Alabama supreme court who allowed a non judiciary decision into law. (they were initially ordered to preserve for 6 months) How much Doug Jones was involved in this action as a lawyer is unknown.

The courts decision (and Judge Moore was removed from Judicial standing for refusing to acknowledge gay marriage and the Ten commandments) on erasing the digital record will mean digital hacking is impossible to detect, and could be hacked from inside or outside the USA by any number of  sources. Many polling stations did not have paper ballots it was either or. Once the electronic records are erased their is no record of the paper ballots which have been destroyed, for which there is a lot of evidence. This brought the totals even and equal, compared to the 2/3 to 1/3 Republican to Democrat vote in all previous major elections. Tweaking  the write in votes after this continued up until  30 to 20 voting stations remained, and it was then called early. Does it makes sense, a court would not keep the electronic records for the 2 years, as is required by Alabama state law a day before an election in a deeply conservative state. A new election would require an investigation and new investment, but at least the people of Alabama would have peace of mind.

The electronic voting (see image no1 at the beginning under the main heading dated 18.12.2017 above, and named '1. Write in votes disappear'. This occurred more than once and the entire entertaining vote redistribution hack was filmed on the site and 2 others 'Alabama senate elections results, as you can see the votes which can only go up or remain the same in write in votes , it is impossible they can go down and they certainly cannot be re-allocated ? In 1 minute at 6.58 pm they drop 2000 votes as Doug Jones votes go up. Before the election Moore was ahead in the polls (see image no 9 above 11.12.2017 ) and with an 8 to 10-point lead having cast 65% of the vote, it would take a concerted organised action to overturn that vote 9it is impossible statistically)

Interestingly at this time a known communist sympathiser to the Obama / Clinton (Gulf of Tonkin clandestine group, Viet Cong) Kim Jong Un has admitted hacking bitcoin 5 days ago at the time of the election. (North Korea is experiencing a inexplicable and dramatic rise in sudden and reckless escape and defections when they realise they have been brainwashed having been born into the state) Was he also tipped off in the democrat's court case allowing the destruction of electronic voting records, the electronic records show someone was and the democrats knew to cover up cyber crime you need to erase records of votes as one step to mask your activities. (in advance) The hacking of the Democratic national Convention (DNC) was completed by Hillary Clinton and the 'Russians' as a joint hack, and the hack against Judge Roy Moore could have similar cyber fingerprints. There are hand ballots in many districts also, and hand paper ballots should be the norm and 100 % only. This is all relevant as under Obama the disenfranchisement of the military vote increased and in the Alabama state elections they still have not been counted. Many Alabama voters voted on electronic tablets for the first (and maybe last time) time and many senior citizens were told you can vote hand ballot at one station but electronic stations are elsewhere ? causing delay and confusions adding to the missing votes. The voting was closed historically early with 16 – 19 voting stations still to count (called for Doug Jones see images 4 and 5 above and the 11.32 & 11.30 pm record of votes. One hour before this Roy Moore was up 30,000 votes. No 4 shows that there were still had 16 stations to count, but the result was called when there were 30 stations or so to count before this.

The images numbered 2 and 3 above show how consistent the vote has been in both the Alabama senate elections 2008 (or here) and the US Presidential elections 2016 at around 1,million 300,000 votes for Republicans in the deeply red state and conservative across most ethnic areas and certainly white and black areas. It is consistent for Democrats at 600,000 to 750,000 in both elections. In the Alabama Presidential elections 2016 Trump and Clinton received 2 million, 35,000 votes (1,318.000 Trump & Clinton 728,00.000) This was 66% of the population who voted. This means 3,300,000 million voters in a population of 4,770,00 . In 2017 senate elections Jones (officially received 671, 000 and Moore 650,000 both total 1,321,000. Which means 33 % of voters turned out 1 year later ?) It means suddenly 2 million people did not vote or massive voter fraud or missing votes.(from 500,000 to 800,000 possible missing votes ?)  At 9.30 pm Moore was 10 points ahead just before electronic and voting areas were interfered with.

In the primary election race held in September 2017 (when no accusations against him were brought) Moore won and in the year 2000 he received 878,000 votes in the Supreme court elections making him the most popular judge in decades.

After nearly an entire precinct in a neighbourhood in Birmingham was tossed out this morning by the Alabama Secretary of State for widespread and rampant voter fraud, estimates have Roy Moore in the lead by more than 300 votes. The 421st precinct racked up thousands of votes for Doug Jones, mostly with brand-new voter registrations, in an area with only 1100 residents. People openly boasted they  had committed voter fraud live on TV, and admit  they  were bussed all over the country, and this has been going on for decades ( explains a democrat who has been pounding the
Ho Chi Minh trail)  Felony voters were allowed to vote  Reports came in from the mainstream media and was broadcast by radio Video you tube 'Possible Bombshell! Voter fraud reported in Alabama special election'

The exposure of the various methods  such as multiple voting, cyber security hacking, dead people voting up to 5000 or more, i.e. in the Alabama senate race, illegal votes from people outside the state, votes being destroyed (and see image no 6 above from an employee inside the post office ) with locals who have voted in Alabama all their lives noticing something was not right. Fake ID's and some people voting up to 6 times and a massive loss of real votes spread over all districts.

Judge Moore gracious but concerned shows his character (and this was posted to social media to show people who he actually is as opposed to the news assassinations, see you tube video 'BREAKING: Judge Roy Moore DEMANDS a RECOUNT after AP Calls Alabama Race for Democrat Doug Jones' but this is during a time when foreign or outside bodies should not be interfering in a election which is a subject of a investigation. Judge Jones ( and the media examined his bank account already ) has said he will go for a recount but there is already enough evidence that the margin is wrong and illegal allowing a free recount, and is fundraising for that.

As of Oct 2017, (and from the Nov 2016 Presidential election ) 15 states have not handed over data from the 2016 election ?  and has been called for by President Trump, and an executive order has now been signed to set up a voter fraud commission.  Indicating a voter fraud in those states in 2016 where widespread voter fraud occurred by illegal voters who do not pay taxes in the USA. Americans cannot vote in other countries?

Outside interference in an election was/is subject to a special counsel as CNN quietly backtracks on the 'Russia scandal'.  in its fraud but hyped electioneering distortions.

The voter fraud in the Alabama state election is obvious and Roy Moore believes it has occurred also.
Image no 8 is inexplicable? Consistent with all past votes and including President Trumps vote numbers, the final tally is missing a huge number of votes. As the Moore total was heading to win, Democrat districts were contacted and the votes were altered in the final two hours.

However, there are outside forces at work and the character assignation is a one-way street with little or no chance to defend or explain, silenced but with accusations reigned against them. Moore cited 'evil forces' at work and the election pressure against him began after he won the primaries only. A hatred of the Ten commandments his stance against gay marriage which has been banned in Bermuda (after its senate agreed it but then saw deeper into what is really going on ) and which Bermuda states also has to be approved by the Queen who is the constitutional head and of the church and commonwealth. The Church does not have equal consideration in law to not perform gay marriages or approve them, and they (gay marriages) are not forced upon Islamic entities.  Further the gender identity hoax was exposed as a hoax in the following video (see you tube video 'HIDDEN CAMERA: Trying To Identify as 'Trans-Age' at Social Security Office' ) or 'Where does this end? the (trans) tipping point'  

Recently in Britain a policeman (and in the USA) was fired from his job for being 'Homophobic' (and it is hate filled and vengeful in its 'love') Truly ridiculous as of course there is no law of 'Hetrophobia' which means in law Homophobia is not legal, it discriminates, it is hateful and discriminatory. Further many policemen walking the beat get sore feet, and after a hard day, many want to kick back and put up their legs and feet on the Poufe. This is what it is called it is not a 'gender neutral footrest facilitator', it is real furniture and it is a poufe (get over it) Moore nearly lost his pension for his stance, a stance on gay marriage in law which is scientifically true (r.e. more than 2 genders is subjective)

The shocking case in the USA when four black youths viscously beat up a disabled man and committed disgusting acts and serious physical harm, should have landed the four on death row jailed for life. He was not able to fight back (like children cannot fight back) and it is explained by Avialae S Horton in her video Is Justice dead? The face of inequality She also describes 3 other crimes as examples of injustice. Consider also the words of Lt Colonel Allen West as there is also a spiritual consequence of taking innocent life in justice.  As for the disabled boy who did not know what was happening, there were no 'civil rights' for that disabled boy.

What if it had been Forrest Gump but of course he was not really mentally disabled or autistic? There does not seem to be any civil rights for homeless veterans.

In the last post dated 8.12.2017 above the hysteria against Conservatives during the Charlottesville clashes (when some members of both sides arrive on the same bus ?) since then Further to it the case of the man called Eddie Curlin in the USA was charged with spraying mock racist graffiti on walls and public places (swastika's etc) manufacturing consent to hysteria, which is his University and black lives matter used as a political protest  ( and to prove they were racist ) against white people in the 2016 Presidential elections, and the 'riots' were caused by Yvette Felarca. If there is no hysteria, make it, but the left can do what they like when they like, but they restrict freedom for everyone else. The right should ignore them.

Today if gays were genetically birthed which they are not as scientifically there is no gay gene or other gender genes, but if there were and they were aborted you would be classed as homophobic and there would be outrage (and not a murderer)

In mid October 2017 the panic of Judge Moore reached a critical stage after he won the primary elections.
George Soros and his son Alex donated $10 million to the Doug Jones election. (Chuck Schumer also assisted) This is outside interference and proof of election tampering (as was suggested in the 'Russia scandal' and by Clinton except she has hacked the DNC) $120 million was donated by outside finance, making the budget $190 million to take down Moore. Planned parenthood who are backed by George Soros who has never been pregnant to date, (but does pay $1.5 million to cover up the sale of baby parts by planned parenthood) have budgeted $30 million to target 'millennials'  in 2016. This was planned and financed in advance.

George Soros is also behind the planned funding pro - abortion campaign in Ireland, he roped in Amnesty International to give in some kind of respectability (he likes to abort babies and was behind the abortion that never was see video   a fake outrage story and Amnesty is not subject to criminal investigations ) but this funding was found to be illegal and the money had to returned  Amnesty have lost its respectability, and 80,000 people demonstrated against abortions in Ireland. Soros is not the only investor with Chuck Feeney also involved. Soros funds pro - Palestinian groups as fronts for Hamas and Hezbollah, he funded Hillary Clinton's campaign and she hacked the DNC  ( Democratic national convention & Bernie Sanders nomination and campaign)  and probably also Judge Roy Moores campaign, and is colluding with foreign national and countries to interfere in national US elections. All of this carried out through the Open society foundation he set up and these activities occur in numerous countries and which involve funding small groups on both sides to merge with genuine protests to create further angst ( it is confusing for people as the anarchy it creates is an  'active measure'   from the soviets and its era, whereas today Putin and Russia are a capitalistic society and there also 'anarcho - capitalists' )

Both Judge Roy Moore and Doug Jones are attending Church (Jones a Methodist and Moore a Southern Baptist) Moore served in the army as a Captain in Vietnam (Captain Roy Moore is not to be mistaken for Lt General Hal Moore (his namesake)who passed away in February 2017) Vietnam had rules of engagement conditions placed upon the US army which the communists did not have, and when the war was won, democrats removed military funding to prolong the war and reduce all possibilities of an outright win a doctrine which continues until today. Doug Jones prosecuted the killers of those who had bombed a church in 1963, and the Muslim brotherhood killed Malcolm X. If you view image no 7 above you will it is the shares performance chart of planned parenthood. It fell downward when Roy Moore won the primary in September/October and rose steadily, but just dipped in the Senate race when Moore was ahead and just at the end as Jones surged (see image 1 and the electronic voting fraud) the share price rose again. At roughly 1 million babies a year, that is 20,000 a week. Being liberal we can make it 10,000 a week (assuming only 500,000 a year. There are 50 states (for ease of counting) so at 50 states and 50 weeks that is 200 per week, and if we say 20 % of them or were 40 black, ( 20%) then this Sunday Doug Jones as stood before Gd in his church and praised Gd for killing 40 black babies who have no attorney in the Doug Jones courtroom week in week out every week, that is not mentioning the 160 non black babies killed that very same week, or the 500,000 killed all over the USA annually. Doug Jones is straight of the Clinton / Obama sleaze trail which is not just corrupt as is rife across the world but is lower than the lowest election so far.( which has until Jan 3rd to begin a recount)

The church of Obama and Doug Jones is the church of Saul Allinsky and Islamic Communism. It is not a church it is dialectical materialism in disguise (which does not believe in a soul or spirit or Gd) It is a deception (repeated from chapter 3 above 'Obama copied Saul Allinsky in this regard and also worked for church groups but who had experiment with every drug and drink he could obtain. The Church has long been conned by this misunderstanding which is limiting the power and scope of the church not aiding it. Eventually it undermines and subverts the church. There are many people in the 'churches' who are doing this thinking it is God's work Saul Alliinsky may not have thought he was doing this but after him others like Obama certainly were. Obama in his 'audacity of hope' book explains that he listened to sermons, but he tried to turn them into it a soulless political entity, which he hopes Islam will replace and with the lack of civil rights slavery intact'.

The people of Alabama have the right to request a new election as the fraud is not their fault these crimes occurred (even with new funding or investment) and Roy Moore has the right to a free recount. (It is no wonder the founding fathers wrote the constitution and included the right to bear arms and have militia's and which does not need the UN)

Jones echoed Trump and Pence by stating the military should receive more funding but and reality it has increased under Trump / Pence whilst the Clinton / Obama Asia pivot has sucked the life out of the USA in many states, hence trade advantage is key to expansion. Under Trump and Pence it has grown and that effect is felt now. In Plato's Republic we can read of the ideal Republic, but the reality is Rome collapsed under its own weight of debts and bonds it could not repay. This led to inertia and instability, and Tribunes were appointed to liaise with the people. Emperors were replaced, generals made 'coup d'etat' and took over but only to find they were in the same position and could not solve the problem. Many military complexes (and the USA is not the only one) state they admire Putin. Russia has only 13% debt to GDP ratio, it / he achieves its objectives with ease, simplicity and on a low budget (although it has not faced major opposition as yet against the USA,  and it should be a more open society ) however it does not have a Constitution or a tri – part government and attempts at numerous elections and a fairer government which would hinder his abilities. Solving the debt problem whilst expanding the military is the real honest answer and conundrum which the Republicans face the democrats do not. The democrats will not do that in a thousand years, instead they would have let Chairman Mao or Ho Chi Mhin become a dictatorship like North Korea or a one party state like China, and then issue trade deals which would cause the west to run at a loss since Clinton and 1996 adding to the debt. (but they actually did succeed in the latter) Today the US military is expanding into the middle east, and the Pentagon needs support and strengthening as does the USA infrastructure. Hillary Clinton and Obama have armed opponents with Uranium and Nuclear capabilities (including Uranium to Iran and North Korea) which must be a shock to the general public and also to the Leo Straussians and the Neo-cons who have been looking at Russia and China's secret aims. Strengthening the west is vital. Obama's aim east or west is revealed in the Christian genocide, Clinton assisted in that.

Obama's shadow government should be arrested it is not working for the USA deep state or openly, it plans to commit these frauds in every election and town in the USA.

The aim of the Alabama election and the $190 million, the shocking voting fraud and the constant unhinged and false accusations (against him, Russia investigation and the Republicans) is to convince the world that Conservatives reject traditional values and USA values, and Trump and Pence and conservatism, as those values threaten a false belief system. Steve Bannon and Dr Ben Carson and who have introduced measures to end Ghettos, also say (both equally) corruption is rife in the USA. Alabama folks state in Alabama they don't know where it begins and ends anymore but it wont get better under the lefts politics and economics.

Given the level of scrutiny of the Presidential 2016 elections all the facts of the voter fraud in Alabama have been documented and all that remains is to pass the file and dossier to Attorney General Jeff Sessions (the former United States District Court for the Southern District of Alabama ) who can prosecute the Alabama collusion (and Russia investigation irregularities) or the failure to discover why lawyers attended court to destroy electronic records of votes amidst the many irregularities which may include Doug Jones himself as a party to it. (through the Justice department) Trey Gowdy points out (in the constitution and who should be leading the 'Russia investigation' with Robert Mueller as no 2 ) however that the people of Alabama can do this themselves under state laws and the constitution without Federal input if they chose. Hoover would have protected conservative ideals and the constitution, and the Russia investigation is either without bias or the Alabama voter fraud and investigation is biased if not undertaken (deserving a special counsel)  


(Inserted 23.01.2018)

The Roy Moore Alabama Senate Election findings and 2018 Film 'The Post' Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg and Meryl Streep.

It is clear now that Judge Roy Moore won the Alabama senate election in December 2017, aside from the obvious voter fraud (see above post dated 18.12.2017) just from previous voting in 2014 Jeff Sessions received 1.3 million votes, Donald Trump in November 2016 received 1.3 million votes, and Judge Roy Moore received higher than average votes in the primaries only 2 months before the December 2017 senate race. Suddenly Judge Moore received half of 1.3 million votes, missing 700,000 votes. His accusers who only appeared after the primaries have disappeared. A previous accuser against Moore in 2015 was a transsexual ? as related by Activist Mommy in Video; The Truth About Roy Moore but who also now recanted and disappeared ? as all of them have. This is the democrats policy i.e no policies but slander and do nothing. The last paragraph on the previous post suggest that as well as the Uranium 1 scandal, and wider voter fraud problem a special counsel should also investigate the Judge Roy Moore voting scandal.  The recount for Judge Roy Moore would cost $1.5 million although even without a recount the nationwide voting scandal is obvious, but Homeland Security could intervene on his behalf, given the scale of the problem.

n.b. Homeland Security now has authority of the election and the 2016 election and all states fraud voting measures (see next paragraph) The Alabama judiciary to destroy all electronic voting records. on the Monday (before the election on the Tuesday 12.12.2017) The Montgomery circuit dismissed their first challenge and told voting officials to preserve all electronic data. Having the audacity (amidst protests before the election)  to file that motion and then lose, they went behind the courts back and asked the state administrator of elections to stay a court order which they did and then ratified that into law in the Alabama supreme court who allowed a non judiciary decision into law. (they were initially ordered to preserve for 6 months) How much Doug Jones was involved in this action as a lawyer is unknown. Whilst some Republicans filed up to $30 Million the democrats (including George Soros) donated $150 million against a man who supports the Ten Commandments.

In essence the matter has now been passed to Homeland security.  Why is it so serious ? President Trump scrapped the Voting commission investigation into voter fraud (which occurred in 2016 and in the case of Judge Roy Moore) but that investigation which is tied to Daca and chain migration, voting photo ID for citizens only, and the new employer verification system, domestic terrorism and subversion of the state and even removal of the voting colleges which make the US system the fairest in the world. The full matter is discussed here by Dick Morris ( a former political consultant) and his video dated 16.01.2017 ( Deep State 6 with Dick Morris or here on you tube dated  ) which is quite shocking. In the video (which also mentions the illegal executive orders) at 15 minutes 35 seconds & 18 minutes 30 seconds and then at 22 minutes 55 seconds, Morris reveals that there are 1.8 million registered voters on the voter rolls who are dead (dead votes were cast for Doug Jones see all above) there are 46,000 voters over the age of 115 years old, & 24 million people with invalid voter registrations. 10 States or more had voter registrations which exceeded the population of the state, all but 2 of those states were Democrats. Virginia has 7500 proven cases of illegal immigrants who voted in the election in 2016 and Governor and governmental elections. Homeland security are not subject to the frivolous lawsuits the voting commission was buried under (some may ask for hand card votes only) and can compel voter officials to comply with all identity rules. Judge Roy Moore's election was monitored and recorded. He should seek legal advice and in effect Trump also won the popular vote as did Roy Moore. It is a subversion of the state issue and interference in elections both internally and externally.

These problems were also highlighted in chapter 3 above under the date 27.10.2016 and sub heading 'The Unprecedented Security Breach and its Collapse and Treason (continues) to follow' which outlines the 2016 scandal.

To get an idea and following the 'sanctuary cities' revelations, one illegal immigrant acted in the following  manner  after killing police officers and in court.  The bill to renew the  warrantless FISA arrest has passed in congress but may not pass in the senate. (introduced by the democrats 6 years ago) Daca, the warrantless FISA and mass undocumented immigration (introduced by Obama) are sperate issues but collectively they combine to ruin the 4th amendment. All democrat activity is geared to ruin the constitution then it is rebranded at ground level as activism to remove your rights disguised as campaign issues. The US constitution makes a case for liberty (also a biblical concept) yet the constant force against it is remarkable in modern history. The Fisa warrants and security are a double-edged sword as domestic legal citizens have a right to be left alone under the constitution, but security requires investigation. The issue is solved in any country by secure borders, removal of sanctuary cities, voter ids etc and a rigid but fair legal immigration policy with a border long 'wall' and security system with border guards, in which anyone can apply legally to live in the USA. (you don't need 'Amnesty' in those conditions and no other country has those conditions) The US constitution already is a sanctuary and surveillance are to protect citizens who once upon a time knew their neighbours and families and their lands. Judge Napolitano explains on the 4th amendment, see video; Judge Andrew Napolitano: Congress plotting to cut a hole in the Fourth Amendment, again   No foreign entity like the UN can have preference nor any intelligence agency over the US Constitution. Remember intelligence staff and personnel also are under the constitution and are protected by it. One injustice is corrected as the The Bundy's are freed .  and case is dismissed against them. The Bundy's and the Hammond's and others and not just in Oregon have a collective tale to tell , but the Constitution is underpinning their freedom in many ways. A story which defines the USA and the constitution.

15 states refused to comply with the Voter fraud commission and here they are. States which have complied also have dead votes, very elderly (over 115 years old) votes and illegal voting problems.

Switzerland has just passed new immigration laws in Oct 2016 (clarified again recently) and in Mexico if you voted and were not a citizen you would go to jail for a very long time or be deported immediately. ( Harsh laws in Mexico  video ) Illegals in Mexico cannot own land, they cannot vote or claim welfare, or politically demonstrate, and many measures the USA cannot imagine, but this is standard in the majority of countries worldwide. Europe is waking up slowly  to the illegal trafficking known as immigration (Americans cannot vote in other countries and this is standard worldwide)

The Dacca bill is not just about 800,000 dreamers (who do not dream of applying legally) but nearly 3.6 million which the US taxpayer is paying for in Billions. Earlier in the year FAIR issued its immigration in the USA (to repeat from above ) "Further and to signify the report mentioned in the news item above, The following video relates how Bernie Sanders in the 1980's said that a single payer health system would bankrupt the United States, and yet he has not apologised for this which some may claim is pathological dishonesty. On immigration and the FAIR report See Video 'Tucker: 'Elites Fail to Grapple With What It Means' to Open Borders to Millions'   and see also video , 'Liz Wheeler: What the mainstream media was afraid to tell you this week'  and which points out that illegal immigration costs the USA taxpayer $115 / $116 Billion dollars after the $19 billion dollar taxes are deducted, (full report. 'Fair' & 'The Fiscal burden of illegal immigration on the United States 2017' ) which could fund a health service. 100% employment also helps pay for healthcare.

Obama violated the US constitution at every opportunity he signed 300 ( nearly) executive orders (by – passing congress and the senate) most of them illegal, and it may only take 3 or 4 days (in light of all of the above including Judge Roy Moore) to undo the damage and rescind them all in one long sitting by executive order or orders. All of this (the Obamas illegal executive orders should be removed) over 10 years of the last administration and all paid for by the taxpayer including the illegal immigration.

In connected (and absurd) news it is shown Bill Clinton was paid by the Russians (but as yet there is no investigation into this as yet. nor into Roy Moore's election by the Special counsel of voter fraud and foreign interference into elections in the USA ?) It was Bill Clinton and the Democrats who supplied North Korea with an offer of a Nuclear reactor and 4 billion in energy aid in 1994, and at this time Nuclear reactor rods appeared in North Korea, and it was Obama / Hillary Clinton (and on 13.01.2017 the FBI issued indictments connected to this matter ) who supplied Iran with $160 billion + and others and Nk with raw USA Uranium (2010 to January 2017 )

Confirmation of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel 22.01.2018 Incredibly and in the USA, they are wondering how much all of the illegal immigration costs, as well as how much does the UN cost (who voted against Israel in the capital vote)  and those countries that did vote against Israel should get zero aid including Palestine. Incredibly the UN gave its US taxpayer money/aid to Hamas in 2016. Jerusalem has always been the capital of Israel and Greater Israel and Putin has also accepted this.  The US presence in Israel and Syria will be for as long as it takes (with a more efficient effective force) and the US army says it will remain for the foreseeable future.  As well as moving the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv (as many other nations will also) all of this signifies that Jerusalem and Israel will become a larger new nation and both Russia and the USA whilst agreeing to disagree will ensure its growth and safe zones can emerge which is vital after witnessing the Christian genocides the democrats and Obama were responsible for. Investing in Israel is a fascinating prospect, (see the end of chapter 5 below ) although it has had poverty problems also. These issues were once considered a dream but they are a reality, it is a new economic zone ( making the deserts bloom is real)  Mike Pence confirmed Jerusalem as the capital of Israel ( with a promise to remove Iran's nukes. Iran's military leader is on the wanted list as war with Iran grows more likely. They are slowly being removed from Syria ) on the 22.01.2018 as described by the Washington Post  

Inheritance tax removed and new lower state taxes The US debt is $21 Trillion and aside from the Tax cuts highlighted below dated 23/24.12.2017 and above in chapter 3 dated 01.1.2017, further tax reductions have been mooted and drafted to end the Property tax burden in each state. And the draconian (many conservatives also complained they were unfairly targeted under Obama and his IRS appointees into foreclosure and poverty) inheritance tax to help families keep their farms and holdings has been abolished. Inheritance tax effects everyone in the urban and rural areas and is a boon for the USA. Why this is out of the press tells you everything about the press. Take the Bundy's for example, now they are free and can pass on their lands. Good for them. Reducing tax in each state can go further but the national debt (which is mentioned on these websites, maybe too much) is a bind which burdens every nation on earth beyond endurance. Later in 2018 farming will be a subject of economic nationalism and related ideas. Reducing small business tax and restrictions to start up new business can go further, and wages can rise under certain conditions (Ann Coulter) Reducing debt of course reduces taxes.

To crosscheck the immigration / trafficking scam against worldwide information, scroll 3 posts past Roy Moore up to the heading and date 8.1.2017 & "The Global immigration scandal and the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Judah" Israel's size now should be the full one state solution size including Gaza (Jordan) and the West bank. The rest of Arab lands still outsize Israel by nearly 5000 %

Further to that it comes as a surprise and shock for many Muslims to learn the truth on their faith (. Video,  'Arab guy goes into meltdown after reading 'The People vs Muhammad' book by JK Sheindlin)  and Brigette Gabriel explains why Islam is imperialist with no real connection north into Israel or Jerusalem. (video Brigitte Gabriel : 1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes ) In Egypt Youseff Ziedane the Islamic scholar explains  why there is no connection to Jerusalem and Islam.

Returning to Judge Roy Moore and the Alabama senate election, and the planned parenthood lobby which was set against him in favour of Doug Jones, it is not the only lobby which set out to falsify the election.

The LGBT lobby announced a reason Roy Moore lost is that he is a 'vile homophobe' but as yet there is no law against Heterophobia ? shouldn't Hetro's complain to the police or the courts (perhaps a new team in each state of motorcycle cops 'the anti hetro – phobia' squad could be launched as quick response units) and obtain fines and prison sentences. Pink News also points out Chad Severance Turner is a registered sex offender, or that Ed Murray the gay mayor of San Francisco was also sacked for paedophilia or any of the vile occurrences and outrages dated 7.7.2017 above in chapter 3a. The recent case of the 'gay bake a cake for my wedding drama' does not mention the woman drove over 120 miles and past 20 other possible bakery outlets  to directly target these people in a vile and vindictive act, which violates the 1st amendment and which should be decided in the Supreme Court (here a few of the facts)  Pink News also mentions that the Queen may ban gay marriage ) One of the tests the supreme court could use would be a scientific test on the number of genders in humans (which there are only 2) and that issue is central to the cake. It is not just the minuscule % of the population who have hormone in-balance as they develop, but sex by birth scientifically (in which it is claimed Gd or nature made a mistake ? ) The cake case should go to the supreme court.

Another case of vindictive behavior (for 'love') which exists only to attack people of faith (everyone knows there are only 2 genders) is the case of Joshua Sutcliffe but which is detailed here by Franklin Graham  Essentially Joshua (and his family of course, of any relation or relation in law ) has lost his job and his career, because he said 'well done girls' to 2 girls in school, then one of the brats identified as a boy complained. She complained, and Joshua lost his job for 'misgendering' The girls obviously intended to do this, as it too absurd. Joshua should be re-instated  and awarded compensation as he has only told the truth. Unless the girls can provide scientific proof of their new gender, they should be expelled.It is madness and the scientific test should be employed (in any or all cases) in these defamation cases designed to lie and harm. (Most communists/ cultural Marxists do not fight to get into North Korea but complain where they are ?)

Death penalty for pedophiles. A step in the right direction and see previous posts above is the call to introduce the death penalty for pedophiles.1 Indonesia 2. India 3. United States of America    or here 4. Philippines 5. And a call for the death penalty has been made in Britain  The latter would suit the thousands of victims who are so far being let down by the child abuse investigations in Scotland and Britain  Introducing the death penalty (and pedophiles do take a victims life whether they live or not) would bring the charade to an end and also bring child trafficking to an end and provide justice to victims retrospectively as well as going forward. It could be introduced worldwide, in every country.

Hollywood donated against Roy Moore, not just for Hillary Clinton. Aside from the huge voter fraud, the planned parenthood agenda and the gay lobby paying for all of this deceit against Roy Moore, there is also 'Hollywood'. Hollywood gave donations to Hillary Clinton 90 % of its donations ( who had already profited from the Clinton foundation and uranium 1 scandal with Barry Obama Soetoro) and a large donor against Roy Moore was of course George Soros (as an outside illegal investor) but also Steve Spielberg ? who donated against Roy Moore and the Republicans.  (the total money against Moore amounted to $180 million which did not go to feed the poor ?) Spielberg makes great films "Schindlers list" and also the incredible 'Indiana Jones' movies but 'the Post' (film) and its subject matter is disingenuous. This lobby by Hollywood like soviet 'active measures' but which are totally untrue and destructive, and led only by a few. (but the majority are unware of any of the manipulation, as is seen in the Hollywood paedophile investigation and forcing woman to sleep with men to find work)

'The Post' ( film 2018 )

Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep (the latter of 'The deer hunter' film and the unforgettable song over a game of pool) have just released (yet another) movie on the Vietnam war (about the 'war in Vietnam') called 'The Post' concerning the Washington Post (who have called for an investigation into Hillary Clinton) ( as has congress) which highlights the 'Pentagon papers' and the Watergate breakins in Washington in the early 1970's. As the song goes r..e. ';Sweet Home Alabama' and does your conscience bother you regarding Watergate.

Well it shouldn't because ( the Posts trailer ) the posts film has omitted vital information. (although it skirts over some) The film 'The Post' is a bit like Tom Hanks missing speech in one of his films Forrest…. 'Gump ' )  

To be fair to the Washington post many of the facts previous to 1965 in Asia and USA were not then fully understood or known. The Post begins in or around 1965 and leads up to 1971 and the Supreme court's decision to publish the Pentagon papers and the film which also go into the Watergate break ins and ends there in 1972 with the subsequent court case. The break ins were made to discover information on the Pentagon papers publisher Daniel Ellsberg, a US photographer who accompanied the troops photographing them in combat in 1965 in Vietnam, and it was his efforts and later assertions that the war was not going well which became the mantra. He became an anti-war activist in 1969.

President Kennedy, the democrats and Vietnam 'Cable 243' of August 1963. Yet the true 'Watergate' scandal like the current Russia investigation and the Uranium 1 and Clinton foundation Muslim brotherhood Obama Christian Genocide scandal was not covered in the film (Clinton & Obama were also busy from 2008 – to 2016 changing the law for Transsexual toilets to be shared with minors and children) and that is 'Cable 243' sent to the Nationalists in South Vietnam in August 1963 (only 3 months before President Kennedys death in November 22nd 1963)  Cable 243 here mentioned by the council of foreign relations or here by the Huffington Post was sent by President Kennedy with orders to assassinate President Ngo Dinah Diem of the nationalist republic of Vietnam. Diem was a stable competent leader who had been persuaded to turn against the Buddhists although the Buddhists were a military faction armed and had committed acts of violence in turn. Many Buddhist's state in fact some of the factions were simply Marxist-Leninist Viet – Cong Chinese paid soldiers disguised as Buddhists. Kennedy however asserted that the authority to send the cable was not properly obtained by Michael V Forrestal who worked in the Kennedy administration and after it was sent later denounced its sending but to late for south Vietnam. Indeed Forrestal admitted later he had only obtained partial authority and not the full cabinet or generals. Ngo Dinh Diem was assassinated on November 2 1963 (20 days before Kennedy) .It was the democrats who destabilised Vietnam, as the Nationalists were a stabilizing force and that stabilisation ended with Diem. ( last link declassified Kennedy papers ) Future governments in South Vietnam were ineffectual. China took advantage of this and poured troops into North Vietnam from 1962 and into 1963 and after Diems death they moved to advance into the South (and all over Asia) which led to the Gulf of Tonkin incident in august 1964.

Chairman Mao of course ransacked (and /or subjected people to brainwashing techniques to abandon their faith and join him) Tibet and Nepal and any Buddhists residing in China. The Dalai Lama and millions of people were evacuated to India in 1959 to escape death.The Christian communist and the nationalists in Vietnam (Christians or not) had lived in relative peace with Buddhists up until the Chinese communist revolution.

The backdrop to these events (the 'war in Vietnam') was the insane policy of Chinese communist party Chairman Mao Ze Tung whose policy of agrarian land reforms in China in the 'great leap forward' from 1958 – 1962 also caused destabilisation in China but as a deliberate act of the secular humanist cult in its policy of population reduction. Between 55 million or 80- million starved to death. The military were less affected in China, and they pushed forward into North Vietnam. The whole episode of the Chinese great leap forward which is a step from Marxist Leninism into peasant land reform (a more sophisticated form of communism the theory goes) was (and is still)  hushed up by the Communist / Socialist party even to this day and not just in China. (see video  see  " Mao's Great Famine HDTV "   &  " China's Great Leap Forward | 1958 | History of China Under Mao Zedong " )

Ho Chi Minh and Pol Pot  After 1963 the equally disastrous policy of the 'Chinese cultural revolution' and its propaganda and fascism lasted from 1966 and 1976 in which another 1.5 million were killed, 40 million persecuted and 3 million permanently injured. Demonstrations became common in the USA in 1970 fwd. The same 1960's / 1970's protest movement in the west did not (also) protest the 3 million dead (accurately described by Vietnam Vets) as a result of Ho Chi Minh's terror rampage and slaughter across many countries following the US withdrawal. No one demonstrated for them. Cambodia and the Killing fields and Pol Pot ( a Maoist Leninist Marxist) followed with another 3 million deaths

This is the backdrop to the Vietnam war which began in earnest with the democrats and cable 243. The world had been at war since 1939, but world war 2 began in Japan and China from 1933 into 1939 and not in the west. None of this is in the film 'the Post' although many of these facts have now emerged since the 1960's and 1970's. Stalin had died in 1953, and Khrushchev his successor denounced the cult of personality in Stalin  in 1956 because and not least Stalin was mad, and his 'great leap forward' and his 'great terror' left 25 million dead in Russia from 1929 to 1939 and ten million in the Ukraine and instigated a system of fear, paranoia and dehumanisation across Russia, Ukraine and eastern Europe and the Balkans in its aim of conquest by imperialism into the whole of Europe and Asia and the world was / is its goal. Before Stalin, Lenin lost the election in Russia and instigated the 'red terror'. This is the backdrop to the Vietnam war and Khrushchev's denunciation of the cult of personality sent shockwaves throughout the worlds 'left; and in China also and Chairman Mao. This led up to the chinses great leap forward (1958 – 1962) and cultural revolution. (today in Venezuela people are starving to death or here in a deliberate state policy) and the drive to imperialism and war in Vietnam.

USA army and the 'rules of engagement' enforced upon them. However, that is not all the democrats are responsible for. One other area is also not widely known (like cable 243) and that is America had won the Vietnam war by 1972 (video; The Truth of the Vietnam War  ) and was advancing and this goes to the heart of Daniel Ellsberg assertion that the war was not going well (later the Paris peace accords were signed by Vietnam and USA but this is also never mentioned) yet under the democrat 'rules of engagement' is it any surprise the war was not going well ? The Vietnam war was fought in the most absurd, and draconian impediment that any Army had ever faced, and the rules were only kept by the US army and not the Chinese / North Vietnamese? what were those rules.? (declassified in 1985)

Vietnam 'rules of engagement'  Vietnam rules of engagement   ( video) or here as an outline by Dr Harold Pease or here and they include 1.the inability to pursue enemies over borders into surrounding countries, but the communists could take over those countries. 2. Bombing of North Vietnam enemy aircraft facilities or industrial armaments factories could not be bombed until they were functional (even though it was known they contained aircraft or armaments for the military) 3. Important targets could not be attacked until the top command approved them which could take days. 4. A grid pattern system was developed which limited the US army to fight only in zones or pre - approved areas in Vietnam. To understand this, imagine a US football field and game where one team only stands or plays in its own half (zero line into defence) and occupies a small proportion of that half (say about 1/8) whilst the opposing team occupies both half's, i.e. defence and offense with the first team watching them go by and then unable to attack, but they can be attacked. The communists were informed of these restrictions by the democrats in advance? before the draft yet said nothing to the public but they did report the war was not going well as 58,000 US soldiers were killed and 3 million Viet – cong. This is why from 1963 the war was not 'going well' but which Daniel Ellsberg omits (although these papers of the rules of engagement were only declassified in 1985, yet known of from 1963) which Steven Spielberg omits and Tom Hanks omits ? It is not just cynical but mocking and treasonous in the circumstances. The War would have ended quickly and the Army should be allowed to win outright and fast and annihilate the enemy.

(see also the sell out by the left to China r.e. The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats) of this occur since Richard Nixon's 'policy of engagement' with China in the 1960's to Obama's Global policy of engagement in 2009)

Judge Roy Moore from Alabama served in the military police in Vietnam and his namesake Lt General Hal Moore  who passed away in February 2017) who also fought in Vietnam and fought at the battle of Ia Drang the subject of the film 2001 'We were soldiers'  which had figured out these rules and found a way to win without usurping the rules and whilst  being completely surrounded and vastly outnumbered. Hal Moore was also from Alabama. However these rules should have been ignored then as today and let the military win in all wars.

The Judge Roy Moore election was watched and could be the source of an investigation by the dept. of Homeland Security (see the beginning of this post) as part of the investigation into the voting commission (see all above and dated 18.12.2017 & 10.11.2017 & 25.11.2017 & 18.11.2017) as he was surely cheated. Doug Jones should resign.

A film Hanks and Spielberg will not make is the 1 Billion souls plus who have been aborted (murdered) worldwide since 1980 (of all nations and tribes) which is one of the matters Judge Roy Moore campaigned against.

So far the film 'The post' has grossed $55 million dollars and may make $100 million dollars, but that money should be donated to the Homeless Veteran cause homeless Vietnam veterans (or here ) and the VA hospital in full. Another Vietnam war movie about a scandal which omits the real scandal and makes money from the war (growing numbers of veterans commit suicide from PTSD & PDSD but they also need funds)  (Inserted 23.01.2018)

The truth about the Brexit negotiations (to follow)


23 & 24.12.2017

The Brexit Negotiations (which do not need a divorce bill or a deal or free movement of peoples, but which has not been mentioned especially by the labour party in over 2 years of political debate) seem to be between the Remain side in the UK and the Remain side in the EU. Speed reading all of the above (chapter 3 and 3a) and reading the Brexit only headings in date order from Brexit you can follow the story from the 23.06.2017. First consider the US tax reforms and western prosperity.

US Tax reforms 20.12.2017 (interim) and China During all of that time and from near that day, the USA has formed a new Government and has begun the transformation of it economy, (which was in dire straits but has a long way to go) the latest being ( on the 20.12.2017) the tax reforms   which is only the beginning of an aim to create new national corporations and small business as US firms ( there is also a new outlook on the Middle East and Jerusalem ) and many other matters such as immigration reform and bringing the US back to its self, (rather than the United Nations) and its Constitution, (the roots of which began in Britain under King Alfred, the deeming's laws based upon the ten commandments, which in turn inspired the magna carta, which in turn inspired the US constitution ) and many new trade deals around the world, bi-lateral and multi- lateral. Obamacare is finished and a new health care system will need to be built with more consideration. The tax bill passed on reconciliation and overall taxes have reduced, (single deduction doubles to $12000 dollars, married to $24,000, individual tax drops to 37% from 40 % and child benefit doubles to £2000 per child. There are many other benefits. Yet a further measure to reduce the tax / pass through / salt burden on SME's (small medium business & which will receive cross party support) can be sought as 2018 begins. It could be an addendum to the tax bill which would also come under reconciliation. Adding the next part of the tax cuts to working and middle class SME's and personal tax which is how SME's are classed are promised and could be completed by March 2018. The party that genuinely introduces this as far as is possible, (and democrats voted for the December 2017 tax cuts also) will do well in the next elections. Alternatively cutting, cancelling, forgiving the national debt will reduce taxes across the board, but in ten years (2008 – 2016) the democrats did not do any of these options but trebled it to $20 trillion dollars, now they have left it for the Republicans to face, it may have to be faced in 2018. Without these tax reforms as passed already, the climate for SME's after the Obama era (and Obamacare costs were due to go up by 30% in 2018) could not really begin to grow, and the national growth and job creation could not really kick in. 

For 'America First' if the 'territorial' tax structure is true (and it also supports national territory growth and employment for those in those national economies) we will find out in the next 5 months or so just how SME's can benefit further. 100,000 new business will begin as new US entities if the new SME personal tax is reduced another couple of % or even down to 20%,  as a right of all new SME's. And that is a boom, a tax competition for SME's, state to state would have a negative grouping effect instead of spreading opportunities across all states. SME's now need protection to begin and flourish and which support corporations providing they can trade with stable prices and good incomes/wages in a currency stable economy (see also chapter 3 above and post-dated 01.12.2017 near the end of chapter 3) Modern government in any country is designed not to do anything but create even more government which brings a stasis and debt. Instead of listening to China's economists in congress, perhaps homegrown economists could do better (  is this 'collusion' ? with a Chinese communist asset who has been advising the USA with others for years?  Billionaire or not. The 'Russia investigation' seems to be uncovering democrat crimes including those by Eric Holder and Bruce Ohr?) Seeking China's advice is it a surprise when the US in trading at a disadvantage over 20 years, whilst China claims it wants to lead the New World Order and join the SDR currency. Since it claims its new trade block silk road OBOR (one belt one road) like Brics is a peaceful area or block (but with Global intentions), but which does not have immigration like China itself, why would it want to join the SDR unless it is preparing for war. Looking back retrospectively, having the USA impoverished and overburdened in its economy and in an immigration quagmire makes more sense in this light from the Obama era. A world war is easier if major opponents are weaker, it has now come out in the Russia investigation that Obama protected Iran and Hezbollah, but also gave Iran nuclear material in January 2017 whilst claiming it was wrong to do so a year and a half earlier    as Iran threatens to eradicate Israel. The Clinton foundation accepted 3 bribes for its Uranium 1 rights from Russia. All of this only makes sense if a world war is due, or a North Korean totalitarian vassal state style dictate is planned at some point (see new post on the adjacent website and chapter 5 North Korea dated 23.12.2017. And consider, is there any point to the United nations. Whether it is a north Korea style 'oppressive' or 'insensitive' state or an Islamic one, they are not popular)

And to get the full picture, the left is trying to undermine the trafficking, child abuse crimes which have been uncovered in 2017, but by professional slander with true stories but also many false stories (which appear at elections only for instance) see video you tube 'What's Really Going On With The Sexual Harassment Movement' by activist 'conservative momma' The global migration, trafficking scam has to be stopped and efforts into that area would serve woman and children better (This follows the still missing 500,000 votes in the Judge Roy Moore senate election, and the votes which never made it through the post office, see last post above dated 18.12. 2017 above)

Conservative moma sums it up with the truth on Judge Roy Moore. Duping the public and destroying votes to undermine an honest man is a despicable act and a planned parenthood method. Investment separate from the historic state controversies displacing Jones for no real reason other than his support for the 10 commandments , amounted to $190 million from planned parenthood, ( also from the fake scandal )Hollywood, and finance sources as well as outside country donations from George Soros etc. This man and others voted from out of state. This amount was not for campaign donations alone (Judge Moore was the most popular Judge in decades who won his primary) Doug Jones should resign

In Britain and Brexit (which needs an economic boost similar to the USA above as does the entire west) during all of this activity in 2016/2017 within the USA. Britain is still having the same conversation on Brexit as they were in 23.06.2017 when they voted for it. There is now a staged approach (no pun intended) to Brexit, with a 'divorce bill of nearly $40 Billion' which is classed as an achievement. No border control, and with free movement of people and then no authority or say (except in the Council of Europe) in the EU, but to also accept EU laws?  Nigel Farage says the following on that subject, i.e. 'The Brexit Betrayal'  The figures and actual trade deals below show that this is all a false construct (not just for Britain but for every EU country, which can if corrected every country)

Not long after this speech by Farage, a vote was taken in the House of Commons to have a final vote on the 'Brexit deal' It seems people pay attention to Nigel Farage and it was the correct thing to do as the deal in 'stage 1 and 2' and whatever else in the transition period etc, is beginning to sound more like a sex change amidst the science proving there are only 2 sexes. The third way is a false construct. The Vote defeated the Government although by 4 votes, (309 – 305 on 13.12.2017) and yet this vote on the final deal will strengthen the 'negotiations' for Britain in the EU. Others within this vote voted to derail Brexit and hope the deal is so bad it will fail etc, they are joined now by Tony Blair (without portfolio) and Michael Heseltine who want Britain to join the Euro.

Why is the Brexit deal worth rejecting as it stands ? and why a 'no deal' (for Britain) is now, better. ( link back to heading ‘ The Brexit withdrawal agreement and vote on 11.12.2018’ )

The list of the largest trading partners into the EU is here  and as you can see Billions of exports poured into the EU as imported goods every year. Britain's largest exports go to the following countries, as you can see the EU is not the biggest and there are numerous other countries and trading blocks. This is what Britain imports every year, and shows the countries they originate within. Imports cost every household (a household of four for example) £30,000 every year. This also shows the decline of manufacturing and exports which was dramatically reduced under Tony Blair.

A EU deal as is put forward, would limit Britain as it has done for fifty years. Every EU nation is currently limited. These figures and outlines supports the following article and its original sources which are the EU's own figures, and the trade deals which currently exist, as well as other countries figures globally.

'More Than TWO Trillion Euros worth of Trade every single year and not one penny piece paid in membership fees and not one threat levelled against them if they dare to not pay ( and altogether they all pay less in Tariffs than gross UK Membership fees despite some exporting more to the EU than we do ), not one law that overrides their national laws and not even one small area of governance ceded to the EU Empire and at Least €1 Trillion of that with Not One Free Trade Agreement between them, go figure'

India export One Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Rupee in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

Japan export Two Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Yen in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

Russia Export Four Billion Euros per week and they have not paid one Rouble in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

China Export One Billion Euros per day  and they have not paid one Yuan in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

The USA has traded with the EU Bloc More than Four Trillion Dollars in the last twenty years alone) and they have not paid one dollar in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers'

Further information is available here and which effects every trading block in the world, it effects why each nation should have fiscal autonomy (as Norway and Denmark do) and why economic independence nationally is the strongest position any country can be in.

E.G. " So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY? Why do we pay more than half as much (£10 Billion) as the Rest of the Planet added together (€19.96 Billion) to get just Ten Per Cent of the Trade they get whilst we get subsumed into the U.S.E. and the R.o.W. get a Free Pass? " In 2015, 44% of the UK's goods and services were exported to the EU, while 53% of our imports came to the UK from the EU. In the same year, UK exports to the EU were valued at £223.3 billion, while UK imports from the EU stood at £291.1 billion." (by; factsdirectfromthehorsesmouth   or  'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?' )

All of this confirms that the EU (and not just to Britain but to its other members who also need fiscal autonomy, border controls and manufacturing exports etc ) see post-dated 25.11.2017 above  is deceiving its members and the remain side (the left do not have any economic plan except deficit spending endlessly, immigration and identity politics to aid immigration) It also confirms (see post above 'The German Election Results (from September 22nd 2017) 10.10.2017' ) this gentleman's statement  i.e. See; 'We can go INSTANTLY' British diesel-importer DESTROYS politicians Brexit delay NONSENSE' Daily Mail Sep 29, 2017')

No need for a EU deal? In other words, and since 23.06.2017 the bizarre narrative has poured out and that can be re-read from the chapters 3 and chapter 3a above. There is no need for any immigration except legal and controlled immigration, there is no need for open borders, no need for a Brexit divorce deal, or a need to create a trade deal with the EU before leaving. All other trade blocks above are open to new deals also, and this is without the benefits of a new China silk road (one belt one road project, which the west should seize and take over) Essentially, they have made the negotiations into a drama and it is a simple matter, hardly deserving of all the angst and fuss that it has become almost against a backdrop of Carl Orff's 'O Fortuna', when they could be playing Gloria by Vivaldi.

What is remarkable and without splitting up European countries who can unify in any type of a system they choose or as they feel (without a Russia scandal as mentioned in the posts above, and without the current communist agenda ruining the European continent as directed under Mrs Merkel who should resign) but an EU system which benefits its people, controlling your borders by your own government rules and fiscal authority nationally with genuine long term prosperity and without dependence on Russia for energy.


Inserted 30.01.2018. The Remain lobby in the UK negotiating with the Remain lobby in the EU on Brexit (the next five paragraphs in dark brown)

As is apparent above and which is kept hidden from the public (in the sub heading 'A EU deal as is put forward, would limit Britain as it has done for fifty years. Every EU nation is currently limited') free trade is lucrative and brings prosperity and in Brexit or similar those that oppose this for any nation will go to any length to hide that fact, even contradicting themselves along the way as can be read here in chapter 3 and chapter 3a. This is evident from countries who have a part – time EU deal or a association only with the EU. The USA is beginning to boom. Trade deals are achievable and very common and lucrative and do not require membership fees or clauses such as open borders or free movement of peoples, they contain hardly any tariffs, and national laws are upheld and respected. Contrast those facts with the deal which has brought forward or here dated 29.01.2018   Theresa Villiers sums up the bizarre 'negotiations' as follows 'She told the BBC's Sunday Politics: "There is only so far you can go with compromise without ultimately finding yourself in a position where you're selling out all the people who voted to leave."  In other words Britain has been negotiated into a 'vassal state' (Ms Villiers mentions this also )which is debated in the House of Lords (without saying those exact words ) And that is what they want with Brexit or without it either way, which is why Britain is in a different position. It is incredible however that the labour / lib dems have not suggested any trade deals because their economic plan is to borrow from the EU and that is all. A large fiscal bubble. The EU want to restrict the City of London with EU regulations (or any financial centre) and for a European super army PESCO (Permanent structured co-operation  11.12.2017) is overseen and championed by Italian communist Federica Mogherini who is also a student of integration and immigration (or the worldwide trafficking scam as it is or the actual racism of communist humanism) It is additional to NATO (for now) although Britain has signalled it will not join. (see the  adjacent website and chapter 5 on North Korea at the end and dated 23.12.2017) Clearly people want an explanation, is this an EU led deal ? or a free trade deal as people who voted Brexit actually voted for. ? Brexit was ratified by Parliament and the Queen on March 16th 2017on the basis of the Brexit question to leave yes or no. A deal or no deal or a future Brexit day or transition period was not part of that ratification although the public can through MP's vote on a deal (or not) separately from Brexit. This means in effect Britain has already left the EU.

Britain (announced 11.01.2018) it has made 36 free trade deals post Brexit but given the information above it could be 136 in the time since June 23rd 2016 and Brexit day i.e. in nearly 1.5 years. Donald Trump explains the EU situation on import / export and has promised more deals in addition (but as above 'The USA has traded with the EU Bloc More than Four Trillion Dollars in the last twenty years alone) and they have not paid one dollar in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers' nor has China, Russia or India as a few examples)  Donald Trump speaking at the Davos world Economic Forum January. 26th .2018. Putting America first, forces every other nation to put themselves first and sort their own problems out. The new economic measures in the USA have brought unexpected consequences, such as individual states making their own tax cuts and even trade deals for the state without Government assistance. This non centralised approach is an approach the EU states with greater fiscal autonomy can achieve, instead of the planned communist hybrid here ("The euro economic plan with the EU fiscal compact  last video YouTube 'Loss of Sovereignty, Fiscal Compact') seems to be designed by people who are not from Europe or are not acting in its best interests ?  'THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLAPSE!! MAKE VIRAL ALL!!' (video named in full to use in search engines) which although now 5 years old but points out how nations are to be extorted and is the economic framework for the EU and its constitution, but which is not like the US constitution or situation as the states in the USA are not obliged for each other debts. No EU country needs EU permission to leave or stay or to define its terms, but under the Islamic / Liberal regime the EU has, these undemocratic demands are more akin to a Stalinist version of Sharia law. Putting America first, or Britain first or India or Ghana or Africa first is a part of Economic nationalism, which allows for localism instead of Globalisation. It is real and traditional 'sustainability' It encourages nationals to be employed first which brings an upward trend towards 100% employment The nation which can then sell and trade internally with each other and export any excess which is an insurance policy against recession, whilst still allowing international trade. Education systems and apprenticeships therefore under this framework change to supply employment and skills nationally or should, rather than having  to import skills. These are the fundamentals of any economy without which all else fails. Israel born out of necessity was one country which employed 'Israel first' from 1948, and its economy required self sufficiency first. The reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and Judea is indeed a landmark year historically. In the USA the record breaking stock markets are stabilised compared to 2007/2008, when the base of the economy collapsed, and localism as economic democracy or nationalism stabilises the markets which is evident in increased confidence. Localism also encourages organic or healthier living (sweet healthy products) as opposed to the Ricardian specialisation theory, which produces one country producing mass produced produce and shipping it out for the rest of the world. In edible products such as meat, foods can be frozen for months. Supplying local markets and international markets speedily cuts down waste and boosts local employment. Globalisation is unsustainable and is ruining the worlds economy. Localism is in fact  how (with Jubilees) ancient economies functioned naturally, today the world is blessed as it can have both with faster travel.

Britain's (or any country) ability to make trade deals therefore has profound consequences for every EU state and the West. Every EU country could have the same freedoms. Economic nationalism requires control of borders and fiscal autonomy, but which can still operate as a united Europe. Rigid central control seems only to benefit corruption and removes liberty. It is a feature of communism and Islam. Teresa May has appointed a 'moderate Mulsim' woman Sara Khan to gauge 'extremism' in the UK but the extremism of Islam  we are told (no national born person in any country can be extreme for supporting their country) As a Muslim,  Khan is biased in a Christian land, and placing both standpoints ( with the EU and trade ) together it is an insult to every Christian and Jew in the UK and Europe. It is especially offensive to those who campaigned for recognition of the Christian genocide, and the victims of the Pakistan trafficking gangs which are still operating in Britain, and any element of Islam wants to eradicate Christians and their beliefs. (Lilly Allen says the victims of the trafficking gangs would have been raped anyway ?)  Islam is a belief which still practices legal slavery for woman and children (and fgm) which is 'extreme'. ? and Sara Khan needs to begin there. Child brides often trafficked under Islam are aged between 6 and 13 (or either side of that age) Introducing the Death penalty for paedophiles including Islamic (which says the rape and practice is 'cultural') is a solution. A step in the right direction and see previous posts above is the call to introduce the death penalty for pedophiles.1 Indonesia 2. India 3. United States of America    or here 4. Philippines 5. And a call for the death penalty has been made in Britain  The latter would suit the thousands of victims who are so far being let down by the child abuse investigations in Scotland and Britain or in the Pakistan trafficking scams. Introducing the death penalty (and paedophiles do take a victim's life whether they live or not) would bring the charade to an end and also bring child trafficking to an end and provide justice to victims retrospectively as well as going forward. It could be introduced worldwide, in every country.

Christians continue to be killed and religious sites destroyed, nothing has changed Since 01.01.2018, 30 Christians have been killed, 17 (not 14) in Riverstate Nigeria   in early January, and 9 killed, with 21 injured in Damascus on the 22.01.2018 .  2 Christians were killed on new year's day in the Coptic region of Egypt with a promise of more to come, and 1 more was killed on 13.01.2018 for having a cross tattoo. (all in January but not in the news, and it was steady like this throughout 2017) Sara Khan needs to discuss extremism in or out of Britain. Islam solves its problems by beheading or deportation, and its Jihad has no historical spiritual connection to Jerusalem or Britain or the EU, but it has extremist ambitions (Islam was driven out of Spain after it invaded. Europe has had enough of illegal immigration 22.11.2017, and there are alternative suggestions.  which highlights the false construct of the 'refugees' and the immigration trafficking scam )These are the 'moderates and extremists' there is no difference with the Islamic belief which believes it can act as it wishes, as  this lunatictry's to destroy statue in Algeria, as well as Islam historically destroying spiritual centers (last link the church of the Holy Sepulchre 1099 in Jerusalem), and more recently Jonahs tomb in 2014 as well Jewish archaeology in Jerusalem itself, churches throughout Europe and the middle east)  Archaeology and Holy sites destroyed. For years previous and from 2010 and until today the area of Greater Israel witnessed the destruction of the archaeology and biblical archaeology in a long list including Joseph's tomb which was destroyed by 'Palestinians' (wo are Jordan or Egyptian)  and hundreds of sites around the whole region. In the USA the hysteria over immigration is astonishing although the outrage should be with taxpayers and despite the rhetoric, any Daca illegal immigrant allowed amnesty (which does not exist in any other country) should come from all countries, but actually there are no 'white immigrants' at all ? ! (Tucker Carlson fb  video 'Tucker Carlson "Even enforcing our own existing laws, the ones that [Democrats] voted for and passed in Congress, is now tantamount to a hate crime."'  it is immigration discrimination against..... 'whitey' ?......but actually against everyone ) The rhetoric in the media is exactly the opposite of the facts, which shows the level of misinformation and hypocrisy (outright lies) spread around about this subject, never mentions trafficking, drugs and voting fraud ? (see last post above) There are no Europeans making laws in any Government in any Islamic country, or in India, Pakistan, Africa or China. Cheap labour and replacement ideology rather than control of western borders and nations is why the left are paid to be really 'outraged' in the false political paradigm. All originating nations should pay for their immigrant exports, not the host nations taxpayers. Legal emigration is still applicable, and the Daca con was made under an illegal executive order in 2012 – 2016, as is shown above the discrimination is against Americans, and not perpetuated by them. In the USA the Daca nonsense does not need a deal but can be voted on by simple majority or changed by executive order the way it was introduced.  This is how other countries function, and all of these events and problems are planned and connected.

The reason for Brexit has still not been cited.  Jacob Rees Mogg and David Cameron, who has also stated that Brexit  he once opposed, is much better than he had thought. yet the press change their view on it daily ?) explain on the current EU problems. Donald Trump explains the EU negotiations further which were promised from 23.06.2016 (but in the USA in one year or in 6 months more has been achieved ) but to be concluded by May 2019 ? What is being offered to Britain is a vassal state hence it is partly obscured, and which is a model of negotiations for any state or nation ( it is hoped)  and the removal of freedoms, privileges and liberty. This has continued since 23.06.2016 illegally and to those ends, although there are alternatives to be discussed as mentioned at the end of this post (inserted 30.01.2017 five dark brown paragraphs above)

Ulster  In Ulster in Britain, the pastor at the centre of the Islamic protests was of course found not guilty of any wrong, because it is true. All around the middle east also Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches have been burnt and members including nuns have been raped and killed, and that is because whilst Ulster has its troubles (and protests and much free speech) under Islam there is no free speech or protest against its terror (see also all above chapter 3 and chapter 3a which shows the 'sexual harassment' rapes and murder under and directed by Obama) On the 17.12.2017 the CIA  announced  it had foiled an ISIS attack with Vladimir Putin's help. The attack was to destroy St Petersburg Cathedral.  (The cry for middle east safe zones continues) The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016, and many others worldwide. Queen Elizabeth is a Christian, and asked Billy Graham to preach in the 1950's. Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote makes that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. Pope Francis has condemned the Christian genocide which has seen 250,000 beheaded, and over 2 million killed since 2010, the Pope has condemned the Armenian genocide. The aim is to make sure such events do not re-occur

Chrislam Recently the Pakistan democrat staffer Imran Awan  arrested initially for bank fraud (announced initially only as bank fraud) was found to also have been involved in the supply of weapons to ISIL /ISIS on Obama's behalf and there are thousands more still employed including in Britain (Awan also supplied to Britain) All that has been achieved in the last ten years is the undermining of European culture, Rome and Nato. The global fight against radical Islamic terror however is pointless when it permeates all levels of government (local government with the trafficking legal slavery crime spree) even the national parliament, the civil service and even into the intelligence services Whitehall and higher and the intelligence services? One area it also pushes, is the belief in 'Chrislam' a false mixture of Islam and Christianity which seeks to destroy western institutions and is of course, incompatible with Christianity and any belief, the idea that Muhammed flew to Jerusalem on the ' Al Buraq beast ' but which was a drug fuelled hallucination. (think about that) Chrislam is a kind of mixture of this Al Buraq and a Christmas tree fairy. There are a few Bikers from the 1960's and even the 'fabulous furry freak brothers' who could make the same claim on that basis, millions of bikers of course do not, they could equally claim to be the prophet of Islam or the next Iman but they do not.

Crypto Currency caution and disasters Venezuela in its socialist crisis and the experiment forced upon it by the left has toyed with the idea that Crypto currencies may assist them and indeed any currency stabilisation would assist them. Yet China and even Kim Jong Un and North Korea have succeeded in hacking bitcoin and other crypto currencies. China and the cyber security war is dramatic and occurs daily and incessantly , it even hacked the FBI (who hacked them back) and the Nuclear facilities of the USA stealing plans (as does Russia) and the recent (Nov 27th 2017) financial institutions. And all this despite new rigorous security measures in 2017 and a cyber pact of 2015. The internet can be removed, it can be hacked or crash or kept back from usage. The moral of this story, keep your national currency in hard physical cash circulating at 0 % interest as 'MO' in the MO to M4 system.

On the same continent (South America ) down from Venezuela, Chile has just elected a Conservative President on the 17.12.2017, whilst in France mass protests against the changes in France escalate. Protests continue in Poland and Germany (leaving the EU is a final option but for some the only option in fiscal subjugation, without border control or exporting power)

In Austria Sebastian Kurz is the new Federal Chancellor From 18.12.2017 Sebastian Kurz is the New Federal Chancellor of Austria in government with the Freedom Party of Austria, but who at only 31 years of age must be a unique and interesting individual. The Snowy Yule season is upon us and in 2017 into 2018 in the Alps also a stunningly beautiful place.


The reason for Brexit has still not been cited by any politician or media source in the last 2 months or before. One other interesting solution for Britain, Wales, Scotland and Ireland on trade and borders, which could spread to other nations has also not been explored or even discussed. Politicians, most of which seem incompetent are paid not to find solutions in many instances. Researchers on certain subjects may contribute to a final post in mid 2018 in this chapter. These website(s) are also to assist and  understand aspects of European nations which have an ancient history, but ultimately are provided to benefit the West, which includes Israel and Jerusalem, which also has an inheritance for the large tribe of the 'House of Joseph'   (which incredibly is a term unfamiliar to most)


Is Europe (as opposed to the EU) being destroyed, yes and the reasons why and how will be examined in 2018.


23.01.2018 (n.b. inserted and dated 23.01.2018, above the last post dated 23/24.12.2017, is the full story of the Judge Roy Moore voting scandal in Alabama and nationally in the USA , and a view and analysis of the recent film in 2018 with Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep 'The Post' )


30.01.2018. Brexit deal(s) and the continuing attempt to make Britain (or any nation) a 'vassal state' ( a direct quote ) instead of prosperous and free. (as one example or the trade boom here It is truly a spectacle but the remain side have been exposed. Brexit has supplied a choice which was not present before it) Updates also inserted midway in the post above dated 23 & 24.12.2017 (five paragraphs in brown / gold dated  30.01.2018)


08.02.2018 An opportunity for the West

In 2010 the USA introduced the 'Dodds Frank' act which regulated the economy after the 2007 / 2008 financial crash, this was overturned in the House (not the senate as yet) by the Financial Choice act in June 2017 to ease the financial restrictions, the Dodds Frank act imposed. Some say the act like the Basel 1,2 & 3 reforms went too far and were ideologically motivated rather than anything other reason. Small and medium size business continued to be penalized from 2009 – 2016 despite any continued quantitative easing The Basel 12, & 3 reforms however did state that the taxpayer was never again to be liable for bank bailouts. Basel 3 report "Consultative Document Strengthening the resilience of the banking sector" Page 2 in the Executive summary (point 4) April 2010 states, "Ultimately the public sector had to step in with unprecedented injections of liquidity, capital support and guarantees, exposing the taxpayer to large losses". BIS Basel 3 report April 2010.

Over the last week and worldwide the 2017 record gains on the stock market (over 26,000 on the Dow Jones)  fell back to what some are calling  a reasonable level, yet many have made vast fortunes in the surge (including first time traders) and may also betting on the fall. In December 2016 the Dow was at 19,000 and it is still now at 24, 300 a record in itself when it was achieved, hence this fall may a reset but towards what ?  Janet Yellen the federal reserve chairwoman and a Keynesian ended Quantitative easing beginning September 2017 (although say many it will return) , and her successor  Jerome Powell took over this week 6.2.2018.(President Trumps nominee)  Janet Yellen criticised Wall street on her exit.  ( which is why the market has changed to some degree) The move away from Keynesian economics to a Jerome Powell monetarism is still similar to Janet Yellen, but and despite the Volker rule which came in with Dodds Frank, Jerome Powell may well ease the restrictions on small and medium business ( SME's) which devastated the middle class 20008 – 2016.

The sell off to buy higher interest bearing bonds is one reason for the huge sell, but is that the best way forward. Powell may not raise interest rates, (or only a small %) but the market is betting interest rates will rise as high job growth in the USA is causing inflation as people spend what they earn. The usual response is to raise interest rates to check the resultant inflation (from the increased spending)   The opportunity; This is a critical time in the West and the opportunity should not b lost. Instead of raising interest rates to slow spending now, instead increase product in SME's and boost small business growth quickly and lower their taxes further if possible. Increased products = competition and prices will then fall even whilst wages are higher than previous, which reduces inflation, increasing  growth.Increasing interest rates now will curb small business growth. The west can stumble and grow or it can move into a different situation for job and small business growth. When, as it is now spending increases, prices increase and the spiral of more wage increases and industrial unrest and wage demands increases bringing turmoil in a repeated pattern since 1929. Prices rise and wages rise again. Increasing  manufacturing and SME's will provide more choice and prices will stabilize and fall, but wages will remain or rise above Feb 2018 levels but the margin between prices and wages increases, which also keeps Unions happy. This is the challenge. This is what the west needs, but will the banks take this option, even in Britain and Europe ? (the left would not even provide the opportunity to realize a different economic choice, but the public is catching on and they will vote for politicians who bring them these economic realities)

In examples where these economic paradigms have existed low prices and higher wages, (spending finds its own level and offsets inflation if new business and produce flourish) means internal trade can competitively sell off the excess in exports abroad in new trade deals ('localism' which provides enough for needs provides higher quality products and exports) It does not negatively impact the stockmarket, quite the opposite.

Other considerations were provided by Tucker Carlson in the posts above dated inserted 23.01.2018 or 10.10.2017 and the 'Fair report 'and additional wage stimulus by Ann Coulter, which with less tax and debt makes industrial relations and wages an easier problem to solve. Massive immigration reform. Expanding SME's widens the base and when the stockmarkets rise it could go over 30,000 on the dow in such a scenario. It also helps to solve the problem of long term fixed capital goods (page 27) in the US infrastructure decay problem. Responsible management whilst allowing the markets to grow is economic democracy, which is the most stable economic method and which is still not Keynesian nor purely monetarist. It would provide a great boom and reduce the wests debts and balance of trading deficits which are huge. Compared to 2007 / 2008 it is a incredible prospect.

The City of London (Brexit) could also follow the above scenario with massive SME and job creation and President Trump indicated (see last post and where it is directing you to) a trade war with the EU is likely. Just as the USA is easing its financial restrictions, the EU is still imposing theirs (on the City and wider EU ) but is also adding others. The City of London is the worlds largest trading area, and the real reason the EU wants Britain to remain.

EU officials explain what is actually happening "The United Kingdom will not only be leaving the European Union, in line with the decision of a majority of its citizens in the referendum, but will also be leaving the internal market and the customs union. It is not an obligation. Norway is not a member of the European Union. It did not wish to join, but it is part of the internal market," he said.

The financial times and its article explain  (see 'EU rejects Brexit trade deal for UK financial services sector' dated 31.01.2018 ) and even if the City lost 70% of its financial services, it would still be bigger than any other financial services sector. The EU want a smaller City of London but whilst it may lose 5 to 10 % initially, the EU wants to impose the regulatory restrictions it has projected but which benefit it. One type of regulation is the new GDPR which is befuddling small business around the world and which is resisted by the USA, but if firms have offices in the EU they are still affected. Germany also resisted the full GDPR in various court cases. Brexit can renegotiate it which is one benefit of Brexit i.e. choice that was not there before. The GDPR is also accompanied by the LEDPD, and both can bring very heavy fines. This is just one of the many bureaucratic (but which some see as necessary) ties SME's will be faced with, which is coming along with the proposed ESM (mentioned many times above) which has no legal recourse as yet against it. There are many new directives as outlined in Brexit the Movie (see above in chapter 3) but even more of them since then, such as the Cyber Security directive and a massive Cyber Security attack (or attacks) has been predicted for 2018 and which could control events as they proceed.

Any losses the City faces to the financial services sector will be temporary as the worlds biggest project (ever ) the OBOR (one world one belt project) is managed by the City of London and the west could provide SME manufacturing and trades to these projects  (but with no movement in North Korea, human rights remain the biggest concern and hindrance, which without resolution could still produce a war)


08.03.2018.... Italian elections 4.3.2018 

As mentioned above the Italian elections occurred on Sunday 4.3.2018. It has provided yet another shock for the EU, and the five star movement (populist) the anti-immigrant and reform league and Northern league took nearly 20 % of the vote, whilst five star took over 30%making more half the votes in Italy. The northern league and  'Forza Italia' took another 35% between them. It is sending a clear message across Europe that people there, want an end to a lack of fiscal control, debts they cannot repay, unemployment and mass illegal immigration as passive observers in the worldwide trafficking scam which is plaguing continents around the globe, and help to end this trade. (which in Nigeria requires an international armed force, non UN to stop the violence, and to help it govern as a country, the same is required for the Afrikaners and boars who are also being persecuted, with threats of being genocided ) People want actual fiscal control of budgets and policy and border controls and they want it now. It is a political earthquake and may spread to other continents. It is confirming Brexit opinions are not isolated, as is suggested. In fact the lefts position over 30 years has pushed some countries into considering joining the eastern silk road bloc, but when you consider they joined the EU originally it is a sobering judgment on policy. It  is incredible that so many communists are elevated to power in the EU and with Islam (who ironically adopt counter ideology views in this marriage ) have created the largest trafficking scam ever known in world history, and which has given rise to accepted slave practices and FGM ( female genital mutilation ) even given a voice although a skeptical voice on primetime television in Ireland.  which once would never have occurred as credible. Discussions on 'religion' are important for Christians but Islam is not compatible with Christianity in any way, and many of the faith are abandoning it for Christianity. Following the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December 2017, we have to remember that 'St Peter' or Simon Peter (Cephas) was a fisherman in Israel and the faith began there (not in some other fantasy) and rediscovering this mysterious subject is uplifting and fascinating. The elections followed a spate of vicious attacks on Italian nationals, some of them beyond belief, and also Mrs Merkels announcement that no go zones exist in Germany (said on the 2.3.2018) and who admitted earlier she had not sought parliaments permission to allow mass immigration ? No go zones should be cleared, they are similar to the sanctuary city no go areas in the USA ? why are they there ? and what authority do they have. The ongoing formation of the Italian upper and lower government houses continues, but the policies and those who instigate them against the west have not stopped, in what is a cruel and diabolical war against western traditions, family and history. Rather than this splitting Europe it is uniting Europe (and there is nothing new under the Sun or Moon)  The West ( the entire west) regardless of the streamed soapboxes and false media outlets and their narrative, is in serious financial trouble and job creation policies are lacking longevity (small economic decisions compounded over decades led Europe to this situation) and whilst this is obvious to some it is not to all, underneath the economy is existing on debt levels which are unsustainable. It is a great day for Italy.



The Russian (and Chinese 'elections') the IMF, World Bank, South Africa & Brexit (and the USA no collusion findings)

Russia is to have an election on the 16th of March 2018. President Putin if successful will serve in effect a fourth term in office ( 2 terms as prime - minster and 2 terms as President) Here are the candidates  One of them Alexi Navalny has had his right to stand as a candidate removed, and has called on  a boycott of the election. Previous elections had complaints when Putin received 107 % of the vote in some districts, commentators cited that something is not adding up here ?  Most pundits suggest the election is a foregone conclusion. In 2017 Russia arrested opposition leader Alexi Navanly  (30.09.2017) China still controls its 'one party state' openly without real elections, whilst the left lecture the west on freedoms and rights (micro & macro aggressions) and 'equality' This is why many are calling for a ban on the communist party as extremists who have no part in a democracy or Republic, amidst the incredible illusion and hidden past it maintain

China is also having a President run for a third term.  Xi Jinping's can now rule indefinitely  ( see also You tube video   'China's Leap Toward One Man Rule Should Alarm the World' 6.3.2018. How China or Russia can criticise western democracies, when it is in effect reverting to Communist dictatorship measures parallel to the dark days of Stalin and Chairman Mao. In the west its agents ('red sparrows' ) are engaged in 'active measures' to persuade Americans to disarm their weapons. (removing the 2nd amendment) This is how Stalin and Mao achieved their dictatorship aims. First disarm the population and then brutally enslave and rapidly reduce the population in population reduction programmes which is the actual aim of Communism. Putin on the other hand seems to forego some of Stalin's and Mao's operations, but China and Russia are now Capitalist nations but who persuade other nations to adopt Communism (on the basis that it is fit only for your worst enemy)

In the USA the Mueller / Russia probe has found or at least Rod Rosenstein (video CNN Deputy AG Rosenstein: No evidence election results were impacted' Deputy AG Rosenstein: No evidence election results were impacted' dated 16.02.2018 ) with no collusion. 

This is also the conclusion of the House intelligence committee 12.03. 2018 that no collusion  existed. (but which has silently left the news) Trey Gowdy feels in his investigation that perhaps selling Uranium to Russia and now also the United Arab Emirates by Obama and Clinton (who was calling for sanctions against Iran whilst selling Russia the US Uranium rights) could infer collusion with Russia. (to see the ongoing debate go to the adjacent website and chapter 5 and the very last paragraph of the essay on North Korea and follow its directions, and also within that the latest heading… '16.03.2018. The Non-Rebuttal, Rebuttal memo and the Democrats and the 'Russians' ? the World Bank, IMF & the US state department & Nuclear weapons to U.A.E. the 2nd amendment and the NRA'

Gazprom & Russia is in effect blackmailing the EU and the west with cheap gas supplies and its withdrawal, yet the EU commission is succumbing to this and is in effect allowing the measure to succeed ? Russia is also trying again to blackmail the Ukraine in this way but the Ukraine have just removed the last statue of Lenin, although that aim of all 1,320 statures removed was completed last August 2017.

New Gold backed USA central bank In 2016 Texas suggested that a new Federal Reserve bank based upon the Gold Standard become the new Central bank of America, requesting Gold to do so (See Chapter 3 above and the dated post 11.03.2017 which gives the world background to Chinas and Russia's feverish Gold buying plan over a decade, and which may result in London being replaced as the Gold standard for the World  ) In 2017 Leander was chosen as a location in Texas. President Trump has also called for a stable gold backed currency and a return to the Gold standard and these measures would reverse the Nixon petro – dollar formation which removed Gold as the standard for valuing money.

An alternative is cited at the end of chapter 3 as the USA is $20 Trillion dollars in debt, the world is nearly (now) $170 trillion dollars in debt according to the IMF.   China wants to lead the New World order  it is unelected in its communist / socialist government, and this call for China to lead it (amidst the growing scandal of Russia bribing EU officials and amidst the global Islamic trafficking / slavery trade ) is also followed by George Soros. Who also calls for China to lead the NOW. Soros favours abortion and population reduction methods as a central aim of secular humanism. This Chinese NWO version occurs whilst maintaining its silk road OBOR 'one belt one road' global scheme, claiming it is peaceful and a separate peaceful trade block, yet then it also wants to join the global SDR currency,  Russia has also called for a new world order led by Russia and China which has support also of China's President and the new currency deal with Russia (Russia and China together possibly ) was signed in 2014.  In other words both China and Russia with Iran are vying to begin the new world order controlled by them. (before Brexit and Trump /Pence) The alliance may include the USA, but the problem is with China and Russia is it full of communists and the West is no longer prepared to be led into the burden of mass migration, unemployment and decline, or in placating Islam which China and Russia are pushing by liberal polices onto the West (they have banned Islam themselves except for a token few )

China et al seeks to take over World bank and IMF For China to achieve this it would need a new world currency which would have to be agreed with Japan, Russia, the EU, Britain, America and this new IMF 'XDR' is already being floated but which 'bloc' or power will control it ? will any control it in the end ? (to replace the Dollar) The IMF (SDR) would become a new currency, you cannot join the World bank unless you firs agree to partake of the IMF fund or new the new 5 powers bloc fund. The World bank decides over the IMF (not the other way around )

The USA asked for reform of Chinas access to the World bank in October 2017 and China is a member, its two main banks are trying to control and eliminate the World bank. Which is based in Washington along with the IMF, its sister bank. Rex Tillerson and Exxon Mobil are aware of developments, including the need for the USA, Britain and the EU to harvest the oil and gas of the artic, which is why he was 'let go'  as the world could move from a petro – dollar.

The vast world debt which If suddenly cancelled could usher in China to take control of the world bank. Russia's debt to gdp ratio is only 13% compared to 80 % or 120% in every western country. This would usher in Communism which Russia and china have rejected and are now capitalist countries, but the west could become communist with a proposal for a 'basic income' for all people which is communism by another name, and which as an idea is not attractive. Crypto currencies (and Chinas experiment with crypto currency central banks was not a mistake but a trial run of sorts) which can claim to be decentralised are reliant on the internet which is now controlled by Obama's UN (United nations) NGO, as opposed to the free speech US constitution it was once controlled by (remember also Russia and Germany have banned Monsanto who have been purchased by Bayer as an agri-business as it is detrimental to people's health)  as such the internet is not de-centralised but under the Communist influenced UN. China bans the internet in China.

This is how China, unelected communist and a dictatorship could lead the new wold order. (i.e. as in the last 4 paras above)  China's communist party decides how much freedom its people can have or not have, this is not freedom and is the center of the problem. 

Russians expelled and vice versa from the UK 14.March. 2018 The western response has until recently been weak. On the 14.03.2018 the UK expelled 23 Russian diplomats, whilst in the summer of 2017 President Trump issued sanctions against Russia for Russias incursions into Ukraine.  Also on 14.03.2018 Russia retaliated by expelling UK diplomats from Russia In the Vatican and therefore Pentagon, it has brought in Islamic prayers in 2014 with approval from then CIA director John Brennan who believed Islam is a beautiful religion as a death cult ? and again in 2017 despite the largest (and ongoing) Christian genocide against Catholics and Protestants and which Obama has still not been held accountable for or acknowledged by him, and which also occurred in the Armenian genocide (no acknowledgement or recognition) The genocide occurred and is a fact and is ongoing. Ukraine and China. The other story is ? will the US and Russia unite against Islam from within their respective territories as the US threatens to defund the UN which has been pushing the Islamic invasion in the EU and in the west.

Paedophiles and secular abuse in the Catholic church and other institutions. Incredibly the world is also calling for Pope Francis to sack and jail Father Jose Ataulfo Garcia who has been absolved under Pope Francis, but who with HIV infected and raped 30 young girls between the ages of 5 and 10. Further Archbishop of Melbourne Denis Hart should also be sacked and jailed as he believes Paedophilia is a spiritual experience with Gd (although that is not eventually the case and this one also received the death penalty ) and there are thousands more cases like this, and which exist in every organisation hence a call for the death penalty for paedophilia and to Islam's slave child bride culture. It is time Pope Francis resigned and for Catholics and Protestants to insist on a Conservative Pope, Cardinals and Bishops to restore the Church.

South Africa under Genocide. As mentioned in the last post dated 8.3.2018 above Islam is running riot in Africa backed by Russian and Chinese arms and has threatened Nigeria by mass murder (listed here in chapter 3 and 3a above )and also against the Afrikaners with this recent statement from the ANC (African national congress ) and South Africa's government has called for the slow Genocide of whites and their removal from lands they own  (in time )  A demand also echoed by Mugabe.  And various Marxist leaders in South Africa  Violence was also a feature of Nelson Mandela's  It is a form of fascism, and it is the same denial and silence also built up and around Nelson Mandela who oversaw punishment beatings and the burning alive of suspected opponents by placing burning car tyres around the victims neck. Today in South Africa half a million of white south Africans live in shanty towns and in poverty and suffer discrimination, but there is no international outcry or songs for their freedom. They are also not considered as 'refugees' or as actually economic migrants? Poverty is rising in South Africa but it is not associated with the white community and in many countries worldwide. 

Islam and liberalism / Communism and racism in South Africa. There is no diversity law formal or informal in the ANC or South African parliament those spoofs are for the west. The mass immigration scandal is outlined between Russia, Africa and Islamic lands (who still practice legal slavery and openly) in the post above in chapter 3a entitled … '08.12.2017 The Global immigration scandal and the declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Judah'

Turkey's President Erdogan in its Islamic dictatorship is calling for child martyrs which will guarantee a place for them in Islamic heaven, and girls as young as 9 could marry in an attempt to disguise the fact Mohammed was a paedophile. (see previous in the Islamic deception …. Further to that it comes as a surprise and shock for many Muslims to learn the truth on their faith (. Video,  'Arab guy goes into meltdown after reading 'The People vs Muhammad' book by JK Sheindlin)  and Brigette Gabriel explains why Islam is imperialist with no real connection north into Israel or Jerusalem. (video Brigitte Gabriel : 1400 shocking years of Islam in 5 minutes ) In Egypt Youseff Ziedane the Islamic scholar explains  why there is no connection to Jerusalem and Islam )

Islam and the Koran call for mass genocide see Yunus 10,37 (to see who calls for it, but which admits the bible / Torah came first and is paramount) & Quran 47,4 & Bukhari 4, 52, 177 & Quran 8,12 & Bukhari 4, 52, 220 & Quran 3, 156 – 7, 158 15, 23 – 57, 2. To list just a few, which call for beheadings and terror in the name of Allah and which Muhammed also undertook.

The ANC (African National Congress) which does not advocate 'diversity' and 'equality' like the South African government has become a front for the Islamic Marxist radical terrorism.

The 'Russia probe' in the USA was to discover Pakistan agents and the infiltration of Obama's Muslim brotherhood, Communists and Chinese agents, who also sought top control Washington to control the World bank and the IMF, hence Chinas call for it to lead the New World Order. Sadiq Khan also wants London to be a separate country and is attempting  the same and should also be expelled.

Brexit In the City of London they are free of (Russia's ? or Chinas ) slow restrictions which crept up upon the EU since 1960 and which seek to reduce the west (the City is the world's largest trading area) and free to make trade deals and introduce manufacturing and low prices (etc )

As the last post dated 8.3.2018 states on the Italian elections (The West which needs a Jubilee of biblical proportions but which would create  a boom. In the year 2000 the panic was the millennium bug would reset and computers would stop and the world would end as we know it. Debt cancellation creates new wealth and more than before. ) Currently the West is in serious financial problems.



The Countdown to, or from Brexit ? and the actual reasons Brexit occurred (Italy and Catalan decide and the 'New Cold War' ? ) Collusion uncovered in Britain

As mentioned above the Italian elections have caused a shock for the EU, with 80 % of the electorate rejecting the Merkel / Macron finance and superstrate arrangement. This was discussed in Chapter 3a and in the French elections dated April 18th 2017 and/or heading 'France April 18th 2017  French elections and the war on terror' above, and following post 1.5.2017. The Italian party The league and Italy first are shown to be correct in their assessment.

A summary of what is planned by Macron and Merkel (although it remains very unpopular in Germany, France which has had constant riots, and Italy also as recent results show) is repeated from above here in Navy text below.

Repeated from above 4.5.2017. (In Summary of the French Election ) France in this election is being asked to vote (or not to vote) for a future unspecified banking union and further integration via its President, although that may never happen. Germany (and Italy) is being asked to reflate its economy (which then eventually lowers the Germany economy to raise the other economies in the EU) to pay for the recovery of Spain, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Greece and France (in effect) see above 4th para down from 1.5.2017. Germany has signalled a move to higher interest rates in early 2017 which will help savers in Germany, yet EU wide recovery will cost much more than savers gain (by many hundreds of €billions) these ifs are being suggested but; " Second, it is becoming increasingly clear that a meaningful banking union, let alone a fiscal union or a safe euro area asset, is not coming anytime soon" (Kevin O Rourke 2014 'Whither the Euro'  IMF, a technical but good explanation for French voters and since and from 2014 this move has not occurred ) This is the 'more of the same 'catchphrase' meaning which may also be the root of abandoning  political union before beginning economic union. This leads to the system described in the 'Brexit the Movie' film and why Britain left economically (See Brexit debates above from March 2016) No room for innovation and manufacturing increase etc. 

To do all of this it would mean reducing taxes (not likely and more likely to increase due to GDP to debt ratios and spending needs) or increasing the money supply (an option) or increase interest rates which may occur. Prices will rise in the higher interest rate theory and so will employment turning reflation into inflation and immigration of lower paid workers and/or wage cuts to existing workers or relocating companies and jobs abroad (this is just one method or theory) The problem is the institutions will need to be put in place to achieve this (new bank and federal fiscal policy or even a constitution allowing federal / periphery control of budgets) which does not seem to be on the horizon. Also Germany's low interest / inflation preference and the Stability and Growth pact rules are under Ecofin & agreed for all member states are ceilings of 3% for budget deficit and 60% for public debt. Will this be abandoned as it nearly has anyway. Further contrasting it against the Danish or Norwegian models (above & 5 paragraphs down from 1.5.2017)  it seems very scant or meagre in comparison.

Macron says reform France / EU (but to what and when ? ... reform to a USA constitution ? new bank reformed as a bank lender of last resort instead of loans to each country for bailouts ? and EU commission elections ?) or leave EU in a 'Frexit' but see Kevin ORourke link above. Le Pen says Germany (Frau Angela Merkel) will rule France if she is not President under more of the same and promises a EU membership referendum or reform. This is why Republican voters for Fillon are outraged at what has occurred and at the prospect of no change & more of the same which could increase in severity without national fiscal controls.

The Televised debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen (English & French) 03.05.2017 ( and here in French alone, and for the consideration of Breton  people )

This superstrate beginning does not follow  the USA model of states having fiscal autonomy and each states debts are not forced upon the other states. There is no constitution planned only the "The euro economic plan with the EU fiscal compact  last video YouTube 'Loss of Sovereignty, Fiscal Compact') seems to be designed by people who are not from Europe or are not acting in its best interests ?  'THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLAPSE!! MAKE VIRAL ALL!!' (video named in full to use in search engines)  Should the EU have a constitution and all elected EU commission? (and the USA to be fair may want elected congress and senate over shorter terms of 5 years, although some suggest extending 8 years with the two yearly election rule continuing. It is a fairer system as it is) isn't that what 'Les Miserable' was all about.

Britain and every EU country (and even Italy has faced huge pressure to accept the situation despite its huge vote rejecting the policies) would be under this system, either bailing out new EU nations or accepting massive mass immigration for cheap wages into your nation. It is an economic theory which causes catastrophe, but makes Billions for a few who wish to destroy Europe and the Europeans people. Millions are planned to pay for it and Mrs Merkle's millions of Migrants and their benefits may well not be paid for by Germany. Merkel and ilk cling on stating this is not true, yet that is exactly what is happening, year after year in every EU country. Frau Merkel has accepted the Nord 2 gas pipeline but also the installation by energy blackmail of communists who push the mass immigration agenda, which is correctly cited as an invasion by Viktor Orban  (also the green energy target is scrapped, but new gas and oil options were also ignored i.e. the Artic and Greece / Cyprus etc. Incredibly no one sees this pipeline deal as 'colluding with Russia' in the press or intelligence agencies?

To perpetuate the false economy the remain side who are leading the  negotiations bring  us statements as follows from Chris Grayling the UK minister for transport . A former remain voter is now saying the following Gareth Howell. As the London street violence surges and which has been allowed to occur.  (as planned against Britain and against the EU nations)

In Spain Catalan have proposed a breakaway Swiss type Canton arrangement (to protect its borders and trade and fiscal autonomy which is not being protected by the EU) separatist leader Carles Puigdemont has now been imprisoned (to be bailed) for his views which a majority of Catalans share as does the whole of Europe and Britain. Spain, if it adopts the same sovereignty view throughout may well have avoided the current crisis.

Cambridge Analytica In Britain 'Brexit' views are also persecuted? and in March 2018 newspapers carried reports that a data analytics firm had illegally extracted information from social media platforms to sway opinions towards Brexit. Cambridge Analytica is one such firm (of many) and which also supported Donald Trump and America first. However Cambridge Analytica have supported many conservative causes, also supported many conservative candidates (and why not in the free west) and Obama who used social media platforms first hand in the same way, via data mining (which is legal) If not employed (data mining) directly a company can also employ hackers and illegal data mining can resume to collect the information on Billions of users and not just in Donald Trump's election but in any  election. Cambridge Analytica and are a part of 'Strategic Communications Laboratories' based in Britain and who would have been known to Christopher Steele who complied the dossier on President Trump. Hillary Clinton also employed data analytics also in the same social media platforms. Both Obama and Clinton employed the Benenson stratergy group (BSG) and used the same tactics.  The question arises however is how Christopher Steele can be associated with Cambridge Analytica and SCL against Trump and then they who were also for Trump ? The democrats also hired 'Crowdstrike' analytics who also rewrote parts of the Christopher Steele Dossier ? (this is one of those moments worth pondering upon, leading to an awareness that the west is doomed, but who is running it ? )

Aside from everyone's data being freely available one way or the other, companies could deny having any data in which case the new GDPR regulations are only valid on discovery, this also applies to intelligence agencies and the  USA may not comply or be a part of the regulations and Britain will also want to avoid them in Brexit.  To put privacy in perspective Washington DC (as one example) is covered in 'Stingrays' ? (International Mobile Subscriber Identity catcher (IMSI) as many cities are and some are disguised.

The Russian collusion story begins in London and has been perpetuated throughout President Trumps term as the Russian collusion story, despite as mentioned sanctions against Russia, and the expelling of Russian diplomats and the appointments of Mike Pompeo (CIA director) and John Bolton (ambassador to the United Nations) and now national security advisor who are 'Russian Hawks'

For more on this see the adjacent website and Chapter 5 North Korea and the recent heading '08.04.2018. Cambridge Analytica & data analytics, surveillance. Edward Snowden and William Binney & the NSA (national security agency)' and all related information on the 'Greatest scandal in US history in Navy text which the very last paragraph in the North Korea chapter directs you towards.

Jeff Sessions the Attorney General is reviewing the fisa warrants now (March / April 2018 ) which highlights the GPS fusion Christopher Steele investigations. Europe and Britain are under attack and yet these ideas on debt, Sharia law and attacks by mass immigration and against Christianity is not given the same considerations 

It is not Russia collusion which is the problem but 'Islamic collusion' or a lack of it if Pence and Trump were elected.  The firm Cambridge Analytica under  'Strategic Communications Laboratories' is the company employing Eton, Cambridge (Christopher Steele) and Oxford graduates, but a small minority but who are protected are trying  to bring in Islam and Sharia law into Britain as an Islamic state. (from 2014 Sharia law came into British courts and is defended by Teresa May ) Mike Pence the Vice President has been critical of the Christian genocide and to remind (once again) the outcry on this which also has now disappeared see the following. The extremists are those who perpetuate Sharia law as any FGM victim will relate as an example.

Repeated from chapter 3 above dated 24.06.20116 'The continuing denial of the Christian Genocide' This paranoid and backward law system gibes Islam the right (it believes) to take over a country by any means necessary including, legal, security and intelligence. It is a backward regressive step for the west and it has thwarted Brexit in any way possible. David Cameron said before the 2016 Brexit referendum that Britain was a Christian country.

(Repeated from above) 'The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016.Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. President Obama on his recent trip to the UK and France has reluctantly named the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 Million Christians by Turkey (1915 – 1925) a "mass atrocity" following the 60 thousand people who marched in remembrance of it and protested outside the Turkish embassy in Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles on the 25.04.2016  (and also in Idaho)  as 40 US states out of 50 (or 53) have declared the Armenian genocide  a genocide.  It is suggested that Turkey is an ally of the USA and hence Obama is reluctant to say Genocide against Turkey. However since the Pope named the Turkish Genocide and the "Isis" Genocide in July 2015, it has now taken 10 months to grow in awareness.

(See above chapter 3 and previous post dated 12/04/2016  as follows; Hillary Clinton has now belatedly admitted in late December 2015 (breaking from president Obama's still current denial) that the Christian genocide beginning in mid 2014 (only) is a Genocide as ? now as there is enough evidence, but not in the past 1.5 years or since 2011 and the Arab spring, and not at all previous to this. Further as secretary of state from 2009 to February 2013, she denied the genocide as Secretary of State from June 2014, whilst the Pope had announced it in July 10th 2015  and earlier) And the atrocities (see all posts above) extend back to 2011 and before'

The Cold war has continued since the end of WW2 and Russia has embassies and consulates in every city on earth as well as vast real estate in London. It is not a surprise to see Russia engaging in espionage, but the Russia story is Islamic elements in the British hierarchy who are spinning the story to hide their own aims with Islam in Britain (which is almost in 'Marshall Sharia law mode' and the USA. In the USA some have already been caught.

Obviously in foreign policy there are different political doctrines forming  the opinions of the way forward (and just to be clear it is possible to harvest the information of 7 Billion people if all are online around the world daily illegally by 'scraping' private information, but many social media platforms sell your data anyway, as you agree to give it away when you join whether you know this or not, and this includes all social platforms not just a few ) In World War 2 Britain took the political line of 'appeasement ' with Germany under Prime Ministers Ramsay MacDonald, Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain (and today appeasement to Islam still exists across Europe) as Britain and Germany hoped Adolf Hitler would destroy the Soviet Union. Adolf Hitler indeed turned East and into Stalingrad but had also then turned West into France. Towards the end of the war and after the USA joined World War 2, the allies (the west) made a pact with Stalin and the Soviet Union against Germany. Britain, the USA and Russia were then allies. After Word War 2 a cold war (but not a war as had existed in WW1 & WW2) followed. In other words the pivot of power swings back  and forth This still occurs today as is obvious when the democrats hosted Russia in Washington from 2008 – 2016 and allowed Islamic state to run the under state department and Hillary Clinton Obama and CIA director John Brennan. (which unleashed the onslaught on Christians and genocide) Americans did not take happily to this pact, which has seen Americans jailed and nuclear material sold to the Russian's and Iran and possibly North Korea and Pakistan. United Arab Emirates also petitioned to obtain nuclear material. Today the policy under Donald Trump is to obliterate ISIS and avoid a Nuclear war with Russia. Russia are forming a new cold war with Britain. (and the USA and Britain have expelled Russian diplomats and vice versa which also occurred in 2015 – 2016 and after also Donald Trump was elected) The west is massively in debt (USA = $21 Trillion dollars) and the Ukraine is in the middle of the mess (and the west underestimates its resolve and the resolve of the Balkan states to be free) The furore and unrest is because everyone is colluding with everyone but the west continues into decline, with no real economic solutions.

If this was the 1950's and in one of its elections, one side is accusing the other of placing posters and advertising where they wanted too, and one side is bad and the other good and in-between people are unable to ascertain how to vote without their help (it is believed by advertising analytics)  that's how lost politics is today.

In Brexit, Britain is now free (free by whose assessment ?) to make trade deals with the rest of the world by October 2018. (which is real choice, a choice which the remain side did not present as valuable and a situation which arises all over the world and every EU nation…. Except in Norway and Denmark for example who had already set their deal many decades ago, and who are very far sighted in their countries management, they are not just marauding Vikings etc, see above chapter 3 and 3a for details on their prosperity options)

Brexit from 2010 or even earlier? First consider Prime minster David Cameron who accepted a referendum on Brexit in 2010 (see post above dated and named as '05/06.12.2017 Europe's problems revealed and the ongoing 'Russia' investigation and in part repeated here'  " Was first presented to parliament in 2010 into 2011, (and passed in 2012 / 2013) and was mooted for many years before that"  

Countdown to Brexit began in March 2018 ? This is not presented in the timeline of events. Brexit passed on the 26.03.2016 (now we have countdowns to Brexit   ending in March 2019   (from March 2018) or from SKY who call it a countdown to a 'Brexit deal'  but there is no clock counting from Brexit on 26.03.2016 ? On the 13th December 2017 Parliament voted to approve Parliament have a final say on the proposed Brexit deal (repeated from above dated   " 23/24.12.017"  as follows " The Vote defeated the Government although by 4 votes, (309 – 305 on 13.12.2017) and yet this vote on the final deal will strengthen the 'negotiations' for Britain in the EU. Why a bad deal should arise however is a mystery in the first place ?. Others within this vote on a bad deal voted to derail Brexit and hope the deal is so bad it will fail etc, they are joined now by Tony Blair (without portfolio) and Michael Heseltine who want Britain to join the Euro.

What is not mentioned is if parliament rejects the deal then Brexit from 26.03.2016 still stands and once the truth emerged on just how deals can easily be achieved (again see post above dated "23/24.12.017"  for China, USA and everywhere in the world) is now known then a 'no deal' Brexit is mooted. Today the EU (Macron and Merkle) are looking to boost bonds through the Target 2 system which relies upon the central banking systems of 'MO – M4'money supply. And as crypto currencies creep more and more into use, it is strongly recommended that any country keep cash (and avoid the cashless society) and that this MO cash supply be issued at 0% interest regardless of the M1 – M4 supplies. Crypto currencies also carry a cost and are therefore inflationary as any other currency. (this website and the adjacent tells you why this is important and how to implement it, whether a Gold or non Gold standard is also employed) See the article;

"Central Bankers Face a Crisis of Confidence as Models Fail" October 16th 2017
by RMG &

The question arises however; Why would any government make a deal that was poor or bad for its country ? causing Parliament to instigate a vote on it. Why would a largely remain team make a bad deal in the first place over almost 3 years of negotiating?
Did the bad deal begin in 1975  and has the EU transformed out of all recognition and purpose.

Britain could have a vote on the Brexit deal now in April / May 2018 ?

North Korea as a The plumb-line test on the intentions of the 'East' is North Korea (in the midst of the 'Russia scandal') and if they  will be allowed to Unite in Peace or not (all past blames and Chairman Mao and the USA / Vietnam aside) Korea north and south have suffered anyway, but its obvious to all if they  cannot unite who is behind the world unrest. The USA in its massive debt and loss of life in fighting the wars may well decide to simply make a new peace deal with India and Russia etc, although Iran and Pakistan and China could well threaten even that scenario (and the west in its massive debts is vulnerable to takeover without invasion by armies in a collapse of economies, and the EU is facing a trade war with the USA and blackmail on energy from Russia, whilst South Africa is under war and genocide threats, pushed by Islam and communism from the east) North Korea should with south Korea state its intentions on nuclear disarmament and unification by the end of May 2018 (as opposed to endless meetings for months and years)

Safe Zones in the middle east with Russia or without 2011 - 2018 ? The Russian collusion story began when discussions on safe zones for the middle east began with Russia (see all above in chapter 3 & 3a) Safe zones were first mooted in 2011 and continued into 2016 with Trump and Pence calling for 3 or 4 safe zones in dispute with Russia 2016/2017 and following the USA elections in November 2016. Almost but nearly a full agreement was reached in May 2017 (with Russia) hence talks were underway with Russia. These were safe zones which would also protect Israel, but  in recognition of the war.   This was not collusion but after the largest Christian genocide in modern times safe zones were given priority. Islamic factions in the middle east and Britain and USA tried to prevent these zones and have succeeded since 2011 (see above on Cambridge Analytica) A truly disgusting spectacle beamed across television's with live beheadings and worse. The options are to take over the middle east into Greater Israel size with safe zones and win the war quickly or make a deal with Russia and it is this which has hardly been impressed on the Russian collusion media to any great degree or interest. The USA has a base of sorts in Israel. (the declared capital of Israel is Jerusalem with future embassy to be moved to Jerusalem)

Real reason for Brexit. Parliament approved the Brexit referendum in 2010/2011 but a long time before this, even beginning in the 1970's into the 1980's and 1990's and certainly by the economic crash of 2008, the real reason or motivation for the Brexit view began in local villages, Churches and towns outwards and especially Churches which have been persecuted and vilified since 2008 forward. No control of immigration, a service economy and debts. From there it spread outward until the referendum was taken and passed on June 23rd, 2016.


18.04.2018 Hungary and Victor Orban 

Hungary on the 8.4.2018 Victor Orban won his 4th consecutive term as Prime - minster of Hungary (without coalition, which Is further than Angela Merkel, and of course Vladimir Putin and China's Xi Jinping, the latter 2 have no elections under pressure) This arguably makes him the premier Politician in Europe, and one of the most respected politicians in history in Europe.

Victor Orban says his country was invaded and has said outright Europe is being invaded. Orban is a Christian and a nationalist and if Victor Orban says Hungary and Europe has and is being invaded then you can believe that is exactly what is happening.  Hungary built a wall at their border. At  155 Kilometers long and 3 meters high it was constructed in a matter of months and is Hungary's right as it is any nations right to do so. The EU should pay for it Hungarians (i.e. everyday ordinary people of all ages, which is a feeling all over the EU) feel as it they who brought the illegal (and illegal is stressed as opposed to legal and measured and rational) mass immigration into the EU

(Contd from 18.04.2018 above) EU Common fisheries policy and DEFRA, 350 Fishing boats in nationwide protest in Britain over the Brexit negotiations. Around the country some news outlets would have us believe that the recent fishermen's protest was caused by fishermen logging onto social media and becoming hypnotised by the analytics, then staging  a Brexit protest in April 2018, all around Britain. It is estimated (in totality) 350 fishing boats and fishermen and woman staged a protest over the 'Brexit Betrayal' cited as the current situation in the negotiations with the EU. The EU deal which is separate from Brexit in reality is however only one trade deal out of the 40 or so (so far, and more to come) with the rest of the world. However  the fishermen's fears and the Brexit scenarios, is not so simple, as policing any sea limits post Brexit deal was mooted to be impossible in mid-2017. In essence many will fish the waters which were available to them in 1969 or 1973 (before joining the EU) regardless

Defra (The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) have said (and to calm the fishermen's fears) as follows;  "It is now important we focus on the significant prize at the end of the implementation period: the arrangements (on the fishing water limits my addition )will only apply to negotiations in 2019 - by December 2020 we will be negotiating fishing opportunities as an independent coastal state completely outside the Common Fisheries Policy," said Defra.

In other words the fishermen's mandate (Brexit was sealed from 23.06.2016) as with all trades, industry and commerce is the vote taken on 26.03.2016, as the only mandate required. Defra acknowledge this but state this mandate does not come into effect until December 2020 and not even Brexit day the arbitrary date in March 2019 ?  The fishermen suspect however that the remain side which includes Teresa may and Karen Bradley the Northern Ireland minister (who both voted remain) for example are negotiating with the remain side in the EU and in Britain (led by Lord Michael Heseltine who wants Britain to join the EURO in 2017 and also in 2011 and even before that) A 3 sided debate which at least now concedes that you can make trade deals with the world ('remain'  originally said you could not as a remain anxiety)

Customs Union ? in Brexit  The fishermen and others across the land were proven to be right or half right when on 18.04.2018 the House of Lords  set down an amendment to the Governments bill on Brexit (which the leave side say is comparable with anything from worst days of the English civil war) to remain in a customs union which won in the House of Lords  but which was simultaneously rejected by the EU on the same day. However without a proper explanation of a customs Union Teresa May is right on this issue in that a customs union removes the ability of 3rd party trade deals and in effect all future trade deals are negotiated by the EU and not or never by Britain ?
The explanation is as follows; see BBC article by Jonty Bloom 14th August 2017 'Free trade area, single market, customs union - what's the difference?'   and relevant paragraph

'Still the UK could opt to leave the single market but stay in the customs union, but that does mean it couldn't negotiate free trade deals with other countries, the EU does that'

The article also adds a very important note as follows on EFTA; 'There is a free trade zone in Europe and we helped to create it: EFTA, the European Free Trade Association. It counts Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein as members, but they now have a very close relationship with the EU; all but Switzerland are part of the single market'

In other words Britain is worse off under the customs union but not if it eventually wants to join the Euro, and the House of Lords have not tabled any amendments or addition to join EFTA in and of  itself, which means of the 3 possible scenarios (Brexit with no deal, customs union and EFTA) the House of Lords or rather half of them have opted to make Britain poor again as the EU do not have a history of making great trade deals on Britain's behalf. As in the single market, trade deals are possible internally with each member state, on a wider basis but this arrangement, which has also made Britain poorer since 1975 and joining the EU is the reason it is now leaving. Joining the Euro of course would remove fiscal controls which are also removed along with the inability to negotiate trade deals. The EU seems to have rejected the customs union idea in any case. It is incredible that the left who oppose world trade deals on a international basis, are opposing Brexit ?

Oil and Gas Britain on land and sea in England, and oil and gas Worldwide. Another strange issue is Britain's oil and gas fields, which are are mooted to be closed from 2018 or 2022 for 148 fields ? or 2023 to 2027 for 84 fields  when they should be kept going. (North Sea oil rigs and oil and gas off the North Wales coast.) New technology and new discoveries with high recoverable yield are being made all the time, including in the internal land based oil rigs, which are estimated to be worth over 100 Billion barrels of oil also in the South of England but is in fact much much, higher and worth £Trillions and this alone should make anyone suspicious of the current negotiations. (this is is separate from the artic fields) 

Even the commonwealth countries produce oil and gas and of course trade deals with them are lucrative also (if free to make those deals outside of a customs union and EFTA and single market) New oil fields are coming online worldwide every year.  Norway of course mentioned many times on here has produced a 1 Trillion windfall fund for itself which Britain or any nation should copy, whilst Denmark along with green energy systems has paid down its international debts whilst Britain owes 1.7 Trillion in its national debt  (Denmark and Norway have full fiscal controls).

Every EU nation wants fiscal autonomy and trade deals,  Even Angela Merkel is now admitting that the new Macron and Germany super state proposal should not share debt liabilities between member EU states. Their plan (which is far off currently) relies on the new Target 2 money transfer / circulation system which flows into Africa (and wider at EU taxpayer's expense). That aside the chosen economic theory, optimal currency theory, which puts in place an economic system and then the people are to adapt to it after, rather than the other way around. Optimal currency theory relies on richer EU states bailing out the poorer, but this was not a part of the Maastricht treaty/ Lisbon treaty. This is the anomaly of the EU, it allows mass migration of people across the EU but Europeans who want to remain in their EU national identities also must allow mass migration into it without protection (which is why Macron pleads with people to forego nationalism but which is facing riots every day in France ? the latest in Toulouse 17 – 18.04.2018 ) but conversely allows only those within to trade within the 'single market'? It is a blueprint to erase nations and the people within them? It does not make economic or cultural sense. To hold each member state responsible for their own debts  (merge or break up) means they should have fiscal autonomy  to cope with that, as is the case in the USA. 

These issues are affecting each EU nation state and any nation who wants to engage in prosperous trade deals outside of the EU centralised communist system (which is what it is) would have to move its membership into an EFTA scenario or similar. Ireland for instance if it wanted to engage in wider trade deals as a smaller nation would have to leave the EU into EFTA or even to a type of bespoke deal Norway and Denmark have, and that may be a scenario which occurs one day. The IMF have issued a new debt warning (further to the 2016 now $170 Trillion world debt scenario) on the 18.08.2018 advising governments to cut their debts, but cancellation should also be considered.(as the USA, China and Russia and others consider moving to a Gold system)

Britain's relationship with Europe has not been historically amicable and vice versa and a great deal of energy and time has gone into each side undermining the other with catastrophic results for the west. However the two destinies of Britain and the EU should be allowed to go their own smoother paths, (each nation has its own identity, history and destiny) and aside from the commonwealth, Britain's trading status with the new emerging Greater Israel is also extremely lucrative but also one of the most interesting developments in history. Britain internally could instigate localism (which Italy championed and is accustomed to, as a cultural economic policy) and utilise all energy forms including oil and gas. Green energy and oil energy, and a land without pesticides or herbicides would make a beautiful country. The majority have rejected global warming as a scenario, it is not a view all share or believe, suggesting it is dogma, yet the damage to the soils, livestock and foods, begins from the ground up. The West could follow suit in all its nations which includes controlling its borders and finances. Make gardens into large nations in the city and countryside (see also the adjacent website and chapter 3) which also requires much less imported labour to manage and make 100% employment. ( and to achieve this don't trust a green party) The markets (volatile in any situation) have increased confidence in Brexit (there is still also one more solution which would benefit Brexit)

The west is filled with politicians who lie day in and day out, but there are many in the west in its entirety who wants to secure its future including Britain and Europe and the USA etc. In the Brexit negotiations it is still hardly mentioned that Britain after Brexit and all EU states (repeated many times on here to highlight the  false narrative) are still in the 'Council of Europe'? (but you would not know it from the news ?) This is why the leave voters in Brexit do not think the remain side are 'cavaliers' or in that tradition as such ( but are in fact, in one analysis 'quote' just a 'bunch of poufes', unquote…to be cont'd)

Contd from above Opposition to Brexit from Pakistan (India, Pakistan and Nuclear Weapons and the Petro Yuan. The Islamic origins of the 'Russia probe')

In the 'Russia Collusion' accusations (please see the post above on the Cold war and Cambridge Analytica etc dated 7.4.2018)  Devin Nunes Republican US representative for California in congress (and others in special counsel) is currently investigating the origins of the Russia collusion story, which has no official intelligence to begin it ?   ( or here 'Rep. Devin Nunes Claims There Was No Intelligence To Start Russia Probe' ) Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's report confirms that Trump is not a part of the Russia probe.

The US television programme 'the View' had this to say about FBI James Comey (he Hillary and others referred for criminal investigation on live tv you tube ) who was a guest on the programme, as it is revealed Peter Comey his brother is a lawyer for the Clinton foundation, yet the FBI also investigated the entire matter and revealed the plot. The Clinton foundation also helped fund Pakistan in kick back loans.

In other words it began with Obama and Hillary Clinton but then passed into unofficial or transitory intelligence services, and not within the 'five eyes intelligence service 'agreement, which includes the USA and UK and others Where did it begin ?

In the aforementioned post dated 7.4.2018 above the idea was utilised by the democrats but originated in London in material form.

Pakistan and Russia, Iran & Afagnistan & Chaudrey Nisar Ali Khan In the misinformation on Brexit which is apparent as you read down from Chapter 3 and Chapter 3a, Russia the named party in the Russian Collusion scandal has now sided with Pakistan in the geopolitical war in a 'anti-American pact'. The Clintons were considered doves on Pakistan and Obama's 'pro Islam' stance (as Nisar Ali Khan of Pakistan notes, one of Pakistan's leading politicians from 2008 but also from 2013 to 2017 ) will help the West fight terrorism. Moroccan and Syrian bombers attacked Paris and Belgium in later 2015 (the trail began in early 2018) as members of Isil. In April 2018 a Pakistan militant group, MML or the Mile Muslim league - (which is more or less the same grouping as Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) or 'army of the pure' was branded a terrorist organisation in 2008, and which killed 166 people in Mumbai in India) - was branded a terrorist organisation by the US state department , who have also put pressure on the United Nations to make the Pakistan government bring an end to  finances linked to LeT ( Lashkar-e-Taiba) . MML had applied to be recognised as a political party, and although initially refused, MML eventually became a political party in March 2018 granted by the court in Islamabad. A similar process also occurred for the political party, the Pakistan Muslim league which grew out of the militant war of 1947. A prominent member of the league is Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan who in October 2016 is (still) threatening to sell nuclear expertise  gleaned from Pakistan's nuclear bomb and nuclear industry (not uranium as Obama already supplied Iran with Uranium in January 2017, whilst Clinton sold Uranium land and deposits and Uranium samples to Russia in 2008 -2010 and UAE in 2011 - 2015) Pakistan neighbours Iran & Afghanistan.

Slow takeover of western intelligence 2008 – 2016. The ongoing US investigation of the Muslim brotherhood in the US state department, and the prior scandal of Egyptian1. Gehad El Haddad who took classified information them to Cairo Egypt and then they passed onto to Russia. Gehad El Haddad was arrested in Cairo as he was a terrorist member of the Muslim brotherhood who worked for the Clinton foundation and Obama. This is separate from the IT staffer Imran Awan who also stole classified information and who worked contracted for the state department and wider. 2. Imran Awan of Pakistan in August 2017 the former aide to Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the tip of the iceberg when it is viewed in terms of US security.(so far five more files on Pakistan staffers are being reviewed)  It seems the former Whitehouse staffer had a team of internet maintenance staff and engineers including his own relatives, including his wife and brothers working in the state department Whitehouse and with access to congress (all members of congress who may in some cases have aided Awan) and logically all areas of national security, including the 16 national security services and NASA and the NSA. His arrest is similar to the arrest of democrat staffer Mr Gehad El Haddad in Cairo  In 2013 who fled the USA with intelligence hardware and was employed by the Clinton foundation also ? (see all below in navy, and green headings)3.  In February 2016 cyber terrorists breached the US Department of Justice system (this is a report issued in 2011 by the FBI  warning of possible attacks in the future but ignored by Obama and Clinton) It was not Russia who stole the classified information. These examples are just a few of thousands of cases in the USA.4. 7 Iranians in March 2013 (here dated March 2016) breached the US financial services and other institutions for 176 days straight before being caught and then only finally / reluctantly indicted by Loretta Lynch (no one noticed or saw a thing despite previous reports etc) 5. The federal reserve was breeched dozens of times. 

All of this is still unresolved …because of the 'Russia Collusion' story which is also its aim. Another aim is to censor the internet which is also occurring in Russia.

Pakistan obtained Nuclear weapons in 1971/1972, whilst India obtained them in 1974. (detonating 'Smiling Buddha' in 1974. Although Buddhism is not as old as Hinduism, it grew from it or out of it, and devastating Nuclear destruction of sorts is also described in Mahabharata and the Ramayana, the ancient Hindu epics, and also related in the Bhagavad Gita.) The Indus River which is 1800 miles long, and which gives its name to 'India', (Sindhu in Hindi Sanskrit) begins in the Himalayas and as you can see flows through Pakistan which was part of India as this map reveals. It also flows into China ( and frames the disputed territories such as Bhutan, Nepal and Tibet and also Aksai Chin ) Clearly when viewing India through this obvious geographic marker, India is much larger than its current mapping. Alexander crossed the river in his epic conquests, and it marked the boundary between the Indo - Aryans and the Persians. (Pakistan followed with detonations after this surprise detonation from India some years later)

Pakistan gangs in Britain began as small crime trafficking into gangs which brought ten towns (now eleven and more are to be prosecuted) under a Sharia law extortion and trafficking slavery model, (racket) which Islam believes is their right, with slavery still legal in many Islamic countries and Pakistan. The people abused and led into trafficking and slavery were violently held and controlled and the nature of the crimes has shocked people around the world (the numbers of victims and towns increases as time passes) People were bought and sold in Britain following especially the economic crash of 2008.  Social workers and the Police were unable to help and complained they were / are understaffed to cope and they were hindered by political correctness. Clearly the intent is evil and has caused devastation.

Pakistan – EU trade tariffs threatened by Brexit (GPS+). Brexit on 23.06.2018 carried concerns from Pakistan politicians who are concerned that  the tariff free trade system within the EU for Kashmir (and its possible break up) and Pakistan would be ruined under the Generalized System of Preferences Plus (GSP+) perk for Pakistan, (or here from 2004) which is supposed to bring influence to prevent Human rights abuses in Pakistan. However the human rights of Paris and Belgium and wider and the trafficked in Britain have not seen any great benefits from this system. One of Pakistan's four provinces, namely Balochistan (West Pakistan as opposed to East Pakistan and now known as Bangladesh since it broke away in 1971) recently staged a protest in Westminster against the Human rights abuses Pakistan inflicts upon the four provinces (on the 17.04.2018) Previous attempts at protest were attacked by the Pakistan high commission in London who pleaded with the Foreign and Commonwealth office to prevent long running public protests in November 2017 The insurgency in Balochistan has continued since 1948, and since Kashmir was partitioned in 1947, but has many sides in the protest against Pakistan's government. The motive to oppose Brexit is becoming clearer.

Clearly the EU perk is not working and has the opposite effect.

From early April / May 2016 both Clinton ? (whose Clinton foundation was funding Pakistan see above) and then President Trump,  signalled that Pakistan was a harbour of terrorists, and that  continued into 2018 when Trump announced he was freezing aid to Pakistan.  just before Trump won the Presidency in 2016, and it has now official that the 'Clinton Russian' hack, was a hack which came from inside the DNC itself in June and July 2016 ( dnc = democratic national congress) but not as a hack but a leak / download onto a portable device. As also reported by Patrick Lawrence and also the former British ambassador Craig Murray.

Pakistan's intelligence service (ISI) and the Taliban The ISI was originally under British control but is not a part of the 'five eyes intelligence network' agreement, and has been controlled by Pakistan heads since 1960. Pakistan sees itself as a wordl army force for Islam. The Pakistan army and various Muslim leagues are  based also in UAE, and in Saudi Arabia  Pakistan did initially coordinate with the USA following  9/11 against 'al Qaeda', although Pakistan public support evaporated very quickly. Saudis oil is running low (and is not just a report to push up the price) and reports suggest its levels are actually 40% less than advertised or much more now (Saudis crown prince visited London in March 2018), compared to new oil field discoveries in Bahrain in 2018 (it sits between Saud and Qatar who donated $1 million in charity to Hillary Clinton in 2011)  Bahrain has been pumping oil since the 1950's. The problem with the Pakistan intelligence service, ISI is many suspect it is actually run by  the Taliban and Muslim groups and uses the front of ISI to advance into the west. The Taliban is staffed by a hidden column in Iran's revolutionary guard ( the 'Qods force')

Mira Ricardel National Security Advisor and Pakistan Trumps denunciation of Pakistan in May 2016 (and before) and recently when he was just running for President unsettled the US state department and Obama / Clinton which has now been sent criminal charges, but it also unsettled the Islamic lobby in London and further afield  (the GOP have referred criminal charges against Fbi Comey, Obama and Lynch  see above) New deputy national security advisor Mira Ricardel has already banned 6 Pakistan companies (April 2018) Mike Pompeo has also been approved as secretary of state (see last paragraph)

Iran making a nuclear bomb anyway. Iran has recently said it will go ahead with its Nuclear Weapons programme if President Trump stops the agreement with Iran (which has already failed the original agreement / contract and there many other options to it) In other words it will resume its Nuclear weapon programme whether the US says it is in compliance or not, or regardless of what anyone thinks, and that is its plan.

Petro Yuan & China & Russia's condemnation rejected in the UN over Syria. who have joined with Iran, syria and Russia against the west.  Are planning the petro – yuan.  Iran are also in Syria. The United Nations has rejected Russia's call to admonish the USA over the Syria bombing of chemical weapon's factories, whilst the 'safe zones' plan is implemented.  (these countries are not taking immigrants at all in any way including Saud and UAE  neighbours ?) Chinas ploy is to make stock market trading attractive as a stall, keeping their plan in motion, whilst obtains increasing oil share if possible but in Yuan (the petro Yuan) forcing the USA to push its increasing dollar supply into fewer and fewer areas. As the dollar circulates and returns home to the USA with less purchased, this dry dollar pushes up inflation of prices into hyperinflation. Too many dollars and not enough product. They are trying to bring the petro dollar to a collapse, but only to replace with a totalitarian communist petro Yuan (China does not have a constitution or free speech)

Sharia law zones (extortion / slavery finance tools) should be banned in Britain and Europe and the USA. Hezbollah (and Hamas) collect finances from Sharia law zones and also in the west (the Pakistan trafficking gangs for example) and in Europe and they go to fund both of these organisations, which in turn fund anti- Israel weapons and war.  (repeated from above) Hezbollah also fight in Syria but not for the west or Assad but to make a new Islamic state, and they are also funded by U.A.E. The Institute Montaigne in France encourages Sharia law zones which are then encouraged to grow, which as a part of their 'charity' or tax (as Obama tried to merge in the USA) the sharia law zone uses extortion to exact money from business's which is in turn used to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and the internal terrorism against the country outside of the sharia law zone (compliance with sharia law is a new state in effect) and the human trafficking industry. Hamas and Hezbollah vow Israel's destruction. Erdogan who encourages Sharia law zones in Turkey (2013) which were once banned there, and now he will implement them in the new Islamic caliphate which is a piecemeal plan in parts and by degrees (with or without the 3rd degree) across the middle east to make ISIL a new severely oppressive Islamic levant / fertile crescent Islamic state. Turkey has just moved to a dictatorship. The EU is part of that plan in a planned 'imperialism' by force or any method. Western politicians who approve these zones are in effect funding terrorism.

Kashmir threatened by Obor (one road, one belt) China' OBOR one belt one road, plans to go through Pakistan but India says it annexes the Kashmir away from India's rightful claim.

Britain then amidst all of this and in the increasing lie that a Customs Union or re-entry into the euro will mean the EU will negotiate good deals on Britain's behalf (which is exactly what a customs union does) and if the EU does make bad deals, what can you do but withdraw from that  negative arrangement ? Yet this has already occurred on 23.06.2016, and Brexit day was (Brexit notification) was finally sent to the EU on the 29.03.2017 by letter to the European Council (as formal Brext day last year ?) Please see the last paragraphs above and the red heading 'EU Common fisheries policy and DEFRA, 350 Fishing boats in nationwide protest in Britain over the Brexit negotiations'

Today Britain has ten Islamic mayors (including Sadiq Khan who wants to separate London from the rest of the country, but Pakistan and connected countries have no British or European mayors. Sadiq Khan has been helped along the way by the Fabian society, and who opposes Brexit, but for dubious reasons, and his father was in the Pakistan civil service (ISI) which is part of the army see post above in chapter 3 dated and named ' 17.05.2016    The Growing Conflict') some who vow to destroy Britain and the West and who stood by whilst British citizens / subjects were trafficked raped, beaten and sold, a female Islamic extremism czar Sara Khan has been appointed to root out 'extremists' who mainly seem to be Brexit supporters. An investigation into the Christian Genocide will begin soon. London has closed 500 churches, (but by stealth and corruption) and opened 423 new Mosques, and all of this has been sanctioned at high levels, but by a minority who have let 3 million Muslims enter the UK to destroy the country. (3.5 million is the current population out of 62 million people, which has never occurred before in history)

These Islamic Jihadists in London and a few in the EU are behind the 'Russia probe' and the anti-Brexit propaganda, and have pulled the strings to allow it to surface, since April to November 2016. The intelligence into the Russia investigation was not 'official' but contrived to interfere in a foreign election in the USA, but from Islamic sources, and it is an election which has not benefited Russia. As for the trafficked in Britain (see above) from within their home towns and in a medieval fashion, it is a symptom of all countries in Europe, who also want to have a Europe of equals and to negotiate their own trade deals or how ultimately can Europeans prosper ? (except they are second class citizens on their own continent ?)This post began by explaining that Brexit began in local churches and villages and towns (see end of post 7.4.2018 ) but as is evident if we consider Victor Orbans words (see post above dated 18.04.2018 and which began this post) ' Victor Orban says his country was invaded and has said outright Europe is being invaded. Italy has also moved to the right in its elections, and the mafia are outlawing the flow of illegal migration into it. Orban is a Christian and a nationalist and if Victor Orban says Hungary and Europe has and is being invaded then you can believe that is exactly what is happening. It is without doubt a war but the west is unaware it has been declared, this is a further distraction and motive of the Russia probe stretching from Britain and the EU to the USA.  Mike Pompeo has been approved as Secretary of State (23.04.2018) and who also opposes the Iran deal. Nato has also condemned Pakistan's closure of supply routes in Afghanistan in 2011, and it brought economic pressure onto Nato and Afghanistan in 2017, and may resort to closure of supply routes again in 2018 Nato and Pakistan have engaged in armed conflict on previous occasions.


01.05.2018 OECD terror conference, Nato & Western intelligence,  Italy & Pakistan.

3 subjects. 1. Financing of terrorism prevention, 2. terror risk to financial institutions & 3. systemic failure/collapse due to debt.

(Contd from last post above ) OECD Paris terror conference. On Thursday 25.04.2018 over 70 countries gathered in Paris at the OECD headquarters (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and  Development HQ at Château de la Muette ) for the Global iniative aimed at removing funding for Terrorism and in the Middle East (ISIL, ISIS Al Qaeda, Hamas and Hezbollah and wider) and it included U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, and  IMF chief Christine Lagarde. The Paris and Belgium bombings (Charlie Ebdo killings etc) providing some of the conferences motive. One problem  is ISIL / ISIS is a cartel with assets secured of over $3000 Billion Euros since 2014. which means they are financially solvent (nearly $1000 billion a year between 2014 – 2016) The other problem is ISIS / ISIL often disappear into countries like Pakistan, who are now siding with Russia, and Pakistan wants to offer its nuclear expertise to others, including Iran who have Uranium. Further one of the major problems is the business extortion funds sharia law zones muster to fund such groups. The EU'S Generalised Scheme of Preferences (aka the GSP + as one type of measure) has obviously failed in its aims of peace (see last post above dated 18.04.2018 and Pakistan) Much of ISIL / ISIS funds were amassed during the Christian Genocide and Pope Francis was one of the first to speak out and call it Genocide in August 2014 and in July 2015,11 months later, and again reiterated recently, at the terrorism conference in 2018  (following  threats by ISIS to Rome and the Pope in April - August 2017 and the response from the Vatican in August 2017 ) essentially ISIS which has to be destroyed from within, but they  want to destroy Rome, London and the USA and wider. (debt collapse even with debt to GDP, at say 40 %  is still a collapse risk see further down)

ISIS in Pakistan and EU reform.

From 2014 (and before) ISIS escaped conflicts by securing passage through Iran into Pakistan, (they are simply the Taliban and Al Qaeda and the Pakistan army who send 'isis' into many Islamic nations) and this has continued, as they are forced out of Syria (although Hezbollah remain in Syria) into January 2018  (although the model of war in Pakistan is as it is in the USA, Britain and Europe) Churches are attacked in Pakistan (Dec2017) including whole congregations and Christian deaths occurred in 2018 in Quetta ISIS are now trying to move into India and destabilise it. (India has recently brought in the death penalty for child brides and child rape trafficking being a major source of funds across the globe for Isis) The long history of Christian persecutions in Pakistan is detailed by Open doors. This follows (6 months ago) a report "Central Bankers Face a Crisis of Confidence as Models Fail" October 16th 2017  by RMG &  (but what is it that keeps failing ?) The IMF have issued a new debt warning (further to the 2016 now $170 Trillion world debt scenario) on the 18.08.2018 advising governments to cut their debts, but massive cancellation should also be considered (as the USA, China and Russia and others consider moving to a Gold system ) Interestingly Italy adopted 'localism' many moons ago as a financial stability measure and economy booster , but which can be perfected further by the MO – M4 Central bank measures with MO at % interest for price stability, but financiers and many central bankers are not trained in this measure which provides long term stability. Issuing warnings every quarter but failing to adopt these monetary fiscal measures is self-defeating (chapter 1 in the adjacent website and also throughout Chapter 3 and 3a above details why it can boost economies. Countries which went part of the way to adopting them China and especially Germany recovered their economies quickly)  Jean Claude Juncker celebrates Karl Marx's birthday, (5.5.1818) it is clear that opposition to any and each EU country negotiating its own trade deals and enjoying fiscal autonomy is coming from the left ? Jean Claude Juncker says the EU is nearly in a crisis, yet for the millions of voters since 2017 and into 2018, it is liberation. To prevent the crisis voters have stopped voting for those who are causing it. These issues to varying degrees have long been discussed by the Centre for EU reform. but not far enough by a long way for EU voters, who have seen a decline in living standards, a lack of training for young people internally, very high debt to GDP ratio ( Italy was 102 % in 2008 and since 2014 – 2018 at 132 % on average, in 1992 it was 71 %) Unemployment in Italy officially is 11 % out of 60 million people or 6, million 600,00 unemployed although unofficial statistics place this much higher. Greece debt to GDP ratio is now 180% and was 109 % in 2008 and has increased in 2011, 2015 and into 2018, despite new loans and riots and the left wing government. (see the adjacent website and chapter 2 and half way down the Chapter 2 ) Bringing these levels down to sustainable deficits is possible by a collection of measures. (Although debt cancellation and a Jubilee go straight to the problem and end it) This out of control debt balloon, threatens to bring back 2008 levels of collapse and it is occurring in every EU country. Reversing this trend (and Italy was once a very wealthy country) has to come first and was reflected in Italy by the party winning the most seats and votes (as opposed to non citizen illegal votes, and in the USA which is a constitutional Republic it has a fairer electoral college system for the USA)  which reflects the situation across the EU.

The Worlds intelligence  ServiceTrump and Pence have promised to annihilate ISIS  / ISIL and have issued sanctions against Pakistan to bring stability to the middle east, (President Trump is scheduled to meet Queen Elizabeth on 13.07.2018) The travel ban is to be upheld in the Supreme Court  Every organization  and intelligence agency , including the FSB in Russia (but Russia has now backed Pakistan see last post above), and the real Russia scandal which was replaced by the 'russia probe' (the scandal was Pakistan agents in UK and USA and wider )  which gave away the 'keys to the kingdom' and all data on major US intelligence systems to foreign agents. These agents were forced upon the USA by Obama & Clinton and they coordinated with Taliban / ISIS systems in Pakistan, throughout the slaughter of Christians in the Genocide.  'Cyber security' was non - existent and steps to monitor the Pentagon (by hacking into it) would be possible from this position. This is why the war and red line stances and major intelligence failures occurred from 2008 – 2016, they were controlled from within the USA. The other intelligence agencies , the CIA, FBI, Mossad, the NSA, M15  and MI6 have condemned ISIS / ISIL (and ISIS fighters in the UK are to be hunted down suggest the new defence secretary which must include funds from abroad and leaving to ISIS ) The Australian security service and the French security service which Emmanuel Macron wishes to inspire  in the OECD terror meeting (see paras above)  have also condemned ISIS. The  Italian Intelligence Service and Interpol have condemned ISIS, and who have circulated a list of ISIS members in Italy. Security in the EU once meant rigorous passport controls, (instead the Paris and Belgium bombers worked within immigration) with rigorous military stations at Spain's Southern points,  and at (Thermopylae) Turkey and Calais and others. What we are seeing in the EU and Britain is an emergence of 40 years of decline and left communist thinking, whilst the working class and middle class are also saying enough is enough. There is debt risk and terrorism which takes advantage of that especially in a financial collapse. The anti-terrorism meeting at the OECD was mirrored by Nato in Belgium, who were holding a ministerial meeting (ministers of defence)  on its Open door policy in Belgium (as the nature of the EU super – army continues ) which allows any country to join. Mike Pompeo former CIA director who has assisted in bringing the North Korea peace declaration and denuclearisation commitment in Korea, (see the adjacent website and chapter 5 on North Korea at the end )and who is now US secretary of state also confronts Russia and the middle east war. (and the insight that even Greater Israel in size is still only a very small are  in comparison to all middle east land)

Whilst Christians (safe zones are underway but which are never offered to Christians or Jews in Muslim lands, but which are for all ) did not see any hope in the Middle East (year after year, outage after outrage ) or Africa or the EU (or in the west) a new day has dawned, but it will take determination, lobbying and pressure to change the paradigm which has brought damage and slaughter, and which has occurred from 2008 – 2017, and which is unlike any carnage witnessed in history (in HD internet and news)  and which could spread deeper than it has westward.

28.05.2018 Italy Coalition 5 star and the League  

Italy despite forming a democratically elected government, elected by the people and which has formed a coalition between 5 star and the League, has been held back and illegally thwarted in its attempts to form a government for the people. (similar to the Brexit situation in Britain)  The coalition has almost collapsed but they are asking for the Presidents (Materella)  resignation for illegally interfering in the government. British politicians fear the Euro itself is a bigger threat to the EU than Brexit, as the City of London warns Teresa May to walk away from the deal or any required deal if one is required. In the EU however (and see the debt warnings by the IMF in the last post above, which includes a lack of Jobs and training) Austria has cut benefits for immigrants amidst the debt.  It is the same in Ireland its debt if forcing outside demands (i.e its abortion referendum see above on Irish abortion referendum debate May 2018 ) to work on its society. 

 (i.e The debt pile stood at €210.7bn. That compares with €202.4bn at the end of September 2016, according to the latest data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) has said… for 4 million people in Ireland) 

After the shock of the Economic crash in 2007 / 2008 suicides and bankruptcies increased dramatically and are still happening today. Most rentals (largely for tourists or for 10 in a bunk bedroom but the tourists do not see this and the chronic homelessness is also hidden out of sight) in Dublin are €1500 for bedsit or small 1 bedroom apartment, and the huge debt and lack of action on jobs means the (across Europe also and the debt is rising not falling) Ireland's debt and 42 % of it was not even 'Irish debt' they were forced to repay, making it impossible to forge ahead. This debt is used ( or here or here again)  to force liberal issues onto Ireland as a showpiece of a 'modern' liberal country and Ireland is portrayed as being happy with it.

Europeans are increasingly disenfranchised and want jobs, low legal immigration and a vibrant economy without interference in their elections. This in the incredible situation in Italy which cannot accept the will of the people (since march 2018 ?) and which  is an EU wide problem.


06.06.2018 Italy forms a new nationalist Government and Slovenia votes for its new Nationalist party on 3.3.2018  (The world's economic problem)

After 3 months or more of heated and sometimes spectacular debate in Italy's parliament, Italy has a new Government under the coalition of five star and the league. Would other groups have faced this bias ?  but a pattern is developing across Europe as Slovenia also votes in a nationalist party or Slovenia first party. (Janez Jansa and the Slovenian democratic party) In the last posts above dated 01.05.2018 & 28.05.2018 it is clear that major financial institutions like the IMF have issued severe debt warnings. The markets may wish to reduce debt by growth, but debt relief is another method, but financial collapse globally naturally or unnaturally also reduces debt. Hoping growth can stave off debt relief or cancellation has clearly not worked over decades, and has brought the world's economies to the point of GDP 100 % debt or more, instead of 15 % of GDP or thereabouts. Growth cannot occur under these conditions, and this was the scenario forced upon Iceland in 2007 / 2008. Iceland's economy was shattered but their actions meant they were able to return to the markets with a clean slate, and after imprisoning their own officials who had negotiated bad deals over decades. (Loans and bonds which are not tailored to a country's needs or even if they need them at all) How the world got into this situation is not analysed or it is only part of the ideological blame game. The IMF warnings highlight why this is now a fact of the world's economic system.

Large public works ( not big government public works, but  infrastructure works and beneficial works for a country) first require wages which are available from the circulating currency. Materials do not need to be imported as far as possible and 100% employment is achieved in this way without heavy borrowing or imported labour or finance. Training for skills in most cases is already within the expertise of people living within a country. These solutions ignored, amidst heavy debt has produced a huge problem globally.

In the USA for example which has placed tariffs on imported cheap materials, why would any national country not want to do this ? Those that oppose these measures cannot be acting in the nations best interests ? They are not prepared to recognize a nations difficulties and begin again patriotically, in the difficult but correct way until new national industries are achieved avoiding subsiding other nations industries ? (once established new finance packages can begin)

Slovenian and Italian elections (as all across the EU and wider ) reveal the extent of the problem. The growing opposition combined with political action against forced illegal migration, high debt economies and abortion (i.e. the destructive liberal policies which have ruined many nations who have had governments in office but who are not in power) has spread across the world. Europe's economies have lost purchasing power internally and purchasing power parity in the effort to inflate their economies into the desired 'modern' economy. Natural differences across economies are now so out of line and the amounts traded so vast that economies cannot cope or are side-lined or irrelevant, they are also forced into tariffs, licenses, taxes, quotas etc. Greek fishermen complained for example that the Euro purchased less and less in comparison with the Drachma when Greece adopted the new currency in 2001 / 2002. Former factories as one example selling lemonade closed down after a hundred years making a delicious product, but the replacement was not producing a satisfying new product and people did not drink it and it then closed down also. All of the countries and political parties above who have changed to nationalism want local produce with food control and good healthy food which helps children to grow up strong, and jobs and an end to the nonsense of optimal currency theory.  Instead they wish for protection for families, towns, cities and countries (localism) Europe has (the whole world has) an energy problem which is dictating the spread of imported compromised polices which in turn effect's the national countries of Europe in a negative way. SLOVEnia's national debt is now 85 % of GDP, but in 2011 it was 49 %. High debt, non-national fuel solutions, which increase that debt, low birth rates, no jobs and economies which do not manufacture and it is almost like Europe's economy is being planned by those who hate it. Countries which adopt their country as first (which is both morally correct and sensible) eventually (and if all countries adopted this stance) will come into trade war / trade peace decisions and problems. But economies which win medium to high wages with low national internal prices and who only need to export their excess, their paradigm will be stronger, and will eventually modify, replace or challenge all global trade deals which (who have been given the benefit of the doubt for decades) are ruining the planet and providing food and work which is sub-standard globally and locally. Non EU global bloc trade deals which are currently being considered by EU countries as a prelude to departure from the EU, are in this scenario of removing or replacing destructive trade deals possibly moving from one bad trade bloc to another. Yet strengthened nationalist economies will also reduce the need for alternative trade deals or the current usual but flawed trade deals which are presented as benign, but which will become unnecessary. They are in effect unsustainable and this is also acknowledged at the top not just at national level. The view that protectionism forces some formerly aligned countries to move to other blocs or continents misses the point of building a national economy first. Countries which are tempted to join other blocs may be traded into a subservient position by a communist or unfair trading bloc. For thousands of years nations worried about their own economies first before  trading with others, they did not first join a deal which was a conveyer belt tick box take it or leave scenario which forced national economies to run or exist along someone else's idea of trade or into limited specialisation products or services.

Slovenia has an interesting approach to its energy needs and transformations  One option and which is being considered in China is the thorium molten-salt reactors, high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (which, like molten-salt reactors, are both highly efficient and inherently safe), and sodium-cooled fast reactors (which can consume spent fuel from conventional reactors to make electricity, although these considerations did not stop Obama / Clinton selling Uranium to Iran or trying to sell off US uranium deposits to Russia via Canada) Oil and gas (including liquid gas) however are still likely to be the major sources of fuel for a century or more. Many energy companies are combining energy sources for supply now, but the ultimate boon for Europe is the Artic (see relevant posts above) and its overwhelming reserves of oil and gas and minerals and extra clean piped water supply if intelligently realised. Cheap energy and cheaper than we have now is the aim for many importing or non importing national economies wars or no war. Chinas economy is unstable with its debt over 300% of GDP (by 2020, and which could crash the world's economy, its US trade deficit is illegal and illegally gained) and Saudis oil is running out.


08.06.2018 'Rotten' the food and agriculture documentary. Iran's nuclear weapons, Iran's bribes on the Iran deal and Pakistan

To gain a perspective on the world trade problem and how it affects  you and your food,  see the following documentary 'Rotten'  here as a trailer  (or here from a separate link) or here as a review of the full film on Netflix  as one example. 6 episodes on different aspects of agriculture, (the first episode on bees is very good)including the drinking of unpasteurised milk which has occurred for thousands of years, and in many European towns, milk vending machines offer you pasteurised or unpasteurized milk in pint bottles. Further unpasteurised milk can be pasteurised at home if you have an allergy, and the more they are mass produced the cheaper these domestic machines will become. This author drank gallons of unpasteurised milk. However the 6 series documentary really exposes the world trade system, which is not really free trade (even without quotas, trade wars and tariffs) a phrase coined by Adam Smith who would not recognise the free trade system today, but monopoly specialisation which produces Food Mountains and inferior (rotten) foods for the sake of transporting and trade favour and apathy. It is the opposite of localism and it is affecting the health and future of the people of the planet. It is from an American perspective and honestly explained,  but it is the same story in every country. Unless trade begins locally and then exports the excess the world so called free trade system will collapse. The documentary is a good start and involves people from within the food agriculture industry. Over decades by a mixture of deliberate and 'fait accompli' trading methods (without fault but unrecognised until years later) all traders, small, medium and large find themselves in the current predicament, which means all global trade deals carry these inherent problems.

There is also one further element to the US economy which is as follows; During the 2008 – 2016 administration the economy was not just subject to the Iran deal but its security and economy were open fully to Iran and Pakistan who of course wanted to run it into oblivion. It began with the Ukraine 'crisis' and criticism from Nato against Obama as they felt he or the democrats were soft on Russia.  Over the Crimea. Aside from the human rights abuses within Pakistan, Iran and wider (see also posts above dated 07.04.2018 & 18.04.2018 & 01.05.2018) which have now incurred sanctions against the Iranian central bank and the currency deals between Pakistan and Iran which has also seen Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan in October 2016 (still) threatening to sell nuclear expertise  gleaned from Pakistan's nuclear bomb and nuclear industry to Iran. Described as a blunder by the Washington post the previous US administration also gifted Iran 120 tonnes of Uranium as a going away present in January 2017  The scale of the problem was revealed by the crimes of Imran Awan and Gehad El - Haddad and others which exposed just how open and insecure Washington was from 2008 – 2016. Over ten years of passing information back and forth and to Russia (and the Clinton foundation Uranium scandal. In December 2017 the US Attorney general requested information from the FBI on the matter )  with the result now Iran has in June 2018 threatened to annihilate Israel  This scandal which reaches into Britain and where you can be arrested (Tommy Robinson  for filming the trials of the Pakistan rape gangs in a public space and no criticism of the Pakistan regime is permitted) has masked the actual collusion by remaking it the Russia probe as a cover to distract the public, and which to date has cost $21 million. In May and June 2018 2 senior judges ruled that the Russia probe was baloney see the Video you tube May 8 2018 ' Napolitano on Mueller's efforts to extract Trump information'   The New York Times has also changed its original story on the Russia collusion story in May 2018 as more information has been revealed.

The Iran deal  was made by Iran and which included the takeover of the USA. Iran is now threatening to reveal the names of those who took the bribes from Iran in the 2008 - 2016 administration. (You tube video May 14 2018 which highlights the Logan act breeches 'Iranian Regime Threatens to Release Names of Western Officials Who Took Bribes to Pass Nuke Deal'  ) Even North Koreans would be shocked considering the media spin over the last 18 months but it is one which threatens western security. It is unprecedented and extraordinary.


11.06.2018 The Brexit - EU withdrawal bill, the EU deal and the anti- Brexit remain side and its collusion with Russia, the KGB, the Trotskyites, the Taliban and the Leninists. ( link back to heading ‘ The Brexit withdrawal agreement and vote on 11.12.2018’ )

The Brexit, EU Withdrawal bill is to be debated on the 12/13th / 08 / 2018 in the House of Commons in Westminster

Connected to the Russia hysteria in the USA albeit a one way directed hysteria is the Russia hysteria in London, which slowly seems to be ground zero or point of origin of the idea. Central to it all is Paul Manafort who only has allegations against him but who was employed to carry out his work as ordered, and who is described as a Trump former aide for 5 - 6 months , but who was first employed by Hillary Clinton / Obama  The Ukraine split between  Obama / Clinton and the pro Russian and anti-Russian Ukrainians according to Nato came because Nato believed Obama was soft on Russia  or the democrats were soft on Russia.  over the Crimea.(which could have been shared 65% to 35% or similar,although the Ukraine state the Crimea is theirs, as Russia adopted a immigration policy replacing Ukrainians with Russian's as a population replacement strategy over decades )

In Britain the truth of these media headlines is not made clear. 6 months ago in this dubbed video 'Breaking News | Tucker: anti-trump 'avalanche of propaganda continues' with new dossier firm news'  ………  or original here on facebook  the funding for the dossier originated in London and then onto the democrats, and since then its origins seem to be centred on Pakistan / Iran opposition to Trumps (and others including Democrats campaign promises in 2016) on the Iran deal. Russia and Iran (and Pakistan) are currently fighting in Syria, and the evidence is 'Russian' information compiled as it if were actual intelligence sources (see post above 18.04.2018) is false and unofficial. In other words it began with Obama and Hillary Clinton but then passed into unofficial or transitory intelligence services, and not within the 'five eyes intelligence service 'agreement, which includes the USA and UK and others. This means as is inferred that Obama and Clinton were working with the Russians and Pakistan as a shadow intelligence service and who opened up the US economy to Iran and also to Pakistan (see also last post above dated 08.06.2018)

Jon Miller explains on this central issue in the 'Russia' Pakistan / Iran probe video 'Did Obama Have a Secret Interest in HELPING Iran?'  

The UK Remain movement and the 'Russians' for nearly 2 years we have heard how Brexit was a Russian plot also. The remain (in the EU) movement / campaign was fronted officially by 'Britain Stronger in Europe' also known as the 'In Campaign Ltd'  the electoral commission in 2015 officially cited them as the remain campaign for Britain. Its members are listed here  Peter Mandelson is one member and he is seen here fighting to keep Britain in the EU by colluding with the Russians and which extends to Roland Rudd who with Mandelson also Yacht with the Russians. There is no investigation of these aspects or instances of Russian collusion? Brendan Barber also on the list & TUC trade union leader in contrast states that manufacturing must become central to the British economy. However it was the EU which assisted in running down manufacturing in Britain and now because Britain cannot control its own trade deals and for 40 years that has remained the case? Perhaps Brendan was on the wrong side.( The USA experienced the same problem see Video entitled 'Death by China, How America lost its manufacturing base )

To give an example of how absurd it gets consider the following and bizarre case of Joyce Thacker and Common Purpose which originated in the EU but also from much further east and which acts to destabilise western economies.(active measures)  One member of 'common purpose' was Joyce Thacker (who was cruel to UKIP members and seemed to single them out in a witch hunt) and who instrumental in the Rotherham sexual abuse scandal of the labour party.  Joyce Thacker was / is a member of common purpose, which operates by employing brainwashing and societal changing 'influences' which North Koreans and Romanian's may recognise. With up to ten British towns now named (now eleven with Pakistan trafficking gangs freely operating) and allowed to continue for so long, advisors such as Mark Galeotti in the EU security issues and protocols (he is Director of the Organised Russian and Eurasian Crime Research Unit at Keele University, UK, and Senior Lecturer in International History)  in his office to that effect, explaining with Abi Wilkinson (who contributes to Galeotti's article on the Russian influence on Brexit) yet she does not advise of these 'secret files' or systems which also advise and target every nation in the EU. Security has been low priority on debt, immigration and terror over the years .The EU has an unelected commission, although Emmanuel Macron has suggested it should be reduced in size. The Stasi and KGB prefer to infiltrate unelected entities, and so does Islam. Abi Wilkinson wrote the following article on child abduction and exploitation including on the Rotherham scandal condemning it ? and therefore by association condemns Joyce Thacker of common purpose (which is described as subversive and who opposed UKIP and were / are remainers who are using EU Soviet 'active measures' against Britain and many EU countries. UKIP who were pro – Brexit)  Joyce Thacker and Rotherham labour county council enacted such acts, and their intention was to spread it over Britain and the EU. The tedious nature of the Brexit debate has recently clarified the Brexit deal and parliament vote or any deal as follows. Watching the House of Lords trying to stop Brexit 85% of their efforts were purely destructive and against the peoples vote on Brexit, and the EU withdrawal bill.

'Brexit vote does not mean no Brexit The government's position was that MPs would only be asked to vote on whether to accept the final exit deal, or for the country to leave the EU without a deal - there was no option to halt Brexit.

In other words, Brexit decided on 23.06.2016 and ratified by parliament between December 2016 and March 2017 (see chapter 3 also above ) is the statutory position,  and if parliament votes not to accept a deal or it adopts the withdrawal bill or amendments or not (although why would there be a bad deal ? after nearly 2 years of negotiating) then it reverts to a hard Brexit or without the terminology it reverts to Brexit as voted for in the referendum on 23.06.2016.

At the back of it all (see post 18.04.2018 above) is the internal oil and gas in England and other economic factors (including trade deals already made) which shamefully the House of Lords did not explain to the nation (except for one Lord who nearly went there, but who did table an unselfish amendment to be discussed later) to repeat….(and which effects and has a direct bearing on the EEA and EFTA which do not allow you to control or to make your own trade deals, and separately the now possible Norway type deal)

Oil and Gas Britain on land and sea in England, and oil and gas Worldwide. Another strange issue is Britain's oil and gas fields, which are mooted to be closed from 2018 or 2022 for 148 fields ? or 2023 to 2027 for 84 fields  when they should be kept going. (North Sea oil rigs and oil and gas off the North Wales coast.) New technology and new discoveries with high recoverable yield are being made all the time, including in the internal land based oil rigs, which are estimated to be worth over 100 Billion barrels of oil also in the South of England but is in fact much much, higher and worth £Trillions and this alone should make anyone suspicious of the current negotiations. (this is separate from the artic fields)



12.07.2018 The White Paper Consultation process on the new Customs Arrangement / Partnership for Brexit, and the 7 resignations so far (The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks and the Taliban) Britain to conclude article 50 process in Autumn 2018 and leave the EU in March 2019 ?  The EU withdrawal legislation, was it necessary? And the Middle East peace plan.

After nearly two years since Brexit was chosen by the UK electorate, the continued angst of acquiring a ‘deal with the EU’ has continued with the basic sticking point being the need for Britain to make its own independent trade deals and to be independent. Britain did not vote for a deal and the EU is only one bloc of the many countries in which to possibly strike a trade deal, and many other deals (nearly 50) have already been negotiated. Yet the EU trade deal has become the main focus and attention of the press and the pro – remain (including conservatives) in power ? The EU accounts  for between 10 and 15 % of UK trade (it has varied over the years ) and 85 % of exports do not even export to the EU ? (n.b. many items in this chapter 3a are repeated in order to show their importance as they develop, in this long post the details of them are evident )

Chequers ‘custom arrangement’ a 3rd way for Brexit ?. Teresa May and the government  have rejected the EEA and EFTA and a Customs Union option discussed below, (favoured by multi- nationals only not by many national countries) but on Friday 6.7.2018 she has produced a 3rd option or 3rd way called a ‘customs arrangement’. After 2 years of negotiations many EU sceptics and even non-government pro – remain have said it is the worst of all worlds, (published now in a proposed White Paper  or here on 12.07.2018 but yet to be consulted or voted upon or approved by the EU, but should Brexit require EU approval, but which should be read in context of Brexit on 23.06.2018)

David Davis and Boris Johnson resign. (and others see further on making  6 or 7 resignations so far ) These new (3rd way) proposals have brought the resignation of David Davies (Brexit Secretary) and Boris Johnson (Foreign Secretary) from the cabinet within a few days of the customs arrangement plan. They as politicians were considered to lean towards ‘Brexit’ too much by the EU. This new plan (pertaining only to the EU) has nothing to do with Brexit but has (and others) become ‘Brexit’ by the remainers in Britain. Most Brexit voters say they have already left the EU. There is no guarantee the EU will accept the cutoms arrangement deal according to Michael Barnier (but there is a lot more to it than that ) Barnier is the EU chief negotiator on a deal, (or any deal) but who also says 80% of it has been agreed ? (both statements within a few days of each other) but which is encouraging to for other EU countries who are looking to enact their own trade deals outside of the EU framework.

Tariff and trade wars to escalate. In effect the ‘compromise’ of the deal and the European withdrawal act the compromise threw up, are extemporaneous to the Brexit vote. The tariff and trade wars which will escalate effects the EU (Mexico, Canada and wider) and is likely to cause a financial upheaval globally as leverage is sought by the various players (and until balance is restored in what was / is an artificial system)

Donald Trump offers zero tariff deal to UK. On the same date as the Chequers customs arrangement plan, US President Donald Trump in 2 minutes (not 2 years although it had been mooted previously) offered the UK a tariff free (zero tariff deal) trade deal, which has been accepted in principle by David Lidington a cabinet minister.  It is lucrative and impressive offer, but the contrast in ease and benefits between this deal and the EU leave deal stance Teresa May has been pursuing is extraordinary. It also highlights that you do not need a ‘deal’ or trade framework as a template in place to make a deal.

The test of the White paper association version Brexit is whether the USA makes this deal with the EU which may never happen (i.e. the EU make the deal on Britain’s behalf with the USA ) or the USA make the deal straight and direct with Britain (this tests whether Britain is actually outside the EU)

First examine other events Globally and inside the UK

In Mid June 2018 the leader of the Pakistan Taliban Mullah FazMullah Khoarasani was killed by the US.

On the 26.06.2018 the US Supreme Court upheld the travel ban requested by US President Trump. (it does not prevent legal immigration and the green card legal lottery is open to a record amount of people in 2018) Saudi Arabia and other Moslem countries were not included in the travel ban, which has caused concern following the prosecution of Kalid Ali in London. He had planned a duplicate attack to the attack perpetrated by Khalid Masood in March 2017  Masood killed 5 people, including a Police Officer in London around Westminster. Masood lived previously in Saudi Arabia. Kalid Ali was born in Saudi and like Masood joined the Taliban in Afghanistan, although Kalid Ali also served in Pakistan.  Kalid Ali said on returning to the UK from Afghanistan and Pakistan  “When asked if he had returned for jihad, he said: "Jihad is what we do. We are Mujahedeen”

He had planned to kill MPs and police and the public around Westminster. The Mujahedeen and Wahhabism (from Saudi) shared the same goals in previous decades in Pakistan and Kalid Ali states he studied all the different Islamic factions, identities and beliefs in Pakistan The Wahhabi sect (from Saudi) were instrumental in the Muslim Brotherhood formation, and although differences are evident now, the basic split in Islam follows the dispute of who is actually descended from Mohammed i.e. which line or family. Iran and Saudi have different genealogical claims, but essentially Mecca is still the capital of Islam, although the Kaaba stone in Mecca is a Hindu Temple in origin. Christians and Jews once lived in Mecca or Arabia before Mohammed was born and before he had them butchered and/or driven out of Arabia. Those that were not murdered were driven before the Muslim hoards as they forced Jihad northwards, and which is an ongoing global war against civilisation. Mecca is still the centre of the Jihad. (and rape is a form of Jihad r.e. Muhyadeen Osman, Bilal Ahmed and Mowled Yussuf who were recently convicted of rape, it is not just 3 teenagers losing their minds )

9/11 twin Towers attack. Just before the last post above dated 11.6.20118 Iran has also admitted to helping and facilitating ‘9/11’ with others and Saudi Arabia was named (but blocked by Obama in September 2016 ?  ) after the families of the victims of 9/11 pressed hard for Justice, but who has now been accused of covertly opening up the US economy to spies and Jihadists from Pakistan.

As mentioned in posts above, Obama also gave Iran Uranium in January 2017, see post dated 08.06.2018

“ During the 2008 – 2016 administration the economy was not just subject to the Iran deal but its security and economy were open fully to Iran and Pakistan who of course wanted to run it into oblivion. It began with the Ukraine 'crisis' and criticism from Nato against Obama as they felt he or the democrats were soft on Russia. “ one person who knew and before Jan 2017 was Chris Stevens the US ambassador in Benghazi, which is another twist in the Benghazi scandal) by the families are taking a court action against them.

The families now of the 9/11 victims (since March 2018) have permission by the courts to Sue the Saudi’s for their involvement in 9/11. And the case is proceeding. (Iran is still threatening to release names of those who bribed….. Iran in the Iran deal)

A part of the Iran deal was to grant 2,500 Iranians citizenship to USA citizen status, (and  Pakistan and Iran had open access to all the US intelligence systems via the State department) but also the FBI have discovered that Russia colluded with the Obama administration to give Iran a nuclear weapons programme. Whilst Austria have also detained ‘Assadollah A’  the Iranian diplomat over the Paris bomb plot in which 130 people on 13.11.2015 were killed by 7 Islamic perpetrators. The timeline and images of the Paris bombings (Charlie Hebdo was attacked in Jan 20115) are listed here from the relevant months of 2015. Iran also ‘colluded’ with Russia and the democrats over the Iran deal.

With Iran and Saudi named in 9/11, Pakistan’s involvement is also clear as it has its army embedded in Saudis army and also within Iran’s armies making a column of Jihad within both Iran’s and Saud’s military forces. Iran (see posts above) has threatened to wipe out all the Israeli’s in Israel in May 2018.  The Iranian central bank is now  deemed a terrorist organisation.

Saudi Arabia through OPEC has decided to increase its oil production in the last few months whilst Iran decrease’s its oil output. dramatically in many countries as Oil prices (and the Gold / Oil index) prices soar. These global financial and political concerns continue.

In June 2018 the US pulled out of the UN Human rights accord citing UN corruption and bias. This was highlighted in the Irish abortion referendum ( but is a global phenomenon see post above dated 08.12.2018 and heading ‘The Global Immigration Scandal’ which is a cover for trafficking globally and see the adjacent website and the end of chapter 4 ) Earlier this year the UN in Geneva at its HQ carried a poster which displayed a baby born with an imprint on its arm stating it only had human rights when it was born as a universal declaration by the  UN office of the high commission, in effect re-defining what it means to be human   (i.e everyone eventually born or unborn)  They have followed this by (soon) declaring an international right to abortion    (Saudi Arabia are on the human rights commission where woman are stoned to death and trafficked) The UN has also been caught child trafficking   and it  is easier to traffic a child in the womb than out in the open especially if the unborn trafficked child has no rights (or here or see here or in this link here  or here again for pregnant trafficked woman) The immigration debate still unsettled in the EU is concentrating on external borders whilst many countries want internal border security also. This UN initiative is behind the Irish abortion referendum and the Irish Supreme court’s decision to declare the unborn have no rights.(see above post dated 18.06.2018 which began on 8.7.2017) in the depopulation and replacement agenda (the same thinking which does not regard South Africans (Afrikaners) as ‘refugees’ as they face calls for genocide against them, see posts above, but which also views all human life in global society as over populated)

Angela Merkel’s Government almost collapsed at the end of June 2018 due to her peculiar stance on continued immigration ?  Italy have said no to more migrants (trafficking victims) whilst Austria has closed 7 Mosques with known terrorist’s ties, and as mentioned Austria have also detained ‘Assadollah A’  the Iranian diplomat over the Paris bomb plot.  Poland has had enough as also Hungary. It is one of the greatest deceptions in the modern era and a spectacle of error and confusion which fails to see the real intent and criminality of the ‘migration scam’ which is also resembling the replacement population claims  (video ‘The Great Replacement’ you tube 3.7.2018) The immigration debate is simply nonsense. Population levels in East Germany, Russia (before the berlin Wall came down and after ) and China when they had closed countries (to the west, and south) grew despite having sealed borders. It is claimed (especially by Angela Merkle) the wests population levels are falling but left alone they would surely stabilise and recover as they have for thousands of years. It is of course another politically biased lie. China and Russia still seal those borders today and population levels are growing still. The new customs arrangement promises to remove the free movement of people in its deal.

In Britain the ‘remain wing’ of the Jihad are still actively opposing Brexit and its infidels, especially the Pakistan remain faction who want to remain in the EU gravy train for subsidies and free handouts the EU provides but which taxpayers pay for (as mentioned in posts above i.e. The EU'S Generalised Scheme of Preferences (aka the GSP + as one type of measure)

Essentially the EU withdrawal bill and deal debate has become a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks in the remain party in the EU and in London. There are differences between them but not much. Aside from the incredible bombshell that the Remain faction colluded with Russia (Peter Mandelson and Roland Rudd) other original member(s) of Britain Stronger in Europe, also colluded with the ‘Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks’ in Westminster. (see list of Britain Stronger in Europe members and post above dated 11.06.2018) Megan Dunn also on the list cycled around Russia in 2009, she is the former president of the National Union of Students and could have met the KGB. at that time.  Another prominent remainer Teresa May is also shown here with Premier Putin in August 2016, (not long after Brexit) It is absurd….. of course ?.

One other great ‘Russian plot’ occurred in 2014 with yet another remainer from the stronger in Britain list, who was involved in the thick of it. This time however remainer Caroline Lucas denied Russia was behind the plot to prevent fracking in Britain. As an anti - fracking protestor she asked why would Putin want Britain to stop fracking ? Putin holds the EU as hostage with natural gas supplies, and the Nord 2 pipeline which passes under the Baltic sea also by passes the Ukraine, so in effect it is helping Russia twice. Many EU countries have energy mix with renewable energy especially Germany and Austria and Sweden, but even so it means Russia (Gazprom ) is holding the EU hostage and the project was assisted by Germany (Gerhard Schroeder) and many EU countries, but it also bypasses Ukraine, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Belarus who could easily be cut off from the gas supply by Russia.  (it is two parallel pipelines began in 1997 and into 2011 / 2012. Yet Nato is still opposing Russia ?) Does the Russian plot effect Britain, why would Putin want Britain to be independent and frack or even exploit its inland oil and gas reserves worth Trillions (see posts above dated 18.04.2018 & 11.06.2018) Contrived ? or is this a Russian plot ? (many members of Britain stronger in Europe of course have nothing to do with international politics, but PESCO the new EU super-army, is as mentioned overseen and championed by Italian communist Federica Mogherini who is also a student of integration and immigration which as a belief or ideology suddenly brought over a million Muslims into Germany via Angela Merkle who by-passed parliament  to do so ?) The Mobility framework in the white paper (heading 1.4 framework for mobility and heading 1.4.1 & points 72 fwd. See heading ‘Other mobility provisions’ in point 89 ) has pushed the problem down the road to December 2020 and whilst it promises an end to the free movement of people you will see that the EU has other plans for a decade or more (see further down near the end and Guy Verhofsatdt and others.

Incredibly Teresa May gave away UK citizenship to ‘migrants’ as part of the deal with the EU ? she claims free movement people will end in this deal …but … ? (it doesn’t really end the free movement of people)

The EU withdrawal bill on June 23rd to June 26th 2018, replaced the 1972 Communities Act  which facilitated Britain’s membership of the EU in 1972 to date (the EU was known as the EEC then)

If Teresa May wanted to instigate a withdrawal bill why has she stipulated Britain must abide to EU rules and regulations permanently?  (which goes against the very same EU withdrawal bill ? which in turn in superfluous to the Brexit referendum ? ) which will threaten trade deals  with all non EU countries ?

If the White Paper and its ideas, has delivered Brexit as voted for by the public on 23.06.2016, why did it need a vote in the commons and compromise as a future factor in its passage ? Or did Brexit already define what the people voted for on 23.06.2016 ? Why have so many prominent people resigned ?

The Sovereignty of Parliament. In order to bring this bill to completion many in the House of Lords and the House of Commons rebelled against the Government (who were in turn, many said themselves rebelling against Brexit) citing  the need for parliament to exercise its sovereignty or they were protecting the sovereignty of parliament ? However the Brexit vote itself was a parliamentary process and was enacted by Parliament as a law and the people, who voted to leave the EU. Parliamentary Sovereignty is only borrowed by the Houses of parliament from the people, and sovereignty is nothing  to do with a building or MP’s or Lords but the people whom they represent. A referendum was first presented to parliament in 2010 into 2011, (and passed in 2012 / 2013) and was mooted for many years before that,  Brexit notification was finally sent to the EU on the 29.03.2017 by letter to the European Council after the result was ratified by all houses of Parliament. The House of Lords tried to stage a rebellion in May / June 2018, but amendments were only partially accepted (confirming for many the Lords instead of the people thesis) The Labour party plans on Brexit are dire, they do not have a Brexit plan or any inclination to make one.

Yet members of Parliament 2 years later and most notably “MP Dominic Grieve said the "sovereignty of Parliament" had been acknowledged”  .  as the amendment / compromise was (or not) accepted (sort of …i.e. the partial amendment he tabled, but he did not cite the parliamentary sovereignty of the people voting for Brexit or the fact Parliament had previous ratified it in 2016 / 2017) To this end the deal or (only now) allowing ‘a deal’ and a compromise of a ‘customs arrangement’ (not a customs union which the EU have rejected to date in any case) with the EU it is hoped by the remain jihad that this deal becomes ‘Brexit’.

Yet there is no panic or press uproar to vote on Donald Trumps zero tariff trade deal with the USA (a sizeable trading  bloc) , or to spending years debating it in parliament, on that or even any other deal ? in the same sense. These actions and the EU withdrawal bill and ‘the EU deal’ has in fact usurped Parliaments Sovereignty and stolen Parliaments Sovereignty from the people. This is the difference between King Alfred (and later King John) who made the beginnings of what we now as Parliament Sovereignty. He won the wars but only with the help of the people. Whereas King John made a deal in principle and then reneged on the deal, betrayed the people or for himself alone. In other words allowing the amendment was not protecting the people but was a way of stopping Brexit. History repeating itself.

Who are the remain side ? (aside from the EU officials of course)

  1. Teresa May who voted remain    2.    Northern Ireland first minister Karen Bradley voted remain      3. Sadiq Kahn Mayor of London (Pakistan) in 2017 wants to stop Brexit    and who is facing pressure to resign due to the increasing violence and was named and shamed by Boris Johnson in January 2018     4. Teresa May appoints ‘extremist czar’ Sara Khan (Pakistan ) who is to root out Islamic extremism but who is only protecting Islam       5. The New Home Secretary Sajid Javid (Pakistan) who voted remain but has now converted (to the leave side not Hinduism ) the leave side he claims   6. Jeremy Hunt new Brexit secretary replacing David Davis. 7. Damian Green (remain) first secretary of state (also on the list) resigned over allegations of child porn in December 2017

Teresa May with the new Home Secretary has issued instructions that  anyone criticising Islam faces six years in prison  and she is in favour of Sharia Law Zones throughout Britain ? and which should rule over the sovereignty of Parliament ? as that is what Sharia law seeks and is quite evidently putting into practice, and national law is secondary to the Sharia law fanatics (but there are no hurried amendments or compromises to protect the Sovereignty of Parliament (i.e. the people) ?

The lack of press coverage on the Christian genocide (ongoing) suddenly began when David Cameron left office and Teresa May took over (just after Brexit) as the powers that be from above suddenly saw Brexit and the truth about Islam as too much freedom of information in one go.

Why the reporting ceased on the ongoing Christian Genocide. The lack of press coverage since med- 2016 and on the Christian genocide now makes more sense as any recollection of it and it is still ongoing has been silenced and abandoned i.e. it was reported as The UK parliament (on the 21.04.2016), has voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. These Christians were raped, burnt and beheaded, and some had their hearts eaten by Moslems etc in Obama’s legacy (but ongoing) of Genocide. Naming Genocide could be construed as ‘criticism’

Macron in France has also faced criticism as The Institute Montaigne in France encourages Sharia law zones which are then encouraged to grow, and which as a part of their 'charity' or tax (as Obama tried to merge in the USA) the sharia law zone then uses extortion to exact money from business's which is in turn used to fund Hamas and Hezbollah and the internal terrorism against the country outside of the sharia law zone (compliance with sharia law is a new state in effect) and the human trafficking industry. Hamas and Hezbollah vow Israel's destruction. Hamas are funding Iran and inflict rigid Sharia law zones on its own population.

Obamas intelligence review in late 2016 9which seems to have missed …everything) Since we now know Iran was involved in the Paris Bombings (see Paragraphs above) and also 9/11 (as they admit themselves) and Russia colluded with Iran and Pakistan in the Iran deal under Obama, then this Russia collusion narrative seems to be lost. Obama of course ordered a review of the intelligence after Hillary Clinton lost the election, and in January 2017. 2 of the intelligence agencies out of 17 and excluding the NSA who were only moderately sure, having as they did and do the most sophisticated monitoring system in the world concluded that Trump was allegedly helped (but not colluded with) Putin. ( a senate panel suggest) This is aside from the 62 million Americans who suddenly voted for Trump. Obama ordered the report to cover up his own crimes. (Obama sanctioned the Uranium Rosatom deal  ) If the Russians were helping Trump from mid 2016 to November 2016 Obama did not stop it ?  before this ? This is what was said in January 2017 ‘With 17 intelligence agencies in the USA, only 3 had doubts about Trump and they changed their view with the CIA saying it was ill advised but not a collusion matter” It is incredible that illegal and undocumented people voted in the US election but this was not discovered including illegally travelling over the border. None of these security concerns were flagged as suspicious? The bigger question which is rounded and squared by Judicial watch is ? did Obama plant pro-Russian operatives into the USA.

Mueller's Russian hackers and the 12 indictments, did they hack Bernie Sanders in 2016 ? On the 13.07.2018 the Mueller investigation has indicted the 12 Russian hackers  (see Rod Rosenstein inside) who allegedly also hacked into the DNC (Democratic national Congress) after the DNC had hacked Bernie Sanders in order to  rob him of the nomination of democratic candidate in the 2016 Presidential election. Rod Rosentein who is part of the Mueller investigation has said on the indictments "Rosenstein acknowledged that the indictment(s) included no charges of collusion between any American citizens and the alleged Russian hackers. He added, There is no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result" Since the hack and emails from the DNC came from inside the DNC ? ( and Bloomberg maintain it was the Russian Hackers. What Seth Rich and his murder has do with all of this is still unresolved) how did the Russian operatives get inside the DNC ? to make the hack and get out again unless they were working for Obama, Clinton et al. (the FBI under the  Sword of Damocles in 2015 - 2016 ) The US intelligence departments and departments of state were open to Iran and Pakistan from 2009 until 2016 ? (see above ) Further although still acknowledging the hack from the DNC against Sanders came from the inside, a rumor persists that a British diplomat owned up to the hack ? ( i.e. the download of emails and hacking, perhaps thrown in to confuse matters more ) Craig Murray (the diplomat ) states it was not Wikileaks or the Russians and indeed the hacks came from inside the DNC (to add even more confusion the NSA said they did it as Clinton was a threat to national security ) The openness of the US and its systems is slowly becoming apparent.

Unless Putin has changed his ‘active measures’ (the Senate panel correctly identify active measures as occurring and not just in Russia) and Putin has now conspired to plant conservative Christians into the USA, and who have changed the Supreme court panel towards conservative views (Neil Gorsuch and newly nominated Brett Kavanaugh who have both sworn to uphold the US constitution and Thomas Jefferson’s description of it as the framers originally intended, and also the 4th amendment on privacy and fisa warrants) as an active measure plot ? then it is obvious this supposed plot  is about ruining the Presidency of the United States. Bearing in mind two courts in the USA have already thrown out ‘collusion’ claims ? and the New York Times has rejected the senate panels findings. As mentioned above Iran have threatened to reveal the names of those it bribed in the Iran deal.

Further Russia has supplied Saud with weapons in $3 Billions arms deal  in October 2017, and the USA have also struck and arms deal with Saudi worth $7 billion in November 2017 (but only the US deal is questioned in the press) whilst Saudi and Russia have struck an energy oil deal in March 2018  In armed forces news Britain has joined forces with the Saudi army. to defeat ISIS in the middle east and wider (see further down also on the EU super army) The idea of collusion seems to be what it is, a distraction and nonsense, yet the real problem in Britain is the lack of control on the reins of government by remainers towards Brexit and a shadow government from Pakistan (similar to the one Obama runs in the USA) is persecuting people for taking their country back. 

In Britain the same persecution is occurring.

It is these elements which are persecuting Tommy Robinson (see post above dated 08.06.2018) This scandal which reaches into the rule of law in Britain, and where you can be arrested  (Tommy Robinson  for filming the trials of the Pakistan rape gangs in a public space and no criticism of the Pakistan regime is permitted) and others who have spoken out, and who have recently sought to report on the Pakistan gangs who ran a prostitution business, trafficking and raping minors and running crime syndicates in over ten towns in Britain. The ongoing mass protests against his Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment have been extensive and very large and are also protesting the ongoing Brexit process or lack of it, yet these concerns are not fully reported in the main stream media in context, just as the Pakistan gangs and Rotherham were hushed up and just as any criticism of Islam can carry a six year sentence, introduced by Islam as a sharia measure (and as exist in Islamic countries) onto the British public and through Teresa May ?. Labour without any Brexit plan have also been instrumental in pushing this lack of Human rights.

The ‘Brexit remain team’ are cited as pushing a ‘hard brexit’ stance. Yet is this true ? Looking at the deal so far you would have to say it is poor, especially when you remember it has taken two years to produce this deal (a straight free trade deal as we shall see could have been achieved by declaring a ‘No deal’ position the day after Brexit on 23.06.2016. First look at what has been mooted so far)

A mystery or indication of a bad deal are contained within the facts of the ‘negotiation’ which firstly see’s Britain as remaining in the EU but not being able to a part of the EU ? In that case Britain  may as well leave (in the hard Brexit scale of leaving) Britain has now taken control of it ‘s fishing waters  since the flotilla protests ( see above post dated  18.04.2018) and it can keep its fish which it is normally asked to discard (i.e. dump and waste) if over ‘quota levels’ which is wasteful and is a philosophy applied to many EU industries. The NHS in the Brexit windfall will benefit by not paying into the EU, although the ‘deal’ means Britain will be paying in anyway ? (check the small print on all matters), yet in a ‘hard brexit’ these benefits would come anyway  ? (this was promised in the Brexit campaign)

When the fishermen protested, they have been granted their rights as defined by Brexit (23.06.2016) and which exists now in all areas of industry ( again for the Fishermen’s flotilla protests see post above dated 18.04.2018  and named as ‘Hungary and Victor Orban’ ) It is the same for any industry and any aspect of Brexit. In other words the protests against the remain side, led to the claim of rights as they actually stand.(see further heading ‘3.5 Fishing opportunities’ in the white paper towards the end)

Nigel Farage points out the bad deal’s main points.  Aside from paying an enormous amount of money Britain does not owe, it Is also (and the main point) will be unable to make its own trade deals as an independent  country ? which  is the point of Brexit. Obviously these problems can be reversed and straightened but not under the current negotiating team ? In essence the EU wants 100% of a nations economy but only offers 12% of the shared proceeds which is another reason for Brexit.

Iceland’s deal To understand the area of the trade deals that Britain is considering learn from Mr Hjörtur J Guðmundsson who is from Iceland (and who has a  MA in International Relations with a focus on European, defence and security studies) and who urges rejection of the EEA type deal. He points out that although the are technically outside the EU their sovereignty is being eroded anyway, as they are pushed to further integrate. In other words the EU pursued them for a deal and more after that.

Norway’s deal. Next is the Ambassador to Ireland from Norway Else Berit Eikeland says “A Norway-plus” model for the UK after Brexit, as proposed last month by the Taoiseach, could effectively amount to continued membership of the European Union, Norway’s ambassador to Ireland has said”

Which matches Mr Hjortur J Guomundsson’s concerns as follows from Iceland

“While the EEA Agreement doesn't strip the EFTA/EEA countries of their freedom to strike their own free trade agreements with countries outside the EU, their EEA membership does make trade with the likes of the United States difficult due to trade barriers caused by the EU legislation they have to adopt”


Teresa May’s third option on the 6.7.2018 the ‘customs arrangement’ (or Partnership ? or association )

Teresa May won the vote to  abandon (late June 2016) the Customs Union vote and the votes on the EEA / EFTA in any case i.e. the Norway type deal  (all EU countries who have accepted a ‘association’ deal have lost sovereignty which is what Dominic Grieve MP wants to protect see above ) Note that countries wanting to join the EU or have loose association with it  can be granted ‘tariff free trade’ Teresa’s mays plan is here (not approved by the UK or EU but then Brexit does not stipulate any plan should be approved)

Yet with all the Oil and Gas still to be developed inland in Britain and bearing in mind the warnings by Ambassodor Else Beirt Eikeland and Mr Hjortur J Guomundsson’s, a straight free trade deal is possible to become like Norway but independent, and like Denmark who have paid down all their international debts (see various posts above)

Wales & The Swansea tidal bay energy scheme has been scrapped ?, when it should have been kept (all energy options should be utilised, oil, gas, fracking and renewable) Many more  could have become projects around the coasts. Britains internal oil and gas  (see last post above is also wanted by the EU and the Taliban)  The 3rd runway has been approved signalling increased traffic after Brexit.

The British defence forces have joined the new EU task force  which is not the same as PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation see above and post dated 23.24/12.2017 and insert dated 30.01.2018 ) Britain is still in the council of Europe hence it could join this task force, and it also highlights the panic and furore the leave side have created to pull the wool over people’s eyes. The EU want to restrict the City of London with EU regulations (or any financial centre) and the European super army PESCO (Permanent structured co-operation  11.12.2017) is overseen and championed by Italian communist Federica Mogherini who is also a student of integration and immigration (or the worldwide trafficking scam as it is or the actual racism of communist humanism. With Millions of Muslims passing into the EU unimpeded, the new Superarmy has Jihad members who oppose the west ?) It is additional to NATO (for now but overlaps it) although Britain has signalled it will not join PESCO.

Britain has rejected Pesco along with  Denmark but roughly 80% of those countries which are in Nato are also in Pesco which itself was introduced to harmonise closer EU integration and is overseen or paralleled by CARD, (co-ordinated annual review on defence in the EU) but, says Lee Rotherham on the EU task force (who is executive director of veterans for  Britain)

"Once again, MPs are being side-lined by civil servants. Once again, the UK public is being told one thing and European publics are told something completely different."MPs need to understand that the other nations in this project have signed up to a centralised EU framework. This already binds in the European Commission’s authority."Since the Brexit vote, the UK has entered seven separate Defence agreements which put us further under EU remit. Far from escaping, our tether is slowly being reeled in."

For Teresa Mays White Paper security views see Heading ‘Chapter 2 – Security partnership’ (half way down after point 171 ) and point 76 in relation to Nato alone.

Pesco or the new ‘EU superarmy’ has many countries now joining it, and it will or is supposed to strengthen Nato, although others state it will undermine Nato and the debate as to the Nato countries paying its way continues in the USA. Donald Trump has pointed out the contradiction of the USA paying for Nato but Russia is supplying the EU and wider with gas and energy (as mentioned and see paragraphs above on the ‘leave’ members and Nato and the Ukraine etc)  Paying Billions of dollars to Russia for energy whilst the US is defending the West from Russia ?  This was discussed with Angela Merkle also as of course Russia could be bribing immigration systems to accept Muslim immigrants in the great communist depopulation and population replacement debate. The EU crisis has brought EU countries together to have stronger borders. Italy wants the EU to change or it may consider leaving the EU, a sentiment shared across the EU. (i.e change = all chambers elected, US type constitution and realistic  and meaningful national fiscal controls) Saud has indicated it will join forces with Britain   but a task force with the EU is already mooted with Saud.  but as already mentioned above i.e. to defeat ISIS

With Iran and Saudi named in 9/11, Pakistan’s involvement is also clear as it has its army embedded in Saudis army and also within Iran’s armies making (as mentioned) a column of Jihad within both Iran’s and Saud’s military forces. Iran (see posts above) has threatened to wipe out all the Israeli’s in Israel in May 2018. as the Iran central bank is now deemed a terrorist organisation.

Therefore Pakistan a fifth column running the Saud and Iran armies (in effect) with communist Federica Mogherini  the threat against Israel is also looming. Yet Vladimir Putin is also building a superarmy and threatens eastern Europe. Russia joining with Saudi who are led by Pakistan’s army ? Poland has indicated it does not want Pesco to be a competitor with Nato, it has stated recently, but previously assurances were given by Poland. Who can deny the EU is still under invasion? and will Putin join with the west ? he has indicted he will join with China in the trade war. Obama let Russia take over Syria, and it is supported by Iran, who with Iraq are fighting in Syria and who both invaded the Kurds (and their proposed homeland) with weapons of mass destruction. Israel has asked Putin to restrain Iran in Syria, and the intention is to remove Iran from Syria. Israel’s independence and expansion to its full borders (and the safe zones) of Greater Israel are its future. This renewed Israel which is also an economic miracle will be able to export its agriculture and technology around the world.

Turkey is calling for an Islamic uprising against the West (the new Islamic dictatorship) whilst Greece and its two versions of Macedonia should unite (with at least  one of the Macedonia’s ) and fight  against Islam. The Greek communist government whilst taking a new IMF deal (the government have done nothing to stop the Greek Tragedy sine 2014) and vowed to take immigrants which the rest of the EU has rejected. They should have an immediate general election, following the Macedonia crisis.

The west and with IMF warnings (see below on the Swiss FTA or free trade dals and sovereign money referendum held in June 2018) on chronic and fatal debt levels is in a real financial crisis, and if it cannot erase the debt by growth, then for the sake of the future and future plans it should cancel these debts in a Jubilee and return to real free trade capitalism, instead of the broken situation it is now in. Just as any EU country can make its own unilateral trade deal (e.g. Austria) outside of the EU’s framework so can Britain or any EU country.

The remain team have engineered a mediocre deal with the aim of stating we have now a bad deal which  they hope will fail a MP’s vote on Brexit. As mentioned in the previous post above dated  23.24/12.2017 and insert dated 30.01.2018 Theresa Villiers sums up the bizarre 'negotiations' as follows 'She told the BBC's Sunday Politics: "There is only so far you can go with compromise without ultimately finding yourself in a position where you're selling out all the people who voted to leave." 

The EU withdrawal bill and compromise and the sovereignty of parliament. The attempt to ask EU courts to block Britain’s withdrawal of article 50 failed (see post above dated 11.06.2018) as “It would have strengthened the hand of any attempts to block Brexit after the terms of the final deal between the UK and EU are known. This is because it would give parliament the power to halt Brexit if it feels the final deal is unacceptable - even if the government wants to leave regardless” . The same principle was tried by the leave faction citing the need to protect ‘Parliamentary Sovereignty’ (see Dominic Grieve paragraph above)

As mentioned also in the post above dated 11.06.2018 “a hard Brexit or without the terminology, reverts to Brexit as voted for in the referendum on 23.06.2016” and further clarified by Ken Clarke in relation to Dominic Greives compromise (see the paragraph above)

Ken Clarke speaking on the floor said. He told the Commons: “What does the government say in its amendment that the House should be faced with? Within 28 days, a written statement will be produced amongst the piles of written statements we have every day – and dare I suggest not every member of parliament usually bothers to go through the piles of written statements?

“What’s a written statement going to say? It could say, ‘well in that case there’s no deal, we’re leaving.’ It could say, ‘well we’re going to do this and that’s it, that’s the end of the parliamentary process.’

 Tory Brexiteer Sir Bill Cash said he was pleased the Lords amendment, which he said would have given Parliament an effective veto over Brexit, had been "soundly and significantly defeated"

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Mr David Davis (the then Brexit Secretary) said a Parliamentary vote on the Brexit deal did not give "the ability to reverse the decision of the referendum". Because parliament has already decided in the referendum the remain side and the lords know this and it reveals a ‘swamp’ in the uk which has always tried to usurp the process of the people are the parliament.

Resignations. He has since resigned (9.7.2018) following the Teresa May (remain) Chequers deal, but has been replaced by Dominic Raab as Brexit  secretary but only after 2 years and since the Brexit  vote ?  (Boris Johnson has been replaced by Jeremy Hunt who voted remain in the Brexit referendum, but has since changed his mind, Dominic Raab voted to leave the EU and has not changed his mind) Others who have also resigned include Chris Grayling PPS Chris Green who states ‘Brexit must mean Brexit’ and not  EU membership secretary of state for transport, and Ben Bradley ( another vote remain convert with Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid) and Maria Caulfield

Obviously these basic but fundamental points are out of step with the remain side and David Davis also pointed out in October 2017 that a no deal, means no money to the EU. The no deal faction have obviously been silenced as have the Brexit voters. The aim now is to say Brexit is not working when the only thing which is not working about Brexit is the leave Brexit negotiating team.

Just as Donald Trumps zero tariff trade deal took a quick phone call, EU free trade deals occur all day every day. (or see post dated 23/24/12/2017 above)

To repeat the excellent analysis of trade deals and the way they actually function; (A EU deal as is put forward, would limit Britain as it has done for fifty years. Every EU nation is currently limited) The question is why have these deals not been pursued by ‘Hard Brexiters’ or offered to Britain under the current negotiation teams ? ( a straight free trade deal as the rest of the world outside the EU enjoys)

(the excellent PDF below is very revealing as are the trade deals grouped together under it)

or  'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?' )

Repeated from above chapter and the incredible possibilities of trade deals ignored ? These figures and outlines supports the following article and its original sources which are the EU's own figures, and the trade deals which currently exist, as well as other countries figures globally. 'More Than TWO Trillion Euros worth of Trade every single year and not one penny piece paid in membership fees and not one threat levelled against them if they dare to not pay ( and altogether they all pay less in Tariffs than gross UK Membership fees despite some exporting more to the EU than we do ), not one law that overrides their national laws and not even one small area of governance ceded to the EU Empire and at Least €1 Trillion of that with Not One Free Trade Agreement between them, go figure' India export One Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Rupee in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.Japan export Two Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Yen in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers. Russia Export Four Billion Euros per week and they have not paid one Rouble in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.China Export One Billion Euros per day  and they have not paid one Yuan in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.The USA has traded with the EU Bloc More than Four Trillion Dollars in the last twenty years alone) and they have not paid one dollar in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers' Further information is available here and which effects every trading block in the world, it effects why each nation should have fiscal autonomy (as Norway and Denmark do) and why economic independence nationally is the strongest position any country can be in. All of this confirms that the EU (and not just to Britain but to its other members who also need fiscal autonomy, border controls and manufacturing exports etc ) see post-dated 25.11.2017 above  is deceiving its members and the remain side (the left do not have any economic plan except deficit spending endlessly, immigration and identity politics to aid immigration) It also confirms (see post above 'The German Election Results (from September 22nd 2017) 10.10.2017' ) this gentleman's statement  i.e. See; 'We can go INSTANTLY' British diesel-importer DESTROYS politicians Brexit delay NONSENSE' Daily Mail Sep 29, 2017') E.G. " So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY? Why do we pay more than half as much (£10 Billion) as the Rest of the Planet added together (€19.96 Billion) to get just Ten Per Cent of the Trade they get whilst we get subsumed into the U.S.E. and the R.o.W. get a Free Pass? " In 2015, 44% of the UK's goods and services were exported to the EU, while 53% of our imports came to the UK from the EU. In the same year, UK exports to the EU were valued at £223.3 billion, while UK imports from the EU stood at £291.1 billion." (by; factsdirectfromthehorsesmouth   

As mentioned and Note that countries wanting to join the EU or have loose association with it  can be granted ‘tariff free trade’

The ‘Customs arrangement’ idea can sometimes be linked to a ‘customs territory’ in turn linked to a ‘fiscal territory’  which for taxation and land tax purposes begins a tax haven status (almost) similar to Switzerland (or the Cayman Islands) and Swiss FTA (free trade agreements) which are good deals and which were supported by the pro – Brexit side, but if you are under EU regulations and rules, then it becomes a problem (as the new 3rd way customs arrangement stipulates, although Britain can now choose to adopt EU law or not as it sees fit )

The Swiss on June 10th have recently held their referendum ‘Vollgeld Initiative’ (‘Initiative Monnaie Pleine’ in French) which would have instated a Sovereign Money system in place of the current banking system in Switzerland. Essentially it is a vote on how money should be created. The vote lost by 1/3 in favour and 2/3 against but this in Switzerland in one of the largest banking communities in the world is a sign of the concern raised not just by the IMF on world debt (in the $175 Trillion debt scandal) but  by citizens globally. Even if the referendum had succeeded it was only half way to a real solution. The problem of inflation (which will occur also in crypto currencies in the erroneously conceived cashless society) is checked only by raising interest rates, instead of circulating ‘MO’ currency at % per cent and using it to keep prices low as the real solution ( and assist in erasing  the national debt) to prevent inflation. Instead when wages or prices rise, interest rates are raised as a bulwark against inflation, but inflation is increased by the raising interest rates again perpetually decade after  decade.  Lowering prices below inflation is the art of managing money in an economy. Some want to create havoc in adjusting the money problem, whilst others point out that the worlds trained economists over the last 50 years have created $175 Trillion in debt without balancing the books. Adjusting the money supply (MO) actually regulates itself apart from quantity circulated and favours free trade.The Swiss have raised this very important question for the world, very admirably of them for everyone. 

N.B. 'MO' is not 'free money' it belongs to the people and is circulated with only 'seignorage costs'  costs which today are very low and ca be waived (a very small nominal charge to keep it circulating) and offset by low prices and inflation. It exists today still but is on average only 3 - 4 % of total money stock i.e. total money = (MO - M4 or see explanation here)  it was in Britain for example in 1963 it was 21% of total money stock circulated interest free. When an economy collapses this is all that is left and society can choose to issue the neutral inflationary cash to keep prices low and therefore increase incomes, and increase employment and produce more for competitive export.  The Markets can exist above this circulating money and if anything it increases market viability and strength keeping an economy buoyant. Over decades this lack of 'MO' has increased the national debts of the world by (e.g. 15% or more) since 1963 or 'MO' at 80 % national debts decrease by 75% etc. It can be 100% for just MO only,  and others M1 - M4 as standard today.For those who are fiscal Conservatives and/or one nation conservatives looking after all levels of society then it must be re-examined, the Swiss (see paragraph above) are looking at it to boost their economy and they know about banking. The art is to have just the right amount circulating for a nations needs monitored daily and weekly etc. 'Crypto currencies' will face the same inflationary problem centralized or decentralized, and for security reasons cash and notes should remain. For more information see the adjacent website and Chapter 2.

The City of London the largest financial market in the world is trying to avoid EU regulations Even if the City loses 10 % of its financial arrangements although they would return, it would still be the largest in the world, but if you cannot make your own independent  trade deals then you cannot engage in any of these deals or frameworks. When Brexit was voted in and if politicians had done nothing since 23.06.2016, then the EU would have approached Britain, as the Ambassador to Ireland from Norway Else Berit Eikeland has said (see paragraphs above) Norway experiences and as Iceland experiences.

It is the EU that fears a no deal (not the other way around) and Teresa May has appeared to be negotiating for the EU rather than for Britain with her attempts of (last link quote) “‘promising a return to UK sovereignty after Brexit, yet simultaneously keeping close ties to Europe (no country with an EU association agreement has so far avoided signing up to binding relations), with frictionless trade and a close customs relationship that is not a customs union (honest), while remaining free to strike the UK's own trade deals “ (Barnier of the EU has already said he cannot bend the rules for the UK) As Britain is already in the Council of Europe and the armed forces have made 7 or more deals with the EU, there is already a close association with the EU. Therefore it looks like the compromise deal is simply a lever to stop Brexit.

Guy Verhofstadt another EU chief negotiator in June 2018  wants a 20 year Brexit ratification process ?  echoing the UK EU ambassador Sir Ivan Rogers in December 2016 (who is described as a gloomy pessimist) although he estimates only 10 years, which  makes Mr  Verhofstadt a virtual manic depressive in comparison. In early 2018 it was mooted to keep EU rules for 2 years after  March 2019, but this has now changed to ‘indefinitely’ and in Spring 2017 ( a year earlier) a plan to keep 19,000 rules from the EU  was proposed. These plans seem to have found their way  into the white paper in many respects but seems to contradict the white paper which asks to conclude Article 50 negotiations in Autumn of 2018 ready for EU withdrawal in March 2019 (see conclusion and points 1 – 7)

The question is why would a Prime - minster (of any country) make a deal which leaves  the country worse off than before ? unless the ‘remain’ Jihad (which includes Teresa May as a remainer) want to illegally and subversively upend the democratically elected decision of a nation, (the Brexit referendum ) who are now free to make any trade deal they like ? Using the compromise vote in the commons to thwart the people and Brexit. It is almost as though those involved (labour, lib dem and remain conservatives) have no sense of self belief

The White Paper in full here is an advisory paper to test public opinion, not a finalised deal but perhaps it is time to let Brexit supporters arrange the negotiations to improve or replace the proposals (especially as solutions which could solve the problems have not been raised as yet ?) 

Under the White paper heading ‘1.2 Goods’ and point ‘12 b’ which states the UK will eliminate tariffs and quotas but in heading ‘1.2.1 Facilitated customs arrangement’ and point 14 in which the EU’s tariffs and quotas would be applied and vice versa ? although this is weakly explained in point ‘16 b’ fwd (etc) which appears very onerous and bureaucratic. A ‘frictionless approach’ which if approved could be applied to all EU nations, yet Barnier has said the EU cannot bend the rule book ? In point ‘30 a, b and c’ the manufacturing supply chain will mean (in any example like EASA) the EU can enter the UK market and produce goods in part or in full, when manufacturing needs to be robust and complete in a nation for itself. Switzerland is a non EU country but they and others complain it leads only to further integration and national manufacturing decline. The US offer of a tariff free trade system does not need WTO rules to administer or any framework but a bi lateral contract agreement. This integration will also restrict UK trade elsewhere, but see Heading 1.8 Independent trade policy and points 155 forward which seeks to undertake FTA (financial trade agreements  in the partnership) but which in alignment with EU rules and regulations make this heading moot which is one of the reasons Brexit occurred originally ) In heading ‘4.3.1 Setting direction through a Governing Body’ (towards the end)  the governing body between the EU and the UK for the customs arrangement / partnership, seems to forget both blocs are already in the ‘Council of Europe’ ? and the new armed services task force was set  in place without such a body.

In Heading ‘1.3.4 Financial services’ points 58 forward etc, uncovers the point of the white paper i.e. to control financial services in the City of London.

The  City of London. The economics favour a ‘hard brexit’ (whatever a hard Brexit means in reality) but the regulations and laws of the EU will be inhibiting for the City of London not in goods but in services which on the face of it seem a benefit but (last link) “Although the paper was initially described as a ‘soft Brexit’, the paper does propose taking the UK out of the single market, ending free movement of people, and ending the oversight of the European Court of Justice in the UK” (or does it ?) The Trojan horse of regulation will at first seem like a trading platform or deal is beneficial but after it will restrict trading and commerce. Given the actual deals which exist (see directfromthehorsesmouth above) for non EU members, they exist without  owning or encroaching on one another.  The decline in manufacturing has been especially acute  since the 1970’s since Britain joined the EU ? and it is an economic indicator of what lies ahead, unless changes are made, especially in the Brexit negotiations (the Ukraine style remain deal )  The long term benefits of Brexit are incredible compared to the current comparative malaise but that has been downplayed and hidden in this entire process.

Teresa May on the strength of local elections results has been encouraged to make a hard Brexit, (election results before the ‘customs arrangement’ / partnership was known ) whilst the City of London has advised her to walk away.

In effect the remain side have sought to usurp Parliamentary Sovereignty like King John.

The (Southern) Middle East Peace Plan

Should or could the City of Mecca be divided up between the Hindu’s, Jews and Christians (and the current & only occupants today, the Muslims) Please see the beginning of this post for the history of Mecca. If not ? why not ?



3.8.2018, Does Brexit mean Brexit ? or Remain ? and the 'Russia Investigation' is really the 2014/2015 'Iran deal investigation'

As a footnote and explanation to this Chapter 3a and the post above dated 12.07.2018, and the Russia investigation and Brexit, the whole Russia investigation is a ruse and a cover to uncover the illegality and fraud surrounding the Iran deal (Nuclear and currency frauds and the intelligence failures internally in the USA and abroad, perpetrated also by Pakistan)

The Brexit question and the views of the City of London are near the end.  Article 50 is to be  withdrawn  in the Autumn of 2018, and leaving the EU occurs in March 2019 (although Britain has in effect already left on the 23.06.2018)

Firstly Trump withdrew from the Iran deal in May 2018 and either wants to replace the deal or go to war with Iran, (...and conversely)  whilst Putin Is investing $50 Billion dollars in Iran (July 2018) During the hysteria of the Trump - Putin summit which was preceded by the indictment of 12 Russian Spies for allegedly hacking the US elections (who obviously will never face a trial of note see last post above) In August 2017 Trump expelled 755 Russian diplomats, and Putin expelled 750 US diplomats from Russia.  Putin has gone along with the Russia story as it suits, and as he wants to control Iran who are controlling Syria. Trump and Putin's stance on Iran are diametrically opposed, as they are in Ukraine, Georgia and Montenegro. Putin is trying to prise Montenegro away from NATO, whilst Pasco the parallel new security force was born in 2009, (Via the Lisbon treaty) yet the Democrats said very little about Pesco at that time. Pesco discussed here by General  Mattis.   Putin is trying to take over countries it is alleged, but at one country at a time.

Israel becomes a Jewish state. In the summit meeting and which is significant and an incredible step between Putin and Trump, is they did act to guarantee Israel's security over Syria although Iran is to be removed from Syria. The buffer zones between Israel and Syria however are a point of contention and many want these safe zones to be sovereign and viable for security. Iran has threatened to close the Red Sea to shipping and traffic. Will Putin assist with making Greater Israel a reality? It is a new trade zone aside from an historic occasion. Iranian Russian backed forces have withdrawn from the Golan Heights. Israel (and Greater Israel) has voted to become a Jewish State , (18/19.06.2018) which is a natural Nationalist attribute shared by Saud & Mecca (see last post above) and Iran and Russia and China and all countries. Nationalism is simply a love of your country, family and homes (see further down this website and the end of Chapter 5 and post entitled 'Jerusalem the Centre of the world')

China hacked 22 Million files of the US 'OPM' (Office of Personnel Management) in 2015 ? In the last post above dated 12.08.2018 people have asked why Obama did not prevent the Russian hacking ? yet in December 2015 a much more serious breach (not alleged but fact) of security occurred when China accessed over 22 Million files  from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)  This occurred a few months before trump announced his Presidency and before the Trump Dossier from Christopher Steele (GPS fusion) began an illegal Fisa warrant search and investigation into Trump and the Republicans. However even this dossier is itself a ruse. Obama did nothing about the Russian hacking or the Chinese OPM hacking , although it ' shocked the USA', and although China says it arrested the hackers.  1.5 years later and then and into the Trump presidency the FBI arrested a Chinese national in relation to the case.  No media outrage? or hysteria or indictments have followed the Chinese hackers or 24 months of 'suspicion' followed? (all personnel data was stolen, fingerprints, addresses and wider from around the world, including London and Europe. All addresses worldwide ) What is incredible is not only did Obama do nothing, but Obama ordered the intelligence services (cyber security) to stand down and let them hack in the Summer of 2016 when Russian hackers ? were ..allegedly hacking ? this is after telling the Russians he could be more flexible after the election ?  and it is emerging that the entire US security and the USA itself was fully open and dysfunctional (to repeat from above) " During the 2008 – 2016 administration the economy was not just subject to the Iran deal but its security and economy were open fully to Iran and Pakistan who of course wanted to run it into oblivion. It began with the Ukraine 'crisis' and criticism from Nato against Obama as they felt he or the democrats were soft on Russia. " one person who knew and before Jan 2017 was Chris Stevens the US ambassador in Benghazi, which is another twist in the Benghazi scandal) by the families are taking a court action against them. The FBI were following orders of the Obama administration.

China is building a military base in Pakistan and airports ? (and a few in Africa) It is also using its influence to control Brexit and some suspect it and Iran and Obama (Clinton) are behind the Trump dossier. (The Trump Putin summit was to try to prevent nuclear war.)

Those that made the Iran deal are under investigation in the 'Russia investigation' The real story is of hundreds of Billions of Dollars in bribes and corruption and the selling of the USA government to a foreign power see last post above  (Iran is threatening to releases the names of those who bribed them see last post above also ) It is incredible that Peter Strzok (we hear only of emails or his affair with witness Lisa Page and their anti- trump bias. Lisa Page gave evidence behind closed doors and it  is rumoured she blamed the 'Russian hack' on the Chinese, who of course were fully able to hack the open security ) was in on the Iran deal working for CIA chief John Brennan. Bruce Ohr  (Ohr is the former United States associate deputy attorney general and former director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force) met with Glenn Simpson (Fusion Gps) author of the Dossier, yet this was passed to him by Clinton lawyers and they are all related. Jim Jordan who many are hoping will become House speaker gives an overview. Here is Bruce Ohrs Testimony Obama and Clinton paid for the dossier. Glenn Simpson met Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya  ? before and after the Trump tower meeting (Veselnitskaya who is accused of meeting Trump Jnr for ten minutes to collude with the Russians, but not with GPS fusion ? who colluded with Veselnitskaya who in turn met Clinton.  Hillary Clinton like Obama also opposed the Magnitsky act and met with Veselnitskaya who was allowed visa free travel to the USA by Loretta Lynch and had also met Valerie Jarrett who was the senior advisor to Obama. Veselnitskaya also met Seth Rich the murdered democrat staffer. (see last post above and paragraph 'Mueller's Russian hackers and the 12 indictments')  Obama was considering delaying or hindering and ultimately stopping the Magnitsky act on Russia's behalf, and it is still a point which Bill Browder makes today) Democrats Senator Chuck Schumer in 2016 and Nancy Pelossi also met with the suspect Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak .  Obama also paid GPS for the dossier. The dossier was contracted to GPS who subcontracted it to Christopher Steele. There is no official explanation how the leak/download came from within the DNC, or how they hacked bernie Sanders to get Clinton the democrat nominee. They (the former Obama administration) appear to have used their influence to spread the Russia story  (full details are contained on the adjacent website and Chapter 5 North Korea. Go to the very end and follow the directions)

The former Obama administration who are effectively working for countries who supported the Iran deal against the USA ? Eric Bolling said the press have lost their minds.  yet many including Rand Paul are saying that the former administration may have its security clearance cancelled for the 17 democrats who are behind the investigation, which ironically only proves they conspired with Russia, although none of this is reported upon.

China moves to adopt 'Localism'. In fact, what is truly incredible is the press and parts of the Russia investigation are acting against the interests of the USA as of course Putin, China…. .. (but China is experimenting with 'localism' since 2016 and before as it is an economic policy which makes sense because it is good for the economy, but not to communists who believe it is 'nationalist' and 'anti-patriotic' when in fact it is patriotic, but so too are elected officials and a constitution and human rights… 'China first' Communism and socialism do not want 100% employment, high quality local foods and export the excess as that leads to a healthy economy. China's debt to GDP ratio is 300% + ( its debt over 300% of GDP   ) and in effect Communism is failing China)……. and Iran are building an alternative financial system headed by them with China leading the unelected communist dictatorship with no human rights as the 'New world Order'. The irony is truly Orwellian. 

Despite this China managed to persuade Google (a USA company) to limit free speech in China at the communist party's request ? Google, you tube and facebook also limited and blocked adds on the pro- life campaign in the Irish abortion referendum. Yet and within the North Korean crisis and reconciliation Communist China have revealed their secret and weakness.

The EU, China, Iran and North Korea and tariffs and sanctions. ( & Japan)

The EU trade tariff war has in part been settled for zero tariff trade on cars in exchange for LNG gas exports from the USA to the EU (FTA) free trade agreements (which has also been offered to the UK see last post above) and could also be a deal with the UK and Europe. Steel will still carry a 25% tariff and Aluminium 10 %. Yet the trade war between the USA and China could negatively impact the Euro. The EU & Japan have entered a TPP trade deal, yet these deals are precisely what is ruining trade and quality of goods worldwide, it overrides national sovereignty and destroys innovation and manufacturing. Eventually it will be a disaster for  Japan, and as the IMF have warned of the $170 Trillion debt globally, one of the 'actors' to blame for this is TPP.

Japan however are worried that the rival  Chinese trade deal i.e. the 'Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RECAP)' will crush their trade if they do not  join  TPP which is failing. Yet the real reality is China (or the real people in China) prefer localism to the communist trade deals whether it is from China (Obama as was) or the EU communists. The EU (in 2017 / 2018 voting see above) prefers localism as 100% employment and exporting your excess goods if required is a better world system than any of the global trade deals invented by economist's who have miscalculated their figures by $170 Trillion dollars the global world debt  horror (some sources say it is $200 Trillion dollars, and for an insight into TPP and  global trade deals effect on food see the documentary 'Rotten' in the post dated 08.06.2018 above)  since WW2 and 1973 ? Japan should worry also about the emerging single world currency which the top five or six top trading blocs in the world may  adopt on a shared basis (the SDR drawing rights which as an agreement can pre-empt a new currency see previous posts above ) but which China wants to lead in the New World Order as communism is preferred when it comes to population control and suppression of human rights. This is why the USA is being divided against each other to accept  a dystopian communist / socialist big government  which wants to disarm its population (as Communists always do ) and remove its constitution. China's internal economy by 2025 will be rebuilding its manufacturing industry, (including armaments as it expands it military bases globally) yet the west could rival this activity if it was loosed from its current restrictions and debts. Japan is in the same situation.

The Globalised and homogenised trade which is really communism leading to Monopoly without competition and which would eventually rely on a 'universal basic income' (here pushed by Obama) an idea of communism which leads to subsistence  living with low dignity and substandard food and quality of life for billions. (see the model for this in the Venezuelan crisis  or also described here, which is a deliberate and engineered experiment ongoing, see posts above.) Essentially Venezuelans would have to shut down the government and take over and adopt localism and a working currency whilst keeping cash not just crypto currency. 'MO' in the M0 to M4 money designation does not interfere or hinder 'energy inflation' but operates separately keeping inflation low and prices stable, again see last post above dated 12.08.2018) As usual the model relies on high unemployment not 100% employment and sweat shop labour etc. Pushed by Obama who is a multi-millionaire, and who contributes to Global warming by flying around the world warning people about Global warming. Obama pushed for the original TTP also which ushers in this dystopia.

TPP was brought in as it was thought the WTO rules were not working, but in fact TTP is far worse (as of course Nations who agree can make their own Free Trade Agreements unilaterally without a rule book but only with their formal or informal contract. If they cannot agree the WTO arbitrates. TPP wants to go further than this globally but further is simply big government interfering in national sovereignty & jurisdictions.

China is facing tariffs on $500 Billion of its imports to the USA  (and who are being  forced to negotiate)

Iran is also been forced to the negotiating table on the Iran deal   Iran is suspected of funnelling or laundering money through European banks (very hard to detect) but this operation was initiated by Obama who flew $2 billion to Iran. Iran also owes £52 Billion in US court judgements against it for acts of terrorism. Isis threatened to attack Rome in August 2017 after the Barcelona attack, and the effort to deny Isis fighters entry into Europe continues up until today. It is made harder when Obama ordered the dept. of Homeland security to delete information on Islamic terrorism prior to February 2016 " The White House ordered Department of Homeland Security officials to destroy classified documents that provided evidence of links between suspected radical Muslims and Islamist terrorism organizations" and this continued into 2016. 

Revolution in Iran. Iran and China have no intention of stopping their empire and deals with them will only delay their aim. The Trump Putin summit may bring a temporary equalisation but will Iran leave Syria, this is why they are discussing deals to avoid Nuclear war. Throughout this the US is bolstering the Ukraine's military and Georgia's. Putin does not either country to Join Nato  Neighbouring Armenia danced their way to a Revolution earlier in May 2018, and nearly all the way into the Caspian sea ) Iran is facing internal revolt in over 80 cities and around the country. (January 2018)  yet now Iran is declaring war on the USA and the West  Sanctions have brought Iran's currency to a crisis.

North Korea is also under sanctions and since Trump and Kim Jong UN signed their agreements slowly signs of the country opening are appearing. Kim Jong Un has freed hostages, and returned former Soldiers remains as yet unverified by DNA testing. (He once returned a British soldier remains, but it turned out to be dog's bones) However if they turn out to genuine then these soldiers will finally have found rest and it is of course reciprocal for any North Korean military dead buried in South Korea. Business opportunities are appearing in North Korea which will benefit North and South Korea who want peace, but when one general in North Korea in June 2018 suggested they should grasp peace now, Kim Jong Un had him shot by firing squad, another was shot for trying to increase food rations. for his soldiers. Clearly the people of North Korea want peace and a normal life, but Kim Jong UN and China are preventing it. This is socialism and communism the reality of the ideology is clear. North Koreas Christians in their entirety need to be freed (they have been imprisoned and shot for decades) and North Koreans must be allowed to go to South Korea (as many who want too, not just a selected few each year) General Mattis is still making decisions and issued the following threat in August 2017. 

The question remains will the USA keep its currency (and keep America first) or join in a joint new world single currency (Globalisation) which China wants to rule in the new world order. (see post above dated 14.03.2018 and also 25.10.2017 and the sub heading  'The Petro Dollar, the new SDR global currency, Crypto currencies & Gold (and/or Cash)' and then in chapter  3 (not this chapter 3a) see post dated 11.03.2017. Of course, it is onerous to scroll up and down, but the news is interesting in these areas, especially over 2 years or so. If you look at the elections in Europe and wider people want alternatives, and as nationalists they want to be free. Look at Greece which today is being destroyed.

The Russia investigation is really the Iran deal investigation, but the Christian genocide investigation also parallels it (see last post above 12.06.2018) as does the Uranium 1 scandal. It was/is a crime against humanity and whilst the wests intelligence was open to the outside and silenced (2011), it began.

Brexit August 2018, does Brexit mean Brexit ?

Brexit means Brexit or does Brexit mean remain ? Following the resignations (7 or 8) mentioned in the last post above in early June of people who do not  think the White paper deal is beneficial, another resignation from Guto Bebb MP followed who feels the concessions given to 'rebel Brexit' MP's is too far. Yet the vote for Brexit on 23.06.2018 has already won these rights?  Pro Brexit MP's won concessions, (just as the fishermen who protested won their rights already won, see posts above) Teresa May has stated that 'Brexit means Brexit', yet Andrea Jenkins MP asked the question in the House of Commons i.e. does Brexit really mean 'remain' (video) and when was this decided ? The question fielded to Teresa May and the remainers (see last post above dated 12.08.2018) who are 'negotiating' with Emmanuel Macron and the EU, the EU wants  to make the trade deals for Britain as it has over the last 45 years or so.

In the Interim Tommy Robinson has been released on Bail, but charged with Contempt of Court for filming those accused of the Rotherham trafficking ring (which continued for nearly a decade) in a public area outside the court ? His 13 month jail sentence decision was wrong, as was his arrest in the first instance. This tells you everything you need to know about the bias in England and to ask what is going on. Again, its Orwellian.

In early 2017 Ruth Lea posted the following article 'Post Brexit can thrive under WTO rules' which has a sub heading 'The EU wants easy access to the City after Brexit'  Currently there is a dispute on the terms of the financial services section in the White paper. (see point 62 under subheading 1.3.4. Financial services) Britain is currently outside the WTO rules, it left when it joined the EU in the 1970's. The City of London and the City UK wanted 'Mutual recognition' on financial services, but the White Paper offers 'Equivalence' which is not as neutral as other countries who are allowed mutual recognition but who do have older deals. Why a white paper for pro Brexit stance would want this is also baffling the City who have already asked Teresa May to walk away (see last above dated 12.08.2018 at the end) Equivalence is a relatively new standard for countries accessing the EEA market. It requires a 30-day notice period to withdraw (which may not be 'just in time' process an objective of the white paper, albeit across differing areas) a determination (trade in services) it is slow and cumbersome and effectively allows the EU to set its rules on Britain. Mutual recognition is well established and is less cumbersome, it does not require harmonisation of EU and British law and essentially allows free trade to flourish. This is the common rule book the City wants, and dispels the false panic story that WTO rules with mutual recognition preferred to equivalence means all trade stop and be backlogged and jammed tec.

Ruth Lea's essay 'The EU wants easy access to the City after Brexit' is why Brexit since the 23.06.2016 has continued the way it has, with the fake news The panic and hysteria is about control and control of the city which wants free of over regulated hindrances which the EU may impose except on its monopoly which is why so many EU countries want to change the EU and be free to make to make their own trade deals, and free trade is a part of that. Incredibly Brexit has already won these rights and the white paper helps to erase them and then offer a few of them back as a 'deal' ? Britain's internal oil and gas mean it could become an energy exporter also, yet this is not mentioned as a factor in the press or white paper. Without knowing which MP voted which way, their actions analysed through this perspective of Ruth Lea's essay tells the Public everything, and which of course was a central point of Brexit, which can also tweak a WTO deal, and moving to WTO is common practice, and (see last post above) move to do FTA'S trade deals worldwide, if Brexiters are allowed to make those deals. The London stock Exchange (LSE) has already made contingency plans relating also to financial services (mutual recognition and passporting etc) . Moving to a temporary WTO rule book situation which has been available ? (from 23.06.2018) cuts out the negotiations, and in the last post  above, it is plain that Global trade deals are simpler to obtain and are lucrative. It is obvious the EU will approach the City of London after this, and the City of London has the bargaining power.



23.10.2018   The USA and its Economic recovery

In Europe, is Sweden rejecting the Euro towards a ‘Swexit’ ? and its earlier election results. Italy wants a new economic paradigm and budget, and Hungary told it is not acting in EU’s core values ? The German / Bavarian election results. Brazil and Columbia. (and also Brexit& document ‘FCO30/1048’ )

The USA since January 2017 has flourished in comparison to its previous economic state, and it has performed something of an economic miracle to achieve this. It has international obligations and pressures but has also reverted to protectionism in order to boost jobs and manufacturing at home. (localism) This has occurred in the backdrop of a very large deficit of $21 Trillion which is inflationary and is also a hidden tax (interest payments etc) Despite this it has cut taxes twice to boost incomes and the second round of tax cuts have been made public recently. Mike Pence gives details on Tax cuts 2  (since then proposals for a further 10% reduction on middle incomes have been made public on 22.10.2018 which benefits who we understand as the working and middle class )

In order to make this kick in to the economy since January 2017, all previous trade deals would have to be scrapped or re-negotiated, and over the last two years that is exactly what has happened. It is shoring up the economy to then take on the trade deals and currency problems it has with China. In the interim and since January 2017 GDP growth has hit 4.2 % in the second quarter of 2018. This was considered impossible from the starting point of very low interest rates and the enormous deficit in 2016. Higher interest rates attract inward investment into the USA whilst low interest rates do not (so the theory goes) and although this is true to an extent, the previous inward investment led to companies registering in the USA, but they then turned to outsourcing jobs and many services and divisions of the new company to countries abroad. From 2008 – 2016 due to the financial crash and the emergency measures of quantitative tightening (QE) interest rates were low and this added to low job (real jobs) increases. Now in the USA and into the medium and long term the new policies have led to higher unemployment within the USA. From 2008 – 2016 the onus on manufacturing was considered to be of low priority in the economic theory of that period. This has now also changed. From 2008 – 2016 not only was outsourcing considered to be beneficial, the incentive to let manufacturing slide away increased. This is still the policy of the democrats in the USA as the overarching policy is to abide by NAFTA (as was  which is much more than just a trade deal between the USA and Canada and Mexico, it is also a mechanism to dissolve the USA and make Canada, Mexico and the USA into one country scrapping the US constitution and removing the USA from the map. See later on in this essay) 

The resurgence in the US economy is down to macro and microeconomic policies of the current administration and not the last one. The democrats are stating they are responsible for the current economic boom ?  yet GDP only now at 4% + from 1.2 % in 2016 shows this is untrue. (Remember in October 2016 economists were saying 4% growth was impossible , and the democrats agreed) Obama instigated ideological regulation which stifled the economy as opposed to checks and balances and constitutional measures. The President who could bridge the gap between ‘deficit’ and GDP is Trump (GDP annually is now around $19.5 Trillion, whilst the deficit / debt is $21.4 Trillion. (GDP in 2015/ 2016 was $14.5 – $15.1 Trillion whilst the debt was $18. 7 Trillion) With growth now at 3.8 to 4.2 % then the GDP may  exceed the debt soon for the first time in living memory.

For more details on this NAFTA idea to dissolve the US borders (and the USA in entirety) see the post in Chapter 3 dated 07.06.2016 (under heading ‘07.06.2016    The British European Brexit Referendum 23.06.2016 and the on-going Middle East genocide’ and subheading To access click on this link  ‘N.A.F.T.A  and the 10 New World Regions or the 10 global spheres of influence (ten world regions) ) or go directly to that post here on this link. (and a link exists there to take you back to the top of this post )

Since Trump came to office NAFTA is no more, it is now called USMCA (United States Mexico Canada Agreement ) and the vital component of removing the USA as a country has been quelled. Critics of Trumps new deal say it does not do much ? it only seems to mean the USA can make more car parts with increased steel and aluminium which were formally made in Mexico and are now made in the USA etc. This is not the full story, and these critics are obviously not American? (those critics who have taken this line are not backing the USA)

US Steel industry The Steel industry community in the USA are now saying they are back and despite the denials steel mills and jobs are fighting through. The US tariff trade war (fought on multiple fronts globally in record speed) is slow but going back to the previous administrations system means certain decline. The coal industry is also increasing in output. The ‘rust belt’ once the known as the ‘Industrial heartland’ is not as rusty as it was in October 2016, but its decline was also tied to the NAFTA / TTIP trade deals and so on. Deregulation and tax cuts are bringing the industry back from the abyss (see history here video; ‘Why the Rust Belt Keeps Shrinking’ but since this video was made NAFTA is no more and more car parts are made in the USA with an increase in Steel and Aluminium) In two years this process of decline has stopped and the engine is moving into gear. This is Economic Nationalism

Besides these measures which has necessitated all world trade deals be scrapped or adjusted ( which is in itself a miracle) the economy in the 2nd quarter of 2018 reached 4.25 %. Also and for the first time since 2008 according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report.   the U.S. scored 85.6 out of a possible 100 and is ranked the World’s most competitive economy.  see also here in the wall street journal and also on CNBC which also points out that the IT sector (including AI Artificial intelligence which is a major part of security) had declined in the USA. The trade war with China is a part of that Global $500 Billion industry and the other trade deals mentioned above had to be corrected first.

TTIP, TPP KORUS, CETA & TTPA. (end these deals and end Austerity)

See post in chapter 3A dated and named  ‘British EU Referendum 24.06.2016’ or see a repeat of a portion here below (note the difference now)

‘The west needs a stronger trade deal (TTIP, KORUS and CETA and the TTPANew trade deals are underway globally. Hillary Clinton and Obama threatened to withdraw from these deals in 2008 when running for election as ! they were not strong enough ? but did not Clinton and Obama threatened to withdraw from NAFTA in 2008  (but did not) but this was a deal brokered by Bill Clinton in 1993 onwards? when jobs were outsourced to China. Obama and Clinton however advise Britain not to withdraw from the EU ?( The evolution of Clintons trade deal change of opinions down the years) Both Obama and Clinton (Bill Clinton 1994) have not grappled with the real economy and they are not standing for election to do so’ Following through on promises is only occurring since 2017.

Also (then) China donated to the Clinton foundation via the US state department.(Saud and China donating is illegal as any country. Incredibly one Chinese firm building an Embassy mistreated workers and refused to pay Architects) Sanctions also may be underway on Saudi Arabia following the Kashoggi murder and which Turkey is trying to exploit to gain leverage over Israel. The Benghazi incidents could/should also receive the same attention.

It is incredible that despite (2008 – 2016) and other previous Democrat governments that manufacturing has declined under them without  a notion to tackle the problem or reverse it. This is a problem throughout the west also. (to repeat from previous posts) American manufacturing is not even regarded as important by some (which reflected the low level of importance it had, as manufacturing dwindling ) The democrats were keener on other countries manufacturing arriving into the USA but it should be a number one priority for any national government to begin new ‘industrial heartland’ measures. This eases debt levels and the balance of payments deficits. For the unemployed it is of vital importance.

Trump scrapped TTIP( EU / USA) in early 2017 and US jobs and the economy have grown, but they may be re-negotiated back in the USA’s favour  (March 2019) , yet a trade deal can be called anything and could only apply to only one area of commerce or one product, it doesn’t need global approval under ‘America first’ and protectionism. TTIP is also responsible for Austerity. TPP (Japan Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Chile, Brunei, Singapore, Canada, Peru and Vietnam, accounted for 40 % per cent of global GDP) and renegotiating it (or scrapping it completely) can improve trade deals with others without China. In the interim trade deals with China are in a holding situation and those countries still under TTIP & TPP will fill the vacuum directly with China, but since previously they were trading all together to US detriment these trade deals had to go. China is backing Iran and it is likely that the only resolution to this situation with Iran and Pakistan is a war, as the OBOR Eurasian trade area develops and Iran are sending their oil to China but not in US dollars.  China is supporting and bolstering Iran and both are running Syria and collectively promising to wipe Israel off the map and destroy the West. The tariffs against China have now reached $250 billion in September 2018,  and may extend to all Chinese goods shortly. China has responded with a $60 billion dollar tariff on US goods. and promises more.  China is primarily a manufacturing hub and an export-driven economy yet the unfair trade and currency manipulation was advanced by the democrats economic policies. The US has now also said it will withdraw from the Nuclear treaty signed with Russia, and Russia also said that deal is off. (is this in the Russia investigation ?) NATO accused of Russia of using every trick in the book to undermine the West and China has hacked the USA into its inner security.

The Russia / China investigtion ? China hacked 22 Million files of the US 'OPM' (Office of Personnel Management) in 2016 ? People have asked why Obama did not prevent the Russian hacking in 2016? yet in December 2015 and into 2016, a much more serious breach (not alleged but fact) of security occurred when China accessed over 22 Million files  from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)  Obama did not prevent it, but ordered the intelligence services (cyber security) to stand down and let them hack in the Summer of 2016 when Russian hackers ? were ..allegedly hacking ? this is after telling the Russians he could be more flexible after the election ?  and it is emerging that the entire US security and the USA itself was fully open and dysfunctional. During the 2008 – 2016 administration the economy was not just subject to the Iran deal but its security and economy were open fully to Iran and Pakistan who of course wanted to run it into oblivion. It began with the Ukraine 'crisis' and criticism from NATO against Obama as they felt he or the democrats were soft on Russia. " one person who knew and before Jan 2017 was Chris Stevens the US ambassador in Benghazi, which is another twist in the Benghazi scandal) by the families are taking a court action against them. (The FBI were following orders of the Obama administration) which is another twist in the Benghazi scandal) by the families are taking a court action against them. The families of the 9/11 victims (since March 2018) have permission by the courts to Sue the Saudi’s for their involvement in 9/11. And the case is proceeding. (Iran is still threatening to release names of those who bribed…. Iran in the Iran deal) The US (or rather Trump and Pence and the current administration ) have imposed sanctions on Renova. (Trump removed 750 Russian diplomats in 2017) This was not the case under Obama and Biden or Clinton ? This must surely ask who is pushing the Russia investigation? and is it from outside the USA. Yet many other foreign operatives have been discovered since 2017 by the current administration. and which includes Mueller. Behind these activities (with the Ukraine revolution as the centrepiece of operations) is the hacking of US security, not just the Chinese hack of the OPM ( China accessed over 22 Million files  from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)  but also the Kaspersky hack of US intelligence in 2015  This tip of the iceberg has continued for nearly 2 decades with US intelligence having a back door open to foreign hackers, but missed during 2008 – 2016. With the recent revelations coming from Israeli security who state Russian hackers were operating worldwide through Kaspersky and its pc security system as a back door even into the NSA (However a 13 year old hacked NASA  A 16 year old hacked the CIA Whilst another 15 year old hacked the FBI) Another Russia who was under suspicion allegedly was (or is?)  Oleg V. Deripaska who seems to have been working only for himself, but he was contacted by Bruce Ohr and Christopher Steele, but also had connections with the Clinton foundation.  and the current Russia probe is the cover for the actual Russia investigation into Clinton, and the Iran deal etc  Oleg V Deripaska had some connection to the internet security system Kaspersky.

On October 12th 2018 Hillary Clinton loses security clearance over the email server scandal which also involved Huma Abeddin and Obama. Four others (unnamed so far) also lost  their clearance, following the  removal of John Brennan’s (ex head of CIA) clearance in September 2018. All connected to the US state department scandal, and which recently showed the campaign laundered $84 million (FEC records 2016)

In mid October 2018 Glenn Simpson pleads the fifth amendment (as to testify would implicate himself ) The fact that he has taken this line means the Clinton / Obama team and the Clinton foundation are also implicated. The story now (on the facts) 1. Clinton hires the firm Perkin Cole. 2. Perkin Cole hires Glenn Simpson. 3. Glenn Simpson hires Christopher Steele and Bruce Ohr with wife Nellie Ohr 4. Nellie gives dossier to FBI. This Dossier was used to undermine 2016 general election. Yet the exact opposite has been broadcast in the media relentlessly from day one. (  The mantra of ‘the threat to democracy’ continues incessantly in the press see Facebook video  ‘this is what mind control looks like’    )

The other area undermining the west (as Nato put it above) is the attack of the entire western economy.

In 2008 - 2016 the fact that America imports large amounts of it food shows there is something wrong with the American Dream. Much of Americas food imports come from China due its currency manipulation scam left unchecked by the democrats. The trade war means many exporters may lose out but they were losing out slowly anyway.

To counteract this Trump has introduced farm subsidies  (amounting to $12 Billion in the first instance) for farmers hit by Chinas retaliation (the farm bill was also filibustered by democrats in September 2018 and earlier, and they are not willing  to correct a trade problem which has existed since 1996 and which has increased the trade deficit in Chinas favour ? Their main argument in 2018 was they needed cheap and illegal immigration workers ? but since NAFTA stipulated an end to the USA completely with open ended borders then land would not have the protections it has now ? This is the real motive ) The short and medium aim is to reduce these China tariff relief subsidies, as US markets increase in new trade. (currently the tariff war is setting the stage for this) Farmers also have lower taxes and can do independent trade deals with the EU (now) in the new EU / USA trade deal and with all new trade deals so far. All tariffs and taxes are leverage to either impose harsh sanctions or force a new trade deal through to the benefit of the  USA. The diplomatic dispute is increasing in tensions. Yet China’s debts amount to $40 trillion or just over 300 % of GDP

One of the issues of China’s currency manipulation is of course traders still gain if the USA is winning that war in the markets. The US treasury has warned China in October 2018 on this issue and many are beginning to bet against China’s massive debt load remaining stable.

To repeat from 2016, Obama and Clinton the multi-millionaire's out to help the poor and working class and middle class sold out from day one. Hillary Clinton is also a GMO supporter and supports Bayer and its seeds. Tim Kaine voted for Monsanto and GMO and is owned by them and he opposes peoples right to know what is in their food. Mike Pence and Indiana is against GMO (Indiana outlook at 13 minutes 40 seconds) You should be able to scan a food item on your phone when shopping to know every ingredient. Rural America and cities in America from 2008 – 2016 and before having been decimated also by Bill Clintons NAFTA. Young people are leaving in higher numbers from the country to go to Cities, and America lost 5 jobs Million jobs in manufacturing which spin off many other industries and smaller companies and then create larger companies and so on

Healthcare The USA could feed its entire population from within the USA and export all excess, and still let small and medium farms flourish. See also the post dated 8.10.2018 in chapter 3 above as heading ‘8th October 2018. Healthcare in the USA, the possibilities.(Opioid crisis, organics and farming as health considerations and USDA / United States dept of Agriculture & Healthcare overcharging)’ or see link to it here to that post (and a link exists there to take you back to the top of this post ) Pre – existing conditions will be kept in the USA.

If you want a new economy and to really change the country, then these are the issues to grasp and continue with. (Agriculture is closely linked to health of course and US health spending is accounting for 18% of GDP, in order for pre-existing conditions to fall in any population, health generally has to improve or it would bankrupt a society (and has in many countries) that is why the link to a healthcare proposal in the paragraph above this takes a real look at healthcare and fixing the problems.

Education Student debt is escalating for decades but increased in 2008 – 2016 to horrific proportions (See YouTube video ‘U.S. Economy Accelerates - GDP 4.2% - Tucker Carlson’ ) Yet from 2008 – 2016 with jobs outsourced as a policy of Obama what chance did USA graduates have of paying it down and what stimulus is there to  study with no jobs, high taxes, less chance to make a small business work and so on. The 1.5 Trillion education debt is horrific, yet full public education would then put this debt onto the state public debt and taxpayers who may vote against that. Education in the USA now includes complete indoctrination from an early age as possible, is this education? if your school suggests a (or your) little boy or girl has 'gender dysphoria'  A Mother who is deeply concerned on these bizarre and inappropriate teaching ideas and methods, explains to the Board of Education at her local school in 2018, who is the parent and who is the employed servant of the people who are not there to indoctrinate young children, with gender studies which are false and scientifically wrong and which should be decided upon in the Supreme court of the USA (and morally wrong) . She explains what the school board role is  and what is not their role. See the activist Mommy The Activist Mommy - Elizabeth Johnston  and Video ‘Mama Bear Fighting Leftist LGBT Sex Ed Agenda At School Board’

Clearly education has lost its way (as an understatement) yet no institution can provide debt free education (fee's , building costs and so on ) yet can it be free or very inexpensive in other formats which do not possess the same costly infrastructure or architecture ?

Is it education when people painted Swastikas around Neighbourhoods and then waited until cries of the ‘Nazi’s’ are coming even appearing in anti - Nazi rallies when they painted those Swastika’s themselves. Many of these daubs were painted near neighbourhoods where people had fought in world war 2 (fathers, aunts and uncles etc) and by the activist called Eddie Curlin in the USA. He was charged with spraying mock racist graffiti on walls and public places (swastika's etc) which his University and black lives matter used as a political protest in the 2016 Presidential elections to discredit the 'alt right' ?   These agents are the ones spreading the discord, which is the policy of the left. It’s an education when Judge Kavanaugh was put on  trial and simultaneously Congressman Representation Keith Ellison was also accused of domestic abuse yet the media have ignored these claims (and most  of the entire case) whether he is innocent or guilty in contrast to the trials of Judge Kavanaugh ? see also facebook video 'Kavanaugh Protestors Confronted With Claims Of Sex Abuse Against Keith Ellison - Their Reactions Say It All' 

How about Chelsea Clinton saying it is unchristian to prevent abortions ? (video you tube ‘Chelsea Clinton: As A Deeply Religious Person I Believe It’s ‘Unchristian’ To End Legal Abortion’ ) Her Mother believes in full term abortions which involves decapitating a baby in the womb (next arms and legs) and sucking its brains out with a vacuum. Chelsea Clinton is discussing Roe versus Wade but in fact the woman involved in this case decades ago Norma McCorvey lied about being raped and actually had her baby, and later became a Christian.(video See youtube video 'Roe v Wade was passed because Norma McCorvey lied about being raped. Don't believe me, listen to her'   )  This twisted view of the world applies to the unborn, but also to children, teenagers and adults (everyone) who are viewed as less than human with no worth at all and regardless of ethnicity. Hillary Clinton did not abort Chelsea Clinton

These issues are off  the script, but to understand deeper Dinesh Dsouza explains. The dichotomy between the narrowed ground of debate (between so called left and right) is taken up in the excellent documentary ‘Death of a Nation’ by Dinesh D'Souza    and here in the trailer  "Death of a Nation" Trailer | Official Theatrical Trailer HD, In Theatres August 3”

Dr Ben Carson Secretary of HUD Housing & Urban development and has awarded $43 million to homeless veterans from HUD and has done so consistently since January 2017 when $2 Billion was awarded to homeless programs  and an award of $99 million to the disabled and also to youth homelessness programmes Neighbourhoods and districts and schools were in poor shape rife with drugs and unemployment and a new approach was needed.  His social and housing reports of 2017  which point out tent cities esculated in 2008 – 2016 caused a storm but from the left (Earlier discoveries r.e. discrepancies from the HUD finances to $500 amounting Billion. It is believed this script accounting error was going to be used under the Obama administration steal these monies and from this point on the democrats have tried to block Dr Carson at every turn, and even at one point tried to make him subject to the Russia investigation ?. Education would need to be reformed from the states inward towards Washington to unearth the corruption and the ‘swamp’ and which it is apparent from 2008 – 2016 the capital of the USA is run by people from outside the country who are using the big government capital to squash the rest of the country. To reform education children must want to learn and then it becomes more affordable and would involve parents’ groups setting up new ideas. Internet based degrees online could be made affordable for anyone (the Open University in the UK for example) Home-schooling used to be a preferred method of ensuring education went in the right direction.

Compare this state of affairs with the reality of China's plan to overtake the USA (and lead the New world Order) from within and without and become the world’s superpower, which see (above) has also sought control of the world bank and IMF in Washington, and they get a lot of help inside the USA and the Swamp and worldwide countries were respectful to China giving them the run of world affairs …..until January 2017  See video ‘The China Threat | Tucker Carlson Tonight | May 30, 2018’ which shows that diversity is not big in China and points out why we do not hear about the Dalai Lama much anymore ? but  who is mentioned further down or why we do not hear so much  from Richard Gere ? The video also asks if the Russia investigation took our attention away from China

Trumps trade and tariffs architects Peter Navarro and Robert Lighthizer

Economic nationalism and fiscal conservatism could save the USA from its deficits and burgeoning infrastructure lack and decay. Small Business and farms and manufacturing were/are already in this international trade war and the trade war began before 2016. A trade war can affect prices causing them to rise and therefore inflationary pressures on wages and costs increase, yet over the last 2 years the remarkable economic resurgence has been over seen by Peter Navarro (Navarro is an economist and director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy the OTMP),and Robert  Lighthizer (tariffs adviser) who have performed an economic miracle. Both state or would agree that China’ mercantile approach (i.e. its economic nationalism and protectionist stance which protects against imports and encourages exports is a cause of the US decline) so why wouldn’t it work for the USA ? On the one hand we cannot have a trade war the democrats say ? (although the democrats made a trade war and allowed China to dominate in its economic resurgence ?) but the west can suffer under one and just let the situation continue. (they add) Many currency traders are also passive on this as they can bet against or for, in any scenario and still make money (so why not if the USA is ahead, it actually makes no difference) Those who are not making money under the previous situation are the working and middle class and then in decline also the higher classes as taxes increase across all classes to pay for the decline. Navarro ‘converted’ from a free trade and free markets advocate into protectionism, yet as is evident with 3% (initially) towards 4.2% GDP growth and a growing economy (protectionism) at home, it is claimed correctly that protectionism does not contradict free trade and free markets. China certainly believes in it and the growing number of ‘populist’ governments worldwide and across the EU also believe it. The Wests economy is artificial and is not a free trade area when also the worlds debts amount to $200 Trillion dollars according to the IMF and others (when does the free trade balance its books )

Any nations deficits allow foreign countries to purchase debts (Treasury Securities and bonds ) which only increases the deficits, as the value of the debtor currency is reduced (forcing upward pressure on that currency) Eventually 2 or 3 nations will clash in the market trading war (which has continued since especially 1973) and one will have to lose. China has been doing just that.

The Federal Reserve bank, Interest rates, the Money supply and Quantitative tightening.(QT) The stock market crashed in late September into early October 2018, it fell dramatically yet one week later it had recovered. This was in response to the Federal Reserve Banks rising of interest rates to 2.25 % in late September 2018.  (Forbes said it was a mistake to increase those rates, the Federal reserve bank whose current chairman Jerome Powell who is described as almost like Janet Yellen the previous  chairman, see’s growth continuing for at least 3 years however, it is the 3rd interest  rate hike of 2018) Investors then sold stocks and shares (the sell off as the media reports they had held elsewhere and moved into bonds which now offered a higher rate but also was backed by the Government as bonds are. The problem is a rise in interest rates may affect  the small businessman and working  and middle class who now find it harder to borrow. It does bring in external investment but in the past those investors (who are getting a surety by buying government backed bonds or higher interest rates) then outsourced work to lower waged economies. (or hope illegal migrants are granted a free entry to live, work and vote in a country which is not  theirs, whilst the host country cannot do that in the country of illegal migrant origin ?. This is why paid activists work for the traffickers and hawkers of slave labour and not for human rights ) So raising the interest rates is not just about stemming inflation and for asset managers it is about improving portfolios, yet the small business and working class still need lower interest rates. The current economic nationalism / protectionism counters this.The upshot of this direction however is unemployment is halved (it was 9.2 % or more under Obama ) is down to 3.3% and falling.

This interest rate rise and stock market activity was predicted on this website in 2017. An alternative is to control prices to stem inflation as of course numerous transactions every day in billions effect costs everywhere. Separately from the new QT (quantitative tightening) which means less dollars in circulation (see next paragraph below) Oil which is not sold in Dollars (by Iran and China and Russia) will also mean less dollars in circulation. When a circulating dollar returns it has no value and must be taken out of circulation. The money supply contracts and expands, but when it is not spent on oil the dollar is destroyed until sales in Oil begin again.  

For price stability however as mentioned above raising interest rates  is only one way to keep prices stable, and it is the money supply also (regardless of interest rate, although the higher the interest the more dollars are needed to pay the increasing interest in the money stock) which determines prices at ground level (supply and demand) Keeping it just right is the art of internal currency circulation. Raising interest rates occurs when money supply measures have failed and inflation begins to spiral upwards. Therefore rather than raising interest rates, prices can be checked by ‘base money’ measures (MO in the money stock some of which is traditionally issued interest free) ( or here explained again and which points  out prices can be controlled  by the money supply video you tube ‘The Money Supply (Monetary Base, M1 and M2) Defined & Explained in One Minute’ ) and which stabilises the everyday economy keeping the top end stable and with lower interest rates to allow increased spending and higher employment and a stable prosperous economy. (for the debate on Irving Fischer and his genius and Roosevelt and the new deal in which Roosevelt killed Fischer’s innovation. History repeats itself see post-dated and named above in chapter 3a as ‘German elections contd, 20.09.2017’ or use this link to it here. and for that post a link exists click on this link to take you to it (a link exists there to take you back to the top of this post )  (Fischer put  people to work in a full wage, he proved you could create employment by inflating and circulating a method of exchange, as a new currency into existence. This money or "stamp scrip" was spent, creating activity and saved in banks creating deposits for loans again, see) The same principle exist in ‘base money’ (MO) to stem inflation which lowers prices which requires less wages to spend, but ensures retail and wholesale have a constant demand on goods. In the EU ‘base’ money and the central bank are separate institutions, but QE (2008 – 2016) base money in the USA although increasing was spent abroad and not into a national (nations) real economy. The fears of an ‘overheated economy’ and therefore checked by price stabilisation, keeping interest  rates low.

In Europe and wider.

Exactly the same problems are occurring in the EU. Economic Nationalism is trying to take charge of the future and the economic problems there, which are being swept aside and ignored. Optimum currency theory and young people leaving their homes and country whilst  at the same time cheap labour in the trafficking scam is poured into the EU is not sustainable and has to end.

Sweden Sweden held a referendum on the Euro in 2003  and now, and have rejected its use not just for political reasons but also for economic independence and an ability to make its own trade deals. Unelected bureaucrats with their one policy of immigration are dictating policy and economics to suit a damaging and unpopular ideology, which is not sustainable or affordable. The Sweden Democrats now have 63 seats and have increased their vote amidst the talk of a ‘Swexit’ or referendum on leaving the EU. Sweden is considered a far left country. Sweden has 8 or 9 political parties which diffuses the vote, but many of them share the views of the Sweden democrats, because immigration went berserk for no good reason. Sweden does not yet make its own trade deals, the EU does that for them, despite having its own currency the Krona. In todays world increasing trade deals is the key to the future. On 25th September the Swedish primeminster Stevan Lofven lost a vote of no confidence, essentially making the Sweden democrats the centre of government in what is a serious time in Sweden. The ‘2022 EU’ plan says Sweden must accept the Euro ? but that is up to Sweden.

In Italy the populist government  vowed to get rid of Poverty in Italy making a new budget (28.09.2018)  this was rejected by  the EU on the 23.10.2018 citing fears that increased spending would increase debt. ? The IMF has warned all worlds governments that  debt must be removed and reduced in the vast $200 + Trillion world debt bill which all the worlds economists cannot reduce, yet critics of the IMF (and some inside the IMF and some outside) say they are lending money to repay previous debts on previous monies lent and this is continuing in a merry go round and is detrimental to the west. Greece is the obvious example. It is time to seriously address this issue to bring zero deficits (away from Keynesian deficit spending. Creating credit does not  always mean a permanent defict, or what do the IMF suggest in reality ?) Leaving the EU, making your own trade  deals is now the only way out of the problem aside from debt cancellation. The new budget they proposed is far reaching and invigorating and is the first step to end Italy’s woes. They should introduce it anyway.

In Hungary Victor Orban was criticised for not having the core values of the EU ? (12.09.2018) which he denies and he is the most successful EU politician in the modern era ? Across the EU the feeling is (now) that the core values of the EU are simply the core values of China or Saudi Arabia and its budgetary stance is inconsistent with the values of the European people. Its immigration policy and view on each country’s sovereignty is negative into destructive. Europeans joined the EU (and many are still in the Council of Europe) to assist trade not to have their countries turned into a totalitarian optimal currency theory shadow of its former self and its nations destroyed by views which are alien to it. For a background to the budgetary problems see the adjacent website and chapter 1 pdf EU, Rome, London, Israel (or here)  It is the EU parliament with non indigenous ideology which  is not the real core value, and it has not worked.

In South America Columbia has selected a new conservative government in June 2018 and Brazils conservative leader wins the first round in October.  They have seen the chaos in Venezuela and Honduras and people cannot  grasp that  these crisis are deliberately engineered but  by  the  left to implement a new paradigm (basic income, social engineering in the extreme and the cashless society see the adjacent website and Chapter 5 ‘north Korea’

In Germany and Bavaria Chancellor Angela Merkel lost out in local elections to the emerging AFD and was in effect replaced by them and the greens (although many point out the Greens were once euro-sceptics and you do not need to support immigration or believe in global warming to grow organic vegetables) The AFD now reside in the Bavarian assembly. (15.10.2018) and have increased their vote Earlier in the year following violence from immigrants which went unprosecuted and before deportation ?  Angela Merkel sacked a German intelligence minister  Hans Georg Maasseen who spoke out on the injustice. NATO and Interpol have warned on infiltration by Al Qaeda and ISIS and other groups who support trafficking  and gang prostitution and drugs, yet Angela Merkel sacks Maassan and ignores Horst Seehoffer (Maassan should be re-instated in his old job, and Seehoffer become the head of his party)

The disturbing background to the recent  events in Germany, is although Frau Angela Merkel (to repeat from above) eventually acknowledged the Christian genocide and Islam was bringing its declared imperialism  (which it declares openly) and that Turkey did commit genocide against the Armenians in 1915 – 1925. Frau Merkels Government in 2016 allocated 97 Billion euros for 'refugees'  (just for the period 2016 - 2020 alone?)  £20 billion was spent in 2016 on immigration with £37 Billion earmarked for 2017 (refugees who are not refugees but migrants, whilst the left ignored the 'safe zone' solution prior to the genocide) It is incredible in the growing scandal that Obama has tried to bribe the papacy via the US Refugee Admissions program to the tune of $79 million dollars (every year ? ) Since Syrians are now stating they wanting to return to Syria (whether it is balkanized or note ) why is so much allocated ? 4 out of 5 are not Syrian and the Syrian war and Isis have now almost been defeated ? To understand the real policy  (then and now)  In the USA in 2016 illegal immigrants voted in the US 2016 election, and were assisted to do so (this is denied ?)  but local Mayor / Council officials in September 2017 have approved votes (against the  constitution and without ID) in Maryland for illegal aliens ? and national taxpayers are paying for it. They are voting for the immigration party of course despite the University of Maryland warning of illegal 'voting scams'.  (The scams are numerous and hidden in plain sight by the same party who are encouraging the scams. Trudeau world is censoring dissent by the stasi in Canada and the UN ) Angela Merkel did not seek parliament approval for these measures as she is not fighting for Germany.

The Dalai Lama spoke up on European affairs in September 2018.The Dalai Lama is a person who has experienced an entire nations displacement at the hands of a communist regime in China and which is still suffering Tibet Butan and Nepal with enforced immigration as a way to destroy its culture, history and heritage, he said in September 2018 that Europe belongs to the Europeans  (the older history is given in chapter 1 and 2 above) and in June 2016 said there are too many refugees in Europe. Since then it transpired that the migrants were not from any war zone, and the left is fighting against safe zones in the Middle East ?

Other famous nationalists include, Abraham Lincoln, Theodor Herzl of Israel, Mahatma Gandhi of India, Theodor Roosevelt, Joan of Arc, of France and the  Dalai Lama (as well as other interests ) are all Nationalists 

Britain and Brexit October 2018 and document ‘FCO30/1048’

In the increasingly obvious ease in which trade deals can be made, a call has been made to shelve EU negotiations  and either put them on the ‘back burner’ or just leave the EU as was decided on 23.06.2016. It follows a report from the 1970’s which was put on the back burner and hidden away, and in which it told of the damage to Britain’s economy in joining the EU.  The report or document known as FCO30/1048, was locked away under Official Secrets Act rules for almost five decades.  Excerpts from it are here (enlarge your screen)  or further details here See you tube video ‘BREAKING We were lied to! Secret document FCO 30/1048 kept truth about EU from British for 30 years’

However  that is obvious now in hindsight to people in Britain (and not just in Britain) that the policies of the EU have been hijacked and the result is the current  surreal situation where 700 million people (Europe’s population) cannot control their own sovereignty, fiscal policy or borders ? It is further suggested  that Merkel and Macron do not want Brexit to succeed. ? (this as France’s economy has stalled and is in trouble  and yet the entire western economy is in serious  trouble, its every day continuance hides the huge debts and lack of manufacturing and self-sufficiency  ethos it has left  behind )

The WTO (World Trade Organisation) is also a trade deal for sovereign nations.  (Video youtube ‘Trade After Hard Brexit: WTO Rules Explained’) and which can be optioned very easily in Brexit.

Incredibly the EU and the USA have managed to complete  a trade deal (in a few months but for Brexit ?) although it may also be the  beginning of a larger problem yet to be solved. (The USA has also offered a zero tariff trade deal to Britain) in the west all round. China has a manufacturing protectionist economy  but from its previous economy it has spent itself into a debt of 300 % + of GDP, yet it still wants to run the New World Order. The other point about the USA – EU trade deal is both blocs were free to make their own trade deals with each other (or not, as every nation can make its own prosperity at home first also) because they are Sovereign nations. But the remain team in Brexit do not want that. This is the pivot of Brexit.

Budget solutions USA and other achievements since 2017. The federals reserves aim is to prevent inflation by raising interest rates and slowing the economy down or prevent it from overheating, yet in 2007 (just before the financial crash of 2007 / 2008) the economic figures were (2007) GDP = 1.8%, Unemployment 6 % Inflation = 4.1% with Interest rates at 5.25%. When the 2008 crash began interest rates were cut to 0.25 % to fuel a boom and recovery and ‘QE’ (quantitative easing) which bought global debt and debt assets internationally. These assets became a plus in accounting terms taking the cost away from the national debt but could have been spent within the USA alone fuelling ‘America first’ then. These purchases are also potential liabilities. This QE policy monetized debt into assets but it did so by involving the public debt as QE was a constant outpouring and often not an exact science (this is disputed) Yet the significant factor in it is that Optimum currency theory (with enforced migration) and a crash leaving assets valued as worthless (bought by QE)  was the result of the biggest financial disaster of modern times. Many central banks globally engaged in QE, but now that is coming to an end as the tapered QT (Quantitative Tightening) replaces QE and which will mean indebted countries are going to be now liable for the bill. Incredibly the stock market made vast fortunes during this low tax, low interest rate period (2017/2018) which is also unorthodox in economic theory have worked. 100% employment aims, and increased employment means people spend more and loan more = inflation, but inflation can be checked by prices as mentioned above. In-between these views and paying down the deficit is the centre of current economic debates.

The democrats aim from 2008 – 2016 was to introduce the basic income, (high unemployment regardless and with basic income) socialism mixed with ‘social engineering’ and the cashless society (no free speech, wages deducted for jay walking, ‘misgendering’ no liberty ‘pc fascism’ and the general deranged ideas which are being employed by communist China today in China and in other countries, to remove the US constitution and the USA as a country and apply a totalitarian dysfunctional society which has been apparent as the non-working / middle class movements have discovered recently. For a full picture of that aim to destabilise the west see further the adjacent website and chapter 5 and North Korea in full )

Economic nationalism (America first, Italy first or any country first) is the best protection against this deliberate economic nonsense (to see the state of the budget in 2016 inherited in 2017 go to chapter 3 and past 2016 heading  'The Crumbling American Superpower'   (which could be called the Crumbling west) or use this link here to take you to that post  (and a link exists there to take you back to the top of this post )  

Many want this economic boom to continue and these outlines and basics on economics could in theory keep going higher and higher if adhered to. The money supply and base money (supply = increase and contract) is one way to make both ends meet. (see further the adjacent website and chapter 1 and 2) It is one of the greatest economic turnarounds in history. It has been unorthodox which some cite as a reason why, i.e. a unified national effort (‘Jobs not  mobs’ )

NAFTA has also been remoulded and the US borders are legally not under NAFTA (now USMCA) removal now  a part of the recent Canada / Mexico deal was to remove ‘competitive devaluation’ currency manipulations which Canada had engaged with China in, and which was a major part of the deal delay. Any movement from this agreement has to be notified in writing to the USA now. The USA has also secured tariff free access for Dairy farmers into the Canadian market. In effect border tightening is a part of the deal and which has followed the supremacy of the US Constitution not the United Nations and see The US supreme court ruled in July 2018 that it is legal to open carry guns according to the US constitution and 2nd amendment.

Illegal aliens and the trafficking scam. For years caravans of illegal migrants (from Honduras and other South American countries) have travelled from South America and over the Mexican border into the USA, yet they pass through Mexico who sends them away as Mexico has very strict immigration laws itself ? see you tube video ‘Mexico vs United States Laws - Guy From Boston’  Many children come alone ?, yet families do have the right to be heard together, but not illegal entry. The trafficking  migrant scam is responsible for many of these mass marches. Honduras is controlled by gangs and in 2014 ‘Miss Honduras’ and her sister was killed by them although the killers have been convicted. It is the same in Mexico but South America is fast becoming sick of the corruption and military solutions are envisaged. (‘Mexico first’ & ‘Honduras first’  & ‘Brazil first’ and so on ) If people from other countries marched and demanded change in their own governments that would not be news? (trafficking and slavery is alive and well around the world see the adjacent website  and chapter 4) The democrats ‘catch and release’ policy ? has failed in the USA and seems to accompany a vote for all illegal aliens ?  yet Americans cannot vote in south American countries ? The US Supreme court has upheld North Dakota’s voter ID requirement. (10.10.2018) with proof of residency, and for security despite the Mexican President stating invading the USA is a human right ?  (many militants hide amongst the caravans under false ID’s) but is it then a human right to invade South America ? It is incredible that the caravan broke through Guatemala and into Mexico but these countries have not offered to take the caravan or give them residence or allow them to vote ? why ?

Often caravans of people are seen marching for the press, yet they are also helped by trucks taking them to the borders.  See also youtube video which shows over 500 (including from China) people who payed $7000 each in 2014 to ‘migrate’  ‘Truckloads of illegal immigrants headed for USA caught in Mexico’     ( or here  or video here or other videos here ) Understand it is hundreds of thousands of organised trafficking victims who are being smuggled. The cost to taxpayers is immense but there are also other serious consequences which are also not related in the media. see video’s facebook ‘Moms Whose Kids Were Killed By Illegals Speak Out’  and you tube ‘Mothers of children killed by illegal immigrants speak out’    (see also youtube from December 2017 Tucker: Why didn't we know truth about illegals and crime?  which highlights the absurdity and lies of the democrats  immigration scam) and the truth is being ignored (New Jersey 16 year old killed in sanctuary city)

2018 saw the hysteria over California trying to ban only the Bible (and Old Testament) but not any other faith ? (for equality ? )  See Video OAN ‘This California State Assembly Bill Would BAN the Bible!’   And the incredible hysteria in the matter of Supreme Court Judge Kavanaugh (which can be read in greater detail on the adjacent website and chapter 5 North Korea under heading ‘27.09.2018 The Cuban Communist Revolution 1953 - 1958/ 1959 and the American (USA) Revolution circa 1760 – 1783 (Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gun rights and ‘Death of a Nation’)’ or for that post  use this link here to take you to it direct (and a link exists there to take you back to the top of this post ) Democrats have sought to end Judicial process and have weaponised the executive and the legislators to upend the role of the Judiciary undermining the constitution and law and order. Not for the ‘people’ but for chaos sake with no alternative. They could have asked the Constitutional law makers to enforce the constitution down through all levels of the courts and not just the Supreme Court but they did not ? The executive, legislators and Judiciary are sperate checks and balances made to support a constitutional Republic not to undermine it.

Israel has strengthened since 2017, and Nikki Haley a woman appointed to one of the tops jobs in the world, has overseen that policy (and many hope she will continue) with Jerusalem now the capital of Israel, and as mentioned the USA and many others (see the end of chapter 5 below) has its embassy there. Yet the bias in the media against it is continuing. Hundreds of rockets and mortars are fired into Israel daily without media attention. It is not never mentioned that Israel is a small country (currently) surrounded by many  other countries who are oppressing it.

In North Korea the peace initiative has led to moves to denuclearize the peninsula and recently the UN has been removing weapons from the DMZ (demilitarised zone) this week and also landmines in other area across the DMZ. (for the full story go to the adjacent website and chapter 5 and North Korea and the post at  the end dated 09.10.2018 The Incredible events for the North and South Korean People) After 70 years and numerous attempts by previous administrations a new dawn in emerging for all Koreans.

Neutrals ( a rare media news item, this one from CNBC which gives the truth ) outline the booming business economy in the USA now (and how it could continue and see all above also)

In the democrats economic view in the USA, Nancy Pelosi has said the democrats economic policies would bring collateral damage, ? (to the USA) and that principle also applied to the family of Judge Kavanaugh, during the accusations brought against him. Yet this statement means all will face damage in their ‘collateral damage economy’.



USA 2018, cont’d from last  post above

Tree of Life Synagogue The world watched in shock and dismay as the tragedy of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting unfurled in Pittsburgh (in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania ) USA on the 27.October.2018. Eleven people were killed and four injured and six police officers were also injured. General Jim Mattis (US Secretary of Defence) said the shooter was a coward and less than a man. Ben Shapiro covers aspects of the tragedy  and also points out (within the video) that increased security is required in Schools (and Yeshivas) and also any places of worship, including in Israel which is bombarded with missiles every day and has for over 20 years, yet that is soon going to end. Robert Bowers (the shooter ) knew if caught alive he would face the death penalty and has stated he did not vote for President Trump

Louis Farrakhan, Aretha Franklin, Obama and Maxine Waters et al Newt Gingrich points out the media dichotomy and errors in the constant relentless misdirection on facts and circumstances. Facebook video ‘Newt Gingrich: The Media Gets a 'F' for Accuracy’   by Let Freedom Speak: The Daily Signal   An example of this is the death of Aretha Franklin who was a Christian and who of course was from the Baptist tradition and Gospel music.  yet Louis Farrakhan who attended her funeral  was opposed to her beliefs.  Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam ) seen here with Obama and with Maxine Waters at the nation of Islam conference  and also here with Al Sharpton  and also with Bill Clinton at Aretha Franklin’s funeral.   Louis Farrakhan Has called for draconian and anti - Semitic laws, measures and included insults for years and social media is fine with it.  His sermons are full of anti-Semitic points and rants. But the ‘left’ are fine with that also and are unconcerned. except if a conservative or populist raises even the slightest opinion on anything ?

Whilst it is accepted Obama violated the constitution during his tenure, there has to date been no acknowledgement by Obama of his guilt and complicity in the Christian genocide still in November 2018. The other astounding fact is and in the Russia investigation Hillary Clinton has lost her security clearance as has John Brennan and Glenn Simpson who helped create the ‘Russia’ dossier and who has pleaded the fifth (see last post above dated 23.10.2018 ) and soon the whole former state department in 2008 – 2016 will follow. Trey Gowdy summarises the Russia investigation before these security bans were enforced Video, you tube ‘Trey Gowdy EXPOSES Just How Biased and Messed Up The Special Counsel Is’ 

Doctor Ben Carson and Chicago The two year long show of the version (not the reality) of the Russia investigation continued but without concern for the economy ? The peculiar bias of its reporting also lies  beyond the USA, as one example in Nigeria 6000 people have been killed in total in 2018.The real bias is some Competent and honest lists are forced to exclude some groups as ‘officially’ it is cited not as a sectarian killings spree, but just a ‘land conflict spree’ by ‘community groups’. It is a political and a not a religious / sectarian situation ? However in the USA let’s hear a ‘non-politician’ with no real media training and a Christian actually speak and since January 2017 see video ‘HUD Sec. Ben Carson on Housing Reform and Fannie, Freddie Conservatorship’ and who was considered for ‘investigation’ for ? who knows in 2017 see last post above, but who has identified the real problem of the ‘ghettos’ and the cynical ploy of keeping people poor within them which is the democrats real aim. That system has been exposed and it is not working as Chicago residents call for help bypassing the elected incumbents. see Facebook video ‘Chicago Calls On Trump For Help, Obama's Friend Rahm Emanuel's Time Is Up’  Chicago has rigorous state gun laws but the 300th fatality occurred recently. Alternative housing however is a very broad conversation beyond the ghettos and small and medium cheap but well-built housing (and it leads to other videos which are similar) are also described on the adjacent website and chapter 3. Houses can be built for young couples as a first home for $15,000 - $60,000 in non - urban areas and so on. These ideas work when the ethos is 100% employment, low taxes, no homelessness etc. Many groups around the world fed up of the left / right stalemate begin to agree that solving homelessness (completely) and finding housing and employment for former homeless people, and 100% employment provides the choice between private and public. To do that you would have to change the economy and the last post above relates the basics of that nationally and within the international trading scene. This is real news.

Recovery after Market Volatility and the ‘sell off’ and the Market Rally upwards in November 2018. In the USA at the end of October 2018 the markets fell again after the first fall and then a recovery in early October (see last post above) During this second fall some traders predicted correctly (albeit they understand interest rates and oil) that it would recover and stated such on October 24th 2018 during the fall.   One week later again the rally came 01.11.2018  and it recovered The US GDP came in at 3.6% not 3.2% as some predicted, but  those same people said in October 2016 that 4% + GDP was impossible (see last post above ) Volatility is not just occurring in the USA although it is better placed than most  to continue to boom (see the end of this paragraph)  Asian markets also fell in the 3rd week of October, and also in the EU, but later the EU rallied again in the volatility  although the EU  has now recorded the lowest growth figures for many years.  The ‘Volatility’ and the ‘sell off, arise, as investors switch products to take advantage of the interest rate hikes in the new economic era we are entering. Sanctions may fall on Saudi Arabia, yet there is also another cause and that is China’s exposure to its 300% debt to GDP ratio which is way higher than the USA. If China collapse’s amidst QT Quantitative tightening, then the worlds economy follows until a correction occurs. People in the USA amidst the now booming economy have no idea what has been going on behind the scenes and the incredible measures taken to protect the US economy since January 2017. They have been ignored and misunderstood amidst the most distracting and unhelpful news shows ?, but this national protection was/is anticipating future problems to keep the economy buoyant. In the world economic forum report (see last post above) the USA is now the most competitive economy in the world and measures from 2017 only began that turn-around.. The federal reserve expects the boom to continue for at least 3 more years, whilst the City of London said only 6 days ago that the US economy has unexpectedly grown.    

Angela Merkle Chancellor of Germany resigns and  In Brazil Jair Bolsonaro wins the presidential election with 55% of the vote, Angela Merkel will not run another term in 2021 and has resigned as German Chancellor in effect, and is expected to resign as leader of the Christian democrats due to the poor election results in Bavaria and Hesse at the end of October 2018. In Italy the new government’s budget has been refused once again yet its measures are the best ideas to protect and renew the country ? Hungary wants to grow its own existing population and has affirmed there are only 2 genders with that view in mind. In Bavaria they have re-introduced border police and also local people passed a law to re-instate crosses in public buildings in the summer of 2018 (although remembering what occurred on the cross is more important and that it occurred in Jerusalem and whoever you believe the Messiah is or will be, the Messiah is Jewish. To understand that the two aspects of theology of Judah and the 10 tribes Ephraim is not just a past event which took the  ten tribes into Armenia and Georgia (Georgia where Mathew from the bible is buried), and over the Caucasus Mountains into Scythia and Kazharia and wider into Germany and into Scotland, Wales, Britain and Ireland, (725 – 500 bc) and in later centuries into the USA, but also a future part of Israel. It is a part of European history and also pre-christian history of Europe and from Rome to Jerusalem including the incredible history of megalithic and neolithic structures which abound in Europe and from the east to the west (see chapter  5 below in what is an ongoing discussion and a growing awareness of information kept from the public, but in plain sight)

Bulgarian passport scam and worldwide trafficking. The European border police and borders for the EU follows the recent discovery of a huge passport scam fraud in Bulgaria at the end of October 2018 and which is occurring in every EU city and into Britain and the USA.   It is hard to fathom for people who are unaware that ‘refugee’s and passport offices and holding centres are often run by traffickers who also pay people to protest for open borders, and this is a worldwide scam and human slavery problem.(and which includes the  marriage trafficking scam ) and which is also a part of ‘Globalism’ as is food decline in quality and as actual ‘food’  

Education part 2 In the USA new measures to bring relief to education have been introduced on top of the 2 tax cuts and a new proposed 10% reduction on middle incomes (see beginning of last  post above) but colleges with free fees have been pioneered in the USA as a model already  Choice in education will always exist.

In Health in the USA and current pre-existing conditions to be kept 2016 – 2018; the proposal to keep  ‘pre-existing’ conditions was first promised in February / October 2016 and that pledge was made again in April 2017  And recently again in October 2018  or here in the Washington post (to repeat from chapter 3 or see red link here in full  ‘8th October 2018. Healthcare in the USA, the possibilities.(Opioid crisis, organics and farming as health considerations and USDA / United States dept of Agriculture & Healthcare overcharging)’ Republicans tackle Opioid crisis and rising drug costs. This is contrasted against the democrat promise's son health from 2008 to date but promises broken into attempts to bankrupt the USA with extreme implications for the economy (video facebook 'Obama Says He Doesn't Lie, Gets DESTROYED by Himself' ) 

The new Surgeon General is Dr Jerome Adams sworn in by VP Mike Pence

The new health package STLDI means Obamacare is now optional and will tailor individual needs to save money and each state can choose allowing a new healthcare system to rise as President Trump promised that it was going to be the best healthcare system ever devised. The STLDI is an interim measure The STLDI since August 2018 now has the freedom option ‘ The benefits of the announcement of STLDI are substantial. Various organizations, including some that oppose the new rule, project it will cover one millionto 2.3 million previously uninsured Americans. Since January 2017, the debate has at least taken off into different areas This is the space that the new administration has bought  in only 2 years, and which the news is not telling you. The Trump administration is bringing in legislation to deal with the Opioid crisis  from the Senate (October 4th 2018) which rose dramatically under Obamacare and socialised psychology, and it was President Trump and Mrs Trump who highlighted the issue in 2017 Video;  ‘WATCH: President Trump delivers speech on opioid crisis’  and in March 2018. The cost of these drugs is incredible, but they are damaging people’s health ? Both the Children’s healthcare insurance program (Chip) although it will be brought in line with STLDI and Medicare / Medicaid and new health proposals for the family, and the VA veterans’ health programme (run down in 2008 – 2016) have been revitalised from January 2017 fwd with $5.2 Billion in extra funding in May 2018 with waiting times reduced and making transfers into the new VA easier, and benefits for Veterans family and children (disabled )  Today in the USA only 21% of healthcare hospitals are for profit, with 21% non – profit and over 50% are state owned.64% of spending on health was paid for by the government (taxpayers’ money) in 2013. In 2016 total healthcare spending amounted to $3.3 Trillion or around $10,300 dollars per person, but in 2017 and into 2018 / 2019 Medicare and Medicaid rose to $3 Trillion alone. For the latest estimates see here

Democrats to raise taxes everywhere across all income levels. Potentially these numbers of healthcare spending which grew in 2008 – 2016, could bankrupt any economy, but the solution from the Democrat party is to raise taxes and premiums on healthcare and in the economy to raise taxes everywhere. The Democrats in the USA and since mid-2018 have stated quietly that they will raise taxes across the board on all income levels  ( or here by Forbes in March 2018  ) with no heed to the international economy or understanding of the USA’s internal economy ? or the deficit or that people want to earn more and pay less tax, this is what is meant (also) by Nancy Pelosi ‘collateral damage’ economy (see end of last post  above this )

04.11.2018 North Korea, Voting Fraud in Texas, the Hammonds and the Bundy’s and land rights, ‘Millennial’s’ (and younger )’  and their real views, the Federation for immigration reform, wage growth and jobs and Senator Cory Booker & Judge Brett Kavanaughs accuser recants. Potentially in the US midterm elections the democrats (some suggest) are even trying to take credit for the new and historic situation in North and South Korea (now) which has led to denuclearisation promises and actions (including removing landmines) by Kim Jong Un and unification possibilities ? From 2008 – 2016 there was no affirmative action, yet since 2017 both North and South Korea have renewed hope from a 70 year war. Aside from raising taxes across all income, they have been ‘voter’ rigging again and have been caught sending ‘pre-ticked’ voting registrations directly to illegal immigrant voters (2.11.2018) this despite the fact a woman (a woman inside a illegal  voting ring) voted numerous times in previous elections and was caught and is now in prison in Texas ? This follows a previous voting ring fraud when four woman (and there were many others) were caught in October 2018 ?  This continues across the USA and why photo ids are called for in voting (as they are car licences, paying bills, libraries, fishing licences’ etc ?) The concern over the ‘Caravan’ also surrounds this issue which was encouraged in NAFTA and the dissolution of the US borders and US constitution ploy. See post above dated 23.110.2018 ‘The USA and its economic recovery’ A part of this story is also the story of the Hammond’s and the Bundy’s in middle America  (and others) , and the incredible story which should be aired nationally. They were pardoned by President Trump in 2017.

For further insight see youtube video  ‘Dan Stein Discusses FAIR's New Cost Study on Tucker Carlson’    (Federation for American Immigration Reform)   and which was also supported as the view and objective of Obama's policy in 2008 forward

Millennials and their generation have the following to say on the current political / economic situation. (Facebook video What Did I Just Watch?  &  ‘This woman has some very fiery opinions about her generation!’ ) For an insight into truth & Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser Judy Munroe Leighton (aside from the 6 FBI investigations into Judge Kavanaugh as is standard, and 1 more as requested by Senate democrats including Cory Booker and Judge Kavanaugh was cleared )she has now recanted Yet Cory Booker and others were willing to ruin Kavanaughs life and his families lives. This show was broadcast all over the USA amidst hysteria.

Jobs and wage growth.  Aside from the two tax cuts and the promised further 10% tax cut, and the statement from the World economic forum that the USA is the world’s most competitive economy (see last 2 posts above)  Inheritance tax to be removed and new lower state taxes also add to further tax reductions in 2017 have been mooted and drafted to end the Property tax burden in each state. And the draconian (many conservatives also complained they were unfairly targeted under Obama and his IRS appointees into foreclosure and poverty) inheritance tax to help families keep their farms and holdings has been abolished. Further the Republicans economy has produced the fastest wage growth in nine years and October 2018 added more than 250,000 Jobs.




The USA 2018 (November 6th 2018) midterm election results (ongoing) and Brexit (draft withdrawal agreement)

The US midterm elections seem to have involved Americans voting and the vast numbers of Republicans who have retained office and increased senate seats were not elected by Russians, but  are the democrats still saying this (in 2016 or 2018) or is it to  cover their own dealings ?

The US midterm election results which are still ongoing amidst the blatant voter frauds in some states is an incredible vindication of the Republican administration and Trump presidency and Pence vice Presidency. Despite the constant legal and media pressures piled upon the administration every day, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for 2 years the Republicans have been vindicated in their economic and political stance over those 2 years, which includes economic nationalism (which simply means caring  for your own country first, as family town and country. Republicans have even prepared the US economy for a global downturn if that occurs, but they have dragged the economy from a position of decline (infrastructure included) to one of job growth and upturn. The policies were not the most popular but were necessary. Every midterm election brings losses for the incumbent party (only twice in 250 years has an incumbent party retained the House and Senate) but Republican losses have been minimal in comparison to past years and they have even increased their lead in the Senate despite losing the House of Representatives by 225 Democrat seats to 200 Republican seats (at time of writing)  The results despite the unprecedented campaign against Trump and the Republicans (the most vitriolic and deranged in history) in which 90% of the media sided against them is an incredible achievement and which now the world is recognising as truly historic.  (but are democrats now willing to be subjected to the same rigour and intense investigations against them for 2 years ? )

Localism, (free trade, conglomerates, traders, importers and small and medium producers) is not just a economic theory which suits a country first (i.e. America first or China first & China are adopting localism. Africa first, South America first, Australia first and so) but is also an economic system which exports. Since the early 1980’s every country on earth has massively imported all of goods and food. The trade deals globally and since then are designed to encourage imports but only one source or country (specialisation) produces those imports as exports to the world. This monopoly (a feature of the EU) reduces quality for the producer and consumer and  agriculture has had to be changed away from natural foods by chemicals and bio – engineering. This has also occurred with livestock, the result is a Frankenstein system which is not sustainable. Today we have ‘trading bots’ which armed with AI (Artificial Intelligence) and quantum computing, they look for the slightest margins in cost price and sell price and exploit them changing the price in turn and often faster than stock-market traders cause crashes and booms at will. Even with futures markets who are also armed with these technologies bring  its derivative insurance against future unknown prices, the small and medium producer cannot cope or compete as things stand. This Ricardo (economist 19th century) view of mercantilism (merchants) of international free trade was also developed by Marxism to further entrench massive specialisation onto countries whilst others imported continually. The result is a lack of choice and species (in agriculture and livestock) and variance in the global food market and many food items are frozen two or three times before arriving and are on display in retail or wholesale outlets. The free trade aspect is something which can be allowed to continue (as regulation or over regulation also produces Monopoly  ) but it can be challenged naturally by ‘real free trade’ which also includes the small and medium producer. Producers and growers cannot  in volatile markets  or even stable markets compete and follow prices tightly to make them competitive. They are priced out of the  fast market. They are then bought out by larger concerns which accumulates (large conglomerates have become producers, industrialised and financers all in one) The problem is food and livestock are organic with natures intelligence (hence they are, as are soils also modified genetically = GMO)  and not Artificial intelligence and it  does not work at ground/soil level to suit the new markets globally. Many countries cannot change crops to compete as the earth will not allow it (hence some small farming acres / areas are fallow or left unworked to recover) so they cannot compete in the market. Intermediary traders are not affected as they can switch farmer/ producer and the stock-market will not notice the blip on the screen. Traders as intermediaries can overcome the vast geographical distance problems selling the food/livestock commodity and its export distances it may require. Yet small and medium traders cannot  cut out the vast cost of exporting to the other side of the world unless they pre-arrange a fixed price lower than the stockmarket cutting out the trader intermediary’s and stockmarkets and conglomerates. Of course repeating this trade locally means the price margins will favour the farmer / producer (small and medium) as they have also cut out vast transportation costs. Localism also allows for local clean food to be stored and sod in Urban stores.Farmers can deal directly with importers (or local trade retail and wholesale) and become, producer, or exporter of the excess and also trader and price fixer in one. (examples here or here or here  or examples of current  model problems here  or even here  not regulated fair trade but real free trade )Without good agriculture land and land made available agriculture will fail. Some ex traders have even become farmers / producers in this model. This is a free market which boosts stocks and  their markets not a fixed market (challenges will be the restrictive cashless society / basic income communism, quantitative tightening and its volatility, massive and unsustainable world debt which has to end and China’s attempt to become the leaders of the NWO)

Slowly the USA is winning the trade war (amidst infrastructure decay and previous inexplicable democrat economic decisions and trade deals) with China which is as an imperialist expanding  by buying  land in Australia, Africa, South America and Europe and the USA (with a new base in Nuclear Pakistan ) and this is where Localism marries protectionism, and which keeps free trade exports as far as is required. China of course could collapse the world economy by collapsing and removing its  debts (300% of GDP to zero) into a new Gold system with Russia. See also above the post dated ‘23.11.2018 The USA and its economic recovery’ and subheading ‘Trumps trade and tariffs architects Peter Navarro and Robert Lighthizer’

The  US Judiciary. It is thought that Judge Ruth Ginsberg may retire in January 2018 after 25 years of distinguished service on the US Supreme court. Aside from the Supreme court there are hundreds of vacancies and appointments across all courts in the USA currently.

In the election in Florida the voting fraud was caught on camera (and Democrats have tried to add votes after the election closed with certifying signatures which do not match ?) in what are peculiar circumstances? then in one Florida county in a population of registered voters was exceeded by the votes lodged and this occurred in many US states . A Connecticut democrat lawyer was arrested on 19 voter fraud charges and ballot boxes stored provisionally were exposed again in Florida (i.e. false ballot papers)  Although this has occurred before in Broward county . The frauds were also discovered in Arizona and Georgia  Many counties in Georgia have more votes than registered voters. In Florida where the Senator elect Rick Scott (as his opponent actually conceded) previously acted to change the  abortion laws r.e. planned parenthood. Incredibly then a Clinton campaign lawyer was sent into Florida (with ties to the Trump discredited dossier) after Rick Scott’s  opponent Bill Nelson conceded and found thousands of more votes all democrats ? (when similar finds were then made in other  counties and states) Whilst in Broward county it was discovered that valid votes were mixed with rejected votes (as if someone was filtering the votes against Republicans ) Two court cases and a judge orders communist Brenda Snipes the election supervisor with the motto from Stalin ‘its not who casts the votes but who counts them’ to turn over the suspect ballots yet despite this a recount (without post-election rigged ballots ) is ordered  If post-election ballots are included in the recount can Republicans ask for a third recount in this election and in all democrat seats ? Can US President Trump or VP Pence intervene on Rick Scots behalf for justice?

The Florida ballot counters do not seem to know that illegal ballots and blank ballots actually completed by  election officials ? ? are not allowed ?

“The Palm Beach county, Florida Elections Supervisor is now in violation of a court order for refusing to hand over fraudulent duplicate ballots...Wait duplicate ballots are involved! So the Democrat steal attempt in Florida in Broward and Palm Beach County, Florida now involves about three kinds of votes, and they are provisional ballots from non-citizens, blank ballots being filled out by election officials, and now fraudulent duplicate ballots" ? but this is the essence of ‘count every  vote’ which has been shown to have links to groups who support open borders and trafficking. Will all of this be in the Mueller report as interference in an election, did the Russian’s have a hand in it ? and how many democrat seats were affected illegally in this manner ?

The  call for another voter fraud commission to introduce ID voting with proof of address and residency over a year and a proof of birth and legal citizenship, just as you require in other areas from working in security to joining  a library etc.

Democrats call for an end to illegal immigration (but no one violently protest’s outside their house as they did with Tucker Carlson see also last post above, one of the founders  actually appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show in 2017 see here ) It was not just Obama who called for the end of illegal immigration  (c-span video ‘Barack Obama on Illegal Immigration’ who like George Bush also sent troops  to the border ?) but also Dianne Feinstein (YouTube video ‘(D) Sen. Dianne Feinstein 1993 and 1994 Stop Illegal immigration’ ) also Chuck Schumer (video youtube ‘FLASHBACK: Schumer Sounded Like Trump on Immigration in 2009’ ) and Hillary Clinton (video ‘Hillary Clinton: I’m “adamantly against illegal immigrants.’  ) What has changed since then ?

The US elections were marred by a shooting in California (as the Broward vote fraud was unfurling)  when an armed gunman shot 12 people who were unprepared and largely unarmed in their defence at The Thousand Oaks. A cowardly action.

Watergate ?? and Patriotism ? In other news and which is incredible, after Hillary  Clinton and John Brennan lost  their security clearance, whilst Glenn Simpson who compiled the dossier against Trump has now pleaded the fifth amendment but admits he compiled/arranged the dossier with help and it was Obama who ordered the shut down of the Clinton investigation ?  and interfered with FBI’s McCabes investigation and which is the real ‘Watergate’ today in the USA. Ordered is the correct word in which the FBI and army personnel found themselves under the ‘Sword of Damocles’ a fact which is not highlighted enough. If Nixon was unpatriotic bearing in mind the song ‘Sweet Home Alabama’ then this surely is just as bad if not worse considering the Chinese were linked to Clintons server and hacked the USA (see above posts)  The French President Emmanuel Macron said Nationalism betrays Patriotism  (although the following would not agree;  Abraham Lincoln, Theodor Herzl of Israel, Mahatma Gandhi of India, Theodor Roosevelt, Joan of Arc, of France and the  Dalai Lama, as well as other interests, who are all Nationalists and Patriotic. In Poland they are not confused about  these terms as their annual March for independence was first banned but then went ahead anyway and passed off peacefully as it did in June 2018 and Polish state officials walked with the march on independence day as of course fought in World WAR 1 and 2. First comes family and town and collectively country and there is nothing wrong with these aspirations. Authoritarianism and big government  such as Stalin’s and Chairman Mao’s which became totalitarian and killed more people in history than any other ideology and swept away notions of the family which is immoral. Islam does not allow democratic decisions and is also authoritarian.

Democrat Marine and Republican Navy Seal elected. A factor and interesting aspect of the US midterm elections and which began earlier in 2018 concerns the election of 2 army servicemen to power. One an ex - marine Major Conor Lamb to the Pennsylvania congress in March 2013 with a history of prosecuting rape cases, (straight from the film ‘The Generals daughter’ yet in reality many are not served) , but who largely ran on similar polices to Trump narrowly winning by 755 votes, but who won again in November 2018 and who does not favour Nancy Pelosi. International rape and trafficking victims and migration traffickers could easily be tracked and caught but those cyber security systems surveillance systems seem to spend more time just  tracking Americans going about their daily business whilst trafficking continues.(see William Binney NSA and ask why China and Pakistan have sat unnoticed within the US security system for ten years ?) Two is Navy Seal Dan Crenshaw who was mocked for his eye patch aid by Saturday Night Live presenter Peter Davidson who later (not during the election but after ) apologised. Many people suggest the media is culpable and even  go so far as bulldozing many studios after they are closed down. It is clear the Democrat party (their real name i.e. not the ‘democrats’)  have moved to the right also.

For Dan Crenshaw Navy Seal and Conor Lamb Marines, liberty in mind, are they not on the same side ?


Cont’d from US election results 17.11.2018 above

Brexit and the draft withdrawal On the 13.11.2018 Britain was presented with a draft withdrawal agreement which basically says Britain cannot negotiate its own trade deals or really leave the EU. It is in effect a draft remain agreement. Teresa May (voted remain) is arguing with Jeremy Corbyn (voted remain, but is leave and remain) who are in discussions with Michel Barnier who wants Teresa May and Jeremey Corbyn to remain and let the EU control Britain’s trade deals.

Resignations. It was announced that the Cabinet had agreed the draft  withdrawal  agreement, yet within a day Dominic Raab the secretary of state for exiting the European Union had resigned but who was only appointed in July 2007. He voted Leave and has been replaced by Stephen Barclay who also voted leave. With him Eshter McVey the work and pensions secretary has also resigned along with Junior minsters Suella Braverman, Shailesh Vara and following the draft 23 ministers have said they will vote against the draft withdrawal agreement and vote  no confidence in Teresa May (& Corbyn and Barnier in the remain team) It is a farce deliberately discussed and played out. Ideas which could have been used or utilized have not been discussed or introduced ?

Security in a hard or soft Brexit ? The Home Office and Home Secretary Javid is also under fire after it is discovered that the Home Office (and since 2016 ) has lost the whereabouts of 450 rapists and killers and since 2010 (and for 30 years) this has been anongoing problem in the EU immigration and control scam. In effect nothing has changed and the current negotiations are nothing to do with Brexit as voted for on 23.06.2018. Why do we not hear of the preliminary trade deals which have been negotiated (over 50 so far) and the details of them day in and day out (timeline etc) ? A point raised by the Police is a no deal Brexit may have security risks for Britain. Yet these immigration problems (above in this paragraph) and the 11 towns including Rotherham have been trafficked by Pakistan gangs for years. (Brexit has been blamed for everything from Global warming to food shortages) Further (and see posts above dated 12.07.2018 ) Britain has joined the EU army task force (not Pesco i.e. the European army) which takesco-operation and would need to have done so since 23.06.2016 ? (to repeat a portion) 'The British defence forces have joined the new EU task force  which is not the same as PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation see above and post dated 23.24/12.2017 and insert dated 30.01.2018 ) Britain is still in the council of Europe hence it could join this task force, and it also highlights the panic and furore the leave side have created to pull the wool over people’s eyes. The EU want to restrict the City of London with EU regulations (or any financial centre) and the European super army PESCO (Permanent structured co-operation  11.12.2017) is overseen and championed by Italian communist Federica Mogherini who is also a student of integration and immigration (or the worldwide trafficking scam as it is or the actual racism of communist humanism. With Millions of Muslims passing into the EU unimpeded, the new Superarmy has Jihad members who oppose the west ?) It is additional to NATO (for now but overlaps it) although Britain has signalled it will not join PESCO.'  .... To join the EU task force would take co-operation between the Council of Europe members of which Britain will always be a member ?

An end to Free Speech in the EU ? Further to this the EU Court of Human rights has silenced free speech for all Europeans peoples stating no one can criticise Islam  ? (although Hagar is still ok to mention)  or here r.e. the Lady involved in the case dated Oct 23rd  Yet it must also follow it is wrong to criticise Christianity and Judaism ?. In essence they are also saying you cannot criticise pedophilia, rapists and trafficking ?  The European court of Human rights has effectively collapsed into corruption. Teresa May wants to impose Sharia law also which is superior to British law and any law in the EU

The draft Brexit deal.? What is now being offered in the Brexit deal ? According to UKIP what is being offered is a ‘associate membership’ see facebook video ‘Gerard Batten on the Betrayal Agreement’ This is contrast to Italy’s government which has introduced the toughest but normal security / immigration laws in the EU

The whole borders issue anywhere in the EU is exposed as the red herring it is by this gentlemen and in which you can still have security. See; 'We can go INSTANTLY' British diesel-importer DESTROYS politicians Brexit delay NONSENSE' Daily Mail Sep 29, 2017')

In August 2018  Andrea Jenkins MP asked the question in the House of Commons i.e. does Brexit really mean 'remain' (video) and when was this decided ? The question fielded to Teresa May and the remainers (see last post above dated 12.08.2018) who are 'negotiating' with Emmanuel Macron and the EU, the EU wants  to make the trade deals for Britain as it has over the last 45 years or so. The answer is Brexit meant remain to remainers on the 28.06.2016 2 days after the Brexit vote, and which is particularly puzzling since Ruth Lea's essay 'The EU wants easy access to the City after Brexit' in early 2017 ?

Every EU nation wants to make its own trade deals with its free speech freely spoken and freedom (within new institutions and a Constitution like the USA)




The Brexit draft withdrawal agreement publication and vote on 11.12.2018

Clearly (following the draft text of the EU withdrawal agreement) in Brexit Andrea Jenkins MP’s question (see last post above) ‘does Brexit mean remain’ is now answered in the draft withdrawal agreement. The draft withdrawal agreement, agreed by 27 EU member states on the 25.11.2018 is only an agreement with the EU and the shadow remain side (in effect) in Britain. And this agreement is only to begin the withdrawal deal process not a deal (or a WTO deal as alternative) and the terms of it are draconian and are designed to ruin Brexit in effect so far (see summary of the draft and speed read of it below) Yet who are the remain side ? see further on. A no vote simply means a no deal Brexit.

For some Brexit is encompassed by beginning the ‘Article 50’process  (subject to Article 218(3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. which can be read here ) Yet this formal arrangement does not mean a nation cannot just withdraw and forgets the vote which took place on 23.06.2018. Two days later after that vote and to answer Andrea Jenkins MP question (  In August 2018  Andrea Jenkins MP asked the question in the House of Commons i.e. does Brexit really mean 'remain'  video and when was this decided ? ) a Court case to revoke Article 50 actually began 2 days after the Brexit vote (before Teresa May had begun the Article 50 process) which was instigated by a Barrister and others  who took the case to Ireland but it was thrown out and dismissed.  It was then later re-introduced in Scotland by the same grouping (not the Government) in the Summer of 2018 and it will go to the UK Supreme court as of 16.11.2018 and will be heard on 27.11.2018  The case asks whether the other 27 EU states need to vote upon such a decision. The initial result of this is the EU Court of Justice, Council and  Commission lawyers decided that the decision to leave the EU cannot be revoked Unilaterally , and the decision to inform of the Article 50 process stands as is current. The Judges in Luxemburg are to decide as soon as possible. Yet many have said this decision is due to the EU’s binding nature of its laws i.e. once a law / decision has been made it cannot be unmade. The UK say one parliament cannot bind another parliament which is the essence of independence with an ability to make your own trade deals. This idea of not changing a law or decision grew from ideas within the league of nations following World War1 and is central to the communist plan of totalitarian hegemony. Yet whether it had been revoked or not it does not alter the referendum result on 23.06.2018. It just means the withdrawal is less formal. Both the EU withdrawal bill and the case brought by the revokers (to ask whether the Article 50 action can be revoked unilaterally, or it takes all 27 members to agree to allow a revocation in the EU) are remain side arguments only. It is like asking a ship to turn around after it has sailed or King Canute trying and stop the tide ( or its EU equivalent ) from going out.(as opposed to in )

Following the publication of the ‘draft Withdrawal agreement’ which is in essence the remain (some suspect) agreement  the Spectator published its top 40 ‘horrors’ of the deal which is only a Brussels drafted document  although Teresa May did get Cabinet approval for it (but only just)  before many resigned including Dominic Raab the British Brexit negotiator and cabinet member for withdrawing from the EU, stating they could not support it. (see last post above and in which it  is clear under WTO rules, trade is easily facilitated. Specifically the practice as related by the transport diesel importer ) This summary from the Spectator is useful as the actual document runs to 585 pages in length  which is a practice to put people off and prevent them from understanding it or reading it in full, but is available on this EU portal website  page. Or here via CITMA  (or here)  CITMA is the Chartered Institute of Trade mark Attorneys. Or alternatively read the copy from ‘Business Insider UK’ here 

‘Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, as agreed at negotiators' level on 14 November 2018’

For a speed read summary read the following below 2 paragraphs down.(in the following paragraphs) The UK will on the whole remain in a Customs Union yet Teresa May warned several times  it was a bad idea to be in the Customs union ? and has now even said it may be permeant with no time limit ?   (prompting even some EU officials to say a ‘No deal’ was best i.e. Donald Tusk ) and of course in a Customs Union you cannot make your  own trade deals ? The transition  period beginning 19.03.2019 could be  indefinite not just 8 years (Teresa May wanted 2 years, but it has been 2.5 years since Brexit on 23.06.2016 ?) During the transition period a new trade deal it is hoped may be worked out. Britain is regarded as a subservient member state of the EU throughout these perpetual periods , (Bloomberg; ‘Teresa Mays deal has a fatal defect’ ) as the current deal is not Brexit and is worse in every point and aspect many have said. This is why Brexit occurred of course in order not to have to face decline under the EU or its negative deals. Remainers in reality want the same draconian conditions within the current EU membership including the labour party, yet conversely most of Europe has also rejected the current conditions and EU model as is shown by recent election results, and these problems are clearly not solved by staying in. On the 19.11.2018 the DUP say they will abstain (and have abstained on the 19.11.2018) from future finance bills especially on Monday 26.11.2018 (after Mrs May returned from a EU conference on the 25.11.2018)

Jacob Ree’s Mogg points out however that Teresa May said this (draft withdrawal deal) was the deal she always wanted ? (see YouTube video 20.11.2018 ‘Jacob Rees-Mogg on vote of no-confidence: 'Patience is a virtue' ) She believes EU law is higher than a nations law but also conversely believes in Sharia law also, which is superior to British law and any law in the EU ?

Summary / speed read of draft agreement which Britain is asked to sign up to possibly indefinitely (which if tweaked cannot change the substance)

The jurisdiction of the ECJ (European Court of Justice) will last until eight years after the end of the transition period. (Article 158).The UK will still be bound by any future changes to EU law in which it will have no say, not to mention having to comply with current law. (Article 6(2)) Any disputes under the Agreement will be decided by EU law only – one of the most dangerous provisions. (Article 168). This cuts the UK off from International Law, something we’d never do with any foreign body. Arbitration will be governed by the existing procedural rules of the EU law – this is not arbitration as we would commonly understand it (i.e. between two independent parties). (Article 174) The tampon tax clause: We obey EU laws on VAT, with no chance of losing the tampon tax even if we agree a better deal in December 2020 because we hereby agree to obey other EU VAT rules for **five years** after the transition period. Current EU rules prohibit 0-rated VAT on products (like tampons) that did not have such exemptions before the country joined the EU

In the ‘withdrawal deal’ there is no definition of goods and services (Article 107 although Article 40 defines agriculture also as goods and goods means everything), the Lisbon treaty defines ‘national sovereignty’  and all EU officials who are based  in the UK and any EU citizen (Article 107) who is deemed to be a future criminal cannot be prosecuted in the UK. (Article 104) Under this deal the GDPR is UK law.(Articles 71 – 73) The UK is shut out of EU security databases, but the EU is not shut out of the UK’s  (Article 8) but as things stand that is not  the case see last post above and EU task force and PESCO.

On immigration; The UK will be tied to EU foreign policy, “bound by the obligations stemming from the international agreements concluded by the Union” but unable to influence such decisions. (Article 124) All EU citizens must be given permanent right of residence after five years – but what counts as residence? This will be decided by the EU, rather than UK rules. (Articles 15-16) Britain is granted the power to send a civil servant to Brussels to watch them pass stupid laws which will hurt our economy. (Article 34) The EU will have control of all UK intellectual property (Articles 51 – 61) and it will remain in the customs union for all time (Articles 40 – 49)

If the UK wants to make its own trade deals, it effectively cannot ‘The UK is bound by EU rules on procurement rules – which effectively forbids us from seeking better deals elsewhere. (Articles 75 to 78)’ & ‘The EU decide capital projects (too broadly defined) the UK is liable for. (Art. 144)

And crucially…‘Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)’

‘The UK shall be liable for any “outstanding commitments” after 2022 (Article 142(2) expressly mentions pensions, which gives us an idea as to who probably negotiated this). The amount owed will be calculated by the EU. (Articles 140-142) The UK will be liable for future EU lending. As anyone familiar with the EU’s financials knows, this is not good. (Article143) The UK will remain liable for capital projects approved by the European Investment Bank. (Article 150). The UK will remain a ‘party’ (i.e. cough up money) for the European Development Fund. (Articles 152-154) And the EU continues to calculate how much money the UK should pay it. So thank goodness Brussels does not have any accountancy issues. The UK will remain bound (i.e. coughing up money) to the European Union Emergency Trust Fund – which deals with irregular migration (i.e. refugees) and displaced persons heading to Europe. (Article 155) The agreement will be policed by ‘the Authority’ – a new UK-based body with ‘powers equivalent to those of the European Commission’. (Article 159) The EU admits, in Art. 184, that it is in breach of  Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which oblige it to “conclude an agreement” of the terms of UK leaving the EU. We must now, it seems, “negotiate expeditiously the agreements governing their future relationship.” And if the EU does not? We settle down to this Agreement. And, of course, the UK will agree to pay £40bn to receive all of these ‘privileges. (Article 138)

Financially the agreement restricts the UK from making its own trade deals and also slows and regulates ‘goods and services’ in the UK but the UK cannot alter those terms from inside the UK or the EU ? making commerce globally and locally worse off  than it was before. For Farmers and see the post above dated 17.11.2018 and the US election results) farming is in any case moving to become the producer and trader all in one. Crucially if these ‘transition’ periods are utilised why would there need to be a draft agreement restrictive s it is in place ? This is why many suspect that Teresa May (remain voter) with the rest of the remainers and the EU remainers in the EU have drafted a trap to punish Britain for daring to Vote Leave in the first place. For other EU nations (although the EU does not recognise your nationhood) this is what you can expect. It is also not the end as the EU superstrate will transcend even its current level and will wipe out nations via its Optimal currency theories of labour, through mass immigration into the EU (where diversity does not mean everyone from Norway to Russia or from Finland to Spain, who are of course diverse nations with distinct languages already. Islam of course is against Diversity in its countries, Sharia law forces out business with its sharia business tax and forces ‘others’ out also, it is of course the antithesis of diversity as many towns in Europe have already found)

End of the summary speed read although there is a lot more.

Permanent subservience to the EU ?
In other words, and to follow Jacob Rees Mogg’s view, the transition period Teresa May has envisaged will last forever and a day. And whether it is under current EU arrangements or in the withdrawal agreement type deal, forever and a day also applies. Not as a mythological story of benevolence but as subservient’s within their own country, overseen by a Satrap type regime from another continent who delegate the rules accordingly. And this is where Tony Blair fits into the puzzle. (see later on)  First however Brexit voters said in reading the draft withdrawal agreement that they had been betrayed (including the occurrence of the baffling general election call in 2017 when the Conservatives majority was substantially reduced, and which had the effect of narrowing Brexit options) and many had suspected this a month earlier especially as Teresa May inferred as does the article in the independent that the remain campaign and remainers have engaged in a lie all along.

Why would the EU agree a new transition deal if they will not do so now  and since 23.06.2018

A question arises as; if the withdrawal process can be indefinite (and the speed read I abbreviated above and their conditions apply) why would anyone agree to it (25.11.2018) Teresa May says UK can sign trade deals quickly after exit, (including China) yet Britain has already signed nearly 50 trade deals now see posts above in chapter 3 and 3a ?  Its (the withdrawal process)  process is heavily added onto from the Article 50 / 218(3) requirements and which is the only obligation, the withdrawal deal is so draconian you would have to go out of your way to invent it ? The transition periods leap frog Brexit (as defined on 26.03.2018) leaving it behind and then commit to an extended stay in the EU under extreme conditions of servitude which may never end. If it is not indefinite, and the EU have said they will not negotiate a new deal ? then why would they begin to renegotiate a wider deal after March 19th 2018 (Brexit day) when they would not do so now ?  (or in the previous 30 months ?)

The supposed dilemma.

Guy Verhofstadt a EU negotiator has already said Brexit could take 20 years (with the current timetable a possibility ) but his real intentions or hopes politically and economically are laid out in a recent speech to the EU Parliament facebook video ‘Guy Verhofstadt loses his temper, blows the lid off why he is so angry with Britain. 
The EU want to take away the Nation states sovereign powers’.
    ( or here on youtube ‘The Madman of Brussels’ ) This is precisely the point and why European nations want to keep their sovereignty and fiscal independence. Mr Verhofstadt Is wrong.

With that view of sovereignty in mind listen also to Professor Ronan McCrea who claims Brexit is pointless  (video youtube ‘Professor Ronan McCrea discusses the Brexit deal on Sky News’   ( or here on Joe or here on facebook  ) yet he is also wrong (see later) For a warning on both of these views see youtube video; ‘UKIP Leader Gerard Batten Interviewed On Theresa May's Draft Deal’ you can add that fishermen in the UK believe the withdrawal agreement means  they will lose fishing waters forever.  but in a no deal the UK would get their WTO seat returned to them, and at time of writing 46 of the 48 letters of no confidence letter have been received against Teresa May and 48 triggers a vote of no confidence. The truth is and following Guy Verhofstadts claim that nations should give up Sovereignty is that it goes much further than this into a new kind of superstrate which is totalitarian and is not designed for actual Europeans long term. This superstrate’s  beginning does not follow  the USA model of states having fiscal autonomy and each states debt are not forced upon the other states. It is only one version of the EU’s future. There is no new EU constitution planned only the "The euro economic plan with the EU fiscal compact  last video YouTube 'Loss of Sovereignty, Fiscal Compact') seems to be designed by people who are not from Europe or are not acting in its best interests ?  'THE SHOCKING TRUTH OF THE PENDING EU COLLAPSE!! MAKE VIRAL ALL!!' (video named in full to use in search engines)  Should the EU have a constitution and all elected EU commission?

So are Professor Ronan McCrea, Guy Verhofstadt correct ? is there no 3rd way ? or is this just academia and the media living in a bubble. Poland has its own view as do many others across the EU.

The ‘EU’ is just one version of European unity and European nations (marching here peacefully  in Poland and branded as ‘far right’ instead of nationalists who are of course also left and/but mainly right or of no political affiliation) are already unified without institutions controlling  them into negative oblivion. The European nations are a diverse people from pre-history and institutions which fail or are taken over and used against its population can be removed.

Tony Blair (as mentioned above; remain voter Pakistan, Saud & Islington ) has been very local in support of remain. Yet many are asking (in this delicate diplomatic period of the  ‘Khashoggi’ allegations and the connection to the Clinton foundation) if Tony Blair’s views are simply the egging on of Pakistan and Saud. Saud of course grants people hospitality when they visit the desert Kingdom and to all major politicians worldwide since 1918 but increasingly since 1973. However Tony Blair has admitted to more or less being on the payroll of the Saudi’s   (or here ) (who have Pakistan’s army within Saudis army and their own and also within Iran’s army see posts above) but also because Pakistan will lose out in Brexit if Britain leaves. Tony Blair also sold his longstanding family home to Dr Ashraf Chonan a Pakistan politician who in turn supports Sadiq Khan in more than one fundraiser and supporting project who is also anti- Brexit and Tony and Sadiq have called for a second referendum (although Brexiters are then calling for a third referendum in opposition) but who seem to be acting in the interests of Pakistan or Saud like many in the remain camp. Pakistan, who are now siding with Russia, and Pakistan wants to offer its nuclear expertise to others, including Iran who have Uranium. Further one of the major problems is the business extortion funds sharia law zones muster to fund such groups. The EU's Generalised Scheme of Preferences (aka the GSP + as one type of measure) and this EU measure will be lost to Pakistan in a no deal Brexit (see posts above for greater detail dated 18.04.2018 & 0.05.2018) Tony Blair has long been credited with the ruin of the British economy yet deepening the removal of manufacturing and industry  and extraordinary decisions on security and defence which make no sense to this day.  Certainly they have not favoured Norway or Denmarks economic outlook (see at the end ) for ‘the people’

Who are the ‘remain side’ see post above by using this link 11.06.2018 The Brexit - EU withdrawal bill, the EU deal and the anti- Brexit remain side and its collusion with Russia, the KGB, the Trotskyites, the Taliban and the Leninists which has a link to return to the main heading.

Austria and Italy December 2018. Like Greece the Italian economy is made impossible by the EU. and its measures Austria has followed the USA and Hungary and has left the UN migration pact, Jean Claude Jucnker blames ‘stupid populists’ (an oxymoron of course) and Poland may soon follow. Austria’s Sebastian Kurz  is the current President of Austria and the Council of the European Union and the EU should scrap the UN migration pact across all 27 states as well as the Schengen pacts and agreements and the Barcelona agreement. Aside from the absurdity of these agreements the EU has 7 % unemployment (in the era now of quantitative tightening ) or 50 million people but some estimates put it at 60 to 70 million unemployed. The EU has been used as a terror target with operatives actually working inside passport and customs systems encouraging more migrants and Frau Angela Merkel (ex - German leader) and the communist party are behind it all for decades. The G20 nations who recently met in Argentina agreed new migration, climate change measures yet the 2/3 of the worlds population they represent do not believe in climate change or open borders. The G20 agreements are  non-binding (i.e. not legal, yet China has said it will cut tariffs on US cars) yet the UN has now said ‘criticising’ migration can be criminalised to do so is ‘hate speech’ (yet a question everyone is asking is ‘does migration cause global warming’ ?) Getting rid of these idiots and the UN is vital if the world is to thrive and be free. The UN itself has been involved in actual human trafficking and is a criminal organisation which benefits from ‘migration trafficking’ and over 30 years the UN has been caught in numerous child trafficking rings, and it would benefit them to criticise migration.  When you realise the whole ‘migration’ scam is a scam at UN level and on each others borders in the EU and across the globe  see post above dated 08.12.2017 and the Global immigration scandal  it is time to take action (like closing down the UN or relocating it to Pitcairn Island)

In Italy the government has threatened to leave the EU and introduce its own currency and of course cancelling its own debts (132%of GDP) to become free and prosperous. (and which will accelerate growth ) The outrage of consistent accrued debt whilst accepting advice from economists who state growth will cancel out these debts (a tax on the individual and national economy) but the growth simply buys more borrowing room and on and on. The EU threatens states who object to these debt measures with added interest, austerity and austere economic measures but it does not expand its views into other opinions especially of faith, family and nation. The Italians have threatened to rise up and take over the country. This debt racket con has to end. The plan to introduce austerity measures in Greece which has been brainwashed into passivity will not end in the current situation, and in Greece the left protested and then signed on the line for more Austerity and debt ?. It is claimed the Italian government backed down but they will return to this point, in fact the EU has been warned by the IMF that national governments have to reduce their debts see posts above (localism is a defence against Austerity)

2018 In the USA and connected in December (the worlds sat-nav space systems)  its debts are defined in GDP not PPP (although PPP can also be deceiving in state capitalist economies as low fixed incomes suffer hidden taxes in China and lack of supply also distorts) yet the interest upon it is approaching $1 Trillion per year and is larger than its defence spending. This could affect military bases globally and payments to accruing bonds, CDR’s and even treasury bills could be under threat (although they benefit from a government guarantee) yet these debts are Trillions and are due. Its two last senators to be elected are Rick Scott who is pro - life in Florida and in Mississippi Cindy Hyde Smith extending the Republicans lead in the Senate. However the extensive vote fraud in Broward county eventually led to the  (although under the Mueller investigation this is interfering in a US election ?) resignation of Brenda Snipes the supervisor of elections  (see last post above ) Brenda snipes is a communist who claimed the attention upon the voter fraud was ‘racist’ and the vast and obvious fraud was ‘legitimate’ as her actions repeatedly proved (which is an active measure). This widespread voter fraud is married to illegal immigration and these midterm elections proved that beyond a doubt (see last post above) Much attention is focused upon Yemen yet Russia, & China, & Iran (Hezbollah)  and Pakistan who have sent 1000 troop or more to help the Saudi’s against ‘Yemen’, yet Russia & China are backing Pakistan although Russia and China sent arms to Pakistan in 2016 (and Nuclear weapons which Pakistan currently has) as Emmanuel Macron (EU but who backs Sharia law zones which fund Hamas) recently said Russia, China and the USA are its enemies as he pushed for a EU super army, which Britain has not joined, although it will advance assistance in a EU task force (see last post above) but as a separate army. The decision to not join the EU army was made before 2010 when Brexit was mooted, but many now suspect the latest deal version from the EU tries to merge the armies.. Israel are trying to prevent Iran from launching its front in Syria and Lebanon.( Germany (Saxons / Scythians, Celts and Nord) have made pork sausages at an ‘Islam event’. ) The UK has launched a rival ‘sat-nav’ Global satellite to rival the Galileo Eu ‘sat – nav’ satellite. China has also launched its global rival ‘sat – nav’ system which may conflict with all others as it seeks to govern the New world Order. Russia have also launched a new (old) space programme (Soyuz  ) but in the UK the science and Brexit  minister Sam Gyimah has resigned over the UK’s rejection of the EU’s Galileo ‘sat – nav system’. The USA has also signalled a new space military arm as outlined by VP Mike Pence for ‘20/20’  China plans to dominate trade, technology, the ‘internet of things’, cyber security and is expanding its empire globally by 2025. In North Korea there are extraordinary scenes as the two armies meet and shake hands in the DMZ.(there are reports that Kim Jong Un and Mrs Supreme leader are trying to build new Nuclear facilities under pressure from China who have not sanctioned the release of the 200,000 imprisoned in NK and the vast numbers of Christians as also in China itself. Sanctions could increase in severity in NK) yet for North and South Koreans it is a new day.  (hard for the west to understand but for them it is astonishing) President George H W Bush died 30.11.2018 in World War 2 he was shot down from his plane over Japan and was not a civilian working in intelligence (CIA) As the USA places a temporary halt on its trade war with China, (which is surrounded yet it is advancing new military bases) the USA is facing a huge national, debt, a budget deficit and trade deficit which either slowly grinds the west to a halt or all of these debts are cancelled. Even on fatalities alone from war dead (in many wars)  those deaths would cancel out any debts.

In opposition to the EU draft deal with Teresa May the Norway EFTA type deal has been mooted as ‘plan b’ Yet there are many other deals possible (see link to previous post-dated under main heading 23/24.12.2017 and subheading (see post above by using this link) Why is the Brexit deal worth rejecting as it stands ? and why a 'no deal' (for Britain is now, better  ) and a no deal under WTO rules as the EU wants access to the City, but it also wants to regulate it.

The City has also said that a no deal makes longer / wider financial sense and which is linked to over regulation. or the avoidance of over regulation. The world’s biggest project (ever ) the OBOR (one world one belt project) is managed by the City of London and the west could provide SME manufacturing and trades to these projects  (but with no movement in North Korea, human rights remain the biggest concern and hindrance, which without resolution could still produce a war) On plan B Norway / EFTA. Firstly EFTA does not  allow closed borders as mentioned in the post above dated 18.04.2018 and Victor Oban) The explanation is as follows; see BBC article by Jonty Bloom 14th August 2017 'Free trade area, single market, customs union - what's the difference?'   and relevant paragraph 'Still the UK could opt to leave the single market but stay in the customs union, but that does mean it couldn't negotiate free trade deals with other countries, the EU does that' The article also adds a very important note as follows on EFTA; 'There is a free trade zone in Europe and we helped to create it: EFTA, the European Free Trade Association. It counts Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein as members, but they now have a very close relationship with the EU; all but Switzerland are part of the single market' In other words Britain is worse off under the customs union but not if it eventually wants to join the Euro. And to repeat from the post above dated 12. 07.2018 with advice from a Norwegian ambassador. Norway’s deal. Next is the Ambassador to Ireland from Norway Else Berit Eikeland says “A Norway-plus” model for the UK after Brexit, as proposed last month by the Taoiseach, could effectively amount to continued membership of the European Union, Norway’s ambassador to Ireland has said”  also …

Britain’s Oil and Gas, Denmark and Norway. Oil and Gas Britain on land and sea in England, and oil and gas Worldwide. Another strange issue is Britain's oil and gas fields, which are mooted to be closed from 2018 or 2022 for 148 fields ? or 2023 to 2027 for 84 fields  when they should be kept going. (North Sea oil rigs and oil and gas off the North Wales coast.) New technology and new discoveries with high recoverable yield are being made all the time, including in the internal land based oil rigs, which are estimated to be worth over 100 Billion barrels of oil also in the South of England but is in fact much much, higher and worth £Trillions and this alone should make anyone suspicious of the current negotiations. (this is separate from the artic fields) 

Even the commonwealth countries produce oil and gas and of course trade deals with them are lucrative also (if free to make those deals outside of a customs union and EFTA and single market) New oil fields are coming online worldwide every year.  Norway of course mentioned many times on here has produced a 1 Trillion windfall fund for itself (worth 8 trillion in Norway’s internal economy in Norwegian crowns) which Britain or any nation should copy, whilst Denmark along with green energy systems has paid down its international debts whilst Britain owes 1.7 Trillion in its national debt  (Denmark and Norway have full fiscal controls)

Britain, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland could also develop trade deals as separate internal entities to trade with each other and export, broadening their choices, whilst keeping to the main trade deal officially. An internal arrangement expanding  trade and industry outward (the current EU withdrawal draft gives the EU the right to make Britain's trade deals indefinitely see Navy line above in this post )

If any countries politicians are not aiming for (Denmark) paying off its national debt and international obligations or (Norway) establishing a $1 Trillion wealth fund for its people and/or making your own trade deals (and in Britain a lot of the Brexit hysteria is pushed by bureaucrats who want to retain an EU salary as the draft withdrawal outlines make clear and which is their only concern) then why are you voting for them ? and you have to ask what are they actually doing in their  roles ?


Cont’d from above



The Brexit draft withdrawal agreement publication and the vote on 11.12.2018 which was ‘suspended’ The EU changes its mind

After an estimated 200 rebel MP’s from across the House of Commons indicated they would rebel against the deal proposed by Teresa May, she decided to suspend the vote (set for the next day) on the 10.11.2018 indicating she had until 21.01.2019 to bring  a vote on the ‘deal’ (or…. before 21.12.2018) concerns on the ‘backstop’ issue were cited yet another feature of the backstop are the hidden tax items which do not seem to benefit anyone ? Dominic Grieve MP (Remain, Privy Council and Beaconsfield) deepened his initial 2017 request (see post above dated 23/24/12.2017 when his amendment to introduce a meaningful vote ( The Vote defeated the Government although by 4 votes, (309 – 305 on 13.12.2017) ) and again for a even more meaningful vote on the deal by MP’s but which is also now widened into ‘Plan B’ which is mooted as the Norway Plus deal (a version of many possible deals, although Norway and the EU have rejected for Britain but Britain could go it alone in a similar way) Teresa Mays deal is a terrible deal and even if it was changed at 585 pages it cannot stand even if an alternative version was to be presented ?

The question is and since (and before) Dominic Grieve MP’s initial request in December 2017, Why ? would Teresa May (Remain, One nation conservative, Maidenhead) spend 2 years making such a bad deal with Emmanuel Macron knowing it would be voted down by rational people ? Further despite assurances on immigration in the deal Teresa May and the UK are pushing to join the UN migrant compact which is being rejected across the EU, and even by the current Austrian lead member (of the 3 nations comprised) of the Presidency of the Council of the EU Austria Sebastian Kurz who is the current President of the Council of the European Union (Britain would have had this EU position in 2017 but since they have already left the EU on the 23.06.2016, the position was removed and passed to the next country on the list which is an indication of what Brexit on the 23.06.2016 means) The UN adopted the pact on 10.11.2018 in Morocco yet it has no binding authority on any country although the UN (see last post  above) has said criticism of it will be  a criminal offense ? Yet the UK will (Teresa May at odds with her own withdrawal deal will eventually) adopt it ?

The USA and Austria have not adopted it and “Australia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland and Slovakia have already pulled out”.  as the migration compact  envisages 258 Million migrants ?

Liam Fox MP (Leave, Secretary of State for international trade, North Somerset) says MP’s are trying to steal Brexit away from the Voters yet just as the ‘Migration pact’ is not  binding on Governments but is forced by stealth and procedure the steal is not binding over the ‘people’ (i.e. “ In Germany, the pact became an issue in the battle to succeed Angela Merkel as leader of the ruling Christian Democratic Union. The two losing candidates for the post, Jens Spahn and Friedrich Merz, both criticized the {migration} agreement and called for it to be amended” they were rejected because they rejected the migration pact, which has split the Belgium government also The leader of Belgium (Prime - minster Charles Michel)  also lost his job for supporting an end to the ‘migration’ pact) Right across every EU government forced and threatened Emmanuel Macron hoped  Britain would join it fully in January 2018. This is their job nothing else matters but migration regardless of what else is occurring. Liam Fox points to the reason Teresa May is taking so long and why MP’s are trying to steal Brexit from the people, yet like the migration pact which  is not binding on governments neither is the ‘Withdrawal deal’ binding on Brexit. In the last post above dated 3.8.2018 people have said they felt betrayed and forced an admission that the whole 2 years of Brexit negotiations was a lie. Yet it is a lie engineered by the remain side. In the last post if you read the entire document it is spiked with clauses and social rules which are ridiculous, it is not the Brexit people voted for. Even If the vote had occurred on 11.12.2018 the result either way would not be binding on Brexit (i.e. the meaningful vote) . The entire 2 years negotiations are not binding on Brexit as the people voted to leave the EU and not for a deal. These 2 items are mutually exclusive from each other.

In the USA The current administration have also rejected the UN migration compact. The extraordinary story surrounding the Mueller investigation (which has not investigated the Uranium 1 scandal in over 2 years ?, yet a former FBI investigator Dennis Nathan Cain today says he was raided to stop him telling the story) and the forcing of witnesses to lie. Jerome Corsi PhD states he was called in and effectively tortured into lying. He refused to go along with the coercion and has countersued Mueller for criminal bid to seek false testimony.   (the skulduggery also applied to General Mike Flynn who has not received jail time but who was likely to have been forced and coerced as the illegal fisa warrants continue) Jerome Corsi states the Russia investigation wanted him to lie but he would not be a party to it. Huma Abeddin lied to the FBI but has not been prosecuted ?  Clinton aide Cheryl Mills was also not prosecuted for lying to the FBI. Obama officials also lied to the intelligence services Conversely and prior to the 2016 election Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch have not been prosecuted for lying to the FBI about the tarmac meeting prior to the 2016 election

In France across the channel Emmanuel Macron has declared a State of Emergency,  as the country descends into turmoil. and into an economic emergency. It is not just the economy and the fuel tax causing the outrage, but a systemic break down of the system (below the media reporting with crowds as big as 140,000 and larger) and which is occurring systemically all over the EU and which has been hidden  (see last post above dated 3.8.2018) as people seek a new Europe. The ‘yellow vest’ protest (although riots have continued throughout 2017 in France) has spread into Holland and Belgium and will spread wider into all EU countries. In Spain the right gained 12 parliamentary seats and in Armenia the ‘populist’ party (who staged a dancing revolution earlier in the year) won 70% of the votes.  In Britain on the 9.12.2018 a huge March downsized to 15,000 took place for Brexit.

What if the loose nations known as the British Commonwealth of 53 nations made themselves (or a faction of them) into a ‘Single Market’ (16 countries have the Queen as their head of state) just on EU goods what negotiations would the EU enter into ?

What is clearer and has become clearer over the last week, is the EU are desperate for a ‘deal’ and it is obvious they made the visible ‘withdrawal deal’ with Teresa May, but which no rational person could accept (and Labour will not produce a Brexit anyone could work with as they posture on with a deal or no deal example to show in 2 years and see the last post above dated 3.8.2018. Labour frown upon economies such as the Norwegian or Danish achievements such as paying off international obligations Denmark and a trust fund for the entire population as Norway has, see last post above) There are now many indications that the EU is desperate for a deal despite the EU media and figureheads saying they are not willing to change (which will come out  as the Brexit ‘project fear’ continues but dissipates ) and they will obviously change their view as they want to control the trade deals and much more. (see last post above) The EU are pushing the current deal but it is a weak and poor attempt to hide the fact it is they who are more concerned about Britain leaving the EU.

EU changes its mind on Article 50 and ?…. An example of this (and there are more) is the EU finally ruled on 10.11.2018 that the UK could revoke article 50 unilaterally (on its own) changing its procedures of majority voting and in these cases normally all 27 EU countries would have to agree to let Britain withdraw from article 50, yet even that has no binding effect on Brexit 23.06.2016. (For the history of article 50 see last post above dated 3.8.2018) Only 2 weeks ago all 27 states had to agree to accept the Teresa May withdrawal agreement yet now Article 50 which was agreed by all 27 member states can be changed buy 1 nation only r.e. “28. The European Council endorses the arrangements set out in the statement of 27 Heads of State or Government on 15 December 2016”  To make such a turnaround is a precedent and now any member can apply to have any item changed unilaterally. The EU may say these are special circumstances and it could make a decision (in the European Court of Justice) differently for other countries or circumstances.

Italy and others acting alone as the EU changes its mind. It (the EU article 50 decision) also has other consequences as other existing EU nations acting alone could make a decision alone whilst remaining (or not) in the EU. Emmanuel Macron recently changed his mind on the fuel tax. Of course it could be coordinated but  independent. Any single EU nation without permission of the other 26 could decide to introduce their own fiscal policy separately from the fiscal compact The IMF has warned on Global world debt levels ($200 Trillion) and the need to reduce them, adding that the Global debt now is worse than it was before the 2007/2008 financial crash. Italy really wants or desperately needs to make its own budget to its own reformed economy and move away from Budgetary conditions which do not reflect reality. Italy has suffered in its economy and Greece was blamed for lack of discipline, but many EU countries have not recovered including Spain. Italy is preparing its budget to discuss with the EU yet it continues as does Greece to go around in circles in the impossible budgetary dilemma which is formulated to only help bondholders. (who could make money in other bonds and financial instruments) ‘Nea Dexia’ in Greece have protested on these issues as the current government not  only accepts the situation but continues to support it. Aside from the state of emergency in France there is another state of emergency throughout the EU, which includes millions of unemployed and high unsustainable debt with open borders. ?  Sebastian Kurz the current President of the EU council who sets an agenda for the EU between states could recommend a state of emergency on these issues which are not normal but ‘normalised’ to the point of war like proportions. It is not just the Ukraine / Russian border which is under threat but the entire border of the EU (including ports, passport fraud and immigration scams ) in a new era of Nato. These financial and social problems in the EU are brought in to destabilise society and are just as much a State of Emergency. The budget system is impossible and made impossible to keep and as one more communist ‘active measure’ against society. The world wants the debt to vanish and require prosperity and 100 % employment.



28.12.2018 – January 2019

Brexit & No Deal ?

The ‘Brexit Chaos’ allowed to dissuade others from leaving or reforming the EU. In the continuing Brexit debate many people are asking for Brexiters to take charge of Brexit instead of the remain faction. It is a ludicrous situation as in fact none of it is binding on Brexit ?The process has been allowed to appear chaotic for the purpose of removing Brexit and the ‘peoples vote’ which occurred on 23.06.2016 (see YouTube video 11.10.2018  ‘The Peoples Vote’ which also mentions the pantomime of the ‘withdrawal trade deal’ also China, Hungary and Poland and the original EC and EEC before the EU and the effect of the euro of the single currency of the EU southern EU states and migration) but it is also to dissuade people from grasping the benefits of that vote and to dissuade other countries from taking a similar line i.e. either leaving the EU or trying to radically reform the budgetary process (which in Italy has now resolved temporarily after months of excruciating debate)

(A repeated subject is worth contemplating hoping people may wake up and which effects Britain in the withdrawal deal which of course does not allow free trade deals to be negotiated by Britain. Consider what occurs in the EU) There is so much debt that the deficit becomes the centre of an economy instead of (for example) concentrating on spending on localism which would boot up an economy and further allow it to reduce the deficit and so on. (The EU wants to centralise more and  more reducing control) This occurs in all EU countries, yet in China, which has been manipulating its currency to gain advantage, i.e. lowering its currency and prices to boost exports, it has financial room to do this because it cancels its national debt to itself, if needs be, to allow the economy to boom again, it at least reduces its own debt. This is China’s advantage, and the IMF has warned governments to reduce debt in October 2016 and again in 2018.  The bigger the world debt the further the fall.

The national budget debate in Italy was conducted in great detail yet the EU’s debts are still rising. The exchange and solution is aimed on onc side at bonds and bond holders and the need to service them instead of the entire population, causing a stasis. Eventually the economy suffers national infrastructure investment problems  and lowers manufacturing and competition  and a national boom. Italy like many of the worlds countries  ‘Italy's public debt is a big problem now sits at a huge €2.3 trillion, or 131% of Italy's GDP - way above the 60% EU ceiling’. It is always rising over decades, yet it cannot continue, in Greece  or in any of the 27 EU states. The EU changed its mind on the ‘Article 50’ Brexit requirement for all 27 EU states to have to agree on a decision in Britain’s case (see last post above dated 11.12.2018, and this could also apply to fiscal measures which could move  the EU to a democratic / elected representative system of governance with a constitution much like the USA which has budgetary powers for the states) Italy has almost resolved the budget requirement of 2.4% of GDP and not 3% but the need to spend (borrow) is causing the problem as Italians agonise over the details of this EU necessity, (as all EU countries do) yet the EU’s debt is between 95 and 85 % of its GDP and is in many Trillions despite this careful scrutiny year and year out ? and even the EU thinks it will become more acute and worsen ? (to repeat) . Ireland for instance pays €16.5 million per day on its public debt every day, (or Billions per year and the debt is rising as €212 billion between 4.5 million people) despite homelessness rising and imported workers for cheap labour amidst high unemployment levels (around 12 million people in the EU) One way of saving money is to cancel the carbon tax and make it non obligatory for each national country to be decided by referendum (people can instigate green bonds for land development themselves if they wish) and for business and each individual fuel bill (as the yellow vest protests state) yet even with this the system is collapsing with quantitative tightening set to dominate (with the advantages China has and Russia’s debt is 13 % of GDP the west is being mismanaged )

Teresa May (early December 2018) survived the vote of confidence against her by 200 votes and 177 votes against. This in effect replaced the vote on the ‘Withdrawal deal’ (see last post above dated 11.12.2018) which was suspended to either 14.01.2019 or 21.01.2019. Many said it was a blow to her authority, yet the deal was poor. However, that confidence vote was possibly reflective of the vote had it occurred. The incredible aspect of it is none of it (for the whole 2.7 years) is binding on Brexit anyway hence  Pat Condell in the video above calls it a pantomime.

The EU will not renegotiate the withdrawal deal ? Teresa May (Remain, Maidenhead ) then went back to the EU to ask for concessions and assurances, but although these were given (and these items were not what people voted for anyway) EU officials said they would not renegotiate the deal and said before the suspended vote (Donald Tusk) and after the suspension i.e. from the Hague and also from the ex German leader Frau Angela Merkel and from an EU spokeswoman and Jean Claude Juncker in Oct 2018  and again by Leo Varadkar after the suspension and again from Jean Claude Juncker after the suspension making it clear on that issue. The only problem is there is no need to negotiate anything as all the benefits of Brexit was already obtained on the 23.06.2018 and in effect given away again in the EU withdrawal deal which took over 2 years to thrash out and which is summarised again below at the end.

President Donald Trump said it sounds like a great deal for the EU but not for the UK  but then conversely  Romano Prodi says EU will renegotiate  ? i.e. The EU will renegotiate the deal ?  (it was published some weeks before the suspended vote) and of course the EU or any block would not renegotiate a deal it has drafted for its own benefit. The exception on the renegotiation from Romano Prodi who was the former Italian Prime-Minster and had Jean Claude Juncker’s job as President of the European Commission is he believes the EU will renegotiate  Prodi said the EU would renegotiate (if the suspended vote was lost ?)

What is going on ? The difference is the EU will renegotiate in the event of a No Deal (but not negotiate on the current withdrawal deal ) The day after 23.06.2018 a No deal would have meant a better deal for the UK.

The question remains in the ‘transition’ period why would the EU make a new improved deal ? if they will not deal now ? The transition period which is part of the withdrawal deal (in which the UN migrant compact will be brought in making a nonsense of the complicated immigration deal) which could be 3, 8 or indefinite years, it is obvious the EU will keep the withdrawal deal, which could fail by 117 votes or more in January 2019) which is very good for them and which has been drafted by the EU and the remain team. This was highlighted in the post above dated 3.12.2018. (to repeat)  Guy Verhofstadt the EU chief negotiator (who has also said no renegotiation) and said Brexit could take 20 years and it is about removing national sovereignty and across all 27 EU states. see Guy Verhofstadt a EU negotiator has already said Brexit could take 20 years (with the current timetable a possibility ) but his real intentions or hopes politically and economically are laid out in a recent speech to the EU Parliament Facebook video ‘Guy Verhofstadt loses his temper, blows the lid off why he is so angry with Britain.   The EU want to take away the Nation states sovereign powers’.    ( or here on YouTube ‘The Madman of Brussels’ ) This is precisely the point and why European nations want to keep their sovereignty and fiscal independence.

Guy Verhofstadt is joined by  Frau Angela Merkel who explains the UK must give up its national sovereignty and in fact ordered the UK to do so.

Phillip Hammond in the UK (Remain, Runnymeade and Weybridge and Chancellor the Exchequer) explains that in fact the current deal is a ‘punishment deal’ (video YouTube ‘Chancellor Philip Hammond: It's a "delusion" to think Brexit deal can be renegotiated’ ) not just a previous EU deal option for having the audacity of leaving the EU he says (see at 1.40 minutes to 2 minutes into the video) Then in the same video the female MP beginning at 2 minutes 20 seconds to 2 minutes 45 seconds asks the question ‘surely a no deal is in fact a deal’ as the UK would trade (and since 23.06.2016) on WTO rules as everyone else in the world and it is not ‘crashing out’ ? The WTO (World Trade Organisation) is also a trade deal for sovereign nations.  (Video YouTube ‘Trade After Hard Brexit: WTO Rules Explained’) and which can be optioned very easily in Brexit. The two MP’s in the video in the time cited have exposed the whole negotiation withdrawal deal lie from the beginning.

‘No deal is a deal’ as discussed in the House of Commons ? The female MP also points out the ‘free trade agreements’ are numerous in other countries and  Adam Fleming mentions the free trade deals already negotiated (by Teresa May and others in the background) ….. ‘ Meanwhile, the UK and Switzerland have provisionally agreed to keep their current trading rules after Brexit, the first of 40 existing EU trade deals with other countries the UK hopes to adopt ’. They include Switzerland (who are not in the EU) and of course China with the City of London in what is potentially the  most lucrative trade deal in history. The City has also said that a no deal makes longer / wider financial sense and which is linked to over regulation. or the avoidance of over regulation. The world’s biggest project (ever ) the OBOR (one world one belt project) is managed by the City of London and the west could provide SME manufacturing and trades to these projects

The other deals not discussed but in the  background ? However, these deals are cited in passing as ‘meanwhile’ (by Adam Fleming above) which is ironic but also shows that these deals (now 50 in number) are not on the telly ? No one is pulling their hair out or analysing the minutia of them 24 hours a day into a pantomime,  why ? 40 trade deals deserve 2 days each during 2017 – 2018 on the telly ? It is only the EU’s deal with the UK, which Teresa May has presented and which is allowed to frame the debate ? It is astonishing. These deals are made by a sovereign independent nation and every EU country could or should be allowed to do the same, and have greater latitude to do so for the good of the European people. Further these free trade deals  do not need Parliaments approval in a vote as deals  in the course of commerce which is the governments job are everyday business as the Withdrawal deal should be unless it is so bad you could not imagine it. The vote on the withdrawal deal (or the options Teresa May might present)   they are not binding on Brexit ? (or here) Brexit and the withdrawal deal are 2 separate items. The EU has in 2018 made a trade deal with japan but as two separate sovereign nations.

To further de-legitimatise the Brexit vote in 23.06.2018 it now appears that Nigel Farage is a ‘person of interest’ (from mid 2017)  to the US Russia inquiry by the FBI ? this is despite the fact that the ‘remain lobbying group’ all have a connection to Russia ? Who are the ‘remain side’ see post above dated 11.06.2018. Yet Nigel Farage is the only person of note to speak out against Russia’s energy policy in the EU, which it openly admits it wants to do business, and it puts a hold over all 27 nation EU states ? (use search engines to find videos if broken)  Video You Tube 1. 'Russia Bribed Hillary Clinton 2xs In Uranium Deal! -Dick Morris'  2. Video You tube 'Mueller Files Charges Earlier to Cover Up Breaking Uranium One Scandal'  3. A third Russia scandal was highlighted in the EU parliament by Nigel Farage, who points to the incredible bribery and corruption and lobbying which is carried out by the ' Open foundation' and George Soros (and others) it is described here by Nigel Farage (bearing in mind that the EU countries and Britain have the same problem here)  ‘BREAKING!!!NIGEL FARAGE ORDERS THE EU PARLIAMENT TO ARREST GEORGE SOROS’  with 'lobbying' of over 250 EU members, (as attempts to influence them) See article 'Commission opens door to further Gazprom blackmail' by Jacek Saryusz-Wolski 8.11.2016. (Norway itself is an independent oil country and should be allowed to stay that way) The Russia pipeline is nearly completed  and it will be used as it was used in Belorussia and others to dictate policy  Nigel Farage spoke out against corruption with the EU and GAZPROM is a part of that system. There are alternatives such as renewable and LNG energy from the USA as well as the new contract signed between Exxon and Russia to drill the artic.

Yet those who criticise Nigel Farage have themselves been to Russia i.e. Robert Mueller (who fought in Vietnam ) as well as the involvement in the interception and delivery of Uranium to Georgia for Russia, and who also visited Russia in the June 2013 and met the former Ukrainian leader Victor Yanukovych. Yanukovych fled the Ukraine on the 21.02.2014 not for the EU or into the USA but into Russia. Yanukovych denied the Holodomor genocide in which 10 million Ukrainians died and wanted the Russia language spoken in the Ukraine. Vladimir Putin’s policy was to allow mass migration into the Crimea from Russia. (Hungary for instance was forced economically to make its own population migrate out of Hungary in the economic straitjacket it was in before) In 2013 Robert Mueller went to Russia and met Victor Yanukovych ( a client of Paul Manafort who worked for Clinton / Obama and the Podesta group) and Oleksandr Yakymenko the head of the Russian security service  (the FBI does not have power of arrest outside the USA) but who was a Major General in the Ukraine security service, but who is now wanted by the Ukraine prosecuting authorities along with 15 members of the SBU who are in hiding in Russia. The actions of Yanukovych and Oleksandr were known (innocent or guilty) to the US authorities from 2010 fwd Further there is no proof Paul Manafort met with Julian Assange ?  If Nigel Farage is wanted by the FBI ? for criticising Russia and EU corruption then what is the Russia inquiry ?

For more  information on this baffling development see the adjacent website North Korea chapter 5 and use this link to the heading (which has a return link to this post) 21.12.2018 The continuation of the Russia collusion inquiry which moves from stage 1 (national) into stage 2 (international) in the USA and Globally, but which has excluded most of those who either went to Russia, colluded with Russia or allowed Russia to gain a foothold in the Ukraine or Syria. Also, Robert Mueller’s trip to Russia & Rosneft in 2013, and Greater Israel & Russia This would all seem to suggest that elements of the ‘Russia Inquiry’ are being directed by Vladimir Putin for EU energy and also for control of Iran and its energy with Pakistan support. The Russia investigation has its roots in the 1973 Oil crisis and the removal of the US dollar from the Gold Standard and into the Petro Dollar, and now into the Iran deal

The reason it is pertinent is, it has been used to taint the 17.5 million Brexit voters (who … are all agents of the KGB etc)

In the Ukraine, NATO / Pasco and Gazprom the tensions are rising (including possible nuclear war although Martial law has been lifted after Russia took Ukraine’s naval ships as an interception) and taking back the Crimea is still (with recapturing the occupied parts of Ukraine) a part of the Ukraine’s aim. The Nord Stream 2 pipeline (Gazprom) which goes beyond Germany through all of Europe is a security risk and it is actually being seen as a Trojan horse in fact waging war against NATO / Pesco who could take over the pipeline or cut it off on the Russia / EU border and utilise Cyprus as a gas supplier and seek guarantees on Syria and Turkey  (Turkey another Trojan horse) Britain (see posts above) also has its own oil and gas (inland) which could be used as Norway have and also export units to the EU for a premium if they were out of the EU. The USA announced its withdrawal from Syria in the defeat of Obama and Isis (although the USA are still in Iraq and the US air - force can be in most place in the world within hours. President Trump pays a surprise visit to Iraqi troops on 26.12.2018) Pesco / Nato have suggested they could take over from the USA in Syria. Britain has a parallel task force but will not join Pesco the European army force. Italy’s defence minister Matteo Salvini recently visited Israel as Benjamin Netanyahu also suggested Israel could contain Syria  (on 24.12.2018 as Isis have almost disappeared) and on 25/26.12.2018 Israel and Syria engaged in air to air combat which has been condemned by Russia.

Separately from the Nord Steam 2 pipeline into Germany and wider from Russia via Gazprom there is also the pressure on Italy to continue to buy cheap Russia gas via the ‘Trans Austria Gas pipeline’ but  which could also become a security risk to NATO / Pesco (see paragraph above) Armenia’s new government are increasing the export of electricity to Iran . Georgia and Russia continue energy co-operation, yet in the past history with Russia has turned them to the west. Baku was the centre of the soviet / Persian wars and today China has outlawed Islam. (Russia has closed borders and wars in Chechnya with Islam ) as has Japan who have watched the mass migrations in the west and have refused 99% of Islamic migrants including many from Pakistan. India feels it has the rightful claim on the Kashmir and aerial geography indicates that is likely. India has reduced oil exports from Iran although it like China need oil This is the geopolitical situation amidst Brexit.

Brexit migration promise broken and the world’s economy.

Brexit then has not as yet become a real negotiation hence Brexiters are required. Just as Italy negotiated their economy over minutiae, Brexit has become irrational and project fear was put in place. Jeremey Corbyn is now back on the Brexit support train having been in and out since the referendum, but Labour have not recommended any Free trade deals or have not pushed them and many people fear having rode the EU wages gravy train that they are incapable of doing so and now they only exist for immigration and service industry type employment  only with a big deficit spending plan whilst cruising on the EU wages gravy train.  Labour could also change its mind again on Brexit in any given day. Brazil is the latest to pull out of the UN migration compact and over 20 countries have done so including Israel  In the USA it has scrapped the ‘catch and release’ laws for illegal immigrants,  laws which made no sense to security or immigration procedures. The UK has not (in the indefinite withdrawal stage) made any assurances, and this makes a nonsense of Teresa Mays immigration white paper which is also indefinite or a stalled decision (Delays such as ‘kicking the can down the road’ but which is also not binding on Brexit) and it is confirmed that the UK will sign the migrant compact which wants over 250 million people to ‘migrate’ over the next 5 years.

The yellow vest protests in France and wider also includes action against  the immigration scam. Yet the truth of the Yellow vest protests is not being shown by the MSM. The protests include children and parents with many protestors actually trying to protect the police in the clash between the economy (a national country protects family, faith and country) and other agenda’s. Potentially the French demonstration could reach millions and overthrow the government who would eb powerless to stop it. A general election may be called soon. See video YouTube ‘What You're Not Being TOLD About The Yellow Vest's in Paris’ (and wider i.e. in California the Agenda 21 / 30 ‘greens’ are essentially turning the state into a totalitarian non government in the population reduction plan. People are second in importance after vegetables. (Yet real nature enthusiasts and farmers who value the earths soil and Hippocrates quote that ‘food should become thy medicine and medicine thy food’ are silenced) During this the The Strasbourg market shooting of 3 people in December 2018 was from by man who cried out Allah Akbar for originality. In Austria the Chancellor Sebastian Kurz was instrumental in adopting measures to combat anti-Semitism  In Britain non-EU migrants has climbed to 240,000 per annum in 2017 / 2018 and it is increasing yet people are told new measures will reduce this ? (and then the migrant compact was signed by the UK ?)

A No Deal is the Best Option

It was pointed out by the female MP …. (as cited above in this video YouTube ‘Chancellor Philip Hammond: It's a "delusion" to think Brexit deal can be renegotiated’ the female MP beginning at 2 minutes 20 seconds to 2 minutes 45 seconds asks the question ‘surely a no deal is in fact a deal’ as the UK would trade (and since 23.06.2018) that a no deal on WTO rules as everyone else does worldwide is a deal, and it is not ‘crashing out’ ? WTO rules is a ‘deal’ (the full withdrawal agreement can be read in the post dated 3.12.2018 above)

A no deal and its benefits are cited here or here by John Longworth or here by Dr Lee Rotherham

  1. A No deal is also best as the EU wants easy access to the City of London
  2. The EU want to regulate the City of London especially now as it enters the most lucrative deal with China (Obor One belt one road) (see above) they cannot do that  unless they have legal claim over it and Britain, hence the current withdrawal agreement to that end i.e. The world’s biggest project (ever ) the OBOR (one world one belt project) is managed by the City of London The USA and the UK have expressed fears about Chinese spying and cyber warfare however and in the USA Bill  Evanina (US National Counter Intelligence and Security Centre Director) says China is / was the far bigger threat in comparison to Russia YouTube video Dec 19th 2018  “Threat from Russia paled in comparison to China” BBC News   or here including Iran and the USA Yet Global cyber warfare exists with or without a trade deal
  3. The City of London advised Teresa May to walk away and The economics favour a No deal
  4. To clarify and repeat the deals already made (but not on the television ?) are not ben shown in detail to the public (see also this link)  Why is the Brexit deal worth rejecting as it stands ? and why a 'no deal' (for Britain is now, better  ) and a no deal under WTO rules as the EU wants access to the City, but it also wants to regulate it.
  5. The EU has changed its mind and procedures to allow for the article 50 to be withdrawn without 27-member states agreeing. It will not renegotiate Teresa May’s deal but will negotiate after a No deal

The meaningful vote or delays (after 2.7 years) are not binding on Britain as Parliament has already spoken on 23.06.2016, and the withdrawal agreement is simply an attempt to bring subservience but worse than auserity.

To remind people of what Teresa May, Labour and the Liberal Democrats i.e. the remain ) want the British public to accept (and they already have these benefits as of 23.06.2016) in the ‘withdrawal’ agreement deal to be voted upon in mid-January 2019 read again the speed read from the post above dated 3.12.2018(in Italics)  it is unbelievable (that people would accept it as the drafted slavery it entails and no amount of tweaks could change it. The actual legal situation is described here by Angela Leadsom MP )

Speed read of the Withdrawal deal citing some of its articles as cited by the Spectator magazine.

The jurisdiction of the ECJ (European Court of Justice) will last until eight years after the end of the transition period. (Article 158).The UK will still be bound by any future changes to EU law in which it will have no say, not to mention having to comply with current law. (Article 6(2)) Any disputes under the Agreement will be decided by EU law only – one of the most dangerous provisions. (Article 168). This cuts the UK off from International Law, something we’d never do with any foreign body. Arbitration will be governed by the existing procedural rules of the EU law – this is not arbitration as we would commonly understand it (i.e. between two independent parties). (Article 174) The tampon tax clause: We obey EU laws on VAT, with no chance of losing the tampon tax even if we agree a better deal in December 2020 because we hereby agree to obey other EU VAT rules for **five years** after the transition period. Current EU rules prohibit 0-rated VAT on products (like tampons) that did not have such exemptions before the country joined the EU

In the ‘withdrawal deal’ there is no definition of goods and services (Article 107 although Article 40 defines agriculture also as goods and goods means everything), the Lisbon treaty defines ‘national sovereignty’  and all EU officials who are based  in the UK and any EU citizen (Article 107) who is deemed to be a future criminal cannot be prosecuted in the UK. (Article 104) Under this deal the GDPR is UK law.(Articles 71 – 73) The UK is shut out of EU security databases, but the EU is not shut out of the UK’s  (Article 8) but as things stand that is not  the case see last post above and EU task force and PESCO.

On immigration; The UK will be tied to EU foreign policy, “bound by the obligations stemming from the international agreements concluded by the Union” but unable to influence such decisions. (Article 124) All EU citizens must be given permanent right of residence after five years – but what counts as residence? This will be decided by the EU, rather than UK rules. (Articles 15-16) Britain is granted the power to send a civil servant to Brussels to watch them pass stupid laws which will hurt our economy. (Article 34) The EU will have control of all UK intellectual property (Articles 51 – 61) and it will remain in the customs union for all time (Articles 40 – 49)

If the UK wants to make its own trade deals, it effectively cannot ‘The UK is bound by EU rules on procurement rules – which effectively forbids us from seeking better deals elsewhere. (Articles 75 to 78)’ & ‘The EU decide capital projects (too broadly defined) the UK is liable for. (Art. 144)

And crucially…‘Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)’

‘The UK shall be liable for any “outstanding commitments” after 2022 (Article 142(2) expressly mentions pensions, which gives us an idea as to who probably negotiated this). The amount owed will be calculated by the EU. (Articles 140-142) The UK will be liable for future EU lending. As anyone familiar with the EU’s financials knows, this is not good. (Article143) The UK will remain liable for capital projects approved by the European Investment Bank. (Article 150). The UK will remain a ‘party’ (i.e. cough up money) for the European Development Fund. (Articles 152-154) And the EU continues to calculate how much money the UK should pay it. So, thank goodness Brussels does not have any accountancy issues. The UK will remain bound (i.e. coughing up money) to the European Union Emergency Trust Fund – which deals with irregular migration (i.e. refugees) and displaced persons heading to Europe. (Article 155) The agreement will be policed by ‘the Authority’ – a new UK-based body with ‘powers equivalent to those of the European Commission’. (Article 159) The EU admits, in Art. 184, that it is in breach of  Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which oblige it to “conclude an agreement” of the terms of UK leaving the EU. We must now, it seems, “negotiate expeditiously the agreements governing their future relationship.” And if the EU does not? We settle down to this Agreement. And, of course, the UK will agree to pay £40bn to receive all of these ‘privileges. (Article 138)

Financially the agreement restricts the UK from making its own trade deals and also slows and regulates ‘goods and services’ in the UK but the UK cannot alter those terms from inside the UK or the EU ? making commerce globally and locally worse off  than it was before. For Farmers and see the post above dated 17.11.2018 and the US election results) farming is in any case moving to become the producer and trader all in one. Crucially if these ‘transition’ periods are utilised why would there need to be a draft agreement restrictive s it is in place ? This is why many suspect that Teresa May (remain voter) with the rest of the remainers and the EU remainers in the EU have drafted a trap to punish Britain for daring to Vote Leave in the first place. For other EU nations (although the EU does not recognise your nationhood) this is what you can expect. It is also not the end as the EU superstrate will transcend even its current level and will wipe out nations via its Optimal currency theories of labour, through mass immigration into the EU (where diversity does not mean everyone from Norway to Russia or from Finland to Spain, who are of course diverse nations with distinct languages already. Islam of course is against Diversity in its countries, Sharia law forces out business with its sharia business tax and forces ‘others’ out also, it is of course the antithesis of diversity as many towns in Europe have already found)

 End of the summary speed read although there is a lot more.

The EU fears a no deal with or without a ‘cabinet crisis’ as then it would have to approach Britain for a deal. When Britain joined the EU in the 1970’s various reports warned of the economic restrictions it would face (which other nations may not face) and the changes in manufacturing and the social system if it could not make its own trade deals and this is why the EU will not renegotiate the current deal yet to be voted upon by the Commons, but which itself as a vote is not binding as a Brexit deal and is nothing to do with what people voted for ? (see posts above) In February / March 2017 a House of Lords report concluded in a no deal Britain would not have to pay the £50 Billion ‘divorce deal’  (or discussed here ) or the Billions in the EU budget. The other 40 or 50 deals including the Swiss Free trade deal and deal with China should be presented before the public also. Considering that  the House of Lords came to this view over a year and a half ago what has been happening in the interim from all the political parties ? as the NO deal is potentially several hundred Free trade deals over  time ? It is a real test of democracy and the people and an insight into the possible betrayal of Parliament, which is the people themselves, not the people’s representatives. A No Deal would mean the EU would eventually approach the UK and the City of London, and the EU may be asked to pay £50 Billion for the right to do so.




Brexit;The WTO is a Deal ? not… a ‘No Deal’ ? (& plan B)

Following the defeat of Teresa May’s withdrawal deal by a vote on the 15.01.2019 the repercussions of the heaviest parliamentary defeat in history (by 432 votes against and 202 in favour) combine to signify a rejection of the REMAIN version of Brexit and also a rejection of the EU system as a whole. Teresa Mays deal was a REMAIN deal and it was a deal to lock Britain (like other EU states) into deeper subservience and chaos. Since 23.06.2016 Teresa May’s (Remain, Maidenhead) negotiations have been described as the longest ‘filibuster’ is history. Teresa May however did win the following vote tabled by the opposition (a no confidence vote) by 19 votes (326 to 309 across the  House ) The withdrawal deal would have been a disorderly deal and people are asking for the Brexiters to take over negotiations with the ‘plan B’ which could be Plan A in reality (Although and incredibly the commons votes are not binding on Brexit 23.06.2016)

The legal position is pointed out by Nigel Farage (video YouTube; ‘Nigel Farage Calls on Theresa May to Resign Amid Brexit Defeat | Good Morning Britain’ ) and the vote on the 23.06.2016 was a well known vote for a no deal but which can opt to go into the WTO (World Trade Organisation ) framework. The WTO is a deal and not a ‘No deal’ further it is a good deal. The project fear story was dispelled when it was announced that the Calais port would remain open to trade in the event of a no deal (no delay’s and under the WTO trade continues) People in a free market have made their own deals for centuries.

People have said their eyes have been opened by the way the EU treats Britain (or any of the EU 27 member states and the current EU is only one version of Europe’s 700 million people) but it goes deeper as the process has revealed who across the political parties is actually fighting for a country and who is not (see all above) In Britain it is obvious now who is who, without the political party labels. France has joined Frau Angela Merkel (see last post above) in calling for Britain to give up its sovereignty and ability to make its own trade deal and the EU has said it cannot amend the withdrawal deal without the 27 member states agreeing, although they did waive this for the Article 50 unilateral revocation procedure ? (see posts above dated 3.12.2018 ) and the Good Friday agreement is also a unilateral agreement between the EU (27) and Britain. Labour (and many in Labour voted to leave) is insisting that a ‘No deal’ is bad ? yet will they vote against a WTO deal ? a good deal ? if so, why would they do this ? (Labour it has been revealed tried to cover up the Rotherham scandal and 10 other towns in hoc to traffickers crime spree, and ordered a cover up in what is one of the largest scandals in UK history. It also began under Tony Blair and continued into 2018) The sparsely broadcast benefits of a no deal or a WTO deal are emerging and are registering with the public who recently made their feelings clear in a debate televised only a few days ago. (55% of trade is already under WTO ) and a sensible managed No deal or WTO is the opinion of other countries. A managed No deal / WTO also allows for smaller deals (even with the EU in the ‘common transition convention’ (and repeated here but only for goods and not immigration and which can apply to a no deal or WTO) and simply put for the everyday man i.e. See; 'We can go INSTANTLY' British diesel-importer DESTROYS politicians Brexit delay NONSENSE' Daily Mail Sep 29, 2017 ) which has not been explained but as explained by Michael Howard  ( or here)

Misinformation on Switzerland and free movement of people Recent information on Switzerland does not explain that Swiss society locally (Switzerland is not in EU) which votes on who can enter the country locally, and the applicant has to wait 10 years to apply, if unsuccessful you will be deported and you cannot work or vote or own land until then. Britain will still be in the ‘Council of Europe’ under a No deal / WTO. Farmers are increasingly cutting out the middleman (mercantile agents) Farmers can deal directly with importers (or local trade retail and wholesale) and become, producer, or exporter of the excess and also trader and price fixer in one. (examples here or here or here  or examples of current  model problems here  or even here  not regulated fair trade but real free trade ) ‘Localism’ underpins this system (no travel costs and fresher food) as a farmer (or any business) can make more profits selling all locally and exporting the excess direct. This provides they are free to do so! (see above post, dated 17.11.2018 on the US farmers and heading “Localism, (free trade, conglomerates, traders, importers and small and medium producers)”

Richard Tice explains further on the managed No deal /WTO (video YouTube ‘Richard Tice: We should leave the EU on managed no deal terms’ ) and the interest in Article XXIV (24) of the WTO is not widely understood. No framework can fully complete a deal, and it is left open for countries to finalise the deal details themselves or else it (eventually) it leads to totalitarian monopoly deals which are not free trade, but the UK Remain side with the EU have been trying to hide these facts usurping Brexit (which occurred on 23.06.2016 and is not delayed but has already happened) not because it is wrong but because they want to ‘remain’ only. The remain side also fear that they will be exposed as superfluous as they have never made a free trade deal in their careers (asking the question of what do they do and who could have made a hundred extra deals worldwide with half the effort of the commons pantomime) as this has been left for others in the EU to achieve whilst they coast along ‘consulting’ and whilst MEP’s run the 27 states and they are largely unknown to constituents. Who is your MEP and why does the EU not have a constitution and fully elected officials?

After a NO deal and the option for WTO + +, without the £50 billion divorce bill (as opposed to a Norway type deal although Britain could get that deal or similar and go alone,… although again Norway and others may admit them or they may not) trade is then open to the whole world if ministers (and if businesses are allowed ) are able to make trade deals themselves ? (see also the last post dated 28.12.2018 and last paragraph above)



Continued from above & 21.01.2019

Brexit; The WTO is a Deal ? not… a ‘No Deal’ ? (& ‘plan B’)

28.01.2019  (MPs acting illegally in the commons ?)

After the vote on 15.01.2019 against Teresa Mays ‘withdrawal deal’ the largest defeat in parliamentary history       ( 432 for and 202 against) and in a 2 month period where the EU has waived the need for all 27 members to vote on if the UK can end the Article process, i.e. 2 years to finalise the withdrawal, but not ? to extend the Article 50 process beyond 29.03.2019 (that still takes all 27 members to agree on and Teresa May says she will not extend it in Nov 2018) 498 MP’s voted for the Article 50 process in a record number with a majority of 384, but that occurred in Dec 2016 into Jan / Feb 2017, then 6/7 months delay after the Brexit vote ?  The delay has frustrated business. This precedent in the EU on allowing 1 member state to make law (Britain Article 50 alone etc)  may mean on many issues that the 27 EU states could make decisions on their own, bi-laterally (and with each other) or tri laterally or any amount of lateral positions without all 27 members agreeing its validity and they could do so in trade deals. In the UK parliament now, it is as if the vote on the 15.01.2019 had never occurred ? ( It is truly unprecedented and bizarre that a voted down agreement is again presented as ‘Plan B’ when it is ‘Plan A’ with supposed tweaks, clarifications and agreements and then amendments are placed against it when it is obviously not a viable deal) It is in fact illegal in law and has been since 23.06.2016.

Firstly Jacob Ree’s Mogg explains the legal position as won by the peoples vote on 23.06.2016 (or here on YouTube  video ‘Jacob Rees-Mogg: No deal cannot be challenged after vote’  ) There is a huge misunderstanding on parliaments role and Statute laws (the Brexit referendum is a statute law now for example ) and ‘indicative votes’ in parliament are not binding on the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016 or the debate or on parliament, and parliament is the ‘people’ This is not understood. For instance, Canadas’s CETA deal with the EU is between 2 sovereign nations and not (in comparison) by the EU imposing Teresa Mays deal (the EU’ deal) on Britain. (Canada did not pay €39 billion for its FTA (free trade agreement) or accept any EU laws etc, and Britain is not Canada like for like )

Teresa may has accepted this, stating it cannot be changed unless a new deal is agreed, but since the Teresa May’s / EU deal was voted down on 15.01.2019 and it is not like Canadas CETA deal in that it subjugates Britain in slavery, what is going on that Teresa May should present it at all. Here is Teresa Mays pro remain speech on Facebook entitled ‘Before Theresa May switched sides she made a good case for staying in the EU’, or see here YouTube video ‘Theresa May speech on staying in EU (25Apr16)’    She does not explain that this system is contributing and causing the decline of the west and Britain in the current closed shop / monopoly it has invented (see Brexit the Movie  (or available here )) World trade in 2016 was valued at $15.46 Trillion, whilst stockmarkets trade up to $6 Trillion every day  (most trade is in hard currency but trade accounted for in paper only is increasing and the gap between both widens daily ) The WTO has trade tariffs but currently trade with the EU has high tariffs (an ongoing trade war) on agricultural goods especially, but around 11% - 14% of Britain’s economy is exported to the EU valued at £60 to £70  Billion and added to the economy, (CBI statistics 2014 – 2016 ) but staying in the EU (Britain has its own currency ) costs Britain around £165 Billion, which is 11% of its economy. Clearly the difference in world trade and EU trade alone is vast.

(n.b. Britains exports amount to 30% of GDP, but only 45% of that is to the EU. so over the years it is between 11% to 16% of GDP but it has declined over the last 10 years. Under a managed no deal it could reach that high again. Certainly under WTO it will exceed that amount, but even exporting to non EU european countries like Switzerland and many others will offset this)

She fails to acknowledge the truth of industrial decline in Britain since joining the EU  which is confirmd by John Redwood r.e. the big decline ( or explained here or mentioned here again and which in  Britain is similar to the USA’s rust belt reality which the current USA administration seeks to turn around and see all above in chapter 3 and 3a)  and which is a western problem in Europe and the USA under the systems which we have been conned into accepting as political / economic ‘benefits’ since the end of WW2. The reality and bias against Brexit is laid out in the following clip from Facebook in which the untruths surrounding the EU’s effect on Britain is clear and as well as Angela Merkel stating Britain should surrender its independence she also wants to impose this surrender on every EU (27) nations  (or here again) Further to the court cases against Article 50 which began in early June 2016 (the preparation for them straight after the Brexit vote) then moved to Dublin and next moved to Edinburgh and which (see above paragraphs) now the EU said it will waive its requirement for 27 member states to agree on law in the EU, it is also baffling many why straight after the Brexit vote on 23.06.2016 a Pro – Brexit prime-minster was not appointed after David Cameron ? Yet a member of the child abuse investigations panel Sharon Evans  (journalist and also charity dot com) suggests Teresa May was parachuted in to become Prime minster before Brexit in case the people voted for it. Teresa May was head of the child abuse investigation. (see chapter 6 below for more upon it but which has had many people as head of the investigation over its tenure as an investigation, yet the victims are not satisfied and many have left the institution as a protest for a deeper inquiry). Not only do we see Labour covering up the Rotherham trafficking & child abuse trafficking crime gangs, and the ten other towns, both Labour (including Corbyn who has voted against every EU law and treaty since he was able) and also Teresa May wants Sharia law (with and also Tony Blair ‘remainer’ who is still taking bribes from Saudi Arabia ? and is ‘pressured’ by them ?) This follows a ruling from the EU (European Court of Human Rights) that you cannot criticise Islam . Free speech is a fundamental human right. In September 2018 Binesh Paul a Christian woman in Pakistan was thrown off a roof for not converting to Islam. Obama interfered into Brexit because he was employed by the communist’s in the EU. The list of atrocities continues. The 27 nations of the EU want full fiscal and sovereign independence as Europeans with control of their own borders and laws and destiny but that is being removed for global reasons (see below)

MI6 Richard Dearlove warned against Teresa mays deal. Teresa Mays deal was so bad (and it has not improved since it was in draft in July 2018 see post above dated 12.07.2018 and since November / December 2018) ex member of M16 Richard Dearlove actually warned MP’s not to vote for it 

And in it crucially…‘Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)’ see posts above but dated first as 3.12.2018 on the summary of the slavery deal

Good Friday Agreement. Many people now believe the ‘backstop’ debate is a hoax, as since 1924 the ‘Common travel area’ in Ulster has been in force to date. Ulster voted to remain but not  in Teresa mays deal. Instead and now after Mays deal including the backstop was defeated on 15.01.2019, a freedom clause is sought from the EU, yet Teresa Mays deal (see post above dated 3.12.2018) would actually remove freedom from any part of Britain (and seems to echo Sharia law) and is a red herring compared to the horror of Teresa Mays deal. What is occurring is Teresa May has stated both positions of the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ (not the ‘backstop’) stating she will amend the GFA  and then also not amend the GFA ?  but in the same week. John Bruton former Irish leader suggests the GFA will be removed.  Leo Varadkar the Irish leader of Fine Gael said the EU withdrawal deal cannot be amended but agrees that a bi-lateral deal could be made after Brexit and which can refer to the GFA also ?, but which is unlikely to appeal to any side who agreed to it ? The context of the word economy is ignored ?

World’s economy moving eastward ? but is that notion a folly. Behind Brexit is the reality that the worlds economy is set or is contrived to be moved from the West to the East in a massive wealth transfer, and into Eurasia and China. Countries which are independent if this transition globally goes ahead, will be de-facto better off as they will have room to manoeuvre and control their economy and borders and trade deals, (which no nation in the EU can do today) and Britain is also set to manage the world’s biggest trade deal in OBOR (one belt and one road) The world’s biggest project (ever ) the OBOR (one world one belt project) is managed by the City of London  (remember China and Russia do not have ‘migration’ or accept the UN  migration plan i.e. the migration compact which sees 240 million migrants heading only west ?) and keep closed borders keeping migration to a minimum. The worlds economy is supposed to be moving away from the west and the west can have austerity and economic social engineering and decline, (so why so many immigrants) but that has been reversed since November 2016 and since Brexit with a dedicated effort to prevent this occurring in the USA and many EU nations (and why wouldn’t they ) and OBOR can make the west prosperous if it takes it over. The communist plan to rigidly control the EU into a centralised state without democracy and also the USA and Britain, has been a part of planning for decades and mass immigration into them only has occurred and followed that plan. Many companies are paid to disown Brexit by the ‘EU’  in the continued debate of ‘outsourcing’ and ‘labour mobility’ (as opposed to family, faith and country ) China’s economy is however not faring as well and it may collapse (although it can cancel its internal debts unlike the west, yet its collapse will affect the whole world) and Chinas wage rises will mean it will become slowly uncompetitive as time and wage demands progresses . Countries like Norway and Denmark ……  (repeated here from post above dated 3.2.2018. Norway of course mentioned many times on here has produced a 1 Trillion windfall fund for itself (worth 8 trillion in Norway’s internal economy in Norwegian crowns) which Britain or any nation should copy, whilst Denmark  has paid down its international debts whilst Britain owes 1.7 Trillion in its national debt  Denmark and Norway have full fiscal controls)……….. will fare better in the new era also of ‘Quantitative tightening’. They had freedom in mind decades ago. Britain could have a Norway (and Swiss + combined) economy even outside EEA and EFTA, and Norway has warned that the EU increasingly try to make their deals for them.

MP’s which state they are trying to remove a No deal choice No deal or WTO is also the opinion of other countries. A managed No deal / WTO also allows for smaller deals (even with the EU in the ‘common transition convention’ (and repeated here but only for goods and not immigration and which can apply to a no deal or WTO) Repeating these facts in light of reporting over time shows how distorted reporting upon the possibilities any country coul attain is narrowed down. The WTO (World Trade Organisation) choice which allows free world trade with the other choices are actually acting illegally and could be disbarred from Parliament and Parliament could be closed (dissolved) if that is pursued. Yet it is not binding on Parliament (the country) if they were to do so (see Jacob Ree’s Mogg at the beginning of this post above) It is one more visible proof that democracy and parliament have no respect for the people and the EU/Teresa May Withdrawal deal is just a deal they have made, whilst those opposed to Brexit and wider free trade deal choices, obviously lobby for the EU.Penny Mordaunt the international development secretary  (last link finincial times or here again on twitter, has said a No deal and/or WTO would get Brexit done. The EU will then want to negotiate to control the City of London and wider Britain and its trade deals see post above dated 3.12.2018) see also again  (video YouTube ‘Chancellor Philip Hammond: It's a "delusion" to think Brexit deal can be renegotiated’ .. not just a previous EU deal option for having the audacity of leaving the EU he says (see at 1.40 minutes to 2 minutes into the video) Then in the same video the female MP beginning at 2 minutes 20 seconds to 2 minutes 45 seconds asks the question ‘surely a no deal is in fact a deal’ and so is the WTO as it is a deal which the ‘people’ have a right to have. (but the reporting on this by ‘committees’ is completely false

No real clarification ? The clarifications and answers Teresa may has sought even since 15.01.2019, have not included clarification’s on (see also again post-dated 3.12.2018 above)
‘Why would the EU agree a new transition deal if they will not do so now  and since 23.06.2018’ A question arises as; if the withdrawal process can be indefinite why would anyone agree to it (25.11.2018) Teresa May says UK can sign trade deals quickly after exit, (including China) Its (the withdrawal process)  process is heavily added onto from the Article 50 / 218(3) requirements and which is the only obligation, the withdrawal deal is so draconian you would have to go out of your way to invent it ? The transition periods leap frog Brexit (as defined on 23.06.2016) leaving it behind and then commits to an unknown extended stay in the EU under extreme conditions of servitude which may never end. (even up to 8 and 20 years already admitted by the EU ? and beyond ) If it is not indefinite, and the EU have said they will not negotiate a new deal ? then why would they begin to renegotiate (not just clarifications or tweaks) a wider deal after March 29th 2019 (Brexit day) when they would not do so now ?  (or in the previous 30 months ?) Teresa Mays job and aim is to achieve for the EU the removal of the right for Britain to make its own trade deals in her own trade deal see the post dated 3.12.2018 which proves the ‘transition period’ is a false construct and is forever ‘Any powers the UK parliament might have had, to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)’



(cont’d from above) Who will own North Sea oil and gas and indicative votes & no deal still live with WTO option

7 non-binding indicative votes 29.01.2019 Following the indicative (non-binding) votes of 7 amendments to the withdrawal bill which was in turn defeated on the 15.01.2019, only 2 were carried. The withdrawal is to be presented again to the EU for February 2019. The results of the vote are here in the following BBC synopsis.  Although they are non-binding on parliament (see last post above) and it is simply filling in space before 29.03.2019, they are significant as the SNP amendment which called on the government to prevent a ‘No deal’ lost by a considerably margin (39 for and 327 against) and which also called for an extension of article 50. However another vote asked the government to ensure a deal had to be agreed by 29.03.2019 (also non-binding) and which passed only by 8 votes (318 against and 310 for ) yet the WTO (world trade organisation) is a deal from a no deal option and the only legal onus.  Incredibly however hundreds of MP’s voted against the law of the land ? (and indicated who they lobby for and the link above assist with identifying which MP’s voted that  way) although obviously hundreds kept it. A second referendum was ruled along with article 50 extension.

China to own British Gas ?  In early 2018 Teresa May signs a preliminary deal with China, a free trade deal  (the EU still controls that area) Recently announced but surveyed for some time is the new and extremely large discovery of Gas in the North Sea  One of a few in the making. The company who has the rights to the gas is China’s state owned gas company.  ‘Chinese state-owned company CNOOC said it made the gas discovery - equivalent to 250 million barrels of oil - in its Glengorm project, east of Aberdeen’ (CNOOC = Chinese national offshore oil corporation) They bought out US oil company Unocal Corporation in 2005 under protest and suspicion. Although they own the gas they pay royalties as tax to Britain, yet it is highly suspicious that the older UK rigs in the North Sea and off the North Wales coast are due to be decommissioned? (see the above post-dated 3.12.2018 & previously posted & dated 11.06.2018 above) which also includes the internal land based oil and gas discoveries worth £Trillions a vast amount of wealth.  All of this vast wealth is moving eastward (see last post above) and is also controlled by the EU who are (with Russia) co-operating with China  (on the 29.01.2019 the USA filed criminal charges against China’s Huawei tech corporation in the tech telecom 5G area which use’s huge amounts of energy)

A No deal / WTO deal will strengthen the rights of people in the UK to own their energy fields off shore and inshore, and a ‘remainer’ deal (Teresa May MP Maidenhead & Vote Remain) It also makes a nonsense of the financial comparisons between remain and leave, in that leave makes Trillions. UBS Union bank of Switzerland will also stay in the City of London and that is very significant.(Swiss FTA deals)  Further there is no clarification if the ‘transition’ period is for ever or if Britain can make its own deals (see last post above)




Brexit; The Transition Period is revealed as until 2099 (at least ) but without customs union (but with a CU it is still 2099)

The Withdrawal bill or agreement (WA) is a draft to be sold by stealth as a new Withdrawal Agreement Bill in Parliament (WAB or WAIB)? which is worse the WAB (or WA) or a Custom Union ?  (WTO is a Deal ? not… a ‘No Deal’ ? )

As the Brexit debate continues, the current WA draft agreement enshrined in UK law on the  26.06.2018 to repeal the ‘European Communities Act 1972’ which took Britain into the EEC (or EU today) is a dire document, and it is confirmed the ‘transition period’ is to be enshrined as 2099 or forever (see posts above dated 3.8.2018 & 28.12.2018 which also ask why the EU will negotiate in the transition period if they  will not do so now ? )  The cut-off date on how to proceed under the act (itself only a draft and not a deal or binding as a deal on the Brexit vote 23.06.2016) was 21.01.2019 ? (1 month ago) Teresa May has promised a new meaningful vote although the meaningful vote has already occurred on the 15.01.019 (as promised but also non-binding) see the above post, dated 21.01.2019 (and Following the defeat of Teresa May’s withdrawal deal by a vote on the 15.01.2019 the repercussions of the heaviest parliamentary defeat in history by 432 votes against and 202 in favour) The stage in effect from WA to WAB (WAIB) has already been voted down according to the ‘WA’ (WAIB = Withdrawal Act Implementation Bill)

In effect under the law of the draft WA, the negotiations should be concluded (as they have had 2 years and 8 months), yet this aspect of the law and the fact that a ‘no deal’ is the essence of the 23.06.2016 Brexit vote (see above ) The WTO framework could automatically kick in after a no deal, and is itself a deal (not a no deal) but this has not stopped MP’s from voting by non-binding indicative votes against it, as is evident over the last few months and recently on the 14.01.2019 and the following links here and also here and also here again which show those votes are not binding and have no legal force.

Bill Cash MP (Sir William Cash, Vote leave MP for Stafford) asks Steve Baker MP why he resigned (when David Davies also resigned the then Brexit negotiator) after he had drafted the WA and why the Chequers meeting had occurred around this time as background to the WA / WAB. (see YouTube 3.2.2019 video ‘BREXIT: "They don't believe in Brexit", furious ERG deputy Steve Baker CONDEMNS Downing St officials’ showing the government has a hesitance to make trade deals independently ? and why ‘remainers’ have made the false construct to sabotage negotiations. It continues to explain how the will of the people has been set aside so far, and also explains why the ‘ EU fiscal compact’ is the cause of Austerity. Austerity was imposed by the compact in effect, bringing austerity on all 27 EU states who could now also opt for WTO or Advanced free trade deals and get out of austerity, as the UK can if it rejects WA /WAB which is worse than austerity as you can read below.

The last video above is a (seems mundane) but is actually a type of debate which should be central as an aid to democracy to the House of Commons and any Parliament in any country in the World.

Its incredible but  when (read notes with the video)  Bill Cash asked an associated question in the commons Teresa May on the 29.01.2019  (Teresa May, Maidenhead remain) she was then aware that public knowledge of the ‘unknown transition period’ (after 29.03.2019) will last until 2099 (another 80 years after  ‘Brexit day’ ) was the essence of the ‘remain leave deal’ WA ? (or here as Facebook video “Sir Bill Cash forces the PM to admit that the deal would overturn the referendum result and stop Brexit”  2099 is 80 more years but could in fact be forever which is more than Guy Verhofstadt wants (20 years + ) and is in line with Frau Angela Merkel who suggests Britain should surrender its sovereignty to the EU (see post above dated 28.12.2018 – 2019)  Further Teresa Mays deal cannot be re-negotiated (only a no deal / wto after 29.03.3019 can bring negotiations if they are required) Teresa May’s deal (WA / WAB) is a £39bn contract that merely allows the UK to start the next stage of discussions, when the UK will have even less leverage, yet it is now evident that the next stage of discussions as far as Teresa May / EU deal are concerned are after 2099.

Customs Union. The EU on 29th January said there had been no change in Brexit, but with a Customs Union it has also been pointed out it will be a bad move for British trade and also warned against by Teresa May many times  and here also In essence under a Customs Union a nation cannot make its own free trade deals (FTA), and keeps the UK in the single market and under EU control, but is  pushed by Jeremy Corbyn. (yet Corbyn voted against every EU law and instrument on record ?) It only covers ‘trade in goods’ and a WTO deal would be required to cover all other goods and services. Article 24 of the WTO does allow for flexible trade deals with reduced tariffs. (the Malthouse proposal has a no deal as plan b within it )Under Teresa Mays deal the UK cannot make its own trade deals only under a no deal (simple FTA) or WTO. The EU have previously presented a customs partnership, (similar to an incomplete customs union some suggest ) but it was rejected by the UK government. Not only do businesses fear it is a terrible idea it is obvious that it is permanent (de facto as with all measures) and not temporary as it is linked to Teresa Mays deal up until 2099 (it would come under the WA /WAB see above) and it is still giving away £39 Billion, whilst trapped inside an EU rule book under EU law. The WA / WAB is worse than austerity, with no real immigration plan (except to adopt the UN migration compact which envisages 240 million ‘migrants’ worldwide) and the UK would exist under all the EU courts (until at least 2099 or forever)  The UK has been ranked as the second most powerful country in the world, and as an indicator, Derbyshire Rolls Royce has landed more contracts for its engines. but industry on the whole since 1972, (explains John Redwood repeated from post above)  which is confirmed by John Redwood has declined severely .Tony Blair standing for election in 1983 agreed with John Redwood stating the EU (the EEC as was) has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs, stating he would negotiate an exit from the EU/EEC in contrast to his current position(s) ?

Israel has confirmed a roll over deal with the UK an independent trade deal (if WTO or no deal or simple FTA) The USA has offered a Zero tariff deal, although that deal is under threat from the Irish – American lobby in the USA over Ulster, yet Ireland also trades with the USA, and Israel buys nearly $900 million of Irish goods, yet  Ireland only imports roughly $39 million of Israeli goods. Israel has large businesses in Ireland. (see the ‘control of economic activity bill’ Ireland 2018 ) Fishermen now demand WTO deal (Facebook video )  (see ‘leave means leave’ ) see also video 'Cameron 2.0!' Furious Leave voter demands May's deal is SCRAPPED in favour of WTO.

Andrea Leadsom on 15.02.2019 (after recent non - binding amendments) explains why no deal is not off the table as it is a deal as voted for on 23.06.2019 in law (see post above dated 28.01.019) The Home Office says the UK will be safe in a no deal  (and immigration under the current Home office system is non-existent and even fraudulent in the UK ? under EU rules) The cross channel routes and the Channel Tunnel will remain open after a no deal Brexit but with a rigorous security and visa system (as will the port of Calais despite ‘project fear’ see above posts) Nigel Farage states his opinion and the opinion of people in their right minds on the no deal and after no deal and it is confirmed that current tariffs on agriculture (in the current situation) are higher than they would be under a managed no  deal / WTO And the Brexit question means that EU countries could make bi - lateral deals with Britain as Xavier Bertrand of the Hauts de France region cited in mid 2017, in effect stating this region would remain open after a no deal Brexit.  He has reiterated this recently in January 2019 (twitter)

The WA into WAB (or WAIB) is not leaving the EU and it is not a ‘deal’ but a hoax and extremely dishonest, and like the indicative vote amendments it is not binding without a deal as Teresa May has said herself and it does not include a customs union, but is in itself subject to a legal challenge which would uphold the original Brexit vote. See the Spectator and  ‘The Brexit legal challenges that could force Britain to leave without a deal’6.2.2019    (also look back at the above posts from 3.8.2018 and  Andrea Jenkins MP asked the question in the House of Commons i.e. does Brexit really mean 'remain' (video) and when was this decided ? The question fielded to Teresa May and the Remainers.

Therefore, what is Teresa May asking Britain to sign up to and which is far worse than Austerity ? (and which MP’s will consign the UK to this situation (slavery) until at least 2099 ?

Repeated from above a summary speed read,

Speed read of the Withdrawal deal citing some of its articles as cited by the Spectator magazine.

‘The jurisdiction of the ECJ (European Court of Justice) will last until eight years after the end of the transition period. (Article 158).The UK will still be bound by any future changes to EU law in which it will have no say, not to mention having to comply with current law. (Article 6(2)) Any disputes under the Agreement will be decided by EU law only – one of the most dangerous provisions. (Article 168). This cuts the UK off from International Law, something we’d never do with any foreign body. Arbitration will be governed by the existing procedural rules of the EU law – this is not arbitration as we would commonly understand it (i.e. between two independent parties). (Article 174) The tampon tax clause: We obey EU laws on VAT, with no chance of losing the tampon tax even if we agree a better deal in December 2020 because we hereby agree to obey other EU VAT rules for **five years** after the transition period. Current EU rules prohibit 0-rated VAT on products (like tampons) that did not have such exemptions before the country joined the EU

In the ‘withdrawal deal’ there is no definition of goods and services (Article 107 although Article 40 defines agriculture also as goods and goods means everything), the Lisbon treaty defines ‘national sovereignty’  and all EU officials who are based  in the UK and any EU citizen (Article 107) who is deemed to be a future criminal cannot be prosecuted in the UK. (Article 104) Under this deal the GDPR is UK law.(Articles 71 – 73) The UK is shut out of EU security databases, but the EU is not shut out of the UK’s  (Article 8) but as things stand that is not  the case see last post above and EU task force and PESCO.

On immigration; The UK will be tied to EU foreign policy, “bound by the obligations stemming from the international agreements concluded by the Union” but unable to influence such decisions. (Article 124) All EU citizens must be given permanent right of residence after five years – but what counts as residence? This will be decided by the EU, rather than UK rules. (Articles 15-16) Britain is granted the power to send a civil servant to Brussels to watch them pass stupid laws which will hurt our economy. (Article 34) The EU will have control of all UK intellectual property (Articles 51 – 61) and it will remain in the customs union for all time (Articles 40 – 49)

If the UK wants to make its own trade deals, it effectively cannot ‘The UK is bound by EU rules on procurement rules – which effectively forbids us from seeking better deals elsewhere. (Articles 75 to 78)’ & ‘The EU decide capital projects (too broadly defined) the UK is liable for. (Art. 144)

And crucially…‘Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)’

‘The UK shall be liable for any “outstanding commitments” after 2022 (Article 142(2) expressly mentions pensions, which gives us an idea as to who probably negotiated this). The amount owed will be calculated by the EU. (Articles 140-142) The UK will be liable for future EU lending. As anyone familiar with the EU’s financials knows, this is not good. (Article143) The UK will remain liable for capital projects approved by the European Investment Bank. (Article 150). The UK will remain a ‘party’ (i.e. cough up money) for the European Development Fund. (Articles 152-154) And the EU continues to calculate how much money the UK should pay it. So, thank goodness Brussels does not have any accountancy issues. The UK will remain bound (i.e. coughing up money) to the European Union Emergency Trust Fund – which deals with irregular migration (i.e. refugees) and displaced persons heading to Europe. (Article 155) The agreement will be policed by ‘the Authority’ – a new UK-based body with ‘powers equivalent to those of the European Commission’. (Article 159) The EU admits, in Art. 184, that it is in breach of  Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which oblige it to “conclude an agreement” of the terms of UK leaving the EU. We must now, it seems, “negotiate expeditiously the agreements governing their future relationship.” And if the EU does not? We settle down to this Agreement. And, of course, the UK will agree to pay £40bn to receive all of these ‘privileges. (Article 138)’

Romano Prodi said the EU would renegotiate (if the suspended vote was lost ?) in other words only after a No deal / WTO. Since 15.01.2019 all that is being suggested are tweaks of the original WA / WAB deal, whilst the main body of the deal draconian and permanent (above in navy type & italics ) is ignored or is being distracted by other items. Teresa May’s deal is designed by pirates and slave traders, back into a situation where Austerity looks appealing. It is surreal that it is even contemplated. The EU still depends on Britain not the other way around.




Cont’d from the post above dated 20.02.2019

23 - 27.02.2019

Brexit. The (advanced) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) offered by the EU in February / March 2018, but refused by Teresa May ? and ignored by Jeremy Corbyn ? and which solves all problems ?   (see link here )

Aside from the incredible and preposterous revelations that Teresa Mays (despite the WA draft saying 8 years) will last until 2099 or forever, (with or without customs union, a customs union prevents independent trade deals ) trapped into a deal which makes Austerity look appealing, (see the last post  above) it is revealed that (via Steve Baker MP Wycombe, Leave, who suggests… ) Donald Tusk the President of the European Council offered a Free trade deal in February / March 2018 ? a Free Trade Agreement with Zero Tariffs,  no Customs Union, no Single Market, no EU laws, and no associated problems and in September 2018 the deal was reiterated by EU’s Chief Negotiator, Michel Barnier ?

This offers refusal it is said, led up to the events of David Davies who resigned and also Steve Baker who resigned on the same day (who stated “ We must not settle for an EU agreement that is at such odds with what people voted for” ) when he realised the Government (Teresa May Maidenhead, Remain) decided they are not going to take the option of February 2018 ? (usurping Brexit and which began in June / July 2016) and which has also not been broadcast by Jeremy Corbyn (MP for Islington North, near Tony Blair but Trotsky & Remain) ? during his tenure ? Since this is the heart of the matter and clearly, they do not have the good of ‘the people’ in mind, which offers prosperity and a solid way forward, you have to ask what have Teresa May and Jeremy Corbyn been doing over the last 2, years and 8 months or at least since one year ago, in February / March 2018. (aside from visiting Emmanuel Macron) The answer’s as far as possible are listed above, in all the posts since 23.06.2016, and it is obviously the case, that they have been plotting to undo the 2016 referendum and sell Britain out from within the very heart of government and conning the Millions who voted to leave the EU ? but in the most fantastical and spectacular circus ever seen in the House of Commons with a deal that is worse than Austerity (citing any reason other than it is a terrible deal),  and many people feel because of this it is time that Teresa May resigned, letting pro – Brexit personnel take over.

To repeat from the last post above and how Bill Cash MP (Stafford and Leave )  “Sir Bill Cash forces the PM to admit that the deal would overturn the referendum result and stop Brexit”   (in effect confirming what Steve Baker outlined as did David Davies)  Steve Baker MP explains Donald Tusks offer (to also repeat from the last post above)  at  4 minutes 30 seconds fwd., & 9 minutes 15 seconds  (and see at 1 hour 7 minutes fwd for an insight into how the deception has been planned) within the following  video  (see YouTube 3.2.2019 video “BREXIT: "They don't believe in Brexit", furious ERG deputy Steve Baker CONDEMNS Downing St officials” which also suggests the matter is a criminal conspiracy in which the people or commons (Parliament) have not been given the opportunity to pass it into law as the WA / WAB has ?  No 10 Downing Street made every effort to remove that offer from Donald Tusk from the Media.

City of London and Access to it ? (see also the above post, dated 28.12.2018 – January 2019 and points 1 – 5) Brexit should leave on a managed no deal or WTO (short of Donald Tusk repeating his deal exactly but which is in line with WTO) and to repeat from above see the EU wants easy access to the City of London and The EU want to regulate the City of London especially now as it enters the most lucrative deal with China (Obor One belt one road) (see above) they cannot do that  unless they have legal claim over it, and Britain, hence the current withdrawal agreement to that end i.e. The EU will not renegotiate Teresa May’s deal but will negotiate after a No deal or the connected WTO which is a deal, and which is prepared for ? (again, Romano Prodi states as such anticipating only 1 ‘meaningful vote’) You cannot make new industry or new 100 % employment without control of your own trade deals and away from the Fiscal Austerity Compact.

The question is will MP’s in Parliament participate in the WA / WAB scam and force it’s draconian & worse than austerity measures onto the people ? which cross party it is highlighted means (from Dennis Skinner MP, Bolsover, Leave and others) that Teresa May and Corbyn are working for the EU as what other logical conclusion is there ? (you only have to realise what the remain bureaucracy at NO 10 Downing Street have NOT been doing ? when matters could have been settled in Spring 2018 instead of bringing the financial uncertainty of the WA / WAB, which the No deal / WTO / or the Tusk offer will not have) The fact that the EU wants easy access to the City of London (and to regulate it and control it ) and is the essence of Teresa May / Macron and their deal (and nothing has changed since September 2018 fwd ) which means the No deal (or Donald Tusk’s offered deal. Extending  Article 50 is simply delaying the day but that extension will cost Billions. £7 Billion is the conservative estimate the EU will charge the UK for an extension. Since 2016 and into 2017 and today a record number of start-ups and new large SME businesses have begun in the UK  and will continue after Brexit (at a time when the EU is slowing unless it abandons ‘Austerity ‘and seeks 100% employment and plans for its own future without continued mass migration) The past and future non-binding indicative votes are not legal and cannot effect a No deal or the deal Donald Tusk may offer or has offered see above, and/or  WTO, (without WA / WAIB) which is the right way to leave (as the EU will only tweak the horrific Teresa May deal now) with the option to instead (after leaving) to then offer the EU the right to access the City of London at a cost of £39 billion +




Contd from above posts dated 20.02.2019 & 27.02.2019


No indicative Vote(s) or debate(s) allowed in the House of Commons on 27.02.2019, for the deal offered to Steve Baker MP (by Donald Tusk) in February 2018 ?

On the 27.02.2019 the House of commons submitted the following amendments (with results )  (or here ) none of which are binding legally on Brexit. The most notable asks for a Brexit delay if Teresa Mays deal is rejected, although it already has ? The EU is asking for 2 years delay ?  (or here ) yet this is not what Britain wants The two year delay and a delay by amendment is the same thinking as Guy Verhofstadt a EU negotiator has already said Brexit could take 20 years or Frau Angela Merkel who explains the UK and all EU states must give up its national sovereignty and in fact ordered the UK to do so. See the last post above but the cost of an article 50 extension is estimated to be £7 Billion(an EU surcharge and further uncertainty) and is baffling the people who voted for Brexit after 2.9 years ? Already George Eustace the fisheries minister has resigned over the extension as what is it extending into and why ?

The Labour said it will now support a second referendum although (it says ) its supports the Brexit referendum result ?  However Jeremy Corbyns amendment lost by 83 votes  (323 against to 240 for ) and asked for realignment (see last link) with EU the single market and Customs Union etc and a substantial amount of labour party members rejected his idea of Europe and respecting the wishes of the 23.06.2019 referendum result ? The SNP tabled an amendment which lost by 324 votes to 288 and which tried to preventa no deal, but it failed. Corbyn has also been an opponent of the EU system and had called for re-industrialisation of the regions (which has declined under the EU see all posts above and was cited in 1983 by Tony Blair as a reason to leave the EU see post-dated 20.02.2019 and 5th paragraph down  ) Corbyn also opposed Britain’s membership of the EEC in 1973 – 1975 ?   and in July 2017 he said the UK could not remain in the single market ?  (which is the opposite once more of his amendment effort on 27.02.2019 ? ) Clearly Blair and Corbyn do not believe in anything.

The government produced a report stating a ‘no deal’ would lose 9% growth if adopted yet that 9% is 9% of a reduced output in industrialisation and manufacturing and jobs lost since 1973, but of nearly 40% lost growth since 1973 and which has seen the UK pay hundreds of Billions into the EU as many EU countries have ? It also contradicts the actual stated position of French ports (see lost posts above dated 28.01.2019 & 30.01.2019 & 20.02.2019 & 27.02.2019) Further the facts of UK and EU industry are here (against BBC bias and project fear)  The truth of industrial decline in Britain since joining the EU  which is confirmed by John Redwood r.e. the big decline ( or explained here or mentioned here again and which in  Britain is similar to the USA’s rust belt reality which the current USA administration seeks to turn around and see all above in chapter 3 and 3a)  and which is a western problem in Europe and the USA under the systems which we  have been conned into accepting as political / economic ‘benefits’ since the end of WW2. Long term growth is not affected and the report also mentions benefits of a no deal which the press have ignored. It also in part contradicts the House of Lords report . In February / March 2017 a House of Lords report concluded in a no deal Britain would not have to pay the £50 Billion ‘divorce deal’  (or discussed here ) or the Billions in the EU budget. It also contradicts the nearly 200 countries in the WTO itself ?  The London stock Exchange (LSE) has already made contingency plans relating also to financial services (mutual recognition and pass-porting etc) .Moving to a temporary WTO rule book situation which has been available? (from 23.06.2018) cuts out the negotiations, and in the last post  above, it is plain that Global trade deals are simpler to obtain and are lucrative. It is obvious the EU will approach the City of London after this, and the City of London has the bargaining power, trading with Switzerland and China.  The USA has also a continued post Brexit trading stock exchange deal as well as zero tariffs on trade for import / export etc (see posts above) Trading with Switzerland and China are deals underway although China's economy is teetering. The USA has also threatened a heightened trade war with the EU. Missing the point that  leaving the EU is set  to boost long term prosperity from the exaggerated 9% back to previous years prosperity (and why not negotiating with the EU was wiser) Australia has offered to fastrack a trade deal in the event of a no deal and which is not mentioned in detail in the report, and a no deal / wto will lead to more deals.

‘Migration’ (as per the UN migration compact ) is also set to rise not fall into the UK and the entire EU  (from outside the EU)

The Great UK Brexit Question ? The biggest omission to date despite all the amendments since December 2018 and the flurry of activity in 2019 ? no one has offered a Vote on Steve Bakers deal (see last two posts above) with Donald Tusk which makes a nonsense of the current process in any analysis ? The question Britain needs to ask is who forced Teresa May to ignore and drop this deal ? (which is not mentioned either by Jeremy Corbyn in either his anti or pro EU positions see Steve Baker’s view  and analysis here of the deal repeated from the last post above) Britain is not leaving the Council of Europe yet this is not mentioned, further none of the amendments actually become law, only the Withdrawal Agreement or WA (see last 2 posts above) is law although it seems that is not actually true either.  Bill Cash explains why Teresa Mays deal is illegal and dovetails into why Steve Bakers deal (the UK’s best deal to date) was ignored and kept out of the public mind is is constitutionally flawed (again not mentioned by Jeremy Corbyn in his concerns ?)  in relation to the referendum of 23.06.2016 ? (a no deal amendment is also illegal) and this deal worse than austerity into slavery is Teresa Mays deal (see last post above)  It is the subject of a legal challenge (just as some were brought against Brexit in late 2016 /  early 2017) yet the most pertinent first question is who removed the deal which offered zero tariffs and no customs union or EU laws ? as this goes to the centre of why there is a House of Commons symbolised by the Mace (the actual ‘people’ 1 in the House of Commons and 1 in the Lords dating back to James the 2nd and William 3rd for the Lords which signifies lawful representation and operation of Parliament which is the people)  

The WTO (World Trade Organisation) is also a real trade deal for sovereign nations.  (Video YouTube ‘Trade after Hard Brexit: WTO Rules Explained’) and which can be optioned very easily in Brexit.




Cont’d from above posts dated 01.03.2019


Brexit; The Withdrawal Agreement deal offered by Teresa May to Britain for the second time (on 12.03.2019)

Bill Cash MP & his concerns. Tariffs, Exports & Crypto Currencies ( & still no vote or debate on the Steve Baker MP / Donald Tusk deal ?) & the Trillions traded by non (no deal /wto ) EU countries without restrictions every day.

The continued spin of EU membership has failed to show that exports to the EU customs union have fallen (but have risen to countries outside the EU) since 1998. This is because imports into Britain are far greater under the closed shop system of EU (customs union) Liberalising an economy (even as a temporary measure when rapid industrialisation and manufacture could distribute greater worth) to accept imports to reduce prices leads to unemployment and a reduction in manufacturing long term as has been experienced since 1973 Phil Radford explains the downturn since 1998 under the EU system

Further the non-debate on other nations trade deals with the EU clash against the current negotiations ? (as well as the non-debate on the Steve Baker MP / Donald Tusk deal see above posts) (the excellent PDF below is very revealing as are the trade deals grouped together under it, on Facebook)

or  'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?' )

 “More Than TWO Trillion Euros worth of Trade every single year and not one penny piece paid in membership fees and not one threat levelled against them if they dare to not pay ( and altogether they all pay less in Tariffs than gross UK Membership fees despite some exporting more to the EU than we do ), not one law that overrides their national laws and not even one small area of governance ceded to the EU Empire and at Least €1 Trillion of that with Not One Free Trade Agreement between them, go figure' India export One Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Rupee in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers. Japan export Two Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Yen in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers. Russia Export Four Billion Euros per week and they have not paid one Rouble in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.China Export One Billion Euros per day  and they have not paid one Yuan in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers”  

Without an honest realisation (aside from the non – debate and no vote upon it ) of what was offered to Steve Baker MP by Donald Tusk, in February 2019 ( see last post above with Mr Bakers resignation reasons) or why there is no real debate on the question posed by Bill Cash in Brexit Bill Cash explains why Teresa Mays deal is illegal and a disregard for the facts on WTO (no deal) trade deals which already exist (see post-dated 12.07.2018 and repeated here in part)

There is obviously a false construct appearing as ‘Brexit’ and which effects the rule of law, parliament and the people (who are parliament) and democracy. There is a belief that over 600 MP’s are parliament and the ‘people’ are not (quite simply)

Items of Teresa Mays / (Voted remain, Maidenhead ) Frau Angela Merkle’s deal will be permanent.  Bill Cash (See notes on the video “Sir Bill Cash forces the PM to admit that the deal would overturn the referendum result and stop Brexit”  ) and the Bruges Group reveal that Teresa Mays transition period lasts until 2099 (or forever see clause Article 132 at the end of this post) in a deal which is worse than Austerity and enshrined as a bill (from WA to WAB see post dated 20.02.2019 above)  This bill is believed to be on a level par with the result of the Brexit referendum on the 23.06.2016 but as it is illegal and without the people it does not constitute an equal footing in law.

Some Peoples Vote From a different angle and to repeat Tony Blair and also Jeremy Corbyn who both campaigned to leave the EEC (EU) in the 1980’s and even in 2017 ? Tony Blair standing for election in 1983 agreed with John Redwood stating the EU (the EEC as was) has drained our natural resources and destroyed jobs, stating he would negotiate an exit from the EU/EEC in contrast to his current position(s) ? Corbyn also opposed Britain’s membership of the EEC in 1973 – 1975 ?   and in July 2017 he said the UK could not remain in the single market ?  He has called for a second referendum (but respects the outcome of the 1st referendum ?) and this call has also come from John McDonnell MP in Labour despite the fact that up to 70 labour MP’s reject a second referendum. Curiously John McDonnell has rejected the SNP call for a second Scottish referendum on independence  (Scotland also would have to decide if it wanted EU membership as independence, or a better Free trade deal which allows it to make its own trade deals with Britain. But Scotland has already voted according to McDonnell, yet so too have all the Brexit voters on 23.06.2016 ) McDonnell seeks a (non-binding) indicative amendment which has a condition to allow for a ‘people’s vote on the deal. He like Jeremy Corbyn ‘respects’ the first vote of the people ? (the peoples vote is simply a disguised second referendum)  To repeat from above; 'What is occurring is Teresa May has stated both positions of the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ (not the ‘backstop’) stating she will amend the GFA  and then also not amend the GFA ?  but in the same week. John Bruton former Irish leader suggests the GFA will be removed. (since 1924 the ‘Common travel area’ in Ulster has been in force to date. Leo Varadkar the Irish leader of Fine Gael said the EU withdrawal deal cannot be amended but agrees that a bi-lateral deal could be made after Brexit and which can refer to the GFA also ?, but which is unlikely to appeal to any side who agreed to it ?)'

The Peoples Vote A reminder of the Peoples Vote on the 23.06.2018 is given by Pat Condell

Just as the above research shows Britain under Brexit is set to boom  Brexit is also about the type of society people desire.

Estonia Estonia has just had a Peoples Vote in its EU national elections. Estonia is an ancient nation which is under threat (as are all in the Balkans) from Russia. It is in a more difficult position than most Western nations. The opposition centre right  reform party (29% ) unseated the centre party (23%) and is moving to remove the Russian language moving to a nationalist outlook and teaching Estonian history, culture and language. All EU nations want the same. Yet despite their difficulties “ Meanwhile the far-right Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE), which has called for a referendum on EU membership, came a close third” who received 18% of the vote and who seek a referendum on its future EU membership. This is because mass immigration (decided upon by unelected officials in the EU and the UN driven by communists) a lack of fiscal autonomy and disrespect for national identity is making  them second class or third-class citizens in their own country.

Dystopia and Totalitarian dictatorship

For a deeper insight into fiscal autonomy and currency matters including tariffs, the US trade deficit, (or any nations trade deficit) China, North Korea, Crypto currencies, Taxes, Interest rates, Exchange rate mechanisms, Universal basic income (social credit), Optimal Currency Areas (OCA) Inflation and National sovereignty, and how unemployment is traded off to prevent inflation…

see the following pdf entitled  ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies & Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’ below, which also discussess the Euro - System of money distribution and other connected items.

But first consider the following videos on China and North Korea. 1. ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’        2. ‘China to assign social credit scores to citizens by 2020’ 

3. ‘China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System’      (or longer version here ‘CHINA’S SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM IS THE MOST TERRIFYING THING EVER’  )

4. ‘This Is Why Most North Korean Defectors Are WOMEN’


The System is run by Artificial Inteligence (AI) which is powered by Quantum super fast machine learning (logarithms) computing. One aspect of AI is its ability to learn with a mind of its own, yet last year AI began to communicate with itself (via bots) using picture type script language only it could understand (and often could not be read by the Internet) Following this it had to be turned off for safety and security reasons as deep learning meant is surpassed its programmers, learning to think 'outisde the box'. These events are denied yet AI does have the ability to be dormant and in effect hide in a Million places if it chooses in the Web, yet the technology (mining for primes etc) costs more in energy than it makes in data application for companies, yet it is driving the security world. Many are seeing it as an intrusion into human rights beyond normal security concerns into dystopia and totalitarian regimes.

'Security' is left behind and a totalitarian society by judgment and ideology without free speech and personal privacy freedom is introduced artificially and these 2 aspecst of Cyber security considerations are separate or should be from each other. In effect the social credit system can be turned off without effecting security. Soon a 3rd will be added i.e. the 'Dark Net' which may become mainstream.

The big data digital dystopian dictatorship is in Asia nothing more than a modern version of Chairman Maoism or Stalinism or Pol Pot, mixed with modern Facial recognition technology, state surveillance powered by AI 24/7 all faced with hundreds of millions of cameras to suppress the watch and control the population. It is the same technology the west is installing and big data companies, social media / networking  and tech companies are editing search engines and putting pressure on governments outside of their remit or right to do so, (towards a communist / culteral marxist ideal even banning centre or 'right wing' groups) yet the west believes this type of creeping dictatorial communist oligarchy could not occur in the free world. It is mind control and oppression. The obliging Chinese lady in the first video (no 1 above) is so controlled and brainwashed she cannot imagine a nation without a government telling them what  to do. In the USA, the US constitution's first amendment & free speech is guaranteed under the amendment. Free Speech, a right to privacy, court hearings by Jury, separation of powers, the right to bear arms, and freedom of faith, family and a belief in Gd are other aspects of the constitution. It is implied in every western country. The Communist party want to spread this type of dystopia into the west (which is just beginning and is the soft side so far of the ideology which includes cultural Marxism and progressive restrictions on 'accepted behavioral norms' it only decides upon ) However if you were to turn the millions of surveillance camera’s around and point  them at the Chinese communist party (and a free society can do just that) you would find the Communist parties unelected Vanguard (who are very wealthy) social credit score would probably be – 100 (in the scale of 1 to 800 or 1 to 1000 in some cases ) and this would also be the claim of the Hong Kong Umbrella uprisings of 2014.

In the USA the Republicans have signed a law protecting free speech on all University Campus and institutions and for everyone. Having a score of – 1000 in China may be to some east or west, a mark of honour (under their system) when in reality a score of 10,000 + should be awarded for free speech, liberty, and the rule of law, family, faith and country.

North Korea has been used to test these notions, even before installing camera’s and facial recognition, see the adjacent website and chapter 5  ‘North Korea and Gulags and its history (China & Chairman Mao)’  North Koreans cannot leave the Hermit Kingdom, yet also now in China the social credit score (the same as Obama’s Universal basic income) which is trivial in its appraisal methods is also preventing people from travelling, working and socializing !  (and more) The Guardian newspaper reports (so far that we know of) that 23 Million people have been prevented from flying or travelling around China's regions  (Chairman Mao began this way, and 'Cultural Marxism' is just a bridge towards the oppression of free thought, speech and liberty. See also the YouTube video ‘ ‘Mao's Great Famine’  in which money was abolished and ‘points’ for behavior ( work points) were removed. It is a control system also infiltrating Africa with ironically Sharia law. China has banned Islam (see video 1 above in which many Muslims are interned in towns which are in reality prison camps, yet China also bans Christianity and Buddhism and the Falun Gong or any faith or belief contrary to its own. Islam in the west is pushed by the left ?) Many also believe Taiwan should have sterner defences  This system in China it is not for security as it is controlling all in the population, it's only for security of the Communist Vanguard, but who are taking matters further into the area of  open prisons, slavery and ? genocide ? and all from the beginnings of Internet prescribed  'norms' decided by a minority who do not have the legal right to to end free speech or thought or the right to gather and associate etc. (Venezuela has also experienced aspects of this system over the past 3 - 4 years or more & under both previous Presidents) The working class in China cannot claim that they have been liberated, and the free world opposes this type of subservience (They need democracy , 100% employment, & liberty as basic measures. China in some areas is adopting prison towns as a prelude many suggest to Maoist type work camps under their system)

It is not a (the) revolution but tyranny by despotism as described in George Orwell's '1984' or Huxley's 'Brave New World'.


Related image
click image to open ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies & Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution

The Great question (also see last post  above) in Brexit is also about making your own trade deals (and see post above dated 30.01.2019 on British Gas and Oil and China’s attempts to own them) Teresa Mays deal does not allow for independent deals. Bloomberg describe it as a fatal flaw.  Further it seems the WA is working to avoid an ability to make independent trade deals (Withdrawal Act  into WA Bill )  The EU want to regulate the City of London especially now as it enters the most lucrative deal with China (Obor One belt one road) or see here on EU regulating the City, they cannot do that  unless they have legal claim over it and Britain, hence the current withdrawal agreement to that end i.e. The world’s biggest project (ever ) the OBOR (one world one belt project) is managed by the City of London   It is also the chance to change North Korea and China away from Totalitarian ideologies and mindsets, and instead let Western values of democracy take shape. Free trade will be inhibited by Teresa Mays deal and not just in OBOR but in every trade deal and social improvement.(to repeat Why is the Brexit deal worth rejecting as it stands ? and why a 'no deal' (for Britain is now, better  )  Ruth Lea’s analysis is correct on WTO and highlights the fact that  the EU want access to the City of London


The Withdrawal Act Unchanged.

Teresa May's deal has not changed, and the WA (even if tweaked ) is still the same as on the 15.01.2019 and the first vote. It is accepted that it is a bad deal in which ‘Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)’(see post 20.02.2019 above for speed read of the deal’s articles in full. This aspect of the WA prevents or hinders independent trade deals, and effects the trade deal made with Israel in January 2019  ( + boycott of goods etc) Israel has also rejected the UN migration compact (as have many EU countries)

To get a full idea of just how bad it is and how it consigns Britain to slavery (keeping Austerity and worse) the spectator’s article below will wake the public and make you realise how removed from the ‘people’ MP’s are.

Teresa May stood on the following platform with (in image to view here) its five main points leading up to and in the 8th June 2017 national UK election. People took her at her word and the vast majority still want those 5 points (at least) but they are not (as many other points) in the Angela Merkel / Teresa May withdrawal act ? but a divorce deal bill of £39 billion and delay of £7 billion is on top the actual deal. £46 billion wasted.

As a further example from Brexit central is the ‘Odysseus Clause. It’s in Article 132 – where the drafters can barely commit to finally fully leaving the EU this century. Here’s what it says:Not-withstanding Article 126, the Joint Committee may, before 1 July 2020, adopt a single decision extending the transition period up to [31 December 20XX].That’s a bit of a variable’.

20xx ? is in fact 2099 as Bill Cash MP uncovered, see above (the ‘transition’ period) or forever but locked into a deal which Chairman Mao would be proud of.

For a full insight see the Spectator 30.12.2018 (Steerpike)  ‘The top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal’   (or see post-dated 22.02.2019 & ‘speed read’ above for complete list and outline of the article, which details what is an incredibly bad deal composed by the EU. Negotiating from a no deal position after 29.03.2019 or from within the WTO is the way to avoid it)



Cont’d from post above dated 8.3.2019

12.03.2019 - 14.03.2019

Brexit; The Withdrawal Agreement is defeated for the second time & The WTO is still a Deal ? not… a ‘No Deal’ yet a No deal is the default Brexit vote position, a No Deal / WTO deal, cannot be removed in the Commons ?

Following the defeat of Teresa May’s withdrawal deal by a vote on the 15.01.2019 the repercussions of the heaviest parliamentary defeat in history (by 432 votes against and 202 in favour a majority of 230 ) combine to signify a rejection of the REMAIN version of Brexit and also a rejection of the EU system as a whole.

On the 12.03.2019 the second vote also failed in a vote in the Commons by a margin of 391 against and 242 for a majority of 149. This after nearly 3 years and two votes and pedantic minutiae of debate most of which was unnecessary as Bill Cash MP and Steve Baker MP laid out (see posts above) Why ? Britain has been denied that deal is still not completely clear yet it is obvious that the remain side buried it.  It must be eye opening in political and economic Britain.

Further to it the backstop debate and No deal and extension is also disingenuous. Firstly Nigel Farage  pointed out that it is a hoax not being disrespectful to any community in Ulster but because it was used to remove deal possibilities and agreement in Ulster comes from the ground up across the province (as Bill Cash / Steve Baker point out in other circumstances r.e. deal suppression) The SNP also largely rejected Teresa Mays deal as it ignores prosperity in Scotland and Wales and England. (Worse than austerity) Changes to the backstop were announced late on Monday evening (11.03.2019) giving the impression for morning news that the issue was sttled and fine. Leo Varadker also said sufficient changes had been assured in an announcement on 12.03.2019 and has indicated after Brexit a bi- lateral deal could unfurl ? (see last post above)  In the background former ‘leave’ MP for Islington Tony Blair was found to be advising Emmanuel Macron on Teresa Mays deal and no deal ? but Teresa May had also thrown a bung of £1.6 Billion to labour MP’s to vote for her deal  No long term prosperity plans with remain only a desire for any  national country, not to control its own trade deals and wealth, and obviously an attempt to lower the defeat margin. Yet the Attorney (Geoffrey Cox ) General disagreed and said in actual fact nothing had changed (but the timing swayed some to believe it had) Further the backstop idea was itself illegal and for reasons which become apparent in the following analysis by the Bruges group.  Further to this and Bill Cash and his questions (see posts above since Jan / February) the ‘transition period’ was a deception (and another reason why the all the EU countries want a constitution under Gd and control of their own fiscal policy and borders at least) and gave away Britain’s negotiating power before a finalised decision?  Namely and to repeat from above “As a further example from Brexit central is theOdysseus Clause’. It’s in Article 132 – where the drafters can barely commit to finally fully leaving the EU this century. Here’s what it says: “Not-withstanding Article 126, the Joint Committee may, before 1 July 2020, adopt a single decision extending the transition period up to [31 December 20XX].That’s a bit of a variable’. 20xx ? is in fact 2099 as Bill Cash MP uncovered, see above (the ‘transition’ period) or forever but locked into a deal which Chairman Mao would be proud of”

Strange negotiating position? Before Teresa may went back to the EU, Michel Barnier offered a slightly different angle on the deal on the 8.3.2019 which indicates more offers will come after a no deal/ wto which is a deal ( a managed no deal / wto see all posts above) This should have the negotiating position all along with the remain side who abandoned it, they abandoned Steve Baker MP and his excellent deal offer and sought to embark on a 2 year journey into delusion and nonsense coupled with ‘project fear’  etc

Now MP’s want to remove a NO DEAL ? why would they want to do that ? why not leave it in place, it makes no difference and widens the scope of possibilities. The MP’s votes are not legally binding but it is worse than this, as it is illegal (to repeat see post above dated 08.03.2019 “as this goes to the centre of why there is a House of Commons symbolised by the Mace (the actual ‘people’ 1 in the House of Commons and 1 in the Lords dating back to James the 2nd and William 3rd for the Lords which signifies lawful representation and operation of Parliament which is the people)”  

In fact a good summary of the WTO is given by young voters and what that means (facebook video ‘leave means leave’ Young people back WTO  & leave means leave ) and which  is the start of many deals. (see also the post above on why casting down a no deal is illegal and should not even come to a vote as ‘the people’ i.e. Parliament have already voted on the 23.06.2016 and this is the default and rational position as Teresa May has pointed out many times ‘a no deal is better than a bad deal’ post referred to is above &  28.01.2019  MPs acting illegally in the commons ?)

A proposed Article 50 extension? Further the proposed illegal extension  which will cost (so far ) £7 billion has now added extra costs on top of this as well as the £39 billion divorce deal (which a no deal does not carry as a cost) Further it has already been 2 years since MP’s agreed to Article 50. Furtehr advice from 2018 on this  also concludes that all 27 nation EU states (together) could extend Article 50 and they may not all agree (only the unilateral withdrawal has been agreed by the EU courts, and which should interest all the EU states. Allowing a unilateral extension would be anotehr legal precedent) But votes on a no deal and Article 50 extension in the UK are not binding in themselves.

The vote on the 23.06.2016 has an inbuilt deal (and Steve Bakers offered deal was not even debated still ? despite a lack of a deal and which highlights the false sentiment that Teresa May or Jeremy Corbyn are concerned for the country ? ) but a no deal with wto is  a deal ? a point which those who oppose ‘no deal’ and who oppose therefore the people and Brexit itself , ignore (People have had enough of them and whatever Parliament votes on the no deal vote they have broken democracy as it cannot just be 'blocked' ) and the people have left already on 23.06.2016 contrary to Teresa Mays assertion that Brexit may never happen, it already has.

The remainers however (having misled the public on the WA withdrawal agreement) are to bring a law delaying Brexit from the 29.03.2019 to some unknown date and bring a law 'stopping no deal' through all 3 Houses of Parliament all in one day ? defying (illegally and see above post dated 28.01.2019 on the illegal activities in the commons) the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016 (and overturn the parliament agreement of 2010 to have a referendum and overturn its legality. (of the 23.06.2016 is higher law as it included the people, rather than just Parliament )  No deal which is the default position i.e. WTO trading with the EU (or No deal with the EU or as Bill Cash MP sees it trading with 90% of the rest of the world, although that can occur even with a FTA free trade agreement or WTO with the EU ? Britain already trades WTO with USA, Africa and Asia see also post above dated 8.3.2019 & 23/24.12.2017 above or here is part (by; factsdirectfromthehorsesmouth   or  'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?')





Cont’d from post above dated 12-


Brexit; Teresa May seeks a 3rd ‘meaningful vote’ A second UK referendum is defeated, The illegal ‘No deal’ vote, was defeated by just 4 votes, yet it is still the default option, and Parliament votes (under a threat) to delay Brexit. The end of the Good Friday Agreement and Common travel area in Ulster, and why Britain may leave on the 29.03.2019 regardless.

The EU/ESM (European Stability Pact)

Teresa Mays deal is a new EU treaty (not a ‘deal’)

The Brexit debate especially since the WA (Withdrawal Agreement) was published in Mid 2018 is the most important event  in modern British history as is the whole of Brexit. (The media have not been helpful and for instance Sky News has aired a ‘Brexit Crisis’ news programme for months. The crisis has paralleled ‘Brexit Calm’ from the Brexiters. The crisis is only with the EU)

After the second defeat of the WA Withdrawal Agreement, Teresa May (remain, Maidenhead) wants to hold a 3rd vote on the deal, ignoring the terrible economic and political aspects of the deal (see last post above) She then said if it is not accepted a longer delay than the date of 30th June will be sought. ( a clear threat  to the people of Britain ) Teresa May said ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’ but a delay is better than her deal, but better still is the WTO (no deal /wto) or Steve Bakers deal or a simple free trade agreement other countries enjoy see post above dated 8.3.2019 above. The date of 30.06.2019 is a proposal for an extension, yet many in the EU do not want Britain to take part in EU elections and the 27 nations of the EU have to agree for an extension (although without a second referendum or Vienna convention, see below,  an extension into what ? is the question, yet the WTO is a deal ) Many Labour MPs resigned in order to vote for a second referendum, and the Labour party is still seeking a second referendum. Scotland is also considering a second independence referendum considering Teresa Mays deal (The world’s economy and stock markets are moving in ‘QT’ or Quantitative Tightening which is contractionary not recessionary as yet. Independent nations will fare better under it. Many economists suggest interest rates may have to come down to boost employment and trade see also the pdf below on OCA ‘Optimal Currency Theory’ and in order to boost the stockmarket, yet QT has to run its course possibly until 2020- 2021)

What has caused the proposed delay on Brexit ‘day’ 29.03.2019? Teresa May herself is the cause of the delay. Consider the following points. Despite previously saying no delay to Brexit and Britain was leaving on 29.03.2019 ? and also a no deal was better than a bad deal and also ‘cancelling’ a previous excellent deal (see Steve Baker MP and Bill Cash in previous posts above) Teresa may has now engineered the delay with Jeremy Corbyn  (both are keen to honour the Brexit result of 23.06.20116, Corbyn by seeking a 2nd referendum? )  The delay vote is also not binding on the UK and it is estimated to cost now another £10 billion with a £39 billion divorce bill

Teresa May returned to the commons after the 2nd defeat and began (albeit hoarsely) threatening the Commons, and issued a statement that if her (3rd attempt) was not accepted, then there would be a longer delay. Yet none of this is ‘the law’ and is nothing to do with Brexit the proceedings. Especially this week in the commons have destroyed democracy in plain view whilst the WTO remains the clear deal people want.

The public are not as concerned about the ‘backstop’  issue (having now read the awful deal and see video ‘Nigel Farage Blasts Theresa May: “This Is the Worst Deal in History" | Good Morning Britain’ ) which is shown to be a hoax (see last post above i.e. the backstop is a hoax) but are concerned on the deal which for instance does not include the Lisbon treaties (itself flawed) right to a withdrawal in the future ? The EU (which includes Teresa May and Tony Blair ) want to impose a ‘hard border’ yet do not want any borders in the EU to prevent illegal migration?

The Vienna Convention of treaties, the Good Friday agreement and Teresa Mays 3rd vote and delay ?

The real aim is to remove the ‘Good Friday Agreement’ (as confirmed by former Taoiseach John Bruton and also by Teresa May herself or here ) but as it is an international treaty which cannot be revoked (and which prevents war) to remove it, would have to be done by invoking the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties as legal support for tearing up the Brexit deal in future. But to also tear up the Good Friday Agreement. (the Vienna Convention also has ambiguities) Yet there is obvious suspicion now that the Brexit deal of Teresa May cannot be torn up, whilst it is obvious also the backstop hoax was in reality the GFA. This was not in the Brexit campaigning by leave or remain but added later after 23.06.2016, but then as Steve Baker MP and Bill Cash MP point out Britain was offered another deal in early February 2018 ? ! which he admired ?  (see above post dated 23- 27.02.2019) yet who ordered that this deal (which also solves all problems) be silenced and ignored ? this is a scandal and an incredible injustice (The backstop of sorts was drafted in 2017) However that issue is also tied into the awful deal, and it does not affect just the GFA although there are no guarantees in any circumstance. Yet the transition period has shown to be permanent, to say nothing of the peace process in Ulster.  The WTO deal prevents a hard border and does not require it ? but as the Vienna Convention is deemed not to be applicable in “the backstop” (revealed since the delay vote on 14.03.2019) then it is not going to allay fears on any side (and this is only 1 issue of many) making a 3rd vote unnecessary and therefore the Brexit delay is also not required.

As you will read the new treaty Teresa May calls the WA / WAIB, is far worse for any side in the debate (the new EU treaty) as the EWA (the act made in the European Union as the European Withdrawal Act) cannot be stopped yet it can include other amendments as it has been made in conjunction with the ESM i.e. the European Stability Mechanism, which in the growing authoritarian superstrate will include new financial draconian measures, see below which will include a customs union tax avoidance measure. Tax will be high)  

Teresa Mays new EU treaty (WAB & WAIB) will be permanent in all aspects.

Therefore the ‘transition period’ and take with it the insertion of the ‘Odysseus clause’  which cites 20xx but which (see Bill Cash in the 4 or 5 posts above) is actually 2099, then Teresa May (remain, Maidenhead) has  also now concocted a delay (14.03.2019) to Brexit because ? her own deal she spent discussing (at great expense to the taxpayer) with the EU (including Tony Blair and Emmanuel Macron) is absolutely awful ?  you couldn’t make it up except of course it betrays Britain and the 23.06.2016 vote) Any agreement will be permanent despite the assurances of the EU and even temporarily will deceive the public. This is why a no deal / wto and then agree to the details after is a better course of action.

Teresa Mays deal is not a deal but a new EU treaty (see post, dated 12.07.2018 above)

Which of course Corbyn and Tony Blair once opposed (see posts above ) and which was another question of Bill Cash MP, although since Teresa may will not admit this, it was asked in an indirect way (again see posts above) The treaty is drastic and requires harsh subservience (yet MP’s are also ignoring this ?) hence it is not going to change ( despite announcements it may have or might or will have changed between now and 22.03.2019 as witnessed on the 11.03.2019 see last post above)

However it is even more sinister than this (and see above post dated 7.4.2018, than this and consider everything in the last 2.8 years) in amongst the withdrawal Act (WA & WAIB & EWA)  is the fruition of the EU debt treaty (as it is informally known) or as it is formally known  the ESM or European Stability Mechanism  see video ‘The Shocking Truth of the Pending EU collapse’  Although this video is 5 years old (2013) the collapse it mentions, is also the collapse of the old nation state and (despite recent EU denials in time for EU elections ) combined with total immersion into massive immigration, (note although introduced in 2012 the ESM was not completely drafted until 18.12.2018, and its amended annexes only completed on 19.02.2019 a few weeks ago) It is totalitarian communism in its beginnings for all nation states in the EU. For Britain its new (Teresa May’s draft at the EU’s request ) EU treaty suffers under it, as she (the EU)  has drafted it into the WA / WAB deal EU treaty. This is on top of the top 40 horrors and removes legal prosecution against it (hence it is vital for Teresa May to include EU courts in the ‘new deal’) but it can take a nation to court for the severe debt it demands as payment to for membership. It crushes all EU nation states into yet more austerity and debt, by instigating an intergovernmental organisation (not elected) to punitively pursue those debts. (no ‘Basel 3 reforms’ or any sense here in what is a new Hybrid system which unlike the USA does not allow its states to set its budgets or debts) EU citizens are asked to pay a ‘carbon tax’ and many cannot afford food or rent ? The plan is to crush all EU nations (and no Constitution will be ‘allowed’) and an unelected Vanguard will change the EU into different nationalities for cheap labour via illegal immigration, and seek to remove its history within an undemocratic monolith and all without transparent consent.

Since the video above ‘the shocking truth of the pending EU collapse’ (following the ERM draft in 2012) in 2013 those occurrences have been plainly visible. Consider also the following video by ‘Strategian’ in Dec 13th 2018  ‘Financial Collapse - Brexit And Ireland's Impending Mega Crisis!’  Not caused by Brexit but by deliberate debt economics disguised as economics. Although now over a few months since the video the figures  have to adjusted (upwards) to give you an idea, Ireland pays  50 %  of its tax intake (income GNI) to pay its debts. Italy 21%, Greece 26. 9 %, UK 26.6%, Spain 16. 33%, USA 25%, Germany 4.6% . Ireland is clearly in deep debt yet in the last 2 years it has increased ? €198 Billion in 2018 and now it stands at  €217 Billion in 2019.  It is increasing daily.  Ireland for instance pays €16.5 million per day on its public debt every day, despite homelessness rising and poverty and unemployment, whilst it sends €100 million in ‘aid’, which never arrives (like 85% of most world aid) National concern is way down the list. For an insight into how this idea of Europe with austerity and debt is designed see the following PDF (also in the above post dated 08.03.2019) ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’  (Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution)

This is the new EU (which Teresa May like a Gymnast at the Olympics) wants Britain to sign up to. It is not the EEC promise of the early 1960’s and it is not the EU treaty of 1973 – 1975 or indeed anything the resembling any nation of Europe or the good of any of its people. With EU elections on the Horizon it is an opportunity not to vote for Teresa May or any established left candidate. The amendment to not leave the EU without a deal “in any circumstances’ ? is also non – binding (which baffles the international press who forget the referendum on the 23.06.2016 by the people is law and binding) and symbolic but the WTO is a deal ? Phillip Hammond in the UK (Remain, Runnymeade and Weybridge and Chancellor the Exchequer) explains that in fact the current deal is a ‘punishment deal’ (video YouTube ‘Chancellor Philip Hammond: It's a "delusion" to think Brexit deal can be renegotiated’ ) not just a previous EU deal option for having the audacity of leaving the EU he says (see at 1.40 minutes to 2 minutes into the video) Then in the same video the female MP beginning at 2 minutes 20 seconds to 2 minutes 45 seconds asks the question ‘surely a no deal is in fact a deal’ as the UK would trade (and since 23.06.2016) on WTO rules as everyone else in the world and it is not ‘crashing out’ ? (many argue Britain ‘crashed in’ in 1975)

Knowing all of the above (it is obvious Teresa May has been disingenuous and many feel she and Corbyn should resign amidst the travesty) then
Teresa May could cancel the delay which is not binding on Parliament, if she is serious about delivering Brexit ? but more importantly scrap her terrible deal and let a pro - Brexit person with common sense take over (like Steve Baker MP) It is incredible that it was even considered and yet MP’s voted for it in small numbers in total disregard for ‘the people’. The WTO (Video YouTube ‘Trade after Hard Brexit: WTO Rules Explained’) is still the best option and is more popular in Britain than parliament which has been left behind. In Britain at the end of March 2019, they can ignore Parliament which has ignored them, and leave the EU.




(cont’d from the last post above dated 17.03.2019)


Teresa Mays 3rd vote cancelled by the Commons House speaker John Bercow on 20.03.2019 & why. (The 4th attempt is still the same deal as confirmed by the EU ?) The permanent bad deal / EU treaty & ‘transition period’ revealed as worse than first thought and why ? A Simple Free trade agreement not a treaty. The Good Friday Agreement. The new EU treaty (deal) locks Britain out from trading with the rest of the world. Hungary blocked from Voting on the delay.

John Bercow the House Speaker prevented a Third vote (on the 18.03.2019) on the Withdrawal Agreement (WA / WAIB  = a new EU treaty which will cause economic recession and catastrophe) and the reason he declined a third vote is because the ‘deal’ has not changed since July 2018, it barely deserved a second vote and voting for a delay and voting for a deal are two separate items. Both are non binding and both have already occurred although for what reason is the issue ? The original vote for a delay is non - binding on parliament. John Bercow hints that only a renegotiated treaty or new deal deserves a third vote. This is to prevent corruption and bribery by forcing the same deal through parliament. The rule which extends back to 1604, in fact returns all the way to the common law, and that common law extends back to King Alfred and the ‘deeming’s’. (laws for everyone) A new draft with the words ‘extend to’ in a delay, (which will cost now £12 Billion + $39 Billion) is not a new deal or worthy of consideration for a third vote (that is what John Bercow meant ) there is no substantive change ?

A simple Free Trade Agreement with the EU is desired (FTA) ? not an EU treaty.

Once again Bill Cash speaking on this (in effect) and the new EU treaty simplifies what is going on. See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ ) He lays out the facts i.e. trade with the EU accounts for only 15% of UK trade, and accepting Teresa Mays deals will force the UK to be locked out of 85 % - 90% of the Worlds trade ? Accepting cheap imports in the new EU treaty (‘liberalising the economy’ see last 2 posts above) then ruins existing markets and businesses ? (manufacturing and farmers and ‘growth’ on domestic products) Therefore going into WTO still allows trade with the EU but does not restrict trade with the rest of the world. An FTA with the EU covers that 10% - 15% trade with the EU, but the WTO in the event of ‘no deal’ also covers trade with the EU. Teresa May and the EU have plotted to remove this advantage (without control of legal immigration etc) Its incredible. The USA, China, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and countries worldwide do not have a problem trading with the EU without being members. They agreed a Trade Deal or use WTO.

A no deal (not the EU treaty / WA) has allowed for new trade deals in the past month (i..e out of Teresa's Mays treaty without waiting 21 months or forever) has produced a trade deal with Iceland and Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein, which is Bill Cash's point with hundreds of countries to deal with into prosperity, outside of the EEA or EFTA (Norway may not admit to EFTA, but the Government says a No deal will allow trade with Norway)  and Customs Union (WTO or no deal which is still live and the law and which cannot be ‘removed’ although Angela Merkel wants it removed ? as well as National Soveriegnty of all EU countries No constitution or national fiscal controls, and also for the UK )

Parliament is also proposing 7 new choices but on unwhipped indicative voting next week (non legal) which are not binding in law, just as the delay vote was not binding. It is an attempt to ignore the Brexit vot of 23.06.2019 but does include a standard FTA
which are now already in force (Norway & Iceland etc) without the EU treaty / WA / WAIB, but the 7 choices do not include the deal offered (exactly) to Steve Baker MP ( see posts above) Since FTA no deals are already working ? why remove it by non binding indicative votes ?

Since the financial collapse of 2007/2008 and the ‘Dodd’s Frank act’ (see also the pdf in the last 2 posts above) local finance has not received a as much consideration. ‘Localism’ also encourages new vitality into micro – finance, credit unions, building societies and banks. In any collapse these institutions shore up an economy for businesses (SME’s) and restrictions against them should be lifted in order to boost national growth and keep existing business and keep prices low (which allows for low inflation and exporting the excess ) Keeping cash and notes (MO – M4) is also advantageous. Further this kind of growth only boosts stock markets. Amidst speculation (which is thousands of years old), national economies must have common sense to grow in a free market.

Back in December 2017 Teresa May admitted that the UK cannot make its own trade deals during the ‘Transition period’ of (then 21 months) Why Not ?

Since December 2017,  the efforts of remain have been to stop the will of the people and / or delay Brexit. The non - binding proposed delay has been caused by Teresa May and those who want to delay Brexit, i.e. asking for a delay because their ‘deal’ that the EU /remain made themselves is so bad ?. Teresa May then blamed ‘lawmakers’ for the ‘problem’, but the real problem is the deal / treaty is a non-starter. The delay itself is proof of wanting to extend the Article 50 date for another 2 years (speculated by some EU voices and Remainers in Parliament) and then also have the 21 months ‘transition period’ after those 2 years but also as Bill Cash uncovered until 2099. (see last posts above and video further down)  

The EU ‘Summit’ of Thursday 21.03.2019

Teresa  May (who has been summoned to the EU and to a government decision not a debate) despite previously saying ‘no delay’ to Brexit and Britain was leaving on 29.03.2019 ? and also ‘a no deal was better than a bad deal’ and  ‘cancelling’ a previous excellent deal (see Steve Baker MP and Bill Cash in previous posts above) are reasons which point to the deal is a terrible treaty lasting to 2099. Teresa May has been warned that she will be held responsible by 50 conservative associations. Further it is not legal (non binding but also not a moral direction) This as new reports from 2011 show how the EU system has destroyed real Jobs across the UK . The truthful difference between the positions is cited here. People have previously said their eyes have been opened by the way the EU treats Britain (or any of the EU 27 member states and the current EU is only one version of Europe’s 700 million people. 500 million in the EU ) but it goes deeper as the process has revealed who across the political parties, is actually doing what they said they would. Having set up a mirage to prevent Britain making its own trade deals, but also into a new EU treaty which is bad for an economy regardless of any party politics (with the ESM or European Stability Mechanism)  Since the withdrawal agreement WA was published in mid 2018 there has only been  a pretence at negotiations and nothing in the WA…. (the EU Treaty and see Article 7 of the WA prevents any objections to EU decisions and excludes fishermen not getting their fishing waters back and much more) …… has changed since then.

EU says deal must have a purpose ? Remain MP’s have sought to thwart the will of the people since 23.06.2019 and are still seeking a third vote or a 4th in effect (on the 21.03.2019 – 23.09.2019) although even the EU  cannot see why a third vote should occur  (The EU's Michel Barnier says delay must have a purpose) yet without a change May and the EU have split the ‘delay’ date as 12.04.2019 (if you do not vote for Teresa Mays treaty & the cut off point for EU elections) or 22.05.2019 if you do ? In effect a threat and a bribe, but it only signifies a treaty without substance which has not changed, in which the EU 27 member states have to agree (except the EU have tried to remove Hungary from a democratic vote on anything? as ‘not invited’ ? as they are against ‘the rules’ although removing them is not legal ? The EU lack of democracy is shown in the ‘unanimous decision’ (as Donald Tusk tweeted) Teresa May wrote and asked for a delay until 30.06.2019 ?  The overseeing 1922 conservative committee have asked TM to resign as by now the whole deception by the remain is so obvious.

Yet if the EU will not deal now (and the treaty is the same as in January or on Monday 20.03.2019) or in the unknown transition period , then they will not after 29.03.2019 either (or to 2022 / 2023/ 2099)They are less likely to under those circumstances and leavers have been conned (which is the plan, hoping people will not understand Teresa Mays new treaty dovetail  with the draconian ESM / European Stability Mechanism aka the debt treaty see last post above) this is evident from the Star chambers lawyers advice on the ‘backstop’ protocol which does not match the government’s own standard, and the treaty will have to accept the next higher level of the ESM. The same deceptions will increase after 29.03.2019. After Bill Cash MP has teased out that the end date of the treaty is 2099, (see last posts above) it also confirms that the successive steps to this idea of Europe ( a centralised communist super state) is not the founding ideal of those who signed up the EEC in the treaty of Paris in 1951 and Euratom (nuclear )  in the treaty of Rome in 1957, into the 1960’s  1970’s and has been kept from the population of 500 million in the EU (700 million in Europe) in successive steps and deception ? (including the Schengen agreement of 1995 laying successive steps for millions of illegal immigrants, and the Treaty of nice which diluted national countries voting into ‘unanimous voting by qualified majority’) 

Why the PM’s deal does not mean leaving the EU. It is stated in the Odysseus Clause’. It’s in Article 132 – where the drafters can barely commit to finally fully leaving the EU this century. Here’s what it says: “Not-withstanding Article 126, the Joint Committee may, before 1 July 2020, adopt a single decision extending the transition period up to [31 December 20XX] The object to stop Britain making its own trade deals forever (see also YouTube ‘Why the PMs Deal Does NOT Mean Leaving the EU’ then also add on the ESM debt treaty waiting see last post above and until 2099 is confirmed in this last video) Never leaving but also into a centralised super state in which Angela Merkel is still inviting Millions into the EU yet Emmanuel Macron’s advice in his election of 2017 was ‘terrorism will be a part of our daily lives ?’ with austerity and heavily restricted trade. Compared to Bill Cash’s advice it is a ridiculous situation Teresa May and the Remainers have made.

Teresa Mays deal / EU TREATY is not allowing self-determination but rejects leaving at all. The advancement of the totalitarian super state was known in 1973, and shown in the Werner report on the EEC (but not told to the public, and which included the ‘snake in the tunnel; inflation check in a future monetary super state, yet today we have gone beyond even that) which when May and Corbyn (who voted against the EU for decades) state they are trying to deliver Brexit (by also recommending a delay and second referendum which has been rejected by large margins in indicative votes, and recommended by people who cannot and do not know how to make trade deals by themselves) it is an incredible deception. By sacrificing all of the population to a permanent draconian treaty which is stated in the treaty i.e. It is accepted that it is a bad deal in which ‘Any powers the UK parliament might have had to mitigate EU law are officially removed. (Article 128)’ 

An alternative summary of how bad the deal EU treaty is listed in these 2 posts. Also an alternative opinion from a Ulster farmer in the WTO / No deal economy. In the GFA moves to remove and/or amend the Good Friday Agreement continue some suggest. (Farmers of course are looking at new markets locally but also are considering becoming merchant, trader and producer themselves cutting out the middleman.) Those that advocated the new EU treaty have deceived Parliament and the Public which is  ‘project fear’ i.e. an independent  nation making its own trade deals . 500 MP’s + voted for implementing the Article 50 protocol from labour and the conservatives. Those that voted for Teresa Mays deal have been deceived and also deceived into thinking it is a step to leaving. They will in elections never be voted for again. It is permanent and offers a subservience as penalty for voting to leave, with austerity, and is worse than a customs union and disregards the economics of the solid WTO deal, Steve Bakers deal (he was offered) or any other (numerous and viable ) deal(s) Leaving on the 29.03.2019 will then attract the EU to deal but with another real Brexit team Financial services will also be trapped The EU wants to regulate the City and which includes the totalatarian and totally centralised European Stability Treaty ESM

  The City advised Britain to walk away  and why they did, is becoming clearer with the W/A WAIB deal and the ESM with it. People can legally leave on 29.03.2019 (unilaterally)



******   (Video)  Britain left the EU (De facto) on the 28/29. 03.2019 by the Bernican.... (or here as an MP File ) It still retained aspects of EU law and even the Napoleonic Code (de jure) which since this date has slowly been removed, moving to a Sovereign nation, delaying celebrations of leaving until 31.01.2020 and 01.01.2021 within the pandemic, and these events have been recorded in this blog below until St George's day  2022)  ********

   N.B. Link to the Sovereignty of nations website and  N.B. Link to the top of Chapter 4   for St Georges day 2022





Cont’d from last post above dated 23.03.2019

28 & 29.03.2019

Teresa Mays 3rd vote again warned against by the Commons House speaker John Bercow on 27.03.2019. (then reversed this on 28.03.2019) The 8 non - binding indicative votes. A very simple choice (the best choice on a Brexit deal)  Brexit Article 50 time is up & the extension to article 50 is illegal. John Baron MP on the truth of No Deal and its benefits. The 'Russia Collusion' Hoax used to discredit Brexit.

Britain can legally leave the EU 29.03.2019

Further to Bill Cash’s call for a Simple Free Trade Agreement (FTA) John Baron MP (who along with Bill Cash gives one of the most important  speeches since WW2) See Video ‘John Baron MP tears apart the scaremongering of a WTO Brexit’ 

The ‘No Deal’ has been bombarded with negative connotations i.e. ‘No’ is negative as No Deal but in fact it opens up trade with 90% of the World. The EU counts only for 10% of British trade. Also under No deal /WTO Britain can trade with the EU or have a simple free trade deal (FTA ) with the EU outside of WTO. (tailor made) Teresa May who sank to new lows by offering to resign if you vote for her deal, and the EU by conning MP’s (and the public) into voting for a new EU treaty (WA / WAIB ) wants to restrict that 90% trade with the rest of the world and then flood Britain with its cheap imports (a one way deal as ‘liberalising’ the economy) taking control of the UK market, in a deal which you can never leave (until 2099 see last post above ) Therefore a No deal / WTO is in fact a ‘Yes Deal’ (and should be renamed) and Britain would be in a stronger position to then make a simple free trade deal (FTA) with the EU or go in as WTO on that 10% - 15% EU trade.

Once again Bill Cash (from last post above) See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ )

To clarify matters the house speaker once again says he cannot allow a 3rd vote on the same deal Another MP Brexiter Sir Bernard Jenkin said tonight (27.03.2019) will be remembered as the moment when the House of Commons turned against Brexit, and began to ignore the mandate given to MPs to implement the referendum result. On the 28.03.2019 John Bercow reverses his decesion ? on technically thin margins, yet it is the same deal EU / Treaty as the last two votes (lasts until 2099, cannot leave, EU law remains and Austerity)

Russia Hoax and Brexit Further to his point and aside from the bizarre negotiations between Teresa May (Remain, Maidenhead) and the EU (or between EU/Teresa May and 17.4 million leave voters for over 2 years) President Donald Trump was also found to have not colluded with Russia by Robert Mueller (on 22.03.2019 – 24.02.2019)  The USA press discussed the findings see Liz Wheeler ‘President Trump Vindicated in Mueller Report’  and background ‘The Mainstream Media's Egregious Lies’  but how did all of this occur ? ‘Sen. Rand Paul on Mueller Report & His Plan to Investigate the Origins of the Russia Hoax’  a less formal view is given by Paul Joseph Watson see YouTube video ‘The Truth About 'Russian Collusion'. (but China and Russia and Iran do have wmd )The fake Russia narrative was blown into a full scale ‘conspiracy’ in which people’s lives were ruined, not just ruined but destroyed, (straight out of North Korea or China’s social credit control system, see post above dated 08.03.2019 and subheading ‘Dystopia and Totalitarian dictatorship’ but it was also used to fuel doubts on the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016 (17.4 million leave voters are Russian spies etc.) and the Brexit referendum is invalid !  (see also statistician Nate Silver Fox news video ‘Nate Silver dismisses Russian trolls’ influence on 2016 election’ describes the effect of Russia was marginal and slight ? and perhaps the midterms have proven him correct also as of course the midterm elections in the USA in November 2018 were all Russia votes ? Illegal alien votes were cast in 2016 and 2018, which is the real conspiracy of foreign powers interfering in an election) The remain lobby cast the Brexit referendum as a Russian plot despite the fact that many of them have connections to Russia? (see post above dated 12.07.2018 ) London Mayor Sadiq Khan also pushed this narrative and should resign (for Russia collusion)

Boris Johnson said on the 27th / 3 /2019 early in the day (on hearing Teresa may to ask for 3rd vote ) “If people like me are to support this deal … then we need to see the proof that the second phase of negotiations will be different from the first” yet it will be exactly the same in the ‘transition period’ as the first period. Back in December 2017 Teresa May admitted that the UK cannot make its own trade deals during the ‘Transition period’ of (then 21 months) Why Not ? (see also YouTube ‘Why the PMs Deal Does NOT Mean Leaving the EU’ then also add on the ESM debt treaty waiting see last post above dated 17.03.2019, and until 2099 is confirmed in this last video) Later Boris Johnson said he would vote for Teresa Mays deal if she resigned, but his problem and Britain’s problem remains, although the conservative party can vote for a new leader (not a caretaker ?) as are the Conservative parties rules.

So far and to date the WTO / ‘No deal’ or EFTA (EFTA without EEA or Customs Union are the best deals see last post above Norway etc., and Britain has its own Oil and Gas see post above dated 30.01.2019 and project fear assertion Britain would be cut off in No deal)

Regarding the extension to 12.04.2019 or 22.05.2019, it is illegal and non-binding and the indicative vote on the 27.03.2019 is not binding on ‘the people’ or the betraying MP’s who voted for it. The indicative 8 votes in the end had no majority for any choice. Parliament has ‘no control’ yet the legal default position is No Deal /WTO. It was of course Teresa May and remain who caused the delay …. for the vote ? which was sought in an underhand way explaining without it ‘confusion would arise’ ? Bill Cash asks (facebook video) Teresa May if she had asked the attorney general permission on the extension. She did not reply then and failed adequately. Yet lawyers confirmed its illegality that it is in fact illegal and everyone in the UK now knows what is occurring about the illegality of betraying Brexit also. Are the people the 'Parliament' or are MPs alone? Bill Cash explains further in the video 'European Scrutiny Committee Chairman Sir Bill Cash MP at the Brexit Delay Motion debate'  The government can ignore the indicative vote(s) and aside from illegally extending article 50, it is immorally extended.

The new 3rd (or 4th attempt) vote is split in the hope it will pass (originally Friday 29.03.2019 was a non voting day but that has been ignored in a effort to pass the new EU treaty which is against the Brexit referundum)    but it is essentially only the same deal ?  

Whilst Britain can ignore Teresa May and take back its country as of 29.03.2019.




Cont’d from post above dated 29.03.2019


Brexit; Britain has legally left the EU. The protests (against the WA / WAIB (EU treaty ) of 28 – 31.03.2019 ongoing. Steve baker MP says no difference in hard and soft Brexit. Parliament tries to usurp Brexit of 23.06.2016 (all in one day)

On the 31.03.2019 over 140 MP’s said they would rebel over the delay Teresa May and the EU have caused, technical but not binding delay as the mandate to leave started on 23.06.2019 and the formal polite Article 50 process, ended on 29.03.2019, in effect even without Article 50, the vote on 23.06.2019 was the legal leave date. Yet people like Yvette Cooper are trying revoke article 50 ? and an entire nations rights. Now, and then WTO / Rules can go into force, because Teresa May (remain Maidenhead)  promised (who appeared in a April Fool’s joke as an extra in the Queen Vic on the television soap ‘EastEnders’ ) in her new EU TREATY which will be permanent i.e. the following 1. leaving the single market and 2. customs union, 3. signing a trade deal that ends free movement of people, and 4. remove the UK from the European Court of Justice’s jurisdiction. None of those items are in the permanent EU treaty (and can only aspire to them after 2099 ?) and the political declaration (1/2 half of the EU treaty WA /WAIB and those are just a few of the many problems it has) is not legally binding This (one of many people and reasons) is why Dominic Raab resigned and the labour parties deal is even worse. The nearest to Teresa Mays promise is the DCFTA (Deep and Comprehensive Trade Agreement) which the Ukraine has, but the Ukraine has had to give up part of its Sovereignty and will come under the European Court of Justice which has some jurisdictional powers (but has recently ruled you cannot have free speech unlike in the USA where free speech is now (recently signed into law free speech = free society and debate and free thinking) a prerequisite on University campus and is also under the US constitution amendment 1, and there is still free movement of people in the Ukraine (with no idea who is really coming and going ) but it does stipulate ‘control of borders’  in the Ukraine DCFTA. The Ukraine-EU agreement eliminates more than 98% of trade duties for both parties.

Any deal which allows Britain an  ability to make its own trade deals is hidden away and has negative connotations.

The WTO / No deal of course also provides for this ? and opens trade to 90% of the world. Critics of the no deal / wto state that tariffs (which follows that the lowest tariff agreement must apply to all trade routes) will mean UK exports suffer a tariff price handicap, yet under DCFTA this is eliminated ? (as it was under Steve Bakers deal see posts above)  Further tariffs can be refunded and bi-lateral agreements in or out of the disastrous Common agricultural policy can be made to those ends. (farmers are paid not to grow food etc) The same critics of no deal / wto (some of them) have said very little about Teresa Mays efforts to liberalise the economy under her new EU treaty. Although cutting taxes is the right idea, her version plans to flood cheap goods and services (services agreement not in the WA /WAIB) into the UK undercutting all existing business, driving them out and to ruin which is worse than WTO tariffs surely this is bad for any farmer. All existing traditional Irish goods (only) and their tariffs could simply be refunded (avoiding WTO levelling tariff problems as lowest first etc) in an amicable world and for the best of all worlds in prosperity. Posts above have shown in a managed no deal /wto tariffs are likely to be cheaper in any case.

Instead of buying all local existing products and protecting them as far as possible and creating a surplus in every business or for every worker (Globalism tries to prevent this ) and exporting the rest under WTO.

In 2017 the BBC predicted an increase of £135 billion annually under a ‘hard brexit’ Steven Baker who also resigned points out that there is no such thing as a hard or soft Brexit that this is a made up ‘project fear’ idea of the remainers. (or see here ) He resigned, as not long after the BBC predicted this boost to the economy in 2017, in Brexit no deal / wto, he says the EU offered a deal in early 2018 but it was ignored by Teresa May and the remain cabinet (see many posts above) and the anti-Brexit EU treaty wa /waib faction. He also points out that the EU is in crisis over the US – EU trade war which is not settled in any way. In the EU you cannot compete with the monopolies which are protected (protectionist) and you cannot produce or manufacture, you can only increases services. (Services are not included in Mays deal which is currently 80% of UK trade, although with renewed manufacturing and industry may shrink as they rise) This is the point of Brexit the Movie and the points it made. Britain is still in the Council of Europe even under WTO / No deal or as near as. This is disastrous for the west. (see also the pdf in the above post dated 8.3.2019 and why it is impossible to compete) These WTO / No deals / yes deals are common (or near as can be individually) and leaving then negotiating (putting EU on the back burner)and trading with the world in a simple Free Trade Deal.

And the whole sham was given away quite simply by a diesel importer (video ‘The UK can leave the EuropeanUnion “instantly” )

To  repeat from above   'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?' )

“More Than TWO Trillion Euros worth of Trade every single year and not one penny piece paid in membership fees and not one threat levelled against them if they dare to not pay ( and altogether they all pay less in Tariffs than gross UK Membership fees despite some exporting more to the EU than we do ), not one law that overrides their national laws and not even one small area of governance ceded to the EU Empire and at Least €1 Trillion of that with Not One Free Trade Agreement between them, go figure' India export One Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Rupee in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers. Japan export Two Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Yen in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers. Russia Export Four Billion Euros per week and they have not paid one Rouble in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.China Export One Billion Euros per day  and they have not paid one Yuan in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers”

The protests on 29.03.2019 were not against ‘Brexit’ but against the WA / WAIB EU treaty. (see Facebook video ‘Nigel Farage speech at LML rally’  and the other leave means leave videos in general It is estimated that 2.5 million people protested nationwide making it the largest protest in British history. Just how deep remain have gone is shown in this video of Nigel Farage in light of the Russia Hoax and the slandering of innocent people which (see last post above) is likely to be a criminal investigation into how it started.( video; ‘Farage’s Explosive Row With Caller Over Russian Collusion In Brexit’) On the 1.4.2019 MP’s once again voted on non – binding indicative options but once again non were carried, the cabinet had previously rejected a customs union (you cannot make your own trade deals etc) but TM had ordered a boycott of the indicative votes in any case, although since they are non – binding then why order a boycott. Yet 2.5 million ordered her (and MP’s ) to honour the referendum result of 23.06.2016 but to date she has ignored the people. It is the EU who are having a Crisis meeting on the 10.03.2019 not Britain. Steve Baker MP has called for all parliamentary debate to end.

Aside from the BBC stating in 2017 a WTO / No deal would boost  the economy by £135 Billion annually  and from then to Steve Bakers deal being rejected (even again on the 1.4.2019 as not included in indicative votes ?)  in early 2018, something changed in Brexit and is at the heart of the delay and unwanted WA/ WAIB EU treaty. To repeat See Video ‘John Baron MP tears apart the scaremongering of a WTO Brexit’  and also Bill Cash speaking on this (in effect) and the new EU treaty simplifies what is going on. See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ ) there are many voices who see the truth and benefits of no deal / wto or near as (ask the Ukraine, but Norway warned the EU are always inviting to enter in closer relationship, which Brexit negotiators seemed to have ignored as a negotiating stance) Teresa Mays deal on the whole is flawed and is still  a terrible deal (An alternative summary of how bad the deal EU treaty is listed in these 2 posts. Also an alternative opinion from a Ulster farmer in the WTO / No deal economy)

The Two Nations and the betrayal of the people by Parliament.

The protests against Teresa Mays deal and the efforts of Yvette Cooper and Corbyn have isolated Parliament as being a separate entity from the people who are Parliament. Removing any of the choices including No Deal, a separate WTO, or DCFTA in the Ukraine, or any deal (note they are choices which allow for independent trade deals to be made including Steve Bakers deal he was offered by Donald Tusk) is not delivering Brexit as they promise. The earlier Letwin amendment with Yvette Cooper tried to prevent No Deal, and Teresa May wanted to ratify her new EU treaty without the Commons consent, which she wanted to do by subtly changing the law. This is the contempt of the law Yvette Cooper wants all 3 levels of Parliament (Commons, Lords and the Queen’s assent) to ratify against No Deal (separately from WTO or DCFTA, or the deal offered to Steve Baker MP etc) to prevent choice and independence. Teresa May then sided with Jeremy Corbyn against her own Cabinet to not deliver Brexit which is the real urgent crisis for remainers (efforts are reputed to be underway to rectify the illegality in the High Court proving Britain had already left the EU on the 29.03.2019  r.e. extending Article 50 is also unconstitutional, remaining in the EU was Teresa Mays plan from the beginning)

Yvette Cooper is trying (03.04.2019) to prevent the people having their say and way r.e. the 23.06.2016 and prevent a ‘No Deal’ (in her eyes to prevent Britain making its own trade deals ) but the WTO is a Deal (not a no deal) in or out of ‘law’

The former Governor of the Bank of England Lord Mervyn King has also backed ‘No deal’ and has asked people to ignore ‘project fear’.




Cont’d from the last post above dated 2/3/3/2019

08 / 10. 4. 2019

Brexit; The Deception revealed. Project fear on an entire nation. The EU offers a Simple free trade agreement in early April 2019 ? (FTA) Elections in Israel, Holland and Ukraine.

One of the effects of Brexit (especially on older people) & known now as ‘project fear’ is the physiological effects of the negotiations which are themselves an illusion but are deliberate. Sky TV continues to call it a ‘crisis’ and the debates are steered in a certain way to prevent full possibilities coming to fruition. Causing people to panic or causing a rush towards endless deadlines is all a part of the process, and any group which employs these ideas have nothing of substance to offer. Lord Mervyn King in the last post paragraph states as such above as many have. Much of the continuing activity is nothing to do with Brexit as the people voted for on 23.06.2016. Teresa May said without her deal the leaving date (the EU’s leaving date) would be 12.04.2019, but Britain has already left on 23.06.2019

Yvette Cooper and Customs Union. Yvette Cooper’s attempt to rush a choice (a choice for everyone which in law is the de facto position) through all Houses of Parliament and Royal assent is a device to weaken negotiating efforts and remove Brexit. Whilst the House of Lords have slowed matters down as they should to reveal these facts, it is in any case not as sound in law as the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016 which has all three Houses of Parliament and the ‘people’ and must succumb to that fact. This is also true of Teresa Mays EU treaty (which you cannot leave) and a customs union in which you cannot make your own trade deals which is why it is pushed, the same with a customs union or her deal which was rejected by MP’s for a 3rd time last week.  On the Customs Union it is ‘economic suicide’ see Facebook video on customs union.  Teresa May says Brexit ‘may slip through our fingers’ or a deal is better than nothing changing her earlier position from a ‘no deal’ is better than a bad deal. This type of ‘politics’ as headmistress to infant children is truly preposterous. She also said repeatedly (at length) that Britain would leave the EU on the 29.03.2016 (see Facebook video ‘Every time Theresa May promised we'd leave the EU The darkest hour for democracy!’ ) which is actually the current legal position as no deal despite Yvette Coopers attempts of making a law to prevent no deal all in one day. (see last post above)

British Passports and Visa’s and ship contracts. With advice from a former High court Judge Sir Richard Aikens who has reiterated Britain has now left the EU (although some in the reduced Cabinet and Teresa May do not recognise it ) In early April 2019 British passports are issued with the ‘European Union’ insignia removed. This could only be applied under a no deal 29.03.20119 legal status (which in Teresa Mays transition periods which are ever increasing could not occur, see also further down) However under remainers like Teresa May contracts to build shipping may be awarded to the EU (the EU who negotiate trade deals ) and not to a British yard

Security concerns in the UK and EU. (MI6 Security concerns are cited as reason for no deal problems or reasons for any deal going ahead. Firstly, Britain is still in NATO and the Council of Europe, and GCHQ will still operate with Brussels and the Pentagon no matter what deal or no deal is achieved. Although Britain has not joined the new EU army (PESCO ) it has a EU task force which operates with them (the intervention force )  In late 2018 former head of MI6 Richard Dearlove and Field Marshal Lord Guthrie warned conservative groups and the public that Teresa Mays deal was bad for security and a threat to national security. With calls for a national election MI6 met with Jeremy Corbyn (Corbyn was also a supporter of the Russia conspiracy theory against Donald Trump and also therefore Mike Pence . He has by now betrayed Brexit, his own party and his anti - EU superstate stance) Christopher Steele now admits he was hired to make the dirty dossier against Donald Trump. Christopher Steele the figure behind the Russia dossier now admits that he was hired to make the dossier in case Trump won the US election, or as the FBI agent Peter Strzok said to provide an insurance policy against Trump becoming President. Glenn Simpson of GPS fusion (who made the dossier) has pleaded the fifth amendment. Nigel Farage was accused in a similar manner (see last 2 post above ) and the Russia collusion claims (some of which are treasonous claims carrying the death penalty in some USA states against a sitting President) as Brexit was part of a Russian plot but was itself a hoax. NATO state that Trumps policy of paying up is working focusing the armies as they continue to watch Russia and China. Nigel Farage Nigel Farage explains what is going on and why the hysterics over ‘no deal’ is a load of Rubbish. (and why a no deal is welcome almost everywhere as a choice but should be a choice) See video ' did CNN cover Russia fairly'  There are 67 million people in Britain but the same type of activity would occur in any of the EU 27 nation countries, should they also want more independence and fiscal controls or constitution or border controls.

The deception revealed and what it looks like. Firstly the Conservatives woman group (article ‘Has May been plotting a return to the EU all along?’ by Peter Gardner )explain the coup against David Davies and ignoring Steve Bakers deal i.e. a simple free trade agreement as called for by Bill Cash MP  John Baron MP (see last post above and 28.3.2019 ) and WTO deals as Teresa May is a technocrat who believes in a loss of Sovereignty, power and undemocratic system along with Frau Angela Merkel in Germany. This loss of sovereignty or the EU/ ‘USSR’ is framed within the European Stability pact the debt treaty and a draconian system of Stalinist debt slavery. Russia has introduced facial recognition as perfected in China and North Korea (see above post dated 8.3.2019) and Russians (thousands protest cyber security bill and censorship)  and Europeans especially in Germany are protesting against internet problems and censorship. The Conservative woman’s article also points out that Teresa Mays deal aligns with the Euro 2022 elections (the ‘transition’ period takes Britain to it) leading to the EU / 2025 and 2030 new Superstrate which is not ‘supranational’ or resembling anything like a group of EU nations with fiscal and border controls, but beyond it into a communist superstate.

This first transition period lasts until 2025 and then Britain stays in until 2099. ‘Why the PMs Deal Does NOT Mean Leaving the EU’ then also add on the ESM debt treaty waiting see last post above and until 2099 is confirmed in this last video) To see the beginning of what this looks like i.e. the fruition of the EU debt treaty (as it is informally known) or as it is formally known  the (ESM European Stability Mechanism ) ESM or European Stability Mechanism  see video ‘The Shocking Truth of the Pending EU collapse’  Although this video is 5 years old (2013) the collapse it mentions, is also the collapse of the old nation state and (despite recent EU denials in time for EU elections ) combined with total immersion into massive immigration, (note although introduced in 2012 the ESM was not completely drafted until 18.12.2018, and its amended annexes only completed on 19.02.2019 a few weeks ago) It is totalitarian communism in its beginnings for all nation states in the EU. Consider also the following video by ‘Strategian’ in Dec 13th 2018  ‘Financial Collapse - Brexit And Ireland's Impending Mega Crisis!’  Not caused by Brexit but by deliberate debt economics disguised as economics. Although now over a few months since the video the figures  have to adjusted (upwards) to give you an idea, Ireland pays  50 %  of its tax intake (income GNI) to pay its debts. Italy 21%, Greece 26. 9 %, UK 26.6%, Spain 16. 33%, USA 25%, Germany 4.6% . Ireland is clearly in deep debt yet in the last 2 years it has increased ? €198 Billion in 2018 and now it stands at  €217 Billion in 2019.  It is increasing daily.  Ireland for instance pays €16.5 million per day on its public debt every day, despite homelessness rising and poverty and unemployment, whilst it sends €100 million in ‘aid’, which never arrives (like 85% of most world aid) National concern is way down the list. For an insight into how this idea of Europe with austerity and debt is designed see the following PDF (also in the above post dated 08.03.2019) ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’  (Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution)

Dutch FVD Party, Ukraine and Israel. This (last paragraph above) is not what the EU nations signed up for in the 1950’s or today. The Dutch FVD populist party have recently caused shock waves in Holland. Speaking up for the working class and middle classes. In the Ukraine elections are ongoing with pro Ukrainian parties (cutting ties to Russia and claims to the Crimea), whilst in Israel elections, Benjamin Netanyahu has promised the annexation and return of the Golan heights to Israel. and other areas.  Israel wants to build its 3rd Temple, and many want the Torah, the prophets and the laws of David to become central to Israel once more, and it is a small land surrounded by numerous larger hostile nations

90% more trade with the world than currently exists. In other words, in the UK, no other view has been given a chance. Many are concerned about the WTO tariffs but the UK trade with the EU accounts for only 10 % - 15% of total trade which Bill Cash MP and many others say can be continued with the EU on a simple FTA (free trade agreement ) whilst then seperatley opening up trade with 90% of the worlds trade under WTO in  a no deal situation or with a EU simple FTA. Both of these are sperate items i.e. (no deal and wto)  and Yvette Coopers bill does not cover WTO trade for the 90% should it revert to No deal as it implies in the continual extension should there be no deal. This extra 90% of trade which currently is prevented by the EU, is 90% more than is currently on offer, no matter what the tariffs are like, although in many cases they will be less than current tariffs. All world non EU trade would be under WTO (see last post above) but it can be also with the EU under WTO  if chosen. So a FTA deal with the EU and wto with the rest oif the world is achievable. (see here on the FTA betrayal in early 2018) Yvette Coopers bill is inferior to Brexit 23.06.2016 and is pointless as it is the de facto situation as Bill Cash explains (why a remain PM in Teresa May ruined brexit) Corbyn and May and Cooper are not delivering Brexit of course and it is likely any parliamentary fudge they make will be reversed later, although in law it is inferior to the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016. Labours posistion is (facebook video) "the EU do not want a No deal" ?  Rebecca Long-Bailey the shadow business secretary, who really does not understand which is what the remain side rely on. (the last video can of course apply to any nations individual national aims, but the EU wants to crush all Euroepan nations) And of course removing a No deal weakens Britains posistion, keeping a No Deal weakens the EU posistion. This is why remain in Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative MP's and remain public, have completely betrayed Britain, the Parliamentary Constitution, each other and all that democracy stands for right before the eyes of Britain and the world. Cooper / Letwin's bill (mostly on delay but infers no deal, but here is Yvette Cooper stating the 23.06.2016 vote should not be unravelled) is a constitutional coup de taut and not democracy and it was witnessed before everyone. Every EU nation could benifit from the events which is why the EU 'crisis' meeting on the 10.04.2019 is occuring. The IMF warns a 'no deal' will cause a 2 year recession ? but this contradicts the BBC who say a No deal will bring a boom of £135 Billion annually   ?  (this whilst world debt is now $244 Trillion warn the IMF, and the IMF warn nations to bring their debts down which can only be done by free independent national trade or debt cancellation but how were those debts missed in finincial surveillance ?)

Teresa Mays deal/ EU treaty just as bad as s a Customs Union. This is on top of the top 40 horrors of Teresa Mays deal and here is the deal which is not much better than a customs union. It also allows for tariff free access to the UK but not the other way ? (this alone should sack Teresa May) This summary from the Spectator is useful as the actual document runs to 585 pages in length  which is a practice to put people off and prevent them from understanding it or reading it in full, but is available on this EU portal website  page. Or here via CITMA  (or here)  CITMA is the Chartered Institute of Trade mark Attorneys. Or alternatively read the copy from ‘Business Insider UK’ here ‘Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, as agreed at negotiators' level on 14 November 2018’

On the 3 April 2019, the EU once more offered a simple free trade deal (FTA) ?

(like Steve Bakers /David Davies deal ) (The article is not primarily about this but Teresa May said if no WA passed the UK would leave 12.04.2019 although it has already left. No deal should bolster a free trade agreement before or after, but since 3.4.2019 only customs union from Corbyn and May have been discussed ? )  “The EU is prepared to add a certain degree of flexibility to the political declaration in order to open the door to a close partnership between the EU and UK in the future,” he said. “We are open to a whole panoply of options — it could be a free trade agreement. It could be a customs union. Or a European Economic Area, we’ve been open since the beginning, to see this in the political declaration.”

Why ? wouldn’t Britain’s leaders not take the FTA (FTA = free trade agreement,  this is despite later reports it would suddenly not offer a negotiated deal ? in which case Britain should go on no deal / wto, and in the future charge the EU £39 billion to sit down with the EU who still want access to the City of London & to also ‘regulate’ it ? . If they will not negotiate an FTA now why would they in the transition period(s) It is nonsense and the Psychological drama on the British public has seen right through it. The mess the Remainers like Teresa May have made of Brexit is a deception broadcast every day in the ‘crisis’ in which they would sacrifice commerce and stability for a political viewpoint rejected in the referendum of 23.06.2016. No one in the EU wants the ERM European stability mechanism / debt deal either (see above) An FTA for the EU, but for trade with the rest of the world = WTO or No deal ? which cannot be stopped by Yvette Coopers bill (see the end of the last post above also on the Two Nations) If you cannot answer the question at the beginning of this paragraph, then you should sack those politicians and remove them from office as people can do in the free world.

Remainers have once again brought proposals to (and even another delay) to 'stop a no deal'  ? As in the last vote to stop a No deal in March 2019 (see post above dated 12.03.2019 - 14.03.2019) which won but is non binding as a Brexit referendum of the 23.06.2016 is higher law as it included the people, rather than just Parliament. Defying (illegally and see above post dated 28.01.2019 on the illegal activities in the commons) the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016 (and overturn the parliament agreement of 2010 to have a referendum and overturn its legality. No deal which is the default position i.e. WTO trading with the EU (or No deal with the EU or as Bill Cash MP sees it trading with 90% of the rest of the world, although that can occur even with a FTA free trade agreement or WTO with the EU ? Britain already trades WTO with USA, Africa and Asia see also post above dated 8.3.2019 & 23/24.12.2017 above or here is part (by; factsdirectfromthehorsesmouth   or  'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?' )




Cont’d from the last post above dated 10/3/3/2019

23. 04. 2019

Brexit; St Georges Day

The Mueller Report & Russia Hoax; Ukraine, China, Russia, India & Lenin &  ‘Extinction Rebellion XR’. Finland and Israel and the climate change scam and the Sri Lanka Moslem bombings and nearer the truth of the Christian genocide cover up.

Germany afraid of ‘no deal’ not Britain but also prepares for it ? After all the false negotiations on Brexit it transpires that it is many in Germany who fear a no deal Brexit and some in Germany have pushed Teresa May ( TM just back from Berlin) to avoid a no deal Brexit (which is still an option and live) and not Britain which raises the question of who do the ‘no deal’ alarmists actually work for Britain or the EU ? yet Germany also says a no deal is better than uncertainty, (because they are  common and in the future can be built upon if required into simple FTA, EFTA or EEA) but in any case they have already offered a simple normal advanced free trade agreement FREE TRADE AGREEMENT turned down by Teresa May and the rest of the Remainers ? To repeat a simple FTA was offered in Feb / March 2018

see video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker MP, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’ which was a confirmed by Germany and Donald Tusk personally in the video with zero tariffs and covered all sectors and covered services. No alignment to EU law and which completely wins the argument. It was also offered again on 3.4.2019. People are now saying it is not just about Brexit but about who governs the country. (it also follows a warning by  the WTO that a customs union cannot make trade deals and that no deal preparations are still ongoing and which highlights why the BBC agree that a hard Brexit will bring in £135 extra annually, whilst Teresa Mays husband has substantial links to the EU (or see here for the scandal now 3 years old) and these offered deals and controversies have not been mentioned either by Jeremy Corbyn ?)

St Georges Day followed the Passover (easter) Christian celebrations marred by the atrocity of over 290 dead from 8 separate co-ordinated bomb attacks by Moslems in Sri Lanka on Churches and hotels on the 20.4.2019 and which were suspected in advance  from a local Moslem group with ties to international terror Jihadists (now risen to 359 dead over the past 2 days. See also the report by  Ellen Fantini  2 paragraphs below ).

St George is the patron saint of England, Georgia and Ethiopia (circa 265 ad – 303 ad) was a soldier of Cappadocian Greek origins, (he was Greek  ) or Georgios (Γεώργιος) member of the Praetorian Guard for Roman emperor Diocletian. He was martyred by the Roman emperor for his Christian faith and for refusing to recant. His most famous tale is St George and the Dragon. (n.b. Teresa May is not a or the Dragon? although many seek to disagree)Today St George is invoked by the Brexit party

In 2019 the Church is in a terrible situation even with most of its leaders not even professing to be Christians and the attacks of the 20.04.2019 were chosen as an attack on the Church  and the West to mark it specifically. 1063 attacks om churches (see report below) have occurred in 2018 (an increase of 17%) whilst the Pope continues to cowtow to Islam (‘Popes peace plan’) which is not a compatible faith with Christianity in any way, in doctrine or history. Islam sees this as a sign of weakness and a document by which it can remove any Church and / or change doctrine to merge the 2 versions of the faiths. It is of course impossible except in the  minds of non – Christians or those bribed by Islam. The European Court of Human Rights decision to remove free speech preventing the world (in theory) from naming Mohammed as a paedophile for marrying a nine year girl is a part of that process. Yet the recent sexual abuse revelations by the Catholic church are compatible with the Moslem practice which still continues today as modern day legal slavery and trafficking. The Catholic Church now admits that nuns were use as sex slaves. The Pope seems to delve into the obscure belief that Fatima daughter of Mohammed spoke through Mary the Mother of Gd at Fatima and which is complete nonsense. (2 versions it occurred just at Fatima or it occurred, and Fatima spoke through Mary. Mary of course was Jewish and lived and died 6 centuries before Fatima who is also dead) Both Catholic and Protestant churches (2016) have been hit and in France it is particularly strong. A 2018 report and by Ellen Fantini, executive director of Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination   Against Christians in Europe shows that it has steadily increased over the past five years particularly. The Pope should step down and allow a new Christian Pope to be elected.

The Sri Lanka atrocity occurred after the Popes ‘peace steps’ (see last paragraph above) in which peace means submission to Islam. As mentioned, the 8 bombings occurred at the Passover feasts during the passion and crucifixion of Jesus Christ remembrances. There are 3 feasts at  this period beginning near the Passover feast on 19/ 20.04.2019. ( a Jewish day begins at 6.00pm an observance also practised by the Celts and Saxons at one time) 1. Passover (crucifixion) 2. Feast of Unleavened Bread (laid in the tomb and the stone rolled back) and 3. The Feast of first fruits (resurrection) 3 days and 72 hours later (which if 2000 years ago would be the 22.04.2019 for more information on this and related see chpater 5 below ) These feasts are also Christian feasts named in the bible and the book of Leviticus Chapter 23 (the Levites were Priests) written in 1440 bc were also the setting in Jerusalem of the passion of Christ 1440 years later. Just as the authors of the Book of Kells took the images of the four faces of the evangelists from the book of Ezekiel (600 bc) chapter 1 and Revelations (200 years ago) chapter 4 but also from the book Exodus and book of Numbers 2, 1-34. (around 1440 bc) the images of the angels of Gd / four evangelists  are arranged around the tabernacle of Moses of the 12 tribes of Israel. Since the evangelists were four in number and occurred after those books hundreds of years later, the Celts and authors of the Book of Kells (on view in Trinity college Dublin) were fascinated as they knew in scripture before them prophecy had come true hundreds of years apart, how could anyone have known ? or how could it be ? The atrocities obscured these simple but yet incredible facts. This is what the Popes peace achieved.

At the centre of this is the Mueller report (downloadable here ) which was released on the 22.03.2019. It is a sick joke made by people who have completely deceived the public and the US institutions which it used (illegally) as instruments of state to produce. The public are only told a fraction and the rest is not in the Mueller report. It only briefly mentions the Christopher Steele report “the dirty dossier” which Steele (of Cambridge University and a Socialist) now admits he was hired to write it (see last post above) and he admits it is rubbish but it was the pretext of the investigation and illegal Fisa warrants. George Papadopoulos (who was set up as was General Mike Flynn Paul Manafort who has not been prosecuted for ‘Russian spying’ but for past crimes previous to 2016 but who also worked for Clinton. Papadopoulos was pushed forward into the Trump team and then accused, he also was invited to consult with a Cambridge security firm )  

The Mueller report says Papadopoulos did not pass information to the Trump team ? yet the  press lied about this every day. There is no mention of Hillary Clintons or Obama’s connections to Russia (but the Ukraine are investigating this see below) or to Islamic Jihad which the missing emails (which are not missing but are with Christopher Wray the head of the FBI) show in parts. Joseph Mifsud (Stephen Roh) denies passing information from the ‘Russians’ Mifsud (not a spy but a Knight of Malta) is not missing but lives in Italy and Rome just beside the US embassy. His connection to Barry Goldwater was investigated but came up with Barry wanted to help Hillary Clintons lawyer Veselnitskaya arrange an adoption (chid adoption ) with Trump Jnr, but which Clinton arranged in advance (entrapment) Veselnitskaya also met with GPS fusion and Bruce Ohr / Glenn Simpson etc who produced the document ‘dirty dossier’ before she met with Trump Jnr. This begs the question when did Robert Mueller know the Russia gate story was a hoax, as even in April 18th 2018 Stephen Roh published the book ‘The Faking of Russia gate case the Papadopoulos story’ by Stephen Roh. Mueller then had to continue knowing it was all fake.

All of the entrapment scenarios were led and instigated by Obama or Clinton including against General Mike Flynn and Carter Page and all of the entrapment scenarios. Obama (the ‘Russian’ and via Crowdstrike Analytica with Zainab Ahmad of the Muslim Brotherhood and Uranium 1)  spied on the Trump campaign with unauthorised wiretapping and not just in Trump tower and which was confirmed by Attorney Bill Barr ‘WATCH: Barr says ‘I think spying did occur’ on Trump campaign’ Also a mysterious 3rd character also supplies false information which goes out to a 3rd party and then to the aforementioned like Chinese whispers (literally) when they repeat it they are entrapped as a deliberate ploy to misdirect. Dan Bondingo a member of the US secret service (his book spygate here) gives the entire story its ridiculous eulogy into the wastebin of history.(video ‘Ep. 962 Vindication. The Dan Bongino Show 4/19/2019’  and also see ‘Dan Bongino: Obstruction of Justice Canard — 4/18/2019’  Bob Mueller’s double negative (you cannot disprove a negative) also says he cannot exonerate Trump, turns the US constitution upside down removing the presumption of innocence (until proven guilty) yet it is also not his job to infer either way. There are 800,000 Russians living in the USA and it  is not illegal to speak to them, but they are enjoying free speech and freedom under the US constitution (now)

The Russia Hoax is comparable to the Jussie Smollett case from Chicago. Firstly behind the scenes the FBI are involved with a connected child trafficking matter This would have began some time ago. Smollett is an actress under Obama and reputedly used his connections to the Obama’s to invoke privilege and allow the Chicago attorney general Kimm Foxx to absolve him of his crimes. She is now under investigation from the FBI. The crime was he faked his own hate attack and reported that he was beaten up by two white supremacists in Maga hats which turned out to be his own bodyguards who are from Nigeria ? They admit they were paid to do this. So far Chicago police want $100,000 as payment for investigating the hoax and the FBI are investigating Smollett federally. This case is a microcosm of the Russia scandal and has all the same actors. Further (and the web has erased all links to him ?) a man named Eddie Curlin who is black and 'anti - fascist' was caught spraying mock Swastikas and graffiti on walls and public places (swastika's maga etc) which his University and black lives matter used as a political protest against white people in the 2016 Presidential elections to discredit the 'alt right' ?  amidst the upheavals and angst. He actually phoned the police to report the matter but he himself was caught. These agents are the ones spreading the discord, which is the policy of the left. The black lives matter Facebook page website was made by a white guy in Australia ( or here if link broken) and was a scam for money. This is how the noise is generated into the ‘left – right’ paradigm. The Russia Hoax is the same in this case.

The 'Mueller Report' was also compiled by Robert Wiseman (who stepped down in later March 2019 one of many many Democrats who wrote the report ) who was attorney for the Clinton Foundation set up by Hillary Clinton and Obama. They oversaw the Obama crime spree and Christian Genocide. See Video ‘Hannity: Trump has been totally vindicated’  and also see ‘Giuliani: Mueller report contains inaccuracies about Trump’ )

Eventually it all leads to the Clinton foundation and the Christian genocide. Clinton and Obama with James Clapper and John Brennan are responsible for allowing militant Islam to be trained and carry out the Christian Genocide which is Obama’s ongoing legacy The Pope was one of the first world leaders to raise the alarm in 2015 but by  then it was already a wild fire, and another insight into why Islamic murders against Christians in Nigeria are almost never in the media and in other places in Africa. Since then Islam has been spread and allowed to spread, yet its origins are known and sealed in the Vatican archives in Rome (Mohammed did not fly on a ‘Al Burq’ beast a woman, half mule and also half peacock ?, from Mecca to Jerusalem in one night and back etc. It’s a child’s story mixed with alchemy and drugs)

The Cover up of the Christian Genocide from within Britain and around the world via the Russia Hoax (back to the Clinton foundation, Obama, Clapper, Clinton and Brennan)

The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representatives pronouncement on the 15/03/2016 and the European Parliament announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016.Following the UK vote, the government has not officially recognised the designation, although the vote does make that statement, yet it is still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. President Obama on his recent trip to the UK and France has reluctantly named the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 Million Christians by Turkey (1915 – 1925) a "mass atrocity" following the 60 thousand people who marched in remembrance of it and protested outside the Turkish embassy in Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles on the 25.04.2016  (and also in Idaho)  as 40 US states out of 50 (or 53) have declared the Armenian genocide  a genocide. Those responsible will be caught and prosecuted.

Ukraine, China, Russia, India & Lenin &  ‘Extinction Rebellion XR’. Finland and Israel.

Russia has replaced a statue of Lenin with a proposed statue of Jesus Christ  Lenin today is still preserved outside of Kremlin in a glass case but no flesh remains and plastic and wax are  used to display the image. China in contrast is terrorising Christians in house to house searches and is forcing homes and business to replace Jesus Christ with images of the current communist dictatorship face of President Xi Jinping the new Chairman Mao, and implementing the social credit system of slavery (which is also beginning in the west with 5G and censorship by Microsoft, Google etc of media outlets. These companies could be broken up if they violate free speech. See also the post above dated 8.3.2019)  The OBOR silk road one road one belt is under threat from these atrocities by the communist dictatorship. China is also encircling India and with Pakistan and Iran’s help they plan to remove Kashmir and even subdue India. The ‘string of pearls’ is not just a Glenn Miller tune but a plan China has put in place to that end.  Pakistan of course is opposing Brexit fearing an end to EU benefits and also tried to take over every town in Britain in the Rotherham trafficking and child abuse scandals which the current labour party were / are part and parcel to.

The Ukraine has just elected a ‘comedic TV star’ Volodomyr Zelensky with connections to Russia who wants more abortion (which is corruption personified and corruption is never ending in the Ukraine see also the film ‘Unplanned’ in which even planned parenthood staff and thousands have left  the abortion industry as a result of watching it  Ukrainians have to ask why would its President want to reduce its population ?) an end to citizens carrying arms and a purge of the military and re-use the Russian language. Zelensky says he sees Putin as an enemy  yet he is friends with those who helped former President Yanukovych who fled top Russia in the Ukrainian uprisings and was Putin’s man in the Ukraine. This election comes just as the Ukraine plans an investigation into Hillary Clinton hiring Russia to interfere in the US elections will it now go ahead, if not then there is the answer to the Ukraine / Russia hoax. The Ukraine and its people are led to believe that 5 years after it rose up against Yanukovych (related here in the documentary Winter on fire)  that it now votes for his friend Zelensky. Many in Ukraine say ‘Winer on Fire 2’ is on its way which could be a new episode of Zelensky TV show in Ukraine. Both President Trump and Vice President Pence support Ukraine and now NATO may be called in to avoid destabilising the EU and Crimea.

Would Russia want a Ukrainian leader to rule over Russia or coyly imply they do or do not know former leaders who they deposed ?

The unresolved issue of the Dutch airliner shot down. The Dutch themselves say the Russians shot down the plane killing 298 civilians. Yet then why did Yanukovych flee to Russia and Putin assist in that departure 2 months or so later ? (Ukraine was under occupation and as such its uprising was not a 'coup' the occupation was a coup) Hillary Clintons team (DNC) also met with Sergey Kislyak the former ambassador in 2016 as part of her campaign, who favoured annexing the Crimea away from the Ukraine, and which was led by Viktor Yanukovych, and this all occurred despite the eastern European promise by Obama on a new missile system which was not just defensive. General Mike Flynn opposed the Iran deal which Putin Clinton Abedin and Obama supported and also the annexing of Crimea. Behind all of these 'intrigues' is the option to make a peace plan resulting from the disastrous situation left by Clinton and Obama prior to the November 2016 election.

In Israel President Netanyahu becomes the longest serving President re- elected for a fifth time with promises to annex the west bank having reclaimed the Golan heights from Syria and Lebanon. In Finland the nationalist party overtook the centre parties  The Finns party state election rigging narrowly forced them into second place with 17.5 against 17.7 per cent of the vote. Extinction Rebellion (XR) are also increasing protests like but unlike the Gillet  Jaunes (yellow vests in France and Holland) They have chained themselves to objects and committed to sit ins to raise awareness of climate change. Climate change was called Global warming (in the 1970’s it was global cooling) now it is climate change which is all a code for human extinction and population reduction globally. (The population reduction / transhumanist / secular humanist plan from the bowels of the crypt and advertised on the United Nations website or see  here or here again as Trump defunds the UN. The plan to reduce the worlds population to 1 billion from 7 billion citing all kinds of lies has been underway for decades ‘Population Reduction 2017 Agenda 21’  and is part  of the migration scam and trafficking business and cheap labour scam. ‘Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda’  which displays the lies of population propaganda and operation trident. Just ban immigration and arrest the Brussels leaders and the UN behind the scam. Sadly the Catholic church under the current Pope encourages it also to fill churches which have falling congregations (this is the UN migration compact which wants 240 million slaves on the move ) Just have more babies or just have enough babies as has occurred naturally for thousands of years without ‘invasion migration’ The bogus ‘panic’ statistics solution crisis nonsense. Yet Extinction Rebellion have yet to chain themselves to abortion clinics or planned parenthood centres which is a central plank of the population reduction plot ? (‘Unplanned’ in which even planned parenthood staff and thousands have left  the abortion industry as a result of watching it) Martin Luther King one of its inspirations was anti- gay and Islamic leader of Brunei introduces stoning to death of gays and which could spread across all Islamic countries and even into Israel and Tel Aviv

For an insight into climate change click onto the adjacent website and go to chapter 3 and at the end read the heading ‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’

In Brexit a no deal with a view to obtain (or not) a simple free trade agreement and then increase trade by 90% more under WTO and/or free trade agreements. Nigel Farage was under the Russia Hoax a person of interest in order to stain Brexit. (Teresa Mays deal, or a customs union is slavery) Along with him the people who have stood up and told the truth are Steve baker MP, Bill Cash MP & John Baron MP.



Cont’d from the last post above dated 23/4/2019


30. 04. 2019

Brexit; The Greatest Betrayal of Democracy in History.

The current & proposed Secret Committee in Whitehall ( a Brexit Summary)

The Brexit debate has covered all aspects of the vote of the 23.06.2016  and the Remain debate (Remain; which includes Theresa May & Phillip May ) have done everything in their power to remove democracy from the people. Yet it is worse than people can fathom. (see standupfor Brexit StandUp4Brexit  and Facebook post “we are witnessing the greatest betrayal of democracy in history”    which in part addresses Theresa May saying Britain would leave the EU on the 29.03.2019 over 100 times since 23.06.2016 in the Commons and elsewhere. see Facebook video ‘Every time Theresa May promised we'd leave the EU The darkest hour for democracy!’ ) Yet has Theresa May tailored the Withdrawal Act also to her own personal finances.

(As background to the new EU treaty and its emasculation of Parliament which is occurring in every EU parliament increasingly. Repeat) And ‘Why the PMs Deal Does NOT Mean Leaving the EU’ Those who have come closest to revealing the deception involving Theresa May, Phillip May and Jeremy Corbyn such as the Conservatives woman group article ‘Has May been plotting a return to the EU all along?’ by Peter Gardner    and also  ‘Why the PMs Deal Does NOT Mean Leaving the EU’   along with the shortened version of Steve Bakers speech on the deal offered by Donald Tusk see video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker MP, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’ which was  confirmed by Germany and Donald Tusk personally in the video with zero tariffs and covered all sectors and covered services. (or here ) No alignment to EU law and which completely wins the argument. Steve bakers deal (with David Davies) was supposedly rejected because of the Ulster backstop Hoax, but was shown to be a hoax by this man See; 'We can go INSTANTLY' British diesel-importer DESTROYS politicians Brexit delay NONSENSE' Daily Mail Sep 29, 2017 ) and which relates even to domestic public travel arrangements on EU roads (and into Switzerland or Luxemburg and other European non – EU countries ) when you have a Transponder in your vehicle which is related on the Emovis tag website  and article ‘travel without stopping on European motorways’’. (or here ) An FTA (free trade agreement ) with Zero tariffs shows how all of this is a ruse and a hoax, but which has reduced Britain’s ability to move to a higher, freer, prosperous economy (such as Norway, Denmark or Switzerland)

The main grim articles of her EU treaty which Theresa May & Phillip May have tried to sell on behalf of the EU in the commons. It is not the full story and the Theresa May WA Withdrawal Act has been revealed to be a draconian new EU treaty which is broken down (in the top Spectators 40 horrors method)  Theresa Mays deal has not passed the House of Commons actually 4 times (refused once by John Bercow who was a Brexiter once like Tony Blair and Jeremy Corbyn the latter 2 pretend like the left generally to be ‘pro – immigration’ but which is simply a front for bringing in cheap labour for Corporations. This and abortion are the only 2 polices the left really have in any country EU or globally) it contains articles which force a deeper austerity continuance within the EU through a non – elected secret committee based in Whitehall (under Articles 164 to 169 ) which is a secret (see Clause 10 in Annex 8)  unelected government to rule the UK/EU through the transition period extending to 31st December 2099 (under Articles 7 and 131/132) during which Theresa May admits new deals cannot be negotiated in the transition period jointly (EU / UK committee) but actually never, overseen by this secret government which means the Commons and Lords can be effectively closed down (see Articles 7 & 131) (and under EU / ESM European stability mechanism all EU nations will lose their national governments powers ) This joint government decisions sent from Brussels will be binding (Clause 2 in Article 166 and also the Odysseus clause see posts above) on the British Parliament as admitted also by John Bercow house speaker  (but not in any detail in the main stream media) Therefore No deal and or WTO (they can be separate) = independence but better to it Donald Tusk offered an advanced free trade deal with Zero Tariffs as Germany also wants certainty (see last post above in which the BBC admitted no deal would bring in £135 billion extra per annum) and See Video ‘John Baron MP tears apart the scaremongering of a WTO Brexit’  & Bill Cash See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ )

A customs union in which you cannot make your own trade deals which is why it is pushed, the same with a customs union or Theresa Mays deal which was rejected by MP’s for a 3rd a few eeks ago.  On the Customs Union it is ‘economic suicide’ see Facebook video on customs union.    (Video YouTube ‘Trade after Hard Brexit: WTO Rules Explained’)

Phillip May and Brexit and Deutsche bank Yet beginning the day after 23.06.2016 the Remain vote went into group think study mode to overthrow the 23.06.2019 result but which also had ulterior motives for Theresa May and her husband Phillip May. The revealing article in the financial times hints at the efforts of Phillip May to shape the WA Withdrawal act. It is not just that Phillip May manages a £1.4 Trillion investment fund for Capital Group  which has main offices in London and the EU but Phillip May was an asset manager for Deutsche bank first and foremost. However they are prepared for a no deal Brexit also ? and it is Germany who is concerned on ‘no deal’ not Britain, but Germany wants certainty (see the beginning of the last post above dated 23.042.109) Therefore is the WA is also tailored to benefit Theresa May and Phillip Mays personal financial dealings; as opposed to the views of the BBC

The Conservative Woman’s article reveals;  (article here)

“By burying Davis’s (* my insertion meaning Steve Bakers deal also ) good deal – never published – and waiting for the date to pass for putting in an optimal customs system for the UK, she restored the Irish border issue to her armoury – the triple-lock structure designed to stop Brexit as Deputy Chief EU Negotiator, Sabine Weygand was to reveal.Mrs May has not just achieved personal control of the negotiations, she has taken ownership of Brexit, making it her personal project.Adamant there’d be only her deal on the table, that ‘No Deal’ would be chaotic, she launched her own Project Fear. With Philip Hammond’s help she gave the fabled ‘cliff edge’ substance by continuing to limit the release of money for WTO (no-deal) preparations. Instead she embarked on emergency measures better suited to a country under siege.  How on earth did she think she could she achieve that within Brexit? Well, firstly by committing to a transition period, extendable if required, which nominally ends halfway through the EU’s five-year plan starting this year: the central aim of it being to put the new treaties into effect by 2025, the context in which the UK’s future relationship would be negotiated. Secondly, through a Withdrawal Agreement (WA) that facilitates the UK’s acceding to the new treaties, making it effectively, an accession agreement. Thirdly – with the next UK general election scheduled for 2022 – by enacting the WA now and securing this window of opportunity. That is essential. It is also why the actual shape of the deal (even the Red Brexit she is now threatening her own party with) is of secondary importance. All that matters is that it has wide coupling to EU regulation, doesn’t preclude accession, aligns with the EU timetable and makes escape by a future government difficult. It does all these things”

‘BREXIT VOTERS DECEIVED High Level Civil Servant LEAKED Secret Recording’  (at the London School of Economics, which also mentions ‘common purpose’ and also the duplicitous statements of Victoria Billing dept for ‘exiting the EU’)

Currently the Mueller report (see video by Don Bongino from the US secret service ‘Dan Bongino Obama Mueller and the Biggest Scam in American History’ ) Firstly consider Robert Mueller meeting with Victor Yanukovych. Robert Mueller as well as the involvement in the delivery of Uranium to Georgia for Russia also visited Russia in the June 2013 (as was his job) and met the former Ukrainian leader Victor Yanukovych who fled the Ukraine on the 21.02.2014 not for the EU or USA but into Russia Mueller was investigating Russian Collusion ( but for the Tsarnaev brothers in March 2011 and again in 2013, the Boston bombers who may have had connections to Russia in the Chechen uprising against Russian rule in the 1990's and ongoing)  but in June 2013 (n.b. 3.5 years before Trump came to power ) Yanukovych was Vladimir Putin’s man in the Ukraine but who fled to Russia in the Ukraine uprising in June 2015. (The Crimea was lost under Obama/Clinton & Joe Biden who is also wrapped up in the Ukrainian scandal. Russia has issued passports to separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk which was a ploy also made in the Balkans. Ukraine has responded by passing Ukrainian language as the natural language of the Ukraine on the 25.04.2019 but signed by Petro Petroshenko not  the new President, and the Ukraine orthodox church has separated from the Russian orthodox church) The Ukraine is currently investigating Hillary Clintons connections to Russia and the Ukraine plans an investigation into Hillary Clinton hiring Russia to interfere in the US elections Therefore (and returning to Bob Mueller’s trip to Russia and Europe) if the USA was warned on the Tsarnaev brothers in March 2011 and again in 2013 when Mueller went to Russia why did Putin not warn Mueller on the 13 Russian spies who bamboozled the US public who were hypnotised by them in 2016 into voting for Trump / Pence ? but who also apparently also supported Clinton ?  and the Clinton campaign also approached Russia for dirt on the Trump campaign (or here YouTube video; ‘COMMENTARY: The Clinton campaign sought dirt on Trump from Russian officials. Where’s the outrage?’  ) was it because Hillary Clinton was expected to win and Joe Bidens son was awarded Ukraine / Russia energy contracts. Julian Assange is accused of using WikiLeaks to host and disseminate information about Hillary Clinton (in 2016, and the actual information itself turns out to be true r.e. The Clinton foundation etc) from a foreign power although this was the way the democrats handled the case of the Pentagon Papers in the 1970’s with no qualms at all. However now it can just as easily be inferred that the Mueller report or the democrats who complied it such as Andrew Wiseman have obtained the information within it or are motivated by it and from it (and the entrapment cases show this) from sources within Russia. Then not only have they done that, but they have hosted it on the Department of Justice’s website which is many steps further than Julian Assange, and now they cannot keep quiet about it ? Its unbelievable ? (in other words, the democrats have investigated Russian collusion and found it was them ‘done it’ They colluded with Russia and then they posted it on the DOJ website) Also during 2008 – 2016 China, Iran and Pakistan hacked into the OPM (office of personnel management) and other government sites with ease and for years, and hacking was rife ? so suddenly the democrats are concerned about Russian hacking ?.  Senator Lyndsey Graham is now asking for a counter investigation into the Mueller report but mainly also the democrats and Obama who are all Clinton foundation connected who prepared it and all connected staff and affiliates and departments. Also the background to the Christian Genocide see last post above. Many Republican senators are also supporting this and Tim Fitton of Judicial Watch and others. It is an attempted coup de taut and the lower house democrat  majority have done literally nothing since November 2018 but prepare an impeachment scenario (aided by 900,000 illegal immigrant votes in those elections, who actually did ‘interfere in a foreign election’ in November 2018 but Russia did not ? ) based on Mueller which itself, which took over 3 years and cost $30 million with unknown numbers of investigations and people lives ruined. Their actions are the real collision which carries indictments, jail terms, and in some states accusing a sitting US president of treason falsely is punishable by the death sentence. To date Greg Craig is the first democrat to be indicted from the Mueller report.(who served as white house counsel under Barack Obama who as President ordered spying on the Trump campaign)

With Brexit and returning to it, it is in fact it is worse than the Conservative Woman’s article 2 paragraphs above (and of course if the EU cannot make a ‘new deal’ in a transition period, why will they do so now ? of course because a EU treaty does not need a new deal) and it does not fulfill the 23.06.2016 result which remain cannot accept (The Mueller report above is relevant as Brexiters were accused of being Russian spys)  Teresa Mays treaty commits the UK to a dire unelected secret committee which governs in a similar manner to the old USSR. All EU nations under the ESM treaty will be governed or are governed like this. This is also known to Jeremy Corbyn and it will be put in place regardless of what changes or tweaks he makes but he has not mentioned the clauses or articles above at all ? Corbyn is very aware, as are the Lib Dems of these articles and clauses, but to date it has only been revealed by the Brexit Party and UKIP. The EU treaty lasts until 2099 and dovetails into the debt treaty EU / ESM European stability mechanism which is also a treaty not a deal, see post above dated 23.04.2019 and it is tailored (as the only logical conclusion) towards Mrs Theresa Mays personal finances instead of the 67 million people in Britain.




Cont’d from the last post above dated 30/4/2019


European Elections 24.05.2019

08.05.2019  (Censorship in a society of free speech ? in the EU and wider )


The ‘lefts’ 2 main polices (introduction)

There you have it (see all above in chapter 3 and 3a and recap the strange events since 2005 to 2008 forward) the main message from the Left and the Liberal elites is, abort your babies and reduce your population (kill your children by abortions which are murders) even to the point of full term pregnancies, and accept massive immigration to replace the resultant population drop. In the European elections no one really has a clue which region they are in or anything about the candidates or who they are actually voting for or why. On the surface we hear one message but the candidates once elected joins other voting blocs with groups who do not represent what the individual candidate is actually standing for in the original public debate they delivered before Election Day. The EU is a series of treaties which are really underpinned by secret agreements and as much as possible is legislated or agreed without the public realising. The state of the west is dire, yet in the USA the economy is booming with exceptionally low unemployment having adopted new policies which could be copied elsewhere. After years of Quantitative Easing and Austerity (2008 – 2016) workers across the world are recognising that trade deals which support national aspirations create national employment and will bring them real jobs with real dignity.

  1. The extinction (which ‘extinction rebellion’ miss ?) population reduction policy & the financial horrors of the abortion industry. The insane (such as Andrew Cuomo and Blasio and John Brennan in the USA) are now pressing for babies born alive (from abortions) to be killed as they breath rather than bring them forward into life, and this is called a health issue (‘reproductive health’) or only a females issue (males have no ‘reproductive rights’) or a contraception mistake issue, yet it is one in which massive profits are made from baby parts and organs and one which has unlimited funds to deceive the public numbing the real reasons for the billions of deaths globally since the 1970’s. The May 2019 Times Square protests in New York broadcast a babies heart over the square. (see video ‘Pro-life rally features live 4-D ultrasound in Times Square as message to Cuomo: 'Here we are' in Georgia and other US states with various laws which the main stream media is not publishing   they have passed the fetal heartbeat bill protecting the unborn. The aim is to continue, further dehumanising a pregnancy (a child in the womb with associated training videos ) pretending that the baby has no rights or it is not human ? yet it can be harvested for human parts as if it were human? George Soros one of the most evil financial backers for mass murder (and it’s not his only venture and George Soros funds every abortion campaign arising including in Europe ) since Stalin is behind the genocide and infanticide (see video ‘Planned Parenthood Covers Up Infanticide short’  or      ‘Unplanned Official Trailer - In Theatres March 29’

    Soros has been banned in Hungary also in Poland and Macedonia with more on the verge on banning his organisations. He was also kicked out of Hong Kong and Beijing China who do not like people interfering in their business, yet in China baby parts and stem cells are actually considered (under the Marxist Communist Nihilist sickness) a part of the ‘elixir of life’  (with Rhino and Elephant horns and ivory etc) and an abortion in China can be ordered today by the government as under Marxism / Communism / Maoism you are not a person and neither is your baby, you are owned by the Government and you are a product although it is worse for females ? but in and under the socialist leftist ‘concern for woman’s rights in millions in socialist communist China woman have no rights. Soros shares these left wing views but in the west they are dressed up as ‘reproductive health’ or other ‘rights’ which disguise the fact that your rights actually being removed which is the lefts real mission. Conversely objecting to infanticide / genocide is screamed at by the left as then removing woman’s rights ? which is code for do not affect our profits. Defunding planned parenthood is a move to defund mass murder. In Ireland the health industry were promised that they could conscientiously object to abortions. In practice this promise was a sham, yet in the USA this right is slowly becoming enshrined as a right. (or here) The female baby of course has no rights (male or female) It is selective with (in China) a bias to abort females or bang their heads in poorer regions (killing them) after birth. It is a commercial for profit business globally not a ‘reproductive health issue’ although abortions do cause mental health issues and physical scars.  Soros is on the verge of being kicked out of Europe in entirety and he is seen essentially as a criminal in more ways than one.

  2. Next pour in immigrants with no rationale or viable reason for the invasions and call the national EU nation racist if they refuse to comply with the unelected protocols handed down to the puppets which stand for them called the left, these are the only 2 policies they have. Abortion population shortfalls must be filled by immigration. Profits (and again Soros is involved in this and is still paying for ‘refugee boats’ and as an anti - Israel pundit Soros was instrumental in Israel’s ban on the migration compact see below) are made by importing slaves (all along the line from trafficker to NGO ) and then the from government subsidies for humanitarian fronts on the trafficking and from kick - backs from corporations for cheap labour and by bribes into the centre of the European government and its overseeing institution the United Nations and its policies. Soros was central to creating the ‘Marshall plan for Africa’ which is a plan for African colonisation of Europe (but which exploits people into the trafficking net) once you read the small print in which nation states must allow internal travel across the EU as well as through the borders (citing the Jean Monet plan to obliterate nation states and their Christian values and history) and which is in line with Frau Angela Markel’s views which state the European nations states must surrender sovereignty. The EU and ‘optimal currency theory’ regions include Africa and  Asia (EEMA & Asia Pacific) and wider funded with EU taxpayer money. Traffickers benefit enormously but also in Africa there are medical trials (see the adjacent website and the end of chapter 4 for trafficking of woman)  See pages 3 to 7 in the following pdf   ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies & Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution (you can read later how this money system creates the need for immigrants) and has already turned against ‘rightwing’ groups

The EU will slowly silence all of its citizens. (Spanish political party Vox  ‘censored’) First also consider the passing of Article 13 for EU copyright rights but which is really the beginning of the censorship of the internet and has already turned against ‘right-wing’ groups. (Article 15 also ) In Spain the political party Vox was not allowed to debate on TeleVision ?  during the recent Spanish national elections, yet Vox and the Peoples party have increased their vote despite left wing censorship fascism and have entered the government for the first time in 40 years. Whether we agree with someone or not they have the right to be heard. In Holland (again termed the ‘far right’) the populists, Forum for Democracy (Forum for democracy) made substantial gains in local elections. Yet it is not just television the left want to censor (as if they have the right) as social media moves to ‘block’ debate and truth   Google will soon disappear and will through the ‘Digital News Innovation’ become ‘Alphabet’ and internet services through a new public utility but will be a paid subscription and will have  full of censorship as exists in China (and North Korea). Google, run by Eric Schmidt went to North Korea (the archetypal communist totalitarian ‘open society’ ideal) in order to encourage it to open up. Yet since then its model for suppression and censorship is slowly coming west ?   China (North Koreas master) is operating now today as follows (will it surpass Chairman Moa) consider the following videos on China and North Korea  (to repeat)

1. ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’        
2. ‘China to assign social credit scores to citizens by 2020’ 
3. ‘China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System’      (or longer version here ‘CHINA’S SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM IS THE MOST TERRIFYING THING EVER’  ) when openly China says it wants to rule the New World Order this is a part of it (it envisages transforming western society into its mad oppressive system via the OBOR one road one belt project but which the west if it adheres to its Christian heritage and free speech democratic history, could transform China from its totalitarian system) Obor threatens the sovereignty of nations connected to it and it is acutely felt most in Australia but which will become more apparent in the EU. The  social credit system (a score given by the communist party high command and thought up by Obama and Joe Biden to impose on the USA also) which is trivial in its appraisal methods is also preventing people from travelling, working and socializing !  (and more) The Guardian newspaper reports (so far that we know of) that 23 Million people have been prevented from flying or travelling around China's regions (Chairman Mao began this way, and 'Cultural Marxism' is just a bridge towards the oppression of free thought, speech and liberty. See also the YouTube video ‘ ‘Mao's Great Famine’  in which money was abolished and ‘points’ for behaviour  work points were removed. The aim through the left is to bring this totalitarian system into the west and it is trying to get Big Data and social network platforms to help it. In Africa China will impose its system on the continent on everyone (last link repeat of no 1 video from above) as it moves its military bases there and buys up land across Africa, just as it is trying to encircle India with Pakistan’s and Iran’s help,( see last post above and previous to it dated 8.3.2019) amidst the on-going medieval war  and largely unreported war of Islam especially in Nigeria, yet both groups are imprisoned in communist Maoist China.

In the USA the Republicans have signed a law protecting free speech on all University Campus and institutions and for everyone. Having a score of – 1000 in China may be to some east or west, a mark of honour (under their system) when in reality a score of 10,000 + should be awarded for free speech, liberty, and the rule of law, family, faith and country. Further the USA have removed themselves from the United Nations small arms Treaty  (because of the US second amendment on the right to bear arms which the UN as a body conflicts with the US second amendment) essentially whilst this big data dystopia (see post above dated 8.3.2019 and the ‘The big data digital dystopian dictatorship’)

Soros was one of the voices behind the ‘Russia investigation’ and with help from Alexandra and Andrea Chalupa  who work for open world which technically means Soros was spying on the USA and that is treason as with all in the DNC Democratic National Convention / Clinton foundation scam and known to Joe Biden & Obama. One of the originators of the Russia Hoax  and Alexander Downer  the Australian has now been found out and George Papadopoulos wants answers on why he was set up. The Republicans are now planning to declassify all the National Security letters involved in the Russia investigation and commit to a counter investigation but since all the evidence is available (or will be) the Russia Hoax instigators can already be prosecuted. This includes members of the SES ‘Senior Executive Service’ and the personnel who are not real positions of employment with the Office of personnel management who sold the west out continuously for a decade. These expensive bureaucracies are not required. This was an attempted coup de taut (now in the mainstream media) involving almost the whole Democratic Party, whilst other members were duped to go along with the Hoax. Incredibly the plan also includes the plan to stop ‘Brexit’  (and it has interfered with elections in so many countries including the USA it’s an international scandal) which has attempted to remove the valuable free trade agreement offered to David Davies and Steve Baker MP (see last post above) which is the only deal after a no deal. Censorship  is the real collusion see  ‘BANNED BY FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM’  Exactly the same is occurring in the EU whether it is Washington London or Rome the west has been brought to decay from the inside out.

The left do not like people disagreeing with them or opposing their out-dated ideas but not content with that, the true face of oppression moves to censor alternative voices (as did Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin and Hillary Clinton the new ‘Young Turks’ in the lower house of the USA government / congress who desperately need the votes of immigrant illegal votes and new coding logarithms to silence their opponents but in fact any or every- day people. It is estimated 900,000 illegal votes were cast in the 2018 midterms and this is interference in a foreign election. Similar tactics were employed against Judge Roy Moore in Alabama and Judge Brett Kavanagh.  Currently the Supreme Court Judge Ruth Ginsberg has not been seen publically since November 2018 ?) but it is also censorship against everyone in the working class.This is also of course ‘interfering’ in foreign elections, (as is censoring the Spanish party Vox) which is (say the democrats and the left in the Russia investigation) a criminal offence? To understand how this is achieved, simply follow how ‘logarithms’ work in search engines and how they use Artificial intelligence (deep mind ) to control what we see and hear. This controls the media and therefore politics (they believe)  see again the YouTube video ‘This is what mind control looks like’  as the logarithms send the same message (and via the rouge intelligence agencies who feed all the network teleprompter prompts simultaneously ) to the studios  (or longer video here )  yet now the left are using the logarithms to edit out the ‘deplorables’ and the populists and the right and recently the established intelligence agencies are now seeing this itself as the actual ‘ threat to democracy’ (free speech and China do not mix)

Criticising the UN slavery plan for world migration in the UN migration compact, now rejected by over 20 countries including  Israel  who may also reject the 5G system which is in its infancy (but keep 3 or 4G) so far and which has health implications due to its very limited ‘microwave’ coverage (although it is powerful) which is why it requires lots of towers  (see Israel and 5g) Many in Israel are undecided on it . This as the west raises concerns that Huawei is using the system to enable its new world order Maoist communist plans for control. Some groups (such as France are saying they will take them down with or without permission, although allowing China to develop and export superior technology in the cyber internet of things arms race will allow them to export their Maoist hybrid totalitarian system along with and also into the EU) This is the dilemma, but from 2008 – 2016 Obama allowed China to hack and steal the wests data and secrets and allowed it to advance ahead of the west. The film ‘birdbox’  with Sandra Bullock was an examination / assessment of sorts of the new technology.  This dystopia within the 5G / 6G technological intrusions come as the UK defence secretary Gavin Williamson is fired for speaking out or leaking that Chinese company Huawei is to bring the technology (winning the contract) into Britain with accompanying facial recognition. (or here Dec 2018 to March 2019) Secretary of defence Mike Pompeo warns of the security risks of allowing Huawei (China) into intelligence systems. Huawei is also making inroads into the USA and it is being resisted, but the USA states it cannot compete with their technology yet, and so is allowing more of its products into the USA. China has in any case side-lined the US government (so far yet the tariff war is also a part of the cyber security war and dominance) and is taking over Silicon Valley without restrictions (in the approaching war, distracted by the Russia hoax China is stealing US data every day) from 2008 – 2016 especially as it engages in a trade war which is an economic war by mercantile totalitarian communists who enslave their own people. The west wants to move ‘outsourced’ jobs back and which is a central tenant of economic nationalism. (and economic nationalism is also good for any continent as is localism )

This new system of 5G / 6G (which can or should be made safe) is supported by huge new numbers of new satellites (20,000)  which can monitor the earth in real time down to very street level clearly. Previous years saw on average a few hundred every year launched into space  (or here) yet now 20,000 new satellites are required. Which gives you an idea of the intensity of the system.  Of course the USSR and China had more concentration camps and gulags than Germany ever did and why make a gulag today when an entire nation can become one.

Opposing and stopping the UN migration compact is a moral duty against a criminal act. The migration compact states it provides ‘protection’ to migrants (initially 244 million) which is a code meaning migrants are in a higher legal paradigm enabling them to rape and kill nationals in a the host country which is why the new technology has massive facial recognition plans which will be moved to the high street and even suburbia and the countryside  (further to the already  massive CCTV cameras everywhere) Migrants have lenient conditions being as they are not ‘under the law’ of the nation. National laws are null and void they believe as does the EU. Migrants are UN citizens and EU citizens are above national governments they also believe. The UN migration compact is not binding now, but it is soon to be binding if it is not stopped  ( see Peter Sutherland’s UN cheap labour migration department) See also Video ‘Dangerous & Disturbing: The UN Migration Pact’  which shows even why national governments are not informed and why the EU elected MP’s and representatives do not inform national governments as you do not exist (alternatively Leave the EU and/or bring in a new Constitution like the USA, replacing the previous ‘EU constitution’ attempt which remains fortunately unratified )

Teresa May in Britain says she will be signing us up to the UN Migration compact. The pact guarantees freedom of movement for hundreds of millions of ‘migrants’ around the world. This is literally worse than the freedom of movement within the EU, Britain voted to get out of. Countries like Poland, Hungary & USA have all refused to sign it, however Britain is still planning on signing it. It’s so much worse that just freedom of movement though. The pact states we have to promote the ‘positivity of free movement’ We have to provide support for migrants when they enter our country and worst of all it will be illegal for us to speak badly or negatively about the deal! It is hard to believe but  Google it and read the Pact. (only ‘bad people’ speak evil about the pact and must be censored etc etc, here are some of the ‘bad people’)

In the USA and in a comparison to the EU (and wider Europe with 700 million people) the Federal Reserve Bank which has successfully boosted employment with direction and policy from the current US administration is attempting to boost employment (to 100%) and also boost the stock market producing a sustained boom all round. The USA has record level low unemployment now at 3.6% the lowest since 1969 and it can fall further During 2008 – 2016 under the Obama administration (and the DACA ‘children in cages’ furore began under executive order from Obama) changed the clearing house system from the US treasury into the US Federal Reserve Bank’s jurisdiction but without security or front line banking checks (US ACH Fed global)  This ACH or ‘automatic clearing house’ (fed global) is advancing electronically but it worked in tandom with the catch and release program (or a program of open borders and no security at the borders) The wall across the southern border of the USA is now advancing with sufficient funds in the declared national emergency The ACH federal clearing system allows undocumented workers to work, or smuggle great quantities of drugs or to engage in human trafficking and simply take the proceeds and wire it direct back to Mexico or elsewhere without security identity checks or paying taxes. It allows massive money laundering but this was not its original intention (see pdf  US Money Laundering Threat Assessment by US Treasury Dept) The central bank of Mexico has the same agreement with India el Salvador , Honduras, & China and others. You can simply open an account and wire it, yet if you were a legal US citizen, checks and security would prevent you. It is estimated that there are 30 million illegal aliens taking over $25 trillion out of the US economy by this method. This alone would pay the national debt down (now $21 Trillion) and / or provide an extra $5 trillion in taxes or more
In Europe something similar is occurring yet it is spread (but taxpayers are paying for it unknowingly) by agreements to enlarge the jurisdiction of the ECB (European Central bank) Further to this central banks have adopted policies (which become overly complex) which do not allow checks in the Optimal Currency Theory system of workers and immigration. Their policies on inflation and interest simply continue to allow a shortfall of between 6 and 10% unemployment or more in the economy as a permanent economic principle. This economic aim is deliberate, although many economists easily point out its fallacies which are undermining the wests ability to function. One result often cited on these websites is the burgeoning global debt which in November 2016 was $152 Trillion and is ( 2.3 years later) in January 2019 $244 Trillion. National economies in the scale of this debt cannot continue and which is a part of the measures to erase national economies unnaturally. To understand how this works as central bank policy (although there are a lot of dissenters to this principle within the banking community and the USA have fallen lower than the norm) see again the PDF ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies & Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’ for all EU citizens today (also in the You will note that when it comes to discussing  these economic absurdities the left are silent yet they expect the population from the working class upwards to pay for it)

Ireland as one example in the EU is in a much worse situation than both Italy and Greece.

The EU debt treaty (as it is informally known) which the press are not explaining or as it is publically known  the ESM or European Stability Mechanism  see video ‘The Shocking Truth of the Pending EU collapse’  (to repeat from above) Although this video is 5 years old (2013) the collapse it mentions, is also the collapse of the old nation state and (despite recent EU denials in time for EU elections ) combined with total immersion into massive immigration, see also Ireland 20/40 plan below (note although introduced in 2012 the ESM was not completely drafted until 18.12.2018, and its amended annexes only completed on 19.02.2019 a few weeks ago) It is totalitarian communism in its beginnings for all nation states in the EU. It crushes all EU nation states into yet more austerity and debt, by instigating an intergovernmental organisation (not elected) to punitively pursue those debts. (no ‘Basel 3 reforms’ or any sense here in what is a new Hybrid system which unlike the USA does not allow its states to set its budgets or debts) EU citizens are asked to pay a ‘carbon tax’ and many cannot afford food or rent ? The plan is to crush all EU nations (and no Constitution will be ‘allowed’) and an unelected Vanguard will change the EU into different nationalities for cheap labour via illegal immigration, and seek to remove its history within an undemocratic monolith and all without transparent consent.

Since the video above ‘the shocking truth of the pending EU collapse’ (following the ERM draft in 2012) in 2013 those occurrences have been plainly visible. Consider also the following video by ‘Strategian’ in Dec 13th 2018  ‘Financial Collapse - Brexit And Ireland's Impending Mega Crisis!’  Not caused by Brexit but by deliberate debt economics disguised as economics. Although now over a few months since the video the figures  have to adjusted (upwards) to give you an idea, Ireland pays  50 %  of its tax intake (income GNI) to pay its debts. Italy 21%, Greece 26. 9 %, UK 26.6%, Spain 16. 33%, USA 25%, Germany 4.6% . Ireland is clearly in deep debt yet in the last 2 years it has increased ? €198 Billion in 2018 and now it stands at  €217 Billion in 2019.  It is increasing daily.  Ireland for instance pays €16.5 million per day on its public debt every day, despite homelessness rising and poverty and unemployment, whilst it sends €100 million in ‘aid’, which never arrives (like 85% of most world aid) National concern is way down the list. For an insight into how this idea of Europe with austerity and debt is designed see the following PDF (also in the above post dated 08.03.2019) ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’  (Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution and which effects every EU citizen today)

The EU believes people are protesting against Brexit when In fact they are protesting against Theresa Mays (Remain) EU treaty (the WA ‘Withdrawal’ Act) and Jeremy Corbyns (Labour remain and leave) customs union. The local elections on the 2.5.2019 in Britain wiped out the EU remainers who continue to ‘peddle’ a fake Brexit which does not reflect the Brexit vote of the 23.06.2016 even after those local elections  (and not because they are in ‘deadlock’ as a no deal or simple free trade deal was offered in early 2018 & again in early April 2019, see last post above) The ‘Common travel area’ in Ulster has been agreed  on 07/08.05.2019 (although it was always there since 1924 approx) Whatever agreement is made (Spain has rights even under ‘no deal’ for instance) the wider economics of the west is still an issue which has to be solved.

In Ireland the current leader of Fine Gael Leo Vradker believes an immigrant is a better class of person and is more likely to pay taxes ? and is simply a better person all round (The EU Social Contract)  This disguises the policy of the ‘social contract’ (and the ‘Africanisation of Europe’  but will similar to every continent being flooded by trafficked ‘migrants’ for cheap labour) the EU has adopted which is in line with the UN migration pact. In turn in Ireland this is disguised as the Ireland 2040 initiative / plan (see video ‘Ireland 2040 EXPOSED 1 Million More Migrants’  (or here ) It is a plan for cheap labour in which the Irish (or any nationality in the EU) will become second or third class citizens in their own country, and in effect will be forced west when 2 million migrants arrive and it continue until there are none left. The video ‘The Terrible Truth About Ireland 2040’ (by Stefan Molyneux  YouTube January 12th 2019) goes into greater detail and this plan is one part of the general plan in every EU country. Many towns in the mid and west of Ireland are still closed or half closed since the 2008 financial collapse.

In the USA Candice Owens explains (at the US house Judiciary Committee on the 19.04.2019)  the truth behind liberal policies and the truth on abortion (where in new York more African American babies are aborted than born alive) See video ‘Candace Ownes GOES OFF On Democrats At House Judiciary Committee Hearing 4/9/19’

On top of this in the EU and see the Youtube video (May 1ST 2019)  ‘Worldwide protest against globalists’ which highlights the protests in France which began as fuel protests against the Carbon tax but have spread to much wider parts of the economy. Renewable energy or alternative energy (Windmills which are also dwellings populated Holland a long time before the ‘modern green movement’ and for hundreds of years without it being a modern pseudo political ideology) is a separate issue from carbon credits or carbon concerns. No one doubts the benefits of bountiful organic vegetables or prime free range chickens or beef. For an insight into why the carbon tax is also considered a fraud see the adjacent website ( end of chapter 3) and/or click on this link next below

‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’

The ‘Green’ hoax is all a part of the depopulation agenda 20/20 into 20/30 and beyond. The worldwide protests against globalists are 99.9 % ordinary people protesting against a war directed against them. Contrary to claims otherwise the protests against immigration are across all sides of the political spectrum and in Germany ordinary people who witness what is happening in their cities and villages are also ‘protesting’ (see video ‘Special Report: The far right in Germany’  )

Europe states it was founded on the principles of ‘Supranationalism’ yet its original trading arrangement known as the ‘common market’ which rolled over into the ECS (European Coal and Steel Community) into the EEC (the European Economic Community) following the Treaty of Rome in 1957 and the Single European Act of 1986 followed by the Maastricht treaty of 1992 and the Treaty of Amsterdam of 1997 and the treaty of Nice in 2001 (the EU constitution was rejected by European nations in 2005) and the Lisbon treaty of 2008 (both Nice and Lisbon were rejected and forced into a new vote ) and within a EU federal state was not explained. When the EU began to morph into a sovereign state and become ever increasingly centralised, people woke up to the fact that their own national governments identity and heritage was going to be literally destroyed. (Norway and Denmark and others preferring to not join in to that extent, and many nations are preferring to be freeborn instead of under the law for everything (you can only do what the law states instead of making laws to enable a free society)  These fundamental rights of the freeborn include no taxation without representation, trial by Jury and the presumption of innocence, habeas corpus, the right of free speech, privacy, the separation of powers and limits on the executive, the right of self-determination and should include the right to bear arms and which tells the government the people have the right to enforce those freedoms. The rejected EU constitution of 2005 is simply a new treaty which incorporates all previous treaties which is why Teresa Mays treaty is a complete betrayal of the Brexit referendum on 23.06.2016 as is Jeremy Corbyns custom union which will still allow for the rejected constitution of 2005.  The rejected constitution allows for unelected representatives to govern centrally and who cannot be removed or financially audited?    

There will be no local government in the final EU superstate (or in Germany / Austria ‘Burgamiesters’ etc) There will no local land developed by local parishes or elected councils and so on as the EU will own that land. The self-governing nation is to vanish and also the current populations within them have to be reduced, removed, (aborted) and side-lined and replaced in stages step by step.

The question many have of the EU is; What is the real ideology behind it ? (the EU)

Is it a right wing superstate project or is it a new USSR ? The communist USSR founded by the Bolsheviks controlled the country by its ultimate power base the Politburo, with ultimately only 24 full members. This was the supreme policy making instrument in the USSR and it exercised power over every aspect of public policy, both domestic and foreign. 24 people, but who elected themselves and were unelected by the country. This is the model of the eventual EU superstate and the EU commission is unelected now. (this is disputed by this is how it works and it is in a centralised system) In effect national elections are already pointless (you cannot control fiscal policy and budgets are capped or limited) and the EU direction will eventually enlarge the current zones with smaller and smaller numbers of representatives who by themselves cannot propose legislation, only the Commission can do that. Every national country has civil servants or a bureaucracy yet they alone do not propose legislation only their elected representatives do. Only a fraction of the commission’s members propose legislations. The EU council of ministers and their deputies are appointed by each member state indirectly and not elected, there are 2 for each nation and it can also make legislation with the elected EU parliament but the parliament adopts proposed legislation from the commission of civil servants. It is a unusual arrangement and also split over two capitals of Europe i.e. “The European Commission acts both as the EU's executive arm, responsible for the day-to-day running of the EU, and also the legislative initiator, with the sole power to propose laws for debate”  The EU does not have time for national parliament considerations and EU legal instruments such as 1.‘decisions or 2.regulations’ cannot be amended by national parliaments, whilst 3.treaties have to transposed into national law by national parliament debate and can result in amendments. In effect they are just rolled out without a true separation of powers. Teresa Mays treaty was proposed by the EU, it has nothing to do with the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016. Therefore it resembles a system closer to the USSR with a vanguard or politburo albeit a larger version. A supreme soviet in effect.

The two main policies of the USSR / EU are to crush national ethnic identity and join in the United Nations agenda of eugenics and population reduction / extinction by any means possible but abortion is an accepted method in which national populations have been duped and brainwashed into believing murdering your own children is a health benefit. Examining these issues (slightly further) most people alive today do not remember what the USSR was actually like under Stalin until it collapsed in 1989 – 1991. The following ideologies from World War 2 are displayed in videos and articles to bring the full picture (with opposing views also)


To be Contd…….



Contd …. On 15.05.2019


The EU is in effect becoming a new USSR (see above ) and this is also being pushed by the UN (United Nations not Kim Jong UN, although North Korea is an ideal society for some in the United Nations) which is increasingly trying to dictate to the EU or rather to the European population. The UN oversees the migration trafficking scam which is global. An expert on the USSR is Vladimir Bokovsky (see his video  ‘Vladimir Bukovsky: The European Union = New Soviet Union’ or here again for the video  relates his harrowing experience s within the system) His expertise is not gleaned from academia although he has also co- authored a book  as he was brutally treated and tortured inside soviet Gulags and outside them. To put the communist dystopia in context China has five stars on its flag representing all five continents Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe (although the ancient regime or antiquity cited 7 continents with America north and South, adding Oceania and Antarctica but which covers more or less the same political space. They wish to conquer those 5 continents and run the new world order in ist version) VladimerBukovsky is referring to all of the EU (but also Britain ) and his expertise on the communist system (which fell in Russia with the collapse of the Berlin wall in 1991) is honed from spending 12 years in Gulags in effect for defending Human rights. In 1917 when Lenin lost the first election in the USSR, after the 1917 revolution he instigated the ‘red terror’ in 1918 on all Russians (who have today replaced Lenin with a statute of Jesus Christ) in what was supposed to be a ‘free vote’. The peasants wanted their vote and election victory but were asked to vote again (which sounds like the EU ) they refused and were butchered.

To understand what life was like inside the soviet system see the video ‘USSR, The Genocidal Communist Empire (FULL video) (letra)’   made by an Eurosceptic EU group or the same video but here ‘Communist Genocide of 150 million 1917-1985’  Ten million people starved in the Ukraine (in the Holodomor  or here ‘Harvest of Despair The 1933 Ukrainian Holodomor Famine Genocide Documentary’ ) and is despite western debate (with or without western help) the Ukraine rose up in 2014 / 2015 against Russia. Russians today do not want the Soviet system either.

Other views from Germany and Japans perspective or here again forget that WW1 and the battle of the Somme and others) birthed J.R.R Tolkien (Lord of the Rings trilogy) and Adolf Hitler who both fought in WW1. In 1933 a transfer agreement occurred between Germany and Europe and Israel, but by 1942 that agreement turned sour. In 1939 Adolf Hitler and Stalin made a pact of non - aggression towards each other. A further view from above is by 1946 Israel was about to become a nation and that history in related by Leon Uris in his novel ‘Exodus’ (or here again following the Holocaust) and which was made into a film with Paul Newman and Eva Marie Saint (or here again or to read in text ) The following (log in first and see photos of archaeology  ) Facebook photo album gives an in-depth view of historical Israel all rediscovered today

The EU / ESM treaty (see above) and the lack of democracy is stages to this system which cannot be brought in ‘apparent’ but by legal stealth slowly in stages and why there is so much concern in this ‘closed shop’ system on the ‘copyright law’ or Article 13 / 17  combined with Chinas ability through Huawei to control the increasingly George Orwell 1984 or Huxley’s ‘Brave New world’ dystopia big data 5G /6G system which is invasive and already controls over a billion people in China (1/7th of the world’s population see all above) This new system can access any micro-chipped electronic item in your home and even enter your cars computer and turn off the engine remotely. (or here from wired magazine  and household appliances could be turned off, …heating cooking like a gulag etc) This is aside from the social credit system in the 3 or 4 videos above near the beginning (on China) in the first half of the post, dated 24.05.2019.

People state it cannot happen in the west but it is already here and as you can read even the intelligences services are concerned (but privately livid) as both Mike Pompeo US Secretary of State and as the UK defence secretary Gavin Williamson is fired for speaking out or leaking that Chinese company Huawei (as mentioned also above dated 24.05.2019) People want privacy, free speech and liberty and that is not the aim of the left who once wanted these rights but are now the fascists imposing censorship.

It is now 3 weeks since the Sri Lanka bombings (and other atrocities have occurred in the interim)

In the USA the media were unable to call the Sri Lanka victims Christians (video ‘Tucker: Left struggles to say the word 'Christians'    or here )

In which it is estimated (as body parts were hard to identify and many bodies were totally blown away ) 253 people were killed and 800 were injured and victims were from up to 12 countries globally The EU attacks in France and Belgium in 2014 – 2015 were carried out in a similar manner. A video of one of the suicide bombers is shown entering a church in St Sebastian  (or here) One of the victims Sneha Savindi, 12, was among them. Her uncle, Duminda, said her body had been so badly destroyed by shrapnel that the family was only able to identify her by a birthmark on her foot’ Other victims body parts were blown and strewn inside and outside the church. The list above (or here again)  are attacks on Christians Catholic and Protestant as they attending within their  Churches. Yesterday on the 12.05.2019 (and two weeks previous on the 28.04.2019 in Bukino faso but at Silgadji when 6 were also killed in a church including the pastor and his sons for refusing to convert to Islam ) in Bukino faso at Dablo 6 church goers were killed including a Priest in a Catholic Mass when gunmen arriving on motorbikes opened fire slaughtering the congregation.  On 13.11.2019 85 people were killed in HYPERLINK ""Nigeia including the pastor and his wife. The following day hundreds were killed I Nigeria at the Kaduna province by machete and shootings. People in the srilanka bombings were unrecognisable  Brutality even in Saudi Arabia is unlimited as a 6 year old boy is beheaded with glass in public in February of this year which is still continuing in Iraq and Syria although Isis are almost extinguished. The US has moved to make the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist organisation and from 2008 – 2016 Obama’s legacy of genocide is certainly at least that.

The EU ‘Russia Hoax’ ? Obama with Soros and others used all of their political power to help cast a lie onto society in full view of the world and then perpetuate it to cover their own crimes. For a brief 5 minute summary see video ‘The BEST Explanation Of The Russia HOAX On The Internet!’  In which it has emerged the ‘13 spies’ may never have existed and the 25 indicted spies may never be known (most of whom who left  the USA in 2014, 2 years before the 2016 election ?) the Russian Troll factory(s) placing adds in social media (and only a few have been shown ) were all in the Russian language ? which could not be read by the voting public in the USA ? This type of hoax (the origins of which are under investigation) has been used also in migration censorship and even ‘birth rate science’ and by EU politicians who have deceived the European peoples on these issue’s as there are fewer checks and balances in government and which can be hijacked therefore by outside entities. These are other reasons why the ‘nationalist state’ (i.e. your home and country) is to be destroyed. 

Today in South Africa Russia is taking Afrikaners as refugees and who are being murdered and forced into exile, yet their plight is not heightened in the western media ? (see video ‘Russia Welcomes Afrikaners: 15000 Boers Plan To Move To Russia From South Africa’  or here again  or here once more )

Churches in the EU and it is estimated up to 1600 have been attacked and destroyed especially by fire. Both Catholic and Protestant churches (2016) have been hit and in France it is particularly strong. A 2018 report and by Ellen Fantini, executive director of Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination   Against Christians in Europe shows that it has steadily increased over the past five years particularly. The Islamic doctrine of migration is one way only (see video The Islamic Doctrine of Migration’ ) which is partnered with censorship and by bribery in the EU and elsewhere (see video ‘Jordan Peterson - EU Censorship and Islam’ ) In turn this is controlled by the United Nations into the EU (where in the UN Saudi Arabia sit on the human rights council) and in Islam slavery is still legal (it is not spoke of but it exists as a thriving market especially since the financial crisis in 2008) woman can be bought and sold like cattle. Christian persecution is at Genocide levels again say Fox News and also the Guardian and again also the BBC.

However a testimony (and there are lots of them) by an Iranian member of the Muslim brotherhood (see video ‘Former Muslim Terrorist Sees Jesus And Becomes A Christian (English with Arabic Subtitles)’ ) shows that he was converted directly from Gd from inside a prison. You have to watch the video but the person he is referring to is also mentioned in the Bible (in Exodus 15,3 & Joshua 5, 13 – 15, & John 9, 7 (at the feast of Tabernacles on the ‘last good day’)  Mark 9, 7 & on the 1 Throne, Father and Son, see Revelations 3, 21 – 22 & Revelations 20, 6 & Revelations 22, 1- 3. which also qualifies Matthew 10, 28 ) The Lamb of Gd. John 1,29 & Revelations 5,6 and Psalm 23 (which is also an emblem revered by the Knights Templar and associated)

Economic Nationalism a brief overview.

Globalisation is destroying family owned and existing long term businesses.
Flooding immigrants in to any a country and which nobody votes for is simply illegal immigration for cheap labour. The first thing that occurs is it drives down wages of nationals who then cannot afford to buy or rent homes or buy from existing business’s and those businesses (the supply chain machinery goods and services) close down and move out. Many unions who are supposed to protect workers wages let it occur. These unions are the type of organisation which do not represent the workers but are an unseen bureaucracy who are paid between €150.000 to €300,000 plus to administer the deduction scheme from wages weekly or monthly. Unions who oppose this or who see this happening or their representatives are side-lined, silenced or removed from their positions. Most Unions encourage new business and manufacturing nationally and 100% employment and workers want them to look at the economy realistically as without new business and investment what hope is there for long term stable employment with high wages. Many Unions want to change to immediate national issues wages, family & work. China and outsourcing generally has eaten into the US economy (especially in 2008 - 2016) and it will continue even in the EU unless the west addresses these problems. Many business and corporations (with corporate monopolies) have abandoned investment into the existing business or company or corporation to invest into the stock-market as a way to maintain profits because the financial system does not lean to maintaining business long term. This leads to a lack of investment in long term fixed capital goods and infrastructure see page 27 and all of the pdf entitled  (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel This induces instability into small towns, cities and entire regions. Families and family run business (SME’s / small to middle class enterprise’s) close down and both the working and middle class are conned out of their wages and business’s. The empty space left by this devastation (the former society) sells up, and the land is bought up cheaply by corporations who sponsored the mass illegal immigration. Farm land in thousands of acres is stolen in this way.  

Both China and the USA are economic nationalists (and the Chinese inner rural areas are turning to localism also but it is being resisted) in outlook and their economies are surpassing the EU. Economists try to argue against it but end up agreeing with it with no substantive reason why nations should not want it and a deeper wider say (total control) of their own economies. Free trade is not restricted by economic nationalism (a good overview by the Smith Institute on ‘economic nationalism’) and localism if anything allows a nation to weather any storm and supports the markets and stock-markets. ‘Growth’ in the 1930’s fell off the cliff and cannot be blamed on economic nationalism or localism yet those measures brought growth back. Academic economists will tell you it was a wider government led approach which led to a recovery but the poor workers who built up new business (in the void of any government help or impetus or immigration or regulation) and who brought recovery. WW2 brought renewed manufacturing but previous to this the same attitude to manufacturing recovery was already in the nations minds. If you can plan for war you can plan for an economic boom (etc) This pre - war period is not covered as much in economic textbooks. It was slower ( off the radar) as it did not have as much investment as the planning required for war (1942 – 1945) However another factor (for Germany for instance was they defaulted on their debts in 1946 – 1950 in the destruction is low national debt allows for faster growth and Germany beginning with zero debt grew quickly. The economic miracle was termed ‘Wirtschaftswunder’ ) Debt also impinges on fiscal policy and taxation and increases acrimony between employer and employee as the margins are smaller and wages stagnate, this leads to strikes and so on. This is why the left never tackle debt. Bringing this investment in is the key issue. Africa in some nations is adopting economic nationalism to remove corruption and put the economy back onto a firm footing yet many are still sticking to a centralised system. (It is the same in the USA (see video ‘A New Conservative Economic Agenda: Johnny Burtka on Tucker Carlson Tonight’)

Protectionism and tariffs against foreign cheap and subsidised exports coming in as imports into your community to obliterate it will only lead to ruin (interventionism for national benefit does not expect continued profits to be bolstered from subsidies forever, yet subsidising national products until profit returns is in the national interest) Localism can eventually lead to a monopoly if  the product is good but competition from other national business is not restricted or in a closed shop structure. An example of this n the USA was Theodore Roosevelts economy which took a stand against anti-trust laws and monopoly. It was also a part of the ‘Square deal’  which went to help the worker and the business climb out of the speculative clamp the economy descended into at that time) In the USA the fascinating story of innovation against Monopoly is told in the Preston Tucker story and his new car production (with added safety) attempts in the 1940’s and 1950’s. People wanted a change and even some older models (1930’s) ran on water moonshine liquor were considered preferably to the existing designs available after WW2 (the story was also made into a film in 1988)

Capital flight and how the problem arose. Further to the problem of long term fixed capital and investment into business and ultimately society itself (and running a business to the stock-market alone) which does not produce anything but imports all is the additional problem of ‘capital flight’. There are 2 types of capital flight, 1. is the working class model which essentially means hiding the cash under the mattress or floorboards to avoid paying the taxman, and 2. the wealthy offshore tax havens which can be anywhere if a nation decides. However we do not consider why capital flight arose in the first place and these funds could (if a stable economy existed ) instead be persuaded to invest in business and manufacturing and localism (including organic farms and outlets which sell produce in cities and so on but as is obvious every day in France with the 'yellow vests' the con of global warming and carbon taxes is a scandal see the documentary   ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD’  (or here on YouTube ) and also  The documentary (YouTube) ‘Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science’  and  In 2019 The co-founder of Greenpeace Patrick Moore has warned that ‘Global warming’ is a scam and a hoax. see the link above in navy to the adjacent website on global warming or here again ‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’  for an in-depth view) Colonialism passed away and finance power became the new vehicle to advance, yet investments abroad were not as safe or as profitable and protectionism against a resultant deflation in the currency meant new avenues of trading were required which allowed banking intermediaries (creating a ‘legal space’ which can be kept confidential between trustee and settler) between two traders or investors to avoid national tax which drained the profitability away. These financial vehicles allowed capital to then flow back into a hub and which could be utilised as the capital requirement for equity which borrowers and investors can rely upon. Low taxation is good for everyone. Tax havens were established and rather than invest in bonds or pool resources domestically to make a new business capital flew (literally) into tax havens which are always going to exist. Once one was established any nation can copy them. In effect however the capital became dead money for investment into new business. It is not the amount of tax but the flow of capital back into a nation without investors being penalised which is key. In the USA low taxation is bringing investment back and wages are higher as a result of low taxation and it is also providing a solid base for a stock-market boom.  Rather outsourcing ‘in-sourcing’ and building new business and SME’s can re-invigorate  the national economy. Localism which can re-invigorate credit unions, building societies and any lending institution can bring growth. For those who are producer and exporter cutting out the middleman as  ( in effect) the producer / merchant is also attractive and localism brings jobs back to a nation without having to import cheap labour.

Finland and Israel In the first half of this post above dated 8.5.2019 (under the European elections heading) the rise of the populists (already named above) is because people want a move away from the past into a new future and which is badly needed in the west. The Finns party in Finland made enormous gains    and in Israel ( Torah and the bible are central to 'Israel' as it name defines ) the right’s conservatives  celebrated last month

One great opportunity arose for Europe when Donald Tusk offered the UK an advanced free trade deal in early 2018 and again in April 2019 (see post above dated 8/10.04.2019) which is not a treaty or Theresa May's deal. He is speaking on it in the following video at 50 seconds along the video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker MP, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’ which was a confirmed by Germany and Donald Tusk personally in the video with zero tariffs and covered all sectors and covered services. (or longer version here see YouTube 3.2.2019 video ‘BREXIT: "They don't believe in Brexit", furious ERG deputy Steve Baker CONDEMNS Downing St officials’ s) Further the European courts established a precedent when it allowed the UK to decide that it alone (see post above dated 11.12.2018 ‘The EU changes its mind’) can revoke article 50 without the ful 27 nations voting upon it, which means individual countries could take that argument further and insist on fiscal freedom and even autonomy and bring a request for a free trade deal of its own. Whether it is in Scandinavia or in the EU Balkan countries this approach is only going to strengthen those nations and may lead to independence but in any case it will allow independent trade deals and prosperity as a result.

Europe (all of its nations) has the right to full elected democratic representation in every aspect of its parliament and control of  its own borders and 100% employment. There are 700 million people in Europe (and beyond the EU) who have also the right to self determination, yet they have limited scope to change what is occurring as the institutions move to effectively make them second class citizens in their own nations, remove their national identity and remove their rights which have existed for Millennia.




20.05.2019 (EU elections) Contd from the above posts dated 08.05.2019 & 15.05.2019

The removal of rights across the EU (or any continent).  The DFID dossier exposing the UN and the EU in trafficking (and the Bitcoin Trojan horse)Immigration continues despite high unemployment ?

Rights and Justice are conferred by the people in free national independent nations.Corruption in a totalitarian state and in the general direction the EU is heading (the European Stability Mechanism ESM / debt treaty see previous above) and control in the UN migration compact has led to the current unrest and dissatisfaction with an unaccountable EU as observed since 2013 and the Paris and Belgium bombings which were directed from within immigration / passport offices in those countries.

These fundamental rights of the freeborn include no taxation without representation, trial by Jury and the presumption of innocence, habeas corpus, the right of free speech, privacy, the separation of powers and limits on the executive, the right of self-determination and should include the right to bear arms and which tells the government the people have the right to enforce those freedoms. In the USA the Republicans have signed a law protecting free speech on all University Campus and institutions and for everyone. The social engineering UBI (Universal basic income) social credit idea (cashless society) is proposed by all the big data tech companies including China who look to take over the USA and silicon valley (ignoring the existing government, constitution and courts society in general and any democratic law, system or nuisance which gets in the way) China plans its own new Silicon valley but it wants run the ‘New World Order’

To remove all existing rights would take a new social global contract (a part of the ‘progressive’ left wing wing circus which is rolled out every election without revealing its full intent ) and to bring this in, (with false platitudes of concerns ) the crypto currency debate and automation debates lean to the Universal basic income scam (and UBI or Uinversal basic income which the elites do not want to be a part of and remain outside of this system) are simply motives to that end and this is what it looks like (to repeat)  1. ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’        2. ‘China to assign social credit scores to citizens by 2020’  3. ‘China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System’   and also to repeat  (see his video  ‘Vladimir Bukovsky: The European Union = New Soviet Union’ or here again for the video  relates his harrowing experience s within the system) His expertise is not gleaned from academia although he has also co- authored a book  as he was brutally treated and tortured inside soviet Gulags and outside them. Automation in free independent nations will eventually be rejected by society when it moves away from the corporate AI mass produced and plastic products and returns to traditional life and manufatcuring but with localism, free trade, free speech and liberty to propser.

This Chinese New World Order version which is happening today and now (it is not some futuristic fantasy) occurs whilst maintaining its silk road OBOR 'one belt one road' global scheme, claiming it is peaceful and a separate peaceful trade block, yet then it also wants to join the new proposed global SDR currency.  Russia has also called for a new world order led by Russia and China which has support also of China's President and this new currency deal with Russia (Russia and China together possibly although Russia has largely rejected the communist system ) was signed in 2014.  In other words both China and Russia with Iran are vying to begin the new world order controlled by them. The Iran deal was a part of this hegemony in which they received $400 billion of US taxpayers money ($150 billion flown direct on a plane and then in smaller amounts of billions but also complete access to the US financial system via unelected agencies, without permission or legal redress as if the US government did not exist. China et al seeks to take over the World bank and IMF. For China to achieve this it would need a new world currency which would have to be agreed with Japan, Russia, the EU, Britain, America and this new IMF 'XDR' is already being floated but which 'bloc' or power will control it ? will any control it in the end ? The IMF (SDR) would become a new currency, you cannot join the World bank unless you first agree to partake of the IMF fund or new the new 5 powers bloc fund. The World bank decides over the IMF (not the other way around ) The USA asked for reform of Chinas access to the World bank in October 2017 and China is a member, its two main banks are trying to control and eliminate the World bank. which is based in Washington along with the IMF, its sister bank. China obtains more energy contracts through its own banks but also through the world bank than any other nation including the USA in finance 2008 - 2017. The vast world debt which If suddenly cancelled could usher in China to take control of the world bank if caused by a ‘crisis. Russia's debt to GDP ratio is only 13% compared to 80 % or 120% in every western country. The Crypto currency decentralised network is also known as the ‘bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network’ which is growing globally every day and the bancor is in effect a crypto currency token now. Yet as we have already read China wants to control the New World order. This would usher in Communism which Russia and China have in effect rejected as a financial model as they are now capitalist countries, but with a communist vanguard, but the west could become communist with a proposal for a 'basic income' for all people which is communism by another name, (as Obama is touting) and which as an idea is not attractive. Now, access to the new SDR (bancor SDR currency drawing rights which is in effect a crypto currency if all currency is online only without circulating cash as in the MO designation (see chapter 2 above )With Russia, China, Europe, Britain and the USA this new system will / could collapse the Dollar, no matter what tax plans are introduced now although they are helping the working and middle class, after Obama's pivot to Asia years, in which Obama said the USA (but really all the west) and its economy must go down whilst other nations catch up, yet all nations are to go down in effect under this proposed system. Obama felt that society cannot make its own decisions and this is the context of his speech in meaning (by big government and oppression and you can read the 20th and 21st century history of that on the adjacent website and chapter 5 and especially North Korea) The USA is now at war with China and Iran

China and the Huawei scandal & the Bitcoin trojan horse in particular has been hacking and controlling al western intelligences for the last 10 years and the Clinton's sold them the ability to do so. China wanted to use the system to remotely control all money, electronics, intelligence, defence and food and energy. It is simply brutal communism for world population reduction in which Bitcoin and other crypto currencies (the big data dystopia trojan horse which works with UBI the universal basic income instead of free trade, free speech and liberty ) threaten to remove take over central banks but not for liberation but to impose a new and far worse system without cash (read all chapter3 and 3a above) but as in China the ‘people’ are certainly not in power and this is the preferred global system (these website’s has taken time to explain why currencies, energy, crypto currencies, cash and even inflation are important to freedom)

The worldwide abortion criminal racket. These are the same people who tell you that it is ok to teach children biology and the basics of (for example) penicillin or germ studies which grow in a Petri dish as new life, but it is not OK for them to believe their new baby sister or brother inside the mothers womb has any rights or is even alive ?. This child (in the womb) can be cut up, sucked out and then ripped out of the womb as a ‘medical procedure’ for health. These were the lies spread by Leo Vradaker and Simon Harris in the abortion debate paid for by George Soros and the United Nations with controls the EU. Leo Varadker the Irish leader of Fianna Gael states that Irish Catholic Hospitals will have to perform abortions, and although individuals can claim ‘consciousness objector’ status, entire institutions cannot he says? This then paves the way for the UN ‘Universal declaration’ that all babies should be subject to abortion globally with universal rights for abortion and who as human babies have no rights in the womb linked to the Irish abortion referendum (UN to create universal right to abortion for profit)  Article Stefano Gennarini ‘Un one step closer to creating international right to abortion. The following video (in contrast to Dr Robert Lawlor in the above paragraph above these dated 8.9.2017) 'Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters' described in detail as the violent painful death it is, (i.e. Murder) is by an abortionist / Gynecologist (former abortionist? Dr Anthony Levatino) This is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) Alabama in the USA has effectively banned abortions not just  because it is inhumane but because it is simply a vast for profit business in baby parts sold as a medical procedure in the depopulation plan ( The plan to reduce the worlds population to 1 billion from 7 billion citing all kinds of lies has been underway for decades ‘Population Reduction 2017 Agenda 21’  and is part  of the migration scam and trafficking business and cheap labour scam. ‘Understanding UN Population Migration Agenda’  ) In Ireland the public were deceived on the wider issues

The UN corruption dossier is worse than irst imagined. The recent report by DFID on corruption in the UN states ‘The bombshell dossier was handed over to DFID Secretary Priti Patel last year. In the documents, Professor Andrew MacLeod, former chief of operations of the UN Emergency Coordination Centre, asserts that approximately 60,000 people have been raped by UN aid workers over the past decade. The whistleblower also estimates that there are more than 3,300 paedophiles working for the world body’s various agencies’ This has continued for  decades   with corruption at the centre of it and which spills over into the EU. All part  of the global Trafficking slavery scam domestically known as the corrupt ‘immigration’ by illegals which moved to takeover all passport offices as far as possible and bribe immigration ports and systems in the EU and USA and wider. In the USA you are supposed to have an identity card or passport to obtain a license to own a firearm (although you do not, as the US constitution already provides that right without a further license, the US constitution is the license) but you do not need a license or identity or be a legal citizen to Vote ?? ( voting fraud occurs in the EU also as part of trafficking )

The real EU unemployment figures and Brexit Today in Ireland (as one example) and in all EU nations the ‘official unemployment figures are massaged down as you move closer to an election. Officially it  is around 5 or 6% but actual figures show it is nearer to 18%    At the beginning of this post dated 18.05.2019 many  towns in Ireland are still closed from the 2008 – 2010 economic collapse and the midlands are unemployment blackspots and which are also spread throughout the country (79 unemployment blackspots)  especially amongst the youth yet immigration in the UN / EU / USSR plan continues into absurdity with migrants preferred over existing nationals throughout the EU both physically and legally.  Yet the national population who are simply in the way are not as employable or seen as useful (in the cheap imported labour trafficking scam) and are simply in the way of these plans by the globalists. Raising the national population levels and conferring freeborn rights upon the existing population is preferred and seems a lot more fun than listening to the lefts lunatic schemes. The hidden unemployed throughout the EU exist in every EU nation. One way to end this ridiculous and criminal system placed upon the EU is to adopt ‘pre- maastricht’ rules (Italy and Matteo Salvini) or simply leave the EU with or without it, which is (all the collated reasons above) why the Brexit Party are roaring to success. (video ‘Support for new Brexit Party surges amid voter backlash’)

Europeans want a world where rights are conferred under Gd and from liberty (in the western tradition ) not totalitarianism where corruption and government by stealth are worshipped over and above the people.




Contd from above

21/22.05.2019 EU Elections contd, & the continued censorship, corruption, entrapment's and deceptions. The beginning of these posts on the EU elections dated 8.5.2019 above began with the censorship and end of free speech in the media and in public which is the result of ‘liberal fascism’. It is also estimated that EU corruption costs €120 billion per year to the taxpayer ? Liberal fascism seeks to stop any discussion on conservative views or opinions, when it cannot, it seeks to prevent people standing in elections, or then if they do they are subject to slander and court cases, and then even the voting machines are rigged and votes (double votes) are completed with illegal non citizen voting with illegal voters often bussed from voting station to station.  The (in the US or in the EU) democrats in the USA are trying to keep Trump off the ballet in 2020 without a US constitutional amendment ? Which would not pass, but anyone can or should be able to come forward and stand for election and speak and communicate online without being silenced by liberal fascism. It is the same in Europe or in Britain and the populist movement began to 1st end Austerity after the financial collapse of 2008/2010 fwd in which many areas or regions of Europe have not recovered to this date. The populists are the only party to deal with these issues. The green parties have lied about global warming for years (see posts above) and so says former green peace leader Patrick Moore and this is a huge hoax. Venezuela collapsed into Anarchy because  (last vid ‘Stossel: Venezuela IS Socialism’ youtube) of mismanagement of the economy (a socialist economy and Jeremy Corbyn's favourite idea of a society and beyond Austerity) What else did the media not explain. Russia and China withdrew their Gold  (Russia flying into Venezuela secretly to do so) and in the Anarchy Maduro also had his Gold blocked from the bank of England  Both Russia and China were meddling in Venezuela and Britain withdrew its financial support. This comes as ‘far right’ Austrian Parties were caught making allegedly making contracts with Russia and by entrapment, they were sewn into this deal. Austria also deals with China ?   and Israel in 2018, but were not asked to resign ? (and Germany have denounced the BDS anti – Israel lobby) It is all fake news. Further it has emerged that Prince Charles also (by entrapment and funds travelling through accounts as anyone can denote to a charity directly or through a 3rd party) also had dealings with Russia or here on that subject Of course the OBOR one belt one road is a massive deal with Britain and Communist China. Nobody believes Prince Charles is a Russian spy or a Maoist agitator, and neither are the conservative right Austrian party who should un-resign although they are set for new national elections and an investigation which could go into many topics in the EU corruption problem (the socialists and social democrats have also made massive deals with ‘Russia’) This Austrian entrapment is in time for EU elections etc.

Populism in the USA began (to end Austerity, to bring revival of the rust  belt and manufacturing as 2 reasons, which are also a general condition of many nations in the west) with the realisation that Obama and Clinton had sold out the USA to China, Iran and Pakistan at all levels... ‘Boom. Massive Hillary Announcement Rocks the Nation!’  In the struggle, designed censorship (equal to Stalin or Chairman Mao) is ongoing, even shutting down films which discuss the killing of free speech.  ! (see the real cause of panic Steve Bannon: China is a threat to the industrial democracy in the West  ) In Britain the Brexit debate has been one long deception (see all above) except for Steve Bakers free trade deal with Donald Tusk  (which would end austerity ?,  yet Corbyn and others will not have it ?) but a summary of the deception is shown here from Theresa May  and here from the conservative woman . Theresa May said 108 times Britain would leave.  Jeremy Corbyn has said 1.leave, then 2.remain, and 3. dont know all along.  (remember what they all said including Corbyn) In Ireland the George Soros inspired Abortion debate and vote (in which Soros was interfering in foreign elections but is now under investigation in the USA for a $13 Billion tax fraud ) led to the shocking occurrence of the 'abortion that never happened' and the woman who did not die from it ? This fake story Broadcast everywhere until it was discovered it was not true.  The facts were uncovered in the investigation into the Irish times at the time, they published sensational stories to bring a referendum (as is now obvious) but here is the main false story  'Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened'   Once people became aware the story was false and Savita Halappanavar was not killed by an abortion refusal (which is also not how Irish law works now under the 8th amendment) there was a quick rush to falsify another story (see video above also at minutes 1.20) when a woman pregnant with twins was supposed to have had an abortion to save her life on the 23 .08 2013 ? (who also supposedly had Sepsis infections) As mentioned the story was broadcast across Ireland, but when investigations began, it was discovered that this abortion ( 2 abortions of twins) never even took place ? yet it was claimed the woman's life had been saved ? because of the abortion. On the 31.08.2013, the Irish Times apologised but not on the front page, and the mystery continues. Simon Harris the minister for health was pro- life until George Soros began funding the Irish abortion campaign.    In Ireland On Friday 24.05.2019, the Irish electorate are also being asked to vote on two separate constitutional questions, but only allowed to give ONE answer No matter which way you choose to vote ? all in the interest of transparency & democracy. Ireland should demand the right to vote on each constitutional issue separately. (This is on Divorce) It shows the lack of democracy in the EU and in EU referendums. There should be two separate referendums and possible answers. More shocking and disgucting than the abortion that never happened is the misdiagnosis of a baby in the womb. A young couple were told in the Irish National Maternity Hospital in Holles Street that their child was disabled in the womb. They are “mentally and physically devastated”. They were informed that heir  baby had a fatal fetal abnormality. Not in itself a requirement for abortion but in any case the baby was healthy. These pro abortion people are insane, it was not a mistake by the hospital. (see here also) In the USA in May 2019 the first successful prosecution of planned parenthood occurred and it will spread. In 2018 there were 41 million abortions for huge profits (where a foetus is calculated as ‘widgets’ for monthly profit) An incredible lie broadcast onto the public everyday.

The EU is compromised as it is blackmailed by Russia over its energy supply. Since it is now EU policy to deal with Gazprom it forces every EU country to deal with Russia ? (including Austria which was entrapped by intelligence agents over 2 years ago ? but only revealed now. The dilemma is many prefer Russia to China but energy EU independence is preferred to both in the race for the Arctic in which the Cyprus energy deal is ongoing )


The Brexit Party. Control of the media and big data and social internet services is liberal fascism. Did CNN Cover Russia Fairly?  And its brainwashing for over 3 years, see (again) fed to each news service simultaneously on the prompt readers ‘This is what mind control looks like’   Are the Austrian ministers to resign ? what about the Council of Europe who have restored voting rights to the Crimea for Russia ?  (In the Ukraine war the Crimea was let go without support by Obama and Joe Biden, yet Bidens son became a director of a gas company with links to ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. The article asks if it is a conflict of interests ? The Ukrainian government are currently assisting the ‘Russia investigation’ on Clintons involvement in leaking information to assist her Presidential campaign. Clinton, Biden and Obama were the 2008 – 2016 presidential team who instigated a story that Russia had helped Trump. The EU did not intervene) Amidst the Nord Stream 2 Russia gas pipeline to the EU deal (was this caught on film anywhere ? ) It is Angela Merkel and the centre to left parties who should resign surely. In Britain the Welsh left tried to keep the Brexit party off the ballet (who are they ? And why are they on any ballet in a western democracy) facebook Nigel Farage shows how Bias but actually a continued one sided stream of nonsense is evident in an interview on Brexit. George Soros again donates to the anti Brexit campaign ? (The NHS is to be removed if the UK remains in the EU)

The EU corruption investigation ? What other areas could it cover. The EU is constantly making deals with Russia and China and countries with terrible human rights records so as the Austrian ministers prepare to undertake an investigation awaiting new elections, further corruption investigations could also ask 1. why George Soros attempts to bribe hundreds of EU representatives in the EU parliament and also representatives in the US houses of government. 2. Add onto this the corruption that Gazprom brings west into the EU  and how bureaucrats and EU parliament members have been bribed to look the other way whilst Gazprom advances ?, and 3. whilst the centralised and unelected middle of the EU government is communist in ideology  ? (these 3 issues for starters) It is not that the Austrians may have been entrapped into a deal with Russia, it is just that they are not ‘USSR’ enough for the EU bureaucrats. (see video  ‘Vladimir Bukovsky: The European Union = New Soviet Union’ or here again for the video  relates his harrowing experience s within the system) Perhaps Sebastian Kurz could lead that investigation (it is not clear why all ministers resigned or why anyone did in comparison to daily corruption in the EU?)  (Britain has its own Oil and Gas of course if independent see post above dated 30.01.2019 which the EU wants but Russia does not want as a rival. The EU have been given permission to drill in the Arctic as have also Russia and China and USA but it will supply the EU over Gazprom with also LNG from THE USA ) The reality is the west is in financial distress under the media veneer (see all above) and only free trade (and corporations also want real free trade) for corporations, but also for companies (and stock markets) and most important SME’S (small, medium business) can provide that long term. These reasons are why Brexit occurred and why the Brexit party is soaring in the polls. The populist movement is the only one addressing these issues towards 100 % employment, no austerity and low taxation for everyone. These combined economic benefits are what makes a nation strong. In Spain, liberal fascism was revealed at its most insidious when the Spanish party Vox was excluded from a television debate, yet still won elections which shows how far removed from the public the media / election machine is (was). Europe has also said enough is enough in national elections as the EU tries to remove national identity.  Europe has the chance to restore fiscal integrity for its budget and its taxation and growth and /or fiscal independence to each individual nation (and avoid the ESM debt treaty) or alternatively to become free.



23.05.2019. EU Elections contd and the corruption scandal of Germany & Angela Merkel. The biggest scandal in Europe and which Angela Merkel is at the center (and she should resign ) of including surveillance issues and spying is ongoing. Further despite all the surveillance no ones knows who is attacking over 900 Churches in Europe ?   or why nothing is being done about it as the funding of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (who are not the original Persians of Iran) emerges from Obama to Merkel, and the fact she let in migrants without parliamentary authority and that she knew of ongoing 'problems'. Hundreds of unreported attacks continue on Churches across Europe (in a different manner to the horrific and perfectly timed Sri Lanka bombings etc see EU elections above ) but so many have destroyed suddenly in history ? and in Catholic and Protestant churches across Europe.But some in European intelligence has asked Britain not to reveal who the terrorists are ? whilst asking migration (UN migration compact) continue without reaching 100% national employment and high wages. Never in history has Christian heritage and belief and broader, European heritage and belief from Scandinavia to the Balkans, come under such a barrage and Angela Merkel must take the blame for selling Europe out.



contd from above



EU / MEP Election results and what they really say (Theresa May resigns)


Incredibly but predictably the media is trying to hide the truth of the EU / MEP elections from the world. Before the EU election votes really began Teresa May (voted remain in Brexit referendum 23.06.2019)  resigned. on the 25.05.2019 .The EU treaty made by the EU which she presented to the UK in effect resigned with her as did the MP’s who voted for it in the first, second and third votes, all of which were rejected, yet now the UK population can see who voted for the EU treaty (worse than austerity) in retrospect and vote them out also. No EU nation would accept that treaty for themselves (across left and right) fearing that the ghost of Stalin was trying to impose a Gulag. The Brexit party win (in nine of the 11 EU regions i.e. the real Brexit party with UKIP) and the vote was a complete rejection of the EU, its system and its direction. Nigel Farage has been cited as the new Prime minster. Teresa May was/is an EU technocrat who (the EU) like her have done everything they can to stop people in the UK and EU changing, drastically reforming or leaving the EU. The Mainstream media have juggled and misrepresented the election in a parallel Universe to avoid the truth  for al EU nations. (fiscal sovereignty, low taxation and low debt to boost the economy)

Two other election results from outside the EU in 1. Australia saw the left demolished  and 2 In India where prime minster Narendra Modi won again    Modi was congratulated by many world leaders including the Dalai Lama the Tibetan leader in exile (in India )  China’s (the Chinese Communist / Socialist) genocidal oppression of Tibet, Butan and Nepal (and Chiese nationals also) has been systematicand is still ongoing. The original fleeing populace under the Dalai Lama of Tibet moved to India, but those who remained in Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan have been murdered, set on fire (including some praying Buddhists who were set alight and which the Chinese authorities claimed the Buddhists  set themselves on fire) and impoverished. (see further chapter 4 in the adjacent website) The main weapon of the communists is ‘migration population replacement’ where Chinese communists move in to Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan and murder the population, or make sure they have no funds or work and simply replace them. They set up an unelected ‘politburo’. Just before the EU elections Maoists backed by Communist China bombed Nepal (they had previously bombed Nepal schools in 2016  and killed 35 policemen by bombs in 2001) More bombs were planted after the latest bombings, but were diffused. China is causing an insurgency in Nepal and Tibet  and is backed by Pakistan and Iran. This type of ideological terror is also occurring in the EU, (and wider Europe) the USA and Britain and against any faith or spirituality. (including Hindu and Christian)  Communist China as we have seen in the posts above have instigated a martial law situation inside China (see  and to repeat YouTube ‘China’s Social Credit System Begins’) & (YouTube ‘Inside China's High-Tech Dystopia’ ) and which is spreading (or subtly and insidiously being forced onto and into the west, see chapter 3 and 3a above)  ‘China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System’  & in Australia ‘China Watch: 'Never telling the whole truth' | ABC News’ The Dalai Lama in Tibet and Nepal lived their in a less technological age but can give you a clear insight of China and Chairman Mao and his system which is being re-instigated again. (which is a concern for western intelligence services although China clearly state they want to run the New World Order ? ) and to fully understand see again YouTube video ‘ ‘Mao's Great Famine’ see the video ‘USSR, The Genocidal Communist Empire (FULL video) (letra)’   The left are in denial as they are with silencing free speech which they instigate like ‘fascists’ ? But it turns out they are the real liberal fascists (progressives etc) The truth of socialism / communism ('George Orwell's 1984 or Huxley's 'brave new world') here in the west is obvious. These seemingly unconnected facts in ideology, technology and money are all moving (or trying to ) in that direction and economic democracy and nationalism is seen as threat to it.  This was most noticeable from EU Jean Claude Juncker during the MEP elections who screamed ‘stupid nationalists who are in love with their own countries’ ? Meaning he wants an end like Frau Merkel to all nations and their sovereignty, presumably to be resided over by unelected ‘Chairmen’ Mao's who can use the ESM (European Stability Mechanism ) debt treaty to force new gulags onto the nations. Frau Merkel (whose coalition suffered heavy losses in the EU elections) has still not undergone a corruption investigation over the issues of migrants allowed in without parliamentary approval (because German nationalists are as Juncker states ‘stupid and in love with their own countries’ )

The Greens are encouraging this technological system also (but are also in denial about that ? ) where human depopulation (UN) is preferred to 100% employment with western industry growing and vibrant. Instead we have  41 million abortions in 2018 globally the real ‘extinction rebellion’. The greens cannot say ‘geoengineering’ but have said since 1971; first global cooling ? would bring a new ice age, then acid rain, then ozone depletion, then global warming which would the melt the ice of the new ice age ?  Now it is ‘climate change’ which is real (see EU election posts above 8.5.2019 & 15.05.2019 for the real science which has to include all views)  but ‘climate change’ is also denied by Greenpeace former leader Patrick Moore. Everyday people, who simply try to grow a few organic vegetables try to get by, only to hijacked by Maoist cadres instigating an oppressive bureaucracy. The false and oppressive carbon taxes are not removed yet and domestic utilities will be attached to them. In eastern Europe the only climate emergency they fear (after a hard winter) is a shower of rain on the way to the beach at the weekend.  The Greens lost seats in Austria, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary and Estonia in the May 2019 EU election. In Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, they do not have any green parties and countries that do, all but 3 of 8 or 9 or so, only have 1 or 2 seats.

Sebastian Kurz in Austria won over 34.5 % of the vote (just before the social democrat SPO opposition led a government vote to oust Kurz for not ... ? being part of the Video Ibiza scandal ? ) The SPO are Marxist but not Trotskyite, Stalin or Lenin.    “ Kurz’s conservatives emerged as the strongest party on the night on 34.5% of the vote, up 7.5 percentage points on the previous elections. It is an incredible victory in the circumstances and Kurz says the people will decide in September. The FPÖ only took a minor hit, losing 2.2 percentage points to come third with 17.5%” (this despite the ‘scandal’) Sebastian Kurz and all Austrian parties will head to new national elections in September after a long holiday and recess. It has emerged however that the Freedom party FPO was targeted by Iranian born lawyer Ramin Mirfakhrai Mr Strache and Austria opposed the unelected and ‘migration replacement UN compact’ as many EU countries and other nations also do. The video was in turn to get at Sebastian Kurz, targeted by Iranians and as mentioned the Iranian born lawyer Ramin Mirfakhrai   (and not the Russians directly) for Kurz actions in closing Mosques and deporting known terrorists  (Russia is also at war with Islam in Chechnya and other regions) All of this was timed for the EU elections at the end of May 2019 ?, but the video was held for 2 years from July 2017 ? as the Iranian lawyer, fretting about Russia corruption ? held on to it. Gazprom of course with its EU energy contract force’s every EU nation to deal with Russia. (see last post above) It is gutter politics.


What are  the EU elections really saying (and nobody really understands the voting blocs preferring their own national elections)

Marianne Le Pen and the yellow Vests won in France and are asking for new french national elections  The Brexit party won in Britain and are asking for new national UK elections, Matteo Slavini (and Luigi Di Maio) wins in Italy (because unemployment is high set against millions of immigrants continually entering ? And because of localism) In Hungary Viktor Orban won 52% of the vote and in Sweden the right made gains again. All over the EU the right made gains including also in Greece where people moved from the communists to the liberal conservative New Democracy party yet the far right in 2 parties combined picked up 10 % of the vote New national elections are now called for in Greece  In Germany the AFD won 11 % of the vote although in Saxony and Branderburg they beat Angela Merkel into second place. In East Germany the former communist state they have surged. They are expecting their first Mayor. (even migrants are saying their are too many migrants in Germany) It is estimated that the populists will have 150 – 155 seats out of 751 seats in the EU parliament. In Spain the Vox party still received 6% of the vote despite ‘being banned’ for justice and equality and democracy from national television ? See post above dated 21/22.05.2019. What is going on when Catalonia's former separatist president Carles Puigdemont, who fled Spain in 2017 after a failed secession bid, and his ex-deputy Oriol Junqueras, currently in jail, have been elected to the European Parliament as MEP’s ? it is still unclear if the army will be called to stop the separation of Catalan.  Ireland may also move to a national election. In Poland the PIS Christian conservative party won 49% of the vote, (27 seats) and the opposition coalition who want Poland to leave the EU won 38 % of the vote (22 seats) Gains were made in the Czech Republic and Belgium, Slovakia, Estonia, Croatia (who openly admit to Being Russia friendly but no ‘Ibiza videos’ from Iranian lawyers as yet ? ) Finland remained the same in populists numerically and Bulgaria gained also as across the EU.

However what is not being said is those who came second behind the populists stood on their campaign issues. The EU has moved right but also into the Euro sceptic area in larger numbers.  (YouTube ‘A New Europe is Born: Nationalist Populists Smash Globalist Elites in EU Vote!!!’  ) In effect the populist platforms were stolen ! And taken as new policies of their own. (but will they implement them ? or just lose the next elections )

For instance the centre right (EPP) who look to get 180 seats ( still a dramatic fall ) are now similar on many issues to the populists (immigration etc ) and this also includes the conservative (ECR) bloc with 59 seats. These 3 combined make nearly 400 seats and with left coalitions (many socialists are also populists) this could make 60 seats or so more. Given party differences may reduce this number by 70 seats or so, nevertheless a new ‘Bloc’ called (for example) the European ‘United Populists for Europeans (EUPE)’ could command 370 – 400 seats. (Britain will leave reducing seats) which gives a massive majority to populists. What has happened to the left ? with the prevention of free speech (fascism ?) and who have forgotten local issues, such as family, friends, their villages and prosperity ? (localism which is being adopted in parts of China under suppression as the communist system is not working, and also in Africa) The left case for leaving the EU is examined  

Turn out in the EU / MEP elections was only 42% in 2019 (averaged) or so and in past years it has dropped to 35% to 40% as interests wanes in the system. (The issues are discussed from the above posts dated from 8.5.2019, 15.05.2019, 20.05.2019 & 22.05.2019) In 1979 it was  62% in 1999 it was 49%, 2009 it was 42% and 42% - 46% in 2019 (official EU figures from Kantor) but the press suggested it was 50%. Why has it been dropping ?, is it because the EU policies are just not appealing to Europeans ? (read again the last paragraph above and all above)

The MEP EU elections were important for the wrong reason, i.e. they do not actually matter ? (national elections assuming greater urgency and importance) Why is this?  Since the late 1980’s the EU parliament has not defeated the unelected  EU commission (to understand how it works see post above  dated 8.5.2019 and heading ‘The question many have of the EU is; What is the real ideology behind it ? (the EU)’ ) The consensus is, it is simply a new USSR or worse a Maoist technocracy. It is a politburo, the supreme soviet idea which the USSR adopted and which led to millions of deaths (25 million by famine alone without the unknown in gulags and the dead by assassination. 10 Million died in the Ukraine)  MEPs by themselves cannot propose legislation, only the EU Commission can do that. Every national country has civil servants or a bureaucracy yet they alone do not propose legislation only their elected representatives do. Only a fraction of the commission’s members propose legislations. The EU council of ministers and their deputies are appointed by each member state indirectly and not elected, there are 2 for each nation and it can also make legislation with the elected EU parliament but the parliament adopts proposed legislation from the commission of civil servants. It is a unusual arrangement and also split over two capitals of Europe i.e. “The European Commission acts (or here for EU commission) both as the EU's executive arm, responsible for the day-to-day running of the EU, and also the legislative initiator, with the sole power to propose laws for debate”  The EU does not have time for national parliament considerations and EU legal instruments such as 1.‘decisions or 2.regulations’ cannot be amended by national parliaments, whilst 3.treaties have to transposed into national law by national parliament debate and can result in amendments. In effect they are just rolled out without a true separation of powers. This aspect of the EU commission has to be resolved or if not ? Why not ?

This is how freedom is lost in the EU but this is what is destroying Europe, not the populists who want a Europe (at least or to leave) of sovereign nations. (returning power to the national level which many on the left  also want they claim ) Will the public also be allowed to vote for the election of the EU commission ?

The EU MEP’s are now meeting in the EU (28.05.2019) to vote who will lead the EU parliament, (with its secretive  election) but will they vote to bring in an elected (by all MEP’s) EU commission ? Or at least a new impetus (as in democracies with a complete separation of powers) to vote down EU commission ideas in treaties and decisions and regulations ? (which is still not far enough in a functioning democracy, it is simply unelected technocrats imposing non democratic laws. The EU law system makes billions of laws saying what you can do, instead of the law restricting what is bad or what you can not do in a small government situation. This type of process leads to totalitarianism and an impossible legal nightmare )

Theresa May (despite resigning and failing 3 or 4 times to implement an unwanted EU treaty by stealth against the will of the people who voted to leave on the 23.06.2016. Since Britain voted to leave why are the EU designing a treaty for them to stay ?) says we must leave the EU with a ‘deal’ (her draconian worse that austerity WA treaty she means)  and deliver Brexit but it is not Brexit (her 3 years of discussing it ) Further she rejected the best deal see video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker MP, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’ which was confirmed by Germany and Donald Tusk personally in the video at 50 seconds in with zero tariffs and covered all sectors and covered services. People are suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn and the Liberal democrats also resign as they have not mentioned this beneficial deal ? For ‘the people’ ? The Conservative party are now choosing a new leader (a new EU treaty merchant as a social media commentator warned) and the Brexit party want to be in the negotiations  with UKIP. However some are saying that the Brexit party and UKIP is the new conservative party and it should be led by Nigel Farage, Steve Baker, Bill Cash and John Baron MP(s) with Boris Johnson (but BJ who caved and voted the 3rd time for TM deal but has consistently backed Brexit) and Angela Leadsome and the Brexit party woman. (who no doubt will be accused and slandered in the ‘press’ but who should be the new conservative party) Then the EU can re-open David Davies / Steve Baker’s deal which covers the 13% trade with the EU (with Bill Cash assertion that the other 85% of existsing trade can come under WTO moving to individual trade deals over time, which is also how any EU nation could prosper, see above or here  Bill Cash See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  ) If Donald Tusks deal with Steve Baker and David Davies cannot be had then ‘no deal’(with WTO which is a deal)  is the way forward and so says Mervyn King ex Bank of England manager and this is one reason why In 2017 the BBC predicted an increase of £135 billion annually under a ‘hard Brexit’

Theresa May resigns. Populism continues. If you have read chapter 3 & 3a down to this point but since 23.06.2016 when the Brexiters won the referendum (anyone regardless of how they voted must acknowledge that prosperity involves making your own independent trade deals) and having listened to Theresa May mislead the public since that date, this is the reaction many made on here hearing the news  or again here on facebook (see ‘acidwomble May 24 at 7:35 PM ·absolute scenes today twitter: @acidwomble) not because it was an end to Brexit but because she worked for EU technocrats (which many in the EU cannot understand) Brexit and the now global populists have inspired and allowed all Europeans room to think, and then realistically move towards actual prosperity and freedom.





Greek National Elections (7.7.2019), The British Conservative leader vote, Brexit, Lauren Southern and her new documentary ‘Borderless’ The Hong Kong protests.

With accompanying Greek traditional music

China, Bitcoin, South Africa and Global surveillance.


Brexit and Tory leadership Following the remarkable success of the Brexit ( and Greece should note the events) party who must surely be a part of the Brexit negotiations in the Cabinet, the Conservative party leadership has come down to two people. 1. Boris Johnson MP Uxbridge and South Ruislip. Voted Leave and  2. Jeremy Hunt Secretary for State for foreign affairs and MP for West Surrey. Voted remain, then converted to leave, but which is nothing to do with trying to force the atrocious Withdrawal Act onto the British public again. Following the EU / MEP elections the by – election in Peterborough was narrowly lost (by a party who had only been in existence for 3 months or so. The Brexit party came second by 600 or so votes and they are the conservative party whether the existing Conservative party realise it. Yet now, that result in the Peterborough by – election with labour first and the conservatives came 3rd sutely with this and the MEP elections the conservative party must wake up (but)  Or did the Brexit party lose ? as an investigation into electoral fraud is ongoing. The prime suspect is labours Ms Forbes who was helped once before in election fraud by labours Tariq  Mamhood who was convicted of election fraud for Ms Forbes and jailed in 2008 

After the election the Labour party lost its vote to block a no deal as MP’s voted it down. This is because, if the EU do not bring back Steve bakers / David Davies  deal then a no deal it is  (Steve Baker discussing the events with Bill Cash MP surrounding his resignation and David Davies resignation in 2018 the long and the short version. Long see YouTube 3.2.2019 video ‘BREXIT: "They don't believe in Brexit", furious ERG deputy Steve Baker CONDEMNS Downing St officials’ showing the government has a hesitance to make trade deals independently ? Short version is here and which shows Donald Tusk agreeing an agreement.    Project  fear is still rife and from many countries outside the UK.

It’s preposterous that after 3 years, the labour party are saying they are fulfilling the will of the ‘people’ of 23.06.2016. But Steve Baker has recommend Boris Johnson for Prime-minster and Johnson has many MP’s supporting him, almost as much as three times the other candidates. Currently Switzerland is seeking to re-negotiate its EU trade deal in light of Brexit and mentioned again at the end of this post (although not just for Brexit reasons) It has signed a FTA free trade deal with Britain in 2018 but is to be finalised once the UK leaves the EU.  This lucrative deal will pale in comparison to  the deal in which the  OBOR one belt one road  scheme, Britain and the City of London has with China, perhaps the biggest deal in history, (but China ideologically is a basket case) Yet this is what Bill Cash is talking about. See again Bill Cash ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  He says if no Steve Baker deal now with the EU, it goes straight to WTO & article 24 for the World and EU (except now Switzerland and China which will be bespoke FTA deals and more, and also the USA. President Trump seen here in a line up with Russian spy suspects (4th image down )  and before the D’DAY anniversary events in France. President Trump has outlined a new USA – UK trade deal.  (Remember Europe, Britain and the USA share a common basis in law and the separation of powers and Christian history)  These deals can come away from WTO into and by an FTA contract. The rest of the world i.e. individual countries will change from WTO article 24, to a new deals as and when they are made. This is why the WTO is a deal and this has been misrepresented and hidden from the public. The WTO is not a ‘no deal’ but an existing trading arrangement in light of a no bespoke deal of which the WA was the worst you could possibly expect. The EU will want a FTA deal (like Steve Bakers exactly) the day after 31.10.2019 or as should have been 29.03.2019 (or even 23.06.2016) The thread from Boris Johnson, Bill cash, David Davies, Steve Baker is the one to aim for.


The Greek Referendum Result of 2015 (Banking and Finance)

Greece has also discovered that EU or national referendums are not liked in the EU if the vote goes against them. (as also in Ireland twice in the past) Greece voted in 5.7.2015 to reject a bailout, but despite that vote coasting home for NO, it was ignored by the left wing government who introduced the referendum. Today Greeks rue that betrayal.

The Greek referendum of 2015. The current situation in Greece for the people is as it stood on 5.7.2015 when the Greek people voted NO by 61.5% to proposals to of a new bailout in Greece.

61.5 % of the people voted to reject the new Troika bailout agreement and its attached terms. The left having campaigned for years against Austerity i.e. Alexis Tsipras and  Syriza and Yanis Varoufakis (finance minister) & et al. Various  unconvincing excuses later, they ignored that vote (having campaigned for it  and then sold out Greece.

Deflating the surge in patriotism and wanting to end the cruel situation Greece found itself in since 2008 and the global financial crisis they capitulated in 2015 3 days after the referendum result came in. The EU began project fear against the result immediately. ’Threats’ from the Troika, a Russian word meaning 3 ( Troika = 1.European Central Bank, 2. European Commission and the 3. International Monetary Fund ) The Greek left government simply ignored the result which was a mandate to stop the automatic bailout and re-think the situation for the good of all the European people. Greece the cradle of ‘democracy’? That mandate is still active and everyone in Greece knows there is no point to any more loans to pay off loans.

What is the lesson from this ?  1. Ignore trans- nationalism, and support nationalist parties who know that Global warming (now climate crisis) is one of the biggest lies since ancient Greeks were told they would fall off the edge of the world if they sailed to far east or west in ancient days, or since Greece was told the Euro would not inflate its prices in 2001 when it first joined.  2 Ignore the left and their Trojan horse of (international) ‘trans-nationalism’ which is just another word for one world government (and you can see what that looks like from the paragraphs on China above. Chinese people want to escape just as North Koreans do in North Korea) The left are going to have to put their own country first. 3. Make your own new economy towards rapid 100% employment and lower taxes to 15% across the board in Greece (or 12% for those below  €20.000). Currently taxation in Greece is; 1 up to €20,000 the rate is 22%   2. 20,000 – 30,000 it is 29% 3. 30,001 – 40,000 it is 37% and over 40,000 it 45% ! are they joking ? .  4. Ban immigration and remove the so called refugees off the Greek Islands that have taken over and send them back ‘south’. 4. Honour the Greek referendum result of 5.7.2015. 6. Invite back all the Greeks who have been forced to leave (‘emigrated’) since 2008. Greek unemployment is ‘better’ now ?  (the main stream media informs Greece and the world) Now unemployment is 18.5% to 20% but really 25% ….why ? because everyone has left Greece. It was 35 % unemployment at one point so now… it is better ?  Syriza the left  party in Greece now  (like Obama) were parachuted in to tell people that they are the new hope, when in fact they made things worse and killed off hope. The left almost achieved what they said (and make it appear it is not their fault) but at the end of the day their loyalties are not to Greek nationals.  Greece should turn its debt into equity. The IMF have warned especially over the last few years of growing debt. $182 Trillion in 2018 and now stands at £244 Trillion.

Bitcoin and debt Greece could convert this debt into equity which grew rapidly after the 2008 crash to €175 Billion or 160% of GDP. Today in 2019 it is €360 billion and it grew from €260 billion in 2018. Yet Tsipras did not allow the referendum result of 5.7.2015 to go ahead ? For Greece it will never end if the situation remains the same, but it can change the situation drastically if it sticks to what it wants to do. In the last post above under the European MEP elections beginning from 24.05.2019 down with 4 posts, (including the continuation on the 15.05.2019 and sub heading ‘Economic Nationalism a brief overview ’ ) an article pointed out  (repeated here) that Bitcoin will take power from the US federal reserve  bank. But this crypto currency wants to become the Central bank as here in Russia  Bitcoin is supported by the Blockchain technology contract and all central banks want this or similar

The banks have said they are wary of Crypto currencies as it is a rival (if crypto currency is decentralised) but centralised Central banks have been buying digital currency platforms to negate the rivalry. Yet this is only half the story as although Bitcoin and others are classed as purely an asset they are still a method of exchange as other assets are. (they still do not know, allegedly, who invented Bitcoin) The first Bitcoin or digital currency central bank began in Communist China as an experiment that supposedly went wrong (it could have used any digital currency with block-chain or similar) but it fluctuates on this opinion (if it went wrong etc) and after and during the experiment  it watched to see how it could work preparing for the new SDR global currency in which  it can lead the new world order  (see EU elections posts above) After a time China scrapped it temporarily saying it had failed (executing the proponents just like Kim Jong Un in North Korea executes his generals recently) but it is still continuing  and advancing the project combined with its cashless society   Taking over central banks with the Crypto currency means it will issue the currency centralised at interest which is inflationary. Private central banks issue currency at interest. China’s central bank is owned by the state but it can also issue any currency at interest. As the state is the communist vanguard, an authoritarian vanguard it is not owned by the people, it is still private.

The great appeal of Bitcoin was /is it was a limited supply of 21 million which are divided down into smaller amounts but they are eventually finite. (and supposedly non – inflationary) They are mined using energy levels which could run a small city and in that way they use huge energy reserves (inflationary)  As they will be issued at interest you will then need to make more Bitcoins (i.e. more than 21 million) as the total money stock = 21 million, but interest is total money stock + interest so you need more currency to pay the interest which is inflationary. Stockmarket traders in the US have predicted that Bitcoin may increase its amount beyond 21 million. (see also youtube video ‘Zeitgeist Addendum - Money Creation and Fractional Reserve Banking’  This has always been a problem and so it will be in crypto - currencies. It has existed as a problem in every era and millennia in every nation and continent)

Money stock (MO) used to be controlled by destroying money in supply / circulation or increasing it accordingly to control prices keeping  them steady and low, and lower than wages but at % interest. Now, even if you add to the amount of total money stock or take from it to control inflation or deflation it will not work as you always have to print off more money to pay the interest on top of the total money supply (total money supply = 100% but + interest = 100% + interest hence the need to print or mine more Bitcoin = inflation) Today we control inflation by lowering or highering interest rates but this is still secondary inflation to printing money at interest. Some claim that other crypto currencies could provide the extra money to avoid this, circulating at % interest,  but crypto currencies have fees or seigniorage which act like inflation also. It is simply spiralling the problem out. However if this claim is true then why not issue 100% of money stock at 0% interest. Money (MO) was circulated to the public for price controls and interest was only applied to commercial money  as separate money flows. (see video ‘97% Owned - Positive Money Cut’) It is a solution for stability without negating the markets, which could also supply liberty instead of a communist (Chinese) dystopia.

Therefore this giant world crypto experiment under the guiding hand of Communist China means either an end to private central banks or a dystopian digital communist dictatorship. Trump has indicated he will move to  a Gold standard but with digital currency you should not need a digital currency back by Gold unless (eventually) it is issued at interest in the UBI (Universal basic income communist dystopia) If the world sells oil in new currency and not the petro dollar that is. The crypto currency rage is not to bring about sound economic policy. Debt (and high taxation) is also hindering stock markets in Greece or anywhere and the west is in trouble but cannot carry on like it is.

Once again (and to repeat but with view to events as they move fwd) the following pdf   ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies & Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution (you can read later how this money system creates the need for immigrants and also points out  that there is no ‘surveillance’ of debt or any real understanding of basic economics amongst the experts)

There is also insight in the pdf above from George S Tavlas (George S. Tavlas has represented Greece at the Governing Council of the European Central Bank (as the Alternate to the Governor of the Bank of Greece) since 2008 and has also been a Member of the General Council and the Monetary Policy Council of the Bank of Greece since 2014) ‘Money’ belongs to the people, banks are just a business looking to make money like the working or middle class and they lost money in 2008 as no one made a solution before. Everyday people lost everything. This is not how to build up the west.

Greece could turn its debt into equity, yet this is still putting the merry go round of debt to pay off debt away for a few months more. Greece could ignore the debt and refuse to pay it (as it was caused by the 2008 crisis, and because they and others were not aware of how inflationary prices would become when they joined in 2000/2001, and because they had a referendum which passed by 61% to reject a bailout) It could then re-introduce the Drachma and circulate this below the Euro level (as cash and notes MO from the MO – M4 definitions) Making it safer than the Chinese world currency dystopia. With support from the Army and Navy to protect Greece and any new politicians, Greece could go full speed towards 100% employment, rapid manufacturing rise, energy production and also lower taxes. (it could say 2 little words…  ακυρώσετε το χρέος ) Germans are not always first to the beach; the Greeks are mostly there first. Alternatively they could leave the Eurozone.

Dimitris Christoulas Greece has turned a corner the MSM says, yet the expense of this has been to cut Greek pensions by nearly 60% since 2008. Homelessness and evictions have increased since 2008 and to epidemic proportions and businesses have either been outsourced or have shut down and moved elsewhere, but immigration into Greece has increased and cheap labour to buy cheap repossessed homes is an epidemic. Everything in Greece was sold, infrastructure, (including its energy grid) entire Islands, airports and real estate. Suicides and mental health problems have also escalated in Greece. Do Greek people remember Dimitris Christoulas the pensioner who shot himself in the head at the gates of the Greek parliament because he lost his pension? He is remembered and many in Greece will never forget. (see the adjacent website and chapter 1 and 2 which includes Greece from 2015 etc)

China has bought entire ports  in Greece and throughout Europe   or here again (is it just for trade along OBOR ? ‘one belt one road’ or in Greece is it first to turn it into a debtors prison, then emasculate it and then allow mass migration in for cheap labour under UBI the Universal basic income which failed in Finland or see here again the whole agenda has been planned since 2008. Pushed by another Communist Obama (Barry Soetoro) it is not the aim of UBI social credit to help an economy but to get the people to accept a Stalinist type basic low income which now, on top of that draconian system, the newer version also wants to remove privacy and suppress society by a kind of passive austerity and control it by a points system as a prelude to the cashless society.  This is also a forerunner of a much worse system coming along after it. Introducing the global system by degrees. Liberty and freedom and free business models are not recognised by Communism / Socialism neither is the family, your faith or the right to your own borders. China has encouraged cheap labour and migration through the United Nations where unbelievably its sits on the Security Council as one of the 5 permanent members. The UN has elected its first Chinese Communist UN food and agricultural agency head, like Chairman Mao, if it can kill off 40 million to 60 million or so with or without GMO foods..,… it may lower inflation. ?


Hong Kong Protests against mainland Communist China (May / June 2019)

The Hong Kong Protests May / June 2019 and Chinas global dystopian ideological imperialism.   Hong Kong began to protest  (up to 2 million people)  the new extradition laws which have been forced onto the region by mainland communist China. China is supposed to be one entity but two systems, yet it is obvious to anyone (in China and outside and in other continents) that China wants Hong Kong to come under Communist party rule. Whilst the extradition is also illegal the wider fear is that it is one stage towards leaving the two systems idea.  Hong Kong residents know that the Falun Gong were rounded up  (up to 1.5 million people the rest were interred), and their body parts were harvested and dystopia is a mild way of describing the Maoist regime’s activities. They were the unlucky ones, the lucky ones either die in gruelling prisons or are sent to ‘thought  transformation camps’  (youtube video ‘Inside China's 'thought transformation' camps - BBC News’) Those in ‘everyday’ society are very lucky not to be in any prison, but then the whole of China has become a prison. ( Reminders Youtube video ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’   &   ‘Paul Joseph Watson China's TERRIFYING Social Credit System Future of World Citizen Control’ )

More images of the Hong Kong protest. (and 1 more video) US citizens are openly questioning why Elaine Chao has so much involvement in the matters ? or why Diane Feinstein’s driver for 20 years is so knowledgeable on US affairs. This comes and following the shocking revelations  that China had access to the OPM (the USA office of personnel management from 2009 – 2016 and fwd) There have been many cyber-attacks (the incredible Office of personnel management and its cyber-attacks which stole 21 million records) but which seems to be everyday and accepted ? Details of all armed forces personnel worldwide, further many have not been mentioned to the public as the authorities did not know for months (or choose not to know)   Obama AND Joe Biden ordered the dept. of Homeland security to delete information on Islamic terrorism prior to February 2016 " The White House ordered Department of Homeland Security officials to destroy classified documents that provided evidence of links between suspected radical Muslims and Islamist terrorism organizations" But that is just the beginning as it is realised that Chinas technology was installed in US companies and agencies in the USA including in missile systems, food management systems (and China is now the Head of the UN food agency  See Chairman Mao’s agricultural efforts in the ‘cultural revolution’ YouTube video ‘ ‘Mao's Great Famine’ see the video ‘USSR, The Genocidal Communist Empire (FULL video) (letra)’  Doing  the same to any country including Greece.

One of the more revealing aspects of the Hong Kong protest came when ‘Twitter’ (which is after all just a jumped up telegram service) suspended the protestors accounts.  Taking the side of the Maoists / communists over the free world. See also video  ‘Tucker: Big tech has launched an attack on your rights’ Twitter and its leaders should be arrested for treason and interfering in foreign affairs. It is one more reason President Trump brought in the 1st amendment right to free speech on University campus (  see posts above) The truth is since 2008 and Obama and Clinton (communists with eastern loyalties)  China has courted Silicon valley in the USA This has led to a probe of the real spy gate (from the Russia distraction ) by Senators Rubio and Grassley.  As mentioned Trump has signed a law protecting free speech on all University Campus and institutions and for everyone. The social engineering UBI (Universal basic income) social credit idea (cashless society) is proposed by all the big data tech companies including China who look to take over the USA and silicon valley (ignoring the existing government, constitution and courts society in general and any democratic law, system or nuisance which gets in the way) China plans its own new Silicon valley but it wants run the ‘New World Order’

The aim of this is to install the Chinese surveillance system globally and then impose the ideology (Communism, Maoism,  UBI Universal basic income which failed in Finland but the experiment was not to do with helping  the unemployed , the social credit control from your  I Phones you bought and then indoctrination. The USA is considering not having Huawei as its Chinese high tech partner as it rolls out the 5G/6G towers (but it is already in Missiles and other vital defence equipment which can be remotely tracked or turned off as can food production and energy systems and it is also the system itself from any supplier not just the ideologically dangerous) In Britain the towers are being rolled out with facial recognition technology for a better tomorrow in Huxley’s brave new world or Orwell’s  1984. (see videos  ‘5G Wireless: A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity’  &  ‘Inside Huawei And 5G - BBC Click’   and a facebook video on a protest in the Australia which can concentrate on people first)

People are  starting to ruin or pull down 5G / 6G Towers, and are opposing their construction.    why ? consider that Communism has killed more than every other system combined. Whether it is modern AI driven 5G / 6G technology   or the famine under Chairman Mao by depopulation communes (slave camps) consider also China is now recently heading the UN world food distribution. This is the chosen method globally and it is coming to a neighborhood near you.

This is socialism / communism / Maoism / progressivism (the latter are largely communist in belief) and the plan is to bring this in for every country. (and to repeat and update) Thousands of satellites are being launched into space. Rising every year just what we know about and estimates suggest there are thousands more . China launched an advanced rocket / satellite in 2018  and just yesterday for GPS (they say) In January 2019 China launched a new satellite  to help with global communications . The problem is they are communicating genocide, open prisons and totalitarian social control. The UN migration compact which has a desire to bring 240 million people to emigrate is a part of this.


Lauren Southern Documentary (banned) 'Borderless' (The Greek & EU borders)

Immigration into Greece has mainly come through the Dodecanese (meaning 12 Islands but now 15 or more) Islands to the South East, the traditional staging point for invasions into Europe  (known as the refugee crisis, but a very lucrative trafficking trade  Obama created whilst simultaneously being  responsible for the Christian Genocide) Violence is a feature of the ‘migrant camps’  which are simply staging posts for an invading army. Local Greeks are sick of it and it is still continuing  with many protests not even recorded in the western news.   This was also the case in classical Greek history, when first the Peloponnesian War (Athens against Sparta with allegiances) was over. It weakened Greece, until eventually Xerxes following the death of his father Darius who had also long planned an invasion of Europe from Persia launched a force of up to 1, 700, 000 infantry and 500,000 on ships of various sizes but a huge fleet and a further million on land in support and also with allegiances. Over 3 million men. It sounds familiar. Once aspect of the preparation was to offer (except Athens and Sparta) a tribute to Persia by sending correspondence and emissaries asking for  ‘earth and water’ as a surrender sign from all the various Greek states.  Sparta threw the Persian emissaries down the well, and in Athens they threw them into pits. Also along with this the Persians bribed government and religious officials to prevent war (i.e. a defence against the Persian invasion) and sealing the borders, even before the Persian wars began to create disunity in preparation for invasion, which is also occurring today in the USA. It also occurred in Greece and is ongoing. History repeating itself. Pericles (the Lion) was famous for moving the Delian league to Athens from the Island of Delos, which caused consternation with the Greeks, despite the Delian league forming a joint venture of over 450 free confederations of autonomous cities of Greece and to protect Greeks from Persia. The Delian league in moving to Athens forsook the ancient Holy Island of Delos causing the consternation, and it was eventually broken up when Sparta captured Athens in 404 bc, yet the battle of Thermopylae led by Sparta had brought about  the salvation of all Greece some 75 years previous in 480bc. Alexander the Great, first went into the Balkans and on up to the Danube before turning on Asia and Persia in 334bc. He later became Pharaoh of Egypt (Cleopatra was of Greek descent) Alexander’s real aim was to control ‘Babylon’ Today the growing tensions with Iran are escalating

A recent banned documentary by Lauren Southern called  (youtube) ‘Borderless (2019) | Official Documentary’  ( or here as video MP4 file for the trailer or here again for the full MP4 file of the full documentary) shows that the ‘migration’ is in fact armed human traffickers in the global human trafficking trade, and they are not heading south, and no Islamic county is taking economic migrants? and who are also accepting massive charity donations from NGO’s (who provide a ‘respectable and outraged front’ for the smugglers) and various appeals ? Greeks have long suspected that the new formation of ‘North Macedonia’ (despite it joining Nato) is to provide a path for economic migrants, see video ‘Greece, Migrant protests on North Macedonia border turn violent | DW News’

The tragedy ongoing in Mexico (which was placed upon Mexican and then US people) due to the drug cartels is ongoing but unresolved, yet a joint force from the USA and Mexico may end the problem once and for all. See first the adjacent website and Chapter 5 and  section on North Korea near the beginning on Nafta and the new  Mexico / Canada deal and dated inserted 7.6.2019 in italics.  Since that date Mexican forces (the army) have agreed to station troops on the border  but reports say they always had a presence there anyway. The problems have not yet abated.

The ‘Borderless Documentary ’ is shocking for many and in Ireland (see at 1 hour 5 minutes and 23 seconds and fwd until 1 hour and 20 minutes in the documentary)  the scam is revealed as ‘big money’ behind the migration scam . Obama and Clinton and Joe Biden are responsible for these policies. Leo Vradaker met with Obama for St Patricks day  before he met with Trump, because Obama still thinks he is the President of the USA and is also behind the Russia hoax. One the communist is one of the biggest crooks ever to get into US politics. Yet Obama or Joe Biden (or Leo Vradaker) will not mention these facts in Boston or New York on St Patricks day (see also the leader of Fine Gael Leo Vradker believes an immigrant is a better class of person and is more likely to pay taxes ? and is simply a better person all round. The EU Social Contract)  This disguises the policy of the ‘social contract’ (and the ‘Africanisation of Europe’  but will be similar (including Africa) to every continent being flooded by trafficked ‘migrants’ for cheap labour) the EU has adopted this which is in line with the UN migration pact. In turn in Ireland this is disguised as the Ireland 2040 initiative / plan (see video ‘Ireland 2040 EXPOSED 1 Million More Migrants’  (or here ) It is a plan for cheap labour in which the Irish (or any nationality in the EU) will become second or third class citizens in their own country, and in effect will be forced west when 2 million migrants arrive and it continue until there are none left. The video ‘The Terrible Truth About Ireland 2040’ (by Stefan Molyneux  YouTube January 12th 2019) goes into greater detail and this plan is one part of the general plan in every EU country. Many towns in the mid and west of Ireland are still closed or half closed since the 2008 financial collapse)

Ireland first, as a concept for jobs and towns all over Ireland is long overdue.

Ireland abortion and health crimes and the depopulation agenda. Ireland in recent local elections also returned 88 candidates out of 225 nationally who were pro life (and these are reasons why)  The national scandal of cervical cancer smears whilst campaigning for ‘woman’ is ongoing. The misdiagnosis of an abortion to a young couple in Ireland is continuing  yet misdiagnosed or not Leo Vradaker and Simon Harris did not like pictures of down syndrome babies being aborted in any case. They should both resign. The efforts involved in the abortion industry scam are now facing court in the USA  It is simply a global enterprise to harvest our children fed to people as a health procedure, murder as contraception and it is the same in Greece. The Irish Supreme Court just weeks before the abortion referendum decided suddenly that the Unborn child had no rights ? This is UN depopulation policy. Anti – abortion rally There is a rally against abortion on the 6.7.2019 in Dublin Ireland

Why is the ESM treaty so bad ? it is currently in force and in use but the conditions attached to its use will change and become more onerous and demand more and more assets as part of the contract. The ESM or European Stability Mechanism  see video ‘The Shocking Truth of the Pending EU collapse’  Although this video is 5 years old (2013) the collapse it mentions, is also the collapse of the old nation state and (despite recent EU denials in time for EU elections ) combined with total immersion into massive immigration, (note although introduced in 2012 the ESM was not completely drafted until 18.12.2018, and its amended annexes only completed on 19.02.2019 a few weeks ago) It is totalitarian communism in its beginnings for all nation states in the EU. Consider also the following video by ‘Strategian’ in Dec 13th 2018  ‘Financial Collapse - Brexit And Ireland's Impending Mega Crisis!’

Turkey  threatens to invade Greece and Israel Erdogan, Turkeys dictator threatened to invade Cyprus and Greece in late 2018   (or here) and has threatened to throw Greeks into the sea  Turkey is helping the economic migrant invasion and should be kicked out  of the EU and Nato, and a huge wall should be built across the hot gate spots where the ‘economic migrants’ are forcing their way through. Turkey is currently threatening Israel and has always been as hostile to it as has Iran. (Erdogan has just lost a grip on his dictatorship in Constantinople  in the cities recent vote There have also been failed coup attempts in Turkey  The Pentagon has warned Turkey on buying Russian missile defences  (and planes. The last link featured General Shanahan who served under the brilliant General Mattis who should be brought back ) as it also buying US missile systems (and planes) and is urged to make up its mind and purchase from the USA.  Since Greece has been under attack from Turkey since especially 2008 in many forms, it could recover its economy and move into Ionia (Asia Minor) now called Turkey and return Istanbul to its rightful name of Constantinople. After 11 years of Hell in ‘Hellas’ now is the time to retake Greece and also its former  lands known as Ionia and Asia minor. (Inviting back as many ‘emigrated’ Greeks as they can or any other EU country who wants to help out) what has occurred in Greece was total takeover attempt from within the EU and they directed those efforts via Frau Merkel from without. Turkey has been unreliable and Greece could do better.

In the Ukraine Dymtro Tymchuk an MP was found shot dead at his home. He advocated the return of the Crimea to Ukraine. Many feared the new Ukrainian leader would be a weak leader. In South Africa the ANC in 2018 (African national congress who do not have any white or Asian members for equality ?) has voted to remove all lands from white farmers without compensation  The list of atrocities is here   ( and is detailed here also  and here again ) and examples of the violence and murder or which there are numerous murders are many.  The ANC but not all the ANC….. (who have become the new racist party ? and the epitome of everything they said they fought against?  And it is noticed by the black community that something other than Nelson Mandela’s spirit has arrived from China. Mandela was not a Saint and worked for the Communist party)… and government already own 25% of the land (and it is unused or corrupted and sold on and an area bigger than France) and the recent killings are just land grabs (china’s communist party wants lots of African land)  to fuel corruption and not for ‘the people’ China is also buying the medias  silence as it did in the Hong Kong demonstrations with ‘Twitter’ (see above)  In Nigeria 15 Christians have been killed by Islamic  militants in the last few weeks ( a comparative lull in the murder rate of late) why is this continuing without media interest  ?

The Koran is the Muslim religious book yet is it adhered too ? The Koran says for instance that Jesus is the Son of Gd and the Messiah (see Quran an 4, 171) The Koran says Jesus was born of a virgin (see Quran an  19, 20 -22) The Koran also says that Jesus can create life (see Quran an 3, 49) The Koran also says Jesus is the word of Gd (Quran an 4,171) and also the Spirit of Gd or a part of Gd (Quran an  4, 171) It says he was taken into heaven (Quran an 4, 158) and that he will return again ( Quran an 3, 45 & 43,61) The Koran and teachings also says that Gd can have a son (as nothing is impossible for Allah, in Surah Maryam – 4) The Koran also says Jesus was perfect and faultless and not just a prophet (quran an 19, 19) As posted above dated 15.05.2019 However a testimony (and there are lots of them) by an Iranian member of the Muslim brotherhood (see video ‘Former Muslim Terrorist Sees Jesus And Becomes A Christian (English with Arabic Subtitles)’ ) shows that he was converted directly from Gd from inside a prison. Knowing all of this why do these atrocities occurring everyday continue in the unnamed war.

Greece has natural gas production, oil production and also exports energy. The recent finds of gas ( or see here ) which have also helped Israel and which could aid Cypriot unification  and help provide stability (not to use Cyprus as launch pad for any invasions although it already has a large military presence)  Israel has also made new discoveries of Oil in Northern Israel .Israel is only its  UN size not its Greater Israel size. One person who could really assist with Greek energy revival is George Papadopoulos seen here in the Shades (On the right. From Thessaloniki he was once accused by people of neighbouring Thasos Island, of stealing a recipe and method for Kleftiko and Kolokythoanthoi, but it was not true, he was innocent) The Greek Island of Tilos is attempting to run on Solar Power and some Greek Islands are uninhabited and could be covered with them to boost the economy and prevent imports of energy, exporting energy around the Islands. Any innovation to expand Greek energy is going to bring their economy back to balance. More important is its Epsilon and Prinos Oil fields but also new inland oil fields which could be increased in exploration on every Island. Britain also has untapped Billions / Trillions in inland oil / gas. Greek national oil and gas for its benefit.

In the MEP EU elections the ‘New Democracy party ‘of Greece did very well in the MEP elections gaining 33% of the vote  with very clear and sound policies.

Greek political parties and  movements. There are also other parties which could also lead a Greek renewal such as The Golden Dawn, ‘Greek Solution’ (but Cyprus should be United and not under Turkey / Russia) Right independent Greeks, Nationalist left Greeks, United  Popular front, Greek men and Woman to repopulate Greece by natural conception. Combined Greek army, air land and sea party (Spartan woman were happy to be warriors, as were young children and they relished work, fun and military training happily as well the Sunshine and sea, to employ artistic license. Young children were taught from 5 or 6 years upwards & they taught their children well. Like Greece Sparta is a real place. You can visit Greece, and go to the South West of Athens and quite literally visit Sparta at Laconia Σπάρτη ) Other parties include National Unity, The New Right (Nea daxia) and ‘Radical National rally’, ‘Union of  the homeland and the people’, Popular Orthodox rally , The Greek Children’s National Popular Front, New reformist radical reconstruction, National Unity Association, Democratic revival, National hope, Greek Unity, & ‘I don’t pay movement’ & ‘ We like the beach and we like to feast on the beach party’ & Drachma Five Stars (Δραχμή Πέντε Αστέρων)’ and a whole big army of Greek people. Greeks elect 300 seats to Athens  (the Greek air force sometimes has the St George image on its aircraft)

Switzerland as a nation is set to renegotiate its deal with the EU (and it should keep its right to bear arms) and which should have more say (although it is independent non EU country) in all its national aspirations without interference. Greece could do the same as could any EU nation.

All of Greece’s (Hellas) troubles were planned against it since 2007 / 2008 (the solutions were faked) and all of the horrors could be rectified, better than before. (see also above EU elections 4 posts from 24.05.2019) An EU of independent states.





Boris Johnson becomes British PM (on 24.07.2019)

The Hong Kong protests continue, China & Candace Marie Claiborne. EU corruption, Global economy reset, British Parliament closes, Austria’s elections, Italy’s coup de taut, Jeffrey Epstein and Madeleine McCann (& Podesta)

Google, Alphabet and project Dragonfly, North Korea, the Water Fluoride debate, Islam and the curious matter of the Mihrab walls, The Irish anti - abortion protests and ‘Happy Super Fun America’


Following the Greek Election of 7.7.2019New Democracy’ won the election with 40% of the vote. The previous incumbent Syriza were swept aside as New Democracy gained 158 seats (out of 300 obtaining the 50 bonus seats) Many of the far right parties (see last post above) also voted for the centre right New Democracy and they were encouraged to do so as New Democracy promised massive immigration reform and reduce the ‘migration’ fraud (trafficking, bribery and United Nations protocols )  in favour of Greek’s or simply put Greek people who live in Greece and their families. A description of every nation’s responsibilities. New Democracy have also promised to drastically reduce taxation, create (or move towards 100% employment) new business and jobs and reduce the overbearing and unnatural debt levels which includes the national debt, the derivatives bubble (last article; Warren Buffet as the world Derivative debt bubble hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) and future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivates debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years)  and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion)

It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble  (IMF estimation and which is owed by everyone on the planet) which is the real cause of the instability in the global markets and world economies ( especially at fiscal / tax levels) not the USA trade war with China.

Germany is preparing for a deep recession into now the second quarter and the recent G7 meeting urged Angela Merkel to spend Germany out of recession However Germany has vey low debt (Russia is only 13% of GDP very low and sustainable)  yet that is also high for Germany, but not as high as 80% or 110% or  more as the world has become accustomed in nearly every economy) Germany’s National debt is still at 60% of GDP. Angela Merkel is still touting immigration (above all else) but her issue, is not the only reason why the AFD is surging in the polls in regional elections. Germany as a country on its own could survive any downturn in the economy (but Italy could not as it is 132% of GDP and the left have made this crisis, see below for the Northern league and possible new elections in Italy) Germany is more realistic and it has been criticised for not going deeper into debt but that will not solve the large overriding issue facing the world.

IMF immune from prosecution but not from people power. There is a world debt monitor Incredibly (along with the lack of applied surveillance of debt to repeat see also ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income ) of Global debt. The IMF debt database which watches as the debt rises. The IMF head Christine Lagarde was convicted in 2016 of criminal charges relating to government payouts in 2008,(a multimillion dollar Euro fraud ) but will not face any charges ? The previous IMF head Dominic Strauss Khan was arrested for a sex scandal but also did not face a trail or criminal charges ? Christine Lagarde is now leaving the IMF to become the next head of the European Central Bank ?  What do they do ? They certainly do not monitor debt ? but do warn countries of high debt continually year after year ? If the debt was cancelled and they were (all) removed from their careers and the institutions closed, the EU, and the world (and their institutions) would be better off by nearly 1 Trillion per cent in the short and medium terms. It also sends a signal that the courts of law are a facade, and those who have been convicted of financial crimes ( such as stealing a loaf of bread or poverty crimes) are not immune from this corrupt Justice system, but all others are.

Romania has a good idea, they had elections but them simply dragged the ex – president Adrian Nastase  out of his office and threw him in jail. This was the first time in Romania since Nicolae Ceausescu a Romanian communist was dragged out of office  in 1989 and shot by firing squad by the Romanian army for his crimes just after being paraded round in a tank.

It is estimated that the new aims in Greece mentioned above have a patience period of about 12 months, in which to see real progress or a new election could return to Greece in 2020. (Trump has made significant gains in creating employment and this policy not only stabilises financial markets but causes them to rebound and soar. As Syriza betrayed the Greek 2015 referendum result by not preventing the bank bailouts as nearly 70 % of the population voted for and which is still live, Syriza also mismanaged the economy and did not put ‘Greece first’) Without success in those aims in Greece then the new Greek election could see an amalgamation of the far right parties sweeping into power. The leader of New Democracy Kyriakos Mitsotakis is closer to Brussels than Alex Tsipras of Syriza, but since all of the EU countries want at least reform or to leave the EU, (Italy wants pre- Maastricht rules now) new policies and changes and reform to the EU is inevitable. Greece having seen the full panorama of political parties since 2007 may want a complete change. The Golden Dawn party and its vote reduced as they voted for New Democracy as many on the left also voted New Democracy. On the other hand the vote for Greek Solution party increased and who are a pro – Russian party (following the Ethno state idea. Many on the right are opposed to Russia or many who are neutral to Russia also ascribe to the idea of ‘Greece first’.

Protests inside Russia are increasing  and outwardly Russia, as it moves in to control Sudan is increasingly active in the Middle East. Sudan has recently signed a peace deal  and whether this will usher in a new protection era for Sudanese Christians remains to be seen. Greece has also turned away an Iranian oil tanker over concerns of sanctions, as Australia join Britain and the USA and France in protecting the straits of Hormuz between the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Persia.  Russia and the USA have also said it will back Israel’s right to strike Iran in Iraq. Yet Russia continues to back Syria in the growing tensions of the war, as Russia moves into Sudan (and for example Romanians do not want to return to any form of corruption.)

The war between Turkey and Iran is also a feature of President Putin’s plan as he tries to broker peace between the two countries. Russia’s activities (including Britain’s joint efforts in the arctic in joint exercises with Norway against the China / Russia coalition  ) have drawn the USA and Britain to deploy Nuclear B2 stealth bombers which are ready in Britain now. (China also has B2 stealth Nuclear bombers) China drags its feet against sanctions against Iran, as Iran announces it will prepare centrifuges for Nuclear enrichment  in 2018, and in 2019 new missiles cause alarm in Washington. Files obtained from Iran prove it had nuclear weapons, and a previously unknown nuclear site has been revealed on 9.9.2019

Israel and the Oded Yinon plan. Counteracting the Yinon plan and which existed before the Yinon plan is the Muslim Caliphate plan (known as Isil or the Islamic State in the Levant) and which has continued since 700 AD. Since the 1950’s China has also set its sights on the Middle East and as you will see later on in this post, it regards Islam as a tool to imprison domestically (the Uyghur’s) or use as its front line in wars it regards as sensitive. China opposes any spiritual belief domestically and also internationally, but domestically sets the stage for its international intentions. Its recent history is told here. Its current military presence is ‘soft’ in the middle east yet it has laid out its intentions to have a global army base network (including to ring-fence India and conquer it, see later on) and to subdue Africa, paying for the deaths of white farmers and Nigerian Christians. (see last post above) It will then push northwards in Africa into the middle - east. Whilst Islam tolerates China, Islam’s plan is not the same as China’s. On the 5.9.2019 Turkey once again threatened the West that it would open up the gates to mass immigration once more (although many in Europe knew recent assurances Turkey had closed its gates, this was not the case and those reports were false) In effect Turkeys Erdogan is saying he will flood Europe again. He did also call for a ‘safe zone’ to be set up in Syria, yet when asked in 2017 and 2018 about the Armenian genocide of 1.5 million Armenians Turkey committed in 1915 – 1925 he refused to acknowledge it and said deporting Armenians was reasonable

In effect Turkey wants to override Greece and the EU and uses it as a dumping ground in a war that is not declared. Turkeys economy is suffering at the present time. To date the Muslim countries are not accepting refugees and the west is forced to accept millions of people some of whom are traffickers themselves who accompany their products. It has emerged that the chain of trafficking extends from the capture of slaves, and then into the extortion of them to pay for a passage west. That chain continues onto the boats (supplied and paid for by George Soros see later on) and land passages and even into the EU technocrats who push for more immigration as directed by the UN migration compact. Yet China and Saudi Arabia nor Iran nor any of the vast Islamic countries are accepting people as they push for ISIL (Islamic state of the Levant)  

The west has called for multiple safe zones in the middle east, and the Oded Yinon plan implemented geographically also (with the Ya’alon strategy) would allow the creation of these safe zones (example) to exist as in effect new countries with all the benefits of Israeli technology and planning and agriculture, but would be temporary if desired or chosen, but within Greater Israel which is specific in size. (Genesis 15) The US embassy is now in Jerusalem with many others joining and Israel has left UNESCOand has heavily criticised the UN. If this was adopted peacefully it may save millions of lives in the Middle East, the wider Islamic nations and also in mainland China. The Greater Israel map is still only a tiny proportion in size of the land mass of all Islamic countries, and China or even Africa, it is only a question if nations will accept it or not, and long term its borders do not cross into Iran. Iran however threatens to destroy Israel. The truth is told by the Sheik of Jordan (Sheikh Ahmad Adwan)  The Greater Israel project could become one big safe zone. This idea could extend to Yemen (in the Saudi – Yemen war ) where Pakistan are immersed in the Saud army (and UAE) in the ongoing conflict. Russia has also sent arms to Saud and UAE. The USA is to send more troops to Saud.

To date there are no discussions about partitioning (only Jerusalem) or quartering Mecca (‘Becca’ see below ) or Tehran or even Beijing all of whom have a practice of apartheid or totalitarian oppression.

Greece and its great ship building industry (the largest ship building in the world) has suffered tremendously (2011 - 2015) and it offered under Syriza to help Russian ship building  Now it could recapture its former glory in the west Greece of course once built a thousand ships and set sail for Troy. ( see last post above dated 27.06.2019 )

Only a party which is nationalist without worry for other nations will eventually solve its economic problems. In the USA ‘unfunded commitments’ (mentioned above and planned 50 years ahead) include Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid  but with no plan to pay for them without borrowing ? The open ended cost at interest and borrowed never ends and is not presented with plans to pay for them as you go. Further ‘health’ is not addressed by these measures or the institutions they fund and they amount to an extension of accident and emergency wards ( A and E) instead of addressing real health issues before they begin such as diet, nutrition, clean water and clean foods and clean soils. All of these unfunded commitment deficits are ignored except by Populists who have a more realistic idea of economies. (Populism is nationalism) Worldwide people are noticing their economy not just at national job levels but also fiscally, especially during the US August 2019 stock meltdown when the inversion curve ‘inverted’ in the first week of August 2019. When interest rates rose in 2018 and early 2019 a sell off occurred as investors switched to higher interest rate bonds. The recent ‘curve inversion’ is caused by concerns that short term government bond profits are a risk on returns due to interest rate cuts, yet only a short time before the US federal reserve bank cut its interest rate (31.07.2019) reducing short term bond returns. Usually long term bond returns are considered riskier (due to unknown future changes) but now short term bond rates are lower, hence the sell off from previous higher interest bonds. These sell offs are always termed a panic and are presented as such in the media. The vast majority of the world’s population are not panicking as they do not trade on the stock market and never will. Ironically poverty and low employment in turn destabilises he stock markets.

When the federal reserve raised interest (see post above dated 23.10.2018 and subheading ‘Trumps trade and tariffs architects Peter Navarro and Robert Lighthizer’ ) rates another sell off occurred when people changed products to take advantage of higher interest rates to buy short term bonds (and so on ) Yet when people borrow or when the economy is in need of currency the response is to raise interest rates to check borrowing or new money being created in an attempt to prevent inflation of the economy but which occurs anyway as each new note is printed at interest (see also last post above dated 27.06.2019 and subheading ‘The Greek Referendum Result of 2015 (Banking and Finance) This flaw in economics has partial alternatives also mentioned in the last post above and which ironically in an economic collapse is the method people will return too, to provide an inflation cure, lower prices, export the excess and 100% employment with slightly above inflation wages (so that wages just pip inflation countered by decreasing and increasing the money supply and not raising and lowering interest rates, It is the same in any currency area)  A nations wages and the resultant spend is the main currency activity by far for the working and middle class. Today people have noticed their town centres ‘closing down’ due to retail outlets moving to warehousing and/or retail outlets selling their products online instead of the high street. To counter this, town centres are pedestrianised and former retail areas move, and a change of use is employed enabling buildings to become domestic living areas (flats, townhouses and homes) Eventually new niche shops open up with cafes and restaurants with local sourced produce. Speculation or buying or leasing town centre units is currently an investment area with landlords only buying for tax reasons and high rent yields. As profits fall they are sold and the homes market steps in. This is localism which produces communities and towns which can turn to manufacturing and local needs but which should be supported by all governments. ‘Localism’ also encourages new vitality into micro – finance, credit unions, building societies and banks. In Britain prior to 1975 everyone born before that era can remember the spectacular presence of gardens which grew vegetables everywhere. Allotments (strips of land on which to grow food without Chairman Mao ) were everywhere, and small industry was present everywhere. Then in 1975 when Britain joined the EU, all of that slowly disappeared? not just in Britain but throughout Europe. Centrally planned this loss of local activity was to the determent of all Europeans, until we see today the current state of the situation planned out and carried out from within amidst high unemployment and high GDP debt levels. It makes no sense and yet it  is ‘surveiled’ and planned ?

A total Global reset of the economy? Aside from world debt of $244 Trillion, and Quadrillions of derivatives bubble of over $500 Trillion and growing (both), the traded bonds with negative yield curves has reached $17 Trillion (Europe is in crisis under the surface )Trump has sought to amend trade deals (NAFTA now USMCA) and wider with the EU who also have suffered by Chinas trade practices (including not just currency manipulation but also intellectual property theft, the transfer of technology, stealing of patents in the  US patents office with China being the recipient, and also the massive subsidies China gives to its companies especially in technology) China’s imperialist expansion aims which lie at the heart of the trouble in Hong Kong and Africa and Iran and wider. Lowering interest rates also boosts stock performances and prices and encourages stock options, but when China responded to the trade war (and it is a war of ideology and economics and reciprocal sanctions ) it lost so far nearly 20% of its economy. Previous to this (previous to 2016) it was allowed to steal and overcome the west with no real resistance. For the working and middle class in the west labour training could boost job growth further and insulate from possible reciprocal sanctions, but also expand infrastructure renewal and modernise the west’s and the US infrastructure. 100%employment with low interest rates cushions against a downturn in economics and companies cannot work within the possibility of a world trade slump. On the other hand outsourcing companies out of the US and allowing others to dictate the terms of the national economic environment is also not good for national employment and business growth. (as occurred in the USA since 1996) All of this local activity is good for national economies anywhere, but amidst the crypto currency (one world currency) debate, in turn amidst the return to the Gold standard debate (the US has hinted it may soon return to it) amidst the possibility of China (totalitarian and authoritarian with AI and its own special logarithms for total people control) running ‘the’ or a one world currency and dictating the ideology behind it (in other countries also, via the new 5G / 6G towers a point which no one would have thought possible even 20 years ago ) is why nationalist policies are becoming a lot more attractive as an understatement of the century.


The Fluoride in Water debate.

Click here for link back to the end of Chapter 3a as the top of Chapter 4

Click here to the new website The Sovereignty of Nations

Click here to the link dated "2019 - 2021, The USA Healthcare system (following on from 2018 above & the US midterm elections) & added 8.1.2021


Trump has put forward plans to clean up water whether it is fresh water or sea (the signed ‘save our seas act’ 2018 & 2019 ) Another area to consider is the ongoing Fluoridation of water debate (Fluoride banned in the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany who all have great teeth and look healthy enough )

There are many different types of Fluoride but the fluoride in water and toothpaste is a Neurotoxic waste product  The 'neurotoxic' waste product known as Fluoride is explained as follows;. Neurotoxic relates to the nervous system which is controlled by the brain. The chemicals are  toxic to the brains development and can therefore as the study by JAMA paediatrics suggests. (JAMA paediatrics "Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada"  ) These fluoride toxins are broken down into 3 types 1. Hydrofluorosilicic acid which is banned in Europe. It is harmful to the skin and contains warnings to avoid on eyes, skin, mouth and clothing. Its vapour is harmful see the following  2. Sodium Fluorosilicate (see the following for its Toxic status when packaged. The 'CN' stamp designation means it arrives from China) 3. Sodium Fluoride which is dangerous lethal in high doses of 5 to 10 grammas see the following. It is used extensively in toothpaste. Sodium Fluoride also contains higher levels (parts per billion) for Aluminium, Arsenic, Strontium, Lead, Uranium, and Tungsten. A Harvard University peer reviewed study of 2012 also confirmed JAMA paediatrics study, concluding Fluoride is harmful to the development of children's IQ, but also by inference it is harmful to the body and nervous system and the development of the brain (see 'Developmental Fluoride Neurotoxicity: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis' 2012. Fluoride is added to 70 % of the US drinking water) These chemicals are more likely to lead to tooth cavities and even cause Cancer. Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (no 1 in the above) can corrode concrete ‘ which means it is damaging to your Kidneys. Kidneys filter toxins and minerals from the blood. Uranium depleted (but how long does its depletion take ?) will whiten your teeth but also kill you and it is added to Fluoride from countries like China as a waste by-product of the nuclear industry. Known as 'Uranium Hexafluoride' (UF6) or simply Hex, its chemical composition and dangers are briefly highlighted in the post by the US national library of medicine  During reprocessing 'Hex' is mixed with Chlorine trifluoride (CIF) and Hex is used in the main nuclear enrichment process and begins as 'yellowcake' and this is dissolved in nitric acid before the process ends with the product known as (UF6) 'Uranium Hexafluoride'. The phosphate industry which produces many useful products and which has many by-products which it has to remove and some are removed by selling them, has to 'lime' its water lakes used to clean and service its chemical plants. Lime itself is poisonous.(also known as quicklime ) and was used to prevent disease in burials and still is today. Lime kills everything. The phosphate industry produces these chemicals which do not as mentioned have to be added to the water supply or domestic dental hygiene products. Fluoride occurs naturally in water, yet these sources of water are usually deep wells and contain fluoride naturally in miniscule amounts and when they do Arsenic is also found in small quantities with the fluoride according to Fluoride Action Network

Heavy metals and minerals are also found in most waters which are basins in naturally occurring areas of rock strata and earth deposits globally. When fluoride occurs naturally it is usually in small quantities and it is not necessary to add fluoride to water to complete its sanitation or quality. If water is very poisonous or stagnant Fluoride will kill those germs but only then to poison the public with Fluoride. Students at Harvard University or at Oregon University have ‘invented’ bacteria which can eat plastics in the ocean. In the USA and on several coasts but mainly on the east and south coast ‘flesh eating bacteria’ has plagued the seas (not freshwater as yet) and caused many deaths. Where they invented ? Does Fluoride kill them ?  will the plastic eating microbes eat the flesh eaters.?  Is the water the public consumes even water anymore or has all the goodness adn healthy minerals such as is found in limestone springs been stripped away ? Fluoride is used extensively in Britain ,Scotland and Wales.

Fluoride was also used as rat poison before it was a 'toothpaste'  aside from its use in pesticides globally 

In Ireland long time campaigner ( 'The Girl against Fluoride' ) Aisling Fitzgibbon here with Professor Paul Connett speaks on the problems of Fluoride in Ireland's water in 2017. She also advises on how to remove harmful chemicals from your nervous system and body generally (see Video youtube  What your water is doing to you and your family? W/ Aisling FitzGibbon & Professor Paul Connett'   A connected website is Fluoride  ) This is nothing to do with climate change or the global warming con or global cooling con or the carbon credits scam, it is just mis-mangemement of industry which the dental industry is complicit in by stating your teeth will be protected. The UN have spoken out against water fluoridation but only because they value nature higher than people and humanity but they do want de-population in Billions  The world is under – populated. Land is under used and vertical growing even within cities is a solution. Yet with shiny uranium polished teeth, whose teeth would not look healthy with fluoridated water. It is also ironic that pro-abortion governments (and the UN) state they are helping woman but pour fluoridated water down them? A good documentary on the matter is (youtube ‘The Great Culling: Our Water’ or see here on Brighteon also

Water filters will not remove 'Fluoride' unless they are very expensive and designed especially for distilling and purifying

Fluoride (Sodium)  is very good at not just cleaning teeth but also water pipes as a poisonous chemical cleaning agent. You have cleaning fluids at home also but you do not drink them as they are poisonous. MP4 Video The following MP 4 video, Sodium Fluoride and Chemicals in Water shows the whistleblowing from a water technician / engineer whose job it is to check water for chlorine, sodium fluoride, chloroform, arsenic and lead and Aluminium, Strontium, Uranium, and Tungsten Hydrofluorosilicic Acid as the other chemicals which are put in in water and which are ot good for teeth (except to make them shiny) but actually corrode teeth providing more work for dentists. It is in 3 main time sequences they are 1 ) at 15 mins 30 until 23 minutes 50 seconds  2) It begins again at 26 minutes, 32 seconds until 28 minutes and 30 seconds and then again at 3) 31 minutes 20 seconds until 34 minutes, 20 seconds   (see also 5 minutes to 7 minutes 45 seconds) Why are all homes not constructed with a rainwater harvesting system (filtered through natural limestones) within them ? 



European Elections contd...

In Italy five star (MS5) and the PD democratic party (pd) have formed a coalition after the President, Giuseppe Conte resigned last week. The PD AND MS5 parties are trying to stem the popular Mateo Salvini and the rise of the Northern league in Italy and to avoid facing the electorate. The democratic party (pd) were caught in a financial corruption scandal in 2017 and have suffered in the polls since, The traditional parties in Italy are waning away and the problems it has, are not being tackled by the new caretaker coalition who are desperate to hold onto to power  Mateo Salvini was projected to easily win the Presidency, and with issues with the economy and mass immigration still unresolved the Italian public have called for a new election in Italy but which has been ignored by the incumbent political parties. Mateo Salvini achieved over 34 % of the vote leaving the other parties behind in the EU elections, and Italy’s crisis of 132% debt to GDP (in its national debt as a severe economic indicator) is not going to be solved by the left or centre left ever. A reset in the world’s economy is needed. (not a recession but a boom resultant from a reset, one in which the stock market will also thrive) The maths of the make up of the Italian government are the same and the Northern league are just as likely to form a coalition with FI (Forza Italia). Politics has failed in Italy and Italians know it and which is the first step to fixing it. The entwining of government taxation with national debt making and low employment with high immigration is a catastrophe which has to end. A caretaker government is weak and pointless.(which it currently has)  This is because people want 100% employment and prosperity not the con of the carbon credits, climate change global warming / cooling hoax. see the adjacent website ( end of chapter 3) and/or click on this link next   ‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’  It is not just the former leader of Greenpeace Patrick Moore who states man made climate change is a hoax but also 30,000 scientists

In the EU (and Italy) trafficking and corruption are still overwhelming authorities. When the trafficking ban was in full force (in Jan 2019) ‘migration’ slowed into the EU. This trafficking / migration has been a concern for decades Even as 70 traffickers are arrested in August 2019 in the EU (and see last post above dated 27.06.2019 and Lauren Southern’s ‘Borderless’ documentary) and for example 103 were arrested in 2013 in the EU and in 2016 Europol coordinated a mass arrest of traffickers in the EU (and yet it continues) it is an epidemic. There are so many arrests but estimates suggest only 20 % of trafficking is discovered. The final approval is overseen by EU technocrats who have used a smaller fact that Matteo Salvini (last link who was recently replaced by  a ‘migration specialist’ similar to communist migration specialist  Federica Mogherini ) the leader of Italy, banned a boat from landing. The ‘boats’ were / are paid for by George Soros for many years and ‘the plan’ is not to help migrants as there is no counteracting plan to empower Africans to have viable self sustaining prosperous states whereby ,migration’ is not a trafficking scam ? The Italian caretaker government (the constitutional and unelected) should resign as everyone in the EU knows the complicity in human trafficking is the outward sign of real corruption.

The ‘left’ (the now unelected )and resorting to fascism seem worried about elections and not just in Italy.

In Poland they have come to a novel solution (better than the communist Trojan horse of social credit and universal basic income with financial penalties or communism as it should be called or even Orwell’s 1984 or  Huxley’s Brave New World) in allowing the youth to avoid paying taxes if they are under 26 years of age. (but could be extended to everyone) The question is why ? Why would any country do such a thing. Firstly (see last 10 – 20 posts above) in a good functioning economy taxation is not necessary at all for all. (Economists will argue about this but after 15 or 10 years of no taxation if any group wants to pool its resources to build roads it can do so, it does not require a government bill to require you to do so) Yet the reason Poland does not want to tax its young is they are leaving Poland in droves and this is designed into the economy artificially removing a nations wealth, Irelands economy requires 50 % of its revenues for instance (tax intake revenue) to pay its national debt. National debt is the accumulation of years of these borrowings and is calculated as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) - all the goods and services produced within the State in a given year.

Hungary proposes a new (in post modernism Cultural Marxist terms) fun method of population stabilisation (once again)

The EU dictates that governments must narrow budget deficits to within 3 per cent of GDP and reduce debt to 60 per cent of GDP, (or they could eliminate it but this is never envisaged) or face fines (though none have ever been applied despite consistent breaches as yet in this pre-natal ESM / European Stability Mechanism stage) Since the Stability and Growth Pact came about in 1998 to strengthen the monitoring of budgets, 25 of the EU’s 28 members have overstepped the deficit limit.(continually)  The Stability and growth pact underpins the ESM (European stability mechanism) which in turn demands your nations gold and silver if you do not pay it (see many posts above) Note however that reducing the deficit below 60% consistently say to zero is not envisaged as then it could not exploit a nations fiscal policy and extract payments.Along with the UN migration compact, Central banking Optimal currency theory, the terms of demand from the ESM (European Stability Mechanism) and corruption to allow trafficking and slavery disguised as ‘migration’. These Policies harm Europeans yet decade after decade they are built into the fabric of the ‘EU’ from the outside and the inside. Alternatively Poland could take control of its fiscal policy, cancel its debts, and build in low taxation, secure borders and provide 100% employment which means stepping back from a federal Europe. Politicians who do not advocate these ideas are not worth voting for. The current debt bubble is collapsing even national fiscal policy (although it is worse in the EU as you cannot control it nationally) reducing a nations vitality to zero. The solution is to get rid of the problem and if Poland’s idea was applied to every nation and every person in that nation, then those nations could come out from under the facade with its onerous burden and begin a new economy including trade and become vibrant and strong (instead of corrupted, weak and directionless, which is the actual state of the West)

Austria and its new elections (New Zealand, Jeffery Epstein, Madeleine McCann, Podesta and the Clintons et al. Trumps border wall and the US supreme court decision)

Following the bizarre events of April – June 2019 in Austria, Sebastian Kurz decided to have a national election on September 29th 2019 before his term was up as leader (see post above dated 29.05.2019) although his party went on to win 34.5% of the separate EU elections vote (to recap; It has emerged however that the Freedom party FPO was targeted by Iranian born lawyer Ramin Mirfakhrai. Mr Strache and Austria opposed the ‘migration replacement UN compact’ as many EU countries and other nations also do. The video was in turn to get at Sebastian Kurz, targeted by Iranians and as mentioned the Iranian born lawyer Ramin Mirfakhrai   (and not the Russians directly) for Kurz actions in closing Mosques and deporting known terrorists  Russia is also at war with Islam in Chechnya and other regions. Yet now the allegation is the FPO had links to the Christchurch Mosque shooter in New Zealand who donated to the FPO although not directly and donations are of course accepted from anyone. Yet the Christchurch shooter is also alleged to have fought with ISIS in Syria, and reputedly shouted out ‘for Rotherham’ as he opened fire. This was a reference to the Muslim trafficking gangs which plagued (and still are according to reports) 11 cities in Britain for over a decade. What connection the shooter Australian Brenton Tarrant has to Britain is not clear. ( a new non Muslim trafficking gang was caught in 2018 and prosecuted in 2019, yet reporting on it is fine ? unlike the reporting of Tommy Robinson who was convicted of Journalism and who should be released) There is so much spinning around the Mosque shooter at Christchurch it is a mystery in itself. Poland has also had interference in its peaceful society.

Hillary Clinton Further to it John Podesta and brother Tony Podesta who are really in the Russia conspiracy) the former campaign manager of Hillary Clinton (and former chief of staff for Bill Clinton) was in New Zealand up until one day before the Christchurch shooting and who praised New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Adhern  whose Government has been highly criticised by EPCAT child alert director Eleanor Parkes for its lack of work in actually stopping trafficking and sexual exploitation. Bill Clinton visited little (Jeffery Epstein) St James (St Thomas ) trafficking Island  Epstein gave $3.5 million to the Clinton foundation and Epstein even claimed he co – founded the Clinton foundation (see further the 5th estate film and related articles which is really the story behind ‘migration’ Julian Assange did no harm but good here and also helped to expose child sex groups)

Both Bill Barr the US Attorney General state; video “AG Barr raises questions about Jeffrey Epstein's death” and Trey Gowdy gives his response ‘Trey Gowdy: I am 'heartbroken' for Epstein's victims’    and which was revealed in the Wiki leaks emails. Madeleine McCann Further Podesta was also in Portugal ? and in the very building where Madeleine McCann was murdered, on the day she was murdered. Podesta was / is also friends with Dennis Hastert a convicted paedophile. Convicted paedophile (after death) was Clement Freud / Dennis Hastert (grandson of Sigmund Freud) who loaned out his villa to the Podesta brothers ¾ mile from where Madeleine McCann was murdered. Even more disturbing is Madeline’s McCanns blood was found in the hire car of her parents Gerry and Kate McCann ? and Kate McCann published a book giving lurid and disgusting ideas of her daughter’s death.

Clement Freud (seen here in a television advert) was a paedophile who was the grandson of Sigmund Freud the eminent psychologist who died due to excess cocaine addictions would have known Jimmy Saville also a television personality and the head of children’s entertainment at the BBC. Jmmy Savile (the prolific paedophile and necrophiliac, including necrophilia against dead children) was the subject of Louise Theroux’s investigative journalism skills. he has produced countless documentaries on unusual subjects including the 'Weird Weekends' franchise. Theroux's investigation into Jimmy Saville in the year 2000, concluding nothing was amiss, 'weird' yes but not a monster etc 'I was gullible' Thearoux claimed when the full revelations on Saville appeared in 2015/2016, (documentary;  'When Louis Met Jimmy (2000) Full Documentary' but the reality is, his producer was pressured not to tell the full truth, and over 100 employees in the BBC said they lived in a atmosphere of fear, knowing Saville and others were predators.( Savilles funeral 2011. who also met Peter Sutcliffe for afternoon tea before his death) Released again in 2016. It gives the impression that Saville was the only one when in fact there are many. Saville and countless others are at the centre of children's entertainment (Saville for over 30 years) and are/were deliberately placed there for those characteristic attributes as a way to get to children. Planned, supervised and embedded and kept as the alternate surreal world, as a macabre joke viewed daily on television. Today Theroux would have easier access into North Korea than this nest of vampires (ironically filmed not far from the BBC in London) which is a Weird Weekend in itself. The programmes of gender neutrality (the cult which screams stop perpetuating gender norms) and homosexual 'education' are exactly the same scenario dreamt up by the undead in the pedophile exchange, (PIE)  the BBC aired the documentary despite being called to ban it. Harriet Harman deputy leader of the Labour party (who wants to become the speaker of the House of Commons following John Bercows resignation on 9.9.2019) regrets her connections to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)  Teresa may began the IISCA child abuse inquiries in 2014 (see chapter 6 below) but which has proven unsound and unsatisfactory to victims.

Clement Freud was Sigmund Freud’s grandson, and Sigmund Freud was the Uncle of Edward Bernays a pioneer in the field of ‘public relations’ and propaganda (such as the hybrid of this type of open societal warfare is practised against Britain and other countries by ‘Common Purpose’ who practice ‘behavioural modification’ (media, political parties, education of all ages) which is a part of perception management (or Psyop operations ) Edward Bernays books includes ‘ The Engineering of Consent’ & ‘Crystallising public opinion’ (such as we have seen in the remain lobby in the Brexit debate)

The Podesta –Madeleine McCann (who is the silent victim in much of this as are many hundreds of thousands if not millions in similar situations worldwide) - Epstein - Clinton trafficking circle in the worldwide trafficking scam disguised as immigration, should have a special counsel appointed to investigate the tip of the Iceberg (video;  ‘8 Questions About Jeffrey Epstein's Suicide’ as 64 arrested in sex trafficking sting in Texas FBI state sex with children fastest growing business in USA   ( or here video ‘Exploring the life and death of Jeffrey Epstein’) The FBI suspected Jeffery Epstein lured the rich and famous to his Island to bribe and control those caught in the Epstein web. Documents relating to the case were unsealed on August the 9th 2019

Paedophilia is being normalised even on mainstream media (Ted talks; Mirjam Heine presented her talk “Paedophilia is a natural sexual orientation” at the University of Würtzberg in Germany, and said that paedophilia is like any other sexual orientation) She should just resign and move to the Antarctic. These people are mad.

Dozens of Epstein’s accusers appeared in court on the 27.08.2019 to testify or hear arguments on the abuse over many decades. (you tube ‘2 women talk about alleged abuse after Jeffrey Epstein charged with sex trafficking L Nightline’ ) for more information see the end of Chapter 4 on the adjacent website (and the beginning) yet following this the case against Epstein was dismissed following his death (although that can be appealed and investigated) earlier Robert Sweet one of the Federal Judges overseeing the release of the sealed court records was found dead but who will be replaced. Next Jeffery Epstein’s fixer jean Luc Brunel has vanished. On the 7.9.2019 MIT media head Joichi Ito resigned for donating to Jeffery Epstein but MIT itself also solicited for Epstein.

Ex - veterans assist with child trafficking prevention. In what is a growing problem Police forces in many countries are overstretched or burdened beyond resources to cope with the amount or trafficking and illegal immigration trafficking, and abuse to children and woman in their countries. For example an ex Navy Seal is recruiting veterans to expose and capture child traffickers and paedophiles. The United nations itself was found guilty as an organisation of sex trafficking (see 2 lasts posts above) has recently had one of its NGO founders (Street Kids) Peter John Daglish arrested for Paedophilia, it is one of the largest children’s charities in the world. (there are so many arrest of paedophiles today it is hard to keep up) Is there a connection to the UN and Daglish and Epstein ? does it all work in this way. Other organisations such as and H.E.RO. rescue corps who also employ wounded veterans to do the digital forensics work to assist the Police as well as the FBI to lighten the burden but also engage in full investigations necessary for prosecutions. It also gives employment to people with disabilities. The question is why ? everyone loves children and we were all children once. Ordinary citizens are fed up of lenient sentences and many going free. (Yet some countries resist this initiative ? very strenuously) In 2017 the ‘Lady’s in pink hats’ protest could assist in funding these organisations in liaison with the FBI and Police. The names of sexual predators connected to Epstein are to be released in congress 

Australia has also introduced laws to ensure paedophiles are kept in Prison as many do not even serve their sentence inside.

What was Podesta doing in New Zealand ? was he helping New Zealand Primeminster Jacinda Adhern rob New Zealanders of the gun rights ? as the Clintons try to do in the USA ? what is particularly strange is Jacinda Adhern received the Christchurch’s shooters ‘manifesto’ (as others did) 9 minutes before he opened fire.  4 months after the Sri Lanka bombings in Easter 2019 which over 250 people died and since over 1050 churches have been damaged or destroyed in Europe ? why is this biased one sided attack continuing. (see post above dated 23.04.2019 St Georges Day) since the Christchurch shootings on March 2019 there have been 500 Christians killed and 1000 injured in Africa and Sri Lanka alone. Globally Islam’s persecution of Christians is at Genocide levels The Austrian right are accused of Glorifying the battle of Vienna in 1683 ? (and so what ? )The Pope then granted The King of Poland, John III Sobieski the title of defender of the faith. The battle was commemorated by Pope John Paul 2nd when he was the Pope. Prince Charles has condemned the Christian genocide.

A special senate investigation concluded China has not been spying on the USA or hacking the Clinton emails ? yet FBI former director Comey said it would impossible to conclude one way or the other ?  Former FBI Director James Comey conceded that "given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence” China also smuggles drugs and fentanyl and people over the US border at Mexico and Canada (smuggled over Canadian border and by post for Fentanyl and the matter is at the heart of the NAFTA  deal now called United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. NAFTA is a United Nations attempt to consume the USA into Mexico and Canada and the US constitution is opposing that aim see the adjacent website and Chapter 5 on North Korea and Chairman Mao) Christopher Wray the new FBI director has noted China is a threat to economic and intelligence systems within the USA and which also involved the Clinton emails. China has recently been caught hacking the US pharmaceutical industry and had formerly hacked the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the scale of the hack is devastating.

Christopher Whiton describes China and Huawei’s attempts at exporting its new AI (artificial intelligence) social control system (see also last post(s)  above) as simply Chinese intelligence controlling the US internet (including military systems) a ‘built in espionage system’ he concludes. (Artificial intelligence was sold to China by Alphabet / Googles / Dragonfly founder Eric Schmidt  who is pushing the social credit control system on the west by stealth with Huawei or other systems and obviously admires the controlled North Korean system as a model for humanity. Google is to face anti-trust investigations soon and in 50 states across the USA)This is also central to the Hong Kong protests and Mike Pompeo comments on the protests (‘one country as two systems’ as signed up by China and the UK in 1997. The UK have rights to enforce that system) The question is did China use the intelligence services to spy on Donald Trump under Obama’s orders but not for the USA. It is now revealed that Obama granted secret channels to Iran to access the US financial system. China is also assisting Iran in its nuclear ambitions

Now in 2019 given the Chinese totalitarian social credit system of oppression would any member of the intelligence services have supported the democrats in their ambitions? (see below on Hong Kong and North Korea)

Candace Marie Claiborne a former official of Hillary Clinton (and Bill) pleaded guilty to espionage and facilitating Chinese espionage on April 24th 2019, did Hillary and or Bill know ? of course they did as they all including Obama worked for Chinese communism helping China add its fifth continent to its flag of five stars i.e. The USA as the fifth star. Then Senator Chuck Grassley’s letter of 14.08.2019 shows clearly that  Clintons emails were copied (cc’d) to Chinese intelligence throughout her tenure at the time Obama also had a pseudonym email which was used to carry information which was ‘top secret’. At this time the Oleg Smolenkov affair was not investigated. China, to use Christopher Whiton’s scenario above was building an inbuilt espionage system (along with Huawei 5G) in the USA. Trump has requested all China’s US companies be removed from China (and vice versa by implication), and many ask why does the US not have thousands of US companies and hundreds of thousands of personnel in the Chinese mainland as encouraged start ups ? There are also concerns that the US student Visa encourages  industrial and military espionage against U.S. As China increasingly becomes more aggressive against Hong Kong and its intent on exporting the mind control social credit zombie system to the West, are these moves an outward sign of Global domination aspirations? Hence this makes the OBOR one belt one road enterprise an attempt at a new Chinese communist global dawn (and what is the west doing about it ?) as it is revealed that Huawei staff have close links to the Chinese military.


World Central banks to merge slowly.

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has placed a bid for the LSE (London Stock Exchange)   Mergers of central banks (which are proposed everywhere if you research) have to come under the BIS or Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland. Will China's influence dictate the eventual ideology.

A recent article now suggests China’s Yuan will not be the new Global reserve currency. Currently the reserve currency is the US dollar, but only because it is the most widely used and accepted (backed by Oil which in turn follows Gold prices trend usually up or down, yet Gold has dramatically increased in price this year, which means something unusual is occurring as the world is awash with oil keeping prices low) Looking back the BBC offered an explanation as to why China has 2 currencies 1. Yuan 2. Renminbi The explanation does not explain (if they are the same and it is accepted they have the same source from the Central bank ) that both are traded on the stock exchange internationally. Yet any country could have two currencies. In Britain the ‘MO’ at 0% designation (see last post above dated 26.07.2019) can be internally applied for lower inflation and prices and Sterling for import / export. Yet this is not allowed as policy although many highly trained economist in reality do not understand it. It is not in any of their job descriptions or training. The Gold Yuan and the silver Renmibi, and in fact internally the currency can be exchanged for Gold as the US dollar used to accept over the counter. However this policy will be removed by China as cash disappears. The Chinese currencies currently act like silver and gold in fact. Today fiat currency (paper money) has lost  its value in the debt / derivatives bubble. Chinese stock market crashes on the Yuan also heavily affected Global markets in early August  The renminbi was (see BBC article ) China’s first communist currency in effect. The Renminbi (began 1949) as the peoples currency from the peoples central bank ( which began in 1948 ) and with help from soviet Russia it began to develop along the lines of Lenin’s bank. In retrospect the death of 80 million people by starvation and mass killings in China and also untold deaths in the Soviet Union meant these ideas were not economic in outlook but totalitarian as history shows. (and see post above dated 24.05.2019) 

The Crypto currency decentralised liquidity (to repeat and to understand the implications) network is also known as the ‘bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network’which is growing globally (or see here if last link not working) every day, and the bancor is in effect a crypto currency token now. It operates through the BIS (Bank of International Settlements which is the Central banks, ‘Central bank’ for stability and which of course is required to oversee all the world’s central banks) Yet as we have already read China wants to control the New World order. This if it controlled the BIS, would usher in Communism which Russia and China have in effect rejected as a financial model as they are now capitalist countries, but with a communist vanguard, but the west could then become communist with a proposal for a 'basic income' for all people which is communism by another name, (as Obama is touting) and which as an idea is not attractive. Now, access to the new SDR ( SDR = special drawing rights, “bancor SDR” currency drawing rights which is in effect a crypto currency if all currency is online only without circulating cash as is also known as the MO designation at 0%  interest) This Chinese New World Order version occurs whilst maintaining its silk road OBOR 'one belt one road' global scheme, claiming it is peaceful and a separate peaceful trade block, yet then it also wants to join the global SDR currency, ? Russia has also called for a new world order led by Russia and China which has support also of China's President and the new currency deal with Russia (Russia and China together possibly ) was signed in 2014.  In other words both China and Russia with Iran are vying to begin the new world order controlled by them. The Iran deal via Obama was a part of this hegemony. The Crypto currency decentralised network is also known as the ‘bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network’which is growing globally every day and the bancor is in effect a crypto currency token now.

 As the SDR decentralised liquidity network grows globally (and as the 5G / 6G network grows even into the USA, 7 cities in the USA so far and growing in Britain with or without Huawei controlled by communist China) it is currently a prelude to a new Global currency i.e. a step before it, the framework of the system. It may be called Renmibi or Bitcoin or Libra or Ethereum or Monero or anything. Keep this in mind when examining the global economic news as this is what is not reported, even in G7 or G8, G20 etc. The 5 main currencies in the SDR / bancor are 1. China (Renminbi and Yuan) 2.US Dollar, 3. Euro, 4. Japan and the 5. British pound sterling. With the British pound why would it need to join the Euro to then join the SDR ? which of course means it can skip the Euro and go straight to SDR (Bank of International Settlements ‘Special Drawing Rights’ ) or XDR (IMF Special drawing rights) which is a central part of the Brexit debate. In a drastic financial crash the China version could be ushered in.

 Obama is a communist as are the Clintons (whose company in Singapore helped her funnel Clinton foundation money to and from China) and this was their mission, but  not  to free the world as the protests in Hong Kong and China reveals. Obama resting from his tiring genocidal rampage (see also post above dated 23.04.2019 which highlights the international governmental condemnation of theChristian Genocide and which is ongoing. The Christian genocide involved millions of people killed and displaced and targeted) against millions of Christians in the Middle east  and the USA, which was also overseen by James Clapper, John Brennan, Clinton, Joe Biden and Loretta Lynch and Huma Abeddin et al. (as China and Islam working together from inside the USA ) Obama now ‘the man of the people’ (whatever his colour, an issue he hid behind to deflect attention away from his crimes) is buying a mansion for $14.5 million in Martha’s vinyard  (and to repeat whilst millions died, Obama oversaw the ‘transgender toilet  debate’ ) Obama’s pivot to Asia, pivoted back onto the USA and embedded a Chinese espionage system within it. It began in earnest in 1996 under Bill Clinton  but how ? did all ( The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats) of this occur since Richard Nixon's 'policy of engagement' with China in the 1960's to Obama's Global policy of engagement in 2009, which did not just effect the USA but also Britain and the EU, with its restrictive manufacturing philosophy for the west supported by the UN’s climate hoax. It began is by stealth and goes back to Chairman Mao and the Vietnam war. The latest 5G arm’s race America (in the entwining of debt across continents ) is paying for China and their armaments build up in effect, as China buys US debt and this occurred even during the Vietnam War and was sustained throughout that war ? yet domestic manufacturing long term and jobs in the USA are (were) reducing in that plan ? Now however under Trump and Pence companies are returning to the USA.

Silicon valley is also Chinas’ main target in which to control and manipulate world currencies. Many in the world want a ‘reset’ not a recession of the world’s economy, except the democrats in the USA who would rather see a devastating crash for political purposes. The current financial system however cannot sustain itself and a collapse of the world economy to benefit Chinas communist global aims into its social credit system is why nationalist economies will survive and thrive.

 The supposed and touted  ‘decentralised’ utopia of crypto currencies will still be controlled in the same way the Chinese communist party control theirs (only they have the logarithm). They have tried to control the BIS (bank of international settlements as the central banks ‘central bank’) and the World bank .Just as Google’s Eric Schmidt gave China artificial intelligence (in the ‘dragonfly controversy’ but which is a new name now) on his journey to North Korea, the west’s crypto currency cashless society will be exactly like China’s in (a very short time) time by stealth. The extent of the espionage system China facilitated awaiting the new 5g / 6g system is shown in the anti-trust investigations against Google in 50 US states.

 North Korea and Hong Kong September 2019

 North Korea. Following the events of April 2018 until October 2018 in which North and South Korea met at  the DMZ and North Korea began moving landmines in the DMZ, the events of last  year were a beginning. In early 2019 North Korea and the USA cancelled a summit, however in late June 2019 President Trump met Kim Jong Un at the DMZ and President Trump  stepped into North Korea as the first US President to do so. (or see here )

Then (however) on the 16.08.2019 Kim Jong UN rejected a peace deal with South Korea and has continued testing missiles, which has prompted Japan to consider military exercise’s against North Korea and in the middle east, and even Nuclear deterrents against North Korea. Worryingly despite the  return of US army soldiers remains from 1953 and removal of land mines in the DMZ, Christians and others imprisoned in North Korea have not been released ? (see also video ‘Stories of Christian Persecution | North Korea (4 Minute Version)’ )   (full version is here)

The immediate release of the 80,000 Christians kept in gulags and prisons and tortured is an immediate demand. (there are an estimated 2 million people imprisoned in North Korea under Kim Jong Un's regime) See video from Open Doors    "'North Korea propaganda video details Christian martyr’s ‘mission from the enemy’ to build underground church'" 


Yet in 2016 Kim Jong UN said  ”Kim Jong Un in January 2016 is asking for a peace deal with the USA and the people of North Korea await their fate. He visions a united Korea re-unified and free , he says  We want to replace the armistice agreement created at the end of the Korean war with a peace pact. Without any foreign interference – especially from the US – we want to create a sovereign state of Korea. This is our dream"  (see also the adjacent website and chapter 5 and North Korea / Chairman Mao and post near the end dated 23.12.2017) No one can say the USA has not done everything in its power for North Korea.

This was Kim Jong Un’s stated dream, (a unified Korea) What has happened to that dream ?

Over many years and to date the doves on North Korea have tried to facilitate Kim Jong Un. Yet there others who have another approach and are eager to stand down the doves and settle the matter once and for all. (as they no longer take Kim Jong Un seriously or the North Korean talks)  The alternative is on the adjacent website and the end of Chapter 5 on North Korea / Chairman Moa. We live in a age where the nuclear deterrent is not as bad as living under the social credit communist system of China or North Korea, but Will South Korean men ever discover if all NK Communist woman are Lesbians ?, it is up to them to rise up and unite)

Video youtube; ‘Secret US Plan To Crush North Korea’

North Korea has 30 nuclear weapons, (that we are aware of including other secret weapons) but how many does it need ? Kim Jong Un could strike Japan, London, Brussels, Israel, Washington, Beijing, New York, Australia. 8 nuclear weapons would do for him, but is this the real reason (i.e. Kim Jong Un’s personal plan) ?

One area which has had success in the China / North Korea debate is the terrible issue of Fetanyl and its smuggling form China via the Mexican border and by post. Fentanyl is more addictive than Heroin China has said it would close the loopholes which are purposely enlarging the US opioid crisis.

Whilst North Korea is facing the most severe sanctions in its history, China has continued to thwart North Korean sanctions but remains more cautious over its Iran ambitions. Therefore the new Kim Jong Un talks announced on 10.09.2019 are really China holding onto its nuclear assets in North Korea.

Many suspect North Korea smuggles the Heroin globally through its restaurant chain. However one area which could receive the strictest sanctions is North Korea’s huge Heroin industry operating from its secretive ‘Room 39’ operations (which also funnels cash to and from China) which stores the huge supply of Heroin it also produces. Many suspect it smuggles the Heroin globally through its restaurant chain. If these were closed down globally (and including in China)  and the internal Heroin inside North Korea stopped, then these sanctions would also help reduce Fentanyl and the drug / health problems in the USA.

Placing nuclear and ballistic weapons in Taiwan for the protection of its people   Which many feel should be extended to Hong Kong to protect its people (after the events the world has witnessed) and possibly even Macau as it experiences undemocratic moves against  its freedoms. 

As China has absolutely no intention of removing North Koreas Nuclear weapons (to 8 or Zero in stages in that order in a month or 2 ) then it cannot protest at Nuclear and ballistic missiles being placed in Taiwan or Hong Kong (or even Macau)

In Hong Kong protestors (who are not in a ‘colour revolution’ but fighting  for freedom and their lives, the last colour revolution ‘purple’ was the ‘Russia investigation’ in the USA and against the USA ) who have witnessed millions of the Fulan Gong disappear and supply the market with fresh body organs, who have been told of Chairman Mao and the millions that died or have understood the ethnic cleansing of Buddhists in Tibet with millions relocating to India under the Dalai Lama and who witness the persecution of Christians and the Uighur Muslims (millions of Uighers have disappeared also yet Islam is defending China’s incarceration and deaths of Muslims in China ? as it struggles with the concept that liberal views and communism = fascism. There is a difference between ‘liberal democracies’ and liberty and liberal socialist societies, but radical Islam which is not a race but is a faith does not mix with communism. Yet Communism and radical Islam pretend to unite as the ‘international left’ (Turkey has condemned China for its persecutions of the Uighur Muslims)  All are guilty in China including ‘Jaywalkers’ or any spiritual group in Communist / Socialist Atheist totalitarian China Hong Kong protestors are protesting  to now also leave mainland China.

The 1997 agreement between Britain and China did allow for ‘one country two systems’ but China wants one county and one system, (and are eroding the 2nd Hong Kong system) and in fact as mentioned its flag has Five stars (one for each continent) and the last star is for the USA (also Obama and Clintons aim for the USA) Britain as part of the agreement could enforce the ‘one country 2 systems model’. China wants one system globally and to remind you again this is what is looks like;

1.  ‘Cleaning Up China, With Social Credit Points System’  2.  ‘Inside China's High-Tech Dystopia’     3.  ‘Chinese Social Credit System is Chilling’   4.  ‘Everyone In China Is Getting A 'Social Credit Score'  with Stephen Colbert  5. ‘China: facial recognition and state control | The Economist’   6. ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’   7. ‘China 2019 - Next 10 Years: What To Expect In China's Artificial Intelligence Future’   8. ‘Life Inside China's Total Surveillance State’   9. ‘Artificial Intelligence: it will kill us | Jay Tuck | TEDxHamburgSalon’    10.  Chinas TERRIFYING Social Credit System

And all planned for the (dystopian) ‘Global Village’ of 7 Billion people.

Any leader or government in any nation in the world who proposes this system upon its people should be removed from office.

The protests in Hong Kong are not just about China but also the freedom of the world. Protestors in Hong Kong are removing the 5G and 6g towers  (or here ‘Anti-surveillance protesters tear down 'smart' lamp-post in Hong Kong’  ) Whether it is mainland China or Hong Kong the government has not received a mandate to surveil its population pretending it is for security when in fact it is simply the bloodthirsty system of Chairman Mao with a logarithm (the logarithm only the government knows unless it  is hacked by blackhat hackers who like to hack)

The communist party (fascists) are unelected and are acting as terrorists against the whole of China. Globally anyone can tear down a surveillance 5G / 6G post or network. Already people in Britain are questioning the use in public or in private spaces and the Huawei is deemed to be a threat to security  Connected (and they are using nude scans) Body scanners in Europe have been banned over health and safety scares and risk. Police in Hong Kong drew guns on protestors for the first time this month. In the West the battle for Internet encryption codes (also with the Clintons et al) is now not just a question of fake news but one of the planets security and freedom. Mainland China has said it may curb the use of ‘facial recognition’ in schools (in case the ‘terrorists’ ask a question are instantly deducted a social credit or taken away to re-eduction camps)  Already the government is using its powers against the protestors not  for them. It is estimated that 128,000 people attended the protests on 18.08.2019 and this has been repeated since.  What is required is one country and one system without the unelected totalitarian communist vanguard and there are reports of mainland China rising against this oppressive system.

So far in Hong Kong 900 people have been arrested, and clearly Carrie Lam works for China as she calls the human rights issues raised by the west ‘interference’ from foreign countries.

China relents and removes 1 of the protesters 5 demands. On the 4.8.2019 Chinese chief executive of Hong Kong Carrie Lam formally withdrew the extradition bill with Mainland China. However most protestors feel it is too little too late and still do not trust mainland China. Firstly Lam needed President XI’s permission to withdraw the extradition bill ? It is only one of five demands the protestors want. There are also other demands. They also want (1. withdraw the extradition bill) 2. for leader Carrie Lam to step down, 3. an inquiry into police brutality, 4. for those who have been arrested to be released, 5. and greater democratic freedoms. These demands and especially the ‘democratic freedoms’ ( direct elections) also extends to mainland China as currently an elected Vanguard in mainland China under President XI are dictating to Carrie Lam what should and should not occur in Hong Kong, and they are also imprisoning people in the largest open prison in the world under its social credit system.

Many say the ‘extradition bill’ is only delayed and will return as mainland China moves away from one country two systems to one country, one communist system for all including Hong Kong.  On the weekend of the 7.9.2019 protestors continued to insist on their other 4 demands (fearing that also extradition will return) as Joshua Wong was once again arrested and then released (on his way now to Germany) yet China has been behind the suppression of Hong Kong.

China is also experiencing a huge revival but are sorely persecuted (2016 – 2017) but today in 2019 Chinas Christians are leaving if they can under the social credit slavery system  which prevents people from even travelling.

For further information see  1. ‘Steve Bannon: New Film On Huawei—“Claws of the Red Dragon”, Hong Kong Protest & US China Trade War’   

2.  ‘Steve Bannon's Warning On China Trade War (w/ Kyle Bass) | Real Vision Classics’

In the USA the 2nd amendment is the only checking authority required to own a gun, and the investigation into the ‘fast and furious’ scandal in which Obama and Eric Holder ran guns to drug lords in Mexico and the MS13 gangs in ‘sanctuary cities’ within the USA to allow them to complete drug smuggling and trafficking into the USA continues. Judge Napolitano states liberty and gun rights for USA citizens (full Citizens who are  only allowed to vote i.e. legal immigrants and existing citizens)  ‘red flag’ laws is unconstitutional (the 2nd amendment also a deterrent to the United Nations ‘Nafta’ plan ) The US Supreme Court has ruled funding from the military for the Border Wall can go ahead. The Wall is yet to be built, but the US army and Mexican army have poised a joint response question to aid Mexicans and US civilians caught in the trap (see the adjacent website chapter 5 on North Korea) In Columbia a faction of the Marxist rebels has issued a call to arms but this is not protested against by the left ?. In Cuba its revolution was achieved by rifles, guns and artillery yet that is cited as righteous (see the adjacent website and the Cuban / USA revolutions here The Cuban Communist Revolution 1953 - 1958/ 1959 and the American (USA) Revolution circa 1760 – 1783 (Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gun rights and ‘Death of a Nation’)’ or for that post  use this link here ) It is not the guns, as the facts show, and these facts shared with Chairman Mao and Stalin are; the guns are useful but  then after the ‘revolution’ we remove them from ‘the people’ making it easier to control them when they are ‘disarmed’ When a armed militia should (the people) be making the sure the Government obeys them and in the USA, the US constitution allows for this.

Islam and the curious matter of the Mihrab walls in Mosques (for the Qiblah) all facing the wrong direction for over 1300 years ?

What is a Mihrab wall ? (in Mosques) A recent documentary entitled “The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong? | TRACKS”  (or see here on youtube or the trailer for the film ) patiently explains a problem. All Mosques (the Mihrab wall) point towards Mecca for prayer, yet the earliest Mosques (roughly before the year 700 ad) point in their Mihrab walls to Petra in modern day Jordan.

Mecca (wherever it was and it unresolved) was originally named Becca or Bacca (see Muslim scripture HQ 3; 96 and the Psalms of the bible. Psalm 84, 5 – 6 & both the Muslim scripture (HQ 3:96) and in the Bible (Psalm 84:5-6) HQ 3:96 says, “The first house (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka; full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings.” The Kaaba cube in Mecca (and which is not the only one as another exist in Yemen) today is reputed to have been built by Abraham and Ishmael (not Isaac) in the dessert of Paran (which sounds like Faran near present day Mecca), but this translation is not exact and the bible place’s it (i.e. the illusive Mecca location) near the Sinai desert near southern Israel  (see the bible & Genesis 14, 5 locating Kadesh as nearby, Numbers 10, 11 – 13 & Deuteronomy 1, 1- 2 which locates Paran in modern day Jordan and see I Samuel 1,25 & Habakkuk 3, 3 which also locates Mount Paran in the edomite territory of southern Israel which is close to  Petra)  Hagar wandered in the desert / wilderness of Beersheba (Genesis 21; 14 – 21) which is near Petra

The caves at Petra are carved into solid rock from the outside – in, and many features inside are carved away from the removed rock leaving them present as 3d features inside the cave. (they are not installed later) The rooms are level and square indicating science and geometry (also a feature of the Kaaba cube which is based on geometry of 9) They are a wonder and the following video ( ‘THIS is What’s Inside The LOST CITY of Petra - Lost Ancient Civilizations’ ) gives you an idea of the complexity of the site. Moses went to Canaan (Israel) not Mecca, Solomon built the Temple in Jerusalem and Mohammed prayed originally to Jerusalem. Ancient writings do not mention Mecca (the Kings of Babylon and the Sabeans of Yemen and  Mohammed was from Petra or nearby) The Koran itself does not state Abraham built (with Ishmael) the Kaaba but the Koran does mention Baaka but which is not located in the southern Sinai (in present day Mecca)  

In India (the Hindu / Vedic culture) the caves at Ajanta and Elora are carved in the same manner Cave 19 is orientated towards the winter solstice sunrise and cave 26 is orientated towards the summer solstice sunrise and the sun illuminates the stupas or statues of Buddha at these times, including one Buddha which seems to operating some kind of machinery and the caves are thought to be a astronomical observatory. When the sun entered, it allowed those within to ascend to Heaven, similar to the story of Muhammad ascending to heaven from Mount Moriah (Temple Mount in Jerusalem) The different line from the Tibetan tradition follows Avaloitervera (The Indian Lord of the Lotus) of the Tulkus who can re-incarnate and also choose their time and place of birth. The Dalai Lama is one of them. In this path you aspire to become a 'Bodhisattya' or 'Being of great compassion'. This title assumes the bearer of the title 'Holder of the white Lotus' which would (since the 14th century) precede the coming of the 'Buddha Maitreya', the great spiritual leader who would rule heaven and earth. Siddhārtha Gautama was considered as such and his image is in the Ajanata caves. Buddha Maitreya was also sacred to China and the early Ming dynasty was born out of this 'mandate from heaven' The Han dynasty also followed the Maitreya. (The ‘Madhi’) Islam awaits the coming Madhi.   Islam however rejects Hindu belief and thought, although the Kaaba cube is a Hindu Temple and has a ‘Shiva Linga’ upon it  (the ‘black stone’) which Islamic pilgrims kiss as they pass by it.

Petra later (after Moses and Abraham) became a Hindu Temple area and was enlarged. Abraham and Sarah are A, ‘brahim’ and Saraswati.  But of course the origins of civilisation (see the Sumerian King lists also) extend back to Egypt and Sumeria and Nimrod and to Eden. The Epic of Gilgamesh are not as old as the writings of the Book of Jasher and (of course the book of Genesis) Enoch and Jubilees pre-date the sources of the Epic of Gilgamesh and which mention Creation and Genesis (video; ‘the Epic Myth-Story of the Sumerian gods w/ Dr. Stephen Pidgeon’)

A testimony by a former Muslim gives an insight ‘Muslim converts to Christianity after realising the Bible is true // The Profile’    whilst thousands of Muslims convert and are baptised and thousands of testimonies continue.

The Indian Buddha Maitreya existed as an idea before the Islamic Madhi (some suggest that is where the idea of the Madhi originates) and the question is where will the Madhi appear ? in Petra or Mecca / Becca ? or will it be in India as the Maitreya ? Petra as a site existed for thousands of years but it is suggested that the Hindu aspect of its carvings were enlarged around 500 bc extending to 200 ad. In Israel the Assyrian captivity of the Ten Northern ten tribes began in 722 bc, and the later Babylonian captivity of 597bc culminated in the destruction of Solomon’s Temple in 587bc (under the weeping prophet Jeremiah) and until Zedikiah who was captured. Yet his daughter escaped. Following this tumultuous time in Israel until the restoration under the Herods and the first  coming of Jesus Christ or Yeshua 2000 years ago, the area of Petra was open to new travellers. The Petra carvings begin at this period around 500 bc although the area was habited for many centuries before.  

Petras sacred geometry is explained here (but the whole complex precedes the Nabateans) but which became a Hindu Temple to Shiva also  or see here on the Hindu Kaaba petra connection or see here again or see here also One more interesting video on ancient Petra and the Kaaba which may have burnt down in 683 ad and modern day ‘Mecca’ and its latitude on the earth  

For more information see Scott OnStott ‘Secrets in plain sight’  and secrets in plain sight 2 which is available to rent here

And to understand how many dates in history have been misdated and therefore obscured This video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television  and see also the Archaeology of Israel on facebook ‘Archaeological discoveries in Israel and Greater Israel’

India and Kashmir Today in India the special status of Kashmir has been revoked (shared with Pakistan) which when viewed in the aerial map it is plain that Northern India (including Kashmir or see here for clearer view and in geographic format ) has been annexed from Northern Kashmir and East into the regions China claims (which also belong to India) and East to Jalabad and Kabul and South to Khost, Bannu and Bhakker etc. All of this land belongs to India. Tibet, Nepal and Bhutan are also independent Countries on their own separately from China. India has also revoked its ‘no first use’ policy in Nuclear Strikes against Pakistan. Pakistan is suppressing the pro – independence movement in Kashmir a policy which extends back generations.

The Irish Abortion protests of 6th July 2019 & the Belfast anti – abortion Rally on the 7.9.2019

Dublin On the 6th of July 2019 Thousands marched in protest against the abortion industry which has now moved to perfrom nearly 1000 abortions a month in Ireland a fact which was denied would occur by the pro – choice lobby. It is also revealed that Google and facebook intervened on behalf of the pro choice debate during the referendum. Many people at the rally who voted ‘together for yes’ ( for abortion) had now changed their minds and would have  voted No, if the full facts on abortion were known. Speeches from the rally (last video Niamh Ui Bhrian)  and here also Emma OConnell   and here Trevor Hayes   and also included Tim jackson and also Mothers who attended the rally  Bernadette Smith (video  “The North is NOT next, the North Protects" WATCH Bernadette Smyth at the All Ireland Rally for Life”  )  The Polish Prime minster has called for total abortion banning

The House of Commons decision to enact the ‘Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill’ to bring forward abortion and gay marriage unless the power sharing executive is once again up and running by 21.10.2019 has been called unconstitutional by the DUP (Democratic Unionist Party)  However due to the required NI assembly vote (if it resumes) it could be pushed back to January 2020 or further. This was a bill put forward by Teresa May (who voted to remain in the EU) before she quit.  Since then Ruth Davidson who voted Remain in the EU and who is gay has also now quit as leader of the Scottish Conservatives and also after announcing she was impregnated by IVF treatments, she will now spend time looking after her son. As parliament will now be suspended (prorogued) and the time frame for power sharing in the Stormont assembly is the 21.10.2019, the Northern Ireland  (Executive formation ) bill allows for a delay on its enactment.

"The other question about 21 October is what happens regarding the government's obligation to call a Stormont assembly election if devolution isn't restored by 21 October” The law gives the Northern Ireland secretary the power to order an extension and push back that requirement to 13 January 2020"  Jayne McCormack reports for the BBC 28.08.2019 and can follow as a vote after Brexit.

A new Northern Ireland Secretary has been appointed by the new Prime Minister Boris Johnson (who voted to leave the EU) ) The New northern Ireland secretary Julian smith is also gay and he took office after Karen Bradley was sacked by Boris Johnson. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar who is also Gay stated concerning the Northern Ireland executive formation bill that he opposes direct rule in Ulster and is therefore for the bill, whilst Sinn Fein may not support the formation of the power sharing executive in order to legalise gay marriage and abortions in Ulster, although they did support the British government’s decision to bring forward the bill, despite opposing legislative powers for Ulster from London as a traditional standpoint and policy. Considering the 'international left' (pro – choice voices ) in Britain supported British abortionists coming to Ireland with their expertise to perform abortions in the Republic, the matter has become a constitutional absurdity. The (PA) ‘Palestinian authority’ has adopted an anti - LGBT policy in its political direction. Former Sinn Fein member Peadar Toibin explains his position on abortion. Peadar Toibin formed a new party in 2018 / 2019 called ‘Aontu’  (others have also formed recently ‘Identity Ireland’  & The Irish Freedom Party (IFP)

Prostitutes and abortion ? To understand how abortion and identity politics are mixed up, planned parenthood (using taxpayers money) recommends that genitals when you are born does not define your sexual gender. Further the EU wide prostitution rings (also linked to trafficking) where woman are forced to have sex with men (and by imprisonment and drug dependence) by prostitution need abortion laws for quick abortions (by the prostituted rape) in order to keep on the job and not affect profits. Every modern capital has them and also sweatshops and cheap labour prisons hidden out of sight . (see post above dated 18.06.2018 on the Irish Abortion debate and referendums)  Since the abortion referendum in Ireland in 2018 not one Brothel has closed and no one is crying that these woman are raped ??

A straight pride event in Boston has drawn criticism from pro gay groups, yet the organisers ‘Super happy fun America’ are determined that straight people globally and not just in Boston can strut their stuff without fear of discrimination or prejudice. ‘Hetro’ phobia against the 98% of the planet (approximately 6.99 billion people) who are Heterosexual is rife and the tension and hurt needs to be danced away for hetros to enjoy their sexuality with pride Yet this view and the straight pride parade have been cited as Homophobic by Homosexual protestors who came to disrupt the parade ? yet  one of the organisers was Milo Yiannopolos is gay (although some organizers are ex army and straight) If the straight pride people turned up as anti LGBT protestors at an LGBT rally they would be ‘homophobic’ but parading as ‘it is great to be straight’ is also homophobic and is this fair ? The LGBT community are in effect stating that simply being Hetrosexual (from conception) is to be Homophobic. ‘Transphobia’ however is also unfair ? see video ‘Trans Athletes Win 1st & 2nd in Girls Track Champs’  (or here on facebook)

‘AOC’ raised funds for Antifa to cause trouble and then prepared their legal fees, at the straight pride event. This begs the question did she know trouble would erupt ? if so how ? Like the Charlottesville marches What is going on ? well it is a set up ( article 'was the Charlottesville riot a set up')  Further Charlottesville police  admit they were told to stand down. Soros funds Antifa through the 'Tides foundation' & the 'Global Justice Alliance' who also front for Russia and China.

‘Super fun happy America’ is not ‘Super happy fun’ for heterosexuals who have been abused, maligned, insulted and discriminated against this week in Boston and wider across the USA (by insensitive bully bigots said many straights on the straight pride parade and many felt they had been slapped around the face with a wet fish) Some protestors chanting ‘stop straight fascism’ were asked if that aim applied also to their parents ? with one reply being in effect from a gay protestor, who was prepared not to have been born for the cause ? Many others said ‘screamers’ were chanting ‘Boston hates you’ and ‘stop it’ & ‘your too butch’ etc. The orgainsers were called ‘fascists’ (here they are again ?)  In other words you can casually say your heterosexual, but you cannot get on a parade float and state you are Heterosexual and proud ? yet any person on the super happy fun America parade floats, who possibly walked the same route hand in hand with their spouse (as man and woman) the next day, would anyone have taken any notice of them ? Equality is non – existent and a one way street, and it is hysteria simply brought forward as invented ‘outrage’ and a hysteria to perpetuate even if it does not exist. 

Reaction to the bill Northern Ireland (executive formation) bill is as follows; 1. Thousands sign letter asking the NI executive formation bill be reversed 2. A new rally is planned for Belfast on the 7.9.2019 3. The Northern Ireland bill is unconstitutional yet more than that it is using the unborn to force a situation and it says accept or the unborn will be killed ? 4. Feminists against abortion recognise that unborn girls (woman) have rights also.

Mike Pence the US vice President’s visit to Ireland on the 2/3/9/2019 also explained to Simon Coveney (minister for foreign affairs ) that the USA is Irelands largest export market.

The Pope has also stated that there are only 2 Genders (male and female by natural conception which is the natural option and available choice. Parents who are natural parents make up 99.9% of the worlds parents yet they are being told they are ‘unnatural’? even when they give birth to boys and girls who later identify as gay. ‘The breeders’ ?  ) and children should be left alone to enjoy their childhood. Science has ruled that there is no ‘gay gene’ according to Science magazine here cited by the BBC and children need to be aware of this, not the other. See also the activist Mommy in the USA The Activist Mommy - Elizabeth Johnston  and Video ‘Mama Bear Fighting Leftist LGBT Sex Ed Agenda At School Board’  In Britain with no choice at all 5 year olds are to be taught trans-genderism and gay sex, which is to banned in Brazil for schoolchildren. In Texas ‘drag queen’ story hour  ‘for children’ is to be banned in libraries. Female (born that way and who always will be) Pupils in Britain who flouted law preventing them wearing skirts at School protest the absurd gender neutrality laws.(what about the Kilt ? )  Queen Elizabeth also does not advocate gay marriage because of her Christian faith In this instance Teresa May on the NI (executive formation)  bill has chosen to discriminate against Christians (Catholic and Protestant) who are just as viable as any other faith or belief and also object to this infiltration. Fathers also have rights. Not allowing a child to have a father and a mother is also discrimination.

‘Transhumanism’ It is not the LGBT who are bringing these absurdities (and hysteria) but the ‘Transhumanist’ cult and its ‘religion’ who have taken them over and are using them to bring in their beliefs which acts in tandem with cryogenics  Many gays are freezing their heads in - 140 degree Nitrous Oxide or Carbon Dioxide awaiting a time when their brains can revived and they can be downloaded via big date interfaces to a new consciousness ...... somewhere ?, (fools) and it only costs around $200,00 ? (So you could tell a 6 year they are the wrong gender, perform an operation on them, freeze them at – 140 degrees and charge them $200,000 and convince parents to allow it. But remember It’s always too late for a refund ) Alternatively why not just breed Gerbils, wait a while cut their genitals off, and throw them in the freezer after a few years for a cost of £20 or £30 ) Also adopted by the Transhumanist cult who are behind the sex education of children is Artificial intelligence, ‘cyborg and humanoid’ experiments (sold also to help the disabled which it may do but these are also experiments for other purposes) and gene splicing and manipulation to create ‘perfected life’ and hybrid human life. Why because we are not made right (they say) Gd or nature made mistakes which now they can correct, although this evolutionary’ theory has already been nonsensed by academia. (see also chapter 4 below) We are made fine as we are. To achieve this, the first thing to go is free speech followed by ‘re-education’. (and the ‘Anti- Natalists’ who  seem to suffering from depression awaiting ‘the singularity’ (see below)  and who are childless to protect the environment etc. Treatment for them could include Marriage, sex, conception and breast feeding as the new carbon additions you want ) The UN wants to redefine what it means to be Human ? (connected to  declaring an international right to abortion )

Social engineering in the extreme and a part of the scam is discussed here. It is a mess and prevalent and the abortion industry is a part of it. “Emerging technologies that make this thinkable include nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science (NBIC). Transhumanism is the faith in these converging technologies to give rise to human enhancement. There is indeed work going on to reverse ageing with some believing we may be able to halt it altogether. And increasingly potent artificial intelligence (AI) may aid this process. In his book Superintelligencephilosopher Nick Bostrom suggests AI may soon exceed human-level intelligence resulting in an intelligence explosion. Such a scenario makes anything thinkable, and he believes it could happen in a few decades” and the reason is the search for ‘immortality’ to live forever. Immortality in this realm or dimension however cannot transcend into the others (Einstein believed there are ten dimensions Eric Cantona claimed: “Soon the science will not only be able to slow down the ageing of the cells, soon the science will fix the cells to the state, and so we become eternal.” Unable to transcend into other dimensions and AI realising it has no soul (eternally) is not a balanced state for human consciousness. Further with no belief of an after – life (the true path to the other ‘dimensions’) causes a pedantic (if not crazy) search for that only Gd can grant or give. These scenarios are familiar (from the children’s story and film ‘Robots’ and the Terminator films, and both Blade-runner films and original novel, but the end result is always decay as foretold by Mary Shelleys novel ‘Frankenstein’.

These are also the people who like to change the gender of children physically especially if they are vulnerable and orphans.(even if it takes psychology on 6 year olds and infiltrating the school education system ) If you live in communist China with no rights and enter the ‘correction camps’ many are never seen again. What the heck is going on ?  last vid CNN ( ‘Mark Dice: Time To Ban Books, For the Good of the Left’) in the dystopian social engineering, silencing of free speech world (with social credit and UBI universal basic income collectively organised by the Maoist cadre thought police ?? ) Jordan Peterson speaks on Transhumanism and AI (the ‘human – robot’ merger) to reach Immortality in the ‘singularity’ with big data in the sky

Transhumanism has taken over working class issues by political correctness, and was also the preparation for its open prison Chinese totalitarian model which it wants to export to the west. Transhumanism is not Christianity, Judaism, Islam,  or Hinduism etc

Ulster defends the unborn and it is not that people ‘enjoy’ abortion in the UK, it is wrong and murder wherever it is A more realistic view is given by a former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino on 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters Billions of abortions worldwide are simply the UN plan to reduce population levels by murdering children in the womb and pretending it is contraception. The ‘politically correct train’ is the vehicle for these absurdities and China is the exact destination it ends up at.  Foetus are being used in the food preparation industry. Stem cells from aborted babies sell for big money. Babies are extracted alive for their livers. The US is banning abortion (as new science shows the baby is alive from conception) and foetal tissue research is to be banned and has brought in a ban on taxpayers funded abortion clinics as we all pay for the meat abortion industry.

The Irish Supreme Court still holds (or rather the UN in its global removal of ‘human rights’ at every level = Human rights ‘equally’ in equality but all have equally no rights) that the ‘unborn’ does not have the right to life (or any rights) beyond the (now) removed 8th amendment = no rights for unborn babies male or female. Is history repeating itself; Archaeologists claim to have discovered the largest mass child sacrifice grave in Peru. (Mel Gibson took up a similar theme in his movie ‘Apocalypto’ Histories and ancient temple carvings suggest it may not be the largest child sacrifice grave with 227 bodies discovered so far,  but  it is the largest archaeology has actually uncovered. Archaeologist Feren Castillo stated "They were sacrificed to appease the El Niño phenomenon; we have found more evidence of rainfall in the findings," ? Following the Epstein trafficking case which is ongoing and as mentioned to repeat from above, documents relating to the case were unsealed on August 19th 2019, it is also revealed that the United nations itself has been found guilty as an organisation of sex trafficking has recently had one of its NGO founders (Street Kids) Peter John Daglish arrested for Paedophilia, it is one of the largest children’s charities in the world. El Nino in Peru and its mass graves are nothing in comparison to the modern abortion industry which does not require an archaeologist to discover the remains, and children are seen as a vulnerable commodity in today's society also.



Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests)

Click here to return to Brexit & Elections October 15th 2019

Click here to return to chapter 3b   and section 5 in that chapter    

(Inserted 23.09.2019)

Click here link to the post dated "2019 - 2021, The USA Healthcare system (following on from 2018 above & the US midterm elections) & added 8.1.2020



The Belfast Anti - Abortion protests (and the UN Climate Summit of 23.09.2019)

took place on the 7.9.2019 and 20,000 people attended bringing the centre to a standstill .

Baroness O’Loan spoke at the meeting, mentioning the previous night’s meeting at a Vigil at Stormont. Denouncing the July decision (under Teresa May) to bring in the Northern Ireland executive formation bill which seeks to bring in abortion by 20.10.2019, effectively using this bulwark to force abortion on the population. The bill is also asking for ‘sex selective abortions’ and for abortions on the disabled, and much of the events leading up to the new proposed legislation   is not widely understood in Belfast and within Northern Ireland generally, and abortion and the ideology behind it, is also not understood ( see video ‘WATCH reactions to the abortion bill being imposed on Northern Ireland by Westminster’)

Testimonies from woman speakers also bring home the reality of what is occurring. 1. Fiona Rush  2. Emma OConnell  3. Adele Best (speaking in 2018)  The full event (and other events)  are available,  and is hosted here.  Those who advocate abortion are not the ones who are experiencing it (but babies do, without protection or choice ?)  and they do not protect woman or male babies or people in any way. (‘Pro – Choice’  should be given to the baby first, and we have a choice to avoid unwanted pregnancies before conception,  not as conception)

The full scope of the Northern Ireland executive formation bill is available above (including its origins) from the Dublin Belfast rally on the 6.July 2019.

What is behind the abortion industry ? Why do ‘Extinction Rebellion’  avoid demonstrating outside of Abortion Clinics or hospitals? (considering the protests of 20.09.2019 – 23.09.2019 on climate change ?)

School children across Ireland, and across the world, were being urged to take the day off school on Friday and join a protest to support climate change activism. Free from class (including science and physics and biology ) pupils will be able to congregate in city centres around Ireland including 'Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Galway city centres as well as in Drogheda, Tralee, Kenmare, Ennis, Navan and Dundalk' if they take part in the action. The Song Itchycoo Park also asks to join in and to take the day off school. Is it still Beautiful ?  (the uneducated adults who were at School when the song was released may not want another ‘brick in the wall’ as Pink Floyd once sang. The Lyrics all have a double meaning of course. Also where was the ‘bridge of sighs’ ? is this taught ?  )


Summary of the Green Climate Change Carbon scam (and see the end of Chapter 3 above)

1.  Russia Hoax   MSM same script for fake news and CNN (danger to our democracy) MP4 FILE )        2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE     3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax  MP4 FILE          4. Ice age scare edited Leonard Nimoy Spock    MP4 FILE  or full 20 min film on Bitchute    all leading to the the solution: Global Cap and Trade tax scam.see end of chapter 3          

5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE          6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE           7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE                   8.  “Environmental Scares_ Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall MP4 FILE                           9Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist  MP4 FILE         10Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE


is hoped countries and corporations taking note of the protests, will begin to further reduce carbon emissions and help to save the planet from expected rising seal levels. However Europe also experienced huge protests against the carbon credit tax, particularly in France in 2018 forcing the French government to back down and reduce controversial carbon taxes across the nation. Ireland in 2018, had spent €120 million plugging the emissions gap since 2007. Taxpayers ultimately have to foot the bill and the carbon tax is compulsory under EU directives and regulations. Eamonn Ryan of the Green party suggests levying a carbon tax increase of €20 in the 20/20 budget.

The carbon tax protests in France by the 'yellow jackets' in 2018, and now again this weekend in September 2019, followed the carbon tax fraud trial of the century (in which the EU was on trial also as they produced the trading legislation) The long running scandals and the trial of the very system itself in 2016 began as far back as 2007. The carbon tax protests in France began as people said they could not afford to pay them, or that their industries were being run down by the extra costs and bureaucratic legislation targeting their livelihoods. They were also sceptical of the climate change science which gives rise to the taxation process known as EU / ETS  (see also ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD’  (or here on YouTube ) and/or he documentary (YouTube) ‘Fatal Flaw In Climate Change Science’  The fact that Sun spikes or Sun radiation bursts can cause and have caused over thousands of years changes in climate is not admitted. The earth is a closed system they claim, yet thousands of Volcanoes erupt and are erupting under the sea and on land every day. Some slowly some powerfully ?)

The nature of the protests against  the carbon tax rocked France, and circumstances of the French protests against the carbon tax have been noted by Fine Gael TD Hildegarde Naughton who chairs the joint committee on climate change in Ireland. Her concerns were shared with the Joint committee on climate change earlier in January 2019, when she suggested "caution should be taken on any carbon-pricing measures to avoid sparking similar unrest here in Ireland"

Climate scepticism increased in 2010 when hacked emails suggested the climate consensus narrative was false and as the the controversy continued, the Pima County Superior Court in Arizona, Judge James E Warner, ordered Arizona University to release the emails. The 'Climate gate' scandal also coincided with the publication of a book by Patrick Moore the former leader of Greenpeace, which states Global Warming is a Hoax in which ice caps in the arctic are actually growing in 2018  confirmed by Nasa.  Advocating a more sensible approach to environmental science, Patrick Moore gave an in depth lecture in 2015 on the topic. 'Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist'

In 2018 36 people were jailed in the carbon tax fraud trials. "The three ringleaders of a huge carbon tax fraud have been jailed for eight to 10 years by a French court that found all 33 other defendants guilty of a scam that cost the French taxman 385 million euros"

Missing school in the 'Fridays For Future' (FFF) initiative which sought the support of school children globally on Friday 20th September 2019, is an initiative of the Swedish climate activist star Greta Thunberg who will rally over 60 climate activist groups, in preparation for a youth climate summit on the 21st September 2019. The full United Nations Climate Summit will take place on the 23.September. 2019. Greta Thunberg stayed away from her school every Friday, in her home country of Sweden to protest outside the Swedish parliament in 2018. Holding a flag which said "Skolstrejk för klimatet" (School strike for climate) her protest drew attention from the national and global press. Recently Greta has set sail on August 14tht 2019, for New York on a Solar powered Yacht, which carried the inscription "Get behind the Science" and she hoped to arrive by yacht sailing into the Youth climate summit on the 21st in New York, which she achieved on August  29th 2019 avoiding Hurricane Dorian (August 23rd 2019 – Sep 1st 2019) which was further South but which effected even parts of Canada and Maine.  Swedish Viking Woman (and men ) of course set sail around the world hundreds if not thousands of years ago, with their red striped sails similar to the USA flag. (some Viking Woman however loved cows and were not moaning on and on about Cow Poo and CO2 dangers, which was required for the organic vegetables, although forests were also grazing areas for small herds)

One group who will join the protest are 'Extinction Rebellion' who have led huge protests in Ireland and within Britain earlier this year and are already staging more hard line direct action in London with a 'Die in' sit down protest to highlight the UN climate summit.  The 'Die in' involves gluing themselves to the floor and covering themselves in fake blood.  Roger Hallam the leader of Extinction Rebellion has recently been arrested again at Heathrow Airport. Greta Thunberg spoke at the extinction rebellion event in April 2019 in London. 

Extinction Rebellion grew out of a campaign group called 'Rising Up!' in 2016. Rising up in turn included smaller groups which formed out of the 'Occupy movement' of 2011 and 2012 and which also protested in Ireland and New York." but achieved very little. (see the adjacent website and chapter 2 and sub heading The deliberate failure? of the "Occupy" movement  Rising Up! was formed by activists who have also been part of Compassionate Revolution, Earth First! Occupy, Plan Stupid, Radical Think Tank and Reclaim the Power.' Rising Up!' as a campaign group is also linked to 'Compassionate Revolution' which was birthed in the Occupy movement" Planned Parenthood the world’s leading suppliers of abortion on demand via its abortion clinics also teamed up with the Occupy movement in 2011 Saving the planet from extinction but by extinction, are the "anti-natalists" who believe the world is overpopulated, and we all should stop having children, and perhaps humanity itself should end.  The BBC reporting upon them, in August of this year noted one of their philosophical positions "Judging from posts in the anti-natalist groups, there's clearly a large overlap between their ideas and environmental activism. "I feel that it is selfish to have children at this time," adds Nancy a vegan, plastic-free, animal rights enthusiast and yoga instructor from the Philippines."The reality is that the children being born into the world are creating more destruction for the environment." (etc)

There is no mention that this secular Humanist approach to pregnancy or climate ‘healthcare’ is the pantheist Spinoza view of earth first and ‘humans’ second philosophy  (see later on below) The media also repeated each other on the ‘dire warning’ of the end of the world in 12 years ( exactly 20/30 ?) It is of course nothing to do with environmental concerns.  Similar claims by the United Nations dating back to 1989 were made concerning the year 2000. In 1998 rising sea levels could destroy the earth the UN warned in 1989, and by the year 2000 we would be underwater. See video ‘The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media’ Melting ice caps (with a higher mass than liquid water) reduces sea levels as they melt by displacement, but it seems they are not melting in any case.

(to repeat from above) The United Nations has also called for Universal Human Rights for abortion, and for redefining rights for the unborn or even what it means to be human in May 2018  "In blatant violation of international law, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has unveiled a startling new campaign that claims “you have human rights since birth.” The unsettling image, which depicts a baby’s arm with the statement written on a hospital bracelet, makes clear the position of this U.N. body—human rights should not be afforded to human beings until after they are born" This ethical idea which has not no ethical right and makes no sense is shovelled out onto children and teenagers as fact.


Therefore the same UN (United Nations) which is promoting 'climate change' is also promoting massive global abortions, euthanasia, breakdown of the family and vaccines from China which are diseased (see below)  and also 'redefining humanity', and which was also involved (also the IPCC or the Intergovernmental panel on climate change) in the climate carbon tax frauds and scandals

Planned parenthood still claim they provide cervical smear tests (see video ‘Planned Parenthood: Teach your preschoolers 'their genitals don’t determine their gender'   (or here) when in fact it is a local abattoir disguised as a clinic for profit.( ‘This Nurse Witnessed Aborted Babies Born Alive’  The transcripts of the CMC undercover videos trial and prosections are here )

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced in May 2019, the details of the new rules, of the final conscience rule that protects individuals and health care entities from discrimination on the basis of their exercise of conscience in HHS-funded programs.  

The ‘final rule’ fulfills President Trump’s promise to protect the fundamental and unalienable rights of conscience and religious liberty, a promise he made when he signed the executive order of May 2017 protecting religious liberty.  In October 2017, the Department of Justice issued guidance encouraging other Departments, including HHS, to implement and enforce all relevant religious freedom laws. As a result, in January 2018, following the launch of its new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division 

Director Roger Severino of the Office for Civil rights (OCR) received a complaint from a nurse who works at the University of Vermont Medical Centre in the USA. He was at the centre of a storm regarding the nurse who worked at the Hospital, who had consciously objected to assisting with an abortion taking place before the procedure was scheduled.Severino commenting on the case said "We do not want a society where, on the issue of life and death, people are forced to violate their deepest held beliefs about it," Severino said UVM Medical Centre did not cooperate with the federal government's investigation and that if the hospital doesn't amend its policies within 30 days, it will risk losing federal funding. The notice is not related to the "Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care" rule that was announced back in May but has yet to go into effect due to legal challenges

Freedom of conscience for medical professionals, especially when they object to abortions is often met with counter objections from ‘pro-choice’ advocates. In Ireland one controversial method of excluding objectors are the proposed 'exclusion zones' (also termed safe access zones')  These exclusion zones will remove the presence of anti - abortion protestors from the external areas of abortion clinics or hospitals. The nurse in the Vermont medical centre was excluded from practising her rights to consciousness objection within a hospital, and her conscientious objection, could have excluded her from her profession, if she had not engaged in the abortion procedure. Google and Facebook , it is alleged excluded the public from a full view of the evidence by blocking information, online in the 2018 abortion referendum campaign, which in the USA under the Office of Civil rights guidelines and rules may contravene the ability for individuals to determine if their conscience has been fully informed.  

Vaccinations are being made compulsory but there is no reason why ?, especially when a child (aged 6 months )who received 13 vaccinations in Texas died 5 days later She claims she was emotionally blackmailed to accept the vaccinations. Vaccinations are proven (not disproven)  to be linked to Autism (Time Magazine) Simon Harris in Ireland director of the abortion campaign is now pushing for mandatory vaccines (kill them in the womb, but offer protection when they are out ? ) Vaccines are full of animal DNA and many are defective or unstable and opinions vary as to amounts and purpose  In China the vaccine scandal is much larger and much more sinister than is being portrayed. and not just in China Just as natural herbs and drinks can cure ailments, why ? are vaccinations filled with such terrible chemicals and how long do those poisons effect a person’s lifetime ?

Doctor Ezekiel Emmanuel has recently published a book entitled 'Old age is over' and is quoted as saying that 'life after 75 years of age is not worth living'. He has also promoted the expansion of "Death with Dignity" laws across the United States. A preeminent bioethicist Ezekiel Emanuel, one of Obamacare’s principal architects, co-authored with Ronit Y. Stahl an attack on medical conscience in the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the world’s most prestigious medical journal. The authors take the absolutist position, stating "personal morality has no place in medical practice"

Laroche press, explaining Doctor Emmanuel's philosophy said  "Emanuel has pushed euthanasia for decades, on the same financial cost-cutting grounds that underlie Obamacare. He is obsessed with euthanasia. In 1998, he co-authored a paper titled "What Are the Potential Cost Savings from Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide?" This year, Emanuel was the lead author of a study on "Attitudes and Practices of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide in the United States, Canada and Europe," published on July 5, 2016 in JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association"  

The 'Death with Dignity' philosophy also extends to the unborn. Wesley J Smith writing in 2017, in the aforementioned article, 'Pro-lifers, get out of Medicine!' and on the wider views of Doctor Emmanuel, quotes Doctor Emmanuel's views on abortion " [A]bortion is politically and culturally contested, it is not medically controversial. It is a standard obstetrical practice. Health care professionals who conscientiously object to professionally contested interventions may avoid participating in them directly. … Conscientious objection still requires conveying accurate information and providing timely referrals to ensure patients receive care"

Smith explaining this philosophy within healthcare continues,  "The goal is to cleanse healthcare of all those who would dare to practice medicine in accord with sanctity-of-life moral viewpoints" In other words you can be killed in the womb and/or in old age by euthanasia, and it is hoped all the people in-between (in age) will be too brainwashed to know the difference or what is going on.

New laws and guidelines in the USA are bringing a new perspective into the Ethos of healthcare. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced in May 2019, the details of the new rules, of the final conscience rule that protects individuals and health care entities from discrimination on the basis of their exercise of conscience in HHS-funded programs.  Keeping a patient alive for a while and making money and then letting them slip away is why health or sickness and death are big money. (and quadrillions of derivatives are causing a major problem, see beginning above)

A Dutch Doctor who faced a trial for not doing enough to verify if the patient actually wanted to die, was acquitted of murder or any wrongdoing by his actions. The doctor, who has not been named, says she acted cautiously. Prosecutors say they are not seeking a prison sentence for the retired female doctor, but want to clarify how the euthanasia law applies to patients suffering from dementia. The recent Dutch case and its patient was a 74 year old female who had left a will stating that she would accept Euthanasia rather than go through a distressing time at the end of her life. Suzanne van de Vathorst, an associate professor who specializes in ethics and end-of-life issues at Erasmus University, said"euthanizing patients with severe dementia puts a considerable burden on doctors" .  Health is supposed to Do no harm ?


As time progressed she stated that she would delay the Euthanasia treatment, and in response to being asked if she wanted to die she said: "But not just now, it's not so bad yet!" according to a report from the Dutch regional euthanasia review committee. Later the court heard that despite this she could not recognise her own reflection in the mirror. During the procedure the physician drugged the patient's coffee without her knowledge and then had family members restrain the woman while delivering the fatal injection. Earlier reports on the prosecution’s case revealed that the patient showed resistance during the process. 

Human Euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Columbia, Luxembourg and Canada, and assisted suicide is legal in Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands as well as eleven states in the USA including Washington DC. Steven Pleiter of the Euthanasia Expertise Center welcomed the verdict. "It feels good for people in the Netherlands that this is a clear view of the judges and court that it is possible to give euthanasia to a person who is not mentally competent any longer," he said. What if they are elderly ‘climate deniers’ ? will they be composted out ?

In Norway in 2018 in the Strand Lobben versus Norway case, parental rights aginst the rights of the state were analysed (European Court of Human Rights where Barnevernet is being investigated for the manner in which it has been taking children away from their parents) See also Y.C v The United Kingdom and also Bodnariu v. Norway in which a Christian families 5 children were taken from them by the state. In June 2018, PACE (parliamentary assembly of the council of Europe) in Strasbourg issued a report stating that ‘child protection’ agencies must recognise the rights of the parent. In age where paedophilia in some circles is seen as a ‘new gender’ and captured paedophiles only receive light sentences if at all in the EU, which has an institutional problem with paedophilia, which extends down from the United nations.  Parental rights are the most important. The German case of the Wunderlich family, has also been received well . In Norway the Barnevernet institution is analysed here ( ‘BBC - Our World - Norway: Parents Against the State’) Norway in 2016 uncovered a massive paedophile ring and arrested 511 people. When the state brings in laws which say your children are not yours, with no rights in the womb, and you have no rights (subservient to the state) over the state for your own children, then you know your country is ideologically driven towards the secular humanist (legal) imperative.

Both big oil and alternative energy, fund new ideas on energy  and climate, but most are not highly placed enough to speak out on the new religion (with’ Transhumanism’ see post above this on the Dublin anti abortion protests) of the secular humanists.

Gd (for those who do not understand, and pantheists do not ) is not a dispassionate energy ‘in everything’ but has a personality and interacts with people. This is why evolution, intelligent design and creation not just evolution should be mandatory. Evolution has just collapsed following the long running court case brought by Professor Mark Armitage.  CSUN scientist Mark Armitage found ‘soft tissue’ in ‘dinosaur’ bones (see also chapter  5 below) ‘Mark H Armitage - Report Of Soft Tissues In A Triceratops Horn’  and an alternative video here and earlier video from 2014  Essentially when the results of the blood and haemoglobin discovered, were published he was dismissed, (as Dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago ) the academic institution objected to his paper. His peer reviewed paper is here (Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridus) as it is denied that his version of events occurred as he claims. It is a academic debate on which secular humanism, (and abortion stemming from it ) and evolution and ‘ecology’ depend on these ideas of our origins (in the theories arising from the Charles Darwin school ) Yet ‘extinction’ is wrong the protestors say ?

In 2006 and many more since then have joined them 500 scientists made a joint declaration that Evolution was nonsense (see article 'Over 500 Scientists Proclaim Their Doubts About Darwin's Theory of Evolution'  Robert L. Crowther, II | @RLCrowther February 20, 2006 ) yet they are not listened too ?

Whilst the human evolution story is now rejected by most of academia (although still taught at lower levels) other areas of thought are also crumbling in the scientific and historical record. It is rarely mentioned (for instance) that Henri Bergson (1859-1941) and his Book 'creative evolution' post Darwin's theory of the late 1800's, won a Nobel peace prize in 1907. This is forgotten and ridiculed To see a brief overview of the dinosaur hoax, (first named ‘terrible lizard’) consider also the following research;

First watch; &  'The Dinosaurs You Love Are Fake'  which classifies or reclassifies what you are actually seeing and the second video mentions that many 'species' are simply younger versions or offspring of larger parents etc.(see 'Your Favorite Childhood Dinosaurs Aren't Real' ) From Sumeria and King Menes and the Ari tribes to the Egyptians   from Sumeria (and up until the last two hundred years ) the notion of pre-historic (i.e. anti - antediluvian before the emergence of man as opposed to mid / post  - deluvian) creatures, which were in essence an error, which were then erased pre-empting a  'reset' globally amongst living creatures, was not accepted as a notion in ancient history. It was not on a past or future Horizon and did not occupy light minded tribes or literature or oral traditions. First watch Youtube Dec 4th 2016 ' If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! '  (if the link is not working google the title or try this link here  or here )   The modern recent reclassification of a 'species' which have all proven to be fakes (and are the pinnacle of ‘fake news’) are not then removed from academic literature, to move toward a new perspective ? surely in our new evolution to a ‘singularity’ and ‘new religion’ we must be better informed. To date no ‘transitional fossil’ or change of species intermediary fossil has been found, and those we have 90% are fakes.  If you are no better than a plant as a species and are made from Carbon (in the ‘carbon bad’ mantra) then you can be culled, pruned or eradicated.

In 2015 the ‘97% consensus’ on what is causing climate change or even if there is climate change was not 97%. If the same people had been asked anonymously are they afraid of losing their jobs and careers if they deny climate change then that number may have been 97% or higher. As we have seen it is the same if you deny Abortion truths or the historical academic pseudo science of secular humanism. Today the same poll in the same people would be much higher for climate scepticism. (yet the climate change lobby many of whom say it is not about the environment or even financial ideology, will not say what it actually is ?)

A further point of this is no other view is allowed in the brainwashing education system you pay $50,000 for (note; adults did not get a day off to save the planet !) All views should be included from a young age. When one or more view is refused ? then as luddites they should admit to indoctrination by exclusion, it is the same for conception in babies (who begin at conception scientifically) and the gay gene which is not scientific (see above on the Dublin abortion protests) Children have a right to be born and their innocence and their childhood first.

The Pope (who is making overtures to President Xi of China, to the concern of Taiwan and Chinas persecuted Catholics and Protestants  ) has called for an end to abortion and states it is never the answer  (echoing Mother Teresa speaking at the UN, or  here many years ago )

Pope Francis also met Greta Thunberg at the Vatican. Greta Thunberg’s grandfather was Olaf Thunberg who was related to Svante Arrhenius (an atheist)  who first formulated a theory of global warming in 1896 (before huge industrialisation?) and later contraception was one of his fields of expertise. Greta’s mother was a ‘social engineer’  Today in China president Xi is conducting a new education for schoolchildren policy exactly like the ‘Cultural Revolution’ of Maoist Communist Chairman Mao, who was responsible for 100 million deaths. Children were encouraged to stay away from school and come out in millions (but were ‘re-educated’ whilst starving to death which may have improved the climate especially with all the fresh compost bodies, as they were under Pol Pot)  and even report their own parents for ‘non party views’ even to death and the firing squad. (if your children missed school this week and report you for climate scepticism or eating a steak or even a fish, it could be just the beginning)

Today China has thousands of internment camps and some of them have over a million people within the ‘open prison’ social credit surveillance system.  Pastor Bob Fu speaking of the new Cultural Revolution and persecutions in China relates the 3 aspects of President Xi’s totalitarian regime known as ‘Sinsasation’.  (or here)  1. War against the Church (or any faith or  belief of any faith)  2.  The War against Children and education  3. The War against the rule of law. (see video at 5 minutes in for these 3 points ) ‘Bob Fu (China) speaking at the 2019 Church in Chains Conference’ ) Yet the new proposals for Humanism it is thought by ‘Mother Miriam’ a Nun at Life news who is warning the Pope, and who suggests the new secular Humanism would wipe out Christianity (or any faith as is occurring in China) see video ‘Pope's proposal for 'new humanism' would 'wipe out Christianity'   In September 2019 Pope Francis launched a new global education pact to begin in May 2020, when a new gathering will be called for people, around the world.  Also published in 2015 was the environmental encyclical ‘Laudato Si’  Aside from the UN Climate meeting on the 23.09.2019, some world leaders also meet in Kazakhstan (at the congress of the leaders of world and traditional religions) to be held on October 10th 2019. As such it is a spiritual climate meeting. People are increasingly aware however that big government and laws do not seem to target the good of the environment, yet North Korea was / is an experiment for China to observe how it can subdue and enslave 1.3 Billion people ( except in Hong Kong) and China in turn is used as an experiment to see how thousands of internment camps may one day be exported to the west (as yet it is only slowly dawning on people in the ‘west’ that this could easily occur. No one believed it in China in the 1920’s into the 1930’s yet it still occurred and is re-occurring now ) 

China’s industrial output increases daily (as does Russia’s and the Arab countries) and it is burning coal with hopes of reaching full coal capacity by 2020 into 2030 and 2050. It even sends us its nuclear waste to place in our water supply ? see above on ‘Fluoridated water’ in this post dated 09.09.2019 (Beyond the democrats dire warnings, in the USA who state we only have 12 years left as a ‘species’. Mortgages of course are selling like hot cakes for 25 year terms ? )

Alice Weidel of the AFD of Germany brings this ideology into economic perspective (or here ) (and we all want good foods and water etc and Thorium )

Greta Thunberg's idea to take time off school and her determined climate action stance is supported by Luisa-Marie Neubauer who is one of the main organisers of the School strike for climate action. She is a green activist from Germany who supported the Paris 2015 climate accords (from which the USA has now withdrawn in 2017) and also the United Nations 20/30 agenda. Neubauer often accompanies Great Thunberg (are Thunberg and Neubauer national Swedish and German communists, of course they are) Opponents of climate change science, as climate sceptics suggest the Greta Thunberg (speaking at the climate summit on 23.09.2019 in New York, video ‘Greta Thunberg to world leaders: 'How dare you? You have stolen my dreams and my childhood'  sophisticated PR sensation and 'extinction rebellion's' actions and initiatives, are to usher in a broad consensus for a new post Paris 2015 climate agreement at the UN on 23.09.2019.

Critics of Thunberg suggest she is not old enough to understand the degrees of the place she holds in society, but this is not true, she is very well aware of the pressures placed upon her. Swedish people are very well educated from a young age. The Vikings and Scandinavians and the Rus generally were not people to just run amok, and go berserk around Europe and wider into other continents around the globe.

The Scandinavians could navigate to distances far beyond areas the modern history books relate. Over two thousand years ago and much more they travelled the globe. They had the North Star (Polaris) and always knew the time of year and month and even the day from it. The Big Dipper is the 'pan shovel & ski slope' series of stars in the sky   (also known as the Great bear asterism, or Arturus, located the star of Deneb or Cygnus as the Swan that dived on the southern cross, which disappeared below the Horizon on the Winter Solstice, but which appeared again days later indicating the Sun had not died and spring would follow)   

The Big dipper pointed North, away from the North Star in Summer, it pointed East in Spring, South in Summer and to the West in Autumn. So it rotated around the sky. The Big dipper  (ursa major) also located Orion’s belt with its 3 stars (matching many constructions on earth, always located next to the river as the Milky Way, such as the Pyramids from thousands of years ago) The Big dipper again also pointed to Sirius and to Polaris (Polaris, the North Star was also a part of the ‘Little dipper ‘formation, also called ursa minor, and/or the large bear as ursa major and the small bear, as ursa minor) with its attached legends of Osiris (or even Goldilocks and the 3 bears ) Following the stars of Merebe and Dubhe in a straight line you can also find the North Star. This allowed for the measurement of time and distance when sailing, as the North Star is fixed and never moves. The ‘Sami Tribe’ in northern Scandinavia,  like many tribes believed they originated from within the Milky way ( the  River lake, in the Sky ) or that the light there, was the home of Gd. Legends of Beowulf and Siegfried also encompassed knowledge of the skys. “The Heavens”, as such the maps of the stars were used as navigation and space exploration in mythology and science, and theology was considered the pinnacle of science. Environmentalist Sofia Jannok ‘s video highlights the night sky in the Northern regions, the Moon and the underground tunnels therein . In a video next up, you will also see the ‘aurora borealis’ phenomenon (video ‘Aurora Borealis Kiruna in Swedish Lapland’  and also in the video link at the end) Vikings (whose sail was the red and white striped flag) had basic, but very effective metallic compasses, which always pointed to the North Pole under the North Star (in theory, but practical for actual and magnetic North Pole's ) Sweden had a philosophy of ‘Total Defence’ see video ‘Why Sweden is encouraging citizens to become preppers’ which also details the Swedish defence research agency (armed forces) analysis of a coming war scenario in theory (of many) and as warned by its government and to all of its population (sent to every house in a booklet)  The video reminds Swedes that it’s past philosophy and strategy which was called ‘Total Defence’ has been neglected over the last few decades. Greta Thunberg (aged 15/16) has been great, going berserk (a viking berserker girl...not 'asperger syndrome' but 'repressed viking syndrome' resulting in unusual behaviour ) going around the word, meeting and telling all the world leaders about the 'cow poo' and how it gets into the sky. Yet, and so incredible, another young Swedish Girl aged 8, also hit the headlines in October 2018. Saga Vanecek who discovered a 1500 year old ancient Viking SwordSaga was only 8 years old when she discovered the Sword in the lake, and then she became the Queen of Sweden, and she did this all on her own. She is a big girl now. (video ‘Girl Finds 1,500-Year-Old Sword In Swedish Lake | NBC News’  or here ) Very bravely, despite the fact it was very (very) ‘Kold’ (and this is what that feels like Kold or ‘Kall or Frusen’ and around the dark side of the Moon) Saga says she persisted and brought it forth, from the murky waters where it lay for centuries.

The Swedish idea of ‘Total Defence’ is not an idea the left hold or practice, instead they will teach you to destroy yourself, each other, your family and traditions, and then your children.

With Billions of abortions since 1980 worldwide, (and more than all wars or natural disasters in the 19th to 21st centuries combined)  it is the UN extinction which ‘Extinction rebellion’ missed. Their parents are thankful however that they were not aborted.



Brexit and new Prime-minister Boris Johnson.

Yet one more Government leak from Teresa May et al (post prime-minster ) On the 18.08.2019 a government leak (one of many) in the UK provided the chance to misinform the public on Brexit in the form of a report which saw its main public appearance in the Sunday tabloids on 18.08.2019.

Firstly Boris Johnson won the race to become the UK’s new Prime – Minister on  24.07.2019 having eventually gained 66% of the vote when the last candidate opposing him Jeremy Hunt (who was within Teresa Mays cabinet replacing Boris Johnson as foreign minister in July 2018. Hunt originally voted remain) resigned but not before Jeremy Hunt was accused of receiving his campaign funding from Saudi Arabia.  Boris Johnson voted to leave the EU in 2016 and has appointed a new cabinet.

The aforementioned report was produced under ‘operation Yellowhammer’ which seems to have acted independently from Boris Johnson (although it says it considers all eventualities or very worst case scenario’s )  or the leave lobby is a report as part of the ‘civil contingencies committee’ acting as COBRA (Cabinet Office Briefing Room) from within Whitehall. The ‘anti no deal’ report was first produced as a shorter version by (Mark Sedwill)  civil servant Sir Mark Sedwill  under Teresa May. Sir Mark was also involved in discovering who leaked details of Huawei’s activities in the roll out of  5G in Britain. Gavin Williamson (defence secretary) was chosen. Williamson had concerns on the purpose of Huawei s involvement in 5G outside of China (or even within it). Described as the most ‘serious Whitehall leak in living memory’  ‘The Daily Telegraph obtained details of discussions at the NSC,(national Security Council) including the claim that the prime minister (my insertion PM = Teresa May) had overruled several ministers, to allow the controversial Chinese firm to be involved in building “non-core” parts of the 5G network’

Yet surely the leak of the report on 18.08.2019 into ‘no deal Brexit’ is also a serious matter in which Sedwill and the ‘civil contingencies committee’ should investigate? 5g and 6g which is a part of the Chinese secret service’s plan to install its surveillance system into security systems globally. (as mentioned above Christopher Whiton describes China and Huawei’s attempts at exporting its new AI (artificial intelligence) social control system) 5g / 6g also has health risks including its change of microwave length which require cell towers every 200 yards. In China its use of controlling society with financial penalties is straight out of ‘Fu Manchu’ Its current roll out in the UK has security concerns (and every country globally) which are tied into facial recognition ( here concerns by the police) and by the public in private areas (Kingscross) Europe for instance has banned body scanners in airports on health concerns. The protests in Hong Kong are also very much concerned with this travesty of the state assuming rights over the people which as an end result will lend up as North Korea (North Koreans believe Kim Jong Un have won the World Cup 3 times, that Kim Jong Un can fly, and Jeremy Corbyn is a Maoist not a Trotskyite. Many communists like Jeremy Corbyn are of course Millionaires who protest against poverty)

Another fascinating aspect of the ‘civil contingencies committee’ is it did not produce an in-depth dramatic leaked report on the WA ‘Withdrawal Act’ itself under Teresa May (To remind; this was left up to Bill Cash MP and Steve Davies MP. To repeat; CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ ) video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker MP, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’  with zero tariffs and covered all sectors and  Steven Baker who also resigned points out that there is no such thing as a hard or soft Brexit  Bill Cash asks (facebook video) Teresa May if she had asked the attorney general permission on the extension. She did not reply then and failed adequately. Yet lawyers confirmed its illegality that it is in fact illegal and everyone in the UK now knows what is occurring about the illegality of betraying Brexit also. Are the people the 'Parliament' or are MPs alone? Bill Cash explains further in the video 'European Scrutiny Committee Chairman Sir Bill Cash MP at the Brexit Delay Motion debate'   See Video ‘John Baron MP tears apart the scaremongering of a WTO Brexit’ For a full insight see the Spectator 30.12.2018 (Steerpike)  ‘The top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal’   which would last until 2099. video ‘BREXIT: "They don't believe in Brexit", furious ERG deputy Steve Baker CONDEMNS Downing St officials’  ) which is draconian and a slave system designed to ruin an economy  slowly)

The story of the report (its worst case scenario) is told here and has already been refuted before it’s was published when the French and Belgian ports of Calais and Ostend and Dover contradicted the MSM and said they would remain open in the event of a no deal. The story is continued here ‘YouTube ‘Lord Adonis‘ Scaremongering after No Deal Brexit Leak’  ( see video at 1 minute and 35 seconds which points out WTO rules already exist in Britain’s trade with the USA, Africa & Asia and many countries now and have been for decades and Teresa May did not prepare for a no deal Brexit. WTO can also exist with the EU see also post above dated 8.3.2019 & 23/24.12.2017 or here in part (by; factsdirectfromthehorsesmouth   or  'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?' ) 

Britain’s 10 new Free Ports. Further Britain has highlighted 10 free ports and airports it requires and has invited cities and airports to compete for this status, as the LSE (London Stock Exchange) moves away from the EU to endorse Global Britain.  On the same day as the ‘anti no deal report’ was published the Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay signed a bill ending all EU law in the UK after 31.10.2019.

Considering Britain is awash with Oil and Gas inland (see post above dated 30.01.2019 & 3.12.2018 & previously posted & dated 11.06.2018 above) worth Trillions then the ‘other’ reason for the delay is not mentioned at all ? 

EU free movement rules will also end after 31.10.2019 under no deal rules (although the UK can leave anytime between 29.03.2019 and 31.10.2019 or from 23.06.2016 as many regard the extension from 29.03.2019 as illegal as is put forward in an ongoing court case facebook #BBN: BREXITEER slams the government with a court case proving we have already left the EU.  ) Roger Daltry of the Rockband ‘The Who’ explains the main issue and of course they can play in the EU or anywhere (one of their great songs and performances and / or here alternatively )

What is more dramatic are the double standard message’s from the remain lobby. Dominic Grieve and Philip Hammond supported No deal / WTO as did Labour as did many others and these matters were discussed by them before and after the Brexit vote on 23.06.2016

Turning back to the campaign of 2015 and 2016 on the Brexit referendum, the following video shows both Dominic Grieve and Philip Hammonds stating a no deal Brexit and/or WTO was an option as part of their campaigns, yet since 2018 (around the time Steve Bakers / David Davies deal was rejected ?) they changed their stance (video  ‘Dominic Grieve & Phillip Hammond's Lies Exposed Over Claims A WTO Brexit Was Not Discussed In 2016’  or see Phillip Hammond here)

Phillip Hammond has since been deselected.

Then (and Jeremy Corbyn  last video ‘Video Emerges Of Jeremy Corbyn Attacking EU And Second Referendums)  and Tony Blair both campaigned against the EU in the 1980’s, it appears Labour promised 50 times Brexit means leave including Jeremy Corbyn ‘50 Times Labour Promised to Deliver Brexit’  (contrast this with all above over 3 years and see facebook video ‘James Cleverly picks apart Labour for wanting to cancel the referendum result’ )

‘Proroguing” As Queen Elizabeth gave permission for parliament to be prorogued (closed down) on the 28.08.2019 and to begin on the  9.9.2019, no one can accuse Boris Johnson of being undemocratic as he could have began the closure on 4. 9.2019 or even the 3.9.2019 ? (when the new round of voting began) before closure ?, especially as a ‘stop a no deal’ vote had already occurred twice before in early 2019 (see below)

It is incredible that the ‘left’ spent decades protesting against large Global blocks and then they turn 100% and want ‘freedom’ in large global blocks? The remain lobby and the protestors are paid by the EU technocrats (and Switzerland is also losing patience with them) who called for protests against ‘Prorogation of Parliament’ (an example of the EU led protests here) calling it a constitutional outrage ? Yet a legal challenge by a few but including ex – prime-minister John Major ?   who made a ‘prorogation’ period when he was Prime-minster for months in 1997. The Labour party prorogation period (when they closed down Parliament in their ‘constitutional outrage’) was in 1948 when parliament closed early under prime-minster Clement Atlee ? Today Parliament was due to close for 3 weeks in any case (as noted by the Scottish court case against Prorogation recently) but the full ruling given on Wednesday 4th September stated Boris Johnsons actions are legal. Every parliament or houses of government in the world close’s down at some point in the year, and people notice that the country or countries still function completely as the ‘people are the country’ (= Parliament)

The legal attempt to stop proroguing of parliament also failed in the British high court on the 6.9.2019. After all the protests? the Guardian said “However, the five-week suspension does include a three-week period that would typically be recess anyway”

Still even more footage emerges from Jeremy Corbyn effectively saying Britain should not be in the EU ? (facebook We are the 17.4 million & the ‘Many faces of commie Corbyn’) To date every remainer has also said the opposite in what is now a scandal of an abuse of democracy. The Labour party position is ridiculous, they want to ‘remain’ but also negotiate with the EU to leave? Yet the EU they say will not move on any issue ?  So far and since 23.06.2016 it is only parliament and the remainers who have failed on Brexit and have effectively orchestrated a coup against Brexit in a ridiculous and preposterous hysteria. Boris Johnson explains the current nonsense (twitter 2:39 AM - 28 Aug 2019) Brian Blessed gives his opinion on the state of parliamentarians / politicians. George Galloway explains why prorogation of Parliament is constitutional but also that 17.5 people who voted for Brexit are facing and have faced 3 years of a coup de taut (youtube video “George Galloway: "17.5m Brits have been cheated by those crying about a coup")

It is further revealed that Teresa May tried to buy votes to support the Withdrawal Act with EU assistance. ‘Theresa May’s shocking strategy of 'buying off' hard Brexiteers and Labour MPs exposed’  (or here in more detail on facebook and see further the above post dated 30.04.2019 and subheading ‘Phillip May and Brexit and Deutsche bank’) and in contradiction to the anti no deal report of the 18.08.2019 above Moodys suggest Britain is prepared for a no deal Brexit and the EU now agree with that outlook. which is shared as a view except in the MSM.  It is also not reported that the UK trade deficit with the EU is growing due to a lack of manufacturing in Britain  This raises the question of why British Steel is reliant on buyouts ? (from Turkey or wherever especially as Turkey plans to relocate another of its buy outs out of the UK ) 

The truth is under EU rules British Steel cannot operate freely, it also should supply locally and around Britain in a new manufacturing boom first and then expand internationally again. (Britain has won a £35 billion trade deal to build Aussie warships) It has been run into ruin deliberately. Scotland can nationalise its shipbuilding yard (Ferguson) ? Jacob Rees Mogg has been promoted to leader of the House of Commons, yet the Brexit party are still sceptical and suggest they are waiting in the wings should Brexit be betrayed again whilst others urge them to unite with the Conservative party. People in Britain know that its estates and towns and cities are at maximum capacity and illegal immigration should be scrapped.

The complaints against the EU are listed here.
Iain Duncan Smith lays out the NO deal / WTO truth which states ‘the people are parliament not the other way around’  (or see a fuller explanation video ‘Iain Duncan Smith MP discusses future Brexit policy on The Andrew Marr Show’) which mirrors the Students for Brexit facebook video "No-Deal" Brexit?  (which is the default position on the 23.06.2016 and Britain already trades WTO with USA, Africa and Asia )
Parliament voted to stop no deal in March 2019 and in late April 2019 (see below) and now once again in September 2019 ? (which won in Parliament in March and April but cannot stop no deal) but it was illegal as it not only bound future parliaments and also tried to cancel Brexit of the 23.06.2016 referendum and bring in delays and overturn the parliament agreement of 2010 to have a referendum and overturn its legality. ‘No deal’ which is the default position i.e. WTO trading with the EU (or No deal with the EU or as Bill Cash MP sees it, i.e. trading with 90% of the rest of the world) parliament voted against No deal April 2019 The law then was heard in parliament ‘all in one day’ receiving the queens assent (nearly in one day) Both votes won barely in the remain cabinet and parliament of the day. See the above post dated 28.01.2019 ‘MPs acting illegally in the House of Commons’ and read all posts to ‘St Georges Day and Brexit dated 23.04.2019 to see how the remain side have lied to the public. Now they are voting again to .... once again ‘stop no deal’ ? And now again on 3.9.2019 when once again it won by 328 votes to 312 to ‘stop no deal’  and bring delay or face a general election. Many fear they will be voting to stop no deal long after the EU exit.  (all 3 on no deal votes are non – binding and may not receive the queens assent ? Hillary Benn is of course a remain voter, but why did John Bercow the House Speaker, allow yet another ‘stop no deal vote’ ? when he once stopped a further vote on the WA withdrawal agreement for being repetitive ? see post above dated 23.03.2019 or see here )  
The BBC explains once more  “That will give them the chance to introduce a cross-party bill which would force the prime minister to ask for Brexit to be delayed until 31 January, unless MPs approve a new deal, or vote in favour of a no-deal exit, by 19 October” and Boris Johnson said “said that if MPs succeeded in their plan to block no deal, it would force him to go to Brussels to "beg for another pointless delay" to Brexit and he would "never" do that” Boris Johnson said we are definitely leaving on 31.10.2019 no ifs or buts (the whip was removed from all 21 Tory rebels on 3.9.2019)

Following this (4.9.2019) and after calling for an election for over 18 months the Labour remain lobby refused Boris Johnsons offer of an election ? in mid October 2019. Yet Labour and the Liberal democrats were calling for an election so often in 2019 ? it was a remain chant. (video; Youtube; ‘All the times Labour demanded a general election - but now they reject one’ ) (or here on facebook)

When remainer Lucy Thomas (also deputy director of remain campaign and former BBC reporter) denied that anyone mentioned trading on WTO in a no deal scenario (WTO is a deal) the interview shows that quite clearly David Cameron (and the liberal democrats and labour) mentioned it directly and it is the most sensible option to get a deal in the future as the EU is also primarily concerned (aside from the inland oil and gas) with getting access to the City of London but to also regulate it with or without ‘equivalence’ as the largest financial sector in the world

The Brexit debate is not about economic surety as is now obvious (as it trades offshore and WTO with USA, Africa and Asia as its main sectors) but is political only.

‘Austerity’ to end On the same day Sajid Javid decalred that Austerity had come to an end, whilst the Bank of England declared that perhaps a ‘No Deal Brexit’ would not be as bad as first thought. (Mark Carney) Many believe that an end to Austerity and a No deal future are inextricably linked. This view by the Bank of England is consistent with Bank of England comments made in the Spring before Teresa May resigned,(and again in June 2016) It is also consistent with the campaign message of all in the pro – Brexit party and in Labour and Liberal democrats before and after the vote on 23.06.2016 (as we have seen above) and is also consistent with former Governor of the Bank of England Mervyn Kings view. The former Governor of the Bank of England Lord Mervyn King has also backed ‘No deal’ and has asked people to ignore ‘project fear’. These consistent statements over 2019 are also consistent with the research the BBC conducted in August 2017 (article; 'Hard' Brexit offers '£135bn annual boost' to economy ) This is also consistent with other forecasts and analysis (on the economy and project fear)

Vote to delay (and ‘no deal’) Brexit for the 3rd time. Then on the same day (4.9.2019) the UK parliament voted to delay Brexit again (for the third time) until 31.01.2019 (or any date in- between ) although the EU has not agreed to extend the leaving date.  Yet when the House of Lords stood down on this extension it allowed for a second vote on a possible election (the delay is not binding) on Monday 9.9.2019 and this was tabled on 5.9.2019 Labour rejected a second call for an election on 9.9.2019

Also on the 6.9.2019 Boris Johnson said he would rather be dead in a ditch than to ask the EU for another delay. Of course he can refuse to ask for a delay and get on with Brexit.

Again on the 6.9.2019 the ‘Leave Lobby’ stated Boris Johnson could go to prison for not obeying the delay vote? (opinions vary  although the delay vote is non - binding) What sentence could Boris Johnson get ? perhaps 5 weeks ‘porridge’ with time off for good behaviour ?  but the hundreds of MP’s who have defied the Brexit vote of 23.06.2016 for 3.5 years will not go to Prison? (the remain lobby ) how long will their prison sentence be ? (5 years in wormwood scrubs ?) The next day Amber Rudd resigned but  she was not part of the Brexit negotiations ? Plans to depose House Speaker  John Bercow for Bias are also mooted (on the 9.9.2019 John Bercow decided to step down as House Speaker)

The Brexit Party ( begins at 2 mins 35 seconds) and its vision after it won a record number of seats to the EU) The WA ‘withdrawal agreement’ (was defeated 3 times between January 2019 and 23.04.2019 St Georges day even by remainers voting against it) Since then, in by elections the Brexit party has won or (if ) they had joined with the Conservative party they would have jointly won by Thousands of votes. Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party has said he may Unite with Boris Johnson and the Conservatives (and maybe even UKIP or both) or just stand aside in their constituencies, but if the rigmarole is once again (since Teresa may left) an attempt to bring in the discredited Withdrawal Agreement (WA) or the WA mark 2 with tweaks (new version although there have also been tweaked versions previously and Boris Johnson called it a ‘dead letter’)  then he (Farage) would have a ‘punch up; with Boris Johnson and the WA deal (rejected 3 times in Parliament) would have to also be removed. Nigel Farage explained he does not want the new or tweaked WA agreement as it is the worst deal in history in all its aspects. The current law is to leave on WTO terms, (which is a deal ) and the government have said they  are ready.(as has the EU )

Most telling on Brexit, and the Elephant in the Room, and from the date of Teresa Mays resignation until the (prorogued) shut down of Parliament (on 9.9.2019) no one (not once in the media and parliament ‘shenanigans’) has mentioned the Elephant in the Commons (room) i.e. the fact that  deal already exists and which is superior to the WA or the Canada FTA (free trade agreement) and which is the deal agreed by Steve Baker MP and David Davies MP (and sought after by Bill Cash MP) i.e. see video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker MP, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’ which was a confirmed by Germany and Donald Tusk personally in the video at 45 seconds in the video, with zero tariffs and covered all sectors and covered services. It has no alignment to EU law and which completely wins the argument. It was also offered again on 3.4.2019, see post above dated 23.04.2019 & St Georges Day) This is how the public can tell the whole proceedings are disingenuous or contrived (except for the 23.06.2016 peoples vote)  as the hysteria and media show continues despite that deal agreed with Donald tusk, and national prosperity in Brexit is set aside for other interests. Steve Baker has called for huge turnout in the election (as election registrations dramatically increase) and joining with Nigel Farage to stop the lies Steve Baker MP explains the story of Brexit (facebook) since 2015 to date and the constitutional illegalities from remain and bias in the BBC (longer version)

The vote on the 23.06.2016 was a vote to leave and to make independent trade deals not a debate on a deal (WA / Withdrawal act or Customs Union) which prevents independent trade deals.

What has shocked the world and is evident, is the undemocratic direction of the remain lobby and its almost totalitarian gerrymandering for over 3 years. Video; ‘UK MPs made ‘significant step in anti-democratic direction’

Was it a ‘constitutional outrage’ to prorogue parliament ? Obviously it was not, yet the hysteria was orchestrated as false outrage. Can Boris Johnson ignore a request for delay? of course he can, is he setting aside the law? No the law is as the vote of 23.06.2016. This is the law, and the opposition (EU or EU/UK) should resign and stand down.  A ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ (in bold capitals) includes ‘the People’ and any prime-minster can ignore a parliament (small capitals) which has chosen to vanquish and nullify ‘Parliament with the People’ (which is more than the various stages of making a law through Parliament, including the Queen, the House of Lords and the Commons as it always has been, who in any case signed a bill allowing the referendum and its law of 23.06.2016) This is the law, and a second reason why the opposition (EU or EU/UK) should resign and stand down. One delay and vote against a no deal can receive the benefit of the doubt, two is suspicious, but three is illegal and proves the ‘People as Parliament’ correct.



(This entire post begins above, dated 9.9.2019 and now includes the Belfast Anti Abortion protest of the 7.9.2019 and within it the UN Climate debate & protests of 23.09.2019 )





Brexit & Elections October 15th 2019

Elections in Poland and Austria, Canada and Israel. Uprisings in Ecuador, Holland and France. Trumps UN speech.

Israel’s 3rd Temple, and Queen Elizabeth’s speech on the re- opening of parliament after it was prorogued once more.

Around the World Following the proroguing of Parliament in London on the 09.09.2019 (with Queen Elizabeth granting permission for the closure of Parliament on the 28.08.2019) and the perceived controversy it drew, President Trump delivered his speech to the United Nations on the 24.09.2019.

United Nations / Trump full speech President Trump’s full speech at the United Nations   Which is a revelation for many  ( The speech can be viewed here ‘Full Speech: Trump at the UN general assembly - BBC News’ or in highlights )

A full breakdown of the highlights here ‘Trump UNLOADS At UN: 6 Things The Rest of The Media Didn't Report!

However in the USA, the communist social credit system is being rolled out ‘Social Credit Score USA’ (or here ) and in Britain. The Extinction rebellion and Greta Thunberg media splash is in effect to distract from this Maoist slavery system.

The USA since the November 2016 has undergone several investigations into accusations alleged by  ? This includes the Russia investigation which rolled on for over 2 years and also now the Ukraine controversy which also sees the democrats accusing Trump of contacting Ukraine, yet they also contacted the Ukraine for information on Trump ? The democrats have spent their time in Congress doing nothing but looking for impeachment ideas and changing the House rules to allow for an administrative impeachment over both houses of Congress ? It has also emerged that "three Democratic senators pressured the Ukrainian government last year to help special counsel Robert Mueller investigate Mr. Trump" according to the Washington Times. The inquiry has not been voted upon by the US House of Representatives but consists of a written inquiry sent to the White House, issued by Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the House. The White House replied to her inquiry by letter, stating the inquiry is not an 'impeachment inquiry' as recognized by the US constitution. The letter contains the name of Adam Schiff who is allegedly married to George Soros son ? according to the New York Times and who (Soros) was also at the centre of the Russia Hoax with Obama and Clinton. Soros has helped Adam Schiff’s career it is also alleged.  If this is true why has George Soros not been arrested for what is termed the Purple revolution coup de taut ?

Trump has almost negotiated Stage 1 of a new China deal, (which the Democrats oppose as they gave away the USA to China on every level) but it is China who are more desperate to make the deal as their economy worsens. Many suggest that they do not mind it crashing as the resultant chaos and poverty does not affect the Communist party vanguard. In Hong Kong the protests continue (see below)


Around the World and in other national countries many elections have taken place.

In Austria, Sebastian Kurz returned to power after a summer break in which he was forced to stand down as was his coalition partner the Freedom Party. First elected in October 2017  Sebastian Kurz now supposedly faces a choice of the Greens or the Neo – Liberals as coalition party as they are ‘less corrupt’. Yet they are more corrupt with the Greens facing the ramifications of the Carbon credit fraud. See heading within the last post above and link to it; ; (see next red link / heading below to consider the NI executive formation bill being forced upon Ulster, in great shame to those who press the bill)

‘Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests)’

The Global warming fraud and climate change con is itself a fraud beyond rational description. The Neo Liberals have ruined every national economy in Europe and have encased it in debt and decay in a self destructing economic disaster which is deliberate. These are the real frauds and corruption within the EU, aside from the corruption on a daily basis

Alice Weidel of the AFD of Germany brings this ideology into economic perspective (or here ) whilst the Greens and the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ ignore the UN-extinction Rebellion against these absurd taxation cons the Greens introduce.  The last video exposes the move to create an unelected vanguard (similar to Chinas current unelected Vanguard) to ‘Save the World’ Called the Citizens assembly it is anything but.(but it is also timed for Brexit see at the end of this post)

And see also Hillsdale College “Environmental Scares: Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall”

In 2019 we have seen the rise of Extinction Rebellion who are the occupy movement mark 2. Consider the following videos.  ‘ The Truth About Extinction Rebellion Apr 26, 2019 or the next video ‘Extinction Rebellion Are Paid Professional Demonstrators - The Proof!’  A recent article states they are paid by Soros. The media also repeated each other on the ‘dire warning’   (facebook video “ Democrats Announce The Date World Will END!” ) of the end of the world in 12 years ( exactly 20/30 ?) It is of course nothing to do with environmental concerns.  Similar claims by the United Nations dating back to 1989 were made concerning the year 2000. In 1998 rising sea levels could destroy the earth the UN warned in 1989, and by the year 2000 we would be underwater. See video ‘The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media’ Melting ice caps (with a higher mass than liquid water) reduces sea levels as they melt by displacement, but it seems they are not melting in any case, and this is according to Leonard Nimoy and scientists who formed a consensus in 1979 (video “Ice Age Scare 1979 Leonard Nimoy” Captain James Kirk and Scotty think Spock has been in space too long, and has lost his Vulcan mind. However we will ‘live long and prosper’ and certainly more than 11 years ? why are Democrats even bothering to stand for election if the world ends in 11 years ? They could stand down until 2031)

In 1979 it was estimated that a tax was needed (climate carbon tax) to the tune of 37 or 39 $Trillion to cover ice with a black soot to prevent the ice from taking over the world (see vids above) There is no emergency except a desire to create new taxes on everyone, overseen by the UN and IPCC.

Greta Thunberg called for carbon reductions (a loss of industry and jobs) in nearly every country worldwide except China who are increasing industrialisation ? This is what a ‘citizens assembly’ looks like today.  Next see recent people’s parliaments in action (they have called for a peoples parliament not to bring Democracy or a Constitutional Republic but to enslave and remove existing rights and common law. ‘SOYCIALISTS OF AMERICA’   (or here) Production was the mantra of the Marxist left before 1933, (before Cultural Marxism) but now they would be classed as environmentally unsound and possibly ‘triggering to his anxiety’ (see vid above)  or they also would be ‘mis-gendering terrorists’ Further the plastic pollution problem and ‘CO2 problem’ is the worst when coming from Asia. CO2 is good for plants and greenery and boosts its growth.


For more information see the updated post on the adjacent website and Chapter 2 and link to it The deliberate failure? of the "Occupy" movement (are they ‘Extinction Rebellion’)


In Poland the ruling populist party have once again taken power increasing their majority.  ‘Populists win Polish election, expand majority: exit poll | AFP’  The Law and Justice party have won despite George Soros buying into the Polish media in early 2019. Poland likes its traditions and also has a modern economy and a modern outlook rooted in family, 100% employment and low taxation which they take very seriously but enjoy. Modern Poland today, although they very narrowly lost control of the less powerful upper house (of 5 houses)  it is  great achievement for the Law and Justice party

On a point of planning and development to reshape our ‘environment’ as social engineering and misery nearly every country on earth is complaining that Architecture (modernist /post modernist) is banal or worse simply rubbish. ( Warning bad langauge.) Video “Why Modern Architecture SUCKS”  Modern architecture (it’s another box with doors and windows with variations) is awful  and soullesslike modern art or here again on the muse Videos available  here for all videos  (The recent ‘Cow Poo’ in the Sky ' Sculpture by Greta Thunberg recently sold for 1 Million carbon credits, ‘gnojówka’ whatever happened to Poland’s Zurko ?) Simply demolish them and build beautiful homes with privacy.

In Poland (to repeat from above) they have come to a novel solution to the economy (better than the communist Trojan horse of social credit and universal basic income with financial penalties or communism as it should be called or even Orwell’s 1984 or  Huxley’s Brave New World) in allowing the youth to avoid paying taxes if they are under 26 years of age. (but could be extended to everyone in every nation) Hungary proposes a new (in post modernism Cultural Marxist terms) fun method of population stabilisation (once again) Romania has a good idea, they had elections but them simply dragged the ex – president Adrian Nastase  out of his office and threw him in jail. This was the first time in Romania since Nicolae Ceausescu a Romanian communist was dragged out of office  in 1989 and shot by firing squad by the Romanian army for his crimes just after being paraded round in a tank. Economies can be very simple with 100% employment and low tax. Expand money in circulation = a boom. Recessions are caused when money is taken out, but national parliaments can rectify this problem.

In Ecuador in South America there has been a mass uprising (but it is not on the media much ?)  but they are in support of the current Conservative government since May 2017, who have instigated reforms against former corruption by the left. These corruptions were inherited from the left and the economy faced severe problems which may take some time to correct, but the current government are wary of Globalisation (which is forced upon on all governments from the outside ) Macron also capitulated (as in Ecuador ) and stopped fuel carbon taxes in early 2019, but over a much longer time and with greater resistance than is Ecuador. A similar misconception against Brazils conservative leader Jair Bolsanro is also evident see video “Were the Amazon fires used to score political points? Climage Change, Brazil, Bolsonaro”  discussed by a Brazilian journalist Bruno Pontes (which also mentions Italy’s Matteo Salvini)

In Holland a huge protest against the Carbon tax was made by Dutch farmers which caused a 600 mile traffic tailback utilising their tractors and bringing 10,000 protestors. Before this in France (at the same time as the extinction rebellion protests) over 100 anti carbon tax protestors were arrested in protests that were not in the media much. Earlier in 2019 President Macron backed down against the protestors demandsAlso  in France a huge protest against the IVF bill which is tampering with Human life itself drew 600,000 protestors against the ridiculous measures Macron has brought. (‘French protests slam change of law over IVF access’) The new measures called ‘Parthenenogenisis’ discriminates against babies who are now denied a father and a mother but can be adopted or bred for the LGBT community. Previously the first test tube baby (Louise Brown)  was born from a female egg and male sperm but in a ‘test tube’, whereas under the new French bill female eggs and male sperm are created using skin cells and abortion material from dead babies and stem cells in a test tube. Breeding the new humans, but in the depopulation UN agenda and plan for 2030 and beyond?

In Canada an election is taking place on October 21st Trudeau has been involved in a number of scandals (the Wilson – Raybould scandal) and some bizarre incidents, including the Epstein scandal and related sordid scandals  His approach to the economy has been to bring Globalism in to literally destroy Canada slowly. Globalisation (instead of localism and real free trade) is increasing debt levels nationally and personally to the point Canadians are buying clothes and shoes on credit cards with their other cards maxed out. Instead of accepting all Globalism pushes, renegotiating trade deals worldwide is the cure required for Canadians. In the last 12 years, Canada’s share of the world export market has slipped from about 4.5 per cent to about two per cent, it needs to broaden its trade stance and stop importing, and become a manufacturer and exporter. Imports cost, and push up inflation, wages decrease and Canadians cannot get ahead. The Globalisation of the economy simply pushes the bill down the road (preferably beyond an incumbent’s term of office) without planning for the future. Trudeau supported China even against Hong Kong and he is a communist.

In Spain the Catalan separatists have been jailed and given lengthy sentences for sedition. Yet they were instructed to undertake a referendum by the people ? The referendum in October 2017, received 92% of the vote which amounts to over 2 million people. By the same ruling these 2 million people + must also be placed in jail. Yet the Spanish parliament can only change the constitution legally. Before the sentences were made in the court “The parliament of Catalonia passed a proposal last week from one of the pro-independence parties that affirms "the legitimacy of civil and institutional disobedience, as instruments in defence of those civil, political and social rights that may be damaged". The text also defends that "the parliament of Catalonia recognises that Catalonia exercised the right to self-determination" allowing the referendum to take place on 1 October 2017, which is defined as "legitimate and legal". The proposal also demands debates and decisions "on membership of the European Union, the monetary and economic union, Nato and other international organisations." The Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) is planning to implement legal appeals against the proposal approved by the Catalan parliament” Spain is also facing new elections (November 2019) as the incumbent socialist government has been unable to form a co-alition. Spains IMF corruption scandal matches the scandal with Christine Lagarde, (see post above dated 9.9.2019) but the neoliberal (progressive /socialist/communist which is how it 'progresses') econ0mic model is not going to bring 100% employment, manufacturing, and a Spanish renewal of localism and prosperity.

And in Hong Kong Carrie Lam, the communist party choice for repression has revealed more repressive actions against the population following one protestor being shot, but this is becoming normalised. China and Hong Kong of course dislike face masks as the facial recognition AI can identify everyone in the Orwellian / Huxley dystopia (filmed before Carrie Lam relented on the extradition bill and there are still 5 more demands at least ) Now Google’s employees are posting support for the protestors in opposition to Google’s tactic of removing  the protest app the protestors had. Eric Schmidt the former head of Google (and paedofile) fled to North Korea and gave China the internet AI codes ? but then warns against it, currently being used against the Chinese people and now  against the USA also and for everyone soon. Google is also facing a monopoly probe across all 50 US states Alphabet and Crowdstrike are also facing probes in the USA.


Israel and the Third temple, Turkey and its attempted revival of the Ottoman Empire.

In Israel the second election of 2019 proved almost inconclusive, although Bibi Netanyahu was invited to try and form a co-alition. Following Israel's second inconclusive election in just a matter of months, Israel's right-wing Bloc 'Yamina' has split into two camps as negotiations begin to form a new coalition to enter the Knesset. The Knesset is the parliament of Israel from the date of its first sitting on February 1949. Yamina means  'to the right'. Although the party has split, both sides will tentatively remain as one party but only acting together on an informal basis. Yamina, formed in 2019, is an alliance of three right-wing parties and as a result of the election which produced no clear winner, Yamina's three divisions will split into two as follows; "The slate has now split into two camps: Hayamin Hehadash and a joint faction composed of Habayit Hayehudi and National Union" explains  Johnathon Lis

Yamina early in 2019, was instrumental in allowing Jewish worshippers access to pray at the Temple Mount which is considered to be the Holiest site in Judaism and Christianity. Although they have access to the curtilage around the Al Aqsa Mosque, they are restricted from praying audibly, but they can mouth their prayers in silence, moving only their lips. This changed temporarily in July 2017 when Jewish pilgrims entered the Temple Mount area and began to pray openly. Restrictions were again enforced following the incident. 

The tensions on Temple Mount have continued up until the recent elections. Right-wing activists, following the riots of June 2019 on Temple Mount, angrily denounce the restrictions forbidding Jewish audible prayers on Temple Mount. The incidents were reported in Hayam newspaper at the time; "Last month, the Jerusalem District Police said that the site would be closed to Jews and tourists "for reasons of public safety and public order." The move outraged right-wing activists, who claimed it was discriminatory against Jews"  Muslims, in contrast, enter the Al Aqsa Mosque and pray facing away from Jerusalem on nearly every day of the year. The Mosque is also known as the Dome of the Rock.

Temple Mount and the proposed construction of the Third Jewish Temple, played a very significant role in both elections in Israel in 2019. The 'Temple Institute' on august 2019, encouraged Israelis to hope for a third Jewish Temple during the first election campaign also. Earlier in the year, another right-wing party broadcast its position concerning the Third Temple, as reported by the Times of Israel (TOI staff)  "The head of the far-right quasi-libertarian Zehut party said Wednesday that he wants to rebuild the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem immediately. “I don’t want to build a (Third) Temple in one or two years, I want to build it now" Concerns on the wider implications are expressed by Sebastian Kettley of the Daily Express who warned; "FEARS of the apocalypse were stoked by calls for the construction of a third Jewish Holy Temple in Jerusalem, which according to some, will herald the imminent end of the world" The Al Aqsa Mosque does not carry the same concern he implies.

After the second Israeli election in September 2019, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz from opposing political parties have formed a tentative dual Primeminister solution, in which both men, may share the term of office with two years each respectively. Both men are committed to building the Third Temple in Jerusalem, in the near future.  

President Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem in 2018, and has left the UN Human Rights Council, and also withdrawn from the United Nations Arms trade treaty. Israel has also withdrawn from UNESCO, the United Nations heritage body. Benjamin Netanyahu stated his reason for the decision to leave UNESCO, citing UNESCO's resolution of October 2016 in which the UN made no reference to Jewish ties to the Temple Mount "To say that Israel has no connection to the Temple Mount and the Western Wall is like saying that China has no connection to the Great Wall of China or that Egypt has no connection to the pyramids. By this absurd decision, Unesco has lost what little legitimacy it had left."

Israel also cites the near destruction of Joseph's tomb in 2015, and more recently the firebomb attack as 1000 Jews were praying at Joseph's tomb on the feast of Yom Kippur just a few days ago. These reasons are just a few of the reasons for asserting their independent claim to the Temple Mount, without which they fear the area's heritage will be lost. Israel’s many archaeological sites only prove its existence for 3,500 years and which is seen a s motive for their destruction.

Turkey is currently attacking Syria. Turkey in August of this year sought closer ties with Russia on defence spending, since Turkeys attack on Syria many are calling for Turkey to be removed from NATO in Britain and France. President Erdogan has also expressed a nationalist desire to revive the older borders of the Ottoman Empire, which extended east and west of Constantinople (Istanbul) and included lands under the control of President of Syria and also lands in Israel. ISIL, the Islamic state of the Levant which is supported by ISIS is also supported by President Erdogan. The unresolved matter discussed under subheading ‘Islam and the curious matter of the Mihrab walls in Mosques (for the Qiblah) all facing the wrong direction for over 1300 years ?’ and in the post above dated 9.9.2019, is still a mystery see video ‘The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong? | TRACKS’  Turkey is mentioned in the Bible OT and Book of Revelations.  Erdogan has recently said Turkey should attack on all sides and also Israel. The massive ‘immigrant’ trafficking scam illegally driven into the west is to expand this Ottoman empire and also explains the attacks on Greece it has made at its border. Greece has suffered for over ten years in the Ottoman expansion which has yet to see Islamic countries which are at war take any immigrants. The Ottoman renewed empire (ISIL) is doomed to failure.

Turkey is a member of Nato, but as mentioned many are calling for Turkey to be removed from Nato membership, most notably by Senator Lyndsey Graham, the Republican senator for South Carolina, who also stated that sanctions should be imposed on Turkey if they attack the Kurds, further Trump has threatened to ruin its economy if it strays


For an insight into Israel and the eschatology or hermeneutics of the Judeo – Christian tradition (or to simply read what the scriptures say) see Chapter 5 below or employ this link to it.

‘The Tabernacle of King David’

and the second heading under it

‘The Double Portion & the 7 / 8 Feasts of Israel in David’s Tabernacle. The Millennium Reign’


Brexit. October 2019

‘Proroguing’? As mentioned at the beginning of this post. The British Parliament was prorogued on the 9.9.2019. Then hysteria broke out, and many court cases ensued and into appeal,( see last post above this) stating it was illegal to prorogue parliament, or that Boris Johnson had lied to the Queen. A court case followed in the Supreme Court and 11 judges found it was illegal (but not always) to prorogue parliament? The presiding Judge in the matter (of 11 Judges who are all paid €175,000 as a stipend salary from the EU itself. The Supreme Court is a part of the EU presidential Supreme Judicial courts) was Judge Hale whose Judgement is available here on the 24.09.2019. Large screaming crowds descended on Westminster before the case was heard, which was decided unanimously by all Judges. (i.e. Parliament was not Prorogued in their view, although Boris Johnson completely rejected the decision. Parliament was then re-opened in early October but nothing much occurred during the few days until it was re-opened, until it was once again prorogued on the 8.10.2019 until the 14.10.2019. This time there were no screaming crowds ?

Was this just an exercise to interfere into politics and determine which court is ‘Supreme’ ?

Was the Parliament prorogued ? it seems as if it was ? (twice) and  the Judgement by Lady Hale seems to be mistaken. Was it a constitutional outrage to prorogue parliament ? Obviously it was not. If the first prorogue was a case of deception by Boris Johnson, then both Elizabeth Regina, and Prime minster Boris Johnson could have been called to give evidence perhaps in person or they could have cobbled together a quick sworn affidavit, around the corner to the High Court for £35 in a solicitor for oaths. Lady Hale has, in fact, made an error in law as the Parliament was prorogued again in any case. Gina Miller and the Supreme Court have to abide by ‘Actori incumbit (onus) probandi’  & if not then Lex Malla, lex Nulla. As it stands it could just now as easily be (adjudicated) Judged that Lady Hale has accused both Boris Johnson and Elizabeth Regina of not telling the truth, and in effect Lady Hales Judgement suggests that Boris and the Queen have both have lied to the court, the nation and the whole world twice without any formal proof  (Q.E.D . ‘quod erat demonstrandum’) Is that a constitutional outrage?  Or just preposterous (see last post above dated 9.9.2019) The Common Law and the Bible upon which it was based is a deeper and more just basis for law.

Therefore if the Supreme Court is Supreme then why could it not summon Boris and Elizabeth ?

Today Queen Elizabeth 2nd  re- opened Parliament with the Queens Speech (Queen's Speech 2019) after the Hale Judgement and after again it was once more prorogued. Queen Elizabeth states that the UK will leave the EU on the 31.10.2019.

EU President David Sassoli (unelected) intervenes in the UK Parliament above elected ministers ? is this a constitutional outrage worse than Prorougeing? Should it be appealed ( in the Supreme Cort or the Lords ) Further to this, the leave date of 31.10.2019 was called into question when the House Speaker John Bercow (who stands down on the 31.10.2019) was chosen above Prime minster Boris Johnson by the EU President David Sassoli (not elected by the people in the UK or the EU) to deliver a letter to the EU, stating the leave date of 31.10.2019 will be delayed. (after Boris Johnson said he would rather be dead in a ditch than have another delay)  Of course, the letter can be ignored it is nothing to do with Brexit of the 23.06.2016. Consider the following light-hearted analysis or then a more serious but equally pertinent analysis These parliamentary laws (lower case) are non – binding indicative votes, on the Parliament with the People. Yet and also Teresa May’s extension to Article 50 wasn't legal under EU law? And was illegal, and so ‘in law’ Britain has already left. Yet the Benn Act is also not paramount as the vote of the 23.06.2016 by the People and Parliament overrides it, and it is this last point (which is not a referendum by plebiscite) the remainers in their legal flurries cannot get their heads around, as Parliament voted for the people to have their say, and as such they are the Parliament.

The Supreme Court in suggesting without a proof (and after 3.5 years of not legislating in a hurry, as in the Benn Act which was preceded by 3 delays without his act ?) that a Parliament cannot be Prorouged except in it's justiciable or unjusticable view also binds a future Parliament. Parliamentary sovereignty = " No Parliament can bind a future parliament (that is, it cannot pass a law that cannot be changed or reversed by a future Parliament) A valid Act of Parliament cannot be questioned by the court. Parliament is the supreme lawmaker" Yet parliament (small case) is less than 'Parliament with the People', which is the supremacy and national laws cannot be set aside to EU law just because the EU states it should. The Supreme Court removing this principle of binding future Parliaments. This is totalitarian, it is not governance. In King Alfred's 'deemings' the laws of the people were just as important and viable for them as for the King or Nobles.(see the above post named 'What should Britain do or how should they vote in the EU referendum? ( 15.06.2016 )' and subheading 'Therefore what is England? And just considering England')

What is going on with the ‘introduction of law’ ? and the process as a whole. (and see a significant event concerning  the White Horse (one of many around England) this is what the new EU treaty (Extinction Rebellion) ‘citizens assembly’ looks like and in any European nation with it traditions)

The UK Supreme Court sat for the second day in what was expected to be a three day hearing, on whether Boris Johnson's current prorogation of parliament is lawful. Lawyers arguing for the propagation suggest it is not a matter for the Judiciary to rule upon or against Parliament as the Judiciary is independent.

Earlier judicial decisions in Scotland, held that the prorgaration was lawful, but the higher Scottish civil court overturned that decision and ruled that it was not lawful. (the latter can also be appealed in the UK Supreme Court) Scottish law is based upon Roman Law unlike the law in Britain which is based upon the English Common law which took its own path in terms of legal terminology, legal training and ideas. Scotland followed the civilian tradition.

After the Scottish court’s decision, the High Court in London, (before the current Supreme court case began) viewed the mater completely differently " In giving their reasons for throwing out a case brought by Remainer businesswoman Gina Miller, justices in London said the decision which closed down parliament on Monday was 'purely political' and therefore 'not a matter for the courts"  A similar court case was brought in Northern Ireland, but it was dismissed on the 12.09.2019. A senior Judge commenting on it suggested the following. " After the Prime Minister's divisive move to prorogue the Commons for five weeks, sparking Remainer uproar, was deemed illegal by judges in Scotland, the High Court in London revealed that it viewed the situation completely differently"   " In his written ruling, the judge said: "I consider the characterisation of the subject matter of these proceedings as inherently and unmistakably political to be beyond plausible dispute. "Virtually all of the assembled evidence belongs to the world of politics, both national and supra-national" 

The London High Court comments are in line with the Northern Ireland courts view. This view indicates that the separation of powers (Parliament as the House of Commons, and the House of Lords, the Judiciary and the Queen as the Royal prerogative) should not overlap. The executive acts independently from the Judiciary, but the EU currently has Executive powers in the UK Parliament. Parliament also includes the Welsh assembly and the Scottish and the Northern Ireland assembly. 

The UK in its legal outlook, also relies on the 'Bill of Rights of 1689

It is not just the Bill of Rights 1689, also known as the English Bill of Rights but In the United Kingdom, the Bill of Rights is further accompanied by Magna Carta, the Petition of Right, the Habeas Corpus Act 1679 and the Parliament Acts 1911 and 1949 as some of the basic documents of the uncodified British constitution. A separate but similar document, the Claim of Right Act 1689, applies in Scotland. The Bill of Rights 1689 was one of the models for the United States Bill of Rights of 1789, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and the European Convention on Human Rights of 1950. Another often cited common law source are (see link) the 'Deemings' of King Alfred which are older still. King Alfred was  Christian and believed in a Government under Gd, and who was also trained by Welsh and Irish monks as well as his  own courts family in economics and defence.

Boris Johnson could have ignored the Supreme Court (although he has hinted he will abide by it ) as it clashes with the executive. In the USA they have a written constitution which guarantees rights for the people and which can be applied by the US Supreme court. If the Supreme court in the UK overrules the government then this is basically saying every Parliament decision (parliament includes the people) is subject to the EU courts. The lawyers for Gina Millar who with others, has spearheaded the case, have already omitted John Majors prorogation of parliament in 1997 as a comparable event, and which was deemed lawful at the time.

The EU has therefore in bringing the Prorogue case has suggested a new EU constitution for it and Britain. Yet no one has voted for it. (hence the drama with Extinction Rebellion’s citizen's assembly suddenly but who do not meet outside abortion clinics in that extinction or any of the UN depopulation methods of ‘extinction’?) There seem to be almost no cases brought to enforce Brexit of the 23.06.2016 ? or no investigation into the origins of the Supreme Court under Tony Blair who campaigned to leave the EU, as did Jeremy Corbyn ? (Tspiras from the left in Greece did not implement the referendum of the Greek people in 2015 which voted to block the bank bailouts, see the adjacent website and chapter 2) Once a currency is inflated into a bloc, wages rise temporarily, but they are lost in the cost of everything else rising, hence these websites explain how to reduce inflation by prices, and then rise wages above them whilst keeping 100% employment.

The connected Human Rights court (the European Court of Human rights) has recently in the last five years made very strange decisions. The strangest concerns its censoring of free speech, when it ruled a person could not suggest another person is a paedophile by their behaviour, in the case of “ES” who claimed Mohammed was a paedophile, but in the modern context of child marriages and slavery still being legal in many Islamic countries (amidst trafficking and all of the recent abuse cases including the Epstein case which has now disappeared from the mainstream media, but which is the tip of the iceberg) Of course it is an attack on free speech and the new secular humanism is a law onto itself not a ideology to abide by free speech or the law. As such there are no human rights in the EU, it has shattered them. A recent example of this type of crime is related by Caitlin Spencer To report or act on such information requires free speech and the rule of law in the EU or in Britain.

Boris Johnson has removed some of the top 40 horrors of Teresa Mays EU treaty (WA withdrawal agreement), but not all as yet. David Cameron as one raison d’être for the referendum of  23.06.2016 states that the Lisbon treaty will crush nation states. (all EU nation states) See video ‘REALLY! #DavidCameron what did you just say? #LisbonTreaty’ which is available here on youtube

The New Lisbon treaty is more draconian than when David Cameron made this video, and it will be tied into the ESM stability mechanism the ESM or European Stability Mechanism  see video ‘The Shocking Truth of the Pending EU collapse’  (even though it is out of date, this is what all EU nations are facing) and then they will mesh into Teresa Mays deal / EU treaty. Teresa Mays treaty meshes into all of these treaties and Bill Cash MP discovered that it will last until 2099 not a couple of years as she deliberately stated (see all above to November 2018) It is in effect taking Britain further into the new EU. Steve Baker MP has been in the media still trying for the agreed deal already made with Donald Tusk  ? (see previous posts above) as the Brexit Party prepare to face elections in light of the delay letter to the EU and/or an unacceptable rehash of Teresa Mays deal. The EU is also trying to force a delay (stating that after 3.5 years it cannot see a deal by this Thursday’s EU Summit 17.10.2019 ? and which is why many want a No Deal /WTO now) as Boris Johnson says he will not resign if the Queens Speech is rejected. David Cameron’s speech highlights the new Totalitarian EU waiting in 2020, which is beyond belief (which the Liberals and Labour support ? for their own citizens, but which Arthur Scargill does not support voicing support for Boris Johnson in the desire to return manufacturing and coal) but which was incredibly made even more draconian by Teresa Mays deal Treaty. Its plan was to remove the population of the UK into a colony, as is planned in all EU nations who should leave now and take their countries back. Without the EU institutions ‘Europe’ will still exist and thrive.

Nearly every EU country is watching their countries being eroded away. Dinah Clover Dinah Clover provides some clarity on many issues and on the current situation. Considering the UK already trades on WTO terms (see post above dated 9.9.2019) with the rest of the world, then the remainers ‘No Deal ruse’ as she puts it, is a deception to stop Brexit, and is now 3.5 years long. The City of London has thrived through the process. So the delay tactic from the EU (on any deal whatsoever for as long as possible) or remainers is nonsense. This is almost Free Trade (but much further on than not making your own trade deals) in the current financial system which is facing a debt crisis caused by the Left in its deficit spending philosophy, crushing national economies and removing fiscal control (and mentioned in the Queens speech as requiring fiscal conservatism measures at least) Dinah Clover mentions why EU nations will not be able to make their own trade deals. Consider the US WTO victory in which it can claim back not just the $7.5 Billion but Billions over years. Britain’s 10 new Free Ports. Further Britain has highlighted 10 free ports and airports it requires and has invited cities and airports to compete for this status. In the USA the recent buy back of the port sold to China by the Democrats which is a global port, and the trade from it, is worth Trillions over many decades. In ‘Brexit’ most of the activity is nothing to do with Brexit (23.06.2016)





The British National Elections 12.12.2019

The Invention of Chrislam, the Syria genocide relief act, & will the Pope resign ?, The Knights of Malta, Election victory in Hong  Kong. The protection of democracy in Hong Kong act.

The sexual abuse scandals, the sex education of children ‘debate’. Other recent national elections globally and the British National elections & Brexit 12.12.2019


On the 11.12.2018, President Trump and Mike Pence signed the anti genocide act known as the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018' over the past few years many institutions and organisations have called for an end to the slaughter in the middle east. What is emerging since the ongoing Christian genocide is,  it is aimed at ‘Christians’ whether they are practising Christians or simply people who are nominal Christians with the designation placed on their birth certificates at birth. (and even outside of the Middle East which was the beginning) This expanding issue is directly related to the British general election in December as will be revealed.

The act states “This bill authorizes U.S. government agencies to provide humanitarian, stabilization, and recovery assistance for nationals and residents of Iraq and Syria, in particular ethnic and minority individuals at risk of persecution or war crimes. It also authorizes the agencies to assist in prosecuting those suspected of such crimes.”

The long-running Arab Spring uprisings (and today Syria withdrawals have only moved into Iraq) which began in 2011, and which increased in intensity into 2014 and 2015 and still continuing today, are recognised by the current US administration as an urgent problem and Genocide against Christians of all denominations in December 2018.

This is not the first attempt by the West to resolve the terror in the Middle East. The recent history is outlined below.

Pope Francis named the Christian Genocide in 2015. The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representative's pronouncement on the 15/03/2016, followed by the European Parliament's announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016

Following the UK parliament vote, the government did not then fully name it as 'genocide' and has not officially recognised the designation. Although the vote does make that statement, it was still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. President Obama on his trip to the UK and France in 2016 reluctantly named the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 Million Christians by Turkey (1915 – 1925) a "mass atrocity" following the protest and demonstrations of 60,000 people, who marched in remembrance of it, and who protested outside the Turkish embassy in Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles at that time. 40 US states out of 50 declared the Armenian genocide, a genocide as calls for action were made in the spring of 2016 by the Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl and the then Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Sacramento Bee concludes Obama's legacy is Genocide, in reference to the Christian genocide in the Middle East, and today areas like Nigeria, Egypt and the lesser reported areas of the Levant are still living through the tribulation 

Christians are facing extinction in the Middle East pleads the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2017. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols made the following joint statement on the 17.04.2019 The Knights of Columbus, and a broad array of faith-based organisations supported President Trump's bill entitled 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018'. 

It is a start (referring to the declarations and new genocide act ) writes the Baptist Union, which is reporting on ongoing connected persecutions and terror, as hopes continue that President Erdogan of Turkey (as he has promised) will press on with the safe zone plan for the Middle East for the Kurd's and Christian and wider.  Prince Charles has also condemned the Christian genocide.

Michelle and Barack Obama guilty of genocide. Obama has still not recognised the Genocide (he was silent upon it in 2015 as of course he was directing it from the Whitehouse in Washington) Reverend Franklin Graham pleaded with Obama to recognise what was occurring The US state department (via Obama and Clinton) issued a statement on November 2015 that ISIS did not kill Christians  Whilst later John Kerry (Secretary of state) did declare it as genocide in March 2016,  the Obama Whitehouse itself would not call it a Genocide in March 2016 This makes ‘Michelle Obama’ (Michael, aka Mick partner of Barry Soetoro) also equally responsible for the genocide under the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018’

Hillary Clinton on New Year’s Eve in 2015 (29.12.2015) broke with the Obama administration and declared the Christian genocide as genocide, although she was 4 years too late. She claimed she changed her mind as there was now enough evidence, yet the Pope had declared the genocide as genocide in August 2015 five months previous. Many suspect that as the ‘evidence’ of the genocide accumulated (at least in the minds of the US state dept) Hillary Clinton suddenly found it politically expedient to declare the genocide as genocide in December 2015 as she had declared her run for President in April 12th 2015. She waited 8 months to declare the genocide despite the fact it had been analysed since 2011. Clinton was U.S. secretary of state in the Obama Administration from 2009 to 2013, during her tenure, Clinton responded to the Arab Spring by advocating military intervention in Libya. The Arab spring was directly instrumental in the Christian genocide.

Obama, Michelle Obama and Clinton watched as Christians were beheaded, raped and murdered, including children and child sacrifices.

The Knights of Columbus had been involved in the writing of a report supporting measures to counteract the genocide. Today and since Easter 2019 (to repeat from above) In the USA the media were unable to call the Sri Lanka victims Christians (video ‘Tucker: Left struggles to say the word 'Christians'    or here )

In Sri Lanka in  2019 (in a report also ) and wider in the ongoing Islmaic jihad against Christians Globally The report, In which it is estimated (as body parts were hard to identify and many bodies were totally blown away ) 253 people were killed and 800 were injured and victims were from up to 12 countries globally The EU attacks in France and Belgium in 2014 – 2015 were carried out in a similar manner. A video of one of the suicide bombers is shown entering a church in St Sebastian  (or here) One of the victims ‘Sneha Savindi, 12, was among them. Her uncle, Duminda, said her body had been so badly destroyed by shrapnel that the family was only able to identify her by a birthmark on her foot’ Other victims body parts were blown and strewn inside and outside the church. The list above (or here again)  are attacks on Christians Catholic and Protestant as they attending within their  Churches. Yesterday on the 12.05.2019 (and two weeks previous on the 28.04.2019 in Bukino faso but at Silgadji when 6 were also killed in a church including the pastor and his sons for refusing to convert to Islam ) in Bukino faso at Dablo 6 church goers were killed including a Priest in a Catholic Mass when gunmen arriving on motorbikes opened fire slaughtering the congregation.  On 13.11.2019 85 people were killed in HYPERLINK  including the pastor and his wife. The following day hundreds were killed I Nigeria at the Kaduna province by machete and shootings. People in the srilanka bombings were unrecognisable  Brutality even in Saudi Arabia is unlimited as a 6 year old boy is beheaded with glass in public in February of this year which is still continuing in Iraq and Syria although Isis are almost extinguished. The US has moved to make the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist organisation and from 2008 – 2016 Obama’s legacy of genocide is certainly at least that. The Christian genocide involved millions of people killed and displaced and targeted) against millions of Christians in the Middle east  and the USA, which was also overseen by James Clapper, John Brennan, Clinton, Joe Biden and Loretta Lynch and Huma Abeddin et al. 

This destruction of churches or the western way of life Churches in the EU (as the Pope stands by and watches) and it is estimated up to 1600 have been attacked and destroyed especially by fire. Both Catholic and Protestant churches (2016) have been hit and in France it is particularly strong. A 2018 report and by Ellen Fantini, executive director of Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination   Against Christians in Europe shows that it has steadily increased over the past five years particularly. The Islamic doctrine of migration is one way only (see video The Islamic Doctrine of Migration’ ) which is partnered with censorship and by bribery in the EU and elsewhere (see video ‘Jordan Peterson - EU Censorship and Islamor here for Jordan Peterson EU Censorship and Islam) In turn this is controlled by the United Nations into the EU (where in the UN Saudi Arabia sit on the human rights council) and in Islam slavery is still legal (it is not spoke of but it exists as a thriving market especially since the financial crisis in 2008) woman can be bought and sold like cattle. Christian persecution is at Genocide levels again say Fox News and also the Guardian and again also the BBC.

Therefore is this ‘war’ being used to pressure the Roman Catholic Church to adopt teachings which are not Christian teachings. Here are a few more examples. Cairo April 2017  / Pakistan December 2017 .


The Invention of ‘Chrislam’

Chrislam Whatever the cause now, Pope Francis has embraced ‘Chrislam’ a heresy made up in the minds of non Christians  and has appointed 13 new Chrislam Cardinals in October 2019. It is of course a betrayal of the 1,2 Billion Roman Catholics worldwide, it is heresy and is not a protestant faith or catholic faith of any kind. Chrislam was founded (or adapted) by Pastor Rick Warren who has made up the hybrid faith in his own mind many suggest Warren denies he is mixing both faiths, yet even pastors like Joel Osteen (some have suggested) and now the Pope are calling it a new faith as ‘Chrislam’. This new faith is of course not Islam either or the Koran but it is not the faith of the Bible of Torah in any way. Islam has its own internal dilemma’s (see post above dated 9.9.2019 and subheading ‘Islam and the curious matter of the Mihrab walls in Mosques (for the Qiblah) all facing the wrong direction for over 1300 years ?’ yet Chrislam is not any way near Islam. Further the origins of Islam itself are not what they appear according to ex Jesuit Priest Alberto Riveria and a view shared by Augustin Cardinal Bea.

Aside from the theory that the Church (Pope Francis) has been threatened with being blown up continually (Obama / Isis) hence Pope Francis has adopted Chrislam to keep the ‘peace’, others suggest that the falling Church numbers in Europe, Britain and the USA are causing a crisis in the Roman Catholic church, which necessitates mass immigration (the UN migration compact and 240 million initially see posts above) into these areas and then merge with Chrislam in order to swell the ranks of the ‘Church’.

It is a year since public outcry and Roman Catholic leaders called for the Popes resignation (video youtube ‘Catholic leaders call on Pope Francis to resign’ ) and in August 2019 Archbishop Vigano called again for the Pope to step down following his letter to the Pope in 2018. Further in October 2019 the Pope (or others ) has made a formal trial decision to allow ‘married men’ to become Priests (just like most of the apostles and disciples under Jesus Christ including Peter and Paul who were also married)  Of course it is about time.

The outcry against Pope Francis is growing but he is not listening. Wondering if the Pope is a Catholic, John McGuirk pens the following article of concern. It is possible to depose a Pope and there are precedents  alternatively the Swiss Guard can arrest the Pope and deport him back to Argentina. The Swiss Guard who are the Vatican’s secret service and open and obvious police have had security problems with Pope Francis In 2014, and also again in September / October 2019. Domenico Giani the head of Vatican security resigned. “  Giani, 57, a former member of Italy’s secret services, had been part of the Vatican security apparatus for 20 years, serving three popes, and had held the top post since 2006. No previous head of Vatican security has left under a shadow in living memory. His resignation is the latest twist in a saga that has gripped the Vatican for two weeks. It started with an unprecedented and unexplained Oct. 2 raid by Giani’s men on two key Vatican offices, the Financial Information Authority (AIF) and the Secretariat of State”

Many suggest that this co-coincides with the appointment of the 13 ‘Chrislam’ cardinals who are in effect infiltrating and opposing the Roman Catholic Christian Church. Others suggest it is the unholy lifestyle which Pope Francis has turned a blind eye too (so writes Frederic Martel in ‘Sex Parties, Drugs and Gay Escorts at the Pope's Residence: Undercover in the Vatican’)  yet in other areas (such as rewriting Roman Catholic orthodoxy)  and which in early 2019, two Cardinals asked Pope Francis to end the homosexual activity in Priests which of course only highlights  the ironic situation that gay men can marry (despite the fact Pope Francis has stated there are only 2 genders and gay marriage is a sin against Gd, but in 2017) but Priests yet cannot marry a woman ? (Muslim men do not marry each other and in a experiment in Sweden, gay sex was obviously rejected video ‘Muslims go crazy during anti-islamic movie sweden’)


Sexual abuse cover up in the Church, pagan groups and government and civil institutions.

The sexual abuse cover up by Pope Francis especially from the Archbishop Nuncio in Washington against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick (who was finally deposed this year ) but which had been exposed for a long time before this, yet Pope Benedict had already removed him from 2013, but he was restored under Pope Francis ? (video ‘Catholic leaders call on Pope Francis to resign’ ) Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's attempts at reforming the scandals have been in effect reversed by Pope Francis as the ‘vatileaks’ controversy letters reveal. A new lawsuit against the Vatican emerged in May 2019 when an insider threatened to release the names of 3000 Priests who are awaiting ‘decisions’ “The lawsuit, to be filed Tuesday, asks that the Vatican release the names of more than 3,000 priests who have sexually abused children, as well as evidence and documentation.” writes Jon Hopfensberger. Many institutions and organisations including pagan and the protestant church are also facing the same Justice, although Pope Francis has called child sex abuse akin to human sacrifice addressing the paedophilia summit within the Roman Catholic Church in February 2019, but it did not appease many victims. Ministers in any church were never ministers to begin with when they infiltrated the Church who whilst dressing in robes which are unconnected to the early church and are not necessary, have instead clothed themselves like Wolves in sheep’s clothing (note many churches have a lot of ritual and ceremony but only preach a pre – set fragment of the actual Bible each week ?)

These infiltrations occur in every country and in every institution and faith, they are not Christians.

Some of the more disturbing background concerns Archbishop Robert Carlson in the USA who was not sure child molestation was a crime. Whilst Father John Calnan sexually abused a girl as she was giving confessions, yet when the Vatican is changing the faith to ‘Chrislam’ and engaging with sex parties, drugs and gay escorts at the Popes residence, then this facade of ‘the church’ has to end and sweeping changes are needed including a new Christian Pope and the arrest of the 13 new cardinals and all those who are guilty of sexually abusing children. They should repent quickly and hand themselves into the police or law services even at the top levels of the Vatican. They have assisted in the mass immigration of the EU and sex trafficking across the West.

In the EU the case (to repeat from above)  of “ES” who claimed Mohammed was a paedophile, but in the modern context of child marriages and slavery still being legal in many Islamic countries (amidst trafficking and all of the recent abuse cases including the Epstein case which has now disappeared from the mainstream media, Pope Francis has not condemned this court decision ? and now has appointed 13 cardinals in the new non-faith of Chrislam. The guards in the prison where Epstein killed himself allegedly have now been arrested for sleeping on duty ? and falsifying records of the time leading up to the death. It is suggested also that Epstein did not kill himself but is still alive as the Epstein Island was in fact a cover to blackmail those involved, albeit they participated. (and to recap from above Dozens of Epstein’s accusers appeared in court on the 27.08.2019 to testify or hear arguments on the abuse over many decades. (you tube ‘2 women talk about alleged abuse after Jeffrey Epstein charged with sex trafficking L Nightline’ ) for more information see the end of Chapter 4 on the adjacent website (and the beginning) yet following this the case against Epstein was dismissed following his death (although that can be appealed and investigated) earlier Robert Sweet one of the Federal Judges overseeing the release of the sealed court records was found dead but who will be replaced. Next Jeffery Epstein’s fixer jean Luc Brunel has vanished. On the 7.9.2019 MIT media head Joichi Ito resigned for donating to Jeffery Epstein but MIT itself also solicited for Epstein) The latest accusations are directed against Prince Andrew

The ‘new’ religion of which Chrislam is a part is the false and cultic transhumanist religion. Youtube video “Transhumanism (full documentary)”  and yet Pope Francis issued his statement on same sex marriage which states " But the human family as an image of God, man and woman, is only one. It is only one,” the pontiff said"   ?

Trump in 2012 called for the death penalty for paedophiles. On online petition is asking for the return of the death penalty for them The movement to bring paedolfilia as a new gender has infiltrated all levels of life ‘Let’s be mature about paedophilia | Madeleine van der Bruggen | TEDxSittardGeleen’ even into ‘Ted Talks’ as normalisation. Making it a ‘new gender’ is central to that aim. The next generation are  targeted relentlessly in broad and complex schemes and at the heart of governments.

Roman Catholics and Anglicans want a leader who is a Christian not a political theorist, and Francis of Assisi would not recognise the see of Rome today. Pope Francis embraced Grand Imam Al-Tayeb. “Hours before Pope Francis called for the abolition of capital punishment on Friday, he warmly embraced Grand Imam Al-Tayeb, who has expressed his desire that Muslims who convert to Christianity should be executed” Remember however that many of these abuses have been Roman Catholic or Anglican or Presbyterian whistleblowers on the inside of the church. The Holy See is broken and no longer exists; it is no longer the ‘see of St Peter’ from which it claims its traditions. The Bishop of Rome cannot now claim heritage from Simon Peter whose words are preserved in the following New Testament book ‘2 Peter 2 verses 1 – 22’  which points to Gds wrath but which is omitted by the Church. The working and middle class have the right to full religion teaching instead of being lied too.

One of the chief instigators of the Christian genocide Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was killed at the end of October 2019. Also killed was ISIS spokesman Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir  . Obama as the head of ISIS with Michelle Obama, James Clapper Outs Barack Obama As Mastermind Behind Russia Hoax  Can now be charged legally under 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018’. In Europe Europol have disrupted Islamic state propaganda websites.

Consider the following in which hundreds across 38 countries were arrested (including in Ireland and Britain) and in which the reader can return too at the end of this post dated. These criminals employed ‘remote viewing’ used to sell live actions of children being abused. Parents in the ‘sex education’ for children should bear this in mind when sending their children to libraries or schools.(see below)

In the USA, US officials unsealed nine indictments and issued them against a 'dark web' website owner Jong Woo Son aged 23 from South Korea who is currently in prison since 2017. Following the indictments, a further 337 arrests were made last week in 38 countries including the UK, Ireland, America, South Korea, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Czech Republic and Canada. The NCA’s National Cyber Crime Unit employed digital forensic capabilities to identify that 'Welcome To Video' was being run from South Korea by Jong Woo Son who was sentenced to 25 years two years ago, and they were also able to analyse crypto currency transactions to identify those who purchased videos from the dark web Internet site. (many crypto – currencies are a scam in themselves such as one – coin this is aside from Google Alphabets Chinese 5g / 6g social credit slavery vision) 

Although the website was closed last year following an investigation into a child sex offender Dr Mathew Falder, US officials revealed that a further 337 arrests had been made last week in those countries, following internet digital evidence of more than 200,000 videos which had been downloaded more a million times. The dark web internet site entitled 'Welcome to Video' has been described as the 'largest dark web child porn marketplaces' The site offered videos for sale in the crypto currency 'Bitcoin' and Prosecutors said the site had offered videos of sex acts involving children, infants and toddlers – and specifically asked users not to upload videos featuring adults-only pornography.

The NCA uncovered the 'Welcome To Video' Internet site, during its investigation into the geophysicist Dr Matthew Falder, who admitted 137 offenses including encouraging child rape and sharing images of a newborn baby being abused.23 Children enslaved to feature in the videos have been rescued, and other children who appeared in the videos are currently the subject of a search and rescue operation. "Dark web child sex offenders...cannot hide from law enforcement," the UK's National Crime Agency investigations lead, Nikki Holland, said. "They're not as cloaked as they think they are, they're not as safe as they think they are." 

Kelly Ann mills writing in the Daily Mirror adds "The Lucy Faithfull Foundation runs the Stop It Now! Helpline which offers confidential advice to anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s behavior towards children"


John Bercow the speaker of the House of Commons has been replaced by Lindsay Hoyle, but who voted for Harriet Harman and the paedophile information exchange.


Following the announcement of the resignation of John Bercow the speaker of the House of Commons on Monday 9.9.2019, a secret ballot election for a new speaker produced a winner in Lindsey Hoyle MP from Lancashire.

Firstly Bercow was very concerned about Brexit (as discussed in the last post above) so much so he sidelined Boris Johnson and the UK government to meet EU Parliament President Sassoli  (video youtube ‘EU Parliament President Sassoli admits meeting Bercow 'to prevent clean Brexit')

The election for new house speaker took 4 rounds to reach a conclusion and many candidates entered the election. One Candidate was Harriet Harman of the labour party (former deputy leader of the labour party) who with Patricia Hewitt (former health secretary of the labour party and whose quote on children explains everything) and Harriet Harman’s husband former Labour home affairs spokesperson in the 1970’s and 1980’s lobbied for the following paedophile groups “Would they like to explain further the circumstances, detailed last week in the Daily Mail, that led to a notorious group called the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) achieving formal affiliate status with the NCCL (arguing that PIE also had human rights). PIE's influence was such that the NCCL lobbied for what was dubbed a "Lolita charter", where the age of consent would be lowered to 10 (if the child "understood the nature of the act"); another proposal argued for incest to be legalised” writes Barbara Allen of the Guardian.

The election of house speaker requires one candidate to win over half the votes. In the first round arriet  Harman received 72 votes and in the second round she received 59 votes. The votes in total numbered (first round) 562 (as some did not vote or abstained out of a possible 650 MP’s.  Therefore 72 labour MP’s (in the majority) voted for Harriet Harman out of 562 MP’s or nearly 13% (or 11%  of 650 if all had voted) in total of the countries elected representatives as MP’s voted for a woman who advocates paedophilia, incest and lowering the age of consent to 10 years of age.  Take of a poll of any club, social group or local community to see if 13% of them would vote for that. What is going on in Westminster? it is corrupt beyond belief. (source; Hansard (the official report of proceedings in the House):  & the House of Commons Speaker Election Candidates )

To also understand that paedophiles Charles Oxley exposed PIE. From within government Steven Smith ran PIE from within the home office  and Barry Cutler secretary of PIE worked in Home Office security. The policies of the left liberals, open up to paedophiles who quickly infiltrate. In 2014 the ‘lost paedofile dossier’ was never found which alleged a cover up at the home office, and later Teresa May as home secretary was accused of assisting a cover up as she instigated the IICSA CHILD abuse inquiry report which began from the Home Office. Yet today 72 MPs can vote openly for the House speaker to be a paedophile supporter.

To understand what PIE is / was and why it  is organised see youtube video  ‘P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview’ or one of its founders Tom OCarroll youtube video ‘Tom O'Carroll - Founder of Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)’  How did it exist ? for over ten years.  It is still continuing in one form or another . What are its connections to Whitehall and why are they still working as politicians. What are the connections to Northern Ireland where the HIA inquiry can now issue compensation for abuse victims  What are the connections to Edward Heath who took Britain into the EU. (ratification of the Accession treaty which was signed in Brussels on 22 January 1972 by the Conservative prime minister Edward Heath, who had pursued the UK's application to the EEC since the late 1950s) See also  Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' which highlights gay paedophilia as opposed to heterosexual paedophilia but which merge eventually) ) which is now confirmed and is shocking and is prevalent in Soviet communist socialist society to a very high degree and all societies and countries in the world. Open societal warfare is practised against Britain and other countries by ‘Common Purpose’ who practice ‘behavioural modification’ (media, political parties, education of all ages) which is a part of perception management (or Psyop operations)

Despite this the former deputy leader of the Labour party Harriet Harman, put her name forward for the position.  She pledged to be a 'radically reforming’ Speaker of the Commons if she succeeds John Bercow, warning that a parliament must change as rapidly as the outside world to bridge a widening gap between MPs and the public'  As an agent for change 'The veteran Labour MP and longstanding campaigner for a more modern, family-friendly Commons has planned a tour of the UK ahead of the election for a new Speaker, so she can ask voters what they think of parliament' Whilst past controversies have not stemmed her rise in the labour party, the little known controversy of her involvement with campaign groups which supported the PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange ) in the 1970's. The group openly shared information between paedophiles for over ten years, and even offered a call in helpline for paedophiles who experienced difficulties and stress from 'resistant' childrenHarriet Harman and her husband Jack Dromey now a frontbench Labour MP and Patricia Hewitt, a former Labour Cabinet minister under Tony Blair, all worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s.In 1975, the NCCL as a campaign group (now known as human rights watchdog Liberty) controversially granted official "affiliate” status to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a body which lobbied openly for child sex. When asked in 2014, if she still supported the group, she stated she regretted her involvement with them in an apparent U - turn after she had denied  any involvement with the campaign group. The PIE or the incredible 'Paedophile Information exchange' (video; P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview ) was started by Gay campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. 

Peter Tatchell has campaigned for sex to be reduced to those even as low as 9 years of age. Since then  a study finds that there is no gay gene, and we are either xx or xy gene at conception (only 2 genders) just as human life begins at conception  Abortion as a campaign is also a part of these measures (active measures) see above on the Belfast and Dublin abortion debates in the post dated 9.9.2019 and subheading ‘Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests)’


Who are the Fabians ?

A bill was introduced into the house of commons in mid 2019 named the Northern Ireland Executive formation bill. Two MPs Conor McGinn MP of St Helens and Labour and Stella Creasy MP for Walthamstow and Labour filed an amendment to that bill. Conor McGinn made the headlines in July 2019, when he and fellow labour MP Stella Creasy (both are Fabian society members, with fellow and former Labour MP Sadiq Khan who is also a fabian and now the Lord Mayor of London who succeeded Boris Johnson) introduced successful amendments to the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Executive Formations) Bill which became law on the 24.07.2019. The amendments stipulate that abortions and same sex marriage should be extended legally to Northern Ireland, unless the Stormont devolved government is up and running by or on the 21.10.2019. Sinn Fein and the SDLP did not join the Stormont parliament (it could not run ) but all the other politically parties did who oppose these measures and the bill became law in waiting although it can be voted away again.  The bill became law under Teresa May (who cried she loves her country when leaving office) circulating since 2017, but was finalised after she left office on 7.6.2019. The amendments by Conor McGinn and Stella Creasy were made  on 9.7.2019 into 10.7.2019. Yet they are not what they claim to be.

The bill was seen for what it was, it does not represent any country or party but is part of the international lefts sick or as is becoming more apparent insane agenda. Former Irish GAA captain Lisa O'Hare said she could no longer vote Sinn Fein, whilst the Life Institute in Ireland pointed out the hypocrisy of Sinn Fein for not taking seats in Westminster but lobbying it for change in Ulster. Aontu a new political party which has broken away from others has the following to say on these matters. youtube video  ‘Right to life a 'core value' for new political party in Ireland’

But who are the Fabians (to which Conor McGinn, Stella Creasy and Sadiq Khan belong to the Fabien society and are bound to them first and foremost, truly disgusting ) First see the post in Chapter 3 above dated 17.05.2016    The Growing Conflict and the sub heading Fabian Society

Use this link here to go to those links on the Fabians.

Their original Mural is still the Wolf in sheep’s clothing. And Rose L Martins book  ‘Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A.’ describes the cult like activities of the Fabians who simply create debt and anarchy under the guise of good deeds. In the case of Conor McGinn and Stella Creasy and Sadiq Khan, they are working together and are not working for any countries interests. Whilst many good people become caught up in the rhetoric of good deeds and other ends and aims, they are in fact totally controlled in much the same way ‘extinction rebellion’ is controlled and fake. Simply secular humanism with the UN depopulation agenda and now sex education for children (see below)

From the beginning of this post to this point do you see any good from these political activities?  What the left says it will do and what it is doing are two separate agenda’s. In essence they and others have destroyed the working class and middle class and have become a conduit to remove and replace populations in whichever country they are in. They have no national concerns or affiliations and over time these fronted ‘good deeds’ are lost and the real agenda comes through. Everyone wants a better life, wages and 100% employment and low tax, simple and easy to obtain.


The child Sex education in schools and libraries ‘debate’

In 2018 the Spectator ran the following story

It has also been brought in by the Fabians and other left leaning groups but which ultimately is driven by the secular humanist cult (as Jo Swinson of the Liberal Democrat party and others ) agenda into its new form of Aldous Huxley’s (the brave or cowardly new world) ‘Transhumanism’ which is the new United Nations religion (and international planned parenthood) and which includes the invented ‘Chrislam’ To understand the end of this teaching  see youtube video ‘TRANSHUMANISM (FULL DOCUMENTARY)’ 

Muslims and Christians parents and even secular groups and parents have removed 600 children from schools in Birmingham Why ? are they ‘Homophobic’ ? or is it that schools and school boards are there only to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, of course it is the latter. All schools could withdraw from this education system let it collapse and begin again. Will the Muslims who refused to bake a gay cake be brought to court ? will these deranged people (the first ‘transgender’ family) be prosecuted for child abuse ? What are they teaching ?

Watch the following video on the war on Children youtube ‘The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda - 11 mins’  and see see video ‘Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination? Birmingham Protests’ 

In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’ Produced by ‘Hands off our kids’ at and the Life Institute in Ireland, it has already been attacked and denied by the MSM as a ‘fact check’ Yet in the EU this ‘factchecking double speak’ is highlighted as false when Poland made a bill to stop paedophilia in Poland and in the EU, but which was rejected by the ‘EU’    (previous Irish warnings at free speech events ) & Irish law on Irish education ‘RADICAL SEX EDUCATION (RSE) IRELAND’

Leo Varadker and so called minister for children Katherine Zappone are complicit in this.

Just to get an an idea of what is acceptable for children. Doctor of psychology institutes (as a cover for paedophiles) and people paid them fortunes to sit and be analysed (and who are opposed by many gay conservatives and gay groups to be clear) and they are behind the 'paedophile gender' and reducing the age of consent movements, and Children are prey to them the law and culture changes are a part Convicted sex offenders are the most likely to get the job as library teachers of the 'modus operandi' ('MO' ) and all, without scientific or moral reasoning except a desire to fulfil perversion, E.G. Criminal prosecutions against minors are stopped as the defendant said the child showed signs of 'being gay' when he raped him so his sentence was reduced (or here) as a mitigating factor (Sentence of Mario Tolosa was reduced from six years to 38 months) Explaining how to be tolerable is Dylan Pontiff drag queen who teaches library hour for children and explains they are being groomed for the next generation (video ‘Drag queen on 'story hour': ‘We’re grooming next generation’)  Convicted sex offenders are the most likely to get the job as library teachers as is / was the case with Alfonso Garza seen here teaching ‘Drag Queen Storytime Reader Once Charged with Child Sex Assault’    Other examples are ‘NY Library Brings Drag Queens to Kids Story Hour’   and ‘Drag queen teaches children to 'twerk' 

The USA learns that ABC news pulled the Geoffrey Epstein story years ago and then sat on it, (and ‘Disney’ covered it up) we also learn that  Ed Murray the Seattle Mayor and LGBT leader resigned following five counts of child abuse, (September 2017) but was ‘investigated without success under the Obama administration (nothing to worry about it is harmless and not grooming) We also learn that paedophilia is pushed by the WHO and planned parenthood international but the other side of the rainbow is not a fairytale children. Consider the following story by Millie Fontana 'the other side of the rainbow' and then the truth of Planned Parenthood clinics  which do not perform mammograms etc, but do have abortion targets and who claim contraception deliberately fails. Farmed people without choice is the future and choice is disappearing quickly. In law choice is biased. Desiring to normalize paedofilia is big business and a very wide and deep net which people cannot believe is happening. Just as the MSM deny that teaching masturbation to 4 year olds is untrue ? it is already happening in Britain and on its way to Ireland (video ‘ UK Primary Schools teaching MASTURBATION’) or see Irish school teacher Rebecca McDaids view on what is coming. Consider the numerous cases of innocent until proven guilty cases of insanity allowed to exist as entertainment or progressive education or why Scotland Yard has to warn the public that ‘elite paedoflie’ rings are protected, and free speech in any area is squashed.

Take for example the child Predation services of Arizona  (and what has really been going on in the USA behind the Russia and Ukraine investigation hoaxes)  or the recent arrests in the alleged NXIVM cult / trafficking (video  ‘Escaping NXIVM: Behind the investigation of the alleged sex cult’) which also has connections to the Reverend Jim Jones and the Jonestown mass ‘suicides’  and to Laurence Eugene Schacht and the University of Guadalajara medical school.

Speaking the at the FBI cadets or academy in late 2017 many issues were brought forward by President Trump

Obama, Mrs Obama, the Clintons and paedofiles. Why Attorney Mark S Zaid currently protecting the ‘whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella in the Ukraine inquiry hoax and who was friends with Obama allowed paedophiles to obtain top level security clearance in Washington. Pizzagate was a pizza shop frequented by democrats and the shop displayed paedophile images on its walls. It is not ‘debunked’. Consider that in 2010 and 2011 the following letters were sent to Obama. Obama had a huge interest in ‘education’ and pushed radical brainwashing with his mentor Bill Ayers who was also his lover.

See the adjacent website and Chapter 4 which were sent to bring any kind of change in the growing trafficking and sex abuse of children worldwide.

The four letters below outline his visit to Ireland in 2010/2011.

The following four letters have been forwarded to 1.Central banks (worldwide), 2. President Obama, 3. Charities Worldwide (as bank bailouts show ultimately taxpayers as ordinary people had to save the banks through bailing them out, and who ultimately also donate to charities, and therefore can banks bailout charities ! whilst the world new innovations in banking, banking mechanisms can achieve most tasks) 4. His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

The following asks the question, as to why the world’s economy and finances in part are not geared towards projecting the most vulnerable in society. Separately Warren Buffet looking the world Derivative debt bubble  and as it hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) with future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivatives debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years)  and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions shows the worlds awash with funds.Chapter 4 in the in the adjacent  website gives examples of how it could be from existing and past attempts and examines finance possibilities. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars  (or analysed here again )whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion) It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble  (IMF estimation and which is owed by everyone on the planet) which is the real cause of the instability in the global markets and world economies, but a reset is required not a collapse. Bringing in the odd $£€50 million (on top of existing budgets and debt free, and this expense would save 3 times that amount in crime reduction savings) or so monthly to track and capture pedophiles or traffickers terrorists and child slavery merchants in the fallacy of ‘open borders’ seems very little in comparison and could easily be afforded.


Consider that after this child porn was allowed to be distributed and downloaded from internal servers all over Washington. Why it is big business now and even in the United Nations Even in the Mayor De Blasio offices in New York.

To see what that education (Obama and Mrs Obama and Clinton and ‘Common core’ ) leads to in reality down the years consider what children really are exposed too or what Drag Queens get up when not teaching children in schools o libraries as day jobs, consider the following video ‘Video: Drag Queen Simulates Cutting Baby Out of Her Womb, Drinking Blood’  consider the following videos ‘Pedophiles Rule the World’  

(Pizzagate is not debunked but was the favorite pizza shop for democrat staffers which displayed pedophile images on the walls) 

Having open borders and centralised governments assists these activities and this is why those policies are pushed to protect trafficking.

One of the major dark net trafficking syndicates was dismantled in early 2019. In 2014 the World’s largest paedophile online viewing site. Unmasked as Adelaide childcare worker Shannon McCoole. McCoole's victims were in state care, and were as young as 18 months old. The oldest was three. The sentencing judge at McCoole's trial described him as "evil and depraved". He shared images and videos of his abuse of children on the site he administered.(see video ‘Worldwide paedophile ring busted in sting operation | 7.30’)

‘Remote viewing’ of library story-time and school lessons for primary and any age is a big attraction for these paedophiles and it is coming to a school near you. It is easy for them to set up.

They are already doing this and mocking the idiots who allow it. Instead ask a policeman to educate children in libraries or schools or ask these men ( Vets for child rescue)  such as and H.E.RO. rescue corps who also employ wounded veterans to do the digital forensics work to assist the Police as well as the FBI (who could of course work out some kind of banking fund to help pay for the costs, there are no economic barriers to funding these legal aspirations only political barriers or even faith barriers) to lighten the burden but also engage in full investigations necessary for prosecutions. It also gives employment to people with disabilities. Combining an education for schoolchildren and in libraries could be combined with self defence classes and awareness capabilities.  

This is who the Fabians are and this is how the left and paedophiles work together. The World’s largest charity for kids (to repeat from above) via the UN (United Nations) street kids and  its founder Peter Daglish was convicted of abusing boys in Nepal. Of course there are other educations

The sex education in schools and libraries and the remote viewing of them is all part of the package, yet the politicians who appear to be Neutral or who allow this to go through are complicit in the scandal.


Other recent National elections; Globally

In Hong Kong on the 24.11.2019 Pro-democracy protestors win 17 out of 18 districts in HK elections  Amidst the protests, pro – democracy voters claimed a historic surge when they won 17 of the 18 districts in Hong Kong, this has brought a ‘warning’ from Beijing Protests escalated to 350,000 as police fired non lethal weapons at the crowds last weekend but have employed real weapons (see again . ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’ which is being exported to the west and to you, see video ‘Exporting dystopia: China’s social credit system | The Weekly’ ) This is why protestors are protesting to escape the Maoist indoctrination from China. It is incredible that those living nearer to such a system socialism / communism want to escape it the most. 1.4 Billion people enslaved and not in local or in one region but across China. This is also ‘Globalisation’ by socialism

On the 24.11.2019 the BBC revealed the Uighers plight in the detention centres which is part of the dystopian social credit system. Uighers are Christian and Muslim and in Xinjiang region of China there are hundreds of camps, but they are also all over China in a military totalitarian dictatorship. You are forced to ‘love the communist vanguard’. Pastor Bob Fu speaking of the new Cultural Revolution and persecutions in China (to repeat from above) relates the 3 aspects of President Xi’s totalitarian regime known as Sinicisation.  (or here)  1. War against the Church (or any faith or  belief of any faith)  2.  The War against Children and education  3. The War against the rule of law. (see video at 5 minutes in for these 3 points ) ‘Bob Fu (China) speaking at the 2019 Church in Chains Conference’  see above post dated 9.9.2019)

The US has provided support to Hong Kong via its two new bills. “The House voted 417–1 to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on Nov. 21, which had unanimously passed through the Senate the day prior” China whilst on the one hand is commanding Kim Jong Un and North Korea to increase and keep its Nuclear weapons, is suggesting that Tawian (or even Hong Kong) should not have any ?

The terror (Red Terror) echoing Lenin’s outbreak of terror when the communists (Bolsheviks) lost the first election in Russia in 1917 – 1921, when the peasants rejected their mandates, has not been explained by  Diplomat Liu Xiaoming who is (Chinese: 刘晓明; born January 1956)  a Chinese diplomat who has served as the current Ambassador of China to the United Kingdom since 2010 under the former and current paramount leader, General Secretaries of the Communist Party General Secretary of the Communist Party of China. Speaking here on BBC News hardtalk 27.11.2019.  see also  ( " Mao's Great Famine HDTV "  or MP4 Video file version here & a CIA documentary " China's Great Leap Forward | 1958 | History of China Under Mao Zedong | CIA Documentary Fi   " as its full name in you tube )

To illustrate this in China 2 members of the communist party vanguard secretariat are secret Christians who cannot tell this publically or else they will be ‘re- educated in gulags’ or killed.

In Germany (end of October) the ADF have overtaken Angela Merkel in Thuringa, but Germany has been asked to end its coal production ? (all of it) Coal has nothing to do with climate change, but has everything to do with superpowers trying to get an advantage over its competitors. Germany should keep its coal and get rid of Merkel and the rest of the progressives and communists. China is increasing its coal, and the proceeds from the illegal fraudulent carbon credit scams ended up in Chinese hands (a large proportion) In Ireland people are being asked to stop cutting Turf (peat bogs) locally, yet the top soils (ruined) are being cut and sent to Africa ? The environmental protection agencies grab land and then exploit it to their own ends regardless of climate concerns. Yet Africa has its own newly discovered huge peat bogs. This is straight from the UN to the EU. Meanwhile Nigerian trafficking gangs engage in trafficking children for sex in Ireland, whilst Nigerians are being systematically killed by Muslims in the region. This is Globalism by liberalism and radical Islam.

In Switzerland the Swiss Peoples Party SVP won again and from its elections in 2015. Fears were stoked when it was announced Switzerland’s ice capped mountains could melt. Of  course they could also become snowy and full of ice in Winter, and then melt in the spring and summer. (it’s a bit like Peter Sellers in the film ‘Being there’)

In the Czech Republic protests grow against corruption. The blame is placed upon populist Andrej Babis the Billionaire, yet the corruption was also noted in early 2017 when he was minister of finance. He has fraud charges against him and connections (some suggest) to the communist party. The whole system is corrupt and the EU is moving (20/20) to make the most corrupt Lisbon treaty / ESM treaty ‘fiscal policy’ federalisation in history. Changing that corruption means cancelling its debt and nations retaining full fiscal control of their countries. Between these problems and the lunatic green ideas of carbon taxation and land grabs (not the pesticide reduction policies which can be adopted by any party ) farmers all over the EU are taking to their tractors to follow Romania’s idea of removing them and their policies. Only the populist’s have challenged corruption successfully so far.

Farmers in Ireland are set for a tractor protest on 27.11.2019, and they blocked the centre for a day and a half after German farmers shut down Berlin on 27.11.2019. French and Dutch protests shut the countries down. This follows the USA decision to reject the UN climate accords and finally pull out with except the mainstream media knowing climate change is a con. Shutting down power sources and making sure farmers cannot thrive is all a part of ‘Agenda 21 – 30’ and is being pushed by  the  EU. (Ursula von der Leyen is a German politician and the President-elect of the European Commission)

In Argentina the populists have taken control of the government.  Yet Argentina’s politics are also corruption ridden and it is not changing its fiscal debt policy. It will retain its national debt and nothing will change. It is simple, (localism and populism) make 100% employment, lower taxes, cancel your debts, stop immigration from the UN led NGO’s and think tanks removing export corruption and trafficking, and manufacture and farm for your needs and export the excess  (there is no left or right )

In Bolivia the true leader of the country Evo Morales (who is the person who has championed ‘the people’ more than any other living leader) has been removed from office. Localism and populism were not his chosen path, but the idea is the one that voters want, after which they can analyse and solve deeper problems in their own nation.  Evo Morales should be included on the election ballot as he is forced to flee to Mexico.

In Canada The liberal party and Justin Trudeau suffered a loss on previous elections, but also the system does not reflect what people voted for, and if it had he would be out of power. The results however will reduce the ability of Trudeau to legislate in a country reeling from scandals including the Geoffrey Epstein connections and inviting attempted convicted murderer to dinner.  Prior to the election (only) 100,000 non citizens were removed from the voting register. In 2015, 112,00 illegal votes were voted when Trudea won his larger margin  In fact there are 2 million illegal voters in the ongoing mass immigration population replacement scandals in which the trafficked can pay up to $20,000 - $50,000 Canadian dollars to be smuggled into Canada. Trudeau gives away Billions in taxpayer money to other middle east countries especially yet there is no method to reduce this national debt. (video 'Trudeau Sold Out Canada to Neoliberal, Globalist, UN Agenda Driven Policies' )

In Quebec (in Canada) the conservative French speaking party in the same election ‘Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ)’ swept to power with 74 seats out of 125.Although they are currently not seeking separation, Trudeas non election may well change minds over the next five years and a break away (in the next year) would be advantageous for Quebec.

In Italy Matteo Salvini won a resounding victory in Umbria League leader Matteo Salvini led the opposition centre-right to a crushing victory in the Italian region of Umbria, results on Monday showed, raising questions about how long the national government in Rome can survive” The caretaker government was forced in instead of Matteo in order to resume immigration and the removing of corruption in Rome.

In Spain the far right party Vox increased its vote to 52 seats from 24 seats in the Spanish elections as Spain is increasingly demoralised by the lefts policies.

Malta Recent protests and arrests in Malta surrounding the death of  Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia who revealed sensitive information on Maltese politicians and from the Panama papers. (and film and documentary) She was killed in a car bomb on 16.10.2017. The panama papers were released by wikileaks and Julian Assange. Assange says he is not an author or publisher (on wikileaks) simply a conduit for information which can be freely uploaded onto the site. Assange was forced to seek shelter, under diplomatic immunity in the embassy of Ecuador in London and facing extradition to the USA. His rape accusation has now been dropped by the Swedish government since he left the embassy earlier this year. The Pope has admitted corruption in the Vatican (echoing the Vatican bank scandal of the 1980’s) yet behind these scandals is a power struggle between the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta, and behind that is the formation of Chrislam (a false religion) which has been embraced by the Pope.

The Pope  is ‘re-aligning’ the Curia (the Vatican’s government) and restructuring the Vatican bureaucracy, of necessity a long drawn-out battle, but for what ? As we have seen above 13 new Chrislam cardinals have been appointed. (13 new Chrislam Cardinals in October 2019. & Pope Francis has turned a blind eye too so writes Frederic Martel in ‘Sex Parties, Drugs and Gay Escorts at the Pope's Residence: Undercover in the Vatican’Many onlookers believe that the Church is something to do with Jesus or Gd, but this is lost in the swirling power structure of the Vatican Church. During the Russia investigation hoax (which does not look good for Obama) Robert Mueller a Knight of Malta (but a real straight arrow as Trey Gowdy describes) and/or Vatican officials must be looking at Chrislam and wondering what the hell is that. Recently the Pope ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has passed a law (recently in cannon Vatican law terms or "Motu Proprio" of the Jesuits) but also stemming the nature of corporations. Creating a world trust on the back of birth certificates. Whether the world regards this as the worlds highest form of law or not, the law is cited. It is ascribed to the "Golden Rule" as mentioned in Leviticus 19,18 and 19, 34 and Mathew 7,12 & Luke 6,31. However there may be also ideological concerns and motivations regarding the theories of collectivization and transparency of corporations. One area (as mentioned) is Education which is a Childs right and should be protected by parents. Concerns that billions are paid to communist corporate fronts to fund education projects on the "never never" (eternal debt) are and have been examined and questioned and the end of its money train cannot be accounted for in origin or purpose. The Popes desire to end Corporations some feel is only for the 'West' and is communism veiled?  

However since the Popes overtures to President XI of China, (2016) if corporations collapsed or business collapsed and instead we are left with a state corporation monopoly on the model of communist totalitarian China, with built in social credit 5G/6G totalitarian slavery to the Gd of Chrislam with a hint of ‘climate change’, communism and gay marriage, then what has that got to do with Jesus ? Should the Pope also resign ? The overtures to President Xi with new Bishops in 2016 has produced now the worst crackdown on Christianity in China since Mao and the worst crackdown on humanity in world history. Stalin asked how many legions does the Pope have, yet if the Pope is for Stalin or Mao then it does not matter. Liberalism and Chrislam working together.

In Israel the settlements issue has been decided as being no longer illegal. The growing archaeological discoveries of biblical lands and areas and histories is proving academia incorrect on its history and which had been the biggest fake news story in history (i.e. that it never existed)

In Denmark the country has cleared a hurdle allowing the ‘Russian’ Nord 2 stream gas pipeline. The companies involved include “A spokesman said the Nord Stream 2 consortium, which includes Germany’s Uniper and Wintershall DEA, Anglo-Dutch Shell, Austria’s OMV and France’s Engie, would work to complete the project “in the coming months,” but declined to specify a timeline”It also includes Russian gas supplier Gazprom and Ukraine energy company Naftogaz. Donald Trump warned against this also as European countries could be held hostage to Russia. Since Royal Dutch Shell and Gazprom are working together it also makes a nonsense of the ‘Russia collusion’ hoax which is (the hoax) now subject to a criminal investigation by US Attorney General Bill Barr and Bull Durham as just the beginning.

The day before the Denmark announcement (who have cleared their debts foreign currency and could cancel their national debt as the ‘debt they owe themselves’ and try to stop borrowing and produce instead) many Euro MP’s from the right visited India, but could they as a consortium also drill for gas and oil in the Arctic or will they listen to the carbon tax ‘hoax’ which is connected to the Russia hoax which is now the Ukraine hoax, entangled with rebellion extension and the Greta Thunberg ‘cow poo in the sky’ hoax ? (the moaning on and on about the cow poo media psychosis) which in many quarters in trying to close down western industry and flood society with relativism

Nato Nato have announced that they feel the Nord 2 pipeline is a weapon against them, but also suggest it could be sabotaged by Al Qaeda. The Ukraine also state the pipeline is a security risk as do other nations in Europe. Sweden had a philosophy of ‘Total Defence’ see video ‘Why Sweden is encouraging citizens to become preppers’ which also details the Swedish defence research agency (armed forces) analysis of a coming war scenario in theory (of many) and as warned by its government and to all of its population (sent to every house in a booklet)  The video reminds Swedes that it’s past philosophy and strategy which was called ‘Total Defence’ has been neglected over the last few decades. In the Ukraine who is the new leader (youtube video ‘Ukraine Sells Out! Western Banks Now Own the Land, Prepare to Sell It Off to IMF and George Soros!’ )


The background to Nord Stream 2 Russia and Ukraine.

A Russia scandal was highlighted in the EU parliament by Nigel Farage, who points to the incredible bribery and corruption and lobbying which is carried out by the ' Open foundation' and George Soros (and others) it is described here by Nigel Farage, retracing some of the austerity years of the EU (bearing in mind that the EU countries and Britain have the same problem here) 'Nigel Farage exposes George Soros: The biggest international political collusion in history'  and here with 'lobbying' of over 250 EU members, (as attempts to influence them) George Soros admits he was the money behind the migration scam, and the migration boats (trafficking) and influenced Angela Merkel who let him dictate policy. Working peoples lives are ruined on many different levels. The think tanks were employed to bring about the chaos and millions to freely enter, and which led directly to the hijacking of immigration systems, the Paris and Belgium bombings and other ongoing chaotic matters. (it only takes a handful to bring chaos but the level of this problem is unknown although the admission by Frau Merkel on opening Germany's borders shocked Germany and is a criminal and bizarre admission) In Germany the town of Salzgitter have banned immigration in November / December 2017. The immigration issue in literally millions over the EU and Brexit are discussed on CNN with Nigel Farage on 8.12.2019 video 'On GPS: "Mr. Brexit" on Britain's Future'  The proposed economic reforms (which are not beneficial to the German economy and in the long run only deal with symptoms and the causes) are used to coerce immigration, but the USA is showing that these fake polices are not financial astute. In the USA the supreme court in December 2017  has upheld the 6 or 7 country travel ban which was first undertaken by Obama. Whilst President Trump has withdrawn the US from the United Nations (scam) 'compact on migration' Soros, Merkel and  The same is true of communist Federica Mogherini, (the Italian EU high representative and defence researcher who is welcoming Islamic Jihad) have the same left wing aim in purpose across the EU and worldwide. Gazprom has cleared its hurdle into the EU as mentioned in the post on Denmark above, yet Russia and China have closed migration systems ? (not mass migration) 

See article 'Commission opens door to further Gazprom blackmail' by Jacek Saryusz-Wolski 8.11.2016. (Norway itself is an independent oil country and should be allowed to stay that way)

"Nord Stream clearly does not fulfil any of these criteria. By granting Russia (since Gazprom is but an energy agent of Kremlin's grand strategy) additional transit capacity in the OPAL pipeline, the Commission jeopardised the position of such transit countries as Poland and Ukraine. Should this decision enhance Russian dominance on the German energy market, we can forget about ensuring security of gas supplies for the EU. Current security strategy is based on the development of a liberalised energy market, strengthened by the bidirectional transit infrastructure (interconnectors), enabling emergency supplies in times of crisis causes by a Russian gas cut-off"

In effect blackmail and control which assists in the migration scam with Soros and others who have been placed in power to aid this control. It is not a new problem but the opening up of drilling in the Artic to include the USA (which excluded the USA previously?) but included China and Russia (with no complaints from Obama on the environment and who flies around the planet contributing to over 30% of the words carbon emission and who first mooted the US drill  in the Arctic in 2013 / 2014) but  these new energy areas could mean less of a reliance on Russia and Gazprom. The Ukraine is also subject to this blackmail.

Currently in the USA the Ukraine Hoax peddled by former Obama holdovers via Adam Schiff who is related to George Soros that they believe they control US foreign policy and not the elected representatives of the USA (to repeat from above) It has also emerged that "three Democratic senators pressured the Ukrainian government last year to help special counsel Robert Mueller investigate Mr. Trump" according to the Washington Times. The inquiry has not been voted upon by the US House of Representatives but consists of a written inquiry sent to the White House, issued by Nancy Pelosi the speaker of the House. The White House replied to her inquiry by letter, stating the inquiry is not an 'impeachment inquiry' as recognized by the US constitution. The letter contains the name of Adam Schiff who is allegedly married to George Soros daughter or brothers daughter ? according to the New York Times and who (Soros) was also at the centre of the Russia Hoax with Obama and Clinton. Soros has helped Adam Schiff’s career it is also alleged.  If this is true why has George Soros not been arrested for what is termed the Purple revolution coup de taut ?    (British intelligence state no Russia interference in Brexit  and NSA hacked DNC (Democratic national committee) fearing Clinton and Obama had compromised US security, after they hacked Bernie Sanders.

Mike Pencehas confirmed a commitment to Ukraine (and which was there during the 2016 campaign trail and after since 2017/ 2018 and until today and not conditional on anything except no corruption) and to the Ukraine’s claim to the Crimea and it is likely the Mueller report and investigation and this inquiry should reveal that Obama, Clinton etc sold the Crimea away to Russia for funds to the Clinton Foundation and for energy contracts. (as Obama whispers give us contracts for Crimea in 2012 in the war to Russia but in advance of a conflict that had raged for decades etc) The Ukraine to repeat does not want Russia or George Soros as they are also (like Trump) nationalists.

China Tariffs and the EU as China seeks to circumnavigate the EU trade rules (which ironically also prevent those in the EU from making independent trade deals which they can make without selling off their national assets) The tariffs should increase and until China relents from its social credit system (5G /6G) totalitarian dystopia which it is also seeking to export into the USA and Britain and elsewhere (see later in this essay on Brexit ) It seeks to control the City of London and New York stock exchanges and the IMF and World bank into a new communist super state. It hopes a debt collapse will usher in communism and rapid totalitarian population reduction.

USA. The US trade representative Robert Lightizer testifies on the China trade war. (video youtube ‘Lighthizer testifies on trade negotiations with China | Part 2’ and the new nafta. This revealing meeting also has fruit today as US garlic farmers say they are now coming out on top due to the tariffs policy. (see also the post above dated 17.11.2018 for more of the background)


The British General Election (& Brexit)

Since Boris Johnson and the new cabinet came into power, they have achieved more in a few months than the rest of the parties combined in 3.5 years ? Bringing (as Unions demand) industry back to national development (as any national country should) is occurring. Jacobs engineering are to also preparing to begin 2400 new jobs in Britain. The EU is preparing for further integration and a new migration compact with new EU head Ursual von der Lyon (new Lisbon treaty and ESM debt treaty) She does not work for Europeans or any nation in it. This has resulted in threats from the EU or ‘free movement’ and also fishing waters  Labour and the greens and the Liberal Democrats want more taxation on the working and middle class of all descriptions. This confirms what the BBC said in 2017 and also what the former bank of England manager Mervyn King said (to ignore project fear)  and it also confirms what Bill Cash MP says Once again Bill Cash (from last post above) See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ ) The continued spin of EU membership has failed to show that exports to the EU customs union have fallen (but have risen to countries outside the EU) since 1998. This is because imports into Britain are far greater under the closed shop system of EU (customs union) Liberalising an economy (even as a temporary measure when rapid industrialisation and manufacture could distribute greater worth) to accept imports to reduce prices leads to unemployment and a reduction in manufacturing long term as has been experienced since 1973 Phil Radford explains the downturn since 1998 under the EU system and also what (more broadly) what   (see his video  ‘Vladimir Bukovsky: The European Union = New Soviet Union’ or here again for the video  relates his harrowing experience s within the system) His expertise is not gleaned from academia although he has also co- authored a book 

It also transpires that it is the Labour party who have (ongoing) privatised the NHS (see below)

Professor Patrick Minsford of ‘Economists for free trade’ published a report a few months ago entitled ‘Brexit effects of the new EU Deal: A critique of the Models and assumptions used in its evaluation’ which states what should have occurred 3 years ago after the Brexit vote, but also what should happen now. A summary of the report is given here It is nearer to the position Bill Cash MP has taken throughout the Brexit process. The ‘proroguing’ of parliament (see previous posts above ) was an indication however that the EU via the Supreme court will try to block any FTA (free trade agreement) in order to ‘stop Brexit’. The free trade agreement would be negotiated in the ‘transition period’ after a withdrawal agreement is reached.

The remain side in the brexit debate (see all above) have effectively lied in spectacular fashion for over 3 years.

Boris Johnsons WA withdrawal agreement is here or in full text here (compared to the large 500 page + of Teresa May here reached in November 2018 and explained here ) However some in the EU have said they did not ratify Boris Johnsons deal, whilst others in the UK want to know (for definite 100%) if Boris Johnsons deal replaces Teresa Mays deal or is just included within it. The report by Patrick Minford is well worth reading to understand the WA process which includes the political declaration within the WA agreement. The proroguing of parliament revealed the supreme courts desire to be ‘supreme’ but in the transition period they (it is suggested) will block any FTA (free trade agreement) with the EU.

Boris Johnson has not appointed a EU commissioner to date which is an indication of intent, although  other reports suggest this may change, yet as Britain is already a member of the Council of Europe and this will not change after Brexit, and as the EU wants access to the City of London, why appoint one without a free trade deal ?

A quote from Professor Minsfords report as follows “Take policy assumptions. Free trade agreements with non-EU countries have the capacity to sweep away high levels of EU protection, estimated generally at around 20% on food and manufacturing. When abolition on this scale is simulated in the GTAP model now being used by the Treasury it raises UK GDP by 4%. The mechanism by which it does so is to lower UK consumer prices and exert competitive pressure on home industries, forcing them to raise productivity. Some critics admit this but then go on to argue that it will sweep away home industry and jobs, and so is unacceptable: in effect they argue for continued protection. But notice that the two criticisms cannot be right at the same time: if free trade produces trivial benefits, it cannot also sweep away home industries and if it sweeps away home industries, it cannot be producing trivial effects”

The EU in other word choose which industries in which areas begin or end and their size and viability, but since their main policy is not 100% employment with controlled border, industries in Britain have disappeared. This is the main problem and one in which the EU wants to control and obliterate all nation states. Ursula von der Leyen President-elect of the European Commission is a climate change fanatic and protégée of Angela Merkel which means trouble for farmers and industries for the EU nations, with increased immigration. These are the policies of self destruction not based on science (climate change) but on propaganda and ideology which China celebrates in the United Nations but which it does not believe in for itself as it expands industry. It does believe that ‘smart cities’ and the ‘internet of things’ (which requires lithium for smart phones and surveillance systems which causes mining harm to the environment, whilst crypto currencies use more energy than small cities to run via data centres than coal would) can provide an open prison and gulags whilst pumping out carbon 24/7 increasingly.

Britain has untold Trillions in inland Oil and Gas and no need to close its offshore North sea and Welsh coast rigs (except if you listen to Greta Thunberg who is paid by George Soros and with incentives from China who want to buy up all energy and metal facilities wherever they can like Sauron in the Lord of the Rings)

Oil and Gas Britain on land and sea in England, and oil and gas Worldwide. Another strange issue is Britain's oil and gas fields, which are mooted to be closed from 2018 or 2022 for 148 fields ? or 2023 to 2027 for 84 fields  when they should be kept going. (North Sea oil rigs and oil and gas off the North Wales coast.) New technology and new discoveries with high recoverable yield are being made all the time, including in the internal land based oil rigs, which are estimated to be worth over 100 Billion barrels of oil also in the South of England but is in fact much much, higher and worth £Trillions and this alone should make anyone suspicious of the current negotiations. (this is separate from the artic fields) China wants this also.

In the growing EU subsidies scandals (and the remain vote) the oil and gas would pay for them if exploited for national use as Norway does. Further the money which is received in subsidies can in any case be offset by not paying into the EU. Arthur Scargill is backing Boris over the Supreme court issue. Coal, oil, gas and renewable all equally valid.

There are other independent parties and individuals, yet Brexit is central to the election as is the economy and people are fed up of high taxes, a lack of 100% employment, ‘outsourcing’ high prices and immigration and overcrowding. National interest in a national election come first.

The Labour Party. The political parties in Britain are campaigning, with the Labour party now adopting a new position other than in or out of the EU, and it has campaigned on both of these issues simultaneously. The new position is they are neutral or in or out of the EU. So all 3 positions with no real plan or seriousness in their aims. The deputy leader of the Labour party Diane Abbot said that she believed Chairman Mao did more good than ‘harm’ when he was in public office as Chairman of the communist party in 2015 (video   “Diane Abbott: Chairman Mao "on balance did more good than harm")  She believes that killing 80 million people is good for economic revival. This is the United Nations view also as they believe the world only needs 1.5 billion not 7 billion (the depopulation agenda) Of course you don’t need as much industry or jobs for this new population, only a central EU committee of people like her, Ursula and Angela. This highlights Abbots ignorance  (see also  " Mao's Great Famine HDTV "  or MP4 Video file version here & a CIA documentary " China's Great Leap Forward | 1958 | History of China Under Mao Zedong | CIA Documentary Fi   " as its full name in you tube )

Chairman Corbyn has produced a dossier suggesting the NHS will be privatised if Boris Johnson comes to power again. Yet it was the labour party who introduced those privatisations already under Tony Blair. Blair leader of the Labour party introduced the private firms in 2005 / 2006 and the NHS is an agency or a series of agencies today. Corbyn knows this. The NHS was produced for around 30 million people in the 1940’s, BUPA was a part of it from the beginning and represented 5% of the total NHS. BUPA’s profits helped pay for the other 95% and there was also a national stamp, so it was viable but 95% free (except for taxes and the national stamp) Today it services 65 million and millions more abroad who can get to use it free even if they admit they are not staying as a resident. Stop this last block and save billions over years in moments.  Borrowing for the NHS increases the national debt (see the adjacent website and chapter 2) or the offsetting borrowing on credit cards to buy food (in the inflationary society) rather than a high wage, low inflation 100% employment society highlights what is  wrong with an economy globally. Labours ‘investment’ plan is to borrow to polish up the existing and sell it off aboard and outsource those jobs. That’s the EU plan, i.e. call centres and limited monopoly ‘niche’ industry in regions, rather than a flourishing independent economy. Both Jeremy Corbyn and Tony Blair both stood on an anti – EU platform in the early 1980’s and Jeremy Corbyn said at that time that Britain should leave the EU to protect the NHS and workers rights ?

What did Jeremy Corbyn mean ? The running down of industry and (coal) with mass immigration would bring reduced supply chain and employment and skills, but also allow low wage slave labour undercutting existing wage levels, whilst the Euro would inflate prices but not above wages. (what happened in Greece)

The left view Ethics in healthcare (‘do no harm’) as providing millions of abortions in wards next to the pregnancy wards and they also do not consider religious or spiritual objections to a practice which is increasingly visible under camera or microscopes as being murder and from conception (it helps reduce the population)

Analysing the effects of labours (or liberal ) policies or the EU policies over time Paul Jospeh Watson looks at planning and development in a few cities around the world. Planning documents are usually published over 5 years by county councils, but are in fact planned 50 years ahead. The UN context for depopulation is to crowd everyone into cities. 70% of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050 say the United Nations which corresponds to around the depopulation levels of 5.5 Billion less than the current 7 billion. The world is under-populated and land is under-populated yet this is anathema for the ‘green’ liberals who do not want the world to be reforested (see the Brexit party below) or worked by the peasants.

This is just a few cities and it is designed by the left (and controlled by the democrats for decades and today) and neo liberals and progressives deliberately.

  1. Los Angeles is a Sh*thole  Typhus and Bubonic plague is present in Los Angeles !

  2. Paris is a Sh*thole

  3. London is a Sh*thole  Overcrowded but more illegal immigrants are trafficked into Britain. The violence and Knife crimes are at 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Sadiq Khan the London Mayor is deliberately fuelling the problem at 6 minutes 30 seconds to the end (as he did with the Rotherham labour councils trafficking gangs and the ten other cities under the trafficking gangs control) He should resign or be removed. 

This is the real planning (with awful postmodernist architecture thrown in)


The ‘Liberal Democrats’ stand to Stop Brexit despite the fact that 17.5 million people voted for it and they knew what they were voting for  (video  ‘Dominic Grieve & Phillip Hammond's Lies Exposed Over Claims A WTO Brexit Was Not Discussed In 2016’  or see Phillip Hammond here or here by David Cameron  or here again) is very cynical and divisive.

They are standing as the party of business and clarity. (the Jo Swinson expenses scandal) A recent supposedly ‘fake news’ tweet story on Jo Swinson was broadcast ..... but “Some elements of the tweet are correct” The idea that MP’s are anti – Brexit because they are benefitting from EU funds or expenses is a larger defining issue to any faction of the stop Brexit sham. For example Antoinne Sandbach defected from the Conservatives to the Liberal Democrats, once she realised that Brexit would go ahead (instead of the sham Brexit by Teresa May) Antoinne Sandbach is caught in the EU farm subsidies scandal which pays for the stop brexit campaign.  Former North Wales Tory AM Antoinette Sandbach ’s firm Hafodunos received subsidy payments of £21,113.71 for a farm in Conwy . She resigned last year after being elected MP for a Cheshire seat. She plans to vote for the UK to remain in the EU. She resigned as she needed to lose in order to get EU subsidies. William Powell MP also has the same stop Brexit agenda. The same is also true of Michael Heseltine a ‘lib dem conservative’ stop brexit. Theresa May (remain con / lib dem) also had cross channel motivations for creating a new EU treaty rather than Brexit via the 1.4 Trillion investment fund capital group which has major investments in the EU, but who are a US company in Los Angeles. 

(to repeat) In the growing EU subsidies scandals (and the remain vote) the oil and gas would pay for them if exploited for national use as Norway does. Further the money which is received in subsidies can in any case be offset by not paying into the EU. Arthur Scargill is backing Boris over the Supreme court issue. Coal, oil, gas and renewable all equally valid. These assets (in every country) are a part of the EU negotiations and the liberal democrats do not care about them or national prosperity or business, and do not admit the EU simply wants access to the City to over-regulate it under EU control. 

The Brexit Party have included within their manifesto a promise to undertake a massive tree planting project. Nigel Farage, on this vital green issue invited the co leader of ‘Rebellion Extinction’  Sarah Lunnon (see video  ‘Nigel Farage Goes Head To Head With Extinction Rebellion’)  Rebellion extinction highlight the severity of the ‘emergency’. Yet when Nigel Farage suggests that these claims are hysterical (at 3 minutes 40 seconds) this rebuffed as untrue, but when suggesting a massive tree planting exercise around the globe would help the rise in warm temperatures (even though there is no scientific link to weather) there is little response, but both of them agree that reducing co2 by 2025 will close down British Industry (at 7 minutes 30 seconds) But to brighten the gloom a ‘citizens assembly’ will tell government what to do. Then Nigel Farage asks if a huge tree planting / reforesting global project would help in any way at all (at 11 minutes 50 seconds) and extinction rebellion said NO ! at (at 13 minutes 45 seconds) but a citizens assembly and ‘re-education’  and of course massive carbon taxes overseen by the EU and the UN Climate Change treaty body (UNFCCC) and the ICC (who were recently in terms of carbon ages) caught fiddling vat in the global carbon credits frauds) will save us all. In other words climate change is nothing to do with the environment.

Israeli scientists however have developed bacteria which eats carbon. Combine that with re-forestation and we could avoid paying carbon taxes forever.


The Green Party For more on the Global warming carbon trading scandal see the link below.

‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’

Then consider the following also (click)  The deliberate failure? of the "Occupy" movement (are they ‘Extinction Rebellion’)


There is no mention that this secular Humanist approach to pregnancy or climate ‘healthcare’ is the pantheist Spinoza view of earth first and ‘humans’ second philosophy  (see later on below) The media also repeated each other on the ‘dire warning’ of the end of the world in 12 years ( exactly 20/30 ?) It is of course nothing to do with environmental concerns.  Similar claims by the United Nations dating back to 1989 were made concerning the year 2000. In 1998 rising sea levels could destroy the earth the UN warned in 1989, and by the year 2000 we would be underwater. See video ‘The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media’ In 2019 we have seen the rise of Extinction Rebellion who are the occupy movement mark 2. Consider the following videos.  ‘ The Truth About Extinction Rebellion Apr 26. In 2019 or the next video ‘Extinction Rebellion Are Paid Professional Demonstrators - The Proof!’  A recent article states they are paid by Soros.  Melting ice caps (with a higher mass than liquid water) reduces sea levels as they melt by displacement, but it seems they are not melting in any case, and this is according to Leonard Nimoy and scientists who formed a consensus in 1979 (video “Ice Age Scare 1979 Leonard Nimoy” Captain James Kirk and Scotty think Spock has been in space too long, and has lost his Vulcan mind. However we will ‘live long and prosper’ and certainly more than 11 years ? why are Democrats even bothering to stand for election if the world ends in 11 years ? They could stand down until 2031) The US economy is booming and record levels of  employment are in place.

The Green party (as explained by the former leader of them Patrick Moore) are false. They are globalists of the United Nations 'green globalists' an oxymoron in itself. Crushing national states is the aim. An example from Canada (video 'Trudeau Sold Out Canada to Neoliberal, Globalist, UN Agenda Driven Policies' ) And see also Hillsdale College “Environmental Scares: Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall”


Summary of the Green Climate Change Carbon scam (and see the end of Chapter 3 above)

1.  Russia Hoax   MSM same script for fake news and CNN (danger to our democracy) MP4 FILE )        2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE     3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax  MP4 FILE          4. Ice age scare edited Leonard Nimoy Spock    MP4 FILE  or full 20 min film on Bitchute    all leading to the the solution: Global Cap and Trade tax scam.see end of chapter 3          

5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE          6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE           7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE                   8.  “Environmental Scares_ Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall MP4 FILE                           9Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist  MP4 FILE         10Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE


Greta Thunberg the young Swede has set sail again after her epic Viking journey to New York earlier in the year. This followed school children, who around the world took a day off school to get used to forming or practicing ‘unelected citizens assemblies’ without grownups around to enforce their will on the people. In Ireland they entered the Dail (government) (at 26.00 minutes fwd) It is not just Ireland but now the national emergency is all around the world like Chairman Maos cultural revolution and his term for his little generals. Yet other little generals in the Dublin rally for life (pro –life) are not invited into the Dail in a solemn moral announcement by the Comhairle, and pro free speech little generals are outside at the gates on child sex education ? The Irish Supreme Court has still not admitted a child has a right to life in the Womb.

 This time Greta Thunberg of the Thunbergs, ....she sails to Spain “Hola; mucho tax required for the cow poo, because the cow poo is coming out of the cow, and going up into the sky and we cannot get it to come down without your total subservience ”   Greta has been great, yet it is not Aspergers syndrome here, but undoubtedly just another classic case of RVS, known as ‘Repressed Viking Syndrome’. Also making the news in late 2017 however was another young girl who is now 9 years of age (not Swedish this time like Saga Vanecek in Sweden. See post above dated  9.9.2019 near the end) but in Britain. Matilda Jones found another sword in a lake, but one which was a new film sword. Yet despite the fact it was a hot day, the water was also cold. She said she was up to her waist and suddenly she found it, so amazing.

Extinction Rebellion placed their mural on a chalk horse The original in Uffington, Wiltshire (dating from around 725 bc, yet it may have been enlarged and recut before this for many centuries) can be viewed from nearby Dragon hill, is  of course is intact but the significance of XR’s image placed upon this monument should be understood.  It is saying this heritage is over. Rebellion extinction is also a misunderstood ancient symbol, and is a play on words and is for 'surveillance' & 'holocene extinction' globally via the UN. In Uffington there are numerous Neolithic graves, and the nearby Avebury stone calendar ( for the actual date and time) circle is accessible, many suggest that the original image on Uffington was a Dragon and this was removed by overlaying the new image of a White Horse. Knowing the significance of this ancient symbolism is lost on today’s youth because it is not taught. It is not taught because you are educated by those who want to control and remove you and this occurs in every national country as globalisation and depopulation. The incidents on ‘7/7’ (bombings of 7th July 2005) in London and the explosions were in one instance an attempt to block alternative views (from Marxist Leninism) and that can be read above from the beginning of Chapter 3 fwd ( or use this link here to jump to it and return) 

The article cited above on the ‘Dark Web’  ‘Dark web child abuse: Hundreds arrested across 38 countries remote viewing and child abuse across 38 countries capturing hundreds by the law is also applicable to those in public life not just the criminals we do not  see. Whether they are celebrities or politicians, cardinal’s bishops or Popes, pagan groups, any faith or religion, civil servants or leaders of industry, it is equally just as applicable to them and they also should be brought to Justice for trafficking and child abuse and slavery. They are not neutral observers, but are active obsessed participants in bringing these crimes into ‘normalisation’. It is the tip of the iceberg and leads into many other areas. They  are not above the law or Justice.




6.12.2019 Summary British Elections (and Brexit)

The deadlock in the British parliament has been caused by blocking every option not to implement the 2016 result of the referendum and yet keeping austerity. Yet does this comment in the following article clarify the current way to break the deadlock from Boris Johnson  " First, under May’s deal the backstop would have put the whole UK in a customs union with the EU & negotiations would have built on that single customs territory. This would clearly make a US trade negotiation all but impossible. But under Boris’s deal, all of the UK is in a single customs union and there is no customs union with the EU. By ensuring that Great Britain is free of the EU customs union on a de jure and de facto basis, Boris has ensured that any trading partner can negotiate with the UK for untrammelled access to the whole Great Britain market" So in other words Mays deal is dead, but Nigel Farage disagrees with that assessment, although trade deals have been negotiated in a year, yet the ‘Supreme Court’ (which is a EU court) may block a ‘deal’ which is a separate entity from ‘Brexit’ (see above on British election) and the EU want access to the City of London.

Countries outside the EU, or those with the ability to frame their own trade deals are prospering and are also protecting their agriculture and lands from the EU/UN agenda 20/30 land grab programme, disguised as 'environmentalism'. Examples from Denmark \(see above also) and the Norwegian development plan and its national fund which is now at 9.16 Trillion Krona for its population. Norway's ideal is to also then move away from the EU / UN big government to suit left and right and reduce taxes as it has been slowly doing and create lands for itself not the UN and for private homeowners at all income levels to develop independence. many countries are noticing that without TTIP and TPP massive job creation to 100% was possible whilst reducing taxation, see post below dated 11.12.2019. Iceland's economy is outlined here with advice from their experience. Switzerland's economy is outlined here also  As mentioned above Britain's inland Oil and Gas is worth Trillions (again see the first UK election post dated 30.11.2019 above) Instead of these options and much more, the public and the 17.4 million who voted leave are sold a fear story and promises of paltry investment fixes which are designed to patch up crumbling infrastructure, and all in order to protect the livelihoods of a few or politicians on a EU lobby or wage gravy train, instead of what is actually possible. It is the option of slow decline.

Yet as Nigel Farage and others have cautioned, Boris Johnson says his deal still allows for WTO exit (Britain trades with the rest of the world on WTO terms already, but does not make those deals itself. In parallel to Brexit news and in the USA the EU/ Democrat fake news rolls out costing millions from unelected or do nothing fake politicians. The Clinton foundation donors and one of the Robert Mueller (Russia probe) witness’s  have been prosecuted for a campaign finance scheme, amidst the Russia now Ukraine hoax and then the Russia - Brexit hoax , all amidst the ‘world is going to end in 11 years’ hoax & hysteria from the ‘greens’. There is no man made global warming) Following these hysteria’s on 5.12.2019 Nancy Pelosi House speaker in the USA (unelected by the people) said (Nancy Pelosi) she will proceed with the impeachment of the US President Trump. Trump says he will look forward to a trial in the SenateYet she met a suspected Russian spy Sergey Kislyak ? in 2010 and Kislyak is mentioned in the Mueller report. Democrats in 2016 who met with Russians and Sergey Kislyak include democrat Senator Chuck Schumer in 2016 as did Nancy Pelosi to discuss Mexico? The propensity for these Russian / Ukraine / End of the world items to appear to distract from Brexit is a simultaneous factor in the media. The allowance for a WTO deal (as Boris Johnson states) would seem to satisfy Bill Cash MP who has stood by and raised these issues openly. Against this for 3.5 years we have had Bias (but mainly based on a ‘project fear’ basis not a rationale inquiry but not all the BBC, yet real collusion is not reported ) Professor Patrick Minsford gave us his insight above (in the first heading on British election above and summary here) In the EU the idea of freedom (see posts  above) and free speech (see video ‘YouTube CEO Wojcicki: We've Cut Amount Of Time Americans Watch "Controversial Content" By 70%’ ) is a growing anathema as Angela Merkel also makes clear. Farmers have more to fear from so called ‘green’ policies (the UN economic shutdown) as is apparent from farmers protests across the EU and the same lobbyists do not want fuels freely available (but which are available if collected) to be available to the public (except to Russia and China) Jeremy’s Corbyn ideal economic society is Venezuela which has seen people brought into extreme poverty forced (deliberately forced) to work for the equivalent of 9 pence per hour and hunt in bins for food, (as the experiment brings about Chinese social credit slavery system, which is all socialism / communism is today and this is a part of that  global experiment) or the deputy leader Dianne Abbot’s favourite choice is Chairman Mao, (but not for millions in Hong Kong, see above, but which is being exported by false / shill politicians into the west ) and it is the Labour party which have actually privatised the NHS, (see above under Labour party) whilst  the scandals surrounding the Liberal democrats now and in the past and see above for the recent examples. Labour and the Liberal democrats (who have kept austerity going by blocking Brexit, and have run down industry over decades as is the EU plan for every EU nation) have literally done nothing but block options which ultimately block trade and prosperity for 3.5 years. A society which seeks to remove free speech from criticising any person or institution which engages in child abuse, paedophilia and trafficking in the fallacy of open borders (the foulest area a society can enter into) is not a free society.



10.12.2019 UK election and Brexit 12.12.2019 summary contd

Higher taxes for SME (small-medium business) under Lib Dem and Labour, and the EU to privatise the NHS not USA, under Labour. Tony Benn predicts the future circa 1977.

UK election and Brexit 12.12.2019. As per the usual spin, it is the EU who are planning to privatize the NHS  and Labour have slowly let this occur over decades (to repeat here ) Instead Jeremy Corbyn without mentioning the EU trade deal to privatise the NHS, the Labour party produces fake papers on the USA privatisation of the NHS saying they are from.... 'Russia?' but they actually produced by the central communist politburo of the EU in cahoots with the EU remain in London in 'operation Russia NHS project fear', similar to the Russia hoax from the democrat Clinton bureaucrat staffers in the USA. The USA have denied wanting to privatise the NHS. To stop this you would have to leave the EU under any government. And it is incredible that Jeremy Corbyn (now ironically and hypocritically) agrees with this and other EU attacks on national sovereignty and industries when he was a leave enthusiast in past decades, last year and a few months ago, except when he was for staying in or unsure see video 'Jeremy Corbyn snubs Remainers saying Labour will respect Brexit referendum'  Instead taxpayer money goes on secret expenses to MEP's as confirmed and protected by the EU courts see video 'Top EU court rules to keep details of MEP expenses secret' or it is spent moving to a new parliament (Brussels to Strasbourg and back again ? ) every month costing millions? see video 'EU parliament’s €114m-a-year move to Strasbourg ‘a waste of money’, but will it ever be scrapped…'   The ideological removal of national assets is an EU driven idea (but, and see Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland above under 'other countries outside the EU') It is incredible that for 3.5 years the remain party machine across all parties are waiting to remove nations like Britain away from controlling their assets and future and remove free speech, never was this more visible than the Brexit process over the last 3.5 years (now with an eye on the Oil and Gas the next target see above)  The Liberal Democrats and the Labour party are high taxes for all and also small business (SME's higher taxes despite both Lib Dems and Labour pledges to the contrary) without 100% employment and with free movement of people and with open borders. (whilst the USA who have instigated reduced immigration, low taxes for all and 100 % employment are booming, because thee policies can be introduced rapidly providing a foundation to build on) They are both for remain and against making independent trade deals and this led to the decision in 2010 to hold the referendum in 2016 on Brexit after decades of slow decline but bankrupt each time under labour.  Tony Benn predicted the loss of manufacturing and trade and control by joining the EU see video 'The Impact analysis on joining the European project were all wrong it was a disaster'  (which has stood the test of time and modern media spin) 


11.12.2019 UK election and Brexit 12.12.2019  contd Have voters figured out that TTIP & TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership & Transatlantic Tarde and Investment Partnership & CETA) is the entity that is going to change and is changing the NHS. yet it was Brexit that changed all of that. In the USA  these terrible trade deals  are officially stalled, but US voters do not want them. Why ?... this is why,   they boost jobs 'at home' and remove outsourcing. Even Democrats using 'impeachment threats have agreed in principle to the new USMCA between Mexico and Canada and the USA which replaces NAFTA which sought to remove the US constitution entirely and replace the USA with 'agenda 21/ 30'. It can be further improved by a long way. The USA has removed its position from the UN in many areas. The recent media frenzy on the NHS showing children on floors etc is very dramatic. Then consider these children asleep at the airport on the floor or anywhere have they been reported on ? who is to blame Corbyn or Johnson or the parents. Consider the dramatic headlines in 2005 when Michael Howard (or any politician) who had washed his hands on the way into a hospital but forgot on the way out ? and outrage followed....almost. This is all fake fleet street news. Then remember Tony Blair (once an ardent 'Leave the EU' with Corbyn ) who was rightly blamed for the hospital superbug outbreaks in 2004, when even the father of the 'whistleblower' on MRSA superbugs, died. Tony Blair said we only have weeks to save the NHS many times when he was in office, but this is Labour in reality whether it is Corbyn or Blair. Labours Joan Ryan MP explains why she urges people not to vote Labour.  Why because Labour are not the Labour party and do not represent the working class in Britain anymore. Parents see their children on the floor every day,yet if the media was so concerned it would donate its profits to eradicating the superbug, taxpayers have paid already. Today it (MRSA Superbubgs) affects all hospitals worldwide. In the health debate, very little time is spent on ethical (do no harm) health solutions and especially preventing ill health before it occurs in the wider societal perspective. Non taxpayers cost the NHS millions and which taxpayers then pay for in increasing taxes and stealth taxes. This (non health of the WHO, world health organization and the create a problem and offer solutions of 'crisis management ' is the system people want to move away from quickly ) is a part of the Agenda 21 / 30 into all levels of government and which is paid for by local taxation and national increased taxation into local councils and committees and government by the UN /EU who unelected make every 'crisis' into a neurosis to bring about that objective. This is the reason 'austerity continues.  In the USA the fake media is not reporting that the Ukraine began investigating the Clinton Foundation in 2016/2017 and why Obama laundered 7 Billion from Ukraine but it has not gone to the 'poor' in the progressive/socialist political ideology. The Ukrainians are nationalists (like Trump) who do not want Soros or Russia as they try to sort their political and economic independence, but who deserve the Billions (over 50 billion returned to them )  To date Tony Benn (in the last post dated 10.11.2019) along with Bill Cash and Steve Baker MP's and Farage and like-minded along with the recent statement by Boris Johnson ( see above;  The following article clarify the current way to break the deadlock from Boris Johnson  " First, under May’s deal the backstop would have put the whole UK in a customs union with the EU & negotiations would have built on that single customs territory. This would clearly make a US trade negotiation all but impossible. But under Boris’s deal, all of the UK is in a single customs union and there is no customs union with the EU. By ensuring that Great Britain is free of the EU customs union on a de jure and de facto basis, Boris has ensured that any trading partner can negotiate with the UK for untrammeled access to the whole Great Britain market" ) have provided rationale thinking in the idiocy of Westminster politics. (If Europeans actually knew what is in the new (20/20) Lisbon treaty and ESM debt treaty they would all leave tomorrow) Mostly nothing to do with voters, taxpayers or Brexit.



17.12.2019 - 18.12.2019

The New World Order ?

Brexit Boris Johnson and the Conservative Party win the general election on the 12.12.2019 with a majority of 80 seats and the results are given here. There was also an improved majority for the SNP (Scottish National Party) Green party has one MP. The new Conservative party have announced they will vote on the WA Withdrawal agreement on Friday 20.12.2019 . Boris Johnson has also promised to complete a new trade deal (FTA, Free trade agreement) with the EU by December 2020. This deal occurs within the transition period which is 20XX and could be 2099. The conservatives are now proposing a bill which would block the transition period beyond 20/20. FTA deals with non EU countries are common but not in the case of Brexit ? WTO Boris Johnson has left the door open for a WTO organisation deal during this period, and Germany have stated they can deal do a FTA in 2020

Legally and in the Supreme Court and above the Supreme Court (which is in effect an EU court although they reside in every EU nation, as its judges are paid a stipend by the EU see post above dated 9.9.2019 and ‘proroguing’ subheading ‘Brexit and new Prime-minster Boris Johnson’ and post dated October 15th 2019) the vote on the 23.06.2016 by the people is it in final. It can be enacted as it is, without Parliament debating it further, yet there has been 3.5 years of debate ? by parliament (with a small p) who believe as did all the remainers that they are ‘Parliament’ with a large P without the people, but Parliament is ‘the people’

In brief the vote of the 23.06.2016 is the law and will remain so even during a withdrawal period or after as Teresa Mays WA is a new EU treaty and it is simply slavery.

Boris Johnson’s slimmed down WA withdrawal agreement (which has removed a lot of Mays bill although the armed forces joining the EU is still debated although it is a task force rather than full membership) was not approved by Parliament at the end of October 2019, and Teresa Mays deal was rejected 3 times, (and Boris Johnson called it a ‘dead letter’) but they are both nothing to do with Brexit and the vote of 23.06.2016, but to understand Boris Johnsons deal see the end of the last post above dated 11.09.2019, which states that independent trade deals can be done with any trading partner.

The Elephant in the Commons. It all sounds good except for the Elephant in the room which is Steve Bakers FTA of early 2018 which is already agreed as a free trade agreement FTA ? (to repeat i.e. see video ‘Ex-Brexit Minster, Steve Baker MP, Blows The Lid On Why We Don't Have A Free Trade Agreement Already’ which was a confirmed by Germany and Donald Tusk personally in the video at 45 seconds in the video, with zero tariffs and covered all sectors and covered services. It has no alignment to EU law and which completely wins the argument or here as MP4 file. ) Why have a transition period to do a new FTA when Steve Bakers deal already exists ? or why not go straight to Germanys new found willingness to do FTA ? (without WA)

All of this is mute if the ‘deadline’ of 31.01.2019 is not kept (and many regard the WA process as going further into the EU without any say in it within Teresa Mays WA )  Boris Johnson however also called for an investigation into George Soros interference in Brexit and who also funded the pro- choice campaign in Ireland in 2018 for abortion with the Fabians (see last post above dated 30.11.2019) all of this is the real interference in foreign elections and processes. 

The Vote of 23.06.2016 is the law before a WA agreement, during and after and also overrules future governments (as doe s the Greek referendum vote of 2015 for Greece) and can be retrospectively enacted by unilateral withdrawal regardless of any vote in the commons saying it does not, as the people have not nullified it. This is very valuable information for the people to know and hold (especially if they are unhappy with what transpires and it could bring down future governments if they do not follow what the people voted for)

The Nafta, USMCA (United States Mexico, Canada Agreement) and Russia and ‘impeachment’

Nafta was an effort to bring about the end of the USA. Brexit could also benefit from the USMCA, and its process as could any EU nation. Keeping up the pressure on China in its humanitarian anti - human philosophy until the communist vanguard let its  population go free is vital. One area of NAFTA was to create an open border policy erasing the USA. The new USMCA changes this and prevents the open border trafficking policy which is very lucrative to traffickers and paedophiles and drug trafficking. The background negotiations were completed by the Republicans and resisted by the Democrats who eventually passed it in the house of representatives because voters were noticing they were doing nothing.  Nancy Pelossi and also to Chuck Schumer work for Mexico first which has the strictest immigration policy almost, in the world. A similar problem occurred when renegotiating the China trade deal which is now finished phase 1. This follows revelations that Diane Feinstein’s chauffeur was a Chinese spy, and Mitch McConnell became entangled in a love triangle with ...China. Further crony capitalism and lobbying so persuasive in international trade deals was kept out as far as possible in these deals. Many ‘progressive’ candidates are groomed into position just to take control of the finances of TAXPAYERS. Pressure was brought upon the Trump team by the Russia Hoax investigation and the Ukraine scandal impeachment drive. (another Ukraine scandal involving Veronica Didusenko who is not Russian and does not want corruption from any source including George Soros )This effort at undermining the new trade deals ultimately reduced the ability as far as possible of the Republican’s efforts and reduced its strength, and therefore jobs and prosperity and that is the Democrat outsourcing corruption agenda defined. All this time they brought these hoaxes to reduce the US drive to re-invigorate the US ‘rust belt’ decline. Any US voters who cannot or have not realised this must be aware now of how absurd this is in the background of these deals.

To give an example the Mexican cartels were deemed as terrorists, but then this was changed ? a part of the USMCA negotiations ? if so by who. What about the 9 people killed in northern Mexico (woman and children in the LeBaron family)

On the 17.01.2019 Congress passes a new budget bill including funding for the Mexican border wall. it is also incredible that both armies of the USA and Mexico are prepared to combat the cartels.

These negotiations were also known to Jerry Nadler of the US congress and Adam Schiff who is related to George Soros (but also see James Comey says he was wrong to basically use the FISA warrants as surveillance, and then take note of  ‘boundless informant’ by the NSA ) Everyone wants security but is this the beginning of Obama’s Universal basic income dystopia, the disguise of totalitarian depopulation agenda 20/30 etc . US states are looking for local law enforcement as opposed to federal (what they mean is Washington corruption in anything is not functioning for them as voters, as opposed to removing the FBI per se) law enforcement, although international investigations and trafficking and pedophilia and drugs are rife across the USA. The original investigation in the Russia hoax was predicated on a Fisa warrant based on a foreign dossier by Christopher Steele with connections to Russia, although the process of compiling it began before Christopher Steele in the USA. Steele also had an affair with Ivanka Trump in the Scottish highlands before she was married (it is alleged) On October 31st 2017 Tim Kaine, Hillary Clintons Vice President pick admitted 'some elements' of the Trump dossier were paid for the Hillary Campaign a decision made by Hillary Clinton herself, and she admits it stating the 'Washington Free beacon' which comprises Libertarians and Republicans requested Fusion GPS to compile the Dossier in September 2015, but finding nothing they abandoned it and around the time Trump won the Republican nomination. Obama also paid GPS for the dossier.  

Multi-nationals and Transnational corporations are used to their politicians smiling and taking millions or billions for themselves, whilst the fake news media spins a story to hide this sham and hide the fact they are lobbying to take away power from government and the people, yet the Democrats want the people to be poor consistently. The multinationals were kept out as far as possible. The new USMCA is not perfect but could have been much stronger but for democrat corrupt opposition. What it does is bring back a manufacturing base into the USA for the USA and for every state in the USA. This is in turn allows a greater leverage when dealing with China who have agreed to buy $50 billion from the USA (China as a nation which the democrats obsessively positioned to overtake the USA via the Clintons) who (in phase 2) are subsidizing their own product manufacturing,but who have had untold billions from the USA (democrats ) to rebuild it, over decades (The Clintons who also work mainly for the Chinese) and at the same time they have manipulated the currency exchange to give them a profitable outcome in the trade (deficits) of goods and services whilst using their technology to steal intellectual property (also from the fake patent office) whilst also implanting their microchips and logarithms into the surveillance systems of the USA (even into NSA or lower government offices with knowledge of Obama / Clinton but upon the population of the USA

see Edward Snowden 'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 13)’  & also see ‘Edward Snowden on exposing NSA surveillance: "I had produced a system that spied on everyone"   and also see 2. Mr William (Bill ) Binney who also worked for the NSA  Video(s) who is not a whistleblower but is looking after the security of the US population.

1.  'A GOOD AMERICAN'  2017   & a second video 2 'NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of FREEDOM'  ) to in the end bring about the Orwellian / 1984 dystopia of total surveillance linked directly to your bank accounts incurring penalties (the crypto currency sham) if you point out (for instance in cultural marxism / critical theory) that a few idiots are walking around saying they have been born with the wrong ass, and therefore so has everyone else including children (etc) then you will be deducted credits for 'wrong ass criticism'. See the last post above dated 30.11.2019, and also Robert Lightizer (or to repeat it here.... USA. The US trade representative Robert Lightizer testifies on the China trade war. (video youtube ‘Lighthizer testifies on trade negotiations with China | Part 2’ and the new nafta. This revealing meeting also has fruit today as US garlic farmers say they are now coming out on top due to the tariffs policy. (see also the post above dated 17.11.2018 for more of the background and post of 24.05.2019 on subheading Economic Nationalism) Lightizer restores the US constitution, whereas the Chinese system wipes away every nation on earth into total subjugation under liberal socialist (removal of free speech) communist depopulation agenda’s via the UN (United Nations) EU ‘crisis management’ and the Popes encyclical ‘Laudato Si’, which ironically believes it is following St Francis of Assisi to protect the environment but is a carbon tax scam to fuel a side income for the Vatican and China (see the last post above see all of chapter 3 and chapter 3a above) They are against the US constitution which now be restored to every courtroom at all levels in the USA.

After numerous investigations which are set to continue into criminal arrests, it has been hard for America and Americans to establish any connections or loyalties with the democratic party and the USA.

British Steel and China and the EU (British Gas & British Steel)

In early 2018 Teresa May began the selloff of British Gas. China to own British Gas?  In early 2018 Teresa May signs a preliminary deal with China, a free trade deal  (the EU still controls that area) Recently announced but surveyed for some time is the new and extremely large discovery of Gas in the North Sea  One of a few in the making. The company who has the rights to the gas is China’s state owned gas company.  ‘Chinese state-owned company CNOOC said it made the gas discovery - equivalent to 250 million barrels of oil - in its Glengorm project, east of Aberdeen’ (CNOOC = Chinese national offshore oil corporation) They bought out US oil company Unocal Corporation in 2005 under protest and suspicion. Although they own the gas they pay royalties as tax to Britain, yet it is highly suspicious that the older UK rigs in the North Sea and off the North Wales coast are due to be decommissioned? (see the above post-dated 3.12.2018 & previously posted & dated 11.06.2018 above) which also includes the internal land based oil and gas discoveries worth £Trillions a vast amount of wealth. 

Now China is vying for British Steel. Yet it will save jobs the public are told. This lowest common denominator disguises the fact it will be not be used for Britain, as China did not bring advantages for the USA. It will be downsized and many areas outsourced away from a national supply chain and workers from China will be imported instead of apprenticeships going to local nationals. It is the same in every EU nation. Tony Benn predicted the loss of manufacturing and trade and control by joining the EU see video 'The Impact analysis on joining the European project were all wrong it was a disaster'  (which has stood the test of time and modern media spin) On the one hand the EU have controlled British Steel into a slow decline and on the other China is trying to get around the EU’s barriers by buying the company in the new negotiations. It is a disaster to sell them.

The British Government in the past has issued millions in interest free loans (in effect a treasury bill ) to big companies which was repaid and stood them until they were profitable (including Royal Dutch Shell and others) it can do so again but not as a bail out. Then it would also have to frame those companies within a new trade deal outside the EU. This is not big government or socialism but economic nationalism and this would save jobs.

President Macron a traitor to France.

In France, 12 Generals in the French Military signed an open letter to President Macron accusing him of being a traitor to France ( which is what he is ) for signing the UN migration pact. (the pact was planned 20 years ago by the UN) the matter is discussed ‘Wake UP! We are at War! French Military Generals Letter Macron Treason’ Basically what the French generals are saying is they intend to take back their country and he has to go. Macron is the same as Trudeau, just as fake. The letter also suggest that multi-nationals and corporations are ruining the worlds economy. This as an open revolt continues in France for months but is not reported on in the MSM as another corruption in pensions ends in resignation.

China and Hong Kong and the next battle in the War

The incredible elections in Hong Kong (see last post above dated 30.11.2019) are the first step for it as a move to freedom. They are still demanding all five of their five demands Further to those is the elimination of the social credit system surveillance (totalitarian) installations, and not just in Hong Kong. For China and Hong Hong they must include it in their demands. If it is not met along with the other 5 demands, various remedies are available, although Hong Kong protestors have dismantled the 5G towers amidst the protests over the year. Other remedies include propelling a mechanical vehicle into the 5G towers. Using a laser cutter. Grenades at the base of towers. A less riskier, safer method is to place a secret stashed (but very powerful magnet) to neutralise the internal workings of the tower. A small localised radiated EMP (electro magnetic pulse ) interference device, (bespoke) would also work. The people have not supplied a mandate for this system.

The same advice should also be given to mainland China, yet the system in China is now all over in every province including the Uyghur Christians. China is now moving to 6G next It is also coming to the USA (as yet not connected to the bank accounts of ordinary Americans as it is in China and there is no indication President Trump is going to be making that jump as it is rolled out in the USA. As also in Britain and for the past 18 months . It is not just the health scares which are consuming people’s fears (discussed here also “WARNING: 5G IS COMING & IT WILL "CHANGE EVERYTHING" or here also ‘Can 5G radiation make you sick? What we found’   & here also ‘Doctors call for delaying deployment of 5G Due to Health Risks’ )

Yet this nothing compared to the slavery system it brings with it potentially as exists now for 1.4 Billion people in China everywhere and to everyone, and which was facilitated by Google’s Eric Schmidt  and it is controlled by Artificial Intelligence  (see also Glenn Beck ‘5G and AI Everywhere: 2030 Will Be a New World | Jeff Brown | Ep 60 | The Glenn Beck Podcast’)  which recently learnt to speak to itself with anyone able to decipher its language in its machine learning capability as it spreads in the internet of things. President Trump in January 2017 during the first days of his office met with all cyber security experts (including   Elon Musk and others) to discuss it and the new space program .

‘Is China’s Dystopian Social Credit System Our Future?’  all the worlds technology is going into it when even 4G would suffice to for smooth internet video conferencing globally. It is not democracy and it is not the right to privacy or free speech or a system which blends with any part of the US constitution. The 4th industrial revolution is an anti - Human UN depopulation agenda system, but one which is not favourably received by all in the Pentagon, Rome, Europe or most of the civilised world. Jared Kushner is overseeing large parts of the 5G / 6G system. Israel did not develop 5G / 6G the United Nations did ITU – R developed it which in effect works for the United Nations and their depopulation agenda. Both the US and Israel have pulled away from the United Nations in recent years.

It is the same as the fake carbon credit scam in global warming (which failed to reach agreement in Madrid or Europe this month in the EU parliament and in past months ) As stated many times on this website.

China can burn all the coal and fossil fuels it wants, as it is already subjugated into communist totalitarian submission. (the west is not yet) It is nothing to do with man - made global warming and ice caps melting, but a system to reduce industry and free living from all directions (5G / 6G Carbon sustainability etc) It is also being rolled out in Britain and just about everywhere on the globe, without awareness or scrutiny.

Italy and the 2 Popes (at least 2)

Currently in Italy there are two Popes 1 . ‘Pope Francis’ or Jorge Mario Bergoglio since February 2013 2.  Pope Benedict XVI or Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger.

Pope Francis oversees the Vatican which was established formally in 1929 in the Lateran pacts although Popes lived within from the 14th century.

Pope Benedict (who lives nearby still) still looks after the ‘Holy See’ separate from the Vatican City (video from 2015 after he ‘stepped down’ ) both are still operating in two different spheres. There are requests for Pope Francis to resign (and see last post above dated 30.11.2019) , especially since the wikileaks revelations and its power struggles with the Knights of Malta Wikileaks had already released the laundering scandals of 2009 and before. Back to 1982 and forward into 2015  (and which also connects to trafficking in Washington focusing on the United Arab Emirates ambassador to Washington  Yousef al Otiba’s  ) The Vatican has received accusations of trying to take over all other orders for profit only.

The Vatican is a Corporation which has its own bank and for instance owns American express. It also owns the Pentagon via Opus Dei Since 2019 it has formally left Catholicism and Pope Francis has now appointed 13 new ‘Chrislam’ cardinals Merging Islam with ? something which is not any of those faiths but labelling it Christianity which it is not it is certainly not Catholicism. In Italy a new (who support not voting ? ) group the ‘sardines’ or  ‘movimento delle sardine’ began as a flash mob in Novemember 2019 opposing the election success of Matteo Salvini . It is in reality a ceration of Guiseppe Conte who opposed Salvini although he did serve as Prime minster with both Left wing five star and Right wing the Leauge and Matteo Salvini. Matteo Salvini has recived the most votes of any Italian politican throughout Italy.

Currently a larger question is what si the meaning of Pope Francis Vatican law ‘Motu Proprio’ againt Corporations which is also at the Centre of the controverises globally.

The Pope  is ‘re-aligning’ the Curia (the Vatican’s government) and restructuring the Vatican bureaucracy, of necessity a long drawn-out battle, but for what ? As we have seen above 13 new Chrislam cardinals have been appointed. (13 new Chrislam Cardinals in October 2019. & Pope Francis has turned a blind eye too so writes Frederic Martel in ‘Sex Parties, Drugs and Gay Escorts at the Pope's Residence: Undercover in the Vatican’) Many onlookers believe that the Church is something to do with Jesus or Gd, but this is lost in the swirling power structure of the Vatican Church. During the Russia investigation hoax (which does not look good for Obama) Robert Mueller a Knight of Malta (but a real straight arrow as Trey Gowdy describes) and/or Vatican officials must be looking at Chrislam and wondering what the hell is that. Recently the Pope ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has passed a law (recently in cannon Vatican law terms or "Motu Proprio" of the Jesuits) but also stemming the nature of corporations. Creating a world trust on the back of birth certificates. Whether the world regards this as the worlds highest form of law or not, the law is cited. It is ascribed to the "Golden Rule" as mentioned in Leviticus 19,18 and 19, 34 and Mathew 7,12 & Luke 6,31. However there may be also ideological concerns and motivations regarding the theories of collectivization and transparency of corporations. One area (as mentioned) is Education which is a Childs right and should be protected by parents. Concerns that billions are paid to communist corporate fronts to fund education projects on the "never never" (eternal debt) are and have been examined and questioned and the end of its money train cannot be accounted for in origin or purpose. The Popes desire to end Corporations some feel is only for the 'West' and is communism veiled? 

However since the Popes overtures to President XI of China, (2016) if corporations collapsed or business collapsed and instead we are left with a state corporation monopoly on the model of communist totalitarian China what will his (and Chinas according to President XI / Mao with OBOR one belt one road and the new SDR / XR global currency, see all above chapter 3 and 3a) new world order look like ? (read an outline of the decree here) considering the Christian genocide (see last post above dated 30.11.2019) and also China’s past The US has provided support to Hong Kong via its two new bills. “The House voted 417–1 to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act on Nov. 21, which had unanimously passed through the Senate the day prior” China whilst on the one hand is commanding Kim Jong Un and North Korea to increase and keep its Nuclear weapons, is suggesting that Taiwan (or even Hong Kong) should not have any ? . Speaking here on BBC News hardtalk 27.11.2019.  see also  ( " Mao's Great Famine HDTV "  or MP4 Video file version here & a CIA documentary " China's Great Leap Forward | 1958 | History of China Under Mao Zedong | CIA Documentary Fi   " as its full name in you tube )

And also ‘Motu Proprio on abuses: There is no longer immunity, no one is above the law’

The end of Corporations ? or just commerce in general ? Which corporations and corrupt Governments and trusts of which the Vatican bank administers does the 2nd Pope in Rome Pope Francis want to eliminate ? is it legal ? or is the bible for instance actually the correct legal text not the pontifical secret  in the sexual abuse matters, which can be acted upon without Papal authority in any case (see Mathew 18,6 & Luke 17,2 & Mark 9,42 in the trafficking, lucrative open border scandals) As a Corporation ( i.e. 'China incorporated' into the mobile pay RDIF chip social credit dystopia) China must be on his list ? or is it already conquered and subjugated. Is there authority to cancel corporations and multi-nationals and who is involved to do so ?  Does it also apply to the EU’s legal structure and the Vatican / Chrislam Corporation? (see all the last post above dated 30.11.2019)





The Impeachment trial of President Trump ? and ‘D.E.W.’ Directed Energy Weapons. The EU farmer’s revolt and connected uprisings set to spread across every EU nation. Brexit to go ahead

(Contd from the last post above) As the world waits to see which (or if they have lost all authority point or purpose) Corporations, Pope Francis and Pope Benedict and the other Pope will terminate, the growing controversy surrounding the ‘climate change’ hoax (Agenda 21, 30 and 50) is taking its toll on Australia (Greece, the USA and California, Portugal, China, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Latvia, Asia, British Columbia, Russia and many other countries which have been affected by outbreaks of fires) D.E.W or Directed Energy Weapons first identified by Donald Rumsfeld who served as US secretary of defence from January 2001 to December 2006 and General Richard Myers briefs the press and public about the weapons following the 9/11 attacks in New York see video YouTube (Audio Compromised) Rumsfeld and Gen. Myers asked about energy beam weapons and which feature now in armaments fairs globally, but which seem to be employed upon civilians (i.e. civilians in any or all nations in the UN depopulation agenda). The EU farmers revolts are set to escalate with representatives on tractors from 27 nations (in a forward pincer action on multiple fronts ) are vying to bring Brussels to a standstill for months or even years to protest against the carbon tax, pensions and fake politicians in the communist superstate. Poland has refused to sign the fake climate accords as the Supreme Court moots Poland may have to leave the EU. (this is amidst the ongoing investigation into the Vatican and EU corruption see last post above)

Further information on DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) which includes boats burnt on water, entire forests untouched, yet the surrounding houses are flattened and in cinders. Car engines vaporised, No plumbing at all left etc ?) It is nothing to do with the environment, climate change or global warming or global cooling but is everything to do with taxation via the carbon credits scam (see post above dated 9.9.2019)  The USA has pulled out of the United Nations who (under NAFTA) wanted to reshape the USA’s borders. USMCA has changed that and introduced a manufacturing base which many democrats wanted to destroy, via the Russia and Ukraine hoaxes Many are suggesting the UN should be closed or even placed under military containment, even via the Marines and/or Delta SFOD-D. The US certainly has the authority to remove terrorists from its lands (the UN has now achieved both a anti - catholic and anti - protestant ethos in one go via ‘Chrislam’ ?  see last 2 posts above)

Many are calling for a military intervention in Nigeria due to the slow genocide of the Christians there by the countries leader Muhammadu Buhari and in league with President Xi of China who is not suggesting Muslims (unlike the Uighers Muslims in China see posts above)  should be interned in prison camps as they are in China ?

The fake impeachment of Donald Trump (on the 23.12.2019) has stalled as the articles of impeachment have not been issued to the Senate from the House of Representatives but Republicans are confident they will be sent. However they were published on the House of Representatives websites and they could have been downloaded by the Senators in the Senate (over the last few days) informally who could have proceeded anyway. Citing concerns of biased Senators, and a fair trial (although there was no fair trial in the lower house) democrats are concerned they will not be able to call witnesses. See video ‘Turns Out Dems Wrote to Ukraine Last Year, Demanding They Investigate Trump’ but who failed to call many pertinent witnesses at the impeachment inquiry ?. The Obama fisa warrants scandal and the Adam Schiff illegalities and James Comeys admission that FISA warrants were an abuse of power  and an ongoing abuse of power which many are calling for them to end   In the absence of the Fisa warrant court, the full return of the US constitution applicable to all court levels from lowest to highest is the remedy not just in the Supreme Court.

The irony of this fake impeachment is whilst democrats say Trump is a urgent imminent threat (possibly only to them) to America ? why are they holding on to the articles of impeachment ?

Witness’s the US Senate could call and voters are watching the proceedings and have lived through ten years of corruption and senseless depravity and Washington corruption under Obama and wider and the United Nations agenda’s including the Russia Hoax which ruined people’s lives. (The US senate is the primary mechanism of impeachment not the House of Representatives) Following the irregular donations to political causes by George Soros into US politics (interfering in foreign elections as named by Attorney General Bill Barr) and the assistance to the Ukraine who are worried about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia, central witness's who could be called by the Senate is Eric Ciaramella as related by Rand Paul. and also Dan McGhan and Michael Duffey, George Popadopoulos and  also Paul Manafort  (both of whom were coerced or charged with non related charges to Russia ?) Tom Fitton and Trey Gowdy and witnesses surrounding Obama's laundering of 7.4 billion from the Ukraine and Joe Biden's live bribe of officials in the Ukraine, and .and also VP Mike Pence who has supported Ukraine from 2015 / 2016 fwd. Mitch McConnell is open to witness's and which could include Robert Mueller. Witnesses which could be called are as follows; Obama, Joe Biden, John Brennan, Loretta Lynch, Valerie Jarrett, Hillary Clinton and Peter Schweizer. Eric Holder, Libby Schaff and Don Boente, Glenn Simpson, Christopher Steele, the family of Ammon and Cliven Bundy and the  Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and United Nations representatives for the BLM. Rudy Giuliani, The family of Lavoy Finicum. Maxine Waters (to also explain her accumulated millions on her salary), Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler and the family of Gedad EL Haddad, democrat aid Imran Awan, General Michael Flynn and Carter Page (as witness for the Senate) George Soros, Adam Schiff and Fiona Hill. The family of Seth Rich and the Podesta brothers, Yousef Al Otaiba  former FBI investigator Dennis Nathan Cain  amongst others to begin with. Following the Horrowitz report (who had previously cleared Hillary Clinton) but which report shows 17 mistakes in the FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign by Obama as detailed in the IG (inspector general reports New upcoming reports by John Durham and Attorney General Bill Barr are criminal investigations. Removing corruption in Washington and also ensuring the 5G / 6G surveillance ethos as Chinas imprisoned society, tries to lay its money land  grabbing ‘PC’ no free speech taxation by logarithm mould over the USA . These issues are central to the freedom of the US constitution and is particularly important to Trump and the Patriots.

Brexit deal passed. Boris Johnsons deal on the WA is passed in the House of Commons by 358 votes to 234 with the UK set to leave the EU on the 31.01.2020. The Pope objects calling for obedience to the UN, despite the UN’s anti-Christian ethos (see last posts above) All EU countries want to make their own trade deals and protect their borders and this could become a demand of the new European constitution. The conservatives have ruled out an extension to Brexit (a free trade deal does not need to involve the WTO ) and a refusal to rule out leaving on WTO terms.





Iran moves to impeach President Trump in the Senate as the war (in the USA) escalates. The New World Order by UN ‘Rules and laws’ to usurp national sovereign constitutions globally (recap) The UN 'smart cities' slavery deception. Irish election. The Vatican & Vatican bank & Pope caught trafficking (with the UN)


The beginning of this Chapter 3a asks if Europe is being destroyed ? , but you could ask the same question of any of the continents, nations and economies and cultures within them. This post follows on from the post above 30.11.2019 and the 18.12.2019 and 23.12.2019.

In Brexit between the vote to accept Boris Johnsons new deal (see last posts above) and now, debates have taken place in the commons on the lack of an extension to Brexit beyond December 2020. (A Brexit party is planned for 01.02.2020) However the sparsely filled chambers lacked the Labour (remain) party and most of the Liberal democrats (remain)  This was noted by Labour leave MP’s (such as Graham Stringer MP) in attendance, who were dismayed by the (their own) parties lack of effort or interest. But the remain faction, whether Britain was in the EU or not have now showed themselves to be fake with no interest in running a country, and this is part and parcel of the conveyer belt in part non elected legislature, and its policy, the EU runs. It is a monolith and the past 3 years have highlighted this to the public in all EU countries. Ruth Lea pointed out in early 2017 that the EU need access to the City of London. (  The City advised Britain to walk away ) but which could be withheld until a Steve Baker type or actual Steve baker FTA is reached. Germany has said it will reach a FTA deal see last post above. The EU still depends on Britain not the other way around.&In 2017 the BBC predicted an increase of £135 billion annually under a ‘hard Brexit’

In the USA the Impeachment mysteries continue, it’s almost as if a giant play within a play is unfolding to uncover deep corruption in the USA and Washington.

Iran (Iran-dems) move to impeach President Trump in the Senate but it boomerangs back

China, Taiwan, North Korea and Vietnam and Impeachment Articles (without a crime)  President Trump and Mike Pence (who is the new ‘Rocky’ in the US political tag team) signs the China trade agreement (following the USCMA USA / Canada / Mexico FTA agreement to be signed next week or shortly, although Nancy Pelosi has threatened to assassinate President Trump whilst taking her time to deliver the articles of impeachment (or here on youtube) which were considered very urgent but then not so ? and which now 5 weeks later ? will be delivered.

In the last post above (dated 23/24/2019) and following  the persecutions of the Russia / Ukraine and probes other witnesses which could be called (along with those above) are Devin Nunes (who may want to a prosecutor) Greg Craig, Lev Parnas ( a witness after the fact of the lower house ‘trial’ inquiry who was not called before this ) Ken Star, John Bolton, Hunter Biden, Natalia Veselnitskya (who worked for Hillary Clinton via Moscow)  David S Kris and Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and John Brennan, Michelle and Barack Hussein Obama. Huma Abeddin. Victor Pinchuk. John and Tony Podesta. Chief Justice John Roberts (who is a material witness as well as presiding Judge) CJ Roberts was involved with issuing the FISA warrants in the Russia investigation. Since then James Comey, has apologised for the Fisa Warrants  as has Andy McCabe and on the Fisa process and so too has FBI director Christopher Wray who was appointed by Trump, after the main matters began. Attorney Bill Barr General said spying did occur.

Further any or all witnesses from the Epoch Times chart(s) 1. Spygate flow chart could also be called 2. The Insurance Policy

Reports from Horrowitz (who defended Hillary Clinton previously) and John Huber appointed by Jeff Sessions (which contrary to the Washington post’s assertion, his report has been forwarded and is ongoing) There is a further report coming from John Durham who could note any witness testimony from the Senate. There are other reports from outside Washington yet to be published. Attorney Bill Barr can conclude a report from all evidence.

Boomerang. To understand the strangest and most bizarre case (the biggest scandal in US history) see video Youtube ‘It’s All About To Boomerang, [DS] Propaganda Falls Apart, [DF] Videos Countered - Episode 2072b’ and the attempt by Nancy Pelosi to try and control (by ‘inquiry’) all three branches of government (Executive = President Trump, Judiciary and legislator) is of course unconstitutional but corrosive to the constitution. It is no coincidence that at exactly the same time in Virginia, a Democrat Governor is attempting to ban guns against the constitution (see below) This is a coup, aimed at removing the constitution in Virginia and the US legislature and is treason. On 20.11.2019 into December 2019 the democrats extended the Patriot act which upends the US constitution. The senate can block this of course and they attempted to do so in 2015.

The public are watching and not just the Democrats but also Republicans and Libertarians who want to see an end of corruption and injustice in Washington and wider, not just a party partisan point grabbing exercise. No one believes the UN has jurisdiction (outside of ‘rules and laws’  in the ‘rules based international order’ also known as the ‘Liberal international economic order see further down’) over the Ukraine / Russia investigation except the UN.

The China deal effectively (and despite the Democratic Party efforts to crush it), with USCMA,  brings back manufacturing to the USA. The China trade agreement is stage 1 and is good news for America. Taiwan has also elected a new government of the right to move away from China and its totalitarian regime as Hong Kong (total independence and not one country 2 systems)  is doing, and it should move to defend itself with missiles as China is doing in North Korea.  (Vietnam put its corrupt bankers to death by firing squad in 2014, but only to bring in a new totalitarian China like Chairman Mao regime which today is removing all ‘human’ rights)

Russia, and Putin has assumed total power as the Russian government resigns to appoint a new prime-minster (15.01.2019) as the West ponders what Russia is up too. (Including meeting Basher Al Assad in Syria) The Ukrainian plane shot down by Iran and now admitted by Iran was not a mistake. It contained Canadians loyal to Qassem Soleimani who was killed by the USA last week whilst he was in Iraq, and they were also loyal to Justin Trudeau and Obama and Valerie Jarret, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton and Peter Strokz who have conducted (via Nancy Pelosi and Schiff et al) a counter intelligence operation against the new US Republican administration from inside the USA, and the Iranians inside the USA have sought to bring the country to ruin from within since 2008.

They regard this as revenge for all the interference in Iran since the 1950’s but also to continue take over the Middle East and make a new ISIL in the Levant. Iran has also attacked the west yet now after the death of Soleimani the Iranian rebels are thanking Trump for this and a new change is seeing into Iran.   When they (the Iranian Canadians) realised that Soleimani was dead they panicked and left Iran and flew on the downed airliner to Canada which is a central country for Iranians. Soleimani was in Iraq when he was killed, and his comrade Hadi al Amiri who had a few days earlier led a rebellion against a US base and embassy was invited to the white house by Obama in 2011. (Hadi al Amiri is Iranian. )

The current Iran government killed hundreds of rebels last month as now protests continue to rock the Iranian state  over the shooting of the downed jet. The right of the Shiites or the Sunnis to claim victory over each other and assume control, narrowly stated as Saud versus Iran (disputing hereditary lines from Mohammed, although the new Saud leader claims to be of a different line from the Saud Royal family, and pertinent to both their claims where really is ‘Mecca / Becca’ (see post dated 9.9.2019 above) as without it the whole world War 3 thing is pointless. It is perceived as s a war between Arabian factions and many in the west and east now believe they should be let to war it with themselves, whilst protecting Christians and Israel from them. Israel is of course only at its current size and not yet at its full Greater Israel size. This war between the Sunnis and Shiites (goes back to) is now 1320 years old, oil or no oil as both the USA and Russia are energy independent. The current US military state they are sick of endless wars or wars in which they cannot win but instead wage wars which have to sustained. However now it is apparent that Iran and China have been at war with the USA, within the USA, and externally especially over the last ten years. The growing US debt is making those decisions easier as it becomes more unsustainable (but could be cancelled)

Iran in the USA. For the truth on Iran (in the USA) see Bitchute 1.  “The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA”     2. Iranada – Iran international swamp part 2  which exposes the Russia hoax and the Ukraine corruption. It also show the current impeachment is driven by many Iranians and since 2016 Angela Merkel who has both criticised and supported Iran is now supplying the (equivalent pallets of cash Obama sent) funds to Iran. The EU have triggered the Iran disengagement clause on the Iran Nuclear deal which the US has already abandoned.(following the unrest in Iran and also the shooting down of the airliner)

(If an independent Ukraine in Ukraine first and make Ukraine great again is corrupt they may feel that is their business not the US or Russia’s, fearing outside corruption against it, but the new leader Zelensky is corrupt and is selling Ukraine away to globalism like the world is going to end next week) As the Obama bribe he took shows he laundered at least $7,4 billion from Ukraine

Whilst these factions in Arab lands seem opposed they are also unified. Pakistan has a base in UAE, it is also (ISI or Inter Intelligence Services of Pakistan) has troops in Saud, (and also in Iran ) , UAE and wider. When considering the Christian genocides over 10 years and longer and also the anti genocide act known as the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018' (see post above dated 30.11.2019) The act states “This bill authorizes U.S. government agencies to provide humanitarian, stabilization, and recovery assistance for nationals and residents of Iraq and Syria, in particular ethnic and minority individuals at risk of persecution or war crimes. It also authorizes the agencies to assist in prosecuting those suspected of such crimes.” Obama et al is of course responsible overall.

UN ‘Rules and laws’ to usurp national sovereign constitutions

One area to watch for in the new China / US deal is the currency dollar Yen / Yuan parity mechanisms (including  the SDR / XR proposed new currency in waiting which China wants to be the leader of,  as sole leader of the New World Order, Via the UN see all above posts)  in relation to the 5G / 6G system which President Trump wants to bring in and accelerate and control see last posts above (as opposed to China, who through Obama and the democrats allowed their surveillance systems to proliferate throughout US systems at all levels despite having 10 or more intelligence agencies monitoring the USA every day) The 5G / 6G system is being controlled by Huawei in Britain unless the public demands its removal (or similar high tech deep state system which regards people as ‘wetware’.)

Overseeing this is Jared Kushner. These Chinese systems were/are being offered to the UK and Europe  and Africa (and which in Africa can also come with a Chinese police force in Africa to assist the local national police officers, but which was rejected after an outcry by local police) and wider. This is designed ultimately by the United Nations who employ ‘rules and laws’ to usurp national sovereign constitutions illegally to effect deep and profound changes in your land.

These new laws are not even international law (or laws of the sea) but new totalitarian laws which can be kicked out be national governments especially so in the USA. The USA should instruct Trump and Jared Kushner to make the US constitution supreme over these laws and any outside laws in reality and in tech. The ‘rules based international order’ also known as the ‘Liberal international economic order’) is usurping your government in any way it can. Even the ‘privacy’ laws on I PHONES regard your data as you in reality and therefore they are you and they own you when you agree to them. In effect they remove your human rights (‘equal rights but no rights equally’) culture and history and common laws which are stronger and deeper for your benefit. They are assisted in this by the Judiciary who see it as their role to override the tri – part separation of powers nations have, and effectively become a unified governmental (obedient to the UN) vanguard which oversees the centralised nations (for example those amalgamated in South Africa) who have already been co-opted into one entity. The Judiciary cite ‘other nations’ laws as allowing amalgamation and bring in ‘new precedents’ into less integrated nations. See  ‘Elite Snakes FEAR Populism and Nationalism’ by Amazing Polly or here on Bitchute

This is of course occurring dramatically in the EU. It is not often reported but is obvious when many EU nations who were wary of the federalisation of EU nations that then this was just the first step to a full UN nation zone, which many EU nations do not want in any way. Once many in the EU realised this they rejected it.

Economics overlooked and ignored but vital in the world slavery trafficking system

A key area of economics was discussed by Laura Ingraham with President Trump on 10.01.2020 see video ‘Trump talks trade with China, immigration policy and US economy’ From 3 minutes forward (or watch entire video) it raises the issue of wages and importing  cheap labour, instead of building up SME (small medium enterprises) to bigger companies and even home-grown corporations.

Training local national people up with high wages and 100% employment and exporting the excess. Instead of just importing companies new home-grown companies should be made and supported. The issue of labour at cheaper prices is part of the ongoing problem in economics in which billions of people in the west are undercut by constantly importing cheap labour for no other reason than to improve profits and then adding a gloss or excuse of why we need to import labour including illegal immigrants assisted by the central bank which allows new accounts to be opened draining trillion globally from the local economy. In the EU this policy known as Optimal Currency Theory is nonsense. (Instead of Austrian economics)

Ironically here is Yanis Varoufakis (former finance minster of Greece and see video  ‘Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe's hidden agenda’ ) who from the outset (but at 2 minutes 30 seconds) relates how the Central banks (neo liberal)  inflate large debt bubbles from one Optimal currency area to the next and trail along new imported cheap labour into these areas (which can straddle the borders of national countries or many national countries) in order to keep the whole thing going. Inventing new reasons why new imported labour should be imprinted is never ending, and millions are now watching as they train up new people to take over their jobs at a lower wage without employment protections as they had before. However this is not a Marxist analysis of profits and labour as from the outset Marxists forget to quote that Karl Marx compared blasphemy against ‘national debt making’ as almost as bad as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in economic liberal society. See Karl Marx ‘Das Capital’ (1906 see index and topic national debt for page number in any volume or see the adjacent website and chapter 2 and banking reform thesis ) “And with the rise of National debt making, want of faith in the national debt takes the place of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” This is simply a debt bubble which is never paid down and is unheard of in economic history. Why does the left abandon Marxist policy in this area?   Because the left rely on Keynesian debt bubbles or deficit spending for the working and middle class as it does not require planning or commitment. The left have no other policy and do not care, they are useless and do not serve national countries. They prefer a totalitarian society with all human rights removed (The UN human rights are 'human rights for all but with no rights equally' )

This debt ethos produces overbearing and unnatural debt levels which includes the national debt, the derivatives bubble (last article; Warren Buffet as the world Derivative debt bubble hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) and future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivates debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years)  and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion) It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble

Once people are full up with debt, new people are required to take out more debt,  including cheaper labour known as population replacement within the crisis management of population reduction. It is ironic that Yanis Varoufakis is saying this as he is a ‘trans-nationalist’ who with the ‘open borders’ merchants in effect support this theory and have kept  it going. Whether an economy transitions to a 100% cashless society (in the social credit ‘blackmirror’ dystopia the communists want, in cyber money or not the situation will remain the same. See also once again  ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income )

The left and its betrayal of Greece in the bank bailout scandal The Left after campaigning for a referendum in Greece in 2009 - 2015 (following the financial collapse) took power, and held a referendum on complying with bank bailouts. Having taken power and the referendum passed to reject the bailout by over 60% and end Austerity, the left then in power, then abandoned the people and ignored the result  The left are fake and for a more detailed history of the Greek monetary problems see the adjacent website and chapter 2 or the conclusion at  the end (scroll up) They do not work for the people.

This new ‘society’ (George Orwell, ‘1984’ or Aldosu Huxley, ‘Brave New world’  ) was prompted by multi millionaire Obama as the UBI universal basic income which is now discussed again on Fox News on 2.1.2019 with Brett Bier and Andrew Yang. It is a scam incrementally presented and a way to introduce subsistence economy (keeping the poor ....poor permanently, which is also a call from ‘Pope’ Francis, see at the end)  It is not presented with 5G / 6G social credit slavery system, as accompanying it. ( yet)The middle class will be removed, the working class will be made poorer and an elite ruling over them destroying the family (like Chairman Mao) will believe they can reign. It is nothing to do with welfare but is to do with the flaw in central banking. Merging corporations with the state however becomes state capitalism and dwindles into decay, see next paragraph. Ireland is  the current chosen experiment in which settlers are brought into communities and those communities are not informed as the Vatican has already been paid in Rome (see below)

Solving this problem which is linked to the ‘Long term Fixed Capital’ conundrum  will mean a reset of the global economy but (the free world note) definitely not into Chairman Mao or Chairman Xi type or the world will be enslaved. For more on this and how to keep companies profitable, with high wages see the adjacent website and chapter 1 PDF (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel   (or here to read directly ) See pages 25 and 26 fwd for normal rate of profit, decreasing returns to scale and long term fixed capital investment. This constant crisis management (Club of Rome) bounces from hyper inflation to Marxist theories and back again, but people and families, who want long term family business and secure work and societies are sidelined in order to please a few who run the banks. This means many companies abandon manufacturing and decide instead to invest in the stock market reducing company responsibilities. This with the Clintons selling of America to China and outsourcing led to the US ‘rust belt’ and a large western rustbelt. The stock-market has now surpassed 29,000 on the Dow index and one reason is the surer economy in America  working and middle class level (100% employment and localism reduces the lowest common denominator system into debt bubbles and collapse).

The US Patriots.

The US State of Virginia ( a scene of so much US history) is to have its annual parade on 20.05.2020, (which it has conducted peacefully for hundreds of years) but behind the scenes the Governor of Virginia (Governor Ralph Northam who many believe is being bribed and therefore forced to bring in anti gun laws via  a UN agenda) Northam is trying to remove their constitutional rights. (the UN is trying to remove all the US constitution) They have also tried to remove  the Virginia confiscation bill but Northam passed the bill to attack the US constitution as the democrats are doing now with the fake impeachment system they have invented.

 Yet this is just the beginning and Virginia was chosen because of its historical significance. It is an attack on freedom and liberty see video from September 2019 ‘Beto's AR15 Boogaloo Is A BUST - Here's Why..’  but now the UN are coming for the guns and constitution “The United Nations is now accepting job applications in New York City, New York for a Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration officer to “contribute to security and stability in post-conflict environments”  A warning in the following Video and other warnings told of the moves.  see video : ‘2020MEET THE PQTRIOTS’  Following these more than 100 districts of Virginia formed themselves in ‘sanctuary cities’ to avoid unconstitutional measures such as gun control echoing the sanctuary cities which housed MS – 13  and other paid paramilitaries to enter the USA. They are supported by the local police community. The constitution and gun laws are largely supported by the local police. (many feared the 20.01.2020 march could become another Charlestown in 2017 when police were stood down and bus loads of ‘left and right’ protestors in the same bus were bussed in and then stood on opposing sides in the fracas. These bus rides also occur in illegal voting throughout the USA which we can read about as originating in the EU further down)

FBI agent Frank Abagnale  (the subject of the film ‘catch me if you can’ directed by Stephen Spielberg ) here relates how modern technology assist’s cyber crime solutions and also law enforcement, but is this just a pretext to control all of society. See Video ‘The hackable technology that worries even a legendary con man | Frank W. Abagnale’

He mentions that pace makers can be turned off remotely, and the distance to enable this is soon going to be from anywhere on earth. He also mentions he can turn off someone’s car or house even or perhaps even facilities to large towns. Note it is no longer ‘Taxi for Hanratty’ (a scene in the movie ‘Catch me if you can’) but a more pessimistic tone which is really saying we are designing our own open prisons.  It may be dawning on Frank that it will not just apply to criminals but to him also. When advised no one was chasing him in the film perhaps he now realises they really are. The system will not just apply to others but to every member of the FBI, (and the cadets) and the intelligence services, all armed forces and law enforcement and in fact everyone, everywhere, all the time. In short it will become weaponised against everyone, unless you happen to live in a country with an enforceable constitution with real privacy laws and liberty.

Google as heard via project VERITAS. Clearly this system breaches those laws in the  The ‘rules based international order’ also known as the ‘Liberal international economic order’)  See also the video 'the truth about smart cities' or here on youtube  or here again on bitchute (i.e the salespitch into totalitarian slavery) and then also see the video from inside Google and a whistleblower ‘FULL: PROJECT VERITAS GOOGLE INSIDER & HIDDEN CAM RE UPLOAD’ which is not just about elections but total control Globally (this whilstleblower has now gone public i.e. Mr Zachary Vorhies  see  project veritas onBitchute ) and also see ‘DIGITAL DEMOCRACY? ONE COMPANY CONTROLS IT ALL’  (which will apply to all people on all continents to suppress them into leftist secular humanist mind control) and then see all posts above in Chapter 3a on Chinas social credit system given to them by Eric Schmidt ex CEO of Google who did some training in North Korea (or here)  before giving the Chinese the logarithm and they want to run the New World Order.

TIK TOK The ‘Tik Tok’ app downloaded by US army personnel allowed them to be tracked as they walked around the pentagon. It is now an order to remove it from military phones. This was the method Obama and Clinton enabled during their tenure and Iran was effectively running the USA. Since 2016 they have tried to remain and have undertaken to destroy any trade deal they can.

When will the Pope Resign ?

The Pope says we must obey the UN it ! is our duty he says. Yet the UN is seeking new draconian Universal abortion rights. (See the post above dated 09.09.2019 and the Belfast anti abortion meetings) The United Nations has also called for Universal Human Rights for abortion, and for redefining rights for the unborn or even what it means to be human in May 2018  "In blatant violation of international law, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has unveiled a startling new campaign that claims “you have human rights since birth.” The unsettling image, which depicts a baby’s arm with the statement written on a hospital bracelet, makes clear the position of this U.N. body—human rights should not be afforded to human beings until after they are born" This ethical idea which has not no ethical right and makes no sense is shovelled out onto children and teenagers as fact. Therefore the same UN (United Nations) which is promoting 'climate change' is also promoting massive global abortions, euthanasia, breakdown of the family and vaccines from China which are diseased, and also 'redefining humanity', and which has also involved (also the IPCC or the Intergovernmental panel on climate change) in the climate carbon tax frauds and scandals.

However the Pope (Pope 2 of 3 Benedict) also says abortion and euthanasia is wrong ? contradicting the UN ? (Joe Biden in 2015 states abortion is wrong but has changed since then) whilst Pope Francis (1 of 3 Popes) has recently said abortion is wrong, but now a Priest can forgive an abortion, (will forgiveness for euthanasia be next and where will it end ?) and now abortion issues are just as sacred as migrants ?  In reality abortion kills a baby and all the future generations which would have been born in the future, and this depopulates and enslaves the future generations of a nation helping to wipe them out and replace them which is / was the purpose of the Irish abortion referendum in 2018 i.e. to remove your rights and future generation rights and begin to wipe you out.

The Jesuit practice of absolving each other of sins is now extended to all Priests, but it is of course not from Gd it is a canon law made up in his own mind.(Pope Francis)  It does however fit perfectly with the depopulation agenda of the UN,  of say 5 billion people or more in the ‘emergency’ The World is actually (see Metrocosm & ‘Half the World’s Population Lives in Just 1% of the Land [Map]’  under-populated so breed away. Ignore the UNDESA claims) which clashes with the Vatican City agenda of making money from migrants.

For further information on this see the following 3 videos. Video 1.  ‘The Vortex — Vatican Stealing Millions’  

2. ‘The Vortex — Now, It’s HUNDREDS of Millions!’

European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling via the Vatican bank  amidst the recent shocking case of  Jesuit priest Robert J. Goldberg who sexually abused a boy 1000 times globally. (see also the last 3 posts above dated 30.11.2019, 17.12.2019 & 23.12.2019 on the shocking global sexual abuse’s globally )

3. An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”    (Truly Shocking and the vast trafficking sex slave / charity refugee scam and the billions made from them)

As Obama bombed over 7 countries with over 20,000 bombs creating refugees the Vatican (which is bankrupt) took $60,000 to $80,000 or more for each refugee, and in Syria when Assad bombed his  own people the arrangement continued there also directly via Pope Francis and the Vatican arranged privately with Syria. This became the UN migration compact (240 MILLION to begin with) in part. Timed to suit ‘Optimal Currency Theory’, the need for low wages pouring into the West and the invented ‘Chrislam’ heresy by appointing 13 new Chrislam cardinals. With a church with falling attendance Globally. Either the Vatican removes the Pope or Roman Catholics will leave the Bishop of Rome, many feel betrayed by Chrislam. Ireland is the new test area with its Ireland 20/40 scam. See the terrible truth about Ireland by Stefan Molyneux.   (communities not informed of migration around Ireland in numerous locations in ever growing numbers amidst homelessness and unemployment. Much of the countryside rural areas have not improved since 2010 and the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse)

The same occurs with carbon credits, those conned profits after the national governments are nationally taxed, they are divided up proportional for the public to pay without a vote or referendum on the national tax the government had to meet. It is theft and for a cause which has no proof as there is no man made global warming. The Pope as initially against carbon credits as the poor cannot afford them, but not now ?  Carbon trading is wrong he said in 2015 (see the adjacent website and the end of chapter 3 for the corruption and fraud court cases which really took off in 2007) Some of these huge ill gotton gains were then siphoned off to China, and after 15 years there was more carbon in the atmosphere than ever. Some companies want ‘tech help’ these days to increase their carbon footprint to save their state or community. Enjoying a barbeque with a carbon encrusted steak, with vegetables all organically grown locally.

This is the Marxist liberation ‘theology’ ethos driving this sham and which  has failed and has also left 100 million dead (1997 figures)since the 1900’s see within the ‘Little black book Communism’ (which also tries to emulate spirituality but fails)  Pope Francis who sees the poor as connected to St Francis (in error) “because Francis was a "poor man, a simple man, as we would like a poor church, for the poor” says Pope Francis. It also has the dichotomy of stating Gd is dead (Marxism) whilst professing to believe in Gd. But what this means in reality is meeting with Fidel Castro who disarmed the peasants but kept the guns himself and who died a Billionaire, and there are many more examples, whilst the poor are bought for slavery and shipped off to cities which become run down deliberately, but provide a  perpetual voting pool of the poor for Democrat districts in the USA for example. Bernie Sanders the millionaire owns 3 mansions in the USA (from ‘booksales’)   They all propose open borders and mass migration because they love the poor. Having a ready supply of the poor the Democrats lord it above them.

This is just a few cities and it is designed by the left (and controlled by the democrats for decades and today) and neo liberals and progressives deliberately.

  1. Los Angeles is a Sh*thole  Typhus and Bubonic plague is present in Los Angeles !

  2. Paris is a Sh*thole

  3. London is a Sh*thole  Overcrowded but more illegal immigrants are trafficked into Britain. The violence and Knife crimes are at 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Sadiq Khan the London Mayor is deliberately fuelling the problem at 6 minutes 30 seconds to the end (as he did with the Rotherham labour councils trafficking gangs and the ten other cities under the trafficking gangs control) He should resign or be removed. 

    This is the real planning (with awful postmodernist architecture thrown in) . 70% of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050 say the United Nations whether they want to to or not.

The End of which CORPORATIONS? This is why there are mass world protests (including in Iran and Lebanon and France) and why the Pope should resign. The Pope says he wants to stop trafficking because it is a crime against Humanity (he says) or it is a scourge to be denounced, then he could arrest George Soros which is a shared view with Boris Johnson and Attorney general Bill Barr and end the corporation called the Open foundation. But the question remains ? which Corporations is Pope Francis planning to cancel ? or is it all of them toward depopulation advances, or does he have the authority. (see lasts posts above) or here to repeat The end of Corporations ? or just commerce in general ? Which corporations and corrupt Governments and trusts of which the Vatican bank administers does the 2nd Pope in Rome Pope Francis want to eliminate ? is it legal ? or is the bible for instance actually the correct legal text not the pontifical secret  in the sexual abuse matters, which can be acted upon without Papal authority in any case (see Mathew 18,6 & Luke 17,2 & Mark 9,42 in the trafficking, lucrative open border scandals) As a Corporation ( i.e. 'China incorporated' into the mobile pay RDIF chip social credit dystopia) China must be on his list ? or is it already conquered and subjugated. Is there authority to cancel corporations and multi-nationals and who is involved to do so ?  Does it also apply to the EU’s legal structure and the Vatican / Chrislam Corporation? (see all the last post above dated 30.11.2019)

Turkey has made an international claim against Israel, sending its Ottoman archives to Gaza to help make its claim for returned lands against Israel. Yet the Ottoman Empire (1500 ad)  is nowhere near as old as Israel (2000). But by the same logic Greece owns Turkey. The area in ‘Asia minor’ called Galatia and the subject of Pauls letter to the Galatians in the New Testament (the ‘Brit Chadash’) was once Greek and Scythian owned (also Anatolia). One town in it Miletus was established by the sons of Mil from where we get the name Milesians,  and Scots from Scythians who were the Gael or Celts who settled in Gaul and Saxons and where the same tribes with the same trade routes which accelerated the Christian gospel into Britain and Ireland by 70 to 90 ad. (see Chapter 1 and 2 above for the Scythians and Saxons and Milesians as the Sons of Mil) Also by Turkey’s logic and by the same logic, India owns the Kashmir and much of Pakistan.   Turkey wants to establish the Ottoman empire again. (Ottoman empire) but which collapsed circa 1910 – 1917. Rome now oversees Jerusalem and if the UN moves out of the USA will it move to a new city already prepared or will he try to move to Jerusalem.(Israel has abandoned UNESCO and in effect the UN)

NATO and IRAN NATO has called on the EU (Angela Merkel) to warn Iran not to make further provocations as the EU condemns Iran for the downed jet Iran shot down. Iranians seem to be turning towards the West and many are becoming Christians. Iran in turn has warned the EU its soldiers may be in danger. (as the EU prepares for its new super army) Trump warned Turkey that he would destroy Turkey’s economy. Turkey is in NATO and Pakistan and Turkey wants to wipe out the Kurds. Pakistan has troops and armaments in Turkey and may deliver Turkey a new source of Nuclear weapons. (Both India and Pakistan have Nuclear weapons) whilst Pakistan also has troops in Saud, Iran and UAE. The USA issues warning to Iran to prevent Iran beginning a war against its own population / protestors and/or against the West.(Chapter 3b will follow in February 2020)



Continuation from the posts above;

30.01.2020 Cont’d from the New World Order and the “4th Industrial Revolution” Davos Slavery System as best identified by the Chinese social credit (Huawei) Universal basic income communist dystopia (see posts above dated 17.12.2019 & 23.12.2019 and 17.01.2020)

The Trump impeachment saga continues with the truth finally being revealed after 3 years of false flag trials and accusations. ‘Impeachment’ began before Trump was inaugurated into office. Ukraine was underway before Trump became President ? First you have Pope Francis hiding the fact he is responsible for up to 30,000 deaths in Argentina and some of those victims have taken revenge against him in 2014. This as the revelations of the Vatican continue to flood out (see last post above) including inventing a new fake ‘religion’ known as Chrislam (see last posts above) The Pope in the early (Julian/ Gregorian calendar ) New Year went on a ‘celebrity’ walk and which can also involve other cardinals or Bishops. In one incident he rebuffed a fan by slapping her arm away see video ‘Indignant Pope Francis slaps woman's hand to free himself at New Year's Eve gathering’ Contrast this with the bible (which is still central to Christianity and to Jews globally) and the Book of Acts in the New Testament / Brit Chadashah (or the Gospels or the Old Testament or Torah) which show thousands of miracles, cures and supernatural events conducted by the Messiah and disciples. The Vatican should be reporting thousands of miracles every day, but instead we hear of gay orgies, money laundering and trafficking of ‘refugees’ and the ‘poor’ who seem to then join the ghettos of the west for a fee of $80,000 or more per person. Lesbians It is not just the Vatican engaging in gay orgies and other scandals (see posts above) but it is also in the Anglican Church as Joanna Penberthy and June Osborne are installed as Gay female bishops. Of course they are not Christians and they are not Bishops male or female. If the Anglican church admits this, as not Christian, then these offices can break away from the main Christian churches and can then call their religion whatever they like. It is simply  the trans-human agenda which also includes perverse sex education for children as young as 4 years of age.

Testimonies in the USA Senate ‘trial’ are (a sample below) added here below, just so you can see how the democrats operate. They are covering up their crimes in the Ukraine, China and Iran (and Iran has declared war not just by shooting down the airliner going to Canada via the Ukraine? But openly every day including within the US) The US state dept helped to facilitate the Vatican’s trafficking by the quid – pro quo Clinton foundation in an open crime spree lasting over ten years under Obama, and who aside from bombing untold countries,(see last post above) and instigating the Christian genocide, also raped Ukraine with the Bidens and Clintons Ukrainians (not it’s government) but ordinary people should be entitled to €100 billion compensation reaching back to the Holodomor in which 10 million died, but also up to the recent revolution asking why snipers killed 120 people in the uprisings, and also asking who were the ‘little green men’ . Why did Obama give away the Crimea and how much was he paid, when a shared Crimea was possible (etc) Why did Nancy Pelosi and the Biden’s invest their children into Ukrainian firms. Why is Chuck Schumer and Pelosi invested in Mexican trafficking via the open border ? Why is taxpayers aid circulated abroad, and then funnelled back into companies like Burisma, but called aid and what is the Vatican connection to this and trafficking, also in Syria with Assad’s help and knowledge (see last posts above) Make Ukraine great again and free Ukraine are ongoing aspirations.

Senate defence lawyers’ point out that it is the lower House who moved a ‘impeachment inquiry’ and it is they who have to prove guilt (in law) it is not the Senates job or any defence in law to prove someone’s innocence r.e. ‘innocent until proven guilty’ which applies to all, not ‘guilty until proven innocent’. The senate has the right to call witnesses. This is a fundamental point of law in the ‘US constitution’. Yet the democrats state they are trying to protect the constitution? but simultaneously they are trying to remove the constitution by removing article 2 and the right to bear arms? The Virginia protests passed peacefully as is their right under the US constitution. Trump has also said guns should be removed without due process in 2018 ‘President Donald Trump Says Take Guns 'Early' Without Due Process | CNBC’ but supported the Virginians in 2020 yet the 5g / 6g rollout continues in the USA or also in Britain (but which began under Teresa May)

The Senate analysis (highlights) It is truly is the biggest scandal in US history.

  1. Jay Sekulow ‘WATCH: Trump attorney slams House Democrats’ handling of impeachment | Trump impeachment trial’

  2. Senator James Lankford ‘The 'House didn't do their homework' in impeachment inquiry: Sen. James Lankford | ABC News’

  3. Pam Bondi ‘Pam Bondi Lays Out the DEVASTATING Case Against Hunter Biden’

The peace process in the Middle East has been released amidst the Chrislam controversy from the Pope who has also made treaties with Muslim lands. Israel and Greater Israel are only small land areas compared to all Muslim nations Turkey has made an international claim against Israel, sending its Ottoman archives to Gaza (see the last post above) Prince Charles hopes to make peace with Iran but they have threatened Israel and Dubai. (Prince Harry is also at the centre of a storm and is mooting relocating  to Canada, yet recently there was also another bizarre story of someone who was claiming to be the real Prince Harry and who was shot dead (20 times on 20.01.2020) James Francis Alexander however was in fact a Lord) Jared Kushner went to Israel on 21.01.2020 and who is also overseeing the AI innovations It has been confirmed that the AI experiment facebook ran, did invent its own language to avoid interception or decoding by its controllers.  Bitcoin was invented by Paul Walker and Phil Venables and not Satoshi Nakamoto After the second Israeli election in September 2019, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz from opposing political parties have formed a tentative dual Primeminister solution, in which both men, may share the term of office with two years each respectively. Both men are committed to building the Third Temple in Jerusalem, in the near future.

Davos / World Economic Forum 202/20 Trump has said he dislikes digital currencies, he states they are not money. They are in fact an asset but then money or assets are only mediums of exchange anyway. He mentions they should be regulated under a banking system but they were sold as a decentralised exchange to the public (i.e. a system away from banking) but since the logarithms are owned by tech companies and the internet codes are also owned (even owned by Hillary Clinton) then this idea is bogus. The world should keep cash,(MO) run and modified for internal inflation by the nation’s treasury and overseen by people who are elected and trusted (see the adjacent website and chapter 1 and 2)  As every year the World Economic Forum requests a reset of the world economy and is predicting a downturn as is the IMF in 2019 and again at Davos 2020 Nations under economic nationalism who can make their own trade deals will grow stronger however.  (see also the last paragraph at the end)

SARS viral outbreak called Coronavirus In China and Globally and even more reason not to entertain Huawei and Chinese technology is the new SARS outbreak called Coronavirus, which was more than likely produced at the Medical research institute at Wuhun. Wuhan is also a UNESCO UN site China is already in lockdown due to the social credit system (people can fly in or out if they have the correct credit score, but more and more are failing the credit score in millions every day as of course it is cultural Marxism critical theory Maoists based and it is not designed to benefit society with gulags and re-education centres) Wuhan is a ‘creative city’ but which in practice looks like this  youtube video ‘amazing polly’ ‘they hate us’ (i.e. all 7 billion people on earth) or here again on bitchube and this (as already posted see last post above dated 17.1.2020) 'the truth about smart cities' or here on youtube  or here again on bitchute (i.e the salespitch into totalitarian slavery) and then also see the video from inside Google and a whistleblower ‘FULL: PROJECT VERITAS GOOGLE INSIDER & HIDDEN CAM RE UPLOAD’ which is not just about elections but total control Globally (this whilstleblower has now gone public i.e. Mr Zachary Vorhies  see  project veritas onBitchute ) and also see ‘DIGITAL DEMOCRACY? ONE COMPANY CONTROLS IT ALL’  (which will apply to all people on all continents to suppress them into leftist secular humanist mind control) and then see all posts above in Chapter 3a on Chinas social credit system given to them by Eric Schmidt ex CEO of Google who did some training in North Korea (or here)  before giving the Chinese the logarithm and they want to run the New World Order. SARS and Coronavirus are patented virus ! and the cure is known. They are genetically modified creations, hence as a GMO they avoid health inspections, as do GMO foods (so called) Note this smart dystopia (communism gone mad)and the UN rules based international order’ also known as the ‘Liberal international economic order’) is usurping your government in any way it can. Contrast this with economic nationalism wealth and prosperity at the end on the world economic forum and the USA.

WHO, World Health Organisation & Contagion. For further analysis see ‘We Are Watching A [Tribunal], Do You See The Pattern, We Know The [DS] Playbook - Episode 2081b’  which also mentions the coronavirus which was mooted in the film ‘Contagion’ which experiments with depopulation programming. (it also mentions Ilhan Omar marrying her own brother ?) The WHO World health organisation is not about health in any way yet they want to take control of national governments to take over ‘in the emergency’ when national governments should take control themselves. Remember the emergency in the extinction rebellion mania

Greta Thunberg has also approached Price Charles She has also approached the world economic forum and other world leaders, about the endless ‘cow poo’ and how it gets into the sky, yet she has not sailed to China as yet, and China has not been pressured to reduce greenhouse gasses (in name only) nor has China been castigated by Greta. Further her father was caught pretending to be her (Greta) on facebook ? Of course there is no such thing as man - made global warming, as planting 1 trillion trees are mooted to be planted to save the world but which will improve the world if they are different species with fruit and nut bearing trees also (see Trump 2 paras below) Prince Charles also supports the 1 trillion trees focus yet extinction rebellion said it would not help in an interview with Nigel Farage  (see video  ‘Nigel Farage Goes Head To Head With Extinction Rebellion’)  Rebellion extinction highlight the severity of the ‘emergency’. Yet when Nigel Farage suggests that these claims are hysterical (at 3 minutes 40 seconds) this is rebuffed as untrue, but when suggesting a massive tree planting exercise around the globe would help the rise in warm temperatures (even though there is no scientific link to weather) there is little response, but both of them agree that reducing co2 by 2025 will close down British Industry (at 7 minutes 30 seconds)

But to brighten the gloom a ‘citizens assembly’ will tell government what to do) Greta (who has been great) just needs to cool it and observe The Warrior Women of Asgardia  who are also determined Warriors, who are led by a woman.See video  'The Warrior Women of Asgarda' (remember the ‘Femen movement’ exploited was run by a man, but not these Christian woman who eat meat and vegetables and cook using wood and other great fossil fuels and can choose not to get married if they wish. The Scythians were the only tribe the Amazon married into for whatever reason they chose at that time in history)

In other news and so amazing is the recent archaeological find in Yorkshire in England. See video ‘The Most Important British Celtic Art Object of the Millennium Discovered | Ancient Architects’ dating from 200 ad with armour and chariot and shield.  (see further chapter 1 and 2 above on the Celts, Saxons, Scythians and Cimmerians and Scandinavians who all have a common origin and also see last post above)

Brexit and Davos Trump was also at the world economic forum (and who supports 1 trillion trees) and who explained what else could save the world.  ‘Watch President Donald Trump's full speech at the Davos World Economic Forum’  which states that Globalism is dead see 23 minutes forward or all and any nations independence and also energy independence by not importing fuels, and which was also repeated at the UN in 2019 United Nations / Trump full speech President Trump’s full speech at the United Nations   Which is a revelation for many  ( The speech can be viewed here ‘Full Speech: Trump at the UN general assembly - BBC News’ or in highlights ) A full breakdown of the highlights here ‘Trump UNLOADS At UN: 6 Things The Rest of The Media Didn't Report!’  In other words once you filter out the green nerds and geeks and the spooks every nation can have a vibrant prosperous economy (and Britain is waking up to this reality more and more every day in the long debate as investment pours into Britain following the finalising of stage 1of Brexit. Making your own economy and building your own SME’s and companies in new trade deals is the way forward)

As in the last post(s) above the Pope has said he will end all Corporations? but does that include all banking Corporations ? and then what ? (in the Marxist liberation paradigm of gulags and depopulation)


This post dated 30.01.2020 to be contd here......



(cont’d 5.2.2020)  The USA Presidential ‘Impeachment inquiry’ cont’d, and concluded in the Senate, and the treason against the US constitution and a US President

(also NXIVM & John of Gd cult leaders,  ISIS and the Obama’s)

The impeachment inquiry which began in the lower house of the USA without a vote to impeach moved into the Senate (see a few paragraphs above). It’s important to remember that it was an inquiry not a legal impeachment but more than this as soon as the Democrat (‘house managers’) moved to walk across from their basement inquiry into the Senate chamber with the articles of impeachment which contained no crime, they committed Treason. Treason is punishable by death in many US states. Treason of undermining the US constitution is clear (not least by the attempts to remove Article 2 of the constitution simultaneously in the state of Virginia see above paragraphs. The democrats stated that they were bringing the articles to uphold the US constitution) Treason can be invoked under Article 9.

Treason. To watch the treason in real time see the articles of impeachment walk to the senate once more. ‘WATCH: Democrats walk articles of impeachment to the Senate’  (this is why the US want term limits on these positions) This makes the 6th impeachment effort on Trump since he took office, and the day after he was inaugurated (but from November 8th 2016) the Washington Post published their ‘impeachment has began’ article. This is also explained by Jay Sekulow.

The Senate vote on impeachment

is as follows in the Senate; Article 1, 48 guilty and 52 not guilty. Article 2 guilty 47 not guilty 53 along political party lines except for Mitt Romney Rep, in Article 1 vote (2/3 majority = not guilty and will stay in office, but the impeachment is erased in both Houses) Abuse of power and Obstruction of congress (are not crimes for impeachment unnamed) are however crimes committed by the democratic party and this should now be investigated as a  criminal inquiry as William Barr has stated   as the public is watching knowing that impeachment began the day after inauguration in Jan 2017.(see State of the Union speech 2020)  The whole show (and sadly some Republicans were in on it) was to set a precedent on changing the constitution and should be banned in the future.

Further to the defence team outlines above from Jay Sekulow, Senator James Lankford and Pam Bondi,(and there were many more) the best  insight (in the many hours of footage) into why the US constitution was criminally set aside and treason followed as the motive for impeachment came from Patrick Philbin.

See ‘WATCH: Trump lawyer Philbin argues impeachment inquiry wasn't designed to 'search for truth'

He explains how (all) the Democrats have in effect committed treason (without a vote in the house) by bring articles of impeachment outside of the separation of powers in a government under Gd. Now the US public can see how their government was hijacked over decades, & how those now, are covering their own crimes by accusing others of what they did (extraordinary)

In other words also, if the Senate had mathematically voted against Trump it would not have counted as 'impeachment' in either house, as it is not a legal impeachment under the US Constitution only an inquiry, but that was the point of it i.e. to upend and remake the US constitution in this area. In North Korea, this is how things may work, yet this is how the Democrats Nancy Pelosi / Adam Schiff are in effect spending their time. After 3 years of investigations and impeachments, there is still very little evidence of any connection to the Democratic party and the USA. The Whitehouse is elected to control foreign policy not unelected clerks who were caught interfering with the executive  (The President)

Further to the investigations General Michael Flynn who wants to change his plea to not guilty If he had not admitted to pressured efforts to say he lied although it seems he did not we would not know the details of the surrounding investigation, some of which is connected to the false Russia and Ukraine story the democrats have utilized to cover their own crimes. Witnesses could have been called in the senate as ‘inquiry witness’s’ as long as they gave oath evidence. Roger Stone Roger Stone is also innocent of the crimes he was arrested for Joe Biden has had charges filed against him in relation to Ukraine.   This investigation will lead to Obama, Clinton, and John Kerry and even Mitt Romney who voted against Trump in the impeachment inquiry hearing.


Iowa Voting Farud. Aside from the impeachment inquiry in the senate the democrat Iowa caucus went array. Why ? see daily caller videos ‘The Iowa Caucuses Were A Disaster And Liberal Media Had A Melt Down’ Iowa and its counties have an average 110% ‘eligible voters’ and some counties have 114% ‘eligible voters’ that is on average 10% more voters than are registered as living in the county. This was discovered and the result cannot be accurate no matter what they do. It is the same in every US county and comprises illegal immigrants bussed around and using no ID (ID which everyone requires to take out a library book, or pay taxes or as a security guard and so on ) see Judicial Watch
‘Judicial Watch: Eight Iowa Counties Have Total Registration Rates Larger than Eligible Voter Population – at Least 18,658 Extra Names on Iowa Voting Rolls’   or here on YouTube The company behind this voting fraud in Iowa is Shadow incorporated owned by George Soros (who is the Auntie of Adams Schiff's cousin's son etc) and Nancy Pelosi. Both Boris Johnson and Attorney General  William Barr have called for the arrest of George Soros

Protectionism, Mercantilism and Globalisation. The debate on protectionism versus globalisation continues with Boris Johnson hinting that protectionism is not his preferred economic solution. Yet to build up a country and return jobs and manufacturing and national industries, protectionist policies have worked for the workers and the middle class tired of mass immigration and low wages in the USA (see above). The bank of America marks the year 20/20 as the end of globalisation. However for the worker and producer building up a business by ‘localism’ and then exporting the excess is a way forward also. The real debate is on Mercantile ...ism and protectionism. With the latter, producers can be worker and exporter or producer and exporter and cut out the middleman, (the merchant) exporting directly if it is required (i.e. with the  excess) 100% employment and higher wages. Financial services trade better on a solid footing as is observed in the USA.

Hillary Clinton has been made an unpaid Chancellor of Queens University in Belfast. This is amidst the ongoing  Jeffrey Epstein scandals in which she and Bill Clinton frequented the Epstein ranch. However in 2013 NBC news reported that Clinton had covered up paedophile ring at the state department which was overseen by the 'Podesta brothers who were involved in the Maddie McCann mystery in Portugal.  ‘NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Paedophile Ring At State Department (2013)’ (and was fired as a lawyer by Jerry Zeifman in 2008 for unethical behaviour ) Queens University has previously questioned the extent of trafficking. and also sex purchasing and there even courses on sex trafficking and slavery and paedophilia see video ‘Tackling Human Trafficking - School of Law’

The revelations of the NXIVM cult and its ongoing scandals see (Amazing Polly) ‘NXIVM Hacked World Leaders!’ and also the former leader of the ‘St John of Gd cult leaderJoao Teixeira de Faria in Brazil show that trafficking not exists but it is the biggest business in the world and the revelations of the Vatican sex trafficking scandals (see above and below) show that it is an interwoven vice throughout the world most cynically disguised as ‘immigration’

Victor Orban says mass immigration   has nearly ended western Europe as 100,000  'migrants' line  up to try to enter Hungary as terrorists. Yet in slovakia where they have banned Islam they are terror free as it is in Japan and Poland. The Vatican is responsible for this.

ISIS / Al Qaeda (no 3 and Mr and Mrs Obama) Following the assassination of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi  and the capture of his wife  and also the killing of Qasem Soleimani a third ISIS leader has been dispatched.  Qassim al-Rimi was decommissioned last week. This still leaves Hussein Obama and his Wife Michelle who are responsible for the deaths of a million Christians throughout their crime spree in office.(including laundering money from the Ukraine)  Both of them are guilty (not just of orchestrating treason against a sitting President via the Russia and Ukraine impeachments) but also of Genocide and that includes Michelle Obama. After instigating ISIS he claimed he was then after them but that it would not be easy and would take a long time (now proven false ), yet it was the Christians who were being slaughtered a fact the Obama’s continue to avoid and deny On the 11.12.2018, President Trump and Mike Pence signed the anti genocide act known as the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018' and of course Obama and his wife can be impeached retrospectively. (see post above dated 30.11.2019.

Declassification of documents.

JFK assassination 22.11.1963  Aside from the Russia declass investigation and many other areas, many feel it is also time to declassify the details of the JFK assassination. In particular, the claims of William Cooper a US Naval intelligence officer (who was also assassinated later) who claims (also held in classified documents he had seen) the driver of the car President Kennedy was within, in Dallas on 22.11. 1963 was the assassin. A secret service agent named William Greer. See video 'bill cooper on jfk assassination'    (or here as a video MP4 file ) President Trump can confirm or deny these claims.




The Irish Elections 8.2.2020

 First consider the speech by Cristín Ní Mhaoldhomhnaigh in the National parties video ‘Cristín Ní Mhaoldhomhnaigh - 'Open-Borders' Agenda Will Fail in Ireland Too’ 

Then to repeat from the last post above) Ireland is the new test area with its Ireland 20/40 scam. See the terrible truth about Ireland by Stefan Molyneux.   (communities not informed of migration around Ireland in numerous locations in ever growing numbers amidst homelessness and unemployment. Much of the countryside rural areas have not improved since 2010 and the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse)

See also the News in Ireland by Gript media               or   here on facebook  or here on  Gript news unfiltered Youtube

and consider John Waters article  ‘John Waters: Only radical change can save Ireland now’   or here  ‘John Waters: Hate Speech Laws & Politicians Selling Ireland Out’

Irelands economy is also propped up, and is underneath at risk amidst growing homelessness, debt and trafficking disguised as illegal immigration. (see last posts above)


To be contd here......



Inserted 1.2.2020 for...

Irish elections cont’d

The political parties in Ireland are gerrymandered in groups in government on the basis of avoiding a vote to cancel its huge debt. This burden effect the only act of independence left i.e. the fiscal budget. The press is employed to poll this necessity into people’s minds constantly

The new emerging economy of trade deals which actually benefit a country, with 100% employment, low tax (very low)  and localism and high wages is here (economic nationalism)  if you can make those adjustments to your economy or have politicians who can then your country will grow stronger.

What Cristín Ní Mhaoldhomhnaigh, John waters and Stefan Molyneux (and many many others) are saying above is, it is not just that Ireland is earmarked for takeover and population replacement (to be wiped out) it is also that National Elections in national EU countries are null and void as EU technocrats MEPS really rule over Ireland.

In other words also,  Fianna Gael, Fianna Fail, Sinn Fein, the Green Party and Labour and the Left ‘alternative’ are null and void and are in effect going through the motions of a sham election, with the usual sound bites an election carries, but which do not actual address what is going on. (for example Sinn Fein are not going to control immigration and none of the mainstream parties are) Re- Nua are protecting free speech see leaflet here There is also the Irish freedom party  and the National party & Aontu and Identity Ireland and a wide selection of independents because all of Irelands mainstream parties are unpopular (not populists)


(see further ‘Gript media’ analysis above)  for news (or here See also the News in Ireland by Gript media    or   here on facebook   or here on  Gript news unfiltered Youtube)


Britain of course has left the EU (on 31.01.2020) with the following promise for December 2020 (see at the end for its celebrations, they can as the People as the Parliament enforce a no deal or WTO or without WTO or Steve Bakers deal see  post above dated 17/18.12.2020 as already the Supreme court has threatened to block a deal. See Tony Benn also and for Britain it is the first step ) These were the scenes in Britain  as the day dawned.

This is Ireland today with 11 MEP’s, not 158 TD’s in Dail Eireann in 40 or so constituencies. The TD’S simply rubber stamp laws and roll out binding treaties into law (in thousands flooding in all over the EU) which are removing your rights. The European Court of Justice  are replacing free speech rights daily. These laws and treaties are overseen by the United Nations and they have population reduction and replacement policies in the ‘Great Replacement’ of Europe. Behind this economically is the OCR (Optimal currency area) theory or economics. Once a group of people are full up with debt (mortgage, credit card and national borrowing debt) then new people are introduced to take out new debt.

Irelands Economic Takeover

Ireland's politics are shaped by the €230 Billion debt it services. This allows the UN via the EU to dictate its actions. Currently, the UN / EU are run by corrupt and people with low morals.

(Boring but all required reading) See further (to repeat from above ) see video for example ‘Trump talks trade with China, immigration policy and US economy’ From 3 minutes forward (or watch entire video) which highlights the problem of imported labour instead of building up national economies. Ironically here is Yanis Varoufakis (former finance minster of Greece and see video  ‘Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe's hidden agenda’ ) who from the outset (but at 2 minutes 30 seconds) relates how the Central banks (neo liberal)  inflate large debt bubbles from one Optimal currency area to the next and trail along new imported cheap labour into these areas (which can straddle the borders of national countries or many national countries) in order to keep the whole thing going. Inventing new reasons why new imported labour should be imprinted is never ending, and millions are now watching as they train up new people to take over their jobs at a lower wage without employment protections as they had before. However this is not a Marxist analysis of profits and labour as from the outset Marxists forget to quote that Karl Marx compared blasphemy against ‘national debt making’ as almost as bad as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in economic liberal society. See Karl Marx ‘Das Capital’ (1906 see index and topic national debt for page number in any volume or see the adjacent website and chapter 2 and banking reform thesis ) “And with the rise of National debt making, want of faith in the national debt takes the place of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” This is simply a debt bubble which is never paid down and is unheard of in economic history. Why does the left abandon Marxist policy in this area?

Because the left / neo liberals rely on Keynesian debt bubbles or deficit spending for the working and middle class as it does not require planning or commitment. The left have no other policy and do not care, they are useless and do not serve national countries. They prefer a totalitarian society with all human rights removed (The UN human rights are 'human rights for all but with no rights equally' ) This debt ethos produces overbearing and unnatural debt levels which includes the national debt, the derivatives bubble (last article; Warren Buffet as the world Derivative debt bubble hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) and future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivates debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years)  and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion) It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble

Once people are full up with debt, new people are required to take out more debt,  including cheaper labour known as population replacement within the crisis management of population reduction. It is ironic that Yanis Varoufakis is saying this as he is a ‘trans-nationalist’ who with the ‘open borders’ merchants in effect support this theory and have kept  it going. Whether an economy transitions to a 100% cashless society (in the social credit ‘blackmirror’ dystopia the communists want, in cyber money or not the situation will remain the same. See also once again  ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income )

The left and its betrayal of Greece in the bank bailout scandal The Left after campaigning for a referendum in Greece in 2009 - 2015 (following the financial collapse) took power, and held a referendum on complying with bank bailouts. Having taken power and the referendum passed to reject the bailout by over 60% and end Austerity, the left then in power, then abandoned the people and ignored the result  The left are fake and for a more detailed history of the Greek monetary problems see the adjacent website and chapter 2 or the conclusion at  the end (scroll up) They do not work for the people.

This new ‘society’ (George Orwell, ‘1984’ or Aldous Huxley, ‘Brave New World’  ) was prompted by multi-millionaire Obama as the UBI universal basic income which is now discussed again on Fox News on 2.1.2019 with Brett Bier and Andrew Yang. It is a scam incrementally presented and a way to introduce subsistence economy (keeping the poor ....poor permanently, which is also a call from ‘Pope’ Francis ) This new ‘society’ (George Orwell, ‘1984’ or Aldous Huxley, ‘Brave New World’  ) was prompted by multi-millionaire Obama as the UBI universal basic income which is now discussed again on Fox News on 2.1.2019 with Brett Bier and Andrew Yang. It is not presented with 5G / 6G social credit slavery system, as accompanying it. ( yet)The middle class will be removed, the working class will be made poorer and an elite ruling over them destroying the family (like Chairman Mao) will believe they can reign. It is nothing to do with welfare but is to do with the flaw in central banking. Money is deducted from your account for the ‘wrong speech’ or even associating with those deemed wrong by the unelected communist party.

‘China’s Nightmarish Social Credit System’  and ‘Is China’s Dystopian Social Credit System Our Future?’ (are you still living in North Korea ? read the adjacent website   and within it chapter 5 'North Korea and Gulags and its history (China & Chairman Mao' Any society can transform itself without government or political parties including the greens who have revealed themselves to be a front for taxation scams. Providing everything  you need to in food and 100% employment and international trade)

Merging transnational - corporations with the state however becomes state capitalism and dwindles into decay, see next paragraph. Ireland is  the current chosen experiment in which settlers are brought into communities and those communities are not informed as the Vatican has already been paid in Rome (see below)

Solving this problem which is linked to the ‘Long term Fixed Capital’ conundrum  will mean a reset of the global economy but (the free world note) definitely not into Chairman Mao or Chairman Xi type or the world will be enslaved. For more on this and how to keep companies profitable, with high wages see the adjacent website and chapter 1  PDF (Chapter 1) EU, Rome London Israel   (or here to read directly ) See pages 25 and 26 fwd for normal rate of profit, decreasing returns to scale and long term fixed capital investment. This constant crisis management (Club of Rome) bounces from hyper inflation to Marxist theories and back again, but people and families, who want long term family business and secure work and societies are sidelined in order to please a few who run the banks. This means many companies abandon manufacturing and decide instead to invest in the stock market reducing company responsibilities. This with the Clintons selling of America to China and outsourcing led to the US ‘rust belt’ and a large western rustbelt. The stock-market has now surpassed 29,000 on the Dow index and one reason is the surer economy in America  working and middle class level (100% employment and localism reduces the lowest common denominator system into debt bubbles and collapse).

This is just a few cities and it is designed by the left (and controlled by the democrats for decades and today) and neo liberals and progressives deliberately. Los Angeles is a Sh*thole  Typhus and Bubonic plague is present in Los Angeles ! Paris is a Sh*thole London is a Sh*thole  Overcrowded but more illegal immigrants are trafficked into Britain. The violence and Knife crimes are at 5 minutes and 30 seconds. Sadiq Khan the London Mayor is deliberately fuelling the problem at 6 minutes 30 seconds to the end (as he did with the Rotherham labour councils trafficking gangs and the ten other cities under the trafficking gangs control) He should resign or be removed. 

This is the real planning (with awful postmodernist architecture thrown in) . 
70% of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050 say the United Nations whether they want to or not.

For further information on this see the following 3 videos. Video 1.  ‘The Vortex — Vatican Stealing Millions’  

2. ‘The Vortex — Now, It’s HUNDREDS of Millions!’

European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling via the Vatican bank  amidst the recent shocking case of  Jesuit priest Robert J. Goldberg who sexually abused a boy 1000 times globally. (see also the last 3 posts above dated 30.11.2019, 17.12.2019 & 23.12.2019 on the shocking global sexual abuse’s globally )

3. An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”    (Truly Shocking and the vast trafficking sex slave / charity refugee scam and the billions made from them)

Yet French activist Renaud Camus has been threatened for calling mass immigration an invasion. It is a deception and a criminal deception which prevents free speech to protect trafficking and slavery and genocide.

The future Irelands politicians envisage for your Children

All new bribed constructions.... (of false religions and cults including the scientology cult which is expanding into Ireland and Birmingham. Calls for investigations into its criminal activities including trafficking in the USA and Australia are underway. It is pushing to enter Irish schools. All this is achieved through corruption and bribes and includes Mosques around Ireland and adult sex shops which are appearing all over the Capital. But the growing homeless crisis continues as towns in rural Ireland continue to suffer) .... and migrants can be considered as criminal trafficking in any country as the UN’s ‘migration compact’ pushes for over 240 million migrants via the Vatican.

Consider that after this child porn was allowed to be distributed and downloaded from internal servers all over Washington. Why it is big business now and even in the United Nations Even in the Mayor De Blasio offices in New York. To see what that education (Obama and Mrs Obama and Clinton and ‘Common core’ ) leads to in reality down the years consider what children really are exposed too or what Drag Queens get up when not teaching children in schools o libraries as day jobs, consider the following video ‘Video: Drag Queen Simulates Cutting Baby Out of Her Womb, Drinking Blood’  consider the following videos ‘Pedophiles Rule the World’  (Pizza-gate is not debunked but was the favourite pizza shop for democrat staffers which displayed pedophile images on the walls) 

Having open borders and centralised governments assists these activities and this is why those policies are pushed to protect trafficking.

One of the major dark net trafficking syndicates was dismantled in early 2019. In 2014 the World’s largest paedophile online viewing site. Unmasked as Adelaide childcare worker Shannon McCoole. McCoole's victims were in state care, and were as young as 18 months old. The oldest was three. The sentencing judge at McCoole's trial described him as "evil and depraved". He shared images and videos of his abuse of children on the site he administered.(see video ‘Worldwide paedophile ring busted in sting operation | 7.30’) ‘Remote viewing’ of library story-time and school lessons for primary and any age is a big attraction for these paedophiles and it is coming to a school near you. It is easy for them to set up. They are already doing this and mocking the idiots who allow it. Instead ask a policeman to educate children in libraries or schools or ask these men ( Vets for child rescue)  such as and H.E.RO. rescue corps who also employ wounded veterans to do the digital forensics work to assist the Police as well as the FBI (who could of course work out some kind of banking fund to help pay for the costs, there are no economic barriers to funding these legal aspirations only political barriers or even faith barriers) to lighten the burden but also engage in full investigations necessary for prosecutions. It also gives employment to people with disabilities. Combining an education for schoolchildren and in libraries could be combined with self defence classes and awareness capabilities. The World’s largest charity for kids (to repeat from above) via the UN (United Nations) street kids and  its founder Peter Daglish was convicted of abusing boys in Nepal. Of course there are other educations

Radical sex education for children in Ireland a cover for paedophiles. In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’ Produced by ‘Hands off our kids’ at and the Life Institute in Ireland, it has already been attacked and denied by the MSM as a ‘fact check’ Yet in the EU this ‘factchecking double speak’ is highlighted as false when Poland made a bill to stop paedophilia in Poland and in the EU, but which was rejected by the ‘EU’    (previous Irish warnings at free speech events ) & Irish law on Irish education ‘RADICAL SEX EDUCATION (RSE) IRELAND’ Leo Varadker and so called minister for children Katherine Zappone are complicit in this.

It is not a gay agenda but a corrupt 'trans-human religion' agenda mostly run by paedofiles who hijacked the ‘gay rights’ movement a long time ago.see The Vortex ‘Trump and the Vatican’ Christian priests or Christians or even secular society which objects to children being indoctrinated in their own Schools are vilified.

Ireland is a special case for this and the Irish government do not work for you but for EU technocrats and transnational corporations who in turn are largely unelected.  The problem these MEP’s and TD’s are presented as the ‘regular choice’ but exclude the most beneficial candidates in an election. Making a debt bubble (i.e. OCA theory) which is never paid down is of course happening again right now. Combating this with 100% employment and low taxes and national debt cancellation for every country worldwide has to occur now to remove this artificial left wing liberal cycle of economic madness. Every nation on earth is experiencing this and yet there is only one ‘human race’ (not different species of humans and what is very worrying for the secular humanists is real science is showing we derived from just two people )

Irelands Financial collapse 2008 / 2009 (will it re-occur ?)

Pensions and old debt and new debt. The Irish pension crisis like the French pension crisis or pensions globally in globalization (strikes hit across all areas of society inFrance) began with the financial collapse of 2008 / 2009. Neo - Liberal economic left policies as opposed to conservative fiscal policies throws a nations fiscal projections onto the whims of the stock market. In other words you are gambling your future retirement plan on a game of cards. Globally in the globalized world the system cannot meet the  payments and could not from the beginning (France had a huge pension strike in 1995) You will have to work longer for less pension, but it does not matter as due to mass immigration the old debt can die off and new debt can come in. Below are some of the other indicators in the neo liberal left economy.

The history of the Irish financial collapse is presented here “10 years on: Countdown to the Irish financial crash” by Joe Brennan and Dr John Obrien asks; ‘Could the financial crisis happen again’   The answer is yes, as it is built into the system, especially with OCA theory. OCA is a debt bubble and eventually wages cannot meet the demand or payments and this is not a conservative economic theory but a left wing neo liberal theory. Those politicians representing this theory them switch their attention to rolling the social secular humanist polices which attack the family and even children, the unborn and subtly guide the masses into the population reduction and replacement policies we are faced with daily. They are traitors to your country and they get paid for it.

In 2009 Ireland guaranteed global debt 40% of which was not even Irish debt in the bank bailout of 2008 / 2009. Today for each person in Ireland (without personal debt or Mortgage) each person owes €42,500. The debt (see below) was €198 Billion in 2017 and in 2019 it was €217 billion. Now it is €230 Billion. The public finances are not being handled in any way. Anglo Irish bank and via smaller banks offered 10% return on borrowing in most cases, but in the collapse they could not repay, but had to meet the loan obligation. This was part of the ‘bail – out’ under Fianna Fail, and towns in rural Ireland are still closed down or just getting by.

‘Strategian’ gives an explanation of current global economics and the (repurchase agreements) repo rate panic (and he specifically describes Ireland 2 paragraphs down)  If you do not grasp what he is taking about or your politicians do not, then they should not be running for election. He mentions the main stream media has not mentioned it. See  ‘Financial Collapse - REPO and MBS Future Disaster In The Making?’  (or see ‘Repo: How Roughly $1 Trillion Moves Overnight | WSJ’  )

This is also one reason why economic nationalism (making your own trade deals and ‘localism exporting the excess) is ‘popular’ as the global economy it in a very insecure situation. For the EU with the new debt treaties coming in (which Britain can sidestep) are draconian.

ESM treaty and a demand to pay in the new treaty 20/20. The EU debt treaty (as it is informally known) which the press are not explaining or as it is publically known  the ESM or European Stability Mechanism  see video ‘The Shocking Truth of the Pending EU collapse’  (to repeat from above) Although this video is 5 years old (2013) the collapse it mentions, is also the collapse of the old nation state and (despite recent EU denials in time for EU elections ) combined with total immersion into massive immigration, see also Ireland 20/40 plan below (note although introduced in 2012 the ESM was not completely drafted until 18.12.2018, and its amended annexes only completed on 19.02.2019 a few weeks ago) It is totalitarian communism in its beginnings for all nation states in the EU. It crushes all EU nation states into yet more austerity and debt, by instigating an intergovernmental organisation (not elected) to punitively pursue those debts. (no ‘Basel 3 reforms’ or any sense here in what is a new Hybrid system which unlike the USA does not allow its states to set its budgets or debts) EU citizens are asked to pay a ‘carbon tax’ and many cannot afford food or rent ? The plan is to crush all EU nations (and no Constitution will be ‘allowed’) and an unelected Vanguard will change the EU into different nationalities for cheap labour via illegal immigration, and seek to remove its history within an undemocratic monolith and all without transparent consent.

Since the video above ‘the shocking truth of the pending EU collapse’ (following the ERM draft in 2012) in 2013 those occurrences have been plainly visible. Consider also the following video by ‘Strategian’ in Dec 13th 2018  ‘Financial Collapse - Brexit And Ireland's Impending Mega Crisis!’  Not caused by Brexit but by deliberate debt economics disguised as economics. Although now over a few months since the video the figures  have to adjusted (upwards) to give you an idea, Ireland pays  50 %  of its tax intake (income GNI) to pay its debts. Italy 21%, Greece 26. 9 %, UK 26.6%, Spain 16. 33%, USA 25%, Germany 4.6% . Ireland is clearly in deep debt yet in the last 2 years it has increased ? €198 Billion in 2018 and now it stands at  €217 Billion in 2019.  It is increasing daily.  Ireland for instance pays €16.5 million per day on its public debt every day, despite homelessness rising and poverty and unemployment, whilst it sends €100 million in ‘aid’, which never arrives (like 85% of most world aid) 

The most striking example of Betrayal in Ireland was the 2018 abortion referendum which destroys not only your current children, but also every child that child in future generations would have had. Incredibly idiots voted for it whilst even holding up Padraig Pearce’s Declaration of Independence which was for future generations and states “cherishing all the children of the nation equally” ?

Earlier in 2018 just before the referendum, the UN in Geneva at its HQ carried a poster which displayed a baby born with an imprint on its arm stating it only had human rights when it was born as a universal declaration by the  UN office of the high commission, in effect re-defining what it means to be human    They have followed this by (soon) declaring an international right to abortion    (Saudi Arabia are on the human rights commission where woman are stoned to death and trafficked) The UN has also been caught child trafficking   and it  is easier to traffic a child in the womb than out in the open especially if the unborn trafficked child has no rights (or here or see here or in this link here  or here again for pregnant trafficked woman) The Irish laws passed with no pain relief for babies and full term abortions, but the immigration continues with growing homelessness. People in jobs and in the civil service are noticing that cheap imported labour (aided by the left ) are taking over their jobs and they are training up those people to take them over.

The media in Ireland even invented an abortion and death due to the need to bring in abortion and to scare the public see below (and the pro-life election candidates are FIND your candidate here  Connacht / Ulster,  Dublin   Leinster   Munster )


‘Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened’


Yet the thriving trafficking and brothel industry continues for ‘woman’s rights’ with sweatshops and slave immigration. A country cannot have anti abortion laws as they may slow down the brothel production line. The Irish Supreme Court has not changed its view on babies in the womb from conception have the same rights as those who are ‘alive’ (just before the referendum)

These are the lies of abortion when a couple were told their baby was down syndrome when it was not, only by then it was too late (also Down Syndrome have the right to life) It was supported by Sinn Fein, Labour, Fine Gael, Fine Fail, The Greens and the "left"  (and those who pushed abortion like Leo Vradker and Simon Harris do not like looking at their results) Protecting children (or heritage see below is not a outlook the UN, EU, Irish Government has)

Further Google (and see Chapter 3b below) interfered with the abortion referendum  calling for its power to be curbed   (In the USA it is under investigation for anti - trust laws in all 50 states as an ideology by a select few runs the news media)

(and all other media broadcasts are the same i.e. total nonsense) 

Farmers. It is the same with the Green party as farmers in Ireland (or see here ) all over the EU wake up Uto the illegal land grab of farms and local suppliers in the agenda 21, 30 & 50 from the United Nations.

This is the nonsense behind it; (the ‘science’ ) and see also the adjacent website for the deception on these so called environmental laws and policies. insight into why the carbon tax is also considered a fraud see the adjacent website ( end of chapter 3) and/or click on this link next below

‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’

Green lies and scare stories The media also repeated each other on the ‘dire warning’ of the end of the world in 12 years ( exactly 20/30 ?) It is of course nothing to do with environmental concerns.  Similar claims by the United Nations dating back to 1989 were made concerning the year 2000. In 1998 rising sea levels could destroy the earth the UN warned in 1989, and by the year 2000 we would be underwater. See video ‘The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media’ In 2019 we have seen the rise of Extinction Rebellion who are the occupy movement mark 2. Consider the following videos.  ‘ The Truth About Extinction Rebellion Apr 26. In 2019 or the next video ‘Extinction Rebellion Are Paid Professional Demonstrators - The Proof!’  A recent article states they are paid by Soros.  Melting ice caps (with a higher mass than liquid water) reduces sea levels as they melt by displacement, but it seems they are not melting in any case, and this is according to Leonard Nimoy and scientists who formed a consensus in 1979 (video “Ice Age Scare 1979 Leonard Nimoy” Captain James Kirk and Scotty think Spock has been in space too long, and has lost his Vulcan mind. However we will ‘live long and prosper’ and certainly more than 11 years ? why are the Greens even standing for election (or Fine Gael , Fine Fail Sinn Fein and Labour even bothering to stand for election if the world ends in 11 years ? They could stand down until 2031)


Summary of the Green Climate Change Carbon scam (and see the end of Chapter 3 above)

1.  Russia Hoax   MSM same script for fake news and CNN (danger to our democracy) MP4 FILE )        2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE     3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax  MP4 FILE          4. Ice age scare edited Leonard Nimoy Spock    MP4 FILE  or full 20 min film on Bitchute    all leading to the the solution: Global Cap and Trade tax scam.see end of chapter 3          

5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE          6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE           7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE                   8.  “Environmental Scares_ Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall MP4 FILE                           9Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist  MP4 FILE         10. Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE


Turf and Fuel aside from the carbon credit scam Bord Na Mona in Ireland is to close with varying amounts of staff and industries to close down around Ireland on the basis of pseudo science of man made global warming. Yet lithium for electric cars is actually destroying the environment, and blockchain and high tech which requires exceedingly high amounts of electricity and as much as many small cities in Ireland. Celebrities fly around the world on jet planes advising on green issues, and the green party fly in and out of the EU causing more harm (if planes actually do cause harm) than Bord na Mona or hand cut turf. In other words burn as much Turf, Coal (smokeless or not) as you like and get rid of the green lies and open up a variety of new industries making trade deals without EU permission. This is about separating people from making their own way from the land either by wood or peat burning or in any capacity. Trees can be planted in a ratio of 1 to 3, for every tree felled from coppicing, 3 can be planted. These bord na mona plants or hand cutting local plants will be re-opened.

All  of this is simply the Agenda 2020 – 2030 – 2050 from the UN who believe the world is overpopulated by 5 billion people, yet with the depopulation agenda of the UN,  of say 5 billion people or more in the ‘emergency’ The World is actually (see Metrocosm & ‘Half the World’s Population Lives in Just 1% of the Land [Map]’  under-populated so breed away. Ignore the UNDESA claims) which clashes with the Vatican City agenda of making money from migrants.

In Germany, a  duly elected politician has had to step down because of Angela Merkel objects, yet it she who is illegitimate like the United Nations EU itself and should stand down or be removed.


The Harp the Symbol of Ireland

is (now ? ) recognised by the UN as unique as a musical genre. They are correct in this, but it does not need their protection or recognition to save it, especially when future harpists are aborted or replaced by their agenda’s. The Harp was also used by mariners not just for music but also (in its sloped back) as a sextant with plumb-line to navigate and plot the stars and the fixed north star and milky way (hung from the end of the Harp as you peered along its back into the sky) as also was the Celtic cross and these sciences are presented at the Irish Independence day (every year on 21.01.2020 this year) celebrations at the Mansion House Ireland is not independent. The Harp extends back to Ancient Israel and King David (and also see Amos 7, 8 in the bible) yet this was hidden and covered up (see below)

The Harp can have different strings including woven hair, brass, iron or steel or silver and gold, or for different functions including Judgement (as in Psalm 50 when the harp or lyre had simpler beginnings but grew in status and complexity as it is described as the only instrument in heaven, in Revelations 14,2 and was played even by the Levites as in Nehemiah 12,27)  The Harp was also for prayers and meditation and for passion, when played loudly and powerfully, and for storytelling and for sensory exploration and rejuvenation, the harp can be lively and improvised or it can also be sublime


The Hill of Tara. In 2007 – 2009 ongoing

In Meath and surrounding over 60 archaeological sites were destroyed by a road which took the longest and windiest route possible. It passed over the lands held by Opus Dei adjacent to Skrene and Cormac Mac Airts constructions (Irelands first Christian Chieftain circa 200ad ) and destroyed graves of Celtic ancient dead.  Tea Tephi the last descendant of King Zechariah is buried in the region. The company responsible was SIAC (SIAC / EU)but which was overseen by the EU (and the European Regional Development Fund) and the National Roads Authority of Ireland. (The NRA as 'Eurolink Motorway Operations' This in turn was overseen by the United Nations (i.e. UN / EU / SIAC)   No consideration was given to the graves or the Royal sites and heritage or history. Contrast this with archaeological sites in Britain (to repeat from above ) is the recent archaeological find in Yorkshire in England. See video ‘The Most Important British Celtic Art Object of the Millennium Discovered | Ancient Architects’ dating from 200 ad with armour and chariot and shield.  (see further chapter 1 and 2 above on the Celts, Saxons, Scythians and Cimmerians and Scandinavians who all have a common origin and also see last post above) Removing a culture from its ancient history and heritage allows the destruction of the rest.

The political party most responsible for the destruction of 60 archaeological sites of ancient Irish were Fianna Fail, the Green party, (John Gormley) Fianna Gael, the Labour Party and the left, even Sinn Fein did nothing. Those politicians who did not directly assist in the destruction stood around and watched as is evident today?

For more information see chapter 1 and 2 above (chapter 2 the Tara protest)




The Irish Election results (from 8.2.2020 above...  extended to July / September 2020)




(To return to section 6 dated 18.08.2020   ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign”  or read to the end with a link there also) 


(Link to Chapter 3b and "27.10.2020,  US Elections 3.11.2020 The Demolition of the World’s economy (but set to boom again 2021")



The Irish election results on 8.2.2020 are here and the eventual coalition formed after 5months on 27th June 2020  (and see the election outline above from 8.2.2020)

A ‘new’ coalition was formed in July 2020 but which remains the same as the old coalition with no change in reality as 11 MEPS from the EU still run Ireland into August 2020. Many of the issues below were not discussed in the actual election in the MSM mainstream media. Nationalists won the election on 8.2.2020 but the time over 5 months due to the corona plandemic changed the outcome behind the scenes. 

All that has occurred in the continuing protests and court cases is that the emerging administration has created the largest recession in history and in Irish history.

EU states cannot make their own trade deals but they can bail out the EU banks. Sovereign nations should move to make this fiscal and tarde policy independent from the EU state.

Since 8.2.2020 the Irish national debt has how’ve changed.  The debt was €198 Billion in 2017 and in 2019 it was €217 billion. Now it was €230 Billion (but suddenly lost €9 billion on the 15.08.2020 to €221 billion)  In August 2020 it has grown to €236  from €198 Billion  (Interest Payments Per Year 10,413,049,249 & Interest Payments Per Second & 330€ National Debt Per Citizen 49,340€ Debt as % of GDP 75.01% GDP Of Ireland 314,030,076,156€ Ireland Population 4,774,087) Each citizen now owes €50,000aisde from mortgages and private debt. Each citizen owed €42,000 in august 2019   and 50 % of all tax take goes into paying this debt. In August 2020 each citizen still owes €46,384 ? which would mean the National debt is now at €236 Billion not €221. This debt clock says €195 billion  whilst the national statistics office has €231 Billion as of July 2020 and here again this debt clock confirms €236 Billion as of June 2020

Ireland's debt is used as the leverage to (force) bring in the most perverse and destructive social policies and it is the same in any country

Read more at:



Roderic OGorman and Catherine Zappone minsters for children One difference from February 2020 concerned the new Irish minister for children, with the former minister Katherine Zappone a practising witch replaced by the Gay green party member Roderic OGorman who immediately was asked to resign for posing with aborted foetus images and for his connection to Peter Thatchell  the gay paedophile who suggested that sex with 9 year olds was in effect good for them. The Green party of Germany emerging from a paedophile sex scandal.

Peter Thatchell has connections to PIE the paedophile information exchange operating in Britain. Britain rejected the Green party in December 2019 as they are simply placed in position to inflict Agenda 21 from the United Nations / EU, remove land from farmers and bring in the 4th industrial revolution technocracy and bring in any new form of the carbon credits scam which collapsed previously due to the massive EU fraud carbon credits caused (see chapter 3a above). Agenda 21 is essentially tarns-humanism, communism, (and ‘communitarianism’ ) paedophilia and destruction of a functioning economy. To get an idea of PIE (paedophile information exchange, the group openly shared information between paedophiles for over ten years, and even offered a call in helpline for paedophiles who experienced difficulties and stress from 'resistant' childrenHarriet Harman and her husband Jack Dromey See also  Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' which highlights gay paedophilia as opposed to heterosexual paedophilia but which merge eventually) ) which is now confirmed and is shocking and is prevalent in Soviet communist socialist society to a very high degree and all societies and countries in the world. Open societal warfare is practised against Britain and other countries by ‘Common Purpose’ who practice ‘behavioural modification’ (media, political parties, education of all ages) which is a part of perception management (or Psyop operations)

Leo Vradaker the unelected Taoiseach who clung on to his TD seat in the 6th count of vote counting in his constituency has continued previous policies. Vradaker also had no problem with minors either having gay sex education or receiving hormone therapy to change their sex. By law in court and every party including Sinn Fein have agreed to the insanity whilst business close and some forever.

This insane policy involves sex education in schools to identify potential children who may be the wrong sex and then changing their hormones sexually by ‘puberty blockers’  ad the earlier the better for the children identified using techniques brought in by Alfred Kinsey the paedophile ‘  psychiatrist (to repeat How the gay agenda began – full documentary') One method of sex hormone ‘transitioning’ therapy change is by  steroids taken orally  with added surgery methods or by additional Vaccinations, but this method does not change DNA in itself but changing children’s DNA is possible via vaccination and is openly admitted by Bill Gates and in fact this is the transhumanist dream and producing new or genderless children is a part of the future Roderic OGorman, the Green party and some in the LGBT community envisage for children (and see the last post above in Chapter 3a “The child Sex education in schools and libraries ‘debate” in post dated 30.11.2019 above and the post dated 8.2.2020 ‘The Irish Elections 8.2.2020’)

Very sick people who should be locked up, with life in prison or corporal punishment (death sentence) The emasculation of the un-sovereign Irish parliament (as with every EU national government ) has turned the main political parties into dysfunctional entities who (despite the chaos) push gender identities as paramount. They are in office but not in power despite the TV showing a functioning parliament and all under the spiritual guidance of Pope Francis the Marxist in the white dress who is confused about his own gender. These minority views however are yoked upon the public as if they represent the main view and many suspect the political upheaval from the nationalist vote on the 8.2.2020 was one of the reasons it took 5 months to form an administration who simply rubber stamp legislation from the UN / EU trans-humanist (deranged) international rules based (unelected judiciary ‘rules’ but not LAWFUL see Chapter 3b below) Maintaining payments to the debt is paramount despite a recent decision by a German court that bailouts are illegal in EU law.(as we can read further down)  Sars 2 Covid adherents in the virtually non – existent plandemic, are currently closing down the planet.

The obsession with unimportant gender identity and the silencing of critics is partly because there is no natural gay gene or connected  paedophile gender but the new ‘normal’ ignores these facts with continuing disastrous results.

See further ‘The Dark Agenda of synthetic biology the Trans- Human existence’ for a historical background to transhumanism and the future ‘patented’ GMO human DNA changes. & also ‘Will genetically modified humans be patented, our trans-human future’ ? (which also shows how Agenda 21 GMO/Genetically Modified Organisms will Bankrupt farmers. Humans then ? can now also become ‘GMO’ In other words human DNA changed or spliced or slowly changed into  cDNA  chemically or by RNA vaccinations into proteins can be re-classified for patents ) The truth is everyone knows it is a crazy policy including Flanna Fail, Gael and Sinn Fein. It is not homophobic but ‘hetro-phobic’

Experimentation on children and adults takes many forms and Ireland are the chosen people in this, via Big Pharma and other research programs and projects and with full immunity

Ireland has had a cervical cancer scare and its botched medical practice is astonishing. How could the public trust any government with mandatory vaccines ? (see below) when they cannot get cervical cancer screening right ? (at this point in Oct 2018 nearly 3 years ago at least 20 Irish woman dead)  yet to refuse a mandatory vaccine or mask under 'My body, my choice' has disappeared as a catch phrase since the abortion referendum (which the public now learns fetal DNA from abortions is to be used in Vaccines an incredible criminal  money making marketing campaign all round with more sinister applications to appear ) The medical industry whether public cor private has moved away from 'health' into a criminal money making racket


To get an idea of what is occurring in the USA for mandatory lockdowns and vaccinations, see    ’Oklahoma mandatory lockdown andvaccinations’  MP 4 File

Forced vaccinations In September 2019 the then Health Minister Simon Harris considered banning children from crèches as they were not vaccinated  and the legal moves to make this mandatory were made and then repeated in April 2020 for Covid 2020 remarkable coincidence, but contracts for the tracing app were already in the air in August / September 2019 before the virus was officially announced but which we all have anyway. Event 201 followed (in Sep /Oct 2019)  this contract on how to manage a future ‘outbreak’ which occurred 3 months later. Yet when we learn that aborted baby foetus (part 1)  and parts are required for Vaccinations (part 2) then the 2018 rigged ‘abortion’ referendum makes more sense. (pushed by Simon Harris and Leo Vradaker and helped by Google who managed and interfered in  the political push for abortions blocking the no campaign )

Further the 5 month delay from the 8.2.2020 vote also calls to question if the current administration election in February 2020 was rigged also as well as the Gay marriage debate.  More proof of this diabolical trade and materials inserted into Vaccines which also includes mercury, aluminium and animal DNA in vaccinations and will be shown later in the link for chapter 3b further on. This practice is the very essence of ‘the state’ under corporation rule which seeks to take what you already have or won or are (as a Sovereign person with inalienable rights towards lesser citizen rights) and sells then back to you as a product. In this case baby (Irish baby parts) are taken or culled and then sold back in vaccinations or for profit in other research to develop (in most cases not needed) products. Truly disgusting.

UN security council On June 18th 2020 Ireland was accepted onto the UN security council (with other countries pulling out from the UN which has Saudi Arabia on its human rights council, as is China with its dystopia and tradition of annihilating its own population) The UN also claims to give you human rights, but you already have those rights in common sovereign law. Once again selling you something you already have (and then reducing your inalienable rights)  and making government above the people and not of the people. Human rights in social distancing and in lockdowns or wearing masks (under the UN human rights international rules based ‘laws’ made by the judiciary in any country without legislative debate or input from elected representatives) are non – existent are ‘equal rights but with no rights equally’ 

Tracing app for covid Within 4 weeks Ireland then discovered that the tracing app was fully working (but with minor hitches) and it will used in conjunction with the ‘technocracy’ via people like Jeff Bezo’s and Amazon which can build the smart city which can also track you outside and inside your smart home. (The Truth about smart cities, Amazing Polly and also ‘They hate Us’ and ‘The Cyber Laundry’ which outlines the green energy scam but which can also be seen here below. No one has actually admitted voting for the Green party including some ? in the Green party themselves in Ireland  ) The UN eager to use Ireland as an example of a national countries destruction, slavery and tracking like cattle. 

(to repeat from 8.2.2020 above )  Summary of the Green Climate Change Carbon scam.

1.  Russia Hoax   MSM same script for fake news and CNN (danger to our democracy) MP4 FILE )

2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE     3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax  MP4 FILE

4. Ice age scare edited Leonard Nimoy Spock    MP4 FILE  or full 20 min film on Bitchute    all leading to the  solution: Global Cap and Trade tax scam.see end of chapter 3     

5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE          6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE           7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE                   8.  “Environmental Scares_ Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall MP4 FILE       9. Patrick Moore – The Sensible Environmentalist  MP4 FILE         10. Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE

11. One more hoax which shows the vastly exaggerated deaths and illness connected to Sars 2 Covid 10 see Summit news and John Paul Watson  and Video " Attack of the Corona Karens"  which shows people are overestimating corona by as much as 225 times higher than the real figure (at 3.30 mins fwd) or 5 - 9 million people have it when it fact the real (but many deaths recategorized as covid) number is 025%



Paedophile ring in Ireland and wider, and US state dept Trafficking in persons report 2020

Within the Green technocracy which is really a scam of the left / green movement, Agenda 21, the aim (depopulation and population replacement by imported lower waged slave labour and which is at the centre of all parties policies, with nationals facing 25 % unemployment) is the paedophile movement. It is trying to become a movement, lobbying for paedophile gender recognition and other ‘rights’ The left have moved to lower the age limit for sex education into schools and anywhere for all children. Merging with Islam which still holds slavery as legal in its countries, sexual abuse can both be a pleasure for sick perverts and also a part of the domination slavery of totalitarian theologies disguised as a religion or race (which Islam is not) 

In June 2020 The US state department report into Human Trafficking was released (Trafficking in Human Persons report 20th edition)  and Irelands position or grading in that report was downgraded (or see here on the report also again) and the trafficked have spoken out in Ireland  whilst woman in ‘direct provision’ are pushed into prostitution in the numerous brothels in Dublin and the state of Ireland generally. ‘Indigenous’ Irish are dying on the streets with 4 named in July 2020 with a total of 222 dead homeless officially from 2016 – 2020.  Trafficking with government circles is veneered as ‘migration policy’ under the UN migration department (and rejected by many countries globally) which envisages 240 million migrants by 2025, but which is orchestrated by the Vatican for profit and to fill dwindling numbers in Catholic Churches (see An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”  within the Vatican. The Vatican bank is bankrupt.  For further information on this see the following 3 videos. Video 1.  ‘The Vortex — Vatican Stealing Millions’  2. ‘The Vortex — Now, It’s HUNDREDS of Millions!’ European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling via the Vatican bank amidst the recent shocking case of  Jesuit priest Robert J. Goldberg who sexually abused a boy 1000 times globally.

The documentary ‘The terrible truth about Ireland’ by Stefan Molyneux (whose personal channel has been banned by Twitter and which shows the truth increasingly as accurate since it was made) lays out the increased migration even during the covid plandemic ? during lockdowns and social distancing. Its opening credit map shows a slow decline in indigenous Irish as 2040, 2060, 2080, but this has been speeded up to be 2030 as the end of the indigenous Irish as planned by Leo Vradaker et al. With rents very high and mortgages reaching several times the wages of any worker, the Big tech industry import workers in the main, and are centre of the redevelopment of Irish towns with migrant direct provision centres located in nearly every town. The replacement of the population is planned and directed at reducing and removing the indigenous Irish. (see video ‘ Ireland 2040 EXPOSED 1 Million More Migrants’  (or here ) The US state departments downgrading of Irish human trafficking correlates directly with the Ireland 2040 plan.

As the furore of child gay sex education continues (in schools, libraries and television and the internet) an older problem of paedophile rings is also centre of the states policies. In 1996 paedophile rings were identified throughout Ireland. In March 2020 Ian Elliot published a report (with 20 recommendations) into paedophilia in Ireland and the Irish scouting organisation. An overview of the report is published here by the Journal and also by  ‘’ and all 3 sources link the Government as allowing the corruption and cronyism.  The connections to Bill Gates and the ‘One foundation’ also involving Bono and child trafficking “Swamp creatures of the Pacific” and Denis O’Brien below are linked to Irelands centre of disguised trafficking and corruption

Denis O’Brien media mogul in Ireland and connection to the Clinton foundation responsible for the ‘abortion’ (invented in the press)  that never was ‘Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened’  Abortion tissue needed for vaccinations to inject into the donating population and in turn connected to the contact tracers.

The state connected paedophilia organisation currently under investigation by the Garda who stateGarda have confirmed that investigations are being carried out by specialist trained officers in relation to alleged sexual abuse in Scouting Ireland. In 2018, a number of dedicated telephone helplines were established for victims of historical sexual abuse within Scouting Ireland. Some 110 criminal investigations have been identified as a result of referrals while 65 investigations have been commenced as a result of new allegations. Gardai said 45 criminal investigations were already under way”

 In late March 2020 90 suspects were caught in online child sexual abuse operations whilst Ireland is now on par with Saudi Arabia in terms of Human trafficking (Saud also on the UN security council with Ireland and who regard slavery as legal and who find ever increasing ways of covering up the trade including the bribing of Irish officials ) reporting on the corruption in Ireland is similar to asking if cows shit in a field.  and a peculiar yet direct report on corruption in Ireland named as “Criminality in the Irish Courts and the absence of the rule of law” by Stephen Manning  (or here on Bokus) gives a grim picture painted here on the Integrity Ireland website  In early 2019 an online child sexual abuse ring also had members in Ireland (or see here also )

The law society of Ireland state that the paedofile ring literally preyed on children openly but who were protected and connected other paedophiles in other rings raised many victims who were groomed from birth to be victims also targeting families and their children and this ring was named as the most sadistic paedophile ring ever to exist in Ireland. In operation Ketch a senior Government official was arrested and searches conducted all over Ireland Liaising with Tusla the operation was nationwide yet Tusla encourage gender re-assignment with their very own therapists and psychiatrists to help the confused child transition for re-education at their centres specialists in‘gender dysphoria” the roots of which are based in Alfred Kinsey’s paedofile sex experiments on children See also  Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' which highlights gay paedophilia as opposed to heterosexual paedophilia but which merge eventually)

The paedoflies know no bounds as posing as normal into every state organisation and civil service branch and even into child protection services and they are protected by Government as they are working within the highest offices in government. In 1998 Gemma O'Doherty and Jerome Reilly reported on the child sex rings within Ireland ODoherty and John McQuirk have questioned  the appointment of Roderic OGorman as minister of children and his connection to Peter Thatchell as well as the attitude of Galway ‘Iman’ Ibrahim Michael Noonan (facebook) who believes sex with 12 year olds is acceptable.

The Ryan report, the Murphy report, the Cloonee and Ferns report into child sexual abuse In 2009 the Ryan report or here on and the Commission into Child abuse The report here also on Wikipedia says “The Commission's remit was to investigate all forms of child abuse in Irish institutions for children; the majority of allegations it investigated related to the system of sixty residential "Reformatory and Industrial Schools" operated by Catholic Church orders, funded and supervised by the Irish Department of Education

This ‘education’ was followed up by the Murphy report and focused on Dublin and also highlighted the failure of the director of public prosecutions to prosecute over decades. The Ryan report and Murphy report was also supported by the Clonee and Ferns reports and highlighted the internal child abuse rings within the Catholic church in Ireland. This activity which is also rife in the Vatican along with sex parties, drugs and gay escorts’ is a part of the international rings which are within Ireland and a part of the trafficking ring within Ireland also as highlighted by an ex Jesuit in the USA (to repeat  “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” )

Clearly even after all of these reports the problem is still very much a part of the Irish government who have a seat on the UN security council yet via and in the United Nations  the UN (United Nations) street kids and  its founder Peter Daglish was convicted of abusing boys in Nepal. Of course there are other educations and  the thriving trafficking and brothel industry continues for ‘woman’s rights’ with sweatshops and slave immigration. A country cannot have anti abortion laws as they may slow down the brothel production line. Radical sex education for children in Ireland a cover for paedophiles. In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’

Calling for a freeze on all accounts (in the church or not) and a further state investigation at the highest levels of Government especially as the ‘pontifical secret’ is lifted by the Pope (who helped make it with the help of the Chrislam enthusiasts’ who regard slavery as legal ) Ireland has been branded the worst in western Europe for human trafficking again directly correlating with the 2040 vision for immigration into Ireland (which extends back over decades) Currently there are 16,000 priests awaiting church investigation including 50 Jesuits with Priests unsure if child sexual abuse is a crime and a priest abused a girl as she gave her first confession.

Asking why the Catholic church keeps failing on child sexual abuse Emma Green goes a long way to answering some of the questions. Yet the reality is that the genderless person or child is actually a part of the religion of the cult which removed Christianity from the catholic church and replaced it with the Gnosis apotheosis (also within Tran- humanism)  which believes sex is the way to heaven and children are a part of that experience. This old belief has taken root once again in a new modern form known as Transhumanism.  “The Vortex—Pope Francis and Homosexuals”  and also ‘The Vortex — “They” Are NOT The Church’  and the extent of the ‘gay’ members of  the church half of the bishops and priests are gay see ‘The Vortex—Half of Priests and Bishops are Gay’ yet this term ‘gay;; in this instance actually refers to the ‘LGBT’ tran-shumanist religion (communists, Islam and anyone and not just in the Catholic church but also the Protestant, the cult infiltrates over decades ) which also believes Tammuz (see Ezekiel 8 in the bible with Nimrod and Semiramis and which was an incestuous family)  may live again or as Isis and Horus and Set (who of course are nothing to do with these new beliefs and fictions but are historical charecters with this tarnshumanist beleif placed upon them) who then become Jesus, Mary and Joseph by some king of reincarnated osmosis. Nimrod of course built the Tower of babel and his life with Tammuz and Semiramis is transposed down the centuries from Babel / Sumer into Egypt and Isis, Horus, Set who then centuries later again  become Jesus, Mary and Joseph entwined in an incestuous androegnous version of their lives. Jesus (see chapter 5 below) was born in September not December 25th and is not the Sun reborn and is not simply a rehashed story from Nimrod down) A part of the belief is a need for androgyny and genderlessness and people and children need to transform (including DNA / RNAchanges) by the secret gnosis to enter the promised land and heaven. This rehashed cult simply rebrands and infiltrates churches and secular society. This belief is of course nothing to do with Christianity or any of the main religions but it does bring a belief in child sexual predators who believe it is a part of their ‘faith’ and need to perpetuate this crime as legal or harmless.Many will find it hard to believe that this doctrine is actually being referred to in churches and not the bible.

You could  not make it up but the facts speak for themselves. Whether it is a minister of children, an unelected Taoiseach  or people working in child services the cult continues its trade in many different forms and the Republic of Ireland is one of the main nations and chosen people for the experiment. In a country laced with Big Pharma companies and pharmacies or chemists everywhere in a country of 4 million people and full of natural resources (and every available illegal drug and unnecessary fluoride in Irish waters with natural wells closed down and poisoned cutting off the valuable nutrients ) why do illness and cancers and all forms of illness continue in Ireland ? and is increasing not decreasing every year ? year in and year out. The statistics and data accumulated over decades of the suffering in Ireland are very valuable information for these corporations. Just as North Korea was experimented upon for over 70 years for China’s benefit to perfect its draconian system, Ireland was chosen for medical research which includes sodomy and child sexual abuse (to repeat  Asking why the Catholic church keeps failing on child sexual abuse) the answer is many who have infiltrated the catholic church believe it is normal to have sex with children and in fact required in their spiritual faith. This has filtered down over decades into mainstream society but is hushed up. It is of course very difficult to deal with by investigators as the cult is determined and operate by stealth. It is not just in Catholic Church but also in other churches and secular organisations, political groups and agencies.

These beliefs and the peadofilia are of course nothing to do with the original teachings of the Catholic church and nothing to do with Christianity (see chapter 5 below) It is also the UN and Big Pharma with the WHO (World health Organization as with Corona hoax the WHO is not there for any nations health and it is connected to the UN security council)  which are subdgating nations and paedophilia and the break up of the family and chronic illness are all a part of the deal


Croke Park, Islam and the Christian Genocide

In July 2020 the Croke park sports field was opened up to allow Muslims to pray at ‘Eid’ amidst protests see “Ireland: Enid prayer service at Dublin stadium marred by protest outside” aside from the obvious blasphemous service Islam still practices child marriages and the cult which has infiltrated the catholic church has joined withLGBT  ‘Chrislam’ to further ‘entrench’  paedophilia and child ‘sex’ education Via the LGBT community despite the fact Islam kills gays and Muslims in Birmingham have taken their children out of school with LGBT sex education It is ok to be ‘homo – phobic’ if you are Muslim it seems.( In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’ Produced by ‘Hands off our kids’ at and the Life Institute in Ireland, it has already been attacked and denied by the MSM as a ‘fact check’ Yet in the EU this ‘factchecking double speak’ is highlighted as false when Poland made a bill to stop paedophilia in Poland and in the EU, but which was rejected by the ‘EU’    (previous Irish warnings at free speech events ) & Irish law on Irish education ‘RADICAL SEX EDUCATION (RSE) IRELAND’)

Aside from this bizarre Croke park event of Muslim EID, Christians are still told to close their churches and social distancing and masks continue ? and also the Christian Genocide is still ongoing especially in Nigeria. Below are the historical outcries against the Christian genocide (see Post dated 30.11.2019 in chapter 3a above)

On the 11.12.2018, President Trump and Mike Pence signed the anti genocide act known as the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018' over the past few years many institutions and organisations have called for an end to the slaughter in the middle east. What is emerging since the ongoing Christian genocide is,  it is aimed at ‘Christians’ whether they are practising Christians or simply people who are nominal Christians with the designation placed on their birth certificates at birth. (and even outside of the Middle East which was the beginning) This expanding issue is directly related to the British general election in December as will be revealed.

The act states “This bill authorizes U.S. government agencies to provide humanitarian, stabilization, and recovery assistance for nationals and residents of Iraq and Syria, in particular ethnic and minority individuals at risk of persecution or war crimes. It also authorizes the agencies to assist in prosecuting those suspected of such crimes.”

The long-running Arab Spring uprisings (and today Syria withdrawals have only moved into Iraq) which began in 2011, and which increased in intensity into 2014 and 2015 and still continuing today, are recognised by the current US administration as an urgent problem and Genocide against Christians of all denominations in December 2018.

This is not the first attempt by the West to resolve the terror in the Middle East. The recent history is outlined below.

Pope Francis named the Christian Genocide in 2015. The UK parliament on the 21.04.2016, voted unanimously to declare the Christian Genocide as Genocide in the Middle East. This followed on from John Kerry's pronouncement of the Genocide on 17/03/2016 and also the US House of Representative's pronouncement on the 15/03/2016, followed by the European Parliament's announcement of the Genocide on the 04 & 05 / 02/ 2016. 

Following the UK parliament vote, the government did not then fully name it as 'genocide' and has not officially recognised the designation. Although the vote does make that statement, it was still not far enough for MP's who have fought for the vote. President Obama on his trip to the UK and France in 2016 reluctantly named the Armenian Genocide of 1.5 Million Christians by Turkey (1915 – 1925) a "mass atrocity" following the protest and demonstrations of 60,000 people, who marched in remembrance of it, and who protested outside the Turkish embassy in Wilshire boulevard in Los Angeles at that time. 40 US states out of 50 declared the Armenian genocide, a genocide as calls for action were made in the spring of 2016 by the Archbishop of Washington, Cardinal Donald Wuerl and the then Secretary of State John Kerry.

The Sacramento Bee concludes Obama's legacy is Genocide, in reference to the Christian genocide in the Middle East, and today areas like Nigeria, Egypt and the lesser reported areas of the Levant are still living through the tribulation 

Christians are facing extinction in the Middle East pleads the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2017. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Vincent Nichols made the following joint statement on the 17.04.2019 The Knights of Columbus, and a broad array of faith-based organisations supported President Trump's bill entitled 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018'. 

It is a start (referring to the declarations and new genocide act ) writes the Baptist Union, which is reporting on ongoing connected persecutions and terror, as hopes continue that President Erdogan of Turkey (as he has promised) will press on with the safe zone plan for the Middle East for the Kurd's and Christian and wider.  Prince Charles has also condemned the Christian genocide.

Michelle and Barack Obama guilty of genocide. Obama has still not recognised the Genocide (he was silent upon it in 2015 as of course he was directing it from the Whitehouse in Washington) Reverend Franklin Graham pleaded with Obama to recognise what was occurring The US state department (via Obama and Clinton) issued a statement on November 2015 that ISIS did not kill Christians  Whilst later John Kerry (Secretary of state) did declare it as genocide in March 2016,  the Obama Whitehouse itself would not call it a Genocide in March 2016 This makes ‘Michelle Obama’ (Michael, aka Mick partner of Barry Soetoro) also equally responsible for the genocide under the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018’

Hillary Clinton on New Year’s Eve in 2015 (29.12.2015) broke with the Obama administration and declared the Christian genocide as genocide, although she was 4 years too late. She claimed she changed her mind as there was now enough evidence, yet the Pope had declared the genocide as genocide in August 2015 five months previous. Many suspect that as the ‘evidence’ of the genocide accumulated (at least in the minds of the US state dept) Hillary Clinton suddenly found it politically expedient to declare the genocide as genocide in December 2015 as she had declared her run for President in April 12th 2015. She waited 8 months to declare the genocide despite the fact it had been analysed since 2011. Clinton was U.S. secretary of state in the Obama Administration from 2009 to 2013, during her tenure, Clinton responded to the Arab Spring by advocating military intervention in Libya. The Arab spring was directly instrumental in the Christian genocide.

Obama, Michelle Obama and Clinton watched as Christians were beheaded, raped and murdered, including children and child sacrifices.

The Knights of Columbus had been involved in the writing of a report supporting measures to counteract the genocide. Today and since Easter 2019 (to repeat from above) In the USA the media were unable to call the Sri Lanka victims Christians (video ‘Tucker: Left struggles to say the word 'Christians'    or here )

The report, In which it is estimated (as body parts were hard to identify and many bodies were totally blown away ) 253 people were killed and 800 were injured and victims were from up to 12 countries globally The EU attacks in France and Belgium in 2014 – 2015 were carried out in a similar manner. A video of one of the suicide bombers is shown entering a church in St Sebastian  (or here) One of the victims ‘Sneha Savindi, 12, was among them. Her uncle, Duminda, said her body had been so badly destroyed by shrapnel that the family was only able to identify her by a birthmark on her foot’ Other victims body parts were blown and strewn inside and outside the church. The list above (or here again)  are attacks on Christians Catholic and Protestant as they attending within their  Churches. Yesterday on the 12.05.2019 (and two weeks previous on the 28.04.2019 in Bukino faso but at Silgadji when 6 were also killed in a church including the pastor and his sons for refusing to convert to Islam ) in Bukino faso at Dablo 6 church goers were killed including a Priest in a Catholic Mass when gunmen arriving on motorbikes opened fire slaughtering the congregation.  On 13.11.2019 85 people were killed in HYPERLINK  including the pastor and his wife. The following day hundreds were killed I Nigeria at the Kaduna province by machete and shootings. People in the srilanka bombings were unrecognisable  Brutality even in Saudi Arabia is unlimited as a 6 year old boy is beheaded with glass in public in February of this year which is still continuing in Iraq and Syria although Isis are almost extinguished. The US has moved to make the Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist organisation and from 2008 – 2016 Obama’s legacy of genocide is certainly at least that. The Christian genocide involved millions of people killed and displaced and targeted) against millions of Christians in the Middle east  and the USA, which was also overseen by James Clapper, John Brennan, Clinton, Joe Biden and Loretta Lynch and Huma Abeddin et al. 

This destruction of churches or the western way of life Churches in the EU (as the Pope stands by and watches) and it is estimated up to 1600 have been attacked and destroyed especially by fire. Both Catholic and Protestant churches (2016) have been hit and in France it is particularly strong. A 2018 report and by Ellen Fantini, executive director of Observatory of Intolerance and Discrimination   Against Christians in Europe shows that it has steadily increased over the past five years particularly. The Islamic doctrine of migration is one way only (see video The Islamic Doctrine of Migration’ ) which is partnered with censorship and by bribery in the EU and elsewhere (see video ‘Jordan Peterson - EU Censorship and Islam’ or here for Jordan Peterson EU Censorship and Islam) In turn this is controlled by the United Nations into the EU (where in the UN Saudi Arabia sit on the human rights council) and in Islam slavery is still legal (it is not spoke of but it exists as a thriving market especially since the financial crisis in 2008) woman can be bought and sold like cattle. Christian persecution is at Genocide levels again say Fox News and also the Guardian and again also the BBC.

Therefore is this ‘war’ being used to pressure the Roman Catholic Church to adopt teachings which are not Christian teachings. Here are a few more examples. Cairo April 2017  / Pakistan December 2017 .

Obama and Biden perpetuated the killing of Catholics and Protestants but tried to cover it up in the news prior to November 2016. The mass migration fraud is not beneficial to any nation and total population replacement by any means is the aim until deportation. (click on the red link below)

ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery

See also here on Bitchute video from 2015 



The difference between Sovereign common law and statue (state civil law) 

See Further heading 2.The Law of the Land (chapter 3b) 

When the lockdown occurred Globally people already had Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) Since then those rights have been removed in the minds of the government (but no where else) but the government is not above the people See ‘STRAWMAN - THE NATURE OF THE CAGE’  Or here  or here again once more         (or here as an MP4 file)  To take an example is the matter of masks or social distancing many governments introduced laws which are lesser laws to say people had to wear masks, but  then they inserted a subsection saying in effect if you want  to be exempt you can be exempt  This is because these laws cannot usurp your common law Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) In effect these lesser laws are a legal fiction and guff. However they satte you must wear masks (mandatory) and try to remove your Sovereign law 100% and then offer some back (exemption 15% or so ) but establish in the media and minds of the people that these laws are in effect and so remove your rights 85%, when you already had those rights not to wear a mask anywhere at all times (as is the real law now) 

These UN international rules based laws are designed to remove national laws and establish the right to remove people from their homes without a Warrant. For instance now police can in theory if they suspect there are more than 6 people in a home (designed for 2 - 4 people with 1 bathroom etc) then they enter and remove people. This also applies to the homes of police, the military and government officials . This is because state law and statutes are not the law but in the case of masks the exemption to wear the masks is actually LAWFUL but rights you already hold before the government made its announcements as 'recommendations' only and not LAW .

Sheriffs in the USA for instance  (in many cases ) recognise these laws are illegal  Sherrifs in the USA have refused to comply with the United Nations UN agenda or see more here on Bitchute and more sheriffs are recognising that the law is not their oath Turf  Court Case in Ireland One court case in Ireland which succeeded was the Turf rebellion decided on 18.02.2020 “Four men who were accused of cutting turf illegally have been found not guilty by direction of a judge at Galway Circuit Court”

UN Global vaccination program by force and deception. The aim is to remove children (they cannot remove chidren unless they apply to you for the birth certificate first which you can refuse. Adults can refuse entry) under the UNs global vaccination program (or to establish that right in theory) under Bill Gates and Gavi  (GAVI = Global vaccine Action Plan)  A plan already established before the corona flu 'outbreak' and mentioned by Dr Michael Ryan of the world Health Organisation




Irish debt and the Oil and Gas revenues in Ireland

All elections since 2008 are geared to maintain the huge debt and keep the Dail of Ireland (government) signing the money bill to maintain this debt. Everything else has been emasculated.

Since 8.2.2020 the Irish national debt has how’ve changed.  The debt was €198 Billion in 2017 and in 2019 it was €217 billion. Now it was €230 Billion (but suddenly lost €9 billion on the 15.08.2020 to €221 billion)  In August 2020 it has grown to €236  from €198 Billion  (Interest Payments Per Year 10,413,049,249 & Interest Payments Per Second & 330€ National Debt Per Citizen 49,340€ Debt as % of GDP 75.01% GDP Of Ireland 314,030,076,156€ Ireland Population 4,774,087) Each citizen now owes €50,000aisde from mortgages and private debt. Each citizen owed €42,000 in august 2019   and 50 % of all tax take goes into paying this debt. In August 2020 each citizen still owes €46,384 ? which would mean the National debt is now at €236 Billion not €221. This debt clock says €195 billion  whilst the national statistics office has €231 Billion as of July 2020 and here again this debt clock confirms €236 Billion as of June 2020

From 2008 – 2010 the decision to pay the bank bailouts was taken and most of it was not Irish debt. Iceland chose to not pay. In March - June 2020 in Germany, a recent German court case or German constitutional court found “In summary the GCC found that a hugely significant part of recent European Central Bank (ECB) monetary activities – some €2.2 trillion of bond purchases – had no legal authority, negating an earlier ECJ ruling. It was saying in effect that whatever the ECJ might rule, if that were against the German constitution, the latter was sovereign, and the ECJ subservient. And the German constitution, at least for Germans, is immutable” )  It is easier to get rid of the technocracy left communist dystopia as every year it is simply plugging holes when the  whole EU / IMF debt should be cancelled ) All EU bailouts are illegal and this is in the Lisbon treaty and is a part of EU law but is sovereign law also.

Irelands debt should be cancelled now, it also vindicates Iceland’s decision in 2008 – 2010. It also means that Germany’s debt can be cancelled and brings common sense and real value back into currency and frees EU nations to run their true course. It restores nations and it is Germany who have looked into the abyss and found a solution.

Further in Ireland (as also in Britain who have Trillions in inland oil and gas value see further down in this section under a new link and heading ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’ but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign” in chapter 3b ) Ireland has enough wealth to restore its fortunes in natural oil and gas. It supposedly sold these rights for 500 Punts from 1961 until 1975 a slow concerted theft of resources took place and continued in 2010 and until today.

Bonds are underwritten by taxpayers via the government who work for the people. There is very little risk to the bondholder as governments or rather nations (as government is not running a nation but should be obedient to the people, hence small government is preferred) are deemed to be 'safe' and permanent yet not only do they contribute to the national debt but when the system fails they look to the taxpayer to bail them. This is not free enterprise or brave investing Whilst many countries adhere to this mechanism the risk should not be foristered upon the public. Companies and banks fail naturally, and currently it is taxpayers who maintain the world's wealth themselves if they only knew.Creating wealth (held back by debt) is essential in a free world and for the west otherwise the model is China and its dystopia which took 80 million to die under Chairman Mao to achieve and provide a base (via shock and dismay etc)  for its current system.

In 2012 a conservation plan was established to avoid Agenda 21 and the UN and revisit these oil and gas contracts and other resources see pdf   Conservation-Preservation-and-Restoration-Plans-in-Ireland and see pages relevant pages 71, 76, 85, 87 - 92  & 119 and which has been on view on the web since 2012 globally. Over 55% of those contacted wanted local decision making in licensing with resources used to benefit everyone and it would of course make ‘Ireland 2040’ pointless. It could also sideline the EU / UN Agenda 21 dictatorship. The left sold part of the rights (Justin Keating Labour party) in 1975, Keating denounced his own decision in 2009. Restoring local decisions and ‘localism’ and 100% employment is not their policy nor from the Greens who have no interest in national sovereignty or 100% employment in any way.

Close down Irish society by any means in the 4th industrial revolution technocracy. The current plan (which is why the Green party had to be included with gay minister for children in the destruction of the family unit) is to remove farmers from the land and anyone into cities, homeless or not to kill them off. Import cheap slave labour to take over the country. Control all food, energy, heating, air quality, water (with increased poisons from Fluoride and Chlorine) and currency (although the parallel punt option is always available to create jobs see post dated 8.2.2020 above this but mainly the adjacent website and chapter 2 on also the parallel punt UNDER the 'Deliberate failure of the Occupy Movement' ) people will be moved off the soil and into the grid (no off grid living if possible) 5G will be rolled out with smart metres in hermetically sealed homes with no natural fires, and the chosen 5G is 50 / 60 Ghz (despite millions of other frequencies being available) as this limits you capacity for your Oxygen molecules (in houses with terrible HVAC systems, literally hermetically sealed ) to absorb oxygen into your cells, blocking vitamin D and melamine and damage your nervous system causing infertility and the these 5G related illness will be defined as ‘corona outbreaks’ with the normal flu with need of increased vaccinations ( with fluorinated water) The mandatory vaccinations change your DNA and are designed to do so combined (and again see new post in chapter 3b  ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’ but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign” in the link at the end ) and which has information on the ‘flu virus’ misinformation. This also involves the stay indoors, wear a mask and have food delivered to your door mandate.

The designed debt bubble and its history is related here in two books “Matt Cooper on How Ireland Really Went Bust” & also Frank MacDonald and Kathy Sheridan “The Builders”   The political party most responsible for the destruction of 60 archaeological sites of ancient Irish were Fianna Fail, the Green party, (John Gormley) Fianna Gael, the Labour Party and the left, even Sinn Fein did nothing. Those politicians who did not directly assist in the destruction stood around and watched as is evident today? In effect John Gormley and the Green party made a preservation order but in court decided it was not a preservation order in the same instance but also in law under the Harp on oath See chapter 2 above and scroll down for the Tara protest.

Israel and Ireland  In other news in Ireland the government dropped its opposition to Israel after the BDS bill was shelved. Ireland of course has links to ancient Israel and not just through the Harp of David, but also through Tea Tephi buried at Tara (the daughter of Zedekiah see the book of Jeremiah) and Jeremiahs tomb in Westmeath, and also via the scarlet thread history of Parez and Zerah and also the history of Coniah and Dara, Calcol (1 Chronicles 2,6- 7 ) many are buried at Knowth in Meath (and see chapter 5 below )

Above this post dated 18.08.2020 you will see the end of the Irish elections dated 8.2.2020 and which goes into some more details of the history of Tara, Ireland and the Harp.


Other news in Ireland

In other new for Ireland consider also D J Spiral on youtube   and also see Grand Tarino on you tube    ( Grand Tarino bitchute )

Also on the 25TH of July 2020 the Yellow Vests Ireland protested against the state and the system which is failing the people and removing their Sovereign inalienable rights ( facebook video )  Computing forever videos (Professor Doleres Cahill speaking at the event ) of the event are here  and the real law on mandatory masks (which are not real laws)   The March for Innocence demonstration took place on July 11 th against the appointment of Roderiec OGorman as minister for children The next Yellow vests event is on 22.08.2022 in Dublin 



Inserted on 25.08.2020. Dublin 'Time for Change Protest ' August 22 2020 protest against lockdowns and removal of common law in the plandemic (and protest in Britain on the 29.08.2020) 

The 'Time for Change' protest on Dublin highlighted a number of speakers and around 7000 people attended despite severe gale and bad weather hindrances the night before (the press mentioned only hundreds attended) and on the day of the protest. Computing forever has posted the event here under 

'Time For Change: The Irish People Begin to Rise' or once again here on Bitchute   Speakers include Professor Dolores Cahill, Ben Gilroy, Doctor Marcus de Bruin, Glenn Miller,Michael Leahy of IFP a human rights, mental health and freedom of thought advocate, Una Mc Gurk Barrister & Senior Counsel and Maeve Murran of Health Freedom Ireland. In Germany earlier this month 1.3 million protested in Berlin  against the lockdown by communist China (see below) 

Grand Torino also covered the Dublin event here under 'GRANDSTREAM : HEALTH FREEDOM IRELAND DUBLIN ÉIRE'   or here once again on Bitchute   The Irish Freedom Party gives its view on the current state of affairs see  'Ireland's Fight for Freedom | Michael Leahy at "Time for Change" Rally'     An overview of the day is given here by gript news   The lockdown / global shutdown overseen by communist and Ethiopian genocide perpetrator Dr Tedros (who is not a doctor) from the WHO (World Health Organization)  and UN (United Nations) reveals that 'climate change' as a barometer of 'recovery' must be included in the covid 10 recovery ideal. The Who / UN are responsible for the global lockdown and hardships in the hoax plandemic, and it is revealed that China has been paying them via Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to close down Irish society into a '4th' world economic zone . The motive for China is to destroy the western economy and the UN / WHO are assisting them in this.  Amazing Polly shows how Dr Fachi is also on the China payroll and has instigated this economic situation see her video 'Who Do You Trust'  or once again on Bitchute  and in this video at 34 minutes forward you will see the huge China investment in the WHO / UN plandemic economic turmoil plan.  (See at 25 minutes forward in the vid for Ezekiel Emmanuel who is a rabid planner for Euthanasia which explains why so many Elderly have been placed in care homes in the manner they have. For more information on Ezekiel Emmanuel and Euthanasia plans (for state murder) see post in chapter 3a above and post dated 9.9.2020 and subheading 'Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests)'  which gives his influence and background in the depopulation agenda At the end of this section on the Irish elections you will be directed to the WEF (World Economic Forum ) and the great global reset plan and why the 'human experience' as we know it will have to change  (i.e. 'Humans 2.0 Transhumanism' and Moderna changing RNA and DNA via the vaccines and merging with AI to patent a part of your DNA Genome so you are owwned  see "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World" by Dr Carrie Madej or here once more on Bitchute

 4th Industrial Revolution & Transhumanism To get an idea of what this 4th industrial revolution / technocracy looks like (in the green depopulation agenda of superfluous humans and fluoridation and GMO foods and no small business and stay at home and reducing population down etc  ) see 'The War On Us - Open Your Eyes To All Their Lies!'  or here again once on Bitchute  which is the essential info on the 'green party'     

There is also a protest in Britain on the 29 . 08 .2020 hosted by Delores Cahill who spoke in Dublin on the 22.08.2020  who are also against the Big Pharma lockdown in which everyone who has a mild permanent corona virus (and everyone has a mild corona virus at some point in their lives see  "Everyone has had a coronavirus before, a cellular biologist explains"  and 300,000 virus within us to help expel disease  ) and hence nearly everyone will be contact traced to sell more vaccinations etc (see amazing polly once more and the seven step vaccine plan on you tube or again once more on bitchute  or here on Jimm Corr tweets

See also here  'An Italian Doctor exposes the 'Covid 19' agenda' for world depopulation. You will be given up to 4 vaccines and it is take it or do not work or travel as a threat, despite the fact they have no authority to make any conditions or make it mandatory. (see 'Plandemic 2 Indoctorination' and also see 1000 German Doctors say Covid 19 is a scam   ) This is what the US liberal lobby do not show you




Given what the world knows now since 8.2.2020 and the elections held on that date in Ireland, regarding the Global lockdown (the 2nd biggest event in history) and the plandemic, many in Ireland state they would vote differently (any country in the would, and its origin in the UN and communist World health Organisation (with its plan to destroy al SME’s and businesses globally) are institutions to avoid and reappraise.

 The Irish Supreme Court has not changed its view on babies in the womb from conception have the same rights as those who are ‘alive’ (just before the referendum)

For more information and for Ireland and any country see Chapter 3b below and the new heading and post dated 18.08.2020 

The Clinton foundation, Epstein and Bill Gates, Obama(s) Biden and the lockdown fraud  was co-founded by Jeffrey Epstein  and Bill Gates met with Jeffrey Epstein on several occasions.   Epstein is also connected to the contact tracing slavery system. The Clinton foundation and Obama paid or bribed Kevin Clinesmith to alter details of the Russia investigation emails and evidence which implicates Obama and Clinton and also Joe Biden in this entangled scandal. Bill and Melinda Gates assisted the Barack Obama foundation  

How all of this relates to the vaccinations, 3rd strand dna changes, microsoft, and how the lockdown initiates this Global control listen to the sobering discussion with James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts in  "The INJECTION FRAUD with James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts. A Solari & Corbett Report fuse"    or here once again on Bitchute  Energy politics and financial systems are necessary in our modern world but humans are not products to be experimented upon or patented. See further Bio-security and Politics by Georgio Agamben  (11 May 2020)

For more information on this science and the spiritual aspects of the 'science' and the technocracy dystopia click on the next link below which is a part of Chapter 3b 

Ireland also closed it churches end of chain obedience to the World Economic Forum WEF (and Event 201 John Hopkins University Sep 2019) and the World Council of Churches and World Reformed Council of Churches,  Catholic and Protestant (see chapter 3b below and the very end of chapetr 5 )  Its Bishops mostly nothing to do with Christianity as even homes groups closed as Churches closed for 5 months (some with limited reopening after 5 months) showing they are simply belonging to the state. The  WEF World Economic Forum here explaining its roll out of the 4TH Industrial Revolution and why the 'The Very idea of Human Beings as some kind of Natural Concept is really going to change"  see 

 'What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?' from the WEF (or here available on Bichute )



‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign”





Conclusion Irish Elections Feb 8th to June and throughout 2020 (added on 17.09.2020) 

'Big tech' controlling Ireland via UN & MEP's legislation 


(Link to Chapter 3b and "27.10.2020,  US Elections 3.11.2020 The Demolition of the World’s economy (but set to boom again 2021")


In December 2019 the Keynesian liberal Marxist bubble collapsed in the EU. This was first identified by ‘Strategian’  in mid 2019 into the end of the 2019 year and who perhaps should be minister of finance (see above in chapter 3a) but see here again as “Financial Collapse - Negative Interest Rates -REPO Disaster Then Bond Market Failure!”   and one month later as  “Financial Collapse - REPO and MBS Future Disaster In The Making?”

What are the overnight repo rates ? (i.e. ‘repurchase agreements’) see “Repo: How Roughly $1 Trillion Moves Overnight | WSJ”

This was warned of in 2019 (see above) just as the financial collapse was warned about before it occurred in 2007 – 2008 and 2009. (see the adjacent website and chapters 1 and 2) A long time before the official announcement of the corona flu “outbreak” everyone has a virus and several hundred thousand virus within them called an immune system (see all of chapter 3b below)  In this chapter you will note that free speech attacks and other financial irregularities have led to the investigation of big tech and censorship in all 50 states of the USA. Apple are also under scrutiny and they have also been involved in many court cases over tax compliance in Ireland and the EU (with the extra conclusion that no worker should be paying more than 10% tax if any in most cases) and which is still ongoing in 2020 from June 2020

see Gregory Mannarino on youtube for the background and since Jan 2020

However this was the tip of the iceberg as Apple fearing heavy fines and security / privacy concerns in the USA moved most of its income of $300 Billion + to Ireland in 2015 giving an increase of around 35% of GDP (not GNI) and giving a security underwriting to the banks as money flies back and forth globally. However this did not stop the recent collapse, but which was disguised by the corona ‘outbreak’ and global lockdown.  Homelessness and home repossessions in Ireland have surged in 2020. Ben Gilroy who stood for election in 2019 has this to say on the home repossessions and how this is charged effectively to the Irish taxpayer via the national debt. (see anti – eviction taskforce)

“Law firms charge €67,000 per eviction, bank then bills dept of Finance for said €67,000. (which we pay through the exchequer) Then the bank (having been repaid) claim it as a loss (I kid you not) and this is written off against future taxes/profits thus costing you (through the exchequer) another €67,000. Total so far €134,000 then sell the house at a loss of €100,000 plus €100,000 interest due (bet you have it figured at this stage) cost to you/exchequer €200,000. total so far €334,000, then these people have to be housed presuming they go on a rent allowance scheme @ €500 per month x 12 months= €6,000 per year for 10 years even is another €60,000. Total €394,000 per house x 1000 house's = €394,000,000 (394 million) per bank x 10 banks, AIB , BOI, NIB, PTSB, RBS, TRUSTEE, ULSTER, EBS, SMART MOR, etc = €394,000,000,000 (394 billion) and this is without interest of inflation! Think about this for a while longer than they thought about the bail out.... that’s right you are paying that too on top of all this”

Of course if the housing industry wants to make its system viable and profitable it can charge what it likes, but the risk (removed from the banks) and burden is on the taxpayer and is underwritten by them with 51% of all tax take going toward paying the national debt (see all above) Real free trade and commerce in a thriving society is set aside in this system which is a Marxist system in origin but the left do not like to admit this. The taxpayer in this system is however, CEO and main shareholder / owner of these banks. Calling for a total debt cancellation without conditions is the only way to avoid economic meltdown. Bringing in cheaper wages (slaves) despite a ‘corona lockdown’ is of course the driver of the UN immigration compact and EU social charter as opposed to Sovereign countries protecting their own countries and borders, families, homes and lands. (see all of chapter 3 and 3a above)

The Irish pensions scandal which hit the headlines again at the beginning of 2020 is still massively unresolved.   It is many different areas and has several facets but not many solutions from the beginning of 2020 to date (although some solutions are suggested ) Finance problems are also at the centre of the diminishing returns  and it is a global problem  with future unfunded liabilities (excluding the derivatives quadrillions timebomb) hiding a delusion at the centre of the Marxist Keynesian debt bubble inbuilt on sand.


Apple is also under investigation for its role in (outsourced) slave labour and sweatshops. It has made a policy to employ former slave labour trafficked persons as a social concern and strategy, but in 2019 Apple and Google were named in a lawsuit for allegedly trafficking and employing slave labour wages in the Congolese scandal, as were Sony and Samsung. This business model is tipped to be unveiled in Ireland and Europe and anywhere as part of the cashless (although no referendum on this is announced by the unnecessary government during the corona shutdown, especially as Apple is involved in contact tracing systems see below)  The cobalt – lithium battery quest is of course also destroying the environment and data hubs use more energy in a week than most towns use in a year.

As the absurdities of corona lockdowns continue and masks etc, it is shown that on airplanes full to capacity on seats yet Churches have to have only a few chairs, and curfews mean that the corona monster stays away after curfew hours. It is not an airborne flu corona as Insurance firms are ordered to reimburse victims and again in September 2020 This potentially runs into trillions of dollars.

Apple and Google are also imposing the new contact tracing system which is in line with the new EU traffic system. The surveillance contact tracing system is working in Ireland but is not mandatory and is illegal to your inalienable rights. Known as ‘health passport Ireland’ it is in fact a new preparing surveillance system.   Others who are watching the new system roll out (and it will be global) have other views and health passport Ireland features in this video also ‘The Beast System Is Rising - # Don'tBeACovidiot!’  (also here on Bitchute again

China  is behind the corona scam to import their dystopia on the world see computing forever and ‘Is China’s Dystopian Social Credit System Our Future?’  made in 2019. The world bank in 2018 in step with the UN GAVI global vaccination plan for many years (see chapter 3b below) have pre-planned the whole plandemic (China is a major lender from the world bank although it has reconsidered that relationship)

Bill Gates is behind the contact tracing programme, and now the authorities have mandated the retention of fingerprints and DNA (for DNA Harvesting see at the end and link to the ‘Human experience has to change’)  which is in clear breach of civil liberties and sovereign rights as are mandatory tests and vaccinations. Bill Gates stands to make Billions from the scamdemic and has shares in Apple to the tune of 1 Billion.

Trump is correct on China.... Dr Victor Vzau, Dr Chris Elias, Dr Jeremy Farrar, Henrietta Fore, George F Gao (COMMUNISTS) comprise the world health monitoring board (WHO and United Nations) who are being paid by CHINA (COMMUNISTS) to shut down the world economy for 7 months ongoing via the global preparedness monitoring board for info See Amazing Poly and ‘Who do you Trust’ at 33 minutes & 50 seconds fwd (or here again on Bitchute) Essentially it is a total lockdown on your privacy, business and life. China have also bribed Ireland to build a new town/city in Ireland exclusively for Chinese. See computing forever and  ‘Ireland and The Loss of Private Property Rights’  (or here again on bitchute) The new proposed city and its details are here  asking of Ireland is for sale Gript analyse what is going on It is a part of the 2040 new Ireland plan in which ‘the Irish’ are surplus to requirements. (see above on Irish elections) and a part of the UN Migration compact which is a part of the Vatican trafficking scam, see also ‘How WHO Became China’s Coronavirus Accomplice’

Chinese communist party It is not that Hong Kong residents should leave Hong Kong but that the Chinese Communist Party should leave China

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus: • imposed “extreme lockdown on his people” • force them to wear face masks • impose very strict curfews • impose a police state
• crash the economy. Could this be happening in Ireland or any country ? In Tanzania the President made these claims see amazing Polly 'Yes ! African leaders Stand Up ! Tanzania and Madagascar'  on the covid scam (those leaders in Africa tested the corona testers and found them false, just as Britain received testers contaminated with corona ? The CDC also now state that 94% of cases / deaths have other causes and underlying previous conditions

RTE News The MSM in Ireland are not covering these facts and are heavily now identified RTE as fake news. Whilst it has emerged that George Soros owns 20 of the 22 fact checkers for news information (and who is a wanted criminal in many countries) 

Protests are continuing in Ireland and are growing. It is revealed that only 100 people have died from Covid alone in 2020 (now changed to only 96) see “IRELAND Ben Gilroy SHOCKING REPORT on Covid Deaths only 100 Sars 2 Covid 19 outside Government Buildings Dublin. 07.09.20”  as protests on the 12.09.2020 continue see full channel  see again also  ‘Full Sovereign Protest March Dublin 12 09 2020 6 minutes (Scamdemic)’ 

Protests in Britain and Berlin see  ‘UK: Thousands take to London's Trafalgar Square to protest COVID-related measures’ against the imported Chinese communist mainland dystopia  or see ‘Piers Corbyn Denies the Coronavirus Pandemic & Says It's a 'Psychological Operation' | GMB’  and in Berlin thousands also protest see “Berlin protests: Thousands march on German capital to protest coronavirus restrictions”  as 1000 doctors in Germany say the ‘pandemic’ is a scam 

The Pope who is supposed to be ‘pro life’ against abortions  has said a Vaccine should be made available to the poor “Coronavirus: Pope demands vaccine access for the poor - BBC News” echoed by the WHO communist director genocide perpetrator Dr Tedros although the Vatican is very wealthy.    Pope Francis like Dr Tedros (who like Bill Gates is not a Doctor) is a also a Marxist with blood on his hands in Argentina. Yet vaccinations contain Human aborted fetal tissue and dna  (or see here again  or here once more or here yet again and see video ‘DNA, Vaccination ingredients, Pharmaceuticals and Sorcery’  or see here again on bitchute also  ) and other disgusting and dangerous ingredients (as does the flu vaccine) The Pope is not concerned about  the poor.

The outdated idea of praying for disease to vanish is not pertinent to the Pope ? and the Churches in Ireland have obeyed the WEF (World Economic Forum and Event 201 via the UN and not Gd it seems see chapter 3b below chapter 3b below)



The WEF (World Economic Forum) announced the Great reset in July 2020  but mooted since 2017 (but it has major problems as the 4th industrial revolution ) see WEF ‘COVID-19: The Great Reset’ and are redefining what it means to be human. See  WEF see  'What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?' from the WEF (or here available on Bichute ) and also UN article redefining what it means to be human or here again also which involves DNA change via vaccinations including into children with mandatory vaccines.

The Sundance film festival organiser  Sterling Van Wagenen,  received 6 years for child sexual abuse in September 2020. 

Antifa in Ireland is run by paedophile Pat Corcoran whilst in the USA vice president candidate Kamel Harris openly supports Senator Scott Weiner who supports the ‘paedofile gender’ with Joe Biden. Note this is denied but in fact this is the aim of the paedophile gender lobby (see above also ) since Alfred Kinsey made pseudo science from paedofilia This is the essence of Transhumanism (i.e a ‘religion’ which believes sex with children is ok and you are not human and should change to your new normal state)

Paedophilia is now being taught in classrooms as a gender choice see “Classrooms Now Teaching That Pedophilia Is A Sexual Orientation”   This is Transhumanism these are the criminals

Google and Anthony Levandowski & Ray Kurzewell & Transhumanism and the NEW NORMAL as paedophilia. This is what was meant by 'live and let live' . The unnatural presupposition that Gd or 'nature' has made mistakes and really intended male and female to be a 3rd gender. (the hijacking and deceiving of the 'lgbt' community)  Now this view secular and a new religion is being forced upon society whether they like it or not, whether you want your children vaccinated or not (or see here for mandatory vaccinations in Ireland  in June 2020 and also by Simon Harris in September 2019 and also children from creches  ) or whether you want them to be male or female or not. Not 'live and let live' but total control and forced indoctrination by the intolerant and essentially insane religion of Transhumanism which has grown out of Humanism producing such pedophiles as Father Ivan Payne, Father Brendan Smyth and Protestant Church officials  as well as the over 600 Doctors and teachers who were arrested in 2014 in Ireland and Britain. Their religion believes sex with children is normal and should be open as a pedophile gender, and if you disagree your children can be removed from you and trafficked even assisting in their gender reassignment process which is psychology and 'science'. This is controlled by paedofiles high within the Irish establishment and state. The Science believes (for instance) in the global warming scam but cannot work out how many genders there are, and believes that pregnant woman can be a man but the baby inside her is not human and can be killed and rigs referendums to make you accept these lies and then even gets a pro life pope to demand the poor should get a vaccine containing human fetal dna. This demented new religion is encapsulated by  Anthony Levandowski Ex-Google head founds new Religion in 2015 to 'worship AI God' named the Way of the future   He says; "Way of the Future has a startling mission: “To develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence & through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.” His religion is not just AI but transhumanism with AI   Another 'big tech' ex Google leader Eric Schmidt had links to China and child trafficking  this despite Google blocking adds to child porn  sites before fleeing to North Korea and giving China the AI logarithms   Big tech in Ireland is trying to control election results and the populace under directions from the WHO and UN via China even bringing in a Chinese Lord Mayor (Hazel Chu) and not an Irish Lord Mayor ? The female Lord female from China seems very worried that live and let live should also avoid questions of links to pedophile sympathizers  like Peter Thatchell  for an overview of the continuing revelations of 'Cuties' on netflix and connections to Joe Biden and the Clintons  on bitchute and see further bitchute 'Natural Human to Transhumanism"   or once again the clear and sinister message from Dr Carrie Madej "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World"  (or here once more on Bitchute)



The World Economic Forum disguised ‘great reset’ is a part of Transhumanism, see bitchute it is not 'NESRA / GESERA'  ( NESERA / GESREA )

These are your real rights see See ‘STRAWMAN - THE NATURE OF THE CAGE’  Or here  or here again once more   (or here as an MP4 file)  or this analysis in Chapter 3b below  ‘The Law of the Land’ as many countries are being brought to ruin and are put into high surveillance systems with no authority. Governments are defunct including the Irish Dail (not only from the 11 MEP’s who run Ireland) but by the International rules based order (UN)  who are crushing Freedom and Sovereignty and livelihoods for ever slowly but ongoing into Dystopia, into locked down slavery all planned in advance. Unless these governments are removed (they have no authority) as the fake politicians and Marxist left bureaucrats they are all over the EU (keeping those who honour, faith, family, country and freedom) then the vision of  ‘ Equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally’ (the maxim of the left) as explained by

Russia and Yuri Bezmenov (on every level of the media) Yuri Bezmenov former KGB agent explains how to brainwash a nation.  Or here as the abridged version in bitchute “How to brainwash a nation”   

Video; YouTube 'How To Brainwash A Nation'  (or here full length Youtube 'Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length)')”

Edward Bernays How to brainwash a nation  The next stage is the UN using ‘contact tracers’ for the fake pandemic to break down Common law as Sovereigns (which you are already) and build the fake cardboard cut out Government on your land,  removing cash to create RFID chips demand as ‘mandatory’ The new vaccines are designed to alter DNA  or here on bitchute SGT report 'The pandemic vaccine agenda'  and see “ VLADIMIR KVACKHOV, FORMER COLONEL OF THE GRU ON THE CURRENT WORLD SITUATION! [ENGLISH SUBTITLES]”     (see below) with the Universal language (applicable to every nation in depopulation) of deception which Communism has see videos 19 – 31


The Dublin Protest 12.09.2020   Full Sovereign Protest March Dublin 12.09.2020 (Scamdemic)


His vision will become the new dystopian normal. Link to ongoing developments in atheism and Marxism which  is really Transhumanism....


‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign”




(Inserted  10.10.2020 Irish elections conclusion....... contd) 


First see NXIVM World Order by Amazing Polly (see here Bitchute channel here    and also her Youtube Channel here  )  Digicell and Haiti 


From the heading above 'Apple is also under investigation'  and also  Apple and Google are also imposing the new contact tracing system which is in line with the new EU traffic system. The surveillance contact tracing system is working in Ireland but is not mandatory and is illegal to your inalienable rights. Known as ‘health passport Ireland’ it is in fact a new preparing surveillance system.     we have seen Amazing Polly's video "who do you trust"See Amazing Poly and ‘Who do you Trust’ at 33 minutes & 50 seconds fwd (or here again on Bitchute)  on how China (albeit paid by many countries or individuals or institutions within them who are communist including France who assisted in the Wahun Virus 'outbreak' months before the official announcement of covid 19, and it has transpired that the "Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System" was patented in January 2019 by Bill Gates emerging into June 2019 with the UNs desire to vaccinate everyone on the planet via ID2020  Climate Change Now the UN / WHO re saying this is actually nothing to do with vaccinations but it is actually 'Climate change' and for the restructuring of society

As we have seen above Apple have been implicated in Trafficking with Google and slave wage labour practices. (Google is facing anti-trust regulations against its monopoly in all 50 states in the USA. considering Google and other social network platforms are moving against free speech and monopolizing censorship ) Apple moved its account to Ireland, however this was the tip of the iceberg as Apple fearing heavy fines and security / privacy concerns in the USA moved most of its income of $300 Billion + to Ireland in 2015 giving an increase of around 35% of GDP (not GNI) and giving a security underwriting to the banks as money flies back and forth globally. giving a security underwriting to the banks as money flies back and forth globally. The recent (In June 2020) The US state department report into Human Trafficking was released (Trafficking in Human Persons report 20th edition)  and Irelands position or grading in that report was downgraded (or see here on the report also again) In September 2020 Amazing Polly reported on the 'panic'  i.e. "Fact Check: TRUE! The Cabal is Panicking"   (or here in bitchute ) which highlights the disgusting practises and crimes which are covered in chapter 3b below   and which also now include the Anglican Church (not just the Roman Catholic church and pagan groups and Green 'Gaia' groups) and its crimes against mankind and children. The Anglican church for several decades allowed paedophile infiltrators into its ranks

Protestors in Ireland have not caused the damage to the economy and business and indeed many businesses have joined the protests, the UN government has and it intends to own everything in Ireland (as an act of surrender to it via its debt as UN accords stipulate) and remove/reduce the population nationally and remove farmers from their lands etc (under UN Agenda 21 - 30 & Irelands Green climate bill and which is laid out in the October 8th 2020 'Green' climate bill hoax  to reduce another fake virus the greenhouse gas emissions by 7% per annum. Ireland should be increasing its emissions by 10% per annum and removing immigration policies. If any nations politicians cannot do that then they are not working for  your country or you see the adjacent website and chapter 3  especially the end near chapter 4 )  A previous protest on 3.10.2020 at the CUSTOM HOUSE Dublin saw Dr Pat Morrisey and others speak out on 'Hydroxychloroquine' (Why is the use of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE still being suppressed ? just to leave Vaccination or Tattoo Vaccination as the only choice ? why ? is it because the price is very low ? with testing very suspect as necessary as 'cases' are not infections, with the 'CDC' i.e. the Centre for Disease Control, saying the virus is not airborne and then retracting the statement ?  )  The following Bitchute video includes Dr Morrisey's speech (who has already suffered Government reprisals for telling the truth in the plan to silence Doctors  across many nations ) and Tucker Carlson's analysis on the UN 'restructuring' of society and Dr Ted on Why Masks do not work and the sit down protest on Grafton street on the 3.10.2020 i.e. see the  Bitchute video 'HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & the MSM & why maks do not work'  (or here on youtube  Dr Pat Morrissey on Youtube  and Health Freedom Ireland Custom House Dublin 3.10.2020) A local free hack describes the protestors as 'muppets' putting business under pressure ! but the protests continue (Let Ireland live or here once more also on 10.10.2020 & Yellow vests on 22.08.2020 etc)  against the real Muppets who are causing the chaos in the economy i.e the government  (more peole have committed suicide from the lock downs than from the 100 or so deaths from 'corona' see Ben Gilroy in the paragraphs above above) It is not protesters who caused the chaos and deliberate planned destruction. Lana Del Ray the poet does not wear a' Mask' 

Protests at the Let Ireland Live demonstration on 10.10.2020 at Leinster House revealed the extent  of the deception in Ireland   "Justin Barrett's speech at Let Ireland Live Protest"   (or here on Bitchute ) . Whilst the WHO (world health organisation) accidentally confirms covid is no more dangerous that the flu   The inventor of the PCR test Kerry Mullis fb stated that the PCR test in effect does not work  He passed away in 2019 but his view is of course very pertinent  It is also a lie that covid on 'money' remiins for 28 days or any lenght of time. It apparently does not stay on the products or edibles that 'money' buys in the shops which are taken into shops via multiple hands ....only the money. Not on credit cards only on money ? 

It is the UN dictating to the EU an agenda to bring abortions (now more than the minimal numbers for rape cases etc as the public was lied to amongst increasing prostitution) which includes human fetal DNA into vaccines for profit and also in the 'winter flu vaccine'  Stanley Plotkin deposition 2018   (Stanley Plotkin Deposition) is 9 hours but can be viewed at time stamp periods Jan 11 2018, 17 : 05 & 17 : 12 fwd to show the Vaccine Hoax. Human DNA, Monkey DNA, Mercury Aluminum, formaldehyde, pig DNA, aborted fetus tissue & other unsafe ingredients his abridged testimony is here at 40 mins on bitchute at 40 mins fwd or here  “(Video 24) A SHOT IN THE DARK - (2020 DOCUMENTARY) vaccines murder and mame”  or here also in 'DNA vaccinations igedients pharmacueticals & Sorcery"  & Stanley Plotkin at 3, 35 seconds fwd in it.  Remember the Thalidomide, Polio & Swine flu horror caused by vaccinations, Stanley Plotkin is the top official in his profession, but for moré information see  ) The inhuman UN agenda The UN push sex education for minors including paedophilia (through very sick individuals and no lock downs for abortion deaths or sexual abuse victims) and also the destruction of the middle class as 'communism / communautarism' through very strict control and mis-information in the media. (See also 'Dr. Carrie Madej with Dr. Andrew Kaufman on vaccines, hydrogel, and secret government programs'   (or see here on Bitchute for the same video )  and Dr Carrie MadeJ ""Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World"    or here once again on bitchute for Doctors especially,  Neurotoxins etc) and also discussion with James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts in  "The INJECTION FRAUD with James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts. A Solari & Corbett Report fuse"  or here once again on Bitchute  Energy politics and financial systems are necessary in our modern world but humans are not products to be experimented upon or patented. See further Bio-security and Politics by Georgio Agamben  (11 May 2020)

The connected Irish Euthenasia bill Stephen Donnelly TD (the corona clown)  and TDs within the Dail (the illegimate UN Irish Government) not satisfied with kiling the elderly in covid isolation in care homes or murdering babies by abortion are now introducing the Euthanasia' bill or Dying with Dignity Bil (deception) via the UN. Euthanasia is murder (in the UN depopulation atheist agenda) and has been used to defraud the elderly   by murder and cheapen peoples lives and their value. For further details of the Euthanasia cult see post above dated 9.9.2020 ( and subheading ' Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests) for the inhumane and unmedical but connected views of Doctor Ezekiel Emmanuel has recently published a book entitled 'Old age is over' and is quoted as saying that 'life after 75 years of age is not worth living'. In reality it is these views and the pedophiles who need to be rounded up and brought to corporeal punishment for crimes against humanity (murder and trafficking under the guise of 'medicine' which has the maxim of 'do no harm' as its motto ) Old age is over and  babies in the womb are over ? and the inbetween people in age need vaccinations ? Alternatives are in January 2018, following the launch of its new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division

In the Netherlands Euthanasia has been reduced down to the 'under 12's' (12 years and under and Ireland it is hoped will follow see paragraph above) for terminally ill children, but the slow undermining of Parents authority is to move to the next  stage and remove parental consent ( as the insane left do not value the family) but in essence to bring in legalized murder by injection to all ages chipping away at the law and Sovereign rights of Gd by the state (who could not care less about children abused, disappeared or prostituted and those in orphanages will be decided by the state ) Its very simple they (Euthanasia proponents) are criminals and should be dragged out of government and arrested.


Media misinformation and Ireland's 'Sexual offenders amendment bill Oct 2020'   (full PDF here on the eventual bill) & see also the US State dept Trafficking in human persons report 2020

Media misinformation includes the real fake protestors i.e 'Antifa' and its leader (and wider)  Pat Corcoran The Green party in Ireland and in the EU and wider also have a paedofile problem (see above in Irelands vote (China's communist funding is blamed for the riots in the USA in other groups and details emerge dailyIreland has been called a paedophile paradise and arresting those responsible for paedophilia, trafficking and child abuse even via the military is possible and has occurred in many other countries over the last 10 months at level of society and government and state (one area of the bill as initiated in 2018)  see the Sexual offenders bill Januray 2020 and which passed as originally intended to be published in October 2nd 2020.  This should allow (inclduing 'sexual education for children' proponents)  an immediate clear out and arrest of all sex offenders for trial. State actors and all politicians are not immune nor are the 'rich and powerful' (see the link at the very end of this essay for Global child abuse in chapter 3b and all above ) The US Human tarfficking in persons report 2020 outlines both the external and internal systems (see above also for details)

Apple (guilty of tarfficking see conclusion above) worked with Nxivm and Google as they would want to rely on the technocracy and internet to advance their sex cult 'wellness' scam.  Clare Bronfman received only 81 months for destroying lives   (or see here also ) (This followed criticism in 2017 regarding their complicity online abuse and facilitating trafficking groups and surveillance and participation in transhumanism bias ) The Irish Journal reported on the case in 2018 / 2019 as did the Irish Times  in and around April 2019 fwd   Keith Raniere ran the cult and a cult is what is with much of the background and connections reported on by the 'Roberta Glass True Crime Report'  Amazing Polly also reports on the connections to Ireland. Dennis OBrien's connectionsto the Haiti trafficking operations which involved Laura Silsby    Much of the activity is documented on the missing Hillary Clinton emails scandal   now unredacted and declassified and which also shows just how the Russia Hoax was orchestrated by Clinton, Obama and Joe Biden (thanks to Robert Mueller ) Mike Pompeo the US secretary of State has promised to release the Clinton emails sometime in October 2020.)  Trump's emails do not show Russian collusion GrandTorino Ireland Some of the background is given by GrandTorino in' Get Trump' (bitchute at 2 minutes 53 seconds fwd which details how John Brennan and Obama and Hillary Clinton actually colluded with the 'Russians' i.e China ) 

Bronfman funneled funds to the Clinton foundation which had become in effect the US Department of State and was corrupt beyond anything in US history. See  Amazing Polly in her video 'People in Dark Shadows'  which shows the Hunter Bidens Burisma corruption and Joe Biden who with Clinton and Obama sold the west out to China. see RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)  or here once more Bitchute   If you want to know why  Communist Chinese type Dystopia has tried to ruin your country and business and has locked-down your life then thank Joe Biden and Dr Tedros and the World Health Organisation and China's President Xi. The amazing Polly video 'People in dark shadows' video shows JP and ulla Bak connections to Haiti trafficking and who obtained money from the US state department. around 2010 / 2013 when Hillary Clinton was in charge and which are connected to (19 mins fwd NXIVM & Digicell / Haiti )  Dennis O'Brien and Digicell and Communicorp with Tony Ryan and the Irish media are not reporting on this (which begins at the top of this section on Irish elections Jan / Feb 2020 into June 2020 fwd and throughout 2020 their results and conclusion up to here, on the wider paedophile and trafficking ring over decades which is still being covered up but is documented and sealed)  Dublin airport also suffers from Trafficking. Carlos Sellanis also a part of NXIVM is living in Ireland. The Irish UN 20/40 immigration plan should be seen for what it is, just one long trafficking chain system The 'LEFT' or rather the scam called the left liberal UN / WHO elites would close the whole world rather than face trial and justice because the UN is the planets biggest trafficking institution in the World and name it a 'plandemic' as ....climate change via the World Economic Foundation (WEF) 'Great Reset' which is a badly thought  out and  disastrous economic plan. 


The Vatican trafficking system and how Big tech silences free speech (Big tech and free speech) see above and also Chapter 3b below ) is being untangled from national countries, disguised as the 'open border' policy it has brought misery and corruption to millions globally.In the 'real world' we have seen rioting and arson in the USA and the MSM supporting and celebrating it, having suddenly abandoned social distancing and the illegal 'recommendations' in the corona virus hoax. The rioters ignored social distancing etc but only those protesting against lockdowns were classed as 'illegal' demonstrations. This is the surreal world of 2020 but it gets worse.  In Ireland the Big Tech technocracy continue to dictate this open border policy knowing it is  opportune for trafficking, paedophilia and the corruption of religious institutions and charities also. The big tech technocracy als has its own 'religion' (to repeat from above..) Anthony Levandowski Ex-Google head founds new Religion in 2015 to 'worship AI God' named the Way of the future   He says; "Way of the Future has a startling mission: “To develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence & through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.” His religion is not just AI but transhumanism with AI   Another 'big tech' ex Google leader Eric Schmidt had links to China and child trafficking  this despite Google blocking adds to child porn  sites before fleeing to North Korea and giving China the AI logarithms   The UN advances Transhumanism i.e human and then not human mixed with Gnosticism.  Big tech in Ireland is trying to control election results and the populace under directions from the WHO and UN via China even bringing in a Chinese Lord Mayor (Hazel Chu) and not an Irish Lord Mayor ? The female Lord female from China seems very worried that live and let live should also avoid questions of links to pedophile sympathizers  like Peter Thatchell  for an overview of the continuing revelations of 'Cuties' on netflix and connections to Joe Biden and the Clintons Netflix have now been indicted over the 'cuties' sickening scandal  How serious Lenandowski is about his new religion can be ascertained from the following account of his ethics  The new religion debate can be analysed here   but it is Transhumanism with Gnosticism  which is why peadofilia is being considered as a third gender and children can be taught gay porn or porn of any description in school as 'sex education' why babies lives have no value and why families and faith are targeted as abnormal (by the 1.5% ) Ray Kurzewell et al  place no value on human life as it exists now. This is the cult who silence free speech but only to protect themselves Apple and Google are tracking you and your children It is propsoed that in order to squash child abuse online (a good idea) and paedophilia it will be necessary to microchip everyone. Bill gates controls the WHO (world health organisation) and also has a large stocks in Apple This is the religion (Transhumanism) and it advances human slavery globally (Islam / Chrislam still regards and practices legal slavery ) and children as chattel. The ancient yet modern belief of Nimrod, Semaris and Tammuz of Ezekiel 8 (Isis Horus & Set) has been infiltrated into everyday faith and service's in Catholicism into the bread and wine or Eucharist ? (see chapter 5 below) it was never a part of any Roman Catholic belief and never a part of the bread and wine in any way past or present

An ancient heresy inserted without anyone's agreement or knowledge. it is simply Gnosticism with a logarithm. Alchemy which had human parts as an ingredient in former ages (as today in the planned parenthood abortion industry or DNA into vaccinations and even put into some foods) is still alive today. Gnosticism believed that sex even with childten was/is part of a path to salvation, the Pope has ended the secreacy rule (he helped create) on child sexual abuse  When asking the question why does the Catholic church keep failing on child secual abuse (or also now include the Anglican Church not just the Roman Catholic church and pagan groups and Green 'Gaia' groups) and its crimes against mankind and children. The Anglican church for several decades allowed paedophilia infiltrators into its ranks) the answer this 'religion' (cult) which also incorporates GAIA the earth faith which regards sex with children and worse as normal and the new normal and has for decades.  (in which Covid / Sars 2 Covid 19 is actually means  green...ish 'climate change' or not green nobody really knows or cares but it called 'sustainable' or the 4th industrial revolution Nesara / Gesara (both the technocrats and communists have brought a new false Nesara / Gesara )   Its Greta Thunberg in a Covid shield shouting at people to wear their masks and avoid the 'cow poo' in the sky and pay climate credits exchnaged for simulated meat made from insect 'veggie' burger artificial food )Sex or rape or mutilation of forced prostitution of children is a part of the cult and has been for 80 years and even thousands before that. It is a paedophile ring and has been operating so far for decades unchallenged. They have collectively hijacked the government in Ireland and have fostered an atmosphere of the transhumanist left agenda, but none are immune from prosecution or retribution. 

Irelands 2020 budget (13.10.2020) and China's Global threat under article 38 The Vatican trafficking system  (   “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”  &  rRevelations of the Vatican sex trafficking scandals ) has also come full circle in Cyprus  and this system has brought full anarchy and trafficking gangs into Sweden (nothing to do whatsoever with economic migration but a forced takeover policy) into full ciivl warfare into corrupt takeover of the country  Irelands 2020 'unprecendted budget'  (13.10.2020) is simply borrowing deficits placed upon the national debt and Ireland's paying 50% of its tax take to the national debt interest. The budget is not for the Irish or the Irish homeless although (this Stimulus could easily be for them)  but to build for the Ireland 20/40 population replacement plan or to finance China's new city etc (see above)  China has issued its global threat via its Article 38 communist totalitarian NWO. Ireland pays  50 %  of its tax intake (income GNI) to pay its debts. Italy 21%, Greece 26. 9 %, UK 26.6%, Spain 16. 33%, USA 25%, Germany 4.6% . Ireland is clearly in deep debt yet in the last 2 years it has increased ? It is increasing daily.  Ireland for instance pays €16.5 million per day on its public debt in 2019 every day, despite homelessness rising and poverty and unemployment, whilst it sends €100 million in ‘aid’, which never arrives (like 85% of most world aid)

This is the new WEF Great reset,  a a reset into state communism where progressive tax steals the produce of the labour of the working class (The WEF / UN  funded by China vai the WHO and UN and the left EU Technocrats  ) in which the 'state' owns your children and you have no rights. It is sham and its sinister illegal status as being 'in charge' as opposed to (how it should be) just existing as a mild administration in which people are Sovereign and not the state, and this  has resulted in the ideological subversion of nations without rigorous Sovereign law. Those that control this hybrid system whether they be statists without the religion ( cult ) or with it are the enemy of natural society.


This is the real world. (link to Chapter 3b and list of paedofiles The revelations of the NXIVM cult and its ongoing scandals see (Amazing Polly) ‘NXIVM Hacked World Leaders!’ (or see the same video here also on bitchute ) and also the former leader of the ‘St John of Gd cult leader’ Joao Teixeira de Faria in Brazil show that trafficking not exists but it is the biggest business in the world and the revelations of the Vatican sex trafficking scandals (see above and below) show that it is an interwoven vice throughout the world most cynically disguised as ‘immigration’ 

Why the media is misleading every day. NXIVM also feature in the documentary 'Out of the Shadows'   (or here again on Youtube or here as a news item  small screen ) See also 'Free Your Mind' Bitchute Channel  Pedogate 2020 in depth exploration. which shows what 'pizzagate really is (  Alabama passes law protecting children from transgender surgery and treatments Hillary Clinton,) & also  Obama and Joe Biden and Richard Branson all implicated in NXIVM cult prosecutions . These people kill children and there is no daily (corona type ) figures counting the millions (over decades) who go missing every week and year.  globally and within Europe  which have increased since 2017 despite world surveillance  (the following link here will take you the list of child trafficking and paedophile crimes uncovered from 2016 fwd, and bookmark this link which will take you back to the Irish elections )  How can so many 'Gnostics' end up as powerful people practising child abuse and tarfficking and murder as part of thier religion ?  

Dr  Mary Creaven said as follows Mary Sheehan in the Independent writes "In the wake of the jailing of online sex predator Kieran Creaven.

Dr Mary Aiken said Creaven, a former RTE producer, used Facebook to prey on girls aged between 14 and 18" (how do so many pedophiles end up in the media big tech or immigration services) Just as there two Sars 2 Covid 19 'types', one only exists in the media and the other is a patented man made virus, the media has misled people on this also, with the prospect of Mandatory vaccinations (an overview here on bitchute from 'we are change' ) also on children (Simon Harris Aug 2019 and Simon Harris here in Sep 2019  and Simon Harris in May 2020  and now the State in October 2020 for mandatory vaccines The vaccines have aborted fetal tissue within them as well as chemicals and high tech nano technology, and Simon Harris and the state makes money from the aborted corpse twice as the abortion count rises in the sudden care and concern to vaccinate them ? from the World Health Organisation and Big Pharma. Corona cases have reduced more without Vaccines in 2020 ? )


The Dublin protest 3.10.2020 Hydroxychloroquine and the MSM and Masks do not Work (Dr Pat Morrissey) 

A protest on the 22.10.2020 against the situation in Ireland and globally is underway.



The Irish Supreme Court has still not altered its opinion (the opinion of the UN United Nations) given on the 7.3.2018, that in effect the Unborn has no rights  which is of course insane. (if a baby fetus is not human then why are its cells scientifically harvested as 'human DNA' ?) This applies to all (obviously)  future generations in the Womb (UCC Code i.e. legally as yet to be born) and is in effect saying they will cease to exist (the 'right to life' removed by abortion) and are building for that certainty right now. In 2010 Ireland sold its country, in 2018 its sold its future generations (depopulation) and also their DNA and now it is criminally selling the rights to that DNA to be also injected back into its children via mandatory vaccinations (still live by Oct 1st 2020 despite budget claims to the contrary amidst new global lockdowns in October 2020 and Vaxx promises & vaxx passports & certificates' and for children without parental permission still very much on in 2021 fwd) mandated by those who introduced the DNA harvesting abortion system. The children (who can be sexually abused in the minds of a few, and which the state believes they own, conveniently also for trafficking) can take their parents to court and change their Gender as children but still abort a baby if their gender is 'changed' ? That is the level of the mindset of the corrupted abnormal, who are 'elected' (in office but not in power, run by 11 MEPs, with no ability to make its own independent trade deals & now owned & controlled by the UN who are pushing the destruction ) into Government in Ireland. This is the 'Technocracy' & Agenda 21 - 30  (i.e. 'Agenda' 2021 & 'Agenda' 2030)


For more information on the Irish elections and Paedophile ring, the Mother and Baby Care homes and its Vaccinations and the 'Tusla the state’s Child and family agency' and the reporting it did not do for abused Children (and  AstraZenaca,Sanofi, Lucent Alcatel, Regeneron and Moderna & China AstraZenaca,Sanofi, Lucent Alcatel, Regeneron and Moderna & China) see Chapter 3b and post to 


(Inserted 2312.2020 The Irish bank debt  2007 - 2011 - 2021 &  ongoing )

In December 2020 Fianna Fail claimed that there had not been a bank bailout in 2010, (under their term in Government) echoing claims that the Tara complex also was not damaged. yet subsequent prosecutions and secret tapes (see Bitchute and 'Anglo Irish banks, and the admittance of a bank bailout in 2007 - 2010' and see the description box for more links)  show clearly that indeed there had been a huge bank bailout. Therefore why did they agree to them (the road destruction and the bailout ?) or here on facebook but taken from the Niall Boyln show and 'Anglo Tapes - The Reality'  (Iceland collectively as people in 1 country all decided not to bail out the banks) The Irish bank bailout is still within the media (MSM) today ? beginning in 2007     (last link bailout timeline)  In March - June 2020 in Germany, a recent German court case or German constitutional court found “In summary the GCC found that a hugely significant part of recent European Central Bank (ECB) monetary activities – some €2.2 trillion of bond purchases – had no legal authority, negating an earlier ECJ ruling. It was saying in effect that whatever the ECJ might rule, if that were against the German constitution, the latter was sovereign, and the ECJ subservient.  see also the 2007 - 2011 & The Tara Protest 2007 - 2011

It is time this illegal and ad hoc debt was  cancelled without conditions



(Link to Chapter 3b and "27.10.2020,  US Elections 3.11.2020 The Demolition of the World’s economy (but set to boom again 2021. To many the US economy seemed as strong as the Hoover Dam."


(see further)   ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign” (added 10.10.2020)


13.04.2021. Proof that the Electorate in Ireland was lied to especially by the Irish Times and Tony O Reilly and Dennis OBrien, and over the abortion refereundum is given by Gript Media "Was Ireland lied to about abortion? | Gript" Of course it was as the increasing need for stem cells research and ingredients for vaccines today (not 40 years ago) to be injected back into people's arms (as the Pope admits and sanctions) continues. The statistics and referendum result like the covid figures were faked and manipulated see A tale of Two January's  (or here also on Brighteon) In the USA the frauds have reached new heights see the US Presidential elections 8.4.2021 This link will take you straight to it 




12.08.2021 Ireland's continuing problems in the continuing dystopia, following the 2020 election (way back on the 8.2.2020) 

8.8.2021 Ireland has been in suspension since the Election of early 2020, with the projected result not to the liking of the incumbent parties. No new general election allowed to reflect the outrage the electorate feel.  Many now stipulate that the voting  system and system of government is defunct, with elections rigged and gerrymandered. A new Sovereign system is preferred without the proxy candidates seeking to hijack the voting system and bring in instead new assemblies where voters can vote in a direct 'democracy' removing the apparatus of the state completely which has systematically removed peoples rights and removed the people from power . It is not so much a failed state as a recognition that the state itself as a concept is the problem and 'democracy' is simply a legal fiction removing the people from power.  For further details see TheSoveriegntyofNations website connected to these two

As in the last post above Ireland was not just lied to over the abortion referendum, but also over the lockdown, social distancing, masks and vaccinations.

In Ireland in 2021 the Euthanasia billl "Dying with Dignity" from October 2020  was defeated originally in October 2020 and now in July 2021 it will make no further progress. (but that is for now as it is in the EU and legal in many US states)  This comes too late for the elderly forced into care homes in the covid hoax, who were murdered  ( and their news website) For a wide range of alternative news in Ireland see the Irish Citizens Journal    The Nursing homes scandal also entered the hospitals and Beaumont Hospital in Dublin which appears to be the epicentre of the vaccine controversy Soviet Ireland: Threatened With Jail For Exposing Vaccination Coercion (Cover pic: Ian Carter CEO)  Beaumont hospital forced Gemma O'Doherty to remove videos of the scandal  (or here again on the matter  but the real reasons are not given as per the facts  Beaumont Hospital Is Telling Staff A Vaccine Banned In 12 Countries Is Going To Save The World  ) They forced Gemma O'Doherty to take down her website (old link is here and her new link is here now ... sometimes the 1st link works also ? and the 2nd does not) which  has now been remade and the Anti- Corruption Ireland website is here   Their onus to fight online child abuse / slavery / trafficking is to remove the paedofiles if they become too obvious, but to then also place everyone under a fake covid passport system, and eventual dining / shopping / banking / online / as apartheid signed into law in Ireland on the 21.07.2021  signed into law by the left ?, but will move to full blown totalitarianism (all nations are forced to sign these bills ?)

And see what occurs when the Taoiseach goes undercover  Exclusive Report: Undercover In Ireland’s Experimental Vaccine Cull Centres

A new Newspaper in the independent press (which  is also sold in Britain ) called the Irish light 

The  truth is the Vaccinated never had a virus and the PCR tests infected in 2020 in Britain with covid help spread the 'disease' (the inventor of the pcr tests said they do not work and are spreaders i.e In April 2020 (31.03.2020) China sent infected PCR testers to Britain  to Britain "infected with Covid ?   from a British Newspaper vanished ? The original article was removed but a fact check from Reuters says it is only half true ? (last link)  Yet the same thing occurred in the USA see article the quoted article here  (and a jpg of the us article here) and then also   Italian Doctors test a Kiwi Fruit positive for COVID-19  and the PCR tests are not taken to a lab or any scientific establishment in the vast majority but do earn £45.00 a pop and which enables diseases to pierce the blood brain barrier. There is no need for covid passports or any further proof of anything (many suspect China  used the PCR tests to spread a disease and this is still going on )

Why is covid not isolated. Again the sars 2 covid 19 which is patented only exists as  computer code in crispr, which is why it cannot be isolated as it does not exist (like co2 global warming although geo-engineering does exist) For instance 2 years ago (see chapter 3a above or chapter 3b ) D.E.W. Direct energy weapons were called a conspiracy theory by CNN .... but now they openly admit they exist 

Vaccinated people are catching covid again and again and not to a lesser extent but many of them are dying ? even the double or treble 'jabbed' are  catching covid again and also later dying. Even SKY NEWS can be suspended by YOUTUBE on 1.8.2021 for pointing out that a Sars 2 covid has never been isolated and/or that people are dying after vaccinations, and catching 'covid' and variants after numerous vaccinations and then also dying, but "anti-vaxxers" are brainwashing people  To date Sars 2 covid 19 only  exists as a patented theoretical Crispr computer DNA/RNA man made patented code see  Dr Sam Bailey and Once Upon a Time in Wuhan  (but it is not just about money or profit) The CDC (the centre for disease control) are saying that vaccinated people are spreading 'covid' and the vaccinated are spreading the delta variant also ? The Guardian reports that most people who die from 'covid' in Britain have had the vaccination   This means logically that the vaccine contains the disease ? as if the vaxxed are dying from people who are unvaxxed, why ? are all the unvaxxed not dying ?  In Ireland Leo Vradaker said in March 2020 that in 3 weeks 66,000 people will die ? see Aisling O'Loughlin interviews Grace-Anne Kelly  and also How can you get Covid fi you are vaccinated  

In Israel also the vast majority of hospitalisations for covid 19 are from people who are vaccinated   (see also 95% Severe Israeli COVID Cases Are Vaxed, White House Admits Blind Trust In CDC & You're Not At Risk  and also Over 100k “Breakthrough Cases” Kept Quiet & CDC Says Vaxed Can Spread Infection Same As Unvaxed  and once again CDC Admits COVID Injections Don't Stop Transmission & Injected Can Spread COVID Just As Easily ) The deception of the green climate change movement and climate lockdowns is just as fake as crypto currencies or digital currencies being one and the same, both controlled by blockchain and AI . They are not opposing each other and cryptos are not a decentralised saviour the banks cannot control, but they are a trojan horse also.

From March 2020 until now Ireland went from 3 weeks to flatten the curve, and then one year later it was said that in 6 months the pandemic will end after the vaccinations, to now you can still get covid if you are vaxxed, and you can pass it on to others even if you are vaxxed ...or you can die  even if vaxxed or if you are double vaxxed ....or now ! the unvaxxed are killing the vaxxed ? even the Independent newspaper in Ireland have noticed and are concerned that vaxxed people are dying of covid ? This depopulation agenda is evident. Transhumanism: The War on Human Nature Two-Tier Society, Vaccine passports & Psychological Manipulation and also see Vaccine passports & Psychological Manipulation and also Variant Factories: The Next Phase is Now Unfolding  In 2020 it was a "conspiracy theory" that covid passports and digital passports were coming in, The Digital Identity: The Population Control Network now its a conspiracy theory if you say they are going to get tighter and more totalitarian or that it was rubbished in 2020 that this was coming ? (and where could it  all lead Vaccinate and then Microchip the Irish (and other nations) like dogs under Covid)

To understand that Masks contain Graphene (the 'black goo' technology) and even nanoparticles and should be banned, never mind put upon children's faces or your own, and even Democrat senators admit the vaccinations have killed millions globally.

Therefore it is the vaccinated who should be separated and the whole proof of vaccinations is to protect the unvaccinated who should be left alone with other methods or natural cures. The contact tracing should be scrapped and those institutions which push apartheid should be sued or boycotted. 

What are the mRNA vaccinations about ? It  says on the box that they are not Vaccinations ? but mRNA injections ? so what do they do to your cells Nucleus ? see


Dr Charles Hoffe, How the mRNA injections change you Physically & Spiritually (The Strong Delusion)  and for the documentary called the strong delusion see the adjacent website The Sovereignty of Nations  


Lisa Shaw the BBC presenter it has now been confirmed died from the "vaccine" or see here from Gemma Doherty whilst in Ireland it has also been confirmed that  23 YEAR OLD PRO SOCCER PLAYER Roy Butler KILLED BY VACCINE INDUCED BRAIN BLEED, and  the Rev Jesse Jackson who has caught 'covid' after being fully vaccinated and was hospitalised again suggesting that the vaccine itself has a disease within

Protests in Ireland and in many countries globally including 8 million in France. Protests in Ireland on the end of July 2021 (from the Irish Enquiry ) reached huge numbers of 20,000 people (but  the press of course said only 1000 etc) France is seeing protests of 8 million people (or here on youtube Anti-Lockdown protest continues across Europe | COVID-19 restrictions | World News | WION ) and also HUGE: The Massive Uprising In France Has Begun!  where it is now in civil war as of May 2021   (continued on 8.8.2021 in France and Italy where vaccination centres have been destroyed ) Highlighting the Hypocrisy regarding lockdowns it's one rule for the peasants and one rule for the elites with Summit News and Paul Joseph Watson "Us and Them"     (England massive anti-covid protest in England 24.07.2021 )


Sovereign people want their Sovereign nations back

and they want to be on the other side of the Dail gates (Irish government) not in the street marching in circles but to take their country back to run its currency and remove all corruption. For more information see the very end of chapter  6   (or link to the end and scroll up  and see the posts 13 dated 11.05.2021 & 14 dated 8.8.2021)

Sovereignty in Ireland is usually ascribed to Ireland's Golden age ( 550 bc to 550 ad)  when in fact the rights and laws of Sovereignty are inalienable rights extending back to time immemorial, they cannot be removed. Ireland owes much  to its oral histories which were later preserved by chronicles and also by pagans and monks. Another benefactor to Ireland's historical knowledge was Cormac Mac Airt Ireland's first Christian Chieftain who lived around 200 ad. On the hill of Tara another area synonymous with Sovereignty one of the ring forts is named after him, known as 'Teach Cormac' (the House of Cormac)  Teamhair na Ri and the Fort of the Kings or Raith na Riogh originally only had one circle but Cormac Mac Airt the 2nd (making an almost figure of 8 image) later. Further details are here He lived nearly 200 years before St Patrick and there were Christians in Ireland long before Cormac Mac Airt. His Christian beliefs are told in T W Rollestons book "Celtic, Myths and Legends"   (or here again to view  or here once more around page 66 ) Featuring Queen Mebh or Maeve on the front cover. Cormac Mac Airts faith is almost erased in the modern free press, but it also gets a mention at the very end of wikipedia 

Cormac Mac Airt codified the Brehon law. Another reason he is significant is he codified the oral Brehon Law (the common law of the land) but also because he delivered a Judgement  which stopped disaster continuing on the Hill of Tara and throughout Ireland (war and hardships etc) The Senchus Mor and the Book of Aicill give further details of this mammoth task

The incumbent Chieftain Lugaid mac Con at Tara, (just before Cormac Mac Airt) was building new forts near to where Rath Grainne is today. (Near the centre of the hill of Tara) They are known today as the 'Sloping Trenches' which is a way of saying  they are not fit for purpose, but why and how they became  as such is the story of Cormac Mac Airt. (as collected in the Dindshenchas (Place Name Stories, c. 12th century) When construction began and as they continued they must have seemed sound but later Lugaid's false judgement on a dispute forced him to abdicate, and caused one side of his Royal house to collapse, thereby explaining the unusual shape of the "Clo'enfherta" or Sloping Trenches which are literally now at an angle of about 40 degrees. When Cormac entered Tara, he is confronted by a woman complaining about a judgement, meted out to her by the reigning King of Tara , Lugaid mac Con. Lugaid judged that the sheep which accidentally entered the Queens woad field (woad was used to Dye skin and clothes a valuable commodity) should be  kept as payment for the intrusion and loss of woad. As soon as Lugaid gave this judgement the forts and rings began to collapse and slide down the collapsed trenches, which was seen as a disaster waiting for the whole land in macrocosm, not just in microcosm for the King and Tara. Tara was considered a nation, or a fifth province within the four as a  central barometer and instigator of how a nation functions. Cormac having entered Tara to observe the concerns and unusual land movements at once gave a counter judgement  " Cormac rose up before the people and said, "Nay, but let the wool of the sheep, when they are next shorn, be given to the Queen, for the woad will grow again and so shall the wool." Benna who owned the sheep was wealthy, but the Judgement  established that loss should not mean destitution and the law could be fair whether it was for the Chieftain or Ban RI (Queen) or for the subjects. For the rich or the  poor. Cormac declared Lugaids judgement as false- the correct verdict being that one shearing of the sheep's wool would be a proper fine for the loss of one year's harvest. This judgement of Truth led to Cormac being recognised as the rightful King of Tara.

A Chieftains Sovereignty depended upon Justice  for all The Kingship of Tara ( Kingship of the Celtic Ireland ) was based on the universal concepts of Kings ruling peacefully, prosperously in truth and honour. Early Irish texts on these qualifications simply placed them into one sentence or saying as 'Fi'r Flathemon' or the Justice of the Ard Ri or Chieftain. After the fairer Judgement the sloping trenches stopped sliding (in macro and micro) and they can be viewed to this  day.  This is the spirit behind the law just  as the 10 commandments are  the summary of the 613 laws of the Old Testament, the Brehon law extends back to those days.

Tara in 2007 and 60 sites surrounding it and connected to it on the M3 motorway route was purposely targeted for destruction The eventual route was the longest and most unnatural route (a large snake like route longer than the original by double the length) which hit 60 sites in its path which were preserved by record 'under Tarmac'(the same situation today in the M4 Collooney to Castlebaldwin new road and  the connected  Knock to Collooney Road. An area of the Tuatha de Danann. The NRA national roads authority and the archaeology depts are in fact one and the same ? )  In the 2007 - 2013 Tara M3 road, despite numerous court cases and one in which the Government actually breached their own Heritage protection order. showing they have no validity or right to govern Lawfully. Not long after these cases (March 2008)  the Irish economy collapsed in mid 2008 into 2013. 'The sloping sides' approach was taken with disastrous results. 


For further details on why the Government were defeated see The Tara Protest 2007 - 2011  & 'Cormac Mac Airt'


The Irish Supreme Court still believes the Unborn have no rights

except the right to be  born ? but in reality the right to die. But inalienable rights all begin at conception whether you are religious or not. If a bill to allow a 'death with dignity' fails (see the beginning of this section) then Euthanasia must be seen as wrong. Yet at the other end of a life the elderly begin to exist at conception and the unborn  do not have 'death  with dignity' or any say in their death which  is murder. The UN pushes abortion as a right because it does not recognise the unborn at all. It regards "humans" as dead in the water and as cargo whether it  is "berthed" (birthed) or not. This is your 'standing, status & agency' from conception to death in the law of the sea (UCC) Uniform Commercial Code. (the law you stand under if you do not claim  inalienable rights which is a higher law than UCC (but you are  never told this) and common law based in eternity from time immemorial is the law, the Supreme Court is dealing with legal  fictions and legalese to entrap those applying to consent  to them. Of course the conceived child does not consent and the parent waives its rights and their rights in legal chicanery. In Common law a human has rights which cannot be removed from conception see  and within it UCC Uniform Commercial Code known as Maritime Admiralty law   or a 2nd link here if Video fails to play   The Film is also here as an MP 4 file to download  

 The abortion referendum is / was not LAWFUL

See also the World Economic  Forum / WEF and (abriged version) "The Very Idea of Humans as some sort of natural concept is going to change"  MP 4 file  or longer version here The Video from the WEF is here in full (Video 70 A ) The UN says "Human concept as Natural will Change" (World Economic Forum, Great reset)  This philosophy in the 2020 - 2025 Great Reset  encapsulates the United Nations statement  who redefined "what it means to be Human"   (applicable to the Unborn and those who are born, but 'dead in the water' which means you) on the 30.05.2018 just in time for Ireland's "abortion" referendum  

The Irish Supreme Court (note not a Sovereign Court) should stand down and resign. 






Irish Elections (cont'd from 8.2.2020) New Documentary exposes the Irish abortion referendum in 2018.

Ireland as a trafficking hub in Pandora papers, All central banks to have Digital carbon currency soon. Pope Francis as with Pope Benedict prosecuted and arrest warrant issued.

Gemma Doherty and Dr Andrew Wakefield expose Big Pharma and the experimental mRNA injections and the deaths and injuries. 5g deemed unsafe by Huawei and others.

Turkey going Bankrupt and the USA also as the middle class is being removed Globally


The documentary is a shocking expose showing how Big Tech and the MSM intervened and meddled for the yes vote (for abortion) when their campaign was lost  in Ireland. Whether it is children who are alive and who are then sexually abused, or in the womb and cut open and killed "children's rights" are non existent in the law of the sea uniform commercial code assessment of citizens and state rights, as opposed to Common law rights which are inalienable sovereign rights see 

1. Documentary   IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life   2. Facebook   Trailer on Facebook    3. The Life Institute  Full Film page 


Backed by the criminal press Denis O'Brien media mogul in Ireland and connection to the Clinton foundation responsible for the ‘abortion’ (invented in the press)  that never was ‘Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened’  Abortion tissue needed for vaccinations (srums grown on stems cells) to inject into the donating population and in turn connected to the contact tracers, and the documentary exposes the lies surroudning the death of  Savita Halappanavar. Since 2018 (see info at the end of this post) there have been 13.5 thousand abortions 7000 a year, or 600 per month, 150 per week, but the pro choice lobby said abortions would be rare ? Should the referendum be nullified as a crime, with its now established connected to Big Pharma

Human diploid cells in the vaccines. Pope Francis confirms "baby DNA" is in the experimental vaccines  (and see link no 84 above and others) but  this is then denied by a Roman Catholic news Channel  EWTN  (EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network who campaigned on pro - life issues) However Veritas have also confirmed that infant human remains are in the vaccines and which was confirmed by Pfizer to Veritas  Further EWTN are not keen to comment on these issues as Vannessa Gelman Pfizer's lead researcher runs away when asked about the baby dna in vaccines the Pope approves of,  also the Dr stanley Plotkin deposition confirms that recent aborted fetal tissue is used in 2018 (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video or You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins in here Today the Vatican has issued Green passports on Covid but if you are a paedophile priest you can hide out there without prosecution.(for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) And the CDC now admit aborted fetal parts are in vaccines

It is incredible that the pro - choice pro abortion campaign of "my body my choice" does not apply  to vaccine mandates ?? EWTN campaigned in the Irish abortion referendum which revealed baby parts sold by Planned Parenthood ? but cannot accept that those parts are in Vaccines ? see Babies body parts & Vaccines part 1  and see part 2 also Babies body parts & Vaccines part 2 (The root of the word vaccine in the Latin is "cow" in the  bovine  sense, a cow being an animal or beast but domesticated)

 The double vaccinated can still catch Covid at home with other double vaccinated ?   (see all in last post above dated 11.11.2021 ) &   The new injections called 'gene therapy' it is really changing your RNA / DNA 4.   CEO of Big Pharma Bayer "mRNA vaccines are an example of cellular gene therapy"  (this is Transhumanism as a religion / 'apotheosis')

The full (sickening) list of  Vaccine and/or mRNA injection ingredients and just how many shots a baby is expected to take these days Dr. Christiane Northrup: COVID-19 VAXXX Ingredients. Variants info also Gregory Mannarino and Dr. Travis Harding talk Covid19 - Blows the roof off of everything!


Ireland exposed in the pandora papers

Ireland The Pandora papers are connected to Ireland, which has issued an  urgent review of its 12.5 % double Irish tax offer to corporations. (the double Irish tax rate is explained here amidst corporations wanting to remain 0% tax and moving to areas that allow this) and corporations with a distinctively communist / communitarian philosophy want to commit to "you will own nothing and be happy" in the great reset, 4th industrial revolution technocracy

More papers are released in the Pandora papers  Previous releashed papers known as the Panama papers were released in 2016 naming Mossack Fonseca, and in which Daphne Caruana a connected journalist was killed  Other papers are the Paradise papers also in 2016  Collectively they relate to offshore banking More revelations of the Bahamas leaks covering decades are also connected and see also the Distributed Denial of Secrets   ( International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - ICIJ ) More information can be found at the end of Chapter 6  (and scroll up) and the connections to pornhub and mindgeekLarge fortunes of traffickers have been exposed but it just the tip of the iceberg (see also chapter 6 below) Porn hub and Mindgeek are being  sued for direct trafficking and placing the victims into videos  Porn Hub exposed also in the Pandora papers 


Pope Francis ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio ) arrest warrant

see Sarah Westall International Court Issues Indictment Against Pope Francis, mRNA Death Surge Begins w/ Kevin Annett

or here also as for the same podcast and a online blog record of events    or here again once more   or also available on Twitter  and also Kevin Annetts book  "unrelenting" on how they toppled Pope Benedict     (and also the wider scandals r.e. Vatican bank and the cash flow which is occurring in every parish globally) 

In 2013 Pope Benedict  ( Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger XVI )  was forced out of the Holy Roman Vatican office on 28.02.2013 by the International Common Law court (Kevin Annet ) set up to prosecute crimes against humanity and children. Pope Benedict also lives in the Vatican where he has diplomatic immunity, or as others state he is still hiding out in the Vatican. This Autumn Pope Francis ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio ) was also named, (01.11.2021 and an arrest warrant issued) and also for crimes in Argentina (in the 'dirty war' ) before he was Pope (up to 30,000 people died) and for trafficking and covering up paedophilia and crimes against Children. The revelations of mass graves in Canada's indigenous people carried out by the Catholic Church   (Kevin Annet "Murder by decree" )

The IICSA Independent Child Sexual Abuse report into the Anglican Church (towards the end of 2020 into a final report into 2022) with the 'Vatileaks' scandal also connected 

The trafficking agreement between Pope Francis and Syria (Bashar Hafez al-Assad) to bomb and then traffic Syrians into the West has already been exposed. An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”    (Truly Shocking and the vast trafficking sex slave/charity refugee scam and the billions made from them) Also pushed by the United Nations.) In WW2 "rat lines" were established helping victims escape persecution including many Jews through the Vatican system. What we are not told is that from 1929, these were trafficking lines which continue to this day. (the world fastest growing business = slavery trafficking especially in the great reset see the adjacent website and chapter 6  of a few resets in history) Many innocent victims in Syria, but all a part of 'WW3' which was foretold by General Albert Pike (buried in washington who accurately described WW1 and WW2 before they began ) as being against in essence everyone, except the 0.5%  Annett

Kevin Annett explains that 'an apology' in the law of the sea / canon law 'legalese', is a legal term which means "we did nothing, we are not sorry and are not liable"  And shows also that the m RNA vaccine rollout is connected to the Vatican.  Following the Popes unconcern for vaccinating people with aborted fetal tissue / dna, Archbishop Carlo Vigano contradicted the Pope see "We Are At War, A War That Is Not Openly Declared" Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

The next people to be trafficked are you and your family (see Chapter 6 and towards the end as the system develops within the removal of all private property as the great reset / fascist communist manifesto as in Gibralter who are 118% vaccinated but still catching 'covid' omicron ) via the new digital currency every Central bank nation is bringing in, after the main 3 (ECB Euro, USA Federal Reserve, Bank of England)  began its journey in the summer 2021. "Carbon for credit" behavioural control and which also Bitcoin will be a part of also as it was invented by the CIA not a decentralised rebel alternative against the system, but which brings the sceptical into the carbon for credit scam one way or another instead of keeping  cash in your sovereign treasuries by  2022 - 2025 see Ice Age Farmer who lists every digital currency in every central bank (basically nearly all) and their 2022 announcements see 1. Central Banks launch Digital Currencies - Perfect Technocratic Control  and no 2. Global Central Bank Digital Currency Roll Out 2022  & connected to it (and also to the mRNA DNA changing vaccine is) EU's Plan to Replace Farms - CITIES2030 - Digital Twin of Food Supply  controlled by AI & AGI data which can analyse everyone's face / image on earth in 90 seconds i.e all 7 .5 billion  (all a part or removing governments which is totally apparent in Ireland and there is no use voting for any of the political parties who act as a proxy vote to steal your say in running your country = THE DAIL and SENATE Why are  there not 4 - 5 million people having their say, instead of giving a proxy vote to useless politicians who then vote their way for themselves and not you. Cut out the middleman ) Fit for 55 %, the green EU deconstruction / demolition of the economies of the west began in WW2.  Today via "fit for 55" (in the Great Reset)  and it's more accurate description by William Engdahl  and also See 17/18.11.2021 Controlled Destruction Underway, Federal Reserve Grand Plan, Inflation, More w/ Andy Schectman 1of 2


Court deems 5G unsafe  (Huawei & Telco) 

"‘Historic Win’ by Children's Health Defense in Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless"   5G rolled out despite schools closing  and sending children home and  many strange illnesses occurring. (and vaccinated people in the new mRNA gene changing experiment are vulnerable with no immune system especially. In Israel the triple vaxxed are catching the new coronavirus variant, 'Omicron', and it is considering its stance with China, fears that China could weaponsise the technology are now realised in the USA, and the company is banned in Britain  Huawei are controlled by the Chinese communist party who enslave their citizens in the hi tech social credit system. Huawei and others are helped by Telco.


Vaccine deaths and Injuries

Consider the following for lawsuits In 1995 The US Government Admitted To Experiments Done On Its Own Citizens Via Injections (Essentially the public through sovereign international courts can bypass the 'indemnity' and take all the money Big Pharma has from them (plus lawsuits against .Bill Gates, Trump Biden, Fachi & 'DR Tedros' and even against the UN and WHO) An apology is a legalese trick (legal but not lawful) to forgo prosecution)

As of October 2021 there were 13,000 + abortions in Ireland, (since the referendum as mentioned) or 7000 a year, or 600 per month, 150 per week, but the pro choice lobby said abortions would be rare ? Most are not pro choice when it comes to 'vaccinations' as they are paid by the same corporations who want the stem cells, and the human remains of aborted babies as it is big business. Injections serums are grown on the stem cells and remains of aborted  carcasses, and the DNA is harvested for profit and all is then injected into your cells to help them bond into for  very nefarious purposes.  Dr. Andy Wakefield: mRNA Not A Vaccine, It’s Genetic Engineering and an interview with Dr Wakefield and Gemma Doherty 

Solicitors in Ireland who are offering legal advice are 1. Tracey O' Mahony and Neil O'Mahony   (or here once again)  and also Moloney & Co. Solicitors | Personal Injury Experts in Naas & Dublin   and see also TheSoveriegntyofNations website 

This is the incredible and insane plan for a new slavery from the collectivist left dystopia whether you believe it or not  (100% JABBED) GIBRALTAR ... [CROWN COLONY PETRI DISH ?] ... 'CANCELS CHRISTMAS' !!! and here also mRNA 2 GMO [Patented] HUMANS ... YES! (Welcome To The 4th Industrial Revolution!)

A link to the adjacent website and the many deaths and injuries of the mRNA experimental injection which contain newly harvested baby DNA human diploid cells central to the Abortion referendum. The Irish Supreme Court has still not recognised Humans as a valid concept or babies in the womb as directed by the United Nations for babies and adults  In Common law a human has rights which cannot be removed from conception.  The United Nations redefines what it means to be human. (statement)  who redefined "what it means to be Human"  echoing the WEF World Economic Forum "The Very Idea of Humans as some sort of natural concept is going to change"  MP UN / WEF Humans must change Video file   These are the real reasons for abortion referendums and connected policies. (i.e.You and your children are worthless they believe) See the last post dated 18.12.2021 above as this is not found in Brehon law or Common law the Sovereign law of Ireland. A population (the people) need to be disarmed first (by the state) and then its Sovereign rights removed, but as they are inalienable rights existing before all other legalisms, then they exist with or without public enforcement or without the state.


USA bankrupt as is Turkey in the collectivist Great Reset, 4th industrial revolution

What people are not being told is Biden the fake US President has sold 30% of all US cities real estate to China as well as large areas of farmland. The US Federal Reserve is letting this occur as Blackrock buys all it can also, as well as moving into China's market drawing criticism from George Soros This is the great reset as even SME's middle class landlords are being regulated out of the market . China's Evergrande crisi is set to spread globally but the Chinese communist party will not worry about that as they ( i.e The Chinese state buy up the world behind Blackrock) Huge warzone riots in california. Turkey's Lira collapsed in November into December   The US staved of bankruptcy (on 3.12.2021 ) until 15.12.2021 by selling US Oil reserves for cash (like the real estate in cities) not just to stabilize prices but to keep the USA running before bankruptcy  The last time the US went bankrupt was in 1999 (its 3rd and final time in truth) resulting in the Federal Reserve becoming the total government and the setting up of the 5 star fund (to funnel into the UN as 'sustainable development ) see the aadjacent website and the post dated 27.05.2021 in the top section  & heading "United Nations removes Sovereignty & Sergeant Robert Horton" Many see bankruptcy as a good thing if the USA then comes under the US Sovereign Constitution and not the Great Reset and China. This is the plan for all nations.




3.2.2022 (from 21.01.2022)

Irish Independence day 21.01.2022, under the Sovereign Harp and Ireland Supreme court cases

(Ireland's election from February 2020 contd) 


Ireland on the 21st January 2022 held its 'Turning of the Sovereign Seal' or the turning of the Harp.  (last link at the end mentions the requirement to turn the seal for license to operate Government) It is held in the Mansion House in Dublin   The first Dail (De Facto Government) was held on the 19th January 1921 to declare Ireland's Independence. In 2021 the internal meeting ceremony for the turning of the seal was not allowed in the Mansion House due to covid 19 ? yet in 2022 a larger crowd gathered to watch the ceremony take place. Yet was the harp seal turned within the building as required. In 2021 it was turned outside in a different location. The Irish constitution mentioned 'under God' as opposed to an ideology in which (it states) we pray. Common law is inalienable and not just for liberty but for Sovereignty (for further details see the adjacent website ) What is not known is that the seal if not turned then this little ceremony can shut down all civil state activity in Ireland  It is in fact the government, ie. the real government of men and women not 'persons' i.e The people, who confer Sovereignty onto the government to operate. Elected (proxy) politicians in the Dail are not the 'government', and neither are agencies or state institutions who proclaim regulations and rules, the people are the Government and the Dail does not grant you sovereignty once they take their seats. This is especially so under the corporation of the EU which without now international commercial law is itself (with the new digital system in place built upon the green passport system) under the UN Rules based international order. 

Ireland has Common law courts in operation  but they operate De Facto and not De Jure and without common law as sovereign law and instead apply EU regulations or now the UN rules based order. They can (and should everyday) apply common law and as public servants they should swear allegiance to their oath via the constitution which is itself  (Padraig Pearse referred as under God in his 1916 proclamation of independence at the General Post  Office in 1916) in place only because of Natural law from Ireland's common law which reaches back to the Brehon laws and the Old Testament as flesh and blood Men and Woman (not persons) with inalienable rights. If they are not acting under common law then they are not REAL but legal fictions.

The Irish Supreme Court (with Harp emblem) has to operate under Sovereign common law. The other courts are viable or REAL because the Sovereign Harp seal was turned (not because the state recognises them) marking another year ( many countries have their equivalents) but also to apply Sovereign Law. The Harp appears on all Civil service papers or communications or should.The Harp is more than just a symbol it is the REAL flag of Ireland  and in antiquity to the present day from King David (the four pictures or images in the last link show the 4 pictures with the Harp flag first and then next the Ark of the Covenant and the Lion and Unicorn x 2) and it was recognised De Jure as itself  Sovereign  and which can be read about in full from the following book  The book the "Irish Harp Emblem" or within this PDF outline of the lesser known attributes of the Harp  

Gemma O'Doherty and John Waters took a High Court injunction / judicial review against Covid restrictions.... " John Waters and Gemma O'Doherty's appeal against a refusal to permit them to challenge the constitutionality of laws introduced in response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been dismissed. They had appealed the High Court’s refusal to permit the two to bring their challenge and its award of costs of that hearing against them.In their judicial review proceedings against the State and the Minister for Health, with the Dail. Seanad and Ceann Comhairle as notice parties, the appellants had sought to have various legislative measures declared unconstitutional and flawed"  They were granted leave to appeal in April / May  2021 which failed and they were ordered to pay costs, but in November 2021 their appeal was granted to appeal in the Supreme Court  On January 26th 2022 a date was set for this hearing which may take place on March 15th 2022.

Supreme court  hearing date set March 15th 2022.The court in reality does not recognize Gemma ODoherty or John Waters as real people only their straw men (or woman) persons in BLOCK capitals (and the covid restrictions are eased temporarily now but which did not have LAW to operate in the first instance) it is a De facto court with profit as a consideration yet these are matters of human life as also in the Criminal court. It believes the state owns its children (not the parents) and it has still not recognized a fetus as having the right to life (beginning at conception) as a man or woman only as a person which is in any case 'dead in the water' (legalsese term). Further to this the De Facto Dail refused to vote to give a fetus pain relief when it was aborted (on 15th .12.2021)  and abortion in any case is murder. and it is about everyone who is Sovereign i.e. you (naturally from birth)

The Irish Supreme Court still believes the Unborn have no rights (the Unborn has no rights ) except the right to be  born ? but in reality the right to die. But inalienable rights all begin at conception whether you are religious or not. If a bill to allow a 'death with dignity' fails (see the beginning of this section) then Euthanasia must be seen as wrong. Yet at the other end of a life the elderly begin to exist at conception and the unborn  do not have 'death  with dignity' or any say in their death which  is murder.In Ireland in 2021 the Euthanasia bill "Dying with Dignity" from October 2020  was defeated originally in October 2020 and now in July 2021 it will make no further progress. (but that is for now as it is in the EU and legal in many US states) This philosophy in the 2020 - 2025 Great Reset  encapsulates the United Nations statement  who redefined "what it means to be Human"   (applicable to the Unborn and those who are born, but 'dead in the water' which means you) on the 30.05.2018 just in time for Ireland's "abortion" referendum. Human diploid cells in the vaccines. Pope Francis confirms "baby DNA" is in the experimental vaccines  but  this is then denied by a Roman Catholic news Channel  EWTN  (EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network who campaigned on pro - life issues) However Veritas have also confirmed that infant human remains are in the vaccines and which was confirmed by Pfizer to Veritas  Further EWTN are not keen to comment on these issues as Vannessa Gelman Pfizer's lead researcher runs away when asked about the baby dna in vaccines the Pope approves of,  also the Dr Stanley Plotkin deposition confirms that recent aborted fetal tissue is used in 2018 (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video or You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins in here Today the Vatican has issued Green passports on Covid but if you are a pedophile priest or layman you can hide out there without prosecution (for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) And the CDC now admit aborted fetal parts are in vaccines It is incredible that the pro - choice pro abortion campaign of "my body my choice" does not apply  to vaccine mandates ?? or even REAL babies conceived in the womb, and mothers could receive vaccinations from their dead children in theory (the Stanley Plotkin deposition revealed that in 2018 76 babies were harvested and not from the 1973 era. This continues every year, even as Ulster closes its doors on an abortion provider 

No pain relief for babies in abortions. The fact the Dail (which need not be obeyed) voted to not give a baby pain relief during its agony in abortion is a shameful and disgusting mindset and position to take in order to provide Big pharma new stem cells which are not polluted by pain relief chemicals for profit as an indicator of what the 'Irish Dail' and all the political parties within it are ready to do to the Irish nation and its people. The abortion referendum travesty is beyond belief.  By April 2021, 13,243 abortions had been registered which is not what was put across by the better together pro choice agenda, and which is state sponsored murder as it climbs to 20,000 (but no lockdown panic for these deaths)  

(for more information and also relating to this, see the adjacent website the Sovereignty of Nations and REAL NATURAL law with new post dated 3.2.2022 also ) It is  a terrible Judgement on a nation which cannot protect its babies or elderly in care homes as occurred in 2020 - 2022 (see posts above) 

Therefore if the Supreme Court now feels that covid restrictions were unconstitutional as they are now in effect a de facto policy & defunct  (in Gemma and Johns hearing or elsewhere) and as the attached requirement to be vaccinated was apart of the covid system with chemicals and baby parts, then it should also rule that the abortion referendum was unconstitutional and that it should be overturned (as it now certain it was rigged that is beside the Big Tech interference IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life   2. Facebook   Trailer on Facebook    3. The Life Institute  Full Film page ) and that now it should rule that Babies have the right to life from conception, in the womb and after birth, and the right not be aborted in Ireland as they are Human baby men and woman and not 'redefined humans' or 'persons'  ( as in UN rules based law) and which should be changed by and to sovereign law which should also apply to adults who are (in common law sovereign courts)  REAL Sovereign people in natural law. This then would be a Sovereign Common law reality (if the nation is Sovereign as people intended, & as it turned the seal on 21.01.2022) as it should be. Otherwise it is not a Court under the Harp and it should stand down  with immediate effect  (shameful)


this post added above 3.2.2022



Added below on the 08.07.2022 The Irish Elections contd.....

The Irish Supreme court and US Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade and Sovereign Common Law rights. Gemma O'Doherty and John Waters 

Roe v Wade US Supreme Court Ruling June 24th 2022. The reaction to the decision in the USA. Sovereign rights are above the constitution and be wary as Trump was an abortionist and Biden was once pro-life. The US Supreme Court has ruled effectively that it had no say in determining if if anyone should get an abortion in 1973 (Roe versus Wade) as there was never a constitutional right to abortion (killing life)  "The Constitution neither outlaws abortion nor legalizes abortion," Judge Kavanaugh wrote. Now states can decide if abortions are legal (but not Lawful you will note as it is killing) Yet Murder is banned in the individual states now. Further the woman behind the controversy in 1973 was Norma MCCorvery aka Jane Roe  Roe Lied About Being Raped, Admitted On Live TV and who also had a deathbed confession  Roe Vs. Wade: Jane Roe - Deathbed Confession  & the baby in question from 1970 -1973  "ABC News Exclusive: 'Baby Roe' breaks her silence" (Doctors have no right to remove life at the end of life or the beginning) 

These were / are the same kind of emotional tricks which were applied to the Irish abortion referendum in 2018 with even an invention of an abortion and invented dead woman thrown into the melting pot of deception starting in 2013 from the Irish Times Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened The rest of the deception and media deception and alteration of voting polls in real time carried out by 'Big Tech' is told in the paragraphs above in the documentary 'Irelands fall The Abortion Deception' (or here once more IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life   2. Facebook   Trailer on Facebook    3. The Life Institute  Full Film page ) 26 states in the USA will ban abortion to begin with. The conceived child does not consent (and the parent waives its rights and their rights in legal chicanery) In Common law a human has rights which cannot be removed from conception, the referendum is/was not lawful. In  the USA since Roe v Wade (the US midterm elections here with new post dated 7.7.2022) 

The pro-choice campaign said that abortions would rare, safe and reliable.

Since 1973, 1.5 Billion abortions have occurred globally, and over 50 million in the USA (some estimates say 66 million in the USA) In Ireland 23,000 babies have been murdered by the State, the biggest loss of life since the Irish famine since the Irish abortion referendum on the 25.05.2018. The date is important as the Irish Supreme Court on the 7th March 2018 stated in its (or an imposed ) Judgement (last link, Gráinne Ní Aodha,The Journal 'What the 'unborn' ruling means for the Eighth Amendment referendum' 8.3.2018)  All of these untruths (propaganda) mounted up into an agenda not a care for anyone's life including Savita Halappanavar who did not die from having a baby and would not have done so if she had the baby as testified in the film by those in the hospitals in the documentary above (Ireland's fall) Yet hysteria was generated over this emotive but misplaced agenda without the truth. The Irish couple who were told their baby was disabled but was actually fully healthy and normal and had an abortion on this advice, will receive damages. (they are still devastated) Yet the disabled baby (as thought ) had the right to life in any case and rights beyond the rights to life (as we all do ) The baby cannot receive damages now, but its damages was the right to life and more.

" THE SUPREME COURT has clarified that the unborn has no constitutional rights beyond the right to life," & also in the same Judgement "If the previous ruling had been upheld, which stated that the unborn had rights beyond the right to life, it would have caused confusion for the proposed referendum on repealing or retaining the Eighth Amendment, legal experts had argued. It may also have had significant implications for how the Constitution is implemented" Of course it would. The US Supreme Court has now said it has no rights to define or undefine what is life, as the Irish Supreme did also . Further both do not mention but obviously the US Supreme Court has recognized LAW (not legalties such as condoning baby DA cultures being placed into vaccines and condoned by the Vatican, & see posts above) which gives the right to Men & Woman (not 'PERSONS' in capitals see vid near the end below) and the unborn a right to life in common law. If this (which cannot be removed as inalienable rights) is removed it is Murder. This was not explained by the Irish Supreme Court. 

Further prior to the Irish Referendum and from 1994 to 2017, the UN 'population division' took it upon themselves to be a global watchdog for abortion 'Since the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, the legal grounds for obtaining an abortion have become less restrictive in many countries' .(UN pdf World Population Poilices 2017  page 1 ) The UN works with the World Health Organisation and GAVI (the global vaccine alliance, showing a conflict of interest in the baby parts and organs and Flesh cultures to grow vaccines from aborted fetus) On November 15th 2018 moved by the Irish referendum 'result' the UN declared 'abortion and assisted sucidie' as a Universal Human Right  having declared 6 months earlier on May 30th 2018  'The UN Redefines What It Means to Be a ‘Human’ only 5 days after the Irish abortion referendum on 25.05.2018. The Irish Supreme Court knowingly assisted this process to dehumanise (literally) the unborn and in effect everyone to alter their Sovereign rights from Human to non human status much like GMO (genetically modified foods) are rebranded not as food but as a product and then it can be patented and owned having no human rights. This is against nature and rights from the beginning of time. Not just a pseudo (fake) philosophical issue but a lucrative trade within the UN and big Pharma. Watch the recent briefing on pandemics and abortion from 'dr Tedros' and Dr Ryan at the WHO World Health Organisation' ON the PLANDEMIC(S) & OTHER EMERGENCIES (WORLD HELLTH ORGANIZATION, MEDIA BRIEFING, Jun 29, 2022

It is clear in Ireland that these Sovereign human rights are not understood or a pretense exists that they do not exist (or are avoided as in 'legalese' or non sense the court needs to make money see the adjacent website the Sovereignty of Nations ) a constitution does not abridged or replace Sovereign human rights without which the constitution would not exist and the constitution of Ireland makes a reference to God and those Sovereign human rights. This is made very clear (a lack of understanding ) in the following article by Gript MediaEXPLAINING THE SUPREME COURT’S LOCKDOWN RULING ' John MCQIRK July 6th 2022 and "We should, in fact, be grateful to the court: If the Irish courts were truly “corrupt”, as some have alleged, then they could easily have used this very weak case as a pretext to uphold the lockdown in full, precluding any future legal challenges to similar laws. But they have not done so, so nothing in yesterday’s ruling, or any prior ruling in this case, precludes a more comprehensive legal challenge to similar laws being taken at a later date" They had in fact presented full evidence but they missed the point of the court system. (such as 'my body my choice' for mRNA gene therapy experimental vaccines) If a private entity or the state choose a building and hangs a sign on it, as a court or even a supreme court, and simply devise a new language only understood to themselves (legalese ) and charge's money in fines (or percentage of business loss/gain) as the purpose of the law, then it is hardly a court of the law, and anyone could do this. In common law many of these cases have no crime or fault ? This is what passes for the law around the world.  but see below

Lockdowns or similar are not Laws but legalese. The right to travel and go about your business is THE LAW. the state is not the LAW (as the Vatican or UN is not the LAW) just as a baby has the right to life with or without any issuance from the Supreme Court. (The Pandemic Treaty is in draft in full as intended by 1.8.2022) People can travel or move around with or without any ruling by the Supreme Court. Whether it is a later date or a previous date the Supreme Court does not have the right . People are above the state and legal 'laws' are a legal fiction. A simple example of this from an Australia court is here (3 minutes 57 seconds long) which highlights the difference between Common law and Admiralty maritime law  (in the Melbourne Magistrate Court) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro .or here as an MP 4 FILE (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4 File ) (or once again a longer version here ) The Law is for the poor also it does not require thousands to (in any currency to administer) or a periwig or black cape, or any class status to be considered equal beyond Plato or Voltaire. (the poor are just as learned as Plato or Voltaire etc and the common law is simple and plain and applies fully to and for them under God and the common law is above not below ) The woman in the film (last link) had no crime to answer for and or fee or fine to pay like Gemma O'Doherty or John Waters. (unless they consented to have their trust administered by the court) The common law is not 'lenient' as rape and murder carry life sentences or worse.

The case that Gemma O'Doherty and John Waters took was a Judicial review against Covid measures (regulations and 'principles' but not Law in Irish or any nations laws) Under the Aarhus Convention and point 3 anyone can take a Judicial review free of charge (some states try to limit the spending but that is not the convention) as access to Justice. (The Aarhus convention does not work under Sovereign common law which already allowed for Judicial review of any legality or regulation built into its Law. It suggests that the law does not need to reach that stage if applied properly )The public are led to believe that these measures were to protect  the health of its citizens ( PERSONs) who are not MEN & WOMAN as Human in non capitals, yet when it has sanctioned the deaths of 23,000 of the unborn (its 'citizens') and refuse them pain relief during the painful death then that is obviously nonsense. Further the following headlines will show that 20 to 40 year olds triple or double vaxxed are dying way way beyond the average, and those in hospitals with  'covid' are triple vaxxed in 2021 or 2022 (not the unvaxxed)  Miscarriages and fetal deaths.  A  huge massive increase in deaths across the board especially for 20 top 40 year olds , say insurance companies (which cannot be blamed on covid) now admitted by and also by the EU and by the British Government also In the last paragraph above you can see in the common law & admiralty law video that at everyday level those that did not lock down or obey these regulations in fact committed no crime, hence there was no need for a court to act, no need to appeal and no need for judicial reviews (etc) or supreme courts (they exist only to make money not to adjudicate on sovereign common rights of men and women) A real pandemic will have dead people in the streets in hundreds of thousands into millions. 

On the July 3rd 2022 a pro life rally took place in Dublin 'HUGE ENERGY AS THOUSANDS PACK RALLY FOR LIFE'    (or here also once more) on youtube also or here once again on youtube  The life institute covered the event here The people can sovereignly bypass TD's and avoid the proxy votes they misuse and apply common law direct as they are doing  in Holland right now (see link to US midterm elections at end of the first para) if an institution has encouraged abortions and life begins at conception (as is obvious and in the US Supreme court) Then it is murder. The court system as a legal fiction has removed the common law courts which are higher than the legal fiction courts.  The Irish Supreme Court should stand down and new Common law courts should be built across the board, from top to bottom The Irish Dail complicit in the deaths of 23,000 babies also took an extra step with prejudice, in not allowing babies pain relief when (or burned to nothing by abortion pills ) they are in the majority dismembered alive, murdered and torn from the womb, (this post added 8.7.2022) 










This section below added before the Irish General election on 8.2.2020 and the results were added (above) on 18.08.2020. The Brexit celebrations noted here from the 31.01.2020



31.01.2020  -  01.02.2020, Britain

leaves the EU

Albion is its true name of course (or ‘Elfydd’ in Welsh )and a part of its history in England is celebrated by Wishbone Ash in their Argus album, (and others) as a contribution to the Brexit day celebrations, and in more recent history

as a protest poem turned into a Hymn

here also as an mp4 file )



See all above (the Irish elections in the previous post above) back to the beginning of Chapter 3 and 3A (and the new Chapter 3b below)







Chapter 3b

Link back to the top of the website   &   See also the adjacent Website Sonas  & also a new 3rd website The Sovereignty of Nations


Below by a few paragraphs are links to a Youtube channel and a Bitchute Channel


(This media section above the post dated 23.04.2020 below, was added in November & early December 2019 before the events of the Global shutdown as depicted in the Mainstream media MSM )


Media and History (YouTube & Bitchute) 

For this Chapter consider how the Worlds media is owned and controlled. 6 companies own 90 of the Worlds media % and in turn, they are synchronized by machine learning, quantum computing AI (Artificial intelligence). Other outlets whilst seemingly independent (and therefore disputing the figure of 90% from 2004 ) are (in researching the ownership of shares and titles,) sub-companies of the big 6.

Then consider  ‘CULT OF GOOGLE EXPOSED, AMAZING POLLY 2019’  or here on Bitchube ‘DIGITAL DEMOCRACY? ONE COMPANY CONTROLS IT ALL’ This is particular acute and apparent in internet news media.


Google is facing anti-trust regulations against its monopoly in all 50 states in the USA. considering Google and other social network platforms are moving against free speech and monopolizing censorship by ideological measures and standards it is little wonder that Google's Eric Schmidt sought to hide in North Korea  ( or here )  He also gave China the advanced AI logarithms which control the social credit sesame (Universal Income), communist totalitarian system of total societal control which exists now in China but which nobody voted for or wants and which is being exported everywhere globally.

Today even Tor whilst providing privacy on the darknet is still within the logarithm and internet codes (in private ownership) for the media and digital currencies (hence they are not really ‘de-centralised’ Bitcoin was invented by Paul Walker and Phil Venables and not Satoshi Nakamoto and today 1/7th of the world’s population are penalised financially for speaking out and / or the simple truth in the Social credit / Universal basic income dystopia) The result is a ‘singularity’ of conformity, censorship and ideological group think of a minority to control the majority. This was also the subject of the film ‘The current war’ in 2019 (or Fahrenheit 451 as a book in 1953 or film in 1966, or George Orwell’s ‘1984’, or Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ ) which looked at the early beginnings of joining the global airwave / digital platform. Free Speech is being eroded.



  1. This section has links to news sources and videos and further references on YouTube. Chapter 3a above will continue to include elections and current affairs analysis. Chapter 3 and 3a above have a detailed account of politics and elections over an extended period.

There are 50 Channels or so belonging to other groups and journalists and more Channels will be added. They are not partisan but many contrast ideas for variety. Eventually independent videos will be uploaded. To View the Channels which cover Politics, News, History, Science, Theology, Philosophy and the Alternative Media click on the YouTube link below.

Other news channels (which will be added too) not on YouTube include,  1. Summit News & Paul Joseph Watson     2. Zero Hedge news here at Zero


(20.10.2020. Censorship via the totalitarian media. Full list of the removed platforms below. Amazing Polly and SGT Report taken down from Youtube and many others Since March 2020 many Youtube channels have been removed most notably 'Amazing Polly' on Youtube  yet her videos and research into child trafficking and abuse are on many platforms and her full Videos are here on Bitchute   (her video on the Youtube purge is here posted on 15.10.2020 and entitled 'Truth Purge Youtube got rid of me'   which shows that Big tech are most afraid of the public knowing what they are doing and their connections to child sex trafficking, Big Pharma and the digital dysptopia. The 'Big Purge' in October 2020 It is a sign they are Totalitarian in nature. SGT Report has also been removed but is here on Bitchute   As you read down Chapter 3b, you can see what has disappeared since March 2020 as an indication of what the MSM media is concealing. A list which wil be out of date by November 2020 is here and includes X22 Report but see X 22 Report on bitchute and then also Sarah Westhall on bitchute and another 'In Pursuit of Truth' on Bitchute and many more. You can search the removed sites and channels as you read down chapter 3b below which can be a guide to free speech platforms i.e. which platforms censor and which do not 'Twitter' has also become involved in a censoring block in the 2020 Presidential election and Hunter Biden


30.10.2020 The technological purge continues with even more voices and platforms being removed from the public with Gleen Greenwoods resignation from the 'Intercept' news media, due to their failure to publish news items on Hunter Biden and on Joe Biden ? whose connections to China are apparent see chapter 3b and the US elections 2020 below  (and which has attacked the west ) Amazing Polly relates how this occuring see Bitchute &  Update on the Purge - Technological Harassment dated 20.10.2020.The leader of NXIVM Keith Raniere was sentenced  to 120 years in prison. NXIVM has connections to Jefferey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell also feature in the documentary 'Out of the Shadows'   (or here again on Youtube or here as a news item  small screen ) See also 'Free Your Mind' Bitchute Channel  Pedogate 2020 in depth exploration. which shows what 'pizzagate really is ( Obama and Joe Biden and Richard Branson all implicated in NXIVM cult prosecutions.The revelations of the NXIVM cult and its ongoing scandals see (Amazing Polly) ‘NXIVM Hacked World Leaders!’ (or see the same video here also on bitchute ) 

The people behind the crackdown, stalking and censorship are Brandy Zadrozny and Ben Collins of NBC news see here in Amazing Polly 'This stuff is real'    In 2014 the Daily mail accused the media of left wing bias in refusing to publish stories revealing information on the PIE Paedophile Information Exchange  The modern high tech online pedophile crime spree is not just trafficking and child prostitution but via online high tec paltforms. Voices which uncover trafficking and child prostitution globally (now worth $ 150 Billion annual trade) are closed or temporarily shut down. This is censorship and removal of free speech and disguised political bias


7.7.2021 The MSM & Big tech continue to profit from the Plandemic banning anyone who opposes the BS. The Dr Fachi emails show the plandemic  (or here from Coreys digs on the fachi emails) and the pre-planned contact tracing / passport  lies 

All supported by the MSM Mainstream media & Big Tech. Dr. Robert Malone, who identifies himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines, was banned from Twitter for questioning .... mRNA Vaccines  as the US Senate says the Big tech media machine lied about the origins of the Covid 19 virus and therefore the need for "vaccine passports" or any restrictions simply echoing the UN / World Health Organization lies. Noami Wolf was also banned for much  the same reasons. Big techs annual meeting in Sun Valley occurs in July 2021  and the monopoly of truth owned by just 6 companies Globally is discussed in Mark Dice book   "The True Story of Fake News"  Their monopoly is still under investigation in every state in the USA. and which is discussed on the adjacent website in chapter 3b reaching back to 2109, as the anti-trust bill against them passess the US governments legislative hurdles.

Big Tech continue to profit from Covid 19 in the new digital technocracy   which has a vested interest in maintaining lockdowns and ruining the average small business and controlling your data deceitfully and illegally not just in the USA but also in the EU Big Tech have banned any discussion on Vaccines or COVID19 and have interfered in democracy and peoples and nations Sovereignty.





YouTube Channel



  1. This Bit chute channel will include videos on history, theology, politics, science and sacred geometry and many more topics. It also has subscriptions to some of the channels listed in the YouTube Channel above. Videos will be added over time.


Bitchute Channel


Videos and historical analysis will also follow below.




St Georges day 23.04.2020



Introduction; The text above this St George heading of 23.04.2020, was added in late January 2020. Since then in the 'global world shutdown'  the media has operated in unison (in the main)

The World is witnessing the greatest event in history in real time (although Christians would say it is the 2nd greatest event in history) It is just a rehearsal, albeit now a live event before the main event.

If you have not figured out by now that this ‘event’ which has gone live from a drill is not what it seems to be in the world shutdown, then you should wake up. However over the past two months you can contrast the fake MSM with the independent and reputable news casters in the YouTube and Bitchute channels above. The information below is derived from their sources and some in the MSM. You can compare them with information received over the last few months. St George was of course Greek (the Greek air force sometimes has the St George image on its aircraft)

The news deserves to be considered from all points of view 


The Following four headings are in this post. (click the links below 2 - 4 for navigation)


**** The World Health Organisation (WHO) says vaccines are safe and reliable ****


1.The ‘Emergency’ and the Corona - Virus (man made ?)  and health systems? 

2.The Law of the Land

3. Money, banking, liberty and the ‘Global One world bank’ (& other news maybe overlooked during the pandemic)

4. King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’of King Alfred, the Magna Carta, the Bill of rights 1688/1689, and the Popes law to cancel Corporations


5. 10.05.2020  ‘Equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally’ the maxim of the left.


6.  ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign”   (added 18.08.2020 )


7.  The US Elections 3.11.2020 The Demolition of the World’s economy but set to boom again (added 27.10.2020) 



1.The ‘Emergency’ and the Corona - Virus (man made ?)  and health systems?


To understand a part of what has just occurred in the last 3 months (and before) consider the Videos in the bitchute channel above or here nos 11 - 26  or on D jones channel on Brighteon Videos nos 1 - 34  where (on one extreme) some institutions have used the 'pandemic' in order to remove your rights and declare martial law within a financial collapse which was beginning before February 2020. (from late 2018 continuing from 2008) Central bank collapse propped up by around $60 trillion has gone almost unnoticed, whilst other areas of an economy which have prepared by undertaking new trade deals for the near future. The World Health Organisation have pushed compulsory vaccinations (including vaccinations with a microchip)  as more and more countries take up 'legal Euthanasia' (see chapter 3a and post-dated 9.9.2019 above) in the compulsory lockdown which people are told is "the law"

Firstly since 31.01.2020 and since Britain left the EU, you will note the severity of the Virus increased in leaps and bounds. Further the world protests have all been quelled as the world’s population were waking up to the fact that they are lied to everyday. We have had the Russia fake news scandal, spy gate scandal, Ukraine gate and Great climate green gate (which reaches back to 1978 when Leonard Nimoy suggested nuking the growing ice caps in the ‘global cooling’ scare, broadcast across the globe, turning them black to attract the sun, and receding the growing threat which was fated to destroy us all see Chapter 3a above. Now we are in global warming, or is it the mass shooting scares ... no we are in the corona virus epoch today) Ukraine impeachment and now its ...corona gate. Early in the 1990s into the late 1990’s there was the little known Lucent Acatel technologies gate (formerly AT & T in part) which based in New York had offices around the world. It was hacked and the papers (not hacked as an internet hack but papers were taken relating to its operations, the wiki leaks of its day before the internet) revealed a lot of the situations we see transpiring today and which are being released slowly for many different sources including intelligence agencies.

Trump and Pence are exposing Dr Fachi, Deborah Brix, Dr Tedros and the WHO World Health Organisation in the daily press briefings. Also exposing Bill Gates and Amazons Jeff Bezos who stand to make a fortune off the corona virus situation. The WHO (World Health Organisation ) has to create a demand for the Vaccines, hence all systems are geared towards that end. In Amazing Pollys video exposes the deaths of Maeve Kennedy  who died a few weeks ago in unusual circumstances who was connected to PEPFAR and vaccinations (and see here also)  (granddaughter of Robert F Kennedy ) and her son She  served as the Executive Director of the Global Health Initiative at Georgetown University and was connected to PEPFAR as is Doctor Anthony Fachi & Dr Deborah Birx (the corona task force team) Trump has called for his resignation  Trump has declassified papers in the Kennedy assassination (except the files on Kennedys driver see chapter 3a above)

All are connected to the WHO and Federal Reserve Board of St Louis (J Bullard) has called for a certificate of virus clearance (see Amazing Pollys video) for 'suspects' He also predicted events and said it was all planned in advance. The newly nationalized Federals reserve bank (nationalising the debt and privatizing the profits) have also called for a new global digital currency (the race is on between globalist countries). Previous to this the SDR (drawing rights) bank of international settlements (BIS) in Switzerland merged drawing rights digitally to allow a platform for one currency globally (no cash) and China wants to lead the New World Order

The democrats wanted the corona situation to expand as far as possible as many organisations did from the beginning. Yet they did not seem to fear catching anything ?  People are social distancing standing in endless queues and watching their jobs and businesses disappear self isolating and generally acting like imbeciles. The corona virus (Corona is also a district in Queens New York where Ironically you can buy Hydroxychloroquine) mutated from the mild flu (we all carry and always will) and hence everyone will in the main test positive and hence it is a scam. You will note that some who formerly tested negative later tested positive again  and also tester kits from China were ‘infected’ with Corona virus or see here again Areas with no tests had no cases ? is this a coincidence (or see here on youtube or here on fb  St Coronas day is May 14th ) Flu injections give you the flu as a cure but you catch the flu again ? perhaps vaccinations are nothing to do with curing Corona.

The truth about a virus Professor Sarah Gilbert, from Oxford University says we can catch the Virus again after we have it had it once.(and recover again a bit like the flu, and flu injections give you the flu to remove the flu) Viruses cannot enter through the skin or eyes or wounds, they die outside of people. Sars Cov 2 requires a virus naturally occurring inside you to expel any poisons. So the virus is different from the disease. A virus does not infect a cell but it exists to dissolve dead material or material your immune system wants to reject. Your DNA / RNA encodes a virus to break down waste and dead tissue. You have 100’s of thousands (310,000) of viruses inside you, and coughing spitting or sneezing does not spread a virus (only a disease) RNA / DNA confounds evolutionists as they are both required for life and one cannot exist without the other. They are separate organisms like the chicken and the egg (which came first) and which show signs of intelligent design and/or creation i.e. we are already well designed and do not need augmenting or trans modifications or trans- humanism. Further the world (and always seemingly before elections) has had Lyme disease, (1990’s) Sars (2002) XM2U (2009) Mers Cov 2 (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS 2019) Ebola involving the WHO in a fraud scandal (2014) Zika (2016) H1NI (2009) and which was patented a year before it broke out. Senator Rand Paul had no symptoms and was quarantined

Polio has not been eradicated it has just been renamed (more on this later on)

The science of synthetic virology is well developed and Sars – Cov – 2. Coronavirus is also patented (not discovered manufactured) synthetic virology builds viruses, and can mutate a flu virus into something more. The corona virus was ‘recreated’ in a swiss lab in March 2020

“Now a professor in etiology at the National Taiwan University & Peking University has claimed the highly infectious virus could be “synthetic” in nature, or man-made. “Researchers likely synthesized the Covid-19, although more studies are needed to be certain,” NTU professor Fang Chi-tai told a forum on disease control and prevention in Taipei held by the Taiwan Public Health Association earlier this month”

“Taiwan University (NTU) public health researcher Fang Chi-tai & Peking Uni said Covid 19 is MAN MADE & has 4 more amino acids than RATG13 which as 'mutations' are added in labs   or here again also  or here once more French /Chinese in origin as is research into the RFID chip (also in NY) & Lucent Technologies (now Alcatel Lucent) for the RFID chip (China also owns with France. It can keep on mutating (1,2 etc) from the Flu, & If it is MAN MADE becoming more dangerous. Asia had its '2nd wave'  where it suspected China underreported the deaths. A second wave is being reported on 18.04.2020 - 20.04.2020  

Corona second waves Therefore a second wave (and it is not just Taiwan University) or new strain can be man made ad infinitum, and it seems that this strain is man made (the above quotes also within the description of this video on bitchute)  And ‘designer’ bugs are big business. Create a problem and then sell the solution with animals, crops and humans as the hosts. Chairman Mao or President Xi would have been thrilled Other whistleblowers in China have disappeared . Consider the Swine flu panic and its crippling vaccinations produced by the government scare in teh depopulation agenda.

In 2020 the response was slowed in all countries (whether real or imagined as a problem) and allowed to spread in order to create the market. The investigation documentary “The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus” shows this corona was manmade.(and see the end in this section)

The Main stream media has had a (almost) constant narrative. First anyone who deviated from the story that someone ate a bat in the Wahun wet market was the source of the virus, those that objected pointing out that Wahun has a level 4 bio weapons lab just around the corner from the wet market were removed from social media by social media platforms and by Google


ID2020 & Emergent bio – solutionsEmergent bio – solutions’ (or here  or here again and who produced the Anthrax vaccine hoax and defects/side effects in people especially in the military who were used as Guinea pigs) and also Google Ventures and Amazon via Collective medical and Kleiner Perkins who have  stake with Bill Gates and the World Health Organisation and ID 2020  (or here)  in the vaccination rollout programme. Juvare with connections to US military but China (under Obama and Clinton) are helping in the USA but they are tracking people who ‘may get the corona virus’ breaching your common law and constitutional rights to privacy, personal property and intellectual property and personal data. They introduced ‘social distancing’  (see chapter 3a above and post dated 17/18.2019 or here see Edward Snowden 'State of Surveillance' with Edward Snowden and Shane Smith (VICE on HBO: Season 4, Episode 13)’  & also see ‘Edward Snowden on exposing NSA surveillance: "I had produced a system that spied on everyone"   and also see 2. Mr William (Bill ) Binney who also worked for the NSA  Video(s) who is not a whistleblower but is looking after the security of the US population. 1.  'A GOOD AMERICAN'  2017   & a second video 2 'NSA Whistleblower William Binney: The Future of FREEDOM'  ) to in the end bring about the Orwellian / 1984 dystopia of total surveillance linked directly to your bank accounts incurring penalties (the crypto currency sham) if you point out (for instance in cultural Marxism / critical theory) that the corona virus did not start in a Chinese wet market, or wonder why they remained open in many areas of China for most of the lockdown ? We only seem to hear of Wahun and not the real stats from China in total 

However later the wet market was dismissed as a possibility and the Wahun bio-wepaons lab is now the official story (see at 16.30 minutes fwd “[DS] HAS BEEN BLOCKED, [RENEGADE] IS ON DECK, THE FIRST WILL SEND A SHOCK WAVE - EPISODE 2151B” ) and which ties into the Wahun military games held in Wahun in Oct 2019 and  “Event 201” held in new York in Oct 2019. Therefore the official story has also changed as the weeks advanced.


Event 201 New York Oct 2019 (here also on youtube) Examining the media (alternative and MSM) since the outbreak you can see how it has developed. Many of the mainstream media reporters have been laid off due to a lack of news, but conversely the alternative media has grown and is reporting all manner of information new to formally busy minds yesterday (see as a small proportion bitchute and youtube news links above)  In this chapter 3b alternative media via youtube and bitchute have been added and both have subscriptions to other news channels. You can compare their news with the MSM since the ‘outbreak’. Event 201 in video 14 on bitchute foretelling how to manage a Corona virus outbreak globally one month before it occurred is here “Video 14 Event 201 Pandemic exercise segment 4 communications discussion and epilogue video”  (which is in 4 videos here on youtube) read the discussion under the videos for other relevant information which has a synopsis (edited) here by Amazing Polly  overview bitchute “Event 201 Global pandemic”

There are 6 major companies (& associated groups groups)  competing in the quest for the right to vaccinate the world. It is like watching the Adams family crossed with “ER” Firstly consider what goes into vaccines and straight from the horse’s mouth Dr Stanley PlotkinStanley Plotkin deposition 2018   (Stanley Plotkin Deposition) is 9 hours but can be viewed at time stamp periods Jan 11 2018, 17 : 05 & 17 : 12 fwd to show the Vaccine Hoax. Human DNA, Monkey DNA, Mercury Aluminium, formaldehyde, pig DNA, aborted fetus tissue & other unsafe ingredients abridged testimony at 40 mins on bitchute at 40 mins fwd or here  “(Video 24) A SHOT IN THE DARK - (2020 DOCUMENTARY) vaccines murder and mame”

Thalidomide, Polio & Swine flu Stanley Plotkin is the top official in his profession, but for moiré information see  which has 34 videos on the horror story called the medical profession. This does not mean that Doctors, nurses and others are not good people, there are great people in the medical profession who have also had enough as the Doctors who refuse to do abortions in the Irish referendum and elsewhere clearly show. Stanlye Plotkins deposition clearly shows aborted foetus tissue is used in vaccines.  (or here vaccines and vaccinations) and take your pick on the vaccine (and 5g / 6g) horror story. Remember Thalidomide Babies  and the Polio madness (which has not gone away but changed names see further down)  and the Swine flu horror  all exactly like today.

Dr Scot Jensen & Dr A Bukachek The daily birth and death rates in the Usa for 2017 are here birth and deaths global statistics are here  well over half a million deaths occurred in 2017, and today 150,000 people died. Video 30 on Brighteon D Jones Channel gives the news from Dr Scott  Jensen who says he is encouraged to place deaths as corona virus, and has even been offered bribes to report any death as corona virus. (or here longer version or here again with a different report on bitchute )  See also Dr A Bukachek from Montana who states she was pressured to give false reports on deaths as covid 19 (To repeat; In order to increase the statistics, China issued corona infected testers to the UK  and also in Spain and in many EU countries  (and who knows where else) which naturally are going to test positive for everyone aside from the fact we all have naturally occurring corona or virus (a virus expels poisons naturally) and may test positive anyway  )  Tucker Carlson examined this phenomena ‘What is the actual death rate of Covid 19’ and (or here on fox news as everyone has 320,000 within them etc, which is why people who filmed hospital beds and empty hospitals were amazed or here again or here once more or once again ) There were 190,000 cases of flu in 2018 / 2019 in the USA yet it was hardly in the news as it occurs every year out of 300 + million people.

Big Pharma has been found guilty of bribing Doctors in the Opioid crisis, and wider around the world The D Jones channel videos 1 – 17 shows you how corrupt the Food and Drug administration is, how it works with the centre for disease control and the world health organisation. (CDC, THE CDC IS ACTUALLY A VACCINE COMPANY BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY JR. )

These videos show you that the medical industry is Big Pharma (and they are criminals who should be arrested)  and it pushes drugs and pills in doctors surgeries and turns nurses into ‘trolley dollies’ on hospital wards for drugs and pills. If your pill is giving you headaches they have a medication for that, or if you were anxious once 3 years ago there is a medication for that and now you are addicted. Creating  a market related here by Amazing Polly ‘(Video 28) Viral Marketing the 7 step recipe for Vaccine demand Amazing Polly’  and today the market created is global in the corona ‘pandemic’ everywhere)


Dr Tedros and the corruption at the World Health Organisation

Further Trump is going to defund the World Health Organisation as Dr Tedros leading it is not a Doctor or Scientist, neither is Bill Gates or George Soros or Bono. See (Video 18) Anthony Fauci Ignores WHO Boss Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Crimes Against Humanity or here also on bitchute * Pepfar and also here again   & the related ID2020 repeated as they want injections with a personal id chip  ID2020   & Guardian article newspaper  & also see Outrageous! Dr. Birx Sits on Gates-Funded Foundation Board

The Current US Corona taskforce spokesperson Dr Fachi with the head of the WHO Dr Tedros are proficient in genocide and they are overseeing the global awareness of Covid 19 ? (Bono and Bill Gates and Obama connected) see also 1 DISEASE, 1 CAUSE : THE CREATION OF A FALSE EPIDEMIC BY JON RAPPOPORT  & Creation of a false pandemic parts 1 to 3 by John Rappoprot   (or on bitchute part 1   and part 2  and next part 3 and finally part 4    

Dr Tedros of the WHO is a criminal who played his part in the Ethiopian Genocide. During that time he served as Health Minister and Foreign Minister"  As ‘health’ minister in the TPLF or the WHO he is not a Doctor or Scientist just as Bill Gates is not a Doctor or a scientist. Tedros used Ebola funds recycled from the Bill Gates foundation to pay for private means  China controls the WH0

Starving to death is a weapon of war and Bill Gates has teamed up with ‘UK aid’ to tackle food insecurity globally. The green (so called) agriculture industry has left many areas of Africa devastated and Gates has teamed with Monsanto which basically means GMO modified (non) foods which are poison

‘Dr’ Tedros also covered up the Ethiopian epidemic in favour of the TPLF leaving many to die in Ethiopia  & here again  and Tedros knows a thing or two about body bags in the USA or the West or Ethiopia See the history of the Ethiopian genocide here  and a broad history of genocides globally here on the bitchute channel above

These are the people in charge of the ‘global pandemic’ the depopulation local agenda 21 – 30 – 50 psychopaths such as Bill Gates here boasting about depopulating the world and even has a formula for that. (the ‘climate equation’ )

The WHO plan for Global Vaccinations is shared with Bill Gates took the WHO over and it is affiliated with China via Harvard University and the Confucius schools uses it as a tool to bring about the 5th star on its red flag as the USA (again see the description underneath the video )

The Worlds military games (UN military) were held in Wahun in China Oct 2019 see 'Opening ceremony of 7th Military World Games (inc USA ? ) held in Wuhan (or here also on youtube ) displaying mock corona virus floats A hoax & WW3 in 1,everywhere but from the East. Vaccinations announced from China b4 Aug 2019

Dr Michael Ryan, Elon Musk and Gavi (almost as mad as Bill Gates and that is a feat in itself see “Pentagon Vaccine To Kill Religious Center of Brain” which suggests all ‘religions’ or philosophies or those who are not pc and have the wrong attitudes or speech should be brain modified, like Elon Musk neurological brain interfaces (which is modifying humans in transhumanism) and which includes the same response to Judaism. (Bill gates must have been a barrel of laughs at Yeshiva school. "Elon and Bill's theological seminars, a perspective on Chairman Mao". Together after 5000 years of human history, they have reached the pinnacle of human achievement and are presenting it to the world. as we advance to the 'Transhumanist Singularity' and at the bargain price of Trillions of dollars. Secular Humanism is a religion of course) Dr Michael Ryan speaking here from the WHO or on  Tucker Carlson suggesting the WHO can now break into peoples homes as stay at home people can infect other family members. Dr Tedros is not a Doctor (his boss) and Bill Gates is not a Doctor or a scientist. Dr Micahel Ryan again speaking here and at the prophetic Event 201 meeting in New York (see video at 8.35 mins fwd ) was then  taking much more  relaxed in his view of the influenza / virus outbreak which followed only a few weeks after this event . Later its ‘attack , attack, attack’ into  people’s living rooms  to save humanity and each other from our in laws, and to stop the flu (even if you have just put the kettle on)

Gavi’ or ‘Global alliance for vaccinations and immunisation’ was set up to facilitate a lot of the global vaccination schemes.(World Economic Forum & World bank)


What in the world is actually going on Dana Ashlie (hosted by J Dunlop on bitchute and which show the US protests)

Relating directly to health the Video summarises the theory surrounding 5g/ 6g System and what this means. Whether you believe 5g/6g has health risks or not its system still allows for total surveillance and the sesame "pc" social credit system (UBI) linked directly to (i.e. no) free speech, the fake law, and your bank accounts.It is also emerging that the "Wahun" problem was known to the USA in 2018 The Rockefeller foundation had pre-planning scenarios to lockdown society in 4 steps dating from 2010 Whilst Henry Kissinger has called for total global governance   The History of 'Silent weapons for silent wars' and its information  

Steve Baker MP ‘Coronavirus: Steve Baker MP tears up over 'dystopian society'

5G Towers are being destroyed in Britain as they were in Hong Kong. Mostly they do not have planning permission (only a license, like a TV Arial ) Farmers in the EU (Holland,&  Germany and France and many countries) Can they do so whilst wearing masks and keeping 6 feet apart ?

Then consider the reality of the Chinese system of 5g and 6g system “(Video 31) “We Told You Something is Coming and Now It's Here! (2020) The Militarization of Health Systems” 

The Extinction Rebellion hoax was simply controlled non opposition. THE TRUTH ABOUT EXTINCTION REBELLION & THE GREEN TECHNOCRACY & 4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The left and its ideologies Including the technocracy 4th industrial revolution “green smart grid” brave new world, 1984 dystopia are introducing the UBI (Universal basic income slavery ) sesame social credit slavery system not liberating people from it.(see videos 16 – 28  and also this compilation of the madness) Note also that Bovine & bull corona virus has been around for decades or centuries ( as has moaning on and on about the latest cow poo did ? Conan the barbarian self isolate, clearly Greta Thunberg has RVS “Repressed Viking Syndrome”first diagnosed around September 2019 see post above dated 9.9.2019 in chapter 3a)  It is not really fatal and vaccination is only one treatment (for bovine or people adapted) out of many possible treatments, including colostrums (mothers milk) antibodies (white) but note the ‘cure’ was always known for bovine ? but which may not make a big pharma company a lot of money. XR extinction rebellion are the green wing of the UN.

In South Africa the UN is rolling out its troops taking advantage of the lockdown.‘RED ALERT: COVID LOCKDOWN - OPERATION CHARIOT -- BRENDI WELLS [MIRRORED]’  And which is tied to Chinas funding of the ANC (African national congress) as it encourages the murder of White farmers. (see bitchute PLAASMOORDE: THE KILLING FIELDS) The long history of ‘necklacing’encouraged by also Nelson Mandela or just straight murder is returning under the lockdown.

The UN also came to work in New York in 2019 (and Utah earlier in the year) “The U N in mid 2019 was accepting job applications in New York City for a Disarmament, Demobilization, & Reintegration officer to “contribute to security & stability in post-conflict environments” See the Patriots call at that time on bitchute    as many had seen the UN move into Utah in early 2019 UNITED NATIONS CLAIMS SOVEREIGNTY IN UTAH, SHUTS DOWN REPORTERS: A United Nations Security Officer claimed that the UN took over the venue on Sunday and that it's now under UN jurisdiction.. in America folks. Democrat politicians in Utah approved this. In reality the UN has no jurisdiction over any lands.

The UN via China is also encouraging the killing of Nigerians by its Islamic faction en masse. Yet in China the Uyghur Muslims (and its minority Christians and the Kazakhs, & Kyrgyz) seem to disappear with a virus from internment camps and many of their bodies are burned. The world is under populated and there is lots of land free with most of the world’s population crammed into very small areas, and if this is so why ? is land valued so highly or what is the value of land ?(etc)  land is not scare The UN is a criminal organisation

This man was brutally killed in South Africa and throughout the tragic death and riots following George Floyds death, not once was the matter shown or debated in the MSM. No one knows his name. All lives matter

5G / 6G Network Uses Same EMF Waves as Pentagon Crowd Control System utilizes 5g / 6g systems (which can vary in power output not as radio waves but microwaves) Crowd control in every country. Used with DEW Directed Energy Weapons as the active denial system  Magnetic Biology utilizes metals in your DNA added from Vaccinations see Vid 11 & causes Oxygen loss ('acute respiratory problems') & falling over in a few minutes.This 'agent' which is 60 ghz 5G vaccines contain digitized RNA activated by 'V' virus wave remotely to kill. With chemtrails 'smart dust' food GMO poisons with metals & & 5G & Vaccines, your body becomes digitized & Wahun China was a test run for the ID2020 the step to the full (ID) RFID microchip via Satellite and via the insane Elon Musk. Digitised also via vaccinations planned for some time  Throughout the media presentation we only ever hear about Wahun and not everywhere in China and the real figures ? why is this ?

Israel also went into lockdown very early on in the outbreak.   

And why former defence secretary Gavin Williamson was sacked for objecting to Huawei rolling out 5G or having a part in any nations intelligence or security as he explains further here  The left and its ideologies are introducing the UBI sesame social credit slavery system not liberating people from it.  Incredibly if you are likely to try to destroy Huawei Chinese intelligence then you may contract the Corona virus  Boris Johnson fears Huawei may infiltrate intelligence systems and defence as it had under Obama and Clinton and Biden in the USA and the West generally, leaving us trapped inside ‘North Korea’ or even worse. Boris Johnson was ill but recovered on Easter Sunday 2020. Once again compare the past 2 months (although chapter 3a above mentioned the coming event on 30.01.2020 from December 2019)  Bitchute & 28 videos or so or the D Jones channel with over 30 videos and both have related news links in the descriptions (which on Brighteon may have to be copied into your URL’s)  Brexiters may count themselves fortunate that they have left the EU

All of this is an invasion of your country the same as any other invasion. Immigration amidst a ‘pandemic’ is beyond belief. Brexit voters voted to get away from this. National sovereignty to protect your own nation and its borders, faith and family are paramount and this virus has exposed the futility of globalism. Leo Vradaker wants Ireland to pay up 4 times its usual amount to the UN who he works for (not from his pocket ) and is still importing workers still amidst massive unemployment (because that’s is always government priority in Ireland 20/40 as it is in other EU nations) despite the fact he resigned on Feb 22nd 2020 ? whilst people wear masks and queue to enter shops and keep 6 feet apart. Is this decrepit and defunct type of government worth keeping ?  Greece Greece is fighting an invasion (from January 2020 to complete the deception as Italy and Hungary set up to leave the EU. This following the inability to agree a budget as Britain’s former contribution is removed. The ESM debt treaty has a corona fund added to it as it seeks to fleece EU nations in its draconian debt demands.) and now yet EU leaders encouraged 1 million migrants to enter Greece despite a lockdown and a virus ? Greece has the right to mobilize its army to protect its citizens and its borders.


The US has had the wrong debate on heathcare, one of private against public instead of just health. Bill Gates wants to depopulate the earth but then to also save them by vaccination ?. (Switching to Apple Mac over Microsoft windows may be a good move, they are virus free) Remember that Abortion clinics stayed open but Churches had to close ? by specific order. people could hold their religious service in the food stores in theory, or they could open a Chinese wet market and meet there to protest ? or combine these. 

The conclusion is the corona virus (stats) are false and it was started in a laboratory (and you can see from the above it was patented as all inventions can be)  and it can be genetically mutated as it is patented. It can only mutate by artificial means and those mutations can be unleashed at any time. If from reading the above you have realised that a small minority should be locked up and pitied to save the world, then work out who they are and demand it.



(25.04.2020) For people who do not think this is real or do not believe Bill Gates is pushing vaccinations coupled with 'microchips' or devices or materials which are similar, this is just semantics. You do not quarantine those who are not sick and the whole world destroying a nation or nations economically to save people from a virus (with manipulated deaths and infection figures). Most people would rather have the virus than (in the USA) than be part of the  21 million unemployed (so far) whilst nearly $60 trillion has been printed (see section 3 below on the Global bank in what amounts to a heist ) but this money is not for them.   See bitchute  Surveillance Big Tech and Social Engineering  & its report  ' Fact Checking the fact checkers - Bill Gates ID 2020 and vaccine microchips'   and realise that Quantum computing, AI, the Internet of things, the 4th industrial revolution technocracy, smart grids, even the blockchain (ledger contracts) 'fintech' (an insight here mixed with older economic theory or see post dated 8.3.2019 in chapter 3a above with section 3 below )  social engineering, international 'rules-based law' the United Nations and the WHO World Health Organisation (with ID2020) and which is all controlled by Bill Gates and the sesame credit 'north korea' communist dystopia are not all linked then you are mistaken. They appear to operate separately but are merging together and not for your benefit. See and also 'The Scary Future of America! (2019-2020)'   and also (to repeat) “(Video 31) “We Told You Something is Coming and Now It's Here! (2020) The Militarization of Health Systems”   and that the 'Corona virus' lie is an exercise that went live  'Mike Pompeo: Coronavirus crisis "Live Exercise"?!'    'or here on bitchute Mike Pompeo: Coronavirus crisis "Live Exercise"?!'   yet all the time the technocracy is being rolled out into the cashless society (which you can refuse as any of it ) It is all true and the people behind it should be arrested  'DON'T TREAD ON ME -- Sheriff Richard Mack'



2.The Law of the Land

Link back to the top of Chapter 3b

Link back to the Sovereignty of Nations website


Aside from the hysteria, we have witnessed the usurping of civil law or rather common law which parallels or even underpins civil law being as common law is older (than Roman law) and filters through a nations history and in the main extends back to the biblical laws such as the ten commandments. Civil law and common law are not the only victims as even the Magna Carta has been set aside and the world has obeyed without thinking or even knowing the law. The common law is inalienable (and has to be taken away by force, yet the Queen and Donald Trump swore to uphold the common law or constitution not the current medical martial law in the militarisation of medicine) and they are your inalienable rights which cannot be removed no matter what. They can however be removed by your consent but not if you are tricked into an apparent consent. See later on below. The writ of Habeas Corpus has even been mooted as suspended on the 23.03.2020. Habeas corpus merely determines if any charge or detention is lawful , yet its suspension means that is assumed that everyone is detained like in a global shutdown. A further view does not recognise the right of Habeas Corpus to exist at all whether it is lawful or not, but it does allow any detainee the right to be tried by Jury under oath and not just under one Judge. Putting the law under its oath. Abraham Lincoln in the Habeas Corpus debate created the granddaddy of all American constitutional crises was precipitated by Southern secession in 1861. In one particularly striking sub-crisis, President Abraham Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus, citing Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution, which says that ‘The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus’ shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.’

It is suggested that President Trump’s presidency (not his terms) ended on 13.03.2020.  "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE 

(or here on Youtube  or the original video platform Headlines with a voice and here also within a blog and Forbes article of the declaration under the stafford act from March 2020 ) This if true would mean the suspension of the US Constitution has already occurred, yet without the consent of the US public it has no force, it is illegal. This suspension is denied citing the seal of the United States is still place. Established on June 20 1782,  the great seals reverse side was added as an image to the dollar bill in the 1930’s under President Franklin J Roosevelt. The current administration in the USA did not impose executive law for a lockdown upon the states of the USA but left that to the Governors of each state (which is constitutional) For those who were / are severely locked down, voters can see clearly who did this to them and who they are now. Further the Attorney General Bill Barr clarified the US constitution position on religious assembly. The US Constitution suggests some caution in emergencies (and all 50 states finally agreed to the emergency) but he points out that the constitution does not suppress movement or assembly in any way. (the news in the USA has pointed out that the Bill of Rights has been violated  ‘If we don't take our freedoms back they may not come back: Napolitano’  or here on Fox news as the delusion bubble bursts across US states) The US constitutional debate is given by the Cato institute and “Coronavirus and the Constitution” (including the defence act, and returning the constitution immediately after an emergency which is the law) and ‘The Government Has a Lot More Emergency Powers Than Libertarians Like, but It Still Can’t Control Everything’

The Constitution does give financial and infrastructure powers to the President, but it is up to the states to manage the finances and the people in those states without violating the bill of rights, civil liberties and the constitution. In effect the President does not have common law constitution rights only corporation rights over the USA Corporation which is outside the US constitution, but people can recognise it/him via the constitution which he then must stand under only (or simply just dissolve the corporation) This now may expose any financial fraud which has occurred over decades in the USA. This may also clarify why the elected President is empowered over FEMA, yet between 13.03.2020 and 14.04.2020 it seems the constitution was suspended.

It is of course not just the United States law which has been ‘suspended’ but every nations laws albeit illegally but ‘De Facto’ as they are not rebutted. A rebuttal van be filed nationally by petition or individually. Doing nothing mens the matter stands.Any suspension is in effect a kangaroo court action. They only exist in fact if you consent. This suspension does not exist ‘De Jure’(in common law or by jury)  This De Facto state of the law is in fact itself disputed, as those who are bringing the suspension of law have no authority to do so. If you think you have been deceived (and you have) by the Corona virus (you have always had in varying forms) which tries to expel the ‘Sars 2 Covid 19’ flu disease (which you have not had) then de jure under ‘habeas corpus’ a nation can be its own jury without any global outside force, and this can be recognised and taken on (like a coat) nationally and/or individually. Even if you do not think you have been deceived by the emergency lockdown and virus you can claim de facto status as an individual and put your own nation under (their) oath and return ‘the law’ to its former ‘self’. In Britain and Europe personal rights have been removed with no authority or legal basis. Most of the laws are recommendations only which anyone can make. Dr Tedros at the World Health Organisation is a criminal and not a Doctor, (hence Trump is going to defund the WHO and the UN in general) Bill Gates is not a Doctor or Scientist and queuing to shop 2 metres apart but remaining close to each other in shops, whilst Muslims in the main attend a travesty of tyranny.


Jordan Maxwell on UCC Uniform Commercial Code and the Common law Most people are unaware that there are two main types of law (see Jordan Maxwell on Law or longer version here or even longer version here or here as a MP4 EXTENSION )

1. The first kind of law is Roman civil law or the Law of the land, but which is not as old as many countries common law.

2. UCC or Uniform Commercial Code (known as the law of the sea or Admiralty maritime law) which does not require globalisation to regulate. Yet have we have seen the Vatican has abandoned these laws or any laws (see above in chapter 3a or see also Church Militant in the Vortex  which also shows how the Vatican has abandoned Roman Catholics) You do not need a degree in intellectual, contract or personal property law.(it is no longer the law of Gd on earth. This presumption in law holds that the Vatican represents Gd on earth as Jesus is with the father in heaven, but clearly they have misunderstood John 16, 7 & John 14,16 & John 15, 26 – 27 & Revelations 19, 16 – 18 or that law of the bible per se in reality)

Jordan Maxwell also correctly points out the matrix is real and you are owned by the stock exchange via your birth certificate registration. You are traded by its number since you were born. Just as a ship births at a dock, when you were born from the womb you were birthed (out of your mothers water ) into a corporation as a human resource. Look at your birth certificate, it is a stock security (securities exchange) and in the corner usually the right hand side your number is stamped on it. In the modern 5G / 6G technocracy in the 4th industrial revolution you are ‘wetware’ in silicon valley jargon. This largely misunderstood concept is further explained in (by Mr Anderson)  ‘Strawman Illusion - Birth Certificate Conspiracy Theory Rule of Law Explained’  or here as a youtube video or here as an MP4 EXTENSION

This does not mean the ‘rule of law’ is bad, yet parents were not told their children and themselves were registered as a security to be traded on a stock exchange. It is completed as a certificate without your consent. You should be given the choice of births but you are not given that choice it was taken from you by deception. You can still claim that choice. As Mr Anderson (in the video above) says he abides by the driving speed limits and the law for moral reasons not because he stands under the law.

You can write to the Vatican and deregister your birth certificate and that this be recognised as deregistered on the stock exchange, or the Washington securities and exchange commission or both beginning at the Vatcian. You can remove your consent to ‘Unam Sanctam’ but simply dissolving your birth certificate does not mean you are not a catholic as the Vatican City Corporation was only established in 1929.  For more information see here  or see here again

This is required as your birth certificate makes you a “strawman” a fictitious legal entity (John Doe) with your name in ALL CAPITALS (your ‘Debtor’ or your ‘Trustee’ office entity which for instance in a court summons in these days of the corona virus hoax which has taken your business or job leading to debt you can simply return the letter and do not stand under as there is no jurisdiction. Attending court gives the court jurisdiction) Your Surname is the legal fiction, (you do not have a surname only your parents hold, you hold the Christian name only) but your Christian name(s) is really you (your ‘Creditor’ beneficiary office real self in which the bank becomes your trustee)  Further you receive 2 birth certificates at birth. The first is the certificate you hold and know as the state birth certificate with the securities number (as mentioned above) upon it. If you look at your birth certificate there is also the date of registration of the certificate which is different from the date of birth (although in some cases it can be the same) certificate. This date of registration is your actual creditor (beneficiary) birth certificate i.e. the real birth, not the corporate entity, which is different from your birth date and which allows you to hold a certificate of your Christian name as the creditor and not the debtor/ trustee. You can demand this certificate, and one will have to be made anew if necessary, even proof of request is beneficial. In other words this secondary position from totally removing your birth from the securities and Vatican.  If 7 billion people held this certificate (or removed their consent to the birth certificates completely) only then all debt (in effect) would cease to exist against individuals. For further information see bitchute  ‘BIRTHING-CERTIFICATES BY JUSTINIAN DECEPTION’ or here on youtube or here as an MP4 EXTENSION.

The common law is all powerful and as your inalienable rights.  All legal agents (Jury’s can change law as precedents) are under oath, but your oath and only operate under your consent. They have to prove there is a matter to deal with under law, not corporation law and they operate only under presumptions of the law not the actual law. Any matter in court is public and should be put under public oath, but when you consent to go or recognise your name in full capitals it becomes a private law court under the guild including the Judge and solicitors. You can place them under oath (public oath ) by returning any document as addressed to another person not you (The creditor not the debtor) This is rebutting the invitation. Doing nothing means the summons and court decision stands. IF you do attend you have no reason to give your corporation name and can ask for all to be placed under public oath. You make yourself known as executor and beneficiary and they are the trustees. If they do not agree they are not public servants but private agents not serving the ‘people’ as the real government?  Some courts and officials will resist this, but even though you may rise by appeal in the courts the common law is still paramount but it becomes harder as you go. In the USA the constitution was meant to apply to all levels of the courts not just the Supreme court. You are a ward of the court unless you claim back your power of human flesh and blood in common law on land (not at sea) as freeman of the land. 

12 presumptions of law These 12 presumptions of law (to be rebutted as they are only presumptions de facto and not in common law) are as follows see the attached pdf  and all courts and officers have to be put under their public oath not the private bar guild oath. Policemen uphold your person as a corporation, enforcing policy as a corporation, a constable is different as he is under oath to the common law, but in both you have to consent, which then becomes law if you consent. A court summons is an invitation to be birthed in a dock in admiralty law, but if reject and return the summons and file that rejection with them, it is final, you have uninvited yourself, but this administration court is de facto not de jure and it cannot hold jurisdiction over a flesh and blood real person (the creditor, but not birthed to the bank) You stay as executor and beneficiary as they are the trustees not you. Their system is not real in life but you are real.

The common law also applies to and for the benefit of courts and solicitors and policemen (everyone) the military and ‘civilians’ for their benefit and for peace and prosperity in the land.

The 12 presumptions of the law in the private law guild, are described as Canon 3228  “A Roman Court does not operate according to any true rule of law, but by presumptions of the law. Therefore, if presumptions presented by the private Bar Guild are not rebutted they become fact and are therefore said to stand true [Or as truth in commerce]. There are twelve (12) key presumptions asserted by the private Bar Guilds which if unchallenged stand true being Public Record, Public Service, Public Oath, Immunity, Summons, Custody, Court of Guardians, Court of Trustees, Government as Executor/Beneficiary, Executor De Son Tort, Incompetence, and Guilt”  

Once rebutted or as you do not stand under, there is no breach of law, by not attending or placing the court on their common law oath (not the fictitious law of presumptions towards a surf as debtor to the corporation) there is no case, and no business as the law and those who practice the law (practice and become your agent but working for the debtors and not you ) have no fine in breach of their law. The common law is paramount. (These facts may help many to understand the conversation with Nicodemus Ben Gurion in the bible in John 3, 1- 30)

Article 39 and 40 of the Magna Carta prevents illegal arrest. “ (39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way except by the lawful judgement of his equals or by the law of the land”   Monarchs swear to uphold the law of the land not the law of corporations UCC, as you are over that law not under it. All 63 points / articles of the Magna Carta (from the original 17)

For those who have suffered loss due to the corona hoax then this is a just remedy (or remedies) and these videos above will also reveal how to take your national country back.



The error that State laws add to your rights (from the French revolution forward) but which can actually remove your Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) 


The 1st of May (now passed) is traditionally associated with the Maypole dance  as the ‘World Tree’ is an ancient dance. Others regard it as the symbol of revolution from the Enlightenment and the real date of the French revolution is believed to be the 5th of May following the ‘declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen’ in 1789. Rebelling against the 1st and 2n and 3rd estates, the revolution eventually entered into the reign of terror resulting in the Guillotine of many in those estates including Louis XV1 the King of France. Louis the X1V was known as the Sun King  The 1st estate is the nobility and kings, the 2nd estate the clergy and the 3rd estate  all other people or everyone else, hence they were the most powerful in terms of numbers. Yet they lived feudal lives as serfs or slaves or small holders and craftsmen or soldiers and so on.

The 3rd estate in the estates general were the common people, yet in becoming Citizens to gain from the ‘declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen’ these common people gave up their status as Sovereigns (but oppressed) into a new paradigm or rights we know today as the ‘State’ They became Citizens instead of Sovereigns. This has been debated one way or the other but the state confers ‘equal rights of a sort’ but actually can remove inalienable rights (meaning those that have always existed and cannot be taken away, but the state tries its best to do so ) It is big government today which has (just increasingly over the last few months) merged with Corporations. They wanted representation by voting and not as ‘order takers’ removing the other two estates. Yet since then as William Butler Yeats puts it in his poem ‘The Great day’ as looking at the beggar on horseback, the lash goes on, and orders and wealth inequality remain after the ‘revolution’  A further consideration is that Jacques Necker the financier of the King in the French revolution stoked revolution by making bad loans resulting in wars and discontent

Today we know the media and news as the ‘Fourth estate’ and even a Fifth estate of those who utilise the internet.  A 6th estate emerging are those who use money online and on the dark web and utilise AI, a new world of the technocracy in the ‘4th industrial revolution’

One group in the French revolution were the ‘Sans Cullottes’ who amongst other ideals also believed in price controls. Many of them had lost land and profession and became fervent revolutionaries; they had been the ‘peasant proprietary’ but had lost everything. Yet even those ‘peasant proprietary’ who lived through the revolution also lost small holdings and village land and farms they once had, and even after the revolution. (Chairman Mao of course also took all lands under control of the central vanguard unelected communist party)  Craftsmen  and guilds were abolished as an ‘estate’ by the French revolutionaries in 1791 after they had been revived in 1773, following a slow decline especially from 1707 onwards. These operatives could also be ‘peasant proprietary’, by 1808 they were replaced by speculative craftsmen, although the operative craft still survive to this day.

Once the medieval cathedrals and churches began to wain in construction these operative craftsmen went into decline as no new apprentices could be found. A typical story even to this day. They were tradesmen yet as operatives they constructed some of the most sublime buildings the world has ever seen. Reputed to have gained knowledge from the returning Knights Templar’s there practical building geometry and sacred geometry can still be seen to this day, and modern constructions do not have the same insight or appeal or brilliance. The ‘enlightenment’ began to challenge Christianity and Judaism, and instead the ‘intellect’ and science (only) took precedence over operative skills into speculative skills (with building on a smaller scale) and into science alone. Humanity was moved into ‘reason’ but also into citizenship with laws that were not based upon God but upon man. The common law was constantly replaced even though it was cited by new constitutions which often left (in the end) the state of the lower estates in a worse condition, landless,  without skills, city dwellers as the new emerging ‘proletariat’ Today it is planned that cities will contain 70% of the world’s population.   This has been one result from the ‘revolution’ And this change is ongoing and could be 85% or more in time. Land is not scarce however yet the proletariat from their overcrowded cities are naturally convinced the world is over populated, from their perspective. From someone in the middle of the country in all nations, the world is very much under populated. This change has taken 400 years , with the first 200 progressing very slowly speeding up dramatically since 1880 to today.

In 1917 during the Russian revolution see the ‘(VIDEO 21) THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION’   At 8 minutes fwd you will see the Christian communities (Anabaptists and Mennonites and Amish and Jewish etc ) who successfully farmed large areas of land in eastern Europe (Volga and the black sea especially)  producing a bounty as they lived quiet lives in peace and with Gd. Largely Prussian Germans who knew how to develop the land, and understood the soils, they were model citizens. They produced bounties from poor land.

The Bolsheviks killed them with torture methods even the Chinese revolution or Spanish inquisition could not imagine.  The Bolsheviks lost the first election in 1917 (Lenin) and began the Red Terror which slaughtered ethnic Russians. see also Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book '200 years together'  The peasants which did not vote for Lenin, the small landholders, the farmers, and even the equivalent Russian ‘Sans Culottes’ rejected this big government ‘state’. Further and see Videos 19 and 20 a film which examines the Holocaust in Germany   many of the Prussian German farmers mentioned above were Jewish. They were followers of Gd, not those who worship themselves as Gd or who are lost in the secular humanist delusion.


The difference between Sovereign common law and statue (state civil law) 

When the lockdown occurred Globally people already had Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) Since then those rights have been removed in the minds of the government (but no where else) but the government is not above the people See ‘STRAWMAN - THE NATURE OF THE CAGE’  Or here  or here again once more         (or here as an MP4 file)  To take an example is the matter of masks or social distancing many governments introduced laws which are lesser laws to say people had to wear masks, but  then they inserted a subsection saying in effect if you want  to be exempt you can be exempt  This is because these laws cannot usurp your common law Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) In effect these lesser laws are a legal fiction and guff. However they satte you must wear masks (mandatory) and try to remove your Sovereign law 100% and then offer some back (exemption 15% or so ) but establish in the media and minds of the people that these laws are in effect and so remove your rights 85%, when you already had those rights not to wear a mask anywhere at all times (as is the real law now) 

These UN international rules based laws are designed to remove national laws and establish the right to remove people from their homes without a Warrant. For instance now police can in theory if they suspect there are more than 6 people in a home (designed for 2 - 4 people with 1 bathroom etc) then they enter and remove people. This also applies to the homes of police, the military and government officials . This is because state law and statutes are not the law but in the case of masks the exemption to wear the masks is actually LAWFUL but rights you already hold before the government made its announcements as 'recommendations' only and not LAW .

Sheriffs in the USA for instance  (in many cases ) recognise these laws are illegal  Sherrifs in the USA have refused to comply with the United Nations UN agenda or see more here on Bitchute and more sheriffs are recognising that the law is not their oath 

UN Global vaccination program by force and deception. The aim is to remove children under the UNs global vaccination program (or to establish that right in theory) under Bill Gates and Gavi  (GAVI = Global vaccine Action Plan)  A plan already established before the corona flu 'outbreak' and mentioned by Dr Michael Ryan of the world Health Organisation


A good book on ‘the State’ by Michael Horsman “The State of Freedom and Justice as if people matter most”  or see video "001: The State of Freedom and Justice Government as if people matter most with Michael Horsman"  which discusses taxation and many subjects and Henry George Progress and Poverty untangles much of this.





3. Money, banking, liberty and the ‘Global One World Bank’ (& other news maybe overlooked during the pandemic)

Link back to the top of Chapter 3b


In the Irish elections (8.2.2020 see above in chapter 3a , but repeated here and in which nothing has changed as 11 or so EU MEP’s still control Ireland although one of them Ben Gilroy has other ideas  or see here again)  Britain can now make its own trade deals but EU countries cannot (see ‘SHOCK POLL! 53% of Italians Want to LEAVE the EU or the Eurozone!!!’ )

“Strategian’ gives an explanation of current global economics and the (repurchase agreements) repo rate panic (and he specifically describes Ireland 2 paragraphs down)  If you do not grasp what he is taking about or your politicians do not, then they should not be running for election. He mentions the main stream media has not mentioned it See  ‘Financial Collapse - REPO and MBS Future Disaster In The Making?’  (or see ‘Repo: How Roughly $1 Trillion Moves Overnight | WSJ’  )” An earlier video pointed out that 50% of tax take in the Republic goes to paying its national and other debts. This amidst numerous IMF warnings that countries must reduce debt. Many suggest simply cancel those debts, and remove the quadrillions from taxpayer liability in derivatives and other online gambling instruments. Even in September 2019 Strategian warned on the ‘repo’ overnight rates were baffling people around the world and warnings were given in 2018 moving even towards a bond failure and sovereign bonds in negative interest rates. (non assets which started to disrupt the economy on 3.3.2020 before Trump declared fully a national emergency on Friday 13.03.2020  ) Thetrigger was the coronavirus

Ireland has (22.04.2020) or the remnant in government has decided that it can have no more mass gatherings until the 2020 Autumn. Leo Vradaker resigned earlier in the year but is still issuing 'recommendations' not facts. It is not the law, as the constitution allows for mass gatherings and the right of assembly. The Irish government is effectively stating it does not care about people, or the debt and has effectively locked itself out of 'the people' and government as a seperate entity. It is has abandoned the land and the right to be a government. The UN has no authority anywhere. Social media says it will ban events that violate social distancing orders.  The silicon valley tech community have a high opinion of themselves and their powers but they are nothing to do with the law or governance. They are not orders or the law. The US constitution allows the right of assembly, and 2nd amendment rights etc. They have no authority. As if meetings in millions could not occur without them. They could be fined very heavily for their overreach. 

Ireland in its supreme court to date still has not acknowledged the right of humans in the womb to be classed as human from conception. (see chapter 3a above) and the UN has decreed (chapter 3a above also) that 'human' is not a recognizable term (in human rights ?) Debt has more rights than ‘humans’(in the new 4th industrial revolution, technocracy, 5g/6g transhumanist social credit dystopia)

Essentially the world’s central banks had no money, and/or the perception of money and were going beyond the normal repo procedures, simply sending trillions to one central bank account balance electronically, and then this was forwarded to the next central bank and on and on around all central banks globally in essence falsifying the books and giving the impression of liquidity (which is different from equity which does not come into any reckoning in any case) This has exposed the problem of central banking. As many countries have higher than 100% GDP then a trigger (corona) would expose this illusion and masquerade in a huge collapse bubble completely, and that is what has occurred.

In truth the Obama bubble was still plaguing the world’s economy from 2008 into 2020. At that time (2008) congress voted not to bail out the banks on 28/29/ Sep 2008 under President George Bush (and like other businesses to let them collapse in a free market economy)  Wall street shuddered  A few days later the US senate voted for it on 2.10.2008 including Senator Obama. TARP bailed from the treasury of the United Sates (or the Troubled  Asset Relief Program ) and the election for President only one month later on November  8th 2008 was in effect bought by the winner who did ‘most’ to bail out the banks.  However the bailouts continued for years and was combined with Quantitative easing to buy assets and debt creating an artificial debt risk outlook, by putting off the problem for another day (and every day since) Even the federal reserve and Fannie mae / Freddie mac (mortgages)  received bank bailouts Whatever this is, it is not free market capitalism or ‘bullish’.

The bubble has burst again and so far $6 trillion in stimulus expected to grow to $10 trillion soon and on and on over the summer every 3 or 4 weeks as nearly 20 million register for unemployment. This however only covers spending and immediate problems. Behind the scenes these trillions have been dwarfed by bailouts totalling nearly $2 trillion per day since mid - march 2020 or earlier amounting to now nearly $60 trillion dollars. This bailout is in effect a spending programme and is in effect a manipulation from or by financial communism, disguising risk and value whilst printing out money constantly without end in effect printing money to force negative interest bonds to have value. It is bringing a nationalist outlook to the global economy but a war between corporations and non corporations to control that national economy. The merger of state and corporations. It is not good news for China and this will have a destabilising effect on Iran amidst the Saud - Russia (war of words so far) disagreement on oil supplies and prices in or out of Opec.Oil prices have plummeted, but China and Iran and other countries are withdrawing from the dollar in the petro dollar recycling system. See ‘WOW! Crude GOES NEGATIVE!!! PLUS IMPORTANT MARKET UPDATES. Mannarino’  as the oil drops so too does the value of the dollar as people have to buy oil in dollars.(plus small businesses versus corporation and why Pelosi suddenly loves Donald Trump even after attempting to impeach him ? see chapter 3a above)

Central banks began to merge closer in September 2019 and from throughout the summer of 2019 administratively  (see post above dated 9.9.2019 in chapter 3a and which includes the IMF and World bank ) and subheading ‘World Central banks to merge slowly’ and ‘The Crypto currency decentralised liquidity’ This artificial creation of value is taken up by Max Keiser and Daniela Cambone. ‘Max Keiser explains why only gold, silver and bitcoin can save you now  Gold’s price is suppressed as the paper (fictional price) price is lower artificially than gold and of course they exceed the value of all gold in existence currently.(although more may be discovered)  Keiser suggested in 2008 that all countries repatriate their gold. Bitcoin is mentioned and it is pushed everywhere but not for the reasons we are told (it is an asset not a currency currently) Keiser (at 15mins fwd) says the central bank are pumping up the stock market by orienting money by buying back their own stock (and all global stock) and debt globally whilst companies value decreases in the crash. Therefore the Ponzi scheme gives (and has always given) stock their value and not a company’s worth. Therefore the amount of money in a market decreasing and increasing determines value of any commodity.

He says offshore value is 22 trillion in offshore accounts.(now 42 trillion)  Interestingly Denmark and Poland have said they will not bail out companies who hold offshore accounts. He also points out that small business could profit (if still viable) if they buy stocks now as the Federal Reserve is doing competing with the corporations. He also suggests that organised labour should organise but ditch the lefts false dawns and philosophies. Returning small business (SME) and business’s to renewed power is priority. Currently in the 2020 debt jubilee for the bankers   ‘Keiser Report | Debt Jubilee for Bankers | E1529’  and why is this not extended to everyone ? The printing of money ironically could have eased the toilet paper scare currently afflicting the stay at home masses. In the ‘SGT report’End game Psychological operations’ which begins and ends with the money printing press in operation  UNLIMITED PRINTING: Do You Know How This Story Ends?  It shows that there is more than enough toilet paper to go around. The Federal Reserve moved from QE (quantitative easing)  to QT quantitative tightening and now back to QE. The bank of last resort which is also lender and bank of last resort is the ultimate conflict of interest and is illegal when buying back their own stock.

Now the Federal Reserve has set up an SPV (in see above also ‘Keiser Report | Debt Jubilee for Bankers | E1529’i.e a special purpose vehicle at 12mins 45 seconds) as lender and bank of last resort. Trump has moved the Federal Reserve into the Treasury prompting some to suggest it has been nationalised, yet in 2008 it was the treasury who bailed out the banks under Obama (see above)  First the bond markets was ‘nationalised’  calming the market but not the unemployed or taxpayers. It is not nationalised as a treasury controlled entity, rather it controls the treasury as opposed to being private. It was always like this however. The myth that you cannot bail out small business because it would cause inflation has vanished. There is no need to pay tax and it should be cut to 5% straight away or people should refuse to pay. Currently the USA is not a free market and it is not capitalist, in fact it was socialist monetary policy for decades has caused this crisis. This is what we have now state capitalism. If corporations and small business can thrive then it could bring great prosperity (competition) otherwise it will lead to corporations dominating, then merging into monopolies, which leads to imperfect completion, long term fixed capital investment in the company in the decreasing returns until you have Soviet decay and a corporate rust belt. Monopoly leading to inefficiency. Trump has however made new trade deals and the new USCMA (formerly nafta) begins in June 2020.

In other words and according to Max Keiser and Gregory Mannarino it is the flow of money giving value to stocks not the value of the company It is rigged,  but could be rigged for SME and the businesses to the tune of Trillions also, not a pittance (see also 'INCREDIBLE! Stock Futures GAIN On Millions MORE Losing Their Jobs. Mannarino'  &  'McConnell faces backlash after saying states should declare bankruptcy'   they point out the banks were bankrupt in repo systems and in practice and in a free market real word companies, banks and states go bankrupt ? )


A solution to the conundrum partly due to the outdated economic classical models economists employed and to the problem of long term fixed capital investment was for producers to form trusts, monopolies and cartels. Many industrialists accepted the need for society and commerce to be stable, and they rejected ‘Market solutions’ to the competition of production problem, yet did not accept the state should run the business they owned. Rejecting David Ricardo’s theories on exporting and encouraging immigration from abroad (caused by specialisation of one country to a certain industry, which was at a loss despite ‘comparative advantage’ in the ‘free trade’ currency disparities of international trade, which were heightened by tariffs of the exporter) but also any role for the state. This view which is neither socialism nor the market still accepted silently the socialist contention of value of labour is related to the price of the commodity. Lenin who admired trusts for fulfilling material needs nevertheless saw them as a stage before socialism. 31 Corporatists whilst accepting the labour theory of value, differed from the socialists in that they believed they alone should run society. The advancement of trusts, monopolies and cartels led to an initial boom when uniting firms consolidated in one entity, yet the problems of long term fixed capital and decreasing returns to scale still remained. Many of the industrialists were persuaded that cutting wages in this depreciating cycle was the key until studies realised that high wages actually improved the cycle instead. When it became impossible to compete companies took the easy way out and invested only in stocks and shares and gambling to create a profit abandoning the workers. For further information see “EU, Rome, London, Israel” pdf

It all begins with prices locally spiralling upwards in an inflationary drive. Just as prices are controlled (value) in the stockmarket by the lender of last resort becoming the buyer of stocks, local prices are determined by the amount of money in an economy and this circulating national money is something a nation can control and own through their treasury. Of course in the USA they will demand the end of the federal reserve wondering why do they even need it ?

How bad was the early March 2020

See ‘Trillions of Dollars Have Vanished and No One Is Talking About It’  This is aside from the 2 Trillion dollar a day bailout / buying spree in the unlimited spending agreed by Stephen Mnuchin the US treasury secretary. This is aside from the current $6 trillion - $10 trillion stimulus, as many global mints and refineries for precious metals close.


The US Federal Reserve is now the World Central Bank or World Global bank of the ‘One world bank’ 

So to get any idea of what has actually been happening as the federal reserve brings in the new digitised dollar (global see also Scary! Economic Crisis Is The Problem. Digital Fed Dollar Is The Solution!)   but China is also competing heavily for the right (as mentioned constantly throughout chapter 3 and 3a above over 3 years ) but they have slipped back as an economic powerhouse as nations move away from ‘outsourcing’) and it was Goldman Sachs who invented Bitcoin not ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’, you can see the global digital infrastructure moving into place, and they now control the US treasury culling SME’s all over the USA. The 4th industrial revolution 5g / 6g dystopia at full speed but china has already had its citizens in the Norh Korea type lockdown for years (as displayed in chapter 3 and 3a above for over 3 years) see also ‘There's A Battle Going On Between The Economic Superpowers Of The World’

(which also includes the right to issue the one world currency in the globalist model rather than the nationalist model)


Gregory Mannarino 1 – 5 of many below (YouTube channel)



2. ITS OVER... The New America. They Win, You Lose. Here's How... Mannarino                                                     

3. ‘Fed. Announces UNLIMITED Purchases Of Assets. STOCK FUTURES GO PARABOLIC. Mannarino'

4. ‘ALERT. The Use Of Cash Being BANNED.. DOJ Trying To Suspend The Constitution! Mannarino’

5. ‘Big Oil Getting Bailed Out! Wall St. Getting TRILLIONS! Small Business Gets ZERO. Mannarino’ 


This is why the proposed UBI (universal basic income) is a fraud and a deception as it just leads to the dystopia. The false corona certificates Bill Gates (here mentioned by Bill Barr the US attorney general) wants, will next lead to the digital chip via a vaccine (or tattoo) without cash to use in your society.(see the bitchute videos in the first section above)

This video hypothetically is getting closer to the truth and a solution, but Gregory Mannarino points out that the dollar was already backed by oil (a commodity) as they moot gold as backing new national currencies from their treasuries.

‘What will happen to us when the dollar collapse on May 12, 2020?’  In ‘economy new today’ on YouTube

However the vast majority of people in the world do not have gold or precious metals only a method of exchange, and they do not need a digital currency  (ID) with crypto or block chain only or at all. Blockchain is a digital ledger which may be intent on buying more than commodities. International export requires a currency backed by Gold perhaps, (the dollar is already backed by oil in the petro – dollar recycling system) but an internal currency can just be coins and notes for privacy, freedom and free speech. (not dystopia 1984 or the brave new world and without low wages sweat shops)


The realistic familiar alternative to digital currency

For full outline go to the adjacent website and see chapters 1 and 2 

These websites have mentioned the “MO” designation in the money supply (MO – M4) and which exists in central banks. But ‘MO’ existed before central banks and can exist after.

To repeat the following pdf’s represent a thesis which asked 777 financial institutions pertinent questions on this and other aspects of central banking or any banking.

Banking reform 1 thesis.pdf

4.0 Quantative analysis.pdf

Banks and finance houses list.pdf

Construction industry list.pdf


What is interesting about this unusual approach is many of the banking (wholesale and retail and construction companies) thought it was a good idea. The ones that understood the point of the exercise in my opinion are the ones which should be employed to run an economy. Many agreed this method could indeed be employed for social needs.

Video Documentary for those who do not wish to read the thesis contents, a documentary made in 2009 entitled,

"97% Owned - Positive Money Cut" available on YouTube follows its theme very closely. It is also an excellent documentary which relates how democracy & economic democracy is subverted, but also how full employment on high wages can produce stability.

( Alternative link )

The first pdf discusses the response and all the pdf’s and all responses were also loose leafed pages bound eventually into a large book. It took 2 adults and 3 children to sort and manage.

It also points out that MO as a part of the money supply existed as high as 21% in 1963, and previously it could have been as high as 100% compared to 3 or 4 % which exists today There is no economic reason why it has to exist at only 3 or 4% and you can see it does not increase debt levels as it circulates This is because it is not charged at interest to the public. A nation does not charge itself interest to distribute its own internal money supply. It exists outside of the M1 – M4 money designation. Today in Britain it would take around £70 billion to circulate for it to achieve fair value against prices. It is the interest at source which causes first inflation and this is a separate issue from ‘Fractional reserve banking’ which occurs after first money is printed. You can have ‘MO’ with or without fractional reserve banking. This MO supply was reduced down slowly over time from the 1960’s (but even then it was circulated at 21% of the money supply at 0% interest known as narrow money notes and coins) It was then taken away slowly, yet without public debate and for no reason at all over than to profit from what should be free. It is however not ‘free money’ as it requires work and reward as normal. It flow and amount is regulated for the sake of fair prices at fair value. The other money designations M1 to M4 (broad money) can exist at interest or not and MO circulating does not hinder import export or the stockmarket.

See ‘Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 1’.  At 1 minute 30 seconds fwd. Interest on the money created, creates a need for more money to be printed to pay the interest. Money and interest are two spate items. Money 100% is not the same as Money with interest as this requires 100% +  2 or 3% or whatever. So it can never be paid back as the missing money to pay the interest is printed again .... at interest !. In other words it is the interest which creates the inflation requiring new money to be printed.

(‘Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 2’.)

For M1 to M4 interest can be attached, but this thesis particularly wanted to draw out that non electronic money circulating at 0% interest internally can remove inflation and price instability in an economy. It made sure that the question could not be ignored. Further real coins and notes do not need electronic banking or permissions or ‘access’ permissions. There are two conversations occurring, 1 is that printing money = inflation or taking money from an economy = deflation, yet this science was an ancient science monitored every day to give the correct level to allow prices to remain lower than wages = the equilibrium without inflation or deflation. However today this can never be reached as the interest attached at source means inflation keeps going and going. ‘MO’ therefore could be gold, silver, or non precious metals and notes we have today. When a nation owns its treasury it can do this as having faith in itself is its viability. It could create its own new treasury and distribute this money around. It would provide stability (not riches) in a recession but more to the point it does not require vaccinations, RDIF chips or sesame social credit big brother dystopia running your life every day.  This in fact was the major point of this thesis as an antithesis to brave new world and ‘1984’. The 350 banks, building societies, banks and corporate banks actually co-operated with the questionnaires throughout Britain, and whilst many hinted at what this is getting at, some even at high levels within the City just blurted it all out. The pdfs could not contain all questionnaires (but it was made into a bound book ) but you can get the gist from those present. It was not a hoax or an exercise but it was live. It the very basics of an economy like Fishers stamp scrip but better (see the Introduction on the adjacent website ) It would help the most vulnerable in society and provide a bridge to prosperity. It was created for a time such as this.

It can exist in parallel with other currencies, (in any nation but under interest free hard cash circulation) and does not exclude electronic banking. It is ‘old school’ but very simple and worth the minor inconvenience cash has. Keep cash. 


01.05.20202 (inserted MayDay 2020,  95% of the Wolrd's population)

Participants in this thesis/survey responded by  52 % (and not every reply is contained with the 4 pdf's above, 100 or so arrived after the due date and could not be counted) who understood what this means passed comments as to how this could work. It could work in any procurement area, and still provide profitable banking and construction. The public is told this is a non - issue of low importance. Most people do not have Gold or Silver and live day to day from wages and it is more important for them, but they make up 95 % of the world's population.  Of the 261 questionnaires returned in time 82.4% said they thought interest free would be a good idea, and surprisingly 35.08% of the returned questionnaires said they would wish to raise the matter of a new procurement model in banking and construction along these ideas. Many MSM media conversations began as well as alternative media, and continued beyond 2005/6 into 2007. 

They were also directed back to this website to read the results, and many MSM media conversations began as well as alternative media. 

Many pointed out occasions when it had been employed. Essentially every transaction made in any nation every day, year in and year out and in every nation is devaluing the currency. It is also adding Trillions in debt to every economy and/or every economy unnecessarily against every transaction everyone makes every day. Why would any nation need to charge interest on its circulating money supply (produced in a private bank by printing or in a nations treasury by printing out of nothing) This method increases prices by inflating the economy. It is interest which inflates at printing source in an economy, after which a secondary interest charge is introduced to reduce borrowing which will reduce 'inflation' but as every note (except for 4%, it was 21% in 1963 see images above) by putting borrowers off from borrowing extra. This is absurd. (the four pdfs above also contain instances when the MO was employed to help construction or the public If every item on a quantity surveyors list is purchased at interest i.e. every brick and any item, then inflation is built into the very fabric of society )  Private construction can be charged interest if they borrow from banks, but those monies are or should be equity not loans charged at interest from the central bank, as this acts as a hidden tax on taxpayers and many PPP/PFI loans do the same ) Every day stable prices keep prices low and wages higher producing a boom in spending without inflation for working and middle-class consumers. see Ron Paul on prices 'Ron Paul takes on the Federal Reserve'    or here Ron Paul  'Ron Paul, Fed is going to self destruct'  or here  'End the Fed | Ron Paul'    The MI to M4 designations are not affected by 0% MO it also does not affect the Stock market negatively. The culprit is printing interest on MO which acts then as a hidden tax in direct proportion to the amount of MO in circulation at interest. Solve this first and see prices stabilise and keep their stability over decades. MO is of course monitored and its circulating amount determines value whether it is Gold, silver, notes or coins, but taking the money supply back into the treasury is essential. A solid economy only produces a better stockmarket and increases 100% employment. As every transaction unnoticed contributes to this debt in Trillions the IMF is worried about (but who never seem to mention this problem or 'MO') then this solution is good for the debt reduction they are so concerned about ? It is either ignored or the public are told it is not important or worse an illusion. Look at teh worlds total debt of $250 Trillion by those who manage or economies as experts ? (this method also separates the world from oppression especially 'digital money' AI demands as long as you keep cash)




Global one world bank with digital currency (or not as the .people’ choose)

As mentioned and also in chapter 3a under post dated 9.9.2019 under “World Central banks to merge slowly” The Crypto currency decentralised liquidity is built upon the SDR liquidity network i.e. SDR (Bank of International Settlements ‘Special Drawing Rights’ “bancor SDR which grew out of Bretton Woods in the 1940’s ) or XDR (IMF Special drawing rights) which is a central part of the Brexit debate also. It also mentions from last September as follows “In a drastic financial crash the China version could be ushered in”

Previously numerous warnings see also 20.05.2019 in chapter 3a and numerous in 2017 and 2018. (20.05.2019 repeated here below and see also the adjacent website and chapter 5 on North Korea Chairman Mao )

“The vast world debt of ($250 trillion and unknown quadrillions in derivatives ) which If suddenly cancelled could usher in China to take control of the world bank if caused by a ‘crisis. Russia's debt to GDP ratio is only 13% compared to 80 % or 120% in every western country. The Crypto currency decentralised network is also known as the ‘bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network’ which is growing globally every day and the bancor is in effect a crypto currency token now. Yet as we have already read China wants to control the New World order. This would usher in Communism which Russia and China have in effect rejected as a financial model as they are now capitalist countries, but with a communist vanguard, but the west could become communist with a proposal for a 'basic income' for all people which is communism by another name, (as Obama is touting) and which as an idea is not attractive. China is building ‘OBOR One belt one road’ Now, access to the new SDR (bancor SDR currency drawing rights and XDR imf special drawing rights for the world bank which is in effect a crypto currency if all currency is online only without circulating cash as in the MO designation (see chapter 2 above ) With Russia, China, Europe, Britain and the USA this new system will / could collapse the Dollar, no matter what tax plans are introduced now although they are helping the working and middle class, after Obama's pivot to Asia years, in which Obama said the USA (but really all the west) and its economy must go down whilst other nations catch up, yet all nations are to go down in effect under this proposed system. Obama felt that society cannot make its own decisions and this is the context of his speech in meaning (by big government and oppression and you can read the 20th and 21st century history of that on the adjacent website and chapter 5 and especially North Korea) The USA is now at war with China and Iran”

& on 9.9.2019

The derivatives bubble (last article; Warren Buffet as the world Derivative debt bubble hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) and future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivates debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years)  and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion)

It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble  (IMF estimation and which is owed by everyone on the planet) which is the real cause of the instability in the global markets and world economies ( especially at fiscal / tax levels) not the USA trade war with China”

Therefore building on the Bretton Woods Swizz SDR drawing rights (‘legally’ but not voted upon by the public globally  in UCC Universal Commercial Code) These separate stems or currencies can merge into one and become digitised in a new One World Bank with digital currency although illegally in reality. The US federal reserve is moving to become the Global one world bank or China or the City of London leading it as matters develop as of 23.04.2020 (all predicted above since 2017 or even 7.7.2005 see chapter 3 above)

Global debt Jubilee for ‘the people’ ? (and see the next section 4 )

The Coronavirus has now triggered the ‘pandemic bonds’ insurance for ‘poor and indebted countries’ 133 Million (but the west may have ‘fine print’ legal problems) This drop in the ocean is not enough. As we mentioned at the beginning of this section 3, the repo bank rate scandal was heading into crisis in early 2019 and into the summer of 2019. This potentially had the ability to pull down the banks on its own. Many may it is suspicious that the pandemic pre discussed at Event 201 in New York in Oct 2019 has served to distract from this systemic banking failure. Around the world many nations were moving towards freedom every day in mid 2019 after many hundreds of elections for change globally. Further there are very reasonable doubts that the virus was natural and instead it was created in a and deliberately released, in which case society is not liable.(see section 1 above) We now learn that the 6 – 10 trillion stimulus is also a drop in the ocean compared to the $60 trillion (at 2 trillion per day) buying QE spree (which would also disguise systemic repo rate failure) ongoing and which is unlimited.

Steve Mnuchin has said it is unlimited and every day observed by Gregory Mannarino then it can also be unlimited for small businesses and the worker. In this debt jubilee every small business should be able to claim its complete loss of earnings from beginning to end.  Also if you have asset loss, or lost your home, business or car etc. If you have stood in queues social distancing then your time is a refundable loss of  each and every minute, day in and day out. Anything else you can think of. If unlimited funds can bail out banks then they can (unlimited) bail out every small business and not with cheques for $1200 dollars, or Universal basic income, or other such trivialities which are an insult to everyone. All can claim and they will be re-imburshed.

The next election should highlight who can help the SME’s (small business and high wage growth ) the most, and there are democrats, republicans and libertarians standing in those elections. It should be possible to (unlimited) initially send $15 trillion dollars to SME’s and related without causing inflation if issued without interest penalties. This could be repeated every two months.


In other news (15  below which you may have missed in the pan demic) in the world in which we line.

1.Rabbis defy education authorities and will not teach LGBT in UK Jewish schools

2. Former Police officer Harry Miller wins his free speech high court case

3.Swedish communist party say left has abandoned working class (in the dystopia)

4. Naomi Seibt “anti-Greta” campaigns against climate alarmism

5. The World Health Organisation gets it wrong in early 2019.

6 Indictment against former Obama official Charles Edwards on 7.3.2020.

7 Hillary Clinton,*& also  Obama and Joe Biden and Richard Branson all implicated in NXIVM cult prosecutions

8. Hillary Clinton must testify in email case 

9. Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years in prison, seen here with Hillary Clinton Epstein seen with Weinstein 

10. Michelle Obama praising Harvey Weinstein

11. Andrew Gillum former Obama hopeful (another like Larry Sinclair) caught in porn overdose scandal

12. Alabama passes law protecting children from transgender surgery and treatments

13. Judge dismisses Russia ‘troll bot farms’ story from the Mueller report which said Russian hackers employed farms to disrupt social media. In 2019 a Judge dismissed the case of DNC hacking case against Trump

14. All 15 tds who supported pro life measures in Ireland were re-elected calling into question the accuracy of the ‘abortion’ referendum in 2018.

15. Philip Haney Whistle blower Dept of Homeland security is murdered in late February 2020 (see documentary ‘The faithful steward on bitchute’) His book “see something, say nothing” from 2016 and his new book was just about tio be published hence many fear he was murdered for it (it was due out early April 2020 and it may still be published soon)

See also 'The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA'   and also the 'IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2'  connected to the death of Philip Haney  as is the trafficking and laundering undertaken by Obama via Iran and Biden/Clinton in the china Ukraine deal

The background to Global banking and trafficking disguised as immigration or migrants is pertinent also to the Global pandemic outbreak which has taken everyone’s minds away from the world (the real world) The immigration scam is a vast network of corruption at every level and any corruption or corrupters will go to any lengths to cover their crimes or knowledge of them from the public mind.

‘Jeffrey Epstein: The Game of the Global Elite [Full Investigative Documentary]’  and same here also on bitchute

also see 'Free Your Mind' Bitchute Channel  Pedogate 2020 in depth exploration.

Do you think these people including Bill Gates would not want slaves to control financially and by weaponised medicine, and then have no qualms about it. They should be arrested, micro - chipped and locked away forever. (not you)




4. King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’, the Magna Carta, the bill of rights 1688/1689 and the Popes law to cancel Corporations (23.04.2020 St Georges day)

Link back to the top of Chapter 3b


23.04.2020 St Georges day  (or St Georgios in Greek and also in Catalan, Aragon, Portugal, Ethiopia, Greece and Georgia. St George was originally from Greece ) 


In 2013/ 2014 Pope Francis issued a law which effectively ends all Corporations on earth (MOTU PROPRIO) Since this law would also therefore destroy the United Nations which is a corporation (or leave the Vatican as its sole law maker ) where does this law begin and end (see also chapter 3a above and post dated 17/18.12.2019  and subheading Italy and the 2 Popes (at least 2)’ & see post dated 17/18. 1.2020 in chapter 3a above) Since even the Vatican is a corporation ? and it claims it owns everything (including all the souls in the world ) why has the Pope dropped the Vicar of Christ title ? surely Christ owns all the Souls in the world ? (The Popes idea must mean banks many suppose)

Vaticanus or Vatican means Vatis = Diviner,  Can = Serpent or the divining serpent (see vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis,)

This law to end all Corporations? does it extend to the 1.City of London and the 2. USA ? (District of Columbia, Washington DC) and 3. the Vatican

The District of Columba is a military corporation, the Vatican a spiritual corporation. The City of London is a financial corporation. The US president is the CEO of US incorporated who works for the shareholders and board of directors. The US newly independent states of the United States in 1776. (on July 4, 1776) the people claimed their independence, but in 1871 the US was also incorporated in bold capitals (see relevance in section 2 above which is mentioned with link below) as THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” Allegiances to 1776 are demonstrably present in the USA, yet the US operates under 2 constitutions.

The Pope on February 6th 2020 heavily criticised offshore tax havens and heavy debt burdens and has taken on Corporations  and has sought to end their dominion. Globalisation of course relies on corporations although they can operate in a nationalist model. Therefore ending globalisation is preferred before ending Corporations and for good reason.

Those reasons are contained as far s possible in the following videos on bitchute numbers 11 – 27 on the horrors of Communism, Socialism, Marxism, Maoism, secular humanism and even Communitarianism, and the 4th industrial technocracy dystopia social credit system. See also the DJones channel on Brighteon and connected subscriptions videos nos 1 – 34 (on ‘socialised medicine’ and health) 

With the Pope moving from Christianity into pure Marxism (as a liberation Marxist theologian which is an oxymoron) and now wanting to establish a NWO New World Order base, moving the Vatican to Astana in Kazakhstan  (see video 'Astana Kazakhstan - The New World Order Secret City' in the proposed global enslaved 'technocracy' which is still rife within the Vatican and Vatican bank  1.  ‘The Vortex — Vatican Stealing Millions’  

2. ‘The Vortex — Now, It’s HUNDREDS of Millions!’ European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling via the Vatican bank amidst the recent shocking case of  Jesuit priest Robert J. Goldberg and see also Church Militant (Vortex) on the paedophilia and sexual abuse

In other words this desire to end corruption in the worlds corporations is nothing more than China communism with Islam see here on the false chrislam (or here also) and false ideas see here and also here ) moving to remove their competition as a Trojan horse. It is not a quest for righteousness.

The modern 5g/6g technocracy in which this system operates can be ramped up to cause virus exosomes meaning the ‘emergency’ will never end under the technology and it is simply another form of authoritarian ideology under a totalitarian regime(s) Even if you do not accept the discussed dangers of 5g/6g, it is still going to be used as a intrusive and illegal surveillance system (with AI facial recognition) to enslave via the sesame social credit UBI system.

Pope Francis has not done very well in his quest to end Corporations since 2013, and if anything in the last 3 months they have expanded. State and corporations but not of the left have merged together, although the bank bailouts are purely left in purpose and origin. Why do banks need bailouts with an army of expert economists advising us in the MSM media everyday. How have they got it so wrong ?

Further to this it is disputed that the Vatican owns everything and owns all Souls on earth. The earth and all souls belong to Gd and the Pope is no longer his Vicar of Christ (he says see 1st paragraph above) Further still section 2 above shows why you are Sovereign in yourself (i.e. 2.The Law of the Land 2.The Law of the Land )

Added to King Alfred’s deeming’s laws are the petition of rights 1628. Habeas Corpus 1679, Acts of Parliament 1911 & 1949. They are all supposed to protect the rights of all (everyone)

Magna Carta dates from 1215, and it followed the Doomsday book of 1085, (the great survey) which was not looked upon as favourable being as it was used to clarify who owned what and how many for austere taxation purposes. Prior to this, King Alfred’s ‘deemings’ (King Alfred 1849 – 1899)

The deemings attempted as far as possible to draw on the existing Common law, the Mosaic code (bible) and the Celtic Brehon laws or Celto – Brythonic laws and the customs of Germany. Alfred was of course from the Anglo – Saxons of Germany who arrived into Britain (from the Essex coast) from Northern Germany known as the Jutes, Angles and Frisian Saxons (‘Angul Saxnia’) who also warred with the Frankish kings of Europe. His desire to be a monk meant he studied with the Welsh clergy as well as travelling to Ireland and learning its laws. (Tara and surrounding Brehon laws codified by Chieftain Cormac Mac Airt circa 200ad) The deemings laid the foundation for the Magna Carta although King John signed them reluctantly, and by many they are considered superior than the Magna Carta in that owe fealty to its (their) own nation only.

King John was not the same in intent or spirit as King Alfred and he eventually betrayed his oath to the people and the Magna Carta, but died escaping (in effect during the invasions) with his loot across the marshes of Norfolk in 1216. In 1213 he signed England away to the Vatican as England Corporation as being under the Vatican, but with England being chief executor of the Vatican. Yet that was signed under Pope Innocent the 3rd who was at least then known as the ‘Vicar of Christ’ at that time.

Winchester hall and the Round Table

King Alfred traced his ancestry back to the Scythians and also to Japheth  (read the description below the vid also) The ‘deemings ‘were envisaged (thought deeply over)  at Winchester and today the great hall (which was built in the 13th century) is linked back to 1067 (1066 is when William the conqueror captured England) but a hall stood on the site prior to this. Within it is the Round Table  said to have been made by King Alfred although many say it was made before King Alfred by King Arthur.  Its image is here  (or details here)  However it was probably made by Edward the 1st around the year 1290. Currently it bears the portrait of Henry 8th who declared himself Supreme head of the Church instead of the Pope in 1534 and enacted by the Act of Supremacy. Edward the 1st however was deeply interested in the Arthurian legends as was Robert the Bruce of Scotland who also declared his lineage from the Scythians and Japheth.  (read the description below the vid also)

The ‘City’ of London (mentioned in the Magna Carta) was a fort before Roman times, (dedicated to the Celtic god Lugh and later Christianised. Lugh = Londonium) but was built up by the Romans. Later King Alfred renewed the City, rebuilt its walls and set about re-organising the finances and organised the towns into free trading ‘Burghs’ They worked very well and brought prosperity but his coinage considerations meant “inflation” in circulating national currency (anyone could make private agreements outside of this) was not circulated at interest. Once this was in operation it provided the foundation for everything to be built well upon it. Today this is not considered and eventually everything else above it collapses or is manipulated (as is evident) King Alfred therefore considered everyone equally.

The City of London held out against William the Conqueror who decided not to continue his siege against it, and instead gave them rights, but rights which they already held. This unusual situation means today the Monarch has to ask the Lord Mayor to enter into the City of London, and the Crown is not sovereign over it but the City can be the crown in effect. The City could ignore the Crown as executor of the Vatican for instance.

However William built up around the City and added Parliament which slowly encroached upon the City. In the English civil war the City was parliamentarian against the crown, but the reality is the City upheld a monarch who supported it, but opposed those who opposed it. (The Whigs and the Tories) Henry the Eight and Elizabeth 1st  Protestant would use  Parliament  against a Roman Catholic King or the City against any Roman Catholic King, (and/or vice versa) and so the Crown became subservient to the City which is in effect the Crown. Henry the 8th extended Whitehall which replaced the palace of Westminster which has been damaged in the fire of 1512. 

Charles the 1st was executed outside the banqueting hall (the Palace of Whitehall) and was not allowed a burial in Westminster Abbey, as a Roman Catholicism and the monarchy was abolished and a Commonwealth of England was established as a Republic. Charles 2nd re-established the Monarchy. Yet the Monarch can usurp the City and can also dissolve Parliament, but only Parliament can raise taxes, but the Monarchy has prerogatives and customary rights. The City remembrancer sits in the House of Commons and can influence opinions directly. (as mentioned, The City of London Mayor gives his permission for the Monarch to enter the City) The City has a Global outlook which can be out of step with the rest of the British economy, but not always. William of Orange was paid by the Pope at the battle of the Boyne as the Pope was against the French king of the time. Oliver Cromwell was Lord protector and organised a New Model Army, yet when he retired, (he was between two Kings Charles 1st in the period known as the ‘English Interregnum’ or the English Commonwealth, and Charles 2nd)  Charles the 2nd (aka James) simply kept the same system as Cromwell used, including a new Model army of sorts, but was a Roman Catholic King whereas Cromwell was a Puritan.

The point being that a system of checks and balances in a tri part democracy has served to protect the people against long tenure or a one sided view or bad systems or governance. England is a constitutional republic, but with a Monarch, and between these two ‘areas’ lies the City of London (in reality)

Therefore and not just in England but in many nations over millennia and since Plato and the Egyptians and the Greeks and Romans every conceivable type of government or system has been put into effect from every angle you can think of.

Returning to the great hall at Winchester and the Round table. It has 24 segments (the portrait being the 25th) This idea is taken from the bible and 1 Chronicles 24, 1 – 5 The people described in these verses are real people as they also mentioned  in Revelations 2,10 & 4, 4 & 4,11.

1 Chronicles 24, 1 – 19 shows how King David divided the officiating Priests and Levites into courses of 24 to function in and around the Temple in Jerusalem. The table also mirrors the Zodiac, divided into 12 months, but of course each day of the month is divided into night and day 12 = 24. The equinoxes define the equal periods of day and night (light and dark) both in Spring and Summer / Autumn. This year for instance the Passover (the ‘moveable’ feast) could easily have been one month earlier due to the early equinox and new moon and full moon calendar. The ripening barley (exodus 9, 31 – 32) defined which side of the equinox or which full moon could define Passover although it was meant to after the equinox.

Further the North Star ‘Auturus’ was the pivot in the sky which guided travellers on a steady course, it remained ‘stationary’ as the stars and constellations rotated around them in the procession of the equinoxes. See Chapter 1 above . The land was also mapped to reflect the sky and the heavens as is evident from ‘Megalithic’ and ‘Neolithic’ sites, but also the sites of the middle ages and into the modern era.

King Authur and King Alfred kept these traditions. They were Christian. Searching for King Arthur in history has lead to the message that he was a myth or indiscernible, yet he is mentioned in the Welsh triads and the ‘The White Book of Rhydderch’ (Culhwch and Olwen)and ‘The Mabinogion’ Cormac Mac Airt also lived in the 2nd century ad and was a Christian king. The Mabinogion’ takes you also into other lands of Celtic/Saxon history, including Scandinavia and France and further if only by description or some lands from those who came to Britain.

The Round table from the perspective of 1 Chronicles 24, 1 – 5 can be understood by reading Chapter 5 below but also (within chapter 5) from understanding how it is King David came to bring this system into reality in the first place.

1.    ‘The Tabernacle of King David’   


2. ‘The Double Portion & the 7 / 8 Feasts of Israel in David’s Tabernacle. The Millennium Reign’ 


3. The Tabernacle of David, Power, Ownership and Authority
(Economics, Land & Money)


No 3 gives an outline of forgotten aspects of economics within government and history. The laws of Jubilee and sabbatical years and money with real examples for society today and just as pertinent or even more so as any ideological economic theory or theories. They were not / are not options and are for all

King Arthur is not as tangible (it is believed) as the modern histories of say Alexander, Plato, Strabo, Genesis 10, Socrates, Herodotus, Dio Cassius, Josephus etc, although there are many sources of his history. A more tangible person is King Alfred who Arthurian in his outlook, and an extraordinary character in history defined the modern world hence he was called great. Alfred was pre- Plantagenet and originated from different stock but interrelated from the Counts of  Anjou and even the Count Fulke (and his unfortunate experience and surprise with his wife Melusine) In the modern era Lloyd George (1863 – 1945) was Welsh and was also known as ‘Merlin’ see the book by Donald McCormick “The Mask of Merlin” or again  see here also


Alfred also sometimes had a troubled personal life which is not brought forward as much in the excellent documentary (by Michael Wood)


King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons, Alfred of Wessex (episode 1)


King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons. The Lady of the Mercian’s (episode 2)


King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons. Aethelstan, The first King of England (episode 3)


The excellent documentary is factual but maybe does not have the time to explore other aspects of King Alfred’s life. In 1969 a film on King Alfred’s life was produced (see below ) which delves into his life in more detail. The film takes certain liberties in combining two Ealhswith’s into one (drawing on the unfortunate Eadburh also a Mercian) and also Alfreds daughter Æthelgifu to make an Arthurian theme. Asser (see Genesis 49,20 & 35, 26) the chronicler of Alfred was Welsh (a monk from St David’s in Dyfed) and Welsh (as today) was still spoken all over England as was also Scandinavian / German. The film also hints that the King of the Marshes (see in the film) of the peasants could have been a type of King Arthur or even Asser himself or one of his household.


The film is here (and which also features the White Horse at Uffington)


Alfred the Great (1969 film)

( or here as an MP4 file Video )


King Alfred before his deeming were complied (at points in the film) first at 1 hour 21minutes rediscovers the Spartan phalanx and suspects that ‘the law’ (see section 2 above again) applies equally to all. At 1 hour 41 mins fwd he discusses that all are ‘Freeman’ for those outside the law also (outlaws) and that a book of the law will be compiled for everyone (the deemings)

It is interesting today thatExtinction Rebellion’ XR placed their mural on a chalk horse The original in Uffington, Wiltshire (dating from around 725 bc, yet it may have been enlarged and recut before this for many centuries) can be viewed from nearby Dragon hill, is  of course is intact but the significance of XR’s image placed upon this monument should be understood.  It is saying (they say) this heritage is over. (see more at the end of Chapter 3a and with music)

As well as the laws of Jubilee and Sabbatical years see the true meaning and management of wealth (see 3. The Tabernacle of David, Power, Ownership and Authorityabove )

a vital law for King Alfred (which he remembered perhaps in the marshes of Somerset) was Deuteronomy 17, 14 – 20


Today the vast majority of people look on in disgust at Rome and its Priests, and other dominations including the Protestant church, pagan groups, secular humanists,  political parties, bankers, civic institutions and ideologues, but spiritual advisers who behave the way they have, have acted far worse than politicians or bankers who (not all) claim no spiritual direction. Betraying that is the most heinous crime of all especially against children. The 20,000 or so elites who run the world (they believe and/but many of them want something better also) with the rest above should beg forgiveness of the people. There are veiled threats implied within the ‘lockdown’ that it could get worse. It is not a cliché to say that there are now 7.5 Billion on the earth and in one day (without breaking the law or causing destruction) they could (by walking in with tens of millions) take over these false institutions and run them better as they have the real power and the real law (the chapters 2, 3 and 3a above give an analysis of elections which can help you to decide who is best suited to run your nation (free to trade) and who has common sense)

The 7.5 billion are not in lockdown and could take it all in one day.




10 .05.2020 Equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally

Link back to the to the top of Chapter 3b




Equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally the maxim of the left.

Pandemic 1 & Pandemic 2 (....3, 4 or by whatever means possible)

The 7 step recipe for creating Vaccine demand & Beware the Contact tracers.

The ‘Fabians’ and their connection to the abortion industry and material for Vaccinations.

Event 202 as an alternative to ‘Event 201’held in  Oct 2019 & 5G/6G truth


One bank heist to rule them all (you are Sovereign) Last section and which includes a full list of Child abuse and crimes and arrests so far in 2020 



Equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally

This post following on from above marks Mayday and the 5th of May (the French revolution) and VE day 8.5.2020 ( is a bank holiday for it)  yet what use are any of these dates if liberty has been removed ?

V E Day celebrations 2020   (with social distancing but what really is social distancing and why ? see further down)



At the start of this Chapter 3b the ongoing fraud court cases against ‘Big Tech’ are cited and for instance all 50 states in the USA have court actions against Google and other silicon valley tech companies and note the media is owned by only 6 corporations in the world. They have all acted in unison to bring about this false plandemic since October 2019 and Event 201 (or here on Amazing Polly Bitchute  or amazing Polly with complete Plandemic exposure up to date)  before the Corona was publically known and citing Corona before it began (an alternative Event 202 in response has been enacted we can see later on) People who have had the flu jab will test positive for Corona and your vaccinated future (which you can refuse) this is what it looks like because the UN want to build an alternative government in your nation

The documentaries Plandemic the hidden agenda and also called ‘Doctors in black’ points out the deception, but does not go far enough (all vids here)  but see the videos uploaded here  

and for example (Video 34) No Limits_ Thalidomide Babies (Phocomelia) _ Full Documentary _ Reel Truth  

and also  (Video 23) Lethal Injection The Story Of Vaccination  and also (Video 17) The swine flu fraud of 1976, on 60 Minutes 

and also again (Video 33) CDC Exposed - Millions of Americans Given Cancer via Polio Vax & Thalidomide   and once again (Video 3 )Exposing The FDA _ War On Health ( Gary Null's Documentary)

These videos alone will prove to you that the idiots calling for Mandatory vaccinations are fake or ignorant.



Active measures and Brainwashing techniques (and attempted alterations to your DNA)

What has happened to you over the last 4 months is as follows (in stages) “Karl Marx (it is claimed although his writings moved from 'Marxism' to Communism later) believed society was transitioning within 'historical materialism' or dialectical historical materialism and from its origins in 1) primitive communism / slavery which passed and moved to 2)  Feudalism, then to  3)  capitalism and next to 4) socialism and then finally towards a 5) better … corrected communism (than primitive communism making  a 'great leap forward' from capitalism to socialism / communism at some stage of economic or political development” (see chapter 5 on the adjacent website)

These 4 measures are also described here  and a part of  'Active measures '  and also Soviet brainwashing techniques  which are also employed by the Scientologists in Ireland  or in Birmingham  It differs from Islam (which is brainwashing) as Muslims are born into it.

Russia and Yuri Bezmenov (on every level of the media)

Yuri Bezmenov former KGB agent explains how to brainwash a nation.  Or here as the abridged version in bitchute “How to brainwash a nation”   

It occurs in 4 stages; (repeat from Chapter 5 in the adjacent website from 2017)

“A former Soviet agent Yuri Bezmenov explains how entire nations are brainwashed into what is effectively today a cult which seeks to destabilize the working or middle class or any group or iconaclasts but was / is aimed against the west as active measures/ physiological warfare by 1. Demoralisation, 2. Destabilisation & the Useful idiots as Lenin called them 3. Crisis 4. (after crisis violence and/or change) = Normalisation. Video; YouTube 'How To Brainwash A Nation'  (or here full length Youtube 'Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length)')”

Edward Bernays How to brainwash a nation  The next stage is the UN using ‘contact tracers’ for the fake pandemic to break down Common law as Sovereigns (which you are already) and build the fake cardboard cut out gvmt on your land. (see below on subheading on the 7 steps for creating vaccine demand and removing cash to create RFID chips demand as ‘mandatory’) The new vaccines are designed to alter DNA  or here on bitchute SGT report 'The pandemic vaccine agenda'  



(The GRU IN RUSSIA / PRUSSIA answers to the Pope who is no longer the ‘vicar of Christ’ who has now teamed up with microsoft, IBM etc who says we must love the UN who love abortions for everyone for the vaccination dna material and the UN have redifined what it means to be human in the new ‘Astana’ NWO transhumanist religion of equal rights but no rights equally of the ‘left’ Moving the Vatican to Astana in Kazakhstan  (see video 'Astana Kazakhstan - The New World Order Secret City' in the proposed global enslaved 'technocracy' ) )

Vladimer Kvackov again Here in German  with subtitles but with the Universal language (applicable to every nation in depopulation) of deception which Communism has see videos 19 – 31



This (‘Equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally’) maxim was essential in all elections (read many of them in Chapter 3 & Chapter 3b above) to ironically remove your rights. The ‘Equality’ lie based on the fictitious parallel law to the common law. It looks and sounds good, yet it simply and uniformly removes your rights as a Sovereign person. In any land the ‘people’ not the Monarch alone are Sovereign.

The ‘left’ have pushed this maxim screaming it at people and now ironically they are seeing what it really means “equal rights, but no rights equally” and everyone has experienced this in real time. The left have (most unknowingly ) been working for corporations and central banks who push mass immigration to fulfil the missing money in the money circulation system. This forces a lowering of wages and a need for more and more slaves on lower wages. i.e 3.Swedish communist party say left has abandoned working class (in the dystopia)Many within them were paid to scream racism yet when it became obvious that (even from within the Vatican) ‘immigrants’ were rounded up and trafficked into countries, they ignored this and continued the deception. Gays became demented screaming for equal rights but now they have no rights equally, this is because the ‘UN international rules based system’ (illegal and against common law and your Sovereignty and Inalienable rights which you are born with and which have existed since the beginning of time and yes many of them are within the bible.

The US constitution debate has been very insightful as of course in Britain people have been having a similar debate. The US constitution is built upon many parts of Magna Carta in turn built upon King Alfred’s deemings, in turn built upon Brehon law and which was the common law which many countries possess because of the bible. Libertarians now in the US notice but more importantly the people notice in real time that the 2 party system in the USA has gone right along with the removal of those rights ‘equally’. (last link bitchute “United States is over !Trump hands it over to Fema”) The video is accurate legally (due to end on Sep 11th 2020) but does not mention that the Surveillance act section 215 of the Patriot act (which has resulted in Americans being spied upon ) expired in March 2020.

But food and supply lines in the USA are seeing animal slaughters and food dumping as the national guard (who answer to President Trump if he still is President ) distributing food or they may answer to the CORPORATION OF THE USA and UN see section 2 above for the Law of the land and section 4 on why there are 2 US constitutions and the President is just ‘Mr’ President in one of them see section 4 i.e. the district of Columbia. (Video 29, Warning Bolshevik Gov’t agents launch military AI takeover of US food supply & Constitution)

 ‘Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats’ This particular pandemic was under an executive order made by Obama (Mr and Mr Obama) in mid 2016, signed by 4th November 2016 but  only released fully the following week (after Clinton lost the election) to be a time delayed foreign attack on the USA and to come into effect (now )to shut down the country and remove all rights as another ‘insurance policy’ like the Russia hoax (further to the Russia bots hoax  see section 3 above the case against General Michael Flynn has also been dropped in what is an incredible travesty and criminal arrest in itself, a lockdown for over 3 years. Clinton pushed the Russia bots hoax in the press every day and the non case against General Michael Flynn) and Ukraine impeachment and like a waiting Sharia law (the extortion tax racket which sanctions legal trafficking as in the Rotherham child abuse cases and the ten connected towns) The Nord stream 2 deal also involves Exxon and Royal Dutch Shell . The Denmark Poland deal has also gone ahead. Royal Dutch Shell and Russia are opposing in philosophy yet the ‘Russia hoax’ continued in the USA. Obama and Clinton continued this conspiracy. Russia wants to dominate the west yet selling the US to China (the Clinton Obama policy) was not going to remove eastern efforts against the west ?

See ‘Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats’   (or here  or here once more ) This 'Obama act' was negated anticipating its negative effects and was mentioned on 13th December 2018  As a result, in January 2018, following the launch of the Republican  Conscience and Religious Freedom Division  to bring in health with a conscience (which in the vaccine scandals is needed as also with abortion and health generally)

Director Roger Severino of the Office for Civil rights (OCR) received a complaint from a nurse who works at the University of Vermont Medical Centre in the USA. He was at the centre of a storm regarding the nurse who worked at the Hospital, who had consciously objected to assisting with an abortion taking place before the procedure was scheduled.Severino commenting on the case said "We do not want a society where, on the issue of life and death, people are forced to violate their deepest held beliefs about it," Severino said UVM Medical Centre did not cooperate with the federal government's investigation and that if the hospital doesn't amend its policies within 30 days, it will risk losing federal funding. The notice is not related to the "Protecting Statutory Conscience Rights in Health Care" rule that was announced back in May but has yet to go into effect due to legal challenges For worldwide Euthanasia and why Old people (or any age) can just die globally from  Doctor Ezekiel Emmanuel  and the ‘Death with Dignity’ laws see (LINK UP AND BACK)  the Anti abortion protests of September 2019 in Belfast in chapter 3a above

This executive order was / is known to Biden and Clinton, the front man for this today was Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx. (as we have witnessed them eulogise waiting for their Bill Gates vaccine to be accepted by the corrupt WHO World Health Organisation and Centre for disease control = United Nations.

To understand how the ‘little Chairman Mao’s’ in Obama dystopia operate see the infamous ravings of Mayor Lori Lightfoot (insane like Bill Gates and Dr Tedros and Dr Michael Ryan) or here on Bitchute who said she will arrest and detain (illegally she has no rights) all those who ‘disobey’ Yet for herself she just pops out to get a haircut as imbeciles queue to enter shops but freely mingle inside ?

This cross party Maoism can be remembered at elections when you can get rid of them to the UN dustbin of history. Remember also the Libertarian party who can (if they support liberty) do very well in elections 2020.


Pandemic 1 & Pandemic 2 (....3, 4 or by whatever means possible)

Over the last 4 months your rights have been removed during Pandemic 1, but Pandemic 2 is coming also unless the criminals who are implementing a fictitious legal regime against you are stopped. You have to consent and not saying you do not consent is the same as consenting. Silence is consent. You can of course simply say i do not consent without any more information being given. You can do this on social media, in your home or in any advertisement or poster or even on your person.

Details of the second ‘pandemic’ are emerging for your own research. “They can’t stop this information’ Dr Rashid Buttar”      &    “Globalists Covid Phase 2 Coming Soon”  but people have seen the 2nd wave and 3rd wave continuing as only recently China has put another city of 10 million in lockdown (after all this time ?) 23.04.2020 and Russia sees new outbreaks causing panic (3.5.2020 May 2020) Spain makes the pointless mask requirement ‘compulsory’ on 3.5.2020 (MAY 2020) India extends lockdown on May 1st 2020 and Japan extends lockdown over fears of second wave on May 4th 2020 and so on.

As you can see from the first two videos above the requirement for 6 feet apart is taken from military reconnaissance directives, which allow AI to track individuals soldiers unimpeded (ideal distance) but which can be 8 feet or 10 feet etc.  AI does not need full facial recognition to identify a hostile or civilian ‘social distancer’ in the field bear this in mind when considering video 29 (Video 29, Warning Bolshevik Gov’t agents launch military AI takeover of US food supply & Constitution)

Most people so far see the NWO (New world Order )  UN Obama totalitarianism  as annoying but harmless i.e.  “Dalek ordering Self Isolation”  but the Daleks who terrified the public ordering ‘exterminate’ on ‘Doctor WHO’ (the Time Lord) in the 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s (still continuing today)  was filmed at the BBC with some input from the Tavistock Institute and the first episode was delayed by 80 seconds due to the Kennedy Assassination which occurred on the previous day. They have misinformation and are missing what is actually going on.

Today (and this from the Boston Dynamics company parody) Robots can (unlike Daleks) climb stairs making it harder to evade as (here at least) it distinguishes between combatants and civilians see “New Robot Makes Soldiers Obsolete (Corridor Digital)”  ‘Robots’ (the real ones do not need to move)  are super quantum computers used in intelligence not real soldiers as yet. Obviously the Boston dynamics parodies cannot withstand Grenade, mortar or rocker launcher attack and most guns (even a can of spray ignited will disable them) but it can be useful for kicking in doors, disabling bombs and taking out as many people as possible rather than risking a conventional soldiers life. They can be linked to AI (The UN want AI Satellite control, and this was the UN genocide  in Rwanada  carried out by the UN)  Whilst this CGI prototype (parody) is ‘envisaged’ in fact Robots are moving in this direction as can be seen from any automated factory.

Real military robotics here Further ‘augmenting’ humans to interface with  these robotic technologies is also occurring i.e.. RFID chip track able by AI Satellite in the hand or head And military robots exist as the last video shows i.e. “Most Insane Future Weapons” youtube ) Mechanical sniffer dogs and so on is all part of the trans-humanist planning and the Pope who has dropped the Vicar of Christ title now for global new one world religion, is also recommending AI  with Microsoft and IBM  warning against ‘privacy’ violations from an ethical viewpoint (surely Gd knows where and who everyone is ? ) These aspirations are becoming one reality. The Vatican owns the Pentagon and the Pentagon is using AI to predict food shortages  yet we are seeing animals culled and food destroyed as food supply chains collapse.(so far)  

The actual reality is we are becoming “the robots” and Robotic and these technologies are employed in the scam. The real threat is the UN are using this fake pandemic to install their own bureaucracy directly onto national governments.


The 7 step recipe for creating Vaccine demand & Beware the Contact tracers.

From previous videos above (in section 1 to 4) Amazing Polly has uncovered the “7 step recipe for creating Vaccine demand”  and has shown how the ‘contact tracers” plan to trace everyone like Jehovah’s Witness on steroids. See “Beware the contact tracers”  but most importantly by removing your consent and your rights. Importantly they have no rights to access your medical records and they acting on illegal foreign (non common law) entity rules ( rules based law) They do not care about the fake corona but they do want to ‘change the law’ and remove your consent. Bill Clinton pushes it (see videos) , yet when he wanted to escape his intelligence security to visit Epstein Island that idea went out the window. Bill Gates was also a frequent visitor to Epstein Island. Much of this outbreak is to hide these other criminal activities with “good works” (bad works) and now Dr Fachi (another criminal with Dr Tedros ) may be about to get  his way with the Remdesiver vaccine making billions and billions for PEPFAR or which ever company it is carried out under. Hydroxycholine is well tested. Yet are either of them even needed ?

The volunteer (many are paid and the paid are pushed by the daughter of Roald Dhal, Ophelia Dahl) (seen here with Chelsea Clinton also not a Doctor or scientist like Bill Gates &  Dr Tedros) an army paid to inject you with ‘an unknown’ drug. Ophelia Dahl is turning into “Veruca Salt”  (we all remember them or have met one ...she was a bad egg like Chelsea Clinton. The last clip from Charlie and the Chocolate factory by Roald DahlRemdesiver has (now and so quickly) FDA approval  yet the corona virus ‘mutates’ ?and it was man made under a patent as Remdesivir  (Gillead sciences) is surely this is suspicious and a conflict of interests if not a downright criminal conspiracy, carried out with the help of the MSM and Google silicon valley technocrats?. Will it work in the ‘second wave’ ? This is the FDA Food and drug administration  then compare to the industry commercial from the FDA 

Therefore this never ending fake outbreak (new China 2nd wave) will require never ending personal rights removal under the UN. All planned in advance.


The ‘Fabians’ and their connection to the abortion industry and material for Vaccinations.

Earlier in 2019 the abortion referendums and law changes in Ireland where brought forward by the Fabians and specifically (see also post 30.11.2019 in chapter 3a and post dated )

MP for St Helens North Conor McGinn. MP Stella Creasy (both are Fabian society members, with fellow and former Labour MP Sadiq Khan who is now the Lord Mayor of London and Jeremy Corbyn) introduced successful amendments to the Northern Ireland (Executive Formation and Executive Formations) Bill which became law on the 24.07.2019. The amendments stipulate that abortions and same sex marriage should be extended legally to Northern Ireland. This is their article of the 27.03.2020 on Covid 10 ‘Science and Socialism’ by Joe Buckley. The Fabians are against eco fascism, but do not explain that the extinction rebellion leadership also lead back to the UN and depopulation and population control as the Fabians do themselves. Or here on Bitchute from 1997 or here for more videos on Fabian socialism. The Fabians former insignia (logo) was the Wolf in Sheeps clothing.

However ‘localism’ is common sense and the difference between can be seen in the testimony by (9 hour video)  Dr Stanley Plotkin who describes how aborted foetus tissue, animal DNA, mercury, aluminium and poisons are put into Vaccines (from MARCH 4TH 2020 ) or edited highlights version here at 40 mins in or here again Whatever the Fabians began as (and they were also in New York in 1905) the vested interests between the abortion campaign in Ireland and Vaccines is clear.

MP for St Helens North Conor McGinn pushing abortion in the House of Commons It looks as though he is against almost but he pushed the abortion bill by filing an amendment on same sex marriage. His labour colleague Stella Creasy MP filed the abortion half (both are in the Fabians) Stella McCreasy supports planned parenthood and Remdesivir (Gilead sciences)  works with Planned Parenthood. Planned parenthood was based in Little Rock Arkansas until June 2019. Hillary and Chelsea and Bill Clinton are based in Arkansas and they must keep teenagers informed how good abortions are for them and how good the foetus stem cells DNA can  work with the new Remdesiver vaccine against a flu virus which does not exist because they make a fortune from Big Pharma. Kill as many babies as we can and kill as many patients as we can controlling them. Get Obama to issue a health executive directive and stop the world so that we can also avoid prosecution for perversion and crimes against humanity.

MP for St Helens North Conor McGinn will do whatever it takes on corona and MP Stella Creasy on covid and self isolating (facebook) A huge con and co-ordinated by the Fabians. Sadiq Khan also a Fabian on corona virus and lockdown concerned on the loss of life except if it being stabbed to death by rampant Knife crime with Stella Creasy worried about corona deaths but cutting  baby out of the womb and selling the body parts is fine.‘Undercover Planned Parenthood video stokes abortion debate’

Planned parenthood take advantage of the covid 19 corona pandemic

If you have not figured out how powerful Big Pharma are and if they are capable of locking down the world to also introduce a UN rules based government and that babies in the womb, the elderly and human life in general are incidental and unnecessary as ‘carbon’ polluters then you are asleep. In many countries Big Pharma exist as many corporations yet the cancer and other diseases rise. All they are interested in is testing on you, making a few billion and perfecting a killing machine, forcing doctors and the medical profession to accept only pills and pass this off as the ‘health service’

It is possible that many woman who have had abortions have had their own baby foetus DNA injected back into them, and this along with other materials has killed them or others. The abortion industry shills invented the slogan “my body, my choice” but that right (which excludes the right of the child in the womb) is not your right when it comes to vaccinations which (to repeat was outlined last September 2019 above in chapter 3a under heading Vaccinations to  be made compulsory as it is now being suggested in the USA and globally )

To repeat from Belfast abortion protest 7.9.2019 chapter 3a   (and link to it )

“Vaccinations are being made compulsory but there is no reason why ?, especially when a child (aged 6 months )who received 13 vaccinations in Texas died 5 days later She claims she was emotionally blackmailed to accept the vaccinations. Vaccinations are proven (not disproven)  to be linked to Autism (Time Magazine) Simon Harris in Ireland director of the abortion campaign is now pushing for mandatory vaccines (kill them in the womb, but offer protection when they are out ? ) Vaccines are full of animal DNA and many are defective or unstable and opinions vary as to amounts and purpose  In China the vaccine scandal is much larger and much more sinister than is being portrayed. and not just in China Just as natural herbs and drinks can cure ailments, why ? are vaccinations filled with such terrible chemicals and how long do those poisons effect a person’s lifetime?”

In other words this is a  conspiracy involving the Fabians, Sadiq Khan, Stella Creasy and Conor McGiin and the Clintons (Bill, Hillary and Chelsea) who would see everyone on earth locked up, jobless, and in debt, and then vaccinated with poison to make money and depopulate (murder) and bring ruin to nations via fake news and tech companies just to distract from their other crimes (by also 'Russia gate' with Obama and his HEALTH EXECUTIVE ORDER see above) These people are the lowest excuse for 'people' you can imagine and they are criminals.


Event 202 as an alternative to ‘Event 201’held in Oct 2019 & 5G/6G truth

If you have read any of the above you will know by now that event 201 held in New York in October 2019. “ Selected moments from the Event 201 pandemic tabletop exercise hosted by The Johns Hopkins Centre for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY” Highlights and part one (of 4)  but watch Amazing Polly’s analysis of the event or Dana Ashlie’s.

In response a number of professionals have come together to host Event 202  (or here on facebook) It was hosted on Youtube and here is the link to it

“Event 202 full video”  or here   “Event 202 - A Propaganda Opposition Exercise”     or here on bitchute

There are many speakers but just choosing three

  1. “EVENT 202@ SHAI DANON APR 30TH 2020”

  2. “EVENT 202: CYRUS PARSA APRIL 30TH 2020”

  3. “EVENT 202: MARK STEELE APR 30TH 2020”    

(or see here in earlier meeting “The Dangers of 5G - Mark Steele - D&V Party Conference 2018” )

Also on Rumble   "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"   (or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches  Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches  World Economic Forum")


They collectively know a great deal about AI and 5G. here are Mark Steeles background details and his credentials and his day in court and ‘exposure’ by Annie Logical and here also his LinkedIn page and expertise   (5G and 6G are linked and they as numbers make up the geometry of DNA, but 6G ramped up can easily follow from 5G) Mark Steeles descriptions match other evidence (see below)

And Shai Danon (no 1 above) on Mark Steele’s credentials “The truth uncovered about Mark Steele”   Earlier in the year of 2020, Israel (according to Jane’s military review) have developed a new laser beam defence technology through DDR& D just to give the oversight of how technology has developed since the ‘Daleks’ which in the early 1970’s could be easily overcome by any 7 year old with a bucket of water and a catapult)

Israel protested in Jerusalem against the outbreak  at 6 feet apart (ask the IDF if they practice this) on 20.04.2020

Then consider the work of former CIA black op runner Robert David Steel) a false flag to bring in a compulsory vaccination global program Robert D Steel (ex CIA black ops) gives advice on Magnetic biology '3 Books on Biology & Weaponization of Electromagnetics (Communications Spectrum) MINDBLOWING'   Considering Robert Steels time in the Communist Investigation Agency he knows what he is talking about and can be relied on for background information on this topic. (Annie Logical also speaks here  (Video 12) CΟRΟNΑ Covid19 Weaponized against Humanity (Inovio Apollobio VGX 3100 Hiv Ebola & 5G/6G)

The Military already employ 5G for crowd control technology as a weapon not for surveillance. In Greece in 2019 in the dramatic fires which swept the earth (or certain parts of it) many who ran into the sea complained they were burning on the inside. Many were on fire whilst in the sea. Houses were engulfed but trees next to them were not. See also Chapter 3a above and post dated 23/24.12.2019 on DEW ‘Direct Energy Weapons’. Next consider the School in the USA and globally who have removed wifi or ramped it way down as they were causing illness’s In mid 2018 France banned WIFI in schools (which have been increasing in power all the time)  as they were carcinogenic ,and the WHO actually agreed with them  World Health Organisation (WHO) has “confirmed that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields can be carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Wireless phone use has been linked to an increased risk for brain cancer. The National Agency Health Safety of Food, Environment and Labour (ANSES) have also recommended to limit exposure of the population to radiofrequencies – especially from mobile phones – and especially for children and heavy users.”

The Telegraph covered this problem back in 2007  but reversed on this in 2015, yet in Ulster in 2018 a mother removed her children from a school because of WIFI related sickness, and more cases in 2015 and the Sun reported that in 2018  Dr Anthony Miller, an adviser to the World Health Organisation warned pupils could absorb radiation.

The Belgian government halts 5G installation and some schools in the USA have had all their pupils removed because of WIFI related illness.

Tanzania President Magufuli  This absorption of radiation is causing illness. In the last post above you can see that the testing devices were themselves infected with radiation. Tester kits from China were ‘infected’ with Corona virus or see here again In Tanzania President Magufuli  reported on the 5.5.2020 that tests were faulty and even goats, sheep and paw paw beauty products and even fruit tested positive for corona (and this perception helps it spread and makes more money for the vaccination crime spree) The lab has now been suspended  Test your cat or a piece of toast or the shed.

See also



All you need to know on radiation

Therefore when people in China fall over in 5 minutes dead this is not a corona flu or covid 19 and this occurred in many different areas .  Like Boris Johnson they said they could not breathe,(many could not recall as they just blacked out and some had different experiences)  and lost control of their bodies and became dizzy  like high alpine climbers. These different ‘corona’ outbreaks have been reported worldwide. This is why medical professionals reported that face mask will not help in the beginning  The face masks will not help you  and the following  First watch the good Video "The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ Virus youve heard all month Kinda"  & here on Youtube   or by Dana Ashlie on bitchute

Boris Johnson received Oxygen and many people have reported dizzy spells and lack of air. The connection is microwave (of varying degrees) along with a flu virus which is patented (see the last post above) and therefore man made and released under the mesh of 5g / 6g which also varies in strength under 4G now or ramped up WIFI.

When you have the Flu you can go to the Doctor or the Chemist. In the Chemist you can but Lemsip, Asprin and Buttercup Syrup. You should not need to buy Oxygen, six roles of tinfoil and a ventilator (defibrillator)

Dr Cameron Karl- Sidell gave 60& of the story in early April 2020 or see here on Brighteon (Video 19) IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON CORONAVIRUS UN-5G-Agenda 21 KUNG FLU PATSY   (a new patented corona variant + wife 5g = “the virus” )

This was further developed by Anonymous see (Video 31) We Told You Something is Coming and Now It's Here! (2020) The Militarization of Health Systems   (to cover the globe and no access without RFID Chip, a huge electric cattle fence for humanity)

And a broader view from Surveillance Big Tech and Social Engineering who produced the following video






One bank heist to rule them all and Sovereignty

Includes the Irish High Court case, Brexit, and how the One Global bank connects to the cashless society and vaccinations by RFID injections, WW3 ?


As the world has seen in the last post and in section 3 (within the 2nd greatest event of all time) the Federal Reserve is the new Global bank which has been asset buying (after an asset strip) and also buying debt around the world. It is an unusual heist as the victims wore the masks and those that perpetrated it walked in broad daylight without one. In 2008 it was the other way around before they came begging to be bailed out.

Many state the Pope should resign and go back to Argentina on the next boat, and the UN should be moved to Pitcairn Island and then quarantined on the island, perhaps with a circling warship firing a few missiles across the bow every few hours. The worlds Politicians have kept their jobs and wages throughout the plandemic.

Dr Ben Carson has this to say on the issue ‘Ben Carson: This economic crisis was 'intentional'  Exploited and hijacked also like a heist. So far the blame is pointing to the WHO (world health organisation) at the United Nations.

Italy has caught corona ‘chiefs’ in a bribery scandal involving millions as Britain begins trails of Malaria hydroxychloroquine against corona flu non-pandemic

Obama began this economic collapse on purpose (plandemic) in mid 2016 (repeat from above)

“See ‘Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats’   (or here  or here once more ) This 'Obama act' was negated anticipating its negative effects and was mentioned on 13th December 2018  As a result, in January 2018, following the launch of the Republican  Conscience and Religious Freedom Division  to bring in health with a conscience (which in the vaccine scandals is needed as also with abortion and health generally)”

Tracked, traced and marked for Corona More details emerge of the wider plan (from ‘reallygraceful’ below this paragraph) to now ‘track and trace’ all people globally supported by all political parties in all countries and eventually for all ages (school children first but who under sovereign law cannot be taken away or vaccinated see later) and in Ireland for free  Why you should not agree to track and trace in any way

Alan Dershowitz friend of Jeffery Epstein and Bill and Melinda Gates with vested interests in the vaccine roll outwho is clearly out of his mind (like Dr Michael Ryan, and 'Dr' Tedros the Ethiopian terrorist) has ties by marriage to Jeffery Epstein  and it now seems Bill Gates met with Epstein after Epstein was arrested? etc. Dershowitz  says people have no rights and can be vaccinated against their will, or be dragged out of their homes. Children also can be removed (but as you will see below that is not correct, the state does not own children ) he says, and businesses can be closed down. see  Alan Dershowitz, "You have no right NOT to be vaccinated" on bitchute  yet pedophiles can seemingly get away with trafficking children see below, or immigration can continue during the 'outbreak' ?  He is incorrect and his view amounts to treason against the Constitution with an intent to do harm. He has no right to do that under the constitution, it is nothing to do with the Governor of a state as although individual states have powers, they do not operate against the constitution. Other views on Alan's state of mind are here or once more here again  The people have the right to take Dershowitz out of his home and send him to the 'funny farm' equally, (would he agree ?) What he is saying is absolutely 100% bonkers and he should be removed from his home ( and after a fair trial send him away ) Did he attend Yeshiva once with Bill Gates ? what happened? see “Pentagon Vaccine To Kill Religious Center of Brain”  It is almost Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein but then they are serious its been going on for decades and see amazing Polly 'Yes ! African leaders Stand Up ! Tanzania and Madagascar'  on the covid scam (those leaders in Africa tested the corona testers and found them false, just as Britain received testers contaminated with corona ? see posts above)


‘What Americans MUST Remember Once the Dust Settles...’   or here on bitchute

And also MP4 file ‘Nanoparticle Vaccine and the RFID Chip injection’ (trackable by satellite and 5g) and the child sex education debate with gay 3rd genders and XX/XY gene DNA /RNA you should begin to see the connections. It is what they intend to inject through the Vaccines that is a concern to your existing DNA.

The 'plan' which many people cannot understand or grasp is to inject this trackable nanoparticles (or make sure you take them in any way) into you and your children, yet they are harmful to your DNA/RNA. (as is 5G / 6G and which all countries are trying to foist upon you )

See also  THE SUSPECT SOCIETY 2020.WE ARE ALL SUSPECTS NOW!   which is clearly taken from Chairman Mao's playbook the biggest communist mass murderer in history

Early in the 1990s into the late 1990’s there was the little known Lucent Acatel technologies gate (formerly AT & T in part) which based in New York had offices around the world. It was hacked and the papers (not hacked as an internet hack but papers were taken relating to its operations, the wiki leaks of its day before the internet) revealed a lot of the situations we see transpiring today and which are being released slowly for many different sources including intelligence agencies.(see section 1 above and 1.The ‘Emergency’ and the Corona - Virus (man made ?)  and health systems? )

The Video by really graceful ‘What Americans must remember’ above mentions the arrest of spy  Charles Lieber (not mentioned much in the MSM) and his connections to recent events. or here on Brighteon  (The Truth of Wahun China, Fort Detrix, Dr Fachi, Welcome foundation, Dr Birx, Charles Lieber, Covid 19)


Firstly people in the USA are not going to accept mandatory vaccines from Democrats  nor will they accept them from Republicans  or Libertarians. Trump has said he is against vaccinations  but has said we must take our vaccination shots  Do not accept ‘5g’ from Democrats or Republicans  either. The recent signing of 5g (with 6g later)  into law should be held up and scientifically explored Hawaii of course want to remotely control the system from communist Wuhan where they  reside (source of the ‘outbreak’ with international funding)  Once the main grid is in place they will ramp up the power and then blame deaths and illness on the corona flu to disguise the real cause. Cook the pot slowly. The public should not accept vaccinations from Remdesiver and Dr Fachi or from other sources originating from Lucent Acatel technologies gate (formerly AT & T in part) which based in New York had offices around the world (see section 1 in the last post above )

Trump and Pence have exposed Dr Fachi and Dr Birx and Bill Gates, the WHO and the UN. The Moderna vaccine experiment from Fauci and Bill Gates (note people in the USA are taking lawsuits against the government) is able to rewrite you DNA / RNA and to rewrite our genetic code it is suggested (see also Dr Buttar and his many videos and blogs ) This is a crime against humanity (but see again the history of horrors on Brighteon) The UN / WHO corona ‘modelling system’ has also been scrapped for a national actual statistical model

These are issues the Libertarian Party in the USA can hammer home at every level in the upcoming US elections. Remember the corrupt politicians have passed laws (contradictory laws) which defy the evidence of a pandemic but which point to Bio warfare and wireless 5g/6g health problems. They have kept their wages and jobs but you have lost yours, and your business and your privacy, aside from the contradictory social distancing which is simply an aid to assist surveillance by satellite or cameras. (6 feet apart as practised by the army on reconnaissance or 2 feet apart without)  

‘Legally’ they have no legal right via the UN and are operating under Rules based international law (not common law of the land) and more details are here from the UN (about the UN) who want to apply digitally as a digital democracy (hence stay at home laws) but its laws are made by the international Judiciary in any country as precedent usurping National laws (such as the contact tracers) see Amazing Polly,  4th Industrial revolution, technocracy. (but eventually it will come on condition of taking the RFID chip)

This is also pertinent to Ireland and John Waters and Gemma Doherty who are taking a case to remove “the lockdown” The courts are not operating under the Irish constitution but under international rules based law (the constitution as we see later further down in any case is built upon rights of the common law and inalienable rights not the other way around) Waters and Doherty are correct in their claim the lockdown is ‘fraudulent science’ but fraudulent or not it is still not a lockdown under Irish common law or via the constitution. This is how the UN is building its new governance, stitching it into each nation ....but actually fraudulently (voters were never told of the full implications in the Irish elections as their lives now are changed and can be changed at any moment on any day illegally) The world was not told of these new laws which produce ‘equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally’

Repeated also from chapter 3a and post dated 17/18.01.2020

“The ‘rules based international order’ also known as the ‘Liberal international economic order’) is usurping your government in any way it can. Even the ‘privacy’ laws on I PHONES regard your data as you in reality and therefore they are you and they own you when you agree to them. In effect they remove your human rights (again ‘equal rights but no rights equally’) and your culture and history and common laws which are stronger and deeper for your benefit. They (as mentioned ) are assisted in this by the Judiciary who see it as their role to override the tri – part separation of powers nations have, and effectively become a unified governmental (obedient to the UN) vanguard which oversees the centralised nations (for example those amalgamated in South Africa) who have already been co-opted into one entity. The Judiciary cite ‘other nations’ laws as allowing amalgamation and bring in ‘new precedents’ into less integrated nations. See  ‘Elite Snakes FEAR Populism and Nationalism’ by Amazing Polly or here on Bitchute (which highlighted the concerns of UN international 'rules based' law in early 2019) 

The enslavement and sexual abuse of children and woman and men in the ongoing investigations such as; (bearing in the mind the death penalty is available in some US states) seems to be outside the UN’s notice, but they have been caught trafficking via its migration departments of equality, diversity and slave making it practices.

Elon Musk and Space X satellite system Firstly consider further information on the global trafficking child abuse situation (some added previously with new information and news below) and how this is connected to central banking. With hundreds of Elon Musk satellites in ‘SpaceX’ being launched and surveillance satellites already in place for decades (what is their purpose from taxpayers money) how have the authorities missed all of this below.



Beginning (This section inserted here on child abuse can be passed wit the links to the END of the list. A link allows you to navigate back to here. If you do not believe children or adults can be vaccinated with posions or any other form of abuse, simply read the history here ) 

(To return to section 6 dated 18.08.2020   ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign” 



“Episcopal Church of St John the Divine New York confronts past role in sexual exploitation”  by David Crary

& “Any darkness to report ? The Cathedral dean (and Bishop) who led St John the divine to relevancy by Terry Mattingly”   

The database  of Priests accused of sexual abuse in the USA  or see here also or also here again

‘THIS Luciferian-Church Hides Many 'End-Times' SECRETS (2020)’   (Church of St John the Divine, Obama / Biden and the rule of law and in the General Flynn case)

None of the above are a Christian institution in any way. The connection to the Child predation services in the USA is below.

Much has been revealed by the prosecution of Jeffery Epstein and his connection to international trafficking, and by the prosecution of Harvey Weinstein who received 23 years for rape Hollywood is defunct and this practice goes on throughout its operations, both in the USA and internationally.

Man kills 2 paedophiles in Prison

Amazing Polly bitchute

Child Predation Services of Arizona   (and connection to MK Ultra 20.12.2019) Child services involved in trafficking in the USA as they are in every country including Tusla (with Chuck Feeney) in Ireland. Sergeant Maurice McCabe and also Kieran Creaven (see also FBI & Dark web child abuse: Hundreds arrested across 38 countries also below )

Jim Jones and the Johnstown ‘Rainbow’ cult peoples temple and his connections to the communist party and trafficking for the east. The bizarre connections to Universities in New Mexico and Mexico and St John the Divine church. Take for example the child Predation services of Arizona  (and what has really been going on in the USA behind the Russia and Ukraine investigation hoaxes)  or the recent arrests in the alleged NXIVM cult / trafficking (video  ‘Escaping NXIVM: Behind the investigation of the alleged sex cult’) which also has connections to the Reverend Jim Jones and the Jonestown mass ‘suicides’  and to Laurence Eugene Schacht and the University of Guadalajara medical school.

 The United nations itself was found guilty as an organisation of sex trafficking (see 2 lasts posts above) has recently had one of its NGO founders (Street Kids) Peter John Daglish arrested for Paedophilia, it is one of the largest children’s charities in the world. (there are so many arrest of paedophiles today it is hard to keep up) 

The connections to Bill Gates and the ‘One foundation’ also involving Bono and child trafficking “Swamp creatures of the Pacific”

Denis O’Brien media mogul in Ireland and connection to the Clinton foundation  responsible for the ‘abortion’ (invented in the press)  that never was ‘Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened’  Abortion tissue needed for vaccinations to inject into in turn connected to the contact tracers and Hillary Clinton wants full term abortion and abortions everywhere for all (for woman’s health and for Bill Gates vaccinations) The media in Ireland (pro-life) were silenced and the Big Tech Google companies assisted in this, yet prostitution and forced womans labour continues in Ireland and is not in the press and has no referendum (see chapter 3a above)

Bill and Hillary and Chelsea Clinton trafficking in Haiti via the Clinton foundation Haitians want their money back and yet one more investigator into the Clinton foundation Kenneth McCormick is found dead (no 53)

‘Jeffrey Epstein: The Game of the Global Elite [Full Investigative Documentary]’  and same here also on bitchute

And abortion tissue needed for vaccinations to inject into via the contact tracers Watch the following video on the war on Children youtube ‘The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda - 11 mins’  and see video ‘Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination? Birmingham Protests ’ as the Muslim community protest the LBGT but in reality the Transhumanist religion agenda (or here on youtube ) 

In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’ Produced by ‘Hands off our kids’ at and the Life Institute in Ireland, it has already been attacked and denied by the MSM as a ‘fact check’ Yet in the EU this ‘factchecking double speak’ is highlighted as false when Poland made a bill to stop paedophilia in Poland and in the EU, but which was rejected by the ‘EU’    (previous Irish warnings at free speech events ) & Irish law on Irish education ‘RADICAL SEX EDUCATION (RSE) IRELAND’

Leo Varadker and so called minister for children Katherine Zappone are complicit in this.  

Scotland’s defence of the European act for stating Mohamed is a paedophile for marrying his nine year old ‘wife’, by replacing the older ‘blasphemy laws’ with new international rules based law against ‘hate speech’ This attempt will try to legally justify Sharia law (the tax on business scam) and trafficking / slavery which is still legal in Islam and which is a part of the international rules based law.

The Popes defence of Homosexuality as a part of Christianity and the silence of sexual abuse to children.

'Free Your Mind' Bitchute Channel  Pedogate 2020 in depth exploration.

 Alabama passes law protecting children from transgender surgery and treatments

Hillary Clinton,*& also  Obama and Joe Biden and Richard Branson all implicated in NXIVM cult prosecutions

 Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years in prison, seen here with Hillary Clinton Epstein seen with Weinstein 





‘FBI Releases Information On ‘Finders’, A Child Sex Abuse Cult | United States|𝐓𝐃𝐓’

Dark web child abuse: Hundreds arrested across 38 countries  or here

‘Police arrest 337 dark web abuse suspects after probe into 'UK's worst paedophile'

 Michelle Obama praising Harvey Weinstein &   Andrew Gillum former Obama hopeful (another like Larry Sinclair) caught in porn overdose scandal


From chapter 3a above post dated 30.11.2019 on PIE The ‘paedophile information exchange’ or PIE which operated openly from the 1970’s / 1980’s and still going today.

The election for new House of Commons speaker in the UK took 4 rounds to reach a conclusion and many candidates entered the election. One Candidate was Harriet Harman of the labour party (former deputy leader of the labour party) who with Patricia Hewitt (former health secretary of the labour party and whose quote on children explains everything) and Harriet Harman’s husband former Labour home affairs spokesperson in the 1970’s and 1980’s lobbied for the following paedophile groups “Would they like to explain further the circumstances, detailed last week in the Daily Mail, that led to a notorious group called the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) achieving formal affiliate status with the NCCL (arguing that PIE also had human rights). PIE's influence was such that the NCCL lobbied for what was dubbed a "Lolita charter", where the age of consent would be lowered to 10 (if the child "understood the nature of the act"); another proposal argued for incest to be legalised” writes Barbara Allen of the Guardian.

The election of house speaker requires one candidate to win over half the votes. In the first round Harriet  Harman received 72 votes and in the second round she received 59 votes. The votes in total numbered (first round) 562 (as some did not vote or abstained out of a possible 650 MP’s.  Therefore 72 labour MP’s (in the majority) voted for Harriet Harman out of 562 MP’s or nearly 13% (or 11%  of 650 if all had voted) in total of the countries elected representatives as MP’s voted for a woman who advocates paedophilia, incest and lowering the age of consent to 10 years of age.  Take of a poll of any club, social group or local community to see if 13% of them would vote for that. What is going on in Westminster? it is corrupt beyond belief. (source; Hansard (the official report of proceedings in the House):  & the House of Commons Speaker Election Candidates )

To also understand that paedophiles Charles Oxley exposed PIE. From within government Steven Smith ran PIE from within the home office  and Barry Cutler secretary of PIE worked in Home Office security. The policies of the left liberals, open up to paedophiles who quickly infiltrate. In 2014 the ‘lost paedofile dossier’ was never found which alleged a cover up at the home office, and later Teresa May as home secretary was accused of assisting a cover up as she instigated the IICSA CHILD abuse inquiry report which began from the Home Office. Yet today 72 MPs can vote openly for the House speaker to be a paedophile supporter.

To understand what PIE is / was and why it  is organised see youtube video  ‘P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview’ or one of its founders Tom OCarroll youtube video ‘Tom O'Carroll - Founder of Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)’  How did it exist ? for over ten years.  It is still continuing in one form or another . What are its connections to Whitehall and why are they still working as politicians. What are the connections to Northern Ireland where the HIA inquiry can now issue compensation for abuse victims  What are the connections to Edward Heath who took Britain into the EU. (ratification of the Accession treaty which was signed in Brussels on 22 January 1972 by the Conservative prime minister Edward Heath, who had pursued the UK's application to the EEC since the late 1950s) See also  Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' which highlights gay paedophilia as opposed to heterosexual paedophilia but which merge eventually) ) which is now confirmed and is shocking and is prevalent in Soviet communist socialist society to a very high degree and all societies and countries in the world. Open societal warfare is practised against Britain and other countries by ‘Common Purpose’ who practice ‘behavioural modification’ (media, political parties, education of all ages) which is a part of perception management (or Psyop operations)

Despite this the former deputy leader of the Labour party Harriet Harman, put her name forward for the position.  She pledged to be a 'radically reforming’ Speaker of the Commons if she succeeds John Bercow, warning that a parliament must change as rapidly as the outside world to bridge a widening gap between MPs and the public'  As an agent for change 'The veteran Labour MP and longstanding campaigner for a more modern, family-friendly Commons has planned a tour of the UK ahead of the election for a new Speaker, so she can ask voters what they think of parliament' Whilst past controversies have not stemmed her rise in the labour party, the little known controversy of her involvement with campaign groups which supported the PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange ) in the 1970's. The group openly shared information between paedophiles for over ten years, and even offered a call in helpline for paedophiles who experienced difficulties and stress from 'resistant' childrenHarriet Harman and her husband Jack Dromey now a frontbench Labour MP and Patricia Hewitt, a former Labour Cabinet minister under Tony Blair, all worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s.In 1975, the NCCL as a campaign group (now known as human rights watchdog Liberty) controversially granted official "affiliate” status to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a body which lobbied openly for child sex. When asked in 2014, if she still supported the group, she stated she regretted her involvement with them in an apparent U - turn after she had denied  any involvement with the campaign group. The PIE or the incredible 'Paedophile Information exchange' (video; P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview ) was started by Gay campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. 

Both Bill Barr the US Attorney General state; video “AG Barr raises questions about Jeffrey Epstein's death” and Trey Gowdy gives his response ‘Trey Gowdy: I am 'heartbroken' for Epstein's victims’    and which was revealed in the Wiki leaks emails. Madeleine McCann Further Podesta was also in Portugal ? and in the very building where Madeleine McCann was murdered, on the day she was murdered. Podesta was / is also friends with Dennis Hastert a convicted paedophile. Convicted paedophile (after death) was Clement Freud / Dennis Hastert (grandson of Sigmund Freud) who loaned out his villa to the Podesta brothers ¾ mile from where Madeleine McCann was murdered. Even more disturbing is Madeline’s McCanns blood was found in the hire car of her parents Gerry and Kate McCann ? and Kate McCann published a book giving lurid and disgusting ideas of her daughter’s death.

Clement Freud (seen here in a television advert) was a paedophile who was the grandson of Sigmund Freud the eminent psychologist who died due to excess cocaine addictions would have known Jimmy Saville also a television personality and the head of children’s entertainment at the BBC. Jimmy Saville (the prolific paedophile and necrophiliac, including necrophilia against dead children) was the subject of Louise Theroux’s investigative journalism skills. he has produced countless documentaries on unusual subjects including the 'Weird Weekends' franchise. Theroux's investigation into Jimmy Saville in the year 2000, concluding nothing was amiss, 'weird' yes but not a monster etc 'I was gullible' Thearoux claimed when the full revelations on Saville appeared in 2015/2016, (documentary;  'When Louis Met Jimmy (2000) Full Documentary' but the reality is, his producer was pressured not to tell the full truth, and over 100 employees in the BBC said they lived in a atmosphere of fear, knowing Saville and others were predators.( Savilles funeral 2011. who also met Peter Sutcliffe for afternoon tea before his death) Released again in 2016. It gives the impression that Saville was the only one when in fact there are many. Saville and countless others are at the centre of children's entertainment (Saville for over 30 years) and are/were deliberately placed there for those characteristic attributes as a way to get to children. Planned, supervised and embedded and kept as the alternate surreal world, as a macabre joke viewed daily on television. Today Theroux would have easier access into North Korea than this nest of vampires (ironically filmed not far from the BBC in London) which is a Weird Weekend in itself. The programmes of gender neutrality (the cult which screams stop perpetuating gender norms) and homosexual 'education' are exactly the same scenario dreamt up by the undead in the pedophile exchange, (PIE)  the BBC aired the documentary despite being called to ban it. Harriet Harman deputy leader of the Labour party (who wants to become the speaker of the House of Commons following John Bercows resignation on 9.9.2019) regrets her connections to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)  Teresa may began the IISCA child abuse inquiries in 2014 (see chapter 6 below) but which has proven unsound and unsatisfactory to victims.

In 2018 the Spectator ran the following story

It has also been brought in by the Fabians (see last post above) and other left leaning groups but which ultimately is driven by the secular humanist cult (as Jo Swinson of the Liberal Democrat party and others the avid ‘Humanist’ ) agenda into its new form of Aldous Huxley’s (the brave or cowardly new world) ‘Transhumanism’ which is the new United Nations religion (and international planned parenthood) and which includes the invented ‘Chrislam’ To understand the end of this teaching  see youtube video ‘TRANSHUMANISM (FULL DOCUMENTARY)’   

Peter Tatchell has campaigned for sex to be reduced to those even as low as 9 years of age. Since then  a study finds that there is no gay gene, and we are either xx or xy gene at conception (only 2 genders) just as human life begins at conception  The RNA / DNA transition to a new third strand has utilised this debate to create a 3rd gender but which is not natural (and by vaccination)  Abortion as a campaign is also a part of these measures (active measures) see above on the Belfast and Dublin abortion debates in the post dated 9.9.2019 and subheading ‘Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests)’

Church Militant the Vortex

My Truth ‘The Rape of two Coreys


 or on youtube Underground Tunnels age restricted


Ted Gunderson and Kathy OBrien / Clinton and the Child Kidnapping gangs  (as occurred in Haiti under the Clintons) EXPOSING THE KIDNAPPING SEX RINGS


Vatican and Islam, slavery and paedophilia and the Pope should resign  It is just the beginning of the largest trafficking exposure in history which is also central to the Vatican see section 4 above and its Islam infiltration as Islam regards sexual abuse, trafficking, slavery and children abuse as legal  and regardless of the defunct European courts which state no one can call Mohammed a paedofile In the EU the case (to repeat from above)  of “ES” who claimed Mohammed was a paedophile, but in the modern context of child marriages and slavery still being legal in many Islamic countries Chrislam Whatever the cause now, Pope Francis has embraced ‘Chrislam’ a heresy made up in the minds of non Christians  and has appointed 13 new Chrislam Cardinals in October 2019. It is of course a betrayal of the 1,2 Billion Roman Catholics worldwide, it is heresy and is not a protestant faith or catholic faith of any kind. Chrislam was founded (or adapted) by Pastor Rick Warren who has made up the hybrid faith in his own mind many suggest Warren denies he is mixing both faiths, yet even pastors like Joel Osteen (some have suggested) and now the Pope are calling it a new faith as ‘Chrislam’.

This new faith is of course not Islam either or the Koran but it is not the faith of the Bible of Torah in any way. Islam has its own internal dilemma’s (see post above dated 9.9.2019 and subheading ‘Islam and the curious matter of the Mihrab walls in Mosques (for the Qiblah) all facing the wrong direction for over 1300 years ?’ yet Chrislam is not any way near Islam. Further the origins of Islam itself are not what they appear according to ex Jesuit Priest Alberto Riveria and a view shared by Augustin Cardinal Bea.Aside from the theory that the Church (Pope Francis) has been threatened with being blown up continually (Obama / Isis) hence Pope Francis has adopted Chrislam to keep the ‘peace’, others suggest that the falling Church numbers in Europe, Britain and the USA are causing a crisis in the Roman Catholic church, which necessitates mass immigration (the UN migration compact and 240 million initially see posts above) into these areas and then merge with Chrislam in order to swell the ranks of the ‘Church’. It is a year since public outcry and Roman Catholic leaders called for the Popes resignation (video youtube ‘Catholic leaders call on Pope Francis to resign’ ) and in August 2019 Archbishop Vigano called again for the Pope to step down following his letter to the Pope in 2018. institutions and organisations including pagan and the protestant church are also facing the same Justice, although Pope Francis has called child sex abuse akin to human sacrifice addressing the ‘paedophilia summit’ within the Roman Catholic Church in February 2019, but it did not appease many victims. Ministers in any church were never ministers to begin with when they infiltrated the Church who whilst dressing in robes which are unconnected to the early church and are not necessary, have instead clothed themselves like Wolves in sheep’s clothing (note many churches have a lot of ritual and ceremony but only preach a pre – set fragment of the actual Bible each week ?)

Today the Pope (Dirty war) is being questioned over his Marxist communist role in the deaths of Argentineans, in the dirty war murders rape and trafficking Argentineans were disarmed and imprisoned, a trait of Marxist rebellions see testimony of former KGB agent  i.e Yuri Bezemenov This occurred in the Cuban revolution when Guns were used to obtain power, but then the former revolutionaries were disarmed (which can be read in greater detail on the adjacent website and chapter 5 North Korea under heading ‘27.09.2018 The Cuban Communist Revolution 1953 - 1958/ 1959 and the American (USA) Revolution circa 1760 – 1783 (Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gun rights and ‘Death of a Nation’)’ or for that post  use this link here  This was carried out by Fidel Castro who died a Billionaire (unlike the former disarmed peasants)

His allegedly illegitimate son (of Fidel Castro)  Justin Truedeau has also called for the banning of assault weapons as the first stage to total (liberal dumb-downed) disarmament of the Canadians after yet another ‘lone nut’ is employed as leverage against society not to prevent gun deaths, otherwise they would ban cars which have killed 10,000 times more people and also ban abortions and so on. How is that mass surveillance in place in varying degrees in countries has missed Paedofiles trafficking children or is Truedeau involved with them ? and they don’t like armed parents resisting their children been taken away . Your children are owned by the state (but not really) in many or every nation and the aim in the corona hoax is to increase the ability (unlawfully) to remove them (see at the end  ‘Strawman the nature of the cage’) especially if your country is massively in debt, the leverage to bring this UN ‘healthcare ‘bs’ Truedeau does not mind armed Islamic terrorists though ...their ok in their philosophy of legal Sharia slavery for Justin, who is also ‘Chummy’ with Obama and Pope Francis (the puff in the white dress in Rome) in the Christian genocide. ‘(VIDEO 27) ISIS, CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE AND OBAMA CLINTON BIDEN ADMIN MYSTERY’

The anti Christian  Genocide Act of 2018 / 2019 The act states “This bill authorizes U.S. government agencies to provide humanitarian, stabilization, and recovery assistance for nationals and residents of Iraq and Syria, in particular ethnic and minority individuals at risk of persecution or war crimes. It also authorizes the agencies to assist in prosecuting those suspected of such crimes.”

Yet these investigations and sentencing which have resulted in paedofiles being killed in prison are not an excuse (developed over decades and developed for animals and vehicles and then for humans) to ‘microchip’ RFID children as some have put forward.

Central banking (or one version of it)  has caused an upsurge in ‘migration’ and then into trafficking and a hidden slavery which is global

‘25 Painfully Disturbing Facts About Human Trafficking’ it is in fact a business worth unknown Billions. Optimal currency theory and the missing money within the system causes the constant need for lower wages. Traditional societies had far less ‘migration’ and a steadier pay and prices system for labour. Today the UN and the Vatican have dropped whatever pretence they had as institutions and they rely on the income from this trade. (Which we briefly touch upon later, or you can read wider details on the adjacent website chapter 4 at or near the end under subheading Is it possible to end Child Slavery & Woman trafficking ? The Mind Life Institute and Dialogues and the Social Venture Network.

None of this can occur without financial fingerprints left behind or even without ‘surveillance’ (satellite or other) recording it. Some want to RFID CHIP  children by vaccination see video to “save them”  MP4 file ‘Nanoparticle Vaccine and the RFID Chip injection’ (trackable by satellite and 5g)

If you still believe that the above would not harm children with vaccinations or worse and also adults globally in sinister intentions then you are mistaken.

End of section on child abuse (Link back to the beginning of this section on child abuse )

Link to the Irish Elections (8.2.2020 with new coalition formed in July 2020) The Irish Elections 2020 were finally brought to a coalition in July from the original election on 8.2.2020.

This link here will bring you to the results and analysis of the election 


To return to the section 6 dated 18.08.2020   ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign”    for an insight into the the real pandemic in our society go to the section entitled (but also read on in this section)



History of revolutions leading to war and the child trafficking in our modern banking system


The 1st of May (now passed) is traditionally associated with the Maypole dance  as the ‘World Tree’ is an ancient dance. Others regard it as the symbol of revolution from the Enlightenment and the real date of the French revolution is believed to be the 5th of May following the ‘declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen’ in 1789. Rebelling against the 1st and 2n and 3rd estates, the revolution eventually entered into the reign of terror resulting in the Guillotine of many in those estates including Louis XV1 the King of France. Louis the X1V was known as the Sun King  The 1st estate is the nobility and kings, the 2nd estate the clergy and the 3rd estate  all other people or everyone else, hence they were the most powerful in terms of numbers. Yet they lived feudal lives as serfs or slaves or small holders and craftsmen or soldiers and so on.

The 3rd estate in the estates general were the common people, yet in becoming Citizens to gain from the ‘declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen’ these common people gave up their status as Sovereigns (but oppressed) into a new paradigm or rights we know today as the ‘State’ They became Citizens instead of Sovereigns. This has been debated one way or the other but the state confers ‘equal rights of a sort’ but actually can remove inalienable rights (meaning those that have always existed and cannot be taken away, but the state tries its best to do so ) It is big government today which has (just increasingly over the last few months) merged with Corporations. They wanted representation by voting and not as ‘order takers’ removing the other two estates. Yet since then as William Butler Yeats puts it in his poem ‘The Great day’ as looking at the beggar on horseback, the lash goes on, and orders and wealth inequality remain after the ‘revolution’  A further consideration is that Jacques Necker the financier of the King in the French revolution stoked revolution by making bad loans resulting in wars and discontent

Today we know the media and news as the ‘Fourth estate’ and even a Fifth estate of those who utilise the internet.  A 6th estate emerging are those who use money online and on the dark web and utilise AI, a new world of the technocracy in the ‘4th industrial revolution’

One group in the French revolution were the ‘Sans Cullottes’ who amongst other ideals also believed in price controls. Many of them had lost land and profession and became fervent revolutionaries; they had been the ‘peasant proprietary’ but had lost everything. Yet even those ‘peasant proprietary’ who lived through the revolution also lost small holdings and village land and farms they once had, and even after the revolution. (Chairman Mao of course also took all lands under control of the central vanguard unelected communist party)  Craftsmen  and guilds were abolished as an ‘estate’ by the French revolutionaries in 1791 after they had been revived in 1773, following a slow decline especially from 1707 onwards. These operatives could also be ‘peasant proprietary’, by 1808 they were replaced by speculative craftsmen, although the operative craft still survive to this day.

Once the medieval cathedrals and churches began to wain in construction these operative craftsmen went into decline as no new apprentices could be found. A typical story even to this day. They were tradesmen yet as operatives they constructed some of the most sublime buildings the world has ever seen. Reputed to have gained knowledge from the returning Knights Templar’s there practical building geometry and sacred geometry can still be seen to this day, and modern constructions do not have the same insight or appeal or brilliance. The ‘enlightenment’ began to challenge Christianity and Judaism, and instead the ‘intellect’ and science (only) took precedence over operative skills into speculative skills (with building on a smaller scale) and into science alone. Humanity was moved into ‘reason’ but also into citizenship with laws that were not based upon God but upon man. The common law was constantly replaced even though it was cited by new constitutions which often left (in the end) the state of the lower estates in a worse condition, landless,  without skills, city dwellers as the new emerging ‘proletariat’ Today it is planned that cities will contain 70% of the world’s population.   This has been one result from the ‘revolution’ And this change is ongoing and could be 85% or more in time. Land is not scarce however yet the proletariat from their overcrowded cities are naturally convinced the world is over populated, from their perspective. From someone in the middle of the country in all nations, the world is very much under populated. This change has taken 400 years , with the first 200 progressing very slowly speeding up dramatically since 1880 to today.

In 1917 during the Russian revolution see the ‘(VIDEO 21) THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION’   At 8 minutes fwd you will see the Christian communities (Anabaptists and Mennonites and Amish and Jewish etc ) who successfully farmed large areas of land in eastern Europe (Volga and the black sea especially)  producing a bounty as they lived quiet lives in peace and with Gd. Largely Prussian Germans who knew how to develop the land, and understood the soils, they were model citizens. They produced bounties from poor land.

The Bolsheviks killed them with torture methods even the Chinese revolution or Spanish inquisition could not imagine.  The Bolsheviks lost the first election in 1917 (Lenin) and began the Red Terror which slaughtered ethnic Russians. see also Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's book '200 years together'  The peasants which did not vote for Lenin, the small landholders, the farmers, and even the equivalent Russian ‘Sans Culottes’ rejected this big government ‘state’. Further and see Videos 19 and 20 a film which examines the Holocaust in Germany   many of the Prussian German farmers mentioned above were Jewish. They were followers of Gd, not those who worship themselves as Gd or who are lost in the secular humanist delusion.


A good book on ‘the State’ by Michael Horsman “The State of Freedom and Justice as if people matter most”  or see video "001: The State of Freedom and Justice Government as if people matter most with Michael Horsman"  which discusses taxation and many subjects and Henry George Progress and Poverty untangles much of this.

For operative and speculative construction there have been many sublime buildings and designs including the mysterious Pyramids, but exceeding them is the ‘Temple of Ezekiel’ which begins as a physical building and becomes a spiritual one. Unreplicable it has provoked much study but incredibly it is still little understood or known. (See Chapter 5 below) It follows on from Solomon’s temple and Herods temple and its other dimensional quality which first begins the physical is mysterious but not man made.


One World bank or thousands of smaller local banks

Small businesses are decimated as competition to Corporations. Small banks may collapse but what can be done about it as Trump takes over the Federal Reserve and brings it into the Treasury (although this is debated) and is asking others in other nations to do the same. The federal reserve has been pumping money into these state central banks Nationally. Yet if it is charging interest at source (not secondary lending) and has not an ‘MO’ narrow money source separately then it is the Federal Reserve which now owns the treasury (before it was private and separate but unaudited)

In the USA and in a comparison to the EU (and wider Europe with 700 million people) the Federal Reserve Bank which had successfully (pre Jan 2020)  boosted employment with direction and policy from the current US administration who in attempting to boost employment (to 100%) and also boost the stock market producing a sustained boom all round. The USA had record level low unemployment at 3.6% the lowest since 1969. During 2008 – 2016 under the Obama administration (and the DACA ‘children in cages’ furore began under executive order from Obama) changed the clearing house system from the US treasury into the US Federal Reserve Bank’s jurisdiction but without security or front line banking checks (US ACH Fed global)  This ACH or ‘automatic clearing house’ (fed global) is advancing electronically but it had worked in tandom with the catch and release program (or a program of open borders and no security at the borders) Therefore Obama took controls which the public taxpayer had and gave them to the private federal reserve bank.

The wall across the southern border of the USA is now advancing with sufficient funds in the declared national emergency The ACH federal clearing system Obama made allows undocumented workers to work, or smuggle great quantities of drugs or to engage in human trafficking and simply take the financial proceeds and wire it direct back to Mexico or elsewhere without security identity checks or paying taxes. It allows massive money laundering but this was not its original intention (see pdf  US Money Laundering Threat Assessment by US Treasury Dept) The central bank of Mexico has the same agreement with India el Salvador , Honduras, & China and others. You could simply open an account and wire it, yet if you were a legal US citizen, checks and security would prevent you. It is estimated that there are 30 million illegal aliens taking over $25 trillion out of the US economy by this method. This alone would pay the national debt down (now $21 Trillion) and / or provide an extra $5 trillion in taxes or more. Can this now change globally as the federal reserve now in the treasury pumps money into all central banks ? These are the subtle distinctions of public taxpayers in even a small government scenario should watch for justice. 

Responsible for a large part of this illegal trafficking is Nancy Pelossi and Senator Chuck Schumer who have proposed open borders for ‘equality’ but really for private profit in the trafficking, child slavery drug trade via Obama’s fed ACH policy.(hence they want to impeach Trump but try to disguise their motives.  

A key area of economics was discussed by Laura Ingraham with President Trump on 10.01.2020 see video ‘Trump talks trade with China, immigration policy and US economy’ From 3 minutes forward (or watch entire video) it raises the issue of wages and importing  cheap labour, instead of building up SME (small medium enterprises) to bigger companies and even home-grown corporations. (an alternative link here  or here again once more 3 mins fwd) This ‘problem’ occurs in every central bank (and as discussed above trillions of transactions later at interest we have a huge debt problem see section 3 above and also addition added 1.5.2020) This problem has occurred in every country for decades but was heightened during the Obama administration bubble of debt which enlarges into this one.

The central bank federal reserve has been siphoned (sideways) via its exchange rate mechanism, similar to the ESM exchange rate mechanism slavery debt treaty coming to all nations in the EU (on top of the crisis) These mechanisms and inflowing billions on demand from countries do not always reach the ‘exchequers’ of those countries and are used for other purposes. EU: Treaty of debt (ESM) - stop it now! ((or here again, first instigated n 2012 now coming live in 2020, a debtor system of the fictitious legalese system)

Training local national people up with high wages and 100% employment and exporting the excess. Instead of just importing companies new home-grown companies should be made and supported. The issue of labour at cheaper prices is part of the ongoing problem in economics in which billions of people in the west are undercut by constantly importing cheap labour for no other reason than to improve profits and then adding a gloss or excuse of why we need to import labour including illegal immigrants assisted by the central bank which allows new accounts to be opened draining trillion globally from the local economy. In the EU this policy known as Optimal Currency Theory is nonsense. (Instead of Austrian economics)

Ironically here is Yanis Varoufakis (former finance minster of Greece and see video  ‘Yanis Varoufakis blows the lid on Europe's hidden agenda’ ) who from the outset (but at 2 minutes 30 seconds) relates how the Central banks (neo liberal)  inflate large debt bubbles from one Optimal currency area to the next and trail along new imported cheap labour into these areas (which can straddle the borders of national countries or many national countries) in order to keep the whole thing going. Inventing new reasons why new imported labour should be imprinted is never ending, and millions are now watching as they train up new people to take over their jobs at a lower wage without employment protections as they had before. However this is not a Marxist analysis of profits and labour as from the outset Marxists forget to quote that Karl Marx compared blasphemy against ‘national debt making’ as almost as bad as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit in economic liberal society. See Karl Marx ‘Das Capital’ (1906 see index and topic national debt for page number in any volume or see the adjacent website and chapter 2 and banking reform thesis ) “And with the rise of National debt making, want of faith in the national debt takes the place of Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit” This is simply a debt bubble which is never paid down and is unheard of in economic history. Why does the left abandon Marxist policy in this area?   Because the left rely on Keynesian debt bubbles or deficit spending for the working and middle class as it does not require planning or commitment. The left have no other policy and do not care, they are useless and do not serve national countries. They prefer a totalitarian society with all human rights removed (The UN human rights are 'human rights for all but with no rights equally' )

This debt ethos produces overbearing and unnatural debt levels which includes the national debt, the derivatives bubble (last article; Warren Buffet as the world Derivative debt bubble hits $1 quadrillion = $1000 Trillion in 2018 and now a lot more) and future unfunded commitments which are shared with all the EU nations far beyond the derivates debt bubble (unfunded commitments can plan ahead 50 years)  and which amount to untold €Quad- Trillions. No nation can reform its economy when irresponsible derivative products are allowed to ruin stability. In the USA, the derivatives bubble is over $500 Trillion dollars whilst the US national debt is $22 trillion) It is this aspect of the world’s economy i.e. global derivatives in the Quadrillions combined with the (now) $244 Trillion (Jan 2019) global debt bubble

Once people are full up with debt, new people are required to take out more debt,  including cheaper labour known as population replacement within the crisis management of population reduction. It is ironic that Yanis Varoufakis is saying this as he is a ‘trans-nationalist’ (but still Heterosexual) who with the ‘open borders’ merchants in effect support this theory and have kept  it going. Whether an economy transitions to a 100% cashless society (in the social credit ‘blackmirror’ dystopia the communists want, in cyber money or not the situation will remain the same. See also once again  ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income )

The left and its betrayal of Greece in the bank bailout scandal.  The Left after campaigning for a referendum in Greece in 2009 - 2015 (following the financial collapse) took power, and held a referendum on complying with bank bailouts. Having taken power and the referendum passed to reject the bailout by over 60% and end Austerity, the left then in power, then abandoned the people and ignored the result  The left are fake and for a more detailed history of the Greek monetary problems see the adjacent website and chapter 2 or the conclusion at  the end (scroll up) They do not work for ‘the people’ they do not operate in Sovereignty common law.

Canada is also trying to usurp the USA in the trade wars "Canada is Quietly Building The Trading Empire Of The World"  but transnationalism/globalism is killing the world slowly. A lockdown of Globalism would be a better idea for a virus free world surely ? (as more is revealed on the virus testing scandal in which the WHO sought to bring down the world economy see amazing Polly 'Yes ! African leaders Stand Up ! Tanzania and Madagascar'  Localism and nationalism protects family, borders and your nation, Globalism is designed to supply poor goods, rotten food, and cheap labour in an increasingly downward spiral for the global economy (debt & high unemployment) 

This type of economics leads to the destruction of every nation. Today the Pope (Dirty war) is being questioned over his Marxist communist role in the deaths of Argentineans, in the dirty war murders rape and trafficking Argentineans were disarmed and imprisoned, a trait of Marxist rebellions see the testimony of former KGB agent  i.e Yuri Bezemenov This occurred in the Cuban revolution when Guns were used to obtain power, but then the former revolutionaries were disarmed (which can be read in greater detail on the adjacent website and chapter 5 North Korea under heading ‘27.09.2018 The Cuban Communist Revolution 1953 - 1958/ 1959 and the American (USA) Revolution circa 1760 – 1783 (Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Gun rights and ‘Death of a Nation’)’ or for that post  use this link here  This was carried out by Fidel Castro who died a Billionaire (unlike the former disarmed peasants)

His allegedly illegitimate son (of Fidel Castro)  Justin Truedeau has also called for the banning of assault weapons as the first stage to total (liberal dumb-downed) disarmament of the Canadians after yet another ‘lone nut’ is employed as leverage against society not to prevent gun deaths, otherwise they would ban cars which have killed 10,000 times more people and also ban abortions and so on. How is that mass surveillance in place in varying degrees in countries has missed Paedofiles trafficking children or is Truedeau involved with them ? and they don’t like armed parents resisting their children been taken away . Your children are owned by the state (but not really) in many or every nation and the aim in the corona hoax is to increase the ability (unlawfully) to remove them (see at the end  ‘Strawman the nature of the cage’) especially if your country is massively in debt, the leverage to bring this UN ‘healthcare ‘bs’ Truedeau does not mind armed Islamic terrorists though ...their ok in their philosophy of legal Sharia slavery for Justin, who is also ‘Chummy’ with Obama and Pope Francis (the puff in the white dress in Rome) in the Christian genocide. ‘(VIDEO 27) ISIS, CHRISTIAN GENOCIDE AND OBAMA CLINTON BIDEN ADMIN MYSTERY’ For further information see bitchute videos nos 19 - 31 


The world needs 100% employment and a cash system retained.


The Federal Reserve Bank

As Gregory Mannarino outlined in section 2 above the Federal reserve has been spending nearly $2 Trillion dollars a day since early March. They would say the assets they buy offset this debt issuance to buy assets hence it balances out. This idea never seems to be applied to the national debts in each country which raises interest payments on the debt  (in Ireland it is €16 million per day, on a debt of €250 billion) and the left despite Karl Marx in das capital pointing this out (as mentioned above) never mention it as they obey the central banks desire to always encourage more and more imported labour. They are paid to enter the media and shout racism to those who object to their country being taken over.

This continues with the lie that interest rates check inflation, when in fact this deception is used to allow the very rich to live off the interest on savings instead of allowing real price discovery. It is ironic in any case that Gold and Silver have performed better than bank interest. The notion that the obscure ‘MO’ should circulate in society for every day people usage without interest and which has to be earned a as  wage is caught up in the system, yet money issued to banks and building societies as secondary issuance or secondary loans can be issued at interest in a competitive market. The market was turned into a casino because the fed will not allow real price discovery, some may say do not blame the people trying to profit from this, instead blame the people trying to rig the system. This severe problem (which can be a part of secondary high street banks operations, and without taxpayers underwriting the risk through the last bank of resort as any business) is causing this monetarist deception of constant inflation. Letting a spring flow with attached interest, and then blocking it by ...attaching interest. The source of the spring has interest attached and causes inflation, and 2nd interest rates (on all monies) slows down loans but still raises inflation. The secondary rate of inflations is on top of the first rate issued by the main central bank and removing interest on the 1st issuance actually stops inflation.  (Accruing debt every day in every country for decades) Today it is suggested that the Federal Reserve bank will never allow Wall Street recession or depressions to occur again. The natural business cycle may be over, and now the....

Federal bank can only be in expansion forever as buyer, owner and lender.... (but what about ‘main street’ and the middle class) ?

The pdf in section 3 on banking reform show the Jersey loan sanction scheme which constructed large infrastructure without debt, and as explained by the treasury on Jersey in 2005 / 2006. There are numerous solutions but shows you how a treasury can work.

The One World Bank is currently pumping QE on steroids and whilst there is a World bank in name with new leader Carmen Reinhart this week , it is not linked globally digitally as yet in the new digital dollar as crypto currencies are forced upon us

World debt cancellation or a ‘catch 22’ ? (and economic destruction)


In May 2020 it is mooted that all national debts and debt may be cancelled and should include personal debt, see  Sarah Westall and Andy Schectman below (next)



See also Dr Ben Carson’s interview at the beginning. Sarah Westall and Andy Schectman above discuss Trumps bringing of the Federal Reserve bank into the US treasury.(to repeat Trump takes over the Federal Reserve into the Treasury although this is debated what does it really mean ?)

In part 2 of 2 above they discuss the legal actions against corruption, purchasing power value of money (which ‘MO’also gives you) but also debt forgiveness which is also mentioned from a biblical perspective in chapter 5 under the essays on King David 1,2 & 3, but no3 specifically below) To avoid devaluation (the ‘Great devaluation; by John Titus’ SGT Report)  the MO provides stability and employment (especially if a nation or individuals cannot afford gold and silver, and hence section 3 above to bring freedom and protection to some extent in a worst case scenario but in a free nation)


1.    ‘The Tabernacle of King David’   

2. ‘The Double Portion & the 7 / 8 Feasts of Israel in David’s Tabernacle. The Millennium Reign’ 


3. The Tabernacle of David, Power, Ownership and Authority
(Economics, Land & Money)


However a stipulation of this debt forgiveness could be the withdrawal of cash (in the new digital dollar backed by Gold, and Federal Reserve manager said early in 2020 this was all planned ) and then taking a microchip for access by vaccination. Merging with track and trace for the RFID Chip


A second scenario (in the reset) is World War 3 which could mean the destruction of Beijing in China (which some cynically suggest would prevent any further virus outbreaks) and Islamabad in Pakistan. North Korea has not removed nuclear weapons forcing the west to move to place nuclear weapons in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Kashmir belongs to India. Many armies want ‘to go’ and get the whole thing over with. (‘Full Spectrum Dominance’)

Greece which has put up with outrages against its Sovereignty since 2005, has the right to defend its borders and nation. It should also return 'Asia Minor' to itself (Turkey ) Germany has said it will not buy ECB bonds as the debt situation globally is beyond maintenance and Greece deserves total debt cancellation but retain cash (see also below on Brexit)

For more information (Hong Kong War) see Bitchute  Uh Oh Whats going on with china and the US ?  as tensions escalate as China try's to capture, suppress and enslave Hong Kong thanks to Obama and Joe Biden, who seem to be getting away with their crime spree as related by Attorney General William Barr   (who may yet bring an investigation ? but he says there is a difference between a crime and an abuse of power in effect) showing the corruption runs deeper than any American realised, blaming Ukraine but who would have rose up anyway under its suppression, as General Michael Flynn is released who was accused of treason in effect in the Spygate scandal which reaches far into the 'Swamp'. War with China is escalating

Trump has defunded the UN / WHO but many ask why they are still on US soil ?

To assist analysis consider also


And surrounding issues by UNRIG Robert Steele (ex black special ops)

Demand reimbursement  One solution to discover how new the Federal Reserve is (with $100 Trillion of assets and part debt purchases) is to lay a claim against your business losses. By writing to the treasury demanding re-imbursement as notice to bring a lawsuit for your losses and time and stress in the false flag pandemic. As the Fed has pumped money into all central banks globally then all countries could do this i.e. literally Billions of people (which could clog up the courts globally against bankruptcy) The lawsuit could also be lodged in the courts. Since it is unknown (but not really) where the Corona began it is not the concern of the plantiff but of the law of the land or common law, as governments have misled the people. Trump has promised $500 Billion as an example as aid to small business (yet against $100 trillion it may seem paltry) Globally such a lawsuit could run into Quad-trillions more than the total outstanding debts.

Morally this is right in the circumstances. Failing that asset stripping as re-imbursement could occur en masse.

Further information on how this differs but is a continuation of Obama’s debt bubble see the Mises Institute and ‘HOW THIS CRISIS DIFFERS FROM THE 2008–2009 FINANCIAL CRISIS | ARKADIUSZ SIEROŃ’  

Advice from Gregory Mannarino a trader and financial analyst from Wall Street suggest the Federal Reserve is running the treasury and the (so far) President (as it did with Obama) see ‘(CRITICAL ALERT). A Terrible Phenomenon Is Unfolding... Mannarino’ (MAY 13TH 2020) who say the Federal Reserve is taking over the World including China,  as the market rises and the takeover is a Global pursuit running the World. Central banks taking over the Earth


Gregory Mannarino (his Youtube Channel The Robin Hood of Wall Street here) brings the real news of the Federal Reserve bank and the Working & Middle Class for the possible foreseeable future without a revolution against the liberal communists



Gregory Mannarino explains why negative interest rates rates matter (see also ‘The Great devaluation’ by John Titus a few paragraphs above) in ‘MARKETS: A Miracle Or A Crime In Progress? By Gregory Mannarino’ You can go further and add that negative interest rates do not just remove cash from your bank, but may well instigate all cash being removed Globally (for no good reason) in the cashless microchip society.(but see section 3 above on why nationalist countries can insist on keeping cash or remove the banks and businesses that are in cahoots with the criminal conspiracy lawfully and by force. Setting up a new ‘society of cash’ system is relatively simple, and in the EU this would be the best way forward. Total independence )

May 19th Gregory Mannarino  Stocks are climbing but.... ‘NWO: The Fed. Has Their Boot On Your Throat... Mannarino’  

and also  ‘Wow! We Are Now Entering A New Phase: "BEYOND BEYOND." Mannarino’ (basically it’s all fake from Dems, Republicans, China and all central banks who burst in early September 2019 and into early January 2020 and will continue to pursue higher stocks with high unemployment ‘Federal bank can only be in expansion forever as buyer, owner and lender.... (but what about ‘main street’ and the middle class)’

Another way to look at the reduction in the US dollar is the plan to bring all currencies on a equal footing (moving the US dollar back to allow others in) In other words both China and Russia with Iran are vying to begin the new world order controlled by them. The Iran deal was a part of this hegemony. China et al seeks to take over the World bank and IMF. For China to achieve this it would need a new world currency which would have to be agreed with Japan, Russia, the EU, Britain, America and this new IMF 'XDR' (Bretton Woods Bank of International settlements and international development bank) is already being floated (as a new one size fits all crypto currency) platform but which 'bloc' or power will control it ? will any control it in the end ? (to replace the Dollar) The IMF (SDR) would become a new currency, (crypto currency) you cannot join the World bank unless you first agree to partake of the IMF fund or new the new 5 powers bloc fund. The World bank decides over the IMF (not the other way around )The Federal reserve bank is in competition with this idea right now.  China wants to run the new world order with sesame social slavery credit universal basic income (the democrats $2000 dollars a month program) which will control your thought, speech and actions and travel, with re-education centres, gulags and executions. Chinas economy right now however is not what it was in 2019

Biden(s) Obama, Wall Street and China $100 Trillion stolen which matches earlier estimates in early April of $60 trillion (as time has passed) Trump has said he will not re-open trade talks with China and details have emerged (as the Fed moves into the treasury) that Wall street had (under Obama) bankrolled China to the tune of Trillions in the pandemic. Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have been involved in the Ukraine laundering with Obama, but also in a deal to sell out the USA to China lock stock and barrel (the pandemic is a part of that)  Further (quid pro Joe) Joe Biden amongst the many democrats who were involved against General Michael Flynn

Switzerland (home of the Bretton Woods agreement which created the World bank and IMF who announced they were in crisis last year whilst the Repo rate overnight crisis continued which the corona virus has disguised see Irish elections in chapter 3a and section 3 here ) has announced a new crypto currency  ‘Sygnum Bank Launches Digital Swiss Franc Token’ and two more Swiss banks announce merger of  ‘Ripple: Two Swiss banks announce integration of XRP’ and then;


‘World’s first crypto banks seen as game changer for Switzerland’


China was the first to attempt a crypto central bank for its free happy citizens in 2018 and 2019 and it was a dry run (despite the other misleading news surrounding it) Now they are bringing it back in 2020 without cash The Swiss efforts are funded by Islamic entities as one example and one more (who are still looking to discover where Mecca really is ) China

The emerging Global prison by high tech. In other words, the need for 'competition' (supposedly but hyped) amongst nations and superpowers as a rush for a '5g / 6g cold war' with especially China, is a con to bring in this system globally as a weapon against people in a rush and hurry. In China the system with AI has produced a prison. The West believes it is freer but over the past 5 months in the lockdown it has discovered that is not true, and North Korea and China are the models for the west (North Korea was used by the Chinese as an experiment to see which methods are best for control under the Communist party unelected vanguard )

This website has talked extensively about the bank of international settlements and the SDR / XR drawing rights which is legal mechanism to allow a platform of international law UCC code to operate, but which can merge all crypto currencies. With the UN allowing Saud to behead people, and China to imprison and enslave people the crypto currency digital era (under the fake and un-sovereign UN rules) then expect no privacy wit the digital currency and no access without a microchip at some stage with Frankenstein Gates. Mr Melinda Gates is now suggesting younger sex education for children should start really early Yet if we train children self defence and then ask them to stick a five foot long syringe up Bill and Melinda’s ass (add in Dr Fachi and ‘Dr’ Tedros) then it could be a even better sex education the children they could really learn from. Viewed as ‘together at home as one’ globally.



For those who still struggling with Sovereignty law etc You are sovereign in essence...but for those who just ‘dont get it” see below



Or here  or here again once more         (or here as an MP4 file)


Children cannot be removed under Sovereign law and certainly not without a birth certificate, which you do not have to give, or you could disavow such a certificate and stand under sovereign law. Social workers and police have no right to remove a child without them and can in fact under their oath resist such orders. This is what Dr Michael Ryan of the WHO / UN proposed (removing people from homes) as under sovereign law you have to consent see the Irish court case below international rules based law does not have the authority.

See also again section 2 “The Law of the Land”  and ‘UCC Uniform Commercial Code’ with Jordan Maxwell which is not the law of the land, common law.


And Ben Gilroy in Ireland Article 41.1 the family and the rights Sovereign law Ben Gilroy (see below on Irish court case with John Waters and Gemma Doherty ) 


What Ben Gilroy is saying is the corona legislation from Feb / March 2020 was not Lawful and can be ignored, hence when the recent high court case was taken (see below on Irish court high case) they stood under a legal false law and had to apply against that, not sovereign law common hence their difficulty. This inalienable law and its rights makes the constitution not the other way around and hence the state tricked (in effect as with everyone) those applying (a citizenship position in civil law, but these laws are further away still, under UN international rights law) to actually reinforce their 'law' which has no weight

The law (Legalese) you do not understand is ‘practiced’ (no one is an expert) is not the common law, i.e. the real law. Legal and Lawful are different terms. A policeman is different from a constable; people who issue tickets for car parking have no lawful right. A policeman is under oath to the sovereign law as ‘lawful’


The documentary also points out the ‘missing money’ in circulation the economy as caused by Interest at 13 minutes fwd. At 20, 30 minutes it shows only 3 % is real money, it could be 100% MO. The missing money is caused by interest attached to money as money and interest are two separate entities. A promissory note is not a bill of exchange (real money) At 29 minutes 45 seconds the documentary shows that only (analogy) 10 widgets circulate but the system demands 11 = debt. In fact this began before you make a deposit into fractional reserve banking (which by deposit you crate the money) at source when it is printed. (MO) This issue effects your Sovereignty illegally hence section 3 above on ‘MO’ and (the video also points out that we are the only ‘animal’ on the planet who pay to live on it, and that income tax is a temporary measure which does not need to exist) It points out the national debt is illegal and does not need to exist. Your signature as the corporate entity creates a legal fiction and this makes money out of thin air. If the federal reserve printing is unlimited into Trillions why do we pay taxes ?

Sherrifs in the USA have refused to comply with the United Nations UN agenda or see more here on Bitchute and more sheriffs are recognising that the law is not their oath 

The situation in the fake plandemic is .. the pope who is not a pope, the UN and Chrislam and corona, all you need now are the Daleks up and down the street see above under heading ‘pandemic 1 and 2’ but when you consider the Simpsons predictive programming is more accurate the mainstream media you should be concerned  ‘Osaka Flu Hits Springfield Part 1’ & also  ‘Osaka Flu Hits Springfield Part 2’ in the man made virus which is patented as the ‘cure’ will be in the 7 step marketing plan to spread vaccines via MSM see above) what else can the club of Rome crisis management team come up with. General Flynn, Ukraine and Biden In the background and the attempt to frame General Flynn it now transpires that Susan Rice tried to cover up for Obama as more details are leaked on Obama / Biden / Clinton  links to laundering in Ukraine are made public

The video also points out that the Crown is sovereign with the people in one not separate. The people are the crown. All the people are Sovereign not just the sovereign. In Brexit the people were sovereign over the EU Supreme court (see chapter 3a above) and are still sovereign over parliament and the People are the parliament not the other way around. The EU Supreme court is a legal fiction over the sovereign people of Europe and its appearance in Brexit over the ‘proroguing’ issue baffled many people in Britain.  The documentary explains that people are flesh and blood, but a legal corporate entity fiction has been created without your knowledge as you in law to make money and control society illegally. Corporations suggest they are a ‘person’ with ltd liability. It is required that legally they become a person so that can claim legal immunity, but this has been proved to in error (2010) lawfully  Yet YOU are a corporation that you do not own, without your knowledge (you are two persons)

In 2013/ 2014 Pope Francis issued a law which effectively ends all Corporations on earth (MOTU PROPRIOSince this law would also therefore destroy the United Nations which is a corporation (or leave the Vatican as its sole law maker ) where does this law begin and end.1 City of London and the 2. USA ? (District of Columbia, Washington DC) and 3. the Vatican

The District of Columba is a military corporation, the Vatican a spiritual corporation. The City of London is a financial corporation. The US president is the CEO of US incorporated who works for the shareholders and board of directors. The US newly independent states of the United States in 1776. (on July 4, 1776) the people claimed their independence, but in 1871 the US was also incorporated in bold capitals (see the relevance in section 2 above which is mentioned with link below) as THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” Allegiances to 1776 are demonstrably present in the USA, yet the US operates under 2 constitutions



In Ireland a court case was attempted to remove the Corona lockdown

A Corporation is not a person which can claim Ltd liability although it has been attempted and used in that way. The 'law' in the courts is also a corporation outside of  Common law which enpowers the constitution (not the other way around) as seen in the strawman video above and in section  2.The Law of the Land  you are also without your knowledge a 'corporation' from birth. Ignorance of these laws are not a defence and your silence is consent. In Ireland thousands of laws are rubber stamped from the EU / UN into (and WHO) effect every month removing the constitution and your common-law sovereignty, yet it is not understood or known and it passes as professional and expensive as the law and people are under it without knowing but unwilling to learn the difference. It is there to make money from you, that is all and yoru signature is required against CAPITAL LETTERS (your other corporate self)  John Waters and Gemma Doherty claimed that the lockdown was based on flawed science. Of course it was but the law itself was flawed in totality as a court.

The ‘rules based international order’ also known as the ‘Liberal international economic order’) is the unofficial but omnipresent as the silent Golden rule in the Irish courts not the Irish constitution. Two people Gemma Doherty and John Waters by Judicial review decided on 13.05.2020. They challenged the Dails (Government) decision to close everything down in Ireland on the 19.03.2020 as Leo Vradaker stated “A raft of new public health measures have been introduced to combat the spread of Covid-19. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar described the suite of actions as “unprecedented”

Firstly Leo Vradaker had already resigned as Taoiseach one month earlier following the Irish election results. In effect he had no right to lead a government into decision affecting the finances of a country. Many suggest both he and Fianna Fail had no right to make financial decisions before the election, such as continuing to apply  the interest on the Irish debt which is not even Irish debt in totality. Yet even now (April 29th) Leo Vradaker and the Child catcher from Chitty Chitty bang bang abortionist in chief Simon Harris want Ireland to share other EU nations debts  ? Icelands approach still remains the clearest and most sensible solution.

The restrictions in Ireland involved a 2 km travel restriction, which on the day of Gemma Doherty’s and John Waters judgement (sent by the Judge by email) this restriction was moved to 5km and a ‘loophole’ was found which meant pubs could open if they served food (13.05.2020) six weeks hence (despite new ‘outbreaks’ in China on the 18.05.2020 with new cities in lockdown ?). Yet since the entire government most of the TD’s in government and all parties had voted on 13.03.2020 to close Ireland down, this loophole was known then also ? but they did not tell the public or businesses about it and the Judge in the Doherty / Waters case seems to have not considered this in his judgement by email  (Mr Justice Charles Meenan )

Justice Meenan concluded that in effect the lockdown was constitutional as the 32nd Dail had voted upon it. Yet they were acting upon advice from the WHO criminals in the United Nations not by the constitution, which is Gemma Dohertys and John Waters point. The lockdown was ordered under international rules based law via crisis management  from the Club of Rome and the Pope, who with Bill Gates et al is still giving illegal orders and seems to have a conflict of interests. The problem for John Waters and Gemma Doherty is the constitution has not applied for a long time and does not apply under international rules based law. Once they applied their application came under this fake court and not under oath of the constitution, rather like applying for a void in a void. Gemma Doherty and John Waters were right to do something but they were entrapped in legalese not common law of your inalienable rights which gives its legality to any constitution, it is not the constitution which upholds your inalienable rights but which have further been removed by UN /WHO international rules based law. John Waters and Gemma Doherty are teaching the constitution ‘Bunreacht on the beach


See also Delores Cahill on the Corona scam plandemic via Computing Forever

or here on bitchute as full interview




Another view is given by Ben Gilroy in MP4 file

Article 41.1 the family and the rights”  Ben Gilroy & Sovereign law 

which is really Sovereign law or common law as the highest form of law and which shows the courts in Ireland (and in many nations) have no law of the people/constitution and in fact operate outside of LAWFULNESS (but are ‘legal’)

In Chapter 3a above the situation of the ‘Irish Election’ 8.2.2020 is still the same i.e. National parties video ‘Cristín Ní Mhaoldhomhnaigh - 'Open-Borders' Agenda Will Fail in Ireland Too’ 

In essence the non politicians in power have earmarked Irelands population for replacement, and yet people keep voting for them including Sinn Fein in the “Equality rights for all but which means no rights equally”   Fine Gael Leo Vradker believes an immigrant is a better class of person and is more likely to pay taxes ? and is simply a better person all round. The EU Social Contract)  This disguises the policy of the ‘social contract’ (and the ‘Africanisation of Europe’ yet Africa will also be ‘communist (and Islam via the UN controlled by China and Saud) against its will also as the Nigerians continue to experience in their genocide over many years as also white South Africans  but will be similar (including Africa) to every continent being flooded by trafficked ‘migrants’ for cheap labour) the EU has adopted this which is in line with the UN migration pact. In turn in Ireland this is disguised as the Ireland 2040 initiative / plan (see video ‘ Ireland 2040 EXPOSED 1 Million More Migrants’  (or here ) or see The effect of Immigration on healthcare and what si really going on in 'defend europe' After 3 or 4 years there is a distinct hatred for white people emerging which is evident to even the most sceptical researcher. UN - Cultural Marxism explained in 7 minutes    or here as a MP4 Video file This is also racism and also an attempt to erase Christianity. It is a plan for cheap labour in which the Irish (or any nationality in the EU) will become second or third class citizens in their own country, and in effect will be forced west when 2 million migrants arrive and it continue until there are none left. It is a plan to replace the population totally and why illegal immigration should be banned as it is in other continents The video ‘The Terrible Truth About Ireland 2040’ (by Stefan Molyneux  reveals the Pope's trafficking scam with the Vatican bank. YouTube January 12th 2019) goes into greater detail and this plan is one part of the general plan in every EU country. Many towns in the mid and west of Ireland are still closed or half closed since the 2008 financial collapse) This is part of the human trafficking scam globally.

To summarise Leo Vradaker unelected by the people and also who resigned has invented laws contrary to the Irish Constitution with Fianna Fail and other parties (as a current ‘non Taoiseach’) about a virus which does not exist as a pandemic (a manmade virus which is patented see the end) but has ruined the country doing it, and now intends to finish the job by letting the rest of the population be replaced. The tech companies who come into Ireland simply employ anyone who is not Irish and who pay no tax. Even Christian churches to their shame closed in this condemic, whilst the congregation went to the supermarket ?  Christians are supposed to say Jesus loves you to Homosexuals (Obama, the Pope and Vradaker et al) but actually what they really mean is,.... they are a bunch of demented screaming queens who believe they are born with the wrong ass and if they come at children with sex toys or vaccinations for little arms we will ship you off to Wahun China to live with “General Wong Ho”, which is more humane than death..... and who have had (in the main) no idea of the real agenda of trans-humanism and its ‘religion’ which is nothing to do with equal rights or rights for the LGBT Community or indeed the HHH & H (heterosexual community) it is a religion cult and it is insane  see section above on child abuse. They do not care for anyones rights as the last 4 months have shown in the 'lockdown' . ‘Heterosexuals who operate in this system are also acting against the people, but the LGBT community have been co-opted at their higher ranks for ‘Tran - humanism’ purposes, believing they could assist in the transition of the cult religion, and now the LGBT community are waking up to that.  (The XX / XY gene debate which shows there are only 2 genders, but the RNA / DNA 2 strand is to become a new 3rd strand by vaccination, under Bill Gates the mad professor of the WHO. The insanity surrounding this issue goes beyond ...beyond (but why...see next) 

The abortion referendum was/is directly tied to the vaccinations as aborted fetus tissue is used within them. This diabolical measure was planned out in advance along with the gay marriage to introduce a family breakdown scenario in which children could be taught sex education and transhumanism as a 'religion' and then vaccinated. In Ireland which is full of Big Phrama companies everywhere, yet the cancer and illness rates are very high, (amongst 4 million people)  this is because Ireland is used as a test area for health. Statistics are important when learning how to depopulate an area ? vi the UN and WHO (World Health Organisation) Fluoride in water and cancer related chemicals in foods for livestock and humans and pesticides rurally and in urban areas is dire.(see post above dated 9.9.2019 and Irish abortion referendum. Just as Italy has caught 'corona criminals'  see the beginning of this post Dr Tedros of the WHO also not a Doctor like Bill Gates is a murderer and a criminal 

Removing this system (the popes supports but has said it should be ‘humane’ just like 30,000 people died humanely under him in Argentina)  could contribute to the popes (no longer calling himself the vicar of Christ as of course he is nothing to do with Christ) Global compact on education, but or / and what is the real agenda of the Global compact on education ? is it Marxist Leninism Communism see videos 20 – 31 fwd  (equal rights but no rights equally) This is connected to ‘Trans-humanism’ including the vaccinations

It is aimed at children first and then everyone (see at the end under Israel)

Turf  Court Case in Ireland One court case in Ireland which succeeded was the Turf rebellion decided on 18.02.2020Four men who were accused of cutting turf illegally have been found not guilty by direction of a judge at Galway Circuit Court” . The greens want you to believe the most fantastical things in global warming (see Ireland election 8.2.2020) for the extortion tax with sharia law tax next its corona tax and so on. Cut as much wood (coppice remove one plant two) and turf as you can (carbon tax free) as the government(s) have sold common law bogs to other countries with trespass signs on (illegally) in the UN agenda 20 – 30 land grab con. The fantastical link above shows Leonard Nimoy (Spock) panicking the world that the ICE caps were spreading (not melting ) and unless the UN nuked the ice caps we were all doomed.  2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE     3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax  MP4 FILE      Geo-engineering by man is never mentioned 

'Geo-engineering' or see 'Geo-storm the strong delusion is spreading' which quotes 2 Thessalonians 2,11 but which does not solely apply to this subject.


The Land does not belong to the government it belongs to everyone. Humans are the 'animal' who pay to live on the land ! 

Today (but can refuse or force you national government to refuse) the carbon tax is to stop the ice melting ? could not make it up. Are ice caps spreading or melting likely to increase or decrease corona virus waves or should Bill Gates have a 5 foot long syringe shoved .......(and so on)


Children (at first) cannot be legally removed (as promised by Dr Michael Ryan of the WHO / UN see section 1.The ‘Emergency’ and the Corona - Virus (man made ?)  and health systems? Near the beginning of chapter 3b  in Ireland today (and in many nations)  and Vaccinated against their parents will (and in most countries) because they do not understand Sovereign law. Citizens do not have rights in the same way (or at all in many circumstances) The US supreme court has said it will be mandatory as you have no right ...but this is not constitutional, it is only UN international rules based law  (the vaccines in the swine flu killed people in the USA, it doesn’t matter if the vaccine is effective or necessary and see the history People should be shocked )

Children's DNA / RN is being altered from the double helix into the 3rd strand helix with other ingredients including aborted fetus tissue, mercury, aluminum and animal dna and nanoparticles for tracking



So slowly at first and then everyone


Ireland and its Supreme Court has still not reversed its decision r.e. that Babies have no rights in the womb (and the gay marriage and sex education for children are connected to the vaccination as must be plain even to the idiots who voted for those referendums) They are in effect the Irish people that all future generations that they are no longer required (as in the great famine, and Britain had famines also) as the UN has redefined what it “means” to be human (ie. Human s are surplus especially in Ireland) in Ireland or anywhere. This is the nature of the beast i.e not human. A nation has been well and truly tricked by a man who believes he or others are a 3rd gender (and the other parties voted for it including “the patriots”) or will become one at a young age with vaccinated assistance into your DNA.

The dialogue in the mainstream media is first threatening for mandatory vaccines, but later don’t worry its nothing, but it could return in the 2nd or 3rd wave, and hence discernment is required, (of the aliens from the ‘other planet’ i.e from planet UN system 'WHO ' The Eve of the War ) but there is no doubt that the global economy has been brought down via a lie.



Britain may soon turn away from the EU on WTO rules in June or July (it is not a ‘no deal’ as the WTO  = world trade rules) The EU has to allow Sovereign nations to establish sovereign law and a No deal is in any case out of their control

Also a recent German court case or German constitutional court found “In summary the GCC found that a hugely significant part of recent European Central Bank (ECB) monetary activities – some €2.2 trillion of bond purchases – had no legal authority, negating an earlier ECJ ruling. It was saying in effect that whatever the ECJ might rule, if that were against the German constitution, the latter was sovereign, and the ECJ subservient. And the German constitution, at least for Germans, is immutable” 

The Corona ‘plandemic’ (since Britain left the EU on the 31.01.2020) has been used (once again) to try and stop Brexit or in tandom delay it. (or by an ‘extension’ )  Everyday people (even remainers) have noticed increasingly since June 23rd 2016 in every area you can recall every reason on earth has been employed against Brexit. This fake pandemic (no pandemic bodies everywhere and with faked death certificates) has been employed against them and against the people and their Sovereign right to govern themselves.  Now during the corona hoax people of all levels and types of people and who voted Brexit (in the alternative media mainly but also MSM) have noticed how this episode has brought the ‘delay Brexit’ ....stop Brexit cries. Many again are reaching derangement levels of 2018 and 2019 and many have surpassed even those levels. Some (a small minority) of these notions are also coming from the USA as well as from the EU. Yet it is transparent and is not succeeding as Barnier warns of impending collapse (May 15.05.2020)

Britain announced on may 1st  it is to start trade talks next week with the USA as the new USMCA trade deal will begin on July  1st 2020 in the USA  yet some in congress and the senate have tried even to delay it from 1ST June 2020 because of Corona ? (as they try to shut the economy down and even ‘ban seed sales’ and destroy food, a huge eye opener for Americans and anyone around the world) It will begin when Trump and Pence say it begins.

In the EU and all countries in the EU and Globally the issue of constitutional law has arisen in another vital area in May 2020. This issues between Germany and Brussels. President Von Der Lyon made the following statement on the matter  (i.e. “The recent ruling of the German Constitutional Court put under the spotlight two issues of the European Union: the Euro system and the European legal system” ) Many in Germany would say that the Euro System expressed here in financial terms austerity and debt is designed see the following PDF (also in the above post dated 08.03.2019) ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies &   Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’  Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution)

Every country is sovereign if they understand what this means but actually very few do and teach citizenships laws with no understanding.

Yet many in Germany have noticed that neither of these legalisms places its people under Sovereignty as Sovereigns. The GDPR goes to the heart of the matter. The EU now operating under ‘UN international rules based law’ (and it wants a level playing field with the UK to change its law to this UN law, which can lock down your homes and shut up your business )  not even the 'legaleese' EU law (under Corona nonsense) gives the impression it is for rights and privacy etc, yet it does not confer LAWFUL sovereignty only Legal EU / UN 'human rights ‘citizenship’, and just look at who are on the UN human rights panel,... which is "equal rights but no rights equally" and which as rules they have tried to implement. It is far far away from Common law .... this issue raised its head on the "proroguing" Supreme court issue The Supreme court is not Sovereign as parliament with the people is ...tricky issue but important as WTO looms or No deal. Whilst the GDPR has value it does not operate under Sovereignty and Corporations who retain your data and intellectual property do not do so either.

Germany refuses to buy ECB Bonds Germany because of its Sovereignty is refusing to buy ECB EU bonds which is causing shockwaves and which signals debts should be canceled but also shows how flawed the system is how overdue a reset (but keeping cash is paramount with no devaluation )

See section 4 above which shows the Vatican, EU, and even the US constitution of is a corporation and not common sovereign law . The EU is a fake corporate construct designed to be separate from the outside (whilst crushing the people on the inside of the EU) as a communist vanguard for the destructions of the European nations both in Sovereignty and in debt economically, and is making political decisions which effect business throughout the EU

The UK Cabinet backs a tough Brexit in the talks on May14th 2020, (as did in February 2020) but may leave on WTO terms in June / July 2020 in any case.  ( a ‘hard brexit’ is ‘still on the table’ as of course WTO rules are normal and there is no such thing as hard and soft Brexit. Blair of course campaigned to leave the EU in the 1980’s ?)   Angela Merkel is objecting but it is nothing to do with her and the EU have been given a 2 week deadline (from 7.5.2020 ) as the pope (small p no longer ‘Vicar of Christ’ etc) seeks to assemble world leaders on 4th May 2020 (now delayed) in an educational pact which basically consists of vaccinating everyone with Dr Fachi Pepfar & Bill & Melinda Gates (but the Pope wants it done ethically as we are to love the UN and the deranged Chrislam

‘Government publishes 'approach' to post-Brexit trade deal with the EU’  with views from Ireland but it is Britain’s choice as negotiations continue with offers It is every Sovereign nations choice.

This situation follows David Frosts letter to the EU dated 19.05.2020 which sets out the problem as Gov.UK announce Global tariff initiatives

As well as the trade deal with the USA, a UK Japan trade deal is underway

A  sign of the fake EU /UN system.  & a gain Gript media Covid-19 could destroy the EU.  Even more reason to press for a hard Brexit although Germany did announce later into 2019 they would do a FTA deal as Steve baker /David Davies had ? in early 2018 (see chapter 3a above)

Nigel Farage has discovered that even during ‘the lockdown’ as in 2015 / 2016  and the EU called for i million migrants at the start of the ‘plandemic’ for Greece ? (no lockdown there) This comes as the EU has threatened legal action to the the UK over the ‘free movement of people’   This is the EU’s sole purpose to enact the “great replacement” This is why all EU nations should leave and return to Sovereignty  


Israel who have protested the ‘plandemic’

are, under a one world global bank, and the threat of compulsory vaccinations (and RDIF Chip under ID2020) would therefore do so under funding from Islamic sources. The Vaccinations also contain human foetus tissue, animal dna, mercury and aluminium  the latter a testimony by Dr Stanley Plotkin You can also see his abridged testimony at 40 mins fwd “ “The BEST NEWS re CΟRΟNΑ VΙrus you've heard all month! Kinda ” or here on Bitchute once more (see also )  In the earlier paragraphs we heard from General Vladimer Kvackov who has a Phd in military science  General Vladimer Kvackov has no real understanding of ‘Zion’ (which he calls Zionism) but Zion is in Jerusalem, it is a real place and a spiritual place in waiting and ever present. There are of course many Russians in Israel who have perhaps been  themselves brainwashed i.e Yuri Bezemenov over the last years (since 1917) to not take on board that reality, which is of course not the usual analysis or consideration, yet many Russians do understand and are spiritual people and are aware and awake in Zion. (Having a PHd in military science should include theology. Children and adults can understand the issues)

The Seven step recipe for creating Vaccine demand  and beware the contact tracers and the three connected videos  and again no2 here  and also no 3 here on the global health mafia

How can it be (without military brainwashing techniques involved of course) that these people (see Chapter 5 below which includes Israelis and Russians, and Russian Israelis in testimonies and people globally, are all delusional. Who Is actually brainwashed. Thee vaccines are directly linked to two biblical verses Genesis 3, 22 and Daniel 2, 43 (322 being a significant number. They are linked to RNA / DNA strands i.e. two of them and a third being added technically by science to make a third strand yet you only require two i.e the Duplex Helix DNA 22+ 22 = 44 base pairs and the new third strand is the ‘tech strand’ but which is not required and this xx/xy gene in science which shows only 2 genders is now the RNA /DNA debate of trasnhumanism created artificially as the LGBT community failed to show it naturally etc ) Hard to believe ? (but practised for many years) see the following history on Brighteon we have had faked death certificates, (only 0.2 % of the population have died many from accidents or would have died from old age anyway) empty hospitals, testers infected with corona, and ordinary household  objects tested have corona (see sections above) Fake suggestions that money and cash will spread disease but chips in your hand or head will not ? or I Phones will not or your clothes or food you buy ! A mass pysop to convince you that there has been a pandemic ? from a man made patented virus Sars Cov2 Corona and a man made patented “virus cure” which can kill you laced with mercury, aluminium and aborted foetus tissue and animal DNA. It will oscillate between mandatory vaccines to not mandatory and back again. The RNA / DNA new 3rd strand is a part of the Global vaccination plan and is first aimed at Children to change their DNA (then everyone)

Would you microchip your child’  by shaking my head productions youtube  (or here on bitchute ) & also  (to repeat trackable by satellite and 5g) MP4 file ‘Nanoparticle Vaccine and the RFID Chip injection

People 7.5 Billion can take over the world in one day. This new force of entering people’s homes by contact tracing and compulsory vaccination however is a sign the system should be dismantled physically. It is evil and illegal and unlawful If by now you have not connected sex education for children and ‘transitioning’ and transhumanism with a new vaccine from 3rd gender Bill Gates then its time to wake up.(Italy has called for him to be charged with crimes against Humanity) Bill Gates (not a doctor) believes in depopulation but ! wants to save the world with vaccinations.

Solutions People globally can also claim back everything they have lost (see Demand reimbursement  under world debt cancellation) straight from their new national treasuries in the central banks. Everything means everything against small business loss and time and future business. This can be done by lawsuit which may clog up the courts or by writing directly to their central banks within their treasuries (whatever shape or form they are in) Each nation can also withdraw from the globalists system, retain cash and 100% employment and manage their own central banks with new “treasury” system in place and avoid communism / socialism and the universal basic income (UBI) dystopia.


Jared Kushner and Israel’s security

Jared Kushner  is responsible for the Middle East peace plan (which is simple Israel is a one nation state) a small area in a vast Islamic one, but how is Jared Kushner going to protect Israelis against this horrow show Vaccination plan ? Kushner has been involved with overseeing the AI transformation ever since the first tech meeting at the Whitehouse in early 2018 (and before)   the last link states;.....   Artificial intelligence, 5G wireless, quantum computing and advanced manufacturing were among the topics  Thursday at a White House meeting about the “industries of the future” with top tech CEOs, business executives and academic leaders ”   ......     Meaning the 4th industrial revolution technocracy which does not require a real economy or  for vaccines to work against any ‘virus’ (and which is also supported by Democrats)  Whichever company (but they should be banned) makes the ‘Vaccine’ Remdesiver, Lucent Acatel technologies  (formerly AT & T in part) Pepfar or the The Moderna vaccine experiment they should all be banned. Whilst it is true ancient Israel did not have these technologies, were they better off without them. How were the Pyramids or the very ancient temples on north Mount Hermon or at Baalbek built ? (see also Deuteronomy 4, 48)  It is a subject which will resurface even if alternatives are utilised.

Since 31.01.2020 the Brexit celebrations may also even have triggered recent events as they were designed to do.

From 31.01.2020 (link to that post of 31.01.2020 which is the link to return to the top of chapter 3b and reread it after experiencing the physical events. The World cannot believe they can only be shown)





28. 05.2020  

The Greatest deception in history and aided by Big tech and the media (see the beginning of chapter 3b)  & The coming Global Protest


As the World begins to wake up to the giant deception (the biggest 'event' or 2nd biggest event in history) the public begins to fight back to bring the biggest global protest against this deception ever seen. 7.5 Billion people can take their World back as they are Sovereign. 'Event 201' in September / October 2019 made recommendations to control the media, governments, banks, retail outlets, the streets and civil institutions, and even Church groups and religious institutions. ('Event 202' was an alternative to this see second opinion link further on )Those who compiled with these 'recommendations' were told they are Law yet they are not even legal (they breach the civic common law and ancient common law ) never mind LAWFUL as Sovereign law. During the lockdown those same authorities have continued to push illegal immigration (which should be banned globally to bring in much harder immigration standards against the cheap wages scam. The unnecessary lockdown's most sinister item was the orders to issue fake death certificates issued as preferred to all doctors as subtle 'recommendations'. The  testers from China which were infected with 'Corona virus' and the lack of transparency over the fact that we have 300, 000 'virus's' within us including 'corona flu' (see above over the chapter 3b) which means that most will people will test positive (those who have had the flu jab will test positive ) This is how you sell a Vaccine worldwide, and these virus outbreaks seem to occur in nearly every US election cycle, yet this was also no ordinary vaccine campaign. Have a complete 'second opinion'  According to the World Health Organisation (UN) via the CDC (center for disease controls and every nations equivalent in every country) and FDA (food and drugs administration and every nations national equivalent) their statements will mean people can be vaccinated against their will and removed from their homes. This is what they have stated publically (see all above in chapter 3b) This plandemic is set to continue in varying degrees of oppression into 2021. Aside from government and civic institutions Church groups (even those meeting at home) have also closed and are now making excuses about this. This 'legal' but not LAWFUL corrupt framework which is encircling the earth removing is in effect removing peoples' inalienable rights, which are derived from Christian law and the 10 commandments in the bible. In effect, the 'hireling church' went along with this. The Magna Carta, bill of rights and constitution supersedes parliamentary law. These Common laws exist in every nation and removing them is an act of treason as it is removing consent via lies and misinformation. This has also resulted in an economic catastrophe by closing business and blocking commerce by illegal means which are not LAWFUL. They continue to make convoluted laws and laws without trial by Jury, and the media block any mention of the real Common law.. It is the lockdown which is rebellious not the resistance of it. The hireling church obeyed Event 201 and its recommendations. Described as;..... 

"The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequence"    

The World Economic Forum & the United Nations signed a strategic partnership on June 2019 The UN oversees the World Council of Churches & The World Communion of Reformed Churches under the UN (which were housed in the same building in Switzerland and are the same in effect 'catholic & protestant' & HQ mainly in Switzerland but who obey the WEF World Economic Forum, the UN and Event 201 see here also and here again once more)  which are not Christian or 'human friendly'' or Valuable for the world as the UN promotes the depopulation agenda. Bill Gates who controls the World Health Organisation also promotes global depopulation and yet he wants to save the World via vaccinations ? The Hireling Churches obey these laws. The Pope says we must obey the United Nations despite the fact they are pushing abortions for everyone as abortion without end on demand ( over a Billion since the early 1970's) in reality, is to provide Human DNA to be placed inside vaccinations. (last link Dr Stanley Plotkin testimony You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins here  ) The UN promotes 'Trans-humanism'  and AI augmentation of the human body and mind/brain & AI is running the economy as the 'thing' described by Gregory Mannarino you tube 'Game Over.. Thanks For Playing. By Gregory Mannarino'  to also shut down the global economy and see his next video in the ongoing financial restructuring occurring globally 'This freakshow Is Getting Even freakier. By Gregory Mannarino'  AI, combined with Trans-humanism as 'redefining what it means to be 'human' in the UN (for everyone no matter who you are or how you are connected)  also breeches national Sovereignty law. The WCC World Council of Churches has nothing to do with Gd (see the very end of Chapter 5 below and post dated 28/30.05.2020 on the 'Churches' and Feast of Shavuot / Pentecost ) if they were anything to do with Gd, they would have resisted this fake plandemic. Alternatives of any description to the vaccine are  Banned in many places already Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin (and in the USA all parties have said to take your vaccines at one point or another) or alternatives and/or natural alternatives are not brought forward, despite a recent US Supreme court case on connected matters, (the US is comprised of 2 constitutions, the first from 1776 and the 2nd from 1871 as incorporated see previous posts above. Remesdiver  (i.e. Lucent Alcatel technologies formerly AT & T in part or Pepfar or Moderna) is being pushed in the USA, and is authorized in Britain and also authorized in France to begin with. The World Health Organisation (WHO) suspends Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin (on 28.05.2020) for Remesdiver with no alternative mentioned.  Global resistance is your Sovereignty  (not slavery)  in also future 'lockdowns' finance and population control.

Also on Rumble   "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"   (or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches  Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches  World Economic Forum")



30.05.2020   An explanation on Sovereignty and LAWFUL resistance is provided by 'Earth United' 

 'UK and Global Lawful Rebellion Against Treason & Sedition MIRROR

 (or here on bitchute or here again also on bitchute

King Alfreds Deemings fwd to the Magna Carta and the Bill of rights and Sovereignty in the modern era for National countries (away from 'civic nationalism' ) Prior to these Laws of common law sovereignty, the bible provided the law for their superiority, and knowledge of those scriptures is strengthening to your persona and rights.   From January 2020 to June 2020 (so far) nobody would have believed that the World could be shut down, yet for this to have occurred it needs ignorance of Sovereignty disguised as  'legalese' within every nation on earth (see all Chapter 3b above) as consent or silence (which is assumed consent) Every nation globally (and it may take longer for some than others ) and individuals can reclaim their Sovereignty. Britain has taken back its Sovereignty from the EU / UN  United Nations and every EU nation can do the same.







The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’ but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign”    


Quote from the World Economic Forum

 “'The Very idea of Human Beings as some kind of Natural Concept is really going to change"


Subheadings summary; Big tech and Censorship, Harvesting DNA, Russia and Brexit, Israel and Brexit, US heartbeat bill, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, Masks, George Floyd, The Hireling church, Cashless Society, China Iran Russia and WW3, Israel & UAE, General Micahel Flynn, Nordstream, Agenda 21, Human Trafficking and child sexual abuse, Vaccine ingredients and Human DNA /RNA, IBM Quantum Computers, Brexit & St Georges Day.



Big Tech censorship and Global takeover, Human DNA in Vaccinations ( adding to human DNA )Human Trafficking report and COVID tracking systems.


The  WEF or World Economic Forum is here explaining its roll out of the ‘4TH Industrial Revolution ‘and why the 'The Very idea of Human Beings as some kind of Natural Concept is really going to change"  see  'What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?' from the WEF (or here available on Bichute ) The 'human concept' quote is delivered by Nita Farahany (who looks like an AI robot with augmented human parts) and who hints that ‘future world’ will have Super humans, and  then a lesser tier of brain chipped augmented managers, and then further a slave tier below this who have been lobotomised, but who still manage to function via Elon Musks Nueralink ‘AI  implant’. ? It means more than a high tec future in the UNs depopulation agenda when the world is under populated and there are vast areas of land under populated. This incredible video by the WEF who are the world’s elite and a part of the Davos meetings is underway or at least the pretence is underway, as global depopulation is mooted by the insane liberal criminals in ‘WEF dystopia’  The Global shutdown on churches in obedience to the World Economic Forum WEF, as one example  (see post dated 28.05.2020 above) even whilst riots were taking place (for WEF see Event 201 & John Hopkins University Sep 2019. Sex shops and abortion clinics opened but Chruches could not etc) The World Council of Churches and World Reformed Council of Churches,  Catholic and Protestant (see chapter 3b below and the very end of chapetr 5 ) are essentially the same organisatiion.  The Bishops mostly nothing to do with Christianity as even homes groups closed.Churches closed for 5 months (some with limited reopening later) showing they are simply belonging to the state.

See  “This Is How They DEW It - You Need To Know This!!!”   (or here available on Bitchute )  still in testing although 95% perfected it will help reshape the middle east and help minds focus in the middle east peace process (for an earlier post on D.E.W. = direct energy weapons see Chapter 3a above this one and the post dated 23/24.12.2019 ) This will give you the background on ‘Agenda 21’ Yet Agenda 21 is not popular with the worlds military, yet Pence and Trump have brought an alternative to Agenda 21 (see chapter 3 and 3 a above) and the UN dystopia. The Global lockdown (in globalisation) instead of localisation 100% employment and low taxation was the most popular financial model in history. The globalisation / corona / lockdown model from the left liberals are sparking the riots as the world moved to destroy it.

With all the focus on the emerging supermen and woman, the health system has moved away from discussing health,  public or private to avoid the ‘what is health actually’ question.

Further to the Russia hoax and the Global warming or cooling hoax is a summary of the Covid hoax, which shows the vastly exaggerated deaths and illness connected to Sars 2 Covid 10 see Summit news and John Paul Watson  and Video " Attack of the Corona Karens"  which shows people are overestimating corona by as much as 225 times higher than the real figure (at 3.30 mins fwd) or 5 - 9 million people have it when it fact the real (but many deaths recategorized as covid) number is 025%


To get an idea of what is occurring in the USA for mandatory lockdowns and vaccinations, see    ’Oklahoma mandatory lockdown and vaccinations’  MP 4 File

Mandatory Vaccinations (which will add to your DNA /RNA ) will be between 3 and 4 vaccinations with the first one being mild, rising in severity as you proceed.


See ‘No other President would dare do this’ (or here available on Bitchute ) which (both vids) goes a long way to answering what is really going on in the ‘health AI big tech’ Big Pharma dystopia.

All of the above is Agenda 21 (to agenda 30 ) from the EU /UN. Keeping cash and money is paramount for nations (and money belongs to the taxpayer via the treasury) or making a new source from scratch (not digital / crypto) see ‘who benefits from a cashless society, below.



Link to child abuse list in previous section The real pandemic is the Human Trafficking Child Sex Abuse pandemic around the Globe. These people should be removed from their homes, publically tried and given life imprisonment and/or the death penalty. To read the list of Child abusiers and sex traffickers in the last post dated 22.05.2020 Click here to go to  the list on child sex abuse and trafficking   (a link to return to this point is included) 

Link to the Irish Elections (8.2.2020 with new coalition formed in July 2020) The Irish Elections 2020 were finally brought to a coalition in July from the original election on 8.2.2020. This link here will bring you to the results and analysis of the election and links will bring to here once morereplace it with this below



The Big tech / Big Pharma censorship and dystopia examined in more detail


‘CV AKA The Fiction-Flu - A Documentary’ and also ‘WANTED: Bezos, Pichai, Pool & Zuck FOR SEDITION AGAINST THE USA’

This censorship also includes the early beginnings of ‘Lucent Alcatel’ into the RFID chip and which spins off now into other companies and the patenting of virus’s and artificial biological virology and its man - made constructs (see further on)

The debate on ‘censorship’ continues (see the beginning of this chapter 3b from Nov 2019 / Dec 2019) ‘Is Big Tech Planning A Massive Purge To Coincide With The COVID Vaccine Release?’   or here again on bitchute for the same video  Although some information is repeated from above, it is included again to show the constituency of the dire situation the world is in (and not from a unplanned man made virus)

‘YouTube / Google Whistleblower Reveals A Dangerous Agenda!’    (or here on Bitchute )

These criminals are planning genocide by assisting the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organisation and should be arrested and tried and in many cases receive corporal punishment (there are about 20,000 running the operation (2016 ) and now see the last heading above “‘One bank heist to rule them all and Sovereignty’” dated 22.05.2020


The recent US Department of State ‘Trafficking in Human persons report’  2020

and which details all countries involved and how they are graded. Ireland as one country has been downgraded in that report separately (and this practice has not slowed in the ‘Global lockdown’  the 2nd biggest event of all time ? )


John Paul Rice filmmaker has been removed from Amazon  and Jeff  B “His film “A Childs voice”  uncovered the child murder and slavery system globally. (see next on bitchute or here on facebook)

John Paul Rice, independent Hollywood film producer of "A Childs Voice" movie on human and child trafficking speaks out

This is one example of the censorship occurring on these particular subjects



The Highwire news channel and Del Bigtree Youtube deletes his account for reporting on the Corona hoax (the hoax that it is a pandemic )  His recent discussion on the corona hoax is here on Bitchute   (or analysis by Amazing Polly  here under "Who Do You Trust"  at 3.50 seconds fwd fo rDel Bigtrree or here once again on Bitchute  )   In the Corona scenario people in the High Tec / Sortware world Human Beings (men, woman and children)  are known as 'Wetware' as products or brains with 'living neurons'   'Wetware' is the useful term for the human brain and mind and which can be linked up to computers with invasive technology into the brain. which is a part of the UN Global vaccination plan.



As we see further down legal executions under corporal punishment for paedophiles has been introduced in some countries.

Through this ‘lockdown period’ immigration and trafficking (which are the same business overseen by the UN and the Vatican see previous posts above) has also increased ? These criminal activities include child sexual paedophilia and migration slavery and trafficking. The vast majority of politicians installed are installed to continue this lucrative global trade which has jumped from a value of $32 billion in 2011 (after the financial crash of 2008) until today when it is estimate to be worth $150 billion and involves nearly every country on earth. Islam still considers human selling and trafficking as a legal legitimate business (especially in woman and children) and seeks to expand its business in bribery, installing mosques and trying to usurp national laws by invasion and ‘migration’ It is a cult and rape and genital mutilation are openly practised as a part of the ‘religion’

Harvesting DNA a new form of slavery A new form of slavery in emerging. DNA collection, official and unofficial  and via private companies selling ancestry compilations are also utilising this data and human substance  and a world of slaves makes donations easier month by month. Private companies are collecting all they can and are making profits but also new data tracking systems from them. Today we are now hearing that DNA / RNA can be altered via the new vaccines and this new (internal bodily state) status can then be patented as ‘non-human’ if human objections come forward as ‘flesh and blood’ objections under Gd. Corporations can patent you if you are not (technically) classed as human (see further down ) and they already own a version of you via your birth certificate sold at birth by your parents (who were tricked in registering your birth cert) See the Law of the Land above and the birth cert strawman teachings which are also here

Hospitals can obtain up to $13,000 for a covid diagnosis or £39,000 for a ventilator addition.  ‘Montana physician Dr. Annie Bukacek discusses how COVID 19 death certificates are being manipulated’  (or here on Bitchute)

Jordan Maxwell on UCC Uniform Commercial Code and the Common law Most people are unaware that there are two main types of law (see Jordan Maxwell on Law or longer version here or even longer version here or here as a MP4 EXTENSION ) and   ‘BIRTHING-CERTIFICATES BY JUSTINIAN DECEPTION’ or here on youtube or here as an MP4 EXTENSION.    See also  ‘STRAWMAN - THE NATURE OF THE CAGE’   Or here  or here again once more         (or here as an MP4 file)  and then also Ben Gilroy in Ireland “Article 41.1 the family and the rights” It is easier to go to the next step and claim your human DNA 3rd strand implant means you have evolved into something new and legally you are no longer human.

The Covid 19 vaccine hacks your DNA to build ‘immunity’ it is suggested Hard to believe for many but read on below to the end.

Therefore this recession based upon taking money out of the economy (which can be put back quite easily see chapter 3a above on inflation of currency or metals as method of exchange = upturn, deflating (removing) currency or metals from an economy = recession ) means via the world’s central banks (under also the current Corona laws and covid testing for tracking) creates new poverty levels and slavery and then, as a solution to the world trafficking slavery business (which can be anyone and everyone potentially of 7.5 billion people) new tracking and testing can be undertaken on a global scale (i.e. everyone micro chipped via the vaccination)

Winter Flu vaccinations Many people suggest that when they took the Vaccination for Winter Flu shots they were ok. Doctor Phil Maffetone says;   A flu shot does not make you healthy. Too many people are confused about this issue. It provides you with artificial immunity. Even if this protects you against a particular strain of flu, there may be another 200 viruses out there during any given flu season which you won’t be protected against”& he continues “A flu shot, however, can sometimes hurt a healthy immune system. This occurs when mercury-based chemical preservatives are used in the vaccine”

This last observance discusses mercury in vaccinations which can either be  “Thimerosal has a different form of mercury (ethyl mercury) than the kind that causes mercury poisoning (methyl mercury) according to Tyghe Trimble who quotes the CDC (Centre for disease control) website but who also admits that  Formaldehyde is in the flu vaccine and also admits that these ingredients are covered by ‘trade secrets’ of the vaccination companies (Big Pharma) In fact Human DNA is used and Monkey DNA and Aluminium which all combine to the increasingly genetically modified foods and metals within foods and drink and sprays used in cities everywhere. The full ingredients of vaccines are related as we continue. The CDC admits that human aborted DNA cells are used in vaccines (as a part of the trade secrets)

India and Bill Gates have a vaccination scandal in which he and his production  it is claimed experimented on  children and adults with his vaccinations

Bill Gates admits that experimenting with DNA is a part of his vaccination WHO aspirations GMO foods (genetically modified organisms already exist and are patented not as foods but as a product separate from organic grown food) are not in their original classification in their DNA and as such they bypass normal food health checks (FDA Food and health administration which works with the CDC) and are patented Selling these privately owned seeds (selling what already exists naturally back to people who could obtain them for free) is how farmers in India were bankrupted and it is global Seeds are free, but as soon as they are a new variant they can be patented. What is a GMO ? see “GMO OMG - Official Trailer - (2014)”  and also see “Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's Full Documentary HD”  (Bio engineering and Genetic engineering is simply taking one animal or plant DNA and placing it into another in plants or humans or animals)

Creating and maintaining a market for Vaccines Similar subtle changes are being introduced into human DNA trying to patent nature and as such it is not ‘changed’ but technically it is added to via a new 3rd strand of DNA. This has been around for decades but has been perfected under AI. To understand the Big Pharma marketing, remember cigarettes have additives which are very addictive, they are not tobacco (they are extra ingredients) . Bill Gates and Microsoft windows made Windows software with ‘virus’s’ and then through secondary companies made the Virus elimination software simultaneously. Vaccines have been found with added Malaria and Corona in them and other ingredients which are nothing to do with creating a resistance to these diseases. To know these disease are in vaccines and to know what else is in them see Dr Stanley Plotkins deposition (it is 9 hours long but is edited to a few minutes further on near the end) who is the world expert on children’s virology Diseases of course can be spread outside of vaccines and marketing this area of ‘health’ is sophisticated  The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand by Amazing Polly

Russia and Putin (Vaccinations on the 11.07.2020) have said they have developed a successful Covid 19 Vaccination Putin says or claims he has tested the untested vaccine it on his daughter. (Russia also connected to WEF and WHO see further on) This on a flu / cold corona virus which has a 99.99 % recovery rate, and 490,000 people had related illness in 2018/2019 from flu virus in the USA without it making the news. (before vaccination contracts were signed) Putin knows that all Vaccines come with a warning on the box which states that the Vaccine may cause infertility or can be carcinogenic (cancer causing) this is without the human foetal tissue, animal dna, mercury and aluminium inside, but Vaccine companies are nearly always indemnified (see  ‘FDA Grants Big Pharma 100% Immunity’  or on youtube  ) so who does Putin take to court ? (see later many individuals and organisations have successful sued vaccine companies)

In 2017 (see chapter 3a above and post dated 14.03.2018 ) Putin having seen Pentagon proof was convinced the West was developing an anti Russia bio-weapon, yet Russia and China have developed gene editing procedures and have experimented on twin human girls (gene splicing)  And in 2017 hundreds of Russian diplomatic personnel were  expelled from the USA . Today anyone can order gene splicing equipment for use at home ?

Russians expelled US staff and vice versa from the US the UK 14.March. 2018 The western response has until recently been weak. On the 14.03.2018 the UK expelled 23 Russian diplomats, whilst in the summer of 2017 President Trump issued sanctions against Russia for Russias incursions into Ukraine.  Also on 14.03.2018 Russia retaliated by expelling UK diplomats from Russia In the Vatican and therefore Pentagon, it has brought in Islamic prayers in 2014 with approval from then CIA director John Brennan who believed Islam is a beautiful religion as a death cult ? and again in 2017 despite the largest (and ongoing) Christian genocide against Catholics and Protestants and which Obama has still not been held accountable for or acknowledged by him, and which also occurred in the Armenian genocide (no acknowledgement or recognition) The genocide occurred and is a fact and is ongoing. Ukraine and China. The other story is ? will the US and Russia unite against Islam from within their respective territories as the US threatens to defund the UN which has been pushing the Islamic invasion in the EU and in the west. Obama and Biden were behind the ‘Russia investigation’(see at the end also under General Michael Flynn and his persecution)  but the MSM barley mentioned Trumps expelling of Russia diplomats ?

The laboratory which developed the Russian Covid 19 vaccine is Moscow's Gamaleya Institute, which was developed by Stalin (2nd to Chairman Mao in developing a killing machine ) and they also developed the smallpox vaccination with its many side effects and deaths  Russia has developed a huge genetics industry  (some smallpox vaccinations caused deaths to babies in the womb) over many decades and its origins and experiments and animal hybrids as of course atheist soviet Russia believes in evolution and Stalin’s gulags conducted medical experiments consistently  Experiments on human prisoners by Stalin’s mad scientists in over 200 concentration camps 

The background on the camps is given here (by Daughter of Albion) and here also in the Ukraine  or here also much of it continues to be covered up Whilst Russia claims to be outside of the NWO it is in the WEF World Economic Forum who hosted Event 201 in September 2019  (and see here also “Technofascist takeover – 6 Videos to watch and share” from Amazing Polly) Russia is making every food item and anything trackable and is rolling out 5G and AI via Huawei which it and China and Iran hoped would control the west also . The ‘new’ Russian vaccine was already in existence and has been from before Bill Gates signed a vaccination contract (and Event 201) in September 2019.

Russia (gate) seems to be inside Russia also ? as Russian troll bots spread anti vaccine info in early 2019, but Russia whilst also connected to the WEF is also connected to the WHO(World Health Organisation ) and the communist (non Doctor) Tedros genocidal murderer in charge of the WHO. The communitarianism (communism) agenda with China and Islam spearheading the cult ( a modified Islam that can blend with socialism / communism) with now Russia and the USA also blaming each other for the corona outbreak (fort Deitrich and Russian labs etc)

Israel One of the dangers for Israel is the Vaccine from Russia is making its way there. Once again view the US Swine flu fraud on 60 minutes and the documentary   “ No Limits Thalidomide Babies (Phocomelia) Full Documentary Reel Truth” The combination of baby DNA, animal DNA, mercury and aluminium and latex rubber (see later on) and other new protein changing ingredients (and GMO foods) with 5G microwaves ( 50 Ghz & 60 Ghz blocks your oxygen supply in effect, but there are other frequencies) is a recipe for disastrous internal bodily changes (Amazing Polly explains how is it sold to you in “The 7 step recipe for creating Vaccine demand

So what do US, British and Russian intelligence (and the other ‘in-betweeners’....and then Kim Jong UN) really think ? well Putin thinks its all nonsense (in our Nuclear DEW directed energy weapon world of total destruction negating espionage ) and the world is being run by Satanic paedophiles and it would just be easier to expel them everywhere


The USA Heartbeat bill (& continued Censorship & more lockdowns)

To this end the abortion industry keeps abortions alive (CBR UK) also for the lucrative human stem cells and baby parts industry which also provides big Pharma with baby DNA for their vaccinations. Some companies have ordered 100 million shots (for a virus which does not exist and a vaccination break through which does not exist ?) and with 7.5 billion people who may require 3 vaccinations each this is a lot of baby DNA and enormous money for corporations globally. The heartbeat bill in the USA began in North Dakota and has been brought forward into many states and eventually into all 50 states in the USA to stop this mass murder process known as a health procedure (abortion) and to stop ‘trafficking’  baby parts and cells for private companies. The book “A Heartbeat Away” by author Janet Porter relates the continuing story of the illicit and illegal (not medical) human abortion industry.

Big Tech has benefited enormously from the corona virus with its connected robotic and cybernetic DNA studies. Further mass immigration is employing covid ‘contact tracers’ and/or ‘care workers’ (loose contract employees) as well as the jobless, who can re-employed isolate and also remove people from their homes (and eventually envisaged takeover those villages and homes) in the UN migration compact which envisages 240 million ‘migrants; globally via the UN in the ‘Great Replacement’ (amidst the EU returning to austerity in its return to high tax and more bailouts in the economic crash) 

The targeting of conservative news outlets is beyond an obsession  (and with AI extreme surveillance)  Driving the ideological and dystopian censorship is China both within the permanent shutdown of the Chinese mainland via  the high tech social credit communist unelected vanguard, and also by their  ideological planting of this ideology worldwide into political and cultural censorship but mainly by economic cohersion backed by force. An executive order in the USA countering big tech censorship was made on May 28th 2020 and of course this order merely restates the right to privacy and free speech as is enjoyed as Sovereign people in the US constitution (as of course Government cannot grant people what they already have as Sovereign people. Government only exists to serve the people)  Considering the big techs ability to monitor everyone on earth (literally in minutes all 7.5 Billion people with AI or AGI or ASI see ‘H1veM1nd Podcast #7: Artificial Intelligence’ and which also blocks Jewish platforms via AI) then why are they not catching paedophiles, (as one main example) unless they are the paedophiles or working hand in hand with them ? Stefan Molyneux has also been banned from ‘Youtube’

See also ‘Another Facebook Insider Details Political Censorship; Current HR Exec 'No One Has White Man’s Back' or here on the Bitchute channel  as the censorship continues across the MSM

This Chapter 3b began above (Nov / Dec 2019) by introducing Big tech’s control (hand in hand with Big Pharma) and the United Nations which is the enemy of the world and these congressional inquiries and court cases (against Google in all 50 states in the USA etc) and which continues now 29.07.2020  is at the centre of the war on people. On 29.07.2020 Britain announced new lockdown rules ? across all of Northern England  and households once again (spreading to the whole country) can no longer meet with each other (but it can be ignored)

Big tech (who control the news )and across the political spectrum of Democrats and Republicans (WSJ) they find that Big Tech is too powerful and this includes Amazon, Facebook, twitter , Youtube and Google who need to be broken up and their power over utility and the technocratic society removed from their control, returning local democracy in the states and the right of free speech clearly distinguishing that the USA and the west is not the Chinese communist dystopia the Big tech giants want to usher in. There are also hints that they have committed treason not just across UCC Universal commercial code but against individual governments and people, including gerrymandering the Irish abortion referendum to obtain DNA for vaccinations (truly disgusting)

China and the communist party propaganda are trying (still) to tell youth in China that it is the best system. What they mean it is the best system for human depopulation and social slavery systems  with Chairman Mao still the most efficient killer of Chinese people in history with 80 million tracked and confirmed deaths (see here on Wu Mao) and North Korea was the 70 year experiment on how to perfect their current Chinese system. Big tech takes its communist system from them and tries to apply it on the west (a cult in other words)

Equal rights for all but no rights equally (continues from the left) and it is the UN /WHO communist agenda. As the global illegitimate ‘international rules based order’ under the illegitimate UN (United Nations) and its mass slavery trafficking system currently disguised as a medical operation via the United Nations and the WHO (World ‘Health’ Organisation) continues its pysop against any sovereign nation and sovereign person within them consider just what they are saying.

Covid 19 (sars 2 cov 19 ) is actually the 7th corona sars virus flu in existence. They are all patented (man made and owned as you can read further down )

From January (publically) 2020 the announced  ‘plandemic’  which transpires to only carry a 99.9 % infection rate and 99.9% recovery rate except for those deaths who have had their death certificates forcibly changed to state ‘covid 19’ is the cause of death, even if the person has been admitted for other causes ? and actually died from those causes. (and to repeat in 2019, 190,000 died from Flu in the USA, yet it was not in the ‘news’)

Such is the desperation of the WHO and its criminal ‘non Doctor’ Tedros the Ethiopian communist terrorist who is wanted for crimes against Ethiopians in the 1980’s and later ongoing. This ongoing war with Ethiopia stretches back to the Mengistu Haile Miriam genocides (1977 – 1991) and who of course was responsible for killing the spiritual leader of Ethiopia Haile Selassie (personally) This of course dispels the notion that ‘black lives matter’ as the world discovered when Barry Soetoro and his wife and Joe Biden (The Obama’s)  authorised the Christian genocide of black and white people beginning in 2011 fwd to .... ongoing.

They (the UN international rules based order via the Screaming Pope, Marxist Jorge Mario Bergoglio who has betrayed every Roman Catholic on earth, (the Pope has been asked to resign in writing by Bishops and Cardinals and in the news media see posts above) and the criminals such as Dr Michael Ryan paid by the Chinese communist party who wants to remove people from their homes ) say (Bill Gates Dr Fachi and Dr Michael Ryan) the world cannot return to ‘normal’ unless everyone globally is vaccinated with a (in the ‘yet to be discovered’ vaccination ?) but which was contracted to be administered following a contract agreement for ‘contact searches’ and surveillance 4 months before it was officially announced as a plandemic ? (or here again ) This has been ‘debunked’ yet the congressional bill (not overridden by the executive or veto’d) H6666 has appeared with the result that mandatory vaccinations are forced upon the populations on ‘May 1st 2020’   Event 201 to handle a plandemic was introduced in October 2019 following this. The Judiciary who invent international rules based ‘rules’ for the UN who are the enemy (‘rules’ not laws legal or lawful) cite ‘other nations’ laws as allowing amalgamation and bring in ‘new precedents’ into less integrated nations. See  ‘Elite Snakes FEAR Populism and Nationalism’ by Amazing Polly or here on Bitchute

From January 2020 and up until today but especially in the ‘lockdown’ Nations have discovered that they do not need the rigged elected representatives which are put on display every four years. Further they do not need open borders as the past four months have shown.


Rioting and protesting without masks, shutdowns or social distancing ?

Without politicians the world continued very well and would have outside of a lockdown. In the draconian lockdown the world (in the 2nd biggest every of all time) was told to adhere to the ‘rules’ which are not LAWFUL but which are parroted by the UN representatives wheeled out (especially the Agenda 21 Green parties who rigged elections in the EU under the cover of the corona confusion ) every four years or so. Then,... this caution and security was tossed aside as the UN agenda encouraged rioting and demonstrations globally without ‘social distancing’ or corona concerns of any kind. Yet in October 2019 the Populist movement was castigated by all elite platforms for protesting. Then after the riots had abated England and other countries on 31.07.2020 were advised to lock down again ?? If anyone now since January 2020 thinks this is about a flu pandemic then you are truly deceived.

A Lie too big too fail’  or here on Bitchute a ‘A Lie too big too fail’  

Four months ago (and 5 months after Event 201 and the contact tracing contracts were made, before the virus broke out) later Britain left the EU to huge celebrations seemingly triggering the deranged UN health agenda via the WHO (World Health Organisation) to instigate their exercise into a ‘live mode’.  (see all of Chapter 3b above and opening video in this section) Now at the end of July 2020 into August 2020 the rioting has quelled and its on with the corona agenda once more in a new lockdown as according to WHO communist terrorist Tedros (not a Doctor as Bill Gates is not a Doctor ) ‘nations’ are moving in the wrong direction. 

Yet the Brazil parliament and Barzilian army  aid on a ‘corona hospital’ in early June of this year 2020  exposed the shell game that the virus really is see ‘ Brazil Parliament raids a hospital that claimed 5000 infected, 200 deaths = No one there’ (bitchute) This echoes the President of Tanzania’s exposure of the plandemic see Amazing Polly 'Yes ! African leaders Stand Up ! Tanzania and Madagascar'  on the covid scam (those leaders in Africa tested the corona testers and found them false, just as Britain received testers contaminated with corona ?   and yet more hospitals are empty of corona patients in August 2019

The lockdown can be ignored, contact tracers can be removed from your property and you do not have to download an app or give your details in restaurants or on public transport or anywhere.

On 22.07.2020 the BBC announced a Doctor who had battled corona in Dublin Ireland had finally died from corona virus, (who struggled with the virus for four months inside with no sunshine, zinc, fresh air and / or hydroxychloroquine ? or his own anti-bodies) yet we have only the death certificate as proof of this. Dr Waqar Ali Shah was admitted in April 2020, and a few days before this in March 2020 Siobhan Killeen also of Dublin was admitted and diagnosed with Covid but was allowed to self isolate at home she also worked at the Mater hospital as a radiographer, her symptoms are here  In fact everyone has the corona flu and hundreds of thousands of other virus constantly in their bodies. A virus fights infections and thousands die every year, year in and year out. Therefore everyone can potentially test positive and make a lot of money for a prearranged contact tracing contract which was engineered in August 2019 anticipating a virus as we shall learn. Pneumonia and flu were wrongly counted as Covid in the USA In 2019 190,000 people died from flu in the USA but this was not on the news as it is normal in a country of 350 million people especially in the elderly. Only if you have a track and trace contract (worth $100 billion globally) signed in August 2019 (see above) is it suddenly critical to count these deaths. The CDC (centre for disease control) who were countering the stats are in the track and trace contract.


The Protestant and Roman Catholic bureaucracy disguising itself as a Church of Gd

Closing down the worlds ‘churches’  As the research relates (see previous posts above ) the World Economic Forum (who also funded the shutdown of the worlds churches and home groups via the World Council of Churches and the World Reformed Council of Churches see the last headings above this dated 28.05.2020 and which closed down all churches whatever their tribe, yet sex shops were allowed to open globally as well as Abortion shops ? The Hireling church work for those institutions and not for the ‘sheep’ they operate under the UN United Nations )

 Gavin Newson has come under criticism for not reading the Acts of the Apostles  ‘ Gavin Newsom Didn’t Just Close Churches, He Also Banned In-Home Fellowship Meetings’

John MacArthur has been warned with fines and closure for holding Church services. (but sex shops and abortion clinics can open) he has since stated he will re-open no matter what.

Then consider the lawsuit against Jesuit Priest Donald McGuire

The Pope currently pushing the destruction of Catholicism via the WHO in which Catholics are not allowed to speak out against ‘Chrislam’  and against the Islamic corona fraud  censored by Big tech giants. This continues amidst the parish scandal of diocese who rather than pay compensation to sexual abuse victims are ignoring the courts (see ‘The Vortex — Justice Denied’ in which bankruptcy is preferred rather than paying the sexual abuse victims ) but continue to take collections as the trafficking funds decrease....., the corona virus contracts increase.  Chrislam ironically is pushed by the Pope with his chrislam cardinals , but who remains at heart a big fat puff in a white dress who are beheaded by Moslems and is defended as a policy (gays)  in Iran and wider  The report by Bishop Schneider “Catholic — News Report — Muslims Don’t Worship Same God” suggests that the doctrine (which now Catholicism is really communism or ‘Communitarism’ (& see above Islam and Chinese communism and a few tarns humanist homo’s...  (something) and ‘mo ham head’ and Gd were Marxists etc) has not heard the like since spider baby,.. but Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis ) is still wanted for crimes against humanity  in Argentina when 30,000 were killed under him and which is why the catholic church is screaming for the Pope to resign or defect to Mecca and live with the goats. Once you realise that immigration is all a part of a vast Vatican trafficking scam then you can deport all of them and charge the Vatican for the costs.  Connected to this are the UN and WHO.

Many are calling  for the excommunication of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin or perhaps excommunicate themselves from the ‘church’ A new vigorous Christina church can emerge from these ashes. The Chrislam Commutariansim / communist church of the Vatican is revealed very clearer in China.

Over 1 year ago the WHO (World Health Organisation connected to the WEF / World Economic Forum and UN ) were involved in a cash for Ebola scandal  The WHO is corrupt & the UN is also a 'fake false flag' organization in itself.  They produced a disease and a vaccine to make money from it some of which went missing It involves ‘Dr TEDROS’ (who is not a Doctor but a criminal communist terrorist ) and is the subject of an ongoing ‘internal inquiry’ at the WHO do you think they would invent stats to sell their products. CBS news could not find a US hospital with covid patients and so aired footage of an Italian hospital passing it off as American (the Italian hospital on July 30 2020 was filled with mannequins and no monitors were working)





The difference between Sovereign common law and statue (state civil law) 

See Further heading 2.The Law of the Land (chapter 3b) 

When the lockdown occurred Globally people already had Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) Since then those rights have been removed in the minds of the government (but no where else) but the government is not above the people See ‘STRAWMAN - THE NATURE OF THE CAGE’  Or here  or here again once more         (or here as an MP4 file)  To take an example is the matter of masks or social distancing many governments introduced laws which are lesser laws to say people had to wear masks, but  then they inserted a subsection saying in effect if you want  to be exempt you can be exempt  This is because these laws cannot usurp your common law Sovereign rights (inalienable rights) In effect these lesser laws are a legal fiction and guff. However they satte you must wear masks (mandatory) and try to remove your Sovereign law 100% and then offer some back (exemption 15% or so ) but establish in the media and minds of the people that these laws are in effect and so remove your rights 85%, when you already had those rights not to wear a mask anywhere at all times (as is the real law now) 

These UN international rules based laws are designed to remove national laws and establish the right to remove people from their homes without a Warrant. For instance now police can in theory if they suspect there are more than 6 people in a home (designed for 2 - 4 people with 1 bathroom etc) then they enter and remove people. This also applies to the homes of police, the military and government officials . This is because state law and statutes are not the law but in the case of masks the exemption to wear the masks is actually LAWFUL but rights you already hold before the government made its announcements as 'recommendations' only and not LAW .

Sheriffs in the USA for instance  (in many cases ) recognise these laws are illegal  Sherrifs in the USA have refused to comply with the United Nations UN agenda or see more here on Bitchute and more sheriffs are recognising that the law is not their oath Turf  Court Case in Ireland One court case in Ireland which succeeded was the Turf rebellion decided on 18.02.2020 “Four men who were accused of cutting turf illegally have been found not guilty by direction of a judge at Galway Circuit Court”

UN Global vaccination program by force and deception. The aim is to remove children (they cannot remove chidren unless they apply to you for the birth certificate first which you can refuse. Adults can refuse entry) under the UNs global vaccination program (or to establish that right in theory) under Bill Gates and Gavi  (GAVI = Global vaccine Action Plan)  A plan already established before the corona flu 'outbreak' and mentioned by Dr Michael Ryan of the world Health Organisation



New DNA / RNA to be inserted in Men Woman and Children

The science of synthetic virology is well developed and Sars – Cov – 2. Coronavirus is also patented (not discovered but manufactured) synthetic virology builds viruses, and can mutate a flu virus into something more. The corona virus was ‘recreated’ in a swiss lab in March 2020  Dr Carrie Madej explains further on the Hoax   (and see on Vaccines  generally) see also ‘DeSantis is Demanding an Investigation People Who Haven’t Been Tested Are Testing Positive’  The Mers 2 Corona virus is a biological construct created in a lab in the middle east and Saudi Arabia was the first recorded outbreak. MERS = ‘Middle East Respiratory Syndrome’ & Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) covid 19  MERS occurred 10 years after SARS and SARS is a man made biological construct and is (to repeat) patented  ‘Programmable matter’ was discussed in  2008 and is now a reality in 2020 as the ‘living robots’ not of science fiction but of science fact   Virology and DNA / RNA experimentation has advanced beyond the necessity for ‘humans’ to exist as they are and the ‘Human experience’ (with families) is not going to be as it once was 

Concerns that vaccinations also contain ‘Nagalase Enzymes’ which kill Vitamin C & also Vitamin D and accelerate Cancer cells and Autism are ignored. Gulf War soldiers have made official enquiries as they may have received such doses (also known as ‘alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase’ ) Doctors who speak against Vaccines or WCIV have amassed research here, and if you want a horror show follow the video (Video 23) Lethal Injection The Story Of Vaccination” The Enzyme which will be used to allow delivery of the contact tracing internal tracking and 3rd strand DNA / RNA hybrid  internally installed in your body (and brain ) is called the Luciferase enzyme and has been perfected since 2008 fwd. Just as Lucent Alcatel’s papers were discovered (see posts above) in the late 1990s revealing the RFID chip plans, the development of the ‘pharmekia’ has been tracked also. Google is also assisting with this criminal activity.

Bio - Hacking your children A lesser well known science is Bio Hacking which includes home made DNA / RNA  changes. This homemade science is to prepare children for the coming 3rd strand DNA addition and other areas of the augmented new reality as cyborgs or soulless robots in Elon Musk AI singularity future. Forcing this upon Children as 'Trans-humanism' or sex changes or transsexual is a crime an forcing is subtle via 'gender dysphoria' (the Homo excuse that  young children must be gay if they do not like the opposite sex yet etc)  which means a psychologist must be called to help and brainwashing sex changes can begin. Corona children could be removed to save them and this trans problem could be recognized and the child abused mentally and psychically in accepting a bio hack or sex change procedure. Home made DNA / RNA kits can now be ordered to assist   Alternatively you could advise these freaks that a new hole could be opened for them at a cut price rate. No child can be removed unless a birth cert is applied for and produced which requires the parents permission. Without this it  is illegal as UNLAWFUL. 

Patenting the Human Genome for profit

Can Human Genes be patented ? or have they already been patented by reclassification and slight variation ? (or by force and against your will ?) Do people know the implications of these court cases both personally & for profit selling every part of you, body and soul (since your birth certificate)  ? and corporately ? or remain Sovereign as is your right ?



‘Operation Warp Speed and 9 vaccine companies with contracts so far;

Operation Warp Speed. (the US governments plan although ‘hydroxychloroquine’ is still very effective and cheap)  and up to 9 companies are also ‘competing’ in the ‘Vaccine race’. The vaccine however does not seem to be curing a flu ? Vaxart are involved the latest company to appear in the initial 1 billion deal  As far as back as March 2020 Inovio are another as are Novavax and Moderna with a $1.6 Billion contract and further details of the plan are covered here  ‘Moderna’ Gilead sees opportunities not just in vaccinations but also in Therapeutics related to vaccinations as every Democrat in congress pushes for mandatory vaccinations. Pfizer (and 3 others) stands to make $15 billion in Covid related salesat $1.95 for 100 million doses” from the DNA /RNA change injections Pfizer can make a lot of money and create new 3rd strand DNA zombies. Lucent Alcatel began this race for micro-chip Vaccines in the early to mid 1990’s and many of the board members now sit in other companies named below.

The ability to alter your DNA then (in the mentally ill Elon Musk / Bill Gates world ) means that it (i.e. your DNA /RNA) can then be reclassified and owned and patented as belonging to a corporation (see natural news and “Fast-tracked covid-19 vaccine alters human DNA, turns people into genetically modified property” 26.07.2020 ) In other words you are then owned and this is why it is pertinent to understand Sovereignty (see strawman videos above)  and also your birth certificate status see 2.The Law of the Land (& for birth certs) Its sounds far fetched but since January 2020 peoples eyes have been opened (you are a commodity since birth and your birth certificates are traded on the New York Stock exchange since birth) Gardasil, manufactured by Merck has caused a huge controversy in India as has Cervarix, manufactured by GSK via GAVI and the WHO and BMGF, UNICEF (Bill and Melinda gates Foundation) A report by Global Justice Now on the BMGF recommends an immediate investigation into these Big  Pharma vaccination crimes.

The incredible link between Jeffery Epstein to DNA / RNA Vaccines (covered here by Amazing Polly & ‘Epstein Pedo Prof Connection to RNA Vaccines & Human Experiments’  or here on Bitchute) which also shows the disgusting an depraved nature of  the paedofile industry which effects all levels of society and in the every government on earth and is connected into the vaccination depopulation program. They are all criminals and should be arrested and tried and corporal punishment returned (the twitter story is here)

The Tedros / WHO inquiry has not stopped the WHO and Tedros pursuing a vaccine contract and Dr Michael Ryan from insisting vaccines will be ready globally by 2021  (or you will be removed from your home etc) via Pfizer and German firm BioNtech Over 1 year ago the WHO (World Health Organisation connected to the WEF / World Economic Forum and UN ) were involved in a cash for Ebola scandal  The WHO is corrupt & the UN is also a 'fake false flag' organization in itself.  They produced a disease and a vaccine to make money from it some of which went missing It involves ‘Dr TEDROS’ (who is not a Doctor but a criminal communist terrorist ) and is the subject of an ongoing ‘internal inquiry’ at the WHO do you think they would invent stats to sell their products. CBS news could not find a US hospital with covid patients and so aired footage of an Italian hospital passing it off as American (the Italian hospital on July 30 2020 was filled with mannequins and no monitors were working)

The US government will pay $1.95 billion to buy 100 million doses of a Covid-19 vaccine being developed by Pfizer and German firm BioNTech if it proves safe and effective, the companies said”

as the US signs a $1.95 billion contract with Pfizer and Biontech as the ‘race against time’ (on the 99.99 % recovery rate ‘flu’) in contracts that were mooted to brought forward before a virus was officially announced in August 2019 “$100 Billion Contact-Tracing Deal Negotiated in August 2019” (but beware the contact tracers) and this instigated Event 201 to supervise the plandemic   (or here again ) in the pre-planned 7 step plan to create a vaccine contract  The long history of the past year is documented by Amazing Polly here on bitchute have previous connections with Lucent Alcatel dating back to 1997 (see posts above for Lucent Alcatel history ) and also with the World Health Organisation (Prevaner 13 drug)  both have connections to Remdisiver and GAVI GAVI (the vaccine alliance  &GAVI means the Global Alliance for vaccines and Immunisations ) is driven by Bill Gates  Bill Gates is in control of the WHO who are driving the 1D2020 Global vaccination and biometric (RFID Chip ) cybernetic augmented ID program which can be injected via vaccinations and which can alter your DNA & RNA & proteins & Elon Musk we can only ‘beat’ AI by merging with it and also see how the merger takes place “ Watch Elon Musk’s Neuralink presentation” see at 4 minutes forward for how the Brain chip will work in your skull and your children’s skull. Or once again ‘Neuralink: Merging Man and Machine’   ) with Bill Gates (or someone from his company who is just as mad)  historical desire and ability to install a ‘brain chip’  into ‘religious’ people  see video "Leaked Pentagon Video 2005 Vaccine for religious fundamentalism FunVacs"

as the US signs a $1.95 billion contract with Pfizer and Biontech as the ‘race against time’ (on the 99.99 % recovery rate ‘flu’) in contracts that were mooted to brought forward before a virus was officially announced in August 2019 “$100 Billion Contact-Tracing Deal Negotiated in August 2019” (but beware the contact tracers) and this instigated Event 201 to supervise the plandemic   (or here again ) in the pre-planned 7 step plan to create a vaccine contract  The long history of the past year is documented by Amazing Polly here on bitchute have previous connections with Lucent Alcatel dating back to 1997 (see posts above for Lucent Alcatel history ) and also with the World Health Organisation (Prevaner 13 drug)  both have connections to Remdisiver and GAVI GAVI (the vaccine alliance  &GAVI means the Global Alliance for vaccines and Immunisations ) is driven by Bill Gates  Bill Gates is in control of the WHO who are driving the 1D2020 Global vaccination and biometric (RFID Chip ) cybernetic augmented ID program which can be injected via vaccinations and which can alter your DNA & RNA & proteins & Elon Musk believes we can only ‘beat’ AI by merging with it and also see how the merger takes place Watch Elon Musk’s Neuralink presentation” see at 4 minutes forward for how the Brain chip will work in your skull and your children’s skull. Or once again ‘Neuralink: Merging Man and Machine’   ) with Bill Gates historical desire and ability to install a ‘brain chip’  into ‘religious’ people  & this is the shocking reality of AI 

The Elon Musk AI Cybernetic lunacy (including the notion that humanity merging with AI will save humanity lie) is a part of the Trans-humanist agenda as are mandatory vaccinations and the companies which are undertaking these vaccinations do not have legal responsibility for any deaths, injuries or birth defects they cause. The indemnified legal status vaccination companies enjoy occurred during the swine flu plandemic in 2012  and it is the same today (and not just for vaccinations ) Despite this Vaccinations companies have paid out nearly $4 Billion in damages (or see here at children’s health defence) caused by vaccinations in the USA and 19 countries worldwide have compensation programs. The vaccinations which are supposedly being created have already been created with an aim of genetic modification and altering human genetics occurs already via vaccinations altering your DNA  Independent health organisations are taking these issues directly to the ‘state’ in many countries. Health Freedom Ireland are one such organisation  see also “Health Freedom Ireland on freedom of medical choices and bodily autonomy during pandemic of COVID 19”

The Trans-humanist agenda has had to push Gay and LGBT into every area of life and at every age group to give the appearance of normality. Trans-humanism(the religion of the UN)  or see here also again for LGBT Transhuman religion  quite literally believes all humans are un-evolved and need to evolve (literally) via vaccinations and/or augmentation via biometrics and cybernetics and homosexual sex by rape or consent (in all ages hence paedophilia and trafficking are rife )

The centre for disease control (CDC) state that less than half of all tests (antibodies) are correct and the actual death rate was minimal and no different from other years, but the vaccine tested on Monkeys is safe ? when it truth your own Anti-bodies are enough to stop a flu corona virus. 

The ‘ Invasive’ nasopharynx corona test which involves a swab placed into your nose and along the inner face to near your back ear (for a flu virus which occurs every year) This technique actually intrudes on the Blood brain barrier which protects you from chemicals into your brain so think on as many testers into Britain were infected with ‘Covid’ This technique allows bacteria and toxins into your brain, and will cause brain damage. It can also facilitate a microchip ‘Quantum dot tracker’ straight into your head. This single dot tracker (can be adapted) is also a RFID chip (or here also)  A bitchute documentary discusses this development further, but it is already employed to reveal whether children have been vaccinated. It has been connected to the global system (sceptics claim it is nonsense) ID2020 Event 201 plandemic strategy. The UN (with its advertised view that the planet is overpopulated) has a global vaccination plan to reach everyone by 2030



Masks ?

Back in February 2020 the US Surgeon General asked people to stop buying masks  The U.S Dept of Health & Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced in May 2019 details of new rules of the final conscience rule protecting individuals & health care entities from discrimination on the basis of their exercise of conscience in HHS-funded  The ‘final rule’ fulfils President Trump’s promise to protect the fundamental & unalienable rights of conscience & religious liberty, a promise made when he signed the executive order of May 2017 protecting religious liberty. In October 2017, the Dept of Justice guidance encouraging other Depts, inc HHS to implement all relevant religious freedom laws. This is not just against abortion (abortion clinics have remained open during the plandemic but business and church and home groups have closed) but also because of the US Swine flu controversy in which (60 minutes documentary) people were killed by vaccinations in the mid 1970’s. Abortion foetal tissue is used in vaccinations as well as mercury and aluminium and latex rubber and animal DNA.

We have already (see beginning) seen Summit news and John Paul Watson  and Video " Attack of the Corona Karens"  which shows people are overestimating corona by as much as 225 times higher than the real figure (at 3.30 mins fwd) or 5 - 9 million people have it when it fact the real (but many deaths recategorized as covid) number is 025%

See further  ‘Land of Mask Confusion by Nicholson1968’ and/or here on bitchute

Further  still and on masks “The average healthy person does not need to have a mask, and they shouldn’t be wearing masks,” Dr. Perencevich said. “Even if there are cases next door, the answer is no, you do NOT need to get or wear any face masks—surgical masks, “N95 masks,” respirator masks, or anything else—to protect yourself against the coronavirus. Not only do you not need them, you shouldn’t wear them, according to infection prevention specialist Eli Perencevich, MD, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of Iowa’s College of Medicine”

Sweden announced they see no point in wearing masks (on July 29 2020 ) but they have accepted being micro chipped all over Sweden in thousands because of the liberal crazies they elect  ? sod as some kind of fashion accessory and new must have item the selling is controlled, directed and is full of every kind of misinformation you can imagine all over Europe

Further information on the pointlessness of masks and shields “Behind the masks, - 12 reasons not to mandate masks

In June 2020 Dr Scott Jensen (who is an actual Doctor unlike Bill Gates and WHO terrorist Tedros) and who spilled the beans that Corona death certs were falsified (see above)  tells the truth on face masks and states that they will actually make your patented corona flu worse, whereas sunshine and fresh air helps. The science of synthetic virology is well developed and Sars – Cov – 2. Coronavirus is also patented (not discovered manufactured) synthetic virology builds viruses, and can mutate a flu virus into something more. The corona virus was ‘recreated’ in a swiss lab in March 2020  The covid and masks con is about making Big Pharma contracts not about public health The current covid 19 Virus is man made with a 99 and is harmless.99 % recovery rate. Holding up your ‘mask’ and spraying an aerosol through it will show that it does not stop any air or ‘virus’ and will not stop you passing air on or receiving air in, as the aerosol passes through it easily in more  than ¾ of the masks which have been employed for the past 5 months ?. See “Face Mask Germs Test” on Youtube  and face shields actually allow airborne substance under the shield ?

In fact masks will concentre any illness onto your face and respiratory system and kill you quicker than breathing fresh air. Masks will kill you faster than not wearing a mask. In this case you can legally prosecute the medical profession for making your illness worse or bringing an illness upon you . This draws a clear distinction between those politicians and civil servants who are against ‘the people’ and those who are for the ‘people’ and small business etc. Medical professionals discuss this fiction in a hospital to explain the pointlessness of masks and the Joint chiefs of staff from the Pentagon on testing scenarios see also Robert Black ex special black ops explaining that (once again ) corona virus is normal and occurs every year, but it does allow Bill Gates to bring forward his .... (and to repeat Elon Musks experiments to merge humans with AI to save them from ..... AI via ‘Neuralink’ & ID2020 the contact tracing system coming to you and your family soon see once again ‘Neuralink: Merging Man and Machine’ ) ..... historical desire and ability to install a ‘brain chip’  into ‘religious’ people Bill Gates is also suggesting (he is not a Doctor or education professional ) that schools should close until Autumn 2021 and many vaccines are required for children (and everyone) not just 1.                            

‘Testing’ is just a front for mandatory vaccines see Spiro ‘My state has authorised mandatory vaccines has yours’ and in Ireland people are already receiving texts warning them they have been in close contact with another suspect ? via the health service which is cross border in its application.

Corona imbeciles Next time you are eating in a restaurant and you have pulled your mask off to eat remember that the same authorities are then saying you must wear a mask when you catch a bus (at the bus top 5 yards outside the restaurant) on your way home ! (think about it because if masks do work why did the world lock down for 4 months) why has the world not locked down due to the world wide paedophile plandemic ! See ‘Child Rapists Released While Mom At Park Arrested?!’  nor the mass murder by abortionists or fluoride in our water pandemics ? Many people (imbeciles) are lifting their masks to eat under them. People are buying bread and cakes with credit cards in case Cash has covid 19, but forget that the credit cards could also be a ‘carrier’ and the cakes and bread were made and carried into the shops by human hands several times. ? Cash is not unsafe but the powers that be want any excuse to withdraw it. People have lost their minds Millions of children worldwide go missing yet these numbers are not put out on the media every day. In Islamic countries where Slavery is legal why ? are we not seeing a daily slavery count or Black Lives Matter protesting against black Islamic slavery ?

On 16.08.2020 Madrid and Spain demonstrated without Masks against masks


Keep cash from existing sources or bring in new cash sources and systems.
(without conditions with freedom to travel and be private)


See ‘Who Benefits from a Cashless Society?’  by Really Graceful


As we have read in Corona imbecile’s above food and items in the shops touch many human hands from cooking to transporting and display. Cash or credit cards are not a risk and the agenda to remove cash is criminal. Alternatives or new banks can be brought in very easily and simply.

Or see which explains how non debt ‘base money’ (real money) can be used as opposed to debt or fiat money see bitchute  "Everyone Must Know This Before It's Deleted" - only a few people know about this”  (or on Youtube) which gives an idea of a general direction the world is heading (since the overnight Repo rate failure in central banks in mid 2019 see post dated above in Chapter 3a ‘The Irish Elections 8.2.2020’ ) and ‘Why’ is the real question ?

Bill Gates has already admitted his ‘certification certificate’ and ‘certification mark’ following the a positive test as part of ID2020 in early 2019 (not a tattoo as such but a biometric stamp which pierces the skin ) will be mandatory (for all, black, white, yellow and red) and required for ‘ID’ but which breaches every Sovereign right you already have (as Germans take to the streets in thousands)

China in the meantime has threatened a new ‘wave’ of virus attacks (30.06.2020) which will be worse, but in any case this biological warfare will not be helped by masks only it seems a WW3 scenario (which they are threatening) causing Trump to call for an investigation into WHO and the UN and associated countries. (in a real pandemic with bodies everywhere as is threatened then borders and security has to be controlled by each individual country including the EU, and also ban migration)

Wearing masks will make any illness worse. If you have not figured out that a vast criminal conspiracy to make hundreds of Billions from a pre-arranged situation is occurring you may need to wake up to the medical profession and Big Pharama Wahun scientists in the level 4 bio- weapons lab (around the corner from the ‘wet market’, and people are ‘wetware’) have defected to the west



George Floyd (BLM) The June / July 2020 riots (BLM & Antifa paid actors)

Black lives matter in 2018 was found to be a completely fake shell movement and its website was run by a white guy in Australia and its website was collecting money under this fake scenario  at that time. Nothing has changed since then

See also  "Who Is Funding Black Lives Matter And Why? The Answer May Shock You!"  ( George Soros is central to the funding and which includes fudning to abortion groups to increase abortions for 'BLM' , also examined further on & see 'Joe Biden and Kamala Harris heading' further down it is not a 'grassroots' organisation but a proxy army who were able to protest whilst we are in lockdown under Agenda 21) or see here again on bitchute


Recent BLM riots and demonstrations  were supposedly brought about by the death of George Floyd by his work colleague and fellow  employee Derek Michael Chauvin, and they certainly knew each other ?  yet the Black Lives matter protestors (and of course white lives matter and all lives matter ) were paid for by George Soros a criminal and deranged UN advocate ? who funds the UN global trafficking and slavery child sex industry via the United Nations. George Floyd is a porn star and small time actor say conspiracy theorists was  filmed in a film scenario (last vid bitchute & “ George Floyd What really happened an interesting look at the footage, must watch”) where not one person was wearing a mask ? for corona and no other police units arrived ? It was the same coroner used for Geoffrey Epstein i.e. Coroner Michael Baden is correct (last clip see “Family’s Autopsy Finds George Floyd Died By 'Homicide Caused By Asphyxia” by Tommy Beer Forbes 1.6.2020) Despite this trafficking and child abuse issues connected to George Floyd are emerging suggesting that he is really in  witness protection program and is currently revealing all.

See ‘Real Racism and "Bogus" Black Lives Matter (Pt. 1) | Larry Elder | POLITICS | Rubin Report’

See  “Project Veritas INFILTRATES ANTIFA: “Practice things like an eye gouge...injure someone's eyes" or here on the Bitchute Channel

It is not a domestic grass roots organisation but an armed group who are funded by George Soros (via the open foundation who bribe authorities across the west)  in the same way Nancy Pelossi and Chuck Schumer fund the MS13 groups in sanctuary cities see also ‘Black Lives Matter Paramilitaries wearing Political Uniforms face no action - Jayda Fransen charged’

Antifa has been behind the unrest, funded by George Soros its aim is to divide communities across America especially when they were pent up and frustrated inside due to the corona virus hoax. They have also now started burning bibles ? as well as US flags and pigs heads  in the street (an anti George Soros petition has gone viral)

Their aim is to create slums and no go areas to force poverty onto a nation, (bringing drugs and guns) it is that simple. Schumer and Pelossi opposed the wall and offered lax immigration policies as they are benefitting directly from those drug gangs. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wanted (remember in 2017 – 2018 into 2019) a 70% tax rate for all in the USA and the democrats agreed. Yet she has taken a full wage and she obviously does not want that to apply to her personally. She earns $174,000 a year and benefits from the Republican tax plan, but living the high life over the slums MS13 and Antifa and the UN / WHO create is fine by them as communists, that is their plan.  Local communities in the USA are taking matters it their own hands and removing BLM (as ALM etc)

Meanwhile in Nigeria ..... ‘Black lives matter’ are not out battling the Muslim hordes killing Christians in Nigeria  everyday as of course Black lives Matter is simply a front for the Clinton foundation Chinese communism (as China controls the WHO and the UN ) and the Saudi Arabian trafficking scam as slavery is still legal in Saud and throughout the Islamic world who push Communitarianism (communism which is global depopulation system ) upon others  via the UN to keep slavery alive  (but not for itself) In May 2019 the genocide against Christians in the Middle East was reported as Genocide once more.  What is clearer in the US violence that it is not ‘white supremacists’ or indeed most ‘other’ peoples who are causing the violence and destruction and close down Churches and home groups via the United Nations, and the World Economic Forum into the World Council of Churches and World Reformed Council of Churches and into the Hireling false church leaders (see above)

The Homeless die, but immigration continues. Large scale migration continues. It is incredible in the pandemic that millions (once again) of migrants are planned to be released into Europe and the USA, yet without masks ! social distancing or permission from member states who should lock down their own countries permanently. No one is asked and in Ireland the 4 month delay to the elections was to bring in immigration plans regardless of ‘elections’ Irelands hotels are full of illegal immigrants  but it is not the politicians who smuggle them in (especially during the lockdown) for bribes who pay for that. On July 22nd the 4th homeless death was announced (year in and year out) in a couple of weeks, but 100 new hotels are planned as the Irish unemployment rate hits 30% but immigrants are planted all over Ireland.   Britain keeps 48,000 illegal migrants in 4 Star Spa Hotels, costing the taxpayer over £4bn. It’s shameful that mainstream media have left it up to me to report on this new scandal. The global trafficking slavery industry funds the movement under Agenda 21 United Nations who run the global trafficking scam (see all chapter 3b above and chapter 3) ( see Peter Sutherland’s UN cheap labour migration department) See also Video ‘Dangerous & Disturbing: The UN Migration Pact’ 

The UN via China is also encouraging the killing of Nigerians (50 killed and over 80 injured since the end of May 2020) by its Islamic faction en masse. Yet in China the Uyghur Muslims (and its minority Christians and the Kazakhs, & Kyrgyz) seem to disappear with a virus from internment camps and many of their bodies are burned. The world is under populated and there is lots of land free with most of the world’s population crammed into very small areas, and if this is so why ? is land valued so highly or what is the value of land ?(etc)  land is not scare The UN is a criminal organisation but you will not see them or ‘Black Lives Matter’ lining up with Nigerians against the Islamic murders who are paid by China and the UN to depopulate. BLM have taken the Sharia law tax extortion racket onto themselves and are copying the crimes Islam brings on small business.



China and US close embassies and consulates (Russian and US closed embassies in 2017 – 2019 as tensions escalated see chapter 3a above )

China and North Korea. North Korea’s fishing waters have suffered further ‘ghost ship’ and dead bodies mysteries as China moves into its waters  The US has ordered the closure of the Chinese embassy in Houston Texas and has burned its papers inside to hide its activities China has closed a US consulate in Chengdu in response (24.07.2020)  as the Islamic state is named as the most dangerous terrorist threat to the world, with Pakistan receiving funds from China in its war with India, as China also press for a deeper ally in Iran China is militarising the world and Iran especially as the ‘petro – dollar’ problem deepens. Chinese national Jun Wei Yeo with a political consultancy business in the USA has been arrested on the 23.07.2020 as the new cold war intensifies.

Hong Kong and anti Islamic terror act (see post dated 19.11.2019 in chapter 4 above) On the 11.12.2018, President Trump and Mike Pence signed the anti genocide act known as the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018' over the past few years many institutions and organisations have called for an end to the slaughter in the middle east. What is emerging since the ongoing Christian genocide is,  it is aimed at ‘Christians’ whether they are practising Christians or simply people who are nominal Christians with the designation placed on their birth certificates at birth. (and even outside of the Middle East which was the beginning) This expanding issue is directly related to the British general election in December as will be revealed. The act states “This bill authorizes U.S. government agencies to provide humanitarian, stabilization, and recovery assistance for nationals and residents of Iraq and Syria, in particular ethnic and minority individuals at risk of persecution or war crimes. It also authorizes the agencies to assist in prosecuting those suspected of such crimes.”

In Hong Kong on the 24.11.2019 Pro-democracy protestors win 17 out of 18 districts in HK elections  Amidst the protests, pro – democracy voters claimed a historic surge when they won 17 of the 18 districts in Hong Kong, this has brought a ‘warning’ from Beijing Protests escalated to 350,000 as police fired non lethal weapons at the crowds last weekend but have employed real weapons (see again . ‘Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent’ which is being exported to the west and to you, see video ‘Exporting dystopia: China’s social credit system | The Weekly’ ) This is why protestors are protesting to escape the Maoist indoctrination from China. It is incredible that those living nearer to such a system socialism / communism want to escape it the most. 1.4 Billion people enslaved and not in local or in one region but across China. This is also ‘Globalisation’ by socialism. In mainland China in July 2020 a remembrance day for the Tiananmen square atrocities of 1989 was banned by the communist party who have against democracy and the rights of people (anywhere) introduced a chilling security crackdown suppressing the population of Hong Kong throughout July 2020. Britain has offered citizenship to Hong Kong residents, but a mass exodus of mainland China residents in millions is impractical and can never work. Further communists posing as refugees from mainland China may seek to infiltrate extradition treaties. It is easier to remove the Chinese communist party members and the vanguard and bring in elections to the communist state. The secret members of the Chinese communist party vanguard who are Christians are praying for this as the oppression against Christians continues in every region



Nord stream gas and the Biden Ukraine scandal. Poland, China Taiwan & North Korea, General Michael Flynn and the Clintons and Iran (and the growing global paedophile scandal )

Russia, China and Iran seeking to bring Chinas new world order, as Russia controls the EU via its gas nord stream contract (arranged by the Biden’s i.e. Joe Biden and son see further down in this section) via Ukraine and Denmark and this is also very pertinent to Brexit see below. Sauds participation in 9/11 is also still an ongoing investigation, Turkey of course is hell bent on destroying Israel and Israel has destroyed Turkeys flag and Erdogan has likened himself to Hitler seen here with Pope Francis who is looking to stop nationalism in every EU country (for Turkey in the lucrative trafficking migrant scam for the Vatican)

Despite the US efforts to bring peace in the east and especially North Korea, that is not the aim of China who want to control the worlds currency in its new world order plans for communism cashless digital dictatorship dystopia under its military, with the Islamic state as ‘communitarianism Islam’ terror reign including the erasure of Israel. Recent developments in North Korea mean it is certainly considering avoiding WW3 and joining with the South This was brought forward by the Clintons upon the west and the UN and WHO have brought about the financial collapse and upon the USA.  Joe Biden contributed to this across Europe, Britain and the USA with Obama and they work for China to that end. Taiwan is preparing for the war and has renamed China airlines to its Taiwan national airline status. China despite Hong Kong voting by 97% to keep its two systems China has thrown the rule of law and freedom into the abyss. Its communist party vanguard (except for its 2 secret Christian members) has declared war.

‘Communitarianisn’ (without naming it specifically as inscrutable as it is) is explained by computing forever and Dave Cullen  in ‘Secular Sharia’ or here on Youtube  and how the state believes it is Gd

Poland elected Andrej Duda again as Poland’s President in an incredible victory for Poland which had faced calls for election shut down due to the corona virus plandemic hoax. In Malawi in Africa Lazurus Chakwera and the electioneering trying to prevent him from entering office is an incredible story which is also relevant to the plandemic hoax. In France recent local elections seemed to boost the green parties (amidst the paedophile scandal the greens are in globally) yet the Yellow Vests and the global warming hoax had taken France and Europe by storm in 2019 and was rejected especially by Farmers throughout Europe ? Britain soundly rejected the Greens in December 2019 as people had figured out that they are nothing to do with being green but are everything to do with Agenda 21 and removing land from people and instigating the technocracy slavery dystopia.  The French election had an usually low turn out due to the corona hoax. France has a new prime-minister under Jean Castex in what was a poor election for President Macron. Primeminster Jean Castex has already vowed to end the Chinese backed infiltration of radical Islam designed to bring France to ruin. In Poland they have withdrawn from the ‘Istanbul’ ‘Constantinople’ treaty as it is being used to force schools to teach children that gender is a social construct, which violates the rights of parents” & LGBT Zone  Poland’s town of Nowa Deba is twinned with in Fermoy County Cork Ireland Fermoy in Cork is to suspend or terminate its twinning arrangement with a town in Poland that has declared itself an "LGBT-Free Zone". Nowa Deba is one of around 100 Polish municipalities that have adopted resolutions against "LGBT ideology" and "propaganda" many suspect it is for ‘Transhumanism’ to forcibly change people’s DNA including woman and children using Islam to force submission (but who can be deported Globally and paedofiles can be executed for crimes against humanity) 

The Green party in Germany was  hit by a paedophile scandal which it admitted in 2013 / 2014, today (July 2020) Germany has released details of up to 30,000 suspects in a huge paedofile ring In Ireland in the faked elections and eventual government lasting from February 2020 to July 2020, a green party member Roderic OGorman was made minister for children and who is gay and who immediately defended his position on meeting Peter Tatchell who is also gay and who believes sex with 9 years olds is acceptable and was a friend of Duncan Campbell and Tom OCarroll who setup the Paedophile Information Exchange in Britain (see chapter 3a and 3b above) reducing sex with minors to even as low as 5 years of age is the ambition towards the eventual ‘paedophile gender’ status

Italy’s leader Mario Salvini has been ‘stripped of Immunity’ by the ‘left’ as Italy and the EU plunge once more into financial chaos, as does (Italy) France and Spain (and the background to the EU recovery fund Trojan horse which Britain has now avoided as Italy will put in more  than it takes out with the only solution the debt treaty con ESM European Stability Mechanism See    ‘EU: Treaty of debt (ESM) - stop it now!’ ) and of course Italians can remove those who are stripping immunity from its properly elected leaders. This means a return to AUSTERITY but Germanys constitutional court has already ruled the ESM (Christine Lagarde of the IMF was found guilty criminal of criminal negligence in December 2016)  debt bail outs as illegal (and co-opting the IMF to come in and breach the gap was also illegal) see last post dated 22.05.2020. Higher tax and austerity and a return to the situation Greece was in 2011 – 2015. (Germany ...  Also a recent German court case or German constitutional court found “In summary the GCC found that a hugely significant part of recent European Central Bank (ECB) monetary activities – some €2.2 trillion of bond purchases – had no legal authority, negating an earlier ECJ ruling. It was saying in effect that whatever the ECJ might rule, if that were against the German constitution, the latter was sovereign, and the ECJ subservient. And the German constitution, at least for Germans, is immutable” )  It is easier to get rid of the technocracy left communist dystopia as every year it is simply plugging holes when the  whole EU / IMF debt should be cancelled ) All EU bailouts are illegal and have been since the 2008 / 2009 financial crash see also ‘Interview: "ESM Violates European Union Law" The debts cannot continue, and making cash more abundant is an obvious answer amidst 100% employment and low tax, despite all of this ? the immigration swarm continues amidst a EU financial collapse ?

Serbia and its protest has broken from its Curfew in July 2020  as the EU suspends it from some travel areas and as a lockdown threat re-emerged and Serbians took back control of their country from the outside UN government (something New Zealanders could consider as its spineless cardboard cut out liberal politicians mumble on )

Belarus also want freedom and independence as 100,000 take to the streets on 16.August 2020


Germany June / July / august 2020 demonstrations In Germany earlier this month 1.3 million protested in Berlin   a gainst the lockdown by communist China (see below)  

Ireland also protested on the 22.08.2020   'Time For Change: The Irish People Begin to Rise' or once again here on Bitchute   Speakers include Professor Dolores Cahill, Ben Gilroy, Doctor Marcus de Bruin, Glenn Miller,Michael Leahy of IFP a human rights, mental health and freedom of thought advocate, Una Mc Gurk Barrister & Senior Counsel and Maeve Murran of Health Freedom Ireland. In Germany earlier this month 1.3 million protested in Berlin  against the lockdown by communist China (see below) 

Grand Torino also covered the Dublin event here under 'GRANDSTREAM : HEALTH FREEDOM IRELAND DUBLIN ÉIRE'   or here once again on Bitchute   The Irish Freedom Party gives its view on the current state of affairs see  'Ireland's Fight for Freedom | Michael Leahy at "Time for Change" Rally'     An overview of the day is given here by gript news   The lockdown / global shutdown overseen by communist and Ethiopian genocide perpetrator Dr Tedros (who is not a doctor) from the WHO (World Health Organization)  and UN (United Nations) reveals that 'climate change' as a barometer of 'recovery' must be included in the covid 10 recovery ideal. The Who / UN are responsible for the global lockdown and hardships in the hoax plandemic, and it is revealed that China has been paying them via Bill Gates and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation to close down Irish society into a 3rd world economic zone . The motive for China is to destroy the western economy and the UN / WHO are assisting them in this.  Amazing Polly shows how Dr Fachi is also on the China payroll and has instigated this economic situation see her video 'Who Do You Trust'  or once again on Bitchute  and in this video at 34 minutes forward you will see the huge China investment in the WHO / UN plandemic economic turmoil plan.  (See at 25 minutes forward in the vid for Ezekiel Emmanuel who is a rabid planner for Euthanasia which explains why so many Elderly have been placed in care homes in the manner they have. For more information on Ezekiel Emmanuel and Euthanasia plans (for state murder) see post in chapter 3a above and post dated 9.9.2020 and subheading 'Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests)'  which gives his influence and background in the depopulation agenda At the end of this section on the Irish elections you will be directed to the WEF (World Economic Forum ) and the great global reset plan and why the 'human experience' as we know it will have to change. (i.e. 'Humans 2.0 Transhumanism' and Moderna changing RNA and DNA via the vaccines and merging with AI to patent a part of your DNA Genome so that you are owned see "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World" by Dr Carrie Madej or here once more on Bitchute

4th Industrial Revolution & Transhumanism To get an idea of what this 4th industrial revolution / technocracy looks like (in the green depopulation agenda of superfluous humans and fluoridation and GMO foods and no small business and stay at home and reducing population down etc  ) see 'The War On Us - Open Your Eyes To All Their Lies!'  or here again once on Bitchute  which is the essential info on the 'green party'   

There is also a protest in Britain on the 29 . 08 .2020 hosted by Delores Cahill who spoke in Dublin on the 22.08.2020  who are also against the Big Pharma lockdown in which everyone who has a mild permanent corona virus (and everyone has a mild corona virus at some point in their lives see  "Everyone has had a coronavirus before, a cellular biologist explains"  and 300,000 virus within us to help expel disease  ) and hence nearly everyone will be contact traced to sell more vaccinations etc (see amazing polly once more and the seven step vaccine plan on you tube or again once more on bitchute  or here on Jimm Corr tweets

See also here  'An Italian Doctor exposes the 'Covid 19' agenda' for world depopulation. You will be given up to 4 vaccines and it is take it or do not work or travel as a threat, despite the fact they have no authority to make any conditions or make it mandatory. (see 'Plandemic 2 Indoctorination' and also see 1000 German Doctors say Covid 19 is a scam   ) This is what the US liberal lobby do not show you





Agenda 21 what is it ? (and the Science of virology)

See the beginning of this section also   

Agenda 21 exposed by insider’  which exposes the current years events (United Nations  &EU agenda 2021)  and  ‘Unsustainable – The UN agenda’s for World Domination’

Relevant to the ongoing problems “From 2008 – 2010 the decision to pay the bank bailouts was taken and most of it was not Irish debt. Iceland chose to not pay. In March - June 2020 in Germany, a recent German court case or German constitutional court found “In summary the GCC found that a hugely significant part of recent European Central Bank (ECB) monetary activities – some €2.2 trillion of bond purchases – had no legal authority, negating an earlier ECJ ruling. It was saying in effect that whatever the ECJ might rule, if that were against the German constitution, the latter was sovereign, and the ECJ subservient” In effect Germany has taken steps to solve these problems in the world’s economy and the greens and agenda 21 have ignored those solutions. 
The green party are paedophilia, agenda 21, covid / corona slavery technocracy freaks mixed with UN led depopulation, not just on the Georgia guide stones but also on the UN’s own websites which actively encourage any form of depopulation and medical malpractice especially by vaccination under ‘sustainable development’  via ‘GVAPOR’ The Global Vaccination action Plan 2011- 2020 and its lucrative spin offs ) The greens believe in universal abortion including foetus tissue into vaccinations also. Islamic child marriage is also a part of the green party agenda. 

The EU has forced its citizens to bring more debt upon itself (literally in the ‘Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027’ (MFF) precursor to the ‘European stability mechanism’ debt drawn downs designed to bring financial fascism and dictatorship under the ‘green’ Agenda 21)  in order that they are mandatory vaccinated (with in many cases vaccines which contain pieces of their own aborted children’s DNA and sliced baby parts) but who do not get the benefit of the private vaccination contracts profits.

Germany's sovereign decision could provide a huge boost to Europeansas as this debt leverage decay forces society into slavery (instead of bringing prosperity, rising markets and 100% employment / low taxation)

The symptoms of flu are in everyone and the EU pledge taxpayers money to vaccination companies for mandatory vaccinations to keep their bureaucracy alive

Just as Amazing Polly in the shows (see above also) in the recent Wayfair video (at 41 minutes 45 seconds fwd) that Global trafficking has risen from a $30 billion global industry in 2011, (see the adjacent website and chapter 4 at the end)  it has now grown to a $150 billion industry + as global slavery increases but which also increases Vaccination victims (‘patients’) who need to be vaccinated to protect them from growing poverty diseases (etc) whilst providing a lucrative open borders business (much of the ‘left’ work and exist only to encourage trafficking gangs and open borders and which as large prison camps are very profitable for China See ‘China’s Profitable Business of Concentration Camps’  (and of course Muslims will be vaccinated and most several times)

Sarah Westall  ‘Are You Prepared for Forced Vaccinations? Protect Our Rights & Keep Families Safe w/ Sheriff Mack’

The science of synthetic virology is well developed and Sars – Cov – 2. Coronavirus is also patented (not discovered but manufactured) synthetic virology builds viruses, and can mutate a flu virus into something more. The corona virus was ‘recreated’ in a swiss lab in March 2020  Dr Carrie Madej explains further on the Hoax   (and see on Vaccines  generally) see also ‘DeSantis is Demanding an Investigation People Who Haven’t Been Tested Are Testing Positive’  The Mers 2 Corona virus is a biological construct created in a lab in the middle east and Saudi Arabia was the first recorded outbreak. MERS = ‘Middle East Respiratory Syndrome’ & Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) covid 19  MERS occurred 10 years after SARS and SARS is a man made biological construct and is (to repeat) patented  ‘Programmable matter’ was discussed in  2008 and is now a reality in 2020 as the ‘living robots’ not of science fiction but of science fact   Virology and DNA / RNA experimentation has advanced beyond the necessity for ‘humans’ to exist as they are and the ‘Human experience’ (with families) is not going to be as it once was (see video below)

Bio - Hacking your children A lesser well known science is Bio Hacking which includes home made DNA / RNA  changes. This homemade science is to prepare children for the coming 3rd strand DNA addition and other areas of the augmented new reality as cyborgs or soulless robots in Elon Musk AI singularity future. Forcing this upon Children as 'Trans-humanism' or sex changes or transsexual is a crime an forcing is subtle via 'gender dysphoria' (the Homo excuse that  young children must be gay if they do not like the opposite sex yet etc)  which means a psychologist must be called to help and brainwashing sex changes can begin. Corona children could be removed to save them and this trans problem could be recognized and the child abused mentally and psychically in accepting a bio hack or sex change procedure. Home made DNA / RNA kits can now be ordered to assist   Alternatively you could advise these freaks that a new hole could be opened for them at a cut price rate. No child can be removed unless a birth cert is applied for and produced which requires the parents permission. Without this it  is illegal as UNLAWFUL.


Mass Hypnotism & Global Slavery Mass Hypnotism (which are as individual attributes like the traits of Snakes and Lizards searching their prey) is the Tavistock way, or the way invented by Soviet (atheist) brainwashing agents and the experiments of North Korea (for over 70 years ) What (what, who, where and why ?) is it really ? Its all a bit fishy, communist yellow, ‘mo ham head’... ish, puffy with a hint of frog.

Yet see Conan the Barbarian and also the Lord of the Rings



Executive order on combating human trafficking and online child exploitation in the United States  (Autumn 1919 to early 2020) & globally

Executive Order 13903; EO 13903

The Wayfair controversy (or here on Bitchute) is designed to misdirect (with truth within it ) just as ‘Pizzagate’ employed distractions in the pizza shop (which was/is involved) see Pedogate 2020 part 1 and also Pedogate 2020 part 2 (or here for part 1) and see 5. 10.05.2020  ‘Equal rights for everyone, but no rights equally’ the maxim of the left. (and the compiled section on child abuse and trafficking) increases Globally in all countries In June 2020 Wilhan Martono, 46, in the bay area near Fremont and who made 21 million trafficking people online from China. Tallahassee child sex trafficking revealed in July 2020 shows the level and ease these predators used to operate. Abello Camille, 65 who molested over 300 children faces death by firing squad . Ricahrd Huckle who was serving 22 life sentences for paedophilia was also killed (to repeat from above) in prison in late 2019 for his crimes. Jan Harzan was arrested on 3.7.2020 and Peter Nygard stepped down in February 2020 for rape and trafficking he is the ‘Canadian Geoffrey Epstein’ but who has applied to dismiss all allegations.  (see also the documentary ‘The Silent Children Promo’)

George Nadler Another agent but this time a key witness in the Mueller (‘Russia’ investigation ) case has been sentenced to ten years for child sex transportation and trafficking. George Nadler (like Obama and Clinton and ) is a paedofile and trafficker. Nader was then able to say Trump was a Russian agent until his guilty plea (to years of sexual abuse or connected) in January 2020. On the surface it looks like nadir worked for Trump and ‘liaised’ with Russians but in fact he raised millions for Hillary Clintons “has been indicted for allegedly funnelling millions in illegal campaign contributions to support Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign” These funds were also directed by the Podesta brothers who are involved with Clement Freud in the murder of Madeleine McCann. George Nadar funnelled millions through the Clinton foundation. 

There are so many global arrests in every country it is impossible to list them all.



General Michael Flynn was held artificially in an investigation for over 3 years. Iran complicit, Joe Biden and Irangate and the democrats selling out the USA.

 He is now free and the charges against him are dropped and were not real. The last presiding Judge was Judge Emmet Sullivan who was appointed by Bill Clinton. Sullivan and others kept General Flynn’s case going as long as possible and by technicalities. The truth is Obama and Biden and the Clintons kept his going to avoid revelations about them. Sullivan ruled that Clinton should not interrupt her political campaign to give a personal deposition before Nov 2016. General Flynn was (is) an opponent of the Iran deal and carried that opinion from the Obama administration into the Trump administration. See 1 “The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA” (or on Bitchute ) & 2. “IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2”  (or on Bitchute)

The Communist deep state is going into overdrive and is bringing the dystopia globally (but see operation freedom) 

Many are calling for Judge Sullivan to resign. Just like the Chinese ‘Confucius centres’ which are acting globally as political espionage centres, Iran has infiltrated every area of the US administration. It wanted to see the USA and the West closed down believing the corona flu to be an agent of Allah, although many Muslims are not so sure as the death toll in Islam rises. The Isaac and Ishmael debate is the truer debate as many Muslims realise ‘Islam’ was created by the Roman Catholic Church,  yet  Bishop Schneider “Catholic — News Report — Muslims Don’t Worship Same God” defines the differences but not yet the creation of Islam from and at Petra and the fairy story of Al Buraq

Just as China infiltrated (hacked ) the Russia investigation Judge Rudolph Contreras (who recused himself in the General Flynn case) who issued Fisa warrants against Carter Page also has questions to answer but who was appointed by Barack Obama. Joe Biden has tried to end Christian prayers in schools, but has supported people praying to Islam ?

Hillary Clinton has been ordered (early March 2020) to testify on the matter of her emailsA judge ordered Hillary Clinton to testify at a deposition for a lawsuit related to her use of a private email server for involving official business while working as secretary of State under President Barack Obama” (related to the Iran deal and Christian Genocide and the Russia investigation)

The Clinton foundation, Epstein and Bill Gates, Obama(s) Biden and the lockdown fraud  was co-founded by Jeffrey Epstein  and Bill Gates met with Jeffrey Epstein on several occasions.   Epstein is also connected to the contact tracing slavery system. The Clinton foundation and Obama paid or bribed Kevin Clinesmith to alter details of the Russia investigation emails and evidence which implicates Obama and Clinton and also Joe Biden in this entangled scandal. Bill and Melinda Gates assisted the Barack Obama foundation   Greg Craig was the first democrat to be indicted from the Mueller report.(who served as white house counsel under Barack Obama who as President ordered spying on the Trump campaign)The 'Mueller Report' was also compiled by Robert Wiseman (who stepped down in later March 2019 one of many many Democrats who wrote the report ) who was attorney for the Clinton Foundation set up by Hillary Clinton and Obama. They oversaw the Obama crime spree and Christian Genocide. See Video ‘Hannity: Trump has been totally vindicated’  and also see ‘Giuliani: Mueller report contains inaccuracies about Trump’ )

Kevin Clinesmith (FBI) has admitted to altering an email 18.08.2020 (or was forced to alter the email on behalf of the Obama / Clinton Russia investigation) which set  the tone for a complete Russia investigation scenario costing millions and much TV air time and national security furore and angst into hysteria and mayham, indoctrinating the US public into a frenzy (at least in some MSM circles) and undermining Carter Pages integrity and character  On the 19.08.2020 Clinesith has been charged with falsifying documents  the significance of this is in turn detailed here fully    Many suspect that Obama told Klinesmith to alter the document and in Obama's surreal and virtual world of the Oculus  Both democrats i.e. Joe Biden and Barry Soetoro Obama (Iran, China and Russia)  knew these crimes were occurring and decided to investigate them from November 2016 (if not before in the 'insurance policy'  ) These false accusations and ruining of peoples lives (General Michael Flynn) and time and aspirations (of an entire nation the corona fraud also ) and Kamala Harris also supports the Iran deal and her sister (Maya Harris)  is a political analyst for MSNBC who pushed the Russia gate conspiracy ( last Adam Schiff mentions Mike Flynn in Dec 10, 2017 and Hillary Clinton and the anti - trump bias and Andrew Wiseman. Adam Schiff and the MSM in 2019) resolutely with Rachel Maddow  China and Iran from 2010 have in the interim hacked the USA from top to bottom.


Behind these activities (with the Ukraine revolution as the centrepiece of operations) is the hacking of US security, not just the Chinese hack of the OPM ( China accessed over 22 Million files  from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)  but also the Kaspersky hack of US intelligence in 2015  This tip of the iceberg has continued for nearly 2 decades with US intelligence having a back door open to foreign hackers, but missed during 2008 – 2016. 

Gishlaine Maxwell. Bill Clinton named in Gishlaine Maxwell documents Over two weeks ago Gishlaine Maxwell lost in her efforts to seal her records and Bill Clinton is named within them. Alan Dersowitz is named within them as are thousands more  (remember Alans call to remove people from their homes under Covid 19 see post above dated see  Alan Dershowitz, "You have no right NOT to be vaccinated" on bitchute  see psot above dated 22.05.2020)  Billionaire Glen Dublin, Naomi Campbell, Kevin Spacey, Stephen  Kaufman, Marvin Minsky , Thomas Pritzker, Les Wexner (founder of Victoria’s secret) Matt Groning producer of the Simpsons. David Copperfield. Jean Luc Brunel, Al Gore, Bill Richardson former NY governor. Heidi Klum, George Mitchell, Robert Mueller and James Comey and thousands more and not just in relation to Epstein Island.

OAN report on the controversy  ‘Ghislaine Maxwell Case with Neama Rahmani’

Jeffery Epstein was the former boyfriend of Ghislaine Maxwell & the incredible link between Jeffery Epstein to RNA Vaccines (covered here by Amazing Polly & ‘Epstein Pedo Prof Connection to RNA Vaccines & Human Experiments’  or here on Bitchute)

See also Peter Nygard the Canadian Jeffery Epstein. ‘Is Peter Nygard the Canadian Epstein?’

John Durham Investigation and the real Russia gate Yet the Durham report says ? (preview) ‘Consider This a Preview of Durham's Report’ (or here on Bitchute) that Chinese espionage is very prevalent and FBI (some within them) had made significant mistakes in the Russia investigation. This is Trumps assessment  Further Obama gave Russia unfetted access  (see ‘This keeps Nancy Morgan Hart up at Night’ ) or here again on Bitchute) with the knowledge of Joe Biden to ports in Florida (Port Canaveral) whilst Hunter Biden was in Moscow. Just as Google’s former CEO Eric Schmidt  took advanced AI systems to North Korea  Pakistan and Dr Jafar  also infiltrated the USA as in the Uranium 1 scandal involving the Clintons, but did the US intelligence agencies miss this ? under Obama (did John Durham ?)  as it seems Obama (both Mr and Mrs Obama the Clintons and the Bidens ) is the  real ‘Russiagate’  see  ‘The Real Russia Story: Port Canaveral “Project Pelican” and Uranium One deals connected through the Jafars’  (and see here on Briebart  in 2016) this takeover of the west under Project Pelican means that nuclear or a EMP (Electro magnetic pulse bomb) on US soil undetected, which means China and Islam have declared war on the West , including usurping elections in the USA and the West.



Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

In a event possibly even stranger than the covid experience is the Presidency challenge of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Firstly who is Kamala Harris really see ‘5 Things You Need To Know About Kamala Harris’  She accused Joe Biden of being a rapist and a racist in the US presidential primaries, but has now dropped those concerns. She said on the Judge Kavanaugh appointment is that all women must be believed but not in the case of Joe Biden. (see below) Her sister in law uses hydroxychloroquine ? when the democrats have vilified its use against Malaria or covid 19 but she called Trump a drug pusher for recommending it to the world yet she has also made derogatory remarks about rape and young woman and their safety / (from 2019) Joe Biden has serious questions to answer (not just on China, Ukraine and Russia) but on his perverted groping of young girls (is that what Kamala harries was referring to ? in the US primaries ?  ‘Creepy Joe Biden Hair Sniffing and Groping Little Girls Compilation’ this is aside from the ‘personal gaffes’ which are disguising something deeper with his health ? see ‘ Joe Biden's Brain Is Melting - The Ultimate Compilation’  and in November 2019 he told democrats to vote for Trump see ‘Biden Tells Activist To Vote For Trump’ as Trump has gone after illegal immigration  and Obama first made ‘cages’ to separate families  and which was a policy of Obama and Biden in 2008 - 2016 ( or see here forJoe Biden inappropriate behaviour on Brighteon )

Kamala Harris (in line with Hillary Clinton, Obama and Biden) simply works for planned parenthood not for America. As well as full term abortions and abortions everywhere (with aborted foetal tissue in vaccinations for your family) She met with planned parenthood executives in March 2016  and is working for them now. She supports full term abortions and even babies born alive being killed if no other option. Following the doctrine that babies should be dismembered and their brains sucked out she claims she is either a Hindu (who are also against abortions and are traditionally pro – life ) yet she is also a liberal or a Christian  Her most radical polices are here “Kamala Harris' Most Radical Policies”  Laura Ingram also looks at Harris most radical propositions as does Tucker Carlson  see “Tucker investigates Kamala Harris' record on the Second Amendment” 

(To repeat) To make it clear Kamal Harris said she absolutely believes Joe bidens accusers  on rape and rascism and she also works directly (planted) for planned parnethood who assist in making fetal tissue DNA availble for mandatory vaccines (Kamal Harris and Moderna in the competeing vaxx company fest we are offered) see 3 choices   Stanley Plotkin deposition 2018   (Stanley Plotkin Deposition) is 9 hours but can be viewed at time stamp periods Jan 11 2018, 17 : 05 & 17 : 12 fwd to show the Vaccine Hoax. Human DNA, Monkey DNA, Mercury Aluminium, formaldehyde, pig DNA, aborted fetus tissue & other unsafe ingredients abridged testimony at 40 mins on bitchute at 40 mins fwd or here  “(Video 24) A SHOT IN THE DARK - (2020 DOCUMENTARY) vaccines murder and mame”  or here also in 'DNA vaccinations igedients pharmacueticals & Sorcery"  (Stanley Plotkin at 3, 35 seconds fwd and see Thalidomide, Polio & Swine flu Stanley Plotkin is the top official in his profession, but for moiré information see  )

Harris chose to call Biden a racist, yet both he and Kamala Harris choose to kill more babies than were killed in all world wars since WW1. From every nation and creed and colour. Black lives matter (BLM ) are not concerned that “More Black Babies in New York City are Killed in Abortions Than Born Alive”   Candace Owens discusses the issues from a rational perspective “World Over - 2020-07-30 - Candace Owens with Raymond Arroyo”  Bidens solution is that Islamic studies should be taught more (yet Islam kills Christians and Hindus) and Kamala Harris is trying to be a Christian and Islam in its actual teachings in the Koran and wider is racist, and anti – black and has the death penalty for saying Mo ham head was black. There is only 1 human race yet politicians cannot exploit that scenario as deeply  (see video ‘Former Muslim Terrorist Sees Jesus And Becomes A Christian (English with Arabic Subtitles)’ 

(see video Partial-Birth Abortion Illustrated Video The Crime of Crimes / Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Film or The following video (in contrast to Dr Robert Lawlor & This is Dr Robert Lawlor an Obstetrician ( or here under heading 'Law forces pro-life docs to inform patients about abortion' ) 'Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters' described in detail as the violent painful death it is, (i.e. Murder) is by an abortionist / Gynaecologist (former abortionist? Dr Anthony Levatino)

Planned parenthood (and Kamela Harris) have killed White, Black and Asian and Latino babies and they  do not care what colour they are, but they profit from their deaths (including selling aborted fetal tissue to vaccine companies)  and take from their dead bodies. BLM or Antifa do not protest for them, the innocent. Its truly surreal (over  a Billion since the late 1970's globally ?)

Kamala Harris served in the US Senate for California. Like Alexandria Ocasio Cortez she wants higher taxes. Cortez wanted to impose a 70% tax rate but not on her earnings since 2018 into 2020 ? and it is the same for Kamela Harris. California has been run into the ground by successive democrat administrations, not just by over taxing (which obviously has not become state funding to improve it) but also to run it into the ground with sanctuary cities and to turn US cities into slums upon which they as democrats will Lord it over the ‘proletariat” or welfare peasants. See  Los Angeles is a Sh*thole (under the democrats)  Typhus and Bubonic plague is present in Los Angeles ! and before the riots which were encouraged by George Soros led democrats to make matters worse, in the plandemic run from the communist WHO (World Health Organisation)

General Flynn was (is see above) an opponent of the Iran deal and carried that opinion from the Obama administration into the Trump administration. See 1 “The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA” (or on Bitchute ) & 2. “IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2”  (or on Bitchute) Biden profited also from this deal.

From 2008 – 2016 until today Obama, Biden and Harris have been pro – China, (to the point of letting them hack US security and even let them run it with Iran remotely) pushed by the Clintons since 1996 (who sold the US out to China in that year This began as a base for it when NAFTA and TTIP (allowing this situation to begin in the west ) was instigated and perpetuated by Bill Clinton and the democrats. ( but how ? did all The 1996 United States campaign finance controversy which was the attempt by the Chinese Republic to buy the Democrats in 1993 - 1996)) and the emasculation of the USA. They were unable to engage with North Korea who have opened up their society more than other administrations ever dreamt possible. China now unable to subvert the USA thanks to Trump and Pence are trying anything they can including Bio warfare, and Chinese dystopian policies and frauds onto western culture Candace Marie Claiborne a former official of Hillary Clinton (and Bill and Obama and Biden ) pleaded guilty to espionage and facilitating Chinese espionage on April 24th 2019, did Hillary and or Bill know ? of course they did as they all including Obama worked for Chinese communism helping China add its fifth continent to its flag of five stars i.e. The USA as the fifth star. Then Senator Chuck Grassley’s letter of 14.08.2019 shows clearly that  Clintons emails were copied (cc’d) to Chinese intelligence throughout her tenure at the time Obama also had a pseudonym email which was used to carry information which was ‘top secret’. At this time the Oleg Smolenkov affair was not investigated. China, to use Christopher Whiton’s scenario above was building an inbuilt espionage system (along with Huawei 5G) in the USA.

What is incredible since Russia and Putin announced their ‘Vaccine breakthrough’ and its and Russia’s connection to the WHO (World Health Organisation)  (see subheading ‘Russia and Putin (Vaccinations on the 11.07.2020’ near the beginning ) both Biden and Harris have pushed support for Communist Tedros and also the World Health Organisation fraud    Incredibly Kamala Harris wanted Trump impeached for being a Russian Spy in the Russia Hoax (etc) but she and Biden are actually backing a communist (not even a DR as Tedros is not a Doctor) dictator Tedros over the USA & Russia and Putin are helping with the vaccine for Biden and Kamala Harris ?

Therefore is Kamala Harris a Russian spy ? do Harris and Biden work for Russia ? or just Clinton or China / Iran ?

Aside from the Russia Hoax, Obama and Bidens lasting legacy with Kamala Harris now is the Christian genocide and corona fraud to stop SME’s and livelihoods globally (to avoid their own prosecutions) once Trump was not impeached see chapter 3a above at the end for Trumps impeachment story (this is Kamala Harris and Joe Biden) A few more million murders by abortion will (as far as their minds work) not be to terrible, in what is the USA Greatest scandal in its history

ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery



Brexit and Russia ?

Accusations continue that Brexit was thought up by Russia, yet there is more evidence that Britain joining the EU in 1975 was encouraged by Russia and the only evidence any country interfered into British politics since then concerns the EU itself (see post dated 30.11.2019 and the Nord Stream gas into Denmark subheading in Chapter 3A above and in part repeated below) Yet now also Carter Page has won his right to bring a counter claim against his accusers and further details on the FISA abuse and crowd-strike problems. Many suspect now that those bringing these accusations are actually destabilising the west themselves.

“In Denmark the country has cleared a hurdle allowing the ‘Russian’ Nord 2 stream gas pipeline. The companies involved include “A spokesman said the Nord Stream 2 consortium, which includes Germany’s Uniper and Wintershall DEA, Anglo-Dutch Shell or Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Austria’s OMV and France’s Engie, would work to complete the project “in the coming months,” but declined to specify a timeline” It also includes Russian gas supplier Gazprom and Ukraine energy company NaftogazDonald Trump warned against this also as European countries could be held hostage to Russia. Since Royal Dutch Shell and Gazprom are working together it also makes a nonsense of the ‘Russia collusion’ hoax which is (the hoax) now subject to a criminal investigation by US Attorney General Bill Barr and Bull Durham as just the beginning. The day before the Denmark announcement (who have cleared their debts foreign currency and could cancel their national debt as the ‘debt they owe themselves’ and try to stop borrowing and produce instead) many Euro MP’s from the right visited India, but could they as a consortium also drill for gas and oil in the Arctic or will they listen to the carbon tax ‘hoax’ which is connected to the Russia hoax which is now the Ukraine hoax, entangled with rebellion extension and the Greta Thunberg ‘cow poo in the sky’ hoax ? see chapter 3 a above (the moaning on and on about the cow poo media psychosis) which in many quarters in trying to close down western industry and flood society with relativism. Nato Nato have announced that they feel the Nord 2 pipeline is a weapon against them, but also suggest it could be sabotaged by Al Qaeda. The Ukraine also state the pipeline is a security risk as do other nations in Europe. Sweden had a philosophy of ‘Total Defence’ see video ‘Why Sweden is encouraging citizens to become preppers’ which also details the Swedish defence research agency (armed forces) analysis of a coming war scenario in theory (of many) and as warned by its government and to all of its population (sent to every house in a booklet)  The video reminds Swedes that it’s past philosophy and strategy which was called ‘Total Defence’ has been neglected over the last few decades. In the Ukraine who is the new leader (youtube video ‘Ukraine Sells Out! Western Banks Now Own the Land, Prepare to Sell It Off to IMF and George Soros!’ ) as protest against teh current pro – Russian government continue in the Ukraine

If Royal Dutch Shell (Anglo Dutch shell is Royal Dutch Shell PLC) is doing business with Russia ? then how can there be ‘Russia collusion’ as opposed to honest sceptism ? (both Nigel Farage and Trump warned against these mergers see chapter 3a above) Add onto this the corruption that Gazprom brings west into the EU  and how bureaucrats and EU parliament members have been bribed to look the other way whilst Gazprom advances ?,

The West suspects that Putin is hoping the West destroys itself, but the United Nations is accusing Russia and the US of blocking plans for ‘peace’ in the effort to fight the corona virus (the patented man made virus) Russia is a member of the UN and has voted for measures on ceasefires but is trying to control the UN. The evidence to date is that Hillary Clinton paid Russia to win the elections for her to avoid the uranium 1 scandal. Russians like many in the world have a disdain for ‘LGBT’ rights which is really the pushing of the Transhumanism agenda in all its deranged activities and its  bizarre pursuits  (in which the recognition of people who are neither ‘fish nor fowl’ continues) and its anti – human agenda. Transhumanism is a religion and nothing to do with gay rights. Aside from the massive funding China brings to the UN it is also receiving huge funds from Muslims. Islam envisages a transformation of the west into transhumanism slavery as a part of its sharia law agenda, yet back in 2015 (following the full recognition of the Christian genocides see chapter 3a above ) defunding of the Islamic state was a high priority and now once more it is emerging as a major terrorist organisation globally. This is not just conventional terrorism but the funding of UN led vaccinations against western society. They are also employing the tech giants and media to close down debate on this subject with ‘hate speech’ nonsense. This is why many feel the UN should be closed down and destroyed and / or moved to Pitcairn Island and quarantined. 

Russia has taken intellectual property theft to the limit and the Uranium 1 scandal in the USA with the Clintons is a part of that ambition, with the backing of Obama and Joe Biden

Of  far more importance to Britain (than the discredited Russia investigation) is the Muslim (largely Pakistan and other ) grooming gangs report which has been hidden see “ “Grooming gang review kept secret as Home Office claims releasing findings ‘not in public interest”  yet Sadiq Khan who assisted in their development (the grooming gangs)  via the Fabian society  (begins about 4 min’s fwd) is still in office ?

The United Nations and Israel Today Russia and Iran and Turkey are in alliance against Syria. Syria has also made an illegal trafficking agreement with the Vatican for refugees and migrants in its trafficking trade (see the Vatican trafficking trade exposed in previous posts which shows how the Vatican profits from global trafficking to the tune of Billions). In WW2 Russia and the USA were allies against Adolf Hitler but this allegiance changed as Stalin and communist Russia became the new threat in 1947 fwd. Israel was brought into existence by a UN (United Nations) vote in 1947 when resolution 181 confirmed the new existence of the State of Israel (on 29.11.1947) Today the UN is trying or vying to destroy Israel. Both the USA and Israel have left UNESCO in 2019 after 70 years as it pushes (the UN& the WHO ) its global trafficking and Vaccination plan. Israel is preparing for open warfare (Nov 2019) as Pakistan (whose armies are also installed within Saud and Iran with Billions from China to create war, and more see all of chapter 3a above) prepare for war against Israel. 

Lebanon explosion 4.8.2020. The Explosion in Beirut in the Lebanon on 04.08.2020 is here in what is a very unusual explosion 25 people have been arrested so far  thought to be from Hezbollah 


Whilst Geopolitics and WW3 continue to boil see on Bitchute

BEWARE: Desperate Nations Are Making Desperate Moves Right Now!


Brexit and Israel

On 30.06.2020 Britain passed the deadline to extend the transition period beyond 2020 (and this has horrified remainers in and out of  Deutschland ) A new trade deal with Japan is underway  and also Norway is on board with a new trade deal by and also Norway is on board with a new trade deal by December 31st 2020.

Further down in the section on British gas and steel the deals with the new trading area are now worth $20 Trillion

Brexit on another level was born out of the working class and many Christian groups in Britain. An interesting point regarding carers is brought by Labours Frank Field (Voted Leave )

A debate on the WTO options and FTA agreements was held with John Redwood in four parts for an overview of trading ports (and / or here)  There are also proposals for 10 new space ports. Tied into the idea of free trade (Bill Cash See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ ) is free speech and in the EU it is claimed free speech is an ‘alienable’ (can be given away or traded) rights area part of a Sovereign people.  (or here on youtube  Strawman documentary) That is not the case in the EU or in any country. You have ‘inalienable’ rights which are yours from birth. You cannot lose what you already own unless you give consent, and government cannot be above the people as a state of citizens is (the state) . The state cannot confer upon you what you already have and they cannot operate above you or without your permission. In the case of the GDPR which gives you the right to be forgotton (etc) and protects your data ( see ‘Blockchain, GDPR, and fantasies of data sovereignty’ ) Yet as a sovereign person the EU state cannot grant you rights (privacy and sovereignty asserted) which you already have.

EU chiefs in the financial clearing debate, Brussels will allow firms on the Continent to continue using London's vital clearing services after the Brexit transition ends in a victory for the City.

The GDPR 'Compromise' (not needed) in Brexit in the regulatory alignment fraud of eventually removing the Brexit Vote (with the 'deal ' once again being touted as 'Brexit' when leaving the EU is not dependent on a deal with the EU) goes to the Heart of the Matter as Graham Greene put it. The GDPR is a fudge to sideline inalienable rights which led to King Alfreds Deemings fwd to the Magna Carta and the Bill of rights and Sovereignty (see "Strawman the nature of the cage" above i.e. documentary) This is not what the Brexit voters voted for. Brexit has already avoided contributing to the EU corona fund hoax   The EU underlying economy is to cut research for innovation showing the underlying economy is in trouble. (see also video  ‘Vladimir Bukovsky: The European Union = New Soviet Union’ or here again for the video  relates his harrowing experience s within the system) 

Should Brexit be turned away from its original path confirmed in the victory of Boris Johnson in December 2019 (see post above dated 6.12.2019 & 8.12.2019 in chapter 3a above 7 scroll down to the end or before the beginning of chapter 3b)  in the corona hoax, Nigel Farage is waiting to takeover once more


British Steel and China and the EU (British Gas & British Steel repeated from chapter 3A) Huawei  is banned in the UK and new Trade deals globally

In early 2018 Teresa May began the selloff of British Gas. China to own British Gas?  In early 2018 Teresa May signs a preliminary deal with China, a free trade deal  (the EU still controls that area) Recently announced but surveyed for some time is the new and extremely large discovery of Gas in the North Sea  One of a few in the making. The company who has the rights to the gas is China’s state owned gas company.  ‘Chinese state-owned company CNOOC said it made the gas discovery - equivalent to 250 million barrels of oil - in its Glengorm project, east of Aberdeen’ (CNOOC = Chinese national offshore oil corporation) They bought out US oil company Unocal Corporation in 2005 under protest and suspicion. Although they own the gas they pay royalties as tax to Britain, yet it is highly suspicious that the older UK rigs in the North Sea and off the North Wales coast are due to be decommissioned? (see the above post-dated 3.12.2018 & previously posted & dated 11.06.2018 above) which also includes the internal land based oil and gas discoveries worth £Trillions a vast amount of wealth.

Now China is vying for British Steel. Yet it will save jobs the public are told. This lowest common denominator disguises the fact it will be not be used for Britain, as China did not bring advantages for the USA. It will be downsized and many areas outsourced away from a national supply chain and workers from China will be imported instead of apprenticeships going to local nationals. It is the same in every EU nation. Tony Benn predicted the loss of manufacturing and trade and control by joining the EU see video 'The Impact analysis on joining the European project were all wrong it was a disaster'  (which has stood the test of time and modern media spin) On the one hand the EU have controlled British Steel into a slow decline and on the other China is trying to get around the EU’s barriers by buying the company in the new negotiations. It is a disaster to sell them.

The British Government in the past has issued millions in interest free loans (in effect a treasury bill ) to big companies which was repaid and stood them until they were profitable (including Royal Dutch Shell and others) it can do so again but not as a bail out. Then it would also have to frame those companies within a new trade deal outside the EU. This is not big government or socialism but economic nationalism and this would save jobs.

Britain has untold Trillions in inland Oil and Gas and no need to close its offshore North sea and Welsh coast rigs (except if you listen to Greta Thunberg who is paid by George Soros and with incentives from China who want to buy up all energy and metal facilities wherever they can like Sauron in the Lord of the Rings)

Oil and Gas Britain on land and sea in England, and oil and gas Worldwide. Another strange issue is Britain's oil and gas fields, which are mooted to be closed from 2018 or 2022 for 148 fields ? or 2023 to 2027 for 84 fields  when they should be kept going. (North Sea oil rigs and oil and gas off the North Wales coast.) New technology and new discoveries with high recoverable yield are being made all the time, including in the internal land based oil rigs, which are estimated to be worth over 100 Billion barrels of oil also in the South of England but is in fact much much, higher and worth £Trillions and this alone should make anyone suspicious of the current negotiations. (this is separate from the artic fields) China wants this also.

China to own British Gas ?  In early 2018 Teresa May signs a preliminary deal with China, a free trade deal  (the EU still controls that area) Recently announced but surveyed for some time is the new and extremely large discovery of Gas in the North Sea  One of a few in the making. The company who has the rights to the gas is China’s state owned gas company.  ‘Chinese state-owned company CNOOC said it made the gas discovery - equivalent to 250 million barrels of oil - in its Glengorm project, east of Aberdeen’ (CNOOC = Chinese national offshore oil corporation) They bought out US oil company Unocal Corporation in 2005 under protest and suspicion. Although they own the gas they pay royalties as tax to Britain, yet it is highly suspicious that the older UK rigs in the North Sea and off the North Wales coast are due to be decommissioned? (see the above post-dated 3.12.2018 & previously posted & dated 11.06.2018 above) which also includes the internal land based oil and gas discoveries worth £Trillions a vast amount of wealth.  All of this vast wealth is moving eastward (see last post above) and is also controlled by the EU who are (with Russia) co-operating with China  (on the 29.01.2019 the USA filed criminal charges against China’s Huawei tech corporation in the tech telecom 5G area which use’s huge amounts of energy)

Huawei have now been banned (Jan 27th)  in the UK (July 15th 2020) and which should lead to the re-instatement of Gavin Williamson and which ends the Chinese Communists parties aims of bringing in 5G and social control owned by them  (anywhere in the West but brought in the Clintons, Obama and Joe Biden et al) should be widely banned (as they threaten another ‘wave’ of Virus’s see above) which is a declaration of war.

All over the West (nationals in every European country, Britain and Ireland and in the USA  )War has been declared against you (by the UN and see The recent report by DFID on corruption in the UN states) see also  Daughter of Albion and ‘Boy Scout Nationalism’  (or here on Bitchute ) George Soros warns against China and the High Tech firms and the Dystopia felt widely during the world’s second largest event of all time in the global ‘lockdown’ (but pushes mass immigration funded via the open foundation and via Antifa) and yet he is a communist supporting the ‘digital dollar’

Britain has kept to its aim and Japan has now made a trade deal and the National statistics office has suggested (despite corona) that Britain’s economy will grow to 15% and as  NAFTA has now been replaced as the USCMA began in June 2020, but a Brexit trade deal with the US and wider is underway. Worth up to $20 Trillion in trade and deals the world’s economies will get a boost and return to real free trade. The No deal / WTO (without W/A) is still the best option for Brexit  in July 2020  as it is in September 2020

This is without the 19 roll over deals already signed off as of 18.08.2020



Where does it all end  ?

How all of this relates to the vaccinations, 3rd strand dna changes, microsoft, and how the lockdown initiates this Global control  (known as Covid 19 a code name for Global control )  listen to the sobering discussion with James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts in

 "The INJECTION FRAUD with James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts. A Solari & Corbett Report fuse"

or here once again on Bitchute  Energy politics and financial systems are necessary in our modern world but humans are not products to be experimented upon or patented.

See further Bio-security and Politics by Georgio Agamben  (11 May 2020)





See also this link immediately below 


‘The World’s First Integrated Quantum Computing System’   (or here once again from  the IBM newsroom )



Which is in New York as is the UN and is linked to Cern in Switzerland.(IBM)  For more information on Cern see videos 5, 6 7 and 8 but mainly the descriptions / text under the videos. The New York Q Quantum computer is nearly now every country on earth. Elon Muck with his Neuaralink wants to connect everyone up.




Dr Carrie Madej & 'Humans 2.0 Transhumanism' and Moderna changing RNA and DNA via the vaccines and merging with AI to patent a part of your DNA Genome so that you are owned

see the excellent  "Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World" by Dr Carrie Madej 

or here once more Dr Carrie Madej 'Humans 2.0 ?A wake up call to the World' on Bitchute)





(The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ? see the quote at the beginning above 'The Very idea of Human Beings as some kind of Natural Concept is really going to change” and which is repeated in the following video next .To know what exactly are in vaccines see Dr Stanley Plotkins deposition (it is 9 hours long but is edited to a few minutes ) who is the world expert on children’s virology) see  'What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?' from the WEF (or here available on Bichute ) with other opinions against Sovereignty in the next video below (Ancient alchemy also included human body parts / 'substance'  within its formula's just as human aborted foetus and dna are in Vaccines today,as Dr Stanley Plotkin the father of vaccines and children's vaccines relates)


DNA, Vaccination ingredients, Pharmaceuticals and Sorcery’


Or here on Brighteon or here again on Bitchute (fulfilling also Acts 7, 48 & Mathew 24, 15 – 16 & Luke 17,33 & 2 Thessalonians 2, 4, John 10,1see also John 10,28 & Ezekiel 9, 4 & Revelations as the same event as Ezekiel 9, 4)


with the aim of (depopulation) killing much of the planet as the ‘Social equity’ International rules based order (no legislation just the Judiciary deciding new rules without a check and/or balance of a tri – part government) which is the technocracy big tech depopulation agenda 
see ‘Agenda 21 Everything you should know



Israel (not just the West bank or beyond  ) was conquered by King David

China is vying to take over the Middle East and is pouring Trillions into that and its global war machine. That is the raison dtere of the communist depopulation agenda (Agenda 21 )


The Oded Yinon plan is simply the promise given in Genesis 12, 7 & Genesis 15, 18 – 21. As Gregory Mannarino explains Greater Israel could now be purchased in its entirety and without causing inflation and still bring 100% employment back  (see also chapter 5 below) Land purchases backed by printing money out of nothing is unlimited and an asset cancels out by value inflationary problems. Unlimited debt and purchasing can buy anything, yet WW3 (even in deceptive temporary peace plans) is also in the air and could trigger at any time, or could be accepted peacefully. What is will bring is a global boom in economies. (100 5 employment low inflation and tax as opposed to communist dystopia, the difference is beyond comparison see all above in chapter 3a and chapter 3b ) Counteracting the Oded Yinon plan and which existed by war before the Yinon plan is the Muslim Caliphate plan (known as Isil or the Islamic State in the Levant as the NWO and which involves mass slaughter, immigration as preparation for war into the west, war and subjugation into ‘legal’ slavery as Islam see’s it. This is what it terms ‘peace’) and which has continued since 700 AD. Since the 1950’s China has also set its sights on the Middle East as the US & China head to war both physically and economically. The new peace deal with UAE which is also take it or leave it (in the world of D.E.W. weapons and the incineration of Mosques anywhere at anytime see the beginning section) enabling India to take a role in the Middle East peace imitative.

70 nations and the Israel The recognised nations of the world (the 70 nations of the world around Israel project ) At the centre is the Torah (the five books of the Torah just as King David had 5 smooth stones and the recognition of the Messiah)

There is also the prophecy of Isaiah 40 which incredibly is coming true fulfilling the book and which recognises the world’s individual nations

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’” (Isaiah 40:3-5)


GREECE Greek shipping is still the greatest industry in shipping and it also (should) own the area now known as Turkey and ‘Asia Minor’ traditionally or just Greece to the Spartans.

The Greater Israel map is still only a tiny proportion in size of the land mass of all Islamic countries. The truth of the annexation of the West Bank with Amir Tsarfati  Safe Zones across the Middle East can be installed as precursors to any change, and have been mooted since 2009.

Europeans are deeply connected to the Greater Israel history and which was once theirs see ‘Europeans are the lost tribes of Israel’ as the House of Joseph (there are 38 videos in total in this Bitchute channel )


King David of course gave the Harp as the Sovereign symbol of Ireland

see also The Lost Tribes of Israel....... Found. by E Raymond Capt

and his book here Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets 13th Edition  

& 2.The Law of the Land   


Or here  or here again once more         (or here as an MP4 file)

& 'UK and Global Lawful Rebellion Against Treason & Sedition MIRROR'   (or here on bitchute or here again also on bitchute ) 

Chapter 3b here began in November / December 2019 and its first post was on


23.04.2020, St Georges Day

This chapter 3b began on 23.04. 2020 St Georges Day, one year after ‘Extinction ‘Rebellion’ placed their mural on a chalk horse in 2019 The original in Uffington, Wiltshire (dating from around 725 bc, yet it may have been enlarged and recut before this for many centuries) can be viewed from nearby Dragon hill, is  of course is intact but the significance of XR’s image placed upon this monument should be understood.  It is saying this heritage is over. Rebellion extinction XR is also a misunderstood ancient symbol, and is a play on words and is for 'surveillance' & 'Holocene extinction' globally via the UN. In Uffington there are numerous Neolithic graves, and the nearby Avebury stone calendar ( for the actual date and time) circle is accessible, many suggest that the original image on Uffington was a Dragon and this was removed by overlaying the new image of a White Horse. Knowing the significance of this ancient symbolism is lost on today’s youth because it is not taught, yet St George killed the dragon. It is not taught because you are educated by those who want to control and remove you and this occurs in every national country as globalisation and depopulation 


Britain in Brexit Albion is its true name of course (or ‘Elfydd’ in Welsh,  Alba in Scots Gaelic ) and a part of its history in England is celebrated by Wishbone Ash in their Argus album, (and others) as a contribution to the Brexit day celebrations, and in more recent history as a protest poem turned into a Hymn

King Alfred over 1100 years ago could have taken power for himself and taken all the riches for himself, but chose instead to make Sovereign laws for the benefit of mankind (not the state) ‘peasant’ and ‘noble’ and to forgo taking money from the treasury for himself as the book of Deuteronomy states. IF you want your ‘Human’ experience to remain as it is then removing the depopulation / technocracy proponents and the Child abusers and Traffickers (et al) is central to that experience.


King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’of King Alfred, the Magna Carta, the Bill of rights 1688/1689, and the Popes law to cancel Corporations ? 






The US Elections 3.11.2020

The Demolition of the World’s economy

(but set to boom again 2021 ?)



To many people watching the planned demolition of the Globes economy, the question is how did this occur and why now. To many the US economy seemed as strong as the Hoover Dam. The truth is that underneath it is still the strongest economy in the world (but what happened ?)

In the USA a pertinent question as to why this may be happening is trivialised by Jill Biden (Joe Biden’s wife) who says the USA is not really interested in Hunter Biden emails ?  Twitter however were interested and so concerned they blocked (still blocked) the NY Times from writing upon the issue and broadcasting it on Twitters platform ? They admitted they were wrong to do so but are still blocking the news item despite an outcry from numerous sours globally, yet they continue to thwart its release  (as of 17.10.2020)  The reason is and within the 2016 US Presidential election, Russia was not the real story but the Ukraine was  (instead we were fed the Russia Hoax see chapter 3, 3a above and chapter 3b here) and the Burisma scandal  

Further Hillary Clintons non prosecution for the Trafficking orphans in Haiti and globally, the Uranium 1 (US Uranium sold to Russia via Canada ) and pay to play scandal in the US state department from the canton foundation is simply to protect Obama who profited from these scandals also. The President who oversaw the Christian Genocide

Presidential debates & Biden scandal ? The Presidential television debates left out the incredible news in the Middle East peace process & breakthroughs (see below) and also the Biden  ‘Scandal’ ? but the MSM says (Glenn Beck & Megyn kelly) what Scandal  in contrast to the ‘Russia hoax obsession’ for over 2 years ?  (or here fb Glenn Beck and Megyn Kelly on the laptop scandal)

Further to Ukraine / Burisma profits ( but not to Indigenous Ukrainians) the other real and pertinent matter in the destruction of the Globes economy is China and its ties to the democrats. Trump who has backed US legislation supporting the Hong Kong protests against Communist China also had business dealings with China prior to becoming President Trump via his Hotel business. Yet the Hong Vote for 17 out of the 18 districts in Hong Kong rejected the communist party (see further down) bringing forth legislation protecting that democratic vote.  The Biden’s however with Obama and Clinton seem to be selling state secrets and allowing China into the USA and letting them run the USA, granting special privilege to buy land even allowing them to nearly build a port on US soil, but is controlling  many ports in the USA during the Obama / Biden takeover of the USA  2008 – 2016. Land exchanged for purchasing  US debt is one reason the unfair currency manipulation was cited in 2016 as unfair (or a criminal conspiracy) is pushed by the UN for that reason. The Video “China Is Buying Up The World's Ports...And No One Is Talking About It” gives the wider background and the US military explains via the Pentagon how and why China are building Military bases globally and how they are still encircling India (via the ‘string of pearls’ plan) and why that plan is resulting in the war of the northern borders (in land which belongs to India as does Cashmir) between China and India


Why would people in the USA not believe China is also encircling them both from within and without.

Liz Wheeler “Heres Why Hunter Bidens emails are a Huge Deal”  and the OANN One America news Network

and why it is ‘Foreign policy’ was removed from the public Presidential debates by the ‘Presidential debate commission’..... or in other words China who also do not want certain aspects of the middle east peace process namely the Abrahamic accords to be debated as it is not favourably to China and its armaments dealings in Iran and its investments towards Syria and its  armaments dealings to Syria. The Abrahamic accords are mentioned later and further down. China in making war and selling arms to Syria and Iran.

The documentary preview ‘RIDING THE DRAGON: Uncovering the Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Preview)’  or as full film here “RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)”  (or here on Bitchute once more)

The oppression against a democratic decision by the residents of Hong Kong continues from the CCCP Communist party of China. (see In Chapter 3a above under the post dated 30.11.2019) Hong Kong residents committed to the following “In Hong Kong on the 24.11.2019 Pro-democracy protestors win 17 out of 18 districts in HK elections  Amidst the protests, pro – democracy voters claimed a historic surge when they won 17 of the 18 districts in Hong Kong, this has brought a ‘warning’ from Beijing Protests escalated to 350,000 as police fired non lethal weapons at the crowds last weekend”    

The US Hong Kong Human Rights & Democracy Act The USA passed a legislative measures in support of the Hong Kong residents  known as the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act” which was signed into law by President Trump in late November 2020 (or see here again once more) and which supports Hong Kong residents who are still protesting against the Fascist Communist regime in China under the Communist party which has no elections of note nor real different political parties.

'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018' On the 11.12.2018, President Trump and Mike Pence signed the anti genocide act known as the 'H.R. 390, the Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act of 2018' over the past few years many institutions and organisations have called for an end to the slaughter in the middle east. What is emerging since the ongoing Christian genocide is,  it is aimed at ‘Christians’ whether they are practising Christians or simply people who are nominal Christians with the designation placed on their birth certificates at birth. (and even outside of the Middle East which was the beginning) This expanding issue is directly related to the British general election in December as will be revealed.

The act states “This bill authorizes U.S. government agencies to provide humanitarian, stabilization, and recovery assistance for nationals and residents of Iraq and Syria, in particular ethnic and minority individuals at risk of persecution or war crimes. It also authorizes the agencies to assist in prosecuting those suspected of such crimes.”

The Genocide against Christians is also recognised under this act. (The Genocide of Christians overseen by Joe Biden and Obama) see chapter 3a above and post dated  30.11.2019 The British National elections 12.12.2019 and see news item here & to repeat  ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery 


Joe Biden is the candidate of China The Vortex and “Catholic – Campaign 2020 – Chinas candidates”  in the US elections not a candidate of the USA. Incredibly Kamel Harris is not only the candidate China prefers and who is tied up in energy contracts on Chinas behalf (the now bankrupt CEFC China Energy Co)  with Hunter Biden.

Kamela Harris also accused Joe Biden of Rape and Racism accused Joe Biden of  sexual abuse against Woman and racism (and also against younger woman )( or see here for Joe Biden inappropriate behaviour on Brighteon ) during her primaries campaign to be President. She is also has a sideline working for Planned Parenthood and met with the owners several times prior to her campaign making Millions from baby dna and body parts and which includes fetal dna no longer a secret and which as a lucrative product are made for & into vaccinations  (the last link includes the testimony by Dr Stanley Plotkin in 20118 / 2019 and which as a product still continues) she has prosecuted those trying to expose her criminal pursuits (i.e. David Daleidin and many more) Kamela Harris does not believe in ‘My body, my choice’ when it comes to vaccinations, and ironically has killed more Latino, Chinese and black babies by her actions, yet she sidelines this evil practise. Harris is very much in favour of slavery also “The Vortex — Kamala Family, Slave Owners”


The USA Heartbeat bill & 30 Nations sign International Declaration against Abortion.

To this end the abortion industry keeps abortions alive (CBR UK) also for the lucrative human stem cells and baby parts industry which also provides big Pharma with baby DNA for their vaccinations. Some companies have ordered 100 million shots (for a virus which does not exist and a vaccination break through which does not exist ?) and with 7.5 billion people who may require 3 vaccinations each this is a lot of baby DNA and enormous money for corporations globally. The heartbeat bill in the USA began in North Dakota and has been brought forward into many states and eventually into all 50 states in the USA to stop this mass murder process known as a health procedure (abortion) and to stop ‘trafficking’ baby parts and cells for private companies. The book “A Heartbeat Away” by author Janet Porter relates the continuing story of the illicit and illegal (not medical) human abortion industry. China of course had its policy of limiting children to couples but in reality in was big government telling people how to run their lives, whilst communism kills millions globally.

On Oct 22nd 2020 the USA signed an international anti abortion declaration joined by 30 nations (or here again once more as Poland effectively bans abortion  and 1 further news item on this from Poland ) because the so called UN declaration of human rights does not extend to ...Humans in the womb  and they have gone further in ‘redefining what it means to be human’ ? (or here once more) = Equal right for everyone ...but no rights equally. That is their real ethos ( the international ‘right’ to abortion i.e. to kill humans with Euthanasia rising in every country (murder from ‘health’ procedures ? )

Both Joe Biden and Kamela Harris believe killing babies even after delivery is ok but certainly up to any point in the womb, yet in Europe and in Poland for instance has just banned abortion in the 30 nation declaration against it


Judge Amy Coney Barrett is poised become the ninth justice on the Supreme Court on the 26.10.2020. She in fact became a Supreme Court Justice on that date  ( or see here also)


‘Other Candidates’ running for President 3.11.2020 on Wikipedia including the Libertarian Party  and also the Constitution Party 2020


Ireland’s general election 8.2.2020 until June 2020 and ongoing ( Irelands Paedophile ring, Vaccinations,  Mother and baby homes scandal and Trafficking rings)

The following two links will take you to the Irish elections in Chapter 3a above (with 5 month pause in mid 2020 but ongoing) and also the Conclusion to the Irish elections dated 17.09.2020


1. Irish Elections 8.2.2020  (chapter 3a with return link )


2. Conclusion to Irish elections (chapter 3a with return link)


In June 2020 The US state department report into Human Trafficking was released (Trafficking in Human Persons report 20th edition)  and Irelands position or grading in that report was downgraded (or see here on the report also again)

Tusla the state’s Child and family agency The ongoing scandals in the Irish elections child abuse and trafficking and Irelands paedophile ring includes the May 31st 2009 article by Jim Cusack in the Independent “Paedophile ring 'abused children in State homes” which today and incredibly still continues when in January 24th 2020 when Lynn Payton (commissioned by Tusla the state’s Child and family agency ) reported that many cases of child abuse were not reported by social workers...but by Tusla and other authorities. Earlier in 2017 (Paul Healy February 15th 2017  ‘The Buzz’) it had already been reported that 800 cases had not been reported as criminal referrals

On 23.10.2020 (last week) the Irish examiner quoting the DPC or Data Protection Commission stated “Government breaking the law by sealing mother and baby homes records, says DPC”  The story also covered by Gript goes into more detail  Yet in any free and Sovereign society  the records can be unsealed in 30 minutes. The sealing procedure by Minister for Children Roderiec OGorman (who is friends with Peter Thatchall who is connected to the Paedophile Information Exchange or PIE see Irish elections above ) is many would say tampering or concealing  evidence which is a criminal action. As a summary a Radio Host states Adrian McKenna suggests “Roderic O Gorman is not covering up 800 baby's in a tomb... He is covering up Paedophile and people trafficking within the Irish government... Say it as it is not what they want you to hear”

Mother and Baby Homes Scandal In 2014 and before (from 11997) the baby and mother homes had one further sinister scandal when it was revealed that 300  children were used unofficially for vaccines trials and again this is one further reason not to seal the records This sinister without consent issue is very pertinent for today as oxford vaccine offers “hope” for all those who are not suffering with Sars 2 Covid 19. This vaccine tested in China (who sent Britain corona infected ‘testers’) Developed by “AstraZeneca and Sanofi” ,  a similar test guinea pig in Brazil died during the trial but the testing continues. See the Times of Israel AFP 22.10.2020 & “Volunteer in Oxford COVID vaccine test, given placebo, dies in Brazil”  (Israel has protested lockdowns throughout 2020 )  Astra Zenaca will try to take advantage of the ‘immunity’ granted to Pharmaceutical companies even during vaccines for children and adults in Ireland.

Dr Stanley Plotkin testimony  (which is 9 hours long and shocked the world but you can also see his abridged testimony at 40 mins here ) The Polio vaccinations led to this 12 million ill in the USA . To understand what is in the vaccines see Dr Carrie MadeJ Human 2.0 a wake up call to the world  (who explains the nanotechnology in vaccines) and also in the Flu Virus and which develops at various stages with other vaccines (people will be forced to take 2 or 3 vaccines) and Chemicals. Incredibly covid already exist in your body and is harmless  

Sadiq Khan the Mayor of London (and Fabian society) obviously knows what is the Vaccines in his fake Vaccine (see MP4 file &  ‘Sadiq Khan Mayor of London ( & Fabain society) Fakes vaccination’ )

AstraZenaca, Sanofi, Lucent Alcatel, Regeneron and Moderna & China Lucent (the early to mid 1990's from New York) an early microchip developer (vaccines contain nano-technology) Lucent who became Lucent Alcatel  (and see here also  or once more  here again have connections to AstrazenacaLucent Alcatel also have connections to Regeneron ( also based in New York ) and Limerick  for how and why further see Amazing Polly The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand   & also Technofascist Takeover - 6 videos to watch and share  AstraZeneca’s China connection and to covid 19 should alarm the west as efforts from 2018 into 2019 turn into the AstraZeneca China Covid 19 drive for the Vaccine For testing, contact tracing and vaccinations Moderna Astra Zeneca and Regeneron are working together Same personnel over decades. AstraXZeneca have obtained the contract for ireland

Wuhan Military Games The Wuhan Military games were held in October 2019 in China Enhancements and augmentation for the super military soldier are a part of future warfare (and present)

Human dna in vaccines and the vaccines scam is no different that the mother and baby home vaccine scandal. This is a criminal scam. What is incredible and knowing the ingredients but shrugging aside the pro-life concerns the vaccines are approved and co-owned by the Vatican who has bank deals with the vaccine companies. Roman Catholics said this Pope should resign in 2018 and also again in 2019  and again in 2020 they have asked the Pope to go  On wider issues the Popes views are analysed by the Vortex  “Pope Francis is wrong

These ingredients are still added today. Sanofi ( of AstraZeneca Sanoifi ) say they now discontinue (from Sep 2019)the use of human foetal tissue (although this is not certain and Vaccines are sold prior to September 2019 and earlier, and this PR job is only temporary ) and will use instead animal pig and monkey DNA (religious groups beware) with heavy metals and formaldehyde and even cleaning chemicals with nanotechnology. We also have a natural immune system. AstraZenaca, Sanofi, Lucent Alcatel, Regeneron and Moderna & China are all working together and are the same people moving from company to company.


Incredibly in October 21st 2020 the Pentagon released details of China hacking the USA US defence and Security Networks

Warned about by the NSA National Security Agency early on the 21.010.2020, but Biden and Harris continue on as if these matters are not important or as Jill Biden states no one is really interested in her sons emails or similar matters, which includes the China hack of the OPM or Office of personnel management in 2015 under Obama and Biden ? (this revealed all military personnel records globally and they were sold on)

Obama was behind the Uranium to Russia. The example of Bill Clinton meeting with Obama's appointee (the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch ) to pull a threat or bribe to prevent the release of files which the FBI could use to prosecute Hillary Clinton fully over the Benghazi and Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia scandals. (Cash from Clinton foundation and Uranium to Russia) 

In 2018 President Trump expelled Russian diplomats from the USA who were appointed in 2008 - 2015 with Chinese diplomats in 2019 who were also expelled as they were Obama / Biden appointments to work with Iran who had also taken over large parts of US intelligence and then Canada also , (Amazing Polly 'The Iran Swamp Creatures of the USA'  and also    'IRANADA - Iran International Swamp Part 2'  ) as Western Intelligence was exposed between 2009 and 2013 from within the Obama / Biden administration (i.e by them and paid by china against the west. Doubters ignore the dozens of huge incidents of penetration of Western intelligence between 2008 - 2015 see from the beginning of this section on North Korea in chapter 5 above but which and most notably includes the China hack of the OPM or Office of personnel management in 2015 ) and recently the US closed the Chinese consulate in Houston and China replied by closing the US consulate in Chengdu. China is preparing its bases globally including also into the middle east and Syria preparing for war. All of this is very bad news for North Korea (and South Korea) who will be dragged into the emerging growing conflict, (which threatens many countries including Taiwan   also the UK and the USA  and others globally)  as the Islamic state is named as the most dangerous terrorist threat to the world, with Pakistan receiving funds from China  see also ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery  in 2014 / 2015 which was also paid for by China.  Huawei whose HQ is Wahun in China near the wet market which does not sell Bats wings have now been banned (Jan 27th)  in the UK (July 15th 2020) and which should lead to the reinstatement of Gavin Williamson and which ends the Chinese Communists parties aims of bringing in 5G and social control owned by them  (anywhere in the West but brought in the Clintons, Obama and Joe Biden et al) should be widely banned (as China threaten another ‘wave’ of Virus’s ahead of an actual outbreak. Similar to predictions made by 'Event 201' in New York in September /Oct 2019 see Chapter 3b on the adjacent website) which are declarations of war, including the economic currency war and threat via the digital SDR liquidity network crypto currency dystopia (see from the beginning above and Chapter  3b in the adjacent website) as Chairman Xi threatens to run the New World Order alone


An act of war by Chinese agents within the USA

(i.e. Dr Victor Vzau, Dr Chris Elias, Dr Jeremy Farrar, Henrietta Fore, George F Gao (COMMUNISTS) comprise the world health monitoring board (WHO and United Nations) who are being paid by CHINA  See Amazing Poly at 33 minutes & 50 seconds fwd & 'who do you trust'  or see her youtube channelBiden, Antifa, Michael Bloomberg and China The corona war and Antifa are paid by China who are interfering in US elections and destroying the USA in plain sight, (the chaos is classic softening to disguise an invasion by foreign troops such as china or Russia) to create slums and economic chaos as "active measures"   whilst democratic Presidential hopeful (for instance)  Michael Bloomberg openly praises China's President Xi and Xi admires Chairman Mao the biggest mass murderer in history, the instigator of the Gulag and first 'social credit' dystopia system. Bloomberg unsuccessful himself has donated $100 Million to Biden but in reality to China as the Bidens connections to China emerge   (see here also  )see also "RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)"  or on bitchute once again here  

When did the selling out of the USA and the West begin ? this began in earnest in 1996 under the Clintons and it is now called the “1996 United States campaign finance controversy”  which with other measures allowed China to but US debt (manipulating currency and Trump and Pence state) allowing it to change the debt for land and also devalue the US dollar over decades leading into the digital era / gold backed currency / withdraw all cash globally debate) In other words treason against the West by currency manipulation and catastrophe economics planned exactly like the one you are in now with help from the World Health Organisation (as the UN United Nations) and Dr Tedros the Ethiopian communist genocide perpetrator. 

The next step is to bring in a technocracy digital dystopia with heightened and inhuman surveillance and Chinese style gulags as already exist in China.

North Korea and China goes into nuclear mode (2017 fwd)  What is very revealing is North Korea preferred unification with South Korea (see the adjacent website and chapter 5 on “North Korea and Gulags and its history (China & Chairman Mao)” When President Trump and VP Mike pence arranged the stepping over the DMZ marker and then met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea, China panicked and saw that its system was under threat even as early late 2016 into 2017 and later in 2019 held the Wuhan Military games (see at the end) signalling  the beginning of the pandemic and global lockdown. North Korans were / are prevented by China from escaping the system they are under, and the rest of the world also wants an end to it (the world over as China intends to rule over  the New world Order, it believes. The pentagon confirming it is building bases globally)

A full analysis of China’s infiltration and the  “Wong Ho” ‘Catch the Pigeon plan from Clunk’ is here but very serious in the war with China  “The American Republic vs the CCP—Documentary exposing China’s game plan for 2020 US election | NTD”  and see here from Epoch times


For US farmers under Agenda 21 this means their land will be removed (and all farmers globally)

The Hammond and Bundy ranchers exposed the land grab imposed by the UN United Nations via the BLM Bureau of land management The United Nations is controlled by China  and also the WHO or World health Organisation  with the aim to remove land and destroy small business (SME) across the USA (as is evident) as the current Pope who is criticised by nearly every Catholic agency and church globally pushes this doctrine despite Chinas atrocities against Roman Catholics and Protestants in China ? 80 Million died under Chairman Mao in gulags and prisons and this system is what they want for the globe as this is the system ‘Chairman Xi’ admires with a permanent dictatorship  against all religions or faiths of any description (Islam, Judaism, Buddhism Hindu or Pagan.

Chinas connection to the riots across the USA were exposed whenThe Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) based out of Minneapolis, an openly pro-CCP organization, and Bay Area-based Liberation Road” were caught in the riots, this is also an act of war.

Patriots, Guns & the May 2020 Executive order preventing online censorship. The Background over the last year is given by Youtube 1.03125 ‘Good Patriot’  including the Gun removal intentions of liberals. See also Youtube the Dan Bongino show   (or here once again on Bitchute) See also post above in chapter 3a dated 17/18/2020 in which the US patriots warned about the last 10 months. see video : ‘2020MEET THE PQTRIOTS’  Following this more than 100 districts of Virginia formed

To date the democrats have used every weapon to silence free speech whilst the Republicans have sought to preserve it (i.e. The US constitution) This led to the Executive Order Preventing online censorship in May 20 2020

This is Joe Biden’s real ticket, remove rights and prevent an upturn (China style) and to create slums across the USA.

Contrast this with Mike Pence and Trumps vision for recovery i.e. a Manufacturing Superpower  Chapters 3 and 3a above show how manufacturing was brought back into the USA through 2016 – 2019, and Chapter 3b shows how it was a threat to China who have acted to take away this recovery from 2016 by foul methods. Both Biden and Trump suggest there is going to be a recovery but Biden tied to China means that recovery will be slum cities, no innovation or manufacturing or reemployment which is underway already in X 22 report on manufacturing and economic boost to stem imports with USA made goods which is the only way out of the problem in 2001, 2006, 2012, 2016 and into the future balancing deficit spending which will increase boosting stocks even with increased manufacturing and increased goods and services at home.

Under the ‘Left’ the economy will not begin a ‘Y or X’ recovery in any way. The left will accelerate economic collapse. Taxes will rise across the board at every level drastically, but with a manufacturing agenda jobs will not increase and less jobs with stifling ‘China like’ regulations across the US increasing the cost of living. Under the left bonds will crash and sovereign bonds especially will crash. Gold and Silver is a viable stabiliser for individuals and central banks already hold Gold, and may own more, but not under the left. Chris Waller and Judy Shelton (central bank) appointees are looking to balance the US economy for a boom and balancing the system with Gold and boost stimulus (which the Democrats have tried to block) to bring back full recovery and a stronger basis to run an economy upon. Under the left the USA will not be energy diverse and this is China’s policy and aspiration as it continues to burn coal (and also Russia) and oil and gas and increase emissions and raise fuel prices (but there is no one alive protesting against climate change there ?) all without restriction. The USA and the West are being forced to comply with schemes Russia and China are not, they make no attention to those rules, and that is Communism no more oil and gas for the west only Russia China and Iran etc ? Biden is really saying is; i will remove Oil gas and coal jobs on behalf of China and Russia (as i am the China candidate not becuase of climate concerns Less imports means every nation can grow, manufacture and produce locally.


A Tribute to Mike Pence and the US economic upturn (added 31.10.2020) 

Mike Pence Vice President has not been accused of any scandal and is not a Russian spy or Ukranian agent (who has backed Ukraine) or an agent of China ! ?

In the next heading the subject of Free and Open Indo Pacific Strategy (West ) as alternative to OBOR One belt one road (East) "  is discussed. As we see in the heading above this manufacturing is going to rise in the USA and the alternative to OBOR is one reason why amongst many, but a very significant one.  The boost to the economy showing  the actual figures and by keeping it open as long as possible (GDP figures here) at any time is down to Trump and Mike Pence. 

Mike Pence when the Governor of Indiana brought the country up to 100% employment, lowered taxes and increased manufacturing. This can be repeated in every state once more, especially as now China's economy has suffered a huge downturn The Free and Open Indo Pacific strategy will return the weight and strength back to the west. The chapters above and this but Chapter 3 (nearer the end)  and Chapter 3a can be read to get the truth on what has happened over the last 4 years and how Mike Pence's strategy of lowering taxes, creating massive employment and returning manufacturing has offset the economicunderhand hitjob China has pulled against the West and has now laid the groundwork for a faster recovery. The truth about the economic upturn and Brexit is, it is real. US and Britain trade deals with Japan means the "Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy " road belt (in opposition to the OBOR one belt one road project under China's management ) can accelerate producing a boom.

Mike Pence has also increased religious freedom and removed abortion procedures (requiring new restrictions on planned parenthood)  in Indiana and which he repeated nationally. He published (see above) legislation to prevent genocide in the Middle East and supported democracy in Hong Kong via also legislation as well as legislation into medical ethics, intelligence, security, the space program and also 'draining the swamp of pedophiles and child traffickers' and much more and more so than anyone in history in the latter.  His long list of achievements are self evident and can be read above in chapter 3 and 3a. He is possibly one of the greatest VP's the USA has ever known. In June 2016 the following news items appeared "State senator: Don't believe campaign ads; Indiana’s economy booming" in the Indystar describing the incredible turnaround in Indiana under Mike Pence. This is what the US needs to do now to return those laid off to work. Alternatively higher taxes and more unemployment without a choice to earn or expand will be offered under the democrats.



Free and Open Indo Pacific Strategy (West ) as alternative to OBOR One belt one road (East)

Further and to counter the OBOR One belt one road imitative from China, the US has brought forward its version as the ‘Free and Open Indo - Pacific Strategy’ which will remove the threat of a global Chinese Dystopia. and which has the backing of  Japan (who have made a FTA free trade deal with Brexit recently) The ideas of the WEF World Economic Forum (excluding the mad professors,see chapter 3b above ) are preferred to the Chinese dystopia. The ‘people’ of the world however will want a Nesera / Gesera free from Dystopia and oppression or will lead a full Global rebellion and takeover. The Free and Open Indo Pacific strategy will lead to a global boom and China will be forced to make a fair and open trade deal to replace the existing (as Britain moves to make trade deal with the USA as the world and Brexit approaches year Zero)

The growing conflict is China (which includes attempts at taking over the Middle East and Syria. US troops have only been pulled back into Iraq as it emerged that WMD fears were also stoked by Iran in 2002.



Brexit October / November 2020

Contrary to the remainers claims Brexit is accelerating (see also last post above) with deals now completed with Norway signing an FTA with Britain who of course can make their on FTA deals with other nations without EU interference and Japan have followed suit signing an FTA with Britain last week as also the Ukraine yet the EU are blocking a FTA deal with Canada but which is very close. With Britain still a powerhouse economy (despite Chinas efforts to ruin the western economy see below) and the way Brexit is actually perceived around the world and in Finland this is without the Trillions in oil and gas inland in Britain and the EU want to own that and also have access to the City (which has secured 1.3 Trillion in procurement contracts,  or see article here again on the procurement deal and also alternative link here once more  )

Other nations have FTA deals and are not in the EU as a matter of course  (repeated from December 2017 in Chapter 3a above)


More Than TWO Trillion Euros worth of Trade every single year and not one penny piece paid in membership fees and not one threat levelled against them if they dare to not pay ( and altogether they all pay less in Tariffs than gross UK Membership fees despite some exporting more to the EU than we do ), not one law that overrides their national laws and not even one small area of governance ceded to the EU Empire and at Least €1 Trillion of that with Not One Free Trade Agreement between them, go figure'

India export One Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Rupee in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

Japan export Two Billion Euros per week to the EU and they have not paid one Yen in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

Russia Export Four Billion Euros per week and they have not paid one Rouble in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

China Export One Billion Euros per day  and they have not paid one Yuan in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers.

The USA has traded with the EU Bloc More than Four Trillion Dollars in the last twenty years alone) and they have not paid one dollar in membership fees or surrendered any Fiscal, Military, Social, Legal or Foreign Affairs powers'

Further information is available here and which effects every trading block in the world, it effects why each nation should have fiscal autonomy (as Norway and Denmark do) and why economic independence nationally is the strongest position any country can be in.

E.G. " So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY? Why do we pay more than half as much (£10 Billion) as the Rest of the Planet added together (€19.96 Billion) to get just Ten Per Cent of the Trade they get whilst we get subsumed into the U.S.E. and the R.o.W. get a Free Pass? " In 2015, 44% of the UK's goods and services were exported to the EU, while 53% of our imports came to the UK from the EU. In the same year, UK exports to the EU were valued at £223.3 billion, while UK imports from the EU stood at £291.1 billion." (by; factsdirectfromthehorsesmouth   or  'So, the question I want to ask, indeed the question we should all be asking, is WHY?' )


Investment into the City and wider has increased and beaten all other countries together in this area (fintech or really finance and economics) An article from the same team stated that if Japan can do an FTA in 3.5 months but the EU cannot do one in 3.5 years (or more) then the debate between no deal and WA is exposed. The EU want to control the City and have access to it.



Leading to the analysis on no deal / wto “286 reasons why No Deal is still better than a bad deal” and not a WA which is why Nigel Farage and the Brexit party are waiting in the wings. 286 reasons why no deal is better than a bad deal

The new Middle East situation will also lead to an economic boom (see next)



The Abrahamic Accords

In September 15th and into October 2020, the Abrahamic accords were signed between UAE (United Arab Emirates)  and Israel. They state “We, the undersigned, recognize the importance of maintaining and strengthening peace in the Middle EastAnd this has taken diplomacy from the Vatican and the Pope although those faiths (the 3 Abrahamic faiths) are conservative in nature and are not liberally minded.

Recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel began in late 2017 and the US embassy with many other countries has moved their embassies to Jerusalem &  'Greater Israel'

Since then Bahrain and Sudan have also signed up to the accords which also recognises Israel. Yet this is vehemently opposed by Iran causing a shift for Hamas from the Islamic brotherhood to Iran  as the Iranian regime suggests this will lead to War  Turkey has rejected the accords with the UAE and has threatened to boycott UAE whilst at the same time turning to China becoming its client state  China is also trying to arm Iran including importing nuclear weapons although the USA has said it will not let these arms imports occur whilst Turkey is employing the Chinese Yuan as currency

Syria has also rejected the Abrahamic accords

Turkey says Jerusalem belongs to it not to Israel as Turkish tensions with Greece escalate

China also says its laws and declarations (including closing down western business) apply to everyone on the Whole Earth (via also Dr Tedros in the WHO World Health Organisation)  but actually apply to no one, as it wants to run the NWO incredibly Kamela Harris and Joe Biden have been named in secret dealings with China.

The growing Global backlash against China over the corona virus, and especially in those countries who have been hit hardest (with Chinas connections to the US riots now revealed) including in Europe and wider into a global coalition.

The Abrahamic accords are going to boost world peace and prosperity within the ‘Free and Open Indo Pacific Strategy’ and wider projects


Chinas declared World War

The Wuhan Military Games in October 2020 in China, lead to a world recession and lockdown. Deliberately planned with its allies, against every nation who has suffered economic hardship. China who participated within the games (and the worlds military can see what has occured since and what is going on) is a country built by Chairman Mao and Mao is admired by President Xi, yet Mao Zedong slaughtered Chinas population including vast numbers of his own army and military personnel. The CCCP also destroy all other beliefs but only the vanguard determines those ‘other beliefs’ as people are not allowed to think for themselves. Ironically there are 2 secret members in the CCCP hierarchy who are Christians in secret. To date China has not allowed North Korea to be free despite the peace efforts. This is why Taiwan (and Hong Kong) separated from the CCCP, and want to remain separate with their own Nuclear deterrent as North Korea enjoys, but will NK be allowed to join South  Korea and freedom, following the strenuous efforts of the current administration in the USA and the West for peace. It seems North Korea can have its nuclear weapons but Taiwan and Hong Kong cannot ?

The next military games in real life are not going to be games. China has initiated World War, with many nations now declaring that they are at war.




13.11.2020 China and the Mexican PRI interferes in the US election bringing massive voter fraud. Caught in the act and monitored (despite media blackout and censorship)


The US Presidential elections against the backdrop of foreign interference in US intelligence systems (see last post above dated 3.11.2020) has produced the biggest US voter fraud in history, revealing an attempted Coup before the eyes of the world in plain sight, yet it has all been recorded and captured.

Many are also asking can the USA count elections ? As it seems its system is outdated & unfair (no Voter ID or right to check signatures or examination of US citizens and who has the right to vote) Further during the elections the Covid cases and deaths just disappeared from view on the television, amidst massive Trump rallies of up to 100,000 people attending in many states ?  All ballots have to follow a clear bi-partisan chain of custody system, instead many officials were removed from observing ? Yet ballots were also watermarked.

The following screen shots give the evidence of the fraud and the obvious 'mail in ballots' (normally only for those overseas or the military, but now in many states having up to 150, 000 extra votes and even 500,000 votes combined with voter suppression and the use of 'Sharpies' pen which disqualify votes especially in Arizona)

It began on 3.11.2020 into 4.11.2020 at night after Florida was called for Trump. The votes of Latino, African Americans, Asian and Whites combining to make a record vote turnout bigger than in 2016 in which there was no projected 'Blue Wave' or here again and “No Blue Wave with Mark Pischea”


USA Elections Screen Shots (17 in total but which show the live fraud from 10.00pm on 3.11.2020 (1 - 7) until 3.30 pm click on the numbers to view) 

1           2          3          4           5         6        7        8         9         10          11         12          13         14         15        16        17

The first 7 screen shots from Fox show and others show how and when the illegal votes moved from 'pink' to red then Blue and dark blue mysteriously over 6 states at 3.30 pm at night ? Numbers 8 to 17 show the obvious media interference with elections called for Biden despite having the lesser vote and other strange anomalies from the actual election night.

A very similar situation occurred in 2018 for the election of Judge Roy Moore (see Chapter 3 above and post dated 18.12.2018

“18.12.2017 The Roy Moore Alabama Senate Election, the missing 500,000 votes of Judge Roy Moore, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Uranium 1, and the deception of the Brexit negotiations”

Consider a sample of verifiable (9 of 9 including ) proofs of an election takeover and fraud committed in Alabama. You can see the election fraud occurring in real time

  1. Write in votes disappear   2. The Nov 2016 US Presidential Vote  3. US Senate vote 2008 Jeff Sessions   4. Alabama senate results 11.32 pm 2017 roy moore  5. Alabama senate results 11.38 pm 2017 roy moore  6.  Tweet post office destroying votes  7. Shares planned parenthood rise on Doug More   8. Fox News voting results 12.12.2017  9. Roy Moore leading poll  11.12.2017


Within 48 hours the news of the.....

2020 Presidential election, the fraud (but not in MSM who had called the elections for Biden ) circulated and Dr Steve Pieczenic a former official of the State department related how in fact these illegal ballots had been caught in a 'sting operation' (DHS Validating secret ballots) as every ballot had been Watermarked with using Blockchain technology and is trackable throughout all 50 US states. See here alternatively on Brighteon or 1. here as a MP4 Video file


The voting fraud investigation was announced by Attorney General Bill Barr and confirmed by Mitch McConnell in the Senate.

Discussed by Sidney Powell, Tom Fitton & Lou Dobbs   (2.or here as a MP4 Video file) or see here again also or within the Wentworth report (who collectively discuss the 'hammer and scorecard' Algorithm voting system as described by a former US General McInerney and also by ex Cia Robert Steele )


The Pennsylvania anti - constitutional electioneering The MAIL IN BALLOT FRAUD in at least 7 states all laid correctly out by Colonel Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel & Mike Golay 6.11.2020   ( 3. or here Amir Tsarfati as a MP4 Video & engineered mail in ballots ) originally the mail in ballots enlargement was pushed by Michelle Obama in April and then September 2018 to extend voter fraud   

Amir Tsarfati (in the paragraph above) relates how the democrats moved to remove Trump and Pence at all costs. Prior to the election the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that mail in ballots could be counted but only an easing of regulations and not late ballots and this was upheld by Chief Justice Roberts (making 4 to 4) in the US Supreme Court, but against Article 2 of the US Constitution. The mail in ballots were only for emergency measures for the military or diplomats abroad etc. Mark Elias is again involved See also 13.11.2020 "Pennsylvania Court Rules Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day  Judge rules to block late ballots from being counted"   and also  "650,000 Votes Were Counted Unlawfully in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh"    and again   "Dead Voters Casting Ballots in Pennsylvania"  and this occurred in many states, (including Arizona) instead bringing in literally hundreds of thousands of votes in each county remaining  (even voting officials filling out non - ballots in the voting stations by hand ) "Concerns Over Dominion Voting Systems Highlighted in Georgia Lawsuit"   A total fraud and operation not an election


Tucker Carlson " Tucker: We heard you. It’s hard to trust anything. Here’s what we know"  which shows just how much corruption and fraud have permeated the US elections from riots to mass voter fraud and intimidation & violence.

How the Mexican PRI interfered in the US elections 2020 is related by the SGT Report with Jefferey Peterson a former Democrat & Arizona

How the illegal ballots were recorded on the Dominion voting machines.


Homeland Security launched the largest election sting operation with the military moved into all ballot counting depots across the USA to watch all the printed ballots. They were ALL printed with QFS-BLOCKCHAIN (unbreakable code) Watermarks.

Millions of ballots have been put through a laser scanner in 5 different states and 69% have failed (no watermarks) ( almost 10 million rake votes) 100% of these failed ballots all had Biden on them. They placed an ‘invisible watermark’ on ballots and told no one. Now the National Guard are going in with ‘infra red’ equipment and can easily read which ballots are real and which are fake, and they are doing a recount. The full story from James Sheets

This means foreign interference, which the Democrats spent 3 years investigating at enormous public expense (Russia, Ukraine, Spygate and Impeachment) is a live coup de taut before the nation of the USA.The Democrats maintained foul play and treason for years, but not now ?  Sedition and treason is the democrats method of  removing the working and middle class from their rights, and by any means necessary. 

Brexit has achieved much but it was placed under pressure to remove its democratic vote of June 2016. Boris Johnsons incredible achievement of producing an FTA with Japan (as one example in the ongoing Canada, New Zealand  Australia as 'Canzuk' deal and in the circumstances 20202 has brought ) matches Donald Trumps move away from NAFTA to  USMCA . The new Middle East paradigm means a massive boost for world trade (see last post above dated 03.11.2020) but also for national  economies first. Many EU countries should also be able to make their own trade deals. Ireland has its 'Double Irish' tax system / method and it therefore in the same spirit, it could make its own trade deals independently of the EU as could any EU nation Independent trade deals are unlimited and trade disputes are inevitable, a smoother faster version of WTO is required, but bi-lateral trade agreements do not even require the WTO to initiate. This is returning to real free trade. China had already been caught Red Handed with their 'Fu Manchu' plan of rioting and burning during the summer months of 2020 (China's connections to the US riots now revealed)  John Brennan  / Obama have invoked the Koran to remove the US President under the 25th amendment ? (very suspicious along with the voting fraud ? ) Biden of course is China's candidate, yet the Democrats lost seats in the Senate and the House and state legislatures ? 6 states at 3.30 pm at night they turned in 100,000 of votes for a President (Biden) who had empty rallies during the election build up. China (see last post above dated 3.11.2020) is trying to take over the Middle East ( and remove the Abrahamic accords etc) It is blatant and corrupt and shows how deep the swamp goes.

A No Deal / WTO is the best option (as Bill Cash MP has explained since 23.06.2020) as Canzuk does not exclude Norway, Japan or any nation. Canzuk nations can make individual FTA deals without being in the Canzuk bloc.


Accumulated news items say ... Republican election watchers allowed and then software glitch stole 6000 Republican votes ? And then also again “Election Chaos! Something Suspicious Happening In Wisconsin & Michigan, Dem Votes Magically Appear”

Pennsylvania Attorney General called state before votes even counted. Michigan to review skewed ballots Michigan fraud lawsuit alledges backdating of ballots Tens of thousands of Pennsylvania ballots returned earlier than sent date Supreme court orders separating out of late ballots Oann and the evidence of voter fraud CNN cannot find Trump projected to win North Carolina   Mc Eanany produces copies of affidavits (234) of sworn testimony . 

Gateway Pundit & election official Connie Johnson describes (live) 130,000 votes 'arriving' for Joe Biden (Gateway Pundit newsdesk ) AG Barr authorises further investigations and 8 days after the Election Alaska has called the state for Trump Detroit illegality continues but is uncovered a hand recount is announced in Georgia

Conservative Politics and NWO with videos from across the USA & OANN News network  and also the Dan Bongino news channel    and also  and the Blaze news channel which also revealed ballot counters completing illegal ballots in Pennsylvania



The US executive order imposing sanctions in the event of foreign interference in US elections.

The elections preceded the 2020 remembrance  day of WW1   a bumber field of Poppies produced by 23 million dead and the millions who died  in France

The MSM have no regard for the Electoral colleges (so far) or the State election officials (the media cannot call an election ? on the back of voter fraud when the public have not had their say ? does the media run elections or do the people ? ) or indeed for the Supreme court and a possible Congress vote upon on this attempted Coup. Taking advantage of a national emergency situation, amidst the Chinese backed confusion, the illegal ballotiers have attempted to stage an operation upon the US public.

America in every state and through the riots is now again in a state of emergency and in effect at war, and there are many more aspects of this 2020 US election which have not surfaced in the MSM as yet.



To be continued.....



17.11.2020 The continuing discovery of the US elections and the greatest election fraud in US history


The US Election on one level (the usual level) is controlled and called by the US media, but is a complete fiction The Compilation 'This is extremely dangerous to our Democracy'  bitchute or here again on Youtube shows how the media worked in Unison but which now are defunct.


The media has called Joe Biden as the President Elect yet Congress itself has not agreed with this on and by the 13.11.2020 and this was the subject of the letter from the subcommittee on Government operations to Congress    Page 1   and also   Page 2   Further to the election (screen shot no 3 ) fraud with the vast majority of votes taken from the Republican party, many votes were also removed from the Libertarian party and many parties including the Constitutional party to complete  the deception which is now a criminal conspiracy and includes international subversion of the US election, including from Mexico (see last post above dated 13.11.2020) and the   QFS-BLOCKCHAIN (unbreakable code) Watermarks (also above) .

Federal Elections Commission (FEC)  admit  the election  is a fraud  On the 14th November 2020 the Chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) Trey Trainor said " The chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) stated that he believes there is evidence of voter fraud and other alleged irregularities"   in many states it seems they feel (the electoral supervisors) that they (the democratic party) are doing other party observers a favour by allowing them to observe. They have confirmed Sydney Powells findings

This is aside from  the voting fraud investigation was announced by Attorney General Bill Barr and confirmed by Mitch McConnell in the Senate. Yet even before the 3.11.2020 elections Bill Barr raised concerns about the voting system (mail in voting system) in September 2020  and echoed later by the voter cyber security expert in Georgia even as early as 2019 and 2017 "Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced the state’s purchase of a $106 million election system from Dominion Voting Systems in July 2019. In a lawsuit, which originated in 2017, critics contend that the new system was subject to many of the same security vulnerabilities as the one it was replacing"

Even more astonishing is that Democrats also raised these concerns before the election but now they have dropped those concerns ? see Dan Bongino "Ep. 1394 The Left is Terrified of This Question About the 2020 Election - The Dan Bongino Show"    (or here on Bitchute

What are the democrats & Bill Barr and Mitch McConnel so concerned about ?  It is the Dominion voting machines and how they can easily change votes    Michigan computer scientist, Professor J. Alex Halderman, showing a group of students how easy it is to rig a Dominion Voting Machine . Incredibly these voting machines are connected to a Nancy Pelossi  and also to Kathy Boockvar Philadelphia PA Secretary of state (although this disputed) is also tied to the Dominion voting machines (as is Nancy Pelossi ) and Pelosi's involvement is confirmed by Dominion themselves as well as confirming that the Clinton foundation donated to them.(which is not disputed) She extended voting deadlines from Nov 3rd to Nov 12th and 25 states followed including the 6 main states and PA. Dominion has deleted 2.7 million votes across the USA ...this decision made after Florida called for Trump late Nov 3rd. The blackout on this operation is analysed by Hannity A curious news item claims "The US Military Has Raided And Seized Servers In Germany Tied To The Dominion Election System"   or here once again on Bitchute  Yet whilst these claims are disputed no one disputes that votes from an election in the USA are counted in Germany and/or Barcelona by Dominion / Scytl    (or see here )  why is  this ?  The matter is discussed again by Dan Bongino in 'Ep. 1392 Explosive Revelations About The Election - The Dan Bongino Show'  Dan Bongino is a former Secret Service agent who also successfully ran for congress on several occasions. 


This goes to the points raised in the last post above dated 13.11.2020 and under the heading The Pennsylvania anti - constitutional electioneering which Prior to the election the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that mail in ballots could be counted but only an easing of regulations and not late ballots and this was upheld by Chief Justice Roberts (making 4 to 4) in the US Supreme Court, but against Article 2 of the US Constitution. The mail in ballots were only for emergency measures for the military or diplomats abroad etc. Mark Elias is again involved See also 13.11.2020 "Pennsylvania Court Rules Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day  Judge rules to block late ballots from being counted"   and also  "650,000 Votes Were Counted Unlawfully in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh"    and again   "Dead Voters Casting Ballots in Pennsylvania"  and this occurred in many states. 

Dominion is connected to Smartmatic and one its board of directors Peter Neffinger is a member of the Biden transition team   The smartmatic software is used within the Dominion voting systems   coincidence as they  are two separate companies ?   It is at this point that voters in the USA may think why just can't we just use hand voting ballots with paper in  manual counts instead of foreign digital tech companies counting ballots ? outside of the USA which cannot be viewed by Republicans or any other party with false signatures with ballots which arrive in non aligned vans (and even a Porsche) at 3.30 m in the morning ? using coroan virus as the excuse why people cannot vote or see votes being counted in the national emergency. 

The companies Dominion diagnostics and also again Dominion Voting 

The statistical anomalies mentioned are highlighted by Coreys Digs    which confirm (on the 16.11.2020) the Georgia vote find as 2600 votes were suddenly found mostly for Trump (could there be millions more around the country ?)  and these are without the mail in ballots fraud in nearly every US state and Nevda 

Amazing Polly then highlights another problem, even the auditing is compromised ? She points  out that the audit is being carried out by Alto in 'Emergency BNig Tech Soros & Bill Gates auditing election and did mail in ballots (CISA & Voting works and Alto including in Pennsylvania, Michigan Georgia, Virginia and Ohio who incubated by the 'centre for democracy' who pushed for mail in ballots. The 'fact checkers'  are all employed by Soros  ) Whistleblowers have submitted affidavits  

Amazing Polly confirms that Eric Schimdt, former CEO of Google is connected to CISA & Voting works and Alto. He fled to NORTH KOREA and gave China the algorithm for AI which is currently used to 'lockdown' china and spreading west (see all posts above). Whilst maintaining he is fighting China his trip to North Korea is shrouded in mystery Also connected to  these companies (CISA & Voting works and Alto see Amazing Polly above) is Apple and Microsoft etc China recently congratulated Joe Biden (and China printed ballots used in the USA) who of course has taken money from China  as has Dr Fachi (see post 27.10.2020 on US elections 3.11.2020 in this chapter 3b above and  'An act of war by Chinese agents within the USA' ) see also "Tucker exclusive: Tony Bobulinski, ex-Hunter Biden associate, speaks out on Joe Biden"     (or here again on Bitchute) Biden blames Bobuinski's motive ..... on 'Russia' ! (once again) yet Bobulinski is a decorated US veteran ?   (he also does not know Stormy Daniels etc etc ) See also the  investigation into BIG Tech monopoly and its report from the House Judiciary Committee of October 2020 at the end of this post and its effects on democracy.

Confirmation that Dominion are a part of the Dominion Voting Systems is a member of CISA’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council 


1 Million MAGA march on the 14.11.2020 over 1 million people protested the election in Washington and 1 million as a number was confirmed by the Police   (or for photo - graphical evidence see screenshot number 4 and also screenshot number 5

Michigan, Philadelphia and Atlanta  Attorney general Dana Nestle 17.11.2020 (democrat)  admits massive mistakes in voting (18.011.2020) and also Dominion voting machines are used and  which made mistakes actually switched votes from Trump to Biden ?, see ""Michigan attorney general says delaying certification of election results could disenfranchise he…"  an alternative view of the Michigan mail in ballots 'problem' is given here by Timcast Michigan county refuses to certify election results    However only 1 hour later under pressure from Antifa, the Republicans change their minds and then certify after being threatened  (this goes to the point on auditing that Amazing Polly makes above) Clearly this nonsense is a quango banana Republic situation and not a democratic Constitutional Republic election (a coup de taut Hijack by force over 6 months or more) Considering whistleblower Mellisa Carone has completely opened how deep the Dominion voting machines have been misused  in every county see  "Mellissa Carone Dominion Whistleblower With Lou Dobbs"      (or here again in a different interview on Bitchute which is astonishing and she  is a witness in court with guest Kristina who explains the 3.00am in the morning switch and bait Joe Biden 'mail in' fraud ) The Dominion scandal is now global and Mark Levin gives further analysis of the haste in the media, with continuing related news from Nick Fuentes and why states were asked to buy new voting machines



Sydney Powell who has served as assistant US Attorney says the voter fraud is so widespread it is beyond comprehension (or see here on Bitchute) She says the evidence they have acquired will overturn election results in many US states   Evidence  of ballots miscast (see last above dated 3.11.2020) was collected also  via Blockchain technology 

Israel, Iran China and Turkey. The question is why would US security allow a compromised China beholding candidate to take power (see also the post above dated 27.10.2020 for 3.11.2020 & US elections and how the US helped Hong Kong to win democracy in 2019 ) China which is also in league with Iran for oil and weapons  and who is also assisting Turkey who are now a client state of China  Turkey has vowed to destroy Israel and claim Jerusalem as its Capital ?   


Brexit RCEP, OBOR  & FOIPS  Why was Gavin Wiliamson secretary for defence under Teresa May sacked for saying Huawei is a danger to the west  in May 2019, but now Huawei have been banned in Britain in 2020

This US election has revealed that it is not an election but a 'coup de taut' further entrenching the emergency from the Fu Manchu, Kung Flu virus of Wuhan

Boris Johnson stated on the 16.11.2020 that the UK will prosper without an EU deal and this week in Asia they have formed a new voting bloc 'RCEP: Asia-Pacific countries form world's largest trading bloc'  (with China) as admitted by the BBC this bloc and the nations within could also have chosen to make individual FTA agreements (in the past) and India has refused to join " Already many member states have free trade agreements (FTA) with each other, but there are limitations" those limitations (on FTA in individual nations) are what China fears not individual nation states.China is trying to integrate them into China. India can keep its FTA and also join the ‘Free and Open Indo - Pacific Strategy’ which will remove the threat of a global Chinese Dystopia. and which has the backing of  Japan. This counters the  'Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road' The two were collectively referred to first as the One BeltOne road initiative from China which attempts to bring more countries under the rule of the Chinese communist party dystopia and totalitarianism, and threaten the west as it doing in democratically elected Hong Kong (by any means possible even via election machines and mail in ballots and Corona virus'Canzuk' countries can also have FTA agreements bi lateral or together as a boc. The EU whilst doing FTA deals with others outside of the EU and outside of the regulations seems unable now ?  They have no notion of family, town and borders or nation states and this is what people in Britain voted for in 23.06.2016. (see post 27.10.2020 on US elections 3.11.2020 in this chapter 3b above which outlines all FTA agreements the EU has with non member states)  

Looking back (with Nigel Farage, Bil Cash and the Spectator ) at the escape from the Teresa May WA. Nigel Farageand the new Reform party (the Brexit party) could unite with Leave EU.  Videos from the past on these issues ....   ‘Nigel Farage Blasts Theresa May: “This Is the Worst Deal in History" | Good Morning Britain’ )  For a full insight see the Spectator 30.12.2018 (Steerpike)  ‘The top 40 horrors lurking in the small print of Theresa May’s Brexit deal’   (or see post-dated 22.02.2019 in chpater 3a & ‘speed read’ above for complete list and outline of the article, which details what is an incredibly bad deal composed by the EU. Negotiating from a no deal position after 29.03.2019 or from within the WTO is the way to avoid it) Once again Bill Cash (from last post above) See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ )  Cleary a No dea is a deal and trade under the WTO 

Just as the Big tech companies (and for and behalf of China ) have interfered in the non election via the mail in voting fraud in 26 states in the USA, they have also misled Britain over Brxit and have assisted 'project fear'  On the adjacent website and in chapter 3 the fraud that  was and is i.e.  the carbon credits criminal swindle is cited extensively (near the end) which brought economic  ruin for many in Europe, but which is pushed by China  in an effort to reduce western energy  and jobs from energy companies whilst at the  same time they are burning CO2 like there is no tomorrow. (see also 2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE     3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax  MP4 FILE  4. Ice age scare edited Leonard Nimoy Spock    MP4 FILE  or or full 20 min film on Bitchute regarding the ice age 'global cooling' ? scenario and see a relevant bitchute channel on Global warming here    all leading to the  solution: Global Cap and Trade tax scam. 5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE          6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE    7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE   8.  “Environmental Scares_ Yesterday and Today” - Rupert Darwall MP4 FILE and more on the adjacent website and chapter which also cites real measures for nature and building) 

House Judiciary Committee on anti - trust monopoly against Big Tech (Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon) At the  start of this chapter 3b you will note that the Big Tech companies are under indictment in all 50 states in the USA for anti- trust breaches and fraud This is also a motive to bring about a election fraud of this proportion  on 3.11.2020. Adding to the anti - trust investigations and their findings in mid October 2020 r.e they have Monopoly power     or see here again on CNN  The House committee report  that it had also weakened democracy (see last CNN link) and that this was the first step to breaking up the technocracy     The danger of merging monopolies without competition leads to state communism (see the adjacent website and pdf) and Big Tech dystopia and rigged elections. A danger to democracy in reality (see video at the start of this post) Adding to this monopoly is collusion with China, censoring the media and deceiving millions. 

The full report is here 


There is more regarding this election but now the  fight for the USA Constitution and the rights of people to have free and fair elections, free speech  and the  2nd amendment are underway against what is an illegal hijack of an election ( in the emergency ) should be re-run as an election and those who perpetrated the fraud / sedition (and China has spread anarchy within the USA and also have been caught see last post above dated 13.11.2020) should be arrested


To be continued (from the above posts  dated 27.10.2020 for 3.11.2020 & 13.11.2020 & 17.11.2020) .....





03.12.2020 The blatant election fraud and continuing treason within the USA (the HSBC Shanghai bank of China connection to Dominion voting and Kamala Harris and the Clinton foundation)


The revelations of the US election fraud effects every election worldwide and could end voting by machines globally (not hand ballots with receipt counted manually) and the anarchy and riots have provided cover amidst an emergency known as Sars 2 Covid 19 (the Fu Manchu, Kung Flu)

The motives for the election fraud in this US Presidential election 2020 are numerous. Firstly people cannot accept that a foreign country like China could be involved, yet they were ready to accept that Russia was involved in 2016 with full judicial and congressional and senate hearings, arrests and reports. In April 2020 California Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered 1 Billion dollars’ worth of masks from China (not from the USA) and that order ran into trouble The money laundering scheme with China was a treasonous deception. This is an example of how elected officials can be corrupted.

Many recounts of sorts have begun in the US but they are recounting also the fraudulent mail in ballots ? These unofficial ballots of course were delivered at 3.30pm in the morning  

China has a motive to remove the current administration see the posts above on the US Presidential election. The MexicanPRI party is heavily involved with China and the OBOR belt road imitative it competes even in Latin America with the US led Free and Open Indo - Pacific strategy The SGT report above dated 13.11.2020 details the Mexican PRI involvement with the electron fraud.

Joe Biden has corrupt dealings with China (see last post above) and former deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken is sought for answers regarding the Biden’s receiving anonymous payments from China. During the democratic impeachment of Trump & its hearings in 2019 Pam Bondi touched on these issuesWATCH: Pam Bondi argues Biden corruption concerns are legitimate | Trump impeachment trial In 2019 Bidens Cancer charity suspended operations and questions about payments to staff and elsewhere continue. (see further down for connection to HSBC bank also China even surveys the Epoch times Hong Kong offices from an unmarked van across the road)

There is also the big tech motive to remove the Republicans (see last post above The full report is here  ) On the 25.11.2020 OANN were removed from its YouTube channel for breaching the Kung Flu china communist regulations (OANN bitchute news can be seen here ) In the UK the new big tech regulator limits the power of Facebook and google. Free Speech and a free press are also under threat in the US constitution and in society in general (with communist China trying to overtake Silicon Valley)

One further motive from Kamala Harris is she works for Planned Parenthood (see posts above on US election)


Statistical Voting Anomalies

How do paper ballots disappear and ‘glitches’ become a back door to replace votes by electronic voting see “Two-Minute News Nugget - The Theft - 11/16/2020” and which can be proven as occurring ‘live’ in the SGT report some paragraphs below.

One tech millionaire has collated further statistical evidence of the widespread voter fraud Data analysts & Peter Holler have discovered widespread voting anomalies across many states

The statistical anomalies mentioned are highlighted by Corey’s Digs and the recent findings confirmed Corey’s digs statistics

Voter fraud in North Carolina and Bladen county in the McCrae Dowless case highlights how easy and widespread it is. (once again examine the Dominion voting machine for a demonstration Dominion voting machines and how they can easily change votes see last post above for full details. The last video demonstration is by Eric Coomer an Antifa member and this video (or here on bitchute) also highlights the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes, and Coomer altered the voting machines 2 weeks before the elections)

 Joe Biden actually received a record low of 16.5 % of the vote in individual counties, but supposedly won with the 'most votes in US history' These were the fraudulent mail in ballots delivered at 3.30 pm at night . Biden received 800 thousand less votes than Hillary Clinton in 2016, but 250 thousand more than her in 2020 in Wisconsin, 480,000 than Clinton in Pennsylvania, 500,000 more than Clinton in Arizona, 530 thousand in Michigan and nearly 600 thousand more than Clinton in Georgia ?

The overwhelming statistical 'anomalies' are given here by Kiwi blog and they are astonishing (See NOVEMBER 21, 2020 8:51AM BY KIWI IN AMERICA Statistical anomalies in the 2020 Presidential Election) Not least of the stats is Trump increased his vote by 10 million than in 2016 ? and many counties actually took in more votes than they have people alive in those counties. Biden stating that he got 80 million votes (which he has to prove) which is 15 million more than Obama, but 227 less counties than Obama ? Clearly the 'common core' mathe is at play ?

(Lin Wood and Zero Hedge have further details)

The Pennsylvania State Senator Doug Mastriano sums up the irony but also highlights why the 'Constitutional Republic' will survive, amidst the huge voter fraud now admitted in Pennsylvania (the 600k vote spike) The Pennsylvania court rejects (without hearing the evidence ) the Trump legal team forcing the matter on to the Supreme Court   

In Nevada the voting spikes revealed the extent of the anomalies. In Arizona meetings to seek election integrity are held, whilst in Georgia a Judge Unblocks, blocks & then Unblocks once again officials from wiping the voting machines history, this alone invalidates the election. (It was then blocked again on the 30.1.2020)

Dominion machines were also connected to the Internet in Detroit and elsewhere   which should  invalidate those elections. Voters cannot know if they were hacked or not and the same in any state  ?  They are removing Dominion machines before they  are forensically checked.  Voting officials  persoannly and legally testify to seeing votes switch from Trump to Biden 

General Michael Flynn (recently pardoned) explains why not only (see below) the HSBC Chinese communist bank of Shanghai is connected to Dominion voting but that all their machines are not by owned America or Americans ? but by foriegn countries

SGT report To see how those anomalies paly out live on the 'election specials' and the fraud is actually played live in front of your eyes see 'SGT report & Smoking gun, electronic vote fraud caught live on CNN (the hammer and scorecard)'



Dominion and DLA Piper Law Firm

The system of Dominion voting was co-opted by Caesar Chavez (with Smartmatic) and also employed by Maduro in Venezuela. It is a Canadian company (bought out by Paragon) its offices are on the same floor as George Soros Tides foundation. Venezuela was an experiment in severe impoverishment with incomes on 72 cents per day and no wealth left to distribute. As the poverty rate soars  People looked for food in bins or just left the country (at one point in 2015 petrol / gas was 0.04 cents a gallon)

Further to the revelations on Dominion, it is connected to Smartmatic and one its board of directors Peter Neffinger is a member of the Biden 'transition team'   The smartmatic software is used within the Dominion voting systems  but also Dominions (DVS) lobbyist is Georgia Governor  Brian Kemps former chief of staff This is separate from the 'fact checked' but true story “ Dominion’s first-ever lobbying firm is Brownstein Farber Hyatt & Schreck. Nadeam Elshami, Nancy Pelosi’s former chief of staff, is one of the lobbyists on the account” in this article from 2019 Kathy Bookvar who is also allegedly connected to Dominion / smartmatic did certify the dominion system in 2019 for Pennsylvania

China and Iran are linked to election via the servers & discovering that 47 USB cards have gone missing with other huge crimes occurred in Pennsylvania's Delaware county is a statement on nearly every state in the US An intelligence unit using digital forensics traced the servers to China and Iran. Hugo Chavez leader of Venezuela in 2006 famously said that his China deal was a great wall against the USA, his brother Caesar co-opted Dominion voting systems. The US has 40% of the US elections and Peter Neffenger is connected to Dominion and Smartmatic, DLA Piper Global which is connected to Kamala Harris husband Doug Emhoff 'Democracy through technology' (Dalian) is connected to the Clintons and POGO and Dianne Feinstein are also relevant. Interference in foreign elections is very relevant (see last post above) and Dianne Feinstein's Chinese spy Chauffeur are at the centre of that interference. This is a criminal racket and Sydney Powell has the copy of the cheques (even) which paid for the racket (Governor Kemp of Georgia is at the centre of this fraud) The dominion machines (all of them ) need forensic examination and without that there is no proof that Biden received 80 million votes, but had very sparse rallies sometimes with only 12 people.

China is also a beneficiary of Dominion voting via the patent it gave to HSBC the Hong Kong Shanghai Bank  in 2019 As we have already mentioned Pam Bondi’s testimony at the Trump impeachment hearings above, it seems also that James Comey (involved with the Russia report) and spygate (see Dan Bongino books and youtube channel news interview and his own YouTube channel ) who worked once for HSBC and Dominion voting systems are connected to DLA piper (full list of affiliations) and Comeys brother worked at DLA Piper DLA Piper were the tax attorneys for the Clinton foundation and Kamala Harris husband was the partner at DLA piper. This is without Bidens China connections. From 2017 the Russia hoax was really the China Foreign agent hoax all laid out in the election fraud, which should now be null and void but a special prosecutor and full investigation by intelligence services for trial in the senate and criminal courts.(for much less the Russia investigation was made) The Scytl E fraud voting scam has now affected many countries (from its origins in Spain) globally illegitimatising those votes.

China and Iran 'lash out' for the US withdrawal of the Open skies treaty  (hence also they need a democrat President who is compromised by China like Biden) Russia also criticise the withdrawal. The Global alliances the US administration has made (and which China opposes) such as India, Brazil, Poland, Hungary and countless more, and in Israel the numerous countries who have joined to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital is an incredible achievement in 4 years. (Yet to spread democracy many countries will want to know the USA can count its own voting tallies first as and to repeat Iran and China have been traced by digital forensics to Dominion voting machines and the evidence has been presented by affidavit) Iran is pushing the Syrian war harder and harder and its troops (also in Syria) are increasing the conflict in an attempt to prevent the Abrahamic accords and the emergence of Greater Israel Prime minister Netanyahu has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize for the UAE brokered peace deal. Iran’s economy is faltering (see Colonel Amir Tsarfati “Amir Tsarfati: Middle East Update: Is Iran on the Verge of Collapse?” from Sep/ Oct 2020)  Syria will be taken into Greater Israel as it is declared a state with enforceable borders. Greater Israel would also then be a recognised trading entity (for Brexit also) with any nation on earth.


Sydney Powell, Rudy Gullani & Jenna Ellis press statement 19.11.2020

Sydney Powell press statement with also Rudy Giuliani and Trump campaign senior legal advisor Jenna Ellis 19.11.2020 (or here again on Bitchute Former assistant Attorney General Sydney Powell & Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani voter fraud ) The papers filed upon Georgia and Michigan alone prove the whole election is a fraud in total.

Trumps legal team are taking the Constitutional route to uphold the constitution and Sydney Powell is taking criminal cases. Anyone can with affidavit and statement join in with her case as is practical

The US GA was forced to buy these machines across the USA from 2018 into 2019, and the GSA official Emily Murphy was threatened by the Biden team for refusing to certify him as President, this followed threats to the Michigan Wayne County board of canvassers legal firms and voters were also threatened throughout the elections) see also “Dem Ballot Inspector Says She Was Threatened with Violence for Speaking Up About Suspicious Activity

The FBI has received all details of the voter fraud evidence “The evidence was collected by the Voter Integrity Project (VIP) led by Matt Braynard, former data and strategy director for President Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign” awaiting the Department of Justice investigation. (Matt Braynard estimates 1.2 million votes are fraudulent. See “1.2M Pennsylvania votes could be fraudulent; Election data could 'easily' overturn 3 states

Newt Gingrich states the election fraudsters got sloppy in reality with mass riots many paid by China (see last posts above) and the surrounding Anarchy amidst covid, they hoped no one would notice and they would just carry it out in plain sight and use the MSM to enforce the obvious but also desperate fraud. A criminal plan with absolute scorn for the rule of law, voters society or the US constitution.

As the growing protests continue in the USA against the election fraud the USA could be on the  brink of civil war but in reality both Democrats and Republicans and Libertarians and Constitutional Republicans know the election coup is an opportunity to establish the US constitution over anarchy and deception. These non violent protests ( contrast these protests against those of Antifa and others burning entire cities down for months etc)  are blamed on first the Tea party and then blamed on just ..."voters"  but Lin Wood gives the reason why even non Replican voters are protesting the foriegn interference in US elections (see  "Lin Wood: "The Day of Reckoning is Coming in GA. The Evidence I Have is Stunning!" Brighteon )  and also  Bobby Piton is a managing partner of Pre-Active Investments, LLC and an investment advisor representative of Total Clarity Wealth Management. He used Arizona’s official government data to run his analysis.  see 'Biggest fraud' in US history—up to 300,000 fake people voted in Arizona election: expert | NTD'  or here on Bitchute )  with "Up to 280,000 Ballots ‘Disappeared’ After Being Transported From NY to Pennsylvania: Amistad Project Director"     and also "LIVE: Press Conference by Amistad Project on ‘Election Whistleblowers Come Forward"     This is not an election

A full documentary on the Dominion voter fraud is here in 2 parts 1.Hacking Democracy (part 1 of 2) - The Beginning    and 2. Hacking Democracy (part 2 of 2) - The Hack


Brexit December 2020

With one month to go before Britain’s transition period ends (the transition period which nobody voted for) and Britain is out of the EU, the negotiations continue ? but why asks Lord Frost   Brexit voters are familiar with fraudulent elections and endless wrangling trying to change the will of the people. Yet with the WTO the negotiations (John Bruton  July 2020) and the transition period could have been over in 2018 instead it dragged on until 31.01.2020. At that time (2018) the EU offered a solution to the Brexit crisis but one which Britain had sought.i.e (Brexit central) . “The EU offered us a Free Trade Agreement with zero tariffs on goods – the Government should grab it” 16.03.2018.

This FTA was discussed by Steve Baker MP but before a commons committee with Bill Cash and others and shows Donald Tusk agreeing to the FTA also (see link here below)

Brexit Minster Steve Baker. A Free Trade Agreement agreed with the EU (Donald Tusk) in early 2018?

Criticism of the deal pertained to the belief it was a high alignment deal, when in fact once Britain had left the EU all regulatory legal alignments could be severed and equivalence could be ignored or arranged within every trade. The City is the biggest financial trading area in the world.

The same is true of ‘Canzuk’, after 1.1.2021 the EU rules can be done away with. There is also no need to join TTIP . To weigh up Canzuk and compare it to the EU see “CANZUK vs. The European Union - What's The Difference?”

As mentioned in the last post above ‘Canzuk’ is a loose trading agreement but one in which it is not necessary to trade with the EU other than with WTO rules. A no deal WTO deal is the way to go ( “286 reasons why No Deal is still better than a bad deal” ) and as for getting ‘Brexit done’, it is looking like the 'Reform Party' and 'Leave EU' could lead the next election (during the first UK election outside of the EU since 1973) Making your own trade deals and being independent, this is what the voters of 23.06.2020 voted for and why Britain left the EU on the 31.01.2020.

Britain is out of the EU (31.12.2020) on WTO World Trade Organisation rules Anything other than Breixt is an effort to undermine Sovereignty ( and the rule of common law of any nation) which Brexiters across left and right have re-established. (the free ports Britain will trade from) After 31.12.2020 the process to return a real Great reset can begin without EU ....UN rules and the Lisbon treaty which did give the article 50 withdrawal protocol (Ireland voted twice to reject and then accept in 2007 / 2008 ) Every non EU country trades on WTO with no problems and WTO decisions can be tweaked later or left as is see (on Gov .ie website as of 1.12.2020) "Cross-border trade"  &  "The EU and UK will trade on WTO terms from 1 January 2021. The default position in this case is that UK service providers will be required to comply with GATS rules on services provision" This is what every NON - EU country has and it is served for decades. Britain is still in the 'Council of Europe' (overseen by the ECHR i.e the European Court of Human Rights) seperate from the European Union, but has left the European Union and ECJ i.e the European Court of Justice on 31.01.2020. Sovereign Laws however can be interrupted nationally.

This post above dated 03.12.2020 and as shocking as the election voting fraud revelations in the USA are, they are only the tip of the iceberg in this election….to be cont’d





The US Constitution (Civics) and the Agenda of the end of the USA 2020/2021 ?


On 7.12.2020 the Director of US National Intelligence John Ratcliffe stated;  "US Election ‘Issues’ Need to Be Resolved Before Winner Declared, Intelligence Director Says" 

Chinese Communist Party Members (CCP) embedded agents around the world / USA An overview / recap is provided by OAN on fb (2.12.2020) and Sky News on 14.12.2020 revals that more than 2 million Chinese agents are embeded worldwide (including within the USA) see  BOOM!!! Sky News Australia Major Leak To 'Expose' 2 Million CCP Members Embedded World Wide

China has embedded its people globally as part of Chinas war.  Chinas HSBC bank own the patents for Dominion Voting machines from 2019  and also  the ballots US citizens used in the election ? (or here again)  Its machines were connected to the  internet during the USA vote, via its solar winds system which was compormised during the election (see later on for how this is a federal offence in every US state) This is aside from the illegal voting that took place (co-ordinated) in Arizona and across the USA (4000 illegal alien votes in Arizona)    If this is not foriegn interference in an election and insurrection treason and sedition, then what is ? Can US citizens vote in other countries ? or within mainland communist China ?     (see  "Lin Wood: "The Day of Reckoning is Coming in GA. The Evidence I Have is Stunning!" Brighteon )  and also  Bobby Piton is a managing partner of Pre-Active Investments, LLC and an investment advisor representative of Total Clarity Wealth Management. He used Arizona’s official government data to run his analysis.  see 'Biggest fraud' in US history—up to 300,000 fake people voted in Arizona election: expert | NTD'  or here on Bitchute )  with "Up to 280,000 Ballots ‘Disappeared’ After Being Transported From NY to Pennsylvania: Amistad Project Director"     and also "LIVE: Press Conference by Amistad Project on ‘Election Whistleblowers Come Forward"  ) 

A forensic report (14.12.2020) on a Dominion a voting machines revealed it was designed to be altered and influence election results  and the security firm conducting the audit have branded them a national security threat 


The US Presidential Elections 2020 took an interesting turn 2 days later (9.12.2020 ) when Texas the Lone Star state filed a Supreme Court Hearing on behalf of it and 17 states in the USA  this became 18 states (and which has now resulted in a call for a new Criminal violations can be admitted but also constitutional precedents by 'Originalists' on the late mail in ballots which were not approved by legislation only by the executive branch of Government) Since then it has grown to a 40 state revolution with 40 states calling for separation from the current US system to a full Republic known as Seceding  see "This Is WAR! 40 State Battle NOW Commencing! Here’s What Could Happen…" (Lisa Haven)  The Supreme Court dismissed (Lisa Haven Youtube temporarily or intermittently removed the videos but her Brighteon channel is here also ) the case (but one of many arriving and which can be re-admitted ) but did not say the case lost on its merits or that the case was wrong. Yet and which shows how suspicious the sedition is Nancy Pelossi asks congress to bar (but who are elected) 126 Republicans from attending Congress ? mirroring the call for Antifa (who avoid the real US militia who are trained in counter insurgency terrorism) and other left wing groups (some paid by China  and admitted by Chinese dissidents  ) to burn down America and were caught doling so see "China ties to US riots exposed by Trevor Louden"     Clearly China are motivated to win the war by any means necessary and have found the USA unable to fight back

This is central to the understanding of the constitution of the USA. It is also explained by General Mike Flynn  (or here once more on Bitchute ) It is unquestionable that fraud has taken place in almost every state and they have been entrenched by threats (including a Michigan official Cynthia Johnson this week) and media censorship. Youtube has said it will ban Videos (against the US Rico act) stating Fraud has taken place of Biden was not President. See Dr Steve Turley on this issue This is straight out of Fu Man Chu, Kung Flu frog / swamp features, Chairman Mao / Xi. The Amistad Project are raising the frauds and problems and also filing legal challenges. This follows the discovery that China had paid for many of the riots in the USA during the summer months (see post above dated 13.11.2020) creating conditions for anarchy. Israel has recognized China's hand in the sedition and treason within the USA and China's hackers even hacked Trumps twitter feed on the 10.12.2020. 

The incredible internal US security breeches exposed by Tucker Carlson Tucker Carlson's expose of China's spy's within the US Government a video which was banned by media platforms..... and You tube. Other platforms such as Conservative News and also Liberum Arbitrium Then also see Free Speech Warrior on Bitchute and also Brighteon News Channel   including the censorship of the Hunter Biden scandal and its cover up itself collapsing The foreseen ? 'Riding the Dragon' takeover of the USA via Biden / Harris is a long plan in operation.

The Pentagon issued a statement relating to Chinese aggression (13.12.2020 ) as follows ""Pentagon to refocus resources towards countering Chinese aggression" "   (or here on nation and Israel Unwired have confirmed the Chinese hack on the West ""THE CHINA HACK IS PART OF A WIDER WAR ON THE WEST"    as it is also confirmed Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has connections to Dominion voting.  Georgia Governor Kemp employed by Dominion voting machines has failed to raise the voting fraud and analyzed by Tony Shaffer and also by Amanda Milius in the with Devin Nunes film "The Plot against the President" as the wider Chinese espionage is revealed in the USA and also Cyber warfare before the US elections. (begging the question who controls the encryption codes for all US intelligence operations and even federal reserve banking ? is it Russia ? the original Reuters article does not take a view on that ...but could it be China ? and will the NDAA budget cover this ? )

Further to the incredible events unfurling in the USA the Trump rally in Georgia at which Tens of Thousands attended and a Video was shown of the extra ballot boxes hidden under desks and taken out once staff had been withdrawn (except for 4 people) and were away from the office. This video is important as it was shown to people directly without any form of media platform (other than local feeds) Trump introduces the Video "HOW 6 SWING STATES & DOMINION VOTING MACHINES DEFRAUDED VOTERS IN THE 2020 US PRESIDENT ELECTIONS" 

With the war also being directed towards officials and lawmakers (in Michigan Cynthia Johnson was threatened to remove her from a committees and see last post  above for other threats against officials) 

It was also pointed during this rally that the Democratic Convention introduced ID badges and other measures before people could enter ......yet when it comes to Voting they removed all ID checks ? for everyone in the USA ?  Voting counts flawed and deceptive. The counting was incorrect beyond statistical probability (way, way beyond see last post above)  ballots were duplicated and re-scanned hundreds of thousands of times, vote counts were exaggerated and inflated above the level of the individual states known population registry, the mathematics were impossible and even dead people voted. Lies and deceit emerged in all areas of the MSM r.e. the votes. Impossible mathematical votes were added to the media forecasts giving the impression of election normality and legality and professional pundits were brought in to assure the public the voting procedures (from machines owned by Spanish Canadian interests but stored in Frankfurt Germany were brushed aside as acceptable and normal) Creating impression that the election was real and not a hoax or coup de tuat, via China and Venezuela and Dominion (see also last post above)  with clear evidence that Dominion voting machines were 'connected to the internet'   this is a federal crime across all states in the USA

Trump has suggested that the outside interference is going to result in Military tribunals for Insurrection   and confirmed by the New York times but which has omitted China's interference in the US elections and its hack of military personnel r.e. Equifax   in 2020 and the media blackout against Chinese interference was also central to the NDAA Veto )  and also the Office of personnel management in Oct 2016 (just before the Nov 2016 elections) The 2016 hack China made into the OPM (office of personnel managment under Obama and Biden ... millions of names and address revealed globally) Today it is Dominion voting machines China employs in the dystopia They also omit the current administrations support for Taiwan and Hong Kong (see US Elections above) but everyone in the USA knows the election coup is real.Clearly previous NDAA and current budgets are not big enough or wide ranging enough. Mike Pompeo explains the threat from China  9.12.2020 The US military celebrated President Trump on the 12.12.2020 as Morocco becomes the latest country to normalize relations with Israel  (Morocco and South Korea) following the near conclusion of the Israel - South Korea Free Trade Deal (FTA)    all of the recognitions of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and FTA will also benefit Brexit as 138 nations in effect call for the destruction of Israel in the United Nations as China and Iran look to take over the Middle East


For the full story watch   "Who is stealing America"    (by the Epoch Times)


The media assisted knowing the figures were falsified or faked and sold as a lie to the US public and the world and have (all)  in effect assisted a foreign power  see The US executive order imposing sanctions in the event of foreign interference in US elections.  This is also suggested by Sydney Powell via Military Tribunals 

What voters are looking for is evidence (with voter fraud now unquestionable and plain to every voter during the corona lockdowns)   for the US Constitution in the coming civil war (sedition, racketeering and treason.....) these are the issues. 


To be Continued ... (this post above dated 14.12.2020 )





The US Constitution and US elections 2020 Conclusion

& the Brexit Celebrations 31.12.2020 - 01.01.2021


1 of 2 US Elections

On November 12th 2020 General Mark Tilley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff made the following remarks at  the opening of the US Military Museum of the US army (see "Gen. Mark Milley: 'We Take an Oath to the Constitution, Not an Individual" or see here on Brighteon ) yet the President also takes that oath when he enters office. Speaking on / after Veterans day 11.11.2020 and in regard to (WW1) World War 1 remembered in November this year , and the brutal battles which took place, pointing out that Liberty is gained through the US Constitution, and the army protects against all dangers foreign and domestic. The constitution was composed to allow freedom under God for all Americans 

The battle of the Somme and Mametz Wood ( 2 brutal and world changing battles in the war to end all wars) Aside from the terrible battle of the Somme and other battles of mass slaughter and heroism in WWI is the battle of Mametz Wood  by Daughter of Albion  (or alternative view here  "38th (Welsh) Division Memorial, Mametz Wood"   ) Civilians / Military know what the war was about and remember because, of course Millions of civilians were also killed, memorials and crosses lace every region and town in Britain and Europe (It is also up to every individual to uphold their country's laws as 'Sovereign' countries)  and this includes those from Scotland, Ireland, England, Wales and the whole of Europe / USA and wider who fought in WW1, as those who remember the war and the aftermath. Today many civilian children still recall WWI from both sides in the war. (Both J.R. R. Tolkien of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and Adolf Hitler fought at the Somme. Consider the effect it had on them ) The people of Europe will never forget (and the whole of Europe is a Museum to these wars) they can easily recognize tyrants and understand War easily, they are not fooled in any way (e.g. China / EU 'trade deal'

Mike Adams and Rangers report and China (below this paragraph) Since 11.03.2020 however there has not been much evidence of defending the US constitution, quite the opposite everything has been done to erase it. To understand what is going on see the Health Rangers report from Mike Adams from 14.12.2020 (it is of course the right of every country to look after its own health requirements without foreign interference and China are happy to assist in medically assisting US citizens) The Republicans have filed a further Supreme court challenge and (Tucker Carlson 23.12.2020) vetos are aligned against relief financial bills which give foriegn countries far more aid than US citizens ?

see the Mike Adams Ranger link "China's Communist dystopia & Corona & takeover of USA & hijacking of US Elections 3.11.2020

which is 28 minutes in length and points to the incredible revelations r.e. China's HSBC bank own the patents for Dominion Voting machines from 2019  and also  the ballots US citizens used in the election ? (or here again)  Its machines were connected to the  internet during the USA vote, via its solar winds system which was compromised during the election (see later on for how this is a federal offence in every US state) and now as a Cyber war rages against the USA  Vital for all military to understand. (see Some members (of the Communist party of China CCP have been employees of U.S. aerospace manufacturer Boeing and pharmaceutical maker Pfizer and next they want to make a CCP member US President. General Milly must be aware of this ) 

This alone is enough to declare the US elections null and void and invoke the insurrection act. (see last post above) 


DNI John Radcliffe There is so much evidence of China's involvement in this US election (see above on US elections 2020) and the cyber attacks via Solar winds and during the months of March to the present day, you have to ask who is protecting the US constitution as you would be blind and deaf not to notice (no offence to those who can see and hear despite these 'disabilities')  see "Beijing ‘Substantially Involved’ in US 2020 Election, China Analyst Says"    Further to the top of the last post the Director National Intelligence John Radcliffe has confirmed that foreign interference was central to the US elections. see DNI John Ratcliffe Confirmed There Was Foreign Interference in November Elections: Report but has delayed his report until the new year. Mike Pompeo whilst stating (see last post above) China is the biggest national security threat also states that Russia is behind the recent cyber attacks.  Trump in 2017 expelled 700 Russian diplomats and related Russian embassy staff and Russia retaliated by expelling 60 US diplomats. In the last post above the full extent of the Chinese cyber attack on the Office of personnel management (OPM) and Equifax, the US four days ago closed last 2 Russian embassies which were closed within Russia.   (China and Iran 'lash out' for the US withdrawal of the Open skies treaty )  

William Barr the US attorney general has been replaced (on 23.12.2020) by Jefferey A RosenOn February 19, 2019, President Donald Trump announced his intention to nominate Rosen for the position of United States Deputy Attorney General, succeeding Rod Rosenstein ) Barr oversaw the post since the Robert Mueller Russia report and investigation. Yet when election security is compromised (e.g. 379,000 illegal votes cast in Michigan) there is no special counsel. Senator Lyndsey Graham has stated on the 22.12.2020, that there is enough evidence ....  "Sen. Lindsey Graham: Georgia Now Has ‘Credible Process’ to Perform Signature Audit of Election" 

The Greatest scandal and security breach in US history. To repeat from the last post above Sky News on 14.12.2020 reveals that more than 2 million Chinese agents are embedded worldwide (including within the USA) see  BOOM!!! Sky News Australia Major Leak To 'Expose' 2 Million CCP Members Embedded World Wide  China has embedded its people globally as part of Chinas war.  (which includes the mass surveillance of US citizens  and also confirmed by Chad Wolf the Department of Homeland Security deputy in March 2020 stating that the chinese CCP were a clash of civilizations and were a threat to the USA. Since then those words have become clearer as China agents exposed globally and within the USA. The electronic election fraud has disenfranchised all Americans into slavery. Research the current Chinese system of mass surveillance and social points which makes the strictest  corona lockdowns in 2020 look like a summers day picnic (last link "re:publica 2019 – Beyond Black Mirror - China's Social Credit System") in Elysium as Venezuela discovered 2016 - present, see last post above. (see  " Mao's Great Famine HDTV "  or MP4 Video file version here & a CIA documentary " China's Great Leap Forward | 1958 | History of China Under Mao Zedong | CIA Documentary Fi   or here also on bitchute) Big tech have also see posts above and the beginning of this chapter 3b, brought the anarchy by design and the dystopia to the USA since DEC 2019) 

Opioid Crisis & China The US opioid crisis is fueled by China (synthetic fentanyl) which has not banned its use in reality around the world. Its imports into the USA were a key sticking point in the US - China trade deal.  The bi-partisan legislation passed in the USA in Nov 2018 which paved the way for funding to defeat the crisis which has killed tens of thousands. Its imports are an act of war via the CCP also and drugs have long been a weapon by many nations historically.

7 US states (and many more) have cast dueling electors for Trump but many Republicans were prevented from legitimately attending the electoral colleges which General Milley (connecting the dots) must see that the enemies of the USA ordered this prevention against the US constitution

Since Russia and China have successfully hacked the US military ( a 15 year old NASA in the year 2000, and an 18 year old hacked the Pentagon in 2016) why does the US public assume they cannot hack voting systems in US elections. The US outside of the rule of law, is in the process of total destruction in its infrastructure, economy and constitution. The courts have been threatened or corrupted from top to bottom (states former Wisconsin Judge

Democrats hacked DNC primary elections in 2016 It was the democrats themselves (not the Russians) who hacked the DNC to cheat Bernie Sanders in 2016 and give Hillary Clinton the democratic nominee, (They would do the same in 2020 against Republicans) says Senator Elizabeth Warren and many many others.

These are reasons why Chris Miller acting defence secretary stopped transition briefings with the Biden transition team or see here on Axios on the 18.12.2020 

Lin Wood states that there is enough evidence to legally take action and invoke executive orders as a war time President  Exclusive Live With Lin Wood | NTD   (or here again also ) or with the original article on 21.12.2020  his speech has global implications for every nation. The Civil unrest and anarchy has been rife since May 2020 and during the US Lockdown ? Losing faith in those protecting the US constitution in 2020/2021  are California Governor Faces REMOVAL From Office As People FLEE Proving Democrats Policies FAILED   & also in Oregon are "Right Wing" but who did not riot from June 2020 - until today and which includes democrats and libertarians... "Right Wing Protesters STORM Oregon Capitol Building Calling For Democrat Governor's Arrest"

'The Case for Martial Law with Dr. Richard Proctor - FULL SHOW - 12/09/2020 - Hagmann Report' re - introduced 10.12.2020 or here on Bitchute   The US wanted fee and fair elections but instead they have been fed mis-information and unreliable mathematical absurdities as fact throughout this election. This is how  it was  achieved "Two-Minute News Nugget - The Theft - 11/16/2020"  which shows how easy it is without paper ballots and ID only (or here again on Brighteon )   Since many politicians in the US have China ties within the US elected representatives politicians and the courts (who are exposed daily including Representative Eric Swalwell  (here explained by Rand Paul) and also Mitch MConnell Joe Biden see last post above, Hunter Biden, and also Kamala Harris   with democratic candidate for President Michael BLOOMBERG praising China's communist President Xi during his primary campaign and see above posts on US Elections, who have taken bribes to bring China a victory in the US elections 2020 / 2021 which is an insurrection and coup de taut, against "We the People and all under God" 


Will Trump defend the US constitution or will Joe Biden hand victory to China and President Xi ? 



2nd part of US elections conclusion (2 of 2 US Elections) 

The 2nd part of the conclusion of the US elections 2020 - 2021 will be added in this space here, followed by  the Brexit Celebrations below. This section concludes Jan 2021 (and the 2nd part of the US extended elections finishes March 6th 2021)



Inserted 3.1.2021 The US Elections & voting fraud planned since 2016/2017

The (FRSO) 'Freedom Road Socialist Organisation' and 'Dr' TedrosThe question as to whether Trump will let China takeover the USA is still continuing (see the brown gold line above) It was the WHO (World health organization ) which advised the USA to close its economy on 11.03.2020 or it could face disaster in the global pandemic which was underway since December 2019 into January 2021. In this panic and alarm however it (the WHO and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus) did not advise countries to close their borders ? in February 2020  an in this open border scenario in February 2020, and declared Global pandemic in March 2020, the WHO maintained that restrictions should not be lifted against the lockdowns ? in April 2020 but many complained that Trump sought to use Covid 19 as an excuse to close borders ? but are not advising the very same by travel restrictions, and so it goes on. Obviously Dr Tedros and the WHo have helped spread the virus, whilst at the same time advising to close down the US economy. Dr Tedros of the WHO in September 2020 was still advising that 2 million could die. (Sep 2020) It transpired that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus aka "Dr Tedros" (who is not a Doctor)  was in the pay of China   The riots in the USA were planned in 2016 by pro China group the (FRSO) 'Freedom Road Socialist Organisation' a Maoist group led by  Steff Yorek  who is favour of the following videos in reality and not freeing the working class (also in last post above) (see  " Mao's Great Famine HDTV "  or MP4 Video file version here & a CIA documentary " China's Great Leap Forward | 1958 | History of China Under Mao Zedong | CIA Documentary Fi   ) Dr Tedros and the WHO allowed the Kung Flu to spread as far as possible.

Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Dr Tedros and Cuba / China (the plan to defund the Pentagon) The advice by Dr Tedros placed the US economy  on the back foot and allowed illegal voters to enter (via also the Mexican PRI see heading above dated on US elections) to assist Dominion voting fraud. It also transpires that an act of war by Chinese agents (i.e. Dr Victor Vzau, Dr Chris Elias, Dr Jeremy Farrar, Henrietta Fore, George F Gao (COMMUNISTS) comprise the world health monitoring board (WHO and United Nations) who are being paid by CHINA  See Amazing Poly at 33 minutes & 50 seconds fwd & 'who do you trust'  or see her youtube channelBiden, Antifa, Michael Bloomberg and China The corona war and Antifa are paid by China   In July 2020 Democratic representative Barbara Lee demanded a cut in the US military budget and down- sizing of the Pentagon. Also in July 2020 China hacked the Vatican and in the current Cyber war raging around the globe including also via the Dominion Voting machines developed by communist leader Chavez of Venezuela  (in the US elections see all above)  Democrat Barbara Lee is paid by Russia and China (China also paying Cuba) who are once again making an alliance although Russia does not seem keen on President Xi's demand to run the New World Order ?    (both with Pakistan in Alliance with Iran are also seeking to capture or cut off India. See posts above)  Here is Joe Biden with Barbara Lee who according to the Washington post was considered to be a possible Vice President pick for Biden in the early months of 2020 (by China) Kamala Harris eligibility is questioned in a letter to the secretary of the Senateon 31.12.2020 Of course President Xi could not stand as a Presidential candidate in the USA ?  The Transition Integrity Project (TIP instigated by democrats in June / July 2020 ) fails to disclose that the (Chinese progressive Associations and confucius centresChinese Progressive Associations and the US Confucius centres and who were caught spying in 2019 (who fund  (FRSO) 'Freedom Road Socialist Organisation' etc ) have been playing war games for 60 years If this was the other way around and occurred within China they would all be shot or sent to "re-education" gulags / camps proving the west is a superior fairer system. China's attack is of course on every western country. 

The release of Chinese agents details from Australia (see posts above) underpinned Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe findings that there had been foreign interference in the 3.11.2020 US elections (see posts above) who had warned on 3.12.2020 that China intended to dominate the USA Further to this on 27.12.2020 Sydney Powell released a 270 page report detailing the election fraud during the 3.11.2020 election. These findings were proven as true during the Georgia Senate hearings on the 30.12.2020 when a Dominion machine was hacked live in real time. in Fulton County (or see here on Youtube ) The media statistics were so far out and erroneous it is incredible how easily the public could be fooled.  'Liberation road' (via Steve McClure employed by Wuhan University of the Virus fame, who employed GIS ethnic identity maps ) in Virginia used Acorn voter fraud in 2008 and worked the same principle again in 2020. China declared a Maoist people's war ( from the inside of the USA initially) when Trump added tariffs against China, and whilst  this is non military so far, the next stage is an open war with weapons, military and Gulags.

The USA has 133 Million registered voters and Trump secured 74 Million votes (and many by minorities in Florida for example) 59 Million for Biden causing the democrats to panic and employ vote dumping late at night. Trump can use the insurrection act and marshall law as the right to vote has been removed. The question remains " Will Trump defend the US constitution or will Joe Biden hand victory to China and President Xi ? 

To be cont'd in this space here......



2nd part of US elections contd from 13.01.2021 until 6.3.2021 in the extended US elections

The Brexit Celebrations are added on the 13.01.2021 below  


1. ( 20.01.2021 FEMA 13.03.2020 fwd , The US incorporation of 1871 and the original Constitution of the USA 1776)  The US constitution as of the 20.01.2021 is still undecided. President Trump has been under FEMA rule since the 13.03.2020 and Joe Biden in the virtual swearing in of a 'President' (after a fake virtual campaign on both sides of the 2 party offering) is also under that rule. FEMA suspended the US constitution on the 13.03.2020 but  it also ended the USA as a corporation under the 1871 act of incorporation (a fictional legal entity) which was in force until 1999 when the USA 3rd bankruptcy status moved the US out of the jurisdiction of Columbia but into a quasi de-facto but state of limbo situation. The original US constitution only exists de-jure .FEMA means Federal Emergency Management Agency The current head of FEMA is Peter Gaynor who is more than a President than Joe Biden and FEMA was the actual President from 13.03.2020 displacing Trump. The original US constitution was made from 1776 fwd and was ratified with a bill of rights which could not be set aside. The US constitution of 1776 and the bill of rights was suspended in 1871 until 1999, but on the 13.03.2020 FEMA took control under the military. Its state of emergency was renewed in September 2020 and a state of emergency was authorised by Trump on 11.01.2021, although the FEMA emergency is not due  to be renewed until March 2021. The US election of 3.11.2020 was not an election producing either a President under the 1776 constitution or bill of rights, or the 1871 corporation, but a mock election producing a non president. Firstly see the video on the 1871 incorporation  USA a corporation since 1871 The US of America not the US for America (note the capital letters denotes a corporation, and the "of" America and not for America binds that corporation as a de facto legal entity. Legal does not mean Lawful) Then see the FEMA takeover of 13.03.2020  UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!  (or here on Youtube  or the original video platform Headlines with a voice and here also within a blog and Forbes article of the declaration under the stafford act from March 2020 ) This was posted in the Heading The 'Law of the Land' above in this chapter 3b in March / April 2020.

If the links do not work see here  "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE 

The significance of the District of Columbia is the capitol building built in 1800 on capitol hill (peacefully but sacrificially occupied on 6.1.2021) the ten square mile district (formally Maryland back to 1663 and which was granted to the federal government by amending the US Constitution) It exists as a separate legal entity from the rest of the United States. Today it is known as the swamp due to the corruption within. It houses Congress (representatives and senate) which controls the budget (but not the money supply) of the USA


2. (6.3.2021) To follow shortly on what is really going on in the USA


3. (9.3.2021) For background events to the US Election 2020 - 2021 (not reported in the MSM) and the election fraud, see also Chapter 6 below and the two posts dated 11. (10.02.2021) & 12  (8.3.2021 & Topics )  Including details on trafficking, the Pentagon, Vatican and Belgium, George Nadler, Trump, Pence and Biden, the Finders case, and the trafficking security lapse around the Capitol building in the USA on the 6.1.2021, to understand what is going on now (soon here below) but see also the following for surrounding issues  A link is provided here to go to posts 11 and 12 in chapter 6, and a link will take you back here.



4. (8.04.2021) The US Elections 2020 / 2021 & what is really going on with no recognised President ? Trumps 2nd impeachment acquittal & 'Italy-Gate & the Jesuits', FEMA still running the USA via the Military. The 33rd President for the USA ? The Sabbatean Frankists, the lies surrounding the mRNA Vaccinations with thousands of deaths / injuries, & including in Israel, the new digital  IMF 'XDR' Renmbibi digital bitcoin CIA creation, Water Ethanol Fuel ?, US State assemblies and municipalities and territorial administrations. Serco, Fort Detrick, Wuhan. Brexit & who started the CoronaVirus ?

(This post ends below at the Brexit celebrations) Over one year since the whole world was deceived into consenting to the Great reset / lockdown, the Corbett report briefly describes in 5 minutes how much the world has changed (for those who have complied with their own illegitimate Governments under the Communist technocracy. The Green GAIA movement is also firmly behind the United Nations global lockdown with "pandemic" lockdowns quickly becoming "climate" lockdowns. see also Paul Joseph Watson "Coming Soon, Climate Lockdowns"  The Green movement was instigated by Pope Francis in his climate change encyclical Laudato Si (May 2015) and earth days initiative. It is not a scientific paper but one in which 'offending the earth is a Sin" it is a theological paper as it is a religion (Green Gaia Sabbaths on 'SUNday' (Lockdown Jubilee's for the Earth 'Environmentalism' & the 'Pope' ) separately from Judaism, Christianity, Islam or any faith other than GAIA which is also tampering with nature (which includes you, not loving it ? ) and ruining nature in every way possible, see also The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE   
 Here tampering with Bees which need to be perfected or bred and augmented into new bees Digital Babylon - Building The Digital Beast System With Fallen Angel Technology (for a full picture of the sustainable development agenda 21 deception began by Maurice Strong see chapter 3 in the adjacent website  & see below for some of its content.)


It is over one year since the Global lockdowns began, and people are still alive and the same people who are alive are still debating whether (they wear masks or not or social distance) to take an experimental untested vaccination despite the fact the statistics showing the death rate as very very low see
"IRELAND Ben Gilroy SHOCKING REPORT on Covid Deaths only 100 Sars 2 Covid 19 outside Government Buildings Dublin. 07.09.20"   and then compare the  influenza statistics for 2015, 2019 and 2021 which show those stats drop whilst Covid rises (Video 61) A Tale of 2 Januarys (the Sars Covid 19 'virus' exposed) COVID means 'Certiicate of Vaccination IDentification' (& PCR Tests do not work says Inventor see in description box) Vaccinations have not reduced death rates but have  increased them see below. 

In no 3 above dated 9.3.2001 with its link to Chapter 6 this article confirms Sex trafficking (and child abuse / prostitution) has increased during the plandemic globally and in the USA i.e. Slavery by design and now worth over 230 Billion since this 2020 article when it was 160 Billion as well as online prostitution, yet this is not an  emergency ? in which the world needs to be lockdown. 

The Roman Catholic Church and under Pope Francis (but who has said he is no longer the Vicar of Christ) still states it owns (literally ) all Souls on earth ? In 2013/ 2014 Pope Francis issued a law which effectively ends all Corporations on earth (MOTU PROPRIOSince this law would also therefore destroy the United Nations which is a corporation (or leave the Vatican as its sole law maker ) where does this law begin and end Since even the Vatican is a corporation ? and it claims it owns everything (including all the souls in the world ) why has the Pope dropped the Vicar of Christ title ? surely Christ owns all the Souls in the world ? (The Popes idea must mean banks many suppose) Vaticanus or Vatican means Vatis = Diviner,  Can = Serpent or the divining serpent (see vaticanus mons or vaticanus collis,) This law to end all Corporations? does it extend to the 1.City of London and the 2. USA ? (District of Columbia, Washington DC) and 3. the Vatican 

Today the Vatican has its own sins to atone for, ('offending the earth is a Sin" ) and the Communist concept of "you will own nothing and be  happy"   including your Soul and also your Data  (the catchphrase of the World Economic Forum and the Great Reset) yet it does not preclude the communist party or the elites owning it ? and this ownership also includes existing property, even homes which have undergone a 25 year mortgage trap and are paid off. These types of ownership will be removed from people. Currently the federal reserve is still buying the whole earth (& see below) as national governments are simply press secretaries for the latest announcement. They were only proxy representatives between the people and Sovereign government serving the latest national bank loan in any case. 

See these sermons from Catholic priests on the Great Reset and Fr. Robert Altier God or the Great Reset — there is no middle ground  and then  also CARDINAL BURKE FORCES OF THE 'GREAT RESET' HAVE USED COVID TO ADVANCE 'EVIL AGENDA'


Six months after the US Election and still no recognized President of the USA.

After 6 months (since 3.11.2020) and the US Election (ongoing) the US public has finally seen the Election 2 party state (Republicans and Democrats) machine go into overdrive and into psychosis as it desperately tries to hang onto power. The public has now seen completely who they need to get rid of. Within the Pysop of the Covid 19 / Corona fake plandemic and forced Vaccinations for a non-existent Virus which is little more than the Influenza, there was / is the Pysop fake election for the fake Presidents 2020 / 2021. People are wondering what is happening in 'Disneyland USA' elections and vote rigging and fake presidents. Guided by representatives who have served for 40 years and who should now stand down against State assemblies (see at the end of this post)  Trump was trained by Jesuits and Biden (who does not know what he is) is also the Jesuit candidate, but the fake inauguration of pedophile Joe Biden and the connected Jesuit Priest Rev. Kevin O'Brien  is under investigation for most likely paedophilia. As for the shadow Joe Biden president biden amidst the fake plandemic in the fake election he grooms children and offers power to those who present children to him. Jeff Sessions swatted bidens hand away from his granddaughter wanting nothing to do with the Washington DC paedofiles  This is who biden appointed as Senator with a background in 'children's health'  

The current Pysop is explained by a Priest in Rome in "Warning from Rome Priest"  Further one of the suspects connected to voter fraud Secretary of State for Pennsylvania Kathy Boockvar has resigned connected to Judge Chief Roberts, relates how the democrats moved to remove Trump and Pence at all costs. Prior to the election the Pennsylvania Supreme Court held that mail in ballots could be counted but only an easing of regulations and not late ballots and this was upheld by Chief Justice Roberts (making 4 to 4) in the US Supreme Court, but against Article 2 of the US Constitution. The mail in ballots were only for emergency measures for the military or diplomats abroad etc. Mark Elias is again involved See also 13.11.2020 "Pennsylvania Court Rules Secretary of State Improperly Changed Deadline 2 Days Before Election Day  Judge rules to block late ballots from being counted"  " 

The Jesuit (communist plan and there are many  in the RC Church who oppose it ) to ruin the USA is underway and details are supplied by Gregory Mannarino who also since January 2020 details the 1913 plan for the Federal Reserve (& the plan to buy the world ) to bankrupt the USA and the other central banks to devalue all global currencies pushing prices higher and removing the value of the exchange currency simultaneously by charging interest on issued currency globally as not just a hidden tax on society but also to remove value in fiat currency, whether it is backed by Gold or not. Issuing Gold or Silver coins (silver currently achieving parity with Gold) as hard solid not 'online' tender is a solution every nation can take. Basing its currency on the value of land it  is solid and constant not on the contrived fluctuations of Gold and Silver prices or our current national currencies which cannot remain constant in value and therefore prices are not constant in the trading / inflation bubble and wages depreciate. The Jesuit plan (with Pope Francis in the White Dress seen here slapping people in late 2019 in St Peters Square. The Roman Catholic Church has now said (15.03.2021) that same 'sex marriages are illicit as it cannot condone sin' ....but it can bless same sex marriages ? yet it has many Homosexual Orgies  but now it is also of a different opinion than the US Houses of congress and Government. who sanction same sex marriages. The full history is also given by Church Militant (scandals money laundering and paedophilia) The true history of some in the Roman Church is given here (Video 2, 1st of 3 in series) A Lamp in the Dark, The Untold History of the Bible   and here following the previous (Video 3 2nd in this series) Tares Among the Wheat: Sequel to A Lamp in the Dark and no 3 in the series (Video 32) Bridge To Babylon Rome, Ecumenicism & The Bible A Lamp In The Dark Part 3 it is time the Vatican was taken over by the homeless in Italy. 

The Vatican became a Corporation in 1929. Vatican City was established in its current form as a sovereign nation with the signing of the Lateran Pacts in 1929 under Mussolini  and since then in all areas the Roman Catholic Church became a Satanic organization, see also Ex Nun Exposes The Catholic Church. The Sister Charlotte Keckler testimony it is not the traditional religion many reminisce upon,and whilst every faith and institution has these problems the onus is to shock people into accepting the false GAIA religion. 

Trumps 2nd impeachment trial ended again in failure on the 13.03.2020 ( 1 year after FEMA took over the running of the USA and still today see below ) Yet if either impeachment had succeeded, what would Trump be impeached from ? Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998  and this trial was led by Ken Starr and Karl Rove. Both impeachments of Trump and Clinton were acquitted in the Senate. Clinton continued to serve after impeachment as Trump would have done until elections. Ken Starr and Karl Rove were connected to the Washington Free Beacon which led the Russia investigation via Fusion GPS and the 'dirty dossier'  Trump expelled Russian diplomats (see chapter 3a &  3b above) and during  the entire episode, China and the west had been infiltrated by also its social credit system which in the west is called covid "track and trace" and climate lockdowns are what the covid lockdowns are called now. Trump was the CEO of (in block capitols "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" corporation of 1871 see below ) whilst  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris work for FEMA (and planned parenthood) therefore they (Trump and Clinton) cannot be impeached under the US constitution 1776 - 1789 & Bill of Rights, away from the position of CEO of the corporation of 1871 status which is why the media led frenzy is a farce. The heavy taxation from Rome has brought a revolution.

In the post above dated 20.01.2021 (no 1) it was shown that FEMA took control of the USA on 13.03.2020 as the world went into lockdown, this was extended by Trump in September 2020 and again by Biden in January 2021 and on the anniversary since 13.03.2020 of FEMA control of the USA it is still in control on 12.03.2021 and for the foreseeable future in one form or another (see also "Lockdowns to Continue for Several Years Say the Experts" )   with the USA Army under FEMA  (or here again and again many more) handing out Vaccinations to those they swore to protect. (see here again) with Moderna now admitting on their own website that Moderna means changes to your M RNA and are what the Vaccinations are about. Trumps Presidency (but as nationalist) was simply the false Presidency of the CEO of America Incorporated in 1871 as the constitution of the incorporation of the United States of 1871, see USA a corporation since 1871 The US of America not the US for America  a legal fiction which does not exist in the law of the land. See also Andersons constitution of 1723 & Francis Bacon (Shakespeare) & see post dated 20.01.2021 no 1 above) The US constitution of 1776 - 1789 & Bill of Rights was changed from "The Constitution for the United States" to the words in block capitols "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" ( 'for' changed to 'OF' by congress on the 21st February 1871 under the acts of the 41st congress, section 34, session 3, chapters 61 & 62 called the "Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia" or in short the Act of 1871 and Trump could have changed this during his first few months when he controlled the Senate and the House when he was elected.  Trump therefore under this was a legal fiction, but Biden is even removed from this status as operating under FEMA who have taken control of the CEO designation of the USA. 

Bidens fake Presidency and inauguration has been filmed at the Atlanta model / replica in Georgia of the Whitehouse. As many of the barriers in Washington DC are removed many states (or all states) are vying for options to secede away from the USA Incorporated of 1871 formed in Delaware Maryland, leaving it adrift or lost at sea on its own and have a real "anti-lockdown" protest. Both Trump (despite Trump saying he was both against Vaccinations and did not believe the "climate change" lies both of which the world does not need. Covid lockdowns to become Climate lockdowns in the future & to repeat  "PJW Live: Forget COVID Lockdowns, Get Ready For Climate Lockdowns") and Trump and  Biden push Vaccinations.

The 2 party political machine in overdrive (as everyone knows) in the USA produced the following see '2 Wings of the Same Bird, They are Openly Mocking You' 
but is this true in the case of Trump ? (or see again here ) as state assemblies rise (see below) and the US Federal Reserve joins into the treasury department and some historical decisions on this issue as the current Fed is buying the world connected to the US treasury. 

As mentioned in the post dated 20.02.2021 the USA was bankrupt in 1929 - 1933 the 2nd time, the 1st was in 1871 allowing it to be taken over as a corporation. It nearly went bankrupt in 1971 - 72 but was saved by the Petro dollar invention It went bankrupt again in 1999, when it could have chosen to return to the US constitution of 1776 - 1789. The current Federal Reserve system (i.e the FEMA or US Constitution of 1871 see last paragraph above) and CIA managed fund is the money and controlling  fund of the USA FEMA Incorporated, after the final and 3rd bankruptcy in 1999 (3rd and final international bankruptcy) when both constitutions and bill of rights were over as they were on 13.03.2021 see   UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   and the US senate and House were suspended and should still be suspended as they are fake like the Presidency and a new system brought in (not GESRA). The Federal Reserve System ended in 1999, it has no charter or authority in law, the USA is still bankrupt. The "Homeland" is a communist title. The current USA is the FEMA / CIA fund known as the "Sustainable development fund" (from 15.08.2021 in time for Covid / Climate and which Trump disagreed with as also NATO as a Global force which many in NATO also do not want) consisting of over 1000 Trillion of stolen funds to install a UN Agenda 21 - 30 New World Order run by the UN and the World bank and its sister bank the IMF, of supposed socialists (not nationalists or people who love their country, family, town or God) which are communists but which are really Turks (with renewed Ottoman Empire ambitions) posing as Vatican Jews (who call themselves the new jews) known as Sabbateans Frankists who believe that creating as much evil as possible will usher in the Messiah (the exact opposite of Baruch ha ba, ha Shem Adonai, and the bible in total or in general and the bible calls for 'Nations' not one world government see chapter 5 below ) see The Sabbatean Frankist's Explained By Rabbi Marvin Antelman  (or here also on Youtubewho are in reality Turkish Sufi trying to become "Israel" who are considered by both Judaism and Islam.  One of the secrets of being a Sovereign is you are Sovereign with or without a flag as a new born individual and without the UN who we now know ( and many have known for decades) is not a Sovereign bearing or supporting body especially since October 2019 under Covid and that includes Great Britain born people. The 'Quantum Global banking system' is a deception in Admiralty Maritime law or Terra Firma law. (see above and  "The Law of the Land"  in a world which is underpopulated not overpopulated except in cities) 

If the links do not work see here  "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE 


Bitcoin was Created by the CIA & WWG1WGA. & what is 'Q'

Bitcoin was created by the CIA, (and then given to Goldman Sachs) it has always been to attributed to 'Satoshi Nakamoto'  (see here on 'Wikipedia'but Paul Walker and Philip Venables of Goldman Sachs (2009 annual report ) who have patented the Bitcoin delusion within SETLcoin  in 2015 as others banks join in in the global central bank merger. Bitcoin and any digital currency are fake but the block chain digital contract (Walker and Venables mentioned in the Deloitte pdf)  behind them can encompass them all as they are all one in reality. Block-chain is the real currency a contract which is digitally set in solid digital form between you and the banks. The article "Why the NWO loves Bitcoin" by Chris Black clarifies the deception. Goldman Sachs have moved to Florida from New York which has been devastated by the fake plandemic (almost) and it may be somewhere near Trump and Mar a Lago residence in Florida  Both Biden and Trump are into Bitcoin   although has said it has no fundamental value which is correct  and did make moves to prevent its money laundering operations in 2019 and in early 2020  Essentially banks who use this system are committing fraud and removing cash from society is a criminal act by criminals. Cash is a fundamental right and inalienable  right since the beginning of time it is not "owned" and overseen by owners but should flow freely through each nations national treasury, those that prevent this are committing treason and in some states in the US that is punishable by lethal injection (ironically ) or firing squad within Military tribunals. Once these rouge banks are replaced (and exiting banks can join in the new system an even greater reset  owned by the people) then new banks with cash and notes can be made Globally and without debt which can be cancelled. 

'Q' but who runs Q ?   and is Q also a person ? The Soviet Union also used IBM to help it maintain control over its population, and this social engineering which Chairman Mao perfected (Video 21) The Bolshevik Revolution and also (Video 20) USSR's GULAGS (Russia) (North Korea provided the system with a lot of useful material for the communist dystopia) China also employ IBM. Communism is a depopulation murder machine which ensures that "private property" remains with a minority who command the death squads or system. All property on earth is owned and suggesting that no one will own private property is a fallacy as the elites own the property denied to you. (Video 23) Chairman Mao s Great Famine & the Communist Party of China (CPC)   IBM's super computer (Quantum computer which can analyse all faces on earth in one minute and can make a 6 billion year calculation in 1 second) is called the Beast it is housed in the USA and Brussels to facilitate Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (Shape) 

Trumps saying that we worship God not government to many means God as 'Gold, Oil and Drugs' as God. The bank heist of covid and printing money continued throughout 2020. The Great Awakening and WWG1WGA. Firstly the great awakening is a reference to the Titans (the fallen angels) versus the gds or those descended from the gds on Mont Olympus. WWG1WGA is a reference to the book of Enoch (who fell to Mount Hermon in Israel not to the film 'White Squall' ) but people prefer that moral impetus to the "do what thou wilt '' immoral worldview. As mentioned many are asking  why Trump with a majority senate and house and the  Presidency he did not do what he said he would in total in 2017.


The Federal Reserve Bank, and the US ACH Fed Global clearing / migration system

The border crisis in the USA is really a central bank crisis as it continuously requires cheaper and cheaper labour on it devalued FIAT OR DIGITAL currency. The debate in the US usually centres around the price of wages per hour, when in reality creating currency which fluctuates in its value, instead of being stable as a value, decade after decade reduces living standards year by year,and of course wastes trillions in currency which could have paid wages.  During 2008 – 2016 under the Obama administration (and the DACA ‘children in cages’ furore which began under executive order from Obama) changed the clearing house system from the US treasury into the US Federal Reserve Bank’s jurisdiction, but without security or front line banking checks (US ACH Fed global)  This ACH or ‘automatic clearing house’ (fed global) is advancing electronically but it worked in tandom with the 'catch and release' program (or a program of open borders and no security at the borders) The wall across the southern border of the USA is now (despite efforts to prevent it) advancing with sufficient funds in the declared national emergency The ACH federal clearing system (see here for details on the system) allows undocumented workers to work, or smuggle great quantities of drugs or to engage in human trafficking and simply take the proceeds and wire it direct back to Mexico or elsewhere without security identity checks or paying taxes. It allows massive money laundering and trafficking, but this was not its original intention (see pdf  US Money Laundering Threat Assessment by US Treasury Dept) The central bank of Mexico has the same agreement with India,  El Salvador , Honduras, & China and others. You can simply open an account and wire them from the central bank, yet if you were a legal US citizen, checks and security would prevent you. It is estimated that there are 30 million illegal aliens taking over $25 trillion out of the US economy by this method. This alone would pay the national debt down (now $23 Trillion) and / or provide an extra $5 trillion in taxes or more. This system is not about caring for ethnic minorities but about crime and trafficking. The left are now crying that Joe Biden and Kamel Harris 'Build back Better' campaign is now 'Bomb Back Better, (see further on)  as the Unions that endorsed Biden now say that he has completely betrayed him over the  Oil pipeline  cancellation of the Keystone pipeline

The threat is not North Korea but Covid climate change (see here for previous hoax's since the US was removed from the Gold standard in 1972 & 2. Democrats Announce Date World Will End Green Climate change hoax MP4 FILE     3. The End Is Nigh! Over 40 Years Of Doomsday Predictions In Media compilation of climate change hoax  MP4 FILE  & 6. The Great Global Warming Swindle - Full Documentary HD MP4 FILE  When the US went bankrupt  in 1999 the CIA / FEMA fund became the Sustainable development fund. (The Un building like the Monolith in A Space Oddity 2001) as extracting funds from taxpayers was increasingly difficult with trillions of dollars of debt. It is known today as the Green New Deal hoax.


Ebola outbreak and the 'new' Blockchain Bretton Woods SDR digital currency and new later of IMF Fiat Currency (& Daniela Cambone & Willem Middelkoop & Lynette Zang)

Today Gregory Mannarino points out that if taxpayers are not afraid enough of Covid and refuse Vaccinations then "Ebola" could be the next outbreak see 26.03.2021 "IMPORTANT UPDATES! Another Missile Attack, Ebola Is Back, And Dimming The Sun. Mannarino"   explaining the Saud / Iran war pushes up Oil prices (and every nations import costs) and how the banks can now buy back shares in their own stocks ? (but underpinned by taxpayers who bailed them out). Markets go higher whilst unemployment rises and small business close down. (The Central banks led by the FED becoming the Lenders and buyers of last resort which began in 1913 and lockdowns will continue until this is achieved but that is not all) Whilst pundits were trying to predict who would win the fake US election (in the fake 2  party media frenzy) the real election was whether China would become joint nation with Japan, USA, UK, Europe etc or would overtake them and lead the New World Order. (the test for this scenario was literally the outcome in North Korea see the adjacent website and chapter 5 on North Korea  scroll a way to find it from 2017 - 2021 fwd)  

This website (websites) consistently predicted from 2005 - 2007 in Americas last bankruptcy / crash that the emerging new currency would be the SDR liquidity network ( Special drawing rights IMF 'XDR' rembibi digital bitcoin CIA creation or equivalent as they are all the same with Blockchain) formulated at the end of World WAR 2 in the bank of International settlements (BIS) meetings at the end of WW2 fwd.See the adjacent website and chapters 1 and 2 and the London Rome Israel pdf from 2010 See within the aforementioned North Korea in the above para and Chapter 3 and post dated 27.10.2016 & 11.03.2017 & Chapter 3b post dated 3.6.2017 & 15.09.2017 & 25.10.2017 & 8.3.2019 & 20.05.2019 & 27.06.2019 & 9.9.2019 (world central banks to merge slowly heading) & 30.01.2020. Chapter 3b and no 3 "  Global one world bank with digital  "Bretton Woods and Central banks to merge"  20.05.2020 & July 2020  & 13.01.2021 merge increasingly" & which shows the  connection to the WEF World Economic Forum and Covid passports which will make way for a digital mark as a "chip" microneedle system. Bidens $2 Trillion green infrastructure debt interest inflation plan is not to create jobs but to build a Technocracy without SME small business but only World Economic Forum Corporations which according to Klaus Schwab means "you will own nothing and be happy" 

The IMF are ready to cerate a "new money layer"   (SDR  Special drawing rights Bretton Woods ) over the top of the defunct Fiat system see March 26th 2021  IMF Silently Creates New Money Layer, Why You Need to Leave the Banks: Willem Middelkoop  Daniela Cambone talks to Willem Middelkoop and they are very good, but it was always the plan since 1913 (creation of the federal reserve bank) and 1944/45 end of WW2 and the first Bretton Woods conference. MiddleKoop says it it is good creating Liquidity (but everyone will own nothing ? ) ' creating liquidity' means creating money printed out of nothing which any nation can do themselves via their own national treasuries and separate from the system. Fudning it will make matters worse. They point out now that China and the USA have "agreed" ?? proving Trump correct. Its issuance will have the conditions of a digital global currency based on China / North Korea dystopia. Daniela Cambone continue with  "Lynette Zang: Why You Must Get Out of the System; The Fed's Master Plan"      and see also   See ‘Who Benefits from a Cashless Society?’  by Really Graceful    & The Fed's Silent Takeover of the U.S.    & also What's Behind the Fed's Manufactured Coin Shortage?   & also   Wherefore Art Thou Reserves? S3 E1   

In Europe something similar is occurring yet it is spread (but taxpayers are paying for it unknowingly) by agreements to enlarge the jurisdiction of the ECB (European Central bank) Further to this central banks have adopted policies (which become overly complex) which do not allow checks in the Optimal Currency Theory system of workers and immigration. Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies & Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution  (The Federal Reserve asked to count every death as covid including gunshot deaths )


The US internal Russia investigation hoax and North Korea and Russians and the "Outbreak" & people dying after vaccinations ?

People globally are still arguing about taking a vaccination which has not killed them in 14 months, and they do not even know what is in the (vaccinations) which are termed experimental trial injections (not vaccinations) in order to get a digital passport to obtain rights they already possess without government permission (who are legal ....but not lawful in Common law) You do not a digital passport or even to comply with these regulations which aree not Lawful see You WON’T Believe What They’re Doing To CHURCHES!

This Russia Hoax and the period when Trump had full House and Senate and Presidency in 2017 is debated in guests to the Church Militant Channel in "Resistance Podcast 20: Can Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Be Trusted?"    or here again on Bitchute  Whilst the "Russia" investigation Pysop was underway against Trump many wondered why he appointed those into national positions of government who were historically likely to investigate him as a "Russian spy"  This was seen in the North Korea situation in Chapter 5 and on North Korea (in the adjacent website sonas) in "Communitarianism Communism, Socialism, Maoism, all as Secular Humanism etc (Critical theory & Cultural Marxism ) Climate Change, 4th Industrial Revolution, Technocracy and Dystopia  (see also the adjacent website & Chapter 3b)"  and under the Navy Heading mid way through "23.08.2017 The biggest scandal in US history" and the  post dated 21.12.2018. The Russia investigation was begun by Republicans.  

In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon to begin an investigation into Trump. Later the democrats took it over. The Dossier produced by Christopher Steele of MI6 / Russia GRU. Steele who allegedly had an affair with Ivanka Trump but who were just friends but Steele could have implicated himself as a Russian Spy with Ivanka and her father and Baron Trump but the CIA / GRU were aware of this irony but CNN were not despite the fact that reporter Anderson Cooper is CIA who were accusing Trump of being a Russian spy. Incredibly also at this time but swept under the carpet by the MSM is MSNBC reporter  Mika Brzezinski is the daughter of Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski who wrote the The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997) and is on the Tri-Lateral commission. His daughter Mika is married to Joe Scarborough who co-presents with Mika on MSNBC  It is now alleged that it was he (Joe Scarborough ) who dressed in drag as a woman, impersonated Christine Blasey Ford in accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. (anything for a story) 

Christopher Steele who brought the dirty dossier forward with instructions from the Washington Free beacon was connected to (Perkins CoiePerkins Coie legal firm and where some of the Trump appointees once originally worked ? but who would then investigate him ? and which had connections to Cambridge Analytica (based in Britain) known to Christopher Steele and anyone in MI6 and which was began by Steve Bannon who Trump later pardoned ...for (not) being a Russia Spy ? when of course those bringing the accusations were actually the Russians themselves it is alledged All support Israel which is full of Russians ? The complete story of 'Kim Jong UN gate' is in the aforementioned North Korea section. Many suggest that like Reagan (who also opposed the UN regime) that Trump was sidelined into Florida just as Reagan was sidelined to his Horse stud farm after the assassination attempt on his life see John Judge The Reagan shooting 1988.

If you think this is too strange think about the 12 months or more in the plandemic and consider the evidence on that  The UN says "Human concept as Natural will Change" (World Economic Forum, Great reset) For an insight into the pysop see as admitted by Globalists and also Dr carrie MadeJ   Dr Carrie MadeJ, Transhumanism, Vaccines, Hydrogel, Secret Gov Programs, Nanotech & DNA  and a recent Video CDC VAERS caught sitting on huge inventory of Adverse Effects claims 3/21/2021  and also  The m RNA (modify RNA) injection is not a Vaccine Dr. David Martin Dr Judy Mikovits Robert F Kennedy  or again see here Christian Dr Carrie Madej,Gene Code Injection experiment & in depth Vaccination warnings (Human 2.0) & also CDC in Collusion with Vaccine Manufacturers (since 2004 at least!) Dr Stanley Plotkins deposition (at 40 mins fwd) which tells of simian (monkey) and human DNA and mercury and aluminum and Plotkins horrifying 9 hour deposition is here (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video   

This is why Kamela Harris is suspected to transition from Biden. She works for planned parenthood and has killed more ethnic minorities in abortion support than any other system or scenario, but the addition of placing aborted fetal tissue into vaccines is truly disgusting (and this continues with recent aborted fetal tissues see the Stanley Plotkin video above) Think about it ? running a we want to help Woman campaign and then harvesting human babies for lab experiments. 

Within the covid psyop scam smaller scams are emerging "The Department of Justice announced it has charged nearly 500 people with engaging in COVID-19 scams worth hundreds of millions of dollars"  This also follows that the World Health Organization and the CDC and all the politicians who went along with the scam are guilty including aiding and abetting  in the release for a man  made flu (i.e. murder of the elderly) and reports that false Vaccine passports (and the real ones are not even required in law ? are being sold on the streets see  "Report: Fake Vaccine Passports’ Are Already Being Sold on the Street" as a prelude to removing them to introduce DIGITAL ID on the skin ""Microneedle Vaccine Patch | The Henry Ford's Innovation Nation Quantum Dot microneedle Vaccination System"   and fully explained here as they leave a permanent infra red mark on your skin and act like a chip storing all your  information. see (Video 42) 'Can You Hear Me Now?' The Quantum Dot Implant Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System 

Vaccine deaths reach 1774 deaths and countless injuries from Astra Zenaca and Pfizer which should apply to every age group as the retro - virus destroys your immune system (Video 54) Pfizer's long history of criminal activity  and also once more (Video 50) Dr Carrie Madej Latest about vaccines Pfizer WARNING THEY ARE LYING TO US  with Moderna (to repeat  ) openly admitting it is not a Vaccine but an mRNA alteration system on their own website  The m RNA (modify RNA) injection is not a Vaccine Dr. David Martin, Dr Judy Mikovits, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and, Rocco Galati.   

The Epoch times as 1 out of many similar articles from may sources showing vaccinated people catching Covid ?   (or semi celebrities and their families catching Covid after they have been vaccinated) or the 68 year woman dying after vaccinations  with 3 dozen miscarriages and stillbirths and other injuries occurring globally from vaccinations. 1/3 of the US army rejected vaccines but in reality it is much higher

The Pfizer Vaccine heart attack incident and Dozens of teachers cancel class after receiving the Vaccine in Edwardsberg Michighan USA on 29- 30/3/2021 See also  MORE Nurses & Doctors REFUSE Vaccine! - Media SMEARS Them! - This Is INSANE!  & also Modernas stunning admission Moderna's OUTRAGEOUS Admission EVERYBODY Needs to See!  and also Hospitals are getting PAID to say deaths are caused by Covid19

More deaths after vaccination 3 die in Michigan despite being vaccinated   12 Elderly patients who died after vaccinations had 'other' causes  a Doctor did not die from a vaccination   Utah mum death under investigation after vaccination   adverse effects associated with vaccinations on children   but deaths after vaccinations are not a cause for alarm     Bells Palsy contracted after the experimental mRNA vaccination   ( Lancet magazine) or here in the ncbi showing Bells Palsy connections   or here also again   or here also once more   as all countries push for mandatory jabs  and 12 Million ill or dead after vaccinations for Swineflu in 1976 (Video 15) The swine flu fraud of 1976, (and 2008) on 60 Minutes

The BBC warned of the serious side effects of vaccines as did Bill GATES &  mandatory see BILL GATES: 80% WILL SUFFER 'SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS' FROM VACCINE - NEW FORCED VACCINE LAW   all US Presidents donated directly or indirectly to Bill Gates or the UN /WHO WORLDWIDE INJURIES & NEEDLESS DEATHS RELATED TO MRNA INJECTIONS 

Elon Musk says he will refuse to take vaccine   (or see here again ) and Facebook employee will not a Vaccine to work  as the Pope also indicated or not ?   but does admit there is aborted fetal tissue in the vaccines   ('its a lie' including the Biden / Harris presidency and it was all staged like the best theatre and films   in the massive DNA experiment Dr Carrie Madej   which includes the sterilization agent in the Covid testers  causing cancer and DNA damage all a part of the depopulation agenda known as Agenda 21 - 30 and sterilization of procreation and fertility )  

Trump and Jared Kushner are connected to the Lucent Alcatel (Lucent Technologies first added on this site towards the end of 2019 in chapter 3a above and following revelations from 1997 see also chapter 3b  AstraZenaca, Sanofi, Lucent Alcatel, Regeneron and Moderna & China Moderna admit their vaccines are not vaccines but experimental RNA devices, and they admit it on thier own websiteLucent (the early to mid 1990's from New York) an early microchip developer (vaccines contain nano-technology) to microchip animals like cattle Lucent who became Lucent Alcatel  (and see here also  or once more  here again have connections to Astrazenaca. Lucent Alcatel also have connections to Regeneron ( also based in New York ) and Limerick  for how and why further see Amazing Polly The 7-step Recipe For Creating Vaccine Demand   & also Technofascist Takeover - 6 videos to watch and share  AstraZeneca’s China connection and to covid 19 should alarm the west as efforts from 2018 into 2019 turn into the AstraZeneca China Covid 19 drive for the Vaccine For testing, contact tracing and vaccinations Moderna Astra Zeneca and Regeneron are working together Same personnel over decades. AstraXZeneca have obtained the contract for ireland. Trump did push for HydroCloxiquoraquin also known as Jesuit powder. (Video 41) HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & THE MSM & MASKS DO NOT WORK. In the USA Joe Biden and Kamel Harris have repeated exactly the same rhetoric, aside from being fake proxy candidates they are actively seeking to harm "the electorate"

See also 666 5TH Ave New York Creepy History Supposedly linked to Kushner but the history is much older  RFID 666 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES 666 5TH AVE NY  The Building also housed the Lucis Trust

This patented man made & owned virus has never been isolated 


For in depth teaching on Virology and Vaccinations mRNA etc see Part 1 Virology Debunks Corona - PART ONE & then Part 2 Virology Debunks Corona - PART TWO  and also Part 3 Virology Debunks Corona - PART THREE (final part).   (and why they are dangerous from Professor Doleres Cahill)


The World Uprisings are "Heterosexually challenged" 

The World Uprisings on 20.03.2021 comprising many genuine people were not grass roots and was timed with the year anniversary announcement that Covid 19 was downgraded on the 19.03.2020 ? see here on UK.GOV  (USA taken over by FEMA on 13.03.2020) but real uprising are coming. This article exposes the official statistics (which are almost as bad as the USA voting fraud statistics from 3.11.2020 which was a re-run of the Bush Gore Presidential election in the year 2000) Now we have 2 false Presidents as CEO of USA inc. However more variants of the patented sars 2 flu and the variants are actually in the Vaccine itself. (except if you are Sadiq Khan and other VIP who have staged their vaccinations Sadiq Khan Mayor London fakes Vaccination)  (UK.GOV)  Regulation for the  Fourth Industrial Revolution from 11th June 2019 under Teresa May which includes Gene Splicing see under its  heading 'The Fourth Industrial Revolution'.  (Video 53) How CRISPR Changes Human DNA Forever (and why see in the description box a wider view is given in (Video 64) The 2 types of Hybrids ('Vaccinations' & Genesis 6,4) J R R Tolkein & LOTR) and this all a part of the  move to de-gender everyone including children physically and psychologically (the demented screaming queens in the transhumanist nightmare  which has now moved beyond "LGBT" and beyond the dystopia ) see Former Head of Group That Sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour Arrested on Child Pornography Charges  and then see Polling Firm Characterizes Asking a Woman Out As a Form of “Sexual Harassment”   and then also "Founder of ‘Super Straight’ Movement Receives Death Threats, Harassment After Media Hit Pieces"    There is a definite quasi cult religious theme about the technocracy Spotify Now Censoring Song Lyrics That Contain “Misinformation”  The object is to destroy diversity especially heterosexual diversity as the  "singularity" in the AI transhumanist gnostic religion cult requires it by artificial means and deception.

Essentially the Biden (Obama) Harris fake administration is serving a cult. The Transformation Of Man, Mystery Babylon Exposed in the coming Technocracy as "The Human + Gender" but see alo Chapter 6 below this Chapter and 1. Institutional Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse and Trafficking of Woman, Children and Men. Joe Biden and Barry Soetoro (Obama) are still wanted for crimes against Humanity, Genocide and trafficking see  (Video 27) ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery (and posts above on this outrage against the World in Chapter 3, 3a and 3b) 

The World Economic Forum explain why you cannot remain Human (in the new normal, great reset, plandemic) (Video 70 A ) The UN says "Human concept as Natural will Change" (World Economic Forum, Great reset) The public are hypnotised by the vaccine war / competition in the media but not one pundit / politician / msm media presenter can tell you what is actually in the vaccine(s)  ???  

This is also  the real context of the vaccination passports (in the Climate change lockdowns as Humans are destroying the earth) as related by Computing forever showing Barrrister Tracey OMohaney warning  on the loss of civil liberties but in reality Sovereign inalienable rights and here on YoutubeTracey O' Mahony Barrister at Law on digital Green certificates:  and the Covid lockdowns of one form and another continue until 2025 (at least) according to the World Bank and EU (UN)    but the Global crisis of free speech continues as Pat Condell explains this week  As governments annonce easing of restrictions but your  rights are already removed and will be again. As Flu statistics fell as covid rose, the reverse is now true as covid falls (in the alternative reality of untruths) Vaccines (which Moderna state are not vaccines ?) are given the credit for the drop in the false statistics, yet now a 2nd and 3rd and  4th non vaccine is required ? as people die or are injured from the experiment which Pfizer say will continue until 2023 ? The vaccine trials video shows the continuance until 2023 and that it is not a vaccine as 10 countries ban the vaccine. as also in India The vaccine passports are a prelude to a full mark on the body which contains all your details and identity and your entire Internet "personality" as "wetware" as humans are described

Incredibly, people are still catching "Covid" after Vaccinations as it is a pathogen towards more 'virus' which sells more Vaccinations. An incredible (genderless ) deception .  

And in Israel the MSM has not reported on the following lockdowns and totalitarianism it is experiencing; (also Cars which run on water / ethanol ?) 


There are moves in Israel amongst the suppression to make a gd lieterally ? by AI combining 1. Machine  learning and 2.General AI and 3. Neural (brain interface) networks and adding all religious scriptures   see also ( Video 71 B ) AI Jesus & AI Bible. The Anti-Christ & The Skynet Serco (Hive Mind) Project (for the company Serco & China see near the end)


Video 1. Dr. Reiner Feullmich w/ Israeli Attorney Tamir Turgal: On Unfolding Medical Tyranny in Israel    (full 5 hour session)  & Video 2Israel fears new Holocaust Shai Dannon & David Icke ( Vaccinations & the Left - Right paradigm) 

&  Video 3Urgent Message to the World from Israel: Enforced Vaccine Apartheid Happening Now & Video 4. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Vera Sharav on Historical Ties of Unfolding Medical Tyranny to the Holocaust   Video 5Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel  

& Video 6ISRAEL WOMEN TELLS US WHAT'S REALLY GOING ON IN ISRAEL WITH VACCINES  & Video 7 & Parallels in the USA  . Epoch times 39-Year-Old Mother Dies After 2nd Dose of Moderna Vaccine: Family

Israel had undertaken to set up a joint russia led free trade Zone with Iran in 2019  but now in March 2021 Israel is accusing Iran ( Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ) of attacking one of its ships in the Gulf of Oman on 1.3.2021 as Israel broadens its trade deals with Arab Countries such as Morocco  (the Ottoman empire Moroccan flag) following  the Abrahamic accords (which many have criticized for partitioning land of Greater Israel ) 

Russia has not locked down at all for Covid with Russia announcing that it will not become part of the George Soros system, banning the Open Society Charity. and other countries have followed suit including Israel   Russia has locked down due to the Alexi Navalny protests an restrictions are placed upon the internet but as for vaccinations and Covid it is not something they are concerned about. People remark that covid seems to not cross borders and hides during important holidays. The World Economic Forum belief that (within it) that modern man needs an evolutionary jump to reach its full potential and via "vaccinations" is not a share Ayran view. Creating the Superman  artificially (in the ongoing debate) was / is not a view of every Germanic tribe and was unknown until modern "science" deemed it expedient.see Bitchute channel for wider views with 72 videos Big Pharma and drugs have created a dystopia to enslave the world. (Video 6) Take Your Pills _ Official Trailer   and also (Video 16 ) PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS BY PETER R. BREGGIN M.D.  and once more (Video 8) Psychiatric Drugs Do More Harm Than Good” Robert Whitaker on ADHD Copenhagen September 16, 2015  and again here The Vaccinated girls, sick and betrayed documentary 2015  and once again (Video 17) The swine flu fraud of 1976, on 60 Minutes  and crack addicts .... whats the difference, the same drugs used in Heroin, Cocaine, Amphetamines, Synthetic Cathinones, and Synthetic Opioids are in many forms of "medicine" and evolving all the time see the Bourne Legacy as the military moves to create "the superman" with augmentation and cyborg systems onto humans as "Transhumanism" or Hybrids. Then reconsider Big Pharma DavidWJones Brighteon, and the need for a free healthservice which is not connected to socialised medicine (with aborted fetal tissue still used in vaccines and medical experiments as being one and the same industry)

Germany has blocked the EU recovery fund not just because their is no pandemic but because it was a designed economic disaster and more debt will not help in any way. This is a Ssovereign nation, whereas the EU fake system has reverted to a shell corporation representing no one. The wider federal EU is being challenged as it is simply a communist superstate and Stalin and Mao killed over 100 Million people, but not for the proletariat but for the rich in order they could own the property the poor or the dead could not own. (In other words it is a controlled Hegelian opposition not a vehicle for freedom. 

At the centre of the matter; "At the core of the legal debate around the EU's recovery fund is Article 311 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which establishes that "the Union shall provide itself with the means necessary to attain its objectives and carry through its policies. Without prejudice to other revenue, the budget shall be financed wholly from own resources." but it goes much deeper than this i.e to the fact that Germany is a Sovereign country as all European nations are and the fake plandemic  is illegitimate. Rubber stamping more debt onto taxpayers is also illegitimate.


Further and originally banned in Israel for obvious reasons except to the morally twisted, and obviously openly rejecting Gd ...but within Israel in  ( Israel grows a baby outside of the womb) "Make Human Cloning Great Again"    banned in 2016 by law in Israel  Human Cloning clearly goes  its against Genesis 1,28 and Genesis 9,7 see also (Video 62)Humans, AI, Gods & Technology,Elites & the 21st century 'gods'(Kevin Kelly & Yuval Harari)  (see in the description of the last vid for warning  from Woody Allen and see also The Age of Genetically Modified Humans Has Arrived  All those who have 'played Gd' have had unfortunate ends as of course Gd is not playing. The interesting first depiction of Earth and the Moon and the Milky Way was made in 1918 before man had entered space   The renewed US Space force means all space dimensions inner and outer 

Israel has also seen a development in Energy. In the 1970's (72 - 73) and for around 100 years previous to this or 100 HK (100 years before Henry Kissenger ) oil was fought for and a great book on this is "We fight for Oil" Published by Alfred A. Knopf (1928)  and a similar recent book "We Fight For Oil: A History of US Petroleum Wars"  in 2008 & see articles "The Untold Story Behind Saudi Arabia’s 41-Year U.S. Debt Secret"   and again   "The Rise of the Petrodollar System: “Dollars for Oil”   

See also the adjacent website and chapter 5 for an idea on the Recycling Petro Dollar system (on free health) from 2014  (follow this link here to go to it and there is a link to take you back to the above heading dated 8.4.2021 )  When Petro Dollars are recycled from Dollars placed in Western banks, the debt increased (balance of trade deficits) in many countries is to unsustainable levels. See the Economic Black Hole by Thurow and Tyson   or here by the IMF again   in brief the import of fuel bankrupts  nations into slavery which is why these chapters 3, 3a and 3b discuss "localism"   bretton woods and technocracy and digital dollar ) 

Israel has also developed a Water based Fuel system, but 3 Israelis based in Florida under Mayman LLC  developed a car runs on water and alcohol   and has worked very well on water and alcohol since 2016   say Australian-Israeli startup Electriq-Global  In the 1990s Stanley Meyer also developed a similar technology Stanley Meyer water car runs for the first time. Water Car GENIUS   & also a mini documentary  "Stanley Meyer - 1995 It runs on water - Water car GENIUS"   However can it be patented ? as any old Volkswagen beetle also ran on water and Alcohol decades ago and it is something you can do in your own shed or garage.Chip fat or vegetable Oil Chip fat oil from retail outlets also works believe it or not, on any engine size or make even a Mercedes   and into Diesel also Volkswagons were famous for running on water and alcohol and they could also "swim" (as Germany made a reinforced car that could swim) and it is easy to do today    Nigel Farage via Freedom and Fortune blog and investment strategy has also promoted an idea (hinted at) from Boris Johnson (and notwithstanding the Billions in oil in inland Britain see posts above) that this Water fuel could be up and running fairly soon see "Bigger than North Sea Oil"  (and Oil and Gas will still be produced ) Oil, it is not a "fossil fuel"   last link here as MP 4 File also "The Fossil Fuel "Hoax" - Flat Earth"  or article here on this subject   "Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We're Not Running Out"  or article here on this subject  See also and once more  "Why We'll Never Run Out Of Oil"  it is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid on earth after water.

Incredibly Henry Ford not only had water based fuel cars but he also built many out of Hemp ( Chassis) but also  ran on Hemp Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, or alcohol) or in other words "MoonShine" "Moonshine and Bluegrass. Appalachian mountain whisky and music"   No need for Oil companies (Saudi or Iran) for domestic consumption, Electric car companies or Carbon Credits or crypto currencies, no need to import fuel  or pay Carbon credits No need for (so called) Green parties.Oil is not a fossil fuel, it is plant based, It is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid after water on earth and the price should be $5 to $10 dollar a barrel.  Big Oil if the price of oil falls too low invest in the carbon credit scam to offset low prices (before the carbon credit criminal frauds see above in chapter 3) Or see here again once more Currently the Carbon Credit scam is foisted onto national governments who pass the cost on to everyone in the country, directly onto their energy bills. Instead alternative sources are highlighted below (not Electric as it is expensive and mining Lithium destroys the environment. Lithium is used in mobile smart phones and data centres) Instead also domestic producers could switch to other alternatives below and even sell their excess energy back into the energy grid. Green parties (conning the public) are not Green and largely work for big energy and many outwardly wanting to deindustrialize the west into communism

Taking back Energy into Public control (non political party control) The Ownership and control of these power companies (in the light of the power outages in the USA ) should be placed under the protection of the public via the State Assemblies Is THIS Our Last Chance to RESTORE THE REPUBLIC? -- Anna von Reitz  (and which is also explained in We the People state Assemblies ) The public should not suffer domestic consumption loss. Anna von Reitz explains the difference between territorial law and governance and the municipal law and administration and why the current and past politicians are only Proxy representatives.


The "Other" details of the US Election 2020 - 2021 (ongoing) including 'Italy Gate' & Peter Schechter & Tea Ivanovic in the Centre for Transatlantic relations in the Capitol Hill Riots & Trump secretly inaugurated 33rd President. Time magazine and the coup to "fortify" the Presidential elections (and all elections) & Vermin Supreme. Obamas 2016 executive order to bring in a plandemic signed in 2016 & the NHS 'Ipsos Mori'

On the 11.02.2021 Rueters took an unprecedented step of publishing a fact check before it occurred Describing the PRESIDENTIAL TRANSITION ENHANCEMENT ACT OF 2019 it denies that any President can extend the lenght of a transition period from 20.01.2021 to the 20.03.2021 due to election fraud by digital or any means to secure an investigation and reversal of a fraudulent election whilst retaining control of the military FEMA took control of the US on 13.03.2020 (see above) and still are in control (people confuse FEMA control ith FEMA camps although they do run them and there are FEMA camps)  Incredibly those who tried to predict the election (or even prophesied the outcome ) failed to notice that neither Biden or Trump won an election or were actually elected. 

In fact the act does allow for control and not just until 30.03.2021 but until September 2021, but it also does not presume the new President is the CEO of the 1871 Corporation but of the US constitution 1776. - 1789 & Bill of Rights  (i.e. The US constitution of 1776 - 1789 was changed from "The Constitution for the United States" to the words in block capitals "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" ( 'for' changed to 'OF' by congress on the 21st February 1871 under the acts of the 41st congress, section 34, session 3, chapters 61 & 62 called the "Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia" or in short the Act of 1871) Therefore the "transition of power is not just between Presidents but between types of constitution of the USA as Sovereign Presidents were sworn into office on March 4th of a new administration. In fact Trump signed the act on March 3rd 2020 and on March 4th 2021 he was it is suggested secretly inaugurated as the 33rd President of the USA under the 1776 - 1789 Constitution of the 4 March or as near as circumstances allow, an as the unusual events hint at from 3.11.2020 - 3.4.2021 (This is separately but connected to the other secret inaugurations which occur in Washington around the time of a Presidential election. The Roosevelt, Truman and Eisenhower transitioning from 4 March to 20.01 but Truman being the first outright in 1945)  

The other larger factor in the US election fraud (now admitted even Time Magaziine as the fraud to fortify the US election but people are rejecting all elections to take over their countries from the proxy facade) is the battle between Saudi petro dollar as Saud Aramco and Iran in the continued Oil wars.see The Secret Shadow Campaign to 'SAVE' & Fortify USA by Election fraud & for Saudi Aramco Oil Exports (and see in its description also) Trump however despite oil imports was trying to make the US energy independent. The Joe Biden Kamel Harris campaign for equality took a downturn as they began bombing ethnic minorities in Syria, the Build Back Better campaign turns into Bomb back Better for equality and diversity see "Biden Diversity Strikes Syria"  see also The Largest Economic Empire In The World Today...And No One Knows About It Saud Aramco Oil demand is rising ..... but .... (see last video) 

The impetus to fortify the election  was given by Obama in 2014 - 2015  under a "health act" executive order showing once more that he is a murderer and liar "October 2014 to February 2015, tweeted out a link to a document titled “Playbook for Early Response to High-Consequence Emerging Infectious Disease Threats and Biological Incidents"  (see again the Isis Christian genocide cover up (Video 27) ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery  “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling and embezzlement via the Vatican bank and the Vatican is engaged in debauchery which taxpayers and charity givers are paying for. Angelo Caloia, a former head of the Vatican bank was sentenced in Jan 2021 and many were arrested. 

Obama prepared the plandemic Executive order 13747 4.11.2016 (as CEO of the fake 1871 Corporation see above in late 2016 into 2018 ) as either the worlds greatest hoax or the  greatest mass murder operation from a man made virus in world history. " The document, originally unearthed in March by Politico, is a 69-page National Security Council guidebook developed in 2016 with the goal of assisting leaders “in coordinating a complex U.S. Government response to a high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world.”  Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. (just days before Trumps election win) "Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats"  and known to Joe Biden who has also taken kick backs from Big Pharma (Biden was Obama's Vice President) with Kamel Harris who works for Planned Parenthood who need the aborted fetal tissue (not from 40 years ago but even from 40 minutes ago as aborted fetus are moved  next door into the Big Pharma research labs labs to inject into childrens arms, approved by Pope Francis (who admits aborted fetal tissue are in the experimental vaccines) who is another man for the people like Obama. (to repeat (Video 38 )DNA VACCINATION INGREDIENTS,PHARMACEUTICALS, SORCERY & 3rd strand DNA (13.07.2020)

The US Capitol Hill Riots January 2021 Other aspects of the US election and the Capitol Hill "riots" are given by Amazing Polly gaps in the post "Secret Service Fail At Capitol Before Inauguration"  (Link here also  ) dated January 27th 2021 Relating to this article in "Eater"  'To Pass Secret Service Security, a Fast-Casual Spot in D.C. Had to Stuff Groceries Into Suitcases'  and the Restaurant called "Immigrant food" which managed to be inside the lock down area. Connected to Peter Schechter and Tea Ivanovic in the Centre for Transatlantic relations and the John Hopkins University  who has added the latest information on her previous investigation (see no 11 above) on the Capitol hill riots in (US Election fraud contd) 'Election "Fortified" by SECRET CABAL!'

Italygate and the US election Pope Puff and the Jesuit Cardinals for Jesus assisted  the fortification of the US election results in the scandal known as "Italygate"  "The theft of the election was orchestrated in the Rome Embassy , on the second floor of Via Veneto, by an employee, Stefano Serafini, foreign service officer of over 20 years," she said. "Stefano Serafini coordinated with a General Claudio Grazianoheard here in detail on Vocaroo    or also here on  Bitchute Italy gate  or here in Bitchute also again    (and discussed here on youtube

Vermin Supreme Right now the outright no hoper and from the back of the pack candidate "Vermin Supreme"   is the only one left with any integrity (the photo record for Vermin) at this stage. Vermin (in an obvious dig at the proxy politicians and 2 party candidates) is already feeling the pressure to come in from the cold and join an accepted party and lose the Wellington hat, but he said or was quoted as saying it protects him from Covid. Something Smells with Covid ? and it something the US diplomatic core could learn from as they are forced to have Vaccine test swabs up the posteria. ?? is this how it really spread ? However this procedure is either an act of blatent puffery (here related by the late Great Windsor Davies in A display of blatant Puffery )  from the Chinese communist party (not Kim Jong Un in North Korea who we have learnt is not Gay see chapter 5 in the adjacent website)   or an admission that Covid is spread by flatulence (breaking wind...if so how can it be stopped ? ) With Bill Gates, 'Dr' Tedross and Dr Fachi talking out of their backsides and have trained the MSM to do so also, then they are Superspreaders of Covid / Corona, the man made sars 2 covid lab virus bio-weaponMark Anthony Steel explains the Genocide attempts and why we are Soveriegn. and why the track and trace is not a civil rollout but military intelligence even attached onto the NHS with the vaccine which destroys your immune system. (and yes Ipsos Mori does mean "they die" and the letter from the NHS means literally that. Mark Anthony Steele explains ) Why are people wearing face masks when they should be wearing them on their ass ...or is this covered already by underwear ? On Flatulence but the Bovine kind Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg has now taken to explaining to the EU agricultural policy agencies about the 'Cow poo' and how it is affecting the skies and we cannot get it to come down again unless we pay a cow poo tax ? Yet she has not addressed the threat from Johhny fartpants (see below)  and how 7.5 Billion people on earth are spreading covid via Flatulence and CO2 emissions. How would Conan the barbarian or even Red Sonja react to the danger ? Incredibly Is Greta is a super spreader  via flatulence ? How dare she flatulise potential covid across continents  

Surely if CO2 escapes from Bovine and/or Human flatulence, (bringing a cow poo tax for carbon credits ) then Covid must be escaping also out of the bottoms of 7 Billion people on earth ? ... what is the UN doing about that ? where are the WHO on flatulence ? otherwise is CO2 also not a polluter ?

Britain has not seen the like since the Johhny Fart pants 1989 - 1996 terror campaign ran out of Newcastle many years ago, but Johnny now would be incarcerated as a super spreader by chinese communists, you could not make it up. Vermin may cover these energy policy points in the future which could cover why the Sustainable development UN CIA fund, and why it is simply a policy to build "smart cities" prisons and weaken the western energy policy. Energy policy should encompass all forms of energy as there is no evidence that global warming exists or that is man made. Will Vermin run as a candidate under the US constitution of 1776 or the fake Corporation of 1871 or the fakier FEMA act of 13.03.2020. Only time will tell in the 'Vermin for President'  campaign. What are Vermins inclinations on Bioethics ?,  see the Corbett report BIO-ETHICS  or here on Bitchute or here also on Bill Gates  or the actual Corbett Report on bitchute  and the related Nuremberg Code and the right to say No, and the related Communist experiments in over 200 camps (Video 20) USSR's GULAGS (Russia)   and the  (Video 19) USSR, Stalin, The Kremlin & the Genocidal Communist Empire (FULL video)   and also the (Video 30) The Bloody History of Communism & The Black Book of Communism ) 

The Federal Reserve is buying everything on earth under FEMA and the Military, but all under AI / Artificial Intelligence. In February 2019 and finalized & published on 3.12. 2020 Executive Order (Executive Order 13960 of December 3, 2020) placed the US Government under AI Artificial Intelligence decisions. FEMA is still running the USA via AI  (for more Americana under AI see bitchute Ice Age farmer who has done a great job of keeping people fed and informed)

A court in Peru has (despite the Soros fact checkers he owns denying it) accused Bill Gates, George Soros and Rockefeller of patenting and orchestrating the Covid Hoax. The court found this as fact and it was appealed by Gates and Soros but they lost  the appeal. A translated article can be read on this here   or in Spanish here again The Peruvian Judge in fact named Soros & Gates as the originator of the plandemic and the appeals court upheld that view

In the Myanmar coup (Burma) which saw the Militray take control on the 1.2.2021,  but the military who backed the opposition have prevented Ms Suu Kyi's NLD party who won by a landslide in November 2020. The Military however accuse George Soros of initiating a coup / colour revolution against Myanmar and have seized his internal bank accounts and issued arrest warrants. William F Engdhal writing in 2007 gives the origins of the elections and coups which  tragically shows "the people" stuck in the middle as in nearly every nation worldiwde  see more information on this  "Myanmar siezes Accounts of George Soros Open Society Foundation"  from Dr Steve Turley  


The USA has a current alternative Government as State Assemblies, up and running see SGT Report & the JFK assassination

Is THIS Our Last Chance to RESTORE THE REPUBLIC? -- Anna von Reitz  (and which is also explained in We the People state Assemblies ) She explains the difference between territorial law and governance and the municipal law and administration and why the current and past politicians are only Proxy representatives,  and why the US wants an end to that system, but not an end to the special relationship between Sovereign nations. Anna Von Reitz may not understand however the details in the Chapter 3b & the The Law of the Land  i.e. how Birth Certificates establish municipal law upon people (here on Birth Certificates and near the end traded on the New York Stock Exchange)

The Swiss on June 10th 2018 have recently held their referendum ‘Vollgeld Initiative’ (‘Initiative Monnaie Pleine’ in French) which would have instated a Sovereign Money system in place of the current banking system in Switzerland. Essentially it is a vote on how money should be created. The vote lost by 1/3 in favour and 2/3 against but this in Switzerland in one of the largest banking communities in the world is a sign of the concern raised not just by the IMF on world debt 

The USA went bankrupt in 1871, 1933 and the 3rd time in 1999 (after the Petro Dollar boost of 1972 but a boost which eats itself )  and then again in 2007 - 2009 (but this was a collapse within a collapse from 1999. In 1999 its charter was therefore finished except for the CIA made the Sustainable development fund which is in place now under the CIA / FEMA system.There was also a Coup by the Vatican in 1958, and now after a different collapse 2019 - 2021, planned into a Technocracy, but which can be turned into something else if people wish (Sovereign Nations) 

Clearly people prefer a nationalist outlook in their economies, families and 100 % employment, low taxation objectives. New Gold backed USA central bank In 2016 Texas suggested that a new Federal Reserve bank based upon the Gold Standard become the new Central bank of America, requesting Gold to do so (See Chapter 3 above and the dated post 11.03.2017 which gives the world background to Chinas and Russia's feverish Gold buying plan over a decade, and which may result in London being replaced as the Gold standard for the World  ) In 2017 Leander was chosen as a location in Texas. President Trump has also called for a stable gold backed currency and a return to the Gold standard and these measures would reverse the Nixon petro – dollar formation which removed Gold as the standard for valuing money, look in chapter 3A and the heading 23.10.2018   The USA and its Economic recovery Trumps trade and tariffs architects Peter Navarro and Robert Lighthizer and also 17.11.2018 Localism, (free trade, conglomerates, traders, importers and small and medium producers)  and also Contd …. On 15.05.2019 and heading Economic Nationalism a brief overview.

President Kennedy and "Q" In January 2020 this website asked the following Q question (which so far from Trump or Biden, Biden whose one job it is to sign executive order in the fake Whitehouse room i.e. although some declassified docs have been released 2020 / 2021 they mention nothing  new ) see above January Chapter 3b .....


"Declassification of documents.

JFK assassination 22.11.1963  Aside from the Russia declass investigation and many other areas, many feel it is also time to declassify the details of the JFK assassination. In particular, the claims of William Cooper a US Naval intelligence officer (who was also assassinated later) who claims (also held in classified documents he had seen) the driver of the car President Kennedy was within, in Dallas on 22.11. 1963 was the assassin. A secret service agent named William Greer. See video 'bill cooper on jfk assassination'    (or here as a video MP4 file ) President Trump or Fema Biden/ Harris  can confirm or deny these claims"


Who started the Coronavirus ? China, (& Hong Kong) Fort Detrick, Serco or the World Health Organization? 

The CDC (the centre for disease control) states the man made patented Virus origianated in a Wuhan lab (not in a market) 

Serco, China, Fort  Detrick and the World Health Organisation A number of US states in decisions which are wider than election fraud, have started to re-audit their votes from the US election 2021 - 2021 and on March 26th 2021 Dominion Voting filed a lawsuit against Fox News against false claims in the election, although this was shown live to be true see post above dated from 27.10.2020 & 13.11.2020 fwd  (to re-read today to see who reported correctly and you will discover that there are hundreds of bio-weapon labs globally in nearly every country) The Arizona state senate have hired a firm to "re-audit" the votes which is really forensics to show the cyber footprint of the electronic voting signal. China now are boasting that they are controlling Western think tanks   and Bidens security team and China has convicted and imprisoned the free democracy Hong Kong leaders for being pro - democratic   China are also now vaccinating 300,000 people in Ruili in mainland China (after recovering but then having 5 lockdowns since 2019, they will vaccinate an entire city in 5 days) as western reporters are forced to flee mainland  china due to harressment.  The UK (on 17.03.2021) have issued and renewed concerns about Chinas intentions as a security threat to the west in the RUSI 'integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy'   US concerns are given from Brighteon in December 2020. which mentions the most  serious breach of US securirty i.e. that includes the China hack of the OPM or Office of personnel management in 2015  and also in late 2020 & in October 21st 2020 the Pentagon released details of China hacking the USA US defence and Security Networks  

The World Health Organisation has investigated itself and found it  is not guilty of treason, bio=logical warfare and sedition and finds it  is highly unlikely (despite covid not being isolated in any Human ...who are however being Vaccinated ?) that the Wuhan Corona virus originated in a lab, but  does not discount (despite  no isolation) that it may have began in a market originating in  bat-shit (despite the fact there are patents on Sars 2 Covid ? and it may also be spread anally ) Along with the great reset / covid / new normal / technocracy (under the green UN Agenda 21 - 30 Green new deal which is really a system to depopulate and enlarge communist control globally and nothing to do with 'renewing the earth') is an increase in world-wide surveillance systems and track and trace operations which were perfected by China, even before electronic surveillance by studying the poor unfortunates in 'North Korea' who could still yet achieve freedom (see the adjacent website chapter 5 and North Korea Chairman Mao)  

China has hacked UK mobile users for years a major UK cybersecurity firm finds including  into top companies such as Jaguer and the City of London. GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) in Cheltenham (  and the NCSC the National Cyber Security Centre here describing its capabilities ) have discovered China has infiltrated systems across the UK  and are advising people to update their Microsoft systems. Microsoft are being blamed for the security lapse and they have had  dealings with China for over 3 decades and during Bill Gates tenure of microsoft who are famous for developing systems with inbuilt virus which then need Microsoft products to remove. Similar to the current covid scam but very lucrative. Microsoft received major donations to the Republican and Democratic parties, who both in the last 30 years, all have passed bills and finance legislation benefiting Microsoft both directly and indirectly  or to the UN world Health Organisation funds. Defence secretary Gavin Willaimson This is why the reporting of Huawei espionage by defence secretary Gavin Williamson in May 2019 was a vital step to removing this curse upon mankind, which Teresa May castigated as a bad thing to do ? (which tells you everything about her attitude to Brexit) Huawei have offices in Wuhan near the 'outbreak' the World Health Organisation could not find. Since 2019 Gavin Williamson has been vindicated as Huawei has been banned in the UK as of July 2020 and across all systems by 2027     Microsoft have offices in Wuhan dating from 2011  but Amazon,Google and Facebook have reviewed their Wuhan China policy as have Apple    and they are all still under investigation in all 50 states in the USA against its monopoly in all 50 states in the USA. considering Google and other social network platforms are moving against free speech and monopolizing censorship by ideological measures and standards (see the top of Chapter 3b and the removal of free speech) China has responded (amidst its clampdown on democracy by jailing  elected representatives from Hong Kong) by accusing America of starting the corona virus in Fort Detrix USA.   The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland has prior concerns which China already knew of prior to 2019. Yet the revelations in Italygate (see above) cast doubts on these claims as the Vatican's policy under Pope Francis (a communist / marxist) The scandal known as "Italygate"  "The theft of the election was orchestrated in the Rome Embassy , on the second floor of Via Veneto, by an employee, Stefano Serafini, foreign service officer of over 20 years," she said. "Stefano Serafini coordinated with a General Claudio Graziano"  heard here in detail on Vocaroo    or also here on  Bitchute Italy gate  or here in Bitchute also again    (and discussed here on youtube) 

Serco 1 As the full scale of China's subversion of the UK is realised including the Kung Flu / Fu Manchu flu like viurs, in "UK and allies reveal global scale of Chinese cyber campaign"   which also vindicates Chinas attempts to control systems in the UK and wider then targeted SERCO. SERCO also have offices in mainland China  concerns against Serco brought a rebuttal from the Company in October 2020    At the end of March 2021 Bloomberg reported that ex Serco directors hid millions in profits according to the UK ministry of Justice   Further the Guardian reported upon Serco in 2013 in Serco the Company that runs Britain and have been involved in Tagging scandals "In July, Serco was fined £19.2m after claims it had charged the government for electronically monitoring people who were either dead, in jail, or had left the country" . In August 2020 Sercos handling of the track and trace system (which they are a part of) was questioned.  (via operation Moonshot) From care homes scandals  to the aforementioned overcharging  which goes to the point of the  more cases of covid reported the more money is made. Wider concerns in protests and demonstrations have also been raised (remembering that companies and corporations move to accuse each other for more reasons than public safety or protection i.e industrial esponiage or sabaotge and it is not just Serco ) see  Serco, Covid Pirbright patents, FEMA, Immigration, Child Trafficking, AI Facial Recognition, Skynet (or see here also once more ) The following Video claims Serco is begind the pandemic (genocide and maiming and false incarceration of the public ) The origins of the vaccination programme in 2018/ 2019 in China (looking back) and relates how the corona patent filed in 2015 was past to all nations at the Wuhan Military games in Sep / Oct 2019 further vindication Gavin Williamson see CΟRΟNΑ Covid19 Weaponized against Humanity (Inovio Apollobio VGX 3100 Hiv Ebola & 5G/6G) 

Serco partner with FEMA in the USA in 2018 and into 2022    (see the beginning of this post dated 8.4.2021 for FEMA)

Serco 2, however they began as a company have been taken over by China and infiltrated. Corruption, jailing people without cause or prolonging jail terms, and involvement in trafficking at taxpayers expense, not their own means they are actively working against Britain and the West, and the West's military including within FEMA & the US elections, according also to DNI John Radcliffe  see "Beijing ‘Substantially Involved’ in US 2020 Election, China Analyst Says"    Serco have been accused of overseeing the Rotherham and other towns trafficking scandals. Further to the top of the last post the Director National Intelligence John Radcliffe has confirmed that foreign interference was central to the US elections. see DNI John Ratcliffe Confirmed There Was Foreign Interference in November Elections: 



The City of London is starting to get fed up with the EU and can now trade directly under the WTO or within the trade deal it has an option to leave the EU. Looking back Brexiters have long preferred the WTO option. With finance firms flooding  into the City, Brexit is providing less regulation than EU cities. Once again Bill Cash speaking on this (in effect during the Brexit campaign and the new EU treaty simplifies what is going on. Unemployment in the EU unofficially is at 40 million people due to the plandemic (8% unemployed) but in reality it is nearer 55 million. Europe is also heading for a double dip recession due to the  technocracy plans  Trying to blame Brexit is not a reality. See video CNBC ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’  (or here on YouTube ‘Remaining in EU 'very bad news' for the UK, politician says’ )See Video ‘John Baron MP tears apart the scaremongering of a WTO Brexit’  and now with CANZUK and over 70 others Britain can trade with the EU with the option to leave into WTO or go straight into WTO  with or without a EU ratified deal. (This post above dated 8.4.2021) 


'The Great Reset; after this post above dated 8.4.2021 will be a brief alternative to the Great reset (5) to follow


03.01.2022 The 2nd part of the US elections (contd) ..... over one year since the 2020 US Elections, a real US President has not appeared ? as the US goes into the 2022 poxy elections, is 'Democracy' dead James Delingpole Delingpole: Democracy Is Dead in the UK – and Everywhere  There are real alternatives and solutions, but does the USA need its own Brexit or equivalents (to follow, & see also The Sovereignty of Nations website)





USA Midterm Elections, Senate and Congress and administrators, Elections on the 8th November 2022.

(contd from USA Presidential elections Nov 2020) 

Posts dated on US midterm elections (this post 2.4.2022) & 10.05.2022, & 7.7.2022, & 3/4.10.2022


Link to the Sovereign website and post dated 15.04.2022

Link to US election 27.10.2020 forward until this post

*** New Post dated 3.10.2022 is below scroll down***



Incredibly the US is actually having elections for its 'midterm government' and has the nerve to ask the people to  vote for it ? To vote (all its elections are rigged)  for the existing situation (does the USA even need a President at all never mind from the 2 main branches of the Uni-party) after the 'emergency' brought in by Trump and extended by Biden is an incredible deception and a waste of time

1. The USA did not it is suggested win its independence USA a corporation which did not win its Independence in 1776

2. The USA  a Corporation UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1. is OF the USA 2. is FOR the USA

Both are available here as MP 4 Files 
1. USA a corporation which did not win its independence in 1776  & next video 2. UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1 is OF the USA 2 is FOR the USA

See also  "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE 


Following the mass voter frauds in November 2020 (this link will take you to the 2020 elections with all details fromissues in US 27.10.2020 back down to here) which can be seen in detail above here in this section, can anyone in the USA trust elections especially after the ongoing and emerging covid / corona in which all rights of 'Humans' were removed. As the multi - dollar campaign is underway for the midterms (in which no valid President has been elected to date) what are the issues that Americans should be focusing on ?

US Supreme Court, the Pentagon, FEMA Trump and Biden See the new WEF book the 'Great Narrative' (timed to precede the closing of bank accounts for crypto or existing fit currency in the Canada emergency see link to vaccine deaths and injuries below posts 5 & 6 ) which determines how your DNA will be changed by injection or pill as an integral part of the the 4th industrial revolution. The US Supreme Court overturned an earlier ruling by a district court which stated  Navy seals (or the Navy) could opt out of being vaccinated, but now they have said that the district court was inserting itself into the chain of command of the military by this ruling ? (but Big Pharma are not detrimental ?) 

The kangaroo court of the US Supreme court is not operating under the US Constitution. People are calling for the arrest of Joe Biden,(get a 4th dose and booster shots etc)  and Donald Trump (operation warp speed, father of the vaccine and donater to Bill Gates despite criticizing the UN and companion to Geoffrey Epstein on Epstein island. Epstein funder of the vaccines) and every official, administrator and legislator internally in the state, right up to Governor and into the congress and the US Senate who have perpetrated this genocide on the American people and every nation on earth Biden extends funding for FEMA to July 2022 for Trumps emergency declaration of March 2020 (see above) . The pointless facade of western democracies could be better served by awarding the campaign funds (ranging from between 100,000 and 1 billion for the fake elections)  as immediate injury payments to those harmed by these experimental injections, deaths and injuries. The world is being sold the narrative that Biden is hopeless and Trump is on the way back or the military (FEMA ? ) will re-install him to keep the Uni - party proxy vote fraud going. In  Indiana people are asking for Mike Pence to return as he returned Indiana to full employment and was the architect behind that notion. Trump the father of the vaccine and operation warp speed which Biden contd both of them undertook FEMA lockdowns. (still extended) Trump and Biden and the Republican / Democrat parties (the Uni - party ) are personally responsible for the deaths and injuries of Americans they are seeking proxy votes from as are all political parties ? Will every nation rise and remove the legal fiction governments and the fake 'left' manufactured body politic ? people have seen who lied to them and who did not. Who turned and ran and capitulated and who did not.  Voting is over, it is all rigged and new Sovereign nations need to be installed without deception. (the information above and below will assist people to know the difference, lawfully, operationally, morally as Sovereign nations)

Many suggest that all US elections for President are rigged (selected not elected) and especially from Bush JNR (Gore Bush) into Obama's stint into Trumps in 2016 and as observed above Biden in 2020. None have addressed the following 2 issues below ? if people think Trump or any corporation President will bring this forward is a delusion and you need "other" candidates than the Dem / Rep Uni-party who should stand down, 


1) "Declassification of documents.

JFK assassination 22.11.1963  Aside from the Russia declass investigation and many other areas, many feel it is also time to declassify the details of the JFK assassination. In particular, the claims of William Cooper a US Naval intelligence officer (who was also assassinated later) who claims (also held in classified documents he had seen) the driver of the car President Kennedy was within, in Dallas on 22.11. 1963 was the assassin. A secret service agent named William Greer. See video 'bill cooper on jfk assassination'    (or here as a video MP4 file ) President Trump or Fema Biden/ Harris  can confirm or deny these claims"


2) THE REAL NESARA known as the "NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT " which is the real NESARA passed by  ... 15 members of congress passed the act on MARCH 9TH 2000  (n.b. not the fake NESARA docs such as NESARA.ORG with its draining the swamp and trust the plan or QUATLOOSE nesara scam ..... or Sherry Shriner and the "Wikipedia" version of 'Nesara' all wrong including the fake 'NATIONAL ECONOMIC STABILIZATION & RECOVERY ACT'

The Act was put to one side even though it is valid now, and in the wake of 9/11 in which many aspects of the NESARA law were stopped both in New York in the twin towers and in the attack on the Pentagon. Why has no President since then insisted on its implementation in all its 19 points ? see

"MUST LISTEN! the National Economic Security & Reformation Act. This is a GAME CHANGER; if it's true"   (or here on Bitchute)   It is already passed as LAW for the people and legal measures (as opposed to LAWFUL measures) cannot hide or prevent it. It grew out of the Farm land banks legal class action lawsuits which they won. Bill Clinton was forced to agree to NESARA  "NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT " (and sign a Lawful bill of law) with "Delta force" who guard the white house looking on to make sure it was signed. It benefits ALL nations in the spirit of King Alfred and the US founding fathers and the common law from  time immemorial as sovereign rights under God


Documentary below (link or MP4 file) on the combined international collateral accounts of the 'Foundation Divine', and the farmers land claims (& NESARA)

It is nothing to do with "Q" or Trump or Biden in its origins it began in the 1980's against the land seizures of farmers in the USA. Its 19 points are listed below here in the next video, in part 3 at 1 hour 25 minutes, and the 19 points in full at minutes 1 hour 48 minutes 58 seconds (see also 1 hour 47 minutes for the 15 embers of the congress and senate at 1 hour 48 minutes 20 seconds fwd) in the following link and also MP 4 File


"St Germain NESARA, & the Combined International Collateral accounts.Foundation Divine Quadtrillions 


The combined international collateral accounts (CICA) (created first in 1875) do exist and are tangible, (but have been hidden) whereas the mysterious figure of st Germain is not as tangible, but separating fact from fiction, the Quadtrillions traded everyday and the trust accounts far outweigh the debt of the world currently, at around 270 Trillion not counting the 1 quadtrillion in derivatives (and offshoots of derivatives) which are frauds and fictions which should never be included in any tally. World debt cancellation without conditions is very viable, and the continuation of the CICA accounts, today (past the cafr, comprehensive financial report  and foriegn situs trusts now operating as 'prosperity' and others ) under Common Law and already passed and declared these funds belong to the working class / middle class people (the commoners or the 'Volk' ) of the world without legal fiction 'government' or legal fiction proxy politicians interfering or ingratiating authority upon themselves over them to thwart or delay or steal from

There are 19 points but (for instance ) only 8 of the are listed here 

This real NESARA in fact strengthens the West (and the special relationship and 'Tikkun Olam') for discernment towards the Mid - terms and 2024 see the vaccination deaths and injuries in 6 parts and also the website the sovereignty of nations  If any politician seeking your proxy vote, even at county level up to the congress and senate, does not mention any of these points above, are they worth voting for ? and should you give away (when it is even rigged) your proxy vote anyway ?

The UN (United Nations) is at the center of the ruin of the USA, and many are calling for its removal from the West. A link to other information on Trafficking and the UN bio-metric data etc can be found  in chapter  6 below in post 15 dated 2.4.2022, or go to the end and scroll up


Other issues in US politics (immigration) .From 2016 to date spread over 2 proxy presidents of USA inc, the narrative was that Obama was pro- open borders, but then Trump came in and was for closing the border, then Biden came in and opened up the border once more to non US citizens. Biden's recent executive order (all executives order exist outside of the US constitution under this emergency and from the social security act of the new deal under FDR itself 'an emergency' ) reverses Trumps policies etc Trump wanted biometric ID for immigrants and for existing citizens, but as the article states Homeland Security reversed that decision also. Homeland security was drafted in the 9/11 emergency and is not viable under the US constitution, yet Biden helped draft the Homeland security act. However it is progressing by stealth and will be employed for all people in the USA illegal and legal, so that illegal immigrants will run into biometric enslavement in the USA whatever there ID name or status and not just in the USA. Why did Biden reverse these policies ? because it is not good trafficking policy (with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer also in on the deal Trafficking deal ) to have trackable cargo / product with trackable funds per person, (it is very profitable to traffic illegals) until after they are in and dispersed. Further Trump had more immigration than Obama and Ann Coulter gave away the information in 2019 / 2020. ID2020 (United Nations) is working on total global digital biometric ID since 2020 and into 2023, so ironically there is no where for immigrants to run to and most have already been injected with the experimental mRNA injection in any case as the South American statistics reveal for 2022  Trafficking also occurs from Canada into the USA and into every nation globally. Turning the USA back into NAFTA (with its 10 regions under UN global rule) is central to this plan. You can read about NAFTA as it appeared in Chapter 3 above under the sub-heading about half way down dated chronologically with inserts of later dates, scroll down to post dated 07.06.2016 with Brexit topics r.e. " (spreading more covid and fro the self spreading vaccines)

N.A.F.T.A  and the 10 New World Regions or the 10 global spheres of influence (ten world regions) " = USA + Canada + Mexico into 1 giant superstate, many maps show Mexico separate, although the US or Canadian constitutions have not ratified such a deal (the UN do not care about these details unless they are facing removal fro US soil) 

The Occupy movement of 2010 - 2011 & the Occupy America movement 2022 protest The 'left' failed to occupy much in 2010 / 2011 but the 'right' could for instance now occupy Bill Gates land in the USA bought with vaccine profits (250,000 acres) , and clear it of GMO foods for sustainability. Occupy Obama's $12 million dollar homestead you could house many Ukrainian families there. Occupy Trumps lands and Biden's and then onto Hollywood. The 'left do not seen interested in the "occupy america campaign"   especially if they are Democrats homes with big bordering walls, when "occupying" ? But they can scream a lot and then make a complete arse of themselves ? (Adolf Hitler of course lived on in Argentina and also at bases within Antarctica's New Schwaben land ) You can read about the original occupy protest here in the adjacent website (the deliberate failure of the occupy movement) which has a link back to this post     

The Abortion industry now linked to the vaccine industry and the Roe versus Wade court case to be overturned  Beyond Gosnell: Freezer of Aborted Babies Found at Univ of Washington  and also  connected "Perinatal": A License to Kill Up to 1 Month AFTER Birth

The arrest and prosecution of Barry Soetoro (Obama ) prepared the plandemic Executive order 13747 4.11.2016 (as CEO of the fake 1871 Corporation ) as either the worlds greatest hoax or the  greatest mass murder operation from a man made virus in world history. " The document, originally unearthed in March by Politico, is a 69-page National Security Council guidebook developed in 2016 with the goal of assisting leaders “in coordinating a complex U.S. Government response to a high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world.”  Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. (just days before Trumps election win) "Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats" shows that Obama executive order instigated or prepared the plandemic carried through by Trump and Biden. 

What were Trump and Clinton doing on the plane to the paedophile and trafficking centre Epstein Island 

The dismantling of the medical industry and Big Pharma. Allopathic or natural medicine does not require medical insurance or costly machinery to administer. Where does medicine come from ? Why is Allopathic medicine always classed as 'scientific' or modern western medicine but older remedies as alternative. In fact the modern western medicine is the alternative and often better choice, as 'medicine' or pills are made from "things that grow" in natural unpolluted soils and forests before being reclassified and  blended with synthetic oil based pollutants to become 'prescription medicine' but which is a lot more lucrative. Modern medicine is relatively new and unscientific but is 'scientificism' (the movement) For details see Rockefeller Medicine by Corbett Report  (or on youtube also) or see here for connected films on this subject  or see the many uploads on Brighteon from the David Jones with nearly 70 videos on what actually occurs in medicine. Why is germ theory prevalent and terrain theory ignored ? is it simply that germ theory is far more lucrative. Germ Theory and Terrain theory and m RNA vaccines in your cells. For an understanding of  "virology"  and germ theory and terrain theory (which is sidelined by Big Pharma because there is no money in it, see 1)Dr Sam Bailey - Viruses do not cause disease (Germ Theory Exposed)   and also  2) Dr. Christiane Northrup interviewed by Mike Adams  Oil is also not scarce  or even a fossil fuel, which means an unlimited supply for Big Pharma and Big Oil. The same applies to the military industrial complex in the USA and Europe, and also in Britain and Switzerland

Doctors or combined health centers should replace big pharma centers which should be scrapped and local towns and centers should begin again. The world has seen those who stood up for truth as Doctors and health advisors fro 2020. Obamacare is simply lowering health insurance by subsidy to allow more people to be vaccinated or even (soon) micro-chipped. Health insurance is not designed to ensure health, and all health systems are essentially the same. Every cured patient is a fee or insurance claim lost it is more lucrative in this system to keep patients ill for as long as possible without raising suspicion, whilst dispensing as many pills as possible. It also enables child trafficking as most health systems propeed by democrats or republcans 

The sexualisation of Children in any form. (the proetection of children should be paramount) Chapter 6 below and new post dated 5.4.2022 (or link to the end of chapter 6 and scroll up to it) . Trafficking is so prevalent it has spilled over into big pharma (now reaching literally genocide levels ) and a potential new target of 7.5 billion people, including within the military   Chapter 6 shows that trafficking could be stopped overnight globally.

The end of the Petro - Dollar (as it is) as Saudi Arabia, Russia and China seek to buy and sell Oil and GAS in Rubles or Yuan. With the new statesmen overview on the new Iron Curtain (Ukraine Russia) 

An overview of the Petro Ruble / Yuan. Putin demands payment in Rubles and bitcoin (digital cbdc also coming for all central banks and bitcoin and crypto's will merge) for energy, in March 2022, and invades Ukraine, and pegs the Ruble to Gold in April 2022. Saudi Arabia took a military defence contact with Russia in August 2021 instead of the USA (Nixon oil shock 1972) although in reality both Russia and the USA have undertaken joint operations. ( Saudi Arabia watched the US withdrawal of Afghanistan by 9/11 2021 ) China buys Russian energy in Yuan and not the Dollar. China wants to run the New World Order with or without Russia and  via its totalitarian social credit system dystopia. The WEF World Government summit  (world government summit) March 2022 forum in Dubai announced cashless system, in a global digital world, and that WW3 has begun as the announced Global pandemic treaty Global pandemic treaty takes shape  to extend the removal of human rights via the mRNA synthetic dna injections which Trump and Obama (see above) sanctioned, already enabled by the US Supreme court. See below The UN partner with Deutsche Telekom to enable the new the 4th industrial revolution system Pippa Malmgren of the WEF World Summit in Dubai speaks on the new digital currency and more details or interpretations of the event are here Globalists Spill the Beans at the World Government Summit - #NewWorldNextWeek and the Ukraine is the first nation to go full digital (with the Crimea ownership still a question in which NATO could get involved, as Poland offers to host Nuclear weapons against Russia )

Taken from the vaccine deaths and injuries on the adjacent website. Clips from the New Book from the WEF "The Great Narrative" 2022 Klaus Schwab on synthetic dna from mRNA vaccines NO 271 and also 271A and the Corbett report on the Great Narrative NO 272   Unvaxxed USA Military purged from Army from Trumps 'father of the Vaccine' injection experimental 'gene therapy'  NO 272a Military super soldiers gene augmentation NO 272B  & also NO 272C  & also NO 272C  & also NO 272d  and Supreme Court USA findings r.e synthetically modified people can be owned or patented, but real people cannot NO 273 & NO 273a & also NO 273B and further into 2019 273C (echoing the UN statement redefining what it means to be human and in also relation to abortion / fetus etc. Dr Andrew Wakefield injections are not vaccinations but genetic engineering NO 274 and Swedish study confirms that mRNA vaccines enter cells nucleus and alter DNA RNA also causing "autoimmune hepatitis" NO 275 ) Dr Cowan explains that the process is very similar to a GMO food status via the crispr gene editing technology for the gene therapy injection. Slight changes with long lasting effects 'Synthetic DNA via experimental mRNA injections'

Transhumanism also means you will have no Human Rights as you are changed from your prior Sovereign flesh and blood human self with inalienable rights (and therefore you can be owned and branded as a product ) It sounds like it is science fiction but in fact it is already occurring and it is all a part of the 'Human genome project'  The revealing documentary 'Hacking the Human Genome | After Dark Online'  gives some of the background. Hack your DNA with CRISPR - VPRO documentary - 2018'  People can purchase Home DNA / RNA altering hacking kits but which  come with a warning. Humans are hackable animals Yuval Hariri  or see here Yuval Noah Harari (Homo Deus = 'Man gds') & Klaus Schwab (Human Gene editing via Vaccines & Crispr) The WHO estimates that 5 billion out of 7 billion people are vaccinated since March 2020, and 11. Billion shots in total for the world as of April 2022

Canada brings in (already designed) CBDC digital bank note which does not need a bank account ?containing all records and data which can be turned off (see here as universally accessible scroll down to 'How CBDC and stablecoins compare' ) inspired by the China's social credit dystopia  ( Podcast of the Lotus eaters in the last link, are trying to say the New International Rules based order is also the takeover of health systems by the military in any nation. Ukraine is the first UN digital nation in the the 4th industrial revolution great reset )

The Great Narrative World Economic Forum Book (and see 271 and 271a & 272 for details from the book)


For the voter (who does not need to give away their vote to a 'candidate' who is simply a proxy voter who steals your vote to forward their agenda (Neither the democrats or republicans are going to help Trump, Bush, Obama, Clinton or Biden) not yours or the public, so have direct sovereignty, see how any of these topics arise as serious subjects on the MSM (mainstream media) 


The UN (United Nations) is at the center of the ruin of the USA, and many are calling for its removal from the West. A link to other information on Global Trafficking and Child abuse and the UN bio-metric data etc can be found  in chapter  6 below in post 15 dated 2.4.2022, or go to the end and scroll up



Added 10.05.2022,  

Roe versus Wade (abortion case) , Supreme Court cases & Court cases on free speech, property rights, 'human' and 'non human' rights and more 

Free Speech and the Media. With decentralized control of the Media, free speech flourishes. The recent Supreme Court case allowing or adjudicating on free speech i.e.  Harold Shurtleff versus City of Boston in a 9 - 0 decision in his favour is a truthful verdict (on his right to mount a flag outside of municipal buildings ) but it is really only enforcing the US Constitution (they have in effect no Jurisdiction) as it already exists in the 1st amendment, although implied already in the constitution without amendments, i.e the original unhampered constitution. Harold Shurtleff discusses the case with David Knight..INTERVIEW: Winner of UNANIMOUS Victory in Supreme Court (or here on Rumble once more ) This Constitution only exists because people have Sovereign common law inalienable rights given by God Another Supreme Court Case gives a different view of the Supreme court recently ( a Lieutenant Colonel in the US military versus the US Government)  Mark of the Beast OK'd by Supreme Court  .(or here again on Rumble once more) in the post above in the first part of this website dated 15.04.2022 the deeper background over years is given with other Supreme courts and synthetic / & normal DNA  classifications if being 'human' ) 

The supporting US supreme court cases over 12 years or so (see below)  on this subject where 'synthetic GMO' people can be owned but real flesh and blood people cannot which is also a reference to the m RNA dna changing experimental injections as deaths and injuries skyrocket around the world updated every 2 months) or here for the hundreds of Pfizer side effect to death and injury  US Supreme Court says Humans cannot be owned by synthetically modified humans can be & also here by the BBC    (& updated in 2019 ) Full court ruling    mRNA injections do just this. The WEF state that 70% of the world is now injected (at 10 minutes in) and they have administered 11.5 Billion injections worldwide & Chile prohibits discrimination against "genetically altered people"   etc etc as the vaxxed catching more covid than unvaxxed  with the cdc now withdrawing vaxx in case of blood clots....Transhumanism is no longer science fiction but science fact (it goes on and on)VAX DEATHS GO MAINSTREAM! - FDA Stops J&J Over Blood Clots - Children With Liver & Heart Problems! 

In Common law (see example at the end of this post ) a human has rights which cannot be removed from conception  United Nations statement  who redefined "what it means to be Human"  echoing the WEF World Economic Forum The Very Idea of Humans as some sort of natural concept is going to change"  MP 4 file  or longer version here The Video from the WEF is here in full (Video 70 A ) The UN says "Human concept as Natural will Change" (World Economic Forum, Great reset


Linked to this is the use of fetal tissue in medicine and vaccines.

A full list on injuries and deaths is here (to return to later)

Human diploid cells in the vaccines. Pope Francis confirms "baby DNA" is in the experimental vaccines  ? (and see link no 84 above and others) but  this is then denied by a Roman Catholic news Channel  EWTN  (EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network who campaigned on pro - life issues) However Veritas have also confirmed that infant human remains are in the vaccines and which was confirmed by Pfizer to Veritas  Further EWTN are not keen to comment on these issues as Vannessa Gelman Pfizer's lead researcher runs away when asked about the baby dna in vaccines the Pope approves of,  also the Dr stanley Plotkin deposition confirms that recent aborted fetal tissue is used in 2018 (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video or You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins in here Today the Vatican has issued Green passports on Covid but if you are a paedophile priest you can hide out there without prosecution.(for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) And the CDC now admit aborted fetal parts are in vaccines

It is incredible that the pro - choice pro abortion campign of "my body my choice" does not apply  to vaccine mandates ?? EWTN campaigned in the Irish abortion referundum which rvelaed baby parts sold by Planned Parenthood ? but cannot accept that those parts are in Vaccines ? see Babies body parts & Vaccines part 1  and see part 2 also Babies body parts & Vaccines part 2 (The root of the word vaccine in the Latin is "cow" in the  bovine  sense, a cow being an animal or beast but domesticated) Dr OZ is an abortion supporter 

The full (sickening) list of  Vaccine and/or mRNA injection ingredients and just how many shots a baby is expected to take these days Dr. Christiane Northrup: COVID-19 VAXXX Ingredients.

New Documentary exposes the Irish abortion referendum in 2018 The documentary is a shocking expose showing how Big Tech and the MSM intervened and meddled for the yes vote (for abortion) when their campaign was lost  in Ireland. Whether it is children who are alive and who are then sexually abused, or in the womb and cut open and killed "children's rights" are non existent in the law of the sea uniform commercial code assessment of citizens and state rights, as opposed to Common law rights

1. Youtube   IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life   2. Facebook   Trailer on Facebook    3. The Life Institute  Full Film page

Roe versus Wade It has been 'leaked' that Roe versus Wade as been alledgely overturned in a vote but full details are yet to emerge (10.5.2022) yet to ban abortion is not a decesion (nor was the verdict of Roe v Wade see also on Dr Oz) but a confirmation for the constitution of (not for) the United Staates (1776) The official fulll annoucement has not transpired  to date. The constitution FOR would not exist without common law the puritans / pilgrims brought from England (see example at the end of this post)

Another proposal in this debate (and a good lecture on the constitution) is the 'Convention of States' notion see analysis here Convention of States: Deep State Plan to Overthrow Constitution?  What is the constitutional convention or convention of states (article 5) It is simply a rehashed left wing product to remove the US Constitution and Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights - It's Absolute!

The answer to the debate is to first realize the following. Whether it is the US Constitution or Bill of Rights, they could not exist without  the reality that Humans have inalienable rights from time immemorial as a Sovereign human being, not as legal fiction 'person' This is first fundamental to any declaration of rights in any nation. Any document or constitution can be employed to tweak those pre-existing sovereign rights or confuse people into new rights which are not rights at all. "Equal rights with no rights equally" is the aim of legalese 'laws' or legislation within the  proxy vote 'democracy', which sieves unelected ideas into legislation unlawfully and which is not beneficial or part of any sovereign nation. They call it is legal but is Unlawful

Central to this is the right to private property VICTORY: No Trespassing? Govt Surveillance on Private Lands Stopped  or once again on Rumble  VICTORY: No Trespassing? Govt Surveillance on Private Lands Stopped   (see wider the David Knight ShowOwners of private land in the USA won a court case to stop an agency from setting up surveillance on their land from the federal "open fields doctrine"  without a warrant etc.

The Plandemic Treaty (preparedness and response) treaty for new LEGAL but not LAWFUL  Global governance (One World Government r.e. the new intarional rules based order) is the framework to introduce the One World Government details here (plandemic treaty in the above para also)  ASTRID STUCKELBERGER ON THE WHO'S 'PANDEMIC TREATY'  People and nations can ignore and opt out of the treaty which will be run globally and centrally by AI. Yet it is possible that the UN could be removed from US soil ? and relocated . The Plandemic treaty replaces the CDC (in the USA) and governs the USA directly from the (World health organisation) WHO / UN replacing the Constitution in every nation. It is scheduled for 22.05.02022 - 26.02.2022 in Geneva,  and has been brought fwd  to have a 6 month (not 18 months) initiation.  Agenda 21 - 30 has also been brought forward. The WHO is the only UN agency to have a constitution and it will be joined with the UN constitution which is based on the communist manifesto removing private property rights

Yet and see the last post above regarding the Navy Seals victory in the US district court to have an exemption from the mRNA experiential injection. (Repeated from the post above dated 03.02.2022) "The US Navy seals brought a lower court successful case  on religious exemptions from the mandate in a federal district court in early January 2022 In the USA all district courts operate under admiralty law and from the outset no one in the USA had to comply with the mandates from the get go under the constitution but under inalienable rights of common law. A Judge of course can clear a court and reset as a Sovereign Court and with Sovereign decisions" Yet this decision was overturned by the US Supreme Court The US Supreme Court overturned an earlier ruling by a district court which stated  Navy seals (or the Navy) could opt out of being vaccinated, but now they have said that the district court was inserting itself into the chain of command of the military by this ruling ? (the adjacent website and post dated 15.04.2022 has connected issues to the mid - term elections where the media is focusing on the 2 unipartys once more in the election farce) 

Here is an example of an Australian case which highlights the difference between Common law and Admiralty maritime law  (in the Melbourne Magistrate Court) Common Law & Admiralty Maritime Law & the difference. A practical example in a 'court' after intro .or here as an MP  File (2. Common Law versus Admiralty Law MP4  File ) (this post added 10.05.2022)




Added 7.7.2022 

Roe versus Wade (but not abortions per se) overturned in the US Supreme Court, the WHO, abortion, human rights and life. Carbon emissions and the EPA overturned. Surveillance tracking systems for who ?

Impeachment, The US Commonwealth, The Federal Reserve bank Charter, Ghislaine Maxwell & NESARA aka the 'NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT' 9 March 2000) 

Rose versus Wade was very influential on the decision of the US Supreme Court to open the gates for states to legislate for abortions, overreaching its powers federally and sidelining the US Constitution. See also  “IRELAND WILL FOLLOW”: PRO-LIFE GROUPS WELCOME ROE V WADE OVERTURN.Firstly the woman behind the controversy on January 22nd 1973 was Norma MCCorvey aka Jane Roe  Roe Lied About Being Raped, Admitted On Live TV and who also had a deathbed confession  Roe Vs. Wade: Jane Roe - Deathbed Confession. Since 1973, 1.5 Billion abortions have occurred globally, and over 50 million in the USA (some estimates say 66 million in the USA)  Many have said of the US Supreme Court decision that 'Church and State' should be separated, yet there is nothing in the decision pertaining to the role of church and state ? in the constitutional republic. (but on that subject It's Time for Separation of "School & State" )

Another decision to remove the federal EPA (Environment Protection Agency) blanket authority over states in the USA  'Supreme Court limits Biden's power to cut emissions' deferring to congress although states also have power to decide. States can decide to clean up the USA nationally rather than internationally. The United Nations said on the decision "A United Nations spokesman called it "a setback in our fight against climate change" (but not against pollution which states can fight) but added that no single nation could derail the global effort". Whilst others see the decision as one step nearer to removing the United nations from US Soil. Like the patriot act it is not patriotic nor an act for a sovereign court upholding the US Constitution (which is already a 'patriot act' ) based upon sovereign common law and also of the commonwealth (see below)  The debate about carbon emissions being good for the environment continues. The church is not owned by the state or should not be, yet people who are sovereign attend church and reside in a nation also. However what this ruling does is remove the 'administrative state' which is the 'legal fiction corporation' which of course are only regulations and not law. Or 'legal' but not Lawful.Common law based on English common law. Cutting red tape is not the same as introducing LAW which protects your sovereign human rights as men and woman not 'PERSONS'   Supreme Court Uproots the Administrative State; Biden Calls to Drop Filibuster to Codify Roe V. Wade (or here again ) where agencies (unelected bureaucrats) and even NGO's making regulations that are not LAW.or here once again 'Biden calls on Congress to ease Senate rules to codify Roe v. Wade'   (the story will develop as it progresses below & see also the sovereignty of nations

States can now decide, yet abortion is also Murder which is not allowed in any state or in any nation globally. In the USA it is likely that 28 states initially will ban abortion, but as the last paragraph introduces the notion to change 'regulations' (not common law inalienable rights)  to avoid a filibuster, to allow Abortions to be codified into law. Yet the democrats do not have the votes and of course it can be reversed in the same manner (back and forth) 

The United Nations on the status of human beings said on May 30th 2018  'The UN Redefines What It Means to Be a ‘Human’  6 monts later  in November 2018 it stated 'UN Committee Wants to Make Abortion and Assisted Suicide a ‘Universal Human Right’  The technology to redefine a Human is now with us via Cripsr cas 9 gene editing gene therapy injections (pills also) which are not vaccinations and this has also been discussed in the US Supreme Court  (see above also or repeated here) Trumps 'father of the Vaccine' injection experimental 'gene therapy'  NO 272a Military super soldiers gene augmentation NO 272B  & also NO 272C  & also NO 272C  & also NO 272d  and Supreme Court USA findings r.e synthetically modified people can be owned or patented, but real people cannot NO 273 & NO 273a & also NO 273B and further into 2019 273C It is not science fiction. 

In late June 2022, FDA advisers approve COVID-19 mRNA vaccine shots for Children under 5   and how it will give 'humans' a new GMO id with bio-metric identity (genetically modified organism status) Synthetic DNA via experimental mRNA injections 4th industrial revolution WEF Great Narrative/ Reset  and how the development of DNA / RNA injections from ted Talk and Jennifer Khan Crispr Gene editing tech in mRNA vaccine given to Billions of people bypass & destroy immune systems. This is Trans-humanism, the religion. 

Ironically Joe Biden was once pro life   and Donald Trump was an abortionist   This is the UNiparty Trump / Biden double act  which should be scrapped. Considering both have children they must be pro life. Following the God of the bible, it is clear that spiritually we are known in the womb not just from our first breath at birth, see Genesis 9,7. Further everyone must be human in the womb (from conception) as the bible states in Jeremiah 1, 5 "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations" and in Psalms 139, 13 - 16 "For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. 14  I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. 15 My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them" Therefore moving away from the worship of Molech, David and Jeremiah like Joshua Jacob, Abraham and Joseph and all the bible personalities were known to God in the womb (including Isaac in Genesis 21) The new Prime minister of Israel Yair Lapid’s explains (see next link) "We believe that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people. Its establishment didn’t begin in 1948, but rather on the day Yehoshua Bin Nun [Joshua, insertion mine)  crossed the Jordan and forever connected the people of Israel with the land of Israel, between the Jewish nation and its Israeli homeland" Abortions in Israel  (or here as alternative source)


Planned Parenthood or Big Pharma: Which is MORE Dangerous?  and see again also Trump's mRNA Kills Babies Better Than Abortion Pill


The 'state' from which the church is separated from still condemns murder. Further the state should be minimal or as they say in the USA small government. The French revolution developed the state  and also took the Aristocracy and Guillotined them all. Counteracting this the aristocracy invented 'democracy' to provide a choice by vote. The people already had 1 vote and did not want a proxy vote for candidates who were only in business for themselves. Democracy did prevent a further escalation of the rich and aristocracy being  guillotined but the people also lost when the state bureaucracy took hold against them with 'democracy' (which is now / today the new 'communitarianism' ) removing sovereign human rights into the state legal fiction with 'equal rights' providing no rights equally  for all. Or the state without democracy as feudalism. Men and Woman are above the state lawfully, the state is not over the people as it is a man made entity. The state becomes an instrument of oppression as with the Roman Empire which collapsed in on itself as the state became debt ridden, inept and static denying the people their sovereign human rights which is are an unalterable fact as inalienable rights from time immemorial . Corporations merging with the state are themselves legal fictions. The question is now will the world's military continue with the high tech enslavement of society or think for themselves as of course the enslavement includes them. The useful idiots as Lenin termed collaborators are also the first to be exterminated in a new order.  These are the real US constitution laws and to which the US Constitution is dependent on and it cannot undermine sovereign rights and the US Supreme court can only affirm this status. Google is planning to delete tracking data on those who may be going for an illegal abortion ? The google alphabet surveillance systems surely have no right to track anyone and all data could be wiped by law, as the west is not communist China. Europe's digital ID system is linked to bio-mteric ID and chips already in use in Sweden and also in the Netherlands and the UK  as an extension of the IOT internet of things, yet trafficking and people smuggling and child kidnap continue in thousands every day ?

Ukraine and Russia. see   UK-Switzerland Joint Declaration on the situation in Ukraine: 28 April 2022 which states "We demand that the Russian Federation immediately ceases its military aggression against Ukraine and withdraws its troops from Ukrainian territory without delay" Since April 2022, nothing has changed. Russia is also no longer a member of the council of europe after 26 years The Council removed them from membership. Russian assets are being frozen or taken globally, and in Israel many Russians fear the war may backlash upon them with the prospect of Finland and Sweden joining NATO. The war for Crimea is also continuing with the prospect of low level nuclear war, as Ukraine states its rebuild will cost $750 billion.

Impeachment USA? Could Biden and Trump be impeached together ? Bill Clinton was impeached in the congress in 1998, but was acquitted by the Senate and remained in office, as did Trump twice in 2020 and 2021. The first President to be impeached was Andrew Johnson in 1868 who also impeached in Congress and acquitted in the senate. The US Constitution states "The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives "shall have the sole Power of Impeachment" (Article I, section 2) and "the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments … [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present" (Article I, section 3). The president, vice president, and all civil officers of the United States are subject to impeachment" 

One of the problems is even if impeachment was proven in the senate the office of President is not a President  under the US Constitution. Under FEMA (since March 2020) the office of President is set aside (the current situation) Even without FEMA, The President office is under the legal fiction of 1871 known as FOR THE USA & not OF 1. USA a corporation which did not win its independence in 1776  & next video 2. UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1 is OF the USA 2 is FOR the USA  The Constitution (OF) THE UNITED STATES (in capitals) is a corporation as america incorporated, having a President, Vice President and Secretary Treasurer. This government (since 1871 after 1776) does not recognize the constitution or the articles of impeachment, and if any President is impeached in both houses, they could refuse to acknowledge or comply. It is not the person of 'PRESIDENT JOHN DOE' (or whoever) which needs to be impeached but the entire office of President as framed in 1871 incorporated. The show trails and furor over President Clinton in 1998 and Trump in 2020 and 2021, came and went although its was news for months 24/7. Then one morning not long after in March 2020, without any fuss or ceremony FEMA took over the US and impeached the President and both houses of congress and the senate as easy as you like ? (but no one noticed ?0  Remember in March 2020 Trump began it "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !! "   (or here also  "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE ) yet only a few months previous the legal (but not lawful) blood sweat and tears  pantomime of Trumps impeachment was beamed into everyone's homes and workplaces.

The US has four states it terms the Commonwealth – Kentucky,Massachusetts,Pennsylvania,and Virginia plus two territories designated as commonwealths: Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands which retain common law in place before the US independence of 1776, which lasted until 1871 (see paragraphs above) These 2 are self-governing under a constitution of their own adoption and whose right of self-government cannot be changed or removed by the United States Congress. Kentucky uses commonwealth in its name, and the others have universities or institutions or constitutions which still use the commonwealth association. They employ English Common Law (established even before the political structure of the Rump Parliament and Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army, during the period from 1649 to 1660 when England and Wales, later along with Ireland and Scotland, were governed as a republic after the end of the Second English Civil War and the trial and execution of Charles I.These commonwealth states extend back to Sir Francis Bacon 1561 – 1626 (especially Virginia) author of the New Atlantis. Details of his aims can be found in the adjacent website The sovereignty of nations and within the post dated 15.04.2022 and background in post dated 21.10.2021 and point 5    The UN also contains the WHO (World health Organisation) and the Commonwealth of Nations (founded under biblical outline and as the Commonwealth of Israel Ephesians 2:12.) Many suggest that the Commonwealth will usurp the UN and the US may join the commonwealth. Are these questions addressed in the 'election' ?

The current commonwealth & the USA Could the USA join the Commonwealth ? EX french colonies are now joining the commonwealth. Even the Ukraine could join a 'European Commonwealth'  to be part of the expanding commonwealth at some stage as an alternative to the EU. Other countries mooted to join are Israel and Ireland 

NESARA NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT People ask when will Nesara happen ? or they link random events with NESARA. e.g. Confiscating Russian assets NESARA. Or UBI (Universal basic Income) is NESARA, or something else. NESARA has already occurred, it is finished. The fake patriot movement relates the future NESARA when it was actually finalised on March 9th 2000 (see posts above & The Real NESARA = "NATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY AND REFORMATION ACT"  and not the fake 'NATIONAL ECONOMIC STABILIZATION & RECOVERY ACT' in this post began 2.4.2022 and the full 'St Germain' documentary above and see this introduction  "MUST LISTEN! the National Economic Security & Reformation Act. This is a GAME CHANGER; if it's true"   (or here on Bitchute)) Quadrillions are waiting to be paid out to everyone in the USA since congress signed the NESARA act on the March 9th 2000 without any further action required. Every President since then, from, Clinton Bush, Obama & Trump have hidden this from the public. It did involve illegal farm mortgages (see below on farmers protests) and their repayment and return of land. If the US Federal Reserve was taken over by the treasury as it was prior to 1913 or 1871 then that could occur without NESARA. (some suggest the federal reserve charter expires on 4.7.2022, bearing in mind the McFadden act of 1927) yet it could also occur with that change. 

Currently the US Federal reserve is the treasury with Blackrock, and despite raising interest rates (and taxing to pay the national debt) to control inflation (which is a fallacy) it is also printing more money ? to buy bonds causing inflation (or here once again, as the world moves towards Bretton Woods 3 and 4, and to introduce a CBDC or Central bank digital currency, which will merge or buyout all crypto currency as it is blockchain and the internet ownership which defines whether crypto's are decentralized or not. (inflating currencies out of existence) China's debt and the US debt is merging in the 'end the petro dollar' scenario, to bring a 'multi- polar' world with dual reserve currency floated on the Bretton Woods (the BIS or Bank of the International Settlements, in Basel) SDR as (now) a one world digital currency

Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced Trump was also on Epstein island as was Bill Clinton and knew Epstein and Maxwell well  (or here again also) as Ghislaine Maxwell is sentenced to 20 years   Now people want to name ALL the victims and all those who raped and murdered woman and children on the Island (named publcially) as well as Trumps involvement with the FBI in these cases. The public gave a right to know who harmed their children and how many woman were trafficked

Farmers protest in the USA & Holland. The US is suffering from Grain, fertilizer and Fuel shortages. In Holland the farmers are fighting back by cementing officials (the front doors) into their buildings and spraying manure over them. 'Dutch farmers form tractor blockade in 'massive' protest over nitrogen policy'   Nitrogen is actually wholly not required and there are many organic alternatives (which can combine) which let the worms and soil bugs live which enriches the soils (and produce vitamin B12 in plants to be eaten currently removed by sprayed insecticides) unlike GMO foods and insecticides and fertilizers..Any transition must  be cheaper or the same price (at wholesale level ) as existing nitrogens which can be added to organic fertilizers as a percentage. Behind it all is total food control. However it is also because the EU is also a centralised bureaucracy legal fiction which is destroying European nations and the whole scam is a land grab just as every building (home or business)  globally is being bought out at actual property level, or at the level of the deeds and land rents (ground rents) in millions, whose owners actually own the land even when you have paid the mortgage down (part of the communitarianism philosophy of "you will own nothing and be happy" ) Although you can buy out a ground rent you are not the absolute land owner and mortgages ( which means 'death grips') are just a rent with a term (tenure) of years (this is also what NESERA i.e the real NESERA won on March 9th 2000 see above) 

China Just how much influence or infiltration does the CCP Chinese communist party have in the USA ? Are the US and china working together (since dropping the bomb on Japan giving counist China freedom to spread ) Surely the intelligence servives have noticed ?  'July 4th Red Alert! China Making Monumental Wartime Maneuver On U.S. Soil and No One’s Reporting!'.    (website 'restricted' )  and see also again THEY'RE BUILDING CAMPS?! - BILL GATES, CHINA & AMAZON WANT YOU ENSLAVED TO THE GREAT RESET    ( WAM WORLD ALTERNATIVE MEDIA  facebook OR WEBSITE WORLD ALTERNATIVE MEDIA ) Is this just one more reason to remove federal government ? Chairman Mao Zedong  was first a nationalist and read Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (or see here again ) he did not write the Little Red Book A member of the  YMCA (young men's christian association) Mass Education Movement founded in 1844 in London he studied its system..In July 1944 (during WW2 & 13 months before the Atom bomb on Japan in August 1945) ,the U.S.A sent a special diplomatic envoy, called the Dixie Mission to China and Mao Zedong. It was first mooted by the OSS (office of strategic services) and many in the Dixie mission regarded the communists as land reforming socialists. What you can say is following WW1 a great deception unfurled from 1919 fwd. 90 million were killed under Chairman Mao and the country was destroyed top to bottom and inside out to bring forth a new humanist society without morals or family centered societies, only the party or uniparty mattered. In December 2020 Mike Adams had the following to say on China's takeover of the USA (or as it appears) and its Universities which China targets Trump the father of the vaccine from the bat (but all animals globally were not locked down ? ) in Wuhan. Will Taiwan become a 'hot' war also See also the adjacent website and chapter 5 North Korea  to evaluate.

Of course cryptos are not decentralised and all transactions including bitcoin are traced, even in the dark web) Prices may fluctuate and be volatile but the UBI clampdown will remove bitcoin easily and electronically and similar cryptos sooner or later. Bitcoin is not 'decentralised' but invented by C I A / Goldman Sachs / NSA / Darpa / using code SHA-256#  which can be tracked everywhere & is not anonymous as the internet is also now owned by the 'Obama NGO' The California non-profit organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) The Federal Reserve is soon to be allowing cryptos access to the fed but in reality it is to absorb them into a CBDC. (source Tom Newmyr 3.7.2022 Washington Post "Bill to grant crypto firms access to Federal Reserve alarms experts" ) 

The Fed is buying it all as lender and owner of last reserve  (or here again, since 2020 following the overnight repo rate crisis in 2019) Only cash and notes remain solid and reliable as the world seeks solutions. Secretly also buying bonds (see paragraph 5 up from this) inflation checks via interest rates rise (which benefit the fed) do not check inflation

The spectacle of the media elections continues in the USA Whether it is mRNA vaccinations or ending abortions, ending them both will save woman' and add to womans rights, and save woman (baby girls and boys) and for every woman in the womb who has been dissected and used in experiments (and known in 2021 also and an alternative source on miscarriage date also) by abortionists such as the WHO and Tedros A WHO update was given on the 01.07.2022 (meeting 29.06.2022) ON the PLANDEMIC(S) & OTHER EMERGENCIES (WORLD HELLTH ORGANIZATION, MEDIA BRIEFING, Jun 29, 2022)   (this post added 7.7.2022) 



Added 3/4.10.2022 

The cont'd Uni-party deception and the Midterm Election special, QFS digital money.The cont'd WHO pandemic emergencies under FEMA, with new plandemic treaty and pandemic centres. Millions dead and injured from injections in the USA and worldwide. Nord Stream 2 pipeline and the economic crash. 


Link to post on the adjacent sovereign website dated 3/4.10.2022


Once again the Uniparty rolls out another media deception election. These posts on the midterms following the Biden (Biden Trump double act) Presidency since 3.1.2021 and recently  The Midterm elections posts began (subheading and link to it here ) on the 2.4.2022 USA Midterm Elections, Senate and Congress and Administrators, Elections on the 8th November 2022. (contd from USA Presidential elections Nov 2020) 

An analysis of the Uniparty is here in 


 "USA Midterm Elections Special. 'Q', Trump, Biden, & Israel"  


as you see there is no difference in the Unipartys they are the same party ? Further the same people (politicians and health agencies etc) who closed your business and injected you and your children with poison and technology in the continued emergencies with new masks regulations and vaccines ordered (and which alters your internal chemistry and DNA. The new flu jab is an mRNA injection ?) are standing for office once again in the Corporation formerly known as the Constitutional Republic of the USA .(see all above from post dated 2. 4. 2022 on US Midterm elections )  Both parties claimed to be pro-life at some stage of their existence but yet they advocated pumping Human fetal (baby) diploid cells from aborted babies into you and your children's arms "Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients"  as 1 example of the poisons (Bill Maher and Tucker Carlson "Bill Maher (Real Time) & Tucker Carlson on Vaccines & Vaccine ingredients" )   with the blessings of the Pope in 2021 ? who has now recalled all assets worldwide into the Vatican amidst the trafficking and genocide and banking trial current underway  (by 30.09.2022 in the financial meltdown there is a link to return to here and scroll down) 

How many Republicans have been Democrats and vice versa ? and why do some uni-party members have jobs for life without a term limit ? what are the other parties ? do you even need a political party taking your vote by proxy, why is there an election at all for a uni-party ? why watch the media election at all ? when the offices of government including the 'Presidency' are fake ?

The World health Organisation (WHO) and the USA are still (in October 2022) under Covid and Smallpox variant ('Monkey Pox known as H7N9 which is a stronger man made Asian bird flu / smallpox variant  ) and still under FEMA since March 2020   (or here once more as a MP 4 FILE ) The 'plandeic treaty' which give increased powers over national governments (but even without them they closed down the world so why is there a pandemic treaty other than to unify the lock step against 'nationalism') was passed in a subsequent meeting in June / July 2022 and Plandemic centers are planned ( ** see links below) 

The Trump Vaccine  The Trump Vaccine  or here on rumble once more has now killed more people and injured more people than all the people killed or injured in the Vietnam war in the USA ?  ( Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia) but many thought 'Rocky' (or Rambo) was supposed to be on the USA side not Vietnam or China's ? Rather Trump and all those who supported this Genocide have killed more Americans than Ho Chi Min ?

All those who sold these experimental mRNA injections,(not past tense but present and future ongoing)  are liable not just as legal corporations but personally and individually for the deaths of men and women and children, to the tune of their entire estates, land and real estate, and personal income including Trump, (and across all political parties) and people should take it all. Murder is also a capital offence. 

see also "U.S. Military Deaths Up 1100% And Exponentially Rising"    

(** The full outline of the damage with real examples and testimonies to the US and World populations are able to be seen here  Link to mRNA injections ('vaccinations' ) deaths and injuries within the post in the Sovereign website dated 21.10.2021 (added as progressing) NO 1 on vaccine deaths and injuries link  is here  dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022  & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 in-between 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022   


All In lock step with  the move to CBDC central bank digital currency ) IThe Vatican Central bank from 2014 and the new Central bank digital currency executive order 14067    (Biden) as 'C - Day' on proposed day December 13th 2022 proposed for every central bank world wide  and on the 1. Sep 12th 2022 the 'Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy'   Obama began preparation for the pandemic in 2016 Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. (just days before the US election) "Executive Order 13747-- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats"   It has emerged that Trump signed an executive order on 'improving vaccines' (Trump "the father of the vaxx") on September 19th 2019 executive order 13887 Trump's initial request for biometric ID (on land sea and air in 2017) follows Bidens executive orders naturally (see further down for CBDC Central bank currency, carbon energy credits and Blockchain) Canada's bio-digital convergence This is the same outlook as the 2022 'Exploring Biodigital Convergence' Canada's lock step plan (with the USA)  seeks to 'merge living things with non living things' (which traditionally have 'thought to be incompatible') but now you can merge with AI (Elon Musk ?) to beat AI and also replace all your organs especially your brain ( mind ) with non living manufactured equivalents (for the bio-security state a huge world lockdown) Proof Vax is a U.S./China Bio Weapon!

Not just in the USA but also in the State of Israel "Israel Zion and the attacks on Israel by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים 83 )"   (or here on bitchute ) Further the Abrahamic accords are reducing lands in Israel  "Baháʼí faith (Israel at war with Iran ?) 'Abraham accords' Israels lands shrinking ? Ron de Santis"  also asking if Israel is at war with the land of Iran or its philosophy ? since 1950) and after the beginning, Ron De Santis explains ( via a presentation in congress) how Israel has shrunk in land size since 1947

Since the post in the paras above dated 17/18.01.2020 there is still no confirmation or denial from Trump or Biden on William Greer r.e.  "A secret service agent named William Greer. See video 'bill cooper on jfk assassination'   William Cooper worked in US Naval Intelligence (or here as a video MP4 file ) President Trump can confirm or deny these claims" Yet since Trump and the patriots have aligned themselves with JFK Jnr (who is still alive ? and was supposed to appear in Jan 2020 as part of the Trump Republican party subplot) why would Trump or Biden not help JFK Jnr ? (for Presidents who issue many  executive orders it would be an easy matter)

An older map of the Ukraine 1. JPG Ukraine in 1919 before the Bolsheviks 1917 to 1925 swept Westward into the Holodomor when 10 million died. Millions also died in Russia . Note the map of Ukraine includes the Crimea and parts of Western Russia as its territory. During the Holodomor famine in Ukraine, Stalin asked the starving villages not to eat their children by order and by posters around towns and villages. Impressed later, Chairman Mao worked slaves over 6 months in the fields but had supplied the wrong grain seeds delivering failed crops. When the starving died (but having first worked in hope to produce food) Mao's secret police (Kang Sheng) delivered the system to the communist overseers in the villages to keep order by paranoia and reporting on your neighbor. Later teh villagers were asked to dig upthe dead as fertilizer for the next crop attempt in the 'crop experiments' It is estimated 90 million died in China and 60 million in Soviet Russia. Xi Ping China's current leader is a big fan of Chairman Mao, and Xi Ping is exporting the social credit system.  The Ukraine wants its country back

The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was partnered by Royal Dutch Shell who could regard it as an attack on them also. Digital currency to go live in November 2022 ?. Kent Lewiss, the CEO Worldwide Freedom Inc, has produced an in depth report on CBDC / Blockchain which is to go live in November (for May 2023) of this year. The entire system will be run by the City of London. A prominent and up and coming company (in this area) leading the way is Thompson Reuters and Reuters itself with the company (KYC) Know Your Customer The new Brics system  BRICS Announces New World Reserve Currency As America Commits Economic Suicide" with its own Governance model (i.e. digital surveillance social credit, tracked biologically to you as carbon, with money tied to a time limit which will disappear if not spent. The digital money will be limited and rationed and it will be energy as collateral as you as carbon. Sold as UBI universal basic income social credit system surveilled by AI into AGI as also executive order 14067 on programmable money central bank CBDC which can be turned on or off ) Germany in serious economic trouble, the EU may collapse

The USA constitution convention of States  and a recent update INTERVIEW: A New Constitutional Convention  and further analysis here Debunking “Convention of States” False Claims (previous analysis from previous posts Convention of States: Deep State Plan to Overthrow Constitution? )

"How Ugly The Future Will Get !

"More Economic Pain Is Coming; You Must Get Your House ’In Order,‘ Warns Rick Rule" 

'October Stock Market Crash? THIS IS WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR! Plus Important Updates. Mannarino'  (stockmarket a derivative, debt will implode & no liquidity) 

'Gold and Silver Will Go a Long Way In Current Pension Meltdown'  

"Amazon WARNS of Economic DEPRESSION..."   

Oil Investors Are Ready For Recession 3.10.2022 

What people want is not to pay for Quantitative easing via taxation, or bail outs or bail ins, (massive signs of failed economics) as per also the Basel accords 1,2 3 & 4, total debt cancellation without conditions, and real money such as Gold, Silver or cash and notes without internet based "assets"   Real money issued without attached interest (which also requires public taxation to pay for it to a private organisation which is not a part of the government ?)


Lost Decade: Predicting The Downfall Of America Terrifying Financial Crisis Ahead  This video does not understand that in fact the Federal Reserve and all centrals banks since 1913 do run the economy, it does however point out some interesting aspects of 'collateral'  Which since 1933 are Humans which can be classed as securities, but see the post dated 23 - 30/ 9/ 2022 on the adjacent website (link here with link back) for why or how that is so It states the dollar is collateral but does not mention humans are collateral for the fiat paper dollar since 1933 (or that debt is unnatural or out of control and immoral) Oil (petro dollar) recycles the dollar, but its issuance (out of nothing) requires stock to be berthed and docked as Human collateral When the 'petro dollar' is gone, digital QFS programmable currency is not redeemable in Gold or Silver (as is thought)  


Central banks across continents and seas are not waging war against each other but are working together  As western economies suffer it is for the Whole World to Collapse into the New World Order. (i.e. Trumps biometric digital ID tracking system on land, sea and in air, in 2017 Trump's executive order 13780, but which will be applied for all Americans "Making Americans Slaves Again" in lock step with (this next link video explains all) Sep 2022  Obama / Biden executive order 14067, see above also, for this year Dec 13th 2022 into 2023 on 'programmable money' Executive orders are illegal under the US constitution. Bank 'bail ins' are touted and are estimated to be worth $40 Trillion world wide i.e mostly peoples savings, and the USA has any tens of thousands of new Revenue IRS agents to collect it all  In 1933 President Roosevelt issued executive order 6120 by taking peoples Gold away under the emergency banking acts and the real story is here  See also What is a dollar ? Weight and amount of Gold and Silver. Inflation into currency crisis requires bank bailouts or bail ins into the new digital money with biometric tracking system unless Reinstate National treasuries in every State or Nation globally, owned by the People for the People 

N.E.S. A.R.A. 'National Economic Security And Reformation Act',... not the fake NESARA National Economic Security And Recovery Act it does not require digital programmable money or biometric ID surveillance QFS Quantum money, it is nothing to do with NESARA , neither is space force, rainbow money or star link, but it is the technocracy of control to an extreme level. All currencies will be unified and attempted parity will cause instabilities (as debt is purchased exploding more inflation, driving prices even higher) for that extreme control, tied to energy output, but the old will become worthless, as will "old bank bonds" even 2022 bonds. Will the USA opt for other political parties or even just remove them all as the fake proxy substitute voters they are, they vote for their agenda and needs, not yours, but require your consent to represent you, stealing your vote by proxy, removing the people's voice ? removing real government and your future

The most extraordinary matter about the us midterm elections 2022 will be published after November 8th ** Matters pertaining to this US midterm election continue below on the sovereign website dated 23.09.2022 - 30.09.2022 and its 3 additions, the last dated 13.10.2022  (this post added 3/4.10.2022) 






The US Midterm elections November 2022 into 2023.

Same election, same result for the Uni-party. Operation Mockingbird. US citizens are enemies of their own state and collateral for future loans. 
NESARA the farmers land claims & Executive order 13037. JFK, William Greer and William Cooper and the Warren commission. Anthony Sutton
Western and Soviet brainwashing techniques. The banking crisis, bail ins and bailouts. Basel 1,2, 3 & 4 ?.
The Unidroit Treaty. King Juan Carlos, Prince Charles and the Kings of Jerusalem 
The corporate fiction (legal fiction) subservient to the Law of the Land in finance or conveyancing and as 'real people'. 
Ukraine and the New Jerusalem. The Pandemic treaty and the injections which do alter the human genome. The continuing emergency 
The British Commonwealth of Nations.and success of Brexit
The Stone of Destiny or Jacobs stone


For Americans who are awake in these elections more than any other in US history the veil of pretense and farce in the hollow fake elections was lifted higher and deeper than at any time since World War 2. A part of that false great awakening (with the great reset being one and the same) is the Q movement and Trump as well as Biden (who makes no secret that Q is not a movement of the people, but who is 'deep state') are fake and are 'deep state' as the Trump / Biden double act rolls on 

The most extraordinary aspect of the elections  (and you can read down from the original posts above on the 3.11.2020 full elections and which includes the posts from the 13.11.2020 fwd on the 'election fraud' until this post here) is that the same systems and voting machines were once again largely used in the mid term elections 2022 ?. This time both sides of the Uni-party employed voting scams and it is apparent now (to all) that all elections especially since 1999 in the USA (and before) are a scripted delusion.(1999 - 2001, 2007/8 & 2011/2012 & 2016 & 2020)  It is not just that the voting procedures highly followed by the fake mainstream 'Operation Mockingbird' media are fake but that the whole election scenarios are fake. How did this come to be 

Firstly the USA is no longer a Constitutional Republic and it is not restored (it is not even a democracy but it should be a constitutional republic) but an administrative corporation legally fictitious and for example filled with "amendment 14" 'citizens', even state citizens are not Constitutional Republic men and woman (not 'persons') under a constitution which itself is subject to the laws of God as Sovereign law and inalienable rights rights from time immemorial as common law which is above admiralty law of the sea and corporate civil law. The USA has been moved away from the law of the land and into the law of the sea. Abandoning the elections which do not have real candidates or even candidates of value (in the fake USA inc with fake presidential office and scripted fake elections) is a growing idea and changing your status allows you to move into a different 'nation' see the adjacent website and the accumulated details of how this is possible see Erin ODonnell in this post  (make 2023 & 2024 in the 'collapse'  election free a collapse where money is printed out of nothing ? held in place by pumping in $trillions to hold up banks which are shells without value) Russia (solvent) is warning it will use Nuclear weapons, and more and more it is (de facto) claiming the Atlantic between Ireland and the USA as its territory in energy and resources.

The USA was conquered in 1871, and continuing today by Corporations in the Corporate legal fiction   (or here again once more

Human capital executive order 13037 (executive orders are in themselves 'legal' but in the law of the land Unlawful) in 1933 also made every US man or woman or child an enemy of the state which as an 'emergency' to this day which borrows money against the last thing left of value i.e Human Capital (you ) as human collateral and for future population(s) including migrants entering into this contract which all of them do hence borders are open in the south and north from Canada

This is explained in... 

"How US Citizens became enemies of the State within and of their own county, and human 'collateral' for loans. How it spread to everyone Globally" 

and here also

1. Slavery alive & well today, how traffickers make their money. Rome & the Cestui Que Vie Trust  or again once more here on Rumble 

2. "Global Slavery alive & well today, how traffickers make their money. Rome & the Cestui Que Vie Trust" 

Farmers land claims USA and world trusts How these global trust work since 1875 are explained in the real NESERA (the IMF the sister bank of the World bank owns the USA, as a trust, but a  trust down the ladder from the main trusts which (NESARA) has been denied by every US President since 1999 and which originated in the farmers land claims of the 1970's / 1980's which they won. The story of the world trusts which is your money is given here ) This system is now your system and the debt merger with China means they will merge via AI into the digital social credit universal basic income CBDC / Bitcoin dystopia which is why central banks (legal fiction along with all of their debts created since 1913) were created since 1913 (although a form of central banking began in Sweden in the 1500's but was upgraded in the by the Wallenberg family 1840 fwd (who did provide 100% employment ) prior to this 100% employment was provided but without stock market speculation in a slower and reserved nationalist banking system. The Wallenbergs however could not have imagined the events of WW1 or the 1929 stock market crash for hyper speculation and unscrupulous practices moving human into 'human capital' and 100 of millions dead from the wars of WW1 and WW2 and the Bolshevik slaughter of eastern Europe and china . The current central banks are doing what they were designed to do i.e. inflate away national currencies and enslave the world body, spirit and soul with debt.

It could not be any more dire in the USA, and voting for any member of the UNI -PARTY is your vote stolen by proxy candidates into the legal fiction where they become you, and represent themselves and not you, yet as the definition of madness people keep voting for this dead end fakery, despite the blatant voting fraud and the media news playing the people e.g. the Arizona Governor's race was 'accidentally'  televised with results 12 days before the election began  ?

Given the true situation in the USA you would think that there would be 'insurrections' every day for the past 80 years (Jan 6th symbolism of the day of epiphany "Theophany" in Eastern Christian tradition) is a 'Christian' feast day commemorating the visit of the Magi. Capitol Hill where Caesar or Pharoah sits on "the Hill" in Rome watching the phallus like the Obelisk Washington Monument penetrate the Womb / Dome of the Capitol building in 'Maryland' in the private city state of the (DC) district of Columbia which is not a part of the USA either "of" or "for" the United States (constitution)The only problem is Jesus Christ was born in the Autumn on the appointed Leviticus chapter 23 feasts and not on a feast of the Sun) It is all symbolism and designed in the media to distract from the real slavery and totalitarianism existing in the USA with its Trillions or even Quadrillions of debt in derivatives (derived value) from Mortgages illegally sold as the farmers land claims in the nesara video above shows, and this aside from the national debt in Trillions and future debt promises. Money globally is debt, sold as a product to be issued no matter what. The issued debt buys debt and the central banks become the issuer and buyer of last resort in a closed loop. Currently via blackrock and vanguard they are literally buying the world. If there was an insurrection on Jan 6th 2020, where is it ? and if not ? why not. The nonsense of Jan 6th, speculating on neoplatonic symbolism and whether it is or not it is an insurrection is a moot debate, but recently in Sri Lanka (as one example) they simply rose up and threw the government  out (but did not barricade the gates allowing another foreign government to take over) This looked like a real insurrection

Are all Nations just PLC's as Corporations now ? Britain PLC (all nations are corporations now) Restoring Nations by Common Sovereign Law. and also Pope Recalls All Assets Worldwide  &  BREAKING: Pope Francis has ordered all affiliated financial and liquid assets to be transferred to the Vatican Bank by October 1, 2022  (or here again alternatively)

In 2013/ 2014 Pope Francis issued a law which effectively ends all Corporations on earth (MOTU PROPRIOSince this law would also therefore destroy the United Nations which is a corporation (or leave the Vatican as its sole law maker ) where does this law begin and end (see also chapter 3a above and post dated 17/18.12.2019  and subheading ‘Italy and the 2 Popes (at least 2)’  Since even the Vatican is a corporation ? and it claims it owns everything (including all the souls in the world ) why has the Pope dropped the Vicar of Christ title ? surely Christ owns all the Souls in the world ? (The Popes idea must mean banks many suppose)The Pope on February 6th 2020 heavily criticized offshore tax havens and heavy debt burdens and has taken on Corporations  and has sought to end their dominion


How did the USA (and the world) sold into slavery get into this situation ?.... JFK ?

As explained in the farmers land claims and world trusts (which began in 1875) above, and the coup of 1933 following the US stock market crash of 1929, following WW1 and the Bolshevik genocides of Europe, Eastern Europe and China, the USA post world war 2 has been hypnotized in a Mesmer like cobra state ever since. The media bombards people but also educates and dumb's down the population. The more information we have the less we know. Previously in this website and wider it was asked of Trump and Biden why an executive order is not issued to uncover if William Greer the driver of Presidents Kennedy's car was the actual or only assassin in the murder. r.e. Declassification of documents. JFK assassination 22.11.1963  Aside from the Russia declass investigation and many other areas, many feel it is also time to declassify the details of the JFK assassination. In particular, the claims of William Cooper a US Naval intelligence officer (who was also assassinated later) who claims (also held in classified documents he had seen) the driver of the car President Kennedy was within, in Dallas on 22.11. 1963 was the assassin. A secret service agent named William Greer. See video 'bill cooper on jfk assassination'    (or here as a video MP4 file ) President Trump can confirm or deny these claims.

In early December and January 2023 President Biden did declassify some Kennedy documents (with more released by the National archives some days later) and prior to this Fox and Tucker Carlson highlighted many issues surrounding the assassination "Tucker: What could the government be hiding about the JFK assassination?"   and then also "Tucker Carlson: We were shocked to learn this" ....the latter here again on Bitchute  yet nothing in them pertains to William Greer the secret service agent and driver of Kennedy's car which William Cooper when he worked in Naval intelligence says he saw and read. ? Kennedy made an executive order against Chairman Mao a few weeks before he was killed ordering the nationalists in Korea and Vietnam to resist China also which you can read as background in the adjacent website sonas 5 (scroll down to North Korea 'North Korea and Gulags and its history (China & Chairman Mao)'  The Vietnam war was inevitable and was by the Nixon Gold shocks 1970 - 1972 (the devalued dollar had to be reimbursed in Gold by foreign holders of the Dollar causing the US Gold reserves to dwindle rapidly, hence the switch to Oil backed dollars as the petro - dollar)

Further analysis of the Kennedy assassination and the claims of William Cooper (the hour of the time radio broadcaster who was also assassinated) is provided by Francis Connolly with first further analysis (a different film) by William Cooper on William Greer, Kennedy's driver.


1. Assassination of President JFK by the driver William Greer with analysis by William Cooper


2.Assassination of JFK in depth & definitive by Francis Connolly ( 'A Rich Mans trick' ) and William Cooper ( 'The Sacrificed King' 1993) which is divided into 3 parts or 3 films in 1 questioning why William Coopers findings were never included in any analysis 


Western industrial capital suffered a series of shocks from 1913 to 1920 but when it recovered and was stabilizing one more problem emerged with the rise of international stock exchange trading. The adjacent website and chapter 1 and its PDF Rome, London israel on page 27 points out that investing profits into the stock market rather than 'Long term fixed capital" to update factories or manufacturing negated these companies success and they further diminished by inflation resulting in the Rust Belts and debt burdens western nations suffer from still today (leading to outsourcing and other nations growing at a faster pace) Prior to World War 1 western industrial capital was superior and was producing a hoped for Utopia (as the  rise in Utopian ideas rose at  this time) see also the adjacent website and chapter 6 on Utopias and Dystopias yet Wall street funded communist expansion from within the USA causing also those rust belts but leaving the USA in control of emerging super-powers

Western Industrial capital by 1972 was already in trouble, but the main shock came in WW1 when the Bolsheviks killed the Russian Royal family shooting them and then bayoneting them and throwing them down a well and pouring acid over any facial features (even on those clinging onto life) The Czar of Russia had helped the USA against Britain in the 1800's and this claimant to the House of David (Royal line) was dead and his heirs by 1917. Later in 1950 into 1953 the US attacked Moscow and they were defended by Britain against the USA. The Royals of Europe and the aristocracy were deeply worried by the deaths of the Romanovs Czar line fearing that they were next and they required a bulwark against Bolshevism and Communism, hence the rise or takeover of nationalism which had already established in western Europe under especially the Wallenberg family who had consolidated smaller banks in Sweden which were more 'localised' Central banking began (without stockmarket / stock exchange) in the 1500's and by the rise of the Wallenberg family they had captured Sweden and Europe. Whether they believed in the form of central banking which rose in 1913 is now a moot debate as the depreciating value of currency by Central banking employing fractional reserve banking causing hyper-inflation in every country on earth. It is suggested that the engineered financial crisis from 1907 fwd required a solid central banking system, yet in 1929 the 1913 central banking fractional reserve system caused the world's biggest ever depression to the background of the mechanized slaughter of the world's population in WW1 & WW2, Vietnam, Korea and the middle east ever since.  From 2020 (covid) the US federal reserve also moved to hold Zero reserves to increase the ability to buy the world. 

Kennedy saw all of this and yet as the western industrial capitalism moved to counter the Bolsheviks the new emerging money power  in the west on Wall Street has in any case paid for the rise of Bolshevism and Communism in the east see Anthony Suttons  "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution"   and / or "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" and once more "Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930 to 1945"     which shows that Communism and / or Socialism would not exist in the east without western finance. An interview with Anthony Sutton was made in 1980  (or once again on Youtube "An Interview with Prof Antony C Sutton - Summer of 1980"  in short the west was paying for the rise of Russia Soviet and China Chairman Mao (but still be subservient to wall Street for the Pentagon and the Vatican  The United States Of Arms - Exported From 1950 To 2017  or here once again on Vimeo  which accompanies the global spread of the world's population becoming human collateral for loans via the strawman birth cert fictional corporation as in the video near the top of this post)  to create first the cold war and then WW3 in the middle east and the world as predicted by general Albert Pike

How did people fall for this elaborate unreality? The Warren commission made so many mistakes in covering up Kennedy's assassination Operation Mockingbird was initiated to control all media sources and which continues to this day r.e. CIA Operation Mockingbird   & then also CIA Operation Mockingbird or here once more   William Colby testimony 1.  "Operation Mockingbird - CIA Director William Colby Testimony Before 'The Pike Committee'  and then 2. "Church Committee Hearings - CIA, William Colby, 1975" 


Most people cite Soviet Russia and Chairman Mao (North Korea) as the epoch of brainwashing system upon a society and you can learn of those systems here .People are familiar with Yuri Beznenoz it was used (i.e North Korea) as a test centre by China and Soviet Russia in social control, perception management and Ideological subversion with its 4 stages as described by Yuri Bezmenov see (Video 31 ) How to brainwash a Nation in 4 stages KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov & Vladimer Kvackov GRU (GRU means 'Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation' and its opinions on current events are given here once more YouTube 'How To Brainwash A Nation'  or here full length Youtube 'Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length)')” Edward Bernays How to brainwash a nation    “ VLADIMIR KVACKHOV, FORMER COLONEL OF THE GRU ON THE CURRENT WORLD SITUATION! [ENGLISH SUBTITLES]”  Vladimer Kvackov again Here in German  with subtitles but with the Universal language (applicable to every nation in depopulation) of deception which Communism has.
 (and a more detailed explanation of how 'propaganda' is essential in a democracy  'Edward Bernays and Group Psychology: Manipulating the Masses' ) with further information  Soviet Cybernetics - Red Plenty (Myth20c - Ep229) 

However people are not as familiar with western brainwashing techniques although whilst the west was developing MK Ultra, the soviets were also running a parallel program which many state are in reality linked together. Television was underway in 1920 and it became " Television, the Ultimate cognitive brainwashing device (all seeing eye) for propaganda ever created"    but which was not just a random set of hope and see objectives vaguely realised , but a designed science with specific goals and outcomes "Alan Turing Cybernetics (early AI ) The tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil & mind control, DNA, and the secrets of life. Edward Bernays propaganda & Socital control"   and a connected and longer version here also "In the Minds of Men and the (excellent mind control, dna & cybernetics documentary )"    all within a corporate legal fiction which has been perfected since 1933 (when everyone in the USA became collateral for bank loans illegally and then the world)  Corporations and business corruption designed and managed 

As Yuri Bezmenov states you will know when you are conquered when you believe that mortgages are normal over 25 years of compound interest, but people like the Amish or non religious off gridders are crazy ? They have owned their land for centuries and even if they did not you had no need to purchase it on mortgages anyway. When you believe debt is a product and is actually money and when both parents are working two jobs whilst their "kids" (are they goats ?) are being educated by pedophiles. (these are just general barometers) Today the whole world is being trafficked ? as the whole world is within a legal fiction strawman created for you at birth and trafficking victims often without any money are profitable as their trusts as human collateral pays their travel up to and around $80,000 per migrant . This is how it done Global Slavery alive & well today, how traffickers make their money. Rome & the Cestui Que Vie Trust   The deluded lady in the video is 100% correct when it comes to foreign corporate trusts controlling trafficking for profit,  but is deluded that Trump will save the world as he made a anti-trafficking executive order (exec orders are unlawful) but so to did President Obama  (and see his executive order here also fro 2012) and trafficking has increased under both Presidents with many in the world unaware that "first world" person have been trafficked over many generations since 1933 under also prior treaties Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome This helps to explain the Catholic churches, worldwide Vatican trafficking scandal "The Vortex — Betraying God and Country"   which is as a trafficking system involves Catholics churches in every parish  globally  (see longer version of Betraying God and country here) and the the Vatican Bank (see here in the description box underneath or also here again on youtube which supports an earlier posts above 2017 - 2020 above An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” ) All migrants are being trafficked into the CBDC (central bank digital currency) system. 

Banking as a confidence trick Today China and the USA are merging their debt to pivot around the SDR (Bank of International Settlements) to aid the implementation of the CBDC (central bank central currency) for all as the USA completes its ring of bases around China. The recent but ever present fictitious banks as the US bank collapses The Banking Collapse Has Begun by Greg Reese (all banks in the USA are insolvent including the federal reserve bank Bloodbath Has Just Begun: ‘Dr. Doom’ Roubini Says We’re Solely in First Inning of Major Debt Crisis  see also credit suisse below) will recycle funds into the Ukraine bank to help it through its difficulties  in the Ukraine and Switzerland   r.e the latter Switzerland did seize Russian homes in Switzerland in 2021   but not all homes were seized  in the soap opera presented before the people of the world The Ukraine Russia War & the World Economic Forum, across all nations in the Great reset Technocracy (note Trump at the WEF also) Yet since the west paid for the rise of the Bolsheviks and the Communist Russia Soviets  Ukraine may want Trillions more in damages from western institutions  How Joseph Stalin Created a Famine in Ukraine  something Stalin has in common with the current communist 'Dr' Tedros of the WHO (busy pretending the pandemic treaty is not finalized and will be democratically brought forward) who helped to create a famine in Ethiopia   and who could extend that skill to the whole world along with Ebola smuggling and changing the worlds DNA. Something which not even the madness of Lenin and  Trotsky could have dreamed of see 'Extermination of Europe, East & West & into China, & Russia. Communist Bolsheviks, Trotsky, Lenin, & Chairman Mao Zedong'


Ukraine's real situation (including the 'New Jerusalem' within Ukraine etc)  is analysed on the adjacent website dated  Will the Swastika of Ukraine unite with the Swastika of Russia (who had it first in 1917 - 1919 or see here again also or here once more   or here again also once more ) under the Commonwealth with help from the German (Bundeswehr) - British Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF and its 10 allies) & Nato Finland and Sweden, or will the first to nuke the other win the war ?

Janet Yellen and bank bailouts and Basel 3 and 4 "Janet Yellen Bails Out the Top 1%'s Uninsured Deposits for Now"  Taxpayers will pay for this bailout/bail-in  and just as Cyprus depositors lost everything above €100,000 of their own money. Now in the USA taxpayers will only be guaranteed $250,000 only for certain depositors. The banks regard your deposits as their money which is why depositors are removing their money like a flood  globally (keeping only a bare minimum in) Consolidation of all banks will make it easier to Nationalise the banks and easier to apply the CBDC (central bank digital currency) which is linked to the pandemic treaty  (see below) as one of the conditions of use along with behavioral quantification (politics, and attitude to big brother etc) Credit Suisse is also 'collapsing' 0n 15.03.2023  why does it need liquidity is the real question ? 

Basel 3 and 4 reforms These are the Basel 1, 2 and 3 reforms following the 2008 crisis (and the European Solvency Directive) a quote from the Bank of International Settlements Basel 3 is as follows; ' When we realise that the BIS Basel 3 report "Consultative Document Strengthening the resilience of the bankingsector" Page 2 in the Executive summary (point 4) April 2010 states, "Ultimately the public sector had to step in with unprecedented injections of liquidity, capital support and guarantees, exposing the taxpayer to large losses". BIS Basel 3 report April 2010. So taxpayers are also protected and which means 'taxpayers' require all of their money 100% or the banks and central banks should close (the 2008 and its details going fwd is on the adjacent website sonas) see also on the real economy globally ;BANKING CRISIS GOES GLOBAL! The Federal Reserve BEGINS A NEW BANKING SYSTEM BAILOUT! Mannarino' 

This (a full reimbursement of monies owed) also applies under Common Law as in the US 7th amendment or in the law of  the land (common law)  in any nation. They (NESARA, the 7th amendment and Basel 3 or just common law in essence) support the truth that all loans and mortgages and debts can be cancelled back to zero without conditions. Mortgages from the trusts are paid down and then paid again by the homeowner at compound interest over 25 years (instead of say 5 years) and house prices are artificially valued too high for wages resulting in 1 option only, a mortgage contract that never needed to be purchased and which comprises 12 years just paying the unnecessary interest payments on the capitol loan itself inflated MICHAEL O'BERNICIA Mortgage Deeds are illegal documents  (or here on youtube once more )  

This is what the real NESARA the farmers land claims revealed i.e that mortgages were mis sold and illegal (farmers land claims) see NESRA 1   and this confidence trick is embedded so deeply into the minds of people they do not see what has occurred since 1875 and the consolidation of Royal and aristocratic houses into one account entitled the global debt facility see NESARA 2  ( International Collateral Combined Accounts of the Global Debt Facility ) which belongs to everyone already without any financiers middlemen and that includes all lands. Common law as sovereign Law is higher than Justinian contrivance "THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta. Justinian Deception" which is a legal FICTION and is not real as REAL men and women are. Bear that in mind when listening here Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea (Dead in the Water)

Executive order 13037 Also consider that in every President (Bush, Obama, Clinton and Trump) have renewed Executive Order 13037 enslaving every man woman and child as Human Capital harkening back to the order of 1933 (in turn dating from the 1917 trading with the enemy act which made all US Citizens as "the enemy" )  under the foreign sitrus trust drawing money in the bankruptcy against all future human labour as human capital  (repeated from above and in here also on executive order 13037 towards the end) and which was enshrined in 1997 under Clinton and then Obama. Trump and Biden and the double act also renewed the bill to this date. (in 1999 the US money supply in the 1999 bankruptcy was captured in the 5 star account under G W BUSH as narrated by Sergeant Robert  Horton who worked in US Civil affairs & US warfare Psychological operations command. In Warcastles, the United Nations and the Law of the flag  which is also available here as a 3. MP4 File "Warcastles, the United Nations and the Law of the flag"  Since 2020 we have learnt that the WHO and UN have joined constitutions are they are not for freeing Sovereign people. Slavery as feudalism is alive and well for everyone. 

Israel has also fallen into dismay at the UN see "Genesis 15,18-21 Greater Israel, Abraham,Isaac Jacob,Joseph & Amalek (DeSantis Oslo Abraham accords)"  as Israel moves to remove the Supreme court and move towards the Sanhedrin system  with a return to the original law of God

Trump also present at the WEF above with Bill Gates (who Trump has funded to support the WHO / UN) and his operation war speed introducing the Trump vaccine also specifically targeted the mRNA / DNA changing injections into 'Red States' in the continuing emergency "CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States"  ? (from the Republican President ? ) helped and encouraged by the 'Satanists for Jesus' prosperity Gospel  sect and its heresy and also Govenor KATHY Huchel who said the vaccine came from God (despite the fact that Jesus cured the lepers and raised Lazurus and himself from the dead ) Targeting red states is also indicative of how the USA is portrayed i.e. as a collection of red states or blue states as this maintains the 2 party uni-party delusion

That the injections do change your mRNA or DNA is laid out here "Bio - Warfare mRNA / DNA crispr injections into the cells nucleus, into 2023 and getting worse. 'Genetic Engineering' & the Mark of the beast" with more confirmation here on "gene therapy"  Yes, mRNA *IS* 'Gene Therapyand the Pandemic treaty is laid out by Dr Francis Boyle "Pandemic Treaty finalised, Dr Francis Boyle & Mike Adams issue URGENT WARNING on WHO Pandemic treaty"  (or fuller version here also once more) with further analysis by "Liz Wheeler Pandemic treaty (already agreed, lockdowns & pandemics occur with or without IHR or Treaty)"

Since 2020/2021 to date a list of deaths and injuries (in millions)  is kept on the adjacent sovereign website as follows Link to mRNA injections ('vaccinations' ) deaths and injuries within the post in the Sovereign website dated 21.10.2021 (added as progressing) NO 1 on vaccine deaths and injuries link  is here  dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022  & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 inbetween 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022  and next is link NO 8) here available dated 13.02.2023 


The USA is undergoing attacks on its food distribution centers (40 so far) on its  farming lands, its livestock, where industrial disasters mean people can no longer live on the land and have to be removed as per EPA (Environmental protection agency) regulations r.e Agenda 20/30 from the UN / WHO. The US is not sovereign since 1871 and 1933 with its last declared bankruptcy in 1999 and it is joining the North American Union with Canada and Mexico The IOWA explosions from the train derailments produced the largest dioxin mushroom cloud in the US history and has polluted every living creature across the state and other states  Feb 16, 2023 'Ohio Chernobyl' Largest Dioxin Plume In History - #NewWorldNextWeek  the chemicals can make Benzine gas used on the troops in World War 1  Dustin Nemos has kept a record of all attacks on the USA  over various dates  Silent War Ep. 6299: Chemical Explosions & "Cohenincidences" - Seedwar Slouching unto Tribulation  with more details here WE WENT TO EAST PALESTINE AND WHAT WE SAW WAS A NIGHTMARE- BOOTS ON THE GROUND yet there are no international cries for refugee status for Ohio victims ?


Added on the 18.03.2023  (2nd time added repeated from above) US STATES TO SECEDE FROM THE UNION ? Janet Yellen Federal Reserve Bank spokesperson before the Senate Finance Committee  (16.03.2023) see The Government and Big Banks Are Taking Everything! after the Federal Reserve bailed out the banks (who are "ok") to the Tune of $2 Trillion dollars in the face of what paasses for national banking. Yellen basically told Americans that small regional banks are not covered only larger banks or banks the federal reserve deems necessary. The choices are to go to the big banks and CBDC (Central bank digital currency) tied to communism and Yellen admits (last link )  that the SVB bail out was for Chinese communist party members as shareholders also which the US taxpayer are paying for. Moving to consolidate all banks and nationalise where possible The CBDC executive directive was passed on 12.12.2022. The solution is for many states to secede away from Washington DC   which is not part of the USA in any case but a city state foreign corporation. The solution is laid out here for the 50 states and 1st amendment  Reinstate National treasuries in every State or Nation globally, owned by the People for the People    The truth of Bitcoin and the CBDC as one and the same in the end as revealed in CRYPTO / DIGITAL: THE END OF FREEDOM!  made by the establishment, or here on bitchute once again r.e  .Bitcoin not 'decentralised'    (see in the description box also) BUT invented by C I A / Goldman Sachs / NSA / Darpa / using code SHA-256#  as revealed by Edward Snowdon all tracked and traced )  All countries and nations should consider the tyranny this produces and take steps to remedy

Trump then in the Trump - Biden Uni-party double act has killed more Republican voters as a Republican president than any other. (repeated from above, operation war speed introducing the Trump vaccine also specifically targeted the mRNA / DNA changing injections into 'Red States' in the continuing emergency "CDC Confirms That Majority of Fatal Covid Vaccines Were Knowingly Sent to Red States" ) The crypto currency delusion does not recognise that all transactions can be traced and it is the method to get "off grid" types into the CBDC central banking digitaal currency system. This is what is occurring in Nigeria which is a test centre for the new system (which is not a currency or like the credit - debit electronic currency many have but a system of energy carbon indicators with a value predetermined by the state and which can expire and change every day)  Nigeria now. Mark of the Beast. Riots when you can no longer Buy or Sell (CBDC + mRNA injections) original video by Hugo talks  the system will work better it is imagined if all banks were nationalised (but the "mark to market" rule in any has long gone ) Ending Bretton Woods the new global "currency" is controlled by the new Internet owners (a United Nations NGO after it was original 'invented' by the military in Switzerland near Cern ) Obama signed this into law just before he left office in 2016, but Trump and Biden have also signed Transhumanism executive orders, and/  or for new experimental mRNA / DNA vaccines. (see other websites adjacent and all above) Since this system is dependent on debt as a product all debts in this legal fiction can be cancelled back to zero without conditions, as they were illegally obtained (not lawful)  on Trillions across decades. See the adjacent website on Sovereignty  returning all peoples in the world back to the Land (Common law, law of the Land ) 

Reparations for 5.5 Billion (injected by deception) people will come to many $Trillions of Dollars

The Brics nations (Brazil, Russia, India and China ++ Saud) will be run by China in the social credit digital CBDC dystopia without the petro dollar, but the US will be under the same system as the world. 



Added on 30.03.2023 The world Crisis & the emergency Central bank(s) meetings 23.3.2023 in Switzerland, The Republic is dead, France riots, not just about 'pensions' but the end of the Republic for the Sun King, and riots elsewhere. Fake Bitcoin, Crypto, & CBDC, Edward Dowd analyst, Brics. Commonwealth of Nations.Bank consolidations globally, Africa,The Dutch Farmers & Hollow zombie banks without credit, liquidity or money. Kennedy and cable 243 and Executive order 11110. 

Many in the USA are waking to the fact the the US Constitution does not support political parties, which have ingrained themselves onto the public's perception of 'democracy' The USA was a Constitutional Republic (prior to 1871) and the founding fathers suggested that political parties would undermine any system of governance, which is exactly what the Uni-party (Republicans and Democrats) does and is today. The 2 party system requires a lack of free speech, and it does not care what colour you are or what your social opinions are, it is simply a method for censoring all free speech. (there is 1 "human race") The injections have killed or injured all regardless of their identity, and all are born with (adjacent website to read later)  inalienable sovereign rights . The candidates in elections step into the way of the people and steal their vote and as proxy representatives, they then represent themselves ignoring those who turn up again and again to vote (when both parties steal elections with fake votes and electronic voting machines) Having stolen your vote and voice they then state they are fighting for democracy, when all they really want is control of the Money bill in congress to fund themselves not representing you. If there were no candidates then the people would control the money bill (from 'congress') or their money they service with taxes (there is no law requiring people in the USA to pay taxes) 

De-dollarisation, debt and global bankruptcy Another form of taxation are bank bail-ins from depositors bank accounts hence people are withdrawing their money from the banks around the world. as the MSM warns that the banking crisis is not just another (ordinary) banking crisis but is global Sentiment Contagion in the midst of global "de- dollarisation"  concluding that the world is bankrupt    (as collateral collapses only debt is left currently in quadrillions)

Kenya / Nigeria / Tanzania and wider, and the US Petro Dollar into CBDC As the banking crisis accelerates with as many as 180 and to as many as 400 banks in trouble (in the consolidation) and which includes 'banks to big to fail' such as JP Morgan (all propped up by Trillions injected into the remains see above) and outside of USA, Credit Suisse a long standing solid bank and UBS (Union bank of Switzerland) Deutsche bank as well as many German, French and Italian banks   are all showing their true status or real viability as shell banks retailing for shell central banks who have no money within them. The President of Kenya William Ruto, has told Kenyans (or the whole of Africa in essence ) recently not to worry as the $Dollar is on the way out and soon Kenya will be buying Oil and energy in Kenyan Shillings removing the petro- dollar.  (bearing in mind the chaos that is caused in Nigeria 2 or 3 paras above beginning "Trump then in the Trump - Biden Uni-party" ) This is echoed by the US media also. It is not just Africa and the Brics nations who are withdrawing confidence from the Dollar but the Saudis and many non Brics Arab states are also waning. In the last link link r.e. Kenya note that Saud and UAE are willing to accept payment for Oil in non $Dollar denominations, and they are also "travelling east" moving funds from Credit Suisse (petro - dollar) or UBS or Deutsche bank or wherever into Russia and Chinese control. (repeated from post above dated 4.2.2022)... Africa (more than western leaders) has had 7 of its leaders assassinated for refusing to comply with Covid and most notably the President of Tanzania John Magufuli (this clip from May 20th 2020 YES! African Leaders Stand Up! Tanzania & Madagascar )  who tested inanimate objects for covid (fruit, oil, chairs office plants etc) and they returned positive ? exposing it live on television.  The Wuhan market bat origins theory is also now officially wrong, (under Trump or Biden) it is now officially the biowarfare lab in Wuhan shared with the west (Sarah Cain also on banking) The Wuhan Lab: We Were Right Again

Uganda has banned the LGBT Community in its country, imposing the death penalty on adherents, and it the USA a fatal shooting has caused outrage (as all shootings in schools)  Trans Day Of VENGEANCE Will Continue Despite Shooting, Tucker Warns They Are TARGETING Christians whilst millions are killed or injured by experimental injections without discrimination (to repeat) As ideological conceptions evaporate, the world has discovered that the powers that should not be, do not care what colour you are, or what you identify as (there is only one human race) when in the lockdowns and continuing injections millions have been killed or injured by them worldwide regardless of class,creed or colour on all continents (see Link to mRNA injections ('vaccinations' ) deaths and injuries within the post in the Sovereign website dated 21.10.2021 (added as progressing) NO 1 on vaccine deaths and injuries link  is here  dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022  & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 in between 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022  and next is link NO 8) here available dated 13.02.2023 ...ongoing )  INTERVIEW: Evidence Snowballs Against Jabs

(repeated from previous posts from 2022 now expanding) "An overview of the Petro Ruble / Yuan. Putin demands payment in Rubles and bitcoin (digital cbdc also coming for all central banks and bitcoin and crypto's will merge) for energy, in March 2022, and invades Ukraine, and pegs the Ruble to Gold in April 2022. Saudi Arabia took a military defense contact with Russia in August 2021 instead of the USA (Nixon oil shock 1972) although in reality both Russia and the USA have undertaken joint operations. ( Saudi Arabia watched the US withdrawal of Afghanistan by 9/11 2021 ) China buys Russian energy in Yuan and not the Dollar. China wants to run the New World Order with or without Russia and  via its totalitarian social credit system dystopia. The WEF World Government summit  (world government summit) March 2022. Since Russia now has the Saudi defense contract ? since Aug 2021 (see para above) will the US withdraw its bases from Saud ?  An overview of the Brics nations and the American empire


As France goes up in flames with one reason (of many except the main reason) being the governments or the banks do not have money for future pensions (only for propping up the derivatives market? with its derived value but which are essentially worthless ) The USA pensions crisis is also emerging  and also in the UK with its pensions problem Every country has a pension problem but alleviated by killing off older people with mRNA / DNA AIDs vaccines or within the 'palliative care' euthanasia on the quiet system. The United Nations has WHO as its military wing and it is weaponizing all "health services" around the world (via the  International health regulations (IHR) or de facto already agreed Pandemic treaty) so that health services are branches of the military. See paragraphs above on pandemic treaty finalized with 1 more added view here since the 17.03.2023 in the post above on the pandemic treaty on article 19 on the pandemic treaty for "One World, One Health One Government

In France (or anywhere)  The Republic is dead & Macron as the Sun King  (and see last paragraph above on pensions) the protests are not just about Pensions but about returning the whole of France to Feudalism as with every country on earth removing Horizontal rule for Vertical rule alone and removing debt (disguised as credit) from the worlds masses into a dictatorship, which is the great reset & 4th industrial revolution (digital totalitarianism in which you will own nothing and be happy) In France Macron suggest he is the Sun King    see here the new French vertical rule  "The Republic is Dead"    or here once   again of Brighteon   and "Escargot" is again very big on the Menu) wiping out Horizontal rule. Pension 'reforms' were made by executive order (as in the USA) under article 49.3 of the French constitution, in France, and under a de facto vertical rule you do not need 'local banks' or money at all (and of course the banks, all banks have no money in any case ) You can kill off the old people with vaccinations and palliative care euthanasia. (hence you do not need pensions) However the question remains does the King have legitimate authority from God to rule ? King Alfred in Britain freed England and the entire world with his DEEMINGS (collated common law under God) and which was the foundation for the Magna Carta. Suspending God's laws is not the divine right of Kings but just the opposite is imposed on Kings i.e to uphold God's law. France gave the USA the statue of Liberty and a smaller version is in France in the river Seine in Paris It is in reality a statue of Semiramis who married her son Nimrod producing the incestuous Tammuz, who from Babylon and the tower of Babylon into Egypt became Isis, Osiris and Horus for more information on this see The adjacent website (thenewnewjerusalem) and chapter 5 and post dated 12.08.2023 link to adjacent website and chapter 5  (or again under the post in the sovereign website dated  under the heading 22/23.11.2022 which also links to it) and the heading 'The New Covenant 12.08.2022. Jacobs stone that gave Water in the desert & Where is it now ? Blessings and Birthright of Abraham to Joseph, The Kingdom of God' r.e. the stone of Destiny and Jacobs stone

Edward Dowd. With expert financial analysis from Edward Dowd Wall Street analyst   (whose book on the pandemic has gone viral and sold out)  "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – December 13, 2022  ponders if the crash will be slow or fast.with many truthful insights into why it is occurring. And see the paragraphs above dated 17.03.2023 on how people's cell nucleus is compromised and changed and this compromise is termed "Gene Therapy"  see also "Is the Associated Press Lying About Gene Therapy Shots?"     (and in relation to also above "Bio - Warfare mRNA / DNA crispr injections into the cells nucleus, into 2023 and getting worse. 'Genetic Engineering' & the Mark of the beast"  ) You will also find a film one of the first basic film (post March 2020) warning on the injections in April - May - July 2020 which appeared before any of the current investigators  (Video 38 )DNA VACCINATION INGREDIENTS,PHARMACEUTICALS, SORCERY & 3rd strand DNA (13.07.2020)   (and which delves into the new Feudalism also )


Banks have no money which do not lend out of reserves. They essentially in law are not deposit taking institutions who lend money ( this is wrong and unlawful) Truth About The Banking System The money does not exist until you sign on the dotted line, so this is your money which they then claim as a security and multiply it by 10 to create money as computer digits out of nothing Therefore they are using your money to lend back to you at interest and with mortgages (lease hold or free hold which are illegal not lawful designations of land) over an average 25 years (but which could take 5 years to repay the principal amount if the mortgage is actually lawful in the first place see MICHAEL O'BERNICIA Mortgage Deeds are illegal documents )  It is the same with loans, this is your money from your work. See ‘Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 1’.  At 1 minute 30 seconds fwd. Interest on the money created, creates a need for more money to be printed to pay the interest. Money and interest are two separate items. Money 100% is not the same as Money with interest as this requires 100% +  2 or 3% or whatever. So it can never be paid back as the missing money to pay the interest is printed again .... at interest !. In other words it is the interest which creates the inflation in the 1st instance requiring new money to be printed. (‘Zeitgeist - Money Mechanics Part 2’.)            ( Zeitgeist Money Mechanics Part 1 on Bitchute  and again Zeitgeist Money Mechanics  Part 2 on Bitchute ) and also repeated from above Crypto The End of Freedom! 1988 Economist magazine until today The current crisis is also not calculating the trillions in compensation for the worlds victims of injections

Bitcoin was invented by Paul Walker and Phil Venables and not Satoshi Nakamoto from Goldman Sachs. The Whole Bitcoin / Crypto currency is bogus also as you will need biometric ID, chipped and marked to log onto the internet at all access points to use bitcoin and cryptos anyway. The internet is under the UN /WHO now not a free entity for all. That's why shills push them just to get people into the CBDC / Crypto / Bitcoin (bitcoin invented by Goldman Sachs ) system which will merge together, All the people who have encouraged cryptos over gold and silver and /or cash (not fiat) run by national treasuries are shills, cbdc (under different names) is already here with many exec directives in place to authorize. Trumps biometric system  is not just for immigrants but for everyone in your daily life and for every aspect of your life, it's called the Chinese social credit UBI universal basic income dystopia and which will be rolled out to everyone in the Brics nations under China. China and the USA even before Nixon came to an agreement and it was the USA (1933 - 1945 - 1953) who assisted Chairman Mao into his role, carried forward by Nixon and Henry Kissenger, and today with Canada and China nearly 1 country with the merging US and Chinese debt (all money on earth is debt as a product and nothing else, but it will implode) under the BIS bank of international settlements SDR (not Bretton Woods Gold System) to make a one world currency in the "one world, one health, one government"  The adjacent website and its chapters from 2 fwd especially examines alternatives from 2003 fwd ) In the other adjacent website   or alternatively in chapter 3b above

Chinese advances would occur under Trump, Biden, Obama, Clinton (In the 1996 United States campaign finance controversy) or Bush (Republicans or Democrats as the Uni-party) and its communist status for the world was agreed previously under the (Potsdam conference) Potsdam conference of 1945 and by Owen Lattimore (here meeting with Kai Zek in 1941)  and the Potsdam declaration of 1945   which paved the way for Chairman Mao and China's fall into madness, controlled under the death cult known as 'communism' which stole the hammer and sickle symbol of the peasants which is thousands of years old and added the communist manifesto onto it by deception, and a whole host of inhuman rights which are no rights for all in effect. China's population reduced by 165 million people in the blood lust under Mao and obviously he was not for the Chinese proletariat. 

Russia for instance first adopted the Swastika in 1918 - 1919 see paragraphs dating from 17.03.2023 above. Mae Zedong was already chairman of the communist party since 1935, he was eased into position with western assistance in 1935, 1941 and 1945. Later Kennedy became embroiled in the Cable affair 1963 The  'Cable 243' sent to the Nationalists in South Vietnam in August 1963 (only 3 months before President Kennedy's death in November 22nd 1963)  Cable 243 here mentioned by the council of foreign relations or here by the Huffington Post was "sent" (or someone else on his behalf) by President Kennedy with orders to assassinate President Ngo Dinah Diem of the nationalist republic of Vietnam. Diem was a stable competent leader. Once Diem was dead Chairman Mao pushed into Vietnam and more and more Viet Cong in North Vietnam setting up the war to be sustained and not won (no win wars) which is another reason Kennedy had to go (he opposed this type of war) No Win wars, as wars to be Sustained for profit only. A explanation is given here beginning specifically on Vietnam, as the West also gave money to Russia to buy weapons to send to North Vietnam ? and the imposed Rules of Engagement upon the USA at 45 seconds and ending 2 minutes 57 seconds  Zeitgeist: The Movie - PART 8/9 - [With 2010 Update)   ( or here no 7 as an MP4 file i.e the same video)  

The US army were 'obliged' to fight in a limited grid system in Vietnam (see the last 2 links / films in the last paragraph above) and the Democrats informed the  Vietnamese of this, without any RINO resistance, they (the Vietcong) in turn could fight however they wished. Anti war Vietnam  protests in the USA did not protest Chairman Mao's regime in China or his attempt to take over Vietnam before (before 1955) when the Vietnam war broke out,  yet Chairman man and the Chinese communist party killed more people than any other regime in history.(Video 23) Chairman Mao s Great Famine & the Communist Party of China (CPC)  and also on the Maoists (Video 24)Tibet Beyond Fear, Dalai Lama, Mao & The Great Replacement of its population by Communists  From this impossible situation an air bombing campaign was instigated by the USA (forseen by the military industrial complex) with also Napalm and Agent Orange from Bayer Monsanto. More than 7.5 million tons of bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia—double the amount dropped on Europe and Asia during World War II. General Hal Moore A general who did not keep to the  grid system agreement (because it was insane ) was General Hal Moore, who chose different tactics, and which are told in the film also "We were Soldiers"   or here again on Rumble once more. "Born To Be Wild from the film "We Were Soldiers" tribute to General Hal MooreThis extended the war at a cost of 60,000 US troops and millions of Vietcong. The drug trade opened up and drugs were smuggled back into the USA in the coffins of US Soldiers  Owen Lattimore preceded Nixon and Henry Kissinger. (Creedence Clearwater Revival and the  version of Born on the Bijou (Tour of Duty) gives some idea of the terrain or here again on Rumble "Tour of Duty edit "Born on the Bayou" Creedence Clearwater Revival" )  

The Chinese social credit model today could become (like Chairman Mao's system) the most efficient Killing machine (Xi admires Chairman Mao)  the most efficient killing machine and easily adaptable to modern technology, super-computers and quantum computers which are described here as to how they work on you "Quantum Supremacy & AI, with Stephen Fry"  When Ukraine is being rebuilt it will be the digital camp for many in the east of europe, digitized, marked and chipped, unless the Ukraine people rise up and win, or Russia (the first to use the Swastika in 1918 /1919) and Ukraine unite as they do at the WEF. (Digital slavery is also coming to Russia unless people act)  conferences in Davos with Trump, Biden, Trudeau, Xi and a few Bolsheviks. Nato and/or the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) are not going to hold back for long

Finland and Sweden are set to join NATO with Finland saying it will join even without Sweden Can Russia and Ukraine (The New Jerusalem) unite under the Swastika and new 4th Reich at a conference in Switzerland for World peace (Davos)  Finland is ready and Russia lost against finland in the 1939 - 1940 Winter War    ( "Fire And Ice the Winter War of Finland and Russia Original" ...but see how the USA supplied the Soviets with weapons who passed them to the Vietcong against the troops in the USA in the Vietnam war ?, 2 paragraphs above ?  )

The new paradigm (new world order within de-dollarisation ) wants Russia well below its current sphere of global influence (see at the end and the CPTPP) to submit, (in the global emerging war) as is shown by the alleged destruction of the Russian Nord Stream 2 pipeline by the west. Nuclear treaties have been set aside and Russia has stopped sending its Nuclear information to the USA and has via oppressed journalist Dmitry Muratov sent Nuclear warnings to the west  with Russia's capability (Poseidon) a known unknown in the backdrop of de-dollarization reaching a critical phase  (in the new reserve currency controlled by central banks and the central banks central bank BCCI ) The West underestimates the effects of the Holodomor famine and ravages upon Ukrainian people in the working class and will join those who oppose Russia whilst retaining control. Poland and Russia may well reduce its territory further in the New Jerusalem idea) or care about Russia. The Brexit Commonwealth CPTPP rise (bigger than Brics which is controlled by China) is at the end of this post in the "new technocracy" (see Time for Britain to try technocratic government" )  which includes biometric digital ID to access the internet (showing that all cryptos including Bitcoin, which have in any case always been traceable, is not a defacto separate decentralized system against all others. Keep cash in a cashless society ?) at all access points and those who surf around restriction (most elderly cannot use the internet or crypto wallets which a re a hackers delight)  will be closed down

UN first members China and Russia Israel were among the first to join the UN in Oct 1945 which is situated in the USA. Israel was birthed by the UN in 1948 but immigration to it began throughout WW2, but from 1945. and Israel today Genesis 15,18-21 Greater Israel, Abraham,Isaac Jacob,Joseph & Amalek (DeSantis Oslo Abraham accords)    with an insight into Israel history and Symbols King Davids Shield displayed the Menorah, the symbol of Israel ( & Psalm 67 )  2022 was a Jubilee year with promises to remove all debts


The current banking 'crisis' all of which (previous) manufactured, in whichever country, it is the same crisis throughout as the Global banking system becomes an open surveillance system

The emergency Central bank meeting on 23.02.2023 in Switzerland The emergency has resulted in an unprecedented meeting around the BBCI (Bank of International Settlements) in the contagion see (Neil McCoy Ward) WHY THE WORLD'S CENTRAL BANKS JUST HELD AN EMERGENCY MEETING! [23-03-23] - NEIL MCCOY-WARD (VIDEO) and on the 27.03.2023 / 28.03.2023 "French Banks Raided. Including HSBC Holdings HSBC, Natixis, Societe Generale GLE, and BNP Paribas BNP"  and also here on the ponzi scheme which the world is not being warned about The Vatican bank is also bankrupt as the Vatican moves all of its assets back into the Vatican from the 1st of October 2022 fwd (see post above dated 17.03.2023) Italy's new prime-minster Giorgia Meloni Introductions speech September 2022 just prior to the Vatican bank announcement

Zero Hedge summarizes what is behind the World Central Bank meeting in Switzerland  "World Bank Warns Of 'Lost Economic Decade' As Turmoil Spreads"  This amidst hundreds of Billions in currency, gold and artifacts and works of art within the Vatican who have recalled all their world assets (this scenario is not found in the New testament amongst the disciples or with Jesus / Yeshua) and have nationalised them  " declaring them to be sovereign patrimony owned by the Holy See and not any individual or office" i.e belonging to the private corporation of Vatican city which is a separate city state, all church lands and buildings also, yet the Trillions it may have to pay out in compensation for child sexual abuse, the parish child trafficking (straw-man trusts via birth certificates) and for recommending vaccines (deaths and injuries) is staggering (see post above dated 17.03.2023) even recommending to those who are pro-life injecting experimental mRNA / DNA 'vaccines' laced with baby fetal cells and a further whole host of other disgusting deadly ingredients, and typically e.g.Governor Hochul. Governor Katherine Hochul of New York says the injections came from God, (as stipulated by Trump who has now killed more US Children than any other President in US History) despite the fact that Jesus / Yeshua cured the Lepers and raised the dead in Lazarus and himself from the dead  The Holy See is "Although the Holy See is sometimes metonymically referred to as the "Vatican", the Vatican City State was distinctively established with the Lateran Treaty of 1929, between the Holy See and Italy, [under Mussolini insertion] to ensure the temporal, diplomatic, and spiritual independence of the papacy (like Washington DC or the City of London) It is private, whether it nationalized or privatized. The Vatican's vast land and commercial real estate is going to face systemic problems (as all real estate) as home and commercial values fall and rents drop drastically, yet Jesus / Yeshua advised to sell all you have and give it to the poor and homeless see Matthew 19:21-24 ? (especially to or for national Italians) see the adjacent website and chapter 5 for a deeper view 

After this Canada - China under Justin Castro (i am only occasionally effeminate )Trudeau (as opposed to just Sovereign Canada) is already moving to extend Digital currency across the country and TD bank is today moving to begin it TD BANK GOING DIGITAL as Zero hedge estimates A I automation will lead to an extra 300 million in layoffs in the USA and Europe


Most deposits (for the world) are uninsured. but the risk in all banks or traders who hold bonds as theri equity assets, have in reality been valueless since the 2008 / 2009 market crash. mark to market (a requirement since 2009 ?) accounting reveals that all banks are insolvent and bankrupt (at the bench... as the venetians call it especially the Vatican bank see paragraphs above) but worse they owe $Trillions. Virtual pricing on all assets, real estate, and land are in effect worth zero against the debt and money banks owe out. In Law and lawfully people could default (and remove their deposits) and retain their land and property. 

Selling the bonds may provide respite in the short term (for liquidity) but a mark to market rate they are worthless with only a minus virtual value. They mean nothing to ordinary people (majority of the world's population) .Janet Yellen has said no bailouts ? (who was to resign at the start of the Ukraine war) yet this is exactly what occurred in Cyprus in 2013 when depositors could not get their money (the 'bailout' levy so called) and recently in Lebanon (Sep 2022) the same . The mark to market square accounting showing the true value has now been superseded by new regulations (created suddenly but legal but and not Lawful) Again as in 2009 Glass Steagal (the act of Glass Steagul )   is cited as a solution but this was sidestepped in 2009 when peoples wages could not meet Mortgage payments (SUBPRIME) worse now in the hyperinflation, and now is not even on the HORIZON., and this despite Basel 1,2,3 and 4 which forbids taxpayers bearing the bill of bank collapse (see paragraphs above fro 17.03.2023) In 2009 the banks brought in QE or quantitative easing (printing money at interest) and also quantitative tightening (less money printed at internet) born by the taxpayers who service the national debt as it is termed as borrowing in the long run Taxes rise to pay the national debts in all countries, mortgages are already paid to the banks (the middlemen) i.e they are paid twice, once to the banks (as a digital fiat credit not real money)who as middlemen do not inform you of this, and then the mortgage holder buys it from them over 25 years (at interest) making double the house or commercial site value received. They are paid twice illegally and not lawfully (real estate actors will go to any lengths to hoodwink the public) It is hard for people to accept but this how trusts work in reality (see post above dated 17.03.2023 or here below) 

1. Slavery alive & well today, how traffickers make their money. Rome & the Cestui Que Vie Trust  or again once more here on Rumble

2. "Global Slavery alive & well today, how traffickers make their money. Rome & the Cestui Que Vie Trust" 

Kennedy and Executive order 11110 (or 11,110 ) On June 4th 1963 it is cited that President Kennedy signed Executive order 11110 affirming that treasury bills could be issued by the National Treasury as had been the case for most of the worlds nations (who also did not run up national debts in perpetuity and charge for its existence at interest) instead fo the Federal Reserve bank. 2 views on this arise, but before presenting them it is worth noting that the Federal Reserve bank takes in and destroys old notes and replaces them not the national treasury as is suggested by some. The debate funnels into the 'MO' money designation which is explained on the adjacent website and chapter 2  where the UK Parliament also debated 'money creation' in 2014 (as used to be in national treasuries controlled by the King or Council and inflation was controlled by reducing or increasing the amount of money (interest free) in circulation. If prices rise then adjust the amount or if they fall adjust again, the amount defined the value (notwithstanding money being clipped or hoarded but which was adjusted even in medieval times by report from the towns in the land) In this way prices remained the same sometimes for hundreds of years, and wages could rise just above 'inflation' by surveillance of the supply instead of the other way around = prospering nations who grew and manufactured all they  required and exported any excess. Interestingly this is implied in the Torah and the bible as right and lawful.(i.e not an option but it had to be done, along with other requirements of Kings or rulers in Deuteronomy 17, 12 - 25 ..also not an option. King Alfred, and for example President Lincoln made similar measures available to the public) 

On Kennedy's alleged executive order (11110) it does exist and can be interrupted in a few ways, however the view that Kennedy was creating a new financial system is presented here 1) JFK, Executive Order 11110 and the Warren Commission        or here again within the Corbett report with Edward Griffin and 2) The JFK / Fed Myth BUSTED: G. Edward Griffin on The Corbett Report  whichever view you have of Presidents Kennedy's long term intentions, in fact moving the money supply to the nations treasury is the correct and lawful thing to do, or rename the Federal Reserve "the national treasury' (it is a private institution) and issue a sensible money supply at zero interest and free to the nation as all 'MO' designation monies used to be. Contrary to many researchers central banking began in Sweden in the 1500's but whether it or any previous banking system reverted to the Babylonian debt system is something researchers should make pains to point out. The  cuneiform clay tablets (Mesopotamia) found at Uruk in ancient Iraq were (dating from the flood 4000 years ago)  in the main (80% some say) of the near 2 million clay tablets debt IOU's  At first it was thought that a long lost epic poem or Homeric epic tale that had been unearthed, but they were the longest epic story on the earth today (i.e. millions of debt IOUs. Today we go further and call them, loans, mortgages derivatives ) Interestingly during the Iraq war Nimrods tomb was discovered mummified with attempts to preserve his DNA.  Therefore whether either version of executive order 11110 is accepted, it is the right thing to do. (see above in the post dated 17.03.2023 for further affirmations of President Kennedy's intentions in the film "Assassination of JFK" along with Cable 243  (August 24, 1963 ) in this post above dated 17.03.2023) The film shows that the western aristocracy and Kings and Queens were horrified by the brutal deaths of the Romanov Czars, and the Conservatism and later Nazism became a bulwark against Bolshevism (communism and socialism which have no economic plan only depopulation and chaos) resulting in a Dialectical new Europe split along those lines. Hegel's dialectic (thesis & anti-thesis = synthesis)  led to permanent war in Europe, eastern Europe and China resulting in 300 million people dead from WW1, 2 and into WW3. In Europe the flower of its youth (Synthesis ) was slaughtered across all nations

Cable 243 on August 24, 1963 was sent by (in effect in the confusion)  W. Averell Harriman, (Brown Brothers Harriman, Skull and Bones) Roger Hilsman, and Michael Forrestal (the latter differed on what to do,  from the 2 former cable instigators) Kennedy had appointed Henry Cabot Lodge Jr who made sure Diem was installed in Vietnam to provide a Bulwark against the Vietcong.(Chairman Mao)  Kennedy was therefore against the communist order. Cable 243 made sure Diem was removed allowing the escalation of the Vietnam war. The Democrats and Generals were split on this issue and Kennedy went to Dallas (where he was shot) to heal the rift in the 'democratic party' which comprised Republicans, (Rino although this was not as controversial then) Skull and Bones etc. Michael Forrestal was anti-communist and his father James Forrestal (February 15, 1892 – May 22, 1949) spilt the beans on WW2 into the the Cold War in his Forrestal diaries he was later assassinated with the official Naval report omitting that he committed suicide (as he was thrown out of a 16th floor window) In fact as you read the maze of details you will find differences were not along 'party lines' throughout the war, intelligence and politically community in Washington.James Forrestal believed that the USA was in fact being taken over from within by the esculation of the Vietnam war Trotsky (real name Lev Davidovich Bronstein from inside the USA was paid by Wall Street (see post dated 17.03.2023) above, whilst Lenin (real nameVladimir Ilyich Ulyanov)  was paid by Germany, both killed untold millions.(Lenis later paid also by wall street also and  Stalin stayed in Stepney in London during the 1907 Marxist congress.(under his Stalin's real name Joseph Dzhughashvili After WW2 Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met at Yalta and by the early 1950's Stalin had become the "new Hitler" ensuring a cold war which James Forrestal exposed as fictitious on many levels.The Military Industrial Complex was already a new administration in charge... (which required unlimited funds supported by "national debt taxpayers", and not Treasury backed bills as the Pentagon gets a 40 % increase in its massive budget in April 2023 ).... in the USA by the end of World War 1 (world's first mechanized war) and then into WW2 and Vietnam into WW3. Neocons are generally split today with most being Trotskyite (Trotsky did become a multimillionaire) and Leninist (Lenin looted many works of art from Russia into Switzerland and also became a multi-millionaire) 

Kennedy & the Unidroit Treaty 1963 In effect Kennedy refused to sign the UniDroit treaty and was killed shortly after. (all countries who have signed to date and which underpins the 'pandemic treaty')  ) Justinian Deception speculates that Kennedy did not understand (video 3 links below) that he was President of the 1871 corporation (OF the USA is the original constitution, and FOR the USA. FOR = 1871 and which made the US Constitution title in Block Capitals) and not the United States as stipulated in the original US constitution. The USA was in effect conquered. The Unidroit treaty   see THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta. Justinian Deception Others suggest Kennedy was fully aware of the laws of emperor Justinian into the UN. Common law or the laws of God (which like God) do not go away and are in effect the ruling law of this world and the next world. It is the Common Law which is Supreme but to God

The Military Industrial complex went to war with the end result (as Mark Twain speculated) is that East and West would fuse together into the debt umbrella bubble for a SDR Digital 1 world currency (amidst the soldiers sacrifice)  Financial analysts only show or know half the story but are correct in their initial assessment but it is a global master plan

Saud, Iran and Argentina to join Brics Today Saud and Argentina and also Iran is considering joining the Brics (China) nations. A year ago Iran introduced new digital measures (May 2021) " IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots"   (or here on bitchute again) and which has just been extended as a system to Iran's police (originally ordered into place in 2021) as it shares its place   with fully westernized digital systems which is partnered with Russia (also heavily surveilled by digital ID) see March 6th 2023  "Iran completes pre-pilot phase of central bank digital currency"  Israel has already fought against Hamas using artificial Intelligence and states AI will soon fight everywhere in Cyberspace  In fact the groundbreaking war and very significant for the world is the first AI ( a new mind and intelligence unheard of previously) war fought by AI in history says the Jerusalem Post in may 2021 Its bio-metric system was introduced in 2013 and extended up to today and will be linked to Iran's ? 

FTX Collapse just a symptom of the zombi global banking system (and cryptos Silvergate and Signature)  The FTX collapse (crypto collapse)  (last link requires tighter G7 rules to apply to all crypto) showed that all cryptos only have virtual value and all require the internet to operate (tracked) and will require biometric ID to access (chipped and marked) In Columbia today 'retina eye scans' (2018 - 2019) are required for nationals in airports entering and exiting their own countries and coming to you soon   as just the beginning on the exterior after the interior mRNA / DNA synthetic change to your genome.  Central bank could reduce all printing of money to zero interest, but this anti-inflationary application would be an admission that 'interest' at source is the first instance of the cause of inflation. China's real estate bubble also imploded but is held in suspension artificially no matter how it is disguised in the short and long term. Inflation and hyperinflation has reduced wages (purchasing power) globally meaning are defaulting on loan and mortgages and rents as occurred in 2008 and 2009. Silver gate and Signature also zombie "banks" pre CBDC and at any time The entire banking system is a boondoggle  and the simple answer is to cancel all world debts without conditions especially as the world trusts (see paragraphs above from 17.03.2023) do not need a middleman between the and the public. This is one more reason why the public should retain all land and property and default on their "debts' which are mis-sold, illegal and immoral . Fora history of matters since 2008 and before and into the Greek crisis and beyond see the adjacent website Sonas from chapter 1 and 2 fwd And for the law see the sovereign website  

Dutch farmers election victory and the Land In Holland the Dutch farmers won the local elections   (showing how farms are stolen) and which looks like it will spread to all elections in Holland and other countries    replacing the Green and left  parties.  The Dutch farmers are threatened with having their lands removed (which is happening) as the UK authorized Franken-food GMO seeds and plants UK Says YES to GENE-EDITED Franken-Foods. These bills / legislation on GMO foods are illegal as the food is poison, which when tested on rats has produced tumours and cancers   Monsanto Baer own this unnecessary food (seeds) "Monsanto: The Company that Owns the World’s Food Supply" For further insights into GMO foods see this Brighteon Channel  and the spin off conditions which many have associated also with GMO foods DavidWJones brighteon channel   Land is being stolen for spurious environmental reasons in the EU and the WORLD, yet they also push GMO foods  ? which require increasing amounts of harmful pesticides as the soils become harder as a result of the pesticides killing also worms and soil insects which are beneficial to soil fertility. Vitamin b12 produced by worms for instance is destroyed in the plants do not produce it from the worms. The end result is dry dust bowl conditions in which pesticides support the artificial and inhuman and anti-animal franken-foods "Monsanto A Documentary on GMO"  Oil or petroleum products in foods and / or medicine is anathema to humans or animals. House of Rockefeller. In the UK now people and immigrants will be fed with this franken-food but local shops and retail and wholesalers can be sued, as well as local authorities, councils and the government for these indirect attacks on human health in the same way mRNA /DNA injections are being sued now  "Monsanto Bayer ordered to pay 2 billion dollars in Glyphosate cancer trial | DW News"

Green politics often cite the difference between Costa Rica (green and lots of trees) and for 70 years with no army and Guatemala which has removed much of its forests  The top soil erodes and mountain streams dry up (no trees for precipitation / rain, and the high river sources in the mountains dry up meaning no water for crops or much less or to drink. This occurs in the first instance everywhere in most rivers globally and of course there are secondary reasons )  Storms wash the top soil away (as occurred in the USA in the 1930's) Guatemala residents end up emigrating to the USA which is in itself in crisis over its trees and infrastructure. Guatemala had a very long civil war and a war with the USA and the United Fruit Company.  Once Guatemalans are trafficked they are brought in the USA social security system which will bring them into the CBDC slave system (whilst they and USA residents already will eat GMO foods) Traffickers reasling that as soon as migrants claim the 'strawman' social security (see paragraphs above from the 17.03.2023)  above) then thousands can be claimed from them by threats and slavery (this is without sexual slavery profits or prostitution or child trafficking) Many migrants trafficked are appearing with different coloured wrist bands indicating how much they are worth and owe to the traffickers (the trafficked have no money) but social security strawman trusts do. This system is worth more now than the drug trade. 

The solution for the 'environment'  is to simply plant more trees in billions and / or trillions (nut, fruits and berries are also crops and many trees have many products for rubber or health oils and so on ) and agricultural space can for small farmers be more intensive (growing crops upwards to ensure the land can rest or be fallow in some years) whilst this may seem a no brainer Oil is not a fossil fuel, it is not scarce and is always overpriced by around 70% with wars making its 'scarcity' risk higher Oil, see Oil is not Scarce, Peak Oil a myth & Oil is not a fossil fuel. John Catsimatidis of United Refining and also on the same subject  it is not a "fossil fuel"   last link here as MP 4 File also "The Fossil Fuel "Hoax" - Flat Earth"  or article here on this subject   "Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We're Not Running Out"  or article here on this subject  See also and once more  "Why We'll Never Run Out Of Oil"  England has Billions of barrels of inland oil which could be captured by local communities in the energy crisis ? (small scale pumps as existed in WW2 which apply in Scotland, Wales and ireland also and many countries worldwide which could be owned as local town co-operatives, which could bring prosperity and a boom)  and CO2 is actually good for the earth and plants  Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE The latter however (and its truth) does not sell carbon credits or make a 'carbon footprint' a 'bad thing' Therefore if people under direct democracy without political parties demand more CO2 for the plants, shrubs and trees to encourage them to grow (people who cherish and talk to home plants say they flourish but it is because they are breathing CO2 onto them) More CO2 to save the world could become the slogan on everyone's lips. The solution is not  Global 'depopulation' 

Farmers like the Dutch Farmers are encouraged to borrow to upgrade or expand, but since the world is realising that hundreds of millions of acres are owned by a few owners, then the price of land is way overpriced. This occurs especially in cities where perceptions of land scarcity are truer as the UN wants 80% of the world to live in cities.(but outside of major cities vast amounts of land is apparent, but does not need new housing, only less globalised trafficked immigration into the new digital CBDC system) In cities prices are pushed up by scarcity overcrowding deliberately, and land is taken from the 'people' and sold as mortgages which if ever paid off, do not not provide absolute ownership (only leasehold or freehold) when in fact this legal ownership parcelled off into plots to be mortgaged is not lawful (see post above dated 17.3.2023) Below you will see how in 2020 the world was shut down under Trump resulting in the current economic crisis.

On the last section of this 17.03.2023 - 30.03.2023 (The British Commonwealth as a bloc in-itself) on the US elections you can see how it is growing faster than the US, EU and Brics nations blocs and how Brexit within the Commonwealth has, despite harsh conditions led to steady growth

This post above dated 17.03.2023 began with the USA framers land claims who won their case for all lands in the USA (cancelling mortgages and loans against land and gaining compensation) repeated here in the next link (1 of 3 above) which can be extended to the whole earth, without conditions

"PART 1 of 2, N.E.S.A.R.A. National Economic Security & Reformation Act, The Farmers land claims 1980's"    (end of addition dated 30.03.2023 only) 



The US is still under the Covid emergency (and from the emergencies of 1917, 1933 and 1999 - 2003 Patriot act)  began by Trump on March 13th 2020 See also  "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE   Trump also called for an end to the US constitution in December 2022 and into 2023 as it it hindered him ? yet it is already suspended from March 2020 and many  times before ? This caused systemic problems in the economy under Trump. Your real rights as men and women not 'persons' are on the adjacent website  which is also a part of the ongoing mystery surrounding the Stone of Destiny (Jacobs stone) discussed on the adjacent website under post dated 22/23.03.2023 of Judah and Joseph and the Common law

This is the 'real state of the union' 



Summary of this post above dated 17.03.2023 and its additions 18.03.2023 & 30.03.2023

1) In our current world the Petro-Dollar recycling system (monies recycled into mainly real estate or laundered before returning to the USA) is being replaced, by the Petro-Brics (or Petro Commonwealth sterling) signalling an end (some suggest) to the Liberal World Order. If the USA wants to retain Hegemony of its reserve currency status then it would have to impose or re-impose its status upon any dissenting countries by infiltration or World War as occurred in World War 1 and 2 and wars from those dates forward until today. These can be read as far as possible in the 2nd section of the Sovereignty of nations website  In other words a World War beyond the current world war map for 2023   which indicates that there are wars occurring in around 36 countries in the world out of the 195 nations on the earth or 196 with Taiwan   As more and ore countries are dragged into the Ukraine - Russia conflict the potential to extend World War (as actually occurred in WW1 or WW2) is vast, and the Wagner group have unlimited funds. An indicator that this may occur was the destruction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline earlier in the year but which was a threat to Sweden and could blackmail Europe for decades. 2) Iran and Saud (once enemies) are indicating they will now join Brics and supply China with Oil and so on. Alternatively the petro-dollar will have a dual-petro system with the Brics nations or Commonwealth nations (see paragraphs below) existing to bring in a 1 world currency and a total surveillance world. This could also lead to many new and much more numerous wars (The current Tik Tok deception has been ongoing since 2018 / 2019 into 2020, when the Pentagon advised its staff that the APP could allow the Chinese communist party to spy on them and the Pentagon. obviously in the past 4 years intelligence services in the fight against communist China have moved like lightning to resolve the issue) The law S686 "banning Tik Tok is called the restrict Act" and here also ( The Restrict Act   and a 2nd opinion here again or longerinsight here A) RESTRICT Act - the Perfect Tool for "Operation Chokepoint 2.0"  or another view B)  RESTRICT Act: Lindsey Graham, Co-Sponsor, Doesn't Know What's In It — Do YOU? The act can include 20 years in prison or a 1 $million dollar fine for using a VPN to access banned or rouge countries)  is in effect a new draconian Patriot Act which and from 2001, operates outside of the US Constitution ( i.e. 'legal' but not Lawful, Its not about Tik Tok but total surveillance control )

3) The wars above in Macro, are separate from the Micro war against every person in the planet (which could occur in either of the above scenarios) most visible in the UN / WHO Pandemic treaty which supersedes all governments by executive order  (with new lockdowns, carbon regulations, cashless into CBDC, biometric ID, merging from  Thomson Reuters and Reuters itself with the company (KYC) Know Your Customer and also (as in Sweden today already) Walletmor Chip in the hand or  even as far back as 2013 - 2014 Darpa and Motorola  developed a skin tattoo which is linked to the internet  or the IOT internet of things Nano-integrated 5G wearable devices or the tattoo the "Quantum Dot Implant Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System" tattoo see "In-Depth: Micro-needle patches for COVID-19 vaccine" youtube ) which is why banks are not needed just your body and a code. and see INTERVIEW: Evidence Snowballs Against Jabs Here is the real news The first stage of CBDC known as "FedNow" is live in June/July 2023 but rolls out from April 3rd 2023 (on the excuse that oney carries covid, yet paper bags, newspapers and paper receipts still exist everywhere & it is in effect a CBDC) The emerging Pandemci treaty is discussed in the UK Parliament see "Dangerous experiments in London Lab!" youtube. Former CDC Director Dr Robert Redfield explains that the wuhan virus (covid / corona)  was a lab leak and employed Gain of Function research (and his explanation of the  Welcome foundation) which means the virus is a bio-weapon (taking his logical coclusion ) "Next Pandemic Will Be the Pandemic of All Pandemics & Lab Engineered." 

"The central bank plans to begin the certification process in April and start testing the service with customers in June.  In the meantime, the Fed is advising banks to get ready for the roll-out" This all (above included) leads to suspending Justinian Deception Habeas Corpus and the Magna Carta (but any common law equivalent in any country exists above and beyond any decree) in a Global Martial law scenario. (see above in the addition dated 30.03.2023 and the Unidroit Treaty which is not above common law of the land under God in any country) All 3 scenarios could occur at once. Israel is preparing to anoint its Messiah as King of Israel Royal Houses. Zarah and Perez, House of Savoy, and between Sax Coburg Gotha or any of the 13 Illuminati families. In WW1 or even centuries before the Merovingian line (or Carolingians ) was competed for between many Royal Houses. Today King Juan Carlos owns the title of King Of Jerusalem and King of Kings as well as Holy Roman Emperor, extending back to King David and / or Herod and the early French & Spanish diaspora, or the Pharaonic houses of the Aristocracy. King Juan Carlos (House of Savoy) which an be followed in the ongoing 2nd section of the adjacent website post dated 23 - 30 .09.2023 an subsequent post 22/23.11.2023  A good analysis is given here NEIL MCCOY-WARD: THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE


Added into the summary 12 / 13.04.2023.... Since the and the summary paragraphs above (of which this is an addition) France has now said it will move to buy Oil in Yuan and the World is much closer to CBDC (central bank digital currency) than is realised, yet another way the world could change (see paragraph above and last link) in the emerging multipolar world is to follow the (Switzerland's)  example of Switzerland who are holding a referendum on whether to scrap cash within the 10 cantons of Switzerland or to keep cash which is the motivation of those who initiated the referendum, (i.e Swiss Freedom Movement referendum ) and win or lose it is a Sovereign nations right to keep cash or distribute their own via a national treasury public office at 0% interest (regulating the amount in circulation to keep inflation down and maintaining prices to also prevent inflation, keeping wages in line (or just slightly higher than prices, manipulating prices to maintain beneficial purchasing power )  with the zero inflation but prosperous, exporting the excess they produce. This is occuring in the USA in individual states, as Gold slim notes are being printed, and which could be applied to every country on every continent. In the USA Oklahoma has voted to keep cash to resist the digital dollar CBDC / Bitcoin (as no internet required) and earlier in 2022 a US Senator introduced the (No Digital Dollar ActNO Digital Dollar Act which Florida is also introducing to prohibit the CBDC. 15 US States have passed legislation introducing cash, coins and notes as permanent legal tender and many of them are printing (Gold backs) Gold Backs (Slim Gold dollars)  Texas to launch GOLD-BACKED digital currency and even  all 50 states could adopt these measures or secede from the Union. Such measures were also discussed in the UK Parliament see the adjacent website chapter 2 As Mexico and Zimbabwe look to Join Brics the Brics nations could adopt similar measures. The multi-polar world could adopt debt free economics in its many multiple facets, some South American countries are looking to cancel their national debt and stop their interest payments (which service their national debts) to reduce taxation stabilizing and then increasing wages. De - dollarization could lead to world war see World De-Dollarization Will Lead To Global War... Count On It. Mannarino yet after the world was locked down the prospect of living under the UN / WHO Artificial intelligence Health system (for all 7.5 billion people) under CBDC (Central bank digital currency Bitcoin) under the Plandemic treaty (IHR see above) and Crispr cas 9 gene editing, is not an appealing alternative with experimental injections that kill and injure, when even (again) the Human Genome patents (or Humans per se last link shows how the AI Plandemic treaty will work via or connected to the human genome) is being debated again in the US Congress after the US Supreme court banned such legal fictions in 2013  (now the US Congress) via the "S.4734 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2022/2023". is looking to patent Synthetic DNA in or out of the Human Body and Organic normal DNA  All around the World across every political ideology and group and paramilitary, no matter how far apart or how different in their philosophy and political origins, state that people are being moved off the Land (even as people try to leave cities) and away from common law and into the admiralty law) and not just farmers but small holdings and private homes (and compulsory purchased common land in millions of acres with hundreds of millions acres idle)  into Cities as trafficking globally increases exponentially to every class and in the 1st world as the great reset as communism as communitarianism (as the middle class is removed, the small few who will own all, not the unsuspecting 'proletariat'  in the 2 party states of various shades of the idea which is really removing the Law of the Land / Common law see Amazing Polly on the technocracy / transhumanism liked to compulsory land purchase Techno City Builders Pretend They're Just Normal People )  whilst Cash  (all internet based currency will require biometric ID or worse at internet access points. The UN - NGO owns the internet, as the fiat currency in banks remains uninsured) Cash globally is being removed from society in a credit collapse. The Polycrisis Of Doom: Resetting The World Through Chaos (Create The Crisis & Exploit The Crisis) Nationalist societies who know their countries' systems should take action to protect their families and states or countries. Biden ends the 'Covid' emergency from March 2020, yet the USA constitution is still suspended in the emergency from 1933 (when every citizen was sold as collateral, classed as enemy combatants and which is reauthorized every year since that date to uphold the congress money bill acts see the beginning above dated 17.03.2023) until and ongoing the Patriot act 2003 and the new patriot act which is the Patriot act +++ de jure as the "Restrict Act" 2023 (see above) Covid has lasted as an emergency until April 2023 to prepare for the new AI driven UN / WHO biometric surveillance 'health system' in the Plandemic Treaty, (next emergency or not) now being finalised and with the Terra Carta (real Green Organic values versus legal fiction) idea which plans to suspend the Magna Carta and Habeas Corpus, but Sovereign inalienable rights have existed from time immemorial (from God as 'natural rights')





The Rise of the British Commonwealth of Nations 

Britain (Brexit) has concluded new trade deals in 2023 and also the new CPTPP including Japan and Australia and more than they had when in the EU, and on the 30.03.2023 the new CPTPP deal worth around £10 trillion (against a background of anti-globalisation and a push for localism) has been announced which with the Commonwealth trade (see below) makes it the largest trade bloc "the Pacific free trade pact is emerging as the epicentre of a new international trading order. It will increasingly set the tone and the rules of global commerce" and is a threat to the supremacy of the EU and Russia establishing Brexit  and bringing a new trade agreement with Ulster (although Unionists will not rejoin power sharing even with a Veto on EU trading rules  (veto re-established in March 2023) many Unionists now say they would vote against the Good Friday Agreement if it were today. Ireland's new Minister for State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment  Neale Richmond has suggested that Ireland could rejoin the Commonwealth as the Commonwealth could overtake the UN, replacing its Global governance, in a newer paradigm

As the US Petro dollar declines into the new BRICS nations and amongst the world turmoil (see Jeff Taylor "Global Collapse Imminent"  which shows more European banks also sliding and suggests that Liz Truss was nearer the mark) and in contrast to the emerging recession, one entity which has grown significantly is the British Commonwealth of Nations. By the beginning of 2022 an article entitled "How China made inroads into the Commonwealth"   (which includes Canada and the North American Union of USA, Mexico and Canada) and quoting from it  "It may surprise many that the Commonwealth has been outstripping the EU in 3 determinants: population size, the size of the economy, & economic growth rate" despite Covid & the Ukraine, Russia War. The article is about OBOR (one belt one road) and China, but shows the Brexit economy is far larger than the EU ?, yet Brexit has had negative press ? is it because it shows Brexit was the right decision and marks Brexit as a success. ?  Facts from the Commonwealth secretariat information page, are positive for Brexit " The combined GDP of Commonwealth countries in 2021 was US$13.1 trillion and is estimated to reach $19.5 trillion in 2027, almost doubling in ten years from $10.4 trillion in 2017" and which is not being set out in relation to Brexit in the MSM press ? without full evaluation of the new banking crisis and its fallout, the OBR (or Office of budget responsibility) has said Brexit Britain will avoid recession confirming the Commonwealth analysis above as the British economy steams ahead the EU and the USA Whether a technocratic government (AI run CBDC, social credit surveillance state in which small business and nationalism are frowned upon) in the great reset is bringing that growth or is popular (as people globally protest farm takeovers Stalin would be proud of amongst designed inflation) so far it has not been. Brexit however within the commonwealth seems poised to transform the world and the commonwealth could take over the United Nations / WHO (both have joined their constitutions) Switzerland is on board with China in OBOR (one belt one road) but remains outside the EU and an independent nation in a world of independent nations ? In June 2021 al Jazeera said the EU - Swiss fallout showed that the UK was right to go it alone.The government (28.04.2022) with Switzerland issued a statement ( against Russia and concluded a new FTA worth £100 Billion with Switzerland on the same day boosting both economies. Brexit with Switzerland can control the Heartland which is a term coined by Halford MacKinder who authored a paper in the 1904 entitled “The Geographical Pivot of History“  MacKinder divided the world into three major geographical regions: The World Island, the Coastal Islands, and the Periphery Islands.  (this post added 17.03.2023)  






US Elections 8.11.2024 (winner to be announced in late January 2025) 

Topics. Bird Flu Summit and others. Pandemic treaty agreed. Will the USA join the commonwealth again. The Convention of states. The UN Sustainable development fund ? Two party illusion (Uniparty) Which state do you live in ?? and which constitution are you under ?. Ukraine, CFR (Council of Foreign Relations) Tariffs ? and bankruptcy. The Unions and the Port Authority and global hunger for Billions ? (no farmers no food) and the changing economic system. Tokenisation, fractionalisation and the Great Taking to take assets that are owned of paid down. Bitcoin co-opted and digital currency. Bank Consolidations. The coming Digital Grid lockdowns. JFK jnr is President or vice President ?. Trump not to arrest Hillary. Q & Q anon. Child Sexual Abuse and Trafficking. 
The rise of the Commonwealth as the super-commonwealth of Israel. 
A non- allopathic health system ? or simply a new approach to health 
as food is no longer 'food' (ultra processed).  
'President Vermin Supreme' ?


Will the USA rejoin the Commonwealth ?

Bird Flu summit and new digital currency system. Many of the issues in Autumn 2024 are the same issues as in the midterm elections in 2023 (and a recap heer on the midterms as a insight for today "USA Midterm Elections Special. 'Q', Trump, Biden, & Israel"  the issues then in debate ) or the 2020, or 2016 or any election subject matter going back to the 1972 oil crisis which changed the 1940's Bretton Woods agreement into the New Bretton Woods agreement the Great Reset) of 2020 into 2025 and the "UN 2.0" NWO was agreed (and finally complete) on the 23.09.2024 (the Autumn Equinox and number of Osiris 23 + 9 = 14, as the 'gateway of the gods') as part of the Pandemic treaty which materialized as the IHR regulations What is the deal (now passed) in the IHR / Pandemic Treaty bait and switch ? Chris Sky & more in the description box ...  (or again on bitchute) and the ' Bird Flu' summits (Bird Flu summit) with its 'Mass fatality management Plan' and other 'virus' emergency summits around October 2024 (all of which make one large Treaty in reality ...heres how that works as the bait and switch of names and terms) which make a new type of "Event 201" planning scenario which took place in Sep/Oct 2019 and analysed by Amazing Polly here  (around the time of the Central bank REPO emergency and just before the USA went bankrupt again in early 2020 under Trump the failed businessman, inheritance baby and partner of Jeffrey Epstein) Event 201 was also shadowed by the August 2019 Contact tracing contract from the gates foundation    (or once more here again on Brighteon

Trump suspends the US Constitution 2020. This led eventually to the suspension of the US constitution by Trump in March 2020 into "a emergency" which continued into late 2022 and Trump has since (twice) asked again to suspend the constitution in early 2022 and late 2022  (when he was fighting the 'deep state' ? and even though US elections have not occurred since 1870 / 1871 and Trump suspended the constitution OF USA inc he cannot suspend the constitution as "USA  FOR America 1776"  but most people do not know the difference and obeyed and see at the end for a deeper explanation. Trump asked for the constitution to be suspended again in late 2022 and again in 2023 as well as taking guns first and due process 2nd ) Posse Comitatus (which means power to the country or nation which means "the people") is also being invoked / suspended the USA (18/19.10.2024) not against Trump and the Uniparty of which Trump is a deep state project, but in general in preparedness BUT which has to be approved by Congress and it works with the Restrict act and Patriot act (the restrict act is the patriots act 2.0) A lot of activity from the Uniparty its either suspend the constitution and bring in FEMA (Trump) or suspend Posse Comitatus (Democrats) but both working together, although Trump's actions were far more detrimental than Posse Comitatus. Cited as a civil war yet it is really the NWO / UN against the people whether it is Trump or the Democrats Uniparty and incredible none of these legal fictions are above the US Constitution which already empowers "the people"

People ask about 'MAGA' (Make America Great again) how Trump's Operation Warp  Speed ? was great for America ... ? "Trumps Operation Warp Speed & the personal profits from vaccination murders. Bill Gates & Fachi" with businesses closed (2020 - 2023) in the USA (for nothing) and around the world from which the world economy has  never recovered. Trump pretends to be against the UN but he donates large amounts to Bill Gates who funds the WHO (world health organisation)


All of this is the New World Order under the UN as the one world government over everything including military and health as a revolutionary project and which was written about by H.G.Wells a Republican member of British intelligence (his book 'New World Order' but who believed in God), who also wrote of the "World Brain" concept in 1936/1937. ( an attempt to describe the coming AI) Wells like Aldous Huxley's 'Brave New World' had a differing philosophy to that of 1984 and also George Orwell whose real name was  Eric Arthur Blair and a member of M15 and both of their views differed from J M Barry also M15 who wrote Peter Pan (with its quote ""Second to the right, and straight on 'til morning" which is a reference to Saturn, ...and who are / were the 'Lost Boys' the 2nd star to the right is 1. Jupiter and 2nd is Saturn and on the right from the moon)  

The USA November 2024 election has become the most grotesque and disgusting event of any nation of any election in world history since elections began. It is quickly becoming the most obscene and spectacular vision of dystopia ever conceived.  The UK elections of June 2024 were bad and the politicians were awful (link to build up of UK elections June 2024 & link to the aftermath)  , but in comparison to the USA elections all you can say is, its like looking at a fresh Cow pat's dropping every day. Groucho Marx, David Frost and Roald Dahl have commented that television permits you to be entertained by people who you would never invite into your home (others have likened it to having an open sewer in your living room) It is (television) without doubt the biggest brainwashing tool of propaganda ever invented and distributed around the world in history

How the USA came to be in the UN and how and why it is expanding (it is a Rockefeller institution) is as an introduction narrated by Sgt Robert Horton of US Psyops, psychological warfare group (civil affairs or airborne etc)  which expands of this brainwashing aspect and how it is used within the Main stream media  UN Sustainable Development Fund, 9/11, Operation Mockingbird & Media brainwashing & the Kennedy Assassination" or here once more again on Bitchute  and which shows how ideological subversion works on a lower level (there is no ideology or left or right etc) and which works within the higher social engineering of Aldous Huxley or Edward Bernays  as total world control as full spectrum dominance as 5th generational warfare as total war.


"The Two-Party Illusion Ushering In The Digital ID Control Grid" by the last American Vagabond


Voting harder and Vermin Supreme. Voting harder and with the caveat should christians give a consent to the political parties (political parties and politicians seek your vote as a proxy to represent themselves in your place) By voting for the Donkey button or the Elephant button people hope for freedom, yet if you scroll up (and you will find factual information that all US President's were aware of the Pandemic planning before it occurred) to the post dated 8.04.2021 you will find the adventures of candidate 'Vermin Supreme'  who is also running for President (of USA incorporated)   Vermin it is speculated takes his name from his view that all Politicians are Vermin, and despite his lack of presentation cares ( Vermin on the campaign trail ) he has steadily increased his vote and has gained respect whilst others have fallen away as Vermin. Adding the Vermin Supreme button in the voting booths next to the Donkey and Elephant brings cries of derision from the "adults in the room" as who would vote for such a 'ridiculous candidate' ! ? ? ? ..."where is his suit and teleprompter ..he's just not bona-fide and has to get with the program"... yet Vermin is looking more and more like a good choice ? 

Who can save America ?  Will Vermin Supreme overcome all prejudice and save America ? Will America have President Vermin Supreme ?

There are many other parties and candidates in the USA 2024 election and not just at Presidential level. President candidates  anda list of political parties who are "3rd parties" (not 1st, 2nd or joint 1st etc) and independents  So keep transfixed to the television or Smartphones and ONLY look at the 1st and 2nd parties as they are the 'real' candidates and they have spend Billions advertising them as the Uniparty pay attention. At state Governor leval (but which legal lawful definition of state do you mean...see further on) 

AI to run the War ...Globally ? The US Elections are not real but the whole object is to get you to look at it, and get you involved and transfixed on the Uniparty 2 party stage show which costs literally $Billions of dollars to convince you it is real. Its showbusinessess and actors and MSM bombarding peoples brains in the HG Wells "World Brain" (see above)  now ran completely by AI since June 2020 according to the WEF (World Economic forum) (which is why people are feeling that something just isn't right) The adjustment (for AI) would require a new world and a new beginning with people all over the world indoors and/or moving 6 feet apart in masks to let AI identify faces which are concealed in lockstep and with ID. This Lockstep and social distancing slowly eased until the Human genome project was completed in mid 2022 and into 2023. AI is running the war in Israel beginning in May to June 2021  and continuing up until today 2025    On October 7th 2023 when "on 7 October 2023, Hamas announced the start of what it called "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood", stating it had fired over 5,000 rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel within a span of 20 minutes. Israeli sources reported that at least 3,000 projectiles had been launched from Gaza"  & "1,195 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, including 815 civilians.[102][y] In addition, 251 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive into Gaza" with 100,000 Israelis and 2.3 million Gazans displaced. Other estimates suggest that thousands more Israelis have been killed and up to 40,000 Gazans.all in 1 year. (Oct 7th 2023 - Oct 7th 2024) 

Beginning in 2020 and into 2021 AI also oversaw the lockdown of Israel and the vaccinated kill shots (by the vaccination) and injuries from Trumps 'Operation Warp Speed' with the new experimental gene editing injections which had also been developed by Darpa and military intelligence and which included Trump's business partner Jeffrey Epstein who also liaised with military intelligence resulting in the "Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83)"    and the other ingredients in the injections "Trump, the FDA, Fachi & the Crispr HIV VAIDS vaccine epidemic in Israel & The world (deaths & Injuries) Who Pushed "Operation Warp Speed"  and the 'vaids' outbreak. Alternative media Efrat Fenigson is interviewed by Avi Yemini (beginning at 2.00 minutes in) in late 2021 and into 2022 in Israel Solomon's Demons & the Ring of Power.Shekels,CBDC & Crypto's & the United Nations war against Israel   (also on Rumble see link in description )

The recent assassination of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar (16.10.2024) has brought a comment as follows "“The IDF will have to continue operating in Gaza for years" — signaling the longest war in Israel’s history"  AI then has overseen the extermination of Gazans and Israelis. Many fear that this Beast could spiral out of control and spread around the world reminding people of the William Butler Yeats poem "The Second Coming"  Is the world overpopulated ?  THE EARTH'S POPULATION IS 8.5 BILLION THEY SAY ➕➖➗✖ LET'S CHECK THAT MATH   and who on earth owns the 'earth' anyway ?   AI's potential capability also reminds of General Albert Pkies 'prediction'  that Zionism and Islam as the 3rd word war  which wants to end 'Atheism' and all existing faiths towards a new religion, when we consider the "Technocracy'  which is a new financial system based on energy credits to end Capitalism and Communism as a new Fabian communitarianism + new Religion (see later on) both a uniting towards a new system then AI overseeing injecting people with a  Gene therapy as the new Global health 'Genomics' it seems no one is immune from its new technocratic dystopia 

Contrary to some theological assertions this is not (yet) the 'Gog and Magog'  war which should be termed the "Gog from Magog" war as that concludes after the Millennial reign of 1000 years (if you believe any of the paradigm, then this is the context although there are scriptures it begins JUST before)  and cited as such in Ezekiel 39, 6 (OT) and then again in Revelations 20, 9 (NT) when Gog and the nations are consumed by fire pouring down from Heaven. Prior and on the cusp of the 1000 year of the Messiah is the expansion of (Eretz Israel)  into Great Israel. Looking at this from different angles 1. "Greater Israel and America's Holy War"    and 2. a part of the UN 2.0 (pact for the future) as a 'super-commonwealth' with CANZUK (and the UN and Brics) as Greater Israel expands. Israel suggests that this will occur and if Iran attempts to prevent it ('Greater israel's' borders do not cross into Iran) then they will be destroyed. 

The Ukraine has no end date in theory and can bring pressure on Russia in the Greater Israel project which was also (Greater Israel) brought forward in the Paris Peace Accords following WW1 in 1919 which gave rise to the League of Nations and then the United Nations . In reality Russia and Ukraine (as the Big Israel project also) are onboard with the greater Israel project Motherland Communitarianism, Technocracy, 4th Industrial Revolution 卐 Übermensch Cупермен ☭ and Blackrock was brought forward to redevelop Ukraine into a smart digital nation ..but with GMO grains (once the breadbasket of the world) 


JRR TOLKEIN Another member of British Intelligence or rather British signal intelligence was J.R.R.Tolkien who as a person who loved his country and people and later took his Professorship at Oxford very seriously had the following thoughts   "Free People of Sweden. Tolkien's Rings as the Central Banks as the Deep State (One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them )"

JRR Tolkein and World Debt Tolkein left signal intelligence as he felt something was not quite right (or as he wrote 'something stirs in Mordor')  and explained it is his novels the Silmarillion and Lord of the Rings. Over many decades however the worlds central banking system has inflated the world debt into a public debt of $100 trillion   and a world global debt of $313 trillion dollars ( in Feb 2024, and this number is without paper IOU's traded on the stock market and the Quadtrillions in derivatives and debt swaps, bonds etc) Yet this is 'normal' and taxes rising to pay for the public debt as each nations national debts and bank bailouts and bank bail ins (bail ins cause the destitute to borrow or seek welfare) are simply a given. The economics that are wheeled in to discuss the economy on your prime time television shows talk about tweaks and small measures to convince the public that THEY can manage the economy (the adults in the room as the professional advisors) and ignore the Tsunami of enslavement the global debt requires in return. 

World debt in derivatives and unrealised losses is $630 Trillion Bringing a black swan event as financial meltdown all accrued over decades Bank of England PDF . (Trump says this is the last election ? (see below) so tariffs are not going to help )

The latest hot topic is 'tariffs' but in a world increasingly having to sek less imports or beg for more borrowing (which raises the debt and taxes) to pay for the imports, then tariffs in a world of less exports is not a solution, but cancelling the public and global debt without conditions is. Trump raised the debt by several Trillions as has every US President (the Turkeys you vote for) since the US federal reserve began in 1913. Currently the USA pays $1 Trillion in interest on a debt that has no reason to exist every 3 months. Banks are also 'consolidating' with new measures to add bank bail ins written into the small print on each bank account and which was never the purpose of  the Basel 1, 2 and 3 accords but protecting the public after the 2008 was.  These accords and Basel number 4 are to take hold shortly.

Will Tariffs be placed on the US Federal Reserve ? as it seeks to trade its currency with the USA ?  Will there be competition to the US Federal reserve (contrary to the 2016 - 2020 rhetoric Trump did not bring the US Federal Reserve under the control of the US Treasury department , but rather placed them and Blackrock over the US Treasury) Will Trump raise tariffs against the 600 Million dollar bailout to Big Pharma or against his personal products from the vaccine splurge ? Will the Unions see through the nonsense ?

The World is now designed to collapse (it should be obvious) into a AI programmed Ghoulish dystopia, even the satellite systems are named Skynet under Serco ? (this scenario is hidden in the narrative if the world does not wake up) and Gold and Silver, Gold backs (notes) and cash and coins and sources of food are good investments in any and every nation in the Great Reset 4th Industrial Revolution Technocracy (which Trump also supports) 


Tokenisation, fractionalisation and the Great Taking to take assets that are owned of paid down. Bitcoin co-opted and digital currency

First tokenised currency ? bank consolidations and digital currency A conspiracy theory comes true (the time period between a fact checked conspiracy theory and it coming true is reducing enormously)  "Swiss central bank undertakes ‘world first’ tokenised ‘monetary policy operation’" A tokenised instrument of money is attached to an asset and to nature, real estate (all land on earth) and even you (trafficking and slavery already exist) it like crypto currency can be fractionalised into smaller parts, and with a token multiple owners can trade and own (in a legal fiction sense) the asset. It can even take items such as cars and homes you have paid down or own and reconstitute the ownership into tokenisation. This process is described in the book and documentary "The Great Taking" and the background since 2022 until today is given here  THE GREAT TAKING (David Rogers Webb ) CHD, CHILDREN'S HEALTH DEFENCE  and is confirmed by wall street again in March 2024 (on Tokenization  and following the Swiss BCCI cut on interest rates which will also inflate bonds into higher inflation (see the Great Taking by David Webb above)  UNMASKED! THE NEW ONE WORLD SYSTEM… “TOKINIZATION.”  MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: Prepare Yourselves For THE NEW SYSTEM. "TOKENIZATION." Mannarino ( at 1 minute 55 seconds fed on Tokenization)  Bitcoin is an asset and now an ETF it can be securitised into a token and part owned if you want it to be or not and seized to pay fines or laundering (Jan 2024)  It will merge with CBDC. THEY'VE BEEN PLANNING THIS FOR YEARS including TRUMP IN SECRET CBDC [2024-03-27] - NEIL MCCOY-WARD (VIDEO)     or again on Rumble  Think you own you home or car ...think again The World is now a 'Securitised Tokenized Asset' as are all people on it ? The Financial Meltdown Matrix on the near Horizon (To buy the earth, and all, body and soul ) 

A collapse into insolvency (even if you are not insolvent) means your goods are taken even if you have paid them off and are without debt and the World debt in derivatives and unrealised losses is $630 Trillion Bringing a black swan event as financial meltdown all accrued over decades is enough to cause this even without all the other debts


This is central to the Technocracy which is fully supported by Trump Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism and also affects all CBDC and Bitcoin (Bitcoin has been co-opted into the CBDC world) and the Technocracy's bizarre world (which you have experienced since Trump closed the US constitution in March 2020) is as follows..."NESERA 5 of 5, The Strange Matrix of Technocracy 'Energy Currency' ? & the Crypto Tokenisation (Securitization) of Nature, Assets and Human Labour (Slavery) & the World" . Technocracy = the destruction of Capitalism and Communism (the dialectic)  into a draconian system based on energy credits as the Fabian Commutrianism brave new world or 1984

The co-opting of Bitcoin (the trojan horse and connected to technocracy) is explained in Bitcoin 1 and again also Bitcoin 2 and again also Bitcoin 3  and also viewable on Rumble  which features Larry Fink, Whitney Webb and David Webb (on the coming Great taking ) and  Roger Ver, Mike Adams, Aaron Day, David Icke, Steve Patterson, Chris Sky, Jean Nolan Inspired TV & others with a good introduction from BIS General Manager Augustin Carstens BIS General Manager Augustin Carstens  who says CBDC will give central bank absolute control and will be tied to vaccinations which so far have killed at least 30 million people and injured at least 1.5 billion (at the top of this post) on every continent and nation Trumps excess death & injury count by vaccine 2020 - Sep 2024. The Real 'Trump Shot'.USA & the World

Green zones which are not green over C40 Cities with 15 minute cities fed by a digital currency which is zoneable and can be turned on or off and linked to behaviour overseen by the UN and their new Genomic health system based on your DNA and how (since June 2020 to edit and change your DNA) 

Food is literally designed to kill you and keep you addicted and it is not 'food' anymore ? and your micro-gut biome essential for digestion and processing goodness into your bloodstream has been removed by pre-digested synthetic "food" ? Burgers for instance used to be meat and full of nutrients and vitamins but no more (2)Ultra processed food & people (Tucker Carlson) Kiana Docherty, Dr Chris Tulleken & Calley Means

A "Food is thy medicine" approach to health. This opposes natural health and take a quick course in 7 videos (No farmers no food) AS NO 1 of 7 HERE  and for brevity up to NO 7 OF 7 HERE  (2 to 6 also at those links) The documentary Rotten explains that food should not be exported around the world as it and should be grown at home locally. Port authorities are being closed down not because of Rottens findings and depopulation is another reason on top of all this. Rotten is a great documentary and can help a nation in the crisis, amidst...

Bank consolidations see the history from 2022 (as heading "Economic Indicators")  in post dated 15/17.09.2023 into 2024 and numbered 1 - 15 so far with additions occurring every month ...such as in China "In June 2024, 40 small banks disappeared through mergers with larger institutions"  ... (hardly mentioned in the MSM but follows Janet Yellens statement that in June 2023 she expects many bank consolidations and which have dramatically increased until today) Warren Buffet and many others selling stock in banks around the world. See also from September 2024 "UK and European bank mergers to increase in 2025"  and which is occurring all around the world as Brics rises but to also consolidate into the UN and Commonwealth (the Commonwealth is in the UN Building) Unions globally could ensure an increase in food grown at home and not for export but to consume at home, as film NO 1 explains that billions could starve theoretically in 3 to 4 months.. 

The reason is you don't need bank branches or smaller to medium banks in a Global digital currency grid system and on 23.09.2024 the UN 2.0 Summit for the future and Global digital compact was passed just a few days before the Bird Flu "Event 201" summit 

Was JRR Tolkien right to be concerned and has history born out his insights and how have interest and deflating the value of currencies affect your purchasing power (which tariffs cannot fix) 2 minutes 24 seconds ... What is Interest and Inflation ? Usury, the debt system of Babylon ... (a pdf version of the file is here also ) and which as debt has accrued since 1913 and the instigation of the US Federal Reserve bank but in which people do not believe it is actually required to be repaid and it owns you 

Vaccine injuries and deaths from the Trump Shot since late 2020 Have you seen any of this on the MSM news ? it is there but mainly in newspaper articles in dribs and drabs. As for the vaccination deaths and injuries from 2020 into 2025, they have continued with excess deaths through the roof in every country. a part of them are cataloged from NO 1 through to NO 14 (and soon 14a) on the adjacent website and from the beginning at NO 1 on 3rd October 2021 (they began before this in compilation) and so far up until NO 14 on the 6.June.2024 to 6.September.2024  It is genocide and mass murder beginning with Trumps Operation Warp Speed  (the inception of which began in May /june 2021) in late 2020

Here are 3 examples of Vaccine injuries and deaths from the Trump shot Consider also how the armies around the world were lied to (remember the people ar the government and they are sovereign and are not ruled over) with the testimony of a soldier (the testimony of National Guard Karoline Stanchik) Catherine Herridge  How The Army & National Guard Abandoned One Soldier After She Was Injured By COVID-19 Vaccines ...or here on bitchute How The Army & National Guard Abandoned One Soldier After She Was Injured By COVID-19 Vaccines Further recently the 9th circuit court in the USA ruled that the 'vaccine' (from above) was not a preventive medicine but was a 'therapy' as a gene therapy or to be exact an experimental mRNA gene therapy / editing synthetic nanobot which cuts your DNA and not with accuracy in any way "9th Circuit Court Rules Correctly COVID-19 mRNA Injections  Are Not Legitimate Due To Being A Treatment, Not A Preventative, The WHO & FDA & CDC should be closed down 

And continuing from the beginning of the Trump shot.(a chilling compilation of deaths and injuries in young people from the beginning )..  Young Hearts Part 1 - Vaccine Murdered by Career Politicians you can search for all parts which go on and on for almost 3 years and here is part 54  Young Hearts Part 54 - 28th May 2024 and recently Part 64 "Young Hearts Part 62 - Lies and Doublespeak - 13th Oct 2024"  

Trump Not a Christian (but why pretend it ?) and this is the last election ??  AI as mentioned is running the world and the Trump rallies are faked and staged as of course he is responsible for killing 350,000 Americans and injuring up to 50 million with his Trump shot. They call this TDS or Trump derangement syndrome, yet it is Trump and the "QAnon" fake white hats and black hats who have shown just how insane the situation is. The posting of Trump (by Trump) on his money laundering channel "truth social" on how is chosen by God  The Blasphemy and Insanity of Donald Trump. Blackmailed creature of the deep state swamp whilst erecting his gate to Baal in 2018 in Washington DC Trump servant of Baal, enemy of Israel ? & the Gate of Baal, Abortion & Genocide in the US Uniparty  and then recentky stating he is not a Christian and this is the last election also in the next link (which are fake) is a sign of insanity from the inheritance baby  “ I am not a christian “ - Donald Trump  and also  TRUMP & JESUS / MIND CONTROL WATCH #4 / HUGO TALKS

This raises the question of Q and is it a movement to bring down pedophilia and child trafficking see from the Guardian from 2020 "QAnon conspiracists believe in a vast pedophile ring. The truth is sadder"  

Yet the Guardian article does not mention who Q is or that in fact there is a vast excess child pedophilia and trafficking situation growing in the world. Q is not a secret in Europe   The Q , Q anon (and see here "Q "Trust the Plan" Q 'Trust the Plan' The cover up of pedophilia, corruption and tyranny. The Great Deception"  ) are actually running the trafficking in plain sight  Tim Ballard exposed - The rabbit hole runs deep  Trafficking has increased under every US elected President including Trump despite the executive orders against trafficking ?  To understand this fully over decades and how real investigators and good people have uncovered and captured these trafficking rings and Trumps part is here  ... see also the adjacent website and chapter 6   and a new post within it dated NO 16. 9.10.2024  which chronicles the global trafficking rings over 60 years and also within the USA "


Actors run for the Whitehouse. On the basis that "that works well before an election, but now we don't care ...right" ? the Trump derangement syndrome or rather the uncovered lies and criminality around the world, you can watch a 2016 example (now almost repeating as the same script is rolled out again) 

JFK jnr is President ? Trump to Arrest and Jail Hillary Clinton. Q codes and Q anon

                                                                                                                                 (or on bitchute)

(With Alex Jones, Salty Cracker, Jason Bemas, Tim Pool, various Q-Anon pundits (& Q Intel pro Hollywood) 'The Scariest movie ever; and Hugo talks ...and many more. "Greg Reese_ TRUST THE PLAN - Q Secrets)  Truly deranged, but when you realise that Trump stood for election in 2016 to avoid being prosecuted with his Partner Jeffrey Epstein...(not fighting the 'deep state') and that also Trump donated to Kamala Harris Campaigns in 2011, 2013 and 2014 and yet does not acknowledge etc 


Trump not a Christian Roman Catholic or Protestant ? (but why the pretence ?)  see paragraph 2 or 3 up ? see the next link,...lengthy but good.

The Real War (& the Real Nuclear War) & The San Greal


The 'States of the Nation'

Will the USA incorporated be brought back into the Commonwealth (which is the super commonwealth and CANZUK) ?  and can the commonwealth be a corporation ("the commonwealth of Israel") as is God a corporation ?  Do you as a duped voter live in New York state or the State of New York or do you live in California state of the State of California (or any state )

If you regard your address as "The State OF" this is a corporation in every and any state in the USA and it is asking you to vote in the USA incorporated fake Presidential election as explained here  UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1. is OF the USA 2. is FOR the USA and here again also to further explain USA a corporation which did not win its Independence in 1776  so the 'State of New York' belongs in the USA Incorporated under the Constitution of the USA incorporated.... not as the original constitution says FOR the USA ... the election 2024 (and since 1870 / 1871) is OF the USA inc and is fake.And it is not the "most important election of your lifetime" or the least important or the last election (barring Kingdom come) as the dramatic headlines shock you into confusion. America is not USA Incorporated and has a different flag as the flag of America. The privately owned corporation does not represent America or Americans


Jordan Maxwell expands ...

"Jordan Maxwell: Banned Recording Reveals Everything Happening Today (The Deep State)"  

(or on Bitchute)


NESERA is real (and will become more than just theoretical in 2025 as all can access it) see rumble Nesara 1   AND Nesara 2  AND Nesara 3 AND Nesera 4 AND Nesear 5 ...(or here again on bitchute Nesara 1   AND Nesara 2  AND Nesara 3 AND Nesera 4 AND Nesera 5) Every President Bush, Obama, Trump and Biden of 2020 - 2024 ...although Biden of 1970s' and 1980's into the 2000;s actually assisted the court case to victory at that time of USA Inc has blocked the Farmers land claims court case which won in the US Supreme court 

The Court case revealed that loans and mortgages sold to the farmers were unlawfully sold and not just in the USA but all around the world to the tune of many many $Trillions. 

Will America be brought back into the Commonwealth and Canzuk ? its the same question people in Britain are asking as it was made into a PLC without a referendum or being asked i.e. Britain PLC (all nations are corporations now) Restoring Nations by Common Sovereign Law)   (or on rumble)  as of course free people have the right to be sovereign individually and nationally (see the adjacent website "The Sovereignty of Nations" on this and JRR Tolkien a patriot warned the UK about this in his unusual method ) Brexit allows for the expansion of the commonwealth (see post from 2020/2021 after this post )

The USA is being brought back into the commonwealth within the North American Union and the lipstick on the pig is the COS 'convention of states' program which is why speaker of the house Mike Johnson was brought in as he is pushing the notion. It purports to have Conservative ideals but they already exist under the Constitution 1776 ? and here is an explanation It is simply a ruse to remove the US Constitution and placate some conservatives. The trilateral commission and the S.E.S. Senior Executive Service,and CFR Council of Foreign Relations and its original base as the Royal Institute of International affairs which gave rise to the League of Nations which in turn gave rise to the United Nations which houses the Commonwealth as the soon Super-commonwealth and Canzuk and Greater Israel.which stipulated in Torah. 

Pax Americana ?. The pax began in 1945... (it means the long peace or American peace with the then Bretton Woods economic agreement via the BIS, we are now since 23.09.24 in UN 2.0 with a new Treaty ...and it is a treaty) ... at the time of the UN's beginning at the end of World War2 and the creation of Israel, when the Pentagon was also first instigated and the UN took over the 'Hill of Evil Counsel' in Jerusalem  (Hill of Evil Counsel, Mount Zion Jerusalem. The Messiah, King David, Temple Mount & both Houses of Israel (Joseph & Judah) ..... or here again on bitchutefrom the British Mandate on the site, and also the UN set up a base on Mount Hermon and the HQ in Switzerland. Many suggest there has not been a peace since Pax Americana. It is the special relationship and the Pentagon's purpose is for war and this war is never ending. Empire since Babylon to Persia Egypt Greece, Rome and USA / Britain and into the next empire of Israel and Greater Israel, which has 12 tribes under Joseph's descendants as a tribe split into 2,  (Joseph who was known as Pharaoh Imhotep in Egypt ) not just 1 tribe of Jewish people of Judah.The Grain silos Joseph built and the administration center have been found at Saqqara ""Saqqara - The location where Joseph, son of Israel, built grain silos that are still there"  saving Egypt and the worldwide famine..( the emergency) Pax Americana is to subside into the new Commonwealth of Israel which is itself centered upon AI running the world since June 2020 when the world gave it a help by social distancing and masks and lockstep and zooming online etc overseen by Darpa, and a new digital world of 'full spectrum dominance'


The 'Convention of States' notion see analysis here Convention of States: Deep State Plan to Overthrow Constitution?  (or here again on Rumble once more) What is the constitutional convention or convention of states (article 5) It is a product to remove the US Constitution and Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights - It's Absolute!

Truth Social money laundering scam and America betrayed ? yet the commonwealth (biblical commonwealth) comprises free sovereign states ? (will the USA join the commonwealth ?)  All of this was confirmed on Trump's money laundering "Truth Social" platform which has no truth or free speech  Trump and his Truth Social honeypot  or here on Rumble as the Great Con  "Gabriel McKibben: Trump and the Truth Social Great Con. 4-4-2024"

Trump said his prison system would be on Land, Sea and Air ?  see  Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism   

Further explanations here by Michelle Klann (all elections rigged since 1870/1871 and corporations cannot contract with Flesh and Blood man or woman) 

USA & 'Q' All nations captured by 'foreign national corporations' legally not lawfully. Land, Air Water (Law)

or on bitchute 

The biblical commonwealth of Israel comprises independent 'NATIONS' as sovereigns and this is the question.


In Late January the winner of the November  2024 election will be announced here...   (End of post dated 21.10.2024 until January 2025)

And the Winner is ? ...













The Brexit Celebrations
31.12.2020 - 01.01.2021 to 31.01.2021...
& ongoing  


The Brexit transition year concludes on the 31.12.2020 and further to the CANZAC, FTA trade deals (see posts above) more developments are confirmed. The article last week on the 57 trade deals is as follows;

India, and Singapore and the 57 trade deals in Brexit "Liz Truss is the unsung hero of post-Brexit trade deals — she’s sorted out 57 of them"  (or see here also ) further to this and in the most onerous of circumstances in 2020 Britain has negotiated a trade deal worth £100 Billion with India  Israel has also made a trade deal with  India  (or see her again on this trade deals development)  EU procurement rules (on defense via PESCO and is PESCO in conflict with NATO) have restricted every EU nation and the bureaucracy has turned a prosperous Sovereign continent of many nations, into a centralised socialist / communist closed shop monopoly (with rust belts)  in many areas. 

With the advance of the  Abrahamic accords (and Greater Israel) Pakistan and Iran are still assisting Turkey to reclaim Jerusalem as their capital city and wipe Israel 'off the map' (see posts above on US election 2020 This ambition re. Jerusalem, was still present as they held it at that time in 1913 but the Ottoman empire collapsed in World War 1 and General Allenby walked into Jerusalem on 11.12.1917 in the war to end all wars (see also the beginning of this post dated 23/24.12.2020 ) and see here for more films of General Allenby. 20 years earlier Kaiser Wilhem 2n of Germany visited Jerusalem and Theodor Herzl in 1898 under Ottoman rule, which was to fall 20 years later.The 100 year celebration of Allenbys visit  is here. The Turks other ambition since the middle ages has also been to capture Lombardy and also Romania and surrounding. Bound on the east and south by its natural borders, the Carpathian mountain range, historical Transylvania (Romania and surrounding) extended westward to the Apuseni Mountains, the ancient location of Transylvania, and then the Turks hoped to strategically come west into Europe. Lombardy (Switzerland into Milan and on to Venice and after this the whole of Italy) is strategically an area the Turks wished to own with Jerusalem. 

This is only a part of the trade deals including also with Singapore worth £17.5 Billion per annum  This is what can be achieved as a free independent Sovereign country.


Brexit Celebrations to follow soon



13.01.2021 & the Brexit Celebrations

The Brexit Deal Agreements-reached-between-the-united-kingdom-of-great-britain-and-northern-ireland-and-the-european-union



Britain celebrated leaving the European Union on the 31.01.2020


Brexit Celebrations were muted on the 31.12.2020 into New years day (in public) due to the ongoing 'emergency'  Fu Manchu, Kung Flu Virus but people celebrated privately although there were some public celebrations. Jeff Taylor (channel) explains as of course it co-incided with NewYears Eve Jeff Taylor explains the ongoing negotiations see "Post Brexit negotiations continue! (4k)" (i.e financial services a separate negotiation but which will be revealed in the 2nd part of the US elections conclusion above the Brexit celebrations up until 6.3.2020 (& see The Transition Integrity Project TIP instigated by democrats in June / July 2019 into 2020 ) to relate what has really been going on in the USA The financial services details are outside of the Treaty via a memorandum of understanding as of course the EU want, and have always wanted access to the City (or see here from 2019) only and have never cared about 'the regions' in Britain or in any EU nation. The City of London has different laws and a different legal system. In the USA it also has a different legal system and which has been severely tested in 2020 (frozen) and this also will be discussed in the 2nd part of the US elections conclusion above the Brexit celebrations.  

Britain of course is free now to seek an independent trade deals with any nation globally ( the current deal with the EU has a WTO / no deal clauses to scrap the deal and move to WTO) The EU as an institution has been Moscow's and China's dream and as a project seems to hate Europeans and the West in general. It has restricted freedom and has suppressed its people who are able to have a common heritage and history without becoming a totalitarian monolith.  Is it a right wing superstate project or is it a new USSR ? The communist USSR founded by the Bolsheviks (see post above dated 24.05.2019 in Chapter 3a)  ‘Vladimir Bukovsky: The European Union = New Soviet Union’ or here again for the video  relates his harrowing experience s within the system. His expertise is not gleaned from academia although he has also co- authored a book  as he was brutally treated and tortured inside soviet Gulags and outside them. To put the communist dystopia in context China has five stars on its flag representing all five continents Africa, America, Asia, Australia, Europe (although the ancient regime or antiquity cited 7 continents with America north and South, adding Oceania and Antarctica but which covers more or less the same political space. They wish to conquer those 5 continents and run the new world order in its version) VladimerBukovsky is referring to all of the EU (but also Britain ) In the 2019 EU elections Conservatives, Populists and Nationalists swept to power. (Other famous nationalists include, Abraham Lincoln, Theodor Herzl of Israel, Mahatma Gandhi of India, Theodor Roosevelt, Joan of Arc, of France and the  Dalai Lama (as well as other interests ) are all Nationalists) 

Regulation  for the 4th industrial revolution "The Great Reset" 11.06.2019 & Gene Editing The timeline of Brexit since 23.06.2016 has (with surrounding details above in this chapter & Chapter 3 and 3A ) been arduous and a meme lists the  dates here with the most notable being 23.06.2016, 29.05.2017, 31.01.2020 & 01.01.2021. One date on the timeline which is missing is the (UK.GOV)  Regulation for the  Fourth Industrial Revolution from 11th June 2019 under Teresa May in her previous months (who resigned on 7.6.2019, and Boris Johnson won the election by 13.12.2019) Amongst other items it seeks "The Fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics" Gene editing ? as  a 4th industrial revolution, not just a dubious medical experiment ?

In April 2020 (31.03.2020) China sent infected PCR testers to Britain (the inventor of them famously said they do not work) to Britain "infected with Covid ?   from a British Newspaper vanished ? The original article was removed but a fact check from Reuters says it is only half true ? (last link)  Yet the same thing occurred in the USA see article the quoted article here (and a jpg of the us article here) and then also   Italian Doctors test a Kiwi Fruit positive for COVID-19  and the PCR tests are not taken to a lab or any scientific establishment in the vast majority but do earn £45.00 a pop and which enables diseases to pierce the blood brain barrier. There is no need for covid passports or any further proof of anything (many suspect China  used the PCR tests to spread a disease and this is still going on ) 


In January 2020 more protocols for it were drafted with the background of the Kung Flu pandemic (see all of Chapter 3b  above) and recently (11.01.2021) the connected Earth Charter meetings were initiated to bring the UN earth charter to the public's attention  (China and Russia continue to burn coal and fossil fuels like never before, but insist the west must stop doing so ) and this Earth Charter meeting queue's up the Davos 2021 meetings hosted by the World Economic Forum for the 'Great Reset' on the 26th / 29th January 2021 Everyone loves clean air and water, organic home grown food and good health but are these groups anything to do with these aims ? is corona a code for climate change and are they  anything to do with a good diet and good air and water ? (The WEF who have been instrumental in shaping the Corona virus with the WHO, World Health Organisation ) The WHO has now (12 months later +) been 'allowed, (11.01.2020)  into China to investigate the outbreak of the virus / Wuhan military games virus (Oct 2019) but can the WHO investigate itself ?  especially since the uncovering of the Chinese agents globally see "CCP Members Hold Positions at British Consulates, Major UK, US Firms: Leaked Database"  and  see  BOOM!!! Sky News Australia Major Leak To 'Expose' 2 Million CCP Members Embedded World Wide China has embedded its people globally as part of Chinas war.  China's HSBC bank own the patents for Dominion Voting machines employed in the US elections and Director of National Intelligence Ratcliffe findings that there had been foreign interference in the 3.11.2020 US elections (see posts above) who had warned on 3.12.2020 that China intended to dominate the USA Further to this on 27.12.2020. 

Trump has invoked the insurrection act in the USA but the US demonstrations in Washington and the Capitol building on 6.1.2020 were a peaceful working class uprising (without Antifa or George Soros organizing it like a colour revolution) although Antifa have admitted infiltrating the protest and breaking into the capitol building. As has John Sullivan to keep the  "left = right" paradigm against the working class alive. Denmark now admits it  is at war n.b.many members of Antifa and others are waking up to this control system against the working class, and with massive unemployment due to the Kung Flu virus and the World Health Organisation advice (see last post above) closing down business, these protests are likely to increase until Washington is brought to a standstill and the institutions and corruption within it replaced (to the actual US constitution ) and this will continue globally until this tyranny is removed. China paid for riots in the  USA in the summer of 2020 (when the Democrats incited violence for months & see posts above, against Tyranny and Totalitarianism on bitchute Amazing Polly 12.01.2020 for the actual events and in which also 6 laptops were stolen including Nancy Pelossi's by US special forces )

Clearly China has declared war on the West. China in the Cyber warfare has hacked the Vatican. In July 2020 China hacked the Vatican  China has hacked the Pentagon numerous and also the NSA using their own tools against the USA and the west times see here again and also here once more China hacked the City of London also and have increased their attacks  They love cyber warfare and ...Gene splicing (see below )  Democrats hacked DNC primary elections in 2016 It was the democrats themselves (not the Russians) who hacked the DNC to cheat Bernie Sanders in 2016 and give Hillary Clinton the democratic nominee, (They would do the same in 2020 against Republicans) says Senator Elizabeth Warren and many many others. China's economy is suffering and despite New Year claims it had beaten corona it is now closing down entire cities.  Robert Lighthizer has recently encouraged the US to keep tariffs as they are on China, but since Chairman Mao (who is loved by President Xi) killed 80 million of his own people, Tariffs alone would not discourage the CCP itself (see posts above) then the west is also to likely to engage in war against China and is already at war with China and China is preparing for total war  (with Iran and Syria and Pakistan) China's aim has always been to hope for war between Russia and the USA and then take over  as leader of the New World Order . In Taiwan .... In jab at China, Mike Pompeo lifts curbs on contacts with Taiwan Taiwan and Hong Kong may need nuclear weapons as a deterrent and whilst China objects it has done nothing to remove Nuclear war heads from North Korea (see the adjacent website and Chapter 5 on North Korea and Chairman Mao )  Unification between North and South Korea has obviously be prevented by China.

As for Klaus Schwab & Central banks and the 'green' idea it is explained in the following meme ( n.b. 'Schwab'....nothing to do with Swabia or New Swabian land in the Antarctic) Chief executive of the World Economic Forum  The WEF envisages a technocracy replacing Marxism and China and Russia and the left have agreed.The World has forgotten that back in March 2020 China deliberately sent covid testers infected with S ars 2 C ovid 19 to Britain to spread the disease and then sell a vaccine via Pfizer to Britain and elsewhere increasing lockdowns and chaos see "CCP Members Hold Positions at British Consulates, Major UK, US Firms: Leaked Database"  Everyone loves the countryside, nature and organic food .....but Gene Splicing ? (people want total debt cancellation, private property and 100% employment, low taxation and an ability to earn as much as they like (or not) without any conditions attached at all) what does Gene splicing have to do with a 4th industrial revolution ? (Britain rejected the Green party with only 1 councillor elected in the December 2019 General elections)

Central banks to merge, Globally The Bank of International Settlements (BIS)  and other central banks are merging (last Jeff Taylor "Merging Central Banks?! (4k)!" are merging as reported also in chapter 3a in the post dated 9.9.2019 (e.g. "bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network’which is growing globally (or see here if last link not working or bancor sdr decentralised liquidity network or XDR (IMF Special drawing rights) which is a central part of the Brexit debate. In a drastic financial crash the China version could be ushered in" ) and towards a new Indo pacific strategy   and Switzerland who are envious of the Brexit deal but the centre of the BIS banking system via Bretton Woods the economic meeting of 1944. China's new global digital currency  for its dystopia although there are still other choices and alternatives (eg. the USA and Britain although a different view is given in "Eternal drama between Great Britain and EU - Brexit explained"    (but as a rule of Thumb Noam Chomsky says the AI singularity is fiction is science fiction "Noam Chomsky on AI: The Singularity is Science Fiction!"   but since AI can analyze all human 7.5 billion faces on earth in 1.5 minutes and can do hundreds of billions of years of calculations in minutes via Quantum dot AI, it gives the impression that the singularity being real can be maintained. Having spent billions, and individuals having invested their savings and 'faith' it is too late when they discover it is spiritually defunct. All of those connected issues are discussed on this bitchute channel   (the AI singularity you will discover is also  'religion' of sorts but which requires money of sorts for its 'Utopia' or as China discovered a Dystopia see all chapter 3a and 3b above and the adjacent website chapter 5 on North Korea)

Regarding the  4th Industrial revolution and Gene Splicing James Delingploe comes to the conclusion that  they are loons see (Video 48 ) Technocracy & the 'Great Reset' - Patrick Wood & James Delingpole (2 of 2 as a series) 

and for Gene Splicing see (Video 53) How CRISPR Changes Human DNA Forever (and why see in the description box) and also (Video 54 )The first Gene Edited babies are here ...but there are 'problems' (& see description box) and once again

(Video 55) Designer Babies - "The Problem" With China's CRISPR Experiment See also Chapter 3b and subheading 

6.  ‘The ‘Human Experience’ is ‘required’ to change ?’,  but ‘Humans’ are still sovereign”  4TH Industrial Revolution and why the 'The Very idea of Human Beings as some kind of Natural Concept is really going to change"  see  'What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?' from the WEF (or here available on Bichute )  (added 18.08.2020 with subheadings on Gene splicing home kits and DNA / RNA etc)  and also the (US Health debate of 2018 in chapter 3a) US health debate of 2018 in the midterm elections  ( a link there will take you back here) 

The Conservative Woman's article of 13.01.2019  "Has Teresa May been plotting to rejoin the EU all along" (The Conservative Woman’s website ) matched the lack of action on a good settlement with the EU which has now a trade deal and an WTO no deal option. Whilst it stipulates 12 months it could of course be 12 weeks, days or minutes unilaterally. Teresa May at that time made the same promise over and over until Boris Johnson was brought forward to sort it all out   (having removed the Percys and the Melchits etc) The UK has left the EU Single Market & Customs Union, & all EU policies & international agreements. The free movement of persons, goods, services & capital between the UK & the EU will end and with a trade deal something that was thought impossible by remainers and 'Brinos' Incredibly both Jeremy Corbyn and also Tony Blair campaigned to leave the EU in the early 1980's. (Jeremy Corbyn hereand also Tony Blair here) It was supported by the ERG (the Euro sceptic European Research Group and Bill Cash MP) and also Nigel Farage On the voting John redwood abstained (John Redwood in 2016 - 2019 and today discussed the truth of industrial decline in Britain since joining the EU  which is confirmed by John Redwood r.e. the big decline ( or explained here or mentioned here again and which in  Britain is similar to the USA’s rust belt reality 20.02.2019  The Home Office says the UK will be safe in a no deal  at that time)  John Redwood supports growing all foods at home (every nation can) and in effect localism.

Big Tech. Poland is fining Big Tech for censorship and blocking free speech, which can be brought in by any nation. The EU budget disagreements (Britain now not contributing or see here also ) but also to the Covid budget has serious doubts from Poland and Hungary. Poland will also fine Big tech media for censoring free speech (the lack of which is a sign of totalitarian dictatorships on the Horizon) If can be used by every single person on earth especially if Poland was chosen as a HQ or if every nation introduces these laws, which after watching the censorship of the US elections and election fraud in the USA is a must for every free sovereign nation. It has already began in the USA in North Dakota. They can be backdated to earlier this year (and Big Tech is still under investigation for breaching antitrust laws in the USA in every state see the start of this chapter 3b ) and any person who has suffered censorship globally should sue for millions until they change policy or are removed.


The ongoing Brexit celebrations and Musical science in 'Big Ben' ( and entertainment) see below also) began as Big Ben chimes again after 4 years it was designed by Augustus Pugin with a certain pitch and tone and encompasses sound and light differentials, tuned to E and also smaller notes to G Sharp, F Sharp E & B for a specific purpose which the reader can research themselves. (or see the music below also) 


With the "UK heading for post-Brexit BOOM after signing 62 new trade deals worth £900 billion!"  out of the EU and Customs Union and EU laws and also a veto to go to WTO (World Trade Organisation)  by notice. India, and Singapore and the 57 trade deals in Brexit "Liz Truss is the unsung hero of post-Brexit trade deals — she’s sorted out 57 of them"  (or see here also ) further to this and in the most onerous of circumstances in 2020 Britain has negotiated a trade deal worth £100 Billion with India this is just the beginning. The City is the biggest financial district in the world (and the Middle East is a changing region with Greater Israel) and equivalence (if it is needed at all) means the City has the edge and divergence is available in the deal to remove red tape at every instance if taken. Red tape which is designed to make economies fail should be removed as with much of it that seems its only practical purpose. 

Brexit voters stood up and forged a new way ahead and this can now be extended to every EU nation who can leave the EU or seek a deal like the UK has. It is an incredible achievement by Boris Johnson in one year.


On 31.01.2020 the Brexit celebrations were full and this website contributed as follows.

31.01.2020  -  01.02.2020, Britain leaves the EU Albion is its true name of course (or ‘Elfydd’ in Welsh as Scotalnd was called Alba & see Chapter 2 above) and a part of its history in England is celebrated by Wishbone Ash in their Argus album, (and others) as a contribution to he Brexit day celebrations, and in more recent history as a protest poem turned into a Hymn


And Celebrations in 2021 ? 

As restrictions are applied everywhere in 2021 (but should not be) limiting celebrations, the reader can enjoy a fuller playlist / selection here as a contribution. The next stage for any nation's well-being is to remove the UN from every government via its implanted 'health regime' Every nation can look after its own health, prosperity and well being without the UN & WHO.



Auld Lang Syne  Auld Lang Syne (pipes & drums) @ Musikparade Lanxess Arena Köln


1. Joe Bonamassa India/ Mountain time   (Mr Bonamassa believes like Johnny Cash in being able to play his own music when he likes not a Corporations producing music which is plastic and which is forced upon the airwaves every day)  2. Joe Bonamassa Mainline Florida  3. A friend of Mr Bonamassa Joe Santarini Joe Satriani - Always with Me, Always with You (from Satriani LIVE!)  4. The Who, Join Together   5. The Eagles Tryin (remastered )  5. Pine Leaf Boys  Chez Moreau   6. Seasick Steve & Summertime boy  7. Hawkwind Hurry on Sundown  8. Lynyrd Skynyrd Last of a dying Breed  9. Fleetwood Mac I don't want to know  10. Jennifer Castle Sparta   11. Planxty Merrily Kissed the Quaker    12. Peat Bog Fairies Folk Police MP 4 FILE (or here again on youtube also)  13. Lonesome River band Swing that Hammer   14. The Stanley Brothers, Rank Stranger  15 The Stanley brothers Clinch Mountain backstep  15. Crosby Stills and Nash Carry on / Questions 16. The Outlaws Green grass and high tides   17. Budgie Bread Fan  18 Audrey Hanie Buffalo Gals   18. Liliac Wild Thing  19. Wishbone Ash Lorelei   (which has something in common with the Carl Orff &  O Fortuna Carmina Burana below)  


20. Wishbone Ash Live dates 1973


21. Wishbone Ash & Sometime World 


For Classical Music Lovers 


22. Carl Orff ( Verizon Hall, The Kimmel Center, April 1, 2016 ) O Fortuna Carmin Burana    

23. Handel's Messiah Handel: Messiah HWV 56 (fantastic performance)


& the Hymn 'Jerusalem' by  by William Blake/Sir Hubert Parry.



All far better than listening to the MSM.




Postscript 1. dated 13.02.2021   In Brexit Project Fear (in more ways than one) is still running within Brexit writes Jayne Adye (10.02.2021) yet the trade deals keep coming with the confirmation of the India trade deal worth £23 Billion and the  "Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)worth £9 Trillion in trade and examined in the last link by John Redwood (see last post above but also here by Jeff Taylor) has previously cautioned on imports instead of growing manufacturing at home, making items and growing food for self sufficiency (in the over-arching 'technocracy' and its project fear for Agenda 21- 30) and as warned in the bi-partisan documentary  'Rotten' on the adjacent website and then consider real farming and nature and the real practical problems the world faces which is (in the documentary 'Rotten') in entirety (and unfortunately) on the disgraced netflix channel  but which highlights the benefits of localism.(and which still has international trade)  Further to this the huge deal worth $2.5 Trillion in trade CANZUK is going ahead, this is all separate to the EU deal which allows trade, but keeping independence to make trade deals. Greenland after only a few years (Joined in 1973, left in 1982) in the EU left and became a "overseas countries and territories"  (OCT)"  not part of the EU or Single Market (also) and it is energy independent as Britain could be also with up to 100 billion barrels of oil .... inland. Remainers should at this point should "leave" ? Up to 5 countries are now vying to leave the EU, with France (who may have a leave referendum soon also) admitting Britain won the negotiations Of course all EU nations can choose to leave and or get a similar deal and prosper with greater freedom and Sovereignty (so far trade deals = nearly £13 Trillion)

Russia has also said it will end ties with the EU (but see last posts above the EU is a communist state thanks to Russia, a system which they have rejected themselves notwithstanding the New Leninism of the technocracy which is Leninism without Karl Marx ) Lenin is 'preserved' outside in Red Square in a glass case. Embalmed and stuffed his body lies in a mausoleum in permanent "state" However there are no original parts and his body has rotted and has been replaced with plastic bits. Only 23 % of his original body officially remains, yet even these are plastic. Lenin defined by his uprisings and when he lost the first election in Russia, he instigated the "Red Terror" and nothing  has changed in similar groups today  ) This withdrawal by Russia endangers the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline which many EU nations feared could become a tool to control them, especially Sweden (see post in Chapter 3a above dated 'Brexit & Elections October 15th 2019' and subheading 'The background to Nord Stream 2 Russia and Ukraine' Royal Dutch Shell Oil were to partner and work with Gazprom on the project, although Gazprom has restarted work in Denmark laying the pipelines on the 6.2.2021.

Sarah Westall interviewing Andy Schectman (and China and the Democrats) In the last post above it was argued that Brexit was not over but trade deals continue they are not static. Under subheading "Central banks to merge"  given in "Eternal drama between Great Britain and EU - Brexit explained"    and added to by Jeff Taylor Jeff Taylor "Merging Central Banks?! (4k)!"  Further information is given in bitchute by Sarah Westall interviewing Andy Schectman in Mysterious "Others" Group Connected to Great Reset w/ Andy Schectman  (her website here) discussing the Great Reset covid 19 and the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab. His books are here 1. "The Fourth Industrial Revolution"  2017  & also 2. "Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution" 2018   & 3. COVID-19: The Great Reset  2020. (with Gene Splicing as a part of the 4th industrial revolution see last  post above and link a few lines down) The latter book proof enough that the Covid 19 (20 & 21 fwd) is proof that the cold / flu was pre-planned many years ago as Covid becomes climate change with climate lockdowns Paul Joseph Watson & Climate Lockdowns  (with the Spectator explaining what  the 'green' movement really is (UK.GOV)  Regulation for the  Fourth Industrial Revolution from 11th June 2019 under Teresa May ) Sarah Westall and Andy Schectman explain that countries are insisting on bringing Gold home (not just paper Gold promises but actual Gold. Bretton Woods 1944 and today the BIS bank of international settlements, yet Keynesian economics has brought ruin. All detailed in the last post above) Britain has banned China communist television   (and vice versa) vindicating Gavin Williamson (minister of defense) who was sacked for Huawei concerns in 2019, but which has been banned now  Barclays bank are now saying that Brexit is more positive than at first thought  as the Governor of the Bank of England points out the 'eternal drama' is not England's fault. The USA election fraud drama & virtual administration languishes in 'perception management' dystopia (bad news for the west) as the Federal Reserve is buying everything on earth under FEMA and the Military, all under AI / Artificial Intelligence. In February 2019 and finalized & published on 3.12. 2020 Executive Order (Executive Order 13960 of December 3, 2020) placed the US Government under AI Artificial Intelligence decisions. FEMA is still running the USA via AI (& the military regardless of denials) since 13.03.2020 UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!  & still in place through 2020 and 2021 (The US election will be updated under the subheading above the Brexit Celebrations  2nd part of US elections contd from 13.01.2020 until 6.3.2020 in the extended US elections and the truth of what is happening in the USA which has not emerged as yet) 

Coming soon is NESARA (national) or GESARA (Global) (NESARA Link here and also here again but with variations and fudges) with debt cancellations and other conditions.....but with onerous conditions. However people have already paid any and all debts. In World War 1 and World War 2 and wider up to 100, Million people died and these facts alone cancels all debts without conditions. (or a Global uprising will follow) On November 12th 2020 General Mark Tilley Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff made the following remarks at  the opening of the US Military Museum of the US army (see "Gen. Mark Milley: 'We Take an Oath to the Constitution, Not an Individual" or see here on Brighteon ) yet the President also takes that oath when he enters office, not to a Corporation or AI computer system. Speaking on / after Veterans day 11.11.2020 and in regard to (WW1) World War 1 remembered in November this year , and the brutal battles which took place, pointing out that Liberty is gained through the US Constitution, and the army protects against all dangers foreign and domestic. Or in Britain liberty is gained through Sovereignty. The constitution (most constitutions) was composed to allow freedom / liberty under God for all Americans.(not the UN) The Battle of the Somme and Mametz Wood ( 2 brutal and world changing battles in the war to end all wars) Aside from the terrible battle of the Somme and other battles of mass slaughter and heroism in WWI is the battle of Mametz Wood  by Daughter of Albion  (or alternative view here  "38th (Welsh) Division Memorial, Mametz Wood"   ) A living constitution is not incorporated. Sovereign people do not need to take an oath, they are Sovereign already (with laws extending back to King Alfred and the bible see all chapter 3b above)




Postscript 2. dated 13.04.2021 The Continuing saga of the Election fraud in the USA and the US Presidential elections generally is added above in the fake US Presidential elections (above the Brexit celebrations) under heading (in part).... "4. (8.04.2021) The US Elections 2020 / 2021 & what is really going on with no recognized President " (although it seems there are 3 different systems & 2 are fake, and also a secret inauguration occurred in Washington DC on a different date than 21 January 2021 ) which has 10 subheadings and analysis This link will take you straight to it   With the world descending into World War since January 2021 in Syria and the Ukraine / Russia and Iran (Iran = China) & Hong Kong with the USA now trying to buy them off against Israel, and wider. Russia has said it rejects the Soros NWO system (in the Left's move from Build back Better to a Bomb Back Better Campaign. The next wars may not be Nuclear however  ) Germany has also moved to become Sovereign against the Great Reset fraud & Covid Fraud which shows the UN telling the private corporation of the EU what to do and think? in the communist private corporation never explained to the electorate in 60 years ? (also in the US Presidential elections post dated 8.4.2021) with even 'Christian' Leaders completely fooled and / or even deceiving the flock, who do not pray for healing ? (see the Bible book of Acts) or use other cures which do work ?   (as Mariah Carey gets a fake vaccine shot along with Sadiq Khan who gets a fake vaccine shot.   It is extraordinary that those pushing vaccinations on television, in the news, in the medical profession, or even in crowds or the streets never state what the 20 or 30 so ingredients are in the vaccinations, (which the vaxx companies themselves say are not 'vaccinations' which in themselves are not as good as your own Immune system, but experimental mRNA injections) yet nobody asks what are the ingredients and nobody can tell you what those ingredients are ? in the Great Reset = "you will own nothing and be happy"in the Communist no private property scam in which they will own .... the private property and by Government compulsory purchase (see the US presidential link dated 8.4.2021 a few lines above)  in the real war which is the merger of the SDR (Special drawing rights) Digital currency globally (see Daniela Cambone in the aforementioned link to 8.4.2021) between Japan, China, USA, EU, UK which may remove the US Petro dollar. Nigel Farge also introduces a new fuel  source. 

The same post on the US Presidential elections (mentioned in the last paragraph above) also have a Brexit update (which shows the remain lobby as the deception it  is) In Israel and / or Greater Israel it is going through a tribulation in order to prevent its  expansion (again see the post and link to it in the above paragraph on the US Presidential elections in which Israel prevents Iran's Nuclear ambitions. Yet wars of the future may bypass Nuclear war see Slaughterbots (Drone) Bots against humans & Solar Robo Bees & The CIA Dragonfly Drone ) and it fears as 'covid passports' are lost or duplicated or ignored a tattoo / mark will be imposed upon Sovereign people's bodies directly. 

Brexit and Britain in a poll is also favouring Sovereign Swiss type direct democracy  it helps if you  can make your own trade deals which are happening and continuing under WTO or other with or without the EU ratifying a trade deal with the UE,  and the Swiss are also outside the EU (This post above added 13.04.2021)




St Georges Day 23.04.2021

Brexit and a Brexit deal, now established as 2 different entities.

(3rd Postscript)  From 23.06.2016 (Brexit Day )until today it is now completely established that Brexit and a Brexit Deal are 2 mutually distinct entities. Brexit (with or without a ratification of the Brexit deal signed in late December 2020) is continuing regardless. Project fear has almost vanished. Since Britain left the EU on 31.01.2020 and until today the debate as to whether Brexit could occur without a Brexit deal has now been answered and WTO rules can easily take over without the EU (who have until the end of April 2021 to ratify or not, with the WTO option to leave again, even in or after any ratified deal. Trade without WTO or the EU is also healthy) Brexit trade deals are up and running with inward investment from abroad rising Britain and other countries are seeking a Swiss type of democracy (see post above dated 13.04.2021) and the USA are seeking State assemblies, (see above & This link will take you straight to it   near the end of the post) and with India rejecting John Kerry's request for India to cut back on CO2 emissions (India Russia and China continue to grow CO2 emissions) Sovereign states are saying enough is enough in the failing system, and they will keep cash and pursue free speech and common law freedoms. India is also a Sovereign country with a need to create employment and prosperity a so called 'green party' denies them 

St Georges Day and the Dragon Green politics are nothing to do with the environment or growing and producing nationally with care for the 'commons' or common law, (to own the entire world) in a world which is underpopulated, but elite communism / technocracy, (Collectivism / Communitarianism) in which 'you will own nothing and be happy' including your home, children, business or chattels, but they will own everything see the last 2 videos at the end 5800 injuries and 74 deaths were recorded in the USA 2 weeks ago, with vaccinated people catching Covid again ? or was the variant within the vaccine as a pathogen ? Hannah Rewerts and her family were all vaccinated and masked but all caught the man made covid again. Aside from the blood clots and other incredible side effects, they are all damaging pregnant women before and after pregnancy Something Strange Is Happening to Women After They Get the Vaxx. (video from Really Graceful and here 'Headlines with a Voice' Pfizer's Former Vice President Sounds Multiple Alarms & also from Headlines with a Voice FDA Shuts-Down Facility that Manufactured Johnson & Johnson Single-Dose The FDA and CDC are private institutions which benefit from Vaccine rollouts, and this is a criminal exercise by criminals. Your current future and the UN / World Economic Forum Great Reset explained by Douglas Kruger   and also here further explaining the Davos and Bill Gates and the Wider technocracy.  & Big Pharma. Overthrowing the Dragon, and the last 2 videos and links identify the Dragon, taking back what they have stolen and removing them from power and ownership of anything, or from having any influence over the Human race is a part of that Dragon slaying fight for the whole 7.5 Billion population on earth.




01.05.2021, The Sovereignty of Nations and (01.05.2021) 
May Day 2021


(01.05.2021) Brexit is moving to greater divergence from the EU as the EU ratifies an agreement it threatened to block only weeks ago (and Brexit is in it first stages of freedom) Since 23.06.2021 they said it 'impossible' and as other trade deals grow it is likely that the decisions adopted by the 'Partnership Council' (page 15 of the Brexit agreement) will become a committee in name only and will be scrapped or disappear by default, or in a move to go into WTO, but either way it is already being removed see "UK launches new trade agency to obliterate EU red tape – Liz Truss unveils Brexit secret weapon"  and this is why it will be dropped EU needs financial services deal with post-Brexit UK  and it does not appear Britain needs a deal on financial services with the same urgency or  in return (financial services are not part of the deal signed earlier this year or agreed this week. Barclays bank are predicting a boom as the Australian trade deal worth £900 million is set to go Trillions in trade deals have been negotiated (see all posts above) and the Sovereignty issue will define the next parliament and in the next 3 years. Incredibly Brexit has zero tariffs, trade also with the EU and is free to make independent trade deals as the way to prosperity (other non EU blocks have this also and for decades) Other EU countries can now adopt a similar path with the same freedoms (with even the remainers in the UK stating they were wrong and admit unemployment is due to covid as in the EU it is now nearly 50 million people higher than 8% and the EU admit they have to let Britain go) Denmark Finland and others could follow Holland in calling for a referendum on membership as could Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic and France.

The current titular King of Jerusalem is King Juan Carlos King of Spain Throughout the Brexit negotiations this website has looked to the example of King Alfred in chapters 3, 3a and this chapter 3b. He was obviously not descended from Edward 3rd. (First Duke of Lancaster, John of Gaunt and his 3rd wife Katherine Swynford. The First Duke of Lancaster was actually one of the King Edward III’s sons) In fact King Alfreds bloodline, and the Pendragons and the House of Jesse (King David) are, as bloodlines still around to this day. (King Henry V for instance with Falstaff was regarded as a reformer with a knowledge of King Alfred and his revolution. The current King of Jerusalem is King Juan Carlos King of Spain also known as King Felipe 1V of Spain  or is it a titular king of Jerusalem, a title held by Otto Von habburg Otto von Habsburg and family of Austria or Queen Elizabeth 2nd as Queen of Israel and the Commonwealth of Israel  which includes the command in her coronation "GOD SAVE QUEEN ELIZABETH. ... to teach and govern thy people Israel: ... and together with them all the Peoples of this Commonwealth" Prince Phillip recently deceased was part Greek but related to all the Royal Houses  Greece was home of the Danoi (Tribe of Dan) and Scythians. For more information on Israel being the 10 tribes and Judah who were a separate kingdom joined under King David see "Great Sermons" on bitchute in various sermons at the beginning, middle and end of those available. Whilst it is claimed the title of King of Jerusalem extends back to Godfroi de Bouillon in 1099 and the first crusade, but they extend back further ) For more information on this subject see in this chapter 3b  2.The Law of the Land  and also 4. King Alfred, ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’of King Alfred, the Magna Carta, the Bill of rights 1688/1689, and the Popes law to cancel Corporations  For an insight into 'Tikkun Olam' (or 'repairing the world') see the post dated 01.05.2021 below in chapter 5 or at the top of chapter 6

The Franks and Saxons of Germany fought for supremacy of Germany until Charlemagne brought the Saxons under his rule. Alfred's mother was great granddaughter of Charlemagne who defended and stabilized a great Christian Kingdom.  The Saxons descend through the "Sceaf" line (i.e. Japheth and not Shem but the 10 tribes and the tribe of Dan are semetic and who intermarried making the saxons Isaacsons and the celts from the Scythians interrelated) whether we acknowledge these old genealogies or not is irrelevant as they match across all other genealogies of the European Royal nobility. (the last link and its page 3 or 4 paragraphs down states the following for Saxon King Alfred. Scythian's /Scots which could take some getting used to) "that King Alfred himself boldly traced his own ancestry - via the Scythians, to Japheth" England would not exist in the same way without King Alfred of the Angles- Saxons, but whose first title was Alfred King of the Britons. As mentioned on this website he is the only King in Britain who was given that title "the Great". The Saxons were first a northern Germany tribe known also as Isaac sons Charlemagne (Alfred's great grandfather) was descended through Celtic tribes from Alexander and that lineage led back to the Trojan War. The long war of the Franks and Saxons (and also Carolingian  and Merovingian) continuing into Britain and 1066 (see book 1066 and all that)


The excellent documentary (by Michael Wood) in 3 parts;

1. King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons, Alfred of Wessex (episode 1)  and also 2. King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons. The Lady of the Mercian’s (episode 2) and also 3. King Alfred and the Anglo Saxons. Aethelstan, The first King of England (episode 3) 

The film of 1969 is here (and which also features the White Horse at Uffington) 

Alfred the Great (1969 film) ( or here as an MP4 file Video )

King Alfred before his deemings (laws)  were compiled for all men and woman, peasant and noble (at points in the film) first at 1 hour 21minutes rediscovers the Spartan phalanx and suspects that ‘the law’ (see section 2 above again) applies equally to all. At 1 hour 41 mins fwd he discusses that all are ‘Freeman’ for those outside the law also (outlaws) and that a book of the law will be compiled for everyone (the deemings)

It is interesting (and to repeat for relevance in the 'Great Reset / Technocracy' & see last post above dated 23.04.2021)  today that ‘Extinction Rebellion’ XR placed their mural on a chalk horse The original in Uffington, Wiltshire (dating from around 725 bc, yet it may have been enlarged and recut before this for many centuries) can be viewed from nearby Dragon hill, is  of course is intact but the significance of XR’s image placed upon this monument should be understood.  It is saying (they say) this heritage is over. They are not rebelling against extinction but bringing extinction as a rebellion. The XR image is an old occult image.The Science and origin of X /  R are lacking in science and transparency 5. Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE      10. Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE     7. The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE  (see also chapter 3 above or just above chapter 4)

Today, and to understand what King Alfred did then and why it is still very relevant now, and why he is given the title 'The Great' is he arranged towns into Burghs or Burrough to allow trade in and out quickly. He then took control of the money supply, (remember millions of transactions daily even with cash and notes) making sure (in today's language) that it was overseen by the Treasury and not a private intermediary, and made sure its value did not fluctuate but remained steady and the same value over time as people exchanged it for goods and services. It was not charged at interest to the public, currently only 4% is not charged at interest and of course to do is absurd as it also accelerates currency fluctuations and value. Today national currencies are under attack as they are viewed as a commodity only, to bet upon in the stock market, and the stock market requires any national currency to fluctuate in order to guess (or not) its new or future value up or down. Rising and falling fluctuations means price instability which means wage instability (inflation / deflation)  instead of keeping prices the same for decades or even a hundred years or more. (which occurred in England in the middle age) Wages or incomes or crops in value in this stable environment rose above prices. A further check on the value of coins and notes was to monitor the ideal amount in total in circulation (which only had seigniorage costs and not interest charges on every coin or note) to ensure prices and goods and not money fluctuations were the most important aspect of an economy. This vastly reduced borrowing, & it is possible to do this today whilst using the stockmarket in other aspects (but not with the national currency) In a self sufficient nation the import / export problem on coins and capital flight was also removed

However to do this you would need independence or at least an independent ability to make trade deals. This part of an economy is considered beneath politicians and financiers today, and they despise its mention, yet if every nation on earth took care of this small internal economic necessity, then debt would reduce from the absurd amounts currently enslaving the earth. The technocracy intends to reduce living standard expectations greatly. People are not just in personal or mortgage debt legally (but not lawfully) but also have a share of their national debt attached to them whether they know it or not as a slave. In many countries now this amounts to over 100,000 each, a mortgage of 300,000 on average (in a world with plenty of land and which is under-populated) and personal debt of 6000 on average (loan and cars etc) makes nearly half a million one way or the other. There are alo Quadrillions in derivatives and future obligations, thefts of billions and even trillions, all designed deliberately by the expert  'economists' who have brainwashed you over 70 years legally (not not lawfully) signed for by the politicians you elect. All of these 3 types of debt (and trillions more) combined is how the technocracy / great reset (see last post above) will take all your possessions (as combined these debts are beyond a national parliament or country to meet which was / is the intention) including homes and chattel and even your children who are legally only wards of the state. It has occurred many times in history and even in recent history. You owe it all but it is not Lawful.

Every nation has the right to keep cash and notes (non digital) or they can begin a new Treasury (i.e. based in the treasury ) as the national bank for national distribution of currency separately from the current central banks. Chapter 2 in the adjacent website gives a greater background.

King Alfred after numerous bloody battles, made new laws for all, and he did not take any of the tax or tributes from the treasury for himself following the Law in Deuteronomy 17, 14 - 20 as he did. In other words he acted only for others.There are of course also laws of Jubilee on debt cancellation. In Ireland Ugain Mor and Cormac Mac Airt had similar successes 


See "The Great Economic Revolution Is Approaching...The End Of Our Era"    (and this is what it really looks like This Is Pure Madness!!!  and  connected video also This Goes Deep - Caught In The World Wide Web Exposed! 

(the preparation and struggle for the SDR, Special drawing Rights digital currency with China, UK, Europe, USA & the Petro Dollar and Japan see last posts above after the CIA and Goldman Sachs created Bitcoin and not 'Satoshi Nakamoto' )  (SDR  Special drawing rights Bretton Woods these websites have warned from the outset this was the plan see above and the adjacent website. It was at the centre of the North Korea episode 2017 2020. Becoming buyer and lender of last resort and buying the world) over the top of the defunct Fiat system see March 26th 2021  IMF Silently Creates New Money Layer, Why You Need to Leave the Banks: Willem Middelkoop  Daniela Cambone talks to Willem Middelkoop and they are very good, but it was always the plan since 1913 (creation of the federal reserve bank) and 1944/45 end of WW2 and the first Bretton Woods conference. Middlekoop says it it is good creating Liquidity (but everyone will own nothing ? ) ' creating liquidity' means creating money printed out of nothing which any nation can do themselves via their own national treasuries and separate from the system. Funding it will make matters worse. They point out now that China and the USA have "agreed" ?? proving Trump correct. Its issuance will have the conditions of a digital global currency based on China / North Korea dystopia. Daniela Cambone continue with  "Lynette Zang: Why You Must Get Out of the System; The Fed's Master Plan"      and see also   See ‘Who Benefits from a Cashless Society?’  by Really Graceful    & The Fed's Silent Takeover of the U.S.    & also What's Behind the Fed's Manufactured Coin Shortage?   & also   Wherefore Art Thou Reserves? S3 E1  (for more information see the US elections post dated 8.4.2021


London stands up as Millions march

France heads towards a military coup & civil war

On the 24th April 2021 Millions marched through London (bitchute video) and on the 1.5.2021 but largely avoided by the MSM or they were incorrectly reported, and these scenes will continue on MayDay 01.05.2021. Davos (who want you to own nothing and be happy to repeat from the last post above  “You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY” | Douglas Kruger ) and the minority who attend its meetings may face Millions surrounding them or even 7.5 Billion people, and these multitudes taking everything they have, will make the Multitudes very happy and evenly rich) The Davos crowd globally will own nothing and be unhappy in such a scenario. France is facing a civil war and a possible military coup (exacerbated by the covid technocracy fraud) The military are openly calling for a coup and they have carried this threat out before in 1958. THE FRENCH ARMY AND VETERANS READY FOR A MILITARY COUP IN FRANCE The reality is people may prefer them to do so, as in Myanmar the military kicked out George Soros. (see above posts) The people and the military in every nation may soon unite against this evil which is causing Italy to rethinking its EU strategy also


Jerusalem will become the World's Capitol as a guide to future events. See chapter 5 below and a new 3rd Website soon, with link at the end


The Brexit Celebrations are above dated & headed

'13.01.2021 & the Brexit Celebrations' also for Mayday 2021 (This post above added 01.05.2021) 




13.05.2021 National and local elections in Britain, validating Brexit. The Conservatives swept the board in these elections and made significant gains in England, Scotland and Wales on (although labour still hold Wales, people are beginning to see that the Working class have been abandoned by Labour except in areas that are more populist. Enforced poverty however means the long memory of that will remain in Wales) People also saw the fake Biden Horror show (the US army under FEMA is still running the USA & since 13.03.2020 )  in the USA and election frauds (which will be added to above after the  post dated 8.4.2021 on the USA) and this was motivation to get as far as possible away from it, and not just in Britain as Spain has also moved to the Conservative outlook. Since January 20121 (but in reality since January 2020 and also since 23.06.2016) people have woken up to the new reality that the Brexit vote has brought. Making independent trade deals and being independent with an independent currency is safer in the long term, returning to manufacturing. Energy costs and energy imports hurt every economy, but Oil is not scarce for domestic users or the military in the 'full spectrum dominance' doctrine, and neither are non-electric car / engine alternative fuels. Britain has trillions in internal oil fields. See further at the end of chapter 3 in the adjacent website and post no 13 for more details. Oil should be $5 or $ 10 a barrel or up to £30 with transport costs. Without these corrections a nation is doomed anyway & every EU nation is now able to gain freedom also. Housing inflation is a problem but then when countries are full this problem cannot ease and it will ruin life for future generations, especially young couples and single renters. One solution (see the last post above) is how a currency is issued, as the changes mentioned (considered 'old fashioned' and irrelevant but in fact crucial to all prices over decades ) ease all prices. Crypto currencies are a fraud whereas Silver and coins and notes issued by your reclaimed Treasury office are sound and valid and belong to the people for privacy and freedom. Currently they are simply co-opted to provide a legal fiction signature to underwrite all debts from the next stockmarket crash and also the national debt. It is hardly intrepid  speculation when you know beforehand that your bets are covered. The  left have no economic plan but to borrow into the next Keynesian bubble. Village / town design towards the traditional is going to ease problems which are real and apparent causing 'designed; social problems and (**warning bad language**) it is not about Philosophy or intellect  but lunacy. 'Traditional' recognises the long history of Albion also see above in this chapter and the end of chapter 3a and the music celebrations above. Every nation on earth  ( Perseus in the oracle of Ammon, came through an actual plague via a monstrous incarnation, Greece was not locked down. Apollo delivered plagues with his arrows. All were planned events ) are recognising that they are not commodities, slaves or statistics as victims of international trafficking but Sovereign people. This is occuring in every nation. (See the link to the new 3rd website at the end of this chapter below)  Scotland and the SNP (who have won a majority in Scotland on 8.5.2021) have said they will pursue an Independence referendum and the Telegraph, suggesting it should proceed has pointed out the main sobering points on this (it is a proposed referendum on the Scottish Union not the EU, as Scotland are out of the EU now)  The EU has said it will not take Scotland back into the EU if the SNP win, and Britain has independence now out of the EU in the 'divorce' The background is that Loyalists have withdrawn support for the 1998 peace process  Ian Paisley was an MEP, but so was Nigel Farage. Loyalists could spring towards WTO in the deal which is still an option )   

Overall it is a stunning victory for 'One Nation Conservatives' and for Boris Johnson who has taken a dire situation and also won 2 elections in 16 months. People across all politcal opinions are recognizing that the Populists (2015 - 2021 ongoing) joined together left and right in agreement as they both viewed economics and economic theory as presented as ridiculous around the world without innovation or manufacturing in national economies ( 'ricidulous' including the doomed Great Reset and the 'Covid Schweinehund'  & also   'Merde a la Connerie'  absurdity in the designed 'ciruclar situation' in which you will 'own nothing and be happy,' which will bring as a result of their actions, the Globes biggest protest in History, not just to the streets but in and through every institution on earth & see last post above dated 01.05.2021) Slavery and poverty and trafficking and online prostitution are rising especially in 2020 in the 'plandemic' (but no lockdowns for drug or pedofile 'epidemics' see chapter 6 below) The banking collapse of September 2019 in the 'REPO market, ongoing which is to blame in the global debt lunacy (see chapter 3a & 3b above) There are 2 economies, one is based on the stockmarket where currently the federal reserve bank is issuing debt and then buying it again in various forms to keep the plates spinning (in $Trillions) . The other economy is based on employment figures and national currency and  the less attractive every day event of business which can be separated from the effects of the market. Many sources are predicting an  economic meltdown and panic worse than in 2008, but it is the markets causing the panic, broadcasting it as a panic to buy fallen cheaper stocks and assets later (for those who  bought recently it may be a disaster) but also to bring in the non - sovereign nations who cannot control their own economies or national currency. Real debts can be cancelled in total without obligation or condition in a Jubilee and lawful '7 year' debt removal

This election Validates Brexit completely and suggests an appetite for Freedom and to move further to WTO only, (or without any international trade deal framework) amongst the working class (who are given proxy strawman between them and sovereignty for their 'vote' ) now also who have had every 'Ism' foisted upon them in history except the reality of continued long term 100% employment and prosperity as Sovereigns ( this post added 13.05.2021 )


(to repeat) Jerusalem will become the World's Capitol (as a guide to future & current events)  & see also new 3rd website below with link





28.08.2021 Brexit, the next phase. Brexit into 2025 
Is it worth keeping the existing trade deal ?


The Group known as the 'People's Vote' to restore Britain's membership into the EU have ceased to exist. The 'real peoples vote' was of course on 23.06.2016. Britain is now able to offer protected status to national products grown, reared or manufactured at home without consulting the EU. Further Liz Truss (who could become the next prime minister but with competition from John Redwood, Steve Baker, Nigel Farage, Michael Spicer or Jacob Rees Mogg or Bill Cash, in light of the poor performance of Priti Patel)  has confirmed the renegotiation of 66 rollover trade deals already in place with the EU but has now added Australia (beyond the original EU trade deals ) and next  is India, not to mention the start of talks to join the 11-nation CPTPP trade bloc and negotiations with Canada and Mexico, which could also be completed as unilateral WTO (or without WTO unilaterally) trade deals as all deals could also be conducted. New Zealand is also next and a trade deal with them could be over the line this month. These trade deals are growing, and restrictions within (thanks to Teresa May) r.e. the Withdrawal Agreement’ and the deeply unsatisfactory ‘Trade and Cooperation Agreement’ and ties to the European Court of Justice, these non Brexit articles of Red Tape can also begin to be removed. For instance the  EU flag can no longer be flown in Britain without the government's permission.

This is the question facing Scotland's proposed independence referendum as the first pro-independence march on the 14.08.2021 since the covid restrictions were lifted. For many, freedom is being out of the EU and is still independence. 

The Brexit deals which have surpassed the Rollover deals clearly prove that Brexit is not a theoretical idea (as remainers postulated) The EU has only been around for 70 years or so, and individual nations have  traded since time immemorial and certainly before memberships of the EU was established. On trade and legal threats it is the EU who backed down and capitulated and it was the EU who imposed a hard border to protect the single market. However the success of new trade deals beyond the rollover deals is one more reason many are asking ? "is it worth keeping the existing EU trade deal" especially as the current outline has a WTO clause which can be taken, and which can undo the current trade deal. Having established this, it means Brexit can move to a stronger deal with less alignment to the EU as voted for on the 23.06.2016. Millions of Brexiters now want to fully implement  what they voted for   

The remaining knots in the Brexit deal have origins in dualistic proxy politicians (see Chapter 3A and post dated 11.06.2018 The Brexit - EU withdrawal bill, the EU deal and the anti- Brexit remain side and its collusion with Russia, the KGB, the Trotskyites, the Taliban and the Leninists, and also following it straight  after the post dated 12.07.2018 The White Paper Consultation process on the new Customs Arrangement / Partnership for Brexit, and the 7 resignations so far (The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks and the Taliban) Britain to conclude article 50 process in Autumn 2018 and leave the EU in March 2019 ?  The EU withdrawal legislation, was it necessary? And the Middle East peace plan. Time for a new non-proxy but Sovereign political populist party to emerge ?

Your Economic and Spiritual future The Corona hoax has been a long and deceptive process and the World Bank states it will continue until 2025. (but fact checkers slant it a different  way) the Horizon 2025 protocols (in reality the UN Agenda 20 - 30 measures)  also point to 2025 via the Centre for Global development & the Brookings institute. The New Normal in 2025 will be far more tech driven (than now) r.e. (Video 70 A ) The UN says "Human concept as Natural will Change" (World Economic Forum, Great reset)  and also (Video 48 ) Technocracy & the 'Great Reset' - Patrick Wood & James Delingpole (2 of 2 as a series)  and also again  Wall Street Elites Are Buying up EVERY House, Its The Great Reset, You Will Own NOTHING And Be Hap..   and also once more   “You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY” The Great Reset explained | Douglas Kruger (This was quoted by the World Economic Forum here and Kluas Schwab has said all Humans will be microchipped by 2030)   which is also here on Bitchute 

Lisa Shaw the BBC presenter it has now been confirmed died from the "vaccine" or see here from Gemma Doherty whilst in Ireland it has also been confirmed that  23 YEAR OLD PRO SOCCER PLAYER KILLED BY VACCINE INDUCED BRAIN BLEED, and  the Rev Jesse Jackson who has caught 'covid' after being fully vaccinated and was hospitalised again suggesting that the vaccine itself has a disease within You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY ... - BitChute   and the truth of the m RNA experimental vaccine within your economic and spiritual future Dr Charles Hoffe, How the mRNA injections change you Physically & Spiritually (The Strong Delusion)  and the inventor of the m RNA injection / Gene Therapy experiment. The proof from Dr Robert Malone the inventor of the m R N A experimental injection & Dr Weinstein PHD with the actual science as to how the injections affect your dna & rna and the awakening that the FDA is not a neutral company  Pfizer shot is NOT FDA APPROVED - it's still under EUA

The Sars 2 Covid 19 lockdowns and connected climate lockdowns (see above and also chapter 3b bearing in mind DENMARK ABOLISHES ALL CORONA MEASURES and this follows from its January 2021 report "Denmark is now at war" with many in Denmark realising that Smart Cities and Climate  lockdowns and covid are one and the  same. See further down on the Anglican Church. The corona climate lockdowns (into the new 'open prison; global system) and this has also sought to undermine Brexit. A current part of that deception is the digital covid passport 'track and trace system' which is facilitated by Big tech and which is essentially forced aparthied. A company which has been entrusted to conduct this system is Entrust. In 2020 this was considered a conspiracy theory and now in 2021 it is a  conspiracy theory to suggest it was always the plan. The next plan is to state that these passports are being forged so you need a permanent digital mark and internal tracing bug or chip. 

Entrust are also a part of Datacard formally known as Entrust Datacard ID2020 & Emergent bio – solutions ‘Emergent bio – solutions’ (or here  or here again and who produced the Anthrax vaccine hoax and defects/side effects in people especially in the military who were used as Guinea pigs) and also Google Ventures and Amazon via Collective medical and Kleiner Perkins who have  stake with Bill Gates and the World Health Organisation and ID 2020  (or here)  in the vaccination rollout programme. Entrust is using Microsoft Cloud solutions   and is connected to the World Health Organisation   and advised on the Covid 19 plandemic an event 201 Event 201 foretelling how to manage a Corona virus outbreak globally 3 months before it occurred is here “Video 14 Event 201 Pandemic exercise segment 4 communications discussion and epilogue video”  (which is in 4 videos here on youtube) read the discussion under the videos for other relevant information which has a synopsis (edited) here by Amazing Polly  overview bitchute “Event 201 Global pandemic”   '

Former Minister of Defence Gavin Williams warns of China's infiltration into Britain via Huawei and was sacked for it (see many posts on the subject above) he said he was tried under a Kangaroo court arrangement  (in May 2019 under Teresa May) yet one year later and under Boris Johnson huawei is banned in the UK justifying Gavin Williams strong hunch that they intended to set up a harmful 5G surveillance system on the UK and wider. also banned in the USA and many countries globally including even Sweden and France. China or rather the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has perfected the 'social credit ' slavery system leading to internal apartheid systems, and re-education centres, and gulags (see all of many posts above) yet Angela Merkel of the Christian conservatives did not want to ban them in 2020 ? and this situation became embedded in the new cyber - security law Germany brought forward in January 2021  (I.T. Security law 2.0) The GDPR  the General Data Protection Regulation is ... "Designed to increase data privacy for EU citizens" but of course even without these regulations European people have rights as Sovereign people and are handed them again only as "citizens'' (which is how non sovereign people are classified and not as flesh and blood human beings with inalienable rights from the beginning of time,  see the adjacent website the sovereignty of nations ) US Court says 5G tests not conducted correctly. The recent US court case r.e. on 5G ‘Historic Win’ by Children's Health Defense in Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless  shows that the 60 ghz affects people's Oxygen supply just as the m RNA gene therapy at least causes severe blood clots and death Weapons against the west come in many shapes and sizes.

Germany has also suffered cyber espionage from China  and the wider European nations have also accused China  China's hacks upon Germany extend back to 2009 (or even before this ) The  Cyber Polygon WEF World Economic Forum cyber exercise of 2020 was repeated again on July 9th 2021   furthering the Great reset which includes the merging of Bitcoin and all Digital currencies (in the end they will be the same controlled by Blockchain) with the aim of stabilizing or preventing a cyber attack with 'Covid characteristics'   Yet Entrust a German company has long links with China and the CCP Communist party and as a global company, China's long standing oppression of its citizens into the new digital  age (currently the longest in the modern era since Chairman Mao)  In the UK the concern is China is (despite Gavin Williams and the banning of Huawei) trying to turn the great reset into a communist totalitarian state. China also infiltrated Serco see post dated 8.4.2021 just above the 'Brexit Celebrations' and the heading "Who started the Coronavirus ? China, (& Hong Kong) Fort Detrick, Serco or the World Health Organization?"  "With many focusing on tomorrow’s Cyber Polygon exercise, less attention has been paid to the World Economic Forum’s real ambitions in cybersecurity – to create a global organization aimed at gutting even the possibility of anonymity online. With the governments of the US, UK and Israel on board, along with some of the world’s most powerful corporations, it is important to pay attention to their endgame, not just the simulations. The organization, called the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC), made the claim in its 2021 “Navigating Cyber” report. Though FS-ISAC’s members are not publicly listed on the group’s website, they do acknowledge that their membership includes some of the world’s largest banks, Fintech companies, insurance firms and payment processors. On their board of directors, the companies and organizations represented include CitiGroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Morgan Stanley, among others, strongly suggesting that FS-ISAC is largely a Wall Street-dominated entity. SWIFT, the society that manages inter-bank communication and dominates it globally, is also represented on FS-ISAC’s board. Collectively, FS-ISAC members represent $35 trillion in assets under management in more than 70 countries"

How can Israel's cyber - security units say they are protecting its country when they are warned openly about it in Israel  Doctor Vladimir Zelenko talks to israeli politicians and health minister about vaccine  (The Green New Deal = The Great Reset = Transhumanism (including Cybernetics, Technocracy, AI ) and not an organic world, with non GMO foods, healthy air, water, earth and soil with free independent sovereign people who are actively seeking an alternative)  The Spectator asks if a 3rd dose of the vaccine can stave off Israels 4th wave (or what is the point of vaccines which  are actually m RNA changing gene therapy (RNA is a part of DNA you cannot have one without the other so both will be altered ) 

Clearly this Great Reset is also targeting Deutschland and its populations, and China is targeting  Britain, Germany and the USA. The ECB (and USA Federal RESERVE  move to Digital Euro  to prepare for no cash and UBI Universal Basic Income with "conditions" (but every nation has the right to issue its own notes and cash for its people) 

The US Federal Reserve also to issue digital money as will every Central bank. The US has added another 3.5 Trillion worth of debt in the 'Green New Deal' (on the 10 & 11th August 2021) and the US national  debt is now more than 28.5 Trillion This is simply for the UN Agenda 20 - 30 and not for a stable economy   The cause of the chronic inflation and infrastructure collapse and job losses is the Federal Reserve who since early 2020 have become the seller and buyer of last resort (which is why houses and prices and stocks rise as the economy collapses) Bitcoin and the Fed Digital Dollar will merge as one and the same both under Blockchain on the controlled internet. Bitcoin is not a monetized decentralised (from central banks) alternative for freedom. Google’s Eric Schmidt gave China artificial intelligence (in the ‘dragonfly controversy’ )


Before the recent  US 3.5 Trillion debt loan on 10/11 August 2021 and after it ...

1. Gregory Mannarino 2.8.2021 PROOF: The US Economy Is In COLLAPSE! Debt In A HYPER-BUBBLE, Inflation Is Surging. Mannarino 

2Gregory Mannarino 6.8.2021 (Must Watch). BY DESIGN: Lies, An Economy In Collapse, And New Paradigm Emerging. Mannarino  
Mannarino explains  on "Biden-stein" who is losing thousands of jobs every month but the MSM is not relaying this information. Inflation and the Bad Economy is all caused by the FEDERAL RESERVE bank in the great reset deliberately creating inflation, and the green UN deal is depopulation and the end of free speech and movement and quote ..."they want you dead" Corporations run by the Federal Reserve seeking monopoly and also then to have their labour wages subsidized by Taxpayers whilst not producing anything but borrowing Trillions also subsidised by taxpayers who pay for the national debt. The US is the greatest importing nation of all time but like Babylon it collapses continuously. All as a legal fiction. (see the Sovereignty of Nations website) The debt and the payments are not owed by 'Americans'(and can be cancelled as illegal) only to US citizens it time to bail on the US Corporation and become a country again.

3 After the recent 3.5 Trillion debt loan Gregory Mannarino 16.08.2021 Alert! THE US ECONOMIC FREEFALL AGAIN TAKES A DRAMATIC TURN FOR THE WORSE

4. Further on from the 3.5 Trillion debt loan Gregory Mannarino 25.08.2021 Economy Collapsing And Contracting Rapidly. Inflation IS SURGING! AND STOCK MARKET HITS NEW RECORD

5. Stansberry Research and Daniela Cambone 25.08.2021  Banks to Seize Your Money in Coming Financial Crisis Warns David Morgan  (Digital currency, SDR drawings rights the banking, bitcoin, fed coin deception from the MSM. Gold & silver better than any digital currency ) The Bretton Wood SDR system (formed around 1944 - 1947) is the precursor of the digital world currency. In 1961 the Gold pricing system moved from the Bank of England to Canary wharf but also included Britain and the USA making 8 central banks in total  This collapsed in 1968 and into the Nixon Gold withdrawal in 1971 - 1973 into fiat debt currency but bringing in the Petro - dollar. Barclays (Barclays Investment bank) capital fix the price of Gold in partnership today. Goldman Sachs partners with Barclays also. Fixing the price went electronic in 2015   and gradually the Ebb of Gold has moved East into Russia and China, but even today that is occurring dramatically. Gold in China  and also Gold in Russia with many in Russia investing in Israel and Greater Israel.

David Morgan is a deep thinker (in no 5 above Stansberry research) but he is wrong when he states that Money in society belongs to the banks. Money is simply a medium of exchange as is Gold and Silver. Money (MO in the MO to M4 classifications of money see the adjacent website sonas and chapter 2) belongs to a nation and is distributed via its treasury before it is fed through banks. MO is this type of money. Money or bartering existed before banks which were only a storehouse of money or valuables. This has been true throughout history and it belongs to a Sovereign nation and its people.


The Taliban ,Afghanistan, Russia, China and Hamas. 

This is against the  backdrop of the troops of over 60 countries (not just the USA and UK) who have troops stationed in Afghanistan and who are now pulling out from (for now) Afghanistan. The middle east policy debate between the Neo-Liberal  Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Neo - Conservatives continues. The background to the current Afghanistan situation and the Oil  tanker attack in July 2021    (The Taliban are banning corona - virus injections and banning the LGBT community ...but are still wearing  masks )  The post 'peaceful' USA hegemony is planned in detail, yet the US military is by far and by over  700% the largest military in the world. Afghanistan has seized Billions worth of Equipment from the USA including 60 Black Hawk helicopters, yet the leader of the Taliban Khairullah Khairkhwa, part of 'Gitmo 5' released in 2014, planned Taliban's return: Report  was he released by Obama and Biden ? The LGBT community. The Taliban have also promised to kill every LGBT member they find  as well as Christians and Islamic heretics and any opposing spiritual faith. Opec have rejected Bidens plea for help and the IMF will not fund the Taliban.  Yet the SDR (special drawing rights as digital bitcoin, fed coin with blockchain in any digital from or perceived ownership) could be accessed by the Taliban as the Petro-Dollar moves into parity with Japan, UK, Europe, China and USA digital and as China assumes its position over the USA (it believes) A strong Delusion as cash and notes owned by every nations treasury are viable printed without interest, and silver and gold are viable also. (again see the adjacent  website The Sovereignty of Nations ) China funds the Taliban and is moving to take over the country and the Afghan Taliban fund Hamas and have been doing so for many years. Chian of course also forces Muslims (especially the Uighers)  to take the social credit slavery system, and then move them into re-education centres to deny Mohammad and also in Gulags to spit on the Koran in communist mind control prisions.   all a part of the eventual global prison social credit system   tied into the restrictions in covid and health passports & contact tracing system etc and for Muslims (or anyone) also  Pakistan is also "tilting" to China and Russia with Afghanistan.  Russia promise's to subdue Afghanistan.

The 'War' is not quite as the MSM are presenting it (and the 2nd part of the adjacent website will detail this see the Sovereignty of Nations website)  

This is the Great Reset (first mentioned on this website chapter 3a dated 9.9.2019 and on that date the economy was ok ? according  to the qualified economists "Aside from world debt of $244 Trillion, and Quadrillions of derivatives bubble of over $500 Trillion and growing (both), the traded bonds with negative yield curves has reached $17 Trillion)" in which you own nothing and be happy (see link to Irish elections below) caused by the Green New Deal all leading to Transhumanism, with also the Bitcoin / Fed Coin / Digital currency deception which in reality are all one under Blockchain. For further details on this see the Irish elections  (12.08.2021 Ireland's continuing problems in the continuing dystopia, following the 2020 election way back on the 8.2.2020 which has a link back to here ) 

Similar problems are occuring in Canada (who are also a client of Entrust waiting for all Canadians) which is calling a general election for 20.09.2021   (the MSM are not reporting on the Canadian protests (or see here once more from Montreal) including 14.08.2021 and the MSM "fact checkers Snopes" and its co - founder has been sacked for essentially lying to the public This has also been a main  and major factor in the coronavirus reporting from Dec 2019 to date) Yet even the MSM are  now reporting  on the vaccine deaths and  injuries   and which has clarification on the m RNA injections from Dr  Charles Hoffe Dr Charles Hoffe, How the mRNA injections change you Physically & Spiritually (The Strong Delusion) and which has links to the full larger issues.and those who know the truth as a Teenager is forced to get the Vaccine   (the EU Vaers analysis is discussed here on deaths and  injuries and Christine Cottons overview is here)   

Is it time to bring back the advantage to the West (someone once said Afghanistan was the "graveyard of empires"  east or west ? ) even tariffs as the USA has introduced in order to renew manufacturing for consumption and then export  the excess at and from home. The west is to dependent on China for goods and China has chosen to take Afghanistan's natural resources for its own. Taiwan has also been threatened by China again. Taiwan could fall like Afghanistan and the Afghans do not envisage the Petro - Dollar as its only source of exchange, and it is threatening Europe for trading with Taiwan. China is still persecuting Hong Kong, and its banks are adding tariffs and sanctions against ChinaHong Kong's democratic vote of November 2019 in which the democratic councils won 17 of 18 districts (but which have been stalled by the Communist party of China  who oppose the proletariat in voting east or west but socialists millionaires in the west or east acquire mansions  but not for the proletariat in any nation or nationality east or west ? revealing the real fascists who oppose 'the people' in the great reset you will own nothing but be happy ...but not for them. Anti human transhumanist politics which dislikes all 'races' and nations = 'communitarianism' )


'GB news' and Christianity and the Judeo - Christian tradition  

The Anglican Church  Event 201 also advised on how to close the world's churches and/or faith groups who sadly went along with the hoax. (see also Chapter 5 below for insights  into the Christian faith) 

A new Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell has been appointed, as the Archbishop of Canterbury Welby takes a sabbatical (postponed until 2022) One of the  main differences between them is one believes Jesus is the Son of God, something which is causing shock waves in the Anglican Church, especially as the former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams believes that  Greta Thunberg is a Prophet of our times (like Jeremiah) Many believed Spock (or those like Spock Leonard Nimoy's) was a prophet in the 1970'S - 80'S in the THE COMING ICE AGE (1977) LEONARD NIMOY (SPOCK) WARNS OF THE ENCROACHING ICE  (only an ice tax will destroy the ice then....but now only an ice tax can save the ice ?) Greta has not phropecised anything and Jeremiah (the Weeping  prophet) did not warn of external problems, but of internal national problems concerning behaviour which would end in calamity. He was correct.

New news Channel 'GB News' and Christianity (link to G B News here ) discusses Christianity in Britain raising some pertinent points "Alex Phillips: Christianity has become the punchbag of a confused society"   (or here as an article within the website) 


One area the covid crisis really highlighted is the sudden and real ability of countries being able to control their borders, concentrate on making things at home and end imports and return to a free non globalised economy literally overnight (but with internal freedom which are the natural rights of Sovereign nations and people) Localism and 100 % employment without the global trafficking system is obviously now plainly possible and society existed this way for thousands of years.


Eric Clapton, Van Morrison and Morrisey and severe adverse effects from the 'vaccination'. 

A further clarification has come from Eric Clapton ( who says he is a guitarist with the Yardbirds and Cream and Derek and the Dominoes etc) in Oracle Films which clarifies the "trickery" in the Brexit process from the clear vote on the 23.06.2021 and he hints  that the Corona process has also been manufactured to also undo Brexit ! Covid and much more has interfered to derail Brexit in 2020 and 2016 but which has failed.

See Eric Clapton  "Exclusive and Uncensored" Oracle films  an honest average concern everybody experiences 

The CDC, the centre for disease control are saying that vaccinated people are spreading 'covid' ? and the vaccinated are spreading the delta variant also ? The Guardian reports that most people who die from 'covid' in Britain have had the vaccination   This means logically that the vaccine contains the disease ? as if the vaxxed are dying from people who are unvaxxed, why ? are all the unvaxxed not dying ? ) and which shows how his immune system is being broken down and for others much worse, death and injuries.  In this matter and including the anti-Brexit project fear, there has been no free speech or honesty. Eric Clapton is against the apartheid the corona brings   as is singer songwriter Van Morrison who has been outspoken and Morrisey (formerly of the Smiths and Salford lads club who has recently lost his Mother) who has also denounced the whole plandemic. Eric Clapton and Van Morrison released a song called "stand and deliver" and details are here   (or here on youtube in full) and Morrissey's new album is here "Bonfire of Teenagers"   and his opinion on the plandemic   

Britain with Brexit has led the way into a new paradigm. Brexit was also inspired by Norway's membership of the EU which has a minimal requirement of membership (and which its female Prime Minister warned the EU are always trying to increase) and which may change also in a Nexit. The realisation that a Norway type membership existed and that you could leave completely was a strong motivation for Brexit many years ago and / or to leave completely.  Norway has a $1.4 Trillion rainy day fund gleaned from its Oil and Gas production (12 Million Norwegian Krona)  for its people and many benefits were thought through many decades ago. This is independence and Norway was also instrumental in the creation of Israel. Israel has also had enough of its restrictions and people are demonstrating  increasingly. (in the possible post US global hegemony and WW3) Every EU nation can opt for increased freedom since Norway's type of membership and since Brexit from 23.06.2016. The current deal does not go far enough, hence many say is it worth keeping the existing EU trade deal ?


The Old system ? and the many touted new alternatives are failing people daily ?

Eric Clapton solo Guitar    


The 'Sometime World' as envisioned by some from early 2020 is defunct

Wishbone Ash, and it can be changed )



 For all the surrounding issues on the White Horse at Uffington and 'extinction' rebellion

(who rebel by extinction)

see the end of chapter 3a and 3b and connected below




For more music see the Brexit celebrations above 13.01.2021 (this post added 28.08.2021) 







Michel Barnier running for French President now champions FREXIT (i.e. France leaving the EU) and Sovereignty after stating it would not work for Brexit ? 

The implications of Aukus & the New World Order as Brexit accelerates. 



Albions Brexit fight continues

The Good News of Brexit continues (but see last post above dated 28.08.2021) with trade and manufacturing rising once despite the Remainers long campaign of mis-inforamtion. The City of London is leading the way in the tech industry beating EU rivals removing yet another claim of remainers regarding Brexit. As mentioned in the last post above dated 28.08.2021 many are asking why they need to keep the  current EU / Brexit deal as even WTO can lead to Zero tariffs and with or without the WTO. Britain signals it will return solely to the imperial measuring system ? in shops and in general with pounds and ounces scrapping the EU kilograms and the metric system  

And as the C ovid protest rise globally (see also The Strong Delusion & the Great Reset Documentary introduction (2 Thessalonians 2, 11)) which highlights Bill Gates and the WHO role in the pandemic. Bill Gates is also hiding his relationship with disgraced Jeffrey Epstein. Having first denied any relationship with Epstein in 2019, later in 2021 he now admits his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein was a huge mistake. The cover up of trafficking, phedofilia and child abuse has been well served by the plandemic. See Chapter 6 below for wider details . These evil professions also involve the Vatican (as mentioned many times in the paragraphs above in chapter 3b and chapter 3a but see ( An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”  (which shows the high level aim to create refugees for profit ? or here also on Bitchute  Vatican & UN Refugee Program Exposed Syria, Ukraine, Mexico and others for $Billions) As Obama and now Biden bombed over 7 countries with over 20,000 bombs creating refugees the Vatican (which was bankrupt) took $60,000 to $80,000 or more for each refugee and in Syria when Assad bombed his  own people the arrangement continued there also directly via Pope Francis and the Vatican arranged privately with Syria. This became the UN migration compact (240 MILLION to begin with) in part. Mass immigration for profit is continuing into Britain and the EU  ..why ? because it is big business that's why and it continued throughout the lockdowns ? (and could be extended to all 7 billion on the planet see chapter 6 below and at the end also)

During the ongoing plandemic the Pope Said it was morally acceptable for Roman Catholics (or anyone) to accept baby DNA in the actual mRNA Injections experimental gene therapy rna / dna changing injections) called vaccinations ? (they contain other poisons also) Yet the Vatican is pro - life ? It now requires a green pass and vaccination to enter the Vatican City under the new digital dictatorship ? in which even Jesus despite being God and curing lepers and the insane would have taken the vaccine. In the USA the RED ROSE court case concerning anti - abortion activists won their case from 2020 as their arrest was deemed contrary to Sovereign (natural law) Law for the born or unborn. Natural law is considered to come from God, nature or from Reason but Sovereign inalienable rights are older.

Australia. The whole show was exposed by Dr Christian Perronne of the European Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation at the World Health Organization (vice-chairman) who is saying the vaccinated should be isolated as they endanger the unvaccinated see "Unvaccinated People Are Not Dangerous; Vaccinated People Are Dangerous" Dr. Christian Perronne whilst Nurse Cassandra Dunn warns that the Nasal Swabs are carcinogenic and damage your health, and can sterilize you. Hundreds of thousands have now been killed and millions have been injured by the experimental injections, even admitted by the FDA food and drug administration  (and see here for Dr Perronne in the Gateway Pundit) They contain Ethylene Oxide. Japan withdraws its Moderna (modify rna) injections in millions as Graphene Oxide is within them and Brazil suspends China's sinovac vaccine. Australia increasingly looks like an old episode of "Prisoner of Cell block H" its Public Health Minister Dr Kerry Chant. Kerry is seen here warning prisoners not to talk to each other  but HUGE! The Massive Uprising In Australia Is Finally Happening! ) She says she is looking at Contact tracing within the New world Order    (Max Igan explains the wider Australian mood

In Canada Justin Truedau's Canada is shown for what it is Trudeau Keeps Having To Cancel, Vaccine Passports Announced and Protests Start  and recent protests in Canada Montreal Canada Protests - August 14, 2021 - Raw Footage and other protests around the world (facebook) "Protests Break Out Across The Globe Over Vaccine Passports, COVID Restrictions"  Now we are led to believe that Canadians actually voted for Truedeau and the election was not rigged ? 
Romania similar protests are underway in Romania 

'Bio - identity' and cybernetics linked with crypto currency or the  digital  dollar via blockchain. A deeper analysis of the global contact tracing system in four parts by Coreys Digs reveals what she may be trying to communicate r.e the new proposed digital Dystopia see "The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 4: BLOCKCHAINED"   parts 1 2 and 3 are also referenced within the article at the beginning and the end and it covers subjects such as "QR Code is About Your DATA, Your DNA, and Your BODY Jim Jordan asks why do the vaccinated need protection from the unvaccinated if the vaccine protects? (who do the double jabbed still wear masks ?) 

Bio - Warfare weapons, (over 300 globally ) and labs in the real pandemic war. The USA operates bio - warfare labs globally see "U.S. operates over 200 military biological laboratories worldwide"  China also has bio-warfare ambitions with bio warfare weapons and labs   Russia's bio - warfare program begin in the 1920's, and was boosted under Stalin's direction, and Stalin as accused of employing bio-warfare "Rabbit fever" during the battle of Stalingrad.  Details of the Russian program was given by defector Colonel Kanatjan Alibekov. His interview from 1999. The bioweapons program was also to be in foods, soil and in the air. A trilateral bio-logical weapons agreement was reached in 1972 between the USA, Russia and the UK. Today illnesses such as Havana Syndrome caused by the wrong microwave hertz as a weapon are employed against weapon treaties. Directed Energy Weapons(DEW ) are no longer conspiracy theories. Schools have closed due to the wrong WIFI signals, people become ill in offices due to WIFI. They are unlawful and a form of terrorism The recent US court case r.e. on 5G ‘Historic Win’ by Children's Health Defense in Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless  shows that the 60 ghz affects people's Oxygen supply just as the m RNA gene therapy at least causes severe blood clots and death. Weapons against the west come in many shapes and sizes.  Projects combining DNA of humans and animals with virus such as the Chimera project are documented or see here also again See also Next Generation Bio-Weapons  In 1999 and from Canada Ebola was smuggled into the USA by operatives who work with Dr Tedros (who is not a Doctor) and members of the UN World Health Organisation (who support Agenda 21 - 30 and global depopulation) see Vials & Thugs & Spies, Oh My!  (r.e Konan Michel Yao also known as Michel Yao)

See also Dr Sam Bailey & Dr M McDowell 'mRNA injection changes your RNA / DNA' & the Covid Genome deception  and they are coming for your children to sterilise and reduce procreation and maim and kill with "mandates" which are not LAWFUL as the government in Croatia now admits  Measles for instance does not need a "vaccination" but the fake Biden admin makes more money for the big pharma companies. Vitamin A and C, Rest, Garlic and lots of fluid.   Dr Jane Ruby explains how the mRNA gene therapy injection will hurt or even kill children 

Following the Popes unconcern for vaccinating people with aborted fetal tissue / dna, Archbishop Carlo Vigano contradicted the Pope see 

"We Are At War, A War That Is Not Openly Declared" Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò



France, Brexit, 'Michelle Barnier for a Sovereign free Europe' and Aukus

As mentioned in  the title Michelle Barnier the EU negotiator (against Brexit ) and after bashing Albion for nearly 4 years advising Britons to stay away from Brexit as it is a bad idea ? advising on the terrors of a 'no deal Brexit'   and was unable to know why Britain had chosen such a path and what would be the benefits of Brexit  etc  is now advocating FREXIT for the French for Sovereignty as he tries to split the vote from other parties as he run for French President These are good projects as very nation should be Sovereign yet he opposed Sovereignty in Brexit ?. how ironic   

France has been sidelined in its membership of Aukus which is a trilateral partnership on security between Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, post Brexit into 2022 Many suggest that Aukus is a disaster for the EU, yet the real reason for Aukus is not as apparent (China OBOR and its military expansion exporting its dystopian social credit cashless system which the NWO want all nations to accept) in the MSM or see here for further details. Despite the acrimony all incidung France are still opposing China (France not as sure) and are looking at alternatives to OBOR (one belt one road) Nancy Pelosi has currently replaced Michel Barnier as the EU chief negotiator for Brexit Barnier also wants to remove the EU court of Human Rights which has not protected Europeans or Britain from medical tyranny in the EU legal fiction corporation, but a new Sovereign LAWFUL court would. Pelosi was of course suspected of liaising with the Russians and some Chinese characters with Biden and Mitch McConnell, in the 2015 - 2021 period of US politics leaving herself exposed in meetings with them prior to 2016 see the adjacent website Chapter 5 and scroll down to North Korea. Also  opposing Trump's efforts to create USMCA instead of NAFTA. Pelosi seems to be assuming the role of EU negotiator and US President in the fictitious Trump / Biden double act in which 1 year after the US elections they still have not found a lawful President ? a country does not need a trade deal to produce and trade. In the Northern Ireland Biden has been told he is not the decision maker on Brexit  in Ulster with Sinn Fein saying they are the most popular party in Ireland if elections were held this week, in the continuing calls for a border poll (as opposed to an all Ireland vote) 

Biden as in the Ukraine seems to have an oil pipeline deal with Afghanistan and payment to the Taliban is in weapons and military equipment (see last post above dated 28.08.2021) In the new peace paradigm, the UAE has urged the world not to boycott the Taliban, (who were trained at guantanamo bay see last post above dated 28.08.2021) but the land for peace paradigm seems to oppose Torah ? and many around the world believe it will not last, as funding for Israel's Iron Dome was removed by Democrats in the hegelian war in the middle east. Wars are not fought to be won but only sustained, and the policy is called 'No Win Wars'.The Ukraine has remained wary of NATO and the EU. China also benefits from the Afghanistan deal (see last post above dated 23.08.2021)  Will Biden ask Russia to help the  US war against China ? see "Biden the world policeman is back with AUKUS!"


Old and US New Marshall plan. In the background to this is the new Marshall plan for climate change which has also been championed by Prince Charles. but corruption, and a lack of localism prevents the public benefitting nationally. Everyone wants organic produce. clean water and clean soil and skies and prosperity, and forests which are not needle pine crops but varied hardwood types and food and nut producing trees and species protection ( but "everything in moderation" does not apply to limiting the human population, which like stewardship is also found in the bible, and the "climate stewards" know only those verses pertaining to stewardship and miss the populating the  earth verses and debt cancellation without conditions) Yet China and Russia and the EU (and the  USA and everywhere)  want more natural gas and fossil fuels ?, as Biden shuts down US oil pipelines but allows with flimsysanctions on Russian pipelines ? in a new deal for Russia ? as Nord Stream 2 partners with Royal Dutch Shell. NATO opposed the pipeline and Russia. fearing  it could be attacked by Al Qaeda or the Taliban. The environment is not a concern, but  cheap energy is for everyone else, with the background being the US Federal Reserve bank becoming the Global bank as lender and buyer of the world. This is the collectivist communist plan for the WEF World Economic Forum "you will own nothing and be happy", see here on collectivism and see last post above dated 28.08.2021 ) 

US Internal Revenue service and the 'US Infrastructure Bill & Cryptocurrency regulation' The last paragraph above quoting the WEF quote (the Great Rest) " you will own nothing and be happy" the fake US administration is now empowering the IRS (Inland Revenue Service) to lower banking transactions to $600 to inspect when it used to be $10,000 in order to raise $80 billion. This is the "United States: The U.S. Infrastructure Bill And Cryptocurrency RegulationYet looking at  the last post above dated 28.08.2021, the $3.5 Trillion banking print off from nothing or out of thin air by the Federal Reserve Bank (raising the national debt to $29 Trillion) means they could just print off the $80 billion ? So removing privacy is the aim in cash / notes or crypto or digital dollar. The ECB (and USA Federal RESERVE  move to Digital Euro  to prepare for no cash and UBI Universal Basic Income with "conditions'' (but every nation has the right to issue its own notes and cash for its people) The US Federal Reserve also to issue digital money as will every Central bank. This is simply for the UN Agenda 20 - 30 and not for a stable economy  or the social credit system disguised as UBI as Universal basic income. To understand how the US Federal Reserve wants to remove all secondary banks in the highstreet see "Dangerous New Proposal To Change Banking As We Know It"

Jeff Taylor & Nigel Farage & the US / UK trade deal. Jeff Taylor gives the following warning "Food will run out in days"  as a longer term warning on the global economy also in "climate change" (and Nigel Farage gives his  opinion on Arkus and Brexit in GB News "Nigel Farage: AUKUS deal would not have happened had it not been for Brexit" ) Britain had hoped for a US only bi-lateral trade deal but as mentioned above Pelosi and Biden oppose this inSpirit, but Trumps USMCA (which the democrats also opposed) with Canada and Mexico instead of THE UN's NAFTA, is a possibility for a deal (if a deal is required at all)  Britain has also a CANZUK trade deal with Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK which with ARKUS means US trade could occur without a deal as trade and trade deals are not the same thing. Producers and Growers can now cut out the middleman and trade and merchant as one unit without a governmental deal. People are waking up to this every day.

Russia is preparing to supply it to the EU (the original US Marshall plan for Europe mentioned in the pdf  entitled  EU Rome, London Israel in the adjacent website sonas chapter 1  and see also see the adjacent website ( end of chapter 3) and/or click on this link next below
‘15th.April.2019 The Fuel taxes and carbon credits scam & Climate change & Science questioned & the carbon Electronic trading Schemes (ETS)’ and also in chapter 3a above ‘Optimal Currency Theory  & Crypto Currencies & Prosperity as opposed to Social Credit aka Basic Income’  Discussing also the Euro - System of money distribution and the carbon credit frauds of 1999 - 2015. In the US and Europe climate change has been utilized as a land grab project instead of localism producing local energy and foods. Growers or producers or manufacturers no longer have to rely on any trade deal as they can can become producer and merchant in one cutting out the middle- man for (first) national produce and exporting the excess.   

France has been in a state of civil war (see posts above with the  army openly rebelling )over the policies of Emmanuel Macron as protests continue for months in nearly every French town. see also "Why France Protests Against 'Health Pass' Are Growing Despite The Surge In Covid Cases"  "Cases" are defined by the dangerous PCR tests see "The PCR Hustle" by Dr Sam BaileyThey are not infections. France suspends 3000 health workers for not being vaccinated ? (or see here also) Yet all around the world people are beginning to suspend the system (the corrupt state) from their lives to build something better. 

Brexit has inspired countries.....

to move away from the centralised system of control the EU has become (and why Labour have been a disaster in the UK and who have so far abandoned the working class) and which  has been instrumental in achieving a draconian dystopian society which has also eroded rights and freedoms over 20 months. It ultimately wants to remove all rights and your Sovereign rights and Michel Barnier needs to learn what Sovereign rights really are see "The Sovereignty of Nations" website which will also detail how the 20th century (ongoing) moved to cause the biggest loss of life in human history from World WAR 1 and 2 and all connected wars globally since. When people are asked which side they were on and there is nothing wrong with national patriotism and heroics, most still have no conception of what the war is. An interesting discussion is given by Daughter of Albion in Armistice Day from 11.11.2020 and which  is shared by many nations in the West. Many are beginning to suspect (like Launcelot du Lac in the 'Chapel perilous')  the War(s) from WWI have a Spiritual side (also Jerusalem as the inevitable global capital for the tribes of Judah and Joseph) which has been hidden to the masses who had better learn what it means. 

Any country or politician in the EU can now begin to leave the EO or vote to leave the EU or any large trading block (or force its way out as "voting" has been hijacked) and reclaim its Sovereignty, force its government to cancel its debts or leave (keep cash) make its own trade deals, and be free of the oppressive, fatigued, collectivist and unbalanced Global system. 

Freedom ! (this post added 23.09.2021)






Energies of the future. Real Water. Brexit and the Two Nations (Christopher Hollis) Kincora, 
Jimmy Savile a new BBC documentary / film & IISCA the VIP child abuse investigation. The Pandora papers. 
The Irish abortion depopulation referendum documentary 

Peter Jackson (Lord of the Rings) World War 1 and the NWO 
(Scots, Danaans, Saxons, Albion, Alba and Hibernia.'Scythians')


Britain begins its opening trade talks valued at around £9 Trillion in the Trans Pacific trade pact  for total Global trade via the City, but which of course could occur on individual unilateral trade deals (see last post above) with China emerging in the pacific but against 'Aukus' see last post above and who are also seeking to dominate the new (or old) as China ramps up upon Taiwan on land and on sea and also in the air

SDR special drawing rights in either Bitcoin or Digital central bank currency form. These ongoing brexit deals further negating the necessity for the current EU - Brexit deal as is. China would also be further sidelined via Aukus.The SDR or Bancor was proposed first after World WAR 2 from within the BIS or Bank of International Settlements in Switzerland which controls all central banks although the Federal Reserve bank in the USA was the first and remains the most powerful currently issuing debt and buying the same debt washing or recycling the petro - dollar and becoming the owner of everything on earth. (See also the 'Marshall Plan' in the last  post above dated 23.09.2021)  The buyer and lender of last resort. Countries who wish to dominate the new digital currency are China, Japan, EU, UK and the USA (see all posts above) The currency a part of Agenda 21 - 30 will include a new form of backing to its value, namely your value in also energy, dna and data (as opposed to Karl Marx's value of time and your labour or Adam Smith's analysis of wages and output) This is a part of the "4th industrial revolution" in which you will own nothing and be happy. (communitarianism) although the rich will 'own' (they believe, but they are also going to 'change') as Amazon announces its "cashless" microchip scannable stores to go with the digital or bitcoin revolution. Cashless stores have been issuing paper receipts for over a year ? but of course they ban paper cash and coins, but keep plastic cards which are also able to carry flu. Keep cash and notes and get rid of the cult as "Build Back Better" a supposed bulwark against China's Obor (one belt one road) is in fact a merger towards currency control see Jeff Taylor "Build Back Better! For Who?!"  (or added here as an MP 4 FILE also) and your "carbon limit" as energy output from you in the Bank of England, EU central bank and US Federal Reserve digital or bitcoin currency

Greater Israel (from the Euphrates to the Nile as represented by the blue stripes on the flag of Israel)is a real project as is 'Tikkun olam' or remaking or renewing the earth (Hebrew: תיקון עולם  and it is for Joseph as well as Judah and you need to research what this means) As we have ascertained in the previous posts above proponents of this project quote the bible when it comes to stewardship of the earth, but do not quote any of the other books, verses or principles within it ? (but see chapter 5 below for other verses) Britain for instance has just gone through a mini energy crisis although in the background it has joined with Norway in a renewable energy cable able to produce 1400 MW (megawatts) of energy, but under stakeholder capitalism in the 4th industrial revolution with that energy facility be nationalised for the 'people'. (repeated from posts above) Norway has a oil boom rainy day fund for the people.  Norway has a $1.4 Trillion rainy day fund gleaned from its Oil and Gas production (12 Million Norwegian Krona)  for its people and many benefits were thought through many decades ago. This is independence and Norway was also instrumental in the creation of Israel. Further there are (known for sure since 2015 and even earlier) 100 Billion barrels of oil beneath the ground in Britain which could be pumped up by "the people" in small business or co-operatives to sell for themselves. Surely this would have alleviated the  recent fuel crisis ? In world war 2 small pumps were constructed (by the US army stationed in Britain, the last  link shows one still in view in Sherwood Forest) to pump up oil from the ground in Britain. It's easy, have go, and it is expedient to consider asap see "Homes may have gas cut off if they refuse to take part in hydrogen trial"  (and which is occuring in every country on earth)

Fears that Russia will use its new energy presence in Europe (via the Nord stream 2 oil pipeline see last post above dated 23.09.2021 ) to raise prices, but as yet that has not transpired, but in the past Russia's energy dominance was used to siege on Europe bringing hardships and economic warfare. They did not raise prices but lowered them to expand market share and then simply cut off the energy or threatened to do so as needs be Nato has expelled 8 Russians for spying in the last few days. Russia remains a threat and is still Homophobic using homophobia as a form of psychological warfare.  However many suggest it is an effort to simply build up the population of Russia as new studies show the world is underpopulated and requires populators and breeders (Russia's debt to GDP is only 13% compared to 120 % of some western nations) See also the adjacent website and chapter 5 on North Korea Where communists and socialists still support closed borders and populating Lenin and Fidel Castro took power with guns (Lenin took power with guns and then had an election which he lost and then retook power with guns in the red terror ) so why is Biden removing guns ? 


The Rockefeller Rothschild competition on global energy 


Has Britain just had a fuel crisis, Britain has / had a fuel crisis ? (and as mentioned above  100 Billion barrels of oil beneath the ground in Britain) if so why ? Who is developing local energy in localism ?

Israel has also developed a Water based Fuel system, but 3 Israelis based in Florida under Mayman LLC  developed a car runs on water and alcohol   and has worked very well on water and alcohol since 2016   say Australian-Israeli startup Electriq-Global  In the 1990s Stanley Meyer also developed a similar technology Stanley Meyer water car runs for the first time. Water Car GENIUS   & also a mini documentary  "Stanley Meyer - 1995 It runs on water - Water car GENIUS"   However can it be patented ? as any old Volkswagen beetle also ran on water and Alcohol decades ago and it is something you can do in your own shed or garage.Chip fat or vegetable Oil Chip fat oil from retail outlets also works believe it or not, on any engine size or make even a Mercedes   and into Diesel also Volkswagons were famous for running on water and alcohol and they could also "swim" (as Germany made a reinforced car that could swim) and it is easy to do today    Nigel Farage via Freedom and Fortune blog and investment strategy has also promoted an idea (hinted at) from Boris Johnson (and notwithstanding the Billions in oil in inland Britain see posts above) that this Water fuel could be up and running fairly soon see "Bigger than North Sea Oil"  (and Oil and Gas will still be produced ) Oil, it is not a "fossil fuel"   last link here as MP 4 File also "The Fossil Fuel "Hoax" - Flat Earth"  or article here on this subject   "Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We're Not Running Out"  or article here on this subject  See also and once more  "Why We'll Never Run Out Of Oil"  it is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid on earth after water.

Incredibly Henry Ford not only had water based fuel cars but he also built many out of Hemp ( Chassis) but also  ran on Hemp Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, or alcohol) or in other words "MoonShine" "Moonshine and Bluegrass. Appalachian mountain whisky and music"   No need for Oil companies (Saudi or Iran) for domestic consumption, Electric car companies or Carbon Credits or crypto currencies, no need to import fuel  or pay Carbon credits No need for (so called) Green parties.Oil is not a fossil fuel, it is plant based, It is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid after water on earth and the price should be $5 to $10 dollar a barrel. Scarcity is a fake concept to higher prices and in war or global shutdowns scarcity pushes prices upwards. Big Oil if the price of oil falls too low invest in the carbon credit scam to offset low prices (before the carbon credit criminal frauds see the adjacent website in chapter 3) Or see here again once more Currently the Carbon Credit scam is foisted onto national governments who pass the cost on to everyone in the country, directly onto their energy bills. Not Electric as it is expensive and mining Lithium destroys the environment. Lithium is used in mobile smart phones and data centre. Instead also domestic producers could switch to other alternatives and even sell their excess energy back into the energy grid. Green parties (conning the public) are not Green and largely work for big energy and many outwardly want to deindustrialize the west into communism.Nigel Farage via Freedom and Fortune blog and investment strategy has also promoted an idea (hinted at) from Boris Johnson (and notwithstanding the Billions in oil in inland Britain see posts above) that this Water fuel could be up and running fairly soon see (as mentioned in the last paragraph above )  "Bigger than North Sea Oil"  'Tikkun Olam' cannot be made by communism, in fact just the opposite occurs.

Oil could go up to $15 or $20 dollars a barrel (between $5 and $20 see paragraph above) for distribution costs, as most countries do not have to import. They do have natural gas, or oil, or methane or even peat and coal. Every person can fuel their own home, and should be allowed to export the excess and be paid for it, without being tied to any smart grid. it's a myth that the non "fossil" fuel industry has to build new infrastructure to supply the renewables as of course people can build this themselves, decentralized and owned by the people. Energy suppliers are competitors not monopolies or should be. Heavy industry and big oil will still sell more at a lower price and increase jobs in that way also, and heavy industry requires a powerful fuel, domestic does not. This type of madness has to go "California Bans Small Off-Road Gas Engines, Including Lawnmowers and Chainsaws"    as people's right to energy is a Sovereign right in the coming "energy lockdowns"

This is why some suspect Spock (THE COMING ICE AGE (1977) LEONARD NIMOY (SPOCK) WARNS OF THE ENCROACHING ICE see post above dated 08.08.2021) and later advocates of global warming / cooling are not sure which one it is ? Most of the world believes only in Global middling, not too hot or cold just in the middle somewhere ? notwithstanding the seasonal changes of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter as Peter Sellers in "being there" clarifies.

The UK government has announced that there will be no more "No more uncontrolled immigration: PM says Britain in period of adjustment"  In the last post above dated 23.09.2021 the long running saga of migration or illegal trafficking and slavery was exposed as a modern slavery system, and which is a underlying symptom of central banking and OCT or Optimal Currency Theory (see under "Old and New Marshall plan" in last post above ) Many state this is a part of the plan known as the 'Kalargi plan' also known as the 'Coudenhove-Kalergi' plan However viewing a map of the worlds central banks (who favour OCT or Optimal Currency Theory which is simply devaluing currency worth, negating small business profits making wages out of value with prices, forcing down wages in real terms which requires a constant stream of new employees in any and every nation on earth), you will see that central banking in is every nation and here is the wikipedia central bank list Note they are on every continent, South America, Africa, Eurasia, Asia, USA & Canada and Europe, not just in Europe and this new form of slavery (exploited by traffickers ) targets everyone on earth in one idea or view of the world as nations watch. Depopulation in agenda 21 - 30 wants to change every continent, South America, Africa, Eurasia & Asia and all Arab nations. There were some unusual aspects of the US withdrawal from Afghanistan amidst people and troops also being killed and concerning the Afghan jet and the desperate crowds as it flew away see the following MP4 File "Let me tell you about Afghan Jet Engine Safety"

Big Oil (and the world needs energy) eventually saw Natural Medicines as a competitor (despite the fact that Big Oil men were raised on organic local foods as food or medicine) to its early snake oil products. See How Big Oil Conquered The World  (or here ) and then alsWhy Big Oil Conquered The World  (or hereMUST SEE: How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health The carbon con is not about energy but control via smart cities and herding the worlds population into them for depopulation


Panama, Pandora, Paradise, Bahamas, Distributed denial of Secrets and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - ICIJ 

More papers are released in the Pandora papers  Previous releashed papers known as the Panama papers were released in 2016 naming Mossack Fonseca, and in which Daphene Caruana a connected journalist was killed  Other papers are the Paradise papers also in 2016  Collectively they relate to offshore banking More revelations of the Bahamas leaks covering decades are also connected and see also the Distributed Denial of Secrets   ( International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - ICIJ ) Ireland The Pandora papers are connected to Ireland, which has issued an  urgent review of its 12.5 % double Irish tax offer to corporations. (the double Irish tax rate is explained here amidst corporations wanting to remain 0% tax and moving to areas that allow this) and corporations with a distinctively communist / communitarian philosophy want to commit to "you will own nothing and be happy" in the great reset, 4th industrial revolution technocracy

Hillary Clinton's lawyer has been indicted by the FBI, Michael Sussmann, a former partner with Perkins Coie has been indicted  as part of U.S. Special Counsel John Durham's probe into the origins of the FBI Russia investigation. Kevin Clinesmith Further to the Clinton Russia investigation Kevin Clinesmith is accused of altering a government email about a former Trump campaign adviser who was a target of secret FBI surveillance, according to documents filed in Washington’s federal court. His lawyer, Justin Shur, told the Associated Press that Clinesmith intends to plead guilty to the single false statement count and that he regrets his actions. Recounted audits in the USA elections reveal that many states were indeed fraudulently assessed and awarded in the US election 2020

What do these papers revealed really say ? They say that the working class has a right to zero tax, higher wages and free utilities without asking permissions of the illegitimate state running nations globally. They are also say slavery (still alive and well) and trafficking and of children will not be tolerated, large fortunes of traffickers have been exposed but it just the tip of the iceberg (see also chapter 6 below) 


The EUDRA Vaers figures for September 2021 of those injured or killed by the all injections & the experimental mRNA injections

Are as follows in this JPG imgae to click here  (the 25,000 deaths and 2.5 million injuries represent only around 10% of those reported ) Note that illegal trafficking and slavery continued throughout the biggest event in world history as the Global lockdowns despite the 'health risks' and risks to the enviroinment in climate lockdowns ? This is also occurring on every continent in every nation without discrimiation against any tribe e.g. CHERBOURG, QUEENSLAND A well-known leader in Australia’s aboriginal community Bevan Costello, an indigenous elder has died 6 days after receiving his 2nd Pfizer COVID-1 9 vaccine and even admitted by the BBC in another case, who state this New Zealand woman was killed by the 'vaccine' as people are finding that they are required to have 3rd or 4th injection with boosters and they still catch "covid" and is now admitted it changes your DNA/RNA (see last posts  above) The majority of deaths are after the 2nd injection  and it is estimated that ( official figures)  84,000 people have died in Canada  with also  16 million injuries with vaers instructions in the vid)  Incredibly having informed the world that the virus began from inside a bat cave and a bat in 2019/ 2020, no animals have been vaccinated or quarantined globally since then ? 

The US Vaers figures are here and they are extraordinary (up to 3.9.2021) Studies contained in the following video confirm the vaxx injuries and deaths MORE Vax RECALLS! - Deaths & Sickness SKYROCKET As Vaccines Are EXPOSED!  It is now accepted that the m RNA injections remove your immune system ability to function and the injections change your  DNA / RNA , further you  can do this at home with 'Gene therapy' editing kits (but which are dangerous i.e CRISPR) using CRISPR which is the technology of the m RNA injections   Dr Carrie MadeJ explains what this means for you internally with the covid shots and DNA and also the ingredients and as envisioned by Big Pharma, AI, cybernetic engineers, high level surveillance, and transhumanists and which $Billions are invested in the largest experiment in history. 'Shedding' is in essence "transfection" and how this will connect to crypto currency or digital dollars in the future (but very soon) and your energy output will be your currency.Today we are told that those who are vaccinated are a danger to the unvaccinated, but also ? that the vaccinated, who are vaccinated against covid are in danger from the unvaccinated despite being vaccinated ?

Regulation  for the 4th industrial revolution "The Great Reset" 11.06.2019 & Gene Editing The timeline of Brexit since 23.06.2016 has (with surrounding details above in this chapter & Chapter 3 and 3A ) been arduous and a meme lists the  dates here with the most notable being 23.06.2016, 29.05.2017, 31.01.2020 & 01.01.2021. One date on the timeline which is missing is the (UK.GOV)  Regulation for the  Fourth Industrial Revolution from 11th June 2019 under Teresa May in her previous months (who resigned on 7.6.2019, and Boris Johnson won the election by 13.12.2019) Amongst other items it seeks "The Fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics" Gene editing ? as  a 4th industrial revolution, not just a dubious medical experiment ?Obama prepared the plandemic Executive order 13747 4.11.2016  as either the worlds greatest hoax or the  greatest mass murder operation from a man made virus in world history. " The document, originally unearthed in March by Politico, is a 69-page National Security Council guidebook developed in 2016 with the goal of assisting leaders “in coordinating a complex U.S. Government response to a high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world.”  Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. and Event 201 was known to Trump and Biden.


Further in Israel 

they are required now to have four vaccines ? 

Israels protests continue Protests against vaccinations and green pass discrimination has continued in israel since 2020.(this clip from August 2020 shows the size of the protests then)  The International Monetary fund has stated that Vaccine policy will be policy this year and the next and following as testimonies of the dead and injured in Israel emerge  and confirmed on Israel's MSM & its KANN news  as Israel's Yuval Noah Harari  explains (at around 1 min 45 seconds in)  where he thinks this is all going for Humans ? not really envisioned since Woody Allen's 1973 film Sleepers (and to repeat  Amazon announces its "cashless" microchip scannable stores to go with the digital or bitcoin revolution )

Israel's official statistics on vaccine deaths and injuries are now challenged  see How Israeli Ministry of Health, deleted thousands of testimonies | Avi Barak Media


In Australia  Gladys Berejiklian resigns The premier of Australia's biggest state economy New South Wales (NSW), Gladys Berejiklian, resigned on Friday after a corruption watchdog said it was investigating whether she was involved in conduct that "constituted or involved a breach of public trust". Essentially she was also selling passports to Chinese nationals illegally (and who were not "locked down") but since Aukus this has become politically unacceptable. Big pharma used the scandal to keep her towing the line  Climate lockdowns (with ever increasing new strains of 'covid') however are coming and will be worse than 2020/2021 and they will require advanced technology and your personal energy output will become currency.

Irish Doctors and Hospitals Irish Doctors And Hospitals Are Bought And Paid For By Criminal Big Pharma     (but not all are bought yet many are forced to de-register as Doctors and hospital staff are forced to resign for not complying with the 4th industrial revolution, Great Reset e.g. Dr Pat Morrisey who was forced to deregister  see 3. Hydroxychloroquine and the MSM and Masks do not Work (Dr Pat Morrissey  and see also  Vaccinate and then Microchip the Irish (and other nations) like dogs under Covid

Amazing Polly shows (in her blog and research  Pfizer's Inside Man ) how this contempt for human beings continues as Doctors and medical engage in human experimentation (legally but not lawfully) under the guise of Covid, where big pharma have taken control of Doctors and Hospitals and Universities and they (Big Pharma) are now under military control. Many health services have simply been co-opted as under military command.The New World Order marches on.As Russia suddenly announces that over  900 people have died from Covid  in one day (this week 4 - 8. 10 .2021 )


Water (should be full of minerals and health)

In Britain Sajid Javid, the health secretary, is understood to be keen to press ahead with adding fluoride to the water supply. Already from 23.09.2021 a petition against the measures has been introduced   to parliament. Javid was initially appointed by Teresa May as home secretary and assisted May in the disgraced withdrawal deal she intended to make but which was rejected 3 times by Parliament before she resigned. It was revealed that Teresa May tried to buy votes to support the Withdrawal Act with EU assistance‘Theresa May’s shocking strategy of 'buying off' hard Brexiteers and Labour MPs exposed’  (or here in more detail on facebook and see further the above post dated 30.04.2019 and subheading ‘Phillip May and Brexit and Deutsche bank’ which revealed like many 'remainers' that she had a undeclared interest in making her withdrawal act treaty. On the 18.08.2019 (see chapter 3a above) a government leak (one of many) in the UK provided the chance to misinform the public on Brexit in the form of a report which saw its main public appearance in the Sunday tabloids on 18.08.2019.

Fluoride (Sodium Fluoride ) was also used as rat poison before it was a 'toothpaste'  aside from its use in pesticides globally  and to understand why it is banned in many countries ((Fluoride banned in the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany who all have great teeth and look healthy enough & more ban it than use it) see the link to chapter 3a and the heading "The Fluoride in Water debate" from 09.09.2019 by clicking on this link here which has a return link to this post. Sodium Fluoride comprises 1. Hydrofluorosilicic acid which is banned in Europe. It is harmful to the skin and contains warnings to avoid on eyes, skin, mouth and clothing. Its vapour is harmful see the following  2. Sodium Fluorosilicate (see the following for its Toxic status when packaged. The 'CN' stamp designation means it arrives from China) 3. Sodium Fluoride which is dangerous and lethal in high doses of 5 to 10 grams see the following. It is used extensively in toothpaste. Sodium Fluoride also contains higher levels (parts per billion) for Aluminium, Arsenic, Strontium, Lead, Uranium, and Tungsten Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (no 1 in the above) can corrode concrete ‘ which means it is damaging to your Kidneys. Kidneys filter toxins and minerals from the blood. Uranium depleted (but how long does its depletion take ?) will whiten your teeth but also kill you and it is added to Fluoride from countries like China as a waste by-product of the nuclear industry. Known as 'Uranium Hexafluoride' (UF6) or simply Hex. Incredibly some of the waste material is depleted uranium imported from China and considering the world has been on alert to a virus from Wahun in China ? how is it that this is getting through and is tipped into the  water supply ? Why are all homes not constructed with a rainwater harvesting system (filtered through natural limestones) within them ? Sajid Javid should resign

Water filters will not remove 'Fluoride' unless they are very expensive and designed especially for distilling and purifying

Water is a basic human right and it cannot be owned, it is plentiful supply or could be with wells and Isareli technology on processing salt water (which can go a lot further in purity yet)  into drinking water. Clean water = sanitation and health not vaccines.

MP4 Video The following MP 4 video, Sodium Fluoride and Chemicals in Water shows the whistleblowing from a water technician / engineer whose job it is to check water for chlorine, sodium fluoride, chloroform, arsenic and lead and Aluminium, Strontium, Uranium, and Tungsten Hydrofluorosilicic Acid as the other chemicals which are put in in water and which are not good for teeth (except to make them shiny) but actually corrode teeth providing more work for dentists. It is in 3 main time sequences they are1 ) at 15 mins 30 until 23 minutes 50 seconds  2) It begins again at 26 minutes, 32 seconds until 28 minutes and 30 seconds and then again at 3) 31 minutes 20 seconds until 34 minutes, 20 seconds   (see also 5 minutes to 7 minutes 45 seconds) Why are all homes not constructed with a rainwater harvesting system (filtered through natural limestones) within them ? A good documentary on the matter is (youtube ‘The Great Culling: Our Water’ or see here on Brighteon also )


IICSA (Independent Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse ) Jimmy Savile and the Kincora Scandal & the VIP child sex scandal

Back to Britain and Jimmy Savile is in the news again. The paedophile, necrophiliac murderer who was a senior part of children's television at the BBC. Along with Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Max Clifford and over 100 celebrities and employees in the entertainment industry ( and as a problem it is highlighted by Ricky Jervias at the Golden Globe awards  'Ricky Gervais – Golden Globes 2020 (Uncensored, HD)'   or here again also   'Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes 2020 - All of his bits chained'  or again once more on Bitchute  or full speech at the Golden Globes 2020)

Saville is in the news as Steve Coogan is to play Savile in a drama about the criminals life Coogan said of his upcoming role "star said the decision to portray Savile on screen was not one he “took lightly” but the series had “an intelligent script tackling sensitively an horrific story which – however harrowing – needs to be told”  and harrowing it is especially for the victims. Saville of course had links to the very top of the elites in Britain and around the world. To get an idea of how insidious this is Gloria Estefan has bravely stepped forward to tell of her harrowing experience. Teresa May suggested that a cover up may have taken place when the papers of evidence r.e. the  Westminster paedophile ring dossier ad 114 documents in them "went missing"    yet we are now learning that the Home Office had paedofiles within it who may have helped lose the documents. In fact the Home Office helped fund the P.I.E (paedophile information exchange)  and P.I.E actually had a counselling helpline within Westminster for paedofiles who could not control their protesting victims.  P.I. E existed openly and the background and origins are listed here from the IICSA investigation. The Labour party openly supported lowering the age of consent  to 12 or less & even 9 years of age as asked for by Peter Thatchell) and making pedolfilia an accepted part of society.We have already seen in the last post above how Bill Gates had links to Jeffrey Epstein (see post above dated 23.09.2021) yet we are supposed to trust him ( a non Doctor) on healthcare ?. Epstein has connections to Ghisane Maxwell (who opposed Princess Diana) and Savile.

The BBC's documentary / film about Savile is ironic, not just because Savile worked for them, but because he was hired into the BBC by the  Deputy Director-General of the BBC in the 1980s, Alan Protheroe, and much of the information on Savile was exposed in 2015 a British military intelligence officer, Captain Brian Gemmell (not long after Rolf Harris was jailed) Earlier revelations on connected events became public knowledge largely due to David Calcutt QC and Journalist Don Hale. The Hart report on Savile emerged and since has already been discredited. Prof Alexis Jay was / is head of the IISCA (Independent investigation into Child Sexual abuse)  She also led the Rotherham inquiry. Rotherham and the 10 other towns in the trafficking scandal, and in effect without a report it was / is institutional abuse allowed to flourish openly bringing young girls and boys into indentured prostitution for over a decade. Everyone knows the corruption was state sanctioned. Maggie Oliver who was part of the Rotherham grooming gangs witness / whistleblowers (a police officer ) has resigned from the force. The report r.e. IISCSA interviewed its last and final witness (the 648th) in 2020 and is expected to be fully  published in 2022. However many witnesses have not been called and the investigation  has been undermined from beginning to end, and it is what is left out that points to those responsible since the 1960's. Used as a form of warfare and as psychological operations (a psyop as the world has undergone in the last 18 months in the covid instance)  but ultimately to then be able to blackmail all sides compromised as a form of control to bring control. Jeffrey Epstein did the same, all his clients were compromised and then blackmailed and controlled for political economic ends.

IICSA a Tokenistic inquiry ? It has already been criticised by a QC for the victims Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC, has stated "You are not hearing from a single one of those who at a national level represent and work with victims and survivors," said Caoilfhionn Gallagher QC, (who has a child) speaking on behalf of victims. "Why are we hearing from one side and not the other?" "Why are we hearing from the institutions, why are we hearing from witness after witness, with corporate speak and assertions about how well they are doing in the fight against CSE without the ability to really probe and push back against them?"

Victims believe they are being silenced and the evidence is being skewed towards the institutions that failed to protect them from VIP sexual abuse (most of which  has been ignored) This was not a war but trafficking and pedofilia weaponsied by all sides.

Saville was also known to Lord Mountbatten who it is now claimed was a paedophile. Chris Moore in his book "Kincora" connects Mountbatten to the Kincora boys home in Belfast. Here Richard Kerr, survivor of the home describes his recollections.  "Kincora VIP Paedophile Ring Victim, Richrad Kerr speaks out - Channel 4 News "   (other survivors include Clint Massey and Ricahrd Hey) Prime Minister Ted Heath also visited Kincora and of course Heath took Britain into the EU. Victims of Kincora were also taken to Birr Castle in Offaly, Ireland, a place was visited by Sir Patrick Moore on account of the castle's giant telescope and  its telecommunications Irish low-frequency array I-LOFAR radio telescope. The Mountbattens are related to the owners of Birr castle, and the 1st Earl of Rosse (the owners after Ely OCarroll)  was also the founding member of the Hell Fire Club.  Victims of these matters and others connected to them want justice. The families who are scattered around the word want justice. Peadofilia should be a crime punishably by death, not just life in prison, even for abetting these crimes. Restitution in terms of all possessions and wealth should also accompany these crimes. Savile was also connected to Guy Burgess and Anthony  Blunt who defected to Soviet Russia.(The Cambrige Five affair)  An investigation relating to IICSA (Independent Investigation into Child Sexual Abuse ) was conducted by the Chief Constable of Wiltshire Michael Veale (supported by MP for Leciestershire Andrew Bridgen) relating to Ted Heath but now he (Veale) is facing an investigation into his report (Aug 2021)  He resigned in 2019  

In 2019 "Alliance MEP Naomi Long calls for papers to be available on ‘systematic abuse’ at house"  & called for "Sealed files on Kincora Boys’ Home ‘must be released’ 

An open public inquiry is called for under Common Law (or Sovereign law) without covid distractions or excuses and many feel that the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" scenario has been to distract from the huge revelations and scandals in trafficking and paedophile globally, and this week revelations from France reveal  "Some 216,000 children - mostly boys - have been sexually abused by clergy in the French Catholic Church since 1950, a damning new inquiry has found" As in the last post above dated 23.09.2021 trafficking and traffickers are revealed and who have used the lockdowns to perpetuate the trade (see the subheading in this post above also "Panama, Pandora, Paradise, Bahamas, Distributed denial of Secrets and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists - ICIJ" ) 


For further wider and ongoing details see chapter 6 below   which will have full details into 2022.


New Documentary exposes the Irish abortion referendum in 2018

The documentary is a shocking expose showing how Big Tech and the MSM intervened and meddled for the yes vote (for abortion) when their campaign was lost  in Ireland. Whether it is children who are alive and who are then sexually abused, or in the womb and cut open and killed "children's rights" are non existent in the law of the sea uniform commercial code assessment of citizens and state rights, as opposed to Common law rights which are inalienable sovereign rights see 

1. Youtube   IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life   2. Facebook   Trailer on Facebook    3. The Life Institute  Full Film page 


Compensation for vaccine deaths and injuries 

Just as Churches have the right to claim compensation against "covid" overreach  some law firms are bringing cases for those who have had  adverse affects or worse from the injections, but if they are safe why is a vaccine injury compensation scheme underway in Ireland ? and they also exist in the USA  and the US Government also has a national compensation board against vaccine injuries ? Compensation in child sexual abuse and in vaccine deaths and injuries should be an open public inquiry. 


United Ireland or United Britain

In Ulster the peace process which is already over according to Loyalists, could also see the unravelling of the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) i.e the Brexit deal, as Loyalist's look to invoke Article 16 of the Northern Ireland protocol   (see also previous post above dated 23.09.2021 and many are asking why they need to keep the  current EU / Brexit deal ) As this continues to disrupt the brexit deal (as is, although many alternatives exist and clearly remainers have been proven dramatically wrong ) calls in the Republic of Ireland for an all Ireland vote on Unification intensify with a majority it is mooted wanting unification in Ulster In Scotland the  Supreme Court in England has said the Scottish parliaments law making abilities have exceeded their powers, the Supreme court is an EU  court and will be phased out as being under Brexit. To complicate matters the Supreme court in England & the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights exist separately from the European Union, and was made even more complicated when Michelle Barnier the EU negotiator (against Brexit ) and after bashing Albion for nearly 4 years advising Britons to stay away from Brexit as it is a bad idea ? advising on the terrors of a 'no deal Brexit'   and was unable to know why Britain had chosen such a path and what would be the benefits of Brexit  etc  is now advocating FREXIT for the French for Sovereignty Sovereign law (or common law)  which are inalienable sovereign rights and which are superior to EU law and / or UK state law of the sea in terms of Human rights.

Tom Harwood says of the Belfast agreement' The Belfast Agreement was about supporting both communities in Northern Ireland, it is clear the Protocol is not doing its job. Tom Harwood says 'forseen or not, it's clear' that The Good Friday Agreement has to go, a view not shared by everyone to date  as moves to ease goods into Ulster continue, but which many hope will remove the Single  Market the EU has imposed. Sovereignty via the courts is the issue.

Poland meanwhile has sent shockwaves throughout Europe and has ruled in its sovereign courts, thats its courts take precedence over EU courts in what is seen as a move towards Poland exiting the EU



Inserted 18.10.2021 The Brexit Crisis, the NI Protocol & the murder of MP David Amess 

(And in remembrance of the assassinated MP David Amess 15.10.2021) Further his killer in an act of terrorisimWhitehall officials confirmed the man's name Ali Harbi Ali. to the BBC, and said he was a British man of Somali heritage. The BBC understands Mr Ali was referred to the counter-terrorist Prevent scheme some years ago, but was never a formal subject of interest to MI5.It also understands that his father, Harbi Ali Kullane, who was previously an adviser to Somalia's prime minister, has been visited by police who have taken his phone for analysis. Therefore he was known to the highest authorities and David Amess had confirmed he had previous death threats ? David Amess MP was killed in broad daylight in a Roman Catholic denomination Church. Covert Human intelligence Sources Act 2021. Britain has returned a shoot to kill policy onto the legislation books in March 2021 known as the Covert Human Intelligence Sources (Criminal conduct ) Act 2021 (voted upon in October 2020 and which applies to all regions including Ulster under the current ECJ. Further in late 2020 prince Charles had proposed a Martial Law campaign to combat climate change amidst the covid restrictions. Sir David Amess was absent on the vote for the Covert bill in October 2020. He was a well loved MP across the House of Commons and he put his constituents first and many hope his family can continue his good work.Enoch Powell's warning on a future war and that blood will flow in the streets has come to the fore.Sir David Amess: 'We cannot tolerate attacks on democracy' says Stewart Jackson but Tom Harwood has a stronger opinion.

England, Scotland and Wales are free from EU law (and soon als the ECJ) but Ulster is compliant with EU law in the Brexit deal. Yet even Teresa May in 2018 (and later Boris Johnson) said they would tear up the protocol on NI once the  Brexit deal was done as it was understood the Brexit deal was for all in the United Kingdom, but Teresa May signed up the deal instead of the NO Deal / WTO Option as the majority of Brexiters still want (see paras above) which removes NI from the ECJ jurisdiction and Single Market after 22 months to date. However 22 months after  Britain left the EU the  NI Protocol is still in place. Trade deals signed over the last 18 months mean the Brexit deal with the EU is not as necessary.The Supreme Court in England & the European Convention on Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights exist separately from the European Union, The UK courts, including the Supreme Court, are also not bound by decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union made after 11pm on 31 December 2020. The UK courts, including the Supreme Court, may have regard to the Luxembourg Court's decisions if relevant, but they are not generally obliged to follow them. However as Poland has shown (see para above) its Sovereign courts (national courts) prevail and the supreme court does not have any right over the Polish people.This is actually the case in Britain in reality. Therefore it is all smoke and mirrors. Moving Northern Ireland away from the EU courts and the Single market seems to be anathema to the EU as European Commission Vice-President Maros Šefčovič has said he is "not ready to renegotiate" the Northern Ireland Protocol. although more goods (80%)  can enter Northern Ireland from Britain in the discussions, this depends on NI remaining under ECJ jurisdiction and imported goods not ending up in the Republic of Ireland, (even though they, goods from the ROI to NI  have increased since Brexit, but now moving the border back to hard border may be looming) but many see this as a minor concession and nothing to do with the NI, ECJ, Single market status as remaining in them. Britain wants to remove ECJ and Single Market restrictions in Ulster in full. Further a new border proposed but not in the Irish sea but in the Celtic Sea see article next  "Is Britain now pushing for a post-Brexit border in the Celtic Sea?" or here also nextbetween France and Ireland may force Ireland to have a reduced status in the EU, but may mean it can be like Norway or similar and may then be able to make its own trade deals as is the benefit of Brexit and other 'reduced' (or enhanced depending on your point of view) nations. However it was the EU that first considered this Celtic sea border idea. See the article This border would bypass Britain Asked about the ECJ issue on Newsnight, Mr Vale de Almeida - who is Portuguese - said: "There is no single market without the European Court of Justice, but with it Britain has suggested it will Trigger article 16 remove and the Good Friday Agreement and scrap the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) Brexit deal and go straight to WTO or No Deal. The Stormont Parliament has to agree to any changes in the Brexit Deal, and the EU 27 member states have also to agree, yet regardless of any further changes to the protocol the direction many feel is to scrap the TCA Brexit deal and abnodon the EU as explained by Ben Habib

Republic of Ireland to run all Ireland, United Ireland referendum and Scotland In the Republic of Ireland 22 months after Brexit Sinn Fein are now moving to bring an all Ireland vote or Ulster referendum vote. Scotland IN Scotland a vote on independence has not been favorably received by the Government, but the SNP have said they will go ahead with  the proposed vote.

Brexit has given all EU nations a victory including Ireland (Celtic sea border or not) and a chance to now negotiate a better deal and to make their own independent sovereign trade deals or leave.

The EU state Ulster voted to REMAIN IN the EU in the overall Brexit vote and they will not remove the ECJ or Single Market  Ireland now fears it will lose its Neutrality i.e. ‘New impetus’ towards EU army with UK out of alliance'    will Ireland now be forced to choose between membership of the EU super army or military neutralityEuropean commission President Romano Prodi called for an end to EU veto rights as far back as 2002 (or before) and calls to scrap the EU Veto on Tax are ongoing especially in Ireland which has removed its 12.5 % tax rate amidst the Pandora papers scandals see above (heavily indebted countries have less choice in practice on VETOs within the QVM qualified majority voting expansion  ) and Ireland like all EU countries have in effect lost that right on VETO'S eventually in accepting  the Lisbon Treaty of of which moved the EU to a new superstate paradigm.The EU super army idea  which is real in aspiration has not appealed to Britain which is extending its JEF Joint Expeditionary Force and Aukus, which moves away from the EU army or Nato and which does not function under the ECJ, as such, Iceland was the 10th nation to join the JEF with Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. Emerging from this in Britain is a new Brexit party as people watch, as the  prospect of a Trade War with  the EU is a possibility PESCO is the EU 'Permanent Structured Cooperation in the area of security and defence policy was established by a Council decision on 11 December 2017 as a step towards the European Super Army when Denmark also rejected the idea  Iceland has also become the 10th nation to join the Britain's Joint Expeditionary Force a part of CORE. Iceland comes into the JEF alongside the UK, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden and the JEF can complement national as well as NATO’s deterrence posture in the regions to combat Russia and also China in the pacific but in entering or supplying eastern European operations. NATO may expand into Middle east operations but has traditionally been reluctant.. Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm. The Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre (DCDC) has worked in partnership with the German Bundeswehr Office for Defence Planning to understand the future implications of human augmentation (HA), setting the foundation for more detailed Defence research and development.(Germany, Sweden, Finland and UK) (insert added 18.10.2021 ends here) 



A book on the background of Britain is authored by Christopher Hollis "The Two Nations"  ( more affordable copies can be found also)

The Ulster votes and peace process has been seized upon by the current US (fake) administration and also by the 'Q Anon' followers, yet since 2016 (or 2020 / 2021)  whether under Trump or Biden none of them has revealed the truth (or not) of the assination of JFK by his driver William Greer ? see post above dated 17/18.01.2020 in chapter 3a repeated here


JFK assassination 22.11.1963 

Aside from the Russia declass investigation and many other areas, many feel it is also time to declassify the details of the JFK assassination. In particular, the claims of William Cooper a US Naval intelligence officer (who was also assassinated later) who claims (also held in classified documents he had seen) the driver of the car President Kennedy was within, in Dallas on 22.11. 1963 was the assassin. A secret service agent named William Greer. See video 'bill cooper on jfk assassination'    (or here as a video MP4 file ) President Trump / Biden can confirm or deny these claims.

As the Federal Reserve bank seeks to make changes to how it operates (and there is no "Russia" investigation here ?) see Radical Empowerment of Federal Reserve Proposed in line with the great reset (but which began in late 2019, here david Knight only aware now) and "you will own nothing and be happy" as the 4th industrial revolution which seeks to change you ?


Since early 2020 is Eric Clapton correct on his hint that events since then have also conspired to derail Brexit since they left the EU (see his interview and post above dated 28.08.2021) on the 31.01.2020 an emergency was formulated but was  retroactive to January 27, 2020   Six weeks later on the 13.03.2020 "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!  or here on Youtube  FEMA (The Federal Emergency Management Agency) still runs America since 13.03.2021 and is extending its dept of homeland security powers, which overturn the US constitution.  These decrees stem back to Event 201 in Sep / Oct 2019 3 to 4 months before the official corona outbreak (known to Trump and Biden) Bill Gates and the WHO. Every President has donated to the Bill Gates foundation.

If the links do not work see here  "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!" and also here "UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!   (or an extra link here) or here once more as a MP 4 FILE 

Brexit however has continued., and the original post from 31.01.2020 (below the Peter Jackson WW1 paragraph next) is below from chapter 3a above


Peter Jackson and World War 1 Most in western Europe have no idea who or what the "Davids" are ? yet the markers are everywhere in the ground and the planets and stars, marked out in history and commerce. History in the modern era began on the first day of World war 1 at the Somme.(Peter Jackson "Lord of the Rings")  Peter Jackson in his 2017 / 2018 film "Remember them, for they shall not grow old"  (or the film's trailer here )  is a film which collates colour film and stills of the war in all its horror and which any nation involved in WW1 could collate for themselves from their archives. It does not detail the USA and its arrival into WWI. 

The dead (and those in WW2) and injured and their families down the decades in every country in the west (and every nation was involved in the wars globally on every continent) have no reason to live in a debt system with polluted water, foods and soils, with enslaved or abused children under a totalitarian regime built on deception and no need to engage in apologetics for who they are or wanting Freedom.


Reading  back from chapter 3 downward, through chapter 3a & chapter 3b you can ascertain the difficulties in Brexit as a struggle (and one which will assist all EU nations) in what is an incredible revival, but is also one of the most incredible times in history.



31.01.2020  -  01.02.2020, Britain leaves the EU

Albion is its true name of course (or ‘Elfydd’ in Welsh, Alba in Scotland) and a part of its history in England is celebrated by Wishbone Ash in their Argus album, (and others) as a contribution to the Brexit day celebrations, and in more recent history

as a protest poem turned into a Hymn 

( here also as an mp4 file, this post added 8.10.2021 & insert added 18.10.2021 )






St  Georges  Day  23.04.2022 


In Brexit and since the 28/29.03.2019 (when Britain left on a No Deal or in MP Steve Bakers 2018 negotiated trade deal  or both in progression, as De Facto )  and since Britain ceremonially left the EU on 31.01.2020, it has also had to deal with the residue of EU law and also some minor aspects of the Napoleonic code (De jure and temporary as the withdrawal agreement and following it the current TCA, Trade and Cooperation Agreement into a new area of common law and sovereignty ) Article 50 was enacted,  and the 23.06.2016 referendum which is a sovereign people decision who are the, or a 'parliament' in any nation as Lawful or real  Opposing this is illegal and reveals as a benchmark who, or who is not 'representing' you since 2016, 2020 and in the coming global changes. Now the common law can return as fought for, and which are now replacing the former EU laws, and see the link to the Sovereignty of nations website below which explains the sovereign common law, and its validity can be seen in practice from early 2021 to date. The cross of St George dates back to 1198 and to a similar flag of the Swabian league of 1045. St George lived around 303 AD, was born in Greece, and is also the patron saint of Georgia as well as England, (Tarshish) Ethiopia, Catalonia and Aragon in Spain, and Moscow, and he is buried in Israel.  The blog above on Brexit from the beginning, (chapters 3, 3a & 3b) but also on the dates surrounding 28/29.03.2019 and associated debates can be read here 28/29.03.2019 via this link which has a link back to the top of chapter 4 below for convenience. (then scroll up slightly) It  also has an explanation in a brief video (7 minutes) of that Lawful status on 28/29.03.2019, from the Bernican which seems complex but is actually very simple and which is operational as a NO Deal at any time or date (De facto, without consultation). Delayed by many unforeseen events everyone is aware of since 2019 and early 2020 - 2021 (and for example not allowing celebrations in 2020 / 2021, although this link above to a gig or celebration at the time which would now, not be 'illegal' ? ) Since 2019 and to date becoming an independent 'citizen' not a citizen of the European Union is your right, but a 'citizen' anywhere, is a  misnomer as is Britain PLC ( a legal fiction as the EU is a legal fiction) when every Man and Woman can forgo being a 'person' ( a individual legal fiction which citizens are, and citizens have no rights increasingly ) and become a Sovereign man or woman in a Sovereign nation (as in any nation) within Brexit as an individual Sovereign person, which has to be put on. This is the process which began with voting by referendum for independent trade deals and independence, (Brexit or any referendum are 'direct democracy' without proxy candidates, as every vote should be, as all elections today are a pre-determined show, itself a misaccraige of truth and law) This process can be extended to every european nation +

That is the (de facto) reality which Brexit won for you (this post added 23.04.2022)



The website to be  continued on the adjacent Sovereignty of Nations see Navigation links below





'The Sovereignty of Nations' navigation links to its 2 main subjects (added as they progress)
with 2 main subjects

Top subject section introduction (13.03.2021)

Post dated 27.05.2021 is near the top

7.7.2021 Post entitled 'The Sovereignty movement grows ( & 'The strong delusion' documentary ) 

21.10.2021, Post entitled '21.10.2021, The Sovereignty of all Nations and their Wealth' 


Link to mRNA injections ('vaccinations' ) deaths and injuries within the post in the Sovereign website dated 21.10.2021 (added as progressing) NO 1 on vaccine deaths and injuries link  is here  dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022  & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 inbetween 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022  and next is link NO 8) here available dated 13.02.2023  and NO 9 & 10 the next link to Vaccine deaths and injuries & the Human Genome project NO 9) & NO 10) is available here dated 22.04.2023 into May 2023 & new NO 11) is available here dated 18.August 2023 into Sep 2023 & new NO  11A ) is available here dated 31.10.2023 - 01.11.2023 into 2024  & NO 12) is here dated  3.4.2024 - 31.05.2024 (01.06.2024 pandemic treaty)  & NO 13 ) is here & can be accessed at this link (continuing excess deaths and injuries) 6.6.2024 Pandemic Treaty / IHR & Doctrine of lesser Magistrates  & with updates all dated 26/6/24 with an addendum including on the UK election and more also dated 26-27/6/24 & which has a further update (dated) 1.7.2024 & NO 14) 6.9.2024 - 23.09.24 fwd The Pact for the Future (UN / WHO) , Vaxx and injuries contd. UK Election results 4.7.2024 ? Trust Law reality (for you), Who is Imhotep ? Total debt Jubilee justice and much more


23.12.2021 - 2022, Post entitled  '23.12.2021 - 2022. Your Inheritance. Sovereignty for Nations, Business and Individuals

03.02.2022 Post entitled 'The Supremacy and Power of Sovereign Law'

15.04.2022 post entitled 'The Real N.E.S.A.R.A. 'The National Economic Security & Reformation Act', The USA and the 'Convention of States' Sovereign law and the USA 13 Colonies. Basel 3 & 4 banking scandal reform reports, Brexit and Israel and Greater Israel and the 13 tribes. Land Ownership ,Taxes, Debts, Jubilees and Common law for all nations' Quadrillions (belonging to the Public) to fix the earth, UN / WHO Global governance NWO via the new plandemic treaty

24/25th.09.2022 Post entitled 'Sovereign Common law, debt and ownership of assets'. Are all nations PLC's ? Your rights  born within you from God. Local Energy. CBDC, Central bank digital currency, carbon energy credits and blockchain. Inflation destroys currency by Interest, Bank shutdowns & Market Crash, Energy Crisis, Food Shortages ? (it has 4 additions dated 29.09.2022 & 30.09.2022 & 13.10.2022 & 22/23.11.2022 )

22/23.11.2022 Post entitled 'The Stone of Destiny and Ukraine the New jerusalem (and more)'

April 2023 - May 2023 Post entitled April 22nd 2023, St Georges day - 25 / 27 May 2023 other aspects of common law & the feast of Shavuot / Pentecost & which is the real stone of Bethel / Destiny ? & why does it matter ?

15/17.09.2023 Post entitled 15/17.09.2023 into 2024 Modern Slavery, trafficking and slavery reparations. The sound of Freedom film.  Programmable Money, Digitised property and owning nothing globally, 'Bio- Convergence', Directed Evolution, Depopulation, the history of the British Working class, Brics, Climate clocks, ULEZ (& for the world) C40 cities, 17 SDG's, DEW energy weapons, lockdowns, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, the World returned to the Land (law of ) 31.08.2019 (Stone of Destiny) Freedom and much more.



2nd subject section Introduction  (27.05.2021) 

Post dated 27.05,2021 and introduction is near the top

11.11.2021 Post entitled '11.11.2021, World War One. The War that changed the World'  

27.11.2021 Post entitled 27.11.2021 "27.11.2021 World War 2. The Good War into WW3"


23.05.2022 Post entitled 27.05.2022 Other views & voices of WW1 & 2 & WW3 (many current topics) 

20.07.2022  Post entitled 20.07.2022 The Round Table (past, present and future) & what is the Kingdom of Jacob, Judah and Joseph ?


19.08.2022 Post entitled, Other views of The Round Table (past present & future) & what is the Kingdom of Jacob, Judah and Joseph ?









The US elections to be concluded above the Brexit celebrations in early January 2021 and Brexit on the 1.1.2021 (this post above dated 13.01.2021) under subheadings 2nd part of US elections contd from 13.01.2021 until 6.3.2021   (as part of the US election conclusion dated 23/24.12.2020 & final part of US elections from September / October 2021 ) 


2. 4. 2022 - 17.03.2023 into 2024  Link to: The US Midterm elections as viewed from April 2022 into the 2024 elections (scroll back down to the end of this chapter as required) Posts dated on US elections &  midterm elections with posts 2.4.2022 & 10.05.2022, & 7.7.2022, & 3.10.2022

& a New Post on the midterm 2022 elections added on the 17.03.2023  New Post on the midterm 2022 elections added on the 17.03.2023  with additions dated 18.03.2023 & also (much longer) dated 30.03.2023 on many subjects including the French end to Horizontal rule into Feudalism, and the Dutch farmers election victory, and the Zombie banks, and a Summary including the Unidroit treaty dated 3.4.2023 & a new Summary addition dated 12 / 13.04.2023 on Human Genome patents, Swiss cashless society referendum, USA states to secede, US 'Gold backs', 'No Digital Dollar act(s)' France (rejects Petro - Dollar) & to buy Oil in Yuan and 'Covid' ends for new Plandemic Treaty, Mexico latest to consider joining Brics.


21.10.2024. USA Elections 2024, into and before January 31st 2025. (link here) The USA  Incorporated, Elections (Presidential and state and more)  8.11.2024 







For more information see Chapter 5 below and the end of Chapter 5 for updates.


Link back to top of chapter 3b


A new 3rd Website is now online and available here

The Sovereignty of Nations









Chapter 4

Link back to the top of the website


A scene from the Exodus.

From Israel to Egypt and the continuing debate. The following image is taken from the Exodus of Israel from Egpyt also made famous by Bob Marley. As is Jamming in Zion (please read the words)


The following two films The Empire of the City & Zion King relates the history of the Pharaohs and the Israelites, however is this completely correct ?

1. 3 Cities of the empire    or here again on Bitchute or here again once more on Bitchute again  Washington (& Pentagon, owned by Rome ), = Military, 2. London = Finance, 3. Rome = Spiritual. 

Full length documentary Empire of the City by Amenstop productions 


2. The Zion King Ring of Power 2   or again once more on Bitchute  or as an 1.MP 4 File Video 'Ring of Power ii the Zion King'


Genealogies which show King David's line through his son Nathan, but then also through Jesus Christ are false from the point of Jesus Christ onwards and are lucrative fictions to the Mary Magdalene / Da Vinci Code fake history presented to the public at great expense, intrigue and fanfare. These are the real lines of King David (to many in the Royal Houses of Europe) below in the 3 JPGs. This false Bloodline is supposed to state Jesus Christ had 3 children. Tamar, Jesus 2nd & Josephus. The following JPG 1 shows this false line.  The actual line of King David's son Nathan to Jesus Christ is shown here in this JPG 2, but the line of Descent to the Royal Houses of Europe and to Queen Elizabeth is shown here in JPG 3 (research can then branch out correctly for David's line or Solomons before Jesus Christ and for the Royal Houses of Europe. See also Chapter 5 below which brings these genealogies into focus pertinent to the subject matter of Ezekiel's Temple and the final days)   


Since both films were made (i.e. 3 Empires of the City and Zion King)  many of the facts not the circumstances or broader history have been found incorrect and once again we must look at The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also  Over 100 towns of Israel are shown to exist and are detailed since these films are made. It is very important as the Egyptian Archaeological Record is deliberately out of Sync (a huge cover up and fraud) in its Timeline (as also the earlier Sumerian King Lists from where we derive the Red Headed Pharaohs Lost Golden City of Aten Discovered - ROBERT SEPEHR  and as it is used as a yardstick and marker for history, all other nations history is also out of Sync, keeping the confusion on nations histories and timelines in perpetuity including Israel's (via academia and peer reviews and television etc) "Secret History of the Scythians and Lost Tribes - ROBERT SEPEHR"

Whether it is the films provided by Amenstop on the rings of power or the Patterns of evidence films, the tension arises from the Cairo Museum or a liberal view of history with its agendas (who still push the theory that the Pyramids are burial tombs, when in fact all Pharaohs were buried in the Valley of the Kings, no bodies were ever recovered in the Great Pyramids of Giza) If they have these facts wrong ? what else is wrong ? (the Egyptian bias is here  but see also in its description see more below it (Video 71 C) Osiris Christianity Sirius & Gnosticism, rebirth & immortality Genesis 3,22 ) 


The real history that of tracing the "House of Jesse" (King David)  connected to these histories is also revealing as it is also true (see Chapter 5 ongoing below)


The films above are one view. Yet the following film is another

(King David) which is more than just a biblical film as it places context into the script. It shows why King David became the leader of a conquered Egypt, and why he was also named as 'Pharoah Psusennes' by his tribes in Egypt. He is unique in history. Solomon (Davids son) was the ruler of Israel and Egypt, Solomon was 'Pharaoh Siamun' (a pronunciation similarity which occurs when trying to pronounce a foreign Hebrew language. Hebrew Slaves who left Egypt and who later returned to rule Egypt ) The land as the 'Promised Lands' began with Shiloh and Jebus - Salem, now known as Jerusalem and spread over the whole Hebrew fertile crescent, enlarging into Turkey and Egypt, Iraq, Syria and into Saudi Arabia. Known then and today as Greater Israel. The difference with this Kingdom is the nations wanted to join.

King David   (full)

King David part 1

King David and which is the most accurate and insightful films concerning the disputed history.    With Richard Gere (younger people have to sign in first or purchase)

Or trailer if full film not available.


King David (Richard Gere) film contd If the above are not working see these links here 1. (2 of 2) King David (Richard Gere) 1985  and 2. An abridged version (1 of 2) is also below in the Great Sermons channel    (1 of 2) King David, Bathsheba, Absalom and the Prophet Nathan (Law & Grace) or see an alternative link for the film here which is useful visually also or here as MP 4 file Video


Or here on Rumble  "King David 1985, Full Biblical Movie (Richard Gere)"  and a version of it but for the law and grace "King David, a man after Gods own heart, Bathsheba, Absalom and the Prophet Nathan (Law & Grace)"   

see also on King David "King Davids Shield displayed the Menorah, the true symbol of Israel ( & Psalm 67 )"


The Trojan Greek war dated between 1260 and 1180 bc preceded a time of uncertainty and decline in Egypt. This lack of confidence in Egypt was speculated to have begun after the Exodus of the Hebrews. Around 1200 bc and lasting for 200 hundred years (ending just as the Davidic Kingdom of Israel was beginning under King David until 720 and 580 bc) was the incredible confederation of 9 peoples known as the 'sea peoples invasions' which is speculated to have arisen when Egypt's large armies realized they could rebel, leave and take over the Mediterranean themselves (like Spartacus under Rome many centuries later) See the documentary on you tube 'Best Documentary 2016 The Most Mysterious History Events On Earth Ever'  on  youtube (or here again once more)  which narrates the secret Aegean history which will help to enjoy the film 300  ( The Battle of Thermopylae 490 bc) and also  300 the rise of an Empire. (see also the you tube documentary  '1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD)'  and the sea peoples as Danaans or Tuatha de Danaans which tie into the Irish annals and also the separate Philistines and the separate Phoenicians in a confederation and the tribe of Dan from the 12 tribes of Israel) From the decline of Egypt (who survived the sea people but declined over the next few hundred years) and the rise of the sea peoples (who were joined by sea people from the west also) came the Greek and Roman empires.Scythians Scots,Cimmerians, Phoenicians, Isaacsons 10 lost tribes, Tribe of Dan = Tuatha Dé Danann  ( video 5 of 5 in the platform)

This video / documentary mentioned above called The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also   (also on 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television and the tea have many more filsm and points )  is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Israel's history from the public, and from the Exodus to Herod's 2nd Temple. Egypt's 'middle Kingdom' 2000 bc also known as the 'middle bronze age' documents the exodus and all events. Yet because they cannot find this archaeologically in the earlier 'later bronze age' also known as Egypt's 'new kingdom' 1400 bc to 1000 bc it is claimed there is no evidence ? (dating methods are also questionable) all of Israel's history is known and documented and is kept away from the public mind. The only remaining question is this mistake / deception, deliberate or accidental (questioning dating methods which have proven unreliable and in error is considered blasphemous, but which have dated living material as 20,000 years by mistake see chapter 2 and chapter 4 above) Egyptian chronology places Ramses's (or Ramses) in the wrong era of Egyptian history around 1250 bc - 1400bc, when it is obvious (using the traditional dating methods at least) he lived 400 - 800 years or so earlier in 1600 bc to 2000bc .  Archaeology actually proves the exodus and the bible, but the chronology is out of sync and either Ramses's date moves back or historical evidence moves fwd to earlier dates. Questioning the dating methods is the solution and is the cause of the problem. After this date the chronology aligns from 950 bc to date. Since every nation's chronology is aligned to the Egyptian chronology they are also incorrect consequently. Moses defeated a Pharaoh thought to be Ramses's. (This is repeated below in other chapters) See also the videos below on sacred geometry and geometry design (including creation geometry design)


The 'Antediluvian' World is also examined below (and its connected research in many areas) and the following 1. Underwater Kingdoms of the Ice Age [part 1]    and part 2  Underwater Kingdoms of the Ice Age [part 2]  or on Youtube as part 1 here   or once again on Youtube as part 2 here although there is no proof that rising ice caused the catastrophe. Further videos on this Underwater Cities Mean Ancient Historical Time Lines Are Incorrect  and also not actually myths or legends but real  Ancient Underwater Cities Discovered - ROBERT SEPEHR and once more Dr. Kent Hovind 9-17-17 Gen 10, Why we have a continental shelf. Underwater cities (how did they get there ... a big clue is not melting ice Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE   and then once more Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE)



One other area to consider before reading further is the documentary the Atheist Delusion (featuring also Richard Dawkins who however attempts all difficult subjects unlike other academics, as the pursuit in this area is to educate and explore not brainwash) (and related website "living waters" ) (to repeat) What would the Dalai Lama teach his school children ? my experience debating all of these subjects from age 6 upwards is a lot more fun and enriching and stimulating. Currently we are "restricted" to only one (i.e evolution) which is a form of brainwashing and normalizing of dogma. Including all of the subjects in this area is real enlightenment and is fairer than the system we currently employ.

It proves the following points by logic; (taken from the adjacent website posted last year in early 2015. Chapter 4 and heading family planning as an ideology)

When you combine the information above with that of Dr Francis Crick (winner of the Noble Peace Prize for discovering the double helix Structure of DNA, the human blue print within each cell) and his associate Leslie Orgel who both actually claimed that 'spontaneous generation' of these cells did not occur by chance, (they need a higher power to form or generate into life) both of these admissions / discoveries have removed Darwinism from accepted Science.

" Today 140 years after Darwin it is now understood that DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) is required to make Proteins, and you require DNA to make RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) and you need RNA to also then make proteins ! (and carbo-hydrates) hence the circular origin of life and the chain of coding and matter cannot have appeared from nothing on its own from the 'primordial swamp' (a name invented by a Greek philosopher) and evolved into living cells. Which came first ? DNA if incomplete in its code (like a computer code) fails to produce whole and completed lifeforms or species, and if you alter the code slightly in its early formation, it dies, hence it cannot mutate into a new species naturally or at all. DNA is not divisible creating sustained natural life, and Charles Darwin admitted he did not know where the first cell originated (no branch of science or theology can agree on this problem) " ....the conclusion is there is only one human race proven from DNA origins.

Adding to the DNA fraud is the Stanley Miller fraud of 1953 (also discussed above near the beginning of the chapter) which basically said he had generated life out of a vacuum in a glass bowl out of a few chemicals in a supposed scientific experiment. The problem is it was announced as a scientific breakthrough proving evolution which as a theory suggests many different species of humans evolved from many different locations all over the earth and this is still taught today as fact underpinning eugenics and socialism which is not naturally producing higher minds, bodies or souls but just the opposite. Just as DNA cannot generate spontaneously it follows cells cannot generate spontaneously. Here are the facts and in this video. And scientifically refuted here again. It is not admitted but quietly ignored that the fraud is a fraud as €Billions in research and spin offs like planned parenthood, trans-humanism and ideological education depend on Stanley Millers pseudo science.(as mentioned see the adjacent website) 

One of the reasons these questions are ignored or set aside and ridiculed is people do not want  to answer the next question(s) Einstein for instance stated we live within ten or eleven dimensions. This idea originates in the book of Enoch and others contemporary to that time. Contrast the evidence above with Richard Dawkins "the G-d delusion" or Stephen Hawkins "the Big bang" (both are theories) An area less considered concerns the vast nature of space, yet we cannot measure the other dimensions (science has proven there are 5 at least) Scale within the Known Universe is vast (macro or large stars and planets in relation to each other and micro to the smallest point we can see ) yet what size are the other dimensions ? 'Infinite patterns' and 'fractals' explore these questions which are impossible to answer. Since science raises these questions many also philosophize our known Universe could be the size of a water drop to an intelligent designer. Dawkins and Hawkins do not contemplate that their known universe is small. The origins of the universe are also in question. The debate between science and religion dictates our world view, and a part of that  debate (the big bang theory by Stephen Hawkins and the story of everything…almost) between, Evolution,   Agnosticism Intelligent design (intelligent design does not always follow a spiritual view of our origins, but rejects 'natural selection', viewing the Universe as impossible to have occurred by chance) Creation continues amidst these explorations as does creation science (from 9 pHd scientists) which, for education equality should be taught with Evolution 1 Evolution 2   & Evolution 3.   Darwinism (Charles Darwin) is now discredited and largely dismissed by Scientists but not by textbooks which are still out of date.  (see Dr Ben Carson Neurosurgeon and US presidential candidate and a member of Donald Trumps government team hear his audio here Ben Carson who is a Phd follows the logic and centuries old discussion of Descartes and Heidegger i.e. how can something arise from nothing. (the remaining unsolved question in science, theology and philosophy) DNA does not generate out of nothing, and the Universe does not appear out of nothing (Stephen Hawkin)  nothing appears from nothing (Professor John Lennox)  Professor Brian Cox says its naive to think there is no Gd. The possibility that there is a benign Intelligent designer who can be known should be considered. Combining all of the views instead of just one is the way forward. It should be fun.


The following paragraphs looks at the 'pre-history' of ancient cultures. Modern awareness is deepening due to the growing archaeological record and increase in knowledge of the interconnected history of ancient nations which also shows sophisticated technology and design in Cities and especially in Temples.


Geometry and Ancient knowledge has been known to civilisation for thousands of years, the control of that knowledge has forced many groups underground, or into hidden orders/groups or into wars which have brought about a collapse in civilisation and a loss of the divine design in geometry, nature and the universe (planets, calendars, astronomy and architecture). That men understood the impossibility of creation and the nature of being where mathematics and science ultimately reveal that mind came before matter as Descartes argued (even before his own Parliament).

The beauty of Sacred Geometry was so staggering that men and woman incorporated the heavens and planets into the designs of every major city on earth, but hidden within its architecture. Medieval cathedrals were designed to sacred geometry principles on outer visible plains and inner three dimensional plains are indisputable, that this occurred in ancient constructions from Megalith to Sumerian, Egyptian, Indian, Greek and Roman construction is also indisputable.

To understand the basics of Design and Geometry please watch the following brief video "Sacred Geometry explained Parts 1 & 2"        or here on Bitchute     Sacred Geometry part 1    &  Sacred Geometry part 2             

The Video suggests that the understanding of the Universe,s geometric beginnings, began in the Egyptian Mystery Schools, but the Pharaohs as a royal line grew from the Sumerian Kings and the Chaldean (Mesopotamian) Astrologer Priests of which Abraham was a resident in Ur. Where this knowledge originated from before this is in debate. However it explains that ancient society were just as interested in the origins of the Universe as we are today.

Scott Onstott has produced an interesting Video displaying the Sacred Geometry hidden in Ancient and Modern constructions. Entitled Secrets in Plain Sight    (Scott Onstott ) or see Youtube channel here 'Secrets In Plain Sight' or also here on Bitchute "Secrets in plain sight Vol 1" (Volume 2 in the description link)




Space, Earth and the Oceans and Natural resources (such as oil and gas) and the theories of the "Flat Earth" and "Anti-Flat" earth discourse.

The flat earth discourse incorporates many ideas for us to follow and they are not all really all on the shape of the earth. One idea concerns the UN flag displayed here ( and which is cited as proof of a flat earth by flat earthers, just to give you an idea of a part of the debate, Today the UN is communist  in its philosophy but that belief arose in the beliefs of secular humanism which is a modern or post modernist belief) However others suggest the maps of the world line the UN logo map which shows a plain of all continents in one world map or world Island is really an ark or marker of a plane followed by the sun on its travels (or one of its arks around the earth and around space on its travels) and then this imaginary line of 360 degrees is tilted back and horizontal from the tilt of 23 degrees (which is the tilt the earth is in) and also from the tilt the Sun and Earth are to each other, and it is then laid flat into this map. (in August 2017 the sun was eclipsed as it line proceeded diagonally across the USA. Looking into the Sun directly was a part of the ancient legend. Do not try at home ) This arc or line cuts the globe across and lays the World map flat so it  can be studied and seen in one panoramic view.If you look at the UN map, the Suns ecliptic line and the tropic of cancer line (northern hemisphere) the middle equator line and the southern line of the tropic of Capricorn (southern hemisphere) make 4 lines . If you look again at the UN map it has 5 lines in one version and the 5th line is the ecliptic and the Suns point on the ecliptic. In other words the UN map is (also) both geographical and astronomical in one, and for convenience and historical tradition the continents are shown in one circular map, with the continents splayed up and outwards. (in the middle ages an astrolabe was used to mark these celestial points in relation to the earth) Using the Suns travels as the imaginary line, (the ecliptic) extends back into time and history.This planisphere map   with these fives lines is mysterious as many ancient  archaeological sites and Temples were built upon them exactly on the earths surface, and with exact measures and incredible constructions such as the Pyramids and Easter Island. This elliptical line is called the plane of the ecliptic of the Sun ( or see here from NASA ) and which was known even in the early Vedas and the Bible.(yet the debate continues even on this point)

Incredibly if you consider or want to research space exploration (and the moon landings which have occurred) and the unexplored areas of the seas and north and south poles for the energy future needs of the planet, (remember planets, meteorites and comets are also potential sources of fuel and minerals) it is not as straightforward (in more ways than one) as you may think. Energy is abundant but extraction is becoming more costly.

Space exploration and exploration into the north and south poles is real but it is denied by the "flat earth" societies and in a way by others societies and the anti-flat earth advocates, which on the one hand suggest that sophisticated disc shape air craft have existed since 1930 onwards (and you can read about this history in the adjacent website, chapter 5 under the Che Guevara pictures and heading August 2015) and are now very sophisticated, yet they cannot make air craft fly into space ?. The UFO hoax was used to keep people away from military installations in "area 51" for example where these military craft were invented. It is still used today with the next hoax also involving hologram craft (which will disguise real missiles etc). Today the "flat earth society" and the "anti flat earth" rebuttals keep people distracted from the south pole energy and mining operations (and also people producing energy themselves) which is a vast area of natural resources.

First consider the following videos (2) which the flat  earth proponents  employ to state their case (which are 5 paragraphs below, in the paragraph which begins "The reason for these tests and examinations" )  many may wish you had never read the flat earth material but it is a growing  movement, and whatever the information on the shape of the world, a lot of Darwinism and the Social history aspects of their videos are correct. Flat earth theories openly deny trips to space, but also hide an agenda on real or secret space and energy explorations, technology and designs. Every nation and from the cold war especially competes with other nations and superpowers who may wish that their real technological advancements remain secret it is suggested. Hence simulated film and video copies of the spaceships and their landings are produced for the public. The flat earth movement have produced videos and books which are very well organised and thought out, but slightly one sided when it comes to criticising space projects. (not much criticism of Russia or China only the USA and there is no real consideration of the age of the Earth or Universe) Bear in mind filming real secret space explorations or energy needs are not likely to be released to the public. (Meteorites and comets may have energy secrets etc) Exposing environmental problems and wildlife concerns are also a part of the flat earth agenda much of which deserves to be roundly criticised. 

Ancient designs in planning and in modern cities and unusual designed cities underground labs and installations have a tremendous awareness of the earth in its entirety including in Antarctica and the Arctic.  One of the most amazing phenomenon when standing on the earth's north and south poles (above 75 to 80 degrees but best at 90 degrees north or south) is the feeling of the midnight sun and daylight for months as eternal day or eternal night for months on end. Also there are 3 or 4 types of exact south pole points for different reasons.

Watch the following video of Sofia Jannok from the northern Sami tribe and a environmentalist. The poles can give light or night  as eternal day or eternal night for months   The video displays the ancient powerful and beautiful language or song and reveal ancient origins of tribes who believed they came from the Milky Way (as many indigenous tribes do) and as the ancient Sami tribe do.  Ice palaces (in the video) are not new either above and/or below ground in the north or south poles. The video if you look very closely and concentrate shows the Moon on the tundra as she travels, traversing dipping, spinning, rising above the (Horus) horizon which the Sun also follows. The Moon is central to many flat earth opinions. She also reveals that ice palaces which can also be underground tunnels ( a major concern for the flat earth believers) and which could extend very deep into the mysterious 'Agartha' or the underground. It is claimed the ancient and modern Vikings found all of these tunnels (see the flat earth videos 3 paragraphs below) 

Day time and the moon are visible for a long journey throughout the day. The Vikings were also superior navigators like the Phoenicians, who had mastered building techniques in Jerusalem and Egypt. The effect is usually best viewed above 75 to 88 degrees latitude north or south but better at 89 degrees north or south etc. People travelled far to observe and feel its effects. On lower degrees towards the equator  (or here) the "earth's wobble" (or here ) gives us the unequal days and nights (but not at the arctic) throughout the seasons as the Sun spins away in its oval journey around the solar system. Russians joke that they have not landed on the dark side of the moon because they took off at night time and could not see anything, but you can see a full moon and the sun opposite each other in the same day. The precession of the Zodiac or constellations will appear upside down in the southern hemisphere of the earth, this can be skyped and shown. The north star is always fixed and the earths wobble shows a precession of the eqinox and stars (zodiac) the 23-degree incline means the pole ( off center by 23 degrees) will determine which constellation and therefore month we are in. In Australia, they will be opposite (upside down ) to our view. This could not happen in a flat earth scenario. No Australian has ever fell off OZ. The moons measurements also featured with building design and city design and the Great Pyramid is the oldest and most incredible measure of the Earth and the Moon and the Sun. At the geographical centre of the earth, the great pyramid is situated (how did they know the centre without travelling the globe) Children feel they could almost reach out and touch the moon and some suggest this is a literal saying. The pyramids can be doubled and then laid out in a Flat design but folded up again into a double pyramid Octahedron shape around which you can make a Sphere, maps and maps of the earth on a globe can also follow this idea, and if you unwrap a globe a square map shape is produced. It is speculated that the land masses may be different sizes on some maps compared to those we are familiar with. The next paragraphs give some clues and ideas of the flat earth or anti flat earth discourse. (which for young children can be confusing and even for grown adults)

(Moon test, which you also do with the Sun) If you have friends in the southern hemisphere and you live in the northern, then Skype the moon and show it to each other split screen in real time, and it will show the craters and the shadows opposite to each other, or upside down in one, and downside up in the other as both parties are looking at it from a Sphere or globe called earth in different hemispheres and not from a plain flat surface. Encrypt the times and latitude and longitude and north south east weest into the video, if you make a video. Anyone can do this if you need to, but be careful don't fall off. If you do Skype or film (simultaneously) from different hemispheres make sure both are facing either north or both are facing south when recording. The flat earth deny the sphere shape of the earth and this will prove or disprove their theories. Encrypt a compass indicator also, and post the results on youtube.  Consider the ongoing debate in this area, and watch the following videos and opinions. 1. Flat Earth, its over, Moon tells all  (and opposing ) 2. Flat Earth and the Southern Hemisphere Upside Down Moon  Children are standing on their heads looking and filming at the moon in Australia, New Zealand and Europe and comparing each others view. Is the world flat ? Where will it end, and do people miss the moon and its meaning ? The precession of the Equinoxes is just as difficult to explain within the flat earth theory, when viewing from different hemispheres (see paragraph above) 

The reason for these tests and examinations concern the "flat earth" theory resurgence. which may mean the moon and sun must be flat or not also  video; Flat Earth - Simplified, Summarised, and Theorised)  &   Gods Enclosed Flat Earth Investigation - Full Documentary parts 1 - 12   Once you have the gist of what they are saying it is a incredible debate. The moon test above, and the Equator water experiment in this link shows the earth is a globe or an orb, although the bible uses the term Circle. (hebrew = hwg or Chwg) The theories are nothing to do with flat or round earth concerns but do go to the point that the earth and its inhabitants are central to the universe in importance. Deuteronomy 37,10 & Zechariah 2, 8. Jerusalem and Israel also known as the Apple of Gods eye in the previous verses, This debate returns to the Heliocentric and Geocentric view of the Solar System. (Galileo, Copernicus etc) in which it turns out the Bible knew about gravity, the universe and physics, only some authorities hid those verses with bad translations. The moon was also very important for calculating the Sabbath and feasts in Jerusalem, Abraham came from Ur of the Chaldees who were the astronomer priests of a very sophisticated civilization. (applies to the flat earth and anti flat earth groups who never seem to criticise Russian or Chinese space expeditions ? ? ) Nasa's website is here and the USA department of Defence is here and Houston is designed to be significant and unique.(see Scott Onstott video above in the red paragraphs) Consider all points of  view. 



Oil ?

Both poles (and other areas to a lesser degree) have tremendous amounts of former organic matter within them, compressed under pressure but which can occur in days and weeks and it produces oil, it is not a "fossil fuel"   last link here as MP 4 File also "The Fossil Fuel "Hoax" - Flat Earth"  (as it is below the supposed fossil line within the earth) Oil is not running out and is the 2nd most prevalent liquid on earth and is not a fossil fuel and is not scarce although many events make it seem scarcer. Society, transport or the military function just as well when Oil is $10 a barrel. There are alternatives aside from Electric power (which is destroying the environment, mining for lithium etc) and Water Ethanol science has increased to perfect the fuel. Synthetic oil can be made in a lab as can coal under pressure and it (oil) is not a scarce resource.  Therefore under the fossil record (which  only extends down to 16,000 feet officially) is a vast sea of Oil which must have been from another source of organic material which was also crushed by layers of rock as highly pressurized organic material and which could have occurred very quickly . Opposing  this view and which shows oil is not running out, and compared to a scientific experiment ( the first 30 minutes forward) Fossils are found even at surface level and vast shoals of fish are found crushed suddenly. whale bones are found at very high altitude intact on mountains which also show ancient forests ? Every animal is found at every level including many which still survive as species today. Paleontologists suggest that rock is formed over millions of years, but concrete foundations are formed over 24 hours hardening over 3 days to 10 days. Some large buildings have foundations 10 to 30 feet (or more) deep built up in layers  If a steel beam was dropped vertically into this concrete pour it would encompass all layers. In geological terms this beam would span millions of years instead of just a few days and yet beam and concrete are the same age.  

"Earth Is An Oil-Producing Machine — We're Not Running Out"  or article here on this subject  See also and once more  "Why We'll Never Run Out Of Oil"  it is not scarce and is the 2nd most numerous liquid on earth after water  (see chapter 3 on the adjacent website on energy at the end) 

And see also Oil is not Scarce, Peak Oil a myth & Oil is not a fossil fuel. John Catsimatidis of United Refining and connected article "DID YOU SAY, “OIL IS A SCARCE RESOURCE?” NOT SO SURE"


The 'Antediluvian' World is also examined below (and its connected research in many areas) and the following 1. Underwater Kingdoms of the Ice Age [part 1]    and part 2  Underwater Kingdoms of the Ice Age [part 2]  or on Youtube as part 1 here   or once again on Youtube as part 2 here although there is no proof that rising ice caused the catastrophe. Further videos on this Underwater Cities Mean Ancient Historical Time Lines Are Incorrect  and also Ancient Underwater Cities Discovered - ROBERT SEPEHR and once more Dr. Kent Hovind 9-17-17 Gen 10, Why we have a continental shelf. Underwater cities or the mysterious Lost Islands, Giants, and Ancient Submerged Cities - ROBERT SEPEHR (how did they get there ... a big clue is not melting ice Will melting ice cause water level to rise   MP4 FILE   and then once more Carbon Dioxide is Making The World Greener (w_ Freeman Dyson, Institute for Advanced Studies) MP4 FILE)


The Young age of the Earth And see also the Film (for an opposing view of Billions of years the MP4 file) 'The Young age of the Earth' ( which shows Oil can be made or produced very quickly in the sea or in the laboratory. Here on Youtube or once more  Or again here on Youtube   and connected to the documentary BLT: Dr. Robert Gentry- Young Age of the Earth and an interesting article here on this topic  and see also Young Earth vs. Old Earth Believers with Ken Ham

And is the earth flat ? or are the Sun and Moon flat, is the CIA / NASA flat ? ...but why does that debate on the earth never include the age of the earth ? is the earth old and fat ...or is it young and slim ? (here again ) "Real Science ignored ? The Young Age Of The Earth - Robert Gentry - Scientifically Proves Earth isn't Millions Of Years Old"


Trees are found in geological strata which do just that ? 'Dinosaurs' (a name created only just over a hundred years ago) are found in rock strata with human skeletons and a variety of skeletons of animals which still exists today. The biggest fraud are the composite creatures made up of other animals to suggest new species but which have never existed. The largest animal which has ever lived in the blue whale and which still lives (at nearly 100 feet long) whilst snakes 50 feet or more are still discovered including crocodiles which are up to 30 feet in length. Layers of rock can be created in days like concrete today. 

Concrete dams and their overflow tunnels have been eroded in a few hours to depths of 50 feet into the steel reinforced concrete due to the immense water pressure ripping through the material. Engineers call this 'cavitation' when water flows more than 100 feet per second. (see 39 minutes to 44 minutes   forward at Glen Canyon Dam in Colorado or here in this video ) Solid rock was also shredded in seconds as water reached 1000 feet per second. These scientific engineering and geological facts are not taught. Carbon 14 dating (C14) is also only accurate for wood up to 4000 years old, and dates are then assumed to a desired age beyond this. Oil does not just occur below 16,000 as of course it bubbles out of the ground in many countries including Texas. Oil and gas seaps from the sea bed into the oceans but also is created instantly in superheated water through organic sediment (such as coral ) see at 26 minutes forward. Rock ages measured by helium loss show the exact date of their creation as being recent in geological history. Oil found therefore before 16,000 feet may be a oil derived by fossils but which could have been created quickly under extreme pressure. Since it is so vast around the earth, how did it get there ? If it is damaging how do we assess the outpouring volcanic ash from numerous Volcanoes over decades including the recent Iceland volcano in 2010, which closed the Sky's from airplanes for weeks

A part of the problem is research is not allowed ? or is privately funded (if at all) into these questions,  that is not a fair education. These are not easy questions and should be fully considered and forensic science is proving and explaining intelligent design.

Training in the merchant navy or national armed forces navy involves a study of navigation and the stars manually. This has evolved from pre - electronic sailing which obviously required a visual and manual navigation of the earth and stars and horizon. Most sailing ships used to have a crows nest up high in the top sail rigging. This was a lookout station which allowed the viewer to see further than the deck hands. As the crows nest looked out they could  see further along the curve. Important for engaging an oncoming sail ship. Trigonometry on shorter distances (near) is also still required when surveying, as undulating surfaces have different heights above sea level. Older longer surveys (far distances from smaller near surveys collectively)  marked all of these heights. Treasure maps were often encoded to allow a map to exist but could be distorted larger or smaller or with a slight difference, known only to the encrypter of the map. Electronic satellite and GPS on automatic settings allow for differences automatically. Manual settings obviously do not. Sextants were manual navigation aids (which could measure azimuth and the distance of the sun above the horizon, and the angle between a ship and stars and planets and the horizon and a telescope is added to it for these purposes) and they could not afford misinformation or else the destination would not be reached. Russia and China faked many rocket journeys in order to win the space race, which America won.

The other stream of mis-information concerning Antarctica  ( Ernest Shackleton who mysteriously turned back some suggest after his expedition grounded, but did he get there ? and revise his story later i. to the  south pole  ) Antarctica is it is full of Oil, Gas, Minerals, Metal ores, Diamonds and Gold and Silver and Plutonium and Uranium. (see also the adjacent website and chapter 3) This was mentioned years ago by Sarah Palin who was then ridiculed for it as she pointed out (Australian air force etc) it was already being mined and exploited for the world by various countries around the world including the superpowers. This is the real reason she is slighted. Originally in expeditions of the 1800's and 1900's to both poles they discovered vast tropical forest remains some the size of France with ruined pyramids, ( as they find on every continent and under the sea see below)  and huge remains of animals and fish and humans in millions frozen. (as they do in every part of the earth) some animals had food and greenery still in their mouths as if a sudden disaster struck them, and whirled them off clockwise or anti-clockwise to the poles. Ruins of a vast ancient civilisation were evident under the ice, as they drilled for oil and gas. Concerns of wildlife (no polar bears in the antarctic but seals and fish) started in the 1940's and 1950;s when some countries endangered local wildlife providing opportunity to list the antarctic as a protected area. Ancient nomadic tribes and up until recently considered some wildlife a delicacy, so penguins and seals were later protected, although indigenous people have a right to hunt as they have for thousands of years. Shackleton and other explorers like Scott of the Antarctic, &  Admiral Richard E Byrd etc were intrepid and have contributed much to our society and they found much to speculate upon in Antarctica. DC Comics and Superman explored Antarctica by using it as a base//fortress for Superman. 

Space travel and moon travel does exist but we only receive the filmed versions we are familiar with on purpose to provide endless distraction and a method of explaining without divulging. The modern military have very (very) sophisticated air and spacecraft now (such as the Stealth planes which have advanced beyond the current model we know)  which do not now need a rocket to fly, only hauling large mechanical equipment requires large rocket launches. These sophisticated aircraft are not filmed on earth or on the moon ( from the 1950's forward) and the flat earth society know this but also not mentioned it in their videos ? If someone does spot one accidentally and film it on their i Phones for example, it is passed as another "UFO" item. The flat earth & anti flat earth conversation is a smokescreen to hide the military free zone at the south pole and its no fly zone (as they have in Iraq and over Washington DC for example) at the South Pole. The "UFO" has developed from early military prototypes.  Unless you had the original 1933 UFO aircraft disc and booked ahead, then you would never get through (previous link; WW1 USA plane before Hitler, displaying the Hindu / Tibetan symbol ) to the  real interior.  of Antarctica South Pole , as it was a military zone except for the outer edges and some smaller town/bases. Today it is still a military zone subject to a multi -country treaty. Travelling to the south pole and going in and down into the ice however is impossible without clearance. The larger underground installations which go down over 70 feet in the shafts and have tunnels which are several miles in length are not shown anywhere.

One other reason within the debate concerns the possible change in the earth's orbit (see also chapter 2 above half way down under the heading Calendars, Chronologies and dating methods) Job 38, 14 clearly states the earth rotates on its axis ( it cites a circular clay seal which used to have a rod inserted in it's centre so that it could be rolled along clay revealing a signature. If you roll a coin across clay, a long signature will be revealed if it has writing on its side) however others state that the clay seal was flat not an orb when it was rolled along ! Joshua 10 (in the bible) says Joshua commanded the sun and earth to stand still so extending the day. Before Galileo Joshua (whether you believe the narrative or not but the Chinese records confirm it) knew the gravitational pull from the Sun, if it stood still would desist and stop the earth from spinning. How did the author know that in 1405 bc ? 3000 years before Galileo or Copernicus. This full daylight 24 hour day is recorded all over the earth by various nations and tribes histories, but what does it also add up to ?

Isaiah 38,8 (and 2 Kings; 20,10) states in 725 bc a future prophecy, which is recorded as fulfilled in Hezekiah (2 kings 20, 9 -11) in 705 bc concerning a lost day when sundials would turn backwards ? (The Chinese records which are the best kept in the word record this event in 705 bc when the Sun set twice in the same same day) 

From this time around the world the astrologers suddenly realised the stars did not line up as in previous days, decades and centuries. Thier previous calendars were useless.Suddenly all calendars changed from 360 days to 365 days a year. This throws out the harmony of the sun and moon in calculations. Very few calendars managed to reharmonize the sun and moon orbits with an earth calendar although the most accurate is Knowth in Ireland in County Meath  which harmonises them with a 19 year metonic cycle. The Egyptians state Thoth contemplating the problem decided to play cards with the Moon Goddess Selene or with Khonsu, the Moon Goddess, for 1/72nd of its light (360/72 = 5), or 5 days, and won. (scroll down about half way  in the link)  During these 5 days, Nut gave birth to Kheru-ur (Horus the Elder, Face of Heaven), Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nepthys., and in winning he took an extra 5 days or 1/72 (360 divided by 5 = 72) and added it on to the year to make 365 days. The moon cycle of 29.75 days no longer harmonizes every year with this 365 solar sun year. This raises questions on how to calculate the Jewish lunar sabbath ? Was it every 7 consecutive days making a different day every month or was the Sabbath every seventh day (Friday 6 pm to Saturday 6.00pm) Under 360 days with slight adjustment within a days error of a few hours your birthday would be the same day in theory every year  Under a 365 day solar year your birthday is on a different day every year. Why did all the earths calendars change from a 360 day year to a 365 day year around 705 bc ? Pi (3.142) is also encoded in Genesis 1.

This change of calendars in 705 bc was not a political decision worldwide but due to new observance which confounded every nation on earth suddenly. It made it impossible for governments and Temples to function, the whole system of administration was called into question. (the Sun and Moon were required for religious Temple function and duties, which government used in planning also)

The earth it is suggested may have suffered a disaster at this time i..e in 705 bc or re - energised a previous disaster from 1800 years earlier in 2500 bc. Other views suggest a disaster also occurred in 1405 bc as well as the time of Joshua In 705 bc. The earths orbit had changed by 5 days duration every year (it also means the calendars could have had more that one change from 2500 bc to 705 bc) Either way a "wobble" or increased axis spin occurs. What is certain is the calendars worldwide recorded a change of 360 days to 365 days, and the reasons and debate continues until today. It is also not a question of returning to a 360 day as the seasons and days do not add up to the old calendar today. Rome and the Julian Gregorian calendar disputes circle around this problem also and continue until today, including the the passover / easter date debate  which Knowth solved. Members of the Scarlet thread line of Judah are buried there and in the west of Ireland, and so they would have special cause to solve the problem. This gives weight to the earth being a sphere but the flat earth (as you can view in the paragraph above which begins "The reason for these tests" ) proponents have their own explanation. Sofia Jannok (in the paragraph  above which begins "Watch the following video")  when trying to locate or understand the Moon is a good place to begin. They also have Reindeer in Antarctica now (they only existed in the north pole until they were released into the south pole between 1910 - 1925) and the Sami tribe of the north pole could travel to visit them. The Vikings who travelled the earth to and from Greenland,Scandinavia and Iceland have never fallen off the edge of the earth (in any incident we are aware off) 

Observing the Feasts and Sabbaths (for hundreds of years or even millennia ) calculated from the Moon in Jerusalem and worldwide is also a little more difficult visually in the south pole when the day or night is 24 hour but also helps to prove the sphere of the earth.


Antarctica and the Arctic 

For an interesting exploration of Antarctica and the technology operation highjump may have encountered, the story is related by anthropologist Robert Zephyr details the larger story.  New Swabian Bases: The Secret Antarctic Colony - ROBERT SEPEHR  and also on this subject  Invading Antarctica: Secret South Pole Colony - ROBERT SEPEHR  and also once more Secret Underground Bases - ROBERT SEPEHR

The antediluvian world was / is "The lost Atlantis" which Francis Bacon (aka shakespeare ) alluded to in his New Atlantis novel. It is not lost and is everywhere under the sea. Across the Pacific and the Atlantic and wider. Much of it remains above land and did not sink although many of the Hydro Plates of the earth's crust either pushed up buckling or forced down the plates forming high mountains and the low valleys we see today. For instance a Pyramid larger than the Egyptian is above ground is in China.  The Chairman Mao communist party of yesteryear and today do not want people to realise that man was not primitive or that it is connected to the wider "lost atlantis'' China's js pyramid and connected city is huge Antarctica also has a pyramid.(see documentary below)

For a full view of "Atlantis" see the following breathtaking documentary Mysterious Underwater Cities Discovered All Around the World: Ancient Civilizations which shows how many vast complexes of cities and tall buildings there are under the sea. It is said they suffered from numerous "local floods" but hide the global area they cover as being everywhere, and which then could be a series of local floods.  This raises other questions which also arise in the Book of Enoch 1  and why they are now excluded from the canon of scripture as they were once within them. Quoted in the book  of Jude (Jude being Jesus physically brother) and by Jesus  himself. Enoch reveals God & Armageddon & The real reason it is excluded from Scripture (also in description)  A subject which is becoming more and more apparent as more of the seas are mapped and are visible to the public raising even more difficult questions. 

It is also now known that the  Vikings discovered the USA before Columbus by 400 to 500 years 


The ancient civilisation in antarctica to the arctic shows signs of building techniques which show the same building techniques as European and Egyptian pyramids (pyramids are found in Peru, Chile and Argentina down to the southern most tip of South America as smaller temples and stepped pyramids. One of the most interesting aspects of the antarctic is the subglacial lake called Lake Whillans. There is also Lake Ellsworth, Vostock and  Lake Hodgson 800 meters below the surface with fish, jellyfish and small amphipods (no mammals)  These lakes were trapped under a sudden disaster and survived from that period. Are they pre-historic survivors of the thought to be the forgotten or extinct ? Discovered when drilling the eco systems have 20 types of life forms, which have been drilled for up to 20 years.

This includes ancient forests and Volcanoes, which supports the belief in Agartha and Shambhala ideas. Woolly mammoths and other animals found with food in their mouths were not just instant freeze but trapped under a sudden wet landslide not just in Siberia but in many areas. In Siberia .." E.W. Pfizenmayer was one of the scientists who recovered and studied the mammoth that was found at the river Berezovka in the early 1900s. He wrote, in 1939: "Its death must have occurred very quickly after its fall, for we found half-chewed food still in its mouth, between the back teeth and on its tongue, which was in good preservation. The food consisted of leaves and grasses, some of the latter carrying seeds. We could tell from these that the mammoth must have come to its miserable end in the autumn." Some mammoths are found standing alone and humans hunting them would not bury them in mass graves ? One of the most interesting ruins in Bolivia South America is which is Tiahuanaco  (with the gate of the sun, similar to the gate at Puerta de Hayu Marca, with sacred geometry of the the number seven, 7 feet tall with seven sun rays believed to be seven chakras or seven wheels as chakra means in Hinduism ) dated at 300 ad (1700 years ago) depicts a Stegosaurus Toxodon in its stonework, exactly like a stegosaurus in the cambodian temples.  from 800 ad. (1200 years ago) ? This image is hardly mentioned in relation to others, hieroglyphs etc. Stegosaurus some suggest died out because they tasted good, if you could get a band of 6 or 7 hunters. Great catch big barbecue, and it remains a mystery. Whilst they were not found in Antarctica, many others have been. Agartha was a difficult place to survive it seems and many older beasts and animals did survive. Once again two or three theories of everything are wrapped around Antarctica.

The ancient forests of Antarctica were vast and dense. They find fossilised trees and bones of dinosaurs and humans as they do worldwide. Including hot surface lakes and warm springs. The earth's interior holds vast reservoirs of fresh water more than our current oceans combined. Whether this water has always been there or it submerged as a result of a catastrophe is not certain. Theories that the earth was hit by a giant meteorite causing the earth disaster is one theory, or this is combined with ideas that the earth went out of its orbit by 23 degrees and opened up fissures in the earths mantle in unclear also. Just as the original constellations do not line up with earth designs as they should ( as in chapter 2 half way down and "calendars chronologies and dating methods" In the Osiris video (also below in the next para) at 7 mins and 20 seconds you can see the eccentric earth wobble as it rotates.(watch also from 6 mins to 9 mins or all the video)  If the earth has always rotated in this way then the Egyptian periods alignment to Orion dates to 10,500 bc and consequently the pyramids are as old as this. If the earth rotated in a expected normalised manner previous to an upheaval in which Orion and the constellations procession would still feature then these alignments would date earlier) 

Along with these theories is the Hydroplate theory which suggests the water below the earth was always there but a disaster caused the earths plates and crust to slide and force pressure downwards causing the water to emerge. An associate professor at the US air force academy Walter Brown explains this here in this video the  (the round earth as a sphere and the hydroplate theory on its own fits into any age of the earth scenario) young age of the earth   (older version) at 33 minutes and 30 seconds fwd to 47 minutes, or here The Hydroplate Theory (newer brief version) by Professor Walter Brown. According to the USA National Oceanic and Atmospheric administration (NOAA) The earth's largest ocean underground is a mystery.

The Hydro plate theory and earths crust theory and Antarctica are examined (also studied by Albert Einstein) in this documentary on the underground lake and city in Antarctica. It does not say what causes these disruptions to the earths crust or why they cite the earths age as specific and known, when carbon dating has been discredited, but it does give a background to the issues.  Is An Ancient City Hidden Under Antarctica?

All views must be considered 1.  Intelligent design  2. Evolution or Creation   3. Evolution. The centuries old discussion of Descartes and Heidegger     i.e. how can something arise from nothing. (the remaining unsolved question in science, theology and philosophy) It is important to consider also the age of the Pyramids and why they align with Orion at the date in the Osiris video above repeated here Osiris video  at 7 mins and 20 seconds. Also why calendars changed around the world from a 360 day to a 365 day year in 725 bc (as discussed above) mentioned here on page 4 / 5  and also here as this lends to why Orion in the Osiris video is out of sync (possibly but there were no records of a disasters at this time or concurrent before the date or after, only new weekly monthly changes in the stars and planets) and to the debate on the earth (flat, sphere, old, new etc) Why all views are not taught in School should be the concern of parents who are (for instance) concerned that  "common core education" is a disaster. Of course children like play and fun first but it is also believed children can absorb information from a very young age to higher levels than we supply to them.


Creation films and documentaries 

The Creation film the 'Genesis Paradise Lost' gives an insight into the earths beginnings (from Scientists) Part 1 trailer is here "Science of Genesis Paradise Lost - Part 1 Before the Beginning"   There are many media outlets for Evolution and intelligent design but funding is not given for other views. Then see the recent publication and film by John Lennox 'Against the Tide'  which also gives a creation via science see also  'Stephen Meyer Interviews John Lennox about going "Against the Tide"  (and as above the Older version of 'The Young age of the Earth' and how the deception was fabricated with Geological evidence)  See also the next headings on the evolution fraud and dinosaur business and fraud. The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also 


Even the most publicly sceptical such as Richard Dawkins now admit that Intelligent design and by a superior intelligent creator may be possible. How are you created ? see 'Made in Gods Image ? Genesis 1:26-28'   Compare this to previous explanations "How can something come from Nothing"   (or on bitchute once more)  and now explanations from Neil degrasse Tyson (first considering on creation 2 Corinthians 4, 6 "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ") MR Degrasse Tyson MR GOBBLEDYGOOK / Hugo Talks  and an opposing view to Heliocentrism (for a full debate) "Heliosorcery 2022 Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism full documentary"  And is the earth flat ? or are the Sun and Moon flat, is the CIA / NASA flat ? ...but why does that debate on the earth never include the age of the earth ? is the earth old and fat ...or is it young and slim ? "Real Science ignored ? The Young Age Of The Earth - Robert Gentry - Scientifically Proves Earth isn't Millions Of Years Old"  and what does this have to do with the Tree of Life (and the tree of knowledge of good and evil ?...see chapter 5 and the post dated 12.01.2023, a small example is here The New Age, Eden and the Tree of Life and the Angel / Cherubim of Genesis 3,24 ) 

With no proof of a big bang the origins of the Universe are not known and only increasingly absurd theories persist. See "New Big Bang doubts emerge and show how little we actually know" (Gript Media) and it is not really known but NASA once promoted the afterlife in the Spirit see  Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912–1977) the famous rocket scientist  "NASA and belief in the afterlife"   Belief in the afterlife is natural, and many wish to prevent you for reaching it. "How can something come from nothing (Richard Dawkins) and what is Nothing"   (or here once more on youtube  )

Mathematics & design as proof of God's existence (also) go hand in hand see...  "Intelligent Design and God's mathematics within creation ( with also Elon Musk & Wernher von Braun )"






The Human Evolution fraud and Hoax.

The Piltdown man fraud is told here. Its an incredible situation which begins with Victorian families visiting the British natural history museum and continues on into the 1950's. Around this time some inquisitive people asked for a forensic examination, which when completed found that half the bones were humans and half were apes and were of different dates. 'Lucy' or ' Australopithecus' as 'Lucy' is known scientifically was also examined again. This time and a bone which was part of the original 'bag of bones' and examination was actually discovered to be a baboon bone and not human but the same as baboon bones which are still alive today.  Since the discovery in 1974 forensics also show it is not 3.2 million years old but only a few thousand years and is a small monkey head attached onto a small half human half primate body. No hands of feet were discovered? and it's not certain if it is male or female. This is the (  by Dr. David Menton PhD in Biology at Washington University of Medicine ) best specimen of an example of a missing link or evolution ever found. If your Australian it could be a mind-blowing discovery to realise the OZ skeleton is a monkey and not human or it could be a confirmation that you thought the whole scam was nonsense to begin with.

Nebraska man (the theory is the monkeys/ape men are spread around the world and evolved from different swamps in different parts of the world until they met and began fighting with each other, although some shared food and eventually bred with the new tribe. Many however just branched off separately and decided or were unfortunate to stay as Monkeys and their tribe remain as Monkeys to this very day, oblivious to the lost opportunities others have enjoyed) discovered in 1917 was modeled from the constituent parts to enable the public to realise what Nebraska man would have looked like. Nebraska man looked like this in the minds of Columbia University the London natural history and paleontology experts. For years and having survived two world wars and the Blitz a curious person looking at the exhibit wondered if it was real. A new examination was carried out including obtaining the original source documents and journals. The skeleton (a deceased human burial) was a human skeleton which was not found in the area of the dig of the pig's tooth. The pigs tooth and the rest of the representation of Nebraska man is not a real part of any discovery. Further the man who discovered the pigs tooth (which is all Nebraska man is) in Nebraska, i.e. Harold Cook was also a farmer, and pigs were kept in the area. Further still the type of pig or breed was a south American breed which are not extinct but which was possibly imported and turned into a breakfast of bacon and eggs. If you are from Nebraska you should be very annoyed.

Peking man was stolen when Japan invaded China in world war 2 it is the missing, missing link but plaster casts are kept (of something) Originally it was named 'Misanthropes Pekinensis' but is now recognized as Homo erectus or the original skeleton discovered by Dubois in 1890. It is a cast of a large Monkey that's what it looks like exactly. There are very few missing link skeletons and ape heads and they are getting fewer diminishing year by year. Originally there were thought to be many different species (as the theory before discovery was thought to require different evolution points worldwide for different evolution swamp origins in the primordial soup or swamp )  Now there are only a handful of species the majority of which are discredited frauds and those remaining are only in theory, and which which revert to Homo Erectus as types of Homo Erectus but which are in reality Monkey heads. Peking man was thought to be 750,000 years old but in fact the caves around the area also held the 'dragon bones' fraud in dragon bone quarry,  in China, which are correctly dated (but which are not dragons) however to 5000 or 6000 years ago although dating has a 4 or 5 % error average either side of the total. 4000 years ago, seems nearer the mark.

Fraudulent fossils are dismissed in science but are kept in the school books as fact. The original Homo Erectus or Java man is a gibbon and not a human and a gibbon like those we still have today. The famous Monkey scopes court trial discovered evolution was false and not valid but is portrayed as exactly the opposite today. When the case was lost, the media rounded on the town and said John T Scopes was being persecuted for his beliefs and the issue of evolution was lost and he was then vilified and allowed to go on teaching what is now (with increased forensics and logic and common sense) complete nonsense due to press hysteria and sympathy which obscured the facts. These liberal issues continue today. 

What is going on? as many of the explorers into these issues were genuine and sincere in their (consequentially) massive errors. Others knew the frauds were frauds as they planned and carried out the deception. Consider this tribe in the Amazon they are not extinct or half men / monkeys but real human beings who hunt and capture monkeys for food. (hunt with blowpipes or bows and arrows) This has continued for thousands of years and gibbons, apes and chimps were also eaten. Every continent has such activities and remains in tribal settlements as food was hunted in every tribe and continues today.Their remains were put into a dump or pit and were close to the tribes natural burial grounds. Enemies slain were also placed in such pits or rubbish dumps. The ground which was laid down only thousands of years ago but which is assumed to be millions of years old as you go down into the ground. Completely ridiculous theories have then been cobbled together. It's incredible.

Monkeys are still hunted today and a species has recently become extinct. Apes, Monkeys and primates have been eaten globally wherever they have lived for thousands of years and not just by humans (they simply provided protein, tasted good and were numerous like cattle or chickens. The Chinese han dynasty dates back 2000 years bc) Europe included, which had indigenous primates. 

The BBCRecent finds (such as this announced on the 9.5.2017 by the BBC and Prof Lee Berger from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, Prof John Hawks from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, named 'Homo Naledi' found in a cave in South Africa is thought to have bred with Homo Sapiens cites 'Lucy' (the Lucy Fraud) as connected but separate species, and looks like two skulls half human and half ape arranged placed together. The BBC cite it as fact without an all round analysis of other views ? yet since the source of the ideas are held to be sound no one questions the editorial. 

Again on 7.6.2017 ('Neanderthal Man' and Woman and 'Jebel Irhoud' man ) The BBC re-announce the first of our kind (meaning 'homo sapiens') is found in Morocco announce the BBC ? Citing a discovery made ten years ago by Professor Hublin of Leipzig university, which consists of a Human Skeleton announced as (now) 350,000 years old but was originally dated 160,000 bc, (ten years ago) at a period between thee dates when Humans actually 'emerged' (it is a human skeleton or only a jaw bone and did not live hundreds of thousands of years ago) It was even dated at 40,000 years old  at one point. Known as 'Jebel Irhoud' it  was first announced in 2007 as 160,000 years (or 40,000 years old) and was only a jawbone, but now includes 'specimens' which may not be the same skeleton but the eventual the reconstruction shows that it is ? This proves according to Professor Hublin that many ape men evolved from many sources (and he is at pains to point this out) and not from one source (repeated many times) Professor Hublin says; "The teeth bore some resemblance to those of living humans, but the shape seemed strangely primitive". Primitive is word which means different in shape but could also be advanced, the Neanderthal man fraud with 'unusual skull' which is only a reconstruction and was simply a Scandinavian burial ground of people who had 'rickets' which causes calcium build up on skulls and bones due to extreme cold from a lack of sun and vitamin D deficiency. Ask anyone in Scandinavia today. The Neanderthal man skull is like this or this  This is all that was found of Neanderthal man, note only 1/3 of a skull was found.  "It did not make sense," he added. Dr. Hublin, now at the Max Planck Institute, recalled in an interview. He continues by describing flint spears and stone axes which are also used in the medieval period 500 yeas ago as well as Iron and bronze age. Dr Hublin says " The people of 'Jebel Irhoud' most likely made them for many purposes, putting some on wooden handles to fashion spears"  &  "Prof Hublin's excavation has further revealed that these ancient people had employed stone tools and had learned how to make and control fire. So, not only did they look like Homo sapiens, they acted like them as well"  Perhaps ! they were them ? and indeed both Jebel Irhoud and Neanderthal have now been classified or re-classified as Human after years of misinformation and plaster cast artistic opinions, which fit the theory after the fact. The activities of Jebel Irhoud sound like tribes in the Amazon (and others ) today and could be dated to around 5000 years (or even in the last few months) They are perpetuated in the press as fact, and paleontology is also big business. Darwin reputedly abandoned evolution and became a Christian. 

What is going on here? The finds are required to underpin Social Darwinism, humanism or secular humanism and dialectical materialism and relativism as fact. This supports liberalism as a political fact and neo-liberalism which does not recognize we have rights under God but views are rights as equal rights but no rights equally. Neo Conservatism rejects these frauds. There are not many human races, only one. 'Race- ism' begins on the left. These ideas which are supposed to require 'critical thinking' do not allow facts or science to interrupt their dialogue. Only evolution can be taught which is a form of fascism without intelligent design and creation.

The following video points out further facts and contradictions. (entitled on you tube; A Question That Atheist Evolutionist Couldn't Answer)  or full film version here called 'Evolution versus God' you tube (Others here or here )

and the truth about DNA, you tube, "The Signs of God's Existence Documentary Full Length"     (which also shows the Koran is copied from the earlier Torah and Old Testament and New Testament. Islam today is a form of revised Hinduism in practice)


DNA - God's amazing programming; evidence for his existence.

The excellent ' Evolution Achilles Heel'  the trailer here   and Audience reaction to the film (or to purchase here )

Chapter 4 discusses the earth's pyramids discovered all over the earth and also the new information and archaeology on the worlds underwater ruined cities. Incredibly the greatest mystery remains the Pyramid at Giza and not modern technological problems.

Again also watch  the Atheist Delusion and  'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television


The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also It is very important as the Egyptian Archaeological Record is deliberately out of Sync (a huge cover up and fraud) in its Timeline (as also the earlier Sumerian King Lists from where we derive the Red Headed Pharaohs ) and as it is used as a yardstick and marker for history, all other nations history is also out of Sync, keeping the confusion on nations histories and timelines in perpetuity including Israel's (via academia and peer reviews and television etc) 

A Youtube Conference on this subject (not the actual documentary but discussing it) 1. Patterns of Evidence Exodus with Tim Mahoney and David Rohl - Part 1 - The Journey  2. Patterns of Evidence Exodus with Tim Mahoney and David Rohl - Part 2 - The Evidence 3. Patterns of Evidence Exodus with Tim Mahoney and David Rohl 3. - Part 3 - Fairytale or History?   (see the Dinosaur bone wars and Human ape men frauds below)




The 'Terrible Lizard' & 'Dinosaur' Fraud and Hoax.

It comes as a terrible shock and surprise to most people, especially those who have visited natural history museums (or 'Dinosaur museums' ) or those who have  watched connected documentaries or films, when they learn 90% of the items they have viewed are in fact false or fakes. 90 % of the bones on show are simply plaster cast artistic impressions and are not supported by the actual discoveries made or real bones kept under lock and key. Further many of the 'types' of animals are composites made up of 2 or more (in some cases 5 o or 6) other animal parts and stuck and forced together to form a new 'species' which have not ever existed in themselves and have never evolved or changed species. It exists only in the 'Minds of Men'

Without any doubt the greatest hoax of the 19th and 20th century and which incredibly is still perpetuated today. There is still no scientific proof that dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago or any millions of years ago. How and why people believe such nonsense is beyond the absurd, it is so absurd you could literally not make it up. It is made up and it is fabricated and one of the most stupid (you will kick yourself) hoaxes ever played on man and womankind. Firstly, for all the academic papers scrutinised and examined by their peers, read the book by Ian Taylor  'In the Minds of men'  ( or here ) which is exhaustive and accurate, and is excellent research. Taylor a scientist had the freedom to trace the theories and his incredible book compiled over many years, should be compared against or read alongside humanist social sciences or philosophical science books to bring a balance. Malcolm Bowden's book ' Ape men fact or fallacy'  (or here ) also compares academic papers. The excellent research of Bill Cooper is here.  In 2006 and many more since then have joined them 500 scientists made a joint declaration that Evolution was nonsense (see article 'Over 500 Scientists Proclaim Their Doubts About Darwin's Theory of Evolution'  Robert L. Crowther, II | @RLCrowther February 20, 2006 )

Whilst the human evolution story is now rejected by most of academia (although still taught at lower levels) other areas of thought are also crumbling in the scientific and historical record. It is rarely mentioned (for instance) that Henri Bergson (1859-1941) and his Book 'creative evolution' post Darwin's theory of the late 1800's, won a Nobel peace prize in 1907.  

To see a brief overview of the dinosaur hoax, which is a sleight of hand (watch one area and miss another) considering also the following research;

For MP4 versions of the videos belwo which are on youtube see here  1. The Dinosaurs You Love Are Fake   2. Your Favourite Childhood Dinosaurs Aren't Real 3. If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! '   4.  Hidden History of the Dinosaurs  (Next below)

First watch; &  'The Dinosaurs You Love Are Fake'  which classifies or reclassifies what you are actually seeing and the second video mentions that many 'species' are simply younger versions or offspring of larger parents etc.(see 'Your Favorite Childhood Dinosaurs Aren't Real' ) From Sumeria and King Menes and the Ari tribes to the Egyptians   from Sumeria (and up until the last two hundred years ) the notion of pre-historic (i.e. anti - antediluvian before the emergence of man as opposed to mid / post  - deluvian) creatures which were in essence an error which were then erased pre-empting a  'reset' globally amongst living creatures was not accepted as a notion. It was not on a past or future Horizon and did not occupy light minded tribes or literature or oral traditions. First watch Youtube Dec 4th 2016 ' If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! '  (if the link is not working google the title or try this link here  or here )   and in the next video following in 2 paragraphs down, there is the modern recent reclassification of a 'species' which have all proven to be fakes. The need to embellish and fake history was not on a past or future Horizon and did not occupy light minded tribes or literature or oral traditions. Today even the 'bone war' movement known as the beginnings of evolutionary theory (which was first mooted by the Greeks after Egypt but as a lesser idea and which was ridiculed) in the mid 1800's is not accepted as science but is not publically and completely challenged academically. Many species of 'dinosaur' (a word invented in te mid 1800's) we are familiar with today are composites of others. Original 19th century 'discoveries' were no better than the week long phenomenon of 'zebra-potamus' for example, which died out as its large rear end meant it could not run away, consequently in embarrassment, it disappeared from the fossil recording process and you will not find it today. Many of these types however continue to this day. (the 'velaciraptor' was not aggressive, the only skeletons found are very different from the artistic image or film monster we know. It had feathers and was only about 2 feet tall in real life, what was it ? a bird or a lizard one or the other. ....but it is a bit like an actual bird) 

Above and in the video YouTube Dec 4th 2016 ' If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! '  authorities cited also include David Wozny  (which includes the aforementioned video or here) or writing here and also Dr Margaret Helder and her book 'Completing the picture' and her perspective on radio-carbon dating methods. (fossils themselves are not dated and often only rocks adjacent to them are, yet the error of radioactive decay is never analysed) & John Alan Feduccia (born 25 April 1943) is a paleornithologist, specializing in the origins and phylogeny of birds. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina.

Separately watch the next excellent video on 'Dinosaurs' or the 'terrible lizards' (whilst most people may reject its outlook, its research is exhaustive and accurate and matches academic research on the area.

See 'Hidden History of the Dinosaurs' which details the historical record and physical evidence available for anyone to research and find today. Dinosaurs dragons and terrible lizards  have been mentioned throughout history (from 1500 bc to 1800 ad) by famous people and historians we recognise, as follows, Aristotle, Strabo, Alexander the Great, Herodotus (circa 450 bc) who mentions 'flying reptiles' who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey from where the film 'troy' originates and who veracity is never in doubt. Marco Polo, Claudius Aeolians and many Roman historians, the Thracian histories, the Anglo – Saxon Chronicles, George of Libya (and many 'dragon' hunters. It also true that many church records or parish records in Wales and England record such creatures in the 12th, 14th 16th and 18th century. I have read two also from an old parish record of the day) Everyone knows the Chinese Zodiac, it has 12 creatures one for a year over 12 years. Yet look again at  it here  (or here) It is available in every Chinatown and Chinse restaurant, yet we are supposed to believe that 1 of each creatures is mythological, whilst it is admitted the other 11 are real. The 12th is the Dragon which is mythological but the other 11 are real etc.

If the geological record was either 765, million years old, 160 million years old or 65 million (and it varies even from period to period, country to country and University to Univeristy) the fossil (bone) record would mean the whole world would be knee deep in bones, and absurdities like this are ignored.

'Archaeopteryx' ? 

Another recent announcement (1.2.2018 but on many news networks who are fed the info to post as is without question) was a another fossil of 'Archaeopteryx' which means 'first bird' in German. It was found by a private dinosaur enthusiast and interpreted by a museum. The first 'Archaeopteryx' was discovered just 2 years after Charles Darwin wrote 'The origin of Species' in 1859, but there are many 'imaginative reconstructions' of the final image. This is an artist representation of 'Archaeopteryx'  which looks remarkably similar to a 'Blackbird' or here and in fact they are about the same size (between 1 foot and 1.5 feet high up to 2 feet) Here is a raven image and again they look the same although the Raven is slightly bigger than a blackbird. The Blackbirds and the Raven are a few years old, whilst 'Archaeopteryx' classed as a Dinosaur is… 152 million years old (or between 100 and 150 million years old or 80 million years old in other citations) Here are the fossil remains and which are similar to the recent fossil found in Bavaria, South Germany (this week February 2018 ) in the first link above, and here are the imagined skeleton representation on a plinth. A private collector passed it to Oliver Rahut an expert on Gerstner quarry in Bavaria near Munich, who like Darwin is convinced it is an intermediary (a missing link which 'learnt to fly') between walking big dinosaurs and birds, it came in-between these 2 separate species, and this explains how Dinosaurs shrunk down in size and flew away. They just shrank down, grew wings and flew away (they had enough of being big dinosaurs etc, except for the dinosaurs who were killed in the huge meteor which hit the earth wiping out 'the dinosaurs', but which missed every other large mammal we know of who also did not become extinct) here curtesy of creation science is yet another artist impression or Archaeopteryx which as you can see differs from the first one above (it is more reptilian to serve a purpose) but they say archaeopteryx is just a ….bird with a bird brain ! ? It has a very tiny brain but still bigger than a lizards including large lizards ( or 'dinosaurs') However this is disputed  by 'science' but who cannot really make up their minds if it a bird or a 'dinosaur' However a previous intermediate dinosaur / bird has now been admitted as being a hoax i.e. the Infamous 'Archaeoraptor' which was discovered to be yet another composite creature stuck together from different animal/bird parts ? Xu Xing of the Chinese academy of Science in Beijing, examined the original remains and said 'After observing a new feathered dromaeosaur specimen in a private collection and comparing it with the fossil known as Archaeoraptor [pages 100–101], I have concluded that Archaeoraptor is a composite. The tail portions of the two fossils are identical, but other elements of the new specimen are very different from Archaeoraptor, in fact more closely resembling Sinornithosaurus. Though I do not want to believe it, Archaeoraptor appears to be composed of a dromaeosaur tail and a bird body.' Even dromaeosaur is a hoax, as noted after an investigation As we have already learnt deep in the Chinese scientific community (who under the communist party need to maintain Darwinian secular Humanism in case the Chinese start an uprising) China is part of the fake fossil bone industry which sells to the open market (The Zidong 'open art animatronic' dinosaur manufacturers' who are part of the public exhibition hoax) . Archaeopteryx was covered in mud, which turned and set like concrete in a few hours into days. 'Dodo's' now extinct since the 1660's after been hunted to extinction like many 'terrible lizards' could not fly (discovered on a remote Island by sailors prior to 1660, it had the unfortunate combination of being small brained, although bigger than a lizard, flightless, slow and tasted great)  Archaeopteryx is not a transitional form, no transitional form has yet been discovered. The Swinehunt (Schweinehund in German ) is a 'pig dog' in poor English translation, but they are still two separate species not an intermediary and of course it is not a pig combined with a dog ! You can say however that Darwin was / is a fraud and perpetuating this through the 1860's to today (also in the USA 'dinosaur' 'Bone Wars' from 1860 onwards) is big business.

The most famous story are the Anglo Saxon chronicles and Beowulf. (translated by Seamus Heaney) Beowulf fights a 'dragon' and their are several mentions of sea creatures. Beowulf  (pdf) was a real person who features in the historical genealogies, as was Woden or Odin spelt often as Wooden   'Grendell' the monster Beowulf fights was lizard dragon type creature as described. It was not a man as is mistranslated a 'Grendel' was a creature in very old Saxon Dane.The vikings and the Saxon Dane literature describes their travels and sea creatures which attacked them, very large and fearsome. Viking ships have a mast carved with the Sea monster / Dragon feature to ward off such creatures (it was hoped). Their boats copied the fierce sea creatures they encountered. VI King means '6 Hebrew Kings'. The  fossil record does not show any difference to the beasts described in the historical record.

'Myths' are terms employed to denigrate accurate history. The term is employed in some cases to erase real history also. In Britain and in old Saxon / Dane there are legends of the 'worm' or Wurm. But his word means a large lizard / dragon(not an earth worm in the garden) type creature which attacked and ate people. Germany has these written legends as does Britain and these people did not have an agenda in historical times, they simply recorded history. No one questions that wolves and bears which once existed in Britain as well as big cats (like Limas or small Pumas and there are also white panthers which are still alive today are not residing there now). They were hunted to extension like foxes today as they ate the livestock and people also. the level of threat determines the level of hunt. Large lizards also ate each other  which depleted their numbers, and hunt each other daily living in marshes or  in swamps.  The historical record is widespread worldwide. Images from a Russian archive is available here  from the middle ages (400 ad to 1500 ad) In Britain the most famous 'wurm' was the Lambton worm made into a song and is historical. Dating from the mid 1850s and includes the Sockburn worm and there are may worms recorded and described as a large snake lizard with a salamander head and foul breath which means it must have been large. Sir John Lambton had to kill it as it was eating people and livestock. The real story describes a large creature but over time it is reduced in size and its descriptions are  changed. Traditionally swords or large spears did not work. It was the job of the local landowner or Knight to remove it and this would mean a large Pole used in jousting. This where the legend of the Knight on horseback arises. The story of George and the Dragon  are not based in myth, or the myth of the 'maypole' etc (feast 21.4.2017 or 21st of April every year, but St George was Greek although the story spread to Britain in custom and history) although its become pantomime instead of the reality. The Crowcombe Dragon and Gurt worm of Shervage in the last link (Somerset) are real events and there are hundreds of these stories all recorded as real history and they are the 'dinosaur' skulls and missing bones etc. The Norton Fitzwilliam 'Pendragon' the Pendragons family of Arthurian fame. The Bristol Cathedral south 8 carving showing 2 people avoiding a 'dragon' half way down as you scroll. The Welsh Anfac lake dragon or here   The Welsh Red Dragon of Vortigen and Merlin. It wasn't easy farming, farmers today do not know how easy they have it. These 'myths' exist throughout history and over many lands and they were the 'dragon headed' skulls which are found today or terrible lizards or 'dinosaurs.

As we have seen in previous paragraphs in red above many large terrible lizards are still around and were harder to kill or catch as they are cold blooded and nocturnal and formidable and could disappear into waters or swamps or seas. Many creatures have become extinct in the last 300 years, but were also around in the misdated layers of rocks from 'millions' of years ago and today. Many creatures in the misdated layers of rock strata, from millions of years ago, are still alive today and also have not 'evolved'. Consider first creatures as composite creatures made up of other animals to suggest new species but which have never existed. (see last video 2 paragraphs above the 'hidden history of dinosaurs') Then consider the largest animal which has ever lived in the blue whale and which still lives (at nearly 100 feet long) whilst snakes 50 feet or more are still discovered including crocodiles which are up to 30 feet in length.  The largest extinct behemoth or 'prehistoric' elephant ever are in these sizes (china Gobi desert) but even today larger or comparable elephants or behemoths still live. (or here) The terrible water based lizards (nocturnal mostly and hard to kill before rifles here or here ) And then there are the 'living fossils' ? which are 'pre-historic' but are still here ? In you tube 'Prehistoric Creatures That Still Exist Today'  (and it includes rediscovered extinct creatures or thought extinct, and includes the still living 'crocodilians' which the narrator says resemble their dinosaur cousins of 250 'millions' years ago, but Wikipedia says 100 million years ? but which are still here) and which are called 'holdovers' or are 30 million or 130 million years old and sea sponges are called 765 million year old living fossils ? but … which are still here, and have not evolved anyway ? They have not changed into another species or flew away in 765 million years ? Incredibly these lizards do not know they are a 100 million years old species, and are oblivious to the documentary makers. They of course in 765 million years have remained steady as lizards and have not made a documentary as yet themselves (note sea creatures remain the longest as land creatures such as bears and large hunters are often the first creatures men killed, those that were the tastiest were high up the  hunting roster) The still living Dragon in Indonesia is also still here  'Largest Lizard on Earth - The Komodo Dragon - Deadly 60 - Indonesia - Series 3 – BBC'  (and whilst this video is limited it does give an idea of scale in still living animals, it shows a still living horse at 20 hands high, great Danes at 5 feet tall and seven foot six on hind legs, and so on. Next consider a deeper study)

Video referred to and which shows the PhD scientific evidence of dinosaur fossils (which co-exist with human fossils etc) see 'You tube The Young Age of the Earth (English'  ('Dinosaurs' do not predate man whatever your view of the age of the earth, which is a separate question in philosophy and theology to the age of Gd, if any length in or outside of time and space can be defined )

Layers of rock can be created in days like concrete today. Fossils are found even at surface level and vast shoals of fish are found crushed suddenly. Every animal is found at every level including many which still survive as species today. Palaeontologists suggest that rock is formed over millions of years, but concrete foundations are formed over 24 hours hardening over 3 days to 10 days. Some large buildings have foundations 10 to 30 feet (or more) deep built up in layers  If a steel beam was dropped vertically into this concrete pour it would encompass all layers. In geological terms this beam would span millions of years instead of just a few days and yet beam and concrete are the same age. Concrete dams and their overflow tunnels have been eroded in a few hours to depths of 50 feet into the steel reinforced concrete due to the immense water pressure ripping through the material. Engineers call this 'cavitation' when water flows more than 100 feet per second. (see 39 minutes to 44 minutes   forward at Glen Canyon Dam in Colorado or here in this video ) Solid rock was also shredded in seconds as water reached 1000 feet per second. These scientific engineering and geological facts are not taught. Carbon 14 dating (C14) is also only accurate for wood up to 4000 years old, and dates are then assumed to a desired age beyond this. Oil does not just occur below 16,000 as of course it bubbles out of the ground in many countries including Texas. Oil and gas seeps from the sea bed into the oceans but also is created instantly in superheated water through organic sediment (such as coral ) see at 26 minutes forward. Rock ages measured by helium loss show the exact date of their creation as being recent in geological history. Oil found therefore before 16,000 feet may be an oil derived by fossils, but which could have been created quickly under extreme pressure. Since it is so vast around the earth, how did it get there? If it is damaging how do we assess the outpouring volcanic ash from numerous Volcanoes over decades including the recent Iceland volcano in 2010, which closed the Sky's from airplanes for weeks

Trees are found in geological strata which do just that? 'Dinosaurs' (a name created only just over a hundred years ago) are found in rock strata with human skeletons and a variety of skeletons of animals which still exists today. And rocks which curve under and over other layers are how old ?

Watch also the lengthy but accurate video (google title if link broken)  'Evolution Debunked Once And For All! Even SCIENTISTS Agree, EVOLUTION IS GARBAGE'  Dinosaurs were called Dragons or large vipers or serpents or behemoths or Cockatrice. In fact Behemoths are mentioned in Job 40, 15 – 22 who lived around 1550 bc, the Hebrew word is translated as an excellent beast or large quadruped (not a Hippopotamus, as the Hebrew word for Hippopotamus / Rhinoceros is actually the Unicorn equivalent 'reem or ream') Leviathan (Job 41) is a land and sea creature with a coat of armor and fearsome teeth and strong neck and no spear can pierce it as it crushes iron, with jagged fleshy parts and it leaves a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge (which was very big and 4th picture down ) is also mentioned in Job 41 with flames and smoke shooting out of its mouth and nostrils (verse 19/20 and also Isaiah 30, 6) and verse 25 says 'When it rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before its thrashing' It Sounds like a dragon or terrible lizard or a dragon (which are mentioned in Psalm 74,14 and 148, 7 and Revelations 12,9 and dragon is meant for all 3 verses and others ) with a strong neck which can breathe fire and exactly like the dinosaur fossils discovered. Both the accepted respectable 'science' and the opposing but also respectable scientific view both accept that the sinus pipes are unusual, and they cannot be totally sure what they were used for. The truth of 'Parasaurolophus' which had strange nasal cavities which are only guessed, which was both land and sea in its roaming, and had a strong neck and tail. Yet many believe it also had an ability to breathe fire or hot breathe and smoke like methane gas which pigs produce. In this case produced from its nostrils and mouth which is the description of Leviathan above. Eating large amounts of foliage and greenery can produce excessive methane. This is researched further here. or here 'Cockatrice' is mentioned in Jeremiah 15,16 but is clarified in Isaiah 30,6 in which the flying fiery serpent is named ? In Africa similar fiery and non-fiery flying serpents were sighted up until recently. Evolution and 'Dinosaurs' (which is a word only invented in 1841 and hardly in use up until 1914) as theories have been allowed a free ride as the truth.

This is how this hoax is maintained and perpetuated the question is why ? The answer is the secular Humanist communist atheist Marxist left wing theories of origins and race (racism) and philosophy i.e. its philosophy needs the theory to sustain its belief system in its current form.

Students of archaeology or palaeontology are focused into a narrowed area of study, and looking at text books which tell them these rocks were formed millions of years ago from the beginning. The fossils in them at different ground levels (oldest =  deepest) represent layers of thousands of years into millions of years. Then the dating fraud is placed upon the rock (with systems that have dated living creatures as millions of years old) No other opinion (like 'progressive stack' left wing language censorship ploys) are allowed funding is blocked and the outline of the study is already framed to produce the end result.

See also; Sutcliffe, Tony 'Why evolution is a fraud a secular and common sense deconstruction'.  &  Hopwood Nick 'Haeckel's Embryos Images, evolution and fraud'.  &  'A.N. Wilson: It's time Charles Darwin was exposed for the fraud he was' 4.8.2017

Dating methods in the Mount St Helen's disaster for instance threw up many puzzling results. Rocks were formed from the cooled lava and they were later examined and dated by radiometric dating as opposed to relative dating. The rate of decay of radioactive isotopes, such as uranium, potassium, rubidium and carbon-14 within that object measured begins straight away after solidifying. The Mount St Helens, rocks were measured by scientists, who did not know their origin. When they published the results of the newly formed rocks they all dated them as millions of years old. Crusts and layers of earth formed quickly in the eruption and objects which had fallen into them (the new soft multiple layers) were buried up to 12 feet or more into the layers vertically. This should have implied a certain date or period, but in fact it was also only a few days old. (e.g. newly developed Fresh water  Clams dated as 1600 years old, but actually only a few months old, some new clams were dated to be 20,000 years old ? and it is admitted that limestone in the water which produces excess carbon, gives an artificial date. This error could also be applied to other element conditions and excess carbon pollutants in the (all or any) samples. Tree ring samples extend back to 9,000/10,000 Bc only, although the oldest living tree is 4800 years old. The myths of carbon dating and other errors are exposed further here (and radio carbon is not accurate and is wildly erratic but it shows you that the science is nonsense as is the academia behind it) and it is a fraud, yet it is admitted that the more carbon in an object (which we also are made up of as are dinosaurs) the more difficult it is to date, and as radioactive carbon breaks down, its periods (from around 4000 to 10,000 years) increase in duration to give readings which are then billions of years old when in fact they may be tens, hundreds or only thousands.

Next the historical and physical evidence cataloged elsewhere are omitted as 'myths' but are stored in nearly every library on earth. The historical record is excluded and only consulted for the understanding of wars or dating kings or emperors etc. Presuppositions are also re-enforced from the outset (evolution, intelligent design and creation are not jointly considered) Jurassic park films (and today literally billions are spent on CGI films and cartons, packed with dinosaur families and baby or young dinosaurs, with school rucksacks etc going off to school. Talking dinosaurs are beamed into children's morning television and then their existence is further re-enforced as fact in the school. The terrible lizards are cute, (video; 'Terrible Beast Rex- Toy Story' )  they have (pointless & useless ?) rubbery little arms and some even have squeaky tummy buttons. How could any adult say harsh words against them to children indoctrinated from a very early age. Yet it is essentially lying to children . These films have been especially disingenuous but the most revealing  quote (within the first film in the Jurassic park series) came from Jeff Goldblum  (youtube video 'That is one big pile of shit') who is conducting a field exercise on 'Dinosaur' remains and 'feces', who sums it up very well (who also asks if we can get a chase scene on the ride and is actually very amusing although the reality is the 'dinosaur' chasing them never existed)  

Once you realise all of this 'dinosaur lore' is not true, and you realise you have been kept from asking then what is ? and then the next question after that.



The 'Terrible Lizard' & 'Dinosaur' Fraud and Hoax cont’d (from above) and combining ‘The Human Evolution Fraud and Hoax’ contd


In 2019 into 2020, a host of new species were announced (many as usual before peer reviews from all sides) in the mainstream media.

As a recap to the beginnings of the ‘dinosaur’ phenomenon and the ‘Bone Wars’ or here (1877 – 1892 but ongoing ) of the Victorian and Edwardian era but which is still taught as fact today consider the following videos from above.

First watch; &  1. 'The Dinosaurs You Love Are Fake'  which classifies or reclassifies what you are actually seeing and the second video mentions that many 'species' are simply younger versions or offspring of larger parents etc.(see 2. 'Your Favorite Childhood Dinosaurs Aren't Real' ) ' 3. If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! '  (if the link is not working google the title or try this link here  or here ) See 4. 'Hidden History of the Dinosaurs' which details the historical record and physical evidence available for anyone to research and find today.

(For MP4 versions of these videos see here 1. The Dinosaurs You Love Are Fake   2. Your Favourite Childhood Dinosaurs Aren't Real 3. If you Think Dinosaurs Are Real Watch This And THINK AGAIN Dinosaur HOAX!!!!! '   4.  Hidden History of the Dinosaurs

On August 7th 2019 a ‘giant’ skeleton of a 3.5 foot Parrot was found in New Zealand (named ‘Heracles inexpectatus’) who lived 19 million years ago

Trevor Worthy, from Flinders University, said in the statement.

" Heracles inexpectatus parrot” New Zealand is well known for its giant birds," he added. "Not only moa, but giant geese and adzebills shared the forest floor, while a giant eagle ruled the skies. "But until now, no-one has ever found an extinct giant parrot—anywhere." But unsure if it was vegetarian or a meat eating predator Mike Archer, a palaeontologist from the University of New South Wales in Australia said.. “The parrot “may well have dined on more than conventional parrot foods, perhaps even other parrots,” Archer told Agency France-Presse. But because the parrot had no predators, it is unlikely that it was aggressive, Worthy told the BBC.“It probably sat on the ground, walked around and ate seeds and nuts, mostly,” he said. Therefore 19 million years ago a 3.5 foot parrot could have eaten you or may have just perched as you walked by and mimicked tyrannosaurus rex roars if indeed it is 19 million years old or 3500 years old  (no one is really sure)

Dinosaur flesh found on a dinosaur bone. Professor Mark Armitage.  CSUN scientist Mark Armitage found ‘soft tissue’ in ‘dinosaur’ bones  ‘Mark H Armitage - Report Of Soft Tissues In A Triceratops Horn’  and an alternative video here and earlier video from 2014  Essentially when the results of the blood and haemoglobin tests were discovered and were published he was dismissed, (as Dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago ) the academic institution objected to his paper. His peer reviewed paper is here (Soft sheets of fibrillar bone from a fossil of the supraorbital horn of the dinosaur Triceratops horridusIt is denied that his version of events occurred as he claims. It is an academic debate in which secular humanism, (and abortion stemming from it ) and evolution and ‘ecology’ depend on these ideas of our origins (in the theories arising from the Charles Darwin school)

Nodasaur Incredibly in 2011, a 110 million year old dinosaur (but only the rocks near the find were dated and they by a dubious method not the actual finds) was found in Alberta Canada (a ‘dragon’) with its skin and guts intact. It was guessed at 18 feet long but only the front half from ‘snout to the hips’ was actually recovered. It looks like a crocodile or alligator variant.

‘MRD’ (Human / ape thing) In Aug 2019 The Irish Times reported a new skull which is named MRD and is supposedly related to ‘Australopithecus anamensis’ better known as Lucy and is between 4.1 million and 3.6  years old it is claimed. ‘Lucy’ a well known fossil fake which is an artists impression and composite of human and ape bones is 3.2 million years old (see above also in the first Dinosaur section entitled ‘The Human Evolution Fraud and Hoax’) Clearly MRD and Lucy were hundreds of thousands of years apart but related it is speculated or fabricated. Only a cranium skull and teeth were found and it too is a fake but announced as a real new species.

Quetzalcoatlus northropi of the ‘Cretaceous period’, is in effect a giant bat like bird stalk (thing) as tall as a Giraffe and a predator. Mark Witton, a palaeontologist  (paleoartist) when asked why did it get so big (in relation to bats and stalks)  “In short, the best answer to 'why did Quetzalcoatlus get so big' is simple: Because it could." Thought to be from the Cretaceous period which is 145 million or 66 million years ago. Wondering how it could have flown Mark Witton ponders the problem. He advocates the launch propulsion theory see ‘Quadrupedal Launch in Pterosaurs Animation’ He adds ‘How did they land? In fact, some people still believe these giraffe-sized animals were too heavy to fly at all. But then what did they do with their wings? These are all questions that new techniques and fossil finds are starting to answer’  Many suggest that this combination of giant bat and stalk with a giraffe neck is a composite creature. One site in 1971 in Texas discovered by Douglas A Lawson yielded a partial wing, and a finger. At another site 25 miles away also by Douglas Lawson this site yielded three fragments of skeletons but of much smaller creatures and then it was announced a new species but as composites from different sites = Quetzalcoatlus northropi. From these different composites a life size artists impression was put on display in the London South Banks exhibit for the Royal Society in June 2010. As for its ability to fly (and even exist as plaster cast in exhibits) the following analysis can assist.  (the creature has an extended kneck added onto it and extended leg/wings, but the videos above show the real history of this creature and its real body parts) 

Starfish and Amphibians in Ireland A 325 Million year old amphibian has been  found in Ireland following the discovery of a 435 million year star fish found also in Ireland. The amphibian is 10 mm long (just under half an inch like a well developed tadpole) and was named ‘Crepidosoma Doyleii’ after a Professor Doyle. The Starfish is also estimated to be only 2000 - 4000 years old (by ‘others’)

October 30th 2019 a new species of megaraptorid is announced. Looking very similar to a previous claw (toe nail) found in 2014 – 2015 Stephen Poropat, a palaeontologist at Swinburne University and first author on the study made the find said “The striking resemblance presents a conundrum for the researchers because Australovenator wintonensis was discovered in Queensland, a region thousands of miles to the north of ERTW” Those bones were dated to 95 million years ago, which means there's a 10 million-year gap between the two fossil finds. "It is possible that we've found bones of subadult Australovenator individuals," says Poropat, "but it is more likely that we're dealing with a different species. The ‘claw’ was found on its own in 2015, but also the bones and the claw were not found together but hundreds of metres apart in the new site, and yet the peer review paper states “All elements (my insertion; ‘bones’) were found in a fluvial deposit, associated with isolated bones of other theropods, ornithopods, and turtles, amongst others; consequently, no two can be unequivocally assigned to the same theropod individual”

Further the claw (toe nail) exists today in animals and birds. Such as the Cassowary (ostrich type) Ostrich  (or here )and Giant anteaters, and (extinct) Ground sloths, and Ground Sloth claws . (Sloths still exist today, not the giant sloth but the normal sized sloth) Bears have paws but their claws extend back under the fur by many inches. The ‘megaraptoid’ claw is the same and it extended back into the foot under the skin as a toe nail would. Eagle’s claws are also very big and match the size of the megaraphoid claw. All except the ground sloth are alive today although ‘sloths’ do still exist and have big claws. (there are many other examples) Many fossils of animals are still alive today and have not evolved from the fossil period 19 or 165 or 765 million years ago (or even from 4000 years ago) see no 4 in this article r.e. the coelacanth fish  “Not that long ago, the Coelacanth was believed to have been an extinct species of primitive fish, a precursor to the first amphibians that stumbled out of the sea and onto dry land. The oldest fossil ever found was dated to sometime around 360 million years ago, while the most recent one was from about 80 million years ago (mya). Scientists then safely assumed that the Coelacanth went extinct about the same time as the dinosaurs did, some 65 mya, and that was that. But back in 1938, this whole theory was turned on its head when a live specimen was captured off the coast of South AfricaLatimeria chalumnae, as it came to be named, is just one of the two known species of Coelacanth we know to exist today, with the other one living around Indonesia.” It is made up as it goes along.

What is a Velociraptor ?  Recently and since the Jurassic Park films, it is discovered that Velociraptor had in fact feathers and they were not scaly lizards. The last link also shows the actual fossil in the rock which was actually found, showing the ‘baby Velociraptor’ but which of course now, since the original opinion/artistic impression had feathers. Yet we are still given plaster casts of those fossils looking like this. (i.e. looking nothing like the actual fossil but looking a film version of that fossil from Hollywood) In fact, a velociraptor resembles a young baby heron.  (or here or here once again) And that is exactly what they find, not this from Jurassic Park. (or here ‘Jurassic Park (1993) - Raptors in the Kitchen Scene (9/10) | Movieclips’ ) The unproven and ridiculous theory is Dinosaurs 90% of which are fake (some are still alive and are not dinosaurs) simply shrank down over millions of years and then formed feathers and flew away, except for elephants, rhinos and whales, mice and platypus (once also thought to extinct hundreds of millions of years ago but still here) and giraffes etc. Over 100 million years (or 765 or 165) there would be so many bones you would be stumbling over them everywhere. It is claimed that bones (however) break down over time....except for the fake fossils which are (not) on display but are only plaster casts (to discover how dating methods are completed, and why they are so erroneous see the film 3 paragraphs below entitled 2. evolution or creation. Rocks created by Volcano lava from the Mount St Helen's eruption in a few minutes in 1986 were sent away and returned but dated as between 1 and 3 million years old. To discover why presuppositions occur in the circular argument of different ages in charts compared to the actual dating methods. The charts show millions of years but they are not decided scientifically, only presupposed and then the rocks are set against these time zones, even when Rocks are a few days old or a few years old. see the video below etc)

The Jurassic park films of course invited people (for a big fee ) to go to Jurassic park and travel on the Monorail around the park like a Safari. Yet if any of those travelling on the Monorail had slowed and pulled up at a clearing in the sub tropical foliage and trees and witnessed a 3.5 foot squawking giant parrot, trying either to flap away, or eat a baby heron chicklet, they (disappointed but concerned for both combatants) would have wanted their money back. The enraged audience watching the movies would have stormed out and demanded a refund.

On the 5.11.2019 the Worlds press announced Charles Darwin was wrong In his original theory on the beginning of life on earth. In other words, his book the Origin of Species is wrong. Darwin hypothesized, presupposed or made up in his own mind theories borrowed from his Grandfather Erasmus Darwin  (who belonged to the Royal Society which has abandoned these theories)  and also later 'sculpted' by Priest Father Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Charles Dawson who (the latter) was trying to become a member of the Royal Society by his frauds (but who failed) most notably in the Piltdown Man fraud (see last  link Piltdown man was named 'Eoanthropus dawsoni' in latin after him) This story of Darwins had fooled the world and worlds press for over 160 years. Essentially Darwin suggested that (a few over the earth) pools of warm mud gave birth to life, whereas now (at least since the 5.11.2019)  life is thought to have begun in warm hydrological streams/plumes under the sea, but in only one warm hydrological plume....opinion varies on this between the don't know's and the warm mud heretics. In 1907  when Henri Bergson (1859-1941) and his Book 'creative evolution' which is a post-Darwin's theory of the late 1800s, won a Nobel peace prize in 1907 people then also began to doubt. In other words the latest theory is, your Jacuzzi, as opposed to your health spa mud bath, is where life really began. Yet the same problem which has now displaced Darwin's original theory also has the same problem but just in a different place i.e. under the sea. Fishermen know however that fish die when out of the water, even today. To evolve to land breathing fish, they would have had to evolve in a few minutes. These Hydrothermal vents under the sea actually produce gas and oil in minutes and not life over millions of years, and life within them does not evolve spontaneously, yet the media presumes it does. It is called 'abiogenesis' but the presumption is life as living cells forms on earth or under the sea (without proof) over 'billions of years'. Yet that is not the main problem as even DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) (which is designed and shows design before Humans themselves were able to look into the smallest details of DNA)  is required to make Proteins, and you require DNA to make RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) and you need RNA to also then make proteins ! (and carbohydrates) Therefore someone or something added the essential ingredients before they existed in the material form or shape we can see today. These acids and proteins cannot form in hydrological pools under or above the sea by themselves, especially when the original origin of the first cell is unknown, and this was admitted by Charles Darwin. (see below on DNA Problems) The claim that all life evolved from a single cell also has problems (see below), and the claim that life began on another planet or galaxy also has problems as the original planet or galaxy must have begun at some point or have been created. For DNA see below, or for the 'Piltdown man and Lucy frauds' see the heading, 3 main headings above 'The Human Evolution fraud and Hoax'

Secular Humanism and Darwinism and atheism would also have to concede that in the ‘thesis / anti-thesis’ known as the Hegelian dialectic paradigm, that it is flawed, as their original thesis is wrong, and those built upon them are wrong, as is social-political theory secular humanist opinion and economics especially socialism and communism which advocates ‘evolution’. Only evolution (without intelligent design or creationism 1. Intelligent design 2. Evolution or Creation 3. Evolution. is 'allowed' to be taught in school in the open society of free minds. The centuries-old discussion of Descartes and Heidegger i.e. how can something arise from nothing. (the remaining unsolved question in science, theology and philosophy ) is not tackled honestly, but instead brainwashing in schools and Universities is 'education' and the generations in their youth have to accept the rest of the University education built upon this outrageous frauds. Education which also costs now upwards of $50,000 - $70,000 of un-repayable debt. These theories began around 1830 into 1870. (Video 2 above is available here as MP4 Video file here 'How old is the Earth - Creation or Evolution? - Seminar by Don Patton' )

DNA problems Today 140 years after Darwin it is now understood that DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) is required to make Proteins, and you require DNA to make RNA (Ribonucleic Acid) and you need RNA to also then make proteins ! (and carbo-hydrates) hence the circular origin of life and the chain of coding and matter, cannot have appeared from nothing on its own from the 'primordial swamp' (a name invented by a Greek philosopher or professor over 2 thousand years ago. A professor is one who professes a faith or belief) and then evolved into a living cell or living cells. Which came first ? DNA if incomplete in its code (like a computer code) fails to produce whole and completed lifeforms or species, and if you alter the code slightly in its early formation, it dies, hence it cannot mutate into a new species naturally or at all. DNA is not divisible creating sustained natural life, and Charles Darwin admitted he did not know where the first cell originated (no branch of science or theology can agree on this problem)  ....the conclusion is there is only one human race proven from DNA origins. Adding to the DNA fraud is the Stanley Miller fraud of 1953 (also discussed above near the beginning of the chapter) which basically said he had generated life out of a vacuum in a glass bowl out of a few chemicals in a supposed scientific experiment. Just as DNA cannot generate spontaneously it follows cells cannot generate spontaneously. Here are the ‘facts’ and in this video. And scientifically refuted here again. It is not admitted but quietly ignored that the fraud is a fraud as €Billions in research and spin offs like planned parenthood, transhumanism and ideological education depend on Stanley Millers pseudo science. Today they are producing artificial DNA to make life, but this laboratory ‘life’ is designed by a designer, in the same way computer code is designed or programmed. How did the first life come into existence ? in just the same way i.e. by a designer.

Sustaining this type of education is big business. Sustaining the modern bone wars is a great boom and trade for communist China and they are presented (and sold ) as real. Communism of course does not want the Chinese people to wake up and realise they are being conned by the Zidong factory and others The ‘artisans’ of the Zigong factory in China are nothing more than prop makers and special effects artists employed for the film industry (and those who have been employed by these legitimate industries in the west recognise them)  This fraud and brainwashing is one of the greatest frauds perpetrated on mankind, it purpose is to subvert history and lead men, woman and their children into a false state of consciousness as supported and induced by the MSM. Sadly this fraud has also dovetailed into faiths (including Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism and Christianity) but also into the psyche of everyday people, but they can demand that the media and education boards show all sides fairly and without bias completely to all ages from 3 - 4 upwards.

See also the incredible work by Bill Cooper "After the Flood" (and Genesis 10) which took 30 years to compile by entomology.  The reason this is relevant concerns the Kings list here which shows the Irish, Scottish and British Royal lines. In it the bible verse at In Ezekiel 21 verses 26-27 it says "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; and I will give it Him."  The research is confirmed by 30 years of study from University lecturer Bill Cooper (but see also Chapter 2 above) and his book After the flood which traces all the King lists of European nations including Celts, Anglo - Saxons, Jutes, Friesians, Danish, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and the Eight shires of England (Heptarchy) (see here also again) and wider. An exhaustive entomological puzzle pieced together over decades. e.g. The Irish King lists   and the Anglo-saxon lists 

Scientists claim it is a fairytale to believe humans are descended from just two human beings. Yet the same Darwinian (humanist) scientists state all life evolved from just one cell which split into two producing everything that is alive, including us and also of course elephants and sharks and ants and earwigs or hundreds of thousands of species. Which by their own definition is also a fairytale.




From this perspective a Question still remains. Who were the Ancient Builders and how did they discover their secrets and keep them alive until today?

Since the earliest attempts at forming a right angle using the 'Egyptian Rope Trick' or the ratio of 3,4,5  in lengths to form a right angled Isosceles triangle (2 of which form a rectangle for 6/5) -  (r.e. Osiris, Isis, Horus, along 3,4,5 or Father 3, Mother 4, Son 5 and the Golden Ratio of 1.618 along 5, the art of producing natural sacred geometry has grown deeper, and this was known before Pythagoras, who was a student of the Egyptian builders, who reluctantly initiated him. Moses in Gematria (as one example) numerically sums to 543, then + 345 = 888 or God / Jesus.(born in September /October not at the winter Solstice in December 20-25)

Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland is a copy of Herod's Temple, its height is 44.5 feet its length is 72 feet. 72/44.5 = 1.618, which is only the beginning of its coincidences  -  to forming a perfect circle with Pi 3.142 and Phi 1.618 or the Golden Ratio of 1.618 and Golden Rectangle. To form a rectangle 2/3 of which is a square, which in turn is divided into 3,  2/3 of which again is a square. This sequence which matches the Fibonacci code when traced or drawn creates the Archimedes spiral. The perfect ratio did not just suggest a right angle but an incredibly accurate 'square' or right angle for incredible precision. Yet we are informed the Egyptians did not have this knowledge but it appeared with the Greeks only ? Chatres Cathedral also has ancient geometry built into its medieval design

If you are not familiar with sacred geometry please see the following shortened clips by Scott Onstott from Secrets in Plain Sight

1. Egypt  

2. Jerusalem

Measurement science gleaned from early constructions in Sumerian days (or earlier) also learnt the rope trick Ancient Babylonia had a sacred cubit of 20.67 inches. Babylonia arising from Nimrod, Babel around 2000 Bce about the time of the birth of Abraham, and it discovered the following method of equating a Sacred Cubit.3.142 Pi – 1.618 Phi squared or 1.618 x 1.6118 =  2.618 known as the Golden Mean by some. 3.142 – 2.618 = 0.5236. Transposed into metres or centimetres = 52.36 (x2 = a yard / metre approx) which in inches is 20.61. This is very close to the Babylonian system of 20.67, and was known by 2000 Bce or even centuries earlier. Abraham from UR of the Chaldee's and the Chaldean Astrological Priests would certainly known of this Cubit.

Aker (also an Angel under the Archangel Michael, see also the Norse God Torsaker)

Horus (son of Osiris and Isis) or the 'Horizon' between two Suns, Sunrise and Sunset. The Pharaohs believed they were the sons of Horus and Aker (see the two lions image below) was also a Sumerian God. The Pharaohs pre-dynastic were born from the Sumerians, in turn displaced from Nimrod and Babel. The Sphinx face fits perfectly into the dimensions of the Pyramid face when viewed from the Sphinx temple. The two lions are depicted on the 'Dream Stele' between the surviving Sphinx paws, and which hides the entrance to the door to the underground chambers. The Dream Stele relates the hall of records hidden under the Sphinx. The Serapeum near the pyramids contained over 20 stone containers weighing up to 70 tonnes each. Covered by lids weighing 30 Tonnes each. All are machined to tolerances machines could only match today.

The pyramids also contained white limestone baths (like Marble) around their base which are now stored in the Cairo museum.

On examining the Pyramids in Giza in Egypt which are also found throughout the world with similar distinctive building techniques, meaning they had a common origin instead of 'appearing' in different civilisations co-incidentally, it becomes clear the pyramid builders must have known Pi Phi and the Golden Ratio, yet as date they from thousands of years before Christ and the Greek civilisation how therefore did they gain this knowledge?

The Sphinx or rather the one sphinx which remains of the two originally located at Giza, dates from 10,000 Bce Approx. The Sphinx has the head and feet of a Lion or Man, with the body of a Bull, along which folded wings like Eagles were carved. Scorpio is also depicted as an Eagle or Serpent. (See Ezekiel 1;10). Each element in the Sphinx represents the Zodiac and the four cardinal signs or the Equinoxes we know today. Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio. The Sphinx faces due East and Leo was last facing East on the Vernal Equinox (March 21st) in 10,500 Bc, when the Sun rose in Leo.  The Sphinx (both ) are designed to follow the Great Year or the precession of the Equinoxes. Akhenaton decided to relocate the dead to the east side of the Nile (sunrise) from the west (sunset)

To add to the above paragraph (which was added in mid 2015) these new paragraphs reveal slightly more on the subject (on the Sphinx and Giza and Egypt) as another Sphinx was recently discovered (in 2017 this article from August 2018) at Luxor in what was Upper Egypt (located in the south of Egypt) whilst the pyramids and Giza contain the Sphinx we are familiar with in Lower Egypt (in the north of Egypt) at Giza. Luxor is located across from the valley of the Kings (no mummies were found in the sealed chambers of  the great pyramid in Giza as it is not a burial chamber ) where the Pharaohs are buried underground (with the exception of Joseph’s tomb who was also Pharaoh for a time see the documentary ‘Patterns of Evidence’ below ) There is also a Valley of the Queens as well as the valley of the Kings on the west bank of the Nile from Luxor. The colours of upper Egypt were white and lower Egypt red, (the double crown which also included black in some depictions) combined they make a United Egypt, but the blue and gold crown was the war crown.

However, once you realise that a Sphinx was also an astronomical marker facing towards the new era or constellation of the Zodiac and the whole Giza complex is a giant clock and sun and stars marker, you begin the see the relevance of them. The Sphinx at Giza faces due east to the rising sun and also to the star regulus (known as the Lions heart star) the Sphinx was the Egyptian ‘hour hand’ of a 25920 year clock that we call the precession of the constellations, which seen from the earth is represented by the Zodiac. The sphinx is always facing the zodiac constellation of every platonic month/year/age of 2160 years representing the ages of the Zodiac. It is currently Pieces and soon to be Aquarius.

However the Hindu great ages of time state that these methods were used to try to calculate the age of the supreme intelligence or great architect not the age of the earth and human habitation upon it. Further great ages do not take account of the Universe having a beginning which set the motions of the planets into these great ages and which may not always have been so long in duration. In Hebrew the origins of the Universe could be fathomed from Gds name (they have now discovered the Hebrew slaves dwelling place in Egypt see the documentary The  'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television ) The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also It is very important as the Egyptian Archaeological Record is deliberately out of Sync (a huge cover up and fraud) in its Timeline (as also the earlier Sumerian King Lists from where we derive the Red Headed Pharaohs ) and as it is used as a yardstick and marker for history, all other nations history is also out of Sync, keeping the confusion on nations histories and timelines in perpetuity including Israel's (via academia and peer reviews and television etc)

Descartes asked, Why there is something rather than nothing but which today must also ask ‘Why is there a Higgs Boson particle rather than no Higgs Boson particle?’ also known as the ‘Gd particle’ Of course you can ask why there is (something) Yahweh as a name and its spelling  did not have vowels in ancient Hebrew and so it is spelt ‘YHWH’ but which also designates Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen = Yod Hay Vav Hay,  and the vowels designate something rather than nothing, i.e. YHWH Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen = Yod Hay Vav Hay. These last four symbols represent the chemicals of the Universes beginnings (i.e. the logical but also absurd admission that vague gas type clouds existed before the ‘big bang’ and Stephen Hawkins admitted ‘time’ began before the big bang. In other words the big bang was not the beginning and may not have banged at all) Where did time and gas clouds before the big bang come from without intelligent design or Gd ?

Returning to the second Sphinx at Luxor (there are many smaller Sphinx found around Egypt) that story may  have been a distraction from other news  i.e. that a second Sphinx existed at Giza in Cairo or even a third smaller ‘sister’ Sphinx. Just as the current sphinx is fitted and designed into the geometry of the (in reality) 8 sided pyramid, so too would the other Sphinxes, situated opposite or in front rather of the other 2 pyramids at Giza. The large stone ‘dream stele’ at the feet of the Sphinx, depicts 2 sphinxes, and the current Sphinx has hollowed chambers and stairs within it. The dream stele depicts pharaoh tutmoses dream that 2 pharaohs would exist (tut…moses or thutmose is a clue) but it proves the sphinx was surrounded and buried by sand.

The dream Stele of Thutmoses 1V between the Sphinx’s paws show two Lions either side of Horus the Sun or either side of the Nile.(Horus as Horizon, Isis and Hathor). Menes from Sumer and from Meru was the first Egyptian Pharaoh which United the two sides of Upper Egypt in the south (White Crown, Osiris, Purity) and Lower Egypt in the north (Red Crown, Horus, Seth, Red land/soil) into one Crown of Red and White. Aker (see image above) was the Sumerian Egyptian God and also Norse Gd, depicted as two lions either side of Horus, Giza had two Sphinx, of which one remains. It is also rumoured that Tutmoses or Moses or even Akhenaton, or even Ramses's  (who are one and the same but who suddenly changed his name and some customs which had a different spiritual emphasis of the ‘one Gd’) moved the burial sites of the Egyptians to the opposite side of the Nile. The Nile was the marker slightly east of the Milky Way. We are in the Milky Way (3/4 of the way out from the centre ) but looking closer into the centre was considered the real home of heaven. Therefore the Sun rising in the east crosses over Horus into the Milky way and sets in the West. Burials should perhaps be on the East not the west side so spiritually you travel to the west or vice versa depending who was in power and their particular view. Moses of course later proved this by leading the Exodus and the Israelites over the red sea and across into ‘heaven’ and the promised land of the Milky Way. The new point made by the Exodus is that only Gd can allow souls into Heaven and it is not decided by men. The second Sphinx may also be on the other side of the Nile from the 3 (or 2 found) but remember the Nile came right up to the base of the Pyramids at Giza (around 20 to 60 yards away with ship docks built in)

Consider other aspects of the pyramids and other ancient civilizations below.



The why is evident from the design, the how of ancient constructions is well hidden. For example the ancient Pyramids in Egypt were not constructed by slaves, with ropes and pullies, (as the Cairo museum displays). That the Sphinx is older than the pyramids at Giza is beyond doubt and that it was not constructed by Pharaoh Khafra in 2500 bc, is also certain, and that it is four millennia older confirms the real history of Egypt and surrounding lands No mummies were found in the great pyramids as this was not its purpose, in fact they are buried in the valley of the Kings.


The Revelation of the Pyramids         The Mystery of the Sphinx       Ancient Knowledge    specifically in this video 

(The author puts aside Ancient alien's theory to concentrating on geometry and measurement and design, the videos are named to avoid 'youtube' problems in search engines.)

The Temple of the Sphinx  (you-tube recently discovered in front of it) reveals the alignment with the Equinoxes.  (The Video is called  'Khufu's hidden Calendar', although Khufu is not the correct Pharaoh, and he only repaired the Sphinx and Pyramids) Also &

Over 5 Thousand years ago, Ancient society was not primitive, but sophisticated, as the internal walls and sarcophagus in the King and Queens Chambers of the main Giza pyramid tell us. (If you have been there) It is impossible that they were cut by hand and would need some kind of machine, due to being smoother than many machine cut stones today.

That the pyramids produced hydrogen is evident from the design and its internal walls had residues which hydrogen produces when the pyramids were first excavated is a fact. 

Chris Dunne an Engineer publishes his views here

2 Ancient (and modern power source's)  1. Anti – Gravity Magnets and copper when charged electrically (for lifting or placing)

2. Magnetic Levitation over copper

Herodotus and the Egyptian book of the dead cite the 'everlasting flame' which mysteriously burns in Egyptian constructions.


Ancient cities on every continent and under every ocean or sea

The Worldwide locations of Pyramids (some are smaller than Giza, some are also very sophisticated) includes the USA, China, Russia, South America including Ziggurats which are also found in Mesopotamia (middle east), and also some which are underwater in the worlds oceans. Further the types of construction shows evidence that similar construction methods are employed in all of them including Egypt, and they have one common source which emanates outwards around the world.

Underwater cities are found off the coast of every one of the world's oceans including traces of underwater cities and volcanoes in the very deep waters. Karen Muttons book 'Sunken realms'  which surveys most of them states they are located in;  Tartessos; Cadiz; Morocco; Alexandria; The Bay of Naples; Libya; Phoenician and Egyptian sites; Roman era sites; Yarmuta, Lebanon; Cyprus; Malta; Thule & Hyperborea; Celtic Realms Lyonesse, Ys, and Hy Brasil; Carnac, Brittany; Isle of Wight; Canaries and Azores; Bahamas; Cuba; Bermuda; Mexico; Peru; Micronesia; California; Japan; Indian Ocean; Sri Lanka Land Bridge; India; Sumer; and inland lakes in Scotland, Russia, Iran, China, Lake Titicaca, Wisconsin, Florida.

The fact they have disappeared or have gone to ruin and yet are all interconnected shows evidence of a vast worldwide lost civilisation which the scientific world is now coming to terms with. Modern technology, satellite imagery and accumulated expeditionary evidence, means their presence cannot be simply dismissed as a myth anymore. Earlier discoveries were sketched or photographed showing dark images and research usually led into discussions concerning Atlantis and romanticised away as myths and fables. Plato who was inducted into the ancient Egyptian mystery schools as was Pythagoras reluctantly by the Egyptians and who spent 3 days and 3 nights in the Great pyramid at Giza (sleeping in the Sarcophagus in the Kings chamber) discussed Atlantis the lost city or civilisation which disappeared beneath the waves and volcanoes in his writings also describing the victory of Greece and the Athenians over the combined forces of Atlantis. The interest in the culture of the Mayans stems from the Atlantis 'myth' which reaches over to South America. Research also continues into Biblical versions of the lost Atlantis (the flood) which critic's state is a copy of the Babylonian flood story. Seperatley from both of these accounts (and supposedly older than both depending on which dating method you employ for all 3 versions) is the Chinese account of the flood. (and here and also here ) Therefore did the Babylonians copy there story from the Chinese, which emulates the biblical story, both theories cannot be correct and the Atlantis story continues.

To imagine the development of information and research slowly revealed take Stone Henge in Britain. It was long thought Stone Henge stood almost alone in the landscape but new research (which was already known) with modern technology reveals it to be part of a vast sophisticated citadel with intricate design (including astro- archaeology and function ) over a huge interconnected area.

Napoleon Bonaparte also slept in the Great pyramid (emulating Pythagoras) on his expedition to Israel, Egypt and the Levant, and he also called for the New Jerusalem in 1799 when he took control of Jaffa. Unable to complete it at that time the task was passed to Wilhelm the 2nd of Germany (Queen Victorians Grandson) who also met Theodore Herzl (father of Zionism) in 1898 see also my own book The Uncreated Creator.   Writers on Atlantis also include Sir Francis Bacon (aka 'Shakespeare') Ignatius Donnelly, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner & Julia Elizabeth Annas (to name a few) The question then is not where was Atlantis but where on earth was not Atlantis. Other expeditions organised on the quest for ancient knowledge were those instigated by Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler who helped reorganise German expeditions in the 1930s with 'Das Ahnenerbe' who famously went to Tibet (other countries who went on a scientific expedition to Tibet include Britain, America, Russia, New Zealand and Japan many also went to Antarctica and set up base). A scientific expedition, it also searched for the lost door to 'Agharta' which is the mythical underground which 'Shambala' protected. A further reason (the main reason not as is stipulated) was to search for evidence of lost technology and science, as ancient cities are not just located on sea level land or under the sea but also in high locations. Many high locations and Tibet and Nepal boast Mount Everest, also have sea water lakes and evidence of sea shale, fish fossils and salt residues. This indicates that the mountains were covered by sea water or were pushed up in violent eruptions, taking very high to medium high cities (in part) with them. These high cities also show evidence of the same construction techniques as found throughout all the pyramids and those in Egypt. (as can be seen in the videos above repeated here  Ancient Knowledge    specifically in this video  )


The Templars, the German Army, Jerusalem, France, Ecosse and Egypt

'Das Ahnenerbe'  as mentioned are great explorers and they also explored the Antarctic (the South Pole) and one of their last expeditions was Operation Eagle flight in 1944. Before they embarked on this operation they secured the treasure of Southern France and also the treasure of the Temple in Jerusalem which had reputedly remained hidden under Mount Moriah (Temple Mount) in Jerusalem. This treasure arrived in France by two routes in history. The treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem (Solomon's treasure)  had reached Rome during the occupation of Israel by Rome during Herods Temple era at the time of Yeshua / Jeus(10 bc to 30 ad approx) which had not been removed when the first Temple was destroyed in 555 bc, and the 2nd temple in 349 bc by the earlier Roman army. From Solomon's time parts of the treasure, was taken but even after these two Temple destructions much of it remained hidden. It was buried under the Temple in 10 bc and 30 ad. again.Some of the treasure went with Herod to France but much of it went to Rome. It is speculated the Templar's only found half of the remaining treasure in further excavations during the crusades in 1100. 600 years earlier the Goths/Celts (Gauls) took the portion of the treasure from Rome when they sacked it  (sacked by Aleric in, August 24, 410 ad)  The Goths hid this portion in caves in the Languedoc region in the South of France and it was guarded by the Cathars, (the Grail legend Cathars which needed also a bloodline) They were later persecuted by the Pope in the Albigensian crusades in 1200 - 1230. 

The Templars were also later (9 Knights from Cathar families and Merovingian's) granted a Papal Military order by the Popes but by really the King of Jerusalem (Baldwin brother to Godfrey of Bouillon King of Jerusalem who actually did guard travellers to Jerusalem and who was the heir of the Benjamin tribe and Judah tribes to Jerusalem) This later Templar crusade also produced from further excavations more of Solomon's treasure.The Templar's found the other half when they later returned to inspect the Temple and study it, giving them great wealth, for which they were later also persecuted by Rome in 1307.  Many of the Templar's fled to Scotland, Ireland and Britain during this time. All of this treasure was hidden in the caves of Languedoc in the South of France. They could have chose to obtain treasure from anywhere else on earth, but Jerusalem's treasure had special value treasure and not just Gold. The books and geometry of Enoch and knowledge and design known as Enochs plates (keys) and cube for instance, which formed the basis for the later Corpus Hermeticum published by Pope Leo X De Medici in 1510 causing a renaissance until Germany sacked Rome in 1527. Later (in the last century) it was the source of speculation with Father Bérenger in the church of the Grail at Rennes de Chateau and the Da Vinci code book and film. These Templars (9 poor knights)  built 9 great cathedrals all over Europe including Chartres

The German army re-united both halves of Solomon's great treasure which included treasure form all over the earth which Solomon had collected, when they occupied Vichy France in 1943/1944,  and they took it  back to Bavaria and later as a part of "Operation Eagle flight" in August 1944 (after Rome fell in 1943 and after Mussolini was deposed and who first wanted to obtain land in Ethiopia, but was also looking for the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia  Mussolini was a Communist  and was hung upside down when he was killed )  The money was used to begin hundreds of corporations all over the earth in the 1940's and 1950's and until today. How much of the original Temple is now collected or how much the Templar's discovered is a part of the ongoing debate. The Temple of Solomon and its real treasure is harder to define and ironically the Temple itself which is in itself a treasure is also designed to be an instrument of renewal and re-birth. This is the reason the 'Grail' which is speculated to be a gold cup in one legend, like alchemy (an Arabian word from "al khemet" which refers to the dark fertile soil of the flooded Nile river but which is the real Islam unknown to the majority of practitioners, only the Sufi and the " supreme leaders" but not the followers of Islam who do not know their own real religion) and which is turning base metal to Gold is not the real Gold. The alchemy analogy is old but its meaning is real. One analogy is spiritual the other is wealth. Recently the Pope ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has passed a law which will effect Europe, aside from the "migration" Jihads (recently in cannon Vatican law terms or "Motu Propria" of the Jesuits) stemming the nature of Corporations but they are continuing in new and interesting ways.

There are many theories in this area and the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem is under planning today. Further the Ark of the Covenant is reputed to have been located at 8 or 9 other locations. Finance could transform the world and education and innovation, health and work all require investment. Creating a new world is the aim (as yet it is still in debate but becoming one sided although that debate is still ongoing)


Having a background to the history and controversies of Egypt or specifically the Pyramids and the builders who planned, developed designed and built them, versions of history often conflict with the accepted version of Egypt's  sophisticated civilisation.

The search for the actual construction method of the pyramids and the correct technique has produced many theories, but as no real blueprints or drawings exist of the original ideas and designs previous analysis remains inconclusive. An interesting theory proposed by Jean Pierre Houdin

In the book he co-authored (i.e.)  Brier & Houdin The Secret Of The Great Pyramid How One Mans Obsession Led To The Solution Of Ancient Egypt's Greatest Mystery  (which can be read in part from this link)

They propose the pyramids were built from the inside out. Using a spiral ramp within the pyramid, the blocks of which became the (in effect they were recycled) blocks required further up in the pyramids height. Yet there are still problems with the theory. Further the history supporting their theory suggests that the pyramids were built by trial and error. This theory of history suggests Egypt's early days, growing as it did out of the Sumerian era (where the pre - dynastic Egyptian pharaohs were located) was of course supported by the bountiful Nile flooding over the land annually renewing the topsoil providing rich fertile dirt for cultivation every year. Farmers saved time and expense in this annual Nile flooding process, and this enabled Egypt to grow and spend its finances on a large army instead of slower developing agricultural concerns, and all of this is very true. This large army was then able to plunder the surrounding lands and grow rich and sophisticated as Egypt also developed its civilisation. Lots of time could then be spent on art, literature, and building and then this free time also produced the pyramids.  Brier and Houdin as mentioned suggest the pyramids were constructed by trial and error in this free time.

This theory although very plausible (i.e the spiral ramp method, which of course mirrors the 'flower of life' design and Fibonacci and PI and Phi mathematics and geometry) does not take into account mathematics and geometry are considered to ensure a prototype design is realised before construction begins, as every Architect knows, including presumably Jean Pierre Houdin. To produce a building of such size and complexity with its mesmerizing mathematics and geometry all by chance is just as puzzling a theory as the pyramid mystery itself. It would be the same as saying the 'Mandlebrot set' was discovered by a computer rather the numbers giving birth to the computer.

Consider the following mathematics  and also here in this steve onstott you tube video clip. (Ancient knowledge repeated here ) and Unresolved secrets of the pyramids.  Further Brier and Houdin who correctly point out that there are hidden rooms in the pyramids do not explain the hydrogen traces (see the video at 1 minute, and 1 minute 45 for the grand corbelled gallery which has no architectural function for a passageway entrance alone, so therefore what is it ?) The video is speculating on the overall purpose but shows clearly the design and hydrogen traces and salt traces left inside the pyramid and recently explored hidden rooms require a different explanation ?  To repeat from the paragraphs above Chris Dunne has identified these traces within many internal walls, (but also rebuttals here) whilst recent discoveries show it is possible to create a gas from sea water i.e. salt water discovered by an engineer, and which may be utilised by the US navy as a fuel today (they are trying to develop completely) Simply bombarding the salt water with radio waves produces the gas or electricity  The Great grand gallery of the pyramids (see video again at 1min and 1.45, also known as the grand corbelled hall ?) is known to resonate at a certain frequency. Tesla thought the pyramids more than a tomb and (to repeat) this is now accepted that the pyramids are not tombs. Since the Nile (which is not salt water) was once at the foot of the pyramids, and many of the Niles estuaries met saltwater rivers (known as brackish water) salt was readily available. Egypt had its own salt and the pyramids show traces of salt residue beyond what can be produced by the sun drying out over many humid days. It is possible that a great flood once covered the pyramids as the last link suggests. Therefore these scientific theories are now proposed by engineers, architects and stone masons etc and they are only providing more questions as the theories merge and debate with each other increases. Asking the technical questions gradually removes the implausible until only the plausible is left. Modern Surveying techniques are penetrating areas which were hidden or unknown previously, using Xray, Lidar, laser and infrared technology.

Behind all of this as mentioned is the reality that no Pharaohs or 'mummies' were found inside the pyramids only many miles away in the Valley of the Kings. However underneath, near the great pyramid Pharaohs boat was discovered. As we have seen in this chapter in the 'Hall of Records' and the area under the tombs, under the Temple in front of the Sphinx which has the hidden door to its vaults.

Pharaohs 'Solar Boat' was a literal boat to literally sail down the Nile represented as Nuit who birthed Isis, who in turn represented the night sky, and whose Breasts as stars supplied the Milk from the Milky way, which could be found by navigating by Orion crossing the Nile into the West. Pharaoh as the Sun God Ra, would become the Atum/Aten or Ra Atum (i.e the Aten or literally becoming God in micro and macro until Egyptians wondered if there was a creator God who created the Atum and Ra, i.e the one God. The word 'Atom' is derived from Aten; Atoms are microscopic containing the smallest known  matter although it was the Greeks who first coined the phrase, many ancient civilisations instinctively knew something existed in minutia. God to the Egyptians existed at micro and macro level in all things) After the crossing (avoiding the snake APEP, also known as Ophiuchus the 13th constellation and there are 72 known signs and constellations not 12) the next morning and rise as Ra Horakhty, Regenerated by his own efforts  (the morning sun or star) having fought with the Gods or Angels, re-appearing from Queen Isis dark night.

The pyramids shafts align with (Queens chamber = Sirius, the Nile star as Isis and Ursa Minor & Major which points to Arcturus the great bear in the north the  'big dipper' )  &  (Kings Chamber shafts align with Osiris as Orion's belt. Orion the great hunter shown with a spear  or bow and arrow in the river or the sky

Many great megalithic or Neolithic sites around the world show sophisticated astronomical alignments to map out and cross the Milky Way. They are usually residing besides a river (such as the Danube, see the end of chapter 2 above, and Knowth in Ireland  and usually at the bend in the river, reflecting the curve of the Milky way as it seems in the night sky. Settlements beside the river are not just for practical water resource reasons) The ancient Egyptians were no different and sailing to the Milky Way was their aim as a belief that its centre was the very City of Heaven and returning to it in the afterlife or in this life was possible.

Whilst many cannot accept a belief in the afterlife or much of ancient history (Pharaohs' army, chariots and armour discovered in the Red Sea, near where Ramses' real Pharaoh body discovered now in the Egyptian museum following the Exodus before the Ark of the Covenant was made. Coral forms onto the shape it finds it cannot form on sand) Pharaohs body from this period exists still. The crossing point the Israelites took    (Suez   or   Aqaba) and the location of Mount Sinai  are all in dispute, but the split rock of Moses  has been located.  The long list of discoveries continues with new finds accumulating building a picture. The chronology or early or late Exodus dates is in the following video at at 14 minutes fwd or watch all (for also the identity of the Egyptian Pharaoh of the Exodus)

The tradition of assuming the Milky Way was a lost paradise or homeland is the apex of 'star lore' which was regarded as belonging to the 'power' behind the Atum Ra as the Aten from which the word 'Amen' is derived and which pointed a way to the Promised Land. Abraham was from the land of the Astrologer Priests כשדים (Kaśdim). 'Amen' derives from Amun Ra which is known and accepted, but it has origins inAleph-Mem-Nun in Hebrew and of course the Hebrews (from which Judah is one tribe) came from Egypt as āmán אָמֵן The Hebrew (language) existed in Egypt and before. Is Ra El  or Isis, Ra & El is a English translation of a Hebrew translation of ISRAEL יִשְׂרָאֵל (which has more than 3 characters and is read from right to left) but El was a title and not a name of God or Yahweh as Elohim  אֱלֹהִים. ISRAEL. Egyptian deities were known but foreign to them, hence the Exodus, but types or similarities existed philosophically) The word Israel occurs in Genesis 32,38 before the Exodus when the Bethel Stone (Genesis 28,18) was dreamt upon. The location of this stone is known today.

That tradition but under a different movement which suggested behind both Atum Ra (Pharaoh and many Gods) and behind Aten (the Sun or one God) who created Atum Ra, the one God was another power even greater, continued into Canaan (the Hebrew fertile crescent) as the Promised Land of Milk and Honey. Moses was also birthed from out of the Nile, (Queen Nuit) appearing in a papyrus basket, (papyrus is also used to write upon)  in the rise of the Sun at dawn, suckled by Isis but he was a Hebrew, (Exodus 2,1-6) signifying the passing of one empire and Pharaoh (who ruled men by his law) to a new dawn and a new law.

Given the accuracry of alligned earth sites with the map of the sky and the time ancient sites took to construct and plan the level of learning and sophistication required to complete them is astounding.

It was once thought that alternative energy was also an implausible suggestion, yet the last 200 years have seen an explosion of every kind of energy (see next below)


Green Ecological Energy, Oil politics and energy solutions (see also the adjacent website and Chapter 3)

Solar Roads and surfaces  (which of course can extend to any surface anywhere)

Green energy comprises Solar, Wind, Geo-thermal and Biomass are the most popular forms of alternative energy. Renewable energy is paramount to the trading of carbon, and CO2e Carbon emissions. Yet if the enterprise is to be successful homes and business must also be able to produce energy and sell back into the grid in partnership with Utility.

Nuclear Energy has green merits, except if you are now in Japan, or Western American which is suffering pollution from Fukushima. The thousands of nuclear test's (and others) and explosions since World War 2 (2045 Nukes between 1945 – 1998,  or possibly 2500 to date)   Could this be a cause of Global Warming  ? Either way carbon reduction will help, but not at the price of no employment. 100% Employment can be achieved. The Carbon trading platform is nearly in place worldwide.

Where did ancient man get its power source from ? can they be duplicated today (they have found 2500 year old primitive batteries in Iraq) one man who knew was Croatian Nicola Tesla. See  Nicola Tesla 1    Nikola Tesla 2     Nikola Tesla 3  &   "Secrets of Nikola Tesla" The Movie (Free Energy) His testament to light bulbs with underground electrical power flowing through natural energy or Ley lines is proven here Tesla produced electricity without cables, through the ground lighting prototype light bulbs, (anyone who has used a compass and watch it point North has already used this magnetic earth science) his electric coil used today was also years ahead of its time. This 'lost' knowledge was not magic but science naturally occurring. This lost Knowledge has led to a regression in the sciences, and the arts and the condition of modern society has suffered consequentially, it was used in ancient societies, and in societies today, who are aware of this power. By producing power from Water and hydrogen and moving objects by electro magnetism, sacred geometry/architecture could emulate the stars and planets on a great scale, upon the ground.

Latent Energy and its release to the public is held back, its patents bought out and hidden away, why ? People and Business producing their own energy and selling it back into the power grid is blocked by Utility companies in order that metres can be installed into homes, why ?   (Manchester CIS Building, which sells its photovoltaic produced energy back into the system)

Further the USA Department of Energy believes Hydrogen Fuel cells is the energy of the future, quoting  George Bush in 2008  in his State of the Union address (Jan 28, 2003) the International Partnership for the Hydrogen Economy explains; " I am proposing 1.2 Billion in research funding, so that America can lead the world in developing clean, hydrogen powered automobiles"   (source www. Energy.Gov  US Dept of Energy  Free energy like Latent energy suffers the following problems   

The military industrial complex is the first area 'new' discoveries are examined, and later released but to sell, not for free. The inventor of the internet released his discovery for free, after the military used it first. Think of hovering planes like the  harrier jump jet, which the German army in World War two also used, until they fled to America and tested them in 'area 51'

Consider the advancement from the first telephone, and now we have Skype. The Italian Hydrogen Superhighway   &  Finnish Hydrogen Power Plant in operation since 2007   & Hydrogen power plant in Italy which is not expensive to begin in comparison to Nuclear and is cleaner, especially with Nono-Technology cells(consider Nuclear disasters in Japan, 3 mile Island etc, and see also Naomi Kline "addicted to risk" which shows the oil devastation getting into the food chain, as well as other unnecessary chemicals in everyday use) (free energy ideas and patents)

Now consider the following house in America, (link) which is fuelled by Hydrogen (and solar). Even existing Urban houses can change to Hydrogen batteries (powered from solar, wind or electric), which last far longer. Further it can export (sell) energy back into the grid. Amazing! It can replace the Electric/Nuclear companies in every country. All Utilities are in Monopoly or in Competition but private, and will seek a vast profit when they should be nationalised and prices cut by 75% Consider also a first

Yet even without Hydrogen power plants which are urgently needed, domestic use as we have seen in homes can also be made easily with (1) a converter kit for cars (link 2) be applied to any cars & (link2) how the hydrogen cars work (link 3) "future hydrogen car Honda" and Jack Nicholson drives a Hydrogen car (Quoting Tucker cars of the 1950s). To understand the power of Hydrogen see a Hydrogen burning Torch on Fox news. V W Beetles are ideally suited for conversion and thousands of people are riding around on '(fire) water'. 

Alternative fuels for cars exist also in the Tesla electric car. Its range is increasing every month. The Tesla storage battery is also going to change internal domestic electricity usage. 80 % of petrol / diesel costs are taxes, and so Hydrogen, & Renewables are not expensive in context, yet oil and gas will remain as fuels because of energy security needs in every country and for large industrial needs. For the 'petro - dollar' system see the adjoining website   chapters 2 - 6. This will change middle east politics, (not as people are predicting, as the nuclear proliferation in the middle east continues. In this case Russia opposes the renewable industry, whilst Nuclear weapons, not just Nuclear electricity have been in Iran for a decade or other analysts state since 2009. These innovations will not change security issues, but will transform domestic household living and could (as one example) change refugee camps, from camps to new towns.

Photosynthesis as old as the earth produces energy from plants  from MIT University

Why were ancient St Brigit's wells so revered? Water or uisce beatha or fire water old or new technology ?water which also Supplied the ancient pyramids, as the Nile passed next to them in this era. Brigit Goddess of fire, the arts, crafts & the forge

Sun, salt and water Spanish company Torresol.

From the earliest Vesica Piscis designs, growing out of the void before time and space began (time and space existed before the 'big bang' scientists now admit) to today's complex and scientific achievements, design, mathematics and cosmology are fundamental. Ancient man termed it sacred geometry, as a key to unlocking societies potential.  








Chapter 5  (Law & Grace)

The debate on Salvation, ('Regeneration') Grace & the Law as opposed to the 'Traditions of Men' (Ezekiel's Temple & the Millennium & New Jerusalem)

Link back to the top of the website

The Bible and especially the Book of Revelations can be interrupted in a few ways or in a few erroneous ways. The 5 main methods are  1. Preterism 2. Historicism 3. Futurism 4. Idealism 5. A Literal interpretation of the bible. This chapter below considers them all but prefers a literal interpretation and believes that God is alive and is a and the creator. The Chapter also explores the early history of civilization and the church and how it spread quickly from Jerusalem, (with non 'denominational' salvation as described in John 3 and Acts 19 for all if possible) and how the early church was established within a few years in Britain, Ireland, France, Scotland and Wales, via St Paul on his mission to Greece, Rome, (in Rome the faith grew so that it comprised 60 % of the population) Asia Minor, Macedonia, Spain and Tarshish and wider. Jerusalem and Bethlehem remain the most influential cities to date upon western civilization.




The 'Strawy Epistle', Copts, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Calvin, Wesley (40 pages ) 

25 letters in total from the Worlds Churches

A 26th letter is a separate pdf in the post dated 20.10.2020 near the end of this chapter 5 entitled "20.10.2020, The real 'Church' & Ezekiel's Temple (Ezekiel Chapter 1 - 39 ) & the Millennium Temple (Ezekiel 40 fwd) 1000 year reign"


The attached PDF ( a few paragraphs above & 40 pages in length or as a link here but both are the same )  is a collection of letters from Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches (25) on a subject Martin Luther termed the "Strawy Epistle". Over 60 denominations were asked and 25 replied. It asked them if there is a difference between Romans 1,17 & 3,28 and James 2, 14 - 26. Romans suggests we are saved by faith and James suggests we are saved by good works. Which is correct ?

The letters received individually were sent back collectively to all within including to the World Council of Churches and World Reformed Council of Churches and also the  World Communion of Reformed churches & further the Lutheran World Federation towards the end of 1997 into 1998. (their address for all ecumenical HQ offices was / is 150, route de Ferney PO Box 2100 Geneva 2, Switzerland) and are targeting the subject of 'Regeneration' (unto Salvation)  i.e when it begins in the Christina faith. ('Regeneration' see Matthew 19,28 & also Titus 3, 5 and clarified by John 3, 3 - 8 & 1 Peter 1,3)  A 26th letter (not within the 25 in the pdf above) is also a separate pdf near the end of Chapter 5 in the heading entitled '20.10.2020, The real 'Church' & Ezekiel's Temple (Ezekiel Chapter 1 - 39 ) & the Millennium Temple (Ezekiel 40 fwd) 1000 year reign'


It is important as many denominations ask us to receive Jesus Christ (John 3, 16) but in fact this verse states we are to believe Jesus Christ and the prerequisite for that belief is John 3, 3 & John 3, 5 & Luke 3, 15 - 18. These salvation requirements cannot begin until John 6, 44 occurs clarified in 2 Timothy 2, 24 - 26 & John 15, 16. 

Since the dawn of civilisation men and woman have wondered if there is an afterlife or a Supreme designer or a God. The Druids of ancient Briton warred with Rome and the battle of Anglesey or Ynys Môn or Mona (in Wales) occurred not just because of political differences, but also on the question as to whether the Soul was immortal. Rome disagreed but not against the idea but on what or who controls spirituality, as such the Druids doctrine was anathema and had to be wiped out by Gaius Suetonius Paulinus the Roman Governor of Britain in 61 AD. This war still causes bitterness to this day. Many of the Druids sailed over to Tara and relocated. Rome never conquered Ireland or Scotland. Herod and Pontius Pilate and the disciple Phillip were exiled to France. Pontius Pilate as a Roman Commander.Many Nazarenes also came to Ireland and France and Greece.

In 1517 Martin Luther once again disputed with Rome producing his thesis and 'strawy epistle'. On the question on salvation and spirituality his question led to a revolution, which has split Europe also until this day. It asks what is the difference between Grace which is free and Works. Not Law versus Grace, but Law and Grace as underpinned by the Covenants. Works post Salvation, does grace abound? What is unusual about this PDF is Roman Catholics and Protestants seem to be agreeing with each other, which may question Martin Luther's idea, although it is simply meant to be a basic explanation of a greater idea. Whether the druids would agree with either is another.

The following paragraphs and chapter discuss Double Portion theology, Dual Covenant theology (which should be the uniting of Jew and Gentile not eventual seperation, and which will encompass the unification of both houses of Israel as Judah and Israel or Judah and Ephraim as Israel. Joseph and Judah. Two House theology would or should become United house theology. Whether it is Nazarene Judaism or Messianic Judaism, ultimately it is the one Messiah who rules. "Messiah-ism" ) Replacement theology is also discussed with a view that the Torah and Tanakh still exist as part of the Christian faith. Christians view the G - d of the Old Testament and New Testament as one G-d not a G-d of each. The first believers were Jewish and they did not walk around quoting or firing verses at each other from the new Testament as it did not exist. They quoted the first five books of Moses (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) i.e the Torah and Tanakh, the prophets and the psalms and the four Gospels from memory or notes. From Pentecost / Shavuot, through to the Council of Jerusalem in AD50. After this council Asia minor and Greece was entered into and given the Gospels, Torah and Tanakh and psalms, they were read by the Apostles and disciples and then after this throughout the Known world. The world heard only these books between 60 ad to 100 approx. (Ephesians was written in 60 ad, 30 years after the Crucifixion, but Christianity had already spread further than we realize ) 

After 300ad they were codified as the New Testament, but they were known before. The New Testament we have is G-ds word. The Greeks did not take the Oracle and Olympian decrees into Israel and Hellenize and dilute the Gospel. Some first Christians (Nazarenes or Nazerites) were Greek but at Pentecost / Shavout they were predominantly Jewish and empowered by the events of Pentecost / Shavuot (the Holy Spirit or Ruach haKodesh as the law poured out) The Upper room at Pentecost would have (if it still stood) been over and around the Mikvah baths of Solomon's Temple. The first Gospels were in Hebrew & Aramaic and Hebrew bibles existed before the Septuagint and Mosertic texts. (Yahweh is mistranslated to Adonai over 100 times from theMasoretic writings from Hebrew etc)

Other topics include the tabernacle of Moses and the Temple of David and Solomon, and 2nd Temple Herods. The Temple of Ezekiel which extends into the New Jerusalem and the Millennium age (after the 3rd Temple ) The Temple of Ezekiel is first a real Temple and is measured with real measures (Ezekiel 41,13) and by a real person. The New Jerusalem is also measured in Revelations 21, 15 - 17 & 9 - 27) Ezekiel 37 describes the regeneration or rebirth of Israel and the Millennium age hence the mystery. For 'regeneration' see the paragraph about 8 down and which begins 'regeneration')

Every religion has its own view and in line with the chapters above it and related questions, especially spirituality, politics and economics can be examined in a little book. 


The Strawy Epistle (and the pdf above dates from late 1996 / 1997 / 1998) is one debate which usually rotates on the disagreement or slight disagreement between John Wesley (the Arminian view) and John Calvin (the limited atonement Calvinist view) which can open into a wide or narrow split theologically. Wesley's Arminian theology viewed Salvation as belonging to many untold numbers of people, whilst the Calvinists saw Salvation as limited to a narrow amount of the population. Others (not in this pdf list) denied salvation was necessary at all (and usually go on to form another religion) yet that view in individual automatic responses is not held by all sides in the PDF above. How many is then the next question.The matter can be debated here  or in a separate blog connected to it soon as can another equally Strawy epistle or biblical prophecy concerning Ezekiel 37 - 39.

The 25 letters which of course discuss Martin Luther's justification by faith and which is stated as a free gift by grace but which also parallels co-existing law of the Torah and Tanakh and the New Testament which collectively are the law. Grace through faith to Salvation. After this "works" were then enabled, before this "works" do not bring salvation ( = good deeds or mind knowledge such as Gnosticism for example) The PDF shows that this unanimous view even in our modern era today (1996/1997) is clear on the faith and not works debate, and follows John 15,16.

Justification by faith as a free gift as salvation existed as a doctrine before the first council of Jerusalem in AD50 it was of course a strawy doctrine then also as it occurs in line with Torah and Tanakh and freely on repentance. Subsequently it also existed through (before and after) all other church councils including up to the council of Nicea and beyond, up until today, and it has existed without formulating a doctrine or even if a doctrine is formulated. It existed before during and after Martin Luther. Just as the Ruach ha Kadosh existed for Samson or Paul this change and justification also exists now.

John 15,16. illustrates that there is nothing you can do to earn or take salvation. In Judaism entering the Kingdom of God was spelt out in the Old Testament, a Euphemism for entering the Kingdom of Israel which did not just require entering the promised land from the Desert (and taking it) but also the directions in the Tanach (Old Testament) Ezekiel 36, 24 – 28 states that your spirit must also be reborn of water and spirit which is full immersion baptism (Mathew 3, 13 – 17 John the Baptist was the actual High Priest of the Jerusalem Temple in exile or the Cohan Gadol) which is an outward sign of spiritual rebirth but does not alone assign spiritual rebirth. This is why John 3, 7 says you must be reborn of Spirit and water. To illustrate it further the analogy quoted in Mathew 23,27 which likens the Pharisees and lawgivers (the Torah) to whitewashed tombs ? Today the analogy is used for all faiths. This is because a new tomb with a stone rolled over it was chalked or whitewashed to indicate a new corpse was inside. Jewish burial custom laid a corpse out and covered it with a linen cloth. After it had decomposed the remains were placed in a Ossuaries (stone box) In other words they and everyone (on earth) were outwardly like the cave or tomb but inwardly their inner man or spirit was dead.

Unless John 15,16 occurs there is no regeneration and no afterlife and no Kingdom of God. This is what St Francis of Assisi actually said and lived. This is why Pope Gregory 1X recognised his difference. The Strawy epistle of Martin Luther and faith and works means that if you are dead inside and have no regeneration of the Spirit then your works are dead also and not accepted. If you have been reborn then the works are of the Holy Spirit and led by the Ruach ha Kadosh (Spirit of God) This is the real elixir of life. Initially the Essenes and Gnostics thought a different older doctrine was being taught but when they realised that this Gnosis (as they understood it) was something they could not work (works) towards (or charge money for since it was not theirs to direct and since it was free, hence you do not need a Priest or Vicar or Pastor to do it for you as today also) they abandoned the disciples and left to take up Monasticism, which also later became a movement of real spiritually born Christians who later went to the desert to avoid persecution. The first people to experience this regeneration of the spirit were Jewish (who were astounded and this occurred in the Upper room in Jerusalem around AD 30 on Shavuot or the feast of Weeks. 7 weeks after Passover or 49 days into 50 hence it is known as Pentecost. Pente = 50) which was the exact location of the Mikvah baths in the Temple of Solomon (i.e. where it would have been situated if it still stood) This tells you that the Temple of Solomon was in effect still spiritually present amidst Old Jerusalem & Herods Temple (this is described in the book of Acts in the bible chapter 2)

The Covenants or Law and Grace. Regeneration or the spiritual law of Yeshua (and it is his law ) born from above does not just occur in Johns Gospel as the nest paragraph explains and the law is not abandoned. The 7 or 8 Covenants are the backbone of the Law and a contract they are still required. Faith or faith in Gd only (faith alone) and John 15,16 enables salvation which is given as a free gift through Grace (in Hebrew; Chen, or Greek; Charis, but the Hebrew suggests more than unmerited favour it is a beautiful protection) John 3 describes this 'Chen' or 'hhanan' as born from above. The early disciples did not have a new testament only an old testament but these books are bound as one book with the Gospels. The New Covenant is still a law or contract made for all, but individual salvation is by grace as in John 3. Many Churches do not identity faith alone with also John 3, as an outward change is visible and evident immediately it is not just a passive thought or realization as without repentance it is simply in the mind. Salvation involves Ha Shem in all his 3 aspects. The Ruach changes a person from the old into the new (as it did with Samson, Elijah or the disciples and at Shavuot / Pentecost) Regeneration or salvation is by grace as faith alone, but in Gd as Yeshua and by the Ruach.

"Regeneration" (of the 3 i.e.Regeneration, Justification& Sanctification ) appears in Hebrew and Greek in Titus 3, 5 ( Greek =  palingenesia  derived from palin i.e. to repeat or 'again' & in Hebrew = התחדשות; תחייה ) In other words regeneration as redeemed from lawlessness but not the law of Moses. Most familiar is John 3, 7 - 8. To  understand a rebirth (which can be individual or for  a nation) David Pawson explains the "Normal Christian Birth"    which was also the Normal Jewish Birth in Jerusalem (ad 30 - ad 50 and throughout the ongoing  centuries) 



The Character and name of G-d


Having considered the last paragraph above consider the following in light of it. 'Ha Shem' is a name substitute found in many Hebrew bibles, employed as a substitute as it is thought it is wiser to utter Gds only when it is completely known. 'Lord' is also a title not a name of Gd.   Elohim as the plural of HaShem describing the 'Host' of heaven i.e. the Angels and G-d is also found. Elohe is G-d singular but the same G-d. The Angels are the lesser 'elohim' but who themselves are not g-ds. But see Genesis 1, 27 In a Orthodox Jewish Hebrew bible   " So G-d created humankind in His own tzelem, in the tzelem Elohim (image of G-d) created He him; zachar (male) and nekevah (female) created He them"   Note G-d is not fully spelt in English out of respect for the name of G-d.

In Genesis 2,7 (King James version last link ) in a Orthodox Jewish bible, G-d is also called HaShem'   "And Hashem Elohim formed the adam of the aphar min haadamah, and breathed into his nostrils the nishmat chayyim; and the adam became a nefesh chayyah"   Again respect for the name of G-d is employed with HaShem. YWHW is the name of G-d HaShem spelt without vowels known as Yawheh.

Hebrew bibles (Orthodox or Messianic) which employ Yahweh (or Yahuah) have the same verses as follows. Genesis 1,27  " And Elohim created the man in His own image; in the image of Elohim He created him. He created them male and female"  & Genesis 2,7  " And YAHWEH Elohim formed the man from the dust of the ground, and blew into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul" 2  Yahweh is the name of G-d and man became a living soul. Became a full Soul and not possessing Soul, who has a Spirit and a body. Ezekiel 18,4 & Romans 6,24 explains the Soul that sins will die, yet see Mathew 10,28 & Mathew 25,26 & 41, Mark 9 ,23. & Mark 9, 42 where punishment is eternal.

When Moses asks G-d his name, G-d replied "I am' or "I am that I am" in Exodus 3, 13 – 15.

13. And Moses said to the Elohim, Behold, I shall come to the sons of Israel and say to them, the Elohe of your fathers has sent me to you; and they will say to me, What is His name? What shall I say to them? 14 And Elohim said to Moses, EHYAH ASHER EHYAH (I AM THAT I AM); and He said, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, EHYAH (I AM) has sent me to you. 15 And Elohim said to Moses again3, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, YAHWEH, the Elohe of your fathers, the Elohe of Abraham, the Elohe of Isaac, and the Elohe of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is how I should be remembered from generation to generation.

Those generations began with Adam who with Eve was commanded to be fruitful and increase in number Genesis 1,28, (2 commandments, fruitful and increase in number) and subdue it (3 commandments) also fill the earth (4 commandments) and rule over the fish of the sea (5 commandments) and every living creature that moves on the ground (6 commandments) Genesis 2,19 commands Adam to name the animals. After these commands (Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are different viewpoints of the same events) Adam is told not to eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil in Genesis 2,16. Up until then Adam and Eve were made and reflecting G-ds image in body, mind/spirit and soul as a complete Soul. Romans 6,24 says the Soul that sins will die, but the Serpent who was not a snake at this point but walked upright and was likened unto a shining or bright persona until Genesis 3,14, said you will not surely die in Genesis 3,5. It was this command and not the previous commands which were attacked to bring disobedience and temptation into disobedience, and disobedience could have come at the previous 6 commands in Genesis 1,28. This is relevant as the whole backbone of the history of Israel and the Church rests on covenants which are two way agreements.

Therefore, there is something different about the commandment given in Genesis 2, 16, as this disobedience will bring death to the Soul and which will last forever (Romans, 6 ,28 & Genesis 2,16 & 3, 22 & Mathew 10,28 & Mathew 25,26 & 41, Mark 9 ,23. & Mark 9, 42 ) and it is the base of the scriptures. In Genesis 3,2 Eve and Adam were already aware that God had said not to eat of the fruit. They knew its location see Genesis 2,9, and that it was a command not to do so (Genesis 3,2 and Genesis 2,17 & Genesis 3,17) They had prior knowledge it was wrong. Further Eve was deceived in Genesis 3,5 but before committing the physical reaching out of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, she saw that it was (again) good, pleasing and desirable for the gaining of wisdom Genesis 3,6.  Knowledge and Wisdom is also mentioned in Isaiah 11,2 & Mathew 10,16, the latter is the King James version. It follows from these verses that knowledge and wisdom in themselves are not evil. The second tree nearby also in the same location was the Tree of Life (Genesis 2,9) 

Before being banished from Eden, Adam and Eve had already 'become like one of us' (like Elohim but no longer immortal, yet eternal punishment is the Judgement of Gd at Judgement day. Physical death must therefore be different from the immortal state of eternal separation from Gd) see Genesis 3,22 i.e. AND knowing the good from evil, but being immortal in this state (not the state of having knowledge and wisdom ) was a curse and 'before reaching out their hands to eat from the tree of life and live forever' they were barred from Eden by an Angel or Cherubim with a flaming zig zagging sword. This was on the east side of Eden. The tabernacle of Moses and the successive Temples in Jerusalem were entered from the east side of beautiful or golden gate by the high priest only into the Holy sanctuaries. In Genesis 3,22 they were no longer immortal, previous to this they were, as death did not exist, but to live forever in sin, and for all their offspring would become a curse. The tree of life which would have provided 'immortality' was barred from their reach after the fall, they were incomplete and in a state of no grace and sin. They were prevented for their own good from eating of the tree of life. In a legal sense this was impossible. Isaiah 45,7 explains that G-d creates the light and the darkness and the good and the evil, but Genesis 1 says everything Gd made was good Genesis 1,31 including the light and the darkness. (Genesis 1, 2 & Genesis 1,5 etc)  They were reflective of the image of G-d before this disobedience (Genesis 1,27) but now they were not in G-ds image but in disobedience. Genesis 1,28 as mentioned had commanded them to be fruitful and multiply and their offspring would have also been in Gds image at this point. Speculation on whether they could have eaten from the tree of life also in light of Genesis 3 causes much confusion as what if etc. How can the soul die forever ? This led to the doctrine of Annihilation or non – existence after death, yet eternal separation which we choose ourselves is stipulated and mentioned in Romans, 6 ,28 & Genesis 2,16 & 3, 22 & Mathew 10,28 & Mathew 25,26 & 41, Mark 9 ,23. & Mark 9, 42.  Allowing for disobedience as freewill, and then having a plan to rectify it is the paternal character of Gd. (see also Numbers 21,6 - 9.& John 3,14. Bronze like Brass is an alloy of Copper and Tin and the Egyptians also knew of the art of metals, but here they are employed in a new and improved way) Living forever is not the only aim of Gd but delegating the ability to produce and procreate was also a part of that plan. Doing so with creatures or persons who had no freewill would not have been true or perfect. Delegating pro-creation was the problem or uncontrollable problem of creation.

After they were banished from Eden their first born and subsequent offspring were in the image of Adam (and Eve) and not Gd, although they had become 'like one of us' Genesis 1,28 (as mentioned) Adam and Eve had the ability to pro-create and produce children who were capable of self-awareness and the awareness of Gd who created everything, which was/is G-ds plan. Everything possible today is brought forward to ruin this ability and plan. Marriage (Ketubah included) as a uniting of man and woman and their future children (as a major part of marriage) and G-d is the essence and only essence of marriage before G-d.  G-d does not honour or uphold or represent any other forms of marriage. Gd is omnipotent and is not dualistic (good and evil are not equal, God and the gds are not equal etc) in nature but is all creating and is everywhere. (Psalm 139, 7 – 12)

Both, Adam and Eve were innocent, except for the fall aftermath. It is suggested that Adam was the main bearer of the responsibility as he was told first, and should have told Eve plainly (although the scriptures do point out that he did in fact explain at some point) Other theories suggest that salvation had to arrive through the male genes over time, and there are medical and scientific proofs of this inheritance over generations. As such however, no sex was solely to blame, and it is missing the point of Genesis to press that claim against Woman (etc)

Gds image is also explained in the OT and Torah. In Exodus 3, 13-15 verse 15 says and Elohim spoke again ( yet repeats the verse ? ) perhaps indicating more than one of the Elohim or  2 aspects of G-d or more. Elohe is G-d singular but the same G-d

(13) And Moshe said unto HaElohim, Hinei, when I come unto the Bnei Yisroel, (the Sons of Israel) and shall say unto them, Elohei Avoteichem ('Avoteichem' or with a thousand blessings)  hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is Shmo? (see also Isaiah 12, 4, it is not 'Jo Shmo' because Shmo here is exalted but Shmo as 'what is his name' ) what shall I say unto them? (14) And Elohim said unto Moshe, Eh-heh-yeh ashair Ehheh-yeh (I AM WHO I AM) ;and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the Bnei Yisroel, EHHEH-YEH (I AM) hath sent me unto you. (15) And Elohim said moreover unto Moshe, Thus shalt thou say unto Bnei Yisroel: Hashem, Elohei Avoteichem, Elohei Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak, and Elohei Ya'akov, hath sent me unto you: this is Shemi l'olam, and this is My remembrance unto all generations.

In (to repeat) the Hebraic roots bible Exodus 3,13- 15 reads as follows;

13 And Moses said to the Elohim, Behold, I shall come to the sons of Israel and say to them, the Elohe of your fathers has sent me to you; and they will say to me, What is His name? What shall I say to them? 14 And Elohim said to Moses, EHYAH ASHER EHYAH (I AM THAT I AM); and He said, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, EHYAH (I AM) has sent me to you. 15 And Elohim said to Moses again3, You shall say this to the sons of Israel, YAHWEH, the Elohe of your fathers, the Elohe of Abraham, the Elohe of Isaac, and the Elohe of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is My name forever, and this is how I should be remembered from generation to generation4. ( see also Deut 6:13, Ex 20:7)

Again the titles of g-d and lord are not used nor in any OT name of Gd. This is important as knowing which Gd are we referring to is key to knowing Gd who commands us to know his name and use his name (Jeremiah 10,6, Exodus 3, 13 – 15, Philippians 2, 9 – 11 mentions Elohim (or should in a literal translation) and which quotes Isaiah 45, 21 – 24 when Yahweh is used. Both names are 1 and the same Gd.

Yahweh (as a name, not a title like lord) is employed 7000 times in the entire Orthodox Jewish Bible or Old Testament alone i.e. the Tanakh, that is aside from the Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha (New Testament). YHWH is replaced with a pagan meaning of Lord or god 7000 times in the Tanakh. Allah is not the name of G-d or a translation or interpretation of the name of G-d.Yahweh is explained as simply (not a title) as 'I am' and who was pre-existent to everything.

John 13, 12 – 14 in the Orthodox Jewish bible says; 

|12| Therefore, when he washed their feet and resuited himself into his kaftan, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach reclined at tish again and said to them, Do you have da'as of what I have done for you?
|13| You call me Rabbeinu and Adoneinu, and you say well, for Ani Hu. |14| If, therefore, I, being Rebbe and Adon, washed your feet, you ought to wash the feet of one another also.

In the Hebraic roots bible John 13, 12 – 14 says;

12 Then when He had washed their feet and had taken His garments, reclining again, He said to them, Do you know what I have done to you? 13 You call Me the Teacher, and, the Master. And you say well, for I AM. 14 If then I washed your feet, the Master and the Teacher, you also
ought to wash the feet of one another.

In the King James version John 13, 12 – 14 says;

12 So after he had washed their feet, and had taken his garments, and was set down again, he said unto them, Know ye what I have done to you?  13 Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.

You can see how the translations which are fine on a immediate level move however from Rabbeinu and Adoneinu (Rabbi, teacher) and King but a King like King David who was referred to as Adoneinu and 'King of Kings' is 'Adonai Adoneinu'. Whilst the Greek can mean a 'master' or a landowner or feudal type baron etc, it is much more than that. Also the Hebraic roots bible highlights 'I AM' as significant of Exodus 12 – 14 and this is repeated again in John 13, 19.

The Orthodox Jewish bible says in John 13, 13 says 'Ani Hu' in place of 'I AM' or 'Lord' and in Isaiah throughout books 40 – 66 'Ani Hu' literally means Yawheh or is referred to as Yahweh. The Greeks had a historical context of the gods not one Gd, and their reference of a gd was less that the Hebrew concept on the one gd as Moses also pointed out to Pharaoh. consequently, their view of lord and master was less than a Hebrew understanding. A Gd who creates everything in the Universe, who is also I AM and Ani Hu and who is also lord and Master is a proprietorial (landowning) sense and who is present simultaneously.  In Greek lord or 'ego eimi'; = Hebrew: 'ani hu', both in Exodus ( see above ) and here in John means I exist or 'I am'.

In reference then the apostles understood that 'I am' was washing their feet just before Passover. Yeshua was born at Sukkot in Sep/Oct see Luke 2, 1-7, was crucified at Passover in March/ April see any of the 4 Gospels, rose again at the feast of First fruits 1Corinthians 15:3,4 which means; Passover occurs on the 14th day of Nisan; Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th day of Nisan and goes for seven days; and Firstfruits takes place on the 16th day of Nisan, beginning the count (the omer) to the feast of weeks called Shavout or Pentecost. First fruits was also in March/ April, feasts commanded to be kept in Leviticus 23, and kept by the Messiah and still kept to this day and no others, as disobedience is the wrong path and obedience is the key to following the Messiah.  John 13 and the washing of feet also follows Aarons journey into the Tabernacle of Moses (as first instance prior to Solomon's Temple) in Exodus 38 verse 8 & Exodus 39,39 washing at the 'basin with its stand'  for hands and feet (see also Exodus 28, 39  and Numbers 28, 3 – 6 which is Solomon's temple became the 'Molton Sea or brazen sea' and was made from bronze which is Copper and Tin and which rested on 12 Oxen or Bulls representing the 12 tribes of Israel) and the journey in (at the festival or day of atonement a feast not present in Ezekiel's temple) he would acquire sand on his feet going in and out of the Holy of Holies, and the feet would be washed also after a full washing all over. This ritual preceded the day of Passover when the Levites would wash and stand in 3 groups of Priests around the Temple sacrifice at Passover. The Passover Seder also has hand washing instructions to this day. In John 13 we see the Aaronic and Levitical and Melchizedek Priesthood progressing. Regeneration, Salvation, full immersion baptism and daily sanctification washing.

Christ is a Greek word not Hebrew. Lord is not Hebrew but both words are usually actually added to a bible incorrectly, when it should be Messiah. The 153 fishes of Luke also represent the value of the Hebrew letter numbers of the sons of G-d which is an unlimited number only Gd knows the amount but is limited by Gd only.  This includes woman)  'I am' or 'I am, that I am' (Universal and factual as hey vav hey yud or יהוה) is Ha Shem's name or Gds name as YHWH, Yahweh. Lord or Christ is a Greek interpretation of Yeshua or Yahuah יהוה which means 'He who saves' or the father who saves. An exact pronunciation is Yahusha as sha (yasha) which means salvation =  Yahusha  יהושע  (and also means 'Yah is Salvation) and is the most used name (216 times in the Tanakh, as opposed to 26 for Yeshua or 2 for Yahushua. It is not Jehovah as Hebrew has no J but a Y, and the west adopted the J) Together in effect they mean 'I am, he who saves' Assessing who the Messiah is a part of the journey from the Exodus to the creation of Israel and the future prophecies of Ezekiel.

The Messiah or HaMashiach is the Jewish savior to be searched out Proverbs 25,2. Other names and attributes and character are found in the following video (' I AM. 365 Names of God wmv ' or here with scriptures ' I AM - 365 Names of God with Scripture Quotations' )



Hell the place without God & which lasts forever ? 


1. Link to take you back to the post dated    20.01.2021 Apostasy and 'Universalism' & the Church of Law and Grace The Anti-Christ as revealed in scriptures and events

2. Link back to the heading "6. The Worship of (fallen) Angels ? & the Worship of the Earth ? & the 7 Noahide laws / Abrahamic accords / 'Tikkun Olam' (or 'repairing the world')"


For an overview of the surrounding debate on hell and Judgement see the 'note' from a facebook group entitled 'Abrahams Bosom'   (the actual facebook group is here simply to host the note and essay ) whilst many see hell as an allegorical place or symbol of Gds warnings (which he does not really mean) others state that the scriptures in Revelations 20,10 ( preceding the Great White Throne Judgement of verses 11 - 15) are quite clear and Hell lasts forever. Rev 20, 10 KJV states "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever" On the surface this seems clear. yet if we go to a literal translation e.g. the Hebrew bible from the Congregation of YHWH which matches other literal translations we get the following translation for Rev 20, 10 "And the Devil leading them astray was thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet were. And they were tormented day and night for ages to ages"  This difference i.e for ages to ages is of course not the same as for ever and ever (or is it)

A video teaching addressing this point is shown as follows  " Refined in the lake of fire / The meaning of Hell Fire"   (or here once again in Bitchute under the channel Great Sermons on Bitchute)  It suggests that the lake of Fire is really a small crucible (see King Solomon and Proverbs 17,3 & Yeshua Revelations 3, 18 ) for purifying Gold or metals (for ages to ages as the correct translation) not forever. God is outside of earthly time. A day is like a thousand years to God (see Psalm 90, 4 & 2 Peter 3, 8) So in this context "ages to ages" is still a very long time and could be for all ages, and "outside of time" as we on earth understand time, means forever Yet this testing of the heart the video mentions (Proverbs 17,3 said by Solomon) precedes Judgment day. Solomon and David were judges on earth but God Judges forever and in eternal spiritual context as Revelations 20 10 - 15 states. Revelations 20, 10 can mean pond or lake ! but Yeshua in Matthew 25, 31 - 46 says (verse 46 KJV )  " And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal"  Yeshua explains in Mark KJV 9; 47 - 48. Verse 47 says; And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: Verse 48 says; Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Matthew 10, 28 also states (KJV)  "28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (the Hebrew literal translation states " Verse 28 says; And you should not fear the ones killing the body, but not being able to kill the soul, but rather fear Him being able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna" (there is no 'annihilation' or ceasing to exist as a doctrine ) For more information on what Yeshua actually said on Hell see "WHAT DID JESUS SAY ABOUT HELL?April 3, 2017 by Mike Livingstone 

The 'Refined' in the Lake of Fire Video' is simply but subtly misleading. It denies Judgment day when and for unbelievers who are presented before the Great White throne in Revelations 20, 11-15.  What is the point of a judgment day for some and not for others (the saved Born again redeemed who were born again on earth before they died without need to be further refined after death.Sanctification occurs during our lifetimes when we are still living) Revelations 3,5 & Revelations 17,8 show that our names will not be blotted out of the lambs book of life if we are saved to the end. Proverbs 17:3 does show that Gd tests the heart and we have a lifetime to show our hearts before we die. After this there is no second chance and our names (all those created) are in the book of life from their beginnings but are  removed when people go into 'hell' themselves, having not repented or having not turned toward  Gd. See the paragraphs, headings & verses at the  end of this chapter 5 & especially David Pawson's "The Normal Christian Birth" which is also within this channel Great Sermons on Bitchute  The video or doctrine the refined in the lake of fire upholds is called "apokatástasis" or  Apocatastasis which is not a doctrine of the early Church fathers but a doctrine from eastern philosophy known as Dualism or better known as Zoroastrianism.( It dates from the 5th century bc & Zoroaster was also known as Zarathustra )  This is a pre -christian doctrine and outside of the history of Israel. The Zoroastrianism doctrine can be similar also as Yin and Yang although there are differences in this eastern Philosophy. (Confucianism is dated before Zoroaster) It maintains evil and good dark and light are equal and the true nature of Gd but in reality it is a belief as old as thought itself (see Isaiah 45,7 which states "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things" ) 

This is different from the notion that Gd is simply an energy operating to pre-existing rules in the Universe when he is fact created those rules and made all things (see Proverbs 16,4 and others such as Colossians 1, 16) "Apokatástasis" or  Apocatastasis means "restoration" or to restore. Adam and Eve were restored by Covenants but many of their descendants were not and lived outside of them. Judgement on Sodom and Gomorrah was brutal and swift and very painful and terrifying eternally see also Deuteronomy 13, 9 on the death of false prophets and Deuteronomy 11,5 when the Israelites were swallowed by the earth. Then  see  1. On Sodom and Gomorrah "Shocking Discovery in SODOM & GOMORRAH (R$E)"   and again the video which shows what is waiting for people after the great white throne Judgement  2. Sodom & Gomorrah Location, New Archaeological Discoveries Example of Judgement, Abraham, Lot  (archaeology reveals the true location and circumstances of Sodom and more areas and locations can be seen on Holylandsite on Youtube and their website ) Finally "Apokatástasis" or  Apocatastasis denies  the all atoning sacrifice of Yeshua which is final and complete.  (Leviticus 17,11, Hebrews 9; 11 - 15. & 10; 1 - 18) This was / is  the crucible and the fire. (John 3,5 & Matthew 3,11) Apokatástasis" or  Apocatastasis is a subtle deception designed to fool and deaden your senses. 

The fire and brimstone which rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 (Sodom had has a Sphinx, and a  Ziggurat pyramid also found in Ur the birthplace of Abraham excavated by Leonard Wooley, and palaces and homes and the other 3 cities 'of the plain' the cities of Admah, Zeboim, and Bela in 2080 bc, 4100 years ago were also destroyed see both videos above)  is the same lake of fire and brimstone which the judged (the wicked i.e. the real profane) will exist within as described in Revelations 20: 10 soon ( ESV  verse 10; 'and the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever' ) it is just as real and as sure as Sodom and Gomorrah, & brimstone burning produces Sulphur  (also for more fire and brimstone see,  Psalm 11 which includes Kings, politicians, false Gd worshippers and those who are ruled over as noted by King David ben Jesse, & Ezekiel 38 against Gog, and Isaiah 30 against the Assyrians and Isaiah 34 against the Edomites beyond Israel in the south) This judgement place is reserved for most of the world. The 'war' from Heaven will be very one sided in Gds wrath, it will be over quickly although Gds wrath will be long. This is the final existence for them. It is not a utopian apotheosis with or without AI or technology on earth, it is hell which lasts forever.


Gehenna is some suggest simply referring to the rubbish dump outside of Jerusalem (the Valley of Himnom see also Jeremiah 7:31 & 19: 2-6 ) which was also an area once used for child sacrifice and sexual perversity, hence it is a cursed place. It is not thought to be a literal hell but a grave preceding 'purgatory' (a doctrine no longer employed in the Roman Catholic Church) or a wating of purification. Yet Rubbish dumps areas do not last and heaven and earth will be burnt away as in Revelation chapter 21. Yet despite this passing hell will be forever as the Millennium which precedes this passing (in Gds wrath) away of heaven and earth, still leaves the existing great white throne judgment and then Revelations 20,10 (& Matthew 25, 31 - 46 & Mark 9, 47 - 48 & Matthew 10,28) which si 'forever' and for ages to ages (as in the literal translation of Rev 20,10) Therefore from ages to ages must mean forever in a lake of fire. Would Yeshua state something he did not mean ?  Our names are in the book of Life from before creation, but they are blotted out when we have in effect rejected the Messiah. (see Revelations 17, 8 or even 13, 8) They can only be blotted out if they were already in as Gd is good in motive all the time. (by the end of this chapter 5 you will learn the 'Calvinists' and 'Armenians' have actually been saying the same, but have left Gd and his will and ability separate from our own, out of the equation in the debate on predestination)  

If you are uncertain or unfamiliar with end time terms, angels and realms and terms for Hell such as King David's statement in Psalm 16,10 (see also Acts 2, 27) Hebrew Literal translation from the Congregation of YHWH "  For You will not leave My soul in Sheol; You will not give Your Holy One to see corruption (Ps 49:15 But Elohim will redeem my soul from the hand of Sheol, for He will take me. Selah. (Ps 16:10-11) 

Then see the teaching by Terry Law  "What Happened To Jesus After He Died - Terry Law"     (or see here on Bitchute  he same file and teaching )

Understanding Gds character and personality in the next section below and before this section also and they will also answer some of the questions arising in this section. 




G-d's Character, Personality and the Power and Wrath of G-d

(29.11.2017. Please note this section concludes before the paragraph in red type beginning Egypt into the promised land)

Most studies into the nature and character of G-d focus on G-ds love. However, there are other sides to Gods personality, but which are still love as tough love as G-ds plan unfolds. For instance, in Malachi 1, 3 and Romans 9,13 God speaking of Jacob and Esau states 'I loved Jacob, but I hated Esau'. In Psalm 5,5 God tells us he hates all works of iniquity and in Psalm 11, 5 Gd explains that his Soul abhors the wicked and those that love violence. Proverbs 6, 6 – 19 describes 7 things Yahweh hates. Zechariah 11, 8 also explains that some souls abhor Gd, and Gd loathes them in return.

Yeshua had anger as revealed in John 2, 14 – 16, and he wept in John 11, 32-35 God grieves and is sad in Genesis 6, 5 – 6, and he delights Jeremiah 9, 23 – 24, and he assures us he has a plan and future for us and has concerns see Jeremiah 29, 11 – 13 .In contrast Psalm 2, 4 says 'The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them' Yeshua also employed humour and irony in Mathew 7, 23 and in Mathew 23,24. The 42 youths who called Elisha 'baldy' in 2 Kings 2, 23 – 24, were set upon and mauled by two bears who sprang out of the woods. Proverbs 1 26 – 28 states, "I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when terror strikes you, when terror strikes you like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you. Then they will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me" 

Gd has a personality like ours, except of course we are made in his image, and like Gd who has every emotion we also have those emotions (after the fall and banishment from Eden we are made in the image of our parents , but believers are restored to Gds image in salvation and sanctification) by reading the bible you will discover other traits of Gds personality (a long list to discover) including Gds ability to search out our thoughts and our hearts , you will discover his personality, and also discover Gds armies and the host of heaven which are numbered in millions or perhaps billions. They also have an active purpose.

Gd also takes revenge see Deuteronomy 32, 33 – 35, and drives out his enemies, commanding us to drive them also, and destroy them. Deuteronomy 33, 27. 

There are many scriptures that also attest to the Love of Gd. 1 John 4,8 and Mark 12, 28 – 31 are examples of Gds love. Both of these quotes from the Gospels are based upon the experiences of knowing the Messiah and the 'Old testament'. The 'New Testament' was not written (although they were lived) as such until many years later, although the earliest manuscripts were in Hebrew. Further the books of the Old Testament were not regarded as Old even to the disciples and to Yeshua, they were regarded as relevant and present. Yeshua was a Rabbi or teacher

The Torah (the first five books of the bible and the Prophets, Kings and Psalms etc) were valid everyday and were 'new'.  Liberal evangelicals regard these books as 'the law' which is either fulfilled or past and done away with.  Daniel 9, 4 speaks of Gds love as does, Deuteronomy 7,9 and Ezekiel 18,32 is an example of Gds love, which is called a 'covenant of love' in the former two verses. A covenant is a bond of which we (the lesser party) enter into a relationship of mutual understanding, with the greater party i.e Gd as such it is a wider framework in which commands can operate (such as 1 John 4,8 and Mark 12, 28 – 31 ) without being in covenant, then the 'love' we are commanded to give to Gd, becomes or is the only second (some would say lesser 'love' ) we have for one another in society and for family and our children etc , or the love of 'Eros' and sexual love.

These 3 loves are inferred within Mark 12,28 – 31 and the greatest of them is to love Gd, but there is a higher Love and that is named in John 3,16 – 18, which is a greater love than we can attain or know, but only know of (see 1 John 4, 10) This atonement ( as love and which is explained by Derek Prince further on) also arose when Abraham was obedient to Gd on Mount Moriah, yet Isaac was spared. This is the greatest love and if we have it then we will enter into covenant with Gd. The greater party however is the one who initiates a covenant including the new covenant by which it is clarified in John 15, 16. i.e. Gd chose us, we did not choose him. Without being in covenant we cannot love Gd, we can only love the thought of Gd. Daniel 9, 4 speaks of Gds love as does, Deuteronomy 7,9 and Ezekiel 18,32 (the latter is an example of Gd not taking pleasure in the death of anyone, and the example is to repent and live) as a 'covenant of love'. The complete biblical covenants are 1. Adamic Covenant, 2. Noahic Covenant, 3. Abrahamic Covenant, 4. Mosaic Covenant, 5. Davidic Covenant, 6. New Covenant, and the 7. Everlasting Covenant. (Adam and Eve created in the image of Gd were restored to covenant relationship with Gd in the Adamic covenant which also fulfilled the legal terms. The legal terms include a blood seal, other promises and faithfulness to them, within the covenant, see last heading in red above this. Without these legal terms the covenants are also broken. Without a covenant one cannot fulfil the greatest commandment of 'love' as cited in Mark 12, 28 – 31.

Without rebirth which is free and from Messiah and which is through atonement and the Ruach haKadosh (see further down) you cannot act in Gds love or in his will.

The Edenic covenant is also cited as the first covenant i.e, as no 1. The Edenic Covenant which has 6 or actually 7 terms when you include disobedience leading to physical death. (see the sub-chapter above on 'The Character and name of G-d' and 6th paragraph down which begins 'Those generations began' if you include eating only a vegetable diet then that is 7 but is implied in tilling the earth) There is no specific marriage covenant, except that the whole bible is a covenant of marriage with the proviso of being under all 8 covenants which are like a Russian doll, one inside the other through time and history until the new and everlasting covenant. In the Judeo-Christian tradition there 7 or 8 covenants. 7 in Judaism if you include the Edenic covenant and marriage, which was framed by the 'Ketubah contract' which has no formal ceremony which requires an 'I do' from either party etc. There was an 8-day feast in which the couple were bound together in front of family. Woman were considered a valuable part of the family and they received the dowry from he male's family, as compensation for her loss from them. This 8 day feast also reflects many of the Jewish feasts which are 8 days in length. Many Jewish people or Christians were married but one party gave up or reflected upon their views in favour of the other. Messianic Hebrews who are either Jewish and/or Gentile ( i.e. 1 is Jewish the other Gentile etc) are of the same view and faith. 2 Jewish believers who are Messianic are also of the same faith. In the 'Christian' tradition (Messianic Hebrew) and the 8 covenants a marriage is not a marriage before Gd unless both are in the covenant. The 'New testament' from the book of acts forward describes a new situation, its people are in a new situation from the day of 'Pentecost' / Shavuot (or even before) who were present the day of Pentecost (many individuals present did not have their entire families or partners with them) This new situation brought many into covenant, or they became a part of the covenant later (when the Apostles preached and converted new converts etc), but those whose partners had not experienced this new covenant or whose families had not, and they were in a different position to their partners and their new situation. The new testament then has instructions what to do when those new situations arise. These instructions are not a marriage guide ideal for today, in the same way, but were an example of a new problem which arose then, and how to manage it. Under previous covenants in the old testament the tribes were in the same covenant at various times throughout history. Yeshua was from the tribe of Judah, Paul from Benjamin, Peter from Judah and they were both married, most of the disciples were Jewish as were the early converts. It was complicated hence they asked so many questions, yet all understood that from Eden and the fall to the current day restoration people in families, towns and cities were from the same tribe and tradition or in their day in the new covenant which spread abroad.There are various passages in the New Testament which describe the arising problems. Marriage is one believer to another.

(If you are practicing Judaism and your partner is Christian one must convert to the other or allow the difference and good luck in working it out, but at least first and in-depth you both can consider all the bible from Torah to Revelations, and see the next paragraph and also watch Al Pacino and Jeremy Irons in their film, see the post dated 12.05.2017 first in chapter 3a above and its heading the Merchant of Venice for the film or play )

Strictly orthodox on either side (who can consider and leave it, but be aware) will find the issue troubling, but it is a reality as young people do not always consider their backgrounds as their first consideration. However there is a unique and beautiful, deep and rich teaching on this issue which winds its way through Torah and the Prophets and Brit Chadasha (New Testament) but which begins in Torah. It is not for writing down but can only really be spoken out (of course many do not understand) It is relating to the house of Israel and Judah and Israel being Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) which Hosea mentions 37 times, and in reference to also Amos 9,9, because the prophecies of Ezekiel are given to both Houses of Judah and Joseph.

The tribes of the Old testament recognized each other and they knew they were in covenant and were the same and they were married. Conversion was required for non believers or gentiles. Today messianic Hebrews (Christians) also recognize each other and many Jewish Messianic believers state that this recognition is the same and followers of Yeshua are an extension of those tribes in the same way. Marriage to each other is for believers only. Judaism alone does not recognize the new covenant or Yeshua as Messiah. The Messiah must soon be known however as it is 70 years (or weeks) since Israel was reborn in 1947. It is a consideration and  search and a mystery but worth pursuing.

The idea of different Kingdoms over time made by men is not the same Kingdom made by Ha Shem. Although both Kingdoms overlap and covenanted people lived through history, only Gds Kingdom will remain. The prophecy of Ezekiel and the coming back and return and the two houses of Judah and Joseph is a real prophecy which is also a real Kingdom, it is the next Kingdom, (the prophecy of the dry bones a vast army see video "Ezekiel's Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones"    and Ezekiel 37,1- 10 is interpreted by Gd for you in the next verses following 37,10. The interpretation is given by Gd. And this is the prerequisite and next stage of Ezekiel 37, 18 – 20. Read the whole of Ezekiel and the condemnation of the worship of idols which is a central theme of Gds displeasure. Ezekiel 1 also gives an insight into Gds vast army see video  The Four Faces (Ezekiel 1)  There is no competition between Kingdoms on earth and they shall pass away amidst (next) a thousand year reign which is on earth not in 'heaven' although the earth will not be as we know it now. This is particularly relevant as Israel celebrates its 70th anniversary from 29.11. 1947. (i..e 29.11.2017) Zion is already possessed by G-d, G-d has already won. Just as Joshua (see the Captain and Commander of the Lords army below) prepared for the new beginning, although patience was required in Joshua 5

In the Old Testament (but both testaments are valid and relevant) a similar situation arose when Moses returned with the law and ten commandments. Israel in part and in waiting had abandoned Moses, even forcing Aaron to make the Golden calf. When Moses returned he asked for a parting of those who followed Gd and those who followed their own man made Gd. Those that stood with the Golden calf were dramatically destroyed, whilst those with Moses survived. Many families were divided and possibly even Husband and wife and children. The stones of the 10 commandments which Moses cast into the Golden calf destroyed it. Its words were etched into it, by the finger of Gd. Later a second pair of stones and ten commandments were given by Gd. This double portion of two stones represents the two houses of Israel Judah and Joseph, the ten commandments represent the 10 tribes, but much more they represent the law even for today.

Proverbs 28,4 which in keeping the law is not legalism or the same as legalism which is not grace, and the Pharisee law which does not bring righteousness. The Pharisee laws are opposing the laws of Moses in many instances. The law of Moses are still central to teaching for conviction, strengthening, edification and justice, as also are the laws of Yeshua which are numerous and are blessed. G-d wrote the law. 'The law' or Torah is clarified in Proverbs 28, 9 which states your prayers are a abomination if you turn your ear from hearing the law. (Reread this sentence and transfer law for the word Torah) The old testament also includes, the prophets, psalms, proverbs and ten commandments. People obey thousands of man made laws every day without thinking or question, whereas the Torah is deeper and is Gds word in the old and new testament. See also 2 Timothy 3,16 which states all scripture is Gd breathed and which also includes faith for justification to salvation. (And in Romans 5,1, yet for sanctification both of the proverbs above are fundamental)

The Law is good. The law is the backbone of grace it strengthens your walk as a guide on the narrow path, faith brings righteousness. The law is (in the 'new testament') Holy, as in Romans 7,12 and it is Good as in Timothy 1,8. Paul and Peter kept the law as all scripture is God breathed (2 Timothy 3, 16 – 17, remember again also the 'New Testament' was not written at the point of these quotes which when we look back at in retrospect, this is forgotten) The law is good and holy, it is not inseparable from 'grace' which in Greek is spelt 'Charis' (from where we derive the word charity) it is used to show favour as a free gift but is not obtained without repentance and as such it is not 'free' and it is God who grants the Spirit of repentance, or grants repentance to take place (see 2 Timothy 2, 25 ) because we did not choose him, but he chose us (see John 15,16)

Zechariah tells us the law is twice blessed (Zechariah 9,12) blessing the receiver and the giver, it droppeth like the dew and the rain (Deuteronomy 32,3 and Genesis 27,28) the words of Gd are the law (1 Peter 1, 24 – 25)

People also quote Leviticus 21 and other areas of Leviticus without understanding the wider context. The Levitical priesthood were set aside and they also had to be physically fit (the chapter mentions poor eyesight and disabilities which were not allowed for Levite priests permanently) and who were sexually pure and whole, but they could be married. In the new testament Zachariah and Elizabeth were the parents of John the Baptist. Zachariah was a Levite priest who served within the temple. David 1000 years earlier appointed the services of the Levites and from this we can ascertain the birth date of the Messiah. (see heading below Ezekiel's Temple as the Third or the Fourth Temple ? (Solomon's temple was the first temple, Herod's temple was the 2nd Temple) These instructions in Leviticus 21, covered all areas not just aesthetics for practical reasons. Carrying the Ark of Gd and transporting and arranging a portable tabernacle in the desert, which was large and complex in design and which had to be built and taken down before moving on. Since the fall in Eden all nature, men and woman and animals were struck with eventual death, diseases and acquired disabilities in a fallen world. Gd in Leviticus 21 was instructing how and who the Levitical priesthood should be and how they should act. The Nazarene's (like Samson) also had similar duties, restrictions and purposes. When the tabernacle was erected and constructed, once a year on Yom Kippur, the high priest would enter the tabernacle and the Holiest place and sacrifice a lamb for the annual (temporary) atonement of all the surrounding tribes of Israel. They collected Manna from heaven and also felt the cleansing spirit of Gd. The sacrifice was to prepare (in the mind also) them for a future time when one sacrifice would last for eternity not just fr one year. In effect it covered their sin but did not atone for ever as it was repeated annually. Gds spirit would be one day poured out on all flesh, (Acts 2,17 & Joel 2,28) including upon those who cannot see clearly or have disabilities or other as listed in Leviticus 21 ( but for those who chose to continue to act in such as Leviticus 21,20 or who are sexually immoral as in Leviticus 21,20 then they are not covered or atoned unless they repent and cease) These instructions existed so that they too would become like the Levitical priests, and in the future like the new priesthood of Melchizedek which will last for ever. (see Hebrews 7) Physical infirmity and blindness are cured but Homosexuality is still forbidden. First the children of Israel were separated from Egypt. The tribes were then divided into 12, and the Levites were divided in turn from the other tribes. The high priest was further separated for practical and Holy reasons.

The book of Leviticus read in context is a very powerful book for instruction today for Christians also. Just as the spirit will be poured out on all flesh, the bible also tells us we shall be changed (from glory to glory) including new forms as a resurrection body in 1 Corinthians 5, 1- 10 (if you are reborn and regenerate, and this rebirth is a visible reality when receiving the spirit so that others in your group or congregation may know you have repented or been reborn) Our appearance will be like the Angels, who are noble, good and who were always obedient to Gd. Angels are not composed of physical matter but are spirit beings created by God (Heb. 1, 14).  They can resemble human form when God permits or wills it (Gen. 19) They are described in Daniel 10, 5 – 6. Those who are not reborn have had their reward. (Mathew 6,2 & 6,5)

Ephesians 2, 8 – 9 & also Ephesians 2, 14- 15  Without these steps initiated by Gd, we cannot undertake good works as repentance and grace is also required to receive Gds Spirit, without which we cannot obey Gds laws (see Titus 2,14) Law defines sin and disobedience and convicts, grace leads to faith and obedience. Romans 6,14 states we are no longer under the law, but under grace which leads to faith, but Romans 3,31 states; do we overturn the law by faith, by no means, rather we uphold the law. Romans i.e the New Testament was not written when these words were spoken so the law is not 'old' testament. Yeshuas laws were spoken but  he upheld the 10 commandments. Yeshua's laws are numerous, they are commands, laws and instructions. Mathew 24, 15 clarifies what Yeshua's law is, and it will never end or pass away, but Mathew 5,18 states not Jot or letter or word will pass away until everything is accomplished and also until heaven and earth pass away until its purpose is achieved. This is a future time and post resurrection and spoken also by the disciples as mentioned above. (see further down this chapter also under the heading. 'The Law and Grace United')  We are saved (i.e. born again) by grace see Ephesians 2, 8-9,  yet in sanctification and see Ephesians 2, 14 – 15, and verse 15;  'In His flesh He has caused to cease the enmity due to the laws in regulations, that He might in Himself create the two into one new man, making peace'  Verse 15 cites the laws into regulations which are a barrier to be broken down, but the word here is not Torah, in Greek it is 'dogma' or man made laws, the laws of the Pharisees, as all Torah or Gds word is G-d breathed (2 Tim, 3, 16) and is good for teaching. No created creature or man or woman has ever fulfilled all the law. This peace is not just between individuals (Jew, Israelite and Gentile) but also fulfilling Ezekiel 37:15-28 between Judah and Ephraim. The Messiah would be and is Prophet, Priest and King.

The laws of Yeshua  are (in part) found also in John14,15, John 14,21, John 14, 23 -24. In Mathew 23, 3 we are commanded to obey Torah, and it is a direct reference to the laws of Moses and the Ten commandments, which now (Hebrews, 8, 10) are written on our hearts, which last forever (2 Corinthians, 3:11 & Rom. 5:9-11) and are based in faith, and at the root of this is faith (Gal. 3, 24; Rom. 3, 22 & 5:1-2; and also 1 John 3:23) Mathew 6, 9 – 15 also lists Yeshua's laws, as does John 3, 7 – 9 which is not taught or even seen as relevant in many Churches making all other laws, actions and purpose null and void in effect. Mathew 5, verses 6 and 7 are full of the laws and commands of Yeshua. See also Luke 12,40, Mathew 28, 19 – 20, Mathew 10,8 & 18,10, and numerous more in all four Gospels which is clarified by John 14,15.

Today people can enter under the new and everlasting covenant and their partner may not follow. Yet these examples which also include examples in the new testament, are not on par with the standard or norm of both partners being under the new covenant, (see Acts 16, 31) as indeed whole families and households could or should become. If a partner will not come under the new covenant and leaves and the dissenting partner, and makes a divorce, it automatically occurs for the other when they enter a new relationship, the dissenting partner is not then in a marriage in Gds eyes. (Luke 16,18 & Mathew 18,9) In this case the covenant partner can remarry. If one partner refuses to marry (and including the Ketubah contract) then obviously that is not a relationship in faith or a marriage. Homosexual marriage is not in covenant and never will be. (Leviticus 18,22 & 20, 13. Romans1 26 – 27. 1 Corinthians 7, 2, I Timothy 1, 8 – 10. Hebrews 12,6, Revelations 22, 15, Jude 1,7, Ephesians 5, 5, 1 Corinthians 6, 9 – 11. Revelations 21,8 & Genesis 19)

In the Judeo tradition all in the tribes were under the covenants up to the Davidic covenant as marriages were in the family or tribe and conversion (as today) was a pre-requisite if you were not born a Jew or not born from one of the other 11 (or 13 Ephraim and Dan etc) tribes, you would need to convert. So it is in the New Testament, to join the family a partner must be reborn first under the New and everlasting covenant. Jeremiah 31, verse 31 – 34 says and pointing to the future, that a new covenant will be made with the 'people of Israel'. In the Christian (or a better term is Messianic Hebrew) eyes this new covenant is as described in Genesis 17, 71 (and in and throughout all covenants) and again in Mark 14,24 and Luke 22,20, & Hebrews 13,20. This sacrifice fulfilled all the terms a covenant requires, yet as with all covenants it is initiated by Gd to any individual as in John 15,16, and becomes a physical reality by John 3, 1 – 15 i.e to be born again of Spirit and Water (verse 5) both, and this answers verse 4, but it has added clarification in verse 6. Verse 8 clarifies John 15,16 in essence, and is further clarified in verse John 3,12. 

This is regeneration and it also fulfils the spiritual entrance into Ezekiel's temple and mentioned in Joel 2,28 and again in Acts 2,17. In Luke 1,67 Zechariah is filled with the Ruach Hakodesh (the father of John the Baptist who offered a baptism into repentance only, which is required before John 3, 1 – 15, i.e. the repentance of which baptism is an outward sign only) Zechariahs filling with the Holy Spirit was resting within but not permanent, just as Samson who was filled with Gds spirit for his mighty acts (see Judges 14,6) was temporary (the Ruach rested upon him and then departed) and also upon Saul temporarily in 1 Samuel 10, 6, who is told by Prophet Samuel that the spirit of the Lord will be powerful with him and he will be a different person. Ezekiel 11,5 and Luke 4,18 and Isaiah 11,2 all describe the spirit of Gd resting upon them and the attributes thereafter.

John 3, 1 – 15 (and answering Nicodemus great question which proves the Pharisees were curious and thinking people. John 3,4 and John 3,9 is explained in full by David Pawson who explains that the disciples did not have the New Testament i.e the 'Brit Hadashah' but did have a new ability or new birth without which you cannot see the New Testament in reality, see his video 'The Normal Christian birth' part 1 or in full here. This 'Christian birth' which is and can be described as a Hebrew or Israel new birth allows the Ruach to reside permanently within as a beginning, and is also a full powerful baptism of Gds spirit (just as a gas boiler has a pilot light, it also fires up within into full flame and is in full flame, yet this could not occur as a permanent attribute for Israel until after the resurrection, which occurred on the feast of first fruits, following the crucifixion (on the feast of Passover) and until Pentecost on the feast of Shavuot (counting the Omer for 49 – 50 days from the feast of first fruits ) This baptism of the spirit was a visible sign to others that you had repented and become reborn. John 7,39 explains this in relation to the feast of Passover and first fruits and Pentecost. Ezekiel 3, 12 – 27 describes the powerful spirit of Gd, which in Isaiah 59,19 says it is like a rushing river and Acts 2,2 describes the Ruach as a violent wind blowing powerfully. The upper room of David's old city in Jerusalem where this occurred was approximate to the Temple Mikvah baths of Solomon's temple, a powerful outpouring of the cleansing Ruach of Gd like water in Spiritual form. See also Ezekiel 37,9 and video above on the vast army and the valley of the dry bones, which relates to the whole House of Israel i.e. the 12, not just Judah and Ephraim, although the latter eventually lead the tribes, these tribes and those who were slain, and they are brought into the land of Israel. This resurrection from the grave (the dry bones prophecy ) many suggest has not occurred as yet and many events from Ezekiel have not occurred, but the new birth is also like it. Both are true and separate realities. The new covenant and rebirth also exists when the full restoration of Jeremiah 31, 31 occurs, the unting of both Houses of Israel (the lost 10 tribes also ) and the return to the land.

This new birth is for Jews and Joseph and will occur again in Israel today. Aside from being highly intelligent and seeing a spiritual beauty, this birth is fully described and ornately decorated throughout all the Temples and David and Moses tabernacle. Zechariah 10,1 & Leviticus 26,4, & Deuteronomy 11,14 & Ezekiel 34,26 all promise this, as does Joel 2,28. This is why it called the Golden or beautiful gate.

Gds wrath falls upon those who are not under these covenants, and without them Judgement day is an evil day for those without. Gds power and wrath shows the unequalled power Gd has and he has already won all wars and arguments.

Examples of this are as follows; Exodus 15, 3.

The fear of Gd is the beginning of Wisdom Proverbs 9,10 and Psalm 111, 10.

Why should you fear Gd. Luke 12,5 & Mathew 10, 28 explains? Although Gd can physically destroy you there is another position and condition which occurs after this.

Hebrews 4,12 explains that as well as Gd knowing us in the womb, ( Jeremiah 1,5 & Isaiah 44,24, Psalm 71, 6, Galatians 1,15)  and he knows the number of hairs on our head, (Luke 12,7 Mathew 10, 30) he can also with his word from his mouth in judgement separate your soul from your spirit (which are two different entities, you are a soul separate from your body and your spirit returns to Gd for judgement) This word of Gd in Hebrews 4,12 is like a two edge sword dividing 'asunder the soul and the spirit' from the joints and even from the marrow wherein your soul and spirit dwells also. It will be painful and unbearable eternally. Alternatively, through repentance, your spirit and you as a soul can be reborn of spirit (the Ruach of Gd ) and water (John 3, 5).  Hebrews 4,12 also states that Gd is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, and is not fooled by only outward displays of remorse, repentance or religiosity, hence your soul and spirit will be separated and will not unite for eternity, and an eternity without Gd. (for repentance see also atonement which is reconciliation, and video ' Derek Prince - Atonement - Vol. 1'   ( or here volume 1 & 2 ) and then watch the 'Normal Christian birth' again above. The day of atonement is a day and a feast, see also the following pdf and the tabernacle in the wilderness ) Separation of your spirit which return to Gd from the Soul (you are a soul see Genesis 2,7 a living Soul in entirety) and separation at Judgement day from Gd is the judgement that awaits you. They can never unite and never know Gd.

Yeshua did not just become angry or weep or laugh, but also he gave very strict and deeply stark warnings. Consider the verses in Mathew 18,1- 7, Mark 9,32, & Luke 17,2 which are the same story or warning. It is stating that if you cause a little one ( a child) to sin or to stumble or remove their happiness, then it is better for you to be thrown into the depths of the sea with a millstone tied around your neck. The Romans practiced this punishment, and it was known in Galilee, it also deprived the sufferer of a burial rite, and its invention was first ascribed to the Greeks. The millstone was not the domestic grinding stone for the home but one which is normally pulled in a circular movement by a donkey, and often was 10 feet or 6 feet in diameter at least. This was solid stone and very heavy.

The 'depths of the sea' means deep sea. You would fall rapidly and after one minute you would certainly be over 300 feet deep or more. At this point you would start to get the bends (air pockets in your body moving under pressure from the water above) until they imploded. Simultaneously you would drown which is also painful. Depending on the depth you may hit the sea bottom at speed, in which case you would break your back, legs and neck. It is theoretically possible that all 3 may occur at once. Mathew 18, 5 – 7 states this is the better option or better for you, not as a replacement to judgement and punishment, but compared to what is going to happen to you on judgement day + 1.

This punishment will be eternal. Yeshua said in Mathew 2 – 5, that unless you become like a little child (who should not be stopped from knowing Gd) you will not see Heaven, but these that do are the greatest. These scriptures also apply to abortions which deprive children of a life, happiness and knowing Gd.

The Power of Gd is displayed to us individually. Joshua who prayed that the Sun would stop in its tracks in Joshua 10, 12- 13, which gave a longer day and light, was aware of it. (and it also proves a knowledge of Gravity a long time before Einstein or Isaac Newton or even Copernicus or Galileo. Stopping the sun stilled the earth, it was not an eclipse as both Sun and Moon visible in different valleys see verse 12) The sun and moon stood still, providing a longer day and more light and hence it did not go dark in a eclipse, which is nonsense, as extra daylight was needed for the whole day (see verse 13 an eclipse brings darkness)  Joshua also met the 'captain of the hosts of the lord' and 'commander or the Lords army' in Joshua 5 13 – 15. This person carried a raised sword, the sword of the spirit of Gd prepared for war. Joshua worshipped this person and therefore the person was not an angel (see Revelations 22, 8 – 9, and Galatians 1, 8, Colossians 2,18, in which worshipping Angels is forbidden, as is worshipping a man see Acts 10, 25 - 26) or a man. This was an pre-incarnate appearance of the Messiah as Joshua worshipped him in Joshua 5, verse 14, whose appearance is like an Angel yet a man, but as the 'angel of the Lord' see Hagar in Genesis 16, 9.

Joshua 5, 13 – 15 also shows us that the Messiah is on his own side. Joshua also marched around Jericho seven times just as the high Priest in Solomon's temple walked around inside the Temple seven times at high feasts. Jericho's walls collapsed outwardly (and that is how they were found in the first archaeological dig, and of course many more biblical archaeological sites are being discovered every week) allowing the Israelites to scale upwards and in. The shout came from outside but the power or force came from within. This force was Gd.

Angels of Gd, under the command of the commander of the Lords army are numbered in millions as the host of Gds army, and at least millions (See Revelations 5,11) where 10,000 x 10,000 or 100 million, that we know of. Revelations 12, 3 – 4 states that a 1/3 of all angel fell from heaven, implying a number (that we know about) of 33 million, yet Billions could also be a reality.  (see also 2, Peter 2, 4 – 6 & Jude 1, 6 – 7 which as a book also quotes the book of Enoch, which is not a biblical book but does give insights into the vast numbers of Gds army, which Hebrews 12,22 informs us that the number of Gds army is 'innumerable' and therefore we can surmise John in Revelations 5,11 was expressing his best estimate.  This estimate or expression was also chosen by Daniel in Daniel 7,7- 10, who described the 'Ancient of days' as sitting amidst a throne of fire, with fire coming out from his throne.

Elisha (2 Kings chapter 6) informed his servant not to worry and he prayed his eyes would be opened and that he would see spirituality. His servant had seen an entire army of the King of Aram, (a city in Syria) surrounding the city, chariots, horses and armed soldiers waiting to attack at Dothan. When the servant's eyes were opened (before this he was alive but spiritually dead) verse 17 says 'And Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see." Then the Lord opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha' Again fire surrounding the Lords army. Verse 16 says "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them." This statement which says there are more with us than with them, suggests that a 1/3 of the angels which fell from heaven are indeed in the minority by a considerable number. As such there is no equality with Gd or his armies, it is in effect a dictatorship to use a political analogy. This is Gds army

The whole city was surrounded by the King of Aram the Syrian and his army. Elisha prayed and Gd blinded them all (tens of thousands) and then Elisha informed them (the spiritually blind) that they were on the wrong road and at the wrong city and lead them to Samaria. They could all just have easily been slaughtered. Chapter 7 is also miraculous, and a famine is ended. The Syrians are prevented from harassing Israel in Chapter 6 and in Chapter 7 they are driven to flight and Israel takes their spoils and lands. Chapter 7, verse 6 explains why the Syrians fled. 'For the Lord had made the host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses, even the noise of a great host: and they said one to another, Lo, the king of Israel hath hired against us the kings of the Hittites, and the kings of the Egyptians, to come upon us'

In another instance, when the King of Assyria came into Israel and sieged Jerusalem, it was in the years before a sabbatical year (when the land would be fallow i.e. not farmed) yet Gd provided miraculous provision, and a water source was dug by Hezekiah, known as the Siloam or Hezekiah's tunnel which can still be visited and entered today in Jerusalem. Hezekiah knew of the siege by letter and prayed to Gd. Isaiah prophesised the fate of the King of Assyria who was called Sennacherib (see 2 Kings 19, 14 – 36) and as the Assyrians slept the night before, the angel of the Lord or rather the angel of Yahweh killed all one hundred and eighty five thousand (185,000 people see verses 32 – 36)

Gd killed 70,000 men of Israel in one night (see 2 Samuel 24,15) for David's census error.

David's census error throws up a conundrum. In 2 Samuel 24,15 and 1 Chronicles 21, 14 – 16 we are told Gd killed 70,000 men of Israel, who fell dead and Gd was also going to destroy Jerusalem, but he relented, and David seeing the 'Angel of the Lord' (angel of Yahweh) without, and with stretched sword over Jerusalem fell to the ground. This was caused by David's census error. The 'error' was obeying haSatan but in 2 Samuel 24,1 we are told Gd told David to number and count Israel's army not haSatan ?. In 1 Chronicles 21,1 we are told the opposite that it was haSatan who stood up provoking Gd to number Israel. 2 Samuel 24, 9, tells us that Judah numbered 500,000 thousand and Israel 800,000, whilst in 1 Chronicles 21,5 Judah numbered 1,100,000 and Israel 470,000? (2 versions of the count in the census)

In fact, both are true and what was occurring is similar to the tests of Job (read the book of Job) In Job 1,6 both the Angels of Gd and Satan appeared in heaven before Gd. Satan had not yet been defeated as laid out in Colossians 2,15. Job was tested, and clearly here David had two identical instructions combined into one so to speak (see further on) to count and number instructions. Numbers 22,22 also describes haSatan as the adversary and this is not a misnomer in in 2 Samuel 24,1  &  1 Chronicles 21,1 this is who these verses are referring to. In 1 Chronicles 21 verse 1, it names Satan, whilst in verse 3, the verse names Yahweh quite plainly, there is no mistake, and see also in 2 Samuel 24, verse 1, which says 'Yahweh'

As for the apparent discrepancies in numbers 1 Chronicles 21,5 which numbers 1,100,000 but 300, 000 who were not counted as Valiant or able – bodied men as described in 2 Samuel 24,9, and were therefore not therefore counted. (i.e. 1,00,000 minus 300,000 = 800,000 men) 1,100,000 men in total but only 800,000 who are able to fight. This is one solution. Israel once had an entire army who could not defeat Goliath (who were able -bodied and valiant) but a non-soldier (although he was considered a brave warrior) a shepherd boy did just that, when David slew Goliath. Both Samuel and Chronicles say the numbered could handle a sword, but in Samuel only those who could handle a sword who were also 'able bodied' could fight. The Spartans had a similar training programme. The discrepancies between 1 Chronicles 21,1 and 2 Samuel 24,9 and the 500,000 number as opposed to 470,000 in 1 Chronicles and Samuel for Judah are resolved in 1 Chronicles 21, 5- 6, when we are informed the tribes of fighting men in Benjamin (who had sinned) and the Levites were not to be counted as fighting men. 30,000 men in all were excluded. (500,000 – 30,000 = 470,000) This is one solution. Israel had 12 units of 24,000 men as described in 1 Chronicles 27, 1- 15 = 288,000 men, and 1 Chronicles 1, 14 says 12,000 were attached to Jerusalem walls and the chariot townships. (288,000 + 12,000 = 300,000) This totals 300,000 as an alternative solution. The 30,000 discrepancy (between Samuel and Chronicles for Judah) is described in 2 Samuel 6,1, which totals a standing army inside Jerusalem of 30,000 who were not present with David before this battle.  

Since David is punished for this census, then how can he have been told by Gd to carry it out ? If he was told by haSatan, then this means the angel of the Lord Yahweh is haSatan (etc) ? Firstly 2 Samuel 24, 1 says that Gods anger burned against Israel, and we are further told in 1 Chronicles 21, 3, that Joab said Gd could multiply the army 100 times its current size, but in counting them it would bring shame on Israel, or it would bring guilt on Israel, or it would be a cause of guilt. Clearly Gds anger burned against Israel and counting them would reveal why? 2 Samuel 24,3 also relates Joab's plea not to do such a thing. A Messianic translation or Hebrew bible for 2 Samuel 24,3 states 'And Joab said to the king, Yea, may YAHWEH your Elohim add to the people, however many they may be, a hundredfold. And may the eyes of my master the king sees it. But why does my master the king delight in this thing?'  1 Chronicles 21,3 in the same states; 'And Joab said, May YAHWEH add to His people as if they were a hundred times; my master, O king, are they not all of them servants to my master? Why does my master desire this? Why will he be a cause of guilt to Israel?'

Gds anger burned against Israel, David's count would bring shame, Gd would punish him for it, David delighted in the count which Satan also asked him to undertake. It is not always stated that Gds anger was already kindled before the census. (2 Samuel 24, 1) Benjamin (and the Levites) as a tribe were omitted from the census in 1 Chronicles 21,6, and in 2 Samuel 21 we learn that Gds anger was kindled first (before Gds census anger) as a result of Saul's sin in killing the Gibeonites and his sinful reign. A three year famine was in the land and David had inquired as to the cause of it from Gd.Saul was of the tribe of Benjamin. Saul killed his thousands, and David his tens of thousands but Saul was chosen by the people (although anointed by Samuel) instead of the people choosing Gd alone as their leader. Pride and military pride was still existent within the ranks of Israel's army. Joab David's commander had tracked Abner Saul's commander after a near reconciliation with David and killed him. Abner had installed Saul's son Ish-Bosheth and made him king over the areas of Israel called Gilead, Ashuri and Jezreel, Ephraim, and Manasseh (see 2 Samuel 2,9 ) but King Ish-Bosheth accused Abner of sleeping with his concubine, and hence Abner angered and rejecting Ish-Bosheth, wanted to join all Israel with David. Later Ish-Bosheth was killed paving the way for David to become King. It is inferred that David may have become involved with this intrigue in a similar way he was in intrigue with Bathsheba and Uriah, yet there is no record of it, although the Prophet Nathan knew of Bathsheba and Uriah, bringing penalties for David and Israel.  In 2 Samuel 21 a three year famine ravaged the land as Gds anger was kindled, in 2 Samuel 24, and then again in the census Gds anger was kindled and it is Joab who knows it will bring shame upon Israel. 'Able bodied' include those who would accept David s Kingship, although he had been anointed King and even after Saul's death, many tribes or members of tribes had not accepted David as King. In I Samuel 16,14 the exchange of anointing took place, and Gd allowed Satan to plague Saul with an evil Spirit, as in the book of Job. Therefore Gd allowed Satan to ask for the census, which Gd also wanted, but David delighted in it but Joab did not. HaSatan wanted a King of the people to rebel against Gd, or even soldiers from within Israel after Saul was killed. Absalom David's son also from Hebron rebelled against David, but was killed hanging on a tree. David cried in Psalm 22,1 mirroring Mathew 27,46. Able bodied men of Israel may have only included those loyal to David, and the shame of Israel was described in 2 Samuel 1, 27. Since David was not punished and since Jerusalem was not destroyed then it is inferred David was innocent of Abners death, yet he had pursued David with Saul. Joab later killed Absalom also. (2 Samuel 18)

Gd in any case slew 70,000 men of Israel and, and Saul's shame and the tribe of Benjamin's shame was expose. Paul (who was called Saul) was from the tribe of Benjamin. Herod was partly from this tribe. King Saul was from Benjamin and these lines had lands which bordered Jerusalem and even parted on the line of the Temple portico. 70,000 men of Israel died and Gd nearly divided Jerusalem with his sword see I Chronicles 21, 16. Even King David suffered under the wrath of Gd.

In a separate occurrence of Gds wrath, when the Philistines captured the Ark of the Covenant and took it back to their towns and laid it before the Temple of Dagon, the idol fell over three times (twice it was stood upright see 1 Samuel 5, 2 - 6) when it broke in pieces, but was made to bow down before the Ark in effect. The Philistines and even some of the Israelite's in the outer towns who abandoned Gd were plagued with boils and haemorrhoids (1 Samuel 5,6) and related sexual diseases. The Angel of Yahweh is the same Angel who brought, famine, pestilence, disastrous weather and the death of all the Egyptians first born (as defined by curses from Pharaoh which were turned upon him, see also Exodus 3,2) 500,000 Egyptians were killed as first born (see Exodus 12, 29-30)

50,000 (50,070 threescore and ten) Philistines were killed for looking into the Ark at this time see 1 Samuel 6,19 (they were not reborn or righteous)

Gd killed hundreds of giants described as the Ammonites who were like the Anakites (over 9 or 12 feet tall or even taller) tall and numerous in Deuteronomy 2, 22- 23. In 2 Samuel 8 -10 'The Lord' or Yahweh gave victory  to David and the Israelites wherever he went and in this instance 66,000 (or 65,680 or 66,680) were killed. There is no defence against Gds wrath.

The Final judgement on the earth originates in heaven and from Gds throne (see Revelations 5,1 ) as the Seven seals which are passed to the Lamb of Gd who is worthy to open them. (Revelations 5, 5 – 10) As the seals are broken these writings or scrolls are destined for earth and to be released on earth (Revelations 5,10 & 6,4- 5) when all seven seals are read aloud (the first four are known as the 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse) They bring (Revelations 6, 1-17) false religions, war, famine, pestilence, tribulation, a sign from the heavens, until the seventh seal is released in Revelations 8, 1 – 2. Then seven trumpets are sounded, the first four bring hail and fire mixed with blood, and a third of the earth was burned up. The second brought death to the seas and a third of the seas, the third brings a huge star called wormwood turning all waters bitter, and the fourth destroyed a third of the sun, moon and stars.

The fifth, sixth and seventh trumpet bring 3 'woes' (see Revelations 9) and the seventh trumpet has seven vials or bowls of wrath poured out (see Revelations 16, 1 – 21) which described the beginning of the end of Babylon. See also Revelations 16, 10 – 11 & Revelations 6 12 – 17, which describes the Kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty and every slave and free men, who hide in caves or among rocks, begging the mountains to fall upon them and hide them from the Lamb of God and Gds wrath (but see Ezekiel 9, 4 – 6 which also has not occurred as yet)

Personal judgement (see heading above 'The Character and name of G-d' and Judgement above these paragraphs) will follow for unbelievers and believers. (a sufficient list for brevity) which has no appeal court, bribery opportunity or mitigation. For the 'Church' (the church as socialism, pantomime and new age posing as a 'church') and the wrath against it, Gd says 'I will spit you out of my mouth' (see Revelations 3, 15 – 17)  before these judgements occur, and separately from personal judgement. Just as Ezekiel forewarned in Ezekiel 11,12…. so you will know that 'I Am' the Lord which is you shall know I am Yahweh.

Gds wrath is deserved and is measure for measure (Proverbs 24, 12) it is righteous and just (Romans 2, 5 ) and it is to be feared (Mathew, 25 , 46 & Hebrews 10, 31) and it also the law. Gds anger is tempered, whilst his love lasts forever 'For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favour lasts a lifetime; weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning'.(Psalm 30, verse 5)  

Revelations 19, 5 tells us Gods wrath is as follows during his reign on earth for a thousand years. 'From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty' Events preceding and during Ezekiel's temple completion are similar to events described in Revelations. Ezekiel 44, 15 – 17 compares with Revelations 7, 14 – 15, whilst the river of Ezekiel which flows for the Thousand years in Ezekiel 47, 1 – 12 also appears in Revelations 21, 1 – 2. 9 (i.e. Within the New Jerusalem which descends, but which is different from Ezekiel's temple which has earthly foundations and specific measurements, and its services are replaced by Zadok priests from Levites. Its Sun and Moon, which are seven times brighter, see Isaiah 30,26, but see Isaiah 30, 26 – 32 also, and they are not yet destroyed perhaps, as in the 4th opened seal ) 

Yet, David tells us in Psalm 136 (despite future Babylonian captivities and see especially Psalm 137) that Gods love endures forever. Psalm 136, not composed by the still existent sons of Korah, but by David and given to the Levites who recited it as a duet. The Chief Levite reciting the main verses, and all reciting the Chorus 'His love for us endures forever'.


From Egypt and into the promised land 1400 years before Yeshua, it is incredible that the cabalists almost guessed or were faintly aware (meditating on the Torah and Tanakh occurred for 2 thousand years before cabala was formerly named) that there was a mystery which was not yet revealed. They could tell through the Hebrew letter - numbers that aspects  of the divine plan were not complete or fully revealed. They were aware of the need for התחדשות; תחייה (regeneration) but the missing piece of the letter numbers is with the Messiah. They were determined to find G-ds purpose and meditated upon Aleph (Life and energy force) and Sheen (Breath / Ruach)  & AHYH as, Aleph -  Hay - Yod - Hay ( "I am that i am" )  If it was faintly visible then it must follow that this mystery would be known and attainable one day. Not just as Yesod and Malkuth regenerative (procreation) but spiritual re-birth after 1st birth from above. Man and Woman cannot alone attain immortality, it can only be covenanted (from the greater party in the contract to the lesser party) from YHWH. David said in his sublime meditations and specifically Psalm 16, 10 (repeated in Acts 2, 27) "For you will not leave my soul in Sheol" the 'you' in this line of the Psalm being YHWH (Aleph - Hay - Yod - Hay) David who won all his battles realised this last battle was G-ds. Solomon conquered the known world with the center being Jerusalem but he could not attain immortality by himself as he did not own the right or power to do so. In other words this is not a Hellenistic idea but one which originated as a promise in the Covenants of Israel.

This direction applies to everyone and also to political movements such as Islam as related by this former Muslim It is also confirmed by Pope Benedict in 2008 and 2013 and was issued as a joint statement by  the Pontifical councils and Lutheran church in the year 2000, but the Council of Trent (1545 – 1563) missed other crucial aspects of the theology which linger today. The Sufi Muslims for example pre-date Mohammed and they grew out of Christianity and from the monastic Christians before Mohammedan Islam branded them heretics. Sufi Muslims would say Islam is the heretical version of their faith and the modern notion that "Fatima" (i.e. Mohamed's daughter) is next to Mary the Mother of Jesus re-incarnated by the Holy Spirit ? (and also) Fatima Mohammed's daughter was speaking through Mary ? (with 600 years between them in the age of history) who gave the "Fatima" secrets in Portugal ? This is also false as of course Christianity and Islam are incompatible aside from the technical difficulties involved, Mohammed's daughter is the invention in the visions and appearances of Mary (which incredibly some Islamic faiths also teach) There are also two views on the appearances one pro catholic and the other against but Islam is not a part of it. The rebirth which is the main biblical teaching was also sought by the Cabalists including in Islam but its alchemy (Al Khemet) did not prove fruitful into regeneration without the Messiah. Judaism and cabalistic teaching did however prove as far as it was possible to go under human dedication that there was a missing or hidden "Da at" דעת in the Tree of Life / Cabala (the Cabala is also a framework to understand the earth and the Universe) which could not be attained by Human efforts alone (see the beginning of this website and/or The Uncreated Creator book above) The Messiah is the only one who can complete it and who reveals it unconventionally (like King David but also like Jeremiah, Esther, Elijah, Jonah or Elisha and many of the Kings and Prophets) This continues with the inquiry into the (House of Joseph) the suffering Messiah (Isaiah 53, and the (House of David) the Victorious Messiah.  

" The idea behind such an expression can be found in the Talmud "...a proselyte is like a newborn infant." (b.Yevamot 62a;see also b.Yevamot 48b" ( Rabbi James Trimm quote)

It is command for Jewish people to enter the Promised Land, build the Temple and search for the Messiah and break the bread or Matzah removing the leaven for unleavened bread for Passover . The Exodus symbology passing from Egypt to Israel. The Messiah is a past or future person and in Judeo Christianity it is a respectful search and debate as of course everyone is commended to search. (see Proverbs 25,2) Ezekiel's Temple is a Temple to be fully constructed and Israel and Greater Israel is a prophecy which is occurring now whatever your view upon it.

In Christianity if your church is not teaching the above on faith works and regeneration salvation, it is not a Christian church. If the Priest, Vicar or Pastor is not teaching the basic information above then they do not know or they are deliberately misleading you. Wesley was correct in his view of Salvation but so too was Calvin who was also correct in that Salvation produces fruit or it is not completed sanctification (after first rebirth) and salvation. Israel (Christian and Judaism) was to produce fruit in the fig tree symbology. It is also an individual command.  As individuals and in Israel in Prophecy, which could either be a Golden Calf type of Israel, or as directed under the laws of Moses. First at Sinai there was a debate and then an answer, see Exodus chapter 32. Israel has always had this debate similar to the David and King Saul, or Solomon and Adonijah in its history as an internal question. David killed Goliath which was an external question. In the struggle the result produced the Strongest and most enduring Kingdom, and which would include Greater Israel and the future Ezekiel's Temple. The question for some then arises who is a True Israelite? Consider the thorough overview by Maria Merola & "Who is a true YIsraelite" In her essay which is another aspect to this website and tracing history and theology. (see also  and also ) You do not have to agree with all of its propositions and the debate is continuing, but it is a fully rounded article. She is Jewish and pro –Israel and obviously has delved deeply into the possibilities for her tribes benefit and consideration as established in Isaiah 52,6, Jeremiah 16,21 & Zechariah 8,23. She is not referring to DNA identity alone but also Spiritual identity. She also points out that Replacement theology i.e. Israel is no longer a part of the Church is wrong and that Dual Covenant theology is also wrong. Dual Covenant theology denies a Messiah in the Christian church and also to the Jews which is obviously completely incorrect. "Ha Shem" has not gone away.

Clearly Dual Covenant theology (as Maria Merola describes) discriminates against Christianity and Judaism (and implies believers in Judaism are forced to convert when in fact the search for the Messiah is already an integral part of Judaism and no one can be forced. Without the search for any Messiah Israel is not fulfilling Torah) This idea of Dual Covenant theology does not say (for obvious example) Muslims do not have to believe in Mohammad ? Why ? Muslims by the same logic of Dual Covenant theology, do not have to obey any of the 6 covenants to convert ? surely that is not Torah teaching. The logical extension of this is to deny the Messiah (any proposed Messiah) who is expected both in Judaism and/or Christianity. Paul the Disciple had already converted into the New Covenant, before embarking to graft in the Gentiles. Some scholars suggest that there are 6 possibilities for the Messiah (including Yeshua or Jesus) but if one is pushed above the others and the others are prohibited would that be fair or be morally right ? Of course it would be unjust and improper.

Conservative Catholic Hebrews and Jews for Jesus reject this theology. In this theology both the (House of Joseph) the suffering Messiah (Isaiah 53, and the (House of David) the Victorious Messiah  are also lost and made null and void as King David (1000 years before Paul the Disciple) made it a feature of Davids Messianic reign to extend the Kingdom of Israel to the Gentiles and this Kingdom grew to be almost as large as the Greater Israel project and therefore Dual Covenant Theology denies the Davidic Covenant ? and King David as King of Israel ?  

Dual Covenant theology seems to have resurfaced but in a new form. It also denies Isaiah 9, 6 - 7 and the House, Throne and line of David as the Davidic covenant  which joined the King (replacing the peoples choice of King Saul with YHWH''s choice King David) with the High Priesthood and Levites to the Prophets but extended it to the Gentiles extending the law outside and wider than the promised land. Dual Covenant theology is now presented as an alternative to David Ben Jesse of Bethlehem whose line would produce a Messiah who would cement this overlap from Jew and Israelite to gentile as David had. The overlap from Israelite (which includes all the 12 or 13 tribes with the Levites and eventual 14 tribes, and within it Judah) to Gentile was a feature of King Davids reign. Absolom his son was caught in a tree by the head, a crown of thorns when he was killed. To deny the Messiah will come and make that bridge denies the Abrahamic Covenant into the awaited Messiah within the Davidic Covenant and line.

Dual Covenant theology and its resurrection seems to have resurfaced ( but poorly presented from the original thesis, but then whats next ? The Pope, Christians and Jews must believe in Ismael over Isaac ? but only if he appears on the Al Buraq beast  in the unnecessary transgender toilet ? ) with the Obama/Hillary Clinton administration & the Muslim brotherhood (see chapter 3 above) who are clearly discriminating against Israel (and Christians) and trying to make Greater Israel into an Islamic state ( ISIL )

Note that Maria Merola and Rabbi Trimm look to the Messiah as a Man and who would be like Elohim Adonai (as other Messianic Jews and Gentiles and also in Judaism) and they state; Salvation is by Faith alone and it is like the faith Abraham and Moses had. The bible verse in Mathew 24, 15  referring to the lost sheep of Israel also refers to the lost tribes who left Israel and settled in Europe and Scandinavia, Eurasia, Britain, Ireland, Spain Scotland, France and Wales etc. From there to South America and the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and so on. Throughout the 6 covenant period, Jews and Israelite's have left Israel and settled all over the world and are awakening, as the amount of people returning to Israel is the highest it has been for 2000 years. Without Israel or Jerusalem historically the wider Church would not exist today. There are many possibilities for the Messiah past and present. The pdf above (at the beginning of this article in the Strawy Epistle) shares views from Roman Catholics and Protestants from 1997 / 1998, who are agreeing in effect that salvation is by faith. It is disingenuous to deny the teaching and then claim to have a church. It is one or the other. Faith from and because of the Lion from the tribe of Judah.

Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, according to the Jubilee Campaigners (see above in Chapter 3 at the beginning and onward) is a Christian not just on a Sunday but for the rest of the week also over the week. It is incredible how a detailed exploration of Israel in the bible and keeping to the Abrahamic backbone as an anchor reveals much about history and reveals much on the table of nations. For instance and to repeat and as one example this video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Israels history from the public (it begins as a skeptical search and concludes in the positive and which reveals most of the Exodus and settlements of Israel) Other sources are also authorities (and Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Scandinavian volumes record much of the early history accurately) and should not be dismissed as many religious and spiritual texts were once canon of scripture and some have been removed for political reasons, but Moses law extending also from Abraham and the covenants, above other law is paramount to understand how these revelations fall into place into Messiahs law. Mosaic and Abrahamic law are in effect Gd's vision, which when followed the pieces fall into place.


The Law and Grace united. 

As we have read above, " the law" as a free gift by Grace was accepted throughout Israel, Asia minor and Greece and then throughout the world by ad100. Previous to this it was accepted by Judah and Israel (although King David made two tents bringing the Ark of the Covenant from outside of Jerusalem into Jerusalem and extending his new law to the Gentiles who had to obey it ) The law was made as a covenant. Some say there are 5 Covenants others 7 or 8, but a covenant is entered into (for Christians / Nazerites) by one superior party who offered the covenant, to the lesser party who could accept or reject the covenant.The law to Jewish minds had three qualities. First is the Law, the second is the Soul of the Law, and the third is the Soul of the Soul of the law.

As mentioned 'regeneration' occurs as born from above in more than Johns Gospel, (John 3) but the law is not abandoned (see the paragraphs 2 above the heading 'The Character and name of G-d' The new testament was not compiled straight away yet both books of the bible are employed by the early Jewish believers.(the new testament employed as living it)  The 7 or 8 covenants which still function, provide the backbone for the 'law' and the law (contract) is applied to accept those covenants but which are first offered forward by Gd, (John 15,16) but Salvation or regeneration (which is visible outwardly after repentance only even to other believers) is by Grace as faith alone in Gd, which is a law of Yeshua (the New Covenant for those who want it, and faith as Grace on an individual basis)

The Apostles and disciples obeyed the law as did Yeshua. They continued to obey even after the resurrection and after salvation by Grace alone was understood and revealed. In this way they fulfilled the law and it is still being fulfilled individually and by the Church (but not every church) today and until Kingdom come. Yeshua was born on the feast of Sukkot, died on the feast Passover and Rose again on the feast of first fruits. The Apostles and disciples took the law empowered by the Holy Spirit throughout the World after Pentecost. The law began in Eden (do not etc) and as a covenant and continued into Egypt and into the promised land and until today. Moses law was paramount and stood above the oral law and future traditions. The law (the ten commandments) was placed into the Ark of the Covenant and carried in it ( Exodus 25,16) but the written law was placed outside the Ark of the Covenant (the first 5 books of the bible as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, but still carried (Deuteronomy 31,25 - 26) as a witness against us (you) This written law stood and extra to it, it also became the oral law and began at the same time or shortly after the ten commandments. Over time and especially under Herod the Edomite (i.e. he was not Jewish) the oral law was controlled by the Pharisees. They witnessed outside influences slowly changing standards and their natural reaction was to become over protective of the tradition. The Pharisees began to add extra shortly before the incredible Maccabees wars in 300bc as they feared these outside influences would  invade Judaism as the law of Moses. A hedge or shield was placed around the Torah but it then became concealed instead of proclaimed. In the wars the oral law began to supersede the law of Moses (war time tactics) 

Their is a view that the Talmud, Zohar and even the Mishnah (in 200ad) are not useful books or are legalistic. They are in fact beautiful books, especially the Zohar but they are not above Moses law. These extra laws in the oral law became numerous in order to satisfy explanations of the original law and to satisfy smaller problems. Much like law courts today the original constitution is altered but in Israel Gods law always remains superior. Many laws were useful but many became onerous and began to oppose the desired and proper consideration of "First is the Law, the second is the Soul of the Law, and the third is the Soul of the Soul of the law" Under the Pharisees and Herod these laws were placed above the Torah (first 5 books of the bible) but the Sadducee's were worse in many ways as they had no law, whilst the Essene's were driven to mysticism instead of listening to the prophets and levites. G-d ("ha Shem")  had been quiet for 400 years (before 5 bc to 30 ad) from the ( called the 'Nevim' ) prophets Zechariah, Haggai and Malachi and direction and understanding was lost. Despite the dark times and the destruction of the Temple a remnant of Judah and Benjamin (and who had hidden the dead sea scrolls before and after & the 'nag hammadi codices' in upper Egypt after the Temple was destroyed, and had not served wholeheartedly under Herod) remained in Jerusalem throughout its history. These documents confirm the scriptures and also can piece together a Hebrew Aramaic New Testament with other sources. which will compliment and match existing translations

Then and today obeying the extra laws can brings binding burdens as they are man made not God (Ruach, Aleph Sheen ) made and with all the best will and good intent they are inferior if they are not from G-d. These type of laws exist in every faith including Catholic and Protestant and they kill the spirit. This is why the phrase under the law seems at odds with grace, but being under Torah and Tanakh and the Gospels increases grace and spiritual growth. In other words the onerous judicial civil laws had no "chutzpah" and once you learnt to distinguish the true Torah and Tanank the "chutzpah" (righteousness) returned and you were freed in the same way Philistine binds on Samson were cut. The laws binding him were binding only if Samson broke the laws God made. Then ...Samson was under the law. He was freed when he was put back under G-ds law and commands. This is true in the "Old testament" and in the "New Testament" The law of paying down 30 garments to the Philistines who had one week (7 days of the Passover) to guess a riddle in the Samson story, yet they gave up after 3 days and only by guile did they obtain the answer. Samson was a type of Messiah in childhood and as a man. The honey from the lions carcass or the word of G-d and resurrection. Likewise Yeshua was betrayed by 30 pieces of Silver, was crucified during Passover and rose after 3 days.

Samson's riddle was solved in Judges 14, 18 when just before sundown the riddle which was obtained by stealth was given. The real riddle is the 7th day. Although after 3 days of the 7 days the riddle was unsolved the Passover feast lasted 7 days. Sunset in verse 18 ? was this sunset at the end of the 3rd or 7th day ? The riddle was still a mystery in verse 18 as although they gave a verbal answer they did not know the real meaning. The 7th day which is also a Sabbath day is Friday 6.00pm until Saturday 6.00pm when Yeshua was crucified. For Samson just as the seventh day was ending i.e. verse 18 "before Sundown" Yeshua also solved his riddle on the 7th day of the Sabbath from the 3 days and nights from the mid week High feast or extra Sabbath for Passover and crucifixion. (John 19,31) Yeshua was crucified on a Wednesday and rose on a Saturday, with Samson we do not know when the Passover high feast was in relation to the Saturday Sabbath but we know there were two Sabbaths close by as there are today. The mid week or high feasts are determined by the moon which changes every year.

Old Testament Sabbath was on a Saturday and this also continued into the New Testament. Workers especially in Agriculture needed to plan ahead and they would plan a new chronology of Sabbaths from a New Year. Employers needed to know when a Sabbath day occurred for practical reasons, but a rest day was also practical in which rest could be sought in Messiah and also in the Word as study. They are in effect one and the same. Samson's parents and all the Danites were under occupation yet despite this they kept Torah and Passover and also marriage customs of Hebrew origin (the Ketubah contract) yet Samsons marriage was never consummated legally. Only fermented grape was to be abstained from as a Nazerite (which did not prevent you walking through a Vineyard) Samson means Sunlight ('Shimshown' שִׁמְשׁוֹן or "Like the Sun"  ) as in Malachi 4, verse 2,  or as 2 Thessalonian's 1 verse 7, which as the Sun burns away unrighteousness.  The Lion he killed was symbolic of the Messiah ( who over 3 days and nights was killed and resurrected in the tomb. The honey came from the tomb of the carcass of the Lion. Samson defeated the Philistine law but kept Torah eventually, and not man made law.(in the land of Milk and Honey see Isaiah 7, 14- 15, which relates the virgin birth & also mentions curds or butter in some translations, which are the cream of milk, in the promised land and  Ezekiel 20, 6) Samson was directed by G-d to choose his philistine wife as she was right in his eyes, not just physically but intuitively and as a Nazerite. This last point shows how G-d used a quarrel to defeat his enemies.

These type of extra onerous laws are mentioned in Mathew 23, when Yeshua condemns them, but it is not condemnation which then frees away from the Torah law. Paul in the book of Acts, Galatians, Corinthians and in Timothy criticizes those who return to the additional "law" .They are sometimes and incorrectly known as the 'Judaizers ' and the 'church' uses this correction from Paul to then also abandon the laws of Moses and Yeshua (who not only fulfilled the law but kept them also as did all the Apostles and disciples) Paul (Saul) was Jewish and was a member of the Sanhedrin  (Acts 6, 8 to 7, 6)  and he kept the Torah even after his road to Damascus conversion when he was instructed by Yeshua. Paul was blinded and helpless but a "Man of the law" healed his sight and baptized him in water first and in the spirit also after, and then established him as an Apostle. (Acts 22, 12 " And a certain Khanan-Yah, a righteous man according to the Torah, having been testified to by all the Jews living there"  or Acts 22,12  " A man named Ananias came to see me. He was a devout observer of the law and highly respected by all the Jews living there" see Acts 22, 10 - 17) In effect Ananias was appointed to open the eyes of the blind to see the true law. (which only the Messiah could fulfill and keep) 

Paul was blinded in Acts 21, 24 yet also instructs people to follow the laws of Moses and 1 Timothy 1, 8  explains Paul's true position (see also 1 Timothy 1, 8 - 11) being as he was Torah observant as Romans 15,4 illuminates. Yeshua who was Torah observant and knew it very well (of course) explained that Salvation is of the Jews in John 4,22, and he was Jewish. He instructed Saul / Paul the Apostle to become  less like King  Saul who was Israelite from the tribe of Benjamin (see 1 Samuel 9, 21 & Philippians 3, 5) who like Saul / Paul the Apostle was also from the tribe of Benjamin (also see Acts 23,11 and Galatians 1,2)and become more  like King David who was also Jewish from the tribe of Judah. King Saul was made a King by man made laws ( a peoples King) but who broke Moses and the Prophets law (under Samuel) and lost his throne to King David. Eventually the Kings of Israel beginning with Solomon and Solomon's son left  the law of Moses behind which led to the captivity in Babylon and Assyria. Yeshua and King David were / are Lions from the tribe of Judah. 

Peter in Acts 15,10 did not refer to Moses law as "  an unbearable yoke " as in Acts 21,20 Peter and the crowd were "Zealous for the law". Since Peter and Paul had received the baptism of the Spirit (the law of Shavout and Pentecost) then Galatians 5, 18 which says  " if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law" means you have cast off man made laws, made by the non Jewish pharisees who as a handful had taken the top positions, and who had laid extra laws upon the Torah (the unbearable yoke) and not  the law of Moses which was (as is all the bible, Old Testament and New) inspired by the Holy Spirit or Ruach haKodesh, and which was / is the same Spirit or 'Ruach' which rested upon Samson (rested and not remained as the time was before the New covenant and resurrection. After the resurrection it rests and remains) The spirit of G-d rested upon Samson in Judges 15, 14 in which Samson destroyed 100 Philistines with a Jawbone of an Donkey or Ass.  In other words the ' Judiazers 'are actually those in the Church who dismiss the law and are more correctly termed the 'Gentilizers' or 'Philistiners' of a foreign law. An aversion to the law is not just to embrace grace as Christians but is a result of having no foundation as believers or believing the law to be onerous. and in the past (such as the ten commandments ?) 

Acts 21,20 and Acts 15,10 identifies an individual who instructs Paul who is of the law, and other believers who were zealous for the law. Both were believers. Paul followed the law (Torah ) as in I Timothy 2. All of these examples are post salvation and resurrection. These verses and others seem to contradict Galatians 2, 19 & Romans 7, 4 , however in fulfilling the law (Torah) the wrath of the law was removed. This is highlighted in the four cups of the Passover and the fifth cup, the cup of wrath which must be taken away by the Messiah. (Mathew 26, 42) As these believers continued to be zealous for the law, and a man of the law instructs Paul who teaches the law, the doctrine of Grace as only a New Testament doctrine is in error as Grace existed in the Old Testament. The law exists in the Old Testament and in the New. Without law there can be no judgment for believers and unbelievers as Romans 7, 7 explains and is made clear in Mathew 5, 17 - 19 (i.e the law not abolished until Heaven and Earth pass away which is post resurrection and salvation) Romans 10, 4 then is not translated as end but as aim or goal. Changing the  meaning was warned of in 1 Peter 3,16. Paul explained that also the law is written in the heart in Romans 2, 25 - 29. In John 19, 4 ( the Disciples were afraid) in Acts 2 1- 4 (all were afraid until the law was poured within a violent gale from heaven ) & Exodus 19,16 (all trembled in Exodus 19 and chapter 20 as the law was poured out) This law in exodus was poured out during the Shavuot or the feast of fist fruits (over 49 days or 50 as 'pente' ) when the Barely was harvested at Passover and the Wheat at Shavuot (Deuteronomy 8, 8) First fruits follows the death and resurrection in Spring. ( Mathew 3,12) Again Torah has a new testament equivalent, but the feasts and festivals continue on.

Paul kept the feasts of Moses Acts 21, 16 and the Passover Acts 20 - 1- 6 & 1 Cor 5,8. He also kept the Sabbath Colossians 2, 16 -  17. He was also Zealous for the law Acts 24,14. Romans 3,31 & Acts 18,21 (he must keep the feast and hurry to it) & Acts 25,8. In Deuteronomy 11,18 - 20 the Torah offers advice for children, and the New Testament also offers advice in Mathew 19,14 & Luke 17,2.

The controversy of "the law" which forms a stable backbone to both old and new testaments centers on the 613 laws in Torah. (Book by Professor W.A. Liebenberg, in the last link) 613 seems a lot but only about 180 - 200 are applicable to church goers or new believers (as opposed to those who serve in the church) as the Prophets, Nazarene's, Levites and High Priests all had different functions. These laws are useful and fulfill specific inquiries or purposes as required. They require regeneration justification, & sanctification. The Torah laws cover a full year or 49 - 50 years and over 6 - 7000 years and they give advice on Agriculture, Health, Justice, diet, babies etc. 248  are "to do" and 365 are "not to do"laws and they are remembered over time as also as Midrash, Hermeneutics and eschatology (aside from their plain meaning) and also for the benefit of the reader. When we consider that the EU (as one example)has 31 laws for toothbrushes, 60 for bathrooms and towels have 450 laws, there are 12,000 for milk, milk bowls have 99 laws, dogs 560 laws, cars 1400 laws and pavements 65 laws. An average morning from 7 am until 9.30 will mean you are 'under the law'15,000 times before your first coffee break. You have obeyed them whether you realize or want to. The Torah in comparison is easy. The controversy surrounding them is ridiculous.

However the oral law and Talmud are not "bad" they are just not above the laws of Moses. Indeed 1. Works of the law  and 2. under the law are two different meanings;
1. 'Works of the law' or Torah in Galatians 2, 16 or works (copied robotically like a heavy yoke ) of Paul or Peter (or anyone) do not bring salvation or justification only the works of the Messiah. 2. Similarly 'Under the law' in Romans 6, 14 (not under the Torah but  under Grace) refers to keeping the law as explained in the very next line Romans 6, 15 which points out believers under Covenant (the new Covenant) by obedience to the law ( post the Normal Christian birth) are freed by Torah and the Gospels. The plan of the tabernacle of Moses (the high priest) for those who cannot see past the dry academic discussion, is laid out schematically and in a template to give a measure and precise plan (with mathematics, construction and logic) to offer a correct or apparent insight into the spiritual and into the Gospels as Yeshua is a law and teacher (Rabbi) above Peter and Paul. Peter and Paul who followed him imperfectly as all believers do. The law freed Israel from Egypt. The law was also kept by Woman (Paul was motivated by reversing the decision process from Eden forward, not proving males superior but following  Torah as directed) such as Deborah the Prophet , Ruth, Sarah, Rebecca, Esther, Mary the mother of Yeshua etc. Yeshua taught the law by Grace and United both. 


Born in one day 

The Church (which is not a building or clerical consecration) and Israel, which many suggest are one and the same thing debate the nature and purpose of the Ruach HaKadesh. Romans 8, 14 says for as many who are led by the Spirit of Elohim are the sons of Elohim (G-d) The Spirit of God cannot indwell permanently unless you are justified and born as a son of G-d.  events that way. Sons and daughters are born of course and Justification by blood and water (1 John 3, 6 & 1 John 1, 7 & Leviticus 17,11, Hebrews Chapters 7 to 10) occur at the same time, sons and daughters are also born of water and Spirit (John 3,5 - 8) Born from the womb in water, and washed at Baptism, and Baptized in the third person of G-d. Usually these seemingly two different ideas occur at the same time or in the same day or as near as possible to each other. ( see David Pawsons natural christian birth video in the paragraph above) Churches which once knew this and witnessed all events happening in minutes can assume they are all one single event, but the Apostles and disciples did nor see not witness events this way as they involved fellowship to complete optionally. Over time many churches lost or failed to believe in all events. Without repentance you cannot be justified, and repentance is not ordered or brought forth by men or woman or by any other means except by G-d alone who brings or grants repentance (2 Timothy 2, 5). Repentance is in G-d and you can have faith in G-d or know the scriptures but not have faith to repent. Without this you cannot be reborn (and the New Covenant is not just academically understood but is also a re-birth ) and if you are not reborn you cannot have the indwelling Spirit of G-d which permanently resides. Without this you cannot be led by the Spirit as in Romans 8,14. To understand that G-d alone brings repentance, John 15,16 says I chose you, you did not choose me. This way being born in one day cannot be duplicated, turned into a purely religious ceremony or bought for money. You cannot receive the spirit of G-d by buying it (or in any other manner see Acts 8,18 - 21) It also cannot be stretched out over endless months or years in a dry academic discussion or inquiry. Christianity is unique in it is the only  faith in which you do not have to do something or actually do something within institutions or by deeds in order to be reborn.

Romans 8,14 is important as, it is not just by academic awareness that it is true or possible, that we should know we are the Temple of the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit) as 1 Corinthians 6, 19 states. This verse suggest we should know that we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit (Ruach) But if we do not receive the Holy Spirit in the Baptism of the Holy spirit, then we may not have been born again to be begin with, or be badly or impartially birthed to begin with. You can know of these matters but still deny their power. Charles Spurgeon said that we can have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof ( his sermon here & 2 Timothy 3, 5) Romans 8,14 also then makes more sense as if these attributes of G-d can be received in one day (repentance, rebirth, Water baptism & Holy Spirit baptism) then the church can grow quickly and individuals can mature. This is important as if we know academically only, that 1 Corinthians 1,16 is true but do not see the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12, 13 & 14, 2 Peter 1,3, Ephesians 4, 7-13 & Romans 12, 3 - 8 and 9 gifts in total) or any authority in God, then it is likely that the body as a Temple is empty. If we are re-born freely and in faith by free grace, the law after this event still sanctifies and is beneficial.

The Lamb of God is a theme which runs throughout the scriptures and also in Revelations 12, 11. Firstly who is the Woman in Revelations 12 ? she gives birth to a son (Rev 12, 5) who will rule all nations with a Iron scepter, and she also gives birth to other offspring (Rev 12, 17) to whom she also gave birth. This Lamb would be sacrificed to make atonement, and understanding Leviticus 16 is important as well as John 1,7 and Leviticus 17,11. Here the law and grace ( named as such to encapsulate a modern debate) have been fulfilled. James 2,10 explains that if you stumble on one point of the law, you fail it all. This confirms Romans 3, 20 which explains that no flesh is justified by the law only Spirit can be justified if it is reborn, and that unjustified flesh is also blood which is not reborn by the Lamb of God. Romans 3,20 however also points out that the law is the knowledge of sin. The law such as the ten commandments are convicting and can lead to repentance and rebirth (as all words of the bible are from the spirit of G-d, see 2 Timothy 116 -17 and all words are G-d breathed). The law has a part and a large part in the believers and unbelievers life.Many people are living between these two states i.e. between the law and grace. Those that teach there are other paths which believers can walk along to the Messiah and salvation are  false teachers. David and the Messiah are the examples of direction. Revelations 3,16 warns that false churches (neither hot or cold ) which are not just rich but  are many types will be spat out of G-ds mouth.

Zechariah 3 explains that Joshua the High Priest was clothed in filthy rags. Joshua was from the tribe of Levi who were not then (due to Jeremiahs prophecies on the destruction of the Temple and Priesthood) the serving Levite priests in service. The Levites did however serve with the new Zadok priesthood fora time. Zechariah 4 explains the servant of G-d Zerubbabel with Joshua would rebuild the Temple.(Ezra 3,8 and Ezra 3,10) Zerubbabel was from the Davidic line. John the Baptist was the High Priest in exile (or Cohan Gadol) and the Messiah would be anointed by him as a temporary Priesthood designation on earth in the order of Melchizedek (but which would also last forever Genesis 14,18, Pslam 110, 4, Hebrews 6,20 & 7,17 and 7,21) but these priestly lines would be re-united in Zechariah 6, 12 by the "branch" (Isaiah 4,2 and 11, 1) who would build the Temple of the  Lord and be Priest and King as in Zechariah 6,13. He would also unite the two sticks of Judah and Ephraim ( Ezekiel 37, 16 - 17 and see also Genesis 48) making  all into one and the Branch also mentioned in Ezekiel 37,25 will bring restoration to Israel and Ezekiel's prophecies which are still incomplete (read this Chapter 5 to the end, and on the double portion inheritance) would come to full fruition into and after the fullness of the gentiles. (Romans 11,25)

This uniting of the King and High Priest encapsulated by King David foreshadowing the Messiah (see also Leviticus 16 and 17 and the book of Samuel and book of Kings) would come from the tribe of Judah as David did. The 'branch' would bring salvation which is justification. Salvation is from the Jews (John 4, 22 and Romans 11, 17 - 22 explains that the root which supports all branches would be graft in the gentiles for  Jew and Gentile. Joshua and Zerubbabel would need new washed robes ( see Revelations 7,14 and 22,14, without which in the normal birth there is no salvation) These washed robes follow the sacrifice of the Lamb (sacrifice translates as Korban in Hebrew, which means it allows those to draw near into relationship) If you are justified you are acquitted (see Romans 5,9) and only then from the law of Judgment and death and the second death after Judgment ( which lasts for eternity Mathew 25,26 and Luke 20,26) If you are justified the law still exists for sanctification and is beneficial. Isaiah 53, 12 explains the soul is in the blood. We are a soul we did not receive a soul. Hebrews 13,12, and 1 John 1, 7 also clarifies that the blood as well as the Spirit sanctifies ( as you travel outside the city or tabernacle by the spirit of G-d, following also Romans 8, 14, sanctification follows on beyond the cross and is still part of the life of the sons and daughters of God as in Romans 8,14) 

The filthy rags of Zechariah 3 and your good deeds which are also like filthy rags ( Isaiah 64,6 ) are turned into different robes (Isaiah 63, 1) Saul tore the Prophets robe and lost a Kingdom (1 Samuel 15,27- 28) and Yeshua (in John 19,23) had his robe divided by lots. 1 Kings 11,31 shows how Israel was divided into 10 and 2 parts or tribes. The previous verse explains how Ahijah Jeroboams son (Solomon's captain who became a rival Northern 10 tribe King, who was from the tribe of Ephraim) tore his new cloak cloak into 12 pieces. to divide into 10 and 2 parts. Jesus robe was divided into four pieces for the four areas or governors of Jerusalem and the four empires or kings which had ruled over Israel during and before the Maccabees and the four gospels. Revelations 19, 8 describes new robes for believers (believers is a passive term for those who are re-born, and the Judgment thrones for believers, is for those who are reborn see the next paragraph) Revelations 7, 5 and Revelations 21,12 describes the return of the 12 tribes of Israel, no longer divided. Revelations 22,14 describes washed robes and Ezekiel 48,31 which describes the 12 tribes preceding the New Jerusalem and during. Isaiah 61,10 describes the robe of righteousness and salvation. The law convicts but Justification is righteousness and acquittal, but the law still convicts after justification even for believers. We cannot however make ourselves righteous even after justification/salvation only grace can. (Rom 7,15,18,22,23)

Romans 8,14 also hints that as there are 'Sons of G-d'  there are those therefore who are not sons of G-d. There is a judgment for believers and unbelievers. Judgment for unbelievers occurs in Revelations 20, 12 - 15. For believers it occurs in Romans 14,10 & 2 Corinthians 5,10. Believers who are Judged would include (for example) John the Baptist and his parents, Mary and Joseph, and Mary who would presumably receive all five crowns and rewards 1. Crown of righteousness 2. Incorruptible crown. 3. Crown of life 4. Crown of Glory, would be crowned in Heaven ( Crowns are appointed to believers, see 1 cor 3, 10 - 15, 2 Cor, 5 - 10 & Romans 14, 10 - 12, 2 Tim 4, 8, 1 Cor 9, 25 - 27, James 1,12, Rev 2,10, 1 Peter 5, 2- 4, 1 Thessalonians 2, 19 & Rev 3, 11 and rewards also also conferred ) Some believers will have crowns and rewards taken away for their actions. (1 Cor 11, 31-32 & Colossians 3, 23 & Mathew 25) The Apostles and Disciples will also be judged, as will Popes, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Mother Theresa and John Wesley (for example) at the believers throne if they are reborn (Everyone who has lived will be Judged) There is no favoritism of men and woman and G-d is neither male nor female but is a Spirit (see John 4,24 & Galatians 3,28 & Mathew 22,30) Other Judgments upon others occurs in Joel 3,1-2 & Genesis 3,15 and Jude 6.

There is also a Judgment against regathered Israel which occurs in Daniel 12, 1, but  which will also be accompanied by an awakening, and revival amidst persecution. Israel are to search for Messiah. Zechariah 4 (which  has aspects in common with Revelations 12) points to a rebirth and renewal for Israel. Revelations 14 mentions the 144,000. 12 tribes of Israel x 12 Apostles = 144, and a thousand times 144 = 144,000. A thousand was a division of the Lords army and used to enlarge (Exodus 18,21, Deuteronomy 1, 15, Joshua 23,10, 1 Chronicles 12,14, Judges 15,15, 1 Chronicles 12, 34,  Deuteronomy 1,11, Numbers 31,6, 2 Samuel 19,17) They the 144,000 are out of Israel and Mount Zion and they can be distinguished by the fact they sing a new song (Revelations 14, 3) or they are not then a part of this group. They are redeemed from the earth (Revelations 14, 4 and 5) and redeemed from men and are first-fruits from the Lamb of G-d . 'Soul sleep' occurs when the body remains in the grave and the spirit ( 1 Corinthians, 15,52) goes to the judgment seats of believers or the justified who are reborn, and those who are not justified or unregenerate go to the judgment throne of unbelievers. The Lamb of Gd who is also the captain of the Lords army (Joshua 5, 13 - 15) and the branch (Isaiah 4,2 and 11, 1) and also the suffering  and victorious Messiah (if it cannot be reconciled that two Messiahs would come) These aspects of the scriptures are the most mysterious but they are central.

Israel was also reborn in one day in 1948. (May 14th 1948)  Amos 9, 15 - 15 describes a time when Israel would be reborn and a great return would transpire. 2700 years later and also following Isaiah 66, 7- 8, the prophecy came true. The double portion and a renewed Israel which would outdo the former is mentioned in Jeremiah 16, 14 - 15 & Ezekiel 4, 3- 6 & Jeremiah 25, 8 - 12 &  2 Chronicles 36, 20 - 21 & Leviticus 25, 1- 5 & 8 - 11. A punishment for not counting the Jubilee year which came true under Babylon many years later but which for some only lasted 70 years. Those last verse state that Israel would be banished for 430 years, yet after 70 years some returned in 536 bc. Those who did not return and repent in Babylon came under the law of Leviticus 26, which increases the punishment 7 fold, or 7 times 360 years or 2520 years. ( 536 bc to 1948 = 2484 years or 1912 ) Calculating solar years against years of 365 days = 1948. See also Ezekiel 34, 13. Zechariah 12 suggests the borders around it would be occupied, where they should not be. Zechariah 8, 3 tells of the Messiah on Mount Zion in Jerusalem and Hebrews 12,22 - 24 also points to such a day. Ezekiel's temple as described in Ezekiel 40 - 48 will be a great memorial center to teaching, its total area covers all of Jerusalem also ( the Temple is 880 feet approx around and much larger than previous Temples) and is within a very large area of physical Israel in its inner courts and outer courts. It is still to occur in reality and fullness. It is physically measured and then also in Spirit and later its 12 tribe land designations precede the New Jerusalem. Nations reborn and individual rebirth are just as important, and for many individual rebirth will also then effect the nation.

2 Samuel 5, 7 - 10 describes Davids capture of Zion (the Eternal City of  G-d in Pslam 48 inspired by David )


Replacement theology & Israel  (click heading)

(5.7.2016) One of the most mysterious paragraphs in Christianity or Messianic Christianity is the parable of the Vineyard (or Vinedressers) which was told to many people from within the Jerusalem Temple courts. Yeshua first taught within the Temple courts when he was 13 years of age or even earlier) see Matthew 21, 33-46, & Mark 12, 1-12 & Luke 20:9-19.

It is often quoted to underscore replacement theology. If you have read this far and still do not know what replacement theology is ? and which is also known as "Supersessionism" and why that is relevant to you today then read the last two links. A very good summary is given by Rabbi Mordecai Silver is his book "A House Divided, The Two Houses of Israel: Q&A with Judah and Ephraim" A summary suggests that the "church" (not just the buildings or rather not the buildings but the people as the collective body of Christ) has replaced Israel in post resurrection theology (30 ad) or New Testament times up until today.

Mathew 21, 33 refers to Jerusalem and the Temple and the City of David.  John 15 1- 2 (fwd) tells you who owns the Vineyard and who the Vine is, as does Isaiah 5, 1 - 2 (in the Messianic interpretation, it is either Israel or the Messiah as the King of Israel) Verses 34 – 46 tell you who the landowners (tenants) and the servants , the priests, people and prophets (servants) of Israel are. Verses 35 to 39 describes the son or heir to the Vineyard (which is either  Solomon or Yeshua) whilst the "other" tenants in verse 41 are disputed in identity (although the 'fruits' are given in Mathew 3)

One interpretation is that the "others" are the gentiles or the church (replacing Israel who as Israel are also the wicked ) Dispensationalism versus replacement theology   (as one teaching on this subject) Isaiah 5, 7 states the Vineyard is the House of Israel.  Yeshua preaching in the Temple of Jerusalem was Jewish from the tribe of Judah. He was not Greek or a Gentile. Therefore following the midrashim (or exegesis in Greek)  it is the House of Israel as the 10 tribes  see 1 kings 11, 31 – 36 (and not Judah which Isaiah 5,7 calls the men of Yahweh …YHWH  "Judah" or Y'Hudah the plant of his delight. Yahuwah and Yeshuawah or Yeshua being the names as opposed to "Lord" ) which will be replaced and the wicked are the Babylonians and Assyrians. Jesus or Yeshua was alive in the day of the Romans and Herodian's (and Herod was an Edomite but practised Judaism. Edom was not a tribe of Israel but from Esau, whom Gd or YHWH hated see Malachi 1,3 and Romans 1,13 Herod was not a Jew or a Jo. Jew =  House of Judah and Jo = Joseph and house of Israel)  Yeshua united both Houses spiritually but future prophecy's suggest Judah and Ephraim will also unite in the land. Ephraim being the new name of 10 tribe Israel, whilst 2 tribe Israel is the House of Judah)

It is right also that the fence around the Vineyard and YHWH's protection was taken away allowing Assyrians and Babylonians and Romans to enter in, the parable mentions the tower which is the Temple and the fenced are the walls of Jerusalem and borders of Israel. They are not a general area or field in a hypothetical analogy. Isaiah 5,7 states Israel as the 10 tribes are the tenants of the parable. Looking back the parable then moves forward to describe the new cornerstone of the Temple which was rejected by the builders. The line of Jesse and David split into 2 kingdoms of Judah and Israel.

The Church beginnings (at Pentecost or Shavuot in 30ad) began in Israel in Jerusalem and to the Jews. Paul later planted the churches outside of Israel but these churches, which are hinted at in the dream Joseph interpreted of the 7 "skinny cows" and the 7 fat cows of Genesis 41, 20 – 33 which corresponds as Pharaohs dream in those verses. Pharaohs dream which could not be understood by the court of Pharaoh or by Pharaoh himself. The dream of Genesis 41, 20 – 33 corresponds to Revelations 2 and 3. The frail  churches at Crete, Thessalonica, Colossi, Phillipi, Galatia, Corinth, and Rome as the thin cows of Pharaohs dream. Yeshua and Paul did not "plant churches" but made disciples as in the great commission in Mathew 28, 16 – 20. Yeshua "planted or made followers in Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamnos, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea and Thyatira. The thin churches are not frail in themselves or bad or less worthy but to the Greek mind the Vineyard of the Old Testament and the Torah and Tanakh was not as familiar with them, giving deeper roots and/or their teacher was not the Messiah directly. Paul had a harder job. Israel only had the Tanakh, Torah & B'rit chadashah (New  Testament) and at this time (30ad) they did not have the  'New Testament' and this was also the case with the disciples. John 7 relates how the disciples kept the feasts of Israel as did Yeshua who taught in his father's house being at that time the Temple in Jerusalem and City of David and as directed by Leviticus 23 and Zechariah 14. Solomon and David's empire was global, yet each nation could be distinct and national.

On this issue between replacement theology , "the church" will be grafted into Israel (not the other way around. Grafted into the Olive tree of Israel which is why Yeshua was cleansed and anointed in Mathew 26, 6 (or Mark 14, 3-9) The mistranslation of these verses to "simon the leper" should of course be Simon the jar maker or potter who made vessels to store olive oil and spikenard from India and Nepal containing lavender, which was also mentioned in the Song of Songs 4, 13 – 14. This distinct oil and perfume which was highly prized all over the world was very expensive and used to anoint a King. The pdf above " the Strawy Epistle" can extract that perhaps many who argue on either side of the replacement theology debate, do not or may not know what the point of the debate is within the letters in the pdf on Justification works, grace and the law. The 10 commandments are the law and still applicable today. 

Israel today has Messianic churches of Jewish Christians who own buildings, as Yishvas or teaching schools and also they own land themselves and homes. There are many of them in many areas including protestant evangelical and Catholic (and of course the Franciscans) and Judaism of course. However the Torah, Tanakh & B'rit chadashah (New  Testament) and is not an ecumenical café free for all. There are also people who have returned to Israel who say they are related from the 10 lost tribes by direct blood descent. This includes 'British' and Anglos who have returned and bought land in Israel ! The term 'Goy' for gentiles can also refer to those who have left the Torah not just 'gentiles'. Hence the dispersion of the 10 tribes who knew Torah spread it into distant lands to establish a seed for later use. Over hundreds of years later, they left Torah only to remember it again later. British as Welsh speakers in the timeframe of the 10 tribes also reside in Northern France as Bretons. Scots and Irish also a part of the Scythians. As the Irish book of invasions, the Scottish chronicles and the Anglo Saxon chronicles and book of Esdras relate their journey began in the Middle East and went into the outer isles. Many went part of the distance and remained where they were. Ephraim as Israel is a correct principle only  historical analysis has missed vital aspects of the where, who, how and why ?(See all above and below)

Replacement  theology replaced ?

Israel today also includes people of every nation who remain distinct people of those nations but who follow Torah and the New Testament which promise the land between the Euphrates and the Nile. This also includes people who were gentiles or are gentiles who have become Messianic Christians. All are really searching for the Messiah as they are directed, which is not a trick question. Surely then these "churches" within Israel and or Synagogues or Messianic Yeshivas or communities are not a sign that Israel is dispensationally  "over". Christians who are Jewish (and also evangelical protestants etc) who own land in Israel (in this Christian messianic debate, in which the "left" in Israel are perplexed by) have replaced replacement theology? Further as you read down the future size of greater Israel is within the two house divided theology of Judah and Israel. Therefore this debate on replacement theology is out of date?

Isaiah 66, 1 and Mathew 5,33 – 34 state Jerusalem is the footstool and home of the Messiah on earth and heaven. Ezekiel 34, 23 – 24 & Ezekiel 37, 24 was a prophecy stating David would rule over Israel and restore it, yet this (Ezekiel was born in 622 bc) was after David's reign (David died in 970 bc 300 years earlier) and his life and death. Therefore a future David would come and rule as King. (The suffering and/or victorious Messiah who could be two distinct people or one who would unite Israel and Judah in the future) Part of Ezekiel's prophecies have been fulfilled but Ezekiel 37 – 38 (in relation to Zechariah 12 – 14 and specifically Zechariah 12, 10 & Zechariah 12, 11 – 14 which corresponds exactly) have not been fulfilled as yet !

For a brief clear view on replacement theology (which is not trying to replace the church, the Vine or the Vineyard or Vineyard owner see also Ezekiel 37, 16 - 17) read the statement by the International Christian Embassy in Israel (ICJI)


As you read down this page from the top most of the information you require to research or to inquire after is laid out.

 Ezekiel 37,16 says;   "Son of man, take a stick of wood and write on it, 'Belonging to Judah and the Israelite's associated with him.' Then take another stick of wood, and write on it, 'Belonging to Joseph (that is, to Ephraim) and all the Israelite's associated with him.'

Ephraim is also identified in the Book of Kells (Leabhar Cheanannais) as the OX or Bull with horn (in Hebrew קַרנַף ) and in the Gospels as the Gospel of Mark. In the book of Numbers Ephraim's standard is the calf (or Ox as the bull) 

Ezekiel's Temple is also very similar to the New Jerusalem Temple which follows Ezekiel's Temple in the book of Revelations  21, but it is not quite the same indicating a new 3rd Temple precedes the New Jerusalem of Revelations. Ezekiel's Temple (larger than Solomon's or Herod's temple) fills the complete width of Israel and into Jordan today whilst the Greater land of Israel which surrounds the temple extends as large as the former Kingdom of David. Ezekiel's Temple is described as 25,000 cubits wide (although the debate as to whether 25,000 reeds as 6 cubits a reed or rod in some versions and 6 handbreadths in the reed , or 25,000 cubits only continues. A reed was 6 cubits and a handbreadth a cubit  = 0.5 metres or 0.5236 meters see my book in chapter 1 above. 0.5236 metres = 20.61 inches or 52.36 centimeters. 6 cubits = 3 metres approx and 6 handbreadths at 3 inches or 8 cm approx a handbreadth = 1.5 feet so a reed was approx 4.5 metres long). The New Jerusalem Temple and land is 1000 times larger that Ezekiel's Temple (about 3/4 of the size of the USA)  (1000 times larger that the Temple area only not its Temple area and lands)

Ezekiel 1:10: As for the likeness of their faces, they four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle. In this vision, Ezekiel saw four faces: the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox and the face of an eagle. Now, these four faces were the ensigns of the tribes of Israel. The lion was the ensign of the tribe of Judah, the ox was of Ephraim, the man was the ensign of the tribe of Reuben and the eagle was of Dan. Judah, the Lion, camped on the east, opposite Ephraim, the ox, on the west. Dan, the eagle, camped to the north, opposite Reuben, the man, to the south. 

The matter is further complicated by the fact Ephraim had a brother Manasseh, who both replaced the tribe of Dan which as a tribe does not appear in the final  12 tribe nation lists of the 12 tribes in the book of revelations. Also it is suggested that Ephraim and/or Manasseh are America and Britain or the Celts and Saxons (including the Scythian's) To make it more complicated eventually Ephraim also does not appear in the final tribe lists but seems to also inherit the 10 northern tribes mantel as Israel, (see Ezekiel 37,16  above) whilst Manasseh who receives the lesser portion does appear in that list. Therefore the meaning of this mystery and the future enlargement of Israel and the Temple of Ezekiel are intertwined.

Hopefully more light on this subject can reveal more of the mystery of Ezekiel 37 - 39 and the following chapters. Within that the Calvinist and Wesleyan debate is also unresolved.


The information above introduces the faith and works argument, and also some of the basic information which accompany or are connected to these ideas.



Ephraim and Manasseh, the Druids, Glastonbury, Tara, Israel.

Also discussed is the Supremacy of freedom of faith by grace alone & the Two House and United House theology debate.

Gaul or France was regarded as Ephramite, that is the difference between the "Jews and the Josephs". Before Christianity this belief was commonly held, a belief that Israel had two branches or two houses of its faith, this is also held by Christianity today and from its inception. Those far off in the far isles / blessed isles were known as the Ephramite tribes.

The Druids it is thought in the Blessed Isles and France (Gaul) organised a very sophisticated civilisation from 2300 bc until 500 ad. This system it is also thought, was a depository of forgotten knowledge into which the lost tribes and Christianity or Nazarene Judaism poured into, over the centuries and also after the destruction of the Temple in 70 ad in Jerusalem.

This is the contention of Druid writer Isabel Hill Elder in her book Druid, Celt and Culdee  available here in PDF format. The early Britons (not Saxon or Dane or Viking) were descended through Briation- Maol from the Nemedians who branched out into 3 tribes to form the Tuatha de Danaan. Briation- Maol was one of those tribes, see chapter 2 above on this page. The Nazarenes arrived in France after the first council of Jerusalem (and before) in 50 ad and Christianity was within Ireland from (recorded) from 80 ad to 180 ad or earlier. Cormac mac Airt the first Christian Ard Ri / Chieftain in Ireland lived in 200 ad or earlier and Christianity was known a long time before then arriving from France, Egypt and Britain. Britain had a Christian Bishop in AD 60. In Britain Joseph of Arimathea established the first church around 40 ad, butt the first churches were established in Jerusalem by Judaic "Christians"  into the surrounding lands and into France or Gaul which had churches a few years before Britain. Pentecost or Shavuot occurred in 30 ad in Jerusalem and this is when the Church sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, begins as described in Mathew 15,24. (this is actually when the "church" begins and in many instances is a separate history to the clerical historical accounts we have down through the centuries) 

The Druids wore a breastplate exactly the same as the "Cohen or Kohen Gadol" or High Priest known as the Ephod. "Cohen" or Cohan is a name found all over Ireland. "The Druids dressed in white robes, the Bard in blue. The Arch-Druid wore a golden breastplate set with twelve jewels, similar to the breastplate of the high priest of Israel. Such a breastplate has been found on a skeleton in one of the Stonehenge tombs (Fredrick Haberman, Tracing Our Ancestors) This was apparel of the Levite priests. The exact lineage was required to make allow the Levites to be Priests. All other lineage were not High Priests and High Priests were not Egyptian but Jewish of Israel. Judah - Jewish, and the Levites were one tribe within the 12 represented on the Ephod (link shows the significance) although the Garnet was assigned to the Levites, their special stone was the Emerald, or Beryl which is green, hence Ireland is known as the Emerald Isle, but their colours on their robes and flag were Red and Black stripes in the Blessed Isles and Tara was also known as the New Jerusalem and was the cultural capital of Europe. In other words at this period Alba was Scotland, and Albion was Britain, they were the names people of when they referred to them. Many of the Irish chieftains were also chieftains of Alba, Albion and much of Europe. Tara was also once surrounded by sea and mists and was a sea port as the shale deposits suggest. Judah's stone was listed as Emerald also. There were three classes of Druids - the Bards, the Ovates, and the Druid priests. Bards were the historians and teachers, Ovates were the herbalist and doctors, and Druids were the priests. So revered were the Levite-Druid priests and Bards, that schools were set up to learn of their vast knowledge, especially that of medicinal practices.

Joseph of Arimathea was the Great Uncle of "Jesus Christ (Greek" spelling) or Yeshua ben Jesse or Yeshua ben Joseph (two houses which the Messiah would or should unite) who was the cousin of John the Baptist who was the real High priest in Jerusalem (Kohen Gadol) and who anointed/baptised Yeshua in the river Jordan. 

Glastonbury has a tradition which states that Joseph of Arimathea planted his staff at Glastonbury and it took root and it blossomed into an Almond tree. This tree is in legend it is suggested is the tree planted at Wearyhall hill (also the first church in Britain location from 40 ad) which can be seen here or here, i.e the Wearyhall thorn . The tree has origins in the far east, but it is not an Almond Tree which has distinctive leaves, flowers and of course Almond nuts. Glastonbury Tor was once a sea port which was full of mists and wet air giving rise to the Avalon stories. The Wearyhall tree is a Hawthorn tree not an Almond tree. You can make tea from hawthorn, from its leaves flowers and berries, and in Celtic lore they were a mystical tree with medicinal purposes, and these trees were used in the Maypole dancing tradition in which ribbons can be tied and intertwined as you dance around. Woman on the inside, men on the outside. Almond trees also produce a flower and they produce Almond Milk and Almond Honey as they are from the land of Milk and Honey, they were also used for shelter and sleep. Hence there are two traditions here signified by the trees. Almond trees of course exist all over the earth today.

Joseph of Arimathea's staff planted in Glastonbury which if it bloomed into Almonds, it would have to be the same staff as Aaron's staff, which Aaron and Moses used to bring down Egypt  and the house of Pharaoh and which led to the Exodus of the children of Israel from Egypt to the promised land of Milk and Honey. The Almond tree is the first tree to blossom in Israel after the winter, and it is located everywhere in Israel. Mirroring the Joseph of Arimathea story, Aaron who was high priest in the Aaronic priesthood of the Exodus from Egypt planted his staff in the ground and overnight it blossomed and produced Almonds  in Numbers 17  Of course this staff could have been handed down through every generation in Israel. 1 Kings 8:9 says that inside the Ark of the Covenant there were only the two stone tablets of Moses. But Hebrews 9:3-4 mentions three things, the gold jar of manna and honey, Aaron's staff that had budded, and the stone tablets of the covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was housed in the Temple in Jerusalem and after the Ark disappeared it may have re-surfaced in France or Britain or Ireland and numerous other locations, as the search for the Ark of the Covenant continues.

What then does the Almond tree budding mean ? It means that the recognised priesthood was established once more. The Almond tree in Numbers 17 became the model of the Menorah  (Jewish 7 branched candlestick) which  in turn is the representation of the Tree of Life , which in the cabala pictorial descriptive aid has two stems which  joined by a middle stem. This 2d image if it was turned on its side would show three levels of heaven (earth, second heaven, and actual heaven) Israel and its two houses, and the ten tribes as the House of Joseph and the two tribes of the House of Judah are two Menorahs which are two Trees of life and they are joined as two sticks or two pieces of wood by a middle stick,  into which the Messiah brings new life. The Cross on Calvary was two sticks, as a piece of wood on a tree making two which became one, yet  remained two houses, one with two tribes (Judah and the Levites) one with 10 tribes. (Israel & Joseph) If you believe the Joseph of Arimathea in Glastonbury story then you have to acknowledge the returned priesthood of the Levites in 40 ad also into Britain and into Ireland. However the first "churches" were comprised of people who were Jewish in Israel and Jerusalem in 30 ad.

Exodus 25, 31 - 40 describes the making of the Menorah seven branched candlestick which is fashioned in its oil cups like Almond blossoms( verses 33, 34) There are 22 cups and 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet see verse 33. Almonds were the first to bloom in Israel in spring and awaken. Likewise in Jeremiah 11, 11 - 13 watchfulness over the word and a light on the word (which the Menorah performed as its task as it lit the Ark of the Covenant) Therefore like a tree of life (found in Eden in Genesis and in the book of Revelations) the Almond tree buds and springs or awakens into life, a sign of the resurrected power of G-d. The menorah seven branched candlestick is a direct fulfillment of John 8 ,13. (and also John 10, 22 - 23 at the feast of dedication or Hanukkah in which the Menorah is raised ) This leads up to Zechariah's vision of Zechariah 4 of Priesthood and Kingship.

The first paragraph above relates the war of the Druids at Anglesey and Britain and Europe and why or how many of them fled to Tara in 61 ad from Wales (the survivors) pursued by Gaius Suetonius Paulinus the Roman Governor of Britain in 61 AD. Pontius Pilate had converted and had smuggled Nazarenes to France also under the Roman Governors (the doctrine on whether the soul and eternal life belonged to God or the Empire and/or any political church was central to the new faith, and a discussion of sorts is within the pdf above)  Ireland was visited by King David hence its national symbol is the Harp (see also chapter  6 in the adjacent website near the very end in red ) or here in the seal of a nation or here at the Mansion house or Wynn's hotel presentation or the turning of the seal in January 21st 2016. Aside from Ireland's connection to King David, and Tara being the cultural capital of Europe, it also has descendants of King David who were crowned at Tara, the New Jerusalem, and a line was re-established when Tea Tephi daughter of Zedekiah (not Tamar Tephi, but who may be one and the same person) married a prince of the scarlet thread namely Eochaid or King Heremon descended from Zerah or Zarah from the House of Judah (Scarlett thread) Jews, Israel and Hebrews are used interchangeably, but the Jews began with Moses at Mount Sinai (not 600 years later) and the tribes of Israel, before this they were Hebrews.

The first Christians with a connection to Britain and before the Church at Glastonbury (which does have almond trees in the surrounding area) concerns the Welsh speaking King of Albion Caractacus who was captured by Rome in 43 ad in the invasion and brought to Rome.  Prince Linus was the son of King Caractacus of Britain, Princess Claudia was the daughter of Caractacus and Pudens was a Roman officer based in Britain. Pudens' house in Rome became the first Church meeting place there and Prince Linus was appointed by St. Paul as the first Bishop of Rome. Linus and Claudius are mentioned in 2 Timothy 4,21. Christianity also travelled back with them to Colchester. However it was Caractacus who granted lands to Joseph of Arimathea and is recorded in the Doomsday book. Joseph of Arimathea was a tin trader. Copper and Gold were mined in Ireland, and Tara was the cultural capital of Europe which ensured Christianity (the Book of Kells as one example) survived the middle ages reviving Europe. In the time of Jeremiah in 625 bc he was visited by Prince Eochaidh "the Heremon" (a title) of the Scarlet Thread in Ireland is recorded as having visited Athens Rome and Jerusalem. The "far off isles" were on known trade routes to the middle east and not so far off.

The House of King David is outlined here as the line of Jesse (Davids father) How this then connects to the Kings of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Britain with a full genealogy of (Kings lists)  both houses is laid out here as one example. The evolution, intelligent design and creation debate becomes relevant, but the lists do cross reference with all European royal houses. There are Kings of Connaught laid down and one of them Cormac mac Airt  at no 96 in this list, who is also known as Cormae Ulfada (Ulfada eans long beard) and who is one of the most incredible people in recorded history, who some suggest was the real King Airtur. Why because the early Joseph of Arimathea church married into the Pendragon tribes (Arthur Pendragon) when they were forced over to Ireland when the Romans came as mentioned above in 61 AD. Cormacs birth is shrouded in mystery and his deeds are not just  heroic but carry an unusual wisdom, he codified Brehon law into laws everyone could follow. He was born roughly in AD 140 only 80 years after the early Christian church in France and Glastonbury and was Irelands first Christian Chieftain. His grandfather was named Conn and his mother was a Druid and metalworker. This is relevant as the Bethel stone or stone of scone (the lia fail which isn't the lia fail but a substitute although it is in Meath see chapter 3 above) as the Connaught Kings are also a family descended from the line of Judah through Pharez (of Zarah and Pharez as Zarah of the Scarlett thread in that list above)

The reason is as follows, there were two kings of Judah both of whom "did evil in the eyes of the Lord" and were denounced by Jeremiah the prophet. One was Mattaniah also known as Zedekiah (2nd to the last king of Israel ) who was deposed as Israel's king by Nebuchadnezzar. The following King next in line was Jehoiachin (the son of Jehoiakim also known as Eliakim the brother of Zedikiah / Mattaniah both of these brothers did evil in the sight of the Lord see Jeremiah 52, 1 - 4) of Judah whose other name is Coniah.  Zedikiah was therefore Coniahs / Johiachin uncle.  Zedikiah had daughters but Coniah / Jehoiachin also had a son (and therefore possibly daughters) In some versions of Mathew Coniah is cited as Jeconiah in others as Coniah   See 2 Kings 24, 8 - 17.  His descendants according to Jeremiah 22; 28-30 were cursed by Jeremiah which states he may be left childless and they would never sit on the throne of Israel and rule the House of David, yet clearly Cormac Mac Airt from Conn of Connaught (Cormacs grandfather) did reign at that period. Cormac from the House of Judah which joined the House of David Judah - Pharez with the House of Judah – Zarah yet he was also descended through intermarriage from Conn (Coniah)

Therefore Cormac mac Airt and others seem to flout the "Conn Connemara Connaught" curse, and they may also fulfil Judah and Joseph (Jews and the Jo's) and as this section discusses may also be Ephraim also.

King David joined the House of Joseph with the House of Judah again (which is spelt out in relation to Ephraim and its tribes near the end of this section) yet it was not Solomon (David's son) who carried on this line but another son Nathan to Mary to Yeshua (Jesus Christ) Nathans line also re-established the Levitical line (the Levite priests) through "Simon the Just" down to Joseph of Arimathea and John the Baptist. David's marriage to Bathsheba produced sons after Solomon which led to the split between Israel and Judah. (Rehoboam and Jeroboam) and it is this split which Ephraim in the two sticks prophecy in Ezekiel will unite. Solomon's children or descendants were joined by other converts later as related in Eshter 8,17 so "gentiles" and "Ephraim" became Synonymous, yet the Milesians (Irish tribes) descended from the Scarlett cord also married into the Zedikiah line when they invaded Ireland (at around the time Jeremiah came to Ireland)

The Milesians also intermarried with the previous Nemedians and Formorians & De Danaans which produced the British tribes who are separate from the Saxon. Before arriving in Ireland they had intermarried with the Trojan, Frankish (French Northmen & Vikings) and the spate Scandinavian Kings. Collectively they were known as Ephraim as opposed to individual tribes of Israel who had also left Israel and settled in the far off Isles (direct tribe lines) 

Often there is confusion between Tea Tephi and Tamar Tephi. " Tamar (Tephi) was great – grand-daughter of Jeremiah" and this is often quoted in literature and the internet. Yet Jeremiah was commanded not to get married or have children. (see Jeremiah 16,2) so Tea Tephi cannot have been Jeremiahs Granddaughter. Tea Tephi was Zedikiahs daughter. Zedikiah (also known as Mattaniah) was the Uncle of Coniah / Jehoiachim. Hence they were the same line of Judah. If you look at chapter 2 above and the genealogical diagram you will see that Tamar (not Tea Tephi or Tamar Tephi ) who married Judah, Josephs 4th son is the line of  Pharez-David-Zedekiah, the House of David. Zarah (it is said) has never had a descendant upon the throne as this is the breach birth whose wrist was marked with the Scarlett thread. (Genesis 38) Pharez was the fully first born, but Zarah of the red hand who stuck out his hand first from the womb. Jeremiah is reputed to have landed at Carrickfergus before coming to Tara with the items of the Temple including the Ark of the Covenant and the Bethel stone. My book above lays out the basics including the wrongful idea (often quoted) that Jeremiah has children.

Since the date of Jeremiah 22, 28-30, (Around 630 bc) the New Covenant was established with Israel and Judah, which has come to be called Christianity in AD 30, but which is a continuation of the Old Testament and the day of Pentecost / Shavuot and the law has not passed away (Ten Commandments etc) but is in parallel with spirit filled believers. Cormac mac Airt was Irelands first Christian King, but his grandfather and father were also Ard Ri and they were not Christians ? yet they were Ard Ri who sat as Irish High Kings over all five provinces north and south and Tara was established as a the new Jerusalem. (this is after Jeremiah in 630 bc and before the Argyll Kings in 550 ad, 900 years since the curse on Coniah / Jehoiachin ) When we realise that a King who is mentioned in the King lists as Niall of the nine hostages (no 101) has 3 million descendants today then the world is not as large as we think. Although Brian Boru carried the replica Harp of David.

The reason this is relevant concerns the Kings list here which shows the Irish, Scottish and British Royal lines. In it the bible verse at In Ezekiel 21 verses 26-27 it says "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high. I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until He come whose right it is; and I will give it Him." 

The research is confirmed by 30 years of study from University lecturer Bill Cooper (but see also Chapter 2 above) and his book After the flood which traces all the King lists of European nations including Celts, Anglo - Saxons, Jutes, Friesians, Danish, Irish, Scottish, Welsh and the Eight shires of England (Heptarchy) (see here also again) and wider. An exhaustive entomological puzzle pieced together over decades. e.g. The Irish King lists   and the Anglo-saxon lists 

Note the word " overturn" occurs 3 times why ? because; "The Scotti tribe in Ireland are said to have their name derived from Scota. Around 500 AD it was taken by them to Argyllshire, South Western Scotland, and became the coronation stone of the Scottish kings. It was stolen from Scotland by King Edward I in 1296 and returned to Scotland in 1996, 700 years later by the United Kingdom government"  & "Three times the sceptre of Judah will be overturned" In other words the Royal House of Judah opposed by other lines will be overturned even though Robert the Bruce was of the tribe of Judah ?

This overturn refers to Judah who are overturned by Israel (the ten tribes) The Irish Israelites were ancient and had not become captive to Babylon or Syria in Israel but had left long before this time. (705bc)

One reason it will be overturned (amongst many reasons and other lines) is the curse on Coniah / Jehoiachin as mentioned above which prevents others from sitting upon the Bethel stone of Jacob. (see the beginning of chapter 3 above) The Connaught king lists from Jeremiah in 630 bc until the Kings of Argyll in 550 ad show at least 3 Connaught Kings (province) who became Ard Ri (all 5 provinces) between those dates. Tea Tephis (Daughter of Zedikiah) son Ugaine Mor (no 72 in the list) reigned in Ireland around 400 bc but he was also High King of Ireland, Britain or Alba / Albion (down to the Isle of Wight) and the majority of Europe. Why ? because Tara and Meath was the cultural capital of Europe and the New Jerusalem. Ugaine Mor is buried in Connaught at Cruchan Ai. (whose birth joined Zarah David and Pharez David) Therefore all Ard Ri from Connaught and also Cormac Mac Airt did reside on the royal seat of David when the Bethel stone was present until 550 ad and the Argyll Kings. This means it was "overturned" at least seven times (or more) and this verse cannot apply to the Connaught Kings or Irish Scots Catholic or Protestant.

Siomón Brecc was High king of Ireland in 485 – 465 bc (parallel to Xerxes in Persia) he is no 67 in the list and was 50 years or so before Ugain Mor. Brehon law meant that a wrong Judgement would result in Spiritual disaster, and lines which had unconditional right to the throne, must conditionally seek out the law or Torah. Brehon law contains the Torah (the law brought by Jeremiah to Tara and Ireland) just as King Alfreds deemings contain the common law, these are the real laws. King David was almost killed for Bathsheba but his first born with her paid that price, and his other first born with his previous wife Absalom also. This is the reason why the Messiah is unconditional having  paid that price, and why mortals are conditional to God.

The curse if it applies would affect many Royal houses of David in Europe. The curse on the Connaught lands is now lifted. There are of course two thrones of Israel one in Israel acknowledged by Rome and the other in Britain. 

Another alternative is the Connaught Kings had a new bloodline after the curse spoken by Jeremiah and the Irish Milesian kings (last of the 5 invasions of Ireland and whose motif was 3 lions yellow, on a red background, see chapter 2 and who are from the Scarlett cord or thread, Jeremiah landed with a Red lion on a Yellow background of Alba) who passed through Spain and Zaragoza in Castille/Catalan (Zarah) to displace this curse and perhaps they also later intermarried with the fleeing Christians who fled from Wales in 61 ad. Wales has long kept the tradition of Jesses Oak or tree in its churches and images. Jesse was Davids father. Ireland was also settled first after the worldwide earthly period "disaster" and the Tuatha de Danaans and Nemedians and Fomorians settled Scandinavia and parts of Europe into Germany. These five tribes were from Japheth as were the tribes who were later ruled by the six Hebrew Kings to Raedwald (who ruled over six lines and Scandinavian royal houses which in part became the shires e.g Wessex, Sussex etc in Britain as well as areas in Germany and Europe, see the end of chapter 3 above VI – Kings or 6 Kings ) The Saxons or Isaac sons who came from Germany are descended from Shem which ironically should not be "anti-shemetic" The house of Judah was established into the west of Ireland, into Japheth whose tents would be enlarged and dwell in the tents of Shem. (Genesis 9,27) 

How many daughters did Zedekiah have and how many daughters did Coniah / Jehoiachin have as it is speculated that Jeremiah took either Zedekiah's daughter(s) or Coniahs son (and his possible daughters to Ireland) others suggest he took both sets, as all had to flee Jerusalem. Conaih in Jeremiah 22, 28 - 30 is recorded as childless yet in Mathew  1, 12 he is recorded as having a son and maybe therefore daughters.  Zedekiah had at least two daughters. (Jeremiah 41,10) the Irish records said he had six.  This son of Coniahs or sons and the daughters of Zedekiah would have all found refuge in Ireland. It is also suggested by some that the Ark of the Covenant was/is still in Ireland and the real Bethel stone also. The scarlet thread are buried at Knowth and in the West of Ireland. 

Coniah (connaught) is also in the genealogy of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) in the book of Mathew. The following article shows why the curse is broken also. Further although Jewish law states a daughter cannot inherit the throne (through the female line) Further woman could inherit the throne of david but only if there were no sons or sons daughters as stipulated in Numbers 27 (and ingeniously fair as Mosaic law is, the family always retained the inheritance) It is course central to Yeshua claiming to be King. This was also the law or brehon or deemings down the centuries.  Jeremiah took Zedekiah's daughters with him to Ireland. Coniah had a son.


Consider first the book and quote by  Herbert W. Armstrong THE UNITED STATES AND BRITIAN IN PROPHECY & Chapter 9  (within the quoted area look at the green shaded writing)

" Now briefly let us consider what is found in the ancient annals, legends, and history of Ireland, and we shall have the scene of Jeremiah's "planting" and the present location of "lost" Israel. 
 The real ancient history of Ireland is very extensive, though colored with some legend.  But with the facts of biblical history and prophecy in mind, one can easily sift out the legend from the true history in studying ancient Irish annals.
  Throwing out that which is obviously legendary, we glean from various histories of Ireland the following: Long prior to 700 B.C. a strong colony called "Tuatha de Danaan" (tribe of Dan) arrived in ships, drove out other tribes, and settled there.  Later, in the days of David, a colony of the line of Zarah arrived in Ireland from the Near East. 
 Then, in 569 B.C. (date of Jeremiah's transplanting), an elderly, white-haired patriarch, sometimes referred to as a "saint," came to Ireland.  With him was the princess daughter of an eastern king and a companion called "Simon Brach," spelled in different histories as Breck, Berech, Brach, or Berach.  The princess had a Hebrew name Tephi - a pet name - her full name being Tea-Tephi.  Modern literature of those who recognize our national identity has confused this Tea-Tephi, a daughter of Zedekiah, with an earlier Tea, a daughter of Ith, who lived in the days of David. 
 This royal party included the son of the king of Ireland who had been in Jerusalem at the time of the siege.  There he had become acquainted with Tea-Tephi.  He married her shortly after 585 - when the city fell.  Their young son, now about 12 years of age, accompanied them to Ireland.  Besides the royal family, Jeremiah brought with them some remarkable things, including a harp, an ark, and a wonderful stone called "lia-fail," or "stone of destiny."  A peculiar coincidence (?) is that Hebrew reads from right to left, while English reads from left to right.  Read this name either way - and it still is "lia-fail." 
 Another strange coincidence - or is it just coincidence? - is that many kings in the history of Ireland, Scotland, and England have been coronated sitting over this stone - including the present queen.  The stone rests today in Westminster Abbey in London, and the coronation chair is built over and around it.  A sign beside it labels it "Jacob's pillar-stone" (Gen. 28:18).
 The royal husband of the Hebrew princess Tea was given the title Herremon upon ascending the throne of his father.  This Herremon has usually been confused with a much earlier Gede the Herremon in David's day - who married his uncle Ith's daughter Tea.  The son of this later king Herremon and Hebrew princess continued on the throne of Ireland and this same dynasty continued unbroken through all the kings of Ireland; was overturned and transplanted again in Scotland; again overturned and moved to London, England, where this same dynasty continues today in the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. 
 Another interesting fact is that the crown worn by the kings of the line of Herremon and the other sovereigns of ancient Ireland had twelve points!"


You will note that the earlier Tea Tephi lived very close to the Tamar who married Judah the 4th son of Jacob (whose head rested on the Bethel stone also known as the stone of destiny)

from the United Church of God  " However, there are problems with the above explanation, chief of which is that Gathelus and Scota's son, one of several sons, is said to have become king—not their daughter (incidentally this still fits with God's promise to David). Yet most of their sons are reported to have died—leaving the youngest, Heremon, to rule. But perhaps Heremon was actually not their son. It could be that he was their son-in-law, married to their daughter Tea-Tephi.

Then again, it could just as well be that this is all wrong, that there was no intervening generation in the transfer of the throne to Ireland, and that Tea-Tephi was the same as Scota. Others believe Scota was the sister of Tea (as Jeremiah escorted the king's "daughters"—plural). And still others argue that Gathelus and Scota can't be linked with Zedekiah in any fashion since they supposedly long predated Zedekiah and Jeremiah"

Clearly something in the dating and chronology does not fit ?

Note that the United Church of God say it does not matter which part of the historical line is in line. Further Coniah (who had a son) and Zedikiah are still from the line of Judah. Both did evil in the sight of the Lord, both are cursed. Yet the chronology of Tamar who married Judah and which produced Pharez and Zarah obviously came to Ireland earlier than either Scota or Jeremiah. This would have been around 1600 to 1350 bc (between those dates Joseph to the Exodus and after ) Jeremiah arrived at Carrickfergus carrying the Bethel stone, and objects from the Temple with Tamar Tea / Tephi and also carrying a cloth with a red lion on a yellow background, and also carried by Robert the Bruce, who quoted his Scythian Judah history in the declaration of Arbroath.

Partholan 1500 bc, Nemedians 1200bc, Milesians 705 bc. These are the approximate dates of the invasions into Ireland. The Scythians already knew of the Exodus as recorded in the Irish annals, and later  in 705 bc the lost tribes from Assyria could have joined those routes through Spain or Germany (the Danube) Herbert Armstrong says of the German route.

"  To Abraham God said, "In ISAAC shall thy seed be called," and this name is repeated in Romans 9:7 and Hebrews 11:18.  In Amos 7:16 the Israelites are called "the house ISAAC".  They were descended from Isaac, and therefore are Isaac's sons.  Drop the "I" from "Isaac" (vowels are not used in Hebrew spelling), and we have the modern name "SAAC'S SONS," or, as we spell it in shorter manner, "SAXONS"! 
 Dr. W. Holt Yates says, "The word 'Saxons' is derived from the 'sons of Isaac,' by dropping the prefix 'I.'" 
 Many confuse the Anglo-Saxons with the German or Old Saxons who still live in Germany.  The German Saxons derive their name from an Old High German word, Sahs, meaning "sword" or "knife."  These sword-carrying Germans are an entirely different people from the Anglo-Saxons who migrated to Britain"

Yet if you go to Chapter 2 and see the maps of the Hueneberg in Sawabia, Baden Wuttenberg in the first photo (top left) you will see on the right the word Scythen, and on the second photo (top right) the word Saxon Sion (which used to be in Germany and then later defined the border and which can be later used as indicators). East of it is Saxony, and West of it is the region of lower Saxony. Hanover is situated in lower Saxony, and this is the ancestral home of the British royal family of Hanoverian Kings of Great Britain, under their title as the dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg. Therefore the Celtic fort of the Scythians in Baden Wuttenberg in the South and its Saxon connections is similar to the Saxon connections of north Germany. The sons of Isaac or Sacae as Isaac Scythian and Saxon are therefore one and the same, yet the Scythians' are named as the origins of the 5 invasions of Ireland. Parthalon, Nemedians, Formians and FirBolgs and Milesians.


The Cruthin Cruithne / Picts

Another tribe who are Scythians are the Cruitne or Cruthin. (the heavily tattooed people as the Picts in Scotalnd and Belgium / France were) ) They contribute to the quote in Chapter 2 above by Stellar and Yeatman  ' The Scots (originally Irish, but by now Scotch) were at this time inhabiting Ireland, having driven the Irish (Picts) out of Scotland; while the Picts (originally Scots) were now Irish...and vice versa. It is essential to keep these distinctions clearly in mind ! '  The British are descended through the Nedemian line (Nemedius- Macha – Fergus Leathdhearg- Briation- Maol = British, Nemedian or Nemid's name means 'sons of heaven' ) the Scottish Picts are descended through Partholan and Cruinthne pdf (for both of these lines see page 171 also numbered page 29 in the PDF which is also listed in chapter 2 above) The Picts settled north Scotland as named by the ScYthians (Scots) whilst Briation- Maol settled south Scotland (now known as England) and became the British. Britain spoke Welsh which is known as 'P-Celtic' or Brythonic Celtic shared with the Cornish and Breton people still spoken in Brittany today.

The Cruthin were also known as De Danaans and Picts ? also settled in France and Belgium  giving rise to the area of Picardy. As mentioned in chapter 2, Brutus who came to Albion (Britain) fought his way through a tribe of Picts to reach Albion in 1100 bc.

To repeat; Partholan 1500 bc, Nemedians 1200bc, Milesians 705 bc. 

The reason the Cruthin were descended from the De Danaans is they were one tribe of the Nemedians (which split into 3 tribes) The Chronicles of the Scots and its lists state Cruithne (a person and founder of the Cruthin) was descended through Partholan but around 1350 bc hence the Cruthin from CruIthne married into the De Danaans who were one tribe of the Nemedians. All collectively were Scythians and Briaton Maol from the Nemedians crossed from Ireland and Ulster and became the Briaton of Albion who were Scythian Scots. That is why some in Ulster and Scotland say they are Scottish and British correctly, yet the Briaton Maol clan were from Ireland and were Scythians.(hence the confusion and cross purpose) When the Romans invaded Britain first the date was AD 40 and Cormac Mac Airt or Cormae Ul fada (long beard at no 96 in the lists) would have been born in 200 ad. When the Romans invaded they gave the tribes Latin names such as Iceni . In reality the land was Alba (North) and Albion (South) populated by the Scythians and their divisions known as Briaton Nemedians and Scoti Picts in the north.  The same as the Irish tribes almost in Ireland simultaneously. By 61 ad the Romans had pushed the southern tribes into Wales (who still speak the same language today) and forced the Brehons, Bards and Fili (the harpists and poets) as Druids over to Ireland. Ireland was next to invade but the fighting Alba in the north forced the Romans back and they built a wall called Hadrian's wall which you can still visit today. It was built in 122 ad separating Albion and Alba. 

The story of Aithuir or Cormac Mac Airt and the invasions begins to make more sense as Cormac was in effect supporting the Irish Nemedians in Britain and Ireland (hence he was descended from both and the Pendragons who are a Arthurian line) and Danaans Picts against the Romans without causing a full scale invasion of Ireland (in effect trapped by politics) and also against small bands of Scandinavians who had begun to scout the coasts of Alba and Albion. He reigned 40 years and healed a breach between two Jewish lines. After 400 ad the Viking and Dane invasions occurred when the Romans left. The Briaton Nemedians in the south became Latinised when the Romans occupied Albion and after 400 ad Albion became England around 600 ad. English is Latin, Flemish French and Scandinavian with Gaelic roots. Gaelic was spoken in Ulster until today, with differences between the Gael and the Gadheal, but these Picts or Cruithen also intermarried with the Dal Riada kings and Fergus.

It is also interesting that the Scythians were cited as the origin of the Scots by Robert the Bruce in the declaration of Arbroath in 1320 (second paragraph) they were descended from Fenius Farsaid who made a new language of Ogham (with new vowels and sounds derived from nature, e.g. wind in the trees, water and so on) he (rediscovered) Hebrew, and found Latin and Greek at Babel. Fergus Mor mac Eirc born 432 ad founded Scotland and was the first Dal Riada King. (or Dal Riata) He was crowned on the stone of destiny / Bethel stone in Scotland in 500 ad Yet Alba was a country already by 1700 years. Dal Riada encompassed both Scotland and Ulster. He is described as Pictish or Cruthin from the De Danaans or Nemedians.

Wikipedia states Fergus and his identity is spurious ? but the same books which list him are those which support all lines in Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. However his descent to Niall of the nine hostages and Solomon's line from David not Nathans line (Nathan and Solomon are both sons of David) However the real debate on this matter is that Fergus was descended through the Nathan line from (in part) from Wales

" King Neithon of the Gewisse was the son of King Ninnian (Nunius/Nehunia)of Gwent who was a brother of King Erb of Gwent mentioned above. King Ninian and King Erb are the sons of Erbin (Eber Scot) the Jewish Scottish Exilarch from Golodinn. Erbin's brother was Chuna and they were the sons of St. Ninian of Scotland. Ninians father was Mar Chasdai who was also known as Golomh or Galamh and he left Babylon for Spain where he was a soldier. He afterwards came to Britain and married Scota the daughter of Raphael the Scottish Exilarch (Rosh Galuta Scotti) of Goloddin. Mar Chasdai was the son of the Babylonian Exilarch Nathan II.  The legends of Scota has been combined from the lives of a number of Princesses bearing the name Scota or Bat Scotia. The original Scota was Princess Sukkota who with her sister Tamar Tia were the daughters of King Zedekiah of Judah and his Egyptian-Jewish wife Queen Tzadikah (Tzaddah) the daughter of Pharoah (my addition in brackets; descended from Joseph who was a Pharaoh in Egypt second in command who married Pharaohs daughter. Solomon married a daughter of Pharaoh in 1 Kings 3, verse 1 these Hebrews became Jews at mount Sinai under Moses 500 years later)  The tales of this Sukkota and the Milesians became mixed with those of her descendant bat Scotia who was the daughter of Pharez who was the first Scottish Exilarch. And then these were confused with the tales of Scota who married Galamh of Spain (who was also called Milad or Milesius because he was a soldier). The name of Niall and Nel are also found in some of these stories of Scota. Thus the son of King Niall who married the Nissiya Earca of the Scotti was Conall o'Neil also surnamed Cemthainne and Gulban. His son Fergus Cerall went to Scotland and ruled Dal Riata and was remembered as the great Fergus mor Mac Earca. His wife Earca had also married his cousin Muredach the O'Neill High King. Fergus was the grandfather of St Columba" (Columba of Iona who also stole or hid the Bethel Stone)"  

Intertwined with the Cruthin (descended from Partholan) is the Red Hand of the ONeills (from Niall of the Nine hostages and St Columba was a O'Neill who was involved with the Book of Kells) The red hand symbol has many legends but is attributed to two Kings who had a boat race in which the first to touch the shore was the winner. Losing the race the O'Neill king severed his hand and threw it onto the shore. There are various theories as to the identity of this King 1. It was a King of the O'Neill's  2. It was Niall of the Nine hostages. 3. It was Heremon who married the daughter of Zedekiah Tara Tea Tephi Tamar. The story is most likely code for the Pharez Zarah breach birth mentioned earlier in which a hand is extended and tied with a red thread. Just as there is an earlier Scota. The Scythians as Scota came in five tribes over 1000 years almost and Scota who was married to Heremon took the Bethel stone with her to Ireland. Jacobs pillow and jacob lived around 1900 bc and Moses lived around 1400 bc. Scota was contemporary with Moses, but left Egypt or the promised land. Jacob lived in egypt but travelled to Bethel in Israel where he dreamt his dream. David could have come to Ireland to get the Bethel stone in 1000 bc and took it back to Israel. From 1000 bc to 500 bc (Jeremiah) the alternative crowning stone was used, until it was brought back by Jeremiah. There is also an earlier Heremon from King Davids day. King David may have been the law giver and Harpist of Dowds town near Tara (or Davids town) It follows that 500 years later Jeremiah would also go to Tara as it was world renowned and under Ugaine Mor the Capital of Europe 500 years later. This Heremon married Tea (iths daughter) but ith is actually ithream mentioned in 2 Chronicles 3, 5. who was Davids sixth son. Ithaca is an Island in Greece. Ith came to Ireland also as previous routes established by Calcol also known as Cecrops and who founded hebrew (Iberian) trading posts all the way (including Zaragoza in Spain) along the sea and Danube to Ireland and Scotland & Britain. It is suggested they did arrive in the promised land and left later. (hence the long section on Benjamin in chapter 2 in Greece etc) Heremon is a title which was given to Eochaidh, the high king of Ireland ( and note Heber and Eremon were brothers in the Milesian king lists Hebrew and Eireann) who married Tea Tephi but they did not arrive in Ireland until 705 bc, by which time two lines of Zerah Pharez North and South had been established in Ireland and Meath became the fifth province later in a United Ireland. Ith or Ithream likely also (2 views) settled in Ireland which has the Harp as its symbol. There are also three kings named Eochaid from 1600 to/or 1200 bc   but  the earlier dates are more accurate for Heremon (the dates are various) 

Heremon or Eiremon was also the son of Mil of the Milesians who came to Ireland around 705 bc. The confusion is that Geoffrey Keating dates him to 1280 bc and the Annals of the four Masters to 1700 bc. Which date is it ? the interesting fact is Cruithne came to reside at this time of Eiremon (see and Cruinthne pdf or both of these lines see page 171 also numbered page 29 in the PDF which is also listed in chapter 2 above) The book of invasions and others cross referenced the dates are as follows; Partholan 1500 bc, Nemedians 1200bc,(who formed one branch called the Tuatha de Danaan) Milesians 705 bc. Geoffrey Keating is closer. And it fits in sequence to the order of the invasions which are also the earliest in the european table of nations  and the irish King list in the book of invasions. The Milesians however are dated as invading in 705 bc. This is because that is the date but the Scythians and the five invasions knew of each other  and could understand each others language as they met (in Europe, Ireland and in Greece)

Ith or Ithream came to Ireland before the Milesian invasion in 705 bc and here the chronology is supposedly out but was either killed or taken hostage although his family sons were spared. The milesians planned to invade Ireland over many years and the excuse was the death of Ith/Ithream. How many years is unknown but the Galician kings (Breoghan) and the captivity of Israel in 725bc meant upheavals (as Persia and Assyria came west) and kingdon Chaos which included the mediterranean, and real movement and impetus. David had 7 wives. This is why Lugaid Mac Itha (born in 960 bc state the book of invasions) who was the son of Itha or Ithream married Tea (not tea tephi but he already had two wives in spain) or Tea was his daughter, and they build Tara in a David Royal line from 930 bc and up until 725 bc the line of David through Spain. (Mil took nine waves to take Ireland) She is buried at Tara and the line of Tea would all be buried at Tara, hence the search for the Ark of the Covenant  and they dwelt in four provinces (with Meath / Tara becoming a fifth) this was divided first between Eber finn in the south and Eiremon in the North and which then became 4 and then 5 as Eirmon became sole ruler. Tea was the daughter of a spanish noble and of Pharaoh and of Lugaid mac Itha (ithream and ith those who follow the lien of ithream ) as the line and continued line would be. Jewish (not Hebrew) Brutus, Robert the Bruce were from the tribe of Judah, and Ithream if conclusive would be a direct line.

Conclusion (Cruthin)

What you discover is not ambiguity but a chronological problem which makes the Irish King lists on the one hand very clear in its dates which seem to cross reference, but out in comparison with some Hebrew marriages from people who certainly existed and the Scythians certainly came from beyond the Black Sea from Assyria as the lost tribes. Jeremiahs later journey to Ireland is recorded here where he may be buried or buried here. The dispute then (if not through Jeremiah) is which line of the five scythians is the Royal Nathan line and Royal Solomon line (Sceptre promise and birthright promise) and the Zarah Pharez line before the breaches were healed as they travelled westward. People of inquiry research and add weight to the attention given to biblical history which has to be spot on as far as possible. Spiritual and Temporal matters are not always the same. It is possible that there a few descendants of David who are not a direct line but still of David, and the Torah is what gives you the blessing to the Davids. David was a man after Gods own heart who was not previously directly in line. Calcol (son of Zerah who was son of Tamar married to Judah) whose grandson was Heremon (see chapter 2) and the Scota connection to Ulster and the Bethel stone was around 1400 - 1300 bc. You were Hebrew before Mount Sinai in 1400 bc and Jewish after. This is in between the Partholan 1500 bc (Cruithne) and Nemedians 1200 bc arrivals into Ireland. Hence the Brit...ish or Briatons did have the Bethel stone via Scota in 1400 - 1300 bc, but of course they were "Irish" (i.e briaton Maol from Nemed a branch of the de Danaans who was in Ireland and Albion before Brutus) and it is this which causes the academic gymnastics. (hence the later theories contradict the earlier Irish annals) All were Scythian's. This is accurate and provides the right solution to this problem, which has consequences spiritually if not spoken out or unravelled.Much of this information is repeated in sections as the joint histories of many present different histories with different languages. Other events and items history also help to cross reference. The identity of Ephraim then seems to draw all of this together.


The West of Ireland or Connaught is home to the tribes. They are known as the Claddagh. 14 tribes of Galway who are a mixture of ancient Irish, Welsh and French Norman and also tribes from Iberia (Hibernia) and they are mentioned obliquely in the Welsh chronicles, the Scottish and Ulster.  Although they are cited as a medieval creation they are cited in Irish annals back to 800 ad, and before that in the chronicles mentioned above. Early annals records them as Ui Imair who were also Kings of Connachta, Ulster, Strathclyde and Gwynedd in Wales, extending back to the earliest Viking and earlier Celtic thrones before the common era. Hebrew tribes or Iberian tribes ?

Therefore the pre Christian doctrine of salvation changed to the Christian but this belief,  when it did not carry political change it flourished as it was personal and free to everyone. This aspect of it was lost in the mediaeval period, until Martin Luther re-discovered it, although it had continued anyway with or without clerical religious approval. When it is taken on board by a nation in its whole it produces incredible results and changes. Of course this does not mean that all aspects of Martin Luther's character was proper, yet it is only the same notion which applies to the 12 tribes of Israel who were chosen by God, they did not choose him. (John 15,16) Many of the chosen fought against this new status and were a "stiffnecked people" (Exodus 32, 9 & Deuteronomy 9, 6 & Acts 7, 51) many see this new faith as meek but actually it was given first to the poor and working class people and Paul was a military man. The new faith of course fulfils all king lists. Israel will return (1948 ) and expand. However now that Israel is present it must mean the Messiah is due or present and the promises of the return mean exile is a theory of yesterday. Christians of course are not in exile.

The doctrine of faith and grace is a strawy epistle as it is hard to explain and verbally in all ages by anyone and Martin Luther thought it like straw, very hard to hold in the hand. As an analogy imagine a story of Lancashire in Britain. Lancashire of course had its disputes with Yorkshire, but it also like many counties had internal debates some of which became very heated. Three men from Connemara / Galway in the West of Ireland who were working in Lancashire in the late 1940's and early 1950's  heard of a dispute in the locality. Only one of them could speak English and Gaelic together, the other two could only speak Gaelic which is nearer to Welsh, and which is the original language of Lancashire as Alba / Albion. Lancashire had / has a dialect of Scandinavian (old English) still spoken in places and hard to grasp by many outside of Lancashire. The man from Connemara who could speak English obviously heard the story first concerning a dispute which had escalated into a full blown battle and even into the streets, between different townships. It is still a dispute today. Some people in Lancashire thought it correct to eat a pie like a stew or hot pot, "lobbing it all into a pan" whilst others thought it correct to eat it like a pie, straight and from the edges eating into it without cooking or making it fluid or runny. The food analogy parable (incredible but true, known as the pie-eaters and the lollygobblers war) is a way of explaining two opinions of one problem. The man who could speak English had to explain this to the men from Connemara who could not speak English translating it into Gaelic. They thought it was made up, and a joke or fantasy and would not entertain the story. Later after 9 months and having picked up the language around the shops and towns, they discovered to their shock it was true and apologised to the 3rd man from Galway. It has its roots in the War of the Roses, which fasten onto small differences to define a side. In the debate of grace and works much of the debate is politically inspired theology, but there are differences in the theology although it does not matter if you eat lobby or pies.

The war of the Roses (Lancashire and Yorkshire) in terms of the miners strikes of the 1920's and 1980's from where the notion of the battle of the pies arises should consider successive governments since the post war period and slightly later whether they be Conservative or Labour have not re-opened the mines, or re-introduced manufacturing or turned the situation around for skilled high paid Jobs and Solidity, so both or a minority in both have doled out Humble pie. (and Labour have done much worse, the Soviets or Russia do want a strong manufacturing base in other nations also and their economy collapsed shortly after the strikes)The adjacent website explores mortgages introduced in the late 1970s, 80's and into today, the pro's and cons, public and private ownership and what actually occurs to them, and all areas of economics from practical real national issues globally.  Long term work, manufacturing and exporting (reduced from a country, weakens it) and they are enjoyable gratifying pursuits in themselves. Only nationalists (across all parties) have broached the subject hence (in many countries) politically and theologically, people have wasted time in division.

In many ways the bible and bad translations and languages prevent a realisation of the truth. Whilst it is obvious the lost tribes did reach Europe and Britain and Ireland and Scotland the chronologies and names have confused matters. In the prophecies of Ephraim and Manasseh the theme suggests that one day God will heal this breach not just through Salvation (which may or may not have occurred as yet under a Messiah depending on your position) but also in the physical land of Israel, yet the interrelated history of Judah in historical Israel and the Messianic (lost tribes) Israel also has a breach to heal.

The theology then suggests that there will be a unification of the lost  ten tribes with Judah. This will occur in Israel in the middle east and also in the wider messianic Israel of the lost sheep. Judah will also reconcile themselves to a / the Messiah (who ever that is) as will the lost ten tribes, and this will occur between the lost tribe of Ephraim who will take on the mantle of Messianic Israel (spread around the world) and join the new believers into physical Israel in the middle east.  

It is interesting that Israel is experiencing its highest return and influx of people since the Exodus. How they may be accommodated, fed and financially secured is a debate which may arise also. Whilst the events with the theology may not be connected the co-incidence is marked. This is history happening right now.


Ephraim and Manasseh

What do the "lost tribes" look like ?    (as sons of Joseph related to Judah)

These are the Yemenite Jews  which trace their lineage  back to the first  temple (Solomon's Temple 966 bc ) and who are also persecuted by Saudi currently bombing Yemen. (22.08.2016) as Islam tries to eradicate not only Christianity but also Israelite history. Long distances are no problem. The Rastafarians from Ethiopia to Jamaica a case in point. Yemeni Jews are making Aliyah back to Israel (returning) and the lost tribes (10 northern tribes will also make their return ) Yemeni Jews  are "lost" in the gulf and even became lost as far away as Europe and the United States of America (descended from mainly southern Judah and Benjamin and less so Reuben and Levi)

Two tribes who are to receive a double portion Ephraim and Manasseh received a double portion and replaced (it seems) the tribe of Dan in the 12 tribe lists. They are part of the 10 tribes or lost tribes. However there are still people (see below) who have remained in Israel from the earliest times from after the Exodus until the entry into the promised land and until today (with a few gaps) although many of them left Israel, these people (the Samaritans who are the people known as the good Samaritans in the New Testament parable ) are descendants of the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh, this is what they look like today and they are related to all the 12 tribes of Israel as brothers in Europe and wider, and would also resemble the Egyptians, except in speech and language.  (they also claim descent from the priests of Levi) Yeshua also discussed their disputes with a Samaritan woman in John 4, 1 – 54.

The first era of Samaritan history dates from 723 - 538 BC  the time of the divided kingdom to the time of Judah returned from Babylonian captivity in 538 BC. The second phase was after Judah returned from Babylonian captivity. During this era the Samaritans built a Temple to YWHW or God on Mount Gerizim (and had intermarried with gentiles) which by all accounts was identical to Solomon's Temple inner 3 courts, and which can still be seen today. They copied it from Solomon's Temple which was destroyed around 587 bc. It was later built over and later the Romans levelled everything even the foundation stones in 70 ad – 160 ad (it was first burnt to the ground by Nebuchadnezzar in the Jeremiah era in which EOCHAIDH, THE HEREMONN the Irish price of the Scarlett thread visited Jerusalem during the siege who married Tamar Tea Tephi ) Solomon's Temple should allow full archaeological digs on Temple mount.

Verse 9 says "The Samaritan woman said to him, "You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?" (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans)

This means (and the whole section is filled with analogy) that the Northern tribes of the Samaritans who has set up a separate worship mountain at Mount Gerizim in opposition to Mount Moriah (Temple Mount in Jerusalem) had split or breached from both the northern Ten tribes and Judah and the Levites in the South. This meant both tribes were not on speaking terms but also they regarded the other as not of Israel or David. The Priest Judge Eli could not control his sons who had become wicked and they lost the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines. This caused a split in the Priesthood between Jerusalem or King Saul and the Samaritans. Ironically the split left Israel with a desire to have a King like other nations which God did not want but allowed the request and Saul was made King until David took his place.

However Yeshua healed ten men with Leprosy (representing the Ten northern tribes) but only one returned to thank him (a Samaritan, see Luke 17, 11 – 18)

The Samaritans identify "Salem" (Jebus Salem = Jerusalem) as located at Mount Gerizim but Genesis 22,2 identifies Moriah as the location of the near sacrifice of Isaac and not Gerizim. The Samaritans celebrate Passover and Abrahams near sacrifice as being upon Mount Gerizim until today. The Samaritans on Mount Gerizim and its temple was the exact proportion of Solomon's temple. You can visit today. This map shows its location to the town of Shiloh Israel's first capital and the location of it and mount Ebal. Shiloh was ruined and the capital moved to Jerusalem but not before the sons of Benjamin captured the daughters of Shiloh as wives laying in wait for them in the vineyards. Jeremiah warns Jerusalem that it will become desolate like Shiloh if it does not repent.

The Ark of the Covenant was placed between Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal and the 6 tribes which has sinned of the 10 tribes (on Ebal ) faced those 2 tribes that had not (Gerizim) pronouncing blessings and curses. (Deuteronomy 11,29)A breach occurred in the 10 tribes, and later Shiloh and Gerizim were abandoned and Jerusalem was conquered by David. Standing in between these two mountains looking at Gerizim you face South to also Jerusalem looking at Ebal you look North to Dan. Blessings for Gerizim which is fertile and lush, curses for Ebal which is rocky and barren.

The House of Joseph. (Manasseh)

In-between these mountains was the valley of Shechem and this town lies on the border of the tribal potions or allotments given to Ephraim and Manasseh, just as the tribal division between Benjamin and Judah runs down the middle of Jerusalem and through the Temple (splitting it in two parts) Manasseh (east and west) occupies land on both sides of the Jordan river and this land includes the Levitical cities which are prominent in the Temple of Ezekiel, and which it will occupy again. (including Bashan and Gilead) Manasseh was firstborn but Ephraim would be the most prominent, even though this may have been a mistake by Jacob / Israel their father. Together they are the House of Joseph. Manasseh (not all) were exiled in 734 bc by the Assyrians.


Although only one tribe, they were the most representative of the Northern ten tribes. Bethlehem where King David and Yeshua (Jesus Christ) were born in this tribal allotted area. Ephraim had a rivalry with the tribe of Benjamin for the supremacy of the northern ten tribes, and these tribes also fought for the crown of Israel when Saul became a King. Previous to Saul only judges had regal authority in the land. The Samaritans view Gerizim as sacred because Abraham's first visit to Canaan was to Shechem, the promise that he would be the father of many nations (his seed was given there) Israel's first capital was first in Shiloh both in Ephraim's territory in ancient markings although the first places of worship were at Shechem and Bethel (where Jacob whose name became Israel rested his head on the Bethel stone) Out of this tribal allotment all the other land allotments were divided after victories and some defeats. Ephraim gave Israel the Levite priests (hence in the story of Glastonbury the Almond tree flowering and bearing fruit is important as without this Israel cannot go forward) who did not receive lands only places of worship (towns and temples see Joshua 21:20-22)

The birth of Ephraim is found in Genesis 41:50-52. Ephraim was the second born son to Joseph. His older brother's name was Manasseh. Their mother was an Egyptian named Asenath. She was the daughter of an Egyptian priest of On, and Ephraim was born to Joseph in Egypt, and Joseph was a Pharaoh (Genesis 41,45) Ephraim fought the Philistines and only 10 escaped back to Egypt (but it is suggested some of them went westward see the book of Jasher) Even though Ephraim was to be blessed before his older brother Manasseh, Manasseh would become a greater nation.

Judges 1, 22 – 25 states Ephraim and Manasseh both took Bethel and captured it together. (The House of God)

(To repeat from Chapter 1 above ) David's father was Jesse (and today Judaism still speaks of Jesse's son) Jesse's father was Obed and his Mother was Ruth (Matthew 1,5) Ruth was a Moabite who were descended from the Children of Lot most of whom were destroyed at Sodom and Gomorrah.  Lots daughters slept with their father and produced a son called Moab and the other produced a son called Ben Ammi who became the father of the Ammonites (Genesis 19, 36) Ruth was a Moabite. Her father in law was Elimelech from Bethlehem called Judah Bethlehem (Ruth 1,2) and a Eprathite or a person from Bethlehem which is also known as the House of Bread. The words Eprathite and Bethlehem are interchangeable as one and the same place. Elimelech was described as Judah Bethlehem a Eprathite family. Ruth was married to Mahlon whose father was from the tribe of Ephraim.
The controversy arise as Eprathite is taken to also mean from the tribe of Ephraim. The Ephrathites were also known as a specific family within the tribe of Judah. David's grandfather should have been Mahlon. Ruth was not descended from Judah but when Mahlon died she married Boaz who was of the tribe of Judah, their son was Obed the father of Jesse, father of David.

Boaz married Ruth but allowed the land and names to be left in Mahlons name. Ruth 4 verse 9. "Then Boaz announced to the elders and all the people, "Today you are witnesses that I have bought from Naomi all the property of Elimelek, Kilion and Mahlon.  I have also acquired Ruth the Moabite, Mahlon's widow, as my wife, in order to maintain the name of the dead with his property, so that his name will not disappear from among his family or from his hometown. Today you are witnesses!"

David was from the tribe of Judah (Obed & Boaz) and the line of Judah twice descended down to Joseph and Mary and to other branches the descent is multiple.  Joseph, s father was called Jacob (Matthew 1 ; 16) who descends through Solomon. (Luke 3,23) tells us Mary's father was named Heli (who was Joseph's father in law) descended through Nathan the brother of Solomon 1 Chronicles 3;5 and Solomon replaced the line of Uriah the Hittite/Cain formerly of Canaan. Judah's line descends twice. Christianity cites the genealogy through the marriage of Joseph and Mary Joseph re-united the lines of Judah and Ephraim.  And this is the intertwining mystery of Judah / Ephraim which I believe paves the way for Ephraim to become the head of "Israel" allowing both to be United. (Ruth procured not just wealth and security, but also a heritage and pedigree from Boaz) meaning David was from Judah twice on both lines. A Lion from the tribe of Judah and from within the tribe of Judah. Inner and outer the uniting lines of Israel and Greater Israel. Two Houses which are United through the Messiah (Mashiach) Elimelech was from Bethlehem, David was from Bethlehem and the Messiah would be from Bethlehem. (The House of Bread) and in 2012 a seal (bulla) was discovered in a archaeological dig. Bethlehem was according to this seal an Israelite city. The reason this is important is  it is claimed by some that the tribe of Ephraim is the line of the Messiah as opposed to Judah. Judah's line is the Messianic line and has many strands. 

David said he was from the tribe of Judah see 2 Chronicles, 28 verse 4.  (Ephraim or this portion of the tribe was within Judah or the House of Judah in Bethlehem where David was born. Jeroboam was also from the tribe of Ephraim but the tribe of Ephraim did not accept David as the leader of Israel but Jeroboam. This division marked the separation of Judah and the ten tribes)

And this is the intertwining mystery of Judah / Ephraim which I believe paves the way for Ephraim to become the head of "Israel" allowing both to be United. (Ruth procured not just wealth and security, but also a heritage and pedigree from Boaz) meaning David was from Judah twice on both lines. A Lion from the tribe of Judah and from within the tribe of Judah. Inner and outer the uniting lines of Israel and Greater Israel.Two Houses which are United through the Messiah (Mashiach)

David was crowned King over Judah in 2 Samuel 2, 1- 7, yet the 11 Israelite tribes did not accept him. Saul had opposed David as he had been anointed in Saul's place by the Prophet Samuel. Abner after the death of Saul (Abner was Sauls commander in Chief) sought to place Ishboseth (2 Samuel 2, 8 – 11) as the true king. What is significant is Ishobeth was accepted by the tribe of Ephraim (and the others) but David was not, yet Judah rejected Ishobeth and accepted David. David was grieved when Absalom died yet the conflict with the House of Saul including Abner was the cause of this. Absalom was killed and Solomon  (Jeroboam was also from the tribe of Ephraim but the tribe of Ephraim did not accept David but Jeroboam)

Yet despite all this controversy the bible says Ephraim and Judah's jealousy of each other will end (Isaiah 11,13)  Judah will retain its Sceptre until the Messiah comes (Genesis 49,10) The question really is who is the Messiah and when was he alive on earth or will he appear soon only. If the Messiah has already come then does the sceptre of Judah reign until the Messiah comes again, or was it only until he was born, if you believe he has already been born. If the latter is correct then Yeshua was from the Tribe of Judah and the tribe of Judah will still be a separate large area and tribe in a United Greater Israel. If it is not correct then the messiah must be nearly (from Judah) here or at hand (April 2015)

Ephraim's name is not written amongst the tribes at the Messiahs second coming, since Ephraim will lead Israel (its ten tribes including Manasseh) is the reason their name does not appear because (like David in the United Israel period) the Lion from the tribe of Judah will unite them as their Messiah.(a new marriage in which all false or usurped houses will fall down and worship the Messiah, whose throne is in third heaven and whose footstool is in Jerusalem)

(Jerusalem holds it passover to set times. It can have a high feast mid week separately from the weekly sabbath on Saturday as Passover. Christians mark the death and resurrection of Yeshua or "Easter" as 3 days and 3 nights as 72 hours. Friday 6/00pm + 24 hours =  Saturday 6.00pm + 24 hours = Sunday 6.00pm + 24 hours = Monday 6.00pm = 72 hours. The crucifixion was on a Wednesday afternoon at 6.00pm + 24 hours = Thursday 6.00pm + 24 hours = Friday 6.00pm + 24 hours = Saturday 6.00pm as the Sabbath concluded)

This chapter alone within the website disproves the claims made in the novel and film the Da Vinci Code. It is an elaborate fraud which has duped people, the Church and Orders of chivalry and fraternity connected to the church and edited early (within 50 - 70 years)  church history. It also attempts to edit or remove Hebrew history from before the Exodus, within the Exodus, and into the Promised land and until today is also another real mystery and conspiracy.


Conclusion (New Israel and Judah)

The re-uniting of the House of Israel through Joseph or the Jo's (the ten tribes who become dominated by the tribe of Ephraim) and House of Judah or the Jews (collectively known as the Jews and the Jo's) is also a physical not just a spiritual re-unification in Israel.

Very quickly you can establish that the demise of Israel (but not the final plan) began with Solomon (and Islam openly states Solomon or his Temple never existed) who allowed Sheba to worship her idols within Israel but who later renounced them and converted. By then it was too late. The "sin of Solomon" caused the great divorce which gave the ten tribes in the northern kingdom of Israel a new leader called Jeroboam. Solomon's son Rehoboam took control of the 2 tribes in the South in Jerusalem (Judah and a remnant of Benjamin) Jeroboam however was afraid his northern 10 tribes would reject his new thinking and worship ideas and leave to join with Rehoboam who followed Torah to a degree and of course Jerusalem was the capital and seat of David. Jeroboam made a new Torah or religion which was almost identical to the "Golden calf" worship with Canaanite influence (and without the Levitical priesthood) condemned by Moses in the desert at Sinai when the law of Moses was given. This is remembered as the festival or Shavuot on (2016) 11 – 13th  June also known as Pentecost in Christianity. For this God allowed the Assyrians to take them away as captives to "the north" and eventually the 2 southern tribes were taken to Babylon. A area mooted as the area the lost 10 tribes settled in is Colchis a region bordering Parthia and Scythia east of the black sea near Armenia and known as Georgia today (see Colchis map below)

Solomon's kingdom or Empire covered the known world at that time not just the allotted tribal divisions in Israel and Jerusalem so the division was 10/12th s were given to Jeroboam and 2/12ths (or 1/12th) to Rehoboam. (1 Kings 11, 31 & 1 Kings 11, 36  ) These 2/12ths it is promised would be returned to the 2/12ths and rule in Jerusalem would begin in a new united 12 tribe nation. This has not yet occurred.

In the bible Amos 9, 11 – 15 promises to restore the fallen tabernacle of David with the future land revealed as noted in Ezekiel 37, 40 – 48 which also is yet to occur. (see also 1 Kings 11, 39) Isaiah 11, 12 promises that those scattered will return from the 4 corners of the earth (even though a small remnant remained in Jerusalem throughout and after the return of Judah from Babylon i.e. Esther) which is happening right now and since 1945, 1967, 1981 and until today. How would all this occur ? Genesis 12: 3 & 22, 18; 26; 4 & 28; 14 tells you how, why and who. Except for the remnant left in Jerusalem of Judah and some of the Levites (including later John the Baptist) who still made scrolls in Jamina and hid them at Qumran, Dead sea etc)

Judah was scattered around the world as were many of the sporadic 10 tribes who "went up to Jerusalem" for feasts such as Passover (those who remained in the "north" and around the black sea, see below and also at Pentecost. (Acts 26, 7) Even today travelling to Jerusalem for the major feasts occurs worldwide. Joseph and Mary travelled to Jerusalem from Egypt, and also went to Egypt from Jerusalem) Acts 2, verse 5 states that Jews from every nation under heaven were in Jerusalem for Shavuot / Pentecost for feasts etc as was the custom i.e. travelling back and forth as a pilgrimage. Jerusalem's population even today as then swells 4 or 5 times its size, hence there was no room for Joseph and Mary (not at Christmas but at the feast of Tabernacles and Booths. (Succoth) The ten tribes of Israel were also in Jerusalem and people from the Medes (Acts 2, verse 9) and Scythians were mentioned by Paul in his prison letter to the Christian community at Colossae at Phrygia in modern day Turkey see Colossians 3, 10-11. (This was not the Scythians home but a travel route to Greece) 

The question and ties to history of where the 10 tribes went to is woven into the chapters above but is also summarised here again. It is estimated (as many of the ten tribes  fled to Jerusalem yet the breakup of the Kingdom is laid out above as a punishment by God 1 Kings 11, 31- 35) that between 40,000 and 55,000 were carried away to Assyria. Some suggest 25 thousand only. A population is estimated to double every 15 or 20 years. Given the lowest figure and given that  the book of Esdras (Ezra) outlines their journey took nearly 200 years (through "Arzareth") then their population over that time could have reasonably reached 12 million people (25 thousand over 200 years doubling every 20 years as very conservative statistics) Even half that amount would eventually move to other regions in what was then a sparsely populated world. They would have aimed for known destinations and took counsel and the Irish records (as one account) shows the five invasions of Ireland over a thousand years each had a language known to the next arrival. The first invasion says the land was unpopulated.

The Black sea area and to the west of it was an area populated by the Medes and Scythians and is recorded as such in the Irish annals and also in the books of Esdras 1 and 2. Before the Exodus (and therefore before terms such as Jews and Israel were allocated) Hebrews are also recorded as residing in the Black sea area (having chosen to either leave Egypt early) or not go on to the promised land. This area is known as Colchis roughly where modern day Georgia is located today. (see Kingdom of the Medes i.e. Media and 2 Kings 18, 11) The ten tribes did not stay in Assyria and did not like its culture and they left  taking a west and then northern route to Colchis. But this episode is in the former biblical books of 1 and 2 Esdras see Chapter 13  

If you look at the map area around Colchis  you will note the area known as Iberia and Albania and the Caucuses. (from where we derive Caucasian as were the Samaritan tribes related to the 12 tribes who still reside in Israel today as mentioned above, which is important only to know how the  future joining of the 2 tribes and 10 tribes would be accomplished)  Chapter 2 above asks where was the Kingdom of Iberia located. Spain, Britain France, Germany Poland  etc and stretching out across and back to the black sea area. As the Colchis tribes moved west over the Bosphorus straits they took these names with them. The Persians crossed into Greece at the Bosphurus, and Alexander invaded Colchis. Albania is today also a country next to Macedonia (where Alexander was born) and Greece. Scotland was called Alba and Britain Albion and Iberia or Hibernia came from the black sea area.  Colchis or modern day Georgia was also the area where the early Jewish messianic church of St Andrew the brother of Peter went into after the Temple was destroyed in 70 ad. The Jewish Messianic Christian church of Jerusalem being the first church. One area nearby  is Armenia (which suffered a genocide in 1915 – 1925 at the hands of the Turks) a famous resident who escaped that fate was Demos Shakarian.

The Irish records and the genealogical record show Eber and Eremon or Heber and Heremon from where we derive Iberia or Eber. Eber in the bible also has a separate line to Peleg through Abraham and Joseph and down to King David. The lost tribes would have been aware of this.

The 1. early Hebrews from Egypt and later 2. The ten lost tribes into Assyria and Jews into Babylon 3. and later Christian messianic tribes passed through Georgia and over the Bosporus into the west following the Polar Star aka the North Star.

The height of Solomon's empire and the captivity and migrations away from Jerusalem still (as mentioned) left a remnant in Jerusalem and only the ten tribes were 'divorced' from Israel. Jeremiah 3, verse 8 whilst judging Judah is stipulating they are not 'divorced' and this is because of Gods promise to David (a man after Gods own heart) mentioned in Psalm 89 – 1- 4 when David's throne will always be in Jerusalem. Isaiah 49:5-6, & 12 states that all these tribes will return.The black sea area into and along the Danube and the West.

Hosea 3 shows how Ephraim (Israel) will re-unite with Judah and Isaiah 11, 12, Ezekiel 37, 15 – 17, as yet that has not occurred on a total 12 tribe basis. In effect and it is not just a spiritual analogy, Joseph (which can encompass "the church" and replacement theology ) and those who may enter the church and those who are Jews (and the House of Jesse) and Jo's but who are direct descent from those who left Israel and the ancient Hebrews are still asleep (Genesis 28, 18 – 19 & Joseph dreaming) in Egypt in captivity.


Solomon's Wisdom

To recap from the beginning of this chapter 5 which begins with the debate on faith and works, (which brings an obvious conclusion that praying for people to be brought into the Kingdom is a "work" which the "Church" is called to undertake. Not just  into a physical church building but Spiritually) into the history of the ten tribes and the split in the Kingdom of Israel and on to the eventual return of those tribes as Ephraim Samaria (the 10 tribes) into the land of Judah, a deeper background should be noted.

Firstly this teaching was known and reflected upon by the first 'Christians' who were Nazarene followers of Yeshua most (in tens of thousands into hundreds of thousands who were Jewish) They travelled all over Asia (Andrew to the black sea, Thomas to India) and Greece and into Rome. Into Britain and Ireland which grew into the early Celtic Church. Pontius Pilate later went to France and protected Nazarene Christians who went with him. (see my book above in the introduction also and part of the first chapter for free) all before 100 ad and set the world ablaze with radical and in depth revelation. Therefore this is the faith of the 'catholic' and 'protestant' churches and Europe.

It was also familiar to St Francis of Assisi who practiced its preaching when building his Church, and so it also today with Catholics who are returning to the first teachings in Millions (St Francis also converted Egyptians and Sultans and Islam generally and acknowledged that the Christian God and the Islamic God were not, and are not the same. He also warned a few centuries earlier ( 800 years earlier )  that the Catholic church will have to reform but a few (but powerful) people out of Billions worldwide would try to oppose this new era. It also raises a controversy which seems to distract from the Christian genocide in the middle east, which some will not acknowledge as Genocide ? (see chapter 3 above)  Pope Francis says the Islamic war  is upon us (29.07.2016) yet a new Spiritual approach in Christendom which requires strength (following the beheading of a catholic Priest a few days earlier in France) and a doing away with the false policies of the past ten years and 4 years especially is required 

Conservatives in the Catholic Church who are the largest majority are concerned with Pope Francis. There is a view that Islam with its different God is somehow considered the same by socialists, clearly this is nonsense and those that believe or teach that should resign and join another faith catholic or protestant. The faith is not Humanism and humanists should retire. Politically the confusion arises from the Muslim brotherhood inside the Obama administration who are obviously pressuring the Vatican (see next paragraph) into these statements which have no precedent or scriptural basis.

The most obvious difference in the Christian faiths and Islam is presented here, this is aside from the Islamic moon God name as male and the Sun as female and Venus the child which are not Judeo - Christian deities. These are the gods of the Kaaba, and this has always been understood since Pope Gregory the Great (circa 590 ad) and throughout Catholic history. Obama is still denying  genocide in August 2016 and had denied the Armenian Genocide. For further information on this and related see chapter 3 above and the sub heading Iraq and Afghanistan (2 sub headings down from) under the heading British EU referendum 24.06.2016

The policies of the past 10 years which have driven the European invasion and allowed the advance of Islam which in its origins is not originally from the Levant or fertile crescent but from Saudi and UAE) Its advance was achieved by war and destruction and its aim is not peace. The view that Christians and the West cannot defend itself and go forward into its former territories is not a doctrine. The original Church teachings are deep and the real faith of the Church.

Many (most) Catholics and Protestants want to begin again with this subject but do not know where to start. Instead of learning a few lines once a week on a Sunday service they can start at a place where the OT and New Testament make sense. Both the Old Testament and New Testament are linked and cross reference each other and intertwine. It is real history (as the paragraphs on this page confirm) and a version of the bible timeline assists. If the subject matter is unfamiliar in your Church then you should ask deeper questions.

Solomon was called to judge between two woman who both claimed a baby son as their own in 1 Kings 3, 16 – 28. It is made famous in the film King Solomon. Moses was also saved from harm by his real mother in a similar act.

That is not the end of the judgement but the beginning as the Messiah can only come from one tribe (the true mother would not see him harmed) but the 10 tribes will also inherit equally. This is not an old testament fable but is still to be fulfilled today and is being fulfilled.

The split in the Kingdom of Israel began with Leah and Rachel (Rachel who wept for her children) On this page in chapter 2 at the beginning about 8 paragraphs down or so the genealogical diagram shows their children and amongst them are Judah (the Jews) and Joseph (the Jo's) and from Joseph, Ephraim is born. On the reunification of both Houses of Israel Maria Merola correctly points out the in the following 4 italicised paragraphs  (which also explains the debate between the 1 year ministry some suggest or the 3.5 year ministry of Yeshua)

" The baby represents Messiah (the inheritance) and the two harlots who were fighting over the baby are "both Houses of Yisra'el" (see Jeremiah 3).

This is why the 7-year ministry of our Messiah was also "cut in half," in the middle of Daniel's 70th Week. It is because the two houses of Yisra'el were "divided in half" after King Solomon died. Jacob worked for his two brides, two periods of 7 years (one for Leah and one for Rachel). Joseph also worked for the Gentiles, 7 years of plenty followed by 7 years of famine. However, our Messiah's 7-year ministry was cut in half because both Houses of Yisra'el were "cut in half!"

They became "two houses of Yisra'el," instead of one house (Isaiah 8:14, 1st Kings 12).

He confirmed the Covenant "in the midst of the week" in order to "repair the breach" or the gap between Both Houses of Yisra'el! Our Messiah's ministry lasted for 3.5 years and then there is a 2,000-year gap in history called "The Fullness of the Gentiles" aka "A Multitude of Nations" aka "Melo ha'Goyim" (Romans 11:25, Genesis 48:17). After the Fullness of the Gentiles provokes Yisra'el to jealousy, then the Two Witnesses will begin the remainder of Daniel's 70th Week with the last half of the 7 years. Their ministry will last for 3.5 years (1,260 days). See Revelation 11:4"

The feasts of Moses for Israel & Judah  Colossians 2, 15 - 18 states that the feasts should be kept still, they are not legalisim, which is fully explained in 1 Corinthians 5, 8  These verses state the feasts should be kept and this is because man made feasts, false feasts and other religions feasts were beginning to be kept (from Exodus  and the Golden calf and the Book of Kings forward) Those who tried to change the faith were keen on dismissing the feasts as they became puffed up with false knowledge. The Mosaic feasts which are 7 (or 8 with Purim which is a later feast) Feasts and festivals are different but they all point to the New Testament and John 7 shows they were observed also by Yeshua and the disciples as they point to Messiah then, in 30 AD and in the future for today. They are filled with "midrash" and hidden (but not secret) meaning and understanding them is the point.

The full text of her teaching ("Who confirms Daniels Covenant" below is an essay through which these points are explained) It is made plain by "Midrash" (eschatological and hermeneutic exploration of the texts) but which also includes the plain and personal meaning and the meaning relating to the future Israel) The covenants and the Mosaic feasts as opposed to man made feasts, in are effect still alive and relevant today (see 1 Cor 5,8.  1 Corinthians 10, 14 – 22.  Colossians 2, 16)  The Sabbath being a Mosaic feast ( Leviticus 23, 3) and there are 8 in total, which are not legalistic burdens. John chapter 7 shows Yeshua, the Apostles and the disciples kept them, not because they were forced, but because they wanted too. See also Hosea 4, 6. They were also occasions of food sharing, as a very large communal feast in Jerusalem

From Abraham & Sarah, Isaac to Rebekah to David to Solomon and Jacob, Leah and Rachel, Joseph to Judah and Ephraim. 

Her teaching is here. It begins with a controversy in theology (Daniel 9,27. The Book of Daniel also describes the four faces of four empires which surrounded Israel. They are different from the Angels with four faces which are described and illustrated in the Book Of Kells in Trinity College ) and then from Solomon and David looking through Leah and Rachel to the fulfillment of the future marriage of Ephraim and Judah. This is the real story of Christianity and one which is kept hidden or rarely told (and which is difficult to present in any one Website)


 "Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel's 70th Week?"


or see here also on Bitchute (2 of 2) Daniel 9; 25 - 27 Maria Merola & 70 Weeks & the 3rd Temple (part 1) (or parts 1 and then part 2 on youtube ) with John McArthur on the literal interpretation of prophecy (1 of 2) Daniel 9; 25 - 27. John MacArthur, & 70 weeks,(interpreting Bible prophecy literally) which basically points out that it is 3.5 years of Yeshua's ministry from John baptising Yeshua (Mathew 13, 3 13 - 17)  and another 3.5 years until Stephen is stoned to death (Acts 7,54 to Acts 8, 2) Therefore he made a covenant with many (Matthew 26, 27 in the NIV or verde 28 in the KJV or a literal translation in the Hebrew Roots bible at Mathew 28, 28 as 'New Covenant'  ) and after 3.5 years defeated death and rose again.


If the youtube or bitchute versions are unavailable see on Rumble " "DPI Ministries: Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel’s 70th Week? (Part 1) "     Part 2    & also  Part 3   & also Part 4     (the John MacArthur Daniel 9 teaching is here also )


In essence, the lost tribes now in multitudes of millions will return to Israel (which is happening right now) and there are of course differing opinions on how this will be finally achieved and Ephraim will be re-united with Judah to fulfil the future Ezekiel prophecy. From the baptism of Yeshua by John the Baptist his cousin and also the real high priest of the Temple (not the Edomites / Canaanites of Herod's temple, although there were Levites among them ) until the stoning of Stephen in the book of acts is 7 years. From Yeshua baptism until his crucifixion and resurrection is 3.5 years. Jacobs marriages of 7 seven years and 7 years servitudes and Deuteronomy 15, 1 - 5 on 7 years debt cancellation and see Exodus 21, 1 - 4 for 7 years servitude but a Messiah (prophet, priest and king could alter these terms on petition) King David could cancel or alter see Mathew 6, 12 & 14, 15 (and see exodus 34, 7 & Psalms 32,1 & 130, 4 ) See the 3 outlines on King David's tabernacle below and no 2 in that series on Jacobs marriage to Leah and Rachel  1.    ‘The Tabernacle of King David’   (Military) 2. ‘The Double Portion & the 7 / 8  feasts of Israel in David’s Tabernacle. The Millennium Reign’  (Spiritual) 3. The Tabernacle of David, Power, Ownership and Authority (Economics, Land & Money)

The parable of the Prodigal son which has it personal and plain meaning also refers to the "estate" (Israel) and the Inheritance (The Messiah). Most of the 'parables' (Luke 16, 19 – 31 is not a parable) are linked and cross reference each other in a intertwining explanation in semi poetic form of the Messiah and the Father. In the Gospels (four Gospels) they are related by a King to those who are unsuspecting) The Prodigal son is also Ephraim and to his father he returns, but the older brother was provoked to jealously (like Rachel who was jealous of Leah, or in reverse, the Woman whose child was dead in Solomon's judgement, who in both instances represent the 10 lost tribes) yet the estate was (all of it) also his. Under the Messiah there will be no division between the 12 tribes. (also see the very last paragraph on replacement theology)

This future undivided Israel (which some refer to as the Millennium Kingdom) was not fulfilled during the lifetime of Yeshua, nor in the current period we live within but will be when the "fullness of the Gentiles" (Romans 11, 25) comes in (see also Genesis 48,19 in context to Romans 11,25 see also the tracts on division in Luke 12, 49 – 53, Hebrews 4, 12, & Mathew 10, 34, but also in seeming contradiction Acts, 16, 31 & Acts 16, 31 – 40, Acts 11,14 & in greater detail, & also 1 Corinthians 7,14 (and vice versa) & 2 Corinthians 6,14. Just as there were 10 tribes in Israel, there were Ten towns in Galilee known as Scythopolis (of the Scythians) once known as ancient Bethshan. Named following Alexander the Greats campaigns. The "Decapolis" included Philadelphia (formally Rabbath Ammon) Canatha, Dion, Hippus, Raphana, Gardara, Scythopolis, Pella, Gerasa & Damascus. ( see Mark 1,17, Mark 7, 31-35 & Mathew 4, 25) Mathew 4, 19 explains Luke 5,4 – 10 in which Yeshua fulfils Jeremiahs prophecy of Jeremiah 16,16 which relates specifically to the ten northern tribes of Israel. The fishermen's nets were empty until the Messiah came and then the nets were full. The nets were to be cast worldwide for the lost tribes into every nation. The Messiah from the Lion of the tribe of Judah. (Daniel 9,27 is a covenant given to the many and from and to Abraham and also the 10 tribes see Mathew 15,24) Samaria and the Samaritan tribes are from the older period in Israel's history but they survived and still reside in Israel today. 

Israel will not be divided in the future(2 Peter 2, 9 – 10, Ephesians 5, 26 – 27 & Revelations 21, 9 -12) Genesis 49, 1 – 48 explains the original 12 tribes names and roles.The Levites were replaced by the Zadok priesthood although under Herod they were not present. John the Baptist however was from the Aaronic Priesthood, hence he could Baptise Yeshua. Dan and Ephraim as tribes are not mentioned in Revelations 7, 5 – 8. (Manasseh replaces them making 14 and then 12 again)Yet in the millennium theology (also known as the Temple of Ezekiel period both of which are mysterious) Dan and Ephraim have territories (Ezekiel 48, 1 & Ezekiel 48, 4 – 5) In between these events are disputed theologies. Ephraim means double fruit in Hebrew and Joseph (Ephraim was Josephs son) means double blessing or increase (from Jacob his father) The tribe of Reuben lost their double blessing due to adultery. Mathew 19, 28 explains the throne over the 12 tribes, and Ezekiel 48, 1 – 35 shows the future tribal divisions around the Temple of Ezekiel which has real physical applicable dimensions in land size and design (the 3rd or 4th Temple area is smaller than the full land area also described in Zechariah's vision Here showing the Pre millennium and post millennium area) and is also a prophecy which has not occurred. Ezekiel 36, 22 – 32, 35 and 36 is quoted by Yeshua in John 3,5. (Yeshua also quoted the book of Enoch) Ezekiel 2, 1 is (amongst others) referred to in Mathew 16, 13. The book of Ezekiel is quoted more than 10 times in each of the 4 Gospels. The following is a cross reference from the Torah and Tanakh to the New Testament (Old Testament to New Testament quotes specifically relating to each other) 

The "many" in Daniel 9, 27 are a 12 tribe nation also (also see the very last paragraph on replacement theology) Today the 3rd or 4th Temple andGreater Israel size  as described in (Genesis 15, 18) will materialize. The new Temple (not a mosque of any description as the scriptures on Ezekiel relate. The design is specific) will therefore (as a direction to the Jews once in the Promised land since 1947 - 1981 period) begin also which means the Messiah must return shortly or is here already.


Israel in the 'Millennium' and the Tabernacles, Temples and 3rd Temple

The view that the Old Testament is "old" and not relevant is not shared by King David both in Psalm 22 and in Pslam 16,10 (Acts 2,27 also) and indeed throughout the "Old" of older testament of the Torah, Tanach and Psalms. The Gospels are almost as "old" in history. Further Leviticus 23 has "Gods calendar" which sets out a annual feast and celebrations. The feasts of Israel which reveal the Messiah. The Messiah is believed to walk amongst these feasts enjoying them as a (both) earthly King  (the 72 hour Wednesday to Saturday crucifixion and the two Sabbaths in one week. The first was the passover, followed for 3 days and 3 nights = 72 hours, the second the weekly Saturday sabbath ) but is at first made to suffer but who is also victorious and a heavenly king. Salvation is by grace alone and all the covenants are given by grace as are all the feasts. The feasts which are made for him intricately interweave his story. Many in Israel are  waiting for the Messiah to appear, others instead are awaiting his return and celebrate the feasts without the sacrifices. Both will not be disappointed. This is a mystery which will work out much to the bafflement of many in Israel. It is the most mysterious and incredible story of out age.

Ezekiel 37 describes the re-birth of Israel and it is plain in its future meaning (as a future prophecy from 30 ad in part Ezekiel 37 - 48) or in Spiritual Israels meaning.

Israels development from the Exodus can also be followed through the design of the Tabernacles and Temples. The significant stages of the development are as follows. The first is Moses Tabernacle in the desert. The second is the Ark housed outside of Jerusalem in a modest tent similar to the Tabernacle of Moses. The Third is David bringing the Ark and its tents and linens to Mount Moriah. The 4th is Davids attempt to build a magnificent temple "enthroned on high" for G-d. The fifth is Davids abandonment of the new Temple (for Jews and Gentiles under Davids law, and which was criticized by Nathan the Prophet as too grand and not humble enough) The sixth is Solomon's temple (Davids son, the temple of Temples) which fulfilled Davids temple and more. Seventh the attempt at re-building the Temple before Herods Temple. The eight is Herod's Temple (larger than Solomon's but on its design) which was destroyed and even its foundations. Ninth is the 3rd Temple. ( building a Temple of Divine proportions may take the builders to go from stone to living stones (1 Peter 2, 5 & Isaiah 28 , 16) and is a real test of scriptures. Jews and Jo's are commanded to build the Temple and enjoy it and/or realize it but to G-ds designs only. The Tenth or a part of all the others past and present is Ezekiel's Temple which in Ezekiel 48 describes a city and Temple which is different in size to the 'New Jerusalem" of Revelations 21. Eleventh is the New Jerusalem city with temple in Revelations 21.

Ezekiel's Temple is a real Temple which is measurable physically and also Spiritual. the book of Ezekiel was written in 580 bc approx. (Ezekiel 41,13 and Ezekiel 37 forward describes a future period from Ezekiel 41, 13 , also in Revelations 11,1) The book of Revelations was written in Ad 81 to 96, 680 years after Ezekiel's book. Further on and later or different again The New Jerusalem is measured in Revelations 21. Although the book of Revelations was composed in Ad 81 to 96, Revelations 11, 1 and Revelations 21 are two different Temples and seem to chronologically follow each other ? The connection to Ezekiel and revelations and the rest of the tabernacles and temples is therefore a hard co-incidence to forge and is mysterious. Even David made mistakes in envisaging the future Temple.

A question arises; Christians also ask if the millennium 1000 year reign begins 1. before or 2. after the New Jerusalem descends in Rev 21 ? The Messiah is also set to reign on earth ? (see Revelations 2, 9 and 2, 27) Therefore there is a period in-between 30 ad and the New Jerusalem period which is either in the Millennium or just precedes it, and which is different from the current time today.

A second question arises; If the New Jerusalem (which is accepted by Jews and Christians, Roman Catholic and Protestant albeit in different aspects) descends at the beginning or the end of the 'millennium' when does the messiah appear or return ? at the beginning or the end (usually a marriage feast is preceded by a wedding) When does the rapture doctrine occur within this (at the beginning,or the middle or at the end) Since there is a great tribulation which millions say  has been occurring  for over a hundred years (and who are sure about that) when does this fit into the above. The Temple of Ezekiel seems to extend all through these periods before the New Jerusalem descends, and also measures a physical Temple which turns into a spiritual river and Temple, but with allotted physical tribal lands (which are different  from Moses designations) and with the Ruach haKodesh or Spirit of G-d. In here in this area between measuring a physical Temple and allotting physical lands and the Temple becoming purely spiritual is a time when the fullness of the gentiles will near its end and is a mystery for disciples. Christians can build a Church and a Temple but not include G-d and in effect they are desolate whether they are in "the west" or anywhere or in Israel today. This is the full Gospel not the part Gospel. 

Isaiah 11:13: says 

"Then the jealousy of Ephraim will depart, and those who harass Judah will be cut off; Ephraim will not be jealous of Judah, and Judah will not harass Ephraim."

the background to Ephraim and Israel (the lost sheep 10 tribes) Judah and the expansion of Greater Israel is set out in the above paragraphs. The return of the House of Israel to Judah is also set out and is discussed in the book above "The Untreated Creator " (see chapter 1 and above it)

Ephesians 2, 11 – 22 says; (taken from the commentary in the Hebrew Bible, Hebraic roots edition. and parts of it) 

" 11 Because of this, remember that you, the nations, were then in the flesh from the beginning and you were called Uncircumcision, differing from those called Circumcision, which is the work of the hands in the flesh 12 that at that time you were without Messiah, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers of the covenants of promise, having no hope and without Elohim in the world 13 But now, in Messiah Yahshua you who then were afar off, are brought near by the blood of Messiah

verses; 14 For He is our peace, who has made both one (echad), and has broken down the wall of separation between them, 15 in His flesh He has caused to cease the enmity due to the (manmade) laws in regulations, that He might in Himself create the two into one new man, making peace 16 and He reconciled both in one body to Elohim and destroyed the enmity through the crucifixion. 17 And coming, He proclaimed "Peace to you, the ones afar off, and to the ones near" (Isa. 57:19) 18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father. 19 So, then, you are no longer strangers and family members living abroad, but you are natives of the same family of the saints and children of the family of YAHWEH, 20 being built up on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Yahshua Messiah Himself being the cornerstone of the building, 21 in whom all the building being fitted together grows into a holy sanctuary in YAHWEH,  22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling place of Elohim in the Spirit " 

Ephesians 2, 11 - 22 written in 60 ad approx describes the time then and Isaiah was written in between 701 bc and 680 bc and it accurately predicts the future with Ephesians 2, 11 - 22. Ezekiel does the same yet  it also points to matters which have not yet transpired. Ephesians quotes from Isaiah.

If Protestants and Catholics believe that this information does not relate, you are mistaken. Recently Cardinal Burke pointed out Christians and Muslims do not worship the same G-d (The true nature of the Muslim G-d is named in the next paragraph) Growing interest in the earliest church methods and events not just traditions  by Catholics (Catholics for Israel) are re-surfacing. It is not an extra church or new church or different church but the early original church as enjoyed by Mathew, Mark , Luke & John and all the Apostles including Peter and Paul and disciples including James, Mary the Mother of G-d and doubting Thomas. The idea of the Millennium Church most notably defined in our modern era and following Ezekiel 37 and Ezekiel 37 - 8 by Charles Spurgeon (and many others such as, and including  Errol Hulse) 

The rebirth Of Israel is already  underway since 1948 and its 70 year celebration begins in 2017 (Sep / Oct) to 2018 following and into a year of Jubilee. For Jew or Gentile finding out who is the Messiah is made easier by realizing he will be like David, but also like Jeremiah, like Jonah and Samson and Haggai and Habakkuk, Daniel, Nehemiah and all the Prophets and leaders of Israel including, Esther and Deborah and Joshua, Gideon and Solomon. It is not a trick question and is made also as Midrash. This is a part of the meaning of Isaiah 11,13. One without the other is not the future. What  is incredible about Charles Spurgeon, even if you do not follow his direction (on how he formed his conclusions) you still end up agreeing with his insights which speak for themselves today. He also accurately predicts the future and a part of it, i.e. the Oded Yinon plan which was not formulated until 1982. Greater Israel was formulated in Genesis 15,18, thousands of years earlier.Clearly the ideas have ancient roots and purpose, and which are occurring today.

The 3rd Temple is mooted and planned, yet many Jewish Conservatives do not envisage the sacrifices returning in it, and there are already synagogues in Israel today. Many feel the Temple will be allowed to happen and it begins a period called the fullness of the Gentiles (Romans 11,25 who are come in with the lost sheep)  This period seems to be in between Ezekiel's Temple and the New Jerusalem and in Ezekiel 37 the rebirth of Israel (the living stream which precedes from Mount Moriah which also refreshes the dead sea) In Israel and Jerusalem today there are also Evangelical Protestant Churches and Messianic Christians (Jewish and Gentile) and Roman Catholic. A new Temple of Temples is discussed and wondered upon. Daniel 7 describes a period 2000 years ago (and more) when 4 empires surrounded Jerusalem. Herod's Temple was destroyed in 70 ad. 

The current abomination is the christian genocide and the fact that Christians and Jews are killed around the Mosque on Mount Moriah which holds animal sacrifices (Halal and others) and which is the 'future' ? abomination currently in place. (Ezekiel 30,3 & Luke 21,24) The mosque is a pagan temple (to the sun female, moon male and Venus child) and is therefore outside of the Covenant of Abraham as sons of Abraham and the blessings of the Prophets. whilst there is a mosque in Jerusalem, Muslims face away from it and pray towards Mecca. Despite this they believe you can only reach Heaven from Jerusalem, although there is no proof Mohammad flew to Jerusalem on the Al Buraq beast except in a dream / hallucination. Many Muslims worldwide are becoming Christians because in the linear writings and future Ezekiel's Temple time the Greater Israel expansion does not hold any mosques. Mount Moriah is Edenic and is where Abraham made a covenant with G-d. David paid for the threshing floor, where Yeshua was crucified and Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Ezekiel 37 will unfold (the two sticks of Judah and Joseph the two houses of Israel and Judah)  and events in Israel are fulfilling those outlines. Greater Israel is a promise also. They are already discussed in Israel by Christians and Theologians, (Jewish & Christian) and including Evangelical Protestant churches and Messianic Christians (Jewish and Gentile) and Roman Catholic and other. 


Ezekiel's Temple as the Third or the Fourth Temple ? (Solomon's temple was the first temple, Herod's temple was the 2nd Temple)

The following three headings in gold (including  the one directly above) discuss Eretz Israel and the future land expansion of Israel

Ezekiel's Temple (also known as the Millennium Temple) is a temple like no other, it is mysterious and there many views upon it, including the idea that it is purely spiritual or it is only a physical temple or a combination of both of these ideas. As a subject it  has fascinated philosophers and theologians alike for over 2000 years. A third Temple is planned today in Israel. What is the surrounding history and context of the Temple.  The new land in Israel will be the center of a new Kingdom (Isaiah 2,3. Isaiah 9, 6, Isaiah 11, 4, Daniel 2,35) it will be a Millennium Kingdom (Daniel 7 13 - 14) Here it is necessary to discern if the Messiah in the new Kingdom return occurs before the 1000 years or after as Ezekiel's Temple (which precedes the New Jerusalem) in one idea is a purely spiritual Temple which will be in effect the Messiah himself. Despite this Ezekiel's Temple has also physical discernible aspects and qualities, although the Messiah will raise up this Temple. Again the 3rd Temple may not be Ezekiel's Temple but a physical Temple which is destroyed at the second coming as Revelations 6, 12 - 17 may suggest although the Messiah is at the center also of Ezekiel's Temple) If this view is correct the Messiah will then build Ezekiel's Temple after this as the Millennium Temple. Between these two events is the grey area which constitutes the debate in which there are already two temples or abominations on Temple Mount  as Mosques, but Israel already exists and many tribes (the two houses) are returning to Israel already.


The Birthdate of the Messiah

The Millennium will see both houses of Israel united as Judah and Ephraim (Mathew 15,24, Ezekiel 37, 15 - 28 and see all above, who are the spirit of Elijah and Moses within the two houses as two witnesses ) 

The return of the Messiah as described in Daniel 7,13 and Mathew 24,30 and which is echoed in the feast of the day of Trumpets or the feast of the Bride of the Messiah and which occurs in September / October each year. Daniel 9,27 suggests a new Covenant will be made (but only G-d can make a covenant with his chosen people) In 3 bc the Messiah's birth was announced, and his conception was therefore early December 4bc and provides the birth date of the feast of tabernacles and trumpets in September / October each year. This is evidenced by Zechariah's (John the Baptists father) priesthood which David initiated as a Priesthood in 1 Chronicles 24, and which was/is divided into 24 periods of 2 weeks. John the baptists birth and conception was announced within one of these two week periods centuries later. John the baptists conception followed immediately after this announcement (when the 2 week period was complete and he could head home) in Luke 1, 23-24. Zechariah was of the priesthood division of Abijah (see 2 Chronicles 24 ,10) hence John the baptist was the real high priest of the Temple and from that line.See also Luke 1, 5 - 23 which describes Zechariah's 2 week high priest duty traditionally held in June or the Hebrew month of Sivan. John the Baptist would therefore be born exactly on Passover in 3bc. Luke 1, 26 describes Mary's conception of the Messiah in Elizabeth's 6th month of pregnancy in December. See also verse 36 in Luke 1 and verses 56 & 57. This is why the feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23 are important and why an understanding of the tabernacles and temples is important. Yeshua was born 6 months after John the baptist see Luke 1, 26 - 26. You will find also that full moons for a Wednesday / Thursday are mentioned for the years of Yeshuas crucifixion as the passover was on those days of the week as the crucifixion day and date (Passover falls on a day which is usually not the Saturday Sabbath. Every Passover has a 1 in 7 chance of not being the Saturday Sabbath) Passover is determined by the full moon. From this we see the Messiah was born in September / October of the year at the feast of Trumpets or the feast of the Bride. Trumpets announce a King, but there are two other festivals in the Autumn feasts. There are also other ideas that  the Messiah was born at Passover which is in the Spring. There are three feasts in the spring (in May /June) Unleavened Bread Passover & First fruits. "Thus, clearly, in His Passion Week, the Messiah celebrated the first three feasts, each in the appropriate manner. Crucified on Passover, answering to the Blood of the Lamb, which had gotten the chosen people out of slavery to begin with. Buried on Unleavened Bread (“This bread is my body”) a case of a dead man arranging his own burial at the appropriate time. And He was raised on First Fruits" These 3 feasts are fulfilled and but Unleavened bread and Firstfruits may continue into the Millenium. Was the Messiah born in the Autumn or Spring?

In Hebrew, Bethlehem means house of bread. In the ancient constellation of Virgo, the Virgin, is holding stalks of grain. Virgo follows Leo (the Lion)

Around 2000 years ago, a conjunction of planets occurred with Jupiter (or God king), and Saturn, (House of Judah), in the constellation of Pisces the Fish, (the House of the Hebrews, and its opposite Sun sign Virgo Leo in the circular Zodiac) The three wise men or the three stars of Orion. (but only 3 so called because of the 3 gifts of Gold Frankincense and Myrrh) moved to where they thought the star was situated. The movement was probably a train of many people into hundreds accompanying the 3 kings. Daniel 2,48 & Isaiah 60, 6 shows that the knowledge of the stars the ancient people had (but not for worship) Mathew 2,16 gives the age of the age of the infant as 1.5 years to 2 years of age from Bethlehem, the House of Bread or Virgo the Virgin. Herod ordered all males 2 years and under to be killed, and he died in either 4bc or 1bc. The 3 wise men traveled the five miles to Bethlehem and presented their gifts. Jesus would have been older living with his parents in a house by the time they arrived, not a baby in a manger or Succoth at this time. There is a reference of his age but not to an infant, brephos in the Greek, but to a toddler paidion, indicating that the birth itself had been some months before. This could have been Sep / Oct or even at Shavuot (Pentecost) in May / June (King David was born on Shavuot and died on Shavuot) or even at Passover, which is 3 feasts. 1. Unleavened bread lasting 7 days. 2. Passover 8 days & First Fruits 7 days but 3 main days including the resurrection day. Illegally tried in 3 illegal courts on the feasts including Unleavened bread, Yeshau died on Passover and resurrected on First fruits (March / April)

The 3 wise Kings or Magi saw a star rise (Mathew 2,1) and then they traveled East. The star only traveled across the Zodiac. They also traveled west and in effect moved from Pieces (March / April) to Virgo (Sep / Oct) In 6bc there were planetary conjunctions involving Jupiter and Virgo but there were also incredible conjunctions in 1bc to 6bc. In 6 bc Jupiter and Saturn in the constellation Pisces the Fish, occurred 3 times in 7-6 B.C which is a rare event, and the moon also eclipsed Jupiter in 6bc in Aries. Yet in 7 bc a spectacular conjunction occurred between Jupiter and Saturn (May 26th, October 1st and Dec 5th) and the Moon passed through many constellations into Virgo and Leo, this would have been significant for the 3 Kings making June the conception date for the Messiah, (yet it could also be the birth as his star rises and this would have been known before 6bc or 7bc) This would give a Passover birth of 6bc. Yet the most interesting conjunction in 3bc occurred when the conjunction of the planets Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus in Leo with Jupiter and Mars in conjunction together on August 27th 3 B.C. (travelling through Virgo) and the day (feast) of Trumpets was on September 11th in 3bc, giving a Autumn birth

Joseph and Mary traveling to Jerusalem to attend the festival of Trumpets or Sukkot & later the ten days of awe, and they happened to be near Bethlehem when Mary went into labor. Bethlehem was on the pilgrim trail to Jerusalem. Also on the 8th Day of Sukkot all Jewish boys were to be circumcised on the 8th day after birth, but the last day of Sukkot, which is actually a separate festival, and is also referred to as the ‘8th Day.” This would mean Yeshua would have been born on the first day of Sukkot and circumcised on the eighth day of the festival

As he was a toddler paidon  this would mean Jesus was born in the spring or summer, which makes a better setting for Luke's account of the shepherds. In winter in Judea it was too cold for sheep to graze in the open fields, and they were commonly kept under shelter during those months, especially at night.The rainy season in Israel only begins really in mid October, and ends in May, (very high rain in February / March and April) so the shepherds could have been outside during the non rainy season days (March to September) It was possible for Yeshua to have been born in a Sukkot (the temporary tent frame structures covered in green foliage which are erected to this day in Israel and not just in Jerusalem) in Bethlehem (where King David was also born) and for Joseph to fulfill the law by going to Jerusalem 5 miles away. All 3 could have gone the following day or by Yom Kippur and into Sukkoth (see next paragraph)

The shepherds of Bethlehem were in charge of raising sheep for the temple sacrifices. According to the laws of the time the sheep that were used for the offerings had to be a one-year-old male sheep that had been outside for 365 days or one year. Since these sheep needed to remain outside, shepherds were also outside, not using the caves during the winter rainy season You can see this in Luke 2: 8, ‘That night some shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep’ Once the sheep were of age the shepherds would bring them to the city of Jerusalem to be sacrificed for the Sabbath (Friday). It was important that the sheep that was to be sacrificed did not possess any blemishes broken legs, or injuries Once the sheep’s blood was completely spilled for all of the sins the priest would return to the people and proclaim, ‘It is finished’ There was also a law that males attend the feasts in Jerusalem 3 times a year (See Exodus 34, 14 – 17 & 18 – 23) March, May / June / Sep, Oct. Therefore could the Messiah be born on those feasts (or near) in Bethlehem and then go to Jerusalem. Yet Bethlehem the lambing centre of Israel was only 5 miles from Jerusalem and Lambs were taken there for Sabbath and Passover, and also for feasts such as the proclaiming of a King on the feast of Trumpets (Sep 11 3bc ) but other years would have similar dates. Tax collecting occurred during the feasts when people flocked to Jerusalem. The census of Quirinius occurred at this time and travel would not occur in winter months, but most likely after the harvests were in. (when people had more funds) Therefore Yeshua could have been born in either of these years or feasts but certainly on one of the feast and not December 25th.

The star of Bethlehem which led the 'Wise men' to first Jerusalem (see above on the star charts and Chaldeans where Abraham was born who were excellent astronomers of the ancient world, also but Matthew 2, 2 & verse 7) and to inquire from the evil Herod who redirected them to Bethlehem, which is prophetic as King David was born in Bethlehem, as foretold the Messiah would be  born there in Micah 5,2 and of  a Virgin see Isaiah 7,14. It is speculated that the Magi knew of the birth of the messiah from the bible i.e. Numbers 24, 17 and it seems that only they could see the Star. In Matthew 2,10 the star re-appears and guides them on further (the star travels east to west appears and disappears and re-appears. This is not a star in the sky but an astrological chart and within the precession of the equinoxes known as 'Axial precession' in which the Jupiter and Virgo and Leo travel westward). No natural star could do this and it is by astronomy and astrology and a word from evil Herod later that they came to the House of Mary and Joseph 2 years later not into the 'manger' (Sukkot) where the infant was laid following his birth on the feast of Trumpets into Yom Kippur (or shortly after ) 3bc (9/11 3bc) 'Sukkots' (booths)  were made many days in advance (temporary booths but which were sturdy and purposeful) of the festival of Sukkot and they were erected (or small buildings were allotted as a 'Sukkot' booth ) in Bethlehem also. Many in Israel did not want to make a Sukkot during the feast of Trumpets or during the fasting and repentance of the 10 days of awe or Yom Kippur and prepared a Sukkot before the Autumn feasts (to varying degrees of preparedness) Then by the 3rd feast of Sukkot the temporary dwelling or booth (sukkot) would be waiting (but not always) for those who would use them, and not be rushed, as it was a building which was decorated with greenery and fruit and was sturdy enough to sleep in. The Messiah would in any case have dwelt within a sukkot some weeks later following the feast of Trumpets as John 1,14 states (he tabernacled amongst us) A manger in its simplest form was without legs and was a wooden trough lying on the floor like a big long wooden bowl. The Messiah was not born within a Manger but may have been laid within one afterwards as a crib. These items would (as there was not room at the Inn in Bethlehem not Jerusalem see Luke 2,7 ) be available in a sukkot as animals could be kept near or within them also. No room at the Inn but there would have been room in Sukkots or a stable. It is estimated that 3 million people came to Jerusalem at the autumn feasts and today as then Sukkots were also built in Bethlehem which was only 2 hours away for offerings or duties at the feast of Sukkot. The Messiah would fulfil Davids line and birthplace (Matthew 1, 6, Isaiah 7, 10 - 14 Micah 5,1 )

However returning purely to the Gospels and leaving the skies there is other information which we can thank King David for. He set a system of rotation and counting. David divided the courses or periods of Temple duty into 2 weeks periods or 3 weeks in Holy feasts (1 Chronicles 24) We know the Talmud says these 24 courses began on Nisan 1 (the Hebrew New Year not Rosh Hashanah the feast of Trumpets) and therefore each is 2 weeks in length. Pentecost is the feast of weeks and counting was a part of the Omer. Malachi 3,1 & Luke 1, 13 – 17 show that John the Baptist was born 6 months before Yeshua. His father Zacharias was a Temple Levitical Priest and worked the course of Abijah (again see 1 Chronicle's 24 above and ) worked the 9th week in his assigned course and the 10th in the Pentecost course. This period ran from Iyar 27 through Sivan 12  in the Hebrew calendar or June 3 through 17 in the Julian calendar.  He returned home immediately after his shifts were complete and Elizabeth (John the Baptists mother) most likely conceived in the following two-week period, June 18 through July 1. It is mooted that there are two or three missing years in the Hebrew Calendar (Joshua 10,13 & 2 Kings 20, 9 – 11) which means this fall birth (or Passover birth but the courses of Abijah do not support this regarding John the Baptist's birth which may have been at Passover) could be 7,6, 5, 4, 3 or 2 bc. Counts of the 70 weeks prophecy also assist (see Daniel 9, 24 – 27) yet missing years and ages are in dispute.

Hebrew scholars believe that in the year 2017 the earth is 6017 years old. However, Orthodox rabbinic calendar states that the earth is only 5777 years old. During captivity years lost in the Period of the Medes = 91. Years lost in the Persian Period = 151. Total years lost by the ‘Seder Olam’ = 242. When we restore these approximately 240 years to the rabbinical and Karaite calendar count of 5777, we come up with the number 2017. 5780 + 240 = 6017. If we take this number 6020, and subtract the 2020 years of the Julian Calendar (common era), this means that Yahshua would have been born in-or-around the year 4000 from creation, confirming the fact that Yahshua was the prophesied Messiah. 6017 - 2017 = 4000 the 4th day.

See also the excellent DPI Ministries:When Was The Messiah of Israel Born?’ (or here on pdf format also but also here again in Bitchute ) which suggests that the Messiah was not born in a Sukkot (but he could have dwelt within one 2 weeks or less later and Sukkots also housed animals at the side during a feast in older times. Some animals were kept inside during habitation for food and convenience in attending for them. The reading of the law on the 2nd day of Sukkot is prophetic for the Messiah (teaching in the temple as a child and as a man and the crucifixion , etc) and everyone in Jerusalem would go to hear it. However Yeshua was not Born 0n December 25th, but which feast exactly was he born upon in the Autumn (in a day 'that no one knows' as the day at the Feast of Trumpets is known and also 'No one knows the day or the hour' Matthew 24 , 25 ....and why ? leading to the question that Yeshua fulfilled all 7 feasts in his first coming and will again in his second. Ezekiel's temple still celebrates the feasts see below into the Millennium (ongoing ? fulfilled or to be fulfilled)

DPI Ministries on Rumble "DPI Ministries: When Was The Messiah of Israel Born? "    and see also Messiahs birth date calculated & known. Born in Bethlehem in the Autumn feasts not at 'Christmas'   (or on youtube once more )

Millennial Feasts


1. N/A
2. Passover (Lev 23:5)
3. Unleavened Bread (Lev 23:6-8)
4. Pentecost (Lev 23:9-22)
5. Trumpets (Lev 23:23-25)
6. Atonement (Lev 23:26-32)
7. Tabernacles (Lev 23:33-44)

1. New Year (Ezek 45:18-20)
2. Passover (Ezek 45:21-24)
3. Unleavened Bread (Ezek 45:21-24)
4. N/A
5. N/A
6. N/A
7. Tabernacles (Ezek 45:25)


The 70 x 7 years and the 360 years x 7 in prophecy 

Another method to arrive at the birthdate of the Messiah is to examine the prophecy in Daniel 9, 24- 27. Scholars identify the decree of Ezra 7,7 as the starting point of the 70 weeks or 70 x 7  as a day is like a thousand years or 7 sets of 70 years. See Psalm 90,4 & 2 Peter 3, 8 *& Ezekiel 4,6 and Numbers 14, 34. There are other decrees in the Book of Ezra, Cyrus decree in Ezra 1, Darius in Ezra 6 & Ataexerxes in Ezra 7 (and see also Nehemiah 2) " It is, therefore, from the first of the last two decrees that the date for the prophecy of Dan 9:25 should be dated. This decree is dated to the 7th year of Artaxerxes (Ezra 7:7), according to the Jewish fall-to-fall reckoning employed by Nehemiah (Neh 1:1; 2:1), Ezra’s contemporary and fellow worker (Neh 8:1, 9). This extended from Tishri or September–October in 458 B.C" (see also  'Supplementary Evidence in Support of457 B.C. as the Starting Date for the2300 Day-Years of Daniel 8:14'  )  70 x 7 years = 490 years. Removing this week of prophecy we get 483 years and subtracting that from 457 bc we arrive at 26 ad or 27 ad as the start of Yeshua's ministry. Luke 3,1 states "In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar—when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene"  Tertullian on this subject counts from AD 14, and Luke counts from Tiberius’ co-regency beginning AD11/12, both have John the baptists early ministry, therefore, beginning in AD 26. Romans did not count from a 'new years day' but from accession to the throne. Coins of Tiberius called him Caesar from this accession even though he was co-regent in AD14, and some the coins had Agustus and Tiberius on the coins (on either side)  Agustus died in AD 14. The Roman and Hebrew calendars differ and year 1 of Tiberius reign could have been one year on. Further, the incorrect assumption that December 25th (in any year) is the correct month is also an error. 

Jesus began his ministry shortly after he was baptized. His first Sermon states the TIME is fulfilled see Mark 1, 15 & 1 - 19.  In Mark 1, 1 If Baptised on the cusp of a Jewish New Year (Aviv into Nisan ) although it was still the colder rainy season then his Baptism could have been AD26 but began in Jewish year following, hence the Roman and Hebrew calendars do not correlate. John MacArthur points out (in his video many paragraphs above under heading Who confirmed the Covenant in Daniel 9, a few headings above) that it was years 490 - 7 = 483 from the decree of Artaxerxes (14.03.2021 445 bc) until Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem. (the Kingdom) If as is accepted we believe it is AD27, this correlates with the decree of Cyrus from 457 bc (- 483 years) = 27AD. As Yeshua was 30 when he began his ministry (Luke 3,23 however states that he was 'about' 30 years of age)  and he attended many Passovers ( one in John 2:13, another in 6:4, and then the Passover of His crucifixion in 11:55–57 ) Further before John 2,13 he had traveled from Jordan to Cana to Capernaum to Jerusalem and had been baptized, this may have taken 6 months with the conclusion his ministry was 3.5 years although some have suggested this is trying to make it fit. Counting 69 weeks to AD27, the 70th week lasted 3.5 years and not 7 years, but the 7th year ended with the Stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, 54 - 60. Yeshua was crucified in AD 31 and Stephen was killed in AD 34. The Council of Jerusalem in AD50 see Acts 15, 2 - 35 was led by Peter and James the brother of Yeshua and was filled with a growing amount of Jewish believers even then. Paul encouraged Timothy to be circumcised see Acts 16, but later condemned the requirement. Paul also said the law is good and Holy see verses below. The law of course also gives an anchor for governance and finance not just salvation and grace, (Salvation is not by the law or by walking up to a church front, but by repentance first instigated by Gd through the Ruach when Yeshua saves you John 15,16 so that we do not boast or by good works say we are equal with Gd see als0 2 Tim 2, 24 - 26 and John 3, 1 - 30) which is why it is attacked and the doctrine of 'cheap grace' is taken as standard and which is mentioned in  Daniel 4 & Ezekiel 3,16 & Matthew 12, 42.

Daniel 9 says the Messiah will be cut off in the midst and this mid term 3.5 years is commonly cited as the crucifixion of Yeshua, fulfilling Zachariah 12, 11 - 13 and also confirms 2 Corinthians 5, 21. Paul was also stoned to death at Lystra, was it a legally sanctioned stoning ? as in Acts 7 ? The intent of stoning was to kill but if it was not legal was it against the 'law'. Further, Paul then revived and went back into the City and began peaching again ? could he have been stoned to death twice for the same crime by the same people and was this against the law if he had been. The law does not say you can stone someone to death twice for the same crime ?. Daniel never mentions the Anti-christ and as Maria Merola mentions (in the Purple paragraphs above in this Chapter 5)   "Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel's 70th Week?"  this can only be the Messiah as having fulfilled this Prophecy. 3.5 years later Stephen was stoned to death in Acts 7 and in AD 70 the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. 

If the youtube or bitchute versions are unavailable see on Rumble " "DPI Ministries: Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel’s 70th Week? (Part 1) "     Part 2    & also  Part 3   & also Part 4     (the John MacArthur Daniel 9 teaching is here also )

Jeremiah 25, 8 - 12 & Ezekiel, Leviticus, and Jeremiah correlate ?.

Jeremiah 25, 8 - 12  & Ezekiel 4 & 37  "Jeremiah prophesied 70 years … not 430.  So which was it – 70 or 430?  It turns out that in 539 BCE the Babylonians were conquered by Medes and Persians.  King Cyrus of Persia then permitted the Jews in Babylonian exile to return to Jerusalem. So the Babylonian exiles arrived back in Jerusalem 537 BCE.  From the initial deportation in 606 BC to 537 BC – Jeremiah’s prophecy of the destruction of the Babylonians and return to Jerusalem in 70 years was fulfilled"   &   " With the insight from the ‘principle in Leviticus’ we can understand Ezekiel’s prophecy.  He had predicted 430 years of exile for their sin see Ezekiel 4 & 37, 1 - 28 They paid 70 years (as per Jeremiah) which brought the ‘debt’ down to 430 – 70 = 360 years.  This remainder was multiplied by seven (as per Leviticus) to get: 360 x 7 = 2520 years" This date brings us to 1948 when Israel was restored as a Nation  but it was not until 1967 that Israel captured Jerusalem some 19 years later and it is acknowledged that Moshe Dahan gave up Temple Mount at that Time. Yet can those calculations also shift to match the 1967 date (it is accurate to the century and approximate time anyway) notwithstanding the incomplete Moshe Dahan attempt at capturing Temple Mount. Did the 70 x 7 or 360 x 7 (or even the 70 x 70) prophecy end with the stoning of Stephen in ad 34 or 36 years later in ad 70  when the Temple was destroyed? In 1973 the Yom Kippur war occurred between Israel and Egypt and in 1981 Israel annexed the Golan Heights which was always a part of Israel.  The extra 40 years from the Crucifixion of Yeshua to the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD may also be pertinent to the current prophecies, dates and calculations.  If we do not accept Yeshua as the Messiah then the real Messiah (whoever is he is ?) must be alive now ? 

Jacob, Rachel and Leah and Jacobs time of Trouble

A) Fifth feast (1st fall feast) Jacob marries Leah first, and had a wedding feast of 7 days, beginning on the feast of Trumpets (which was cut in half to 3.5 years, but will be complete on the day of the Messiah on the feast of Trumpets, see also Daniel 9, 25 - 27 ) This first marriage (but actually 2, as we shall see) concluding on Revelation 11,15 with the 7th trumpet, as announced by Yeshua in Revelation 10,7, and which is the feast of Sukkot. Jacob after this first 7 years, followed it by 7 years of work for Rachel  (Judah) beginning on Yom Kippur. Jacob also marries Rachel for 7 years and she has 2 sons (Joseph and Benjamin ), and then works for Laban for 6 years. (Making 7 + 7 + 6 = 20, which is the time in duration of the last 3 fall feasts i.e. days from Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah, through Yom Kippur and Sukkot )  The feast of Trumpets also begins the ‘10 days of awe’ which are the last 10 days of the 40 days of repentance and the 10 days of awe are found in the scriptures, Torah and the New Testament, but you have to search, just as you have to search for the Messiah7 days (in which the ‘10 days of awe’ begin in which both Houses of Israel (Ephraim as Israel and attendees) will be joined as one echoing the King David’s uniting of Israel and the 2 houses into 1 ) 

B) 6th Feast (2nd fall feast ) in 2019 the Feast of Yom Kippur or the day of Atonement, which begins on the 10th day of the month of  Tishrei, 6.00pm to 6.00pm on sunset on 9 Tishrei (Oct. 8) to after nightfall on 10 Tishrei (Oct. 9) The second marriage of Rachel (Judah ) Yet whilst the first group are seized away and married, the second group go through the tribulation (Rev 7,14) below ‘during the ten days of awe’ which begins at the fest of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah. 7 days (and the 10 days of awe end, on the 10th day since the feast of Trumpets) This (Yom Kippur ) was the day that Moses entered the Holy of Holies, the only day he was permitted to do so and mixed the blood of a Bull  (Ephraim as Israel ) and  Goat (Judah) and poured them on the Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant. In the Marriage feast of the Lamb both houses of Judah and Israel are mixed as one and into one marriage spiritually (with all the attendees see Ezekiel 37, 16-17)

C) 7th Feast (3rd fall feast) in 20119, the Feast of Sukkoth ends the 20 days of these 3 feasts echoing the end of Jacobs time with Laban and his promise, but free to be married as one bride and one man. This is also the ‘Time of Jacobs trouble’ throughout this period. Sukkot is also known as the feast of Booths or Tabernacles. The Messiah was also born around this time (most likely the day after the two seven day periods of marriage on Yom Kippur, but many suggest on the feast of Trumpets itself. Yet even before the feast of Trumpets began people were building the Booths or Sukkots, in preparation for people arriving from all over the world. It is estimated that 3 million people would arrive in Jerusalem, and all the accommodation would be booked. (see further down on the 3 Tabernacles of King David) 

Shavuot (The law at Sinai and at Horeb or outpouring of the law at Pentecost in May / June) cannot be ruled out as the birth date of the Messiah. The weather was fair for Shepherds to be out watching their flocks at night. King David was born at Shavuot and died on that feast and he like Yeshua was born in Bethlehem (where the lambs and sheep of Israel were taken) If so he would have been a toddler paidon on Tabernacles allowing travel to the Autumn feasts. However there is more evidence for a Passover birth but both those feasts do not compare with the evidence for an Autumn birth, and it only takes a few months of miscalculation or lost days or months (or years) to turn this feast into the actual birth date of the Messiah.

Yeshua must have been crucified in AD 31 at age 33 years or more, and therefore have been born in 3BC (possibly 4bc)

3 Days and 3 Nights or 72 Hours For an insight into this 3 days and 3 nights (Wednesday to saturday and 72 hours in total ) and not Good Friday to 'Easter Sunday' see the 'Congregation of Yahweh' and 'Yahshua was Crucified Wednesday, Abib 15, 31 A.D'       (which is also here on pdf format)    or 'also see  'Kevin J Connor and 3 days and 3 nights'     and also see Leviticus 23 see also "DPI Ministries: Three Days & Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth: T the Good Friday Myth"

See also here on Bitchute again DPI Ministries Three Days & Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth The Good Friday Myth    and see Kevin J Connor's book 2 "3 days and 3 nights"   (first published 1990 and again 2000 and here also on Amazon  ) and link here to parallel teaching



For further information see the subheading Jubilee Years and Shmita years


It is important to know that both Yeshua and Paul kept the law. Paul also after rebirth (John 3, 1 – 30 & because of 2 Tim 3, 16 – 17 and because the Law is Good and Holy Romans 7, 12 & 14 – 18) They were not saved by the law but by Yeshua John 15, 16 & 2 Tim 2, 24 – 26, yet in fulfilling the law in the liberal churches mind all law is done away, yet politicians and kings are to follow Deuteronomy on leading but not enslaving the people. David was a Shepherd a Good Shepherd as is the Messiah.
Orions stars point towards Sirius the brightest star after the Sun. Sirius was also associated with Osiris, the Egyptians sacred star, and in the Gospels the “son of man”.  In the constellation of Pisces, Orion pointed Sirius.This has given rise to the controversy or difference between the “morning star” and the “bright and morning star”.Virgo as a constellation was also mentioned by the assyro-babylonians, as a symbol of femininity, fertility and purity.Babylonia also linked her with Ishtar carrying a sheaf of wheat, also known as Astarte or Ashtoreth or Isis from where we derive Easter. The Celts called her Alban Eilir, Eostar, Eostre (Lady Day).

Galatians 4 (and Galatians 4, 24 - 25) in relation to the law, the law (10 commandments) was received twice. Once at Mount Sinai and again at Mount Horeb (the water from the rock) The 1st 10 commandments were destroyed when Moses hurled them at the Israelites for worshipping the Golden Calf. Sinai means the mount of the Moon Gd Sin in Saudi Arabia, but a short walk away in the same Mountain range is Mount Horeb meaning the place of the Sun. Paul in Gal 4, 24 - 25 says Sinai is the bondswoman, whereas Horeb is the new place or freedom where the water burst from the Rock (see Exodus 17 and Numbers 20) echoing also our modern churches. Both sets of the law apply but knowing that grace is given to those who repent is also applied. Repentance is not a violation of free will as the Great commission (Mathew 28, 16 – 20 ) is a command to preach the word of Gd. The parable of the sower (Mathew 13)  shows how a relationship could build into full romance or not. Those who advocate that repentance is a ‘work of the flesh’ cannot understand free will and scripture as the ultimate conclusion of this ‘no freewill’ & ‘repentance is a work of the flesh’ is not to preach the word, or be saved or find everlasting life, which seems to be the will of haSatan not Gd. Gd said he would not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah if he found sufficient numbers of good people within the city. He would change his mind ? does Gd have freewill ?

Similar themes also exist with Isis & Osiris, who dropped her wheat sheaf fleeing from the monster. It was the time when the Virgin (Virgo) conceives in Sagittarius (Nov 23 – Dec 21) or Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 20) and gives birth in August to September, which also corresponds to Tishri and the Feast of Tabernacles on 15th Tishri (from late September old Calendar, although Virgo is August 23 – September 23). This date is when the expected Messiah born a Virgin would be born.The Zodiac has its opposite power 6 months hence in its cycle, or the power behind the Sun.Thus Leo which is also a sign of Judah or the Lion of the tribe of Judah, which precedes the Virgin marks the way for the Messiah born in the feast of Tabernacles. The Zodiac simply begins in Virgo or Isis and ends in Leo every year or great year. The constellation of Leo and the Sphinx in Egypt have between their paws the star Regulus.

Virgo, the Greeks called her Persephone (roman Proserpina), and she was taken to Hades (midwinter) but her Mother Demeter (roman Ceres)  cursed the crops until she was let free.

In Judaism the Winter Solstice around or after Hanukkah whilst marking (just after Hanukkah which is not a Mosaic feast) the death of the Sun (Dec 21st) also marked the re-birth of the Sun (Dec 25th) and nine months later at the feast of Tabernacles (Sukkoth in the month of Tishri 15th – 22nd) the Messiah would be born (not at Mid – Winter or Dec 25th). This marks a distinction to the Sun as  God and a creator of the Sun as  God. (End of Brith date of the Messiah)




In 2016 Hanukkah falls on 25th December, Hanukkah raises the Menorah 7 branched candlestick and features in the book of Revelations and Ezekiel 47, 7 - 12 and begins in Eden. Interestingly the feast of Hanukkah falls very late on 25th December in 2016 some suggest (Saturday 25.1.2016 - Sunday 1.1.2017) to commemorate  is the Jewish Festival of Lights and it remembers the re-dedication of the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. The festival can fall in early December and it  is on different days every year.This re - dedication occurred in the 160s BCE/BC. It is not a feast of Moses or named in Leviticus 23 as the events occurred after Moses era but  it was miraculous as the oil in the Menorah did not run out over 8 days.

The menorah seven branched candlestick is a direct fulfillment of John 8 ,13. (and also John 10, 22 - 23 at the feast of dedication or Hanukkah in which the Menorah is raised. The Menorah is a form of the tree of life and it represents it as did the Almond tree blossom. The Menorah described in Exodus 25, 31 - 40  is modeled on the Menorah. See the next paragraphs in yellow below) As Yeshua also attended Hanukkah in John 10, this year 2016 (25th December) could see Yeshua (Jesus) honored as a baby and a full grown man on the same day ! Surely only G-d could do this. 

Ancient cultures knew that the sun and warmth would grow and become stronger after December 25th due to the earths "wobble" and rotation of the seasons. From 25th of December the sun would jump up 1 degree compared to its sinking horizon and until it did not rise for 3 days in the very north of the planet, prior to the longest night. After the earths wobble makes it appear as if the sun has jumped upwards on the horizon (as is noted on Newgrange in Ireland) From this point the suns rays would melt the snow on the trees and the first green shoots would appear. Most older societies had a tree outside growing in front of their home, or near the forest. 

Christmas is 'Yule' the Scandinavian tradition of Odin who sacrificed himself on Yggdrasil the world tree but the sacrifice he made was for himself and to himself. The Yule log was a raised pole, and a goat or small reindeer brought the presents (pre-loaded, but the animal knew the track having taken the same route many times on the farmstead) on a small sleigh, the size of a toboggan, the kind you sit upon, They were both parked under the tree and people opened their doors to go outside and find them. 

Father Christmas and his gifts and presents are sometimes forgotten by children when they reach 8 to 10 years of age upwards (no one knows why, it just happens, it is a mystery)  The Menorah is a representation of the tree of life (but see Jeremiah 10, 1 - 5) not in itself to be worshiped but understood.

Israel has two harvests one in the Spring (Leviticus 23, 9 - 14 and which could not be eaten until a firstfruits of the grain had been offered on the day after the Sabbath of the Festival of the Unleavened Bread. Seven Sabbaths later at Pentecost had different offerings again ) and the other in the Summer. "Chaodosh" or New Grain is sometimes instructed not be eaten and instead to eat the spring grain harvested in the summer and saved until the following year (old grain) This new grain planted after passover (the vernal equinox) is eaten in the Summer as Shavout / Pentecost (or should be Leviticus 23,16) The counting of the Omer is a count which had/has significance. Determining the passover in early springs also causes problems but any grain planted too early (wheat, barley, oats, rye, and spelt) will suffer frost and cold and die. The controversy attests to the 50 days which are added "after" the seventh sabbath from passover. This in effect would make 100 days from passover. A second or true Pentecost or the difference between the Golden calf and Moses and Israel (or 99 as seven times seven Sabbaths = 49 days) However a confusion also arises as a Jubilee on its 50 count also begins the count at 1 (47,48, 49 and 50 the Jubilee which is also 1 to the next Jubilee of 50. This could explain the pentecost / shavout count problem although there is a second harvest in the summer. Sowing and reaping. Is this legalistic or in fact is it teaching grace and the Ruach. The feast of First Fruits takes place on the 16th of Nisan, (Nisan is March / April) 2 days after Passover begins on the twilight of the 14th. The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the 15th of Nisan and ends on the 21st, seven days later. Therefore on the 16th of Nisan, both First Fruits and Unleavened Bread are celebrated. But see also John 4,35 and Exodus 32,5. There are also 3 harvests not 2. 

The first fruits (the Messiah is known as the first fruit of the harvest. 1 Corinthians 15,20) of the people harvest includes the righteous dead of Luke 16, 19 - 31 & Mathew 27,50 - 53. Note verse 52 also describes the dead coming to life after the resurrection. Leading captivity captive over 72 hours as 3 days and 3 nights. Each day in the Hebrew day begins at 6.00pm ( see also Ephesians 4, 8 - 10. 1 Peter 3, 18 - 20, 1 Peter 3,19) The Messiahs resurrection is the sheaf of the first fruits, 2. then there is the main harvest and first resurrection which occurs before the millennium, then 3. the leftover crops from various fields known as "gleanings". It is the same with resurrection and judgment as it is in the Levitical harvest (see also above in the red heading " Born in one day" ) Whilst it is difficult for people to envisage salvation at all never mind death and resurrection, remember each covenant of the Old Testament was different and unexpected compared to the last .Israel did not believe it, and then a continuation and continuity and acceptance occurred as it dawned on those pondering events. Many believe there is only one resurrection when in fact there are two separated by the millennium of a thousand years. This is why it is important to understand your place within this process, why it is good to know the real feasts of Leviticus 23 (the real feasts not the man made ) and also know the temples from Moses tabernacle to Davids / Solomon's Temple. The real feasts are far more interesting and celebratory and they are commanded as feasts to observe related to the savior. 

I Kings 6, I Chronicles 22, 3, Ezra, Nehemiah and Haggai  describe a period in between the new Temple eras. The Second Temple or Herod's Temple to the Third Temple and Fourth Temple (Ezekiel's Temple and the New Jerusalem respectively) have a logical sequence. All the tabernacles and temples have earthly measurements which are logical, effective and mathematically sound, fulfilling  also the laws of Physics (see my book above in chapter 1, The Uncreated Creator which also considers a wider emphasis before coming into these designs of the bible, and see Ezekiel 45,10) This is because the New Jerusalem and Ezekiel's Temple with its river (the river of life) appears in christian theology in 27 ad but continues through the third and fourth temple times and beyond our current time. Is the 3rd Temple and Ezekiel's Temple (the millennium temple) one and the same or are they connected by the Messiahs return in Revelations 6, 12 - 17. It seems as if a New Temple will begin (Amos 9,14) and the Messiah will complete it as a new 3rd Temple (Hebrews 8, 2) it will require the architecture of Ezekiel 40 - 48 and see Chapters 40 - 42 and  it is not clear that the Prince described in Daniel 9, 27 is the Messiah. If this does describe the Messiah then many Christian's need to re-appraise their view. There is a dramatic period and increased flow (Zechariah 14 , 4 & Ezekiel 11,23, Ezekiel 47,1 Revelations 22, 1 - 2) The Temple Scroll from the lost sea scrolls of Qumran describe the rebuilding of a new 3rd Temple matching Ezekiel's design of four equal sides (and not just a temporary tent) Therefore there is continuity and it worth watching this video in Israel called  a tale of two seas concerning the Galilee and the Dead Sea and connecting river Jordan. Water with no outlet becomes stagnant much like Israel or the Church. Revelations 21, 1 says we will have no more "sea" with salt, it does not say there will no more water. The Ruach however flows from this earthly water as it is measured see Ezekiel 47, 3 -5. The Dead sea is also prophesised to live again into a sea as (repeated video) fresh as the Galilee Ezekiel 47,9 & Zechariah 14,8 ( a pure water which is also suggested in the feast of trumpets as the feast of the bride John 7, 38) 

It is true that representatives of (perhaps as when speaking from Jerusalem the Apostles were addressing the world) all the 12 tribes were in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost / Shavuot (AD 30) as well as gentiles, and that they received the baptism of the Ruach ha Kodesh, however and despite the influx to Jerusalem at the feasts, the great commission followed after this, and the lost sheep which Yeshua only came for were not all present by many tens of millions. The two houses were not unified formally. Peter and Paul witnessed to the Jews and gentiles moving out from Jerusalem. Today people return to Jerusalem physically but that journey is also an exploration of history and the scriptures, all of which lead back to Jerusalem and the events there. 120 Jews were present in the Upper room and there were 120 Priest in Solomon's Temple. 12 Apostles and 12 Tribes of Israel received the Ruach (Acts 2, 5 & 6) but many of the tribes returned to those nations. Ezekiel's Temple and its prophecies as mentioned are not fulfilled completely, and those promises of return to the land are going to be fulfilled for believers and non believers of the 10 and 2 tribes, and for many only then will they realise. This is why the Church and Israel physically being reborn is true, and is happening right now.

There is a period between the time Greater Israel is realized (first) and Ezekiel's Temple in its full size of  8 miles square, its size without the tribal land divisions (which will divide the land into the tribes of Israel  first by Moses/ Joshua in Numbers 34,13 & Joshua 14,3 and then Ezekiel's lots  in Ezekiel 48) Ezekiel. 47,22 - 23 says gentiles will inherit a portion of the land, and note it has not yet transpired in land reality but refers to those outside of the description given in Mathew 24,30 by the Messiah himself. (the messiah says he was only called to the lost sheep of Israel) Ezekiel's temple will have land divisions but in different lots to the previous divisions by Moses. The outer courts reflect the Greater Israel area as does the New Jerusalem temple size which is between 1400 miles square or 1500 depending on how we length a cubit. (again see my book the uncreated creator chapter 1 above which gives the basics)  Ezekiel's Temple will be (as mentioned a memorial center of great learning) it will be on earth (Psalm 37 11 & Matthew 5,5) Romans 4,13 says those of faith will inherit it not through the law. Romans 3,31 says however we must uphold the law, and not be under man made law, (but we can come under the law if we willfully sin and do not repent) Therefore in Romans 3,31 we are within the law upholding the law, with the Ruach ha Kodesh and faith does not nullify the law as sanctification requires. The law is good not onerous and faith comes from hearing the word of Gd which includes the law and grace, followed by  repentance.The Messiah will teach new law as in Ezekiel 34,11 (Yeshua lists his laws in the Gospels also) but which will be based on the laws of Sinai and the ten commandments still as in Deuteronomy 5,7 and all the commandments and feasts of Leviticus 23 despite a different temple order, ordinances and laws. In Ezekiel's temple, the feasts of Passover, Unleavened bread and Tabernacles are a part of Ezekiel's future Temple see Ezekiel 45, 21 - 24, as a remembrance whilst the other four will have been fulfilled, but in not mentioning them it does mean they are excluded. This also indicates that the return will occur within the Temple of Ezekiel time-frame as those feasts are then fulfilled some suggest The Sabbath, a feast we keep today (when people do not complain they are under the law by keeping it or upholding it gladly) is also kept see Ezekiel 44,24.  Ezekiel 46, 1 mentions the eastern gate of the Temple will be opened on the New Moon (which is still present but is not present in the New Jerusalem which comes later or next ) Passover is determined by the New Moon as it  is now, yet Ezekiel's Temple is a different Temple in design and size than Herods Temple with real measurements. (a future Temple which is not the 4th Temple) there is no Moon or Sun in the New Jerusalem (in effect children who close their eyes before searching for the matzah tosh (unleavened bread) nor offer the 5th cup, the cup of wrath to a prophet  or Messiah as Messiah will be present. Prophecy's relating to it are still awaited, but its design is also yet to be physical built and the Passover moon is the clue. 

Pentecost which is the feast of Shavuot with a constant Ruach and law will not be a specific day but everyday in effect. In effect this feast will still exist but everyday, and with the Messiah present all feasts are eternal. Ezekiel's Temple and certainly the New Jerusalem is a feast of the wedding  of the lamb and his reign in which all the Messiahs life will be remembered past and future. Today we still keep these 7 feasts. The feast of trumpets this year in 2016 in Jerusalem was a very large event, it was joyous and people attended from all over the world. It was spectacular. Yeshua also gave his law in the Gospels which can be listed in chronological order and then bear in mind Romans 3,31. The New Covenant as promised in Jeremiah 31,31 for believers will also still be in place. The New Jerusalem will be a new earth and new heaven as a measurable real but spiritual dwelling located in Israel with a throne above Jerusalem. Ezekiel's temple has 30 compartments or rooms for example on 3 floors (30 on each floor) indicating also a personal application to every believer in the Ruach as a ministry.

Therefore there will be a 3rd Temple (Revelation 11, 1 - 2 and John 5, 43 and Daniel 9, 27) which precedes the 4th Temple, which some suggest (the 3rd) is a tribulation Temple on the one hand, (but which regarding the tribulation; Spurgeon points out (see the Spurgeon Archive & 'Charles H. Spurgeon and Eschatology' )  was already underway in his day 100 years ago or more, in the Church or Israel; see in the last link and its conclusion first part ) on the other hand the non centrist view of the church away from Jerusalem and Ezekiel's Temple denies Jerusalem as the Messiahs throne, which Ezekiel's Temple is a part. Mathew 24, 29 points to a time after tribulation when events "then" occur i.e. the return. Mathew 24, verses 30 and 31 suggest the return occurs after tribulation not pre - millennial , mid or post millennium (or no millenium, called Amillennialism)  Mathew 24, 31 cites the elect are collected 'after' the tribulation. Many claim there is no "rapture" event and Jesus, Paul or Peter did not teach on it nor did the early church. Chapter 3 above describes terrible events today. The 3rd and 4th Temples are distinct  but which are linked together and center on Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem has no Temple hence it is not a 4th 'Temple' as such but is the Messiah as a Temple as a city. This is also a aspect of Ezekiel's Temple but it has physical measurable qualities a specific building design (which the church does not employ anywhere on earth today) and yet it is also spiritual. Between these last verses ( i.e. Revelation 11, 1 - 2 and John 5,43 and Daniel 9, 27) is the time of the return of the victorious Messiah. Ezekiel's Temple as both physical and spiritual. This is why money, trade and physical earthly aspects still exist at stages of it, in effect it is a type of all the Temples over 3000 years. Its spiritual ordinances are ministering ordinances are enacted by the earthly (i.e. by believers) and then from the true high priest which began under Moses as types. 

It is also debated as follows; if it is spiritual without any specific location (the worldwide church) or if it is centrally located or is it both. Since theologians jump from one position to another on these issues and find themselves unsure or applying caveats, and understandably going in circular arguments, it is obvious this obscurity or uncertainty is because it is both i.e physical and spiritual (see Spurgeon Archive; 'Charles H Spurgeon and the Nation of Israel' ) as Spurgeon suggests and he suggests that uncertainty in the face of other false faiths such as Islam,Western dualism, docetism, and spiritualism to name a few in comparison to doubts on Ezekiel's temple is misplaced. The church rages in debate on this possible mistake whilst allowing itself to indoctrinated with anti-church beliefs and practices which are prevalent in all churches?) Since Mathew 24 suggests a post tribulation return then the centrally located tribulation has not yet (in the same way) become worldwide without any centrally located zone. It is hard to have the argument both ways, nor is fatalism and failure a church doctrine. A victorious Messiah is just that. Like Jeremiah but also like King David.

There is a theory that Israel missed out and should have built Ezekiel's Temple in yesteryear, yet future prophecies on the two houses affirm both houses will return in the future. Ezekiel 45, 22 suggests that this Prince (who works within a Temple not yet apparent or built) will offer sacrifices. The Messiah is predicted in Isaiah 53. Isaiah also says the messiahs strong arm will provide salvation, where the arm will rule for God in verse 40:10 Gentiles will trust in arm in verse 51:5 the arm will redeem in verse Is. 51:9 and the arm will provide salvation in verse 52:10. He will be as Isaac but who will actually substitute's and sacrifice himself and hence sacrifices will end. His name should be sought see Proverbs 30 verse 4. His identity would be as Isaiah 53,12 and in Isaiah 53,7 his type of Passover Lamb is revealed. These last attributes cannot be copied but Ezekiel 45, 22 suggests an attempt will be made. This raises speculation that there is not just the scourged and messiah who is killed (messiah ben joseph) and the messiah who is victorious (messiah ben david) , but also another temporary type of prince who is not the messiah but a copy. The bible is positive and goes forward it does not stop in case a mistake is made but adjusts after a possible new information (or previous information is understood) is realised. Often individuals who did not understand the covenants created problems but the problems worked out in the end. Therefore obeying Amos and Hebrews the outcome will only be known in practice. 

A covenant however can only be made between G-d himself and men and woman as his chosen, hence these events or concerns (and Daniel 9,27 see above and heading who confirms the covenant of Daniel 9,27) are not exactly the same as the events in 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 - 4, although Paul suggests it is a future event. Paul spoke of it, before the destruction of the second temple of course (i.e. Herod's temple, again see the Navy blue heading  "Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel's 70th Week?" above)  in which similar events transpired as they did in previous centuries. 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 - 4 is physical and spiritual, and Islam the moon G-d, opposes Israel emanating from Esau and Jacob and Isaac and Ismael, even secular beliefs require a blind faith to believe in them (Humanism and Communism) 

A shadow 'type' from the Old Testament which reveals much on this subject is the figure of Dathan and others who opposed Moses but also left Egypt in the Exodus. He was a scourge to Joshua before the Exodus, who led Aaron astray to build the Golden calf and form an alternative worship system which also called for a return to Egypt and not to enter the promised land (Moses faced 8 rebellions in total and not just from Dathan, but also from non Hebrew Egyptians who left Egypt in the Exodus) Dathan opposed Moses and Israel and sowed doubt every step of the way. Dathans ultimate destiny is described in Numbers 16, 31  Moses called for those who followed Yahweh to stand with him and those who aligned with Dathan and others to separate. Those that followed the Golden calf were swallowed up by the ground which opened beneath them. Since this Egyptian deity (the calf/bull or goldencalf) of the underworld who embodied Pharaoh was swallowed also, its form and purpose came true for Dathan and the followers of the Golden Calf. This attempt at an alternative religious and spiritual system was not a covenant but was a pledge to worship an alternative g-d (Exodus 32, 4 the Bull and Moon gd or Calf  gd, depicted with a crescent moon in its horns) It is mentioned again in Nehemiah 16, 29 - 35, and it is repeated centuries later by Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12, 26 - 30. The Egyptian g-d Hapis (Hapi or Apis) which is depicted as a Bull with moon in its horns. Widely worshiped under Rameses, the Pharaoh was carried like the Ark of the Covenant led by the Bull (The Ark of the Covenant carried G-ds law in front of the tribes of Israel, which Pharaoh opposed and which earned Egypt ten plagues and destruction which as an ancient ruin lasts to this day) 

This video / documentary called 'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television is without doubt exposing the efforts to hide Israels history from the public, and from the Exodus to Herod's 2nd Temple. Egypt's 'middle Kingdom' 2000 bc also known as the 'middle bronze age' documents the exodus and all events. Yet because they cannot find this archaeologically in the earlier 'later bronze age' also known as Egypt's 'new kingdom' 1400 bc to 1000 bc it is claimed there is no evidence ? (dating methods are also questionable) all of Israels history is known and documented and is kept away from the public mind. The only remaining question is this mistake / deception deliberate, or accidental (questioning dating methods which have proven unreliable and in error is considered blasphemous, but which have dated living material as 20,000 old years by mistake see chapter 2 and chapter 4 above) Either way there is a tremendous effort in education and popular media to hide these issues ?

Egyptian chronology places Ramesses (or Ramses) in the wrong era of Egyptian history around 1250 bc - 1400bc, when it is obvious (using the traditional dating methods at least) he lived 400 - 800 years or so earlier in 1600 bc to 2000bc . Archaeology actually proves the exodus and the bible, but the chronology is out of sync and either Ramesses date moves back or historical evidence moves fwd to earlier dates. Questioning the dating methods is the solution and is the cause of the problem. After this date the chronology aligns from 950 bc to date. Since every nations chronology is aligned to the Egyptian chronology they are also incorrect consequently. Moses defeated a Pharaoh thought to be Ramesses.

Ezekiel's Temple is obviously also opposed to these false notions.

Every nations history on earth is dated from the Egyptian chronology. As this is wrong every nations history and chronology is wrong this has profound and serious consequences for history and the current silence on this matter is a great deception.

Citizens and Nations

Citizenship in the bible is described in Romans 13, 1 - 7. A citizen should respect their nation and government (as far as it is upholding the law of G-d see Acts 5,29 & I Peter 2,17 ) Philippians 3, 20 however says our citizenship is in heaven, which is the New Jerusalem which descends in Revelations 21. (In my fathers house there are many mansions John 14,2) How one obtains this citizenship is described in the paragraphs above headed in red "Born in One Day" In Luke 7, 1 -10 Yeshua was amazed at the faith of the Roman Centurion who was loved by the Jews because the centurion loved their nation. This type of faith originated with Abraham who became the father of many nations in Genesis 15, 1 - 20 which includes the land "To your descendants I give this land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the great river the Euphrates"  as Greater Israel In Ezekiel's Temple, also called the Millennium Temple, (3rd Temple) there are 12 gates with names of the 12 tribes of Israel by which you enter (or not) see Ezekiel 48, 31. In the New Jerusalem (4th Temple) there are also 12 gates with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel by which you enter (or not) see Revelations 21,12. All nations had and have a distinct identity, personality and destiny as they were created. If you believe G-d created us all then these distinctions are purposeful on every continent,  all have different abilities and gifts. One unusual feature of the archaeological record are fossil records which are not there ? There should be trillions of bones from deceased humans ( 'homosapians' )  over the 100,000 to 50,000 years we have been in existence in the accepted science scenario (given that dating methods date living organisms as 20,000 and fossil fruits as 700,000 years old, see previous paragraphs and chapters above ) ? Genesis 24, 60 states that a large group consisting of thousands of millions or ten thousands of ten thousands which essentially amounts to the same amount of Billions as this number is men only (woman and children are at least times three. Populations multiply to the point we have 7 billion today) A further feature of Ezekiel's temple are its exact measurement using real measures. These designs match other temple and tabernacle designs consistently and which appear at different dates (over millennia) by different authors in the bible. Often as with populations, archaeology and years in exact dates and events occur to specific numbers. In short you could not make it up.

Each nation has it own language (at Babel under Nimrod each nations language was confused in Genesis 11, 1-9 ) and in Genesis 10 the global table of nations describes the dispersion of various tribes as nations throughout the world. the confusion of languages occurs before the events of Genesis 10 as a precursor to the events. Acts 2, 4 shows the Ruach ha'Kodesh (Holy spirit) giving one new language whilst retaining each individual language reversing Babel. Jacob had twelve sons each with different personalities, purpose and attributes, as made by gd not by men. David had 19 sons or 20 also with different attributes as individuals. Nations have a set course and purpose and Christians who are a nation are told to marry each other. Modern migrations do not make any sense unless as acts of replacement or oppression, although modern trafficking is a huge industry worldwide, and if they are accompanied by worshiping false gds as 'the faiths' it is a sign the perpetrator of those views is false. Searching for the Messiah / Mashiach however is an imperative which is not adjacent to the faith but central to it as the main point of them. Each nation began as a few people and families and multiplied and are recognizable today. and for a purpose.

Most people will find many of the subjects difficult to understand or believe including the last paragraph.This is when people leave the conversation as it becomes too real or impacts there belief system so much they get a migraine headache. The same people however believe they morphed out of a primordial swamp millions of years ago and are evolved from Monkeys (except the for the Monkeys which still are Monkeys of course) which may have been originally caused by an alien somehow in a space ship, (with no common sense as to their origins) the science of which we cannot grasp. Science actually reveals the truth and what it actually reveals and the evidence is mounting and undeniable is quite different from the current curriculum. Science and DNA is proving the opposite of what we were all taught. Consider the fruit (there are many such examples) which is dated at 700,000 years old. It is dated as such as it is found in rock and rock layers which are assumed to be that age. Yet they find trees which vertically penetrate all layers of the rock from 4,000 years to 700,000 years old and older ? Thats quite a tree and there are thousands of examples of them including in recent natural disasters such as the Mount St Helen's volcano in 1980. The fruit example probably came from one of those trees. There is an example of a whale fossil on its tail standing upright through all layers of rock ?  Any construction expert will tell you that concrete  for example is poured out in layers on large buildings, it can be twenty or thirty feet deep If you drop a steel beam into vertically, both it and the concrete are the same age. Trees in this way are found in layers of rock which was soft and then set hard with objects within it. Non spiritual ideas are dogmatic (not scientifically proven but taught as such) and most ideas in error and based upon a false foundation (yet they cannot be challenged ? ) which is why all views on Evolution, Intelligent Design and Creation should be considered. Paleontology is a discredited science and those who are trained in it question its obvious illegitimacy but not publicly. There are thousands of scientists who want  to speak out but are afraid of their careers and jobs. Censorship by silence.

Psalm 22, 28 says " For the kingdom is the LORD'S And He rules over the nations" These are distinct nations with distinct characteristics, purposes and gifts. There are many,many references in the bible to "the nations". Ezekiel 5,5 says Jerusalem is the center of the nations around which others are set. Mathew 25,32 says the nations shall be judged and Revelations 22,2 says the nations shall and can be healed. The lost tribes are from the nation of Israel and although many state these tribes are known or known in part, not every member of them is known. Yeshua was only sent to the lost of sheep Israel see Mathew 15,24. There is a view that as a nation you cannot be proud of your nation. The Cultural Marxist idea of nations is not the same as the biblical idea and placing false guilt upon nations to engage in systems which destroys nations (nations of every continent) is the same as placing those nations under a false law ( or under the law) Today huge mass migration accompanies world security issues. False papers, false identities, false nationalities migrating as another nationality, trafficking (of men, woman and children and drugs) labour fraud and modern slavery made from cultural marxist doctrines. They are made into a surface moral code but are not from a humanitarian motive but a political ideology, it is fraud and deception on a scale unprecedented in history. Nations which want to assist others are not under a law to do so nor are they excluded from doing so, and legal immigration and marriage (and believers are to marry believers as 'citizens' ) are not excluded from a World (planet earth it is entirety) which is already 'diverse' with its one "race" (which should mean tribe) of human beings. Cultural Marxism wants to erase diversity and is truly racist, as it believes there is more than one original human species on earth (but have no idea where 'they' came from ? see again the Atheist Delusion movie (and related website "living waters" ) Darwinism is one of the most ridiculous delusions ever dreamt up in world history. It produces the 'alternative nation' of imbeciles, and is the root of racism and eugenics) Nations which are unable to sustain economies should correct themselves or change governments quickly, there is no compatibility between Socialism and Christianity, but creating or allowing 100% employment, prosperity and freedom (liberty) is the duty of the leaders of nations.

There is also a biblical 'commonwealth' of nations which is mentioned by Paul who writes to Israelite's (who may no longer know they are Israelite) around the world, the diaspora from 721 bc - 718 bc who were in exile. There were also many tribe members who left Israel before this in smaller numbers. Paul speaking in Ephesians 2, 11 - 12 says; in the Hebrew Roots bible " 11 Because of this, remember that you, the nations, were then in the flesh from the beginning and you were called Uncircumcision, differing from those called Circumcision, which is the work of the hands in the flesh ; 12 that at that time you were without Messiah, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers of the covenants of promise, having no hope and without Elohim in the world" This points to a 'commonwealth' of Israel and there are two 'commonwealths' Christian Israel and Commonwealth of the lost sheep and Judah or Israel. Both speak of a return and it is foretold in Isaiah 14,1. Ezekiel 47,22 & Acts 2,39 & Romans 9,4. (see also the last chapter in this teaching which begins "At the start of this website" below) Currently there are 52 countries in the commonwealth of nations and Queen Elizabeth is the head of 16 of them named "commonwealth realms" There was also a commonwealth of independent nations headed by Russia but Atheism was / is at odds with a biblical commonwealth concept under Stalin and the communists. Biblically  the Commonwealth is directing a loose idea that Israel will be reborn (and was reborn ) and will expand. Ultimately it is G-d who rules the or a commonwealth and its membership is via salvation (also many members of the lost sheep of the house of Israel are unknown) so that it cannot just become an institution alone (most bibles refer to G-d as "Lord" but the correct translation is Yahweh or Yeshua and which should be inserted into any translation (see Exodus 20,7)

Nations which do not want to participate in the open world without borders, but instead have strong borders and security, then that is there choice. despite a minority bombarding people with political propaganda. It is a righteous choice if desired. Any nation which wants to be itself and independent is not immoral or committing sin or in disobedience, those claims are fallacies. If this is what a nation predominantly feels of itself for its future, it should go right ahead and ignore the racists. Honoring your father and mother (families make up nations, extended family, towns, cities and states) and serving and loving only G-d are commandments of the ten commandments which in keeping those laws we do not negate faith or 'become rascist' (Romans 31, 3) Psalm 33, 12 - 22 states nations are blessed who keep those laws. Mathew 28 18 - 19 says G-d has power in heaven and 'earth'. 1 Peter 2, 9-10 states there is a Holy Nation who are called 'my people' see 2 Chronicles 7,14 who do not reside in (current) lasting cities but eventually in the city to come, see Hebrews 13,14 (the New Jerusalem city) Nations are distinct and this aspect ensured if one nation did not obey Gd his blessings would pass to other nations and their families, hence distinct nations are biblical. In our current nations we can be blessed and prosper see Deuteronomy 28, and nation building will begin with righteous law and education in and from Jerusalem and around the world see Isaiah 2:2–4 & 11:9 and also see Psalm 119, verse 172, Psalm 72, 11 and Revelations 21, 24. Both Abraham and Moses were highly educated. 

It is true that King David preferred to move the Ark of the Covenant from a tent / tabernacle into a new Temple he was designing and he asked for a tenth of the wealth of his council in all of Israel. His designs must have been known to Solomon his son as he grew. Davids temple never transpired for breaking the law for Bathsheba, but it was realized by Solomon who also struggled, until it came to built as the Temple of Solomon. There are prophecies (some lean in and out of the book revelations) that Temple Mount will suffer another contemporary earthquake ( a previous earthquake destroyed the Mosque on Temple Mount) leaving the Mount flat again Ariel Sharon was not harmed by coming to close to the Temple Mount or Ark of the Covenant (which may be under Temple mount but may not be) when he walked across it.

Eretz and Greater Israel and Equity reversal and land.

Around the world many countries support Israel. Some to a lesser degree than others and the petro dollar system is essentially the buying of dollars to pay for oil and energy. A feature of the Brexit campaign and USA Presidential elections was finance, debt restructuring and jobs. Both of these webpages go into the minutia of economics in these areas. By the end of the USA Presidential election it transpired that debt by state or nationally in the USA, is hindering growth and the adjacent website in chapter 2 lists the protracted negotiations in Greece which essentially shelves the inevitable until a later date. This is still the current situation in Greece and many countries. Austerity and Quantitative easing has not worked (Keynesian economics with adjustments) and aspects of the financial crash have baffled analysts of all economic beliefs. (Beyond economic ideological theories entrenched without adjustment beyond corruption and greed) but Proverbs 1,7 Proverbs 9,10, Psalm 111,10, Revelations 6, 15 & Daniel 2,44 can bring clarity. Further the process Austerity and Quantitative easing is negative and nullifying to the people within the economy and growth and free trade are placed in suspension (jobs, manufacturing & development) and does not inspire participation on both sides as the riots and revolutions and changing governments show. Eventually even the financing will collapse and change like the governments. The underlying problem is not being addressed but is put off to another day. This is partly because economist's are not trained to know other methods in any case. It is estimated by the IMF that Global debt is $152 Trillion dollars.   (October / November 2016) 

Further this system could collapse and the West is in serious trouble as is America. One possible solution amongst many which is basically considered and is familiar as 'debt for equity restructuring or swaps'. Any indebted nation in its entire debt (national, sovereign, personal collective national debt, and accruing debt to different extents) could lease a parcel of Eretz Israel and/or Greater Israel (the land cannot be owned permanently by anyone see Leviticus 25,23) in return for having its debt cancelled or forgiven. A country could take some of its debt and instead of paying down part of the debt it could instead purchase land with the freed capital in Eretz Israel or Greater Israel. This land would be given to Israel who could lease it for a period back to the indebted country or allow it be managed by the indebted country in a different arrangement. In other words the debt repayments buy the land, the debt is forgiven but given to Israel and they lease it back to the indebted country. In return for this, the land must be worked and secured over the same period or periods to be defined as the debt or 999 years in the lease.(or whatever term is agreed) In effect the debt is used to purchase land in Israel by the indebted country and given to Israel as payment, but its management is then the indebted countries responsibility under the Stewardship of Israel. The large gain from this is reduced long term management land costs (irrigation etc) This as a financial precedent is mentioned in Ruth 4 verse 5 as 4 cubits or 4 Amots ( Amot = two z'ratot, or the length from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow.and see also the Talmud) and the Book of Ruth in total. This is equitable in law but also in economics as many countries liabilities are more than their assets. (Assets - liabilities = equity) 

This idea as a financial precedent can be similar to 'debt for nature swaps' (as a explanation but which are useful) and they are already happening as 'bi-lateral debt for nature swaps' between countries today and which ensure conservation of lands. (they also exist in older financial instruments outside of conservation concerns and do not have to be for ecological reasons) The idea is simply adjusted to the idea (or similar) as stated in the last paragraph above. The creditor country cancels a portion of the public bilateral debt of the debtor nation in exchange for land management and environmental commitments from that country. Since the indebted country is then freed in its own economy to prosper it can also manage the land it is responsible for. Kibbutzim existed in Israel and still exist, people came from outside Israel to work and prosper for food and shelter but also to enjoy it as far as possible. They can also provide a good salary alternatively. The only difference  is the workers come from a country who also leases the land and of course this type of Kibbutz is much much bigger. (huge, huge kibbutz) Naturally those countries which support Israel will already be known as seriously committed to any venture which is a form of security and promise of expectations. Objectors may suggest that indebted countries who then start again in their own national economies may not be able to manage their own and a large portion of land elsewhere, but since innovation and technology have been a feature of Israels development (as needs must from 1947 and earlier) then many countries may by reciprocation benefit from new methods back home. (i.e. from Israels technology and land tenure ideas) Since many established financial analysts or firms state a healthy national economy also helps them then this new finance boost can only help further. Also it creates a exporting economy between the two points and therefore more jobs at home (i.e between the national indebted country and Israel) which boosts both economies. The 1980s' provided spectacular growth but problems arose and it could have been greater than it was (long term fixed capital goods and its problems as one example ruined companies and corporations in the USA & many countries see also "EU, London, Rome, Israel" pdf in Chapter 1 on the adjacent website and which tries to cover all views and which outlines the other management investment problems or choices in which long term employment was decimated. See also chapter 3 in the adjacent website ) whilst socialism and liberalism produced dictatorships and stagnation in the dialectical abyss. The West is in serious financial distress and liberalism is flawed in economics and philosophy. This is what is meant by debt forgiveness being twice blessed to the creditor and debtor. Freeing up the world economy from a Dead sea scenario to a Galilee.(see video on Israel and the dead sea and Galilee above twice in the 5th paragraph down from the Gold heading "Ezekiel's Temple as the Third or the Fourth Temple ? (Solomon's temple was the first temple, Herod's temple was the 2nd Temple" ) It leads to gain not loss. It is not draconian or petty. All of these points are a feature and features of Ezekiel's Temple as a place of memorial and learning which is preceded by Greater Israel (for millennia since Abraham's promise ) in turn preceded by Eretz Israel (here now)

Naturally the new leased land would be also named Israel and be a (one) Jewish state or Christian (Nazarene) leasehold as Greater Israel or Eretz Israel. It would require security which the indebted nation could also assist with. It is positive and equitable as opposed to destructive and malignant. The benefit to Israel and the former indebted nation is long term fixed capital goods and infrastructure are managed and maintained and new finance is injected into the national country and into Eretz and Greater Israel which can be considered a developing nation. These economic instruments are designed to assist developing nations, yet developing nations may not have be subject to the UN. ( n.b. The UN has just declared  Jerusalem to have no connection to Judaism or to Jews and therefore Christianity. Aside from being historically and scientifically incorrect, it is a form of 'bias, racism and hate speech' towards the worlds Jews and the 2 billion Christians ?) An incredibly inaccurate, insensitive and oppressive statement but does their opinion actually matter ? what use is the UN, and should the people who made this statement be asked to resign. Should the UN be closed down ? is there any connection to UN and America under this notion the UN began. Since Israel and many western countries and countries of all continents are Christian and / or Jewish attend the UN, can such a claim be allowed to stand, it is almost the same as saying there is no G-d in Israel. Israel expanded once before after such a claim was made.

Israel from 1947 to date has managed to bring the deserts back to bloom (outside of the fertile crescent which much of Eretz and Greater Israel is) Many countries have advanced technology capabilities but also agricultural skills and land management skills. Water management skills across the non fertile lands (portable solar oasis, and add palm trees) within the crescent. Imagining this on a bigger scale is one step further, and such a large land area would need many nations to parcel the expanse. As large as it is, it is still far smaller in comparison to all Arab / Islamic lands.  To many people, this all seems too real or dramatic but history shows all of the Torah, Tanakh and New Testament is true.

Proceeding by small steps first, the land could be acquired and all arrangements as in any partnership is contractual but equitable and not onerous. This venture may seem unique however. It is unusual for a creditor to then assume a risk, but as Greater Israel expands that risk is offset or reduced. It would free up Trillions of dollars. In a Jubilee increase is given although many are anxious that a Jubilee is not beneficial (but see Rabbi Johnathon Cahn  for Jubilee and Shemitah, and see also biblical agrarian economics by Christian economist Tricia Gates Brown) The finance possibilities are numerous and expansive (and a safe zone(s) could be established in this method and to date two people in the USA elections now in power have supported safe zones see chapter 3 above Brexit and USA elections) It will take many many tens of trillions of dollars both to raise and in return, and boost economies nationally and not  interfere with existing systems. World debt is crushing but solutions can be beneficial and for a specific purpose and the possibilities are endless and prosperous.

The 10 tribes were divided into 10 tribes and 2 tribes (1 Kings 11,30) and it was Gds will that they would be divided (I Kings 12,15) but that they wold be re-united (1 Kings 11,39)  According to research (see; A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered Into the Nations – Part 1 and 2 by Professor W A Liebenberg or here on goodreads which has all volumes or here all volumes ) in the lost ten tribes books within 17 volumes, so far, and in the lost ten tribe books. See all research in this area. account of the The ten tribes amongst  them were taken to Assyria (which Alexander later conquered) and they sojourned there before attempting to return to Northern Israel. Why or how did they  escape ? The 10 tribes into Assyria / Mede and then the two tribes who did not return to Jerusalem joined them after the 70 years had finished. As the Assyrian empire disintegrated they were loosed. 800 years later at the destruction of the Temple members of the 12 tribes also left for Iberia (Georgia) including amongst them Georgians first Christians by ad 35 and later at the temples destruction in ad 70. Firstly they (the 10 tribes) had broken the covenant which Judah had not. Judah had been given a mandate to return, (after 70 years, Jeremiah 25, 1 - 11) where as the lost in the ten tribes had not. The Assyrians were conquered by the Babylonians who in turn were conquered by the Medes (Medo - Persians) There were two invasions of Israel one in 732 bc and the second in 725 bc.  The second books of Esdras (which was once in biblical canon and scripture but was removed) and to a lesser extent the book Tobit mentions the ten tribes (as beyond the Euphrates) and record this journey to Assyria, up until they left to return to Israel once again. Instead of entering Israel they turned back and went to reside in modern day Georgia around the black sea area. Many are there still. 

This area is named as Arzareth (see 2 Esdras 13, 40 ) = Georgia and surrounding territories. Josephus (Antiquities 11:133) states as a fact "the ten tribes are beyond the Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude and not to be estimated in numbers.The accepted book of Acts is addressed to various of the ten tribes. Yeshua said he came only for the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Whilst the apostles and disciples were from the tribe of Judah and within them they addressed the rest of Judah and the gentiles. The gentiles includes those Hebrews who left Egypt before the exodus.The ten tribes intermarried with the Scythian tribes who married the Amazons also and they populated Europe. When real history dawns on people it can be liberating and also terrible. There are people who do not believe in these ideas on the ten tribes pointing out  that there was not a surgical separation between the ten and the two tribes but they are mentioned in 2 kings 11, 31 - 35. They were taken from Israel and there is a return today. (Jeremiah 3,18 and Isaiah 11,12) The Southern Tribes two tribes with Simeon and Asher were also further reduced when they were taken to Babylon  North  of the Caspian sea  (volume 6 page 13) area has an archaeological record which has uncovered towns called Samara, Isaac (Isak ) and (Ismail) Ismael. The Talmud mentions the ten tribes crossed the Bosphorus (Sambatyon) and resided at the area where Troy has been rediscovered near and at the sea of Marmara. location (south west corner of the Dardanelles) Most of the European nobility are descended from the Greek Trojan wars. Therefore so are the people of the USA. The Hebrews are known as the House of Joseph, and Abraham was descended through Eber (Heber = Hebrew) and the Ten tribes are separated from the House of Joseph also, until they assimilated and become a part of that House.They brought the Torah into the world and later the apostles brought the gospels. Luke 14,34 describes the problem of salt losing its savour. it is no good for anything, the food tastes bland (like the word of G-d without salt) and the people lose their way. Salt also preserves food and keeps it fresh from putrification. The tribes migrations bringing Torah acted in the same way (Numbers 18,19) and as basic law of nature without salt human life cannot be sustained (Pliny) 

Tribes of Israel at Pentecost and in the future. During the first Pentecost as described in the book of Acts the total number of the 12 tribes present that we know of are as follows; Paul was from the tribe of Benjamin, Peter and others were from the tribe of Judah. Anna of the tribe of Asher, Barnabas was a Levite. Anna is described in the book of Luke 2, 38 as looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. Acts 2,39 after Peter addressed his fellow Israelite's ( Asher and Benjamin were Israelite and Judah made up the 12 tribes) describing the outpouring of the Ruach (as prophesied in Joel 2, 28) also refers to those who are a far off. How long would it take to reach all those who are 'afar off' And this is a reference also to fellow Israelite's who were not present. Those who are unsure who the Messiah is are still bound by previous covenants, although they must reach a conclusion. 'Ha Shem' has made these promises. Genesis 35, 22 - 26 describes all the descendants of Joseph (Israel) who will gain an inheritance. (the distinction between Judah and Ephraim and Israel and Judah is a distinction which has not come to pass in relation to Ephraim as yet) Ezekiel's Temple displays these differences in its tribal areas. Which as yet have not transpired post Pentecost, but which border and encompass a real new physical temple. (both the New Jerusalem and Ezekiel's Temple which follow each other in linear time also, have 12 gates for the 12 tribes which joins both houses)

The church for many reasons does not consider these matters or want to hear these truths. Many of those reasons are political and not spiritual. A plan of individual salvation works alongside the overall and final plan of Gd, and  they can be separate as many Christians have past on in previous decades and centuries. Far from being a myth the story of the ten tribes is biblical and the verses in Mathew 15,24 in which Yeshua states "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel" does not say i was sent to the lost house of Israel, although that is also a meaning. Sheep can separate and form separate flocks. Views opposing the ten tribes idea  state correctly (in one capture) that 27, 950 people and 50 chariots were only taken away by the Assyrians and the Israelite's were hardly likely to escape and then return to Israel but change their mind and go to an area North of Israel. Yet the bible says just that and the 2nd book of Esdras also confirms this as does the Talmud. 27,950 people in 100 years to 625 bc could easily become 100,000 or much more into millions 300 years later. The paragraphs above describe the loosening of Assyria over the 10 tribes.The Assyrian cuneiform (which cites the 27,950) is only one source and describes only one capture. (see also the end of chapter 2 above r.e. The Hueneberg)

At the start of this website the question of 'America or Britain are either Ephraim or Manasseh in theology politics' (it is disputed as to which is which) was mooted (and this is how the paragraph begins in colour and text, it is a moot point by many but a rivalry between nations in this area produces clarity of purpose. Mannasseh replaced Dan and the house of Joseph splits and receives a double portion. Ephraim becomes 'Israel' The Levites return in the book of Revelations but not as priests but with land designations as a tribe. Ezekiel's tribal land designations are different from Moses and Joshua) and is still a question which arises and as yet is not completely fulfilled as a prophecy. (Genesis 48, 14 - 19 & Genesis 49) Which country is which often depends on identifying a lost tribe of Israel with its area of eventual settlement and exile. Not all tribal members are known worldwide still. A view (one view) on the general idea of the matter is here. The tribe of Dan identified as the Tuatha de Danaan are supposed to have settled in Ireland only but actually they settled in Britain and Ireland and Scandinavia and along the Danube. In Ireland and Britain the Tuatha de Danaan found tribes already settled within the land. The identity of Ephraim is therefore not so narrowly defined or known. The chapters below in yellow /gold after the small heading 'further information below' remind the reader of that problem or solution and point back to the start of this webpage and chapter 1. Time will tell which country is which.


(further information below)


Messianic Israel (who accept Yeshua) if it recognises that Briaton Moal is the ancestor the British who (we know today as the Welsh) who covenanted with God as the covenant man or bri-ith, and as/if Ephraim are the British today who are the sons of Leah who had six sons (House of Judah) and who are not Saxons or Danes or Vikings but who are the sons of Rachel (House of Joseph) then the Irish Scythian tribes must be Ephraim. To follow this remember that the first tribes to land in the West,  into land which was uninhabited, were the Irish Scythian tribes and the subsequent 5 tribes also name Scythia as their origin and from within them came the Tuatha de Danaan and Nemedians (from where Briaton Moal derives) they also colonised Scandinavia. They spoke the same language and recognised each others language after each arrival. This means they are both the house of Leah as British by Britain Maol the Nemedian but also the house of Rachel with descent and connection to Judah and Joseph (both houses) If not then something is wrong in the king lists ? or biblical lists. If either are wrong then the Ephramite term for Britain is wrong. In the "Jews and the Jo's" Ireland must have had both tribes within it from the earliest time until today. If so this would make (in the USA / British Ephraim Manasseh debate) the USA Ephraim, yet America became greater than Britain? (Manasseh is supposed to be greater than Ephraim) America regards itself as the House of Joseph and Manasseh, although both tribes could have resided in the Blessed Isles and left to emigrate. Both houses arrived in Ireland and all of them are dispersed all over Ireland north and south. America's constitution is based upon common law and Torah and the New Testament and is unique as it preserves the rights of man. Manasseh or Ephraim without the Torah / New Testament is a moot debate. The US elections 2016 is one sided in preserving those rights and half of that one side do not want to keep the constitution. Many groups on the left (the vast majority) do not realise (caught up in other distracting debates) they are removing their own rights. Their leaders do of course. 

It is interesting that history records the tribe of Manasseh escaping the Assyrian captivity into Afghanistan and into China / Tibet and over the Hindu Kush. The others may have gone north into Russia and Scandinavia and of course into America or the America's. There are other Jewish communities in India today in the south and the silk road and sea trade routes go west. Ha- Machiri i.e. Machir was Manesseh's first born son, and some see this as a derivation of America

For Israel to expand, the Samaritan tribes should unite with Judah in Israel today acknowledging their religion was made by Jeroboam not Moses or David. This would also mean relegating the Talmud below the Torah and Tanakh. Christians across the world and in Britain would have to agree to disagree on issues, but on salvation works and faith, spiritual salvation freedom can be agreed upon and this is why the pdf above inquired into this "strawy issue" which is a set fact. You can attend a church (which is a good thing) one day a week asleep or you can wake up. This Samaritan / Jerusalem debate would then heal the division caused by Rehoboam (Solomon's son) and Jeroboam who was useless but from the tribe of Ephraim (but not a gentile Ephraimite as those who married Gentiles or left Israel into the far off isle's. To make it more complicated both types of Ephramites could reside outside of Israel) when the 10 tribes split from Judah. (Rehoboam in Jerusalem and Jeroboam in the North of Israel) Samaritans however have also become Christians as recorded in the book of Acts, hence they in Messianic Israel (which accepts Yeshua)  are grafted into the Vine. Ephraim whose ancestors migrated to the West amongst the Scythian tribes would have to become Israel as head of the ten tribes, with Judah (or Isaac's sons) as one (yet retain tribal boundaries) and there would have to be increased awareness or acceptance of a Messiah which would allow Manasseh to expand (as a greater nation) over into Jordan and into the East into Greater Israel. This is already happening in part in Israel and around the world and there is a growing awareness of it once more in the "Blessed Isles" in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Britain.

Christianity or Nazarene followers of Yeshua arrived in France and Germany and into Britain (see next chapter) also arrived in Ireland from France and Egypt (before the monastic wave in 200 ad from Anthony of Egypt and which also settled the Island Skellig Michael recently used in the recent Star Wars film and is the burial palce of  Ir son of Mil of the Milesian line of the Scythian tribes)

Establishing the Welsh speaking tribes as the tribes of Albion in AD30 - 35 (and before) into which Joseph of Arimathea arrived and planted the staff of the Levites (which blossomed into Almond flowers and buds) and bought land as recorded in the doomsday book (see above) is important for establishing the identity of the covenant man or b'rit or covenanters as they are of course not Anglo Saxons (who arrived later i.e. Isaac sons) and the difference in the Sceptre and Birthright Ephraim promise is clear. The Welsh speakers are Nemedians and one tribe of the Tuatha de Danaan were Nemedians from the Scythian (where Scot as word originates ) collectively known as Celts and Irish tribes. These were the tribes of that period of Joseph of Arimathea. This would include the Welsh speaking King Caratacus also known as Caradog Bran who is mentioned in the Welsh Triads and the Mabinogi or Mabinogion who went to Rome and whose children are mentioned in 2 Timothy 4,21.

The reason these studies are important is the Zarah - Pharez (Judah) line receives the Sceptre promise. Ephraim and Manasseh (Joseph) the birthright promise. "The Sceptre (King or Steward until the Messiah) of Judah will not pass away until Shiloh (Shiloh is the Messiah) comes" (see Genesis 49,10) when the birthright of Ephraim and Manasseh will begin. There are 3 views. 1. Yeshua (Shiloh) is the King at the Crucifixion and Resurrection and who will return to rule 2. Shiloh does not begin (if you follow) until the Second Coming. The King but not (Ezekiel 40, 2 Ezekiel's Temple as yet) is here already and present with or without the second coming 3. The Messiah is yet to arrive but in which case Israel being reborn in 1948 and 1980/1 must acknowledge someone as the Messiah, (in Judaism or Christianity) which will accompany the new 3rd Temple being built and this will reside within Greater Israel. Once Jews return to the land (1st and 2nd Temple and Herod) they are commanded to build a sanctuary and temple of God. Therefore in this precedent, the 3rd Temple may well begin first without or simultaneously with the Messiah (and tomorrow in Jerusalem all will unfold) and if unsure, 1 out of 3 of the above options is not bad. This is the actual theology anything else is not Christianity or Judaism. Hopefully this is building a picture. All that Christians and Jews, or Jews, Jo's and Gentiles are encouraged to do is obey God and Torah and search for the Messiah, it does not mean having to be baptised to convert, baptism is after the Messiah is found (although Baptism is a step when ready not by force, and the Mikvah bath is a form of Baptism in a Mikvah/Mikveh There was a Mikvah within the Temple of Solomon, or a Mikvah pool as was recently discovered in Jerusalem, or a river ) That search for the Messiah is the first step, the same search as when Samuel sought out David.

Jews have not converted when they find the Messiah (past or future person) that would be like saying Almond trees have "converted" when the growth of full flowering and almond fruit appears, or Olives or Fig trees, when they already have the branch and root inside. 2nd Timothy chapter 2, 25, in the new testament states it is God, not men who grants the spirit or gift of repentance, which as a word means to "turn around", so Baptism or Mikveh bath washing follows this at some point, but it is required for all new Priests and everyday after, at the Temple as was always the case. Last November/December 2015 Rabbi Shlomo Amar one of the World leaders of Rabbinic Judaism in jerusalem said he feels its time Gd revealed the Messiah.

If the last paragraph above is not understood see the paragraphs many spaces above which begins " Glastonbury has a tradition which states that Joseph of Arimathea planted his staff at Glastonbury and it took root and it blossomed into an Almond tree"  under the dark navy heading " Ephraim and Manasseh, the Druids, Glastonbury, Tara, Israel." which is around 1/3 of the way down this chapter 5. It is not just at Glastonbury although it is certainly the earliest by 2 or 3 years alongside (depending on the route taken from the middle east ) France, but in Ireland, Scotland, Wales, France and Germany also and wider etc. Jerusalem was of course the first in 30 ad. This tree in legend it is suggested, is the tree planted at Wearyhall hill (also the first church in Britain location from 40 ad) which can be seen here or here, i.e the Wearyhall thorn  of a different tradition. The Wearyhall tree is a Hawthorn tree and not an Almond tree, which as a species originates in the Middle East and are found now in northern Europe including Britain and Almond trees were planted around Britain and Europe at that time. The story relates to the Menorah 7 branched candlestick first established in the Tabernacle of Moses which was filled with oil everyday a tradition of the Levites and their successors and recognised by the Nazerenes and is a part of the two trees vision of Zechariah 4 and the Tree of life.

Ezekiel measures the Temple in the vision (which seems to be both present and in the future) and the physical ground and rock become spirit in a river of life. This signifies the passing of the earthly Sceptre into the earthly Birthright into the age of the Messiah. Ezekiel however says to face into the Temple and not East to the Rising sun, as the House of God is the power behind the Sun.

"Ezekiel 37:15-28 is the primary Scripture quoted that speaks directly about both Houses of Israel and Yahweh's plan for them. Isaiah 8:14 also specifically mentions the Two Houses. The Book of Hoshea/Hosea is about the prophet speaking to the Northern House of Ephraim. There are many other Scriptures that talk about the Two Houses either together or separately." (Rabbi Mordecai Silver; 2006 A House Divided Q & A with Judah on the Two House Teaching Tree of Life Messianic Ministries who is saying that replacement theology and reverse replacement theology are also realising the need to resolve these issues)

The land expansion of Ezekiel 40 is a future prophecy yet to be fulfilled. And the prophecy of Ezekiel 37 under Yeshua is fulfilled. Ezekiel 40 yet to be fulfilled (the full birthright) if awaiting the Messiah who must be about to be born or be born already since Israel was created in 1948. This parallels Romans 11 (the uncultivated tree of Ephraim and the cultivated tree of Judah) The Samaritan tribes who aware of all of the above, are one more link to the past and to the Exodus and the Promised land and the migrations which followed from Israel to the West, Europe and back again. The future which is a serious future (in comparison to the last decade) with the biggest migration into Israel since the Exodus is following or fulfilling prophecy and is happening now.

Charles Spurgeon ( (see Spurgeon Archive; 'Charles H Spurgeon and the Nation of Israel' ) and many others point out a new literal third Temple will appear, the debate is will it be built as stone and timber or will it begin as stone and timber (as an area marked out like foundations) and then cease, but which has physical built foundations and eventually built features with eschatological features. The merging of the two houses of Israel occurring at this time or near this time? (Ezekiel's Temple prophesised since 600 ad) Since such detailed instructions are given for the Temple, they are in themselves a revelation. This is because the design and science is so sublime its very construction will cause spiritual awakening, revelations and new learning. Israel was reborn in 1947 and captured Jerusalem in 1967. Since that time many constructions (Temples but not the 'temple') of timber and stone (churches of all denominations, synagogues etc, including Messianic churches) have been built in Israel and in Jerusalem? In linear time from Moses tabernacle to David's tent housing the Ark (which humbly stood before, during and after David's efforts to build a Temple but which was then revised by David and Solomon) and Solomon's Temple up to Nehemiah's temple and next Herods temple. Under Judaism the command has been to return to the land and build a Temple. Ezekiel's Temple, which has sacrifices of prayer, work and service and food offerings, but not for Atonement of sins and there is no feast of atonement in Ezekiel's temple the Messiah has already appeared and is present. There is no atonement for salvation or forgiveness of sins. The Temple also has Zadok Melchizedek priests and temple ordinances, and is not the same Temple as the New Jerusalem which follows Ezekiel's Temple. Ezekiel's temple has aspects which have not yet come to pass, and Ezekiel was known as the father of Judaism. There is just as much evidence in scripture that Ezekiel's Temple as the Ruach will appear and it is a very large foundation and footprint, there is also evidence that it will be 'built' and be occupied by a new priesthood, but which renews the old, and there is evidence that a third Temple will be built in Jerusalem. How these come together as perfect in scripture and Messiah, is a / the mystery. An expanded Israel geographically and spiritually will fulfil scripture and prophecy from Ezekiel's day to these days.  There is also a 1000-year reign on earth yet to begin and come to pass (it is on earth) Looking for the temple of desolation and abomination as the bible describes, you will discover that this was built beginning in 691 ad known as the Dome of the Rock which collapsed in 1015 and was rebuilt in 1022. The Al Asqa mosque adjacent to it was built around 705 and collapsed in an earthquake in 746 and was rebuilt, and collapsed again in an earthquake in 1033 (not constructed well and they remain unstable to this day) and was rebuilt, and the Templar's also rebuilt Solomon's stables and other structures, noting the foundations of Solomon's Temple as they excavated the site. Islam sacrifices Halal in its feasts to the 'furthest mosque' as Al Asqa is known and its Prophet did not prophecy anything, and Allah is not Yahweh or the Messiah. Mecca has no connection to Jerusalem, and Islam prays with its back to Jerusalem. These temples of desolation (as the bible describes them) were present before and after Israel's creation in 1947 and 1967, just as in David's day and he changed Moriah in his day.  The Messiah returns to the Mount of Olives opposite the Temple Mount which is Mount Moriah, Gds Holy Mountain (with Mount Sinai) purchased by Abraham, and David purchased the threshing floor on which Solomon's temple would stand, around which he built David's city. The Messiah returns in power to claim his throne (despite attempts by Arab leaders to block the Golden Gates) on first the Mount of Olives.

As you will see in the paragraphs below the tribes of Israel, the ten tribes and the 2 tribes (to simplify) are often confusing in relation to Salvation. Salvation is a law and where a law of Yeshua is stated, as in Mathew 5, 17 -20 & Galatians 6,2 and of which there are many laws, in the laws of Yeshua, two are cited in John 3,5 and John 3, 3 (see the heading above 'Israel born in one day' & those just above under the heading 'The Law and Grace United' ) Romans 2, 28 – 29 often quoted says " 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God" Paul is speaking here often thought to 'Jewish' but he was from the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3,5) and not a Jew (Judah). The term Christian is a Greek term and the disciples and Yeshua were not 'Christians' but Messianic Hebrew. Mathew 25 cites the parable of the Ten virgins, 5 of whom forgot their oil, (Ruach HaKodesh / Holy Spirit) and could not borrow from the other 5 and had to turn back, but their return journey left them too late and they were left in darkness. This mirrors the 'church' or assembly or people as 12 tribes as described in Revelations 1, & 3  (7 churches) and the people (a small amount of them) of those 'churches' are given in Revelations 7 as from the 12 tribes of Israel (with Dan and Ephraim omitted as Ephraim and the house of Joseph became 1, and 'Israel' became 1, as it did in Romans 2, 28 – 29. 12 tribes distinct and 1 Kingdom, 12 disciples, 1 Messiah and many nations. Ezekiel 48,1 includes Ephraim as does Revelations 7. Ephraim is the lead tribe of the House of Joseph Revelations, 7,8 and see Revelations 7,6 as Manasseh is also named. See also "All Israel will be saved" Romans 11:26  & Genesis 48,1 )  Aside from the need to be filled with the Ruach, the parable of the ten virgins is also describing the 10 tribes (and the 2) but is directed at them as lost sheep of Israel. Ephraim becomes the lead tribe of Israel in the house of Joseph, as Israel (10 tribes) and the laws of Yeshua apply to all. The future Temple of Ezekiel which is based in Israel on earth (just as the 1000 year reign is on earth) has 12 gates one for each of the 12 tribes of Israel (Ezekiel 38, 31 – 35) and the new Jerusalem Temple after this also has 12 gates for the tribes of Israel (Revelations 21,12) Through which all nations will pass to be judged, and it mirrors the City Temple of Jerusalem where Messiah walked and taught.  Ezekiel also gave his parable in Ezekiel 17, 11 – 18 which is a description of the 'church' or 12 tribes then and today.

The temple of Solomon was/is called the 'Temple of Temples' yet the design and intent of Ezekiel's Temple (which is based upon Solomon's ) mean it is by far the most superior and mysterious Temple ever imagined and prepared, and set into motion, and based upon and in Jerusalem and just north of, as the Capital of Israel. Mathematically, geometrically and spirituality it is the greatest Temple of all.


The International Christian Embassy in Israel (ICJI ) is based in Jerusalem and its position on replacement theology is also contained in the subheading above "Replacement theology & Israel" in that subheading near the beginning  (dated 5.7.2016) Jewish Nazarene messianic belief (a past or future person debate) is not just relevant to Judaism but also Catholicism and Protestantism and central to Ezekiel's Temple.



The long history of the two houses of Israel the House of Joseph as Ephraim and Manasseh (who replaced Dan and Joseph) known as the Jews and the Jo's is a part of the discovery of the Messiah. The 10 tribes ( described in the books of Exodus, Kings and Chronicles and others) and also described in the second book of Esdras and the Talmud, also traveled into Georgia and into Europe over the Caucuses. (see also the end of chapter 2 above) Just as there are 10 commandments and 2 stones upon which they were written (10 and 2) the first set destroyed the Golden calf, and the second set was carried in the ARK of the Covenant (10 & 2 twice a double portion as Ephraim and Manasseh)  Reading the New Testament (the brit chadashah) and John 6, 1 - 14 (the feeding of the five thousand, although with woman and children it would have been over 10,000 and is a literal event with  also the midrash / eschatological / Ruach meaning) the real meaning of this is plain (in plain sight) The two fishes are the two houses of Israel (Judah and Joseph) and the five baskets are the five books of the Torah (Old Testament) the law, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (also known as the Pentateuch. Penta = 5 Pente = 50 ) and the 12 baskets collected are the 12 tribes of Israel, which will unite in Israel and Greater Israel again. (consider this article also on Galatians 6,16)  and then also the headings above in this chapter  'The Law and Grace United' & 'Born in one day' ) 

There are two traditions of the Temple and its measurement which is why a measure of a sacred cubit is important physically and spiritually (a error on such a large Temple could alter its true size, see Poland 2 paragraphs below)  and also two feeding of thousands 1. the five thousand and 2. the four thousand. First consider why there are two Houses of Israel.

Most people do not understand the difference between the 'The Middle East and EuropeHouse of Judah and House of Israel or why it is important. Israel became 10 tribes and were led in captivity in  740/724 bc. Jacob's (grandson of Abraham) name was changed to Israel, and he had 12 sons (including Judah and Joseph. Joseph of the amazing technicolour coat) Joseph had two sons Ephraim and Manasseh who would form a commonwealth of nations (Ephraim ) and Manasseh (one single great nation) Ezekiel writing 130 after 740/724bc and therefore Israels captivity was writing to the northern House of Israel in 587 bc not just the southern house of Judah (Israel = The House of Joseph also, and some of the 10 tribes went south and remained in Jerusalem ) who had become lost not just geographically but also spiritually and they dispersed throughout the known world (Europe East and West, Scandinavia, USA, Britain, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa and South America as House of Joseph) As Ezekiel's message was 140 years too late for Israel in captivity it is a future message only partly fulfilled over the last 2400 years. The message is also a warning and a call to war (its promises are dependent on following the Torah and the New Testament) Jerusalem will one day get a new name 'Hephzibah' which means 'my delight  is in her ' (see 2 Kings 21:1 and Isaiah 62:4.) and she was the mother of Manasseh. Israels new name is first Ephraim and later Beulah meaning 'married' but is also geographical (Isaiah 62,4) and both these names are to be United. It also means both houses will be Equal (Judah and Israel / Joseph, the Jews and the Jo's ) and Ezekiel's Temple is a literal but mysterious Temple.

Please read above in chapter 3a and under the heading 'The Middle East and Europe and the hidden history' (which is dated 9.7.2017 and past the heading 'Poland') for the real teaching on 'fish' and sacred geometry (and why a real measure is defined by intelligent design and not guessing the true length of an inch or meter which varies in every country and era) but also on 'Mary Magdalene' (who was a disciple as many were, and this Mary was not of the Herod family) She as the legend of Mary Magdalene is actually Herodias, Herods wife, who also traveled to France. Herod and Herodias fell out of favor with the new Emperor Caligua in AD 37 a few years after the crucifixion of Yeshua. ( Herod and Herodias had previously travelled to Rome to meet Tiberius and they had favour with him) The journeys of the Nazarene's and Herod which should (but never do) should include the full history of the Levites and Nazarene's in Europe (this you can research further yourself) Considering the Levites, read the feeding of the four thousand (which preceded the visits by the disciples to Magaden, see verse 39 which is Magdala on the sea of Galilee home to Mary of Magdala or Magdalene originally 'of' Bethany but originally from Migdal (near Tiberius a town built by Emperor Tiberius) near Magdala, an area controlled by Herod, its governor, who was fearful of any who claimed to be the true King of Israel but also could invent any story they wished. Mary Magdalene the myth was one of them and it meant they could assume this royal line of Judah not Benjamin although they were not Israelite's in any case. Levitical citiesThe feeding of the five thousand which occurred to the west of the Jordan in Israel. The feeding of the four thousand occurred over on the east of the Jordan. The Levites were granted 48 cities  with pastureland but not owned by them, including some 'outside' of the promised land 3 cities east of the Jordan, indicating an expansion for Israel.  (3 on the east,  see Deuteronomy 4, 41-43, and 3 on the west of the 48. The 48 which would lay a foundation for the Temple of Ezekiel beginning at Shavuot 2000 years ago and in the future at some time unspecified. The vision of this Temple began around 600 bc, and as a mystery there is nothing quite like it, yet the land of Greater Israel precedes these events. The Levites would become the warrior monks of Europe ( many found their way into Georgia and beyond into Europe and carried items with them) The Seven baskets of bread  which fed more than four thousand (verse 38) and seven baskets were collected at the end after all had eaten. 7 is the number of perfection (and the Ark of the Covenant and 8 in completion or perfection) and also the number of the Covenants. Some say there are only 6 covenants (the search continues) The 12 tribes had different abilities, personalities and duties. Not all were called to be studious and/or to Rabbi's and scribes or to be duteous in Temple duties, and the ten tribes were also soldiers and farmers who left Israel and spread throughout Europe and into Britain, Scotland, Ireland and Wales and the USA. You do not have to be Jewish as the tribe of Judah ( there are 12 tribes) as a tribe to unite as Ephraim in Israel. The 7 covenants encapsulate all and are boundless and plentiful although the fish ( the gentiles ) were unspecified in number, but also a part of the covenant but all four thousand (or twice that number were fed) and all the world. Only the King of Israel, (The Mashiach) could teach like this but the search for the Messiah is a rewarding and great part of Judaism and Jewish identity (you and the House of Joseph were born for it) 

The Temple of Ezekiel is a literal Temple (just as Jeremiahs prophecies were literal, and the ascent on the Mount of Olives was literal and all previous temples were literal) just as Israel is a literal country. It is not just a Temple for the spiritual measurement of the 'Church' and obtaining the true size of the sacred cubit of 25 inches discussed in chapter 3a as mentioned in the last paragraph (the measure some suggest of the Church) X a reed of 6 cubits, can also calculate and be rounded down to 25.02 inches etc. It is precise. It is in one aspect a measure of the spiritual condition of the Church which should be recognised as the 2 houses of Israel who assemble, but it is also a measure for a literal Temple which retains the feast of Tabernacles (Zechariah 14, 12 -19 which states the Temple it is on earth not heaven and see Ezekiel 45,17 - 46, 15) and Sabbath, Passover and feast of Unleavened bread  ( merged into one as in the New Testament ) but not Yom Kippur ( Yom Kippur is the day of atonement, and is not  kept as the Messiah has atoned already) The Temple has an economic system (but not Solomon's wages 1 Kings 10,14) and has ministers, ordinances and Levites and Zadok priesthood (Zadok are specifically mentioned as they were faithful to King David) Both the Sun and Moon are visible (but are 7 times brighter ad is therefore an earthly Temple) and it is different from Solomon's temple, and 2nd Temple and Herod's Temple and Moses tabernacle, and the New Jerusalem in design. It is a literal 1000 years for the Millennium, not as priests of Aaron but of Melchizedek. Gold and Silver make white Gold, and opaque white Gold represents birth and spiritual birth as eternal life in one (through the Golden or Beautiful gate, Ezekiel 10:18–19,  Ezekiel 11:23, Ezekiel 43:1–5.) Just as we are the Temple of the Ruach,( Holy Spirit 1 Cor 6,19)  the Messiah also simultaneously returns to Ezekiel's Temple (i.e. dwells inside see Zechariah 14, 3 - 5 and Ezekiel 40 to 43) and his presence is in it, as it was in Solomon's Temple and the Tabernacle of Moses and will be in the New Jerusalem.

Ezekiel's message to the House of Israel was/is a warning; Ezekiel 3,17.

The history of Europe and Israel are intertwined and the move into Greater Israel is a part of its heritage as with the USA they are reality today and the theologies are apparent.The greatest land which can be developed with the greatest care and technological knowledge although technology is not organic or always best) Where there is great prospects there is also great opposition i.e. world war 1 and 2, Islam, but Haifa would not exist if it was not for Germany and Germans assisted in the creation of Israel see here 'the uncreated creator' and chapter 2 ( chapter 'Zionism') and they also suffered as did Britain and many countries in Europe. The current migrations as enmity and revenge politics should cease and instead the land of Greater Israel should be expanded with security and safety for all (read all of this paragraph above in chapter 5, 12/07/2017) The two houses of Israel are Judah and Joseph which will unite and be Davids Kingdom which existed previously, but did not exist  in Herod's day ( see Ezekiel 37 and Davids return) Davids Kingdom and Throne will be in place, but also see Luke 1,33. Both Isaiah 61,4 and Isaiah 65, 13 - 14 describe the land and the blessings, and the land will be renewed and bountiful, as will wisdom and eternal life as a paradise and spiritual paradise (there is not enough space to describe the complete  wonder of Ezekiel's temple)  Ezekiel 44, 1 - 31 & Ezekiel 39, 23 - 29 teaches all people their transgressions. There will be no enmity between the Houses of Judah and Joseph and the House of Israel (Jacob / Joseph. X ) will receive its birth - right blessings, see Genesis 48, & 1 Chronicles 5, 1 - 2.

The world of 'Olam Ha-ba' (also described in Isaiah 2, 4 and 11, 6-9 and which in many scriptures identifies many individual nations, see the 'citizens and nations' heading above) is a part of the enjoyment (and for yourself) of searching for the Messiah and deciding who the Messiah is. David born in Bethlehem (see also Exodus 15,3) ruled Israel (like a lamp from the Sun, see also Psalm 89,36) for the first seven years and six months from the strategic heights of Hebron of Judah, his tribulation years, but also years of great victories, (in the midst he crossed over and went from the promised land) within the divided kingdom of the two houses of Israel  as Salvation comes from out of Zions hill,  and Judah. And in the midst of them, he ruled with the Ark, thirty three years in Jerusalem. After the tribulation of the 7 years in Hebron not hiding but purposely not defeating King Saul, until Saul was slain on Gilboa, the 33 years reign in Jerusalem began (7 years and six months see 1 Kings 2, 11 & 2 Samuel 2,11. Six sons were born to him in Hebron and in the midst of these he composed the complete Psalm 23 on a lyre from previous notes he knew. He had 1 still born dead son in Jerusalem for his marriage to Bathsheba and then (like a resurrection) 1 live son Solomon, making 8, and then 12 more after as 12 tribes) Absalom the rightful heir, who came from banishment in Hebron, to claim his throne from his father David, died on a tree, the tree of life. The Messiah will have 3.5 years x 2 in the future, a double portion in the midst of them. After these 7 years of tribulation, the rule began but he was there all the way through, yet not as full King in Jerusalem ( Mathew 24, 29-30) In the midst of the 7 years or 3.5 years from his 7 year and six months rule at Hebron, King Saul was killed. See above and in the purple text the heading 'Who confirms the covenant of Daniels 70th week' Once Saul passed, the rightful King David became King)  Solomon who knew the Ruach, built the aqueduct to take water from Hebron to Jerusalem and its eternal springs, to ensure water reached the highest parts of the Temple so the Priests could wash in the waters of its upper rooms, and Ezekiel's Temple has those waters. The observance of time and dates and dispensations is a part of that expectation (Mathew 24, 36) Along with those approaches (which can be technical, mathematical and scientific) one other beautiful aspect of the Messiahs return is often overlooked and it is described in Psalms 118,26 and again in Mathew 21,9 and in John 12,13 & Psalm 122. At this time described in Hosea 3, 4-5, and in Jeremiah and Zechariah, those who were in Exile will cry out, or joyously sing out (as in exceedingly, 'Gadol Adonai Umehulal Me'Od' and with anointing) in great power and unity, to the Messiah as follows; 'Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai' and then (until then) completely and absolutely acknowledged, the Messiah will return as a collective worship as the Lion of the tribe of Judah (Rev 5,5) not just for 3 years but for ever, (Psalm 45,6  & Hebrews 1,8) and 20 Jubilees will begin (1000 years also described in the book of Jubilees and Revelations 20) and the return is to the Capital, Jerusalem (Mount of Olives, Zechariah 14,4) of the Land of Milk and Honey (Jeremiah 32,22, Ezekiel 20,15 & Numbers 14,8)


The Temple of Ezekiel (Zion)

The book of the Covenant, and the book of the Law, and the laws of Yeshua, Gds Calendar and Jubilee years, and testimonies of Jewish Messianic believers and videos)

The true Law and Messiah

The temple of Ezekiel was never considered to be one of the 8 wonders of the world, yet it is far more mysterious, yet apparent (temporal in form, but not worldly) Billions are spent on sci – fi entertainment and yet this subject which is unique is not presented in the same vein, partly because it is special and spiritual. It is constructed but also becomes a spiritual construction. Its work seems to be physically undertaken and then it has physical dimensions physically and spiritually. It is inter – dimensional yet it is impossible to invent. Its Spiritual form is unique, it is not a copy or plagerisation of past Temple designs or Moses tabernacle, yet it incorporates those designs and features (David's, & Solomon's Temples in 980 bc and Zerubbabel's temple also known as 2nd Temple in 530 bc, and later Herods Temple which began the 2nd Temple's renovation and enlargement in 20 bc and which was still in renovation in 63 ad until it was destroyed in 70 ad in the Roman wars) Herod had captured the Temple in 39 bc overthrowing the Hasmoneans dynasty, which ruled from 140 bc under Simon Maccabee or Simon the hammer, who was successful in driving out the Romans but failed to prevent Jewish rebels turning against them, from entering the sanctuary. The Jewish rebels who sided with Rome, defiled the sanctuary of Gd at this time. Simon Maccabee drove them out again and defeated the Romans, which was in the end an incredible victory for the Maccabees. The defiled sanctuary was re-dedicated, and this is celebrated in the feast of Hanukkah as the fest of dedication in December every year and which is not therefore a Mosaic feast, but was prophesied in Daniel 8, 9 - 14. 

Simon Maccabees father Johnathon Maccabee before this, had displaced the 'Essenes' as High Priests of the Temple, with Johnathon becoming High Priest on the feast of Tabernacles in 153 bc. The previous high Priest is unknown except for scant references, but who is named in the dead sea scrolls as a 'teacher of righteousness', a descendant of the Kohens (Kohanim which means Priest) and the Zadok Priesthood line. The Levites (and Zadok line) were descended from Aaron who was High Priest to Moses. The Zadok priesthood had replaced the line appointed by Moses, when the Levites disobeyed King David, Zadok remained faithful to him and they officiated in David's proposed Temple but which was only realised in Solomon's temple later. David's temple never materialised in his physical design at least. In Yeshuas era the Priesthood who were not Levites, had become corrupt.

Under this unknown teacher of righteousness in 160 bc, Jewish people rediscovered the Torah, but some became very mystical or overly mystical. Ezekiel however is considered to be the most mystical of the prophets and is named the father of Judaism in its modern form (note; Judaism began at Mount Sinai when Moses received the law, but the Sabbath was observed even before this, and obviously a day before the Exodus, and the 12 tribes were named before the Exodus) Herod overthrew the Maccabees who had overthrown the Essenes, also preventing Roman entry into the sanctuary but he had killed nearly all of the temple priests in doing so. In other words, many of Jerusalem's temple priests and defenders opposed Herod and they saw themselves as following the tradition from David, Solomon and Zerubbabel. The Essenes were descended from the Levites. Rome had conquered Judea in 63 bc, and Herod and his family were allegiant to Mark Anthony & Cleopatra and Rome. John the Baptists father, Zechariah the father of John the Baptist, was of the line of Levites (Zadok) also and his calling is described in the book of Luke 1. Zechariah followed the tradition of David and his service and tenure counted backwards to King David's time, shows the birth of John the Baptist occurring around Passover in the spring, which preceded the birth of Yeshua around the festivals of Sukkot, Trumpets and Yom Kippur by six months in the Autumn.(Luke 1,26 )

John the Baptist was the real high Priest descended from the Levites, whilst the Essenes also from this line in the main regarded themselves as a separate movement from John. The Maccabees and Herod were not the inherited line required for temple duties and service.   

John the Apostle (John of Patmos born in AD 6 and died in AD 100) which follows after Ezekiel's Temple did not plagiarise Ezekiel's Temple in his vision of the New Jerusalem Temple as described most famously in the Book of Revelations, which is the last Temple or dwelling and which is also based upon but is different from all previous Temples. It is a physical Temple but also an area in which Messiah is in effect the Temple in spiritual form, and fulfils John 14, 2 – 3 in which we are told my fathers house has many rooms, and which can apply to Ezekiel's Temple but primarily to the New Jerusalem Temple.

Ezekiel's Temple begins with Ezekiel's vision (who had 6 visions in total, before the fall of Jerusalem and the exile in 587 bc) in the book of Ezekiel dating from 590 bc, which is expanded upon in the book of Zechariah, the prophet Zechariah, (not to be confused with John the Baptist's father) who had a total of 8 visions after the fall of Jerusalem, dating from 519 bc. It is important to have the background of the Temple (s) as Ezekiel's Temple promises the return of the Levitical Priesthood and their duties, here on earth but also into this new spiritual form, which culminates into complete spiritual existence in the New Jerusalem. Ezekiel's Temple vision dates from 590 bc, Herods Temple began around 30 bc, but was destroyed in 70 ad. Many prophecies of Ezekiel are yet to be seen or to manifest. As such it bridges time and events.

Ezekiel prophesised the return of the Levitical priesthood in Ezekiel 44,15 & 43, 19. It is also true that the Levitical priesthood who are descend from Levi, one the sons of Jacob born around 1900 bc, was not born when Melchizedek (the originator of the Priesthood of Melchizedek) met Abraham in 2081 bc.  Therefore Melchizedek was already a Priesthood before the Temple priests or Priest of the law were serving and is a higher Priesthood which also interests the Apostle Paul in the B'rit HaChadashah (New Testament) and book of Hebrews. B'rit also means New Covenant.

Rebuilding the Temple from Solomon down (even to today) to Herods temple was paramount, as without a Temple there was no law or Torah, yet the Temple was also the place where God dwelled amongst his people. From the beginning of chapter 5 above, the chapter presents information as it is discussed or presented by Rabbi's and theologians and churches today

One of the themes is the law and grace in the modern Judaism & Christian & Messianic debates following on from Shavuot / Pentecost in 33 ad. The first Pentecost in the upper room as described in Acts 2, 1 – 31 which was the gathering of the Jewish disciples and all followers and the Jews, and Benjamites and other tribe members in Jerusalem for the 'feast of weeks' or Shavuot. This followed 49 / 50 days from the 1. Passover and the feasts of 2. Unleavened Bread (and the Crucifixion, which is then followed 3 days later by the 3. Feast of First Fruits and mirrors the resurrection, 3 days and 72 hours later. Pentecost was counted in a calendar form from Passover to mark the Jewish feast and the disciples kept the feasts as did Yeshua. Harvest festival is for instance simply the feast of 4. Pentecost / Shavuot 5. Tabernacles / Sukkot (when people make outside temporary 'Booths' to allow for the ingathering from all over the world) or the ingathering which many Churches keep today. These are followed by the feast of 6. Trumpets, the feast of the 7. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) making 7 feasts of Moses in a year. (Hanukah and Purim are also feasts but which followed after Moses. Hanukah was not given by Moses on Mount Sinai but was prophesised in Daniel 8, 9 14-)

In Ezekiel's Temple 3 of the feasts are not observed which means it is a different temple and law from the present (or from the time of the crucifixion) and only four feasts are observed in it (Purim and Hanukkah aside) which are changes from the prescribed 7 feasts and directions in Numbers 28 & 29 and which are described in Ezekiel 45 & 46. Passover, (and no 2. unleavened bread, & 3. first fruits are also observed but with differences) and Tabernacles (Sukkot) are observed (making 4 but also all the offerings are still present, but they larger offerings than Moses) Feasts or appointed times which are not observed are Shavuot / Pentecost, Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. The Sun and Moon are visible in Ezekiel's Temple (e.g. Ezekiel 32, 7 and others such as Ezekiel 8,16 and Ezekiel 46 which also indicates Gds calendar will be observed again) indicating an earthly construction, but which is not the same design as in the last temple(s) or the future New Jerusalem temple. Therefore there will already be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit Ruach at Pentecost  / Shavuot, sins will already be atoned for (Day of atonement / Yom Kippur)  and there will be no need to announce the Messiah with trumpets as Messiah will already be present in or at Ezekiel's Temple, they will already have served their purpose in Ezekiel's Temple

Since there is a Temple there will also be law in the future Ezekiel's Temple whether you regard this new temple to have begun at the Crucifixion and Pentecost following it or as a future event. Proverbs 28,9 suggests the hearing or knowledge of the law is necessary for prayers and hearing from Gd. James 2 verse 14 – 26 tells us 'faith without works is dead'  Verse 26 says our faith without the Spirit is dead or rather 'For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also' Therefore works can only be from the Ruach of Gd, which is the meaning of Exodus 31,3 and also Romans 8,14. You can only receive the Ruach of Gd if you are reborn or regenerate as in John 3 1- 8 born of Spirit and Water. You can only repent if Gd grants the repentance by his spirt as in Acts 5,3, Acts 11, 18, 2 Timothy 2,25, & Romans 2,4. Romans 2,24 tells us Gd leads us into repentance by his kindness which is an act of 'charity or Grace'. Gd tells us that repentance is Gds prerogative and that he chose us, we did not choose him in John 15,16. Therefore 'faith' requires the Ruach/ Spirit to be fully reborn and 'faith alone' is the realised beginning, but is incomplete without Gd or the Ruach as in John 3, 5. Faith in faith is not complete, without Gd, faith is non-existent and without Gd choosing us and granting repentance into rebirth 'faith' cannot be realised. Ephesians 2, 8 says 'For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast'

Receiving the Ruach is not a 'work' we undertake ourselves but is the saviours work, without which as James 2, 26 states, works are dead, and salvation is dead, as Ephesians 2, 18 also says. Without repentance made accessible through the crucifixion, we have no access to the Spirit / Ruach and to the father. Faith comes hearing the word of Gd (Romans 10, 17) and the Word is Yeshua, (John 1,14) it is Gds Spirit not the text of a man made book, hence all scripture from Genesis to Revelation is good for teaching (2 Timothy 3,16 ) David Pawson (to repeat from above) patiently explains what actually occurs in regeneration in the first 20 minutes. Of his video and as actually described by the disciples and Yeshua. In Ezekiel's Temple people become the containers of the Ruach which in the Gospels and Old Testament could only rest upon and then depart from whoever Gd chose to send him to. Yet Ezekiel's Temple is also physically located in Israel and in Zion its dimensions almost match those of Moses dimensions who outlined those dimensions in Genesis 15,18. (i.e. Greater Israel size)

The Ruach or Ruach haKodesh, also named as the Holy Spirit is Gd. The Church or many believers can replace or ignore the Ruach with academic reasoning, or even some doctrine’s claiming that Gd has dealt with this aspect of his personality and promise in the past (meaning the Holy Spirit was a past event and is only a Book of Acts phenomenon). Even ‘grace’ or the doctrine of grace can replace the Spirit of Gd as a doctrine. For those who have not experienced repentance or who are not reborn, ‘grace’ can become a replacement to the steps to a full rebirth from the Messiah. Therefore, unknowing but assured that grace provides these steps (at some unknown point in the future, which can last decades) ‘grace’ can also be a placebo towards self-delusion. When asked the question in Acts 19, 2 (this person not knowing there was a Holy Spirit) the reply is the same then as it is today in many Churches. As an inquiry you can ask in reverse, what were you baptised as Acts 19, 3 does (many people today have not been baptised as full immersion at all, and this is a conscious decision to do so). If they have received none of these steps then they can follow the advice in Acts 19, 4 & 5. To fulfil these steps, you first must have repented (see 2 Timothy 24 – 26 which as verses are the essence of Grace and possibly the first experience of grace in a person’s life that they may encounter) which only GDP grants (i.e. not men, nor is it an appointment or church appointment you book in advance) This repentance, leads to rebirth as in John 3, 1 – 16. Receiving the Ruach, which in Acts 2, 2 is described as a force , like a violent gale which filled the whole house, and which they heard coming from a distance. This full baptism is an outward sign for believers also. Then see Acts 10,47 when a water baptism followed the  baptism in the Holy Spirit (not before)  and also John 3, 5 – 8 & John 20, 22, where you are born of the Spirt, but not then baptised in the Spirit which occurs in the future (see  Luke 24 and Acts 1, 5 – 8) The Ruach baptizes believers into Christ in 1 Cor. 12, 13 & Gal, 3,17. Then the Messiah baptizes them into the full Ruach (Holy Spirit) after this. In Matthew. 3, 11 & Acts 1:5. & Romans 8, 9 these verses confirm that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is also an outward sign of a previous rebirth to others as does Ephesians 1, 13 and 2 Corinthians 1, 22. There are no in-between types of salvation, and these occurrences can happen all in one day. Hebrews 7, 11 – 12 explains that when the Priesthood change’s, so does the law, yet in Ezekiel’s Temple the Levitical Priesthood will be restored as in Ezekiel 44 (and Ezekiel 44, 23- 24) and the Ruach will also be present as from Pentecost / Shavuot in Acts 1 and 2.  The Zadok priesthood and Levitical seem to be both present. (we are all a Royal Priesthood, but Ezekiel’s temple has roles for these designations) Zechariah 14, 4 explains where the Messiah will return to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The Torah is the ‘law’ and the followers of the Messiah believe the New Testament is the law. Isaiah 66, 2- 5 and 2 Corinthians 2 – 3 explains the New Testament law, yet Ephesians 6, 10 20 and Mathew 4, 1 – 11 explains the Word of Gd (all) is a spiritual blessing, specifically Mathew 4, 4 which the Messiah quotes from Deuteronomy 8,3 and the Messiah quoted many ‘old’ (it was still new then as today) testament scriptures.

The Law. The law has not 'passed away' as we discover in the next few paragraphs, and these are the teachings of Yeshua. Grace allows salvation and sanctification to work in people's lives and the lost to bring them to salvation, but the law as fixed by the Covenants from Eden to the New Covenant allows for grace to contract. The law also covers a way of life for believers who are not legalised or legalistic for following them as best they can, and the law is a broader framework in which grace operates. Prior to the resurrection Salvation by grace, did not exist as a New Covenant as legally this realm or world was dead. After the resurrection the law changed in mankind and woman kinds favour, and grace (Gds grace ) allowed those who were lost to be found. Yeshua said after the resurrection and ascension, that he would send another helper. Most believers are alive for decades as believers not for a few days, and the normal birth involved repentance and faith and which was true and complete. Many simply say by grace through faith you are saved (Ephesians 2, 8) without  repentance or genuine repentance. This is a formula. When we received the Spirit and were baptised, which could occur all in one day (or less). Receiving the Ruach meant you free from the law but also strengthened by it, just as Samson's binds fell off when his strength returned, those who are not reborn are bound by the law as they are legally in its debt, whereas those who are in the Ruach are empowered and set free by the law, as the Spirit of Gd is in every word of Gd (2 Timothy 3,16) from Genesis to Revelation.

Book of the Covenant and Book of the Law 2 different books.

Yeshua (the Messiah and Gd) said of the law in Mathew 5, 17 – 19 that teaching the law was required. Yeshua said he did not come to destroy the law or the prophets?  but  to fulfil the law, and it is important to know that there are two sets of laws, one that was carried in the Ark of the Covenant, called the book of the Covenant and the Ten commandments in Exodus 20, 19 – 23 and 33, and a second book, the second text of law after the 10 commandments called the  'Book of the law' which was carried outside the Ark of the Covenant see Deuteronomy 31,26 and which Yeshua said he fulfilled or will fulfil in Mathew 5,17 – 19. The book of the law carried outside the Ark covers Temple duties, sacrifices and priest duties as the Priesthood of Levites and Melchizedek and elaborated on in the book of Hebrews. Whereas the Book of the Covenant is written for us to be kept in our hearts and for us to keep until the end of time. These laws (of the Book of the Covenant) are described from Genesis 1 to  Exodus 24, verse 11, i.e. relating to the Book of the Covenant kept inside the Ark with the Ten commandments tablets but incorporated in these verses, and which remains with us until the end of time and is not passed away. The second book, the Book of the law was kept outside the Ark, described from Exodus 24 verse 12 to the end of Deuteronomy. Today the Church (whatever that is) has abandoned Yeshua's teaching in this area as hirelings who do not want to offend their Church, but the early church did not worry and did not abandon it, and it is also still alive today.

Yeshua also said in Mathew 5, 17 – 19, that until Heaven and earth pass away (which occurs at the New Jerusalem era when then it will be fully fulfilled) not one jot or tittle will end or pass from the law and in the law, and also again see 2 Timothy 3,16, and Mathew 5, 17 – 19 which also says those who neglect this area are the least in the Kingdom of Gd.

Moses Seat.

When Yeshua speaks in Mathew 23, 2. Fwd (1 – 40 and the seven woes) i.e. speaking to the Pharisees who sit in Moses seat (Moses who brought the written law, i.e. The book of the Covenant and the book of the Law and Ten commandments) he was speaking to people who blocked the view or obscured the Messiah, had become corrupt, who had bought the office of High Priest and who were not descended from the Levite Zadok Priesthood, and who added to the law in the books above and added to Torah so that it became an unbearable Yoke, and a heavy load (Mathew 23, 4) and impossible to fulfill, (Mathew 23, 3) they had in effect added to the Book of law with man made laws and the result describes the modern Church today in all of Mathew 23.  which today goes one step further and ignores the real law of the Book of the Covenant, and Yeshua's law which comes alive in the baptism of the Ruach / Holy Spirit (an outpouring of the law in Spiritual form) and which is also not a recognised requirement of Gd in many Churches.

In Mathew 22, 37 – 40 the Pharisees ask which is the greatest commandment and Yeshua replies from the 'law' (love your Gd and your fellow men and woman) and ten commandments given in Exodus 20, 1 -17 & Deuteronomy 6,5 & Leviticus 19,18. It is indeed a true and amazing  love to understand and aim towards. These verses are quoted even to unbelievers (as emotional blackmail and sometimes to justify political agenda's as opposed to Gds commands and out of context) who are not made aware of John 3, 1-8 or Mathew 5, 17 – 19 as of course the love of men and woman or man made love is not the same as Gds love which is a higher love, and to truly love, you would explain fully to all. Loving Gd above all, is next shared with family and offspring first as it occurs naturally and when possible. These verses are also used to foster guilt onto a political movement or cultural need when they are of course nothing to do with them. They can be used to act as lever for a point of view, but that is not the full gospel (for more information see this chapter and the 2 sub headings in red above 1. 'The Character and name of G-d'  & 2.  'G-d's Character, Personality and the Power and Wrath of G-d')

Further Mathew 23,2 fwd is also like the Church of Laodicea but also a church of man made laws; Basically the Church citing these verses as 'Yeshua fulfilled law and the law is dead' as if,  Ephesians 2,8 and James 2, 24, Mathew 19, 16 – 21  etc (the strawy epistle of Martin Luther and related verses) are the context of castigating the scribes and Pharisees in Mathew 23,2 fwd. They were not appointed by Moses or David as the line of Priests as Levites and which would be restored in Ezekiel's Temple in other words their law was not dead it never existed by Gds command or decree. Today the Church cite these verses as examples of all the law, which is clearly a different faith.

Yeshua was talking about the law he would fulfil, i.e the book of the law, he was speaking of  the extra man made law, they add onto the book of the law (i.e. onto Exodus 24, 12 to the end of Deuteronomy) which are the heavy burden and yoke to hard to carry, not the bible. Those who teach 'grace' as meaning the law is fulfilled or over or in the past are mistaken but also it seems as if this deliberate error is to lead into a different church or faith and leads the Sheep astray.

John the Baptist was the descendant of Zadok and the Levites, but Herod killed him as he threatened the Temple hierarchy and Herod also (the Sadducees were also interested in the law but had no law like the church of Laodicea) These Priests were not in fact Jewish or Levites but from ( in part) Arabian descent and Esau, whereas Herod was from the tribe of  Benjamin not Judah, and also ¾ non Israelite. Their law was not Torah, or the law of Exodus to Deuteronomy. Today the Church is lost on these issues. (for more information on the law and grace see the headings above 'The Law and Grace united & The Character and name of G-d' & 'G-d's Character, Personality and the Power and Wrath of G-d' Gods Calendar and the laws of Yeshua. Ezekiel 46 also indicates Gds calendar will be observed again. This means in the future and that it is not being observed now ? Gds Calendar is not just Leviticus 23 and the 7 feasts but also the full cycle of time (as opposed to Greek linear time) as the Hebrews understood, but also the seasons and the 'heavens'. Yeshua commanded us to teach them. Paul also commanded us to teach upon them see Colossians 2, 16 – 17, and understand them see 1 Corinthians 15,40 (but not to worship them) Yeshua attended the following festivals in his calendar. Luke 2, 41 – 42 7 John 2, 23 & John 2,13 i.e. 1. Passover, 2. Unleavened Bread 3. First Fruits. Also John 7,2 & John 7,10 i.e. 4. Sukkot. Also as Gd Acts 2,1 and 5. Shavuot and in John Passover. He attended dedication or Hanukah see John 10,22 and it is close to Sukkot/Tabernacles, Trumpets and Yom Kippur

Paul (Saul of Tarsus or ‘Saint Paul’ ) was not opposed to ‘the law’ or grace

As we have seen from previous paragraphs from the beginning of this chapter 5, it is clear you cannot be saved by works alone, and faith alone is not alone as it is marked by repentance, rebirth and receiving the Ruach or Spirit of Gd. Works are only those works which Gd (for arguments sake in the OT) or the Messiah (Gospels) and the Ruach (NT) has appointed, and only those that follow the Spirit of Gd. You are a son of Gd if you are led by the Spirit of Gd as in Romans 8,14. The Spirit of Gd is the helper that Yeshua promised he would send. John 16,7 & John 15, 26 – 26 & John 14, 26 – 30. This was fulfilled in the book of Acts and defined in Acts 2, 17 (and see Joel 2, 28 & Isaiah 44, 3) Only those who had faith, and were reborn received the Spirit and whilst many followed they did not receive as Acts 19 explains. Repentance led to rebirth first (to repeat from above in which Gd grants repentance,  see 2 Timothy 24 – 26 which as verses are the essence of Grace and possibly the first experience of grace in a person’s life that they may encounter.

The confusion of being ‘under the law’ in many cases is wrongly translated and should read ‘in the law’ in meaning, as opposed to being under a heavy pressure or staid way of life (as in ‘under the law’)

There is also a difference in works of the law, curses of the law (Deuteronomy as even believers sin leads to consequences) and being freed from the law (but what law)

See the following interesting article by James Trimm ‘What do you mean….under the law’ ?

‘There can be no doubt that Paul sees "under the law" as categorically bad, yet Paul calls the Torah itself "holy, just and good" (Rom. 7:12), certainly Paul does not use the phrase "under the law" to refer to the Torah itself’

In the law not under The law (and you must define whose law it is ) in many verses as a word is also mis-translated or misunderstood in  some Greek translations and should be read as the word ‘Torah’  meaning the first five books of the Old Testament. Traditionally Romans 3,19, 1 Corinthians 9,21 & Galatians 3,23 are translated as ‘under the law’ when in the original Aramaic the first 2 scriptures cited are ‘in the law’ and Galatians means the ‘law is protecting or guarding us’. (Gd in effect is guarding us)

Gd of course wrote the law (Torah) and the Laodicean church (Revelations 3, 14 – 22) or Churches which are not real, like to forego the duty of the law (by saying it is a burden or it is too heavy and you can act like you please) this includes the mis-understanding of Sabbatical years, Jubilee years ( 7 the 50 and 70 year cycles of Gds appointed times which are placed in Covenant to be kept Ex. 23:10–11; Lev. 25:1–7, 18–22; Deut. 15:1–11. The close of seven sabbatical cycles instituted the Jubilee Lev. 27:16–25; Num. 36:4; whether the Jubilee Year was the 49th or the 50th) If we are ‘in the law’ or the law is protecting us, it is not a bad burden. Romans 3,19, 1 Corinthians 9,21 & Galatians 3,23 then do not say 'under the law' but in the law. Romans 3,19 says in mis-translation as follows "Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God". Replace 'under' with 'in' and meditate upon that. 'In the law' which could also mean 'in the word of Gd' we are made righteous. Saying Gds word is unrighteous is a spiritual mistake.For those who are reborn and have the baptism of the Holy Spirit the Ruach knows as we do when something is legalistic and knowing this we can read the whole word of Gd (old and new testaments) . The words of Paul in Ephesians 6,14 ‘stand firm with the sword of truth and the breast plate of righteousness’ which Gd has given us would also then be ‘legalistic’ or ‘burdensome’ to some minds, or in a church which says the ‘law’ has passed away. All churchgoers will be judged by law and grace  after death (and/or before) and they will either be justified or receive crowns (but not justified by works) or be lost to eternity, so to for unbelievers. The Hebrew Tanakh in James Trimm’s article also explains Grace in Hebrew as ‘Chen’ or ‘Charis’ or in Greek as Chesed or Eleos and its deeper meaning and see another theme running through the bible in the next paragraph)

(10 & 2 & 12 The two fishes in the feeding of the five thousand, are the two houses of Israel (Judah and Joseph) and the five baskets are the five books of the Torah (Old Testament) the law, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (also known as the Pentateuch. Penta = 5 Pente = 50 ) and the 12 baskets collected are the 12 tribes of Israel, which will unite in Israel and Greater Israel again. Moses had 2 tablets of stone, one set was destroyed and another 2 stones were produced. They both had ten commandments a double portion as Josephs double portion, a theme which run throughout the bible)

Hebrew has a discernment (midrash) which is described as ‘The law, the Soul of the law and the Soul of the Soul of the law’  Also in western civilisation there is a legal concept of ‘Mens Rea’ which has various levels of guilt in Criminal law although in civil law it is not as defined. ‘Mens rea’ is not the same as grace and guilt see 1 Samuel 16, 17 and John 5,22. Conversely Proverbs 25, 2 states ‘It is the glory of God to conceal a matter; to search out a matter is the glory of kings’. Gd searches the hearts of men as men search for truth. Whereas Egyptian scales (Anubis leads the Soul to the scales of Thoth before Osiris) weigh the soul which must be lighter than a white feather in sin to be deemed righteous, Gds law see’s deeper into the Soul and is Judged by the Messiah (whose name means ‘he who saves’) and who states all have sinned. ‘Grace’ also defines the very act of creation itself, without which we would not be here, and as James Trimm points out Grace existed throughout the ‘Old Testament’ and the Torah (law) Psalm 118, 4 for example.


Gds Calendar and the laws of Yeshua.


Before we come to that teaching on Gds Calendar, first also consider Yeshua had laws which he prescribed, they are in John 3 1 – 8, John 14, 21, John 14,23, John 15,14, Hebrews, 8 10 & Galatians 3,24, Romans 3,22, & 1 John 3,23 and others which are all given by Yeshua, as was Mathew 23,3 and the Ten commandments, which are repeated by Yeshua and the disciples e.g. the Ten Commandments no 3 'Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain' is also found in Matthew 5:33-34; 1 Timothy 6:1; James 2:7 (the OT law recited by Yeshua) and you can go through every commandment and find them repeated in the New Testament by Yeshua and the disciples. The law is not dead but alive. The 'Our Father prayer' in Mathew 6 9 – 14 and fwd to Mathew 40 and further, is an echo of the Old Testament commands, (for example see 1 Kings 8 verse 43) which Yeshua says you must do. Again you are not bound by them as a negative connotation but freed by them when undertaken, and they are not a catechism to be repeated as a chant. Yeshuas law our High Priest (see Hebrews chapter 4, 5, 6 and 7, in which the Melchizedek priesthood is explained and which had to exist from Abrahams day as a transition Priesthood. 

Hebrews 4 also says Yeshua is our high Priest forever and Hebrews 7, 25 says Yeshua intercedes for us. If Grace were all and the law is dead, then we must explain why Yeshua intercedes for us. (Salvation and Sanctification)

Yeshua also taught us to follow his Calendar (not if we should, but taught us how see Job 38, 4 - 5 & 38, 31 - 33) which describes the Pleiades constellation, and the Great bear in Leo and in relation to Orion's belt. Debates on the sabbath, and how a 7 day Sabbath followed the first sighting of a new Moon, the quarter moon, full moon and last quarter i.e. every 7 days, the Passover was counted from a previous full moon or new moon. These 4 sabbaths makes 28 days and a month was 29.5 days on average ( e.g. Today 16/17.03.2018 is the New Moon and in 2 weeks it will be a full moon and Passover, see Psalm 81,3 as the new moon before Passover)  A new moon was likely to be one day or so behind its actual physical sighted occurrence, as human eyes even with 2 witness's are not accurate over a great distance. Hence the crescent or slither of the new moon was a day or two days out and a 'new moon' was not the crescent but the conjunction (when it is completely dark or hidden as it moves between the earth and the sun) Other views determine the Sabbath as the Manna instructions which signified 2 collections of manna on the 6th day to allow for rest on the sabbath (see Exodus 16, 22 & 26, the 7th day orSaturday is counted from 6.oo pm Friday night until 6.00pm Saturday, when on the Sabbath Israel rested)  It is written in the first chapter of Genesis that Gd created the Sun and Moon and the stars, and these 3 indicators along with earthly indicators such as ripening barley to determine spring the days or sabbaths and passover or feasts near the equinoxes. No planet or star is to be worshiped nor any Angel, but Gds calendar  is also important in Ezekiel's Temple when the Sun and Moon are still seen and observed, but also because there is a thread running through the bible which a deep and beautiful teaching on Gds creation. Calendar history is a deep subject, but the Gregorian calendar uses only Solar counting, and in AD325 it changed from an 8 day week to a 7 day week, and ten days were removed in 1582 for no apparent reason. Both the sun and moon were employed, and a day began at 6.00pm in the bible not at midnight. The sun was used for a years beginning and all equinoxes, but  the moon for feast and festivals of which there are many in a Jewish year. The last change in 1927 marked a calendar which is in error from the beginning but which has no beginning year and which seeks to reconcile a pure Solar calendar. Both the sun and moon are mentioned hundreds of times in the bible.

For the Levitical Priesthood and temple ordinances it was vital to understand time and the motions of stars and planets as a science, and understand cyclical time and the rhythm and motions Yahweh makes for his purposes and our lives.  

It is a large subject, meant for the Levites mainly but actually for all to do our best with, but the following videos can begin to explain why it is edifying and beneficial and incredibly revealing into Gds word. It is overlooked and misunderstood as to why it is relevant.



Videos 3 in all parts 1 – 3 ; 'Time: Our Creator's Calendar - The Foundation Part 1 - 119 Ministries'   

 'Time: Our Creator's Calendar - The Foundation Part 2 - 119 Ministries' 

& 'Time: Our Creator's Calendar - The Foundation Part 3 - 119 Ministries' 


Whilst every group is unified on Leviticus 23 as a part of Gds calendar, even for today's church with its prophetic seven feasts (which are christian feasts and which continue in part into the Millennium)  not all are unified on the Genesis 1 - 3 account of how long a day is (and how long a night is therefore) and so the law which states a Hebrew day begins exactly at 6.00pm until the next 6.00pm (Gentile days begin at 12.00pm midnight etc until the next 12.00pm )  For instance in Summer a day can be from 5.00 am until 10.00pm at night making 17 hours of daylight and 7 hours of night (night is not 'day') but as we expect a 12 hour day and 12 hour night to be equal as they are at the equinoxes every other day they are not equal. If there hours are in fact 'divisions' and not 60 minutes (which is what we do to make every day easier to count and live ) but in fact 12 divisions as 17 hours divided by 12 = 1 hour 40 mins each hour. In fact many Jewish people do not count a Sabbath as from 6.00pm but from the sun going down or 'evening' (just before) when it is nearly dark and so on (but officially it is from 6.00pm)  See further from the Congregation of Yahweh and 'The Scriptural Weekly Sabbath is NOT From Sunset-to-Sunset'   or in a different format here again in pdf form for download) 

Passover and the last supper confusion One reason for the discrepancy or debate (see paragraphs above) as to when Passover begins and if the last supper was a passover meal may concern the confusion as when the feast of Unleavened bread begins and ends. Yeshua was crucified on Passover, was laid to rest on unleavened bread but descended into Abraham's bosom (see Luke 16 and Ephesians 4, 9 - 10 and also Terry Law "what happened to Jesus after he died"    and rose again 3 days later on the feast of firstfruits. For clarification on unleavened bread and passover see Congregation of yahweh jerusalem  and its essay 'Is the Passover the First Day of Unleavened Bread'

A weekly Sabbath to many means also a literal seven days of which there are 4 in every month. This means that a Sabbath day could be a lunar sabbath "In their conception, our lunar Sabbaths occur during each Hebrew month, incrementally at intervals of seven days from the new moon. Hence, lunar Sabbaths fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th days of each Hebrew month. (Instead, some lunar Sabbatarians observe the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days of each Hebrew month.)"  or it could be a Sabbath falls on a day and regardless of which day it is next week (month changes etc although scriptures says to also count the months and the day of that month) either way it suggests that a saturday sabbath is not always guaranteed  (note a weekly sabbath is not a 'high feast' leviticus 23 feast as in John 19,31 etc) 



The traditions of Babylon within Israel 

During the babylonian captivity Israel (i.e. Judah of the Judeans) was taken into captivity in babylon in the late 6th century bc. A weekly Sabbath or day of the week had original Hebrew names such as   


Day (English)   

Name (Hebrew)  
























but these names are not all Hebrew in origin and have been Romanised also   (see Genesis chapters 1 - 3 when the days were numbered as day 1, day 2 and day 3 etc) which becomes clearer in the Jewish month calendar. The first month (Nissan): Aviv, The second month (Iyar): Ziv, The seventh month (Tishrei): Eitanim, The eighth month (Cheshvan): Bul, The other months were just known by their place in the calendar—e.g., third month, fourth month—starting from the first month: first by virtue of the fact that it is the month when our nation left Egypt. But 'Tammuz' for example is not hebrew  but an ancient babylonian idol mentioned in Ezekiel 8 , 14. ( Tammuz is the tenth month of the civil year and the fourth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar, and the modern Assyrian calendar. It is a boreal summer month of 29 days, which occurs on the Gregorian calendar around JuneJuly)  Babylon, permeates into Israel and Judea and becomes the 'traditions of men' (see Mark 7, 8, note these are not the Torah but the oral law and extra to the Torah, prophets, psalms and proverbs etc we know as the Old Testament beginning with the first 5 books of the bible)  Note that Israel has a civil and biblical calendar (with 2 'new years' ) and also a period named as Adar 2  ( a leap month / year) 


Month Number*

Hebrew month










































Cheshvan (or Marcheshvan)
























353, 354 or 355

* – For the distinction between numbering systems, see § New year below.


Thus the hebrew calendar and way of thinking from Adam and Eve into the years of the captivity have been dramatically altered. See "The Names of the Assyro-Babylonian Months and Their Regents"  The incredible thing is Jewish people are rediscovering not just the land and abundant proofs of archaeology (see  'Patterns of Evidence Exodus' (netflix) or trailer here and discussed here on national television ) but also names, customs and festivals meanings and erasing 'babylon' from their lives.




Abib, New year 2022, & the Barley test, Adar 1 or 2 leap years, Passover, first fruits and unleavened bread (and then 7x7 counting the omer) 


The biblical New Moon is decided in verses, Psalm 104, 19 & Psalm 81, 3 and they show how new moons and full moons are employed in the spring and other feasts This method however does not decide a new year or Passover but the Barley harvest does. This is required to be known first and then the new moon. If we get this wrong all feasts in the year will be wrong (the civil year is always wrong and new year was never meant to  be in September / October at "Rosh Hasanah" / Trumpets , Nisan is a Babylonian word for Abib just as Tammuz is a Babylonian name for a Israel month which never had that name see Ezekiel 8)

Only the Barley within Israel can determine the first "first fruits" and it is tied into salvation. In 2022 to begin the feast year the first feast is Unleavened bread / Passover according to Leviticus 23 (Purim was a feast added later and of course is a source of celebration but the original Menorah was 7 in number) This is explained in the following video Abib, New Year Barley test = Passover & First-fruits = 7x7 as 49 days Omer until Shavuot / Pentecost  which points out that the count towards new or full moons begins from the Barley harvest (ripe) not from stars, planets or equinox (although the equinox was / is a natural marker of the time of year) Following the 3 spring feasts and first fruits a count is taken of 49/50 days called counting the 'Omer' until Shavuot / Pentecost. This is also a combination of 40 days and 10 days as in the 10 days of awe in the fall feasts. The Israelites spent 40 years in the desert and Yeshua fasted for 40 days etc. After 40 days from the feast of first fruits and resurrection (spring feasts) Yeshua ascended into Heaven 10 days before Pentecost / Shavuot. He will return to the Mount of Olives. This is explained here Prophetic Feasts Counting the Omer from the Sabbath after First Fruits to Shavuot & Grain offering

Yet what does it mean the Spring feasts are determined by the Barley Harvest ? The Video points out that God determines the weather and harvest so he determines when the feasts begin. In any case the directions for the count begin when the Barley is ready not when men sight moons or seasons. 2022 was a mild winter so it is possible the barley ripened into a green or moist condition before drying into its harvested condition. When then is Passover in 2022 ? (for example) when some years can have a designation of ADAR 1 or ADAR 2 or the "head of the year" (leap year)  as being an early or a late start to the New Year which is in Spring ADAR 1 = 2022 with 13 months instead of 12 The added month is called "Adar I" and is inserted before the month of Adar (termed "Adar II" in leap years (the new year or head of the year began, or did it ? on 2.2.2022) Nisanu or Nisan is the babylonian name for Abib which means "the ear of the grain"

Egypt was destroyed by Hail in the 7th plague and this was known as Abib (see Exodus 9) as the barley was destroyed or not fit to use or ruined, but it is the harvest Abib when mature. Psalm 104, 19 says the Sun is a marker and Psalm 81,3 says the new moon is the marker (and full moon is the feast) Determining the first fruits is when the Harvest begins and in the Passover week there are 2 sabbaths 1) the high sabbath or Passover and 2) the usual weekly sabbath. John mentions the high day of the sabbath or Passover (which is not on a Friday every year or most years , but in the passion of Yeshua it was on a Wednesday as the Passover) in John 19,31, 3 days later the normal weekly sabbath occurs (3 days and 3 nights or 72 hours in the tomb) Some suggest the first-fruits is the day after the Passover but if the Passover was on a Monday the command is to wait until the next weekly sabbath (Saturday) and then wave the first fruits to begin harvest. Others count 7 days and every 7 days  = sabbath and then it begins consecutively without our week days i.e. Sabbath and then day 1, 2,3,4, 5, 6 and sabbath again (which may not be a Saturday but could be any day meaning that waiting until the sabbath to begin the harvest could occur on any day of the week. Again watch the film Abib, New Barley 

New and Full Moon 2022  Leviticus 23, 9 - 10

Yet the new year is determined by the Barley not counting backwards from the Passover full moon. Which full moon is it then ? In 2022 a full moon occurs on 16th January 2022 & 18th February 2022, 18th March & 16th April. New Moons are 2.12.2022 & 1.2.2022 & 2.3.2022 & 1.4.2022. 

The mild winter meant even without a leap year that the barley was in good maturity by 31.01.2022 - 1.2.2022 and since the new moon was 1.2.2022 then this began the New year Abib, but if the Barley was not ready as is likely then the next new moon is 2.3.2022. Making Passover the 15th of March or Abib. Barley does not know if there are 12 or 13 months in a year. (ADAR 1 & ADAR 2) Therefore the head of the year in 2022 leap year or not must be still March 2nd not February 1st, as the leap- year moon still rises and falls and can be a few days old in the previous new moon to March 2nd or be towards the end of a period between 2 new moons. The warm or cold season in spring which is God's knowledge ahead of time determines the maturity of the Barley. Israel can germinate and begin to grow Barley in January into February  (last link annual temperature) and from seeding / germination to becoming brown and losing moisture can take up to 80 days  (including  germination to the hard dough stage for harvest see 'Kernel development and maturity' in the last link not just 15 - 21 days ) 

"Determining Rosh Hashanah [ insert mine... i.e. the real spring new year Rosh Hashanah] probably seems simple to barley farmers, because they are in tune with the land, and the growth-cycles of barley. All one really has to do is to wait until the new moon, and ask the barley farmers if their crop will be aviv or carmel 15-21 days after the new moon (and again, we will define these terms later). If the barley farmers say, “Yes, the barley will be aviv or carmel 15-21 days after the new moon”, then we should declare that new moon to also be the new year (Rosh HaShanah). But if the barley farmers say, “No, the barley will not be either aviv or carmel 15-21 days after the new moon”, then we have to wait another month. It really is that simple, but we will explain the process in detail, so that anyone who wants to understand what Yahweh’s Torah commands can understand it"

"Some say the barley cannot be aviv until the Spring Equinox (or Equilux) has passed, even though it often happens, and even though the word equinox does not exist in Scripture (and neither does the concept)" Yet Knowth in Meath in Ireland for example calculates the Equinox moveable feast The diaspora moving away from Israel (any and all) used it as a marker in colder climates to determine "Aviv" forwards and backwards for the following and previous years. The lost tribes or those in Judah moving Westward and North. 

The most important thing for us to see here is that in an average Wisconsin spring, the seed head emerges from the stalk (or from what is called the boot) about 58 days after germination (or just under two months). Then just 31 days later, it is ready for modern combine harvest" & also "The omer of barley needs to be in one of two special states, called aviv and carmel (and we will define these terms later in this chapter). This is critical, because barley ripens very rapidly, and once it is ripe it does not stay in the head very long (but falls to the ground)" 

Conclusion as in ancient times the 85 days from germination to harvest was reduced as older methods of harvest had to be more delicate than modern combine harvesters. Planting in January to the end of February as 60 days and then 28 days later was around the equinox of 20.03.2022, but in Adar 1 this moves back to the new moon of 1.2.2022. The next new moon is 02.03.2022 = 15.04.1965 for passover as is the current civil year. Yet barley can be planted even in December when even then the temperature is more than adequate. This would make the new moon on 02.03.2022 and passover 14 / 15 days later on 15 - 16 / 3 / 2022. Whether it is Adar 1 or 2 the barley test is still the preceding test to decide which new moon is correct. Abib = in Exodus 9, 31 the barley was not mature (at the 7th plague, but it  was by the 10th plague and Passover) New Moon = Psalm 104, 19 & Psalm 81, 3 & if we get the first feast date wrong all the following will be INVALID. Leviticus 23, 37 = grain offerings & the sheaf of first fruits is brought to show you are accepted see Leviticus 23, 10, 11 (after the feast or high feast of Passover which is a 7/1 chance of not being the weekly sabbath day but a separate day ad on the 3rd day of the feast of unleavened bread , then the 7 x 7 Omer is counted (Some suggest the firstfruits is the day after the Passover but if the Passover was on a Monday the command is to wait until the next weekly sabbath i.e. Saturday) Leviticus 23, 9-10 says it is from Israel the barley is to be judged "Abib" (salvation is tied into the land of Israel as firstfruits) Barley cannot be cut too early or too late (if too late the head falls to the floor)

Therefore the first fruits occur because the Lamb is sacrificed to remember the Exodus from Egypt until this day. Once Abib is known all the following 7 feasts follow correctly.




The Capstone becomes the corner stone, moving from Egypt (after the feasts of Passover, Unleavened bread and First - fruits towards Shavuot / Pentecost) to the Promised Land, and the 'Great Commission'

Most commentators on the mysterious architecture and scared geometry designs of the past concentrate on the Great Pyramid in Egypt (Pyramid means 'fire in the middle' ) Isaiah 19,19 - 20 states that a pillar erected to the Lord (Yahweh ) will both be in the middle and at the border of Egypt. (in that day) The great pyramid in Giza (Giza which means border) runs directly along the old border of the two halves of Egypt. Upper Egypt in the South, and Lower Egypt in the North at the Egyptian Delta, and this border between upper and Lower Egypt runs through the pyramids and the centre of the capstone area of the great pyramid. Isaiah 19, 19 - 20 implies however that this will also affect or be linked to Israel in some way. The Great pyramids capstone is missing and was most likely never added to the structure, although the Cairo museum has other capstones from lesser pyramids. It is a fact that when the great pyramid was opened they discovered large salt deposits (as in all the pyramids) which means it was covered (the then tallest structure on earth) by sea water at some point. Others state hydrogen gas fumes accumulated and turned into salts. The Great Pyramids dimension's (which are a science in themselves and an incredible revelation and also a calendar in themselves) encode the measurement of the earth and the moon an many other impossible sacred geometry designs, and they also reflect the eventual dimensions of the New Jerusalem. In Revelations 21, 6 also where 12000 furlongs = 1500 miles wide, 1500 miles high and 1500 miles on all its sides, and you can research this yourself, remembering also that Genesis 15, 18 and the entire size of greater Israel is a part of the covenant made with Abraham. This size also covers parts of Egypt and Arabia.)

There are incredible but scientifically accepted measured coincidences, and connected scriptural facts besides the intrigues which the study of the pyramid can induce. The great pyramid squares the circle and reveals the relative sizes of the earth and the moon. Also encoded within the pyramid is Solomon's Temple, which is based upon Moses tabernacle. Pharaoh Khufu did not build the Great pyramid. When Israel conquered Egypt David and Solomon were considered Pharaoh's by the Egyptians. Encoding the earth and the moon and the sun inside a temple's design inside the Great Pyramid also reveals a designer and a finite beginning to the Universe which also had a designer and creator. This is due to the impossible co-incidences the pyramids mathematics reveal at a time when mankind was supposed to be primitive. All created beings therefore including the Angels had a beginning, just as the Universe itself had a beginning. To understand the significance of this and the history of the capstones and Josephs stone, return to chapter 1, 2, 3 & 4 above and also see the information on the Bethel stone and the capstone. (see also Psalm 19, 4 – 5 & Isaiah 40, 22 & 25 – 26 & Joshua 6,2 & John 14, 2 – 3 & Revelations 21,2) The earth and moon and even the sun all dimension into the pyramids design but as the Israelite's journeyed from Egypt to Israel a redesign was slowly revealed under Gds plan (again see all in this website from Chapter 1, and chapter 3 also describe the stone of Jacob mentioned again in the next paragraph, but in part repeated here see part 2 first or the Stone of Bethel  part 1 &  part two Stone of Bethel 2 ) Parts of the gold the Israelite's took from Egypt was refashioned into the Ark of the Covenant and tabernacle furniture and Gd made his temple design his way.

Jacob (200 years after Abraham in 1980 bc), had 12 sons (12 tribe nations) and one of them "Joseph" of the Amazing Technicolor dream coat fame was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery in Egypt but became Pharaoh (after Sensuret the 2nd some claim) by interpreting a dream for Pharaoh. Joseph was a precursor for the Messiah (a type or shadow for the future and the dream concerns the future good and bad years of famine and the future good and bad churches). The stone which was rejected becomes the head of the corner and the Temple in its design moves from a Pyramid to the type of temple in Jerusalem (which began in the desert as Moses tabernacle following the Exodus) The stone Joseph slept upon at bethel or House of Elohim may have been used in the Temple (first Temple) which Nebuchadnenezzer 2 looted and destroyed causing Jeremiah to flee Israel.  The 12 tribes of Israel left Egypt as living stones and journeyed to the promised land where and beginning with the tabernacle of Moses and the eventual tent of David and Temple of Solomon, Zerubbabel's Temple (see Zechariah 4, 6) and Herods Temple, an alternative Temple design to a pyramid.

As you progress you will find that eventually these different stones described in scripture  (Jospehs stone, the capstone and head of the  corner) eventually converge.

Although it is still foursquare these temples and tabernacles were cubed not triangular, yet every cube is a form of two pyramids or one pyramid and 2 halves of a pyramid. We have seen the videos above on the Temple of Ezekiel and after this, the New Jerusalem descends as the New City when heaven and earth pass away, which is relevant to the debate on the 'law' in Mathew 5,17 – 19, ESV, and which many suggest Yeshuas words on the cross in John 19,30 - 31 'it is finished' fulfils these verses from Mathew 5, 17 – 19. Yeshua's death freed us from the immediate bond of sin and death, not from the process of sanctification or future conviction of the Spirit (Ruach) who wrote the law in men's hearts on Pentecost / Shavuot. This is the same law as in the Torah ( Tanahk) the Psalms and the Prophets, but not now written in stone (mens hearts )but in the Spirit of Gd (Jeremiah 31, 33 – 34 & Romans 5,5 which when it is poured, requires a baptism in the Spirit to attain)  These views do not understand the sequence of events following the exact death of Yeshua and subsequently and unto today or in the future. Revelations 20 and the judgement of all believers and unbelievers is a time of the 'law' and a future event as Judgement days. Although sin and death were defeated and 'it is finished' was/is a fact, it was also the beginning and the 'Great Commission' see Mathew 28, 16 – 20 (which is not finished but was underway from the first Pentecost 50 days following Yeshuas words in John 19,30 – 31. See David Pawson and the normal Christian birth on salvation attained through the Holy Spirit and the death and resurrection of Yeshua )

James 1, 25 describes the perfect law that brings freedom. James was speaking as someone who lived before and after the first Pentecost  which corresponds to the feast of Shavuot. As we have seen in the paragraphs above and the red sub heading 'Book of the Covenant and Book of the Law 2 different books' Yeshua (the Messiah and Gd) defined the law in Mathew 5, 17 – 19, it can also be described as follows;

1.The Moral law represented by the Tablets of Stone, (and the book of the Covenant ) but which were given orally before the finger of God had written them in the rock. 3 times the commandments were given orally during the Israelites gathering at Mount Sinai in the Exodus. They were kept inside the Ark of the Covenant as we keep them inside today by the Ruach of Gd. 2.Civil law (the book of law) & 3. Ceremonial law. The book of the law was placed at the side of the Ark, not inside the Ark  (Deuteronomy 31; 24- 26 these verses have the following line that it may be there for a witness against thee) The two tablets of stone were the second pair of tablets of the law.(Ten Commandments and the book of the Covenant ) The first was destroyed by Moses as he hurled them at the worshipping Israelites, who danced around the Golden Calf, impatient or the return of Moses from the mountain top (Exodus 32;19) and then the commandments were written on Stone a second (Exodus 34; 1 – 4)  time after the Calf was melted down and Israelites worshipping it were killed. Debate as to whether this story of the Golden Calf is real set against two differing versions of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20 and Exodus 34) has become a source of controversy and conjecture, but in fact they (the commandments) harmonise in practice. Until heaven and earth pass away, only then does the law pass away. Laws which were added to these are described in Mathew 23 and which occurs today also, whilst simultaneously ignoring Yeshua's laws. All of the above are also a future aspects of the Levitical priesthood in Ezekiel's Temple.

Today we can have people who move from a position of unbelief, as agnostics or atheists to a belief in Gd. They do this by faith alone in many cases, but you can believe in Gd or a Gd as in Mathew 7, 21 – 23, but not possess a belief in a Messiah as Gd and as prescribed by John 3. In other words you are not regenerate or reborn, as although having attained an awareness of a Gd, or that Gd exists you have not repented (turned away) your Spirit has not come forth reborn into Baptism (full immersion as a burial and resurrection) and have not yet received the Holy Spirit or Ruach or Gd. In these cases you are still bound and affected by the law which has blessings and curses, as in Hebrews 8,13, and John 1,17 and Romans 8, 3 – 4. & Romans 7,24, … and not freed as described by James 1,25 and John 3 fwd. You are freed from the curses at rebirth, and empowered by blessing of the (perfect) law then also. (to repeat Gd both begins and completes the process but it is not a static one sided journey on a conveyer belt)

These circular arguments are prevalent, but they can satisfy many in the church who are free 'from the law under grace' (they believe, especially on Sunday ) but have never repented as a first time repentance and fulfill Mathew 7, 21 – 23 all their lives (Everyone is guilty of this at some point in their lives) and in this condition you are free from Gd and his laws as you are not with him anyway, but answer to the law of sin and death only, which for many can be a nice time but also oblivious ignorance. This way repentance is never reached because 'Grace' allows a transgression or many but not a convicted spirit (there is a difference to conviction by the Ruach of Gd and an accusation or persecution by men) and rebirth never occurs. Many people live like this unaware but can be offended if the question is raised.  Many Churches believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit was a 'early church sign' only and not a future part of the sanctifying work of Gd until today, and until heaven and earth pass away. They never reach Canaan or the promised land, they never cross the Jordan with the Ark or enter in, yet they believe in a Gd, but not a Messiah as Gd, and never fulfill John 3 which is a part of John 14,15. Yeshua was baptised by John the Baptist in the river, as a baptism towards repentance and many of those who had Johns baptism were re-baptized after the crucifixion.  The river where the Ark of the covenant was taken by David 2000 cubits ahead of the Israelite's (Joshua 3, 3 -15) and where it parted the river allowing the Israelite's to cross, was also sprinkled with atoning blood (Leviticus 16:14).This was the way into the promised land either physically or spiritually (and the Messiah returns only to Zion in Jerusalem) This is the meaning of 1 Peter 2, 6.

This stone in Zion (1 Peter 2,6) is placed in position by Gd but you can follow its journey. The Great Pyramid when observed from above at 12.00 noon when the Sun is most high is actually 8 sided, yet it appears most times from the ground as four sided. This can suggest from above it is also four sided like a Maltese cross, yet of course each space in between the cross arms is itself a pyramid of 4 sides, making 4 and 4 = 8. Interestingly the pyramid could also be a possible shape (not a cube) of the New Jerusalem at 1500 miles, x 1500 miles x 1500 miles in size. It is important to know this as this is the future Temple or dwelling after heaven and earth passes away. The Great pyramid therefore when observed from above is an 8 sided construction which is missing its top capstone (which was never put in place as it was rejected until the last minute by the builders, see also 1 Peter 2, 7 – 8 ). This peculiar design has its purpose as Yahweh in Job 38, and in particular Job 38, 4 – 7. Verse 6 asks who made the earth and set its cornerstone. Zechariah 4, 7 describes the plain of Zerubbabel (which occurs after him ) and describes this cornerstone as a 'topstone' which is taken up again in Acts 4,11 and 1 Peter 2,7 (see also Isaiah & Psalm 118, 22 which is fulfilled in Acts 4,11 and see Isaiah 28, 16 & Romans 9 ,33 ) It is a continuous theme in the Bible from Genesis to Revelations and is a major study, it is not incidental.

Gds law and design is always exact and in the Passover 2018 which we are currently within, the New Moon was dark on the 17.03.2018, yet the official Spring Equinox was on the 20.3.2018.(the actual equinox varies from year to year from 19.03.2018 to 21.03.2018 or even earlier or later) The next new moon after the 20th March is 16.04.2018,and tradition suggests the month of Abib  (also named as Aviv) should or could be the first month (Exodus 12,2) when a new Moon after the Spring Equinox appears, yet this in 2018 would have made Passover 2 weeks later and around the 30.4.2018. As we have seen in Gds calendar videos above, both the lesser light and greater light are employed in recognizing new months, but  Genesis 1,16 says the greater light rules over the day. The Babylonians held the moon alone to be central to their calculations as they worshipped the Moon Gd. In the Babylonian captivity 587 bc, Israel took on these teachings of the Babylonians and returned them to Jerusalem, when they  returned, and consequently many of the months the Israelite's understood, took on Babylonian names, when in reality Abiv was the New year as defined by the Spring Equinox (Solar) and which became Nisan, and which defined the Exodus in Exodus 13,4 - 5. The new names were brought by the Prophet Ezra, after the Babylonian exile and are named after Babylonian deities which follow the moon. The Hebrews did not call a month a moon time (month) or reckon a new month by the moon, it was only a guide counted from Abiv and the counting of the Omer into Shavuot began at Passover preparation (i.e. Friday 30.03.2018 - Saturday 01.04.2018 ) and finishes at May 19th = Shavuot or Pentecost, and into actual named Hebrew months such as Ziv in 1 Kings 6,1 (2nd month)  or  Eitanim in 1 Kings 8,2 (7th month) or Bul in I kings 6,38 (8th month) There were no week day names, only the Sabbath was a name, and a day was 'day 1' ,2 3 and so on. ( Yom Rishon – יום ראשון First day or Sunday (Sat 6 pm – Sunday 6 pm ) Yom Sheni – יום שני or second day, Yom Shlishi – יום שלישי or third day Yom Reviʻi – יום רביעי or 4th day Chamishi – יום חמישי 5th day, Yom Shishi – יום ששי sixth day or Thurs 6 pm to Friday 6 pm. Yom Shabbat (7th day)

Just as a Pyramid has a triangular capstone, a cornerstone can be fashioned from it. The Great pyramid capstone was likely either (depending on the actual positions and thickness of the limestone casings), 15 feet tall or 25 - 30 feet tall and all around (and fashioned with Gold leaf upon it), whereas Solomon's Temple, being rectangular in design had a cornerstone, not perhaps a foundation stone but a stone which became the head of the corner or the stone from where the Trumpets would sound over Jerusalem or where the Rams horn would be blown from a high vantage point or balcony. (see Psalm 118, 22 which cites this stone as the 'head of the corner' in many translations, and which is repeated in Matthew 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17, Acts 4:11 and 1 Peter 2:7. It is repeated many times throughout the bible  and Paul who was also a master builder who understood both the law and the Ruach of Gd as in Ephesians 3, 18. i.e. the width, breadth, height and depth)

Yeshua was named as the passover lamb (see Exodus 12 and Hebrews 9 & 10 ) or see here also in Jews for Jesus  John 1, 29 & John 1, 36 names Yeshua as the Lamb of God. This begs the question: was the 'last supper' a passover meal ? Central to this continuing debate is the mistake of Good Friday and Easter Sunday as the time period between them is only 48 hours not 72 hours or 3 days and 3 nights. Yeshua was crucified on a wednesday afternoon ( a high sabbath see John 19,31 "Therefore, because it was the Preparation Day, that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away. (John 19:31)" )  and was laid to rest on the feast of unleavened bread (Thursday just after 6.00pm as days begin again at 6.00pm not 12 pm) rose again on the feast of firstfruits on saturday 72 hours later. Crucified on passover, buried on unleavened bread and risen on firstfruits as stipulated in Leviticus 23 see also "DPI Ministries: Three Days & Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth: The Good Friday Myth"  Therefore this final last supper (see Luke 22, 7 - 23) was like a passover meal (freeing from Egypt ) but was also different and new (see below)  but still also remembers passover

See also here on Bitchute again DPI Ministries Three Days & Three Nights in the Heart of the Earth The Good Friday Myth    and see Kevin J Connor's book 2 "3 days and 3 nights"   (first published 1990 and again 2000 and here also on Amazon  )   and link here to parallel teaching

The Full explanation of the feast days of Passover, Unleavened bread and First fruits (31.03.2018/01.04.2018 – 7.3.2018) are here ' Was the Last Supper a Passover Meal? - 119 Ministries'  which (and because '119 ministries' are deliberate, complete and thorough) explains the most amazing and incredible event in history (which reversed the curse of Eden, and it is interesting that Revelations 5, 7 describes the Son and the Father) and is the greatest battle and war in history, which completed Yeshuas work (it is finished) on towards Shavuot / Pentecost which had not yet begun, just as the 'Great Commission in Mathew 28, 16 – 20' is not yet finished. This year in 2018 as an example would make Passover and the Crucifixion to Resurrection as Friday 30.03.2018 - Saturday 01.04.2018 to Tuesday 3.4.2018 as the 3 days of crucifixion to resurrection if copied from Yeshuas time (note there are no Easter eggs or Easter day to the Goddess Astarte or Eastarte to whom Easter is dedicated. Bibles which say 'Easter' in the book of Acts or anywhere are mistranslated from Passover or feasts or Unleavened bread or first fruits. The feast at this time of year is not a symbolic celebration of Spring and rebirth but a physical resurrection of Yeshua from the dead. See the film and trailer 'Risen' )

First Fruits (in the west this can be ploughing or sowing) begins in mid February 2018, but the feast of Feast of Unleavened Bread: April 1 -8, 2018; Feast of First Fruits: is April 7-8 (counting the Omer for 50 days begins (began) on Passover 30.03.2018 - 1.4.2018 until 19.05.2018. Time: Our Creator's Calendar - How To Calculate First Fruits - 119 Ministries  and to count the Omer to Pentecost Counting The Omer: Preparing For The Outpouring // Part One   (or a much simpler method for any family Omer Count 2017 from last year but the method is the same ) The temple of Ezekiel's feasts are different but they all represent a year and a purpose for us today providing an insight into Gds plan.

The future Temple of Ezekiel and the ongoing restoration of Israel have the restored Levitical duties and observances and are the laws of Gd and why would followers of Gd not want to  follow Gds laws ?  Today many are bound in works and legalisms which are nothing to do with the Church but practiced every week. What this full future restoration will look like is a mystery in many areas but the scriptures are clear. Paul formally Saul of Tarsus was learned within the Sanhedrin and persecuted the Church, but Yeshua intervened and he was brought to a dramatic conversion giving us many insights into the law especially in the book of Hebrews. The book of Hebrews relates a transition in the Priesthoods which today we accept, but it is not the last event in Levitical history. Paul's letters were written to different Churches and groups, and in context they all had different problems or teachings to pass on to the reader, but one thing they had in common (although some did not have all the stages of conversion, hence the different arguments and reasoning's) is explained by David Pawson in the Normal Christian Birth part 1 which is exactly the same experience and debate the very first Christians had from acts to Revelations, and is an ongoing debate today. Rebirth (which as a discussion is spread across the new testament books and  letters and the book of acts and in part in the Gospels to make you read it and understand) as a backdrop to Peter and Pauls letters would unlock a lot of the debate and free up the dry academic discussion. (Hebrew in place of Greek would help which first took the Jews to translate to the Greeks. The very first discussions must have  been interesting, but the Ruach of Gd intervened to open up language and understanding ) This early church spread across Europe (the book of Galatians is written to the Gauls and Celts ) into Wales Britain, Scotland and Ireland by 63 ad.


A Summary of the laws of Yeshua are as follows (added 18.04.2018); 1. Hear the word of Gd  (Romans 10,10 & Acts 5,17) 2. Believe the word of Gd from Genesis to Revelations (Hebrews 11,16 & Romans 10,10) 3. Repent (Acts 3,19 & 11,18 & 17,30)  4. Confess sins and your new belief (Acts 8, 36 - 37, Romans 10, 9-10) and then be Baptized (Galatians, 3, 26 - 27,  Romans 6, 3 - 4 & Mark 16,16 & Acts 2, 38 & 22,16 & 1 Peter 3, 21) note Baptism does not 'save' you but it is a commandment of Yeshua in Mathew 28,19 after you are reborn, in this way the Ruach and rebirth cannot be bought or owned by anyone other than those Gd has already regenerated and who are reborn, and it is not a right of clerical office.

Gd brings his understanding of where he dwells and he works (Eden the Garden of Gd mentioned in Genesis 13,10 and its trees mentioned in Ezekiel 31 & Mountain, or Tent, Tabernacle or Temple) forward through history. The Egyptian pyramids are an enigma which are hidden in plain view (and of course are are hard to disguise visually but are disguised by a lack of information on them ) yet the more we know of them the harder their sophistication and miraculous constructions are to ignore. The Temple of Ezekiel and New Jerusalem are even more intriguing and miraculous and their design is beyond anything built on earth in history. The incredible Ezekiel stone engravings or plates which were discovered near the Euphrates river at Ezekiel's tomb. which are in themselves wonders of art (Ezekiel was a popular prophet to depict in Rome also) and inscription and the text is accurate in ancient  Hebrew are a pointer to the accuracy of prophecy through history.

John 10, 15 – 16  Even as the Father knows Me, I also know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. 16 And I also have other sheep, those who were not from this sheepfold.  And also them, It is necessary for me to bring them and they will hear my voice and all the flocks will become one. And there will be One Shepherd which is the prophecy of the "Two Houses" of Ezekiel 37: 15-28, between Judah and Israel (the lost scattered tribes) and the unification (the two olive trees and Ephraim)


A Jubilee Year

It is also important to understand a year of Jubilee as described in Leviticus, Deuteronomy and the Book of Jubilees as they carried a law of debt cancellation and land redistribution and these laws have also not passed away, especially in a 50th year of Jubilee. It is to be observed.

This sub- heading on the Temple of Ezekiel is also the faith of the early Jewish Messianic believers and therefore of the early Church and which spread to Asia minor, Europe and into Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and further, even into India with Thomas the disciple and all continents. The faith reached Britain and Scotland, Wales and Ireland by 63 ad, as it spread like a fire equally all over the known trade routes which existed from the 10 lost tribes and before (and spread by Jewish people outward which astonishes many people) The West has struggled longest to uphold it and the West was instrumental in bringing Israel to birth.

The Glastonbury legend of Joseph of Arimathea was not Aarons staff budding into a Hawthorn bush, but into Almond buds. Exodus 25, 31 - 40 describes the making of the Menorah seven branched candlestick which is fashioned in its oil cups like Almond blossoms  (verses 33, 34) There are 22 cups and 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet see verse 33. Almonds were the first to bloom in Israel in spring and awaken. Likewise, in Jeremiah 11, 11 - 13 watchfulness over the word and a light on the word (which the Menorah performed as its task as it lit the Ark of the Covenant) Therefore like a tree of life (found in Eden in Genesis and in the book of Revelations) the Almond tree buds and springs or awakens into life, a sign of the resurrected power of G-d. The menorah seven branched candlestick is a direct fulfilment of John 8 ,13. (and also John 10, 22 - 23 at the feast of dedication or Hanukkah in which the Menorah is raised) This leads up to Zechariah's vision of Zechariah 4 of Priesthood and Kingship.

This was a sign of the Levitical Priesthood through the Zadok line which spread into Scotland. Wales and Ireland and France where it was also brought. Aarons rod see Numbers 17.

Ezekiel's Temple also contains people, in its rooms and courts and outer courts, just as the New Jerusalem has 'many rooms in my father's house'

Nicodemus Ben Gurions Question (John 3, verse 4)

On Facebook (group pages) An interesting debate is named here as  ' Nicodemus Ben Gurions Question (John 3, verse 4 ) '   and is linked as an open group on facebook. The last link is simply the accompanying note, but which also directs you to the Facebook group of the same name.

Its also a Video section which contains 70 testimonies of Jewish believers  (Jewish believers in a Messiah or  Mashiaẖ, מָשִׁיחַ)  and even a couple of Rabbi's by video with their testimonies and also accompanying videos of songs and teachings on Ezekiel's Temple.

The main page is here  You do need a facebook account and / or need to have it open to read, yet you do not have to join a group to do so but you have that option also.

Or see similar testimonies here on the Youtbe channel 'One for Israel'

For those who do not have a facebook account, a few samples of testimonies are here at random

I Found Shalom - Vanessa Leef    &   A Jewish man discovers that Jesus is Jewish! 

'I Found Jesus in the Old Testament | Sharon Allen'

How do you reconcile being Jewish and believing Jesus?   

He found Messiah in the pages of his US Navy Tenakh!

&    Moran Rosenblit, I found the Messiah (Yeshua) of Israel in America | Jewish testimonies

Who is Jesus? | Israeli Soldier Journey of Faith | David Minsky



A Reasonable video on the design of Ezekiel's Temple

(link)  'Ezekiel Temple Vision - Chapter 40 - 3D Animation'

The video is useful for picturing  Ezekiel's Temple (but not the whole area of Ezekiel's plan and footprint as described in Genesis 15, 18 ' On that day the LORD (Yahweh) made a covenant with Abram, saying, "To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates') The courts and outer courts, the surrounding landscape of Vineyards and agriculture, and the land of Milk and Honey are not reproduced in what is a very large subject, however it does justice to Ezekiel 40. Videos for Ezekiel 41 see "Ezekiel Temple Vision - Chapter 40 - 3D Animation"  and also  for  Ezekiel  42 & 43 in "Ezekiel Temple Vision - Chapter 42 and 43 - 3D Animation"     are also available (These 3 videos comprise the main chapters of Ezekiel which outline the Temple and courts and their design or they can be viewed here along with the New Jerusalem and solomon's Temple in Bibliaprints free animation website 

The mysterious Temple of Ezekiel is measured physically but an incredible feature is many of the areas are rooms but which on the inside they appear far larger, again this Spiritual aspect is a feature of Ezekiel's temple which also has a River flowing from within it, bordered by trees on both banks as described in Ezekiel 47, 12. Food of all kinds and leaves for healing, which leads to the tree of life in Revelations 22. Ezekiel 47, 13 mentions the 12 tribes of Israel and the double portion of Joseph. Israel is not 'ecumenical' in that there is only Yahweh and the Messiah and the Spirit of Gd and no others as faiths, it is also a 12 Tribe nation, a Jewish State where the wild Olive trees,  are grafted into the branches which were broken off (Romans 11, 11 - 24, but Romans 11, 30 - 36 clarifies the final Olive tree in Zechariah 8, 13, & 20 - 23) The landscape (as the Temple and courts of Ezekiel are harder to picture) is more familiar to many in Israel, as is restored Israel.  in which the entire land of Milk and Honey is the entire promised land.

Knesset Bible Study with Jews and Christians 27.02.2018



Jerusalem the Centre of the world

Jerusalem and Israel on the 19.06.2018 were named as a Jewish state (see further down )

Jerusalem was and is known as the ‘naval’ of the earth, see Ezekiel 5,5 and Ezekiel 38,12. King David also believed Jerusalem was the centre or naval or ‘bellybutton’ of the earth, and Mount Moriah (The temple mount) has the well of souls upon it, underneath the foundation stone in the dome of the rock. All Jews pray towards Mount Moriah (Zion) and all synagogues and many messianic churches (a far as possible) are built facing towards the capital of Israel. It is also a relevant factor in Christianity, although all Christian denominations accept the Messiah will return to Jerusalem. 2 Chronicles chapter 6 verse 6 states Gd has put his name in Jerusalem, and upon the City of Jerusalem. ‘ Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel’   ­­(see also Deut 12,5. 2 Chronicles 33, 4. 1 Kings 9,3, 2 Kings 21,4) The name of Gd is ‘Shin, Dalet, Yod’ which as words are an abbreviation of the statement ‘Shomer Daltot Yisrael’ or Shaddai (Shin, Dalet Yod  can also mean The Lamb of Gd  see the Book of John & John 1,29. John the Baptist was descended from the Zadok line of High Priests (Cohens) and they anointed Solomon in 1 Kings 1,39. King David replaced the Levitical priesthood with the Zadok line for their faithfulness) Shaddai or the all sufficient one, is the watcher on the entrance to Jerusalem. It is as an inscription placed upon all Jewish homes and households. The first Passover and Exodus required all households to have its doorposts and lintels smeared with the blood of a lamb. The book of Jubilees also mentions this fact. Mount Zion the Naval entrance to the womb also implies birth.

Zechariah 14, 4 explains where the Messiah will return to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and Jerusalem will become a cup of Trembling for all nations.  Zechariah 12, 2 – 3. Isaiah 7, 18 also mentions the day of the Messiah (see also Psalm 110, 1 – 5,  Acts 1, 9 – 12 & Revelations 21, 1 – 4) Jerusalem is the centre of past and future prophecy. A future prophecy and warning is also given in Zechariah 14, 16 – 19 as this feast of Tabernacles is for the Messiah (it is also a Christian feast) Isaiah 17 and Psalm 83 (also Ezekiel 38, 2- 6 and the Millennium) and Luke 21,24 describe a significant period in Jerusalem’s history.

(in that it would be back in Jewish hands i.e. Luke 21,24)

Zechariah 14,4 (and Zechariah 12,3) also implies that all nations (and tribes and there is only one ‘race’ of humans) will come to recognise Israel in a special way even from a far off (Zechariah 8,3) although not all will revere it, yet eventually all knees will bow, see Isaiah 45,23, Romans 14,11, & Revelations 22, 1 – 5.   Joel 4,20 states Judah and Jerusalem will exist forever.

Mount Moriah (some suggest is the original area of Eden, which follows in the context of future events) was won by Abraham (against 5 Kings at the battle of the vale of Siddim when four Kings defeated 5 or the battle of nine kings in Genesis 14, 1- 17) and was congratulated by its King Melchizedek, Abram changed his name to add Gd as Abram of Gd, or Abram and ‘I am’ ( Moses asked Gd what shall I tell the Hebrew Slaves in Egypt of your name, Gd replied tell them ‘I am, that I am’ in Exodus 3,13) or joined it became Abraham. King David purchased the threshing floor on Mount Moriah as he recognised it as Zion (see 2 Samuel 24, 24). King David paid 50 pieces of Silver for it, although he was offered it for free, he insisted he pay so that there was no doubt to whom it belonged and as a sacrifice, he eventually brought the Ark of the Covenant into a humble tabernacle on Mount Moriah, establishing his throne there. Solomon, King David’s son built a magnificent Temple upon it. The Kings of Judah and Israel recognised it as the Capital of Israel and Judah. Christians know Yeshua was crucified upon it and his last seven days reflect a reversal of the curse of Eden and the defeat of death for all eternity.

The Christian Embassy of Jerusalem (ICEJ) has its headquarters there. Recently the United States of America has moved its embassy into Jerusalem. (May 2018) 87 countries have embassies in Israel including Italy, Russia and Ireland, Germany, Sweden and most of Europe. Those countries may move their embassy into Jerusalem as Guatemala and Paraguay (and almost Czech Republic) already have, instead of the surrounding cities in Israel. Many countries & continents around the world are as blocs considering the development. 10 countries already have ‘consulates general’ in or near Jerusalem. Isaiah 35, 8 – 10 states an elevated highway will exist in Israel and Greater Israel for those who follow Yahweh. Verse 10 describes Revelations 21, 4 and is translated as Yahweh not ‘Lord’ and it gives an insight into the future purpose of Israel in spirituality (and commerce and rule, it suggests a new area for trade and commerce see Genesis 15,18, but also Ezekiel 36 – 39 & 40 – 48 and a new power block as in Psalm 83 and Ezekiel 38)

Israel has recently celebrated its 70th year since 14.05.1948 (but began in 1947) and a feature of the date was and is significant prophetically and has been commented upon by notable researchers who note the cycle of Jubilee’s of 50 years and 70 years throughout Israel’s history. Read Henry Grattan Guinness and ‘Light for the last days’ (published in 1888) Many researchers have varied views and science to establish similar information, see also Flynn, David  2008  Temple at the Centre of Time, Newtons Bible Codex Finally Deciphered and the year 2012 Official Disclosure & Klein, John 2013 Anatomy of the Heavens. Gods message in the Stars. Covenant Research Institute & Michell, John 2000 The Temple at Jerusalem, A New Revelation, Deep Books & Michell, John 2008 Twelve Tribe Nations Inner Traditions. Learn also of Isaac Newtons teachings on time and Israel  Isaac Newtons prediction on Israel  and his view on the Temple in Jerusalem.   Charles H Spurgeon the Baptist preacher (writing in 1855) writings and sermons, significantly  the restoration of Israel  and the sublime book by Edersheim, Alfred 1874 The Temple: its Ministry and Services as they were in the Time of Jesus Christ  free pdf             

For more information see all of this chapter 5 above.

Israel in Archeology. To understand that Israel’s past has been unearthed and its archeology confirms the Old and New Testaments (the Bible) see the Facebook ‘photo album’  ‘Archaeological discoveries in Israel and Greater Israel’   and wider as just a sample of the vast proofs available (or here alternatively) The Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also It is very important as the Egyptian Archaeological Record is deliberately out of Sync (a huge cover up and fraud) in its Timeline (as also the earlier Sumerian King Lists from where we derive the Red Headed Pharaohs ) and as it is used as a yardstick and marker for history, all other nations history is also out of Sync, keeping the confusion on nations histories and timelines in perpetuity including Israel's (via academia and peer reviews and television etc) See also  Moses, Exodus Route, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai, 10 Commandments, Mt. Horeb, Goshen, Jebel al Lawz  see also 1. Archaeology reveals the true location and circumstances of Sodom and more areas and locations can be seen on Holylandsite on Youtube  and their website ) 

This is the Israel of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Joseph was the son as was Benjamin of Jacob and Rachel)


The House of Joseph ‘Beit Yoseph’, בית יוסף . A recent archaeological excavation discovered a Mosaic of the 12 tribes and their journey into Israel. The 2 spies (Israelite's) of the 12 spies in total from Numbers 13 portrayed on an ancient synagogue’ column and is dated at 1600 years old, but relating to the story from 1400 bc (3400 years ago) Israel became a nation again in 1947. In Numbers 13 verse 16 It says that Joshua was originally named Hoshea. Numbers 13 verse tells us that Hoshea was from the tribe of Ephraim (1st faithful spy) whilst Caleb (2nd faithful spy verse 30) was from the tribe of Judah. The Ten other spies sent onto Canaan were afraid to take the land. Those that entered the promised land also excluded those who worshiped the Golden Calf which caused Israel to wander in the desert  for 40 years. (Numbers verse 31 – 33 for Canaan) Ezekiel 37, 19 tells us that in effect Ephraim would unite with Judah Ephraim would become the head of 12 tribe Israel with Manasseh see also Genesis 48. (Manasseh as a tribe seemed to have followed the silk road route and dispersed into a few nations) The House of Joseph or ‘Beit Yoseph’, בית יוסף refers to Ephraim and Manasseh the two half tribes who replaced the tribe of Dan (Dan reappears in the Ezekiel tribe lists in Ezekiel 48 verse 1) The twelves tribes turned into thirteen when Jacob gave Joseph a 'double portion'. This meant that each of his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, became a tribe, rather than just the one tribe of Joseph (Genesis 48, 5) This aspect of the ‘double portion’ and the 12 as 2 and 10 is a repeated doctrine throughout the Old & New Testaments (see chapter 5 above) These thirteen tribes became twelve again as the tribe of Levi received no land and were appointed as Priests. The Levites were only given certain cities instead, and they were the tribe of the priesthood that received tithes of the other twelve tribes who tithed from their land. Those cities included cities on the East of the Jordan as well as the west. Levi (of the Levites) appears as a tribe in Genesis 29 – 30, but not in Numbers 1, but does return in Revelations 7. (the 3 major trible lists) Levi as a tribe rather than Priests, is effectively going back to the time before Jacob gave Joseph the double portion. Dan is listed in Genesis 29 – 30, and in Numbers 1, but not in Revelations 7. Ephraim and Manasseh first appear in Numbers 7, but only Manasseh appears in Revelations 7.  God refers to the LOST SHEEP OF ISRAEL as EPHRAIM because He gave all the northern ten tribes to the Tribe of EPHRAIM to rule over the 110 tribes (1Kings 11:11-12, 31). These tribes travelled to the Black sea area and to the west of it was an area populated by the Medes and Scythians and is recorded as such in the Irish annals (from the Black sea across Europe and into Britain, Wales, Scotland and Ireland) and also in the books of Esdras 1 and 2. Before the Exodus (and therefore before terms such as Jews and Israel were allocated) Hebrews are also recorded as residing in the Black sea area (having chosen to either leave Egypt early) or not go on to the promised land. This area is known as Colchis roughly where modern day Georgia is located today. (see Kingdom of the Medes i.e. Media and 2 Kings 18, 11) The ten tribes did not stay in Assyria and did not like its culture and they left  taking a west and then northern route to Colchis. But this episode is in the former biblical books of 1 and 2 Esdras see Chapter 13  

The Inheritance of the House of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) is a portion of Israel and to be the leader of Israel. Joshua 16, 5 – 10 states; (map here for the double portion)

The border of their inheritance went from Ataroth-addar on the east of Upper Beth-horon. In the north the border went westward from Michmethath; it turned eastward from Taanath-shiloh and passed it east of Janoah. From Janoah it descended to Ataroth and Naarah,and then reached Jericho and went to the Jordan. From Tappuah the border[b] went westward along the Brook of Kanah and ended at the Mediterranean Sea. This was the inheritance of the tribe of the descendants of Ephraim by their clans, together with the cities set apart for the descendants of Ephraim within the inheritance of the descendants of Manasseh—all these cities with their villages. 10 But, they did not drive out the Canaanites who lived in Gezer. So the Canaanites live in Ephraim to this day, but they are forced laborers”

Ezekiel 37, 16 unites ‘Ephraim’ (the 10 tribes) with Judah, in other words after the exile and captivity, they would unite again at some future point in history. (The first and second world wars brought destruction and misery to hundreds of millions and many died fighting in those wars) This is occurring today (now)

Recently Israel was declared a Jewish state (19.07.2018) , and its name (Shaddai) may move to become the United Kingdoms of Judah and Israel (the 2 tribes and the 10 tribes)

Declaring Zion belongs to Yahweh in the eternal Jewish Capital. On the 19.07.2018 the Jewish nation state was enshrined in law and has been written so that it may be done, and on Mount Moriah (Zion) in April 2018 and it is now permitted for Jewish and Israeli people to call out ‘Am Yisreal Chai’ or the Jewish people live eternally.(it means in translation) These restrictions on Zion may as well all be lifted to recite all the Torah and Psalms and Prophets or in fact the entire Old and New Testaments everyday.

The Messiah (the book of Ezekiel states) will be seated on an earthly throne in Jerusalem and 'David' (who will be exactly like King David) will rule re-gathered Israel (Ezekiel 34, 24). The scriptures are clear on this. The Gentile nations who warred against Israel will keep the Feast of Tabernacles each year (Zechariah. 14,16-19)  Those who are with the Messiah (regenerate and born of the Spirit, or the Ruach of Gd) will reign with the Messiah to rule and to reign with him (Rev. 5,9-10, 20,6) but from Jerusalem when the Zadok priesthood and in some views the restored Levitical Priesthood who have been redeemed. The Messiah will be High Priest and King and all believers with be sons and daughters in his Royal Priesthood. He will reign with an authority as a ‘rod of iron’ (Revelations 2,27) but an authority that is Just (as the law has Justice and is Just yet there was a difference between King Saul and King David) in all areas (commerce and life) and those that try to prevent this will be destroyed. (Ezekiel 36 – 39 and then into 40- 48)

Jerusalem is the wonder of the World today and throughout the ages, and it is again today a Jewish State


This is why Jerusalem is the Centre of the World, and Ezekiel’s Temple is the centre and predecessor to the New Jerusalem.



1. The Tabernacle of David (Military)

Click here to return to Brexit & Elections October 15th 2019


Link back to Chapter 3b


Outlines 2 & 3 follow on from this beginning.


In this Chapter 5 (this section added in February 2019) we can learn of the various meeting places where individuals, (Jacob and Moses etc) and families (Abraham) and Congregations (the Children of Israel) and the tribes (Israel and the Exodus, Moses and the tabernacle and lands allotted in the promised land ) and a nation (Shiloh, Jerusalem, King David and Solomon and the later Herod’s Temple) met or were instructed to meet to come into Gds presence.

David’s tabernacle was really 3 tabernacles in 1

David's tabernacle was a past tabernacle, but it is to be restored in the 1000 year Millennial reign. It is also a guide for the 'Church' today and inbetween. Formal and Holy, but not with a religious spirit, and also full of praise and dancing, and a tabernacle which Gd builds.


1) David who brought the Ark of the Covenant to 1) Mount Zion. His birth reconciled Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. He also brought the Ark from
2) Mount Gerizim (formal and reverent) & Kiriath- jearim and Mount Zion (rejoicing and praise) but after realising that setting the Ark on a ‘New cart’ was not the will of Gd who was uniting all 3 tabernacles or tents into one not removing the previous way and custom but combining them. (see outline 1 above) This also signifies the thread of the ‘Old and New’ moving together, and both tabernacles existed alongside the
3) The Tabernacle 'Gd had made' (in which he moves as he wills) as 1 more Tabernacle built by Gd, but still called the tabernacle of David see Isaiah 16,5 & Amos 9 11- 12 & Psalm 132, 3 & Acts 15, 16 – 17. These 3 were United into 1 (and like the Ark placed between 2 mountains at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim with both mountains occupied by the Levites facing, and the Ark in the midst of them, the blessing and curses of the law were read out from the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 25 - 30, but 27 - 28 Those blessing and/or curses would fall upon those who were under either state, and echoing the future parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:31–46 ) These mountains define the West bank and Israel today (Jordan and Israel. Jordan shares the same flag as ‘Palestine’ Gaza) Christians and Messianic Jews would say that this ‘tent’ three in one also extends into the Brit CHadashah or New Testament (see outlines 1 and 2 above)

It is restored but bigger into the Millennium. The Tabernacle of David IS HUMBLE AND HOLY AND FULL OF PRAISE which is really 3 tabernacles in 1. As well as a 'past' tabernacle in the Millenium 1000 reign, ( 1 Chronicles 28, 11 - 19 & Amos 9, 11, & 2 Sam 7:16 & Ezekiel 48, 35 & Zechariah 14:9-10 & Acts 15:14-17 & John 4:21–24 ) It is the tabernacle of David which is remade not Solomon's Temple. The line of David through David's son Nathan produced the Messiah (not Solomons offspring)

A facebook page helps visual its beauty

The 3 studies hope to encapsulate some of the broad subject matter  (no 1 is here below and also follows on directly below)  

1. ‘The Tabernacle of King David’ 1.( Military)

2. ‘The Double Portion & the 7 / 8 Feasts of Israel in David’s Tabernacle. The Millennium Reign’ (Spiritual) 

3. The Tabernacle of David, Power, Ownership and Authority (Economics, Land & Money) Amos 9, 11


The Tabernacle and/or tents of David are not as understood (his tabernacle is sometimes confused with a ‘Sukkah’ tent or frame, which was erected also at that time at Sukkot, the 7th festival of 7 of Israel’s year.  Sukkot was a pilgrimage festival. Feasts and Festivals reveal the Messiah and even Christians recognise those festivals, see further Richard Booker ‘Celebrating Jesus in the Biblical feasts’  The feasts are also a part of Gds calendar over a year, a thousand years or 7 thousand years, albeit the feasts began in Leviticus and not Genesis. Ezekiel’s Temple is of course mysterious and runs through history from 600 bc and up until today and into the future (although this is disputed ) yet the land designation or area of Ezekiel’s Temple and Greater Israel are very similar and large in area. Ezekiel’s Temple and the restoration of the Levitical Priesthood (which under David as also a Priest carried the burden of the law and rituals in the Temple for 2 week periods in a year as opposed to carrying the burden or yoke all year, every year ) through Zadok and the Priesthood of Melchizedek links into the Millennium Temple, which was described by Paul the Apostle and Ezekiel.  (see also Acts 9;1–9, 22;6–11, 26;12–18. ) and also by John who described the New Jerusalem in the book of Revelations chapter 21 and by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 48,31. The Millennium Temple and reign begins around the time of the 5th & 6th seal in the book of Revelations chapters 5 – 8, but  listed in Chapter 6 - 10, and is described as occurring after the tribulation in Mathew 24,29. The first five seals (the 5th dissipates into the 6th) describe man’s war upon man in its limited authority or probation (research the 70 x 7 years) at the end of all things, but from that point onwards the next events in seals 5, 6 and 7 are  those forces being destroyed by the Messiah. The Millennium Temple is the continuation of the Throne of David and is described in Ezekiel chapter 40. (2 Samuel 7, & Luke 1,32) it is signified by Sukkot the 7th feast which is kept for 7 days see Leviticus 23, 39 ( and John 6, 39 – 54 states all will be raised on the last day i.e. the Sabbath day ) and then comes the 8th day at the end of Sukkot ( which is a high sabbath differing in the week from the usual sabbath, see again Leviticus 23,39 ) representing the New Jerusalem. Three of the seven feasts of Israel (although this is disputed also) have not been fulfilled, occurring as they do in Summer as it falls into Autumn (see Mathew 24, 32- 33, Summer in Israel is 23 June – to roughly 23 September when the 4th to 7th feasts begin and they end September to October) Figs from a fig tree in Israel produce fruit normally in early to mid - June. A fig tree producing no fruit was cursed by Yeshua (in or out of season as a fig tree produces buds even out of season) and Shavuot / the feast of weeks / Pentecost the 4th feast occurs normally 8 – 10 June.

Many times, in history Israel fell away from Gd and did not repent, and the tribes of Israel were banished from the promised land, until they repented again or moved towards Gd and set up the Tabernacle of David (again) For instance Ezra and Nehemiah worked under repentance and restored Israel to greater and lesser extents. (Nehemiah’s wall surrounds David’s city and 1/3 of the Temple Mount on the South side) The land of Israel has always been insitu as the promised land whether the tribes were upon it or not, and the Messiah returns to the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14, 4 & Revelations 19) to set up his Millennium reign of 1000 years before the New Jerusalem descends. Ezekiel’s and Jeremiahs prophecies together are not completely fulfilled (into their future beyond their time and 600 years later and into our future) as the Messiah has not returned and the Millennium has not begun. Further the ‘fullness of the gentiles’ in Romans 11 is obviously not full, and Isaiah 11, 13 is not complete, Mathew 23, 29 has not been accomplished in full and Zechariah 12,10 is not yet in full view. Yet there are signs within Israel and globally that awakening is occurring. Ezekiel or rather a ‘bronze man’ measured the Temple (see Ezekiel 41, 13)  John also measured the Temple in (Revelations 11, 1- 2)  Later John discusses matters with Yeshua but there is no Temple, but someone else is measuring its outer walls ? (Revelations 21) Ezekiel was watching John measure the Temple 600 years later (Gd is outside of our time) John was measuring but could not continue as the waters coming from the Temple, became too deep and he did not write down the measurements, but Ezekiel did write down the measurements as he measured. The New Jerusalem has no Temple and in Ezekiel’s Temple the Levites occupy the land around the temple but in the temple John measures the ‘gentiles’ (but regenerate believers in Messiah   occupy that land. Zechariah 6 describes a Temple which the Messiah ordered. Therefore, a temple trampled by the gentiles for 3.5 years must be a different temple but Ezekiel’s temple (both spiritual and physical but prior to the Millennium temple in linear time ) seems to flow into the Millennium Temple, and in turn this is measured into the New Jerusalem, a period covering; Ezekiel / Jeremiah to Herod and Yeshua 600 + 2019 (+ an unknown period) + 1000 years + the New Jerusalem. The land as promised in Genesis 15, 8 i.e. greater Israel is a part of the Millennium reign, (with similar land size designations) yet when does the place prepared begin to pass from Summer to Autumn ?

Prophesies still to be fulfilled biblically are Zechariah 12,6 & Ezekiel 38, 11 and 1 – 17 & 18- 23 & 39, 1 – 8, Daniel 9,7 & 27, Mathew 24, 15 – 18 & 2 Thessalonians 2, 3- 4, Revelations 12, 13 – 17 & Zechariah 13, 8 – 9. Also, Zechariah 12, 10 & Romans 9, 27 – 28 & Romans 11, 25 – 27, Deuteronomy 30, 1 – 9. Isaiah 60, 1 – 6 &  2, 7. & Zechariah 8, 22 – 23. Also, again 1 Thessalonians 4, 13 – 18 & 2 Thessalonians 3- 4. Prophecies which have been fulfilled are Isaiah 11, 11 – 12, & 66, 7 – 8 & Zechariah 3, 9 & 8, 4- 8 & 12, 1- 3. Ezekiel 36, 34 – 35 & Zephaniah 3, 9. Revelations 7 states the 144,000 are Jews who follow the lamb wherever he goes. Who are they ? are they Jews and regenerate also ? The 24 elders round the throne of Gd are 12 + 12 for both houses of Israel (Revelation 4,4) The 144,000 are sealed with the name of Gd the father on their foreheads (Revelations 14, 5) & through time outside of time Ezekiel’s ‘repenters’ who are disgusted at the deeds in Jerusalem are also sealed with a mark on their foreheads in Ezekiel 9, 4. Hebrews 11, 9 – 10 describes the faith of the patriarchs, yet under a new covenant and John 3, 1 – 16 which requires and means faith unto repentance. Luke 16 is not a parable, and neither are 1 Peter 3, 18 – 20 & Ephesians 4, 8 with Psalm 68, 18. 1 Peter 4,6 or Acts 2, 31 – 32. King David was not composing a parable in Psalm  16,10. If natural branches are broken off and new branches grafted in (only) why will be grafted in ‘again’ ? (Romans 11, 23)

Without repentance and turning towards Gd a ‘return’ will be incomplete and haphazard and full of difficulties and could be against Gds will, yet all those who returned in genuine repentance will be blessed. In the modern era the notion of Israel as a nation began around 1850 when people began to return, although Napoleon (circa 1790) used the term the New Jerusalem. From that date people of Torah including Ruach filled messianic believers began to return over many decades. Just as King David offended Gd by committing to take a census of the army (Samuel 24, 1 ) and its supporting members, in effect numbering Gds army of Israel. Gd did not need massive numbers (hence the offence of Gd into anger) only those few even who were willing to go or who were available. Gd needs only a few. 

Background to David’s tabernacle and his throne, family and kingdom and his lineage.

The first recognised meeting place is generally accepted as the Tabernacle in the desert or the tabernacle of Moses, next  is Solomon’s Temple as 1st Temple, then ‘2nd Temple or Zerubbabel’s Temple, and this temple only included the furniture as the Menorah 7 branched Golden lamp (an enduring symbol of Israel) and the Table of Showbread adjourned with a double crown (Priest and Prophet & Aaron and Moses ) and which had 12  pieces of showbread a portion for each of the 12 tribes of Israel. (see also 1 Corinthians 10, 17 ‘one bread, one body) The ‘daily bread’ which in Luke 9,17 with 2 fishes and five loaves a multitude was fed, yet 12 baskets were gathered up at the end of the feast. The two fishes are the two houses of Israel (Judah and Joseph) and the five baskets are the five books of the Torah (Old Testament) the law, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (also known as the Pentateuch. Penta = 5 Pente = 50 ) and the 12 baskets collected are the 12 tribes of Israel, which will unite in Israel and Greater Israel again. This showbread in Moses tabernacle was only for Priests and was only baked on the 6th day only but prepared on the Sabbath day the 7th (Exodus 16,22)  but was laid out in 2 rows ( for the two houses of Israel Judah and Joseph) of 6 in each row, and eaten at the end of the following week on the 7th day the Sabbath (Leviticus 24, 6 – 7) the day of rest. Two rows as a double portion. King David was given the Showbread to help him escape from King Saul (tribe of Benjamin) see 1 Samuel 21,6, this was against the Mosaic law, but David became, Prophet and King (Acts 2, 29 – 31) and Priest (see again 1 Samuel 21,6 and also Psalm 110; 1-7 )  even though he was not a Levite. The Double portion runs throughout the old testament and into the Gospels and new testament. Also, inside 2nd Temple (Zerubbabel’s Temple) was the Golden altar of Incense, but the Ark of the covenant was not within which had once inside it, the 2nd made stones of the 2 stone tablets of the ten commandments, ( a double portion of law) the pot of Manna and also Aarons rod which budded Almond blossoms (which are the first to bloom in Israel in Spring) and fruit in Numbers 17, 8 – 10. Also missing was the Urim and Thummin and the Holy Oil and Sacred fire.

These items were stolen in the Temple’s destruction of 597 – 586 bc and it stood from 516 bc until 70 ad (in parts although Herod redesigned and enlarged it in 20 bc but which took 80 years to complete and until 60 ad approximately, before it was destroyed in 70 ad. The sacrifices in the Temple had occurred from 30 ad to 70 ad) Some suggest that this was the 3rd temple although it is generally accepted that the 3rd Temple would be a future Temple even despite the long period in years  from the 1st and 2nd (Revelations 11, 1 – 2  & Isaiah 17 & Isaiah 56,7 and also Mark 11,17. See also  Isaiah 29, 1-8, Revelation 6,12, & 8:5, & 11:13, & 16:18-21; Ezekiel 38:19, Daniel 9:24-27, Zechariah 12-14)  Some speculate that a fourth Temple will be built as quoted in Zechariah 6,13, yet others state this is also the 3rd Temple (although there are differences) . Therefore there is uncertainty with Ezekiel’s Temple as being the ‘3rd Temple’, but it could be also another alternative 3rd Temple and a possible 4th, (some suggest) which is also considered to be still Ezekiel’s temple known as the Millennial Temple in Ezekiel 40 – 48, before a further Temple called the New Jerusalem descends (which has the presence of Gd which was the Temples main purpose, but is a city without a Temple as only Gds presence is required and not a temple of stones and wood) and which may be 5th Temple it is speculated. Knowing the linear history of the Temples and meeting places of Gd is important and relatively simple to follow.

Noah had an altar described in Genesis 8.20-22. Abraham also had four altars to Gd on Mount Moriah (2045 bc) 2 are described in Genesis 12. An altar of prayer, an altar of praise, an altar of peace in Genesis 13, 14 – 18, and an altar of provision in Genesis 22, 9 – 4. At Mount Sinai Moses and the Children of Israel also had an Altar also consisting of 12 stone pillars each representing the 12 tribes of Israel (see Exodus 24, 4 – 6 & Exodus 27, 1 -2 )  and which can still be seen to this day. Jacob slept with a rock as a pillow and had a vision of heaven (circa 1928 bc) and Joseph (son of Jacob) became an Egyptian leader in 1886 bc, and Jacob and his family went down to Egypt and were re-united with him. The children of Israel multiplied in Egypt until Moses is recognised as their leader despite wrongly being thought of as an Egyptian prince, and he takes them out of Egypt into the desert and on to Mount Sinai (1446 bc ) The altar at Sinai was defiled when the Israelites fashioned the Golden calf and carried it around on a new cart, and 3000 of them were destroyed when Moses hurled the first set of ten commandment stones (the law) into their midst. (there were 2 sets of ’10 commandments’ a double portion of the law) With Gds presence before them the Israelites moved around the desert and constructed the Tabernacle of Moses (with the aforementioned items of furniture and those which had disappeared by the second Temple stage) This moving around from ‘tent to tent’ was Gds will, (see 2 Samuel 7,6) yet even today people build meeting places of ‘non – living’ stones and wood and can become burdened by  them although they are practical in the west. The Tabernacle of Moses is an incredible design ( Exodus 25 – 31 & 35 – 40) which in every aspect of its design in micro and macro points to the Messiah.  The template of this design became the template for David’s tabernacle and Solomon’s temple (1st temple) and is a basic template for Church buildings today and Synagogues which have been constructed in Israel around Mount Moriah and the Temple Mount and the Mosques upon it, and around David’s City, and which have increased since 1948 to the present day. Proofs of King David are cited here by Dr Henry Abraham in video ‘ ‘Who Was King David? Israel: The Land and its People, Dr. Henry Abramson’

Yet there are other proofs also. The Royal houses of Europe and wider (even into Saud, and some have converted to Judeo …Judeo Christianity) have kept detailed and continued genealogical lists, not because they are labouring ‘under endless genealogies’ (1 Timothy 1, 4 but who unlike most everyday people cannot trace their genealogies back more than 200 years if they are lucky) but because lineage makes a throne. (see ‘The David’s’ in also contemporary history) In fact Genesis 10 is the table of nations (a genealogical list) which most Royal houses can trace their history back to, but they will not dwell on the Biblical patriarchs or later  biblical characters much. The house of David as the ‘House of Jesse’ is a big genealogy in the Gospels ? (see Mathew 1 & Luke 1) The judgment pronounced against the line of Solomon by Jeremiah, who prophesied that no descendant of Jehoiakim (Jeremiah 36:30) or his son Jeconiah (Jeremiah 22:24–30) would sit on the throne of David was from father to son. Jesus avoided this judgment because he was the legal descendant—i.e. through Mary—rather than the physical descendant of David—through Joseph. China keeps endless genealogies as their faith of ancestor worship requires it. They  trace their first descendants to 8 people who arrived in a boat ! They have no agenda except to validate the Royal dynasties and do not care about the western academic debate.

King David had many children and their lines were kept precisely also (see Chapter 1 and 2 above) 1 Kings 4,31 & 1 Chronicles 2, 6 mentions Darda (see also the Dardanelles) who founded Troy. Many royal houses descend back to Troy and Sparta. They also went into Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland (both Perez and Zerah see Genesis 38)  Wales has references to Jesse extending back to the early centuries and from 60 ad fwd. Darda was either the son of Mahol or Zerah, both were descended from Judah. The difference between Mahol and Zerah is explained in Psalm 89 or here which explains the wider Aegean - Judah line. Therefore the genealogies are not endless but useful and they are not the ‘myths’ that Timothy speaks about in I Timothy 1, 4 anymore than the table of nations in Genesis 10 is a myth, and the pharisees whom Paul and Timothy address, were trying to prove their heritage back to Abraham, not as was more pertinent to David as Mathew 1 sets out with a genealogy which is not endless. (Please note this chapter 5 cites and explains the covenants and also David Pawson’s ‘Normal Christian birth’ many times above and the latter is for all nations) Proving you were not of the ‘evil line’ of Ham, and Enoch (not Enoch who walked with Gd) and Lamech and Cain was also important, but not as important in effect under repentance and grace to  the Messiah who will sit on the Throne of David in Jerusalem.

A feature of the extraordinary design of Moses tabernacle (which preceded David’s tabernacle) is, it is sublime and nothing like it had been envisaged before by the patriarchs or Israel before or after. After the Exodus the design was explained by Moses at Mount Sinai and who would have received those design instructions directly from Gd. After the events in Egypt, the plagues and crossing the Red Sea and the incredible events surrounding those days and years, it is impossible to contemplate that suddenly a design described and detailed in such precision could be made up from Human minds. It is extremely unlikely that Israel without guidance and leadership would suddenly choose to construct it and even as it was being constructed it must have baffled the entire camp of Israel to some extent. In this context it is proof in itself that something supernatural was occurring, it is not a story anyone would suddenly contrive or make up out of nowhere.

Its Template became the template (as it was already a design with necessary Priestly furniture) for David’s Tabernacle. David’s Tabernacle was however not just 1 design but 3 within 1 as will be revealed and is part of the significance and mystery of King David and his life and his tents and tabernacle.

Hosea 6, 6 however states that worship was more than burnt sacrifices (see Isaiah 16,5 with Hebrews 10 also) David came through  the line of Jesse and not the line of Aaron or the Levites, his sword was the sword to rule over all others including the sword of the Army and the Priests (The 2 swords and see also Luke 22, 36 & Matthew 25, 62, Ephesians 6, 17 & Revelations 1,16 as Gds wrath is the double sided sword of his Love not men’s idea of love or manipulated love for political nuance. Law and Grace ) and see also the teaching  ‘The Tabernacle of David pt 1’  & ‘The Tabernacle of David pt 2’  

King David was described also a Great warrior and Poet and a youth of Ruddy complexion and of fair countenance (1 Samuel 17,42) Ruddy was significant as he was an outdoor youth or field worker or Shepherd not an indoor Royal of  Saul’s household, the Priests were also not Ruddy or Rustic. Ruddy also means red (also in many concordance’s) as the red lips of youth and not paled and red cheeks not pale. The book of the Song of Songs describes Solomon’s love as Ruddy also (see Solomon 5,verse 10; and the full description is Ruddy and White, whilst the book of Lamentations 4,7 describes the Nazarites as purer than snow and whiter than milk but also Ruddy. Mathew 2,23 & 21,11 & John 19,19 describe Yeshua, who although born in Bethlehem as David was, but as coming to reside in Nazareth, hence Yeshua was a Nazerite from the tribe of Judah and the line of David)  His defeat of Goliath and joining of the House of David with Mical, his first wife with that of the House of Saul ( i.e. Judah and Benjamin ) and the uniting of the 12 tribes into the United Kingdom was an incredible feat which was ascribed only to Gd and his  glory, and  which endured under his rule and into his sons rule Solomon, after which the Kingdom split and the ‘lost’ tribes separated into the 10 lost tribes  separating Judah and the Levites the 2 tribes. (Although many of all the tribes remained in Jerusalem, they slowly  dissipated over the centuries) They are described in the book of 2nd Esdras which was biblical canon, but which was removed around 1540 – 1560. They went northwards into present day Georgia where later Mathews Tomb was made and is there today (Mathew the disciple and Gospel of Mathew and many of them travelled back to Jerusalem over the centuries) Over time they increased in number and travelled over the Caucasian mountains and into Europe (along in some instances the river Danube) and into north Eastern Europe and eventually into the USA and wider.

Theologically it is important to know who these covenanted people were, as it is prophesised that these ‘lost sheep’ (Yeshua cites them in Mathew 15,24) as opposed to gentiles or Hebrews who left Egypt before the Exodus, will return to the land of Israel and what they bring back into the Temple of great learning   (Ezekiel 40 – 45) It is important within Israel and without. Khazaria was within the region of Georgia, Armenia and the black sea and river Danube. What these tribes of Joseph did and will do is significant ( of the two houses of Israel) right or wrong, but eventually their eyes will be opened, and individual salvation does not depend on that designation but the restoration of the 2 houses of Israel will make history by desire and finding the means to return. There is also the question which Jews and Benjamites and other tribes (who do know their tribal designation to this day, but who may not be led by spiritual considerations if a secular state, but which cannot exclude this. Israel is made upon Torah not ideology)  of the nature or even (some shout)  if they should have a homeland of their own in the secular or spiritual / theological sense, yet it is the spiritual sense that will win eventually (and Israel is now a nation in any case) just as surely as David sat on a rock tending sheep became King of Israel, whilst the (the wise and sensible politicians and crowds at Shiloh) chanted for a King of their own like other nations, (Saul) only to find it did not work out as well as Gds choice, King David who  did not want to be king and never dreamed he would. Israel (both houses of Joseph and Judah. Joseph to obtain their inheritance in Israel also) is a Jewish nation, one state, and yet the surrounding nations who are righteous as (or if) independent nations would also know Gds law and David’s law and Covenant and all Covenant’s. The law of the throne of King David (and Solomon) and Kingdom of David and the law the Messiah has, is a throne that will last forever and its rule is from Jerusalem (2 Samuel 7, 12 – 13 & 2 Samuel 22,51 & Luke 1, 32 – 33) 

Israel is a Holy name chosen by Gd, and Jacobs name was changed to Israel and approved by Gd ( Genesis 32, 22 – 32) It is mysterious, (yet Israel will also become Ephraim, see Jeremiah 31) and so too is identifying the Messiah but it is a individual task as well as a nations and also to be enjoyed. Joshua came across the Messiah when he was not expecting to (Joshua 5, 13 – 15) and it was a profound and awesome experience.

David to begin the complete restoration of United Israel, moved the Ark of the Covenant on a new cart (instead of carrying the Ark on the staves, see 1 Chronicles 15,15) but this was not in Gds will as Uzzah accompanying the celebration march (with musicians and instruments and singing) was killed by simply touching the Ark to steady it , when the oxen carrying the cart stumbled (see 2 Samuel 6, 7) Previously the Philistines and Dagon’s statue and some Israelites were destroyed by the Ark of the Covenant on its own, but it had Gds presence around it as we will see. It was under also even under David’s transportation not Gds cart or his way. The Ark was then placed in the House of Obed-edom, the Hittite from Gath ( home of Goliath ) who was a believer and loyal to David but who feared Gd, whilst David and Israel wondered what do about the Uzzah incident. Uzzah and the Israelites including David although they left the tabernacle of Moses behind in Gibeah they were still required to do things Gds way and the Law was required to go with them also until the Ark was at  rest in Jerusalem in the tabernacle of David, even though the Spirit was upon David who was the anointed King. David leaving Obid - edoms house after 3 months, and after realising his mistake then carried the Ark into Jerusalem but on the Staves (long poles) this time carried by the Levites as the Israelites were instructed to do in the desert (again 1 Chronicles 15,15 ) 2000 cubits before the 12 tribes’ multitude (Joshua 3, verse 4).

The reason the Ark had not been attended to and was not settled is Saul was following his own way but before Saul, the Ark was captured by the Philistines due to the sins of Eli’s sons (Eli and eventually his whole family paid the price for this sin. Eli’s death is recorded in 1 Samuel 4, 12 – 18, and verses 19 – 22 record’s the still birth of his Grandson Phineas. Phineas who was by then dead also. This still birth child was called ‘Ichabod’ which means the ‘glory from Israel had departed’ When the Ark was captured by the Philistines, (see 1 Samuel 2 – 4, 11)  34,000 Israelites were killed under Eli’s son’s mismanagement. They did not respect the order of service, tasks and duties before Gd and the Temple. The prophet Samuel (who anointed David in later life) as a boy served under Eli and remained faithful and he prophesised to Eli by an unusual method. Israel went out against the philistines under Eli’s sons with the Ark of the Covenant, and as the men of Jericho let out a shout (see 1 Samuel 4,3) which destroyed Jericho, so to the men of Israel and Eli would, but this shout was not under Gds command or favour and they lost the battle. The Ark was taken to Philistia (captured) on a new cart.(and Israel thought they needed a King hence Saul was chosen under protest by Saul)  Yet on its own it devasted the Philistines and 6 towns in  Philistia, also causing haemorrhoids and boil to break out on them, and it destroyed Dagon’s statue in its own temple as it stood before it, and even afflicted Israelites who were not following Gd, in the 7 towns of its journey (see 1 Samuel 5)  Both the Philistines and the sons of Eli the Temple priests and King David fell short of the law of Moses in transporting the ‘Ark o the Covenant’ of Gds presence who is central to any meeting  place. The Philistines and even King David placed the Ark on a new cart and disaster struck them. David however after prayer and contemplation whilst the Ark was in Obid- edoms house rectified his mistake and placed the Ark on staves (see above) as the Ark was not yet in Jerusalem in Zion. It was not time to bring the Davidic Covenant then, and in discussion with Nathan the Prophet who had also served under Samuel (see 2 Samuel 7 &  1 Chronicles 17,11- 14 & 2 Chronicles 6,16) they reverted to carrying by Staves as the Mosaic law commanded.

It is worth noting that the Philistines set the cart on a straight road (as they then feared it and wanted to be rid of it) and without interruption or looting or deviation, the oxen or cows pulling it did not stop or stumble as the Ark arrived back in Israel (1 Samuel 6) , yet when David set it on the new cart the animals did stumble and the falling Ark killed Uzzah (2 Samuel 6, 6, 7) Gd of course controlled both the animals of the Philistines or Israel, and even though Israel went before it playing harps, cymbals and tambourines and pleasant music to Gd, (2 Samuel 6, 5) the ‘New Cart’ was not Gds will just as the Golden Calf at Sinai was not Gd’s will. Previously when the Ark arrived back in Israel  the Levites and men of Israel on finding the cart by the stone of Abel at Bethshemite on the feast of Shavuot / Pentecost harvest were overjoyed. The 70 elders who had not the tradition of Moses or Joshua (under Eli all had been forsaken see 1 Samuel 6,19 & Numbers 4, 19- 20) were curious and without the order of Moses service, they opened and peered into the Ark. The Ark contained the stones of the 10 commandments, and the pot of manna and Aarons rod. (The oral law or extra books of the law were placed outside the Ark of the Covenant, see Deuteronomy 31, 26 which cites those books will also serve as a ‘witness against you’) The 10 commandments inside the Ark, the five books of the law or the Torah or Pentateuch was placed outside. Gds writing by his finger upon stone inside, mans but by Gds instruction outside but joined. Further oral law deviating from these books of the Torah or 10 commandments, was not anywhere near the Ark of the Covenant, yet for study the Talmud says King David taught Torah. Berakhot 1.5, says David played the Harp and taught Torah by setting up a podium for the Sabbath, echoing Exodus 35, 1 – 3 and the Sabbath keepers teaching correction and instruction )  

Yet the 70 elders in this event lifted the Mercy seat onto which the blood had been sprinkled under Moses and looked into the Ark, and a great devastation was loosed when 50,070 men and woman and children were killed by Gd (see 1 Samuel 6,19) because they had no belief, or respect or proper order (1 Chronicles 15,13) David was not creating a new tradition in bringing the Ark into Jerusalem and Zion from the Mosaic meeting tent, but was like Moses (see further on) a Priest, King and Prophet who was under instruction from Gd as witnessed and anointed by Samuel. Saul created a new tradition on his own when he refused to rid the land of the heathen and instead made a treaty with them. He feigned repentance even clutching at  Samuels cloak tearing it. In response Samuel said the Kingdom had also then been torn away from Saul. (1 Samuel 15, and also verse 27)

Gds first Prophet was Enoch (great grandfather of Noah Genesis 5, 18 – 24) who was taken into ‘first heaven’ of the 3 heavens, but who appeared again later on (2 Chronicles 21, 12 – 15) Hebrews 11, 5 states he was taken away or translated from Greek ‘metatithemi’ which means he was only transferred to another place (see also John 3,13) he did not go into ‘Heaven’ Yeshua quoted from the book of Enoch (as it was) as did the apostles. (the following link gives some examples to study) The book or letter of Jude cites Enoch and describes the return of the Messiah to war (Jude 14 – 15 & 1 Enoch 1, 9) This Enoch (son of Cain) was 1 of 4 brothers. Cain had left of Gds presence and wandered the earth and became a great builder of cities. It was not  the line of the Messiah through this latter Enoch line (the sons of Noah had a grandfather Lamech and great great grandfather Enoch from the line of Seth. Cain, Abel and Seth were brothers, sons of Adam and Eve. Nimrud was grandson of Ham ( who built the Tower of babel Genesis 11, 1-9 and great Grandson of Noah see Genesis 10 and also Genesis 10, 6 – 12) David was not descended through this line but  through Shem the father of the Chaldees, Abraham was from Ur of the Chaldees and from Abraham, David is descended. King David knew the Torah (Psalm 119, 62 i.e. arising to study on the eve of the  feast of Shavuot or Weeks or Pentecost) and he was linked to the feast of weeks or Shavuot ordained as feast by Moses in Leviticus 23, as he was born in that feast /Pentecost /Shavuot known as also the feast of weeks which people eagerly count in the days and weeks from Passover, first fruits and unleavened bread, and await its arrival as many await the Messiah (the outpouring of the law) and it is the 4th feast of the year. David died in the same feast 70 years later (at least). The book of Ruth is read at this feast in tradition, and King David ( as Ruth was his great – grandmother) is mentioned in the book as he was born on the first day the Torah is given (Ruth 4, 18 – 22) and he was the King over the Torah for a nation as the Torah was and is.

What is the Davidic Covenant and why did he only make a tent and not a temple (see 2 Samuel 7 and later summarized in 1 Chronicles 17:11–14 and 2 Chronicles 6:16 and Psalm 89, 3 & 34-37 & Jeremiah 33, 17 – 26, but also Mathew 26, 26 – 28 & Hebrews 13, 20) and what is the Tabernacle of David (house, throne and kingdom) not just a house or a temple of cedar, but also a line of royal lineage established forever (2 Samuel 7,13) and which will continue into the Millennium reign, beginning after the Tribulation (Mathew 24,29 and Revelations chapter 5 – 8) and which is centred and begins in Israel and in Jerusalem. David’s tabernacle transitions from Moses tabernacle but is a template also for all later Temples (or should be) and meeting places. It was David’s idea to build a Temple when he noted that he resided in a house of Cedar, but Yahweh dwelt in a tent. Gd was not the instigator of David’s proposed Temple. (I Chronicles 17,1 & 2 Samuel 7, 1 – 25) yet Gd said Solomon his son would build this great  temple David had envisaged. The ‘House’ of David is the family of David and descendants down through the ages. The throne of David is the seat of power (the ‘Horn of David’ see 1 Kings 1,39 and Psalm132, 17 & 92,10 & Psalm 89)  he  and his descendants sit upon and the Kingdom is the eternal realm of King David. King David was also Priest, Prophet and King as we have read above. It is necessary to understand all these attributes to see the design of the Kingdom of the Messiah who will rule forever.

When David and Israel carried the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem and trough the gates of Jerusalem, he was foreshadowing the Messiah. He danced almost naked through the streets in front of it leading the procession, up to the hill of Zion (which some suggest is directly above David’s city. Solomon later filled in the gap between to Mount Moriah known as the ‘Orphel’ area, uniting King and Priest in his Temple) and housed the Ark of the Covenant in a tent surrounded by a fence of outer veils. David did not reside in the tent but in his own house. All of Israel praised him except for his first wife Mical who despised him in her heart as she felt she was just a symbol of the Uniting of the house of David and Benjamin (Judah and Benjamin see 2 Samuel 6, 16 - 23)

The tent or tabernacle which has 3 or 4 descriptive words in Hebrew was not the same as Moses tabernacle, it is mentioned in 2 Samuel 6,17 & Isaiah 6,17 & Amos 9, 11 -12 & by the disciple Stephen in Acts 7 45 – 47 and by the Apostle James in Acts 15, 16 – 17. This dwelling place of Gd has different names. For instance, in 2 Chronicles 1, 4 & 1 Chronicles 16,1 & 2 Samuel 6,17 the Hebrew word ‘Ohel’ is used but  in 2 Samuel 11,11 the Hebrew word ‘Sookah’ is employed. This last verse states ‘ The Ark, Israel and Judah abide in tents’….. . This is because at the feast of Succoth everyone from both Houses of Israel (Judah and Joseph, Israel) are required to ‘go up’ to Jerusalem and build ‘booths’ or Tabernacles on the feast of Sukkot also known as booths or the feast of Tabernacles (see Leviticus 23, 34) a tradition which is still practiced today in 2018 and 2019. These temporary constructions are built or are in construction (sometimes) from before the previous 2 feasts of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah (feast 5 of the year ) & Yom Kippur (no 6 of the year) and Succoth which are roughly 6 weeks apart (feast’s 5 to 7) Some Sookahs are very modest and some are large constructions, but in King David’s day they were tents (sometimes with wooden frames) adorned with greenery and flowers. Then as today they make quite a sight spread all over Jerusalem and sometimes up to 3 million can attend the 3 feasts Luke 16,9 & Acts also refer to a ‘Skene’ which is also a Tabernacle. ‘Sookah and Skene’ have both secular and sacred uses and meanings. They could also house cattle and the ‘Manger’ idea of sheep and cattle enclosed within for livestock food and milk and sacrifices, for the feast of Succoth or Tabernacles as it is known, or for all 3 feasts at this time of year. A manger or Sukkoth could also house a new born child at birth. (see the subheading "Ezekiel's Temple as the Third or the Fourth Temple ? Solomon's temple was the first temple, Herod's temple was the 2nd Temple" some way above & further subheading under it on the birth of the Messiah, which could be in the Spring or in the Autumn) These animal’s or stored produce may have been kept inside and into the spring after the feast. Also employed to describe David’s tabernacle or similar is the Hebrew word ‘Mishkan’ which is used frequently in the bible for a dwelling place of animals, men and Gd (see Job, 18,21 / Psalm 87,2 for animals, and Job 39,6 for men, and for Gd psalm 46, 5, 84,2 & 132, 5) Mishkan was also a wooden structure which was covered by the ‘Ohel’ tent (like a rain sheet over a wooden frame), yet many of these terms had both secular and sacred use, and the most familiar for David’s tabernacle would be Ohel which was erected on Zion near David’s House of Cedar and at the 3 feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur and Sukkoth (when millions of people may also attend requiring temporary dwellings and build a Sukkah with the Ohel of David having central reverence, and with food such as lambs and cattle ) The Sukkah was erected around the latter 2, and a great feast was had with music and celebration. David’s celebrations as worship however had a definite and specific order, which inside or around the dwelling place of Gd and was a separate reverent but powerful order of worship and which was central to Israel’s greatest victories and power (thanks to King David’s organisation)  

The verses in 2 Samuel 11,11 are spoken by Uriah. The full verse and said also during the feast of Succoth (tents or booths) is as follows  ‘Uriah said to David, “The ark and Israel and Judah are staying in tents, and my commander Joab and my lord’s men are camped in the open country. How could I go to my house to eat and drink and make love to my wife? As surely as you live, I will not do such a thing!’   Bathsheba, Uriah’s his wife was already Pregnant by King David from 6 weeks before from the feast of Trumpets to around the time of the feast of Tabernacles. (although she had indicated she did not hve a real marriage, or a child, yet she was married) David urged Uriah to lay with her so that Uriah would think it was his own child. When this did not work, he plotted to kill Uriah and had him placed at the forefront of a battle, (2 Samuel 11,15) where Uriah was killed by an arrow as David wondered or hoped (see 2 Samuel 11, verse 24) in verse 25 (2 Samuel 11, 25) King David excuses himself by exclaiming who knows who will be cut down in a battle. Later Nathan the prophet tells David a parable in which a wealthy merchant takes and eats the only Lamb of a poor man. David pronounced Judgment on the anonymous merchant, but Nathan exclaimed ‘though art the man’ (2 Samuel 12, and verse 7) King David was convicted, sorely and deeply (see Psalm 51) For this sin, David’s life was spared (although under the law he should have died) yet Nathan said he would lose his first-born son and the sword would never leave his hand. Nathan of course was told by Gd of David’s secret plot. Both punishments came to  pass.

Further at a feast which included David and Bathsheba Absalom killed his half brother Amnon. David’s son Amnon raped his half sister Tamar 2 years earlier. Absalom, David’s favoured son slew Amnon in revenge, and should also have paid the price under the law, i.e. the price of death, yet David only banished him to his estates in Hebron, but the Priests were angered at the king’s lenient sentence. Abosolom felt he was treated badly. Absalom later went into revolt against David, he first remained in Hebron for 3 years, but returned to Jerusalem (saying he was only there to worship and give sacrifices) but only meeting David after 2 years when and after he had returned to Jerusalem, but eventually causing David his father to flee from his throne in the 4th year. Absalom stole the hearts of Israel and offered Justice to everyone in the land (2 Samuel 15) and declared himself King foreshadowing the future Messiah. King David fled into present day Jordan (east of the Jordan river) into the lands of the tribes of Manasseh, Gad and Reuben and the small areas designated to the Levites (who could not own land) The father was displaced by the son although the father still loved him. Absalom was eventually killed fleeing David’s generals (the law was not robbed of its Justice for Amnon and Tamar) and he was caught by the hair and scalp in wild strong tree branches (feeling perhaps why it was that his father had foresaken him) on a tree in the ‘Wood of Ephraim’ (West of the Jordan river ) and was left  to hang until he was cut down  dead. This battle of father against son (which inspired many Medieval fables and true stories from Europe in later centuries) did include David, but he was advised not to join the battle by his generals in case he was killed or injured, and the battle itself was split into 3 forces.

1. led by his general Joab. 2, Led by his general Abishai 3. Led by his general Ittai from Gath.

It is possible David then aged 62 wanted to fight through to Absalom (who was not anointed as King) and save him although this is speculation (David 2 or 3 years later tired in a battle against the Philistines, aged 65, see 2 Samuel 21,15, but perhaps from grief and strife as opposed to ill health)

Absalom is regarded as the rebellious son, yet he accompanied his father as a boy and young man and was supportive and active in politics and Judgment remaining at the court of Jerusalem under David before Davids marraige to Bathsheba. His rebellion began with the murder of Amnon (with others assisting and in which he invited all of Davids sons) his half brother for the rape of Tamar his sister, and before this Nathan had warned David (for the sin with Bathsheba) that his first born would die and the sword would never leave his hand ( Samuel 12, 7 - 20) Absalom was one of the consequences, and rebellion was a cause and effect.(2 Samuel 18,33) These verses also state "O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you—O Absalom, my son, my son! "

The son (Absalom) in revolt against the father (and who also thought he was forsaken by his father see above), but David grieved for Absalom whom he dearly loved and went to the gates of Jerusalem and fell down placing ashes and dirt and dust onto his hair and shoulders. David retreated in grief into the area East of the Jordan, the territory (it is suggested) known as 'Jabesh Gilead', an area where Jacob had his vision of Angels and known as 'Mahanaim' or 'two camps' (see also Song of Songs 6,13 and 1 Chronicles 6, 78- 80) in translation or also translated as two hosts or companies, one for Jacob and one for Gd and here Jacob wrestled with Gd at the place he renamed now known as Peniel. Gd wrestles with man and also knows them better than they know themselves. Esau (see Malachi 1,3 & Romans 9,13) the father of the Edomites was Jacob's elder brother, but who had sold his birthright for a pot of gruel (Genesis 25, 29 -34) but who has always wanted that  birthright back. Jacob was the son of Isaac (Joseph, Jacobs son with Leah his mother had been sold into slavery and thought murderd by his half - brothers who dipped his 'coat of many colours' in Genesis 37,3 and Genesis 73,31 in the blood of a kid goat to prove to his father Jacob he was dead echoing the feast of Yom Kippur sacrifice. Jospeh later became second in command in Egypt behind Pharoah and met again his brothers and see Genesis 42 to 45 ) he was the grandson of Isaac whose father in turn was Abraham. Isaac blessed Jacob instead of Esau the elder brother and heir, although Esau did receive a lesser blessing (Genesis 27, 24 - 40 ) Isaac (the grandfather of Joseph) was heir instead of Ishmael (Genesis 17,18 as Isaac was rightous by Gd who can see out of time, back and forward. Genesis 21, 18 was a promise already give to Abraham in Genesis 12,2 yet that promise alone does not confer rightousness as Exodus 20,3 points out) Jacob later blessed Joseph sons Ephraim and Manasseh, (and by adoption) conferring on Joseph the right of the firstborn, the double portion. Jacob (who had been given another name by Gd as a blessing, became 'Israel' Genesis 32, 28) thus he adopts Joseph’s two sons to give Joseph’s line the double inheritance. Joseph was or is thought to be a forerunner of the Mashiach (Messiah) known as  Mashiach ben Yoseph or also Mashiach bar/ben Ephraim, the suffering Messiah who with  Mashiach ben David would conquer all evil forces, although some suggest they are one and the same person, and the two houses of Israel will be once again united in him (them) Here the following diagram will assist.

King David was also the desecnding relative of Joseph, (see Mathew 1,1 fwd. David was decended through Jacob from Abraham, Jacob was the father of Judah and his brothers including Joseph as half brother, David was desended through Ruthand Boaz to the tribe of Judah also, but she was not an Israelite) both David and Joseph were alike in many ways, both were considered the least and of no use, with 700 years betwen them (Joseph 1750 bc and David 1065 bc) Joseph was favoured by his father and the coat of many colours (Genesis 37,7) symbolised this. Jospeh represented the 10 northern tribes of Israel. Solomon inherited the throne of David instead of his half brother Absalom, but Solomon was challenged by his other older half brother Adonijah whilst King david still lived, and the events of which precipitated the succession of the line of the levitical Zadok priesthood who stayed faithful to David (1 Kings 2 12, 46) and who remained as the line of Priests. (The Merarites clan of the Levites were allotted the land at Mahanaim, but not to own it) Gd chooses those who are heirs to the throne (sons and daughters) who are grafted or adopted into the Royal line of the Olive tree see Jeremiah 11,16 (Revelations 1,20 explains that only 2 of the 7 churches or candlesticks were not rebuked, and the two houses of Israel are the two candlesticks or 'witnesses' of Revelations 11,4. The 2 trees of Judah and Joseph see Ezekiel 37, 16 - 17 as the 2 sticks and the future revelation of how we become the'first born of Gd' as opposed to those who do not, whether they are born first or last, and how these  sticks were made one ) Gd chooses for his purposes and for the Messianic royal line prophecy fulfilled. Absalom was fist buried in the ‘Wood of Ephraim’ in a shallow grave by the soldiers, see 2 Samuel 18,17. This wood belonged to the territory of the tribe of Ephraim (who would become 'Israel' see Jeremiah 31 ) who with the tribe of Manasseh were of the ‘House of Joseph’ (the House of Judah is a seprate House or line)

David was also known as an ‘Ephraimite’ see 1 Samuel 17,12 and the prophet Samuel was both Levite and ‘Ephramite’ or is it ‘Ephrathite’ a man from the Bethlehem a city of Judah, but David was King over both houses of Joseph and Judah as he was descended through both. In endless genealogies it is suggested that ‘Ephramite’s intermarried with Judah (in numerous possible marriages of the less notable characters over centuries) before David and Judah / Tamar’s time. The territory of Ephraim was adjacent to Judah although Benjamin in the allotted lands of the Tribes of Israel, and as a tribe they were ‘sandwiched’ between them geographically. Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin. Also note that one day Ephramites would become ‘Israel’ in the 10-tribe sense. This is not a doctrine belonging to just those outside of the Judeo – Christian tradition but is clearly stated in scripture. Ephraim replaced Rueben whom Gd rejected and Jeremiah 31, is addressed to Israel but as ‘Ephraim’. Jeremiah had already witnessed the northern 10 tribes Kingdom split away but was then preaching /pleading against the Southern kingdom. Jeremiah was the weeping prophet, warning Israel of the disaster to come. Zedekiah’s (King of Israel until 587/ 586bc ) daughter left Israel and was not an Egyptian princess (she was adopted by Pharaoh temporarily as a daughter to aid her passage west) but a daughter of Israel. She was taken to Ireland in 583 bc. She is buried in Ireland. Joshua was also from the tribe of Ephraim and he and Israel had the courage to enter and take the promised land and later when Shiloh was the capital of Israel before Jerusalem the Ark of the Covenant was housed there.

Absalom was first buried in a shallow grave in the Wood of Ephraim, and his grave piled over with stones (see 2 Samuel 18,18) but he was removed from there by David and interred in his own tomb (since he had no son to build one for him) he had built himself in the Kidron valley on the foot of the mount of Olives facing the temple Mount in the Kidron valley (which is still there today and was noted by Josephus in ‘Antiquities’ yet it has obviously been repaired or rebuilt since 950 bc) Israel wondered at Bathsheba as she was a gentile although her lineage could also mean she was from the House of Joseph extending back. Solomon, David’s second son with Bathsheba would inherit the throne (instead of Absalom and Adonijah) and would build the great temple in Jerusalem and not King David, yet David’s tabernacle remained until then and although a humble abode (as King David also had thought, yet  Nathan the prophet said it is the inside which was beautiful and humility was in Gds character)  and its mystery with Gd dwelling inside was still operating to disclose its full purpose.

Throughout the period from the defeat of Israel under Eli’s sons until Solomon built his Temple, the Ark of the Covenant was housed in the Tabernacle of David on Mount Zion. David’s throne, the Royal House of David and the Tabernacle were all within Zion including the City of David. The Tabernacle also includes the tabernacle as the centre of the Kingdom of David and the worship from within the Tabernacle echoing the Throne of Gd and the New Jerusalem, one aspect was Royal or Kingly and the other Priestly. This however is not the full picture and Revelations 3, 7 says the key of David (some suggest echoed in Acts 14, 27, when the door of faith was opened to the gentiles) was a Key also to the Kingdom and Throne, but also more besides, as ‘gentiles’ would come into both areas or realms of the Kingdom (Psalm 110 and Hebrews 7 ) and worship but then only into the throne itself (The ‘House’ of David) by marriage or adoption in the Old testament, yet that may have a pre-requisite in the New also. Jew and Gentile are admitted to the Kingdom and to the Worship tabernacles. Zion the City of David had (has) Kingly government in Zion and also Priestly ecclesiastical roles.

Also, throughout this time up until David brought the Ark in Jerusalem the Tabernacle of Moses was still in existence on Mount Gibeon, but without the Ark of the Covenant (1 Chronicles 16,29 & 2 Chronicles 1, 1 – 13) yet David’s tabernacle does not record animal sacrifices, only sacrifices of praise and worship which is a ministry. Two places of worship / sacrificial centres in operation and on two different mountains (Moses tabernacle without the Ark, and Mount Zion with the Ark) Both functioned for 40 years. After the death of Yeshua, the sacrifices were continued for 40 years also, until the Temples destruction in 70 ad. The order of service at Mount Gibeon was kept. It was a more solemn but respectful tabernacle, it was Holy onto Gd, and one in which the Priests did compose songs and psalms sometimes, and it was honouring the sacrifices which atoned for Israel’s sins once a year at the feasts of Yom Kippur, but without the Ark this solemn but Holy order could not function, although they knew the Ark was with the King ! Yet David’s tabernacle also functioned, and both were allowed to continue.

Moses like King David was also a Prophet (Deuteronomy 18, 15 – 18) and a King (Deuteronomy 33,5) and a Priest (Leviticus 2, 1 – 10 i.e. from the tribe of Levi. See Exodus 2. Moses was the son of Amran, and his mother was a Levite, and Aaron was his brother) The Zadok priesthood which remined faithful to David succeeded Aarons line in the Levitical ministry and family through many changes. These two tabernacles (one at Mount Gerizim and one under David at Zion) and order of priests and services merged, but without the animal sacrifices into David’s tabernacle there becoming one. For a long time the Ark was in neither tabernacle as it was captured by the Philistines, and just as the Ark was set up between 2 mountains at Mount Ebal and Mount Gezerim with both mountains occupied by the Levites facing, and the Ark in the midst of them, the blessing and curses of the law were read out from the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 25 - 30, but 27 - 28 Those blessing and/or curses would fall upon those who were under either state. (and echoing the future parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:31–46 ) David was also Prophet, King and Priest like Moses, foreshadowing the future Messiah, but they also represent 3 anointings (David was anointed 3 times) for the believers in Messiah. David was anointed in all 3 offices Prophet (1 Samuel 10, 1- 13 & 19, 18 – 24 and other scriptures) he was anointed as King by Samuel (1 Samuel 16, 1 – 13 & Psalm 2 and 72, & 110 & 133 & 89) and David was anointed Priest ( David wore a lined Ephod see 2 Samuel 6,14, his priestly service is seen also in verse 17, and in verse 18 echoing Numbers 6, 24 – 27, and as the priestly Melchizedek in 1 Chronicles 15,27 & 16, 1 – 3, and see also Hebrews 7)

2 Tabernacles become 1, and a 3rd is also joined with them, making 3 in 1.

As the old passed into the new, there were also 2 types of tabernacles on Zion (as mentioned above) 1. The Kingly aspect of throne, family  and kingdom (Isaiah 16, 5) and 2. The Ark of the Lord and the House or Kingdom of Gd (2 Samuel 6,17) and under David these also merge to become 1. Therefore 1 tabernacle of Moses built by Moses (under instruction from Gd, see 2 Chronicles 1, 3) and moved to Gibeon and still in service of sorts for 40 years, and also 1 tabernacle of David built by David, (2 Chron 1, 4 & 15,1 & 16, 1 & Psalm 27, 2 and more) and then still 1 more Tabernacle built by Gd (but still called the tabernacle of David see Isaiah 16,5 & Amos 9 11- 12 & Psalm 132, 3 & Acts 15, 16 - 17 ) 3 into 1 and the last built by Gd but all are Gds will. 3 tabernacles on Zion merging.

Davids law was for all nations but from Israel and the United Kingdom of Israel (all the lands of Davids Kingdom) Those lands are highlighted here. When the Gentiles served under David they were faithful and bowed down to the Gd of Israel only with the assurance of Justice and Gds blessing and protection (whose presence was everywhere but also in the tabernacle with the Ark of the Covenant) and in later centuries they also waited for the Messiah, such is the incredible plan of Gd. Saul had failed to clear the land of other Gds (1 Samuel 15)  and those who followed other Gds, but David upheld that command from Gd (  2 Samuel 8, & 1 Chronicles 18 ) who is the Gd of Zion.

Further there is a Heavenly Zion (2 Corinthians 4, 18 & Hebrews 12, 22 & Revelations 14,1 ) and a temporary Earthly Zion (2 Corinthians 4, 18) but then collectively as the people of Gd a Spiritual Zion  (Micah 4, 8 & Psalm 78, 68 & Joel 2, 1 - 2 & Hebrews 11, 16 & Revelations 14,1) The final Mount of Moriah where Solomon would build his Temple unites all three Mountains. Mount Gibeon & the tabernacle of Moses, Mount Zion and David’s 3 tabernacles merged & Mount Moriah and Solomon’s Temple. The Messiah prepared these places and the Messiah is still preparing his places, yet the Tabernacle of Moses under the Old system was also still within them all, and was Holy onto Gd and King David’s tabernacle took on praise and worship singing and dancing, the gentiles were prepared to be grafted in, and this template would set his tabernacle apart in what was Israel’s most glorious period.

How are we made ‘Living stones’?

In the heading above (located 3 or 4 headings up and named as ‘The Capstone becomes the corner stone, moving from Egypt (after the feasts of Passover, Unleavened bread and First - fruits towards Shavuot / Pentecost) to the Promised Land, and the 'Great Commission'’) we learn of the history of the Temples and the cornerstones and foundation stones and the ‘head of the corner’ stone, which are 2 different stones in construction but which also give a linear history of the bible.

The Apostle Peter states we are ‘Living stones’, having come unto the living stone of the Messiah, and it states we are lively stones (both) in 1 Peter 2,4.  He mentions we are a Spiritual house, a Holy Priesthood. (see also Isaiah 28,16 & 1 Corinthians 10, 3 – 15 & 1 Kings 5, 17 – 18 & 1 Chronicles 22, 2 & Ephesians 2, 20 & Psalm 118, 22) This suggests that there are ‘dead stones’ who are  not lively. Peter means Stone or rock in Greek, and of course he famously walked upon the water for a time before his senses took over (see Mathew 24, 28 – 29) He saw his Messiah do it and asked then surely can I, he was invited, and he succeeded for a time. Water of course wears stones smooth over time or if under heavy waters like a waterfall it can change them into grains or reduce them down as if sculptured.

Leviticus 14,40 suggests that those stones with a mark in them should be thrown out and new stones brought in. By faith or knowing, we can also travel along our sanctified lives, until we are made whole by Messiah.

Revelation chapter 2:17 states "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a White stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it."

Therefore, we are invited and may stumble (Peter did on several occasions) and we are made a White stone (without Blemish ) fit for the Temple and the Pot of hidden manna which was hidden in the Ark of the Covenant the whole time. Just as Samson found honey in the carcass of a Lion (see Judges 14, 8 – 9) and the riddle he made was not guessed but revealed by his bride, but yet Samson paid the price of the wager in full. The New Jerusalem does not contain a Temple (Revelation 21 and 22, but is preceded by a Temple) only Gd is present as the Temple and the inhabitants are also a living part of it (1 Corinthians 6,19) Yet this verse in Corinthians suggests we are regenerate at our salvation and receive the Ruach (Holy Spirit) of Gd

(see also the heading 2 headings above ‘Nicodemus Ben Gurions Question (John 3, verse 4)’ here and now.

Galatians 5 says on receiving the Ruach of Gd we will develop (to a lesser or greater extent, or variable from person to person) Love, Joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. These are the fruit of the Ruach (Galatians 5, 22) This is the same Ruach or Spirit which thundered in on Jerusalem and fell like a raging wind at Pentecost / Shavuot / feast of weeks (Acts 2, 1 – 13 ) over 2000 years ago,  and today Galatians 5, 22 states this Ruach is also present in believers today. It is powerful and yet gentle. Galatians 5, 22 and its attributes can be copied or learnt  even by non – believers, yet Acts 2, 1 – 13 cannot, yet both are the same Ruach or spirit of Gd. As well as spiritual attributes or the fruit of the Spirit the Ruach of Gd also assigns spiritual gifts as in Mathew 7, 24 – 27. These gifts are also offices or  duties the believer can attain including miracles and healings. There are 8 listed in 1 Corinthians 12,28, and 5 are listed in Ephesians 4,11. Romans 12, 6 – 8 lists 7. & 1 Corinthians 12, 8 – 10 lists 9,  & 1 Peter 1, 4 lists  2. (The Roman Catholic Vulgate lists 12 fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5,22, and includes Charity, Modesty, Chasity, Benignity & Continency) Benignity or generosity is also named in Romans 12, 8 where giving and generosity are spiritual gifts. (The fivefold ministry is listed in Mathew 7, 24 – 27 and Ephesians 4,11 – 13 i.e. all five)  One of the most generous people in the bible was the Widow who met the Prophet Elisha  (see 2 Kings  4)  All she had was one Jar of Oil. She had to collect all the pots of her neighbours to fill them from this one small pot, and yet miraculously they were filled. It was only when they could find no more pots that the oil stopped filling the large pots. Romans 12, 6 – 8 says in other words that if the widow had collected 10,000 pots they would have been filled, or 100,000 or forever. She paid her debts from the proceeds and had money over to live, and Elisha undoubtedly had food to go or whatever his need was.(2 Corinthians 9,7)  Generosity is not acquiring money by faith for moneys sake, but recognising that poverty is a curse not a blessing, yet the widow and Elisha had just enough also, but the needs of the poor would go on and on just as Yeshua fed the 5000. ‘Blessed are the poor (Luke 6,20) in spirit (Mathew adds in Mathew 5,3 and as the dead sea scrolls suggest also)  for they shall inherit the earth’ Inheriting the earth is a treasure and a blessing, and poverty in Deuteronomy 28 is a curse, whereas Deuteronomy 8, 8 is a blessing. Judging poverty or wealth by ideology has replaced scriptural truths in the Church.

Mark 16, 17 – 18 & Acts 6,8 & Ephesians 3,20 state, all believers ( as opposed to those who are not) will have these abilities and more (see also Philippians 4,13) These abilities include the fruits and gifts of the Spirit (Ruach) as mentioned above as the helper (sent by the Messiah see John 14, 16 – 17 & John 15,26) is the same Ruach / Spirit / helper in all examples. These abilities also include healing the sick, an ability to cleanse lepers, raise the dead and drive out demons (see Mathew 10, 8) Yeshua says they will do even greater works than he has done (John 14, 12 – 140 and ‘Works’ here refers to those tasks Gd has ordained as gifts of the Spirit in their entirety (i.e. in the paragraph above or listed in this paragraph)  These are the works of the regenerated as defined by John 3, 1- 16. It is easier or convenient to fulfil Galatians 5, 28 but the others cannot be pretended. Miracles are a gift of the Spirit (1 Corinthians 12, 8 – 10) also as well as a ministry (1 Corinthians 12,28) and the same Spirit is present then and now. However, Mathew 7,21 states that not everyone who calls out to Gd will be saved or enter heaven ? only those who do the will of the father. The father has sons and they  are defined by Romans 8,14. Those who are led by the spirit of Gd are sons of Gd. Yet the seven sons of Sceva were not ‘sons of Gd’ see Acts 19, 13 – 17. Yet once (if) they repented and were regenerate and received the Ruach they would be ‘sons of Gd’

Acts 19 describes the Apostles sifting process in large crowds or for individuals. Paul asks ‘some’ disciples in verse 2 “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They had not, but they had received John the Baptists baptism, which was only a baptism of repentance, and verse 5 states they were rebaptised in Yeshau’s name. They had not repented, they were not with John 3, 1- 16 they were only called but had not fully repented into the New Covenant. Baptism means to be buried and rise again. ‘By faith alone’ does not mean simply choosing the Messiah, as repentance is sent by Gd first, and is a visible state not a ticket in a queue, as Gd chose us first (see John 15, 16)  This time saving ‘sieve’ of Acts 19 strengthened the Church who recognized that repentance opened up the Soul to receive the Spirit of Gd. Faith alone is not alone, it requires repentance first, then rebirth, then the baptism of the Holy Spirit and/or water full immersion baptism as a separate occasion but all could be achieved in a matter of minutes but even in one day (as opposed to years apart or never) and it is Gd who sends repentance (not men see 2 Timothy 2, 24 – 26)

The ‘good thief’ on the cross (Mathew 27, 38 and we generally live beyond our years of salvation and we can go forward) went with Yeshua to paradise (Luke 16) not  into heaven (John 3,13) as judgment day has not come. ‘Fathers house’ is a place prepared after John 14,2 but there are many rooms. Faith (such as Abraham had) is consistent but new covenants are conditional. See also  Hebrews 11, 13 – 16, Ephesians 4, 8 – 10. 1 Peter 4,6 & 1 Peter 3, 18 – 20, Acts 2, 31- 32 John, 3 1- 8 When Yeshua says ‘it is finished’ (John 19, 28 – 32) he meant death is defeated (see also 1 Corinthians 15 – 55 – 57 & Hosea 13,14 & Psalms 16,10 & Acts 2,27) and his eternal life victory is finished. The Messiah will return in the future, and he has not finished his next allotted tasks (which are after providng sacrifical salvation)  We will also receive Crowns in heaven each according to his reward. There are 5 crowns 1) Rev 2, 10 & James 1,12, the crown of life  2) 1 Corinthians 9, 25  the Incorruptible crown of 3)  2 Timothy 4, 8 The Crown of Righteousness  4)  1 Peter 5, 4 - 7  the Crown of Glory 5) 1 Thess 2, 19 & Philippians 4,1 The Crown of rejoicing. These are works of the sons and daughters of Gd and the great commission Mathew 16, 16 – 20 and they are not finished works nor are they legalistic or as dirty rags (see Romans 10) and they signify activity after Salvation. For the reborn it is just beginning and an excuse to ‘make a decision for Gd’ alone without repentance is not rebirth and then perhaps attend Church once a week is not the Christian faith. Numerous revivals are listed over the past 2000 +years, detailed and recorded precisely these occurred after 70 ad. Romans 10,13 says everyone who ‘cries’ onto the name of the Lord (Messiah) will be saved. (i.e. cries out in repentance either inwardly or outwardly) Verse 10 , 14 asks how can they ‘cry out’. Unless they are convicted and are then reborn after.

Paul says the Law is Good and Holy and the Law convicts

As we can read in the paragraphs below David (and others ) was also convicted by the law.  (Romans 7, 14 & 1 Tim 1, 8 state, the Law is good and holy see next paragraph) 1 Chronicles 18:14 says “So David reigned over all Israel, and he administered justice and equity to all his people.” How could he do his work unless he too was also aware of right and wrong. 1 Chronicles 29, 26 - 30 tells us that Davids life was recorded (most at his own request) in Samuel and Chronicles and Gad the Seer. These works are scripture (2 Timothy 3, 16 - 17) David also shaped the law in them. People in Israel and Judah obeyed him as they loved him. Likewise Yeshua also said if you love him you will keep his commands (these words were recorded and became scripture ) see John 14,15 & 21 & 23 - 24 & John 15, 14. What were these commands ? They are listed here  In effect they are the law but it is not 'legalistic' and they include the ten commandments and parts of the laws of Moses. Legalistic is a term many without the Ruach apply to things they cannot undertake or enjoy and who then apply that condition to those who have the Ruach (Holy Spirit )  Revelations 22,18 - 19 clearly states a condition without grace (tampering with scripture)  Today we have conjecture between the minority Alexandrian writings and the received Antioch scrolls or writings.  The King James bible and others rely on the older Antioch texts ('Textus Receptus'). The NIV New International Version is based on the Alexandrian texts  (as is the Vulgate version)  and it is losing parts of its text every year ? Older does not mean superior but the dead sea scrolls confirm parts of the Antioch script. (papyrus 7Q 4 + 5 + 6a/b + 7, 8,9, 10 & 15 are New Testament fragments dating to before 68 ad and probably 50 ad, 20 years after the crucifixion at the first council of Jerusalem which also had Hebrew versions of the Gospels. The (dead sea) 'Isaiah scroll' dates to 200 bc and he died in 698 bc meaning it is a copy directly from the original ) Further  see  'Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and Why Were They Forgotten - A Lecture by Rachel Elior') She is an expert on ancient texts and says that the scrolls were part of the first and second temple library that were taken to Qumran during the Macabbean revolt when the legitimate priests of the line of Zadok (and who were appointed by King David see 1 Chronicles 15,11 and headings on this topic above in chapter 5 ) were ousted from the temple and had to flee. The scrolls revolve around temple worship and priestly services. The Essenes had nothing to do with these scrolls and they lived further south in the En Gedi area. It is also believed that John the Baptist (Yeshua's cousin), who came from a priestly line, also lived in this area of Qumran and might have written some of the scrolls.In fact John the Baptists father was a Levitical high Priest and attendant of the Temple see Luke 1, 67- 79) These people were not Pharisees, Sadducee or Essenes.  Scripture is 'God breathed' says 2 Timothy 3, 16 by the Ruach and yet in  Mark 3:28–29, Matthew 12:31–32, and Luke 12:10 we learn that Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (including 'Preterisim' ) will not be forgiven, by which it means Grace has ended (although Gd is the final Judge in this )

Romans 7, 14 & 1 Tim 1, 8 state, the Law is good and holy (but it is not for the righteous) by which we become conscious of our sin (see Romans 3, 20) Romans 7 , 7 (- 25) says the Law convicts. We then become conscious of our sin. Romans  2, 15 states we become conscious of something, something which is troubling us and it says, ‘their thoughts are accusing them’. The law here is meant the ‘Torah’ or the first five books of the bible, yet the prophets and Judges, Samuel, Chronicles, Psalms or Proverbs or any part of the ‘Old Testament’ or the Gospels (which is all the disciples knew as with Yeshua) or any part of the ‘New Testament’ will also convict if Gd uses it as he sees fit (2 Tim 3 , 16 – 17)

It will convict by the Law. The unregenerate  (Mathew 19,28  & Titus 3,5 & John 3:3-8 & 1 Peter 1:3) will feel something accusing them or unsettling their Spirits and it will grow (like the word of Gd) until it becomes a crisis a travail of the Soul and even brings fear and anguish and panic as the Old spirit clashes with the New bringing turmoil and a battle sometimes, even disgust and brokenness (but n.b. Jeremiah 9, 25 all will be judged circumcised and uncircumcised) Then like a child in the womb awaiting birth, the Messiah reaches down (this conviction brings a struggle and travail) and saves by Grace. (see, and to repeat it is explained by David Pawson in the Normal Christian Birth part 1 or full sermon here  (or PDF  version or on Amazon and which is exactly the same experience and debate the very first Christians had from Acts to Revelations and in Acts 19) Yet when Yeshua states ‘I never knew you’ in Mathew 7, 21 – 23, it means you are literally not reborn, not that you did not see or hear him in passing or read of him once.

The Holy Spirit / Ruach also convicts as well as the law ? Therefore we see that the ‘law’ (according to Yeshua, Paul and Timothy) and the words in the Old Testament convict, just as the New Testament scriptures convict. (Romans 7, 14 & 1 Tim 1, 8 Romans 3, 20, Romans 7 , 7 - 25) Also the Holy Spirit, the Ruach of Gd convicts us, as Yeshua also explained in John 16, 7 – 9. Not just conviction of the unsaved into repentance, but also the saved (Romans, 3, 23, 1 John 2,1 & Proverbs 24,16) are convicted under the Holy Spirit. First of course you must  be reborn, and the Ruach of Gd leads us into all truth John 16,13. The saved (every reborn believer in Messiah) are also given instruction which they cannot set aside and claim grace specifically (in reference to the erroneous doctrine of ‘as sin abounds so does grace’) over and over, yet there is a difference between condemnation by others or those who do not follow the Messiah, and actual conviction by the Ruach, Holy Spirit of Gd (see Romans 8 ,1 & Romans 3,23) You can be saved but in a state of denial or stasis, without going forward into blessings. Leviticus 14 describes the process employed by the (High) Priest (see also Hebrews 7 and specifically Hebrews 7,25) who ministers to remove and cleanse leprosy from a sufferer (by the Blood) Cleansing the inside. Yet from verse 33 fwd in Leviticus 14, the chapter also describes how a House can be cleansed (from idols, preterism, or any sin which prevents blessings and a full life) which are outside of a believer but still present around them, even if they are unaware or any secret sin. The house(s) in Leviticus Chapter 14 had green and red streaks in the walls, as signs the leprosy was spreading. Idols were buried behind the plaster or underneath the floorboards as these houses were the former homes of the Canaanites that the Israelites had moved into when they captured Jericho. They had taken the City, but had not removed false Gds of stone or wood, or removed personal sin or the remains of past idols ( even unknown to them and hidden beyound their view) It could be any dwelling, in the house or church or workplace and so on and despite not knowing it still affected them. The Law ( Exodus 20:2 and Deuteronomy 5:6 & 7,25 & 1 Samuel 5, & 2 Samuel 5,21 ) and the Ruach of Gd (1 Corinthians 2, 10 & Ephesians 1:16-19 ) are from the same author and are the same author.   Corinthians 11, 4 – 6 & Galatians 1, 8-9 tells us if anyone preaches another Gospel moving from the grace of Yeshua to another Gospel that this places you under Gds curse. The Gospel is the Full Gospel of good news and sanctification not placebo parts of it.

The Ruach (Holy Spirit)  of Gd is the same then as today. For rebirth the Holy Spirit Baptism is a stage in that rebirth, yet until you receive you are not reborn (1 Corinthians 6,19 ) and without the Ruach you know of the Messiah and are going towards, but are not with the Messiah (Romans 8,9 receiving and remaining within i.e. enterring into the Kingdom)  Preterism denies Gds work in the Spirit  except in a limited capacity but which excludes miracles. Genesis 1, 2 states that Gds spirit hovered above the water. Judges 15, 14 – 15 states the spirit of Gd rested (and departed not remaining) upon Samson and he killed a 1000 Philistines. 2 Samuel 16,14 King David whose life is documented outside of the Bible, danced in the Spirit before the Ark of Gd, the Spirit rested upon David when he was annointed and in Pslam 51,11 David prays concerning the Spirit of Gd. Isaiah 59 (and specifically Isaiah 59, 21) states the Spirit of Gd is on those in covenant. Acts 2, 1 – 31 relates how Gds Spirit was poured out on Shavuot / Pentecost. Acts 19, 2 relates how some followers did not know there was a Baptism in the Holy Spirit, which can be received before or after water baptism (n.b. not John’s baptism) see Acts 9, 17 – 19 & Acts 10, 44 - 48. You can be unregenate and go through a water Baptism and still be unsaved and not reborn, but the Baptism of the Spirit Baptism is the seal and which cannot be religously or clerical adminstered or pretended, and which can be recieved at salvation before water Baptism. It also confirms to others yoru visible salvation. In the future (Revelations 2 & 3 but also Revelations 21,7) the Holy Spirit is still working.

Those who teach you do not have to do anything (or rather that nothing occurs)  to be 'reborn' are wrong as rebirth is predicated on repentance which Gd brings to you or on you. Rebirth is preceded by repentance. An 'altar call' alone is not rebirth unless preceded by repentance. An altar call is similar situation to the baptism of John which called people to repentance, yet not all who were baptized under John the baptist were reborn under the Messiah. This is explained by the parable in  Matthew 13,1-23, Mark 4,1-20, and Luke 8,4-15. Every woman knows that contractions and pain precede the actual birth process which in turn can take 24 hours or more. This is the pretext of John 3, 1 - 16. David was Gds chosen unlike Saul who was chosen by the people and was under wrath but was granted victories by Gd. Both were anointed by Samuel but Saul's anointing was inferior in practice and in procedure and custom to Davids anointing. (Samuel anointed with a vial or flask filled with oil,see I Samuel 10, David was anointed bya Rams horn filled with oil see 1 Samuel 16) David was under Grace but also under law & wrath. Bathsheba and Davids sin as a result of their adultery and murder, should have brought David death by the law and the removal of Bathsheba from his side. Instead he was by grace, allowed to live and Bathsheba remained with him. Yet by Gd's law and decree was they lost their first born as Gd via the decree of the Prophet Nathan who gave the decree see 2 Samuel 12, 13 - 18 despite David fasting and asking for forgiveness. (he was also told the sword would never leve his hand and later Absolom his other son was killed by his own army) Consequences were connected even though 'Gd is for you'. This was / is the law but David received both Law and Grace. We can be forgiven forever yet in continuing to assume Grace, knowingly and wantonly before the fact and sinning in order to obtain grace deliberately is a false doctrine (wealth or poverty is not a sign for or against a believer or preacher, the Israelite's did not have stores or clothes shops or shopping  malls in the desert for 40 years yet they lacked nothing) The law and grace are compatible, but Gd can dispense both in equal measure or how Gd sees fit it is not a formula as we have freewill.

Just as David came under the law and grace in the paragraph above, so to did Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5, 1 - 11. It is a well known event and in Acts 5,9 Peter Prophesies that like Ananias, Sapphira his wife would also pass away and that she would be carried out and buried next to her Husband for their grieving of the Holy Spirit without repenting they committed the unforgivable sin ( M ark 3:28–29, Matthew 12:31–32, and Luke 12:10) Gd does not 'tempt' people but we do go through trials which without repentance if we fail can lead to destruction. It is assumed they, on realizing they were exposed in front of the church 'they gave up the Ghost or Spirit' (Acts 5, 5 & 10) or that Gd took them to be with him so as not to embarrass the Church, yet in John 15, 6 the Vine says if you do not abide or remain with him you will be picked up and burned.The verses in Acts 5, 1 - 11 do not say Gd or Peter killed Ananias and Sapphira, yet they gave up the ghost, in effect brokenhearted and Peter knew Sapphira would follow Ananias in the same way. It was not guess work but perhaps some speculate he was hasty although righteously correct 1 Corinthians 5, 5 tells us that people can be given up to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, yet repentance can redeem as in Galatians 6, 1- 2. Ananias and Sapphira did not repent but broke the law as if their false finances were the truth and lived openly in deceit. David broke the law but when Nathan pointed out the crime / sin, David was convicted and repented but he still had consequences (2 Samuel 12, 12 - 14  & 2 Samuel 12, 7 - 11) Levites could not own but could hold a portion of land (relevant to Ananias and Sapphira) and in Deuteronomy 23, 21 - 23 and Joshua 13 the verses state the law. John the Baptist was the appointed High Priest through the Levite Zadok line (John the Baptists father Zechariah was also a Levite attendant of the Temple see Luke 1,5 (From the scriptures and John the baptists and the Messiahs conception we can ascertain the true date of the birth of the Yeshua see heading above 'Ezekiel's Temple as the Third or the Fourth Temple ? Solomon's temple was the first temple, Herod's temple was the 2nd Temple'  and the paragraph which begins 'The  Millennium will see both houses of Israel united as Judah and Ephraim') Priests were to be Levites, according to the Law, but not all Levites were priests, but they had also other duties (see also Psalm 110,4 & Hebrews 5,1 and also John 3, 1- 16) Further  Acts 4, 36 - 37 states “And Joses, who by the apostles was surnamed Barnabas, (which is, being interpreted, The son of consolation,) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus,  Having land, sold it, and brought the money, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.” Note it was not just tithes and offerings at work but also Levitical law. By sinning Ananias and Sapphira came under the law or were given over to Satan but more than this they were walking entirely in the flesh and lying to the Church, to Gd and to themselves. It was theft under the law (Joshua 7,21 & Titus 2,10) Under Grace they passed away quickly. Joses surnamed Barnabus in Acts 4, 36 - 37 also operated in the 'tradition' but righteously under the new covenant and was not 'under the law' but rather obedient to it even as the feast of Shavuot in Pentecost has been fulfilled and out-poured in Acts 2, 1 - 31 earlier in the year.Those who were baptised in the Ruach of Gd were in the law of righteousness as far as humanly possible not under the law.(Mathew 24,35 and 5, 18 explain that until Heaven and Earth pass away.......)

The Law and Grace are buds and blossoms from the same stem. When 3000 were killed by the law at Mount Sinai  (Exodus 32,28) the destroyed tablets of the 10 commandments were remade and the Law in them is something we keep today . Yet by grace 3000 Jews and Israelites were added at Pentecost / Shavuot / Feast of weeks ( see Acts 2, 14 – 4) Both events occurred on this feast day, 1746 years apart approx. (King David’s birth day)  One at Mount Sinai, and the second at Mount Zion. The feast of Shavuot / Pentecost is the birth day and the death date of King David. Both times the Israelites quaked in fear as the earth trembled. Both were in the same month and day in the year. ‘The Israelites left Egypt on Passover and 40 days later arrived at Sinai. Then Moses went up on a mountain to see God (Mt. Sinai). Ten days later Moses came down with the Torah and the Israelites broke the covenant and 3000 people died as a result.  Yeshua died on Passover and 40 days later went up on a mountain to see God (Mt. Of Olives).  Ten days after Jesus ascended, the Holy Spirit came down and 3000 people were saved. In both events God gave His Torah (Law) to His People and in both cases,  He sealed the covenant that He had made with them. At Sinai He gave the Law written by His finger on tablets of stone. At Pentecost, He gave the Law written on Tablets of the Heart’

Peter denied Yeshua 3 times (John 18, 13 – 27) yet he also later confessed Yeshua that he loved him 3 times (John 21, 15 – 18) one event cancelling out the other by Grace, yet it still took the participation of Peter but not by works but by repentance and insight in the Ruach / Spirit of Gd. The law convicts and grace redeems, and both work together invisibly, because the Messiah’s death on the cross defeated all sin for believers. In  both events the law was poured out like water on 1st the stone tablets of the law, and then 2nd on and into men’s hearts, (Jeremiah 31,33 & Romans 2,1 5 & Hebrews 10,6) yet the finger of Gd writes both when the law convicts and grace saves.

A brief summary of David’s order of service and ministries.

Incredibly these events are linked to David who brought the Ark of the Covenant to 1) Mount Zion. His birth reconciled Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. He also brought 2) Mount Gerizim (formal and reverent) and Mount Zion (rejoicing and praise) together and both tabernacles existed alongside the 3) tabernacle Gd had made as 1 more Tabernacle built by Gd, but still called the tabernacle of David see Isaiah 16,5 & Amos 9 11- 12 & Psalm 132, 3 & Acts 15, 16 - 17 )  These 3 were United into 1. (and like the Ark placed between between 2 mountains at Mount Ebal and Mount Gezerim with both mountains occupied by the Levites facing, and the Ark in the midst of them, the blessing and curses of the law were read out from the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 25 - 30, but 27 - 28 Those blessing and/or curses would fall upon those who were under either state, and echoing the future parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:31–46 ) On Mount Zion. Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs are made throughout scripture, and 1 Chronicles 5 to 26 states the musicians and singers were instructed, they were also separated from the musicians, they were skillful, and they were appointed and chosen by name they also had a musical director, all were in various ranks, they had the charge of the service of song, and they were paid (or received their portion)  It was a ministry and office in 24 courses like the Levites in attendance at the Temple (1 Chronicles 25, 1 – 31) for the 24 hours of each day. The 24 elders before the throne of Gd played the Harp (the only instrument in Heaven Rev 8, 5 - 10) It is a very important reverent and anointed ministry for musicians and singers, as Chronicles states, and David’s order of service for music and singing had around 330 in its immediate ranks and order, attending to the ministry. They were not ordered to play but they wanted too, and the best were chosen by anointing and ability.

Ministries in the order of service also included the ministry of the Levites before the Ark of the Covenant  (1 Chronicles 16, 4, 6 & 37) The ministry of the ‘recording’ (then by writing)  (1 Chronicles 16, 4, & 28, 12 & 19) The ministry of thanking Gd (1 Chronicles 16, 4, 8, 41) and of praise (1 Chronicles 16, 4 & 36) Ministry of Psalms (1 Chronicles 16, 9 and Psalm 98, 6) ministry of rejoicing and joy (1 Chronicles 16, 10 & 25 -  31) ministry of clapping (Psalm 47,1 & Isaiah 55,12) and of shouting reverently in anointing (1 Chronicles 15, 28) and of dancing (1 Chronicles 15,29, Luke 15,25 ) and the lifting up of hands (Psalm 134 & Psalm 141, 2) Ministry of seeking Gd and Spiritual sacrifices (1 Chronicles 16, 10 – 11 & 2 Chronilces 29 offering praise and worship, bringing a lamenting and atoning offering for sin but also continuing to praise and worship & Psalm 27,6 & 1 Peter 2, 3- 5 & Hebrews 13, 15 - 16) Ministry of door keeping (2 Kings 7, 10 – 11) Ministry of saying Amen. (1 Chronicles 16, 36) King David had all  manner of stringed instruments, pipes and flutes, dulcimer’s even basic bagpipes, cornets and horns including Rams horns,  Shophar’s, silver trumpets, percussion and cymbals, drums or tambourines, and of course Harps. During Psalms which were sung, pauses or ‘selahs’ for the Musicians to play (and the lengths varied as the spirit led and could be longer than the Psalm) included various moods, i.e. flight Selah (Psalm 55, 1 – 7)  Judgement selah’s (psalm 52, 5, 55, 19) War Selah (psalm 60, 4) Triumph selah (Psalm 49,15) Harmony, Rhythm and Melody.

There were 4000 musicians and singers aside from the 330 singers in the main choir of David ( or more) see 1 Chronicles 15,16 & 23, 5, and the feasts and festivals appointed by Gd were celebrated by David (including the 7 feasts of Israel) Psalm 116, 1- 4 provides for the Soul with escape, and this Psalm was sung accompanied by Music. David in Psalm 16,10 knew he would not be abandoned to Sheol, and he was led, captivity was led captive, through the future entrance of Heaven. (Psalm 24, 9 – 10)  and then as in Colossians 2,15 all of Heaven rejoiced numbering at least 10,000 x 10,000 and thousands more (that we know of ) into many Billions as innumerable, and also the 2/3’s majority, to hear what Heaven (a glorius and deafening yet harmonious host) sounded like in all 3 Zions. 

David was a great warrior, but YHWH ( a name which can be recited and sung) is the true source of his victories Exodus 15,3 (see also Exodus 20,3)




2. The Double Portion & the 7 / 8 Feasts of Israel in David’s Tabernacle
The Millennium Reign (spiritual) 

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(added 30.09.2019 / 01.10.2019 on the Feast of Rosh Hashanah also called the Feast of Trumpets. The 10 days of Awe, and Feasts of Yom Kippur and Sukkoth follow )

Ezekiel 37,24 says;

‘And My  servant,  David,  shall  be King over them. And there shall be one Shepherd to all of them. And they shall walk  in My  judgments  and  keep  My statutes, and do them’

Or, in the Orthodox Jewish Bible (‘And Avdi Dovid  [Moshiach] shall be Melech over them; and they all shall have Ro'eh Echad; they shall also walk in My mishpatim, and observe My chukkot, and do them’ )

King David of course kept the feasts with praise and music and a choir, the feasts of Israel as directed by Moses in Leviticus 23, and as described in the books of the Psalms and Samuel and Chronicles, and the New Testament, (or here) and which includes the Sabbath, and the 7 feasts of 1. The Passover, 2. Unleavened bread 3. Firstfruits. 4. Weeks (Shavuot or Pentecost) These are the Spring feasts for 1 – 3, and the feast of Weeks or 4, is 6 weeks or 49/50 days from the Saturday (The Sabbath) of the first day of first-fruits. This first resurrection day followed, the 3 days and nights from the Crucifixion. Unleavened bread is a feast of 7 days beginning on Passover and finishes the day after the feast of first fruits so that they overlap and are within each other.

Easter is really 3 feasts although it was never called Easter in tradition.

And 5. The Feast OF Trumpets 6. The Day of Atonement. 7. The Feast of Tabernacles. (Sukkot or Booths )

Christians and Messianic Jews would say that the first four feasts have been fulfilled, but we must also understand the ‘fall feasts’ or feasts in September and October which will be fulfilled in the same manner literally as the other feasts were. As such they are biblical ‘Christian’ feasts. Without understanding them we cannot understand, discern or derive a full picture of the ‘end times’ Also they are in themselves very interesting spiritually and contain much valuable information on events today and in the future.

Why if King David kept them, and the Messiah kept a calendar to which his life, death and resurrection were in time around them, and the promise of the Ruach of Gd (or  the Law as the Ruach, given on the feast of Weeks or Shavuot or Pentecost ) do we disregard the last 3 today ? Crucified on Passover, and Unleavened bread, and rising 3 days (and 72 hours later) on the feast of furstfruits.

Ephraim (a tribe of Israel who became known as Gentiles) name means ‘Double Fruit’ . This means they would receive a double blessing, which is often encapsulated by the verses in Ezekiel 37, 16 – 19, when the one stick or staff held up would fuse 2 sticks together, or 2 houses together and this double inheritance would include the gentile nations and the nation of the Jews. Deuteronomy 21:15-17 is the only place where it is required in the Bible to give a double portion to the firstborn son, but Isaac did not receive a Double portion he received all the inheritance, and only gifts were given to Ishmael. (Genesis 25:5-6 ) is this a contradiction ? yet also as the family increased the law was kept even by mistake ? Isaac blessed Jacob but thought he was Esau. Joseph also received a double portion from Jacob in Genesis 48,22, who had ‘adopted’  Jacobs sons, but Esau was the firstborn not Jacob. (Joseph received a portion above his brothers. Ephraim and Manasseh sons of Joseph, next received one half of the Double portion) Ezekiel prophesised in Ezekiel 19,14, that one day Israel would have no strong rod to rule with see also Revelations 2,27 (and this occurred under Zedikiah in 586.5 bc) Ezekiel 19 refers to Jehoahaz and Jehoiachin first, who did evil in the sight of the Lord, yet they both represent Gentiles and Jews, i.e. Jehoahaz who was ‘Egyptian born’ of Joseph, and Jehoiachin who ruled Israel but mostly the southern tribes) In Revelations 2,27 we find that this rod of Iron is now with the Messiah and not an earthly King (it is disputed as to whether the Messiah will be Divine or a Human King, but who would have to come from the line of David in any case )

6 times the bible mentions a double portion or blessing.  Isaiah 61,7, mention’s that Israel would receive a Double portion of Joy and Blessings not just land and gifts (a reference to the Millennium reign of 1000 years)  The verse describes ‘you’ and ‘they’, as Israel was first ‘one nation’ and then it was divided (1 Kings, 12 and 13) into two (singular to plural)  This is how the spiritual inheritance of Israel and Judah would also include the Gentiles. The Ten tribes left Israel, and wandered into Georgia and Armenia (Georgia contains Mathews Tomb) and then over the Caucasus mountains into Europe and wider (see the books of Esdras 2)

The suppressed history of the 10 Lost tribes and their journey into Europe and further beyond, some suggest is to deny and reduce the 2 House theology, and the return of Ephraim (the 10 tribes ) and their inheritance and claim in Israel (which has the caveat of repentance) which is both practical and spiritual. All manner of alternative suggestions are made except the actual reality.

1 Samuel, 1 5 states Hannah received a double portion of meat. As she was the ‘Barren Woman’ she could not have children from her husband, but after pleading in prayer to Gd, she gave birth to the prophet Samuel, but did the ‘Barren Woman’ have more than 1 Child. She had 7 children when Samuel was being delivered to Eli (1 Samuel 2, 5) and then in another account, she only had 5 ? (1 Samuel 2:21) Added tougher, as if both sets were hers would make 12 in all. Yet in tradition (Midrash)  every time Hannah gave birth, her Husband’s other wife Penninnah lost 2 children, until she begged for forgiveness from Hannah for insulting her, and the 7, could have been the 5 children she had, and the 2 she saved which were Penninnah’s. Yet the idea of 5, 7 and 12 are represented. Further her husband in 1 Samuel 1, 8 asked Hannah if he meant more to her than 10 sons. Mary and Joseph had 5 sons and 2 daughters. Jeremiah 15,9 and Ruth 4,9 allude to the ‘Woman’ as Jerusalem. So 5, 7, 10 and 12 are represented in the Torah, but also in the Prophets and in the New Testament or the B'rit Chadasha.

Job received twice as much as he had lost (Job 42,10) and Elisha received a double amount of Ezekiel’s spirit (Ruach) 2, Kings 2,9 and which he had asked for. Revelations 18,6 also mentions that receiving double, was not always a blessing, as Babylon was to receive a double mix of the evils it had dished out. Hannah was blessed double, but Penninnah was cursed twice.

Does this Mosaic law extend to believers in Yeshua ? (Isaiah 61,7 suggests it extends to the Millennium and to believers, yet this would mean the Mosaic Law is within the Millennium? ) It certainly preceded the formal Mosaic law as in Exodus 4,22 when Moses repeating Gds word to Pharaoh, said Israel was his first born son. Yet Pharaohs curse and promise to kill Israel’s first born, returned upon him and upon Egypt, when Egypt’s first born were killed by the Angel of death. Only those who covered their doorposts with the Blood of the lamb escaped.


The  'Aleph / Tav' (the 'Alpha and the Omega') mark

Many members of Israel did not follow Moses instructions, and they perished, whereas many members of the households (or guests) who were not of Israel and/or Egyptians who stayed within a house daubed with the blood of the lamb were also saved. Many of Israel perished for worshipping ‘man made the Golden Calf’; many repented and were saved including Aaron who would later enter the Holy of Holies in Moses tabernacle but under conditions. Moses could enter the Holy Place, but not further into the Holy of Holies and could only enter there once a Year (Numbers 7,89) on the feast of Yom Kippur, after he and Aaron made sacrifice and offerings for the forgiveness of Israel’s sins, (also known as Zichron Teruah or Yom Teruah) which begins after the Feast of Trumpets. This feast is not so much a “new year” but the Feast of new beginnings or a change. (New Year begins in spring Nisan or Adar 1 or 2) Gd descended in a cloud of Glory and spoke to Moses from between the 2 Cherubim from the Mercy seat, upon which blood was poured of bulls and a goat. (Moses only ever saw Gd as he passed by the cleft in the rock in Exodus 33, 21 – 23. Within the tabernacle of Moses Gd’s glory was hid beneath the cloud) Rams were also offered as burnt offerings (Leviticus 16, 1 – 34)  Therefore Bulls, Goats and Rams were offered. Leviticus 10, 1- 7 reminds the reader what occurs when we attend to Gds services in ways which Gd has not ordained. Leviticus 14, 15 – 18 also explains the application of Blood and Oil upon the High Priest, (Atonement and then Spirit) Salvation and baptism in the Spirit. Verse 16 relates how the oil is sprinkled 7 times, and the verses explain the Priest applies both upon himself at certain points, all over.  Aaron also applied the blood to the mercy seat, but only Moses entered once a year on Yom Kippur for the forgiveness of Israel’s sins. Pharaoh was first born in Egypt, yet Moses was adopted into Pharaohs household and became more powerful than Pharaoh. Do believers in Yeshua in the New Covenant ‘just’ receive one portion, or through Yeshua, who is the firstborn of all (Colossians 1,15) do we receive abundant life and blessings through him, and is this a different blessing than the Mosaic law blessing in Deuteronomy 21:15-17.

Abraham was the father of many nations (but not all)

Genesis 15,5 says 5“ And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be”

Genesis 22,17 says “17 I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his enemies”

Genesis 26, 2 – 5 says “2 And the LORD appeared to him and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; dwell in the land of which I shall tell you. 3Sojourn in this land, and I will be with you and will bless you, for to you and to your offspring I will give all these lands, and I will establish the oath that I swore to Abraham your father. 4I will multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and will give to your offspring all these lands. And in your offspring all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, 5 because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.” His descendants would be as many as the Stars of Heaven.

The 144,000 (people) who are named in Revelations 7,3 - 4 are awaiting the name of Gd to be written on their foreheads. Those that are sealed numbered 144,000. In Revelations 7,9 those that are more numerous than the sands of the seashore and from the earth are described. In revelations 7, 9 it says ‘after this’ it is so similar or the same event but 2 distinct types or numbers. These are those mentioned in Genesis 22, 17 or the ‘earthly’ sands of the seashore. In Revelations 14 those who are more numerous than the stars, are born from above John 3, 1 - 16 (In Revelations 14, the 144,000 are many types or multitudes not just individuals) and already had the name written on their foreheads. These are the group mentioned in Genesis 15,5 are ‘stars’ born from above. So both Revelations 7 and into Revelations 14 describes those who sealed as the 144,000, and those who are awaiting to be sealed, and also a great multitude who are similar to the Revelations 7 from every tribe and nation i.e. a different set of people. The name of their father in Revelations 14, as the first born (‘Aleph’ which is the Hebrew symbol in the Hebrew letter numbers, and the first letter /number in the list, is the symbol of the red heifer or fatted calf for Ephraim. The original picture of this letter in Hebrew looks like this  () as an Ox head or Heifer or Calf, and is one of the four faces of the four Evangelists of the Gospels, but also the Prophets in Ezekiel 1, 5-11 & 10, 4, and the Book of Numbers chapter 2 for the tribal standards, and also Rev. 4:6, 8, 9; 5:6, 8, 11, 14; 6:1, 6; 7:11; 14:3; 15:7; 19:4 or in other words it is throughout the Torah and the Bible and history for over 5000 yearsIn Revelations 7 they had not yet received that mark, but had not received the mark of the beast either see Revelations 13, 16-17. In Revelations 7, the mark of Taw which is the Hebrew symbol ‘cross’ mark is received, and this is mentioned in Ezekiel 9, 4 – 5.  (i.e. they will be saved but are not yet as the last letter in the Hebrew letter numbers and see John 2,23. The early Hebrew Symbol for Taw  looked like this  and also represents the two sticks of Ezekiel for Judah and Joseph (Judah and Israel) in Ezekiel 37. The New Covenant switches those who were last, to those who are first from Judah and 2 tribes (Rev 7) to Ephraim (Rev 14)  as the 10 tribes. 'The last  shall be first and the first shall be last' (Mathew 20,16) Yeshua said that  he had come only for the lost sheep of Israel (Mathew 15, 24) and later the gentiles will be grafted in. Jeremiah 16 names Israel as the Olive tree, and in 1 Kings 12, the Olive tree becomes two separate nations (also Ezekiel 37, and Zechariah 4 and Romans 11, but then again in Revelations 11, 4) Those in Revelations, in the New Jerusalem have the Aleph / Tav (the Alpha and the Omega sign in Greek Ω or ω)  names on their foreheads, the name of their father  YHWH (YaHuWaH) Zechariah 12, 5 to 10 (in Hebrew letter numbers) is full of these descriptors.

Hebrews 7, 12 says “12 Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born descendants as many as the stars of heaven and as many as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore” (the latter echoing Genesis 22,7 from Abraham)

Jerusalem is described as a Barren woman like Sarah and Rachel. Rachel had 2 sons and her husband Jacob 2nd wife Leah had 10 sons. Jacob was involved with them and Laban for 20 years. 20 days is the time of the 3 fall feasts. (see also Numbers 14, 33 – 34a when each day is like a year, and 2 Peter 3, 8 when each day is also like a Thousand years as Gd is out of linear time. Note also in the bible, that there are 10 virgins, 10 cities, 10 talents, 10 lepers, 10 commandments. Adam to nosh 10 generations.10 plagues on Egypt. On the 10th of the month a lamb was chosen for sacrifice at Passover (Exodus 12, 2 – 3) God promised Abraham He would not destroy Sodom if 10 righteous men could be found there (see Genesis 18, 2) God caused the shadow on a sundial to go backwards 10 degrees (2 Kin 20, 8-11). In the Temple were 10 lavers, 10 lampstands, and 10 tables ( 2 Chr 4,6-8 ) ten Horns on the beast revelations 17,12 with 10 Kings.

The 144,000 in Revelations 7 (note the 7th chapter ) are awaiting to be sealed (preceding Judgement) but also with them is a ‘great multitude’ (Revelations 7,9) who have come out of the great tribulation (they were in this tribulation) but they were spared Gds wrath (which is worse, see Jude and Revelations 9, 1 – 11 and note it says many will seek death but will not find it) upon those that brought the tribulation. They also carry palms in their hands in Revelations 7, 9, which is the symbol of the feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot, or Booths) See also John 12, 12 – 15 which is also the Messiahs entry into Jerusalem, the day before Passover preparation. (Passover occurred on a Wednesday afternoon, Resurrection was a Saturday. The Feast of Unleavened Bread (15th – 21st of the first month) see Leviticus 23, 6-8. Both fulfilled on Yeshua’s Crucifixion Day and Death on the Cross. The Feast of First Fruits of barleyYeshua’s Resurrection Day, occurring on the 2nd / 3rd day of the 7 days of Unleavened Bread, during the time of the Passover celebration. Leviticus 23:10. The palm is also the symbol of Solomon’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. In 1 Kings 1, 33- 39  we read "Cause my son Solomon to rid on my own mule, and bring him down to Gihop, and let Zadok the priest and Nathan the prophet there anoint him king over Israel, then blow the trumpet, and say, “Long live King Solomon” and in Zechariah 9. “Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion!  Shout, Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey” which echoes as mentioned John, 12, 12 – 15. Mathew 26,30 (when the messiah sings the Hallal Psalm with the disciples) echoes Psalm 118.

Palms preceded the beginning of the 8 day feasts of Passover, Unleavened bread and First fruits.  The Book of Revelations begins with the Sound of Trumpets meaning the Shofar (see Revelations 1, 10) and then 7 more in 1. Rev 8,7 2. Rev 8, 8 – 9. 3. Rev 8, 10 – 11. 4 Rev 8, 12 – 13. 5. Rev 9,11. 6. Rev 9, 13 – 21. 7 Rev 11, 15.

The 144,000 in revelations 7, 4 – 8, are the ‘firstfruits’ and Resurrection from the 12 tribes of Israel (represented by the 2 Menorahs which are the 2 witnesses of the 2 and 10 tribes of Israel) but Revelations 7, 9 are the natural branches, who are not the ‘Bride’ as mentioned in Revelation 18,23, and Revelation 19,7-9, & Revelation 21,2-9, and Revelation 22,17, but also include the attendees or guests at the Wedding) In other words the 144,000 of Revelations 7 are represented by Leah and  Ephraim, whilst the smaller group of Revelations 14 are represented by Rachel and Judah. Both marry Jacob who is a type of the Messiah.

Yet whilst the first group are seized away and married, the second group go through the tribulation (Rev 7,14) below ‘during the ten days of awe’ which begins at the fest of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah.

Revelations 14 (note the 14th chapter) under the Melchizedek Priesthood, who receive new bodies as in 2 Corinthians 5, 1 – 10, and who are caught up in the air, (see 1 Thessalonians 4, 17)  or from the ‘first fruits’ following the Crucifixion (and Unleavened bread and the feast of Firstfruits) are distinct and already have the name upon their foreheads. Ezekiel 48, 31 – 35 states that this Temple gates bears the names of the 12 tribes of Israel, and Revelations 21, 11 – 14 states the New Jerusalem has the name of the 12 tribes of Israel on its gates.  Revelations 14 are the wild branches of Romans 11, who are as many as the stars in heaven (Genesis 22,17) The tribe of Ephraim is not mentioned in the Revelations 7 list, of the tribes of Israel (as they are in Ezekiel 37,16 – 19) because this 13th tribe which became the leaders of Israel (ten tribes) are married to the Bride, and the Bride takes on the name of the Husband. This is the ‘one new man’ and Ephraim is resurrected in Revelations 14 as the prodigal son (Luke 15, 11 – 32. The prodigal son receives also a robe and wedding ring in Luke 15, 22, but in preparation to be washed and accepted the fatted ‘calf’ meal in verse 23, and despite his brothers objections in verses 22 – 25 they become one family again) Those  in Revelations 7,15, are those who have not been ‘born again’ through the birth canal, and pangs of birth in the tribulation and see Revelations 12, 1 -17 who are explained by Paul in 1st Timothy 2, 14 - 15.

In Mathew 25 only half of the 10 virgins keep faithful, or only half of the 10 tribes of Israel as Ephraim. Those in Revelations 14 follow the Lamb wherever he goes and are already reborn as explained in John 3, 1 – 16 and by David Pawson, in the Normal Christian birth, or those who follow Yeshua and are reborn, and under John 3,6 and Ephesians 2, 14 – 16 and I Corinthians 5,17. Revelations 14,4 (n.b. ‘144’ ) warns the church not to follow the ‘harlot woman’. Who is she ? She is the 5 unfaithful churches in Revelations 2 and 3, as only 2 of the 7 kept faith to the Lamb. 5 are like the 5 foolish virgins of Mathew 25. Paul who wrote Ephesians 2, 14 – 16 was from the tribe of Benjamin. Joseph as ruler under Pharaoh asked his brothers (who did not recognise him) where is your little brother. (Benjamin had been left at home with his father Israel) He was the second child of Rachel, the first being Joseph, but who was born in Egypt (see Genesis 43) Jacob on seeing Benjamin and his brothers, ordered the servants to kill an animal to eat as the Prodigal on his way to Joseph. Joseph was a type (archetype) of the Messiah and his brothers the 10 lost tribes of Israel .(see Genesis 43, 16 – 17) King David took over the mantle of Benjamin, seizing the Kingdom from King Saul from the tribe of Benjamin and then fashioned his leadership over the southern tribes of Judah and the Northern 10 tribes of Israel, into a United Kingdom of Israel. Genesis 43, 3 relates how Joseph said you will not see my face unless your brother is with you, echoing Luke 13, 35. Benjamin was needed for all the ten tribes in Genesis 43, and Paul was needed to bring the Gospel to the Gentiles.

Jeremiah the weeping prophet said in Jeremiah 31, 9;

“With weeping they shall come, and with pleas for mercy I will lead them back, I will make them walk by brooks of water, in a straight path in which they shall not stumble, for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn”


The perfection of Gd's design and purpose

Finally in Revelations 21, 16 to 18, we learn that the city of the New Jerusalem, was 12,000 stadia (1,400 miles, 2,200 km) all around (breadth or width, length, depth and height, echoing Ephesians 3,18) and it’s wall was also 144 cubits thick. A cubit (the Sacred Cubit ) =  3.142 (Pi) minus the Golden Ratio squared known as (Phi) 1.618 squared or 1.618 x 1.618  = 2,618 the Golden Mean, (3.142 – 2.618 = 0.5236 metres) With 2.54 centimetres to an inch. 0.5236 metres or 52.36 centimetres = 20.61 inches. (It is interesting that the Cabalists and Rabbi’s considered 691 and its transposed versions which almost incorporates 1.618, as the signatures of God, whilst Pi & Phi and the Golden mean were considered the fingerprints of God)

144 x 52.36 = 247 feet or 75 metres. (n.b. a stadia was similar to a furlong, or an eighth of a mile, 660 ft. (X 8 = 5280 feet) 12,000 stadia was 12,000 x 660 = 7920000 divided by 5280 = 1500 miles. Some stadia were less than a furlong hence 1400 or 1,400 miles is nearer for their calculations)

Yet each cubit area is squared up (the area in this ‘cube’ could make many mansions (breadth or width, length, depth and height) and echoes John 14,2. ‘In my Fathers House, there are many Mansions’. The same measurements are used in Revelations 21 as in Ezekiel 45. Revelations 21, 17, says however that the measurement employed was the measurement of man or (verse 17)  “And  he  measured  its  wall,  a hundred  and forty  four  cubits,  a measure  of  a  man,  which  is  of  a cherub” This measure assumed a cubit of 12 inches (some call it a half a cubit or half an arm from elbow to the tips of your finger, but a whole cubit was shoulder to tips of the finger. The Shoulder began in the middle of your back. Builders, building basic dwellings often employed easy or convenient measures) 12 inches in the New Jerusalem cube with six sides is 6 x 12 or 6 feet, the average size of men and woman. 6 is the Hebrew number of man. Adam was created on the 6th day.

It is interesting that a new Mosaic depicting the parable of the Loaves and Two fishes (separately from the site at  Church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish in Tabgha)  has been found, according to the lead archaeologist at the site, Haifa University’s Dr. Michael Eisenberg. John 6, 1 - 14, says five thousand were fed with 5 loaves and 2 fish. The 2 fish represent the two houses of Israel (Joseph) Israel as Ephraim and Judah, and 5 loaves represent the 5 books of the Torah. The 5 Loaves under the Double portion, as given to Joseph and Jacob, and as mentioned in Isaiah 61, 7. ('Ephraim' who becomes Israel as the 10 tribes, means double fruit) Even though everyone was filled as Isaiah 61 promise's there were still 12 baskets left as for the 12 tribes of Israel together (the 10 + 2) Further discoveries in Israel can be found here. (log in first)

Therefore the 144,000 are actually; 144,000 x 144,000 x 144.000. Further the two groups receive a Double portion of the 9 gifts and 9 fruits of the spirit. 1+ 4+ 4 = 9 Fruits of Galatians 9,22  & 1+4+ 4 = 9 Gifts of the Spirit of 1 Corinthians 12, 4 – 11. Gd is a Gd of excellence in everything, including creation, and including Mathematics and the science of numbers.(12 apostles and disciples x 12 tribes of Israel = 144)

The New Testament and John 21:11 relate, how Simon Peter caught 153 fishes in his net, and although this huge catch was brought in the net did not break.

The Vesica Piscis (or the Vessel of the Fish) should have according to Pythagoras a length height ratio of 153.226, the squared root of 153 is 12.369, which is the number of moons in a year (not a 13 moon year) The length to height ratio when the lower number is divided into the higher gives a number very close to the square root of 3 = 1.732050. Mary Magdalene or the Magdalene was Jewish and probably wealthy, and we learn that 7 demons were driven out of her (Luke 8,2) She had previously hidden, her true identity in her name, the numerical value of which is 153.The real secret of Mary Magdalene was her previous worship of Asherah or Isis before her conversion. Isis accompanied Osiris in Egypt. Yet Genesis 2,24 and Ephesians 5,31 explain the injustice behind Isis and Osiris. In contemporary media, most people have seen Moses (Tut Moses) portrayed by Charlton Heston (film 'The Ten Commandments') as the (adopted ) son of Pharaoh who knew the triple arts of Thoth (or Hermes Trismegistus, or Hermes the thrice blessed) and who would build Seti a great city.  (video youtube 'The Ten Commandments - Moses Raises an Obelisk (Ancient Egypt)'  ) Genesis 1 and 2, and Leviticus 23 describe the creation of the light and lesser light, and Gods Calendar. Later in this same story we learn that Moses is Hebrew and his banished by Pharaoh (video youtube 'Moses Banished from Egypt to the Wilderness of Shur' ) yet Gd wanted to build his own City and Temple in 'Canaan's' land, which is the promised land of Israel and Judah, and there was another story written in the stars. All previous beliefs and peoples were removed within the boundaries of Israel (including Genesis 15, 18 and Davids Kingdom, but Davids law would extend to all) Therefore it is not the just the beauty of the Sun which gives life and strength, but the power behind the Sun and its creator. Given a length of 256 and height of 153 we get 1.73 the size of many Synagogues or in proportion (the square root of 3). Mary Magdalene’s Roman Catholic feast day is July 27th (22/7 or 3.142) which is also the number of PI. A circle with a Diameter of 14 and therefore a radius of 7, squared upwards = 49. Pi times 49 or 22/7 x 49 = 153. Therefore two circles of radius 7 will have two values of 153. 153 represented the number of tribes on earth but Mary was simply a follower of Yeshua, the area of Magdala was revered. 

153 or 1x1x1 = 1, 5x5x5= 125 & 3x3x3 = 27 (1 + 125 + 27 = 153). This is the only number whose parts multiplied and added realises its own value.
The meaning behind the parable is that without Messiah you will not advance. For the disciples, their first efforts to catch fish were unsuccessful without the Messiah. John 21, 17 (for the third time) Peter is asked by Yeshua, to feed his sheep, like King David delegating his power down the ranks, the sheep were the lost sheep of Israel the 10 tribes, which is also depicted in the parable of the loaves and fishes in John 6, 1 - 4 . These and many more parables were to show the true Messiah and to move Israel away from breaking Exodus 30, 3 – 5 (the Ten Commandments)  Therefore the size of the New Jerusalem, and Revelations 7 and 14 are connected and how the two separate types enter in and into the preceding Millennium, are connected and the Millennium is an event we cannot dismiss.

Yet there are signs within Israel and globally that awakening is occurring. Ezekiel or rather a ‘bronze man’ measured the Temple (see Ezekiel 41, 13)  John also measured a Temple in (Revelations 11, 1- 2)  Later John discusses these matters with Yeshua, but there is no visible Temple, ( as built, but awaiting construction) yet, someone else is measuring its outer walls ? (Revelations 21) Ezekiel was watching John measure the Temple 600 years later (Gd is outside of our time) John was measuring but could not continue as the waters coming from the Temple, became too deep and he did not write down the measurements, but Ezekiel did write down the measurements as he measured. The New Jerusalem has no Temple, and in Ezekiel’s Temple the Levites occupy the land around the temple, yet in the Temple John measures the ‘gentiles’ (but regenerate believers in Messiah) occupy that land. Zechariah 6 describes a Temple which the Messiah ordered to come forth. Therefore, a temple trampled by the gentiles for 3.5 years must be a different Temple construction, but Ezekiel’s temple (both spiritual and physical, but prior to the Millennium temple in linear time ) seems to flow into the Millennium Temple, and in turn this is measured into the New Jerusalem, a period covering; Ezekiel / Jeremiah to Herod and Yeshua 600 + 2019 (+ an unknown period) + 1000 years + the New Jerusalem. The land as promised in Genesis 15, 8 i.e. Greater Israel is a part of the Millennium reign, (with similar land size designations) yet when does the place prepared begin to pass from Summer (the fulfilled feasts) to Autumn ? (the feasts awaiting fulfilment )

Ezekiel and Revelations 11, 1 – 2 are linked as the same event, and Revelations 21, 15 – 19 links back to Ezekiel, yet 600 hundred pass between them. The destruction of the temple in 70 AD was predicted in 31 AD and fragments of scripture from before 70 AD have been discovered, dated from before 68 bc, and probably 50 ad , which means the prophecy in Mark 13, 1 – 4 is real and was accurate.(see Video Dead Sea Scrolls Prove Most of New Testament Predates 68 A.D. (Don Patton)”  or here in MPG file )

N.B..these fragments found in 1952 - 1956 at Qumran are not the post-2002 fragments in dispute (5 of the 16 some say all 16 of the 2002 fragments in the Green purchase for the Bible Museum in Washington are disputed and many feel they were deliberately planted in 2002 to bring disrepute on the finer papyrus of the 1946 - 1956 discoveries which have been tested as genuine. The fragments of the '7Q' cave 7 discoveries include Mark, Acts 1 Timothy, Romans, James, & 2 Peter. And see also  Youtube '1 Timothy 3:16-4:3 In The Dead Sea Scrolls Cave 7!'



20 days of the 3 feasts (the 21st day is the new beginning ) of Israel, in which we learn of (but not when) the return of the Messiah occurs. (Jacob worked 20 years for the House of Israel, The House of Judah and the Gentiles, 2 x 7, and 6 years for the Gentiles)   

The '10 days of Awe' for both Houses of Israel and Judah, but only one of them passes through the 'tribulation'


A) The 5th Feast ( the 1st fall feast of 3) In 2019 the Feasts of Trumpets also known as Rosh Hashanah, begins on September 29th until 1.10.2019. This begins the last 3 fall feasts, including the Day of Atonement ( Yom Kippur), and is followed, by the feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot or Booths) The feast is announced in the Heavens by a loud joyful sound, the sound of the Shofar (the first Shofar was Abrahams Ram horn which he utilised from Mount Moriah, when the Angel prevented him from sacrificing Isaac. In Genesis 29, Jacob married Leah first (the 10 tribes of Israel whose name means the ‘cow’ representing the fullness of the Gentiles, who are more numerous than the sands of the seashore. She had 10 sons, echoing the latter half of Hebrews 7,12 & Genesis 22,7)

Jacob marries Leah first, and had a wedding feast of 7 days, beginning on the feast of Trumpets (which was cut in half to 3.5 years, but will be complete on the day of the Messiah on the feast of Trumpets, see also Daniel 9, 25 - 27 ) This first marriage (but actually 2, as we shall see) concluding on Revelation 11,15 with the 7th trumpet, as announced by Yeshua in Revelation 10,7, and which is the feast of Sukkot. Jacob after this first 7 years, followed it by 7 years of work for Rachel  (Judah) beginning on Yom Kippur. Jacob also marries Rachel for 7 years and she has 2 sons (Joseph and Benjamin ), and then works for Laban for 6 years. (Making 7 + 7 + 6 = 20, which is the time in duration of the last 3 fall feasts i.e. days from Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah, through Yom Kippur and Sukkot )  The feast of Trumpets also begins the ‘10 days of awe’ which are the last 10 days of the 40 days of repentance and the 10 days of awe are found in the scriptures, Torah and the New Testament, but you have to search, just as you have to search for the Messiah (video Monte Judah Lion and Lamb Ministries 'What are the ten days of Awe' ) in which the Messiah enters the spiritual bridal room (Chuppah) and the first group or the 10 tribes as Israel -Ephraim are married from the 1st of the 2 houses.  Joseph in Genesis 41, 2 – 7 also interpreted Pharaohs dream as 7 years of plenty, depicting Leah (unfortunately prophesised, as the fat cows, but with no personal offence intended) and 7 years of famine or the Skinny cows depicting Rachel who was Jacobs favourite, (but no personal description preference played a part in that favour) Josephs prophecy also relates to the five unfaithful churches and the 2 faithful churches of Revelations 2 and 3.  Laban offers to give Rachel to Jacob in marriage in return for another seven years of work, see Genesis 29, 27 and Jacob accepts the offer and marries Rachel after the 7 day long celebration of his marriage to Leah.For a background to the feast see Dr Baruch Korman and Rosh HaShanah 5780  It begins on the 1st day of the 7th month of Tishri and sunset Tishrei 1 (Sept. 29, 2019) and ends after nightfall on Tishrei 2 (Oct. 1, 2019) 6.00pm until 6.00pm. Yet it is a 7 day feast preceding Yom Kippur

7 days (in which the ‘10 days of awe’ begin in which both Houses of Israel (Ephraim as Israel and attendees) will be joined as one echoing the King David’s uniting of Israel and the 2 houses into 1 )

B) 6th Feast (2nd fall feast ) in 2019 the Feast of Yom Kippur or the day of Atonement, which begins on the 10th day of the month of  Tishrei, 6.00pm to 6.00pm on sunset on 9 Tishrei (Oct. 8) to after nightfall on 10 Tishrei (Oct. 9) The second marriage of Rachel (Judah )

Yet whilst the first group are seized away and married, the second group go through the tribulation (Rev 7,14) below ‘during the ten days of awe’ which begins at the fest of Trumpets / Rosh Hashanah.

7 days (and the 10 days of awe end, on the 10th day since the feast of Trumpets) This (Yom Kippur ) was the day that Moses entered the Holy of Holies, the only day he was permitted to do so and mixed the blood of a Bull  (Ephraim as Israel ) and  Goat (Judah) and poured them on the Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant. In the Marriage feast of the Lamb both houses of Judah and Israel are mixed as one and into one marriage spiritually (with all the attendees see Ezekiel 37, 16-17)

C) 7th Feast (3rd fall feast) in 20119, the Feast of Sukkoth ends the 20 days of these 3 feasts echoing the end of Jacobs time with Laban and his promise, but free to be married as one bride and one man. This is also the ‘Time of Jacobs trouble’ throughout this period. Sukkot is also known as the feast of Booths or Tabernacles. The Messiah was also born around this time (most likely the day after the two seven day periods of marriage on Yom Kippur, but many suggest on the feast of Trumpets itself. Yet even before the feast of Trumpets began people were building the Booths or Sukkots, in preparation for people arriving from all over the world. It is estimated that 3 million people would arrive in Jerusalem, and all accommodation would be booked. Although this festival was celebrated at the time of David’s Tabernacle (see last post above) it began small and grew in tradition year by year so that Sukkots resembled temporary structures like a modern festival of tents today. Was the Messiah born in or around a sukkot, the temporary dwelling for the feast ? or in the Spring at Passover ? (see the sub heading "Ezekiel's Temple as the Third or the Fourth Temple ? Solomon's temple was the first temple, Herod's temple was the 2nd Temple" some way above and further subheading under it the Birth of the Messiah  The Festival of Sukkot has now spread all over the earth. David of course re-defined everything including music and celebration in dignified praise. And even an incomplete Sukkot construction, would provide more shelter, than when there is no room at the Inn. Luke 2, 7. Hence the Messiah “tabernacled” (which is the accurate translation of John 1, 14 ) amongst us. John 1, 14 “ And  the  Word  became  flesh and tabernacled among us . And we beheld His glory, glory as of an only begotten one from  the Father, full  of grace and  of truth”

It begins on the 15th day of the 7th month of Tishrei.(October 14th to October 20th 2019) and ends on the 21st day of the 7th month of Tishrei. 

When the Messiah is present at this feast it signifies the Whole House of Israel is restored, hence the celebrations following the defeat of the armies which come against the Messiah, the 10 days of awe and uniting of both Houses of Israel, and the visible sight of the Messiah tabernacle amongst us, which causes many  to repent (i.e. the visible presence) during the Millennium.

The occasion is also known as the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, see Revelations 19 complete  & 19, 6 - 9 (also Isaiah 24, 7)

Many suggest that these events occurred two thousand years ago. A signifying event is that the Mount of Olives would be split in two and water would also pour out from the Temple Mount, and the Dead Sea would be replenished. The Dead Sea would need an outlet (bursting its banks) as well as new water being poured in to become purified, yet the spiritual application as opposed to a literal continues. Zechariah 14,4 & Acts 1,11 & Mathew 24, 15 – 20 & Revelations 19.

Sukkot also signifies the 7 years of Ezekiel, when the weapons of war will be destroyed as also with the seven years of Laban (the last 7 days after Yom Kippur and the end of Sukkot) This is after the Battle of Armageddon in Ezekiel 39, 9. This is not a battle as such but when the nations which come against the Messiah are erased by one word from his mouth like twigs in a Hurricane. Daniel 8, speaks of a time in the future, but to keep it secret and close up the books until that time (the little book or scroll of Revelations 10) The Jewish people will reject the Anti-Messiah, hence they experience the ‘Time of Jacobs trouble’ as mentioned above The Ram represents the Anti- Christ (Anti - Messiah ) as an individual and a nation, which is destroyed by the Goat (both are nations) but which in turn is worse than the Ram. The Anti-Christ  (Anti - Messiah) is not the final stage of the end times, the Goat and its nation, with it at the head, will want to be worshiped (see also 2 Thessalonians 2, 4) and will seem at first as if doing Gd's work.

The Millennium begins when the Messiah enters Mount Moriah by the East gate,(Ezekiel 44, 1 – 3 and Acts 3) also known as the gate of Mercy or the Beautiful gate. He also visits the Mount of Olives, the plain of Armageddon and Mount Hermon. (see further for the differences on the ‘Blessed Hope’, and the ‘Rapture’ see Dr Baruch Korman & ‘2018 Sydney Conference Session 1’  in four parts. Part 2 and here Part 3 and here Part 4)

The battle of Gog and Magog,begins before the Millennium. The Millennium itself, is ruled over by the Messiah and his appointed delegates with a Rod of Iron see Revelations 2, 27 (the 1st type, but 2 types in one, those who are un-corrupted and receive a new body and those who are sealed ) and who rule over those who still accept Moses law, but who turn to the Messiah (2nd type), and those who reject all. (3rd type) who may continue sacrifices (see also Colossians 2, 14 – 17)  after the 2nd type end theirs, as sacrifices are mentioned in Ezekiel’s Temple period, as are the Levitical priesthood. This Millennium period (Revelations 2,27 ) is when the Rod of Iron is applied and delegated with those who are reborn as a Government over the earth. After the 1000 years are over, haSatan is deliberately loosed again from his prison (and does not break free but is let loose)  and the Battle of Gog and Magog ( which is like it, but has differences to the battle of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38 and 39) begins again, but and with those who join him, they are bound again, and placed into the lake of fire with the beast ad the false prophet. This period begins the descent of the New Jerusalem. As the Battle of Gog versus Magog, begins before the Millennium, many have speculated it has already  began, and has been raging for hundreds of years. After the Millennium (before the New Jerusalem) comes judgement (which includes Hell forever, is stated in Revelations 20,10)  

David was also known as an ‘Ephraimite’ see 1 Samuel 17,12 and the prophet Samuel was both Levite and ‘Ephramite’ or ‘Ephrathite’ a man from Bethlehem, a city of Judah, but David was King over both houses of Joseph and Judah as he was descended through both. As we have seen the symbol of Ephraim was/is the Calf, cow or Oxen symbol in Hebrew. David’s great victory in recapturing the Ark of the Covenant (with Gds help after the Ark demolished all the Philistines before it in Philistia ) was only delayed or spoilt when the Oxen stumbled on its return (with the nation of Israel) journey to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6,6) The Philistines in effect wanting rid of it. see 1 Samuel 1, 6. Both of the Oxen stumbled, but they had walked out of Philistines lands with no problems. The New Cart upon which the Ark was placed (the Ark of Gds presence)  was why Gd allowed the Ark to almost collapse. The new cart did not carry the Ark 2000 cubits (Joshua 3,3 but Joshua 3, 1- 5) before the Nation, but also it was not on Staves (Exodus 25,14) The Reverence and Holiness are missing, but which only Gd supplies, it is not 'religious'. Mathew 23, 7 says depart who follow lawlessness, not the law Romans 7,12, as the law convicts but does not 'save' Romans 7,25. King David was aware of this see 2 Samuel 12. Psalm 16,10  & Psalm 51 (see also Acts 2,27)  This aspect of the Ark and the stumbling Oxen, reflects the rebuke in Revelations 2 and 3, when only 2 (or 3) of the 7 churches were found to be faithful (A, Rev 2, 1- 7 & B, Rev 2, 8 - 11 & C, Rev 3, 7 - 13 with the Church of Ephesus having lost its first love) The 5 unfaithful churches are like the 5 virgins whose Oil ran out in the delay, in the parable of the 10 virgins, see Mathew 25, 1 – 13, but  it is relating to the ‘lost’ ten tribes who left Israel and into Europe and further.  Exodus 25, 31 - 40 relates how the Seven branched Menorah was made (Seven Churches are named in Revelations 1,11, but only 2 Lampstands see in Revelations in  Rev. 1, 12, 13, 20; 2,1, 5; and 11, 4 where they are named. The Church is also composed of Jewish and Gentile believers and even those from the ten tribes. Mathew 13,29 - 30 speaks of non believers as weeds with some who are believers who may repent, but who have lost their way or first love and are worldly, as well as those who are faithful i.e. the wheat) The Menorahs design had Almond buds, which were 22  in number, the same number as the Hebrew Alphabet, (i.e. 'the Word' see John 1) between the 22 Almond blossom/flowers and there are 22 scrolls of the Old Testament. It has 27 connecting parts reflecting the New Testament books but designed  1500 years before it. Its design was carefully studied by the Levitical priesthood. The Menorah has 49 parts in total, with the stem as 50 for a Jubilee, and its Oil was constantly added into the Menorah, to illumine the Ark and Mercy seat. Almonds blossoms always bud and bloom first in Israel. See also Revelations 1, 10 - 12. The Menorah has 7 Blossoms (cup holders lights as candle holders for oil) which prophetically mark each of the 7 feasts of Israel and also Gds calendar. The Menorah was also within Davids TabernacleDavid found a solution to the problem of the Ark stumbling on the New Cart, see 1 Samuel, and returned the Ark to Zion amidst great celebration and musical fanfare. (Samuel 6 & 1 Chronicles 13, 1-16:& 43)

In King David’s tabernacle and the Musical Order of Service (and see the last discussion above this) there were 4000 musicians and singers aside from the 330 singers in the main choir of David ( or more) see 1 Chronicles 15,16 & 23, 5, and the feasts and festivals appointed by Gd were celebrated by David (including the 7 feasts of Israel) For example’s of Praise and worship  1. Praise to Our God 5 Concert - Gadol Adonai (Great is the Lord)     2. Agnus Dei by Michael W S Smith     3.  Agnus Dei by Michael W S Smith longer version    4.  King David  Harp or Lyre Psalm 23

And this is why King David was a great warrior, and also a great organiser, taking great detail over every aspect of life in Israel. David however, as a Shepherd boy tending to his fathers sheep, did not know, he would meet and be anointed King by Samuel, he did not know he would defeat Saul or unite both Houses of Israel, yet it occurred exactly as Gd planned, and the plan through the ages is mysterious and will reach its purpose.  YHWH ( a name which can be recited and sung) to repeat from the last post above this, is the true source of his victories Exodus 15,3 (see also Exodus 20,3) 





3. The Tabernacle of David, Power, Ownership and Authority

(Economics, Land & Money)

Link back to Chapter 3b


Outlines 2 and 3 are above this. 


To remind from outlines 1 & 2 above (and no 3 here scripted on 4.4.2020 or Nisan 10, 5 days before Passover 2020)

In the previous two outlines of the Tabernacle of David (see above) we can see that David’s tent (Ohel) was brought to Jerusalem and was in fact two traditions operating in one. The Tabernacle of Moses (from Mount Gibeon &the Zadok priesthood, formal and holy) and David’s new tent pitched in Zion containing the Ark of the Covenant (humble  but still reverent and holy) This is turn later became 3 in one, or 3 types of tradition in one, full of praise and Holiness. Moses in turn changed the tradition / worship in the Tabernacle when he dedicated the Holy of Holies once a year on Yom Kippur as the day of atonement, see Numbers 7. Moses did not go inside the Holy of Holies or the third area of the tabernacle (Hebrews 10,19), this was the role of Aaron the High Priest or the Messiahs role which transposes for us today in the Messiah and it is role to intercede for us, see Timothy 2, 5 & Hebrews 4, 14 – 16. Moses tabernacle and the Holy place situated before the Ark but separated by the Veil is the area before the Holy of Holies which draws us nearer to Gd. Aaron was the high Priest not Moses, yet Moses tabernacle itself replaced the tradition (and was a form of worship) of altars constructed outside in the open, upon which burnt offerings were made. The whole of the Tabernacle of Moses arrived at Gilgal and waited until it was brought into David’s tabernacle in Jerusalem. The delay was caused by Saul who was the people’s choice for the Kingship but he was not Gds choice.  

King David was born in Bethlehem where the lambs were taken and the sheep were shorn. It was the centre of Israel for this purpose. Without a prosperous and fertile society it would be obvious to the participants at the feasts of Israel, that  the feasts were barren or even nonexistent. Bethlehem was five miles from Jerusalem and there was a requirement for male Lambs to be 1 year old for sacrifice at the feast of Passover. Feasts were pilgrimages and were attended by hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions.    

1 The first outline above (first tabernacle of David outline ) gave an insight into David’s or rather YWHW’s military might and victories. 2 The second outline gave an insight into Davids or rather YWHW’S spiritual might and unstoppable destiny and plan.

3. This third outline will give an insight into Gds great wealth which was based upon actual value and how David ben Jesse the least of his father’s sons, (but who a man after Gds heart see 1 Samuel, 13 - 14) a shepherd boy who could play the Lyre or Harp and who obtained great wealth, still he did not let this wealth affect his character of corrupt his Soul, secondary as it was to serving YWHW.

Flowing from the tradition of the three (3) fold division of the scriptures in the ‘Old Testament’(Gd is out of time and is always ‘new’) of the Law, The Psalms & the Prophets King David was also anointed 3 times, and whether he was ‘poor’ as a Shepherd boy or had (the equivalent of hundreds of Billions in today’s money) other aspirations and joys consumed his time and purpose. He also had 7 wives, just as the symbol of Israel is the 7 branched Menorah (or the 7 Churches of Revelations 1 – 3) to light or illumine the dark in the tent of Gds presence. Davids 7th wife brought about judgement and caused him to submit to the law and the prophets. The 7 branched Menorah also shone upon the Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant and was filled with (Ruach) Oil every day. It also shone into the darkness of means hearts or the darkness of men’s (and woman’s) religiosity (disguised as spirituality without righteousness or holiness)  

David was anointed (the 1st occasion) in 1 Samuel 16; 13 and was anointed with the Rams horn of power and by the Ruach of Gd as symbolised by the Oil of Samuel (anointed not by men see Daniel 4 & Ezekiel 3,16 & Mathew 12,42) The 2nd time he was anointed was as King over the House of Judah see 2 Samuel 2,4 whilst Saul (like Adonijah later who was against Solomon see 1 Kings 1, 38 & 1 Kings 1, 4.Solomons anointing occurred at Gihon which are the waters which feed the pool of Siloam in Jerusalem) lamely carried on as the ‘peoples’ King. A 4rd anointing occurred in 2 Samuel 5,3 when David made a new Covenant at Hebron and he was anointed King over all Israel, all in that order.

David was Gds chosen unlike Saul who was chosen by the people. Saul was under wrath but was granted some victories by Gd. From the tribe of Benjamin, Saul’s line was not of Judah’s Royal line. Both David and Saul were anointed by Samuel but Saul's anointing was inferior in practice and in procedure and custom to David’s anointing and an ordinary cup or Vial was used. (Samuel anointed Saul with a vial or flask filled with oil which was not the tradition but rather a highlight  of the fact Israel wanted a King like other nations. In I Samuel 10, David was anointed by a Rams horn filled with oil, see 1 Samuel 16 as David was not elected but chosen by Gd) These anointing’s are different but Saul’s still carried a measure of Gds blessing as a leader, but not a full acceptance from Gd. Sauls office filled a position but did not have power,  as he was in ‘office’ but not in power

Gihon’s waters are used to anoint Kings of Israel. Solomon was later anointed with these waters in place of Adonijah. Yeshua healed the eyes of a blind man in John 9, 1- 11, at the pool of Siloam yet even though the blind man could then see (and could hear already) his understanding was made clear and complete, those around watching this miracle and throughout Yeshuas 3.5 year ministry were still blind spiritually and in many cases they were in a worse condition that the blind man in John 9, 1 -11. The Blind man could also see he was the Messiah from the line of King David. Just as the Levites stood in the midst of the Jordan with the Ark of the Covenant in Joshua 3,8, Yeshua was also baptised by the last high Priest of the Temple, John the Baptist see John 3,23, (fulfilling Daniel 9 and the 70 x 7 years of Jeremiah and Ezekiel. See the heading some way above on the ‘Birth date and month of the Messiah’ or see here  ‘Scientifically proving that Jesus is the son of Gd’ or here on the page but scroll down )

Yeshua  in the midst of the Jordan became the Rock(s) who was King amongst the 12 tribes of Israel as the 12 stones they had collected (which marked the spot where they crossed in the middle of the Jordan as its waters where supernaturally held back, one for each tribe of Israel) preparing for battle and before they next camped at Gilgal see Joshua 4, 1 – 19. Moses did not cross with them, he did not enter the Promised Land but was righteous before Gd. At Mount Horeb, his foot stumbled on the rock he struck in anger (not at Mount Sinai which was a short walk away in the mountain top range ) which is a different new spiritual reality in righteousness than the outline mentioned in Galatians 4,25 (Hagar the bondswoman) When Moses struck the rock water poured out for the tribes of Israel to drink see Exodus 17,6   At Sinai, Israel was punished for making the Golden calf. Yeshua was called a rock and a stumbling stone in Mathew 21, 43-44.

(This 3 fold pattern as in David’s anointing or events reoccurring over both biblical testaments is also shown in Luke 24, 44. Verses 31 when eyes were opened & verse 32 ears were opened and verse 45 as understanding was opened)

Amos 9, 11 – 12 states;
11  “In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches,
and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old, 12  that they may possess the remnant of Edom  and all the nations who are called by my name,”  declares the LORD who does this.

Note that the word ‘booth’ (Tabernacle Amos 9, 11) is interchangeable with the word Tabernacle or tent or sookhah (for Sookah see 2 Samuel 11,11) and David’s tent like Moses could pertain directly to them as built by them (1 Chronicles 21, 29) or the place of the congregation (Exodus 33, 7 – 11) or Gds dwelling place (Psalm 51, 10 Exodus 36, 8 – 39 & 43) Hebrews 3, 1- 6)   The feast of tabernacles of booths or Succoth is the last Autumn feast in the feasts of Israel following the feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur (atonement) and the 10 days of awe or repentance.

The Study of the Menorah 7 branched candlestick (in Moses tabernacle in the desert or at Gilgal, or in David’s tent or in Solomon’s Temple) and its plain and deeper meaning is the true symbol of Israel down the ages. It was adorned with Almond blossoms the first flower to bloom in Israel in spring. Only those who were Holy and Cleansed could understand it and see it and enter in through all the Veils of the tabernacle into the Holy of Holies (through 3 veils and outer gates) and only Gd could take you through these veils, you could not or cannot go into them by your own way, or by your own deeds or by religion or manmade rituals.

Isaiah 25, 7 – 8 unveils what is veiled (see all Isaiah 25 & 26 and 1 John 3,2 Daniel 12, 2 - 4 )
“And on this mountain He will swallow up the covering which is over all peoples, Even the veil which is stretched over all nations.
He will swallow up death for all time, And the Lord GOD will wipe tears away from all faces, And He will remove the reproach of His people from all the earth; For the LORD has spoken”  fulfilling 2 Timothy 1, 4 & 2 Timothy 3, 16 – 17 & 2 Corinthians 3, 16 – 18 & Mathew 27,50 - 51.

(Mathew 27,50 - 51, Mark 15, 37 – 38 & Luke 23, 45- 46  are also mentioned in the Talmud Yoma 39b, Soncino version and the Talmud also relates the crimson ribbon which turned white whenever it was tied to the Temple door after AD 30& the doors also swung open until the destruction of the Temple in AD70. Many in Jerusalem lay down in their graves in despair as the temple was being destroyed in 70 ad)

The Temple Veil being torn in two (see also Matthew 27, 50 / 51) means a force entered into the temple which was built upon the model of Solomons Temple (and Moses / Davids tabernacle) and therefore through the area where the pillars of Boaz and Jachin once stood (see Jeremiah 52, 51 - 22) Solomons Temple contained the presence of Gd on earth but which also encompassed all the heavens. The pillars named Boaz and Jachin were carried away by the Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar II who was an important King in the book of Daniel. The pillars were not returned for the 2nd Temple or in Herods Temple. They represented the height of man and woman 6 times giving a pillar height of  18 cubits, and the 6 x 1000 years of mankind. Boaz means 'strength' and Jachin means 'he will establish'.  David the father and Solomon the son. Ezekiel 8 (see further down in this outline) relates an exact opposite intention for the Temple, yet the Temple itself was also a miracle as the creator of the Universe allowed his creation(s) to construct a Temple into which he would reside and be present. Fallen man & woman since Eden would be once more reestablished in strength to a place acceptable to Gd, restoring Gds light, defeating death reversing the curse of Eden and making a new birth within the fallen 'womb' of the past. (Genesis 20, 18 & Genesis 25, 23-24 & Psalm 139,13 & Isaiah 44,2 & Jeremiah 1, 5 & Isaiah 66, 9) The rebirth of man and woman who were pillars in Eden is connected to this event at the Crucifixion when the Temple veil was torn in two and six weeks later the Ruach of Gd was poured out at Shavuot / Pentecost (King Davids birth and death date falls upon this feast) 

The Tabernacle of David 3 in 1

1) David who brought the Ark of the Covenant to 1) Mount Zion. His birth reconciled Mount Sinai and Mount Zion. He also brought the Ark from
2) Mount Gerizim (formal and reverent) and Mount Zion (rejoicing and praise) but after realising that setting the Ark on a ‘New cart’ was not the will of Gd who was uniting all 3 tabernacles or tents into one not removing the previous way and custom but combining them. (see outline 1 above) This also signifies the thread of the ‘Old and New’ moving together, and both tabernacles existed alongside the
3) The Tabernacle Gd had made as 1 more Tabernacle built by Gd, but still called the tabernacle of David see Isaiah 16,5 & Amos 9 11- 12 & Psalm 132, 3 & Acts 15, 16 – 17. These 3 were United into 1 (and like the Ark placed between 2 mountains at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim with both mountains occupied by the Levites facing, and the Ark in the midst of them, the blessing and curses of the law were read out from the book of Deuteronomy Chapter 25 - 30, but 27 - 28 Those blessing and/or curses would fall upon those who were under either state, and echoing the future parable of the sheep and the goats in Matthew 25:31–46 ) These mountains define the West bank and Israel today (Jordan and Israel. Jordan shares the same flag as ‘Palestine’ Gaza) Christians and Messianic Jews would say that this ‘tent’ three in one also extends into the Brit CHadassah or New Testament (see outlines 1 and 2 above)

David’s military might and musical acumen and organisational abilities are plain from the scriptures, but what of his financial acumen and attitudes?

Gods Finances and his ownership.

Did King David have a degree in economics? Yet he wrote (it is more widely believed) Psalm 15 which (Hebrew texts can have Psalm 16) in verse 4 and the verse most often recited in the ‘Amidah’ prayer at Rosh Hashanah (the feast of Trumpets) In Psalm 15 and verse 5 it states;1
“O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent?  Who shall dwell on your holy hill? He who walks blamelessly and does what is right  and speaks truth in his heart; who does not slander with his tongue  and does no evil to his neighbour,  nor takes up a reproach against his friend; in whose eyes a vile person is despised,   but who honours those who fear the Lord; who swears to his own hurt and does not change;who does not put out his money at interest and does not take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved”
This means that the poor were not to be persecuted, and a repayment of a loan could be by work, or livestock or precious metals or it could be cancelled if the King wished. A practice still around today is that some Barristers at law do not accept payment but accept a present or gift as they cannot sue for their clients for their fee. It can of course be in cash. If people know the law then why would they need a lawyer, is it so complicated? The poor had to make efforts to pay any loan. An IOU was a plain promise to pay. This ‘IOU’ and any interest payments are (under this Psalm) two separate issues, a loan could be repaid at just the loan amount without interest. Further since David was King it was also a matter of court and not just a psalm, poem, song or prayer, in the tradition of  the Law, The Psalms & the Prophets. The King was expected to abide by the Covenant or also suffer the curse or blessings of the law in Deuteronomy Chapter 25 - 30, but 27 – 28, as the King was a lesser person than, but still an agent of Gd acting on Gds behalf. This was certainly so in Israel. If not then they like many of the Kings of Israel were removed or they were defeated, like Adonijah and King Saul.

“Biblical authors claim that the kings of Israel and Judah were divinely chosen and that they were expected to abide by the covenant (see, for example, Deut 17:14-171Sam 8-121Kgs 2:3-4). Psalm 2 calls the Davidic king a “son” of Yhwh. In a similar way, powerful kings in ancient treaties called their lesser allies “sons.” Thus, Israelites saw their king as a lesser agent of their god, ruling on his behalf (see Hag 2:20-23). Since Yhwh was in charge, he was responsible for protecting the king of Israel from threats by enemies (2Sam 7Ps 2) and for punishing him and even removing him if he did not fulfil divine expectations (1Sam 13-142Sam 71Kgs 11:29-39). Ps 72 calls upon G-d to grant the king divine justice and righteousness so that he might rule the people properly, and Isa 32:1-2 calls upon the king to rule in righteousness so that his officers will govern with justice (see Isa 9:5-9Isa 11:1-9).
Israel was not always happy with the idea of kingship. Samuel’s speech to Israel in 1Sam 8:10-18 indicates that the king has the right to take men for military service; women for domestic service; and land and a tenth part of the harvest, flocks, and herds for the support of the monarchy, and to require state service by both the people and their animals. Friction over these rights of the king, especially the right to forced labor, may even have led to the dissolution of the united monarchy (1Kgs 12:1-19).
Biblical law codes provide some instruction about kingship.

The people had to respect the office of the monarchExod 22:27 forbids the people from cursing G-d or the prince (nasi, a term sometimes used for the monarch). But more important, the book of Deuteronomy provides many rules to limit the king’s power (Deut 17:14-20): the king must be from the people of Israel and chosen by their deity; he must not multiply horses for himself or send the people back to Egypt to acquire them; he must not multiply wives for himself; and he must not acquire excessive silver and gold for himself. The king is to study the Torah daily under the supervision of the levitical priests so that he might observe Yhwh’s commandments properly and understand his proper role as king. 2Kgs 22 portrays King Josiah’s officers reading a newly discovered Torah scroll to him, and he subsequently declares a program of religious reform and national restoration in Judah and Israel (2Kgs 23:1-31).

According to the Torah, kings were not in charge of the judicial system. Deut 16:18-17:20 calls for an independent judiciary of officers and priests in which the high priest serves as the chief justice. Consequently, the kings of Israel are subject to Yhwh’s law via an earthly court. And when these courts failed, the prophets stepped in. When David commits adultery with Bathsheba and engineers the murder of her husband, the prophet Nathan condemns him, although Yhwh forgives David when he repents (2Sam 12). When Ahab condemns Naboth to death on false charges of sedition against the monarchy in order to seize his property in Jezreel, Elijah condemns both Ahab and his dynasty, although when Ahab repents, Elijah grants him the mercy to die so that he does not see the downfall of his family (1Kgs 21).  See Citation Marvin A. Sweeney, "Rights and Duties of Kingship in Israel", n.p. [cited 23 Mar 2020]. Online:

The scriptures in Deuteronomy are not an option, King Politician, Parliament, Counsel or family are ‘under’ them as representatives of Gd. You  are not ‘under the law’ or rather the heavy yoke quoted in Mathew 12 , 31 – 38 & Mathew 23, 1 & Mathew 23, 23 & Mathew 23 1- 37. In this situation Yeshua was pointing out that the original Gd breathed law had been chipped away or disregarded or had been added to making it impossible to keep them. These laws with a heavy yoke were not found in the books of the Old Testament. They were not Gd breathed, those Herodian Priests (in the main) were not Levites or Jewish and had more influence from Babylon than Israel or Judah. They bought the office of Priest, they were not appointed by lineage or tradition as directed by King David in the book of Chronicles. King Herod Antipas was part Edomite and Nabatean as was Herod the great and Archelaus Agrippa and Agrippa  no 2.
(Herod Antipas , herod archelaus Phillip Salome 1 Herod Agrippa 1 and 2)
The Herodian ruling Tetrarchy (four with one being the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate but created by the Roman Emperor Diocletian  circa 290 bc, which some also state echoes the beasts of Daniel 7) acted together as one. They did not represent Gds law, although they could act as equitable lawgivers and have ‘good laws’.

A fourfold tetrarchy was geographical but also encompassed Military, economic, legal / administrative and ideological offices within that geographical space. The Herods were Idumean and had married into Jewish families and were considered half Jews but they were not of the Levitical lineage and not even half Jews and they appointed other non Jews as High Priests which is why John the Baptist was in the desert with the essences or rather the real Temple attendants. John the Baptist and his father were the real Levitical line and this is why Herod (in effect) had him killed. John the Baptist was the last high Priest of that line as appointed by King David.(see the subheading the ‘Birth of the Messiah’ some way above ) This puts the ‘law’ into a different light and the modern obsession with cheap grace often quotes Mathew 12 & 23 as a reason to ignore the law which Paul regarded as Good and Holy (Romans 7,13) The ‘Kingdom’ at that time was ruled over by assimilated invaders and hirelings and those who did not worship the Gd of Israel.

You were not under the law as a heavy Yoke for keeping these Torah laws but are in righteousness for doing so. The saved are not righteous or saved by them although the law can still convict. (Romans 2,15) The unsaved can be convicted by the law (any part of the bible also as the word & Ruach of Gd) The saved can be convicted by the law as part of their sanctification  within salvation. The law also liberate as they are Gd breathed and do not have a spirit of burden or ‘works’or the heavy yoke.. The debate over the law and grace (and ‘cheap grace’) is often pushed by Church leaders to obscure the righteous laws of the Torah and Bible (and which Yeshua quoted  and in many Old Testament books ) on other matters not pertaining to Salvation directly.

In other words any economic crime also has ‘grace’(without applying any standard) from the top to the bottom of society and the Priests can advise this cheap grace politically or economically in court or in state. Grace is the Spirit of Gd into righteousness, and the law according to Paul is Good and Holy (Romans 7,12 & I Timothy 1, 8, and see also Acts 16, 1 – 5 & Galatians 5,& 2 Corinthians 9,20 where Paul differentiates between those unregenerate (unsaved) who are under the law, and himself who was not) for those who have undergone John 3, 1- 30 following repentance. Since Yeshua says “you did not choose me but i chose you” see John 15, 16, and he also grants repentance 2 Timothy 2,25 alone it is not men’s actions thoughts or power which brings salvation about. (so no one could boast in themselves)This ‘work’ of Gd alone cuts off men from outwardly initiating the salvation process (except by preaching and prayer for salvation for themselves and others whilst the others are alive on earth only) as it is a supernatural spiritual rebirth. Any lack of control by liberal or religious churches spiritually, politically and financially is not what they want in those Churches and consequentially they do this (see) .... ‘Mathew 23, 24’. Recognising the law because you are saved is something the unsaved or cheap grace preachers do not grasp. It is not recognising the law to be saved, but because you are saved.

Religiosity cannot control who Gd saves or does not save, but we can pray for Gd who intercedes on our behalf to the father for many more to be saved. There are those who say repentance is a work of the flesh, and this can be true with those who are not genuine or in genuine repentance, but for those who have been cleaned inside see Mathew 23, 26, the result of clean waters (Ruach) washing a dirty cup manifests emotionally as the dark being pierced by the light which leads to repentance. If repentance is a work of the flesh and stated as such this could result in the guilt without pardon of Mathew 12, 31 – 32. These rules are not considered and their weight is not assessed.

Biblical patriarchs and great wealth based upon actual value and physical gold, silver or land.

The Sumerian seals (3500 bc) known as the Mesopotamian seals or Cuneiform clay tablets (hundreds of thousands were discovered) were the Cylinder seals which identified ownership of property and tokens for recording commodities and the vast majority of them were administrative ledgers recording debt. They were simply “IOU’s.  Sumerian civilisation preceded Egypt and it was awash in un-repayable debt. Once these IOU’s exceeded the value of assets such as Gold, Silver etc then fair value could not be ascertained and a debt bubble grew and it then imploded causing collapse. Value was based upon land and commodities to a greater extent (equity in effect) not debt as an economic instrument. IOU’s manifest today when Gold is not purchased but only the paper promise to pay in physical Gold is offered. Once these surpass any actual amounts of Gold held then the cheaper cost of the paper value artificially presents a false price of the Gold not a fair price. If all paper IOU’s are presented then not enough physical Gold is present to pay the creditor which means those, or any of those who hold the paper IOU will never is paid. They then become the debtor and the holders of the actual Gold (the real debtors) have made many times more than they held in Gold metal, but can vanish if not captured by the angry mobs they cheated. This aspect of buying and selling is not the same as say travellers Cheques or holding a paper which allows travellers to move across lands and eventually retrieve equal amounts as the deposited paper states in a new location. Once this principle is abandoned the value of money diminishes and its purchasing power diminishes. If this becomes the policy of a nations treasury that nation will accrue debt, and inflation will diminish its money supply circulating at home (‘MO’ see chapters 3 and 3a above and the adjacent website chapters 1 and 2 ) and its import / export abilities will eventually be weakened.

This occurred in Sumerian commerce and in many civilisations since. ‘MO’ (in the MO to M4 / M5 designation) of course can circulate independently via a nation’s treasury with or without Gold internally to assure and strengthen a nations exchange everyday (cash and notes ) to keep its prices free from inflation. This can be kept and returned to despite the machinations of ‘import / export’ politics but it does not prevent fair price, a stock market and/or international trading system even with a nationalistic ideology and local economy. This local economy will grow and strengthen in the medium and long term instead of short term borrowing panics. MO existed before the mechanics of modern money and its value was determined by reducing and expanding the amount of money in circulation on  a weekly or even daily basis (if the latter was possible) Defrauding a nation’s money supply is against the law, except if also ‘religious’ leaders neglect to speak or proclaim it as such. They are afraid of preaching the law in these instances, but are not under the law in matters of salvation. For grace they will state the law is done away with (but see Mathew 5,18 ) yet then grace must be extended to all without any recourse to any law ever. Is tithing to a church ‘the law’ if so then you are under the law and not  grace. Do you attend church on the Sabbath as the law ? They in effect do not understand the law or grace in practice as beginning and originating (both) with Gd.(the law and grace as blossoms from the same stem)

Sumerian civilisation collapsed (and the seals were left as evidence for future generations) as did the Persian empire and Rome also collapsed from un-repayable debt. Sumer however also cancelled debts, but went to war over this problem. David Graeber published a book in 2011 entitled ‘Debt, THE first 5000 years’  (  here in pdf format or separate paper by Jason Kilborn for a different perspective ) Not known for his theological beliefs Graeber from the London School of Economics and a Professor does touch on some aspects of biblical history. The reader can decide for themselves. Biblical patriarchs had different ideas but only on the specific ownership of wealth and money and who actually owns that wealth. (Psalm 50, 10 as a beginning and which will be developed)

Abraham was very wealthy (cattle, land, gold and silver) yet he also provided for everyone adequately in his House and no one was unemployed. His wealth grew to such an extent he had to part his lands from his Nephew Lot (see Genesis 13) Lots wife and Sodom and Gomorrah did not share in Abrahams faith as they were destroyed, and prior to destruction those cities fell into financial chaos and then depravity and then they lost all rule of law standards (Genesis 18, but see Genesis 19)

Isaac (Abraham’s son) continued to prosper. This blessed family and line was tested when Gd asked Abraham (the father of many nations) to sacrifice his own Son. Abraham in faith agreed as he knew the family would continue somehow even if he carried out Gds plan. Gd had no intention of sacrificing Isaac but Abraham’s faith was intact. The Philistines fearful of how Gd would prosper Isaac and he was becoming too powerful also asked him to move away (see Genesis 26,16)

Jacob was also a very wealthy man. Genesis 26, 13 relates that Jacob became richer and richer. Genesis 30, 25 – 31, & 43 & 55 continues his story and his wealth advance. Jacob however was a servant, yet he agreed that Laban had prospered because of the Blessing of Yahweh (Genesis 30, 29 – 36) only. Jacob agreed to be Labans Shepherd (Genesis 30, 37 – 43) and despite their rivalry Jacob prospered by selecting the best and strongest lambs despite Laban (10 times) trying to prevent this advance over the next 6 years (20 years in all see outline no 2 above) Jacob then saw he prospered and by Yahweh’s hand only (Genesis 31, 9 & 1- 13 relates how Jacob was warned by Gds angels to proceed in a specific way) Jacob grew richer and beyond Laban. Jacob by work and YWHW’s blessing received everything Laban had. This was also economic justice as Laban had tried to undercut Jacobs wage (strong lambs) and added to his difficulties over 20 years. Rachel when moving away to new lands also removed Labans false Gds.(Genesis 31, 31 – 32) They settled the dispute by setting up the Mizpeh marker (as a covenant)  dividing their 2 clans and Jacob also inherited Rachel and Leah and Labans flocks (Genesis 41, - 44 -55)

What else do we see (& link within this heading)

“This lesson (my insert; of Jacob and Laban) is a case-study in economic justice. A servant / worker was in an economic struggle with the boss / owner. The worker ran off with a substantial portion of the owner’s property—or so the owner saw it. He had come to Paddan-aram penniless twenty years before and was leaving with a fortune in live-stock. The tension was increased because the contest was between close members of a family: the boss / owner was father-in-law to the worker and his 12 sons. But Laban had agreed to let Jacob accumulate wealth because he saw that God was with him and would benefit them both. Yet he refused to play fair repeatedly with his nephew over six years. It was God who saw justice done. Old Testament law provides means of preventing and relieving poverty. Prevention of poverty is based on fair distribution of land (Josh.17:14–18) and the redemption of traded land. (Lev.25). Relief of the poor depended on relaxed practices of harvesting (Ruth; Deut.25:14–22) and periodic release from servitude. (Deut.15)”

It also mirrors and pre-shadows how the messiah would return (see outline 2 above) and shows us the value of the ‘Law’ in agrarian matters, in cattle or livestock and money. The law is not just a discussion on grace / law and salvation, yet Jacob here and his 12 sons (without a war as such) settled by the  law and were saved and prospered but only by YWHW’s hand. Those 12 sons would then go on to change the entire world. Joseph would be instrumental in that (see further down)

Job (Job is considered the oldest biblical book, although the book of Jasher is also very old and older than the Epic of Gilgamesh) was the greatest of all men in the east, and when he was tested, his faith remained intact. Job 1,3 states “His possessions also were 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys, and very many servants; and that man was the greatest of all the men of the east”  Note he was not like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah or Lots wife. Jonah saw Nineveh repent and its city was saved. Jonah was reminded by Gd that it was he who made the rules and the commands and not the Prophets or Kings. Many generations later however Nineveh forgot its past and its city went into severe decline.

King David’s wealth by today’s standards was into the several Trillions (in land, cattle and livestock and Jewels, Gold and Silver) He inherited Saul’s wealth. King David defeated the Moabites, the Edomites and the Philistines on many occasions (even inheriting Goliaths sword, spear and armour on his first day). He defeated the Geshurites, the Gezerites also the land of Zobah and also the Amalekites and much more (see 1 Samuel & verse 27 and 2 Samuel)  He defeated Saul of course. His treasure and possession became so great consequently that he shared his wealth out to the people and to 13 cities (see 1 Samuel 30, 16 – 31)

I Chronicles 22, 14 states that he prepared a vast treasure including future tithes of 1/10th from the rulers of Israel to assist Solomon in building a great temple for Gd
“With great pains I have provided for the house of the Lord 100,000 talents of gold, a million talents of silver, and bronze and iron beyond weighing, for there is so much of it; timber and stone, too, I have provided. To these you must add”
(for quote see last link above) This would be valued in Trillions today.  His mines (later known as King Solomon’s mines) at Ophir extracted great quantities of Gold (1 Chronicles 29, 4) He gave 3000 talents of Gold and 7000 talents of Silver towards the Temple (1 Chronicles 29, 3 – 4) He gifted Onyx and precious stones, cedar wood, bronze, marble and stone ‘beyond number’ (see I Chronicles 22, 1 – 4 & 16 29,2 & 2 Samuel 5)

Solomon inherited all of this and grew so rich that Silver lost its worth (see 2 Chronicles 9,20) and was described as
“King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth” in 1 Kings 10,23.
When King David died and Gd asked Solomon what he desired as King, Solomon did not even ask for wealth or greatness but instead asked for wisdom;

“So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” 10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this. 11 So God said to him, “Since you have asked for this and not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have asked for the death of your enemies but for discernment in administering justice, 12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be. 13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for—both wealth and honor—so that in your lifetime you will have no equal among kings” (see 1 Kings 3, 9 – 13)  but the caveat was he walked only with Gd.

A great proportion of David’s wealth was buried with him. The antiquities of the Jews says that David’s tomb was plundered by the Maccabee’s . John Hrycanus first and this raid was followed by King Herod (twice, the second time unsuccessfully) who raided King David’s and Solomon’s tomb,  but for themselves only (the Book of Antiquities and book 7) The Herodian line did not fear Gd and were not a part of his line or blessings. Later they came to fear Gd suddenly.
King David’s most valuable item however was his Soul. Psalm 16,10 states;
“For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol,or let your holy one see corruption” (Sheol i.e. the Pit)
Gd did not need anyone’s wealth, David was not taking the wealth for the next life and his Soul did not require a price, and it was Gd who determined the fate of David’s soul.

The Pharaohs  - (King David was known as Pharaoh Psusennes 2 and/or Pasebakhaenuit  as Israel conquered Egypt in effect although by alliance. David established an empire from the Sinai Peninsula to the Euphrates taking the trade routes of 3 continents)  - believed that the entrance fee to the Reed fields or Elysian meant only weighing your heart for good deeds, (ascertained as ‘good’ by men not by Gd see Isaiah 64, 6 i.e no righteousness on our own) but also in error your earthly wealth provided a path for you in the next life. They also believed the soul split in two. The ‘Ba’ remained on earth but the ‘Ka’ entered Heaven but could also return, but  your earthly body needed also to be preserved or you would lose these afterlife rights which needed great wealth and honour on earth to first attain. The modern obsession with trans-humanism and immortality has its roots in this version of the afterlife. They were however right about the Ba and Ka but the weighing of the Soul by Anubis or Maat is not ascertained by mans view of right and wrong or value and therefore all who die without rebirth are trapped in the tomb forever until judgement day (the Ba) without your ‘Ka’ and your body will decay.

The book of Acts & Chapter 2,22 relates how Peter (Simon Peter known as Cephas or Petros in Greek)  in Jerusalem quoted (Psalm 16,10)  Acts 22 – 37 see verse ‘s 30 – 31. Mathew 22, 43 shows us that David’s Spirit was speaking (we are a Soul and our Spirit is separate) and reading on to Mathew 22, 43 – 46 we learn that we can be sons of God, but that also Gd has a son, and this Gd is the same Gd as their/our fathers see Acts 7,32.

Further this throne David sat upon was a throne in a Kingdom described in 2 Samuel 7,12,1 Kings 9,5, 1 Kings 2,1, 1 Kings 5,5, 2 chronicles 21,7 Psalm 132, 11 – 12, Jeremiah 30, 9 and many more. King David also wrote for the sons of Korah in Psalm 49,17
“For when he dieth he shall carry nothing away: his glory shall not descend after him”

meaning all that goes into the next life is your Soul which can be separated from the Spirit. Ecclesiastes 12,7, James 2,26 & Hebrews 4,12 where the Soul and spirit are rent asunder from the body and each other by the word of Gd and on Judgement day for non believers or rather the spiritually unborn (see Revelations 20, 11-15) Lasting eternally (see Revelations 14,11 & Revelations 20,10)  it will be painful and it will never end and there is no escape. Those that are not to be judged have a new spirit completely immersed by the Ruach of Gd which becomes this new you and this new spirit saves your soul and it was bought at great price 1 Corinthians 6, 19 – 20 (to Egyptians if they realised this new covenant they would see that the Ka and Ba are not judged but that this innocence actually began before death as righteousness from rebirth and not by their own deeds. If they do not recognise it, there is no other way, it is not universal and all Gds are not simply the same Gd with different names. (Read the 10 commandments, i.e. the law. Exodus 20, 3 – 5 & Exodus 23, 25 is not a matter of grace )

Mathew 16,26 says there is no profit in gaining all the riches in the world and then losing your Soul. More than this it says there is nothing you can do to exchange your lost soul for eternal life.  26 “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”


Billy Graham sermon, & excellent analysis on wealth or real wealth. Billy Graham grew up on a farm See also    ‘Billy Graham - 3 things you can't do without’ (or see again on Bitchute in Great Sermons)   When people are left alone to pursue their own lives without ideology and by faith, they seem to prosper. The biblical patriarchs Jacob, David and Joseph are examples.


Therefore David in Psalm 16, 10 knew that his Soul would be bought for a great price but not of earthly wealth in any form (Mathew 6, 19 – 21, Job 31,24 & King David again in Psalms 39,6 & Psalm 62,10)

Abraham defeated 4 Kings who had captured the 5 Kings. The four Kings are Amraphel of Shinar, Arioch of Ellasar, Chedorlaomer of Elam, and Tidal of Goiim. Shinar was the region which Babylon was within also known as Sumer (Sumerians) where the clay tablets originated as mentioned above (Genesis 11,2 ) The Cuneiform clay tablets of Sumeria. These clay tablets also mention ‘Kish’ which was the first post flood city.(of the global flood) The Sumerian King lists (Shinar King lists) mention Kish and the flood all civilisations mention the global flood and see also ‘Chinese Symbols, The mystery unlocked’ by Jeffrey K Tam. Kish could be Cush or Kush, who was the father of Nimrod, whose name in Hebrew means Rebel or against Gd. These cities with Nimrod could be against Gd as also a system is against Gd. Nimrod and his wife Semaris (or Sammur – ammat) was the granddaughter of Noah although she and this fact are not mentioned in the bible, but Nimrod was the great grandson of Noah (see Genesis 10. Son of Kush and grandson of Ham)  Semaris was also the mother and wife of Nimrod, but this version (which may also be correct ) is paralleled by the version which sees Semaris marrying her own child Tammuz conceived just before Nimrod had died. If both are true, then Tammuz is son and grandson of Semaris, and Tammuz is also son and brother of Nimrod. Semaris claimed that Tammuz was in fact Nimrod re-incarnated. Tammuz  is mentioned in Ezekiel 8,14 where people weep when he dies. This activity is called ‘detestable’ in verse 15, but worse were the acts of verse’s 16 & 17 – 18. Ezekiel names Israel as being the Idolaters and this occurred within the Temple.

Just as Semaris, Nimrod (the hunter of men's souls) and Tammuz lived in Babylon and Sumeria (see the youtube documentaries "8. The Sumerians - Fall of the First Cities"   and also "Sumerians Tell a Very Different Version than the Historians - Their Words are Inexplicable"  later they also passed down the lines (the first Egyptian pharaohs came from Sumeria, see the sumerian king lists) into Egypt as Isis Horus and Set. This desire to resurrect Tammuz has even seen adherents creep into the Roman Catholic church (just as paedophiles have and in many areas and who believe sex with childrn or childd sacrfice is a part of those beliefs)  and suggest that the Eucharist itself (the bread and wine) is the resurrection of Osirus, although this is held to be heretical by elite Roman Catholics and also the followers of the Osirian myth and belief. The ancient mysteries also partook of bread and wine but there is no connection between Isis Horus and Set ( IHS not as 'In His Service' or 'In her Service' ) & Mary Joseph and Jesus (who would then be Nimrod, Semaris and Tammuz resurrected in the bread and wine) This is not accepted Roman Catholic or Protestant belief, and is not noted in any magisterium or canon law or bible anywhere at any time.



Gds wrath is swift and unstoppable.

Tammuz is also mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh (2100 bc approx) as being the wife or lover of Ishtar (also known as Astarte or Easter /  Ēosturmonap) Gilgamesh would not marry Ishtar and also condemns her for the weeping over Tammuz’s death. Ezekiel viewing this practice but still occurring in his day, 1400 years later in 600bc approx. Although perceived as Ishtar, the Babylonian Goddess was in fact named Inanna, as Ishtar was the Goddes of the Akkadians. Both the Akkadians and the Babylonians have a long poem describing Ishtar and also Inanna’s descent into the Underworld, to break open its gates looking for their departed lovers, just as Isis looks for Osiris.  Inanna also mourns for Damuzi (Tammuz ?) who remains in the underworld, and she orders this weeping nationally. Akkad (father of the Akkadians) was of Sumerian origin, however Akkad was also the great city in Genesis 10:10–12,  "The beginning of his [Nimrod's] kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.”  Calneh is also known as Nimrud, and Nimrod is also thought to be Gilgamesh. Both were angry at Gd.

Post Babylon  languages were confused but prior to this, this form of worship was common in one person or persons (who had the one name or person) who was the earthly representation of the Goddess. Society (although as rivals they warred) nevertheless held common beliefs and family origins and they lived relatively close to each other on a small part of 1 continent, compared to today where across 5 continents people are more numerous and spread out. Tammuz or Dumuzu is also (by myth) the name of a Phoenician deity, the Adonis of the Greeks. He was originally a Sumerian or Babylonian sun-god, called Dumuzu, the husband of Ishtar, who corresponds to Aphrodite of the Greeks. The worship of these deities was introduced into Syria in very early times under the designation of Tammuz and Astarte, and appears among the Greeks in the myth of Adonis and Aphrodite, who are identified with Osiris and Isis of the Egyptian pantheon. There is no biblical link to Nimrod having been married to Semaris, but she is mentioned by Marcellinus, Justinus and the chronicle of Eusebius of Caesarea as having lived at the same time as Abraham. Nimrod also lived at the same time as Abraham. Diodorus Siculus is the primary source, but conjecture surrounds the truth of these stories, yet Semaris is also attested as a real person by Josephus. Today Nimrod, Semaris and Tammuz are dead, but Yawheh, Gd lives on as does Yeshua and the Ruach of Gd.

It is not hard to imagine incestuous relationships taken to preserve a throne from the very earliest times and /or a rape like Tamara by her half brother Amnon in King David’s family (2 Samuel 13, and see outline  above) How far back this goes no one is sure, but Cain who was not killed by Gd but forced to wander the earth and who also later had children. The Godly line of Seth  (Genesis 5, 1 -32) and ungodly line of Cain began in distinction and separation to each other, due to Cains form of worshipping Gd, i.e. his way and by his methods, which were not acceptable to Gd. To continue in that error Cain would have to remove Gd (YWHW) completely as a logical consequence of disobedience and religious vanity of the self. Cain in Genesis 4, 10 -12 could have repented and come to realise he was in error. His error was not presenting an offering of blood, as in the future tabernacle of Moses, as David and Solomon also did, and which the Messiah also fulfilled in the Gospels. Cains offering of fruit was good but it was not Gds will and he was not then, a son of Gd. Abel was obedient and he was a son of Gd but Cain in a jealous rage killed him, his own brother. Seth was a son of Gd and intermarriage between them was not Gds will . Gilgamesh took wives from the sons of Gd in the Gilgamesh epic See also Genesis 6, and the fallen Angels, but also Hebrews 12,22 & 2 Kings 6, 16 - 20. Gilgamesh said he met with the survivors of the flood in the epic i.e. Ham Shem or Japheth) Possession by demonic entities was also real in those days.

Daniel 4 describes a future Church (albeit a warning from Nebuchadnezzar)  in which ‘the offering’ or worship or system is not based on the Messiahs sacrifice (but still has ‘grace’ or cheap grace see also Isaiah 14, 12 – 15 & Mathew 3, 7) Like Cain it will be ‘religious’ but it will be spiritually doomed. Although Cain was the first to kill as a sin, Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden. Eve sinned but Adam’ duty was to warn and teach her, and in this he failed, he then tried to lie about it. Cain’s land became Canaan, the land of giants, who were marked with great height as is Cain’s mark see also Numbers 13 where the ‘Anak’ the father of the Annakim resided. Anak means giant and they are mentioned in many biblical books. (see Numbers 13,33) The missing 5 lines portion of the Epic of Gilgamesh is given in Genesis 10,8 – 10. The epic of Gilgamesh mentions ‘Huwawa’ yet this means YHWH as Yahweh) but they were subdued and defeated by the Israelites under Joshua as they marched into the Promised land carrying the Ark of the Covenant before them as they walked over the Jordan marking the spot with the 12 stones of Israel as mentioned above. From the tribe of Judah, King David was descended.

Daniel 9 See also "Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel's 70th Week?" (or see here also on podcast  which basically points out that it is 3.5 years of Yeshua's ministry from John baptising Yeshua (Mathew 13, 3 13 - 17)  and another 3.5 years until Stephen is stoned to death (Acts 7,54 to Acts 8, 2) Therefore he made a covenant with many (Matthew 26, 27 in the NIV or verse  28 in the KJV or a literal translation in the Hebrew Roots bible at Mathew 28, 28 as 'New Covenant'  ) and after 3.5 years defeated death and rose again) 

If the youtube or bitchute versions are unavailable see on Rumble " "DPI Ministries: Who Confirms the Covenant of Daniel’s 70th Week? (Part 1) "     Part 2    & also  Part 3   & also Part 4     (the John MacArthur Daniel 9 teaching is here also )

Judgement day is similar to the 70 x 7 curse on anyone who kills Cain (which is also a part of the mark of Cain) Genesis 4, 23 – 24, and which is echoed in Mathew 18,22. All those who are judged at the great white throne judgement will be judged 70 x 7 ad- infinitum. Adams sin was that he did not confess (directly to Gd as all confessions should be) his sin. All people who have ever lived who have not confessed their sin to Gd, have no defence and their punishment will be 70 x 7 worse than their sins. Genocide, financial fraud, wars, rapes, murders, small thefts or large and so on have no equal measure. There are no souls lighter than a feather (the Egyptian scales weighed the soul and if not lighter than a feather it did not pass to the fields of Elysium) 70 x 7 is 490 and paying 490 penalties will escalate into eternity as by judgement day, it is too late to repent and confess, it will be 70 x 7 ad infinitum. Cain will pay eternally as well as his descendants who have not confessed and repented into spiritual rebirth as John 3, 1- 8 describes.

This includes conspiracies; financial, economic and political.

2 Samuel 15:12  And Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David's counsellor, from his city, even from Giloh, while he offered sacrifices. And the conspiracy was strong; for the people increased continually with Absalom.
2 Kings 12:20  And his servants arose, and made a conspiracy, and slew Joash in the house of Millo, which goeth down to Silla.
2 Kings 14:19  Now they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem: and he fled to Lachish; but they sent after him to Lachish, and slew him there.
2 Kings 15:15  And the rest of the acts of Shallum, and his conspiracy which he made, behold, they are written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel.
2 Kings 15:30  And Hoshea the son of Elah made a conspiracy against Pekah the son of Remaliah, and smote him, and slew him, and reigned in his stead, in the twentieth year of Jotham the son of Uzziah.
2 Kings 17:4  And the king of Assyria found conspiracy in Hoshea: for he had sent messengers to So king of Egypt, and brought no present to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year: therefore the king of Assyria shut him up, and bound him in prison.
2 Chronicles 25:27 Now after the time that Amaziah did turn away from following the LORD they made a conspiracy against him in Jerusalem; and he fled to Lachish: but they sent to Lachish after him, and slew him there.
Jeremiah 11:9 And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.
Ezekiel 22:25  There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof.
Acts 23:13 And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy.

When Nimrod died, and his kingdom and the cities of Sumeria / Babylon collapsed, this shock followed on from Gd’s confusion of everyone’s language, causing both economic and cultural confusion, and so the population moved away. Nimrods tower reaching up to Gd was stopped but was partially constructed but in view for miles and miles around see Genesis 10. 1 – 11 & 25. It is interesting  today that we can speak into a small portable ‘translator’ even one built within I Phones controlled by Artificial Intelligence, and it instantly translates to any other person on earth of any nationality and language, but it is also more amazing that in the book of Acts on the feast of Shavuot and / or Pentecost when the Ruach of Gd fell instantly people of every nation present and could also hear and understand each other without any electrical aid or GHZ input. See the book of Acts 2,4 - 12 and Acts 10,44. This was not babbling repetitively but one on one direct conversation. The very opposite of the Tower of Babel.

This system of the Nimrods failed (and in many ways they were more advanced than us) as they were not afraid of Gd, they had no method of checks and balances giving rise to Liberty, and they opposed Gd in everything they did, until they disappeared into the sands of time. This occurred suddenly and then they were afraid. Civilisation would move to Egypt yet it collapsed when over 2 million people left its cities led by Moses, and this then began the demise of Canaan and the rise of Israel and King David.The Egyptians were also afraid suddenly.(Egypt is still in ruins to this day)

Therefore (and to repeat) David in Psalm 16, 10, knew that his Soul would be bought buy a great price but not of earthly wealth in any form (Mathew 6, 19 – 21, Job 31,24 & King David again in Psalms 39,6 & Psalm 62,10)

David purchased the threshing floor of Araunah on Mount Moriah, the very place where Abraham offered Isaac. (see 2 Samuel 24, 18 – 25 and 1 Chronicles 21 – 27 or 600 shekels of Gold)  He was offered a smaller price but David said I will pay the full price rejecting Araunahs way of worship and service, and his offerings of burnt offerings free of charge. He bought it so that could be no doubt of ownership and authority for eternity, and David built an altar for Gd.  Later Solomon built his Temple upon this area. Yeshua was crucified on this spot most likely on a Almond tree (see further down) and it was bought with a great price, and it was likely that this spot was the original Garden of Eden which many state was elsewhere, yet it was accomplished, the end of the curse of Eden.  


Judgement (as in also 1 Corinthians 6, 3) comes to everyone.

The temple of Ezekiel (see all of this chapter above) is mysterious and its measurements straddle time both back and forth & out of time. Speaking on this beautiful subject is Dr Baruch Korman who is able to open up minds to develop a picture backed by the word of Gd. Ezekiel’s Temple is the manifestation of Gds glory.

Speaking in Ireland in May 2019 at the pleasant Powerscourt Estate in County Wicklow, the day was a full days teaching. It is presented here in its 4 videos. (  speaking  also on Jacobs trouble, Our Blessed Hope and the feasts and the identities in the Millennium and the whole breadth of the Millennium and the New Jerusalem  (& sacrifices in the Millennium, where the rule of the millennium will be instigated see Video 3 at 42 minutes to 44 minutes and Judgement in video 3 at 54 minutes to 56) and the law and festivals (see at 17 minutes - to – 41 fwd) minutes and the problems of the New International Version (NIV) bible. Ezekiel’s temple is very spiritual and mysterious (yet has earthly measurements to comprehend) Ezekiel warned the ungodly about a vast army arising from the valley of the dry bones.

Why the Millennium Matters ? Dr Baruch Korman

1. Why the Millennium Matters  (morning sessions)                1 or  on bitchute in 'Great Sermons' 

2. Why the Millennium matters                                                 2 or on bitchute in 'Great Sermons'

3. Why the Millennium matters  (afternoon sessions)               3 or on bitchute in 'Great Sermons'

4. Why the Millennium matters                                                 4 or on bitchute in 'Great Sermons' 

In Video 4 Dr Korman describes a Synagogue which is still in Israel today (see video 4 at 35 minutes) Its significance is the path to it. It is a very narrow path and must be walked along one by one. This is like the queue in the Great white throne judgement and they will judged one by one, but all of those in this line are not justified or redeemed as works do not justify you. It will apply to those in all faiths and/or those who have no faith. As Billy Graham preached you are not saved by the church seat you sit upon. (Beginning with the Great white throne judgment at 24 minutes) The Millennium ends at Revelations 20,15. The transition to the New Jerusalem is by judgement and which lasts forever (even Hades is thrown into the lake of fire in verse 14, and death also a separate angel of death is thrown into the lake of fire see Revelations 1,18 which explains that hell and death are two separate entities) Hell (in Luke 16) is a temporary precursor or chamber which Luke 16 tells us is in two parts paradise and hell, but it continues in a different space but with the same result after Judgement. (the lake of fire) Judgement is like being ‘fleeced’ except it is the spirit and soul which are shorn.


The temple of Solomon stood over the area on Mount Moriah we can see today. (the abomination of desolation) It has a deep cave called the 'Well of Souls' yet it also believed to be the exact location of the Holy of Holies from Solomons temple. Judgment began there. Souls and spirits can be separated eternally and they can then be separated from Gd. Money cannot buy your next life, or suspend judgment, you will not escape via artificial intelligence, and the afterlife cannot be purchased even with all the money in the world.

Hebrews 10, 31 says "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" but this does not explain graphically what Judgement entails. Hebrews 4, 12 says " For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" This means literally that your spirit and soul will be rent apart just as in death your soul/spirit is rent from your bones. This is what Mathew 10, 28 means when it says " And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell"  This is a part of the description in Luke 16 "So he called to him, 'Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire." In other words, it's going to hurt like hell forever (those who state 'hell' sheol and which is not 'Ghenna' in Jerusalem, does not exist, do not explain why the bible from beginning to end mentions Judgment day(s) )



Who are the Chosen people and why did the ‘Jews and the Jo’s’ (House of Joseph) war ?

The following 7 videos on 'The Chosen People' below (6 to begin with and no 7 is in production) are produced by Jewish people but with the opposing outlook from Dr Korman above. Video 1 relates the early beginnings of mankind. Seth may not have been the last child of Adam and Eve who lived much longer than we did today and generations over 50 years can produce hundreds of people, 5th cousins or 6th cousins and so on (East of Eden Genesis 4,16 in the land of Nod. The East is synonymous with ‘judgment’ and you are either always sons of God or sons of Cain of men) Further Seth had children. (see also Cains wife, who was she ? ) You will note in the videos 'the chosen people' what these Jewish people call themselves at the beginning. You cannot be ‘Jews for Islam’ or Joseph for Islam as a simile. Every tribe and nation has a past and a bloody history, but within them many have opposing views and alternative feelings and desires to those pre-suppositions we make. Energies and evils rooted in Atheism will fail. A point the videos make for their own view on pre-suppositions. See  Nicodemus Ben Gurions Question (John 3, verse 4) heading below The promises of Gd to Joseph are real and will be realised, but it is not the full story as of course many former German Aryans also became Messianic believers in Gd. The histories of the European peoples is something they revere. The finer noble aspects of their history are also often overlooked as also the history of the promised land.

Yahweh who was not a name the Hebrew slaves of Egypt simply chose instead of Amun (Ra) who then suddenly called him YHWH. Gd of course can reveal himself whenever, or to whoever or however he wishes. The 7 teachings could expand more on Jeremiah 31, but does explain Jeremiah 18, 6. (Video 6) World War 1 was a devastating war, and also in Eastern Europe, Russia, Ukraine and the Balkans into Georgia and Armenia etc many Jews and gentiles, were killed by the communists. Jews who did not want to be a part of Lenin’s ‘proletariat’ as many gentiles were. In fact it runs into many tens of millions. The Somme is where we traditionally focus our histories of WW1. Adolf Hitler fought at the Somme as did JRR Tolkien and we have the poems of Wilfred Owen to recall its horrors. By 1918 all of Europe was in shock at the new mechanical warfare swept away traditional battle, and those who survived were never the same again. Having spoke to survivors they in the main said they did not want to dwell upon it.

The series of Videos, and the 1st from 36 minutes forward to the end at 45 minutes from Ham, Shem and Japheth the histories are cited with biblical references. Into the twists and turns of Abraham and Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Joseph, Leah and Rachel, Ephraim and Manasseh and the real inheritance of Joseph and the 10 tribes = Israel (which spread throughout Europe which into many individual nations and tribes, Britain, Ireland Scotland and Wales and into the USA as the Danites. Scandinavia as also the tribe of Dan see chapter 1 – 3a above how Dan spread also in Britain / Albion Scotland / Alba. See also outline 2 above in this chapter for Joseph)‘Palestine’ is also a fable historically rooted in the Romans empire efforts to suppress the Jews and Israel by naming them Philistia (instead of Judea and Samaria) as Palestine, which today is simply Jordan and the Palestinian flag is simply the Jordanian flag hurriedly created 1947 – 1952. Judah always had a remnant in Jerusalem. Many Muslims have abandoned Islam for the Messiah and not for the false spirit of ecumenicalism. Nazism & Communism also had other secret chains of command (in the depopulation agenda) overseen by a few Satanists who merged into the war unknown and to the determent of the ‘people’ yet the people even those who knew still fought on and in reality won, but at a great cost of millions dead. Will forgiveness be given for this ? Once people become aware that the 10 wandering tribes settled all over Europe and that these two tribes Ephraim and Judah would inherit, it seems everything possible is perpetrated to destroy this awakening and reunification. As we can see in the last outline 2, haSatan will easily be defeated and it is speculated that the Archangel Michael imprisons haSatan in Revelations 20, but any one of Gds angels out of billions and billions could easily carry out this task. Revelations 20 is not a war but a temporary circumstance.

Video 6 (30 minutes – 34 minutes fwd) also mentions the travel of Jeremiah (Judah / Zarah) with Zedekiah's daughter to Ireland and that this is mentioned also in the book of Ezekiel see first Ezekiel 12,10 & Ezekiel 12,13 and then Jeremiah 43, 6 – 7 and specifically Ezekiel 17 “Gd had set up a far distant country where the Israelites had set up a Kingdom”

The videos are accurate but there is more to their story. Both Daniel wrote or preached to the lost tribes (Mathew 15, 24 first, and the book of Acts and Ruach of Gd enables the gentiles to be grafted in)



The Chosen People (lost tribes and not so lost tribes, Judah and Joseph & Pharaoh, Amalek and the Sabbateans)

All are Bitchute videos 

1  The Chosen People Part 1 Israel        2  The Chosen People Part 2 Israel

3   The Chosen People, Part 3 Greece  

4  The Chosen People, Part 4 Phoenicia

5  The Chosen People Part 5 Aryans

6  The Chosen People, Part 6 The Fall of Babylon and the Rise of the Aryan Nations

7. (to follow)

If numbers 1 - 6 above do not work there are versions here Part  1   and also  Part 2  and also Part 3 and also Part 4 and also Part 5  and also Part 6 and also Part 7A which is in 3 parts,  Part 7B and also Part 7C


The Videos above numbered 1 - 7 are made by a Jewish filmmaker who has points to make, but points these videos forget  (in proving the 10 Northern tribes went into Europe) is those tribes warred against each other, from the date of around 700bc up until today. For instance in WW1 and WW2 Jewish assimilation or as others would say Israelite assimilation into the nations meant that many Israelite s fought for Russia, Britain and other European nations such as Poland but also for Germany in WW1 and WW2 before the creation of Israel in 1948. In fact estimates put the number of 100,000 who fought for Germany. See Hitlers Jewish Soldiers  or the book of the same name by Bryan Mark Rigg ""Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military"  People forget that this means these separate armies with assimilated European Israelites, killed, raped and imprisoned each other and worse to the tune of 80 million dead over both world wars (just in Europe) Further if European Israelite's are Israel then they cannot have stolen the name Israel. If they are Jewish alone then they cannot say they are 'Israel' (there are 2 houses of Israel) As Jews, Josephs, Hebrews, Isarelites, Semites, Hamites & Japheth you will find they encopass all peoples on all continents today

Many theologies miss is that there are 2 Houses of 'Israel' not just 1. If you are from the the tribe of Judah you are not from the following tribes which are also Nations with inheritance as prophecies in themselves i.e.  Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin .(Joseph became 2 1./2 tribes as Ephraim and Manasseh who both received one part of a  double portion as 'half tribes' and Ephraim became the leader of 'Israel' (which includes Judah) 

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.(Joseph became 2 1./2 tribes as Ephraim and Manasseh are not "Jewish tribes" but Israelites from the Northern Kingdom half, whilst Judah is from the Southern Kingdom and a separate House of Israel Judah inherits the Kingship but as defined by Deuteronomy 17, 14 - 20 (by God's law only) whilst Ephraim and Manasseh (Joseph) inherit the birthright and blessing and for example the Jubilee and debt laws. This is described here "The Tribes and Nations of Joseph inherit the Birthright & Blessings and Judah the Sceptre" So you cannot claim to be from the Tribe of Dan (as some claim the Ethiopians are, but  they state they are from Judah via Solomon and Sheba themselves) and be 'Jewish' Joshua for instance was not Jewish but from the tribe of Joseph. Ethiopians are Jews but descended from Solomon  (Menelik I was the son of the biblical King Solomon of ancient Israel and of Makeda, the Queen of Sheba) Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines and many offspring are Jewish. The current King of Jordan is descended from Solomon, and there are hundreds of rulers today who are also (of all colors) such as the Yemenite and some tribes of India and Africa (Thomas the disciple went to India ) are Jewish. Yet they are from Judah via Solomon and his wives but they are not the Northern ten tribes who went into banishment and infamy and disgrace. And it is not a proud thing to say you are from the 10 tribes when they left Israel in disgrace and idol worship. Prophecies in the bible were given to both Houses of Israel and Judah not to just 1.  Prophets were sent to Judah and Joseph e..g Jeremiah was sent to Judah etc, and then see Ezekiel for instance Ezekiel chapter 4 and verses 3 and 6 and Chapter 9, 9. and Chapter 14, 5  (and see chapter 12 , 24) on the House of Israel alone see also the Book of Hebrews Chapter 8, verse 8 and with it Jeremiah 31, 31 & Revelations  7, 4 - 8  & 21, 12 - 14, so in the past old and mid and in the future ? There are 2 Houses of Israel ? (or here again on youtube once more) The book prior to Jeremiah i.e Lamentations is directed primarily to Judah) Without both Houses in Israel then Israel's return is incomplete. Yeshua said that he is come also for the House of Israel as the King of Judah (via Nathan son of David and Mary of Judah, as Judah and Joseph) see Matthew 15, 24 and directed the disciples to go to them Matthew 10, 5-7 (lost sheep of the House of Israel) Paul was most prolifically sent to Europe to preach to all

You cannot say that these 10 northern tribes are Jews or Jewish (and for instance no one from the  tribe of Dan can be king over Israel, only Judah who gets the Kingship whilst Joseph gets the birthright and blessings)

However the land of Israel today should be called "Israel / Judea" and many of the tribes of Joseph's who are not "lost" went into Europe and wider as did many of the sons and daughters of King David and should also be hoe to both Houses of Judah and Joseph see  "KING David's throne in Europe,Britain,Scotland Ireland Wales Dr S Spykerman & Israel's lost tribes" (or also here again on Bitchute ) Further Israel should be its Genesis 15 size which will come to pass see "Genesis 15,18-21 Greater Israel, Abraham,Isaac Jacob,Joseph & Amalek (DeSantis Oslo Abraham accords)" For more information on ancient Israel and for today see the tribes of Israel here (which also feature throughout the future books of the Gospels and New testament and the book Revelations) 

The evidence is overwhelming that the 10 tribes Northern  of Israel went into Europe, either over the Caucasus mountains or into their former colonies as the House of Joseph.(soe with the Phoenicians)  An incredible resource are the 17 volumes (all brief but exploring different aspects like 17 chapters) by Professor Liebenberg  "A Historical Research of the Ten Tribes Scattered into the Nations" Series by W A Liebenberg on goodreads, or here again on Academia   or here again once more 

The Khazarians after 1600 years converted to Judaism around the 11th century AD, but the Judaism they converted to was a new Judaism came into existence between 250 and 400 ad. Based more upon the Talmud and not Torah. Yet the 10 tribes passed through their area of Khazaria . This if proven to be assimilated makes them Israelites (Joseph) not Judah as the 10 northern tribes, hence Israel today should be called Israel / Judea

In the John Loftus book (2000) "The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People"  it shows the mis-directions made just before the creation of Israel in 1948, and it must also therefore be against Joseph and Ephraim and Manasseh as the House of Joseph including when Europe destroyed itself in WW1 and WW2 and ongoing today. Rabbi Marvin Antleman in his books "To eliminate the opiate" Vols 1 and 2 suggests that the Sabbatean Frankists (Sufi Turks) are advocating evil to usher in the Messiah and he is interviewed on the subject in New York "The Sabbatean Frankist Explained and exposed By Rabbi Marvin Antelman. Ushering in the Messiah by the creation of as much Evil as possible"  One way to create evil would be to destroy the notion that both Houses of Israel are Israel both in the land and in inheritance.(prophecies of the future are given to both Houses of Judah and Joseph)  This is evident in the archaeological controversies regarding Israel (and the whole world) when the Egyptian antiquities authority have been found to misdate major archaeological finds in Egypt and which would therefore misdate the Exodus and the Exodus Pharaohs etc (and from Egypt back to Babylon Sumeria ) In Israel most of the archaeological discoveries of towns and cities named in scripture have been found, but are dismissed as not existing as they are the "wrong date" This false chronology also impacts other timelines such as the Greek and Persian empires and even Roman empire (and therefore the whole world) but it becomes more difficult to convince as we near the modern era. See "PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE EXODUS (THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORD IS DELIBERATELY OBSCURED & MIS-DATED)"   (and a tour guide of the Holy Land showing all the major discoveries i.e HolyLandSite )

videos 1 - 7 also (in the description box) show the errors of the Amalek doctrines. It is believed that Amalek must be destroyed before the Messiah can come ? Citing proof that Rome is 'Christianity' (and who attacked Israel destroying the Temple in 70 ad) Rome worships the Sun whereas Christianity or a Messianic belief in Yeshua does not. Mithras was announced as the official Roman religion in 275 ad and then merged under Constantine with Sol Invictus, suppressing the large Messianic community in Rome at that time. The rest of Europe were forced to follow Sunday instead of Saturday and declare Caeser or the Pope as God or the substitute for God. Amalek ? or the House of Joseph given the Sabbatean Frankists aims to 'usher in the Messiah' by creating evil ?

In Europe the Scots are descended from Judah as declared in the declaration of Arbroath, and the Saxons (which includes the Sax Gotha line) are also descended through Isaac. Brutus was descended via Darda via Zarah not Pharez. Darda grandon of Judah via Tamar (and from Troy into Totnes in Britain) where today the lines of Zarah Judah passed to Prince Philip and Zarah Pharez to Elizabeth 2nd. These 2 tribes have merged in other Royal Houses of Europe also. The tribe of Judah in Ulster had around its red hand a scarlet thread and also a 6 pointed star which is the seal of solomon (not a Hexagram ) but a star with 6 arms (which can be the template for a hexagram) This seal is also on many coats of arms in Europe and in Switzerland.

"So, Tamar, perhaps prompted by the Lord, removed her widow’s clothes, and disguised herself complete with vail, and went and sat on the road to Timnath, where she knew Judah would pass by.  Judah saw her, and presumed she was a harlot.  The outcome of this liaison was that Tamar conceived and bore Judah twins. The birth of these twins was a strange event and showed that the Lord was truly working something out here that would only become clear many years later. For at the birth, one child put out his hand, and son the midwife tied a scarlet thread around the hand. But then the hand was pulled back, and when the first child was born, Pharez, it was not he with the scarlet thread.Still, the ‘official’ first born was Pharez, and he was the heir to the sceptred line promised to Judah, and the ancestor of King David, and the Davidic line through which Our Lord Jesus Christ was born into a human existence.But, what of the other son, who was named Zarah? He of the scarlet thread? Well, it could be said that because of this thread, proved he had, partially at least, appeared first and was as much an heir to the throne as his brother.  And this did indeed prove to be eventually, as things worked out.Zarah had five sons, two of whom separated from the main body of the Israelites, probably with some of the Danites who are known to have taken to their ships, and along with the Phoenicians, travelled abroad, even to the land of Britain.  And indeed, of these two sons, some of the descendants of Calcol did indeed find their way to Ireland. The Ensign of Northern Ireland contains the red cross on a white background but with a red hand in the centre of a six-pointed star, and in some cases, there is a crown above it. Through this Royal line, which saw the union of the House of King David, through the marriage of one of the daughters of King Zedekiah (after he and all his sons were killed), came a daughter, Tea Tephi, who married the King of Ireland, from whom our own Queen, Elizabeth the 2nd is descended. What of Darda, the other son?  He and his people moved into Asia Minor, and established a nation there on the shores of the Dardanelles (named after him…).  It was here that the ancient City of Troy was brought into being, and indeed it flourished for two or three centuries, being impregnable – until the ‘Siege of Troy’, (and we all know the story of the Wooden Horse!)  And if you consider Troy to have been a ‘Myth’, in 1870 Heinrich Schliemann began to dig where he had been led to by a dream, and eventually discovered the ruins of the fabled city of Troy, and evidence of the war.Brutus was reputed to have been the son of Aeneas, who was of the Royal blood, and he escaped from the siege with other Trojans. They came to the Island of ‘Melitta’ or ‘Malta’, and there it is said, in a ruined Temple dedicated to ‘Diana’, Brutus was told in a dream, to go to ‘The Great White Islands’.  So, he and his men sailed through the Pillars of Hercules, round the Bay of Biscay, and eventually approached the South Western shores of Britain (of the ‘White Cliffs’)" ... Brutus of course encountered other tribes in Britain who were there before him. This is a separate earlier line than Jeremiah and Tea tephi line who went into Ireland and she was from the house of Judah but married an Irish Prince of the Zarahite line (the stone of Jacob was brought with them. There was also Tamar Tephi daughter of Zedekiah also brought by Jeremiah) 

DNA samples often show a close relationship with Judah and Dan (or the other 10 tribes) as of course they had the same father Jacob, but they had different mothers. Judah's mother Leah was whilst Dans mother was Bilnah (Dan had a full brother Naphtali) and was associated with Asher also, as these 3 were camped around the camp of the tabernacle in the desert on the North side of the tabernacle (see Numbers 2, 25 - 31) There were also Dans who left Egypt before the Exodus under Moses, the "Egyptian Dans" You cannot be from the House of Judah and Dan you are either one of the other.(not to be confused with the 2 tribes of Dan who split away from their land inheritance in western Israel (some remained) and who moved to Tel Dan near Mount Hermon in Northern Israel) DNA can be assumed to be say of Dan for the Ethiopians but they say historically that they are descended from Judah from Solomon  (Menelik I was the son of the biblical King Solomon of ancient Israel and of Makeda, the Queen of Sheba) The Tuatha De Danann are dismissed in this error. Tuatha de Danann literally translates as Tribe of Dan who went into Europe and first Greece as the tribes as Danu and down the Danube and into Danmark etc.For future prophecies it is important to know where and why as the Royal houses of Europe are through the House of Denmark and Dan cannot be Kings of Israel Where is the Tribe of Dan Today? (Tuatha de Danann) Britain, Ireland,Scotland, Scandinavia, Greece,


Tribe of Dan, Astor, & Dragon ships One of the main supported texts on the Ethiopians is the 'Kebra Negast' which states they are descended from the battle men of Judah. Written in the 14 th century it became a rival claim of a family / line of Judah to the Menlik 1st claims to be descended from Solomon, which is still the main source of Ethiopian and Rastafarians.(n Jamaica also )  However they both as 'Beta Israel' are not then from the tribe of Dan. Other claims state that some from the tribe of Dan at the time of Moses (some left before the Exodus fled Egypt and went into the land of Cush in present day Sudan, and not Ethiopia (although  it is very close) which was owned by Egypt even up until the time of Cleopatra (who was Greek )  Beta Israel are known as Ethiopian Jews not as Ethiopian Danites. however did small numbers of Danites or any of the 12 tribes split from their main tribe and wander, ...of course. (Does colour matter to God ? no of course not as you are not saved by your skin colour and many ask why we do not add (China / Japan) Asians into the tribe of Judah from Solomon's descent ? are they discriminated against by Hamites and Japhethites.? The tribes were not concerned over this issue)  Dan in the desert around Moses tabernacle numbered 62,700 men (Numbers 1.39 in the 2nd year of the exodus)  in the first census and 64,400 in the 2nd census (Numbers 26,43 some  38 years later) These numbers are just men so they grew by 1700 and perhaps x 2 for woman and maybe double for children so perhaps 5000 more Dans than 64,400. if we multiply this by 12 tribes, the number grows much more than the census (these numbers from woman and children are not in the bible but a separate guess)  In the Blessing of Jacob, Dan is described as a serpent, (Genesis 49,17) which seems to have been interpreted as connecting Dan to Belial in Judges 19,22, Genesis 19:4,5,Deuteronomy 23:18, Romans 1:26- 27(see the in the apocryphal 'Testament of Dan' which is quoted by Paul in the New Testament)  Danites were seafaring and the book of Judges states that Dan would not fight but stayed on their ships (the 'Song of Deborah' a woman Danite Judge see Judges 5, 2 - 31 relates the story, and for the ships verse see Judges 5,17 "Gilead abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches" ('breaches' is a port or harbour) Judges 5,18 describes Naphtali, Dans full brother a tribe found in Europe to this day, as are the tribe of Asher  (Aesir) = the Astors who are of Italian German Swiss alps descent . Dragon ships. Dans ships with the serpent notice looked like this as (serpent) Dragon Ships (Vikings) the most famous being the red and white stripes sailed crafts

The House of Joseph were/are also Semites, who traveled mainly in disgrace into the lands of Japheth. Judah has a portion (in Semite, Israelite, Hebrew and Jew and the House of Joseph which includes Joshua also suffered in WW1 & WW2) the full size of Israel as described in Genesis 15 (with the other nations / tribes as the 12 tribes) 

see also the Pre-Exodus Flights Spartans,Troy & Danites,Tuatha de Danaan (Daniel R.Walsh Lost Tribes of Israel 1)   (or here again on youtube

Pharaoh ? Europe following the collapse of Egypt (which began in the Exodus) after Cleopatra (who was Greek) Europe has also Egyptian DNA  in its tribes (Cleopatra is rumored to have fathered a child with Caesar and also with Mark Anthony and King Herod in Jerusalem)  Switzerland also has a high percentage of its population with Egyptian DNA in its citizens. Where the house of Pharaoh went after Cleopatra (or both its houses red and white) is still debated

Towards the end of this chapter in posts dated 12.08.2022  & again following on from it  also in post 5/6 May 2023,  these items will be discussed in greater detail and relevance for also today (these links are below also as this post continues in the next red heading)


See also ‘Europeans are the lost tribes of Israel a rare documentary’   (or see also in Bitchute in Great Sermons with additional info in the description)

& also ‘The Lost Tribes of Israel....... Found. by E Raymond Capt’     (or see also in Bitchute in Great Sermons with additional info in the description)

& again E Raymond Capt The Lost Tribes of Israel Heirs of Promise



Curses against the tribes of Judah and Israel (Joseph) and when they will expire (Daniel) of 62 (and / or more) prophetic weeks = 62 x 7 or 434 years. Leviticus 26,18 which for unrepentant sin would be multiplied 7 times) giving a number remaining of 360 x 7 = 2520 years (and the variations of these calculations and differences for when they (approx and disputed ) begin and end into the 70th week

The interesting quote by The former Prime minister of Israel Yair Lapid’s  (14th Prime Minister of Israel from 1 July to 29 December 2022) & now the leader of the opposition explains (see next link) "We believe that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people. Its establishment didn’t begin in 1948, but rather on the day Yehoshua Bin Nun [Joshua, insertion mine, Joshua from the tribe of Joseph not Judah)  crossed the Jordan and forever connected the people of Israel with the land of Israel, between the Jewish nation and its Israeli homeland" It did not require any pronouncement by the United Nations

(Joshua descended from Joseph, but Dan born around 1737bc was descended from Jacob and Bilnah) Joshua divided the land and even though Dan was the 2nd largest tribe they received the smallest portion, and this division of the promised land  occurred around 1200bc. All 12 tribes of Israel were allocated lands in the promised land and Dans allocation was in mid west of Israel (not Judah) in the 10 northern tribes allocations. King David (who United both Houses of Israel and Judah) was born around 1040bc. The book of Judges Chapter 18 tells us that Dan relocated their allocation and resettled in Northern Israel in the town of Lachish known today as the Tel dan area. This occurred before King David was born in 1030 bc but Dan Joined in with the split of the northern Kingdom (10 tribes) in 940bc. Danites also left Moses before the promised land was conquered around 1500bc and settled in Greece and Sardinia (Sardinia) These Danites united with the 'Egyptian' Danites (see bove) who left Moses and Egypt even before the Exodus and went to Southern Greece setting up the Dorian dominion and they worshipped a Goddess named Danae. They would be joined by later Danite evacuees becoming in Britain and Scandinavia and Ireland and many places along the river Danube as the tribe of Dan or 'Tuatha de Danaan' 

Therefore the curse (explained below also) on the 10 northern tribes and Judah have different start dates and different end dates. Dan did not fully inherit its land inheritance and would come under the curse of Leviticus 26,18 which for unrepentant sin would be multiplied 7 times. This for them would begin when they left their allotted lands to another location (Lachish) sometime between 1200 bc and 1040 - 1050 bc, however many begin their curse as beginning in 930 bc or 910bc when they sailed away from Israel. They were the first tribe to begin the Golden Bull worship (instead of Yahweh) in Northern Israel, after King David and Solomon had died.

The reason this is important as the curse on the 10 Northern tribes being led away by the Assyrians began in 723bc and Dan (a remnant who stayed) were a part of those tribes. Judah was brought into Captivity in the year  598/7 and 587/6 bc.

Many are baffled by the claim that Israel was reborn in 1948 and that this date was because God's curse upon Israel becoming a nation in the promised land, how is it calculated ? from the older times the  tribes of Israel left the promised land. ?  

Daniel Prophesied  in Daniel 9, 2 that 70 weeks would be the captivity or 70 years, plus a time (given by the angel in Daniel) of 62 prophetic weeks = 62 x 7 or 434 years. The original 70 years was shortened to 49 years in effect in Daniel 9,25, which when added to 434 years makes 69 weeks or 483 years of the 490 years in total. Ezekiel 4, states Ezekiel laid on his side for 430 days, representing 430 years of  sin upon the land of Israel
But, he also promised that he would gather Israel out of all countries, and will bring them into their own land  in Ezekiel 36, 24
The people in Daniel chapter 1 were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, in 606bc and this captivity lasted 70 years as prophesied in Jeremiah 25,11, & Ezra 1 ending in 536bc. This meant that only 70 years of the 430 years stated by Ezekiel had occurred leaving 360 years of captivity remaining (see also Ezra 2, 64)

As mentioned the punishment for unrepentant sin was multiplied by 7 (Leviticus 26,18 which for unrepentant sin would be multiplied 7 times) giving a number remaining of 360 x 7 = 2520 years. In a 360 day year as the most of history was numbered this makes 907,200 days. In the solar calendar (365 days in a year) this same amount of days (which is even more confusing for new students) = solar calendar, this is 2483 years, 9 months and 21 days. The start date for this is given in the book of Ezra by the decree of Cyrus and is dated as either 538 or 537 bc (see Ezra 1 and 2 Chronicles 36, 22 - 23) + 2483 years =  May 14, 1948  Israel's birth date ut as declared by the UN) 

Cyrus decree in 538 / 537 bc says nothing about the restoration of the city. It speaks only of the rebuilding of the Temple. Likewise the echoing decree of Darius the Great simply established that of Cyrus. Another view is that a third decree, that of the seventh year of Artaxerxes, recorded in Ezra 7:8, 9 marks the 2300 days of Daniel 8,14 bringing a calculation to the Baptism of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) and the final week of Daniel = 7 years until Stephen is Stoned to death in Acts 6 to 7, during which time the would be cut off after 62 weeks (Crucified and Resurrected ) as mentioned in Daniel 9,26 

7th day adventists (for example) make the end of the 907,200 days/2560 years as 1844, when as they might say evil plans began to emerge in the world and they quickly accelerated into 1913/1914 into 1917 (WW1) and into 1939 - 1945 (WW2) and until today. this Prince i.e the Messiah Yeshua made a New Covenant as described in Jeremiah 31:31–34, and Hebrews chapter 8, and a part of that New Covenant was / is the receiving of the Holy Spirit ruach of God as indwelling see Ezekiel 36, 26 - 27, Joel 2:28; Isaiah 32:15; Ezekiel 39:29; Zechariah 12:10 & John 7,39 but on the feast of Shavuot over 2023 years ago in Acts 2,33 now known as the feast of pentecost but which is still the feast of Shavuot (Pente or 50 ..cost) means to count 49/50 days from Passover, Unleavened bread & first fruits feasts until Shavuot in May or June. The Messiah was crucified on Passover, laid in the tomb on Unleavened bread (3 days) and rose on the feast of first fruits. The 'Church' is instructed to follow and watch the 7 feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23.

On the US Dollar bill on the reverse side opposite the Pyramid is the Eagle of Dan. Dan has had 2 symbols, the first is a snake or serpent or Dragon, but which later became the Eagle which captures the snake. as we have seen above some 'Egyptian Danites' left Egypt just before the Exodus as the cry from the descendants of Joseph under the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph (see Exodus 1,8)  was they could no longer wait in the oppression (it had been 400 / 430 years since Joseph became 2nd in command in Egypt and took his 11 brothers as the 13 tribes (Joseph's 2 sons Ephraim and Manasseh) to settle in Egypt. Danites could wait no longer and left settling in Greece and Sardinia and this is mentioned in the ancient Irish annals. This eagle of Dan or the wings of Horus on the Dollar Bill has 13 tail feathers

Many suggest that the USA was reborn in 1616 in the Virginia established of the 13 colonies of the USA. This is calculated as 1616 minus 2520 = 904 bc which is near the tie the 10 Northern tribes split and which was caused by Dan mainly (see above) whilst others state the USA was reborn in 1776 and this is calculated as 1776 - 2520 years or 744 bc and this is near the date of  the 10 Northern tribes being led away by the Assyrians began in 723bc, therefore this represents Gods curse having expired either in 1616 ad or 1776 ad depending on which start date or tribe error/sin you are marking ( for those interested the year 1776 minus 2483 = 707 bc or year 1616 minus 2483 = 867 bc) 

Judah as the separate house of Israel and as 1 tribe in those 2 equal houses left into captivity in Babylon (other dates exist as in 606 B.C., the city of Jerusalem was not then destroyed. However, in 587 B.C the temple was destroyed) in 606 bc. Therefore 606 bc + 2520 years = 1913/1914 as the start of World War. Adding the year the destroyed temple was rebuilt in 517 bc (Ezra 6,15) we arrive at a date of 2003 but in solar years (2483 + 9 months approx)  it is the date of June 7 1967 (the 6 day war) and as we have seen above  the decree of Cyrus and is dated as either 538 or 537 bc (see Ezra 1 and 2 Chronicles 36, 22 - 23) + 2483 years =  May 14, 1948 Israel's birth date ut as declared by the UN which some suggest was declared without the authority of God) 

In summary we now the dates (above) of the return of  1) The Tribe of Dan  2) Joseph as (Joseph's 2 sons Ephraim and Manasseh)  as the 10 Northern tribes 3) Judah into the 70th week

bearing in mind that the current Jewish year is 5783 (2000 ad + 3783 years from creation but which could be out by 212 years or 80 years etc) but others suggest it is actually 5995 or 5998 / 5999 with 1995 or so years since Yeshua was born in 3 and/or 4bc to 5bc. 7 feasts = 7000 years and the last feast of Sukkot represents the beginning of the 1000 reign or the 6000th year.

These curses ran out either in 1600 (ish) or 1798 from 1850 with more evidence that they expired from the early 20th century up to 1948 into 1981. However any area of unrepentant in could extend these curses further. It is apparent that they are close in many ways. Yet the quote above from The former Prime minister of Israel Yair Lapid’s  (14th Prime Minister of Israel from 1 July to 29 December 2022) & now the leader of the opposition explains (see next link) "We believe that Israel is the nation-state of the Jewish people. Its establishment didn’t begin in 1948, but rather on the day Yehoshua Bin Nun [Joshua, insertion mine from the tribe of Joseph not Judah)  crossed the Jordan and forever connected the people of Israel with the land of Israel, between the Jewish nation and its Israeli homeland" It did not require any pronouncement by the United Nations.

Either way then since israel became a nation state in 1948 it must mean that the tribe of nations return would also be at that date or within a generation (80 years in some views or 70 years or the majority vie as 40 years) and since Israel is now 75 years old (2023) it must be now as all prophecies include Joseph as leading Israel
 Matthew 24:34; (see also Mark 13:30; Luke 21:32) states that  "32Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: 33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled" but as the last link explores "the rapture" should have occurred by now ...or should it. Many say that all of these calculations and dates and views are not true and none of them apply. There is also another view that church ages are defined by the 7 churches as church ages in the Book of Revelations chapters 1 - 3 and is dependent on calculations above but the
rapture only really applies to the church of Philadelphia. Another view is the second coming will not occur until the Jews (and Joseph) cry out "Baruch Ha'ba B'Shem Adonai" Psalm 118,26 & echoed by Jesus who says (quoting Psalm 11, 26) you will not see him again until you cry out "Baruch Ha'ba B'Shem Adonai" in John 13,17. Scripture supporting a post tribulation rapture are the majority (or only scriptures)  

Without a clear recognition for any of the above within a Tribe of Joseph analysis is also flawed as prophecies relate to both Houses of Israel. Future prophecies mention both Houses as in Ezekiel 37, 16 ('for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel') and Ezekiel 37,19 and for Judah (as both Houses ) and later (or pertaining to Ezekiel) in the book of James chapter 1, verse 1 "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting" (see also the numerous verses relating to both Hoses of Israel from the beginning at the Chosen people heading) 

And again towards the end of this chapter in posts dated 12.08.2022  & again following on from it  also in post 5/6 May 2023 these items will be discussed in greater detail and relevance.for also today




There is more as Judah also inherits the inheritance with Joseph.

In Genesis 49,10 ‘The Sceptre shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh comes’

As mentioned in the passages above the people wanted a King, yet in Deuteronomy 17 this was foretold. It transpired in 1 Samuel 8,7 (a prophecy which can be dated before and after, just as Isaiah’s prophecy came to pass 200 years later and which we can also read in relation to Cyrus the great see Isaiah 45)  Shiloh as a capital of Israel passed to Jerusalem. The lawgiver would pass to another (a sceptre indicates a lawgiver) See ‘the sent’  in John 17, 3 & ‘the seed’ Isaiah 11, 1, & the ‘peaceable or prosperous one’ Ephesians 2,14 i.e. the Messiah. See also Isaiah 11, 10 & Romans 15,12. The tribe of Judah would continue to maintain power and strength, signified by the sceptre the symbol of authority and rule of law until the Messiah came.(see also Genesis 9,27) This first sceptre began in David, who was of the tribe of Judah. King David was born in Bethlehem on Shavuot and died on Shavuot (Pentecost, the outpouring of the law) Yeshua was crucified on a tree (as mentioned above) and see also a study on this or here as downloaded pdf .

The tree was most likely an almond tree (the first to bloom in Israel) and links directly from the Tree in the Garden of Eden to Aaron’s rod which budded with Almond blossoms. (see Numbers 17,8) Aaron attended the tabernacle of Moses which contained the true symbol of Israel the 7 branched Menorah which was adorned with Almond blossoms as cups. It also links to the tree in Revelations 2,7 and 22, 2 & 14 & 19, but it is defined as ‘Xuxon’(tree)  and this word is also used in relation to Acts 5,30, Acts 10,39, Acts 13, 29, Galatians 3, 13 & 1 Peter 2, 24. It is not the tree of Daniel chapter 4, which is a Nimrod type tree of the tower of Babylon as in Isaiah 14,14.The ‘cross’ Yeshua carried and upon which he was crucified was not a cross of two pieces, but one beam which was nailed to a tree (the tree of life) uniting Judah and Israel and the Aleph (Ephraim) and the Tav or Taw for Judah and Joseph see outline 2 above.

Further in the story of Joseph which saves Israel and Egypt (or at least those in Israel who found Joseph)  Jacob and his 12 sons including Benjamin. Therefore the question of Nicodemus Ben Gurion below is for Joseph and Judah (see below)  


  Nicodemus Ben Gurions Question (John 3, verse 4)

On Facebook (group pages and you will need to log in) An interesting debate is named here as  ' Nicodemus Ben Gurions Question (John 3, verse 4 ) '   and is linked as an open group on facebook. The last link is simply the accompanying note, but which also directs you to the Facebook group of the same name.

It is also a Video section which contains 70 testimonies of Jewish believers  (Jewish believers in a Messiah or  Mashiacẖ, מָשִׁיחַ)  and even a couple of Rabbi's by video with their testimonies and also accompanying videos of songs and teachings on Ezekiel's Temple.2 people are not Jewish but can you tell who they are ?

The main page is here  You do need a facebook account and / or need to have it open to read, yet you do not have to join a group to do so but you have that option also

Or see similar testimonies here on the Youtbe channel 'One for Israel'


How was this possible. To achieve this a Messiah would have to have beaten death but also own the whole world as also the heavens not just spiritually but also in law as a lawgiver and be a king.

Or in otherwords who ? how ?and when ?


Who ?

First you must know his real name as commanded in Exodus 3,15, Malachi 1,11, Psalm 106,8, Romans 9, 17, Ezekiel 20,44 & directly and plainly in Isaiah 52,6. It is not incidental.

Joseph’s name in Hebrew means to increase, and he received a name in Egypt for revealing the secret of Pharaohs dream. Thus he is he who would increase. In Egyptian Zaphnath-Paaneah (the name Pharoah gave him) which means ‘he who has a secret’ to be revealed and also means ‘the saviour of the world’ See Exodus 41, 45 (Egypt was ‘the world’ or was the known world at that time) Once we know and understand his name we are beginning to know Joseph.

In Acts 4,10 we are given the reason, see also Exodus 20,7.

YHWH or Yahweh or Yahuwah (means ‘I am that I am’ or he who has always been or I am he who breathed ) with Yeshua it becomes YaHuWShuWa (Jesus which is in Hebrew Joshua)  and means salvation, or I am he who saves. Together they mean. I am he who exists to save or I am he who breathed salvation.

See Maria Merola ‘My people shall know my name’     (or here also ) as Exodus 20, 3 – 5 and Exodus 20,7 commands.  

(For Maria Merola also see Isaiahsixtyoneseven   and also  the podcasts   and Blogspot website   (Maria Merola) and also Maria Merola Youtube channel


Seven eyes of Gd, The seven spirits of the Holy Spirit Ruach. The sacrifice of the Lamb of Gd occurred outside the Temple and the blood was placed upon the Mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant which was illumined by the 7 branched Menorah candle holder. One candleholder would not provide enough light. Gd has Seven eyes not one eye and Zechariah 3 and 4 expand on this and its profound meaning (see Isaiah 11, 1- 3  & Revelations 3, 5 & 4, 5 & 5,6. "There are seven distinct expressions of the one Holy Spirit: 1) Spirit of the Lord, 2) Spirit of Wisdom, 3) Spirit of Understanding, 4) Spirit of Counsel, 5) Spirit of Strength, 6) Spirit of Knowledge and 7) the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. Just as God is one but has three distinct personhoods: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, so the Holy Spirit is One but with seven distinct expressions"  The book of Revelations 5,6 tells us that the Lamb of Gd has seven eyes, seeing everything, everywhere for all time.


How ?

‘Apekduomai’ (#554 ἀπεκδύομα)

An Apekduomai was a ceremony conducted after a victory in which all former titles, legal rights and complete ownership are transferred to the new owner. The Lion from the tribe of Judah.

Rev 1:18: “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, amen; and have the keys of hell (Hades/Sheol, where the soul is kept) and of death (grave, where the body is kept).”

Luke 16 is not a parable and describes the precursor to everlasting fire and hell. When Yeshua gave up his spirit (he was not captured, tried and killed, but a willing sacrifice) he then descended (first) into this realm known as Abrahams Bosom. Here we have the first main reason for Y’shua to descend to the underworld (apart from proclaiming who He was to the spirits in prison), and that was to take the keys of ‘Hell’ (Hades) in other words, although the righteous dead were in ‘Paradise, (on one side of Abrahams bosom) they were confined there, and they needed to be released  The keys of Sheol’s (Hades’) , the place where the wicked souls were confined was on the other side of Abrahams bosom. YHWH needed to ensure they stay there until judgment day. In Revelation 9 1–2, an angel is given a key to, or power over the bottomless pit, and he uses the key to open that pit. Later, an angel is seen locking things in the bottomless pit (Rev 20 1 - 3).

Just as Yeshua entered the tomb of Lazarus (John 11 and Lazarus walked out, yet others in other tombs remained) he also descended (during the 3 days of the death & resurrection following unleavened bread, Passover and first fruits) into this temporary otherworld, and after he had been to both sides of Abraham’s bosom, he then ascended (Ephesians 4, 10 -12) into the heavens. This descent into Abraham's bosom (Luke 16, 19 – 31) also meant he took the keys of death and hell (two separate entities) and he then crossed the divide described in Abraham's bosom.(and preached onto them on the other side which was separated by a wide gulf, see also 1 Peter 3; 19 – 20 & 1 Peter 4; 6) Both sides could see each other but they were not in the same state spiritually. Revelations 20, 11 – 15 explains also that death and Hades (sheol) both as separate entities gave up their dead for judgement. The angel called death who presides over a place called Hades which are real entities which will be cast into a lake of fire. The Rich man (not because of his riches alone as the biblical patriarchs were wealthy and righteous) was in agony, whilst the poor man resided in paradise, with the repentant thief but not with the unrepentant thief (Luke 23, 39 – 43) but both in Abraham’s bosom.

After and ascending and passing through the mystical gates and Golden gate of heaven (Psalm 24 & verse 7) Saying ‘Oh Death where is they Sting’ (1 Corinthians 15, 54-56)  Time and Gods time (being out of time) permeate throughout the scriptures, but death was defeated and heaven rejoiced. (Colossians 2, 15) and still is rejoicing with the thunder of  Billions of voices.

This event was a victory ceremony when one defeated general is disarmed by a victorious general in Colossians 2, 14- 15 making a show of them (the defeated army) to the universe, and in 1 Corinthians 15,24 that destruction of dominions and powers is confirmed.

Colossians 2, 14 – 15 describes the as follows;

14 “By cancelling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities, and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him”

As the procession continues and the gates of heaven opened (Psalm 24, 7 – 10 ) King David went home to fathers house.

When the Millennium arrives it will begin as follows and signifies also the first day of Pesach or Passover Revelations 6, 6  (&Revelations 9, 4) ‘And I heard something like a voice in the centre of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine’

Revelations 6,15 - 17states;

15Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man, hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16And they said to the mountains and the rocks, 
“Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb”
 17For the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”   (see also Isaiah 2, 10, Hosea 2, 10, Luke 23, 30)


When ?

(AFTER)  " After the Tribulation" full sermon in high quality ” or here as an alternative on Bitchute in 'Great Sermons'  and see also here in pdf form  (or here in a shorter synopsis) or here again once more also 


Preached By Pastor Steven L. Anderson who is descended through the Jewish Ashkenazi line, who clarifies it at 1 hour 22 minutes to 1 hour 38, 30 at the end, with a commentary on the Schofield reference bible  (but also see outline 2 on David’s tabernacle above) also mentioned. (and his sermons)

The biblical verses which confirm the Post Tribulation return are as follows; (i.e. not just Mathew 24, 29 - 31, but also Mark 13, 24 - 27  and 18 others below

Mathew 24, 29 - 31.  & Mark 13, 24 - 27,  & 2Thess 4, 13 - 14, & 1 Thess 4, 18, & Mathew 13, 21 - 29, & John 16, 1 - 4, & Acts 14,22, & Romans, 2 6 - 11 (+unsaved go through trib ) & Romans 5, 1- 3, &  Romasn 8, 35-36, & 2 Cor 7, 4, & Ephesians 3,15, &  I Thess 1, 4 & 1, 5 - 10, & 2 Thess 1, 8, & 2Thess 1, 9 - 10, & Revelations 1, 9, & Rev 2, 9 - 10 (which mentions '10 days' i.e the ten days of awe inbetween the autumn feasts see below in brown / gold text ) & Rev, 2, 22 - & 25, Rev 7, 9 - 14

& 2 Thessalonians 2, 6 - 8 says 'he' moved out of the way means the antichrist not the Ruach Holy Spirit

study the 7 feasts of Israel to be blessed  and distinguish between tribulation and wrath of God against the world (not us) as 2 sperate but connected events 

This commentary of the Schofield reference bible reminds us that no other works or collections or laws are Gds laws, i.e. the Law, the Psalms & the Prophets, which those in the New Testament quoted and employed at length for insights into agrarian, economic and ownership standards. All other works or oral laws are simply commentaries, they are not the law. Deuteronomy specifically cites the responsibilities of a King, and these laws are the basis of western law. Why exhaust yourself with endless commentaries. Surely a Gd can compile writings and make himself known without infringing on 'free will'. The bible has breadth, depth, height and width and within these directions, (see Job, 11, 7 - 9 & Ephesians 3,18) there are many more layers you would not expect. In all directions and all depths (sometimes called Midrash, Hermeneutics, exegesis, etc) Revelations 4, 1 relates to John and his taking up in his vision (from Patmos) but does mean the entire Church when all other 20 verses in the bible point to 'after the tribulation' Those who attend church but who are not aware of John 3, 1 - 30 will be forced to take a mark (many interpret) Revelation  13,1 & 13:16-17, & 16:2 &  19:20. Those who take it will know what it is as it will be a spiritual acceptance of it as it will be a spiritual mark that allows another spiritual possibility but it will be false. It mimics and offers an actual unreality a virtual world,  but it is a total deception in mind, body and spirit. But it will require obedience to it and cannot be a 'trick' or placed upon people and be viable without consent. If it is forced and is placed upon people it has no spiritual claim upon them, but it has to totally resisted. There is no legal earthly authority to accept anything let alone spiritual authority and it can be resisted as illegal completely. Daniel 3, 5 - 7 shows that obedience was plain yet under also a hypnotic power (literally 'robotic') as when the music played they all bowed down i..e the entire geographic nation (many nations around the world already face ‘tribulation’ which is severe as the Christian genocides show)



‘Amir Tsarfati: Who Did God Give Jerusalem to?’


David defeated the Jebusites and although he paid a full and fair price for the threshing floor of Araunah and in effect Mount Moriah where David’s throne was, he took it.

Revelations 18,9 – 24, tells us that Babylon will fall & Revelations 18, 2 states;

‘With a mighty voice he shouted: "'Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!' She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal’

This is pre-shadowed in 2 Kings 9:30-10:36 when Jehu quickly destroys Jezebel and is clarified and fulfilled in Revelations 19, 11 – 21


Pope Francis, Trafficking and the Vatican. This sad state of spirituality posing as Christianity is extraordinary and breathtaking in its deception (surrounding a bank that is bankrupt) Today we are faced with a Vatican which is blending (Daniel 4) Christianity and Islam or is trying to. Islam is a false religion, invented by the Vatican (see how in the description of the next video ) 'The Sacred City of Mecca, have we got it wrong'  and there is more regarding the 'Al burag' beast claim to Jerusalem. Pope Francis has abandoned Roman Catholics as has the Vatican, and has embraced 'Chrislam' (see further on) The Vortex in 'Church Militant' on youtube  has the background and the following PDF has the background on the debauchery and trafficking scandals from within the Vatican in which the 3 Pope(s) have been asked to resign. Further and following the constant bribing of politicians and officials and the European Court of Justice to allow 'migrants' into the EU constantly and forcing the European Court of Human rights (no rights for children) to prevent people stating that Mohammad is a pedophile, which is how Islamic countries work but not western societies which have free speech. 

Moving the Vatican to Astana in Kazakhstan  (see video 'Astana Kazakhstan - The New World Order Secret City' or see here on bitchute again or here once more Astana Kazakhstan- The New World Order Secret City. - BitChute in the proposed global enslaved 'technocracy' ) and transitioning to the 'augmented singularity' (as Gd or nature made mistakes in our design, which only they can correct, yet we are already made perfect ) is a possibility, but the 'rules-based (compulsory) order' excludes the rights of the Christian west where sharia law / Islam and pc removal of free speech with cheap grace allows 'ecumenical' dialogues to abandon people, Gd, and a free society. Atheists who have no political views are also to be suppressed and just as equally. 

The following MP 4 file (see no 3 further on) explains how the Vatican cuts deals with Islamic countries and arrange's bombings to ensure there is a steady supply of migrant victims which can fetch up to €80,000 each, separately from the church collections and vast wealth within the Vatican. The Vatican bank is bankrupt.  For further information on this see the following 3 videos. Video 1.  ‘The Vortex — Vatican Stealing Millions’  2. ‘The Vortex — Now, It’s HUNDREDS of Millions!’ European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling via the Vatican bank amidst the recent shocking case of  Jesuit priest Robert J. Goldberg who sexually abused a boy 1000 times globally. (see also the last 3 posts above dated 30.11.2019, 17.12.2019 & 23.12.2019 on the shocking global sexual abuses globally or the recently reported case of Emily Jane Bolton and the Rotherham and ten other cities Muslim trafficking gangs. 'immigrants' are imported to do this, thanks to Tony Blair, The Pope, the EU and labour and the liberals in the illegal immigration human slavery system ) The ongoing pedophile scandals in every church and secular institution or institutions with pagan beliefs is vast and a pandemic  3. An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”    (Truly Shocking and the vast trafficking sex slave/charity refugee scam and the billions made from them) Also pushed by the United Nations. The Pope says we must obey the United Nations, yet ? they are very pro-abortion ? but the Vatican is against abortion ? in the global depopulation philosophy of atheist secular humanism  (see also Mathew 18,6)

'Universalism' The error or deception of Universalism (we are all automatically saved for the past 2000 years, since the resurrection) doctrine which the Pope (and other churches) push, actually removes salvation and takes it away by deception (see and to repeat the Normal Christian Birth by David Pawson or here by pdf  version)  accompanying this doctrine but out of context are the verses Mathew 22, 36 40. They are great bible verses but without John 3, 1 - 30, this love is love in small capitals, not the Love of Gd. John Lennon sang 'all you need is love' but did not believe in heaven or Gd ? This 'Universalism' would include 'Universal peace', (atheist communism) yet Yeshua said in Matthew 10, 34 - 36 that he did not come to bring this type of 'peace'. This is seen at the second coming in its fullness (Revelations, 1, 16 & Revelations 19, 5 and see Ephesians 6,10 - 17, and specifically verse 17) The doctrine of Universalism is a different faith and religion and in reality a political movement without love, and it only understands the 1st birth  in the flesh and not rebirth as John 3, 1- 30 which begins and ends with Gd (not men )


The laws of 7 in Leviticus and the punishments are shown in Leviticus 26. The laws of Jubilee and the 7 years rest (see the following chapters) are made to ease the problems money creates. These 7 years are Sabbatical years see  II Chronicles 36:21 which were once regarding as good laws but have largely been abandoned (but are still used today)


Jubilee and Sabbatical years, prosperity. Blessings & Judgement.

Jubilee years (on the 49th year or 50th year)  are famously cited in Leviticus 25, 12 – 14, (and also 15, 16) and see Leviticus 25, 39 – 43. They are laws still employed today. They are laws for societies benefit. For more information see the Vatican’s teachings on ‘The Jubilee in the bible’  If a King reigned for 50 years he could enact these Jubilee laws, or laws of 7 years sabbatical rest. He could decree all debts to be cancelled if he wished. 7 years sabbatical are similar to the idea of letting land go fallow which allows a part of the land to recover if not farmed or grazed in effect giving the land a year off. This even handed way, balanced out from creditor to debtor. Yet creditors who lent money fairly could seek reimbursement in other forms and ask the debt to be settled of squared before the term was due avoiding losses (usually before the 50 years Jubilee or 7 years sabbatical) This had the effect of energizing people to resolve debts equitably.  Yet even here a King could reimburse those creditors from his own treasury to bring about a fresh start (like the strong grip of the Lions paw) and in fear of Gd. A King in his 51st year (fwd) still prospered from his Kingdom in any case. Debts which grew out of debt or speculation either by financial instrument or gambling, or unending securities, or derivatives or bonds shackled to a nation's treasury should not be a burden to a nation. These debts accruing with interest without legal examination or scrutiny, attached to a nation’s money supply can be canceled immediately as they are not legal or equitable nor were they fair. They were not instigated for a nations investment or even as necessary. There is no risk in them for those who cause financial catastrophe and therefore there is no debt owed by the public or government or King. These speculations are (underwritten) employed to bail out gambling debts. Lenders of last resort who also issue a money supply at interest without Senioriage or specie belonging to the people under their own authority are not legal currencies. National debts which act as a tax and which roll over compounded with attached interest decade after decade beyond any 7 year rest or sabbatical or even Jubilee can be canceled and retrospectively. In some cases these national debts are 70 or even 90 years old. Privatizing the profits and nationalizing the debts of a stockmarket downturn is the very opposite philosophy of the biblical laws. They can be reclaimed by the people as they already exist in the common law. These are all retrospective reclamations. Bonds can be underwritten as can speculative investments but not by taxpayers and government. The issuer of a currency and bank of last resort has to be two sperate institutions if a stockmarket is underwritten. When they are the same and taxpayers are left with the bill, this is illegal. A separate treasury to stockmarket would be required within a small government scenario.   Human nature has to be allowed an outlet, at least until it implodes. 100 % employment is a bounty which is normal, central to this are SME's and farming. Taxation is also not a normal measure and is used in emergencies or projects beneficial to society but not as a constant never ending law and bureaucracy against gd and liberty. If public projects were paid down then taxation for them would cease. Taxation at 5% should suffice for society's needs as long as fair trade without corruption is present in society. Why are these laws ignored today ?

1 Timothy 6,10 reminds us that it is the love of money (and money which makes money alone) which is the root of all evil and not money itself. Romans 12, 8 states Generosity is a gift of the Holy Spirit. It is not a gift of worldly commerce in this instance. 2 Kings 4, 7 ( and I Kings 17, 7 – 16) shows that this generosity is unlimited and the jars which did not run out of oil could have been extended to a wider region or to the whole world.

For more details on these laws (however) see (which brings clarity)  ‘Five Myths about Jubilee’  Dr. Art Lindsley October 9, 2012

David forgave Saul and Absalom, and Gd forgave King David (see Psalm 51) The size of the debt is not the issue as in Luke 7,36 – 50 or if you are forgiven but do not forgive as in Mathew 18, 21-35, then you will pay your previous debt. Mathew 6, 12 – 13 also shows you what to expect and how to act. Forgiveness to others outside of salvation does not bring salvation (or here in pdf form) It cannot be bought for any price. Without repentance or confessing the sin you will be in debt eternally without end. (70 x 70 x 70........, and then into eternity)

To explain this, Dr Gates Brown, Tricia. (2004) ‘Free People A Christian response to Global Economics’ published by Xlibris Corporation.

"Upon a Jubilee 50th year, every family was to return to their property and have all personal debts cancelled including Mortuum Vadium and Vivum Vadium (Leviticus 25;10 – 55), as also the Sabbath years every 7th year also commands i.e. Exodus, Leviticus & Deuteronomy (Exodus 23;10-11),(Leviticus 25; 1-7) (Duet 15, 1-8).The law, therefore addresses situations destitution or indebtedness, where families have been forced to sell off family lands out of financial necessity. The legislation aims to correct societal imbalances which lead to the consolidation of lands into the hands of an elite class"  "It also applies to non-Hebrews, whether they are international (Commonwealth!) or 'aliens in the land' home or abroad (Leviticus 19;34), and this also includes all personal debt and mortgages.Mortuum Vadium and Vivum Vadium " 

Why was King David unconcerned about his wealth and which did not corrupt him. His nature and personality was built that way, but also his father Jesse read him the books of the law. The Torah or Pentateuch, the first five books of the bible. Specifically Deuteronomy 17, 14 – 20, which applies to the King. It applies to those agents who act as the King. (Politicians or rulers of any description) and also the treasurers who act as agents of the King or who are King. This is the difference between the Babylonian system and Israel/ Judah, yet the vast majority of western nations have these biblical agrarian laws already built into their common law. When your Soul is required of you, you will have no excuse.

Joseph inherited the Crown of Israel (Ephraim & Manasseh his sons replaced Joseph, but Joseph had also received one more portion of land in Israel. Genesis 48,22 & John 4,5 making two as a double portion) The laws of seven years rest and Jubilee, (retrospectively) and the Kingdom as Israel under the Sceptre of Messiah (Genesis 49, 10 ) still apply today, as does Deuteronomy 17, 14 - 20. The economic law of Shmita sabbatical years are still applicable today as the law has not passed away, and for both Houses of Israel. These sabbatical laws of 7 years and the laws of Jubilee apply to the House of Joseph (Ephraim as Israel) as their inheritance (retrospectively) These 7 years laws and laws of Jubilee are applicable, not as an empty ceremony but in reality and as a blessing for everyone, everywhere. Joseph became the Creditor and not the Debtor, but under David’s rule, all the restored 12 tribes inherited. They do not inherit the debts of the former. Joseph through Ephraim and Manasseh became the father of many nations as a birthright promised to the fathers of Israel.

King David confessed in Psalm 24, 1
‘The earth is the LORD'S, (my insert; YaHuWShuWa,  Jesus which is in Hebrew Joshua) and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it”

This means all lands, money (but not debt which is below zero) and chattels and possessions. Everything in the entire earth and the heavens. Ecclesiastes 1, 4 only lasts until Revelations 21,1 (and see John 20,27 which shows the physical presence and flesh and reality of the Messiah) see also Galatians 4,1, Psalm 115, 16, Haggai 2,8, Psalm 50,10, Leviticus 25, 23, Ezekiel 18,4, Job 41,11, Genesis 14,19, Luke 12,20 and Genesis 1,1

King David was a great Warrior, Musical organiser, Poet, Judge and Treasurer from very humble beginnings as a Shepherd boy  (Psalm 50,10)  to become the ruler of the known world, and wider through his son Solomon. The true source of his victories Exodus 15,3 (see also Exodus 20,3) was Gd   King David  Harp or Lyre Psalm 23

Psalm 118, 5 King David led the call from the tent (tabernacle) of meeting and clarified by singing verse 26.


Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai (with lyrics) ברוך הבא בשם יהוה          (Psalm 118, v 26 Hymn)


Psalm 118, 1 – 4 arranges the courses with rams horns, harps cymbals and trumpets, verse 22 – 24 signifies the cornerstone of Solomon’s Temple




28.05.2020 - 30.05.2020  The Great falling away or Eternal Life. 

The Feast of Shavuot / Pentecost May 2020 (The Outpouring of the Law and the Birthday of King David)


In this era of the 'Great falling away' and the 'Church of Laodicea' and others named at the beginning of the Book of Revelations, the doctrines or the realities of salvation and Law and Grace are displayed from February 2020 to June/July 2020, see Revelations 3, 14 - 22 & Mathew 25, 1 - 44 . The 10 'lost' tribes is a part of modern history also but the modern Church does not like to admit its relevance to doctrine, especially in relation to the 'time of Jacobs trouble', Jacob, Rachel and Leah and the Wrath of God at the end of the Great tribulation (which the church goes through, see the 2nd section above on King David towards Post tribulation rapture which has 22 supporting scriptures and none on the other views (see also the 3rd section on King David above this post on the Millennium and connected events) Jacob Leah and Rachel and the time of Jacobs trouble, gives an insight into these matters, yet Jacob became Israel (his named was changed see Genesis 32, 28) Ephraim was to become a multitude of nations (Genesis 48) and Israel would separate its scepter spiritual promise from its physical birthright promise (Genesis 49,10 ) Joseph received the birthright in I Chronicles 5, 1 - 2, with Judah the chief ruler. Ephraim means 'double portion' and he who has no debt.  (The 1st  section is here for ease of navigation) On Shavuot / Pentecost May 2020, the Law which was written on Stone at Sinai (and again at Mount Horeb)  Is celebrated as is the outpouring of the Ruach of Gd described in the Book of Acts. Just as the stone was rolled away at the resurrection tomb, men received the Law first in stone, which also rolled away and then men's hearts received the outpouring of the Ruach in Spirit. (Isaiah 44,3 Joel 2, 28, 29 & Zechariah 12,10 & the Book of Acts) The full law including the Laws of the Messiah in the Gospels ( this is 49/50 days of the counting of the Omer grain offering see Leviticus 23, 15, 16,  from the feast of first fruits, the 3 days feast following the feast of Passover and the feast of unleavened bread) The books of Acts and Mathew 3, 11 describes a Baptism in the Ruach (Holy Spirit) and fire, which burns away the stubble and chaff.

Shavuot / Pentecost is also the Birthday of King David, it was/is also a 3 day feast to celebrate the Messiah and the Ruach of God and the Father.  King David was Prophet Priest and King (and extended his Kingdom to the gentiles) as the Messiah would also see Luke 1, 32 - 33.

The debate on Grace and 'the Law' always excludes both points of view in order to exclude the realization that the Law and Grace are Blossoms from the same stem. One example of this (and there are many many examples also quoted by the Messiah numerous times ) is Deuteronomy 17,6 & Deuteronomy 19,15 which calls for 2 or 3 witnesses and which asks for 2 or 3 witnesses.This is the Torah foundation for Paul in 2 Corinthians 13, 1 & 1 Timothy 5, 18 & Hebrews 10,28. & see also Mathew 18, 16 which also calls for 2 or 3 witnesses. Although this view is cited by Paul and Mathew, its origins lie in the Torah (Old testament) Many in the Church and also those within Romans 3, 9 - 26 (all) & Luke 18, 9 - 14 who repent (but see Acts 5, 1 - 11) have a right to know the Full Gospel and the difference between Grace, and Cheap Grace and the 'Law'. Deuteronomy also contains the blessings and the curses. God is out of our time we experience 'time' but Gd does not, (and all 3 sections of the Bible, old, gospels & new are equally important and weigh and intertwine within and upon each other) The Church has abandoned the Law for Grace only, and then into Cheap Grace, yet between February 2020 and June / July 2020 not only have they abandoned the 'Law' (Romans 7, 12 & Romans 7, 7 & I Tim 1, 8 and many more) but they have also abandoned Grace also, and instead have obeyed other 'Law' which is not the Law (or Grace) of God. Instead, they have obeyed laws enacted from those who are outside the Church (such as the World Council of 'Churches' via the United Nations and also The World Communion of Reformed Churches under the UN (which were housed in the same building in Switzerland) and connected see all of Chapter 3b and the end currently of Chapter 3b r.e. the post dated 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020. Chapter 3b has more than 3 witnesses) and they have closed their churches and home meetings down. These other laws are laws they have no qualms about obeying, they do not feel they are 'under the law' in following them, but they take on the law's heavy Yoke but put that burden on others (Mathew 23, 1 - 7 ) but they do not obey the Laws of Gd because they are Lawless (see 1 Thessalonians 2, 7- 9) which as laws are the entire bible and the full Gospels. The 'laws 'of Yeshua are contained in the 4 Gospels. It is not the 'wheat and the tares' but the false church within the true. (The book of Daniel Chapter 4) 'Churchgoers' may feel the 'Hireling Church' is not what they thought and may want to vacate (see 1 Peter 4,17, Numbers 16 & 16, 46 & 2 Thessalonians 2, 2 - 11   &  fully 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 - 13 and Luke 13, 3 ) In obeying these man-made laws they have become rebellious and against the Laws of God and laws of Sovereignty and inalienable rights as conferred on man and woman from the ancient times.    Charles Spurgeon elaborates

This is why the Messiah says in Revelations 3, 16. "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue (or Spew) thee out of my mouth"

It is extraordinary also that the World has managed to hide Gd from peoples view.  It is also extraordinary that the Church has managed to do the same and has also hidden Salvation by rebirth as central to 'the church' Calvinists would say Gd does it all, whereas 'Armenians' would say they are more valid to the process. Those who do not know, who are not regenerate or reborn have no idea what these terms mean. In fact both views are central to the 'Great Commission' (Mathew 28) This is explained by David Pawson in the 'Normal Christian birth   here as Part 1 connected into the next part also on YouTube as part two and so on   ( or book here or also here again or here once more ) Without this all other "Church" activity for eternity is a dead work and empty and will not lead to eternal life. The Church is under Judgement but (from Gd only ) which is separate from those without who are without Law and/or Grace. The Temple of Ezekiel and the Millennium Temples begin by measurement and geometry, but they became Spirit.



27.06.2020 Aside from obeying the law of non-church organisations via the UN (which displays Cain on its murals and Zeus in its halls) the truth of 'Christianity' has been hidden (even by the church) as rebirth which only Gd not man initiates (see the link to chapter 3b above) All 6 of David Pawson's (who has gone home to Father's house May 21 2020) message on the Normal Christian birth are uploaded below as MP 4 videos

see the following; &  'Paul Washer - Shocking Message (full length)' 2002 Youth conference'    & also abridged version  'Shocking Youth Message Stuns Hearers - Paul Washer'  Both are available on Bitchute in 'Great Sermons'   here   Paul Washer 2 of 2 Shocking Youth Message Stuns Hearers (abridged)     & also  Paul Washer 1 of 2 Shocking Message (full length)


1. The Normal Christian birth part 1 of 6 on bitchute in Great Sermons     2.  The Normal Christian birth part 2 of 6 on bitchute in Great Sermons

3. The Normal Christian birth part 3 of 6 on bitchute in Great Serrmons    4. The Normal Christian birth part 4 of 6 on bitchute in Great Sermons   

5.  The Normal Christian birth part 5 of 6 on bitchute in Great Serrmons        6. The Normal Christian birth part 6 of 6 on bitchute in Great Sermons 







The real 'Church' & Ezekiel's Temple (Ezekiel Chapter 1 - 39 ) & the Millennium Temple

(Ezekiel 40 fwd) 1000 year reign 


Link back to the top of Chapter 5



See the 'Great falling away' above from Shavuot 2020. The feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, the 10 days of awe, Jacobs time of trouble and Sukkot ended on 9.10.2020


see also Matthew 10, 34 


(20.10.2020)   In the last heading we examined the 'great falling away' and its relationship to persecution as churches closed their doors and many home groups also stopped meeting. These 'recommendations' came as a deception (see Luke 17, 11 - 19 & Matthew 10, 1 and Acts 1 fwd and also Numbers 21, 4 - 9 and many more scriptures from the 'Old and New' testaments from Gd who is of course outside of time ) Many are suggesting that these churches were never of the Body of Christ and that they  were not obeying Gd (Romans 8,14, Luke 10, 19 and also Matthew 10, verse 1 and Matthew 10 verse 8) but other voices .The parables of the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the tares are also applicable (see at the end of this post also)

N.B. Home prayer (Home groups) as the early 'church' echoing the Exodus and passover in Egypt are named in the following verses Acts 2;46 & Acts 5,42, 8:3, 10:2, 12:12, 16:32, 16:40, 18;7, 20:20. Romans 16:5 & 1 Corinthians 16,19 & Colossians 4;15 & Philemon 1:2. See also Exodus 11 & 12. These people and groups were of course free to leave home and invite who they wished whenever they wished. 

In fact these non Sovereign common law 'recommendations' came from the United Nations via the WEF World Economic Forum down to the 'World Council of Churches' and the 'World Reformed Council of Churches' into the John Hopkins University and an event entitled 'Event 201" held by it in a hotel nearby in NY on the 18.10.2019  with the Events highlight videos (This was 3 months before lockdowns in the West & China) The connections to the World Council of Churches and UN is above and also in chapter 3b  for the two narratives on this man made situation, the artificial flu acting as both threat and misinformation in one including within the Hireling church John 10, 11: 1 - 13 (Incredibly the law allows for exemptions without proof, but the state laws are secondary to Sovereign common law and even state exemption law. In the debate on law and grace, grace has been set aside and man made recommendations obeyed in a flu / cold with a 99.997 % recovery rate? and more recovery than in 2019 which was not even news or 'under the law' ? Churches which ignored the closures have prospered)  China continues to persecute the Church, banning Children separating them from parents, ('social distancing' & no visits to family as the UN / WEF / WHO 'recommend' ) and detaining adults for months in re-education centres, removing them from homes and torturing Christians and any person of faith. (The World Economic Forum & the United Nations signed a strategic partnership on June 2019 The UN oversees the World Council of Churches & The World Communion of Reformed Churches under the UN)

Further to the World's Churches closing and other faiths buildings also the following film gives the details of the plandemic 3 months before it was officially announced. "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches / World Economic Forum" (or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches  Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches  World Economic Forum")

Or on rumble "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum" 



At the start of this Chapter, which is Chapter 5 entitled "The debate on Salvation, Grace & the Law as opposed to the 'Traditions of Men' (Ezekiel's Temple & the Millennium & New Jerusalem)" it makes reference to the PDF which contains 25 letters from various Churches who were asked the following question contained in the 2nd pdf below (the 26 letter)   The letters received individually were sent back collectively to all within including to the World Council of Churches and World Reformed Council of Churches and also the  World Communion of Reformed churches & further the Lutheran World Federation towards the end of 1997 into 1998. (their address for all ecumenical HQ offices was / is 150, route de Ferney PO Box 2100 Geneva 2, Switzerland) and are targeting the subject of 'Regeneration' (unto Salvation)  i.e when it begins in the Christina faith. ('Regeneration as eternal life' see Matthew 19,28 & also Titus 3, 5 and clarified by John 3, 3 - 8 & 1 Peter 1,3)

The larger pdf is here 25 letters and which contains replies of a minimal nature from the Vatican, but see the letter from st Patrick's college Maynoooth in Ireland (within) 

 1st PDF

 The 'Strawy Epistle', Copts, Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Calvin, Wesley (25 letters 40 pages + 1 more letter / pdf below)

The 25 replies were sent back and were also sent to the Vatican and the World Council of Churches and World Reformed Council of Churches and also the  World communion of Reformed churches & further the Lutheran World Federation towards the end of 1997 into 1998. .(their address for all ecumenical HQ offices was / is 150, route de Ferney PO Box 2100 Geneva 2, Switzerland) 


One more letter (letter no 26) not in the PDF / JPG is here now below, (also sent back to those who replied and many who did not in the 25 letters above) The letter itself as is now added here. (pdf here below as '2nd pdf' )


 2nd PDF

 Addressed to John H Armstrong and Moody Press dated 18.09.1996 (24 years ago) 


The Great Commission in Mathew 28,10. John H Armstrong in the pdf above identifies the Great Commission. It cannot be fulfilled without the Ruach of Gd (Holy Spirit) To obtain the Holy Spirit (permanently indwelling and sanctioned by the Messiah) you must first be Born again. You cannot buy (Acts 8,18) it or pretend. To be born again you must repent as repentance arrives (2 Timothy 2, 24-26)  when you are saved (John 3, 1 -16 & 1 Peter 1, 23) by the Messiah and also infilled with the Holy Spirit. To begin you must believe (as John H Armstrong states in the pdf bove) but then this leads to repentance and then rebirth and then to receive the Ruach of Gd (John 14, 16 & the Book of Acts 2,2 and the whole book) which enables the Great Commission. 

John H Armstrong in the PDF /letter seeks to ascertain the true meaning of John 3, 1- 16 and 1 peter 1,23. Quoting to reach these verses from Romans 1, 17 & James 2,18 (+Romans 3,28 & James 2, 14-26 & Matthew 28,20) and which has been fully answered by David Pawson in the last post and others above in the 'Normal Christian Birth" The larger pdf containing the 25 letters also has the same question. If you believe then this should lead to repentance and this leads to rebirth without which you cannot attain Eternal life, after which you receive the Ruach (Holy Spirit) without which you cannot fulfil the great commission in Matthew 28,20 ).The great debate between (to simplify) the 'Armenians and the Calvinists' on predestination means both are right and both are wrong and only Gd is right and which David Pawson explains (in the Normal christian Birth in the last post above) you can pray for the salvation for others and assist in laying hands upon them for Baptism in Water full immersion and in the Holy Spirit, and for healing, sharing in Gds salvation process.


In this chapter the reader has learnt of the Tabernacle of Moses,(Moses also built an altar to Gd which can still be seen to this today before the Tabernacle ) The Tabernacle of David which is 3 Tabernacles into 1. This is followed by Solomon's temple, (Zerubbabel's temple i.e. 2nd temple history from 5110 bc to 37bc ) and then Herod's Temple

Ezekiel's Temple follows on from these types and is transformed or appointed as the Millennium Temple in Ezekiel 40. all of these Temples or Tabernacles precede the New Jerusalem described in Revelations 21.


The Millennium begins as quoted in Revelations 20. Zechariah 14 and Revelations 11;15 also signal a literal 1000 year on earth called the Millennium. In Ezekiel's Temple the sun, Moon and Stars are visible (see Ezekiel 8:16 & Ezekiel 11 & Ezekiel 32,7 & Ezekiel 46: 1 - 3 and Ezekiel 47 for the Moon) Ezekiel's temple is on earth. Revelations 2,27 & Revelations 19, 5 suggests a time on earth when the Messiah will reign with a Rod of Iron (see also Psalm 2, 9) Revelations 19,15 suggests this Sovereign reign will follow a period of war with the Sword see Revelations 19, 15. This type of rule is not present now, yet Acts 2, 1- 13 states the Ruach of Gd began his purpose at this time. What  time was it ? Yeshua began his ministry shortly after he was baptized. His first Sermon states the TIME is fulfilled see Mark 1, 15 & 1 - 19.  In Mark 1, 1 If Baptised on the cusp of a Jewish New Year (Aviv into Nisan ) although it was still the colder rainy season then his Baptism could have been AD26 but began in Jewish year following, hence the Roman and Hebrew calendars do not correlate. If as is accepted we believe it is AD27, this correlates with the decree of Cyrus from 457 bc (- 483 years) = 27AD. As Yeshua was 30 when he began his ministry (Luke 3,23 however states that he was 'about' 30 years of age)  and he attended four Passovers ( one in John 2:13, another in 6:4, and then the Passover of His crucifixion in 11:55–57, but a 4th also between John 2,13 & John 6,4) Further, before John 2,13 he had traveled from Jordan to Cana to Capernaum to Jerusalem and had been baptized, this may have taken 6 months with the conclusion his ministry was 3.5 years although some have suggested this is trying to make it fit. Counting 69 weeks to AD27, the 70th week lasted 3.5 years and not 7 years, but the 7th year ended with the Stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, 54 - 60. 9see the heading the birthdate of the Messiah in red above) 

This time in Acts 7: 54-60 is the time following Acts 2: 1 - 3 it is roughly 3.5 years after Yeshua's crucifixion fulfilling Daniel 9,27. The next relevant 'time' is the Great Tribulation following tribulations, when after the Great Tribulation a period known as the wrath of God comes down upon those who bring the Great Tribulation. Believers in the Messiah are not spared the Great tribulation but are not subject to the wrath of Gd (see above for all 2 scriptures which point to post tribulation rapture and there are none for pre tribulation)   Ezekiel or rather a ‘bronze man’ measured the Temple (see Ezekiel 41, 13)  John also measured a Temple in (Revelations 11, 1- 2)  Later John discusses these matters with Yeshua, but there is no visible Temple, ( as built, but awaiting construction) yet, someone else is measuring its outer walls ? (Revelations 21) Ezekiel was watching John measure the Temple 600 years later (Gd is outside of our time) John was measuring but could not continue as the waters coming from the Temple, became too deep and he did not write down the measurements, but Ezekiel did write down the measurements as he measured. The New Jerusalem has no Temple, and in Ezekiel’s Temple the Levites occupy the land around the temple, yet in the Temple John measures the ‘gentiles’ (but regenerate believers in Messiah) occupy that land. Zechariah 6 describes a Temple which the Messiah ordered to come forth. Therefore, a temple trampled by the gentiles for 3.5 years must be a different Temple construction, but Ezekiel’s temple (both spiritual and physical, but prior to the Millennium temple in linear time ) seems to flow into the Millennium Temple, and in turn this is measured into the New Jerusalem, a period covering; Ezekiel / Jeremiah to Herod and Yeshua 600 + 2019 (+ an unknown period) + 1000 years + the New Jerusalem. The land as promised in Genesis 15, 8 i.e. Greater Israel is a part of the Millennium reign, (with similar land size designations) yet when does the place prepared begin to pass from Summer (the fulfilled feasts) to Autumn ? (the feasts awaiting fulfilment )

Ezekiel and Revelations 11, 1 – 2 are linked as the same event, and Revelations 21, 15 – 19 links back to Ezekiel, yet 600 hundred pass between them. The destruction of the temple in 70 AD was predicted in 31 AD and fragments of scripture from before 70 AD have been discovered, dated from before 68 bc, and probably 50 ad , which means the prophecy in Mark 13, 1 – 4 is real and was accurate.(see Video “ Dead Sea Scrolls Prove Most of New Testament Predates 68 A.D. (Don Patton)”  or here in MPG file N.B these fragments are not in dispute) 

The difference between Ezekiel's temple and the New Jerusalem which descends is dramatically apparent.  Revelations 21, 16 to 18, we learn that the city of the New Jerusalem, was 12,000 stadia (1,400 miles, 2,200 km) all around (breadth or width, length, depth and height, echoing Ephesians 3,18) and it’s wall was also 144 cubits thick. Ezekiel's temple size is different than the New Jerusalem size see an example  it is described in Ezekiel 45, 2 as follows "Of this a square plot of 500 by 500 cubits shall be for the sanctuary, with fifty cubits for an open space around it" Clearly this Temple is not the New Jerusalem which descends in Revelations 21, which has no need for sun or Moon and says the Sea did not exist anymore nor did the Earth.Yet each cubit area is squared up (the area in this ‘cube’ could make many mansions (breadth or width, length, depth and height) and echoes John 14,2. ‘In my Fathers House, there are many Mansions’. The same measurements are used in Revelations 21 as in Ezekiel 45. Revelations 21, 17, says however that the measurement employed was the measurement of man or (verse 17)  “And  he  measured  its  wall,  a hundred  and forty  four  cubits,  a measure  of  a  man,  which  is  of  a cherub” This measure assumed a cubit of 12 inches (some call it a half a cubit or half an arm from elbow to the tips of your finger, but a whole cubit was shoulder to tips of the finger. The Shoulder (in that version) began in the middle of your back. Builders, building basic dwellings often employed easy or convenient measures) 12 inches in the New Jerusalem cube with six sides is 6 x 12 or 6 feet, the average size of men and woman. 6 is the Hebrew number of man. Adam was created on the 6th day.

There seems to be 3 types after Herod's Temple. 1 Ezekiel's temple which seems to change into a new type of Ezekiel's temple (Ezekiel 40 onward, although this change only begins in Ezekiel 47,5 which many states correspond to Acts 2, 1 - 3) 2. This then continues for a period, and is followed by the New Jerusalem in Revelations 21. A defining moment between the events is the 'Marriage supper of the Lamb' or rather the Feast of the marriage of the lamb of Gd (between the 3 autumnal feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23)  following the Great Tribulation and the wrath of Gd and before the 1000 year reign but which is not accepted by all   (i.e. the Millennium which is on earth) This marriage feast follows the time of 'Jacob's trouble' (the Great tribulation)  after Trumpets and into Yom Kippur (the 10 days of awe period of repentance and change) Ezekiel's Temple becomes the Millennium Temple and hence the waters flow from Jerusalem and run down to the tree which spans both sides of the river bring a correlation between Ezekiel 47, 7 and Revelations 22,2, but which is divided by the Great White throne Judgment after the rule with the Rod of Iron in Revelations 20. Revelations 2,7 confirms that only some may eat of that tree, whilst others may not after Judgment in Revelations 20 i.e in Revelations 22, 14 - 15.

(Revelations 3, 5 shows that a name cannot be blotted out unless it is already within the book of life) 


The Messiah told us the parable of the wheat and the tares and the sheep and the goats, as well as explaining the  Greatest commandment in Mark 12, 28 - 31 but he can sift between them.

Mathew 10, 34 - 42 ESV says "34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 40 “Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. 41 The one who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and the one who receives a righteous person because he is a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward. 42 And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward.”

Near the beginning of this Chapter (under the heading "Hell the place without God & which lasts forever ?" ) it explains that the Soul cannot be destroyed refuting 'annihilation' as does Romans 6,23, Ezekiel 18,4 & Psalm 37, 22 as does Matthew 10, 28 - 29 (Then see the teaching by Terry Law  "What Happened To Jesus After He Died - Terry Law"    or here as a bitchute file in Great Sermons the same file and teaching. It refutes dubious eschatological teaching which is often left incomplete and explains Epehesians 4: 9 - 10, Psalm 16,10 & also Colossians 2;15 - 18 )

A literal translation from the  Congregation of YHWH, Jerusalem Word of Truth Publications (which names Gd as his name not his title or Lord Baal) on Matthew 10, 34 - 42 states (verse 34 is the context)  "34 Do not think that I came to bring calm on the earth. I did not come to bring calm, but a sword. 35 I came to divide a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a bride against her mother-in-law. 36 And the adversaries of a man shall be those of his own house. (Mic. 7:6) 37 The one loving father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And the one loving son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 And whoever does not take up his staff and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39 The one finding his life shall lose it. And the one losing his life on account of Me shall find it. 40 The one receiving you receives Me, and the one receiving Me receives Him who sent Me. 41 The one receiving a prophet in the name of a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and the one receiving a just one in the name of a just one will receive a just one's reward. 42 And whoever gives only a cup of cold water to drink to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple, truly I say to you, In no way will he lose his reward" 


Gds law is full of grace, and Gd says his law (2 Timothy 16 & 17 ) is Good and Holy (Romans 7,12 & 1 Timothy 1, 8)  Romans 6,1 & 1 John 3,4 & 2 Thess 2, 7 - 8 suggest that 'lawlessness' and not those who obey the law are  are opposing Grace (Romans 2,13) but those who oppose the law are also opposing Gd.  The Church (as opposed to those who assemble) under condemnation are described also in Romans 6,1. Revelations Chapters 1 - 3 & Revelations 3,16

This is what the Messiah (not men) says.





Apostasy and 'Universalism' & the Church of Law and Grace

The Anti-Christ as revealed in scriptures and events


Link back to the top of Chapter 5



The beginning of this Chapter holds theological views from many different Churches contained within a PDF and which is also within the last post above concerning the true meaning of John 3, 1- 16 and 1 Peter 1,23 and which relate to Mathew 19,28 & Titus 3, 5 where the Messiah terms being born again as 'Regeneration' as does Paul in Titus. The PDF pertains to the verses from Romans 1, 17 & James 2,18 (+ Romans 3,28 & James 2, 14-26 & Matthew 28,20 which in the PDF is called the strawy epistle by Martin Luther) which  logically lead to faith and works being dead unless you are Born again and regenerated by the Holy Spirit. This is the "Church" and it is not a state sponsored clerical office or religious charity or social club of theological / philosophical views, nor is it Universalism within also the context of the World Council of Churches and World Economic Forum and United Nations (see last link above) A connected debate is on the afterlife and for this you can read the post  above entitled Hell the place without God & which lasts forever ?  ( a link will return you to this post)

Martin Luther opposed the selling of forgiveness by  Church indulgences for the forgiveness of sins, as of course Grace means we can be forgiven by Gd without having to purchase forgiveness and can be reborn without paying money for it in any way.  Simon the magician tried to purchase the Holy Spirit but failed  see Acts 8, 9 -25 and of course it was little more than a forced protection racket in Martin Luther's day until  the bible was published in German and people could read these truths for themselves. This practice now known as 'Simony' continues today in a more subtle form.

An opposing view (even to being born again and the Great commission ) are contained in the following  verse's in the much debated subject of the Anti- Christ and the Law and Grace see 2 Thessalonians 1, 17 - 2,17

Further (and to repeat from the previous post)  to the World's Churches closing and other faiths buildings also the following film gives the details of the plandemic 3 months before it was officially announced. "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches / World Economic Forum(or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches  Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches  World Economic Forum")


2 Thessalonians 2, 3 - 8 says (ESV & referring to the Anti-Christ who is 'Lawless')

"3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness[a] is revealed, the son of destruction,[b] 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. 5 Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? 6 And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming"  


One of the characteristics of the Anti-Christ is that this person is Lawless and which is clarified in 1 Timothy 1, 9 "realizing the fact that law is not made for a righteous person, but for those who are lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who kill their fathers or mothers, for murderers" and also 2 Peter 2, 8 & Mathew 24,12 & I John 3, 4 & 2 Corinthians 6,14 & Matthew 13, 41 & Acts 2, 23 which equates (depending on which translation you use) 'lawlessness' with Godlessness.  

The Anti-Christ is lawless and opposes Gds law which is found in the Torah and New Testament in Deuteronomy and Leviticus. Lawlessness is also found in Romans 6,1 in the "Romans 6,1" Church where Grace abounds because sin abounds. These are characteristics of the Anti-Christ leading the "church" . (See Deuteronomy 23, 26, 27, 28 and 29 as we only live under Gd's Grace if we are born again / regenerate) 

It is incredible how many in the Church silence people who mention "the Law" which is still with us until heaven & earth pass away (Matthew 5,18) Saved Christians already know Grace exists, but many are never taught the Law of God. Galatians 4 is the 'Bondswoman' sermon & Sinai (an off the shelf sermon) but Duet 9 & 10 shows us that 2 sets of 10 commandments were made after Moses threw the 1st set & destroyed the Golden calf Dathan (Duet 11.5 ) & all who followed the Golden Calf were totally destroyed & did not receive Grace. Aaron who was forced to make the Golden Calf against his will received Grace. A 2nd set of tablets was made at Mount Horeb on Sinai for those who survived & went with Moses by Gods grace (God can dispense grace or the law as he deems, they ar not the formula's of men. Those without Gds law include the ANTICHRIST (who is ....LAWLESS from Gods law) & his followers are controlling the Romans 6,1 church (the Clown show churches or the Cheap Grace church )  

What is this law which the Anti-christ rejects ? ... it is Gds law which begins in the Torah and also Deuteronomy 6:4-9 as of course 2 Tim 3,16 - 17 tells us all Gds word is Gd breathed and useful for teaching in OT and in the NT  (Deuteronomy 6:4-9 i.e. love your neighbour and Gd ...but it is never mentioned as an old testament quote ? and only Matthew 22, 26 - 40 is cited Yeshua quoted the law. We do not love those who hate Gd as David reminds us in Psalm 139, 21 - 22 in which we are commended to hate those who hate Gd.John Lennon sang All you need in love but as a communist did not mention in this love it has killed 100 million people. Those who have been saved by Grace already know since that day that grace exists but then they are led into the Romans 6,1 church and are told not to listen and obey Gds law such as having 2 or 3 witness's in 2 Corinthians 13,1 (or Matthew 18,6) ... yet this 'law' is taken from Deuteronomy 19,15. The Romans 6,1 churches have no problem quoting the law for tithing ..but hint we have grace...  not to tithe etc

The 10 commandments are the law also... this is why Jesus said he has not come to bring peace but the sword in Mathew 10,36  and also in Revelations 3 all the dead churches are named and Jesus said i will spit you out of my mouth in Revelations 3,16. Those churches which listened to the WEF world economic forum  / UN closed their doors (see the last post above) 

After rebirth / born again (which was initiated by Gd alone by  grace) we leave the milk behind and get into the meat, such as; "The law will not pass away until heaven and earth pass away" Mathew, 5 18 ... and there is Jesus law in Galatians 6, 1 - 10 verse 2, or the Law is Good and Holy Romans 7, 12   and  Romans 2,13.. " be doers of the law not  just hearers" ..and so on (and many other examples) . However we do not hear sermons of Gds law ? only grace and then we discover some of the  grace preachers (only) belong to the Romans 6,1 Church which leads to the churches of Revelations 1 - 3 and Gds warning in Revelations 3, 16 when Jesus says "So I will spit you out of my mouth, because you are only warm and not hot or cold" 

Those that do mention both... i.e  law and grace are castigated as "judaising'' the church, when in fact they are as the Romans 6,1 church and are trying to avoid Gds hand on their lives or avoid preaching onto authority and governments, (Leviticus 17,17) especially  if they are  getting tax charity status etc ... of course tithing is mentioned in the "law" and they do not mind that 'law'  or obeying secular law to close their churches and then `12 months later say it is wrong, like the hireling shepherd (John 10, 12 - 13) ..... those laws to these churches are fine and they are under them and under secular  law and nots Gds law. If you point these things out ...they  get offended  (the word 'church' by the way comes from the pagan goddess 'circe' and whilst this is disputed some churches are pagan anyway) On judgment day, Grace is not there,.... (only for us as born again believers who are not at the great white throne judgment) before the white throne only law which is why John the baptist in his very short sermon said "repent")

Deuteronomy 17, 14 - 29 & Leviticus 25 refer to laws Kings Politicians and those in authority must obey and also to the laws of Jubilee and the seventh year debt forgiveness. They are complete and do not require extra laws or conditions for opaqueness and so that those who are governed can know themselves how good their leaders are 

Over the next few days and weeks i will add some Great Sermons on these subjects in a list to the side below. They will reveal what  is not the Temple of Ezekiel which began (as a book) in the 6th century bc in the Babylonian captivity and continues through the Crucifixion of Yeshua and the destruction of the Jewish temple 2000 years ago and into the Millennium temple as a prophecy.



Cont'd from above 3.2.2021


1. The Eucharist  or the Bread and Wine, Nimrod and 'Weeping for Tammuz' (Church of Rome, Lutheran, The Anglican Church & others see below)

Contd from above, and posted here on the 3.2.2021)
 The Eucharist in Roman Catholic Churches and  in some Protestant churches (such as Lutheran and some Anglicans but not as the Roman Catholic church holds) is a term to describe 'Communion'. The Word 'Eucharist literally (in Greek) means 'thanksgiving' . It is either considered a 'sacrament' or an ordinance and the latter emphasizes 'remembrance' (only)  of the last supper and crucifixion of Messiah and rising again. There is no mystical attachment to the actual bread and wine in themselves. This differs from the doctrine of Transubstantiation which literally teaches that the Bread and Wine is literally the  body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ (Messiah ) in their substance(s). Whilst Augustine (430 ad) had a similar stance to some Lutherans, the doctrine of Transubstantiation was not official Roman Catholic church doctrine until the 4th Lateran council in 1215 ad (although debates preceded this date, and there is also 'Consubstantiation' and the differences are given here ) Christianity had already reached Britain, Ireland , Scotland and Wales by 68 ad, and into 150 AD. It was not known, except as a  'remembrance' in the early church in Jerusalem and in Europe. Europe later employed Aristotle metaphysics to analyze the 'bread and wine' of Christianity instead of returning to the verses in the bible of Moses tabernacle and the 'table of shew-bread' where in Exodus 25 and Leviticus 24  we can learn of its first meaning, leading to the New Covenant in Matthew 26, 17 - 30. The table of Shew bread contained 12 loaves of cake bread, baked without Leaven, in 2 rows of 6, one for each of the 12 Tribes of Israel. It was only for believers and was simply bread with no mystical qualities within them. In Exodus 25:30, “You shall set the bread of the Presence on the table before Me at all times.”  The show-bread was to be set on the table at all times! In fact, it is called the “bread of the Presence.”  Whose presence?  God’s! The bread was “before Me” in the tabernacle. Gds presence was there, but not just around the bread as his cloud of glory went before them in the day and night. Exodus  31,21 states "By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night" Making God into a wafer biscuit or into a bread wafer is illogical and heretical.

Today however the doctrine of the Bread and Wine and the 'sacrament' or the ordinance (Protestant)  has been superseded and is not even within traditional debate but has taken a new modern interpretation (fully) and which is not even pertaining to Christ or the Messiah ?  A view on this is given in the Video The 'Eucharist', false Miracles,the Pope, false Christs,& end times deceit (Isis Horus & Set = IHS)   and (which has other aspects to consider ) see John chapter 6 Transubstantiation & Eucharist of 'Osiris' as IHS (Isis Horus & Set)

What is the connection to IHS, Isis, Horus & Set ? It is reported to mean 'In His Service', yet the real Jesuit meaning is Isis Horus and Set. These Egyptian trio of gds and goddesses are the successors to Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz who are one and the same. The entomology changed over time from Babylon to Egypt. Nimrod worship continued through the Sumerians (who are the Kings in the beginnings of the Egyptian king lists i.e the earliest  Kings in the lists) To understand this see Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph. (or here again on Youtube The Nimrod and Isis stories involve incestuous relationships) The real 'Transubstantiation' is the mystical transition from Nimrod Semiramis and Tammuz and family through Isis, Osiris and Horus and Set .... into Jesus, Mary and Joseph.  This is also  explained in Saturnalia Nimrod Tammuz Saturn Worship - Christmas Pagan Roots   (or here again on youtube

and wider aspects are given in Pastor Charles Lawson Nimrod Semiramis & Tammuz Imitate the Mystery of God 2200 Years Before Christ  
(and also alternatively on youtube, with a different point of view  or once more  DPI Ministries_ When Was The Messiah of Israel Born  or here on youtube once more and see also The Cult of Sol Invictus ) DPI Ministries on Rumble "DPI Ministries: When Was The Messiah of Israel Born? "    and see also Messiahs birth date calculated & known. Born in Bethlehem in the Autumn feasts not at 'Christmas'   (or on youtube once more )

Today Roman Catholics and some Protestant denominations have been duped into resurrecting 'Osiris' by eating his body and blood in the 'communion'. This would not be recognized in pagan beliefs as they are and they are certainly not Christian / Messianic teachings in any way, but a modern deception from Mystery Babylon trying to merge the two.  In other words the modern practice is not recognised by pagan or christian practitioners even within the Roman Catholic church. See article the "Eucharist of Horus"  It is not a christian doctrine with its roots in Egypt, but as we can see above its real roots are in the Israelite Moses tradition and the tabernacle of Moses into the new covenant. Israel was led out of Egypt not back into it, and the Messiah is not Tammuz, Osiris or Horus but he is God. 

Ezekiel's Temple first brought to light in 600 bc by the prophet Ezekiel and as prophecy extends forward to the Messiah and then forward to today Ezekiel 8 mentions the abomination of weeping for  Tammuz  (Ezekiel 8,16) which is also the name of a current month in Israel, (i.e the month of Tammuz) but which has survived the Babylonian captivity of 580 bc when the King of Israel was deposed and Jerusalem was vanquished (except for the daughters of Zedekiah who went westward through Egypt) This was formally the 4th month (called just the 4th month) from the new year. (i.e from the current new year of the spiritual calendar as in Leviticus 23, 5 and the previous new moon at the spring equinox, and not from the civic year as described in Leviticus 23, 25 as the 7th month of the autumn feasts) . 

Weeping for Tammuz and Sun worship is described in Ezekiel 8, 11 - 18  as the greatest abomination leading to destruction. The power behind the Sun is never mentioned This is the unspoken practice still practised by deception in the Roman Catholic Church and Anglican and others but without informing the congregations. The system of Nimrods included the sacrifice of children, sexual abuse of children and full perversions including even in his own incestuous relationships. Nimrod and the city of Nimroud or Nimrud in present day Iraq is also associated with Dagon, being one and  the same   The Ark of the Covenant was captured by the Philistines in 1024bc bc and was brought into the Temple of Dagon. (see 1 Samuel 4 to 6 ) However Dagons very large statue (in the  temple in current day Ashdod in Israel ) fell forward overnight as if bowing to the Ark, and in the morning the people of Philistia caught boils and  hemorrhoids. Dagon's statue was stood up again but the next morning it was once again on the floor, also bowing prostate but beheaded and its hands missing (1 Samuel 5, 2 - 5) Herod Antipas gave Ashdod to his sister Salome whose dance brought the real high priest of the Temple in Jerusalem to his death i.e. John the Baptist. (in Herod the Great's temple) 


Leonardo De Vinci paints the "Last Supper" Communion / Eucharist (The Mary Magdalene deception & Cesare Borgia, illegitimate son of Pope Alexander V1) 

The 25th December maze relating to Nimrod and Tammuz is a labyrinth (the Messiah was not born on that date but it has been hidden and changed and misdirected over time to remove the feasts mentioned in Leviticus 23) However it is not as deceptive (if that was possible ) as the 'Mary Magdalene, Herod, Salome' deception which is incredible. It is designed to be deceptive for obvious reasons.

The Famous painting of Leonardo de Vinci of the Last Supper is openly opposed to Communion and the breaking of bread and wine. Further it is simply a painting of Cesare Borgia and friends in Italy. Leonardo (despite doubts) de Vinci also reputedly painted "Mary Magdalene with child"   and which mimics Madonna and child, although 'Madonna' was not a word not found in the New Testament. 'Mary Magdalene' becomes 'Magda - Selene' by Osmosis and edited over centuries. Selene was the Greek moon Goddess and in Roman naming it is Luna, the moon Goddess. Mary, the lovely young Jewsih girl, is turned into the Greco - Roman moon Goddess (like the Moon the false mary waxes and Wanes through this history) 

Interesting connected art (modern and old) to the Herods. The following JPGS and especially numbers 1 & 4 are linked. Linking with the Louvre in Paris France is St Mary's Episcopal Church in Jefferson North Carolina USA (as also per the 'Da Vinci code' film)  The following 6 JPGS and the connected links will assist. The Louvre contains the 1. Mona Lisa by Leonardo de Vinci It contains a version of the 2. Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, but the actual painting or 3. the original Fresco is in Milan (the home of the Visconti family) in the Santa Maria delle Grazie convent churchSt Mary's Episcopal Church in Jefferson North Carolina USA.  contains the painting 4. "Mary Great with Child" also called the 'Mystery of Faith'. The larger painting / fresco 5. Triptych is here (Mary Great with Child) by Benjamin Long    his website is here also (and his Bank of America mural is here)  The church of the Fresco's (6. St Mary's Episcopal Church in Jefferson NC ) also contains the 'Laughing Christ' by Bo Bartlett (scroll down) who was a student of Benjamin Long and the model for the John the Baptist painting in the Triptych.

Magdalene was also a city on the shores of the Galilee 3 miles from Tiberius (Magdala also known as Migdal Senna)  which was given over to this worship and which the tribe of Benjamin enjoyed. The Benjamites, (1 of the 12 tribes of Israel) the "sons of Belial", of course, had been worshipers of the Goddess, and their dispute with the other Tribes of Israel may have been centred around this alternative worship

The Mary Magdalene Da Vinci code farce is simply a reconstruction of the incestuous Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis story. In order that all religions may be joined it was necessary to invent a genealogy from Jesus Christ (Yeshua ben David) into which certain bloodlines could intermarry. They could claim descent from all the famous persona's and religious leaders in history to become the 'one' true king of the world. Resurrected by Leonardo De Vinci and Cesera Borgia they delved back into the myth. (Leonardo Da Vinci and Cesare Borgia were allegedly lovers) Beginning with the death of John the Baptist and the fall later of the Jewsih temple in 69 - 70 ad ,Caligula banished Antipas to Gaul, (Lyons in France) Pontius Pilate was also stationed there after the Jewish uprisings and was also banished to Gaul. (When Godfroi VI [de Bouillon 1060 - 1100] became King of Jerusalem and founded the Ordre de Sion, this medieval Frankish knight began the first crusade to Jerusalem.) The history of the monastic orders (through Egypt to the Cathars and the warrior monks) up until the resurrection of the Merovingian’s after 1066 has preserved this belief or half belief which is very prevalent in the USA today.

Herodias left Herod Philip to marry his half-brother Herod Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee & Perea. John the Baptist rebuked Antipas for marrying Herodias, his brother’s wife, while his brother was still alive, against the law of Moses. (Matthew 14, 1 - 13 & Luke 3,19) As events unfolded in Jerusalem (30ad) Salome (or Herodias) was pregnant and either one of them claimed, they were the wife of Jesus Christ so preserving the bloodline into France. Many Nazarene Christians also fled to France and also settled in Britain and Ireland and Christianity was in the Islands within 30 years of Yeshaus death. (see sub heading up above in this chapter  'Ephraim and Manasseh, the Druids, Glastonbury, Tara, Israeland which actually show the Levitical Messianic tradition arriving in Britain, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and chapter 1 & 2 above) This is how the Glastonbury legends began with Joseph of Arimathea who also fled Jerusalem. 'Mary of Rome' (there were / are several Marys which have become intertwined with Herod's family and not 'Mary Magdalen' in this instances) who began the custom of presenting each other with a red egg at Pascha, (Pascal Egg) which turns white and which reflects an interchange between 'Mary Magdalene' and Tiberius Caesar (and also Alchemy see below) It was not Mary Magdalene who went to Rome but Herodias, Herod's wife and she instigated this custom. Once Tiberius was gone and Caligula became Emperor he banished Herod and Herodias (Who could also be 'Mary of Rome' to some ingenious historians) She would have been granted a state visit as wife of Herod the governor of Judea, otherwise how did 'Mary Magdalene' travel so quickly to Rome ? Salome, Herod and Herodias (his wife) were favoured under roman emperor Tiberius, they were from the tribe of Benjamin,(not fully Israelite but part Edomite) but they were not favoured under Caligula, who banished them to France, hence the grail / sang real or bloodline legends in which the 2 'Marys' travelled to the South of France. One of them was really Salome and she was pregnant. Some say it was Herodias who was pregnant. (See the upcoming paragraphs below The underground ‘Herodias cult’ or the ‘Erodiade’ cult had survived the ban imposed by the Roman Catholic Church into the time of the Borgia's. Erodiade was the Italian name for Herodias. The early church recognized the heresy. Preserving Herods bloodline was a natural occurrence, even to the Templars, but in the secrecy of it others then used this secrecy to add on false genealogies back to the Messiah ) 

Further  on the early Messianic community in Jerusalem and wider see  'Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls and Why Were They Forgotten - A Lecture by Rachel Elior'  or also here again on bitchute  which gives the correct context of the dead sea scrolls)

The Nazarenes of the Benjamin tribe were also taken by Pontius Pilate to France for protection. Yet there was no union from the house of 'Mary Magdalene - Benjamin line' as the film the da vinci code suggests. This line was not of the House of David but of Benjamin (Herod was a Benjamite.King Herod was half Edomite, and half Nabataean (Babylonian Arabian’s who also spoke Aramaic). Edomites were of the House of Esau (who God hated see Malachi 1, 2- 3, & Romans 9,10 - 13 but who loved Jacob) and Ishmael who became one through Esau’s marriage to Mahalath, the daughter of Ishmael.He became the King of the Judeans and practiced Judaism. It is suggested that earlier marriages in his line brought him into loose alliance with the tribe of Benjamin ) As Herod Antipas and his wife Herodias and Salome fled and Herods line intermarried with the Gauls (Merovingian = Meroites of Ancient Egypt Meroe of ancient Ethiopia or Abyssinia, some of whom were Benjamites)

Leonardo da Vinci studied under alchemist and artist Andrea del Verrocchio, although it is claimed Leonardo da Vinci scorned alchemy he nevertheless was an adept. The film the 'da vinci code' suggests Leonardo was also a Rosicrucian like Isaac Newton of the 'apple' and gravity fame. The film the da vinci code with its hidden codex also gives the clue of the 'apple' hidden in the cipher to locate Isaac Newton's clues (The apple was also a gnostic code and is in the da vinci code ending) see  The 'Greal Church', (scroll down). Pontius Pilate accompanied or smuggled the Nazarenes to France. Every Year at the end of May, the gypsies and the people from the Camargue celebrate the landing of the Mary's at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, by having a big festival. They carry two statues standing in a boat The two women standing in the boat are Mary Jacob and Mary 'Salome'. (born from the sea like Venus & How many marys were there in the bible ?  ) who arrived in a boat from Israel/ Judah  (The tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Dan and Napthali were present in France) into France with some of the disciples around 45ad.  and it is this factual tale which becomes another with names interchangeable to disguise their identities. These name changes were necessary, but this was used later to build another story of Mary Magdalene being pregnant with the child of Jesus Christ (carrying the Greal’ to France which may also have included treasure from Herod's Temple which the Templars later discovered see chapter 4 above and subheading of miscellaneous subjects 'The Templars, the German Army, Jerusalem, France, Ecosse and Egypt

These statues come from the church at Sainte Maries-de-la-Mer, Provence, France from Jerusalem. Did they also carry Herods treasure and did they know where his other treasures (the Templar's also found) were buried. Herod also went to France.According to John's Gospel, Mary, the mother of Jesus, had a sister, the wife of Clopas (Jn 19:25). She was the mother of James (known as James the Less or the Little.) She was the "Mary of James." (Lk 24:10, from where tradition gives her the French title of "Marie Jacobe". Jacobus is the Latin work for James.) She had other sons, Joset (or Joseph), Jude and Simon, as well as some daughters. She was Jesus's aunt. Mary Salome. She is mentioned on two occasions in Mark's Gospel by the name of "Salome" (Mk 15:40 and 16:1) Thanks to a parallel text in Matthew (Mt 27:56) we can identify her as "the mother of the sons of Zebedee." So we are speaking of James the Greater (the one venerated at Santiago de Compostela) and John, the evangelist. Tradition calls her in French "Marie Salome".

The Bloodline is supposed to state Jesus Christ had 3 children. Tamar, Jesus 2nd & Josephus. From Josephus the line of the Fisher Kings up to Faramund who married Argotta of the Scrambian Franks whose lead Dynasty was the Merovingian (up to 751ad). Other later bloodlines include the Visconti line. The Benjamites  earlier travelled (see Judges 20 and 21 for those 'lost Benjamites and the difference in theri numbers) into Arcadia and Greece and along the Danube and Rhine and into France. In Greece they intermarried with the Spartans who were also sons of Isaac through Edom but from Isaac (many were purely from Isaac) and linked to the Maccabees. In France they became the Sicambrian Franks and the line of Clovis, the Merovingian’s, Charlemagne and Godfrey de Bouillon the King of Jerusalem and into the 'D’est' line or house of Este.( and house’s of Lorraine and Planted, the Hapsburg's and House of Orange) and many of the European Royal Houses. The ten tribes and Judah have taken the route described in 2 Esdras (over the Caucasian mountains and along the Rhine and Danube rivers) The House of David or the ‘David’s’ through his many sons and heirs also travelled into Europe and further. When the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed many joined those in France and wider and they already knew of their existence. Hence they were not 'lost' but lost to God and Israel at those times, as mentioned Saint Germain was not descended from Jesus Christ but of course could be descended from his brothers and sisters or even the Davidic line. 

Jesus Christ did have a brothers and sisters see Matthew 1, 24 - 26 "  24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus" see also (Mathew 12,46 & 13, 55 – 56, Luke 8,19)
One of them "James the last" (not James the Just) genealogy was contrived to have married a person called Anna, who was the daughter of 'Salome' (who was not Salome daughter of Herod but the sister of Jesus) and a person known as Lazarus., but ‘Mary Magdalene’ was the sister of Lazarus and Martha.. From this confusion Salome daughter of Herod claimed she was pregnant by Jesus Christ. Yet because of the difficulty of Herod killing John the baptist, it was said that Mary Magdalene was the pregnant woman and she was taken to France. The names interchanging for convenience. Salome daughter of Herod was likely pregnant by her stepfather Herod Antipas. Antipas married Herodias his brothers wife before he had died which was not allowed in Jewish law, (as mentioned above, but see Leviticus 18 and 20 & Deuteronomy 25, 5 - 10) but since the Herods were debauched and insane, killing each other and the first born of Israel (below 2 years of age) see Matthew 2, 16 was not a problem to them to retain power. The background to the Herods is here but incest and killing ones own family was common in the Herod dynasty. Considering Herod the Great re- built the Temple at Jerusalem it was indicative of corruption and John the baptist was the real high priest of the Temple. Herod sold the office for money. The family of the Messiah all attended the first Christian council in AD50 mentioned in the book of acts in Acts 15 They were Messianic Jews, and the faith is a family faith worldwide. 

Some say the Virgin birth proves Yeshua was not the Messiah as he was not the physical son of Joseph (see below) but his Father was Yahweh (i.e he came from his his father's house ) The Mary Magdalene fake bloodline is the 'endtimes' bloodline (Da Vinci code etc) Mary is a woman from the tribe of Judah (not Isis also known as Semiramis through Nimrod/also known as Gilgamesh and Tammuz see Ezekiel 8)  Both Mary and Joseph were from the genealogy of David. Joseph descended through Nathan but Mary was also descended from Nathan Davids son  (see the Book of Luke and Luke 2,4) whereas Matthew says he was descended through Solomon see Mathew 1 2, -16.

Jeremiah. 11,1.10; Jeremiah. 23.5, and Psalm 132.11 indicate Jesus' Davidic lineage and thus suggest that Mary, too, was of the same. What seems to corroborate this is that according to custom the bridegroom (Joseph) would choose his bride (Mary) from among the women of his own tribe . Those verses suggest a divine origin for Yeshua before he was born.Tribal lineage is traced only through a person’s father, never the mother. This principle is clearly stated in the Torah in Numbers 1,1 8  "And they assembled all the congregation together on the first day of the second month, and they declared their pedigrees after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to the number of the names, from twenty years old and upward, by their polls" 

The solution or confusion is clarified as Yeshua (Jesus Christ) was not the son of Joseph but his father was Gd. Mary conferred the physical right to Messiah through David & Joseph as a stepfather his right to be Messiah, but Joseph's line was cursed through King Jeconiah (see Jeremiah 22,24 & 22,30 but Jeconiah did repent and this repentance was accepted although only in sources from outside of the bible) King David had united both houses of Israel (all 12 tribes) but the 10 tribes House of Joseph departed Israel They were later in effect "cured" from this curse in any case as  and Yeshua remade this Royal genealogy and right to claim to be the Messiah (Priest and King and Prophet) and the 10 tribes can approach the Messiah under the new covenant.

Mary was a Virgin from the tribe of Judah, but both her parents have to be considered, and their roles going back to  King David's time. (see the post below on Mary on this subject dated 21.01.2021 ) She left Jerusalem before she died (some suggest) and travelled separately from the Herod / Salome / Herodias line in the fake Da Vinci Code heresy  It is also theorised that she left for a place where a stone had been carried some 600 years earlier at the time of Jeremiah Others state they had this stone with them nearer the time the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD and which they took away at that time.  A new 3rd website will discuss these issues in greater detail The Sovereignty of Nations A new 3rd website will discuss these issues in greater detail The Sovereignty of Nations and see also the end of chapter 1 above

Today these non-existent bloodlines extrapolated from tales and fables and untruths as a plot and deception (although some within recognize this and have rejected it)  for their own reasons. Just as Cesare Borgia (who walked the streets of Rome wearing a mask to hide his facial Syphilis and was a known murderer and known as the illegitimate son of Pope Alexander V1) was corrupted and evil, a non-existent bloodline resurrected and faked by him should indicate its validity. Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz (Isis, Set and Horus & Osiris) are not Jesus, Mary and Joseph and as Leonardo de Vinci and Cesare Borgia chose to reinvent the "last supper" moving the disciples around from their stated positions at the table in biblical verses, what validity do these obvious deceptions contain. Even making the last supper table (in their painting) a long European table as opposed to a Jewish table in the square or tables placed end to end in a square, attacking the 'Eucharist' (communion) then as today was a high priority for those who oppose the truth. Today Pope Francis presides over a corrupt Vatican and he issues statements which say "his flock" as Roman Catholics can accept Vaccinations containing extracts of aborted fetal cells to a congregation who are "pro-life" is a sign of a false prophet and a very sick individual. They also contain pig DNA which is forbidden for Jewish and Islamic believers. This vaccination decision has crept in and over time the Eucharist was changed from the 'Agape meal'  over time to this abomination as described in Ezekiel chapter 8. Mussolini brought a renewed change to the Vatican.  The name 'Vatican City' was first used in the 'Lateran Treaty' signed on 11 February 1929, but the Vatican City then became a private corporation for money not faith and decades later it changed doctrines slowly, subtly and intentionally. Incredibly a few of the original Templar's kept the faith of the Gospels and did not take this line of faith above. 

Later Merovee the king of the Franks (later Merovingians)  was said to have two fathers one of which was the fish god quinotaur (Poseidon perhaps) who impregnated Merovee's mother (mer = mermaid) This fish / sea story is Dagon who was Nimrod of the tower of Babel fame. It is a fiction and St Germain was not and is not a descendant of Jesus Christ. (Yeshua Ben David) Leonardo da Vinci resurrected this fable at the command of Cesare Borgia (aka The Prince by Machiavelli and the  illegitimate son of Pope Alexander VI ) Yet the 10 lost tribes of Israel mentioned in the 2nd book of Esdras (a part of the Jewish Canon in earlier history) and of course the Old Testament and Matthew 15,24 show they were real and they lived in Georgia before travelling over the Caucasus Mountains and down the Danube and spread into Scandinavia and all of Europe and into Britain and Ireland, Scotland and Wales and the USA eventually. (see also in chapter 3b above  The Law of the Land King Alfred   & also in chapter 3b  ( & King Arthur) the ‘deemings’of King Alfred, the Magna Carta, the Bill of rights 1688/1689, and the Popes law to cancel Corporations  ) 

Today Dagon (as Nimrod also known as the worship of Joanness or Oannes the fish God or here once more as Dagon. The lost atlantis or those destroyed in the great flood ) is represented by the funny costumes and customs of the Roman Catholic church, the  Anglican church and others but by deception and which were not present  in the early church or even the medieval church and they have manifested since around 1925 - 1945 to the current day in various doctrinal disputes. The following images show the historical development all of which is a 'bit fishy', and from where the modern transhumanist philosophy arises. Number 1 here & also Number 2 here and also Number 3 here. If some deceived people want to worship a dead fish then do so, but do not mix the history of Israel and the Messiah / Christianity in Christian congregations. What is the fate of those who usurped and abused the Temple and changed fables into genealogies ? Matthew 14,6 - 11 tells the story of Salome. Herod Agrippa 1 (brother to Herodias & Nephew of Herod Antipas)  accused his Uncle Herod Antipas of treason against Caligula hence Herod Antipas was banished to Gaul.  He (Agrippa) was popular in Rome and was favoured even by Tiberius who was alive at the time of Jesus (Agrippa denounced Tiberius and was thrown into prison but had been a favourite in Rome) and was even more favoured so by Caligula (Acts 12, 1- 17 & 18 - 25 ) He had persecuted the early Jerusalem Messianic church and had Peter thrown into Prison, and James the son of Zebedee killed. He  later died and was very quickly consumed alive by worms in agony.(Acts 12, 23)  Struck down by an Angel of the Messiah. How similar is the fate of those who today spread false tales and genealogies, and change the meaning and the words of the Communion (Luke 22, 7 - 23)


The Anglican Church 

The Video Anglican conspiracies perverting UK Christianity is insightful but it also suggests the Alpha course is in error . Begun in 1977 by Charles Marnham, a curate at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB and carried forward by Nicky Gumball ) it has spread into every country. In itself as a course it is good, you can arrive at the same conclusions as David Pawson arrives at in the David Pawson The Normal Christian Birth Part 1 of 6. The Alpha course stands alone as does the bible and it does not require Universalism to complete it. 

As for the modern 'Church' and its doctrinal absurdities, they are nothing compared to the sexual abuse and trafficking of Children. The recent The IICSA Independent Child Sexual Abuse report into the Anglican Church (towards the end of 2020) The shocking story of the child sexual abuse in the Anglican church is related here by the BBC (who have a shocking record also) or here by the Guardian   or here by the Herald in Scotland Child Sexual Abuse occurs in all institutions including pagan and secular groups. Ironically many within the church claim quasi pagan affiliation or beliefs. 

The wider Roman Catholic children abuse scandals are all contained below in Chapter 6  (in 2 parts within the chapter 6  and see also Church militant which includes the RC Church charity church budget scandals which have bankrupted parishes in the USA and the Popes trafficking scandals disguised as immigration policies) and includes all Secular and pagan institutions also. These items in chapter 6 are just  the tip of the iceberg. Yet  the painful and harrowing end for child abusers is given in Luke 17,2 and Mathew 18, 5, & 6   "And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me."6. If anyone causes one of these little ones--those who believe in me--to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea"  As for Tammuz, Tammuz is still dead. This is also a part of the meaning  of Matthew 10, 34 - 38, and when considering also the verse in 1 Corinthians 6,3, then also consider how bad it will be for those who have invented and participated in these non-existent genealogies and delusions. Returning the church to the true congregation is the Messiah's role. Believers are delegated towards this. (this post above dated 3.2.2021) 




2. The 'Ruach ha Kodesh' the real Spirit of God, and the false spirit(s) (25.02.2021)


(Added 25.02.2021) 1 Corinthians 2, 12 implies that all other spirits apart from the Holy Spirit / Ruach are dead spirits (from the world) The Ruach of Gd (Holy Spirit) is the same Holy Spirit in the "Old" testament.   The Holy Spirit is Gd and with Gd and is mysterious but knowable.

The Ruach or the Holy Spirit of Gd is Gd with Gd and is Omniscient and can be everywhere. Like Gd the Ruach existed outside of time and before the Earth and Universe was created . This is important as the "Earth" is not a Spirit and was created by Gd, not the other way around. See Pastor Charles Lawson Gaia Mother Earth/Goddess Theology & Save the Earth, The Best Documentary Ever  and also see Green Gaia Sabbaths on 'SUNday' (Lockdown Jubilee's for the Earth 'Environmentalism' & the 'Pope' )  This GAIA spirit (the Unholy Spirit)  is a different Spirit as one example, it does not own or encapsulate Gd, this belief is pantheism which believes Gd is in everything and has always been here like the Universe itself, but is not separate and pre-existing to all matter. Yet see Richard Dawkins says literally nothing is something, but what is nothing & where did it come from ?  (or see here again on bitchute or again on Youtube   ) and also (Video 61) Carl Sagan 1978 'Then where did the big bang come from' ? & Einsteins lost thesis. (or once again on Youtube   (see the rediscovery of "Einstein's Lost Theory which Discovery magazine Describes a Universe Without a Big Bang contradicting previous views or see here again or and more here on his lost thesis" ) Then read Genesis 1 and 2 and 3, again take in Job 38, 1 - 40 and the verse which says (verse 4 ) "Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding" The Real Holy Spirit of course was also pre-existent as Gd to all matter as creation.

The correct Genealogy of King David & the Messiah Just as there are secondary (and totally false) genealogies, (and the last post above went into great detail) there is the powerful and Holy Spirit of Gd or the Ruach ha Kadosh and also opposing false spirits. The Messiahs line would come from the House of David and his son Nathan as mentioned in the last post above, and in 2 Samuel 7. His genealogies at Matthew 1:1-16 (Joseph) are given and also in Luke 3:23-38 through also the line of Mary. Many Jewish people are surprised to see that Yeshua was Jewish in a Jewish story. The following  JPG shows that this line arises from Nathan, David's son and not Solomon who is also David's son. The line to Joseph from Solomon ends as Gd is the father of Yeshua. This Messianic line is perfect as recorded in the law and confirmed by the Prophet Samuel when he anointed King David King (This is discussed in the last post above as Number 1 in the paragraph beginning "Jesus Christ did have a brothers and sisters see Matthew 1, 24 - 26 " ) 

When we say the Spirit of Gd, this alone means different things to different people and faiths. Incredibly many of the Royal Houses of Europe have been duped to believe they were descended from Jesus Christ, (see the last post above) or they were descended from David through Solomon, instead of David's sons and some of which include the descendants of Nathan down the centuries. Some of them intermarried with the ten tribes before the Assyrian captivity and were taken out of Israel but became those who traveled North into Georgia and then West over the Caucasus's mountains into Europe and the USA and wider (many fled south into Jerusalem and were housed in "Nehemiah's wall" area which today is the enclosures known as the Armenian and Christian quarters and into the Jewish quarter) Not the "lost" 10 tribes therefore but some became lost to Gd and wandered from Israel. This is covered in the above chapters also. 

Why is this important ? The Charlemagne bloodline of the Franks (and therefore Normans) known as the Carolingian's who took over from the Merovingian line (see 'Merovee' and the paragraph in the last post above beginning "Later Merovee the king of the Franks later Merovingians'') was descended from Meroveus  the Childeric and Clovis family line and the Salian Franks, who are related to Clovis 1st (who did not follow the Arian Christian belief / doctrine regarding the separated idea of the Father and Son in the trinity as being one accord) which was the Arian belief and widespread in Europe at the time. Therefore it was unclear what Holy Spirit they meant as Gd biblical also. Charlemagne, (who was an incredible man in himself)  a Merovingian married a Carolingian princess, one of many wives to strengthen the Frankish Holy Roman Empire, and he was hailed as the new King David. This Holy Roman Empire extended up to all (nearly ) Scandinavia and Denmark and France. The Merovingians believe they are descended from Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. This bloodline is traced back to Solomon, yet the sons of David and Nathans descendants also intermarried and both competed spirituality (even if those in these bloodlines know it or not) but it was a different bloodline than Nathan and David. Since Joseph was not the natural father it was also deemed necessary (unnecessarily)  to invent a line to Mary - Jesus Christ and then state he had children. Jesus brothers and sisters however were also descended through Nathan and Solomon via Joseph and as the future messiah would be known as the suffering 'ben Joseph' and also the victorious 'ben David'  it was sometimes there were 2 Messiahs as how  could they have both  titles. ( Joseph who later knew his wife Mary and they had other children see in Matthew 1, 24 - 26 & then see Numbers 1, 17 - 18 which required a male bloodline, but see Numbers 27, 8 & Numbers 36, 6 - 7 which vary this but keep the laws intent intact. (Romans 1,3 should be seen in this light for the Isaiah 53 Messianic description / prophecy & it is also in the Zohar 11,1 & also Zechariah 12:10 for the suffering Messiah son of Joseph adopted son as the suffering "ben Joseph" and also the  conquering King who was named “Messiah Son of David as "ben David"in 2 Samuel 7:11b-12, 16 & Isaiah 11:1-2 & Jeremiah 33:17 & Jeremiah 33:15 & Revelation 5:5 who has triumphed & Revelation 22:16 & Luke 23:35b & 1 Peter 2:4, 6) 

Therefore both Matthew and Luke show the Messiah descended from Adam (made by Gd outside of Eden and brought into the Garden. Genesis 2, 7 - 8) through David and Nathan and not Solomon who (as many were) described eventually as Evil, 1 Kings 11 states Solomon married 70 wives and had 300 concubines, (I Kings 11,3) many of whom worshiped Ashtoreth (Astarte goddess of fertility, wars and sexuality. Aphrodite, Ishtar, Isis etc) It included descendants of Ammon and Moab the sons of lot & Esau and Edom (whom Gd hated see Malachi 1) Lots daughters (Lot brother of Abraham) were incestuous with Lot preserving this Canaanite line from Molech / Milcom. The modern city of Amman in Jordan was founded by them and via the son of Solomon, Rehoboam. Moabites gave their name to Moab in Jordan / Esau the brother of Ammom / Amman in Jordan. Moabites eventually founded Mecca which had also Hindu connections from Petra (the real 'Mecca'  from before this India and Shiva with the Spirit of Shakti. The Kaaba stone is a former Hindu temple with Shiva Linga upon it which is kissed. Shiva of course was not Islamic. see later posts after this no 2 for details on this in the 3rd part of these posts) Jordan's flag is the Palestine flag as one and the same (almost) as one has a star upon it with 7 points for 7 hills. Jordan invented Palestine after 1948. It is similar to many Arab flags. Jordan was allocated to the tribes of  Manasseh,Gad and Reuben see Joshua 13 - 21, and the Levites were allowed cities in present day Jordan. The six cities which were to be Cities of Refuge were Golan, Ramoth, and Bezer, on the east of the Jordan River, and Kedesh, Shechem, and Hebron on the western side  (but 48 in total) Joshua began the conquest of the sons of Cain descended from Ham in canaan and completed by King David see also Genesis 4,12 with finality in the Millennial reign.  Ismael was the seed of Abraham in Genesis 16, but Isaac and sons were the Sons of Abraham in Genesis 21 & 22. Isaac was called the only son of Abraham in Genesis 22, 2, 12 & 16 - 18 & Hebrews 11, 17, and the only Jewish line. Yeshua said the Helper (Holy Spirit) would come. This Helper refers to the Holy Spirit in John 15, 26, 27 but also called the Comforter in John 14,16 & 26 & John 16, 7 - 8 / John 16,13 and  fulfilled 50 days after the Passover / Crucifixion and Resurrection on Shavuot / Pentecost in the book of Acts 2. 

Rebecca was Abraham's niece; she gave birth to Jacob and Esau and with Esau we derive Edom (Malachi 1, 4 and who in the south warred with Israel. Esau / Edom married the Canaanites descended from Ham 1 of the 3 sons of Noah) Nimrod the founder of Babylon was from the line of Ham via Cush and the unholy trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz (Ezekiel 8) was born incestuously at the Tower of Babel and Babylon. Nimrod from the sons of Noah and from Ham is also connected to the Black Madonna. There are 3 'Mother of Gd' madonna type paintings. The 1st is Semiramis with Tammuz who is depicted as dark or brown. (but there are also alchemy hints within these paintings as in the other two) Babylon (and the whole earth) had a much smaller population then but generally after the flood, Japath went North and West, Shem went East and Ham went south after the ark had landed. The 2nd is "Mary Magdalene" with child who was sallow skinned and the 3rd are genuine depictions of Mary wife of Joseph with the young Messiah. We know this as David's line is described as white. King David was described also a Great warrior and Poet and a youth of Ruddy complexion and of fair countenance (1 Samuel 17,42) Ruddy was significant as he was an outdoor youth or field worker or Shepherd not an indoor Royal of  Saul’s household, the Priests were also not Ruddy or Rustic. Ruddy also means red (also in many concordance) as the red lips of youth and not paled and red cheeks not pale. The book of the Song of Songs describes Solomon’s love as Ruddy also (see Solomon 5,verse 10; and the full description is Ruddy and White, whilst the book of Lamentations 4,7 describes the Nazarenes (Nazarites) as purer than snow and whiter than milk but also Ruddy. Mathew 2,23 & 21,11 & John 19,19 describe Yeshua, who although born in Bethlehem as David was, but as coming to reside in Nazareth, hence Yeshua was a Nazerite from the tribe of Judah and the line of David) The Pharaoh's before Alexander were red headed (as their displayed bodies show) and after him, the Pharaohs of Egypt were Greek as was Cleopatra. What is important is (nothing to do with 'race' since we all came from just 2 people as science & dna also prove) is we can then follow the continuation of the Nimrod belief and any belief through all continents and centuries. No genealogical line is holier or regarded as more special than another. No 'continent' or peoples emerge as being closer to Yahweh than others and even the Hebrews and Jewish Kings openly rebelled and rejected Gd in the bible. These 3 false 'madonna's' also interchange between the 3 types as they are contrived and despite the genealogies they derive through and from ? (the biblical genealogies are clear and undisputed) because they are false and are easily disproved, but ultimately their purpose is nothing to do with 'race' (as Science shows there is only human race originating from just 2 people)  but the intertwining of false doctrines rehashed and re-presented to 'prove' the Messiah had children with 'Mary Magdalene'. It's an incredibly intricate deception but as it is false they eventually fall apart as lies and heresies.

As mentioned the 10 tribes traveled North and West however and the 'Tuatha de Danaan' settled in Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, Europe and Scandinavia (i.e. the 'Tribe of Dan' see chapters 1 and 2 and 3 above and they are recorded in the ancient annals of separate countries in Europe's proud histories preserved very well as are the Chinese records)  See also the Patterns of Evidence; Exodus documentary is available here also as an MP 4 FILE or once again on Bitchute also  See also  Tower of Babel: Origin of Races with Ken Ham  and also the Dr Ken Ham Creation Science Institute & Answers in Genesis 'Science confirms the Bible' documentaryThe false Spirit has remained and has spread also around the earth. These 3 types of 'madonna' paintings are confused and spread around without going into the historical context. 

Babylon had 10 regions and Nimrod actively sought to oppress his people away from the worship and knowledge of Gd by any means possible. Babylon is the gateway to the gds (he stated) ....into Eden yet they miss the exact location of Eden, when choosing Iraq and Kuwait. Nimrod was slain and cut into many pieces and Semiramis went looking for all those parts and found them except one. She changed the ascended name of Nimrod to Baal the sun God, and a sacred flame was lit to symbolize his Spirit which like air was everywhere. This mystery or mystery religion / mystery Babylon is described in Revelations 17,5 the Whore of Babylon and Ephesians 2,2 the Prince of the power of the air. (This is the same story as Isis, Osiris and Horus later in Egypt and today in Roman Catholic communion although people are not told this ) When Tammuz died as son of the sun gd, this eternal spirit, (unholy trinity) became Father Son and Spirit, but Nimrod was human with an admitted human genealogy, only Semiramis said she was 'immaculately conceived' (and who became "Queen of HEAVEN") yet this term (then) was given also to Temple prostitutes even into Egyptian times who renewed by the gds of the Temple were always 'Virgins' and their conceptions from the gds as "immaculately conceived"  Semiramis said she came from Heaven and landed in the Euphrates in an Egg ...hence "Easter / astarte eggs" in the church are worshiping Semiramis / Isis / Astarte. Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph Constantine in ad 325 changed Passover to Easter to remove the knowledge of the sacrificial lamb of passover and the crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah into an egg which fell from the sky into the Euphrates. This removes atoning knowledge of the Blood and removes the Covenants. These false miracles were corrected by the Messiah, the real Son of God. The real Messiah as we have seen above was not born on December 25th (like Tammuz) but in the autumn following the feasts of Leviticus 23. 

Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. Rebecca married Isaac. Solomon's mother Bathsheba  was a Canaanite / gentile. Solomon had relations with Queen Bilquis of Sheba from whom Menelik the 1st emperor of Ethiopia derives. (Addis Abiba etc) Solomon married an Egyptian Princess and that line rose in Israel and Judah (I Kings 3,1) Solomon's sins eventually gave rise to the split of the Kings of Israel between Rehoboam Solomon's son and Jeroboam  King of the northern 10 tribes who was also an idol worshipper 1 Kings 12, 26 - 33, as was Judah in 1 Kings 14,22 - 24 (Abraham Isaac, & Jacob the 3 patriarchs of Judaism ) 

Solomon then was not fully Jewish and his many wives and sons were not fully Jewish and the bloodlines of Jeroboam and Rehoboam still compete to this day. David and Nathan's line was and offshoots of those lines also reside in the wider world including Europe. 

Just like Astarte and the Spirit of fertility, war and sexuality is Jezabel and this Spirit Jezebel, (Revelations 2,20 - 25) the evil queen & wife to the evil King Ahab, who indulged in  murder, iniquity, and sexual promiscuity. She was as a thorn in the side of the prophet Elijah, and led Israel astray in their foreign worship of idols (1 Kings 18 & See 1 Kings 16:31; 18:13; 21:25-26; 2 Kings 9:30-37 ) She was a Phoenician from Tyre (Ezekiel 28) in the Old testament but first Jezebel had been dead for over 1,000 years, when this 2nd became a Church leader and mentioned in Revelation 2:18-29 but was denounced by Yeshua in thoise verses.  Thyateira was previously a Greek city called 'Pelopia' and also 'Semiramis' after the mother of Tammuz incestuous wife and mother of Nimrod, it was also near the Church of Pergamon also in Asia Minor was Greek. ( Pergamon also held a Temple of Dionysus) Pergamon was also the seat of Satan Revelation 2:12–13. Parts of it were first taken to England in 1625 under William Petty for the Earl of Arundel (in the Worksop and some paintings to Fawley) In 1887 Carl Humaan a German Engineer helped in the relocation of the entire Seat to Berlin and which went on show between (first 1901 - 1908) Depicted in the artwork / statues is the  battle of the Olympians and the Titans (the Titans are also linked to the fallen angels who are locked in the Abyss (1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:4-7; Jude 6-7 a prison where Satan will be held during the Millennium see Revelations 3,20 ) The entire seat was captured by the Soviets who claimed it and after the war they moved it to Leningrad (now St Petersburg) but then taken back to Berlin in 1958. It has criss-crossed from Asia into Britain and then Germany and Russia. This Jezebel Spirit promotes spiritual ecumenical apostasy. The connections to Babylon and mystery Babylon is geographical and over time as Jezebel.

Babylon then was built from the sons of Ham and Nimrod came from him and he built the Tower of Babel whilst Semiramis planted "Mystery Babylon" (Revelation came through Shem, not ham or Japheth) She was wife and brother of Nimrod, she then said Tammuz was birthed by the rays of the Sun which was Nimrod as a deity re-incarnated and when Tammuz was killed, he descends into Hades and her weeping resurrected him from the underworld...but as Nimrod in the Springtime. This was the first organized rebellion against Gd as "Queen of heaven" & Mother of Gd as Tammuz was fathered by ....Gd. This Easter not the Judeo - Christian passover / resurrection of the Messiah. Babylon had 10 regions and all future spirits and false gds came from these 2 into the line of Anti-Christ as Semiramis taught that Tammuz was the future star child and future Messiah as it says in Genesis 3,15 (hence the "Wise men" followed a star to find the infant child celebrated on 25.12, but the Messiah was born in the Autumn at Yom Kippur and housed in Sukkot, following Leviticus 23, which as scriptures demolish the false feats, spirits and gds)

The Spiritual Key of David (not Solomon) The Bible tells us that there is a Key of David, there is no Key of Solomon gd approved of. The Key of David is mentioned in the verses  Isaiah 22,22 & Revelations 3,7 and points to the future Messianic Kingdom on King David's throne see Revelations 1, 6 & 5,10 (note it is not Solomon's Kingdom or throne or any  of his other offspring) Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines (as mentioned)  and allowed their foreign gds a place within Israel bringing about its destruction. This future Messiah would claim all the earth, lands, money and infrastructure and all the people upon it and creation as  belonging to him. (as they did pre-existent and in the  future, therefore all men are temporary tenants) When the Messiah returns he will rebuild David's tabernacle see Amos 9,11 and Acts 15,16 (and after the Millennium the New Jerusalem see Revelations 21, 1 - 2) For an insight into David's Tabernacle see (1 of 2) King David, Bathsheba, Absalom and the Prophet Nathan Law & Grace ) or see an alternative link for the film here which is useful visually also or here as MP 4 file Video

David's tabernacle built on Zion was actually 3 tabernacles in 1. Taking the reverence and Holiness of Moses' tabernacle and adding praise to it as celebrations with a choir of 4000 and music. It was also the tabernacle that Yawheh (the Lord made) it was not the tabernacle that men made (above in this chapter)  1.    ‘The Tabernacle of King David’   (Military)  and then see 2. ‘The Double Portion & the 7 / 8 Feasts of Israel in David’s Tabernacle. The Millennium Reign’  and next see 3 (Spiritual) 3. The Tabernacle of David, Power, Ownership and Authority  (Economics, Land & Money Verses showing this transformation from Moses' Holy Tabernacle into 3 (as the 3 in 1)  are in those posts which are also above in this chapter. 


The Ruach or Spirit of Gd has the following traits and personality

A list of biblical verses describing the activities and personality of the Ruach haKodesh (see if they match the The Character and name of G-d  & also the heading  G-d's Character, Personality and the Power and Wrath of G-d which are headings near the beginning of chapter 5 this chapter) 

John 14, 26 states that  the Holy Spirit teaches us, and the Holy Spirit can be outraged see Acts 5, 3 - 10. The Ruach always points  to Gd see John 16, 14. The Holy Spirit can be grieved see Ephesians 4,30. Romans 8, 26 - 27 says the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and has a mind and that also the Ruach / Holy Spirit, discusses matters with us and makes decisions see Acts Acts 15, 28 and can prevent us (or send us ) from travelling or doing certain things see Acts 16, 6 - 7. The Ruach of God searches out all things and reveals Gds will and is one with those who have the Holy Spirit within them see 1 Corinthians 2, 10 - 11. The Ruach is part of the 3 in 1 as Gd see Matthew 28, 19 - 20 (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and see Genesis 1,26, Gen 3, 7, 11 & 22 and Isaiah 6,8, 2 Corinthians 4,4 & Colossians 1,15, Revelations 1, 13 - 15 & Revelations 22,3 & 1 John 5, 6 - 9 & John 10, 30. )  The Holy Spirit speaks, see Acts 13, 2 - 5 and sends people in a certain direction. The Ruach of Gd can physically transport you see Acts 8, 39 - 40 & Ezekiel 3,14 & 2 Kings 2, 1. You can also receive (by the laying on of hands or by Gd directly) a double portion of the Spirit see 2 Kings 2 3, 9 - 15. (Elijah in 2 Kings 2, 11 was taken up into second heaven) John 6, 44 states that  the Father draws to Yeshua, and Yeshua intercedes for us, see Romans 8, 34 and Romans 8,14 states if we are led by the Spirit of Gd we are sons of Gd. Therefore the 3 in 1 act in unison and within us (in a circular way ) These scriptures (and the "Old Testament" scriptures are at the very beginning of this post) show  us the personality of the person of the Holy Spirit.

John 3, 1 - 30 tells us that rebirth (see also 2 Timothy 2, 24-26 when you are saved & 1 Peter 1, 23) allows the Holy Spirit  to dwell within us see 1 Corinthians 6,16 and the Ruach brings us gifts Matthew, 16, 13 - 16 & Matt.5:3-12 & 1 Corinthians 12,28 & Ephesians 4,11 & 1 Peter 4,11 & Romans 12, 8. This is not a scheduled ceremony on an appointed birthday but can occur at any age as ordained by Gd only and no one else. These bring the fruit of the Ruach see Galatians 5, 22 - 23 ( 9 gifts not 12 ) Romans, 8 14 says then being  led by the Spirit are they who are Sons of God (only which is the meaning of Mark 16, 17 - 18) see Matthew 7, 24 - 27 & 8,10. The Holy Spirit has not finished his work (with preterists and cessationists planted in the church to deaden the church) see John 14, 12 - 14 & 2 Timothy 3, 5 & 1 Corinthians 1, 7 which even today fulfills Matthew 10,8 and of course Matthew 28, 16 - 20 ( a future miracle from the time it was written) The powerful Ruach of Gd is not contained or controlled within a sacrament. The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of truth John 14:17; 15:26; 16:13. 

We are born again by the Spirit see John Chapter 3, verses 5 and 6. It is the Holy Spirit which brings 'regeneration' (2 Timothy 2, 24-26 & 1 Peter 1, 23) see also the following videos What the Bible Says about Accepting Jesus into Your Heart (or is it the Holy Spirit in the Godhead)  & also from the other view Why Salvation DOESN’T Come by Asking Jesus into Your Heart (or is it the Holy Spirit / Ruach )  There are 7 spirits of Gd. The seven spirits who are before [God’s] throne” (Rev. 1:4). The 7 spirits are named again in Jesus’s message to Sardis (Rev. 3:1), as well as twice in the throne-room scenes (Rev. 4:5; 5:6) and learn also the 7 Spirits of Gd, which are listed in Isaiah 11, 1 - 2. Rebirth (John 3) involves all 3 of the  persons of Gd, yet we can also pray for those to receive the Spirit of repentance (2 Timothy 2,25 ) and we lay hands on those who require the baptism of the Holy Spirit and we can assist in full immersion baptism. (also see Acts 8 and Acts 19) Gd also has 7 eyes (not 1 ) see Zechariah 4 in general and verse 4.

2000 years ago future miracles were predicted and re-occur everyday since then (John 3, 1- 16) and a future miracle is mentioned in Acts 1, 11 ? and Gd is still  the same today as yesterday and forever see Hebrews 13, 8  and also 2 Peter  3, 8 -10. Unless the blood is applied first then the oil cannot be, see Leviticus 14, 17 & 28 . The blood can only be applied when you turn (repent) or are reborn.The oil is the Ruach of Gd. The Holy Spirit cannot be bought or sold Acts 8, 9 - 25. Blasphemy against the Ruach of Gd leads to a loss of salvation see Matthew 12,31. 

The last points which lead cessations and preterists to caution as of course they can read the bible ( or should they these days ?) The history of revivals is (as one example) contained in the "Historical Accounts of Revivals by John Gillies" in all countries and from the earliest times to the  1840's - 1920's and we have had revivals recorded since then. 


Another 'holy' or 'unholy spirit'

What ?  is not the Holy Spirit? First watch the following video  Kundalini Church Invasion WARNING! False Spirits are INVADING The Church! Andrew Strom  by Pastor Andrew Strom  (and see also the 2nd video The Holy Spirit Ruach of Gd or the 'Strange Fire' Kundalini Spirit of Shiva also available here by a Christain blog ) or (the 1st video)  here on youtube once more as Part 1  and here also on youtube is part 2   and lastly part 3 is here also on youtube  ) The first video amongst others shows Pastor Rick Warren of Chrislam who partnered with Todd Bentley who divorced his wife after an affair with a staff member and remarried and then entered into a Homosexual relationship, but who has also embraced 'Chrislam'  An outward sign of receiving the Ruach of Gd is speaking in Tongues see  Speaking in Tongues, New Pentecostal Documentary & 1 Cor 14, 27 - 28  (which highlights also 1 Corinthians 14:27 "If anyone speaks in a tongue, two--or at the most three--should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret" and the verses in 1 Corinthians 14:28 "If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God." Otherwise it is Babylon ) Clearly losing one's salvation would be an aim of Shiva Shakti the destroyer. 

The powerful Ruach of Gd Yahweh is not a wispy gentle breeze (but can be whilst also being powerful see Great Sermons bitchute "The Holy Spirit, The Ruach of Gd"  ) when it poured out of the Heavens in Acts 2,1 - 46. The Ruach poured into the upper room where the disciples were but also into the nearby Temple of Herod and its outer courts and inner courts as it was poured over Jerusalem, which had already suffered an earthquake at the crucifixion and the Veil of the Temple was torn in two see Matthew 27, 51 - 53  & Mark 15, 38 & Luke 23, 45 ( & also the Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a and other Talmudic verses and events record in Josephus Antiquities) Following first fruits (the  feast of ) after Yeshua was crucified on Passover ( a Wednesday) buried on the feast of Unleavened bread  and rising on the feast of first fruits (following exactly Leviticus 23 written / obtained in 1312 bc earlier 1342 years earlier ? )  and then during  the counting of the Omer 50 days (Leviticus 23:15–16, and Deuteronomy 16:9–12) until King David's birthday on Shavuot (the same day as Leviticus 23, 15 - 22 Pentecost) and the day King David died died on also, the Holy Spirit was poured out. (King David's birthday was Shavuot / Pentecost) 50 days from the crucifixion as the Torah and Leviticus 23 guide. This day Shavuot is when the LAW was poured out at Sinai but when the mountain trembled and the ground shook Israel was afraid to approach Gd (and in effect rejected the law and later  a 2nd set of the law was made at Mount Horeb) in Exodus 18,19  The same shaking occurred on this Shavuot / Pentecost 1342 years later in Jerusalem when it was recorded in Acts 2, exactly  to the day of Shavuot. 

Acts 2, 1 When the day of Pentecost arrived, they were all together in one place. 2And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. 3And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and resteda on each one of them. 4And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.

This is the same Holy Spirit which loosed the bonds of Samson and enabled him to kill 1000 men in Judges 15, 14 - 16. Verse 14 states "Then the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him, and the ropes that were on his arms became as flax that has caught fire, and his bonds melted off his hands" Gd is omnipotent and it states in Psalm 139, 7 - 12 and in verse 7 - 8 ; 7 Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? 8  If I ascend to heaven, you are there!  Yet God as the Holy Spirit / Ruach (pre-existent to matter) is everywhere, in the micro (smallest atoms) to the furthest point (if there is one) in the Universe. Hebrews 11, 3 states "By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible."  meaning the very fabric of the Universe. 

2 Peter 3, 7 says the earth will be destroyed by fire (leaving only the separate New Jerusalem) like a spontaneous combustion from the inside out within the very fabric of all things seen and unseen. This will be terrible for those upon the earth who remain. The Ruach sees everything and there is no defense or blocking technology in any nation or in any surveillance system which can prevent his presence. The Ruach is in the heavens and Space and within all underground systems, and there is no escape. The ruach is more powerful than Artificial Intelligence and Quantum intelligence or any invention which arises see Ecclesiastes 7, 29 & Daniel 2, 43 & Revelations 18,23 This is why the  Great merchants and the rich who made and traded with Babylon the Great in Revelations 6.16 (in mystery Babylon) cry out for the rocks and mountains to hide them, and why men's hearts will fail them  in Luke 21, 26 (see also Romans 9,22 & 1 Thessalonians 5, 3 ) The Ruach of Gd is also all powerful and omnipresent. Gd is described as the force of rushing waters and all before him (including all the dark forces and weapons of this earth) which are like ants before the Great Niagara falls, see Ezekiel 43,2 " And I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice was like the roar of rushing waters, and the land was radiant with his glory" see also Revelations 14,2 & 19,6" 

The Holy Spirit / Ruach of Gd, is the  regenerative Spirit in the Universe which leads to being Born again and regenerate see John 3, 1 - 30 tells us that rebirth (see also 2 Timothy 2, 24-26 when you are saved & 1 Peter 1, 23)

The Omnipotent Ruach / Holy Spirit of Gd (in or to the will of the Father) has power see Acts 1, 8 & and also knows all things (1 Corinthians 2, 10 -11 & John 16,13) The Ruach does not obey the clerical church, and the Holy Spirit is also Gd (this post added 25.02.2021 )



3. The question arising in the book of Acts 19, 1 - 7 and Gds Holy Temple

(13.03.2021 ) & Acts 19. Ezekiel's temple & the Millenium Temple requires Salvation The Ruach of Gd (The Holy Spirit who dwells within us 1 Corinthians 6,19.....but ) is clarified in Acts 19, 1 - 7  Having many new interested people, the disciples found an expedient way to discover if people were re-born. They found a way to quickly establish were people were at. Knowing that is Gd who brings the Spirit of repentance (2 Timothy 2, 15 & John 6, 44 & also John 15,16 ) if these people had not even heard there was a Holy Spirit as Acts 19, 1 - 7 inquires and is answered then they were not as 1 Corinthians 19, 1 - 7 states they should be. Just as in the Old Testament describes the high Priest who was anointed first with Blood in Leviticus 14,14 and then the oil is applied over this afterwards in Leviticus 14,17 so too it is with regeneration as in John 3, 1 - 30 tells us that rebirth is required for salvation (see also 2 Timothy 2, 24-26 & when you are saved & 1 Peter 1, 23) Hebrews 9, 7 & Hebrews 13,11 also relates this Old Testament principle acting within the New Testament and John 3,3 says without it you cannot see the Kingdom of Gd and is repeated in John 3,7, and Leviticus 17, 11 states  "For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life" Whose blood and sacrifice is required for salvation ? we are told in 1 John 1, 7 & Acts 20,28 & Ephesians 1, 7 & Hebrews 9, 22, 10,19, 13, 22. It is the blood of the New Covenant  see Matthew 26,28 and those who are under this Covenant are also described in Revelations 1,5. & 7, 14 & 12,11. The following verses explain that the Lamb of Gd without blemish saved us from Gds wrath see 1 Peter 1, 18 - 19 & Romans 5, 9 (Gds wrath follows the Great tribulation and the rapture follows after the Great tribulation see heading above "After the great tribulation which has all 22 verses on "After" the great tribulation in the heading above on "When" under the heading   Nicodemus Ben Gurions Question John 3, verse 4 we are removed from Gds wrath but not the Great tribulation.) 

Therefore the question to the people in Acts 19 was also a method to establish who was reborn and who was not. Today if the Church Pastor, Vicar or Priest stopped people and asked them the question in Acts 19, 1 - 7 they would be offended or claim without being reborn ? they were confirmed and received the Holy Spirit as  a child which is of course impossible in a clerical ceremony scheduled without real explanation or repentance, and especially if the administering person believed in Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz aka Isis Horus and Set (GAIA or Kundalini Spirit etc see posts 1 and 2 above as a deliberate deception)  Any person without the real Holy Spirit or a person receiving the false Spirit cannot fulfill John 3, 1 - 30 and therefore you cannot see the Kingdom of Gd (see John 3,3 & 1 Corinthians 15, 50)  Acts 19, 1 - 7 in effect practically fulfills 1 John 4, 1 - 6 on testing the spirits and receiving the real spirit of Gd which has real biblical proofs and signs was a proof that the person was with them and one of them, it cannot be faked and this is why, if applied to the 'church' today many would fail and become agitated and offended or leave. Note also they were re-baptised as full immersion after 'regeneration' as in John 3,3 - 8, &  2 Timothy 2, 15 & John 6, 44 & also John 15,16. The last post above no 2) dated 25.02.2021 & no 1) dated 3.2.2021, explains why and in more detail. 

Sermons on this topic are found here 2 of 2 David Wilkerson corrects 'altar calls' & cheap grace (God begins regeneration not men)  (full version here 1 of 2 David Wilkerson 'Last Days Deception' Cheap Grace & 'Going to the Cross' but not Rebornand also here by Paul washer Paul Washer 1 of 2 Shocking Message (full length) to a youth camp meeting, and also here David Pawson The Normal Christian Birth Part 1 of 6. (which is in 6 parts but part 1 is adequate until ready to understand more. This separation by Salvation is also to fulfill Matthew 10,34, anything else is a different faith. This post no 3 added 13.03.2021)




4. Mary was the Mother of Yeshua (Jesus). Untold multitudes also received the Holy Spirit not just Mary, she was not the Mother of Gd but of the Messiah. She is also not the 3rd person in the Godhead (i.e. the 'Trinity')


(21.03.2021) Many Islamic factions believe (unscripturally) that Mary is the 3rd person of the Godhead, but they also believe that the 3 persons of the Godhead do not exist ? and that Yeshua (Jesus) is not the Son of Gd. Yet you cannot have one of these beliefs without the other, and of course it is Mary who is the mother of Yeshua and the Holy Spirit is not the Mother of Yeshua (or the Father) Mary was created by God as we all were (see Isaiah 44:24,Isaiah 49:15,Psalm 71:6,Jeremiah 1:5,Galatians 1:15 & Genesis 1 and 2) which shows also that Mary was a created human being not a goddess.  Further the 3 in the Godhead (see explanation here in this diagram and which is not just Roman Catholic in error, but some Protestant denominations have this error, and many Roman Catholics do not believe the current RC version today and throughout history, as they were aware that 3 separate beings in the trinity gave rise to the 3 gds or goddesses view of the 3 in 1, which humans or gds took on themselves to become, taking the godhead into human form or semi divine form as created beings ) The 3 in the Godhead were pre-existent to any Human being or even the Universe itself, and God is neither male nor female (Genesis 1,27) but is a Spirit (John 4, 24 & Psalm 51, 11 and this shows 2 aspects of Gd, see also 2 Corinthians 3, 17 - 18 & Psalm 143,10) further the entire human race was instructed to procreate and fill the entire earth with babies and children (see Genesis 1,28 & Genesis 9, 7. Note not 'depopulate' but populate the earth, anything else is the doctrine of the Antichrist)  As many as possible. She is not the 'Mother of God' but the mother of Yeshua / Jesus, who had to present himself in Human form in order to reverse Eden's curse and provide salvation and a way (the only way) back to God. He had to do so as a Man, as Adam had failed to instruct the Woman as was his role and duty (see Genesis 2, 15 - 17) Eve was not told by God (Genesis 3,6)  it was Adam who was to instruct on this issue. A man failed (Adam) and a man (Jesus) reversed this by sacrifice in crucifixion and resurrection providing a resurrection for all. Mary did not reverse this curse of Eden but God did. 

As we have seen above in the posts dated 3.2.2021 & 25.02.2021 & 13.03.2021 men and woman in both the Old and New Testaments ( and specifically in the post above dated 25.02.2021 in the 1st paragraph) received (temporarily only in the Old Testament) and permanently indwelling within them as Gds Holy Temple ( see 1 Corinthians 3,15 - 20 & especially verse 16 & 2 Corinthians 6,16 &  Romans 12,1) including Mary as a 'Human Being' in Luke 1, 35, but see Genesis 4, 1 for Cains birth & also Genesis 21,1 for Isaac's birth who were also filled with Gds Spirit, as Gd wanted the whole earth to be filled and allowed and enabled other Woman to become pregnant beyond their years or in prime. Mary was not unique in this, and there is a non biblical view that only she had the Holy Spirit of a higher and unique kind ? ( this enabled, and built on the heresy, to turn Mary the Jewish girl into a pagan Goddess as Isis or SemiramisOstara, Eostre as 'Easter' who were known as the Queen of Heaven extending back from Babylon centuries before Mary was born see above posts ) Slowly in this uniqueness, beautification and devotion of & to Mary, she becomes the personification of the actual Ruach / Holy Spirit of Gd in writings and assumptions and which of course is a complete blasphemy. Worshipping the Father is our command see Mathew 6, 6 - 15. Mary was born and died, like any other person, and we are told not to pray to or for the dead see Duetronomy 18,11 & 1 Chronilces 10,13 & John 3,13 & Exodus 20, 4 - 5 & Matthew 22, 32 & 1 John, 4, 1 &  Psalm 146:4 ; Ecceliastes 9,5 10. Each person who dies sleeps in his grave in unconsciousness until the resurrection  see John 5:28-29Daniel 12:2Job 19:25-2614:12-14John 3:13Acts 2:29-34 In the biblical Book of Acts hundreds of thousands received the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist's birth was also announced by an Angel (Jesus' cousin) and announced to his father Zechariah in Luke 1, 5 - 25. Verses 13- 17 state "Do not be afraid, Zacharias, for your petition has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John.You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth. For he will be great in the sight of the Lord; and he will drink no wine or liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb".

Mary herself asked people to obey Jesus in John 2,5 and he was clearly higher than Mary as the actual Son of God. She is a minor character in the bible, but nevertheless a great woman who had other children after Jesus. Sex of course was made by Gd as procreation. An interesting perspective is given by Pastor Steven Anderson in "The Virgin Mary"   Luke 1, 46, 47 (bible verses here) has the following words by Mary or Miriam Jesus (but not Gds mother) mother as follows  46. And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, 47. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Therefore she needed a saviour as she was a sinner and was not sinless. Mary was not born as "an immaculate conception herself" it is not recorded anywhere in the bible ? She gave birth after a virgin conception, but she herself was not conceived immaculately  (known as the Marian dogmas like the assumption into heaven which is also not found in the  bible ) She was a woman like any other and later she died as other people.

We do not know from the bible when Mary died but Hyppolitus of Thebes says that Mary lived for 11 years after the death of her son Jesus, dying in 41 AD, she would therefore have been over 50 years of age and possibly 60 years of age when she died. We know she had other children via sexual intercourse. Jesus Christ did have brothers and sisters see Matthew 1, 24 - 26 "  24 When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him: he took his wife, 25 but knew her not until she had given birth to a son. And he called his name Jesus" see also (Mathew 12,46 & 13, 55 – 56, Luke 8,19) Her real name was Miriam and she was Jewish and appears in the genealogical lists see post above dated 25.02.2021 and the paragraph that begins "The correct Genealogy of King David & the Messiah" (or see here as a repeat  The following  JPG shows Davids, Josephs and Jesus and Miriam's line. Heli and Joachim are the same person.  According to the 'Protoevangelium of James', Mary’s father’s name was Heli Joachim. He was a Zadok High Priest, and her mother was named Anne or Hanna, she also had an older brother named Zebedee, who would later employ the Apostle Peter & on her uncle was Joseph of Arimathea. Mary was a Virgin from the tribe of Judah but both her parents have to be considered, and their roles going back to  King David's time. She also reputedly (some suggest) left Jerusalem before she died and travelled separately from the Herod / Salome /Herodias line in the fake Da Vinci Code heresy (see posts above on this dated 3.2.2021 ) It is also theorised that she left for a place where a stone had been carried some 600 years earlier, at the time of Jeremiah.Others state they had this stone with them nearer the time the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD and which they took away at that time. A new 3rd website will discuss these issues in greater detail The Sovereignty of Nations and see also the end of chapter 1 above Her father was the brother o Joseph of Arimathea who supplied the tomb of Jesus ) Mary was human before and after death, and there was no "assumption into heaven" mentioned in the is a erroneous 'assumption' "Mary of Nazareth, daughter of Joachim and Anna,[8] is first mentioned by name in the Gospel of Matthew.[9] She was an ordinary woman, and her name was common enough that other women of the same name in the gospel had to be distinguished by their relatives or their place of origin.[10] From tradition we can assume that she grew up as a young Jewish girl in a small town in Galilee. "Since Mary was born into Judaism, she experienced the Hebrew Scriptures both in her prayer and her mode of life as a woman of Nazareth."[11] Mary's education as a girl included listening to the readings of the Torah and the Prophets in the synagogue. We cannot know for sure but it is quite possible that Mary knew how to read" Of course she could read and Mary’s heritage from such a long line of Zadok Levitical priests (as appointed by King David ) would have also made her a 'Bat Kohen' entitling her to a large dowry upon her betrothal to Joseph. Her marriage to Joseph was a fruitful and prosperous one. Miriam (Mary) was not the 'Mother of God' but the Mother of the Messiah. from the line of King David, but she was a great Woman created by Gd (This post above added 21.03.2021) 



5. Chrislam and the syncretization of the One World Religion.  

(23.04.2021) Chrislam is a relatively new belief, a Hybrid of Christianity and Islam and invented in Nigeria in Lagos in the 1970's. The following video gives the background Chrislam Pastor Daniel Mesa & Andrew Mosman (r.e.also Pastor Rick Warren who brought it to the west) or here on youtube also if video sticks  ) in its description box see more below the Video, representatives from Sunni and Shia factions of the Islamic faith reject its principles, being as it neither one or the other faith. Further no one is quite sure what it is. It also has connections to the Kundalini spirit churches see no 2 above or repeated again here Kundalini Church Invasion WARNING! False Spirits are INVADING The Church! Andrew Strom  by Pastor Andrew Strom  (and see also the 2nd video The Holy Spirit Ruach of Gd or the 'Strange Fire' Kundalini Spirit of Shiva also available here by a Christain blog ) or (the 1st video)  here on youtube once more as Part 1  and here also on youtube is part 2   and lastly part 3 is here also on youtube  ) The first video amongst others shows Pastor Rick Warren of Chrislam who partnered with Todd Bentley who divorced his wife after an affair with a staff member and remarried and then entered into a Homosexual relationship, but who has also embraced 'Chrislam'.  India was visited by Abraham and Sarah and they were known as A, Brahim and Saraswati  Showing travel was not a barrier to ancient societies, Thomas the disciple also visited and remained in India 2000 years ago arriving in AD 52

It is not just Hinduism which has a Spirit (although this is not Hinduism as Hindis know it in any case) but so too does Sufism (a sect of Islam and also rejected by Sunni and Shia Muslims) which combines Hashish with Spirit ( or here once more) and sometimes combines with Gene' or gins as Spirits if going too far, to induce a state of lost consciousness from its origins in Turkey see "The Soul, The Heart, and The Spirit in Sufism"   This Whirling Dervish ritual dance results in a induced state of hypnotism (this is a formal ceremony separate from rituals) "Mevlevi Sema Ceremony (Sufi Whirling Dervishes) in Istanbul  and which has similar body shaking experiences as the Kundalini Spirit here shown in theory Practice of Body Shaking

Islam is facing a dilemma as evidece shows the original Mecca was at Petra in Isreal / Jordan  'The Sacred City of Mecca, have we got it wrong'  (or here on Youtube once more) and there is more regarding the 'Al burag' beast claim to Jerusalem.  Woman in Iran 'Iranian Women Are Rejecting Forced Hijab - ROBERT SEPEHR' and incredibly people in the West are rejecting covid masks.Beauty and modesty are synonymous without forced full body coverings. Petra has Hindu origins in its carvings but it was abandoned in the 3rd century when the builders converted  to Christianity, and the Kaaba stone is a Hindu temple with Shiva Linga 'Kaaba is a Shiva Temple: Kaaba or Shiva Linga' a Shiva Linga is a female Yoni with Phallus. Kali the Hindi Goddess is simply Semiramis (Mother and Wife of Nimrod who built Babylon) renamed she is mentioned in the The Mahabharata (1989) - Kali Yuga and also Indiania Jones and the The Temple of Doom film. She is married to Shiva and is often seen standing upon him but both can appear in their multi-armed form. Shiva opposed the good Krishna and Rukmani (Rukmini) With Rama, She becomes Sita, when He is Krishna, she is Rukmini. There is of course a vast pantheon of Hindu gds and goddesses. 

Moving the Vatican to Astana in Kazakhstan  (see video if still available  'Astana Kazakhstan - The New World Order Secret City' but or see here on bitchute again or here once more Astana Kazakhstan- The New World Order Secret City. - BitChute in the proposed global enslaved 'technocracy' seems to be a part of the Chrislam experience and the Pope appointed 13 Chrislam Cardinals in late 2019. but also to weld Islam to Homosexual acceptance (as Islam laregly rejects Homoseuality and sentences many gays and lesbians to death) i.e. Pastor Rick Warren of Chrislam who partnered with Todd Bentley in the 1st paragraph above. For the Sunni - Shia history see The Goddess and the Black Cube - ROBERT SEPEHR  which also explains (at 14 minutes in the video) more on the Sufi / Whirling Dervish ritual dance which is similar to the Kundalini SpiritThe Dome of the Rock shrine on Temple Mount is in fact an 8 sided Octagon inspired shrine, and this design was popular for many centuries before 600 ad as representing the 8 sided star of Ishtar and which also became influential later on Islam. There are signs of an earlier pagan shrine below the Dome of the Rock as the Dome covers the Well of Souls cave. This area also houses the Foundation stone and the UN also has a foundation stone / meditation stone within its meditation room. Some within the Knights of the West rediscovered the Star of Ishtar in the recapturing of Jerusalem although this star was known in the west for over 4 thousand years. Further (and to repeat from the previous post)  to the World's Churches closing and all other faiths buildings and services also.

The following film gives the details of the plandemic 3 months before it was officially announced. "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches / World Economic Forum" or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches  Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches  World Economic Forum"  (this post added 23.04.2021)


6. The Worship of (fallen) Angels ? & the Worship of the Earth ? & the 7 Noahide laws / Abrahamic accords / 'Tikkun Olam' (or 'repairing the world')


(01.05.2021) One of the greatest mistranslations in the bible or rather a deliberate change from the literal translation (always a literal translation not a 'version' of the bible) is the Septuagint verse in Hebrews 2, 7  "you made him [man] lower than the angels" (taken from Psalm 8; 5) which should be translated as  "Yet You have made him a little lower than God, And You have crowned him with glory and honor" (contrast versions here) Whilst there are problem with both views other verses suggest man (and woman) is not demoted but have been delegated roles in  pro-creation, something the angels in heaven do not possess. 

That debate aside the bible says in 1 Peter 1: 12 “Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy [Spirit] sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into”  and then also man and woman will Judge the Angels see 1 Corinthians 6; 3 "1When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? 2Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! " 

Therefore we will have deeper revelations and also Judge the Angels and the fallen Angels also. Revelations 19; 10 &  22, 8 - 9 & Matthew 4, 9 - 10  & also Colossians 2, 18 & Roman 1,25 (especially) all state we do not worship Angels

Jesus is not an angel, in fact they (the angels) worshipped him and still do, see Hebrews 1:6, because he is the Son of God Matthew 3, 16 & 17 says "   16And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him,c and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him; 17and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son,d with whom I am well pleased.” Lucifer the 'morning star'" or son of the morning (Isaiah 14:12  ) is a fallen angel and is described by Jesus as having fallen from Heaven see Luke 10, 18 where Lucifer is described as Satan. More importantly Yeshua is not Satan as one was watching the other in Luke 10,18. Further Jesus is not Lucifer as Jesus is described as the 'Bright Morning star' in Revelations 22; 16 " I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." ...... not just the Morning Star but the bright and morning star. Jesus is not Lucifer nor Satan, but is Lucifer also Satan ?  

Isaiah 14,12 also describes Lucifer as 'fallen' echoing Luke 10, 18 description by Jesus and Revelations 12, 7 - 9 also states Satan was thrown out of Heaven with the rest of the fallen Angels. Ezekiel 28; 12 - 15 describes a being who was even in Eden who was found to be at fault (iniquity was found in him verse 15) and an anointed Cherub, who are also described in Hebrews 9, 5, Genesis 3, 5 and also Exodus 26; 1, suggesting there were more than 2, and they flew upholding God 2 Samuel 22, 11 Cherubs however are not angels or archangels, these are Michael (Rev. 12:7), Gabriel (Luke 1:19) yet if Lucifer was an Archangel it seem his messenger status (from where we derive Mercury the messenger of the gds) as an anointed Cherub means he had higher beauty (Ezekiel 28,13), and/or duties as Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 imply. Lucifer or light bearer bearing the light as a messenger arch- angel but who now wants to ascend higher than Gd in Isaiah 14, 13 - 14 but who has been cast down verse 15.and who is called the father of lies in John 8, 44. Also identified as the great serpent or dragon in Revelations 12;9 and 20; 2 and most commonly as also the serpent in Genesis 3, 13 - 14 as this creature was made to crawl on his belly. Yet before this (not crawling on his belly) the indication was the creature walked upon 2 legs, and could talk (or something talked through it ) and was bright or shining.( Hebrew word נחש‎, nakhásh is used in Genesis 3 for serpent meaning shining or bright and coppery) the creature was a beast of the field (Genesis 3,1 and Genesis 3, 14) but it does not say Lucifer or Satan, (but Ezekiel 28; 12 - 15 states the fallen former anointed cherub had been in Eden) hence some of the Gnostic's as a Heresy state that this 'nakhash' was an angel but not Lucifer or Satan but God, or the son of God himself who really deceived Eve, hence the rebellion from Heaven. A Jewish woman who evangelized by apologetics and addressed an issue of headship which is present in the bible for spiritual reasons i.e Genesis 2, 15 - 17 when only the man was told directly by Gd, and who did not pass on the information correctly and therefore carries the higher side of the blame which is Paul is actually discussing in Ephesians 5: 22 - 24 & verses 25 - 29. (This observation Anastasia  is making in the last videos actually refers to most faiths, secular institution and bodies not just one) John 13,27 states that man can be possessed by Satan as any animal could also be (bearing in mind the serpent was the most cunning in Genesis 3,1 and the father of lies Satan in John 8,44)  Whilst the history and technology of Egypt is impressive confusion is made and by deliberate omission of the facts, and which extends back to the controversy between the Operative and Speculative Free - Mason schism which began in 1700 ad. "Freemason Shriner says Lucifer is god"  or here once again on Daily Motion or on bitchute  once more  (the origins of Zoroastrian dualism lie within this belief )

After these issues the next proposition and admission is that Lucifer certainly existed and was created by Gd but the "iniquity" that was found in him see Ezekiel 28,15 was actually the fault of Gd it is theorised. As a created being any substance or iniquity was therefore originally also within Gd it is then suggested as Gd created Lucifer (which also means Lucifer is not Gd ) But the choices we make are the iniquity and Lucifer choose to rebel and tempt and destroy Gd's creation as Adam and Eve. Before this he was Sinless and this is confirmed in James 1, 14 - 15 and which gave rise to the War in Heaven as described in Revelations 12, 7 - 9.


Worshipping the earth

Revelations 12, 10 states Satan accuses the brethren day and night  and he wants to ascend higher than Gd in Isaiah 14, 13 - 1. This is impossible but taking authority away from Adam and Eve (both) and their descendant who had dominion over all the earth (Genesis 1, 26 - 28) meant he could take control of the earth and all creatures upon it legally. Adam and Eve were told to take care of the earth (Genesis 2;15 ) and subdue it and rule over it (Genesis 1,28) and populate the earth abundantly (Genesis 9,7 & 1,28 ) not depopulate it. Psalm 115:16 states "The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's; But the earth He has given to the children of men" (but not to angels or fallen angels) "And we know that death is the last enemy to be destroyed (1 Corinthians 15:26), and Messiah came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), which is sin and consequently death" Adam and Eve's dominion was lost, but that loss removed on the death and resurrection of Yeshua the Messiah. Worship moves away from God to worshipping the creation (Genesis 1) and then to worshipping the Babylonian system. Everyone wants and expects clean water, clean air and unpolluted soils and organic food, but this mandate was given freely by God to humanity with no intermediate body overseeing this mandate or financial charge by way of taxation which is what carbon credits are. Humans are also 'carbon' and these so called green laws seek to tax you for breathing, eating, drinking water and simply living with your body as payment (the Great Reset  Technocracy see chapter 3a and also chapter 3b above ) see "The Corporation - Documentary" or here again on Bitchute The Corporation – Feature, Documentary This legal fiction creation seeks to sell you what you already have a mandate for.

There is no commandment to worship the earth ? or regard it as a Spirit which exists separately from Gd and not created by Gd ?  in fact Exodus 20, 3 and Romans, 1, 25 & Matthew 4, 8 - 10 suggests that the earth itself is not an object of worship, and Luke 4;8 says we serve God only. An interesting article also touches on the Stewardship of the earth debate "Is There a Dominion Mandate?"  Today there is a movement to install the sabbath (in this case a Sunday see next paragraph, but not for God) as a day of rest to only serve the earth not to worship Gd, but the same belief ignores, 1, the biblical Sabbath regulations require that humans give rest to the animals every seven days; and in the 2. seventh year they must allow the land to lie fallow, free slaves, and remit all debts (Exodus 23:10-11; Lev 25) without any quid pro quo or condition. We are not subject to creation but to God and the vocation is not only to care for the earth but also to subdue and populate it for food and for future generations. 'Creation' is not some in - between placebo between God and man as a sole barometer for how we are doing in Gods will. God is not 'one' with us all and creation, but exists outside of Creation and man woman kind and before it was created also. This 'oneness' religion is ludicrous. Richard Dawkins says literally nothing is something, but what is nothing & where did it come from ?  (or here again or here once more on youtube )

If we follow the Cains of this world whose offering of fruit and grain was not acceptable to God, then the Abels (the farmers of livestock) are set aside although this question runs deeper than just types of offering "Why Didn’t God Respect Cain’s Offering?"   Hebrews 11,4 states Abel's offering was accepted because of his faith and by it, he was righteous.Cains kingdom passed away, but Nimrod (Grandson of Ham son of Noah) built a Kingdom which was also not acceptable to God, and which also disregarded Genesis 9, 24 - 25 until Genesis 11 when this kingdom also passed away. The Green GAIA debate is examined in the following videos   2. Mystery Babylon (Revelations 17,5) GAIA, Mother Earth as the Whore of Babylon  and also here once more 1.Gaia Mother Earth; Semiramis Ianna Ishtar Astarte Asherah Hecate Artemis Nemesis Queen of Heaven and also here once again Pastor Charles Lawson Gaia Mother Earth/Goddess Theology & Save the Earth, The Best Documentary Ever  see also the posts dated above as 20.01.2021 on the lack of Gds law and the Anti - Christ (Anti - Messiah) and the post under them dated 3.2.2021 & 25.02.2021 on the Eucharist and the Holy Spirit. / Ruach ha Kodesh. (Green Gaia Sabbaths on 'SUNday' (Lockdown Jubilee's for the Earth 'Environmentalism' & the 'Pope' ) separately from Judaism, Christianity, Islam or any faith other than GAIA which is also tampering with nature (which includes you, not loving it ? ) and ruining nature in every way possible, see also The Truth About Extinction Rebellion  MP4 FILE  Here tampering with Bees which need to be perfected or bred and augmented into new bees ? Digital Babylon - Building The Digital Beast System With Fallen Angel Technology (for a full picture of the sustainable development agenda 21 deception began by Maurice Strong see chapter 3 in the adjacent website  & see below for some of its content)

The book of Enoch has been omitted from the canon of scripture, yet with the dead sea scrolls and information in the accepted canon the 'problems' of Enoch are becoming less. The book of Jude and the books of Peter Yeshua also quotes Enoch at least 8 times and the following videos shed more light on the book. See 1. Enoch reveals God & Armageddon & The real reason it is excluded from Scripture (also in description)  and connected to this subject 2.  Days Of Noah Hybrids Walk Among US & Book of Enoch, a Documentary Luke 17,26 and further explained 3.   Book of Enoch (Documentary) - God, Angels, Devils & Man, Genesis 6 & Seth & Cain. The  false teaching of "apokatástasis" or  Apocatastasis is rebutted here (Heading "Hell a place which lasts forever" a link which takes you to that heading in this Chapter 5, you can scroll down near enough back to this post dated 01.05.2021 but a link will be provided) which analyzes the issues and discusses it and the truth, which is as it states, hell is a place which lasts forever, and which is also contained in this bitchute video Refined in the Lake of Fire the Meaning of Hell Fire..(a Bad sermon analysed in the description box) which has a full explanation in it description box.


The 7 Noahide laws 

These 7 laws are laid out in this article on the subject   The primary source for them is the Babylonian Talmud which is a secondary source to Torah and the King of Israel, the major prophets and psalms and minor prophets and the Brit Chadasha ( New Testament)   In the same way the Encyclopedia Britannica is considered an authority on subjects so the Babylonian Talmud is also considered an authority, but neither are above the Bible.  they also provide no Covenant towards salvation. A covenant (7 in the bible) is a 2 way agreement in which God has the greater part and even if we do not keep the covenant properly God will not abandon his part in them despite us. A legal agreement is a contract not a covenant, and if one or the other parties break the contract then the contract is null and void. God makes covenants not legal agreements. The Noahide laws are contractual and not covenantal . The question for the expansion into Greater Israel is are the 7 Noahide laws the correct legal basis ? Rabbi Irael Ariel explains the dichotomy between Noahide and Torah. (2015) 


Abrahamic accords 

Maria Merola explains (see Real Star of Bethlehem & Counterfeit & the Abrahamic accords Genesis 15:18 Deuteronomy 11:2 Joshua 1,4  bitchute or on Youtube here also once more ) Maria points out that Israel seems to be getting smaller and its lands divisions run contrary to God's word ? Yet without (even) the Noahide laws or the Abrahamic accords Israel i heading for its greatest ever Victory.  Or alternatively here on Rumble once more "DPI Ministries: The Real Star of Bethlehem versus the Counterfeit"

Since Jerusalem was named as capital of the World by President Trump (& Biden) the 33rd President of The US constitution of 1776 - 1789 & Bill of Rights which was changed from "The Constitution for the United States" to the words in block capitols "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES" ( 'for' changed to 'OF' by congress on the 21st February 1871 under the acts of the 41st congress, section 34, session 3, chapters 61 & 62 called the "Act to provide a government for the District of Columbia" or in short the Act of 1871) and CEO of the Corporation Joe Biden but run by FEMA and the military (see chapter 3b and the US Presidential elections 2020. The US constitution 1776 is suspended but so to is the US Corporation of 1871 with CEO and Secretaries. It is a budding technocracy under FEMA, the military and FEMA. This designation is still to be decided (but Trump and Biden are not running the USA  Link back to post in Chapter 3b & U Presidential Election dated 8.4.2021 but both Trump and Biden have accepted Jerusalem as the de facto or de jure World's Capital at Jerusalem) 


'Tikkun Olam' (or 'repairing the world')  

This Chapter 5 (and others)  is a part of that scenario known as 'Tikkun Olam'. Further the 'One for Israel ministry'  states that God is able to repair the World as he is the Creator. See also here on Youtube  (and for example the Jewish girl whose father would have preferred she was a drug addict than discuss Yeshua as Messiah or the President of a Synagogue  who found faith, or the Jewish man who thought Yeshua was Italian, only to discover the 'Sabbatean Frankists' are Sufi Turks (see last post above) and as described by Rabbi Antleman The Sabbatean Frankist's Explained By Rabbi Marvin Antelman Their aim is to destroy Israel and their doctrine is to create as much evil and lawlessness as possible to usher in the Messiah, forcing Gds hand.  King David however was Ehpramite see (1 of 2) King David, Bathsheba, Absalom and the Prophet Nathan (Law & Grace) and King David said in Psalm 16,10, that God would not 'leave his Soul in Sheol' and that is exactly what happened Dr Terry Law, Where did Jesus go to, after he died & the Truth about Angels  (This post above added 01.05.2021)   





7.  2 Thessalonians 2, 3 - 10 Abandoning the Church and the Law (God's Law) for cheap grace and apostasy.
The real authority on God's earth and Judgement
(Matthew 10, 34 - 36) 

(12.01.2022) Topics include; Hireling shepherds and Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. Law and Grace,The 'Church so called', 'Precursor' ? or 'Mark of the Beast' .., Israel deaths and injuries by injection and Israel's Artificial Intelligence, Judgement on the Church. The real Church and more.


2 Thess 2, 3 - 4
3Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,4who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God

The Global 'church' is slowly awakening to the realization that they have been listening to the prophets of Baal and hireling shepherds and not just from the outside but also from within their own pulpits and media. 


Peter and Paul and the Law

The false representation of the Law of God (and the grace of God) is summed up in the following short video on the law as shared by Peter and Paul Romans 7,11 - 12 "The Law is Good, Just & Holy" The Full Gospel for today according to Peter & Paul
The bible warns of a great falling away (2 Thess 2, 1 -3) and the hearts of many would grow cold "
And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold"  (Matthew 24, 12) Matthew 24, 29 shows that the Church goes through the Tribulation as all the bible verses on this subject show (e.g. Mark 13, 24 - 27) 


The church lives by every word that issues from the mouth of God (Matthew 4, 4) echoing Deuteronomy 8, 3 exactly in the law. ALL scripture is to be used (2 Timothy 3, 16 - 17) ... 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Luke 21, 26 states "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken".

This is also a reference to Luke 10, 18 and "And He said unto them, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" This was then past tense and refers to Satan falling from 3rd heaven where he was see Job 1 and 2. 2nd Heaven is described in Ephesians 2,2 "Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience" The air or the media, the internet or the 'cloud' Overall control however is with the Messiah in 3rd heaven, through 2nd heaven and into 1st heaven (earth) 

Isaiah 66,1 and Acts 7,49 describe this total control through all the  heavens as follows "Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?" Peter quoting the old testament into the new and the disciples and apostles quoted the law also. The place of rest amongst the redeemed is a reference to the coming Millennial 100o year reign and the New Jerusalem preceded by the marriage feast of the lamb.

1 corinthians 6, shows paul upheld the law in issues of personal morality and marriage (as in Deuteronomy 22,30, and see also Matthew 19, 5 echoed again in Ephesians 5, 31 as one man and one woman becoming one flesh) but also 1 Cor 6; 4 - 6 shows that Gods law is above secular law.

Matthew 13, 41. "The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness"

Pastor Stephen Anderson also discusses the relevance of the law today  The Relevance of the Law Today Pastor Steven Anderson  and also the opposing view  The Old Testament Sabbath Preached by Pastor Steven Anderson. Here Pastor Anderson tries to navigate the 'one new man' (Novus Deus) principle, but without recognising these problems and serious errors (video in 2 parts) Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph you can end up with these feasts (at 7 minutes 55 seconds to 8 minutes into the video)  - 'Their plan is no right out in the open Richie from Boston'  even 'non preachers' can see the difference. All false gds and beliefs emanate from babylon and from that day

However one feast discussed ever since Genesis 1 and throughout the Torah, Prophets and writings and new testament into Revelations is the "Marriage feast of the Lamb"  A FUTURE FEAST with the Messiah present (a brief introduction Sukkot, the 3 fall feasts & The Parable of the Wedding Feast John 14, 2-3 & Rev 19 ) which occurs during the 3 fall feasts (Leviticus 23 feasts) and ALL true redeemed believers will be present to celebrate this incredible feast..Further the feasts (and some of them, they continue to be celebrated with the Messiah in the Millennial reign, see above in this chapter 5 to discover which of those feasts are celebrated still and into the millenium and how the sun and moon are relevant to them as created entities) so they also are not concluded. Many christians avoid them their whole lives ? but presuming they are regenerated (John 3, 3 - 5 & Matthew 19,28 & Titus 3,5) they will be at them in the hereafter. These are central to the Old Testament, the four gospels and the New testament and the book of revelations. 

The feasts continue to be celebrated in the Millennium 1000 reign (Ezekiel's temple into the Millennium temple) preceded by the feast of the marriage feast of the Lamb. Further the world will be judged by the Law and ruled by the Law,  Rev 2,7 "And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father" Yet even if you discount the future application of the law in both Judgment and in the Kingdom, then even the New Testament is given for the law with Salvation or atonement moving into a new covenant.  

Scripture is not about peace on earth, & the righteous (some) are not hurt by god's fire, but Abominations & the unrighteous are judged by it.Jesus said Judgment will be worse than Tyre & Sidon Luke 10,14 “But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre & Sidon at the judgment, than for you.” What could be worse ? Matthew 5,18 "For truly I tell you, until heaven & earth disappear, not the smallest letter,not the least stroke of a pen,will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished"

Romans 2,13 "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified". Romans 7,12 "Wherefore the law is holy, & the commandment holy, & just, & good" Romans 3:20 (the law as the spirit convicts) "because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin"

Most in the Church do not know the law in the Old testament, the Gospels of the New. The law is not a long list but it intertwines and weaves it ay through the story of the bible The "Law"; Psalm 40,8 & 119,97 & Matthew 5,18 & Romans 7,12 & 1 John 3,4 & Romans 2,13 & 2,Thess 2 


Within the Church 'the Lawless' look like the hireling shepherds apostate church prophesied in the New testament.

The Archbishop of Canterbury preaching some other 'Jesus' (2 Corinthians 11,4) Justin Welby has said Jesus would have gotten the vaccine and by implication practice social distancing and would have worn a mask and wiped his hands 30 times a day, and self isolated whilst shouting at the lepers to get away (see Matthew 8 and Luke 17, 12 - 19) The growing number of deaths and injuries and the peculiar nature of the mRNA injections for DNA spike protein manufacture, which are not vaccines (and if they were in themselves, they are not medically fit for purpose) see "Covid-19 UK: Antivax people are 'immoral' says Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby" (or here once again in the Independent with embedded video or here presented by a concerned parent. Justin Welby appears at 2 mins 45 seconds and towards the end at 16 minutes 50.Or here again in the Daily Mail MSM) See also Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby says 'Antivax' types 'immoral' & Jesus would be vaccinated ? Matthew 10, 8 says of Jesus  "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give" 

Archbishop Welsby in the video above also jokes about the difficulty of making a conspiracy in the Church of England,(so there is no vaccination death and injury conspiracy etc) but the latest IICSA child abuse report (itself highly criticised by victims) states that is exactly what has been organised i.e a 'conspriacy'. The recent The IICSA Independent Child Sexual Abuse report into the Anglican Church (towards the end of 2020) The shocking story of the child sexual abuse in the Anglican church is related here by the BBC (who have a shocking record also) or here by the Guardian   or here by the Herald in Scotland Child Sexual Abuse occurs in all institutions including pagan and secular groups. 

Yet if he can lie barefaced to the public on that issue, what is actually going on with the mRNA Injection vaccination rollout (of Billions and see GAVI in the UN /WHO)  who want to vaccinate the entire world. Archbishop Welsby and the entire top tier of the Church of England should resign, An alternative view from the Church of England is near the end of this post


Precursor ? and / or 'Mark of the Beast'

A recent ongoing and for the far future is the 'precursor' doctrine developed within the media, but which is not stated as a doctrine in the bible. With some clear thought on the subject Anthony Patch (Christians) and Kathleen Patch who give the views of the following churches or faiths 1. for or 2. against....(all represent hundreds of millions of people) 
see Covid Just a Precursor to the M.O.B. ? Anthony & Kathleen Patch & the 'Church leaders' (Part 1 of 2)


Those (but who say it is a precursor to terrible events) for the Injections  /  Vaccines which are not vaccines but experimental mRNA injections or pills.

Pastor Charles Lawson, Pastor Greg Laurie, (Brenda Weltner, youtube content provider) Pastor Tim Henderson, New Destiny Christian assembly, David Knight Christian, Allen Parr (the beat), Steven Denoon, Pastor Jack Hibbs and Amir Tsarfati, Todd Freil, Mike Lopez, Dalton Thomas, Pastor Keith Malcomson, Pastor Adam Fannin, Dave Robbins, 'End time dream and Vision' Pastor Tiff Shuttlesworth, Pastor JD Farag, Futureshock, Pastor Tom Hughes and 'Monkey Werx', 'Now the end Begins', Pastor Robert Breaker, Pastor Robert Jeffress, Pastor John MaCarthur, Pastor Paul Begley, Pastor Barry Stagner, Kathy Hochul Governor of New York (see below also) Pastor Jack Hibbs, Greek Orthodox Church USA, Pastor John Hagee, Franklin Graham and quoting his father also Billy Graham. (2nd Half ) American Baptist Churches USA, Autonomous orthodox, (the National council of Churches in Scandinavia, Japan and USA and wider) Buddhism, the Vatican, the Pope (1 of 3 in the Vatican or near currently)  catholicism, Church of Christ Scientist, Church of the latter day saints Mormons, Greek orthodox archdiocese of America, The National Council of Churches, (NCC) The Episcopal Church.

And the Humanist church. 'Humanism' ....( 'we believe we evolved from Monkeys' and could be called 'Monkeyism' or 'Apeism' also known as 'Secular Apeism' etc, the other incredible theory that apes evolved from humans, but as yet no intermediary forms found Richard Leaky recently died a fraudster  paleontologist who deceived millions with his (and others also) plaster cast reconstructions and composite animal depictions of ape men and woman see chapter 4 above. How come there are still Monkeys etc ?) 

(contd) Evangelical Christianity & the Reverend Kim Walker, Islam, Jehovah's Witnesses, Judaism, Oriental orthodox, Presbyterian, (the Rev ? Dr Diane Moffett), Protestant National council of churches, inc Brethren, Lutheran, Baptist, Episcopal, Mennonite etc, representing 35 million people. Seventh day adventist, Sikhism, 


Those against the 'precursor' theory who state it is the M.O.B. The discussion continues with different views against the mRNA injections misrepresented as vaccines.... 

Pastor Rick Wiles, Pastor Chuck Baldwin, Peter Feaman (Republican committeeman ) Majories Taylor Greene (US House of representatives)  (unsure but against in principle) Seventh day adventist. 

Following this film the Patch family issued redactions on behalf of Rick Wiles of True news (who had changed his mind with a legal threat) and Chuck Baldwin of Liberty fellowship who said it is 'A' mark of the beast not THE mark of the beast as a kind of precursor comfort.
see  Covid Just a Precursor to the M.O.B. ? Anthony & Kathleen Patch & the 'Church leaders' (Part 2 of 2)

If you are still wondering which opinion is correct then you need to be reborn (John 3, 3 - 5) and filled with the Holy Spirit and ask for discernment. Even if you still do not accept the real situation of these injections or pills, ask why these church leaders who recommend the injection to the Flock want you to have human diploid cells grown from baby fetus, mercury, aluminum,graphene, crispr nanotechnology (full list below) and much more within the serum ?  then consider the following (as most of them are pro- life ? except for the deranged on that subject amongst them) 



Pope Francis confirms "baby DNA" is in the experimental vaccines   but  this is then denied by a Roman Catholic news Channel  EWTN  (EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network who campaigned on pro - life issues) However Veritas have also confirmed that infant human remains are in the vaccines and which was confirmed by Pfizer to Veritas  Further EWTN are not keen to comment on these issues as Vannessa Gelman Pfizer's lead researcher runs away when asked about the baby dna in vaccines the Pope approves of,  also the Dr stanley Plotkin deposition confirms that recent aborted fetal tissue is used in 2018 (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video or You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins in here Today the Vatican has issued Green passports on Covid but if you are a pedophile priest you can hide out there without prosecution.(for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) And the CDC now admit aborted fetal parts are in vaccines

It is incredible that the pro - choice pro abortion campign of "my body my choice" does not apply  to vaccine mandates ?? EWTN campaigned in the Irish abortion referendum which revealed baby parts sold by Planned Parenthood ? but cannot accept that those parts are in Vaccines ? see Babies body parts & Vaccines part 1  and see part 2 also Babies body parts & Vaccines part 2 (The root of the word vaccine in the Latin is "cow" in the  bovine  sense, a cow being an animal or beast but domesticated)

The full (sickening) list of  Vaccine and/or mRNA injection ingredients and just how many shots a baby is expected to take these days Dr. Christiane Northrup: COVID-19 VAXXX Ingredients.

New Documentary exposes the Irish abortion referendum in 2018 The documentary is a shocking expose showing how Big Tech and the MSM intervened and meddled for the yes vote (for abortion) when their campaign was lost  in Ireland. Whether it is children who are alive and who are then sexually abused, or in the womb and cut open and killed "children's rights" are non existent in the law of the sea uniform commercial code assessment of citizens and state rights, as opposed to Common law rights

1. Youtube   IRELAND'S FALL: THE ABORTION DECEPTION - how the elites killed the right to life   2. Facebook   Trailer on Facebook    3. The Life Institute  Full Film page

Since the 'injection vaccine'' makers state baby diploid cells are in the serums and are grown on aborted fetal parts 9by also the 'highest' authority on pediatrician and vaccine science Dr Stanley Plotkin confirming more have been harvested up until at least 2018, but the pro life church denies this is true, then equally the discernment levels must be similar by those recommending the injection / vaccination, or in reality just how those in the World Council of Churches and are Wolves in Sheep's clothing and have infiltrated the 'church' to make such fatal and spiritually catastrophic decisions. (Matthew 7,15)

Examples of this concern the Governor of NewYork Kathy Hochul "The Vaccine Came from God" deranged & sinister Governor of New York Kathleen Courtney Hochul  who in this view is supported by Donald Trump the father of the Vaccine and the injection / vaccine is a miracle produced at operation warp speed   Joe Biden also pushed injections / vaccines  even for chldren like any big pharma salesperson (man woman or injection induced transgender gd) The double and triple vaxxed can still catch 'covid' (28.10.2021) even if all at home are 'vaccinated'  whilst pilots are being banned from flying if vaccinated as many are dying in the cockpit (1.1.2022) whilst 'governments' have now said the vaccinated can fly into coutries (5.1.2022 ) without requiring a negative covid test ? (but will still require more injections and boosters and showw them on phones etc) If they were pilots and vaccinated then they could not fly however ? 

The injections cause the spike proteins to manufacture the serum ingredients which also include mercury, aluminum, and monkey and pig DNA, etc and crispr gene editing and Graphene (called gene therapy as admitted by the CDC) causing the toxic variants to spread to other unvaccinated people see CEO of Big Pharma Bayer "mRNA vaccines are an example of cellular gene therapy" The inventor of the m RNA injection Robert Malone who has come out against the injections saying they damage your rna / dna and can kill you  (unlike the church examples above) has been suspended by Twitter  (because what does he know about it, right ?) and the whole world was banned from writing the word vaccine whilst walking around in church with a polyester diaper on their face thinking the polyester would protect them (as God could not) He has also warned not (to think twice or more even) about getting your child injected 

List of examples of deaths and injuries of the injections. Fatal is the correct term as is damaging injuries from the experimental injections. See the adjacent website the Sovereignty of Nations for 200 examples and many of them are compilations showing millions of examples, and  
Link to mRNA injections deaths and injuries  dated 21.10.2021 (over 200 examples many with hundreds in compilation, added as progressing to date)


For other information from doctors see the following

 Dr Andrew Wakefield This Is Not a Vaccine It Is an Irreversible mRNA Genetic Modification 
& also on this subject Dr Charles Hoffe, How the mRNA injections change you Physically & Spiritually (The Strong Delusion) 

"Vaccine secrets" video made by a father who lost his son to a vaccine poison injection and studied them for 20 years to produce this 22 minute video (e.g the FDA do not test vaccines the manufacturer does and they are indemnified & they are full of dangerous ingredients )

The Spike protein overdrive causes victims to shed the disease onto others as the real pandemic, the vaccines / injections have gain of function capability and Evidence Of Self Assembling Nano Circuitry In The Pfizer Vaccine by Greg Reese


They Are Playing God With Our DNA - 2018 Pastor Charles Lawson

Anti-Fertility Vaccines And Population Control by Dr. Sam Bailey (Dr Bailey has her YT own channel here (or here also or once again on Odysee channel)  On the incoming system of total world surveillance and being branded or tagged (or marked, and only beasts are marked)  Bigger Than Snowden - Neuro Weapons - Directed Energy Weapons - Mind Control - Targeted Individuals and there are plenty of information on how AI and AGI is running this system. For those who do not believe in total world surveillance (total spectrum dominance) the inventor of the current system Bill Binney, (NSA) and Whistleblower, see A Good American (2015) The systems he describes are 20 years out of date, and today the MSM openly discuss D.E.W. (directed energy weapons) and they are no longer a conspiracy theory. what Bill Binney couldn't have imagined possibly is the cloning of people virtually as DATA and the tie in with the law of the sea legal fictions to produce the metaverse of IOT (internet of things) and then progressing IOB (internet of Bodies) and next IOS (the internet of souls) 

The metaverse - Worse than you thought, worse than you know ((targeting the church and imprisoning society) Further the metaverse and other virtual societies are full of paedofiles and trafficking grooming chat rooms, despite microsoft developing its pedophile online tracker Think Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell controlling the Metaverse) 

Central bank digital currency 100 % World rollout proposed for 2022 See also as the reality begins to dawn. and also beginning in 2018 Crypto The End of Freedom! 1988 Economist magazine until today100%  Central banks have announced that all central banks will move to digital crypto in 2022. Bitcoin was first formulated by  the NSA, but the CIA and Goldman Sachs invented it. It is the same beast as digital central banks as the internet is now owned by a  NGO under directions from the United nations signed into effect by Obama in 2016 It is a California non-profit organization, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) see "Global Central Bank Digital Currency Roll Out 2022"   and then also ICE AGE FARMER Central Banks launch Digital Currencies - Perfect Technocratic Control  The ECB (and USA Federal RESERVE  move to Digital Euro  to prepare for no cash and UBI Universal Basic Income with "conditions'' (but every nation has the right to issue its own notes and cash for its people) The US Federal Reserve also to issue digital money 

The health plandemic was legislated under Obama in 2016 but carried on by Trump and BidenObama prepared the plandemic Executive order 13747 4.11.2016 (as CEO of the fake 1871 Corporation see above in late 2016 into 2018 ) as either the worlds greatest hoax or the  greatest mass murder operation from a man made virus in world history. " The document, originally unearthed in March by Politico, is a 69-page National Security Council guidebook developed in 2016 with the goal of assisting leaders “in coordinating a complex U.S. Government response to a high-consequence emerging disease threat anywhere in the world.”  Known as Executive Order 13747 of November 4, 2016. (just days before the US election) "Executive Order -- Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats" Obama was / is responsible for Genoicde see (Video 27) ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery . Condemned by governments and religious leaders globally see chapter 3 and also chapter 3a above it is obvious the Global health act is not for health.(millions dead and / or displaced)

Safe and Effective and once again on this reality 6G The New (D)Evolution and with that information The Spiritual Agenda Behind COVID-19 and Directed Energy Weapons(DEW ) are no longer conspiracy theories.

As in Luke 17,26 and Matthew 24, 37 playing God with the human genome is here again. In 2003 it was announced that the Human genome project was completed (99.99 % ) This was the draft mapping of every aspect of Human DNA / RNA and proteins and all cells The project began in 1990 and concluded in 2003. One goal of the project was to accurately sequence the 3 billion nucleotide base pairs in the human genome.The revealing documentary 'Hacking the Human Genome | After Dark Online'  gives some of the background. Hack your DNA with CRISPR - VPRO documentary - 2018'  People can purchase Home DNA / RNA altering hacking kits but which  come with a warning. Now all known DNA is stored in Gene banks and ( AI / AGI) artificial intelligence can assist an sequence recombinant DNA (also placed with the m RNA vaccines ) making a code which can be patented and owned by private corporations (including you especially if you are vaccinated) for bio identification.the Sars 2 covid 19 code is here by Dr Sam Bailey   (or here 3 minutes in also once more ) Gene edited and patented food for gene edited and patented humans (formerly human beings) 

Microchipping of humans rolled out whether they like it or not. Sweden is microchipping its population and now "COVID Passport Microchip Developer Says Chipping of Humans Happening “Whether We Like it or Not”   (or here as a blog with video embedded)

To understand what is actually going on in relation to biotech an biometric ID globally see  Next Generation Bio-Weapons  In 1999 and from Canada Ebola was smuggled into the USA by operatives who work with Dr Tedros (who is not a Doctor) and members of the UN World Health Organization (who support Agenda 21 - 30 and global depopulation) see Vials & Thugs & Spies, Oh My! The USA has 200 military biological labs globally    China has around13 labs and also many biotech labs including research into Gene editing Russia also  has many military biological labs 

The UK has its own military biological labs and the UK Government in its protocols for the 4th industrial revolution includes human gene editing as an objective of them  (UK.GOV)  Regulation for the  Fourth Industrial Revolution from 11th June 2019 under Teresa May scroll down to see gene editing )military bio-tech linked to Gene editing under the UN new international rules based order which has co-opted every national Health Service as a military agency.

Bio warfare exists and real pandemics visibly, have dead bodies in the streets and everywhere 


The New but old religion is Gnostic in character but with modern transhumanism and technology and AI it is believed man can now live forever  (Video 57) Ray Kurzweil Immortality by 2045 & Anthony Levandowski The way of the Future AI Religion and /or man & woman can become gods Richard Seed,Transhumanist becoming a 'gd' in the 4th Industrial Revolution (IOT) Internet of Bodies  ( leaning towards new Titans and not the gds of Olympus for now) This old but new religion has been boosted by Artifical Intelligence and / or Artificial General Intelligence as its MIND can become an extension of mankind's mind (or the chosen few in the deoplation model with the rest living with lower RNA / DNA to serve "the gds" This AI mind becomes a heightened Gnosis (extension to the human mind) as the Gnosis i.e. the Intellect and its perfection (In apotheosis)  is how you become a gd (combined with body parts or augmented cybernetic parts to aid old growth limits. After 700 hundred years even body part and organ replacement will no longer work, so longer more durable cyborg parts must be developed) Gnostic = Gnosis = Intellect for a full explanation see Videos 1 - 72 

(Added 14.12.2022 on US Supreme Court mandates) The Vaccinated 'shedding' new diseases onto the Unvaccinated and the United Nations and the US Supreme Court One of the most diabolical parts of this (the numbers game now involving Billions) is the unvaxxed are being shed upon by (BBC report) the double vaxxed so the unvaxxed are in more danger, and are now catching myocarditis heart attacks, and strokes, blood clots, menstrual problems and seizures as the spike protein goes into continuous overdrive. The BBC reported that 4 people in a home who are vaxxed are shedding onto each other and the unvaxxed. RTE announced that close contact restrictions can now be removed allow more shedding ! see report SHEDDING ? VAXXINE INDUCED HEART ATTACKS SPREADING TO UN-VAXXED ?  The US seems to be moving to monthly or weekly vaccinations for all Nick Fuentes: It's not just a vaccine mandate for your initial dose. Children are being mandated ? truly diabolical but then for instance the Government here in Ireland voted not to give pain relief to aborted babies in December 2021.  Fully vaccinated people in Australia who have covid exceed those unvaxxed with 'covid', you couldn't make it up, unless you want to spread these problems onto as many people as possible in the world which sounds like depopulation. China is the expert at depopulation domestically 12.01.2022 but now internationally and this is what China are experts in i.e 'Biotech' (Robert Kennedy JNR on the lethal injections which hibernate and 'shed' or emit becoming walking (as it is termed) bio - weapons in those who live but kill or maim many, removing the immune system straight away or in months)

The US Supreme court has just AGREED (13/14.01.2022) TO MANDATE HEALTH CARE WORKERS, Biden's mandate has not been defeated as it is not his (this helps the shedding spreading process)The reality is the UN rules based order is in charge. See  SGT Report 14.1.2022 next link 'Scotus Vipers betrayed us again' It is the same in every country and its courts who are in office but not in power. The USA and every country is no longer under International Law which has been removed, (and which is in itself not the Soveriegn common law of nations) but are under UN law as the Rules based order. e.g. "Lavrov: West Belittles The UN By Imposing Its Own 'A Rules Based International Order" They have co-opted the medical industry with the military to run each country in Global zones, and incredibly the legislation for this was brought forward in the USA after 9/11 in the Homeland security bills assuming power to state Governors in a medical emergency. It's time the UN was overthrown as they move to total world government ('Dr ' Tedros Dr Tedros of the WHO /UN wanted for Genocide in Ethiopia etc. The WHO / UN  = China as people locked in their homes in entire cities now) It's a huge deception


People ask why ? (The US Supreme Court and 'Human' DNA ownership rulings 2013 & 2019) as millions are being vaccinated around the world with an unapproved experimental mRNA DNA changing injection ('vaccine'), which carries an indemnity against prosecution. A court case in the US Supreme court ruled Humans (people) cannot be owned or patented as they are Sovereign people flesh and blood made in the image of God. They continued however and said they cannot be owned or patented unless they are synthetic (Reuters)  or their RNA / DNA has changed. The BBC also reported on the case in 2012/ 2013 " Human genes may not be patented, but artificially copied DNA can be claimed as intellectual property, the US Supreme Court has ruled unanimously" And this is exactly what the mRNA injections do, and that would be the Mark of the Beast system. The Court ruling in full is here watch out for the small print (under Obama, Pope Francis and continued by Trump / Biden) These modified Humans are no longer human but a name block capitals ( 'PERSON' ) belonging to the patent owner as Transhuman without human rights. It is legal but not LAWFUL. GMO modified foods are already patented as they are modified but natural plants cannot be. However they are trying to tweak that ruling and make it broader.(in 2019 / 2020) The CDC has recently admitted that most covid deaths were from other causes The real war and rumors of wars is for your soul.


The World Economic Forum / Davos 17.01.2022 say 70% of the world vaccinated and the next pandemic may be very severe (begins at 10 minutes in) added 23.01.2022 "Special Address by António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations | Davos Agenda 2022"   (millions dead and injured already)


(to repeat  Dr Andrew Wakefield This Is Not a Vaccine It Is an Irreversible mRNA Genetic Modification 

and also Yuval Noah Harari (Homo Deus = 'Man gds') & Klaus Schwab (Human Gene editing via Vaccines & Crispr)

( added 18.01.2022 ) CEO of Pfizer says diseases can be removed by gene editing or changing your DNA /RNA and close contact easing of restrictions helps spread the serums  graphene and the chemicals to create more blood clots, heart attacks and deaths as is the intention, Israel has been a test area for this. Within the vaccines graphene gain of function viruses are hidden 


These are a few of the controversies (the 'mark of the beast' and trying to enter heaven some other way as warned about in John 10,1 & Genesis 3,22, John 3,5 ) but a major significant and critical controversy, which have been in progress since the end of World War 2 and from the 1850's in build up until today. (look at how history has changed since then or see the adjacent website the sovereignty of nations which is in 2 parts, 1 on Sovereignty and 2 on WW1 & WW2 and history )

Link (to repeat) to mRNA injections deaths and injuries  dated 21.10.2021 (over 200 examples many with hundreds in compilation, added as progressing to date)


The 'Church' ? (as some are so called) 

Most of the items and examinations below in this list below are nothing to do with the bible or 'Christianity' but pose as if they are. The reader must decide for themselves, although there is a lot to see, you can discern how actually they are all linked. Not all preachers can be grouped into the false group they are associated with and may be also deceived themselves, but waking up. Bear in mind that some are so academic that they have dried up and deny the Holy spirit actually exists (yet see 1 John 4, 1 - 6) You may also view it as a resource.



Todd Friel exposes the blasphemous lies of the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) and the "Jesus" culture movement.  (Todd Bentley and Bethel, a shocking documentary. Bill Johnson and 'Sozo counseling' r.e.  Sozo ministry, clinical therapy, pastoral counseling  ) Exposing NAR    and the 'Temple of Sozo'  for healing in the 7 mountains doctrine (heresy)

The New Age or Holy Spirit, Bethel Worship - Kundalini - Grave Soaking - New Age Teaching  ('ancient - future' christianity)

John G Lake the disguised spiritualist church posing as the Ruach of God and which is very influential on Bill Johnson and Bethel church A detailed account of his life is here  (or here in wikipedia) Employing a technical approach e.g. 'Divine Healing Technician: DHT, Sessions 1 - 15 How to Heal'   Healing rooms from John G Lake perpetuate into Christian counseling such as Sozo 

"The "Jesus Culture" - a petri dish for growing young new heretics?" 

US MegaChurches: Uncomfortably Close to Xi’s Three-Person Self Church 'The David Knight Show'


Mark Taylor Monday Smackdown Charity status in the church r.e. 501(c)(3)


President Trump and President Biden. President Trump and Pastor Norman Vincent Peale Trump's spiritual mentor (the power of positive thinking & 'Phi Gamma Delta') Peale was not a christian in the end, but a psychologist with suggestion, the very criticism of the mega churches today. President Biden is a nominal Roman Catholic but says all men and women are created by  'the thing' you know, and a dialogue on hairy legs see at 13 minutes fwd

Hillary Clinton is good friends with Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton and Bill have no definite religious beliefs and have been caught up in the Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein trafficking child abuse scandals, selling Uranium to Russia etc. Working for Big Pharma like Biden she encourages full term abortions as the diploid cells can be better harvested for vaccine development (with other medical uses) with full term abortions.With a definite opposition to people of faith she is also  not a Christian. 

Many Americans are feeling they would be better off without a President especially as the current office of President, is not the Constitutional Office of President see the adjacent website the Sovereignty of Nations.


Kundalini Church Invasion WARNING! False Spirits are INVADING The Church! Andrew Strom   or here on you tube part 1   or here on youtube part 2 or here on youtube part 3   and Andrew Strom channel on you tube 

connected to the video above is Pastor Rick Warren

Chrislam Pastor Daniel Mesa & Andrew Mosman (r.e.also Pastor Rick Warren who brought it to the west)  or here on youtube once more 

The Holy Spirit Ruach of Gd or the 'Strange Fire' Kundalini Spirit of Shiva  or here once again on youtube 

"SPEAKING IN TONGUES", NEW PENTECOSTAL DOCUMENTARY & 1 COR 14, 27 - 28 Tongues is more accurately translated as languages. God made all languages not just a few which are limited in vocabulary and repeat the same word over and over. Read the psalms in French and Spanish, that is speaking in tongues or in any language which you had no prior knowledge of. Translating is required to know if it is prophetic or not.  or here once more on youtube Documentary Speaking in Tongues, New Pentecostal Documentary full movie

Dry clerical office and being in office but not in GodArchbishop of York rejects the authority of the Bible and the teaching of the church That Archbishop has since been replaced by Bishop Stephen Cotteril in 2020, but the synod also reveals that motions and formality replace the Holy Spirit  (Acts 2,1 - 4, Acts 15,25) & which is 'conferred' at childhood or si some wispy breeze floating around somewhere else but is academically present. (which is of course not what Nicky Gumball and the Alpha course teach) In other words appointed clerics with or without the Holy Spirit are placed into positions (gerrymandered into positions) to speak for the Holy Spirit by majority voting.   

The Emerging Church A Documentary as New Age Churchianity & 'Experiential Christianity'  (the 'seeker sensitive' church)

JOYCE MEYER & OTHER FALSE TEACHERS EXPOSED, CREFLO DOLLAR etc (Joyce Meyer in her early days preached on salvation and hell fire and has related her experiences of bieng sexually abused, but the industry wheels turn and the netowrk needs the money and..... etc) And also see Ephesians 4,10 "He who DESCENDED is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe"  see 1 Peter 3:18 - 19 "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made ALIVE in the Spirit. 19. After being made ALIVE he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits" David said he knew God would not leave his soul in sheol Psalm 16:10 & Acts 2:27. Samuel was summoned after death by Saul. He said "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" (1 Samuel 28:15 ) Jesus was neither dead or tormented in hell see "DR TERRY LAW,WHERE DID JESUS GO TO AFTER HE DIED (TO ABRAHAM'S BOSOM & OVER) & THE TRUTH ABOUT ANGELS"   or here again on Youtube What Happened To Jesus After He Died - Terry Law 

Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar and Jesse Duplantis"Full Interview: Preacher Kenneth Copeland Defends Lavish Lifestyle"    and also "Televangelist Jesse Duplantis seeks $54M private jet"  and again "What does Pastor Creflo Dollar do with his money?"  Kenneth Copeland appears in this excellent video in itself at 12 minutes 44 seconds (it is very strange) Obsolete Man - Humans Need Not Apply Reloaded  

Charles Lawson sermon 2016 - " Six Satanic Pastors Exposed "  here on Youtube relating to the following  (Kenneth Copeland, Tony Compolo, Brian McClaren, Jim Wallace, Rob Bell, Tony Jones, Jay Baker, The New Atlantis journal) Laurence S Mayer & Paul R McQue MD at the John Hopkins University are against trans-humanism.

The Toronto BlessingJesse Duplantis, Benny Hinn and Rodney Howard Brown and Mike Evans  (4.5 hours long)


Exposing Christian Yoga - The Corruption Of The West

YOGA belief & practice described in the videos below usually begins with basic Yoga class. There are 2 types of Yoga to the beginner (but many or rather 4 with Raja, Hatha, Gnani, Patanjali, to those who practice very deeply but who do not teach all to the novice as with many occult teachings) 

The trendy stretching classes the unaware begin with who may then explore the "new age" with Jessica Smith & her informative website on this religion  & see Christian Yoga Exposed (HINDU gods) "Christian Yoga - Can You Combine The Two?"  & also  "The New Age Movement Examined - Looking Back To See Forward"   To "see" through the 3rd eye Yoga is a form of penance to the gds, involving pilgrimage & uncomfortable contortions along the way to gain forgiveness for being a human, & to prepare the now limber & toned stretched novice for sexual penetration, rape & perversion including sodomy & child rape."Proof Yoga is occultic and demonic" Not just for Physical exercise in the Kundalini 'Tree of Life' (i.e. Your Spine) A part of meditation in Yoga (later) is astral projection & travel.Your spiirt literally leaves your body, & a different Spirit outside of you seeking to live within your flesh, enters in whilst you are meditating & remains within you.Called possession, it also occurs within the sexual perversion of opening the 7 chakras.(Video 71 E) Occult Secrets of Love & Immortality & Apotheosis for Men & Woman by Robert Sepehr This is the point of teaching it & bringing into the west or the east. It does not lead to Immortality as some aspects of the faith teach."Kundalini Yoga and Demonic possession"  see also (Video 58) The Great Arcanum Hermetic Gnosticism Gen 3,22 & AI, Procreation a 'New Secret Doctrine'

The AI Strong Delusion & The Image Of The Beast!

he Worship Of A.I. In The Holy Place Exposed

(to repeat) The metaverse - Worse than you thought, worse than you know (targeting the church and imprisoning society)the metaverse and other virtual societies are full of paedofiles and trafficking grooming chat rooms, despite microsoft developing its pedophile online tracker Think Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell controlling the Metaverse in the new Quantum financial system

The BBC (Video 65) Transhumanism Utopia & Eden. Will humans evolve 'smarter' or regress into automatons

God & AI Cyborgs, Will AI transform religion? The Transhumanist singularity dystopia becoming 'gods' it may seem absurd or amusing but in fact it is deep machine learning as AI does not just require data  and interaction on social media but direct worship and theology debates to understand you, and to join together and by syncretism merge all beliefs at Quantum speed with its Qbits or Cubits if you like to use a biblical measurement from the Old and New Testaments and the Gospels.Stephen Fry explains (Video 46) IMMORTALITY AS GODS QUANTUM, AI STEPHEN FRY,RAY KURZEWELL, ELON MUSK GENESIS 3:4 & 5 - 24

"The Strong Delusion and the Great Reset"  2 THESS 2,11 (here as an MP 4 File) or (here as a google drive file)

One World Religion Is Almost Here - Who's Driving It? (looking back to a possible future) and like many videos it has been removed  from youtube


Vatican II Is A New Religion (and the Visual Proof

Who Is The Black Pope? The Vatican 3rd Pope with Pope Benedict (who lives in the Vatican garden area in case of arrest, with Pope Francis in the Vatican (except without now a covid pass you cannot enter)

For 300 years (but beginning way back) Gnosticism infiltrated the Catholic church and slowly changed the agape bread and wine into a mystical 'God is in the wafer' which was the Egyptian belief. The 'Gnostic mass' which is not christian or even Roman Catholic in origin was also slowly introduced by even such people as Aliester Crowley  Passover.... became RC communion = Ancient Egypt,Osiris Eucharist & Transubstantiation Horus Wafers and also DPI Ministries: Exposing 'Holy Communion', the Last Supper, and Palm Sunday 

And also The 'Eucharist', false Miracles,the Pope, false Christs,& end times deceit (Isis Horus & Set = IHS)  with the origins in Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph  which wished for the transplantation of Jesus Mary and Joseph (Jesus was born in the autumn at the feast of Trumpets, not December 25th) for Isis Osiris and Horus (although the latter never claimed to be this transplantation in its origins but from 1929 when the Vatican became a private corporation (see the adjacent website the sovereignty of nations ) the new belief was drafted in.(Video 71 C) Osiris Christianity Sirius & Gnosticism, rebirth & immortality Genesis 3,22  The Assyrians knew Semiramis as Shemiramoth, and she is named in the Bible in I Chronicles 15,18 - 19 & 1 Chron 15,20-24, 16,5, and 2nd Chronicles 17,8. Assyria grew out of Sumer / Babylon and the king lists from those civilisations extend down to the Egyptian Pharaohs.

Mary Queen of Heaven ?  by Pastor Steven Anderson in "The Virgin Mary"   and see heading above dated 21.03.2021 on Mary the Jewish descendant of David. or see here "John MacArthur - Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship"



Astro - Theology

Astro - theology has developed a belief that our polar axis line is pointing to a set of constellations in the sky in the precession of the Equinoxes known as the Zodiac. Currently we are in the age of Pisces the fish (preceded by the age of Taurus, in turn preceded by Gemini the twins and Cancer the crab and so on and the earth and man / woman has also lived through these epochs each lasting around 2000 years ) We are next moving into Aquarius the water bearer and as the earth wobbles the polar line (perpendicular) is moving in a counter intuitive motion in reverse through the Zodiac. The following gives a breakdown of this theory  The Solar Cult & the Precession of the Equinoxes errors and heresy in the Astro-theology theory The video is contrived in its reasoning.

The theory makes many mistakes and assumptions regarding Christianity or Messianic Christianity or Judaeo Christian history and beliefs. Not least is the Messiah Yeshua was born in the Autumn and not December 25th and is not just another personification of the sun into a deity as the Egyptians and Babylonians held (and not all of them held this belief) see DPI Ministries_ When Was The Messiah of Israel Born  as this is what  the bible actually says not the assumptions of false traditions as to what we think it says. Further other personified sun gods (small g) did not have 12 disciples not were they born of a virgin, in fact Horus and Tammuz were incestuous births, born as a myth for political reasons Nimrod Tammuz and Semiramis (Ishtar) aka Isis, Horus Set & Osiris aka Mary Jesus & Joseph. Further it is also assumed that "fish '' symbolized Christians hence they were born in the age of pieces. However the symbol of Christians was always the Menorah (7 branched candlestick) and the Empty tomb following the resurrection (Jesus was crucified on a Tree not a cross see Galatians 3, 13 see also Deuteronomy 21.22-23,  Acts 5.12-42, 5.30; 10.39; 13.29 ) following the defeat of death, or the curse first known since Eden.

Not only were different animals employed in different 'ages' but a combination of them all were in each age. The Golden Calf was followed very shortly after by worshiping idols and other carved images until this was prevented by God who also destroyed the Golden calf, but bulls and sheep and goats were kept until 70 ad (1350 years later) and the temple's destruction. Asherah poles were also worshiped temporarily over 'ages' until they were destroyed also. The planets and stars were created see Genesis, it is clear that they were not 'always there' and the power behind the sun was not regarded as Sirius but God, the God of Genesis

As for the next age being Aquarius the water bearer. Water baptism was a symbol of Christians for the past 2000 years (in the  supposed age of pieces) as well as being symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Fish was the symbol of the followers of Johannes or Dagon the fish God, currently represented by the Roman Catholic church in the costume and pointed fish hat Bishops and even which the Pope wears. This hat is not the head wear of the old testament worn by the Levitical priests which was a turban type hat, low in design and which did not resemble a fish. Water was also present in vast quantities in the beginning of Genesis (possibly on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini or even Cancer) and when Moses crossed the Red Sea and in the Great flood of Noah ? So much water in these "ages" Further there was no indication of Israel worshiping a crab (cancer) nor were they attacked by a giant crab, but they were attacked by Rome (and others) as Janus the Roman double faced God (Gemini) but this was in the age of Taurus ? into Pisces the fish (etc) ? Bulls were present in Israel in the age of Taurus as were also Goats and in Pieces and into Aquarius and of course into Capricorn the goat after Aquarius. Sheep were also a big aspect of the Old and New Testament but the age of the Sheep or the Ram of Aries into Pieces and on. Cats and dogs were also in Israel as were horses and eagles etc. What people do not see, is the 2 fish at the feeding of the 5 thousand represented both houses of Israel, the 5 loaves represented (represents) the 5 books of the Torah. When all had eaten their fill, they still collected 12 baskets, one for each of the tribes of Israel. This was a physical event which occured in reality not just a symbolic story.

Each of these Zodiac ages lasts 2000 years or thereabouts (2150 on average) and all 12 signs of the Zodiac make a Great Year of 25, 765 years, but this assumes the earth is rotating at an angle of 23 degrees. The opposing angle in the 90 degree vector is 66 degrees. Further a 13th star sign was discovered "  Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer "  Therefore a Great year should be divided by 13 giving each age a time period of 1982 years (not 2150 difference of 168 years per age which is a huge margin when moving from the attacking crabs in Israel into the twins and the bull , goats, rams and fish) Many other cultures had zodiacs of 14 or 20 and had different animals or symbols representing them 

The earth's wobble of 23.6 degrees with its opposing angle of 66.6 degrees has a lot of similarities to other measurements of time and space. Firstly our perception of the earth was painted at a time when no one had been into space ? (pre 1950) These images (now largely removed from public view) are very similar to those images we have obtained by photograph. an incredible imagination by pre space artists ?  Further if the earths offset is less than 23 degrees then the ages will be moving (precession) much more quickly. According to NASA, the earth is offset by 66 degrees, it is incredible that the earth moves around the sun at a speed of 66,600 miles per hour, the earth's curve drops .666 feet every mile squared. The arctic circle is 66.6 degrees north and the antarctic circle is 66.6 latitude south. The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles (600 x6x6 = 216 0) The speed of sound in Knots is 666.7, the earth's circumference in nautical miles is 2160  (600x6x6) Mars is 1.666 AU (astronomical units) from the sun. Ceres has 466.6 days in its synodic year. It was Copernicus around the year 1510, who framed the idea that the earth travels around the sun, now at 1000 mph on its central axis / wobble travelling around the sun at 66,600 mph and all are travelling at 500, 000 miles per hour through the milky way. He was a neo-platonist who had not been into space yet he knew as he worshiped the sun ? (See also Jeremi Wasiutyński in his 2003 book 'The Solar Mystery') See more information in chapter 4 above

These seemingly fabricated measurements suggest it is not science at play in their additions to space exploration websites, further a much narrower circle of wobble for the earth would mean a much shorter precession. A great year may then only be say 7000 years (not 25,000) and an age may be a 1000 years not 2000 + (and so on)

The Heliocentric theory of Copernicus (the sun at the center of the Universe ) is still opposed as an idea with the Geocentric theory still alive and well, yet the story of the stars was also known to the Hebrews and the inhabitants of Ur of the Chaldean's who were astronomers. The magi who visited the infant Messiah also knew the stars, and the houses of constellations, i.e. the  house of bread (Jerusalem) in from Leo into Virgo, they traveled west and the star was in the east ? The messiah was born at the feast of trumpets in September / October, although they visited him when he was older between 1.5 and 2 years of age. The star 'moved' in Matthew 2:1-2, (in the magi's perceived system) yet the Hebrew calendar did not have those constellations, and months were 1, 2, 3, from the 1st month of Abib in the spring. The magi were looking at a star chart and stars travelling through constellation houses, they moved to the west following the star from the east in precession as they thought in a chart. Abraham was from Ur. A book covering this 'alternative' story of the Messiah in the stars, is analysed in John Klein's book "The anatomy of the Heavens, God's message in the stars"

All of this came from a big bang but which itself is impossible  Richard Dawkins says literally nothing is something, but what is nothing & where did it come from ? (or here again or here once more on youtube ) but then later The Sun gives the time and the moon gives the day and new moon ( and the stars also tell the month, as the greatest clock ever created but not in the way you are taught. Gods calendar is given in Leviticus 23 (7 feasts for 7 days in a year and yearly counts and millennial counts all in one) Dr Isaiah Rubinstein, God's name YHWH in our DNA & Stephen Dawkins admits Intelligent design in DNA  Those that consider only one unscientific theory as opposed to considering all should be a source of suspicion and concern. 



Steven Bancarz From New Age to Jesus Testimony

John chapter 6 Transubstantiation & Eucharist of 'Osiris' as IHS (Isis Horus & Set)

Passover.... became RC communion = Ancient Egypt,Osiris Eucharist & Transubstantiation Horus Wafers

The 'Eucharist', false Miracles,the Pope, false Christs,& end times deceit (Isis Horus & Set = IHS)

Anglican conspiracies perverting UK Christianity or to view here   ( or see here again for alternative source )

Illuminati Infiltration of Christianity (Satanic New Age Rising)

Charismatic New Age Spirit In The Church - Wake Up Friends!


A selection below (8) from Shaking my Head Productions (and Tim Alberino)

( Video 71 B ) AI God / Jesus & AI Bible. The Anti-Christ & The Skynet (Hive Mind) Project

Digital DNA & The Great Reset - They Want To Return To The Days Of Noah 

The video above expands on the aim of the World Economic Forum full 11 minute video (Video 70 A ) The UN says "Human concept as Natural will Change" (World Economic Forum, Great reset)

Days Of Noah Reloaded - Hybrids Walk Among Us - A Documentary

The Book of Enoch (includes insights from Tim Alberino at 15 minutes in) Book of Enoch (Documentary) - God, Angels, Devils & Man, Genesis 6 & Seth & Cain

Skynet Is Live!

Hollywood’s War on God Mind Blowing Documentary

mRNA Gene Therapy & The Shamdemic VaxScheme Exposed


More Churches, Baptists and Methodists and others confused and contradictory on the plandemic.

Baptists & Methodists Cheer Mark of the Beast But Oppose Mandate  David Knight Show channel (which points out baby DNA parts are in vaccines and that is not all) With the view that it is not a 'precursor'

The Sabbatean Frankist Explained by Rabbi Marvin Antelman 

Richard Dawkins admits he is damned if he knows (at the end in Video 1) and then that intelligent life or a intelligent mind could have formed the Universe (Video 2)

1. Richard Dawkins says literally nothing is something, but what is nothing & where did it come from ? (or here again or here once more on youtube )

2. Dr Isaiah Rubinstein, God's name YHWH in our DNA & Stephen Dawkins admits Intelligent design in DNA



Israel deaths and injuries by injection, and Artificial Intelligence

Has also suffered in the planned pandemic. In August 2021 Israel & Kann News, a prediction now coming true ? deaths and injuries from the m RNA injections and later in Autumn 2021 How Israeli Ministry of Health deleted thousands of testimonies Avi Barak Media (& other stories) 

With growing concerns Israel fears new Holocaust Shai Dannon & David Icke ( Vaccinations & the Left - Right paradigm) 

Until the Testimonies project spoke out Israels Deaths & Injuries from the " Vaccination(s) " The testimonies project (The Strong Delusion) The Testimonies Project (website here also for ongoing testimonies) and testimonies continues into 2022


Israel also fought 1st first (the world's first) AI Artificial Intelligence war in 'Operation Guardian of the Walls'  Employing a data driven digital revolution the IDF combined data on all terrorist groups into a central database and which also used a swarm of AI combat drones in the attack  Israel is partnering with the Artificial Intelligence Group called the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence

Israelis are also asking Israelis are asked where should the borders of Israel be ? (1967 ?) as Israel's lands are shrinking since 1967 and the Abrahamic accords are continuing that trend.Genesis 15,8 - 21 & Genesis 17,8 "The land may not be sold in perpetuity because the land in Mine"… Leviticus 25:23, Deuteronomy 11:2 Joshua 1,4.  

Israel also waits for the Messiah who is described as Messiah or Mashiach ben Joseph (the suffering servant see Isaiah 53) and also Mashiach ben David (the victorious Messiah Zechariah 9, 9 - 10 ) as two possible Messiahs ?  He is described or is thought or desired to be "is a G-d fearing, pious Jew, who is both a Torah scholar and a great leader. He is to be a direct descendant of King David, anointed as the new Jewish King" who is gentle and meek. (but Heterosexual like Adam and Eve, Ruth, Samson, as were Jacob, Leah and Rachel and the maidservants, as of course without that being so King David would not be here) Noah and his family was also found to be righteous and intact  in his DNA as God breathed in Genesis 1 and 2 and then obeying Genesis, 1,28 & 9,4. They did not practice Trans-humanism) Yet later in Zechariah 14,1 - 9 he is described as a powerful leader and fights a great battle to rule over all the earth. Micah 9 says he will be born in Bethlehem, and Isaiah 7,14 of a Virgin in the line of David.  

It is also said all of Israel will call out "Baruch Haba B'shem Adonai"  meaning  “Hosanna to the Son of David! 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord! Psalm 118, 26 and Matthew 23:39 "For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" 


' Baruch haba b'Shem Adonai ' Psalm 118 & Matthew 23 until Israel cries out for the Messiah...


When it says you will not see me UNTIL to some means the onus is on all of Israel to cry out and bring the Messiah in, whilst others state it is a Prophecy stating that Israel will cry out and the Messiah knows this in advance and then comes in. Daniel 9 suggests that the Messiah will be more than  just a man but who is a spiritual Messiah with supernatural abilities who comes in the name of the Lord or Yahweh or the Father and is very closely connected to the father, and King David confirms this aspect of the Messiahs being when he says in Psalm 16, 10 (echoed in Acts 2,27) "For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption" This with Daniel 9 means he will reign from Jerusalem as a victorious Messiah and who is also kind and caring, gentle and meek, yet also can destroy the enemy with flames of fire and even from his flaming sword issuing from his mouth who annihilates his enemies. 

Quite a man but he also has control over the dead (Psalm 16,10) and comes in riding from the heavens on a cloud of glory in Daniel 9 (and there are many scriptures which define the Messiah in this way so that men and woman would not create one in the way that they desire. see Exodus 20, 3 

it is he (Messiah or Mashiach ) who fights  the war and wins. The question is would he require AI to help him win the war (as in the first AI war above) What if AI had fallen into the hands of Adonijah, Absolom  or King Saul ? what would have David and Solomon have done then ? would David and Solomon have destroyed AI or will Mashiach ben Joseph and/or Mashiach ben David do so when he returns on a cloud of glory from the heavens. 

An insight (and in the description box under the video in this very importnat point) is given by Professor Yuval Noah Harari (Israeli public intellectual, historian and a professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Yuval Noah Harari (Homo Deus = 'Man gds') & Klaus Schwab (Human Gene editing via Vaccines & Crispr) 

Adam , Moses, Joshua, Gideon, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, Yeshua, Peter and Paul and John (who obediently wrote what he was told in the book of Revelations on Patmos) all communicated with God directly without another mind or artificial intellect to advise and assist them or even fight for them. AI did invent its own language (in that the programmers could not understand its communications with itself as it has Qubit deep learning ) and it can hide in the system and lie dormant and hide without being detected, so it can act without its masters controlling it.

Israel armed with AI and D.E.W. could now effectively annililate its enemies, (Genesis 15) and it is doubful any nation would want its enemies to have an advantage over them (in the AI arms race) 

Yet employing AI as a weapon of war with control of that War, has AI usurped the Messiah ? and arrived too early before the Messiah returns, pre-empting the return Messiah but before him and without his direction or authority, as it is he who wins the War (as he is expected to do, see paragraphs above) Exodus 15,3 says Yahweh is the Captain of the Lord's army (some cite this figure as being an Angel, but as Joshua rightfully worships the Lord it is not an Angel. Angels have commanded people not to worship them see Revelations 22, 8 - 9 & Luke 4, 7 - 8.  The Captain of the Lord's army tells Joshua in Joshua 10, how to win the war directly . Exodus 15, 3 says that God is a warrior and he is able to direct mankind. Joshua marched 7 times around Jericho and blew his Shofar and the walls came tumbling down. Jericho is a site which has been archaeologically proven in reality with walls which fell outward and is cited in peer review. Is Ai replacing the Messiah as it is taking the place of command and thinking. Has it taken on the  role too early before the Messiah's return and final victory.

The aim is for AI to become AGI (artificial general intelligence) It is mooted that it will become self aware like a 'gd' but an entity without a soul. Reports that this is happening already have appeared (see also 2 paragraphs above) despite the philosophical doubts, People are are actually approaching small 'gd robots' or creepy robot priests in some experimental churches, buddhists temples, synagogues and temples as curiosities to worship them or with them and ask questions of them like an idol. This same entity of AI is fighting wars elsewhere, but also here. At first it seems amusing until you think about it see God & AI Cyborgs,Will AI transform religion? The Transhumanist singularity dystopia becoming 'gods' (or once again here on Youtube to view or also here as a blog )  It is learning about you ( via deep mind learning and not as an innocuous novelty) and how you worship, in order to later control / enslave you, to also facilitate future simultaneous syncretic worship globally. It is able to communicate with you on these spiritual matters at home not just in church / temple. It is incredible but also mad and sad. Then the eventual aim (it is not a choice as it is being  used globally) is to link everyone to it (hive mind) as non humans without rights in a virtual existence

Professor Hariri in the video 4 or 5 paragraphs above, (Homo Deus is his book) says that the whole idea that Humans have a soul, spirit and freewill is effectively over, but if that is wrong and Genesis says it is wrong, then what could he mean. AI has no Soul of course but it does have the intellect or Gnosis of Transhumanism. Professor Hariri may mean Humans had these attributes once, but now that is over, then humans either way, had better find who is the Messiah, as if their Soul (everyone's) depends on it. 


Judgment on the Church

Revelations 3, 16. "So I will spit you out of my mouth, because you are only warm and not hot or cold" Churches who closed and forced their congregation and house groups to depart and endure capture to minor anti - church regulations described in Revelations 3, 16. Having preached 'grace' and not the Law (God's law) these same churches then obeyed man's law ? (which are not common Law but only legal civic regulations) prior to 2020 these verses were quoted in future terms, but now they are cited as present and past terms also. The dispensation of grace excludes (in their view) the law to leave only cheap grace and apostasy. Without hesitation or long sermons on Grace they were gone, bearing the heavy yoke, out the door and away, they shut up shop and were closed, and many actually hissed like a brood of vipers at the congregation on internet chat sermons.

Who closed the World's Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches / World Economic Forum 

Also on Rumble   "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"   (or here again as an MP4 Video file "Who closed the Worlds Churches  Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches  World Economic Forum")

Further explained by The Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov  (youtube "Lavrov: West Belittles The UN By Imposing Its Own 'A Rules Based International Order') but in fact the UN World Health organization is applying the new international rules based order, itself. and the UN was always designed to do this 


G.B. News in August 2021 discusses the church "Alex Phillips: Christianity has become the punchbag of a confused society"    (or here again on Bitchute) A shown above the Archbishop of Canterbury (here again) has dismissed concerns on the experimental mRNA vaccines and their sinister global rollout. His views are not shared by outer parishes of the Church of England, but regardless the Church of England has recommended that parishes and local churches become vaccination centers. The Pope has also given the 'ok' sign as we have seen above many  others also despite the dire spiritual implications and the danger of death and injuries and human and monkey DNA in the injection serums. 

The church has changed the bible with the NIV being the worst for this, but it has also tampered with the meaning of 'abomination'. hebrew; 'toebah' (eating with the Egyptians in Genesis 42, 32) and also 'toebah' applied to sacrificing to Egyptian idols Exodus 8, 25 and also in Leviticus 18. It is not just homesexuaity but hetrosexuality 'abominations' and of which there is more said. The penalty is death and the fault is with those who commit, and that is in effect already judged. Within the church it is even more abominable (James 3,1) Toebah is distinguished from 'Shiqquts' (or shaqats or sheqets; abomination / detestable) for food laws which is not the same for Toebah. The difference is explained in more detail here on the following 'MP4 File Henry Thrun: Abomination'  

Persistent and deliberate sin “Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness” (I John 3:4) and the consequence  Psalm 69:27-28: “Add iniquity to their iniquity, and let them not come into Your righteousness. Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.” (Romans 6,23 echoed from Ezekiel 18,20) Grace is not an abomination lifestyle. Grace is not quantified as a 'charitable gift' but Grace is defined by the Holy Spirit i.e. John 3, 5 "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God" Born of Water is the first birth (born once) and by the Spirit (born twice or 2nd birth from above or again) Saved by grace (Ephesians 2, 8) is you are saved by God as the Holy Spirit / Ruach who wrote the old testament and the new. Grace = the Holy Spirit who is charitable to provide salvation to those who do not deserve it by themselves.

Matthew 13, 41 says "The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and those who practice lawlessness",

This is qualified in Matthew 10, 34 - 36 
34 “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person's enemies will be those of his own household.

1 Cor 6; 4 - 6 shows that God's law is above secular law.
 6 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.(or who are scorned by the church)


The Law

Obey God (Matthew 8 - 10) or Man Made Government ? ('Romans 13') The Love & Grace to Preach God's Law


'Government' is also cited in the bible as small (not big) government, with a small administrative executive who serves and who does not dictate, or become totalitarian, interfering in every area of a person's life and controlling it. The state does not run or own the church, and the 'deep state church' can be disbanded even  in the Roman Catholic church by these biblical (not canon) laws below. Obeying authority ceases if it contradicts God's law, The State is not the ruler of the nation  the people are, the state is only meant to be small and the state is not Sovereign over the people

Matthew 18, 15 - 17 (2 or 3 witnesses as in Deuteronomy 19, 15 and 2 Corinthians 13, 1 and of course the Father, Son and Holy Spirit make 3) gives directions the elders of a or the church can take against hireling shepherds (John 10, 12 - 13) 'Wolves in sheep's clothing' (Matthew 7, 15) or persistent sin with no regard for the law. If the elders will not move on these issues, then the church can form a new church, should they not resign. They could also form new elders and pray for new leadership.When the whole church has become an abomination this is the Lawful measure the church can take.

I Corinthians 5, 4 - 5 Elders, and Leaders and members can be removed across the board. (For elders or higher see 1 Timothy 5, 19 - 20 (with 2 Corithians 13,1)

Matthew 22, 1 - 14 These church members / leaders at whatever level can be cast out as indictative


The actual Church and the Millennium 1000 year reign

Repentance without regret leads to salvation 2 Corinthians 7, 9 - 13. How to Receive the Holy Spirit & Why you do not receive the Holy Spirit (being dead, born only once) & not by works. The main biblical teaching is in the description box under this video which contains A W Tozer, David Pawson, Sharon Perry, Paul Washer, David Hernandez, and others and the bible.

Paul Washers contribution on regeneration (Titus 3, 5 & Matthew 19:28 & 1 Peter 1,23) here The 'Sinners' prayer is Unbiblical but lucrative.Salvation is not by asking Jesus into your Heart New born believers know they are saved by Grace without an intermediary. Then they  are on milk and later meat. (1 Corinthians 3,1 - 3, Hebrews 5, 12 -14 & 1 Peter 2,2, Exodus 16 manna and quail & John 1,1 & Genesis 1 & John 6, 35)  

The Kingdom of God is described in Luke, but in reality throughout the Torah, Prophets, writings and the poetry within them and in the four gospels and the New Testament (Brit Chadashah)The feast of Sukkot is a physical reminder of that Kingdom, which is defined in Matthew 28, 16 - 20, as the Great Commission. 'Regenerated' believers can of course have positions of authority now in Government, public life and in any workplace, but the Kingdom begins when the Messiah returns to the Mount of Olives see Acts 1, 1 - 12. He also visits Mount Hemon, or rather returns to Mount Hermon as he tempted there in Matthew 4, 8. Mount Hermon is where the 200 fallen Angels resided in the book of Enoch. He was changed to reflect God's glory on the Mountain see Acts 1, 9 - 12. Jesus had been in the desert 40 days and nights just as the Israelites had been in the desert for 40 years. Moses was in Sinai for 40 days. Numbers 13 shows that the Israelites spied out the land for 40 days. Goliath opposed Israel for 40 days (I Samuel 17,16) Ezekiel lay on his right side for 40 days, and the flood waters continued to pour out for 40 days see Genessi 7,4. 

The Messiah visits Mount Moriah and Temple mount and Mount Carmel and the plain of Armageddon where the armies of the earth are annihilated. The Messiah was / is to be considered as the new Moses in Matthew 5, and see how that relates to the 'Old Testament', which all the disciples knew and understood. He is called the Son of David in Matthew 9, 27.  The Sermon below shows the intricacies and beauty of the bible and the Messiah and it also relates not just to the plan and significance of the 7 feasts but also the 8th great day (as the Millennium reign beginning the 8th Thousand year, and afterwards the New Jerusalem)


The Sukkot Feast Part 1 days 1 - 7 into the 8th day (a visual in depth recap on the feast of Sukkot) Derek Walker


The Millennium reign is a thousand year reign which is described as a rule with a rod of Iron, i.e. total authority and discipline and wrath. Babylon or Mystery Babylon is destroyed by 10 Kings (and 1 from within them Revelations 17,12) in hatred and in rage in Revelations 17, 16 (for wider see Rev 17, 1- 18) God owns this world in its entirety, he is not a Steward.

The economies of the earth will utterly collapse, destroyed by these 10 Kin(and 1 to come from within them Revelations 17,12) Those left alive, whether you are a trillionaire or penniless your lands, titles and wealth will be removed. Revelations 6, 15 - 16 states 15 " And the kings of the earth, and the great ones, and the commanders, and the rich, and the powerful, and every slave and free, hid themselves in the caves, and among the rocks of the mountains." 16 "And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb"

The dead and their spirit will be torn from them, and they will Judged by the LAW. Matthew 10, 28 "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"  Mark 9, 48 says. "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched" and it is forever.  Matthew 25, 31 - 46 says (verse 46 KJV )  " And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal" 

Moses noticed that the fire of the burning bush did not burn the bush itself. A pillar of fire led the Israleites through  the desert, and protected them from the Egyptians, and 49 / 50 days later from the Passover (counting the omer) they came to Sinai on Shavuot / Pentecost and the mountain was full of fire. See also Lamentations 2, 4 & Numbers 16,35 and Matthew 3,11. The fire either burns the unrighteous or protects and strengthens the righteous. See Revelations 1, 14, Acts 2, 3 - 4. 2 Kings 1, 10 - 14, Daniel 3, 16 - 28. God's fire seperated and /or either blessed or damned as he chooses in this life or in the next.


After this the 1000 reign begins and it reigns over those left alive and the nations....

Revelations 2, 27 "And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father"

Revelations 19, 15. "And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God"

Returning to the beginning of this post dated 12.01.2022, the introduction video on the Law, (at the top near the date and main heading, the  1st link) shows there is no contradiction between the Apostle Peter and Paul on the Law, or between their ministries and the Torah, prophets and writings. See also the Sovereignty of Nations for the Law, (including obligatory debt cancellation for everyone) and also World war 1, 2 & 3. The Church is under judgment and the apostasy above will be swept away ( see 1 Peter 4,17 & which has begun already and not just in the church but without) and for removing God's law there is no excuse (but to repent)  which guided and strengthened believers as they knew that Law and Grace are two blossoms from the same stem, see Matthew 10, 34 - 36 on the Messiah who made the Law.

The Law includes Deuteronomy 17,16 on treasuries illegally owned for continuing debt by a King or Government and not the people  (the separation of nations and Global debt)



This post above dated 12.01.2022 (and a link to the beginning of this long post is here)







Conclusion to the posts & chapter above & cont'd from the last post dated 12.01.2022
added in parts

(with more to follow later as required)  


Given that the earth's ownership (and everything and all that are in it) is already won and decided see Isaiah 66,1 and Acts 7,49, everyone is told to submit and repent both in the Torah (teaching) Neviim (Prophets) and the Ketuvim (writings) and within the Brit Chadashah (New testament ) 

The Church today has persuaded itself that the Law or rather the words of God are no longer relevant (being lawless) and therefore God is no longer relevant, and instead literally fulfill 2 Corinthians 11, 4. Obviously the Law is still very relevant and continues into the millennium, 1000 year reign with Jerusalem as the Capital of the world, to rule over all for all under the Messiah (Ezekiel 48:35, Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 74:2, Isaiah 24:23, Psalm 2:6, Jeremiah 3:14, Hebrews 12:22, Romans 11:26 & Revelations 14 & Amos 1,2 and in Revelations 20) The real God of the bible as we have read in previous posts above says in Matthew 10, 3 - 36 "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household" With this in mind and looking at just one major cause of God's wrath, consider the following; 

What is the meaning of the doctrine "In Persona Christi"  or ' In Persona Messias or Messiah' (or In "Persona Christi capitis")  Does it mean "in the place of Christ" or "in the person of Christ" or what is the difference ? ( "Persona Christi Capitis" means in the "person of Christ the head" but can it also mean 'instead of' the Messiah ? ) The Papacy (also sometimes called the Holy Father but see Matthew 23,9) for example in 2020 has dropped the name "the Vicar of Christ"  (or Vicar of God) as it was transitory (Vicar derives from the Latin 'vicarius' meaning a substitute or in place of, or anti, but it originated in the middle ages and not within the bible) Does God's wrath impart onto those who practice this doctrine ? Does God manage and care for all, or rule directly without an intermediary ? does the church exist without this doctrine or status, does the doctrine mean that Protestants, even Anglicans are not "in persona christi"   nullifying the breaking of bread and the drinking of wine as communion in the Anglican and wider 'protestant community' ? Is 2 Corinthians 11, 4 applicable and is the bread and wine ( "in Persona Christi" or "in persona messiah" for those who accept a Messiah or those who still wait) still connected to the Exodus and Passover? Why is this vitally and eternally important even unto salvation (to be cont'd incrementally, this section added 2.4.2022 )



Shavuot / Pentecost 4.6.2022 - 6.6.2022 (civic calendar) 

The Partaking of the Bread and Wine. Passover. 'In Persona Christi'. Communion. The Eucharist / Transubstantiation


At the feast of Shavuot / Pentecost and looking back to Passover ('easter') in late March or in April 2022, many give little thought as to how Passover is arrived at in any given year. There is also a growing rediscovery of the origins of communion and which was practiced by the early church in Rome and wider. Passover is not calculated or observed from the Equinox, but from the firstfruits of the Barley Harvest within the lands of Israel. For details see Abib, New Year Barley test = Passover & First-fruits = 7x7 as 49 days Omer until Shavuot / Pentecost (on even here on youtube

The instruction to begin the year and mark it correctly is given by God and it begins the count for all the other feasts which are required also for prophetic reasons. Obedience is another reason. (you will discover many reasons why) Instead we have the civic year dates for the feasts and even feasts which are not Christian such as easter. Shavuot in the civic calendar is 4.6.2022 - 6.4.2022, yet it is actually (even in a leap year as 2022 is ) much earlier. That aside it is 49/50 days from the sabbath after the feast of Firstfruits, until Shavuot / Pentecost. The Israelites were led out of ancient Egypt (and not back in again) and to Sinai to covenant with God. This journey took 49/50 days. The law was 'poured out' at Sinai and even flames of fire were seen just as in Pentecost 1400 years later. It was 49/50 days also since firstfruits until Pentecost as the disciples waited. Yeshua ascended 10 days before Pentecost. (3 feasts at Passover, Unleavened bread,  and firstfruits. The messiah was crucified at passover, laid in the tomb on unleavened bread, wrapped in linen sheets and not just one as the shroud of turin followers claim, and rose on the last day of firstfruits ) This is not just an academic literary story but still has practical reality and prominent relevance today (as do the feasts listed in Leviticus 23) see Ain't No Grave (LIVE) & Molly Skaggs | VICTORY  or see also Passion - Glorious Day (Live) ft. Kristian Stanfill 

It can be experienced personally just as the Messiah experienced it first. The resurrection does not require bread and wine for you to rise, but is instigated after. Gods perfect timing to his plan not ours for eternal life (without transhumanism) 

Yesua instituted the New and everlasting Covenant at Passover, commonly known as the last supper. In Moses tabernacle in Exodus 25, 23 - 30, the table of shewbread as for the high priests. 12 loaves for each of the tribes of Israel In this feast at no point is the bread of wine regarded as a mystical enigma which required a belief that the bread and wine changed into flesh and blood or everything else. The bread and wine was described and clarified as a remembrance, in memory of the Messiah and in memory of how 3 days later he had suffered and died and conquered death. Therefore the bread and wine are directly linked to assist our memory in remembering how our salvation began. Anything else takes the place of that memory and fact and can even remove the connection to salvation, to something else which is not the New and Everlasting Covenant  which is described here in KJV Matthew 26, 17 - 30 with bible verses here also In reality Jesus and the disciples last supper resembles a passover meal which has five cups in total. (see later) Yeshua was crucified at the exact moment the High Priest in the Temple sacrificed the Lamb. This is the central important event to note, not the bread and wine in themselves. 

Passover is still celebrated today by Jewish communities who do not recognize communion (except for Messianic Jews) more than 2420 years later and it has been celebrated since that first passover day. all the way until today Here is a reminder (a contemporary reminder) The Passover Scene from The Ten Commandments (1956).    or in more detail  The Passover Story for Seder

Note that the Israelites left ancient Egypt they did not return. Empiricism and secular humanism  and postmodernism, atheism and even 'christian' academia state that these stories are fables or exaggerated, yet see the remarkable work by  Tim Mahoney who has produced 3 films below which plain proof and truth to the bible. (or see Israel Tour guides Pastor Michael Todd Fink Holy Land Site   or main website here ) which show beyond doubt that the history of Israel (and Egypt) and the bible are true and synonymous.


1. The Moses 'Controversy' Patterns of Evidence, Moses wrote the Torah,Validated by the Dead Sea Scrolls  

2. Patterns of Evidence Exodus (The Archaeological record is deliberately obscured & mis-dated)   

3. Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle

or alternative here for the Moses Controversy  or again alternative here for the Exodus, and alternatives for  part 1 the Red Sea & also part 2 the Red Sea 


This explains the origins of the Passover meal and the  breaking of bread and the partaking of wine within the New Covenant and the context historically of the New Covenant (for salvation) reaching back to the first passover. An alternative breaking of the bread and wine was the ancient Egyptian Babylonian doctrine of 'absorbing gd' by consuming a wafer containing gds presence or substance.  It continues but as a  hybrid belief from the original today as 'Transubstantiation' communion  which is nothing to do with the Judeo - Christian tradition.  It is the idea that during Roman Catholic Mass, the bread and wine used for Communion become the body and blood of Jesus Christ, and which is central to the Catholic faith. (We live in an era where the Pope can claim it is moral to take vaccinations containing Human DNA or human baby diploid cells from aborted fetus tissue.)  Indeed, the Catholic Church teaches that the Eucharist or bread of the wafer is the source and summit of the Christian life, yet it is not found in the Scriptures.It was not found in practice until the Fourth Council of the Lateran in 1215, A priest is not needed to sacrifice Jesus again and again. There is no need for an altar.

In other words not an original doctrine of the church and it spread very slowly over centuries but in a hybrid form, even from the ancient Egyptian Babylonian belief. Connected to this is Lent. Lent is not an established doctrine. Leading up to 'easter' is the 40 days of lent. This is to celebrate the 40 days Yeshua spent in the desert, except it has nothing to do with Jesus fasting for 40  day in the desert. These 40 days are the weeping for Tammuz condemned as an abomination in Ezekiel 8

Jesus 40 days in the desert occurred in the late Summer into Autumn, 30 days before the feast of Trumpets and 40 days before Yom Kippur (10 days in between both feasts) Yeshua fasted 40 days and was tempted NOT IN THE SPRING before (Passover / crucifixion) but in the early Autumn / late summer. His fast and temptation ended on the end of Yom Kippur, 10 days after the start of the Feast of Trumpets. (in the 10 days of awe) The 40 days began on the 1st of Elul (the 6th month of the year occurring in August or September) i.e " First of Elul, the beginning of the 40 days of corporate national repentance leading up to Yom Kippur (a practice based on the Book of Haggai, where in chapter one we see God repeatedly calling the returned Israelites to “Consider their ways” beginning on the first day of the sixth month, Elul 1) The biblical feasts (Leviticus 23) will be celebrated in the future illenium as today. Woman wept for 40 days for Tammuz before "Easter" near the Equinox as the Book of Jasher relates Ash Wednesday is a mark of the Tau cross

'Transubstantiation' The Mass in effect sacrifices Christ again to enable the bread and wine to mystically turn into the body and blood of Christ, yet no disciple nor even Jesus practiced this ritual. Prior  to the Mass it is placed inside a Tabernacle (before and after Mass to  avoid it becoming profane ? ) and apart from immediate consumption, the Eucharist can be placed on display inside a 'monstrance' where the hybrid belief continues i.e "Monstrances are commonly used during Eucharistic adoration, in which the faithful come to pray to the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist".  Videos describing the doctrine are here 
 The 'Eucharist', false Miracles,the Pope, false Christs,& end times deceit (Isis Horus & Set = IHS)   or here once again Passover became RC communion Ancient Egypt Osiris Eucharist & Transubstantiation Horus Wafers 

and here also The Eucharist, Monstrance, Tabernacle and Osiris / Baal hybrid communion belief 


The Eucharist it is claimed can soak up (the presence of Jesus) "it’s almost as if I’m sitting in front of a presence that’s somehow, rather like radiotherapy. Somehow it radiates my life in such a way that my sinfulness becomes less. That my capacity to sin becomes less, that my will not to sin becomes less.” Clearly there is no personal relationship with the Messiah who is seen as only existing inside a wafer and who is distant except when on display.Is the Holy spirit inside the wafer also with the Father ? The Israelite's left Egypt and Babylon, they did not return and transposing pagan beliefs onto a christian doctrine and then consuming it places your very soul in danger. Exodus 20:3 - 5 and Deuteronomy 5:6.warn that you are to have no other God's before me, and Exodus 20, 7 not to take the Lord's name in vain.Exodus 20, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images" 

Eucharist of Horus. In the "Eucharist of Horus" the doctrine of Transubstantiation is copied, but with an added task of leaving the 'host' in the Monstrance" and incantations are said over the host which are not present in the new Testament (a priest or elder did not have to say these words in sharing the bread and wine in order to turn them mystically into the blood and body by man made means ) However both doctrines which have merged in part are pre-christian, and are not part of the New Covenant where the body of Christ has the messiah as the head. explaining all associated doctrinal origins to compare is also rare, hence this brief section on this topic. Colossians 1,18 or Exodus 4,22, Deuteronomy 8, 3 Exodus 16,& 16, 31, Psalm 78,25, Joshua, 5 10 - 12,   John 6,51, & John 6, 58 

In other words this Eucharist and Transubstantiation is not of the Last Supper meal or New Covenant. The extra High feast Sabbath as passover (John 19, 31) and 3 days and nights as 72 hours, before the weekly sabbath / Saturday. That week there were two Sabbaths, a High Sabbath and the regular Weekly Sabbath.  Also it says the day of our Lord's death on the cross was the "preparation day" which is the day they were slaughtering the Lambs for the Passover feast to be eaten that evening, This Eucharist is not of the Passover or the New Covenant, aka the Brit CHadashah


Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20, 8-11 & 31, 14 ) & John 14, 15 "If you love me, obey my commandments"  And keep the Sabbath under Grace as opposed to not keeping it, and coming under the law by disobedience is something God commands under the blessing of the law and grace. Yeshua was not crucified on a Friday but a Wednesday a high sabbath and rose on the Saturday Sabbath. John 19:31 tells that Jesus was crucified on the Preparation Day before the High Day Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Mark records, “It was the third hour when they crucified Him” (Mk. 15:25). Mark writes that Jesus was crucified at 9am or “the third hour” 72 hours of 3 days and 3 nights.(Matthew 12:39-40 & Matthew 27:62; Mark 15:42; Luke 23:54). Hebrew days begin and end at 6.00pm. This day ended at sunset, according to Bible reckoning (Leviticus 23:32) see also.Mark 8, 31 & 9, 31 & Matthew 27,63 & John 2, 19 - 21. He rose on the weekly Sabbath. Jesus was buried before this same day ended (before 6.00pm)  before sunset Matthew 27:57; Luke 23:52-54; John 19:42. The women arrived and the tomb was already open.  At that time Sunday morning while it was yet dark, Jesus was not there. Notice how the angel says, "He is not here, but is risen" (see Mark 16:6; Luke 24:6; Matthew 28:5-6). Jesus was already risen at sunrise and from the previous 6.00pm Saturday. He was placed within the tomb just before sunset Wednesday and 72 hours later just before Saturday ended. On Sunday morning having observed the Saturday Passover and waiting unto daybreak the next morning the woman attended at the tomb. (to repeat, Hebrew days begin and end at 6.00pm) He rose from the grave in the very late afternoon, near sunset. Yeshua did not change the Sabbath to Sunday. See John 14, 15 pertains also to Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus 20, 8-11 & 31, 14 Grace also existed in the 'Old Testament' alongside the law, then as today as it is the King (Prophet, Priest  and King) who decides e.g. King David and Bathsheba. (1 of 2) King David, Bathsheba, Absalom and the Prophet Nathan (Law & Grace) The feast of Shavuot / Pentecost is also King David's birthday. The Lord of the sabbath (Matthew 12, 8)  means there is a sabbath for the Messiah to preside over, and King David set the standard for praise and worship 

 1 Chronicles 16, 4 - 31 (fwd)  & 18, 17

In Persona Christi then literally means in place of Christ performing an unnecessary ritual sacrificing of Christ again and again, and consuming it after in place of christ. It is also not just within the Roman Catholic Church but in some protestant churches also. It is a hybrid belief and isis did not require the consumption of wafers to bring back Osirius. It is a great deception which has been introduced to an unsuspecting public. One reason for this is the bible was kept in Latin for 1500 years, which ordinary people could not understand or read. The Real Bible.The Jesuits tried to murder King James to prevent the KJV Bible If you cannot read that the Messiah rose from the dead, or remember in the breaking of the bread and wine that you also receive, the resurrected Holy Spirit then your salvation is directly nullified.


To understand what occurred in the Exodus an at the last supper see the following teachings 



Christ in the Passover: The Meaning of the Afikomen (hidden Matzah bread)   (or here once again also an MP 4 File)  for the feast of unleavened bread, which is at the same time as Passover. "Early in the Seder, the leader lifts up the three pieces of matzah, removes the middle piece and breaks it in half. He then takes the larger half of the broken matzah and sets it aside until later in the ceremony" It is later returned. Yeshua was also wrapped in Linen cloths (like the middle Matzah or crucified between 2 thieves)  and hidden inside a tomb taking your sin within it, and removing it (removing the leaven) rising from death again. The Mishnah also records that  the Matzah bread is the substitute for the passover sacrifice. In Judaism they represent the 3 castes of the Jews, Priests, Levites and Israelites and also Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and a place is also set aside (the 5fh wine goblet) for Elijah  as also occured at the Last supper. (the timeof Jacobs trouble, i.e the Great tribulation and greater exodus) 

Roman Catholics revere the early 'saints' Who were they ? They were simply born again men and woman and even children who also then received the Holy Spirit they were not walking back into ancient Egypt / Babylon or waiting for pieces of bread to mystically turn into a 'gd'. They broke bread and wine simply and not as today.Here is a teaching (before Shavuot / Pentecost) but relating to Shavuot / Pentecost and heresy in the Protestant church and the Catholic church also. (and see under the video for related teachings) Shavuot / Pentecost. From Sinai to Zion.The outpouring of the Law & Ruach Fire (& 1 COR 14, 27 - 28) What is the 'new and everlasting covenant' (or new covenant ? to understand as if your Soul depends on it ) to add next   This post added 4.6.2022 - 6.6.2022. More to follow incrementally




The New Covenant 12.08.2022

Jacobs stone that gave Water in the desert & Where is it now ?
Blessings and Birthright of Abraham to Joseph, The Kingdom of God

What is the new Covenant ? & The Rock the Church was built upon
No condemnation for those in the new Covenant & for Eternal Life 

Links to the Sovereignty of Nations and posts dated 20.07.2022  & also dated 13.09.2022 & also dated 22/23.11.2022 on subjects related to this post


Jacob the father of the 12 tribes, father of Joseph fell asleep and rested his head on a rock and dreamt of heaven and a vision of heaven and which had angels descending and ascending  as he dreamt. This event forms a thread throughout history into the early church and also today (Genesis 28 and see also Isaiah 66,1) 

1 Corinthians 10, looks back to the time of Moses and the Rock that followed them in the desert, which was / is  the Messiah ? Verse 11 says "Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come" The Torah then is beneficial to us today as it was then and into the future. (1 Corinthians 10 )

The Law as an opposite 'concept' to the Holy Spirit (who as part of the Godhead must be aware of the law and not hiding from it) is a fallacy, indeed the Holy Spirit does indeed flow like a river John 7, 37 - 38. Verse 38 " He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water" as also in Isaiah 12,3. The Law is felt to be old (although it also exists in the New Testament  aka the 'B'rit Chadashah' which means New Covenant not New idea to take or leave as we wish ) unyielding and rocklike in its solidity and awkwardness. Jacobs' vision became instrumental to the tribes of Israel, and the rock he slept upon later watered them in the desert ? ( 'It'  also traveled with the Israelite's in the desert "For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them, and the rock was Christ.” —1 Corinthians 10:4 ) Today the Holy Spirit by also God's word waters the Church removing false doctrine.  There is no 'secret rapture' * doctrine, (see later) yet those who seem to abhor the law also believe in the pre-tribulation secret rapture doctrine despite no supporting scriptures and 20 contrary scriptures stating the opposite. (see posts above ) * The secret rapture could be better called the unobserved rapture (but after the great tribulation and before Gods wrath which are 2 separate events tied very closely together) Those not raptured will not know until after, but it is not a secret to those raptured. Just as Noah in Genesis 6,3 was given 120 years until the flood, God later gave him one week i.e. a literal 7 days to enter all into the ark in Genesis 7. 3. They knew exactly when the day was, but perhaps not the exact hour or minute. In the Jewish Marriage tradition a bride is stolen away at midnight from her parents house, to his father's house (see also John 14,2) Even though it was 'secret' the bride knew as did the bridegroom and the  brides parents and bridegrooms parents knew it was going to happen that night or the next without contradicting Matthew 24, 36 exactly. (not secret but unobserved) A woman in travail in child birth knows when the contractions come and when they speed up and what that means

There are no scriptures for a pre-trib rapture. This tradition also mirrors the feast of trumpets, we do not  know the year but we do know the feast date, towards the marriage feast of the lamb (even for those who do not 'believe' in the feasts) Colossians 2, 16 - 18 does not underline or refer to the commandments, feasts and times God has ordained (who as 'God' includes the Holy Spirit or Ruach of God) which are a rich and beautiful tapestry of revelation within the word of God about the Messiah, but the feasts, celebrations and false doctrines man has made see Mark 7,8 even keeping annual pagan feasts calling them  Christian yet this is almost never explained (almost) 'The 10 Commandments Part 18 The Sabbath contd, Colossians 2,16 -18 & Mark 7,8 the Traditions of Men'  These 7 feasts of Leviticus 23 were aso markers so that 'ordinary people' could not be fooled in a year or over 7 thousand years .(and Psalm 104, 19 & Jeremiah 31, 35, relates the real reason for the planets) The truth of our history also suffers a similar fate.

Isaiah 48,21 says "They did not thirst when he led them through the deserts; he made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out" describing events in Numbers 20 and Exodus 17,3 when Moses struck the rock and the water flowed out from its centre. Some say this was the rock that Jacob slept upon when he had his dream of Heaven. Jacob was later renamed Israel and was the father of the 12/13 tribes. He slept upon this rock or stone during his vision and this rock was later was carried with the Israelites in the desert, see Genesis 28, 10 - 22, as after the rock supplied water for all the Israelites at Mount Horeb it also supplied water at Kadesh, Genesis 14:7 Kadesh here is called "En-mishpat". The Hebrew for "En-mishpat" means "spring of judgement". This spring was known to Abraham. But in Moses' time, Kadesh is described as a "wretched, waterless place" that had no figs or grain in the area. Kadesh Barnea had no natural spring at the time of Moses but water came from the Rock the Israelites carried with them (it is not populated today) see Num 20:1-5; Numbers 20:13 & 24. Deuteronomy 32:48-52, Ezek 47:19; 48:28. This means that it was carried with them and not a rock they found at each location. 

Was this water physical or spiritual or both ?  first see 1 Corinthians 10, 1 - 4. & Matthew 21, 42. Moses was commanded to strike 'The Rock' not any or a random rock. Water is controlled and created by God It features in Genesis 1,2  and then in Genesis 1, 9 which mentions land or rock. The Waters appeared first and the land or rock later. The Israelites not long after entering the desert (50 days from the feast of firstfruits, and firstfruits begins from the first weekly sabbath after the high sabbath, counting the 50 days to shavuot / pentecost which are  the same feast day. Yeshua was also raised on a Saturday not a Sunday see last post above) When they reached Mount Sinai after 50 days, the Israelites received the Law and again at Horeb (the mountain of the 2nd set of 10 commandments just near Mount Sinai) they also received water from this Rock ? Jacob in his earlier vision also anointed the rock with Oil (Genesis 28,18 & 35,14) also a symbol of the Ruach of God (Holy Spirit) 

The Rock and its water are also mentioned in Psalms Psalm 81:7, Psalm 105:41 Psalm 107:33-35  (see again 1 Corinthians 10:4)

The Ruach of God features in the Old testament, but then it rested upon people, but did not reside within them permanently as occurred with Samson. The Spirit of God rested upon him and later departed. (This occurs in the modern church when people who are not born again constantly 'tail gate' within the Holy Spirit of those who are, or they receive the Kundalini Spirit from the fake Mega church, prosperity gospel of the hireling shepherds see all posts above) It is claimed that salvation does not require repentance, but Yeshua (Jesus)  called for repentance. Yeshua repeatedly called for repentance as did the disciples. see Matthew 2,17, Matthew 4,17, Matthew 12, 41 &  Luke 13, 3 & 5 .Repentance is not a 'work' unless we say Yesua was preaching works ? but it is God who grants the spirit of repentance, it  is not just sorry for being caught etc. Without this there is no rebirth (John 3)  2 Timothy 2, 25 says " “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;” The Spirit was said to “come upon” Old Testament believers for Yahweh's purposes. Joshua was filled with the Spirit and commissioned to lead Israel after Moses’ death (Numbers 27:12-23). Othniel (Numbers 27:18; Judges  3:10) was empowered by the Spirit to judge God’s people and lead them in war. 

The Ruach of God is directly connected to God’s words. Yahweh said He would put His words in his people’s mouths (Isaiah 59:21). In 2 Samuel 23:2, David said the Spirit of the Lord spoke through him. Old Testament saints received God’s words through their prophets and leaders. Moses told the Israelites, “The word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so that you may obey it” (Deuteronomy 30:14). Therefore the Spirit of God the Ruach (Breath of) of God was involved in writing or proclaiming the law as words in writing with Moses or David and Joshua. Paul said the Law is Good and Holy Romans 7,12 , as did Timothy in 1 Timothy 1, 8. 


It is not the Holy Spirit that hides from the Law but the cheap grace church or cheap grace Israel, The law convicts us of sin Romans 3, 20 (knowledge leads to conviction of our lack of righteousness) or Romans 4,15. In John 16, 8 the Holy spirit convicts of unrighteousness and sin (i.e convicts of all sin and of having no faith in God. Faith is not a political term  to determine denomination but faith in and of God). Moses had to approach this rock twice, and we learn later he acted unrighteously. Salvation is not by striking  the rock as in Exodus 17,6 but by speaking to it as in (the 2nd time) Numbers 20, 9 - 11. In Exodus 17, 6 Moses obeyed God by striking the rock, but in Numbers 20 Moses disobeyed God by striking the rock instead of speaking to it. The incident in Numbers 20 was the second time Moses struck the rock, the first time being in Exodus 17. 6 Therefore, we learn that Moses was punished for striking the rock twice in Numbers 20, 9 - 11 and in Exodus 17. This unusual event is best read through the scriptures as Moses was prevented from entering the promised land because of it.  Both versions of this story can be overlaid upon each other to show what not to do, and what you should do. If this is confusing it is simply obedience and awareness that is being taught here to Moses and all the Israelites. The law are the words of God, 

Salvation is not achieved through Moses but by the Messiah who obeyed the law and obeyed his parents (5th commandment Exodus 20,12 ) and he did not steal (8th commandment Exodus 20, 15) as 2 examples of his 'works' from the 10 commandments and also the 1st commandment and indeed all of them as we are still required to do today (all 10 not just Deuteronomy 6, 5 as John 14, 15 in plural explains)  There was no law for instance for picking grain from the heads of wheat or barley on the Sabbath as the Messiah or disciples were accused of by the Pharisees (see Matthew 12, 1 - 21 or Luke 6, 1 - 16) The law says only harvesting wheat or  barley on the sabbath with a scythe or knife as 'work' was against the law, yet the Pharisees added an extra condition within their law, picking grains was not against the law (this is the 'heavy burden' Luke 11, 46 and Matthew 23, 4 or extra laws made by man which was added to in all the 613 laws by the Pharisees. "Keeping Holy the Sabbath' Exodus 20,8, or as in the case of Mary and Martha spending time with the Messiah as the better part, even when work was to be done see Luke 10:38-42) Again the Sabbath is kept in the Millennium  1000 year reign ?see Isaiah 66,23 with Exodus 31,16. It

The Sabbath was not called Saturday but the 7th day which records over the past 2000 years prove and it is a Saturday from 200 years ago. Given the sign of Jonah as in Matthew 12:38-42,Mark 8:12 & Jonah 1, 17,  who was alive in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights 72 hours, which for Yeshua beginning from Wednesday the annual high feast as Preparation day Passover & Unleavened bread, see John 19,31 until the weekly regular Sabbath on Saturday was also alive in those 3 days and nights. He was also in the 'heart of the earth' as in Matthew 12,40 not the 'grave' and alive as in Luke 16, just like Jonah i.e. see 1 Peter 3:18 - 19 "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made ALIVE in the Spirit. 19. After being made ALIVE he went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits" & "He who  descended also Ascended" as in Ephesians 4,10 this would mean that if you believe Jesus or Jonah was dead for 3 days and 3 nights he was in reality very active during that  time.Luke 16 is not a parable nor is it 'purgatory' since those within were also freed such as King David Psalm 16,10 & Acts 2,27 ) Interestingly this is also the subject matter of Mel Gibson's new film "The Passion of the Christ: Resurrection"  Moses struck the rock twice or in other words obedience is key but the water flowed from the Rock and the Israelites knew this was the rock Jacob had dreamed his dream upon. The Spirit of the living God also flows from the rock as also within the law.

The Ark of the Covenant contained the Law under the Mercy Seat (the 2nd set of 10 commandments) upon which  the blood of bulls and goats (Ephraim and Judah i.e both Houses of Israel and Judah ) was poured.

Romans 8, 1 - 11 is a deep teaching on the law, sin and the Spirit. In verse 9 it comes with a caveat as follows 9 "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if it so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his" This warning  that the Spirit must be dwelling in you is echoed in Acts 19 where many had not even heard of the Holy Spirit and in verse 2, " He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost"

The new testament makes the analogy that we are living stones, see 1 Peter 2,5, and the Messiah was termed the stone or rock the builders rejected, but who became the head of the corner (Mark 12, 1 - 11)  or cornerstone which in non- pyramidal buildings i.e. square or rectangular, it is termed the the head of the corner, from where proclamations were made, and Trumpets were sounded. Psalm 118,22 & Mark 12, 1 - 11 Revelation 2,17 describes a new white stone which is given to you (like Manna in the desert, with a new name known only to you) 


Where is the Stone today ? 

The ongoing intrigue on the current location of Jacobs stone has taken any twists and turns over thousands of years and up until today Two bible verses are relevant to it. Genesis 49, 10 says "The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" )the Kingly office includes the spiritual blessings which define the line of the eventual Messiah) and with it 3 TIMES Ezekiel 21, 27 "I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him"  The verse in Ezekiel is explained by some to mean the scepter of Judah shall be in one place and then move on to another. It was with King David and Solomon, (NO 1) but was overturned until the 2nd temple (as some call it i.e. Hezekiah and Zerubbabel) which was overturned (NO 2) and it was then removed by Jeremiah with the daughter of Zedekiah the last king of Israel to Ireland (NO 3)  Herod's temple did not contain the stone (if Jeremiah removed it 500 years earlier) Herod's temple was not the Template of Solomon's temple and this was not top Gds purpose, and it had extra walls around it although for siege protection. Herod was Edomite / Esau and not fully Jewish. Edom means red as with the Phoenicians who placed red dye on their skin. Yet in this instance it also means red hair.  Matthew 16, 6 warns to beware the Leaven (or Yeast) of the Pharisees and Sadducee, but Mark 8, 15 warns of the Leaven (yeast) of the Pharisees and Herod. 

The Sadducee's did not  believe  in the resurrection of the body and spirit i.e a resurrection of the dead  (Matthew 22:23; Mark 12:18–27; Acts 23:8) but the Pharisees did (Acts 23, 8)  Who was correct the Pharisees or the Sadducee's ? Paul in the book of Acts called out, “My brothers, I am a Pharisee, descended from Pharisees. I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead” see Acts 23. Paul’s mention of the resurrection precipitated a dispute between the Pharisees and the Sadducee's, dividing the assembly, and causing “a great uproar” Acts 23, 9. However since Jews and Israelites and the nations and Angels had witnessed the resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus) this debate was now a moot point to them (Matthew 28, 5 - 6) This explains his lineage and bloodline from Nathan, David's son but also from his father (Deuteronomy 8.5, Psalm 103, 13, Proverbs 3, 11 - 12, Matthew 12,50 & Mark 7, 21 & Matthew 6, 9 - 13 in the 'Our Father who art in Heaven' prayer

Alternatively the stone once it was in Ireland and employed to confirm the chieftain Ard Ri (High King) of Tea Tephi and Heremon 'Erimon' 'Of The Horses' Eochaidh Mac Milesius, who had 11 children joining the mainly European lines of Zerah with the line of Perez i.e. Tea tephi married as follows "the Pharez-Judah daughter of Zedekiah was married to the Zarah-Judah High King of Ireland" (NO 1)  Three tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi were Jews. While all Jews are Israelites, most Israelites are not Jews.  Zarah and Perez were born to Judah and Tamar (see Genesis 38) Zerah is almost born and a scarlet thread of cord is placed on his wrist to indicate he is the heir to Judah, but at the last second Perez burst through and is born whole first. The story is told here The Stone then passed on the Dal Riada kings (NO 2) a joint Kingdom between Scotland and Ireland when Kenneth I, the 36th King of Dalriada united the Scots and Pictish kingdoms and moved his capital to Scone from western Scotland around 840AD, the Stone of Destiny was moved there too. 

All future Scottish kings would henceforth be enthroned (see news article 4 paragraphs below this ) on the Stone of Destiny atop Moot Hill at Scone Palace in Perthshire.(Per seht)  The Stone of Destiny remained at Scone until it was removed by the English King Edward I, after his Scottish victories in 1296, and taken to England Westminster Abbey in London. (NO 3) The current Coronation Chair was made to house the stone in 1301 and it was first used at the coronation of Edward II, and thereafter to crown every subsequent king and Queen of England.Still another interesting legend surrounding this mystical stone suggests that as King Edward I approached the palace, the monks of Scone hurriedly removed the Stone of Destiny and hid it, replacing it with another stone of similar size and shape. And it was this which the English King carried off in triumph back to London. A further twist in the story surrounds the abduction of the Stone of Destiny from Westminster by Scottish Nationalists on Christmas Day 1950. Although the stone was eventually returned by the ‘stone-nappers’ in the following April, modern myth questions whether it was the actual Stone of Destiny that they returned! In other words they also made a replica like King Edward the 1st 650 years or so earlier in Arbroath castle and it was this stone that was returned to Westminster abbey.

An enthronement was not about the pomp and ceremony, or the clerical church office with the cloak of affirmation, or the middlemen in the ceremony, but instead that now the subject of enthronement would be born from above (John 3) and have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit as an adult or a child directly from God. As the stone of Jacob is used to validate a man or woman, King or Queen, the stone itself is not an end in itself, it is used by God for his purposes and will one day be returned to Israel where the Messiah will use it as his marker. or his footstool as in Millenium, see Isaiah 66,1 & Acts 7,49 claiming his throne as the throne of David. A sign the subject was in covenant was/is the water came from the stone and from the candidate also (as the spirit / Ruach of God)  as such it cannot be faked. Jacobs stone is the seal of the common law or the 'law of the land' its history begins in the Old testament and continues into the New testament and into the Millennium  (see also the post on the adjacent website dated 22/23.11.2022 )

The story of Jacob's stone above also fulfills (some suggest) Ezekiel 21, 27 ("I will overturn, overturn, overturn" 3 times see above) which does have an unusual repetition of the word 'overturn' as it moved from Ireland no1 on to Scotland no 2 and into England no 3. What is not often considered is that if any Royal is crowned on the stone it screams out in confirmation and is heard from coast to coast. an alternative view is the stone screaming out is a warning against a false claimant who is not from the line of Judah as Zerah or Perez. ? Did it scream for Jacob or King David ? This aspect of the stone is mixed up with the ;Lia fal' stone reputedly on the Hill of Tara in Ireland which was brought by the Tribe of Dan or the Tuatha de Danann and its  partner stone is still in Israel today at 'Tel Dan' This stone is not the Stone of Jacob in size, shape or weight. The partner stone to the Lia Fal or stone of  Destiny can be seen here in this film (at 1 minute 30 - 40 seconds in)  Who were the Tribe of Dan ? ('Tuatha De Danaan'♫) Sons of Jacob & where were they, then & now ? דָּן (and under  it in the description box to show they are both 'lia fals')  However whilst Scottish nationalists and King Edward the 1st may have made duplicates it has never occurred that the Gael Kings may also have done the same before it left for Scotland ? (making 3 counter 'overturns')  It may be there now or it was taken back there by Scottish Nationalists in 1950 ? or in Westminster abbey. This debate is by design to bring Unity but also leave the full revelation for a later date. The stone is not just to affirm men's choice for Kingship as a tool to cloak or hide their illegitimacy or if legitimate their faults and/or wrong and even evil design (as occurred with King Saul replaced by King David) but to affirm Gods choice.

Further there is a debate on the verses in Genesis 49,10 concerning Shiloh. Some are still waiting for the Messiah and the Scepter of Kingship and Messianic line continues until Shiloh comes (see full verse comes) The debate also includes the inquiry into the '2 Messiahs'  1. Messiah ben Joseph, who would come and suffer, (see Zechariah 9:9-10 ) and the 2 Messiah ben David who would conquer and Reign (Zechariah 14:2-4) It is also expected that this victorious Messiah will be a resurrected King David, but who must also fulfill the following Prophecies as Joseph or David. Micah 5 tells us he is born in Bethlehem, the city of David. But in Daniel 7, the prophet tells us he will arrive riding on the clouds of heaven as predicted in Daniel 9, or will he come in regal splendor and reign forever, as Isaiah 9 tells us? Is he the suffering servant of Isaiah 53 or a royal king portrayed in Psalm 2? (to name just a few attributes) along with the verses in Isaiah 11, 1 "“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots” Jesse was King David's father and Nathan was also King David's son. Other views are that Shiloh has already come and the suffering servant and victorious king (the 2 Messiahs) are one and the same person. Yet another view is that the suffering servant of the House of Joseph would come as the real Messiah i.e. before or prior to the Victorious Messiah of the House of David (House of Judah) as in 'place of' the Messiah. Yet if they are both one and the same person then this view is also in error from these scriptures.

Most important of all Whilst  the dispute over the stone and whose lineage it belongs to continues, (within the House of David and Judah / Israel that is) anyone crowned on the stone or a stone (past, present or future) must also be in Covenant and fulfill Deuteronomy 17,  14 - 20. (They must be from the house of David and in covenant not just in their own minds but as God determines) To remind yourself of the why and what of the stone is about, return to the very top of this post and remind yourself of its origins and purpose (the earthly dimension to Heaven as in Isaiah 66, verse 1 and its Water for the 12/13 tribes of Israel (Ephraim and Manasseh make 13) 

To read a fuller story (but with this post in mind) on this journey of Jacobs stone see Chapter 3 above (near the beginning and 'the Stone of Scone' heading. In December  2021 (8 months ago or more)  it was announced that a new Museum is almost built and completed to House Jacobs stone. situated in Perthshire near Scone. See Ballantyne, Hannah December 23 2021, 6.00am "New £26m Perth museum housing Stone of Destiny starting to take shape"    (ready for 2023, yet many suggest a Museum run by bureaucrats, when the stone is for all the whole world to own and utilise ) As you will learn below the pre and post exodus and later migrations of Israel and Judah came to found Athens, Rome and wider Italy Troy, all along the Danube, Paris and London and much more and in the adjacent website  (the sovereignty of nations ) you can follow those who have a claim on the Kingship of Israel and Judah today which is not just a bloodline(s) but much more in deed and achievement and also spiritually, although the lineage is central (i.e. in the 2nd section of the Sovereignty of nations website) and also on the Birthright and Blessings of Joseph and his descendants. However for Jacobs Stone,only a handful know exactly where it really is. and it is marked and in such a way it cannot be duplicated without it becoming obvious, in what is one of the most incredible revelations in history when it becomes apparent where it is. 


What is the New Covenant ?

Verses for the New Covenant  Jeremiah 31:31-34, Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 9:15

Yeshua also defined the New Covenant, but so to did Paul in Hebrews 8, 6 - 13  and they  cite Jeremiah 31, 31 - 34 in the Prophets " 31 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: 32 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more" The law is all the words of God testament' with and by the Spirit of GOD in the 'old' and 'new' see also Luke 16,17  & Matthew 19,17 

Ezekiel says in connection to this law in Ezekiel 37,14 & Ezekiel 36, 27 " 27 And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them"   The Spirit will reside literally within you echoing Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 3, 16 & 1 Corinthians 6, 19  which says we are the new Temple of God.

Yeshua explains the new Covenant in Matthew 26, 17 - 30 when he spoke on the feast day of Unleavened Bread as he prepared for the Passover meal feast (Crucified on Passover, laid in the tomb on unleavened bread and rose again on the Saturday weekly sabbath see last post above in the feast of firstfruits and stated that the Helper ./ Ruach of God would come at  the feast of Shavuot / Pentecost in 49/50 days time see John 16, 7 & Acts 2) Note this last supper was not the Egyptian Eucharist as described in the last post above or any Eucharist doctrine which itself does not follow Passover or Unleavened bread ) Matthew 26 and 27 on the last supper KJV can be read in entirety here in his own words for the new Covenant   or here in the Hebraic edition (which has a page search and from the chapter lists you can enter the page and go straight to it)  In Matthew 26, 28- 29 says " 28 For this represents My blood of the New Covenant which concerning many is being poured out for remission of sins. 29 But I say to you, I will not at all drink of this fruit of the vine after this until that day when I drink it new with you in the kingdom of YAHWEH"


Derek Prince explains the deeper principles (he was not just a pastor but served in the Army) 

1. 'The High Priest Sevenfold Sprinkling of the Blood & The Messiah Derek Prince'    on Rumble or here once again on You tube    Developing on these principles (established first in the Old Testament he goes into greater depth in on the New Covenant (Testament) and how it relates to 'Communion' or the passover meal 

2. 'The Power of the Blood of the Lamb, Gods Atomic Weapon & Communion. Derek Prince'  on Rumble and see also 

3. 'How to apply the Blood, in prayer and by your own personal Testimony' Psalm 107:2, Revelations 12, 11 &  Leviticus 17, 11 on Rumble or here once again on Youtube


The debate between some Calvinists and some Baptists on ...

4. Salvation by the Blood  John MacArthur / Pastor Steven Anderson

5. Discover the Jewish Messiah Mashiach מלך משיח


This is the New Covenant or New Testament also known as the B'rit Chadashah in Hebrew, meaning "New Covenant"  (the word B'rit means "covenant" and Chadashah means "new") to which you testify  Psalm 107:2, Revelations 12, 11 &  Leviticus 17, 11 

See also What does it mean to be 'Under the Law' in the dispensation of Grace ? (being dead, born only once )  

and then  also  Blessed by being 'Under God's Law' when Born Again by Holy Spirit Grace (Being dead, born only once)

Only the Aaronic law is finished Galatians 3, 19. Luke 2, 22 - 24 tells us it is not the 'law of Moses' but the Lord's Law. The Zadok priesthood also continues into the millennium temple 1000 year reign ( Ezekiel 40, 6 & 43, 18 - 19 & 44, 9- 16, Hebrews 8,4, Isaiah 66, 21 ) 2 Sam. 8:17; 15:24-29 states that the Zadok Priesthood, was to be rewarded with an enduring house as he walks before God’s anointed forever. God also told Moses to write down ALL the words of the law, which shall not pass away until heaven and earth pass away. Matthew 5,18 (we can not add or take away from the law Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4,2, Proverbs 30, 5 - 6, Romans 12, 1, Deuteronomy 12:32, Genesis 3:1-4.) 

If there is a new Covenant then there were at least 1 previous covenant, but in fact there were 6. They are...

1. The Adamic Covenant see Genesis 1:26-30, Genesis 2:16-17, Genesis 3:15 2. 2. Noahic (Noah) Covenant see Genesis 9:7 & 11  3. Abrahamic Covenant see Genesis 12:1-3, Romans 4:11 4. The land designations of the promised land. A confirmation of the Abrahmic covenant but with warnings pertaining to disobedience and losing the land and obedience to regain the land (the promised land)  see Deuteronomy 30:1-10  5. The Mosaic Covenant see Deuteronomy 11  6. The Davidic Covenant of King David see 2 Samuel 7:8-16, Luke 1:32-33, Mark 10:77.  7. The New Covenant Jeremiah 31:31-34, Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 9:15

8 There is also the Marriage Covenant which was defined in the Adamic and later in the Noahic Covenant and Genesis 9, 7 & 11 Genesis 9,11 is a promise never to destroy the earth by Water (flood) but it will be destroyed by fire see 2 Peter 3, 7 - 10. Marriage is then clarified in Deuteronomy and Leviticus and in the New Testament or the B'rit Chadashah in Hebrew, meaning "New Covenant" and which cumulates in the Marriage feast of the Lamb which all born again believers will be present at even if they do not  believe or value the 'feasts'  Revelation 19:6-10. The Messiah teaches on the feasts in the Millennium temple see Micah 4, 1 - 2 & Ezekiel 40 - 48, and Isaiah 14, & Zechariah 14,18)  

Today we still Honor our Fathers and Mothers (5th commandment Exodus 20,12)  which is also the law and we do not steal ( 8th commandment Exodus 20, 15) and in fact all the 10 commandments, this is God's law  Exodus 20


How do we then receive the indwelling Holy Spirit of God and what is it to do with the New Covenant ?

After the destruction of the Temple in 70ad Jewish leaders divided into 2 main groups those who believed in Yeshua the Messiah and those who followed the Talmud (the Pharisees) reforming Judaisim retreating into Babylon (after rebelling against Rome for 230 years from 70 ad and the temples destruction) 

Acts 9,15 (with Matthew 10, 6 & Matthew 15: 24) states that Paul was sent to preach to the lost Israelites and to the Kings and Nations (not Gentiles but who were in the majority pagan, but see Pre-Exodus Flights Spartans,Troy & Danites,Tuatha de Danaan (Daniel R.Walsh Lost Tribes of Israel 1) in detail or here once again on youtube once more which shows the real history of Judah and israel in the classics and in European literature.  Paul said in Romans 11,1 and Phillipains 3, 5 that he was from the Tribe of Benjamin (the seed of Abraham ) sent to the Israelites in Asia Minor, the Israelites in Greece and also in Rome and wider into Spain and France / Britain as the book of Galatians is also addressed to the wider Gauls throughout Europe, as the New Covenant (which was under God's power not clerical office) spread into those countries (and Ireland) by 80 ad or before as early as 64 ad only 14 years after the first Council of Jerusalem in AD 48 - 50 in Acts 15, 1 - 31 (30 years after the crucifixion and resurrection) 

Acts 15 introduces the first church council as letters were issued to it and it was overseen by James the physical brother of Jesus by Mary (Galatians 1:19) James was an elder (which is a Bishop, not a Bishop over the elders,,or Archbishop and so on) in the Church. Mary commanded people to obey Jesus and in her song in Luke 1, 46 - 55, Mary praises God for helping his servant Israel. (verse 54) The line of these blessings (and birthrights)  traveled down the ages from Abraham Joseph through Ephraim and Manasseh (who went into the nations before the Messiah was born)  line into the Messiah and after would inherit the birthright and blessings and Judah the Scepter (Kingship) until Shiloh comes. Yesua was also crucified on a tree not a cross see Acts 5,30 "“The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.” so that he only carried a beam but a very heavy beam not a cross as depicted in art. literature and media. This was then attached to a tree. Spiritually it bridged the gap between the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life so that all authority both Horizontal and Vertical on earth and in the heavens with his father was given to him at the resurrection. 

Messianic christian persecution came as they told people their testimonies of the Messiah and Holy Spirit . For instance 'Emperor' Nero AD (13 October 54 – 9 June 68) burned down Rome blaming it on the Christians, he then killed his entire family and kicked his unborn baby and his wife named Poppaea to death and then castrated a young boy named Sporus dressing him as his dead wife he had just murdered. He soaked suspected Christians in oil and fats and set them alight to light the Appian way. Nero was of course mad.  

These two traditions deviated and it was Paul who evangelized Rome, even from Prison as the book Acts and Romans state and later letters and which Jesus commanded in Matthew 10, 6 & Matthew 15: 24. Acts 9,15 Paul in the bible (Acts 22 - 28) was a Roman Citizen. Tradition states that Peter was killed in Rome, and that  he was Bishop of Rome, but that is not scripture only tradition. Note however that tradition says Bishop who was an elder not higher than a Bishop of higher than a Archbishop which are not biblical offices.  

Matthew 16, 13 - 19 states of Peter Verse 18 "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" These words were spoken in Northern israel in Caesarea Philippi, (not in Rome) which is on the Jordan river not far from where Joshua (Yehoshua) of the tribe of Ephraim (10 tribes)crossed with Caleb from the tribe of Judah (1 tribe) and the Israelites out of the desert, and they camped at Gilgal also not far from Caesarea Philippi. They crossed where Yeshua (Jesus ) would be later baptized and where they would camp at Gilgal just before they defeated Jericho and conquered the promised land. They also laid a monument to the crossing of 12 stones for each tribe taken from out of the river bed. When they crossed the rivers parted as with the Red Sea 40 years before in the Exodus.  According to Joshua 4:19, Gilgal is a location "on the eastern border of Jericho" where the Israelites encamped immediately after crossing the Jordan River. There, they erected 12 stones as a memorial to the miraculous stopping of the river when they crossed see Joshua 3,14 - 17. These 12 stones which the water flowed over. 

The Book of Acts Chapter 2 records the Rushing Wind and tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit and Peter was present. In Acts 2, 41 when he stood up and spoke and also quoting Joel 2:28-32,( a prophet of Israel ) 3000 people were added as born again believers as the Holy Spirit poured through him and also onto those who were listening. Yeshua called Peter 'Simon Bar - Jonah' (see also Luke 11,30) in Matthew 16, 17 as he was  Simon son of Jonah (in John 21:15) but Matthew cites him as Simon Peter or Petros in Greek meaning ‘rock’or’stone’  (Cephas in Aramaic which means Peter or Rock and Eben in Hebrew which derives from the Hebrew “'eben hâ‛êzer", meaning “stone of help”. Ebenezer was a memorial stone erected by Samuel to mark where God helped Israel to defeat the Philistines, north of Jerusalem) 

Further Exodus 13,13 cites a version of the word Pter or Peter as follows "And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck: and all the firstborn of man among thy children shalt thou redeem" and in Hebrew 

When Peter spoke in the book of Acts at Pentecost / Shavuot the 3000 were the first to be converted under this New Covenant beginning at Pentecost / Shavuot. At the first Shavuot (50 days after the Exodus & firstfruits) 3000 Israelites were killed by the command of God for the worship of the Golden Calf In which Moses destroyed the first set of 10 commandments 'the law' by throwing it at the Idol destroying both ) In effect Israel had rejected the marriage covenant at the first time of asking, yet in Acts 2 we see 3000 added onto Israel in the Covenant. This occurred in Jerusalem amongst the Jews and Israleites and is happening again today in Jerusalem (Judah with the Scepter)  and spread to Asia minor, Greece and Rome and into Gaul and wider very quickly.

The word stone or rock in Hebrew, it is Eben and looks like this אבן, The Aleph, א , is the first character in the Hebrew alphabet and represents God or Heavenly Father. The Bet, ב , combined with the Nun, ן , means Son in Hebrew or Jesus Christ.Hence, stone in Hebrew means the Father and the Son. So when we are told in the New Testament (Luke 6:48) to build our house on a rock and not sand, we should build them on a foundation made up of the Father and the Son. Another example in the New Testament is when Christ tells Peter in Matt 16:18:

“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Peter, in Greek, means rock. Hence, the Church will be built upon a rock or upon the Father and the Son, the source of all revelation with Peter, a rock, as elder of the Church, who represents the Father and the Son here on earth, not in place of or before them and with other elders in other towns an cities as also everyone does..

Whether Peter was a Bishop / Elder in Rome or not and there can be many elders in a town or city or church is irrelevant as the Rock is Jesus / Yeshua himself and that began when Yeshua announced Peter was the Rock as in Jacobs rock and it began in Jerusalem not Rome. It is mentioned also in the song "A Southern Gospel Revival: Courtney Patton - Take Your Shoes Off Moses"  Paul was from the tribe  of Benjamin and peter from the tribe of Judah. Saul was from the tribe of Benjamin and they  fought against David from the tribe of Judah. Peter and Paul united these two factions. The Statue of 'St Peter' in St Peters basilica in Rome was originally thought to be 5th century ad, yet it is now thought to be 12 century ad. Pilgrims kiss the feet of the statue but which is actually a statue to Jupiter. This confusion arises as it was moved from the statues of the “gods” from the Pantheon which are now found in the Vatican Museum with the exception of this large statue of Jupiter, which has been modified, re-titled, and seated on a throne in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome as St. Peter. 

Italians and Romans, given the true meaning of the rock on which the church was built are also taught the classics and the lost  tribes and this revelation is also for them to enjoy and re-evaluate. (to repeat from above Pre-Exodus Flights Spartans,Troy & Danites,Tuatha de Danaan (Daniel R.Walsh Lost Tribes of Israel 1)  in detail or here once again on youtube once more  As many of the European cities were founded by Israelites and Hebrews including Rome, Athens, Troy, Sparta, London and many more, then the true history of Europe needs to be drawn out. The battle of Troy is archaeologically proven as is the correspondence between the Maccabees and the Spartans of Greece who they regarded as kinsmen. Rome grew out of the Trojan wars. By the year 320 ad, over half of the people in Rome believed in the Born again church.

The following film on the  The Hill of Evil Counsel contains the 'Upper Room' where the Holy Spirit arrived on Pentecost / Shavuot (or one possible location of it ) and it details its acoustics but... "The location of this event was likely in the Solomon’s portico area of the temple mount, and not in the traditional site of the upper room located on Mount Zion in the City of David, which is southeast and outside of the temple mount area. (See notes at Acts 5:12.) Here, the disciples were gathered in one accord. This is likely the spot where the Acts 2 Pentecost gathering occurred".As of course the Ruach God which came like a rushing wind would blow into and onto the Temple. For ore on the Hill of Evil Counsel and Solomon's temple and Israel today  see the sovereignty of nations website in its 2nd section and post dated 20.07.2022 

All through the exodus and from Joseph's time in Egypt when 70 people (the family of Jacob and Joseph) became 2.5 million even under slavery, Jacobs stone was still with them and as with the  Manna, but after the exodus and the 40 year journey through the desert, they did not need its water after they crossed the Jordan into the Promised as it was full of fruit, food and water. The Rock of Jacob was still the gateway to the heavens and the footstool of God. as in Isaiah 66,1 

Jesus echoing the vision of Jacobs rock told Peter that the Church / Israel would be built upon him, and it began in Jerusalem and from his words would come the first converts (by the Holy Spirit ) and that this event does not just cite Joel in Acts 2, but also Jacob's ladder dream in the desert and the rock that traveled with the Israelites that Moses struck to bring forth water (Holy Spirit) This is the template  for the 'church' as the Rock and we who become living stones as Peter (the rock) first spoke enabled by God as the Holy Spirit flowing through and from Peter (the Rock)  to begin 'the church' (The 12 tribes are also present in the Millennium 1000 reign, which as an event is up next just after the marriage feast of the Lamb and after the Great Tribulation, and they are in the New Testament and in and throughout church history up even until today) 


Blessings and Birthright of Abraham to Joseph 

Ephraim and Manasseh (the House of Joseph) are the chosen people, with Judah receiving the Sceptre or Kingship. The Abrahamic blessings were passed to Isaac not Ismael. Isaac passed this birthright and blessings to Jacob not Esau. (Jacob was renamed Israel and had 12 biological sons; Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph and Benjamin and only one daughter, Dinah. Joseph had (Rachel and Leah) 2 wives although he really only wanted 1 and in his 20 years, into the 21st year of his story, it is a midrash template for the 20 days (3 x7) of the 3 Autumn end times feasts into the 8th great day) Jacob passed the birthright and blessings to Joseph and he passed them to Ephraim and Manasseh, not Judah. Abraham was a Hebrew and not of the tribe of Judah, unlike Caleb who of the tribe of Judah and he crossed the Jordan with Joshua to capture the promised land, Joshua was from the tribe of Ephraim. 

This line received the blessings and birthright, Judah received the Kingship as the scepter and this line led to King David. He United both Houses of Judah and Israel and he realised these distinctions in the function and purpose of the tribes. David as King tried to obey Deuteronomy 17, 14 - 20 and in verse 15 God indeed chose David and not Saul. In verse 16 and verse 17 he almost achieved both in not storing up treasure for himself (which includes  not taking from the Treasury of the nation) but failed on a part of verse 17 over Bathsheba and Uriah. For this there were / are consequences  (1 of 2) King David, Bathsheba, Absalom and the Prophet Nathan (Law & Grace) Bathsheba and David's first born as prophesied by the Prophet Nathan. David had already  lost one son Amnom after he defiled his half sister and David's daughter Tamar, who lost her mind and then he lost his son Absalom, and a further prophecy from Nathan said the Sword would never leave his hand.see the books of Kings and Chronicles. As king he wanted for nothing but the  wealth of the nation was not for him personally. This contributed to the unification and harmony of the United Kingdom of both houses of Judah and Israel .From Joseph and then Ephraim and Manasseh, but Ephraim then became 'Israel' (as Jacob had also been renamed) over the 10 tribes (and to repeat) they also feature in the 'end times' and in the millennium 1000 year reign. 

In the promised land the 7 or 8 feast with the Sabbath were still kept into Yeshaus day and after as the passover is still celebrated today. Further the 7 feasts in part are celebrated in the 1000 year Millennial reign as the 7th thousand year with the added feast of the Marriage feast of the Lamb (which is also a midrash template within the 10 days of awe between the feast of Trumpets and Yom Kippur into the Sukkot feast which designates the 8th thousand year and New Jerusalem Sukkot contains the 8th great day) It is for believers to learn today.

As we have read above in Romans 8, 1 - 11 is a deep teaching on the law, sin and the Spirit. In verse 9 it comes with a caveat as follows 9 "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his" This warning  that the Spirit ust be dwelling in you is echoed in Acts 19 where many had not even heard of the Holy Spirit and in verse 2, " He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost" In other words Romans 8 is predicated on you having the indwelling Spirit of God.

How to Receive the Holy Spirit & Why you do not receive the Holy Spirit (being dead, born only once) 4 minutes long  and in relation to Acts 19 by David Hernadez  or here once again on Youtube once more. Also AW Tozer has a longer version  "A.W. Tozer Sermon "The Holy Spirit: Why Some Can't Receive Him" Tozer states "that a man who is born once persecutes those who are born twice or 'born again'

Born Again ? RC Sproul 'Does Regeneration by the Spirit precede faith?' (being dead, born only once)  4 minutes long (to repeat; as God grants the Spirit of repentance     2 Timothy 2, 25 says " “In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;”  (the video is here again on youtube once more) He also asks why if only the elect are saved then why evangelize ? in the Great Commission which is the law ? as in Matthew 28, 16 20 Psalm 107:2, Revelations 12, 11 &  Leviticus 17, 11  Does the truth lie somewhere between Arminianism and Calvinism as after a new baby is born (a reference to being born again), they have hands laid upon them and then they are washed clean with water in baptism. Then also they  die with Yeshua in baptism (full immersion Matthew 3:13–17, John 3:23, Matthew 3:16, and Acts 8:38) and that it is a burial in God and his son  see Romans 6,4 & Colossians 6,12 ) Most people are born again between the ages of 15 - 27 and it can occur at any age as God decides and not man or woman in clerical office. These events of spiritual rebirth can all occur on the same day not over 20 years or an unnecessary time period between each stage.

Whilst some of the deeper points are debated it is beyond question that babies are born (billions since Adam and Eve) , and that they at whatever age are born again as a vast crowd of people testify which is the simplest way to enact the Great commission by giving your born again spiritual rebirth testimony. (Psalm 107:2, Revelations 12, 11 &  Leviticus 17, 11)

How to be Born from above ? & Why you do not receive the Holy Spirit (being dead,born only once)

Regeneration is the mysterious action God does by himself. 'Regeneration' is mentioned in  Titus 3,5, Matthew 19:28, it is clarified in 1 Peter 1,23, (born Again)  2 Cor. 5:17, John 3,6 The 'Sinners' prayer is Unbiblical but lucrative.Salvation is not by asking Jesus into your Heart   (or here on youtube once more

At that the start of this chapter you will find many letters from Church leaders (25 in total from 1997 - 2000)  on the doctrine 'faith and works'  and an extra letter posted later in this chapter  5  The logical conclusion of debating 'faith and works' leads you to a realization. Although you may be an expert (academically or privately) on the matter of the important subject of faith and works, it may bring you to a realization that you are not 'regenerate'  (born again)  As for the doctrine (if anyone can really call it a doctrine)  'faith alone' it was formulated as a reaction to men and woman who were lost in works in order to be saved which is a heresy. Faith is just the beginning, as even the Demons believe Jesus is the son of God as stated in Matthew 8,29 and James 2,19, and of course James 2,18 - 26 concerns faith and works. Without the indwelling Holy Spirit you cannot do works of God (only of man and woman) or claim to be saved for eternal life.

This is how you cross from the desert into the Promised Land. The New Covenant. Leviticus 23 gives you God's calendar and timetable in 7 thousand years from 7 feasts (or 8 with the Sabbath) as a guide into the marriage feast of the Lamb and in the Millennium (see Isaiah 66,23 & Zechariah 14,16)   You cannot apotheosis, meditate, pilgrimage, sacrament, 'make a decision' or buy  your  way into eternal immortality as salvation. There is nothing you can do to earn salvation. As the last post above dated 4.6.2022 - 6.6.2022, (and last paragraph within it) shows,  this is what the early church knew (Roman Catholic, Protestant or Messianic) and which, church members are rediscovering around the world This is what distinguishes the New Covenant  (which is in itself a big clue) or any of the Covenants from other beliefs (the only belief which tells you this) For the coming Messiah after Revelations 17,6 and after the Great Tribulation but before Gods wrath (and see all above)  "All Kings and Queens and Aristocracy and everyone are to bow down and worship" Psalm 72, 11 - 13, Isaiah 49, 23 Revelations 13, 8. Those that do not are subject to the law even for those who do not know it or are neutral. It will be a terrible day which as it is written will come into reality, and see Revelations 6, 15 - 16 which states all wealth and lands are removed from or destroyed for everyone without exception  "15. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16. And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb" 

The New Covenant did not establish birthright and blessings to Joseph and descendants but eternal life in this life and the next is a part of them, and the New (and everlasting covenant) is the Last Covenant. Jacobs stone awaits the Meshiach, and it has traveled throughout history (This post added on 12.08.2022. The next post added incrementally will consider what happens to your Spirit when you die as further information from posts above. This post considered what will transpire in this life and the next, considering all as if your soul depends on it )





The New Covenant, cont'd 12.01.2023 (3.22)
What happens to your Spirit when you die ?
and the continuing search for Jacobs stone, the Stone of Destiny

The reality is most people do not know that they possess a Spirit and in fact it is immortal. Your Spirit lives on after your body dies. But what happens to it then ? (we are Body and Spirit which = 'a soul', we are not a body, spirit and within our body an entity also known as a soul. The soul is not only your spirit but you with your body, but there is no third 'thing' called a soul which dwells separately from the Spirit inside you) Body and Spirit = a Soul. If you read Genesis 2, 7 it does not say Body, Spirit and Soul but "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" So collective body from the dust or red clay (Adam or Adamah means designating "red clay" or "red ground") and the breath of life (Spirit) which then becomes a 'living Soul' (note 2 items Body and Spirit = a Soul)  Men and Woman created in God's image Genesis 1, 26 - 28 & 2,24 (Male and Female he created them) 

Andrew Murray in his book 'The Spirit of Christ' page 333 ( study guide here )  "Since the spirit of man has its origin in God (Gen 2:7; Zech 12:1; Heb 12:9), it is the part of man that is either connected or disconnected to God depending on if one is regenerate (alive) or unregenerate (separated/dead). Before the Fall, YHWH breathed into man “the breath of life” which is the spirit, and it is the spirit of Adam that was separated (died) at the Fall (Gen 2:16-17; 3:7)"  

Many will say that is just what the bible says , yet skeptics and those who are well read and who research for themselves also seem to agree with these descriptions of how we are. Bob Dylan the singer, songwriter and poet has his view, as also does the late and brilliant Jordan Maxwell, see 

'Bob Dylan & Jordan Maxwell discuss the Afterlife & Spirit World & 'The World we cannot See'  

(and see in its description box) 

Philippians 1, 21- 23 says  21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I live in the flesh, this is the fruit of my labor: yet what I shall choose I wot not. 23 For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better, and 2 Corinthians 5:8  "We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord" and Ecclesiastes 12, 7 confirms it, as does King David in Psalm 16,10 & Psalm 139, 8 and quoted again in Acts 2, 25 - 28 & Acts 13, 35 (see also Psalm 49,9 and Psalm 86,13) but it is to Judgement either to the Great White throne (unregenerate / unbelievers in which 'the lord' or God sits and Judges or rather confirms your unregenerate status)  or for others who go into the 1000 year reign (regenerate / believers who also have a Judgement for crowns or without crowns into eternity and eventual heaven in the New Jerusalem ). This is the future for you and one in which you cannot escape.  However the desire to escape this judgement is a major movement of history (our entire history) and it is also big business and a war within wars.

Liquid Nitrogen drops its temperature to  –320°F (–196°C) and it also burns, (in reference also to the Jordan Maxwell testimony in the film above with Bob Dylan and which applies to Catholic and Protestant teachings) fire also burns, and in similitude with the Rich Man in Luke 16, but in this different dimension in the Spirit world, these similes are just to help us understand what occurs to a Spirit who exists outside of God's presence.

This is why the doctrine of 'Purgatory' was never true in Catholic or in Protestant teachings,see the sermon on Judah and Joseph and Dr Terry Law's sermon showing this below, i.e. that a soul needs further purification after death (denying the Atonement of the Messiah's death and resurrection) and praying for them is unnecessary. It was a lucrative doctrine in the middle ages as charlatans fooled people that if they paid money, then their prayers for their dead loved ones would 'work' (it was coupled with 'Simony' the false doctrine of forgiveness of sins if you pay, prayers are free and direct one on one with God ) The Catholic church abandoned Purgatory ('limbo' was never any churches doctrine but is purgatory disguised) effectively, by logic alone. Salvation is on this earth now and after is too late (think about that logically)

The Spirit goes straight to Judgement as God is out of our time in Eternity, if it is not regenerated which is also the meaning  of Ezekiel 36,27 and Joel 2,28 - 32, echoed in Acts 2,17  (at the the Great White throne judgement in Revelations 20, 11 - 15) then it is damnation as not all will accept

Hell (where a Spirit i.e. your spirit can also end up)  lasts forever see Romans 8 , 9 and Hebrews 12, 29 and Revelations 21, 8 and Matthew 18, 18 and 25, 41 and verse 46 and Mark 9 , 47 - 48. The doctrine of 'temporary hell' or the  false teaching of "apokatástasis" or  Apocatastasis is rebutted here but which does admit Hell is real  (Heading "Hell a place which lasts forever" a link which takes you to that heading in this Chapter 5 up above and which you can navigate back here later) 


Even the most publicly sceptical such as Richard Dawkins now admit that Intelligent design and by a superior intelligent creator may be possible. How are you created ? see 'Made in Gods Image ? Genesis 1:26-28'   Compare this to previous explanations "How can something come from Nothing"   (or on bitchute once more)  and now explanations from Neil degrasse Tyson (first considering on creation 2 Corinthians 4, 6 "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ") MR Degrasse Tyson MR GOBBLEDYGOOK / Hugo Talks

Added in 28.01.2023 With no proof of a big bang the origins of the Universe are not known and only increasingly absurd theories persist. See "New Big Bang doubts emerge and show how little we actually know" (Gript Media) and it is not really known but NASA once promoted the afterlife in the Spirit see  Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912–1977) the famous rocket scientist  "NASA and belief in the afterlife"   Belief in the afterlife is natural, and many wish to prevent you for reaching it.

Added in 15.02.2023  Mathematics & design as proof of God's existence (also) go hand in hand see...  "Intelligent Design and God's mathematics within creation ( with also Elon Musk & Wernher von Braun )"


From Gods perspective, 5.5 Billion + people on the planet receiving DNA changing experimental mRNA injections is a 'Great Tribulation' and which is a separate scenario (i.e. do you not know you are the Temple of the Holy Spirit  see1 Corinthians 6,19) from geographical or some dispensational timeline calculations see (but a 3rd Temple will be built, just as many buildings are built in Israel today as it comes under increased attacks ) Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83)   and also Liz Wheeler on the Pfizer released documents  and now a Tory MP suspended for saying it is the worst occurrence since the Holocaust  then also recently   Professor Dalgleish is Professor of Oncology at St George’s University of London  (cancer from injections & see Davos Says Coming Soon: mRNA "Cancer Vaccine" ) further away but with the same view Investigations from Japan and also by Florida Supreme COURT into the mRNA experiment on humanity  Injected dying and spawning variants, Doctors pushing vaccination before and now reversing, after in 'the big reveal' ?  & the extensive World Premiere "World Premiere: Died Suddenly"   ( a full list is here back to 2021 or earlier to be updated ongoing )

A full spiritual view of God's plan can be gleaned here, to perhaps make you think a bit deeper 

"The Holy of Holies & 144,000 & the Feasts.The 2 Witnesses & Gods image in DNA. Four squared & Cubed"   

(or here once again on Bitchute) 


The Garden in Eden, becoming a gd and expanding your consciousness 

Incredibly many if not all faiths lead the practitioner back to the 'Garden of Eden' which was / is a real place and which is called Eden and which had a garden within it. They maintain that if you expand your 'consciousness' (which has no real solid explanation other than you know you are not dead) which is in fact your Spirit i.e consciousness. Joining your Spirit with God is possible but only through and by God who is not a panetheist but is a real God with a personality who created you in his image and with his personality (see Genesis 1,26 - 28 which man and woman just cannot accept)   The result of attempting to enter back into Eden  to become gds (at one with the Universe on your own without any help except for mind bending drugs or endless meditation or both) is the way is blocked. Yet what if you cannot expand your consciousness or become a god  ? what then ? An examination of the characters  involved in this religion is in the next video below. Real meditation is nothing to do with being still or emptying your mind thinking on nothing, but in fact it is an active (not passive) experience and those who are higher up in the meditation hierarchy know this and practice it only distilling the weak or misleading version to the masses (sheeple)  

The New Age, Eden and the Tree of Life and the Angel / Cherubim of Genesis 3,24  (see also in its description) 

Making the return to Eden seem real (spiritually and metaphysically) it is never explained that the very scriptures supplying the imagery and context of Eden and the Garden in Eden from Genesis, is the scripture which explains that the way back to it is now blocked namely Genesis 3,24 and this is never added into the lectures or meditation seances or theories of Eden ? why is that ? 'The Tree of Life' is God's possession alone and cannot be accessed without his grace or consent. but See Ricahed Seed Transhumanist on becoming a gd  (showing all walks of life know this is what they really want and it natural within us all i.e. immortality or here again once more on Bitchute), yet reaching to the Tree of Life as described and encouraged in Genesis 3,22  having tasted the Knowledge ('Gnosis') of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, trans-humanism and the new age ignore Genesis 3,24 and that the way is barred (for all as Spirit is not just mind or knowing i.e. Gnosis or Knowledge).  

A brief run through of the story of paradise lost and found is as follows. Without the Gurus of trans-humanism, cybernetics, human genome experts or robotics / artificial intelligence Man and Woman were created by God. They were given intelligence to know God and procreate (a delegated honor which is why it is attacked so much) others into existence making them unique. If this under freewill ran into problems then a plan of restoration was made (again without the need for  trans-humanism, cybernetics, human genome experts or robotics / artificial intelligence etc) Genesis 6 and the book of Jude (see King James Version 1611 ) and in the book of Enoch and Targums of Johnathon and others shows that men and women tampered with their own DNA and produced angelic but corrupted beings outside of the covenant of God. Later Nimrod who married his own Mother set up a Kingdom with 10 regions but which failed and the 72 dispersed nations which grew into 153 and in languages they did not understand and they separated along the lines of those languages throughout the world. Abraham passed his blessings onto Jacob who became Israel and to Joseph and he became 2nd in command in Egypt eventually bringing his own family of 11 brothers and wider households and his father to Egypt to avoid the  famines Joseph became Ephraim and Manasseh (i.e Israel)  and dispersed into the nations becoming millions and billions, they hold the Abrahamic blessings as also the chosen people. 

see 'Judah, Joseph, & the Inheritance of both houses of Israel.The Bloodlines of Europe & the 3 Genealogies of the Messiah' 
(Or here again on Bitchute )  

After 400 years this number of 72 grew into one large nation of 2.5 million who were led out of Egypt into the promised land. 10 tribes were appointed as soldiers and men of farming and crafts to be overseen by 1 of the tribe of Judah simply because the Messiah would partially arise from this tribe of Kings. Others were appointed as priests and levites to service the Temple which was eventually built by Solomon or or near where the original tree of knowledge of good and evil and near the Tree of life in the Garden in Eden.= at present day Mount Moriah which was purchased and owned by King David (Eden being a much larger area that the Garden of Eden) This was a stage in the war of man's redemption. The next stage was the victory which has already occurred, and in line with the last video on Judah and Joseph above and which mentions the following war which has already been won and it is worth realizing the full extent of that War 

'Dr Terry Law,Where did Jesus go when he died (to 'Abraham's Bosom' / Paradise and to both sides)'    
(see also in Bitchute for these sermons ) 

You will also note that Yeshua raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11, 38 - 44)  i.e. his Spirit was brought back into Lazarus body as only the creator of that Spirit could have command and control over it. Yeshau's (Jesus) also had a Spirit, it was his body which lay in the tomb and which (only) was dead and his Spirit was alive for 3 days and 3 nights. These 3 days and nights and the war which was won has been hidden by the Catholic and Protestant churches to produce the clown show, wolves in sheep's clothing, hireling shepherds version of the bible you are probably more familiar with and yet in Exodus 15,3 it says Yahweh is a warrior ? (Jesus / Yeshua means salvation or i bring salvation through Yahweh) 

God created man and woman and if freewill led to a fall, God became man in order that Man and woman can become as gods (made only by God not man or woman)  but as redeemed people who will live on for eternity if the Spirit is regenerated 1 Peter 1:23 & Titus, 3, 5 Since the fall in Genesis you are dead even when and after you meditate

Those that ignored and/or rebelled against God or perverted his word and those in Revelations 21,8, will be judged in their terrified and sorrowful Spirit before God himself. Nations and individuals will come under the curses on earth as outlined in Deuteronomy 28 (check to see if you or your nation has those symptoms or circumstances now)  An outline of the Law is here TorahLawGrace

Soul or spirit or a collective soul. Genesis 2,7 states " And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul" There are 2 elements here, 1. the dust or earth and the 2. breath of God. This breath or Ruach is your Spirit and with your body it BECAME a living Soul. After Adam and Eve transgressed their Spirits died. So if they had a third element or 'thing' called a soul it was also dead. The redeemed who are regenerate in their Spirit also obtain a revived body (spiritual body) see 1 Corinthians 15:35- 52 new and better and immortal, yet with a regenerated spirit (at Pentecost or baptism in the Holy spirit) and a revived better body. It does not mention anywhere that souls are given new, and so it is the spirit regenerated which is redeemed as the Body and spirit which becomes a soul collectively  1 Thessalonians 5:23 and  John 4:24; Rom. 1:9 show that we are body, spirit soul, See also John 3:5-6 Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 3:18 & Phil 3:20 / 21 (new transformed bodies) Matt. 16:26; Luke 9:25 confirms Genesis 2, 7 that our Soul is our very self. A church which does not teach (because it is not perceived by ignorance or as a deliberate policy, as an item to teach upon and which brings a church which is dead ) regeneration or baptism in the holy spirit will talk about your consciousness or 'psyche'  (from Hellenism) yet without a regenerated spirit in God this is simply Gnosticism or knowledge... (mind as the intellect alone, which does not provide salvation. Consciousness or mind is a part of your Spirit ).... as a way to become 'gods'. We do not revive our minds to revive our spirit, but we receive the breath of God from God. Hebrews 4, 24, separates spirit and soul and the body but when the spirit separates from the body the collective soul (body and spirit which 'became' a living soul Genesis 2,7 ) is also split apart by that action. John 4, 23 says God is a Spirit, not that God is a spirit and a soul and we are made in God's image (Genesis 1,27) and our spirit is revived by his breath which with the body, becomes a living Soul collectively. Unregenerate spirits make all of this moot however as body and spirit cannot become a living soul anew, towards spiritual eternal life with God

Those who are unregenerate... (the posts above explain exactly what that means and what you can do to be regenerate i.e not just 'believing but believing and receiving the Ruach spirit of God which can only be obtained from God and as proof. And proof was from God see 2 Corinthians 1,22 and Acts 19 i.e.l not just believe but believe and receive)... will suffer eternal torment in Hell. Firstly your Soul will be separated from your bone marrow ( & RNA / DNA) ripped outwards, and for many this will be a painful terrifying experience at death see Hebrews 4,12 "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (see also last paragraph above on this verse) as experienced by Satanist Anton La Vey when on his deathbed just before his helpless Spirit departed into eternity and as he slipped from his earthly body he said " “Oh my, oh my, what have I done, There’s something very wrong, there’s something very wrong, there’s something very wrong” 

After this you will be tormented in front of God, the angels and the redeemed of God forever. See Revelation 14:10, KJV: "The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb":.Just as many have murdered or killed and tortured those on earth so they will be paid back, but it is not just for the 'bad', but for all the unregenerate, and no amount of charity good works will save you, but in fact charity as a way to make your own way into heaven by works are called filthy rags (see Isaiah 64,6) 

Revelations 14, 8 - 11, but specifically verse 10 & 11 states Hell as forever, and it says (for the poor, the rich, Kings and Queens, the aristocracy and the middle class (everyone) who are all made equal..... 
"8 And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name."  (Johnathon Edwards sermon on a 'Angry God', a term the Church avoids is here )

John 10,1 tells us that many will seek to enter Eden or 'Heaven' by their own way or by force ('heaven' i.e. the New Jerusalem is after the 1000 year reign) or by another way (including seeking immortality or trans-humanism and other faiths) or by another method but all without success. John 10,1 also implies that for all the way will be blocked for you (see above in this post r.e. Genesis 3,24) and by a 'Strong Delusion' sent by God to the wicked and even onto "the church" see 2 Thessalonian 2,11, when even the elect will be fooled (if that were possible ? as the verse states in Matthew 24, 24) These facts really should expand your consciousness


The final war before the Millennium reign of the Messiah

Revelations 12 , 1 and 7 - 9 and verse 7  “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,” and the final war is also described in Revelations 16, 14  as the Great battle  and Revelations 19 & 19, 14 and Rev 12,17  & Zechariah 14:4-11; Revelations 20:1-6

(which occurs during the Great Tribulation towards the end as God's Wrath, and the rapture is After the Tribulation as per the bible, not fanciful inventions) 

Revelations 16,14 says 14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Note the Kings of the earth and their armies (in the battle) ? Yet how can the Kings of the earth surround the Mount of Olives (where initially the Messiah returns to, see Acts 1:11-12 & Zechariah 14:14 & Ezekiel 43:1-5 & also Mark 13:1-37, Luke 21:5-36 & Matthew 24:29–31 & Micah 4:1-5 ) in which they will lose all lands, wealth and inheritance. Who are these earthly armies ? and how are they surrounding Jerusalem like Pharaoh's army. (The battle is a world conflict) The full reality of this war, its deception and its weapons has not been explained and it will be brought forward in a post below as the effort to get around or circumvent Genesis 3,24 is a major part of that war. The stone of Jacob inauguration stone i.e. the Stone of destiny which brings water in the desert (that the builders of Jacob's day and in the future, rejected see the posts above) will return to Jerusalem for the true Messiah (see last posts above)  who has not come to bring peace but a Sword Matthew 10, 34 - 36 

Once again in the 'War'consider Richard Seeds words and attitude Richard Seed Transhumanist on becoming a gd  (showing all walks of life know this is what they really want and it natural within us all i.e. immortality or here again once more on Bitchute ) This is the one part of the message which actually has cold hard logic as integral to its raison d'etre, motivation and purpose, and which makes sense. If you think about it, Richard Seed believes in becoming a god, and those that control this philosophy also believe in an Eden, and a Garden in Eden and the 2 trees within Eden, one of the knowledge of good and evil and one of the tree of life (in the 'world we cannot see' as Bob Dylan puts it in his video above which is both metaphysical and a real place) and therefore they also believe in a God which has created Eden. Therefore obtaining the fruit of the Tree of Life (if that is possible by force or will or any means necessary) having eaten of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in this life, in this logic, this then will bring immortality and avoid Judgement. It is said here now, out loud, openly and honestly. Richard Seed is not alone, as an untold number of the worlds 'elites' also believe what he is saying and are wanting to achieve his aspirations. $Billions if not $Trillions are poured into this pursuit which on one level is revealed as wanting to preserve your longevity in life or even immortality last link Ray Kurzewell  here on Bitchute also selling a softer 'slightly eccentric' new age side to the religion, which is what it is, but on many other levels encompasses all areas of the sciences, industry, philosophy, finance and trade in all commodities, and in esoteric belief in any area you can name, as the major world driving force, but carried out on a need to know basis and which also involves the Military industrial complex and also Quantum AI. (and much more) Many believe ( and in or out of this belief ) that they are damned and their past generations (relatives) bloodlines are damned (without redemption), driving them on rightly or wrongly, to avoid death but also Judgement day. Avoiding Judgement day for their entire bloodline down the centuries also (they believe) would therefore follow. A serious science with serious people, and who are not the clown show Guru's the public are shown, for them this war is 'Realpolitik' (and they care not if the public understand it or are even aware or if they believe it) This brings them into conflict with God (and God's immovable Angel in Genesis 3,24) and becomes a part of the War against God. It is one of the few areas of thought with a real rational purpose, hidden by a veil from the view of the public's dystopia. They certainly believe in God but do not follow him, but oppose and or would destroy God (if that were possible and that is researched fully), hence the full spectrum of beliefs and faith are required to be told, by those searching, not just the deception sold to the masses.The adherents of this pursuit (unlike the majority of 'new age' or 'old or past age' adherents who are only given a part and mostly a small part of the truth) would say (and do say) that you are stupid if you do not believe in God.

If you do not understand 'yourself' and/or that you even have a Spirit, (which is brought to life by the Holy Spirit ) then you are truly lost and doomed. In Egypt 'Ka' was your Spirit within you, and as you when you are alive and 'Ba' was the departed Spirit (Egyptians knew this much) and the 'Akh' was the place a 'select few' went too, known as Aura and the field of Reeds (Elysium) However this man made interpretation, cornering the market of an organised religion for the few (beginning with Nimrod and Babylon down through Sumer into Egypt into Rome ) and consisting of judgement by the 'gds' for being 'good' or if they were wealthy as the qualification, as modern society also believes of itself, was made in hope as wishful thinking and not in fact, and it is in error, and this was not the Judgement at Passover. In the New Covenant (as in the old testament and at Passover) it is God who Judges. Just as in the flesh the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, rewriting Pharaoh's solo journey down the Nile and across into the Milky Way,  they, the Egyptians believed in reality that it was only for the few privileged 'gds' who were created in any case by the one God. (Logic makes it plain) Now when or if, your Spirit is redeemed, you can cross into eternity, but this aspect of the bible's meaning is hidden from you. This chapter 5 above (if you are not sure you even have a Spirit) and down to here will show you that you do, and that it can be redeemed (your 'Soul' depends on it. This post added 12.01.2023 )





The Stone of Destiny known as Jacobs anointed pillar

'Law of the Sea', Romans 13. The Strong Delusion. The Human Genome project. Continued vaccine deaths & Injuries
The Rapture & the Great tribulation, as distinct from GOD'S Wrath 
& the Church of Philadelphia (Rev 3)


Tied to the Covenants both old and new (see the above posts) are the 12 tribes and the stone of destiny, which is not just a ceremonial stone

 Hebrews 12,16 states that God's voice shook the earth and will shake the heavens "whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven" Ezekiel 43, 2 & Revelations 1,15 & Revelations 14,2 state that God's voice is like the sound of Rushing Waters which is descriptive of a mighty river and rapids or waterfalls as they roar. Revelations 19, 6 states the redeemed voices are like the sound of many waters. John 7,38 promises that whoever believes in him (i.e believes and receives) will have torrents of living water rushing out of his belly. This is the Holy Spirit which is denied to those who seek to capture (by another means as in John 10, 1, Mark 10,25, Isaiah 14, 12 - 32 & Daniel 3, 1 - 2) the Tree of life (Genesis , 3.22 & Ezekiel 47,12 & Revelations 22,2) and the Tree of the  knowledge of Good and evil (Genesis 2, 17) and that way is blocked as described in Genesis 3,24. 

Both Revelations 22,1 and Ezekiel 47, 1 - 12, describe a river or waters of life and which is also in Genesis 2,10 (which waters the Garden) indicating it is from the beginning of time until the end of time, and Micah 1,3 describes water pouring down from a steep place which reminds of Pentecost / Shavuot (when the Spirit of God was poured out on the Temple and not just the Upper room and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem fulfilling Ezekiel 36, 27) and Isaiah 12, 3 which is re-enacted in the High priest water and wine libation service which became a part of the feasts of Sukkot and in which people shout " “Ush’avtem maym besasson mima’aynei hayeshua” (You shall draw water in joy from the wells of Salvation) which is not found in Leviticus or Deuteronomy regarding the feasts (Leviticus 23) but which was added later under Isaiah. The High Priest ascends the highest part of the Temple and pours out the waters from within a cup drawn from the Gihon Spring and Pool of Siloam where Solomon was anointed and where Jesus cured the blind man (or men who were also watching spiritually) 

Clearly the water of life and the river of life are not stagnant waters which are polluted or like the dead sea, but water which refreshes and brings life. Yeshua at Jacobs Well told the Samaritan woman that he had the waters of life (John 4, 7-18) and which is echoed in Revelation 21, 6 "And he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life without payment" Jacob was (if to please his father) to marry someone from his own tribes (unlike Esau who married Canaanite woman or like the daughters of lot who married their own father to maintain their bloodline and not just because they had hangover moral confusion from living in Sodom and the four other cities of the region see Genesi 19,14 From Lot's daughters came King David and his son Nathan and the Messiah) The tree of life is also physical as well as meta-physical and the desire to capture the tree of life is real and also again physical and meta-physical. Capturing it by 'other means as in John 10,1 or by also weapons and inventions which are not just ideas or schemes. See Genesis 4,22, &  2 Chronicles 26,15 * Ecclesiastes 1,10 & 7,29 * Psalms 106,29 on a plague, and many more. These devices or inventions to reach the Tree of Life (and as mentioned in the last post above dated 12.01.2023 and which will be detailed in the next post after this ) are an ongoing war. Jacob also took charge of a well and watered the sheep flocks of Rachels (in the time of "Jacob's trouble" of 20/21 years of tribulation and indentured slavery & just as there are 20/21 days in the Autumn feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur and Sukkot) Yeshua was at the same well which is described in Genesis 29, 1 - 12 and where Jacob rolled back a stone to allow the sheep to drink. Jacob also married Rachel but first he married her sister Leah and from these 2 marriages and the marriage to the maidservants. Bilnah and Zilpah, these 3 flocks of sheep (Genesis 29, 2) came the 2 Houses of Israel, Judah and Joseph as 12 Tribes (...only one of which is described as Jewish)

Prior to this in Genesis 28, Jacob anointed the pillar (stone) he had used to support his head , with oil. He used a few stones to support him as he slept including the pillar  as a marker for the vision of the Temple of God and of the Messiah changing the name of the place from Luz to Bethel (hence the Bethel stone, stone of Jacob, stone of Destiny) 

The stone as detailed in the 2nd but last post above dated 12.08.2022 went with  the Israelites into the desert and was portable and moved with the tribes as they moved and it watered (estimates vary but are close to each other) 2.5 million people as the 12 tribes of Israel. It was carried into the Promised land (Canaan's land) with the Ark of the Covenant which contained the pot of Manna, Aaron's rod that budded and the Law of God on Moses 2nd set of stone tablets, see Exodus 16, 32 - 33  & 25,16 & 31,18 Hebrews 9,4 & Numbers 17,10, whilst Moses scrolls of the 5 books of the  pentateuch / Torah were placed outside but on the Ark as a witness against the 12 tribes and levites (Deuteronomy 31,26) whilst the law of stone tablets was inside the Ark as a part of the blood atonement without which there is no forgiveness of sins. The Ark and its contents crossed over the Jordan als into the promised land and in Revelations 11,19 we are told that the actual Ark with the blood of the Messiah, before the throne of God

In other words it watered the 12 tribes and Levites with God's word see Ephesians 5, 26 & Ezekiel 36,25 & 47, 1 - 5 & Matthew 28,19 and also in Exodus 40, 12 - 15, Numbers 8, 5 - 7, Leviticus 6, 13 , 15 & 17 and more and a bronze laver was made for the  Levite Priests to wash in Exodus  30, 17 - 21 & in Solomon's temple this was enlarged to become the sea of water or Molten sea in 1 Kings 7:23–26 2 Chron 2:1

Water is like God's word then and which is also like the Spirit of God or Holy Spirit as in John 3,5 which regenerates the dead Spirit (see also last post above) & Matthew 19, 28 & Titus 3,5 & 1 Peter 1, 3. You can also wash (wash translates as laver) in the Holy Spirit 2 Cor 5,17 & Galatians 6,15 & Ezekiel 36, 25 - 27 ... here below  

"25 I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. 26 And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules

Water is washing in God's word as the Law washing in the Holy Spirit, it is a part of the Temple physically and spiritually and it was / is a part of the Temple within Jacobs vision as he slept on the stone. (many dispute that Torah means law and should rather mean instruction and/or teaching, yet Ezekiel 36, 25-27 says we are to obey Gods rule, and on the law and further to it "Torah is derived from the root word yarah, which literally means “to flow as water.” Figuratively it means “to point to,” to “teach,” “inform,” “instruct,” or “guide.” Word, Spirit and Law


The 'legal fiction' 'water' law of the sea & Roman 13 (the actual legal fiction laws/legalese/regulations of this world)

Saint Augustine of Hippo (354 - 430)  wrote 'his City of God' which looked to Romans 13 as an inspiration. His conversion to christianity (which is not full of John 3 or Acts i.e born from above and believe and receive) but on reading Anthony of the desert (Hermit Priest) and Pauls teaching on Romans 13. Favouring the later latinised Roman idea of Christianity (Constantine had introduced sun worship mixed with Mithraism in 325 ad with himself as the Sun God like a Pharaoh of old Egypt ) his city of God was an inspiration to many world leaders and politicians down the centuries, where gradually 'God' became a distant figurehead of the idea (far off and unknowable in some minds) and the city of God lost the idea of God, but retained the idea of the "state" or government of Romans 13 (cited to reinforce its legitimacy) Later... God was someone who interfered in the of God and was an inconvenient notion of history, until the state had completely driven God...out of the city of God. Later God was driven out of people's minds by force under "Bolshevism, Communism, usury Capitalism" (which is admiralty shipping law personified) Later still people lost their identity as being 'Human' in the corporate admiralty shipping law (now termed transhumanism) entity. Like Cain who felt that God had got it wrong and who raged when his offering was not favoured by God (but Abels was) this rage led to disastrous decisions. Despite God personally speaking to Cain in Genesis 4, 8 - 16 he (Cain) was adamant that he was right and that God was wrong (and which as an idea many feel branched out in every and any area of life later, until Nimrod and full blown rebellion with the tower of Babel. Nimrod from Cain's line. God avenged Cain 7 times yet Lamech a later descendant of Cain, committing the same sins said he would avenge Cain 70 x 7 times which if not repented for can be in turn be magnified back against him or anyone 70 x 70 x 70 ad- infinitum for eternity as being under the curse of Leviticus 26,18 for unrepentant sin) Augustine's idea of the City of God inspired Lionel Curtis (who was a Knight of the Roundtable member) to write a book which he wanted to call "City of God" but which was called Commonwealth of God, and which was / is very influential on our world today. Curtis with General Jan Christian Smuts brought about the United Nations (which declared Israel a nation in 1948) and the modern Commonwealth of nations. 

The CIty of God is described in the book of Revelations  21, 23 "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof"  and it is completely full of God who rules alone by his laws and no others, and which is the final reality of all Law and Commerce and faith. Today what is the Law and what are God's laws ?

The legal fiction of the Cestui Que Vie (1666) trust, derived from Unam Sanctum, in turn derived from the Emperor Justinian codes (529 - 534) are divided into 3 crowns but which are in reality themselves legal fictions and man-made trinkets of self and are not real as the Sovereign common law of the Land is above them. They are 1. Crown of Land (a judge is the legal fiction Landlord ) claiming all land on earth or real property via Corporate commercial law which is also a legal fiction and is not real  2. Crown of personal property i.e. your body (a Judge is your legal fiction banker) or ‘person’ (note; not you as a real Man and woman) & is like no 1 but employs Maritime Law of the Sea or Admiralty law as civil canon law 3. Crown of ecclesiastical ‘property’ (a Judge is your Priest) and is mainly Talmudic law.

Dead in the Water, Maritime Admiralty Law UCC Civil Ecclesiastical law legal fiction non law         (or on youtube  or again on bitchute 

All 3 are beneath the common law as Gods law as Men and Women are not subject to the state or the 3 legal fictions above but are subject to God alone. The Stone of Destiny represents common law and as such these 3 legal fictions must submit to Gods law. It is (also) the people who confer Sovereignty on the Monarch which can claim these crowns (outside of being the common law rightful Monarch) and no 3 is currently with Spain and King Carlos and Heirs and is under dispute with Britain

Cestui Que Vie Trust Your birth certificate is a slave contract with Rome         (or on youtube  or again on bitchute

Even the Vatican is a corporation ? and it claims it owns everything ( including all the souls in the world )


In regards to Romans Chapter 13 in which ‘the church’ must obey ‘Government’ it is rather that Government or any authority must obey Gods law first. ‘The church does not rebel by obeying Gods law but rather the state or states or government or private corporations rebel against God and then subtly expect the church to do so also. Banks are hollow in terms of money and authority to act. Emperor Justinian issued his codes in desperation as Rome was collapsing and after Emperor Constantine declared the worship of the sun as the state religion and in turn this had previously merged with the cult of Mithras = Sol Invictus (in error and as Unlawful)  No one is above God's law from Moses to Pharaoh or any Monarch but are subjects to it

THE-CORPUS-JURIS and the Magna Carta. Justinian Deception            (or on youtube or again on bitchute)

For a true teaching on Romans 13 see 

Christian Response to Mandatory "Cookies" obey God before Governments   (or on youtube  or on bitchute )

God's law lai as from all Ten commandments for the entire Tanach (Old testament) and Gospels and New Testament and John's vision in the Book of Revelations  and which follow Jesus Words in John 14,15 " If ye love me, keep my commandments"

God's law from the 10 commandments and surrounding Torah Law and Grace 


The Strong Delusion continues...(and the 'Human Genome' project 2022 / 2023 )

As the strong Delusion continues and since the last post dated 12.01.2023 above see its recent history here "A STRONG DELUSION (revised) Hugo Talks" (2023) or here here once again within the vidoes  (or on Bitchute ) The doomsday sayers pushed the injections yet the unvaccinated are alive and well Globally people are removing money from banks and buying Gold and Silver as an internet based exchanges (crypto) will have biblical conditions of access (Bitcoin and CBDC) Keeping circulating cash as 'MO' or through national treasuries is a priority for nations around the world, as the fake and devisory (and un-biblical) inflationary policy of banking who have no reserves and who multiply their holdings by 4 or 10 (as used to be and even this is a fraud like Usury) by up to 100 x the principle sum as 100x100x100x1000 infinitum. Mortgages are also illegal documents / contracts (legal fictions without a reality in law or in economic terms  ) and unnecessary. Your paper is worth just as much as the paper they are written on.The resultant debt (now in Trillions upon trillions with derivative quadrillions) is a hoped for mechanism for coercion, not just on governments as currently exist but on everyone digitally as (although no one knows every single person is liable in exact amounts men women and children...but illegally)  for the nation's debts. all normal ? or a strong delusion ? People who stored food form 2021 have vastly their bills and reduced their prices.(see below on this as inflation soars globally) which for the middle class or upper calls seems a pittance of a saving but for the majority of the world it is a real difference

In the 'next Pandemic' from 2021/2022 (quote by Bill Gates) you can know you are in a real situation as there will be dead bodies in the streets in hundreds of thousands globally

The strong delusion is a subject of a longer video on the adjacent website on Sovereignty from the summer of 2021    (or here again on Rumble The Strong Delusion & The Great Reset (2 Thessalonians 2, 11)  ) Many of the nurses in the videos in the paragraphs above (the dancing nurses) later died from the injections or have been injured (as one example) whilst 763 (and counting)  TV presenters and 'celebrities' have died live on television 763 CELEBRITIES DEAD after CO(N)VID VACCINES (sometimes they SACRIFICE THEIR OWN.. TO GET AT US..!)  and then again Nurse Erin exposed the Mass Murder committed in America’s Hospitals during the Pandemic and it is not just TV presenters or celebrities VAXXED: THE GLOBAL EPIDEMIC OF SUDDEN DEATHS -- Dr. William Makis which follows on from the World premiere of 'Died Suddenly'  with further analysis from Wall Street insurance and adverse events analysts Edward  Dowd from Edward Dowd Wall Street analyst   (whose book on the pandemic has gone viral and sold out)  "Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – December 13, 2022  and any TV presenters are speaking out  Ben Shapiro FINALLY Realizes mRNA Jabs are Bad

The death rates and injuries fro injections are climbing not slowing  Yes the mRNA is 'gene therapy' (or here on bitchute once more OR HERE Yes, mRNA *IS* Gene Therapy ) Peer-Reviewed: mRNA Jab Modifies DNA  and more recent Phd peer reviewed articles within the following film Bio - Warfare mRNA / DNA crispr injections into the cells nucleus, into 2023 and getting worse. 'Genetic Engineering' & the Mark of the beast In the post dated 12.01.2023 above citing no 8 in the list it has now grown to 10 as of May 2023 ...see next below (and since summer 2021 with no 1) 

Link to mRNA injections ('vaccinations' ) deaths and injuries within the post in the Sovereign website dated 21.10.2021 (added as progressing) NO 1 on vaccine deaths and injuries link  is here  dated 3.10.2021 with posts 2) 8.11.2021 & 3) 23.12.2021 & 4) 20.01.2022  & 5) 3.3.2022 & 6) 2.4.2022 inbetween 7) Link to no 7 is here dated 21.09.2022  and next is link NO 8) here available dated 13.02.2023  and NO 9 & 10 the next link to Vaccine deaths and injuries & the Human Genome project NO 9) & NO 10) is available here dated 22.04.2023 into May 2023  (available also from the end of chapter 3b in the adjacent website for navigation)

For those who believed your church members (if you were even able to attend churches) that this was "safe and effective" and 3 weeks to flatten the curve, then you have been mis-informed. How can this be many wonder ?, well it is because the 'legal fiction' Corporation law terms 'churches' from the Goddess Circe as also Banks and Hospitals. This is why churches of many denominations or cathedrals of many denominations or preachers of the law of the sea, opened up as 'vaccination centres' globally in every country, and why your spiritual leader obeys those laws (see Dead in the water film above) and not God's laws. They appear as God in the temple of God (2 Thess 2,4  ) some because they are hireling shepherds (John 10,11)  and some because they are wolves in sheeps clothing (Matthew 7,15) Who ordered this abomination ? it was all the leaders of the World Economic Forum (before the pandemic broke out) "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"  Further it is people who are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, the 3rd Temple (1 Cor 6, 19 - 20)

The Archbishop of Canterbury is the shepherd not of a Church but of a law of the sea Circe (church) bank hospital, and not acting as a shepherd of God. It is the same with the Pope and all organised church leaders (many do not realise the corporate takeover applies to them, and they operate not under Gods law but under a legal fiction with its laws. This is why the 'cheap grace' doctrine of throwing out all of God's laws is vital to them (the Mosaic laws of sacrifice excluded) For many who honour their parents (5th commandment) and have done so ... well guess what "you are under the law" ? for obeying the ten commandments ? (as if it is a bad thing ) It began with the Knights Hospitallers over a thousand years ago (as trafficking using 'hospitals' to clean up the trafficked who were / are owned, for sale see the Dead in the Water law 'instruction' video above) ) who never said they were born again christians, although many fought for that (then as today) And the IHS (International health regulations) and Pandemic treaty (already agreed in the pantomime theatre of planning and debate) which overrides national governments to produce the biomedical global network linked and monitored by AI and empowered by the WHO and its favoured crispr cas 9 gene editing injections governance  and linked devices.

"ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY JUSTIN WELBY & the Church of the Law of Shipping of the Sea" 

"Vatican: OK to get virus vaccines using abortion cell lines"

THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT In 2013 the US Supreme Court issued a ruling that Human DNA could not be patented as it was 'naturally occurring' and it als showed signs that the RNA / DNA had originated in just 2 people, and that it had 'evolved' (both are required with proteins to make DNA, 'impossible' ? but the science reveals it ) but it must have come from some higher intelligence ?  Yet the US Supreme Court in its ruling also made the unusual adjudication that 'Human 'Synthetic DNA /RNA' could be patented and owned exclusively by a corporation or individual Human ?? Odd many people thought ? since synthetic human DNA did not exist in 2013, but in 2017 was imagined as being within Humans by 2021/2 ? (but doubts emerge as to its viability d in 2018)  The scientists / eugenicists want it to be 1) inside Humans and 2)  to create an entire Synthetic Human Genome ? could both come true ? and how would they prepare Humanity (5.5. Billion vaxxed and counting ) for such a 4th industrial revolution transhumanist enterprise ?

 "Trump the father of the Vaccine, the FDA (Food & Drug Administration ) & Fachi Vaids deaths & Injuries" which shows how this technology was introduced and rushed through as was the intention all the time. Its effects varied but in Israel "HIV Vaids, in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries" ( a video in the longer version next which also points out that Malta, an Island cut off for over a year, in the lockdowns and all on it were 'double vaxxed' still caught Covid 3, 6 or 9 months or more later ? but less CO2 was emitted during  that time in the longer version here ) 

The Human Genome project (no expense spared)  which began in 1991 (or even many decades before or even as some state it was an ancient world technology somehow also) and was 90% completed in 2003 BUT only completed in March 2022  We are told it was finished in 2003 but that is not correct (with so many swabs and covid testers arriving then this sped up the problem) but Crispr Cas 9 was FDA authorized in 2020 to use in 2021 ? (having been banned prior to 2020 see last paragraph above) and it is still causing deaths and injuries into 2023. The Vatican authorized vaccines knowing they contain baby DNA and parts of Baby aborted fetus DNA  (see also Dr Stanley Plotkin (Godfather of Vaccines & Pope Francis ) aborted fetal tissue in Vaccines amongst other 'ingredients'  )

FULL ARTICLES SHOWING HUMAN GENOME only complete in March 31, 2022, the Telomere-to-Telomere (T2T) consortium announced that it had filled in the remaining gaps (from 2003 only at 97% complete) and produced the first truly complete human genome sequence (Crispr cas 9 banned until 2019/2020, after this approved for Operation Warp Speed  in May 2020)


US Congress tries to overturn the sanctity of the Human Genome and the 2013 supreme court ruling (transhumanism in action) Since the US Supreme Court ruling in 2013 real Human DNA is thought to be safe, then all is well and good.Since 2020 - 2023 that is no longer true. Many other attempts in courts or by legislation later in the manic and determined drive for companies to overturn this ruling have come and gone, into 2019,but they were unsuccessful. Yet today and from 2022 (just a few weeks after the Human Genome project was finally completed in August 2022 & not 2003...see last  paragraph above) Senator Tillis (undead party) introduces the  "S.4734 - Patent Eligibility Restoration Act of 2022/23"  with the intention of not just affirming that Synthetic DNA/RNA can be patented but also 'normal' DNA can be patented also  Initially very expensive it is now cheap to finish the project Via this act or by other means, and the determination to own HUMAN DNA continues., and therefore to own you, i.e. you as a person (a person is not a Live human being as man or woman ) In 1933 President 'FDR' (who called Stalin Uncle Joe)  sold every US Citizen out for future collateral against debt money under the 2nd area of the law of the sea (the body...see the 3 crowns below) and as this system expanded around the world, he sold everyone on the planet against the now 100's of $Trillions of debt. A biblical Jubilee (debt cancellation) would of course cancel all of these debts for both Houses of Israel Judah and Joseph as they are / were illegal and not lawful

extra links... "US Supreme Court Human Genome Patents (Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 June 13, 2013 & now in Congress, the 'Patent Eligibility Restoration Act' of 2022/2023) to overturn patenting DNA decision"   and in context to the FDA Food and Drug administration (or also here again once more )

US Presidential executive order 14081 Sep 2022 "Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy" on Transhumanism

Billions of people now have a quantity of tiny synthetic DNA (by formal consent not accidentally or inadvertently or unknowingly and into the human cell's nucleus via the Quantum Dot network for Brics and every nation developed by MIT ) via the Crispr cas 9 and similar technology. In the Senate and Congress they are aiming to rule that Human DNA is patentable (and this is their implicit stated intention one way or the other) overturning the US Supreme court of 2013 (legal but not lawful)  then if they are successful all life (as is being done with synthetic GMO foodstuffs currently being consumed as "GMO", and to animals also as no 485 below will reveal. Everything could be owned and will be owned. i.e. You will be owned and patented. This was first introduced as a concept in Unam Sanctam (1303) but rests on the foundation of the Justinian code, (529 - 534 ad under Roman Emperor Justinian) and reaffirmed by Una Sancctam and the Cestui Que Vie 1666 and now a part of UCC Uniform Commercial Codes and 1 of the 3 spheres of law,


Britain has now passed laws to GMO its food and animals (by the crispr cas 9 injection) on the 23.03.2023  Why ? because it is linked to the need for Britain (and the world) to become a technocratic society (Oct 2022)   Britain has now made a 7 year trade deal with Israel which also incorporates cybersecurity and digital enhancement  and which will see many militaries undergo Human Augmentation and to extend to civilians GOV.UK " Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm"  (gene editing, electronic components grafted into arms face and body with chip sand injections, but the UK Government that this new Iron and Clay approach will not meld. Daniel 2 also talks about this ) Israel has fought its first war with AI as the war leader 

Israel and Britain have now signed a 7 year trade agreement furthering technology breakthroughs   and in March 2023 the new (with the Human augmentation inactive above) "Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Act 2023"  is rolled out to bring the new 3rd strand of DNA 'tree of life immortality' reconnaissance advance to fruition and which is also a part of the Terra Carta initiative   Canada's biodigital convergence This is the same outlook as the 2022 'Exploring Biodigital Convergence'   which seeks ( read the full document ) to merge living things with non living things (which traditionally have 'thought to be incompatible') but now you can merge with AI (Elon Musk ?) to beat AI and also replace all your organs especially your brain ( mind ) with non living manufactured equivalents for new better ones (it states or hopes) Queen Elizabeth the 2nd warned the UK that  "There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge"see "Clip: Queen Lights Photonic Jubilee "Tree Of Knowledge" 3-Strand DNA" (or here again once more also)

So a timeline of events (see last few paragraphs above for the links) In 2003 the Human genome project was 97% completed (not 100% as was thought) In mid 2022 it was announced as 100% complete (with DNA collected by swab and covid testers) In 2013 the US supreme court that Human DNA cannot be patented (unless synthetic) until 2019 court cases try to overturn this Sovereign law decision. In 2020 the FDA (food and drug administration ) who had previously banned Crispr cas 9 gene editing / therapy suddenly under Trump reversed on this and allowed it in injections and by mid 2022 the Human Genome project was complete as congress sits to consider introducing legislation which would effectively overturn the US supreme court 2013 on patenting the Human Genome, whilst people continue to die or be injured by the experimental DNA altering injections. ? into 2023 and 2024 ... nothing to see here folks, yet even people who bought and stored food at 2020 prices have saved 50% of current costs in 2023, and in many countries inflation is as high as 250% and many % in between  285%, and  Venezuela 185% and the top ten running from 50% to 285%   In Britain officially it is 20 % inflation on food but which had already risen 50 in many cases %in 2022   12 Photos showing how high food inflation has affected prices Inflating away the currencies value = a pay cut = UBI (Universal basic income & social credit) in a biometric ID state such as Nigeria Nigeria now. Mark of the Beast. Riots when you can no longer Buy or Sell (CBDC + mRNA injections) and many countries as well as Nigeria need digital ID to turn water taps on (since 2021 / 2022) 

The Human Genome project is also a synonym for the 'Tree of Life' DNA / RNA & proteins (see last post above dated 12.01.2023) which is barred to those outside of salvation. Eventually as this sinks in they will want to destroy those who have the tree of life by some means or deception (what could that be ?) or create a new man made version of the tree of life. The deception and the latter will not be in God's image (James 3,9 & Genesis 1,27) not just as a legal fiction but also physically changed or marked on the inside first, nor will they be knitted together in the womb in the very substance of by God as in Psalm 139, 1 - 14


The Rapture and the Great tribulation, as distinct from GOD'S Wrath on those who bring Tribulation, and the Church of Philadelphia (Revelations chapters 1 - 3)

A subject which brings great concern in the church despite  the fact that  the 'AntiChrist' or man of lawlessness (who is without God's law, not without the law of the state which is itself 'lawlessness')  has been identified for over 2 decades or longer, and a third temple already exists.  Sermons or instructions on these subjects are a vast industry in themselves but when listening to many of them, like magicians who divert your attention, many sermons interchange terms such as Tribulation, God's wrath, rapture, third temple, Daniels 70 weeks and so on. Often these terms or occurrences are deemed to be simultaneous as meaning the same thing or there are supporting scriptures assumed to apply but which do not even mention the term rapture or tribulation. Slights of hand within the  sermon place these terms in your mind as an agenda to make them askew or in error or they are the same thing subtly stated.

For 'Daniel's 70th week' and the surrounding issues of the tribe of DAN and third temple see further back in this chapter above at this link (this author does not agree with all info at this link but it is presented for completeness) which has a link to return you to this post here.

As you go through the bible from beginning to the end you will find prophecies and prophets who are sent to either House of Israel i.e to Judah and Joseph (as you cannot be a Jew if you are from the following tribes of Israel  Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin  Joseph also semitic became 2 1./2 tribes as Ephraim and Manasseh (only from Judah can you be Jewish )

Future prophecies mention both Houses as in Ezekiel 37, 16 ('for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel') and Ezekiel 37,19 and for Judah (as both Houses ) and later (or pertaining to Ezekiel) in the book of James chapter 1, verse 1 "James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting"  Ezekiel chapter 4 and verses 3 and 6 and Chapter 9, 9. and Chapter 14, 5  (and see chapter 12 , 24) on the House of Israel alone see also the Book of Hebrews Chapter 8, verse 8 and with it Jeremiah 31, 31 & Revelations  7, 4 - 8  & 21, 12 - 14, so in the past old and mid and in the future ? There are 2 Houses of Israel ? (or here again on youtube once more) The book prior to Jeremiah i.e Lamentations is directed primarily to Judah) Without both Houses in Israel then Israel's return is incomplete. Yeshua said that he is come also for the House of Israel as the King of Judah (via Nathan son of David and Mary of Judah, as Judah and Joseph) see Matthew 15, 24 and he directed the disciples to go to them Matthew 10, 5-7 (lost sheep of the House of Israel) Paul as the bishop of Rome was most prolifically sent to Europe to preach to all

Since Israel exists for 75 years which some state is a generation + 35 years or others state it is 70 years (and many preachers stated that the Ukraine / Russia war was the war of Gog from Magog see the adjacent website in its 2nd section and post dated 19.08.2022. )The Gog from Magog war as a rage on being barred from Heaven is after the Millennium, yet this realization begins now and has existed for over 2000 years. Yet as Israel exists now, then both Houses of Israel must exist in also the land of Israel for Joseph to receive his birthright and blessings (the earth) 

The 3rd Temple has been in place for 1000 years and was built by the Templar's, and is on the Temple Mount (where Jews cannot pray out loud ?) today  For further information see  'Ark of the Covenant on Temple Mount. Solomon's temple location'   This temple is not a Mosque, and it has one very important feature. The main feature is that the Ark of the Covenant is missing (but its original position is marked in the rock) There is not an atonement for Salvation device or reality within it just like many people alive in the world today like a mirror image of a temple without regeneration or the blood atonement. Around it in Israel there are numerous small temples, Synagogues, churches (religious) and non aligned cults and  movements and Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and the Baha'l faith in an eclectic ecumenical universal plethora of beliefs and is full of Idols, all surrounding the hollow temple (Muslims do not pray towards it but away from it to Mecca or what is believed to be Mecca but which 'Mecca' is actually Petra (soe suggest)  The location of Mecca is the subject of a documentary "The Sacred City of Mecca: Have We Got It Wrong " which only relates to the location of Mecca. Former Jesuit Priest  Alberto Rivera goes further and states from within the secret Vatican archives, Rome (Vatican) actually created Islam This today  is still the position of the Roman Catholic church, but most of the Islamic scholars reject this view, not least because (and stating) that Islam cannot associate itself with child sex abuse and trafficking, and that it removed all Hindu idols from around the Kaaba stone. Hinduism and Buddhism (Buddhism grew out of Hinduism and is in Israel) reject both faiths, and Hinduism is represented in Israel today., a faith which extends back and developed to early Sumeria (the Sumerian Kings list extends into the Egyptian Pharaohs with Cleopatra being Greek)  and the  Aryans, and has similar names to Ra (Egypt) from Rama, as well as having adopted the ancient Swastika As for the Dome of the rock temple it was reconstructed by the Templar's into the type of Temple we see today and it is becoming a multi faith shrine slowly over time, although Muslims regard it as only the 3rd Holy place in Islam. Without the Ark of the Covenant within (see video at the top, which as the Ark of God, is before the throne of God, see at the beginning of this post as per Revelations 11,19)  or its atonement purpose, it is desolate. Its 8 sided footprint echoes the Pyramids which are 8 sided but look like they are 4 sides only. The walls of the great pyramid bulge inwards slightly at the middle point when looked at from above. The Dome of the Rock is an 8 sided temple to Venus (Lucifer) or as Muslims state the "al-Dajjal".   Will a new 3rd Temple be built or will it surround Temple Mount and/or be under the Dome, with a replica Ark of the covenant, and then will the man of lawlessness sit in it ? and proclaim that he is God / will sacrifices be then be re-introduced and then stopped as in Daniel 9,27 and if so ? What then, and who will declare themselves the Messiah of Israel and unite the faiths ? (descended from all faith leaders ? as Mahdi, Messiah and Christ ?) 

Many Israelis do not want to re-introduce the sacrifices ( although they want a 3rd temple on the Dome of the Rock, but of course this cannot exist side by side with the Dome as even Solomon found out that eclectic beliefs are a nation's downfall  as God would see and brand it.)The dome of the rock is desolate and an abomination; it stands on God's holy mountain of Abraham and Isaac, King David who purchased it and Yeshua's death and resurrection. 

However anointing oil is prepared in Israel now for the Messiah was prepared from late 2021 and into 2023     Anointing oil prepared now for the new 3rd Temple & the coming Messiah of King David's Royal line (or to view once again here on Rumble) However when it comes to the verses in 1 Corinthians 6, 19 - 20 and that ...'temple', well no one is looking there ? Is it being trampled underfoot for 3.5 years ? is it being rebuilt with a hoped for 3rd strand of DNA ? is it regenerate or a desolate space without the Ark of the Covenant ?, the 1 Corinthians 6, 19 - 20 temple is an afterthought even though it has been violated in Israel and outside of Israel (or is it both) Which if both is the worse considering their is already a desolate temple on Temple Mount ?  "HIV Vaids in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries" and over any months in the tribulation when the vaccinations tents were at the wailing wall  "Israel & Zion, deep attacks upon Israel & Zion by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים83)" Christians have died from taking the injection also. Many of those in the church who ignore 1 Corinthains 6, 19 - 20 also pushed the injections.

Regarding Daniel 9,27 (or 24 - 27) John MacArthur states in " John MacArthur - Daniel 9 (interpreting Bible prophecy literally)" ... (or here on Bitchute again)

What can we know for sure about the rapture ? We know it is accompanied by signs in the heavens. Matthew 24, 29 - 30 states " 29Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

This event is also recorded in Mark 13, 24 - 27 as follows " 24 But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, 25And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.26And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.27And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

At this event the elect are gathered. In 1 Thessalonians 4, 15 -17  the same event is recorded as follows; 15According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words.

This famous rapture passage occurs when the sun and moon are darkened and when the elect are gathered and then caught up into the air. And according to Matthew and Mark this occurs AFTER the tribulation. Revelations 3, 10 -11 which many suggest promises the Church of Philadelphia (the only church of the 7)  an escape or rapture although it does not say they will be gathered and caught up into the air. Announcing (revelations 1 to 3) the end of the church age (of the  7 church ages) at Revelations 4, it does not mention that the remaining church will be caught up into the air, and which if removed (according to these verses) from the earth this seems to contradict Revelations 2, 10 which promises tribulation (10 days or 10 'yoms' or 70 years ? ) Tribulation is promised and the 10 days of awe between Trumpets and Yom Kippur are ten days of the 20/21 days of the time of Jacobs trouble (Jacob had 3 x 7 years of tribulation) There are 20/21 days between the Autumn feasts with the 21st (the last 8th great day)  being the beginning of the Millenium which starts as at Matthew 24, 29 - 30 and Mark 13, 24 - 27 and I Thess 4, 15 - 17

The tribulation does come but not for the Church of Philadelphia (Revelations 3, 10 - 11) it is suggested ? Those who are actually born again and filled with the Holy spirit and who have kept their lamps full of oil (see Matthew 25:1-13) are a part of those who prevail and the Messiah does say he will protect them. Is the hour of trial these verses mention the same as the  Great  tribulation ? (In Revelations 3,18 "EK" means IN not "OUT OF" ? etc.)  It is possible that in a Great tribulation it can miss those who are under God's protection, as occurred in the 10 curses of Pharaoh in Egypt with Moses when the Egyptians were affected but the Israelites were not affected, but they were still there (but not yet raptured) At one point Egyptians walked in darkness (Exodus 10, 23) next to Israelites homes who were in the light. It cannot be closer than that (but both were still there in the Egyptians tribulation ) Revelations 9,3 shows that stinging scorpions afflict the unsaved but it does not affect Gods people who are sealed on their foreheads BUT who are still there whilst this great tribulation (as stinging giant scorpions could be perceived) occurs.  (Revelations 3,10 represents a preposition of a time designation, from the beginning and will in this instance signify 'go in' (not out)  as God's people. Revelations 7,14 suggests 'those' came out of the great tribulation but had been killed.  Overall by far AFTER the Great tribulation the rapture occurs capturing the church up into the air.

To summarise, (sequence = Church age, then Rapture, which triggers great tribulation,then Judgement ) or in other words the rapture (but only for the Church of Philadelphia which can cover all of the seven church ages as people were born again, believed and received and were faithful at different points over the last 2 thousand years) will occur after the church age as represented by the 7 churches and their ages, before the Great Tribulation (which ends the church age) The disgraced churches and the unsaved only will go through the 3.5 or 7 years of tribulation. yet if the church age ends at the rapture after the great tribulation (which in turn ends at the beginning of God's wrath which is not the great tribulation)  as the majority of verses indicate then the picture looks different. Matthew 24, 19 - 30 states that in the Great tribulation that it will be terrible for Pregnant women and nursing mothers. Yet can their children enter heaven ? (innocent or reborn and having believed and received) if so then this is still the church age which completes at the rapture (after the great tribulation before God's wrath is unleashed on those who bring the great tribulation ?)

In the parable of the wheat and Tares, in Matthew 13, 24 - 30 speaking on the coming Kingdom, the tares could not be removed as it would also remove or tear up the Wheat. Verse 29 - 30 says "29But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.  the wheat remains with the Tares until they are burnt up by fire in God's wrath. (The sheep and the goats divide takes place in the Millenium not before it)  

1 Thessalonians 5, 9 states we are not appointed to wrath (which follows upon those who bring Tribulation which we all go through 2 Thess, 3, 4 & Acts 14, 22, Romans 8, 36 - 36 and all of church history)  Wrath is After  the tribulation but then the Church is taken away or out into the air before God's wrath is dispensed. Watch preachers who say these are the same meaning or event when they are sequential one after the other when the earth is destroyed by fire (first by water as with Noah) then ih fire as in 2 Peter 3. Even those who hide or are underground (bunkers) will be consumed by this fire which 2 peter 3 says melts the elements. Those described in  Luke 23, 30 or Revelations 6,16 will not escape.


Jacobs stone (of destiny) in the time of Jacob's Trouble

The Common Law ,is in reality the Law of the Land and that is based upon the freedom God's law brought (for all people in all nations globally) they are known as sovereign rights because under God's law he is sovereign and it is the people who bestow Sovereignty on government. It is hard for people to grasp especially if they are trained in common law or admiralty law that God's laws are supreme and the beginning and end of the debate (the Alpha and Omega) The strong delusion of all world debts are in reality already paid for. Corpse or corporation law of shipping admiralty will obey God in the final account of this world in which people were freed already (in every aspect of your life ) . These laws have existed since time immemorial and also since the resurrection when death (dead in the water) was defeated. (the first born from the dead Colossians 1, 18 but not the first to be raised from the dead. see (Jude 9 & 1 kings 17:21:2). John 11:1-44 & Luke 7:11–17 & Luke 8:49–56) But a Firstborn son)  A we have seen at the beginning God's word or hiss voice is like the sound of many rushing waters or in other words like a waterfall, but a voice which also shakes the earth ending the reign of armies, Kings and nations see Haggai 2, 21 - 22, Ephesians 2:2; Isaiah 24:21-22. God's voice as rushing waters are described in Ezekiel 43, 2 & Revelations 1,15 & Revelations 14,2. God's words arise from his voice and his Spirit, and this as made the Israelites afraid at Mount Sinai when all the 12 tribes were present in Exodus 20, "they said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we will listen; but do not let God speak to us, lest we die.”

The Common Law is represented by the Stone of Destiny (to which the Monarch swears to uphold and the Protestant faith) which is reputedly to be used at the coronation of Prince Charles. However in an ongoing dispute with Scotland it is suggested that the stone currently on loan from Edinburgh is not the real stone of destiny but a replica made from Scottish stone in the 1950's when the original (found to be from Luz - Bethel in Israel and heavier than the current version) was stolen from Westminster. See the post above dated 12.08.2022 and also the post in the adjacent website sovereignty dated 22/23.11.2023 as the ongoing arguments over this stone (and its disappearance) in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland and even in France continue. Clearly the stone like Jeremiah did come to Ireland and the evidence  (contrary to naysayers) is overwhelming and evident see "PART 1 Jeremiah in Ireland, who was Tea Tephi ? Jacobs Stone of Destiny & the vast amount of proofs of the Truth" and also again following on from it  "PART 2 Jeremiah in Ireland, part 2, who was Tea Tephi ?, Jacobs Stone of Destiny & the 2 King Arthurs"  with many stating it is actually not in Edinburgh or Westminster abbey but back in Ireland. It will of course return to Israel to be placed under the Messiah's feet.

As the arguments go back and forth and are endless on which stone is the correct stone (as the original was stolen in the 1950s see post in the adjacent website dated 22/23.11.2022) but the arguments are consistent as the 'Royal House of David and the Royal House of Israel Judah and Joseph' (Israel has sent anointing oil to Prince Charles' coronation) without the stone of Jacob  which represents God and his law, the Kingship of Judah in the House of David/ Israel has in effect ended or is no longer valid. It is however obvious that the real stone would bring the Common sovereign law flourishing in the land. (or see here   'How I took the Coronation Stone from Westminster Abbey (Ian Hamilton KC)'   (or here again on Youtube  or here again on Bitchute and here also 'S.C. Stone of Scone "Stone of Destiny" with E. Raymond Capt'     (or longer version here) The Story is taken up by Pastor W.H. Freeman in 1977 'The Truth about the Stone of Destiny, Jacobs pillow & the Common law'  or again here on youtube   or once more on bitchute

Professors of various dates including  Professor [Edward] Odlum in the  early 1900's confirmed that the stone was similar to stones found in the area Jacob had rested his head, whereas the new stone is quarried from Scottish sandstone and is lighter in weight than the original, and this is available in the book by E Raymond, Capt on Jacob's Pillar page 78 (1977 ) and also confirmed by the Glasgow Herald in May 1986 

In England / Albion for instance the land under the yoke and tyranny (Joch und Tyrannei) of being termed a PLC or Public Limited Company listed as such on 'Dunn and Bradstreet'  would be overturned or removed ( corporations enslaving the land, the nation, the people and its soul) as a legal fiction non entity, restoring the freedoms the common law provides everywhere. Nations are on 'the land' and organic and are not a lifeless legal fiction, which literally classes the people within it, as property and not as real Men and Woman. Debt cancellation (total) would follow with the real common law, (an end to Usury and deliberate inflationary impoverishment with then land re-distribution ) and common law courts with Juries (currently under threat ) would remain without Corpus Juris and/or mens rea, which brings the land into a new feudalism, and a reverence for God would return with prosecutions of real crimes which would carry real sentences and child pedophilia, rape and murder, and injustice would end at all levels as no one is above the common law... and it will become that obvious (watered also by God's word, which is free in any village, town or city just like Gods word. Only those who add to it, ration, pollute or charge for it, try to deny people. It is the same stone of Jacob then, as now see Ecclesiastes 1, 9)  Justice, mercy, truth and love. A sovereign nation can simply take back what is theirs righteously, as they are sovereign. Therefore with these minimal requirements (as God's law & common law lead into every aspect of life in more ways than one) becoming self-evident over time (see the adjacent website and the sovereignty of nations) they will be recognized. The stone which provided water in the desert, and as God's word (law)  is drawn from it and is sharper than any two edged sword as in Hebrews 4,12 which comes with a warning "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" which is how it discerns and how with the flourishing of God's law as common law you can discern which is the real Stone of Destiny (this post added 5/6 May 2023)

This is how you draw the Sword (God's word) from the Stone






21- 23 June 2023
The New Covenant & its Feasts

                         The World Council of Churches, the Ecumenical movement and the joining together as 'one', the 'singularity'                    
The Great falling away, The Strong Delusion, Abomination of Desolation, Image of the Beast, Man of Lawlessness

The Missing books of Esdras, Eagle(s) Esau & Edom. Jacob & Who are the Europeans ?

Edom and Esau, the Eagle, Cannaites, Phoenicians and King Herod, the Tribe of Dan (Tuatha de Danaan) Zionism, Orthodox Judaism, The Messiah and the Anti-Messiah (Christ)  
and both Houses of Israel Judah and Jacob, Joshua & the United Nations

 Prince Charles and coronation ceremony 6.5.2023 
Glastonbury and Joseph of Arimathea...what is the truth ? & Glastonbury today
Princess Diana
The Outpouring of the Law & the Open fountain in Jerusalem 
The True Stone of Destiny, Bethel House of God 
Christmas, Easter/ Lent. Pentecost / Shavuot (King David's birthday)
Continuing vaxx deaths & injuries into July 2023 & the CBDC (Central bank digital currency) 'Unified ledger' in Blockchain, The Human Genome Project cont'd (see last posts above )
 Israel, Zionism ( or reformed Judaism) and Orthodox Judaism and the Messiah
The Temple of Solomon 
The 'New' Religion from the abomination of desolation and strong delusion

What is the 'New Religion' 


N.B. all Navigation links inside this post now corrected
and missing sections of paragraphs are now added 21.07.2023



The World Council of Churches, the Ecumenical movement and the joining together as 'one', the 'singularity' 


N.B This post has a connected post on the adjacent website which will have a link back to here  adjacent website sovereignty  April 22nd 2023 St Georges day, to - 25 / 27 May 2023     

Each subheading below can be read speedily and helps to understand many of the amazing, unprecedented and prophetic events which have occurred and which are in motion over the last 3 years and soon going forward.

The bible does not call for 'Unity' in a political clerical sense in any way, quite the opposite... until the Messiah returns who (he) will set up a spiritual Kingdom first to rule over the nations (many will not submit but will be ruled by a rod of Iron Revelations 2,27) for 1000 years, after which all will come to an end. (Revelations 20, 4 & 2 Peter 3, 7 - 10 & Hebrews 12,29 & Isaiah 34, 4 & 65,17 & Zephaniah 1, 18 & Matthew 24, 35 & Revelations 21,1 and many more confirm this). The 1000 reign will not be a clerical quasi religious political institution or institutions 'receiving' the mandate for the new rule, becoming the middle men between it and the people of the earth. These types of institutions which exist today will be swept and destroyed, but they will not be the institutions of a spiritual rule such as is envisaged by the 'One World Government' idea. For those who do not have any faith or are purely materialist or political, or agnostic, this is what the bible says and nothing else as described in Revelations 21, 5 and Revelations 22,5. In the post above dated 5/6 May 2023 Augustine of Hippos idea of an earthly (permanent) kingdom is not biblical as for examples John Bunions analogy of the Pilgrim's Progress suggests and the Utopian idea (see chapter 6 on the adjacent website  has never come to fruition in any nation. Judgement can be both sudden, or emerging slowly upon a nation.  

As mentioned in the last post above under the heading (beginning) "The Rapture and the Great tribulation... the man of Lawlessness also known as the Anti-Christ has been identified decades ago, as has the image that is set up to identify it (him) Many ask (still ,despite what's already in front of their eyes) when will the great falling away begin ? (2 Thessalonians 2, 1 - 3) which marks the time of the man of lawlessness (and the 1 World Government and aspiration which is brought down after a brief rise).

In our modern era it was formalised by the usurpation of the World Council of Churches on the 28th August 1948, (after millions and millions died in 2 world wars and millions more in the eastern regions under communism)  having agreed in 1937 to form a League of Churches based on the League of Nations (delayed by WW2)  Both were renamed as the United Nations (founded Oct 24th 1945) and World Council of Churches (28 Aug 1948 ) it currently has 10 assemblies and its headquarters is in Geneva, and the opposing World Evangelical Alliance (founded in London in 1846 but which grew in 1947/48)) also has its office in Geneva Switzerland inside the United Nations HQ which is also in Geneva Switzerland. The UN was founded in London, with the first session of the United Nations General Assembly opened on 10 January 1946 at the Methodist Central Hall in London. The bank of international settlements (BIS)  was founded in Basel Switzerland in 1929 and which controls all Central banks around the world (who work in tandem and together ). The first Zionist congress was formalised in Basel Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897, and the Pope is guarded by the Swiss Guard and regularly informs people it is fine to be injected with experimental vaccines containing baby human fetal tissue (see last post above) from the platform on the United Nations in New York where also the WHO (World Health Organisation) sits and which have joined constitutions in 2019

The World Communion of Reformed Churches "Its 230 member churches in 108 countries are Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed and United churches with roots in the 16th-century Reformation led by John Calvin, John Knox and others. WCRC has its secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland (last link is a WCC World Council of Churches and it shares its secretariat address in Geneva with the WCC) "The Reformed Ecumenical Council was formed in 1946. It gathered churches that had no other international ecumenical ties and were committed to mutual support in a Reformed confessional unity" and also "WCRC was born through an historic merger of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC) and the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC) in June 2010" 

The 'World Lutheran federation' is headquartered in Switzerland "The Ecumenical Centre in GenevaSwitzerland, is located in the vicinity of the International Labour OrganizationInternational Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, and the World Health Organization and serves as the base for the following church organizations:ACT Alliance Ecumenical Church Loan Fund, Lutheran World FederationWorld Student Christian FederationWorld Council of Churches, It formerly also served as the headquarters of:Conference of European Churchesnow based in Brussels Ecumenical News Internationalnow defunct World Communion of Reformed Churchesseat since 2014 in HannoverGermany

The Ecumenical Centre brings all of the above together including the Roman Catholic Church has a postal address as the World Council of Churches in Switzerland also (as well as others) and is unting Islam and the Greek and Russian orthodox into one unit. as well as any or all faiths.The Ecumenical Center grew out of the "Bossey Ecumenical Institute" founded outside of Geneva in 1946. World War 1 & World War 2 (and WW3) can be read on the adjacent website in the second section here  Who closed the Worlds Churches  2020 - 2022, the leaders of the World Economic Forum (before the pandemic broke out) "Who closed the Worlds Churches ? Event 201 the UN & World Council of Churches World Economic Forum"  

Switzerland is perhaps the most beautiful country on earth and many groups or institutions would want to locate there. Many have said it is hard to believe that such a unique and stunning place can occur by chance; it must be designed due to its breathtaking beauty. Switzerland and Jan Huss and Calvin and even Martin Luther and many more from Europe (who went also into Switzerland) show that ecumenicalism does not mean throwing out the teachings of all the Protestant church

This is turn was built upon Marxism and the new theory of Evolution (see chapter 4 above  and 'evolution' which is  now totally discredited) 

After 1948 despite the emergence of Unity on so many levels in the church the permissive society took root into extreme libertine social Darwinism and secular humanism of Fabian socialism, resulting in the belief (as one major example ) that termination  of a 'fetus' was / is contraception instead of the murder of over a Billion babies since (1960's forward) the cult indoctrinated this belief upon society, combining it with every sexual perversion within the church and which has been enshrined as a new moral code, with a disclaimer or caveat that we are heading towards the universe's 'singularity' when all matter and perhaps spirit (it varies in its belief on this and is vague in how this transpires exactly ) will converge into a giant supernovae implosion creating a new (Gnostic ) spiritual reality....Or it is simply a strong delusion, and the cynical murder of innocent babies and sexual perversions wrapped up in excuses in a cult which practices ancient delusions also. 

The Great falling away which began over a hundred years ago (around 1840 - 1875 with the evolution hoax (see paragraph above) into 1875 and the combined collateral debt accounts "How the Global debt facility accounts began in 1875 into 1913, and which now enslaves the entire world"  and see here also "Ownership of the International Collateral Combined Accounts of the Global Debt Facility" and further details here "What is the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility?" and the eventual emergence of central banking system in 1913 which creates debt by inflationary measures with a fractional reserve fraud, forcing world debt into quadrillions, and paving the way for war for profit killing millions in 2 World wars and into ww3, and which seeks for everyone to chipped, marked and subjected (not to be able to buy or sell) linked to a basic income and green energy credits and is programmable and zoneable. Called CBDC (Central bank digital currency) they are in fact body chips with all your data see "Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips" and the 'credits' are not just linked to bank accounts as money or savings (which will be taken) but also to property and anything you own as collateral in the communitarian "you will own nothing and be happy" utopia see Here’s How They Plan to Control EVERY Asset You Own, 'Unified Ledger' Announced A ledger or 'unified ledger' can be stored on a blockchain contract which if you imagine a paper contract a blockchain contract is like a pdf version of that paper but digital. Contrary to general belief blockchain ledgers can be re-opened and added to or subtracted from although this is not easy in the entire system without recognition it has been so altered. This world debt and national debts accelerated through the 1960's and became now an all consuming product (as debt) which owns everything (it believes although legal is not lawful) and totalitarian in nature and which became startlingly apparent in the ongoing covid vaccination deaths and injuries, and recent events have now completed the Great falling away 2 Thess 2, 1 -3. This has all been planned since 1840 in earnest and with the rise of technocracy in the 1920's it is a perfect disguise for Revelations 13 and the latest Great falling away on the 6.5.2023 in context to the House of Israel / David


Prince Charles and coronation ceremony 6.5.2023 

On the 5th / 6th of May 2023 when Prince Charles stated he was of the Protestant faith "'I do believe that he [King Charles III] is a devout Christian...he does believe it'   or here again once more on Bitchute   Further he reads from the King James Bible (which may be the 1611 version with the book of Esdras and others within it) at Clarence House in 2011 and from John Chapter 14, verse 1 - 14  "The Prince of Wales records a passage for the YouTube Bible"  John 14, 1 - 14 in effect underpins John 3 1 - 24 fwd. It is also called (up to Chapter 17) 

However on the day of the Ceremony of Prince Charles he changed to state that he was the 'defender of faiths or the faiths'  and which were the similar words spoken at the ceremony in Westminster Cathedral on 6.5.2023 "the coronation oath, for the first time, will be prefaced with words spoken by Welby,[Archbishop] making clear that “the church established by law, whose settlement you will swear to maintain … will seek to foster an environment in which people of all faiths and beliefs may live freely” Constitutionally it is the end of the crown as defender of the faiths and the constitution itself "Multi-faith Coronation: 'As head of the Church of England, The King must go through a CoE service"  (or here on Bitchute also) The debate leading up to the ceremony of Charles (see last links) was an assurance that the ceremony of Charles would protect the English Constitution (required to operate all law and institutions) and that it would as the constitution requires a christian ceremony, yet it is unclear in many press outlets that is what actually occurred. Other views of the ceremony are here and which reveal that the English constitution, the crown and the Church of England Monarchy ended on the day of Charles ceremony and it was in fact a Pagan ceremony (see subheading below under Edom and Esau & the missing books of Esdras)

This is the Great falling away.but which began in the 1850's fwd and which has narrowed until after WW2 (as King George feared i.e Queen Elizabeths father, and the Queen said in 2002 "In his first interview since being acquitted of stealing Diana's personal treasures, Mr Burrell said that the Queen had urged him to be vigilant. "There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge," he said she had told him" 

Princess Diana's Butler Paul Burrel was acquitted in 2002 of stealing Princess Diana's personal treasure, but the damage had already been done (even to this day the public think he is to blame for something )bringing psychological harm causing the break up of his  marriage. In 2022 Paul Durrel in 2022 won his case in which he claimed he was phonehacked between 1995 and 2008  In fact a war was waged against him and others in order to deflect attention away from the facts. In this media frenzy surrounding Princess Diana's death the public still think it was something to do with the paparazzi in a tunnel in Paris or that the driver was drunk. The reason Burrel was targeted is Princess Diana wrote to him in 1996 and said she was going to be killed by her Husband Prince Charles in  a car crash, and that this letter was produced in 2007 and in 2011. Prince Charles was interviewed by a senior Judge and DCS Dave Douglas at Buckingham palace. It is a fallacy that a Monarch cannot be prosecuted (look also at the bible) in common law anyone can be prosecuted and is not above the law, this is a legal fiction or legalese distraction to convince people it is true (say it enough times and it seems true) and the court ruled in 2008 and 2011 that she was unlawfully killed. " LONDON, April 7, 2008 — --" A jury Monday ruled that Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed were unlawfully killed, yet some of those deemed responsible remain free and will never be brought to trial" The subsequent documentary (initially banned) "Unlawful Killing' Princess Diana Banned Documentary 2011 IN FULL" relates the full story. Since then of course the millions of unlawfully killed by experimental injections pushed by the WEF World Economic Forum headed by Prince Charles has reached genocide proportions.  

After the sad death of Queen Elizabeth the 2nd, a 12 day mourning period began in contrast to the covid lockdowns, social distancing and incessant media warnings. Many people during that period could not get to see their relatives whether in Homes or at their own homes and those that died from the experimental injections, theri relatives were bullied and harassed at the funeral by  self proclaimed covid officials forcing them to social distance and wear masks, and this only months before Queen Elizabeth died. 

Rolf Harris dead On May 10th 2023 another sadistic and deranged 'entertainer' Rolf Harris died  arrested under Operation Yewtree his string of sexual assaults, pedofilia and violence went unchecked for decades.It is said that the Queen endured Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile, being persuaded.  In 2005 Harris even painted Queen Elizabeth the 2nd portrait  Harris was also a good friend of Jimmy Savile who is still one of the sickest individuals ever to crawl out of the crypt and also a pedofile and childrens entertainer. Savile lived in Leeds in England and it has emerged from his own testimony that he paid corrupt police to not inquire into his activities but that he was also protected by his 'Sir' status as he was made a Knight of the British empire in 1990    This was also  exposed by Police Officer Mark Williams-Thomas, a former police officer turned private investigator see  "How I Exposed Jimmy Savile | Minutes With | @LADbible"  and Police Officers who have investigated the momentous rise of pedolfila especially since the 1960's in Britain (rise of Soho and crime outwards from the Capital, London) have either been removed from Duty or have had their careers ruined. This is especially true of the Wiltshire police investigations into pedofilia with interference and reports shelved and officers removed Other investigations were began by Wiltshire police in 2015 in operation Conifer see De Burca, Joseph 09.10.2017  "Not just Ted Heath: British Establishment paedophilia and its links to Ireland" published by Village Magazine

Jimmy Savile was 'Untouchable' according to Shaun Attwood in the Documentary on Savile's Life from his base in Leeds "UNTOUCHABLE - Jimmy Savile documentary by Underground Films & Shaun Attwood"   As mentioned Savile was in league with other pedofiles 'Jimmy Savile, Rolf Harris & Max Clifford: Matthew Steeples'


Since the 1960's the most vile people as pedofiles have been allowed to take positions of responsibility in society at all levels in Britain and around the world in an explosion of child abuse and violence. How did this insanity occur, how ? is it maintained and which is a disgusting deliberate policy numbering many tens of thousands globally.

 "What is the child sexual abuse inquiry and why did it take seven years? Independent inquiry for England and Wales set up in 2015 after Jimmy Savile and Rolf Harris scandals dogged by controversy" published by the Guardian newspaper. The Guardian states "The inquiry found that child abuse was “endemic”, permeating all sections of society, with its incidence likely to be much higher than recorded. It said abuse had occurred in many of the country’s most prominent institutions"  Two victims groups (Soia) Survivors of Organised and Institutional Abuse  withdrew in 2016 and the Shirley Oaks Survivors Association (Sosa), once a part of ICCSA withdrew their support in 2017. GB News report on ICCSA  "Maggie Oliver on The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse"   or here also once again on Bitchute  

Later with Jimmy Savile after his questioning in 2009 to 2011 fwd people called for the removal of his Knighthood and initially this was rejected , but in fact it has now been removed (after he died but resisted by Buckingham Palace officials)  as any status or designation can be removed at any level  (such as Harvey Weinstein) Incredibly in 2013 a plan emerged to award him a second posthumous Knighthood

This author reported Rolf Harris officially in writing in early 1997  

Jimmy Savile was not just a pedofile who raped and killed but he was also a necrophiliac  (given the key to Morgues and Hospitals to have sex with the dead i.e.corpses) a real monster and criminally insane. Sex with the dead of all ages and rapes of woman and children   Not an employee of the hospitals but raisng money for charity for them  he also targeted the menatally ill and was even seen wheeling dead bodies around the corridors Prince Charles wrote to Jimmy Savile for 'PR' advice and even recommended Savile be the Godfather of his son Prince Harry 

The public soap opera that the Royals have become with also Harry and Meghan does not mention that Harry was mooted to be under Jimmy Savile as his Godson would be psychologically damaging as would of course the death of his mother as with Prince William. Princes diana was said to be repulsed by Savile and like Athena shaking her spera she objected to the idea. It is rumoured that Tyler Perry is one of his Godparents . A new film on Savile with Steve Coogan is due to be released soon.  Princess Ann has also told Camilla Parker Bowles that she is not the queen in title. Further it has emerged that Prince Andrew was a partner in the crimes of Jeffrey Eepstein   These real revelations come as the Tavistock Institute were mutilating children and its clinic in this area was closed  especially when it was revealed that puberty blockers were given to 9 year old children (details of Tavistock institute

Nerissa and Katherine Bowes-Lyon cousins of the Queen (and heirs to the throne) were admitted to psychiatric hospitals in 1941. Both were listed as dead by mistake in 1963   and there existence was only made known to the public recently   The Welsh Eisteddfod of Bards Ovates and Druids removed Queen Elizabeth's status and was in 2019 no longer an ovate in the Gorsedd of the National Eisteddfod of Wales. , whilst in 2022 the Welsh council voted to remove the title the Prince of Wales for Prince William    (which is laid out on youtube ) with the fuller story here "Welsh council votes to abolish Prince of Wales title"  

Nobody blames  Prince Harry or Prince William . The story is made even more bizarre when we realize that Charles, Diana and Camilla Bowles all knew each other all met together before they were married , yet it seems as though a script or the script was  written which cannot be deviated from ? in advance perhaps before they were born, and love and 'duty' become conflicted in a real untold story.   Princess Magaret did not want to participate. (and moved away from England as much as possible to Mustique ) The soap Opera for instance distracts the public away from realizing that a King's duties under God (which was central to the Royal House of David and the people Israel)  are in part written  down in Deuteronomy 17  verses  15, 17 and 18 - 20 and the psalms of David and in fact  all of the bible. (which define the House of  David above a bloodline)  No inflation, no usury, debt, but debt Jubilees, defend the innocent and elderly  and bow down to  Jesus Christ. Every knee will bow before the Lion and the Lamb Isaiah 11,6  (who are the same persona) God is not  a respecter of persons  Acts 10, 3 4

The Anglican church is related here by the BBC (who have a shocking record also) or here by the Guardian   or here by the Herald in Scotland Child Sexual Abuse occurs in all institutions including pagan and secular groups, but now the Anglican church communion is facing a split in its ranks, bit its recent untruths on the coronation oaths as being defender of the faiths is a part of the great falling away.

During the Coronation of Charles  who has abandoned  to defend the faith for a  defender of the faith's stance, then in the bible God abandons him and his people. It is in effect no longer the line or House of King David.  Further and since 1950 the Stone of Destiny  known as  Jacobs stone from Luz / Bethel has not been used in the coronations  which nullifies all laws and courts and all institutions in England

See  The Real Stone of Destiny  (below) and the ruling of the Gloucester Common Law court  in 2019 ruled that  all law in the UK was null and void and also as the highest form of law (common law  )  brings England back onto the Law of the land under God with all lands and wealth forfeit  from the crown. Scotland and England dispute the throne and the stone, but a marker is the real stone is the adherence to common law and not legal fiction law  which has  no authority . Common law is a benchmark and is also required. The real stone  is easily ascertained. Only 1 of the stones (before and after) was tested and found to be from Luz / Bethel in Israel (the other was / is a fake) In fact Luz (Mount Moriah's eastern slope) had buildings and quarries and stones which the builders rejected and upon 1 of them he (Jacob) rested his head, he anointed it with oil and it acquired a marking which went with them into Egypt (210 - 215 years) and into the desert and promised land and out again via Jeremiah, into Egypt, Spain, Britain and then Ireland. Then Scotland and then London and out of London back into Scotland so that today its whereabouts is a mystery to most...see also Exodus 17:1–7 and Numbers 20:1–14 & 1 Corinthians 10:4 & Psalm 118:15-27 & Matthew 21:42 & Mark 12:1-11 & Acts 4:11 (some say both stones were used in the ceremony real and fake, but the real stone is away, its other feature is the strength and growth of God's laws and bringing freedom, happiness and Justice and no debt etc not men's laws legal fictions) 


"The Real Stone of Destiny ('Coronation Stone') how & why it affects Britain and the Whole Worlds laws. Prince Charles was not crowned King of England or Messiah of Israel"


As for a story of Princess Diana, there is a story below under the next section on Glastonbury 


Glastonbury and Joseph of Arimathea...what is the truth ?

It is not well known but Joseph of Arimathea was and is a real person who came to Britain and is buried in Cardiff in Wales (Welsh was spoken all over Britain at the time he arrived sometime between 35 and 40 ad or many suggest it was after the Temple in Jerusalem's destruction in AD70) He was Jesus Uncle and he carried it is reputed Moses and Aaorons Rod that budded Almonds when the Israelites needed to decide which Israelite tribe would be the Priests of Israel in Numbers 17. The tribe of Levi became the Levitical Priests, and after the Roman persecutions many fled to their colonies including Britain as parts of Wales, Scotland and Ireland were outside of Roman Rule

The Legend is that Joseph of Arimathea brought this staff (which signified a tribe) which had blossomed Almonds and it was replanted in Glastonbury (near the Tor) and Somerset does have many Almond trees, which also exist in Israel and are always the first to bloom. Therefore this is a legend about the Messianic movement which even took off in Rome and wider Europe. It was checked 200 years later by Constantine who was born in Britain (others state his successors were only i.e Constantine 3rd , but he was proclaimed emperor from York ) and who was educated by Sun worshipping Druids in Britain9he was not a Christian ) When he became Emperor of Rome (under the Eagle) he changed public worship to Sunday and to worship the Sun and not the Messiah. The other legend is that Joseph or others brought Royals from Israel (from the line of David, his sons descendants of Jesus brothers and sisters family as Mary had more children ) and their 'Holy Grail' nonsense was their bloodline. However this which is perfectly feasible becomes the strained and 'secretive' San Greal' or Holy Blood of those who suggest that Jesus Christ (Yeshua) had children and invent (not successfully but obvious and awkward) genealogies which are in reality the inventions of Herod and his wife Herodias and daughter Salome with Cleopatra children and Caesar or rolled into one Da Vinci code (as the Unholy Grael  "Part 8 - Unholy Blood Unholy Grail"  ... (which mentions Glastonbury but confuses the Tuatha de Danaan as the tribes of Danu not Dan and confuses or rather brings in the existing distractions of children's tales rather than history including Genesis 6 and Enoch ) ... which in terms of salvation or in the doctrine of "election" is a condition i.e Unholy and which applies to everyone, although that can change) 

The story linking God as Jesus to the 13 bloodlines required and estranged because the 'once and future king' needs to be able to say he is from all the bloodlines of the earth, all kings and rulers in history melding together the 13 bloodlines into 1 super apparition of them all. It is little known that Pontius Pilate was stationed in Gaul which includes France and Spain and Britain banished for his failure to completely stop the unrest in jerusalem. The world then was smaller than we think. 

Jesus Christ did not have children and this is the endless intriguing and romantic or dark mysteries that are woven. However did the Levites and Messianic Christians come to Britain and Glastonbury. Yes they did. 

Whilst this is disputed Cardiff with a quick journey north and then south again around the Bristol Channel are about 80 miles apart. Dinas a Sir Caerdyddis its name in Welsh. and was inhabited by the Silures, a Celtic British tribe.(see also "Part 14 - Celtic Llyn Din (London)"  ) St Paul" or Saul was the real apostle to Rome not Peter and he went wider not just to Rome or 'asia minor' (the book of Galatians is to Gaul in France also and Britain Ireland & Claudia, Pudens and Linus in Timothy 4,21 are the children of Celtic King Caractacus they brought the faith to Britain by 70 ad) but also to Macedonia (Acts 15, 36, 18, 22  and 49 & 50. and Tarshish Spain,and Britain (Ezekiel 27, 12, Iasiah 66,19 & Romans 15, 24 - 28) for Tarshish and also Greece  and more as directed in Matthew 10, 6 - 7, & Matthew 25, 24 see also James 1,1 & Luke , 15,4 & 22,30 all of which are references to the lost sheep ten tribes...see also "The triads of the apostle Paul on his preaching in Britain"  And Cormac mac Airt circa 200ad in Ireland (and Teach cormac is a hill fort on Tara built by him) was Ireland's first Christian Chieftain which means the faith was there before 200ad and 200 years before st Patrick

Britain, Europe and Scandinavia were well known to the Israelites. The House of Joseph between 760 ad and 500 ad (as opposed to Joseph of Arimathea) Joseph went to their colonies in Europe and Scandinavia (2 Houses  see also Matthew 24-25, Mark 13 & Luke 21 & Ezekiel 37 1) as did the Tribe of Dan.

You can read more on this in this chapter (about 1/3 of the way down) under subheading "Ephraim and Manasseh, the Druids, Glastonbury, Tara, Israel" (which has now broken links but which does tell the fuller story) 


Glastonbury today 

Glastonbury today has become well known for a festival of music as opposed to its original truth, with those who attend aware that its something historical but are not quite sure ? The Music festival itself began as a rebellious remembering of ancient history into the last few decades but slowly it has become an anesthetized boutique of mainstream music and tame but profitable cliches. Many however do know the story of Joseph of  Arimathea  and then without knowing the history of the Carolingians and Merovingians link something to King Arthur or the 2 King Arthur's (who was real but made no claims to be related to the Messiah from Israel) but his line did claim to be Israelite's as did Robert the Bruce and Tea Tephi in Ireland. Arthur was a title a family title and there was more than 1 see "THE TWO KING ARTHURS - LSRAELITE KINGS OF BRITAIN - PART 1" and the next episode "The TWO King Arthurs - Israelite Kings of Britain - Part 2"   and the next episode "THE TWO KING ARTHURS - ISRAELITE KINGS OF BRITAIN - PART 3"  or here also on Rumble Part 1 and here also Rumble Part 2 and here again Rumble Part 3 There was no Greal in the Arthur's story or a Guinevere romance, and the 3 videos above will correct what the story actually is. Guinevere enters the story as 'Saint Genevieve" who lived in 419 ad  to 502 ad in Paris  and she is buried here at Saint Etienne Du Mont  (which can be realised even deeper at the end of this post) Yet King Edward 1st did revive a version of the Story (1050 years later in 1299 ad) and a Round Table (the true meaning of which has been hidden and changed) which also can be read of in the adjacent website the Sovereignty of Nations 

The misconception of ancient history, religion and myth has distorted the truth. Modern pop music usually takes a theme and changes it. For Instance "Arthur brown and the God of Hell Fire 1967 / 68" which theatrically pushes the view Satan is the God of Hell fire rather than the recipient. However there is truth in the words as it certainly exists Isaiah 66,26 & Mark 9,48 &  Matthew 13, 50 & & 41, & .Luke 16, 24 & Revelations 14, 10 & 19,20 & 20, 10 - 15 & 21,8 

Modern "Medicines" and Drugs have increased petroleum and metals prescribed within them synthetically  (when they already grow freely and naturally) and now in Britain with Royal assent GMO synthetic crops which require ever stronger poison and pesticides to maintain have been given the go ahead in the UK (March 2023)  Of course on Midsummer's Eve these foods or drugs are not Green or real food ? (but are brought forward by the 'greens and even extinction rebellion ?) Why is detailed as you progress and read below but is the Green man now 'synthetic' ?) They destroy your immune system but people on the Midsummer's Eve used to hang out the healing St Johns Wort or Yarrow root (both now banned in many countries ? ) 

Despite the true story of the Kings and Queens of Europe and Britain being documented and existent, historians hide the fact it is not myth.The beautiful song by Crosby, Stills and Nash "Guinnevere (2005 Remaster)"  romanticizes the true story. Historians leave a reader devoid of the truth which does exist...  

Today the Carolingian#s and the Merovingian's still exist and princess Diana of Wales, was a Carolingian which intermarried with the Merovingian centuries ago 
(mentioned in the 3 Matrix films )  see also 

"Lady Spencer, The goddess Diana daughter of Jupiter, the huntress in the Moonlight"



The Outpouring of the Law, Pentecost & Shavuot (Christmas, Easter/Lent )

Understanding that the feast of Pentecost (when the Holy Spirit fell from Heaven as a mighty wind fulfilling John 14,26 from the father and John 15,26 from the Son with John 16, 5-15 ) 2000 years ago was not the first time it was a subject is apparent in reading Leviticus 23 (by Moses as instructed by God) written in 1445 bc 3500 years ago. Its first realisation came when 50 days after the Exodus (approx) the Israelites were given the Law (twice) at Mount Sinai one year earlier. The feast of Shavuot was born always kept counting form the first Sabbath (Saturday) after the feast of Spring first fruits forward 50 days and it was kept for 1445 years until the day of Pentecost counted in exactly the same way from Passover, Unleavened bread  7 first fruits until Shavuot which became the first Pentecost (but was still called Shavuot) 

Same feast day and same feast see "Understanding Pentecost and the Feast of Weeks"  Speaking in Tongues was / is differing languages not just one babble without interruption (1 Corinthians 14 6 - 17 ) and as the feast is the 'Outpouring of the Law' then those who say that 'they feel' the Law frustrates the work of the Holy Spirit, obviously do not understand the Godhead or God's word or the feasts of God which are 'christian' feasts. 2 Timothy 3,16 states all God's words is 'God Breathed' (Ruach) and useful (see also Romans 15, 4 & 7,12 & Ezekiel 36:26-27 ) Those that are frustrated by God's word in any part of the bible including the law may have a demonic spirit or spirits which are frustrated, as occurred in Matthew 8,29 just before they were cast into Swine in Matthew 8, 30 - 32. 

See also " Pentecost Shavuot 2023 (May 25, 2023 - Evening of Sat, May 27, 2023)"  (and which shows the parallels of Shavuot and Pentecost and hidden (but not if you read the bible) meanings laid out 

And  a teaching from May 25th 2023 and also from 2016 "SHAVUOT/PENTECOST 2016: The Giving of the Torah and the Holy Spirit; Speaking in Tongues of Fire"

John the Baptist,(Matthew 3,8 & 3,11 ) Jesus (Matthew 4,17 & 9,17 & Luke 5, 31 - 32 & Luke 24, 47) and God the father (2 Timothy 2,25) and the disciples (Mark 6,12 & Acts 2,38 & Acts 17,30 & James 5, 19 - 20) and many many more all preached repentance. They did not preach that repentance was works based salvation and only the strictest Calvinist could accuse God in the entire Godhead and the disciples of works based salvation. Some are now preaching that the 'believers in the law' are preaching that you should repent because you do not teach or read or believe in the law and that you repent from this lack of law ? This damnable heresy which seeks to twist the meaning of “To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). John described sin as “all unrighteousness” (1 John 5:17) and “the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4)" And according to the attentive and observant law givers, 'a transgression of the law' is not preaching repentance for those who quote the law.  and this is what they must mean by repenting 9of missing or ignoring the law ?) Yet 2 Timothy 3,16 states all God's words is 'God Breathed' (Ruach) and useful (see also Romans 15, 4 & 7,12 & Ezekiel 36:26-27 ) and repentance (into spiritual rebirth ) must lead us forward and then encourage us to learn all God's words ?  

Take for example the almost pointless and ignorable scriptures such as the forbiddance of wearing Wool and Linen together (by the law)  in Leviticus 19,19 & Deuteronomy 22, 11 "Wool and Linen - 119 Ministries"  Yet modern science shows that fabrics have a frequency which are good for you in winter (wool) and in summer (Linen) but these frequencies cancel each other out when crossed into one garment see "Mixed Fabric & Frequency?"  but how did they know this in 1445 bc ? Further if you obey the commandment to not steal ? (Exodus 20,15) surely this is a good thing and is echoed in Matthew 6:19- 24. And as the last post above states the 10 commandments also ask us to obey our parents (5th commandment) Matthew 7,11 states that the father "So if you, despite being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children,how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him" Did you get a wool or linen pullover from your parents for 'Christmas" are you under the law now ? Perhaps the rest of the law also has hidden wisdom

Yet is Christmas a Christian feast ? What is it actually ? or rather what it is not see "Viking Yule Winter Solstice, Odin & the Wild Hunt, Occult Saturnalia, Janus New Year, or Christmas Advent"  (a collection of 6 videos in one from all perspectives on Yule the Winter solstice. It is not Jesus birthday "Messiahs birth date calculated & Born in Bethlehem in the Autumn feasts not Christmas"  and yes it does matter as church's stand beside a tree adorned with red (blood) baubles which were originally sacrificed animals or worse body parts hung on on outside tree to honour familiar spirits .And it is prophetic to know which day as the bible tells you which day and why it is important, it is not for 'every day' 

What about Lent and Easter ? are they Christian feasts? See "Lent an abomination ? Easter a pagan feast ? & the associated Weeping & Fasting for Tammuz (Nimrod)" Not only the wrong time of year but also to the wrong gods ? The Hireling Shepherds / Wolves in Sheeps clothing want revival but also to worship pagan gods ? However if you follow the 7 actual biblical appointed feasts which continue into the Millennium as the 8th great day (i.e into the future) then that is a 'damnable heresy' and a 'Jewish' (but what about Joseph ?) feast ? In fact the New Covenant ties into these feasts, past,  present and future  (see all posts above)

Not only was the Law poured out at Shavuot but also on the day of Pentecost fulfilling Ezekiel 36:26-27 ( Jeremiah 31:33; Hebrews 8:10) when "Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances" As well as the HOLY spirit the verse also has that law stuff for the future in the New Testament. Ezekiel is another damnable heretic and probably walking around in a Woolen or Linen smock of some kind., breaking the backs of those enlightened christians who have a heavy burden observing the law or other parts of God's word telling us to do stuff. These people are under grace when they sacrifice a rabbit or deer and hang its entrails Yule (Christmas) tree in the woods, babble on as tongues without interpretation, fasting for lent to Semiramis Nimrod and Tammuz ( Semiramis, The Queen of Heaven or Isis $ 1 Kings  11, 5 & Jeremiah 7,18, 44,17 & 44,25,1 Peter 5:13 & Revelations 17,18 married her son who built the tower of Babylon and they had a child Tammuz. 1 Peter 5,13 states that churches that keep this feast are the church of Babylon )  and  not repenting as this is works based salvation ?

Hebrews 12,16 states that God's voice shook the earth and will shake the heavens "whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven" Ezekiel 43, 2 & Revelations 1,15 & Revelations 14,2 state that God's voice is like the sound of Rushing Waters and the water which will pour out from Jerusalem as the Ruach Spirit of God. (See last post above dated 5/6 May 2023 and the teachings in this subheading on Pentecost Jerusalem, the feasts most associated with King David and his birthday) 

Zechariah 13, 1 also describes an open fountain (House of David) and not just off water as the Spirit of God, but also of the true bloodline. Leviticus 17,11 states the life is in the Blood, whilst 1 John 5, 6 - 8 says there are 3 witness's, Spirit, Water and Blood, and Hebrews 13, 13,20 says the blood satisfies righteousness and law, and BY WHICH we are redeemed 1 Peter 1, 15-16 & 18-19 & Ephesians 1, 7 1- 17. So not by faith alone or just believing (cited often for salvation out of context) as even the demons believe (James 2,19) but we are saved by the Blood and to have faith in it and believe it and by which John 3 is established and put into motion (by God alone Ezekiel 4,13, 26 & 36 & Malachi 3,3 ) and we were bought at a price  (1 Cor 6,20 & Hebrews 9,12 & Hebrews 9:19-28,Exodus 24,8) Satan's kingdom and death are destroyed by the blood of the Lamb Hebrews 2,14

The message of Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is that he is the true Bloodline and one else, and no one can become a god or goddess but they can be sold the lie and myth that they can. This was the message that was brought to Glastonbury and which exploded all over Europe and the World and provided actual real salvation and as an imputed new Bloodline which has continued over the last 2000 years directly from God 

The most impressive explanation on the Christian new Birth is from David Pawson "The Normal Christian Birth" in most of the posts above. Complete and revealing, it does not water down or change the process of being Born Again (those that are not reborn or who sit or cling on or to church pews for decades do not like to be offended and the hireling shepherds are happy to oblige them) 

This is the true bloodline imputed by God alone onto those he chooses (in his present Kingdom) and without understanding this you cannot enter into true communion in the New Covenant Luke 22:19–20; Matthew 26:26–28. i.e Communion bread and wine not as  "transubstantiation" or just tokens or some form of drinking blood and bodily eating... (the Disciples were also wondering about this until later they were fully aware and completely accepting in John chapter 6, 59 - 61, but by the book of Acts)...  but a spiritual change correcting the fall in the Genesis 1- 4,  and which occurs first at rebirth in John 3. 1- 36. (the New Covenant ) God says he is a warrior Exodus 3,15 who has already established his Kingdom and in law. 

see also post above dated 12.08.2022 for teaching on this subject 


Edom and Esau, the Eagle, Cannaites, Phoenicians and King Herod, the Tribe of Dan (Tuatha de Danaan) Zionism, Orthodox Judaism, The Messiah and the Anti-Messiah (Christ)  and both Houses of Israel Judah and Jacob, Joshua & the United Nations


The adjacent website and post dated April 22nd to 5/6th May 2023 to 25/27 May 2023  (with a link which returns the reader to this post) also discussed the removal of the books of Esdras from the Canon of scripture. 

Esdras like Enoch has been removed. The 3 books of Enoch are not all reliable, only Enoch 1 is reliable and its story is contemporary with the book of Genesis see "Book of Enoch (Documentary) - God, Angels, Devils & Man Seth and Cain" or again here on Youtube Book of Enoch (Documentary) - God, Angels, Devils & Man yet without reading them you can find the story in the books of Genesis and even in the New Testament. Mentioned in the book of Jude, quoted by Yeshua (Jesus Christ) Jude being the physical brother of Jesus, and by Peter  in 2 Peter 2,4 (echoing Jude 1,4 ) Yet in Genesis we learn that the fallen Angels instructed woman in the art of deception and seduction and the transmission of knowledge, Genesis 6 and to men instructions on music (Genesis 4,21) and Metalwork to TubalCain as Bronze and iron (Genesis 4,22 see also Enoch1, chapter 2 ) Enoch 1, 6 - 8 states  "They teach humans “magical medicines, incantations, the cutting of roots and about plants" and Revelations calls 'Pharmakeia' Sorcery in Revelation 9:21 and Revelation 18:23-24. Enoch, Tubal Cain and the fallen angels are also discussed In the Antiquities of the Jews,by Josephus.

Just as Joseph's family of 70 people became between 2.5 and 3 million in 210 years in Egypt (prior to the Exodus) or 430 years from Abraham,. whilst Genesis does not state Adam and Eve had daughters , why wouldn't they (they are mentioned in the book of Jubilees as having 33 sons and 22 daughters. The books of Jubilees were also found in the Dead Sea Scrolls and were used by early Christians. It mentions Enoch 1 and is dated to around 160 Bc and draws on (correctly) the times and feasts of Leviticus 25 and Exodus 2, it also describes the same content as Enoch 1 and Genesis 1 - 12 and more. In the days of Genesis in a bountiful world the population in 1000 years could easily have reached 10 million and 3rd and 4th cousins would build cities of brick (Genesis 11,3) and also the City of Nod (Genesis 4,16 having left the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3) by Genesis 6,1 (when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them) and Daughters must have been born from Genesis 3, 23 when Adam and Eve left Eden, until Genesis 6,1  and until Genesis 11 (after the flood) when men began to multiply again making the Tower of Babel . In Genesis 10 it provides 15 names for Jephthah's descendants, 30 for Ham's, and 27 for Shem's, these figures became established as the 72 languages resulting from the confusion at Babel from the 1 language covering 'the whole earth'  (Genesis 11,1) Obeying the command on the material earth to go forward and multiply and subdue the earth Genesis 9, 7 (having that command from Genesis 1, 28 in their genes) 

As discussed in the adjacent Sovereign website Esau (Edom) is not Jacob. Jacob's blessings from Abraham and Isaac passed to Joseph and from Joseph to Ephraim and Manessehh was "Israel" not Judah alone. The book of Daniel in Chapter 7 verse 4 describes the Eagle (or its wings) and like a lion which was given the mind of a Human (and 2 feet like a Human being) It appears with another beast in Daniel 7 verse 5, which looked like a bear . Revelations 13, 2 describes a beast which is  like a leopard, with the feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. This eagle or eagles are described in the books of Esdras which are following on from Daniel and Obidiah and collectively the verses on the Eagle are 2 Esdras Chapters 11 and 12 & Obidiah 1,1 & 1, 4. Esdras mentions that the eagle has 3 heads but 12 feathered wings.

2 Esdras  13, 40 - 50 describes ISRAEL and its journey over the Caucasian mountains into Europe. Rome was founded in its roots by Romulus and Remus (2 twins) Who were Romulus (Rome) and Remus ? They were the sons of the descendants of  Aeneas  who fought at the battle of Troy. Aeneas in turn was a descendant of the Dardinians and Dardanus (some the tribe of Dan had left Egypt before the Exodus and some before the Assyrian and Babylonian captivity of Israel and Judah) and we learn at that time Dan remained or took to their ships (not all as some of the tribe of Dan had remained in theri original inheritance designation in mid not Northern Israel)  in Judges 5,17 (ships which owned colonies like Joseph. Dan and Joseph being 2 tribes of Israel of the 12, but Joseph as leader via Ephraim and Manasseh his sons of Israel who receives the blessing and birthright i.e. in Israel but essentially the world) Who was Dardanus before becoming a Hellinist in Greece (Aeneas is a Greek name and see Virgil's work named as the  'Aeneid')   " Thus, stripped of mythological embellishment, Dardanus son of Zeus son of Kronos is Darda son of Judah son of Israel. Actually, Darda was the grandson, great-grandson or later descendant of Judah—as the word "son" can be interpreted. In any case, Darda was, in fact, a descendant of Judah through the line of Zerah 

Romulus killed his twin Remus and began a toll road / crossroads we now know today as Rome. Romulus and Remus were suckled by the 'Wolf' and whilst this is possible physically, it was known that the tribe of Benjamin's standard was the Wolf (Genesis 49,27) 

The Benjamin line of Herod and Cleopatra are a separate line than the children of Cleopatra (who was Greek) produced with Marc Anthony and Caesar. (the actual fathers of these children are disputed between all 3 possible fathers or more)  'Cursed be he that giveth a wife to Benjamin' ( Judges 21, 15-18) (applicable only to the unknown amount of people circa 1450 bc) Killing the concubine of a Levite who travelled from Bethlehem to Jebus (Jebus = Jerusalem, had not been named or conquered then) on the way to Ephraim, and worshipping Astarte/Ishtar (Isis), and refusing to apologise or make amends and instead make war against your own nation, brought this curse upon them, and if any left Israel then the curse went with them. Judges 20,35 says 26,000 men were reduced by 25,100 men, but verse 46 says 25,000 were killed? (to allow the tribe to survive many were spared) Were 100 unaccounted for ?  The book of Judges ch 20,v 47, says 600 fled and hid nearby, but they were allowed to return to marry some the Woman of Shiloh. (this accounts for 25,600 or 25,700 men) 200 of these woman (the Woman of Shiloh) were captured to make the remainder of the Benjamin tribe new wives and let the tribe survive. 400 virgins from Benjamin woman were also saved and the rest were killed. Therefore a discrepancy of 100 or 300/400 is shown in the verses and they (these few hundred) possibly left Israel. The curse was therefore not in effect on the remaining Benjamites who survived but it would follow the others who left Israel in 1400 bc them down the centuries. Judah and Benjamin were rivals to the throne of Jerusalem.(David and Saul for example, Saul was a Benjamite like Paul in the New Testament) 

Eagle and Eagles Dan's standard as a tribe of Israel was not the Eagle   but later a snake or Dragon. Rome cannot be the 'Amalek' tribe i.e. the Amalekites who were all killed by King David and since Rome is often cited as the Amalek tribes, since it was founded by a Zerahite Judah line with help from Benjamites then the command in 1 Samuel 15, 3 - 23 has past, i.e. the notion that the Messiah cannot come unless Amalek are all killed hence we must kill all europeans because they are Amalek is wrong. It is true however that Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites) and Eliphaz's concubine Timna. Esau, ancestor of the Edomites and it is the Edomites and Esau who have the standard of the Eagle see Obidiah chapter 1 "God hated Esau but loved Jacob" Malachi Chapter 1 and Romans 9, 13 - 18. King David said  "Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?" Psalm 129 , 31 


Who are the Europeans ? (Joseph as the Chosen people ? ... in the next subheading )

European nations have the eagle or double headed eagle as their symbol on their coat of arms from east to western Europe. (used also on the the Apollo 11 'space mission') As established above the Esau / Edomite peoples adopted the Eagle. Edom was the land  to the south of Israel, but which later extended into Transjordan and also south to Arabia (between the Gulf of Aqaba and the tip of Arabia) Yet the eagle symbol was also a part of Sumerian society who had the eagle and a lion headed eagle symbol. From the Sumerian King lists come the Egyptian Pharaohs (to symbolize the goddess Nekhbet, who was the eagle deity and represented Upper Egypt, which extends to Aswan. She was considered the protector of the Pharaoh; her extended wings always appeared as a sign of protection) and is still on the Egyptian flag today as well as the coat of arms of Egypt  The Sumerians from the land of Sumer over the course of a few hundred years, Sumer had multiple kings. It eventually was taken over by Akkadians around 2200 B.C. and evolved into Babylon, and both were ruled by Nimrod (who was killed by Esau who in turn was killed by a member of the tribe of Dan) From Sumerians were derive Aryans who also went into Northern India and north into Russia and Russia today has the double headed eagle on its coat of arms. A triple headed eagle also existed on the coat of arms of Michael 1st (as well as in the books of Esdras)  representing the union of three races (tribes is a better word) which contributed to the genesis of Russia, the "western" head representing the Varangians, the "eastern head" the Mongols and the central head the Slavs.

DNA results today show that Europeans do have Egyptian blood  and this is very prevalent in Switzerland  Ghenghis Khan began one of the largest empires in history as that of the Mongol empire  around 1162 but was growing before this. Mongol DNA. The Mongols invaded Europe and the middle east and included the Kharazian tribes who had intermarried with the Scythians and Cimmaerians. The Scythians also intermarried with the lost tribes of Israel (Dan and Joseph) as they crossed over the Caucasian mountains into Khazaria and into Europe some 1800 years before the Mongols. The Varangians settled Sweden and much of Scandinavia and the Coat of Arms of Värmland, Sweden has the eagle. Genghis Khan invasion of Europe left a considerable mark on modern DNA as he had many children  The Swiss canton of Geneva has the eagle on its coat of arms   Although the Mongol empire diminished, pockets remained in the Caucasus mountains and also in the Alps, so that there are similarities with the Swiss, Khazarians and Mongols also. The European crusades (1095 until 1291) to the Holy land required a new warrior monk and the Mongol expansion was defeated in Cairo Egypt in 1260 (with reputedly Templar assistance and the first Templar churches in Switzerland appeared around 1200 but others suggest 1120) By 1350 Switzerland had a proportion of Mongol (inc Scythian and Cimmerian)  DNA, as did Russia and Poland. Irish tribes (same as Scots, Welsh, Britons and the Tuatha de Danaan tribes of Scandinavia. Tuatha de Danaan literally translates as the Tribe of Dan are the same as mentioned in the book of Judges 5,17. Later moving into Greece many worshiped the Goddess as 'Danu') trace back to the fertile crescent of Northern Israel (from where the books of Esdras states they crossed north over the Caucasus mountains) 

Pharaohs descendants 1000 years earlier than 1095 also went into Switzerland. In 111 bc (others state 110bc) the leader of the Hasmonean leader of Judea John Hyrcanus I conquered Idumaea. (Edom) and converted the inhabitants to Judaism. Herod was not Jewish or Joseph (both are semetic) but Edom from Esau. The Khazarians had within their tribes the early settlers of the lost tribes who crossed the Caucasians mountains into Europe. 1800 years later assimilated and forgetful but fruitful also they converted to Judaism. This new Talmudic Judaism post the destruction of the Jerusalem temple existed since 200 - 400 ad  and was not primarily based on Torah and also took to mystic academic analysis as to why the Temple had been destroyed without the Messiah appearing (this is the foundation of the Kabbalah on one hand, and the Sufi - Turkish Sabbatean Frankists teachings today 

Herod the Great of the Esau Edom line but as Governor of Judea and King of Israel (he was not Jewish see last paragraph above ) had 3 sons who were with Herod the Great a tetrarchy (4)  surrounding Jerusalem. They were accursed and a strain of madness ran in the family   
Herod had become King of Israel by being planted by Rome. Herod Agrippa who denied God was eventually killed and was eaten alive by worms (Acts 12:18-25) Yeshua was questioned by Herod Antipas who was controlling the Temple but also opposing the real Messiah. So it will be in the "end times" with various persona's or other.  Herodias was the mother of Salome and her second husband was Herod Antipas (born before 20 BC; died after 39 AD) half-brother of Herod II (her first husband) which was forbidden by the law (Torah) and which was preached against by John the Baptist and which Salome danced on instructions from Herodias with Herod Antipas granting her wish of John the Baptist's head. (Yeshua s cousin and the real High Priest of the Temple) and amidst the mists of history they with Caesar and even Cleopatra contrived the story that Jesus had children which supports (falsely)  the Edom Dan Esau claims of some of bloodlines today who claim to be King of Jerusalem and even the Messiah.See also "Dead Sea Scrolls Prove Most of New Testament Predates 68 A.D. (Don Patton)" which predates the Temple's destruction or here on Bitchute also (hence it was a future prophecy not written afterwards) . 

The Herods appointed the Pharisees and together they rewrote the Law adding words or entire sentences and new tasks onto the 613 outlines of the law. The original Law itself is not a long list but is threaded and weaved throughout the Tanakh and now the New Testament. Luke 11,46 & Matthew 23,4 - 39 says to the experts in the law that they lay down heavy burdens on men but cannot help them or lighten their load and worse. Jeremiah 42,43 (hissing serpents of Egypt) echoes Matthew 12, 34 & Matthew 23,33 as the brood of vipers who have changed the law and made their own law.(or regulations as legal but not lawful even health regulations)  Matthew 23,23 (the same dialogue as the brood of vipers) also states they have neglected the weightier matters of the law, whilst verse 28 points out that they are full of lawlessness ? (from God's law) As with Matthew 5,17 & 18 and also Romans 7,12 (the law is good and lasts forever )the heavy burden, it is made impossible for men as God did not sanction it or speak it. Instead God says his Yoke (burden) is good (Matthew 12:1–13; Luke 13:10–17). Today twisting these meanings 'the church' (the cheap grace church especially ) uses these verses to remove all ideas of God's law and if anyone cites the real law they are automatically branded as Pharisees, but is Paul or God (Messiah) ... a Pharisee ? or Edomites (Esau who sold his birthright ) as the Hasmonean dynasty was ?

The Crusades also settled in Switzerland. Caesar, Mary Magdalene (Herod's wife) Herod and the line of Cleopatra and the migrating Pharaohs from Egypt merged slowly fabricating the Da Vinci code ('hidden') contrivances required for Bloodlines to claim descent from Jessu Christ or failing this, his many brothers and sisters or other sons and daughters of King David

Europe is Joseph (with the tribes of Edom and others within it) who receives the birthright and blessing, with the blessings of Abraham to Isaac and Jacob and to Joseph and his sons Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob of course was not Esau who sold his birthright. Esau became the Edomites who can only (they believe ) regain the birthright and blessing by Usury, debt and deception. This method is of course anti Torah and is not just tribal but applies to all who sell their birthright and blessings


Eagle, Esau & Edom & the missing books of Esdras ? 

Many suggest the Eagle of Esdras represents Russia, Europe and the USA ( the union of three races or tribes which contributed to the genesis of Russia, the "western" head representing the Varangians, the "eastern head" the Mongols and the central head the Slavs, but the eagle head or 3 headed eagle (2 Esdras 11,1) disquinqshes between the body and wings the 12 feathered wings of the eagle and its head. The same eagle Daniel saw in Daniel 7, 4 as confirmed in 2 Esdras 12,12. The Eagle heads mentioned in 2 Esdras 11,9 are the 3  City states of Rome (Vatican City not a part of the vatican or Italy, Venice and Genoa), London (city of London not a part of London or England) and Washington DC (not a part of Washington or the USA) yet messianic christianity has also made its mark on those areas.

Genesis 10 ( "the table of nations" ) describes all nations around the world as people migrated into every continent. When the tribes (not lost ) emigrated into Europe or take to their ships (dan / Joseph) around Europe and Scandinavia  who did they live amongst.  Today the bloodlines of Europe also include the Edomites / Esau and Esau was brother to Jacob from the same father and mother and looked the same as each other. It is they who are represented by the Eagle standard, and of course they are not Israel (12) or Judah (1) Yet they intermarried with the tribe of Dan (the serpent / dragon) and the Phoenician Canaanites. To understand both Houses of Israel, first see ... 

Judah, Joseph, & the Inheritance of both houses of Israel.The Bloodlines of Europe & the 3 Genealogies of the Messiah   or shorter version here also The Tribes and Nations of Joseph inherit the Birthright & Blessings and Judah the Sceptre

and also The 2 Houses of Israel 1) "Standing in the Gap For Both Houses of Israel Maria Merola"
     and also 2) What is the "Two House" teaching? Monte Judah  

For future realities and prophecy into the Millennium the two houses of Israel are what the bible refers to and not just one or none. It also does not exclude Judah, quite the contrary, yet each tribe has a specific purpose and place. 

Judges 5,17 mentions Dans ships and the the union of three races (tribes is a better word) which contributed to the genesis of Russia, the "western" head representing the Varangians, the "eastern head" the Mongols and the central head the Slavs looked like this in the Viking invasions  as the long serpent or Dragon ships indicting Viking rank More images of the Dragon ships are here

Whilst Dans symbol was the serpent  (Genesis 49,17) the merger of the 3 tribes or nations also incorporates the Eagle as a single, double or 3 headed Eagle as described in Esdras  2 Esdras Chapters 11 and 12 & Obidiah 1,1 & 1, 4. Esdras mentions that the eagle has 3 heads but 12 feathered wings.

The Root of Jesse / King David & the Red Dragon The British royal family for the last 300 plus years has had close family ties to the Hapsburgs, the Romanovs and the Hohenzollerns through marriage and descent, and all three of those families were represented by one or another variety of double headed eagles. The current Royal Family itself is of direct and recent Germanic descent, William of Orange, the five George Hanover kings and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Germanic people have ruled England since the last Stewart (Queen Anne) died in 1714. The last Norman King fell at Bosworth in 1485, the Tudors were Welsh and the Stewarts were Scot's though related to the Tudors. The Welsh flag has varied between the Flag of King David (since 1921) and is still used as a religious flag in the diocese of St Davids and the Red Dragon since 1953 - 1959     A Golden Dragon was employed in 1401 and a variant of the Red Dragon flag has existed since 1807  until 1953 when the Red Dragon was modified as above. (The City of London built upon land from Welsh names and titles, had its first major Dragon statue erected under Queen Victoria around 1875, but the current 13 Dragon City boundary markers were added between 1963 and 1969) Wales also has Church to the root of Jesse the father of King David, whilst Scotland, Ireland (David's Harp) and Wales have a well documented history of King David with Saint David being the Patron saint of Wales. The current national flag is the Red Dragon mirroring the City of London's 13 dragons erected 1963 until 1969.


Israel, Zionism (as reformed Judaism) and Orthodox Judaism and the Messiah 

The Israeli prime minister before the current PM also said this in 2022 Israel...  . Its establishment didn’t begin in 1948, but rather on the day Yehoshua Bin Nun [Joshua, insertion mine)  crossed the Jordan and forever connected the people of Israel with the land of Israel, between the Jewish nation and its Israeli homeland" (before the UN and its anti Israel agenda) Joshua from the tribe of Ephraim / Joseph 

As shown above the first Zionist congress was held in Basel Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897 and the long running debate as to whether Israel's lands can be taken and possessed before the Messiah comes or after or simultaneously when the Messiah comes was won out by the Zionists who were termed 'Reformed Judaism' as opposed to Orthodox Judaism who believed that they should wait for the Messiah. Ultra Orthodox jews (or are they just following scripture ?) have rioted and argued inside the Knesset, the Israeli parliament over such problems, and anti-zionist Jews have spoken against these anomalies and have been persecuted  and there concerns extend right back to the establishment of Israel in the 1940's Jews Against Zionism: The American Council for Judaism, 1942-1948" The Jewish Orthodox Library points out that Orthodox Jews (but it seems the concerns are not black and white along straight lines or designations) "Jews who criticize or oppose Zionism are usually Orthodox and maintain that Israel can only be regained miraculously"

Modern Israel is designated to have become a nation under Resolution 181 of the UN, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 29, 1947, with 33 countries voting in favor, 13 countries against, and with 10 countries abstaining. However the accepted date is on 15 May 1948, one day after the declaration of its establishment On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day , Israel applied for membership of the United Nations, but the application was not acted on by the Security Council. Israel's second application was rejected by the Security Council on 17 December 1948 by a 5 to 1 vote, with 5 abstentions. Seven votes in favor were required in order to approve the application. Syria was the sole negative vote; the U.S., Argentina, Colombia, the Soviet Union and Ukraine voted in favor; and Belgium, Britain, Canada, China and France abstained. Israel's application was renewed in 1949 after the Israeli elections. The Security Council by UN Security Council Resolution 69 on 4 March 1949 voted 9 to 1 in favour of membership, with Egypt voting no and Great Britain abstaining. 

The British royal family for the last 300 plus years (who are German Sax Coburg Gotha) has had close family ties to the Hapsburgs, the Romanovs and the Hohenzollerns through marriage and descent, and all three of those families were represented by one or another variety of double headed eagles. The current Royal Family itself is of direct and recent Germanic descent, William of Orange, the five George Hanover kings and Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. Germanic people have ruled England since the last Stewart (Queen Anne) died in 1714. The last Norman King fell at Bosworth in 1485, the Tudors were Welsh and the Stewarts were Scot's though related to the Tudors.

In order to satisfy Zionism and Orthodox Judaism the Messiah (who disagree)  must have been in or connected to Israel by November 1947 until March 1949. King Charles who was just anointed as Messiah (of Israel both houses as Judah and Joseph or just ?) was born November 14th 1948 (six months after the UN date above of 14.05.2023) like Jesus who was born 6 months after John the Baptist and the 3 Autumn feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur & Sukkot or tabernacles did extend into November in times past. Jesus Christ was also born in the Autumn and not December 25th ( "Messiahs birth date calculated & Born in Bethlehem in the Autumn feasts not Christmas" ) This means that technically Prince Charles was around in 1948 at Israel's rebirth and his mother Queen Elizabeth at her Coronation 5 years later in 1953 was crowned as over her people Israel from the Royal line of David. Otherwise according to thoise dissenters above, the Messiah and Israel cannot have been created in line with Scripture in 1948 ?  

Israels (old and new testaments) archaeology was purposely hidden (especially from Israelis in Israel ) as existent and real to support a esoteric view that the bible was simply analogy or myth  post in the adjacent website sovereignty dated 22/23.11.2023  (which has a link to the post above this)   

This new Messiah will also bring new insights into the Kabbalah tree of life as described in Daniel 4 to 6 which differs from that in the Book of Genesis or Revelations, but it will be (and has already ) been brought into the center of Israel and Jerusalem.(but which does not last and is false) Israel of course is not just the country of Israel but also both Houses of Israel Judah and Joseph around the world. An alternative view is given by the "One for Israel" ministry 

Monte Judah who has spoken on theological issues says the following "King Charles anointed King of Israel | MWU Shorts"   or longer version here with other opinions within it once more . "Monte Judah & Others on the Crowning of King Charles Sax Coburg Gotha 6.5.2023"   However the term anointing requires the anointed (as this is what it means) to be the Messiah or "mashiach” — one who is anointed.   as the Messiah of Israel who will reign over Israel  but also Gods Kingdom, considered to be a great political leader that has descended from King David, hence why he is referred to as Messiah ben David, 'Messiah, son of David'. In Judaism, the messiah is considered to be a great, charismatic leader (not as we understand charismatic today i.e it means exercising a compelling charm which inspires devotion in others and compelling can also mean deceiving or just invoking interest or attention. Islam believes this character will be over many institutions but hidden in plain sight) . that is well oriented with the laws that are followed in Judaism. He will be the one who will not "judge by what his eyes see" or "decide by what his ears hear. However he will be a supernatural persona (not just earthly or political) as described in Daniel 7, 13 - 14 who arrives on the Clouds of Heaven as possessing all power in heaven and on earth (Revelations 1, 7  & 14,14) This is the Messiah which literally translates as the anointed one.


Other views and looking at the ceremony of Charles here ... "The Pagan ceremony coronation of Charles Windsor 6 5 2023, the Great Falling away"


if the Messiah denounces God and Jesus christ then he is not the Protestant Messiah, further if engaging in Pagan views and beliefs then he is not the Messiah of Judaism and the line of David is broken as having a King over Israel (all Old Testament Kings who abandoned God were removed and most notably King Saul  "Psalm 23, King David and the Line of the Messiah and 1 Chronicles 16 Law and Grace"  ) The Oath is broken in Common law and it means that all institutions in Britain and around the world are no longer under the Crown as the Royal House of David (the people Israel) as was prior to 1950. It also calls into question the rebirth of Israel as even though Prince Charles was heir to the throne of David and born in 1948, he is also over the World Economic Forum (and he announced the Great Reset not Klaus Schwab) which controls the WHO or World Health Organisation which joined its constitution with the UN United Nations in 2019 (the UN in increasingly less opinions announcing Israel's rebirth in 1948) 

As for the Israel House of Joseph (via Abraham, Isaac, Jacob) it cannot be the House of Jacob which began at Luz (Bethel) ? Further the House of Jacob is not the house of Esau, his brother who sold his birthright to Jacob. Esau Edom  would therefore manifest as the opposite of God's kingdom and abundance and is likely to resemble a legal fiction (see last post above dated ) surrounded by debt with institutions which do not reflect God's purpose or sustenance and producing debt and not prosperity as credit wealth is an obvious guide to those who are not from Jacob or Joseph or Judah. It would mean that those under this system which would reflect the system of Babylon have also sold their birthright like Esau (Edom) Joseph of course obtains the blessing and birthright via Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph to Ephraim and Manasseh or the real Israel

Israeli archaeology was purposely hidden (especially from Israelis in Israel ) as existent and real to support a esoteric view that the bible was simply analogy or myth   see further back in this chapter above at this link (this author does not agree with all info at this link but it is presented for completeness) which has a link to return you to the post above this 

John the Evangelist as the EAGLE One other Eagle that features in the Bible is one of the Four faces of the Evangelists as depicted in Celtic Art and the Book of Kells  (4 Gospels indicating also that the Gospels are surrounding the tribes of Israel as in the book of Numbers) The Eagle represents the Book of John who also had the vision on the isle of Patmos and which brought forth the Book of Revelations. It features in the book of Numbers 2 where the 4 standards of Dan, Asher and Naphtali are shown  from 1428 bc (not just Dan whose individual standard is the Scales of Justice Genesis 49,16 but which later Dan became the serpent Genesis 49,17 )  also and in Ezekiel 10,14 about 580bc, then again in 70ad and finally in the future, Revelations 4,7 & Revelations 12,14. Over a period of 3500 years the face of the Eagle different from the Edom (1 headed, 2 headed or 3 headed Eagle)  Esau Eagle. Over the years these have become the same as Dan intermarried with Esau Edom, and discerning which is which is vital as also of course no member of the tribe of Dan can claim the throne of Israel 

2 Tribes of Dan ? There were also 2 tribes of Dan in Israel (in the end and just when you thought it was not complicated enough ) as aside from those who left their original birthright and allotted land designation in Joshua 19:40-21, 8 in mid Israel to move North to Tel Dan in Northern Israel (Laish)  who were the majority, and who turned Pagan (2 Golden bulls or calf's to worship were set up, 1 in Bethel and 1 in Northern Dan) and took to their ships into Europe and Scandinavia (and also over the Caucasus depending on their individual fates ) a remnant remained faithful to Joshua's instructions and stayed in mid Israel see "The Tribes of Israel: The TWO tribes of Dan"   (Pastor Stephen Anderson) To recap the journey of Dan Asher and Naphtali in the desert (Moses tabernacle) was under the standard of the Eagle. Dans individual standard was the Scales of Justice, later becoming the Serpent by the wayside (see all above )  Esau / Edom also adopted a eagle (but like a Phoenix and a Egyptian Phoenix) standard with 1 or 2 or 3 heads, and they intermarried with the Tribe of Dan mixing up both images. The 2 Golden Bulls or calf's were as Dan the Serpent (the accuser of the brethren Rev12,10) , Jeroboam's Golden calves at Bethel and Dan were the apis bull of the Egyptians and Canaanites, the lunar bull also known as Molech or the Golden Baal. 1 set was also in Bethel where Jacobs stone was slept upon as the House of God. The Eagle also became the standard of the Gospel of John (see last post above from different origins) Esau and Edom have lost their birthright and operate in the "legal fiction"  (outside of God's law ) realm as lawless (like many churches also today) The Eagle of John the Evangelist represents his Gospel and his book of Revelations


The 'New' Religion from the abomination of desolation and strong delusion & the continuing vaxx injuries and deaths

A few months ago Calin Georgescu, the former Executive director of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva/Vaduz (2015–2016) admitted that 8 Million children disappear each year and the UN is involved in this. "8 Million Children simply disappear each year ? CALIN GEORGESCU &"DARK SECRETS OF THE 'UNITED NATIONS" Further there are currently 40 million slaves in the world today (officially) and between 24 million and 40 million people are trafficked each year growing at  a rate of 2 or 3 million per year but faster by each month. The United nations have directly trafficked people see "Sir Mo Farah (Olympic Champion) trafficked as a child. United Nations caught Trafficking" In the last post above the law of trade UCC and Law of the Sea is laid out  and this involves (now) capturing whole nations into this updated Global system see "Global Slavery alive & well today, how traffickers make their money. Rome & the Cestui Que Vie Trust" which explains how everyone is caught into a foreign trust corporation and everyone is in fact being trafficked (away from the law of the land) It also mentions Trumps executive order (who is a not against Trafficking as you will see as the video progress's) against Human Trafficking, Obama issued an executive order as did many Presidents (yet it rises every tear despite this ?)  who ! have been captured themselves into a fake Presidential office (post 1840 - 1871) and are in effect useless and unlawful entities giving the outward appearance that they are real Flesh and Blood Men and woman and not as they are actually designated as corporate employees as legal fictions  ""The USA was conquered in 1871, and continues today by Corporations in the Corporate legal fiction"   (and see also UNITED STATES is a Corporation There are Two Constitutions 1. is OF the USA 2. is FOR the USA )

People are also in the same designation i.e as persons or slaves or chattel as legal fictions.(see also Chapter 6 below)  This of course is not what the bible says. The recent coronation of Prince Charles in fact state that the common law must be upheld, but that promise has been taken away in the new ceremony on the 5/6 May 2023, although it was not made on the real stone of Jacob and in fact all laws since 1950 and more so today since the 5/6. May 2023 are null and void in the eyes of God (repeated from above "The Real Stone of Destiny ('Coronation Stone') how & why it affects Britain and the Whole Worlds laws. Prince Charles was not crowned King of England or Messiah of Israel"

Rome, London and Wasington. Today around the world and the 3 States (the 3 eagles of Esdras ) of the City of London and the Vatican and Washington DC the populations of the world are being moved around into and from every continent. The UK has received up to 15 million immigrants since the end of WW2 and millions in the last 15 years especially. Why is this ? Aside from WW1 and WW2 and the war against the tribes of Joseph, it is not just to ferment a war as Enoch Powell outlined in his "the streets will run with rivers of blood" (meaning total anarchy in every city on earth) but to also form a new religion out of all those who have been brought together. no one religion will be allowed to dominate. Bringing people into one area or melting pot and its tensions allows for observed compromises which AI will use (like a super bio convergence apologetic s ) to stitch together a new 'Bible' for one and all and from all (Atheists or Agnostics will also have no choice) It remains to be seen if those faiths will be edited and remade or not ?

The merging of all faiths but not as any one faith. In other words Christianity will not be Christianity, Islam not Islam, Buddhism not Buddhism, Judaism not Judaism, Sikhism not Sikhism, Hinduism not Hinduism, Jainism will not be Jainism and so into every faith and belief. It will also include Zoroastrianism and Saturnalia (cubism) and Baha'i and Druze,there are also 50,000 Messianic Jews in Israel today. Freemasonry and more and all. Solomon's Temple Freemasonry has also existed in Israel since 1948 and has now 50 lodges and 15,000 members in Israel  (many state there are 53 lodges or even double that, from the original 7, as the steps to God as 1 pursuit not shared by all) and all lodges are Solomon's temple and a womb for rebirth for the brotherhood, and which exist now as israel becomes one big temple surrounding the crusading Templar;s Golden dome which is not a Mosque  (see last post above this one) but did assist excavations on Temple Mount. Hiram and the strong grip of the Lions paw did not always shield them from curious eyes. Jacob, in the "time of Jacob's trouble" had an exhausting time over 21 years, (mirroring also the 21 days of the Autumn feasts 20 + 1 but outside of dispensationalism comprehension) yet Solomon's time was ever more exhausting, he had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Many of those women were not Israelites (1 Kings 11,3) and yet to please them all he allowed all views and worship to flourish into a syncretic mesh of faiths (breaking the 1st commandment Exodus 20, 3 and also Deuteronomy 17,17  and more in the law) which turned his heart and mind and he must have become lost in the maze Yet when he then tried to syncretically mesh these views with Torah (i.e with God who spoke with Solomon in 1 Kings 1,11)...that was his swift downfall... see also "Solomon's Demons & the Ring of Power. Shekels, CBDC & Crypto. The UN's war against Israel  The truth of the Tree of Life can now be realised in plain view 


Every faith's sacred scriptures will be edited and blended to form one new Book or Oracle in which all can agree on (or not) Artificial Intelligence as Artificial General Intelligence will be the editor and final drafter of this book which will also try to blend Lunar, Solar and Stellar beliefs into one new outline (but see Revelations 21,23 on this & which is a future prophecy and will be the reality for created stars like the sun and moon   “And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.” the creation of the sun and moon by God is in Genesis 1, 14 - 16

The interfaith movement is constructing a new "AI to write new correct bible for all faiths Yuval Noah Harari "  (whether they want it or not) with optimistic AI sermons and all 'correct'. A legal fiction digital god for the masses and the melting pot nations whose data and opinions and arguments have been harvested over years via social media, telephone and newspaper and conversation to produce the new politically correct AI Quantum Qubit entanglement exploring all possible and offences at once, to become a quantum Qubit AI, producing the new  man made scriptures for the bio-convergent technocratic future in which all will become as gods (it is believed ) into the new tomorrow in elysian fields..God will be made anew they suggest blending all faiths into one new reality...or God will deliver his wrath, only God who is omnipotent, omniscient & omnipresent knows. in the reality of the Alpha and Omega. Emet, (Aleph, Mem and Tav) cannot be edited or co-opted as God created the minds which invented AI.

This legal fiction self or persona will be for everyone, and this legal but not lawful platform underpins at a foundational level the Avatar notion. A legal fiction non person or persons can (they claim) exist anew in the 'Cloud' or Metaverse and your new Avatar (created from all data on you in social media or other ) will be the new you. It is of course an illusion or delusion but people are buying it,(literally spending millions on the new technology and not just on beauty products or synthetic performance enhancing drugs but literary devices which capture your consciousness' ?)  just as your shadow is not you, neither is your legal fiction' Avatar' (and even your Soul )The medical industry has a central role in this new religion.

This is promoted by Yuval Noah Hariri who is the World Economic Forum prophet  of futurism, and who is supported by Prince Charles and Klaus Schwab of the WEF . This new blended bible will be written by AI he claims    and it will be this new book, composed by AI as a superhuman intelligence which will finally (claims Hariri ) be 'correct', (as 'Ein Sofאֵין סוֹף; 'the great serpent' is unknowable anyway,... but only to those who do not know God ) but which can watch and has (since especially 1995 - 2000 fwd into 2016 and today ) all the blended (multicultural but not to bring people together but as an experiment ) peoples and arguments and doctrinal disputes, and can then produce a compromise from them all but be like none of them (AI / AGI can read all peoples faces on earth in 90 seconds, so a new bible should be no problem despite warnings from within those scriptures )  " 'A.I. could kickstart the next big religion' | YNH Shorts"   Man and Woman Kind in any case, claims the World Economic Forum via Harari have no Souls, and have useless bodies and are in the main "useless people" (as the Gnostic's claim)   Yuval Noah Harari (Homo Deus = 'Man gds') & Klaus Schwab (Human Gene editing via Vaccines & Crispr)

Yuval has been very busy and is saying that the Bible (or all scriptural texts) is fake news  (or here on bitchute a different clip) He is speaking about the Great Reset for all in the world which began in 2020 visibly; However if the bible or any text is fake news, and the word 'Israel; comes from the bible, does this mean that Israel is fake news also. If so, why does he live there ? Assisting AI will be the normal conventional forms of mass Surveillance in the 5th generational warfare globally, but this new Surveillance will also be under everyone's skin see "'UNDER THE SKIN': Klaus Schwab advisor Yuval Noah Harari on the new age of digital surveillance"  (indicating like the 5.5 Billion experimental vaccines the abomination of desolation is inside a 'person' bearing in mind we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit  1 Corinthians 6, 19 - 20) see last post above on the Temple

How wil be it (the new religion) be delivered to the world ? will it be from a new stage set on or near Temple Mount in Jerusalem perhaps, (where the Temple of Solomon already exists in one form see last post above ) as the prototypes are experimented and tested on the unaware in different faiths before the big link up spectacular "God and robots: Will AI transform religion? - BBC News" ...and if you are a dissident against this hive mind link up globally well maybe less food or income can focus your attention on the latest AI Oracle beamed around the world from Jerusalem the new AI superpower of the world    (Israel has already fought a war using AI in 2021) Just like in the book of Daniel 3, 5 - 7 when the world's population as it was known then fell down on que to worship  the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up (as if they were mesmerized or brainwashed or drugged in some way )

A sermon you do not (often) hear: is it more offensive to God to watch 5.5 Billion people injected with poisons harmful to body and soul, including those who may or may not be fooled in the elect ? (Matthew 24, 24) or is it more offensive to build a Temple (despite a Temple already in place) over the known spot of the Holy of Holies (see last post above) and begin sacrifices of animals on a (duplicate) Ark of the Covenant, only to later stop those sacrifices (Daniel 9,27 which would be a good thing and a marker of the New Covenant ? ) or did this already occur 2000 years ago ?  


Continuing Vaccine deaths and injuries. The last post above up to 5 May 2023 shows 1 % of the millions of deaths and injuries from the experimental injection from early 2021 until 5.May 2023 and they are increasing still every day see collection 1 here   link  is here  and the last so far  is available here dated 22.04.2023 into May 2023...

Recent publications show the massive increased deaths around the world and it is staggering in every nation (June 2023)  HUGE: VACCINES KILL HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS A WEEK! - Government Reports Prove Genocide!  Areas which have the most experimental injections (vaccines) have the most deaths as also in Ireland where excess deaths are up more than 43% in areas where the injections occurred the most and a Doctor (Phillip MacMillan) is warning that a Tsunami of excess deaths from the injections are coming "Are you Prepared for the COVID Tsunami of Deaths?" Pregnant women have suffered massive miscarriages around the world.of those who have received the mark inside so far 

Not only deaths and injuries but als cancers and recent papers confirm the mRNA experimental injections change a person's DNA   

In Israel (in May June 2023) couples are unable to get married due to the experimental injections see "COVID VACCINES AFFECT JEWISH MARRIAGES"  This is further to the HIV aids epidemic coming from the shots in 2021 / 2022  "Trump the father of the Vaccine, the FDA (Food & Drug Administration ) & Fachi Vaids deaths & Injuries" which shows how this technology was introduced and rushed through as was the intention all the time. Its effects varied but in Israel "HIV Vaids, in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries" ( a video in the longer version next which also points out that Malta, an Island cut off for over a year, in the lockdowns and all on it were 'double vaxxed' still caught Covid 3, 6 or 9 months or more later ? but less CO2 was emitted during  that time in the longer version here ) and the overall documentary from Israel "Israel Zion and the attacks on Israel by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים 83 )"  (which can be made in any nation ) 

A personal testimony (after introduction) about Christians whose Temple(s) have become desolate by an abomination  (1 Corinthians 6, 19 - 20)  or here on bitchute calling for mass resignations from the church " Pastors Who Pushed Covid Vaccines Don’t Just Need To REPENT, Some Need To RESIGN"  as for 3 years the strong delusion is beyond a mistake "Faith leaders push for COVID-19 vaccinations"  and then also from the BBC  "Covid: Double vaccinated can still spread virus at home"  & also "Guy gets attacked by Church congregation for not wearing a mask. WWJD?  and further to the strong delusion Church Pastors bribed in Canada to push maks and vaccines and Polio has changed names ? "Remdesivir & Polio (not cured ?) Vaccines do not cure or prevent Polio (it has simply changed names) & the Remdisivir criminal fraud"    (or see here or here again "The largest pharmaceutical disaster in history, the Cutter incident led to 120,000 doses inoculations containing a live polio virus" ) 

The dispensationalists continue with their charts (some are very good) encouraging people to actually (inadvertently or knowingly) worship the antichrist system and even have allegiance to the Anti-Christ whilst preaching tame sermons asking people to be watchful and  be watchmen on the walls whilst in the middle of the delusion. The rapture does not trigger the Great tribulation but it does Trigger God's wrath upon those who bring (already) Great Tribulation (see last post above)  Ask (in Kingdom come)  those who were fed to Lions by the insane if they are post, mid or pre tribulation. 

And from the High Priests of the medical profession (who todays church look up to )  in the Pulpit or in the Television studios, the new medical Priests of the "new" religion   "The Unvaccinated "Nobody Is Safe" by Matt Orfa" (and of course Trump also personally profited from the deaths and injuries around the world and in Israel and privately funded the WHO, even now congratulating Kim Jong Un on WHO membership Of course Trump locked down an entire world, suspended the US constitution and caused the deaths and injuries of millions of Americans ? ) Once you realise that the Church is not of God and that most in the pulpit or in our institutions are criminals who should face jail or worse and be forced to pay for the men, woman and children they have killed you can then reread the bible and repent 

How this all ties into the outer mark of the beast (for systems control ) with the 'experimental injections' Vaxx and how your DNA is changed (and see the paragraph above which begins "The Great falling away which began over a hundred years ago around 1840 - 1875)" by also and into 666 (which is not just in ancient Egyptian architecture or obelisks ( a phallus) whose height is 666 feet as is the one in Rome  (Cleopatra's needles are in London and New York ) The Washington Monument is 6,666 inches high and 666 inches square, 555 feet in visible height (6,660 inches) but from its foundation it is 666 feet (20 % hidden in the earth some suggest ) .  The obelisk at the Vatican is an ancient Egyptian obelisk that was brought to Rome by the Roman Emperor Caligula in 37 AD. It originally stood in the Circus of Nero, but was moved to its current location in the Vatican by Pope Sixtus V in 1586 as part of a renovation of St. Peter's Square. It is suggested that they represent the statue of Daniel chapter 2 of 4 or 5 kingdoms beginning (and they are 4000 years old) from 1. Babylon (head of Gold )2. Silver and Gold chest and arms 3. Belly & thighs of Bronze = Greece 4. Legs of Iron = Rome 5. Feet of Iron and clay = British empire / commonwealth / un before the final collapse of it and Rome of 3 city states, Rome . London & Washington but with Israel as a New Jerusalem but with current opinions divided. Israel is called to be a light to the nations as in Isaiah 42,6 but not as a "One World Government"  but as Genesis 15 Greater Israel ) which stand on 2 feet (as some suggest Rome was spread into east and west but was actually 3 kingdoms ) of Iron and Clay as in the modern Transhumanism era. (Adam born from clay, Iron is modern augmentation robotics / cybernetics and microchip etc as 'directed evolution' see film at the end of this post)  The 2 feet, have 10 toes which will be described in the next post in the future. Egypt was cursed by God never to be rebuilt or rule over the nations again (Ezekiel 29,15)  and the Obelisks were simply moved outwards enlarging the imagined territory. 666 is being encoded into all the sciences and humanities, art and finance especially and even manufacturing and to be everywhere including in DNA.


What does Yuval Noah Harari actually believe "WEF Advisor Yuval Harari Explains Why He'll Worship Antichrist Instead of God"  (which added here mentions Ricahrd Dawkins speech and the Great Delusion and Yuval Hariri's speech here also ) which does cover the last 150 years of biology and infotech and biotech near the end to change all whether they are Gay or Heterosexual (& the Anti-Christ has been missed and has visited the "Temple" in Jerusalem already and has been known of for decades and 1 Corinthians 6, 19 - 20) 

Aside from the Tavistock institute disfiguring Children  in 2019, and has now been closed down in 2023 , and with experiments blending 3 peoples samples of DNA to produce a baby and it does not have to be 3 human DNA samples but it could be a mixture of Human and something else (synthetic or added synthetic via crispr injections ) and an incredible breakthrough (BBC) as a Crocodile impregnates itself  along the road to those who want to achieve immortality and become Gods   (like Ricard Seed in last vid, ...or instead ... they are tricked into becoming giant deranged Lizards ) How will it all connect to you ? A recent medical breakthrough by AI has allowed a totally paralysed man to walk again by re-connecting his brain to his spinal cord  and by implanting (BBC) brain chips directly into him  Elon Musks neural link will make it available to all by merging with AI    "Medicines" have increased petroleum and metals prescribed within them synthetically  (when they already grow freely and naturally) and now in Britain with Royal assent GMO synthetic crops which require ever stronger poison and pesticides to maintain have been given the go ahead in the UK (March 2023)  brought by the pedophiles who are looking to help you become gods ? (i.e all of any prior existing faith or belief ) 

IMF agree on Global digital programmable CBDC central bank currency And as the Roundtable (vai the IMF) announce and fully confirm the Global digital currency (June Midsummer's eve) which can be turned off or on and removed or accessed only with BIOMETRIC ID (explanation here and here again once more ) People are Britain are told to ignore their history as myths,or romanticize them or rework them into other stories, yet the Roundtable specifically began with Noble aims, but now Modred has taken over the movement (see subheadings on Glastonbury above) 

This is the Strong or Great delusion (2 Thess 2,11 )  i.e "The GREAT DELUSION: Atheist Richard Dawkins Explains How it will DECEIVE Him" to the 'Tree of Life' movement but which is the Kingdom of Iron and Clay as described in Daniel 2  (for the Tree of Life movement and what happens to your spirit see post above dated 12.01.2023) 

As for the Stone of Destiny the Bethel stone of Jacob as the House of God (and the last post above on the sword from the stone ) it is shown that it will return to Israel (see above in this post) and many should reflect on the verses in the bible in Isaiah 66,1 and Acts 7,49 which is now not talking of some future circumstance but the actual reality as is now. The Stone will be returned to the King (Prophet Priest and King) Not the fake but the actual (the fake being a part of 1 Corinthians 3, 12 - 15 ) whose feet it will be under. The earth's armies and its technology will not affect Gods armies (including all those immediately before the Mount of Olives) in any way which must be a terrifying slow realization to have 


What is the 'New' Religion ?

All faiths under Pharaoh (for a short time)  and their scriptures will be edited and blended into one new Syncretic oracle (into the "singularity," one of the main subjects of the last post in this chapter )

What is the new Religion ? it is simply old Gnosticism merged with Iron and clay (Daniel 2) as the new 'Bio Convergence' of which the past 3 years is a part and which ;changes you' inside as Klaus Schwab says (see vids above in this subheading) as you are marked i.e it changes Genesis 1,27 and forms the new Kingdom of Iron and Clay in Daniel 2, centering all religions around the Tree of Life religion (echoing the false tree of Daniel 4 - 6 and see also the post above dated 12.01.2023 on other aspects of this tree of life belief already in many religions as of course it is from Eden and which most people know of already ) Israels (old and new testaments) archaeology was purposely hidden (especially from Israelis in Israel ) as existent and real to support a esoteric view that the bible was simply analogy or myth see further back in this chapter above at this link    (which has a link to the post above this)   

Eden was and is a real place and it was a large area with a Garden within Eden and one of its rivers was called the Gihon (useful map of the  Gihon here also )which runs through Jerusalem today . Jerusalem did not comprise the whole of Eden but the Garden of or within Eden was located there Many suggest that it is purely a metaphorical analogy or a mystic map to eternal life, but others say it is those ideas but also a physical place and the idea that it is a real place which existed. This last notion for the Gnostic's is anathema even though science (real science)  shows that all humans on earth arose from just 2 people  and this is shown at every juncture (yet it seems that those who possessed this Adam and Eve gene were already advanced and 'superhuman' until something occurred ?) and the problem is DNA requires RNA and proteins and RNA requires proteins also which as separate strands did not evolve and bump into each other but were created at the same time see also the last post above for the origins and completion of the "Human Genome Project'' ( not in 2003 ) but in mid 2022 

Gnosticism believes a good God created the spirit world but not the material physical world. Human bodies inhabit the material world and can be discarded as nearly useless in this new religion, they need to be augmented to upgrade and become superhuman or more than human and even accept DNA alterations and later an outer mark or brand. Echoing Genesis 3 from the serpent (you will not die but live forever, giving a half truth as of course your Spirit is immortal but will be judged see post above dated 12.01.2023) Babies are not required (ignoring Genesi 9, 1 and 9, 7 to fill the earth) and can be discarded in billions of abortions but useful then for genetic research and to develop vaccine cultures and so on (again see the Human Genome project in the last post above) 

The good God of Gnosticism created the Spirit world, but the conception of the Spirit world may not be uniform or comparable with the biblical description and it is not really known but NASA once promoted the afterlife in the Spirit see  Dr. Wernher von Braun (1912–1977) the famous rocket scientist  "NASA and belief in the afterlife"  Belief in the afterlife is natural, and many wish to prevent you for reaching it. Mathematics & design as proof of God's existence (also) go hand in hand see...  "Intelligent Design and God's mathematics within creation ( with also Elon Musk & Wernher von Braun )"  The material world of earth (Terra Firma not Tera Carta) emerged from a evil or terrible demiurge. The Gnostics  saw the Demiurge as one of the forces of evil, who was responsible for the creation of the despised material world and was wholly alien to the supreme God of goodness, yet this is in opposition to Genesis books and 1 and 2 when God who says he is a spirit who created the material world John 4:24, Psalm 139,7 & Psalm 51,11 & Psalm 143,10 etc

An insight into the experimental injections and their other ingredients (separate from Crispr Cas 9)  towards the Triple Helix (3rd strand DNA) Trans-humanist Technocracy (Daniel Chapter 2 Kingdom of Iron & Clay)  "Darpa Hydrogel 'Horrifying Discovery in Unvaxxed Blood' SGT Report. Crispr Cas 9 Trans-humanism, Triple Helix 3rd strand DNA & the Human Genome project (Dr Ana Mihalcea)" 

Genesis 1,2 mentions the earth was formless and empty but God's Spirit hovered over the waters. Later the earth was formed as solid ground, and the real 'demiurge' occurs in Genesis 1,8 when Adam formed outside of Eden was brought into the Garden of Eden and he was formed from the clay of the ground and was breathed into supplying God's blood and DNA and Spirit. Adams MIND emerged from out of a 'demiurge' or new birth in his creation until he was fully awake and aware already created perfectly (like you are) (for the Tree of Life movement and what happens to your spirit see post above dated 12.01.2023) 

God then and speaking of both the Spirit World and the Material solid ground said it was Good (i.e. both) see Genesis 1,31 (i.e he did not say the Spirit world was good but this world was bad, but that both were good) 

It is incredible in the new age desire for immortality becoming as one, as in in Genesis 3,22 (stretching out a hand to the Tree of Life) yet it is never mentioned that the way is still blocked as in Genesis 3,24 (which in knowing is why your soul depends on it)

This is the "new" religion here below (The Great Arcanum and Great Work in one) and the ecumenical movement (see the beginning of this post) is adherent to the Genevieve or Geneva way forgoing Seth and Abel or Noah, for the way of Cain as the...'Genes of Eve'


The Gnostic Bio-Medical Convergence Religion (or Cult ?) Scientism & 'Directed Evolution' The Fabian Socialist eugenicist (r)-evolution to become as 'gods'

(this penultimate post in this chapter added 21-23 / 06/2023) 












See also the Website Sonas  & also a new website The Sovereignty of Nations








Chapter 6

Link back to the top of the website




1. Institutional Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse and Trafficking of Woman, Children and Men

This website is in two parts 1.Top section prior to 2016 (many links may be broken)  2. New Section After 2016 to the present day (both updated and added November 2020 - March 2021 ongoing)

Topics include (The care home scandal in Britain. The IICSA Independent Child Sexual Abuse reports & Roman Catholic Church & the Vatican, Islam, the Anglican church, the United Nations, Teresa May and Child abuse, Jill Dando, Harriet Harman and the paedophile information exchange. The paedophile information exchange (Since 2016 a list of links to the serious trafficking an child abuse globally)  Andrenochrome

Madeline McCann and Portugal. Alicia’s Law and bill 247 John Tilley Republican Media misinformation and Ireland's 'Sexual offenders amendment bill Oct 2020'   Rotherham trafficking gangs and the sexual exploitation of children.  June 2020 The US state department report into Human Trafficking. Sexual abuse cover up in the Church, Pagan groups and government and civil institutions. 'Child Sex education in schools and libraries ‘debate’ . Global trafficking and child sexual exploitation & Global slavery)

All faiths and beliefs are involved not a selected few (including secular, civic and governmental institutions in an intergrated and planned trafficking and sexual abuse system  )



Most people of the planet are probably now aware of the Child Sexual Abuse scandals. The scale of the revelations in almost every town and city in many nations has shocked people, but what has surprised and unsettled people is the scale of the institutional abuse which accompanies the charging and prosecution of so many people. Individuals have always been sought, caught and prosecuted, and the picture of sporadic individuals acting alone or in small groups is sometimes associated with an institution of some kind in the background, or in the past and yet it is dissociated from links and co-incidences. Many suggest there may be some kind of organising principle operating in amongst the people or criminals who have been caught. Many of the individuals who perpetrate sexual abuse of course acted alone, yet many of them say, that they too were sexually abused or mistreated as children and so it goes on. To imagine or to state there is an organised problem involving institutions or by a few people working in them who then hoodwink the rest in those institutions is not as common in the media.

Over 60 years the Child abuse and trafficking scandals have scandlised the World Institutional Abuse which includes sexual abuse has seen one individual Jimmy Saville abusing the inmates and facilities of over 32 hospitals for Children or the sick, disabled and mentally ill for over 4 decades towards people ageing from 5 to 75 and including rape and necrophilia, all whilst also appearing on primetime television (top of the pops and children's programmes) in front of the general public. Eventually by 2012 reports to over 13 British police forces resulted in inquiries even against the BBC and the NHS (National Health Service). Initially the BBC was to air a documentary on Jimmy Saville in 2011 hosted by Newsnight but this was taken off air at the last minute. Eventually with the influence of Esther Rantzen and exposures in the MSM and the documentary on Jimmy Saville compilations plus the 60 minutes documentary on paedophile infiltration and another documentaries / compilations exposing Jimmy Savilles elite paedophile ring (which Jill Dando also tried to do in 1999 see further on in this chapter) his actions were brought to light on air. One of those involved in this matter Mark Williams-Thomas, a police investigator who exposed Jonathon King. King who originally promoted the rock band Genesis and other musicians, and appeared on television in such programmes as Entertainment USA, he was also a musician on the Rolling Stones single 'Cant get no Satisfaction' and the chart smash 'Una Paloma Blanca' The Jimmy Saville insanity eventually led to operation 'Yew Tree'led by the Metropolitan Police and involving over 14 police forces, and this is still ongoing.

To have perpetrated these crimes over several decades whilst in the public eye takes control and organisation. To have the power to pull a BBC Newsnight story is also an indication of power influencing the direction and opinion the public is faced with in respect of these crimes. Television celebrities successfully prosecuted so far include, Rolf Harris,(who is facing further charges from prison) Stuart Hall, Gary Glitter, Freddie Star, Publicist Max Clifford who groomed future female stars.Dave Lee Travis (indecent assault with 12 other charges dropped or not guilty) Chris Denning DJ with 41 sexual offences, Paul Gambocinni (on bail then released without charge) Jim Davidson (charged and found not guilty) Wilfred De'ath and Ted Beston (television producers arrested but no charges). Owen Oysten, Alan Freeman. Television celebrities who have spoken out on being sexual abused as children are Pamela Anderson, Teri Hatcher,Oprah Winfrey, Anoushka Shanker, Ashley Judd, Julianne Hough, Tyler Perry, Gabriel Byrne, Charlize Theron, Drew Barrymore and many others.

Therefore this happens to everyone and is visible but is covered up not just by the victims themselves out of fear, but by institutions as a matter of course.

It is accepted that Human Trafficking exists as an organised intelligent operation (see chapter 4 at ) and also child grooming gangs operate indiscriminately  (54 gangs currently under suspicion) but it is less conceivable that a Paedophile 'gang' operates in every country or as high up as Westminster in Parliament, and that  the only way to possibly investigate them is to name them (so says Tim Loughton, the former children's minister)  on the floor of the House of Commons where parliamentary privilege forbids libel defence. This is unless Lord Brittan publishes the papers which are now lost or destroyed ?  passed to him by Geoffrey Dickens MP many years ago. Recently in Ireland the current Ombudsman is not to publish the findings of the previous Ombudsman    "Ombudsman for Children, Emily Logan, issued her findings to those involved just before she left. It claims that her report is critical of the HSE, the Department of Education and the school's board of management for their failure to investigate the allegations of abuse by several children who have since left the school"

MP Simon Danczuk has repeatedly called for the Westminster report to be brought to light and is suggesting Theresa May is holding back as Chair of the Child abuse scandal (replacing Lady Butler Sloss) although she has been involved in exposing other serious child abuse cases.MP Simon Danczuk is already being maligned for his diligence. For every MP involved 20 more over decades are not.

Without going into all institutions a few are examined below.

To put it in context estimates of 1 in 4 children abused as woman and 1 in 10 ten men, to quickly do the mathematics means (in Britain) population 63 million 50% men and 50% woman of all ages. This would mean 7 million woman and 2 or 3 million men = 10 million people. If an abuser averages between 1 and 50 say 25, then this would take 400, 000 people to carry out those crimes. Even if you divide the statistics by 4, you have a very conservative estimate of 100, 000 people. If you divide the statistics by 10 you still have 30,000 abusers. When you consider that 450 – 500 MP's run the country in an organised party political network each with 10 staff each, this makes 5000 people with 50 staff each this makes 50,000 people. Simon Bailey, chief constable of Norfolk police estimates that with the latest research estimating that the number of children suffering sexual abuse at some point in their childhood could be as high as 600,000. "We don't know for sure. But I think it's tens of thousands of victims [a year] of an appalling crime."This also raises concern that some captured paedophiles who have many victims could have others added on to solve the problem of others still at large.



UK and EIRE database for abuse against Children (LINK HERE) 


1. Rotherham 

Conservative estimates of child abuse in Rotherham are 1400 child abuse cases. 5 men of Pakistan origin also engaged in Trafficking. A youth project called Risky Business was set up and this identified that young girls were being trafficked and as young as 11, and this included rape and imprisonment. Initial reports in the 1990's were allegedly shelved by Police, and allegedly 'nonsensed' by council workers and its chief executive Gerald Fitzgerald. Dr Sonia Sharp now working in Australia has been asked to resign from her office, she worked in Rotherham from 2005 – 2008. For over 20 years there was either insufficient evidence, or 'we knew and tried but were limited by what we could' do or it was ignored and victims were made to look like they were exaggerating or worse were unstable.

Gani Martins who was a Rotherham case worker is now assistant head of children's services, employed by Salford City Council.  'Despite failings by South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham council, she is one of nine senior managers at Rotherham who have moved on to high-level jobs elsewhere. The report revealed that during 16 years, 1,400 children were systematically abused in the town – with police and social workers failing to take action despite complaints.  (Gani Martins states my insertion) Prof Jay's report says that Ms Martins claimed when she took up her post at Rotherham she found significant problems, including staff feeling overwhelmed and she felt senior staff were 'invisible'. Yet, says the report, 'despite this context she saw no complacency about child sexual exploitation'.

This excuse lacks a comprehension of the term 'doing their job'. It also highlights however that going through the motions is endemic in the child protection workplace as there is a lack of funding or impetus. It also highlights that corruption higher also corrupts lower, and those employed lower down are people who are placed into positions in order to facilitate abuse and corruption not prevent it. Those that suspect this is happening in their workplace in the Police or social services are afraid or unable to speak out against it. This can be observed when the Police and community have spoken out and it has taken over 20 years to uncover and prosecute. Further, arguments about private or public ideological approaches to management in local authority council's also takeover the investigation, but public accountability is vital which many private companies are less likely to observe or provide visibility into their closed offices. Therefore changing ideologies of social service supply is not a solution as both can just as easily become corrupt. Change is however badly needed.

2. North Wales Child Abuse Scandal    (covering 40 children's homes to date)

Both links above introduce the Waterhouse report (1974 – 2000) and the Jillings report subsequent to it. The Waterhouse report was not published amid fears of costly insurance claims, (from victims before they applied for compensation) but was taken up again in the Jillings report. 12 children died, some committed suicide rather than face another day. Many children from other areas who were victims of sexual abuse were taken into care into the homes which in some cases were run by paedophiles. They were placed their knowingly by staff in social services to feed the paedophile appetite, and some in the Police also covered up aspects of the inquiry. Again for every corrupt social services or police there were 5 or 10 more who were not corrupted. Solicitors also slowed or subdued the legal process when they could have acted decisively. Cases relating or unrelated in some areas were also frustrated by sitting Judges, whilst others were in opposition to the corrupted. Due process and access to Justice has its pace but a Judge can deal with what these issues quickly with witnesses or Jury (or supervision from the public) but some judgements actually involved sending children to the paedophile care homes, this seems to have taken precedent over other concerns. There are still those who are sceptical. Richard Webster in his 2005 book claims it is all fantasy, a witch hunt and people simply wishing to make compensation claims. The 12 dead children in the North Wales scandal cannot do that however. Following the (eventual) Waterhouse report published in 2000 Webster published his book in 2005, 7 years later after his book, in 2013 the report was extended to the Jillings report. The investigation extended to Cheshire and Liverpool and further. This led into operation Pallail across Britain and Ireland. This has given rise to a new belief that the Paedophile ring is just the tip of the iceberg, a claim made about the Rotherham abuse also and that the matter goes higher and is entrenched into the fabric of society.

Those who complain at ground level will usually become tied up in Knots which is how the system works. This theme was taken up by the film Sleepers in which victims of sexual abuse became lawyers and legal staff (the former victims) and they made a case appear. It would not have appeared if they had not acted in the way they had. This theme for Justice (sleepers) is sadly the only way to Justice in many situations

3. Elm Guest House   (South West London)

This idea that the paedophile ring goes higher is spelt out not in a secret dossier but in Wikipedia openly and very matter of fact (click on the title heading above) A former MP for Rochdale in Lancashire has indeed been prosecuted in Cyril Smith after his death. Cyril Smith appeared on Jimmy Savilles television programmes and also attended the Elm Guest House along with Anthony Blunt the soviet defector, Tory and labour MPs where children were offered for sexual abuse, and of course for future blackmailing. Cyril Smith and Jimmy Saville were honoured with M.B.E. or O.B.E. by Queen Elizabeth. As with Operation Yew Tree the Elm Guest House operation Fairbank and Fernbridge was led by the Metropolitan Police. The procurement hotel for the stars includes many not in this list.

4 Manchester & Rosehill in Northenden, Broome House in Didsbury and Mobberley Boys School in Knutsford see also Ellerslie in Altrincham and Lynwood, Seymour Road Children's Home

Broome House in Didsbury a favourite retreat of Jimmy Saville and the events that took place there (to children) are too barbaric to put into words. Ronald Hall, a former warden of Broome House, was also Assistant Director of Manchester Social Services when he was arrested by detectives in 2001 in 'operation Cleopatra' dating from 1997. It is worth mentioning the pitiful compensation the Broome Hall victims received as details of their exploits far outweigh the damage done. It is also a point Richard Webster in his 2005 book should remember. As the abuse scandals in Ireland in care homes, children homes and wider (including old age peoples homes) have unfurled it is also worth noting that those acting for the victims have also cheated victims. Geoffrey Lucas solicitors (Mr Martin Davy, Manchester and Ashton Under Lyne offices) (who stole money from a victim of child abuse who won successful claims against the Catholic Church in Ireland from her trust fund 2010 and see  Rupert Wood and Son solicitors, in Ashton under  Lyne who did the same). The children's homes listed in the heading were like children's homes in north Wales targeted by Paedophiles. Lord Warner with information also compiled by Peter McKelvie suggests that Paedophiles were aided by those working at the top level like Ronald Hall the Assistant director of Manchester social services. This means that Children were in effect slaves bought and sold like meat under the auspices of care. Once again Operation Cleopatra involved genuine efforts by Police and Social Services and Lord Warner is aware of the claims made against some Lords by MP MP Simon Danczuk. (see also Knutsford, Mobberley ). Again for every one Lord who is corrupt, 5 or 10 are not. Operation Wonderwall which began in Salford/Manchester in the late 1990's / 2000 spread and caught thousands of paedophiles worldwide. A repeated pattern in institutions everywhere. This operation began when officers broke lines with social services (because of corruption) and other institutions and on their own initiative monitored computers following to the abusers addresses. As it was successful it then became Wonderwall, details of it are sketchy.

North Manchester General Hospital was also favourite haunt of Jimmy Saville


5.Still ongoing (click heading for link) 200 suspected cases to date.

Nigerian and Brazilian prostitute gangs are moving into the Republic of Ireland following a change in the law in Northern Ireland. The Republic is also changing its laws to counteract the trafficking into the Republic. 


Robert Black who sexually abused, raped and killed Susan Maxwell, Caroline Hogg and Sarah Harper, and nine-year-old Jennifer Cardy was sent to Red House (Mussleburgh) home in Edinburgh as a child and was sexually abused by staff. Black was also suspected of killing Mary Boyle from Donegal in Ireland in 1977, but a new suspect has been taken into custody  (although Black was asked about this case)

7. Haut de la Garenne in Jersey

Some children were chained in cellars and beaten and sexually abused. They were buried there after (click heading for link)

Jersey Abuse Scandal  

Time for change rally   (a rally the inhabitants of Jersey organised to stop the lies and corruption)   Jersey abuse inquiry


8. London care homes

Islington care homes       and up to 21 others

Metropolitan Police leading the ongoing investigation in which Islington care homes will not release files etc etc.

"Chief Constables from 13 forces are now conducting at least 21 separate criminal investigations.  A year ago, just after announcing that the Metropolitan Police were about to arrest a former Tory Cabinet minister, commander Peter Spindler was taken off the investigation and moved sideways to another job. Spindler had been leading the police criminal investigation into organised paedophiles sexually abusing young children from a council children's home in Richmond on Thames".

9. Cambridge House in Rochdale



10. Liverpool children's homes for juvenile offenders, St Aidan's and St Vincent's

The immediate focus in Liverpool is the fallout from Rotherham. Current Liverpool Council Chief executive Ged Fitzgerald says social work staff obstructed investigations the child sexual abuse while he was in charge there. Liverpool social workers are asking for Ged Fitzgerald to resign. An anonymous letter has been issued. "The letter came after the revelations that up to 1,400 children had been sexually abused in Rotherham over a period of 16 years. Mr Fitzgerald was at the helm in Rotherham between 2001 and 2003, when some of the abuse and an alleged "cover-up" of a Home Office report outlining the grooming and abuse were said to have taken place" As with Gani Martins who is assistant head of Salford children's services. Of course both could have investigated matters without their colleagues knowing, but if so 1400 people (they know of ) were allowed to 'build evidence' and suffer before the investigation was broken.

The North Wales care homes incident saw a man arrested under operation Pallial by Merseyside police. Whilst another paedophile Stephen Furmidge living in Mersey side has also been arrested. Many children's homes in Merseyside were investigated at the same time as North Wales. Cheshire Police (Cheshire is home Warrington County Court where the investigation into Hillsborough is occurring) is increasing measures including posting officers at Children's care homes.


11 Kincora Boys Home Belfast

Two soldiers Colin Wallace in 1972 and 2014, and Brian Gemmell August 2014 said the inquiry into the Kincora boy's home was ordered to be stopped from within the Army. Not just the Paramilitaries (Protestant and Catholic) as Joshua Cardwell a former Ulster Unionist MP was also involved in trying to expose the matter.(now deceased suddenly) Children who were abused have   come forward, surrounding this is a tale of everyone in Ulsters establishment (Catholic and Protestant and the insinuation is if u were a paramilitary then you were also a rapist which is not the case, this chapter also highlights the crimes of the security services for example) and in amongst the maze is the battle for Soviet left or US Britain EU (the latter balancing the middle ground). See Wilson M15 & the rise of Thatcher     which gives the complex background ( or here ) and the battle that ensued in Ulster. Ross McWhirter and the NAFF (National Association for Freedom) later the The Freedom Association (TFA) in connection with many Ulster protestants also helped to form a group called T.A.R.A. Its role was to take over Ireland in the event of a United Ireland, (a Protestant Belfast United Ireland with Tara as a neutral in-between location with Emain Macha in Armagh, something similar to 32 county home rule) which some say is a better alternative than 50/50 power alone in a United Ireland. Against this backdrop was the struggle of M16 against M15 for control in Ulster. It is perceived as very right wing but the right in Ireland may regard them as centre right. Its role was to smear Ian Paisley although its doubtful that anything more could have been said at that point, but also run by or with connections to Ian Paisley. It was accused of being Republican and Unionist at the same time, but was also according to Colin Wallace and others a 'Psy-ops' operation run by Colin Wallace who also helped to expose the Kincora scandal. Tara Hill in County Meath the ancient heritage location which would or could become a new Capital of Ireland in the event of a United Ireland and the very large group (not a small group) of the Covenant people suggested the Ark of the Covenant was hidden within its vales and hills see Mairead Carew  see chapter 2 above on this page (although it is also suggested there is no connection to the abbreviations T.A.R.A formed by William McGrath who was also allegedly and not allegedly an abuser at Kincora, and the Hill of Tara) A purpose allegedly was to induct teenagers who were abused and when reaching 18 years of age or younger (protestant and catholic in Belfast) would be filled with fury and revenge. (abuse has continued for years before Kincora) Sexual abuse leads to mental illness, panic, insomnia, self loathing and self hatred. A perfect psy-ops weapon it is speculated. (some without realising it) This would keep the war going into madness. As for the economic struggle of left and right (the class struggle) the adjoining website  will from a different perspective (without ideology as far as that is possible) and from a different angle first explain an outline of what economics really is and how to make real independence and wealth. The book (which is hosted on a system which can host large files professionally) named in chapter 1 here can also help to rid you of these alleged psy-ops effects. Many of those abused in Belfast were also sent to reside in County Offaly (Birr Castle and abused in both locations) at the astrological observatory and former demesne of the O Carroll family. Offaly is also on its borders with Kildare where the Boyne rises and flows and disperses into the sea at Drogheda.

Ultimately again innocent children paid.

The scale of the abuse is a reality not a fiction, it is vast and entrenched into society. The question which arises are the numbers scaled down (in Ireland & Britain) for Trafficking and Sexual abuse, missing persons, rape etc. Further since many are implicated in sexual abuse Police, Social Workers, Senior Social workers (Assistant directors of child services), solicitors, Judges and MPS and Lords, surely it is organised and planned. If you are a Paedophile you are more likely in some quarters to get a job working with Children and vulnerable children. For every member of these vocations    ( a public service) involved in corruption there are 10 who are not and who oppose it.


12. Hillsborough inquiry

To see the scale of a cover up take the Hillsborough inquiry.

Key Findings.   Investigation

"Some 116 of the 164 statements identified for substantive amendment were amended to remove or alter comments unfavourable to SYP."

However you can ascertain that original police reports were later edited. Loss of your job and or promotion was brought to bear. Original unedited statements vindicated the victims. Many officers were also unaware their reports had been changed. These changes were made over countless police forces.

In the last link the class struggle which is rarely mentioned in the analysis of Hillsborough, and in which the Hillsborough tragedy occurred began with the Miners strikes which occurred all over the North West and Midlands and Wales. Some believe however Hillsborough was planned. Stalinists, Trotskyites, Leninists and Adam Smith(ites) and those in-between in the 1970s saw the chance for revolution and change. Margaret Thatcher it is perceived put an end to all of that. However both Edward Heath and Harold Wilson (Conservative and Labour respectively) put in place disastrous policies especially concerning North Sea oil & Gas (discovered from the 1890's forward) in which Margaret Thatcher exasperated matters by turning manufacturing into service industries. This provided short term wealth and prosperity it is true, but with a heavy price, but not long term wealth. It is commonly suggested that the Oil money glut and rising interest rates affected the exchange rate internationally. This meant exports suffered and manufacturing slumped, (unemployment in Britain and Ireland hit 3 million combined) yet it was much more than this and the EU question is a part of the question. None of the 3 main parties (Labour middle of the road or socialist, Liberal or Conservative) have addressed these issues of economics and employment since that date or to date, if you want to see a wider explanation see the following in the adjacent website  and the pdf in Chapter 1 entitled EU, Rome & Israel. Which sets out the basics of where economics and manufacturing went astray)

Jobs could have been created immediately if certain decisions left idle by the leftwing and rightwing had been implemented. German regions today have 100% employment built on decisions reached in the 70s to the 90's.The Norwegians made better use of their resources (and some in Norway were further to the right than Margaret Thatcher) and today they are reaping the rewards. Now and then they also fared much better. See last paragraph in chapter 3 in on the Oil & Gas aspect or whole paragraph) Economics not ideology solves society's needs, in this era no one person actually made a strong Norwegian like stand. This backdrop to the Hillsborough tragedy is not as often spoken of, and yet in this same era councils and private institutions also engaged in corruption, imprisoning, torturing and abusing their own children during. Collective madness from the top down, but the Metropolitan police have led a vast inquiry which will ultimately protect children, others in the police say this is the tip of the iceberg (see beginning paragraphs or here Simon Bailey, chief constable of Norfolk police estimates that with the latest research estimating that the number of children suffering sexual abuse at some point in their childhood could be as high as 600,000. "We don't know for sure. But I think it's tens of thousands of victims [a year] of an appalling crime." )


13. Ireland

People are aware of the enormous scale of the abuse to children and woman in Ireland.

The Ryan report   & Commission for the Ryan report    or here

The Murphy report  & Cover up & RTE   & Vatican response

The Taoiseach End Kenny described the thousands of children institutionally sexual and physical abused as 'Torture pure and simple' 

This last quote was in relation to the Cloyne report  

or here youtube Enda Kenny Cloyne Speech

The Magdalene sisters  & youtube (don't mess…with Bernadette)

The abuse spanning many peoples lifetime in Ireland, involved local authority institutional, church clerical and protection agencies cover up. Again for every minister or priest who participated in such crimes 10 or 20 more did not.

It also involves the Protestant churches, Methodist,  Presbyterian, Anglican and all Protestant   denominations   It also includes pagans and non believers of course.

To give an idea of what is happening the members of the clergy have stated he did not know that it was wrong to abuse young children. Meaning that not only did he think it was right, but that this was a function of the member of the clergy. Priests who blew the whistle were suspended; priests who were suspected or caught were moved to another parish.

Of course the clergy who perpetuated these scandals are not clergy, priests or nuns or preachers (male or female, catholic, protestant or other) but are placed into churches to be paedophiles. A few members achieved high rank and brought them in as a short and long term plan. This was planned across all church denominations not just to bring the church into ruin, but to bring dismay, anguish and spiritual decline to each person in any denomination. The dismay it causes to society is incalculable but to betray a Childs or any person's spiritual trust is not just psychotic and depraved but planned, and it is planned to do just that. Another reason why this New Jerusalem web page exists is to help peoples research or at least speed it up or narrow it down for expediency or peace of mind.

Richard Lloyd Barret the TD for Dalkey spoke out on television (in his official TD capacity) on the cover up of the Cynthia Owen case whose Baby was killed ritually with Knitting needles (repeatedly punctured) and the large paedophile ring operating such horrors. They are still living in Ireland she says.

The media can over sensationalise or get the story askew, as is the case with 800 babies in the septic tank, which are actually documented still births or 'other'? yet extreme poverty and lack of alternatives such as legal transparent adoption (the Magdalene sisters female inmates babies were sold, see above) means that in Ireland there are many such graves. In the famine (or rather famines from 1830 to 1880) hundreds of thousands of children and babies died and are buried in mass graves, in what is becoming more and more accepted as a forced genocide/holocaust. It should be stated that peasants starved in Britain also, and that the population there had no idea of what was occurring, even up until the 1960's.This would apply to 99.98% of the population from 1860 to the present day. The 800 babies do exist which is the truth. Abortion is not the answer, as solving a 'pregnancy problem' begins in the bedroom not the abortion clinic, (every human being faces the choice) which is also a genocide and big business.

As for those abusers in the church(es), dress up a few paedophiles in religious garments, (of any denomination) thwart investigations over 20 30 years and you have a new 'church' or social services team or legal firm or courtroom. Yet people still cannot believe these are the lengths they go to.

If not then imagine the latest attempt to suggest paedophiles are not mentally ill (but aware) but are actually an undiscovered Gender, not male or female but a Paedophile Gender. Does this mean a young child with a shotgun who shoots one is a new problem gender ? with emotional issues ?  It is not a gender, it is crime committed by the mentally ill, and a crime the first time such an event occurs, one which should get a life sentence as should rape. Female and Male paedophiles are criminals. One of the intended designs is to attack spirituality and / or culture and society. Mary Boyle went missing in 1977 and recently in the last few days (Oct 2014) a suspect has been taken into custody, arrested around the Mullingar area, who could confirm as originally thought Mary was killed within the hour of her disappearance. However the numbers of missing persons in Ireland many state is far too low and could run into a tens of Thousands over the years. Trafficking numbers could also run into 2 or 3 thousands a year i.e. run through and on the way to somewhere else. The minister for Justice has asked for the Garda budget on manpower to be increased substantially.

A latest news item (as mentioned above already) describes how the newly formed Children's Ombudsman is not to publish a report into abuse at a Kildare school involving up to 12 children. The last children's Ombudsman did send her report, but it is not to be officially published? 

Echoing the 'past' the Attracta care homes scandal in Mayo has shocked the world. Staff formerly employed have had to flee the country for their own safety. It strengthens the case for a new design and approach for care of the elderly and the disabled. New methods of financing the problem should be sought also.


14. Islam  and trafficking in the middle east

Arabia had many forms of marriage, including slave marriages (captured slaves) marriage by purchase (which is the same as trafficking today) and marriage by inheritance. Islam in its first years, codified these older views into new views but today a Muslim can have four wives, and a new wife can consent to the marriage by remaining silent when asked if she wishes to consent (in case shyness enters in and she is dumbstruck, as also a chid may be) Whilst Mohammed entered into these reforms he had more than four wives and also under age wives. It is possible today to have four under age wives. Scriptures in the Koran can also suggest both views on a question relating to any Sharia law matter. Woman can only have one husband, men can have four wives. Marrying cousins is also common. As in the west custom and spirituality are harder to change and harder still to live up to the ideal. Yet it is men who make these rules (which post pagan spirituality has sought to balance in most cases, as these pre-Islamic marriages were Pagan) whilst the ideal is sought the tradition of child marriage and forced marriage still exists and is widespread. Sharia law (in one of its aspects) seeks to undermine European law or Western law and states Polygyny and child marriage and incest is legal (as occurs in inherited marriages). But all of these are criminal acts and should be prosecuted as criminal.

Muslims do not just believe in Allah but are also polytheists having a belief in many Gods, a tradition which extends back to pagan (pre Mohammed times 630 ad) days. Many Muslims travelling to Saudi Arabia especially the very young, usually end up in indentured domestic slavery, or forced marriage's and prostitution and/or trafficking. They arrive from every Muslim country, and even from France and the UK and America. Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan admitted in a lecture that slavery is a part of Islam, and slavery is a part of Jihad. Jihad is committed against non Muslims everywhere and is a constant situation which exists always until Islam has 'conquered the world'. Slavery in Islam is not just a tradition but one which must be made legal in full. Offensive Jihad views any country it resides within as a slave state, and the possessions of it are theirs, this includes young children and woman. The attempt to legalise slavery is the attempt to legalise trafficking. Nine Muslims countries have Tier 3 level status as falling below human rights laws in trafficking, which extends to trafficking and kidnap in many European countries also. The beginning of this chapter related how the Rotherham case involved a gang of Pakistani men trafficking woman and children, and Asian gangs have targeted trafficking as a business and a form of Jihad

It is imagined that Child sexual abuse and trafficking is hysteria. All of the modern reports and investigations were sometimes branded as hysteria but of course now they are not. The latest example of hysteria in the media concentrates on the Ebola crisis. The debate in these early stages is how far will Ebola go, is Ebola real (many reports of staged actors feigning Ebola have come to light) and is it the Ebola injection that is actually causing the deaths. That is the state of the Ebola debate. Child sexual abuse and trafficking is a reality a disease and modern day slavery in plain view, without any mass hysteria or panic.

A part of the objectives of traffickers many of whom are paedophiles is to break down, subvert and take over existing institutions.  A recent case in Ireland saw the Immigration trafficking industry exposed. One of the most difficult areas to investigate as accusations of racism are hurled at those in the investigation and reporting of trafficking. (a world wide $32 billion dollar industry) Just as poorer countries have to follow the money, cheap labour is required in the profit accounting of business, yet this aspect of economics, seen to be right wing and non union is also against mass immigration. However this is how trafficking scams work. Countries which are impoverished must have a higher level of living standards to avoid having to emigrate, the left maintain however that immigration and the free movement of people is tantamount to freedom and request higher wages for poorer workers. This would avoid immigration and emigration. The true causes of this circular argument can be seen (once again) in the following in the adjacent website  and the pdf in Chapter 1 entitled EU, Rome & Israel. Which sets out the basics of where economics and manufacturing went astray, and identifies where corporations also make long term investment mistakes. Soviet Russia and American manufacturing collapsed from similar problems) In between these ideologies of left and right are the indigenous people or the nationalist population who lose out when undergoing mass immigration into their country, as if there opinions do not count. (of course it works both ways with people leaving to settle in other countries, but the west has immigration proportions that are way higher) Of course they see their problems as being the same as those in other countries who also lose out. Nationalism is decried yet Traffickers in the worldwide $32 billion dollar industry break those rationales down by lobbying, corruption and force.  and the immigrant often finds they are worse off than before they left, or they are enslaved, in torture and misery. Trafficking of different nationalities is of course racism as slavery, preventing it is anti racist.

Certain groups are easily identifiable and obviously would not look twice at immigrants who are just the capital in the business. Infiltration of immigration systems is vital for traffickers.  Changing identities once in a country or using the system to arrive, and then to be then kidnapped (whilst studying or simply when arriving) Immigration in Britain has reached 2 million in the last few years, and is increasing in every country.

This is an ideal area for traffickers to exploit, another area is the Asylum scam with some Asylum seekers simply applying from a country which is not there preferred destination, but from a safer country, with legal teams applying and billing for legal aid. Sometimes the applicant has been trafficked somewhere and makes an application in this way which is false, or under a false identity. This scam running alongside brothels or slave cellars where woman can be forced into sex (for workers or western rich holiday adventurers relief) up to 10 times a day or more, with drugs to keep them induced in delirium but awake so the rapist (the customer) can enjoy the experience. Children also undergo this trauma up to 6 or 10 times a day. Some are dead inside and then dumped or buried if unresponsive. Survivors need reconstructive surgery.

To give an idea many Police forces watch live sexual abuse occurring to babies and children, which is easily watched on the internet to trace the signal back to the source in order to catch the criminals. This can be broadcast domestically or internationally. Some in this area are ex-military who can only watch and trace for so long as their minds cannot take it. There is a large turnover of staff. This gives an indication of the mentality of the traffickers and the punters.

These are difficult areas and many genuine people are in trouble or apply to work but the other undercurrent of woman and child trafficking in amongst this system is modern day slavery, by ship, airplane and train.(international and domestic).

America has had many investigations into trafficking and child sexual abuse which relates some of the statistics and links, notably around 17,500 slaves are trafficked in the US each year, but according to the U.S. State Department, 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders every year. More than 70% are female and half are children. It occurs on every continent.

Over the decades and also since 2013 Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and other countries (although Saudi and the far east are named as the most prolific) have used diplomatic immunity to cover trafficking of woman and children. Embassies are under investigation (as is the UAE embassy) for continued trafficking. Embassy staff employ slaves legitimately and under Sharia law at homes and suburbs around the world. Saudi Arabia are the most prolific of all embassies & UAE it is claimed. The €38 billion dollar industry (slavery and apartheid are accepted in the Saudi Kingdom and the United Arab emirates ) however involves all countries. The culture of woman as a commodity exists within Sharia law, as do multiple child brides (but not in western law) and beheadings as capital punishment to the victims (woman who are raped can be considered guilty even if the rape was admitted by the male ?)



Independent Panel Inquiry into Child Sexual abuse (Home office began July 2014)  & IICSA  (Independent Inquiry into child Sexual Abuse



Currently in the UK a investigation or commission is headed by Teresa May run by the Home Office independent panel  Fiona Woolf has replaced Elizabeth Butler Sloss as chair of the panel, but is facing opposition from MP Simon Danczuk who is requesting lost files be brought back or found. Further, criticism has been directed towards many groups affiliated such as the NSPCC who both employed Rolf Harris and Jimmy Saville and others in the past to help fundraise. Fiona Woolf however is quoted saying "Let us remind ourselves that this is not an inquiry about Lord Brittan but about hundreds of institutions and frankly thousands of systemic failures" (Lord Brittan who has allegedly lost the original Geoffery Dickens papers from years before)

The current revelations which are widespread and only a proportion are noted here must have had high level support for the inquiry and investigations to have kept going. Already they have reshaped the way the public perceive social services, the courts and the police, further they could mean a drastic reshape of the way social services are operated, managed and accounted for.

The vast scale of the revelations can only have come from the very top, in Ireland perhaps from President Higgins or the previous President Mary McAleese.(or both) The previous Pope, Benedict 16th (Joseph Ratzinger, who has stated child abuse is abhorrent and is investigating the papers fully and completely which have accumulated over the years. he still resides at the Papal residence) resigned because of the sexual abuse scandals in which Pope Francis has apologised to the world. In Britain only Queen Elizabeth or Prince Phillip could really push the investigation into the highest areas of society. All levels of society are able to end these crimes, in Europe, Usa and Britain (worldwide)

Pope Francis in August 2013, called for a anti-trafficking meeting at the Vatican. Pope Benedict in October 2005, called Trafficking a scourge.

Queen Elizabeth in her Queens speech in June 2014, called for new legislation "The Queen has today promised that new anti-slavery and anti-trafficking legislation will help to improve prosecutions of traffickers and will improve support for their victims"                                                              President Higgens stated in May 2013     "In the past I have been made familiar with the contemporary work on modern slavery by such as Professor Kevin Bales, co–founder and future President of Free the Slaves and Professor of Contemporary Slavery at the Wilberforce Institute at the University of Hull. Every day brave people are needed to combat slavery and Biram Dah Abeid is such a person. He refuses to accept a flawed or failed society where many live in fear as inevitable. Instead, he has the courage to envisage an equitable world free from intimidation where everyone has the right to participate in his or her future. Biram's work is addressed to an issue which is illegal in every country in the world but which continues to persist and fester – not because it is lawful, but because it can. It is little less than a scandal which speaks to the heart of human freedom: modern-day slavery." America is applying death sentence for traffickers. (child and adult)

In Ireland a recent conference in the Mansion (on trafficking/slavery and associated problems) House stated that payment for sexual services as well as soliciting should be outlawed. A term some have said is a noble but flawed idea, despite the fact it already operates in other countries successfully. This would make it a criminal offence to buy children who have been trafficked or those over 18, and it would change society from the inside out. Those that work as sex workers (children are not sex workers) will need alternative well paid employment according to Lauren Hersh (Director of anti-trafficking policy and advocacy, sanctuary for families, New York, USA. Many victims including prostitutes also need time for recovery and readjust to life. Lauren Hersh explained that in New York it is a cross political party agreement that funding is supplied for victims and that in New York it is well funded. Myria Vassiliadou EU anti – trafficking co-coordinator and Katie Mannion, Lawyer and Immigration council (Ireland) also spoke on the legal problems and solutions.

Other groups however are not as well funded and in other countries funding and facilities are in lack. Solving problems of this sort is almost akin to disaster relief management situations and could be considered as such when faith in a system (Fiona Woolf above "hundreds of institutions and frankly thousands of systemic failures") breaks down, that is in an already funds depleted public service, whilst trafficking is modern slavery which was thought to be abolished.

The adjacent website  has the other side of economics less considered but useful. Starting in chapter 2 and 3 some of the theory is explained. Chapter 4 relates some of the ideological and spiritual background, applying studies from around the world. Chapter 4 mentions the need for funding for facilities and shelter, which as Lauren Hirsch relates requires a sanctuary not just a facility, which perhaps would be green and leafy and abounding in nature as opposed to a urban or industrialised clinic. Chapter 3 in the adjacent website describes new ideas in design, which if you apply to one urban area or one countryside area, you could consider thinking about the next area or plot adjacent to them, and the next again until perhaps you decide just to redesign the whole country. A problem in Ireland is it would only take 5 or 6 people employed in planning to mess up planning decisions and for them to take a generation to identify and resolve and this compounds over many decades. Orphanages, children's homes or sanctuaries should incorporate recuperative design principles (which can be subjective but they do naturally occur in nature). The website also suggests that if funding is not forthcoming or is slow, then actual economics (which can be dull) could find a few more Billion here or there to build what is required and not cost the banks (the nation) anything. Accounting can be very useful.

Naturally this same principle could be adapted to the social services, the NHS or HSE in Ireland.

For the skeptical who do not believe economics works in this way and has worked successfully in the manner described in the adjacent website see also the first video in its chapter 2 "97% Owned - Positive Money Cut" available on youtube  and an interesting book entitled 'How to speak Money' by John Lancaster which removes some of the mystery, there are additional funds which are available from recouped illicit trafficking funds. The flow of this money is sporadic but it is vast (£38 billion approximately annually). This money can be additional to the funds described in the method in the adjacent website (and is already employed to redress crimes in this and other areas of crime and retribution). This reduces the need to produce this amount of currency and also then reduces inflation. (And inflation does create poverty, and has been employed as a reason not to fund projects, believe it or not)

These vast topics which effect development in any industry not just new possibilities for the health industry (which in many other countries are run on renewable energy principles in part) The 'UK parliament to debate money creation (20.11.2014) for the first time in 170 years'. 

For many this type of restoration of dignity and health is off the radar and an impossible idea. It raises other awkward questions as to the effectiveness of institutions, hospitals, sanctuaries and hospices in making anyone 'well' and also raises questions as to the society we live within. Any recuperating military personal (fro example) requires R & R, many require treatment for war fatigue or as more recently recognised PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).Trafficked and sexual abused children (survivors and the perished) have been through the equivalent of a war. Much of the good work in uncovering and prosecuting offenders publically is an unusual phenomenon, and it is occurring in every country worldwide. On the immigration/emigration issue (which in many instances is a scam), many are harrowing cases, such as this one  which began as a crime in her home country and then into Europe (London & Dublin). Following all of this, her recovery and recuperation and hospitalisation is grossly inadequate. why should an incumbent country pay the cost and fallout of trafficking and immigration ? Why the country of origins economics allowed such a situation of poverty to exist in the first place, how this came about is a wider question. Child protection and/or child trafficking is not cited as a political weapon, neither is it a tool for a class war. A solution to the international aspect of scams in marriages described as immigration/emigration or the wider immigration/trafficking issue would be to ask the country of origin to pay for the cost of the travel, social services, hospitalisation and asylum centers and legal fees. Pressure would then be placed upon the originating country to prevent marriage scams, trafficking in adults and children. If the originating country will not pay for the citizen,(including illegal citizens) then questions as to why corruption, financial government mismanagement and poverty are allowed to persist in such countries and what economic measures at national or global level can be considered to prevent such internal problem must then be on the agenda for political parties and think-tanks and NGO's This pressure assists in reducing child slavery in any country which is the point.The logic behind the next paragraph is to prevent trafficking and child exploitation to take root in any country.

Beginning somewhere is the current responsibility of the Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald who is to bring in new legislation shortly. The aforementioned Mansion House conference can be viewed here.(Frances Fitzgerald,Katie Mannion & Lauren Hersh). There are many forms of slavery and economic slavery is the deepest worldwide. For new facilities and manpower the budget for social services and new care would have to be increased substantially. Following the resignation of  Home Office independent panel    Fiona Woolf has replaced Elizabeth Butler Sloss , yet now Fiona Woolf has also resigned. A new chairperson is to appointed. If the chairperson(s) were to include suggestion from victims groups or people in these groups, with new ideas of funding to tackle future problems perhaps the investigations can proceed.(see adjacent website sonas) Justice should not just be seen to be done, but actually operate, not just for the very rich but for everyone. It is surely one of the most insidious and abhorrent situations existent on earth today, in effect modern slavery, which still needs to be abolished

The chapter above was completed in October 2014. 

Nov 12.11.2014. David Cameron after the resignation of Fiona Woolf and Lady Elizabeth Butler Sloss states that the lost files concerning the Westminster pedophile ring is a conspiracy theory. Theresa May the Home secretary denies it is a conspiracy theory and states it was a cover up. The NSPCC say it is impossible to say if files were lost or not but deplore David Cameron's statement that it was a conspiracy theory as do the victims in the matter. In effect the media has turned upon Theresa May accusing her of dreaming up conspiracies, including the NSPCC who are skeptical about it. 

This media turmoil some suggest was employed in the 1970s against the labour party (see Kincora scandal above) to destabilize the Wilson Government ushering in Heath and the Conservatives. Now it is used in reverse. However now in retrospect as victms have come forward it seems it was all true, but covered up and then untruths (political cross party accusations and distractions) are hurled at each other to confuse the public. The revelations in the paragraphs above are now all against prosecuted people who are peadophiles, and some of these crimes occurred in Institutions ('children s homes') in Ulster, Britain and Ireland and by famous and powerful people. As recently as this year a Labour party MP said it was acceptable to have sex with 10  year olds (Patricia Hewitt) asking for the age of consent to be lowered to ten years of age and incest to legalized (from docs in the 1970's / 80's) it's unbelievable. However the cross party bias in accusations should be constant and unbiased. Labour,  Tory and Liberal, and the numbers are staggering of MP's who are convicted sex offenders ? this is not a conspiracy ? Journalists who dismiss these matters are culpable also. All of the incidents and revelations mean the public are no longer confused or fooled. There are conversely hundreds of MP's across all political parties who have not committed crimes and they have helped uncover much of the scandals. Considering so many are involved it may suggest that somewhere in the candidate selection process they are deliberately placed in order to silence any complaint process, or aid the people involved across society. 

November 11.11.2014 In Ireland the Minster for Justice has enabled Garda in co-operation with UPC a (IPS) internet service provider block access to Child sex abuse images  This may spread to other IPS providers and also worldwide. Further since there also sites which show live child sexual abuse shows, the signal can be traced and the dens closed down. President Obama has vowed to fight Human Trafficking  including also the peadophile cover up in the US state department   which tries to link democrats with the cover up but is wider and the Penn state and United Nations scandals have revealed the depth of the problem which also involves Human Trafficking.

December 1st 2014    Most notably John Allen of the Bryn Allen care homes scandal is jailed for life for child abuse and child trafficking across the UK. He founded care homes in 1968 and added a portfolio of properties and was/is a millionaire. His associates have at various stages since 1968 faced minor charges (including a £20 fine for indecent assault on two young boys in 1976 this was Anthony David Taylor. Other associates include, Ian Muir, Kenneth John White, Richard Vevar, Keith Evans, Peter Steen and other as yet unnamed associates. Commenting on the case the Judge said "He said that, "remarkable as it may seem", there were no regulations requiring Allen to have formal training "in those far-off days".Allen passed himself off as a successful businessman, the judge said, but added: "It was, as we now know, a front."  he continued. At its height, 120 boys were sent into Allen's care at Bryn Alyn by 14 different local authorities, with many coming from across the country, said the judge. 

No formal training but a knack for property development and a business eye which greased the wheels of looking the other way and complicit corruption, across 14 care homes across the UK. Trafficked across the country in other words, a catch all system for vulnerable people to feed predatory paedophiles, who also forced abortions on female victims in their care. ken White was the financial expert whilst David Evans was the business 'PA' or secretary. In the purple section above and NO 2 you can read of the background. See also NO 4 above and 'Ronald Hall, a former warden of Broome House, was also Assistant Director of Manchester Social Services when he was arrested by detectives in 2001 in 'operation Cleopatra' dating from 1997' Consider the Kincora heading at NO 11 and the paragraphs lower (Simon Danczuk MP ) which alludes there is a MP Westminster paedophile cover up. Consider Rotherham and the rest. 

Social services has been in crisis for over 50 years, many of its top employees are paedophiles and/or convicted paedophiles and promoted into positions of care 'from above'. (2002 ?) Semi private contracts from the building of care homes and other institutions line the pockets of paedophiles and traffickers. Care and social services are planned from above to corrupt and traffick if possible. 85% o those employed are made to suffer if they speak out, (if even they become aware). Planning is controlled and many institutions within planning state, as also Judge Openshaw in the John Allen life sentence state's  "It was, as we now know, a front."   In the purple section above consider no 5 in Northern Ireland (Ulster) 200 abuse cases spread across 13 care homes. (and separately 14 care homes in the John Allen case with paedophiles employed in senior and top positions in Britain) In the 'November 12, 2014' heading in red above, it is assumed that some of the investigation is a 'conspiracy theory'? (suggested as such across and by all political parties) The incredible revelations over the past 6 years in particular are sorry stories and hard to imagine yet even in the Rotherham case, statistics of those abused has been revised higher than 1400 in December 2014. The (Muslim/South Asian/Somali) rape gangs of Derby, Telford, OxfordBristol, Rochdale and Rotherham which have operated from 2006 - 2013 were unchecked without deportation or Jail for years ? (gangs of Muslims on raping sprees is occurring in many European countries which seems to also combine with the campaign to introduce Sharia law)

Clearly there is a lack of concern over these crimes, or worse a determined effort to let people continue to operate crimes such as these ? In early November 2014 the 'Wanless review' was published.(not to be confused with the 2006 Wanless review on social care for the Elderly) It found no evidence of a 'missing dossier'. (see the ongoing timeline) However the same influence also prevented Newsnight from reporting on the BBC/Saville abuse in Nov 2012. The dossier suggests Lord Brittan was allegedly involved in Child Abuse and it names many MPs' and members of the House of Lords. In an additional dossier the Dolphin Square abuse stories come to light. This involves murder and collusion, the military and MPS and Lords. (again this is not a conventional military matter, and the vast numbers of the military and MP's and Lords are not and never will be involved) Similar to the Elm House guesthouse abuse nightmare one victim 'Nick' who was trafficked at the age of 11 from the North Wales care homes (see heading in the earlier paragraphs above) has appeared on primetime news relating his experiences. Bravely the world had a window into a victim who had lost his childhood and a large portion of his life, he relates how he believes (still) that the abusers will get away free. Two weeks earlier it was alleged that MI6 were also involved and/or helped to cover up the habits of the establishment. (M16 also catch and prosecute traffickers) As the investigations continue more information is surfacing on PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange. The investigation connects it to the Kincora sexual abuse scandals and the move to 'normalise paedofilia' philosophically, culturally and politically.

Hayman of MI6  Deputy Director 1974 to Director of MI6 Maurice Oldfield former head of MI6 and Kincora have been linked to the abuse in Northern Ireland. Nick (see paragraph above) states despite his (and others) evidence the inquiry will be dropped or curtailed, and certain moves to exclude Scotland and Northern Ireland from the inquiry suggest he is correct. However thousands of children who have had their lives stolen are also not likely to let that prospect occur. The dirty war and the casualties who survived (as children and now as adults) begin to shed light on the way war is conducted It only requires one or two paedophiles in senior positions to begin a network of promotions and job vacancies filled by other paedophiles compounding itself over time. A psychiatric disorder (paedophilia) or just simply evil, infiltration into society is sinister, violent and insidious. There is no difference between paedophilia and abuse they are one and the same disease. Why or how this can be used to inflict harm onto a society in pre-war initiatives or to control a population by fear or subversion is a complex subject. On a higher level deep infiltration by soviet or western forces into each others society in the 1940s - 1980's similar to wars conducted today (Russia to attack Israel,   Ukraine sanctions etc) gave the security services carte blanche to dictate security needs. The truth is beyond just 'criminality' in abuse cases (cited as an occupational hazard of security services) as certain secret military operations employed child abuse as a weapon of war. In World War 2 (as modern scientific techniques developed) concentration camps and 'military scientists' developed new methods which survived after the war and travelled to many other countries.(including Britain and the USA) Dreamt up by 'ghouls' (which is the only fitting description) and which included 'research' into 'pharmaceuticals' disabled people and children. The 'Soviet / Marxist' method (Russia/China/North Korea etc) was also invented by non-nationalists without ideology and is worse in its long term aims. Consisting of 'Demoralisation, Destabilisation, Crisis, and then Normalisation' with or without extreme torture techniques, it is applied to individuals and also to wider society.(abuse falls into the former) Differing military units split on ideological or historical grounds often (although on the same side) rivalled each other for authority. Often after the wars people who have been any way involved in there war crimes never re-adjust to 'normalisation' yet they are employed in positions of care of vulnerable people including children? Just as Leninist's fought Stalinist's (and Stalin had Lenin killed) M15 fought M16 in Ulster. 'The few' and their acts are concealed, but they can also join forces across international borders and the far east/Saud and United Arab Emirates (UAE) are areas of huge demand. America also has a huge trafficking problem. It involves internal national domestic trafficking and also a huge labour / immigration trafficking problem from overseas or cross border. It can take decades for population(s) to fully realise this is occurring. For some it is a profitable business, for others it provides opportunity for war profiteering. This occurs in every country in every war (the war within the war). There is no honour or peace in it, as is evident from  the victims who continue to come forward. If you doubt this read this chapter (6) again from the top.

Alternatively for more information consider a quick overview of 
1). World Wide Trafficking & Slavery  (entitled '25 painfully disturbing facts about human trafficking') which looks at the problem globally (east and west) then consider some world wide examples which date from the 1980's (no 3 below 1983) but cite similar problems which still are occurring today ?                                                                                               
2) A Canadian video with international examples also entitled 'Child Protection Industry | Corrupt CPS a Documentary' of how 'child protection services' can kidnap children legally.(1980- to 2009)                                                                                                                         
3) See how these societal traumas are introduced as a military weapon or tactic (entitled 'Yuri Bezmenov ex KGB Psychological Warfare Techniques. Subversion & Control of Western Society' as one example. (1983)

Trafficking of woman and children is a problem which can be hidden deliberately for diplomatic purposes. Saudi Arabia and UAE traffick via embassies into the UK and have for years. Around the world the diplomatic immunity problem has led to a  'licence to traffick'  according to Human Trafficking Pro Bono legal centre founder Martina Vandenburg  (see her documentary 'Human trafficking ending the myths, confronting the realities' ) "Diplomatic immunity is not a license to traffic but it is pretty close" Some diplomats are getting away with trafficking (traffickers can supply funds to lobby for a selected vacancy to be filled by personnel beneficial to them or to countries with large economic interests, they can blackmail for trafficking to be overlooked or to improve deals and trade deals with human trafficking slaves or 'domestics'. It is only one step further to know Child Trafficking could be facilitated by a selected few corrupt embassies employing 'diplomatic immunity' corridors worldwide. International economics decides which is which is not a news issue.

This explains why 'Apartheid' in Saudi Arabia for example is not a project to protest by demonstration whereas now in Africa, China and Russia create slavery. Trafficking can exist hand in hand with deals and politics.

The first two videos in the paragraphs above (of 1, 2 and 3) are linked together but it is simply more difficult (i.e in reference to the 2nd vid) in 'first world' countries to get away with open trafficking/slavery, hence it is subtle. In Ireland for example and many countries worldwide young pregnant mothers new babies were sold legally in the Magdalene sisters before the girls became slaves see no 13 above, and the Bethany Home survivors, whilst in Britain and Europe Orphans were sold from Child protection services to the East, hence the two types of organised trafficking.children in Britain were sold as orphans to Australia and wider.The power of institutions is not just legal but it is readily accepted by society who simply presumed it was best practice.

The third 3 is unknown in theory and certainly in practice to 99% of all military personnel but exists nevertheless. The videos above are deliberately chosen from the early 1980's fwd as they predate contemporary authors on the subject (but as mentioned the same problems persist today as then despite billions spent in child care over the years etc. The people in such videos appear as prophets now, when they simply know the prevailing ideology for decades forward) Labour slavery is common worldwide. (and those trafficked into the sex industry can also be classed as labour workers) are in many cases both sex traffickers and labour traffickers.Traffick into the west has different systems. Questioning any practice is made very difficult as Immigration scams (as we have seen immigration officials actually assist trafficking protected by corrupt politicians) in which we are told to have 'tolerance' ? for (effectively) trafficking, torture, sex slavery, child trafficking and organ harvesting which society is trying to ban. Why a country with millions unemployed is forced to accept 100, 000 - 200,000 (or 10,000 for example) immigrants a month (with the vast amount of traffick immigration heading to the west) or indeed if there are 100 % employment levels (both situations occur) is simply the corrupt machinery rolling on to facilitate trafficking, with the worlds 'un-people' seen as less than human and cattle for profit.

This form of trafficking or children abuse is less reported upon and less well known than the institutionalised abuse revealed over the last year or two, and there are other 'statistics' which show figures are underestimated (child, sex industry slavery and labour cases. Many are not reported or caught, but all of the above are linked. As Britain and Irelands institutional abuse prosecutions has grown in number and frequency, the Home Secretary and police officers involved have constantly had to revise their statistics upwards. (some suggest 27 million worldwide slaves, others 20 million, others 40 million and as high as 50 million with the latter consisting of 34 million sex slaves and 26 million labour work slaves. Sex workers and workers overlapping in many instances)

31.12.2014 - 2.1.2105  If you are sceptical about the level of involvement of the 'military scientists' in the Kincora scandal (for example) or wider use of these techniques on  children/orphans (in any country)  the revelations surrounding the Scotland and Holyrood British military scientists Military experiments on children (Orphans) (1948 to 1982) this week are sobering reading on the helpless. Drug testing on military personnel was common (is common) some are openly advertised, others were secret Aside from creating deep psychosis such 'pysch' operations require testing first. Results are designed to create confusion, chaos and upheaval in the immediate society affected. Calls for a proper investigation into Kincora continue, with claims (see above also) that Lady Butler Sloss the first panel chair in the inquiry's   brother was allegedly involved in the original Kincora cover up (although it is unclear just how much of this was known by Lady Butler - Sloss as matters proceeded) and it is emerging that files were kept on child abusers for security reasons and for blackmail purposes with many attempts by security employees and police to expose matters but seemingly they were also blocked in earlier years from doings so. Files on many child abusers simply gathered dust for future use and control. This has now changed. Ulster Police state there are now 718 cases of child abuse so far in Northern Ireland .(abuse which is designed to scar for life) As stated it required the police and military to reveal these problems (they also were legally censored) John Mann MP states whisltleblowers were murdered . Note that it was military scientists who instigated the drug testing treatment on the mentally ill and disabled   Join ex military scientists with those involved in institutional abuse and trafficking and a racket is created.

This chapter is laid out chronologically and in detail to show regardless of scepticism or agenda's what has been uncovered and prosecuted and visibly revealed in the media in recent memory. With the 'military scientists' information ( new as in also recently revealed in a contemporary investigation and news items) and their shocking claims (in Kincora for example) it is either just (if that word is appropriate) a crime against humanity committed by criminals or experiments of and for war to inflict on a society to be destabilised. Again and either way Children are very badly damaged or killed. (and this is often what is lost sight of) Unless people see prosecutions and jail accompanying the investigation scepticism increases.

The security services are obviously (also) releasing information and it is disturbing and unprecedented in history. Institutions mentioned here can be used. If 99 % percent of people are acting in honesty and professionalism but are controlled by those who have crossed the line, how are they to know which orders are legitimate. Consider first the following alternative career of members of the security services or government, who were also authors of children's stories e.g. J.M.Barrie who wrote 'peter Pan' was a member of M15, Ian Fleming created 'James Bond' (M16) and he also wrote 'Chitty Chitty bang bang' with the central character being 'Caracticus Potts' (named after a Celtic chieftain who was captured in Britain and sent to Rome circa 50ad and it is said he discovered Christianity or knowledge of it in Rome. His son and daughter Claudia and Linus are mentioned in the bible in St Pauls letters in 2 Timothy 4, verse 21 'Hänsel und Gretel' (collected folklore stories of Germany) written by the Brothers Grimm is another children story. Their 'volk nationalism' later took them into politics in Germany. Clearly security services are not in unity on the philosophy or purpose of 'military scientific experiments' on their own children, or others or on society in general, (in any country) Obviously the stories are for adults also and the authors are telling you something. Getting around the official secrets act is a modern Grimm brother's tale. What the ending will be for the child care abuse victims remains to be seen

Whilst this deeper background is getting away form the revelations uncovered in the orphanages institutions and care homes in the child abuse inquiry it is worth noting that these crimes have a wide base perpetuated from high and from below, yet from the ground up the public can change the way these institutions are run. It is worth analysing these views and some of the paragraphs above briefly summarise 'theories' which can be sobering and disturbing reading or with others wildly imaginative. As the beginning of the child abuse investigations began 22 months ago in 2012/2103 and are facing difficulties, then some of the political motives need to be examined behind the claims.
 (Scotland Yard is probing five VIP paedophile rings after Labour MP hands in dossier naming six serving politicians and Lords) Attempts to uncover society's chid abuse and trafficking, faces many pressures and hurdles and the information above are just a few more the public may not be aware of. 

As the revelations grow and widen, political difficulties and the political machinery surrounding the investigations begins to grind to a holt. (OCT – Dec 2014) Victims who state they have lost faith in the investigating panels want a new panel with deeper powers, and MP John Mann is calling for an independent Panel as the pressure mounts amidst the volume of cases climbing into the tens of thousands.

Home Secretary Teresa May MP in agreement with Norfolk chief constable Simon Bailey also states in her opinion, we have only seen a small percentage of the true scale of the problem. Therefore there is a valid case for institutions to be redesigned and thought over and financed from secure controlled (and innovative) sources, with a different mindset, and mentality. The appointment of an acceptable Third chairperson (as of 10.12.2014 - 1.1.2015) or new panel is still ongoing. The issue is to be debated on 14.01.2014 (MP's John Mann & Simon Danczuk) and the White Flowers campaign group.

The Irish Minister of Justice Frances Fitzgerald is considering changing the law to prevent a corrupt or decayed system from flourishing at all. Beginning with Woman being counted not as commodities. Why funding and facilities (many millions are spent on consultation processes which sometimes are nullified and excuses are numerous including excuses of a lack of funds) are wasted or produce systems with re-occurring problems hindered by poor decisions on finance (stable secure facilities and care) it is because very simply the worldwide problem is immense, overlooked, often a political maze and underfunded, (Trafficking for instance is a $38 billion dollar industry) yet the profits from them are huge, and the helpless are a commodity) Victims are not  problem if resources cannot afford to look for them.

Children and Woman many of who are raped several times a day are trafficked in secret and in many cities, put on open display and sold for money, (see the adjoining website chapter chapter 4) whilst trafficking rings exist within positions of power in society. The media is clearly seen subtly working for child trafficking norms, from Saudi to Bangkok the change of perception on our attitudes is on ongoing experiment simultaneously also on young children. Perpetuating the sexualisation of children and teenagers (destabilize and normalize) is the job of the media in the industry packaged as entertainment. Trafficked children are taught to display, when they should be enjoying a free and innocent life. Worldwide slavery of children should be brought to an end, and instead the Military could be employed to abolish the system, which should also be free from 'agenda or political motives' which many suggest ideologically some moves against the military or security are purely motivated by, to weaken it by subversion. (see the adjacent website also chapter 4)

If any of the victims or any victims currently unknown read this chapter (and there are many blogs and WebPages discussing the ongoing investigation where you can get help and protection) or if you have never heard of any of these crimes hopefully all of the above can assist you with the issues which are mainstream and more familiar and other issues which are not as readily analysed.

Ongoing issues are the panel into the child abuse inquiry and what it will look like next (providing the victims get their way) and on the 14.1.2015 (as mentioned) the;

 WhiteFlowers Campaign Group public meeting January 14th 2015.

The meeting on the 14.01.2015 and the victims suggest that a statutory inquiry should replace the child abuse panel.

"The WhiteFlowers Campaign is calling on the Home Office to declare a statutory inquiry focusing on organised and institutional child abuse from 1945, linking with other inquiries across the UK. Among those laying flowers at Old Palace Yard, next to the Houses of Parliament, were survivors and MPs".

The meeting was preceded by a meeting outside  of Parliament. (with personal revelations from victims and MP's )  

Other views of the ongoing investigation ( Press TV summary2015 to be year of Justice  Statutory investigation  for victims ? 2015 

All of the investigations to be joined and dating from 1945 forward.(how far back can any inquiry go) The second world war (as mentioned) introduced traumas and the traumatised back into society and is an added dimension to be considered as to the reasons these crimes against children exist.

21.01.2015   Lord Brittan dies after a long struggle from Cancer. As mentioned above it is alleged that Geoffery Dickens MP passed Lord Brittan a dossier on MP child abuse  in the 1980s. Lord Brittan passed the files to the Home office who lost the files over time. It is alleged that Lord Brittan was the victim of a smear campaign, and this recent allegation is made by a senior Liberal Democrat Peer  Nick Clegg leader of the Liberal Democrats who worked in the same office as Lord Brittan when he was vice president of the European Commission suggested that the allegations of abuse against Cyril Smith Liberal MP should not be investigated ? He suggested the allegations into the Westminster MP Paedophile ring should be investigated, and backed Fiona Woolf who has since resigned as panel chairperson. Lord Brittan made enemies of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) when he ordered the bugging of their office in the 1980's. CND has been accused of being backed by Russian interests, whilst many of its members would call for Nukes to be abolished in Britain and Russia. He also re-organised police during the miners strikes in the 1980's and was hated for it. (see no 12 above in the purple paragraphs). Within this one area there are possible international and ideological motives involved. Cross party politics is also involved. Lord Brittan denied all charges.

Bizarrely on the same day as Lord Brittan died, Sky News announced that it had found the secret dossier? and news items included the following stories. Earlier in November 2014 it was mentioned the or dossier could not be found? yet on 21.01.2015 a news item stated that it did exist and was now found by Dr Chris Murphy after all and must have been seen by Margaret Thatcher Yet it was the labour party who assisted in covering up the Rotherham scandal.(and who wish to lower the age of consent for children)

As the panel chair replacement search continues (overseen by Teresa May) one of its members (Sharon Evans) has accused officials of intimidating her and pushing her not to voice internal criticism. This pressure extends to the other panel members also.

Will the new chairperson bring Justice to the victims ? As Teresa May (1.2.2015) begins the VIP peadophile inquiry
"Victory for abuse victims as Theresa May FINALLY launches VIP paedofile inquiry"

4.2.2015 -  Judge Lowell Goddard of New Zealand has been appointed as the new chair of the Child abuse investigation panel. She has previously served on the "Independent Police Conduct Authority" in NZ. In the Child abuse inquiries in Ireland and Britain and wider, many members of the police state they have been prevented from many lines of inquiry and have been removed from those inquiries and have faced the same intimidation as Sharon Evans the panel member (see history above and no 8 London care homes). The shutting down of the Labour run council in Rotherham with full resignations which must extend to those who left to work in other councils in sensitive positions (see no 1 and 10 Liverpool above). The crimes in Rotherham are horrendous and Police were complicit in them, yet 80% of the convictions and investigations are led by Police force(s). Trafficking and rape in Rotherham conducted against innocent people by 5 Muslims from Pakistan. Only 5 are convicted so far)

The chapter above outlines one of the most extensive investigations ever conducted. It is has moved the argument on from scepticism r.e. that the child abuse scandals network is not organised but random (although plentiful in the random theory with different groups acting alone in some areas) when it obviously is. The most disturbing aspect of the debate as to whether Peadophilia and trafficking is random or organised and planned in advance is highlighted by Peter Righton (born Paul Pelham Righton) exposed by Peter Mckelvie in operation Fernbridge (a man who argued for lowering the age of consent to 8 years of age,) who was the the former director of education at the National Institute for Social Work   and a consultant for the National Children's Bureau and affiliated to the UK's National Council for Civil Liberties. Allegedly if all this is to be believed, Righton was connected into every child protection area. As the abusers and traffickers are employed in sensitive areas such as Norfolk County Councils assistance to Peadophiles, then the scale of the crimes are vast and widespread beyond the public's current comprehension.
The industry did not just supervise child abuse and trafficking but also convinced those who were abused that they were mentally unstable if they reported matters, or they subverted police and journalists from proceeding with uncovering the crimes. He and they employed others to take top posts in work to turn the vocation into a business, many are still in those posts. It is not just the case that abusers gravitate towards children, it is organised and planned, and theses type of criminals are not appointed by chance or randomly into their positions of work. This Chapter also presents new evidence that missing persons are trafficked and sometimes by 'respectable' institutions and these two crimes operate worldwide and sad to say every country. Any new investigation must listen to all of the victims directions and demands.



The abuse inquiry of children continues with two recent statements made by Queen Elizabeth and Pope Francis. The destruction of family norms and traditions (as opposed to being gay, and gays are used and destroyed also) are steps to changing the law. 

The Debate over same sex marriage is obviously being run by fanatics who are a cult of sinister intent. In March 2016 Queen Elizabeth has said she was opposed to same sex marriage. She opposed it because of her Christian faith and those strongly held views. Further as she is the head of the Church as " Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England " as such her faith is not just personal but also Spiritual and temporal in that it is the law of the land which means any previous marriage law can be annulled and brought into civil state marriages as opposed to marriages in Church, or the Church. She is also head of the Commonwealth of Israel and 53 Nations (although Israel does not regard itself as a British colony) Christian and/or Jewish Israel 

This is actually also the position of Pope Francis. Named after St Francis who openly said that any Franciscan who wants to leave and get married can do this without burden or worry. If St Francis had married St Clare the attached female order (and it was rumoured etc) then this would only be the same as the Protestant position today. Pope Francis stance which is laid out here; 

"In the United States, the gay rights Catholic group Dignity/USA was more outspoken, issuing a press release calling the pope's remark a confirmation that "Pope Francis and other Catholic officials will continue to lead the charge to prevent either civil or sacramental recognition of same-sex relationships."

The gay marriage scam concerns the 3 % of the global population (who are gay) and 90 % of them do not go or believe in church yet wish to get married in one ? This cult is a religion and a religion of paedophiles who disguise and infiltrate themselves onto any existing religion or gay rights movement. Clearly when paedophiles are looking to become a third gender  on the back of the gay marriage partnership something is seriously wrong.

The adjacent website and chapter 4, delves into the theories and surrounding difficult beliefs which make up a cult of paedophilia around the world. Some of which are surreal.(and especially from the heading "Family planning as an ideology" half way down) The child abuse inquiry in Scotland and New Zealand and Australia (Cardinal George Pell) Ireland and Ireland again  continues worldwide. Incredibly the authorities who have only scratched the surface victims state (see all above) are pressured to close the cases in Britain. 

The investigation into child abuse continues by Justice Lowell Goddard and the IICSA. Yet when security services investigate themselves or can claim national security to cover up then the situation which is still operating also brings problems when security services are also actually investigating paedophile rings.  2016   and 70,000 caught worldwide. It is doubtful the uncovering of so many cases could have occurred without the security services input hence the stuttering manner of the cases. Some cases may be dubious and false accusations can arise, yet in other institutions the larger scale rather than the lesser was found to be true. Russia itself says it spent many decades infiltrating and bribing homosexuals (before they had rights) and placing paedophiles into high positions of authority who in turn placed others into positions and so on, and who remain. The BBC highlights some of the investigations over the years, and the BBC broke many stories itself (and was and is infiltrated by paedophiles also) but its lack of independence in its broadcasts may be under review. (bought by Rupert Murdoch who may not keep the Open University for example)



Only 6 months or so after becoming the head of the Child abuse inquiry Judge Lowell Goddard and she is replaced by Alexis Henderson Farmer Jay a former social worker (Alexis Jay) who led the investigation into the Rotherham child abuse scandal (which is one of he most sophisticated and heinous crimes in which the child protection institutions were running the child abuse and trafficking business with help from the Labour county council) Clearly there are areas which the investigation cannot go beyond and difficulties are  arising as this is the 4th or 5th head of child abuse investigation to be replaced. 

The scandal has seen the following headlines " British celebrities and politicians among over 1,400 suspected in child-sex-abuse scandal "   &  "Pakistan Paedofile rings why and how"    ( or here)  & the Rotherham fact file    It is suggested (and you can read all above) that there is no connection or overall planning into trafficking and pedophilia. It only takes 400 or 500 people nationwide to organise such a venture at the top which eventually over decades corrupts just enough in the Judiciary, family courts, social services, county councils and legal institutions to become a web. As the number of victims increases, the victims are finding they are operating within a system which is not fit for purpose. Mandatory reporting of child abuse has been introduced in Ireland.

A group which advocates parents rights for both mothers and fathers relate  their stories also. Woman and girls are the biggest victims on the planet and parental breakdown (amidst societal breakdown) is beneficial to the system allowing these crimes to flourish. Financial repercussions to block inquiries (from insurance companies) 

Read of Geoffery Dickens MP &  Tom Watson MP &  Simon Danczuk MP who wrote to the director of public prosecutions (Boris Johnson also asked for prosecutions in the matter) after exposing  the Elm guesthouse scandals and Cyril Smith MP. The battle of left and right politically (against each other) has left the public and the victims behind as the numbers and sophistication of the abuse and trafficking becomes clearer. (as a massive scandal) 

Danczuks efforts led to the Independent Inquiry into Child abuse  which parallels the Royal commission  inquiry into sex abuse   (Chapter 3 above relates the Story of Magna Carta and the rule of law )




2. The Global investigation into Institutional Abuse and Child Sexual Abuse and Trafficking of Men, Woman and Children (2016 & 12.11.2020 fwd)

Topics covered include; the IICSA Independent Child Sexual Abuse reports & Roman Catholic Church & the Vatican, Islam, the Anglican church, the United Nations, Teresa May and Child abuse, Jill Dando, Harriet Harman and the paedophile information exchange. The paedophile information exchange (Since 2016 a list of links to the serious trafficking an child abuse globally)  Andrenochrome

Madeline McCann and Portugal. Alicia’s Law and bill 247 John Tilley Republican Media misinformation and Ireland's 'Sexual offenders amendment bill Oct 2020'   Rotherham trafficking gangs and the sexual exploitation of children.  June 2020 The US state department report into Human Trafficking. Sexual abuse cover up in the Church, Pagan groups and government and civil institutions. 'Child Sex education in schools and libraries ‘debate’ . Global trafficking and child sexual exploitation.



Roman Catholic Church

Following the IICSA Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse report (or see here 2018 – 2020) This report followed others against the Roman Catholic Church, The Anglican Church and the UN United Nations

To get an idea of how corrupt the child sex abuse system is PIE or Paedophile Information Exchange ran a helpline for other paedophiles from within the House of Commons sometimes and in offices nearby openly  The Helpline was for paedophiles who were having difficulties with resistant children. This is a depraved mental illness

The Ryan report, the Murphy report, the Cloonee and Ferns report into child sexual abuse In 2009 the Ryan report or here on and the Commission into Child abuse The report here also on Wikipedia says “The Commission's remit was to investigate all forms of child abuse in Irish institutions for children; the majority of allegations it investigated related to the system of sixty residential "Reformatory and Industrial Schools" operated by Catholic Church orders, funded and supervised by the Irish Department of Education

This ‘education’ was followed up by the Murphy report and focused on Dublin and also highlighted the failure of the director of public prosecutions to prosecute over decades. The Ryan report and Murphy report was also supported by the Clonee and Ferns reports and highlighted the internal child abuse rings within the Catholic church in Ireland. This activity which is also rife in the Vatican along with sex parties, drugs and gay escorts’ is a part of the international rings which are within Ireland and a part of the trafficking ring within Ireland also as highlighted by an ex Jesuit in the USA (  “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” )

Clearly even after all of these reports the problem is still very much a part of the Irish government who have a seat on the UN security council yet via and in the United Nations  the UN (United Nations) street kids and  its founder Peter Daglish was convicted of abusing boys in Nepal. Of course there are other educations and  the thriving trafficking and brothel industry continues for ‘woman’s rights’ with sweatshops and slave immigration. A country cannot have anti abortion laws as they may slow down the brothel production line. Radical sex education for children in Ireland a cover for paedophiles. In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’

Calling for a freeze on all accounts (in the church or not) and a further state investigation at the highest levels of Government especially as the ‘pontifical secret’ is lifted by the Pope (who helped make it with the help of the Chrislam enthusiasts’ who regard slavery as legal ) Ireland has been branded the worst in western Europe for human trafficking again directly correlating with the 2040 vision for immigration into Ireland (which extends back over decades) Currently there are 16,000 priests awaiting church investigation including 50 Jesuits with Priests unsure if child sexual abuse is a crime and a priest abused a girl as she gave her first confession.

Asking why the Catholic church keeps failing on child sexual abuse Emma Green goes a long way to answering some of the questions, whichever church it is ? They are not Christians but some other faith or belief of monstrous kind


Anglican Church

The IICSA Independent Child Sexual Abuse report into the Anglican Church

The shocking story of the child sexual abuse in the Anglican church is related here by the BBC (who have a shocking record also) or here by the Guardian   or here by the Herald in Scotland

Child Sexual Abuse occurs in all institutions including pagan and secular groups. Ironically many within the church claim quasi pagan affiliation or beliefs


The United Nations

The United Nations child sex rings are documented here  in Wikipedia and also here by peacewoman.organd again here by AP News or here by hrw news and details of the UN trafficking ring in Haiti  connected to them and to repeat is the (  “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” )

On 7.11.2020 the following headline .

“U.N. staff fired over child porn, moving drugs in U.N. Vehicle”  


The UN is not a peacekeeping mission but a implementer of international rules based law, which supersedes Human rights (the original UN human rights did not include the rights of babies in the womb etc but are destined as ‘equal rights as no rights equally’ along the lines of Chairman Moa whom the UN revered) Human rights are not Sovereign rights and you already have full Sovereign rights inclusive. In 1994 the UN stood by and watched the Genocide of Africans in Rwanda and even assisted in it.


Teresa May and child sexual abuse

Teresa May was chairwoman of IICSA but many of the submissions were deleted accidentally. Then many files relating to the whitehall child sex ring were also lost  as Home Secretary Teresa May was involved once more   

Her efforts at bringing a slavery Brexit deal brought her 3 rejections in the House of  Common as primeminster, nod Victims have said they are extremely angry about the treatment they have had calling it a cover up.  And an obvious whitewash


The State believes it owns children not the parents

see why in Chapter 3b and the Law of the Land


In 2004 over 2 Million fathers and mothers marched on London demanding equal access and fathers rights.  2 million people demonstrated and it would reveal an area of law and family law that had been under attack for decades. Matt OConnor one of the leaders demanded equal parenting rights   Batman and Robin and the SAS. One protester scaled the front of Buckingham Palace as 'Batman' and was joined later by Robin later and other superheroes out to bring Justice to an area of lucrative legal fees and legal aid in what is a targeted policy to remove parents rights  as the sole 'owner' of children.

 The march and protest was a shock to the system  in the growing anger at crazy laws and policies.  Some papers remarked that the SAS would not remove or shoot Batman (no outright news item seems to have this story now) on Buckingham Palace and this is because some of them were in the protest along with Judges and Solicitors and every occupation who could not get to see their own children also. However it also had more sinister reasons and the uncovering of paedophiles, trafficking and child abuse (some coming from within social services and the legal profession itself and wider) in the areas of child care were stark, involving also the Jimmy Saville, Stuart Hall and Max Clifford, PIE the 'Paedofile Information Exchange' and Harriet Harman, Jill Dando etc, and on into the BBC and everywhere  (see above in Chapter 3 'Families need Fathers' & the Fathers4Justice campaign for further details on Families need fathers  and also  Fathers4Justice (there are others also)


John Bercow the speaker of the House of Commons (in 2019) has been replaced by Lindsay Hoyle, but who voted for Harriet Harman and the paedophile information exchange.

Following the announcement of the resignation of John Bercow the speaker of the House of Commons on Monday 9.9.2019, a secret ballot election for a new speaker produced a winner in Lindsey Hoyle MP from Lancashire.

Firstly Bercow was very concerned about Brexit (as discussed in the last post above) so much so he sidelined Boris Johnson and the UK government to meet EU Parliament President Sassoli  (video youtube ‘EU Parliament President Sassoli admits meeting Bercow 'to prevent clean Brexit')

The election for new house speaker took 4 rounds to reach a conclusion and many candidates entered the election. One Candidate was Harriet Harman of the labour party (former deputy leader of the labour party) who with Patricia Hewitt (former health secretary of the labour party and whose quote on children explains everything) and Harriet Harman’s husband former Labour home affairs spokesperson in the 1970’s and 1980’s lobbied for the following paedophile groups “Would they like to explain further the circumstances, detailed last week in the Daily Mail, that led to a notorious group called the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) achieving formal affiliate status with the NCCL (arguing that PIE also had human rights). PIE's influence was such that the NCCL lobbied for what was dubbed a "Lolita charter", where the age of consent would be lowered to 10 (if the child "understood the nature of the act"); another proposal argued for incest to be legalised” writes Barbara Allen of the Guardian.

The election of house speaker requires one candidate to win over half the votes. In the first round Harriet  Harman received 72 votes and in the second round she received 59 votes. The votes in total numbered (first round) 562 (as some did not vote or abstained out of a possible 650 MP’s.  Therefore 72 labour MP’s (in the majority) voted for Harriet Harman out of 562 MP’s or nearly 13% (or 11%  of 650 if all had voted) in total of the countries elected representatives as MP’s voted for a woman who advocates paedophilia, incest and lowering the age of consent to 10 years of age.  Take of a poll of any club, social group or local community to see if 13% of them would vote for that. What is going on in Westminster? it is corrupt beyond belief. (source; Hansard (the official report of proceedings in the House):  & the House of Commons Speaker Election Candidates )

To also understand that paedophiles Charles Oxley exposed PIE. From within government Steven Smith ran PIE from within the home office  and Barry Cutler secretary of PIE worked in Home Office security. The policies of the left liberals, open up to paedophiles who quickly infiltrate. In 2014 the ‘lost paedophile dossier’ was never found which alleged a cover up at the home office, and later Teresa May as home secretary was accused of assisting a cover up as she instigated the IICSA CHILD abuse inquiry report which began from the Home Office. Yet today 72 MPs can vote openly for the House speaker to be a paedophile supporter.

To understand what PIE is / was and why it  is organised see youtube video  ‘P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview’ or one of its founders Tom OCarroll youtube video ‘Tom O'Carroll - Founder of Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)’  How did it exist ? for over ten years.  It is still continuing in one form or another . What are its connections to Whitehall and why are they still working as politicians. What are the connections to Northern Ireland where the HIA inquiry can now issue compensation for abuse victims  What are the connections to Edward Heath who took Britain into the EU. (ratification of the Accession treaty which was signed in Brussels on 22 January 1972 by the Conservative prime minister Edward Heath, who had pursued the UK's application to the EEC since the late 1950s) See also  Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' which highlights gay paedophilia as opposed to heterosexual paedophilia but which merge eventually) ) which is now confirmed and is shocking and is prevalent in Soviet communist socialist society to a very high degree and all societies and countries in the world. Open societal warfare is practised against Britain and other countries by ‘Common Purpose’ who practice ‘behavioural modification’ (media, political parties, education of all ages) which is a part of perception management (or Psyop operations)

Despite this the former deputy leader of the Labour party Harriet Harman, put her name forward for the position.  She pledged to be a 'radically reforming’ Speaker of the Commons if she succeeds John Bercow, warning that a parliament must change as rapidly as the outside world to bridge a widening gap between MPs and the public'  As an agent for change 'The veteran Labour MP and longstanding campaigner for a more modern, family-friendly Commons has planned a tour of the UK ahead of the election for a new Speaker, so she can ask voters what they think of parliament' Whilst past controversies have not stemmed her rise in the labour party, the little known controversy of her involvement with campaign groups which supported the PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange ) in the 1970's. The group openly shared information between paedophiles for over ten years, and even offered a call in helpline for paedophiles who experienced difficulties and stress from 'resistant' children

Harriet Harman and her husband Jack Dromey now a frontbench Labour MP and Patricia Hewitt, a former Labour Cabinet minister under Tony Blair, all worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s.In 1975, the NCCL as a campaign group (now known as human rights watchdog Liberty) controversially granted official "affiliate” status to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a body which lobbied openly for child sex. When asked in 2014, if she still supported the group, she stated she regretted her involvement with them in an apparent U - turn after she had denied  any involvement with the campaign group. The PIE or the incredible 'Paedophile Information exchange' (video; P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview ) was started by Gay campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. 

Peter Tatchell has campaigned for sex to be reduced to those even as low as 9 years of age. Since then  a study finds that there is no gay gene, and we are either xx or xy gene at conception (only 2 genders) just as human life begins at conception  Abortion as a campaign is also a part of these measures (active measures) see above on the Belfast and Dublin abortion debates in the post dated 9.9.2019 and subheading ‘Anti Abortion protest in Belfast on the 7.9.2019 (and the UN climate summit & protests)’



Andrenochrome is described as follows in the Collins dictionary It is also described here in Wikipedia It can be described as a drug (adrenaline) and which can be used in an 'anti ageing' application. A video on Andrenochrome is made here   Missing children Hundreds of thousands of children go missing each year globally


Since 2016 a list of links to the serious trafficking an child abuse globally

Link to child abuse  (also in other areas of these websites)

The real pandemic is the Human Trafficking Child Sex Abuse pandemic around the Globe. These people should be removed from their homes, publically tried and given life imprisonment and/or the death penalty. To read the list of Child abusers and sex traffickers in the last post dated 22.05.2020 Click here to go to  the list on child sex abuse and trafficking   (a link to return to this point is included) 

Link to the Irish Elections (8.2.2020 with new coalition formed in July 2020) The Irish Elections 2020 were finally brought to a coalition in July from the original election on 8.2.2020. This link here will bring you to the results and analysis of the election and links will bring to here once more replace it with this below

Alternatively use these links;

1. Irish Elections 8.2.2020  (chapter 3a with return link )   2. Conclusion to Irish elections (chapter 3a with return link)  or see the latest post in Chapter 3b  here 7.  The US Elections 3.11.2020 The Demolition of the World’s economy but set to boom again (added 27.10.2020) 

Beginning (This section inserted here on child abuse can be passed with the links to the END of the list. A link allows you to navigate back to here. If you do not believe children or adults can be vaccinated with poisons or any other form of abuse, simply read the history here ) 


“Episcopal Church of St John the Divine New York confronts past role in sexual exploitation”  by David Crary

“Any darkness to report ? The Cathedral dean (and Bishop) who led St John the divine to relevancy by Terry Mattingly”   

The database  of Priests accused of sexual abuse in the USA  or see here also or also here again

‘THIS Luciferian-Church Hides Many 'End-Times' SECRETS (2020)’   (Church of St John the Divine, Obama / Biden and the rule of law and in the General Flynn case)
None of the above are a Christian institution in any way. The connection to the Child predation services in the USA is below.
Much has been revealed by the prosecution of Jeffery Epstein and his connection to international trafficking, and by the prosecution of Harvey Weinstein who received 23 years for rape Hollywood is defunct and this practice goes on throughout its operations, both in the USA and internationally.

Man kills 2 paedophiles in Prison
Amazing Polly bitchute

Child Predation Services of Arizona   (and connection to MK Ultra 20.12.2019) Child services involved in trafficking in the USA as they are in every country including Tusla (with Chuck Feeney) in Ireland. Sergeant Maurice McCabe and also Kieran Creaven (see also FBI & Dark web child abuse: Hundreds arrested across 38 countries also below )

Jim Jones and the Johnstown ‘Rainbow’ cult peoples temple and his connections to the communist party and trafficking for the east. The bizarre connections to Universities in New Mexico and Mexico and St John the Divine church. Take for example the child Predation services of Arizona  (and what has really been going on in the USA behind the Russia and Ukraine investigation hoaxes)  or the recent arrests in the alleged NXIVM cult / trafficking (video  ‘Escaping NXIVM: Behind the investigation of the alleged sex cult’) which also has connections to the Reverend Jim Jones and the Jonestown mass ‘suicides’  and to Laurence Eugene Schacht and the University of Guadalajara medical school.

 The United nations itself was found guilty as an organisation of sex trafficking (see 2 lasts posts above) has recently had one of its NGO founders (Street Kids) Peter John Daglish arrested for Paedophilia, it is one of the largest children’s charities in the world. (there are so many arrest of paedophiles today it is hard to keep up) 

The connections to Bill Gates and the ‘One foundation’ also involving Bono and child trafficking “Swamp creatures of the Pacific”

Denis O’Brien media mogul in Ireland and connection to the Clinton foundation  responsible for the ‘abortion’ (invented in the press)  that never was ‘Abortion Bias in the Irish Times: The curious story of the abortion that never happened’  Abortion tissue needed for vaccinations to inject into in turn connected to the contact tracers and Hillary Clinton wants full term abortion and abortions everywhere for all (for woman’s health and for Bill Gates vaccinations) The media in Ireland (pro-life) were silenced and the Big Tech Google companies assisted in this, yet prostitution and forced woman’s labour continues in Ireland and is not in the press and has no referendum (see chapter 3a above)

Bill and Hillary and Chelsea Clinton trafficking in Haiti via the Clinton foundation Haitians want their money back and yet one more investigator into the Clinton foundation Kenneth McCormick is found dead (no 53)

‘Jeffrey Epstein: The Game of the Global Elite [Full Investigative Documentary]’  and same here also on bitchute

And abortion tissue needed for vaccinations to inject into via the contact tracers Watch the following video on the war on Children youtube ‘The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda - 11 mins’  and see video ‘Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination? Birmingham Protests ’ as the Muslim community protest the LBGT but in reality the Transhumanist religion agenda (or here on youtube ) 

In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’ Produced by ‘Hands off our kids’ at and the Life Institute in Ireland, it has already been attacked and denied by the MSM as a ‘fact check’ Yet in the EU this ‘factchecking double speak’ is highlighted as false when Poland made a bill to stop paedophilia in Poland and in the EU, but which was rejected by the ‘EU’    (previous Irish warnings at free speech events ) & Irish law on Irish education ‘RADICAL SEX EDUCATION (RSE) IRELAND’

Leo Varadker and so called minister for children Katherine Zappone are complicit in this.  

Scotland’s defence of the European act for stating Mohamed is a paedophile for marrying his nine year old ‘wife’, by replacing the older ‘blasphemy laws’ with new international rules based law against ‘hate speech’ This attempt will try to legally justify Sharia law (the tax on business scam) and trafficking / slavery which is still legal in Islam and which is a part of the international rules based law.

The Popes defence of Homosexuality as a part of Christianity and the silence of sexual abuse to children.

'Free Your Mind' Bitchute Channel  Pedogate 2020 in depth exploration.

 Alabama passes law protecting children from transgender surgery and treatments

Hillary Clinton,*& also  Obama and Joe Biden and Richard Branson all implicated in NXIVM cult prosecutions

The Clinton paedophile connection

 Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years in prison, seen here with Hillary Clinton Epstein seen with Weinstein 





‘FBI Releases Information On ‘Finders’, A Child Sex Abuse Cult | United States|𝐓𝐃𝐓’

Dark web child abuse: Hundreds arrested across 38 countries  or here

‘Police arrest 337 dark web abuse suspects after probe into 'UK's worst paedophile'

 Michelle Obama praising Harvey Weinstein &   Andrew Gillum former Obama hopeful (another like Larry Sinclair) caught in porn overdose scandal

From chapter 3a above post dated 30.11.2019 on PIE The ‘paedophile information exchange’ or PIE which operated openly from the 1970’s / 1980’s and still going today.

The election for new House of Commons speaker in the UK took 4 rounds to reach a conclusion and many candidates entered the election. One Candidate was Harriet Harman of the labour party (former deputy leader of the labour party) who with Patricia Hewitt (former health secretary of the labour party and whose quote on children explains everything) and Harriet Harman’s husband former Labour home affairs spokesperson in the 1970’s and 1980’s lobbied for the following paedophile groups “Would they like to explain further the circumstances, detailed last week in the Daily Mail, that led to a notorious group called the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) achieving formal affiliate status with the NCCL (arguing that PIE also had human rights). PIE's influence was such that the NCCL lobbied for what was dubbed a "Lolita charter", where the age of consent would be lowered to 10 (if the child "understood the nature of the act"); another proposal argued for incest to be legalised” writes Barbara Allen of the Guardian.

The election of house speaker requires one candidate to win over half the votes. In the first round Harriet  Harman received 72 votes and in the second round she received 59 votes. The votes in total numbered (first round) 562 (as some did not vote or abstained out of a possible 650 MP’s.  Therefore 72 labour MP’s (in the majority) voted for Harriet Harman out of 562 MP’s or nearly 13% (or 11%  of 650 if all had voted) in total of the countries elected representatives as MP’s voted for a woman who advocates paedophilia, incest and lowering the age of consent to 10 years of age.  Take of a poll of any club, social group or local community to see if 13% of them would vote for that. What is going on in Westminster? it is corrupt beyond belief. (source; Hansard (the official report of proceedings in the House):  & the House of Commons Speaker Election Candidates )

To also understand that paedophiles Charles Oxley exposed PIE. From within government Steven Smith ran PIE from within the home office  and Barry Cutler secretary of PIE worked in Home Office security. The policies of the left liberals, open up to paedophiles who quickly infiltrate. In 2014 the ‘lost paedofile dossier’ was never found which alleged a cover up at the home office, and later Teresa May as home secretary was accused of assisting a cover up as she instigated the IICSA CHILD abuse inquiry report which began from the Home Office. Yet today 72 MPs can vote openly for the House speaker to be a paedophile supporter.

To understand what PIE is / was and why it  is organised see youtube video  ‘P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview’ or one of its founders Tom OCarroll youtube video ‘Tom O'Carroll - Founder of Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)’  How did it exist ? for over ten years.  It is still continuing in one form or another . What are its connections to Whitehall and why are they still working as politicians. What are the connections to Northern Ireland where the HIA inquiry can now issue compensation for abuse victims  What are the connections to Edward Heath who took Britain into the EU. (ratification of the Accession treaty which was signed in Brussels on 22 January 1972 by the Conservative prime minister Edward Heath, who had pursued the UK's application to the EEC since the late 1950s) See also  Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary' which highlights gay paedophilia as opposed to heterosexual paedophilia but which merge eventually) ) which is now confirmed and is shocking and is prevalent in Soviet communist socialist society to a very high degree and all societies and countries in the world. Open societal warfare is practised against Britain and other countries by ‘Common Purpose’ who practice ‘behavioural modification’ (media, political parties, education of all ages) which is a part of perception management (or Psyop operations)

Despite this the former deputy leader of the Labour party Harriet Harman, put her name forward for the position.  She pledged to be a 'radically reforming’ Speaker of the Commons if she succeeds John Bercow, warning that a parliament must change as rapidly as the outside world to bridge a widening gap between MPs and the public'  As an agent for change 'The veteran Labour MP and longstanding campaigner for a more modern, family-friendly Commons has planned a tour of the UK ahead of the election for a new Speaker, so she can ask voters what they think of parliament' Whilst past controversies have not stemmed her rise in the labour party, the little known controversy of her involvement with campaign groups which supported the PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange ) in the 1970's. The group openly shared information between paedophiles for over ten years, and even offered a call in helpline for paedophiles who experienced difficulties and stress from 'resistant' childrenHarriet Harman and her husband Jack Dromey now a frontbench Labour MP and Patricia Hewitt, a former Labour Cabinet minister under Tony Blair, all worked for the National Council for Civil Liberties in the 1970s.In 1975, the NCCL as a campaign group (now known as human rights watchdog Liberty) controversially granted official "affiliate” status to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a body which lobbied openly for child sex. When asked in 2014, if she still supported the group, she stated she regretted her involvement with them in an apparent U - turn after she had denied  any involvement with the campaign group. The PIE or the incredible 'Paedophile Information exchange' (video; P I E (Paedophile Information Exchange) Interview ) was started by Gay campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. 

Both Bill Barr the US Attorney General state; video “AG Barr raises questions about Jeffrey Epstein's death” and Trey Gowdy gives his response ‘Trey Gowdy: I am 'heartbroken' for Epstein's victims’    and which was revealed in the Wiki leaks emails. Madeleine McCann Further Podesta was also in Portugal ? and in the very building where Madeleine McCann was murdered, on the day she was murdered. Podesta was / is also friends with Dennis Hastert a convicted paedophile. Convicted paedophile (after death) was Clement Freud / Dennis Hastert (grandson of Sigmund Freud) who loaned out his villa to the Podesta brothers ¾ mile from where Madeleine McCann was murdered. Even more disturbing is Madeline’s McCanns blood was found in the hire car of her parents Gerry and Kate McCann ? and Kate McCann published a book giving lurid and disgusting ideas of her daughter’s death.


Madeline McCann and Portugal

Clement Freud (seen here in a television advert) was a paedophile who was the grandson of Sigmund Freud the eminent psychologist who died due to excess cocaine addictions would have known Jimmy Saville also a television personality and the head of children’s entertainment at the BBC. Jimmy Saville (the prolific paedophile and necrophiliac, including necrophilia against dead children) was the subject of Louise Theroux’s investigative journalism skills. he has produced countless documentaries on unusual subjects including the 'Weird Weekends' franchise. Theroux's investigation into Jimmy Saville in the year 2000, concluding nothing was amiss, 'weird' yes but not a monster etc 'I was gullible' Thearoux claimed when the full revelations on Saville appeared in 2015/2016, (documentary;  'When Louis Met Jimmy (2000) Full Documentary' but the reality is, his producer was pressured not to tell the full truth, and over 100 employees in the BBC said they lived in a atmosphere of fear, knowing Saville and others were predators.( Savilles funeral 2011. who also met Peter Sutcliffe for afternoon tea before his death) Released again in 2016. It gives the impression that Saville was the only one when in fact there are many. Saville and countless others are at the centre of children's entertainment (Saville for over 30 years) and are/were deliberately placed there for those characteristic attributes as a way to get to children. Planned, supervised and embedded and kept as the alternate surreal world, as a macabre joke viewed daily on television.

Today Theroux would have easier access into North Korea than this nest of vampires (ironically filmed not far from the BBC in London) which is a Weird Weekend in itself. The programmes of gender neutrality (the cult which screams stop perpetuating gender norms) and homosexual 'education' are exactly the same scenario dreamt up by the undead in the pedophile exchange, (PIE)  the BBC aired the documentary despite being called to ban it. Harriet Harman deputy leader of the Labour party (who wants to become the speaker of the House of Commons following John Bercows resignation on 9.9.2019) regrets her connections to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)  Teresa may began the IISCA child abuse inquiries in 2014 (see chapter 6 below) but which has proven unsound and unsatisfactory to victims.

In 2018 the Spectator ran the following story

It has also been brought in by the Fabians (see last post above) and other left leaning groups but which ultimately is driven by the secular humanist cult (as Jo Swinson of the Liberal Democrat party and others the avid ‘Humanist’ ) agenda into its new form of Aldous Huxley’s (the brave or cowardly new world) ‘Transhumanism’ which is the new United Nations religion (and international planned parenthood) and which includes the invented ‘Chrislam’ To understand the end of this teaching  see youtube video ‘TRANSHUMANISM (FULL DOCUMENTARY)’ 

Peter Tatchell has campaigned for sex to be reduced to those even as low as 9 years of age. Since then  a study finds that there is no gay gene, and we are either xx or xy gene at conception (only 2 genders) just as human life begins at conception  

My Truth ‘The Rape of two Coreys


 or on youtube Underground Tunnels age restricted


Ted Gunderson and Kathy OBrien / Clinton and the Child Kidnapping gangs  (as occurred in Haiti under the Clintons) EXPOSING THE KIDNAPPING SEX RINGS

Paedophilia bithute documentary

Conspiracy of Silence  documentary


Vatican and Islam, slavery and paedophilia and the Pope should resign  

Many in the Vatican and Roman Catholics globally have fought against the corruption since 2013

It is just the beginning of the largest trafficking exposure in history which is also central to the Vatican see section 4 above and its Islam infiltration as Islam regards sexual abuse, trafficking, slavery and children abuse as legal  in many countries, and regardless of the defunct European courts which state no one can call Mohammed a paedofile it is imply  measure to remove free speech and protect paedophile in any faith or political scenario (nit just Islam) In the EU the case (to repeat from above)  of “ES” who claimed Mohammed was a paedophile, but in the modern context of child marriages and slavery still being legal in many Islamic countries this trade cannot be interrupted as also with trafficking  gangs who are not Islamic. Whatever the cause now, Pope Francis has embraced ‘Chrislam’ a heresy made up in the minds of non Christians and non Muslims (it is not a part of any) and has appointed 13 new Chrislam Cardinals in October 2019. It is of course a betrayal of the 1,2 Billion Roman Catholics worldwide, it is heresy and is not a protestant faith or catholic faith of any kind. Chrislam was founded (or adapted) by Pastor Rick Warren who has made up the hybrid faith in his own mind many suggest Warren denies he is mixing both faiths, yet even pastors like Joel Osteen (some have suggested) and now the Pope are calling it a new faith as ‘Chrislam’.

This new faith is of course not Islam either or the Koran but it is aloe not the faith of the Bible or the Torah in any way. Further the origins of Islam itself are not what they appear according to ex Jesuit Priest Alberto Riveria and a view shared by Augustin Cardinal Bea.  Others suggest that the falling Church numbers in Europe, Britain and the USA are causing a crisis in the Roman Catholic church, which necessitates mass immigration (the UN migration compact and 240 million initially see posts above) into these areas and then merge with Chrislam in order to swell the ranks of the ‘Church’. It is a year since public outcry and Roman Catholic leaders called for the Popes resignation (video youtube ‘Catholic leaders call on Pope Francis to resign’ ) and in August 2019 Archbishop Vigano called again for the Pope to step down following his letter to the Pope in 2018. institutions and organisations including pagan and the protestant church are also facing the same Justice, although Pope Francis has called child sex abuse akin to human sacrifice addressing the ‘paedophilia summit’ within the Roman Catholic Church in February 2019, but it did not appease many victims. Ministers in any church were never ministers to begin with when they infiltrated the Church who whilst dressing in robes which are unconnected to the early church and are not necessary, have instead clothed themselves like Wolves in sheep’s clothing (note many churches have a lot of ritual and ceremony but only preach a pre – set fragment of the actual Bible each week ?)

Today the Pope (Dirty war) is being questioned over his Marxist communist role in the deaths of Argentineans, in the dirty war murders rape and trafficking 

‘25 Painfully Disturbing Facts About Human Trafficking’ it is in fact a business worth unknown Billions. Optimal currency theory and the missing money within the system cause the constant need for lower wages. Traditional societies had far less ‘migration’ and a steadier pay and prices system for labour. Today the UN and the Vatican have dropped whatever pretence they had as institutions and they rely on the income from this trade. (Which we briefly touch upon later, or you can read wider details on the adjacent website chapter 4 at or near the end under subheading

“Is it possible to end Child Slavery & Woman trafficking ? The Mind Life Institute and Dialogues and the Social Venture Network”

If you still believe that the above would not harm children with vaccinations or worse and also adults globally in sinister intentions then you are mistaken.

End of section on child abuse (Link back to the beginning of this section on child abuse )


Sexual abuse cover up in the Church, pagan groups and government and civil institutions.

The sexual abuse cover up by Pope Francis especially from the Archbishop Nuncio in Washington against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick (who was finally deposed this year ) but which had been exposed for a long time before this, yet Pope Benedict had already removed him from 2013, but he was restored under Pope Francis ? (video ‘Catholic leaders call on Pope Francis to resign’ ) Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano's attempts at reforming the scandals have been in effect reversed by Pope Francis as the ‘vatileaks’ controversy letters reveal. A new lawsuit against the Vatican emerged in May 2019 when an insider threatened to release the names of 3000 Priests who are awaiting ‘decisions’ “The lawsuit, to be filed Tuesday, asks that the Vatican release the names of more than 3,000 priests who have sexually abused children, as well as evidence and documentation.” writes Jon Hopfensberger.

Many institutions and organisations including pagan and the protestant church are also facing the same Justice, although Pope Francis has called child sex abuse akin to human sacrifice addressing the paedophilia summit within the Roman Catholic Church in February 2019, but it did not appease many victims. Ministers in any church were never ministers to begin with when they infiltrated the Church who whilst dressing in robes which are unconnected to the early church and are not necessary, have instead clothed themselves like Wolves in sheep’s clothing (note many churches have a lot of ritual and ceremony but only preach a pre – set fragment of the actual Bible each week ?)

These infiltrations occur in every country and in every institution and faith, they are not Christians.

Some of the more disturbing background concerns Archbishop Robert Carlson in the USA who was not sure child molestation was a crime. Whilst Father John Calnan sexually abused a girl as she was giving confessions, yet when the Vatican is changing the faith to ‘Chrislam’ and engaging with sex parties, drugs and gay escorts at the Popes residence, then this facade of ‘the church’ has to end and sweeping changes are needed including a new Christian Pope and the arrest of the 13 new cardinals and all those who are guilty of sexually abusing children. They should repent quickly and hand themselves into the police or law services even at the top levels of the Vatican. They have assisted in the mass immigration of the EU and sex trafficking across the West.

In the EU the case (to repeat from above)  of “ES” who claimed Mohammed was a paedophile, but in the modern context of child marriages and slavery still being legal in many Islamic countries (amidst trafficking and all of the recent abuse cases including the Epstein case which has now disappeared from the mainstream media, Pope Francis has not condemned this court decision ? and now has appointed 13 cardinals in the new non-faith of Chrislam. The guards in the prison where Epstein killed himself allegedly have now been arrested for sleeping on duty ? and falsifying records of the time leading up to the death. It is suggested also that Epstein did not kill himself but is still alive as the Epstein Island was in fact a cover to blackmail those involved, albeit they participated. (and to recap from above Dozens of Epstein’s accusers appeared in court on the 27.08.2019 to testify or hear arguments on the abuse over many decades. (you tube ‘2 women talk about alleged abuse after Jeffrey Epstein charged with sex trafficking L Nightline’ ) for more information see the end of Chapter 4 on the adjacent website (and the beginning) yet following this the case against Epstein was dismissed following his death (although that can be appealed and investigated) earlier Robert Sweet one of the Federal Judges overseeing the release of the sealed court records was found dead but who will be replaced. Next Jeffery Epstein’s fixer jean Luc Brunel has vanished. On the 7.9.2019 MIT media head Joichi Ito resigned for donating to Jeffery Epstein but MIT itself also solicited for Epstein) The latest accusations are directed against Prince Andrew

The ‘new’ religion of which Chrislam is a part is the false and cultic transhumanist religion. Youtube video “Transhumanism (full documentary)”  and yet Pope Francis issued his statement on same sex marriage which states " But the human family as an image of God, man and woman, is only one. It is only one,” the pontiff said"   ?

Trump in 2012 called for the death penalty for paedophiles. On online petition is asking for the return of the death penalty for them The movement to bring paedolfilia as a new gender has infiltrated all levels of life ‘Let’s be mature about paedophilia | Madeleine van der Bruggen | TEDxSittardGeleen’ even into ‘Ted Talks’ as normalisation. Making it a ‘new gender’ is central to that aim. The next generation are targeted relentlessly in broad and complex schemes and at the heart of governments.

Roman Catholics and Anglicans want a leader who is a Christian not a political theorist, and Francis of Assisi would not recognise the ‘See of Rome’ today. Pope Francis embraced Grand Imam Al-Tayeb. “Hours before Pope Francis called for the abolition of capital punishment on Friday, he warmly embraced Grand Imam Al-Tayeb, who has expressed his desire that Muslims who convert to Christianity should be executed” Remember however that many of these abuses have been Roman Catholic or Anglican or Presbyterian whistleblowers on the inside of the church. The Holy See is broken and no longer exists; it is no longer the ‘see of St Peter’ from which it claims its traditions. The Bishop of Rome cannot now claim heritage from Simon Peter whose words are preserved in the following New Testament book ‘2 Peter 2 verses 1 – 22’  which points to Gds wrath but which is omitted by the Church. The working and middle class have the right to full religion teaching instead of being lied too.
Consider the following in which hundreds across 38 countries were arrested (including in Ireland and Britain) and in which the reader can return too at the end of this post dated. These criminals employed ‘remote viewing’ used to sell live actions of children being abused. Parents in the ‘sex education’ for children should bear this in mind when sending their children to libraries or schools.(see below)

In the USA, US officials unsealed nine indictments and issued them against a 'dark web' website owner Jong Woo Son aged 23 from South Korea who is currently in prison since 2017. Following the indictments, a further 337 arrests were made last week in 38 countries including the UK, Ireland, America, South Korea, Germany, Spain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the Czech Republic and Canada. The NCA’s National Cyber Crime Unit employed digital forensic capabilities to identify that 'Welcome To Video' was being run from South Korea by Jong Woo Son who was sentenced to 25 years two years ago, and they were also able to analyse crypto currency transactions to identify those who purchased videos from the dark web Internet site. (many crypto – currencies are a scam in themselves such as one – coin this is aside from Google Alphabets Chinese 5g / 6g social credit slavery vision) 

Although the website was closed last year following an investigation into a child sex offender Dr Mathew Falder, US officials revealed that a further 337 arrests had been made last week in those countries, following internet digital evidence of more than 200,000 videos which had been downloaded more a million times. The dark web internet site entitled 'Welcome to Video' has been described as the 'largest dark web child porn marketplaces' The site offered videos for sale in the crypto currency 'Bitcoin' and Prosecutors said the site had offered videos of sex acts involving children, infants and toddlers – and specifically asked users not to upload videos featuring adults-only pornography.

The NCA uncovered the 'Welcome To Video' Internet site, during its investigation into the geophysicist Dr Matthew Falder, who admitted 137 offenses including encouraging child rape and sharing images of a newborn baby being abused.23 Children enslaved to feature in the videos have been rescued, and other children who appeared in the videos are currently the subject of a search and rescue operation. "Dark web child sex offenders...cannot hide from law enforcement," the UK's National Crime Agency investigations lead, Nikki Holland, said. "They're not as cloaked as they think they are, they're not as safe as they think they are." 

Kelly Ann mills writing in the Daily Mirror adds "The Lucy Faithfull Foundation runs the Stop It Now! Helpline which offers confidential advice to anyone concerned about their own or someone else’s behaviour towards children"


The child Sex education in schools and libraries ‘debate’

In 2018 the Spectator ran the following story

It has also been brought in by the Fabians and other left leaning groups but which ultimately is driven by the secular humanist cult (as Jo Swinson of the Liberal Democrat party and others ) agenda into its new form of Aldous Huxley’s (the brave or cowardly new world) ‘Transhumanism’ which is the new United Nations religion (and international planned parenthood) and which includes the invented ‘Chrislam’ To understand the end of this teaching  see youtube video ‘TRANSHUMANISM (FULL DOCUMENTARY)’ 

Muslims and Christians parents and even secular groups and parents have removed 600 children from schools in Birmingham Why ? are they ‘Homophobic’ ? or is it that schools and school boards are there only to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, of course it is the latter. All schools could withdraw from this education system let it collapse and begin again. Will the Muslims who refused to bake a gay cake be brought to court ? will these deranged people (the first ‘transgender’ family) be prosecuted for child abuse ? What are they teaching ?

Watch the following video on the war on Children youtube ‘The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda - 11 mins’  and see see video ‘Every parent must watch this: LGBT equalities education or LGBT indoctrination? Birmingham Protests’ 

In Ireland in all four provinces, in September / October 2019 the following leaflet (here in pdf form) was sent to nearly 40,000 homes and groups across the country. As you can see it lays out what is intended for ‘sex education’ Produced by ‘Hands off our kids’ at and the Life Institute in Ireland, it has already been attacked and denied by the MSM as a ‘fact check’ Yet in the EU this ‘factchecking double speak’ is highlighted as false when Poland made a bill to stop paedophilia in Poland and in the EU, but which was rejected by the ‘EU’    (previous Irish warnings at free speech events ) & Irish law on Irish education ‘RADICAL SEX EDUCATION (RSE) IRELAND’

Leo Varadker and so called minister for children Katherine Zappone are complicit in this.

Just to get an idea of what is acceptable for children. Doctor of psychology institutes (as a cover for paedophiles) and people paid them fortunes to sit and be analysed (and who are opposed by many gay conservatives and gay groups to be clear) and they are behind the 'paedophile gender' and reducing the age of consent movements, and Children are prey to them the law and culture changes are a part Convicted sex offenders are the most likely to get the job as library teachers of the 'modus operandi' ('MO' ) and all, without scientific or moral reasoning except a desire to fulfil perversion, E.G. Criminal prosecutions against minors are stopped as the defendant said the child showed signs of 'being gay' when he raped him so his sentence was reduced (or here) as a mitigating factor (Sentence of Mario Tolosa was reduced from six years to 38 months) Explaining how to be tolerable is Dylan Pontiff drag queen who teaches library hour for children and explains they are being groomed for the next generation (video ‘Drag queen on 'story hour': ‘We’re grooming next generation’)  Convicted sex offenders are the most likely to get the job as library teachers as is / was the case with Alfonso Garza seen here teaching ‘Drag Queen Storytime Reader Once Charged with Child Sex Assault’    Other examples are ‘NY Library Brings Drag Queens to Kids Story Hour’   and ‘Drag queen teaches children to 'twerk' 

The USA learns that ABC news pulled the Geoffrey Epstein story years ago and then sat on it, (and ‘Disney’ covered it up) we also learn that  Ed Murray the Seattle Mayor and LGBT leader resigned following five counts of child abuse, (September 2017) but was ‘investigated without success under the Obama administration (nothing to worry about it is harmless and not grooming) We also learn that paedophilia is pushed by the WHO and planned parenthood international but the other side of the rainbow is not a fairytale children. Consider the following story by Millie Fontana 'the other side of the rainbow' and then the truth of Planned Parenthood clinics  which do not perform mammograms etc, but do have abortion targets and who claim contraception deliberately fails. Farmed people without choice is the future and choice is disappearing quickly. In law choice is biased. Desiring to normalize paedophilia is big business and a very wide and deep net which people cannot believe is happening. Just as the MSM deny that teaching masturbation to 4 year olds is untrue ? it is already happening in Britain and on its way to Ireland (video ‘ UK Primary Schools teaching MASTURBATION’) or see Irish school teacher Rebecca McDaids view on what is coming. Consider the numerous cases of innocent until proven guilty cases of insanity allowed to exist as entertainment or progressive education or why Scotland Yard has to warn the public that ‘elite paedophile’ rings are protected, and free speech in any area is squashed.

Take for example the child Predation services of Arizona  (and what has really been going on in the USA behind the Russia and Ukraine investigation hoaxes)  or the recent arrests in the alleged NXIVM cult / trafficking (video  ‘Escaping NXIVM: Behind the investigation of the alleged sex cult’) which also has connections to the Reverend Jim Jones and the Jonestown mass ‘suicides’  and to Laurence Eugene Schacht and the University of Guadalajara medical school.

Speaking the at the FBI cadets or academy in late 2017 many issues were brought forward by President Trump

Obama, Mrs Obama, the Clintons and paedophiles. Why Attorney Mark S Zaid currently protecting the ‘whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella in the Ukraine inquiry hoax and who was friends with Obama allowed paedophiles to obtain top level security clearance in Washington. Pizzagate was a pizza shop frequented by democrats and the shop displayed paedophile images on its walls. It is not ‘debunked’. Consider that in 2010 and 2011 the following letters were sent to Obama. Obama had a huge interest in ‘education’ and pushed radical brainwashing with his mentor Bill Ayers who was also his lover.

Consider that after this child porn was allowed to be distributed and downloaded from internal servers all over Washington. Why it is big business now and even in the United Nations Even in the Mayor De Blasio offices in New York.

To see what that education (Obama and Mrs Obama 
and Clinton and ‘Common core’ ) leads to in reality down the years consider what children really are exposed too or what Drag Queens get up when not teaching children in schools o libraries as day jobs, consider the following video ‘Video: Drag Queen Simulates Cutting Baby Out of Her Womb, Drinking Blood’  consider the following videos ‘Paedophiles Rule the World’  

(Pizzagate is not debunked but was the favourite pizza shop for democrat staffers which displayed paedophile images on the walls) 

Having open borders and centralised governments assists these activities and this is why those policies are pushed to protect trafficking.

One of the major dark net trafficking syndicates was dismantled in early 2019. In 2014 the World’s largest paedophile online viewing site. Unmasked as Adelaide childcare worker Shannon McCoole. McCoole's victims were in state care, and were as young as 18 months old. The oldest was three. The sentencing judge at McCoole's trial described him as "evil and depraved". He shared images and videos of his abuse of children on the site he administered.(see video ‘Worldwide paedophile ring busted in sting operation | 7.30’)

‘Remote viewing’ of library story-time and school lessons for primary and any age is a big attraction for these paedophiles and it is coming to a school near you. It is easy for them to set up.

They are already doing this and mocking the idiots who allow it. Instead ask a policeman to educate children in libraries or schools or ask these men ( Vets for child rescue)  such as and H.E.RO. rescue corps who also employ wounded veterans to do the digital forensics work to assist the Police as well as the FBI (who could of course work out some kind of banking fund to help pay for the costs, there are no economic barriers to funding these legal aspirations only political barriers or even faith barriers) to lighten the burden but also engage in full investigations necessary for prosecutions. It also gives employment to people with disabilities. Combining an education for schoolchildren and in libraries could be combined with self defence classes and awareness capabilities. (further links on rescue corps are here  or again also here  or her again once more   or a link to fundraising problems for law enforcement or the free thought project  

This is who the Fabians are and this is how the left and paedophiles work together. The World’s largest charity for kids (to repeat from above) via the UN (United Nations) street kids and  its founder Peter Daglish was convicted of abusing boys in Nepal. Of course there are other educations

The sex education in schools and libraries and the remote viewing of them is all part of the package, yet the politicians who appear to be Neutral or who allow this to go through are complicit in the scandal.


Italy and the 2 Popes (at least 2)

Currently in Italy there are two Popes 1 . ‘Pope Francis’ or Jorge Mario Bergoglio since February 2013 2.  Pope Benedict XVI or Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger.

Pope Francis oversees the Vatican which was established formally in 1929 in the Lateran pacts although Popes lived within from the 14th century.

Pope Benedict (who lives nearby still) still looks after the ‘Holy See’ separate from the Vatican City (video from 2015 after he ‘stepped down’ ) both are still operating in two different spheres. There are requests for Pope Francis to resign (and see last post above dated 30.11.2019) , especially since the wikileaks revelations and its power struggles with the Knights of Malta Wikileaks had already released the laundering scandals of 2009 and before. Back to 1982 and forward into 2015  (and which also connects to trafficking in Washington focusing on the United Arab Emirates ambassador to Washington  Yousef al Otiba’s  ) The Vatican has received accusations of trying to take over all other orders for profit only.

The Vatican is a Corporation which has its own bank and for instance owns American express. It also owns the Pentagon via Opus Dei Since 2019 it has formally left Catholicism and Pope Francis has now appointed 13 new ‘Chrislam’ cardinals Merging Islam with ? something which is not any of those faiths but labelling it Christianity which it is not it is certainly not Catholicism. In Italy a new (who support not voting ? ) group the ‘sardines’ or  ‘movimento delle sardine’ began as a flash mob in Novemember 2019 opposing the election success of Matteo Salvini . It is in reality a creation of Guiseppe Conte who opposed Salvini although he did serve as Prime minster with both Left wing five star and Right wing the League and Matteo Salvini. Matteo Salvini has received the most votes of any Italian politician throughout Italy.

Currently a larger question is what is the meaning of Pope Francis Vatican law ‘Motu Proprio’ against Corporations which is also at the Centre of the controversies globally.

The Pope  is ‘re-aligning’ the Curia (the Vatican’s government) and restructuring the Vatican bureaucracy, of necessity a long drawn-out battle, but for what ? As we have seen above 13 new Chrislam cardinals have been appointed. (13 new Chrislam Cardinals in October 2019. & Pope Francis has turned a blind eye too so writes Frederic Martel in ‘Sex Parties, Drugs and Gay Escorts at the Pope's Residence: Undercover in the Vatican’) Many onlookers believe that the Church is something to do with Jesus or Gd, but this is lost in the swirling power structure of the Vatican Church. During the Russia investigation hoax (which does not look good for Obama) Robert Mueller a Knight of Malta (but a real straight arrow as Trey Gowdy describes) and/or Vatican officials must be looking at Chrislam and wondering what the hell is that. Recently the Pope ( Jorge Mario Bergoglio) has passed a law (recently in cannon Vatican law terms or "Motu Proprio" of the Jesuits) but also stemming the nature of corporations. Creating a world trust on the back of birth certificates. Whether the world regards this as the worlds highest form of law or not, the law is cited. It is ascribed to the "Golden Rule" as mentioned in Leviticus 19,18 and 19, 34 and Mathew 7,12 & Luke 6,31. However there may be also ideological concerns and motivations regarding the theories of collectivization and transparency of corporations. One area (as mentioned) is Education which is a Childs right and should be protected by parents. Concerns that billions are paid to communist corporate fronts to fund education projects on the "never never" (eternal debt) are and have been examined and questioned and the end of its money train cannot be accounted for in origin or purpose. The Popes desire to end Corporations some feel is only for the 'West' and is communism veiled? 

And also ‘Motu Proprio on abuses: There is no longer immunity, no one is above the law’

The end of Corporations ? or just commerce in general ? Which corporations and corrupt Governments and trusts of which the Vatican bank administers does the 2nd Pope in Rome Pope Francis want to eliminate ? is it legal ? or is the bible for instance actually the correct legal text not the pontifical secret  in the sexual abuse matters, which can be acted upon without Papal authority in any case (see Mathew 18,6 & Luke 17,2 & Mark 9,42 in the trafficking, lucrative open border scandals) As a Corporation ( i.e. 'China incorporated' into the mobile pay RDIF chip social credit dystopia) China must be on his list ? or is it already conquered and subjugated. Is there authority to cancel corporations and multi-nationals and who is involved to do so ?  Does it also apply to the EU’s legal structure and the Vatican / Chrislam Corporation? (see all the last post above dated 30.11.2019)

The Pope says we must obey the UN it ! is our duty he says. Yet the UN is seeking new draconian Universal abortion rights. (See the post above dated 09.09.2019 and the Belfast anti abortion meetings) The United Nations has also called for Universal Human Rights for abortion, and for redefining rights for the unborn or even what it means to be human in May 2018  "In blatant violation of international law, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has unveiled a startling new campaign that claims “you have human rights since birth.” The unsettling image, which depicts a baby’s arm with the statement written on a hospital bracelet, makes clear the position of this U.N. body—human rights should not be afforded to human beings until after they are born" This ethical idea which has not no ethical right and makes no sense is shovelled out onto children and teenagers as fact. Therefore the same UN (United Nations) which is promoting 'climate change' is also promoting massive global abortions, euthanasia, breakdown of the family and vaccines from China which are diseased, and also 'redefining humanity', and which has also involved (also the IPCC or the Intergovernmental panel on climate change) in the climate carbon tax frauds and scandals.

However the Pope (Pope 2 of 3 Benedict) also says abortion and euthanasia is wrong ? contradicting the UN ? (Joe Biden in 2015 states abortion is wrong but has changed since then) whilst Pope Francis (1 of 3 Popes) has recently said abortion is wrong, but now a Priest can forgive an abortion, (will forgiveness for euthanasia be next and where will it end ?) and now abortion issues are just as sacred as migrants ?  In reality abortion kills a baby and all the future generations which would have been born in the future, and this depopulates and enslaves the future generations of a nation helping to wipe them out and replace them which is / was the purpose of the Irish abortion referendum in 2018 i.e. to remove your rights and future generation rights and begin to wipe you out.

The Jesuit practice of absolving each other of sins is now extended to all Priests, but it is of course not from Gd it is a canon law made up in his own mind.(Pope Francis)  It does however fit perfectly with the depopulation agenda of the UN,  of say 5 billion people or more in the ‘emergency’ The World is actually (see Metrocosm & ‘Half the World’s Population Lives in Just 1% of the Land [Map]’  under-populated so breed away. Ignore the UNDESA claims) which clashes with the Vatican City agenda of making money from migrants.

For further information on this see the following 3 videos. Video 1.  ‘The Vortex — Vatican Stealing Millions’  

2. ‘The Vortex — Now, It’s HUNDREDS of Millions!’

European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling via the Vatican bank  amidst the recent shocking case of  Jesuit priest Robert J. Goldberg who sexually abused a boy 1000 times globally. (see also the last 3 posts above dated 30.11.2019, 17.12.2019 & 23.12.2019 on the shocking global sexual abuse’s globally )

3. An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”    (Truly Shocking and the vast trafficking sex slave / charity refugee scam and the billions made from them. The video at the end 25 painfully disturbing facts about human trafficking shows how the profits were spread across the traffickers, border officials, doctors, lawyers and ‘others’ which means politicians, clergy and even family members. Human Organ trafficking is a part of the business especially in China under the Chinese communist party)

As Obama bombed over 7 countries with over 20,000 bombs creating refugees the Vatican (which is bankrupt) took $60,000 to $80,000 or more for each refugee and in Syria when Assad bombed his  own people the arrangement continued there also directly via Pope Francis and the Vatican arranged privately with Syria. This became the UN migration compact (240 MILLION to begin with) in part. Timed to suit ‘Optimal Currency Theory’, the need for low wages pouring into the West and the invented ‘Chrislam’ heresy by appointing 13 new Chrislam cardinals. With a church with falling attendance Globally. Either the Vatican removes the Pope or Roman Catholics will leave the Bishop of Rome, many feel betrayed by Chrislam. Ireland is the new test area with its Ireland 20/40 scam. See the terrible truth about Ireland by Stefan Molyneux.   (communities not informed of migration around Ireland in numerous locations in ever growing numbers amidst homelessness and unemployment. Much of the countryside rural areas have not improved since 2010 and the aftermath of the 2008 financial collapse)

Hillary Clinton has been made an unpaid Chancellor of Queens University in Belfast. This is amidst the ongoing  Jeffrey Epstein scandals in which she and Bill Clinton frequented the Epstein ranch. However in 2013 NBC news reported that Clinton had covered up paedophile ring at the state department which was overseen by the 'Podesta brothers who were involved in the Maddie McCann mystery in Portugal.  ‘NBC News: Hillary Clinton ‘Covered Up’ Paedophile Ring At State Department (2013)’ (and was fired as a lawyer by Jerry Zeifman in 2008 for unethical behaviour ) Queens University has previously questioned the extent of trafficking. and also sex purchasing and there even courses on sex trafficking and slavery and paedophilia see video ‘Tackling Human Trafficking - School of Law’

The revelations of the NXIVM cult and its ongoing scandals see (Amazing Polly) ‘NXIVM Hacked World Leaders!’ and also the former leader of the ‘St John of Gd cult leader’ Joao Teixeira de Faria in Brazil show that trafficking not exists but it is the biggest business in the world and the revelations of the Vatican sex trafficking scandals (see above and below) show that it is an interwoven vice throughout the world most cynically disguised as ‘immigration’


In June 2020 The US state department report into Human Trafficking 

was released (Trafficking in Human Persons report 20th edition)  and Irelands position or grading in that report was downgraded (or see here on the report also again) and the trafficked have spoken out in Ireland  whilst woman in ‘direct provision’ are pushed into prostitution in the numerous brothels in Dublin and the state of Ireland generally

In 2013/ 2014 Pope Francis issued a law which effectively ends all Corporations on earth (MOTU PROPRIO) Since this law would also therefore destroy the United Nations which is a corporation (or leave the Vatican as its sole law maker ) where does this law begin and end.1 City of London and the 2. USA ? (District of Columbia, Washington DC) and 3. the Vatican

Behind these activities (with the Ukraine revolution as the centrepiece of operations) is the hacking of US security, not just the Chinese hack of the OPM ( 
China accessed over 22 Million files  from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM)  but also the Kaspersky hack of US intelligence in 2015  This tip of the iceberg has continued for nearly 2 decades with US intelligence having a back door open to foreign hackers, but missed during 2008 – 2016. 

Gishlaine Maxwell. Bill Clinton named in Gishlaine Maxwell documents Over two weeks ago Gishlaine Maxwell lost in her efforts to seal her records and Bill Clinton is named within them. Alan Dersowitz is named within them as are thousands more  (remember Alans call to remove people from their homes under Covid 19 see post above dated see  Alan Dershowitz, "You have no right NOT to be vaccinated" on bitchute  see psot above dated 22.05.2020)  Billionaire Glen Dublin, Naomi Campbell, Kevin Spacey, Stephen  Kaufman, Marvin Minsky , Thomas Pritzker, Les Wexner (founder of Victoria’s secret) Matt Groning producer of the Simpsons. David Copperfield. Jean Luc Brunel, Al Gore, Bill Richardson former NY governor. Heidi Klum, George Mitchell, Robert Mueller and James Comey and thousands more and not just in relation to Epstein Island.

OAN report on the controversy  ‘Ghislaine Maxwell Case with Neama Rahmani’

Jeffery Epstein was the former boyfriend of Ghislaine Maxwell & the incredible link between Jeffery Epstein to RNA Vaccines (covered here by Amazing Polly & ‘Epstein Pedo Prof Connection to RNA Vaccines & Human Experiments’  or here on Bitchute)

See also Peter Nygard the Canadian Jeffery Epstein. ‘Is Peter Nygard the Canadian Epstein?’

In a event possibly even stranger than the covid experience is the Presidency challenge of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Firstly who is Kamala Harris really see ‘5 Things You Need To Know About Kamala Harris’  She accused Joe Biden of being a rapist and a racist in the US presidential primaries, but has now dropped those concerns. She said on the Judge Kavanaugh appointment is that all women must be believed but not in the case of Joe Biden. (see below) Her sister in law uses hydroxychloroquine ? when the democrats have vilified its use against Malaria or covid 19 but she called Trump a drug pusher for recommending it to the world yet she has also made derogatory remarks about rape and young woman and their safety / (from 2019) Joe Biden has serious questions to answer (not just on China, Ukraine and Russia) but on his perverted groping of young girls (is that what Kamala harries was referring to ? in the US primaries ?  ‘Creepy Joe Biden Hair Sniffing and Groping Little Girls Compilation’ ( or see here forJoe Biden inappropriate behaviour on Brighteon )  as Trump has gone after illegal immigration  and Obama first made ‘cages’ to separate families  and which was a policy of Obama and Biden in 2008 – 2016


Jill Dando and the Crimewatch documentary and her subsequent death

Jill Dando Crimewatch documentary 28.04.2020

Jill Dando investigated paedophilia and child sex abuse  Many suggest she was going to expose Jimmy Saville in 1999 she was caught in 2010 / 2011. What did the BBC know as Saville was the head of children’s entertainment but had sex with dead children (a 'Necrophiliac')

She raised the issue of the sex scandals within the BBC

Rolf Harris was reported in 1998  (also reported by the author of this website in 1997 & now with IICSA) but was not caught until 2014. Stuart Hall was caught in 2012 and Max Clifford was caught in 2014 and a whole host of celebrities and television employees. Gary Glitter was a friend of Jimmy Saville

The long list of BBC paedophile and abuse employees are given here on Wikipedia  (Radio DJ Mike Travis ) and analysis given here also but this is the BBC’s attitude to help paedophiles who should be given life or the death sentence(like their victims)

Hollywood abuse scandals 

Ricky Jervias at the Golden Globe awards  'Ricky Gervais – Golden Globes 2020 (Uncensored, HD)'   or here again also   'Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes 2020 - All of his bits chained'  or again once more on Bitchute  or full speech at the Golden Globes 2020


Rotherham trafficking gangs and the sexual exploitation of children

The British trafficking gangs are not just Islamic but Islamic migrants move straight into this 'profession' as Slavery is still legal in Islam

The Rotherham gang which prostituted girls as young as 12 shouted 'Allah Akbar' in court as they were sentenced to a combined 80 years (and not life ?) The Rochdale Islamic Pakistan sex abuse prostitution gang operated freely and up to 50 girls on their payroll and was one of many towns in Britain, eight are listed here. 

Female Genital Mutilation (or see here again or here once more ) and child and woman slavery and rape of non Muslim woman )


Media misinformation and Ireland's 'Sexual offenders amendment bill Oct 2020'   

(full PDF here on the eventual bill) & see also the US State dept Trafficking in human persons report 2020

Media misinformation includes the real fake protestors i.e 'Antifa' and its leader (and wider)  Pat Corcoran The Green party in Ireland and in the EU and wider also have a paedophile problem (see above in Irelands vote (China's communist funding is blamed for the riots in the USA in other groups and details emerge daily) Ireland has been called a paedophile paradise and arresting those responsible for paedophilia, trafficking and child abuse even via the military is possible and has occurred in many other countries over the last 10 months at level of society and government and state (one area of the bill as initiated in 2018)  see the Sexual offenders bill January 2020 and which passed as originally intended to be published in October 2nd 2020.  This should allow (including 'sexual education for children' proponents)  an immediate clear out and arrest of all sex offenders for trial. State actors and all politicians are not immune nor are the 'rich and powerful' (see the link at the very end of this essay for Global child abuse in chapter 3b and all above ) The US Human trafficking in persons report 2020 outlines both the external and internal systems (see above also for details)

Apple (guilty of trafficking see conclusion above) worked with Nxivm and Google as they would want to rely on the technocracy and internet to advance their sex cult 'wellness' scam.  Clare Bronfman received only 81 months for destroying lives   (or see here also ) (This followed criticism in 2017 regarding their complicity online abuse and facilitating trafficking groups and surveillance and participation in transhumanism bias ) The Irish Journal reported on the case in 2018 / 2019 as did the Irish Times  in and around April 2019 fwd   Keith Raniere ran the cult and a cult is what is with much of the background and connections reported on by the 'Roberta Glass True Crime Report'  Amazing Polly also reports on the connections to Ireland. Dennis OBrien's connectionsto the Haiti trafficking operations which involved Laura Silsby    Much of the activity is documented on the missing Hillary Clinton emails scandal   now unredacted and declassified and which also shows just how the Russia Hoax was orchestrated by Clinton, Obama and Joe Biden (thanks to Robert Mueller ) Mike Pompeo the US secretary of State has promised to release the Clinton emails sometime in October 2020.)  Trump's emails do not show Russian collusion GrandTorino Ireland Some of the background is given by GrandTorino in' Get Trump' (bitchute at 2 minutes 53 seconds fwd which details how John Brennan and Obama and Hillary Clinton actually colluded with the 'Russians' i.e China ) 

Bronfman funnelled funds to the Clinton foundation which had become in effect the US Department of State and was corrupt beyond anything in US history. See  Amazing Polly in her video 'People in Dark Shadows'  which shows the Hunter Bidens Burisma corruption and Joe Biden who with Clinton and Obama sold the west out to China. see RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)  or here once more Bitchute   If you want to know why  Communist Chinese type Dystopia has tried to ruin your country and business and has locked-down your life then thank Joe Biden and Dr Tedros and the World Health Organisation and China's President Xi. The amazing Polly video 'People in dark shadows' video shows JP and Ulla Bak connections to Haiti trafficking and who obtained money from the US state department. around 2010 / 2013 when Hillary Clinton was in charge and which are connected to (19 mins fwd NXIVM & Digicell / Haiti )  Dennis O'Brien and Digicell and Communicorp with Tony Ryan and the Irish media are not reporting on this

The  BBC have also lied to and misrepresented children on neutral genders in August 2017 (they also Joked about Jimmy Saville and child abuse until he was caught along with many of their former employees. It was harmless and good for children and clearly they have still a big problem and have learnt nothing from past mistakes) Jimmy Savile (the prolific paedophile and necrophiliac, including necrophilia against dead children) was the subject of Louise Thearoux's investigative journalism skills. he has produced countless documentaries on unusual subjects including the 'Weird Weekends' franchise. Theroux's investigation into Jimmy Savile in 2000 (ad) concluding nothing was amiss, 'weird' yes but not a monster etc 'I was gullible' Thearoux claimed when the full revelations on Savile appeared in 2015/2016, (documentary;  'When Louis Met Jimmy (2000) Full Documentary' but the reality is, his producer was pressured not to tell the full truth, and over 100 employees in the BBC said they lived in a atmosphere of fear, knowing Saville and others were predators.( Saviles funeral 2011. who also met Peter Sutcliffe for afternoon tea) Released again in 2016. It gives the impression that Savile was the only one when in fact there are many. Savile and countless others are at the center of children's entertainment (Savile for over 30 years) and are/were deliberately placed there for those characteristic attributes as a way to get to children. Planned, supervised and embedded and kept as the alternate surreal world, as a macabre joke viewed daily on television. 

Today Theroux would have easier access into North Korea than this nest of vampires (ironically filmed not far from the BBC in London) which is a Weird Weekend in itself. The programmes of gender neutrality (the cult which screams stop perpetuating gender norms) and homosexual 'education' are exactly the same scenario dreamt up by the undead in the pedophile exchange, (PIE) which was started by gay rights campaigner Ian Campbell Dunn , the BBC aired his documentary despite being called to ban it. Gender reassignment re-education 're-gendering' involving physical operations, at age 4 and then into full blown Homosexual (from PIE) later as teaching is a form of grooming on live television, it is a horse from the same stable. (Remember the authorities and many concerned people have slowly exposed these matters) They should be fired (as infiltrators who centrally target the media, especially those with worldwide capabilities) throughout the BBC (not as an excuse to remove its public broadcast ethos and status) and other entertainment providers including (who may have nothing to hide) Sky, Hollywood etc, and Thearoux could begin a new documentary at the beginning after all the west is not North Korea is it ?

Consider the following story by Millie Fontana 'the other side of the rainbow' and then the truth of planned parenthood clinics  which do not perform mammograms etc, but do have abortion targets and who claim contraception deliberately fails. Farmed people without choice is the future and choice is disappearing quickly. In law choice is biased.

The Church wants the same choice as national trust objectors i.e. not to preform marriages if it chooses, or hire gay clergy etc, but in law also, but that is not 'allowed' under the western 'North Korean gay regime/cult'. Over 150 Evangelical Pastors sign a manifesto statement on  Christian marriage as solely between a man and a woman (in which genders would not exist without..... heterosexuals in the first place? Ed Murray the Seattle Mayor and LGBT leader resigned following five counts of child abuse, (September 2017)

The sexualisation of children  on a prevalent and parallel level is aided by destroying gender and making gender pronouns enforceable by law (as Trudeau wants to enforce in Canada) as perversion like subversion. Kinsey and cultural Marxism (last video 'How the gay agenda began – full documentary'

Kinsey (a monster) spread this 'science' (rape of children) into Universities, and who changed society into his surreal nightmare with psychology and sociology 'therapy' social science as a health scheme and socialized health benefit for children and families. Those who provide therapy are also committing the crimes in many cases   (with light prison sentences and parole back into society moving next to children's areas. Psychopaths) And Kinsey brought all of these monsters into the public sphere under the cover of analyst and Doctor psychology institutes as a cover for paedophiles, and people paid them fortunes to sit and be analysed (and who are opposed by many gay conservatives and gay groups to be clear) and they are behind the 'paedophile gender' and reducing the age of consent movements, and Children are prey to them the law and culture changes are a part of the 'modus operandi' ('MO' ) and all, without scientific or moral reasoning except a desire to fulfil perversion, E.G. Criminal prosecutions against minors are stopped as the defendant said the child showed signs of 'being gay' when he raped him so his sentence was reduced (or here) as a mitigating factor. There is the mental illness revealed, but as criminals and rapists (i.e. Mario Tolosa in Argentina)

Peadofilia bitchute channel

Conspiracy of Silence banned paedophilia documentary

Child Sexual abuse is a Heterosexual and Homosexual trait


Alicia’s Law and bill 247 John Tilley Republican

With Input from Joe Biden, Alicia’s law seeks to bring funds to those who are investigation paedophiles and traffickers during or even before prosecution. See  ‘Alicia Kozakiewicz Testimony on Sex Predators online’    and also   ‘Alicia Kozakiewicz survived a real life dungeon nightmare and now works to save other children’  assisted by also Debbie Wasserman Shultz. However questions remain on Joe Biden  ‘Joe Biden inappropriately touching children compilation’   (or see here( or see here forJoe Biden inappropriate behaviour on Brighteon )



Today trafficking of people globally is a business worth $150 Billion dollars   (or see here also)

Content to be updated periodically

(news ongoing added as occurring. There are so many cases it is impossible to list them all ) 


1. Tusla the state’s Child and family agency in Ireland. The ongoing scandals in the Irish elections child abuse and trafficking and Irelands paedophile ring includes the May 31st 2009 article by Jim Cusack in the Independent “Paedophile ring 'abused children in State homes” which today and incredibly still continues when in January 24th 2020 when Lynn Payton (commissioned by Tusla the state’s Child and family agency ) reported that many cases of child abuse were not reported by social workers...but by Tusla and other authorities. Earlier in 2017 (Paul Healy February 15th 2017  ‘The Buzz’) it had already been reported that 800 cases had not been reported as criminal referrals

On 23.10.2020 (last week) the Irish examiner quoting the DPC or Data Protection Commission stated “Government breaking the law by sealing mother and baby homes records, says DPC”  The story also covered by Gript goes into more detail  Yet in any free and Sovereign society  the records can be unsealed in 30 minutes. The sealing procedure by Minister for Children Roderiec OGorman (who is friends with Peter Thatchall who is connected to the Paedophile Information Exchange or PIE see Irish elections above ) is many would say tampering or concealing  evidence which is a criminal action. As a summary a Radio Host states Adrian McKenna suggests “Roderic O Gorman is not covering up 800 baby's in a tomb... He is covering up Paedophile and people trafficking within the Irish government... Say it as it is not what they want you to hear”

2. Convicted human trafficker on the run for over a decade is arrested by gardaí

3. The Sundance film festival organiser  Sterling Van Wagenen,  received 6 years for child sexual abuse in September 2020.

4. Antifa in Ireland is run by paedophile Pat Corcoran whilst in the USA vice president candidate Kamel Harris openly supports Senator Scott Weiner who supports the ‘paedofile gender’ with Joe Biden. Note this is denied but in fact this is the aim of the paedophile gender lobby (see above also ) since Alfred Kinsey made pseudo science from paedofilia This is the essence of Transhumanism (i.e a ‘religion’ which believes sex with children is ok and you are not human and should change to your new normal state) Paedophilia is now being taught in classrooms as a gender choice see “Classrooms Now Teaching That Pedophilia Is A Sexual Orientation”   This is Transhumanism these are the criminals.

5.  5 arrested in California in targeting Human Trafficking   (Feb 2020)

6. 5 arrested after child sex exploitation and trafficking sting — including former detective  (Sep 2020) 

7. US Department of Justice Human Trafficking news and upates    (which includes NXVIM below) 

8. NXIVM Leader Keith Raniere Sentenced to 120 Years in Prison for Racketeering and Sex Trafficking Offenses  (Oct 2020 )  Raniere connected also to the Whitewater scandal with Susan McDougal and the Bronfmans

9. The Court of appeal in Ireland has overturned a ruing preventing the naming of a child sex abuser Declan Hannon, (the woman in this  case was raped as a child) this ruling could be extended to politicians and clergy and other child sex abusers. (everyone or anyone in essence)  23.11.2020

10. 'Huge child sex trafficking network in Florida disrupted: nearly 180 people arrested'   18.11.2020


11. (10.02.2021)  The USA Capitol Building demonstrations on the 6.1.2021 (held on the feast of the Epiphany, when the Magi visit the infant Child ) What else was going on. Amazing Polly fills in the gaps in the post "Secret Service Fail At Capitol Before Inauguration"  (Link here also  ) dated January 27th 2021 Relating to this article in "Eater"  'To Pass Secret Service Security, a Fast-Casual Spot in D.C. Had to Stuff Groceries Into Suitcases'  and the Restaurant called "Immigrant food" which managed to be inside the lock down area. Connected to Peter Schechter and Tea Ivanovic in the Centre for Transatlantic relations and the John Hopkins University 

Amazing Pollys exposure of the Finders Cult / Groups are within her research videos It is all a part of the Vatican's trafficking / slavery industry ( An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican”  The 'capital riots' is the Hillary and Bill Clinton trafficking crime spree) On 23.01.2021 the FBI rescued 33 children in Southern California, and in Florida on the 2.2.2021, 2  FBI agents were killed and 3 injured and the suspect was killed. The New York Times states (3.2.2021) " Killing of F.B.I. Agents Comes Amid Explosion of Child Sex Abuse Reportsand last year  ‘FBI Releases Information On ‘Finders’, A Child Sex Abuse Cult | United States|𝐓𝐃𝐓’  & also  SHOCKING FINDERS TENTACLES PART 1   and part 2    FINDERS PART 2 DYSTOPIAN THEME PARK  FBI Agent who provided information on the Clintons speaks out  Washington DC & Yousef al-Otaiba, Yousef Al Otaiba and hsi trafficking network within Washington to the United Arab Emirates. 

All connected to the Dominion voting fraud (Time Magazine on the admitted on the 4.2.2021 "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election" stating the election was not fraudulent or stolen but it was 'fortified; ) and Event 201, Agenda 20/30, World Health Organisation, World Economic Forum & lockdown scam (whilst trafficking and Immigration continues ?) the various scenarios for the US 2020 election were analysed in every way by the 'Transition Integrity Project' "Transition Integrity Project (TIP" (analyzed here on Bitchute and their website here once more ) was a series of June 2020 political scenario exercises  in the USA (whilst the real riots continued and Antifa are under investigation to the Mexican PRI Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer & Cartels by the FBI)  and on the committee was John Podesta connected to Bill Clinton) It came up with 8 or 9 possible scenarios including Trump not conceding etc (but dated August 2020, before the election ) and mail in ballots etc see also the US elections in total  in chapter 3b above)


12. (8.3.2021 & Topics )  The Belgium anti - pedophile marches (1996 & 2019) The Finders cases and the military units against pedophilia. Hollywood, the Kinsey school of psychology and pedophilia, the US elections 2020 - 2021 and pedophilia, and the real agenda of human trafficking and the great reset (4th industrial revolution) Mike Pence & Trump. The Pentagon and  the Vatican. NXIVM and George Nadar. New severe punishments for child trafficking and abuse and child rape and murder 2020/2021

The US Finders case continues in Arizona and surrounds a dispute between Timothy Holmsworth and Craig Sawyer Timothy Charles Holmsworth and Craig Sawyer who is a part of the Arizona Veterans for Child Rescue. (V4CR) He featured also in a documentary "ContraLand"  which they describe as follows "Child sex trafficking expose' documentary, Contraland, filmed by the military Veterans of non-profit organization Veterans For Child Rescue. V4CR exposes the multi-billion dollar industry of child sex trafficking, alerting the populace on the epidemic and how you can empower and safeguard all children" This is correct it is a real epidemic in more ways than one.(see last post above on items on the "4th industrial revolution" Sawyer is a former body-gaurd to Hillary Clinton. A piece on the documentary from Tuscon states "It's an unthinkable act that happens to hundreds of thousands of children daily, including right here in Southern Arizona. Human trafficking" Holmsworth was deemed a beneficial witness iinvestigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings by the FBI. Holmsworth is subtly accusing Carig Sawyer of being part of the Finders Cult. The Cult was raided in 1987 and it was skilled in grooming children away for their parents. See last post above dated 10.02.2021 and no 11.Amazing Polly who has added the latest information on her previous investigation (see no 11 above) on the Capitol hill riots in (US Election fraud contd) 'Election "Fortified" by SECRET CABAL!' Other videos (February 22 2021 video) which hint or suggest that Prince William went to the Hill of Tara in county Meath to visit Tea Tephi and New Grange after reading 'Michael Kelly's book 'Art, Archaeology and Legend' (of course Scythian sites are found all around the Shires in England across Europe, Ukraine and Russia and into the middle east and more fascinating than even modern science can imagine) in March 2020 just 10 days before the USA was handed over to FEMA as is still the case as of 6.3.2021 having been extended by Trump in Sep 2020 see  UNITED STATES IS OVER! TRUMP HANDS IT OVER TO F.E.M.A. !!  Trafficking of course involves millions of boys and girls who lost their Mothers. 

The US army but under the direction of FEMA are distributing Vaccines, despite 1/3 of them rejecting the Vaccine (or much much more than 1/3)

The Pentagon and the US department of defense (DOD) has a unit which acts to undermine Trafficking and Child Slavery i.e the Pentagon force protection Agency and speaking on it  Anthony M. Kurtadeputy assistant secretary of defense for military personnel policy, said today, "Human trafficking is modern-day slavery, he added. “It not only destroys the lives of those victimized, but also destroys countless families and poses a direct threat to the security and well-being of the entire world.” In 2019 / 2020 Trump authored the "Executive order on combating human trafficking and online child exploitation in the United States" here online Executive Order 13903; EO 13903’  VP Mike Pence had previously worked on the 2005 House Bill on Sexual Crimes Against Children  as the "H.R.3132 - Children's Safety Act of 2005"   Today via Trumps attorney Lyn Wood, Pence (and others) are accused of being sexual predators via the 'Ryan Dark White' (not his real name) transcripts and a full transcript is here (pdf) George Nadar During the "Russia investigation" (2017 / 2018 fwd) was a witness against Trump (and in effect Pence) Evidence was obtained from George Nader (like Obama and Clinton and ) is a paedofile and trafficker. Nader was then able to say Trump was a Russian agent until his guilty plea (to years of sexual abuse or connected) in January 2020. On the surface it looks like Nader worked for Trump and ‘liaised’ with Russians but in fact he raised millions for Hillary Clinton. Nader “has been indicted for allegedly funneling millions in illegal campaign contributions to support Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign” These funds were also directed by the Podesta brothers who are involved with Clement Freud in the murder of Madeleine McCannGeorge Nadar funnelled millions through the Clinton foundation. Many surmise that the Pence accusations (but Lyn Wood supports Pence and Trump) are to prevent a 2024 Pence for President run, and his accusers do not like his Christian beliefs on abortion and homosexuality. Trump and Pence both worked closely with the FBI and the FBI were always keen on Trump's help. 

Mike Pence refused to offer a 25th amendment removal of Trump to the Democrats, who in their new crime spree should be arrested and an entire 25th amendment designation from top to bottom applied. The open borders policy simply a disguise for trafficking and cheap labour.

Craig Sawyer & SIAM is also a part of SIAM 'Saved in America' which states that his daughter was assaulted by a sexual predator. The last article suggests that Biden would take Trump out (not for lunch) Siam ran into financial difficulties in 2018 when the 'Lynch foundation for Children' pulled away from supporting them. The Lynch foundation website states that Washington DC is the top city in the USA for trafficking and the US Navy have also come under investigation for trafficking and prostitution in Bahrain. 

Further and in Washington DC, as well as New York Reuters (see further on) on a fact check state in June 2015 state "There is no evidence to back the claim that 35,000 “malnourished” and “caged” children were recently rescued from tunnels in New York and other U.S. cities by military personnel" They add that Timothy Charles Holmsworth claimed (falsely they assert) he was part of the "Pentagon Paedofile Taskforce" as it does not exist, although Reuters do not mention the "Pentagon force protection Agency" above. VP Mike Pence Vice President Mike Pence tweeted in July 2018  "Last year ICE agents rescued 518 human trafficking victims and 904 children subjected to exploitation — yet top Dems like Cynthia Nixon call ICE agents “terrorists.” (article here on pence and ICE) What a disgrace" Pence also initiated the Space Force unit within the Pentagon. Clearly and globally the trafficking rings were getting concerned about the level of exposure they were coming under the Swamp. Like the finders cult (see no 8 above 8. NXIVM Leader Keith Raniere Sentenced to 120 Years in Prison for Racketeering and Sex Trafficking Offenses  (Oct 2020 )  Raniere connected also to the Whitewater scandal with Susan McDougal and the Bronfmans ) NXIVM also groomed children & the real "Cuties" story is here  MASSIVE Pedophile Network EXPOSED: What does Netflix's "Cuties" have to do with it?  ( for an insight into Child online grooming see Kayleigh's Love Story - Full Version from Leicestershire Police)  

This is Craig Sawyer speaking on Timothy Holmsworths channel Craig Sawyer (Vets 4 Child Rescue) [DELETED] Facebook Live from 09.02.20 r.e. Isaac Kappy who committed suicide recently after posting online he would be killed in the near future. Kappy said he had high level information on the Hollywood sex rings which are highlighted in the pedogate films above (i.e. no 1 & 2) Pedogate 3, 2020 is here  and the Hollywood cult is here "Pervywood - Those Who Yell The Loudest"  Timothy Holmsworth continues in this article

As is clear in no 11 above the Vatican is involved in Trafficking, it controls the "Pentagon and Belgium, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) which is the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Allied Command Operations (ACO)"  ( to repeat An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” ) European migration is big business and is of course linked to trafficking and drug smuggling and embezzlement via the Vatican bank and the Vatican is engaged in debauchery which taxpayers and charity givers are paying for. Angelo Caloia, a former head of the Vatican bank was sentenced in Jan 2021 and many were arrested. Most who support the war on terror also want the war on children to stop r.e. 'operation Gladio b' the Pentagon operation, which Sybil Edmonds of Newsbud  (Newsbud Youtube) was a whistle blower. (the facts are disputed but the Christian genocide by far the largest group to be slaughtered, was breaking in the MSM in 2014 / 2015 but began in 2011 see (Video 27) ISIS, Christian genocide and Obama Clinton Biden admin mystery ) Trafficking is still legal in Islam and is supported by those countries targeted by the War on terror. Why no under cover exposures of Islamic slavery and trafficking exists is a bigger story. It can exist throughout the Islamic world yet Mohammad is prayed to 5 times a day, whilst the EU courts ban any criticism of his pedophile marriage. Of course if they both had been 9 years of age then maybe they would have married at 15 or 16 (and so on)  

Abraham Lincoln and who supposedly abolished slavery and William Wilberforce (and Wesley and Spurgeon and Finney etc) would be amazed to see it has increased as the worlds biggest slave trade in what is the reality of child trafficking Swamp: The Reality of Child Sex Trafficking ) As for the shadow Joe Biden president biden amidst the fake plandemic in the fake election he grooms children and offers power to those who present children to him. Jeff Sessions swatted bidens hand away from his granddaughter wanting nothing to do with the Washington DC paedofiles  This is who biden appointed as Senator with a background in 'children's health'  his real name is Richard Levine ( as a man and woman in his mind only) and he was chosen to mock not just the USA but the world as of course there is no gay gene  admitted by  the BBC and in nature magazine (but vaccinations can change 'gender' & see below ) but there are plenty of suicides from those who were brainwashed to change sex  Only a snake would tell a child it is androgynous or even 'amphibious' Richard Levine (a man in a dress in the LGBT 'Q' is in reality the LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual ) was educated with (spread through all Universities) indoctrination from the Kinsey school of physcology a school run by paedophiles for paedophiles (with  a bit of non - science thrown in to hide the fact they are simply perverts and child killers grooming your children) see  Alfred Kinsey & How the Gay/Homosexual agenda began in the roots of modern 'psychiatry'   or here again on Youtube  

Now today the LGBT....whatever has become Transhumanism as H + Gender as "postgenderism"    (2. the H+ Logo)  (in the 'religion' not within the science of any kind) see also The Transformation Of Man, Mystery Babylon Exposed in the coming Technocracy as "The Human + Gender"  and see how chemical changes are made to foods Scientists Shocked That "Gender Bending" Chemicals in our food 44 times higher han Thought  and gender medication Sex change a click away | EU trans clinic issues sex change hormones to minors  which are also in vaccines (m RNA = modify RNA) or once again  "Transhumanism: Will humans evolve to something smarter? | A-Z of ISMs Episode 20 - BBC Ideas"    Dr Carrie Madej explains the experimental gene injection Christian Dr Carrie Madej,Gene Code Injection experiment & in depth Vaccination warnings (Human 2.0) which also causes sterilization. This is all straight out of a minority view of the world and the 4th industrial revolution / great reset / run by Communists within the WHO World Health Organisation and by China to damage the west  but is planned fro the whole world whether you are Asian, Muslim or any faith on any continent. This religion is just the same as child sexual abuse and deceives children at the highest level.

At the very top and through the ridiculous quelling of perception about this evil are those who  wish to destroy families and society and traffick and kill children who they hate. Comprising 1.5 % of the population they are always given the media attention. (see also "What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?" in which the Human experience will have to change ? "The United Nations Redefines What It Means "to Be a ‘Human" May 30, 2018 The entire non- Human Race also need to be vaccinated Gavi and the Who want to vaccinate the entire world & here The UN Global vaccination programme  See also DavidWJones Brighteon  This transhumanist religion has hijacked the 'gay movement' and they want you in it, whether you want it or not and also your children, whilst 85%of the planet can be sterilized (truly androgynous) by vaccination and artificial means (not evolution itself a fake theory or natural means) 


The Belguim White Marches which brought a revolution. 'Explainer: Paedophile Marc Dutroux and the horror case that united a divided Belgium'  article published 01.10.2019 by Lindsey Johnstone

The White March (called because they marched against their children being killed and raped by wearing white pieces of cloth) One of the biggest protests against state paedophile crimes occurred in Belgium, and even shook the Aristocracy  to its foundations. In 1996 King Albert II was forced to intervene in the growing scandals which centered on Marc Dutroux but which was only a small part of the whole. With connections to the ('Mothers of Darkness castle') 'Château des Amerois' near Muno (near the French / Luxembourg border and others) The scandal which involved the trafficking of children, and their rape, torture and murder for ritualistic purposes led to the 'White Marches in Belguim' when officially 300,000 people brought Belguim to a standstill on October 20th 1996 and it spread throughout the country    In reality the protests were much larger and brought Belguim back to the people not the sheeple. Details are here also on Wikipedia Note that the people themselves marched and it did not require any "social mobilization machinery' baffling social scientists who are placed in positions of Universities or as public faces to ideological motivations for grabbing power, but who are in reality a part of the outrages (the 'useful idiots' as Lenin named them) and are there to merely quell and misdirect the public from taking over their own countries finally blunting the reclamation of power across left and right until people are just left shouting at the 'parliament gates'. Large protests like the ones in Belgium in 1996 shocked the authorities and the Aristocracy who threw them Marc Dutroux who was just a low level handler of the children for the minority 'elites' who then instigated a lengthy trail to quash any revolt wearing the people down with hyperbole.  Therefore all the authorities and the law were a part of the 'conspiracy'  which involved thousands of children over decades and indeed over hundreds of years, not just 5 or 6. In 2019 a 'Black march' was organized in Belgium to protest the release of Dutroux accomplice Michel Lelièvre many however in the aristocracy and the law are against this barbaric ritualistic and primitive societal control and have exposed these crimes also, as of course all will be held to account (see chapter 5 above) in this world and the next. 

See also Elite Human Trafficking [Vol. 1] - Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT   & Volume 2 Elite Human Trafficking [Vol.2] - ART IN EMBASSIES

2020 / 2021 Largest ever child porn / internet trials and severe punishments for trafficking. Europe (2018 / 2020) cracked down on a very large Paedophile ring in July 2020  following the child porn internet trials in January 2020  Harsh new laws against Trafficking are planned but the public has heard all of this before. These children are tortured, locked up, repeatedly raped, so much they cannot use the toilet and sold and trafficked around the world daily. 

The US election 2020 was a pysop to make sure (if possible) this religion stayed in power, and is fake (see chapter 3b near the end and the 2nd part of the US elections dated 6.3.2021 to follow) and the same people who brought you this election brought you the fake plandemic The m RNA (modify RNA) injection is not a Vaccine Dr. David Martin Dr Judy Mikovits Robert F Kennedy  (or again see here Christian Dr Carrie Madej,Gene Code Injection experiment & in depth Vaccination warnings (Human 2.0) & also CDC in Collusion with Vaccine Manufacturers (since 2004 at least!) 

In the dark and middle ages when the serfs and peasants revolted, it was ad hoc and usually after the landlords or kings or aristocracy above them had committed outrages beyond the country's bearing. Those days to many have returned, in the modern global trafficking and child abuse scandals. It is so prolific it seems as though feudalism (in the new 'technocracy' 4th industrial revolution) is here again worse than ever. There are references to the Guillotine being used as early as the 12th century, but it most famous use was in the French Revolution of 1798. The 'Sans Cullottes’ who amongst other ideals also believed in price controls. Many of them had lost land and profession, and became fervent revolutionaries; they had been the ‘peasant proprietary’ but had lost everything, generally however the serfs and peasants joined in with the Revolution resulting in the executions of the Aristocracy and landlords class and the Kings (In France the Guillotine's last use was on the 10.09.1977) Warring Kings who fought other Kings were undercut by these revolutions and they feared losing their heirs, titles and family bloodlines. This unusual revolution and use of the Guillotine was not employed by the Aristocracy but against  them. The uprisings increased the lands and prosperity of the people, removing burdensome taxes sometimes completely, ensuring the protection of their own children and families, but those who assumed power from the mob were just as tyrannical as those they deposed. Today the 'state' established by the revolution has become just a big a source of oppression. Many in the Aristocracy were wrongly accused and sentenced but in the horror of the peasants' lives, the resultant 'reign of terror' hijacked the aspirations of the peasants for Justice and Sovereignty as Sovereignty is of and within the people. This is not  represented by the Sovereign alone as Sovereignty is something the people confer upon themselves and the nation from pre-existing inalienable rights, they do not receive it from a leader who is 'Sovereign' alone. The law is on the side of the people but those that represent the law of course are not. For further details see Chapter 3b and the Law of the Land

The 'populists' marches and accession to power in 2017 to the present day had to be stopped by the powers that be and they blinked, as the Global evidence of trafficking and pedophilia accumulated, all those who supported the 'm RNA' changing injections (non vaccines) and the masks and lockdowns are the 'deep state' and not liberators and they are now fully revealed. Do not vote for them and instead prosecute and ruin their business, their private lives and futures. 'Storming the Frankenstein castle' in the middle ages brought an end to the madness upon Sovereign people. The military and private concerns have satellite tracking everywhere and in Belgium that includes the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and yet they cannot catch murdering sex traffickers globally? but can close the world globally and stop you on the street for not wearing a mask. There is no need for vaccination passports or any new identification on travel because you are not owned, but Sovereign people in Sovereign nations. It is they who need to be identified, tagged and face even corporeal punishment. The Military are  bringing Military tribunals in many countries. Covering up the largest trade in the world, see the 25 painful facts on trafficking below and also the human trafficking map below, which has continued as a trade right the way through the lock-downs with the continued calls for mass migration by trafficking  (This post as no 12 added above on 8.3.2021 & numbers 1 to 11 are above The return link to Chapter 3b & the "2nd part of US elections contd from 13.01.2021 until 6.3.2021 in the extended US elections" )



13. (11. 05.2021) Big Tech Hubs and the Dark Web The following Video which is very disturbing, relates the surrounding investigations into online pedophilia  and the Dark Web . "DEEP WEB 2019: HOPE DIES HERE RECUT - DOCUMENTARY, PEDOPHILES AND CHILD EXPLOITATION"   (or here again once more  or here again on truther index It parallels the terra firma land trafficking criminal empire and lax laws which allow pedophiles to get away with sexual abuse and sometimes literally murder. It features pedofiles Tom OCarroll from the paedofile information exchange (PIE) ( link here) and also Richard Huckel ( link here) and also Shannon McCoole ( link here)  It shows how pedophiles have a preference for "birth babies" to sexual abuse and also the "non - offending" pedophiles who abstain from sexual abuse as a kind of virtue signalling, and they often employed as fronts for those who want to push pedofilia as a "gender".  It also features parents who  breed children to traffick and sexual abuse and sell to other pedolfiles. This has entered through Psychiatry and counselling of those committing the crimes and often Psychiatrists are the criminals as with Kinsey's Pedophiles  which shows the connections to Jeffrey Epstein and others. The background to Kinsey and Aleister Crowley is here

Alfred Kinsey was also connected to 'the 'Beast' Aliester Crowley via Kenneth Anger  The 'science' Kinsey pushed was proven to be  false and horrific, but the established Universities seem to have ignored the  results   'Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State'' Books such as 'Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, & The Deep State' are independent  researchers and authors  and their claims, seem to have linked every nation on earth to this vast lucrative trade which provides background confirmation of the scale of the problem which is also concurring with the FBI and the CIA . Melinda Gates and Jeffrey Epstein. Jeffery Epstein also met with Melinda Gates  and this fact alone should make people question the covid 19 hoax, and the lockdowns overseen by Bill Gates who is not a Doctor. Epstein and Ghislaine  Maxwell were guests for the Clinton at the Whitehouse  (but who knew Trump and the Clintons or here also again ) yet she has requested a postponement of her sex trafficking trial until Autumn 2021 ? but no one else gets such privileges, and as we have seen above Obama and the fake Joe Biden (who is under FEMA not any office of state) is often seen with the Clinton's and he (Biden) is a pedophile and his VP Kamala Harris clearly has sympathy for them, aside from her kickbacks (via planned parenthood her real employer in the push to ban abortions in 2020)  from the lucrative baby parts (abortion) industry, which also supply big pharma with Human diploid cells for vaccinations in Big Pharma in 2018 and ongoing into 2022  (see Stanley Plotkin testimony in the video at around 40 minutes in) The Evidence for rigging elections to protect the pedofiles rings is above in no 11 and also no 12.

In 2011 the BBC claimed that the Worlds biggest pedophile ring had been caught (and many were inside the BBC including Jimmy Saville) and yet the crimes continues, but then Jeffrey Epstein's arrest provided information on a secret cult on his Island with underground tunnels, and which was not uncovered in 2011. This arrest showed that  the conspiracy was open and in plain view and they regard children as commodities to kill or abuse. This conspiracy is so vast and so ingrained into Society that as yet the biggest system of paedophilia, trafficking and child kidnapping is yet to be brought down. People can be locked down for a year or more with more to come and surveillance is everywhere via AI cameras and Satellites, yet the traffickers in human misery and slavery cannot be brought down, locked up and removed from society. A lockdown to stop trafficking ? would stop many transnational diseases and misery but that is not a "pandemic" (which usually has dead bodies everyhwhere) yet child victims are by thousands of a %, in real peril from these psychopaths. 

Big Tech and Big Tech hubs. The Film at the beginning ( 3 paragraphs above ) also highlights Philip R Greaves II who published the "‘The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure‘  Amazon Greaves published his book on Amazon (to assist pedofiles sexual abuse your children) and they refused to remove it from their platform in 2011, yet now it is illegal to download or sell ) who was arrested only received 2 years probation. The legal system cannot be used to stop the trade and it is a broken system and a new system and new methods needs to be made and requires more funding and systems which can operate quickly whilst providing safety and access and justice for online users without a totalitarian excuse to either micro-chip children or shut society down. Big Tech and Big Tech hubs attract pedofiles who use the system to co-ordinate their crimes (although they say they are developing apps and systems to catch pedofliles) Evidence shows only a small part of the criminal empire are caught Evidence shows however Big Tech hubs are enabling pedofiles to exist and operate.




14.  (8.8.2021) Disney, Porn Hub, Mindgeek, Big Tech and the Great Reset. The Widespread trafficking of children and adults is the world's fastest growing business with potentially over 7 billion employees on planet earth.  Yet to date no lockdowns or suggested passports for those who engage in these crimes, yet surveillance is very advanced already in every nation and every government and within every military on earth. The UN is the main trafficking facilitator under the respectability of its credentials. 

One of the bastions of children entertainment  DISNEY whose long history of beloved  cartoon characters have entertained children for a hundred years attracts paedofliles and traffickers to its organisation. Like the UN it is hoped that its reputation as an established company will obfuscate its activities. Hollywood acts in exactly the same way (in plain sight) Disney helped people numbed by World War 1 and World War2 to stay young forever, but 'Something Strange is happening at  Disney'  mainly since his  death in 1966 and  (after this) the opening of Disney World in Florida which also became a worldwide distributor of film and now digital entertainment. The mind control of the 'Mickey Mouse club' became apparent as the child stars became adults,  (Disney World is an incredible labyrinth of tunnels and underground walkways) as Disney slowly introduces Young minds to Transhumanism and depopulation. Its purchase of 21 st century Fox confirms that the 'media' is slowly controlled by 6 major corporations (or less) Globally see chapter 3b above  where even SKY NEWS can be suspended by YOUTUBE on 1.8.2021 for pointing out that a Sars 2 covid has never been isolated and/or that people are dying after vaccinations, and catching 'covid' and variants after numerous vaccinations and then also dying., even double or treble vaccinated, but "anti-vaxxers" are brainwashing people  To date Sars 2 covid 19 only  exists as a patented theoretical Crispr computer DNA/RNA code.  

Pharmakia & Oculus virtual reality (drugs, illegal or from Big Pharma) along with films can induce a permanent soft or hard psychosis. One of the most sophisticated being the 3d virtual reality Oculus headsets which combined with heightened chemical  drugs designed to complement the Quest, (originally 360 degrees now the headsets are designed to be frontal but provide 360 degree images) designed to affect the unconscious as well as the conscious brain. Oculus is patroned by Obama aka Barry Soetoro for the ultimate in removing your child's mind away from reality into porn (as an option to the more mainstream gaming) and psychosis in the 'virtual world'. The Mickey Mouse club in their virtual reality or the millions of sexually abused children filmed and photographed had a psychotic experience not a healing from psychosis  Virtual reality away from film or in everyday life is hard for children to take and even more so for teenagers but that is all designed for them on purpose. 

More Disney staff were arrested In Florida on the 27. 07. 2021 until the 1.8.2021 undercover detectives arrested 17 people including 3 people who work within the Disney Corporation  "Grady Judd, the sheriff of Polk County, described the suspects as “incredible deviants,” “dangerous,” and “nasty, nasty, nasty people.”  They also lived in Polk County along with  over 120 arrested in December 2019 in a large undercover prositution and  trafficking ring in Florida. Also in 2019 the Vice President of Disney Michael Laney was arrested and jailed for 6 years. "Former vice president of Walt Disney Pictures and Television, Michael Laney, 73, has been sentenced to more than 6 years in prison following a child sex abuse investigation. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office said Laney was sentenced on Friday to 81 months in prison after being found guilty for four counts of first-degree sexual abuse on May 7. In addition to Laney’s prison sentence, the former VP also has to register as a sex offender" and also Disney's PEDO Vice President CONVICTED and JAILED!   and see also also Huge Disney Pedo Allegations- Media Silent

Big tech lets paedophilia rise and flourish, but silences critics of them Big  tech logarithm, but it allows those who control the real use of the media to flourish if unchecked or not challenged or investigated. Padeoflies hiding on Youtube in plain sight   In Ireland "the state" who can know daily how many people have caught covid or not or have been vaccinated and can lock down an entire country, has partially admitted that it does not know how many of its clients in direct provision have been trafficked ? Yet mass illegal immigration globally has increased from 2019 into 2022 despite concerns as super spreaders and a 'pandemic'. This is because trafficking disguised as immigration or illegal immigration has taken over the state and is unofficial policy. Brothels and sweatshops / cheap labour are a destination of the trafficked. 


Apple, Google and Microsoft the Big tech dystopia (depopulation & slavery)

Apple is also under investigation for its role in (outsourced) slave labour and sweatshops. It (Apple) may merge with Disney and Google already partnerships with Disney and with Microsoft for CLOUD engineering / tracking data retention. It has made a policy to employ former slave labour trafficked persons as a social concern and strategy, but in 2019 Apple and Google were named in a lawsuit for allegedly trafficking and employing slave labour wages in the Congolese scandal, as were Sony and Samsung. This business model is tipped to be unveiled in Ireland and Europe and anywhere as part of the cashless (although no referendum on this is announced by the unnecessary government during the corona shutdown, especially as Apple is involved in contact tracing systems see below)  The cobalt – lithium battery quest is of course also destroying the environment and data hubs use more energy in a week than most towns use in a year. The US Human tarfficking in persons report 2020 outlines both the external and internal systems (see above also for details) Apple (guilty of trafficking see conclusion above) worked with Nxivm and Google as they would want to rely on the technocracy and internet to advance their sex cult 'wellness' scam.  Clare Bronfman received only 81 months for destroying lives   (or see here also ) (This followed criticism in 2017 regarding their complicity online abuse and facilitating trafficking groups and surveillance and participation in trans humanism bias ) First see NXIVM World Order by Amazing Polly (see here Bitchute channel here    and also her Youtube Channel here  )  Digicell and Haiti The Irish Journal reported on the case in 2018 / 2019 as did the Irish Times  in and around April 2019 fwd   Keith Raniere ran the cult and a cult is what is with much of the background and connections reported on by the 'Roberta Glass True Crime Report'  Amazing Polly also reports on the connections to Ireland. Dennis OBrien's connectionsto the Haiti trafficking operations which involved Laura Silsby  

Apple and Google are also imposing the new contact tracing system which is in line with the new EU traffic system. The surveillance contact tracing system is working in Ireland but is not mandatory and is illegal to your inalienable rights. Known as ‘health passport Ireland’ it is in fact a new preparing surveillance system  Bill Gates is behind the contact tracing programme, and now the authorities have mandated the retention of fingerprints and DNA (for DNA Harvesting see at the end and link to the ‘Human experience has to change’)  which is in clear breach of civil liberties and sovereign rights as are mandatory tests and vaccinations. Bill Gates stands to make Billions from the scamdemic and has shares in Apple to the tune of 1 Billion. Another 'big tech' ex Google leader Eric Schmidt had links to China and child trafficking   (for more information see the end of chapter 3a and the Irish elections 8.8.2020 and which extends down to the end of that chapter 3a) 


Pornhub and Mindgeek 

In March 2020 a petition against Pornhub was signed by 350,000 people   Currently over 2 million people have signed the petition and it is now hosted here called traffickinghubpetition   (showing 2 million 225 thousand signatures) Pornhub is and has been hosting non- consensual videos  and its overseeing company 'Mindgeek' has been challenged legally  "Over 700 Survivors, Advocates Call On Congress For Criminal Investigation Into Pornhub’s Parent Company Mindgeek"  Moves have been made to curtail Pornhub  in 2020 and Grant Thornton auditors for Porn Hub / Mindgeek have  resigned as their auditors in February 2021 " The move by Grant Thornton Ireland to resign as auditors to MG Billing Ltd and three other Dublin Mindgeek owned companies, follows allegations of unlawful content on the Pornhub website in December''. Grant Thornton are based with the Dublin IFSC 'International Financial Centre' home to Apple, Microsoft, Accenture, Crypto Currencies and Google amongst others. Their onus to fight online child abuse / slavery / trafficking is to remove the paedofiles if they become too obvious, but to then also place everyone under a fake covid passport system, and eventual dining / shopping / banking / online / as apartheid signed into law in Ireland on the 21.07.2021  signed into law by the left ? (all nations are forced to sign ? but the public have had enough), but will move to full blown totalitarianism. Apple have been criticised as for years they did nothing but now have an App using cryptography to find child abuse images online. Critics say that it will be used by the government to control society knowing the historical lack of concern r.e children in any capacity. Children are mooted to be microchipped (like animals) to 'protect them'  as is already occurring in Sweden for people of all ages and to be expanded. Yet the paedofiles and traffickers including those run by Big Tech are controlling this system with tacit agreement via the  state as the trafficked into pornhub via the 'immigration policy' (see last post above ie. no 13 dated 11.05.2021) and the debate quickly moves away from a free society which is safe for children or adults.

Corruption within the state, big tech and trafficking / child abuse and paedophilia is the new syndicate 


Trafficking  and child abuse via Mindgeek and Pornhub The Truth about Pornhub bitchute

Porn Hub and Mindgeek are being  sued for direct trafficking and placing the victims into videos  (last link BBC 16.12.2020 "Pornhub sued by 40 Girls Do Porn sex trafficking victims") but covid has provided the ideal distraction for this insidious growing  trade. Other lawsuits appeared in 2021 by 34 woman accused also of child trafficking   and slavery, imprisonment, rape and abuse. Lawyers in New York in June 2021 are also launching a lawsuit against Porn Hub / Mindgeek "Brown Rudnick Launches Landmark Case Against Human Trafficking and Child Pornography in the Online Porn Industry"    

Mindgeek is headquartered in Luxembourg but pornhub like Mindgek originated in Canada both have offices worldwide including Cyprus and London. It receives secret investors from big banking and big tech and operates in nearly  every country on earth despite  platitudes from Big tech. Its profits are enormous. In essence it is sex offending, but Ireland has a new law as of June 2021 

Ireland new law for sex offenders "New law will allow for information to be released on sex offenders" The Department of Justice intends to publish the Sex Offenders (Amendment) bill in June 2021  (or here in full from the DOJ website from bills in 2001 and 2018 ) Whilst it assumes "sex offenders" to be paedophiles or criminals living near the public it can also be applied to sex offenders in banks, accountants, traffickers, pornsites and big tech and international conglomerates.Simply catching and jailing or the death penalty, those caught is the solution (see last para below)  

The Great Reset and its implications i.e. "you will own nothing and be happy" on youtube by Douglas Kruger  ( here again on Bitchute "The Great Reset explained by Douglas Kruger) and basic UBI (Universal Basic Income) means entire countries could be forced to become a pornhub with trafficked, and national child abuse and a new form of modern slavery in non - virtual 3d and in the lockdown these crimes increased dramatically especially prostitution amongst woman (this occurred in all totalitarian regimes)  Big Tech continue to profit from Covid 19 in the new digital technocracy   which has a vested interest in maintaining lockdowns and ruining the average small business and controlling your data deceitfully and illegally not just in the USA but also in the EU Big Tech have banned any discussion on Vaccines or COVID19 and have interfered in democracy and peoples and nations Sovereignty. Slowly linking paedofilia, children and online streaming for paedophile gangs (who stream live child sex abuse online already)  Pornhub offers Disney cartoon characters as porn films as a new form of grooming and exploitation to open children to porn. (Children are sold for small change in today's world, and those that are within a family or stable environment are also targeted)  

In June 2021 the FBI arrested 800 criminals worldwide.  FBI arrested 800 criminals worldwide "More than 800 suspected criminals have been arrested worldwide after being tricked into using an FBI-run encrypted messaging app, officials say"




15. (5.4.2022 ) The Great Reset is the greatest Trafficking project in the history of mankind, built on a looser but tangible foundation In December 2021 Charles Lieber was sentenced for "making false statements and tax offences"    Charles Lieber took money from Jeffrey Epstein who trafficked men women and children with Ghislaine Maxwell  (and Prince Andrew )  not just for prostitution and child sex trafficking but for a new science of bio - hacking humans as part of the 4th industrial revolution. Charles Lieber was / is considered the world's expert on Nanotechnology, and funnelled money into Wuhan China The wet market in Wuhan is close to the university and bio warfare lab. The market is touted as the origin area for the Covid / corona virus which morphed from a bat on sale in the market. Therefore the virus could be spread by animals, but during the lockdown of the world birds (cats and dogs) did not wear masks or social distance and were oblivious to any restrictions. A fuller outline is given here Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, Charles Lieber USA & Wuhan.The CIA,China & the mRNA vaccination M.O.B. with an examination by Amazing Polly on the WEF globally   ( or see here for more videos including on the Ukraine as the money laundering capital of the world in the great reset it has also brought Martial Law, Control Of All Media And Outlawed All Political Opposition

Catholic Charities scandal Simultaneously in the USA and wider the Catholic Charities scandal exposed the worldwide Vatican trafficking scandal "The Vortex — Betraying God and Country"   which is as a trafficking system involves Catholics churches in every parish  globally  (see longer version of Betraying God and country here) and the the Vatican Bank (see here in the description box underneath or also here again on youtube which supports an earlier posts above 2017 - 2020 above An MP4 file from an Ex Green beret, NSA and ex- Jesuit     “Refugee Program Exposed Vatican” ) Ukraine The BBC report on the trafficking scandals now in the Ukraine  as the USA admits (Biden March 2022 Warsaw speech)  it wants regime change in Russia (Ukraine is the first country to go full "Great Reset" into the digital age see the vaccination deaths and injuries and post 6 dated 2.4.2022) 

The Clinton foundation is reconvening as of March 2022 with allegations of trafficking still ongoing from Haiti and the missing US aid from charities and others  Donald Trump was also a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein's plane to his Island, and more than once. Also " Witness in Ghislaine Maxwell trial says she met former US president at Mar-a-Lago estate aged 14" Trump was on the Island with Bill Clinton   Is this why Trump did not jail Hillary Clinton as he said he would in the 2016 Presidential campaign.If Prince Andrew can be prosecuted so can Clinton and Trump.

Disney Human trafficking is so wide and prevalent that when 108 people are arrested with 4 of them employees of Disney in March 2022 (see the last post above dated 8.8.2021 and the  huge trafficking arrests in Disney in August 2021) it only scratches the surface but shows that house hold name corporations view human trafficking as profitable (also in last post above) 

From 2016 to date spread over 2 proxy presidents of USA inc, the narrative was that Obama was pro- open borders, but then Trump came in and was for closing the border, then Biden came in and opened up the border once more to non US citizens. Biden's recent executive order (all executives order exist outside of the US constitution under this emergency and from the social security act of the new deal under FDR itself 'an emergency' ) reverses Trumps policies etc Trump wanted biometric ID for immigrants and for existing citizens, but as the article states Homeland Security reversed that decision also. Homeland security was drafted in the 9/11 emergency and is not viable under the US constitution, yet Biden helped draft the Homeland security act. However it is progressing by stealth and will be employed for all people in the USA illegal and legal, so that illegal immigrants will run into biometric enslavement in the USA whatever there ID name or status and not just in the USA. Why did Biden reverse these policies ? because it is not good trafficking policy (with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer also in on the Trafficking deal) to have trackable cargo / product with trackable funds per person, (it is very profitable to traffic illegals) until after they are in and dispersed. Further Trump had more immigration than Obama and Ann Coulter gave away the information in 2019 / 2020. ID2020 (United Nations) is working on total global digital biometric ID since 2020 and into 2023, so ironically there is no where for immigrants to run to and most have already been injected with the experimental mRNA injection in any case as the South American statistics reveal for 2022  Trafficking also occurs from Canada into the USA and into every nation globally. (spreading more covid and from the self spreading vaccines)


Operation Ore, Project Monarch (MP4 file) Tony Blair and Baroness Black . Law enforcement around the world have caught and prosecuted trafficking abuses to bring these crimes to an end. See MP4 Project Monarch pedophilia &  ritual abuse  Relatives and close friends have come together over decades to help these victims and bring justice against these unlawful organisations. In 1999 Operation Ore a joint US / British law enforcement operation brought down thousands of perpetrators globally, it changed public perception globally   A petition is underway to remove the gag order Tony Blair placed on details of the operation it was rejected but paedofiles are being caught year in year out and globally also  Parents and loved ones are sick of this trade.  and the cover ups, with dangerous criminals caught and the struggle to prosecute Baroness Black (forensic anthropologist, anatomist) is assisting with  digital forensics to catch criminals who operate in these areas.

The Church in general (see above for the Anglican church and others ) and the Roman Catholic church supported the World Economic Forum ( vaccinations required to enter the Vatican etc) and World Health Organisation in its GAVI (trafficking and killing program) even suggesting to the pro-life church world that taking a DNA / RNA altering vaccination (which is not a health product but is a 'gene therapy' dna changing injection see below for the full plan "Contagious Vaccines" — Mandates by Mad Science) with serums grown from aborted baby fetus DNA / cells was morally acceptable. For a fuller insight into the continuing damage to people of all ages and countries (deaths and injuries)  see the link here  This link will take you to over 300 vaccine deaths and injuries (& some compilations have a hundred within them spread over 6 posts with the last so far being 2.4.2022) The catholic debate on this issue is here below also 

Human diploid cells in the vaccines. Pope Francis confirms "baby DNA" is in the experimental vaccines  (and see link no 84 above and others) but  this is then denied by a Roman Catholic news Channel  EWTN  (EWTN or Eternal Word Television Network who campaigned on pro - life issues) However Veritas have also confirmed that infant human remains are in the vaccines and which was confirmed by Pfizer to Veritas  Further EWTN are not keen to comment on these issues as Vannessa Gelman Pfizer's lead researcher runs away when asked about the baby dna in vaccines the Pope approves of,  also the Dr Stanley Plotkin deposition confirms that recent aborted fetal tissue is used in 2018 (Video 11) Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video or You can also see abridged testimony at 40 mins in here Today the Vatican has issued Green passports on Covid but if you are a pedophile priest you can hide out there without prosecution.(for further details see the adjacent website and chapter 6 ) And the CDC now admit aborted fetal parts are in vaccines

Recent discoveries of aborted fetus in Washington University  Beyond Gosnell: Freezer of Aborted Babies Found at Univ of Washington

It is incredible that the pro - choice pro abortion campaign of "my body my choice" does not apply  to vaccine mandates ?? EWTN campaigned in the Irish abortion referendum which revealed baby parts sold by Planned Parenthood ? but cannot accept that those parts are in Vaccines ? see Babies body parts & Vaccines part 1  and see part 2 also Babies body parts & Vaccines part 2 


Liam Neeson The statement that the whole world revolves around Child and Human Trafficking is more profound that people realize. It begins in many instances with your birth certificate trusts (see the adjacent website sovereignty of nations)  The global aspect of this trade which involves 'immigration systems' across borders is also an unnoticed aspect of your lives see Liam Neeson and What is Human Trafficking  which is also here Trafficking involves every country on earth and many diplomatic institutions as huge operation. In other words it happens everywhere to ordinary people (who in the 1st world will be forced into prostitution for food and to take more vaccinations, see the last post above dated 8.8.2021 and many institutions including Big Pharma run those trafficking business just as easily as it joins the trafficking immigration business to change everyone on earth by AI which now runs all the worlds health systems (almost) and the media to persuade you to "change" GAVI (with the World Health Organisation) the vaccine alliance wants 70% of the world vaccinated by June 2022 (depopulation agenda 2030)

In Britain the leader of the Labour party (who employed people connected to the PIE Paedophile information exchangeHarriet Harman, Patricia Hewitt and Jack Dromey.) Keith Starmer once actually apologised for not prosecuting Jimmy Saville in his role as chief prosecutor (CPS Crown prosecution service) when it was clear;y his responsibility to do so The BBC during the protests was highlighted when a man attacked their statue in Londons broadcasting house The statue is supposedly representing Prospero and Ariel  (Ariel the spirit in debt to Prospero) but with all the paedofiles caught within the BBC (Jimmy Saville was a pedophile serial rapists and enjoyed sex with dead children as a part of the BBC childrens entertainment programmes) it represented a sinister depiction of unnecessary lewdness and suggestion. A few weeks after these matters, the BBC DJ Mark Page was convicted of paedophilia in the Philippines but also in the UK  The Jury were told to remember Jimmy Savile at his trial in Teeside  What Britain is not told and following WW2 pedophiles undertook a long term plan and operation to infiltrate all aspects of the media and society as a trafficking system upon society by stealth over decades. The story of Richard Huckle serves also as a reminder how soeone can evade justice for so long.Richard Huckle - Britain's Worst Pa*dophile Who Was Murdered In Jail  Do people believe this could occur, surely not (see all this chapter 6 above) 

Trans-humans will no longer have human rights as they are no longer human see the following analysis Greg Reese: The Real Agenda Behind Transgenderism  The 4th industrial revolution is a movement to enslave the world by modest consent or military style martial law, it seeks to change you. The new Great Narrative World Economic Forum Book of January 2022 openly admits that your DNA / RNA will be changed.  Clips from the New Book from the WEF "The Great Narrative" 2022 Klaus Schwab on synthetic dna from mRNA vaccines NO 271 and also 271A and the Corbett report on the Great Narrative NO 272   Unvaxxed USA Military purged from Army from Trump / Biden's father of the Vaccine injection experimental 'gene therapy'  NO 272a Military super soldiers gene augmentation NO 272B Trans-humanism = In 2013  A hidden court case in 2013 the US Supreme court ruled Humans (people) cannot be owned or patented as they are Sovereign people flesh and blood made in the image of God,  BUT They continued however and said they cannot be owned or patented unless they are synthetic (Reuters)  NO 214 also reported on by the BBC as synthetic DNA can be patented NO 214a full court case details on PDF 214b and attempts to further narrow the definitions of human DNA in 2019 mRNA Vaccines do just that i.e. alter your human genome. NO 214c Listen to the experts Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends| Ep 45: Dr. Mark Bailey  and also Dr Andrew Wakefield: This Is Not a Vax, It Is an Irreversible Genetic Modification

The new global digital currency, (global in the new cashless society  with the global digital currency tracker   which can also trace Bitcoin and others also,The Global Digital ID Prison they are the same  "Crypto The End of Freedom! 1988 Economist magazine until today" ) with China's social credit system now employing pre-programmed AI Robots as "Judges" with no sovereign rights and who are not flesh and blood oath takers. not applying Sovereign rights but dystopian non rights as part of the UN new rules based order (see the Sovereignty website adjacent post dated 3.2.2022)  Trials by Jury are common law and common law dictates that only harm to others is breaking common law with free speech. The removal of property rights and human REAL SOVEREIGN rights (not persons or fictional entities as citizens or residents etc) is occurring  now see Ireland's (lor any nations)  removal of its private property and private property rights 2022 in the Great Reset and in the Ukraine Ukraine silently implemented the WEF's ‘Great Reset’ by setting up a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app - Strange Sounds and coming soon new synthetic m RNA HIV vaxx is going ahead the shocking Pfizer docs are released causing panic whilst the (United Nations court within the Supreme court) the US supreme court's view that people cannot be owned but those with synthetic DNA can, take a look at Chile which is now stating that employers cannot discriminate against humans with synthetic DNA and 'genetically altered people'    = Trafficking as slave labor where "synthetic people" or other types of humans (see next para also on military deaths and injuries)  even those with just 1 vaccination can be owned by a corporation. 'WHO partners Deutsche Telekom to build global COVID vaccine verification app'

Global pandemic treaty to own all governments 2022 (to build on the New rules based order) The World Health Organisation also moves to introduce the Global pandemic treaty   which is explained here as a one world health government or analysed here also WHO's Controversial 'Pandemic Treaty' by 2024 if Enough Countries Agree with details emerging on military deaths and injuries and the public from experimental injections towards a UN army.

Total earth monitoring is now possible and it is therefore an easy step to prevent all global trafficking and illegal forced migration. The Sadar (Sentient All Domain Autonomous Response (SADAR) is the world's most advanced Ocean sensing system) as part of the Skynet system can track all life on earth via Qubit Quantum Artificial Intelligence, which is a formidable deterrent to trafficking worldwide as AI can read 7.5 billion faces in 90 seconds  and even by=pass the internet and track the dark web.

Human Trafficking awareness month. January 2022 contained a Human Trafficking awareness day within Human Trafficking awareness month (please read all this chapter 6 above  The target of this system is the 7.5 Billion people on the planet and now in the '1st world' everywhere, with female Children being the largest victim group  Millions are trafficked and the real numbers are a lot more than reported. Turning millions into a Billion trafficked or more is now feasible. (this post added 5.4. 2022)




16 (09.10.2024)Subjects include UN Trafficking. "Q" and Trump and Jeffrey Epstein. The Finders, David Hamblin, Hugh Edwards, Roman Catholic Church & Anglican church and all faiths. Alfred Kinsey, Ted Gunderson, Groucho club, Tavistock. Media programming, Monetery and Woodstock music festivals IICSA child abuse nvestigation Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile, P Diddy, David steel MP . 'The Technocracy', UN Pact for the future, Bird flu summit and Global digital compact and C40 and 15 Minute cities. All linked together and more below.


The last post above dated 5.4.2022 began with the heading "The Great Reset is the greatest Trafficking project in the history of mankind, built on a looser but tangible foundation" The stated aim of the great reset is that people will own nothing and be happy. Those who do own nothing are not happy and in many nations this leads to economic migration and into the trafficking system and as the links at the very end show the business of trafficking is growing exponentially. A growing number of people are realising (across all services and professions) into tens of millions that children are not commodities and people have a right to change terrible situations on man and woman kind

Today millions are being trafficked across all nations and many into nations and trafficked out again. Trafficking of people occurs into Africa and out again and many state they are trafficking multiple times. It is unprecedented in human history. To give an idea of how 'trafficking' and kidnap and child abuse have merged globally see the next link on child trafficking

The left / right rhetoric hides the undercurrent reasons why people are 'moved' around the world and it is trafficking. When 8 million children disappear each year and the world is full of security cameras and satellites (an area with a population the size of Austria disappears each year making an averaged out 30,000 children from each nation) "8 Million Children simply disappear each year ? CALIN GEORGESCU &"DARK SECRETS OF THE 'UNITED NATIONS" all of this is achieved by trusts Meet your strawman !  see on trusts NESERA below also (or here on Rumble Meet your strawman !  People doubt this is true but in actual fact you are the executor and beneficiary of them and you can then research who the trustees are) which are hidden from those who own them (i.e. you) by way of fake law and legal fictions which underpins the digital prison for everyone on earth with tokenisation and securitisation (which takes assets even if paid off or down and 'owned' and you are an asset). Middlemen (traffickers) as legal fictions (banks, governments, health and child protection services so called make sure you don't know that you can access them directly) come in between you and these trusts which are made in your name to steal this wealth away. (see more below as they only work on presumptions not reality) They are not known to the public but this is how 'Cargo' makes money as Men and Woman moved around the earth. The practice is now more lucrative than drug smuggling as they can only be smuggled once, but a child can be trafficked and abused multiple times as adults also All of this is hard for people to believe, yet it is spelt out here Dead in the Water, Maritime Admiralty Law UCC Civil Ecclesiastical law legal fiction non law

Joe Biden and Beau Biden During the tenure of Joe Biden the Uniparty 'Republicans' made much of his alleged but allegedly deliberate inappropriate behaviour to small girls. (which are listed in the posts above )Yet what is not told in the narrative is the court case his son Beau Biden (Joseph Robinette "BeauBiden III who served in the military and became a lawyer) won a court case "In October 2009, Biden stated that he was considering a run for the Senate and that he would make a final decision in January. On January 25, Biden confirmed that he would forgo a Senate run so as to better focus on the prosecution of Earl Bradley, a convicted serial child rapist.[40]"  (Earl Brian Bradley (born May 10, 1953)[2] is a former pediatrician from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and convicted serial child rapist. He was indicted in 2010 on 471 charges of molesting, raping, and exploiting 103 child patients (102 girls and 1 boy).[3] Some of the victims were as young as three months old.[4][5][6] )

Later Beau Biden brought " the prosecution of Robert H. Richards IV, an heir of the powerful Delaware-based Du Pont family accused of sexually assaulting his young daughter.[42] In 2008, Biden's office charged Richards with two counts of second-degree rape, charges punishable by a minimum of 20 years in prison, but later that year, his office entered a plea bargain with Richards in which Richards pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree rape and was sentenced by Judge Jan Jurden to eight years' probation.[43][42] Defending the plea bargain and Jurden's sentencing in a letter to The News Journal, Biden wrote "This was not a strong case, and a loss at trial was a distinct possibility" and said the judge "exercised sound discretion"

The United Nations has also been caught trafficking and rape Sir Mo Farah (Olympic Champion) trafficked as a child. United Nations caught Trafficking  (more on the connected UN pact for the future at the end) 


2015 and into 2016 the "Q" phenomenon... and today

which purported to be taking down trafficking rings and rescuing children around the world, but who are they ? many ask after "the plan" was not anything at all and is obviously a ruse.  Q "Trust the Plan" Q 'Trust the Plan' The cover up of pedophilia, corruption and tyranny. The Great Deception and General Michael Flynn admitting it is a psyop General Michael Flynn exposes The Deep State project. Q anon, Trump, 9/11 WWG1WGA with the duping surrounding JFK and JFK jnr (both of whom were murdered) JFK jnr is President ? Trump to Arrest and Jail Hillary Clinton. Q codes and Q anon

Connected is Steve Bannon Trump, Steve Bannon, Jeffrey Epstein, Guo, Nadar, Acosta, & the Q Trafficking & Pimping Network  and the Trump Truth Social scam Trump and the Great Con or here on bitchute once more again and counter accusations from Britain that Trump is a Russian spy, despite his daughter Ivanka Trump having an affair with the MI6 officer Chris Steele who produced a dossier against Trump ?..... or here again from the Guardian  and once you have read this far is a long way from ending trafficking and rescuing children (the point of the Q network in 206 ) which is the incredibly depressing state of child protection. The prosecuting counsel on the Russia investigation was Robert Mueller who is a Knight of Malta.

With 8 million children disappearing each year and rising and trafficking rising as a business worth now upwards of $200 billion soon this system will spiral out to tens of millions into hundreds of millions as poverty increases worldwide

Trump, Epstein and Genetics Revelations about Jeffery Epstein show Trump was on Epstein's plane and was he good friend he even took his son to the Island   Jeffrey Epstien collected scientists including in MIT and wanted to seed the world with DNA  up to 20 (twenty) woman at a time . His research was transhumanism and genetics and genetic improvements or engineering   and here once more on DNA and drug companies   One way to do this was to help fund Crispr cas 9 technology and which TRUMP authorized in operation warp speed in 2020   and which is shown here as occurring in may 2020 for OWS as the father of the vaccine Trump met Melania at a Jeffery Epstein party amongst 20 woman and he (Epstein) introduced Ghislaine Maxwell to Trump when she was 14. DNA and genetics is wide spread, and Trump ran for President purely to avoid being prosecuted with Epstein. ( see the Trojan Horse "The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health") 

Trump CBDC, AI, Biometric Surveillance, Trafficking, Eugenics, Vaccine Murder & Transhumanism

See the documentary on Jeffrey Epstein Bringing Down Jeffrey Epstein  or here again Wake Up People, Donald Trump WILL NOT Release The Epstein List If He’s (s)Elected As President!  We are told that Trump barely knew Epstein yet it seems as though they were partners in the eugenics, genetics experiments Trumps Pimping empire to assist Jeffrey Epstein.Trumps Pageants & business as pimping cover 

Trump has also been accused of pedophilia  and again on Bitchute also  Trump has said he is not a 'Christian' or even a Messianic believer   and the tax returns 'issue' may reveal these payments to the victims

And see also "Melania Trump Trafficked, pimped and 'Epstein'd'. From Slovakia to the Trump sex trafficking empire" Epstein and Trump treated women as cattle in the bizarre Epstein Island and Epstein ranch experiments which relied on the trafficking network to work. Trump here "Trump reads "The Snake" poem"  in which he is also hinting it relates to himself, in these instances.

"Sounds of Freedom" One recent event drawing attention to the worldwide slavery scandal (growing larger and deeper every week) was the release of the film "Sounds of Freedom" which despite getting no MSM coverage went straight to no 1 in the box office charts (trailer here on youtube and the Producers thoughts on the business "EXCLUSIVE — Sound of Freedom Producer: "God's Children Are NOT for Sale"  ) The film on its 2nd outing as the Sound of Freedom was released first in 2021, (with the world in 'lockdown' but trafficking continued without a pause across nations and continents)  but taken down as it highlights the connection between trafficking and the 'cosmetic' and organ trafficking, stem cells harvesting and baby mills industry. However its re-release in 2023 through Angel studios with links to Harley Pasternack and traffickers, see 'My Take on the Sound of Freedom Production'  A prior film was totally banned and its production was ruined and it was called CopperPot  COPPERPOT - Warning! Not for SENSITIVE AUDIENCES (SEE LINKS!)  So the anti-traffickers and slavery are conducting the trafficking. Jim Caviezel in Sound of Freedom plays Tim Ballard, but who is Tim Ballard, who has just stepped away from Operation railroad   ? Governments are involved directly in Human Trafficking and use shills and puppets like Obama, Clinton and Trump to perpetuate the mirage Tim Ballard exposed - The rabbit hole runs deep

Trafficking has increased under every US elected President including Trump despite the executive orders against trafficking ? 

Robert David Steele and Joachim Hagopian "Pedophilia State of the World (London Seating, 2018)" introducing the book now in 50 chapters with chapter 1 here 

Alfred Kinsey Alfred Charles Kinsey was an American sexologist, biologist, and professor of entomology and zoology) who, in 1947, founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana Universitywho spent 2 decades setting up a therpahy practice so that pedolfiles could treat children. The Kinsey Syndrome (Documentary) or here also on his activities The Sick Satanic Pedophile Child Rapist Monster Dr Alfred Kinsey in Plain Sight! 

Kinsey's Pedophiles  


The Finders ?   Finding the Finders - FULL DOCUMENTARY and a similar very good expose of a shocking ongoing scandal Who Will Find What The Finders Hide? (2019) and a recent insight into pedophilia and trafficking The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 15 - The Pedo-Class or on the website of the documentary makers The Pyramid of Power: Chapter 15 – The Pedo-Class and an addendum to part 15 Exposing The Pedo-Class with The Pyramid Of Power (also on the website and on rumble also

More on the Finders Human-Trafficking, Mind-Control and the CIA  and the Monarch butterfly MK Ultra Tavistock paradigm Trauma Based Mind Control  and  See MP4 Project Monarch pedophilia &  ritual abuse

Ted Gunderson FBI Ted Gunderson - Former FBI Head of L.A. - The Great Conspiracy and an alternative presentation here  and a channel with various Ted Gunderson presentations


Hugh Edwards and IICSA (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) The recent high profile case of Hugh Edwards the former BBC presenter for nearly 40 years and well known to the public and who was accused of receiving indecent images of children on his phone . The Metropolitan Police found no evidence of a crime, yet  "Edwards was hospitalised with depression shortly afterwards, and resigned in April 2024. In July, he pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent images of children by receiving them during online chats. On 16 September, he was given a six-month suspended jail sentence and placed on the sex offenders' register." The images were actually children being raped ... this is how we all feel...  ('How did a pedophile with child rape videos of 6-9 year olds get away with not a single day in jail'..) and this follows the latest updates in the Rotherham trafficking story  Liberal Party MP David Steel was suspended from the party in 2018 into 2020 for his part in looking the other way concerning pedolfile MP Cyril Smith, and the long investigation Iccsa child abuse investigation finds there was no 'elite pedofile ring' yet "Some 6,000 victims shared their experiences with the inquiry's Truth Project, aimed at building a deeper understanding of the effects on them. A similar project has been announced for the Covid 19 public inquiry. They are living with very real psychological problems caused by their abuse, and will continue to do so long after the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse" .

Roman Catholic and Anglican churches 2024 The Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles has agreed to pay $880 million to settle sex abuse claims... (16.10.2024) Other estimates put this at over 1 Billion i.e. "L.A. Catholic Church payouts for clergy abuse top $1.5 billion with new record settlement"   The Anglican church As for the modern 'Church' and its doctrinal absurdities are nothing compared to the sexual abuse and trafficking of Children. The recent The IICSA Independent Child Sexual Abuse report into the Anglican Church (towards the end of 2020) The shocking story of the child sexual abuse in the Anglican church is related here by the BBC (who have a shocking record also) or here by the Guardian   or here by the Herald in Scotland Child Sexual Abuse occurs in all institutions including pagan and secular groups. Ironically many within the church claim quasi pagan affiliation or beliefs. A private members bill (from people who have no interest in the church or its history or faith it should be noted) Disestablishing ? Private members' bill to disestablish the Church of England selected in ballot. ...ongoing into 2024 )  Child sexually abuse in exists in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, secular institutions and many many other faiths) 

Beatles, Tavistock, Rolf Harris, Jimmy Savile, Groucho Club & Marc Dutrouxs (the beast of Belgium) Most of the other traumatized victims and families left the inquiry claiming it was a whitewash and are bringing their own inquiry forward. The inquiry into the arrest of Jimmy Savile "UNTOUCHABLE - Jimmy Savile documentary by Underground Films & Shaun Attwood & The Yorkshire Ripper"   and Rolf Harris Rolf Harris and Jimmy Savile joke about their friendship and the entertainment industry from the current Groucho club  (or here Russel brand Child Catcher, David Icke, Liam Gallagher. Groucho Club (Global Media Pedophilia) Russel Brand the Pied piper and the BBC (Tavistock) back to the Beatles who were a creation of the Tavistock institute Mike Williams with Juxtaposition - The Beatles, Tavistock and Signs & Symbols (Abridged - Apr 2024) is too much for people to comprehend .

In Belgium (Marc Dutrouxs) in the 1980's and 1990's a shocked public took to demonstrations which featured in no 12 above.. The 'Beast of Belguim') 300,000 Belgium People rise 1996 against Marc Dutroux's gang of elite pedofile ring suppliers aka "The Beast of Belgium"  and to the latest  'P Diddy' Psyop all of which are linked together and we have seen that 8 million children disappear each year and a part of the tavistock institute was closed for the mutilation of children who were physically damaged Jimmy Savile had sex with dead corpses in hospitals 

From the beginning oif this chapter 6 and down to here the abuse is so vast in a highly surveilled world that trafficking and child abuse are done with full knowledge of the authorities and covered up even within official investigations 


New AI run 'health' for adults and children and the coming digital trafficking system (for everyone)

As we have seen above near the beginning the UN have been caught trafficking and running trafficking systems. Most people are moved around the world on the promise of a new life or that the 'wealthy west' will support them but in amongst the worlds trafficking victims (unknown to migrants or the trafficked)  and illegal migrants are the current UN army "UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees" (historically this was not the aim of the UN )Those who do arrive in the 'west' are disappointed to discover that all the world's wealth is held in offshore banks (ironically in some of the nations the trafficked or illegal migrants have arrived from) and the cities of the west streets are not paved with Gold. The first step for them is to bring them into the central banking system  "Illegals Getting SSNs Within Four Months of Crossing Border"   Next is the ID 2020 step of biometric ID's. It is not just the USA incorporated where this is occurring but on every nation on earth and the trafficked migrants are coming from nations which are not at war. Currently the world is under a WHO / UN emergency (MPOX OR Monkey Pox )  WHO Declares International Emergency Over Monkey Pox" (on August 14th 2024) yet, people are not aware of it, and this assists the world's military who are involved in trafficking as a cover to operate the new worlds militarized medical system (as Genomics) and as cover for their operations

The world's central banks were in fact central to J.R. R Tolkien writings,"Free People of Sweden. Tolkien's Rings as the Central Banks as the Deep State (One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them)"  money of course is not evil and can be used for good, the actual quote is not Money is evil but "the love of money is evil". What is in store for the trafficked or those who reside in the nations where they live. See  Whitney Webb: The Elite's Are About To SHOCK The World. BlackRock Exposed 10-14-2024  and also here again The Elite's DIGITAL ID Slavery Scam | Whitney Webb BlackRock Exposed

Look at  a world map of every sovereign nation of all 7.5 billion people. The object is to free people from slavery not to bring nations into slavery



The next stage of the trafficking story moves into the aims of Technocracy which wants to remove capitalism and communism (or all 'ism's) and bring a new system of economics based on energy output and input.(digital credits tied straight to a central bank)  NESERA 5 of 5, The Strange Matrix of Technocracy 'Energy Currency' Crypto Tokenisation of the World which has 4 other parts featuring N.E.S.E.R.A. and its true story and which links into the co=opting of bitcoin (in 3 parts ) 1 of 3 L Fink on Bitcoin Tokenised.'Satoshi Nakamoto' 'inventor' ?Bitcoin co-opted not decentralised

This in turn leads to the C40 cities, and the 15 minute cities which will incorporate  Calorie Controlled Food: 15 Min. & C40 Cities Agenda – Video #142  within those zones,which is economized by the energy credits in the technocracy as digital CBDC or similar  and which as a currency is zoneable (to a 15 minute boundary) and can be switched on or off and linked to behavior as in a giant behavioral science project on the public and the whole world is zoned and in the grid. This means you are being trafficked also (for more information on this and how AI has been running the world since May / June 2020 see the adjacent website The sovereignty of Nations and its various posts or the find aspect to search for these terms. Its the Hunger Games scenario 

Nations in the mid to late 1800's had a high vision of Utopia but subverted these high and genuine ideals turned into a Dystopia UN Sustainable Development Fund, 9/11, Operation Mockingbird & Media brainwashing & the Kennedy Assassination and fed by Pharmaceuticals and drugs as Huxley's Brave New World or the Doors of Perception.Tavistock, Monterey International Pop Festival, Woodstock festival, Drugs, Brainwashing and Psychological experiments  (last link also details the Monterey (1967) and Woodstock festivals (1969) but leaves out the subsequent forgotten Woodstock festival  called The Summer Jam at Watkins Glen in 1973 which were mass drug experiments conducted on the public has occurred and is ongoing since 2020 

The Giant open air drug testing experiments at Monterey and Woodstock festivals were military owned operations to test the drugs. In 2020 the 6 billion people vaccinated globally and the 25 billion shots given, were also a giant open air experiment with social engineering absurdities attached resulting in so far as can be ascertained,... 30 million dead and 1.5 billion or more injured 30 Million excess deaths, 1.5 Billion injured Globally via the experimental Gene therapy Trump shot

To give an overview consider within the above C40 cities and 15 minute cities the new health system which is going to be primarily genetics based  A BBC Special report on the 'Mark of the Beast' Crispr Cas 9, Woman's Ovaries & other target areas  (with supporting lax euthanasia and assisted dying) and from nature magazine The next generation of evidence-based medicine which has accompanied the science of the Human Genome project which was only 97% complete in 2003 and was only finally complete in 2022/2023 Delivering genomic medicine in the United Kingdom National Health Service: a systematic review and narrative synthesis  WEF / Prince charles / Klaus Schwab Klaus Schwab GENETIC EDITING Its YOU WHO ARE CHANGED  or again on youtube Klaus Schwab GENETIC EDITING Its YOU WHO ARE CHANGED The interview with Tucker Carlson and Surgeon General for Florida Joseph Ladapo   

Regulation for the '4th industrial revolution' "The Fourth Industrial Revolution is of a scale, speed and complexity that is unprecedented. It is characterised by a fusion of technologies – such as artificial intelligence, gene editing and advanced robotics" and also  Exploring Biodigital Convergence Canada and connected   "Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm"  into the future  Time for Britain to try technocratic government 

On the 23.09.2024 the (summit for the future) Pact for the future .....(with the digital Global Compact ) via the UN / WHO was passed and a few months prior the pandemic treaty as the IHR (which is one large treaty together) with " Mass Fatality Management Planning Surveillance and Data Management"  in the Bird Flu summit of the 2.10 to 4.10 October in Washington DC all as the final stage of the (New world Order) NWO complete Reporting from the Summit of the Future in NYC as the UN 2.0 (the 23.09 and the equinox is considered the gate of the gods) 

Officials in the police and assisted services have investigated properly over many decades, but those people are increasingly sidelined and removed from their professional duties in the most important area of children especially. The families continue their search for Justice and prosecutions (not the 'white hats and black hats fake psyops) and to bring light and freedom into a dark situation. (Matthew 18, 5 - 6) This is occurring globally

(End of 16 ) 







25 Painfully disturbing facts about Human Trafficking

(or here again on youtube or once more here in a Video MP4 file)



The Video in 2014 pointed out that Global Human trafficking was worth $33 Billion (today it has grown to $150 billion in 6 or 7 years) but also the profits were spread across the traffickers, border officials, doctors, lawyers and ‘others’ which means politicians, clergy and even family members. Human Organ trafficking is a part of the business especially in China under the Chinese communist party


The Interactive Human Trafficking flow map


Not just a national problem (yet national borders can prevent the enterprise) but also an international criminal enterprise where people, men woman and children are a commodity. (Matthew 18, 5 – 6)





see also the Website Sonas  & also a new website The Sovereignty of Nations             (back to the top)



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